Metro Exodus Update 1.04 has arrived and it brings with it a heck of a lot of replayability! Titled Ranger Update, we get to see the addition of New Game +, developer commentary, and several brand-new game modes that will make it worthwhile to take Metro Exodus for another spin.
Metro Exodus Update 1.04 | Patch Highlights
There are several new features in Metro Exodus Update 1.04, but the big ticket item has got to be New Game+. This brand-new game option provides several modes that allow players to go through the game a second time with a lot more toys available to them. You can elect to start the game with “My Weapons” mode—it will grant all of your previous weapons available and the same loadout that you ended the game with. These weapons will be granted to you after you rescue Anna in Moscow and the remainder will be accessible in the Aurora armory partway through the first proper chapter. Unfortunately, Armor and Wrist upgrades do not carry over.
You can also choose to use “One Weapon” mode and reduce your weapon slots to one, “Crossbow” mode to get the Crossbow instead of the Tikhar in The Volga, and “Backpack Limitations” mode to prevent any kind of crafting via the backpack. Three A.I. modes can give you an even greater challenge. “Armored Enemies” increases the armor of human enemies by one level (if applicable). Tougher creatures gives the game’s non-human enemies a thicker skin, and “Grenadiers” makes human NPCs throw more grenades.
Optional environmental changes are also available in Metro Exodus Update 1.04. You can use “Real Time Weather” to change the day/night cycle from two hours to 24 hours for a more realistic experience. “Bad weather” will amp up the storms, fog, and other deleterious atmospheric conditions. Lastly, “Radiation is Forever” increases the number of radiation zones throughout the game.
Finally, there are two other notable options in Metro Exodus Update 1.04. A “Developer Commentary” mode will place green cassette tapes throughout the world for players to find. If you’re truly insane, you can play “Iron Mode” which disables saving within chapters entirely—you’ll only be able to save when you complete a chapter. A single chapter can (and often will) take several hours to complete, so this last game mode is truly for the hardcore players out there.
Of course, this isn’t an all-inclusive list of what’s new in the game. Read on to see the full Metro Exodus Update 1.04 patch notes.
Metro Exodus Update 1.04 | Patch Notes
On completion of the campaign, you can now re-play in New Game+ mode, granting access to all weapons and attachments unlocked through prior play-throughs.
New Game + also allows to you to adjust a range of variables to create your own personal and uniquely challenging experience, and comes with new Achievements / Trophies. More details below…
Available through New Game +, enabling Developer Commentary allows you to find special tape players on which members of the 4A Games team discuss some of the design choices that went into making Metro Exodus in that area.
While the Hotfix changes were already well received, we’ve added a fourth Controller Sensitivity Preset with more tweaks to sensitivity, improved aim assist, and better ‘dead zone’ per platform.
We’ve added Mouse and Keyboard support for Xbox One, further improved RTX and DLSS support on PC, DualShock Controller Light support for PS4 and many more.
A raft of improvements across the board that improve the overall gameplay experience based on bugs reported, desired polish, and direct feedback/feature requests from the community, including things like a Volume Slider specifically for VO, and more.
We’ve fixed numerous crashes – some from your descriptions, and some from the crash dumps you have submitted to us. We’ve only listed a few below, but you should expect a big improvement to stability in this update. Thank you for continuing to help us out!
We’re proud to offer Metro Exodus fully localized for Ukraine, the country where 4A Games was born.
Read on for more information on each topic, and please note:
Level specific content fixes or changes can only be fully applied to a level when it is started from the beginning either through natural progression, or the chapters menu. If you try to load an existing save within a level, the updates for that level will not be applied to that existing save. Updates will apply to all subsequent levels progressed to with that save.
New Game + adds a whole new dimension to repeat play-throughs of the campaign. Modify the following suite of modes and settings to craft your own personalised gameplay experience:
My Weapons
- Allows you to start with all weapons and attachments found in the last playthrough
- Weapons are granted after freeing Anna in Moscow
- Starting weapons will be the last loadout that was set in the previous end game save
- All other weapons and attachments previously unlocked will be available in the Aurora Workbench Armory, first encountered in Volga
- Player Armor/Wrist upgrades do not carry over
One Weapon
- Reduces weapon slots to one. Any weapon can be used in this slot, but you can only take one with you. Manage this by swapping Weapons in the field, or by using the Aurora Workbench Armory
- Provides Player with the Crossbow at the beginning of the game in addition to normal Weapon Progression. Yermak gives the Player the Crossbow after Jammer scene in Moscow.
Backpack limitations
- Crafting in the Backpack is disabled, you may only use a Workbench
- Only Weapon modifications allowed in Backpack
Armored Enemies
- Human NPCs are upgraded by one level of Armor across the game if applicable
Tougher Creatures
- Creatures have thicker hide across the game
- Human NPCs use explosives more often
Real Time Weather
- Change the game’s natural day/night cycle from 2 to 24 real hours for complete immersion
Bad Weather
- Fog, Rain, Snow, and Sand storm conditions occur more frequently where applicable
Radiation is Forever
- Additional radiation zones will appear across some levels, making the Gas Mask more important
Iron Mode
- Fully disables the Save System, progress is only saved between levels
Developer Commentary
- Green Tape Players throughout the game will be available to play Developer Commentary about the area in which it is found
Achievements / Trophies
Unique collectibles
- Additional set of hidden objects in the world, only available in New Game +
New Game + becomes available from the New Game menu after completing the game once.
Please Note: Starting a new game in Regular Mode or in New Game + will clear your Quick/Auto/Chapter Select saves. You will need to progress again to access later levels.
Metro Monsters
Top 10 Scariest Metro Monsters
Russia can be a rough place, especially in a post-apocalypse. The Russia of the Metro franchise can be even rougher. A bombed out toxic wasteland is one thing, but then you add in the mutants. If you're planning on roughing it through the world of Metro Exodus, here's a guide to what you might encounter. -
The rank and fodder of Metro's mutants. Humanoid in stature, they have huge jaws with sharp teeth. Whether they're rushing players or leaping into the fray, they can easily overcome your defenses in a swarm. Variants include Nosalis with armor plating, winged creatures, and the large Rhino. -
Take everything you learned about the Nosalis and supersize it. The Rhino is a hulking brute that charges its prey. A player can be ripped apart with just one or two blows from its massive hide. Only seen in Metro: Last Light so far, we'll have to see if a similar creature evolves for Exodus. -
What would a game set in Russia be without killer bears? Grizzlies are deadly even without nuclear fallout. So, you can imagine that the bears you'll see in Metro Exodus are something special. From their warped jaw to their increased size, you'll want to stay out of their caves. -
These mutated batmen are deadly creatures that can hover in the air before swooping in on prey. They hunt almost everything in the wastes but prefer smaller prey like humans. However, if you leave them to their hunt, they'll most likely leave you alone. -
Newly spawned for Metro Exodus, the Humanimal is just what it says on the tin. It is not, in fact, a mutated version of Manimal. Instead, it's a zombie-esque human enemy. They travel in packs but they've lost almost all of their humanity, so don't hold back. -
In contrast with the Manimalistic Humanimals, the Librarian has retained its wits since the bombs fell. Mutated from gorillas, these brutes are reclusive and protective. They can place traps and memorize speech, and some have even heard them speak in our native tongues. Doing that and surviving is quite a tale indeed. -
The rats of Russia have also gone through a big transformation. Lurkers are burrowing creatures that like to single out isolated foes and go in for the kill. They hunt in groups but can be easily dispatched if you're on your toes. Just keep your eyes on their holes and they'll stay buried. -
The big crawdaddy of Metro's mutants, the Shrimp is a giant shellfish that will swipe players with its huge claws. It also has a belly full of acid and will spit at distant foes before closing the distance for an attack. They tend to stay around the water as expected from a mutated barbie-warmer. -
What if a spider was also a bug? This is the question posed by Metro's Spiderbug. Combining the multiple legs of the webbed insects with a scorpion's tail, these creatures are sure to cause a panic with a very specific group of people. Thankfully, they're very sensitive to light, so keep a flashlight handy when you hear their skittering. -
Dark Ones
On top of the food chain of all of Metro's mutated creatures are the Dark Ones. These are humans who stayed in the fallout and adapted to the new world rather than settling underground. Their psychic powers have seemingly driven humanity mad, but series protagonist Artyom has a secret history with these sentient beings.