Apex Legends dxgi device hung error

Apex Legends Dxgi device hung error fix

The Apex Legends dxgi device hung error has been baffling PC players for some time now. The bug causes the game to crash whenever it is encountered, with players reporting that multiple crashes have occurred since launch. See what the Apex Legends dxgi device hung error fix is with our guide.

Apex Legends dxgi device hung error

Apex Legends dxgi device hung error pc

The Apex Legends dxgi device hung error was first mentioned on the EA community forums three weeks ago. Posting about the problem, forum user mankeyjamie explained that the bug kept on popping up despite them installing the latest drivers, repairing game files, and having the PC specs to run the game.

Other users were quick to latch on to the problem too, with a number of other players stating that they had encountered it too. Thankfully, one fellow player was on hand to offer a way to resolve this issue.

Apex Legends dxgi device hung error fix

Apex Legends dxgi device hung error fix

To fix the Apex Legends dxgi device hung error, you will need to install the latest Nvidia driver — version 419.17 — that has become available. To download it, you can head to this link, but make sure that you exit your current game on Apex Legends before you do. Follow the on-screen instructions, and wait until the latest drivers are installed to your PC.

Once they are, you can fire up the game again and see if this has fixed the crashing issue. According to one of the EA administrators, it does, so you’ll be able to play crash free from now on.

If you don’t have an Nvidia driver, and use something like an AMD one instead, you’ll likely need to install the latest AMD driver. You can check if your driver has an update by heading to this link. Again, follow the instructions that are on the screen and you’ll be golden.

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