AA SSSSS SSSSS AA SSSSS SSSSS IIII N N # SSSSS AAAA SS SS AAAA SS SS II NN N ## SS AA AA SS SS AA AA SS SS II NNN N # SS AA AA SSS SSS AA AA SSS SSS II NNNN N SSS AAAAAAAA SSS SSS AAAAAAAA SSS SSS II N NNNN SSS AAAAAAAA SS SS AAAAAAAA SS SS II N NNN SS AA AA SS SS AA AA SS SS II N NN SS AA AA SSSSS SSSSS AA AA SSSSS SSSSS IIII N N SSSSS CCCCCC RRRRR EEEEEE EEEEEE DDDDD 22222222 22222222 CCC RR RR EE EE DD D 222222 222222 CC RR RR EE EE DD D 2222 2222 CC RRRRR EEEEEE EEEEEE DD D 2222 2222 CC RR RR EE EE DD D 2222 2222 CCC RR RR EE EE DD D 2222 2222 CCCCCC RR RR EEEEEE EEEEEE DDDDD 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 222222 222222 22222222 22222222 ******************* *Assassin's Creed II* ******************* ***************************************** * Game: Assassin's Creed II * * Type: Walkthrough/FAQ * * For: XBox 360, PS3, PC * * Author: Brad Russell "TheGum" * * Email: lunatic_252000@yahoo.com * * Web: www.thechaosuniverse.com * ***************************************** This guide brought to you in part by: CHEATMASTERS.com Version 1.0 - main game finished, as always, and most of the side quests done except for the assassination contracts; also missing the feathers; and yes, this guide is mostly complete, but raw in places and rough around the edges - it's a shock that so much is ready to go though. (11/30/09) Version 1.2 - added feathers and fixed this stuff up. Thinking about skipping the assassination contracts, and no treasures to begin with, so I could be done. (12/02/09) ***************** Table Of Contents ***************** Use quick find (Ctrl + F) and type in the code or level. Section: Code: 1. A Brief Foreword 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) Sequence 1 ( SEQ1 ) Sequence 2 ( SEQ2 ) Sequence 3 ( SEQ3 ) Sequence 4 ( SEQ4 ) Sequence 5 ( SEQ5 ) Sequence 6 ( SEQ6 ) Sequence 6.5* ( SEQ6.5 ) Sequence 7 ( SEQ7 ) Sequence 8 ( SEQ8 ) Sequence 9 ( SEQ9 ) Sequence 9.5* ( SEQ9.5 ) Sequence 10 ( SEQ10 ) Sequence 11 ( SEQ11 ) Sequence 14 ( SEQ14 ) *Not real sequences, just my own 5. Extra Stuff ( EXTRA55 ) Side Quests ( SIDE111) Glyphs ( GLYPH22 ) Statuettes ( STAT333 ) Feathers ( FEAT444 ) Questions** ( QUEST55 ) **SPOILERS 6. Author Info / Copyright ***************************************************************************** * 1. A Brief Foreword * ***************************************************************************** I promise not to be angry with you guys this time, so email away! Thank god the game marks all the viewpoints now, so that's not an issue. Anyway, the sequel makes the first game look like a pretty piece of filler leading to this game. This game is not flawless, I think the free running took a major step back in many ways and the combat is still a work in progress, but the story is nearly perfectly displayed and the missions and side stuff are almost RPG quality. This game displaying superb voice acting and character models, just like The Ballad of Gay Tony and Modern Warfare 2, it's clear that these are the standars for graphics and characters in future games. The gaming drought this year was well worth the wait. And finally, AC III should be a great little Industrial Age London or Tokyo romp. TheGum. ***************************************************************************** * 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) * ***************************************************************************** Most of the controls use the upper right corner display to help you know what you can do in many situations, as well as telling you when you can do certain things. 360 --- Puppet concept/Defense: A - legs / quickstep B - off-hand / grab, pickup weapon X - main hand / counter before they attack Y - head / taunt A - low: steal, high: free-run, jump by default B - low: gentle push, high: grab, throw X - attack, assassinate, time with each hit to combo your swings Y - hold for eagle vision RT - high profile (aggressive or move faster); defend RB - hold to open inventory LT - target lock LB - contextual camera (rarely used if ever) RS - camera LS - move; click to view in first person D-Pad - quick select weapons START - pause, DNA menu, database, etc. BACK - map ***************************************************************************** * 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) * ***************************************************************************** 1. The DNA folder in the pause menu allows you to enter old memories and keep track of your progress in the story. 2. Shops from all the cities offer different stuff, such as paintings and dyes. 3. When notorious, rip down a poster here and there. 4. When you see a pickpocket or messenger run from you, feel free to tackle them for free cash. But if not soon, just give up. 5. Tossing coins on the ground is a great way to distract dudes. 6. Use fast stations to get around. 7. Repair armor when you can. 8. Always use the map button (Back/select) and place markers to help. 9. Fast walk in low profile to steal money automatically. 10. Pigeons indicate a cart of hay below. 11. Must let go of the jump button while in high profile or you'll make a lot of dumb mistakes in free running, and never assume there is a roof where you are running. 12. Just hold the high profile button to hop down small distances. 13. Stock up on meds often. 14. Counter kill with the hidden blade on all but pikes and big guys. Every- one else cannot counter this. Big guys must be quick stepped around, and pikes need to be grabbed, tossed, and killed on the ground. 15. You can drop off the side of a surface, should be the off-hand button when near an edge. ***************************************************************************** * 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) * ***************************************************************************** Only essential things to completing the story are included in this section. If you want the feathers, glyphs, statues, and other things you'll have to look in the next section. ========== Sequence 1 ( SEQ1 ) ========== Arrivederci Abstergo -------------------- Simple stuff, so I'll let you follow the game on your own to start. That is some hell of a memory on this guy. *NOTE: You can turn subtitles on, and increase the brightness in the pause menu. Brightness on 7 was good for my screen.* When in full control, just follow your friend, and you can run, but it's not required. Follow her through the lab area, and then use a button to take the elevator. In the parking lot, just push buttons, no need to try to do this in some "right" way. Fight ----- In the friendly confines, talk to the guy, your friend, new gal, and then get in the Animus 2.0 when ready - only Lucy has two chats. In the fight, you learn how to lock on, and this first fight is easy. The second phase has you grabbing guys, and just do that and tossing them until they retreat. Finally, feel up as many bodies on the ground as you can, should be able to sneak in an extra one, before you must move on. You Should See the Other Guy ---------------------------- Use free run to follow Federico to the doctor guy, the guy in black wearing the crow mask. You can then database him and the nearby hookers, I mean courtesans. *NOTE: The database actually registers all this stuff automatically; you pressing the button is just to view the info, so you don't have to, but reading is fun!* Sibling Rivalry --------------- To win this race, you really just need to follow him if you want, then out- run him on the rooftops. Follow him up to the view point. Nightcap -------- Step on the little plank here and use your eagle vision to sync up with this point. Then do the Leap of Faith, to jump into the hay below. Jump out and head north, and feel free to database the glowing spot in the alley before you step on it. Climb climb! And then follow the buttons to get busy. When in control, just run. If you played GTA IV, same thing can happen here, just outrun the guards' circle on the radar, stay out of trouble, and you'll lose them. Or you can find the blue dots on the radar to hide. Either way, just get to a roof, and usually just running into a wall during free run will get that done, somehow. Then head to the next marker on the radar (you have a map, but kinda hard to pull it up easily). You can database the house and Giovanni, then talk to him. Paperboy -------- You can read the letter, then loot the chest in the corner. Don't worry about the shops and vendors, not important now. *NOTE: You can drop down from ledges and grasp them as you fall. For that matter, you button display in the corner of the screen is very helpful.* Just avoid the red dots on the map and follow the rooftops to the dude's house. Return to your dad through the door. Beat a Cheat ------------ Speak with Claudia on the bench. Now go northeast and beat up the dude, and that's it. Return home. Friend of the Family -------------------- Talk to mom inside the courtyard by the wall. Just stroll with her up the street, stealing cash from passing strangers, and you'll be at the destination. Pick up the box, and return home to drop off all these useless paintings by some nobody. Petruccio's Secret ------------------ Petruccio is just outside your estate. This little bastard wants a few feathers from the rooftops. First one is just above, then the next is further west, and then further south for the last one. Then just take them inside your home. Special Delivery ---------------- Go inside your home to get this mission from your father. Again, you can attempt to read both letters, but they are sealed, so no go. Head south first, and you'll find a chest here too. Now the eastern guy, and then the pigeon coop. At the coop, use the contextual camera after you get the letter. And after that, go north a few roofs over for a chest. Viewpoints 2-7 -------------- Let's take this time to hit all six surrounding view points before we return home. In order from your house: East - On the Palazzo Della Signoria, a building with a tower on top. The little triangles on the sides of it seem like dead-ends from below, but they can be climbed, so feel free to take this point from the back or front, just watch for the archers. Southeast - Very simple tower, no problems here. Southwest - Another point with no issues. West - Ditto. North - Same. Northeast - This is on top of the tower of the Giotto's Campanile, the big structure you beat up the guy near. The tower is separate of the main church, so climb the corner of the church and jump onto the tower wall. Cilmb up the east side, because only on this wall can you keep going. There is a brief detour through the window for two chests, then climb the corner of any wall but the east and you can go all the way to the top. Feathers (9) -------- Copied and pasted from the Feathers section of this guide. They are ordered by map and district. I do not require you get these, but now is a good time to if you want them by game's end. 1. On the west face of Leonardo's workshop. 2. On a floating platform supsender just west of your home. 3. Rough description with four in this area, but in the SW corner of the district, this is on a suspender too. Not in the very corner, but as you approach you should see it. 4. From #3, go directly south, and you should see this in the corner of a roof, in a window, under a VP tower, and overlooking the canal. It's not on the top roof is what I'm saying. 5. Open your map, look at the highlighted church to the south, and between that church and the bridge to the south is the feather on a roof. 6. That bridge to the south is the bridge the fight at the start of the game took place. Go to its east side, hop down a bit, and you'll see the feather on a wire. 7. You can from #6 follow the edge of the city east and find this on the side of a nearby building, the outside wall of the line of buildings in the SE corner of the district. 8. On the side of the big building on the east of the district. 9. Basically you climb to the first roof of the Santa Maria, the big church in the NE corner of the district, and then climb up the WEST face and you'll get to the top. The boxes with holes in them, you need to be hanging to move sideways on them. Jailbird -------- Head home and start the next mission. This was the "east" viewpoint we just covered, so you should know the tower. To make this easier, just take the back way up, through the roofs. There are three guards, and you can sneak up behind them. If you do, you can lock on and punch for melee takedowns, and if you engage them feel free to grab and toss them over the walls. Or you can just avoid them, just don't let them see you. Climb the south side of the tower to reach Giovanni's window. Family Heirloom --------------- Return home. Hold the button to turn on eagle vision, then open the door on the wall. Open the chest to put on the assassin outfit, and then learn how to equip your sword. Outside you'll engage two enemies. The best thing to do is hold the deflect button to not take on both of their attacks, no need to lock on, and just press counter as soon as they attack to kill them. Loot them and head southwest (building just southwest of your home with two chests in it), and head for Uberto's home. Two more guards outside it, so do the same, hold deflect, counter after they attack, and that's it - easy. Go in for a scene. Feel free to visit the nearby doctor if needed for medicine to use and buy for later. Last Man Standing ----------------- Head east for this mission. Once you pick it up, just walk east for the scene. Once in control, just run wherever you want, to a roof, into a hiding spot, or just outrun the guards; no fighting at all. End - Sequence 1 ===== ========== Sequence 2 ( SEQ2 ) ========== *Blacksmith - Leather Spaulders for 2300f are there, but unless you think you can actually die from jumping too far down, no need really. Save your cash. You are now a wanted man, so your house is off limits and highly guarded, and the guards are quicker to chase you, so stay on the roofs or move quickly through the streets as you head northeast. Viewpoint 8 ----------- Near the La Rosa Colta, your next mission. Just quickly climb this before you hit up the hideout. Fitting In ---------- This mission allows you to blend into groups and teaches you to steal, but you should have already stolen alot by now. For the blend portion, just move into the hooker group, then follow Paola in a circle through the streets. You have like three seconds until guards get onto you, so quickly move into groups, which are better than benches. And do not steal from anyone here, it's a good way to fail. And when back, just steal from five people outside the brothel. Ace Up My Sleeve ---------------- Just talk to Paola again if some of the civilians are fighting you to shake them off. Da Vinci is west, the guy you carried a box for earlier, so go there. You have the option to hire groups who you can order around, but following random groups works just as well, or staying far away from guards. However you reach Da Vinci's pad, and it very well could require a lot of running away from guards, you'll acquire your hidden blade. You can wait a bit once in control to get the prompt, or just walk up behind this guard and press the armed hand button to take him out. Then carry the body inside his house and drop it on the spot. Viewpoints 9-13 --------------- Before we revisit Paola, let's start with the new viewpoints. In order from the brothel: South - Just go up it's north side. Southeast - North of the actual point, on the east side of the corner you can find divets to go to the roof. From here, take the corner of the tower, then the star atop the opening, and that's it. East - Cut through the field along the city wall, and just go up. North - Simple to get to. Northwest - Another easy one, and not far from Paola. Feathers (9) -------- 10. Open the map and look for the very SW corner of the TOP half of this district, which is north of the Santa Maria church, and grab this feather on the south face of a building in the little box. 11. If you follow the roofs directly north from the Santa Maria dome, you'll find this on the top of a series of ruined rooftops. 12. Head to the very north gate of the city. And you can see this from the previous feather. It's on a board sticking out of the east face of a building in front of this gate. 13. Hardest one yet. Go to the big building in the NE of this district and you'll see this over the outside doorway on the outer walls of this building. To get this, jump up the window and shimmy left to the little support thing. From here, jump directly left parallel to the door to grab this mid-jump. 14. Just north of the highlighted orphanage on your map in the SE corner of this district, you'll find this on a ruined rooftop. 15. You could look south from the last feather to see this on the side of the orphanage. 16. On the side of a ruined roof, the last building in the SE corner of the map. 17. Head to the bridge leading out the south of this district, and stop at the tailor shop. The feather is up the wall. 18. Visible from the prison tower building in district 1, this is on a suspender just east of it. Judge, Jury, Executioner ------------------------ Can be tricky getting there, so take it slow, that's about all I can say. When you reach the square, get on the roof to watch the scene. Now use any of the groups heading toward the doorway with armored guards, and follow with whatever group you have until you are around the corner; of course more than just the two armored guards. Around this corner are harlets, so get near them and hire them. If this is your first time, don't be nervous... they follow you, and around the corner you can lock onto the armored guards and the whores will distract them away from the doorway. Now enter the courtyard, lock onto Uberto, and then just go toward him and press the assassinate button to take him out. After the quick scene, use the boxes by a pillar on the north wall, get to the roof, and you should be able to avoid the guards by jumping to the northeast. Laying Low ---------- Paola asks you to lower your wanted level by taking down posters, briding heralds (guys shouting stuff), or killing officials that walk the streets. You can do this by taking down 2 posters and 1 official, or just finding 2 officials, or even a bunch of posters - but come on, gotta kill a few guys right? The officials are eye icons on the map, and posters are squares, so have at it. Officials run from you on sight, and with the streets filled with guards on high alert they could be more trouble than worth. But if you can somehow get a blank section of street, or a clean view from a roof, they'll be easy to kill. Arrivederci ----------- Now you must escort your family from the brothel to the city gates to the east. The guards no longer come after you on sight, and there are about four times as many as you've ever seen. The challenge is to avoid stealing or killing the music players that get in your way. There are several markers, so just walk all the way to the city gates if you must, no running at all. You also have the option to choose throw money from your inventory, but you stole this money fair and square, don't give it to these clowns. At the gates there is a line of guards. Enlist the help of some of the women nearby, and they will distract the guards, all of them. Take your family, and probably two extra hookers you better believe are coming on this trip, and hit up the markers along the road. End - Sequence 2 ===== ========== Sequence 3 ( SEQ3 ) ========== Roadside Assistance ------------------- Move up for a scene, then get ready to kill one guy attacking you, then the guy on your family. You then get a sword and help as you finish off the gang, and remember, behind enemies with your hidden blade equipped is an instant kill, other than that just use your sword counter - no counters with the blade like last game, ugh. Casa Dolce Casa --------------- Just follow Mario up to the villa. Then you head down to the market below for some stuff. You must by the greaves for 1140f, and dagger for 475f. Then fill up on medicine at the nearby doctor. Viewpoint 14 ------------ Easy peasy, just above where the tour ends. Feathers (4) -------- 1. Roof of the building SW from the practice ring. 2. Above the entrance to the town, use the side walls to get up there. 3. On the roof of the country house to the NE of town, outside the walls. 4. On the house west, outside town. Practice Makes Perfect ---------------------- Talk with you gals, then your uncle. You first learn the quickstep, which will be nice for using the blade for quicker kills in battle. Then do a few counter kills and taunts, and then you pick up the escape skill, which you probably can do anyway. Finally, just use your skills to defeat Mario, well except for escaping. Just counter, quick step, and slash him to win. This mission ends upon re-entering Mario's room. Then stop by to visit the family to learn about the feathers, which the three you got earlier do not count towards. Set off on a horse, stabled outside the town, in the direction of Tuscany. What Goes Around ---------------- Mission up ahead, cut across the field to dismount and talk to Mario. Run with him up the hill for a quick scene. Select your knives from the inventory wheel, then go up the wall and take out the first archer. Jump over a roof or two and pick off the next archer. Get on the courtyard and take out the third archer on another roof. Then open the gate using the crank nearby. Now you must fight about 10 guards nearby. Just use your sword or clean views with your knives. Even with your sword, you can instantly kill enemies by attacking their backs. Take them out and just run north to the well and talk to the guy. *NOTE: By attacking these guards, your notoriety has gone up, so the poster, herald, and officials icons have popped up on your map. No need to do them now, just FYI.* Up ahead you will help Mario's men, and you only need to attack a few before Mario has you move onto the next marker. Now your meter is very high, but you can't just tear down a few posters, I believe they are not actually in the world while in a mission. Either way, just follow the roofs to the marker. After the scene, hop down to the northeast roof, then over to the wall. Climb up this wall, hang over the side, lock onto Vieri, get up, do the free run and then press the grasp button, and if you get him onto the ground, just kill him; otherwise feel free to use your blade while you fight, and I think now you can counter kill with the blade. You'll be back in the villa after the deed is done. *NOTE: You can take this time to find the statuettes, which are covered in the extra stuff portion of this guide.* A Change of Plans ----------------- Talk to Mario, follow, and then go to the codex wall in his study. Then to the viewpoint on the roof which we got earlier, but this time it will reveal 4 nearby codex pages. #1. Just to the southeast of the viewpoint, on the ground by some boxes. #2. To the far southwest, in a dark alley on the ground. #3. On the very east side of the town, in another alley. #4. Take a horse east of town, and find this behind a little shack. End - Sequence 3 ===== ========== Sequence 4 ( SEQ4 ) ========== Go back to the villa and check on Claudia. She tells you of the management side of this villa, which is almost like those old theme park PC games where you just put stuff up and it makes money. Currently, not a lot of income in the chest, you can probably make more in 20 minutes just finding loot in the city and pickpocketing chumps. If you want to collect from the chest, it caps off at 625f right now, so you have to come back to collect or else the remaining income is wasted on Claudia. You can grab the money from the "chest" option on this menu - none right now. Now go see the architect nearby in the room. I say at least upgrade the brothel because it's cheap and no one will think it's a bad idea. You can also upgrade the mine or another building. It's really about how often you think you'll come back to collect, if you aren't really interested then you can do one upgrade every now and then. If you are into this, then maybe more. Also, the chest's maximum capacity increases with the income. After you do what you need, go talk to Mario. Talk and follow him down to the sanctuary. You learn that in order to access Altair's armor, you must find six other pieces of armor, hidden in tombs. You can check out the names of these six assassins, maybe some names to look into on your own time if you're into that kind of stuff. You will find these armors, they aren't side quests. The brothel is, sadly, not exactly open for business, but the streets are more colorful for it. Just go out the gates and purchase a ride back to Florence, and for 100f you can go right to Da Vinci's workshop to turn in your codex pages. Practice What You Preach ------------------------ You learn three new ways to assassinate people, although one you could of kinda done before, the grasping onto guys below for a pseudo-air assassination. Air - Just leap on the crates and onto the platform above the lone target on the ground, lock onto it, and move toward it as you press the assassinate button to perform a much easier air assassination. Hay - Jump into the hay cart, lock on, and kill this dummy. Ledge - something you probably attempted before, but now you can hang under a dude and just press the button to take him out. Then return to Da Vinci for a scene. Viewpoint 15 ------------ This is just west of Da Vinci's shop, shouldn't run into any archers on the roofs. Fox Hunt -------- Just southwest of Da Vinci's place is this marker. Turn on eagle vision and you find the yellow guy on the opposite side of this square. But some dude steals some of your coin, and the easiest thing is to just run and tackle him quickly (hold the off hand button when close). Viewpoint 16 ------------ We're so close to it now, just go get it. *NOTE: You should see this dude running around in this area who is in fear of you. If you can chase him down and tackle him, it's a payday for about 1500f and an achievement; he's a courrrier.* See You There ------------- La Volpe awaits near the canal. Follow him up, and then you have a one minute race to the next marker way to the northeast. Lots of ways to get there, but you have about 20 seconds extra to work with, so if you have to run around and find a safe jump or path to make the next roof, that is fine. From here, jump to the wall and then to the slider to go down to the tomb. Novella's Secret ---------------- Up to the right is a lever to open the gate. Approach the open area and just follow the poles and boards until you reach a big pole that only leads to a wall, and a platform below. Run up the wall connected to this pole and get up to the platform for the lever. Run over to the other wall, hopping the gaps, and then turn north to take the poles to the next lever. Pull and then jump over to the opened shaft and you'll land in the hay. Move up to the left and follow the broken wall, then get to the ledge to the left and pull off the guard. The next one is hard to take out unseen, so just run up and fight him; could toss him over the side. Then follow the poles along the wall, swing on the thing, and then use the crank to drop something, then hop down for a chest to loot. Go over to the other wall, then use the left plank to climb up the wall and onto the wooden platform above. From here, jump, one button press, to the coffin you raised and then left to the next crank. Now jump left and there are three guards down below. There is hay over the right side of this raised area, or you can air assassinate any of these guys if you wish; just take them out however. You must chase the next guy, and the play-by-play here is tough I'm not even sure I knew what happened. All I do know is you may be able to catch him, but I doubt it. Several of the surfaces will fall, so you will not be following his path for very long. At one point you'll fall down to a lower level, which is somewhere you passed through, and if you move right just a little the camera will show you that you can hop the wall to get up, and from there swing off the balcony. And from then on the path is mostly simple, so long as you quickly realize where the alternate route is. You could even purposely fall behind him if you don't want gates to close right in front of your face. At the door, jump up to the right and then hop down to fight the guards. Take them out, however you wish, and then jump to the slider on the wall above to reach the meeting. Then head for the tomb, open the three chests first, and then the coffin before using the door. Outside, you can loot the little boat to the right. Viewpoints 17-21 ---------------- These are revealed after the 16th one, and here is there locations to Da Vinci's house: Southwest - not far north of where you exited the tomb. West - just north of the last one. West-center - east of the last one, on the tower of the church. North - just another simple one. Northeast - east of the last one, this is on the dome of the San Lorenzo. And you can climb up from the last tower using some side wooden boards. To reach the point, just go up the south face of the dome and you'll get up. Feathers (9) -------- 19. San Lorenzo rooftop, the NE big building of this district. You got this if you finished the races in this city. 20. Head for the corner of the city wall just NW of the San Lorenzo. The feather can be seen on the side without eagle vision. 21. Follow the city wall SE and you'll see this feather on the side, above some grass. From the second board leading up to it, do a wall jump, and you can reach the third, it's not out of reach. 22. Head back to the San Lorenzo, and SE of it is this feather on a connector above the streets. 23. Head to the Mercato Vecchio, the market thing, and over the north side of the buildings that box around the market, you'll find this over the side where some pigeons occupy. 24. In the middle of the market. 25. On the south face of the Santa Maria Novella, building on the map. Hope you know how to drop down and grasp to not die. 26. Look to the SE corner of this district, and find the alley with two slanted U-shaped series of buildings. The feather is over the side of the lower building. If you have not done the assassination contract here, or see the pigeon coop, the feather is over the NE corner from there. 27. In the very SE corner of this district's border. Just drop down from the side of the roof to get it. Wolves in Sheep's Clothing -------------------------- Just south of the last viewpoint starts this mission. Just walk into the square nearby and the scene rolls. You cannot counter the boss guy at all, so don't try, and you better just use your sword or he will destroy you. Just hold defend and counter everyone else, then counter the last guy to get his health down. He will run, but don't follow, just defend Lorenzo. Now take him up the street and back to his home. Toward the end you'll get allies and hit one last group of enemies. Finish off these guys, with hidden blade assassinations from behind, and end the mission. Farewell Francesco ------------------ Just talk to the guy outside the house to start this up. The destination is the Palazzo Della Signoria, the building with the tower cells you found your father way back. Feel free to lower your wanted level or stock up on meds on the way to the marker on a roof. For a third time, you must climb up this building. If you want to go up the front wall, that works because you only need to get within about 50 yards of him to trigger the scene. When you do, leap over the corner he did to land in hay below. Quickly take out the nearby guard if you want, or just run out and chase Francesco down, and in any way you want, take him out. End - Sequence 4 ===== ========== Sequence 5 ( SEQ5 ) ========== FYI, painting buyers should hold off until later, tempting as these quality shots may be. A Blade With Bite ----------------- Speak with Lorenzo, and you get a lot of stuff to digest. First, let's hit up Da Vinci for this codex. Now time to return to the villa, and just take this travel station near Da Vinci to get there. Money should be maxed in the chest, so hurry and collect it. I say spend it (maybe some of yours if you didn't buy two before), and upgrade the art merchant, bank, tailor, and doctor. Things to do before you take on the next mission: Buy dye for your clothes at a tailor, and also buy a medicine pouch if you are using a lot, otherwise don't bother. Buy the Florentine Falchion (4940f) for a full upgrade in almost every way to your current sword. You can also spend (1045f) on bracers too, but no need to go higher - just get a cheap upgrade. Quick note on the upgrades, they improve your villa value; not by a lot, but they are worth getting. Evasive Maneuvers ----------------- Go talk with Mario. To the practice ring, you learn to dodge which is just a better quickstep during combat. Then you have to disarm him thrice, which is just like the counter only you aren't armed, so press the button as he swings. Hopefully you will have money in the chest, or get some soon, so you can collect for another building project before you set out; bank is best, or anything for 3000f. Head out to San Gimignano, where you have much notoriety. The Cowl Does Not Make the Monk ------------------------------- Just go straight east, or to the only marker east. You are given three smoke bombs, so select them. Go up the steps and left, and through the doorway you are in the abbey courtyard. Turn on eagle vision and hide with some monks. You will run to the enemy bunch between you and the yellow target, throw a bomb, then hide in another group of monks closer to the target. Or just run into the open, near the target, draw in guards, toss a bomb to stun everyone, switch to your blades, go behind the only guy without a hood, and take him out. Either way, you'll do this near him to get your kill. Then you can pause time by opening your inventory, toss smoke, and then just run as far away as you can. Viewpoint 22 ------------ Finally, we'll get this point in the center of the map, inside the town, so enter from the south or north. When you near the tower, go up it's north face to get to the top easiest. Your leap lands near a herald, if you don't mind blowing 500f, you can clear your wanted level in this area. Come Out and Play ----------------- Speak with the ally to the southwest side of town. Simple, just go east, turn on the eagle vision if you must find this big fat guy in red with the hat, and just run in and take him out; can get messy if you have to chase him around, but if so just go tunnel vision and ignore everything else. Town Crier ---------- North of town is this ally. There are five towers of note, the rest are filler if you really want to approach from them. So go toward the marked tower, and just south of it is the tower you climb; only one archer in the way. I won't go into detail of climbing these towers, only that you need wooden parts to go up on all but one of the last towers, so lots of climbing here. The four lower towers all have two archers, and one can usually be taken out without alarm if the other is not looking, or just get up and fight/toss both. As for the towers, you should clear all four of the lower ones. You have to clear the middle one, then south and all the way to the top. Perhaps you don't have to kill these two, but you should because all you have to do is jump to the wire below that goes northwest and grasp as you fall to grab it if you don't land on it (it's not hard at all). Then clear both of these towers before returning to the middle tower. From here, jump to the lower wire and climb all the way up to the south face so you can climb the window and get up. These guards rotate, so let one pass and hone in on the incoming on, pop up behind him, kill, go up, and kill the target as he looks away; simple really. Make your escape by jumping off the little plank that points southwest. Free chest where you land. Viewpoint 23 and Glyph 1 ------------------------ Just north of where you landed, climb up this tower. On the top and the north face you can go eagle vision and listen to the glyph. You play a little mix and match game of picking 5 with a common theme. Yes, lots of naked, evil bodies which is not the common theme. There are 5 picks that have fruit in them, and if you can't clearly see a fruit in a painting then that is not the one (one is kinda hard to see). View the vid, and then exit. The viewpoint is up higher, so scan it and jump off. Free chest, and no reason to kill this guard to get out, just go over. Viewpoint 24 ------------ West side of town, and approach from the south. Very tricky to climb this one, but it can be done. Torre Grossa's Secret --------------------- This is in the center of the town, entered through a slider thing on the wall in the alley, just like the first tomb. Just climb up the wall and shimmy over to the lever on the wall. In here, just kill these guys however, doesn't matter how. On the south wall, in the left corner is the platform you want on, the camera changes, and you can jump to this upper walkway. Go north, jump directly left, and shimmy around and up to the next area. Take the left stairs and hang on the railing until the guard turns so you can run up and take him down. Now jump to the chandelier and then right. Move to the ledge, let the camera turn, and then use the grab button to drop down. Go over, up, and follow the rings to the other side. Open the chest and then pull the lever to move onto the library. Got a big armored guy and one normal nearby. Tough to get the near guy when the big guy is looking away, but you can do if you just be patient and watch the big guy first, then see if you can run up behind the nearby guy. Then if you haven't aggroed the room, jump on the bookcase to take out the second guy, and by now the armored dude probably has found you. Easy to kill him, and you may want to anyway, just quickstep behind him as he swings to take him out from behind. Looting him may yield a reward. Now hop the bookcase to the other wall, then over to the wooden board at an angle, then jump to the second ring on the wall to get to the railing above - use the doorway on the ground if you fall to quickly get back to the board. From the rail, just pull over each guard as they patrol. Hop the chandeliers quickly to the third one, which is apparantly the max viewing distance of the guard above. Jump to the nearby window to go up to the platform. Let the guard go away, then hop all three wires to get over. Take him out from behind. The next room is a huge tower, but not too hard. Up the stairs and follow the path until you swing to a board and the camera changes views. Get up and go behind this board to jump to the railing, hopefully to take this guard out. Then follow the path to the rings, let the dude get close, and pull yourself up when he's walking away - don't hold his hand, you'll kill him of course. The end of this walkway looks like a dead-end. Look up to the right and go up the ring. Use the other rings and get on the boards, then jump inside toward the opening in the tops of the boards, then get to the wall and go to the wall for more rings. Get to the lower slashes on the wall to reach the board in the middle, and then take the final rings to the treasure room. Three chests first, then the big one, and exit via the ladder. If OCD for whatever reason, check your inventory for x2 seals before you leave to be sure. Codex Page 1 ------------ This one is on the northwest side of town. Just fight the four dudes guarding it and it's yours. Codex Page 2 ------------ Northeast of town. Just use the nearby whores to distract them, probably could have done for the first page. Viewpoints 25-30 and Glyph 2 ---------------------------- These are the VPs in the countryside: Northeast - Start here. Reach this church and the southeast face is a clear shot to the point. Northwest - In this villa, the north face of the tower is a clear shot. Southwest - Swing around the west side of town to reach this villa, beyond the ruins. North wall is the clear climb up. Southeast - West wall of the abbey is your ticket to the roof and then up from there. Glyph 2 - On the east of the tower, on a lower section of the roof. The game is just three sliding puzzles. You move to the sides to turn them, and then push up or down to move to different rings. Only the third pic is somewhat difficult, where the second ring is slanted. East - On the east of town, the tower in the villa. Northeast 2 - This one is right next to the next official mission. Feathers (11) -------- In San Gimignano (8) 1. Over the south gate; use the little holes on the wall to get up. 2. Approach the tower NW of the south gate, and go up it from the north side. Swing to the east face to drop down to the feather. Maybe you can side jump from a nearby roof. 3. Head to the market area NE of the south gate, and this is in a similar spot to the first feather, just on the city wall. 4. Head to the tower on the W side of town, and it's in the same spot as feather number 2. Just side from from the north roof to this feather. 5. See the marked church on your map? North of it is a line of buildings. Go there and this is up the tower. Leap jumps for the win. 6. Same line of buildings, you can see this feather on the east tower from the last feather tower. You can climb up the north face, get on the wire, and leap jump up the east face to reach this feather with ease. 7. Find the NW area of this town, and up the tower is a feather up the north side. Easy to reach with leaps. 8. Find the tower on the NE side of town. This feather is on the north face, but just climb the east face to the top and drop down, grasping to not die. Outside San Gimignano (3) 9. To the N of town, this is on the roof of a church. It's not the direct north villa, or the very NE fort, but do go NE out of town to find it. 10. Now go all the way to the SE corner of the map to the abbey. You can see it on the SW corner, and you can climb right to it. 11. Head to the ruins SW of Gimig, and it's on a back pillar, reached via the smaller pillar. Behind Closed Doors ------------------- Tough little mission. Picked up near that last viewpoint. You have mercenaries in your command. Move to the right side of the walled fort and start clearing all the guards around these small buildings. And you want to help your allies clear out because you need them alive. Once all of the enemies here are killed, climb to the roof, kill the guy across the wall however, and then quickly follow this wall to the front gate, and I don't think you even need to use the controls, just get near them and the gate will open (or the zone to use the crank is very large). Once your allies are in here with a huge mob of enemies, you should notice one "peasant" looking guy attacking you. Can't counter him easily, so do quicksteps and get in whatever hits you can at his sides and back to down the target kill. Then mop up and loot the armored dead guys. Villa chest is most likely full by now, so head to town and use the way station to get there quickly, stock up, and return to San Gimignano; otherwise just go to the next mission. Good time to max out your leather armor set. Feel free to lower your notoriety if needed before you start the next mission. With Friends Like These ----------------------- Over the square in town you can use a ladder to get to this marker on the roof. Use eagle vision to pick out the tango, who will walk south and pick a guy up by the well, so stay away. Have your "throw money" weapon selected to fend off the many singers as you follow them all the way out of town to the south. At the gate, just toss money to distract the guards to exit. Once they are outside, use the distance tracker on the side of your radar to stay at least 15-20 paces behind them as they walk the trail and pick up a ton of friends as they enter the ruins. Getting just about 20 feet into the ruins to the next marker while not losing him within 25 seconds is difficult because some guards will linger, possibly glitch up. So if you must, just hop over the gaps and to the pillars along the trail. Awesome, just watch the scene and after the incident, watch the corner of the screen to press a button. Just equip your blade and run up to finish off the old geezer. Then feel free to mess around with the large group of enemies, may be a chance for some achievements if you're into that, but everyone else can just run as far away as you can to escape and end the memory sequence. End - Sequence 5 ===== ========== Sequence 6 ( SEQ6 ) ========== Let's take this moment to grab the four codex pages and the one seal, if you didn't grab them already. Codex Pages 3-7 --------------- East - Go east, to the NE city exit. Toss money, go in, and then run out to evade. Southeast - Just toss money and go in, then run out. West - These guys didn't fall for the money, so whatever works. Northwest - Another room that wasn't allowed entry with mere coin. North-middle - Will be hidden if you bought the treasure map, so zoom in to see it. Remember to lower your wanted level by tearing down posters, which tossing coin helps. Il Duomo's Secret ----------------- Enter the assassin's tomb in almost the dead center of the map you can see. Then entance is on the wall of the church. Climb the little seat you saw in the scene, climb up the slashes in the wall, and then get to the other wall at the windows. Jump to the chandeliers, then to the wooden board where the pigeons sit to the other chandelier. Jump to the south wall for a quick scene to mark your progress in case you mess up. Go west, up, and then back east. Keep going, then move out onto the pole to jump to the smaller chandeliers. Don't rush the second jump, and get to the pillar platform. The pigeons point you to the chandeliers to the other wall, the stone platform by the window. Go up and east, to the chandelier, and then south all the way to the opposite wall. Go east, and just jump off the second pole to land on the wooden walkway to drop a second safety ladder. Now you need to circle around the walls, so from this walkway jump to the ring of pillars, and follow the pigeons to reach the other side. Jump back to the ring of pillars, head down, and jump to the floating platform. Jump left and go up, then follow the path to the pigeons under the stained-glass window to start climbing up. Up top, jump to the wooden boards, and follow the path to a pole that drops you down a little. Jump the chandelier to the stained-glass walls and climb up the east side to get up. Jump to the boards and perch on the piece pointing south. Follow the path over the floating board to the west and up the ladder. Now just follow the wall all the way around to the end of this walkway where the camera changes angles. Climb up the bricks and that middle board is the destination. Get up, look to the middle of the roof, and jump. You know the routine, open three chests then the tomb. Open the window on the side to exit. Two chests out here (and only grab the feather if you physically write down somewhere that you got the Duomo feather), then jump twice over the SW rail to hit two hay piles in a row. Road Trip --------- Lorenzo offers the first mission of this memory sequence in the northern parts of the city. You got a Medici Cape, making the orangish guards more friendly to you, but red guards are the same. Tailor just to the west of here if you want to match colors with the pizza cape; nothing matches it. Enter Da Vinci's house. That's the mission. Now the side missions will be back on the map, in case you feared you missed them. Feel free to do them now since you don't want them hanging, but they suck up a lot of time. Side missions consume a ton of time, so I won't cover them in the walkthrough. I would advise checking the tailors for dyes if you want, which are different from the ones in your villa. And then buy up a few paintings from an art merchant if you want. If you need quick cash for the paintings and have done no side missions, feel free. Before we leave, make sure you have the codex's, viewpoints, and the tomb. May be faster to use Da Vinci's travel station to get to your villa, collect and do whatever, then travel back to Florence's East Gate. From the East Gate, ride a horse north out of town to the Mountains. Romagna Holiday --------------- Started upon entering the Mountains area. Lots of things to deal with here. First is steering. Turn too sharply without giving a little to the turn will result in a rollover and fail. As well as avoiding the obstacles and eventually fire. You can't crash by hitting a wall, but you can cause damage to the carriage, so avoid as much as you can. Second are the enemies jumping on. Only extended walls can knock them off while they are on the sides. If that fails, you have about four seconds to swerve the carriage to and fro to unbalance them to knock them off. And finally you can just mash the melee button when they get to you to quickly knock them off, and the carriage does not go into complete auto-pilot, so mash fast. Third is the damage done. Fire doesn't do much, but it adds up, and some obstacles can be run through for a small fee of damage. Also, if you can, knock off guys using tree branches. After the ride, just defend a little and then go to the marker. Again, don't fight them all day, you don't have to. End - Sequence 6 ===== ============ Sequence 6.5 ( SEQ6.5 ) ============ Quick note, you are still in sequence 6, I just broke it up because there is a lot to do in two different areas. You are in Romagna, and there are three things on your map to do. And FYI, the paintings in town are primo stuff, and most are cheap, but the two are too expensive to buy, no matter how much you want them - I on the other hand was well prepared for this moment... Viewpoint 31 ------------ Just on the little church east of the town. Viewpoints 32-39 ---------------- Now you have eight to find, so let's get them out of the way now. Southwest - The most pointless VP ever, it's right on the edge of the map. Forli South - Enter the town and climb the tower at the south end. Abbazia Di San Mercuriale - East side of the church is climbable, then get to the tower. Climb up the pegs to get to the west face that is a clear shot to the top, then shimmy over to the south face to climb up to the cross to sync. The leap is hard, just aim NW and hope you hit it. This point is in Forli, in case you are following by text and not using your own map... East - This one is outside Forli, on the east side of the swamp town, which must smell extra horrible. At the back of the actual tower are stairs, then use the doorway to get to a board, then go directly up, left to another board, and up the triangles to reach the point. NE of Forli - This is in the slum just outside of town to the northeast. West - This point is back to the west of Forli, so a little bit of backtracking from the previous point. Northwest - This is NW of town, on the tower of the church. Northeast - Last one, and same as an earlier point: door, board, up, board, up, and triangle things. Feathers (12) -------- In Forli 1. Through the south gate, go NW and up the building to get this one. 2. From the south gate, follow the rooftops NE until you see a wire that extends from the roofs to the city wall. The feather is right there. 3. From #2, go directly west and you can hang over a wooden platform connected to a roof, and the feather is below it. 4. From #3, follow the rooftops and wires to the city wall tower. 5. From #4, you can look east to see this between buildings. 6. From #5, you can look east again to see this on the south side of the church. 7. Open the map and find the northern most, horizontal, line of buildings in town. The feather is just on the roof. 8. Go east from the last feather to the city wall. A wire leads you right to it on the wall. Outside Forli 9. Go SE out the north exit of town, and you find this on the back of the lighthouse here. Just jump from the door over. 10. Look on the map for the very south tip of the docks in the NE. The feather is on the end of these docks, over some poles in the beach. 11. Hit the church in the NW of the map, and it's behind it. 12. Go to the courtyard of the docks in the NE of the map, and this is up the north wall of the bigger building. Codex Pages 8-10 ---------------- Let's knock these out. All three are same as the last 7. To speed this up, for all three do the following: toss coins on the ground, hug the walls to get in without fighting, and once outside equip your smoke to make an easy escape to any cover nearby. 8. North of Forli. 9. Middle of town. 10. South side of town. Ravaldino's Secret ------------------ On the southwest end of town, enter the castle grounds, then climb north to the castle wall. Look over the side to see a wooden platform and fall to it to enter the tomb, or the water, whichever works; healed either way. Swim over, then use the bricked "seat" to climb up the wall, then jump back to reach the other side of the room. Turn the crank and as soon as the camera changes angles, run through the opened gate. To the left you can run up the wall to jump some poles to a chest. Then back on the path, jump down to the water and dive under the gate to proceed. Wall jump up ahead, just be sure to hold free run and jump and do it from the top of the boards in the columns as you climb. Hang on the rail and assassinate this poor soul (all the years of standing here and this is what he gets). If you want to play it quiet, peek around the corner to use the lower level to stage your assassination of the first guy from the rail, then quickly jump to the box as the second looks away and leap on him to kill. Or just run to them and slash away, just watch out for the guard up high. See the wooden wall? Right of it is the path to the next trio of dudes, and just like the last group you can use a lower level to stage your kills, or run in and counter kill them all with your blades. Use the shelf to get to the upper level, and then the wall shield to reach the crank. Two timed gates in a row, but they are easy to pass. Once you reach the wall with shields, just go directly up the wall to your right, then over to get on the shields. At the end, drop down to reach the next area. Hit the rail and jump over to kill this dude from the back. At the corner, let the top guard go by, then go toward the bottom of the steps, but go up the walls touching the stairs and hang over the rail. Take out the guy above. From this upper walkway you can jump to a hay cart for a kill, then take out the armored guy and the guy at the stairs behind you when you have the opening, or just engage in combat. Remember to loot big guy. On the side of this room without the hay cart, climb up a hollow, wooden stable and follow the boards along the wall to get on the path. Use the shields to get up. First, let's lay out the path. The crank is inside a ruined column of some sort. Just beyond it is a broken wall that leads down the hall. It's this wall that you want to climb up it's right side, then jump to the left. Hop the boards to the peg sticking out of the wall, then run up the wall, and from this ledge jump over to the platform. If you find the peg in the wall and see the ledge above it, that's fine, you can hop down and run the thing for real. Turn the crank and follow the path to get through. You know the deal, three chests then the coffin. Then out the hatch. Must have been one awesome rat on the otherside... And after Ezio's daring encounter with the sewer mutant, you're back in Crapsville. ----- Good time to pick up money back home, or buy more nude paintings, or whatever, just take a break. By now you should easily have your villa fully upgraded, have a ton of paintings, have the complete leather armor set, and a couple of nice weapons. Probably no extra codex pages, feathers turned in, seals put on, or other stuff, we're saving it all; maybe the seals could go on if you want to. And feel free to start in on the Helmschimed armor set, if not onto the Metal bracers already. Tutti A Bordo ------------- Finally, go meet Leonardo at the docks in the NE of the map. Swim to the boat and stand on it. Stand by the oar and row to the fair lady down the stream. You can time your strides to go quicker, and you can reverse if needed. Pick her up and take her back to the dock. ----- Now step on the boat. Back in real skin, talk to Becca and Sir Douchebag twice, then down the ramp to Lucy. Not sure if eagle vision must be on to see the weird stuff, but may as well. Switches on both walls, and on both walls of the upper walkways. There is a beam between the catwalks that allows easy passage. After you press all four, return to Lucy. Then go up the ramp for something you'll hope you played the first game for. Yep, go up the street to the fortress, then up and follow the target to the back wall, and then along the rooftops when it gets onto the wall. At the tower, climb up, then left, and then up to the balcony. You may have NEVER done this before, but hold the free run button and press A (or whatever is your main button) and you will jump in place. You must do this below the board that is sticking out. Then climb up to the top. And after the scene, do the leap of victory. For assassins they sure don't know how to close a door, or cover the windows. These guys must suck. Anyway, talk with Lucy and back to the love seat. End - Sequence 6.5 ===== ========== Sequence 7 ( SEQ7 ) ========== Welcome to Venice, and back to notoriety which you seem to gain quicker than before. Just remember to rip down a poster here and there. Also you have a lot of swimming to do here. Don't forget to dye you outfit, and take off pizza cape. Benvenuto --------- Talk with Da Vinci right next to you. They walk fast, so keep up. At the end of the tour, be ready to respond if you want; but I actually chose not to, especially after the one with the girl at the start of the game... Anyway, visit him after to hand over your codexes. Viewpoint 40 ------------ Back west, near where you started. Climb up and at the bell part, jump up the side of the archway to reach the ledge, slide over, and then up to the top. Viewpoint 41 ------------ Now we got four new ones on the map, but just one for now. To the south, another bell tower, and same climb up the side of the archways. Codex Page 11 ------------- North of the 41st VP. Remember to use counter kills with the hidden blade for these guys, easier than the sword. Viewpoint 42 and 43 ------------------- Northwest - To the NW of the city, another bell tower. North - west of the mission marker. Another bell tower. Codex Page 12 ------------- Just south of the 43rd VP. If you toss smoke to get away, don't hide in the well, they always check it first. That's Gonna Leave a Mark ------------------------- Take up this mission just west of a guarded building. Just dispatch the first group, and hopefully she jumps into the canal; or like she did for me and ran all the way around through the streets. Either way, she collapses at a checkpoint, so pick her up and help the theives that escort you to the next marker as they kill incomings. Now the fun part. Run along the canal, ahead of the boat, and take out guards all the way to the NW docks. You can ignore the higher up ones if you want, and guards on you will not attack the boat. Easiest way to kill them is by tossing them into the water; Ubisoft still has water set to fatal for NPCs. Follow them along the west of the dock when they are in the clear. Be ready to pick her up and take her to the operating table. Then just be ready to twice interact during the scene. Building Blocks --------------- Just enter the door after the scene. Interact for what must be some sort of "cute" Starbucks reference. Cleaning House -------------- Re-enter the house for the boss' mission. There are three zones to scout out. Let's start with the docks. Remember to use eagle vision to single them out. Docks - This guy is at the nose of the big boat. But to get on the side of the boat you need to approach from the direct side, then shimmy under him and pull him over. South Market - Pretty much in the center of the circle, on the roofs. Go for the hanging kill. NW Market - He should be around the middle, among the stalls, so just take him out. Breakout -------- Ugo is over Da Vinci's house... hmmm. Anyway, go NW first, and from the roof you can jump to a hay cart. Wait for the trio to leave, then quickly take out the last guard, and then any others left around. Return to Ugo and only one ally needs to reach the roof with you. Next is SW, and if you approach it from the NE, you can drop behind the two guards and do a double blade kill, even if they see you for a second. Open the cage, fight some guards, and then climb up. I would just go east and follow the tops to the marker. Finally is the south zone, which is the easiest with only one guard and a ladder nearby to make your escape. Tricky getting them out because they could get tripped up and attract guards. Break Time ---------- Good time to return to the villa to collect your coin. Also a prime time to knock out the paintings in San Gimignano, or buy up the Metal armor set if you want it. On your way back to Venice, feel free to drop some coin for paintings at Forli if you got 2500f or so to spare. Then back to the Thieves Guild station of Venice. Clothes Make the Man -------------------- Ugo waits at the docks with his second mission. Two items are SE of here. Approach the first through the canal and you can snatch the chest without incident. Then exit through the canal. The second group is hard to avoid, and it may be possible from the walls behind them, but you can toss coins, slip behind them, and loot with a smoke bomb ready to pop. The third chest is to the north, which is where the boat will be. It's hard to get without a fight, so start with a double kill if you can. With all three items, run north to the boat and just jump on to row it west. Once at the marker, just jump off. Monkey See, Monkey Do --------------------- Rose in front of the thief house offers you a new ability. The leap climb incorporates a few techniques. You hang from a ledge, push up, hold the free run button, press the jump button, and then grasp with the off- hand button. It's tricky if you don't understand how the controls of this game works, otherwise it's easy. Just practice on the scaffolding and that's it. By Leaps and Bounds + VP 44 --------------------------- Rosa waits by the Frari, a church that also has a VP that you may have noticed I skipped, or tried to get anyway and failed. Getting up the church is easy, you can use your new skill on this wall, or go north to get up using the old ways. Approach the tower and jump to the northern face of the tower to grab the ledge, and from here use the leap climb to get up, then over and up to go all the way up. Hit the point and leap down. Speak to Rosa to complete. Feathers (9) -------- 1. Hit the Rialto bridge, it's on the top flag to the north, on the west side. 2. Head to the little market area just west of this bridge, and the feather is up the wall to the east. 3. From #2, follow the roofs west and at the canal, look down south and hop down to it sticking out of a wall. 4. In front of Emilio's house, there is a canal. Wherever you want, follow this canal west and the feather is along the way, nearer to where it spills into the sea. 5. SE of the travel station on the NW side of town, up above on wooden boards and between the two buildings at the mouth of a canal. 6. Head to the thieves guild building on the west side of town. The feather is over the sea behind it. 7. To the SE of the guild HQ, this is on a low-hanging board over the streets. 8. From the HQ, follow the border of the district and there is a flat part that is aligned with a canal. Over the bridge here is a feather. This is SW of the highlighted building on your map. 9. Directly south of that same marked church, you'll find this feather over yet another canal bridge. Everything Must Go ------------------ Enter Antonio's house, and be ready for an interact. Head to the targets and pull off the first four to the south, and the northern one can be tossed easily. Then head to Antonio's spot on the ground. Now go to the east of the fortress in the canal, and from the water make your way up, then to the side, up again, and back to the middle. Leap up to the top, avoid the archer across the way, and take down the archer up top. Last thing to do is take out the boss, Emilio. He will patrol around the ground floor, and you can pick any time to drop down and take him out, in almost any way. End - Sequence 7 ===== ========== Sequence 8 ( SEQ8 ) ========== Probably a good time to do the following: 1. Complete the villa renovations 2. Buy up all the paintings from each city 3. Buy all the way up the Metal armor 4. Buy all the bag and pouch upgrades 5. Restock everything in your inventory, medicine and munitions 6. Grab any codex's and seals skipped from previous cities Then back to Venice, the port on the east side of district 1, not inside the area you've never been to. Viewpoint 45 ------------ Just use a boat, or swin over the canal to reach the new district. This point is on the Santo Stefano, easily reached via the west face. Birds of a Feather ------------------ Started just south of the VP. Just use the groups, keep distance, and do nothing to stand out. When the pass the bridge with guards, just jump right of it to the little dock to avoid them. When they reach the square and after the scene, go north and take the first bridge, not the second one they take with the guards on it. When they move from their bridge, just go to the group of girls and hide with them. let the targets pass by for a while, then move up. May have to move back after the scene, then follow using groups of people. When they pass under the archway, just wait behind the corner for them to continue. Up ahead, just buy the girls and move up to the bridge where you will lose the girls, but the next scene is on the middle of the big bridge. Viewpoint 46 ------------ Before returning to Antonio, just go back a little from the Rialto to find the bell tower to climb. Then head for the new home of Antonio. If at First You Don't Succeed... + Viewpoint 47 -------------------------------- You and Antonio are put at the end of the Rialto, then just lead him SW and over the bridge to reach the square you passed through earlier. Then go right to behind a VP tower for the first marker. As you head to the second marker, watch the radar to stay clear of the red zone. When near the marker, start climbing and get to the south face to climb up to the top. Get the VP up here as well, probably as you wait for Antonio to reach the top. If you skydive off the tower, have to wait for him to climb down. Then follow the border of the map north and just hit the marker. Then just follow the platforms to the marker on the roof. Viewpoint 48 + Glyph 3 ---------------------- The last mission pops you under this tower, which you passed by in the same mission. Hard to climb as the corners of the brick slashes are tricky, but can be crossed. Near the end of the bricks, a few leaps will get you up. Inside the bell tower is a glyph on the ground. The game is finding the orbs using the infared, so don't think those orbs were actually in the pics. After that, hang over the side and use the corners to climb up, the lion faces, and then climb up the steeple to hit the point. The leap can go one of three ways, so take your pick. Feathers (9) -------- 10. Head to this district from the SE corner of D1. This is just above the big canal, near the little dock (that's a bad word for a typo). 11. See the little highlighted church on the west of this district? This is on the east side of the buildings north of the church. 12. Directly east of that same church, this is on the outer buildings surrounding the Ducale complex; it's on a balcony over the canal. 12. There is a SW corner of this complex that sticks into it. Basically from the rooftop south of the VP here, you can find this just over the corner. 13. Head to the same NE corner of the Palazzo Ducale that you used for Antonio and used to enter the assassin tomb. The feather is over the suspender in this corner. 14. Hits the roofs directly north of this feather and you'll find this one the wall over the canal. 15. North of the complex, you'll see a blacksmith. Climb to his roor, and this is over the corner. 16. Along the west of the UPPER portion of this district is a canal going north. Toward the corner of this district you'll find the feather along the canal, down by the water. 17. In the very north of this district, you'll find this feather in the middle of some buildings, above the streets, almost in an alley. Codex Page 13 ------------- Northwest of the palazzo. Toss coin, slip in, and make a break for a boat to make the escape, which is also an easy way to cross the canal on the way back to Leonardo's place. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained -------------------------------- Just move up and down, mostly up, but you're going to go down anyway, so just get used to the controls. Well Begun is Half Done ----------------------- Must clear four of the guards in a group. Two are on the ground, ready for a double kill nearby, so take them out first. Grab a boat of whatever and get to the red ship in the canal to the east. Row up to the side, climb up, and take out the two on the ship however; combo of a rail kill and pure back assassination should be enough. You got three archers to the east, two to the south. But you must kill them all. The three are simple enough, can probably get the northern two with hanging kills. The two on the ground are single. They can easily be killed with assassinations from the water, don't even have to hang on the ledge; so dive on approach. Clear you notoriety first before accepting the next mission. Infrequent Flier ---------------- *NOTE: Achievement for kicking a guard while flying. Trying to do this is a good way to fail this mission. It's best to do it on the first group of enemies on the big roof, just lock on when flying over one of their heads, but try to do it going north because it's tough sledding going south.* Head all the way NW to the old hideout area. Quick refresher on flying. You need to dip the nose down a little to make distance. Just keeping the nose up will stall you, so you have to give up some air to get moving. And using the fires is easy. Target the top of the smoke, not the very top but near it, and hold the nose up when coming out of the fire. Just stay along the northern fires; use the map. Find the path that goes north over old Emilio's home. Follow the outside fires that followt he border to the target area SE. It's best to mark that 2nd fire on the NE corner of Emilio's palazzo because you may go north by accident. No matter how you go, there is the trap of wanting to use the canal fires. But don't if you have the air to make the fire after, go for that. It's just very tough to elevate hitting these low fires. All you need to do is get near or touching a roof on the Palazzo Ducale, and the scene of success will fire. Once on the roof, very easy to think you have to swing around the entire roof to reach the marker. You don't, just use the ladder nearby, and follow the path to the window for a scene. Just follow the dude on the courtyard and take him out quickly. Easy escape, just run south, then west to the last row boat, and row west to lose them. End - Sequence 8 ===== ========== Sequence 9 ( SEQ9 ) ========== We will start with this first mission, but we will take a break from the story for a good while, hitting both assassin tombs. Also, don't buy anything if you can help it. Quick note about district 3, it's in carnival mode, and most of the people here are loaded, so pickpocket away for easy coin, just watch for guards. Knowledge is Power ------------------ Just enter Da Vinci's house to start this. Which dechipers any codexes you have. Climb over the south wall of vines to reach the dock. You can move on the dock to get in range of each. Select your pistol and you have to hold the fire button until the beam is straight. This beam represents accuracy, so if you hold it for a moment and fire you could miss, but so long as you wait for the beam to become whole it is always a hit. Return for completion, your mask, and a design on your cape. Codex Page 14 ------------- This is in the newly-opened southern district, and directly south of Da Vinci's home. Viewpoint 49 ------------ This bell tower is just west of the carnival square. Careful, only the second VP ever to not have the hay directly in front of it. You have to jump north. Viewpoints 50-53 ---------------- With these unlocked, let's get them in order. Northwest - On the Santa Maria Dei Carmini, an incomplete church. One of the shortest VP climbs ever. West - Just a bell tower. South - This is very near the assissin tomb marker, it's the Della Visitazione, a somewhat small church tower climb to the cross. Jump east, may not dive but you'll land in the hay either way. Southeast - A bell tower, climb the corner. Feathers (9) -------- 18. Head to the dance grounds where you shot up that one dude. The feather is on the west side of the north building. 19. West of here is another festive area looking to the south sea. Look up to the west building face for this feather up high. 20. To the west of here still is a ship on the water by the travel station. Climb up the mast and grab it. 21. Just north of the ship is a canal bridge. On the east side, climb up and behind the north building for this one. 22. The highlighted area in the middle of this district is the main festival grounds. East of it and on the boards over the streets is this feather. 23. To the west of these grounds is a canal. Going up the canal, above it, is this feather. 24. Just to the west of this canal is another one. The feather is near the bridge, up above. 25. To the very west of the district, this is over the north side. 26. Come to the north border where the little plateau is in the border on the map. The feather is above the street in the NE corner of this shape. Vistizione's Secret ------------------- This tomb is in the carnival district, at the Santa Maria Della Visitazione. Enter via the button on the west side of where the tower touches the church roof. Jump down into the hay. Kill the guard at the first chance, meaning you'll have to exit the hay and get him in the back, or do it quickly when he's turned to the hay. Then it's a chase of the other guy. Easy to not lock on and just follow the second path, because he will always close a gate, so be ready to turn at all times. This is a much easier chase than before, and yes, he does stop to allow you time to catch up. When he gets friends, just go up the right side of the door, and kill one-two of them in a leaping kill. Then counter kill the two guards, and quickstep behind the armored guy to kill him. Loot all their bodies for munitions. ----- *EASTER EGG: Activate the crank and then look into the water by standing on the edge of the surface so Ezio leans over. Just stay there for a while until you see it appear in a quick scene. Turn the crank again and look into the water and it makes one final appearance. Or search "Octi the giant octopus" on youtube.* This next timed jump puzzle is a beast. The red sliders on the walls let you know time is short. And also, be ready to learn the advanced jump, which means just go up a wall and jump in a direction, such as right for the first one. Also know that there are poles that help unlock the gate, and those are what you are being timed on, hitting all four of those. Your progress at these swinging poles stays, and if you fall early, feel free to re-use the crank to start the timer over. You have enough time to fall off once, so long as you know how to get back up quickly. *NOTE: To swing, press the swing button and up. Just holding the swing button doesn't work.* To start, run up the upward extended rock pillars to the left wall. Run up the wall and jump right to swing, then get to the next rock platform. From here, run up the right wall piece and jump left to swing to the next wall. Then swing to the opposite wall, then swing up and around the statue. At the dead-end, wall jump left. Run around and jump to the pillar in the middle of a rock wall to reach the pole, get over, and quickly hit the fourth lever. Drop down and head in for four chests and the tomb. Then the sewer path to get out. San Marco's Secret ------------------ Now we head back to the previous district to the east for the final tomb at the Palazzo Ducale. It's not inside the locked portion, it's actually on the west side of the roof, where you entered with Antonio earlier. Find that spot in the NW corner of the building and follow the platforms to the top. Then take the roof west and drop down where you see the ladder and the button is on the left wall. Safely drop down to the floor, then up to start the puzzle. Start with the east trial. East Trial - Run to the east wall and up the right side to start on the path. Jump over the wall painting and go right, then left. Look over to the things that point up on top of the archway, and hop over all of them and the middle cross to get over. Climb up to the ledge of the bars, then go left and climb up the rail. Climb up the middle or sides of the organ, then jump to the lever hanging nearby to win. Hop back to the organ to get down. North Trial - Hop the fence and run right to go up the white-ish column and climb up. Jump to the middle wall, then carefully hop the pegs in the wooden thing to the platform. Now jump to the right ledge and shimmy until you see the white pegs on the front and climb them up. Just run the left, up the rings on the wall, jump back to the board, and then to the lever. West Trial - Run left then west, and climb up to the portraits on the wall to get on the structures. Hop west to the ledges and follow this first ledge to reach the boards in the corner, then follow the sticking out boards to the other wall. Up the ring and then climb up the window, hop to the pole, and swing to the lever (hold the direction of the second pole to swing). Jump to the cross thing, and when you fall grasp the bottom of it to get down safely. South Trial - Run straight to the south wall and on either side is a cabinet to climb up, then to a ledge, and then to the stone platform. Then hop to the thin wall and go to the west wall. Follow the path to the second level. Go to the left side of this column and hop over the crosses, you can move on them, and then hop the wall boards on the other walkway to reach the south walkway. Then just up the window to about the mid-way point and jump to hit the lever. With all four completed, jump down the opened hole for three chests and the final seal. Use the wall to exit. Altair's Armor -------------- Before we do so, turn in your one codex to Leonardo. With all six seals, turn them into the chamber below the villa, using the wall in Mario's room, and you will be wearing Altair's armor, a huge boost in functionality and visual appeal. However, since we most likely skipped the Missaglias armor set, getting that set still counts toward 100% completion. So hopefully with all that extra money you can get those pieces, all but one at least which isn't available. And be sure to only buy them in this town, because they equip, and Altair's armor is better. It appears in a wing in your house when you buy the other armor. Same with weapons in you have his sword now. But do buy Altair's Sword from the blacksmith in town. And a quick recap: we have 28/30 codexes, all but one armor piece, should have roughly half of the weapons from the local blacksmith, no feathers, no statues, and a few of the portraits. Now is a good time to inform you of the portraits in the attic of the house, which is reached via your mom's room; two chests in there too. End - Sequence 9 ===== ============ Sequence 9.5 ( SEQ9.5 ) ============ Again, 9 is not finished, we are just now starting the main missions of the carnevale district. To Venice, Dorsoduro station. Then to the mission marker. Damsels in Distress ------------------- He's just nearby, holding another girl captive. Pull out your pistol and shoot him dead. Nun the Wiser ------------- Back to the house for this one. Just follow them to the main square to hear of your challenge to earn the golden mask. You must with four games, three of which appear on the map and one is nearby. Ribbon Round-Up --------------- Just collect 25 ribbons from groups of gals all around the district. To take them, just pickpocket the girls. You can get more than one, so this is quite an easy task. Just run until you find targets on the radar and go after them. And They're Off --------------- This is at the Dorsoduro station, First few are east enough, just go west then NW, and the last six are not bad either. The tricky part is the middle, where you can get crossed up when you must go over a building, then back up to the roofs. Watch for those wires and you can get this one done. CTF --- This mission is to the NW. Capture the flag three times to win. Your base is where you start, his is opposite yours to the west. Both of you seem to gain speed on the other the longer you two are pure running. This game is simple, just drop to the ground, not straight from the top, grab the flag, climb the ladder on the right, and score. If he beats you, which he will often, hopefully you can get him early, but when he climbs is when he slows, so get him on the roofs. Stock up on meds by the final challenger starter. Cheaters Never Prosper ---------------------- This last guy opens after the first three games are won, and he's to the south of the square. Easy, just guard and counter. Grabs are good to punch them unguarded, and also to grab them off the floor to a lockdown. The big guy may not attack, so feel free to just lay into him. The fourth guy attacks, so just counter him to win. For the last challenge, pull out your blades and counter kill these fools. Having a Blast -------------- Back to Teo's house for this one. Locate Dante to the SE and hire any nearby group of hookers. Let him clear this square so you can avoid the nearby singer. Then send the girls after Dante, go up behind him, and pick his pocket. Now go east to the marker. There are three groups of women to use, and all the guards will react to you if you are close to them for too long. Move toward the farthest group of gals and Dante will show up to look for you. Use all three groups of girls to distract guards, and you must hire them as the guards will break up the groups if you don't. Just watch the radar when you move so you aren't caught. Once the doge shows up and after the scene, go right and into the hay cart to hide. Kill the two that patrol this cart one at a time. The second group that circles in the opening in front of the boat take a long patrol. So let them go away, run out, equip your gun, and shoot as the fireworks start to go off. Now the escape, and the poles in this area allow you to get above all, so use them to go west. Then I adivse hiding in the water until they lose you, then use a boat to row west along the canal and make a short walk to the base. Not a big deal to lower notoriety now, so just run to the house. End - Sequence 9.5 ===== =========== Sequence 10 ( SEQ10 ) =========== Now is a good time to go feather hunting. That hammer is a nice reward. But it doesn't matter, you would just be helping yourself get the hammer next district since you can't get it now. It takes all 100 feathers from all districts to get the hammer. But you don't need it for the end of the game, it's just something to think about. I wouldn't, but full disclosure. An Unpleasant Turn of Events ---------------------------- From the Rialto, go to Emilio's old place. You are sent to the far east district to the border. Caged Fighter ------------- Talk to the injured guy on the roof. Just go north to the red zone, and clear your way to the NE roof. Double kill a pair, then quickly get the archer. Directly under is where the guy is screaming, and four guards protect the door. Aerial kill two and then finish off whoever stays. Open the door after. Kill the three, meaning assassinate the ones that don't target you and counter the one that does. Then just navigate the streets, not the rooftops, to take him to the other zone to the south. Kill a group in the streets, then two more at the end. Pass through the door to complete. Leave No Man Behind ------------------- Enter his ruined house for this mission. Approach this building from its south side to climb up to the roof. Aerial kill two at once, then the last. Open the door to get allies. Next group is further east. And the final is NW of there. Only notable thing of the final group is they have a pike enemy, so kill him first, or just open the cage, your call. Viewpoint 54 ------------ To the very SW corner of this district. Just climb its south face. Viewpoints 55-57 ---------------- Six are now revealed. All are listed relative to the center of the district: *NOTE: For the first one, if you really want to, you can wait to get it during the course of a mission up ahead. Up to you.* South - Is just NE of #54. It's a huge bell tower, and you will have to do many leaping climbs no matter which side you go up, including at the top when you see the bells through the bars. Then just climb the N or S side of the steeple to reach the top of the cross. Jump SE to the hay cart. Southeast - You can climb up it's south face, and leap climb near the top; can't get on from directly below the board. East - This one is another tall bell tower, same as the 55th one, and it's over the jail your sprung that guy from. Codex Page 29 ------------- This appears to the south of the 57th VP once you climb it. Just double-kill the front two guards and then anyone left. Viewpoints 58-60 + Glyph 4 -------------------------- Still three more VPs in this district. North - If you check the map and you haven't gotten the last two VPs, you can enter the docks through an open gate on the western wall of the docks, probably still in the fog on your map. The VP is on the wall, so take the western roofs to reach the wall, then follow the path to the point. Northwest - The VP is on the E Paolo, climbable up its west face. Glyph 4 - Near the last VP, this is on the San Marco. Climb to its roof and look at the back of the front face. For the picture game, it's in the RPG, on the one guy's helmet, and then just look over the far end of the front line for something to appear in the smaller window on your scanner (not the line with the horses and I presume generals, the one behind them). And finally the monster on the upper right holds a flame with something in it. West - Very near the border of the Ducale district. A more traditional bell tower climb. Feathers (10) -------- 27. Just near the SE travel station, it's on the side of the buildings facing the highlighted church. 28. From this little island surrounded by canals, you'll find the next feather above the bridge just to the west. More on a building. 29. Now go directly west to Bart's HQ and get this feather above his door. 30. From here, go NE to find this on a canal bridge. 31. From here you can see the next feather to the north, so go get it above the canal bridge near the dock entrance. 32.Go directly east to the canal along the SE edge outside the dock walls. The feather is over the street between the buildings, on the east side of the canal bridge. 33. Get inside the docks and head to the NW corner. This is on some boards between the buildings here. 34. Then get on the north wall and head east to find this feather. 35. Just southwest of the docks, outside the walls, on the north end of the building that looks west. 36. On the south side of a building right behind the Paolo (the east of the two highlighted churches in the NW of the district). Assume the Position ------------------- Back to Bart's house for this mission. The first marker is far to the north, so just walk up the streets with your gang. Send them after the marked enemies, then kill the big guys first. Stand on the marker after. Next marker is to the SE, mostly east. You can take out at least one with an aerial assassination if you do it fast. Next pair are NE of here, and the only trouble is getting you guys there as I ran into two groups of enemies before the marker. The pair you must kill can easily be killed with a double kill from the air. Two Birds, One Blade -------------------- Back to Bart's to pick up the assassination mission. This is a VP, and it requires a few leaps. After you hit the marker to fire the signal, leap in Bart's direction to land in the canal, then go near him. Now kill two armored guards while they are aggroed and that's it. Run north to fight in front of the docks. The big guy is the main target, Dante. You can't assassinate him, so just whip our your Altair's Blade (you bought it right?) and start fighting. No counter kills, just quick step and attack. Now you must chase and kill both Dante and Silvio. You have like five minutes, but easy to do this in less than one. Follow them and their paths will be occupied with lines of guards. One key point is the first line, which they can break up themselves, and for some reason they pause, leaving a good spot to try for a double-kill. If not, just take them out one at a time. To get through the guard lines, just climb to any ledge and leap beyond them, even if you just leap along the wall. I imagine both are extremely easy to kill once you reach the ship. End - Sequence 10 ===== =========== Sequence 11 ( SEQ11 ) =========== Walk with Leonardo to the front of the Palazzo Ducale. If you want to take this time to do the race here, feel free; doesn't matter. If you are coming straight off the last sequence, now is a good time to hit the villa for collection money. You can also get all pouches, all armor, and all but one weapon from the vendors; remember to re-equip the better options if you buy inferior ones. NOW is the time to go feather hunting if you want that hammer to have any impact on the main story. It's not needed and has limited uses, but if you want to get it now, feel free. I'm not forcing you and I personally would not go feather hunting this late in the game. Then back to Venice, the new district to the north; point Cannaregio in your fast travel options. Viewpoint 61 ------------ Yep, let's hit the stuff up in the final district before we advance the story. This one is in the eastern part, another tall bell tower with a leap near the top. Codex Page 30 ------------- Just west of the 61st VP. It's same as the others. Double kill two to start and mop up to collect. Viewpoints 62-66 ---------------- The final five, listed relative to the middle of the district: Southeast - Just a simple climb up a bell tower. South - You can almost touch this one, just west across the canal from the first one. West - Up the San Giobbe bell tower. The jump is west. Northwest - Just a simple bell tower looking to the sea. North - Final one is a tall tower with many climbing leaps to get it. Feathers (9) -------- 37. In the very SE of this district, it's in between rooftops. 38. Hit the SE canal bridge of the district. This one is north just over the water. 39. This one is just to the west of this bridge and on the face of a building. 40. Locate the northern church on the map. This feather is south of it, above an alley. 41. This feather is NE of the same church, overlooking the sea. 42. Just follow the northern edge of the city and you'll hit this one on a balcony overlooking the sea; almost in the direct north of this district. 43. In the west of this district is a series of three lines of buildinges. The feather is on the east side of these, over the streets. 44. Find the canal bridge on the west side of this district, the one that points east, and the feather is about it. 45. Last one, almost in the middle of the district, near where you met the beat up lady. It's on a suspender. All Things Come to He Who Waits ------------------------------- Remember, to enter the docks it's the SW corner, then up the roof and over to the marker on the wall. Follow the target west, and then over the canal to the new district. Soon after crossing into the district, he will go by a line of guards, and you must quickly go north, up the wall, to the roof, and maintain distance when you reconnect with him back on the ground. He'll then cross another canal and you can use the path up to the roofs, or try to follow him on the ground. But after he uses a leaping path just get close after he goes by the line of guards and the following is over. Now you must get in there. The roof entry is possible, but takes a bit more effort and execution to pull off. The best way I found is this: Hire the nearby hookers to distract the line of guards Just run in and get the first guard that goes right, and while he's by the hay Let the third guard behind the water container go away Leap up the half-wall on the left And from here assassinate the target from the air Play Along ---------- Just pick up the chest after you are in guard armor. Stay on his ass if you want, just don't get in front of him. To fight Rodrigo, pull out your sword and you have two options: either just hold deflect and attack after he misses, or quickstep behind him as he attacks to get him in the back. Then he brings up friends. Get your blades and counter kill the little ones. This leaves Rodrigo and the pike guy. The pike guy is easy, just grab and kill while holding. Ignore Rodrigo during this phase. Then you get friends. Feel free to kill a few goons with assassinations on approach to Rodrigo. It's round 2 with Rodrigo, so same tactics as before, or mix it up. Clown assassin pile up in the pile of hay! End - Sequence 11 ===== ============ No 12 or 13? Nope, they were "rushed" over by your pals, so these two are missing and not in this game. ============ =========== Sequence 14 ( SEQ14 ) =========== Now I assume you found all 30, I've covered every one over the course of the walkthrough. So all you have to do is talk with Leonardo right here at the villa. Be sure to grab your coin from the chest. I assume not having them all will require you to go out hunting for them. So just hit up each city, open the map, and if all viewpoints are found then all pages will be on the maps. You can filter the legend to show only these since that is all you want. Bring them to the villa for Leonardo to translate. Go to the codex wall and insert your last two. X Marks the Spot ---------------- Once you have all 30, speak with Mario. Use eagle vision and if you haven't arranged them yet, they are meant to resemble a map of the world; if you have never seen a map of the world, I'm not helping you there. The only tricky ones are the eastern coast of America, all of Europe, and Russia (pretty much all of the nothern hemisphere except Canada...) and the game will exit you from the puzzle when you have it all in order. Feel fre to rotate ones you aren't sure about. Now insert the Apple into the pedestal in front of the map. ----- Clearly if you have any business to attend to, feel free to do so now. But you can also do them later if you want. I mean upgrades, purchases, that kind of stuff. *NOTE: I took this time to find the glyphs, which are not an essential part of the game, but now you can get them all. And all of them are marked in your database under "Locations", the ones with eyes in the corner have glyphs. But if you want to see the end of the game more, the glyphs take a long time to hunt down, even just a few.* *NOTE: If you didn't get the 8 statues in this villa before, you can do so now. You can use that section in this guide or just turn on eagle vision and try to find them yourself; they are easy to find.* When ready, talk with Mario in his room. In Bocca Al Lupo ---------------- Nope, don't get excited and think this is a brand new city. You are just in a portion of Rome and can't leave, so stick to the mission. This mission is a mega display of everything you've done in this game thus far. Go up the left wall, then use the boards to get on the platform and then onto the wall ledges. From there, jump to the board holding up the platform, then go up and left. Leap up from here, then get up near the top. You can't move along the top of this rail wall, but you can from the lower ledge line. Use it to take out both guys that look out from the railing. Then either leap from the rail to the pike guy, or run up behind him, or kill the first one and then just toss the pike guy off the tower. Pull the lever on the wall, then let the two beyond the gate turn away from you so you can run up behind them both, squeeze between them, and instantly take out both with a double-hidden blade kill. Then run up the wall and pull down the other. Pull the lever here and then same thing in the next area, only you have to try for the double kill and then engage in combat with the three left. Same as I always say, just counter kill them all with your blades. Then get on the marker. Now you use a horse to advance along the wall, but you don't have to kill all the guards in your way, so just use your high profile, slow, and slash at enemies when you see a line form or they will knock you down. Doesn't matter if you do, just get on your steed again and try to advance while slashing away. When you reach the locked gate, dismount and kill anyone near. Go up the tower, leap to get up, pull down one archer, then kill the other. Jump into the hay and get on top of the roof of a nearby shack to double kill two guards. Then just run up and double kill the two down the way. Up the next tower, another leap up the wall, kill this archer. Leap to the hay when the patrol goes away, kill the guard near, run up to the next hay pile, and kill this pike guy as the patrol isn't looking. Then just run up to the pats and double kill, or at least target the back one first in case you don't get both and this way you can try to get both individually. Up the tower pull down the first, then double kill the pair. Air kill the guard below and then kill the other from behind. From this tower you can see a group of four pats below, as well as a pair near the tower. It's hard to aerial kill the pair and then hide over the side wall to the right without being seen by the pats, but you have to leave when the pats are far away from the pair. Hanging over the wall, you objective is to sneak to the roof, and if not aerial kill some of the group, then maybe sneak to the lever. But most likely you'll have to fight them and some more. One good move is to retreat to the roof of the shack anyway to thin out the little guys, the big guys lose sight of you, aerial kill them, and then toss the pike guys around and kill them on the ground. Pull the lever up on the wall. ----- The action sequence is over, now to the stealth part. The first two are easy to kill. You can ignore the left guard and just kill the other one if you want, then pull the lever. The thing to note is the monks scatter if they see you kill someone, but if they don't then you have nothing to worry about. In the next part you have the first one on the left that can be killed easily. The patrolling guard needs to be poisoned on the left side of the dividing wall. Just stand way back as he goes into his rage of death. Let the pair by the lever re-establish their original positions, then creep behind the wall, come up behind them both, get in between, and double kill. Pull the lever. Follow the boardway along the right wall to the platform over the Pope and take him out. Well, not exactly. Your pals are just distractions. I say don't even use the deflect button, just be ready to quickstep behind him as he attacks and get in your sword slashes for good damge, and hopefully your pals help out. After, go eagle vision to push both buttons on the side of the front wall. Then drop in and enter. This is simple if you want it to be. You can grab, toss him into the wall, kick him while he's down, and grab him to repeat the process until he is down. That or quicksteps for clean punches, but it's the freaking Pope! Fight dirty! Mash the button to finish him. Then just go on in. There goes the fourth wall... Follow Lucy and get ready to counter kill everyone. End - Sequence 14 ===== No Abstergo lab running around in this game, you're just in a "portable" animus as the van goes north, so feel free to jump in, replay missions using the DNA menu, and find all the extra stuff. ***************************************************************************** * 5. Extra Stuff ( EXTRA55 ) * ***************************************************************************** I think most of it's in order and correct. Will adjust later. Treasures are not and will not be covered. You can buy in-game map markers for those from art vendors, so it would be a waste for me to cover all 330 when you can earn probably as much money just sitting there letting your near 100% villa income build up. Also, only a few assassination contracts. Once I saw how long the ones in Gimignano were taking I decided to skip the rest. ======== Florence ( SIDE111 ) ======== Beat Up Events A Woman Scorned --------------- The woman near your home wants you to go south a bit and beat up a guy in the courtyard; sorta a training with using eagle vision to locate targets. Equip your fists, this is not an assassination. Just grab him, toss him to the corner so he can't escape, and beat him up. Courier Assignments Casanova -------- This guy is just outside your home. The southern girl is easy enough to reach following the roofs, but you must kill the two guards flanking her before you can hand over the letter, then open the chest before going north. Just head toward the station along the roofs, and drop down to the target. Races Florentine Sprint ----------------- East of your home, on the side of the familiar square. At the start, just go west. When near the wire, just go to the start of it at your roof to ensure you get on. Get to the church, then over to the next building just jump west to the hay below. Then just hit the last marker to win. About 25 extra seconds, so just take your time to locate markers you can't see, and use the radar. San Marco Scuttle ----------------- This one is on the east side of town, in the grass. The start is the hardest part, as you can end easily with 20 seconds. Just don't crash in the streets, and follow the wooden boards, and after that it's pure rooftops, ending at San Lorenzo. *FEATHER: Make note, finishing this race grabs the San Lorenzo feather, so write that down now.* ============= San Gimignano ============= Beat Up Event Spear of Infidelity ------------------- She is on the south side of town. He is on the east wall, above the herald in the market. Beat him up, not kill. Courier Assignments Wedding Bells are Ringing ------------------------- He is not far from the south side of town. By far one of the easiest. Just run NE until buildings are in your way, then climb over and drop the letter with the dude by the church. Speedy Delivery --------------- 2nd mission from same source. Three letters in total, all outside town, and you are close to south gate. For all of them, ride in and hop off in front of the targets. Run to the gate and get a horse to go SE. Then NE of that spot, and then all the way north. A simple mission, with like 30+ seconds extra. Race San Gimignano Dash ------------------ Find him on a watchtower on the north end of town. You head southwest to start. The only thing of note is that the 12th mark may lead you into a hay pile, so watch where you aim your jump. And the last 5 or so can be grabbed in 20 seconds, so don't give up. ======= Romagna ======= Courier Assignment The Messenger's Burden ---------------------- The farmer is east of the NE side of town, just outside the walls. If full on health, or over half, just run to the city walls east of here and jump off the side, or maybe drop down slowly if you want. Then just dash to the target. When delivered, just flee to collect the reward. Beat Up Events Wanton Hubby ------------ He's to the NW of town, behind a long building. He has two buddies, but you can't kill them either. Just go fists and either counter or grab guys and toss them away. The husband here requires a lot of punches, so just keep at it, may take a while. You can get away with killing one of the goons if you really want to. Promiscuity Knocks ------------------ This one appears after the first event, a woman in Forli needs help with her rat. He is in the open, and attacking him could draw two groups of guards, which you will have to ignore. Another option is to let the husband run away, and catch him alone. Race Romagna Hustle -------------- Guy is in the northern slum, on the NW side, just beyond the town. This race can be done on foot without horses, but you can use one to start only if you have one following you, otherwise just run. And when you jump out of town, use the horse you land next to to finish with a minute plus on the clock. Just follow the points into town, then follow the roofs to the church. At the end, jump into the water and fast swim to the nearby dock. Head west and at the board sticking out leap into the hay below. Head into the castle, to the wall, on the tower, and then leap NW to the hay cart. From here just use the horse to finish, getting off with two to go. Horseplay --------- Appears to the south of town after the first race, and this one has extra motivation! Few things to keep in mind. If you horse does dumb things, such as stopping cold, just back up, turn and go around wherever you just got caught. You can run over like two people and then your horse has a strong chance of crashing. The start is tricky because you are at odd angles to the fences, so take the beginning slow. Then you follow the city walls to the northern slum, then NW, and then south. The final stretch is not flat, but is fairly easy. ====== Venice ====== Race Venetian Rush ------------- This guy is in front of the Palazzo Ducale in the 2nd district after you complete the carnevale missions. You start south, cut through the corner of the restricted area, and then east. Hit the wall of the building and go up to the platforms, then along the roofs. For the 8th one, drop down from the roofs and get on the wall in the streets, and follow it to the one after. Then follow the wooden boards and walkways all the way down the street, and just take this a little slow, it's too easy to jump wrong on any of these jumps. When you cross the canal, climb the jail building, then resume the narrow board path. From here it's just a lot of anticipation. Easy to get crossed up, miss the correct path, but not hard to recover. The home stretch of about eight markers is not hard with at least 30 seconds on the clock. For the last two, just jump to the ground and run. Courier Assignment The Perfect Marriage -------------------- Appears after you beat the game, or at least the last district's missions. You just go to the roof of the designated area, hunt down the fleeing guard, kill him, loot his body, and return. Not wise to knock this guy into water I guess. Beat Up Event Philanderer on the Roof ----------------------- Same appearance as guy above. Just go north to the roof, don't kill him, just counter all his punches, and that's it. ====== Glyphs ( GLYPH22 ) ====== These first four are found while playing the game, so they are a little out of order to assume you picked them up while playing. Also, I think the games and what is revealed appear in the order you unlock them, not with which ones you unlock and when. So basically the ones I numbered and how I numbered them could have nothing to do with the puzzles and solutions that are given. Viewpoint Glyphs ---------------- 1. In a viewpoint in San Gimignano. This one is toward the middle, the glyph is on the north top of the tower. Solution: Pick the five pics with fruit 2. In the abbey of the Tuscany map. On the tower on the church. Solution: An easy slider puzzle 3. In District 2 you will find this viewpoint west of the Palazzo Ducale, the glyph is in the bell tower. Solution: Use infared to find orbs 4. In the corner of District 4, you'll find this on the back of the San Marco church. Solution: RGP, helmet, back of the second line of men (above their guns), and the monster in the upper right corner holds it Florence -------- 5. On the bottom of the tower of the San Lorenzo to the north of the city. Solution: Perseus, Arthur, Joan, Alexander, Sigmund John, Peter, Shabataka, Alexander, Moses 6. On the northeast roof of the Mercato Vecchio, the market area in the west. Solution: I would offer help here, but my failure showed me that they change how the rings affect other rings. The trick is to work outside in. So always start with the outer ring and go from there. 7. On the northern side of the roof of the Santa Croce in the southeast corner of the city. Solution: Pick the ones with red, but not the exorcism one Scan the right side of Jesus 8. On the eastern side of the roof of the Ospedale Degli Innocenti on the northeast side of the city. Solution: The middle of the staff Middle of the sword Burn Joan, then put the creepy guy on the other pic 9. On the southern top of the La Rosa Colta brothel. Solution: In the guy's coat pocket His heart Try to open the file Now the clue is in the middle, 6=1, so align the top wheel being the first number to the lower wheel number. Then enter the red wheel number that is over the gray number into the fields. Tuscany ------- 10. On the east side of the outer ring of the Antico Teatro Romano, the ruins to the SW of town. Solution: scan the space to the left Then it's another outside in puzzle, but the inner rings may affect the outer ones. When that's the case, just find out which outside rings you can move with the inner ones, and hopefully the inner rings don't affect more than one. Now scan the shadow of the flag 11. On the ground of the Santa Maria Assunta, within San Gimignano. This is in the NW corner of the inner courtyard on the west side of the whole structure. Solution: Turn on all the lights On the pic, several quotes in the air, then scan the top of the roof, in the middle, for the inner pic. Go infared, a few things in the coil and eletricity, and then scan the dude's hands. 12. The Torri Dei Salvucci is the collection of towers in the city. The image is on the western towers, at their base. Solution: The key is in the left picture, 4=1, so enter the desired red numbers. Now turn off the ligths and quickly read the lines that appear before they vanish. Then just scan the light. This code is simple, 1=dot, 3= a slash. Put it's not as simple as connecting them together, you must connect the pictures to make the right order for cracking the code. The car has 2, and the Jew newspaper article has a ||oo symbol. So align the 2 with that symbol, then enter the numbers, the 3 and the 9 should be missing, but they go in the same counting system order. Villa ----- 13. Directly on the SW face of the front of your house. Solution: The number system is not so clear, but the pics have a 9 and a triangle highlighted, so line those up. And then it's easier to fill in the missing numbers with whatever comes next on the scrolling entry pad. Push the button, then just scan until you find the number. *NOTE: I believe it's a number system where like the previous progress is added to the next number, or something like that. A +1 system maybe? I'm sure someone knows, but it matters little to be honest - it's just one portion of a puzzle.* Romanga ------- 14. On the inner, west wall of the courtyard of the Abbazio Di San Mercuriale, the church in the middle of Forli. Solution: all the pics of love-making with something, including Hero and Leander. 15. On the east wall of the lighthouse of the Avamposto Veneziano, the port to Venice. Go to the lighthouse in the back, climb to the first ledge line, and then go right to scan the symbol. Solution: This is a very tough slider puzzle. What I recommend is writing down how the rings affect each other. If one ring only moves inself, that is the ring you want to focus on. Try to get all the others in place and hopefully you can move the one ring so when that turning its connected ring right into the last place. I wish I was positive these puzzles didn't change, but since I'm not I can't give anymore specific advice. Then just uncover the assassins Venice ------ 16. Under the Ponte Di Rialto, the big wooden bridge connecting the 1st and 2nd districts. On the east side of it. Solution: Not sure what happened, but I had the Tung-something in the middle of the map and the staff came up. 17. On the north roof of the thieves guild building, the one on the west of the 1st district, where you first picked up Antonio missions. Solution: The symbols are on a corner system. So the < = 1 because there is one corner on it. Put the two empty slots over two of the wanted numbers, and from there just fill in the red symbols using the counting system and finding the missing symbols in the scrolling selections. I don't know if there are any tips in the pictures, but I do know this is a code puzzle where you assume the solution just based on how you are to solve it and the fact that recent puzzles left out two of the desired symbols. The last one similar to this had the order of the symbols in the scrolling selections, but this one included a ton of unnecessary symbols to prevent this. Anyway, on the picture, find the assassin symbol in the upper right corner of the house. 18. On the eastern roof of the San Pietro Di Castello, which is in the very SE corner of the city. Solution: The lower right pic has a 5 and what I will call a "tree" in it, so align the 5 and the single tree on the wheel. One number should be solved, but two others not. The trick here is to figure out how the numbers on the left pic figure into this. Mine had: "tree" + 2 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 4. 1 is the first number, then you add 2 to make 3, then 6 for 9, then 2 for 11, and so on which is the order they are in the rotating wheel. So really, the empty spots on the rotating wheel can be filled in with numbers in the equation, and then just add that number to the number before it. Then just use the "tree" = 1 and < = 10 counting system to slot in the numbers needed. The size of the trees does not matter at all, they are just arranged differently. Then touch all the hamburger things; I forget their names. and too exhausted from this puzzle to care.... 19. Head to the Palazzo Ducale, and to the north of it is the Torre Dell' Orologio. On top of it is this glyph on a platform. Solution: Find the pics with the circles, the sun, or sun-like objects; missed their names, sorry. On the sun pic, my apple was in the lower middle, but feel free to read the quotes inside the sun. 20. On the roof on the San Giacomo, which is a small church on the left side of the Rialto bridge. Solution: For me, this one had two rings with no connections, and the other 3 were connected to each other in some pairings, like 1 has 3, 3 has 5, and 5 has 1, forming a neat triangle of sorts in which ring has which. First, take the two single rings and align them. Now it's a matter of not moving the three rings in question in 180 degree rotations, you instead want to move them by 30 degrees, which is one click over. You can do this over and over, and eventually it works, I'm not sure how exactly. Then ID the eye. I believe any 3 symbols opens this final code, and if not then man oh man did I get lucky. Then use the apple to transform the monkey bones ----- And then the whole vid plays with all the missing bits in place. ========== Statuettes ( STAT333 ) ========== There are eight statues hidden in the Villa, Monteriggioni. The easiest way to find these is with Eagle Vision on. #1. Mars - Just outside your mansion, on the west wall of a building; it faces the practice ring. This is in the NW corner of town if you are using the map. #2. Pluto - Directly opposite, on an east building wall outside your mansion. Both are facing the practice ring. #3. Jupiter - Almost in the direct SE corner of the town, on the side of a roof within the walls, the church. #4. Neptune - Just NW of the church, on the ground, you'll find this on a wall behind a tree. #5. Minerva - Just west of this same church on the south corner of a roof. #6. Diana - Take the roof in front of the entrance gate, and go over it find this statue over the other side of the wall. #7. Apollo - On an upper wall on the west side of town, visible from the roofs in the middle of town. #8. Venus - On the other side of the most NW building in town, basically just behind the first statue we found. ----- Once you have all eight, place them in the pedestals at the back of your mansion for 2000f a pop. ======== Feathers ( FEAT444 ) ======== Rewards: 50 - War hammer 100 - Auditore cape Quick tips: *Turn on eagle vision *These are tracked in the DNA menu *You can hear them when close *They are not treasures for treasure maps *They do increase income for your villa *Before you leave a zone, confirm in the DNA you have all the feathers *Most of these calls should be tagged using your map marker, not reading them as you play Florence (27) -------- D1. San Gionvanni (9) 1. On the west face of Leonardo's workshop. 2. On a floating platform supsender just west of your home. 3. Rough description with four in this area, but in the SW corner of the district, this is on a suspender too. Not in the very corner, but as you approach you should see it. 4. From #3, go directly south, and you should see this in the corner of a roof, in a window, under a VP tower, and overlooking the canal. It's not on the top roof is what I'm saying. 5. Open your map, look at the highlighted church to the south, and between that church and the bridge to the south is the feather on a roof. 6. That bridge to the south is the bridge the fight at the start of the game took place. Go to its east side, hop down a bit, and you'll see the feather on a wire. 7. You can from #6 follow the edge of the city east and find this on the side of a nearby building, the outside wall of the line of buildings in the SE corner of the district. 8. On the side of the big building on the east of the district. 9. Basically you climb to the first roof of the Santa Maria, the big church in the NE corner of the district, and then climb up the WEST face and you'll get to the top. The boxes with holes in them, you need to be hanging to move sideways on them. D2. San Marco (9) 10. Open the map and look for the very SW corner of the TOP half of this district, which is north of the Santa Maria church, and grab this feather on the south face of a building in the little box. 11. If you follow the roofs directly north from the Santa Maria dome, you'll find this on the top of a series of ruined rooftops. 12. Head to the very north gate of the city. And you can see this from the previous feather. It's on a board sticking out of the east face of a building in front of this gate. 13. Hardest one yet. Go to the big building in the NE of this district and you'll see this over the outside doorway on the outer walls of this building. To get this, jump up the window and shimmy left to the little support thing. From here, jump directly left parallel to the door to grab this mid-jump. 14. Just north of the highlighted orphanage on your map in the SE corner of this district, you'll find this on a ruined rooftop. 15. You could look south from the last feather to see this on the side of the orphanage. 16. On the side of a ruined roof, the last building in the SE corner of the map. 17. Head to the bridge leading out the south of this district, and stop at the tailor shop. The feather is up the wall. 18. Visible from the prison tower building in district 1, this is on a suspender just east of it. D3. Santa Maria Novella (9) 19. San Lorenzo rooftop, the NE big building of this district. You got this if you finished the races in this city. 20. Head for the corner of the city wall just NW of the San Lorenzo. The feather can be seen on the side without eagle vision. 21. Follow the city wall SE and you'll see this feather on the side, above some grass. From the second board leading up to it, do a wall jump, and you can reach the third, it's not out of reach. 22. Head back to the San Lorenzo, and SE of it is this feather on a connector above the streets. 23. Head to the Mercato Vecchio, the market thing, and over the north side of the buildings that box around the market, you'll find this over the side where some pigeons occupy. 24. In the middle of the market. 25. On the south face of the Santa Maria Novella, building on the map. Hope you know how to drop down and grasp to not die. 26. Look to the SE corner of this district, and find the alley with two slanted U-shaped series of buildings. The feather is over the side of the lower building. If you have not done the assassination contract here, or see the pigeon coop, the feather is over the NE corner from there. 27. In the very SE corner of this district's border. Just drop down from the side of the roof to get it. Monteriggioni (4) ------------- This is the region with your villa. 1. Roof of the building SW from the practice ring. 2. Above the entrance to the town, use the side walls to get up there. 3. On the roof of the country house to the NE of town, outside the walls. 4. On the house west, outside town. Tuscany (11) ------- This is the region with San Gimignano. In San Gimignano (8) 1. Over the south gate; use the little holes on the wall to get up. 2. Approach the tower NW of the south gate, and go up it from the north side. Swing to the east face to drop down to the feather. Maybe you can side jump from a nearby roof. 3. Head to the market area NE of the south gate, and this is in a similar spot to the first feather, just on the city wall. 4. Head to the tower on the W side of town, and it's in the same spot as feather number 2. Just side from from the north roof to this feather. 5. See the marked church on your map? North of it is a line of buildings. Go there and this is up the tower. Leap jumps for the win. 6. Same line of buildings, you can see this feather on the east tower from the last feather tower. You can climb up the north face, get on the wire, and leap jump up the east face to reach this feather with ease. 7. Find the NW area of this town, and up the tower is a feather up the north side. Easy to reach with leaps. 8. Find the tower on the NE side of town. This feather is on the north face, but just climb the east face to the top and drop down, grasping to not die. Outside San Gimignano (3) 9. To the N of town, this is on the roof of a church. It's not the direct north villa, or the very NE fort, but do go NE out of town to find it. 10. Now go all the way to the SE corner of the map to the abbey. You can see it on the SW corner, and you can climb right to it. 11. Head to the ruins SW of Gimig, and it's on a back pillar, reached via the smaller pillar. Romanga (12) ------- This is the region with Forli. In Forli 1. Through the south gate, go NW and up the building to get this one. 2. From the south gate, follow the rooftops NE until you see a wire that extends from the roofs to the city wall. The feather is right there. 3. From #2, go directly west and you can hang over a wooden platform connected to a roof, and the feather is below it. 4. From #3, follow the rooftops and wires to the city wall tower. 5. From #4, you can look east to see this between buildings. 6. From #5, you can look east again to see this on the south side of the church. 7. Open the map and find the northern most, horizontal, line of buildings in town. The feather is just on the roof. 8. Go east from the last feather to the city wall. A wire leads you right to it on the wall. Outside Forli 9. Go SE out the north exit of town, and you find this on the back of the lighthouse here. Just jump from the door over. 10. Look on the map for the very south tip of the docks in the NE. The feather is on the end of these docks, over some poles in the beach. 11. Hit the church in the NW of the map, and it's behind it. 12. Go to the courtyard of the docks in the NE of the map, and this is up the north wall of the bigger building. Venice (46) ------ D1. San Polo (9) 1. Hit the Rialto bridge, it's on the top flag to the north, on the west side. 2. Head to the little market area just west of this bridge, and the feather is up the wall to the east. 3. From #2, follow the roofs west and at the canal, look down south and hop down to it sticking out of a wall. 4. In front of Emilio's house, there is a canal. Wherever you want, follow this canal west and the feather is along the way, nearer to where it spills into the sea. 5. SE of the travel station on the NW side of town, up above on wooden boards and between the two buildings at the mouth of a canal. 6. Head to the thieves guild building on the west side of town. The feather is over the sea behind it. 7. To the SE of the guild HQ, this is on a low-hanging board over the streets. 8. From the HQ, follow the border of the district and there is a flat part that is aligned with a canal. Over the bridge here is a feather. This is SW of the highlighted building on your map. 9. Directly south of that same marked church, you'll find this feather over yet another canal bridge. D2. San Marco (9) The Palazzo Ducale District 10. Head to this district from the SE corner of D1. This is just above the big canal, near the little dock (that's a bad word for a typo). 11. See the little highlighted church on the west of this district? This is on the east side of the buildings north of the church. 12. Directly east of that same church, this is on the outer buildings surrounding the Ducale complex; it's on a balcony over the canal. 12. There is a SW corner of this complex that sticks into it. Basically from the rooftop south of the VP here, you can find this just over the corner. 13. Head to the same NE corner of the Palazzo Ducale that you used for Antonio and used to enter the assassin tomb. The feather is over the suspender in this corner. 14. Hits the roofs directly north of this feather and you'll find this one the wall over the canal. 15. North of the complex, you'll see a blacksmith. Climb to his roor, and this is over the corner. 16. Along the west of the UPPER portion of this district is a canal going north. Toward the corner of this district you'll find the feather along the canal, down by the water. 17. In the very north of this district, you'll find this feather in the middle of some buildings, above the streets, almost in an alley. D3. Dorsoduro (9) The Carnevale District to the south 18. Head to the dance grounds where you shot up that one dude. The feather is on the west side of the north building. 19. West of here is another festive area looking to the south sea. Look up to the west building face for this feather up high. 20. To the west of here still is a ship on the water by the travel station. Climb up the mast and grab it. 21. Just north of the ship is a canal bridge. On the east side, climb up and behind the north building for this one. 22. The highlighted area in the middle of this district is the main festival grounds. East of it and on the boards over the streets is this feather. 23. To the west of these grounds is a canal. Going up the canal, above it, is this feather. 24. Just to the west of this canal is another one. The feather is near the bridge, up above. 25. To the very west of the district, this is over the north side. 26. Come to the north border where the little plateau is in the border on the map. The feather is above the street in the NE corner of this shape. D4. Castello (10) The Docks District, may be quicker to travel to villa, get money, and come back to here. 27. Just near the SE travel station, it's on the side of the buildings facing the highlighted church. 28. From this little island surrounded by canals, you'll find the next feather above the bridge just to the west. More on a building. 29. Now go directly west to Bart's HQ and get this feather above his door. 30. From here, go NE to find this on a canal bridge. 31. From here you can see the next feather to the north, so go get it above the canal bridge near the dock entrance. 32.Go directly east to the canal along the SE edge outside the dock walls. The feather is over the street between the buildings, on the east side of the canal bridge. 33. Get inside the docks and head to the NW corner. This is on some boards between the buildings here. 34. Then get on the north wall and head east to find this feather. 35. Just southwest of the docks, outside the walls, on the north end of the building that looks west. 36. On the south side of a building right behind the Paolo (the east of the two highlighted churches in the NW of the district). D5. Cannaregio (9) 37. In the very SE of this district, it's in between rooftops. 38. Hit the SE canal bridge of the district. This one is north just over the water. 39. This one is just to the west of this bridge and on the face of a building. 40. Locate the northern church on the map. This feather is south of it, above an alley. 41. This feather is NE of the same church, overlooking the sea. 42. Just follow the northern edge of the city and you'll hit this one on a balcony overlooking the sea; almost in the direct north of this district. 43. In the west of this district is a series of three lines of buildinges. The feather is on the east side of these, over the streets. 44. Find the canal bridge on the west side of this district, the one that points east, and the feather is about it. 45. Last one, almost in the middle of the district, near where you met the beat up lady. It's on a suspender. ----- Now return to your mom's box in her room for the cape and hammer. ========= Questions *SPOILERS* ( QUEST55 ) ========= Major spoilers here, so read only after you beat the game. These are not questions from you or to you, these are just questions to ponder over concerning the plot. I may try to provide possible answers later. Maybe collaborate with some of you on these. One note, there was a ton of info in the emails of the previous game. One of note is the infamous "conference room email" which now seems much clearer. I got the text on my site: www.thechaosuniverse.com/assassin'screedconferenceroomemail But that is just a small part of the puzzle, a lot more is in the other emails. Most of which you can find entries about on the AC wikia online. Q: How much of the events and "hidden" images in old art in this game are based on reality? A:It seems like there is a 50/50 spread of what the devs made up and what could be a real connection to something. Q: Where the "gods" come from? Were they on earth or did they come here? A: She only mentions bebuilding, never saying it was on earth they came from or that was rebuilt. Possible alien meaning to this. We have the dinosaurs, Bible, common sense (aka science), and what she said to digest on this one. Q: How did they get into a losing war with humans, they creations and slaves? Were humans physically stronger than their master? A: Possibly they were a physically weak culture that relied on technology, and somehow wanted other living creatures to also work for them. You saw how Adam and Eve moved and ran, better than Ezio and Altair could, so I would say they were very powerful. Maybe enough to overwhelm their creators alone. Q: What was the "fire"? Was it a shifting of the continents in a way like in movie 2012, was it something on another planet or moon, or was it just some kind or blast from the sun to earth? Asteroid impact that killed the dinos? A: It's just puzzling they could be crippled by whatever it was, and still survived to apparently resume normal operations. Q: Are all religions just an attempt to hide the truth? And/or where do the Templars come into play with religions? A: It's apparent the Templars use religions for their own means, but where do the true creators and the supposed "myths" of religions intersect? This question is probably where the story-makers have taken liberties. Q: How did Minerva know to address Desmond? A: I would understand if Desmond was using the Apple to use the Animus, which he may be, but if not then it makes little sense she can address him through Ezio's memory. Q: Are there others like Ezio, Altair, Desmond, ect. with eagle vision, ability to climb like they do, and the ability to confront the pieces of Eden? A: There must be with "they" wanting to ensure their satellite thing works through these gifted people. Then the question becomes, why is Desmond so special? Q: Are Lucy and/or others Templars? A: No story is complete without at least one betrayal against the good guys, so it would make sense from that point. But it's also possible this is some big play on Desmond to get him to reveal everything. You saw how easy it was for Lucy to get Desmond out, and then how little it seemed Vidic really wanted to capture Desmond; a dozen guys with plastic lightsabers in a U-Haul. Q: In "The Truth" video, how is the video taken, and what catches them at the end? A: Of course one of those things that would take too much to write around, but it could be a valid Q. Of course it's probably a snake-like thing that catches them or something, or maybe it is a meteor striking earth? Q: Where does 2012 come into play? Are we saving the earth from the sun or the Templars? A: I believe the game is set in 2012, and the "theories" in blood at the end of the first game pointed to this year as well. The question is why would the Templars not be trying to stop this? They seem to want more to deploy some global control device than stop whatever is coming, unless that is what the date warns of. Q: Are all the creators dead? A: Most likely, but I would guess 1 is behind all of this. Q: Did you know there is a squid in the game? A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wQ98DUPAyY (apparently youtube is case sensitive) But if you still can't see it in the future, just search "Easter egg" in this guide. It's in an assassin's tomb, so that's why I don't point it out in this spot. End - *SPOILERS!* ***************************************************************************** * 6. Author Info / Copyright * ***************************************************************************** ------- FAQ's These are from you guys. Q: How do I reach the person on the tower during the flashback? A: Jump up. Yep, I didn't know either until I just did it by accident I think. Q: How do I get Altair's Armor? A: Covered in the guide, because it's hardly a side quest. Just visit all the assassin symbol "A"s on the map. There are 2 in the major cities and 1 in each of the smaller cities; one in Florence you basically have to get during the story. They aren't hard to find, just a little difficult to navigate. Even then they are pure linear. ----- ---------- My Motivation I write these guides to help gamers avoid the dumb mistakes I made. That's really all it is about. I'm not trying to give 100% detail about the game, help you up your leaderboard rankings, help you pwn noobs so you can lol, or hold your hand as you play. My guides are really meant for single-player games only, with the multiplayer ignored, and you are supposed to read it as you play. I also cringe at most extra stuff, like achievements or challenge modes or insane "play the same segment 10 times to move on" hard modes. These things are just pure "filler" that are so easy for the devs to make and so many of you suckers fall for thinking these things are legit gaming experiences... ugh. They are just time-wasters, but I do try to cover some of them. I hope you can learn to find things in this guide if you must (ctrl + F) and hopefully the table of contents points you where you need to go. If you jump into the guide not from the start, it's on you if you are off my order of events or you missed some early setup. ----- ----------- Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to thank me, if you want to talk, or if you want to ask a question. Efforts to get in a guide need to be exceptional. The golden rule: keep it short. If I see a wall of text I'm probably moving on. I've gotten real bad with emails lately. Flamers may or may not get a response, most likely not. Please, I'm not here to hate on people or start fights, so even if you disagree with me but aren't looking to flame, just be polite. Trying to say I fail is a waste of your time, so don't even try - there's only a place in my spam folder for your wasted words. My email: lunatic_252000@yahoo.com Title of your email should be: AC2 *NOTE: If you title it Creed, I'll accept that too. Aren't they slightly less terrible now?* Extra points for good spelling. So anything you want to send, email away. PS - To GameFAQ's users, if you like the guide, click "recommend" at the top of the guide, but only if you like it. PPS - I cannot fix bugs, glitches, or achievements/trophies not hitting. This means when something isn't happening in the game and it should. Just reload and try again, that's all I can say if anything. ----- ----------- I have other guides floating around too. They are: Resident Evil 4 Dead Rising Gears of War Lost Planet Crackdown GRAW 2 Rainbow Six Vegas TES IV: Oblivion Shivering Isles Knights of the Nine The Darkness BioShock Halo 3 Half-Life 2 HL2: Episode One HL2: Episode Two Call of Duty 4 Assassin's Creed Mass Effect Advance Wars: Days of Ruin Perseus Mandate Sam & Max Episode 203 Devil May Cry 4 God of War: Chains of Olympus Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Okami Grand Theft Auto 4 Condemned 2: Bloodshot Metal Gear Solid 4 Alone in the Dark (360) NCAA Football 09 Madden 09 Dead Space Gears of War 2 Prince of Persia (2008) Call of Duty: World at War FEAR 2 Resident Evil 5 World of Warcraft GTA IV: TBOGT Modern Warfare 2 -------------- --------------- I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask me, and all because I write these little guides. Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder. In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of GamePro, but I am. Maybe I'll be in more I don't know about... no. ---------------- ---------------- Here is my list of sites: GameFAQs (main host site) GameSpot IGN OCModShop.com cheatmasters.com chaptercheats.com GamersTemple (http://www.gamerstemple.com/) TheGameReviews wiredgamingcommunity.com neoseeker gametower.org SuperCheats GamesRadar CheatPlanet CheatCodeCentral (cheatcc.com) My360.com.au gamerevolution.com cheatingdome.com unlimitedgamer.net and more here and there, too many to keep up with and even a few foreign ones too! *NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and some that I just don't keep track of. And I know plenty steal my work, but nothing I can do about that.* All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the guide be ad-free and in this text format. And if you want to make a donation at my site for hosting a guide, that is fine too. ------------------- -------------- Here is my website: www.thechaosuniverse.com You'll find all my other guides here too and perhaps something else you may like. ------------- ------------- I only ask for a donation because their aren't many people that do this stuff for free. Even in a text-only format, you've gotten hopefully some nice info for free and enjoyed me enough to just maybe repay all the time spent making this guide. You can give whatever you want, all of it helps. http://www.thechaosuniverse.com/donationcenter ----- --------- COPYRIGHT --------- This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2009 Brad Russell ---------- This guide brought to you in part by: CHEATMASTERS.com
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.