Easter Eggs
Bubble Blaster
South-South west of the Communication Outpost Gurun Lautan Lama Gamma in the Lautan Lama Desert Territory, there is a wide open field full of trees with white leaves. In the northern part of this field is a lone bell tower. Climb to the top of this bell tower to will find a small table with a purple gun on it. This gun is the Bubble Blaster.
Lost Easter Egg
If you go to the top left corner of the map you will see an island shaped like a square. If you fly a plane over the island your plane will explode causing you to parachute down to the beach. You will see a search sign on the beach with an arrow pointing to the jungle. Go into the jungle and you'll find the hatch from lost. It is even said by people that you actually can hear the smoke monster in the background. Muhahahahaha

Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.