Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye Rank

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye Rank Unlock and XP Level Up Guide

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

There’s no better feeling than using the Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye system to blast a few fools into the afterlife. However, did you know you can make it even better? Let’s go through how to increase Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye Rank, as well as a complete Dead Eye XP level up guide for those who want to make incremental gains throughout the game.

How to Increase Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye Rank

To increase your Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye rank (from 1, all the way up to 5) you have to reach five separate parts in the story. With each rank, comes great power and responsibility. Seriously. The new Dead Eye abilities are to die for. They are as follows:

  • Rank 1: During the Chapter 1 mission “Old Friends.” Effect: Automatic tagging of enemies when highlighted.
  • Rank 2: During the Chapter 2 mission “Pouring Forth Oil.” Effect: Tag multiple enemies with a press of R1/RB
  • Rank 3: During the Chapter 4 mission “Banking, The Old American Art.” Effect: Keep using Dead Eye after firing, even if you haven’t tagged a target.
  • Rank 4: During the Chapter 5 mission “Fleeting Joy.” Effect: Enemies’ fatal areas (i.e. head and chest) are highlighted while using Dead Eye.
  • Rank 5: During the Chapter 6 mission “Goodbye, Dear Friend.” Effect: Enemies’ critical areas are highlighted while using Dead Eye.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Dead Eye XP Level Up Guide

Away from abilities, you can also increase your Dead Eye Core by polishing off various activities and challenges. Here’s what affects your Dead Eye Core:

  • Drink a valerian root – 25% XP gain to the next level
  • Craft an item – 1 XP
  • Cook a meal – 1 XP
  • Complete Camp Chores – 5 XP
  • Free Aim kill – 1 XP
  • Skin animal – 1-10 XP based on animal killed
  • Land a headshot from over 50m – 1-5 XP based on distance
  • Find a Cigarette Card – 5 XP
  • Various Challenges (Bandit, Gambler, Sharpshooter) – 25-150 XP based on challenge
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