Brutally Unfair Tactics Totally OK Now (B.U.T.T.O.N.) Steam Achievments

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Steam Achievements

Achievement Description
Awkward Christmas Awarded for playing the game on December 24 or 25. Happy holidays!
Button Masher Awarded if one player presses their button 100+ times during a win/loss condition.
Completed 1% You've now seen 1% of all content. Only 99% to go!
Completed 2% You've now seen 2% of all content. Only 98% to go...
Completed 3% The question is, how long are we going to keep this up?
Completed 42% You've now seen 42% of all content. Don't forget your towel.
Completed 69% You've now seen 69% of all content. Only 31% to go!
Completed 99% You've now seen 99% of all content. So close...
Dedicated Cheater Nice try cheater, but the file was only a decoy!
Double Double Rainbow "Almost a triple rainbow..."
Massacre! Awarded if 8 players all lose in the same round.
Monkey See, Monkey Do Awarded for seeing "Act like a monkey" 10 times.
More Fun Than Driving a Bus From Tuscon to Las Vegas Awarded for actively playing the game for 8 hours in a row. Remember not to let the attract screen time out...
Shaving the Cat Awww, the Cat lost 3 times in a row.
Underachiever You haven't received an achievement in the last 2 hours. Here, have a pity one.
Wow, That's a Lot of Button Presses Awarded for pressing buttons a combined 100,000 times over the life of the game.
You're Not Doing It Right... Dude, you're definitely not stepping back away from the screen. Quit cheating!
You're So Lucky! Each round, you have a one in a million chance of getting this achievement. Good luck...
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