Details on Star Wars Battlefront Alpha Leak

A closed alpha for the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront begins tomorrow, but details have already started to leak in advance. People have combed through the files to find weapons, emotes, and plenty of other content in the game.

The NeoGAF thread includes all of the leaked content. The most noteworthy details are lists of the weapons and vehicles in the closed alpha. The weapons include:

  • E11
  • A280
  • DH17
  • DL44
  • DLT19
  • DLT20a
  • EE3
  • Rocket Launcher
  • SE14c
  • T21

As for the vehicles, the following show up in the alpha:

  • T-65 X-wing
  • Tie Fighter
  • Lambda Shuttle
  • Y-wing
  • Tie-Bomber
  • Corellian Corvette
  • Nebulon B Frigate
  • ISD (Imperial Star Destroyer)
  • Mon Calamari Capital Ship
  • Home One (Admiral Ackbar's Ship)
  • ATST
  • AT-AT
  • Tie Interceptor
  • 74-Z Speeder Bike

Two different version of Tatooine were also found in the files, indicating a possible passage of time on the map. The other two notable discoveries were the existence of emotes and a lack of servers. Apparently the closed alpha is just a technical test for the PC version of the game.

Star Wars Battlefront is scheduled to come out on November 17 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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