Now that Scream 6 has crept into movie theaters, many are looking for spoilers on who is killed, and are especially interested in whether or not Gale, Sam, Tara, Mindy, Chad, or Kirby die in the horror film. Here is whether or not those characters make it out alive, as well as a look at the full list of character deaths in Scream 6.
Please note that there are full spoilers for the Scream 6 movie included in this article. If you want to go into Scream 6 without having the fates of each character revealed ahead of time, do not read any further.

Does Gale die or survive in Scream 6?
Gale survives in Scream 6, despite being stabbed multiple times by Ghostface. After an intense chase sequence through her New York home, she is almost stabbed in the face with a killing blow. Fortunately, Sam and Tara make it to the apartment in time to save her, firing shots at Ghostface and chasing them away, so that Gale can be tended to by paramedics and taken to the hospital. Sadly, Gale’s new boyfriend isn’t so lucky.
Does Sam die or survive in Scream 6?
Sam does not die in Scream 6, against all the odds. She is the primary target of Ghostface, but manages to survive all the way through to the end of the movie. Aside from some surface wounds, she actually doesn’t get all that beat up by Ghostface here.
Does Tara die or survive in Scream 6?
Tara survives in Scream 6, though she is injured numerous times. The fan-favorite character makes it through to the final credits, despite it looking as though she is going to be dropped into Ghostface’s clutches in one of the last act’s most anxiety-inducing sequences.
Does Mindy die or survive in Scream 6?
Mindy does not die in Scream 6, but is attacked by Ghostface while she is backed up against a closed door on the New York subway. While her stab wounds look deadly, she manages to make it to the hospital still breathing, and is brought back around thanks to some powerful pain medication.
Does Chad die or survive in Scream 6?
Chad survives in Scream 6, despite being stabbed many times. His death looked certain as the film was coming to its final moments, but he did make it out of the “shrine” to the Ghostface killers with his life, cementing his legacy as a survivor and ensuring the “Core Four” remain intact.
Does Kirby die or survive in Scream 6?
Kirby does not die in Scream 6, but is both stabbed and shot. She manages to pull through despite the injuries, and tells the Carpenter sisters, Sam and Tara, to always give her a call if they need her. If Scream 7 is really on the cards and set to film this year, that call may come sooner rather than later.

Who dies in Scream 6?
Here are all of the deaths that happen in Scream 6:
- Greg
- Laura Crane
- Jason
- Dr. Christopher Stone
- Brooks
- Anika
- Quinn
- Ethan
- Detective Bailey
Along with these kills, numerous unnamed characters are killed by Ghostface in Scream 6. These include the owner of a New York store, as well as customers who attempt to step between the murderer and the Carpenter sisters, as they look for help after being attacked in NYC.