New Super Mario Bros. Wii FAQ/Walkthrough

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Written by Sean Sutherland (NerdlyNerd)

(C) 2009

Version 1.0.4


I am Australian, so I would like to point out that I do have different spelling

to the majority of others on the internet. Small differences may occur between

region-specific versions of the game, and if you could fill me in on these - to

help the guide - that would be greatly appreciated.


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|    ;   ; CONTENTS  |

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Bring up "Find" (Ctrl + F) and put in the codes for a shortcut to each section.

SECTION                              CODE

-------                              ----

1. Introduction                      INTRO-X

     - About The Game                INTRO-1

     - About The Guide               INTRO-2

     - Version History               INTRO-3

2. Characters                        CRCTR-X

     - Main Characters               CRCTR-1

     - Enemies                       CRCTR-2

     - Bosses                        CRCTR-3

     - NPCs                          CRCTR-4

3. Controls                          CNTRL-X

     - Mario                         CNTRL-1

     - Riding Yoshi                  CNTRL-2

     - Special Objects               CNTRL-3

4. Extras                            EXTRA-X

     - Items                         EXTRA-1

     - Blocks                        EXTRA-2

     - Helpful Features              EXTRA-3

     - Interactive Platforms         EXTRA-4

5. Walkthrough                       WALKT-X

     - Main Menu                     WALKT-M

     - The World Map                 WALKT-W

     - The Game Screen               WALKT-G

     - Super Guide                   WALKT-S

     - Rescuing Toads                WALKT-R

     - World 1                       WRLD1-L

          - World 1-1                WRLD1-1

          - World 1-2                WRLD1-2

          - World 1-3                WRLD1-3

          - World 1-Cannon           WRLD1-?

          - World 1-Fortress         WRLD1-F

          - World 1-4                WRLD1-4

          - World 1-Toad             WRLD1-T

          - World 1-5                WRLD1-5

          - World 1-6                WRLD1-6

          - World 1-Castle           WRLD1-C

     - World 2                       WRLD2-L

          - World 2-1                WRLD2-1

          - World 2-2                WRLD2-2

          - World 2-3                WRLD2-3

          - World 2-Fortress         WRLD2-F

          - World 2-4                WRLD2-4

          - World 2-5                WRLD2-5

          - World 2-6                WRLD2-6

          - World 2-Cannon           WRLD2-?

          - World 2-Toad             WRLD2-T

          - World 2-Castle           WRLD2-C

     - World 3                       WRLD3-L

          - World 3-1                WRLD3-1

          - World 3-2                WRLD3-2

          - World 3-Toad             WRLD3-T

          - World 3-3                WRLD3-3

          - World 3-Boo House        WRLD3-B

          - World 3-Cannon           WRLD3-?

          - World 3-Fortress         WRLD3-F

          - World 3-4                WRLD3-4

          - World 3-5                WRLD3-5

          - World 3-4 (Part 2)       WRLD3-P

          - World 3-Castle           WRLD3-C

     - World 4                       WRLD4-L

          - World 4-1                WRLD4-1

          - World 4-Toad             WRLD4-T

          - World 4-2                WRLD4-2

          - World 4-3                WRLD4-3

          - World 4-Fortress         WRLD4-F

          - World 4-Cannon           WRLD4-?

          - World 4-4                WRLD4-4

          - World 4-Boo House        WRLD4-B

          - World 4-5                WRLD4-5

          - World 4-Castle           WRLD4-C

          - World 4-Airship          WRLD4-Z

     - World 5                       WRLD5-L

          - World 5-1                WRLD5-1

          - World 5-Toad             WRLD5-T

          - World 5-2                WRLD5-2

          - World 5-3                WRLD5-3

          - World 5-Fortress         WRLD5-F

          - World 5-4                WRLD5-4

          - World 5-Boo House        WRLD5-B

          - World 5-Cannon           WRLD5-?

          - World 5-5                WRLD5-5

          - World 5-Castle           WRLD5-C

     - World 6                       WRLD6-L

          - World 6-1                WRLD6-1

          - World 6-2                WRLD6-2

          - World 6-3                WRLD6-3

          - World 6-Toad             WRLD6-T

          - World 6-4                WRLD6-4

          - World 6-Fortress         WRLD6-F

          - World 6-5                WRLD6-5

          - World 6-6                WRLD6-6

          - World 6-Cannon           WRLD6-?

          - World 6-Castle           WRLD6-C

          - World 6-Airship          WRLD6-Z

     - World 7                       WRLD7-L

          - World 7-1                WRLD7-1

          - World 7-2                WRLD7-2

          - World 7-3                WRLD7-3

          - World 7-Fortress         WRLD7-F

          - World 7-Boo House        WRLD7-B

          - World 7-Toad             WRLD7-T

          - World 7-4                WRLD7-4

          - World 7-5                WRLD7-5

          - World 7-6                WRLD7-6

          - World 7-Castle           WRLD7-C

     - World 8                       WRLD8-L

          - World 8-1                WRLD8-1

          - World 8-2                WRLD8-2

          - World 8-3                WRLD8-3

          - World 8-Toad             WRLD8-T

          - World 8-Fortress         WRLD8-F

          - World 8-4                WRLD8-4

          - World 8-5                WRLD8-5

          - World 8-6                WRLD8-6

          - World 8-7                WRLD8-7

          - World 8-Airship          WRLD8-Z

          - World 8-Castle           WRLD8-C

     - World 9                       WRLD9-L

          - World 9-1                WRLD9-1

          - World 9-2                WRLD9-2

          - World 9-3                WRLD9-3

          - World 9-4                WRLD9-4

          - World 9-5                WRLD9-5

          - World 9-6                WRLD9-6

          - World 9-7                WRLD9-7

          - World 9-8                WRLD9-8

6. Mushroom Houses                   MSHRM-X

7. Multiplayer                       MULTI-X

     - Main Game                     MULTI-1

     - Free Play                     MULTI-2

     - Coin Battle                   MULTI-3

8. FAQs                              ASKDQ-X

Appendix A: Power-Up Panels          APDXA-1

            1-Up Blast               APDXA-2

Appendix B: World 1 Map Enemies      APDXB-1

            World 2 Map Enemies      APDXB-2

            World 3 Map Enemies      APDXB-3

            World 4 Map Enemies      APDXB-4

            World 5 Map Enemies      APDXB-5

            World 6 Map Enemies      APDXB-6

            World 7 Map Enemies      APDXB-7

            World 8 Map Enemies      APDXB-8

Appendix C: Other Bonuses            APDXC-1

Appendix D: Credits                  APDXD-1

            Legal Stuff              APDXD-2

            Contact Information      APDXD-3




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|      ;   INTRODUCTION  |           INTRO-X




This is my first actual guide for a game, so if there is anything you think I

could do to improve it at all, let me know. See Appendix D for contact info.

ABOUT THE GAME                       INTRO-1


New Super Mario Bros. Wii is the latest recreation of the original Super Mario

Bros. for the NES. After being such a huge success, the first modernized

version was born: New Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo DS. This game

introduced new items, charatcers and lots of new levels, complete with

incredible graphics and sound, not to mention gameplay. Now, we have New Super

Mario Bros. Wii, the "sequel" to its DS predecessor. Many new levels have been

created and lots of new enemies, gameplay features and even characters made

their debut on this game. Introducing four-player simultaneous play for the

first time, players can now choose between Mario, Luigi and a Blue and a Yellow

Toad. New items such as Propeller Caps and Penguin Suits add to the mix, and

even platforms that rotate and move depending on how you tilt the Wii Remote

are thrown in. Add in the incredible graphics and awesome boss fights and you

have one hell of a game.

ABOUT THE GUIDE                      INTRO-2


So this guide is made to help you through the game of New Super Mario Bros. Wii

and all its levels and modes. There is a walkthrough of the main game with

detailed guides to each individual level, diagrams showing how each world is

set out, sections explaining controls and different in-game characters and

appendices for extra little bits of information. Hopefully there will be

something in this guide to help you out with whatever you need help with.

VERSION HISTORY                      INTRO-3


GUIDE STARTED - 17 Nov 2009

$$ 0.5.7 $$   - 21 Nov 2009

> Completed sections 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7.

> Need boss strategies for section 2.

> Completed walkthrough up to World 2-4.

> Added section 8: FAQs.

> Finished part of Appendix A and B.

> Added new Appendix C.

> Completed Appendix D.

$$ 0.6.2 $$   - 25 Nov 2009

> Finished World 2 walkthrough and started World 3.

> Added more enemies to section 2.

> Added 1-Up Blast section in Appendix A.

$$ 0.6.6 $$   - 27 Nov 2009

> Completed World 3 walkthrough.

> Fixed some grammatical errors.

> Updated Appendix A, B and C.

> Added strategies to section 2.

> Inculded more sites in Credits.

$$ 0.7.5 $$   - 1 Dec 2009

> Finished World 4 and World 5 in walkthrough.

> Fixed Mushroom Houses in walkthrough.

> Added Star Coin difficulty to walkthrough.

> Updated Bosses section, as well as Appendix A and B.

> Added more sites to Credits section.

$$ 0.8.1 $$   - 3 Dec 2009

> Completed up to World 7-2 in walkthrough.

> Updated Morton Jr. in Bosses section.

> Finished 1-Up Blast diagram for World 6 in Appendix A.

> Added World 6 Map Enemies to Appendix B.

> Included more Hint Videos in Appendix C.

$$ 0.9.6 $$   - 8 Dec 2009

> Finished Worlds 7, 8 and 9 in walkthrough.

> Finalised sections 2 and 4.

> Completed Appendix A and most of Appendix B.

> Fixed up some spelling mistakes (thanks to Darkstar Ripclaw).

> Updated Appendix C.

$$ 1.0.0 $$   - 10 Dec 2009

> Changed part of World 5-5.

> Added two questions to the FAQs.

> Removed Hint Movies. Instead making an in-depth guide.

   - See Appendix C for info.

> Added another site to Credits section.

$$ 1.0.2 $$   - 21 Dec 2009

> Small revision.

> Added extra stuff to Enemies section.

> Included alternate strategy for World 9-7 (thanks to PocketWocket).

> Fixed some more spelling errors (thanks to Lanny Heidbreder).

> Updated Appendix C.

$$ 1.0.3 $$   - 22 Dec 2009

> Fixed up some errors in the guide. Nothing too fancy.

$$ 1.0.4 $$   - 30 Dec 2009

> Some more errors to fix. Thanks for the help people!

> Added info to Hammer Bro. section (thanks to dasdre).




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|      ;;  CHARACTERS  |             CRCTR-X




Below I have listed all of the characters featured in the game, seperated into


MAIN CHARACTERS                      CRCTR-1             


These are the characters that you can play as in the game itself.

$$ MARIO $$

All around good guy Mario has always been the star of the show in the previous

games, as this time round, it's no different. As player one, you will always be

Mario, no matter which mode you play in. But hey, I'm not complaining.

$$ LUIGI $$

Mario's younger brother Luigi has decided to help out Mario this time and show

the way if Mario fails too many times. He can also be used in multiplayer and

has some pretty awesome outfits.


With a blue or yellow head, the Toads help fill in the gaps to make four

playable characters. But these Toads are no pushovers; they can match Mario and

Luigi jump for jump. Their Penguin Suits look kinda silly though.

$$ YOSHI $$

Yoshi can be found hiding in his Egg in a ? Block. Hit the right Block and out

he pops. Jump on and he can eat enemies (not all, mind you) and jump further.

Hold the "2" Button to float a bit longer in mid-air. Eat some fruit to get a

bonus as well.

ENEMIES                              CRCTR-2


All normal enemies that can be found throughout the levels are here. They're in

alphabetical order, for your convenience.

$$ AMP $$

These guys just float in the air. They are black balls with electricity flowing

over its surface. Don't run into one or you'll take damage.


White squid looking things. Don't make contact with them at all, you'll take

damage. Only found underwater, they like to follow you around. One fireball

will end that though. They also have tiny versions of themselves called Baby

Bloopers that follow them around sometimes.

$$ BOB-OMB $$

These bombs with legs will walk around aimlessly until you jump on their head.

This sets off their fuse and gives you time to run away before they explode. If

their fuse is lit, you can simply run into them to kick them around. Use them

to blow up different kinds of blocks and other enemies. Their counterparts, the

Parabomb, are just Bob-Ombs that parachute from above to take you by surprise.

$$ BOO $$

A ghost that won't move as long as you look at it. They can't be beaten by

jumping on their head or fireballs, so its best to avoid them as much as

possible. There is a giant version of the Boo, creatively named the Big Boo.

When playing multiplayer, all players must be looking at it to make it stop



The first member of the Bro. family, the Boomerang Bro. throws two boomerangs

at you, before they return to them to throw again. Jump on it or take it out

with fireballs.


This sponge with legs walks around one massive step at a time. Touching its

legs causes you damage, so try jumping on its orange head or hit it with a

fireball. Or you could always just stand under it and wait for it to move.


Ever dressed up as a ghost by putting a bedsheet over your head? That's what

these guys look like. Except they have faces. And boxing gloves. Often found at

the top of staircases so you have trouble getting past them. Jump on them three

times or use fireballs etc.

$$ BUBBA $$

A giant purple fish that will swim after you trying to eat you. If it manages

to get you, you are dead, no matter how Super your Mario is. They die quite

easily though, only needing one fireball to defeat.


It's an oversized bullet. They get shot out of cannons called Bill Blasters.

Clever. Jump on them to take them out, and freeze them to keep them in mid-air

but take away the danger factor. They are unaffected by fire. There are larger

versions of these guys known as Bonzai Bills, which are exactly the same.

Except, well, bigger.


Little beetles with fireproof shells. Jump on them to put them in their shells,

much like a Koopa. Have some fun kicking them around. They can also stick to

the ceiling, and will drop when you get close. Watch out for this attack.


A dog-like ball on a chain. They bounce around barking for a while and then

suddenly pounce at you quite quickly. Try to not get hit by them. The best

strategy for these guys is to just race past them straight after they jump at



A little red fishy. It swims virtually hypnotised through the water, not moving

for anything but walls. The yellow variation actually move away from you when

you get close, so that comes in handy. The green ones, called Deep-Cheeps, will

follow you for a short distance and try to hurt you. The blue fish, called

Spiky Cheep-Cheeps, will follow you much faster than the Deep-Cheeps. Although

the spikes are supposed to make them "scarier", it really makes no difference

because Mario will take damage from making contact with all Cheep-Cheeps,

spikes or no spikes. Each variation also has a Mega version, which are the same

except slightly bigger.

$$ CLAM $$

Found on the bottom of the sea, these guys hold treasure in their mouth and

open up for a short time before abruptly closing their mouth and eating you.

Quickly swim through when their mouth is open and grab whatever it is they're

holding before they shut on you.


These penguins slide around on the ice bowling over any plumber or mushroom

that gets in their way. Jump on them, hit them with fireballs, you get the



Crows that fly in circles in the sky and swoop down quickly to catch you off

guard. Jump on them or hit them with fireballs yak yak yak to take them out,

but be careful of the mighty swarms that build up if you leave too many.


These walking Koopa skeletons are resistant to fire because, well, they're

already dead. You can freeze them and smash them to bits though. You can jump

on them and reduce them to a pile of bones, but they eventually pull themselves

back together (literally) and start walking around again.

$$ FIRE BAR $$

These rotating bars made from fireballs aren't exactly an enemy, as they aren't

alive, but they are a nuisance none-the-less. They just sit there and spin

around and around, stopping you from staying still anywhere nearby. Just get

past them and you'll be fine.

$$ FIRE BRO. $$

Approprietly named, Fire Bros. like to spit fireballs at you. Unlike the Fire

Piranha Plants, these fireballs are affected by gravity, so watch for where

they land. They can be taken out by your fireballs, or you can just jump on

their head. But they can't be eaten by Yoshi, so don't fuss over that.


This little black ball with a creepy face will use the fireballs that make up

its tail to spit at you. When it runs out of fireballs, it will explode, so be

careful of that. Unlike normal Chain Chomps, you can safely jump on these guys

to defeat them.


Made of a bunch of Podoboos, the Fire Snake jumps around chasing you. It can

make its head swell to about three times its normal size every couple of

bounces, so be careful of that. Fireballs have no effect, and jumping on them

is a pretty silly idea. Ice Flowers work like a treat.


Skeletons of Cheep-Cheeps that have luminescent eyes. Don't make contact with

them, just like normal Cheeps. The best thing to do is ignore them, because

whenever they are in the water you don't really need to be.

$$ FOO $$

A cloud-spitting... cloud. They like to expel clouds over certain parts of the

level to make it harder for you to see where you are going. Anything will kill

these guys, except walking straight ino them, obviously.

$$ FUZZY $$

These black furry creatures like to slide along the rails that direct different

moving platforms and Brick Blocks etc. Don't touch them; that would just be

stupid. Fireballs - need I say more? Yes, because there are also Mega Fuzzies

which are the same except massive.

$$ GOOMBA $$

Mushrooms that were banished from the Mushroom Kingdom. Not very difficult to

defeat; simply jump on their head to squishify them. Just watch out when they

start raining from the sky. There are also Grand Goombas which are bigger in

size and take multiple fireballs to defeat. If jumped on, they split into two

regular Goombas. Then there are Mega Goombas, which are bigger still and

split into two Grand Goombas. And there are Micro Goombas which are tiny and do

no damage if you run into them. They just get annoying as they cling to you and

slow you down. Spin Jump to shake them off.


Found by themselves or in a pair, Hammer Bros. are so named because, well, they

throw hammers. They can't be eaten, so don't try. Move close when they move

because they can't move sideways and throw at the same time. They can throw

while jumping, however. Take them out with fireballs to make things easier.

Although you cannot eat Hammer Bros. with Yoshi, you can eat the hammers they

throw and spit them back at the Bro.


Crabs that huck rocks at you. Jump on them, bounce off their rocks, hit them

with stuff, you know, the usual. Found at the beach.

$$ ICE BRO. $$

Another of the Bro. family, the ice counterparts spit balls of ice at you. Beat

them with fireballs or some head bouncing. They can be taken out by hitting a

Brick Block underneath them as well.


Jellyfish that have a beam of light expelled from under them. They often help

you find your way underwater in the darkness. Just be careful, they drop kinda

like Thwomps when you get near them, but fairly slowly as they are underwater.


These guys are FRIGGIN MASSIVE! They take up pretty much the whole screen. Have

fun against these supersized Bullet Bills, which are the second biggest enemy

in the game.


Also just called Koopas, these buggers aren't killed by a single jump. But it

does make them go into their shell, which you can then kick around or pick up

and throw. Just don't get hit by the shell, or you'll take damage. Ground Pound

them to defeat them in one shot. There are green and red Koopas - green will

walk straight off a platform whereas red will walk back and forth on the ledge

they are standing on.


A Koopa Troopa with wings. They either fly back and forth in a certain path or

bounce along the ground. When jumped on, they lose their wings and become

regular Koopas. They can be defeated just like normal Koopas, too.

$$ LAKITU $$

Cloud-riding creatures who throw Spinies at you. They stay high up in the sky,

but they don't have a really good aim. If you can get up to them, you can jump

on them to defeat them, if they aren't holding a Spiny. Fireballs work too, and

so does running super fast past them. If you manage to defeat one, they can end

up leaving their cloud behind. Quickly jump on to it to gain control for a

short time. Simply use the D-Pad to move in which ever direction you want.


A mouse with a "Zorro"-like mask. They sorta just run around. Jumping and

fireballs etc. do the trick against these guys.


Wind-up mechanical Koopas. They waltz around waiting for you to jump on them.

Kinda like Dry Bones, they simply fall to pieces on the ground before getting

back up again. Being mechanical, they are unaffected by fire, so don't bother

trying with that. Can also be shortened to, simply, Mecha.


These bullets are a species of Bills that like to follow you around, and they

don't give up. You can jump on them to defeat them just like Bullet Bills, and

fireballs have no effect. There are also bigger ones called Missile Bonzai

Bills. They are just like their smaller counterparts, except they won't turn

around once you get past them.


These moles will suddenly pop out of a hill when you get close. You will have

no warning before this happens. Once out of their hiding spot, they will run

around chasing you. They can't jump, and the only problems they really cause

are when they fall off a platform above.


Black plants stuck to the ground, a bit like tiny Piranha Plants. They just sit

there and open and close their mouths. You can't kill them with anything but a

Star. Be careful around these guys, because they are a real pain.


These are Buzzy Beetles with red shells and wings. The small ones will begin to

fly up when you land on their shell, allowing you access to things high in the

sky. They aren't quite enemies, but you still take damage if you make contact

with anything but their shell. The giant version, known as a Heavy Parabeetle,

will actually struggle under the wait of any player that jumps on it and will

slowly drift downward.


A Goomba with wings. They bounce around like a Paratroopa, and can sometimes be

found being followed by some Micro Goombas. They can be defeated just like

normal Goombas, but jumping on them first only gets rid of their wings.


These plants with sharp teeth like to hide in pipes, but they can be found just

sitting on the ground. Don't jump on them, it hurts. They can be destroyed by

fireballs and eaten by Yoshi, but that's about it. The Super Piranha Plant is

a bigger version, and can't be eaten by Yoshi. And it takes several fireballs

to defeat, too.


Fireballs with a mind of their own. They jump up out of lava and float high

into the air, before dropping back down. They wait a moment and then go again.

Don't touch them at all, and fireballs won't exactly do much. You can freeze

them or take them out with a Star.

$$ POKEY $$

A giant orange cactus. They scoot around on the ground trying to keep you from

getting past. They don't directly attack you, and they are made up of a lot of

ball-like segments. Hitting one segment with a fireball simply gets rid of it

and everything above drops on to the rest of the body below. You have to get it

in the head to defeat it in one shot. If you eat it with Yoshi when it has

leaves instead of spikes, you'll get a Mushroom or a 1-Up Mushroom, depending

on the size of the Pokey.


These giant purple fish like to swim in the water underneath you and then leap

out to catch you by surprise. They die just like a Cheep-Cheep, but will

eventually return. One fireball does the trick.


These plants float in water while using air blown out of their mouth to hold up

a spiky green ball. They blow it higher into the air and bring it back down

constantly, so you can just time it to quickly get past. Just don't touch the

Plant or the ball and you'll be fine.

These aren't to be mistaken for Ptooies which shoot similar spiked balls. The

difference is that Ptooies walk around on leg-like stems whereas these float on



These are long, thin flames that shoot out of engines to try and hurt you. They

can rotate much like a Fire Bar but change direction, and they can turn on and

off, making you time your jumps in certain areas. Even though they aren't alive

I still call them enemies because, simply put, they are annoying. I've

shortened the name to RE in certain parts of the guide to save space.


Monty Moles pop out of hills, Rocky Wrenches pop out of the ground. They lift

their heads up from under a manhole and throw wrenches at you. Jump on them

whenever their head is up to beat them, or just hit them with a fireball.


An oversized Hammer Bro. Apart from the usual routine of jumping and throwing

hammers, Sledge Bros. can also Ground Pound, causing a shockwave that will

paralyze you if you are touching the ground when they hit. A simple trick to

defeat these guys: when they Ground Pound, jump to avoid getting stunned and

land on their head from that jump. Quite easy really.

$$ SPIKE $$

Green creatures that like to throw black spiked balls at you. They can be

easily taken out by a jump to the head or a fireball, but the spiked balls can

only be beaten with a Star or another spiked ball. Be careful whenever they

have the height advantage.


A red Buzzy Beetle with a single spike on its shell, stopping you from jumping

on it. They are impervious to fire, so they can be a real pain. Just sneaking

past is usually a good idea, but freezing them for a while is fun, too. They

can cling to walls and ceilings, so be wary of them whenever they are nearby.

$$ SPINY $$

Much like a Spike Top, these guys have a lot of spikes on their shell. But,

Spinies can be defeated by fireballs. Use this advantage whenever possible,

because you can't take them out up close and personal.


In a nutshell, these are Piranha Plants with legs and extendable necks. They

walk around on the ledge they are standing on, but will quickly stop and

stretch their neck up to try to catch you unaware. After a while, they will

bring their necks back to normal size and keep walking around. They can be

defeated like any other Piranha Plant.


A bat-like creature that hangs from the ceiling until you get nearby. It will

swoop down and try to run into you, like a slower type of Crowber. If you jump

them and they miss, they will fly off, never to be seen again. You can jump on

their head to defeat them, and fireballs help out as well.

$$ THWOMP $$

Blocks that like to squish you. They hang around on the roof. When you get

close, their face changes and they drop super quick in an effort to catch you

underneath. They can only be defeated by Star.

$$ URCHIN $$

These are spiky balls found underwater. They float around, not changing path

just for you. Fireballs will take them out, but any contact whatsoever will

cause you damage, unless of course you have a Star. If you freeze them, they

will break out but will become completely immobile. You can use them to block

pipes that are expelling water. There are also Mega Urchins which are much

bigger and can't be frozen.


A Piranha Plant that spits fireballs. They can be in pipes or just chilling on

the ground. Fight fireballs with fireballs, or just run past. There are also

Mega VFTs, which are massive and like spitting fireballs, too.


A caterpillar-like creature, they are good replacements for trampolines. Bounce

off their long bodies for some extra height to get to other platforms. These

guys are better left alive - you never know when you'll need to bounce off one.

You can also make them angry, and they turn red in colour. They will begin

following you around as well. Not to mention there are also giant versions,

known as Mega Wigglers. They are the same except for the fact you can't make

them angry.

BOSSES                               CRCTR-3


Here is the list of bosses found in the game, listed in order of when you

battle them in the main game playthrough.


Also Known As:  Cheatsy Koopa

Larry is the Boss for World 1. He has a basic attack pattern, namely shooting a

fireball then jumping around. His Fortress battle has a regular floor, and the

Castle battle is fought on five moving platforms. To defeat him, you have to

either jump on his head or hit him with six fireballs to make him go in his

shell. He will then retreat into his shell and begin sliding back and forth

across the floor. He will then pop back out again. Repeat this two times to

defeat him.


Also Known As:  Bully Koopa

Roy is the Boss for World 2. He attacks quite like Larry, but he also has an

attack where he Ground Pounds and stuns you if you're standing on the ground,

much like a Sledge Bro. His Fortress fight is a normal platform sitting above

quicksand, and the Castle battle is fought under five pipes which he uses to

confuse you.


Also Known As:  Hip Koopa

Lemmy is the Boss for World 3. He likes to roll around on a ball and throw them

at you. They don't deal out damage, but if you aren't careful, they'll knock

you right off the stage. He fights you on an icy stage in the Fortress, much

like the previous Fortress battles. In the Castle, he battles on a similar ice

floor, but his ball and the ones he throws is a lot bigger.


Also Known As:  Kootie Pie Koopa

Wendy is the Boss for World 4. She attacks with glowing rings of light which

continuously bounce around the room. Be careful of them when you're jumping

over her speeding shell. In the Fortress the floor is normal enough, but in

the Castle she floods the room, and you are forced to swim around until it

drains out.

$$ BOWSER JR. $$

Bowser Jr. is fought on the Airships found in Worlds 4, 6 and 8. In World 4 he

flies around in his Koopa Clown Car spitting fireballs at you. The fireballs

will set fire to whatever they hit in the room, so you need to be careful where

you jump. In World 6 you fight him in your own Koopa Clown Car, but it's called

the Hero Car. You must knock him into electricity on either side of the room.

Then in World 8 you need to Ground Pound bombs that he shoots out back up into

his giant Koopa Car to damage him while avoiding his fireballs once more.


Also Known As:  Hop Koopa

Iggy is the Boss for World 5. He shoots green fireballs from his wand that move

a lot faster than the previous Bosses' fireballs. The Fortress battle is in a

room with three platforms which move up and down. The battle in the Castle is

fought in a room that is tailored specially for Iggy and his pet Chain Chomp.

It has some Bounce Blocks and some Donut Lifts, too.


Also Known As:  Big Mouth Koopa Jr.

Morton Jr. is the Boss for World 6. He attacks with giant purple fireballs and

Ground Pounds. The battle in the Fortress takes place above lava on a platform

with a raised section on either side. The spiked black pillars drop down on

these higher parts, so watch carefully. The Castle fight is atop some pillars

that just poke up from the ground. When Morton Ground Pounds, the two pillars

on either side of him shoot up into the roof, crushing you if you are on it.


Also Known As:  Kooky Von Koopa

Ludwig is the Boss for World 7. He shoots blue fireballs at you that chase you

around or just shoots four at the same time. He can Flutter through the air

much like Yoshi can. The Fortress battle is on a normal stage with a gap on

either side, and the Castle match is fought on three upward moving platforms.

$$ KAMEK $$

Although Kamek makes short appearances in each Castle, he is the Boss for the

World 8 Fortress. He attacks by casting magic spells in your direction. The

arena you battle him in is filled with green, blue and purple blocks, each of

which turn into enemies if Kamek's spell misses you and hits the block instead.

The green blocks turn into single small enemies, like Goombas and Spinies. The

blue and purple ones turn into multiple Koopas or Thwomps. It takes three bonks

to the head to defeat him.

$$ BOWSER $$

King Koopa himself is the final Boss, found in World 8. He attacks by spitting

fireballs. The battle between Bowser and yourself is in two parts, the first

being a nice tribute to the old days. You'll be in a room with a Switch on the

other side of Bowser. You need to get past him and hit it to make him fall into

the chasm below. You could also hit him with thirty fireballs if you feel like

it. After defeating him, Kamek brings him back, except MUCH bigger. You have to

use his fireballs to destroy walls behind you so you can proceed. There's

another Switch further along that you need to hit to finish the final battle.

NPCs                                 CRCTR-4


NPC stands for Non-Playable Character. These are supporting characters that

have various roles through the game, but are ones you cannot have control over.

$$ TOAD $$

The normal red Toads are seen throughout the game and are often held hostage in

different stages. Saving one of these Toads rewards you with a bonus Mushroom

House, in which they operate the mini-games. They are also seen in the opening

movie and one also stays behind at Peach's Castle.


Also Known As:  Princess Peach, or simply, Peach

Captured once again by Bowser, Peach is seen very little through this game.

Appearing during the opening movie, scenes between worlds involving Bowser Jr.

and his Airship and the closing movie, she really doesn't get seen too much

considering just how important she is to the plot of the game.




  /  ;;;;              /

 /       ;            /

|     ;;;  CONTROLS  |               CNTRL-X




The controls as listed below are directly from the instruction manual.

MARIO                                CNTRL-1


$$ WALK $$

Make Mario and Co. walk left and right.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Left/Right)

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Left/Right)

$$ DASH $$

Run faster than walking.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Left/Right) + "1" Button

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Left/Right) + "B" Button or "Z" Button

$$ DUCK $$

Make Mario duck so he only takes up half his size.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Down)

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Down)


Leap into the air. Jump when landing on an enemy to bounce higher in the air.

Wii Remote:    "2" Button

With Nunchuk:  "A" Button


Spin into the air. Use this to turn screws. You can also spin in mid-air to

float for slightly longer.

Wii Remote:    Shake Wii Remote (Up/Down)

With Nunchuk:  Shake Wii Remote (Left/Right)


Hit a block by jumping and hitting it from underneath.

Wii Remote:    "2" Button

With Nunchuk:  "A" Button


Jump mulitple times to improve airtime and distance.

Wii Remote:    "1" Button + "2" Button when landing

With Nunchuk:  "B" Button or "Z" Button + "A" Button when landing


Somersault and drop quickly to the ground to damage enemies and break blocks.

Wii Remote:    "2" Button, then D-Pad (Down) in mid-air

With Nunchuk:  "A" Button, then Control Stick (Down) in mid-air

$$ SLIDE $$

Slide down slopes to plow through certain enemies.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Down) on slope

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Down) on slope


Kick off walls to gain extra height.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Left/Right) to slide down wall, then "2" Button

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Left/Right) to slide down wall, then "A" Button


Pick up shelled enemies, carry them and throw them.

Wii Remote:    Hold "1" Button, release to throw

With Nunchuk:  Hold "B" Button or "Z" Button, release to throw


Pick up barrels, some blocks and frozen enemies, carry them and throw them.

Wii Remote:    Hold "1" Button + Shake Wii Remote (Up/Down), release to throw

With Nunchuk:  Hold "B" Button or "Z" Button + Shake Wii Remote (Left/Right),

               release to throw

$$ SWIM $$

Make Mario swim through water.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Left/Right) + "2" Button

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Left/Right) + "A" Button

$$ CLIMB $$

Climb up fences, ladders and poles.

Wii Remote:    D-Pad (Up) to grab on, then D-Pad (All) to move

With Nunchuk:  Control Stick (Up) to grab on, then Control Stick (All) to move

RIDING YOSHI                         CNTRL-2



While riding Yoshi, Mario can jump higher in the air and extend the airtime

with Yoshi's flutter on the end.

Wii Remote:    Hold "2" Button

With Nunchuk:  Hold "A" Button

$$ EAT $$

Yoshi can also eat some enemies and fruits with his giant tongue.

Wii Remote:    "1" Button

With Nunchuk:  "B" Button or "Z" Button

SPECIAL OBJECTS                      CNTRL-3



Stand on a Tilt Lift to change it to your colour, then tilt it so you can reach

new places.

Wii Remote:    Tilt Wii Remote (Left/Right)

With Nunchuk:  Tilt Wii Remote (Left/Right)


With the Fire Flower and Ice Flower power-ups, Mario gains the special ability

to shoot balls of the respective element at your foes.

Wii Remote:    "1" Button

With Nunchuk:  "B" Button or "Z" Button




  /  ;               /

 /   ; ;            /

|    ;;;;; EXTRAS  |                 EXTRA-X




The extras section. Full of all that extra goodness that provides the finishing

touches to this game.

ITEMS                                EXTRA-1


$$ COIN $$

Found practically everywhere, collecting 100 of these will earn you an extra

life. And who doesn't want more lives?


You may see a floating Red Ring in the sky during a level. Make contact with it

to make 8 Red Coins appear and a timer start. If you can collect all of the Red

Coins before time runs out, you win a prize.


It looks like a switch with a "P" on the front. Jump on it to have all of the

Brick Blocks change into Coins and vica versa (to help reach secret areas) or

have a trail or group of Blue Coins appear. Both affects last for a limited

time. Blue Coins are just like regular Coins.


In the red spotted variety, Mushrooms will upsize Mario to Super Mario in the

blink of an eye. Just make sure it doesn't get away.


If you hit a ? Block as Super Mario, one of these might pop out. Grab it to get

yourself the power to shoot fireballs. These come in handy when there are a lot

of enemies nearby, and can also light up your path in the darkness.


Returning form Super Mario Galaxy is the Ice Flower. It gives you the ability

to shoot balls of ice at your opponents, much like a fireball. But instead, the

enemy will freeze solid and be at your mercy. Not all enemies can be frozen,



Getting one of these flying Mushrooms will give Mario a Propeller Cap. If you

Spin Jump while wearing one of these, you will shoot up into the sky, higher

than usual. You will also return to the ground quite slower than usual. Press

down on the D-Pad to make Mario drill straight down - a handy attack to take

out enemies or break through blocks.


These tiny blue Mushroom make Mario shrink to mini size. As Mini Mario, he can

run on water and float through the air with ease. But because of his reduced

size, he can't squish enemies by just jumping on them; he must Ground Pound to

have any effect.


The Penguin Suit comes in very handy during icy levels. Mario can shoot ice

with this power-up, just like with an Ice Flower, but he can dash and then

slide along by pressing down on the D-Pad. He will bowl over most enemies in

his path and keep on sliding as long as he remains on ice. He can also slide

straight over gaps that are two blocks wide.

$$ STAR $$

This bouncing bundle of joy makes Mario completely invincible, meaning he can

take no damage. They will often be cleverly hidden, but will help tremendously

throughout many levels. However, you can still die from falling down chasms.


The green spotted counterparts of regular Mushrooms provide a better service in

that they instantly give you an extra life, no questions asked.

$$ APPLES $$

Also called berries, these will just hang aroung on a bush with no purpose at

all, until you find a Yoshi. If you can get Yoshi to eat five apples, you will

get a power-up. This is very handy when you get stuck as regular Mario.

BLOCKS                               EXTRA-2



A simple block made from bricks. They contain Coins, 1-Up Mushrooms, beanstalks

and other goodies. Hit them from underneath to "activate" them. If they are

empty, they will just break leaving a nice empty space.

$$ ? BLOCK $$

These yellow/blue blocks with "?"s printed on the front hold an item. You have

no idea what the item is until you hit it. It could be a Coin, a Mushroom, a

Star, anything. You can hit them from underneath to defeat enemies standing on

top of them. There are also Flying ? Blocks, which are just normal ? Blocks

with wings that fly around.


Looking just like Brick Blocks, they will give you a Coin but still look the

same after. So hit it again. And again. You can get more than 10 Coins, then a

bonus 5 at the end if you hit it enough. I've managed to score 24 from one.


Item Blocks are slightly bigger than regular blocks, and have a roulette-type

effect to them. On the front will be four item pictures constantly changing.

When you hit the block, whichever item is on the front will pop out.


The green block with a ! on the front will activate the Super Guide. Check out

the start of the walkthrough for extra details on this.


Identifiable by their green and white checkered pattern, this blocks give you

an extra bounce whenever you jump from them. And that's about it, really.


These earth-shattering blocks cause a rough vibration when thrown. This rattle

will defeat all enemies touching the ground, and cause all Coins to drop to the



Luminescent blocks that light up the dark. They can be carried to help improve

your sight in the darkness, but you can't shoot fireballs etc. while it is

being held.


Not at all related to Red Coins, these Blocks appear only in World 3. After

activating the Red Switch, all of the Red Blocks become solid, compared to the

red dotted outlines they used to be. They can then be used as platforms and

help Mario find other ways of completing the level.


Still cubular in shape, Cloud Blocks release a Lakitu when hit. But this Lakitu

is different. Instead of throwing Spinies, they throw Coins. They also come in

handy if you need to steal its cloud for a while.


Small and blue, these blocks allow Mario to jump through the air as if he had a

Propeller Cap on. This allows you to reach high places without losing your

current power-up. Throw them at enemies to damage some, too.

$$ GREY ! BLOCK $$

Hitting one of these gives you total control over the Tilt Rail Ledges in the

area. It will change colour depending on who hit it, and this shows who gets to

move them around.

HELPFUL FEATURES                     EXTRA-3



Found in hard to reach Brick Blocks and ? Blocks, these helpful items often

allow you to enter otherwise inaccessable areas. Look everywhere for these as

they will always lead to something good.

$$ BARREL $$

Pick these up and throw them so they roll along the ground continuously until

they smash into a wall. They can bowl over numerous amounts of enemies, and are

a good way of dealing with enemies from afar.


Jump on these trampoline-like platforms to get some extra bounce in your jumps.

They help reach high areas that can't be reached with a normal jump.


These platforms will change colour from orange to red when you stand on them,

then will drop quite quickly soon after. Make sure you don't spend to much time

on a single Lift, unless of course you want to drop.


Found midway through MOST levels, the Checkpoint Flag records your progress so

far and turns you into Super Mario if you are small. If you die after passing

this Flag, you will be able to start from the Flag instead of the beginning of

the level.


At the end of every level is a massive Flag. Jumping on this finishes the

current level and allows you to progress to the next stage. The higher you jump

on to the Flag, the more points you will earn. If you manage to land on the

very top of the Flag, you will win an extra life. There is also a special Red

Finish Flag, which is found at the end of a secret exit. These are paths that

lead off from the normal linear course. If you can find one of these Red Flags,

you will open a secret path on the World Map.


Found on the World Map in World 3, moving to the north switch will make Mario

jump on it and make all Red Blocks solid. Jumping on the south switch makes all

Red Blocks transparent again.


These bubbles hover in mid-air and are full of water. Jump in one and swim

through it to the other side. Just don't fall out the bottom.


Little blue balloons with Toad faces on them, these are found only in Map Enemy

battles. 8 will appear, and you need to collect them all in order to free a

Toad, who will in turn give you 3 Mushrooms.




This looks like a long steel girder until you stand on it. It will change to a

red colour and Mario's "M" emblem will appear in the middle. By then tilting

the Wii Remote side to side, you can control how much the Lift tilts in-game.

Use this to reach objects floating high in the air, or ones hiding underneath.

It's used a few times in World 1-2 and World 2-4.


Much like the Tilt Lift, grabbing one of these will change it to your colour.

Tilting the Wii Remote left and right will cause it to swing back and forth,

allowing you to grab anything it passes by. It's found twice in the World 2



This is pretty much a Tilt Lift on a string. When you stand on one, it will

begin to move upward, and tiliting left and right makes it move side to side as

well. Use this movement to avoid enemies you would otherwise run into. It's

found only in the World 7 Fortress.


Although tilting the Wii Remote doesn't directly affect the way the raft moves,

it changes the direction the giant light on the back is facing. Which is handy

when you are floating through darkness. Even if you aren't on board you can

still control the light. Hit the ?-Switch to gain control when you first get

on. It is found only in World 6-6.


Hitting a strange Grey ! Block changes all Tilt Rail Ledges nearby so they are

under your control. Tilting the Remote left and right makes them shoot across

their rail to the other end. Jump on one and tilt for a fast ride to wherever

it is you need to go. They're only found in World 7-4.


Found only in World 8-5, these ledges are just like Tilt Lifts except when you

tilt they glide across the rail on which they sit. They don't just

automatically fly from one side to the other like the Rail Ledge, they move

similar to the Elevator in that they only move when you tilt.

$$ HERO CAR $$

Much like Bowser Jr.'s Koopa Clown Car, this white bowl-type thing with a

propeller on the bottom allows you to take him on. It will change so it has an

"M" emblem on the front when you get in, and you can use the D-Pad to move

around as if you were on a Lakitu cloud. Shaking the Wii Remote like a Spin

Jump makes it spin and charge in whichever direction you are moving. You'll use

it on Bowser Jr's Airship in World 6.




  /  ;;;;;                /

 /   ;                   /

|    ;;;;  WALKTHROUGH  |            WALKT-X






Here it is, the main reason for the guide at hand. Welcome to the walkthrough.

For each world I have made a diagram of the layout of the world, an overview

listing the various details about the world and a guide for each level.

Boss fights and enemy strategies have been listed in here as well as chapter 2

so you don't have to scroll between chapters.

To save space though, the layouts for the Red and Green Mushroom Houses have

been placed in Appendix A only.

MAIN MENU                            WALKT-M


When starting up the game, you will come to the title screen. It will be Mario,

Luigi and the two Toads running with the heading "New Super Mario Bros. Wii"

and some text that says "Press (2) to Start". If you leave the game idle while

on this screen, it will show the opening movie or some gameplay footage.

The main menu comes up when the "2" Button is pressed. Here you will have the

main game save files (say that five times fast), and two multiplayer modes to

choose from. Select one of the files and choose the number of players to begin

the main game. Choose one of the modes at the bottom of the screen to begin

some multiplayer action, detailed in section 7.

THE WORLD MAP                        WALKT-W


The World Map is where you will be spending a lot of your time throughout the

main game. Here you will move around the world selecting levels and Mushroom

Houses, as well as battling the Map Enemies. You will find all sorts of

information here, such as your number of lives, where captured Toads are

located and a bunch of other junk. This is also where you access your stored

items to use between levels (press "1"), as well as saving and checking the

number of Star Coins collected. Get used to this screen - you'll need to be to

do everything properly.

THE GAME SCREEN                      WALKT-G


This is where the action happens. Whenever you enter a level, you will be on

the game screen. It will be as follows:


1-->|Mx99         4--> 07302890   @500 |<--5

2-->|Ox25                              |

3-->|()()()                    [?]     |  1: LIVES - The number of lives you

    |                                  |             have remaining.

    |                                  |  2: COINS - The number of Coins you

    |                                  |             have.

    |                [?]    [ ][?][ ]  |  3: STAR COINS - Which Star Coins you

    |                                  |             have found in the level.

    |      M                           |  4: SCORE - Your total score.

    |      M                           |

    |##################################|  5: TIME - The amount of time left.



SUPER GUIDE                          WALKT-S


Here's something new: the Super Guide. Basically, if you fail a stage 8 times

in a row, you'll have the option of turning on the Super Guide. At the start of

the stage on your ninth try, there will be a green ! Block. Hit it to call on

Luigi and restart the level. Luigi will automatically run through the stage and

show you where to go. You can take control back at any time, but once you do,

you can't go back to the Super Guide without restarting the level. If you

finish the level using the Super Guide, it will still count as Finished, but on

the world map the circle will be solid red instead of blue. In order to fully

complete the game, you will have to come back and redo this level by yourself.

It will ask you at the end if you wish to try again as Mario or just skip the


RESCUING TOADS                       WALKT-R


After you complete World 1-3, a Toad will run up to you and tell you that you

have recieved a letter. The letter explains that Bowser Jr. has kidnapped a

whole bunch of Toads and you need to rescue them. The Toad that gives you the

letter is then taken by a Goomba into World 1-1. If you replay the level, you

will come across a ? Block that will be making strange noises. Hit it to

release one of the Toads. You must then pick them up and carry them all the way

to the Finish Flag. When you reach the Flag, the last digit of your time

remaining determines the bonus Mushroom House you get. If it ends in 0, 1, or 2

a Green Mushroom House will appear on the World Map Start. If it is a 3, 4, 5,

6, 7 or 8 a Red Mushroom House will appear and if it's a 9 you'll get a Gold

Mushroom House.


WORLD 1                              WRLD1-L


Name: Mushroom Plains

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      P - Peach's Castle

      M - Red Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      : - Secret Path


                           |  |

 P        M  G       M--XOOX  ---C

 |        |  |          O  O     |





- World 1 consists of 6 levels, as well as the Fortress and Castle.

- The World 1 Boss is Larry Koopa (a.k.a. Cheatsy Koopa).

- The map enemy is the Goomba.

- There is 1 secret exit.

- There are 3 Mushroom Houses (2 Red, 0 Green, 1 Gold).

- Peach's Castle, which holds the Hint Movies, is located here.


$$ WORLD 1-1 $$                      WRLD1-1

Difficulty:   1 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 1-2

Secret Exit:  No

Start by running to the right and hitting the ? Block for a coin. Jump on the

Goomba and hit the ? Blocks here for a Coin and a Mushroom. Jump on the next

Goomba and grab the Coins. Run across the moivng hill, making sure to avoid or

defeat the Goomba. Once past the first hill, wait in the non-moving section

before the next hill until a gap appears. Drop into this gap and press down to

enter the pipe below.

In this room you will find a bunch of Brick Blocks and some Coins. Try to get

on to the middle platform with the P-Switch while grabbing as fewer Coins as

possible. Jump on the ? Switch to turn all of the Coins into Brick Blocks and

vica versa. Use your new platforms to jump into the air and collect all the

Coins, then wait for the effect to wear off and grab the remaining Coins. Then

exit via the yellow pipe.

Jump across the green pipes to your right, being careful not to fall down the

gap. Either defeat the Koopa and Goomba on the Brick Blocks or sneak by

underneath. Climb the pipes and hills and pass the Checkpoint Flag. This means

that if you die, you can restart the level from here instead of the beginning.

It also makes you Super Mario if you've taken damage. Press down to slide down

the hill and take out the Goombas, then jump under the ? Block to release a

Propeller Mushroom. Grab this power-up to get the Propeller Cap. If you Spin

Jump while wearing this, you will propel yourself into the air higher than

usual and slowly float back down. Stand on top of the ? Block you just hit and

Spin Jump to reach Star Coin #1 high in the air.

The sign next to you with the arrow shows you a spot where you can practice

your jumping. Spin Jump while running to fly into the air and collect all the

Coins. You should land on one of the moving hills. Run or jump to the other

side and hit the ? Block there for another Propeller Mushroom if you took

damage or to get a nice 1000 points if you still have one. Jump on top of this

? Block and Spin Jump to land on the platform above. Up here you will see a red

ring. Making contact causes 8 red Coins to appear. If you can collect the Coins

before time runs out, you win a prize. All of the Coins are on the platform

next to you. Simply collect them all to win a 1-Up Mushroom. Safely make your

way back to the ground and you should come to another moving hill with a pipe.

Get into the hole and enter the pipe.

Down in this room are two pipes and a bunch of Coins. What you need to do is

stand between the pipes and jump on to the side of one. Hold the direction of

the pipe from Mario's position and he will begin to slide down. Jump while

sliding to Wall Jump. Keep doing this until you reach the top for Star Coin #2,

then exit using the yellow pipe on the left.

When you resurface, you will appear in a hidden area. There are many of these

scattered throughout the levels, so keep an eye out for any weird alcoves like

the one you're in now. Near the exit is a Brick Block; hit it to make a 1-Up

Mushroom appear above. Once you exit the alcove, the pipe should return quite

quickly. Drop into the hole once more, but don't enter the pipe. Eventually you

will enter another alcove, but this one is stashed with lots of Coins and there

are three invisible ? Blocks, each containing a 1-Up Mushroom. Just jump around

near the hill to find them.

Bactrack to the first fence you come across, then Spin Jump into the air and

drift to the right on to the platform. Jump here to reach Star Coin #3. Jump

off the right-hand side and run to the next moving hill. Use the momentum to

launch yourself into the air and grab the Finish Flag as high as you can.

NOTE: If you ever feel like you're running out of lives, simply replay this

level. You can get a solid 6 or 7 lives for every playthrough.


$$ WORLD 1-2 $$                      WRLD1-2

Difficulty:   1 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 1-3, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and slide down the hill to take out the Goombas. You'll end up in

another hidden alcove. Enter the pipe to head underground.

Hit the first ? Block to get an Ice Flower. This item allows you to shoot balls

of ice at your enemies by pressing the "1" button. This freezes them solid,

making them completely immobile. You can then pick them up and throw them, or

Ground Pound them to smash the ice to pieces. Jump on the next purple platform

and wait for the left side to reach its highest point. A simple jump will be

enough to reach Star Coin #1.

Continue through the tunnel until you reach a bunch of Brick Blocks with a POW

Block. Pick up it up and throw it to make all of the Coins drop to the ground,

and also kll all the grounded enemies. Collect the Coins and then run right to

find a red pipe with a Piranha Plant residing inside. Freeze it and then Ground

Pound it to kill it. You can't pick up frozen Piranha Plants. Jump on the Koopa

and kick its shell inbetween the Brick Blocks on the left to score a few Coins.

Defeat the other Piranha Plant and move on.

Jump on to the Tilt Lift to make it turn red and have a Mario emblem appear in

the middle. You can now control the Tilt Lift by tilting the Wii Remote left

and right. Tilt the Remote all the way to the right to reach the ? Block and

get another Ice Flower. Tilt back to the left to reach the green pipe and enter

if you dare.

Inside there is a Brick Block by itself below several more. Jump close to it on

each side to reveal four invisible ? Blocks, then hit the Brick Block itself to

make a P-Switch appear. Jump on the Switch to turn the Coins into Brick Blocks

and climb to the top (careful of the Goomba) to find Star Coin #2. Return to

the main path by entering the yellow pipe.

Once you land on the ground, immediately jump to reveal three invisible ?

Blocks. Break the Brick Blocks next to these and climb to the top of the pile

next to you. Stand above the Coins and Ground Pound to destroy the Brick Blocks

and collect the Coins. Keep holding down to slide down the hill below and

defeat the Goomba. Hit the Brick Block at the end to release a Star, then

quickly jump up through the floor and grab it to become invincible. You still

die if you fall down a hole though. Run past the Flag and bowl over all the

enemies in your path, remembering to jump the gaps. Stop when you get to the

mass of Brick Blocks and Ground Pound down to the pipe below.

Defeat the Goombas here if you wish, then jump to the other side and grab the

POW Block. Throw it to make the Coins on the ceiling drop, as well as Star Coin

#3. Grab your prize and head back up through the yellow pipe.

Get past the Piranha Plant and grab the Red Ring. Use the Remote to tilt the

platform while moving from side to side to collect the Red Coins. Use the green

pipe on the right to head back to the surface.

Use the Tilt Lift here to get higher so you can jump to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 1-3 $$                      WRLD1-3

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 1-F, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

Start by running right and taking out the Goomba. Hit the two ? Blocks for some

Coins, then jump down to the pipe bridge. Just further along is a Hammer Bro.

Wait for it to throw its hammers and when it moves, run and jump on its head.

You can freeze it to make getting close easier or hit it from underneath when

it is standing on one of the Brick Blocks. Defeat the Goombas to the right

and hit the ? Block above. This releases a Yoshi Egg. Simply jump on top of him

to get on. While riding Yoshi, you can press the "1" Button to eat enemies and

hold down the "2" Button to jump higher and further than before. Use Yoshi to

eat the apple on the bush nearby. A small number 1 will appear. This is a

counter. When it reaches 5, you will get a bonus item. Take out the Goombas in

front of you, then jump to the ledge with the second apple. From here, you can

use Yoshi's Jump to collect all the Coins and Star Coin #1.

When you land, eat the third apple and then jump up and eat the Koopa. Instead

of swallowing, Yoshi will hold the Koopa's shell until you press the "1" Button

again. From the edge of this platform, jump and shoot the shell over to the

ledge with two more Koopas. The shell should take them out, ricochet off the

next wall and bounce back and defeat all of the Goombas. You should earn an

extra life. Get on to the next platform and get your fourth apple. Just past

the gap will be two Goombas. Take them out and hit the Brick Block. This block

also has a Yoshi Egg, but if you are still riding Yoshi, you'll get a Mushroom

worth 1000 points instead.

To the right is another Hammer Bro. Yoshi's can't eat them, so you can either

use Yoshi's Jump when the Hammer Bro. is on the top level or get off Yoshi and

take it out yourself. To get off the Yoshi, simply shake the Remote up and down

like you would for a Spin Jump. Past the Hammer Bro. is your fifth apple. Eat

it to get an Ice Flower or a Fire Flower if you've taken damage. Eat the

Piranha Plant in the next pipe, then pass the Checkpoint Flag.

Eat the apple on the next bush, then eat the first Piranha Plant. When the

Piranha Plant in the lowest pipe goes back in, quickly drop down. They don't

resurface if you're standing on the pipe, and if your too early, Yoshi just

bounces off instead of taking damage. From here, move right to discover an

alcove in the wall and a break in the yellow pipe. Enter the bottom pipe.

Leap off the highest point on the ground to collect all the Coins and grab Star

Coin #2. Then exit via the yellow pipe on the other side. Eat the apple here

and grab the Coins. The Venus Fire Trap in the yellow pipe to the right can

spit fireballs, so be careful. If you eat it with Yoshi, he can shoot off one

fireball that will take out anything in its path. Use this to defeat the

enemies on the other side of the pipe. If you jump up the hills, you will find

another secret alcove at the top. Run through here to grab lots of Coins and

yet another apple.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 1-?

From this alcove, move back left on to the ledge OUTSIDE the secret area. Use

Yoshi's Jump to get a high as you can and drift right on top of the alcove. Run

right along the top of the screen. You will drop back on screen momentarily

before entering a secret pipe.

Jump from ledge to ledge and collect all the Coins, then jump to the special

Red Finish Flag.


Drop back down to the ground and eat the apple to your left. Then move right,

taking out the Goombas and the Piranha Plant in the red pipe. Use the pipe

section sticking out to jump to Star Coin #3. Past the pipe is apple number 5.

Eat it to get another item, depending on what you currently have. Jump the gap

to find a pair of Hammer Bros. Use your new item to take them out, whether it

be balls of ice or fire, or flying up into the air and drilling back down on to

them with the Propeller Cap. Or use Yoshi to get some height to jump on them.

Once you've defeated them, there is a block on the top row with a 1-Up

Mushroom - fourth from the right. After collecting it, use Yoshi to grab all

the floating Coins and land on the Flag.


$$ WORLD 1-? $$                      WRLD1-?

Difficulty:   0 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-1

Secret Exit:  No

Nothing tricky here, just climb the hill and jump for some Coins if you want,

then head to the Cannon and enter it, just like a pipe. It will shoot you off

into the distance, and you will find yourself at World 5.


$$ WORLD 1-F $$                      WRLD1-F

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 1-4

Secret Exit:  No

Having an Ice Flower for this level makes life so much easier.

Run right and wait for the elevator to take you up to the next level. Once up

there, jump on the Dry Bones or freeze it to get past. Use the next elevator to

get on to the swing. Wait for the swing to reach the other side and then jump

up the ledges. Either wait for the Dry Bones to come out or freeze it and smash

it. Climb the moving blocks and then jump to the platform above. Hit the ?

Block here and then use the elevator and swing to get on to the moving block.

From here, jump up to the platform and collect the Coins, as well as Star Coin

#1. Jump up from here and make your way up the swings. You can reach the one

above when the swing is in the middle of the tower. When the top swing is on

the right, wall jump between the walls into a secret area. Climb up here to get

Star Coin #2. Once out the top, run left and hit the Flag.

Climb the blue ledges and then jump up the moving blocks, being careful not to

get stuck between two. You lose a life this way. At the top, hit the Item Block

to get a random item. Jump on to the swing and wait until it reaches the right.

Jump at the little gap to reveal a 1-Up Mushroom. Get it, then wall jump up to

where it came out. Use the swing to reach Star Coin #3, then jump out of the

top. Watch out for the Dry Bones. Use the next swing to get up to the stairs,

then make your way up to the set of swings above.

Get the Red Ring to make the 8 Red Coins appear, and collect them as the swing

moves from side to side. Climb to the top and use the moving blocks on the

sides to get to the higher swing. From here, use the next moving block to get

up to the last platform. Jump up to the ?  Block using the moving block and get

yourself a Fire Flower, then head on through the door.

MINI-BOSS: Larry Koopa

Start by shooting fireballs at him. You should hit him 4 times before he shoots

one at you. Jump over it and be careful of him jumping around the room. When he

lands, hitting him with two more fireballs will make him go into his shell. He

will then move back and forth across the room. Don't touch him, or you'll take

damage. When he comes back out of his shell, quickly jump on his head. He'll go

into his shell again. Jump over him whenever he gets close, then jump on his

head one more time when he pops back out. He'll then flee, knowing he has lost.


$$ WORLD 1-4 $$                      WRLD1-4

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 1-5, World 1-6, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Take out the two Goombas and hit the ? Blocks for an Ice Flower. Grab the Coins

then enter the pipe for some swimming.

Use your ice to freeze the Cheep-Cheeps to the right so you can get past easily

and hit the ? Block for another Ice Flower if you accidentally ran into one.

Notice the bubbles racing out of the pipe? That rush of water will push you

around, so make sure it won't knock you into anything. Get past the pipes into

the next area.

Freeze the Cheep-Cheeps here as the green ones (known as Deep-Cheeps) like to

follow you around. The ? Block here has yet another Ice Flower, so grab it if

you need it. At the top of the screen you will see a bit of land that looks

like a "T". Freeze a Cheep Cheep and use it as a ledge to jump up on top of the

land above. Up here you will find the Red Ring that triggers the Red Coins.

Drop back into the water and collect the Coins while avoiding the mass of

Cheep-Cheeps in your way. The yellow Cheep-Cheeps that swim past will move out

of your way so you can swim through the middle of them. The ? Block here has an

Ice Flower, so grab it and pass the Checkpoint Flag.

Freeze the Urchin so it hits the roof and breaks, allowing you to get past. You

will see Star Coin #1 at the top of the screen, so swim through the pipe stream

and freeze the Mega Cheep-Cheep so you can get to it.

Continue swimming and freezing Urchins/Cheeps as you go. You may have noticed

that once an Urchin breaks out of the ice it becomes immobile. You can use this

to your advantage by making them block pipes to stop the flow of water. Try it

on some of the pipes ahead. The ? Block on the other side has an Ice Flower if

you've taken damage. Once you're in the tunnel, you'll come across two red

pipes stopping you from reaching Star Coin #2. Simply freeze a Cheep-Cheep when

it gets directly between the pipes, then stay above it and let it push you up

the jetstream to the Star Coin. Then continue on when it smashes.

Make your way past the Urchin and Clam to find another Urchin, but this one is

moving from side to side above a red pipe. Freeze it when it is directly above

the pipe and wait for it to smash so it blocks the stream of water. This allows

you to get to Star Coin #3. Head down the green pipe once you've grabbed it.

In this room, kill the nasty Spiny Cheep-Cheep that follows you, then swim to

the bottom and grab the 1-Up Mushrooms when the Clams are open. Make sure you

hit the left ? Block first so you can get the Fire Flower, then hit the one on

the right to get a Star. Then race to the red pipe.

Back at the surface, swim and take out as many Cheeps as you can. Once you

reach another red pipe, then next Clam has a 1-Up Mushroom. Collect it and then

defeat the Spiny Cheeps and head back above sea level via the green pipe.

Run to the top of the platform you're standing on, then jump and bounce off of

the Paratroopa and land on the top of the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 1-T $$                      WRLD1-T

Difficulty:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

Basically, when you start this level, there will be a specific layout of the

level and a number of Goombas of a certain size (8 normal, 4 grand or 2 mega).

See Appendix B for the different layouts.

What you have to do is jump around the level defeating enemies and collect blue

balloons with Toad's face on them. Once you get them all, a chest will appear.

Make contact with the chest to release a Toad who will give you 3 Mushrooms for

use on the map.


$$ WORLD 1-5 $$                      WRLD1-5

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 1-C

Secret Exit:  No

Start by running right, jumping across the rotating blocks. Be careful not to

fall off. At the other side, hit the ? Block for a Coin, then hit the other ?

Block moving through the air for an item, depending on what Mario you are. If

you get the Propeller Cap, stand on top of the ? Block and when it is on the

left side, Spin Jump at the peak to reach a platform up above. Run and duck to

slide under the Brick Blocks and let go of down when under the first to hit it

to reveal a beanstalk that leads up into the sky. Climb it all the way to the


Up here, hit all of the ? Blocks and jump underneath Star Coin #1 to find four

invisible ? Blocks. Using the Propeller Cap, jump on to one of the groups of

circling Blocks and then Spin Jump to reach the Star Coin. Then jump back out

and drop down the hole on the right side.

Leap across the massive green rotating block and defeat the Koopa on the other

side. Grab the Koopa's shell (hold "1") and jump on to the next gren block.

When the block is on enough of an angle, throw the shell along the block so it

shoots down and grabs Star Coin #2. Alternatively, you can drop and grab it

yourself and then Spin Jump back up.

You should now come to a group of purple platforms. One will have a screw and

an arrow of Coins pointing up above it. Stand on the screw and continuously

Spin Jump to pull it upwards. When it reaches its highest point, jump to the

next platform and then on to the next with a screw. Spin Jump here to lower

this platform and raise one further along. Jump to the normal platform and then

up to the raised platform and then once more to the one with the Red Ring. Hit

the ring to disperse the Red Coins. Jump to the ones on your far right, then

work your way back left to collect the others. Then run back right and hit the


Make your way across the next few platforms to find yet another Red Ring. Stand

on the Brick Block circling that platform to reach it, and stay on to collect

all of the 8 Coins. Jump off to the right and leap across the rotating

platforms. Halfway across will be some Coins high in the sky above a Paratroopa

between to spinning blocks. Either bounce off the Paratroopa or Spin Jump to

reach Star Coin #3 floating up above the normal Coins. Then jump across the

rest of the platforms and use the giant green one to get some air as you jump

to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 1-6 $$                      WRLD1-6

Difficulty:   1 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 1-C

Secret Exit:  No

Run straight to the right to find a lonely Paratroopa bouncing around. Run past

or jump on it, then jump to the spinning hill. Walk/run continuously to grab

all of the Coins, then hit the ? Block for a Fire Flower. Jump past the next

platform on to the second hill, and take out the Koopas. Then move to the third

and wait for a Koopa or Paratroopa to join you on the moving hill. Bounce off

it to reach Star Coin #1. Hit the middle Brick Block on the next platform to

get a beanstalk into the sky.

Hit the Item Block up here to get a random item. Then head back down through

the pipe. Jump to the platform on your right (use the Paratroopas if you have

to) and grab Star Coin #2. Then run up the hill and hit the Checkpoint Flag.

On the next rotating hill there are some Goombas and Paratroopas, so take them

out before proceding. Once its all clear, run back right down into the gap and

jump into the hidden alcove. The entrance is pretty obvious. Enter the green

pipe in here.

You will come out of one of three pipes and land on a spinning hill. The other

two pipes release Goombas that really get in your way. The last pipe on the

left is the exit. Take out the Goombas with fireballs and jump up to the ledge

on the right to get Star Coin #3, then make your way back across to the exit.

Back on the surface, run past the Flag again and get across to the other side

of the hill. Jump on the red Koopa here, and grab the shell. Jump to the next

hill and avoid the Goombas. Throw the shell so it hits the Brick Block on the

other side, or just hit it from underneath to get a 1-Up Mushroom. Back in the

middle of the hill is a Brick Block; hit it to reveal a P-Switch. A bunch of

Coins will appear. Collect them all and then jump back off to the right.

You'll come to a massive spinning hill. At the peak, use the momentum to launch

yourself on to the next hill, grabbing all the Coins. Do the same again on the

next hill, then once more on to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 1-C $$                      WRLD1-C

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 2-1

Secret Exit:  No

Start by moving to your right to the spinning cog. Jump on and ride it to the

other side. Jump on the Dry Bones on the next platform, then hit the ? Block to

get yourself an Ice Flower. This really comes in handy. Get across the next cog

and then on to the next ledge. This time, you need to get inbetween the teeth

of the cog to get to the other side. If you get stuck under one of the teeth,

you will get squashed. On the small cog to your right, jump on and wait for one

of the teeth to jump on to when it reaches the top. From here, you can jump

high enough to reach Star Coin #1.

Take out the Dry Bones on the next platform and then get between the teeth of

the next two cogs to get through. Jump to the next cog and hit the ? Block for

another Ice Flower. Take out the Dry Bones and then make your way across the

next few cogs to the Flag.

You'll now come across some Thwomps. These guys hang out on the ceiling until

you get close, then WHAM! They'll squish you into the ground like an ant. They

can't break through the ? Blocks, so you can stand under them. Hit the ? Blocks

for a Coin and an item. For the next Thwomp, fall into the gap and jump. You'll

hit an invisible ? Block that will stop the Thwomp from hitting you. And for

the third, wait for it to land and then either jump over it to the platform or

let it move back up and then jump underneath to the next ledge.

Next up is a Super Thwomp. They're about four times the size of the normal

Thwomps and can bash through those weird looking grey blocks. Let the one in

front of you drop and smash the blocks, then drop down and grab Star Coin #2 as

it rises back up. Stay here and let it drop again (duck if you want to be

careful) then jump back up when it moves out of your way.

The next Super Thwomp will break some more blocks that will allow you to get to

a bunch of Coins. Get down there and grab them, then wait for the second Giant

Thwomp to clear your path. Drop down some stairs to find the Red Ring. Get

yourself ready then grab the ring. The Coins will appear underneath the Thwomps

ahead. Hold down the "1" Button and absolutely sprint past all the Thwomps

while collecting the Coins. The eighth Red Coin is between two cogs just past

the Thwomps. Jump and grab it and claim your prize.

The two ledges ahead have Thwomps waiting for you. Either land and stop right

on the edge of the platform and let the Thwomp go first or run quickly past

before they fall. There will then be a platform with a Dry Bones, and then some

cogs to jump over. The last cog requires you to land on one of its teeth and

then stand in the gap as it passes by the roof. Wait until the cog gets past

the red platform and then drop to the pipe and enter it.

In this room there is some Coins and Brick Blocks, and a P-Switch. Hit the

switch to turn the Coins into blocks and vica versa. Jump to the new blocks and

wall jump off the right side to reach Star Coin #3. Land back on the brick

blocks and then exit through the yellow pipe.

Jump between the Brick Blocks to find a hidden ? Block with a Fire Flower. This

really helps the next battle. After grabbing it, run right and enter the door.

BOSS BATTLE: Larry Koopa

Run down the long corridor to enter a room with Larry Koopa, and some strange

looking floors. Kamek will fly overhead and cast a magic spell on the room. The

floors will rise and the battle will begin. Jump the fireball he shoots at you

and fire some back if you want. Jump on his head to make him go into his shell.

Get used to this because it happens a LOT throughout the game. As he ricochets

between the walls/floors, Avoid him by staying on the higher platforms. When he

pops back out again, jump on his head once more. Jump around the room, making

sure not to land on him. Then get him one more time to finish the battle. He'll

drop a key which will open the door on the right-hand side of the screen.



Mario will run out the door to the right, only to find Bowser Jr. and his

Airship. Peach is being held captive onboard. Bowser Jr. will jump back on to

his Airship and fly it away, much to the dismay of Mario.

The screen will return to the World Map, Mario will run off after the ship

and he will end up in a whole new world...


WORLD 2                              WRLD2-L


Name: Sea Of Sand

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      M - Red Mushroom House

      L - Green Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      @ - Pipe

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      : - Secret Path





    O  O


    O  O

    XOOX   ?

    |  |   :

 ----  |   :

 |     |   :









 |       |


 |       |





- World 2 consists of 6 levels, as well as the Fortress and Castle.

- The World 2 Boss is Roy Koopa (a.k.a. Bully Koopa).

- The map enemy is the Spiny.

- There are 2 secret exits.

- There are 3 Mushroom Houses (1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Gold).

- Pipes do not count as levels. They instantly transport you between them.


$$ WORLD 2-1 $$                      WRLD2-1

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 2-3, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Move slightly to the right and wait for the Koopa to fall off the Sand Geyser.

Take it out and wait for the Geyser to disappear. When sand circles at the

bottom of the screen, it means the Geyser is about to blast back up again. Jump

as it comes back up; if you jump too late you'll get caught in the updraft and

taken to the top anyway. Drop down the stairs and hit the ? Block for a Coin.

Jump across the next Geyser and hit the ? Block on the second one for a Fire

Flower. Grab it on top of the ? Block and jump to the safe ground on the right.

Wait for the next Geyser to disappear and jump to the platform on the other

side. Ride the Geyser up here to get Star Coin #1.

Jump the next gap and land on the Koopa but don't kick it or kill it, yet. Wait

for the Geyser on your left to start rising up and then kick the shell to hit

the Brick Block and release a 1-Up Mushroom. Take out the Koopa with a fireball

and grab the Mushroom before the Geyser drops back down again.

Defeat the Goombas on the next bridge and use the Geysers to reach the Coins in

the middle. Jump across the next Geysers and platforms (being careful of

Goombas) to reach a red pipe which keeps ejecting more and more Goombas. The

next Geyser allows you to reach a Coin Block. Keep hitting it for lots of Coins

and don't worry about the Geyser. When it drops, you'll land on a platform


Jump to the next block to find a Boomerang Bro. As the name suggests, they like

to throw boomerangs at you. They only throw two at a time, so jump at it after

it throws its second and bounce off its head. Continue along to reach the

Checkpoint Flag.

This next part is really annoying without a Fire Flower. Jump the gap and hit

the ? Block for a Mushroom if you're small or a Coin if you're not. Kill the

Piranha Plant ahead or jump over it to reach another Geyser. Between this

Geyser and the next is a Paratroopa; use it to reach the other side if the

Geysers drop at the wrong time. Stop on the left edge and take out the Piranha

Plant here, or stay back until the next Geyser rises up. Jump to this Geyser

and run off the left side to get into the small alcove with Star Coin #2.

Wait for the Geyser to come back up before moving on. Jump into and float to

the top, then cross the next Geyser and make your way to the next two ? Blocks

ahead. Hit these for some Coins. Ride the next Geyser up and jump over/kill the

next three Pirahna Plants, but don't try to jump the middle one when its in the

air because of a Geyser. You won't make it. Drop down to under the next ?

Blocks for a Coin and a Fire Flower.

This next bit is tricky. There are three Geysers with a Paratroopa flying above

them. You need to jump on the Paratroopa as it passes over the middle Geyser so

it lands on it as a normal Koopa. Then jump on it again to get it into its

shell. Pick up the shell and jump form Geyser to Geyser until you have a clear

shot at Star Coin #3. Throw the shell so it hits the Coin and then jump to the

safe platform on the right. If you accidentally kill the Paratroopa, jumping to

this platform then back on to the Geysers brings it back.

There are three more Geysers and a one Paratroopa before a safe platform, then

two Geysers, a Paratroopa and a Boomerang Bro. before a leap to the Flag.


$$ WORLD 2-2 $$                      WRLD2-2

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 2-3, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Walk left and grab a barrel. Run to the right until you reach a ? Block and

throw it to take out three Goombas on a hill. Jump to the barrels just down the

hill to have a black spiked ball thrown at you. The enemy who threw it at you

is a Spike. These guys spit the spiked balls into their hands, then throw them

at you. Luckily, there's usually a few barrels lying around nearby which can be

used to take them out. You can also jump on their head, but don't do it when

they're holding a spiked ball or you'll take damage. Fireballs work, too. Use

the nearby barrels or fireballs to defeat it and press forward.

Slide down the hill and jump up to the first ? Block for a Coin, then to the

next for another. You can stand on the treetops if you need to use them. The

Brick Block next to the second ? Block contains a P-Switch. Hit it and press

the switch to make the Spike drop down so it's easier to defeat. Grab all of

the Coins and hit the ? Blocks for an Ice Flower. Avoid the incoming spike ball

by jumping on to the tree and then to the ? Block. As soon as the next spiked

ball rolls past, leap up the Brick Blocks and freeze the Spike. Either throw it

or Ground Pound it and move on.

Kill the evil little Spinies (not by jumping on them) and hit the ? Block for a

Coin. Slide down the hill to find a platform with a bunch of Koopas above it.

When you jump on to the platform, it begins to rise and it grabs the Koopas as

it goes. Freze the first ones on either side to trap the rest, then when all

eight are on, jump on one and kick the shell to take out all eight of them. Let

the shell continue to ricochet because when it reaches the top, it will fly off

to the right and hit a Brick Block, releasing an Ice Flower. Hit the flag, then

drop into the quicksand to the left and slowly drift down to the bottom.

In this secret area, drop down and hit the P-Switch to makes tons and tons of

Coins appear. Drop through them, collecting heaps as you go. At the bottom,

enter the pipe on the right. Jump the next pipe and hit the ? Switch to make

four moving platforms appear. Whilst being careful of the Spikes, jump up the

platforms and grab Star Coin #1. Jump back down and enter the vertical pipe to

be shot back to the sufrace.

Jump up to the barrels and grab one. The Spike will through a spiked ball and

take out the Goombas. Throw your barrel at the Spike and head up the hill. Use

the moving platform to get down to the barrel below, but instead of hitting the

Spike, use it to hit the first Brick Block on the left near it. The platform

should get you enough height to reach it. If you miss, just go back to the last

area and grab another barrel. The Brick Block will reveal a beanstalk; use the

platform to get up on top of the blocks to climb it.

Jump on to the platform here and ride it all the way to the right, collecting

Coins as you go. Eventually, you will come to a POW Block. Pick it up and drop

back on to the platform. Make sure Star Coin #2 is above the platform when you

throw it, otherwise it will just drop into the gap below. Grab it and all the

other Coins, then drop back down to the ground.

A Spike will throw a ball at you, but you'll be safe on the platform you landed

on. Run back left and avoid/kill the Spike, then use the platform to reach a

pipe underneath the last part of the level. Enter it to go underground and find

a ? Block. Hit it for a Mini Mushroom. This Mushroom makes you so small that

you can run on water. Grab the Coins floating on the water, and follow the

trail to wall jump off the far wall and grab the Coins in mid-air. Then return

back to the surface via the pipe you came in.

Now be SUPER careful, because one shot will kill you. Dodge the incoming spiked

balls and make your way across the platform to where you fell out of the sky.

Continue right from here to find some moving platforms. Run straight across the

bottom and break the barrels to find a tiny pipe you wouldn't normally fit in.

Enter it to find yet another cave. Start running on the water and jump to hit

the P-Switch. Grab all of the Coins and claim Star Coin #3 at the end. Use the

pipe on the right to exit.

When you come out at the surface, there will be a Spike on a moving platform on

the right. You could defeat it with the barrel, or you could use it to bounce

off to get a better score on the Finish Flag. Because you're tiny, however, it

would be easier to kill it then jump from the platform, just to be safe. Either

way, jump on the Flag to finish this stage.

NOTE: You can use an item on the map after this level if you don't want to risk

being tiny, but you only have to get past one enemy to get a Mushroom in the

next level, so don't be too worried.


$$ WORLD 2-3 $$                      WRLD2-3

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 2-F

Secret Exit:  No

Dodge the Spiny and hit the ? Block to get a Mushroom if you're still tiny.

Climb on top of the pipe and jump up the ledges above it to find a ? Block with

a Coin, then drop back down and enter the pipe.

As you might have already noticed, it's dark down here. The only patches of

light here are you, lights in the level and fireballs. Run right until you come

to a pipe. Jump over it and hit the ? Blocks, but be careful of the Venus Fire

Trap in the next pipe. You should get a Fire Flower from the Blocks, so you can

use this to take out enemies and light your way at the same time. Make your way

over the next few pipes, taking out the Fire Traps as you go.

You'll soon come to what look like stairs. There are two yellow pipes and

lights so you can see them. Enter the pipe on the left. You'll come out in a

room with two Spike Tops. These annoyances can only be beaten with ice or a

Star, so be careful of them. Jump into the middle to find an Item Block; hit it

for a random item. If you get a Star it lights up the entire cave, so use that

to your advantage. Exit through the pipe on the right.

When you come out, stand on the edge of the ground you're on and shoot a

fireball. You should get a Fire Trap as it comes out of the pipe. Do the same

thing again with the next one, but there's another Fire Trap next to it as

well. Once you're past that, slide down the hill and jump the next gap with the

moving platform.

Here you will find a pyramid and a Fire Snake. These guys jump around trying to

burn you, and can make their head swell up to a massive size. Be weary of this

when trying to get past. They can be defeated by ice or Star, so right now you

can't do much. Climb to the top of this first pyramid and hit the ? Block for a

Fire Flower, then jump off to the right on to a secret platform with a yellow


Back on the surface you will find plenty of Spike Tops hanging around. Climb up

to the P-Switch carefully, and hit it to defeat all of them and earn yourself a

few lives in the process. Grab the Coins and head back down the pipe.

Move to the next pyramid, and get to the right-hand side. Under the normal path

is a ? Block with a Star. Get it and climb the pyramid, now you can see where

you're going. Run right and drop down to a ? Block on the left of the next

pyramid also containing a Star. Get this Star and collect Star Coin #1 from the

bottom of the pyramid. However, if you take too long and your first Star runs

out, the ? Block will only give you a Coin.

Make your way all the way up and right, and slide down a hill to get to the

Checkpoint Flag. From here, you will encounter Fire Traps which aren't in pipes

that are a lot more vulnerable to your fireballs. Take out the first one and

then jump to the next lot. There are two here, so get rid of them. At the other

side you will end up on a red ledge. Just to the right is a Fire Bro., and he

is spitting fireballs. Don't get the fireballs confused though, because the

ones spat out by the Fire Bro. are susceptable to gravity. That is, they bounce

along the ground. Make sure you jump over these ones instead of trying to duck

underneath. Simply hit it with a fireball or hit the block it's standing on to

defeat it. Run back to the ? Block you were standing on for a Fire Flower, and

keep moving left to find Star Coin #2.

Just right of the Fire Bro. is a Fire Trap on the roof, and Mega Venus Fire

Traps past that. These massive versions of the simple Fire Trap take three

fireballs to beat, and can't be frozen. Take them out and use the second moving

platform to get up on to a ledge in the air. Jump to the next platform on the

right, which should have two Fire Traps hanging underneath it. Run across the

roof here to find Star Coin #3 and a yellow pipe.

The pipe will bring you back up to the surface. Climb the stairs (minding the

Koopa) and jump to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 2-F $$                      WRLD2-F

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 2-4, Green Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run either left or right and climb the fences to the ledge above. Jump up to

the door and go in. Jump on to the Tilt Fence in here to gain control of it by

tilting the Remote. Swing yourself so you hit the P-Switch, then swing back and

forth, collecting all the Coins. Leave through either door.

Climb the next fence and jump on the Dry Bones. The ? Blocks here have a Coin

and an Ice Flower. Jump up to the ledge on the right and run at the four Coins.

You'll enter a secret alcove and be able to get them. Make your way up past the

Dry Bones and climb the moving fence. Use the next fence to reach the top

platform. From here, jump to the fence on the right and jump up through the


From this point forward, purple fireballs will be constantly shot at you. Be

careful when climbing up through the tower. Kill the Dry Bones and jump up the

stairs. Climb the fence and then run over the platform to the other side and

climb up here, too. When the fences move back over to the left, use them to

reach Star Coin #1, then jump back to the middle. Climb up the ledges here and

take out the Dry Bones to reach a door. Go through to the next area.

Hit the Checkpoint Flag and keep running right into the wall. Wow, it's

another alcove. Grab Star Coin #2 then jump back out again. Climb the fences

until you reach a platform on the right with a Dry Bones. Kill it and then jump

next to the wall for a 1-Up Mushroom. Climb a little higher to find a POW

Block. Drop back to the Dry Bones platform and throw it to makes lots of Coins

rain down. Climb the two fences on the left side wall to reach a ? Block

containing an Ice Flower. From here, jump to the stairs and take the first Dry

Bones. The ledge under the next Bones also hides a secret alcove, so run right

and drop into it to find a door. Go inside.

Oh goody, it's another Tilt Fence. Swing it so you reach the Red Ring, then

move back and forth to grab the 8 Red Coins. Claim your prize and head back out

through the door. Climb the stairs and jump to the moving fence, and from there

jump to the non-movin fence. Wait here until the moving ones start heading back

down, then jump across them to reach Star Coin #3. Just don't get too high or

you'll hit the spikes above.

Use these fences again above the spikes, but time it so your first jump is as

they are moving upward, so you have time to get across. Be very careful of the

purple fireball here. At the other side, wait for the last fence to come up and

use it to reach the door. Enter this door to face the next boss.

MINI-BOSS: Roy Koopa

He will start by jumping in the air and Ground Pounding. If you are standing on

the ground when he hits, you will be momentarily paralyzed, making you an easy

target for his fireball. As he lands, jump to avoid his attack and land on his

head. He will go into his shell and slide from side to side, just like Larry.

Do this two more times to finish him off.


$$ WORLD 2-4 $$                      WRLD2-4

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 2-5, World 2-6

Secret Exit:  Yes

You will start off caught in a strong wind, slowly pushing you to the right.

This wind blows on and off througout the entire level. Run right and stop at

the ? Block until the wind stops. Jump on the Koopa and kick it backwards so it

hits the Block to get a Coin. Remember this technique, as you'll use it a few

more times in this level. Jump up to the ladder and press up on the D-Pad to

climb it. Hit the ? Block here for a Propeller Mushroom. You need to be careful

now, because if you are caught in the air when the wind blows, you will get

pushed a long way. But you can also use this to your advantage.

Just past here will be some scattered Brick Blocks and a Koopa. Get up to the

Koopa as quick as you can and jump on it. Then kick it backwards again to hit

all of the Brick Blocks and find a hidden Coin Block, too. Move over to the POW

Block and pick it up. You can use this to make all the Coins in the wind drop

so that you can collect them all. Enter the red pipe next to the POW Block.

Down here you will find two Tilt Lifts. Tilting your Remote all the way to the

right will get you high enough to reach the four Coins up above, then race down

the Lift and collect the trail of Coins leading down. Jump right as you grab

the last Coin and do the same thing with the next Tilt Lift. Then exit through

the green pipe.

You will find two Koopas and a ladder to the right. Climb the ladder, then jump

up on to the wall on the left. On the top, there are three hidden ? Blocks; two

contains Coins and the one in the middle has a beanstalk. Climb the stalk into

the sky.

Up here, drop on to the ground and run along jumping. You will find that there

is an entire row of invisible ? Blocks, and the two you can see also have

beanstalks. Use the one you came here on to get on top of the new Blocks and

jump along up here to find another row. Climb these beanstalks and grab Star

Coin #1, then jump along the left side for yet another row. On the very left is

an invisible Block with a 1-Up Mushroom. After the stalk on the right there

aren't any more Blocks, so grab it here and then enter the green pipe.

Past the next green pipe is a POW Block and another ladder. Climb up the ladder

and hit the ? Block for a Propeller Mushroom, and then throw the barrel off the

right-hand side to take out the Piranha Plant. Use one of the Koopas below to

get the Coins from the group of Brick Blocks nearby. Then jump past the next

few pipes and a big gap to find the Checkpoint Flag.

Run back left and drop down below the two Brick Blocks next to the red pipe.

Hit the right one to break it, then hit the left Block to get yourself a 1-Up

Mushroom. Head back to the Flag and then drop off the ledge and back left to

land on the green pipe. If you don't quite get in, wall jump off the pipe,

spin, wall jump off the ground on the right, spin and you should land up on the

pipe. Enter it.

Using the Propeller Cap, drop off the ledge collect all of the Coins and as

soon as you get Star Coin #2, Spin Jump back up to the other side and then

collect all of the Coins on the top. Then head up the red pipe.

After the wind dies down, run about halfway down the hill and stop. When the

wind starts again, run down the hill at full speed and jump as far as you can.

When you start falling back down, Spin Jump while still powering to the right

and you should just get Star Coin #3 before landing on the red ledge above.

Jump to the platform with the arrow sign and be careful of the Spike Top on it.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 2-C

From this platform, you need to wait for the wind to start. Stand in the middle

of the platfom and then run right, jumping on to the very edge of the ledge and

jumping again. Just as you drop from the peak of your jump, Spin Jump to propel

yourself high in the air and over a wall into a secret area. If you don't quite

make it over, quickly wall jump and let the wind take you back over the wall.

Enter the red pipe in here.

Jump and grab all of the first lot of Coins, double jump and get all of the

second set of Coins, then triple jump off the top of the tree on to the special

Red Finish Flag.


Jump to the next platform and avoid the Spike Top here before jumping to the

next ledge. Grab one of the barrels and run to the other side of this platform.

Throw it here to hopefully take out all of the Koopas in one shot. The second

Brick Block here is actually a Coin Block, so get some Coins then enter the

green pipe.

Jump along the trail of Coins, double jump to get the next set, then triple

jump on to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 2-5 $$                      WRLD2-5

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 2-C, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and use the tree to jump over the Pokey. Run along the quicksand and

collect the Coins, but make sure to keep doing small jumps so you don't sink.

Hit the two ? Blocks here for a Coin each, then jump the next Pokey and use the

Sand Geyser to make it over the giant one after that. Hit the ? Block here to

be reunited with Yoshi. You can use Yoshi to eat the Pokeys piece by piece or

just go straight for the head to get them in one shot.

You will come across some quicksand with Coins just under the surface. About

this point you will encounter a Lakitu. These nasty cloud riders use their

height advantage to throw Spinies at you. Jump up on to the tree here, but

watch out for the Spinies it throws at you. Use Yoshi's Flutter Jump to get as

high as you can while aiming for the cloud just above the Lakitu. You should

grab Star Coin #1 from behind it. You can jump off Yoshi at the peak of his

jump to get more air if you need to.

Run right from here and jump the gap with the yellow blocks. Eat a Spiny while

you're running; you'll need it in a moment. Jump under the Brick Blocks for

some Coins and leap over to under the next tree. Keep going until you reach a

lonely Piranha Plant between some yellow blocks. Use the Spiny to take it out,

and then drop on to its platform. Drop into the gap on the right and some Coins

will appear. Follow the Coins down into a secret area.

Down here it is nice and dark, so drop down and eat the Piranha Plant, then eat

the Glow Block so you can see where you are going. Collect the Coins along the

bottom of the screen and then spit the Glow Block at the Venus Fire Trap to

defeat it. Jump as high as you can off the left side of this platform to reach

Star Coin #2. Then drop back down to the right and enter the pipe.

Just back to the left is the Checkpoint Flag; go back and get it if you want to

be careful. Quickly run to the right taking out everything in your path. You

will soon come to a Super Piranha Plant next to some Brick Blocks. You really

shouldn't need me to tell you to hit the ? Blocks anymore, and if you've been

hitting them you should have a Fire Flower, so jump off Yoshi and take out the

big guy. Get to the top of the Brick Blocks, and from here you should be able

to defeat the Lakitu and take his cloud.

Whizz through the skies picking up Coins as you go. Soon you will be up pretty

high in the air, and you will come across Star Coin #3. Drop back to the ground

here and you'll land near a Sand Geyser. Use this Geyser to get some height on

the Pokey and either eat its head or hit it with fireballs. Then use the ledge

it was on to jump high up on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 2-6 $$                      WRLD2-6

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 2-C, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

Start by jumping to the blue platform. Grab some Coins here and then jump to

pink rotating block. Stay on here while it rotates to see it start moving along

a track. You'll need to stay on board (or at least nearby) to reach the next

part of the level. Hit the very first ? Block for a Propeller Mushroom. This

comes in handy if you ever fall off, as you can just Spin Jump back on. As the

block goes up its first incline, Spin Jump to find Star Coin #1. Take a second

jump to grab it if you need to.

Along the next straight is a bunch of Paratroopas flying around in your way.

Jump over them, on them, whatever you feel like. Just don't bump into them and

take damage, because you the Propeller Cap makes things so much easier.

Eventually the rotating block will come to a drop, but it will stay at the same

speed. On the right you will see some moving Brick Blocks. Spin Jump and float

over to the right to find a pipe in the air. Use the Brick Blocks to get up to

it and enter it.

Use the bouncy clouds that are along the floor to spring up and collect the

Coins that are moving in the air. At the peak of your jump, Spin Jump to grab

Star Coin #2. Collect as many Coins as you feel like, but don't waste too much

time. Exit through the pipe on the right. If you somehow lost your Propeller

Cap, there are two Propeller blocks; one on each side.

Drop to the blue platform and then dodge the Piranha Plant on the right to get

to the Checkpoint Flag. At the next moving ? Block there will be a Propeller

Mushroom in case you lost the first one. A Fire Chomp will come at you. What

this does is it spits a fireball at you from its tail, and then when it runs

out, it tries to kill you kamikaze-style. Spin Jump and then drill down at it

to defeat it. Then jump right on to the yellow platform and then on to the next

pink block. More Fire Chomps will come at you throughout the ride.

Jump to the platform above and hit the P-Switch. Jump to the new Brick Blocks

and grab the Coins leading downward. Grab all the Coins you can without falling

off the bottom of the screen. You will eventually come across a group of

outlines of Coins. It means you have to pass over them once to turn them into

Coins, then pass them again to collect them, if you haven't figured that out

already. Above these is Star Coin #3. Spin Jump to reach it.

Further along is the Red Ring. Jump and grab it to make the Red Coins show up.

Jump to grab the high ones, and be careful when going for the ones off to the

right. Get them all for your prize. Jump and grab the Coins that are just down

the track once you get there.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 2-?

Wait until the pink block has one of its corners as high as they go, then jump

and Spin Jump to find a red pipe in the air. It may take a few tries to get in,

but don't worry too much. You can still reach it once the block stops moving.

You could even bounce off the Fire Chomp for some extra height.

Jump on to the green platform on the right. Then use the red spinning blocks to

jump, double jump and triple jump on to the Flag. If you want a 1-Up but don't

think you'll make it, just Spin Jump.


Jump off to the green platform on the right and then head down the green pipe.

Run and jump off to the moving Brick Blocks; if you time it right you should

double jump to the other half as they swing out and then triple jump on to the

Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 2-? $$                      WRLD2-?

Difficulty:   0 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-1

Secret Exit:  No

Do a bit of jumping around to get yourself a few Coins, and then enter the pipe

for a nice flight to the start of World 5.


$$ WORLD 2-T $$                      WRLD2-T

Difficulty:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

To collect the Toad Balloons, you need to head underground and evade the

Spinies waiting for you. If you have a Fire Flower you can take them out quite

easily, and they always drop off the ceiling so it's safe to jump on them, too.

These means you can collect the Balloons with ease, not worrying about any

Spinies running into you.


$$ WORLD 2-C $$                      WRLD2-C

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 3-1

Secret Exit:  No

If you have the Propeller Cap, quickly run to where the path above ends, Spin

Jump to get on to it and quickly race back and grab Star Coin #1. If not,

there's another way to get it later.

Start by hitting the ? Block for an Ice Flower. Jump over the gaps, being

careful not to hit the jumping Podoboos. Freeze the Dry Bones to get past

easily, then jump over to the moving platform and get in the middle tunnel.

If you already have the Star Coin, take the top path and skip the next two


What happens when you come across these tunnels is you have to try and pick the

right one. If you guess right, you will hear a chime and will progress to the

next part of the level. Get it wrong and a buzzer will sound, and then you'll

have to repeat the previous section. This is how we get back to the Star Coin.

After grabbing the Star Coin, get past the Podoboos and re-freeze the Bones.

Wait until the lift is on its way up, then jump to it and then quickly to the

top tunnel, making sure to avoid the Podoboo.

You will pass over some Coins and a Pirahna Plant. Quickly race past the ?

Block and start smashing the Brick Blocks. Wall jump through a gap and grab

Star Coin #2. You will come across two more Piranha Plants. Above them is a ?

Block. Hit it and get yourself a Fire Flower. Jump back down before the screen

stops you and take out or run past the Plants into the bottom tunnel.

Here you will find a P-Switch. hit it to turn all the Coins along the lava into

Brick Blocks. This will also cause all of the Dry Bones' above to fall on to

them. Be careful of the Bones and get Star Coin #3 halfway across. At the other

side, quickly jump up and aim for the middle tunnel, staying as far right as

possible. You will go through some Coins that would be Brick Blocks if not for

the Switch, which is why you have to get through as fast as you can.

At the end will be three Brick Blocks. One just breaks, the next gives you a

Coin and the last releases a Fire Flower. Note that there wasn't a Checkpoint

Flag, so be careful during the boss battle that lies just beyond the door.


Sprint down the long corridor to find Roy waiting for you. Kamek will fly over,

and he will make five pipes appear out of the ceiling that Roy will jump into.

He will pop out a few times before falling out of one. When this happens be

ready to jump because it has the same effect as his Ground Pound. Jump on his

head to send him spiralling around the room in his shell. When he pops back out

you could try to quickly jump on his head straight away to finish the battle

faster, or you could wait until he goes back in the pipes to start again. Three

knocks to the head and it's all over. The key will float down from the ceiling;

grab it to end your journey through the Sea of Sand.



Mario races out the right door in hot pursuit of Bowser Jr., only to find him

escape with Peach in his Airship once more. But Mario's no quitter! He races

off behind the Airship, but feels a sudden drop in temperature...


WORLD 3                              WRLD3-L


Name: Penguin Playground

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      M - Red Mushroom House

      L - Green Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      B - Boo House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      A - Area Change

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      R - Red Switch

      : - Secret Path

 S--1-- OOOOXOOOO         A        C  G

      | O       O         |        |  :  R

    --- X    L  X-----F----        |  :  |

    |   O    |  O     |     ?   M::4::5---

    2---X--3----X--B-----M  :      |     |

        O       O  :        :      |     R

        OOOOXOOOO  ::::::::::      A


- World 3 consists of 5 levels, as well as the Fortress, Castle and Boo House.

- The World 3 Boss is Lemmy Koopa (a.k.a. Hip Koopa).

- The map enemy is the Ice Bro.

- There are 3 secret exits.

- There are 4 Mushroom Houses (1 Red, 2 Green, 1 Gold).

- Walking through the Area Change simply takes you to the other section of the

  World Map. It does not require you to play through a level.

- The Red Switch is not a level. It changes the Red Blocks in 3-4 and 3-5.


$$ WORLD 3-1 $$                      WRLD3-1

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 3-2

Secret Exit:  No

Run to the right and jump up the first hill to find some Blocks and a Cooligan

sliding towards you. Jump on/over the Cooligan and hit the first ? Block for a

Penguin Suit. This new item lets you shoot balls of ice just like an Ice Flower

and lets you slide along the ground, bowling over enemies as you go. Watch for

the next Cooligan and then dash right. Just before the slope press down to get

on your belly and slide along.

You will slide straight over the first gap, and over the next ones too,

provided you jump the Cooligans sliding towards you because you simply bounce

off them rather than take them out. At the green pipes, the Blocks have another

Penguin Suit in case you lose one from running into a Cooligan. Freeze the

Piranha Plants when they are fully above the pipe and stand on top of them to

make some Coins appear.

Drop down from the Piranha Plants and slide along, taking out Brick Blocks and

grabbing Coins as you go. You should also find Star Coin #1 along the way. Jump

when you reach a Piranha Plant in your way and stop on the ground under the

Paratroopas. A Cooligan will slide across the platforms above and will reach a

gap further ahead, but will turn aroud a make its way back along the ground.

Avoid it and climb near the gap to find two Brick Blocks, one of which has a

Penguin Suit in case of emergencies.

Slide along the ice on the ground to avoid a Cooligan overhead. Stop at the gap

ahead. Jump into the roof and quickly Spin Jump to make it across this simple

but tricky gap, and hit the Brick Block for a 1-Up Mushroom. Jump through the

red ledge and grab it. Use the Paratroopa past here to bounce up to the

Checkpoint Flag.

Get past the Paratroopa and freeze the Cooligan down the bottom to defeat it,

then jump up to the ledge with a slope on the right side. When the Piranha

Plant pokes its head out, freeze it and use it to reach Star Coin #2. Work your

way back and climb to the top. Hit the Blocks up here and enter the pipe.

Here you will find a ? Block high in the air. Hit it for a Penguin Suit and

grab it if you need it. Jump to the higher ledge and then slide along, grabbing

the Coins as you go. You will find the Red Ring hovering above a Koopa. Jump to

get the Ring and you will get the first two Red Coins straight away. You don't

need to jump for the third, and you should go straight under the Paratroopa.

Jump the next gap and then jump to grab the fourth Red Coin just ahead, passing

over a Cooligan at the same time. Red Coins five and six are at the landing

spot; jump to grab number sever further ahead. The last Coin is behind a bunch

of Brick Blocks past a gap. Keep sliding to pass all of them and end up in an

alcove with a pipe. Go in.

This is quite tricky. You need to stand in the tunnel just to the left and

freeze a Cooligan as it comes at you. Jump on and duck under the lower wall.

Jump on the other side to grab Star Coin #3. Get back to the pipe by avoiding

the Cooligans across the top path.

Jump up and on to the red ledge, then climb the stairs on the cliff to the

right. Slide down the slope here and take out the first Koopa, but you need to

jump to make the gap just before the second Koopa. Slide all the way along,

jumping over gaps that will also make you leap over enemies. At the end of the

slide is the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 3-2 $$                      WRLD3-2

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 3-3, World 3-B, World 3-F

Secret Exit:  No

Start by running right and jumping up the hill. Hit the ? Block at the top for

an Ice Flower. On the next hill is a Bill Blaster. Once it gets on screen it

will start shooting Bullet Bills in your direction. You can duck under them,

freeze them in mid-air for a platform or simply jump on them to defeat them.

Jump over the Bill Blaster and get on the next platform with the Koopa. Wait

for a Bullet Bill to get close and jump on it, bouncing high in the air to get

Star Coin #1.

Just past the next Bill Blaster is a ? Block containing another Ice Flower.

Wait down here until the Ice Bro. ahead throws two ice balls. Quickly run up

and try freezing it or jumping on its head. Run down the hill and jump the gap,

collecting the Coins as you go. Jump over the Bill Blaster on the ground, then

jump between the ? Blocks and hit the top one for a Star. Grab it and race

right, knocking out as many enemies as you please. You'll soon come across the

Checkpoint Flag.

Past the Flag is a moving platform. Jump to it and climb up the cliff on the

other side. Your Star should be starting to run out now. The next drop has a

pipe at the bottom, but there are four Bill Blasters shooting over it. As you

drop down your Star will run out (if you been at full speed the whole way) so

watch for a gap through. Then enter the pipe.

Down here there is a raised section of the ground under three Bill Blasters.

You must use the Bullet Bills that are shot out to bounce up into the air to

the Coins above. Jump from the first to the second and then the top Bill and

follow the Coins up to get Star Coin #2. Then drop back down and leave through

the right pipe.

Drop off the right and run along the ground. Jump the gap but stay low so you

make it under the Ice Bro. At the incline, stop at the top. Jump to the airborn

platform on the left, wall jump and spin to the one on the right, then make it

back on to the top of the left one. Jump from here back to the right for Star

Coin #3.

Right of your position is a whole bunch of Bill Blasters with some Brick Blocks

floating above. You can either bounce along the Bullet Bills on the ground or

carefully jump from Block to Block in the air, avoiding the Bills altogether.

After passing by them you will find a staircase and the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 3-T $$                      WRLD3-T

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

Here in World 3 you will face off against the Ice Bros. They will often be

standing on Brick Blocks which you can smash to defeat them. You will also find

Springboards here, which help you reach the higher platforms. Fire Flowers work

a treat in these levels.


$$ WORLD 3-3 $$                      WRLD3-3

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      Green Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run up the hill and hit the ? Block for a Coin. Wait for the Ice Bro. to throw

to ice balls then slide down the hill and defeat it by hitting the Brick Block

it is standing on. The second Block from the left has a 1-Up Mushroom. Collect

it and then head down the pipe.

Down here there are lots of icicles hanging from the roof. You will notice very

few that are lighter in colour than the others, and they are the ones that will

fall from the ceiling if you get close. Use the floating platform to get to the

other side and hit the ? Blocks for a Penguin Suit. Jump from block to block in

the next section. It doesn't give you damage if you touch the water. Climb up

to the next ? Block and get yourself a Coin. Drop into the water on the right

side and follow the blocks underneath for Star Coin #1.

Climb back up and over and get past the Goombas falling from above. Here you

will find an Item Block. Get yourself an item (a Star, hopefully) and continue

on. Drop down and grab one of the Goombas that will get frozen by the Ice Bro.

Use the Goomba to take it out. Jump from the floating platform to the pipe and

go in.

Jump and pass the Checkpoint Flag and then move close to the giant icicle to

make it drop and become a new ledge for you to get across. The ? Blocks ahead

have a Penguin Suit, so grab it if you need it. Use the slope on the left to

slide down and keep sliding, jumping over gaps you pass. Stop after you bowl

over the four Goombas under the Ice Bro. Hit the Bro. from underneath then jump

up and grab Star Coin #2.

Run the next section (DON'T slide) and stop when you reach the giant icicles.

Make them fall one at a time and work your way across. The third will tip over,

helping you reach the other side. Dart up the stairs and begin sliding straight

away. You'll take out a bunch of Goombas and smash some Brick Blocks at the

end, earning you a 1-Up Mushroom. Grab it and enter the pipe.

Get a Penguin Suit from the ? Blocks here and then drop down and grab the

barrel. Take the barrel with you along the next section and don't squish it

into the roof because you'll have to come back and get another one. You can use

it as a shield against the falling icicles without it breaking, though. Jump

the blocks you come across, but don't get too high. Stay under the platforms

you come across and just let the icicles take out the Ice Bro. for you. Stand

next to the block at the end and throw the barrel. It will get Star Coin #3 for

you. Enter the pipe above.

Jump halfway up the hill to the top and then double jump to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 3-B $$                      WRLD3-B

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

From where you start, walk left. Wow, there's Star Coin #1. Run back right and

climb the stairs to the ? Block above the one near the start. It will give you

a Fire Flower. Use the middle platform to get under the Boo and then run past

the door into another secret area. Enter the door here.

Use the ? Block as a ledge and jump as high as you can on the rope. Climb up a

little and jump to the next platform. Climb the left rope here all the way to

the top and jump off to the right. Climb the lowest rope up to above the Boo

and then jump to the rope on the left, and then once more to the next rope.

Jump off the left here to find Star Coin #2. Make your way back up the ropes

and head through the door at the top.

Climb the stairs and jump off the left for a Coin Block. Jump back to the

stairs and jump up to the rope along the ceiling. Drop to the platform with 5

Coins and turn your back so the Boo gets closer. Once it floats down level with

you, turn back and use the rope to climb over it. Do the same on the next

platform, but make sure to grab the Fire Flower out of the ? Block. Drop from

the rope to the moving platform.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 3-?

When the moving platform reaches its leftmost point, you need to drop directly

down. You will land on a hidden platform with a door; go through.

In here you will find an elevator that likes to move at different speeds. There

are a multitude of Boos here, so rapidly press left and right to continuously

turn around and stop them from moving. Soon the elevator will suddenly drop.

When this happens you need to be as far right as you can. When it stops there

is a secret area on the right with Star Coin #3. As soon as you touch it jump

back out.

Hit the ? Block surrounded by Boos for a Star, and use it to wipe them all out.

When the elevator drops again you will face a Big Boo. Don't face it to make it

come to you and kill itself (if you still have the Star). The elevator will

drop once more and leave you at a door. Enter it.

Use the floating blocks to jump, double jump and triple jump over the Boo and

on to the Red Flag.


Use the moving platform to get to the next moving platform and then climb the

stairs to get to the next door. After realising it was a fake, jump right to

find the real door.

You will find an elevator that changes its speed all the way down. You will

also be surrounded by Boos. Quickly look left and right over and over again to

stop them from moving, unless of course you like a challenge. Just after you

pass three Coins the elevator will suddenly drop, with a strange piano sound

effect. Hit the ? Block for a Star and take out all the annoying little Boos.

Quickly get off the left side before it drops to find a nice amount of Coins.

Then enter the door at the bottom.

Climb the staircase, or jump to the second step and double to the top. Then

either jump or triple jump past the Boo to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 3-? $$                      WRLD3-?

Difficulty:   0 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-1

Secret Exit:  No

The trees here hold some Coins, so do some jumping to get them and then use the

Cannon to blast yourself to World 6.


$$ WORLD 3-F $$                      WRLD3-F

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 3-4

Secret Exit:  No

Start by jumping on to the purple thing on your right. Hit the ? Block and then

wait for it to rotate back around so you can reach the next platform. Wait here

for it to come back so you can run across the top and reach the next area.

Run to the right and wait for the blue block to rotate around and jump in,

hugging the left side, as soon as you start sliding down, wall jump across. Get

a tiny run up and hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower. Wall jump up to it and

wait on top of the Block for the gap to reach the top. Wall jump up and through

it, then wait on the left side of the block, not the blue ledge. As it rotates

back, get as high as you can on the block and jump to the right side on to the

small ledge which turns out to not be so small. Go in the door in here.

When the purple blocks create a gap at the bottom, jump in but dodge the spiked

ball swinging around. Jump into the gap when it reaches the left side, and use

the small height advantage to reach Star Coin #1. Watch the spiked ball and

drop out through any gap, and exit through the door on the left.

Run to the right side of the screen and jump up to the platform. It will start

moving up, and it will take the Dry Bones with it. Soon you will come across a

few Amps, and the Red Ring. Let the Ring come to you, and then race to the

right side while grabbing the Red Coins. Jump the Amps as you work your way

back across, then jump to the last Coins in the middle for an item. Don't worry

about getting squished; the platform stops just below. Jump up and pass the

Checkpoint Flag.

Climb the blue ledges and hit the ? Blocks. Grab the Ice Flower and then jump

to the next moving platform. This one goes up for longer, and grabs a whole

bunch of Dry Bones on the way. One thing you can do is freeze one and then

throw it to take out a bunch of the others. There is also a POW Block on the

way up; wait until the Dry Bones are just about to get you and throw it. A

bunch of Coins will drop down.

Soon you will get some spiked balls aboard your platform. You can't do anything

to hinder these, yet. For now though, simply jump them and let them take out

the Bones' for you. Then you'll get two more. Dodge these ones as well. You

will come across a POW Block further up. Pick it up but DON'T THROW IT. Jump

the spiked balls a bit longer and let them demolish some grey bricks above.

Then use the POW Block to wipe out the blocks and get Star Coin #2.

Climb to the ledges above and then jump on the green "hook" as it comes around.

Jump on to the top of it as it gets higher, then on to the new top and then

jump to the blue one above that. Then do the same thing again, but stay on it

until it reaches the right side and wall jump up to the ledge with the Dry

Bones. Grab yourself Star Coin #3 and jump through the ledge on the left. Jump

left again and jump where the blue ledge meets the solid ground for a Penguin

Suit. Then enter the Door.

MINI-BOSS: Lemmy Koopa

To change things up a little, Lemmy likes to stand on a ball. He also shoots

more balls at you. Jump on the balls he shoots at you, and bounce up and on to

his head. He will lose his ball and slide along the ground in his shell, just

like the others. As soon as he reaches an edge he pops back out, so either be

ready for that or wait until he shoots the balls again to bounce up. If you

don't attack him after he shoots out the bouncing balls, he rolls across the

platform, so you could jump on him when he does this, too. Three attacks knocks

him out.


$$ WORLD 3-4 $$                      WRLD3-4

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 3-5, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

Start by running right. Those block outlines are the Red Blocks that will

appear later. Jump on to the sliding block and hit the ? Blocks as you slide

across. The middle ones give you a Penguin Suit. If you haven't notcied, an

extra advantage to the Penguin Suit is you grip better on ice. Just a handy

tip. Jump off at the other side and Ground Pound through the blocks of ice for

some Coins. Jump back out and defeat the Koopa. Use the next sliding block to

get to some more tiny cubes of ice. Pick one up and use it to take out the Fire

Bro. by jumping to the sliding platform first. Grab Star Coin #1 up where the

Fire Bro. was and jump to the other side.

Hit the ? Block for a Coin and then drop to the sliding platform below. The

next ? Blocks also have Coins, and sliding down the next hill gets you some

more. You'll stop sliding at the end. Jump to the sliding platform here and

take out the Paratroopa. Jump on to the platform with the Koopa at the other

side and then on to the next sliding block. Duck under the platform and then

jump up in the middle to find yourself Star Coin #2. Then pop out the other

side to find the Checkpoint Flag.

Pick up a chunk of ice and throw it at the Goombas to get some Coins out of

hiding. The first ? Block holds a Penguin Suit, so grab that here. Jump across

the sliding blocks ahead, grabbing Coins and killing Koopas as you go. Hit the

Item Block at the end and hope you get a Propeller Mushroom or a Star.

Star: Run and jump the blocks ahead, using a tall one to reach the Fire Bro.

Prop: Jump the blocks and Spin Jump up into the air then drill down to the Bro.

None: Jump over the blocks and use a tall one to hit the Bro. from underneath.

The Brick Block above the Fire Bro. holds a 1-Up Mushroom, so try to not

completely destroy the Blocks under it. Further ahead where the sliding blocks

come out is Star Coin #3. Wait for a block to go past then jump in and get it.

Wait for a break between fireballs and jump up and underneath it, or Spin Jump

and get it from the air. Then get on the massive sliding block with the POW

Block; throw the Block for a lot of Coins to drop. At the other side, jump high

up and land on the Red Finish Flag.

NOTE: Finishing this level the first time through counts as the Secret Exit.

There is no other possible way of finishing until later on, hence Part 2 below.


$$ WORLD 3-5 $$                      WRLD3-5

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      Red Switch

Secret Exit:  Yes

Jump on to the pink block to start it moving upwards, then jump back off to the

left a bit higher up to the two ? Blocks. One of these has a Propeller Mushroom

which makes this level a lot easier. Spin Jump back over to the pink block and

then to the right to hit the P-Switch. Jump around, collecting the Coins that

appear. Remeber to save your Spin Jump for if you fall past the pink block.

Further up you will move past two ? Blocks surrounded by Paratroopas. The ?

Blocks only have Coins, so you don't really need to hit them. A bit higher up

you will find some Venus Fire Traps poking their heads out of pipes. The

fireballs they shoot are pretty easy to dodge, so don't overthink it. Once you

get kinda close to the first pipe, Spin Jump upwards for Star Coin #1.

Keep avoiding the fireballs as you work your way through. You will soon make

it to the top. You should notice a red pipe that is currently inaccessible. The

Red Blocks underneath allow you to enter it later on. For now though, go up via

the green pipe.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      Gold Mushroom House

Even though you don't really need the Mushroom House, the other Star Coins are

here, so enter the red pipe after activating the Red Switch.

Run right across the green platform to the pink rotating block. As it heads up

you will come across a platform with two ? Blocks covered in ice cubes. The

left one has a Propeller Mushroom if you need it. Just up from here is another

platform covered in cubes but it also has a Koopa. Take out the Koopa and grab

Star Coin #2.

A little further up is the Red Ring. Let the pink block get about level with it

before you grab it. You should just be able to get the first one, and make sure

to dodge the Koopa between numbers four and five. Get them all for a prize, and

continue moving upwards. You will find four Paratroopas flying up and down with

a small gap in the middle. Spin Jump through this gap for Star Coin #3.

Stay towards the middle near the end because the Paratroopas further up won't

move just for you. Once you're past them, enter the yellow pipe.

Climb on top of the pipe and jump over to the pink block. Jump from here on to

the Red Finish Flag.


Use the pink block to jump super high to the Finish Flag.



Hit the top Red Switch on the map to activate all Red Blocks throughout levels

3-4 and 3-5. You will see the block under 3-4 change depending on if the Red

Blocks are transparent or not. Hit the bottom Red Switch to deactivate all the

Red Blocks if you ever feel like it. But for now, leave them visible.


$$ WORLD 3-4 $$ (Part 2)             WRLD3-P

Difficulty:   1 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 3-C

Secret Exit:  No (Because this is the "normal" way.)

Run up the hill and then jump on to the Red Blocks. Use the new platforms to

simply jump across the top and race through nearly the whole level. When you

get to the Fire Bro., you will notice he is box in. Jump on his head and grab

Star Coin #1 if you missed it the first time through.

Drop down to the sliding platform a little further along and either use it to

get to next platform or slide under the gap along the Red Blocks and wall jump

up. Slide down the hill on the right and collect some Coins. The Red Blocks

make it so much easier to pass by the Paratroopas. When you reach the big

floating platform, drop down through the gap next to it on to the sliding

platform and duck into the gap in the middle to find Star Coin #2 if you didn't

get it before. Or just jump over the top.

Get the Checkpoint Flag and throw the ice block to reveal the Coins. Grab them

as you run past and pick up a Penguin Suit from the first ? Block while you're

at it. The next group of sliding blocks are a lot easier to pass with the new

Red Blocks underneath, so either jump over them like the first time through or

drop down and simply run across the new platform. At the other side, slide

under where the Item Block is to reach the red pipe.

Grab an ice block from the left and through it towards the Goombas. Quickly

chase after it and grab the Coins it leaves behind. Exit through the red pipe

on the right. Jump to the slightly higher part of the ground, double to the top

of the ice cube stack, then triple on to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 3-C $$                      WRLD3-C

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-1

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and take out the Dry Bones. Jump up to the ? Blocks for some Coins

and jump the next gap for some more Coins, then hit the ? Blocks here for a

Coin and a Penguin Suit. Get the other Coins, but be careful of the Dry Bones.

Enter the green pipe ahead.

Stand on the Donut Lifts until they fall to land on the blue blocks below. Once

you touch them, they will begin to move. You need to stay aboard by any means

necessary. They will create a stair near the Brick Block, so jump up and stay

on. Jump the icicle after it lands and hit the ? Block for a Coin. Just ahead

are some more giant icicles. Use these as stepping stones over the spikes. They

land on the moving blue blocks and will fall once it passes. The last will tip


Two icicles close together will fall ahead, giving you a platform to the ?

Block above. Get yourself a Penguin Suit. Some yellow balls just like the ones

Lemmy shot at you will bounce around ahead. Use one to bounce high into the air

and on to the Donut Lifts, where you can grab Star Coin #1.

Past here is a Brick Block and a small tunnel to a Dry Bones and a green pipe.

Go through the pipe. In here are some Bob-Ombs. Jump on one of its' heads to

start its fuse. It will shatter and ice blocks nearby, and cause a chain

reaction if the block contains another Bob-Omb. Blow up the first row and then

kick a lit Bob-Omb over to the left to destroy the wall there. The ? Block has

a Penguin Suit, and you can also get Star Coin #2 just above. Take out the

right wall to find the Checkpoint Flag.

Climb the stairs past the Dry Bones to another area with Bob-Ombs. Blow up one

to destroy all the ice blocks ahead, and you will fall on to another one of

those moving blue platforms.

Just ahead it will create a staircase over the top of a ? Block. Drop to the

Block and jump around so the Donut Lifts don't fall. Hit the ? Block for a

Penguin Suit and then jump back on to the blue platform when it returns. Jump

to the Donut Lifts in the middle and grab Star Coin #3, and then keep jumping

frantically until the platform comes back down. Jump back to it as early as


Here you will find the Red Ring. The Red Coins appear next to all the other

Coins floating about, so grab them as you collect the Red Coins. The platform

will weave its way upwards, just staying under each row of Coins. Once it

reaches the top, stay towards the back. It will soon reach three Brick Blocks.

You need to slide in th Penguin Suit across the platform so you ram the first

one. It releases a 1-Up Mushroom, which you can collect from down near the

door. Before actually entering the door, head back left and go down the green


There are three bouncing balls here, so use them to get yourself up to the ?

Block that just happens to contain a Penguin Suit if you need it. Then head up

the yellow pipe and enter the door.

BOSS BATTLE: Lemmy Koopa

Pace yourself down the long corridor to find Lemmy waiting for you at the end,

almost as if he knew you were coming. Lemmy will be on his ball, and Kamek will

fly past with his magic. Lemmy's ball will grow to a much larger size, and the

sides of the arena will disappear. His attacks are the same again, mainly him

shooting yellow balls at you. Bounce off one to reach his head. He will fly

across the ground in his shell and you'll need to jump over him to avoid damage

just like every time before. He will go across the floor and back again, then

across and stop. Time this so you can jump on his head as soon as he pops out

from his shell. Three stomps will win the battle.



With three Koopalings defeated, Mario races forward out of the Castle, only to

find that once again he is too late. Bowser Jr. takes off in his Airship with

Peach and head for World 4 with Mario hot on his heels...


WORLD 4                              WRLD4-L


Name: Sparkle Ocean

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      M - Red Mushroom House

      L - Green Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      B - Boo House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      Z - Airship (Boss)

      : - Secret Path




    :     |

 G:::     |

    :     |



 ?     4--M

 :     |




  |   |







- World 4 consists of 5 levels, as well as the Fortress, Castle, Boo House and


- The World 4 Boss is Wendy O. Koopa (a.k.a. Kootie Pie Koopa).

- The map enemy is the Porcu-Puffer.

- There are 2 secret exits.

- There are 4 Mushroom Houses (1 Red, 1 Green, 2 Gold).


$$ WORLD 4-1 $$                      WRLD4-1

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 4-2, World 4-3, Green Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run and jump to the first platform and hit the ? Blocks for a Coin and a

Penguin Suit. Swim to the right and freeze enemies if they get too close. You

will come across a Piranha Plant underwater. Freeze it to make it float to the

surface and use it as a ledge to reach Star Coin #1.

Jump up on to the next platform on the water and either bounce off the

Paratroopa or freeze it and use it as a stepping stone to reach the higher

ground with the Koopa and the Red Ring. The ? Block on the right has a Penguin

Suit in case you took damage through the water. Grab the Suit if you need it,

then grab the Red Ring. Use the Penguin Suit to power through the water and

collect the 8 Red Coins. Get your prize and then swim right.

You will reach a green pipe shooting water out and a Spiny Cheep-Cheep. These

are the ones that just keep on following you, so be careful not to stay still

for too long. Use the pipe to get on to the ledge, then quickly dive down the

other side. You be able to just make it past the next Spiny Cheep. On the other

side, swim straight back up and hit the ? Blocks for some Coins and another

Penguin Suit. Run off the right side and slide just before you hit the water.

You should be sliding straight across the top of the water. When you reach land

further along, hit the ? Block here for a Star and use it to wipe out all of

the nasty Spiny Cheeps that were following you. Afterwards, swim right to the

Checkpoint Flag on the land above.

The two ? Blocks here hold a Coin and a Penguin Suit once more, so get them if

you need them. On the other side of the water is a Coin Block, so swim over and

grab yourself some Coins. Swim down and to the right, and freeze any Urchins

that get in your way. Just after a green pipe is another Urchin. Get near the

surface of the water and freeze it. You only have a short time to jump on it

and leap upward to get Star Coin #2. After it breaks, swim across the surface

to the left and jump into the secret alcove.

As the sound may have given away, there is an Item Block in here. Hit it and

hope you get a Star. If you do, speed ahead and take out as many enemies as you

can before it runs out. If not, jump back into the water and swim under the

next green pipe on the right. Go straight up when you can, and jump to the

small ledge on the land you just went under. Jump on the edge for a hidden ?

Block, then jump next to the wall for a hidden 1-Up Mushroom. Grab it and swim

to the platform to the right.

The Brick Blocks here actually hide a Penguin Suit, so hit them for it if you

want. Run from the left side straight across to the right and jump to the Brick

Blocks above the first Mega Urchin, then slide from there. You just knock over

the Paratroopas that get in your way. Just remember not to hit the first one

when you jump. Get out of the water at the next bit of land. From here, freeze

the Urchin left of the next Mega Urchin and then jump over to the other side.

Freeze the Urchin on this side to make it fall to the bottom. Swim down to

where it stops to find that they have blocked two green pipes expelling water.

Carefully swim between the Urchins and enter the yellow pipe just underneath.

Down here are three Clams and two Spiny Cheeps. Start by getting one of the

Cheeps' attention and draw it up to the ceiling. Freeze it when it gets close

and it should smash on the roof. Do the same to the other and then swim through

the Clams as they open to get yourself three 1-Up Mushrooms. Exit through the

yellow pipe on the right.

Swim straight up and hit the second ? Block on the top row for a Penguin Suit.

Swim across to the right and avoid/freeze the Urchins all the way along here.

At the last Urchin (it will be beside a sideways pipe), freeze it and the one

next to it to get on to the stairs above. Climb up and jump on top of the pipe

for Star Coin #3. Then enter the pipe you're standing on.

Use the Paratroopa as a trampoline and bounce as far as you can right and land

on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 4-T $$                      WRLD4-T

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

Here you will face off against a Porcu-Puffer. It swims around in the water

below, waiting for you to get close so it can jump up and smack you in the

face. Try to spend as little time on the bottom level as you can, and spend

even less time in the water. Freezing it only works for a split second, but

fireballs will buy you some time while it pulls itself back together.

Otherwise, the drill is the same: collect the 8 Toad Balloons for some



$$ WORLD 4-2 $$                      WRLD4-2

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-F

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and jump on to the higher ground. Hit the second ? Block for a Fire

Flower. You'll notice that Cheep-Cheeps are jumping through the air. This is

something that you have to deal with throughout the whole level, so it's lucky

you now have fireballs to protect you. The next bridge is completly made of

Donut Lifts, so keep on your toes. The first Brick Block mass you come across

has a Coin Block second on the top row, next to the ? Block. Get as many Coins

as you can and move on. The next Brick Blocks are all Coins, but the one in the

bridge holds a P-Switch which will make a bunch of Coins appear. If you really

want it, stand on a Donut Lift until it falls, being careful of the Cheeps. Hit

the Brick Block and then jump back up to the Switch. Afterwards, stand on the

second lot of Brick Blocks and jump to the cloud to find some Coins.

Head right from here, and drop down under the Blocks. Grab Star Coin #1 and

move quickly off the barrel by jumping straight up. The ? Block has another

Fire Flower for if you took damage. Grab it and continue right across the gap.

Jump quickly across the barrels but be careful not to jump into any flying

Cheep-Cheeps. At the other side, pass the Checkpoint Flag.

You will come across a new type of ledge. When you walk across it, Mario turns

side-on and slowly sidesteps across. If you press down on the D-Pad you can

hang from it and collect the Coins. Press up to climb back on to it. Jumping is

harder, as you barely move from side to side when jumping. Dropping on to a

ledge will make you automatically drop to the hanging stage. Get past here and

hit the ? Blocks for a Fire Flower and a Star. Make sure you grab the first one

before you hit the second one. With the Star, sprint across the bridge and jump

to the ledge to drop down and grab Star Coin #2, then race back and use a Donut

Lift to get into the water. Hit the Brick Block to the left from down here to

release a 1-Up Mushroom. Grab it and then head back to the right.

Move past where the Star Coin was and hit the ? Blocks for some Coins. At the

next ledges, make sure to jump between them because simply moving towards the

middle one will make you fall into the water and not hang from the ledge. Hit

the ? Blocks at the other side for a Coin and another Fire Flower. Use the

Donut Lifts to reach the next platform and you will come across a yellow ledge

inbetween the sidestep ledges. These fall just like Donut Lifts and are harder

to get across because of the whole sidestepping thing. If you keep jumping as

you move across it won't fall. Get past it and then jump as far across the next

two as you can. You will drop when you land on them, so quickly climb up and

jump to the next safe ledge. Use the yellow ledge here to drop down and climb

across the normal ledge below. Quickly climb up and grab Star Coin #3 before

the yellow ledge drops, and then make your way right and up to the tunnel exit.

Use the Donut Lifts and the Cheep-Cheeps to get some speed and airtime as you

jump and bounce across to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 4-3 $$                      WRLD4-3

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-F

Secret Exit:  No

In this level you will encounter Huckit Crabs. They like to throw rocks at you,

and will jump back as they do so, often up stairs. You can bounce off both the

Crabs and the rocks they throw, so get creative. Head to the right and get past

the first Crab. The ? Blocks here hold a Penguin Suit, so get that before the

next Crab gets you with a rock. Make your way past this Crab to find three

moving platforms above a Mega Urchin. Use a rock that the Crab standing on the

middle platform throws to get on top of the ? Block and jump to get Star Coin

#1. Ground Pound the Block for a Coin, and hit the next one for a Penguin Suit.

Continue right.

The nex hill has a Crab guarding a ? Block and a Koopa. Freeze the Crab and

throw it at the Koopa, then hit the Brick Block on the right for a Star. Grab

the Star and sprint right to find a P-Switch. Hit the Switch and run right and

slide down the hill. You will slide down and on to the top of the water.

Follow the trail of Coins along, jumping when they go into the air. The trail

will lead you to Star Coin #2, and will stop at the Checkpoint Flag.

After passing the Flag, jump back left and hit the middle Brick Block for a

Mini Mushroom. Run right and don't hit the ? Block ahead. It gives you a

Mushroom, and you don't want it right now. Wait for the Crab above to throw a

rock, then quickly jump and Ground Pound to make it up to the next step. Get up

the stairs like this, then drop down into the little alcove on the left after

the Crab ahead throws its rock. Run across the water into the pipe.

Swim through the heart of Coins to get Star Coin #3, and feel free to get more

Coins, but don't accidentally swim into the Mega Urchins at the bottom. Exit

through the pipe on the right.

Jump to the next platform and then on to the Donut Lifts. Because you are

really small, the Lifts don't fall under your weight. Jump and grab the Red

Ring, then grab the two Red Coins where you are standing. Drop left and get

number three, then follow the trail of Coins along the water to number four,

just above the Mega Urchin. The climb upward and get the rest for your prize.

Then press forward to the pipe on the land just ahead.

On the other side of the pipe is a tree. As Mini Mario you can jump to it no

problem. Double jump along the trail of Coins to the second tree, then triple

to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 4-F $$                      WRLD4-F

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-4

Secret Exit:  Yes

Quickly jump across the gap in the middle to the other side, as four grey

blocks will crush you if you aren't fast enough. Hit the ? Block for an Ice

Flower, or a Mushroom if you're still Mini Mario. Use the grey blocks to get up

to the conveyer belts they dropped from, and hit the ? Blocks on either side

for a Coin. Just mind the Dry Bones. Then jump into the middle and get into the


You will find another conveyer belt with grey blocks dropping on to it from the

other side. Use one of these blocks as they get near the edge to reach Star

Coin #1, then jump over them to the other side and use a tall one to reach the

blue ledge above.

Run across the next set of conveyer belts, and at the top run right to the fast

moving belt and wall jump up to one above. Jump around up here for some Coins,

then drop back down and climb to the belt with a ? Block for an Ice Flower. Use

it to get rid of the Dry Bones above. Jump to the next conveyer belt and then

up to the blue ledge once more.

Jump up and across the bottom three conveyer belts, then wall jump up to the

top one. Run back down across the top belts, and jump into the coloured wall at

the end. You'll find Star Coin #2 in here. Then get back out and up to the blue

ledge. Pass the Checkpoint Flag up here.

Grab yourself a Propeller Block and jump to the Red Ring. Spin Jump around the

room and collect the 8 Red Coins. Get your prize and enter the pipe at the top

of the room.

Race left and jump the gap before a grey block drops and knocks you down it.

Climb the blue ledges and then jump to the conveyer belt, making your way over

the grey blocks as they move towards you. Climb the next blue ledges and then

run/jump over the next conveyer belt. Once a grey block drops, use it as a

ledge to reach the higher ground above. As soon as the next grey block passes

you, jump to the conveyer belt. If the next block dropped is short, jump over

it and run to the next safe platform. If it is tall, run back to the platform

you were on and wait for it to pass. Enter the pipe at the other side once you

get there.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 4-?

As soon as you exit the pipe, run left and jump the gap, then jump into the

solid green part of the wall. In here is a pipe which you can enter.

Climb the conveyer belt stairs and then jump to the Red Finish Flag.


Once through the pipe, run to the left and wait for the first block, then jump

on to the second grey block that falls. As soon as a block drops on the right

of it, jump to that one. Get back to the middle once a new block falls, then

jump to the short block that lands on the leftmost pile. Jump to that block for

Star Coin #3, then back to the right after another block lands level with you.

After the last block lands (covering the Star Coin if you missed it), climb up

to the top and run across the conveyer belt. Climb the blue ledges and jump

over to the left side. Go over the tall grey brick to find a secret area full

of Coins. Right in the middle of this room is a hidden ? Block with a Fire

Flower. Get this, then head on through the door.

MINI-BOSS: Wendy O. Koopa

Wendy starts by shooting a ring of light that bounces around the room. If you

touch this you will take damage, so be careful when jumping around. Either jump

on her head or quickly shoot fireballs at her to make her go into her shell and

roll around. Jump over her while avoiding the ring until she pops back out, and

then jump on her again. Do this one more time for victory.


$$ WORLD 4-? $$                      WRLD4-?

Difficulty:   0 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-1

Secret Exit:  No

Jump to the platform on the right to find five Coins, then continue on to get

to the Cannon. It will blast you away to World 6.


$$ WORLD 4-4 $$                      WRLD4-4

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-B, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and enter the pipe. Swim right from here and hit the ? Block ahead

for a Fire Flower. Use your fireballs to take out the Spiny Cheep just ahead of

you. In the red pipe further along you will see a while thing poking out. It is

the head of a Blooper. They will shoot out in the direction the tip of their

head is pointing when you get close, then will continue to chase you until you

defeat them. Good thing you have fireballs. Get a fairly close distance without

getting so close as to make it shoot out, and start throwing fireballs. If you

get a good bounce you should be able to kill them without any trouble. Take out

the three Bloopers here and the Spiny Cheeps with your fire and also get the

Blooper hiding behind the wall just to the right.

Defeat the Blooper on the other side by shooting fireballs as it shoots out,

then defeat the two Bloopers hiding in the seaweed ahead. Then come back and

get the Red Ring. Collect the Red Coins and then swim past the pipes to the

Checkpoint Flag.

Continue swimming along, taking out the Bloopers hiding in pipes. Just be

careful not to get hit, because this is very annoying without fireballs. If you

do get hit, you'll have to watch carefully for where the Bloopers shoot out and

avoid them as they fly past. You soon find three Brick Blocks covering a yellow

pipe. Slide between the last Block and the green pipe beside it to get through,

and then enter the yellow pipe.

In here is Bubba. This giant purple Cheep will instantly kill you when it eats

you, so stay back. If you still have the Fire Flower power, take it out with

one fireball. If not, wait for it to run into the Blocks and turn around. As it

gets further away, swim to the first ? Block and hit it for a Fire Flower, and

use that to defeat it. It will drop three 1-Up Mushrooms for you. Grab these

and then hit the other ? Block for a Star. Grab this and then race up and into

the green pipe above.

Hit the P-Switch just to the right for a trail of Coins leading to a yellow

pipe. Enter this pipe to come back near the surface. Both ? Blocks here hold a

Penguin Suit, so even if you are small Mario you can get ice powers. Freeze the

Cheep-Cheep swimming around in the middle to make it float to the surface, then

use it as a platform to reach Star Coin #1. Grab as many Coins as you want and

exit through the yellow pipe on the right.

Swim back left after you are thrust out of the pipe and hit the ? Block for a

Fire Flower. Aim a fireball for the green pipe under the yellow pipe you came

out of to get the Blooper, then swim right to the Brick Blocks. Hold right but

don't use the "2" Button to get through the stream of water and under the

Blocks, then hit the ? Block to release a Star. Use this to fly through the

water taking out everything in your path.

Further ahead is Star Coin #2 at the bottom of the screen. Drift down to it and

defeat the Bloopers ahead. If you've lost the Fire Flower and the Star,

frantically swim through the water, never stopping. Keep moving right, watching

the trajectories of the Bloopers. You find a wall with Coins in bubbles passing

through it. Swim through it as well to find Star Coin #3. Then speed swim to

the green pipe above.

Jump left to the ledge, then up to the platform. Jump, double and triple across

the platforms to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 4-B $$                      WRLD4-B

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-5

Secret Exit:  Yes

Drop back left from the start into a tiny secret area. Stand up against the

real wall and jump for a Star. Grab it and run along, taking out all of the

Boos and Little Mousers you run past. There's some extra lives already. Run

back left to where you started and count out five MOVING platforms. The fifth

should move down and reveal Star Coin #1. A ? Block nearby has an Ice Flower,

so get that if you want it. Now head back to the door all the way to the right

side of this room.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 4-C, Gold Mushroom House

A secret exit already? After reaching the door surrounded by Brick Blocks, walk

back left to the platform that moves up when you stand on it. The next one to

the left starts moving down. Stay on it until it reaches the floor to find a

door. Go through.

Hit the ? Block ahead for an Ice Flower, then jump across the ledges until you

reach a platform that moves up when you stand on it. As it rises, jump left to

the door platform and then jump to Star Coin #3. Then make your way to the

higher ground to the right. Jump over the Boos and fake candlesticks to come

across a Big Boo. Launch yourself over it to find two doors. The left one is a

fake, so head through the door on the right.

Outside, run past the Boo and hit the Blocks here for some Coins and a

Springboard. Grab the SB and take over next to the Red Finish Flag. Drop it and

run back left, drawing the Big Boo away. Once it is far enough over for you to

get past, get on the other side of it and use the SB to get maximum height on

the Flag.


Climb above the door and jump to find a secret area hidden behind the ceiling.

Grab some Coins from up here and then walk to the platform that moves up when

you stand on it. It's just to the left. As it rises, you might feel like you're

about to get squished against the roof, but you won't be. Stand on the right

edge to find a P-Switch. This will turn the Brick Blocks guarding the door to

Coins so that you can get through. Grab the Coins around it, then run right to

the small block that makes up part of the wall. This is a secret area they try

to make you think is the exit, until you realise it has a ? Block with a Coin

and that's it. Head back and go through the door.

Run right and use the Little Mousers here to bounce up between the two blocks

on the ceiling. Use the one on the left to wall jump up to a secret area with a

barrel. Grab the barrel and drop back down. Throw it right and chase after it

at full speed. It will bowl over heaps of Mousers, earning you points and a

bunch of extra lives. Instead of the barrel, you could use a ball of ice to

freeze one Mouser and throw it at the rest. At the end, run past the door and

jump up the step. Walk right into another secret area, and climb up to find

Star Coin #2 and another door. Go in this one instead.

You'll drop down to the ground and find three ? Blocks. The middle one has a

Springboard. Grab it and throw it to the edge of the ground you're on. It

should be just before the gap in front of the Finish Flag. Let the Boo come to

you when you're near the ? Blocks, then run past it and use the SB to get some

extra height on the Flag.


$$ WORLD 4-5 $$                      WRLD4-5

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-C, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Jump on to the first tree to find a Cloud Block, which are unique to this

level. Hit it and all others you find to give the Lakitu in the air some

company. One will throw Spinies at you, and the other will throw Coins. Hit the

? Blocks just further ahead to get a Yoshi. Jump to one of the higher trees and

use Yoshi to eat the Spiny-throwing Lakitu and steal his cloud. Float over to

Star Coin #1, then eat the fruit from the trees just left of the Piranha Plant.

Jump over the expanding purple platforms further to the right and hit the ?

Block to get a Fire Flower. Keep moving along until you reach a tall pipe with

a Piranha Plant. Eat the plant and use the tree just past it to get to the tall

tree to the right. Eat the Lakitu here and fly straight up along the trail of

Coins. Float along, collecting all the Coins in the air and grab Star Coin #2.

Then slowly drift back down to the ground where the Coins lead to find the

Checkpoint Flag.

Run right until you find a green pipe quite low to the ground on a hill that

gets you level with the Lakitu. Eat it and steal its cloud to float up to the

tree you wouldn't be able to reach with a normal jump. It should be right above

you. Up from this tree is a pipe. Go in it.

Run along and hit one or two of the Cloud Blocks to get some Lakitus. Steal

their clouds and float up to the Coins in the sky, and grab Star Coin #3 while

you're up here. After adding to your Coin collection, exit through the pipe on

the right.

Drop straight down to land next to a Piranha Plant. Run up the hill and past

the next Plant to find the Red Ring. Grab it as the first purple platform

expands to be able to get the first Red Coin. Jump around on the platforms to

collect the next six Coins, then land on the sand to the right and slide under

the Cloud Block for number eight. Jump over the next pipes and stop when you

reach four Brick Blocks. One if these is actually a Coin Block, so get some

Coins while you're here. Then pass by the next few pipes and then jump to a

tree as the ground drops to just under the water's surface. Jump to the next

tree and then use Yoshi's Flutter to collect the trail of Coins to the right,

then land on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 4-C $$                      WRLD4-C

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 4-Z

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and jump on to the moving fence. Cling tightly as the spiked pillars

will shoot out underneath you, ready to deal out some damage. On top of the

section holding the fence up is two ? Blocks. Get yourself a Fire Flower up

here, then either use the fence to reach the other side or just jump it.

Here you will find a Koopa continuously moving around the fence. It will climb

up the front, then back down the rear. As it comes down the back of the fence,

Jump on to the front and press "1" to punch it off. Use the gate ahead to spin

around to the back, but make sure you get the Koopa out of the way first. Then

climb the fence on the left to get all of the Coins at the back. Then go right.

Jump to the next fence and climb along behind it. Jump to the platform in the

middle and hit the ? Blocks. Then climb across the fences to the next platform

which is home to a Dry Bones. Jump on it, then drop off the right to the fence

moving below. Clamber across to the left for Star Coin #1, then head off to the

ledge on the right.

Grab the Coins and defeat the Koopas here, but don't swing back to the front.

Keep going to find more moving fences. Get to the second lot which has one

above the other, but on seperate sides. As soon as the spiked pillars below

start retracting from their extended positions, drop down and quickly grab Star

Coin #2. Jump back up and work across the fences to the safe point at the other

side. Grab the Coins and then use the gate to return to the front. Enter the

door just ahead.

As you come out of the door, a spiked pillar will shoot out from under you. Run

to the edge and drop down as it goes back in. Stand in the small hole in the

ground and duck. It will shoot out just over your head. Hit the ? Block ahead

for a Coin and then quickly jump on top of it. Wait for the next pillar, then

jump over the wall in your way and hit the Checkpoint Flag.

The ? Block on the left has a Coin, and the one on the right has an Ice Flower,

so get them both. Climb above the ? Block and wait for the spiked pillar ahead

to start returning to its dormant position. Drop down to the Coins in the gap

and duck. Once it passes over, jump up to the blue ledge for the Coins, then

duck into the next gap before it shoots out. Then use the next blue ledge to

get up to safety.

Hit the Item Block above the Dry Bones and hope you get a Propeller Mushroom.

Run right and drop into the green pipe just ahead, being careful of the spiked

pillar. You'll be underwater in here, and so will the Red Ring. Grab it and

start swimming around collecting the Red Coins, but be careful of the spiked

ball. Collect your prize and head back up.

Let the pillar go first before you jump back up. Get to the blue ledge and grab

the POW Block. Throw it right there for some Coins to fall from the ceiling. If

you have the Propeller Cap, Spin Jump over the next small tunnel with two

pillars. If not, jump on to the next ledge and duck under the first spiked

pillar as it shoots out. Then jump up to the blue ledges after it goes back in

and race upward to the pipe. If you want to try, stand on the blue ledge and

run right. Do a tiny jump to the ledge and a really small double jump to the

very edge of this platform. You should be able to triple over the top where the

Propeller Cap can go.

Back underwater, swim right and hit the ? Block for a Coin. That skeleton fish

ahead of you is a Fishbone. When it sees you, its eyes turn red and it swims

towards you like a missile. It doesn't stray off course, however, so simply

move out of its way to avoid damage. In the next room, hit the ? Block for

another Coin, then swim up to the small gap under the grate in the wall. You'll

swim into a secret room with lots of Coins. Get all of these and then enter the

pipe below.

The spiked pillar under you will "stall" for a moment as it shoots out, then

will speed off really fast into the distance. When it gets back, jump into the

first gap with Coins and then leap out and race to the second gap. Duck in here

as the pillar whizzes overhead. Jump up to the moving platform and hit the ?

Block here, then jump to the next platform. As the pillar goes back, race along

the ground and past the blue ledge to a green pipe. Enter it.

In this watery arena there are lots of Fishbones. Let them fly past you as you

slowly drift down to Star Coin #3 underneath you. Hit the ? Blocks for two

Coins and then return to the surface through the same pipe. Wait for the pillar

to smash into the wall above you before you exit. Jump up on to the blue ledge

and then enter the door.

BOSS BATTLE: Wendy O. Koopa

Kamek will fly through the room with his magic and will flood it, allowing you

to swim around the entire room. Wendy will shoot a glowing ring as the water

slowly drains out. She'll then jump through the water, so be careful of that.

The rings move a lot slower through the water, so watch for the increase of

speed when they fly out of it. Once all the water has cleared, jump on Wendy's

head to make her go into her shell. She'll slide across the room trying to

knock into you like always, and if you are fast enough, jump on her head right

as she pops out to save having to swim around again. The water will return, but

you'll only have to get her one more time instead of having to swim around

again after this time. Watch carefully for the rings and make sure you aren't

nearby when she jumps through the water. After it drains again, give her a

stomp to the head to end the battle. Grab the key to end this world.

NOTE: You could use fireballs to wipe her out while you're swimming around OR

if you are really fast, you can wipe her out before the water comes back even




After defeating Wendy, Mario runs out the right door and finds Bowser Jr. once

more. The Airship, however, takes off without him. He gives chase, and Mario

stays right on his heels until they both make it to the ship. Bowser Jr. jumps

on board and Mario is right behind him...


$$ WORLD 4-Z $$                      WRLD4-Z

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-1

Secret Exit:  No

Unlike the original Airship levels from the likes of Super Mario Bros. 3, the

screen stays with Mario for this stage, rather than Mario having to keep up.

Start by running right, as per usual. The yellow crates with orange outlines

can be Ground Pounded and broken, so keep that in mind. You will come across a

Mecha-Koopa. These crumple after a stomp to the head much like a Dry Bones, and

just like a Bones they can revive themselves after a period of time. Bounce off

it and trudge forward. The ? Block you come across has an Ice Flower, just for

you. Be careful of the Rocket Engine under it; you'll take damage if you make

contact. Jump along the next few platforms, bouncing off Mechas and dodging

REs. A trick that comes in handy: you can pick up Mechas after jumping on them.

They don't have to be frozen. Soon you'll come across an RE that is bigger than

the rest. Wait for it to rotate around to the left, then run over it and grab

Star Coin #1. Jump out and get back on the grey ledge where you came from, then

jump to the higher platform on the right.

Get past the RE here and head inside the ship. Run across the grey ledge past

the RE on the roof, then sprint left as you see a giant RE move past you to the

right. Hit the ? Block here for an Ice Flower, then wait for the flame to move

past you before you run back across to the right. Dodge past the REs further

along and get to the Checkpoint Flag.

Up the stairs are a bunch of crates. Ground Pound through them to the pipe

below. Enter it to end up under the ship. The grey platform to the right works

a bit like a nut on a screw. Continuously jump on it to wind it along the track

and to the other side. If you stay on the platform for even less than a second,

you will fall past it, so be careful. Do the same thing for the next platform,

and jump high halfway across to get Star Coin #2. Jump up to the pipe on the

other side and go in.

You'll come out above a massive picture of a Bowser face. Run right to find a

whole heap of pipes moving up and down. Stand on the very first blue one and

jump at its highest point to get the Red Ring. Jump across the pipes,

collecting the Red Coins as you go. Claim your prize and then enter the ship

once more.

In here are some Rocket Engines that turn on and off, and two Cannons that

shoot out Bob-Ombs. Carefully make your way through, watching for the REs that

are about to turn on. The explosions from the Bob-Ombs don't exactly help

either. Just before the safe middle section is a POW Block. Grab it just after

a Bob-Omb gets shot right there. Jump up to the platform with two ? Blocks and

throw it. The Coins will drop and you can hit the ? Blocks above for an Ice

Flower. Race through and grab the Coins, and don't stop until you are on top of

two pipes that release Bob-Ombs. When two come out, drop on to one as it hits

the ground. It will blow up a crate next to it, but it must be touching the

crate to destroy it. Go through this gap and jump up the grey ledges to get

Star Coin #3. Then enter the yellow pipe.

Grab one of the Propeller Blocks and run to the other side of this room. Jump

and then twirl up through the air.

BOSS BATTLE 2: Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr. will growl at you and then jump into his Koopa Clown Car. Avoid his

fireballs; they follow you as they float to the ground. And when they hit the

ground the set it on fire, giving you damage if you touch that particular spot.

Race to one side and grab a Propeller Block, then Spin Jump into the air above

Bowser Jr. Drill back down on to him to deal damage. That's one. He'll take a

moment to recover, then he'll spit more fireballs at you. When he starts again,

Spin Jump up and drill him once more. Bowser Jr. will scream once he recovers

and will spit another fireball at you. Spin Jump up and drill back down on to

him one more time to finish this battle. Bowser Jr. will plummet down off the

screen, only to have Kamek bring him back up. The floor will then disappear

from under you and Mario will fall back to the ground.

NOTE: On the World Map, this level will now have an anchor next to it to show

that you can revisit it at any time to get anything you missed or for just

another playthrough.



After getting so close, Mario knew he had to keep going. As Bowser Jr. and

Kamek took off in the Airship with Princess Peach, Mario raced along behind

them at full speed, ready to face whatever came at him next...


WORLD 5                              WRLD5-L


Name: Toxic Forest

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      M - Red Mushroom House

      L - Green Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      B - Boo House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      + - Vine Path

      : - Secret Path


      ------X++---2---     ---4+++---B++XOOX++G

      |     O  +     |     |  +   :  |  O  O

 S--1--  M++X++-     ---F---  + ?::  |  XOOX

      |     O  +     |        +      |  +  +

      ------X++---3---        -++++++5++-++-     C

                              +      +  +  +     |

                           L+++      XOOXOOXOOX---


- World 5 consists of 5 levels, as well as the Fortress, Castle and Boo House.

- The World 5 Boss is Iggy Koopa (a.k.a. Hop Koopa).

- The map enemy is the Stretch Piranha Plant.

- There is 1 secret exit.

- There are 3 Mushroom Houses (1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Gold).

- There are vines that will block certain paths. They move around every time

  you beat a level.


$$ WORLD 5-1 $$                      WRLD5-1

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-2, World 5-3, Enemy Area, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Begin by running right and jumping over the Stretch Piranha Plant. Get yourself

a Ice Flower from the ? Blocks and use ice balls to freeze the other Stretch

Piranhas. You will soon come to a giant Koopa shell embedded in the ground. A

Paratroopa will bounce towards you, so defeat it, then Ground Pound the patch

of dirt just to the left of the shell. Run through the middle of the shell and

jump to get Star Coin #1. Jump back up the other side and come back to the Item

Block. Get yourself an item (an Ice Flower or a Star is good) and then continue


With Stretch Piranhas, you can either defeat them with fireballs, run them down

with your Star, or use balls of ice to freeze them and jump past, depending on

your current item. Which ever way you do it, just get past them to the Brick

Block. It is actually a Coin Block, so get yourself some Coins. Then keep on

going right. There is another Brick Block before the gap, so take out the SPP

here and hit it for a 1-Up Mushroom. Then jump the gap.

Here you will find a River Piranha Plant. They like to suspend spiked green

balls in mid-air using their all powerful breath. They can also change the

height of the ball, so be watchful of when they change. Fireballs defeat them

easily, and freezing them causes the ball to fall down and off screen, plus it

gives you a nice stepping stone. Don't be worried about falling in the water;

it doesn't hurt you. You'll soon reach another giant shell with a River Piranha

on either side. Defeat one of them and then swim down to the side of the shell,

but watch for the Cheep-Cheep. Inside the shell are some Coins and Star Coin #2

for the taking. Exit through the right side, swim under the RPP if you didn't

defeat it and then jump to the red ledge. There are a bunch of ? Blocks, all

containing Coins. Get some Coins, then hit the Checkpoint Flag.

Now for the fun part. Run to the right and take out the first SPP, then jump to

the hanging vine. You will begin to swing. Press up and down to change where

you are on the vine, and press left and right to swing yourself back and forth.

Jump from vine to vine over the SPPs, or alternatively, jump across the ground

taking out the SPPs and collect the Coins. At the other side are some Brick

Blocks, one of which has a nice Ice Flower. Grab this and freeze the RPP in the

water ahead. You will come across four platforms that create pedals on a wheel.

Stand on the one on the right and jump when it reaches the bottom to the next

platform above you to spin it along the track, but be careful of the green

spiked balls that float up near you. Part of the way across you will reach the

Red Ring. Jump to grab it and use one of the platforms on its way down to get

the first five, then freeze the first RPP to your right and jump to get the

last three Red Coins and land on the frozen Plant. Get the 1-Up Mushroom, then

jump back to the pedal platforms and work your way across. If you are a little

impatient, just freeze the RPPs and use them as stepping stones to get to the

other side.

Outside you will find three SPPs. Just freeze them and jump off them to get the

Coins in the air. At the other side you will find a vine, a Paratroopa, another

giant shell and the exit pipe. Jump to the vine, swing quickly right and jump

straight past the Paratroopa into the shell to find another pipe. Enter it.

In here are a bunch of Coins with a Stalking Piranha and two River Piranhas.

The easiest thing to do is to drop into the water, swim under the first RPP and

jump to the POW Block in the middle. Throw it at one of the RPPs to defeat it,

and when it hits the ground it will make all the Coins on the ceiling drop, so

go and collect as many as you can. Then use the blue ledge in the middle to

reach Star Coin #3 up the very top. Exit through the green pipe on the right.

Jump on to the vine and swing yourself on to the platform in the air, then

double jump with the momentum to land on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 5-T $$                      WRLD5-T

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

In this Toad Balloon level you will face four Stalking Piranha Plants with a

certain amount of moving platforms above them. The simplest strategy is to just

freeze or fireball all of the Plants, then safely collect the Balloons. The fun

way is to get the Toad Balloons while jumping frantically to avoid the SPPs as

they stretch their necks out to above the platform(s). Either way, get the

Balloons and get yourself some Mushrooms.


$$ WORLD 5-2 $$                      WRLD5-2

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-F

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and up the tiny hill to find a Wiggler. Jumping on one of these guys

lets you get some massive air, but turn red and get really angry if you do.

They'll even chase after you, on the ground. Stay on the ground and get past

this Wiggler and the next one along to find a Block in the middle of the red

ledge. Hit it for a Fire Flower. Climb the red ledges after grabbing it and

head right at the top. Fireballs have no effect on Wigglers, so don't bother


Down here are some more Wigglers, so use the one on the ground when it reaches

the small hill to reach the long red ledge above. Then wait for another Wiggler

to get over to you on the edge and bounce off it to Star Coin #1. Make your way

back up, jump over to the pipe on the right and enter it.

In here are some bigger Wigglers known as Mega Wigglers. Bouncing on them does

nothing to them, but it launches you really high into the air. Run up the hill

to the ? Block and get a Fire Flower from it. Wait here for a Mega Wiggler to

drop from the ceiling and walk right before you move on. Follow it and start

doing liitle bounces on its back as it walks back left, then bounce off when

you're under the blue ledge to get Star Coin #2.

Race down the tunnels and drop into a small space with two blue ledges to avoid

an oncoming Mega Wiggler, and grab the Coins while you're here. Once it passes,

jump back up and continue right. Wait under the gap with the Coins, then jump

and grab them when a Mega Wiggler gets close. Bounce on it as it moves left and

then continue right once it frees up the tunnel.

A Mega Wiggler will drop from the roof in front of you, and it will end up

under a trail of Coins. Use the Mega Wiggler as it comes back to bounce up and

collect all of the Coins, but watch for the Swoopers. Land safely on the other

side and move on to the Checkpoint Flag.

At the other side of this safe area is a small drop and a Swooper. Drop down

and let the Swooper come for you. Defeat it and then use the Mega Wiggler that

starts walking right to just keep bouncing on to the other side. Once you get

there, though, another Mega Wiggler will drop from the roof, so jump ahead to a

platform above the purple water. Once the one from above passes quickly jump

back to the very end of the Wiggler and bounce up to where the one from the

ceiling came from. Run up this hill and find yourself warped to a secret area

at the top.

You will jump into a room with some Coins and two Propeller Blocks. Grab one of

the Propeller Blocks and Spin Jump through the air, grabbing all of the Coins

and Star Coin #3. Then exit through the yellow pipe.

You will come straight out of the pipe on to a Mega Wiggler. Follow it left and

hit the ? Block once it goes past for a Fire Flower, then head back right. Let

another Mega Wiggler pass and then jump to the platforms they walk over. The

purple water kills you instantly, so don't touch it. Keep jumping until you end

up on the left of a Brick Block with a Swooper hnging from it. Two Mega

Wigglers will pass each other right in front of you, so use the one coming your

way to get the Swooper off the Brick Block and then head right. Use the next

Mega Wiggler you come across to reach the ground to the right, and then enter

the pipe.

Run right at full speed, and jump just before the little hill. Double jump off

the back of the Mega Wiggler and land on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 5-3 $$                      WRLD5-3

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-F

Secret Exit:  No

Walk right to find a Bramball. These sponges with legs will walk one leg after

the other by turning themselves upside down and back again. They will walk as

far as they can an a safe platform, but will stop and head back the other way

if there is nowhere to put their feet. Their legs are dangerous, but jump on

their orange head or hit it with a fireball to defeat it. Practice on this

first one then continue right.

Jump the gap and keep going right to find a ? Block with a Bramball walking

above it. Quickly get under the ? Block and wait for the Bramball to pass over

the top. Hit the ? Block for a Fire Flower and grab it before moving right.

Keep using fireballs to defeat the Bramballs while jumping the gaps and soon

you will come to a pipe. Enter it.

Grab the Coins on either side and then hit the Item Block in the middle. Try to

get the Propeller Mushroom. If you get it, awesome. If not, keep going anyway.

Exit back through the same pipe. When you come out, jump right and then jump

off the first Bramball's head to reach Star Coin #1.

Keep moving right. You'll come to some logs floating in the purple water.

Notice the Paratroopas spinning it as they bounce across. If you spend too much

time on one of the logs, it will spin you straight into the water and you won't

be happy. Jump across the log and hit the ? Block at the safe platform for a

Coin, then jump to the next log when the Bramball starts moving right. Use the

blocks it stands on as safe zones and jump across, and when the Bramball stops,

use its head to bounce to a Paratroopa flying just to the right and land on

another block being using by a Bramball, which should just be moving right as

you land. Bounce off its head too and hit the Brick Block from underneath while

frantically bouncing so as to not fall off to get a 1-Up Mushroom. Jump on to

the block on the right of the Brick Block and let it come to you. Push on to

the right to find the Checkpoint Flag.

The top ? Blocks next to the Flag have a Fire Flower, so get that while you're

here. Just to the right again are two Bramballs. A fireball along the ground

will take out the one covering the pipe, and enter the pipe just as the top

Bramball gets his foot on the right platform. You'll shoot into the air and the

top Bramball should step back over to where you shot through as you float back

down. You should land straight on to its head. Alternatively, shoot as the

Bramball steps back left to smash into it and earn yourself a lot of Coins.

Either way, jump to the red ledge next to the one you're on after landing and

enter the pipe here.

Grab the Propeller Block and Spin Jump up to the Red Ring. Grab the first three

Coins as you float down, then Spin Jump under the fourth and shoot up, moving

right as soon as you get number four. The next three Red Coins are hidden

behind the cloud above, and the eighth is behind a cloud higher in th sky, a

bit further to the right. Collect your prize and drop down the gap, grabbing

the Coins as you go.

You'll land on some Blocks. Hit them all for some Coins, then move back left

and defeat the Bramball. There is a Koopa left of here; jump on it and grab its

shell. Throw the shell so it breaks the Brick Blocks to the right and then kill

it with a fireball. Slide through the gap in the wall and grab Star Coin #2.

Then jump up to the red ledge and jump back right to the Blocks you landed on.

Jump to the pipe and then jump on to the log. Run straight across to the other

side and jump to reveal two hidden ? Blocks. The Bramball will now step on

these as well as the two blocks it started on, so let it return to the left and

then jump on to the ? Blocks and on to the wall above the right side of the

log. Jump to the right and avoid the Bramball walking back and forth. Get to

the Donut Lifts in the middle and quickly swap between them without jumping to

stop them from falling. When the Bramball begins stepping to the left, let one

of the Donut Lifts fall and jump the second you get Star Coin #3. Leap across

the platforms to the safe platform over the gap to the right.

Hit the two ? Blocks and wait for a Bramball that seems a little pissed off. It

moves twice as fast as the other Bramballs. Once it starts heading back the

other way, follow it and get under the two Brick Blocks ahead. They both have

Coins, so hit them and then continue follwing the Bramball. Once it reaches its

furthest point, stop on the tiny incline so it steps over your head or just hit

it with a fireball to take it out. Either way, jump on to the higher ground and

wait for the next Bramball to step closer to you. Take it out with a jump or a

fireball and enter the pipe.

Jump to the first ledge, double to the second ledge, triple to the Bramball and

then launch yourself off its head to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 5-F $$                      WRLD5-F

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-4

Secret Exit:  No

Directly above you are two walls with spikes down the side. They will move back

and forth in the same direction, leaving you a small gap in between which you

have to work with. Run up the hill and jump to the first blue ledge. If you

stand right in the middle you will be safe. As the walls move right, jump to

the blue ledge they reveal and hit the moving Blocks for some Coins. Then jump

on top of the Blocks and up to the middle platform with the Dry Bones. Jump on

it and then jump to the blue ledge on the left as the walls move out of the way.

Hit the Blocks here for an Ice Flower. Get it and then stand on top of the

Blocks you just hit.

From here, jump on top of the left wall as the one above it moves out of the

way. Jump to the Brick Blocks and stay on them as they move across to the right

to some Coins. Jump to the blue ledge above once you move back left, and take

out the Dry Bones on the ledge just up from here. Use this ledge to jump on to

the right wall as the one above it moves back.

Quickly jump to the blue ledge on the right, then on to the Brick Blocks. Let

the Brick Blocks take you to some Coins on the left, then jump up and freeze

the Dry Bones. Get on to the next set of Brick Blocks as they move right to be

able to reach Star Coin #1. Then jump to the blue ledge back to your left and

on to another lot of Brick Blocks. Use these to get to a blue ledge on the

right, which in turn gives you a way to hit the ? Block. Grab the Ice Flower

that comes out and stand on the ? Block to reach the blue ledges above. Jump to

the left one as the spikes move over, then back to the right and up to the

Checkpoint Flag.

Grab the Springboard and move it so it is next to the Flag. Bounce off it as

the walls move left so you can get the Coins, then jump where the Coins were to

find a hidden 1-Up Mushroom. Drop back down to the Flag and grab the Mushroom

as it drops down. Spring back up and jump across the blue ledges when they give

you the space to do so. Climb the ledges on the right side as quickly as you

can, then jump left before the spikes catch you. When they move back, climb the

next ledges and jump off the side to the Red Ring as the begin moving back left

so you can land on the blue ledge. Grab the first two Coins over here, then

four more over the gap between the ledges. Stay on this ledge for number seven

and then jump up to number eight. Get your prize as you continue upwards.

You will end up on a ledge with a Dry Bones and a wall directly above you.

Freeze the Bones and smash it, then wait for the walls to start moving left.

Jump to the blue ledges over here and climb really fast for Star Coin #2. Then

jump to another ledge with a Springboard.

Pick up the SB and move it to the middle so you can reach the blue ledge above.

Bounce up as the walls move left but don't go too early. Jump to the platform

on the left and climb the blue ledges. Jump over the gaps and grab the Coins as

the walls move back right, and quickly climb up the other side. Run back left

and jump the gaps again. Jump to the big blue ledge at the top and run right

with the walls to some Brick Blocks. Quickly smash through before the spikes

move back left and grab Star Coin #3. Wait for the gap in the spikes comes back

and run back across to the left. Jump up to the blue ledge next to the door and

jump against the wall for a Fire Flower. Then enter the door.

MINI-BOSS: Iggy Koopa

Iggy will start by taunting you and the moving platforms above will pick both

of you up. When you can move, jump over the fast green fireball he shoots at

you on to the middle platform. He should jump there as well. When he lands,

jump on to his head. He'll do the shell thing and will pop back out soon

enough. When he does, let him jump twice and then go for him again. Jump on his

head to get him back in his shell and avoid him as he flies around the room.

Then jump on him one more time to finish the battle.


$$ WORLD 5-4 $$                      WRLD5-4

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 5-B, World 5-5, Green Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

This level can get really annoying, so make sure you're in the right frame of

mind before attempting.

Start by running right. Jump in the gap between the red ledges above to find

three hidden ? Blocks which will stop the Goombas from landing on you. One of

the Blocks has a Fire Flower, so get that if you need it. Then run right and

enter the pipe.

You will come out on a raft that has four zeros on it. These numbers show you

how many enemies are on board. If that number gets to five, the raft will stop

moving, so keep on your toes. Hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower. Grab it if you

want, or keep the Fire Flower you have now. A Koopa will fall from the pipe and

land on the raft. Either use a fireball to defeat it or freeze it and pick it

up. Hold it until a few more enemies fall from the sky and throw it to take

them all out in one shot. Rapidly throw fireballs to take out anything that

lands on it or freeze enemies and throw them to take out as many as you can. At

the same time you need to watch for any enemies falling from the sky so that

you don't lose your ability to throw balls of fire or ice. Don't be too fussed

about collect the Coins that hover above the purple water. Just watch for the

Coins that are left behind by enemies after you defeat them with a fireball, as

they still count as enemies until you collect them.

You will soon reach Star Coin #1. You must be at least tall Mario to reach it

from a bounce off an enemy. Try to bounce off a Koopa so that when you come

back down you can kick the shell into a bunch of enemies piling up on the raft.

Just after the Star Coin is a ? Block with a Fire Flower. This makes things a

lot easier from this point onwards.

A bit further along is a ? Block with an Ice Flower. Grab it if collecting the

Coins left behind by enemies is getting too annoying.

Eventually you will come across a POW Block. Hold on to it and try to jump on

any enemies that land so that the raft keeps moving. Soon there will be some

Coins in the air where a Piranha Plant drops down. Throw the POW Block now to

kill the Piranha Plant and make Star Coin #2 drop to the raft.

Just after a ? Block a Super Piranha Plant will drop. Stay towards the back of

the raft to avoid it, and use fireballs or Bob-Ombs to damage it. Another will

fall a bit later on. Be careful of these big guys, but they only count as one

on the raft meter so don't get to panicky.

Once you get to the end, grab yourself a Bob-Omb and jump on to the grey blocks

across the platform. Throw it so that it blows up some of the blocks, then drop

down as the raft goes past and grab Star Coin #3. Then jump back up and go in

the pipe.

Run down the hill and keep going past the red ledges to a Koopa. Bounce off the

Koopa up to the red ledge, then jump and spin over to the left to the other

ledge. Stand right near the left edge and sprint right, jumping to the second

red ledge. Double off this ledge on to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 5-B $$                      WRLD5-B

Difficulty:   2 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area x2, World 5-C, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

You may notice when you start that it's a bit darker than usual. Just to the

right is a Glow Block that will seriously come in handy. Pick it up and run

right, and jump the gap you come across to find a door. Go in.

Walk right and jump to the ledge with two ? Blocks under the spotlight. Draw

the Boo away if you need to, then hit the Blocks for a Coin and a Fire Flower.

Jump to the next platform with a Glow Block and pick it up. Keep running right

and past the first door. Jump to the first ledge above you and then on to the

block on the right. Run through the wall on the other side to find Star Coin #1

hiding in here. Jump to the first staircase on your left and climb it right to

a door, which you should enter.

You'll come back out of the door you started at. This will happen everytime

until you find the right room. Pick up the Glow Block once again and drop down

the gap this time. Run through the tunnel and grab the Coins. Drop down the

next gap you come across and run right to another door. Go in here.

Shoot a fireball to see how far the ledge goes, then jump to the ledge with the

Glow Block. If you can easily rely on your fireballs to see in the dark, don't

worry about picking it up. Otherwise, grab it and jump to the next ledge. There

is a ? Block here with a Fire Flower. Collect it and then keep moving along.

Once it looks like there is just water ahead, wait for a moment to have a

moving platform appear. Jump on it and ride it to the other side. At the door,

throw the Glow Block or shoot a fireball right to light up Star Coin #2. Grab

it and wall jump back to the door.

Back at the start again, drop down the first gap but jump the second one this

time around. Leap up the stairs and drop down the following gap to find a fake

door, but run right to find a real one.

In here is a circle of Boos with one missing. Jump through this gap to get to a

platform with a Fire Flower in a ? Block. Get it and jump to the next platform.

Jump through the next ring when the gap is on the left, jump straight up to

Star Coin #3 when it is at the top, then jump to the other side when it reaches

the right. Enter the door here.

Now drop down the first gap, jump the second, climb the stairs and jump the

third gap. Run down the corridor and...


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 5-?

...drop down this gap to find a door. Oh wait, it's a fake. So instead, run

left and through a fake wall to another door. Go in this one.

When you walk in you will find a yellow ?-Switch. Hitting this switch will

cause the blocks ahead to illuminate. You don't have to have them lit up to

stand on them, but it makes things easier. Jump to the block as it floats down

and quickly jump up to the platform above and to the right. If you don't make

it, just stay on the block as it goes the long way underneath. At the other

side, use the three blocks ahead to reach the other side of this chasm and

enter the door. Watch for the Boo when you're jumping.

Climb the staircase and watch for the gap in the familiar wheel of Boos. Leap

from the top step on to the Red Finish Flag.


...jump the next gap to find a door. Go through the door and run right from the

spotlight to a massive group of Brick Blocks with ? Blocks scattered

everywhere. They move up and down, so work your way through, hitting them for

Coins if you feel like it. On the top of the third lot of moving blocks is a ?

Block with a Fire Flower. There is also a 1-Up Mushroom in a Brick Block that

is a bit further on. It's in about the ninth set of moving Blocks. Once you

reach the other side, you'll notice a small area with Coins just before the

door. When the Brick Blocks next to it line up so the hole is in the same spot,

run and slide through it. Grab the Coins and hit the Brick Block in here for

another 1-Up Mushroom. Then go through the door just above and to the right.

Outside, hit the flying ? Block to stop it from moving, then use it as a step

to get as high as you can on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 5-? $$                      WRLD5-?

Difficulty:   0 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-1

Secret Exit:  No

Jump the first "gap" for some Coins, then enter the pipe for a one-way flight

to World 8.


$$ WORLD 5-5 $$                      WRLD5-5

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 5-C

Secret Exit:  No

The screen for this level moves at its own pace, so take your time and don't

make any mistakes because you can't rush through it. Run right and hit the

Blocks for some Coins and jump to the first Jumbo Ray that floats up out of the

clouds below. These guys can't deal you any damage and vica versa. So use them

as platforms as they pass through the sky. Remember that any fluffy clouds that

appear could be hiding something, so when you see one, Spin Jump into it to

blow the cloud away and reveal whatever may be behind it. You don't really need

to be close to it, as it will blow away from a distance. The first cloud has

some Coins, and one soon after hides a ? Block with an Ice Flower. Collect this

and make sure you are always able to safely land on a Jumbo Ray whenever you


Just after the Ice Flower, you will start having Bullet Bills fired at you.

There will also be some red ledges ahead that help hide a Propeller Block

behind a cloud. Hang on to this as long as possible, and use it to get Star

Coin #1 just to your right.

A Jumbo Ray will soon float up into the air and pick up the P-Switch below, so

wait for this and then jump down and hit the Switch when it does. Jump around

and collect the Coins that appear, then jump to the next Ray that flies up

through the sky. You will see a safe platform just ahead, so leap to it and get

the Checkpoint Flag.

If you keep walking right and don't jump you will fall into a small gap which

will allow you to get the POW Block. Jump back up after grabbing it and throw

it to make heaps of Coins fall from above the screen. You will then need to

start using the Jumbo Rays again. The first Blocks you come across have another

Ice Flower, so grab this if you want to. Use the Propeller Block to hit the

next ? Block for a Propeller Mushroom, or just Ground Pound the ? Block for the

same effect if you lost the Block. Grab the Mushroom and throw the Block away.

There will be four Coins just past the red ledges and a big cloud after that.

Spin Jump through the cloud for Star Coin #2.

You will come across some more red ledges. Spin Jump and drill back down on to

a Ray to clear away the masses of cloud below to reveal a Ray flying through

the air with a POW Block on its back. Pick up the POW Block and jump up to the

red ledges. Wait for two Rays to float out from under you and jump to them. The

two lots of Coins above are shaped like arrows. When you drop the POW Block, a

mass of Coins will drop from above the first arrow, and Star Coin #3 will drop

from above the second. Get the Star Coin and collect the other Coins if you

wish. Jump across the last Rays to the pipe.

Drop to the ground and Spin Jump to get rid of the cloud, then use the platform

with the pipe as well as the second and third red ledges to jump, double and

triple to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 5-C $$                      WRLD5-C

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Star Coins:   6 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-1

Secret Exit:  No

Start by moving right across the red ledge and jump the gap when the Podoboo

falls back into the lava. Hit the ? Block here for an Ice Flower which can be

used to extinguish the Podoboos, making it safer when jumping the gaps they are

found in. Climb on to the first rotating fence after the next Podoboos to have

the stupid green fireballs starting firing towards you, much like World 2 and

the purple ones. Climb the fence to the top and hit the ? Blocks for some Coins

and then climb back down and jump to the next fence. Climb around that one and

then jump to the next fence after that. Then jump to the next one after that

and hit the ? Blocks at the top for a Propeller Mushroom. Jump up and get it.

Jump along the red ledges to the right while avoiding the fireballs and

Podoboos to reach Star Coin #1 down near the lava. Drop to it and Spin Jump the

second you touch it so you don't die. If you do the stupid thing (like I did

just then) and accidentally jump into the fireball, simply slide down one of

the walls on either side and wall jump just before you touch the lava. You

should just nick the Star Coin. Then wall jump back up to the top.

Continue to the next rotating fence and climb up it on this side to find a

secret area with a door. Enter the door to find six Podoboos falling into the

lava. Jump to either side when they've fallen past to a safe spot on the bottom

level. Once the Podoboos fly back up, run as they begin their decent and Spin

Jump to Star Coin #2. You'll have to jump normally and pause for a moment under

it if you don't have the Propeller Cap. Land on the other side and run across.

Running when you did gives you enough time to land without the Podoboos popping

up right when you don't want them to. Climb back up to the door when you get a

chance and go back through.

Go back down and around on the fence to a couple of platforms on the other

side, one of which has a Dry Bones. Get past it and then jump to the middle

fence in the lava. Grab on tight and then jump to the next platform when it

reaches its peak.

Jump on to the next fence hanging from the ceiling and jump across the next few

fences as they rise up from the lava. You will come across a rotating fence

with a massive purple block across the middle of it. As one end of the block

starts getting close to your level, jump on it and run to the other side

without climbing at all. Jump to the next fence and block to find the Red Ring

inbetween. Collect the first six Red Coins as the purple block takes you over

the top, then race back to the middle for the last two. Get your prize and head

right to the Checkpoint Flag.

Here there will be fences that alternate moving up and down in the lava. Jump

from fence to fence, and take your time so you don't mistakingly jump into a

Podoboo or a green fireball. Soon you will find Star Coin #3 up in the air. Use

the fence next to it to jump high in the air to it. Alternatively, Spin Jump up

to it if you have the Propeller Cap. Continue along tothe other side to find

two ? Blocks, one of which has an Ice Flower. Get it and jump to the next

rotating fence. The fireballs will start appearing more often as you get closer

to the door from here, so be careful. You will come to two platforms, one above

the other. Try to get to the bottom one when the Podoboo is out of the way to

get to a ? Block with a Propeller Mushroom. Grab it as you climb the red ledges

above. Use the Bounce Blocks in the next room or Spin Jump to reach the door

and enter it.


There's something very different about this battle. Maybe it's the fact that

Iggy has a pet Chain Chomp that will run you down if you're too slow. And to

make matters worse, Kamek will fly in and supersize it. Chase after Iggy as he

is pulled around by the Chain Chomp, and try to jump on his head. If you need

to get back to the top platform, simply Spin Jump rather than try to time your

jumps on the Bounce Blocks. After one hit Iggy will flip upside-down and

instead of rolling around the room his Chain Chomp will go psycho and will race

around the room faster than usual. It will also turn around to chase you if you

get too close. Once it slows down aim for Iggy again. The Chain Chomp will spaz

out once again, but it won't calm down. Once Iggy regains his composure and

gets back to his feet, chase after him while the Chain Chomp speeds after you.

Get Iggy in the head one more time to end the battle. Grab the key to finish

this world.



Mario will race out the door and find Bowser Jr. with his Airship and Peach,

AGAIN. The ship will fly off once Bowser Jr. is aboard and Mario will give

chase to World 6 where new levels await...


WORLD 6                              WRLD6-L


Name: Stone Head Mountains

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      M - Red Mushroom House

      L - Green Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      B - Boo House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      Z - Airship (Boss)

      : - Secret Path














 :  |

 :  ----5::::@

 ?      |




    | |

    | --------

 L--4        X

    |        |

    2        |

    |        |





- World 6 consists of 6 levels, as well as the Fortress, Castle and Airship.

- The World 6 Boss is Morton Koopa Jr. (a.k.a. Big Mouth Koopa Jr.).

- The map enemy is the Bullet Bill.

- There are 2 secret exits.

- There are 3 Mushroom Houses (1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Gold).

- Pipes do not count as levels. They instantly transport you between them.


$$ WORLD 6-1 $$                      WRLD6-1

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-2, World 6-3

Secret Exit:  No

Run right down the stairs to find a Spike throwing spiked rocks down into the

gap. Jump the gap inbetween rocks so you don't take damage. Hit the Blocks here

for a Coin and an Ice Flower. Keep moving right and jump up the platforms under

the Paratroopa withut getting hit by a rock. After taking out the Paratroopa,

wall jump off the platform the Spike is standing on, and spin to the wall to

the right. Wall jump from here and land on the Spike's head. You should bounce

off a little bit to the left and hit a hidden ? Block with a 1-Up Mushroom.

Jump back right and continue on.

Climb the ledges along the trail off Coins and jump off when they lead down.

Stay hanging as you move past the Spike as you move faster. Climb up and jump

to the next ledge between rocks and sidestep across, but don't go so far as to

hit the Paratroopa. Once it flies under the ledge, climb up the next ones to

the right and work your way down the other side.

Hit the Blocks outside to find two Coins and a Coin Block on the top row. A bit

further ahead is a rotating Bill Blaster. These shoot a Bullet Bill then swap

direction and shoot one the other way. Climb to on top of the Coin Block and

jump along the path of Coins. You should land on top of the Bill Blaster. Jump

to the moving platforms and stay on until you reach another trail of Coins.

Follow these on to the next Bill Blaster, then jump over the last platforms to

a Koopa on some Blocks. Hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower, then climb the

Blocks and bounce off the Koopa to the Spike. Bounce again off the Spike to

Star Coin #1. Then drop right and keep moving.

Back inside, climb the wall but watch for the Paratroopa. Jump to the next

ledge and the drop along the path of Coins to the ledge below. Drop to the next

few ledges and climb across under the wall. Wait for the Paratroopas to move

out of your way here, then make your way across the next ledges. Wait for the

Spike above to throw a rock and then quickly climb the wall and move into the

middle where it's safe. Wall jump off one of the Spike platforms and jump on

both of the Spikes' heads, and collect the Coins above. Then drop back down and

climb down the right wall safely to the Checkpoint Flag.

The first ? Block here has an Ice Flower, and there is a Koopa and a Bill

Blaster ahead. Jump past the Bill Blaster and get on to a platform moving

upwards that is lower than the ledge you're standing on. Jump to the next lot

of moving platforms and grab Star Coin #2 on the way. Then jump back to the

first platforms and go high into the air. At the top of the screen, jump left

to a platform in mid-air and then jump left again to find a pipe, which you

should go into.

This area is a bit like a mini-game, in which you hit the P-Switch above and

then throw the ice cubes along the trails of Coins that appear to get as many

as you can. Once the time runs out, enter the pipe on the right.

Grab the Red Ring down here and climb the three ledges just further right to

collect all eight Red Coins. Get your prize and continue to the next ledge.

Time the Bill Blaster ahead so you can climb under the ledge past the wall

without getting hit by a Bullet Bill. Quickly climb back up on the other side

and wait for the Bullet Bills to pass. Then climb the wall to the top. Get past

the Bills flying through this section and drop past the next ledge on to the

wall. Slowly descend down the wall while avoiding the Bills. Quickly scamper to

the Item Block and hit it for an item. Grab the item and get on top of the Item

Block to avoid the masses of Bills that fly through underneath. If you get a

Star, simply run wild, knocking out as many Bills as you can for some extra

lives. Then jump to the Bill Blaster on the right and then to the ledge above.

Up here are some Spikes. Wall jump off the first Spike's platform and then off

the wall on the left and bounce off their heads to wipe them out. Above the

last Spike's head is a hidden 1-Up Mushroom. Grab it if you want. After getting

rid of them, climb back down and head back to the Item Block. Get two Bullet

Bills from the Blaster high up on the left to follow you all the way out of the

cave. Jump to the airborn platforms and use the Bullet Bills to reach a ledge

high in the air that would be otherwise inaccessible. If you don't quite make

it, you can wall jump up if you reach the side of the platform. Run left and

grab Star Coin #3, then drop back down and jump to the Finish Flag.

NOTE: For the third Star Coin, you could die just after the Checkpoint Flag and

then use a Propeller Mushroom on the World Map. Then just don't take damage

until you reach the Coin.


$$ WORLD 6-2 $$                      WRLD6-2

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-4

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and into the secret alcove. Wall jump up to find four Coins, then

enter the pipe. Run right to find one of those spinning hills that have been

away for a while. Jump over the Piranha Plant and let the Spiny above drop from

the ceiling. Jump over the Spiny and it will slide back and hit the Piranha

Plant. Keep moving past another Spiny and a pipe with a Piranha Plant. The

? Block here has an Ice Flower, and there are two Spinies on the roof above it.

Let them both drop and take each other out. Grab the Ice Flower and continue


On this spinning hill some Coins will pass you and follow the hill around. Run

on it facing left and grab the Coins as they come past. The ? Blocks overhead

all have Coins as well. Once you get them, run right to build momentum with the

movement of the hill and launch yourself over the Super Piranha Plant. Land

safely and continue to the Brick Blocks. Stop the Spiny here by jumping on it,

then pick it up and jump over to the left to find a Brick Block by itself,

covering what seems to be a hole in the wall. Use the Spiny to smash it and

then take out the Spiny. Slide under the wall and grab Star Coin #1, then jump

through the blue ledge above. Run right past the Spiny's area to find the

Checkpoint Flag.

You will come across two Spinies on the roof. Get close enough for one to drop

and stop it when it reaches you. Throw it at the Brick Block in the wall here

and then jump over it at it ricochets back. Then make the other Spiny drop and

slide under the wall ahead. The second Spiny will bounce back the other way and

will take out the first. Grab the Coins in here and jump up to the blue ledge.

Make the Spiny to your right drop and fall towards you. It will bounce back and

then fall down the gap and hit the Brick Block. A 1-Up Mushroom will come out,

so grab it before it falls down the gap as well. Dodge the next Spiny and kill

the Goombas on the next hill.

You'll need to still have the Ice power for the next part. At the bottom of the

hill are three Piranha Plants, one of which is in a pipe. Freeze the one in the

pipe and jump as high as you can when standing on it to get Star Coin #2. Then

jump past the next Plant and head on past the sign.

Climb the stairs and slide down the hill and over the rotating one as well. Hit

the second ? Block on the spinning hill for a Star. Grab it and race forward,

making all the Swoopers ahead fly down from the ceiling. Smash through them all

with your Star and get some extra lives from the mass of Swoopers that have

grouped together on the next rotating hill. Run on the second hill like a

treadmill and collect all of the Coins that come past. Once the Coins end, wait

a little longer and a pipe will appear in a gap in the hill. Drop down and

enter it.

Run to the middle and hit the P-Switch. Watch for the Spinies as they drop,

then use the new Brick Blocks to reach Star Coin #3. Grab all of the Coins and

take out the Spinies if you want. Then exit through the pipe on the right.

Grab the Red Ring at the top and slide down the for the first five. Stand under

the Brick Blocks to make a Spiny take some out, then climb up the ones

remaining for the other three Red Coins and your prize. Jump over the Piranha

Plant on the next rotating hill and get up to the POW Block without getting hit

by the Sledge Bros. ahead. Remember to watch for their Ground Pound attack.

Throw the POW Block when they're both on the ground to defeat them and make

some Coins drop as well. Collect them and then enter the pipe further ahead.

Climb the stairs out here and watch for the Spiny, then leap to the Finish



$$ WORLD 6-3 $$                      WRLD6-3

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 6-F

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and take out the Piranha Plant if you want, then enter the first

pipe. Hit the ?-Switch when you reach the bottom to flood the tunnel you're in.

Quickly swim up with the water to reach the platform above, then cross the gap

when the Super Piranha Plant is at the bottom. As the next Super Piranha Plant

drops down, hit the ? Block for a Fire Flower. Use it to take out the monstrous

Plant under you. Slide down the tunnel to the right and use your new fireballs

to wipe out the Super Plant here, too. Then use the elevator it was on to get

high enough to wall jump off either side and up to Star Coin #1.

Head through the next tunnel and jump on the Buzzy Beetle. Skip past the

?-Switch and head over to another tunnel leading to a Super Piranha Plant. Take

it out with fireballs and thenuse the elevator to get Star Coin #2. Wall jump

to get to the ledge above and hit the ? Block for a Fire Flower. Run right and

slide down the tunnel.

Follow the Buzzy to the end of the tunnel, and let another Buzzy drop from the

roof and take it out. Continue along like this to get the Coins in the gaps,

then use the grey ledges to get to the Checkpoint Flag. Watch for some Buzzy

Bettles on the roof in here. Get past them and move to the next area.

Use your fireballs to defeat the Super Piranha Plant here, and then jump to the

grey ledge above and take out the next Super Plant. Smash the one or two of the

Brick Blocks and wall jump through them, then off the top of the screen.

Grab Star Coin #3 and then jump through the red ledge. Hit the ? Block for a

Fire Flower and then enter the lower pipe to return to the previous area. Kill

the Super Piranha Plants again and then head through the next tunnel to find

some Stalking Plants. Defeat them easily with your fireballs and run past the

Super Piranha Plant at the other side. Climb the ledges in the middle and hit

the ?-Switch. Quickly jump down the left side with the Coins and swim across to

the right. Swim up the tunnel with more Coins leading up it to the top.

Run ahead and take out the Piranha Plants, then run back so the pipes are just

off screen. Sprint towards them and jump to the first pipe, then double and

spin to the top pipe on the right. Triple jump off here to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 6-T $$                      WRLD6-T

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

If you aren't particularly co-ordinated, you will have lots of trouble with

these mini-games. There are a number of moving platforms and gaps in the

ground. There will also be Bullet Bills fired from either side continuously.

You need to use the moving platforms to collect the Toad Balloons and dodge the

oncoming Bills. You can also use the Bills to bounce around and collect the

Balloons faster if you fancy a bit of a challenge.


$$ WORLD 6-4 $$                      WRLD6-4

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   1 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-F, Green Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Hit the first ? Block to make a Propeller Mushroom pop out, and a Monty Mole

will jump out of the hill ahead of you. These buggers like to suddenly jump out

of most of the hills in this level, so be ready for them. They can be defeated

just like a normal Goomba, except they will chase after you quite fast. The

best thing to do is to stay on the tops of the hills with the Propeller Cap.

You'll come across a bush with an apple. The next ? Block has Yoshi inside so

quickly run over. Wait for two Monty Moles before you hit the Block though, and

kill them before releasing the Yoshi Egg. Climb aboard and eat apple number one

just back to the left. Eat the Koopa and spit out the shell in front of you to

the right. Jump across a few hills, stop on the one with the second apple to

draw out about four Monty Moles and stay on that hill to make them all race

over and run straight into the bouncing Koopa shell. The next ? Blocks have

another Propeller Mushroom, and there is a bush below it with apple number

three. Jump back to the ? Blocks and Flutter through the air to the right to

get Star Coin #1.

Jump across the next platforms, taking out the Koopa and Paratroopa along the

way. The fourth apple is here as well. You'll come to a giant hill with a Block

just to the left. Hit the Block for a Coin, then use it to jump to the top of

the hill. Up here are some Brick Blocks with a P-Switch. Hit the Switch and

sprint along the trail of Coins that appear at full speed. They will lead you a

fair distance and will end with three Coins straight up. Jump here to reveal a

1-Up Mushroom. You'll probably grab the fifth apple as you race over. Don't

fuss about leaving the Egg behind; you're better off with the Propeller Cap.

Head back anyway and drop down to where the Monty Moles would've met up at the

bottom. There is an apple here to start the count again. After eating it, jump

back to the spot with the hidden Block.

Drop down and eat apple number two. Move right but wait for a Monty Mole to

drop on to the moving platforms. Jump across once it falls off and then jump

over the next Mole that pops out. Bounce off the Paratroopa to the Checkpoint

Flag. Run back left and jump the first gap to the platform on the other side.

Run right straight off the ledge into that same gap and Flutter as you start

getting too low. You should just make it to a ledge with a pipe. Enter it.

Run up the hill and jump from it towards the POW Block. Jump from Yoshi's back

and throw the POW Block to make Star Coin #2 drop from the roof. Grab it and

exit through the pipe to the right.

Jump across the next few platforms and grab the Red Ring. Grab the first Red

Coins and stand on the right platform so you fall to the next. Then jump across

the rest of the platforms to collect the rest of the Coins. Get your bonus and

enter the cave. On the first moving platforms, stand on the left so the right

side rises up and jump to it just before it reaches the very top. Jump up and

thn jump off Yoshi to a secret alcove above. In here is Star Coin #3. Race out

the other side and jump along the trail of Coins to the pipe.

On the other side of the pipe, jump to the first moving platform and let it

lower down. Jump to the second and double to the right, then finish with a Spin

Jump to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 6-F $$                      WRLD6-F

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-5, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Yes, that thing next to you is one MASSIVE spiked pillar. Jump up the red

ledges above you and watch it spiral up a high speed. Once it comes back down

again, run to the other side and get yourself an Ice Flower from the ? Block.

Let it shoot up again, the climb the red ledges upwards after it retracts past

you. There is another ? Block with an Ice Flower up here in case you got hit

already. Hit it and stand on top while you wait for the pillar to get back down

past you again. Jump quickly up the next red ledges and defeat the Dry Bones

above by freezing it and throwing it into the pillar. Wait for the pillar to

start moving back down, then jump to the moving patform. When the pillar has

gone past completely, run off the left side of the platform into a coloured

section of the wall. Star Coin #1 is in here. Jump back out and use the moving

platform to reach the Dry Bones above.

Defeat the Bones up here and let the pillar whiz past again. Use the next

moving platforms to get higher and jump up them while you wait for the pillar

to come back down. You should be on the second one when it gets down past you.

Leap up the next moving platforms to three red ledges. Wait on either side for

the pillar to pass and retract once more before you use the Bounce Blocks to

climb the small tunnel in the middle. Wait at the gaps on the side for it to

pass and then keep going up to the Checkpoint Flag. You'll notice another

pillar shoot down from above. When both pillars retract, wall jump off either

side of the middle section to get Star Coin #2.

Climb the red ledges on the right side and take out the Dry Bones. Hit the ?

Block at the top for an Ice Flower refill. Let the pillars collide again and

then run over to the Red Ring. Grab it and climb the ledges to grab the Red

Coins. If you jump the second you get a Coin you should be able to collect them

all before the pillar comes back. I chickened out but still had plenty of time.

After the pillar goes down and back, climb to the pipes.

Pick either pipe - it doesn't make a difference. Just wait until the pillar is

retracting past you before you enter because the pipe will shoot you up to the

next ones. The pipes up here do the same thing, but you have to time it so that

you land on one of the moving blocks without crashing into the pillar. You

should then get on the moving platforms and proceed upwards on either side of

the spiked pillar. When you reach the red ledge, DON'T JUMP ABOVE IT. Get to

the right of it and wall jump to Star Coin #3. Don't be too fussed about taking

damage from the pillar because the ? Block to the left has a Fire Flower. Get

it and enter the door.

MINI-BOSS: Morton Koopa Jr.

You'll notice the stage is kind of small. This is because the two higher parts

on either side have one of those stupid pillars pile-drive it every so often.

Just stay where you are and bombarde Morton with fireballs. When he shoots his,

jump it and shoot some more. When he goes into his shell, stand right near the

edge of the lower section. When he slides towards you, jump into the air and

land when he bounces back so you can jump over him again and again until he

pops back out. When he does, he'll jump into the air and Ground Pound. Jump to

avoid this and land on his head. Stand near the edge again and jump over him as

he gets close. Then bounce off his head one more time to finish the battle.


$$ WORLD 6-5 $$                      WRLD6-5

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-6

Secret Exit:  Yes

Start by shooting a fireball. Instant Porcu-Puffer kill. Run right and hit the

Blocks for some Coins and a Fire Flower. Run right and jump to the ledge to

drop down to the Coins below. Grab thm and climb back up. Keep moving right to

reach two Brick Blocks above a gap in the ground. Stand on the right side and

take out the Porcu-Puffer when it comes back, then Ground Pound the Brick

Blocks and grab the Fire Flower as it drops to get Star Coin #1 as well. Swim

under the ? Block floating in the water when the water rises and hit it for a

1-Up Mushroom. Wall jump your way back out, then continue right.

Hit the ? Blocks ahead and use them to stay above the water as it rises again.

Taking out the Porcu-Puffer is your first priority when it returns, so get rid

of it before you move on. Jump to the ledge and grab the Coins here, then keep

moving right. You'll soon reach the Checkpoint Flag.

There is a Fire Flower in the top row of Blocks ahead, so grab that for some

points. Jump across the platforms with Koopas and drop under the last to some

Coins. Climb up the ledge above and then hit the Blocks here for a Coin. Kill

the Porcu-Puffer when it gets back and then drop down to Star Coin #2.

Jump to the next platform and race through the tunnel with Coins. Climb to the

ledge and hit the Coin Block above repeatedly for some Coins. Jump to the right

and then back on to the Block to reach a Propeller Block above. Use it to Spin

Jump through the Coins to your right and land on one of the floating ? Blocks.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 6-C

When the water is at its lowest, jump between the middle two floating ? Blocks

to hit a secret Block with a beanstalk. Climb it all the way to the top.

Jump to the red ledge and grab the Propeller Block. Jump to the flying ?

Block and then Spin Jump and float through all of the Coins above. Land on

another flying ? Block ahead. Spin Jump from here to reach Star Coin #3 and

land on the Red Finish Flag.


Spin Jump through the air again and collect the next set of Coins before

landing on a platform on the right. Ground Pound the ? Block and collect the

Fire Flower that falls out of the bottom. Jump along these platforms and take

out the Koopas as you go. Enter the pipe at the other side.

Get a run up and jump to the floating ? Block, then jump to the mid-air

platform. Run straight across and jump from the edge to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 6-6 $$                      WRLD6-6

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 6-C, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

This is easily my least favourite level. Slide down the hill to enter the cave


When you land on the raft, jump on to the ?-Switch to find it's actually the

Tilt Raft. Tilting the Wii Remote sideways changes the direction of the light

on the back. The screen will still follow you so feel free to wander off, but

the Boat will keep moving, so be weary of that. There are also Cheep-Cheeps in

the water that you can't see, so try to swim as little as possible.

There will be some Blocks ahead, along with a Springboard. Get a Fire Flower

from the second ? Block and then pick up the SB and bring it back to your

watercraft. Drop it near the front. Jump up to some Brick Blocks and climb to

some ledges above. Ground Pound the ? Block to drop a Fire Flower on to your

raft. Then pick up the POW Block just ahead. Drop back to the Tilt Raft and

grab the Fire Flower. Then wait until Star Coin #1 is above the raft and throw

the POW Block to get it.

You'll start passing some pipes on the ceiling. Each pipe has a Piranha Plant

in it, so watch out. The water will also begin to rise so you start getting

closer and closer. After a yellow pipe will be a Brick Block. Hit this Block

for a Star which will light up the entire cave when you grab it. Knock out the

Plants in the pipes ahead and dive into the water to kill some Cheep-Cheeps for

some extra points. After a red pipe the water will suddenly drop to a lower

level so you can fit under the wall ahead. Jump to the blue ledges on the other

side and run right to the Checkpoint Flag. Now it starts getting annoying.

Jump to the Coins on the wall when the Tilt Raft gets closer and slide down on

to it. Climb the next blue ledges to another Springboard. Bring this one down

to your raft as well and sit it towards the back. You should see some yellow

eyes glowing in the darkness ahead. These belong to Swoopers, which will make

it harder for you to stay aboard your raft. There is a ? Block with and Ice

Flower ahead, so take it. Just past here is Star Coin #2 high up near the roof;

use a Springboard to reach it.

Jump over some Swoopers ahead and then bounce yourself up to a P-Switch. Grab

the Coins but don't stray too far. After the time runs out you should come

across a Propeller Block. Bounce up to it and grab it, then drop back to your

raft. The four Swoopers ahead will wait until you get between them and then

three will swoop at the same time to catch you out, then the fourth after that.

Spin Jump in the gap in the middle and float left to dodge them all, then land

back on the raft. Spin Jump up through the gap and left just after the Swoopers

to land in a tunnel. Run through to Star Coin #3. Head back out and Spin Jump

to the tunnel on the other side.

Drop the Propeller Block here and run past the barrel. Stand on the edge of the

platform where the fireballs can't get you and throw some ice balls. You should

just be able to get the Fire Bro. ahead. Once it's frozen, throw the ice block

it's frozen in at the next Fire Bro. to get rid of him.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 6-?

Just above you should be a red pipe. Enter it.

Run up and down the hills after grabbing the Glow Block and watch for the giant

group of Swoopers ahead. Jump like mad to avoid them all, and don't try to just

run straight underneath them to dodge them - it doesn't work. Enter the red

pipe at the end of the tunnel.

Hit the Brick Blocks for a ?-Switch and hit the Switch to make a moving

platform appear. Jump to this platform and then leap to the Red Finish Flag.


Jump ahead and dodge the fireballs to freeze the last Fire Bro. If a fireball

gets you, run ahead while you can't take more damage and jump on the Bro.'s

head. Just past here is the end of the line, so just swim ahead if the raft is

a fair way back. Enter the pipe here.

Hit the Brick Blocks for a ?-Switch and hit the Switch to make a moving

platform appear. Jump to this platform and then leap to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 6-? $$                      WRLD6-?

Difficulty:   0 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-1

Secret Exit:  No

Even though it may look like it, there are no gaps in this level. The ground

has just been hidden by clouds. Grab the Coins and enter the final Cannon to

get yourself to World 8.


$$ WORLD 6-C $$                      WRLD6-C

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 6-Z

Secret Exit:  No

Jump to the first anchor as it swings back up on your side. Hit the ? Blocks

for some Coins and the top one has an Ice Flower. Jump to the next anchor as

the left side of it swings up and run to the middle. Get on the right edge and

jump as it starts falling back down to land safely on the next anchor. There is

a Dry Bones here, so freeze it and throw it away. Keep moving right and jump to

the fllowing anchor. It has three ? Blocks, and the top one has another Ice

Flower. Grab it and then get to the next anchor with a Dry Bones. Jump across

the Brick Blocks that swing with anchor to a platform high up, also made of

Brick Blocks. Freeze the first Dry Bones and throw it across the top to wipe

out all of the other Bones and grab Star Coin #1. Quickly chase after it to get

an extra life as it drops to an anchor below. Stop on the Brick Block at the


Ground Pound as the left side of the anchor below starts rising to drop a 1-Up

Mushroom. Drop down and grab it, but watch for the first of many spiked balls.

Jump to the next anchor and get on top of the first ? Block. Be careful, as the

sides of this anchor go deep in the lava. When you get the chance, jump to the

next ? Block and then to Star Coin #2. Drop back to the anchor. Run across the

next anchor and avoid the spiked ball here, then jump to the higher platform

and run over to the Checkpoint Flag. Then enter the pipe.

This can be really frustrating if you don't time your jumps. Jump to the ledge

ahead and watch the spiked balls on the ceiling. Every so often the blocks with

arrows on them drop down and let the spiked balls fall to your level. You need

to watch carefully so you know when and where to jump. Grab an Ice Flower from

the first platform and then wait until the spiked balls drop for the first

time. After they move, jump to the green platform and then stay on the left

edge of the next ledge to avoid the next spiked balls. Jump when one rolls back

towards you. You should be safe across the first green platform, then the rest

of the spiked balls dropping is different every time you play.

Jump to the second green platform, then to the third while watching the balls

overhead. You may have to avoid one or two across here, but it shouldn't cause

too much trouble. The platform ahead with two Dry Bones' will have a ball drop

on to it, so jump it as it takes them out.

On the next anchor are some ? Blocks with Coins. The last, however, has an Ice

Flower. Grab it when there is no chance of the spiked balls falling, then jump

to the next anchor. Avoid some spiked balls on here and jump to the following

anchor when the right side of yours is at its highest point. As the right side

of the next reaches its highest point, dodge any incoming spiked balls and jump

to Star Coin #3. Then quickly get off to the safe platform ahead.

The ? Block may seem a little bit too high, so jump under it for a helping

hand. Hit the Block for a Fire Flower and then enter the door to the right.

BOSS BATTLE: Morton Koopa Jr.

Run down the unneccessarily long corridor to find Morton waiting patiently.

Enter Kamek and the magic begins. Whenever Morton Ground Pounds, the two

columns on either side of him will shoot up into the roof, killing you istantly

if you are standing on one. Wait for him to do it at the start of the battle,

then run forward as they begin to drop back down. Start throwing fireballs as

he bounces forward and you should get six in just as he Ground Pounds again.

You should be one more column over so you don't get squashed. He'll start

spinning in his shell but won't slide around until the columns return to the

ground. Stand next to the wall and jump so he ricochets off it instead of you.

If he pops up near you, quickly jump on his head. If not, rapidly shoot

fireballs once again. Dodge him as he bounces around the room, then get him one

more time to finish the battle. Grab the key to exit the arena.



Mario will race out the door to find Bowser Jr. waiting for him once again. The

Airship will take off; the pilot obviously not having learnt its lesson from

last time. Bowser Jr. will speed off behind it and Mario wll give chase across

the clouds to the Airship's second anchor point. When Bowser Jr. gets on board

Mario decides to chase after him once more.


$$ WORLD 6-Z $$                      WRLD6-Z

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-1

Secret Exit:  No

The screen will move by itself this time around, so take your time. Start by

running right and hitting the ? Block. Grab the Ice Flower that comes out. Jump

across the wheels and over the Mecha-Koopa. Jump over the next Mecha-Koopa and

over the gap to the grey ledge to find a Rocky Wrench ahead. Wait for it to

throw a wrench and drop back into the floor before jumping up. When it pops its

head out, jump on it to defeat it.

Jump to the first wheel and run on it until the screen moves far enough over so

you can jump to the next and then the one after that. There will be some stairs

with Rocky Wrenches on them, so climb up and take out the Wrenches. Ground

Pound the crates at the top to open up a space which you can get Star Coin #1

from. Then jump back to the yellow platform with the sign.

When the screen moves over far enough, drop to the Rocky Wrench on the yellow

platform below. Then drop down again to a platform below with a ton of crates.

Ground Pound through the one above the pipe and enter the pipe underneath.

Jump across the wheels here, and grab the Coins between each as you go. Don't

move too fast or you'll get caught at the right of the screen. Between the two

smallest wheels is Star Coin #2. Grab as you jump from one to the other, then

jump to the ledge ahead and head back up through the pipe.

Pass the Checkpoint Flag up here and then jump to the yellow platform. Jump to

the first wheel about when it passes the middle of the screen and grab the Red

Ring. Jump across the wheels four the first five Red Coins, then drop under the

last wheel for number six. Jump to the yellow platform ahead for the seventh,

then leap into the air for the last Coin. Grab your prize and jump up to the

next yellow platform.

Jump along the trail of Coins when the Rocky Wrench pops its head up and bounce

off it. Jump on top of the crates and Ground Pound through the gap when the

Mecha-Koopa is directly underneath so you don't land in front of it. Grab Star

Coin #3 and then climb back up to the grey ledge. There are two Brick Blocks

here, and the right one is actually a Coin Block, so get some Coins fast.

Leap to the first wheel when the screen is over far enough and then bounce off

the Mecha-Koopa on the second wheel to make the third. Hit the ? Block for an

Ice Flower, then jump to the next wheel when you have enough room on the

screen. Bounce off the Mecha-Koopa on the last wheel to the platform ahead, and

jump on the Rocky Wrench here. Then enter the pipe.

BOSS BATTLE 2: Bowser Jr.

Bowser Jr. will run off and jump into his Koopa Clown Car, so jump into the

Hero Car in front of you. Fly around using the D-Pad and shake the Remote to

dash in whichever direction you're moving. Use this to knock Bowser Jr. into

the electricity on either side of the stage. Just don't miss him and let him

knock you in. You'll need to do this three times, and each time he gets zapped

he'll dash at you more and more, so be ready. After defeating him, he will fall

to the bottom of the screen.



Kamek will bring Bowser Jr. back up to you, and just like last time, the floor

will fall from beneath your feet. Mario will end up back on the World Map, and

the Airship will take off to the next world. But Mario won't give up now, so

he follows the clouds higher into the sky...


WORLD 7                              WRLD7-L


Name: Cloud Castle Courtyard

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      M - Red Mushroom House

      L - Green Mushroom House

      G - Gold Mushroom House

      B - Boo House

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Boss)

      E - Castle Secret Entrance

      ? - Cannon

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      : - Secret Path




             :          :    :

       L     :   G      :    E

       |     :   |      :

       3---F::   XOOX   :::::C

       |   |     O  O        |

    M  |   ---B--XOOX--4--5---

    |  |      :           :

 S--1--2      :::::::::::::


- World 7 consists of 6 levels, as well as the Fortress, Castle and Boo House.

- The World 7 Boss is Ludwig Von Koopa (a.k.a. Kooky Von Koopa).

- The map enemy is the Lakitu.

- There are 2 secret exits.

- There are 4 Mushroom Houses (2 Red, 1 Green, 1 Gold).


$$ WORLD 7-1 $$                      WRLD7-1

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-2, Red Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Run over to the pillar and enter through the bottom. Climb the red ledges and

enter the pipe above.

Jump to the four coloured platforms and hit the Block for a Coin. Jump to the

next moving platforms and hit the first ? Block for a Fire Flower. Bounce on

the Koopa and use his shell or just use fireballs to take out the Piranha Plant

on the next platform. Defeat the next Piranha Plant and jump to the pipes.

On the other side is yet another Piranha Plant. Kill this one as well, then

jump to the red platform. Use a fireball to dispose of the next Plant and jump

to the purple platform it was on. Then jump to the green and then hit the Brick

Blocks on the yellow platform for a Coin each. After this, jump to the rotating

red platform. Get over to the purple platform and wait for one of the corners

to reach the highest point, then jump from it to the red pipe above and wall

jump up to Star Coin #1. Land back on the purple platform.

Kill the Plant and jump to the green platform. Use the blue pipe to reach the

yellow platform, then jump to the pipes ahead. Hit the Checkpoint Flag and drop

into the yellow pipe that is lower than the rest further along.

You'll land on a purple platform. Jump to the red one as it gets close and stay

on as it moves across. Jump to grab the Coins as they pass through the air,

then jump to the next red platform and do the same again. Hit the ? Block on

the other side for a Propeller Mushroom and then leap to the purple platform.

As the green one to the right goes down, Spin Jump to Star Coin #2 and drill

back down to the green platform as it comes back up. Then jump back to the

purple platform and enter the pipe.

All of the Blocks on the spinning yellow platform beside you have Coins, so you

don't really need them. Get across the platform and jump to the pipes. Get from

these to the red platform next to you and get under the Piranha Plant to find

some platforms moving up and down in unison. Jump across them and then make

your way across the platforms further along, followed by a thin green platform.

When this platform gets as high as it can, Spin Jump off it to Star Coin #3.

Land on the purple platform nearby, then jump to the pipes and enter the green


Jump across the platforms or run along underneath and Spin Jump at the Finish



$$ WORLD 7-2 $$                      WRLD7-2

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-3

Secret Exit:  No

Meet the Chain Chomp. It bounces around naturally, then suddenly throws itself

at high speed towards you. Good thing it's on a chain. You can't defeat it with

anything but a Star, so for now, run up to the ? Blocks and hit the first two.

You'll get a Fire Flower and the Chain Chomp should just miss you. Climb the

Blocks and jump into the giant bubble. When you enter a bubble like this one,

you need to start swimming straight away or you'll fall out the bottom. When

you reach the top edge it's just like jumping out of normal water, so jump to

the platform to the right. You have to swim through two bubbles now, so be

careful when jumping from one to the next and don't hesitate to start pressing

the "2" Button because it doesn't so anything while you're in mid-air.

On the other side you will find a Bill Blaster. Dodge the Bill shoots and hit

the Blocks ahead for a Fire Flower and some Coins. Now there are four bubbles,

and they move up and down so time your jumping. There will be a safe platform

once you're past them.

The bubbles ahead are more of an elliptical shape so you'll reach the bottom a

lot quicker. Watch the bubbles next to you as they move back and forth and jump

to the next top one, then off to the safe ledge on the other side.

There is another Chain Chomp here, so wait for it to "pounce" and then jump on

to the yellow pole holding its chain. Once the Chain Chomp above moves back,

jump to the very edge of that platform and then across its yellow pole to some

red ledges. Drop down to the platform by itself near the clouds and wait for

the next Chain Chomp to strike. Once it starts moving again, run and jump over

it on to the yellow pole here. Ground Pound it quickly but move as soon as you

need to. It takes three Pounds to fully lower the pole, so save the third until

the Chain Chomp is facing right. The second the pole is completely underground

the Chain Chomp will flee furiously towards the Brick Blocks and will break a

hole through. Run through this hole to Star Coin #1, then climb up and head

right to the Checkpoint Flag.

Get past the next few Chain Chomps by waiting until they strike and jumping

across the yellow poles. You'll find a ? Block with a Coin. Stand on the Block

and wait until the Chain Chomp above strikes and then starts bouncing back to

the right. Jump through the red ledge and then over the Chain Chomp to the

arrow sign.

Jump into the bubble here and swim around to avoid the Bullet Bills being fired

at you. Jump to the top of the Bill Blaster and wait for it to reach its

highest point to make some Coins appear, then into the next bubble when

you get the chance. The second bubble has a safe platform underneath if you

fall. You'll also notice that the Bills move slower in the bubbles, so use this

to your advantage. When you land on the second Bill Blaster some Coins will

appear above again at the highest point, so grab them and then get through the

last bubble. Hit the ? Blocks below for a Fire Flower and a Coin, then hit the

Coin Block in the middle. There is a pipe to the left, but we'll come back to


Run ahead and jump high into the first bubble floating above the Chain Chomps.

Swim through and jump to the second bubble where you need to wait until both

Chain Chomps below strike. Once they have, drop down and grab Star Coin #3,

then quickly get back up to the bubbles and work your way back to the pipe from

before. Enter the pipe when you reach it.

You'll drop down into a bubble, so swim right and jump to the next one. Grab

the Coins in here and then get to the next bubble, which happens to have Star

Coin #2 above it. Grab it and then get through the next few bubbles and jump to

the ledge with the arrow sign. Hit the ? Block for a Coin, then jump to the

ledge on the right and jump against the wall for a hidden ? Block with another

Coin. Get on top of this Block and jump yet again for a 1-Up Mushroom above.

Collect it and then get back to the last bubble and jump out of the top to the


Swim through the first bubble and jump on to the Bill Blaster. More Coins will

appear if you wait until it reaches its highest point, then jump into the next

bubble and make your way through to the next Bill Blaster, which you should

jump on to. If you wait a little longer on this Blaster, it will take you to

the top of the screen and more Coins will appear on the platform next to you.

Grab these Coins and use the last bubble to jump to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 7-3 $$                      WRLD7-3

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-F, Green Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Begin by jumping to the green platform. There is a Brick Block, a ? Block and

a Fuzzy on the rail. Fuzzies cannot be defeated by jumping on them, so just

stay out of their way. Hit the Brick Block fo a Coin, and then the ? Block

releases a Propeller Mushroom, so grab it. Spin Jump to the red platform above

and then jump to the following platform. Here there are two Fuzzies and a ?

Block doing a figure-8 on the rail. Wait for the two Fuzzies to pass by you on

the left side, then move to the rail. Duck and jump when the ? Block reaches

you for another Propeller Mushroom. Jump to the blue platform overhead to grab

it and then duck here to let the Fuzzies go past. As soon as they go around and

get past the other blue platform, jump to it and then to the red platform

ahead. There are two fuzzies on either side of Star Coin #1 gliding along the

rails. Wait until they start climbing the right side and jump through the

Fuzzies for the Star Coin and land on the red platform.

Jump to the platform to start it moving along the rail. A Fuzzy will fall from

a rail above to yours, so jump as it goes past. Two Fuzzies will drop next,

then three more. Just after you land from jumping the three, the two will catch

back up to you from the left, so jump off to the right to the Checkpoint Flag.

Jump to the yellow platform and watch the Fuzzies as they flick up on either

side. Hit the ? Blocks for another Propeller Mushroom, then either wait for the

Fuzzies to move to the right and jump to the yellow platform or Spin Jump over

the top. If you go under, wait until the last Fuzzy gets past you on the right

before jumping ahead.

The next platforms will be swamped by Fuzzies every so often as they spin

around the rail. As soon as they reach the bottom ring jump to the middle

platform and then drop to the lower platform, then jump to the other side once

they get past. Or, again, just Spin Jump over them.

On the next platform, hit the first ? Block in the group of five to get a

Propeller Mushroom, then jump to a group of Blocks that pass overhead and to

the platform with the P-Switch when the Fuzzies aren't in your way. Hit the

Switch and drop to Blocks flying past on the lower rail to collect a bunch of

Coins down here. Move to the front Block so you stay on as it moves up, and

then grab the Coins along the top as well. Jump to the blue platform and then

jump above the flower to find a hidden Block with a beanstalk. Climb it up to

the sky.

Run straight over to the P-Switch and DON'T GRAB THE COINS. Hit the Switch to

turn the Coins into Brick Blocks and climb them up to Star Coin #2. Grab all of

the Coins as you jump across the platforms then Spin Jump from the last so you

can aim and drill straight down through the last Coins and back to the ground.

Jump along the Coins to the platform on the rail. Leap over the Fuzzies that

drop to your rail and stand on the left edge as one comes back past. Jump and

grab Star Coin #3 before the second one passes and jump quickly when it catches

up. Stay on the left after you jump it to let the first one back past you again

and jump to the next platform before the second one gets back to you.

There will be a Mega Fuzzy on the rail above you as you move past, so jump it

when it reaches the middle of your platform so you can land safely on the other

side. Jump to the Item Block when you reach it and quickly hit it for an item,

then jump back to the platform before it leaves without you. When you drop past

the next Mega Fuzzy it will jump straight across just as your platform leaves

the rail so jump right away. Bound across the Brick Blocks for some Coins and

quickly drop back to the platform so you can jump in the second gap for a 1-Up

Mushroom. Get the Mushroom and jump to Finish Flag as your platform reaches the

end of its path.


$$ WORLD 7-F $$                      WRLD7-F

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   8 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-B

Secret Exit:  Yes

Run and jump on to the Tilt Elevator. It tilts just like the normal Lift, but

it also moves from side to side depending on which way you tilt the Remote. It

also constantly moves straight up, unless you fall off, in which case it moves

back to where you are so you can jump back on. Swing it left and grab the Coins

as you move up. Leap off it on to the platform with the ? Block and hit it for

an Ice Flower. Get it and jump back to the Elevator. Dodge/freeze/jump on the

Bullet Bills being fired above you, and hit the ? Block when you reach it for a

Fire Flower. But instead of grabbing it, stay to one side of the Elevator and

get the other end underneath it so it picks up the Flower on the way through.

This way you have a backup if you take damage as it doesn't disappear.

Slowly work your way up through the Bills to the Red Ring. Grab it and then

jump around collecting the Red Coins as you dodge the Bullet Bills at the same

time. Just after the last Coin is an eerie safe zone where nothing is fired at

you. Once you get a little higher you will see some Banzai Bills getting shot

out above you. Banzai Bills are the same as Bullet Bills, only they are about

ten times bigger. Move left with the Elevator to stay in a gap between two as

you go up, and then jump on to the one next to you when it gets close to defeat

it. Towards the top is Star Coin #1. You'll need to move right and duck under

any oncoming Bills, but stand up before you slide straight off. Jump and grab

the Star Coin and then rush back left as fast as you can to avoid the next Bill

getting shot out. When the Elevator is as high as it will go, move all the way

left and jump against the edge of the wall for a hidden ? Block. Jump on to

this and then above the "roof" and run all the way right.

You'll come out of a pipe and grab Star Coin #2. Jump through the blue ledge

and then across to the Checkpoint Flag, then get on to the Elevator in here.

Slowly work your way up through the Bob-Ombs being shot on to your Elevator,

and jump on them so you can kick them off. Also, jump on one and pick it up so

you can throw it at a few that get close, if you need to. You'll come across a

? Block, so hit it and take the Ice Flower that was hidden inside.

Soon you will see Star Coin #3 on the side of the screen behind some Brick

Blocks. Use a Bob-Omb to smash your way through to it.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 7-6

Below you on the right should be two cannons shooting Bob-ombs. Under these is

a moving platform. Stand on this moving platform and and run right to find a

secret area.

You'll exit through a red pipe, and here you will find two Bill Blasters that

seem to be stuck on rapid fire. Get as many on the screen as you possibly can

and run along with them to the Red Finish Flag. When you jump on to the Flag,

you will get some extra lives if you have enough Bills on the screen with you.


Jump back to the Elevator and keep going up a little further to reach the top.

Get off it on the left side and jump to the blue ledge. Stand against the wall

and jump here for the hidden Fire Flower and then enter the door.

MINI-BOSS: Ludwig Von Koopa

He will start by shooting a blue fireball at you which constantly circles the

room chasing after you. Don't worry though - it's really slow. Ludwig will then

jump in the air and flutter around like Yoshi, only he'll do it several times

before landing back on the ground and hopefully not your head. Jump on him as

he lands and he'll do the whole shell thing. When he pops back out, quickly

jump on his head while he shoots another fireball for the shell jumping again.

Three bonks to the noggin will finish this battle.


$$ WORLD 7-B $$                      WRLD7-B

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 7-4, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  Yes

Start by running right to the edge of the platform. Don't jump off because when

you reach the edge the Broozer ahead will knock the barrel towards you and come

at you with fists flying. Once it bashes down th grey blocks under you, bounce

on its head three times or Ground Pound it to defeat it. Now run through the

gap where the grey blocks were and grab Star Coin #1 as well as some other

Coins further left. Jump back up to the door and then up to the next staircase.

Jump to the staircase with the door above you as the Broozer knocks its barrel

down. Grab the barrel here and jump to the ledge above when the Broozer isn't

in your way. Throw it left to wipe out the Broozer here and the one on the

other side of the screen. The door below you is a fake, so jump to the next


Run up here quickly and duck through the gap in the stairs to avoid the

oncoming barrel, and jump to the ledge above once you draw in the Broozer.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 7-5

The Broozer under you will bash through some grey blocks if you draw it further

left. Defeat it now and run through the gap to a door. Enter it.

In here are some Boos. Dodge them as you climb the stairs and ledges to a

Springboard. Bounce off it to a ? Block above and then jump to the platform on

the right with the wood across the front. There will be some Coins here as well

as two Brick Blocks, both of which have beanstalks in them. Climb up one to the


Up here is a ?-Switch and a Springboard. Hit the Switch to make some moving

platforms appear, and use the SB beside you to reach the first one. Use the

next SB to reach the second platform and then climb the ledges here. At the

very top is a Big Boo and yet another Springboard. Stand near the SB and turn

your back to lure the Big Boo over, then when it gets closer drop under it and

climb the ledges to the door.

Drop to the ground and enter the door. In here are some Boos and a ?-Switch on

the other side of the room. Run over and stomp it and jump on to the moving

platform it creates. Jump from it to Star Coin #3 and avoid the fake ? Blocks

beside it. The door on the top right ledge is fake, but the ? Block all the way

left has a Fire Flower. Get it and exit through the door you came in.

Between the Coins ahead are two invisible ? Blocks, so hit them and use them to

reach the top of the Red Finish Flag.


Jump to the stairs above and then quickly climb the ledges straight up to avoid

the barrels getting pushed towards you. Stop on the right edge of the last

empty ledge to dodge the last barrel, then wait for the Broozer to fly straight

over you before you jump to the ledge above. Climb up from here to the door

further up.

Quickly run to the Item Block and grab an item, then stand still and wait for

the blocks underneath to suddenly disappear. Move from side to side and follow

the Coins down. Move the direction the arrows tell you to; they aren't tricks.

At the bottom, enter the top right door.

In here is a Big Boo under some rope on the ceiling. Stand in the bottom corner

on the left and wait for the Big Boo to start floating down. Once it gets

partially below the top ledge, climb up and use the rope to get across to Star

Coin #2. Drop the second you are past the Big Boo and run for the right door.

Climb up the stairs and jump the gaps while some Crowbers fly over head. They

swoop down at you much like Swoopers, but they will do it over and over, so use

fireballs or jump on them to get rid of them. Continue across the platforms

until you reach four Brick Blocks along the ground. The first has a 1-Up

Mushroom, so grab that. Just past here are some more stairs; climb them and

jump to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 7-T $$                      WRLD7-T

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

You will face off against a Lakitu in these mini-games. It will constantly

hover overhead throwing Spinies at you. Use the Bounce Blocks in these to help

you collect the Toad Balloons, and remember, it has a really bad aim.


$$ WORLD 7-4 $$                      WRLD7-4

Difficulty:   4 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-5

Secret Exit:  No

Time for a new kind of platform: the Tilt Rail Ledge. Hit the Grey ! Block

between the ? Blocks to gain control of the platform in the middle of the

screen, which should turn red. Tilting the Remote left and right makes it slide

across the rail in the respective direction. Jump on to the platform and tilt

the Remote right so that it takes you up to the Koopas, which you should jump

past. Enter the green pipe leading into the sky.

Use the rising pipes on the left to hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower. Grab it

and then work your way right to a Bill Blaster next to a Piranha Plant. Jump on

top of the Blaster and shoot the Piranha Plant with an ice ball, then jump to

the next pipes. Another Bill Blaster ahead should shoot a Bullet Bill towards

you, so bounce off it and land on the Blaster. Freeze the Piranha Plant to the

right and then jump to it. Jump to the safe platform from here and hit the ?

Block for an Ice Flower.

Freeze the Piranha Plant on the next pipe and jump to it. There are three Bill

Blasters ahead which will, in turn, shoot some Bullet Bills at you. Just

further up is a Banzai Bill Blaster, so wait for one to shoot past and then get

to the green pipe past the red ones. When another passes overhead, jump to the

high red pipe and bounce off the next Banzai Bill fired to reach Star Coin #1.

Drop back to the lower non-moving red pipe and enter it.

Hit the Grey ! Block here and tilt yourself over to the right. Run over to the

next Ledge and hit the Brick Blocks. The one on the right is a Coin Block, so

get all the Coins from that and then stay on this Ledge as you tilt left. Hit

the Brick Blocks here to release a 1-Up Mushroom. Let it slide across to the

Ledge above you and then quickly tilt right so you transport it over to where

you pop up. Once you get it, run right and hit the ? Blocks for an Ice Flower.

Tilt left to bring a Ledge over to you. Wait for the pipe ahead to just start

moving up so you can make it underneath. Jump to the next Ledge and tilt back

right. Jump to the platform here and then on top of the wall to your left to

find a treasure trove of Coins hiding off the screen. Get to the edge and then

head back right to the Ledge. Tilt right and jump through the pipes. Tilt back

left again to bring three Ledges closer to you. Jump to the top one, then jump

to Star Coin #2 and drop to the Ledge below. Tilt right and ride the Ledge to

some pipes. Get through the pipes and tilt left to bring a bridge of Ledges

over to you. Jump across them and then use the last to reach the pipe.

Jump across the pipes and bounce off the Koopas and the Paratroopa to the Red

Ring. Grab it from the high green pipe on its left. Jump past the next few

pipes and grab the first four Red Coins as you go. Then jump through the last

four and bounce off the Koopa's head. Run across this platform after getting

your prize and take out the Piranha Plant. Hit the ? Blocks and then jump to

the red pipes. Use the Koopa's shell here to take out the Paratroopa, then

bounce off a Bullet Bill to the next pipes, followed by the Bill Blaster. Jump

across the next few pipes while bouncing from Koopas and Bills until you reach

a red pipe. Time a Bullet Bill so that you can bounce off it after it has

passed the red pipe so that you can reach the green pipe further along.

Run left and jump the gap. Do not panic. Bounce your way up the eight Bullet

Bills that are fired to reach Star Coin #3. Stay near the nose of the Bill or

you'll take damage from the next one up. Wait for the Blasters to fire again,

then jump down and run back across to the red pipe up above. You may have to

bounce off a Bill to reach it. Then enter it.

Use the fast blue pipe ahead to get as high as you can on the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 7-5 $$                      WRLD7-5

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   2 / 10

Unlocks:      World 7-C

Secret Exit:  No

Just ahead are some Micro Goombas. Get past them and climb up the Blocks to the

? Block at the top. It has a Fire Flower, so take it. Further along is a Foo.

These weird looking creatures can breathe out massive clouds so that you can't

see where you are going. Just jump on them to defeat them. Once past the first

one you will just catch a glimpse of Star Coin #1 before a Foo blows a cloud in

front of it. The platform is still there, so jump to the moving platform above

and Spin Jump to move the cloud so you can find it.

There are some Bounce Blocks past the Foo which can be used to reach the Coins

in the air. Hit the Brick Blocks and ? Blocks past here for another Propeller

Mushroom. Spin Jump up the gap from the moving platform and grab the Coins.

Drop down the other side and hit the Brick Block for a Fire Flower. Get it and

then run into the thick cloud ahead. Spin Jump around the place until you find

some Brick Blocks on the left side, one of which has a P-Switch. Hit the Switch

and jump off the Bounce Blocks into the air to find all of the Blue Coins. Keep

spinning so you can see where you are going, and to shake off any Micro Goombas

that may have found you in the fog. Jump out the right side when you're


Use fireballs to take out the Goombas constantly falling out of the pipe, as

well as the Koopa and the Foo ahead. Jump to the Checkpoint Flag and then hit

the top ? Block for a Fire Flower. Get past the next Foos to some Brick Blocks.

Hit them for a P-Switch. Hit the Switch and shoot a fireball left across the

new Birck Blocks to take out the Foo, then run across yourself to Star Coin #2.

Make your way right, jumping on Foos and Koopas. Use the Bounce Blocks to get

the Coins up above, then run past the Paragoomba and Micro Goombas to some Foos

further up. Take out the first Foo and run through the wall behind it to a

secret alcove with Star Coin #3. Climb the red ledges at the end and then

bounce across the Bounce Blocks to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 7-6 $$                      WRLD7-6

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Star Coins:   8 / 10 (without Propeller)

              3 / 10 (with Propeller)

Unlocks:      World 7-C, World 7-C Secret Entrance, Gold Mushroom House

Secret Exit:  No

Using a Propeller Mushroom on the World Map for this level isn't such a bad

idea. If you do use one, ignore the parts that tell you to take an item from a

? Block.

The screen will once again move at a constant speed, so pace yourself and make

sure all of your jumps are well-timed. Run right to find a Parabeetle flying

slowly towards you. Jump on its back as it reaches the Coins to be taken up to

the ? Block. Get a Fire Flower from the Block and then jump to the Heavy

Parabeetle. The big ones will begin to drift down when you land on them, so

stay on until you reach the smaller one below. Jump to this Parabeetle and fly

up again. You may hear a soft chime every time you jump to one of the

Parabeetles that gets higher and higher. When you land on your eighth

Parabeetle in a row, you win a 1-Up Mushroom, so stay on them as much as

possible. Eventually you'll reach the end of the ground below, so be careful.

You'll need to take a small Parabeetle upward so you can jump to the next, and

then to the Heavy Parabeetle after that. There will be two more Parabeetles

before another Heavy one, but this time stay on the Heavy Parabeetle to slowly

drift down to Star Coin #1.

Jump to the Parabeetle down as low as you and ride it upward until you can jump

right to the higher one. Jump to the one higher than this one and then back

down to the middle row. If you Spin Jump between close Parabeetles you can get

rid of the clouds nearby. There will be another Parabeetle in the top row

behind the cloud, so either jump and hope or drop to the lower row. Keep

jumping across them until there is one small left in the middle. Jump from this

one to the Heavy Parabeetle behind it, and jump across these to a row of

Parabeetles at the bottom of the screen. Jump on one as it passes under the

trail of Coins so that it takes you up to Star Coin #2, then jump to the red

ledge. Hit the Brick Block hidden behind the clouds for a 1-Up Mushroom, then

hit the ? Block for a Fire Flower.

Jump to the next Heavy Parabeetle and then make your way across the next set of

small Parabeetles which are movin at slightly different speeds. Once you make

it to the end of these, there will be a group of Heavy Parabeetles bunched

together. Slowly jump across these so that they don't sink while you have

nowhere to jump to, but get to the last ones fast so they do sink. Under them

you should just be able to see Star Coin #3, and you should use the Heavy

Parabeetles to reach it. Try to get it so the Star Coin is just right of the

Parabeetle you drop down on, then run and grab it as you jump to a Parabeetle

just above the ground ahead. If you have the Propeller Cap, Spin Jump as soon

as you grab it to make things a little easier.

Jump across the small Parabeetles and jump really far off the last one to reach

a ledge high up off the ground. Run across this ledge to a pipe. If you didn't

make it on to the ledge, don't worry youself. Just enter the pipe on the


Jump, double jump and then triple jump off the Dount Lifts to the Finish Flag,

but if you missed the top pipe, run along the ground and triple jump in roughly

the same spots as the Lifts above to get as high as you can on the Flag.


$$ WORLD 7-C $$                      WRLD7-C

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-1

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and stop at the edge. A massive spiked pillar will shoot up. That's

right, they're back. Wait for it to come back down and then jump to the red

ledge and off to the other side. Hit the ? Blocks here for a Coin and an Ice

Flower, then jump across the next red ledge when the pillar has retracted the

whole way.

Once safe on the other side, walk right to find pairs of spiked pillars

crashing into each other. Jump between them as they pull back and watch for the

Dry Bones on each platform. Smash the Brick Blocks past the pillars and bounce

off the giant Dry Bones' head to Star Coin #1. Climb the red ledges just right

of here and drop through the next gap the second the spiked pillar moves out of

your way. Checkpoint Flag, anyone?

Get through the first pair of pillars and hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower.

Past the second pair are two Sledge Bros. Stand in the "doorway" and shoot

balls of ice at the first and then do the same for the second as it goes for

the Ground Pound. Wait here for the pillar ahead to move and quickly bound

across the red ledge to a safe one inbetween the two pillars. Grab the Coins

above and wait for the next pillar to move back out of your way. Jump to the

red ledge and then drop back left under the safe red ledge to a pipe. Enter it.

Down here is a lot of clouds. Spin Jump where you land to reveal two spiked

pillars on either side of you. Wait for them to return before climbing the red

ledges behind the pillar to your right. Drop from the top ledge to the ? Block

and then jump across the next red ledges to Star Coin #2. Exit through the

yellow pipe just above.

Jump right through the pair of pillars to a moving platform. Grab all the Coins

from above it and then jump through the second pair. Wait for the group of

three pillars to retract and quickly jump past the next platform to a ? Block

with an Ice Flower. Stand on top of the ? Block and jump to a gap in the roof

above. Wall jump up here to Star Coin #3. Then get ready to run.

Race across the red ledge when the pillars move and duck on the platform with

the arrow sign to narrowly avoid the pillar above you. Do the same again and

even slide if you have to so you can duck and stop on the platform. Jump madly

across the moving platforms to the red ledge ahead. Once you land here there

are no more spiked pillars, so take a breath. Walk into the next room.


%% Secret Entrance %%

See the green pipe above? That's where you come out if you take the Secret

Entrance unlocked by completing World 7-6. It's a very nifty shortcut, but it

skips past all of the Star Coins.


In here is a Sledge Bro. Take it out and then jump next to the wall above the

gap you walked in through to get a Propeller Mushroom. Then run over to the

door and head inside.

BOSS BATTLE: Ludwig Von Koopa

Run down the same old long corridor to Ludwig's room. He will be waiting for

you atop some Brick Blocks. Kamek will fly across above and his magic will make

something happen below. Three platforms will smash through the Blocks and carry

you and Ludwig up through the air. He will shoot four blue fireballs at you,

but if you stay still on the platform you're on, you won't get hit. He'll then

jump high into the air. After a moment, He'll reappear above one of the

platforms doing the flutter-like move. If he's above the platform you're on,

move quickly before he lands. Remember you can Spin Jump away if you need to.

Jump on his head as he goes to cast more fireballs and he'll go crazy in his

shell on the platform he's on. Spin Jump as he pops out and float over him. He

should jump straight up into you, and you should be ready to bounce off him to

one of the other platforms. He'll slide around in his shell again, so get him

one more time when he pops out to finish him off. Grab the key when you reach

the top.



Mario will race out the door, knowing he has now defeated all the Koopalings.

Outside is Bowser Jr. and his Airship, with Peach hostage on board. The Airship

will take off when Bowser Jr. jumps on and Mario will chase after furiously.

He makes his way down from the clouds to a hot, barren place that could only be

home to one person...


WORLD 8                              WRLD8-L


Name: Bowser's Volcano

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      F - Fortress (Mini-Boss)

      C - Castle (Final Boss)

      ? - Cannon

      X - Enemy Stopping Point

      O - Enemy Pathway

      Z - Airship (Boss)

      : - Secret Path






        :     |

        :     6

        :     |


 |      :

 |      7

 |      :


        :     |

        :     |

        :     |







- World 8 consists of 7 levels, as well as the Fortress, Castle and Airship.

- The World 8 Bosses are Kamek and Bowser.

- The map enemy is the Podoboo.

- There is 1 secret exit.

- There are no Mushroom Houses.


$$ WORLD 8-1 $$                      WRLD8-1

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-2

Secret Exit:  No

As soon as you start you may notice some rocks falling from the sky caused by

the volcanic eruption in the background. You need to be careful of these rocks

because the slightest touch gives you damage. Start by hitting the ? Blocks on

the top row for a Fire Flower and then run and jump the gap to the right. There

is a platform on a very thin spike that topples over when you land on it. Jump

to it and then to the other side, then get past the next two toppling

platforms. Jump to the purple platform and then over the Lava Geyser to some

more unbalanced platforms. Quickly get another Fire Flower from the ? Blocks

here and watch for the Buzzy Beetles. Don't spend any time dawdling because

there is a poisonous purple cloud right on your tail. Jump past the next Geyser

and then sprint and jump across the purple platforms. There will be a safe spot

and some Buzzy Beetles. Jump to the purple platform with the lone Buzzy, then

jump high off the other side to Star Coin #1. Land and get past the next Geyser

to find the Checkpoint Flag below some more purple platforms.

Sprint across the next green platforms so that you don't get crushed by falling

rocks and so the platforms don't sink into the lava. Only hit the ? Blocks that

are surrounded by Coins so you can get a Fire Flower, then run and grab the POW

Block. On the next green platform with Brick Blocks on either side you should

throw the POW Block and Star Coin #2 will drop from the sky.

Keep running and jumping past the Geysers and falling boulders and if you take

damage, use the moment of invulnerability to get past some more obstacles, but

don't push your luck. There will be four Lava Geysers with tiny platforms

between them, and you need to hurry across here or you will get stuck with a

rock heading straight for you. Jump on the Buzzy Beetle below the green pipe

and kick it into the Brick Blocks. Slide through the gap it made and then use

the Spirngboard to bounce up through the next set of Brick Blocks to Star Coin

#3. Then use the red pipe.

Jump right to the first toppling platform, then jump to the second, double jump

to the third and triple jump on to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-2 $$                      WRLD8-2

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Star Coins:   3 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-3

Secret Exit:  Yes

Run right across the spinning hill and hit all of the Brick Blocks you come

across for some Coins, then enter the pipe at the end. Just watch for a boulder

that crushes the last four Brick Blocks.

Hit the ? Block for a Coin, then hit the ? Block on the rotating hill for a

Fire Flower. Jump to the other side and take out the Paragoomba, then the two

after that. Some black spiked balls will start rolling towards you along the

hills. Their speed changes depending on the speed/direction of the hill and if

it's up or downhill, so time your jumping carefully. Get past a few more to a

safe ledge.

Take out the Grand Goombas here and then hit the Blocks at the bottom for some

Coins as well as somewhere to stand as the next spiked ball goes past. At the

bottom, hit the ? Block and jump on top of it for a Fire Flower, then

immediately jump to the red ledge above. A giant spiked ball will demolish the

Blocks you were just standing on. Jump to the next red ledge, then leap to Star

Coin #1 while the coast is clear.

Jump another spiked ball past a red ledge to a safe platform. Jump the small

gap and pass the Checkpoint Flag. Grab the Coins as they pass overhead, then

jump to the next hill. Get the Coins in the next section and jump to the Red

Ring. Run along the hills and jump to the first set of Brick Blocks, then jump

over the top of the next ledges for the first six, then move back left

underneath while avoiding the Goombas for seven and eight. Get your prize and

then continue right. Hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower and jump up to it.

Bounce off a Goomba if you need to. Once there is a break in Goombas exiting

the pipes, run through a fake wall underneath for Star Coin #2. Run back out

and climb the pipes.

Watch carefully as the spiked balls fly over the next hill quite fast, and you

need to land in a space between them. Run along at the same speed as them so

you don't get hit and follow them over some red ledges.


%% Secret Exit %%

Unlocks:      World 8-7

At the end there will be three Brick Blocks. Run left and avoid any incoming

spiked balls, and go into the fake wall just left of the Blocks. You'll go

through a tunnel and inbetween the red ledges you just passed. At the end is a


Rapidly jump across the hills so you don't get taken back left by them and use

the red ledges whenever possible. Grab the POW Block and throw it, then drop to

the left and collect all the Coins that head towards you. Work your way back to

the right, and near the end you need to watch for Goombas exiting a green pipe.

They'll suddenly fly at you as they hit the spinning hill, so be careful. Jump

to the red ledge above and enter the green pipe up here.

Jump across the spinning hills here and you should end up triple jumping to the

Red Finish Flag.


Jump to the Brick Blocks for a short break, then jump over the massive spiked

ball heading your way. It will destroy the Brick Blocks you were standing on.

Get past the smaller spiked balls behind it and run into the wall below the red

ledge to find Star Coin #3. Get back out and jump to the red ledge, then enter

the pipe.

Run right and jump across the spinning hills to some Brick Blocks in the air,

then jump from here to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-3 $$                      WRLD8-3

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   8 / 10

Unlocks:      Enemy Area, World 8-F

Secret Exit:  No

You need to be super careful in this level because one false move and you'll

run straight into the lava. The waves are constanly high up throughout the

level, so time your jumps from platform to platform. Jump to the first

inbetween two waves, then jump to the next and on to some ? Blocks. Wait for a

gap and then drop under the ? Blocks and hit them. The left one has a Fire

Flower. Get back on top of the Blocks and carefully jump to the smaller ledges

ahead without running straight into a wave of lava.

You'll find a strange platform being held up by a single chain. Once you jump

on it, it starts to drop down towards the lava. The moment you get off it

stops, but it doesn't move back up again. It also tilts to either side,

depending on where you land. Jump to the first and quickly get to the second.

Wait on the left side of this platform when there is a gap in the waves below

to drop down to Star Coin #1. The moment you touch it you need to jump up to

the other side and then quickly over to the safe platform. A bunch of Coins

will appear when you land. Grab them when there aren't any waves covering the

next platform.

There will be another single-chain platform, but this one has a Koopa on it.

Jump and shoot a fireball to get it out of your way, then quickly jump to the

next platform which also has a Koopa. You have two options: either keep

shooting fireballs as you're jumping through the air to get rid of them before

you land, or bounce off them as much as possible so that the platforms don't

drop down at all. There will be a Paratroopa part of the way across, so watch

it as you jump past. Get safely to the other side to find the Checkpoint Flag.

Enter the tunnel ahead and you will find that it leads you down towards the

lava before going back up again. Wait for a wave to just pass the downward part

and sprint down, then quickly jump up the other side. Do the same again for the

next section. In the next part there are two tunnels. Wait for a tiny gap to

jump through to reach the bottom tunnel and grab Star Coin #2, then race back

out the left and jump across the top.

The green platform ahead sinks majorly faster than the others you have passed

over the levels, so bounce off it as soon as you land. Ignore the ? Block and

Coins that are moving from side to side up here. Jump to the platform here as

the Block moves left so you can jump off the other side without it getting in

your way. There are some more green platforms here, as well as a Fire Chomp.

Wait for the Chomp to get close and then jump on it, then leap across the

platforms as fast as you can. The large one at the end doesn't sink as fast,

so run across it rather than jump. At the other side you will see Star Coin #3

below a red ledge. Run down inbetween waves and jump to the space where it is,

and wall jump up instead of landing on the platform below it.

Jump frantically across the last few green platforms and watch carefully for

the Fire Chomp. If you time your run so that the first platform is just passed

by a wave you can sprint and triple jump your way straight across to the other

side. Enter the green pipe here.

Run right and jump to the first chained platform, then jump to the second. Jump

from the edge of this one to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-T $$                      WRLD8-T

Difficulty:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      3 Mushrooms

Secret Exit:  No

There are several Podoboos that like to jump up out of the lava in these

mini-games. If you have an Ice Flower you can finish this no problem. Watch the

timing of them very carefully as some jump higher meaning they'll start jumping

at different times. One could jump earlier than another and completely put you

off. If you check out Appendix B, be very careful with Stage Two.


$$ WORLD 8-F $$                      WRLD8-F

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   6 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-4

Secret Exit:  No

Hit the ? Blocks near the first Fire Bar for a Fire Flower, then climb up to

the next Bar and jump to the three moving platforms on the right. The bottom

one doesn't go all the way into the wall. As they come back out, climb them and

jump to the lone platform, followed by the block with the Fire Bar. Grab Star

Coin #1 here, then jump back to the red ledges.

Jump up the ledges and ignore the ? Block unless you are small Mario, in which

case you might like the item inside. Climb the right side and jump into the

coloured section of the wall halfway up to find a door. Enter it.

Get yourself an item from the Item Block in here and hope it's a Propeller

Mushroom. Exit through the same door and climb past the Fire Bar above you. Use

the moving platforms overhead to climb up to some ? Blocks, or just Spin Jump

up there. Ignore the ? Blocks and continue up, using the red ledges when

neccessary. Climb the red ledges at the top to another Fire Bar.

Get past this Fire Bar and use the red ledges and the moving platform to get to

the top of this room. Avoid the two synchronised Fire Bars and climb further up

to find some moving platforms that interlock each other. Climb these like

stairs and use the spots with Coins to avoid getting crushed. Keep jumping up

and remember where platforms are that stick out of the wall so you don't fall

all the way back down. Don't climb the red ledges at the top, but instead wait

on the left side at the top and jump up through the coloured part of the wall

on to a red ledge with a door. Go in.

In here are three Fire Bars, one of which is MASSIVE. Run through as they reach

their lowest point and jump the second Bar as it comes back up. Grab a Fire

Flower from the ? Block here, then use the moving platform to reach Star Coin

#2 as the Bars reach their topmost point. Jump from here to the door and then

up to the Checkpoint Flag on the other side.

Run left and slide under the wall when the Fire Bar is out of the way to get

Star Coin #3, then jump to the red ledge under a ? Block. Jump to the moving

platform and then on top of the ? Block. Wall jump up to the next platform and

climb the red ledges when the massive Fire Bar in the middle isn't in the way.

Use the moving platforms to get to a ? Block on the left with a Fire Flower,

then enter the door.


You'll be in a room with green, blue and purple blocks. Kamek will appear and

will cast magic on them, making them move left and forcing you to continuously

jump between them. Kamek will teleport around the room, and you need to jump

from block to block to catch up and jump on his head. If you are too slow,

he'll cast a spell which deals damage to you OR turns the block it hits into an

enemy. The enemy depends on the size of the block, so watch for Spinies and

Bob-Ombs from the green, and Thwomps and multiple enemies from the purple and

blue. Mushrooms also randomly appear from the all the blocks as well. After two

hits he'll start shooting two spells at once, so watch out. Three hits and

Kamek is done.


$$ WORLD 8-4 $$                      WRLD8-4

Difficulty:   9 / 10

Star Coins:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-5

Secret Exit:  No

Land and jump over the ?-Switch to the Glow Block. Pick it up and then hit the

Switch. Follow the Coins as you drop down to the water below, then throw the

Glow Block and swim to the pipe.

On the other side are some angler fish and Spikes above. The angler fish will

do damage if you touch them, but they won't go out of their way just to hurt

you. Swim through them and hit the ? Blocks for a Fire Flower, then swim past

the Spikes and avoid the rocks they throw. After four or so Spikes there is a

gap in the ground they're standing on. Swim up and use fireballs to take them

all out. On the far left of this ledge is Star Coin #1. Run back right across

the ledge and wipe out the ones you missed before dropping back into the water.

Grab the Coins around the block and enter the pipe.

There are some Jellybeams above you that cast spotlights down through the water

to show you what is underneath. When you get close, however, they slowly drop

down, then move back up, much like Thwomps. Hit the Blocks between the first

and second for a Fire Flower. Swim right further to come across some Bloopers

contained within blocks. Swim up past some Jellybeams to find a ?-Switch. Hit

the Switch and swim frantically past the Bloopers to Star Coin #2 below. Use

fireballs if you can to wipe them out, or swim right a bit further to a ? Block

and use the Star that comes out to grab the Star Coin quickly and escape right.

There is another ? Block nearby which has another Star IF you can hit it while

the first Star is still in effect. Otherwise, you will get a Coin.

Slowly float down below the pipe to a Brick Block under a red ledge. Hit the

Block for a 1-Up Mushroom and then swim up, making the Jellybeam above drop

down. Enter the pipe when it is out of your way.

Wait for the Jellybeams above to drop, then swim back up with them to two ?

Blocks, one of which has a Fire Flower. Swim left and up, but watch for the

Jellybeam here as well. There is a green pipe expelling water to the right, and

above it are two more Jellybeams. Get past these and the next pipe to another

pipe and some more Jellybeams, then some more pipes. At the surface of the

water is another green pipe, except this one will take you out of this cave.

Don't enter it just yet. Under the pipe to your left is Star Coin #3. Grab it

and then exit.

Jump up the ledges to your left, then run from the wall and jump to the Brick

Blocks, double to the next Blocks and triple on to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-5 $$                      WRLD8-5

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-6

Secret Exit:  No

Start by jumping on to the Tilt Rail Glider. Tilting the Remote left and right

makes it move along the rail. It stops when you stop tilting, unlike the Rail

Ledge which kept going until it reached the end. You'll notice that the screen

is moving by itself and that Parabombs are floating down to the lava below and

if you are underneath they'll land on the Glider. Move right and hit the ?

Block, then jump to a floating platform with Star Coin #1. Drop back to the

Glider and start dodging Parabombs.

Jump and grab the Coins and keep going along the rail to find a Lava Geyser

just before the Checkpoint Flag. Wait for the Geyser to drop and don't slide

too far right or the Glider will drop from under you ino the lava. Jump to the

Flag before this happens.

Jump to the next Glider and watch the Geysers so you can sneak between them.

Bounce on the Parabomb when it lands on the Glider and kick it to Star Coin #2

to get it. Just don't kick it into a Geyser because it will just explode

instead. You'll pass some more Geysers and then the Glider will drop to a lower

rail. Crowbers will start appearing overhead, and these will swoop you as you

continue through the level, so try to whittle down their numbers whenever

possible. There will be an uphill part of the rail, and you'll need to jump

from the Glider to Star Coin #3, then fall back to it. Keep the Remote tilted

so the Glider gets as close to you as possible. Dodge the Geyser just ahead

and drop the Glider on to the rail where it can't fall off. Use it as a ledge

to get into the red pipe.

Jump to the top of the hill, and then jump to the floating platform. Double

jump off here to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-6 $$                      WRLD8-6

Difficulty:   8 / 10

Star Coins:   6 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-Z

Secret Exit:  No

There's no time for admiring the scenery in this level as the lava below slowly

rises up, trying to catch you. Jump to the first platform and hit the ? Blocks

for a very handy Propeller Mushroom, then jump to the next platform and Spin

Jump to the red ledge. Bounce off the Koopa and jump past the Podoboo to a

Springboard. Spin Jump to the red ledges above and hit the ? Block up here for

another Propeller Mushroom. Jump across the Brick Blocks and jump on the Koopa.

Kick its shell left to the Brick Blocks and then climb the red ledges above.

Use the moving platform to get past the Podoboos all the way to the left and

Spin Jump/use the Springboard to reach Star Coin #1. Jump through the red ledge

above and then jump to the P-Switch. Use the Springboards here and above to get

to a Koopa. DO NOT bounce off the Springboard here, but instead get past the

Koopa and Spin Jump up to Star Coin #2, or wall jump from the Brick Blocks that

are normally Coins to get to it. Then wall jump to the red ledge above and

enter the red pipe.

Hit the Checkpoint Flag and then climb to the swinging platform. Use it to get

to the other side, then get a Propeller Mushroom from the Blocks nearby. Jump

past the Koopa to the chain, and swing left to the red ledges which you should

Spin Jump through. Grab the Red Ring at the top and jump through the tunnel

collect the Red Coins while avoiding the Podoboos. Dodge the Koopa next to the

eighth and Spin Jump past the chains to the arrow sign.

Climb the red ledges here and then use the swinging platform as it reaches the

left side to get Star Coin #3. Drop down and get past it to the right side,

then use it again to reach the red pipe above you.

Jump up the stairs and leap from the top to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-7 $$                      WRLD8-7

Or as I like to call it: "The Bonecoaster Toaster"

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   4 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-Z

Secret Exit:  No

Ever been on a rollercoaster above boiling hot lava? Didn't think so. But now's

your chance with the revolutionary Bonecoaster! Hit the ? Blocks at the start

for some Coins, then hit the ones near the head of the Bonecoaster for a Fire

Flower. Prepare yourself as it drags itself up the rail to the peak, then jump

to the Coins as it dips the first time, and then jump again twice more to get

over two Lava Geysers it passes through. Jump as it passes the Lava Geysers

along the track and be careful not to fall off the end. When you see a red

ledge ahead, jump to it quickly. The Bonecoaster will disappear into the lava


Jump up the red ledges and hit the ? Blocks for some Coins, then get on the

second Bonecoaster. The two ? Blocks at the head of this one have Coins also,

so don't freak if you miss one. Jump as the Bonecoaster moves in and out of the

lava under you and watch carefully when it screams as there are a bunch of Lava

Geysers ahead. The 'Coaster will go up vertical twice to slow it down, then

will head back down into the lava. Jump to the front as it comes back up, then

jump at the last second as it re-enters the lava to get Star Coin #1. Jump

quickly as it passes through Geysers and heads back down into the lava and get

to the red ledge when it reaches it. Enter the green pipe.

Outside, hit the Checkpoint Flag and jump on to the next Bonecoaster. The ?

Block ahead has a Fire Flower, so grab it if you've taken damage. The 'Coaster

will drop down to the surface of the lava but won't go under, then will jump to

another rail as it passes through a Geyser, so get ready to jump. It will do

the same thing again through two Geysers, so grab Star Coin #2 as you jump over


Grab the Red Ring and collect the Red Coins as it jumps back upward. Grab your

prize as it moves over a flat section, then get ready as it flies down the

squiggly part. It will do a big jump over the lava and you'll need to jump two

Lava Geysers as it lands. Jump to the red ledge and climb up to a fake wall on

the left. Get a Fire Flower from the ? Block in here and head right.

Jump on to the fourth Bonecoaster to start it up. Jump as it passes through a

Geyser, then jump to a Bonecoaster that appears above the second you touch Star

Coin #3 so you don't go straight into the Geyser ahead. Jump from 'Coaster to

'Coaster as they leap across the lava, taking it in turns to pass through the

Geysers that appear. They'll soon reach some rails that are like stairs; at the

top you need to jump over a Geyser to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 8-Z $$                      WRLD8-Z

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   6 / 10

Unlocks:      World 8-C

Secret Exit:  No

The screen is again fixated on Mario for this level, so take your time and get

everything right. Start by Ground Pounding the crates if you feel like it, then

head over to the screw. Continuously Spin Jump to get the grey walls out of

your way, and jump on the Mecha-Koopas on the other side. Ground Pound the next

crates for a Propeller Mushroom, then watch the cannons carefully so you can

get through without getting shot. Spin Jump up to Star Coin #1, but if you got

shot already, bounce off one of the cannonballs up to it. Get past the next

cannons and then run across the crates, but jump the massive cannonball shot

towards you. Jump over it and drop down along the trail of Coins without

getting hit by any other cannonballs.

Jump the gap to some crates and Mecha-Koopas. Ground Pound the crates and then

Spin Jump past the cannons above once they've shot out a cannonball. Stand on

the screw after jumping along the Coin trail and wait for a cannonball to be

fired. Jump and bounce off it to the other side, rather than get shot by one

while you're Spin Jumping to get the platform across. The cannons ahead

actually have a pipe instead of a fourth cannon, so enter it as it reaches the


Get to the second platform and Spin Jump on the screw to lower the next

platforms. Jump across them and grab the Coins, then jump to the arrow sign.

Spin Jump on the next screw to lower the grey blocks, then jump across them to

the pipe.

Climb the Blocks and jump up to the screw above. Spin Jump to bring a bunch of

Coins up from the floor, then jump down and collect them. Head right to some ?

Blocks and hit them for Coins, then jump on the screw. Spin Jump on this one to

get the grey platform ahead over to the left. Jump on to it, then back left to

the Red Ring. Grab the Red Coins as the platform moves under the yellow wall

and watch the Mecha-Koopa ahead. Jump to the next screw and Spin Jump on it to

make the wall with the Mecha-Koopa on it rise, then drop to the platform below

and Spin Jump on the screw here to get under the wall and then to the

Checkpoint Flag.

Jump down to the platform on the right and Spin Jump on the screw until you're

under the grey ledges with Mecha-Koopas. Jump up on the right side and bounce

on them while you grab Star Coin #2. Jump out the top and drop back to the

platform. Spin all the way right this time, then jump up when the Mecha-Koopa

here isn't in your way. Squash the Mecha-Koopa and throw it up near the screw.

Spin Jump on the screw to make the grey walls ahead spilt apart, then pick up

the Mecha-Koopa and jump through before they close shut. Spin Jump on the screw

here to make Star Coin #3 appear under the next platform, and throw the Mecha

to get it. Or you could jump down and grab it and Spin Jump back up again.

Ground Pound through the crates to the pipe further ahead.


And so, round three begins. Mario will land on the floor and cause a ripple

across the entire platform. Bowser Jr. will jump into a bigger Koopa Clown Car

and will fly up into the air. He will shoot a massive spiked bomb on to the

ground and will start following you. Lead him over closer to the bomb while

avoiding his fireballs and Ground Pound when the bomb is just under him. It

will fly up into the air and blow him up. You'll need to do this three times,

and each time he will shoot more and more fireballs, and not to mention bigger

bombs. Control your jumps and watch the bomb to win this battle.

Mario will reach Peach, only to have her stolen away by Kamek. Mario will chase

after them, only to discover a giant bridge that opens up the final battle...


$$ WORLD 8-C $$                      WRLD8-C

Difficulty:   9 / 10

Star Coins:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      World 9

Secret Exit:  No

Start by running right and jumping the first gap, but watch for the Podoboo.

Hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower, then jump to the next Brick Blocks. Use your

balls of ice to take out the Podoboos if you want, then continue along the

Brick Blocks. Jump so you land on the solid part of the next platform so that

you don't get hit by the Fire Bar. The ? Block above it has an Ice Flower, so

get it if you want or just sneak by underneath the Brick Blocks. Jump up the

next ledges and jump past the first Fire Bar to the safe platform in the

middle. Run from the left edge and jump to the next platform with a Fire Bar

when it is clear and then jump from here at full speed to reach the platform

to the right.

Wait for the Fire Bar here to reach the bottom, then jump across the platforms

while grabbing the Coins to reach the other side. Jump to the pair of Bars and

get through them into the tunnel. Wait for the left Bars to get past you and

then stand in the middle under the red ledges. Jump up quickly while the road

is clear and then drop down the other side to the next platform. Jump across

the brown ledges ahead which slowly descend once you land on them. Get to the

Fire Bar platform and then jump across the next brown ledges to the third,

which you should stay on. As soon as you get Star Coin #1 from under it, jump

to the brown ledges on the right and climb to the top.

Stand on the brown platform here and drop down to the tunnel below. Get past

the Fire Bar and then jump up the next two brown platforms. Once the second

ledge is low enough, jump to the other brown ledge and then enter the red pipe.

You'll land on another of the brown platforms just above some lava that is

slowly moving downward. When the ledge you are on is just above the lava, jump

to the next one on the right with the Dry Bones. Defeat the Bones and jump back

left when the platform is too low. Jump back into the middle when this platform

reaches the lava, then move to the tiny one on the right when the screen is low

enough to see Star Coin #2. Ride this ledge down to it and don't fuss about

hitting the Fire Bar if you still have the Ice Flower powers. Once you get it,

jump back up to some higher platforms. Stay on one until it reaches the lava

before jumping to another, and continue doing this until the red pipe reveals

itself below the lava. Enter it when you can.

In here is the Checkpoint Flag and the final boss door. Run past it to the wall

and jump to get a hidden Fire Flower. Then head on through the massive green


Make your way down the larger corridor while avoiding the fireballs shot at you

from further along. Jump the high part of the ground and drop into the gap

ahead to dodge the fireballs if you need to. Just don't take any damage.


(Part One)

You'll reach the final room where the Koopa King himself, Bowser, is waiting

for you. Peach is in a cage behind him, and below the cage is a Switch. Deja vu

anyone? Bowser will attack in four different ways: he'll shoot one fireball at

you which moves wherever you do; he'll shoot five fireballs at once; he'll jump

of the ground a little and shoot a tracking fireball; or he'll jump high in the

air and then come crashing back down. The last one is your chance to run under

him and jump on the Switch. Be careful not to go too late because if he lands

you can't get past him, even if you're invulnerable from taking damage. Don't

go too early either, as he might shoot a fireball instead. It's all about the

timing. If you don't want to risk running under him, simply shoot fireballs as

quickly as possible. He takes thirty to defeat, so watch his fireballs as you

go. If you do get him this way, run over and hit the Switch after he falls off

the screen. The bridge will collapse and Peach will be free.

Or not. She'll begin flinching, only to reveal it's really Kamek in disguise!

He will cast a magic spell and stop in mid-air. Nothing happens. Suddenly,

Bowser will shoot up from the lava at a size much bigger than before and knock

Kamek off his broom. Oh crud.

(Part Two)

Once you gain control of Mario, stay near the wall as Bowser shoots a massive

fireball in your direction. Jump over it when it gets really close so that it

smashes the wall behind you. Run through the gap and jump on to the moving

platform. Make Bowser blow up a hole through to the Coins and grab them, or

safely jump up to the ? Block for a Fire Flower. Either way, get his fireballs

to break through the wall on the other side so you can continue on. There are

two platforms here, so use them to get Bowser to destroy the wall in front of

the next ? Block. Hit the Block for another Fire Flower, then lead a fireball

to the wall on the other side so you can get Star Coin #3. Then get through the

next walls either past all of the Coins or the ? Block and Goomba. Get on to

the platform on the far side.

The platform will slowly take you closer down to the lava below, but it will

pass a ? Block on the way. Hit it for a Propeller Mushroom. Grab it and jump

across to the moving platforms. The lava below will start mking waves as Bowser

makes his way along, much like in World 8-3. Avoid these at all costs. Spin

Jump if you get too low down and use a platform ahead to get past a wall. Get

through a gap higher up and wait here until the platform below is on your side.

Drop to it and duck to get past the next wall.

Jump across the platforms and Spin Jump only when you get in trouble. There are

spots where you'll need to get low to get under walls, so watch the waves when

you're at one of these spots. You'll soon come across two walls very close

together; one coming up from the lava and one hanging from the roof. You need

to either Spin Jump or wall jump to the top, then sprint along the moving

platforms from here. Remember to Spin Jump if you get close to the lava and

stay high as much as possible. There'll be one more low wall to get under and

then you will find the real Peach hanging above a giant ! Switch. Jump to the

Switch and land on it to finish the battle.

I won't ruin the cutscene for you.




After the final cutscene the credits will roll, but they aren't your normal

credits. Using Mario you can jump around and smash all the letters and spaces

just like Brick Blocks, and you need to collect as many Coins as you can. A

trick I found is to Ground Pound when you reach the top of the screen and keep

holding down because if you reach a Coin Block, it will glitch and count as you

continuously hitting it. When it's empty, you'll continue smashing through the

Brick Blocks below.


WORLD 9                              WRLD9-L


Name: Rainbow Path

$$ LAYOUT $$

Key:  # - Level Number

      S - Starting Point

      : - Secret Path

 8  7  6  5

 :  :  :  :



 1  2  3  4  |

 :  :  :  :  |





- World 9 consists of 8 levels, opened by collecting all Star Coins in the

  relative world (World 1 = 9-1, World 2 = 9-2 etc.).

- There are no map enemies.

- There are no secret exits.

- There are no Mushroom Houses.

- There are no Checkpoint Flags in any levels.


$$ WORLD 9-1 $$                      WRLD9-1

Difficulty:   3 / 10

Star Coins:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and jump the Bounce Blocks. Jump on the next Paratroopa up the hill,

then jump on it again to reduce it into its shell. Pick it up and run back

left. Throw it towards the ? Block to make it ricochet through the small gap

and get you an Ice Flower. Pick it up and freeze the first Koopa. Throw the

Koopa (while frozen) and quickly chase after it as it bowls over some more

enemies. You'll soon reach a rotating red platform. Jump to it and then to the

other side, but watch for the Koopa. Jump to the purple platform as the longer

side gets to the top so you can hit the ? Block. Knock the Koopa off and get a

Coin, then do the same for the next ? Block for an Ice Flower. If you're still

Ice Mario, don't risk jumping up there unless you want to. Then jump to the

safe platform and take out the Koopa here.

Jump to the giant yellow platform and wait for the long part to reach the right

side. Run up it and jump to the three Paratroopas, then bounce off the top one

and grab Star Coin #1. Watch the Koopa under you and defeat it when you land.

Jump across the next rotating platforms and either bounce off or jump past the

Paratroopas to the other side. After two lines of Paratroopas is a platform

with a Koopa that you need to jump to. Take out the Koopa if you feel like it.

Get on to the green rotating platform and stay on until a Paratroopa flies over

the yellow platform. Jump to the Paratroopa and bounce off it to Star Coin #2.

Drop straight down to the yellow platform and then jump to the red and then to

the safe ledge on the other side.

Watch the Paratroopa bouncing down the stairs and then climb up, then jump to

the purple platform. Be careful of the Venus Fire Trap in the pipe just ahead.

Hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower and to knock the Koopa off. Grab the Flower

and then jump past the Fire Trap and run under the next one as well. Jump up

the green and yellow rotating platforms and watch the next Fire Trap so you can

dodge the fireballs it spits, then use its pipe as a ledge when it goes back in

and enter the pipe yourself.

Jump to the red rotating platform and hit the ? Block, then wait for the longer

part of the platform to reach the right side. Jump from it to the Paratroopa

and bounce to the red ledges. Grab Star Coin #3 and then exit through the pipe


Wait for the Venus Fire Traps on your right to shoot a fireball then jump

between their pipes when they go back in. Run along the platform and collect

the Coins. Jump past the Paratroopas and bounce off the next ones to the yellow

rotating platform. Bounce off the next Paratroopas to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 9-2 $$                      WRLD9-2

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   7 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

The Porcu-Puffer returns! Jump across the Paratroopas and land on the Blocks.

Hit the ? Block on the top row for an Ice Flower. Jump to the blue platform and

it wll start sinking down. Quickly jump to the next one and run under the wall

when it gets far enough down. Leap to the next blue platform and let it drop

to Star Coin #1, but keep watch for the Porcu-Puffer so you don't drop straight

into it. Then jump to the lower ledge on the right and wait for the platform to

get back up higher so you can jump from it to the higher ground.

Jump on the Koopa here and kick its shell right. Watch it as it destroys some

of the Brick Blocks and then jump down to it. Ground Pound the second Brick

Block from the left. The Brick Block on your left down here has a 1-Up

Mushroom, and the ? Block on your right has an Ice Flower. Get back up again

and use the remaining Brick Blocks to get up to the tree. Jump to the blue

platform and get past the Paratroopa as it sinks. Enter the green pipe once it

gets low enough.

In here are five red pipes thrusting water towards the center, and Bubba is

also waiting for you. Let him turn his back and slowly drift down, and

carefully (before he reaches the red pipe on the right) swim to Star Coin #2,

then get up to the roof as fast as you can. Stay as high as possible and slowly

move right to the pipe. Once you're past him, enter the pipe.

Jump on the Koopa on your right and pick it up. Stand near the Piranha Plant

when the Puffer is behind it and when the Puffer jumps step back and then turn

around. It should jump straight into the Koopa shell. Freeze the Piranha Plant

and Ground Pound it. Jump to the Paratroopa and bounce to the other side of

the water and hit the Blocks here. Hit the P-Switch you find and then race back

left along the trail of Coins. At the end is a hidden 1-Up Mushroom if you make

it. Now get back to where the Switch was by using the vines to swing over the


Bounce off the Koopa on the high ground to a ledge above, then run through the

secret tunnel on your right to avoid the Puffer below. There are some orange

blocks ahead that split into five when they move, then back into one as they

return to their starting position. Jump to the one below when it is by itself

at the top and jump to the ledge ahead. Wait for the next orange blocks to come

up and run across them to get all the Coins out, then wait on the other side

and run back to get all the Coins properly. Get across once more and jump the

Piranha Plant to some more orange blocks. Climb them up and jump over the next

Plant to a Koopa. Jump on the Koopa and throw its shell right. Run across the

orange blocks as they drop and hit the ? Block for an Ice Flower. When you grab

the Flower stay on top of the Block. Wait for the orange blocks to expand again

and race across them. Bounce off the Paratroopas to a safe platform, then jump

on the Koopa ahead. Grab its shell and run back left. Drop down when the orange

blocks are just expanding and then throw the shell at the Brick Blocks. Jump

and land on it when it comes back and throw it again. Run and slide under the

Brick Blocks when the Puffer is out of the way (use a shell to get rid of it if

you need to) and grab Star Coin #3 at the other side.

Jump up to the red ledge and wait for the orange block ahead to get bigger,

then jump to it and bounce off the Paratroopas to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 9-3 $$                      WRLD9-3

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

Say hello to the Missile Bills. These guys will keep following you until you

defeat them. Hit the middle ? Block for an Ice Flower, then start jumping. Get

past a Paratroopa in the first section, then bounce off a Springboard to a

Brick Block with a 1-Up Mushroom in the second. Keep going to a POW Block and

hit it straight away to make some Coins fall. Keep moving right and pass two

Paratroopas. There will be some ledges with Koopas that you need to get past.

After the third is a pipe down low. Enter it.

Down here the screen is zoomed out a long way. There is a P-Switch in the

middle and lots of Blocks below. It's kinda like a maze of sorts. Hit the

Switch and drop down, then go left and drop under the yellow block. Keep going

laft and drop whenever possible. Run right past the first Coins and jump

through the gap hidden by clouds. Jump out the right side to Star Coin #1 and

land on a pipe under it. Enter it to be shot back to the top. Then exit through

the green pipe on the right.

Just above and left is a pipe up in the air. Bounce off a Missile Bill to reach

it. Up here is a P-Switch hidden in a Brick Block. Hit the Switch and triple

jump up the first new Blocks. Run straight across the gaps and jump the wall.

Drop down the Brick Blocks and triple jump through the Coins above these Blocks

to Star Coin #2. You'll drop off the screen once you grab it.

Hit the Blocks you land on for an Ice Flower, then jump right to the moving

platforms. Jump across them at full speed as Missile Bonzai Bills come up from

the bottom. Just keep jumping and spinning as you should bounce off the Bills

if you find a gap. Part of the way along is Star Coin #3. You'll need to bounce

off a Bonzai Bill to reach it. Keep on jumping until you reach the green pipe

on the other side.

Jump the Blasters and then leap on to the Finish Flag. Or, lead some Missile

Bills over and bounce up them to the top of the Flag.


$$ WORLD 9-4 $$                      WRLD9-4

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   9 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

The screen will once again move by itself, so pace yourself. Bounce across the

three Bob-Ombs on the next platform and hit the ? Blocks for an Ice Flower.

Jump up the red pipe and up to the green one. Drop down to the Bob-Ombs and

don't bounce on any until you have to as they blow up the floor under you.

Climb and wall jump up the next pipes and drop to the Blocks. The bottom row

has an Ice Flower and the top row has a Coin Block. Keep jumping along to a

long red ledge with Bob-Ombs. Get near one that is under the moving blue pipe,

then bounce off it and wall jump from the pipe to Star Coin #1. Watch the Venus

Fire Traps below as you jump on to the next red pipe.

Jump to the mini green pipes and then on to those blue platforms again. These

ones don't drop unless there are two characters on it, so keep jumping on the

Bob-Ombs and kick them off to keep the platform up high. Jump across the pipes

and on to another blue platform. Stay on this one and keep one Bob-Omb with you

until you reach the bottom of the screen. Jump left to Star Coin #2 and wall

jump back to the platform. Quickly get to the yellow pipe on the other side.

Hit the ? Blocks here for an Ice Flower and freeze the Fire Trap. Jump when on

top of it to reveal a hidden Block with a 1-Up Mushroom. Grab it, ignore the

POW Block below and move right. Let the Bob-Ombs bring the platform down to you

and don't take any damage from anything shot from above. Get across to the

other side of the platform and freeze the Fire Trap in the green pipe so that

you can jump to it and enter the red pipe.

Jump up the red ledges and grab Star Coin #3, then jump across to the blue pipe

and leap to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 9-5 $$                      WRLD9-5

Difficulty:   6 / 10

Star Coins:   8 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and jump the Cooligan to a ?-Switch. Hit it to get a moving platform.

Ride the platform up to the ? Blocks and get yourself a Penguin Suit. Jump over

to the Brick Block above the green pipe for a 1-Up Mushroom. Jump up along the

ice cubes and hit the ? Blocks for Coins. Run up the slope and hit the ? Block

here for another Penguin Suit if you've taken damage. Jump up the red ledges

and watch for Cooligans at the top. Jump right and slide down the hill to take

out any Cooligans coming up. Duck next to the ice cubes and let the next

Cooligan fly over your head, then jump up the red ledges here for Star Coin #1.

Hit the Coin Block above and then climb the stairs. Drop into the small gap on

the red ledge and let a Cooligan go past and then quickly jump to the next

platform. Jump straight up to the lonely block beside the ledge and wall jump

up to Star Coin #2. Drop back down and get in the small gap below the edge the

Cooligans fall from. Wait for one to go past and then run over to the ?-Switch.

Press it for another moving platform. Jump back to the gap and wait for the

Cooligans to leave a space on the moving platform, then quickly jump up and get

to the red ledge above.

The ? Block on the left has a Penguin Suit for you, so grab it and stand on the

red ledge next to it. The Fuzzies are back, and they traverse along the rails

just like before. Wait for the left one to pass you and then jump to its

platform, then up again before it comes back around. There is the Red Ring up

here, along with two Fuzzies and two Blocks. Grab the Ring and jump from ledge

to ledge collecting the Red Coins, but watch for the Fuzzies. At the top, climb

to some Blocks and get yourself another Penguin Suit. Freeze the Fuzzies on the

rails here and use them as platforms to get to the Fuzzy by itself on the

right. Freeze this Fuzzy and use it to get to Star Coin #3. Just be careful as

they don't stay frozen for long. Climb the red ledges and jump up to the Koopa.

Use it to take out the first Fuzzy and jump to the block before the second.

Once the Fuzzy moves out of the way, jump to the next block and then jump the

Mega Fuzzy to the pipe.

Jump to the first ledge and then to a Brick Block circling the rail. Jump from

the Block as it reaches the right side to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 9-6 $$                      WRLD9-6

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   7 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

Run right and jump to the first platform. Jump to the second when it isn't in

the lava and then jump to the ledge with the ? Block. Hit it for a Fire Flower.

Jump past the Lava Geyser to the next platform and then jump over another

Geyser to some Blocks. Hit the Brick Block at the top for a 1-Up Mushroom. Jump

from here to the platform on a circular rail. Jump again to the lower one and

then into the alcove just to the right. Jump up through the red ledges for Star

Coin #1.

Make your way across the small platforms that shoot up from the lava and don't

get caught too low. Jump the Geyser to the safe platform and hit the ? Blocks

for a Fire Flower. Jump to the next small platform and use the two moving

platforms to reach a P-Switch up above. Jump around grabbing the Coins but

don't just go crazy. Make sure you time your jumps so you don't end up in the

lava below. Afterward, jump to the small platform and then to the next ledge

past a Geyser. Defeat the Fire Chomp while you wait for the Geyser here to drop

and then hit the ? Blocks for another Fire Flower. Jump across the next

platforms until you reach Star Coin #2. Let the Geyser left of it drop and then

slide down the wall. Wall jump back up and grab it on the way. The Fire Chomp

will come back again, so kill it. Jump to a platform just above the lava and

wall jump up to the Red Ring. Grab it and the seven Red Coins on your way down

and race across the Donut Lifts. Triple jump up to the eighth and claim your

prize on the safe ground.

Hit the ? Blocks here for a Fire Flower. Jump to the next platform as it comes

up on the left side and jump to the safe ledge on the other side of it. There

will be a platform jumping through the lava and then move back over the top.

Jump to it as it comes up from the lava on the left and jump as it hits the

lava so you catch it again when it returns up the rail. Do the same thing again

then jump the Geyser to a safe platform. Use the small platform behind the

Geyser here to reach the small cave with Star Coin #3, then jump to it again

and jump to the red pipe above.

Jump across the moving platforms and then leap to the Finish Flag.


$$ WORLD 9-7 $$                      WRLD9-7

Difficulty:   10 / 10

Star Coins:   9 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

Here we go, the hardest level in the game...

Run right to the ice cubes. There are Munchers frozen inside and if a Venus

Fire Trap hits one, it defrosts and can give you damage if you touch it. Watch

carefully when jumping. Get across the ice cubes and use fireballs if you have

them to take out the Fire Trap and ONLY the Fire Trap in the pipe. Your

fireballs will defrost the Muchers, too. Jump up to the next cubes and stand

next to the pipe here. Jump and hit the Fire Trap with a fireball when it pops

out and jump up to the pipe. Run over to the ice cube bridge and hit the ?

Block for a Fire Flower and hit the Block above for a 1-Up Mushroom. Drop down

and run under the next pipe, then jump up to Star Coin #1.

Get over the next gap and past the pipes here. The Venus Fire Traps in these

pipes shoot three fireballs before going back in, so watch them. Jump to the ?

Block for a Fire Flower. If the spiked balls get hit by a fireball a Goomba

pops out. Drop down and use a fireball to take out the first Fire Trap on the

ground. Jump over the three spiked balls while running to make it past. Jump to

the platforms with the spiked balls under pipes once the Fire Traps go back in.

Do a small jump over the spiked ball and then run to the next one, and so on.

You'll soon reach some stairs. Jump up them to the bridge and hit the ? Block

for a Fire Flower, then stand above Star Coin #2 until the Fire Traps melt the

bridge so you can drop to it. Or, use a single fireball to melt one of the two

ice cubes directly above the Star Coin. As soon as you can, jump back to the

bridge on the right and drop to the next pipe. Wait here until the five Fire

Traps ahead go back in their pipes and then race across the bridge to the


Be very careful of the Fire Bros. just ahead. Run and do a low jump under the

first one and use the five cubes above to get some height on it. Jump on its

head, then do the same again for the second Bro. Now slide down one of the

walls next to Star Coin #3 (depending on what ice cubes are left) and wall jump

back up. Get to the second Fire Bro.'s moving platform and jump to the ice

cubes in the air, then jump from here to the Finish Flag.


"i would like to suggest the following solution for getting the third coin in

level 9-7. i used the propeller suit to get #1 and #3 quite successfully, but

#2 was a bit more trouble. i ended up using ice power and a star. i would run

through the first part of the level with the use of the star until i ran out

just past the three spiked goombas. then i worked my to the stairs where i

froze a goomba, picked it up, jumped over the two blocks above the first green

pipe pirhana and threw the block down the line of frozen coins letting it take

out the 5 fire spitting pirhanas hanging down. i ran back to the second pirhana

and stood over him while the third pirhana melted away the coins above star

coin #2 - then i just jumped down, grabbed the star coin, jumped back to the

frozen coin bridge and ran down to finish the level." - Exactly as written.


$$ WORLD 9-8 $$                      WRLD9-8

Difficulty:   7 / 10

Star Coins:   5 / 10

Unlocks:      N/A

Secret Exit:  No

The screen will move by itself for the final level. Jump along the trail of

Coins without hitting the Fuzzies and bounce across the clouds. Hit the first

? Blocks for a Propeller Mushroom. Spin Jump up to the ledge with the Propeller

Block when the Fuzzies are out of your way, then Spin Jump through the mass of

Coins. Bounce off the clouds below and Spin Jump again to Star Coin #1 up in

the sky. Hit the flying ? Blocks here while dodging the Fuzzies. Most ? Blocks

have a 1-Up Mushroom. Keep bouncing and hit the Item Block up above when the

Fuzzies are out of the way and try for a Star. Then hit the ? Block under it to

the right for a Mini Mushroom. Jump up and hit the ?-Switch and grab the Coins

while not getting hit by the Fuzzies here.

Keep bouncing to some Fuzzies and Star Coin #2 on a rail. Get up to the Coin

and Ground Pound when you grab it to get back down as fast as possible. Bounce

under the next wall and be careful of the three Mega Fuzzies moving through the

gap. Bounce up past them and then get up on to the Blocks just ahead. Stay up

here and jump to the next Blocks to the right until you reach the second ?

Blocks and watch the King Bill fly past, demolishing the grey blocks ahead. The

Coins past here show the direction the next King Bills will fly past, so be

ready for them. After one that goes up will be some Blocks and Coins pointing

left in the air. Get under one of the sets of Blocks an keep hitting them as

you bounce so that you don't spring straight up into the King Bill. Keep going

and jump on to the grey blocks ahead. Get on to the Brick Blocks and wait here

for two King Bills that shoot past at the same time. Quickly drop down to Star

Coin #3 while watching the Goombas so that you don't collide with one, then

bounce right.

The bouncy clouds will end and you need to get past them as fast as you can.

One more King Bill will shoot by overhead. Run to the Finish Flag and jump on

to defeat the King Bill and finish the game!





  /   ;;;;                    /

 /   ;                       /

|    ;;;;  MUSHROOM HOUSES  |        MSHRM-X

    ;   ;                  




The Red Mushroom Houses are scattered all over the first seven worlds. You can

also make one appear on the Start Space by finishing a level with a captured

Toad and having the last digit of the time remaining as a 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

Go inside to find a Toad standing next to a door. The Toad will greet you and

you can enter the door to find the mini-game "Power-Up Panels". In this game,

you need to flip over panels by punching them. Climb around like you would any

other fence, and press "1" to hit them. Once flipped, they stay that way. Any

pairs you match of an item will win you that item. Flipping over a pair of

Bowsers or a pair of Bowser Jr.'s, however, will end the game. All pairs will

turn red so you know what you've won.

For example:

> Flip over a Fire Flower.   It stays flipped over.

> Flip over a Mushroom.      It stays flipped over, too.

> Flip over a Fire Flower.   Both Fire Flower tiles turn red.

> Flip over a Bowser.        Music gets faster.

> Flip over a Bowser Jr.     Music gets faster again.

> Flip over a Mushroom.      Both Mushroom tiles turn red.

> Flip over a Fire Flower.   It stays normal colour.

> Flip over a Bowser.        Both Bowsers turn red and game ends.

You will then get one Fire Flower and one Mushroom to use on the World Map.

For the list of all the possible layouts, see Appendix A.


The Green Mushrom Houses are also found throughout most worlds. Finishing a

level with a Toad and the time ending in a 0, 1, or 2 will make one appear on

the Start Space.

Inside you will find another Toad and a door. Go through the door to start the

mini-game "1-Up Blast". In this game, you must get into one of four cannons

situated across the floor of the room. You can then tilt the Wii Remote to aim

the cannon at the numbered balloons in the air. These ballons will follow the

same path over and over. The number on the balloon shows you how many lives you

win by popping it. After choosing the cannon and direction, press "2" to fire.

For the list of all possible layouts, see Appendix A.


The Gold vareity have Stars on the roof instead of normal spots. They aren't as

common as the other two Mushroom Houses, and they appear on the Start Space

with a 9 on the clock, if you have a Toad.

Inside is a Toad and a Chest. The Toad will say he found a rare item. Walk over

to the Chest and make contact with it to open it. It will always contain a Star

for use on the World Map.




  /  ;;;;;                /

 /      ;                /

|      ;   MULTIPLAYER  |            MULTI-X




The best new feature (in my opinion) is the ability to play with upto 4 players

all at the same time. Player 1 will always be Mario, and the other players will

get to choose from Luigi, Blue Toad or Yellow Toad.

MAIN GAME                            MULTI-1


Pick a file to play with and then select 2, 3 or 4 players. Player 1 will have

the number of lives displayed on the file select screen, and all other players

will get 5 lives.

Player 1 will be able to move around the Map, selecting levels etc., and the

other players will automatically follow around behind.

In the actual levels themselves, the players must work together to reach the

Finish Flag. You can interact with each other, such as jumping off each other's

heads or picking each other up. Hitting a ? Block with an item will cause more

items to come out, equal to the number of players. Tilt Lifts and other

controlled platforms will be under the control of the first player to stand on

it. If the first player jumps off, the second player will get control.

In the Power-Up Panels mini-game, players will take it in turns to flip over

panels. Only one item will be given out for each pair, seeing as all players

share the same World Map items. In 1-Up Blast, each player must pick a cannon

and shoot at the balloons before the others do. The first person to pop a

balloon will get those lives. They aren't shared between players.

FREE MODE                            MULTI-2


The option on the bottom-left of the main menu is Free Mode. This allows 2 or

more players to go through each of the main game levels and pick whichever they

wish to play. All players will start with 5 lives for each level.

At the end of a level, players individual scores will be added up, along with a

tally of the enemies beaten and Coins collected. This is for comparison reasons

only. Back on the Level Select screen, text saying "Team Cleared" will appear

over that level. It will also appear on the Favourites page.

COIN BATTLE                          MULTI-3


This special multiplayer mode allows players to go head to head to get the most

Coins. You can choose any of the main game levels, or pick one of five levels

specially created for this mode. You are still working together to get to the

finish in time, however. Star Coins are worth 10 normal Coins and the order in

which you finish earns you bonus points. You'll have no idea who got what until

you finish the level.

Once finished, each player will have a scorecard with the number of Coins they

collected, the Star Coins they found and their score from finishing. These will

then all add together and the final results will be revealed. On the Level

Select screen, there are four crowns - one for each player. The number on the

crown shows how many victories that player has had.




  /   ;;;          /

 /   ;   ;        /

|     ;;;  FAQS  |                   ASKDQ-X

    ;   ;       



FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Question, in case you didn't already know. In

this section I will list questions I get asked so that if you need the answer

to the same question, you don't have to worry about writing me an e-mail.


Q: "I've gotten all the star coins for all 9 worlds and have 4 stars on my

   profile as well as beating all levels both normal and secret and yet still

   haven't unlocked 4 of the hint videos.  Do you have any idea what I may have

   missed." - From Matthew

A: Although finding all of the secret exits is needed to get one of the stars,

   you need to actually use the cannons that some unlock as well. From what

   you've said that's all I can think of. If all else fails, double-check the

   secret exits in 2-4 and 6-5 that unlock pipes. I don't think using them has

   any effect on it though, and the World 7 Castle secret entrance has no

   effect at all.


Q: "I am on World 2. beat both 2-1 and 2-2. now, according to your walkthrough,

   I should be able to access the red mushroom house. Well, It wont let me. For

   that matter, the musthroom aint even shown on the map? is it a glitch or did

   i do something wrong?" - From Taylor

A: I'm not actually sure what could be wrong. I've just double-checked and

   beating either 2-1 or 2-2 should open up a Red Mushroom House that is

   inbetween them. It could be a variance between the region-specific versions

   where it might have been taken out.






             ;   ;   

   | APPENDIX ;;;;;     |            APDXA-1

  /           ;   ;    /

 /            ;   ;   /




Key:  BB - Bowser

      bb - Baby Bowser

      MU - Mushroom

      FF - Fire Flower

      PM - Propeller Mushroom

      IF - Ice Flower

      PS - Penguin Suit

      MM - Mini Mushroom

      ST - Star

Note: Not every layout contains a Star. I've made sure that the ones that do

are the first ones on the list so you can keep an eye out for them.

$$ WORLD 1 $$

[ bb PM FF MU ST PM ] [ IF IF FF FF PM bb ] [ PM IF IF MU BB PM ]


[ FF bb IF BB FF IF ] [ IF ST MU PM bb IF ] [ FF PM IF BB bb FF ]

[ PM PM IF FF BB PM ] [ IF PM FF MU BB bb ] [ bb IF FF FF PM PM ]

[ FF BB FF MU IF bb ] [ MU IF PM BB IF PM ] [ FF BB PM MU IF bb ]

[ IF bb MU PM FF IF ] [ FF bb IF PM FF FF ] [ IF PM MU BB FF IF ]

$$ WORLD 2 $$


[ BB IF PM MM bb bb ] [ ST FF BB IF MM bb ] [ MM FF PM IF MM MM ]

[ MM ST FF MM PM FF ] [ MM BB FF bb IF PM ] [ IF PM PM bb IF FF ]

[ bb PM FF FF PM PM ] [ PM MM PM MM bb PM ] [ bb MM FF FF PM BB ]

[ MM IF PM IF MM MM ] [ BB FF PM IF MM bb ] [ MM IF BB IF bb MM ]


$$ WORLD 3 $$

[ bb BB BB MM ST PS ] [ ST BB PS PM bb PS ] [ IF MM BB MM bb IF ]

[ FF PS PS IF bb MM ] [ MM MM PS FF bb BB ] [ IF MM PS IF PS BB ]




[ PS PS FF MM bb IF ] [ PS bb FF FF bb IF ] [ IF bb FF FF PS IF ]

$$ WORLD 4 $$

[ bb PM PS PM ST PM ] [ BB PM FF PM bb PS ] [ PS PM FF FF MM PS ]

[ PM FF MM BB IF IF ] [ PM bb IF MM PM IF ] [ MM bb MM BB IF bb ]


[ PS PS PS FF bb PM ] [ bb PS PS PM bb PS ] [ BB PS FF PM MM PS ]

[ MM FF MM MM PM IF ] [ MM FF MM MM IF IF ] [ MM bb IF BB PM bb ]


$$ WORLD 5 $$


[ IF ST IF ST FF bb ] [ PM BB bb ST BB bb ] [ IF BB bb PS FF PM ]



[ IF BB IF PS FF bb ] [ IF PM IF bb FF PM ] [ PM PM IF bb BB bb ]


$$ WORLD 6 $$

[ BB ST IF PM BB FF ] [ PM FF MM PM PS FF ] [ BB bb MM PM FF bb ]

[ FF ST FF bb bb FF ] [ MM ST IF ST bb PS ] [ MM FF FF IF FF PS ]


[ PM MM FF PM PS bb ] [ PM FF MM PS BB PM ] [ BB bb IF PS FF PM ]

[ MM BB IF bb FF PS ] [ MM FF IF IF bb FF ] [ FF BB IF IF bb FF ]


$$ WORLD 7 $$

[ BB FF bb PM IF PM ] [ PM BB bb IF IF PM ] [ PM BB PM PM MM MM ]

[ BB ST PM PS IF bb ] [ PM ST MM PS BB ST ] [ BB MM IF MM IF bb ]

[ FF PM PS MM ST MM ] [ FF bb PM MM FF PS ] [ FF PM PS FF bb PS ]


[ BB bb IF PS BB MM ] [ PM MM MM MM BB bb ] [ PM bb MM PS IF MM ]

[ PS PM PM MM FF PM ] [ PS PM PS FF bb PM ] [ FF bb PM MM FF PS ]

$$ WORLD 8 $$

[ MM PS BB bb MM IF ] [ MM PS BB ST MM PS ] [ FF BB PM bb IF PS ]

[ PM FF ST ST BB bb ] [ MM bb BB ST MM bb ] [ IF bb BB PS MM FF ]



[ MM FF IF PS BB bb ] [ MM FF IF PS BB FF ] [ IF bb IF PS MM bb ]

[ IF PM bb IF FF FF ] [ IF PM bb FF FF PS ] [ MM IF PM FF FF FF ]

$$ WORLD 9 $$

[ bb IF PS FF BB PM ] [ PS IF bb ST MM PM ] [ PS ST bb FF MM PM ]

[ ST BB IF MM ST MM ] [ ST PM bb IF BB FF ] [ ST BB bb IF BB MM ]




[ FF bb PS BB MM ST ] [ bb IF PS BB MM PS ] [ bb bb ST ST MM PS ]

1-UP BLAST                           APDXA-2


Key:  # - Number Of Lives

      > - Direction Travelled

      ? - Cannon

      C - Recommmended Cannon

$$ WORLD 1 $$

    --1->-      --1->-      --1->-

    |    |      |    |      |    |

    ------      ------      ------


                |    |


    --1->-      --1->-      --1->-

    |    |      |    |      |    |

    ------      ------      ------

  C    ?                      ?    ?

  C    ?                      ?    ?


$$ WORLD 2 $$


  |                                |



  |                                |



  |                                |


  ?    ?                      ?    C

  ?    ?                      ?    C


$$ WORLD 3 $$

  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  |   |   |   ^   1   |   |   |   |

  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  |   |   ^   1   v   1   |   |   |

  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  |   ^   1   |   |   v   1   |   ^

  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  ^   1   |   |   |   |   v   ^   1

  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  1   |   |   |   |   |   |   1   |

  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

  C       ?               ?       ?

  C       ?               ?       ?


$$ WORLD 4 $$







  ?    C                      ?    ?

  ?    C                      ?    ?


$$ WORLD 5 $$


     |                         |

     |                         |



     |                         |

     |                         |


  ?    ?                     ?    C

  ?    ?                     ?    C


$$ WORLD 6 $$

The balloons swing from side to side as they move along their paths so allow

for that when you're aiming.

  ---<-2----------  ----------2->---

  ------<-2-------  -------2->------

  ---------<-2----  ----2->---------

  ------------<-1-  -1->------------


  ?    ?                      C    ?

  ?    ?                      C    ?


$$ WORLD 7 $$

    --<-1--               --3->--

    |     |               |     |

    |     |               |     |

    |     |  -------1->-  |     |

    2     ^               ^     1

    |     |  ----1->----  |     |

    v     2               1     v

    |     |  -1->-------  |     |

    |     |               |     |

    |     |               |     |

    --1->--               --<-3--

  ?       ?               ?       C

  ?       ?               ?       C


$$ WORLD 8 $$

There are some new features here. The twos and threes on the sides swing back

and forth like in World 6, and the two in the middle moves straight up and down

while it moves side to side. The four swings and does full circles as it moves

around its track.

  -----<-3-               -3->-----


               |     |

  -2->-----    -------    -----<-2-

  -<-1----<-1-         -1->----1->-

  |          | --<-2-- |          |

  -1->----1->-         -<-1----<-1-

  ?     C                   ?     ?

  ?     C                   ?     ?


$$ WORLD 9 $$

The ones follow the rail normally, the twos move up and down, the threes swing

from side to side and the fours swing around in full circles.

 /---         /---         /---

 4->/         4->/         4->/

        /---         /---

        3->/         3->/

 /---         /---         /---

 2->/         2->/         2->/

        /---         /---

        1->/         1->/

  C     ?                 ?     ?

  C     ?                 ?     ?






             ;   ;   

   | APPENDIX ;;;;      |            APDXB-1

  /           ;   ;    /

 /            ;;;;    /




For each section in this appendix, I made a diagram for each possible layout of

the map enemy battle stages. For World 1, the enemy is the Goomba, and the

stages are set out like one of the following.



M: Starting Position

G: Goomba

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position


||||   ---------------   ||||      

||||  T T T T   T T T T  ||||

||||                     ||||

||||                     ||||

||||  G G G G C G G G G  ||||




M: Starting Position

G: Grand Goomba

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position


||||   ---------------   ||||      

||||  T T T T   T T T T  ||||

||||                     ||||

||||  GG   GG   GG   GG  ||||

||||  GG   GG C GG   GG  ||||




M: Starting Position

G: Mega Goomba

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position


||||   ---------------   ||||      

||||  T T T T   T T T T  ||||

||||     GGG     GGG     ||||

||||     GGG     GGG     ||||

||||     GGG  C  GGG     ||||


WORLD 2 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-2


In World 2 you will come up against Spinies in the following layouts:



M: Starting Position

S: Spiny

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

#                           #

#             M             #

#    T    ---------    T    #

#            TST            #

#   |                   |   #

#  -----------------------  #

#   |--      T T      --|   #

#     S               S     #

##            C            ##

###     T    ###    T     ###




M: Starting Position

S: Spiny

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

#  T                     T  #

#    ---             ---    #

#     S|      M      |S     #

#-------  ---------  -------#

#   --                 --   #

#    S                 S    #

#       ---- T T ----       #

#    T  |           |  T    #

#  |  ||-     C     -||  |  #

# T          ###          T #




M: Starting Position

S: Spiny

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

#####                   #####

#####                   #####

### ST                 TS ###

###     --         --     ###

##-------     M     -------##

##          -----          ##

#--    -----|T T|-----    --#

#S|    |T|         |T|    |S#

#T--     |    C    |     --T#

#            ###            #


WORLD 3 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-3


World 3 is home to Ice Bros. The stages will look something like the diagrams




M: Starting Position

I: Ice Bro.

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

B: Brick Block

^: Trampoline

#                           #

# TT                     TT #

#                           #

## I                     I ##

##BB------         ------BB##

#  T                     T  #

#             M             #

#    T        C        T    #

# ^      # ^ ### ^ #      ^ #

###  I   ###########   I  ###




M: Starting Position

I: Ice Bro.

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

B: Brick Block

^: Trampoline

#    T T             T T    #

#                           #

# T    I             I    T #

#   --------     --------   #

#            T T            #

#                           #

#             I             #

# ^          ---          ^ #

##########    M    ##########

##########    C    ##########




M: Starting Position

I: Ice Bro.

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

B: Brick Block

^: Trampoline

#                           #

#                           #

#     T       T       T     #

#     I               I     #

# T -BBB-   ------------- T #

#           T   T           #

# ^           I             #

#-----------BBBBBB------- T #

#                           #

# M           C             #


WORLD 4 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-4


You will find a Porcu-Puffer at the beach in World 4. It will always be

swimming back and forth in the water.



M: Starting Position

P: Porcu-Puffer's Starting Position

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

D: Donut Lift




--   --------   --------   --

         T         T

  T T        T T        T T





M: Starting Position

P: Porcu-Puffer's Starting Position

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

D: Donut Lift




         T         T

----                     ----

        T           T

      T    T     T    T

    DDD   DDD   DDD   DDD




M: Starting Position

B: Porcu-Puffer's Starting Position

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

D: Donut Lift



---DDD  DDD-------DDD  DDD---

    T    T         T    T


  T    T             T    T

 DD   DD   DD   DD   DD   DD


WORLD 5 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-5


In World 5, you will come across Stalking Piranha Plants. The moving platforms

simply move left and right in a continuous pattern.



M: Starting Position

S: Stalking Piranha Plant

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

=: Moving Platform


   T        -----        T

       T  T  T T  T  T

=======  =======  =======

 S        S       SC       S

#####   #####   #####   #####

#####   #####   #####   #####



M: Starting Position

S: Stalking Piranha Plant

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

=: Moving Platform



       T  T  T T  T  T

=========           =========

 S T      S       SC     T S

#####   #####   #####   #####

#####   #####   #####   #####



M: Starting Position

S: Stalking Piranha Plant

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

=: Moving Platform


         T  -----  T

      T     T   T      T


 S T      S       SC     T S

#####   #####   #####   #####

#####   #####   #####   #####

WORLD 6 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-6


You will face off against countless Bullet Bills in World 6. They will never

stop getting fired from either side of the screen so stay on your toes. The

moving platform(s) move up and down from the top to the bottom of the screen.



M: Starting Position

B: Bullet Bill Firing Positions

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

=: Moving Platform

          T       T

        =============    <--B

                T        <--B

       T             T

B-->        T

          T       T      <--B

              M          <--B


#########   #####   #########



M: Starting Position

B: Bullet Bill Firing Positions

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

=: Moving Platform

         T         T

              T =====    <--B


      T               T



         T         T     <--B

              M          <--B

        ===== C

#########   #####   #########



M: Starting Position

B: Bullet Bill Firing Positions

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

=: Moving Platform

===== T         ===== T  <--B


  T       T       T       T


      T               T



        ===== M         =====

     ####   #####   ####

WORLD 7 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-7


A Lakitu will be roaming the World 7 Enemy Area.



M: Starting Position

L: Lakitu's Starting Position

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

B: Bounce Block


             T T

     T    T       T    T

 BB     T    B B    T     BB






M: Starting Position

L: Lakitu's Starting Position

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

B: Bounce Block


             T T

    T  T  T       T  T  T

 BB          B B          BB






M: Starting Position

L: Lakitu's Starting Position

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

B: Bounce Block


             T T

    T  T  T       T  T  T

 BB          B B          BB



    BBB  BB-------BB  BBB

WORLD 8 MAP ENEMIES                  APDXB-8


Across the bridge above lava in World 8 you will find Podoboos keeping Toad




M: Starting Position

P: Podoboo Lowest Point

X: Podoboo Highest Point

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

": Lava

       X          X     X

    X     X   M      X

    T T T T   C   T T T T


###                       ###

###                       ###




M: Starting Position

P: Podoboo Lowest Point

X: Podoboo Highest Point

T: Toad Balloon

": Lava

The chest appears in the center of the screen where all the "X"s and "T"s are.


           XXXXXXXX        M







M: Starting Position

P: Podoboo Lowest Point

X: Podoboo Highest Point

T: Toad Balloon

C: Chest Position

": Lava

           _     _

           |  X  |      

      XT   |  T  |   TX

     T  XT |     | TX  T

           |     |   

      C    |  T  |        M

###--------|     |--------###

###        |     |        ###

###        |     |        ###






             ;   ;   

   | APPENDIX ;         |            APDXC-1

  /           ;   ;    /

 /             ;;;    /


Hint Movies are now in an in-depth guide that has been posted on GameFAQs.

It covers all 65 Hint Movies and how to unlock them.




You can earn up to 5 stars that show up on your file on the main menu. You can

earn them as follows:

> Beat the Castle in World 8.

> Finish every level in Worlds 1 - 8.

> Find all 207 Star Coins in Worlds 1 - 8.

> Find all 24 Star Coins in World 9.

> Finish every level in Worlds 1 - 9 and find all secret exits, plus use all


The fifth star can only be earned after the first four have been unlocked.


You many notice that the stars on your save file are sparkling. If you ever see

the Super Guide Block, they will become dull and "unsparkly". Even if you don't

use the Block it will still happen, so don't save if you see it or you'll be

stuck with them forever. Or at least until you erase the file.


After beating Bowser in World 8, all of the Mushroom Houses in each World will

return for one extra use, giving you a helping hand in finishing off any stages

you've had trouble with.


Once you've beaten the entire game - 100% - you'll get all of the Mushroom

Houses back for unlimited use. Fill up your stockpile and go nuts.


If you manage to amass 99 lives, Mario will start moving around the World Map

and through the levels with no cap. This also causes a glitch after jumping on

a Finish Flag where Mario normally takes his cap off. He does the same movement

but has no cap to take off, so it looks a little weird.


If you see a flower on any stage dancing to the music, Spin Jump in front of it

to get a Coin. Nice.





             ;   ;   

   | APPENDIX ;   ;     |            APDXD-1

  /           ;   ;    /

 /            ;;;;    /




Nintendo and Co.            - For creating such an awesome game.          - For the ASCII heading.           - For appropriate enemy and world names.

Darkstar Ripclaw            - For fixing some spelling mistakes.

Lanny Heidbreder            - For a typo and info on Ptooies.

colin_bartol                - For the second save file star.

                              Apparently you CAN use the Super Guide.

PocketWocket                - For an alternate strategy for World 9-7.

dasdre                      - For some extra info on Hammer Bros.

The websites listed below   - For the hosting of this guide.

And you, the reader. Without you, there would be no reason to write the guide

in the first place.

LEGAL STUFF                          APDXD-2


This guide and all of its contents have been written by me and all information

is taken directly from the game itself. No outside sources were used except for

those listed in the credits section above. Anyone who has contributed to this

guide in any way at all will be given credit for what they have helped with.

The current sites that can host my guide are:

      - GameFAQs (Easy-to-read guide)

      - Cheat Code Central

      - SuperCheats

      - GamersHell

      - MyWii Australia

      - Neoseeker

      - Game Revolution

This guide cannot be reproduced or copied without giving myself and the others

responsible credit. Would you like it if you did all of this and someone else

took the credit for it?



You can contact me through e-mail at:


Just replace the word "at" with the right symbol. Stops spam etc.

Make sure the subject is "NSMBW Guide" or something like that so I know to

actually read it, because if I get e-mails with unknown senders, they get

trashed pretty damn fast.


Thanks for reading and I hope this guide helped out in some way.

Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.