Final Fantasy 14 5.01 update patch notes

Final Fantasy 14 5.01 Update Patch Notes | The Eden Raid update

Given that we’re now a little ways into the new worlds of Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers, Square Enix has decided that it’s time for the Final Fantasy 14 5.01 update. Skip to the end of this guide to have a read through the complete list of the Final Fantasy 14 5.01 update patch notes. If you want to learn a little more about the 5.01 update, however, we’ve got a good selection of its highlights for you to peruse over down below, too. Read on for everything that has been fixed, added, and changed thanks to the Final Fantasy 14 version 5.01 update.

Final Fantasy 14 5.01 Update Patch Notes | Highlights

Final Fantasy 14 5.01 update patch notes

Primarily, the 5.01 update has gone live in order to bring us the brand-new Eden’s Gate raid series content. You’ll find a batch of new Chronicles of a New Era quests to complete as well. Along with all of this, plenty of bug fixes, battle system adjustments, and more have taken place, too.

Eden’s Gate raid dungeon

As stated above, the major new feature that has been added thanks to the 5.01 update is the new Eden’s Gate raid dungeon. To take part in this 90-minute raid dungeon, you must have reached level 80 as a Disciple of War or Magic. You also need to complete the New Chronicles of a New Era quest “In the Middle of Nowhere”(more on that below). Up to eight players can take part in the raid with an average item level of 425 or above required to take part.

Completing the Eden’s Gate raid will reward you with tokens that can be traded in for any gear that you would like. Unfortunately, you’ll only receive one token for completing the Eden’s Gate raid once a week, with the reward eligibility reset every Tuesday 9 AM BST (1 AM Pacific). There is more to learn about the Eden’s Gate raid, but you can find out about it thanks to the full patch notes featured below.

Battle System Adjustments

If you own any of the three previous Final Fantasy 14 expansions, a smattering of adjustments have been made to the battle system. The Scholar’s Art of War action, for example, has had its MP cost reduced from 800 down to 600.

Similar changes have been made in PvP for Shadowbringers players, too. Find out more in the full patch notes below.

New Chronicles of a New Era Quests

Available to only those who have upgraded to Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers, six New Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added into the game. Currently, however, only two have been named: “In the Middle of Nowhere” and “Deploy the Core.” You must be a Disciple of War or Magic at level 80 in order to play through any of the six new quests. To play through the “In the Middle of Nowhere” quest, you have to complete the final quest of the main scenario line of Shadowbringers. To take on “Deploy the Core,” you must complete “In the Middle of Nowhere” first.

Final Fantasy 14 5.01 Update Patch Notes

Final Fantasy 14 5.01 update patch notes

Below, you’ll find the complete list of Final Fantasy 14 5.01 update patch notes, courtesy of Square Enix. As a reminder, 2.X requires A Realm Reborn, 3.X requires Heavensward, 4.X requires Stormblood, and 5.X requires Shadowbringers:

Playable Content


5.X New Chronicles of a New Era quests have been added

  • In the Middle of Nowhere
Disciple of War or Magic level 80
The Crystarium (X:9.7 Y:12.3)
Anxious Crystarium Guard
Players must first complete the final main scenario quest of Shadowbringers.
  • Deploy the Core
Disciple of War or Magic level 80
The Empty (X:6.1 Y:5.7)
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “In the Middle of Nowhere.”
  • ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 80
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “???”
  • ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 80
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “???”
  • ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 80
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “???”
  • ???
Disciple of War or Magic level 80
Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “???”


  • 2.X 5.X: New orchestrion rolls have been added

Battle System

2.X 3.X 4.X

Actions have been adjusted as follows:

  • Lancer/Dragoon | Action: Disembowel | Adjustment: Duration has been increased from 24 to 30 seconds.
  • Scholar | Action: Art of War | Adjustment: MP cost reduced from 800 to 600.
  • Astrologian | Action: Gravity | Adjustment: MP cost reduced from 700 to 600.

* The changes to job actions in 5.01 only included adjustments to parameters such as potency and effect duration. However, further changes are planned for Patch 5.05.


Sound effects for certain gunbreaker actions have been adjusted


The new raid dungeon Eden’s Gate has been added:

  • Level Requirement: Disciple of War or Magic level 80
  • Item Level Requirement: Average item level 425 or above
  • Party Size: Eight players
  • Time Limit: 90 minutes

* Players can queue solo via the Duty Finder after unlocking the raid.

  • Requirements
    • Deploy the Core

      Disciple of War or Magic level 80
      The Empty (X:6.1 Y:5.7)
      Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest “In the Middle of Nowhere.”


Treasure coffers that appear upon completing Eden’s Gate will not yield gear, but instead yield tokens that can be traded for gear of your choosing.

You can only receive one token per individual Eden raid each week. In the event you are awarded a token from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining tokens regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed.

Also note that there is no weekly restriction on entering Eden’s Gate.

* Reward eligibility will be reset every Tuesday at 8:00 (GMT) / 9:00 (BST).

Item Exchange

The items obtained from treasure coffers can be exchanged for gear by speaking with Ghul Gul in Amh Araeng (X:26.6 Y:16.4) or Yhal Yal in Eulmore (X:10.0 Y:11.5).

  • Head: Helm of Early Antiquity x 2
  • Body: Armor of Early Antiquity x 4
  • Hands: Gauntlets of Early Antiquity x 2
  • Waist: Belt of Early Antiquity x 1
  • Legs: Chausses of Early Antiquity x 4
  • Feet: Greaves of Early Antiquity x 2
  • Accessories: Bangle of Early Antiquity x 1

Completion Reward

Upon completing Eden’s Gate: Sepulture, players can also earn a blade of early antiquity once per week. This reward can be exchanged with Ghul Gul in Amh Araeng (X:26.6 Y:16.4) or Yhal Yal in Eulmore (X:10.0 Y:11.5) for lightweight tomestones, which can in turn be exchanged for weapons.

* Reward eligibility will be reset every Tuesday at 8:00 (GMT) / 9:00 (BST).

* Weapons will be available for exchange for lightweight tomestones after the introduction of Allagan tomestones of phantasmagoria, which are scheduled to be released two weeks after patch 5.01.


The following duties have been added to Duty Roulette: Mentor:

  • Eden’s Gate: Resurrection
  • Eden’s Gate: Descent
  • Eden’s Gate: Inundation
  • Eden’s Gate: Sepulture


The following duties have been added to Duty Roulette: Normal Raids:

  • Eden’s Gate: Resurrection
  • Eden’s Gate: Inundation
  • Eden’s Gate: Descent
  • Eden’s Gate: Sepulture


The required average item level to register for Duty Roulette: Mentor has been increased from 410 to 425.



PvP actions have been adjusted as follows:

  • Dancer
    • Standard Finish: Potency reduced from 400 to 300.
    • Single Standard Finish: Potency reduced from 800 to 600.
    • Double Standard Finish: Potency reduced from 1,200 to 900.
    • Technical Finish: Potency reduced from 400 to 300.
    • Single Technical Finish: Potency reduced from 800 to 600.
    • Double Technical Finish: Potency reduced from 1,200 to 900.
    • Triple Technical Finish: Potency reduced from 1,600 to 1,200.
    • Quadruple Technical Finish: Potency reduced from 2,000 to 1,500.
The tooltips for various actions have been revised.
* The functionality of these actions remains the same.


The following adjustments have been made to Adrenaline Rush:

  • Terminal Velocity: Potency reduced from 7,500 to 6,000
  • Cometeor: Potency reduced from 5,000 to 4,000.


New items have been added.

Items added in patch 5.01 will be listed at a later date.


New minions have been added.



New achievements have been added.


Additions have been made to the auto-translation dictionary.


  • New music has been added.
  • The Volume of the title screen music has been increased.
  • The character creation text for both Helions and the Lost has been updated to clarify the Hrothgar lore.

Resolved Issues

    • An issue wherein the icon for the main scenario quest “The Light of Inspiration” sometimes displayed incorrectly.
    • An issue with the instanced battle in the main scenario quest “The Oracle of Light” wherein the incapacitation of Alisaie would sometimes not result in duty failure.
    • An issue with the side quest “Seeking Inspiration” wherein completing the applicable Duty Roulette: Leveling dungeon would not advance the quest.
    • An issue wherein the quest objectives for the side quest “Cut from a Different Cloth” were incorrect.
    • An issue with the side quest “Morbid Motivation” wherein completing the applicable dungeon from Duty Roulette: Level 50/60/70 Dungeons would not advance the quest.
    • An issue wherein the astrologian PvE action Play would sometimes not take effect when applied to NPCs or companion chocobos.
    • An issue with red mage PvE actions wherein the icons for Verthunder and Veraero would change to those of Verflare and Verholy when the corresponding conditions were met even before reaching the level at which Verflare and Verholy are learned.

      * Updated Tuesday, July 16 at 11:00 (GMT)
    • An issue with summoner and scholar wherein Physick would not function when executed via text command.
    • An issue wherein charged actions could not be executed multiple times in succession under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein the tooltip for the pet action Guard was inaccurate.
    • An issue wherein the pet action Whispering Dawn would not take effect under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein the Closed Position status would not be removed upon loss of connection.
    • An issue wherein attempting to interrupt certain enemy actions did not have the intended result.
    • An issue wherein the white mage PvP action Afflatus Solace could not be executed while afflicted with Silence.
    • An issue wherein damage from the ninja PvP actions Bhavacakra, Goka Mekkyaku, and Hyosho Ranryu was not counted as magic damage.
    • An issue wherein the ninja PvP actions Goka Mekkyaku and Hyosho Ranryu were categorized incorrectly.
    • An issue wherein the tooltip for the summoner PvP action Summon Phoenix was inaccurate.
    • An issue with PvP wherein the duration of effects applied by the Cometeor and Terminal Velocity adrenaline rushes was incorrect.
    • An issue wherein coffers in the Qitana Ravel would drop the Fallen Tree furnishing directly into the player inventory rather than adding it to the loot window.

      * As of patch 5.01, all party members will be able to roll on this item via the loot window.
    • An issue with the Qitana Ravel wherein certain monsters did not always appear.
    • An issue with the World of Darkness wherein Cerberus did not display correctly.
    • An issue with Sigmascape V1.0 wherein being transported between train cars could cause pets to withdraw.
    • An issue with the Crown of the Immaculate wherein detrimental effects were not always removed at the appropriate time.
    • An issue wherein both EXP and tokens could be received from Frontline and Rival Wings under certain conditions.
    • An issue wherein the Wootz Mask did not display correctly when equipped by Miqo’te and Viera.
    • An issue wherein Roegadyn males and Hrothgar did not display correctly when riding the Pegasus or Black Pegasus mounts.
    • An issue wherein minions did not display correctly on Hrothgar shoulders.
    • An issue wherein the Vanu Vanu Head did not display correctly when equipped by Viera.
    • An issue wherein the correct audio for Viera voice types 7 and 9 did not play while in combat.
    • An issue wherein the Gyosei Kai could not be dyed.
    • An issue wherein the graphical effect indicating that hydrangeas are ready to harvest did not display.
    • An issue wherein level 75 exploration ventures could not be commenced by retainers at item level 75.
    • An issue wherein players would find themselves automatically partied with their adventurer squadron upon entering an instance under certain conditions.
    • An issue with the crafting log wherein the “Search for Item by Crafting Method” subcommand could yield incorrect results.
    • An issue wherein the map would become the active on-screen layer after performing certain interactions or zone changes in some quests.
    • Other minor text issues have also been addressed.
    • An issue wherein the occlusion culling option did not function correctly in the Mac 64-bit application.
    • An issue in the Mac 64-bit application wherein switching from full-screen mode to windowed mode caused the areas of the screen outside of the game window to appear black.
    • An issue in the Mac 64-bit application wherein the first text character input was not recognized when initiating direct chat.
    • An issue in the instanced battle of the main scenario quest “When It Rains” wherein the player was unable to proceed under certain conditions.

      * Updated Tuesday, July 16 at 8:00 (GMT)
    • An issue in the main scenario quest “A Still Tide” wherein interacting with a blighted crop and defeating the pestilent swarm caused the blighted crop effect to reappear.

      * Updated Tuesday, July 16 at 8:00 (GMT)
    • An issue when completing certain Crystarium delivery quests wherein text in the quest completion window did not display properly.
    • An issue in the level 70 black mage quest wherein Japanese text was displayed.
    • An issue in the FATE “Cry Not Wolf” wherein the description contained the wrong location.

Other various issues have also been addressed.

Known Issues

  • An issue wherein different NPCs share the same name.
  • An issue with the Crafting Log wherein a recipe category on the special recipes tab is incorrectly labeled.
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