Mass Effect 2 FAQ/Walkthrough

Written by:  Brian Williams
GamerTag:    Samael538

Copyright 2010 Brian Williams
This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. This guide may not be placed on any website or otherwise 
distributed publicly without my expressed written permission. Use of this 
guide is permitted to the following websites:

Use of this guide on any other website or as part of any public display is
strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Table of Contents
To easily navigate this guide, simply use the code given to the right of any
table entry with the CNTL+F function.

       *Section*                                           *Code*
I.     Introduction                                       -INTRO1-
II.    Basic Info                                         -BA5ICS-
       i.     Controls                                    -CNTRLS-
       ii.    Combat                                      -COMBT1-
       iii.   Menu Navigation                             -MNUNAV-
       iv.    Conversations                               -CONVOS-
       v.     Leveling and Skill Points                   -LVLSKL-
       vi.    Research                                    -RESRCH-
       vii.   Fuel & Traveling                            -FULTRV-
       viii.  Hacking                                     -HACKNG-
       ix.    Character Classes                           -CLASYS-
       x.     Scanning                                    -SCANNG-
III.   Walkthrough                                        -WLKTHR-
       i.     Story Objectives                            -STRYOB-
              A.    Prologue                              -BEGNNG-
                    a. Normandy SR-1                      -NRMNDY-
                    b. Cerberus Ship                      -CERSHP-
                    c. Freedom's Progress                 -FRDPRG-
              B.    First Recruits                        -RECRUT-
                    a. The Professor                      -PRFSSR-
                    b. Archangel                          -ARCANG-
                    c. The Convict                        -SUBZER-
                    d. The Warlord                        -WARLRD-
                    e. The Citadel                        -CITADL-
              C.    Horizon                               -HORIZN-
              D.    Second Recruits                       -RECRT2-
                    a. Tali                               -QUARIN-
                    b. The Justicar                       -JUSTCR-
                    c. The Assassin                       -ASASSN-
              E.    Collector's Ship                      -CLLSHP-
              F.    Reaper IFF                            -IFFMIS-
              G.    Conclusion                            -THEEND-
                    a. Suicide                            -SUICDE-
       ii.    Side Missions                               -SIDEOB-
              A.    N7                                    -NORMSV-
              B.    Normandy                              -NRMOBJ-
              C.    Citadel                               -CITSID-
              D.    Omega                                 -OMGOBJ-
              E.    Illium                                -ILMOBJ-
              F.    Tuchanka                              -TUCHNK-
              G.    Loyalty                               -LOYLTY-
                    a. Jacob                              -JACLYL-
                    b. Miranda                            -MIRLYL-
                    c. Jack                               -JCKLYL-
                    d. Mordin                             -MORLYL-
                    e. Grunt                              -GRULYL-
                    f. Garrus                             -GARLYL-
                    g. Tali                               -TALLYL-
                    h. Thane                              -THALYL-
                    i. Samara                             -SAMLYL-
                    j. Legion                             -LEG1ON-
IV.    Downloadable Content                               -DOLOCO-
       i.     Normandy Crash Site                         -NRMCRS-
       ii.    Zaeed                                       -ZAEED!-
V.     FAQ                                                -FRASQU-
VI.    Version History                                    -VERHIS-
VII.   Special Thanks                                     -STHNKS-
VIII.  E-Mail                                             -EMAILS-

*Introduction*                                            -INTRO1-

Hello! This is my first guide, so please bear with me. Feel free to send me
e-mails with suggestions of how to improve this guide; constructive criticism
is welcome. This guide is written with a Paragon playthrough in mind. Without
further ado, let's get on with it.

*Basic Information*                                       -BA5ICS-

*** Controls ***                                          -CNTRLS-

* Character Controls *

X              Reload thermal clip, Hold to switch to previous weapon
Y              Activate set power
A              Interact with environment/Get behind cover/Vault over obstacle
               Hold to Sprint
B              Melee Attack
Back           Holster Weapons 
Start          Bring up Mission Computer
Left Stick     Move Shepard, Click and hold for Navigation Assistance
Right Stick    Aim/Turn, Click and hold for Navigation Assistance
D-Pad          Squad Commands - elaborated below
Left Trigger   Zoom
Right Trigger  Fire Weapon
Left Button    Activate mapped power, Hold for Weapon Wheel
Right Button   Activate mapped Power, Hold for Power Wheel

* Mission Computer Controls *

A              Select/Confirm
B              Back/Cancel
Left Stick     Navigate

* Squad Commands *

D-Pad UP       "Orders both squad members to attack an enemy."
D-Pad LEFT     "Orders squad member to move to point or attack a selected 
D-Pad RIGHT    "Orders squad member to move to point or attack a selected
D-Pad DOWN     "Rallies your squad to your position"

*Quoted from Mass Effect 2 Game Manual

*** Combat ***                                            -COMBT1-

Combat has changed quite a bit from the first Mass Effect game. Four major
changes have been made:

-You must use the A button to get behind cover and to vault over cover. You can
no longer just push next to cover be safe. Keep in mind that you CAN storm into
cover (Holding the A button) and your character will duck behind cover

-There is now an ammo capacity in the form of thermal clips. You will need to
reload your weapons now and clips will be scattered throughout levels and
dropped from enemies.

-You can no longer crouch unless it is crouched behind cover. There is no
crouch button.

-Your health gauge regenerates over time while you are behind cover and not
being hit, much like many other FPS and third-person shooters.

AI seems to have improved quite a bit over the original Mass Effect as well,
although friends and enemies alike will occassionally do something very stupid.

Another welcome change is to your power mapping abilities. You can now map one
power for each squad mate to D-Pad LEFT or D-Pad RIGHT. You can also map three
of your own powers to R-Button, L-Button, and Y.

Run and gun is no longer a useful strategy in most situations, as different
types of shielding require different abilities to be broken through
efficiently. Technically you can power through these shielding devices, but it
takes much longer and quit a bit of ammo. There are three main shielding

-Barrier: A biotic barrier. Using fast-firing weapons and biotics will be most
-Shields: Kinetic shielding. Fast-firing weapons and tech abilities are most
-Tech Armor: Armor used by engineers and techs; acts sort of like a barrier.
             Incendiary devices are most effective.

Boss enemies now take much more effort to take down. They usually have both
kinetic shielding and tech armor; some even have a biotic barrier on top of

Equipped weapons can now only be changed at the beginning of a mission or at a
weapons locker.

*** Menu Navigation ***                                   -MNUNAV-

The Mission Computer has eight selections and a bit of information:

-Journal:      The journal shows your current missions.
-Map:          Gives a detailed map of your surroundings with labeled points of
-Main Menu:    Returns you to the Main Menu screen of the game.
-Codex:        Access Codex entries and read about the Mass Effect universe.
-Options:      Set Game options.
-Save:         Save your game.
-Load:         Load a previously saved game.
-Squad:        Shows your current level, available squad points, and allows you
               to allocate your available squad points.

On the bottom of your Mission Computer is a list of your Resources, including:

-Credits       The currency of Mass Effect 2
-Medi-Gel      Used with the Unity Power to heal and revive allies.
-Heavy Ammo    Heavy Weapon Ammo currently available for use.
-Palladium     Resources used to research various upgrades.
-Iridium       Resources used to research various upgrades.
-Platinum      Resources used to research various upgrades.
-Element Zero  Resources used to research various upgrades.

*** Conversations ***                                     -CONVOS-

Throughout the game you will be able to converse with numerous characters to
learn about the game universe and obtain mission information. Most, if not
all, conversations allow you to choose how Shepard responds during these
conversations. You make selections using the conversation wheel and there is a
pattern to the placement of your response and the sort of outcome you can 

-Options on the right half of the wheel generally cause the conversation to
proceed to the next 'step', while options on the left half of the wheel will
usually just allow you to ask questions for information, with one major
exception, which is...

-Paragon and Renegade options. Paragon options will appear in blue text on the
top left of the conversation wheel, while Renegade options will appear in red
text on the lower left area of the conversation wheel. These options WILL
cause the conversation to advance.

-When using an option on the right half of the conversation wheel, using the
top option will usually be a paragon-esque statement/question, while using the
lower option will usually be a renegade-esque statement/question. Using the
option in the middle is generally neutral. When you have to take a side with
someone during a conflict, the choices do not represent a paragon or renegade
sentiment and simply mean exactly what the option itself reads as.

-During conversations, depending on your Paragon and Renegade parameters, you
can interrupt whoever you are talking to using the left and right triggers.
This can ONLY be done when the trigger is shown on the left or right side of
the screen for the respective triggers. The left trigger is used for Paragon
interruptions while the right trigger is for Renegade interruptions.

Keep in mind that the decisions you make throughout the game affect the
loyalty of your squadmates.

*** Leveling and Skill Points ***                         -LVLSKL-

As you complete Missions you will gain experience, usually in a large sum
at the end of a given mission. You can also get smaller increments of
experience by completing short side missions and examining certain items in
the environment.

As far as I can tell, you get 2 squad points for your main character each level
and 2 squad points for each other squad member ever other level. After level
20, you will only gain 1 squad point per level.

These points can be used to increase each characters powers, with each rank
costing 1 more point than the previous rank, i.e.:
Level 1 of Concussive Shot costs 1 squad point, Level 2 then costs 2 squad
points, Level 3 costs 3 squad points, and Level 4 costs 4 squad points.
When you activate the 4th Level of a power, you are given the option to evolve
it to one of two similar abilities. This is irreversable once done.

Also note that, as you gain full loyalty of each squad member, you will be able
to purchase an upgrade to add a single skill to your main character. You will
be allowed to choose 1 skill from the list, and if you want a different skill
from another squad member you can use resources on the research again and the
Level of the power will carry over. Doing this allows you to give your main
character the special power, also unlocked by gaining loyalty, of your squad

*** Research ***                                          -RESRCH-

Once you have recruited the Professor from Omega, you will be able to research
upgrades for you, your squadmates, and your ship. Research requires resources,
which are gained throughout mission areas and by scanning planets.

*** Fuel and Traveling ***                                -FULTRV-

You are now in free control of the SSV Normandy SR-2 while inside of a nebula.
While inside of a single system you do not deplete your fuel reserves, but by
leaving a system through the green ring encirling it, you must manually travel
to new systems. As long as you are on the nebula map and between systems
movement costs fuel. If you run out of fuel you will have to deplete resources
to continue onward. You can only gain fuel and probes (discussed later) at fuel
depots, usually located near the nebula's Mass Relay. To move between nebulas
simply use the Mass Relay to plot a course; this does not require fuel.

*** Hacking ***                                           -HACKNG-

The button prompts from the first Mass Effect have been replaced with two new
mini-games to hack or bypass certain environmental items; neither of which
require a specific trained power.

For hacking, you are given eight nodes that will reveal a circuit shape when
you move the cursor over them. To complete the hack, you must match all four
sets of circuit shapes. To do this, you must press A while the cursor is over
the node, but keep in mind that once a node has been selected, hovering over
another node will NOT show the circuits shape. It's sort of like a game of

Bypassing will give you a code segment on the top left of your screen. Your
goal is to match the code segment to a segment in the scrolling area in the
middle of your screen. Use the A button to select the matching segment of code.
If you move your cursor over a red security segment, you will fail the bypass.
You must match three segments to successfully complete the bypass.

*** Character Classes ***                                 -CLASYS-

-Descriptions pulled directly from the Mass Effect 2 Collector's Edition

** Soldier ** Combat Specialist
The Soldier is a tough warrior, able to deal with a range of combat sitations
by getting into the thick of the fight, picking the right tactical weapon,
and outlasting opponents.

-Weapons: Assault Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, Heavy Pistol, Disruptor Ammo,
Incendiary Ammo, Cryo Ammo.

-Powers:  Adrenaline Rush, Concussive Shot.

** Infiltrator ** Combat/Tech
The Infiltrator is a tech-savvy warrior, able to win battles by quickly
disabling and killing enemies, unlocking alternate routes, and using tactical

-Weapons: Submachine Gun, Heavy Pistol, Sniper Rifle, Disruptor Ammor, Cryo

-Powers:  Tactical Cloak, AI Hacking, Incinerate.

** Vanguard ** Biotic/Combat
The Vanguard is a powerful biotic warrior able to jump across the battlefield
in an instant to charge the enemy and attack at close range, combining the
offensive power of an Adept and a Soldier.

-Weapons: Submachine Gun, Heavy Pistol, Shotgun, Incendiary Ammo, Cryo Ammo.

-Powers:  Biotic Charge, Pull, Shockwave.

** Sentinel ** Biotic/Tech
The Sentinel is the most flexible class, able to combine tech and biotics to
manipulate enemies and protect themselves with tech armor.

-Weapons: Submachine Gun, Heavy Pistol.

-Powers:  Tech Armor, Throw, Cryo Blast, Overload, Warp.

** Adept ** Biotic Specialist
The Adept is the ultimate biotic, able to use the power of the mind to
manipulate the physical world, disable and debuff enemies, and deal massive

-Weapons: Submachine Gun, Heavy Pistol.

-Powers:  Singularity, Throw, Pull, Shockwave, Warp.

** Engineer ** Tech Specialist
The Engineer is a skilled expert who quickly and easily shapes the battlefield
before combat begins, ensuring that the enemy always begins with a significant

-Weapons: Submachine Gun, Heavy Pistol.

-Powers:  Combat Drone, Overload, AI Hacking, Incinerate, Cryo Blast.

* ALL classes are able to use Heavy Weapons. *

*** Scanning ***                                          -SCANNG-

Exploring planets using the Mako has been replaced with scanning each planet
from orbit and sending probes to the planet's surface. When on the scanning
screen, pressing the Left Trigger will bring up a circular radar-like target
that you can move across the planet using the Left Stick. Use the Right Stick
to turn the planet itself. As you find resources you will see the white line on
the right side of your screen raise. Where the peak of the line is determines
what resources you can expect to get, and how high the peak is is an indication
of how many resources you will get for probing the area.

As you probe for resources, the descriptions of the planets overall scan will
change, eventually ending in the Depleted state (shown in the top right corner
of your screen). This state is misleading, as you may still find resource
deposits, even large resource deposits, after a planet is described as

Occasionally, when you go into a planet's orbit, EDI will inform you of a found
anomaly. When this happens, begin scanning and you'll see a white line on your
scan target. Move in the direction of the white line to find the anomaly, shown
with a white blinking dot. Shoot a probe down on that location to open up a
landing option. These usually lead to short side missions.

*Walkthrough*                                             -WLKTHR-

- If you want to gain full loyalty of your crew as quickly as possible, talk to
them after every mission, even side missions. It doesn't take much time.

*** Story Objectives ***                                  -STRYOB-

** Prologue **                                            -BEGNNG-

* Normandy *                                              -NRMNDY-

After the scene and once you have control of your character, move through the
Normandy towards the cockpit to save Joker.

* Cerberus Ship *                                         -CERSHP-

Follow the on-screen queues to progress. Vault over the small barricade and
take out the mechs. Move up the staircase and through the door. Head shots deal
more damage to humanoid enemies, so keep that in mind. After fighting off the 
wave of mechs, head up the stairs and straight through the next door. Enter 
the next room and grab the Grenade Launcher. Equip it using the weapon wheel
and use it to destroy the wave of mechs that come through the door.

Go down the elevator and through the doorway. Follow to the next door and move
through the door straight ahead of you. Kill the two mechs on the ground and
bypass the wall safe for some credits. Listen to the logs if you wish. Head
back out and down the hallway and up the staircase. Head through the door to
meet Jacob.

Kill a couple mechs and have a conversation before taking out another wave of
mechs. Have another chat, then open the door ahead. Follow the path, taking
out mechs along the way. Head up the staircase and through the door on your
right to find Wilson. Grab some medi-gel off the wall and use Unity to save

Have Wilson cast overload on the crates ahead to get them out of your way.
Hack the datapad on the ground ahead and continue along the corridor. Head
down the stairs and through the next door. Head down the left path in the next
room and up the ramp. Turn into the left room and hack the datapad. Turn around
and head out the door straight ahead to start a conversation.

Once you've left the Cerberus vessel you'll be asked a few questions to set the
story. Once you've regained control of your character head straight and through
the doorway to meet the Illusive Man. Have a chat, then head back and out the
door at the other end of the room for a Mission Complete report.

* Freedom's Progress *                                    -FRDPRG-

Once you regain control, head through the door in front of you. Head through
the next doorway and down the ramp ahead of you. Salvage the pile of junk on
the left of the next large door, then enter it. Take out the mechs as you move
forward, up the staircase and into the next room. Move to the far end to open
a med kit and hack a wall safe. Head outside and salvage the pile on your left
before taking out the mechs. Enter the next building for a reunion.

Head outside and follow the path to the next building. Just after entering,
move to the left side and kill the mech before opening another wall safe.
Proceed outside and fight off the floating drones, then head into the building
on the right for a med kit. Move through the next two doors and take out more
drones. Go down the stairs and turn around. Go all the way to the back to
salvage some parts, then turn back and grab the med kit ahead of you. Move down
the stairs and position your team.

For the mech, use Miranda's Overload power and any quick-firing weapon to drop
it's shields. Once you're on the tech armor bar, use Miranda's Warp and switch
to a slow-fire weapon. Then just finish off it's health once the armors are
down. Head into the left building for some power cells and a wall safe. Examine
the damaged mech for an upgrade and grab the refined Iridium next to it. Enter
the right building to find a med-kit and Tali. Go back and enter the door above
the staircase to find Veetor and decide what to do with him. Watch the scenes
for a Mission Complete.

- Normandy SR-2 -

When you regain control, move around the ship and talk to the crew(or don't,
your playthrough). Head towards the cockpit and look to the right to examine
the console. Continue to the cockpit and, just after entering it, turn right
to examine another console. Head to Deck 4 and examine the console right in
front of you. Head back to Deck 2 and open the Galaxy Map. Head to Omega for
a scene. Zaeed will be right in front of you if you have the DLC installed.

- From now on, if you want to talk with your crew, I'd reccommend clearing each
deck after every story mission. I will no longer point out times you are free
on the Normandy.

* Omega *

Ignore Aria for now. Open the door and head right. Follow the path through two
more doors, then turn right to find a Turian guarding access to the slums.
Talk him into letting you through to start the Mission to get The Professor.

** The Professor **                                       -PRFSSR-

Move ahead as far as you can and turn right for some Element Zero, then go back
and down the hallway. Follow the path and open the med station on the wall
after fighting or not fighting the two guards. Move through the next doorway
for a fight. Head through the door straight ahead and hack the bank console.
Hack the next door to find a couple of dead Turians. Listen to the logs, or
not. Leave and turn left, talk to the injured Batarian. Afterwards, head down
the corridor and hack the door to your right. Get inside the room with the
Batarian and turn right to find a wall safe. Go back and continue down the
hall, taking the first left you see. Head up the stairs and turn around for a
med pack and console to salvage. Head back downstairs and go left for another
fight. Afterwards head down the right hallway and hack the door to find a
couple of humans. Grab the wall safe behind them and head back out. This time
take the left path, behind the wall, and grab the weapon upgrade off of the

Continue down the path and take out the next set of enemies. Take the left door
to find some Element Zero. Move through the next door to find some looters.
Afterwards head back and down the opposite pathway to the Clinic. Use the
weapon locker if you wish. Move straight ahead and turn right to find a med kit
on the wall. Turn back and take the only other pathway, and take the left door
to find some Refined Platinum to your left. Grab the med kit on the table and
turn right to find some Refined Palladium and salvage the research station.
Head across to the other room, but don't talk to Mordin yet. Look to the left
for a med kit. Turn around to find some Iridium and Element Zero. Grab the
power cells in the back of the room, then talk to Mordin.

Follow the path, fight off the next set of enemies, and check the right of the
staircase for a med kit. Head to the left of the staircase and hack the
gambling machine. Now head up the stairs and take a right to hack a bank
terminal. Follow the path and take the left door to find Daniels. Deal with it
however you wish and grab the med kit on the couch before moving through the
opposite door. Ahead will be a fight with a few Vorcha, then move to the
opposite side of the room to activate the ventilation system.

Fight your way to either the right or left, move down the stairs, and follow
the path to activate a ventilation fan. Grab the med kit on the wall on the
way out, and head to the other fan. Do the same thing here; don't forget to
grab the med kit on the wall here as well BEFORE activating the vent, as you
will return to Mordin.

If you saved the Batarian earlier, you can talk to him, otherwise there is
nothing left to do. Hit B to return to the ship.

** Archangel **                                           -ARCANG-

Head back to Omega and take the first right again to get to the shops. Load up
on supplies that you want. From the shops, head over to Lower Afterlife and
make your way up to Upper Afterlife. Turn right or left and then the same to
find a staircase to go up and see Aria. Talk to her about Archangel. Head down
the stairs and find the Merc Recruiter to sign up. Head to the transit hub
outside of Afterlife and tell the Batarian you're ready.

After landing and the conversation, just follow the path until you get to a
room with quite a few soldiers. You can talk to a Clan leader at the table.
Before leaving grab the datapad in the middle of the room. Follow the path and
take the first left, hacking the door. Grab the Element Zero and hack the mech
machine to make things easier later. Exit and take the only other door. Go
straight through and talk to Garm (another Clan leader). Hack the datapad on
the ground and bypass the door on your right. Scan the weapon shipment and grab
the power cell. Grab the med kit by the door on your way out. Follow the path
to the end and go through the door to your right.

Grab the med kit at the end on your right, then talk to Tarak (the last Clan
leader). Now head back and all the way across to the gunship to talk to Cathka.
If you have enough of a Renegade rating you can shock him on your way out. Once
you regain control, move through the base killing your former allies. Grab the
med kit in the middle of the room. Head to the staircase but don't go up. Look
to the left to find an omni-tool upgrade. Head up the stairs and grab the med
kit, turn left and access the wall safe. Go back and past the stairs for a

Afterwards, turn around and grab the sniper rifles off of the couch. Look to
the left for a med kit, and go towards the bunk beds to find a footlocker.
Defend your position until the Salarian leader shows himself. Take him out.

After the conversation leave someone with Garrus (I'd reccommend Jacob or
Zaeed, if you have them) and head downstairs to the tunnels. Grab the med kit
before proceeding through the door. Sprint ahead and shut the door, holding off
attackers until they close. Then go either left and right and do the same,
killing enemies as they come. No notable grabs. After all three doors are shut,
return to Garrus and help him defeat the Krogan clan leader. 

Attack the gunship. When it moves to the far end of the room it drops off 
troops, so be prepared. Overload works well on the gunship. After the gunship 
goes down, watch the scene and Mission Complete. Back on the Normandy, find 
Garrus in the Battery Room. Turn left once you see him to scan some data.

** The Convict **                                         -SUBZER-

Take the Mass Relay and head for the Hourglass Nebula. Board the Prison Ship:
Purgatory. Follow the path for a scene. Once you are betrayed, fight the waves
of enemies while making your way back, taking the first left you come to. Grab
the Element Zero after entering the next room, on your left. Unlock the door
using the console in the center of the room and watch Jack get released.

After you regain control, grab the med kit to the left of the doorway and
continue down the path. Scan the mech corpse at the bottom of the ramp. In the
next corridor grab the power cells and inspect the dead guard. Follow the path.
In the next open area, take the left ramp and follow the path. Scan the guard
near the door for a shotgun upgrade. Facing the door, go up the ramp to your
left and hack the PDA on the ground. Head back and enter the doorway and grab
the power cell. Scan the dead guard. Head through the next door scan the guard
for some data. Grab the power cell and hack the wall safe. Entering the next
room triggers a scene. 

Afterwards, fight your way around the room, destroying the three shield 
generators to lower the barrier. Once all three are destroyed you are free to 
kill the Warden. Find Jack near your ship and get her to join you. Mission 

** The Warlord **                                         -WARLRD-

Land on planet Korlus, Imir System, Eagle Nebula. Follow along the path and
up the staircase. Kill your attackers and head up the ramp. On the other side
examine the wounded mercenary. Follow along the pathway and take out another
wave of Blue Suns. Head down the left ramp and grab the med kit. Continue along
the path until you come to a Krogan. Help him out and kill the guards along the
walkway above. Talk to the Krogan to continue.

Follow the path, examining the Blue Suns corpse as you walk by. Follow path,
killing Krogan and fleshy things you come across. Grab the med kit on the crate
as you go by. Grab the Refined Platinum on the floor as you walk by and head
up the staircase. Bypass the door. Move up the next set of stairs and through
the door. Grab the power cells, med kit, and weapon upgrade, all right in front
of you, then head through the door. Follow the path left after dealing with
the Blue Suns, and get ready for another group. After finishing them off, 
follow along the path and take a right instead of going through the door to
hack a PDA. Proceed through the door and move up the stairs. Grab the med kit
just outside the door. Move ahead and examine the corpse for some credits.
Continue ahead until you get to a room with a door away on your left. Move
straight ahead to get some power cells and turn left to hack a wall safe. Move
past the door and hack the PDA. Now enter the door.

Move up the stairway and open the door to jump into another firefight. Follow
the long path of violence, there is absolutely nothing special to be grabbed.
Head through the door at the end and open the med station, then hack the
terminal to your left, and finally talk to Rana. Enter the door and bypass the
lab terminal at the end on the left before talking to Warlord Okeer.

Head through the door at the opposite end of the room and down the stairs. Head
through the door and kill Jadore while staying on the right side of the room,
as to not disturb the large mech. After Jadore is dead, move to the left and
destroy the mech. Head back upstairs to Okeer. Listen to his message then use
the console to release Grunt. Mission Complete.

* Normandy *
Head to Deck 4 and head to the left door to the Cargo Bay. Release Grunt.
Afterwards, head to the meeting room to talk with the Illusive Man.

** The Citadel **                                         -CITADL-

Follow the pathway. Once through the doorway, talk to the chief on your right
to be brought back to life. Move around to the other side of the center divider
ahead to pick up transport to the Presidium. Talk to the councillor and head
back to the Normandy.

*** Horizon ***                                           -HORIZN-

Follow the path and grab the power cells ahead. Also hack the datapad on the
ground before progressing. Examine the dead collector in the corner. Head under
the walkway to examine a dead husk. Continue on fighting through collectors
and in the next open area, after clearing it, check the right building for
a wall safe to bypass. Head over to the left building for a med kit. Move
through the central building and examine the Stasis Colonist. Turn and head up
the staircase to hack a computer. Head back down and grab the Particle Beam
right in front of you on the ground. Head into the building ahead for a power
cell. Continue up to the large door and bypass it for a short scene.

Change out your weapons as needed, I would suggest keeping the Particle Beam as
it destroys the Harbingers and Scions. Head on through the door after grabbing
the med kit on your right. Kill all the enemies in the area, then move to the
left building, all the way through and out the other end straight ahead, to
find another power cell. Head outside through the side door and head straight
to examine another dead collector body. Go up the stairs on either side and
hack the console in the center of the upper room, then head back downstairs and
proceed through the large door for a long fight.

If you head to the right building, just past it and up the stairs is a power
cell for more heavy weapon ammo. Head up the stairs on the opposite side for a
med kit. Hack the computer in the middle of the field to start a wave fight.
Just hold your position and take out enemies as they come and stay behind
cover. Once the Praetorian(sp?) comes out, stay behind cover and far away from
him. He will occasionally do a ground pound, dealing damage in a wave around
it. Stay behind cover to avoid its beam and you'll eventually take it down.
Watch the reunion scene and Mission Complete.

*** Second Recruits ***                                   -RECRT2-

-I would reccommend doing the unlocked loyalty missions as soon as possible
from here on out. For more information see the Loyalty section, code -LOYLTY-.

** Tali **                                                -QUARIN-

Head to the Far Rim Nebula, Dholen System, and land on Haestrom. Move along the
path, making sure to sprint through sunlit areas. Move through the door to your
right to find a geth body to examine. Also grab the med kit on the shelf before
opening the gate.

Run up the ramp on your right and follow along until you see an opening to your
right. Take it and go down the ramp to find a heavy pistol. Go back up the ramp
and continue along the path. Sprint down the ramp ahead and run straight to the
crain to find some Iridium. Move over towards the shade of the building and
take out the geth.

Head down the corridor and salvage the geth hunter. Just ahead also examine the
Quarian bodies for a new SMG and radio. Proceed ahead, staying to the left side
of the path. Move into the building. Grab the demolition charge on the table,
then read Tali's journal next to it. Move to the left, around the crates, to
find a med kit. Head back and up the stairs for a med station. Go back outside
and look straight ahead for a crane. Go to it and grab the Iridium there, then
head to the left.

Go down the ramp and head to the crane for more Iridium. Move into the bunker
entrance straight ahead for another demolition charge, a med kit, and power
cells. Go back out and head to the left for another bunker with a ramp leading
up to the walkway where all the geth are. Grab the med kit on the way up. Open
the shutters and use the short barriers as cover so that you aren't blinded by
the sun. Destroy the rest of the geth here. Sprint across the walkway to the
other side. You can use cover to rest in the shade if you need to. Play Tali's
journal along the way and head down the ramp. Move towards the door that was
blocked and plant the explosives.

Go through the door and up the short ramp on your right to grab a geth rifle,
salvage a geth body, and play Tali's journal. Look to the right of the weapons
locker for a wall safe to hack. Salvage another geth at the bottom of the ramp.
Use the locker if you wish to change your weapons. Activate the communications
console to talk to Tali. Head through the door.

Use the medical station and continue down the ramp. Move along the path to the
far right, taking out geth and drones. Move to the left path when you see the
shade end and continue towards the left. Head through the door. Hack the wall
safe immediately to your right as you walk in. Use the security console.

Go through the door, head down the ramp, and grab the med kit before talking to
Kal'Reegar. If you feel like it, check each crane in the area for Iridium. Not
really worth it in my opinion. Make your way up the right path, moving along
slowly when able to. Once across take out the Colossus. Grab the power cells on
your right and head for the other side of the room to find more power cells.
You can go back and grab all the Iridium from the cranes now if you wish,
otherwise head to the door.

Salvage the damaged geth right in front of you, then talk to Tali. Mission

** The Justicar **                                        -JUSTCR-

Head to planet Illium, Tasale System, Crescent Nebula and talk to Liara about
the Justicar. Head to the transportation hub (Taxi Stand on the map) to talk to
Dara. Hail a cab to the commercial spaceport.

Talk to Pitne For near your car for information on the Justicar. Head into the
nearby Police Station and grab the med kit, then talk to Detective Anaya. Head
through the blue tape and into the alley. Turn right just as you enter to read
a log. Move straight ahead through the next area and down the stairs to find
a circuit board to salvage. Head back up the stairs, and up the nearby set of
stairs as well. Continue along the path and enter the door ahead of you on the

Meet Samara. After she is incarcerated, talk to Pitne For again, walking right
in front of you. After the conversation, get onto the elevator to the left of
the alley entrance (where you just went to meet Samara).

Get off of the elevator and head through the door on your left. Head to the
door on the opposite wall, killing the mercenaries and mechs as you go. Look to
the right as soon as you enter the room to find an assault shotgun. Use the
weapons locker if you wish, then head toward the staircase but take the door
just to the right to find a mercenary. Head into the room and grab the power
cells on your left. Access the terminal on the right wall before heading back
out the door.

Move up the staircase and through the door at the top. Follow the path. When
you enter a room, grab the med kit on the wall ahead of you, walk past it, and
hack the terminal there. Head back and go up the staircase to the left. Follow
the path a ways; when you come to a small square room with crates in the center
of it, turn right and hack the terminal, then head to the left wall and grab
the med kit before heading up the staircase and through the next door.

Follow the path here until you enter a large room; turn left for some Platinum.
Make your way to the northwest side of the room however you wish and move
through the door here. Grab the power cells on the left, then turn right to
grab a med kit and access the computer.

Continue along the path. When you reach a staircase on your left, move past it
and grab the power cells ahead. Proceed down the stairs and across the bridge.
Take out the gunship. Head towards the door, but grab the med kit to the right
before bypassing it. Move into the next room and grab the shipping manifest on
the right, then turn left and access the terminal. Head through the door and
talk to Niftu Cal.

Head down the hall to your right and access the med station. Use the weapons
locker if you want to, otherwise head through the next door. Take out Wasea,
then head to her desk. Before you grab her datapad, look to the right and hack
the terminal.

Head to the Police Station and talk to Pitne For. Head inside. Mission

** The Assassin **                                        -ASASSN-

Head to planet Illium, Tasale System, Crescent Nebula and talk to Liara about
the Assassin. Head to the cargo area and talk to Seryna. Tell her you're ready
to go.

Once you land, take out the mechs and head into the building. Head to the left
to find a terminal to hack and a med station. Turn around and head through the
opposite doorway and talk to the Salarian. Afterwards, move through the door
and follow the path to find more mechs.

Once the room is cleared, head straight to find some mercenaries. Continue
along the path, killing enemies, and enter the door at the end. Head up the
ramp and through the door to find two med kits on your right.Continue along
the path, taking either route, until the two converge and you must move through
a small lit building and turn to the left to continue. Before entering the
building, look to the right to find a med kit, then move on through.

Before entering the door in the next room, go to the left of it and down the
long hallway to grab a new sniper rifle, some power cells, and hack a terminal.
Then head back towards the door, but instead hug the wall to the left and make
a U-turn when it is no longer blocked to find a bypassable door. Go through it
to find a couple of Salarian workers. After they leave, look around inside of
the container to find a med kit on the left, and a secure locker to examine on
the right. Now head back and enter the elevator door to continue.

Get behind cover after opening the door and kill the enemies. Then use the
elevator. Turn around and grab the datapad on the floor. Take either door and
kill everything in sight. Bypass the door on the left side of the room to find
more Salarian workers. Grab the med kit and hack the PDA on the dead body
before heading out and moving to the left. Before going up the ramp, be sure to
grab the power cells and open the communication terminal.

Continue along the path until you see a weapons locker on the right wall. Grab
the med kit right next to it and change weapons if you wish to, then turn your
back to the locker to see some Element Zero. Head out onto the balcony and
follow the path ahead. When you are in sight of the other tower, keep an eye
to your right to find an SMG, a med kit, and a PDA to hack on the corpse. Move
over down the steps and fight your way across the bridge.

Take out the rocket drones above you as you near the other tower. Head up the
ramps and through the door for a scene with Nassana. Meet Thane. 

*** Collector's Ship ***                                  -CLLSHP-

After talking to the Illusive Man when told to by Kelly, you will be taken to
the Collector's derelict ship.

- I recommend bringing along your Grenade Launcher. -

Once on the ship, just follow the path ahead. When you turn to the left,
examine the pod in front of you. Turn right and move forward. Once you see a
doorway on your left, look towards the right side to see a pile of bodies.
Examine these and head through the doorway. Salvage the console on your right,
move a little farther ahead and grab the med kit, then turn left and examine
the control terminal for a scene. You will be able to choose a supplemental
weapon training. If you choose a weapon that you are already able to use, you
will receive a special weapon of that type isntead of its proficiency.

Head north and grab the power cells and Element Zero next to each other on the
right. Follow the path and head up the ramp when you get to it. Salvage the
console straight ahead of you before continuing onward. Access the control
terminal on the far wall of the next room you enter, then head to the left and
up the ramp. Follow the ramp the rest of the way up and turn right for some
real scenery. Continue along the path and activate the control panel ahead.

Get under cover ASAP. When the General takes control of a Collector, he'll
rise up in the air. Use this opportunity to rain down a hail of gunfire with
your SMG and you can easily drop his Barrier and some Armor before he even
lands and is able to move. If you have a Sniper Rifle (I chose this weapon
upgrade for my Vanguard so I have a good ranged weapon at my own disposal) it
will drop the Scions much faster than anything else. Use the SMG to quickly
take down the shielding devices that some troopers drop.

After taking out all enemies, vault your way to the highest platform and grab
the power cells near the middle. Head back down to the green command console
and re-establish the link to EDI.

Follow the path. When you head downhill and see some cover grab the med kit to
the left, then head through the door and farther downhill. Salvage the
Collector technology on the left as you hit the bottom of the ramp and sprint
ahead to get under cover quickly. Head down the path to the left and, again,
duck behind cover as quickly as possible. Head up the ramp to your left and
work your way all the way to the end and turn right behind the wall for some
Element Zero and a med kit. Turn right at the opening in the wall, then
immediately turn right again for some power cells. Head south and jump down off
of the ledge.

Move ahead and take out the Praetorian. Stay away from it and behind cover as
much as possible and watch for husks and drones as you move around the room.
If you have it, use the Grenade Launcher to quickly remove the Praetorian's
Barrier. Do NOT tell your squadmates to focus on the Praetorian. They will take
care of smaller enemies while you focus on the big guy. Grab the power cells
at the bottom level, in between the two ramps you came in on, if you need more
heavy weapon ammo.

Move toward the door EDI opened at the far end of the room for it to be shut
down. Head to the right and wait for EDI to open this new pathway. Head left
at the corridor and examine the two consoles on the left and right sides of the
area. Go straight and then through the door on your right. Get behind cover and
kill the Collector's. Follow the right path for a higher ground advantage.

After clearing the area of enemies, head down and through the doorway ahead.
Follow the path and head down the ramp to get back to the shuttle and leave.
Mission Complete. Unlocked achievement Ghost Ship.

*** Reaper IFF ***                                        -IFFMIS-

Head to the Thorne System in the Hawking Eta Nebula and land on the derelict
Reaper. Head through the door in front of you and turn left. Turn left at the
bottom of the staircase to find a wall safe and a terminal you can access.
Move to the other side of this small alcove and bypass another wall safe and
play the logs. Continue along the path and grab the two med kits and play more
logs, then head through the door.

Move along and activate the log just to the left. Proceed down the path on the
right. Take out the husks as you go. This is a great place to get Brawler
points if you have a shotgun. Play the next work log before heading up the
ramp. Go down the path a short way then turn left to find some power cells,
Platinum, a rifle, and a terminal to access. Now head across to the left and
follow the path.

Head all the way to the end of the area, taking out the husks and the Scion, to
find a med kit and hack a terminal. You can also have a conversation here if
Tali is with you. Turn around and head back, taking a left into a passageway
when you are able to. Bypass the door and head through the door ahead for a

Meet Legion. Take out the husks and take the short path to the left of the ramp.
Head down the ramp and take out the husks and the Scion. After they are taken
care of, head up the ramp ahead and turn left to find a terminal to access and
a med kit. Turn back and follow the path to find another terminal to access and
some husks. Head down the first ramp on your right to find a med kit, then head
down the next ramp. Turn to the right to find a shotgun and power cells. Take
out the husks and head up the next ramp.

Turn right to access a terminal, then proceed along the path. Head to where
the Scions came out and move down the path to find some power cells. Turn left
and fight your way across. Head down the ramp and grab the med kit on the left.
Bypass the door. Move past the IFF and bypass the wall safe. Grab the IFF and
open the next door for a scene. Once you regain control head straight and down
the stairs on the left to access a laptop. Turn back and go back up the stairs.
Take out all the husks. When the doors on the core open, shoot it until they
close again. Repeat until the core is destroyed. Scene.

- Normandy -

Tell Miranda and Jacob that you'll talk to the geth first, then head to EDI's
core behind the med bay. Activate Legion. Now you must wait for the IFF to be
installed. You can do this by completing an undone N7 Mission, recruiting
anyone you haven't (You have everyone if you follow this guides order), or
doing Legions loyalty mission.

** Conclusion **                                          -THEEND-

- Normandy -

When you access the Galaxy Map you will leave the ship on a shuttle so that EDI
can perform tests on the new IFF. Scene.

Control Joker and head to the left at the path split and go through the door.
Go into the research lab and head straight to move down the maintenance ladder.
Move out the door and to the right of the elevator towards the med bay. Go into
EDI's core and straight ahead for a scene. Head down the ladder. Take the right
staircase and stop before turning around to go up the second set and wait for
the collector's to go through the door. Head up and into the left door.
Override the engine controls. Scene.

Decide to head for the Collector's. Go talk to Joker for a conversation. You
can now talk to EDI about Cerberus, as her access blocks have been removed.

Make sure you have gotten all ship upgrades for the best chance of success with
getting through the ship part with all squad members alive.

* Suicide *                                               -SUICDE-

When you are ready, head to the Omega 4 Relay and use it for a scene. Confirm
your decision for another scene. If you have a love interest, here is your
scene. Who dies and who doesn't depends largely on what you've done throughout
your playthrough and how you stood during arguments between squadmates. Having
everyone loyal is a very good idea, as well as having all ship upgrades as
stated above.

Make your team and head out. Grab the med kit on your right as soon as you gain
control. There is a set of power cells just to the left on the other side of
the cover. Take out the probe. After the next scene take out the new probe if
you didn't finish it off last time. Scene. Land.

These are the choices I made:

Ventilation - Tali
2nd Team Lead - Jacob

Make your speech and head to your doom.

Follow the path and take out the enemies in the next room. Proceed using either
the right or left path, doesn't matter. Deactivate the heat exchanger ahead to
help your vent member. Activate the next valve when you come to it. Move ahead
and activate valve 3. Follow the path ahead and vault onto the ledge to the
left to activate the 4th valve. Head to the left side of the room quickly for
valve 5. Move ahead and up the ledge quickly for valve 6. Watch out for the
assassin and climb the ledge on your right. Make your way to the green console
to shut off the 7th valve while fighting the Collector's. Then head farther up
to shut off the 8th and final valve. Scene.

Biotic - Samara
2nd Team Lead - Miranda
Crew Member Escort - Mordin

In the next section KEEP MOVING. You need to stay inside of your Biotic's
shield. Talk to your Biotic when he/she stops to proceed. This section is
very linear and straightforward, just follow the path killing enemies and tell
your Biotic to continue when you need to. Keep an eye out for ammo on the
ground if you run low. There isn't anything to pick up along the way.

My Team - Tali & Thane

The rest held the door. This is your team for the final battle of the game.
Make your speech and get ready. Take out enemies as they come in on the
hovering platforms. Having someone that can create a drone is a huge help
against the Harbingers, as they seem to always attack it first. Move along
slowly as platforms allow. Activate the console when it attaches.

After the scene, duck behind cover and take out Collector's as they arrive.
After each wave, the armor on the tubes will retract. Shoot the tubes when this
happens. You must do this before the skeleton charges up and releases a
shockwave. After all 4 are destroyed, watch the scene and make your choices.

Shoot at the orange spots to hit the weak points. Take cover when the mouth
starts to glow. Take out Collector's as they come in periodically. This is a
long fight. Save your slow-firing weapon ammo for shooting the giants weak
spots, as they will deal noticeably more damage. A bunch of achievements are
unlocked. All members of my squad alive.

-- Congratulations! You have just completed Mass Effect 2! You CAN continue to
explore space on your main file after completing the game.--

*** Side Missions ***                                     -SIDEOB-

** N7 **                                                  -NORMSV-

* N7: Lost Operative *

- Obtained - After getting Archangel OR after recruiting two squad members.
             In e-mail.
             -Need Confirmation-

- Objective - Travel to planet Lorek in the Fathar system, Omega Nebula. Once
landed look immediately to your right, behind the stack of boxes for a hit
of resources. Head along the path through the door and meet some enemies. After
dispatching them activate the panel. Look to your right and enter the room for
a med kit and a wall safe to hack. Head back out and up the small staircase.
Check the right door for some Refined Platinum and proceed through the main
door. Follow the path and bypass the door. Access the logs for Mission

* N7: MSV Estevanico *

- Obtained - Find the Anomaly on planet Zanethu, System Ploitari, Hourglass

- Objective - Follow the path to the left. Head to the right and take the
stairs to find a hit of resources. Continue upward to find more. Vault onto
the beam and follow along, turning left at the top. Run across the platforms to
the left. Move across the beam ahead for some Iridium. Head down the stairs,
which will fall. Turn around for more Iridium. Follow the path and access the
mainframe for a Mission Complete.

* N7: Eclipse Smuggling Depot *

- Obtained - Find Anomaly on planet Daratar, System Faryar, Hourglass Nebula.

- Objective - Destroy the three heavy mechs as quickly as possible, attempting
to save as many crates as you can.

* N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter *

- Obtained - Find the Anomaly on planet Neither, System Amun, Eagle Nebula.

- Objective - Turn around after landing for some Platinum. Move northeast of
your shuttle and salvage the mech parts. Examine the systems report north of
your shuttle. Move ahead on the right path, watching your left for some
Platinum. Once obtained, had back and take the left path. Read the logs and
examine the evac order. Grab the med kit ahead of you towards the left. Turn
around and salvage some parts ahead and to the left. Turn right from here to
find some Platinum. Move onto the shelf of land at the end of the area and grab
the power cells before deactivating the beacon. You will be swarmed by mechs,
your job is simply to get back to your shuttle. Mission Complete.

* N7: Abandoned Research Station *

- Obtained - Complete Mission N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter.

- Objective - 

Fly over to Jarrahe Station, Strabo System, Eagle Nebula. Head on
in. Congratulations! You are now locked inside a space station. Head through
the door and examine the PDA on the ground. Follow hallway and enter the green
door. Turn left for some Iridium. Grab some more Iridium in the center of the
room. Restore power to open the previously locked door. Follow the path through
two doors. Turn right and read the PDA on the ground. Move through the set of
doors on the right side of the room to find a PDA on a dead body. 

Continue down the hallway and open the med kit on your left as you enter the
med bay. Restore power to the Living Quarters. Activate the consoles in the
center of the room, with your back to the hard wall, in this order:
Left, Middle, Right, Left, Middle. This will unlock all doors in this wing.
Enter the door opposite and move forward and to the left to examine the three
lockers. Head back out to the large central room.

Head to the right and enter Engineering. Take the first right to examine two
weapons lockers and read the PDA. Return and continue down the main path. At
the end of the pathway restore power to Engineering. Return to the large
central room.

Again, head to the right and enter the Reasearch Lab. Grab the Iridium right
in front of you and head left to find some more. Restore Research Area power.
Use the consoles in this room to spin each armor hanger in the inaccessible
area so that the beam hits the cylindrical equipment at the far end, middle,
of the room. Head back to the central area.

Now access the HUB area power on the center cube. Enter the door and shut down
the mainframe. Mission Completed.

* N7: Hahne-Kedar Facility *

- Obtained - Complete N7: Abandoned Research Station.

- Objective -

Head to the Titan Nebula, Haskins System, planet Capek. Land after finding the
anomaly. Follow the path and enter the building. Move straight into the room
in front of you to find a med kit on your left. Examine the computer and hack
the wall safe before leaving and following the path farther in.

Read the datapad on your left, then proceed forward. Grab the Element Zero on
the right side of the room about half way in. Continue onward and move down the
ramp. Follow the left path all the way to find some power cells. Return and
follow the path on the right. Follow the path and watch for an opening to a
narrow corridor on the right. Follow it for some Element Zero, then head back
and continue along the path. Head up the ramp and through the door.

Grab the Element Zero straight ahead of you. Follow the ramp up and through the
door. Head to the wall to shut down the production line.

* N7: Archeological Dig Site *

- Obtained - Find the Anomaly on planet Joab, Enoch System, Rosette Nebula.

- Objective - 

Recover the Prothean signaling device from the Blue Suns. After
landing, clear all enemies. Afterwards, move to the far left to find some
Element Zero. Continue ahead and between the Mako's for another hit of Element
Zero. Head through the doorway.

After clearing the next set of enemies, go all the way to the left corner for
a weapons locker. Check the table on the right side of the room for a med kit.
Look against the right wall for a locker. Access the terminal by the staircase
before heading through the door on the bottom level. Follow the path and look
across from the door in the rock tunnel for another locker to scan. Head out
the door and move straight ahead, passing through the next doorway and opening
the following door.

Move up the ramp on your right and grab the Element Zero, then head back down
and follow the pathway. Read the PDA on the left before heading through the
next door. Scan the Prothean video log in the next room for a familiar scene.
Mission Complete.

* N7: Imminent Ship Crash *

- Obtained - Not 100% sure. It appeared on my Galaxy Map after finishing
             Miranda's loyalty mission (my third) and had no journal entry
             until I boarded the ship. Pylos Nebula, Nariph System, MSV Broken

- Objective - Make your way through the ship and back out before the timer runs
out. Read the captain's log as soon as you gain control. This does not take
time off of the clock. Bypass the door ahead. Grab the med station just to your
left as you enter the room. Take out the geth and activate the terminal on your
right to open the door. Just after turning and heading down a staircase, turn
left to find Iridium. Turn right and stand in place to activate Power Coupling 
1. Head back and take a right, following the path down then up and activate
Power Coupling 2. Turn around and head up the staircase on your right to bypass
and restart the engines. Mission Complete.

* N7: Abandoned Mine *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on planet Aequitas, Fortis System, Minos
             Wasteland Nebula (Map bought on Illium).

- Objective - Once you land, move forward slightly then turn right to see a
skeleton and open container to examine. Head back and enter the mine. After
subduing the husks, turn right out of the corridor and grab the Iridium, then
read the datapad on the table. Follow the path ahead and grab the Iridium as
you pass by. When you get to a ramp, look to the left of it for some Iridium.
Head up the ramp and bypass the locker on the table. Continue on the path and
grab the Iridium just after the left turn before moving on. In the next open
area, head to the left for a med station and logs to read. Take the right path
up the ramp to find some power cells. Go down the ramp and through the large
doorway. Turn right for a med-kit. Move to the left side for a locker to
bypass. Move to the next doorway and shoot the bombs on the left and right
sides of the monument. The husks will not stop coming, so don't try to clear
them out first.

* N7: MSV Strontium Mule *

- Obtained - E-mail from Cerberus HQ.

- Objective -

Head to the Omega Nebula and fly over to the Arinlarkan System
to find the MSV Strontium Mule. Board it. Clear the first group of enemies,
then head up the stairs. Read the PDA on the ground before heading through the

Move ahead and read the airlock security console. Go up the next set of stairs
and take out these enemies. Read the transmitter on the ground. Turn around and
bypass the hub security console.

Go through the center door first. Head into the next room and to the back to
find a ramp. Take the left path and grab the power cells before continuing on.
Continue around the path to the other side to find another merc transmission.
Head back down the stairs and out.

Turn right as you leave the corridor and enter the door ahead of you. Turn
right and check the left side of the next room for some records. Head out and
Turn left to go back the way you came. Go through the door directly across from
you and turn left at the hallway. Check the left wall for a med kit. Leave the
room and continue forward, up the stairs. Kill the guards, then turn around and
go through the opening nearest you, heading south. Turn right to bypass the
door controls and head on in. Take out all enemies. Kill the mechs that come in
behind you after the last humanoid falls. Check the main log in the back of the
room. Head out and to the far hallway. Turn left and head through the door.

Check the merc transmitter on the counter, then turn left and grab the Iridium
before finally recovering the cargo.

* N7: Blue Suns Base *

- Obtained - Complete N7: MSV Strontium Mule

- Objective -

Travel to Sigurd's Cradle Nebula, Decoris System, planet Sanctum. Scan the
anomaly and land on the planet.

Fight your way towards the door, but grab the Iridium by the crate at the
base of the stairs, then grab the datapad right in front of the door and head

Stay on the high ground to take out enemies here more easily, then head down
the ramp. At the bottom, take the right door towards the Living Quarters. Head
down the left side to find a wall safe, then move to the back of the room for a
Datapad. Head back out and straight across to the other doorway, but listen
to the notice just before you head through the door.

Move to the other end of the mess hall and into the tunnel. Turn to the left of
the giant chunk of metal for some Iridium, then proceed further. As the area
opens up, stay to the left for more Iridium, then continue around the perimeter
to find more Iridium and a datapad. Look just to the left of the vehicle nearby
for some power cells, then head through the door.

Take out the mechs. Then take out the mercenaries. Head up the ramp on the left
side of the room and destroy the crate to find a med kit, then continue to the
far end of the room. Take the left doorway to find a wall safe, then move to
the right doorway and check the computer for interrogation logs. Finally,
bypass the middle door and deactivate the distress beacon.

* N7: Javelin Missiles Launched *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on Franklin, planet Watson's Moon in the Skepsis
             System, Sigurd's Cradle Nebula.

- Objective -

You have 5 minutes to stop the launch of two missiles. Head straight and turn
left for a firefight but do not move forward. Once the Batarian are dead turn
around and bypass the door behind you. Head to the right, down the short ramp
then up the one just to the right of it. Once up the ramp turn left onto the
short pathway to find power cells. Head back and move to the left to get around
the path. Look left of the doorway for some Palldium. Now do not go through
the doorway, head past it and down the stairs to the right to find a bypassable

Move across the bridge and do not activate the console. Turn right to hack a
wall safe. Now activate the killswitch console. Choose which missile to stop.

* H7: Blood Pack Base *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on planet Zada Ban, Xe Cha System, Shrike Abyssal

- Objective -

Once you have landed, look to your left for a datapad. Read it, then proceed
down the path. Read the datapad at the other side of the bridge, then turn left
for some Palladium. Head downhill follow the right path down the stairs. Turn
left at the bottom for some Palladium and a datapad. Turn around and head past
the crates to get outside. Grab the med kit on the left before continuing
forward. Blood Pack Boom Squad is my favorite heavy enemy name. Follow the path
and turn right to enter a door.

Move around the next room, following the left wall, to find some Palladium.
Shoot the 4 containment cells then run away.

* N7:  *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on planet Tarith, Lusarn System, Crescent Nebula
             after completing N7: Blood Pack Base.

- Objective -

Head down the path and use the datapad on your right. Turn left and activate
the bacon. Move farther ahead and activate the next beacon. Continue and kill
the giant crab before activating the third beacon. Turn left and go all the way
to the end for some raw materials. Turn around and go straight until you pass
where you activated the beacon. Keep this wall to your right while moving 
ahead. You'll eventually come to a thin path leading uphill. Shortly after
following it up, look to the left for a path. Go down it and grab the raw
material. Turn around and go back to the ramp and head up it. Grab the datapad
and activate another beacon.

Move down the path ahead and, when it splits, head left to find some more raw
material. Go back and take the other path. Activate the beacon when you get to
it, then look to the right for another datapad. Continue along the path until
the area opens up. Head to the right and look to the left for some raw
materials. Head back and take the other path up and out of the haze. Activate
the next beacon and continue.

When the path splits, head left. When it splits again, look left for a datapad,
then head right. Take the right the next time you're able and activate the
beacon ahead of you. Move up the path next to the beacon to find some Platinum
and a couple of Vorcha.

Head back down and go straight. You'll get to a thin ramp. Go up it and
activate the last bacon. Mmmm bacon. Anyways, move ahead to see an enemy ship
leave. Take out the mercenaries. Move up and bypass the Communication Terminal.

* N7: Captured Mining Facility *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on planet Helyme, Zelene System, Crescent Nebula.

- Objective -

Head into the cave and activate the Cargo Computer. Head through the doorway
on the right and follow the path. Turn left before bypassing the door and walk
to the end for some Palladium. Turn back and go through the door. Examine the
PDA in front of you and move up the ramp. Follow the path outside and turn
right when you are able to. Turn right again for some power cells, then head
out of the building through the opposite end.

Climb the ledge in front of you and grab the med kit, then follow the walkway.
Turn left when you are able to and move straight to hack a terminal. Turn right
and move straight ahead until there is a small area on your left. Hit the
bridge control switch here, then head across the bridge. After you kill the
captain, go back the the mainframe you hacked if you told it to decrypt the

* N7: Anomalous Weather Detected *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on planet Canalus, Dirada System, Pylos Nebula.

- Objective -

Look to the left for a flare. There is a ramp here. Follow it and look left
when if opens up for some Palladium. Continue ahead to find more Palladium.
Further ahead to find yet more Palladium, then turn right and head down the
ramp. Turn right at the bottom and head straight to find more Palladium off in
the distance. Turn around and head straight. Fight off the geth and move
forward, heading from cover to cover.

When you get to the top of the land going uphill, look ahead for some
Palladium, then move farther ahead to find more Palladium just past a bit of
cover. Turn left and follow the opposite wall back the way you came for some
more Palladium. Continue this way, with the wall on your right, to eventually
come to a dead end with some more Palladium. Head all the way back, keeping the
wall on your left this time.

Across from the twin flares in the middle of the pathway, there is more
Palladium. Head to the right, following the right wall, to find more Palladium.
Turn and head West from here to find more Palladium a bit of a ways off. Head
to the left of the large rock in front of you and go straight for more
Palladium. Now head to the north and go into the only path on that side of the

After fighting off the geth, move up towards the machine generating the blue
beam. Look to the left of the Geth Device console to find more Palladium before
activating it.

* N7: Endangered Research Station *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on the moon Sinmara, Solveig System, Caleston
             Rift Nebula.

- Objective - Move ahead and salvage the generator on the left. Continue
forward and bypass the control console. Head up the stairs and turn right to
activate the shield generator, then head to the center of the platform and hit
the control switch. Head to the cooling system on the opposite side as the
shield generator and activate it. Hit the control switch in the center again.
Now reactivate the shield generator. Hit the control switch in the center two
times, then activate the shield control unit.

* N7: Mining the Canyon *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on the planet Taitus, Talava System, Caleston
             Rift Nebula.

- Objective -

Move ahead and read the datapad next to the mech before activating it. Follow
the mech and turn right when it deactivates to find a power cell (not ammo).
Use it to reactivate the mech. Follow it along the path. When there is a small
bridge to your right, take it for another power cell.

When the mech stops, move down the ramp ahead and turn left to find a power
cell near the fire. Go back to the mech and reactivate it. Head down the ramp
and to the right to find another power cell near a hunk of metal.

Reactivate the mech and let it blast through the stone ahead. Get away from the
mech before it explodes. Head into the newly opened cave for some resources.
Glad you don't have to do that for each resource node, aren't ya?

* N7: Quarian Crash Site *

- Obtained - Scan the Anomaly on planet Gei Hinnom, Sheol System, Hades Nexus

- Objective - Turn right as soon as you land and look behind the crates for
Palladium. Head to the left to find some logs. Look to the right and grab the
med kit before heading down the path. Turn left when it opens up to find and
help a Quarian. Now you must defend her from attack. Board the shuttle when it

** Normandy **                                            -NRMOBJ-

* Normandy: FBA Couplings *

- Obtained - Talk to your engineering crew on deck 4 of the Normandy and ask
             if there is anything they need.

- Objective - Buy new FBA Couplings from Kenn's Shop on Omega.

* Normandy: Serrice Ice Brandy *

- Obtained - Talk to Dr. Chakwas on deck 3 of the Normandy and ask if there is
             anything she needs.

- Objective - Find the bottle of Brandy in Upper Afterlife, by the bartender.

* Normandy: Special Ingredients *

- Obtained - Ask the Mess Seargent if he needs anything on deck 3 of the

- Objective - By the food rations on the Citadel from Zakera Cafe.

** Citadel **                                             -CITSID-

* Citadel: Crime In Progress *

- Obtained - Talk to the Quarian on Zakera Deck 26 next to the Warehouse.

- Objective - Find the missing credit chit. Head to Saronis Applications and
talk to the Salarian there to find the missing chit. Return to the Quarian.

* Citadel: Found Forged ID *

--- This can only be finished after completing Thane's loyalty mission. ---

- Obtained - Find the Forged ID's during Garrus' loyalty mission.

- Objective - This evolves into Citadel: False Positives. From the C-Sec
entrance, head to the left doorway. As soon as you walk through the doorway,
turn right and give the ID to the Asari on the couch.

* Citadel: Krogan Sushi *

- Obtained - Walk by the two Krogan on level 27 of the Zakera Wards.

- Objective - Find the groundskeep in the Dark Star Lounge, on the right.
Choose to either buy a fish and fool the Krogan or tell them the truth.

** Omega **                                               -OMGOBJ-

* Omega: Archangel: Datapad Recovered *

- Obtained - Grab the datapad in the room with the first clan leader during the
             Archangel mission.

- Objective - Give the datapad to Aria.

* Omega: The Patriarch *

- Obtained - Talk to Grizz, a guard just below Aria's room, after completing
             Omega: Archangel: Datapad Recovered.

- Objective - Save Patriarch. Find him in Lower Afterlife in the one side room.
Talk him into letting you fight for him. Head back to Upper Afterlife and out
the main entrance to run into two Krogan. Kill them. Return to Grizz, who tells
you to talk to Aria.

* Omega: Batarian Bartender *

- Obtained - Talk to the Batarian bartender in Lower Afterlife and order a

- Objective - Get revenge. After you regain control, talk to the bartender
again and make an uproar. He dies.

* Omega: Struggling Quarian *

- Obtained - Talk to Kenn at his shop on Omega.

- Objective - Give Kenn 1000 credits.

* Omega: The Professor: Missing Assistant *

- Obtained - When you talk to Mordin for the first time, accept his request to
             find Daniels.

- Objective - Save Daniels. At the end of the area there are two doors: the one
on the right leads to Vorcha and the ventilation area, the one on the left
leads to Daniels and three Batarian. Convince the Batarian to let Daniels go.

* Omega: Packages for Ish *

--- Requires the completion of Samara's loyalty mission. ---

- Obtained - Talk to the Salarians on the path between the Normandy and the
             apartment you searched for Samara's loyalty mission.

- Objective - Head to Eternity on Illium or Marab's shop on the Citadel and 
pick up any package in the area. Bring one of the packages back to Ish on
Omega and convince him to give it up. Or just deliver both packages. Up to you.

** Illium **                                              -ILMOBJ-

* Illium: Giana Parasini *

- Obtained - Talk to Giana Parasini as you walk away from the Normandy after
landing on Illium. 

- Objective - When she leaves, examine your drink for a note. Turn around
and talk to the Asari merchant and get her to show you the good stuff. After,
head back to the table and talk to Giana.

* Illium: A Troublemaker *

- Obtained - Head into the Eternity Bar and talk to the first Asari right in
front of you. Conrad Verner must be alive.

- Objective - Talk to Conrad Verner, the brand spankin' new Spectre. At least
he wishes he was (on my playthrough, anyway). Hilarious investigation responses
ensue. After Conrad leaves, talk to the bartender for some interesting
conversation. Head to Gateway Personal Defense (check your map) and talk to
the Asari weapon merchant. If available, use the Paragon option to send her to
the bar. Head back to Eternity and laugh at the Asari. Talk to Conrad.

* Illium: Blue Rose of Illium *

- Obtained - Talk to the Asari next to the console for Memories of Illium. 

- Objective - Talk about the Krogan boyfriend situation and make your choice. 
The Paragon option will give you a discount at the store.

* Illium: The Prodigal: Lost Locket Found *

- Obtained - Grab the locket in the final room of Miranda's loyalty mission,
             just before entering the elevator.

- Objective - Find its owner. Take the locket to the Asari right outside the
Normandy's access hallway on Illium. She's on a cellphone throwing a fit.

* Illium: Medical Scans *

- Obtained - Talk to Shiala by Baria Frontiers shop about Zhu's Hope. Help her

- Objective - Convince the Baria Frontiers representative to call off the
scanning procedures. Talk to Erinya by the Baria Frontiers kiosk. Talk to her
about her hate of aliens and about her children. I used the Paragon option.
Return to Shiala.

* Illium: Liara: System Hacking *

- Obtained - Tell Liara you'll help with her problem.

- Objective -

Head the the southern area of Illium and get to hacking. After hacking one 
terminal, look for the corresponding server node to upload to Liara. The number
on the lower right of the screen shows how far you are from the vulnerable
terminal. Use this to find where to go. After hacking all three terminals head
back to talk to Liara. 

Leave the conversation completely, then talk to her again and ask how she is
doing. Agree to help her. Now you must hack all of the terminals in Illium.
Head downstairs from Liara's room and look towards the left corner to find
the first one. After hacking it, you'll gain info from Data Point 5. Next, move
straight a little to the left, towards the kiosk to hack the next terminal for
Data Point 4. Now head straight again, towards another kiosk, and hack the
terminal for Data Point 1.

Head towards Eternity Bar and hack the large blue holo-board just before you
get to the staircase leading up to get Data Point 3. Head up the stairs to
Eternity Bar and hack the terminal near the bartender for Data Point 2. Now
make your decision about who to kill based on the information. The correct
one to kill is:


You need to kill the secretary in order to have correctly identified the 
Observer. Use the middle-right option.


* Illium: Indentured Service *

- Obtained - Talk to the Slave Broker in Eternity Bar after completing the
             Collector's Ship mission and tell them you'll help.

- Objective - Convince the rep from Synthetic Insights to by the Quarian. Use
your Paragon or Renegade choice if able to. Return to the Slave Broker.

* Illium: The Assassin: Salarian Family Data *

- Obtained - Grab the data pad after moving up the first elevator during the
             mission to recruit Thane.

- Objective - Return the datapad the the Salarian in the cargo bay on Illium.

* Illium: The Justicar: Stolen Goods Found *

- Obtained - During the mission to recruit Samara, as soon as you enter the
             alley for the first time, near the beginning of the mission, look
             on your right for a terminal. Access it to gain this mission.

- Objective - Just land on Illium and a Krogan will approach and reward you
for the information.

* Illium: The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence *

- Obtained - Grab the smuggling manifest during Samara's recruitment mission.

- Objective - Give the evidence to either Detective Anaya or Pitne For.

** Tuchanka **                                            -TUCHNK-

* Tuchanka: Killing Pyjaks *

- Obtained - Talk to Ratch on Tuchanka and agree to kill some Pyjaks.

- Objective - Take control of the guns on the lower level and kill some Pyjaks.
You must complete all three waves successfully. Return to Ratch.

* Tuchanka: Combustion Manifold *

- Obtained - Talk to the Krogan Mechanic on Tuchanka near the Med Lab.

- Objective - Retrieve a combustion manifold. Obtained while doing Mordin's
loyalty mission, just before entering the first bypass-necessary doorway.

* Tuchanka: Old Blood: Missing Scout *

- Obtained - Talk to the sick Krogan while doing Mordin's loyalty mission and
             get him motivated to go back.

- Objective - Talk to the Scout Leader back in Tuchanka.

** Loyalty **                                             -LOYLTY-

Yes, yes. I know. These missions are in the tab with your main story missions.
However, they are not required in order to continue with the story. You really
should do them all anyway, though.

To get loyalty missions you need to talk to your crew throughout the game for
conversations that come before the actual loyalty conversation. Don't forget to
talk to Joker; I have a hunch it helps at the end.

* Jacob: The Gift of Greatness *                          -JACLYL-

- Obtained - Talk to Jacob on the Normandy after completing the mission on

- Objective -

Travel to planet Aeia in the Alpha Draconis System, Rosette
Nebula. Head toward the ship and talk to the VI just past the walkway. Head
into the ship for some log information and a PDA to hack. Head back out and
past the VI to the crates for a scene. Move forward and salvage the parts ahead
before moving around the bend. Examine the stripped mech and continue forward.
Move into the settlement for a scene.

Open the med kit on the right and examine the statue. Access the PDA near the
tent and take the right path to salvage some parts before fighting the mechs.
Talk to the doctor ahead.

After learning more about Jacob's father, head down the pathway and hack the
mech to make it explode, opening a path. Farther ahead examine the dead bodies
on the right and continue onward. When the path opens up, head to the right
while killing off mechs to find a salvage. Turn left from here and grab the
heavy pistol on the ground while heading towards the next pathway.

After dispatching the next set of mechs, move forward and grab some medi-gel
from the med station to the right of the entryway. Immediately turn left and
salvage the probe-looking object and turn right from there for some power
cells. Further along be ready for a fight. After clearing the area, head onto
the reddish raised platform to find some Element Zero. Look to the right of
the door to grab a PDA before heading through. Talk to Jacob's father.

Tell Jacob's father that he'll pay for his crimes, then leave him on the
planet for a Mission Complete with Jacob's loyalty. Unlocked achievement
Ghost of the Father.

* Miranda: The Prodigal *                                 -MIRLYL

- Obtained - Talk to Miranda on the Normandy after completing the mission on

- Objective -

Land on planet Illium, Tasale System, Crescent Nebula. Head to Eternity Bar and
talk to Lanteia in the room on the left. Pick your team and get ready.

Side with Miranda at the end of the conversation. Continue ahead, taking out
mercenaries as you go. Head into the elevator. Tell Miranda we need to get her
sister back and step off of the elevator when you regain control. Turn right
immediately, go up the stairs, and hack the PDA to the left. Kill the mercs,
then move around the center area to the right and head into the doorway,
grabbing the med kit on your right.

Scan the submachine gun on the table ahead, then exit to your left. Take out
the mechs and examine the locker on your left before proceeding. Kill the
enemies to your right, then proceed around the hole in the floor and head to
the right and into the building to hack a security console. Head back out and
examine the Merc Body before heading straight and following the pathway into
another shootout.

After taking care of the enemies here, move past the ramp leading into the
lowered area and follow the path ahead. After the bend, access the security
terminal on your left, then head right and into the building for some Element
Zero. Leave the building and turn left. Enter the next building and turn right
to hack a PDA. Leave this building and head to the right and move straight
along the right wall and into the next room. Follow the wall to the left and
access the med station on the wall next to the elevator. Now head into the

Watch the scene and let Miranda make her choices. Use the Paragon interrupt if
you are able to. Either way Niket dies. Head into battle and quickly move to
the back left of the room to access a secure terminal while your team deals
with Elyana. Grab the trinket just to the right of the terminal before killing
Elyana. Head into the elevator near the terminal you hacked and comfort
Miranda. Remind her of her sister and proceed to the next scene. Tell Miranda
to talk to her sister. Mission Complete with Miranda's loyalty. Unlocked
achievement The Prodigal.

* Jack: Subject Zero *                                    -JCKLYL-

- Obtained - Talk to Jack on the Normandy after completing the mission on

- Objective -

Travel to Pragia in the Dakka System, Nubian Expanse Nebula. Proceed down the
ramp ahead of you and into the building. Move straight, past the door on your
left, and turn right to hack a computer. Now go through the door and turn off
the security at the bottom of the stairs. Head through the next door and down
the ramp. Head past the tree and turn right to hack into a crate.

Turn around and continue forward, killing the varren that charge you. Examine
the old blood stain as you walk by, then head through the door. Open the med
kit and move down the corridor. Check the security console log before opening
the door.

Bypass the first door you come to for some Element Zero. Continue down the hall
and through the next door. Kill the mercenaries then head to the orange door.
Turn right before going through and hack the PDA. Bypass the door and head in.
Cross the walkway and enter the door. Head down the ramp and go through the
fourth doorway on your right to salvage some system boards. Proceed through
the next door.

Follow the walkway around the room and grab the med kit before entering the
next door. Turn right at the split, then immediately left to start the security
log. Tell Jack to "Find strength in it" during the conversation. Turn around
and hack the research terminal on your left, then activate the other security
log and grab the power cells right next to it before heading through the door.

After the scene kill everything that moves. Afterwards, head to the far wall
from where you entered and bypass the crate. Head through the door to the east,
then through the next door for a scene. I used the Paragon option, but I'm sure
it isn't required for loyalty acquisition. Tell Jack to take her time. Check
the two-way mirror, bed, and table for short scenes. Head out the door and
check the Old Blood Smear on the wall to your right. Mission Complete with
Jack's loyalty. Unlocked achievement Catharsis.

* Mordin: Old Blood *                                     -MORLYL-

- Obtained - Talk to Mordin on the Normandy after completing the mission on

- Objective - 

Head to planet Tuchanka, Aralakh System, Krogan DMZ Nebula. Once you land, head
down the ramp and watch the scene. Head down the ramp and take the first left.
Pet the varren, then talk to Ratch. Head back and up the rocky mess to talk to
Wrex for some information. Head over and talk to the Scout leader. Take the

Follow the path for a long ways, clearing enemies as you go. Once you head up
a ramp on your left, continue along the path and grab the med kit where the
path splits and you must go right. Head across and grab the Iridium on the
left. When you get to an orange door, look to your right and grab the manifold.
Bypass the door.

Move down the ramp on your left and examine the body. Continue down the stairs
and turn right for some Iridium before heading through the opening. Open the
next door for a short scene. Grab the Iridium before heading up the ramp and
grabbing the med kit on the wall. Continue up and through the next two doors.

Head straight across and salvage some system boards. Turn left and vault onto
the ledge to get some Iridium and access files on the terminal in front of you.
Move across and to the opposite room to examine a dead body and hack a research
terminal. Head through the door.

Go through the first door you come to and hack the datapad to the right before
talking to the sick Krogan. Continue on through the next door for a battle.
Move all the way to the right before crossing the bridge for a salvage. Move
across and grab the med kit just at the end. Grab the power cells next to the
staircase before descending them. Be ready to fight a lot of Krogan. This is a
great place to get the achievement for using Incinerate to break enemy armors.
Just lower the armor to about half and have Mordin use Incinerate. Stay on this
side of the bridge and, after dispatching all enemies, enter the doorway at the
end on the right for a crate to bypass. Head across the bridge, through the
doorway, and down the stairs. Hack the terminal at the bottom before opening
the door. Watch the scene. 

Ask Mordin's opinion on what to do. I used the Paragon trigger. Ask if Mordin
is okay. Top right option. Tell him to hold onto the data. Choose to stay
longer when given the option and hack the wall comp in front of you. Press B to
exit. Mission Complete with Mordin's loyalty. Unlocked achievement The Cure.

* Grunt: Rite of Passage *                                -GRULYL-

- Obtained - Talk to Grunt on the Normandy after completing the mission on

- Objective -

Head to planet Tuchanka, Aralakh System, Krogan DMZ Nebula with Grunt in your
party and talk to Wrex. Let Grunt decide. Head upstairs and speak with the
Shaman. Begin the Rite.

When you regain control, turn around to find a dead Krogan. Search him and head
down the stairs. Grab the med kit and power cells to the left, then turn right
and follow the path until you get to the next staircase on your right. Head up
it and turn around to grab a med kit, some power cells, and Platinum. Turn
around and search the corpse in front of you, then turn left and search the
corpse to the left of the staircase ahead. Look to the northwest and move
forward to bypass the turbine. Move to the other side of the staircase on your
right to find another turbine to bypass. Finally, hit the keystone at the
bottom of the staircase on your left. Immediately turn around and grab the med
kit and search the Krogan. Get ready to fight.

After the varren are taken care of, activate the Keystone again. This time your
fighting a massive bug-worm-thing and big crabs. Have fun (you don't really
kill the big bugworm). Activate the Keystone again. Fight the new and improved
Thresher Maw! Unlock achievement Big Game Hunter by killing the thresher maw
before time runs out. Some friends join you soon after you are done with the
thresher maw. Let Grunt decide what to do.

Once the fight starts, head around the right edge of the area to grab two med
kits and examine a dead body. Head to the far back left corner for a scan, then
kill the head Krogan. Mission Complete with Grunt's loyalty. Achievement
unlocked Battlemaster.

* Garrus: Eye for an Eye *                                -GARLYL-

- Obtained - Talk to Garrus on the Normandy after completing the mission on

- Objective -

Head to the Citadel. Once you land, find Fade at the Warehouse on Level 26 of
Zakera Ward. After talking to the Volus, head outside and hail a taxy to the
Factory Ward. After killing the two guards, head through the double doors and
grab the med kit on the table in front of you. Follow the path through the
stacks of crates until you see a large green shipping container on your right.
Directly across from it is a wall safe that can be hacked. Head straight ahead
and walk next to the bus-looking object to find a board to be bypassed and a
med kit. Move along the path through the crates ahead. When you see a small
alcove on the right, move into it and bypass the two computers there. Move on
ahead and when you get to a somewhat larger room, stay to the left well and
grab the med kit, power cells, Iridium, and hack the computer. Then use the
station to the left of the bridge to lower it.

Fight through the enemies and kill the Commander. A heavy mech will be dropped
in so stay behind cover. After the mech goes down, move ahead and grab the med
kit off of the table, then follow the path and bypass the circuits near the
door before going in. In the next room grab the power cells at the far end and
bypass the wall safe. Grab the forged ID's off the desk and open the window

Move through the next doorway and hack the terminal before entering the large
room seen through the window. Take out the Commander, then vault onto the large
gray platform on your right. Vault onto the platform to your left this time,
then move around to the right side to hack a datapad. Drop back down and move
toward where the Blue Suns Commander was. Climb all of these platforms and move
toward the large ramp ahead. Be ready to fight two heavy mechs. Move up the
ramp and climb the platforms once they are raised to find Harkin. Unlocked
achievement Fade Away. Do what Garrus tells you to and end the mission. Mission
Complete with Garrus' loyalty.

* Tali: Treason *                                         -TALLYL-

- Obtained - Talk to Tali on the Normandy after completing the Collector's Ship

- Objective -

Head to the Migrant Fleet in the Valhallan Threshold Nebula, Raheel-Leyya
System. Move through the ship to find and talk to Tali's aunt. When the trial
begins and you are given your first option, use the Paragon or Renegade option,
depending on whichever path you are playing. After a few pieces of information
Tell the admirals that you need to help Tali's father.

After the scenes and conversations, head west of your location and talk to each
of the Admirals for information on the mission ahead. Head over to the east
side and do the same. Head up the ramp here and follow the path through a few
doors until you get to a room with a large table. Talk to the Shuttle Guard in
the corner.

Head through the door and get behind cover. Grab the med kit just to your left,
then head to the back right of the room to hack two laptops and listen to the
Quarian logs. Grab the power cells on the ground near the door before
proceeding through the doorway on the left.

Open the first door on your left and hack the terminal in front of you. Grab
the med kit on the wall and turn left to find a drone that Tali can activate.
Head outside and turn left. Go through the door directly in front of you to
hack the monitor. Leave this room and head right to activate more logs, then
head through the door.

Turn right to access two laptops, then head to the end of the room to bypass a
wall safe and play more logs. Head up the staircase. Head straight and turn
left at the end for a med kit on the shelf. Turn left from here and head
straight towards some Palladium on the counter. Turn around and head out the

Turn right before opening the door in front of you to bypass a wall safe and
examine the terminal to talk to Tali. Head through the door now and kill all of
the geth. Once they are dead, head down the staircase and access the laptop on
your right before moving past the doorway and accessing another laptop. Turn
left from here to find a med kit, then head activate the log before heading
through the doorway.

Examine the Quarian on the ground. Open the door on your left to grab a power
cell, bypass a wall safe, snatch a med kit, and bypass a second wall safe. Head
back out and move up the stairs and through the door. Access the laptop just to
the left, and take the Model Flotilla on the right before attacking the geth.

Activate the console to gain evidence of Tali's innocence and leave the ship.
Follow the path back to the trial area and talk to the Admirals. Use the
Paragon or Renegade option, but do not use the evidence found on the ship.
Mission Complete with Tali's loyalty. Unlocked achievement Treason.

* Thane: Sins of the Father *

- Obtained - Talk to Thane on the Normandy after completing the Collector's
             Ship mission.

- Objective -

Head to the Citadel. Talk to C-Sec chief Bailey. Head to meet Mouse up by Dark
Star Lounge, just outside. Head back to see Bailey. Interrogate him however
you like, as long as you get the answer. Watch the scene to be taken to another
part of the Citadel.

Just follow along the pathway, updating Thane periodically. I used the Paragon
trigger when the option showed. Tell him Thane is dying. Mission Complete with
Thane's loyalty. Unlocked achievement Cat's in the Cradle.

* Samara: The Ardat-Yakshi *

- Obtained - Talk to Samara on the Normandy after completing the Collector's
             Ship mission.

- Objective -

Head to Omega. Go talk to Aria and ask about Samara's daughter. Head back to
where you entered the quarantined zone to recruit Mordin and go into the
apartment just to the left and talk to Diana.

Open the door behind you and examine the statue, note, and diary before
leaving. Head to the VIP area of Afterlife and use the password to get in.

Head into the nightclub. Turn left and talk to the human in white. Do as he
asks. Head to the dance floor and dance with Waera. Afterwards, move straight
ahead and turn right. Insult the Krogan at the bar. Morinth will approach you.

Answer: "I'm confident"; "Music"; "Expel 10"; "Like Hallex?"; "Art"; "I like
the elcor Forta"; "Vaenia"; "Travel"; "I like the danger"; "Power is its own

After this, she should take you to her apartment. Now you just need to keep
her busy until Samara arrives. Scan the assault rifle right behind you, then
examine the sword just above it for some small talk. Walk up the stairs and
examine the statue. Examine the chess set to the right. Head back downstairs
and examine the pill bottle. Now talk to Morinth. Answer with either the
Paragon or Renegade answers. Try not to use the right-side options. Samara will
come in eventually. Watch the scene. Choose to kill Morinth. Ask if Samara is
okay. Mission Complete with Samara's loyalty. Unlocked achievement

* Legion: A House Divided *                               -LEG1ON-

- Obtained - Talk to Legion again just after activating him and tell him you
             will help.

- Objective -

Move to The Phoenix Massing Nebula and head to The Sea of Storms System. Dock
on the Heretic Station. Do not tell Legion "they are just machines."

Grab the med kit in the corner ahead before moving tdown the ramp. Move through
the next room towards the door without walking over the green stuff on the
ground. When you are next to the door, turn right to find a Geth hub. Take
cover right there and take out the middle geth (has a barrier) and they will
activate. Shoot the geth hub to destroy it, then salvage it for credits and a

Head through the previously locked door and turn right. Override the turret and
the rocket drone on the left side of the path. After the geth are gone, head
through the next doorway. Follow the path and try to avoid the green stuff on
the ground. Look across from the locked door to find a good place to set up
cover. Command your teammates to take a side and walk over a green beam.

Destroy and salvage each of the two hubs to unlock the door. Follow the path
and go past the opening on the right to find a med kit. Go back and up the
ramps. Follow the path and head through the next door. Head straight and
override the rocket turret, then head right to override another. Head out of
this room on the northest side. Head down the corridor and grab the power cells
and med kit before opening the door.

Head down the path and turn right when you have a choice to find some
Palladium. Turn around and head through the door at the other end of the hall.
Turn left and bypass the terminal. Turn around and head the other way to find
a rocket drone to override. After you kill the geth head through the door

Move down the ramps and through the next door. Again, avoid walking on the
green stuff on the ground as you make your way through. There is a hub on
either side of the ramp. I'd suggest working your way to the area across from
the hub that is on your left as you come down the ramp before activating the
geth. Destroy and salvage each hub to open the door.

Look at the second window on the right to talk to Legion about the geth. Head
through the next door and turn left to find a rocket drone to activate, then
look to the right to find another drone. Grab the med kit in the center of the
room and open the geth terminal. Stay in the top area and pick off geth as they
come. After a few rounds there will be a scene. Choose to rewrite the geth.

You now have 3:00 minutes to exit the facilty. Head through the previously
locked door to the right. Follow the path and, when it opens up, watch out for
a Geth Prime. Take it out and continue through the door to leave. Mission
Complete with Legion's loyalty. Unlocked achievement A House Divided.

- Normandy -

Legion and Tali are fighting, choose the Paragon/Renegade path to absolve it

*Downloadable Content*                                    -DOLOCO-

This is pulled directly from my Downloadable Content only guide. I keep it
updated separately for those that do not wish to look through a full

*** Normandy Crash Site ***                               -NRMCRS-

Head over to the Omega Nebula and travel to the Amada System to find Alchera,
the site of the SSV Normandy SR-1 crash. After probing the anomaly and landing,
move straight ahead to the right of the rock with a piece of the Normandy hull
sticking up from it and look left for [DOG TAG 01]. Go back the way you came
and grab [DOG TAG 02] as you hit the area wall. Turn right and follow along the
wall with it on your left to run into [DOG TAG 03]. Place the monument here 
using your B Button.

Now turn around and follow along the wall, with it on your right this time,
until you come to the Normandy Cockpit. Head inside to find [DOG TAG 04] on
your right. Turn right after leaving the cockpit and check the right side of
the nearest rock cluster to find [DOG TAG 05]. Continue following the area
wall until you come to a risen shelf on your right. just below the shelf you
can grab some [REFINED ELEMENT ZERO]. Head up onto the shelf and destroy the
fragile crate to find [DOG TAG 06].

Drop down from the shelf and continue around the area perimeter, with the area
wall to your right. As you pass the large circular mound, look to your left to
find [DOG TAG 07]. Continue ahead to find another shelf on your right. Climb
onto the shelf and walk back towards the way you came to find [N7 HELMET].
Return to where you climbed onto the shelf and turn right towards the piece
of wreckage for [DOG TAG 08]. Walk a little farther to find Pressley's Datapad.

Continue along the perimeter, with the area wall to your right, to find [DOG
TAG 09] lying on the ground. Immediately after grabbing the ninth tag, look
left towards the Mako to find [DOG TAG 10]. Immediately turn southwest from
the Mako (you can bring up a small radar by pressing and holding the right
stick) to see [DOG TAG 11] near the area wall. Turn right to find [REFINED

Proceed with the area wall on your right to find [DOG TAG 12]. Turn back and
keep the dropoff on your right. When you near a ship piece, move just to the
right of it and check on your left to find [DOG TAG 13]. Now move into the ship
piece and check the right side for [DOG TAG 14]. Head out of the other side of
the ship and head to the right. When able, turn right again and vault onto
the shelf of land. Destroy the fragile crate to receive [DOG TAG 15]. Turn
around to see another fragile crate off a little distance. Travel over and
destroy it for [DOG TAG 16]. Just to the side of this crate, down from the
shelf it's on, you can find more [REFINED ELEMENT ZERO].

Turn south and head between the two large rocks. Turn right and grab [DOG TAG
17]. Destroy the nearby fragile crate for [DOG TAG 18]. Look northeast from
this crate to find some [REFINED ELEMENT ZERO]. Go back towards the crate you
recently destroyed and head for the large rock ahead. Just past the rock, on
the right, is [DOG TAG 19]. Move into the large ship piece to find the last
item, [DOG TAG 20].

*** Zaeed ***                                             -ZAEED!-

-I would recommend using Miranda on his mission as her Overload and Warp
abilities work wonders on the mech you will face near the end.

Recruit Zaeed on Omega, he'll be straight ahead of you. If you agree to help
with his assignment first you can do so immediately after recruiting him, 
gaining his loyalty. Travel to the Ismar Frontier Nebula and make your way
over to planet Zorya in the Faia System. After landing, follow the path and
investigate the dead bodies. Continue along the path and past the monkeys
until you come to a more open area with enemies. Once you head up the first
staircase, continue forward under the walkway to find a med kit. Turn around
and head towards the right to continue along the path, examining the PDA on
the way. Activate the bridge control for a scene with Zaeed, then proceed.

Follow the pathway and grab the [REFINED PALLADIUM] near the rock on your left.
Head to the doorway and watch the scene. When you regain control immediately
turn left to find more [REFINED PALLADIUM]. Move ahead and kill the two
enemies. Follow the pathway and when you hit a split, turn right for more
[REFINED PALLADIUM]. Head to the doorway for a scene. I recommend saving the
colonists for a couple of extra salvages/upgrades. If you are on a Paragon run
you can still earn Zaeed's loyalty while rescuing the workers. Otherwise, as
far as I know, you must choose to chase Vido.

Just run through the area, hitting the fuel valve control switches along the
way. After you hit the second switch, look ahead and to the right to salvage
a pipe. Continue on the path and hit the third fuel valve control station and
move up the stairs. Head through the door and activate the fire extinguisher
controls. Before you go through the next door grab the nearby weapon upgrade.
Head through the door and continue forward. After dropping to another area grab
the [BLACKSTORM-451] flamethrower and move to the next room. Kill the enemies
and examine the datapad before going through the door.

In the next large room go down the stairs to the right and be ready for a
fight. After you kill a few henchman one of the fuel tanks on the ceiling will
ignite. Shoot it down. Kill a few more enemies and the other tank will ignite.
Shoot it down as well. Once you've cleared this initial block of enemies move
and get behind the central cover, as a large mech will be deployed. Keep moving
and stay behind cover until he goes down. Before going down the next set of
stairs go through each of the doors on the right and left of the upper area
(where enemies came out at the beginning of the battle) to find two separate
salvages. Go down the stairs and ignore the two doors on the right and left
here, they are empty. Move across the bridge and through the door for a scene.

Using the Paragon option when offered will allow you to gain Zaeed's loyalty 
and unlock the Revenge! achievement. Other options on the right have been
reported to me to fail in gaining his loyalty. (Thanks to GamerTag
ChaoticIrishman for confirmation.)

-Note: As far as I know, if you do not have enough Paragon points to activate
the Paragon option, you must condemn the workers in order to gain Zaeed's

*FAQ*                                                     -FRASQU-

Coming as people e-mail me questions!

*Version History*                                         -VERHIS-

v0.10 - 01-28-2010
Initial post, first round recruits and some side missions. Basics.

v0.30 - 01-29-2010
Added Downloadable Content Missions walkthrough section.

v0.50 - 01-29-2010
Added second round recruits and some loyalty side missions.

v0.70 - 01-30-2010
Added Collector's Ship and some more side missions.

v0.90 - 01-30-2010
Added the IFF mission and the last of the loyalty missions.

V1.00 - 01-31-2010
Completed Walkthrough.

*Special Thanks*                                          -STHNKS-

-BioWare for making such a fantastic game.
-EA for distributing Mass Effect 2.
-All readers for giving me a reason to write this.

*E-Mail*                                                  -EMAILS-

I am currently not looking for new material from outside sources. That is to
say that if it is not in this version of the guide, I am not interested in it.
I prefer to discover things myself and find my own side missions. That said, if
you have information about a mission or choice that I need confirmation about,
noted in its appropriate area in this guide, feel free to e-mail me with
information. Also, if you find any errors on my part, please let me know so
that I can fix them.

-------------------------------------END OF FILE-------------------------------
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