Way of the Samurai 3 FAQ

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

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   ___>     ___>                                           -Version 1.10


Way of the Samurai FAQ (version 1.10)

This FAQ is meant for personal use only. You may host this FAQ on your own 
website if you so wish, don't bother asking me for permission--in fact, I'd 
rather you didn't.

The latest copy of this FAQ will always be available at 

(c) Copyright 2009 by J.F. Fox

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Table of Contents ~           <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                                  _

*Note: use the search function (ctrl+f) to jump to the desired section.

  --Game Information........................................[WotS3-01A]
    --Contact Information...................................[WotS3-01C]
The Way of the Samurai.......................................[WotS3-02]
      --Rare Weapons........................................[WotS3-02E]
Ending Walkthrough...........................................[WotS3-03]
  --Ending 01...............................................[WotS3-03A]
   --Ending 02..............................................[WotS3-03B]
    --Ending 03.............................................[WotS3-03C]
     --Ending 04............................................[WotS3-03D]
      --Ending 05...........................................[WotS3-03E]
       -- Ending 06.........................................[WotS3-03F]
        -- Ending 07........................................[WotS3-03G]
         -- Ending 08.......................................[WotS3-03H]
          -- Ending 09......................................[WotS3-03I]
           -- Ending 10.....................................[WotS3-03J]
            -- Ending 11....................................[WotS3-03K]
             -- Ending 12...................................[WotS3-03L]
              -- Ending 13..................................[WotS3-03M]
               -- Ending 14.................................[WotS3-03N]
                -- Ending 15................................[WotS3-03O]
                 -- Ending 16...............................[WotS3-03P]
                  -- Ending 17..............................[WotS3-03Q]
                   -- Ending 18.............................[WotS3-03R]
                    -- Ending 29............................[WotS3-03S]
                     -- Ending 20...........................[WotS3-03T]
                      -- Ending 21..........................[WotS3-03U]
                       ---Ending Overview...................[WotS3-03V]
  --Partner Locations.......................................[WotS3-04A]
  --Misae's Jobs............................................[WotS3-05A]
   --Oryo's Jobs............................................[WotS3-05B]
    --Joji's Jobs...........................................[WotS3-05C]
     --Kiyonari's Jobs......................................[WotS3-05D]
Cheats & Extras..............................................[WotS3-09]
Frequently Asked Questions...................................[WotS3-11]
Update Log...................................................[WotS3-12]

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Introduction ~                <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-01]        _

Welcome to my FAQ for Way of the Samurai 3. I realize it's not much to
look at, but I sincerely hope you'll find some use for it as you play
this fantastic game.

I've tried my best, with a great deal of help from the community, to
assemble all of the pertinent information regarding Way of the Samurai 3
in a clear, concise and organized manner. With luck, everything should
be clear and easy to find. Again, I hope you'll find this FAQ helpful—and
I dearly hope you'll have as much fun with this fantastic game as I've had.

I would also like to take a moment to thank the Way of the Samurai 3 community
at GameFAQs, for the incredible amount of support I've received for this FAQ.
I certainly never expected to receive the deluge of questions,
advice, input and thanks I've received—both through my email, and through
the GameFAQs forum. I truly appreciate all of your input, and hope that
my meager guide will manage live up to even a fraction of those expectations.

Current FAQ Status:
	FAQ is all but done. All that's missing is a complete list of swords,
	spears and skills in the game... and to be honest, I don't know when
	I'm going to get around to that. 

      __                                                        __ 
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      |  ____>           ~ Game Information ~            <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Way of the Samurai 3 is an action-based Samurai simulator (that's right,
I'm calling this a sim) released on the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles
in Japan in 2008, and the following year—2009--in the United States.
A European release has been announced, but a release date has not.

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      |  ____>           ~ Controls ~                    <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Weapon Sheathed:
	Left Analog Stick.....................Movement (walk/run)
	Right Analog Stick....................Camera Movement
	X.....................................Confirm/Speak/Search Corpse
							   Move Map/Pick Up
	L1....................................Draw Weapon
	L3....................................Open Map
	R3....................................Reset Camera Position
	Start.................................Main Menu
	Select................................Reverse Blade
	Up....................................Use Assigned Item
	Left..................................Use Assigned Item
	Right.................................Use Assigned Item
	Down..................................Change Weapon
	R1 + Square...........................Kick
	Left Analog Stick + R1 + Square.......Forward Kick
	Left Analog Stick + X.................Throw Object
	Down (Hold)...........................Unequip Weapon (Bare Hands)
	L1 (Hold).............................Switch to Dual Stance

Weapon Unsheathed:
	Left Analog Stick.....................Movement (shuffle/run)
	Right Analog Stick....................Camera Movement
	Triangle..............................Strong Attack
	Square................................Weak Attack
	X.....................................Search Corpse/Move Map/Pick Up
							   Instant Kill
	L1....................................Sheathe Weapon
	L3....................................Open Map
	R2....................................Change Target/Cancel (hold)
	R3....................................Reset Camera Position
	Start.................................Main Menu
	Select................................Reverse Blade
	Up....................................Use Assigned Item
	Left..................................Use Assigned Item
	Right.................................Use Assigned Item
	Down..................................Change Weapon
	R1 + Square...........................Kick
	R1 + Triangle.........................Throw
	Left Analog Stick + R1 + Triangle.....Step
	Left Analog Stick + X.................Throw Object
	Down (Hold)...........................Unequip Weapon (Bare Hands)
	L1 (Hold).............................Switch to Dual Stance

Event Scenes
	L1....................................Draw Weapon
	Up....................................Make Selection
	Down..................................Make Selection
      __                                                        __ 
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      |  ____>           ~ Contact Information ~         <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
For any questions, comments, and concerns, you may contact me via my
email address (mwulf.0079@gmail.com) or attempt to reach me through
the Way of the Samurai 3 message board (either one) at GameFAQs.com.
In general, I reply to any emails I get within two days.

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 |  __   ____>           ~ The Way of the Samurai ~      <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-02]        _

The Way of the Samurai is, on the surface, the Way of War. Beyond that,
it's a way of living that emphasizes honor, duty, and self-sacrifice—and
the gameplay of Way of the Samurai 3 does well to emphasize that philosophy.

Simply put, there is no greater Samurai simulation.
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      |  ____>           ~ Combat ~                      <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
	A weapon attack consists of either a weak attack (square) or a strong
	attack (triangle).

	Press the circle button to jump. Press either the square button or the
	triangle button while in the air to perform a jump attack.

Special Move:
	Press the left stick along with the R1 and circle buttons to step in
	the direction the left stick is tilted. If you press only the R1 button
	and the circle button, you will simply step forward.

	Press the R1 button to defend against an opponent's attack. Some attacks
	cannot be defended against.

	Press the left stick (toward your opponent) and the square button to
	break through  an opponent's defense. If successful, the opponent will
	be put into an off-balanced state.

	Press the left stick (away from your opponent) and the R1 button to
	pull through an enemy's attack. If successful, the opponent will be
	off-balance. This will only work when the opponent does a push attack.

	Press the R1 button and the square button to kick. Kicking causes
	minimal damage, but there's no defense against it.

	Press the R1 button and the triangle button to throw an opponent. As
	with kicking, there's no defense against it.

Parry (Match):
	Parry is a special defense technique where you press the R1 button
	right when your opponent's weapon is about to strike you. If you are
	successful at parrying an opponent's strong attack, your character will
	glow yellow for a brief second and there's a chance you'll Match the
	skill. Once you have Matched the skill, you'll automatically Parry that
	opponent's skill attack when it strikes you.

Instant Kill (Hit Satsu):
	When you successfully Parry, there is a chance the Glimpse of Death will
	occur with the X button displayed on the screen. When you successfully
	press the X button while it's present on the screen, you will be able to
	kill your opponent with a single strike, regardless of your opponent's
	HP. The Glimpse of Death will not occur on certain strong opponents.

Chain Kill (Ren Satsu)
	When you are successful in an Instant Kill, you will be in the state of
	Chain Kill. While you are in this state, you will continuously be able
	to kill your opponents with Instant Kill. Being approached by the
	opponents will activate the Glimpse of Death, and pressing the button
	that is displayed (either square, circle, X or triangle) successfully,
	will Instant Kill an opponent.

Skill Attributes
	Other than the normal skills of slashing and stabbing, there are skills
	certain attributes (see the list below). By using these attributes at
	the right moment, you can take advantage of the situation.

	Float:	Throws your opponent into the air.
	Blast:	Throws your opponent backwards.
	Strike:	Bash your opponent.
	Throw:	Throw and possibly strike your opponent.
	Counter:	Counter an attack.
	Multi-Hit:	Land multiple attacks at once.
	Break Defense:	Breaks your opponent's defense.
	Hold Button Down:	Charge for a period of time to increase attack power.

Main Character's Growth
	Skills which you have learned and matched will not be forgotten even
	after you have ended the game. Also, with the Samurai Points you have
	earned at the end of the game, there are additional stances you can
	learn. All of these growth elements of the main character can continue
	on to future game playthroughs.

Fighting Groups and Order
	In a battle with multiple opponents, the order in which you will be
	facing each one is already predetermined. The opponent you currently
	face will have a target icon above him or her. When you want to change
	the order of the opponents you wish to fight, lightly tap the R2 button
	and your targeted opponent will change.

Running Away from Battle
	As you enter a battle, you will lock onto the opponent and the camera
	angle will be changed to battle mode. When you want to put some
	distance between yourself and your opponent, or if you wish to run
	away, hold down the R2 button and move around.

Blunt Attack (Nasa Ke)
	When you don't want to kill the opponent, you can press the Select
	button to reverse your blade and use Blunt Attacks. After you have
	defeated the opponent with a Blunt Attack, they are knocked out but
	not killed. Also, while you're in Blunt Attack mode, although you will
	still be able to Parry your opponent's attack, the Glimpse of Death will
	not activate. If you press the Select button again, you will reverse
	the blade back to its original, lethal position.

Apologizing in Battle
	Even if you are in battle, as long as you hold down the L2 button, you
	will be able to apologize by prostrating yourself on the ground. Whether
	or not your apology will be accepted, however, depends on the situation
	and your opponent.

Apologizing in Dialog
	Apologizing in dialog is a fairly pointless affair. It results, simply,
	in you “missing” an event. If you apologize during a scene, it will be
	as if you never saw the scene at all. If you simply want to skip the
	scene, press the Select button to skip through it (skipping with the
	Select button allows you to skip a scene while still having that scene
	count towards your ending).

Obtaining Items
	By defeating the opponent, there's a chance the person will drop an
	item or weapon part. Also, if you go near a dead body and press the X
	button, you can search the body and check if the person has any items.
	However, this act can decrease the fondness of NPCs around you. You
	are unable to search knocked-out bodies.
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      |  ____>           ~ Stances ~                     <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Upper Stance

Middle Stance

Lower Stance

Side Stance

Draw Stance

Single Stance

Ninja Stance

Spear Stance

Dual Sword Stance

Ninja Dual Sword Stance

Bare Hands Stance
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      |  ____>           ~ Forging ~                     <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Weapon Durability:
	Every weapon has durability. Each time you block or strike, the
	durability gauge for that weapon will increase. If you do not take
	any action, the gauge will gradually decrease. If the durability gauge
	goes over the limit of the durability bar, the durability of that weapon
	will decrease by one. Once you reach zero, the weapon will break. You
	can increase the durability and repair your broken weapon at the

Weapon Growth:
	Your attack and defense is determined by the ability of your weapon.
	A new weapon is obtainable by either picking one up from a defeated
	opponent, buying from a merchant, or through forging your own weapon
	at the Blacksmith. You can improve the abilities of your weapon by
	upgrading at the Blacksmith or using certain items. By using your
	weapon, it will gain experience and level up. Once the level of the
	weapon goes beyond a certain point, you will be able to learn new
	skills. Additionally, once the level of the weapon reaches its maximum,
	the durability will become infinite, making the weapon unbreakable.

Learning Skills and Stances:
	Every weapon has a stance assigned to it. In every stance, there are
	unlockable skills that can be learned through battle or using certain
	items. Commands for the skills you have learned can be viewed in the
	Skills Learned Screen in the Profile of the Main Menu. Once you have
	gained enough Samurai Points and achieve the Dual Sword Stance, you
	will be able to use the Dual Sword and Ninja Dual Sword Stances.
      __                                                        __ 
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      |  ____>           ~ Appraisal ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Basic Title Appraisal
|   TITLE      |   REQUIREMENT				|    EFFECT    |
|Holy          |Weapon level 25 or greater.          |Defense +100  |
|Legendary     |Upgraded the weapon to its maximum   |Attack +50,   |
|              |quality limit (if 0/5, then 10/5)    |Defense +50   |
|Bloodthirsty  |Kill 1000 people                     |Attack +100   |

Weapon Specific Appraisal
|   TITLE   |      WEAPON      |     REQUIREMENT     |    EFFECT    |
|Mighty     |Manji-Kabura      |Weapon level 20      |Attack +80    |
|Mystic     |Kabura-Sutegi     |Weapon level 30      |Attack +60,   |
|           |                  |                     |Defense +40   |
|Organic    |Short Green Onion |Weapon level 10      |Attack +35,   |
|           |                  |                     |Defense +35   |
|You're     |My Hoe            |Kill 1500 people     |Defense +140  |
|Frozen     |Tuna              |Weapon level 25      |Attack +40,   |
|           |                  |                     |Defense +60   |
|Common     |Stick or Broom    |None                 |None          |
      __                                                        __ 
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      |  ____>           ~ Rare Weapons ~                <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Weapon: Manji-Kabura
	“A sword held by a wanderer. IT is said that the only one able to
	fully master the sword is the wanderer, because of his extreme
	Speak to the fabled merchant with a Golden Egg in your inventory.
	You'll find him standing in the boat in the pool at the base of the
	waterfall in The Road. Speak to him once. Speak to him again and
	select, “Don't you have anything rarer?” Then select, “Never mind,
	then.” Finally, say, “Let's trade,” and you will be able to obtain
	the Manji-Kabura for ten golden eggs.

Weapon: Kabura Sutegi
	“This sword was created using the legendary forging method of a far
	off land. It is said that it was once wielded by a wanderer who
	completely traversed the legendary caverns.”
	After you have the Manji-Kabura, speak to the Fabled Merchant and
	listen to his story about the Kabura-Sutegi. Once you've heard
	everything, the Nameless Samurai will appear at night in Takatane
	Village (near the blacksmith's cave). Kill the Nameless Samurai
	to obtain this weapon.

Weapon: Short Green Onion
	“A green onion. Used in cooking.”
	You'll find these littered in the fields of Takatane Village. You
	can also obtain them via some of the jobs Oryo (of Omiki Town)

Weapon: My Hoe
	“It's not known whose hoe this is, but it has, 'My Hoe,' written on
	the grip.”
	You'll have to kill Shuzen for this weapon—on the Instant Kill
	difficulty. Bear in mind that there's only a 15% chance that
	Shuzen will even have the hoe.

Weapon: Tuna
	“A tuna. It has astonishingly charming eyes.”
	Kill Nyanya.

Weapon: Stick
	“A broken stick. An item that every samurai has wielded at least
	You can find these all over the ground, all over Amana. Sometimes
	villagers will also drop them (after you kill them, of course.

Weapon: Broom
	“Normally used for cleaning. This will require extreme forging
	if used as a weapon.”
	Kill Gajiro, the NPC who sings about cleaning in Omiki Town and the
	Posting Station.
      __                                                        __ 
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      |  ____>           ~ Titles ~                      <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Apprentice			Samurai Rank at 60%.
Blessed Samurai		Receive less than 100 damage (total).
Compassionate Samurai	Defeat 30 enemies with blunt attacks.
Dojo Conqueror		Kill everyone at the Dojo.
Executioner			More than 100 instant-kills.
Faithful			Only use one partner.
Harmless Samurai		Clear the game without killing anyone.
Impatient Samurai		Clear the game within one hour.
Legendary Samurai		Samurai Rank at 100%.	
Loner				Don't use a partner.
Master			Samurai Rank at 80%.
Merchant			Spend 10000 yen.
Newbie			Samurai Rank at 20%.
Nobody			Leave Amana without doing anything.
Novice			Samurai Rank at 30%.
Rich Samurai		End the game with more than 10000 Yen.
Samurai 4EvR!		Samurai Rank at 120%.
Samurai King		Samurai Rank at 90%
Student			Samurai Rank at 50%.
Teacher			Samurai Rank at 70%.
Trainee			Samurai Rank at 40%.
Vegetarian			Only eat vegetables.
Wanderer			Samurai Rank at 10%.

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Ending Walkthrough ~          <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-03]        _

Gamers new to the series might be a bit confused by a Way of the Samurai
game. The world is small, you can beat the game in a few hours and, let's
face it, it's not exactly the prettiest world out there. Way of the Samurai
games are unique in that they are able to actually do what western developers
have been bragging about doing (while not getting anywhere close) for years:
they present players with choices and consequences.

Way of the Samurai 3 allows you to live, for a brief while, as a masterless
samurai—a ronin—in the waning years of the Sengoku period—the era of warring
states, a period of intense civil warfare that lasted nearly a century. The
choices you make in the game effect not only yourself, but everyone you
encounter. As such, I think it is best for you, the player, to go into the
game not necessarily knowing what you're going to do. I think a guide is
ultimately detrimental to the experience, and I therefore STRONGLY 
recommend that you do NOT use the following ending guide.

The best way to enjoy the game is to simply keep a sheet of paper handy, and
each time you complete a game, write down the ending number you attained. 
Play your heart out and when, finally, you can't figure out how to find those
remaining endings—when it seems you've exhausted every choice presented—then,
and only then should you seek your answers here.

Please keep in mind that there are multiple paths you may take to get many 
of the endings—you don't necessarily have to make the exact same choices I
have outlined. This is why I recommend you make your own choices and seeing
where that leads you before utilizing this resource.

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      |  ____>           ~ Ending 01 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards. Defeat
	the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Now, head to Amana Castle. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose
	the second dialog option.
14. Once again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	first dialog option.
15. View the event (it's automatic) about the impending Oda invasion.
16. Go to Munechika's house in Takatane village and watch the scene.
17. Go to Castle Minori. Speak to Genjuro, and choose the third dialog
	option. Then go find Shinnosuke and speak with him. He should
	give you a small box.
18. Go back into the castle and choose the first dialog option to fight
	Yuma. Reverse your blade so you do not kill him. After you defeat
	Yuma (again, without killing him) watch the scene. Leave the
	Castle to watch the victory scene.
19. Return to Takatane Village. Go to Munechika's house. Run past
	Shinnosuke to watch the scene. Choose the third dialog
	option when you have the opportunity.
20. One more time, to Kuchihagahara! Watch the scene and choose the
	third dialog option. Keep watching, and you'll see two more
	dialog options. For both of those, choose the first choice.
21. It's now time for the final battle. Don't get yourself killed,
	and you'll be treated to the ending.
      __                                                        __ 
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      |  ____>           ~ Ending 02 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
NOTE: Because of the nature of this ending, large dialog trees have to be
written out for the walkthrough. What that means to you is that here you may
find mild spoilers for the story. Read at your own peril.

1. In the opening scene, when you meet with the two peasants, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika. Speak
	with him afterward and choose the third dialog option.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
To obtain the second ending, you'll have to build a relationship with Osei.
You must speak to her at every opportunity, and choose your words carefully.
Essentially, you need to be mature and respectful. You also MUST refrain
from doing ANY jobs. Remember, do NOT do any jobs! The only way to actually
see how strong your affinity is with Osei is by her physical location in the
yard. Each time you go through two conversation paths, she moves. You'll know
your relationship is sufficiently strong when she leaves Munechika's house
and stands in the middle of the vegetable fields (just above where Kota
usually practices).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

4. Go to Omiki Town and view Araragi's scene (at the bridge).
5. Now, off to Amana Castle to join up—which means the little fighting
	tournament, again.
6. Make your way to the highway. Go up to the main temple to view the
	scene with Setsuen (the man in green). After the scene, be sure
	to speak with him.
7. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back and
	view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards. Defeat the
	guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
8. Go back to the Highway and view the second scene with Setsuen.
	Kind of funny how he can be all enigmatic, yet completely
	obvious at the same time, huh?
9. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Munechika. He will ask you
	to trade in your sword for a hoe—tell him you'll think about it.
10. Visit The Road and night to see the scene regarding Setsuen.
11. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Kota to view the scene about
	“Kota's sword.”
12. At night, go to Kuchihagahara and speak with Shinnosuke. You'll find
	him at the cliff along the path toward Castle Minori. View the 
	scene and choose the second dialog option.
13. Go to Amana Castle and view the scene between Shinnosuke and Kirie.
	When prompted, choose the last dialog option (should be obvious).

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
You must have maxed out your relationship with Osei by now, or the following
scene (step 14) will not appear and you will not earn the second ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

14. At Takatane village, view the scene with Osei (in the fields near
	where Kota practices). 
15. View the event (it's automatic) about the impending Oda invasion.
16. Return to Takatane Village and view the scene between Osei and
17. Go to Minori Castle and view the scene. Ignore the regular soldiers
	and head toward the throne room at the top of the castle. View the
	scene with Yuma and, when prompted, choose the first dialog option.
	You will now fight Yuma. DO NOT KILL HIM. Remember to defeat him
	using blunt attacks.
18. Return to Takatane Village one last time and view the scene with Osei.
19. View the scene and prepare yourself. After the scene, you'll be fighting
	Fujimori Shuzen. Once you've defeated him, you will be treated to the
	second ending. Personally, it's one of my favorites.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 03 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards. Defeat
	the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Now, head to Amana Castle. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose
	the second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before going to speak with Shinnosuke, you must kill Yuma.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

14. Once again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke—you should not
	see any dialog options.
15. View the event (it's automatic) about the impending Oda invasion.
16. Go to Takatane Village—specifically, Munechika's house—to trigger the
	event. Watch the scene and choose the first dialog option. You
	will then see a scene at Kuchihagahara. Here, choose the third
	dialog option. You will nose wee the third ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 04 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards. Defeat
	the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Now, head to Amana Castle. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose
	the second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before going to step 14 (the final dialog with Shinnosuke) you will need
to kill Yuma, just like in the path for the third ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

14. Once again, go to Kuchihagahara and speak with Shinnosuke.
15. View the event (it's automatic) about the impending Oda invasion.
16. Go to Takatane Village, and visit Munechika's house to view the scene.
	Choose the second dialog option.
17. Go to Kuchihagahara sometime before nightfall. From here, you will be
	able to choose three “sub” endings. They're all numbered as ending
	four, but the details differ. If you want to try and help Osei, draw
	your blade and choose the first dialog option. When presented with
	a choice, you can then choose either the first dialog option for a
	certain revelation, or the second option to continue the battle.
	Whichever sub-ending you choose, you will then see the “fourth”
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 05 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards. Defeat
	the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Now, head to Amana Castle. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose
	the second dialog option.
14. Once again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	first dialog option.
15. View the event (it's automatic) about the impending Oda invasion.
16. Go to Munechika's house in Takatane village and watch the scene.
17. Go to Castle Minori. Speak to Genjuro, and choose the third dialog
	option. Then go find Shinnosuke and speak with him. He should
	give you a small box.
18. Go back into the castle and choose the first dialog option to fight
	Yuma. Reverse your blade so you do not kill him. After you defeat
	Yuma (again, without killing him) watch the scene. Leave the
	Castle to watch the victory scene.
19. Head to Takatane Village and speak to Shinnosuke before entering
	Munechika's house. Choose the first dialog option. Go inside
	the house to watch a scene. Choose the first dialog option
	and then watch the rest of the scene.
20. Now go to Kuchihagahara. After fighting for a bit, seek out
	Shinnosuke, who is a bit tied up. Watch the scene, and then resume the
	battle. Once the fighting is over, head to Amana Castle and kill
	Fujimori Shuzen and his bodyguards.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 06 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards. Defeat
	the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Visit Amana Castle to watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose the
	third dialog option and watch the remainder of the scene.
14. Again, head off to Kuchihagahara. This time, draw your sword to help
	out Shinnosuke. Choose the first dialog option you see, and then
	fight. After a bit of combat, you'll see another short scene.
	This time choose the second dialog option and you will obtain 
	the sixth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 07 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Now, head to Amana Castle. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose
	the second dialog option.
14. Once again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	first dialog option.
15. Find and kill Osei. You'll find her, as usual, in Takatane Village in
	the daytime.
16. View the Nobunaga event.
17. Return to Takatane Village and view the scene with Shinnosuke in front
	of Munechika's house. You will now see the seventh ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 08 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. In the opening scene, when you are approached by the two peasants,
	choose the first dialog option. (“I've been better.”)
2. When waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika
	in its entirety. (Leave the house and when the scene starts,
	don't draw your blade or prostrate yourself.
3. View the scene with Kota in the rice field (in Takatane Village).
	When prompted, choose the first dialog option. ("Calm Down.")
4. Go to Amana Castle and request employment. Participate in the
	the tournament and win (obviously).
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to Castle Minori and watch the scene with Yuma. Choose the
	second dialog option. Speak with the Guards by the gate and fight
	them in order to Join the Ouka Clan. You will then watch a short

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
After this point, you cannot return to Castle Minori without triggering
an automatic event—so do NOT go back until told to do so, or you will
fail to obtain the ending.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

7. Visit Kuchihagahara at night and find Shinnosuke. You'll find him
	at the small shrine on the cliff overlooking the battlefield,
	along the path toward Minori Castle. Watch the scene.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke and
	Yuma. After the scene, leave the area without speaking to him.
9. Once more, to Kuchihagahara. Now watch a scene between Shinnosuke
	and Osei. Once the scene is done, leave the area.
10. Again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	second dialog option.
11. Go to The Road. Go up to the temple and view the scene with the
	strange man wearing green.
12. Go to Takatane Village and speak to Kota. Choose the third speech
	option to view the scene.
13. Now, head to Amana Castle. Watch the scene with Shinnosuke. Choose
	the second dialog option.
14. Once again, go to Kuchihagahara. Speak to Shinnosuke and choose the
	first dialog option.
15. View the event (it's automatic) about the impending Oda invasion.
16. Go to Munechika's house in Takatane village and watch the scene.
17. Go to Castle Minori. Speak to Genjuro, and choose the third dialog
	option. Then go find Shinnosuke and speak with him. He should
	give you a small box.
18. Go back into the castle and choose the first dialog option to fight
	Yuma. Reverse your blade so you do not kill him. After you defeat
	Yuma (again, without killing him) watch the scene. Leave the
	Castle to watch the victory scene.
19. Head out to Takatane Village and speak with Shinnosuke. Choose the
	first dialog option. Watch the short scene, and then choose the second
	dialog option. You'll then see yet another scene. When it finished,
	you'll get one last prompt: choose the first option. You will now
	fight. When the battle ends, you will see the ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 09 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When encountering the two peasants in the opening, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After you wake up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
4. Head to Amana Castle and choose to join up with the Fujimori by
	participating in the tournament.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. At Amana Castle, speak with Kirie (Fujimori's ugly ninja with the weasel
	face). Choose the first dialog option and he will give you a job. Head
	to Omiki Town and find the fat guy marked on your map. Give him the
	letter and then speak to him. Return to Kirie to complete the mission.
7. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again, and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma.
	Leave the area without speaking to him.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before completing the ninth step in this route, you must complete at least
four different jobs for the Fujimori Clan. (Refer to Kiyonari's Jobs 
“WotS3-06D” for details).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

9. This time, it's off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene (and enjoy the party).
10. Go to Amana Castle and head to the top floor. Speak with the guy in front
	of the big door and you'll get to meet with Fujimori Shuzen. You will
	then be presented with a series of dialog options. For the first one,
	answer with the second choice—for all of the others, choose the first
	dialog options.
11. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Kota. Choose the third dialog option.
12. Head back to Amana Castle and speak with Araragi. There will not be any
	dialog option.
13. Return to Amana Castle and speak with Fujimori Shuzen to trigger a scene.
14. Go to Kuchihagahara and view the scene with Shinnosuke.
15. View the (automatic) event regarding Oda Nobunaga.
16. Speak with Kirie at Amana Castle and choose the first option.
17. Now, off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene and then fight the enemy soldiers
	who have flags in order to open the gate. Fight your way up to kill
18. Back to Amana Castle. Kill Shinnosuke, Yuma and Itsuse. Speak with
	Fujimori's Shuzen and choose the second dialog option. Then murder Shuzen
	to obtain the ninth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 10 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When encountering the two peasants in the opening, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After you wake up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
4. Head to Amana Castle and choose to join up with the Fujimori by
	participating in the tournament.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. At Amana Castle, speak with Kirie (Fujimori's ugly ninja with the weasel
	face). Choose the first dialog option and he will give you a job. Head
	to Omiki Town and find the fat guy marked on your map. Give him the
	letter and then speak to him. Return to Kirie to complete the mission.
7. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again, and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma.
	Leave the area without speaking to him.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before completing the ninth step in this route, you must complete at least
four different jobs for the Fujimori Clan. (Refer to Kiyonari's Jobs 
“WotS3-06D” for details).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

9. This time, it's off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene (and enjoy the party).
10. Go to Amana Castle and head to the top floor. Speak with the guy in front
	of the big door and you'll get to meet with Fujimori Shuzen. You will
	then be presented with a series of dialog options. For the first one,
	answer with the second choice—for all of the others, choose the first
	dialog options.
11. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Kota. Choose the third dialog option.
12. Head back to Amana Castle and speak with Araragi. There will not be any
	dialog option.
13. Go to Amana Castle and speak with Fujimori Shuzen. Draw your sword in the
	middle of the conversation and kill him to earn the tenth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 11 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When encountering the two peasants in the opening, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After you wake up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
4. Head to Amana Castle and choose to join up with the Fujimori by
	participating in the tournament.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. At Amana Castle, speak with Kirie (Fujimori's ugly ninja with the weasel
	face). Choose the first dialog option and he will give you a job. Head
	to Omiki Town and find the fat guy marked on your map. Give him the
	letter and then speak to him. Return to Kirie to complete the mission.
7. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again, and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma.
	Leave the area without speaking to him.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before completing the ninth step in this route, you must complete at least
four different jobs for the Fujimori Clan. (Refer to Kiyonari's Jobs 
“WotS3-06D” for details).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

9. This time, it's off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene (and enjoy the party).
10. Go to Amana Castle and head to the top floor. Speak with the guy in front
	of the big door and you'll get to meet with Fujimori Shuzen. During the
	scene with Shuzen, draw your sword. Speak with him and choose the second
	dialog option. Then, simply kill Shuzen to obtain the eleventh ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 12 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When encountering the two peasants in the opening, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After you wake up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
4. Head to Amana Castle and choose to join up with the Fujimori by
	participating in the tournament.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. At Amana Castle, speak with Kirie (Fujimori's ugly ninja with the weasel
	face). Choose the first dialog option and he will give you a job. Head
	to Omiki Town and find the fat guy marked on your map. Give him the
	letter and then speak to him. Return to Kirie to complete the mission.
7. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again, and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma.
	Leave the area without speaking to him.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before completing the ninth step in this route, you must complete at least
four different jobs for the Fujimori Clan. (Refer to Kiyonari's Jobs 
“WotS3-06D” for details).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

9. This time, it's off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene (and enjoy the party).
10. Go to Amana Castle and head to the top floor. Speak with the guy in front
	of the big door and you'll get to meet with Fujimori Shuzen. You will
	then be presented with a series of dialog options. For the first one,
	answer with the second choice—for all of the others, choose the first
	dialog options.
11. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Kota. Choose the third dialog option.
12. Head back to Amana Castle and speak with Araragi. There will not be any
	dialog option.
13. Return to Amana Castle and speak with Fujimori Shuzen to trigger a scene.
14. Go to Kuchihagahara and view the scene with Shinnosuke.
15. View the (automatic) event regarding Oda Nobunaga.
16. Speak with Kirie at Amana Castle and choose the first option.
17. Now, off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene and then fight the enemy soldiers
	who have flags in order to open the gate. Fight your way up to kill
18. Go to Amana Castle. Fight your way up, killing Shinnosuke, Yuma and
	Itsuse. Speak with Fujimori Shuzen and choose the first dialog option
	to obtain the ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 13 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When encountering the two peasants in the opening, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After you wake up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
4. Head to Amana Castle and choose to join up with the Fujimori by
	participating in the tournament.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. At Amana Castle, speak with Kirie (Fujimori's ugly ninja with the weasel
	face). Choose the first dialog option and he will give you a job. Head
	to Omiki Town and find the fat guy marked on your map. Give him the
	letter and then speak to him. Return to Kirie to complete the mission.
7. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again, and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma.
	Leave the area without speaking to him.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before completing the ninth step in this route, you must complete at least
four different jobs for the Fujimori Clan. (Refer to Kiyonari's Jobs 
“WotS3-06D” for details).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

9. This time, it's off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene (and enjoy the party).
10. Go to Amana Castle and head to the top floor. Speak with the guy in front
	of the big door and you'll get to meet with Fujimori Shuzen. You will
	then be presented with a series of dialog options. For the first one,
	answer with the second choice—for all of the others, choose the first
	dialog options.
11. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Kota. Choose the third dialog option.
12. Head back to Amana Castle and speak with Araragi. There will not be any
	dialog option.
13. Go to Amana Castle and view the event with Shinnosuke and Kirie. Choose
	the first dialog option.
14. Watch the scene at Takatane Village.
15. Go to Kuchihagahara and draw your sword to help Osei. Choose the first
	dialog option, and then fight for a bit. Then, choose the first dialog
	option you see to view the ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 14 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When encountering the two peasants in the opening, choose the first
	dialog option.
2. After you wake up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
4. Head to Amana Castle and choose to join up with the Fujimori by
	participating in the tournament.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. At Amana Castle, speak with Kirie (Fujimori's ugly ninja with the weasel
	face). Choose the first dialog option and he will give you a job. Head
	to Omiki Town and find the fat guy marked on your map. Give him the
	letter and then speak to him. Return to Kirie to complete the mission.
7. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke.
8. Go to Kuchihagahara again, and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma.
	Leave the area without speaking to him.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Before completing the ninth step in this route, you must complete at least
four different jobs for the Fujimori Clan. (Refer to Kiyonari's Jobs 
“WotS3-06D” for details).
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

9. This time, it's off to Castle Minori. Watch the scene (and enjoy the party).
10. Go to Amana Castle and head to the top floor. Speak with the guy in front
	of the big door and you'll get to meet with Fujimori Shuzen. You will
	then be presented with a series of dialog options. For the first one,
	answer with the second choice—for all of the others, choose the first
	dialog options.
11. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Kota. Choose the third dialog option.
12. Head back to Amana Castle and speak with Araragi. There will not be any
	dialog option.
13. Go to Amana Castle, again, and view the scene with Shinnosuke and Kirie.
	Choose the first dialog option.
14. Watch the scene at Takatane Village.
15. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene to the end. That's all you need
	to do to see the fourteenth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 15 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When the peasants find you in the opening scene, choose the second dialog
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Find Kota (near the fields) and view his scene. When prompted, choose
	the second dialog option.
4. Visit Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi at the bridge.
5. Go to Amana Castle and participate in the tournament in order to join
	the Fujimori Clan.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Starting now, you need to work on maxing out your relationship with
Araragi. In order to max out your relationship, you'll need to be doing
jobs for the Fujimori and speaking with her at every opportunity. You'll
know when you're close enough when she starts calling out your name as
you walk past. You will also need to kill at least 100 people.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

6. Go to the temple at The Road and view the scene with Setsuen.
7. Go to Castle Minori and talk to the guard at the gate. Fight him and
	view the scene (where you join up with the Ouka).
8. Return to The Road and watch another scene with Setsuen.
9. After completely at least four jobs for the Fujimori, you will be able
	to meet with Lord Shuzen. In the middle of the scene, draw your
10. Visit Amana Castle at night and view the scene with Araragi.
11. Go to Kuchihagahara at night and view the scene with Shinnosuke.
12. Go to Castle Minori and view the scene with Yuma.
13. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Araragi.
14. Visit Amana Castle at night and view the scene with Araragi.
15. View the automatic scene about Nobunaga's invasion.
16. Go to Amana Castle and view the scene. Then make your way to
	Castle Minori to participate in the assault. Defeat Genjuro
	in the top floor of the castle.
17. Return to Amana and view the scene. When prompted, choose the first
	dialog option. Then, kill Fujimori Shuzen.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 16 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When the peasants find you in the opening scene, choose either the first
	or the second dialog option.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. View the scene with Kota and choose the second dialog option.
4. Go to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi.
5. Visit Amana Castle and participate in the tournament in order to join up
	with the Fujimori Clan.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Starting now, you need to work on maxing out your relationship with
Araragi. In order to max out your relationship, you'll need to be doing
jobs for the Fujimori and speaking with her at every opportunity. You'll
know when you're close enough when she starts calling out your name as
you walk past. You will also need to kill 100 people.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

6. Go to The Road and view the first scene with Setsuen.
7. Go to Castle Minori and speak with the guards (and fight 'em) in order to
	join the Ouka Clan.
8. Return to the Road and view the next scene with Setsuen.
9. After completely at least four jobs for the Fujimori, you will be able
	to meet with Lord Shuzen. In the middle of the scene, draw your
10. Visit Amana Castle at night and view the scene with Araragi.
11. Go to Kuchihagahara at night and view the scene with Shinnosuke.
12. Go to Castle Minori and view the scene with Yuma.
13. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Araragi.
14. Visit Amana Castle at night and view the scene with Araragi.
15. Watch the automatic event about Nobunaga's impending invasion.
16. View the scene at Amana Castle. Then participate in the assault
	on Castle Minori and defeat Genjuro.
17. Return to Amana and view the scene. When prompted, choose the first
	dialog option. Then, defeat Fujimori Shuzen with blunt attacks.
	If you kill him, you'll get ending 15 instead of 16.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 17 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. When the peasants find you in the opening scene, choose either the first
	or the second dialog option.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. Go to Castle Minori and speak with the nasty little thugs in front
	of the gate. Fight 'em and join up with the Ouka Clan.
4. Kill some time in the Ouka Base. You'll want to wait for Itsuse and
	Yuma to leave the room where Genjuro is—it usually only takes two
	or three minutes. Once they've both left, go into the room and
	shut the door. Then, murder Genjuro. You should then view a scene
	where YOU become the new boss of the Ouka.
5. You may now do whatever you want (it doesn't matter). You'll want to
	get to the point where the (automatic) Nobunaga scene is ready to
6. View the Nobunaga event. Afterward, the the Fujimori Clan will attack
	Castle Minori.
7. Defeat all of the attack soldiers, and you should then be able to view
	the seventeenth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 18 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. Choose the first or second dialog option when meeting the two peasants
	in the opening scene.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. View Kota's scene (also in Takatane Village). Choose the second
	dialog option.
4. Visit Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi.
5. Go to Amana Castle and participate in the tournament.
6. Go to The Road and view the first scene with Setsuen.
7. Go to Castle Minori and join the Ouka Clan (you know the drill).

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
Once you've joined the Ouka Clan, you'll want to get started on maxing
out your relationship with the bovine Genjuro. Simply speak to him as
frequently as possible. Maxing out Genjuro is a LOT easier than Osei,
believe me. I still have nightmares 'bout that girl.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

8. Return to The Road and watch another scene with Setsuen.
9. Head back to Castle Minori at night and view the scene.
10. Return to The Road at night. View the scene. You know the drill.
11. Once more, back to Minori Castle. Speak to Genjuro and complete his
12. Go to Takatane Village and view the scene with Kota.
13. Go to Kuchihagahara at night and view the scene.
14. Off to Castle Minori for a rousing scene with Genjuro.
15. View the automatic scene about Nobunaga.
16. Go to Castle Minori and view the scene. Choose the last dialog option.
	You must then fight your way toward the exit leading toward The Road.
	You may choose either path, defeating either Yuma or Kirie.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 19 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. Choose the first dialog option in the opening scene with the peasants.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. View the scene with Kota (still in Takatane Village) and choose the
	second dialog option.
4. Head to Omiki Town and view the scene with Araragi.
5. View Setsuen's first scene at The Road.
6. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
7. Visit Castle Minori at night and view the scene with Itsuse.

	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!
You now need to max up your relationship with Itsuse. You do this by
speaking to her and sparring with her at every opportunity. You will
know you have a sufficiently strong relationship with her when she
calls out to you when you walk past.
	!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!

8. Go to The Road and view the scene with Setsuen.
9. Off to Castle Minori for a scene with Yuma.
10. Now, go to Kuchihagahara at night and view the scene with Shinnosuke.
11. Return to Castle Minori, at night, and view the scene with Itsuse.
12. Watch the automatic scene about Nobunaga impending invasion.
13. Go to Castle Minori and view the scene with Itsuse. When prompted,
	choose the first dialog option.
14. Go to Amana Castle and defeat all of the enemies, and eventually defeat
	Shuzen. Once Shuzen is gone, you'll be treated to the nineteenth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 20 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. Choose the first dialog option when viewing the opening scene with the
	two peasants.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. View the scene with Kota in Takatane Village. Choose the second dialog
	option when prompted.
4. Go to Amana Castle and participate in the Tournament.
5. Visit The Road and view the scene with Setsuen. Remember to speak with
	him afterward—always speak with him afterward.
6. Go to Castle Minori and join up with the Ouka Clan.
7. Go to Castle Minori (again) and view the scene with Yuma. When prompted,
	choose the second dialog option.
8.  Go to The Road and view the second scene with Setsuen.
9.  Visit The Road at night and view the third scene with Setsuen.
10. Go to Amana Castle  and speak with Shinnosuke for a mission. Choose
	the first dialog option when prompted.
11. Return to Amana Castle and watch the scene between Shinnosuke and Kirie.
12. Go to Takatane Village and watch the scene with Kota.
13. Visit the temple at The Road and fight the Ninja that appears.
14. View the automatic scene regarding Oda Nobunaga's inevitable invasion
	of Amana.
15. Return to Takatane Village and watch the scene. Draw your sword during
	the scene and kill Kirie.
16. Go to Takatane Village again. Once again, pull out your sword in the scene
	and this time, you'll get another one of Shuzen's officers.
17. Visit Takatane Village at night and view the scene with Kota. When
	prompted, choose the last dialog option.
18. You may then leave the area, and you will witness the twentieth ending.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending 21 ~                   <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
1. Choose the first dialog option in the opening scene with the peasants.
2. After waking up in Takatane Village, view the scene with Munechika.
3. View the scene with Kota (still in Takatane Village) and choose the
	second dialog option.
4. Head to Amana Castle and win the tournament to join the Fujimori Clan.
5. Go to Castle Minori (the Ouka castle). Speak to the guard in the back
	and view the scene. You will then be forced to fight the guards.
	Defeat the guards and view the scene to join the Ouka clan.
6. Go to The Road and watch the scene at the temple. Then speak to the
	man in green.
7. Return to the temple in The Road and speak to the green man again to
	trigger a scene. Afterward, speak to him and choose the first dialog
8. Go to Kuchihagahara and watch the scene with Shinnosuke and Yuma. Leave
	the area without speaking to him.
9. View the party scene at Castle Minori.
10. Go to Takatane Village and speak with Munechika. Choose the first dialog
	option, and then choose the second dialog option that follows.
11. Go back to the road to watch anther scene with the green man. Speak with
	him and choose the third dialog option.
12. Go to Kuchihagahara and speak with Shinnosuke. Choose the second dialog
13. Now return to Takatane Village and speak with Kota. Choose the third
	dialog option.
14. Head to The Road and walk up the path toward the temple. You will then
	be attacked by a ninja. Fight Zaji and then choose the third dialog
15. View the (automatic) event regarding Nobunaga.
16. Go back to The Road and find the green man again. View the scene and then
	choose the first dialog option.
17. Now, head to Amana Castle. Kill Fujimori Shuzen and enjoy the ending.

      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Ending Overview ~             <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Now, I realize that finding all of the endings can be quite difficult at
times, and I also realize that my step-by-step guide (which merely outlines
a single, possible path to get to each ending) can be a bit difficult to
follow. With that in mind, I've decided to create a second “walk-through”
for the endings here—essentially, I will simply give an overview of each
ending. Just enough information that you should be able to find out how
to get the ending on your own, without getting bogged down in the minutiae
of the step-by-step guide.

Ending #1:
	The goal of this ending is to, essentially, save everyone that 
	you can. You'll need to work with Shinnosuke and the people of
	Takatane Village. You'll need to make sure you save Yuma's life
	when Shuzen attacks Minori Castle, and when you meet with Osei,
	Shinnosuke and Munichika in the end, you'll need to “sacrifice”
	yourself by taking the Sakura Dagger out to the Fujimori forces,
	and take Osei's place as the “heir” of the clan. Yuma must be
	alive for you to get this ending.

Ending #2:
	This ending can be infuriatingly difficult to obtain. Basically,
	you need to build a relationship with Osei—you need to get her
	to fall in love with you. When the Fujimori attack the Ouka
	Castle, you'll need to save Yuma's life. Then, when you meet back
	up in Takatane Village, you'll have the option to leave Amana
	with Osei, and thereby attain the (rather nice) second ending.

Ending #3:
	Very similar to the first two endings, to get this one you'll need
	let Yuma die in the Fujimori attack. Then, once again, you'll have
	to decide to sacrifice your own life so that Osei might live—and 
	this time you'll actually have to follow through with it. In terms
	of the “Way of the Samurai,” I tend to view this ending as the truest
	to Samurai philosophy.

Ending #4:
	Similar to the above endings, only with a more self-absorbed twist.
	When Shuzen comes looking for the heir, force Osei to go outside and
	don't make any move to help her.

Ending #5:
	Work with Shinnosuke before Nobunaga arrives. Then, be sure to save
	Yuma in the Fujimori assault. You'll then need to convince Osei that
	the people of Amana need her as the air of the Sakura, and finally,
	you'll need to defeat Shuzen.

Ending #6:
	Once more, your choice plays out in the same event.  You'll need
	to convince Osei to turn herself over to Shuzen's mercy, only this
	time you'll need to rush to her rescue. Take out all of the soldiers
	and then deny Shuzen at the end.

Ending #7:
	Murder Osei after meeting Munechika. After Nobunaga's forces begin
	their march on Amana, you'll see an event where Shinnosuke challenges
	you to a duel. Defeat him, one way or the other.

Ending #8:
	Work with Shinnosuke and save Yuma during the attack on Minori Castle.
	Then, kill Osei and take the Sakura dagger for yourself.

Ending #9:
	Work with the Fujimori Clan. Kill Shinnosuke, and later kill Shuzen
	himself to usurp his position as head of the Fujimori clan.

Ending #10:
	When Shuzen is drunk, kill him.

Ending #11:
	After the event where you meet him, kill Shuzen. (Do not kill Shuzen
	in the scene where he is drunk).

Ending #12:
	Work with the Fujimori clan and build a relationship with Kirie. Go
	after the Ouka clan and kill Genjuro. Then rescue Shuzen at Amana
	Castle and choose to serve him.

Ending #13:
	Once more, your choice plays out in the same event.  You'll need
	to convince Osei to turn herself over to Shuzen's mercy, only this
	time you'll need to rush to her rescue. Take out all of the soldiers
	and then accept Shuzen at the end.

Ending #14:
	After seeing the Sakura Dagger, inform Kirie. Then, do not help
	Shinnosuke rescue Osei at the end of the game.

Ending #15:
	Work with Araragi to defeat Fujimori Shuzen.

Ending #16:
	Work with Araragi and betray Fujimori Shuzen.

Ending #17:
	Take over the Ouka Clan and repel the Fujimori assault on Castle 

Ending #18:
	Join the Ouka Clan and build a relationship with Genjuro. When
	Genjuro flees Amana, go with him.

Ending #19:
	Build a relationship with Itsuse and help her defeat Shuzen.

Ending #20:

Ending #21:
	Work with Setsuen to destabilize Amana in preparation for Nobunaga's
	invasion. Accept his mission to kill Fujimori Shuzen.

__                                                                    __
    __                                                        __   / /
  __ ____                                             _____/ /__/ /
 |  __   ____>           ~ Partners ~                    <_____   __  |
 / /  /_/                                                      _   
/_/                                                [WotS3-04]        _

In Way of the Samurai 3 there are several NPCs who you can “partner”
with. They will fight along side you and occasionally comment on what
you are doing, and what the people you meet along your journey do.
Through your interactions with your partner, you can build up an
affinity—a relationship—that culminates in a romance. Fall in love
hard enough, and you'll soon find yourselves living together.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Partner Locations ~           <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Momiji - Tomboy
	Location: Amana Castle
	Time: 10:00 to 16:00
	Limits: Momiji will not appear until Day 3.
		You'll find Momiji along the road just in front of the gate
		that leads toward the Ouka territories (beyond The Road).
		She's wearing a brightly-colored kimono and is carrying a 
		very long sword. When you speak to her, she will challenge
		you to a fight to avenge her father. To get Momiji to partner
		up with you, you must not fight back. Prostrate yourself 
		(apologize) and stay on the ground until Momiji sheathes her
		sword. Speak to her again and tell her that, “You have reason
		to kill me.” Then, speak to her a third time. She will say that
		she does not know what to do with her life. You can either tell
		her to make up her own mind (she thinks of suicide) or ask her
		to partner up with you. If you choose the wrong option, you can
		initiate dialog again and start over. So long as you do not kill
		her, you should be fine.

Yukino – Widow
	Location: Omiki Town
	Time: 18:00 to 0:00
	Limits: Progress through the game.
		Yukino works as a bodyguard. Simply pay her 100 Yen and she
		will partner up with you. She will also stay with you through
		the night.

Yuzu – Mother
	Location: Takatane Village
	Time: 6:00 to 12:00
	Limits: Must have 300HP or less.
		During conversation, select the response, “Ooh... mother!”
		After she heals you, speak to her again and she will partner
		up with you.

Otome – Grandmother
	Location: The Road
	Time: 6:00 to 12:00
	Limits: Otome will not appear until day 15.
		You'll find this old woman by the waterfall on the rear side
		of the temple. Speak to her and select, “You're not just-
		-anybody.” Then select, “I want to destroy Amana!” She will
		then give you an assassination mission. To get her to partner
		up with you, you must perform the assassination and then speak
		to her again.

Kasumi – Big Sister
	Location: Omiki Town
	Time: 12:00 to 18:00
	Limits: Earn high trust from all four job sources.
		Once you've completed a sufficient number of jobs and
		earned the trust of the community, Kasumi will appear. She
		will partner up with you if you speak to her and say, “If
		you allow me, I shall call you sister.” She will only
		partner with you temporarily—to make the deal permanent,
		you will need to select, “Sister, I'll follow you to the
		end of the world,” the next time you speak to her.

Hiiragi – Naive
	Location: Guard Gate
	Time: 6:00 to 12:00
	Limits: Progress through the game. Have a Jumbo Radish.
		While speaking to her, select, “You want to eat this Jumbo
		Radish?” Each time you deign to partner up with Hiiragi,
		you will need to give her a Jumbo Radish.

Misaki – Maid
	Location: Omiki Town
	Time: 6:00 to 12:00
	Limits: Complete the Beauty and the Beast job.
		You'll find Misaki standing near Oryo. Simply tell her,
		“Come with me,” and she will partner up with you.

Hinagiku – Sexy
	Location: Posting Station
	Time: 18:00 to 0:00
	Limits: Progress through the game. Have an Arcane Potion,
		  Chicken Cake and an Ancient Amulet.
		During conversation, tell her, “I'll buy you anything
		you want,” or, “I'll buy you more things.” Then say,
		“I'll give you this.” Once you give her an Arcane Potion,
		a Chicken Cake and an Ancient Amulet, select, “I came
		to make you mine,” in dialog and she will partner up
		with you.

Kana – Servant
	Location: Takatane Village
	Time: 12:00 to 18:00
	Limits: Complete the Village Girl Rescue Operation job.
		Once you've finished the mission (given by Misae), Kana
		will appear near Misae. Simply select, “alright,” during
		the conversation to have her partner up with you.

Minamo – Little Sister
`	Location: Castle Minori
	Time: 7:00 to 13:00
	Limits: Have either an Akisame, Ebiten, or Ama-Otome.
		You'll need to have one of the swords in your inventory.
		If it's in your sword-safe, it won't work. Speak to her
		and select, “Your brother was a samurai, too?” and, “I'll
		be your brother.”

Osada – Whore
	Location: Omiki Town
	Time: 20:00 to 2:00
	Limits: Earn low trust from all four job sources.
		You must do a Shameful Slash on Osada, and then speak to
		her. If you fail to do a shameful slash, she will attack you.
		If you fail, leave the map and come back so you can try again.

Ensen – Apprentice
	Location: Guard Gate
	Time: 18:00 to 0:00
	Limits: Kill at least 1000 people.
		Defeat Ensen with blunt attacks (do NOT kill him). Speak to him
		and select, “Very well. Come with me,” and he will partner up with

Dona – Samurai
	Location: Posting Station
	Time: 6:00 to 12:00
	Limits: Dona will not appear until day 30.
		Sleep repeatedly in your room until you hit day 30. When speaking
		to Dona, select, “How about the samurai in front of you?” and she
		will partner up with you.

Nyanya - Bitch
	Location: Guard Gate
	Time: 9:00 to 15:00
	Limits: None.
		Before Nyanya appears, you need to apologize (prostrate yourself)
		to the cats in Takatane Village, Amana Castle, Omiki Town
		and The Road. While speaking to her, select, “I'd like to
		protect you,” and she will partner up with you. If searching out
		all of the cats is too much trouble for you, you can occasionally
		find all of the cats together near the temple in The Road after
		midnight. You can bow down to all of them at once and get it
		over with nice and easy.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Relationships ~               <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
As you spend time with a partner, you'll build a relationship. When
you max out your partner's relationship, you'll be able to move in
together, which can yield some very tangible benefits. And, just like
in real life, there's going to be some give in take. Before you invite
someone into your house, you may want to think about it a bit. Some
partners offer nice benefits—such as increasing the amount of money
you have saved—while others are not so nice. Some borrow money, and others
steal swords. Just be careful, and you should be okay. If you absolutely
must know, the effects of each partner are as follows:

Dona		She will steal swords from your sword safe if left home alone.
Ensen		He will occasionally bring you a new sword (added to sword safe).
Hiiragi	If your health is low, she will give you a healing item (food).
Hinagiku	Distracts enemies in battle, will hold on your money, but will
		also steal some money from you from time to time.
Kasumi	None.
Kana		She can hold accessories.
Minamo	She can hold items and will occasionally give you a new sword.
Misaki	She kicks enemies.
Momiji	With full health, she will occasionally grant you a new skill.
Nyanya	Will break swords (kept in sword safe) if left home alone).
Osada		Will let you trade with a dead merchant once each day.
Otome		She kicks dead people and breaks things.
Yukino	She can hold weapons.
Yuzu		She will lower the prices of items in the shops.

As for raising relationships, it's fairly simple. Keep your partner's
health up (you can give them items to replenish their health) and
participate in mini-games together (sword-catching, mochi making, etc.).

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Jobs ~                        <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-05]        _

You'll be able to earn money and respect in Amana by completing various
jobs. There are four people in the game that act as sources for these
jobs. Misae, an elderly woman who can be found near your house in
Takatane village; Oryo, in Omiki Town; Joji, in Castle Minori; and
Kiyonari, in Amana Castle.

Keep in mind that you will get repeats of the same job (often) and you
will get variations of the same job. Don't worry, it's natural.

If you anger a faction sufficiently, you may be tasked with a relatively
straight-forward job to earn yourself back into their good graces. If, for
example, you find yourself on the wrong side of the Fujimori Clan, Kiyonari
will give you the job of killing 100 Ouka Clan warriors at Kuchihagahara.
These jobs aren't jobs, per se, but rather redeeming actions you can take
so that you can access a certain jobs after being cut off for misbehavior.

      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Misae's Jobs ~                <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Job #1: Misae's Underwear!
	“Find Misae's favorite underwear that she dropped somewhere in
	Kuchihagahara. It is inside her Furoshiki, a wrapped cloth. Find it
	and return it to Misae.”
Tips: “Watch out for the sneaky crows!”
	The Furoshiki is small and round like a stone, so it can be very
	hard to see. It's pale-green in color, and can typically be found
	along the road leading toward the Ouka fortress (the path with 
	the small shrine and bridge). It also sometimes appears near the
	exit to Amana Castle. There are about five different places where the
	Furoshiki will spawn, so just keep your eyes open and you should be
	able to find it easily. Be careful on your way back, as the crows
	will attack you to steal the underwear (God only knows why). To
	avoid the crows, simply move in a zig-zagging line. If you're
	paying attention, you shouldn't have any trouble.

Job #2: Wave of Silver Blades!
	“Eliminate 100 outcasts accused of trying to steal money from the
	villagers. Proceed to the Guard Gate and get rid of them all in
	order to win back the villagers' trust.”
Tips: “A samurai never flees from battle.”
	...coming soon.

Job #3: Can You Eliminate 100?
	“A gang of outcasts arrived at the Guard Gate, and the villains are
	plotting a crime against Amana. Go there and dispose of them in
	order to win back the villagers' trust.”
Tips: “A samurai never flees from battle.”
	...coming soon.

Job #4: Runaway Children
	“Three children ran away from home after being scolded because of
	their recent pranks. Proceed to the Guard Gate and find the children.”
Tips: “Be careful with the kids and keep moving.”
	Yikes. Boy can this be a frustrating mission. First off, you need to
	know that there are children in Guard Gate who are NOT part of the
	group you're seeking, including Takatane Mask. Both are near the
	Tea House. The children you're looking for are called Brother, Younger
	Brother, and Sister. You'll find them hiding behind various things
	at random spots along the edge of the area. Just be patient and
	methodical and don't forget to closely inspect the areas near the exit.

Job #5: Punish the Food Thief!
	“A Jumbo Radish grown with loving care by the villagers has been
	stolen. The thief is a man from Omiki Town. Use Blunt Attack to
	properly punish him.”
Tips: “Don't kill.”
	It doesn't matter what dialog you choose, or even if you try to
	speak to the criminal at all. The moment you end conversation
	(or attack him) he will start running. He will NOT leave the
	area, so you've got plenty of time. He will occasionally pause
	to catch his breath. If he goes toward an exit, simply back
	away and he will come running back. Try to fight him away
	from other people—sometimes a wandering ronin will decide
	to join in the fight, and kill the criminal. I would
	recommend seeking out the criminal at night.

Job #6: Are we there yet?
	“Misae is not feeling so well today. Push her gently to her
	destination. Colliding with her three times will result in failure.”
Tips: “Don't draw your sword.”
	A mildly easy job, the hardest thing here is simply being patient.
	It can help to push the wrinkly old bag against a wall so you can
	prod her forward a bit more efficiently. Just keep your thumb
	nice and gentle and you shouldn't have too much trouble.

Job #7: Village Girl Rescue Operation!
	“Rescue the girl who's been kidnapped due to her father's debt
	to the bandits. The bandits can be found on The Road.”
Tips: “Be sure to escort her safely.”
	Go to The Road and head toward the two men who want you to do the sword
	catching mini-game. Head down the stairs and through the small tunnel
	and deal with the bandits however you see fit. They will wake up if you
	get too close to them, so I suggest waking them up one at a time and
	leading them away to beat 'em up. Once that is done, speak to the girl
	who you will find either inside the hut, or behind the barrels to the
	side. Tell her you're there to rescue her, and then lead her back
	through the tunnel and up the stairs. When you reach the top of the
	stairs, the job will end.

Job #8: Stop the War!
	“A conflict between Fujimori and Ouka Clan has developed in
	Kuchihagahara. Suppress the fight, or the tax collector will show
	no mercy.”
Tips: “You can't just sit and watch.”
	You need to kill everyone, which may seem like a tough task but
	it's really not. You can either kill the enemies or use blunt
	attacks, and the enemies will NOT target you until you attack them.
	You cannot, however, simply wait for everyone to kill each other.
	You're gonna have to step into the action yourself.

Job #9: Stop the Violence!
	“The farmers have been suffering oppression from the Fujimori Clan.
	Three villagers, who couldn't stand the poverty any longer, turned
	into thugs and headed for Omiki Town. Stop them at any cost.”
Tips: “You don't need to get into unnecessary fights.”
	...coming soon.

Job #10: Assassinate Lord Shuzen!
	“Shuzen Fujimori has been oppressing the villagers with severe taxes.
	According to an informer, Lord Shuzen will be in Omiki Town tonight.
	Go there and kill him!”
Tips: “Lord Shuzen would probably stay somewhere nice for the night.”
	The inn you're looking for is the one north of the Omiki Smithy.
	Naturally, you won't be able to kill Shuzen, or even fight him,
	and will face instead one of his nasty little ninjas. The Ninja
	will beg for mercy, but if you sheathe your weapon you will lose
	the mission. It's a pretty straightforward fight.

Job #11: Misae's Challenge!
	“Misae is challenging you to a duel! She'll have no regrets,
	whatever the results. Proceed to Kuchihagahara tonight.”
Tips: “Fight like you mean it, if you want to stay alive.”
	...coming soon.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Oryo's Jobs ~                 <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Job #12: Oryo's Errand!
	“Deliver a letter to Kiyonari's servant. The servant will be waiting
	outside Amana Castle. After delivering the letter, report back to
Tips: “Oryo never mentioned needing to deliver it while Kiyonari's servant
	is alive.”
	You'll find the messenger just outside of Amana Castle.

Job #13: Bloodshed in Kuchihagahara!
	“100 fed-up farmers are planning to rise in retaliation in Omiki Town.
	Before it starts, head down to Kuchihagahara and defeat them all. It's
	a test to regain trust from the townspeople.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #14: Blood for False Accusations!
	“You were falsely accused of stealing rice from the people of Omiki
	Town. Defeat 100 farmers in Kuchihagahara and get Oryo's help to
	regain their trust.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #15: Silence the Big Mouth!
	“A Fujimori minion has been bragging about his new weapon. Proceed
	to Amana Castle and break his weapon as punishment.”
Tips: “The green spear looks cheap, and defending just might be the key.”
	Just like the in-game tip says, don't bother attacking. Simply
	keep your guard up and let the poor sap break his own spear.

Job #16: Beauty and the Beast!
	“A village girl was kidnapped by a vicious outcast. Proceed to the
	old temple at The Road and punish him.”
Tips: “Not all who are kidnapped are thankful after being rescued.”
	Go to The Road and search out the kidnapper. You can usually find him
	between the Temple's giant bell and the exit to Castle Minori. Fight
	him, kill him, and then have fun with your damsel in distress.

Job #17: The Big Boss!
	“Bandits are making their home on The Road. Find their boss and
	kill him!”
Tips: None.
	Head over to The Road, and trek toward the waterfall behind the
	temple. You should see the bandits hanging around near the cliff.
	Kill the fat guy and do whatever you want to his underlings, then
	report back to Oryo.

Job #18: Clear the Way!
	“A conflict between a bunch of outcasts and farmers has broken out
	at the Guard Gate. The fight is interfering with business. Proceed
	to the entrance and stop the madness.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #19: Justice for All!
	“A killer is slaying people for mere pleasure. Proceed to The
	Road and kill him. Show no mercy!”
Tips: “Don't listen to his words if you wish to complete the job.”
	...coming soon.

Job #20: Pride Comes with a Price!
	“There are three killers in Takatane Village who are complaining
	about their pay for jobs assigned by Oryo. They're threatening to
	kill villagers and blame the townspeople. Get rid of them.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #21: The Hand of an Agent!
	“Confront the man who broke an important promise with Omiki Town.
	He's at the Guard Gate. To solve this problem, perhaps you can buy
	off one of Fujimori's men.”
Tips: “Fujimori soldiers tend to like good radish.”
	...coming soon.

Job #22: Oryo's Interest
	“Oryo has shown an interest in you. Proceed to Kuchihagahara at
	nightfall and find out her intentions.”
Tips: “Be prepared for anything to happen.”
	...coming soon.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Joji's Jobs ~                 <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Job #23: Ouka's Pride
	“Threaten a commoner who's been disrespecting Ouka Clan. Show him
	what it means to be degraded. Draw a sword to scare him. The
	target is at the Guard Gate.”
Tips: “Be aware of where you are drawing your weapon.”
	Find the guy named “Cocky Bastard.” Speak with him and he'll 
	start kicking you, limey jerk that he is. Draw your sword and
	hit him with three consecutive blunt attacks. DO NOT knock him
	out. Once he apologizes to you, you are done.

Job #24: Ouka Clan Honor
	“A Fujimori brigade is assembled on The Road. Eliminate them in
	honor of Ouka Clan, and regain trust from their members.”
Tips: None.
	Just kill all of the Fujimori soldiers. There are 100 enemies
	in total and the game will keep track of how many you have
	killed, in multiples of ten.

Job #25: Slaughter in Kuchihagahara
	“Fujimori warriors are participating in a training exercise.
	Proceed to Kuchihagahara and defeat 100 of them to earn respect.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #26: Genjuro!
	“Ouka Clan's beloved dog, Genjuro, hasn't returned from his walk
	yet. Find the dog and bring him back. Get some tips from Joji on
	the dog's location.”
Tips: None.
	Speak to Joji a second time to open up an extra dialog option
	for more information. He will tell you where Genjuro was last
	seen. Genjuro will NOT be in the area that Joji states, but
	rather in an area adjacent (that is, directly connected) to
	the area where he was last seen.

Job #27: Apologies!
	“It's an honorable job to apologize for the misconduct caused
	in Omiki Town by a member of Ouka Clan. Go and do your duty.”
Tips: None.
	You will need to go to Omiki Town and search out the “Angry Lady.”
	Speak with her and she'll mention some trouble with the Ouka Clan.
	You'll need to tell her you're sorry, but she'll want more than
	that. You'll need to then actually bow down—prostrate yourself on
	the ground—and let her have her way with you. Eventually she will
	forgive you, or tire herself out, and you'll be done.

Job #28: Our Genjuro!
	“Genjuro is missing again! It seems he was caught by a Fujimori
	samurai in Kuchihagahara. Defeat the samurai and rescue our
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #29: Hostage!
	“A member of Ouka clan is being held hostage by Fujimori's men.
	They are in Kuchihagahara. Go and rescue him.”
Tips: “Try not getting the hostage involved in the fight.”
	Go to Kuchihagahara and find the Fujimori soldiers ganging up
	on the lone Ouka man. You'll need to be fast, or the hostage
	will die. You'll want to draw the enemies away from the 
	hostage (they'll attack you one at a time) and be careful
	of your own position, as well. It only takes a single
	hit—by anyone's blade-to kill the poor sod.

Job #30: Ouka's Territory!
	“A fight between a group of outcasts and Fujimori Clan is
	intruding on Ouka Clan's territory, The Road. In the name of 
	Ouka, go and get rid of all of them.”
Tips: None.
	Dash around The Road 'till you find the two fights and kill
	everyone you see. You'll need to kill them yourself, so
	don't just sit there and watch the carnage.

Job #31: Desperate Need for Help!
	“Fujimori's men made an accusation on a member of Ouka Clan and
	confiscated his Small Box that was a momento of his mother. Return
	the Small Box kept inside the Guard Gate.”
Tips: “Look for a buddy that can help you do the job.”
	Pick up the Dried Fish from Joji and go to the Guard Gate. Find
	the cat running around and run into him a few times. Once he
	gives up, speak to him and give him the fish. Speak to him again,
	and then give him the job. The cat will then go over to the small
	building the Fujimori typically guard and retrieve a small box
	for you. You'll need to return the box to Joji to complete
	the mission, but you can keep giving the cat fish and the cat
	will bring you a variety of random items.

Job #32: Fearless Bandits!
	“Eliminate three men who became thieves without Joji's permission
	and make an example out of them. The traitors are hiding in
	Amana Castle.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #33: Shameful Fun!
	“In order to strengthen the power of the Ouka Clan, execute Shameful
	Slash on every woman gathered together in Kuchihagahara. Old ladies
	have nothing to do with this.”
Tips: “Skills that attack the lower region of the body make it a lot
	easier to Shameful Slash.”
	This job can be a bit tough, so it may be a good idea to save before
	attempting it. You'll want a sword that won't be hitting the women
	by accident—so the starting sword, with its vertical slash, is ideal.
	The women run all over, so you may be better served to be patient and
	stand still in one place—letting the women come to you. The old women
	run slow, so be careful around them. You'll fail the mission if you
	slash any of the girls. If you have to hunt down a woman, remember
	to walk, do NOT run. If you run, you'll end up changing the attack to
	a forward thrust, which will hurt them and cause you to fail the job.
	Overall, you'll need to be very, very focused for this mission, and
	equally patient.

Job #34: Assassinate the Assassin!
	“Someone is planning your assassination! According to reliable
	sources, the assassin will be in Kuchihagahara tonight. Go there
	and assassinate the killer.”
Tips: “Friendship may not last forever.”
	...coming soon.
      __                                                        __ 
       ____                                             _____/ /
      |  ____>           ~ Kiyonari's Jobs ~             <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Job #35: The Samurai Punisher is Coming!
	“A notorious thief known for his pick pocketing is hiding at
	The Road. Find him and give him ten beatings. Use Blunt Attack
	to make him renounce his crimes.”
Tips: “Blunt kicking will do the job as well.”
	Any mission where you have to hunt down someone can be a lot of trouble.
	First time I tried this, a guard tried to fight me—and inadvertently
	killed my target. Your best bet is to tackle this job at night, to
	avoid a similar occurrence.

Job #36: The Lone Guard!
	“Serve as a Rear Guard at The Road to help the Fujimori samurai
	retreat. Stop 100 Ouka Clan members with everything you have.
	Success in this job will remove your stigma.”
Tips: None.
	A great mission to farm for items and parts, just remember to pace
	yourself and keep an eye on the counter (it'll tell you how many 
	enemies you've killed by multiples of ten). It's also a great way
	to learn skills—so if you want to repeat it, you can, any time
	you want. All ya' have to do is piss off the Fujimori again.

Job #37: Rise of Fujimori Samurai!
	“Defeat 100 Ouka Clan members found in Kuchihagahara. Complete the
	job and you'll be recognized as a Fujimori samurai.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #38: Run for Your Life!
	“You must compete against Kiyonari in a race. Go through the main
	gate, followed by the outer gate, then return to the starting point
	through the rear gate. The first one back wins.”
Tips: “He never said it was only one lap around the castle.”
	...coming soon.

Job #39: Baby Abduction!
	“In order to rescue the kidnapped babies, you must fight the
	kidnappers who show up to receive ransom. Speak to Kiyonari
	regarding the meeting place.”
Tips: “Bring the babies back to Kiyonari before doing anything to the
	After you speak with Kiyonari, go to the location indicated. You
	will see two brightly-dressed women wearing hats. Speak to them
	and give them the money. Now, they will either tell you where the
	child is, or they will attack you. If they attack you, use blunt
	attacks to defeat them. Once defeated, one of the women will either
	drop the baby, or one will tell you where the baby is. If you knock
	them out, you get to keep the ransom for yourself.

Job #40: Who's Who?
	“Find the real thief among the three suspects in Omiki Town. Use
	Blunt Attack to capture the crook.”
Tips: “Ask Kiyonari about the characteristics of the thief.”
	...coming soon.

Job #41: The Samurai Punisher is Coming!
	“The Ashigaru Sergeant of Fujimori Clan stole an important
	document and is currently on the run. Head to The Road where he's
	hiding and use Blunt Attack to capture him.”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #42: Eliminate Them All!
	“Ouka Clan and a group of outcasts have started a fight, which led
	to a fierce battle at The Road. Eliminate them all!”
Tips: None.
	...coming soon.

Job #43: Ghost Sightings in Amana!
	“A killer disguised as a ghost is murdering people at the Guard
	Gate. The identity of the killer is unknown. Wait until nightfall and
	eliminate the killer.”
Tips: “Blunt attacking may save your life.”
	You'll find the ghost near the Dojo, in Guard Gate. She's hiding
	behind some stone tablets, but she puts out a big ol' thought
	bubble so she shouldn't be too hard to find. When you battle her,
	she say a bunch of creepy stuff and, being undead and all, can
	regenerate her health. After you kill the ghost, your HP will be
	reduced to zero. You can either avoid this by defeating her via
	blunt attacks, or simply make sure you have a spare healing item
	for -after- you kill the ghost. Once she's dead (er, again) she'll
	drop a straw doll, which you can then give to Kiyonari.

Job #44: Fujimori's Ninjas!
	“Fujimori elites, who want a full-scale war against Ouka clan,
	ordered three ninjas to assassinate Ouka Clan's soft-liners. Proceed
	to Castle Minori and eliminate the ninjas.”
Tips: “Don't give them a chance to sheathe their weapons.”
	...coming soon.

Job #45: Samurai Punisher is Coming!
	“A samurai general is plotting to kill Lord Shuzen. Assassinate
	him at the Guard Gate and don't let anyone see you, or they may
	assume it's a sanction by a Samurai Punisher.”
Tips: None.
	As is the norm with jobs of this type, you're better of doing it
	sometime after dark, when most NPCs are asleep.

Job #46: The Homeless Mighty God!
	“Tonight is the night to kill Joji of Ouka clan, a.k.a the
	'Homeless Mighty God.' Kiyonari's men will lure and corner him.
	Proceed to Kuchihagahara and finish him.”
Tips: “Why trust Kiyonari when he never trusted you?”
	After you kill your “enemy,” remember to pick up his weapon.
	This is the ONLY time you'll be able to grab it, and odds are
	you're not going to want to run through all those missions again.

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  __ ____                                             _____/ /__/ /
 |  __   ____>           ~ Mini-Games ~                  <_____   __  |
 / /  /_/                                                      _   
/_/                                                [WotS3-06]        _

Vegetable Toss
	Location: Takatane Village & Castle Minori
	Time: Morning to Evening
	Reward: 300 Yen
		This is a pretty simple game... the peasant woman will toss
		daikon (radishes) into the air for you to cut. She'll also
		toss Jizo (giant stone statues) at you, which can take out about
		250 HP if they hit you. The important thing is timing. Choose
		your action when the object being thrown at you is at the height
		of its arc—before it starts to come down. If it's a statue, push
		the left analog stick up to dodge. If it's a radish, square to
		slice. If there are multiple daikon incoming, tap the square
		button rapidly to perform a simple combo.

Tuna Filet
	Location: Amana Castle / Posting Station
	Time: Morning to Evening
	Reward: 300 Yen
		This mini-game can be a bit annoying, but at least you won't
		get a game over if you lose. You need to slice up a giant tuna,
		but simply mashing square (usually) won't do the trick. You need
		to cut the fish on either side, so cut until you start missing,
		and then move around to the other side of the fish and keep
		hacking away 'till the job is done.

Temple Bell
	Location: The Road
	Time: Morning to Evening
	Reward: 300 Yen
		This is a nice and easy game. Once again, it's all about timing.
		You'll be moving the left analog stick to the right and to the
		left—keep your eye on the indicator at the bottom of the screen.
		Keep swinging from side to side until your able to get the bar
		inside the red area (the closer you are to the far left, the
		higher your score). Press X when the bar is fully extended to
		the left. The closer you are to 100%, the higher your score, and
		the higher your score, the more money you will earn.

Mochi Making
	Location: Takatane Village / Guard Gate
	Time: Morning to Evening
	Reward: 300 Yen
		A very simple mini-game, the hardest part is getting a partner.
		Anyway, simply follow the onscreen prompts and try to hold a
		steady rhythm. Remember, you'll only ever need to press the
		analog stick down, so focus on the face buttons you'll need
		to press.

Bare-Handed Sword Dance
	Location: The Road / Posting Station
	Time: Morning to Evening
	Reward: 300 Yen
		This can be a tough one. Like the vegetable toss, failure
		here means death—not the best way to get a game-over. Just
		be sure to save before starting this one, and you should be fine.
		You'll need to have a partner before playing this game, by the
		way. Anyway, the object is to catch your partner's sword mid-
		swing. You do this by pressing the analog sticks close together.
		As with the vegetable toss, try to time yourself with the arc
		of the blade. It may take some time for you get the timing
		worked out.

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  __ ____                                             _____/ /__/ /
 |  __   ____>           ~ Shops ~                       <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-07]        _

A quick guide to the terms involved here: the “Day” is the day when
the item is available for purchase at said shop. If there's just a single
number, that means that on that day, and on all the days following that day,
you will be able to find that particular item in that particular shop. If
there's an X before the number, that means “multiple.” For example, “Day x5”
means you can find the item in that store on day 5, and on every day that
is a multiple of five—10, 15, 20, etc.

Fabled Merchant – The Road
	Arcane Potion			3000 Yen	Day 1
	Sunglasses				1200 Yen	Day 1
	Exotic Sunglasses			1000 Yen	Day 1
	Gold Blade				2000 Yen	Day 1
	Square Steel Guard		 500 Yen	Day 1
	Black Grip				 500 Yen	Day 1
	Gold Dyed Pommel			 500 Yen	Day 1
	Shark Fin Blade			2000 Yen	Day 2
	Shark Fin Guard			 500 Yen	Day 2
	Shark Eye Grip			 500 Yen	Day 2
	Shark Tail Pommel			 500 Yen	Day 2
	Ninja Scroll			 800 Yen	Day 3
	Harmful Blade			2000 Yen	Day 3
	Dragonfly Wing Guard		2000 Yen	Day 3
	Dragonfly Eye Grip		2000 Yen	Day 3
	Dragonfly Head Pommel		2000 Yen	Day 3
	Kagetsu Blade			4000 Yen	Day 4
	Hawk Eye Blade			2000 Yen	Day 4
	Falconry Guard			4000 Yen	Day 4
	Falcon Wing Grip			2000 Yen	Day 4
	Hawk Nest Pommel			2000 Yen	Day 4
	Cloud Small Blade			4000 Yen	Day 5
	Tarnish Guard			4000 Yen	Day 5
	Cloud Shadow Small Grip		 500 Yen	Day 5
	Summon Cloud Pommel		4000 Yen	Day 5
	Phantasm Pommel			2000 Yen	Day 5
	Funny Bone Blade			4000 Yen	Day 6
	Bad Bone Guard			2000 Yen	Day 6
	Devil Bone Grip			2000 Yen	Day 6
	Evil Bone Pommel			2000 Yen	Day 6
	Zetsumon Spear Guard		2000 Yen	Day 6
	Giant Shuriken			1200 Yen	Day 7
	Deity of Forest Long Blade	4000 Yen	Day 7
	Black Steel Blade			2000 Yen	Day 7
	Black Steel Guard			2000 Yen	Day 7
	Black Steel Grip			2000 Yen	Day 7
	Black Steel Pommel 		2000 Yen	Day 7
	Mallet Small Grip			4000 Yen	Day 8
	Cavern Long Blade			2000 Yen	Day 8
	Cavern Guard			2000 Yen	Day 8
	Cavern Grip				2000 Yen	Day 8
	Cavern Pommel			2000 Yen	Day 8
	Buddha Head				 800 Yen	Day 9
	Reach Blade				4000 Yen	Day 9
	Forged Iron Guard			2000 Yen	Day 9
	Deity of Forest Grip		2000 Yen	Day 9
	Steel Grip				4000 Yen	Day 9
	Ippatsu Pommel			2000 Yen	Day 9
	Oniyuri Long Blade		4000 Yen	Day 10
	Thistle Guard			2000 Yen	Day 10
	Hell Cherry Grip			2000 Yen	Day 10
	Demon Pommel			2000 Yen	Day 10
	Shadow Moon Pommel		2000 Yen	Day 10

Dojima (Younger) – Takatane Village
	Blade Powder			 500 Yen	Day 1
	Sword Oil				 500 Yen	Day 1
	Amakusa Grindstone		1000 Yen	Day 1
	Nisshouzan Grindstone		1000 Yen	Day 1
	Moderate Blade			1000 Yen	Day 1
	Random Parts			n/a		Day 1
Shicho – Takatane Village
	Gold Egg				6000 Yen	Day x5
	Dried Fish				 180 Yen	Day 1
	Radish				  80 Yen	Day 1
	Old Radish				  40 Yen	Day 1
	Mushroom				 100 Yen	Day 1
	Scroll: Basic			 800 Yen	Day 1
	Egg					  50 Yen	Day 1
	Hyottoko Mask			 200 Yen	Day 1
	Okame Mask				 300 Yen	Day 1
	Red Pepper				 400 Yen	Day 3
	Katashiro				 400 Yen	Day 3
	Shoulder Guard (left)		 500 Yen	Day 3
	Shoulder Guard (right)		 500 Yen	Day 3
	Jumbo Radish			 400 Yen	Day 5
	Gauntlet (left)			 500 Yen	Day 5
	Gauntlet (right)			 500 Yen	Day 5
	Greave (left)			 500 Yen	Day 5
	Greave (right)			 500 Yen	Day 5
	Longbow				 400 Yen	Day 7
	Quiver				 400 Yen	Day 7
	Fishing Pole			 400 Yen	Day 7
	Creel					 300 Yen	Day 7
	Gag Arrow				 200 Yen	Day 9
	Trick Arrows			 300 Yen	Day 9
	Face Guard				 500 Yen	Day 9
	Helm Ornament (horn)		1000 Yen	Day 9
	Samurai Helm (black)		 400 Yen	Day 10
	Helm Ornament (love)		 400 Yen	Day 10
	Helm Ornament (moon)		 400 Yen	Day 10

Dojima (Older) – The Road
	Blade Powder			 500 Yen	Day 1
	Sword Oil				 500 Yen	Day 1
	Amakusa Grindstone		1000 Yen	Day 1
	Nisshouzan Grindstone		1000 Yen	Day 1
	Moderate Blade			1000 Yen	Day 1
	Random Parts			n/a		Day 1

Uepon – Posting Station
	Weapon Safe				2000 Yen	Day 1
	Moderate Blade			1000 Yen	Day 1
	Buddhist Beads			 500 Yen	Day 1
	Scroll: Basic			 800 Yen	Day 1
	Red Pepper				 400 Yen	Day 1
	Scroll: Rage			 500 Yen	Day 1
	Random Parts			n/a		Day 1
	Scroll: Advanced			 ??? Yen	Day 10
	Scroll: Special			 ??? Yen	Day 10
	Scroll: Dual Wield		 ??? Yen	Day 10

Dekoreita – Posting Station
	Buddhist Beads			 500 Yen	Day 1
	Ancient Amulet			1500 Yen	Day 1
	Noh Mask				 400 Yen	Day 1
	Monkey Mask				 200 Yen	Day 1
	Tengu Mask				 300 Yen	Day 1
	Fox Mask				 300 Yen	Day 1
	Hannya Mask				 500 Yen	Day 2
	Biwa					 500 Yen	Day 2
	Bangasa				 600 Yen	Day 2
	Sandogasa				 500 Yen	Day 3
	Takayouji				 100 Yen	Day 3
	Sake Bottle				 500 Yen	Day 3
	Ichime-Gasa				 400 Yen	Day 3
	Yuigasa				 500 Yen	Day 4
	Ronin-Gasa				 400 Yen	Day 4
	Sotoba				 200 Yen	Day 4
	Shakuhachi				 500 Yen	Day 4
	Tengai Hat				 400 Yen	Day 5
	Festive Headband			 400 Yen	Day 5
	Bead Necklace			 300 Yen	Day 5
	Forehead Protector		 500 Yen	Day 5
	Cloth Headband			 300 Yen	Day 6
	Gourd					 300 Yen	Day 6
	Hair Pin				 500 Yen	Day 6
	Glasses				 300 Yen	Day 6
	Purse					 300 Yen	Day 7
	Soldier Hat				 500 Yen	Day 7
	Kagurabue				 600 Yen	Day 7
	Pipe					 800 Yen	Day 8
	Raccoon Tail			 500 Yen	Day 8
	Tool Set				 600 Yen	Day 8
	Eye Patch				 500 Yen	Day 9
	Nippon-Ichi				 400 Yen	Day 9
	Flower				 800 Yen	Day 9
	Hachigane				 500 Yen	Day 10
	Tenka-Muso				 500 Yen	Day 10
	Furoshiki				 500 Yen	Day 10

Kenko Bijin – Omiki Town
	Rice Ball 				 150 Yen	Day 1
	Dried Fish				 180 Yen	Day 1
	Radish				  80 Yen	Day 1
	Chick Cake				 600 Yen	Day 1
	Chicken Cake			1200 Yen	Day 5
	Ginseng				2000 Yen	Day 5

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Items ~                       <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-08]        _

There are plenty of different items to collect in Way of the Samurai 3,
from the basic healing items that replenish HP, to the special items
that grant permanent stat increases to either your samurai or your weapon.
There are unique items that can be sold for money, items that can be
crafted into powerful weapons, and accessories that can be worn. Many
items can be purchased from the various shops in the game, others are
unlocked through the accumulation of Samurai Points, and many, many more
can only be found after killing enemies.
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      |  ____>           ~ Swords ~                      <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
There are a TON of different weapons in the game, and—face it—neither
you nor I care much about most of 'em. This list will deal solely with
the unique, special swords that you are likely to specifically seek

Keep in mind that weapon stats are partially RANDOM. That means that
a specific sword, when found, can have different stats each time
you obtain it—usually on a scale of plus or minus ten to fifteen.
The stats I have listed are example stats, so don't be too concerned
if you find a sword that's a bit different than what I've listed here.

Sword: Koru-no-ha (?/?)
Attack: ???		Defense: ???
Weight: ???		Durability: ???
	A nice Ninja sword. You'll need to find and kill the Samurai Hunter,
	who only appears at night, in order to get it. Please bear in mind
	that it only has a 50% chance of dropping.

Sword: Kuro-Tonbo (?/?)
Attack: ???		Defense: ???
Weight: ???		Durability: ???
	A Ninja sword with some ridiculously painful moves, if you want it,
	you're going to have to kill Kirie first.

Sword: Kurotaka (?/?)
Attack: ???		Defense: ???
Weight: ???		Durability: ???
	Dropped by the mysterious Ninja you encounter near the temple at
	The Road in one of Setsuen's events.

Sword: Muramasa (1/3)
Attack:  38		Defense: -37
Weight:   0		Durability: 3
	This is a nice, red-bladed Ninja sword you can obtain by killing
	Otome, the shabby old woman who appears at The Road around Day 15.

Sword: Ookuronama (?)
Attack: ???		Defense: ???
Weight:   3		Durability: ?
	Also known as the Dai-Kuronama in Way of the Samurai 1 and 2, you
	can obtain this dandy little blade by completing the job “Misae's
	Challenge.” Refer to the Jobs section for details.

Sword: Sayoshigure (?/?)
Attack: ???		Defense: ???
Weight: ???		Durability: ???
	One of the nicer Ninja swords. You'll have to find and kill the
	Samurai Hunter to get it. It only has a 50% drop rate.

Sword: Shirai-tou (?/?)
Attack: ???		Defense: ???
Weight: ???		Durability: ???
	A nice sword of the draw-stance, it's also very easy to find. Each
	new game spawns this blade inside the large stump on the path toward
	the main shrine in The Road. You'll need to jump onto the large rock
	in front of the stump first, and then you'll be able to jump from it
	to the interior of the stump.

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      |  ____>           ~ Spears ~                      <_____  |
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      |  ____>           ~ Items ~                       <_____  |
      /_/                                                      _
Arcane Potion		Restores 1000 HP	
Blade Powder		Quality +1, Attack +5
Sword Oil			Quality +1, Defense +5
Amakusa Grindstone	-5 Quality, +10 Attack, +1 Defense
Nisshouzan Grindstone	-5 Quality, +10 Defense, +1 Attack
Gold Egg			Restores 100% HP
Dried Fish			Restores 300 HP
Radish			Restores 100 HP
Old Radish			Restores 50 HP
Mushroom			Restores 100-300 HP
Egg				Restores 200 HP
Red Pepper			Defense up 50% for 30 seconds
Weapon Safe			Adds a new page to Weapon Safe
Buddhist Beads		Adds 20 to maximum HP
Ancient Amulet		Adds 50 to maximum HP
Rice Ball			Restores 200 HP
Chick Cake			Restores 1000 HP
Chicken Cake		Restores 2000 HP
Ginseng			Revive with 500 HP after death

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Cheats & Extras ~             <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-09]        _

While there are no cheats per se, there are a number of different... shall
we say “unethical” tactics you may employ to make the game a bit easier
for you. Remember, you've got nothing to lose here... but your moral

Easy Samurai Points:
	Everything you unlock in the game, accessories, skins, special
	options, new difficulties, etcetera, are obtained by earning
	a specific number of Samurai points. And, lucky for us, there's
	a simple method to unlock EVERYTHING in the game within fifteen
	minutes. Simply start out a new game and, when confronting the
	peasants, either tell them to go away, or draw your sword.
	Then go to Takatane Village. Steal a radish from the fields and
	eat it. Then go down to the shop and draw your sword. DO NOT
	ATTACK. Wait for the guard to kill you. You should get the
	Vegetarian title, which nets about 700 Samurai Points on normal,
	1000 on hard, and 1200 on instant-kill difficulties. Simply repeat
	until you get the “message from the developers,” which will
	inform you that everything is unlocked.

Never Lose Money
	Buying stuff can be pretty expensive—and upgrading weapons even more
	so. Tired of seeing your stash constantly dwindling? Simply kill the
	merchant when your business with them is concluded. If you spend
	12000 yen upgrading your weapons at the blacksmith, you can kill
	the blacksmith and get your 12000 Yen back—along with his hammer and,
	if you loot the corpse, possibly an item, too.

Finding the Fabled Merchant:
	The Fabled Merchant sells some very nice stuff, but can be a bit
	hard to find. He only appears in his boat (in the waterfall pool
	at The Road) after you've seen three events. View four events,
	and he'll be gone until you see a sixth event. To keep him there
	as long as you like, simply view three events and no more. Remember,
	if you have a job active, events will NEVER start—not so long as the
	job is active, of course.

Finding Golden Eggs
	One of the more sought-after items in the game, Golden Eggs can be
	pretty tough to find if you don't know where to look. There are several
	ways to obtain golden eggs. First, if you defeat the Sensei at the Dojo,
	she will give you a golden egg if you defeat her without killing her
	(blunt attack). You may also buy them from the shop in Takatane Village
	(see the Shops section). You may also obtain two Golden Eggs if you 
	reunite the two Dojima brothers (you get one egg from each brother).
	Golden Eggs are also dropped rarely by peasants, and more frequently
	from the Fabled Merchant. You may also obtain Golden Eggs from several
	of the jobs, but I won't say which ones to avoid spoilers.
500 Yen Every Day:
	This isn't so much a cheat, as it is a little-known aspect of the game.
	When you take over the Ouka Clan (join the clan, wait for Yuma and
	Itsuse to leave the room, and then kill Genjuro) you'll also get 
	access to the castle's coffers. The next day, visit the Ouka job
	broker. Every day he'll give you can ask for as much as 1000 yen, but
	if you ask for 1000 more than twice, he'll go away and you'll be screwed.
	You're better off playing it safe and just asking for 500. Repeat as
	often as you desire—but be careful, if you get caught up in any Inkling,
	the story will quickly progress and you will lose all access to the

Things You May Not Know:
1. You can fast-travel to any location by using your world map.
2. You can alter the size, shape, placement and color for ANY of the
   accessories in the game.
3. You can unlock the  option to make your character invisible.
4. You can unlock the option to change the color of blood in the game.
5. Pressing square after selecting an NPC skin will allow you to use the
   “normal” movesets instead of the NPC's movesets.
6. If you press triangle immediately after using X to pick up a sword,
   (while the sword is still in your hand) you will throw the sword you
   just picked up at your currently-selected target.

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Trophies ~                    <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-10]        _

Amana Native			(B)	Play for more than 10 hours.
Assassin				(S)	Defeat Fujimori Shuzen.
Bare Hands Stance Mastery	(B)	Master all Bare Hands skills.
Blunt Attack			(B)	Defeat a foe with a blunt attack.
Bushido				(S)	Defeat Sensei at the Dojo.
Draw Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Draw Stance skills.
Dual Sword Stance Mastery	(B)	Master all Dual Sword skills.
Ending				(B)	Complete the game once.
Extra Sword Safe			(B)	Obtain extra sword safe.
First Time				(B)	Learn a skill.
Five Stories			(S)	Discover five endings.
Forged Weapon			(B)	Forge a weapon.
Head Collector			(B)	Obtain all heads.
Job Seeker				(B)	Complete 50 jobs.
Killer				(B)	Kill an enemy.
Legendary Samurai			(S)	Earn over 10000 Samurai Points.
Lower Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Lower Stance skills.
Master of Skills			(B)	Learn 100 skills.
Middle Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Middle Stance skills.
Ninja Dual Sword Mastery	(B)	Master all Ninja Dual Sword skills.
Ninja Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Ninja Stance skills.
Outfit Collector			(B)	Obtained all Outfits.
Payday				(B)	Complete a Job successfully.
Platinum Trophy			(P)	Acquire all Trophies.
Power of 10				(B)	Achieve 10 chain kills.
Power of 100			(B)	Achieve 100 chain kills.
Relationship			(B)	Find a partner.
Samurai Forever!			(G)	Clear game with 120% Samurai rating.
Samurai Hero			(B)	Earn 2000 Samurai Points.
Samurai Leader			(B)	Earn 200 Samurai Points.
Samurai Master			(B)	Clear the game on Hard.
Samurai Slayer			(B)	Clear the game on Instant-Kill.
Side Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Side Stance skills.
Single Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Single Stance skills.
Skill Collector			(B)	Learn 10 skills.
Skilled Samurai			(B)	Clear the game on Normal.
Spear Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Spear Stance skills.
Title Collector			(B)	Obtain 5 titles.
Title Master			(S)	Obtain 20 titles.
Upper Stance Mastery		(B)	Master all Upper Stance skills.
Victory				(G)	Find the True Ending.
Way of the Samurai		(G)	Find all of the endings.
Weak Samurai			(B)	Clear the game on Easy.
Weapon Arsenal			(B)	Obtain 50 different weapons.
Weapon Collector			(B)	Obtain 10 different weapons.
Weapon Destroyer			(B)	Break an enemy's weapon.
Weapon Forger			(B)	Create a weapon.
Weapon Master			(B)	Master all skills for a weapon.
Zero Blunt Attack			(B)	Defeat an enemy with weapon that
						has zero durability.
Zero Kill				(B)	Kill an enemy with a weapon that
						has zero durability.

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Frequently Asked Questions ~  <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-11]        _

Q: I can't find Way of the Samurai 3 anywhere! What should I do?
A: Cross your fingers and pray. There seem to have been some very
   serious distribution problems with Way of the Samurai 3, so this
   is a common problem. You can check your local stores, but odds are
   you won't find any copies—I can only recommend that you check online.
   Personally, after trying and failing three times to find a copy at
   Gamestop, I went ahead and ordered from Amazon.com.

Q: How do I unlock new faces, clothing and accessories?
A: Play the game and don't be an ass. No, really. You'll unlock new 
   items to customize your character based upon how many Samurai Points
   you earn once you finish a game. Keep in mind that evil deeds will
   ultimately subtract from your Samurai Points—so you'll have to play
   nice if you want a reward.

Q: How do I avoid losing Samurai Points?
A: Act as a “true” Samurai would—don't go picking fights. Don't go around
   murdering people. Apologize if you do something wrong. And if you must
   fight, you don't have to kill—remember, you can use the blunt side
   of your sword!

Q: How do I give an item to an NPC?
A: Approach an NPC so that the NPC's name is visible. Then go into your
   item menu, select the item you which to give, and select “give.” That
   item will then be given to the NPC you have “selected.”

Q: How do I play as an NPC?
A: Finish a game with more than 8000 Samurai Points, and you will have
   the option to play as an NPC the next time you go into the Character
   Creation menu.

Q: Why isn't this FAQ finished yet?
A: Because I'm just one, lone sop, and in case you haven't realized it yet,
   this game is bloody gigantic! I've soaked a lot of time into it already,
   but I tell ya' ...it feels like I've only scratched the surface.

Q: Would you accept help with this Guide?
A: Almost certainly. If you can contribute something (several people have
   already done so) simply e-mail me. Anything, no matter so small, is
   fine. So long as it's not information I already have, I'll be more
   than glad to use your information and credit you accordingly.

Q: I've noticed that several people have contributed information to this
   guide. What happens if two people submit the same information?
A: In that case I would (and already have) credit both people. I typically
   update the FAQ every week, and so long as you're sending me something
   that's not in the FAQ currently posted on GameFAQs, provided I haven't
   ascertained the information on my own, I will credit you. If ten people
   people email me to say  X number should be Y, I credit all ten people.

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Update Log ~                  <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-12]        _

	October 2009 (v.0.01)
		-Basic FAQ construction complete. There's a little bit
		 of content, but it's still pretty sparse.
	October 2009 (v.0.15)
		-Partner Section completed.
		-Jobs Section completed.
		-Appraisal sub-Section completed.
		-Legendary Weapons sub-Section completed.
	October 2009 (v.0.16)
		-Modified FAQ format.
		-Added partial Sword List sub-Section.
		-Added partial Spear List sub-Section.
		-Added partial Item List sub-Section.
		-Added partial Titles sub-Section.
	October 2009 (v.0.45)
		-Added guides for 14 out of the 29 different endings.
		-Added “Way of the Samurai” section.
	October 2009 (v.0.46)
		-Added Introduction Section.
		-Amended Ending Guide.
		-Added Mini-Game Section.
	October 2009 (v.0.65)
		-Corrected a mistake in the walkthrough for ending #1.
		-Finished walkthrough (sans scripts) for ending #2.
		-Added endings 17, 18 and 19. Only a few more left!
	October 2009 (v.0.99)
		-Added Fabled Merchant to Shops Section (complete).
		-Added Dojima Brothers (both) to Shops Section.
		-Added Fabled Merchant guide to Cheats & Extras Section.
		-Added a few How-Tos to the Jobs Section.
		-Added minor corrections to the Endings Section.
		-Added short descriptions to the Endings Section.
		-Finished the Endings section. It is now 100% complete!
		-Added a special thanks to the beginning of the FAQ to the
		 entire community for all the help I was given while
		 working on this FAQ. Seriously guys—thanks a ton!
	October 2009 (v.1.00)
		-Reformatted FAQ.
	October 2009 (v.1.02)
		-Finished Shops Section.
		-Finished Items sub-Section.
	November 2009 (v.1.03)
		-Added Job information.
		-Added Sword information.
		-Corrected Ending information.
		-Corrected Mini-Game information.
	November 2009 (v.1.10)
		-Added Ending Overview Section.
		-Added Job information.
		-Added Sword information.
		-Corrected Ending information.
		-Corrected Mini-Game information.

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 |  __   ____>           ~ Acknowledgments ~             <_____   __  |
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/_/                                                [WotS3-13]        _

I would like to thank the following people for contributing information
used in the construction of this FAQ:

			Harold Boxley
				-Ending Information

			Shannon Derr
				-Job Information

			Tom Foley
				-Title Information

			Leo Frederick
				-Ending Route Information
				-Partner Information
				-Job Information

			Rey Jones
				-Cheats & Extras Information

			Jay Lonsberry
				-Unique Sword Information
				-Title Information

			C. Peter
				-Job Information

			Christian Peter
				-Job Information

			Mohammed Rashid
				-Title Information

			Brandon Vesel
				-Job Walkthrough
				-Partner Information

			ccjj, of GameFAQs
				-Ending Route Information

				-Mini-Game Information

			LordSaborStrike, of GameFAQs
				-Sword Information

			Pang Tong, of GameFAQs
				-Title Information

			StrangeDoom, of GameFAQs
				-Ending Information
				-Cheats & Extras Information

			Varmis, of GameFAQs
				-Job Information

			Zazzenfuk, of GameFAQs
				-Job Information
				-Partner Information

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to write
me at the following email address:


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