Microsoft Hires Casey Hudson as New Creative Director

Casey Hudson played a prominent role at BioWare before his departure, leading the development of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and the Mass Effect series. Now he makes the transition to an even bigger company: Microsoft.

Hudson is the new Creative Director at Microsoft Studios. The announcement includes a brief Q&A section with Hudson, in which he details his new role.

"As Creative Director at Microsoft Studios, my primary focus will be the creative direction of HoloLens Experiences," he said. "I am extremely passionate about the potential of this kind of technology, as anyone who’s talked with me over the last couple of years can attest. I feel that the work being done at Microsoft on mixed reality and holographic computing will have a tremendous impact on how all of us interact with technology in the coming years."

The HoloLens is a wireless smart glasses unit that projects a high-definition 3D display. It includes an interface and applications through augmented reality technology. The device is expected to come out within the Windows 10 timeframe.

Hudson says he "will also be working with innovative new Xbox titles, helping them to find success through clear direction and creative vision." Perhaps we'll see some of those new Xbox titles at this year's E3.

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