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Where is the Secret Bunker 11 in Call of Duty: Warzone?

There’s a big secret hiding in the mountains in Call of Duty: Warzone. It’s a nuclear warhead, and it’s stashed away deep in one of the island’s bunkers. However, many players don’t know where to find the secret bunker, also known as bunker 11, let alone how to get into it. Fortunately, with so few vaults around, discovering the secret bunker location in Warzone is only a matter of trial and error — and we’ve done the work for you. Here’s where to find it.

Call of Duty: Warzone | Where to find Secret Bunker 11

where is the secret bunker 11 location in call of duty warzone

The Secret Bunker 11 in Call of Duty: Warzone is located on the northern end of the island, just northwest of the military base. You can find it adjacent to the two-lane road just south of the map’s northern border.

ALSO: What is the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Nuke Event?

While the secret bunker isn’t exactly hard to find, getting into it is another matter entirely. Instead of using Red Access Cards, which are used to access the other bunkers on the island, getting into bunker 11 requires you to find a ringing phone. When answered, the three-digit code needed to access vault 11 will be spoken in Russian.

To make matters more complicated, there are several phones on the island, and not all of them are ringing. However, there are only six phones total, with most of them can be found around the southern end of the island.

If you want to get into Bunker 11, check for phones in these locations:

  • Port
  • Downtown
  • Hills (the small block southeast of Promenade West)
  • Boneyard (southern end)
  • TV Station
  • Airport

Once the right phone is answered, the code will be spoken to you. If you’re fluent in Russian, you’ll be able to use the code immediately. If not, you may need the help of a translation service. Either way, once you’ve learned the code, you can head to the northern side of the island and enter the secret bunker to find a new blueprint and a stash of items.

The secret bunker in Call of Duty: Warzone, also known as Bunker 11, is sitting at the foot of the island’s northern mountains. You won’t just be able to walk in, though; you’ll need the secret access code spoken when answering one of the ringing phones spread across the island.

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