Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky Dungeon FAQ

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

******Dungeon FAQ******
Written by: OgreGunner, aka Sean Snyder
Version 1.01
Copyright 2009 Sean Snyder

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                Table of Contents
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
(Use Ctrl F to locate a specific dungeon or section)
Table of Contents
##I.         Introduction
##II.        Format for Dungeon Information
##III.       Pre-ending Dungeons
      1##.        Beach Cave
      2##.        Drenched Bluff
      3##.        Mt. Bristle
      4##.        Waterfall Cave
      5##.        Apple Woods
      6##.        Side Path
      7##.        Craggy Coast
      8##.        Rock Path
      9##.        Mt. Horn
     10##.        Forest Path
     11##.        Foggy Forest
     12##.        Steam Cave
     13##.        Amp Plains
     14##.        Northern Desert
     15##.        Quicksand Cave
     16##.        Crystal Cave
     17##.        Crystal Crossing
     18##.        Chasm Cave
     19##.        Dark Hill
     20##.        Sealed Ruin
     21##.        Dusk Forest
     22##.        Deep Dusk Forest
     23##.        Treeshroud Forest
     24##.        Brine Cave
     25##.        Hidden Land
     26##.        Temporal Tower
     27##.        Marowak Training Dojo
     28##.        Oran Forest
     29##.        Tiny Meadow
     30##.        Lush Prairie
     31##.        Serenity River
     32##.        Landslide Cave
     33##.        Labyrinth Cave
##IV.        Post-ending Dungeons
     34##.        Mystifying Forest
     35##.        Shaymin Village
     36##.        Blizzard Island
     37##.        Crevice Cave
     38##.        Surrounded Sea
     39##.        Miracle Sea 
     40##.        Aegis Cave
     41##.        Mt. Travail
     42##.        The Nightmare
     43##.        Spacial Rift
     44##.        Dark Crater
     45##.        Concealed Ruins
     46##.        Marine Resort
     47##.        Lake Afar
     48##.        Happy Outlook
     49##.        Mt. Mistral
     50##.        Shimmer Hill
     51##.        Lost Wilderness
     52##.        Midnight Forest
     53##.        Dojo: Last Maze
     54##.        Zero Isle North
     55##.        Zero Isle East
     56##.        Zero Isle West
     57##.        Zero Isle South
     58##.        Zero Isle Center
     59##.        Destiny Tower
     60##.        Oblivion Forest
     61##.        Treacherous Waters
     62##.        Southeastern Islands
     63##.        Inferno Cave
     64##.        Star Cave
     65##.        Bottomless Sea
     66##.        Shimmer Desert
     67##.        Mt. Avalanche
     68##.        Giant Volcano
     69##.        World Abyss
     70##.        Sky Stairway
     71##.        Mystery Jungle
##V.        Other Dungeons
     SP1_1##.     Star Cave
     SP2_1##.     Murky Forest
     SP2_2##.     Eastern Cave
     SP2_3##.     Fortune Ravine
     SP3_1##.     Spring Cave
     SP4_1##.     Southern Jungle
     SP4_2##.     Boulder Quarry
     SP4_3##.     Left Cave Path
     SP4_4##.     Right Cave Path
     SP4_5##.     Limestone Cavern
     SP5_1##.     Barren Valley
     SP5_2##.     Dark Wasteland
     SP5_3##.     Temporal Tower
     SP5_4##.     Dusk Forest
     SP5_5##.     Spacial Cliffs
     SP5_6##.     Dark Ice Mountain
     SP5_7##.     Icicle Forest
     SP5_8##.     Vast Ice Mountain
     D1##.        Little Plains
     D2##.        Mt. Clear
     D3##.        Challenge River
     D4##.        Trial Forest
     D5##.        Guiding Sea
     D6##.        Hidden Shopkeeper Village
##VI.        Useful Items and their Locations
        A.        Pre-ending
        B.        Post-ending
##VII.       Questions and Answers
##VIII.      Version History
##IX.        Coming Soon
##X.         Credits
##XI.        Contact Information
##XII.       Copyright Information

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        ##I.   Introduction
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The purpose of this FAQ is to detail each of the dungeons
in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.  This FAQ
is not meant to be a walkthrough.  There are other FAQs
for that. This FAQ contains several bits of data for each
dungeon, such as the pokemon and items found in the dungeon.
I collected this data from analyzing this game's internal data
myself (with help from nhahtdh), and organized the data into this FAQ.

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        ##II.   Format for Dungeon Information
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
NOTE: For some of these sections, information on the Boss Floors and Warp
Floors will be included along with the other floors.  Usually, this
information is Not Applicable and can simply be ignored.  Item lists
for Boss Floors and Warp Floor may influence what the Pickup ability
can get on those floors, if it succeeds.  I haven't checked this.

NOTE 2: For items found in treasure boxes on warp floors, I will have 
no information.

# of floors within the dungeon
Special conditions of the dungeon and other unique information

*----General Info----*
Contained under this heading is Floor size, special tiles in
the dungeon such as water, weather, and other information. I also
mention if there are kecleon markets, monster houses, or buried
items in this dungeon. If there are Secret Bazaars in the dungeon, I will
mention the item list for Swalot's Shop.
This section also includes several other bits of information extracted
from the game, such as these:

Coin Max:  The Coins you find on the floor will not have a value
higher than the Coin Max.  Coins are assigned a random value below
the Coin Max when it spawns on the floor.

Densities for Items/Traps/Pokemon/Buried Items:  These influence the
# of Items/Traps/etc that initially spawn on the floor.  It appears
the floor will not spawn more than Density + 1.  However, the floor
can very well spawn less than the Density as well, usually Density - 1.

Percentages for Kecleon Shops/Monster Houses:  The given percentage
is the chance that a kecleon shop or monster house will appear on that

Percentages for Hidden Stairs:  The given percentage is the chance that
Hidden Stairs will appear on that floor.

Percentages for Sticky Items:  The given percentage is the chance for
any regular spawned item to be sticky.

Darkness:  I will include how dark the dungeon is.  Dungeons with Light
Darkness allow the player to see enemies up to 2 squares away while in
hallways.  Dungeons with Heavy Darkness only allow the player to see
enemies up to 1 square away while in hallways.

Water:  I will specify which floors of the dungeon may have water in them.
Some later dungeons that are stated to have water may actually have void or
lava in them, as I didn't check most of the non-story post-ending dungeons.

IQ-Booster Bonus:  I will specify which floors of a dungeon grant an IQ
boost to a pokemon that enters the floor holding the IQ Booster item.  The
IQ gained is equal to 1 IQv. (5 IQvs = 1 Favorite Gummi) 

Enemy IQ:  In later dungeons, enemies will gain IQ skills.  This
details the IQv of the pokemon found on every floor.  Pokemon found
in pre-ending dungeons do not have access to the 4 or 5 default IQ skills of
their IQ group, regardless of their IQv.  To figure out how many IQ Stars the
IQv represents, simply use this formula:
                # of half stars = RoundDown[ ((IQv - 10) / 50) ] + 1

This heading contains information on the enemy pokemon found
in the dungeon, such as Name, Type, Level, Hp, Exp(hit by move), Floors
found on, and the base chance of recruiting them.  The positive recruitment
percentages only apply if you answered Yes to the "Played Darkness/Time?"
Question at the beginning of the game.  If you chose No, The positive
recruitment percentages are halved for some pokemon. The level listed for
each pokemon is the lowest level the pokemon is found on.  Pokemon levels
tend to increase by 1 as you go deeper into a dungeon, such as on Floors 6
and 10.  In dungeons where I could not recruit the pokemon, I may not have
gotten their hp.  Each Pokemon Type is abreviated as follows:

Normal->NRM  Steel->STL  Fire->FIR  Bug->BUG  Electric->ELC
Poison->PSN  Grass->GRS  Dark->DRK  Ice->ICE  Fighting->FTG
Flying->FLY  Ghost->GHO  Rock->RCK            Psychic-->PSY
Dragon->DRG  Water->WTR

Some Pokemon may have special requirements for appearing or be version
exclusive.  Version exclusive pokemon can be unlocked by a wondermail
with that pokemon as the client.
Under this heading, you will find a list of all traps found in the
dungeon.  Wonder Tiles are included.

This section contains specific information on the items found within
the dungeon.  This includes an organized list of every item found, an
exact percentage for the rarity for each item and item group, and rarity
of Coins found in the dungeon.  The lists are arranged in original game

Some dungeon floors have items marked as Guaranteed.  These items will always
spawn on that floor, as far as I can tell.  I am currently not sure if the
Guaranteed keys on Zero Isle South and West have a chance of not appearing,
or if there is a chance of an additional Key appearing.  You'll know what I
mean when you notice on that floor that the OTHER category has an 
Appearance %, but no actual items in the category.  That's just how the game
is coded.

I gathered most of this information by extracting it from the game itself.
This FAQ currently only includes the exact item lists of regular spawned
items, kecleon shops, monster houses, and buried items.  Other item
information will be included in a future update if I get this info.

Update:  This FAQ now contains the item lists for Swalot's Shop in Secret
Bazaars in each dungeon.
Just additional things I want to mention.

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        ##III.   Pre-ending Dungeons
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+In these dungeons, wild enemies have no default IQ skills.  Unless
 otherwise indicated, enemies in these dungeons have an IQv of 1.
+Enemies cannot use or throw items they are holding.
+Enemies within the same dungeon are usually around the same level.
+While going through these dungeons, enemies increase in level by 1 on
 Floors 6, 10, 15, 20, etc.

+Few of these dungeons have traps.  Traps don't show up much in dungeons
 with traps in them.

+There are no buried items in these dungeons

+These dungeons can have kecleon shops, monster houses, & Swalot Shops
 (Secret Bazaar).  Here are the recurring item lists for these:

  (Dungeons marked with an asterisk do not have that following list for
   every floor of that dungeon; See the dungeon for more info)

              Kecleon Shop Basic List
   Found: Waterfall Cave(8-10%), Apple Woods(8-10%), Craggy Coast(8%),
          Mt. Horn(8-10%), Serenity River(8%), Landslide Cave(8%)

  Reviver Seed    (23.81%)
  Max Elixir      (19.05%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.53%)
  Oran Berry       (9.53%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.52%)
  Heal Seed        (9.52%)
  Blast Seed       (9.52%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.52%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [47.06%]
  Grass Gummi      (9.10%)
  Big Apple        (9.09%)
  White Gummi      (9.09%)
  Red Gummi        (9.09%)
  Blue Gummi       (9.09%)
  Apple            (9.09%)
  Yellow Gummi     (9.09%)
  Clear Gummi      (9.09%)
  Orange Gummi     (9.09%)
  Pink Gummi       (9.09%)
  Gray Gummi       (9.09%)
ORBS********************** [17.65%]
  Drought Orb     (15.39%)
  One-Shot Orb    (15.39%)
  Blowback Orb    (15.38%)
  Rollcall Orb    (15.38%)
  Petrify Orb     (15.38%)
  Hurl Orb        (15.38%)
  Warp Orb         (7.70%)

              Kecleon Shop Standard-A List
   Found: Crystal Cave(9%)*, Crystal Crossing(9%)*, Treeshroud Forest(9%)

  Reviver Seed    (22.73%)
  Max Elixir      (18.18%)
  Heal Seed        (9.09%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.09%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.09%)
  Oran Berry       (9.09%)
  Violent Seed     (4.55%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.54%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [33.61%]
  White Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.89%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.89%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.89%)
  Blue Gummi       (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Big Apple        (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Apple            (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
HOLD********************** [25.21%]
  Scope Lens       (8.34%)
  Pecha Scarf      (8.34%)
  Gold Ribbon      (8.34%)
  Special Band     (8.34%)
  Heal Ribbon      (8.33%)
  Insomniscope     (8.33%)
  Warp Scarf       (8.33%)
  Persim Band      (8.33%)
  Def. Scarf       (8.33%)
  Stamina Band     (8.33%)
  Power Band       (8.33%)
  Zinc Band        (8.33%)
ORBS********************** [12.61%]
  Rollcall Orb     (7.15%)
  Spurn Orb        (7.15%)
  All-Hit Orb      (7.15%)
  One-Shot Orb     (7.14%)
  Hurl Orb         (7.14%)
  Drought Orb      (7.14%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (7.14%)
  All-Mach Orb     (7.14%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (7.14%)
  Pounce Orb       (7.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (7.14%)
  Warp Orb         (3.58%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.57%)
  Lob Orb          (3.57%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.57%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.57%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.57%)
BOXES*********************  [3.36%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

              Kecleon Shop Standard-B List
   Found: Tiny Meadow(7%), Crystal Crossing(7%)

THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [15.96%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [15.95%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Reviver Seed    (23.81%)
  Max Elixir      (19.05%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.53%)
  Oran Berry       (9.53%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.52%)
  Heal Seed        (9.52%)
  Blast Seed       (9.52%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.52%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [5.32%]
  Apple           (16.67%)
  White Gummi     (16.67%)
  Blue Gummi      (16.67%)
  Orange Gummi    (16.67%)
  Grass Gummi     (16.66%)
  Big Apple       (16.66%)
HOLD********************** [15.96%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
TMs*********************** [10.64%]
  Light Screen     (5.84%)
  Reflect          (5.84%)
  Rest             (5.84%)
  Embargo          (5.84%)
  Recycle          (5.84%)
  Swords Dance     (5.84%)
  Flash            (4.38%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (4.38%)
  Shock Wave       (3.65%)
  Attract          (2.92%)
  False Swipe      (2.92%)
  Brine            (2.92%)
  Giga Drain       (2.92%)
  Payback          (2.92%)
  Safeguard        (2.92%)
  Wide Slash       (2.92%)
  Roar             (2.92%)
  Hidden Power     (2.92%)
  Calm Mind        (2.92%)
  Stealth Rock     (2.92%)
  Rock Slide       (2.92%)
  Poison Jab       (2.92%)
  Roost            (2.91%)
  Steel Wing       (2.19%)
  Hyper Beam       (2.19%)
  SolarBeam        (1.46%)
  Thunderbolt      (1.46%)
  Dig              (1.46%)
  Giga Impact      (0.73%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.73%)
  Iron Tail        (0.73%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.73%)
ORBS********************** [21.27%]
  Drought Orb     (15.39%)
  One-Shot Orb    (15.39%)
  Blowback Orb    (15.38%)
  Rollcall Orb    (15.38%)
  Petrify Orb     (15.38%)
  Hurl Orb        (15.38%)
  Warp Orb         (7.70%)
BOXES*********************  [4.26%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

              Monster House Standard List
   Found: Amp Plains(5%), Quicksand Cave(8%)*, Crystal Cave(5%)*,
          Crystal Crossing(5%)*, Sealed Ruins(5%), Treeshroud Forest(5%),
          Hidden Land(3%), Temporal Tower(5%), Serenity River(5%),
          Landslide Cave(5%), Labyrinth Cave(3%), Barren Valley(5%)*,
          Spacial Cliffs(5%)*, Dark Ice Mountain(6%)*,
          Vast Ice Mountain(5%)*

  Coins (47.62%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [47.62%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
TMs***********************  [4.76%]
  Focus Punch      (3.81%)
  Water Pulse      (3.81%)
  Light Screen     (3.81%)
  Brick Break      (3.81%)
  Reflect          (3.81%)
  Rest             (3.81%)
  Energy Ball      (3.81%)
  Embargo          (3.81%)
  Recycle          (3.81%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.81%)
  Swords Dance     (3.81%)
  Dive             (3.80%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.86%)
  Flash            (2.86%)
  Shock Wave       (2.38%)
  False Swipe      (1.91%)
  Roar             (1.91%)
  Explosion        (1.91%)
  Payback          (1.91%)
  Protect          (1.91%)
  Wide Slash       (1.91%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.91%)
  Safeguard        (1.91%)
  Attract          (1.91%)
  Roost            (1.91%)
  Hidden Power     (1.91%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.91%)
  Natural Gift     (1.91%)
  Giga Drain       (1.90%)
  Calm Mind        (1.90%)
  Brine            (1.90%)
  Torment          (1.90%)
  Rock Slide       (1.90%)
  Focus Blast      (1.90%)
  Poison Jab       (1.90%)
  Steel Wing       (1.42%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.42%)
  SolarBeam        (0.95%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.95%)
  Dig              (0.95%)
  Iron Tail        (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)

NOTE: Below is the Item lists for Swalot's Shop in Secret Bazaars, as well
      as the chance of Hidden Stairs appearing on each floor of the
      specified dungeon.  Be aware that the Item lists only apply to "Good"
      Grab Bags you get from Swalot.  You have about at least a 50% chance
      of getting a "Fail" Bag from Swalot, which always has an Oran Berry.

              Secret Bazaar Basic List
   Found: Craggy Coast(25%), Mt. Horn(25%), Amp Plains(25%)

  Reviver Seed    (22.73%)
  Max Elixir      (18.18%)
  Heal Seed        (9.09%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.09%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.09%)
  Oran Berry       (9.09%)
  Violent Seed     (4.55%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.54%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [40.41%]
  Red Gummi        (8.34%)
  Yellow Gummi     (8.34%)
  Pink Gummi       (8.34%)
  Gray Gummi       (8.34%)
  White Gummi      (8.33%)
  Clear Gummi      (8.33%)
  Orange Gummi     (8.33%)
  Blue Gummi       (8.33%)
  Brown Gummi      (8.33%)
  Sky Gummi        (8.33%)
  Grass Gummi      (8.33%)
  Purple Gummi     (8.33%)
HOLD********************** [10.10%]
  Power Band      (28.57%)
  Pecha Scarf     (28.57%)
  Insomniscope    (28.57%)
  Gold Ribbon     (14.29%)
ORBS********************** [15.15%]
  Blowback Orb     (9.53%)
  Drought Orb      (9.53%)
  Hurl Orb         (9.53%)
  All-Hit Orb      (9.53%)
  Rollcall Orb     (9.52%)
  One-Shot Orb     (9.52%)
  Petrify Orb      (9.52%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (9.52%)
  Lob Orb          (9.52%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (9.52%)
  Warp Orb         (4.76%)
BOXES*********************  [4.04%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

              Secret Bazaar Standard List
   Found: Crystal Cave(25%)*, Crystal Crossing(25%)*, Treeshroud Forest(25%)

  Reviver Seed    (22.73%)
  Max Elixir      (18.18%)
  Heal Seed        (9.09%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.09%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.09%)
  Oran Berry       (9.09%)
  Violent Seed     (4.55%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.54%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [40.41%]
  White Gummi      (6.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (6.67%)
  Grass Gummi      (6.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (6.67%)
  Orange Gummi     (6.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (6.67%)
  Sky Gummi        (6.67%)
  Gray Gummi       (6.67%)
  Purple Gummi     (6.67%)
  Black Gummi      (6.67%)
  Green Gummi      (6.66%)
  Pink Gummi       (6.66%)
  Red Gummi        (6.66%)
  Royal Gummi      (6.66%)
  Yellow Gummi     (6.66%)
HOLD********************** [10.10%]
  Heal Ribbon     (10.00%)
  Scope Lens      (10.00%)
  Persim Band     (10.00%)
  Power Band      (10.00%)
  Pecha Scarf     (10.00%)
  Insomniscope    (10.00%)
  Warp Scarf      (10.00%)
  Gold Ribbon     (10.00%)
  Racket Band     (10.00%)
  Stamina Band    (10.00%)
ORBS********************** [15.15%]
  Rollcall Orb     (7.15%)
  Spurn Orb        (7.15%)
  All-Hit Orb      (7.15%)
  One-Shot Orb     (7.14%)
  Hurl Orb         (7.14%)
  Drought Orb      (7.14%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (7.14%)
  All-Mach Orb     (7.14%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (7.14%)
  Pounce Orb       (7.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (7.14%)
  Warp Orb         (3.58%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.57%)
  Lob Orb          (3.57%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.57%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.57%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.57%)
BOXES*********************  [4.04%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)
------------Story Dungeons-------------

1##.   Beach Cave
Requirements: None
4 Floors + Pit(Floor 5)
+No Recruiting
+Cannot be rescued here
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 1
          Floor 4: 2
          Floor 5: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
          Floors 1-4: Light Darkness
          Floor 5: Not Dark
     Water on Floors 1-5
          Floor 5: Boss Battle vs Zubat & Koffing

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Shellder        WTR      1    9  1-4         N/A
Kabuto          WTR/RCK  1   11  1-4         N/A
Corsola         WTR/RCK  2   13  1-4         N/A
Shellos[E]      WTR      2   16  1-4         N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floor 1
  Coins (100.00%)

Floor 2
  Oran Berry     (100.00%)

Floors 3-5
  Sleep Seed      (50.00%)
  Blast Seed      (50.00%)

The best dungeon in the game to find Blast and Sleep Seeds.


2##.   Drenched Bluff
Requirements: Complete Beach Cave & Chapter 1.
6 Floors + Pit
-----General Info-----
-There are some Guaranteed items here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-6: 75
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-2: 5
          Floors 3-5: 6
          Floor 6: 7
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floors 3-6: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-6: 3
     Water on Floors 1-6

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Lileep          RCK/GRS  3   18  1-6         12.8%
Anorith         RCK/BUG  3   18  1-6         16.4%
Shellos[W]      WTR      4   19  1-6         12.8%
Chingling       PSY      4   22  3-6         16.4%

Floors 1-6
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-2
  Coins (32.71%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [14.02%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Pecha Berry     (25.65%)
  Oran Berry      (17.09%)
  Max Elixir      (12.82%)
  Stun Seed        (8.55%)
  Heal Seed        (8.55%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.54%)
  Blast Seed       (8.54%)
  Warp Seed        (5.99%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.27%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.22%]
  Apple           (40.00%)
  White Gummi     (10.00%)
  Red Gummi       (10.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (10.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (10.00%)
  Yellow Gummi    (10.00%)
  Pink Gummi      (10.00%)

Floor 3
  *Big Apple* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (32.71%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [14.02%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Pecha Berry     (25.65%)
  Oran Berry      (17.09%)
  Max Elixir      (12.82%)
  Stun Seed        (8.55%)
  Heal Seed        (8.55%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.54%)
  Blast Seed       (8.54%)
  Warp Seed        (5.99%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.27%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.22%]
  Apple           (40.00%)
  White Gummi     (10.00%)
  Red Gummi       (10.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (10.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (10.00%)
  Yellow Gummi    (10.00%)
  Pink Gummi      (10.00%)

Floor 4
  *Max Elixir* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (32.71%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [14.02%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Pecha Berry     (29.42%)
  Oran Berry      (19.61%)
  Blast Seed       (9.81%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.80%)
  Heal Seed        (9.80%)
  Stun Seed        (9.80%)
  Warp Seed        (6.86%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.90%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.22%]
  Apple           (40.00%)
  White Gummi     (10.00%)
  Red Gummi       (10.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (10.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (10.00%)
  Yellow Gummi    (10.00%)
  Pink Gummi      (10.00%)

Floor 5
  *Oren Berry* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (32.71%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [14.02%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Pecha Berry     (26.78%)
  Oran Berry      (17.86%)
  Max Elixir      (13.39%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.93%)
  Blast Seed       (8.93%)
  Stun Seed        (8.93%)
  Heal Seed        (8.93%)
  Warp Seed        (6.25%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.22%]
  Apple           (40.00%)
  White Gummi     (10.00%)
  Red Gummi       (10.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (10.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (10.00%)
  Yellow Gummi    (10.00%)
  Pink Gummi      (10.00%)

Floor 6
  Coins (32.71%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [14.02%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Pecha Berry     (26.08%)
  Oran Berry      (17.39%)
  Max Elixir      (13.04%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.70%)
  Stun Seed        (8.70%)
  Heal Seed        (8.70%)
  Blast Seed       (8.69%)
  Warp Seed        (6.09%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.87%)
  Oren Berry       (0.87%)
  Dough Seed       (0.87%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.22%]
  Apple           (40.00%)
  White Gummi     (10.00%)
  Red Gummi       (10.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (10.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (10.00%)
  Yellow Gummi    (10.00%)
  Pink Gummi      (10.00%)

Need a Max Elixer or Big Apple?  You'll find 1 here.  Watch out for the Oren
Berry though.


3##.   Mt. Bristle
Requirements: Complete Drenched Bluff & Chapter 2.
9 Floors + Peak(Floor 10)
-----General Info-----
-There is a guaranteed Big Apple here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 75
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 5
          Floors 5-10: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floors 3-10: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10: 3
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 6, 8, 10
          Floor 10: Boss Battle vs Drowzee

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Machop          FTG      6   30  1-9         16.4%
Geodude         RCK/GRD  6   34  1-9         16.4%
Doduo           NRM/FLY  7   38  1-9         12.8%
Spinarak        BUG/PSN  7   41  1-9         12.8%
Starly          NRM/FLY  8   45  1-9         16.4%
Nidorina        PSN      5   51  4-9          1.0%
Nidorino        PSN      5   51  4-9          1.0%

Floors 1-10
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-4
  Coins (20.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [6.90%]
  Stick          (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [13.79%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.39%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.13%)
  Cheri Berry      (8.13%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.13%)
  Blast Seed       (8.13%)
  Stun Seed        (8.13%)
  Max Elixir       (7.32%)
  Heal Seed        (6.50%)
  Warp Seed        (5.69%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.88%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.88%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.81%)
  Via Seed         (0.81%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.81%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.81%)
  Dough Seed       (0.81%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.80%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  White Gummi     (12.50%)
  Blue Gummi      (12.50%)
  Grass Gummi     (12.50%)
  Orange Gummi    (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [10.34%]
  Escape Orb      (12.50%)
  Rollcall Orb    (12.50%)
  Warp Orb         (9.37%)
  Luminous Orb     (6.25%)
  Decoy Orb        (6.25%)
  Slumber Orb      (6.25%)
  Totter Orb       (6.25%)
  Blowback Orb     (6.25%)
  Drought Orb      (6.25%)
  Transfer Orb     (6.25%)
  Hurl Orb         (6.25%)
  Spurn Orb        (6.25%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.13%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.13%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.12%)

Floor 5
  *Big Apple* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (20.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [6.90%]
  Stick          (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [13.79%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (21.74%)
  Rawst Berry     (10.87%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.25%)
  Blast Seed       (7.25%)
  Stun Seed        (7.25%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.24%)
  Max Elixir       (6.52%)
  Heal Seed        (5.80%)
  Warp Seed        (5.07%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.35%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.34%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.73%)
  Via Seed         (0.73%)
  Oren Berry       (0.73%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.72%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.72%)
  Slip Seed        (0.72%)
  Dough Seed       (0.72%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.80%]
  White Gummi     (25.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (25.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (25.00%)
  Orange Gummi    (25.00%)
ORBS********************** [10.34%]
  Escape Orb      (18.18%)
  Rollcall Orb    (18.18%)
  Warp Orb        (13.63%)
  Drought Orb      (9.10%)
  Blowback Orb     (9.09%)
  Hurl Orb         (9.09%)
  Spurn Orb        (9.09%)
  Switcher Orb     (4.55%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (4.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (4.54%)

Floors 6-10
  Coins (20.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [6.90%]
  Stick          (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [13.79%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (21.74%)
  Rawst Berry     (10.87%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.25%)
  Blast Seed       (7.25%)
  Stun Seed        (7.25%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.24%)
  Max Elixir       (6.52%)
  Heal Seed        (5.80%)
  Warp Seed        (5.07%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.35%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.34%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.73%)
  Via Seed         (0.73%)
  Oren Berry       (0.73%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.72%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.72%)
  Slip Seed        (0.72%)
  Dough Seed       (0.72%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.80%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  White Gummi     (12.50%)
  Blue Gummi      (12.50%)
  Grass Gummi     (12.50%)
  Orange Gummi    (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [10.34%]
  Escape Orb      (18.18%)
  Rollcall Orb    (18.18%)
  Warp Orb        (13.63%)
  Drought Orb      (9.10%)
  Blowback Orb     (9.09%)
  Hurl Orb         (9.09%)
  Spurn Orb        (9.09%)
  Switcher Orb     (4.55%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (4.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (4.54%)

Another guaranteed Big Apple free for the taking.


4##.   Waterfall Cave
Requirements: Complete Mt. Bristle. Then do jobs for 3 days to finish
              Chapter 3. Then do sentry duty and jobs for 2 more days
              to finish Chapter 4.
8 Floors + Pit
-----General Info-----
-Basic Kecleon Markets can be found here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8: 75
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-8: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floors 3-4: 4
          Floors 5-7: 5
          Floor 8: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-8: 3
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-2: 8%
          Floors 3-6: 9%
          Floors 7-8: 10%
          Floors 1-8: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-8
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 6, 8

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Psyduck         WTR      9   48  1-8         16.4%
Poliwag         WTR      9   43  1-8         12.8%
Grimer          PSN      9   52  1-8         12.8%
Tangela         GRS     10   53  1-8         12.8%
Wooper          WTR/GRD 10   60  1-8         16.4%
Lotad           WTR/GRS 10   60  1-8         12.8%
Surskit         BUG/WTR 11   64  1-8         12.8%
Barboach        WTR/GRD 11   64  1-8         16.4%
Whiscash        WTR/GRD 11   76  5-8          1.0%

Floors 1-8
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-8
  Coins (34.97%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [17.48%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (21.43%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.93%)
  Blast Seed       (8.93%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.92%)
  Stun Seed        (8.92%)
  Max Elixir       (8.04%)
  Heal Seed        (7.14%)
  Warp Seed        (6.25%)
  Reviver Seed     (5.36%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.36%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.47%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.90%)
  Oren Berry       (0.90%)
  Slip Seed        (0.89%)
  Via Seed         (0.89%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.89%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.89%)
  Dough Seed       (0.89%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.99%]
  Apple           (33.33%)
  White Gummi      (8.34%)
  Grass Gummi      (8.34%)
  Orange Gummi     (8.34%)
  Red Gummi        (8.33%)
  Yellow Gummi     (8.33%)
  Clear Gummi      (8.33%)
  Blue Gummi       (8.33%)
  Pink Gummi       (8.33%)
HOLD**********************  [5.59%]
  Power Band      (33.34%)
  Twist Band      (33.33%)
  Special Band    (33.33%)
ORBS**********************  [6.99%]
  Escape Orb      (15.00%)
  Warp Orb        (10.00%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.00%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.00%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.00%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.00%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.00%)
  Totter Orb       (5.00%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.00%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.00%)
  Radar Orb        (5.00%)
  Drought Orb      (5.00%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.00%)
  One-Shot Orb     (5.00%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.00%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.00%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.00%)

A decent place to find Basic Kecleon Shops.  Not a bad place for gummies


5##.   Apple Woods
Requirements: Complete Chapter 5. Then do jobs for 1 day, do sentry duty,
              and do jobs for 1 day again.
12 Floors + Deep Apple Woods
-----General Info-----
-Some floors will have all the rooms in the middle of the map enclosed
 within a long square hallway along the borders of the map (Outer-Ring)
-Conversely, some floors have all the rooms on the borders of the map,
 connected by hallways in the middle of the map (CrossRoads)
-Basic Kecleon Markets can be found here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-12: 80
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-12: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floors 3-6: 4
          Floors 7-12: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-12: 3
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-2: 8%
          Floors 3-6: 9%
          Floors 7-12: 10%
     Water on Floors 6-9
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 6, 8, 10, 12

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Caterpie        BUG     10   22  1-4         16.4%
Butterfree      BUG/FLY 14   43  1-7         11.0%
Oddish          GRS/PSN 11   68  1-6         16.4%
Paras           BUG/GRS 11   80  1-12        16.4%
Hoppip          GRS/FLY 11   76  1-5         16.4%
Budew           GRS/PSN 11   82  1-5         16.4%
Burmy-T         BUG     11   92  1-5         16.4%
Weedle          BUG/PSN 11   58  4-9         16.4%
Exeggutor       GRS/PSY 11   72  4-12         1.0%
Combee          BUG/FLY 12  100  6-12        12.8%
Gloom           GRS/PSN 12   79  7-12         0.1%
Kakuna          BUG/PSN 12   63  8-12        10.0%
Beedrill        BUG/PSN 12   65  8-12        10.0%

Floors 1-12
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-12
  Coins (29.81%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.93%]
  Stick          (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (18.52%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.26%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.26%)
  Blast Seed       (9.26%)
  Stun Seed        (9.26%)
  Max Elixir       (8.33%)
  Heal Seed        (7.41%)
  Warp Seed        (6.48%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.56%)
  Reviver Seed     (5.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.63%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.93%)
  Slip Seed        (0.93%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.93%)
  Dough Seed       (0.93%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.92%)
  Oren Berry       (0.92%)
  Via Seed         (0.92%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [23.18%]
  Apple           (26.67%)
  Big Apple       (20.00%)
  Red Gummi        (6.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (6.67%)
  Yellow Gummi     (6.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (6.67%)
  Pink Gummi       (6.67%)
  Grass Gummi      (6.66%)
  Orange Gummi     (6.66%)
  White Gummi      (6.66%)
HOLD**********************  [4.64%]
  Power Band      (33.34%)
  Twist Band      (33.33%)
  Special Band    (33.33%)
TMs***********************  [2.64%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS**********************  [9.93%]
  Escape Orb      (13.64%)
  Warp Orb         (6.82%)
  Switcher Orb     (6.82%)
  Petrify Orb      (4.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (4.55%)
  Transfer Orb     (4.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (4.55%)
  Drought Orb      (4.55%)
  Hurl Orb         (4.55%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (4.55%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (4.55%)
  Radar Orb        (4.54%)
  Luminous Orb     (4.54%)
  Rollcall Orb     (4.54%)
  Totter Orb       (4.54%)
  Spurn Orb        (4.54%)
  Blowback Orb     (4.54%)
  All-Hit Orb      (4.54%)
  Decoy Orb        (4.54%)

Another good spot for Basic Kecleon Shops and gummies.


6##.   Side Path
Requirements: Complete Apple Woods. Then do jobs for 1 day, sentry duty, and
              jobs for 1 day again. Then talk to Chatot.
5 Floors
+No Recruiting
+No Rescues allowed
+Bidoof will be with you
+Unable to return here once you've entered Craggy Coast
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
          Floors 1-5: Light Darkness

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Wingull         WTR/FLY 11  106  1-5         N/A
Spheal          WTR/ICE 11   92  1-5         N/A
Gastrodon[E]    WTR/GRD 11  106  1-5         N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (25.64%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.26%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (40.98%)
  Rawst Berry     (16.39%)
  X-Eye Seed       (9.84%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.20%)
  Cheri Berry      (8.20%)
  Max Elixir       (8.20%)
  Blast Seed       (8.19%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [19.23%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Enjoy the multitude of Apples and Berries while you're here.


7##.   Craggy Coast
Requirements: Complete Apple Woods. Then do jobs for 1 day, sentry duty,
              and jobs for 1 day again. Then talk to Chatot.
9 Floors
+Bidoof will be with you the first time you come here
-----General Info-----
-Floors can vary in size from small to large
-Most floors have many rooms, and few hallways
-There are Basic Kecleon Markets here.
-There are Basic Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-9: 90
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-9: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-9: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-9: 3
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-9: 8%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-9: 25%
     Water on Floors 1-9
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 6, 8

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Krabby          WTR     11  102  1-9         12.8%
Dratini         DRG     11  106  1-9         16.4%
Wingull         WTR/FLY 11  106  1-9         12.8%
Spheal          WTR/ICE 11   92  1-5         16.4%
Gastrodon[E]    WTR/GRD 11  106  1-9         16.4%
Sealeo          WTR/ICE 12  105  6-9          1.0%

Floors 1-9
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (31.58%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [21.05%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (20.62%)
  Heal Seed       (10.31%)
  Sleep Seed      (10.31%)
  Blast Seed      (10.31%)
  Stun Seed       (10.31%)
  Max Elixir       (9.28%)
  Warp Seed        (7.21%)
  X-Eye Seed       (6.19%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.16%)
  Reviver Seed     (5.15%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.15%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [21.05%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (12.50%)
  White Gummi      (6.25%)
  Grass Gummi      (6.25%)
  Orange Gummi     (6.25%)
  Brown Gummi      (6.25%)
  Sky Gummi        (6.25%)
  Green Gummi      (6.25%)
ORBS********************** [10.53%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

You'll find Blue Gummies fairly often here.


8##.   Rock Path
Requirements: Complete Craggy Coast.
5 Floors
+No Recruiting
+No Rescues allowed
+Bidoof will be with you
+Unable to return here once you've entered Mt. Horn
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 1-5: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 4-5

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Natu            PSY/FLY 13   30  1-5         N/A
Shroomish       GRS     13  125  1-5         N/A
Bonsly          RCK     13   81  1-5         N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (25.64%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.26%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (40.98%)
  Rawst Berry     (16.39%)
  X-Eye Seed       (9.84%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.20%)
  Cheri Berry      (8.20%)
  Max Elixir       (8.20%)
  Blast Seed       (8.19%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [19.23%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Enjoy the multitude of Apples and Berries while you're here.


9##.   Mt. Horn
Requirements: Complete Craggy Coast.
14 Floors
+Bidoof will be with you the first time you come here
-----General Info-----
-Floors are usually small, yet occasionally medium sized
-There are usually few rooms per floor
-There are Basic kecleon markets here.
-There are Basic Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-14: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-14: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-6: 3
          Floors 7-10: 4
          Floors 11-14: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-14: 3
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-3: 8%
          Floors 4-7: 9%
          Floors 8-14: 10%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-14: 25%
     Water on Floors 7-8, 14
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 5, 7, 9, 11, 13

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors                  Rec.Rate
Parasect        BUG/GRS 13  107  1-7                      -4.5%
Ariados         BUG/PSN 13  118  1-7                       1.0%
Natu            PSY/FLY 13   30  1-7                      16.4%
Beautifly       BUG/FLY 13  114  1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14   1.0%
Shroomish       GRS     13  125  1-6                      12.8%
Cascoon         BUG/PSN 13   74  2,3,6,7,9,10,12-14      -10.0%
Venomoth        BUG/PSN 14  112  8-14                     -4.5%
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 14  119  8-14                     16.4%
Pineco          BUG     14  110  8-14                     16.4%
Bonsly          RCK     14   85  8-14                     16.4%

Floors 1-14
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-4
  Coins (32.15%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [14.29%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [14.28%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (14.71%)
  Pecha Berry     (14.71%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.81%)
  Stun Seed        (9.81%)
  Blast Seed       (9.80%)
  Heal Seed        (9.80%)
  Max Elixir       (8.82%)
  Warp Seed        (6.86%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.88%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.90%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.90%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.71%]
  Apple           (37.04%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.71%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.71%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.71%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.71%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.71%)
  Black Gummi      (3.71%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.70%)
  White Gummi      (3.70%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.70%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.70%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.70%)
  Green Gummi      (3.70%)
  Red Gummi        (3.70%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.70%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.70%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.70%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.70%)
TMs***********************  [3.57%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [10.71%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Floors 5-6
  Coins (34.61%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.54%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.54%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (14.71%)
  Pecha Berry     (14.71%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.81%)
  Stun Seed        (9.81%)
  Blast Seed       (9.80%)
  Heal Seed        (9.80%)
  Max Elixir       (8.82%)
  Warp Seed        (6.86%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.88%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.90%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.90%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.54%]
  Apple           (37.04%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.71%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.71%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.71%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.71%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.71%)
  Black Gummi      (3.71%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.70%)
  White Gummi      (3.70%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.70%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.70%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.70%)
  Green Gummi      (3.70%)
  Red Gummi        (3.70%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.70%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.70%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.70%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.70%)
TMs***********************  [3.85%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [11.54%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Floors 7-14
  Coins (39.13%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [13.04%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [8.70%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (14.71%)
  Pecha Berry     (14.71%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.81%)
  Stun Seed        (9.81%)
  Blast Seed       (9.80%)
  Heal Seed        (9.80%)
  Max Elixir       (8.82%)
  Warp Seed        (6.86%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.88%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.90%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.90%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [4.35%]
  Apple           (37.04%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.71%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.71%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.71%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.71%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.71%)
  Black Gummi      (3.71%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.70%)
  White Gummi      (3.70%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.70%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.70%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.70%)
  Green Gummi      (3.70%)
  Red Gummi        (3.70%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.70%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.70%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.70%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.70%)
HOLD**********************  [4.35%]
  Power Band      (37.04%)
  Stamina Band    (25.93%)
  Twist Band      (18.52%)
  Pecha Scarf     (18.51%)
TMs***********************  [4.35%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [13.04%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Decent spot for Iron Thorns.  Basic Kecleon shops show up here too.


10##.   Forest Path
Requirements: Complete Mt. Horn & Chapter 7.
5 Floors
+No Recruiting
+No Rescues allowed
+Unable to return here once you've entered Foggy Forest
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Water on Floors 4-5

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Pinsir          BUG     14  154  1-5         N/A
Dunsparce       NRM     14  142  1-5         N/A
Swinub          GRD/ICE 14  154  1-5         N/A
Houndour        DRK/FIR 14  149  1-5         N/A
Linoone         NRM     15  187  1-5         N/A
Kricketot       BUG     12   42  1-5         N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (28.57%)
  Oran Berry      (37.88%)
  Rawst Berry     (15.15%)
  Blast Seed      (15.15%)
  X-Eye Seed       (9.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.58%)
  Max Elixir       (7.58%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.57%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [21.43%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [14.29%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Enjoy the multitude of Apples and Berries while you're here.  Wow, the game
designers sure got creative with these Path Dungeons.


11##.   Foggy Forest
Requirements: Complete Mt. Horn & Chapter 7.
11 Floors
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-11: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-11: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-11: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-11: 4
     Water on Floors 3-6
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 4, 6, 8, 10
          Floors 1-11: Fog

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Hoothoot        NRM/FLY 13  129  1-5         12.8%
Skiploom        GRS/FLY 13  118  1-11         1.0%
Dunsparce       NRM     14  142  1-5         12.8%
Smeargle        NRM     14  144  1-5         13.6%
Zigzagoon       NRM     14  131  1-11        16.4%
Pachirisu       ELC     14  149  1-11        16.4%
Cherubi         GRS     14  170  1-5         16.4%
Noctowl         NRM/FLY 14  144  6-11       -10.0%
Stantler        NRM     14  144  6-11        12.8%
Buneary         NRM     15  156  6-11        16.4%
Pinsir          BUG     15  160  7-11        16.4%
Breloom         GRS/FTG 15  160  7-11         1.0%

Floors 1-11
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-11
  Coins (35.46%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.64%]
  Stick          (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (19.05%)
  Stun Seed        (9.53%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.52%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.52%)
  Blast Seed       (9.52%)
  Heal Seed        (9.52%)
  Max Elixir       (8.57%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.62%)
  Warp Seed        (6.67%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.72%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.76%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.19%]
  Apple           (32.00%)
  White Gummi      (4.00%)
  Red Gummi        (4.00%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.00%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.00%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.00%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.00%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.00%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.00%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.00%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.00%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.00%)
  Green Gummi      (4.00%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.00%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.00%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.00%)
  Black Gummi      (4.00%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.00%)
HOLD**********************  [4.96%]
  Power Band      (33.34%)
  Twist Band      (33.33%)
  Special Band    (33.33%)
TMs***********************  [2.84%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [10.64%]
  Escape Orb      (13.64%)
  Warp Orb         (6.82%)
  Switcher Orb     (6.82%)
  Petrify Orb      (4.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (4.55%)
  Transfer Orb     (4.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (4.55%)
  Drought Orb      (4.55%)
  Hurl Orb         (4.55%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (4.55%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (4.55%)
  Radar Orb        (4.54%)
  Luminous Orb     (4.54%)
  Rollcall Orb     (4.54%)
  Totter Orb       (4.54%)
  Spurn Orb        (4.54%)
  Blowback Orb     (4.54%)
  All-Hit Orb      (4.54%)
  Decoy Orb        (4.54%)

There are some useful pokemon found here.  Zigzagoon and Pachirisu have the
awesome Pickup ability.  Smeargle, the master of versatility, is also here.
Be sure to recruit a few of these guys when you can.
Not much else here, besides a lot of sticks.


12##.   Steam Cave & Upper Steam Cave
Requirements: Complete Foggy Forest & Chapter 8.
8 Floors(SC) + 7 Floors(USC) + Peak
+You are unable to be rescued while in the Upper Steam Cave
-----General Info-----
-The floors vary in size, but are often medium sized.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8,U1-8: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-8,U1-2: 4
          Floors U3-8: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-8,U1-8: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-8,U1-8: 4
          Floors 1-8,U1-7: Light Darkness
          Floor U8: Not Dark
     Water on Floors 1-8,U1-8
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-8,U1-7: 26
          Floor U8: 330
          Floor U8: Boss Battle vs Groundon (Uxie after graduation)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Farfetch'd      NRM/FLY 16  145  1-8,U1      12.8%
Yanma           BUG/FLY 15  177  1-8,U1      16.4%
Snubbull        NRM     16  195  1-8         12.8%
Slugma          FIR     15  132  1-8         16.4%
Magby           FIR     15  182  1-8         16.4%
Numel           FIR/GRD 13  167  1-8         12.8%
Kricketune      BUG     16  177  1-8,U1-3     9.0%
Granbull        NRM     17  223  U1-U7        1.0%
Shuckle         BUG/RCK 17  195  U1-U7       16.4%
Volbeat         BUG     16  200  U1-U7       16.4%
Illumise        BUG     17  221  U1-U7       16.4%
Magmar          FIR     18  229  U2-U7        1.0%

Floors 1-8, U1-8
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-8, U1-8
  Coins (34.19%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [8.55%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (27.13%)
  Pecha Berry     (11.63%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.76%)
  Stun Seed        (7.76%)
  Blast Seed       (7.75%)
  Max Elixir       (6.97%)
  Heal Seed        (6.20%)
  Warp Seed        (5.42%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.42%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.65%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.88%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.78%)
  Slip Seed        (0.78%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.78%)
  Dough Seed       (0.78%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.77%)
  Oren Berry       (0.77%)
  Via Seed         (0.77%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.83%]
  Apple           (32.00%)
  White Gummi      (4.00%)
  Red Gummi        (4.00%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.00%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.00%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.00%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.00%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.00%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.00%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.00%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.00%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.00%)
  Green Gummi      (4.00%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.00%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.00%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.00%)
  Black Gummi      (4.00%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.98%]
  Stamina Band    (24.14%)
  Power Band      (20.69%)
  Special Band    (20.69%)
  Twist Band      (17.24%)
  Pecha Scarf     (17.24%)
TMs***********************  [4.27%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Escape Orb      (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Totter Orb       (5.56%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.56%)
  Drought Orb      (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.55%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)

Another dungeon with some useful pokemon here.  This is the first dungeon
that has fire-type pokemon, so be sure to recruit one.  Illumise and Volbeat
are also found here.  Their Illuminate ability can be pretty useful when you
are training your team, so do recruit one.

The usual items litter the ground in this dungeon.


13##.   Amp Plains & Far Amp Plains
Requirements: Complete Steam Cave & Chapter 9. Then do jobs for 1 day,
              visit kecleon brothers, and do jobs for 1 day.
10 Floors(AP) + 9 Floors(FAP) + Clearing
+You are unabled to be rescued while in Far Amp Plains
-----General Info-----
-Each floor is usually small or medium sized.
-There are Standard monster houses here, so be ready for them.
-There are Unique kecleon markets here. See the Item Section for info.
-There are Basic Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10,F1-10: 125
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-7: 4
          Floors 8-10,F1-10: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floors 3-10,F1-10: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10,F1-10: 5
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-10,F1-10: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-10,F1-10: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-10,F1-10: 25%
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 4, 6, 8, 10, F2, F4, F6, F8, F10
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10,F1-10: 26
          Floor F10: Boss Battle vs Manectric & Electrike

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Mareep          ELC     17  197  1-7         16.4%
Elekid          ELC     14  209  1-8         16.4%
Plusle          ELC     19  232  1-5         16.4%
Minun           ELC     19  232  1-5         16.4%
Girafarig       NRM/PSY 17  234  5-10,F1-2   12.8%
Flaaffy         ELC     18  218  8-10,F1-5    1.0%
Yanmega         BUG/FLY 19  235  9-10,F1-4   -4.5%
Electabuzz      ELC     21  267  10,F1-9      1.0%
Tauros          NRM     19  257  F1-9        12.8%
Dodrio          NRM/FLY 22  275  F2-9         1.0%
Electrike       ELC     20  249  F3-9        12.8%
Ampharos        ELC     20  240  F6-9        -4.5%

~Appears after graduation~
Phanpy          GRD     17   23  1-8          8.2%
Shinx           ELC     16   25  4-10,F1      8.2%
Pikachu         ELC     36   31  9-10,F1-4    8.2%
Pichu           ELC     12   23  9-10,F1-4    5.1%
Luxio           ELC     13   88  F5-9         0.5%
Luxray          ELC     43  525  F5-9       -12.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
*Zapdos*        ELC/FLY 49 1073  7           10.0%
Floors 1-10, F1-10
 Wonder Tile        66.67%
 Warp Trap           8.34%
 Slumber Trap        8.33%
 Summon Trap         8.33%
 Trip Trap           8.33%

Floors 1-10, F1-10
  Coins (34.19%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [8.55%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (25.18%)
  Pecha Berry     (10.79%)
  Pure Seed        (7.20%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.19%)
  Blast Seed       (7.19%)
  Stun Seed        (7.19%)
  Heal Seed        (7.19%)
  Max Elixir       (6.47%)
  Warp Seed        (5.04%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.32%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.60%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.60%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.72%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.72%)
  Slip Seed        (0.72%)
  Via Seed         (0.72%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.72%)
  Oren Berry       (0.72%)
  Dough Seed       (0.72%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.83%]
  Apple           (32.00%)
  White Gummi      (4.00%)
  Red Gummi        (4.00%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.00%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.00%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.00%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.00%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.00%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.00%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.00%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.00%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.00%)
  Green Gummi      (4.00%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.00%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.00%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.00%)
  Black Gummi      (4.00%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.98%]
  Stamina Band    (20.59%)
  Special Band    (17.65%)
  Power Band      (17.64%)
  Twist Band      (14.71%)
  Pecha Scarf     (14.71%)
  Insomniscope    (14.70%)
TMs***********************  [4.27%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Escape Orb      (10.00%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.00%)
  Warp Orb         (5.00%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.00%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.00%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.00%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.00%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.00%)
  Totter Orb       (5.00%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.00%)
  Drought Orb      (5.00%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.00%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.00%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.00%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.00%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.00%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.00%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.00%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.00%)

     ~Unique Kecleon Shop~
  Reviver Seed    (22.73%)
  Max Elixir      (18.18%)
  Heal Seed        (9.09%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.09%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.09%)
  Oran Berry       (9.09%)
  Violent Seed     (4.55%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.54%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [40.41%]
  Big Apple        (7.15%)
  Grass Gummi      (7.15%)
  Orange Gummi     (7.15%)
  Gray Gummi       (7.15%)
  Blue Gummi       (7.14%)
  Apple            (7.14%)
  Yellow Gummi     (7.14%)
  Clear Gummi      (7.14%)
  White Gummi      (7.14%)
  Pink Gummi       (7.14%)
  Brown Gummi      (7.14%)
  Sky Gummi        (7.14%)
  Red Gummi        (7.14%)
  Purple Gummi     (7.14%)
HOLD********************** [10.10%]
  Insomniscope    (33.34%)
  Pecha Scarf     (33.33%)
  Gold Ribbon     (33.33%)
ORBS********************** [15.15%]
  Blowback Orb     (9.53%)
  Drought Orb      (9.53%)
  Hurl Orb         (9.53%)
  All-Hit Orb      (9.53%)
  Rollcall Orb     (9.52%)
  One-Shot Orb     (9.52%)
  Petrify Orb      (9.52%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (9.52%)
  Lob Orb          (9.52%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (9.52%)
  Warp Orb         (4.76%)
BOXES*********************  [4.04%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)
Watch out for the traps here.  After graduating, you can find Phanphy here,
another useful Pickuper.  Just the usual items, though.


14##.   Northern Desert
Requirements: Complete Amp Plains & Chapter 10.
15 Floors
-----General Info-----
-Floors are small to medium sized.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-15: 125
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floors 3-6: 4
          Floors 7-15: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-15: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-15: 5
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-15: 26
          Floor 6: Sandstorm
          Floors 10-11: Sandstorm

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Sandshrew       GRD     20  217  1-15        16.4%
Cubone          GRD     20  162  1-7         16.4%
Larvitar        RCK/GRD 22  158  1-8         16.4%
Aron            STL/RCK 22  151  1-8         12.8%
Trapinch        GRD     22  238  1-15        16.4%
Cacnea          GRS     22  232  1-8         12.8%
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 23  240  1-7         11.2%
Carnivine       GRS     24  267  7-15        16.4%
Rhyhorn         RCK/GRD 23  320  8-15        12.8%
Lairon          STL/RCK 23  275  9-15         1.0%
Cacturne        GRS/DRK 23  256  9-15         1.0%

Floors 1-15
 Wonder Tile        61.54%
 Summon Trap        15.38%
 Warp Trap           7.70%
 Slumber Trap        7.69%
 Trip Trap           7.69%

Floors 1-15
  Coins (66.67%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn      (75.00%)
  Silver Spike    (25.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.11%]
  Grimy Food      (90.91%)
  Silver Gummi     (9.09%)
ORBS********************** [11.11%]
  Escape Orb      (10.00%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.00%)
  Warp Orb         (5.00%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.00%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.00%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.00%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.00%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.00%)
  Totter Orb       (5.00%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.00%)
  Drought Orb      (5.00%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.00%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.00%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.00%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.00%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.00%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.00%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.00%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.00%)

A decent early dungeon to gather up some coins from.  You will also find
some useful Throw-Straight items here.


15##.   Quicksand Cave + Quicksand Cave Pit
Requirements: Complete Northern Desert.
10 Floors(QC) + 10 Floors(QCP) + Underground Lake
-Cannot be rescued while in Quicksand Cave Pit
-----General Info-----
-Floors are generally medium size.
-Once you have reached Quicksand Cave Pit B2, expect sandstorms(Tyranitar)
 from then on.
-Beware of Standard monster houses.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10,P1-11: 150
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-10,P1-11: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-10,P1: 4
          Floors P2-P6: 5
          Floors P7-P11: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10,P1-11: 5
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-7: 0%
          Floors 8-10,P1-11: 8%
          Floor P11: 0%
          Floors 1-10,P1-10: Light Darkness
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 3, 5, 7, 9, P1, P3, P5, P7, P9, P11
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10,P1-11: 26
          Floor P11: Boss Battle versus Mesprit

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Sandslash       GRD     23  246  1-10,P1-10   1.0%
Pupitar         RCK/GRD 23  300  1-10,P1      1.0%
Nincada         BUG/GRD 23  224  1-7         12.8%
Vibrava         GRD/DRG 27  453  1-9          1.0%
Skorupi         BUG/PSN 24  356  1-10,P1-5   16.4%
Mawile          STL     24  287  8-10,P1-5   12.8%
Tyranitar       RCK/DRK 28  384  P2-10      -12.0%
Hippopotas      GRD     26  346  P3-10       16.4%
Ninjask         BUG/FLY 27  338  P5-10        1.0%

Floors 1-10, P1-11
 Wonder Tile        55.56%
 Warp Trap          11.11%
 Slumber Trap       11.11%
 Summon Trap        11.11%
 Trip Trap          11.11%

Floors 1-10, P1-11
  Coins (66.67%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn      (75.00%)
  Silver Spike    (25.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.11%]
  Grimy Food      (90.91%)
  Silver Gummi     (9.09%)
ORBS********************** [11.11%]
  Escape Orb      (10.00%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.00%)
  Warp Orb         (5.00%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.00%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.00%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.00%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.00%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.00%)
  Totter Orb       (5.00%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.00%)
  Drought Orb      (5.00%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.00%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.00%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.00%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.00%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.00%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.00%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.00%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.00%)

Basically a copy of Northern Desert, but with monster houses and more


16##.   Crystal Cave
Requirements: Complete Chapter 11 & Quicksand Cave.
11 Floors + Deep Crystal Cave
-----General Info-----
-The size of floors range from medium to large.  Some large floors have over
 a dozen rooms.
-There are Standard monster houses here.
-There are Standard-A Kecleon markets here.
-There are Standard Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-11: 150
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
          Floors 7-11: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
          Floors 6-11: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-11: 5
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-11: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-11: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-11: 25%
          Floors 1-11: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 6, 8, 10-11
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-11: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Graveler        RCK/GRD 24  240  1-6          1.0%
Seviper         PSN     24  372  1-7         12.8%
Beldum          STL/PSY 22  337  1-7         12.8%
Wormadam-S      BUG/GRD 26  350  1-11        16.4%
Cranidos        RCK     25  387  5-9         16.4%
Donphan         GRD     25   30  6-11         1.0%
Shieldon        RCK/STL 26  353  711         16.4%
Golem           RCK/GRD 27  370  8-11         1.0%

~Appears after graduation~
Riolu           FTG     26   35  4-8          8.2%

Floors 1-11
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Poison Trap         7.15%
 Warp Trap           7.15%
 Slumber Trap        7.14%
 Slow Trap           7.14%
 Summon Trap         7.14%
 Spin Trap           7.14%
 Trip Trap           7.14%

Floors 1-11
  Coins (26.51%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.58%]
  Iron Thorn      (75.00%)
  Silver Spike    (25.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.57%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (15.51%)
  Pecha Berry     (11.63%)
  Heal Seed        (7.75%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.75%)
  Blast Seed       (7.75%)
  Stun Seed        (7.75%)
  Pure Seed        (7.75%)
  Max Elixir       (6.97%)
  Warp Seed        (5.43%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.65%)
  Violent Seed     (3.88%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.88%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.87%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.78%)
  Slip Seed        (0.78%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.78%)
  Dough Seed       (0.78%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.77%)
  Oren Berry       (0.77%)
  Via Seed         (0.77%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.36%]
  Apple           (46.88%)
  Red Gummi        (3.13%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.13%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.13%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.13%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.13%)
  Green Gummi      (3.13%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.13%)
  Black Gummi      (3.13%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.12%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.12%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.12%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.12%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.12%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.12%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.12%)
  White Gummi      (3.12%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.12%)
HOLD**********************  [5.31%]
  Stamina Band    (17.50%)
  Power Band      (15.00%)
  Special Band    (15.00%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Persim Band      (5.00%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.00%)
  Twist Band       (5.00%)
  Insomniscope     (5.00%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.00%)
  Scope Lens       (5.00%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.00%)
  Zinc Band        (5.00%)
TMs***********************  [3.79%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [18.94%]
  Escape Orb       (7.84%)
  One-Shot Orb     (5.88%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.93%)
  Rollcall Orb     (3.93%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.93%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.93%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.92%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.92%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.92%)
  Rocky Orb        (3.92%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.92%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.92%)
  Totter Orb       (3.92%)
  Lob Orb          (3.92%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.92%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.92%)
  Sizebust Orb     (3.92%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.92%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.92%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.92%)
  Warp Orb         (3.92%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.92%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.92%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.92%)

A decent early place to find Orbs and Thrown items at.  You'll find some
semi-unique kecleon shops here fairly often.


17##.   Crystal Crossing
Requirements: Complete Crystal Cave and its crystal pillar puzzle.
13 Floors + Crystal Lake
-----General Info-----
-Floors can vary in size from small to large.  Some floors have many long
-There are Standard monster houses here.
-There are Standard-A kecleon markets here.
-There are Standard Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-14: 150
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-8: 4
          Floors 9-14: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 3
          Floors 5-14: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-14: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-14: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-14: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-14: 25%
     Water on Floors 1-14
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-14: 26
          Floor 14: Boss Battle vs Grovyle (Azelf after Graduation)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Bagon           DRG     28  384  1-7         12.8%
Wormadam-G      BUG/GRD 26  350  1-8         16.4%
Floatzel        WTR     28  299  1-7          1.0%
Glameow         NRM     29  273  7-13        16.4%
Absol           DRK     29  376  8-13        13.6%
Glalie          ICE     29  380  8-13         1.0%

~Appears after graduation~
Froslass        ICE/GHO 29  444  9-13       -10.0%

Floors 1-14
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Warp Trap           6.25%
 Gust Trap           6.25%
 Spin Trap           6.25%
 Slumber Trap        6.25%
 Slow Trap           6.25%
 Poison Trap         6.25%
 Summon Trap         6.25%
 Trip Trap           6.25%

Floors 1-14
  Coins (34.19%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [8.55%]
  Iron Thorn      (75.00%)
  Silver Spike    (25.00%)
  Oran Berry      (23.49%)
  Pecha Berry     (10.07%)
  Heal Seed        (6.71%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.71%)
  Blast Seed       (6.71%)
  Stun Seed        (6.71%)
  Pure Seed        (6.71%)
  Violent Seed     (6.71%)
  Max Elixir       (6.04%)
  Warp Seed        (4.70%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.02%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.36%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.36%)
  Slip Seed        (0.68%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.67%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.67%)
  Via Seed         (0.67%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.67%)
  Oren Berry       (0.67%)
  Dough Seed       (0.67%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.83%]
  Apple           (32.00%)
  White Gummi      (4.00%)
  Red Gummi        (4.00%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.00%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.00%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.00%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.00%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.00%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.00%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.00%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.00%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.00%)
  Green Gummi      (4.00%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.00%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.00%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.00%)
  Black Gummi      (4.00%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.98%]
  Stamina Band    (17.50%)
  Power Band      (15.00%)
  Special Band    (15.00%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Persim Band      (5.00%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.00%)
  Twist Band       (5.00%)
  Insomniscope     (5.00%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.00%)
  Scope Lens       (5.00%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.00%)
  Zinc Band        (5.00%)
TMs***********************  [4.27%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Escape Orb      (10.52%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.27%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.27%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.27%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.27%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.27%)
  Warp Orb         (5.26%)
  Totter Orb       (5.26%)
  Transfer Orb     (5.26%)
  Switcher Orb     (5.26%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.26%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.26%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.26%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.26%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.26%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.26%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.26%)

A fairly good spot to find Hold Items, so keep an eye out for them.  More
Semi-Unique kecleon shops here.


18##.   Chasm Cave
Requirements: Complete Crystal Crossing and Chapter 12. Do a job and finish
              Chapter 13.
8 Floors
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon
-Once you have entered Dark Hill, you may only return to this dungeon by
 rescueing someone here.
-----General Info-----
-There are no walls in this dungeon.  Instead there are void tiles which
 floating and pass-through pokemon can cross.
-"CrossRoads" floors are common in this dungeon.
-There are floors that are made up of a horizontal row of rooms connected
 by hallways. (Horizontal)
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-8: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-8: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-8: 6
          Floors 1-8: Light Darkness
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-8: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Magnemite       ELC/STL 28  244  1-5         N/A
Ditto           NRM     28  233  1-8         N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 28  414  1-5         N/A
Grumpig         PSY     26  406  1-8         N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 28  233  1-4         N/A
Onix            RCK/GRD 28  399  3-8         N/A
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 28  410  5-8         N/A
Magneton        ELC/STL 29  296  6-8         N/A

Floors 1-8
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Warp Trap           6.25%
 Gust Trap           6.25%
 Spin Trap           6.25%
 Slumber Trap        6.25%
 Slow Trap           6.25%
 Poison Trap         6.25%
 Summon Trap         6.25%
 Trip Trap           6.25%

Floors 1-8
  Coins (22.32%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [8.93%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (21.34%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.15%)
  Heal Seed        (6.10%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.10%)
  Blast Seed       (6.10%)
  Stun Seed        (6.10%)
  Pure Seed        (6.10%)
  Hunger Seed      (6.09%)
  Violent Seed     (6.09%)
  Max Elixir       (5.49%)
  Warp Seed        (4.26%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.66%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.05%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.05%)
  Vile Seed        (3.05%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.61%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.61%)
  Slip Seed        (0.61%)
  Via Seed         (0.61%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.61%)
  Oren Berry       (0.61%)
  Dough Seed       (0.61%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.39%]
  Apple           (98.68%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.32%)
HOLD**********************  [6.25%]
  Stamina Band    (17.50%)
  Power Band      (15.00%)
  Special Band    (15.00%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Persim Band      (5.00%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.00%)
  Twist Band       (5.00%)
  Insomniscope     (5.00%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.00%)
  Scope Lens       (5.00%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.00%)
  Zinc Band        (5.00%)
TMs*********************** [13.40%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [13.39%]
  Escape Orb       (7.41%)
  Rollcall Orb     (7.41%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.71%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.71%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.71%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.71%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.71%)
  Mobile Orb       (3.71%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.71%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.71%)
  Warp Orb         (3.70%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.70%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.70%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.70%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.70%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.70%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.70%)
  Totter Orb       (3.70%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.70%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.70%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.70%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.70%)
  Quick Orb        (1.85%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.85%)
  Slow Orb         (1.85%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.85%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.85%)
  Radar Orb        (1.85%)

There are quite a few TMs to be found in this dungeon.  Additionally, you
can also find various Orbs, including the useful Invisify Orb or
Itemizer Orb.  Watch out for the traps though.


19##.   Dark Hill
Requirements: Complete Chasm Cave.
15 Floors
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon
-Once you have entered Sealed Ruin, you may only return to this dungeon by
 rescueing someone here.
-----General Info-----
-There is water in this dungeon
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-15: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-6: 4
          Floors 7-15: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-15: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-15: 6
     Water on Floors 2-3, 5-6, 8-9, 11-13, 15
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-15: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Gastly          GHO/PSN 30  253  1-6         N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     30  390  1-8         N/A
Banette         GHO     30  425  1-7         N/A
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 28  451  1-15        N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 30  429  5-15        N/A
Haunter         GHO/PSN 31  288  7-11        N/A
Dusclops        GHO     31  448  8-15        N/A
Gengar          GHO/PSN 32  471  12-15       N/A

Floors 1-15
 Wonder Tile        40.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Chestnut Trap       5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-15
  Coins (22.32%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [8.93%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (22.01%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.43%)
  Hunger Seed      (6.29%)
  Heal Seed        (6.29%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.29%)
  Blast Seed       (6.29%)
  Stun Seed        (6.29%)
  Pure Seed        (6.29%)
  Max Elixir       (5.66%)
  Warp Seed        (4.40%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.77%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.15%)
  Violent Seed     (3.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.15%)
  Vile Seed        (3.14%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.63%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.63%)
  Via Seed         (0.63%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.63%)
  Oren Berry       (0.63%)
  Dough Seed       (0.63%)
  Slip Seed        (0.62%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.39%]
  Apple           (98.68%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.32%)
HOLD**********************  [6.25%]
  Stamina Band    (18.42%)
  Power Band      (15.79%)
  Special Band    (15.79%)
  Pecha Scarf     (13.16%)
  Scope Lens       (5.27%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.27%)
  Insomniscope     (5.26%)
  Persim Band      (5.26%)
  Twist Band       (5.26%)
  Patsy Band       (5.26%)
  Zinc Band        (5.26%)
TMs*********************** [13.40%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [13.39%]
  Escape Orb       (7.14%)
  Rollcall Orb     (7.14%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.58%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.58%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.58%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.57%)
  Warp Orb         (3.57%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.57%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.57%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.57%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.57%)
  Mobile Orb       (3.57%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.57%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.57%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.79%)
  Slow Orb         (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.78%)
  Quick Orb        (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)

Lots of TMs scattered here.  Grab all you can find while you are here.


20##.   Sealed Ruin + Deep Sealed Ruin
Requirements: Complete Dark Hill.
8 Floors(SR) + 6 Floors(DSR) + Sealed Ruin Pit
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon
-Cannot be rescued while in Deep Sealed Ruin
-Once you have entered Dusk Forest, you may only return to this dungeon by
 rescueing someone here.
-----General Info-----
-Beware of Standard monster houses.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-8,D1-7: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 3
          Floors 5-8,D1-7: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 6
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 5%
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, D3-D4, D7
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, D2, D4, D6
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 26
          Floor D7: Boss Battle versus Spiritomb

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Muk             PSN     30  429  1-8,D1-6    N/A
Forretress      BUG/STL 30  452  1-8,D1-6    N/A
Shelgon         DRG     27  428  1-8,D1-6    N/A
Metang          STL/PSY 29  440  1-8,D1-6    N/A
Tangrowth       GRS     28  455  1-8,D1-6    N/A
Probopass       RCK/STL 30  479  1-8,D1-6    N/A

Floors 1-8, D1-7
 Wonder Tile        45.46%
 Warp Trap           4.55%
 Spin Trap           4.55%
 Slow Trap           4.55%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.55%
 Grimy Trap          4.55%
 Trip Trap           4.55%
 Poison Trap         4.54%
 Summon Trap         4.54%
 Chestnut Trap       4.54%
 Slumber Trap        4.54%
 Pokemon Trap        4.54%
 Gust Trap           4.54%

Floors 1-8, D1-7
  Coins (22.32%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [8.93%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (23.03%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.87%)
  Hunger Seed      (6.58%)
  Heal Seed        (6.58%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.58%)
  Blast Seed       (6.58%)
  Stun Seed        (6.58%)
  Pure Seed        (6.58%)
  Max Elixir       (5.92%)
  Warp Seed        (4.60%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.95%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.29%)
  Violent Seed     (3.29%)
  Vile Seed        (3.29%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.28%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.39%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [6.25%]
  Stamina Band    (18.42%)
  Power Band      (15.79%)
  Special Band    (15.79%)
  Pecha Scarf     (13.16%)
  Scope Lens       (5.27%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.27%)
  Insomniscope     (5.26%)
  Persim Band      (5.26%)
  Twist Band       (5.26%)
  Patsy Band       (5.26%)
  Zinc Band        (5.26%)
TMs*********************** [13.40%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [13.39%]
  Escape Orb       (7.14%)
  Rollcall Orb     (7.14%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.58%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.58%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.58%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.57%)
  Warp Orb         (3.57%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.57%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.57%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.57%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.57%)
  Mobile Orb       (3.57%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.57%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.57%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.79%)
  Slow Orb         (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.78%)
  Quick Orb        (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)

Again, plenty of TMs around here.


21##.   Dusk Forest
Requirements: Complete Sealed Ruin and Chapter 14.
8 Floors
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon
-Grovyle will be with you the first time you are here
-Once you have entered Deep Dusk Forest, you may only return to this dungeon
 by rescueing someone here.
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-8: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-7: 4
          Floor 8: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-6: 6
          Floors 7-8: 8
          Floors 6-8: Light Darkness
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-8: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Jumpluff        GRS/FLY 33  390  1-8         N/A
Mothim          BUG/FLY 30  436  1-8         N/A
Mismagius       GHO     31  400  1-8         N/A
Gabite          DRG/GRD 33  390  1-8         N/A

Floors 1-8
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-8
  Coins (31.5%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.87%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (23.03%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.87%)
  Hunger Seed      (6.58%)
  Heal Seed        (6.58%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.58%)
  Blast Seed       (6.58%)
  Stun Seed        (6.58%)
  Pure Seed        (6.58%)
  Max Elixir       (5.92%)
  Warp Seed        (4.60%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.95%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.29%)
  Violent Seed     (3.29%)
  Vile Seed        (3.29%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.28%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.81%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.51%]
  Stamina Band    (19.45%)
  Power Band      (16.66%)
  Special Band    (16.66%)
  Pecha Scarf     (13.89%)
  Insomniscope     (5.56%)
  Twist Band       (5.56%)
  Persim Band      (5.56%)
  Zinc Band        (5.56%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.55%)
  Scope Lens       (5.55%)
TMs*********************** [11.81%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [11.81%]
  Escape Orb       (7.41%)
  Rollcall Orb     (7.41%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.71%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.71%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.71%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.71%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.71%)
  Mobile Orb       (3.71%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.71%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.71%)
  Warp Orb         (3.70%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.70%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.70%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.70%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.70%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.70%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.70%)
  Totter Orb       (3.70%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.70%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.70%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.70%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.70%)
  Quick Orb        (1.85%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.85%)
  Slow Orb         (1.85%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.85%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.85%)
  Radar Orb        (1.85%)

Lots of Tms still.


22##.   Deep Dusk Forest
Requirements: Complete Dusk Forest.
12 Floors
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon
-Grovyle and Celebi will be with you the first time you are here
-Once you have completed Deep Dusk Forest, you may only return to this
 dungeon by rescueing someone here.
-----General Info-----
-Expect sandstorms from floor 4 and on, due to Hippowdon.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-12: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-12: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-12: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-12: 7
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 8, 11
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-12: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 30  464  1-12        N/A
Steelix         STL/GRD 30  448  1-12        N/A
Aggron          STL/RCK 31  488  1-12        N/A
Leafeon         GRS     30  136  1-12        N/A
Hippowdon       GRD     28  455  4-12        N/A

Floors 1-12
 Wonder Tile        40.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Chestnut Trap       5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-12
  Coins (31.5%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.87%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (50.00%)
  Oran Berry      (23.03%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.87%)
  Hunger Seed      (6.58%)
  Heal Seed        (6.58%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.58%)
  Blast Seed       (6.58%)
  Stun Seed        (6.58%)
  Pure Seed        (6.58%)
  Max Elixir       (5.92%)
  Warp Seed        (4.60%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.95%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.29%)
  Violent Seed     (3.29%)
  Vile Seed        (3.29%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.28%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.81%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.51%]
  Stamina Band    (18.42%)
  Power Band      (15.79%)
  Special Band    (15.79%)
  Pecha Scarf     (13.16%)
  Scope Lens       (5.27%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.27%)
  Insomniscope     (5.26%)
  Persim Band      (5.26%)
  Twist Band       (5.26%)
  Patsy Band       (5.26%)
  Zinc Band        (5.26%)
TMs*********************** [11.81%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [11.81%]
  Escape Orb       (7.14%)
  Rollcall Orb     (7.14%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.58%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.58%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.58%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.57%)
  Warp Orb         (3.57%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.57%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.57%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.57%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.57%)
  Mobile Orb       (3.57%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.57%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.57%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.79%)
  Slow Orb         (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.78%)
  Quick Orb        (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)

Tms are still quite easy to find.


23##.   Treeshroud Forest
Requirements: Complete Deep Dusk Forest and Chapter 15.
20 Floors + Deep Treeshroud Forest
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon until after defeating Primal Dialga.
-Grovyle will be with you the first time you are here
-----General Info-----
-Expect occasional sunny weather due to Cherrim.
-Floors can vary in size and some may have over a dozen rooms.
-There are Standard monster houses here.
-There are Standard-A kecleon markets here.
-There are Standard Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-7: 4
          Floors 8-20: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-20: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-20: 3
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 25%
          Floors 1-20: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 5, 10, 15, 20
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-20: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Kadabra         PSY     35  211  1-9         -4.5%
Houndoom        DRK/FIR 30  378  1-10        -4.5%
Ralts           PSY     31  192  1-9         10.0%
Cherrim         GRS     35  325  1-9          3.0%
Ninetails       FIR     30  276  10-20       -4.5%
Alakazam        PSY     37  345  10-20      -12.0%
Kirlia          PSY     37  317  10-20        1.0%
Vespiquen       BUG/FLY 33  441  10-20       -4.5%

Floors 1-20
 Wonder Tile        36.84%
 Spin Trap           5.27%
 Poison Trap         5.27%
 Summon Trap         5.27%
 Pokemon Trap        5.27%
 Slumber Trap        5.26%
 Slow Trap           5.26%
 Warp Trap           5.26%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.26%
 Chestnut Trap       5.26%
 Gust Trap           5.26%
 Grimy Trap          5.26%
 Trip Trap           5.26%

Floors 1-20
  Coins (31.5%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.87%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (25.74%)
  Pecha Berry     (11.03%)
  Stun Seed        (7.36%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.35%)
  Blast Seed       (7.35%)
  Heal Seed        (7.35%)
  Pure Seed        (7.35%)
  Violent Seed     (7.35%)
  Max Elixir       (6.62%)
  Warp Seed        (5.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.68%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.67%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.81%]
  Apple           (32.00%)
  White Gummi      (4.00%)
  Red Gummi        (4.00%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.00%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.00%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.00%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.00%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.00%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.00%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.00%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.00%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.00%)
  Green Gummi      (4.00%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.00%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.00%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.00%)
  Black Gummi      (4.00%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.51%]
  Stamina Band    (21.87%)
  Power Band      (18.75%)
  Special Band    (18.75%)
  Pecha Scarf     (15.63%)
  Scope Lens       (6.25%)
  Insomniscope     (6.25%)
  Persim Band      (6.25%)
  Twist Band       (6.25%)
TMs*********************** [11.81%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [11.81%]
  Escape Orb       (7.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.46%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.64%)
  Warp Orb         (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.64%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Silence Orb      (3.64%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.63%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.63%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.63%)
  Mug Orb          (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Slow Orb         (1.82%)
  Quick Orb        (1.82%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.82%)
  Radar Orb        (1.81%)

Very good place to find TMs at.  Since, you can't easily go back to the
Future dungeons, this is best you can get for your TM needs.


24##.   Brine Cave + Lower Brine Cave
Requirements: Complete Treeshroud Forest and Chapter 16. Then go to the Hot
              Spring and talk to Torkoal to finish Chapter 17.
9 Floors(BC) + 5 Floors(LBC) + Brine Cave Pit
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon until you reach the hidden land.
-Chatot will be with you the first time you are here
-Unable to be rescued in Lower Brine Cave.
-----General Info-----
-There are several types of water rooms, such as halved, maze, and item
-Floors vary in size and can range from small to large.
-There may be occasional hail due to Walrein.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-9,P1-6: 150
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
          Floors 7-9,P1-6: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 3
          Floors 5-9,P1-6: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-9,P1-6: 3
          Floors 1-9,P1-5: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-9,P1-6
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, P1, P3, P5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9,P1-6: 26
          Floor P6: Boss Battle vs Kabutops/Omastar

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Seel            WTR     34  232  1-5          7.8%
Kingler         WTR     35  369  1-8         -4.5%
Omanyte         WTR/RCK 36  288  1-7         12.8%
Pelipper        WTR/FLY 36  432  1-8        -12.0%
Gastrodon[W]    WTR/GRD 22  257  1-9,P1      16.4%
Tentacool       WTR/PSN 35  237  6-9,P1-5    16.4%
Dewgong         WTR/ICE 38  376  6-9,P1      -4.5%
Staryu          WTR     38   79  8-9,P1-5    16.4%
Dragonair       DRG     36  351  8-9,P1-5    -4.5%
Walrein         WTR/ICE 36  427  P2-5         1.0%

Floors 1-9, P1-6
 Wonder Tile        36.84%
 Spin Trap           5.27%
 Poison Trap         5.27%
 Summon Trap         5.27%
 Pokemon Trap        5.27%
 Slumber Trap        5.26%
 Slow Trap           5.26%
 Warp Trap           5.26%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.26%
 Chestnut Trap       5.26%
 Gust Trap           5.26%
 Grimy Trap          5.26%
 Trip Trap           5.26%

Floors 1-9, P1-6
  Coins (28.69%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [8.20%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (14.09%)
  Pecha Berry     (10.56%)
  Blast Seed       (7.05%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.04%)
  Heal Seed        (7.04%)
  Stun Seed        (7.04%)
  Pure Seed        (7.04%)
  Violent Seed     (7.04%)
  Max Elixir       (6.34%)
  Hunger Seed      (5.64%)
  Warp Seed        (4.93%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.22%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.52%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.52%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.71%)
  Via Seed         (0.71%)
  Oren Berry       (0.71%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.70%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.70%)
  Slip Seed        (0.70%)
  Dough Seed       (0.70%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.29%]
  Apple           (31.75%)
  Red Gummi        (3.97%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.97%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.97%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.97%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.97%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.97%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.97%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.97%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.97%)
  Green Gummi      (3.97%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.97%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.97%)
  Black Gummi      (3.97%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.97%)
  White Gummi      (3.96%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.96%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.96%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.79%)
HOLD**********************  [5.74%]
  Stamina Band    (18.61%)
  Power Band      (15.96%)
  Special Band    (15.96%)
  Pecha Scarf     (13.30%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.32%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.32%)
  Persim Band      (5.32%)
  Twist Band       (5.32%)
  Zinc Band        (5.32%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.31%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.66%)
TMs***********************  [4.10%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [20.49%]
  Escape Orb       (7.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.46%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.64%)
  Warp Orb         (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.64%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Silence Orb      (3.64%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.63%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.63%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.63%)
  Mug Orb          (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Slow Orb         (1.82%)
  Quick Orb        (1.82%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.82%)
  Radar Orb        (1.81%)

A decent spot for Orbs.  You can recruit Staryu here, if you need a pokemon
with the Illuminate ability.


25##.   Hidden Land + Hidden Highland
Requirements: Complete Brine Cave and Chapter 18.
15 Floors(HL) + 8 Floors(HH) + Old Ruins
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon.
-Grovyle will be with you the first time you are here
-Unabled to be rescued in Hidden Highland
-----General Info-----
-Expect occasional sunshine, hail, and sandstorms from the pokemon here.
-Floors vary in size and can range from small to large
-There are Standard monster houses here, so tread carefully.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-15,H1-9: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-15,H1-9: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 3
          Floors 5-15,H1-9: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-15,H1-9: 7
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-15,H1-9: 3%
          Floors 1-15,H1-8: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, P3, P6, P9
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, P1, P3, P5, P7, P9
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-15,H1-9: 26
          Floor 6: Sunny
          Floor 10: Sunny
          Floor 24: Fight versus Dusknoir & Sableye

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Dragonite       DRG/FLY 37  432  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Manectric       ELC     28  466  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Tropius         GRS/FLY 35  448  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Rampardos       RCK     40  460  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Bastiodon       RCK/STL 35  497  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Purugly         NRM     37  400  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Garchomp        DRG/GRD 37  492  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Abomasnow       ICE/GRS 40  539  1-15,H1-8   N/A
Magmortar       FIR     36  499  1-15,H1-8   N/A

Floors 1-15, H1-9
 Wonder Tile        44.44%
 Warp Trap           5.56%
 Spin Trap           5.56%
 Slow Trap           5.56%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.56%
 Grimy Trap          5.56%
 Pokemon Trap        5.56%
 Poison Trap         5.55%
 Summon Trap         5.55%
 Slumber Trap        5.55%
 Gust Trap           5.55%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (19.35%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.68%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.45%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (11.20%)
  Pure Seed        (7.47%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.46%)
  Blast Seed       (7.46%)
  Stun Seed        (7.46%)
  Heal Seed        (7.46%)
  Violent Seed     (7.46%)
  Max Elixir       (6.72%)
  Warp Seed        (5.23%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.48%)
  Quick Seed       (3.73%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.73%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.73%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.73%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.73%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.73%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.75%)
  Via Seed         (0.75%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.75%)
  Dough Seed       (0.75%)
  Slip Seed        (0.74%)
  Oren Berry       (0.74%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.74%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.91%]
  Apple           (20.55%)
  Big Apple       (20.55%)
  Red Gummi        (3.43%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.43%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.43%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.43%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.43%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.43%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.43%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.43%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.42%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.42%)
  White Gummi      (3.42%)
  Green Gummi      (3.42%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.42%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.42%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.42%)
  Black Gummi      (3.42%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.42%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.68%)
HOLD**********************  [9.67%]
  Stamina Band    (17.68%)
  Power Band      (15.15%)
  Special Band    (15.15%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.62%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.05%)
  Twist Band       (5.05%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.05%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.05%)
  Persim Band      (5.05%)
  Zinc Band        (5.05%)
  Lockon Specs     (5.05%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.53%)
TMs***********************  [6.46%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [16.13%]
  Escape Orb       (7.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.46%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.64%)
  Warp Orb         (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.64%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Silence Orb      (3.64%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.63%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.63%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.63%)
  Mug Orb          (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Slow Orb         (1.82%)
  Quick Orb        (1.82%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.82%)
  Radar Orb        (1.81%)

Floors 10-15, H1-9
  Coins (20.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.90%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (11.20%)
  Pure Seed        (7.47%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.46%)
  Blast Seed       (7.46%)
  Stun Seed        (7.46%)
  Heal Seed        (7.46%)
  Violent Seed     (7.46%)
  Max Elixir       (6.72%)
  Warp Seed        (5.23%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.48%)
  Quick Seed       (3.73%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.73%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.73%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.73%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.73%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.73%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.75%)
  Via Seed         (0.75%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.75%)
  Dough Seed       (0.75%)
  Slip Seed        (0.74%)
  Oren Berry       (0.74%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.74%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.80%]
  Apple           (20.55%)
  Big Apple       (20.55%)
  Red Gummi        (3.43%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.43%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.43%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.43%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.43%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.43%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.43%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.43%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.42%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.42%)
  White Gummi      (3.42%)
  Green Gummi      (3.42%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.42%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.42%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.42%)
  Black Gummi      (3.42%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.42%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.68%)
HOLD********************** [10.34%]
  Stamina Band    (17.68%)
  Power Band      (15.15%)
  Special Band    (15.15%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.62%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.05%)
  Twist Band       (5.05%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.05%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.05%)
  Persim Band      (5.05%)
  Zinc Band        (5.05%)
  Lockon Specs     (5.05%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.53%)
TMs***********************  [6.90%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb       (7.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.46%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.64%)
  Warp Orb         (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.64%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Silence Orb      (3.64%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.63%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.63%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.63%)
  Mug Orb          (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Slow Orb         (1.82%)
  Quick Orb        (1.82%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.82%)
  Radar Orb        (1.81%)

A decent dungeon to find pretty much everything.


26##.   Temporal Tower + Temporal Spire
Requirements: Complete Hidden Land.
13 Floors(TT) + 10 Floors(TS) + Temporal Pinnacle
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon.
-Unabled to be rescued in Temporal Spire
-----General Info-----
-Floors vary in size and can range from small to large. Some large floors
 may have more than a dozen rooms.
-There are Standard monster houses here, so tread carefully.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-13,S1-11: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-13,S1-11: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-10: 4
          Floors 11-13,S1-11: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-13,S1-11: 7
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-13,S1-11: 5%
          Floors 1-13,S1-10: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, S2, S6, S9, S11
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, S1, S3, S5, S7, S9, S11
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-13,S1-10: 26
          Floor S11: 600
          Floor 4: Sunny
          Floor 9: Sunny
          Floor 24: Boss Battle versus Dialga

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Porygon         NRM     40  367  1-13        N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 39  470  1-13        N/A
Solrock         RCK/PSY 39  489  1-13        N/A
Bronzor         STL/PSY 38  249  1-13        N/A
Porygon2        NRM     42  499  S1-10       N/A
Salamence       DRG/FLY 45  631  S1-10       N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 44  551  S1-7        N/A
Porygon-Z       NRM     43  514  S1-10       N/A
Metagross       STL/PSY 46  594  S5-10       N/A

~Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part.  One Deoxys per floor.~
Deoxys-A/D/S    PSY     45  432  S5-10       N/A

Floors 1-13, S1-11
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Warp Trap           5.56%
 Spin Trap           5.56%
 Poison Trap         5.56%
 Grimy Trap          5.56%
 Pokemon Trap        5.56%
 Gust Trap           5.55%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.55%
 Summon Trap         5.55%
 Slumber Trap        5.55%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (19.35%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.68%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.45%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (11.36%)
  Heal Seed        (7.58%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.58%)
  Stun Seed        (7.58%)
  Violent Seed     (7.58%)
  Pure Seed        (7.57%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Max Elixir       (6.82%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.54%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.79%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.79%)
  Quick Seed       (3.79%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.79%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.79%)
  Warp Seed        (3.79%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.78%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.76%)
  Slip Seed        (0.76%)
  Via Seed         (0.76%)
  Oren Berry       (0.76%)
  Dough Seed       (0.76%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.75%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.75%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.91%]
  Apple           (20.55%)
  Big Apple       (20.55%)
  Red Gummi        (3.43%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.43%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.43%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.43%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.43%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.43%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.43%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.43%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.42%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.42%)
  White Gummi      (3.42%)
  Green Gummi      (3.42%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.42%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.42%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.42%)
  Black Gummi      (3.42%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.42%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.68%)
HOLD**********************  [9.67%]
  Stamina Band    (14.71%)
  Power Band      (12.61%)
  Special Band    (12.60%)
  Pecha Scarf     (10.50%)
  Scope Lens       (4.21%)
  Zinc Band        (4.21%)
  Twist Band       (4.20%)
  Heal Ribbon      (4.20%)
  Insomniscope     (4.20%)
  Def. Scarf       (4.20%)
  Patsy Band       (4.20%)
  Joy Ribbon       (4.20%)
  Persim Band      (4.20%)
  Lockon Specs     (4.20%)
  Munch Belt       (4.20%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.10%)
TMs***********************  [6.46%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [16.13%]
  Escape Orb       (7.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.46%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.64%)
  Warp Orb         (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.64%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Silence Orb      (3.64%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.63%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.63%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.63%)
  Mug Orb          (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Slow Orb         (1.82%)
  Quick Orb        (1.82%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.82%)
  Radar Orb        (1.81%)

Floors 10-13, S1-11
  Coins (20.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.90%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (11.36%)
  Heal Seed        (7.58%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.58%)
  Stun Seed        (7.58%)
  Violent Seed     (7.58%)
  Pure Seed        (7.57%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Max Elixir       (6.82%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.54%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.79%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.79%)
  Quick Seed       (3.79%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.79%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.79%)
  Warp Seed        (3.79%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.78%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.76%)
  Slip Seed        (0.76%)
  Via Seed         (0.76%)
  Oren Berry       (0.76%)
  Dough Seed       (0.76%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.75%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.75%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.80%]
  Apple           (20.55%)
  Big Apple       (20.55%)
  Red Gummi        (3.43%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.43%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.43%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.43%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.43%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.43%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.43%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.43%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.42%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.42%)
  White Gummi      (3.42%)
  Green Gummi      (3.42%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.42%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.42%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.42%)
  Black Gummi      (3.42%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.42%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.68%)
HOLD********************** [10.34%]
  Stamina Band    (14.71%)
  Power Band      (12.61%)
  Special Band    (12.60%)
  Pecha Scarf     (10.50%)
  Scope Lens       (4.21%)
  Zinc Band        (4.21%)
  Twist Band       (4.20%)
  Heal Ribbon      (4.20%)
  Insomniscope     (4.20%)
  Def. Scarf       (4.20%)
  Patsy Band       (4.20%)
  Joy Ribbon       (4.20%)
  Persim Band      (4.20%)
  Lockon Specs     (4.20%)
  Munch Belt       (4.20%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.10%)
TMs***********************  [6.90%]
  Focus Punch      (3.74%)
  Water Pulse      (3.74%)
  Light Screen     (3.74%)
  Reflect          (3.74%)
  Rest             (3.74%)
  Embargo          (3.74%)
  Dive             (3.74%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.74%)
  Recycle          (3.73%)
  Energy Ball      (3.73%)
  Brick Break      (3.73%)
  Swords Dance     (3.73%)
  Flash            (2.81%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.80%)
  Shock Wave       (2.34%)
  Attract          (1.87%)
  Roost            (1.87%)
  Focus Blast      (1.87%)
  Giga Drain       (1.87%)
  False Swipe      (1.87%)
  Brine            (1.87%)
  Safeguard        (1.87%)
  Explosion        (1.87%)
  Payback          (1.87%)
  Roar             (1.87%)
  Wide Slash       (1.87%)
  Hidden Power     (1.87%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.87%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.87%)
  Torment          (1.87%)
  Protect          (1.87%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.87%)
  Rock Slide       (1.87%)
  Natural Gift     (1.87%)
  Poison Jab       (1.87%)
  Calm Mind        (1.86%)
  Steel Wing       (1.40%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.40%)
  Dig              (0.94%)
  SolarBeam        (0.93%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.93%)
  Taunt            (0.47%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Iron Tail        (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb       (7.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.46%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.64%)
  Warp Orb         (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.64%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Silence Orb      (3.64%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.63%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.63%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.63%)
  Mug Orb          (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Slow Orb         (1.82%)
  Quick Orb        (1.82%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.82%)
  Radar Orb        (1.81%)

Lots of useful items here.  Stock up on Thrown items, Hold items, and
Orbs here.

------------Other Dungeons-------------

27##.   Marowak Dojo
Requirements: Complete Chapter 4.
Marowak Dojo is made up of 10 training mazes. Each of the 10 training
mazes are 5 floors long. Combined, they equal 50 floors.
-----General Info-----
-The 4th floor of every maze is an "Outer-Ring" Floor.
-The 5th floor of every maze is a "CrossRoads" Floor.
    Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 40
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 1-5: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-5 (Normal/Fly)
     Lava on Floors 1-4 (Dark/Fire)
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-2: 1
          Floors 3-5: 150
            Enemy Levels ->  Lv1 Lv10 Lv20 Lv25 Lv35
NAME         Maze    Exp ->   F1   F2   F3   F4   F5
Doduo        Normal/Fly       24   45   69   81  105
Staravia     Normal/Fly       77  146  223  261  338
Poochyena    Dark/Fire        38   72  110  129  167
Houndour     Dark/Fire        65  123  188  221  286
Magby        Dark/Fire        76  144  220  258  334
Kabuto       Rock/Water       11   20   31   37   48
Omanyte      Rock/Water       64  121  185  217  281
Shroomish    Grass            57  108  165  193  250
Carnivine    Grass            81  153  234  275  356
Magnemite    Elec/Steel       66  125  191  224  290
Mareep       Elec/Steel       76  144  220  258  334
Mawile       Elec/Steel       87  165  252  295  382
Swinub       Ice/Ground       67  127  194  227  294
Phanphy      Ice/Ground        9   17   26   30   39
Machop       Fight/Psych      20   38   58   68   88
Meditite     Fight/Psych      49   93  142  166  215
Spinarak     Poison/Bug       26   49   75   88  114
Skorupi      Poison/Bug      108  108  313  367  475
Bagon        Dragon          104  197  301  353  457
Misdreavus   Ghost           100  190  290  340  390
Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (33.34%)
  Oran Berry     (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [33.33%]
  Escape Orb     (100.00%)

High Exp: Dragon, Ghost, Elec/Steel
Medium Exp: Grass, Poison/Bug, Dark/Fire, Normal/Fly
Low Exp: Ice/Ground, Rock/Water, Fight/Psych

If you need Escape Orbs, come to the Marowak Dojo.  You can recycle Escape
Orbs for Reviver Seeds, so it doesn't hurt to stock up.


28##.   Oran Forest
Requirements: Unlock Project P at Spinda's Cafe.  Then Recycle 60 Times.
4 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
-----General Info-----
-Floors widely vary in size
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floor 1: 3
          Floor 2: 4
          Floors 3-5: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Water on Floors 2-3
          Floors 2-3: Fog
          Floor 5: Warp Zone Floor (2 Deluxe Boxes)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Caterpie        BUG     10   22  1-4         16.4%
Oddish          GRS/PSN 11   68  1-4         16.4%
Hoppip          GRS/FLY 11   76  1-4         16.4%
Wurmple         BUG     12   29  1-4          6.4%
Starly          NRM/FLY  8   45  1-4         16.4%
Budew           GRS/PSN 11   82  1-4         16.4%
Burmy-S         BUG     11   92  1-4         16.4%

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-5
  Oran Berry      (96.15%)
  Max Elixir       (3.85%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.11%]
  Apple          (100.00%)

If for some reason, you need a mass supply of Oran Berries, you can find
many here. Apples and the elusive Max Elixer show up often as well.  This
is a great place to stock up on these essential items.


29##.   Tiny Meadow
Requirements: Unlock Project P at Spinda's Cafe.  Then Recycle 25 times.
4 Floors + Warp Zone Floor(Contains 2 Deluxe Boxes)
-----General Info-----
-There are Standard-B kecleon markets here.
-Floors widely vary in size
--Some rooms are made up of paths surrounded by water
--Some rooms are split in half by water
--Some rooms contain a 4x4 square of water with items inside
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 7%
          Floor 3: Fog
          Floor 5: Warp Zone Floor (2 Deluxe Boxes)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Skiploom        GRS/FLY 13  118  1-4          1.0%
Breloom         GRS/FTG 14  154  1-4          1.0%
Staravia        NRM/FLY 20  223  1-4          8.2%

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-3
  Coins (29.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.70%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.52%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

Floors 4-5
  Coins (29.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn      (83.33%)
  Silver Spike    (16.67%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.70%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.52%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

A small and easy dungeon.  Take a pleasant walk through here and enjoy the


30##.   Lush Prairie
Requirements: Randomly unlocked at Spinda Drink Stand.
5 Floors + Warp Zone Floor(Contains 2 Deluxe Boxes)
-----General Info-----
-Floors are usually small.
-There are Standard-B kecleon markets here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-6: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 3
     Item Density
          Floors 1-6: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-6: 7
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-6: 7%
          Floor 3: Cloudy
          Floor 6: Warp Zone Floor(2 Deluxe Boxes)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY 17   80  1-5          6.0%
Skiploom        GRS/FLY 13  118  1-5          1.0%
Yanma           BUG/FLY 15  177  1-5         16.4%
Silcoon         BUG     13   96  1-5        -10.0%
Beautifly       BUG/FLY 13  114  1-5          1.0%
Cascoon         BUG/PSN 13   74  1-5        -10.0%
Burmy-G         BUG     11   92  1-5         16.4%

Floors 1-6
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-6
  Coins (29.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.70%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.52%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

A small and easy dungeon.  Take a pleasant walk through here and enjoy the


31##.   Serenity River
Requirements: Randomly unlocked at Spinda Drink Stand.
7 Floors + Warp Zone Floor(Contains 3 Deluxe Boxes)
-----General Info-----
-The floors of this dungeon can vary in size from small to large.
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
-There are Basic kecleon markets here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-8: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-8: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-8: 5
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-8: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-8: 5%
     Water on Floors 1-8
          Floor 3: Rain
          Floors 4-5: Cloudy
          Floors 6-7: Fog
          Floor 8: Warp Zone Floor(3 Deluxe Boxes)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Poliwag         WTR      9   43  1-7         12.8%
Wooper          WTR/GRD 10   60  1-7         16.4%
Lotad           WTR/GRS 10   60  1-7         12.8%
Barboach        WTR/GRD 11   64  1-7         16.4%
Masquerain      BUG/FLY 12  138  6-7        -10.0%

Floors 1-8
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-8
  Coins (29.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Stick           (62.50%)
  Iron Thorn      (37.50%)
  Oran Berry      (57.15%)
  Pecha Berry     (14.28%)
  Blast Seed       (7.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.14%)
  Heal Seed        (7.14%)
  Max Elixir       (7.14%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.70%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.52%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

A small and easy dungeon.  Take a pleasant walk through here and enjoy the


32##.   Landslide Cave
Requirements: Unlock Project P at Spinda's Cafe.  Then Recycle 3 Times.
12 Floors + Warp Zone Floor(Contains 4 Deluxe Boxes)
-----General Info-----
-Expect occasional sandstorms from Gible.
-Floors are usually small or medium sized.
-Standard Monster houses show up fairly often.
-There are Basic kecleon markets here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-13: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-13: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 3
          Floors 5-6: 5
          Floors 7-9: 4
          Floor 10: 3
          Floors 11-13: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-6: 5
          Floors 7-11: 6
          Floors 12-13: 7
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-13: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-13: 5%
          Floors 1-12: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 7
          Floor 13: Warp Zone Floor(4 Deluxe Boxes)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Venomoth        BUG/PSN 13  107  1-12        -4.5%
Ampharos        ELC     17  215  1-12        -4.5%
Granbull        NRM     16  215  1-12         1.0%
Shuckle         BUG/RCK 16  187  1-12        16.4%
Dustox          BUG/PSN 13  112  1-12         0.5%
Wormadam-T      BUG/STL 26  350  1-12        16.4%
Gible           DRG/GRD 11  200  1-12         8.2%

Floors 1-13
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-13
  Coins (29.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.70%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.52%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

A small and easy dungeon.  Take a pleasant walk through here and enjoy the
sights.  Watch your step, though.  You wouldn't want to step on a trap or
into a monster house.  Try not to trip over the Iron Thorns on the ground.
Maybe not the most pleasant walk after all....


33##.   Labyrinth Cave
Requirements: Complete Chapter 10. Explorer Rank must be above Bronze.
              Then enter this wondermail: 84=@P   S-TJ3-M   @HX71
                                          76N37   2&S8RS5   1TJHH
9 Floors + Gabite Fight
-----General Info-----.
-Floors can vary in size.  There are often a lot of rooms per floor.
-Be wary of Standard monster houses.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10: 3
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-10: 3%
          Floors 1-10: Light Darkness
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-10
          Floor 10: Boss Battle versus Gabite

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Nidorina        PSN      5   51  1-9          1.0%
Nidorino        PSN      5   51  1-9          1.0%
Golbat          PSN/FLY  8  192  1-9         -4.5%
Machop          FTG      6   30  1-9         16.4%
Gabite          DRG/GRD 35  409  10          16.4%

Floors 1-10
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (29.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.11%]
  Iron Thorn      (50.00%)
  Silver Spike    (50.00%)
  Oran Berry      (50.00%)
  Reviver Seed    (12.50%)
  Pecha Berry     (12.50%)
  Heal Seed        (6.25%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.25%)
  Blast Seed       (6.25%)
  Max Elixir       (6.25%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.70%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.52%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

Floor 10
OTHER************************************[Gabite Fight]
        Gabite Scale (Win Gabite Fight)
The only dungeon in the game where Gabite Scales are found.  You will fight
the Gabite boss every time you go through this dungeon and be rewarded if
you win.  His Level, Hp, and moves seem to vary slightly each time you
fight him.

~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
        ##IV.        Post-ending Dungeons
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-

+In these dungeons, wild enemies have IQ skills now, like Bodyguard and
 Brick Tough.  After being recruited, their IQv is reset to 1.
+Enemies can now use or throw items they are holding, such as Reviver
 Seeds and Doom Seeds.
+Enemies vary largely in level now.  There will be weak low-level enemies
 mixed in with strong high-level enemies.
+While going through these dungeons, enemies increase in level on
 various floors.  Here is a list of the floors and how many levels the
 pokemon have gained by these floors.  (Special Thanks to kirby5790)

01F~05F = +0 Levels
06F~09F = +1 Levels
10F~14F = +2 Levels
15F~19F = +3 Levels
20F~24F = +4 Levels
25F~29F = +5 Levels
30F~39F = +6 Levels
40F~46F = +7 Levels
47F~49F = +8 Levels

+Traps will show up much more often and with quite a bit more variety.

+Quite a few new items can be found in these dungeons.
+Items picked up in these dungeons may be sticky.
+All these dungeons have buried items within walls. These items can be
 retrieved by Palkia(Absolute Mover), Rock Smashing, or using a One-Room
 Orb.  Some of these buried items are within walls lining hallways, so
 if you are sprinting through a hallway and suddenly stop for no apparent
 reason, there is a buried item near you.
+Some of these dungeons have Treasure Chambers on specific floors, which
 each require a key to open.

+There are various recurring kecleon markets, monster houses, & Swalot Shops
 (Secret Bazaar) in these dungeons.  Here they are:

  (Dungeons marked with an asterisk do not have that following list for
   every floor of that dungeon; See the dungeon for more info)

              Kecleon Shop Advanced List
   Found: Mystifying Forest(9%)*, Mt. Travail(6-7%), Shaymin Village(8%),
          Happy Outlook(8%)*, Mt. Mistral(9%)*, Shimmer Hill(9%)*,
          Midnight Forest(9%)*

THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.74%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [9.74%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Reviver Seed    (23.81%)
  Max Elixir      (19.05%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.53%)
  Oran Berry       (9.53%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.52%)
  Heal Seed        (9.52%)
  Blast Seed       (9.52%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.52%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [19.48%]
  Apple           (16.67%)
  White Gummi     (16.67%)
  Blue Gummi      (16.67%)
  Orange Gummi    (16.67%)
  Grass Gummi     (16.66%)
  Big Apple       (16.66%)
HOLD********************** [19.48%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
TMs***********************  [6.50%]
  Light Screen     (5.84%)
  Reflect          (5.84%)
  Rest             (5.84%)
  Embargo          (5.84%)
  Recycle          (5.84%)
  Swords Dance     (5.84%)
  Flash            (4.38%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (4.38%)
  Shock Wave       (3.65%)
  Attract          (2.92%)
  False Swipe      (2.92%)
  Brine            (2.92%)
  Giga Drain       (2.92%)
  Payback          (2.92%)
  Safeguard        (2.92%)
  Wide Slash       (2.92%)
  Roar             (2.92%)
  Hidden Power     (2.92%)
  Calm Mind        (2.92%)
  Stealth Rock     (2.92%)
  Rock Slide       (2.92%)
  Poison Jab       (2.92%)
  Roost            (2.91%)
  Steel Wing       (2.19%)
  Hyper Beam       (2.19%)
  SolarBeam        (1.46%)
  Thunderbolt      (1.46%)
  Dig              (1.46%)
  Giga Impact      (0.73%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.73%)
  Iron Tail        (0.73%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.73%)
ORBS********************** [12.98%]
  Drought Orb     (15.39%)
  One-Shot Orb    (15.39%)
  Blowback Orb    (15.38%)
  Rollcall Orb    (15.38%)
  Petrify Orb     (15.38%)
  Hurl Orb        (15.38%)
  Warp Orb         (7.70%)
BOXES*********************  [2.60%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

              Kecleon Shop Evo-A List
   Found: Mystifying Forest(9%)*, Lake Afar(9%)*, Midnight Forest(9%)*

  Fire Stone      (11.12%)
  Thunderstone    (11.11%)
  Sun Stone       (11.11%)
  Moon Stone      (11.11%)
  King's Rock     (11.11%)
  Water Stone     (11.11%)
  Metal Coat      (11.11%)
  Leaf Stone      (11.11%)
  Link Cable      (11.11%)

              Kecleon Shop Evo-B List
   Found: Happy Outlook(8%)*, Mt. Mistral(9%)*, Shimmer Hill(9%)*,
          Lost Wilderness(8%)*

  Upgrade          (5.56%)
  Deepseatooth     (5.56%)
  Dubious Disc     (5.56%)
  Reaper Cloth     (5.56%)
  Razor Claw       (5.56%)
  Electirizer      (5.56%)
  Oval Stone       (5.56%)
  Shiny Stone      (5.56%)
  Coronet Rock     (5.56%)
  Frozen Rock      (5.56%)
  Magmarizer       (5.55%)
  Dragon Scale     (5.55%)
  Dawn Stone       (5.55%)
  Razor Fang       (5.55%)
  Dusk Stone       (5.55%)
  Deepseascale     (5.55%)
  Mossy Rock       (5.55%)
  Protector        (5.55%)

              Monster House Advanced List
   Found: Mystifying Forest(4%), Shaymin Village(5%)*, Blizzard Island(6%),
          Crevice Cave(4%), Surrounded Sea(5%)*, Miracle Sea(3%), 
          Mt. Travail(6%), The Nightmare(6%)*, Spacial Rift(6%,40%)*,
          Dark Crater(5%)*, Concealed Ruins(5%), Marine Resort(6%)*,
          Murky Forest(8%), Eastern Cave(5%)*, Fortune Ravine(7%)*,
          Southern Jungle(5%)*, Boulder Quarry(5%)*, Limestone Cavern(5%)*,
          Spring Cave(6-8%)*

  Coins (31.58%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [52.63%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
TMs***********************  [5.26%]
  Focus Punch      (3.81%)
  Water Pulse      (3.81%)
  Light Screen     (3.81%)
  Brick Break      (3.81%)
  Reflect          (3.81%)
  Rest             (3.81%)
  Energy Ball      (3.81%)
  Embargo          (3.81%)
  Recycle          (3.81%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.81%)
  Swords Dance     (3.81%)
  Dive             (3.80%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.86%)
  Flash            (2.86%)
  Shock Wave       (2.38%)
  False Swipe      (1.91%)
  Roar             (1.91%)
  Explosion        (1.91%)
  Payback          (1.91%)
  Protect          (1.91%)
  Wide Slash       (1.91%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.91%)
  Safeguard        (1.91%)
  Attract          (1.91%)
  Roost            (1.91%)
  Hidden Power     (1.91%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.91%)
  Natural Gift     (1.91%)
  Giga Drain       (1.90%)
  Calm Mind        (1.90%)
  Brine            (1.90%)
  Torment          (1.90%)
  Rock Slide       (1.90%)
  Focus Blast      (1.90%)
  Poison Jab       (1.90%)
  Steel Wing       (1.42%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.42%)
  SolarBeam        (0.95%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.95%)
  Dig              (0.95%)
  Iron Tail        (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [10.53%]
  Evasion Orb      (3.39%)
  Snatch Orb       (3.39%)
  See-Trap Orb     (3.39%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.39%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.39%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.39%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.39%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.39%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.39%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.39%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Silence Orb      (3.39%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.39%)
  Radar Orb        (3.39%)
  Trapbust Orb     (3.39%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.39%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.39%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.39%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.39%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.39%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.39%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.39%)
  Warp Orb         (1.70%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.69%)

              Monster House Gummi List
   Found: Lake Afar(3%), Happy Outlook(5%), Mt. Mistral(3%), Shimmer
          Hill(3%), Lost Wilderness(4%), Zero Isle North(6%,30%),
          Oblivion Forest(7-8%), Treacherous Waters(7-8%), Southeastern
          Islands(7%,33%), Inferno Cave(7%,33%)
  Coins (37.5%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [62.50%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)

NOTE: Below is the Item lists for Swalot's Shop in Secret Bazaars, as well
      as the chance of Hidden Stairs appearing on each floor of the
      specified dungeon.  Be aware that the Item lists only apply to "Good"
      Grab Bags you get from Swalot.  You have about at least a 50% chance
      of getting a "Fail" Bag from Swalot, which always has an Oran Berry.

              Secret Bazaar Advanced List
   Found: Mystifying Forest(15%), Mt. Travail(15%), Happy Outlook(15%),
          Mt. Mistral(15%), Shimmer Hill(15%), Midnight Forest(15%),
          Oblivion Forest(15%)

THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.79%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Reviver Seed    (23.81%)
  Max Elixir      (19.05%)
  Cheri Berry      (9.53%)
  Oran Berry       (9.53%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.52%)
  Heal Seed        (9.52%)
  Blast Seed       (9.52%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.52%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [21.59%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
HOLD********************** [21.58%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
TMs***********************  [7.19%]
  Light Screen     (5.84%)
  Reflect          (5.84%)
  Rest             (5.84%)
  Embargo          (5.84%)
  Recycle          (5.84%)
  Swords Dance     (5.84%)
  Flash            (4.38%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (4.38%)
  Shock Wave       (3.65%)
  Attract          (2.92%)
  False Swipe      (2.92%)
  Brine            (2.92%)
  Giga Drain       (2.92%)
  Payback          (2.92%)
  Safeguard        (2.92%)
  Wide Slash       (2.92%)
  Roar             (2.92%)
  Hidden Power     (2.92%)
  Calm Mind        (2.92%)
  Stealth Rock     (2.92%)
  Rock Slide       (2.92%)
  Poison Jab       (2.92%)
  Roost            (2.91%)
  Steel Wing       (2.19%)
  Hyper Beam       (2.19%)
  SolarBeam        (1.46%)
  Thunderbolt      (1.46%)
  Dig              (1.46%)
  Giga Impact      (0.73%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.73%)
  Iron Tail        (0.73%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.73%)
ORBS********************** [14.39%]
  Drought Orb     (15.39%)
  One-Shot Orb    (15.39%)
  Blowback Orb    (15.38%)
  Rollcall Orb    (15.38%)
  Petrify Orb     (15.38%)
  Hurl Orb        (15.38%)
  Warp Orb         (7.70%)
BOXES*********************  [2.88%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

              Secret Bazaar Aqua List
   Found: Lake Afar(15%), Treacherous Waters(15%)

THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.79%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Max Elixir      (12.00%)
  Blinker Seed     (8.00%)
  Totter Seed      (8.00%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.00%)
  Stun Seed        (8.00%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.00%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.00%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.00%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.00%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.00%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.00%)
  Warp Seed        (4.00%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.00%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.00%)
  Vile Seed        (4.00%)
  Violent Seed     (4.00%)
  Life Seed        (4.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [21.59%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
HOLD********************** [21.58%]
  Pass Scarf      (15.79%)
  Scope Lens      (10.53%)
  Patsy Band      (10.53%)
  Def. Scarf      (10.53%)
  Heal Ribbon     (10.53%)
  Twist Band      (10.52%)
  Stamina Band    (10.52%)
  Persim Band     (10.52%)
  Zinc Band        (5.27%)
  Weather Band     (5.26%)
TMs***********************  [7.19%]
  Focus Punch      (2.35%)
  Water Pulse      (2.35%)
  Light Screen     (2.35%)
  Reflect          (2.35%)
  Flamethrower     (2.35%)
  Fire Blast       (2.35%)
  Rest             (2.35%)
  Energy Ball      (2.35%)
  Embargo          (2.35%)
  Recycle          (2.35%)
  Swords Dance     (2.35%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.34%)
  Brick Break      (2.34%)
  Avalanche        (1.76%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.76%)
  Flash            (1.76%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.76%)
  Shock Wave       (1.47%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.46%)
  Ice Beam         (1.18%)
  Focus Blast      (1.18%)
  Stone Edge       (1.18%)
  Roar             (1.18%)
  Giga Drain       (1.18%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.18%)
  Torment          (1.18%)
  Captivate        (1.18%)
  X-Scissor        (1.18%)
  Wide Slash       (1.18%)
  Poison Jab       (1.18%)
  False Swipe      (1.17%)
  Brine            (1.17%)
  Psychic          (1.17%)
  Explosion        (1.17%)
  Payback          (1.17%)
  Bulk Up          (1.17%)
  Hidden Power     (1.17%)
  Calm Mind        (1.17%)
  Dive             (1.17%)
  Blizzard         (1.17%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.17%)
  Protect          (1.17%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.17%)
  Toxic            (1.17%)
  Safeguard        (1.17%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.17%)
  Psych Up         (1.17%)
  Attract          (1.17%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.17%)
  Rock Slide       (1.17%)
  Roost            (1.17%)
  Frustration      (1.17%)
  Natural Gift     (1.17%)
  Thunder          (1.17%)
  Overheat         (0.88%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.88%)
  Steel Wing       (0.88%)
  Skill Swap       (0.88%)
  Drain Punch      (0.59%)
  Silver Wind      (0.59%)
  Earthquake       (0.59%)
  Dig              (0.59%)
  Facade           (0.59%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.59%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.59%)
  Thief            (0.59%)
  SolarBeam        (0.59%)
  Fling            (0.59%)
  Charge Beam      (0.59%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.59%)
  Swagger          (0.59%)
  U-turn           (0.59%)
  Substitute       (0.59%)
  Trick Room       (0.59%)
  Pluck            (0.58%)
  Secret Power     (0.58%)
  Endure           (0.58%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.58%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.58%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.30%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.30%)
  Rock Polish      (0.29%)
  Taunt            (0.29%)
  Iron Tail        (0.29%)
  Grass Knot       (0.29%)
  Giga Impact      (0.29%)
ORBS********************** [14.39%]
  Pounce Orb       (6.90%)
  One-Shot Orb     (6.90%)
  Spurn Orb        (6.90%)
  All-Mach Orb     (6.90%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (6.90%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (6.90%)
  Hurl Orb         (6.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (6.89%)
  All-Hit Orb      (6.89%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (6.89%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.45%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.45%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.45%)
  Lob Orb          (3.45%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.45%)
  Warp Orb         (3.45%)
  Shocker Orb      (3.45%)
  Sizebust Orb     (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.44%)
BOXES*********************  [2.88%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

------------Story Dungeons-------------

34##. 	Mystifying Forest
Requirements: Complete Temporal Tower, defeat primal Dialga, and watch
              the credits.
13 Floors + Mystifying Clearing
-----General Info-----
-Floors can vary in size.
-There are 2 types of kecleon markets here.
---Evo-A: Floors 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
---Advanced: All Remaining Floors.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-14: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floor 1: 4
          Floor 2: 5
          Floors 3-14: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-7: 4
          Floors 8-14: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-14: 6
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-14: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-14: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-13: 4%
          Floor 14: 6%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-14: 15%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-14: 5%
          Floors 6-13: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-14: 150
          Floor 3: Fog
          Floor 5: Fog
          Floors 8-9: Cloudy
          Floor 14: Boss Battle versus Guild
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Bulbasaur       GRS/PSN  5    9  1-13         8.2%
Ivysaur         GRS/PSN 40  151  1-13       -10.0%
Metapod         BUG     40   63  1-13       -10.0%
Rattata         NRM     13   48  1-13         8.2%
Raticate        NRM     42  459  1-13        -4.5%
Spearow         NRM/FLY 12  134  1-13         8.2%
Nidoran-F       PSN     40   24  1-13         8.2%
Nidoran-M       PSN     40   29  1-13         8.2%
Venonat         BUG/PSN 12   37  1-13         8.2%
Bellsprout      GRS/PSN 15   14  1-13         8.2%
Weepinbell      GRS/PSN 40  107  1-13       -10.0%
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY 10   58  1-13         6.0%
Koffing         PSN     13  187  1-13        12.8%
Scyther         BUG/FLY 20  255  1-13         8.2%
Eevee           NRM      9   16  1-13         8.2%

Chikorita       GRS      5    9  1-13         8.2%
Bayleef         GRS     38  286  1-13       -10.0%
Aipom           NRM     14  287  1-13         6.4%
Teddiursa       NRM     15  120  1-13         8.2%

Wurmple         BUG     15   33  1-13         6.4%
Seedot          GRS      8   30  1-13         8.2%
Nuzleaf         GRS/DRK 11   96  1-13         0.5%
Roselia         GRS/PSN 40  137  1-13         6.4%
Gulpin          PSN     10   98  1-13         6.9%
Flygon          GRD/DRG 40  411  1-13       -12.0%

Turtwig         GRS      5    9  1-13         8.2%
Grotle          GRS     38   65  1-13       -10.0%
Torterra        GRS/GRD 40  529  1-13       -12.0%
Bidoof          NRM     10  226  1-13         8.2%
Stunky          DRK/PSN 13  253  1-13         8.2%
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 40  617  1-13         0.5%
Munchlax        NRM      5    9  1-13         8.2%
Kricketot       BUG      8   34  3-8         16.4%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Celebi          GRS/PSY 44  630  10          20.0%
Darkrai         DRK     53  892  13         -22.0%

Floors 1-14
 Mud Trap           22.73%
 Grimy Trap          7.58%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.58%
 Warp Trap           7.57%
 Seal Trap           7.57%
 Sticky Trap         7.57%
 Pokemon Trap        7.57%
 Spin Trap           6.82%
 Gust Trap           3.79%
 Poison Trap         3.79%
 Explosion Trap      3.79%
 Slumber Trap        3.79%
 Slow Trap           3.79%
 Trip Trap           3.79%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.27%

Floors 1-14
  Coins (29.91%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [8.55%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [8.54%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (18.52%)
  Quick Seed       (9.26%)
  Warp Seed        (9.26%)
  Totter Seed      (6.18%)
  X-Eye Seed       (6.18%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.17%)
  Pure Seed        (6.17%)
  Max Elixir       (5.56%)
  Doom Seed        (4.94%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.93%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.09%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.09%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (3.08%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.08%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.08%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.62%)
  Slip Seed        (0.62%)
  Via Seed         (0.62%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.62%)
  Dough Seed       (0.62%)
  Oren Berry       (0.61%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.61%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [4.28%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [6.83%]
  Pass Scarf      (11.36%)
  Patsy Band       (7.58%)
  No-Stick Cap     (7.58%)
  Insomniscope     (7.58%)
  Twist Band       (7.58%)
  Scope Lens       (7.57%)
  Power Band       (3.79%)
  Sneak Scarf      (3.79%)
  Racket Band      (3.79%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.79%)
  Special Band     (3.79%)
  Zinc Band        (3.79%)
  Detect Band      (3.79%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.79%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.79%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.78%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.78%)
  Stamina Band     (3.78%)
  Persim Band      (3.78%)
TMs***********************  [6.84%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.86%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Luminous Orb     (4.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (4.45%)
  Rollcall Orb     (4.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (4.44%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.44%)
  Slumber Orb      (4.44%)
  Pounce Orb       (4.44%)
  Lob Orb          (2.23%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.23%)
  Snatch Orb       (2.23%)
  Escape Orb       (2.23%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.23%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.23%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.23%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.22%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.22%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.22%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.22%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.22%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.22%)
  Warp Orb         (2.22%)
  Totter Orb       (2.22%)
  Silence Orb      (2.22%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.22%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.22%)
  Radar Orb        (2.22%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.22%)
  Slow Orb         (2.22%)
  Identify Orb     (2.22%)
  Shocker Orb      (2.22%)
  Sizebust Orb     (2.22%)
  Quick Orb        (2.22%)
  Mobile Orb       (2.22%)
  Stairs Orb       (2.22%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.22%)
  Mug Orb          (2.22%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.22%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.22%)

You'll find quite a selection of new Wonder Orbs and TMs in this dungeon.
Starters also appear in this dungeon, so be sure to grab one of these
high stat pokemon.


35##. 	Shaymin Village
Requirements: Complete Mystifying Forest and Graduate.  Then visit Spinda's
SP1(3 Floors) + Camp 1 + SP2(3 Floors) + Camp 2 + SP3(3 Floors) + Camp 3
+ SP4(3 Floors) + Camp 4 + SP5(4 Floors) + Camp 5 + SP6(4 Floors) + Camp 6
+ SP7(4 Floors) + Camp 7 + SP8(4 Floors) + Camp 8 + SP9(5 Floors) + Camp 9
+ SPS(5 Floors) + Sky Peak
-You cannot be rescued in this dungeon.
-----General Info-----
-There are Advanced kecleon markets here.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are Unique Secret Bazaars here.  See Below for Details.
     Coin Max
          ALL Floors: 250
     Pokemon Density
          ALL Floors: 4
     Item Density
          ALL Floors: 4
     Trap Density
          ALL Floors: 8
     Buried Item Density
          ALL Floors: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          SP7 Floor 4: 50%
          Remaining Floors: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          SP2(F3) to SP9(F3): 5%
          SP9 Floor 4: 50%
          SP9(F5) to SPS(F5): 6%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          ALL Floors: 15%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          ALL Floors: 5%
          SP7(F1) to SPS(F5): Light Darkness
     Water on Floors SP1(F3), SP2(F2), SP8(F3), SP9(F3-4), SPS(F2) 
     Enemy IQ
          ALL Floors: 150
          SPS(F2): Random
          Camp 5: Boss Battle versus 5 Carnivine
          Sky Peak: Boss Battle versus multiple Muk/Grimer

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors          Rec.Rate
Ivysaur         GRS/PSN 40  151  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3) -10.0%
Metapod         BUG     40   63  SP1(F1)-SP5(F3) -10.0%
Raticate        NRM     42  459  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3)  -4.5%
Weepinbell      GRS/PSN 40  107  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3) -10.0%
Bayleef         GRS     38  286  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3) -10.0%
Roselia         GRS/PSN 40  137  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3)   6.4%
Flygon          GRD/DRG 40  411  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3) -12.0%
Torterra        GRS/GRD 40  529  SP1(F1)-SP6(F3) -12.0%
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 40  617  SP1(F1)-SP8(F1)   0.5%
Hitmonchan      FTG     42  479  SP4(F1)-SPS(F5) -12.0%
Primeape        FTG     42  657  SP4(F2)-SPS(F5)  -4.5%
Ursaring        NRM     42  479  SP4(F2)-SPS(F5) -12.0%
Bibarel         NRM/WTR 42  484  SP4(F1)-SP9(F2)   3.5%
Fearow          NRM/FLY 42  351  SP5(F4)-SPS(F5)  -4.5%
Furret          NRM     43  400  SP6(F1)-SPS(F5)  -4.5%
Marowak         GRD     43  655  SP8(F1)-SPS(F5)  -4.5%
Shedinja        BUG/GHO 45   10  SP8(F1)-SPS(F5) -12.0%

ALL Floors
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

  Coins (28.17%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.56%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.52%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (16.66%)
  Totter Seed     (11.11%)
  Reviver Seed     (8.89%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.56%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (5.56%)
  Chesto Berry     (5.56%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.56%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.55%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.55%)
  Slip Seed        (1.12%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.11%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.11%)
  Via Seed         (1.11%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.11%)
  Oren Berry       (1.11%)
  Dough Seed       (1.11%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.09%]
  Apple           (98.04%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.96%)
HOLD**********************  [3.52%]
  Persim Band     (11.91%)
  Pecha Scarf     (11.91%)
  Def. Scarf      (11.91%)
  Special Band    (11.91%)
  Power Band      (11.90%)
  Stamina Band    (11.90%)
  Insomniscope    (11.90%)
  Zinc Band       (11.90%)
OTHER*********************  [1.40%]
  Sky Gift        (83.33%)
  Wander Gummi     (8.34%)
  Gone Pebble      (8.33%)
ORBS********************** [17.61%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

  Coins (27.78%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.42%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.47%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (16.66%)
  Totter Seed     (11.11%)
  Reviver Seed     (8.89%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.56%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (5.56%)
  Chesto Berry     (5.56%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.56%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.55%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.55%)
  Slip Seed        (1.12%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.11%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.11%)
  Via Seed         (1.11%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.11%)
  Oren Berry       (1.11%)
  Dough Seed       (1.11%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.89%]
  Apple           (98.04%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.96%)
HOLD**********************  [3.47%]
  Persim Band     (11.91%)
  Pecha Scarf     (11.91%)
  Def. Scarf      (11.91%)
  Special Band    (11.91%)
  Power Band      (11.90%)
  Stamina Band    (11.90%)
  Insomniscope    (11.90%)
  Zinc Band       (11.90%)
OTHER*********************  [2.78%]
  Sky Gift        (83.33%)
  Wander Gummi     (8.34%)
  Gone Pebble      (8.33%)
ORBS********************** [17.36%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

              Secret Bazaar Unique List
  Joy Seed        (11.12%)
  Reviver Seed    (11.11%)
  Life Seed       (11.11%)
  Hunger Seed     (11.11%)
  Sitrus Berry    (11.11%)
  Protein         (11.11%)
  Calcium         (11.11%)
  Iron            (11.11%)
  Zinc            (11.11%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [25.00%]
  Huge Apple       (5.56%)
  Red Gummi        (5.56%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.56%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.56%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.56%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.56%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.56%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.56%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.56%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.56%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.55%)
  Blue Gummi       (5.55%)
  Green Gummi      (5.55%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.55%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.55%)
  White Gummi      (5.55%)
  Black Gummi      (5.55%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.55%)
HOLD********************** [25.00%]
  Scope Lens       (8.34%)
  Pecha Scarf      (8.34%)
  Gold Ribbon      (8.34%)
  Special Band     (8.34%)
  Heal Ribbon      (8.33%)
  Insomniscope     (8.33%)
  Warp Scarf       (8.33%)
  Persim Band      (8.33%)
  Racket Band      (8.33%)
  Stamina Band     (8.33%)
  Power Band       (8.33%)
  Zinc Band        (8.33%)
ORBS********************** [25.00%]
  Invisify Orb    (12.50%)
  One-Shot Orb    (12.50%)
  Spurn Orb       (12.50%)
  Foe-Hold Orb    (12.50%)
  All-Mach Orb    (12.50%)
  Foe-Fear Orb    (12.50%)
  All-Hit Orb     (12.50%)
  Foe-Seal Orb    (12.50%)
The only dungeon you'll find Sky Gifts in.  If you manage to find any
Hidden Stairs here and get into a Secret Bazaar, you will love the items
that Swalot will be practically giving away.  Each 100 poke Grab Bag has
about a 10% chance of containing a Vitamin, Life Seed, Sitrus Berry, or
a Joy Seed.  Hope you brought cash!


36##. 	Blizzard Island
Requirements: Graduate. Then do a job and sleep 2 times. Then talk to the
              Mr. Mime standing near the kecleon Brothers.
20 Floors
-----General Info-----
-Floors start out small but get bigger as you go farther through dungeon.
-Expect a variety of weather changes from
 Castform and other pokemon in this dungeon.
-There are Advanced Monster houses here. Expect to see at least one per trip.
-There are buried Coins within the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-15: 4
          Floors 16-20: 7
     Item Density
          Floors 1-13: 4
          Floors 14-20: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-20: 6
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 6
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 6%
          Floors 1-20: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1, 3, 5-6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19-20
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-14: 150
          Floors 15-20: 331
          Floor 4: Snow
          Floor 8: Snow

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Golduck         WTR     41  560  1-20       -12.0%
Marill          WTR     40  426  1-20         0.5%
Azumarill       WTR     45  459  1-20         0.5%
Sneasel         DRK/ICE 12    8  1-20         6.4%
Piloswine       GRD/ICE 41  390  1-20       -12.0%
Delibird        ICE/FLY 41  560  1-20         8.2%
Smoochum        PSY/ICE 17  330  1-20         6.4%
Vigoroth        NRM     41  560  1-20       -10.0%
Azurill         WTR     11  254  1-20         8.2%
Nosepass        RCK     42  336  1-20         6.4%
Swablu          NRM/FLY 11  214  1-20         6.4%
Snorunt         ICE     14  223  1-20         6.4%
Piplup          WTR      5    9  1-20         8.2%
Castform        NRM     40  249  10-20        6.4%

Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           24.19%
 Sticky Trap         8.07%
 Warp Trap           8.07%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.07%
 Grimy Trap          8.06%
 Pokemon Trap        8.06%
 Spin Trap           7.26%
 Explosion Trap      5.64%
 Slumber Trap        4.03%
 Slow Trap           4.03%
 Gust Trap           4.03%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.42%

Floors 10-20
 Mud Trap           22.39%
 Sticky Trap        14.92%
 Grimy Trap          7.47%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.47%
 Seal Trap           7.46%
 Warp Trap           7.46%
 Pokemon Trap        7.46%
 Spin Trap           6.72%
 Explosion Trap      5.22%
 Slumber Trap        3.73%
 Slow Trap           3.73%
 Gust Trap           3.73%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.24%

Floors 1-20
  Coins (35.08%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [4.39%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (26.55%)
  Max Elixir      (13.28%)
  Stun Seed        (8.85%)
  Doom Seed        (7.08%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.08%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.43%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.43%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.43%)
  Totter Seed      (4.42%)
  Heal Seed        (4.42%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.42%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.42%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.89%)
  Via Seed         (0.89%)
  Oren Berry       (0.89%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.88%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.88%)
  Slip Seed        (0.88%)
  Dough Seed       (0.88%)
HOLD**********************  [4.39%]
  Gold Ribbon     (17.65%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.89%)
  Scope Lens       (5.89%)
  Stamina Band     (5.89%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.88%)
  Power Band       (5.88%)
  Twist Band       (5.88%)
  Insomniscope     (5.88%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.88%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.88%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.88%)
  Racket Band      (5.88%)
  Patsy Band       (5.88%)
  Detect Band      (5.88%)
  Curve Band       (5.88%)
TMs***********************  [7.02%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.88%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [21.93%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Prepare to starve.  This place is devoid of food.  Unless you stumble upon
a monster house full of gummies, your belly will descend fast, especially
while traversing the bigger floors found nearer to the end of this dungeon.
Even if you bring your own food items, the fairly frequent grimy traps will
turn those to junk.  Hold onto the Oran berries you find here, as you may
need them to keep yourself from fainting while your belly is empty.

Aside from the hunger problems, this dungeon has a fair selection of TMs and
Seeds.  You'll find many Orbs here, but not much variety.


37##. 	Crevice Cave + Lower Crevice Cave
Requirements: Complete Blizzard Island.
10 Floors(CC) + 4 Floors(LCC) + Crevice Cave Pit
-You cannot be rescued in Lower Crevice Cave
-----General Info-----
-Floors vary in size from small to large.
-The Pokemon here may cause various weather
 changes as well.
-There are Advanced Monster houses here, but they don't pop up often.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10,L1-5: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-2: 4
          Floor 3: 5
          Floors 4-10,L1-5: 6
     Item Density
          Floor 1: 3
          Floors 2-4: 4
          Floors 5-6: 5
          Floors 7-8: 4
          Floors 9-10: 5
          Floors L1-L2: 4
          Floors L3-L4: 5
          Floor L5: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10,L1-5: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10,L1-5: 6
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-10,L1-5: 4%
          Floors 6-10,L1-4: Light Darkness
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, L2, L4-5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10: 150
          Floors L1-L4: 331
          Floor L5: 330
          Floor 3: Fog
          Floor 6: Fog
          Floor 10: Fog
          Floor L5: Boss Battle versus Froslass
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Golduck         WTR     41  560  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%
Jynx            PSY/ICE 42  377  1-10,L1-4   -4.5%
Marill          WTR     40  426  1-10,L1-4    0.5%
Azumarill       WTR     45  459  1-10,L1-4    0.5%
Sneasel         DRK/ICE 12    8  1-10,L1-4    6.4%
Swinub          GRD/ICE 14  154  1-10,L1-4   16.4%
Piloswine       GRD/ICE 41  390  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%
Delibird        ICE/FLY 41  560  1-10,L1-4    8.2%
Smoochum        PSY/ICE 17  330  1-10,L1-4    6.4%
Slakoth         NRM     15  208  1-10,L1-4    8.2%
Vigoroth        NRM     41  560  1-10,L1-4  -10.0%
Slaking         NRM     45  610  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%
Azurill         WTR     11  254  1-10,L1-4    8.2%
Nosepass        RCK     42  336  1-10,L1-4    6.4%
Swablu          NRM/FLY 11  214  1-10,L1-4    6.4%
Altaria         DRG/FLY 42  530  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%
Zangoose        NRM     42  581  1-10,L1-4    6.4%
Snorunt         ICE     14  223  1-10,L1-4    6.4%
Piplup          WTR      5    9  1-10,L1-4    8.2%
Prinplup        WTR     42  158  1-10,L1-4  -10.0%
Empoleon        WTR/STL 45  588  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%
Snover          ICE/GRS 13  211  1-10,L1-4    8.2%
Weavile         DRK/ICE 42  479  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%
Glaceon         ICE     42  178  1-10,L1-4  -10.0%
Mamoswine       ICE/GRD 42  561  1-10,L1-4  -12.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Darkrai         DRK     53  892  L2         -22.0%

Floors 1-10, L1-5
 Wonder Tile        22.99%
 Slumber Trap        6.90%
 Summon Trap         5.75%
 Slow Trap           5.75%
 Poison Trap         5.75%
 Chestnut Trap       5.75%
 Warp Trap           5.75%
 Pokemon Trap        5.75%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.74%
 Grimy Trap          5.74%
 Spin Trap           5.17%
 Sticky Trap         2.88%
 Explosion Trap      2.88%
 Gust Trap           2.87%
 Mud Trap            2.87%
 Seal Trap           2.87%
 Trip Trap           2.87%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.72%

Floors 1-10, L1-5
  Coins (26.85%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [16.78%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (27.27%)
  Pecha Berry     (11.36%)
  X-Eye Seed       (9.10%)
  Blinker Seed     (9.09%)
  Doom Seed        (9.09%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.09%)
  Max Elixir       (5.69%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.68%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.68%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.14%)
  Via Seed         (1.14%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.14%)
  Dough Seed       (1.14%)
  Slip Seed        (1.13%)
  Oren Berry       (1.13%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.13%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.43%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [5.36%]
  Twist Band      (20.00%)
  Power Band      (20.00%)
  Def. Scarf      (20.00%)
  Special Band    (20.00%)
  Zinc Band       (20.00%)
OTHER*********************  [0.67%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [16.78%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Good place to find Gravelerocks.  You can find many Berries and Orbs here.


38##. 	Surrounded Sea
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave. Do a job and sleep. Then talk to
19 Floors + Warp Zone Floor(Contains 3 Deluxe Boxes)
+The first time you are here, the Warp Zone floor will have a Wonder Egg
 instead of the Deluxe Boxes.
-----General Info-----
-Floors are often small or medium sized.  On later floors, they may be large.
-Some enemies may occasionally use Rain Dance.
-There are Advanced Monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are water rooms (item square, halved, maze, & others)
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-20: 3
     Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 4
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floors 3-20: 7
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 6
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 4-20: 5%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-20: 7%
          Floors 14-19: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-19
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-14: 150
          Floors 15-20: 331
          Floor 20: Warp Zone Floor(3 Deluxe Boxes w/ Reviver Seeds inside)

For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 43  410  1-19        -4.5%
Slowbro         WTR/PSY 43  338  1-19       -12.0%
Shellder        WTR      1    9  1-5         12.8%
Horsea          WTR     11  108  1-19         8.2%
Seadra          WTR     43  327  1-19       -10.0%
Starmie         WTR/PSY 43  104  1-19        -4.5%
Slowking        WTR/PSY 43  442  1-19       -12.0%
Qwilfish        WTR/PSN 43  426  1-19         6.9%
Remoraid        WTR     26  238  1-19         8.2%
Octillery       WTR     43  738  1-19       -12.0%
Kingdra         WTR/DRG 44  577  1-19       -12.0%
Carvanha        WTR/DRK 11  338  1-14         0.5%
Wailmer         WTR     11  258  1-15         4.0%
Clamperl        WTR     15  252  1-19         8.2%
Finneon         WTR     11  270  1-19         8.2%
Lapras          WTR/ICE 44  492  10-15        6.7%
Wailord         WTR     46  841  16         -12.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Lugia           PSY/FLY 45 1593  18          10.0%

Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           23.26%
 Sticky Trap         7.75%
 Grimy Trap          7.75%
 Warp Trap           7.75%
 Seal Trap           7.75%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.75%
 Pokemon Trap        7.75%
 Spin Trap           6.97%
 Explosion Trap      5.43%
 Slumber Trap        3.88%
 Slow Trap           3.88%
 Gust Trap           3.88%
 Poison Trap         3.87%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.33%

Floors 10-20
 Mud Trap           21.58%
 Sticky Trap        14.39%
 Grimy Trap          7.20%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.20%
 Seal Trap           7.19%
 Warp Trap           7.19%
 Pokemon Trap        7.19%
 Spin Trap           6.47%
 Explosion Trap      5.03%
 Poison Trap         3.60%
 Slumber Trap        3.60%
 Slow Trap           3.60%
 Gust Trap           3.60%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.16%

Floors 1-20
  Coins (30.53%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.45%]
  Iron Thorn      (60.00%)
  Silver Spike    (40.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.45%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry       (9.26%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (9.26%)
  Rawst Berry      (9.26%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.26%)
  Warp Seed        (9.26%)
  Chesto Berry     (9.26%)
  Quick Seed       (9.25%)
  Max Elixir       (5.56%)
  Doom Seed        (4.94%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.93%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.09%)
  Blinker Seed     (3.09%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.09%)
  Totter Seed      (3.09%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.08%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.62%)
  Slip Seed        (0.62%)
  Via Seed         (0.62%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.62%)
  Dough Seed       (0.62%)
  Oren Berry       (0.61%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.61%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.81%]
  Big Apple       (15.88%)
  Apple           (15.87%)
  Red Gummi        (3.97%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.97%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.97%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.97%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.97%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.97%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.97%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.97%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.97%)
  Green Gummi      (3.97%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.97%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.97%)
  Black Gummi      (3.97%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.97%)
  White Gummi      (3.96%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.96%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.96%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.79%)
HOLD**********************  [3.82%]
  Def. Scarf      (18.69%)
  Pass Scarf      (18.69%)
  Racket Band      (9.35%)
  No-Stick Cap     (9.35%)
  Zinc Band        (9.35%)
  Joy Ribbon       (9.35%)
  Twist Band       (9.34%)
  Special Band     (9.34%)
  Sneak Scarf      (4.67%)
TMs***********************  [3.82%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.77%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.08%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Lots of Throwing items here.  Orbs are plentiful, as usual.  The Warp Zone
deluxe boxes always have Reviver Seeds, so don't bother coming to this
dungeon for the deluxe boxes.  If you want Reviver Seeds, recycle some
Escape Orbs.  Much quicker.


39##. 	Miracle Sea + Deep Miracle Sea
Requirements: Complete Surrounded Sea to get the Wonder Egg on floor 20.
              Once Manaphy hatches, feed it 2 blue gummies.
18 Floors(MS) + 4 Floors(DMS) + Deep Miracle Sea
-You cannot be rescued in Deep Miracle Sea
-----General Info-----
-Floors vary in size from small to large.  Early floors are usually small.
-Many pokemon here can use Rain Dance.
-Advanced Monster houses may show up in this dungeon.
-There are buried Coins within the walls.
-There are water rooms (item square, halved, maze, & others)
-Deep Miracle Sea Floor 3 has a Key chamber that contains a box.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-23: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
          Floors 7-12: 5
          Floors 13-18,D1-5: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-18,D1-5: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-8: 10
          Floors 9-11: 15
          Floors 12-15: 10
          Floors 16-18: 15
          Floors D1-5: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-18,D1-5: 6
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18,D1-5: 3%
          Floors 6-18,D1-4: Light Darkness
     Deep Water on Floors 1-18,D1-5
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-18,D1-5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-14: 150
          Floors 15-18,D1-5: 331
          Floor D3: Key Chamber w/ treasure Box inside
          Floor D5: Boss Battle versus Gyarados
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 43  410  1-18,D1-3   -4.5%
Slowbro         WTR/PSY 43  338  1-18,D1-3  -12.0%
Cloyster        WTR/ICE 43  270  1-18,D1-3   -4.5%
Horsea          WTR     11  108  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Seadra          WTR     43  327  1-18,D1-3  -10.0%
Starmie         WTR/PSY 43  104  1-18,D1-3   -4.5%

Chinchou        WTR/ELC 44  429  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Lanturn         WTR/ELC 44  530  1-18,D1-3   -4.5%
Slowking        WTR/PSY 43  442  1-18,D1-3  -12.0%
Qwilfish        WTR/PSN 43  426  1-18,D1-3    6.9%
Remoraid        WTR     26  238  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Octillery       WTR     43  738  1-18,D1-3  -12.0%
Mantine         WTR/FLY 42  724  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Kingdra         WTR/DRG 44  577  1-18,D1-3  -12.0%

Sharpedo        WTR/DRK 44  609  1-18,D1-4  -12.0%
Wailmer         WTR     11  258  1-18,D1-3    4.0%
Cradily         RCK/GRS 44  402  1-18,D1-4   -4.5%
Clamperl        WTR     15  252  1-18,D1-4    8.2%
Huntail         WTR     44  620  1-18,D1-4  -12.0%
Gorebyss        WTR     44  530  1-18,D1-4  -12.0%
Relicanth       RCK/WTR 44  471  1-18,D1-4    6.4%
Luvdisc         WTR     44  577  1-18,D1-4    8.2%

Shellos[E]      WTR      2   16  1-5         12.8%
Finneon         WTR     11  270  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Lumineon        WTR     44  455  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Mantyke         WTR/FLY 15  115  1-18,D1-3    8.2%
Lapras          WTR/ICE 44  492  10-17,D3     6.7%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Darkrai         DRK     53  892  3          -22.0%
Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           17.54%
 Explosion Trap     13.16%
 Sticky Trap         8.78%
 Warp Trap           8.77%
 Seal Trap           8.77%
 Grimy Trap          8.77%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.77%
 Spin Trap           7.89%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.39%
 Slow Trap           4.39%
 Slumber Trap        4.39%
 Poison Trap         4.38%

Floor 10
 Sticky Trap        15.51%
 Mud Trap           15.50%
 Seal Trap          11.63%
 Explosion Trap     11.63%
 Grimy Trap          7.75%
 Warp Trap           7.75%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.75%
 Spin Trap           6.98%
 Slow Trap           3.88%
 Selfdestruct Trap   3.88%
 Poison Trap         3.87%
 Slumber Trap        3.87%

Floors 11-18, D1-5
 Mud Trap           21.58%
 Sticky Trap        14.39%
 Explosion Trap     10.80%
 Seal Trap          10.79%
 Grimy Trap          7.20%
 Warp Trap           7.19%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.19%
 Spin Trap           6.47%
 Poison Trap         3.60%
 Slow Trap           3.60%
 Slumber Trap        3.60%
 Selfdestruct Trap   3.59%

Floors 1-18, D1-5
  Coins (29.85%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.19%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.20%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry       (8.98%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.98%)
  Rawst Berry      (8.98%)
  Quick Seed       (8.98%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.98%)
  Warp Seed        (8.98%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.98%)
  Totter Seed      (5.98%)
  Max Elixir       (5.39%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.80%)
  Doom Seed        (4.79%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.00%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.00%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.00%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.99%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.60%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.60%)
  Via Seed         (0.60%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.60%)
  Oren Berry       (0.60%)
  Dough Seed       (0.60%)
  Slip Seed        (0.59%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.73%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [3.74%]
  Def. Scarf      (22.99%)
  No-Stick Cap    (11.50%)
  Special Band    (11.50%)
  Racket Band     (11.49%)
  Twist Band      (11.49%)
  Joy Ribbon      (11.49%)
  Zinc Band       (11.49%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
TMs***********************  [5.97%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.74%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.66%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Many of the pokemon here know Agility and Rain Dance, which can make all of
these pokemon much more threatening.
Lots of Throwing items here.  Orbs are plentiful, as usual.  Sound familiar?


40##. 	Aegis Cave (Ice/Rock/Steel) + Aegis Cave Pit
Requirements: Complete Miracle Sea.  Then do a job and sleep 3 times.
              Afterward, talk to Team Charm at the Guild.
3 Floors(IAC) + Regice Chamber + 3 Floors(RAC) + Regirock Chamber
 + 4 Floors(SAC) + Registeel Chamber + 5 Floors(ACP) + Regigigas Chamber
-You cannot be rescued in this dungeon.
-----General Info-----
-Floors are usually small, but may be medium size.
-There are buried Coins within the walls.
     Coin Max
          ALL Floors: 200
     Pokemon Density
          ALL Floors: 5
     Item Density
          ALL Floors: 3
     Trap Density
          ALL Floors: 8
     Buried Item Density
          ALL Floors: 6
          ALL Non-Boss Floors: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors I2-3, R1-2, S1, S3-4, P1-2, P4-P5
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors I2, R2, S2, S4, P1, P3, P5
     Enemy IQ
          ALL Non-Boss Floors: 150
          First 3 Regi Chambers: 330
          Regigigas Chamber: 600
          First 3 Regi Chambers: Boss Battle versus a Regi.
          Regigigas Chamber: Boss Battle versus Regigigas and its allies.
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors                 Rec.Rate
Zubat           PSN/FLY 16  167  I1-3,R1-3,S1-4,P1-3,5   11.0%
Golbat          PSN/FLY 45  610  I1-3,R1-3,S1-4,P1-3,5   -4.5%
Machoke         FTG     41  210  R2-3,S1-4,P1-3          -4.5%
Machamp         FTG     47  476  R2-3,S1-4,P1-3         -10.0%
Crobat          PSN/FLY 44  678  P1-5                   -12.0%

~There are 28 different Unowns, each a separate pokemon species~
Unown[A-Z,!,?]  PSY     43   20  I1-3,R1-3,S1-4,P1-5      8.2%

ALL Floors
 Sticky Trap         5.72%
 Summon Trap         5.72%
 Warp Trap           5.72%
 Slow Trap           5.72%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.72%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.72%
 Pokemon Trap        5.72%
 Spin Trap           5.71%
 Mud Trap            5.71%
 Seal Trap           5.71%
 Poison Trap         5.71%
 Pitfall Trap        5.71%
 Explosion Trap      5.71%
 Grimy Trap          5.71%
 Chestnut Trap       5.71%
 Gust Trap           5.71%
 Trip Trap           5.71%
 Slumber Trap        2.86%

ALL Floors
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [12.99%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (31.91%)
  Pecha Berry     (10.64%)
  Warp Seed       (10.64%)
  Doom Seed        (8.51%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.51%)
  X-Eye Seed       (8.51%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.32%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.32%)
  Reviver Seed     (5.32%)
  Max Elixir       (5.32%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.99%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
OTHER*********************  [2.60%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS**********************  [6.49%]
  Escape Orb     (100.00%)

Aegis Cave is not a fun place.  Each defeated Unown has an estimated 37%
chance to drop a special stone resembling that Unown, such as A-Stone or
F-Stone.  To complete the Ice, Rock, and Steel sections of Aegis Cave,
you must have in your inventory the Unown Stones that spell out your
section name at the giant stone found at the end of each section.  For
example, you need at least 1 I-Stone, 1 C-Stone, and 1 E-Stone to complete
Ice Aegis Cave.  The stones are used up after entering the next section,
so you'll spend time collecting those stones again if you ever come back
to Aegis Cave.
To save time, you may want to bring 1 or more high level Illuminators who
can endure hits from Unown, so that more Unown will spawn and getting the
stones won't take as long.  Transfer Orbs may help too.

This dungeon is an excellent place to gather items to recycle for tickets.
You can repeatedly enter any section of Aegis Cave until you fill up your
inventory with regular items and Unown stones won from defeated Unown.
Then you can head to Spinda's cafe and recycle those fairly useless Unown
stones away!

You'll find Berries all over the place.  You may stumble upon a few Reviver
Seeds as well, so keep an eye out for them.  If you look hard enough, you can
also find Keys in this dungeon.  Sure beats paying 9000 for each of them!


41##. 	Mt. Travail
Requirements: Complete Aegis Cave.  Then do a job and sleep 3 times.
19 Floors + Mt. Travail Peak
-----General Info-----
-Floors vary in size from small to large.
-There are Advanced Kecleon markets here.
-There are Advanced Monster houses here.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-19: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floors 7-19: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-19: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-19: 11
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-19: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-4: 6%
          Floors 5-19: 7%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-19: 6%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-19: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-19: 15%
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-19: 331
          Floor 2: Rain
          Floor 3: Fog
          Floors 5-6: Cloudy
          Floors 8-9: Sunny
          Floor 11: Fog
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Fearow          NRM/FLY 45  372  1-19        -4.5%
Mankey          FTG     14   80  1-19         8.2%
Primeape        FTG     46  709  1-19        -4.5%
Marowak         GRD     46  693  1-19        -4.5%
Hitmonchan      FTG     46  517  1-19       -12.0%
Kangaskhan      NRM     46  528  1-19         6.4%
Mr. Mime        PSY     46  434  1-19        -4.5%

Sentret         NRM     10  144  1-19         6.4%
Furret          NRM     46  423  1-19        -4.5%
Ledyba          BUG/FLY 14  202  1-19         8.2%
Ledian          BUG/FLY 46  605  1-19        -4.5%
Scizor          BUG/STL 46  533  1-19       -12.0%
Heracross       BUG/FTG 46  286  1-19         6.4%
Ursaring        NRM     46  517  1-19       -12.0%
Tyrogue         FTG     14  110  1-19         6.4%

Shedinja        BUG/GHO 42   10  1-19       -12.0%
Meditite        FTG/PSY 14  112  1-19         5.5%
Medicham        FTG/PSY 46  500  1-19       -12.0%
Bibarel         NRM/WTR 46  522  1-19         3.5%
Onix            RCK/GRD 29  410  814          2.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Darkrai         DRK     53  892  17         -22.0%

Floors 1-19
 Mud Trap           21.43%
 Grimy Trap         21.43%
 Warp Trap          14.29%
 PP-Zero Trap       14.29%
 Seal Trap          14.28%
 Sticky Trap        14.28%

Floors 1-19
  Coins (47.06%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [17.65%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (26.32%)
  Warp Seed       (13.16%)
  Max Elixir      (13.16%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.77%)
  X-Eye Seed       (7.02%)
  Doom Seed        (7.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (7.01%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.01%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.39%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.88%)
  Slip Seed        (0.88%)
  Via Seed         (0.88%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.88%)
  Dough Seed       (0.88%)
  Oren Berry       (0.87%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.87%)

An excellent place to gather up some Coins.  You'll find Oran Berries and Geo
Pebbles pretty often as well.  Be sure to save those Geo Pebbles for the
10 hp Shedinja roaming around.


42##. 	The Nightmare
Requirements: Complete Mt. Travail.
17 Floors + Heart of the Nightmare
-Cannot recruit pokemon in this dungeon
-Once you have completed The Nightmare, you may only return to this dungeon
 by rescueing someone here.
-----General Info-----
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-17: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-8: 5
          Floors 9-17: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-17: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-17: 15
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-17: 6%
          Floors 1-17: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-17: 331
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Clefairy        NRM     42   40  1-12        N/A
Jigglypuff      NRM      5   53  1-12        N/A
Meowth          NRM      5   28  1-11        N/A
Lickitung       NRM     48  267  1-17        N/A

Cleffa          NRM     13   44  1-12        N/A
Espeon          PSY     47  196  1-17        N/A
Wobbuffet       PSY     48  188  1-17        N/A
Miltank         NRM     47  554  1-17        N/A
Blissey         NRM     47 1148  1-17        N/A

Whismur         NRM     16  177  1-17        N/A
Skitty          NRM      5   18  1-17        N/A
Swalot          PSN     47  565  1-17        N/A
Spoink          PSY     13  187  1-11        N/A
Spinda          NRM     48  444  1-13        N/A
Wynaut          PSY     14   92  1-12        N/A

MimeJr.         PSY     14  179  1-11        N/A
Croagunk        FTG/PSN 47  224  1-17        N/A
Persian         NRM     47  498  5-17        N/A
Igglybuff       NRM     14   57  6-17        N/A
Lickilicky      NRM     49  551  10-17       N/A
Grumpig         PSY     50  684  12-17       N/A
Happiny         NRM     13  228  12-17       N/A
Celefable       NRM     44  159  13-17       N/A
Wigglytuff      NRM     44  461  13-17       N/A
Chansey         NRM     45  486  16-17       N/A

Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           24.19%
 Sticky Trap         8.07%
 Warp Trap           8.07%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.07%
 Grimy Trap          8.06%
 Pokemon Trap        8.06%
 Spin Trap           7.26%
 Explosion Trap      5.64%
 Slumber Trap        4.03%
 Slow Trap           4.03%
 Gust Trap           4.03%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.42%

Floors 10-17
 Mud Trap           22.39%
 Sticky Trap        14.92%
 Grimy Trap          7.47%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.47%
 Seal Trap           7.46%
 Warp Trap           7.46%
 Pokemon Trap        7.46%
 Spin Trap           6.72%
 Explosion Trap      5.22%
 Slumber Trap        3.73%
 Slow Trap           3.73%
 Gust Trap           3.73%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.24%

Floors 1-17
  Coins (39.61%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [4.95%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (25.86%)
  Max Elixir      (12.94%)
  Warp Seed       (12.93%)
  Quick Seed      (12.93%)
  X-Eye Seed       (6.90%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.90%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.89%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.31%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.31%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.87%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.86%)
  Slip Seed        (0.86%)
  Via Seed         (0.86%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.86%)
  Oren Berry       (0.86%)
  Dough Seed       (0.86%)
OTHER*********************  [0.99%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [24.75%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

There is not much to this place.  Enjoy the Orbs and High-Arc thrown items
while you can.


43##. 	Spacial Rift + Deep Spacial Rift
Requirements: Complete The Nightmare.  Then talk to Lapras at the beach.
15 Floors(SR) + 9 Floors (DSR) + Spacial Rift Bottom
-You cannot be rescued in Deep Spacial Rift
-----General Info-----
-Beware the void.
-It is foggy on Floors 4, 12, D1, & D2
-It is cloudy on Floors 3, 4, & 10
-It is sunny on Floors 8, 14, & D5
-There are Advanced Monster houses here.
-There is a Key chamber of Deep Spacial Rift Floor 9.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-15,D1-10: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-9: 4
          Floor 10: 8
          Floors 11-12: 4
          Floor 13: 8
          Floors 14-15,D1-3: 4
          Floor D4: 8
          Floors D5-10: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-10: 5
          Floors 11-15: 4
          Floors D1-7: 5
          Floors D8-10: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-12: 5
          Floors 13-15,D1-10: 9
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 11-14: 6%
          Floor 15: 40%
          Floors D1-4: 6%
          Floor D5: 40%
          Floors D6-10: 6%
          Floors 14-15,D1-9: Light Darkness
     Void on Floors 4, 8, 12, D1, D5, D9
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-15,D1-10
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 26
          Floors 10-15,D1-4: 150
          Floors D5-D9: 331
          Floor D10: 600
          Floors 3-4: Cloudy
          Floor 8: Sunny
          Floor 10: Cloudy
          Floor 12: Fog
          Floor 14: Sunny
          Floors D1-2: Fog
          Floor D5: Sunny
          Floor D9: Rain
          Floor D9: Key Chamber
          Floor D10: Boss Battle versus Palkia
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors                Rec.Rate
Charizard       FIR/FLY 49  609  1-15,D1-9             -12.0%
Kadabra         PSY     49  278  1-9,11-15,D1-4,6-9     -4.5%
Jolteon         ELC     48  199  1-9,11-15,D1-4,6-9    -12.0%
Xatu            PSY/FLY 48  233  1-7                    -4.5%
Sableye         GHO/DRK 48  627  1-15,D1-9              16.4%
Honchkrow       DRK/FLY 49  620  1-9,11-15,D1-4,6-9    -12.0%
Chatot          NRM/FLY 49  539  1-6                   -10.0%
Drapion         DRK/PSN 48  695  1-6                   -12.0%
Magnezone       ELC/STL 48  689  1-15,D1-9             -12.0%
Electivire      ELC     48  695  1-15,D1-9             -12.0%
Gallade         PSY/FTG 48  598  1-9                   -12.0%

Solrock         RCK/PSY 10  193  4-10                   12.8%
Chimecho        PSY     48  456  5-15,D1-9               6.9%
Gligar          GRD/FLY 49  313  6-15,D1-9               8.2%
Bronzor         STL/PSY  7   84  7-12                   16.4%
Toxicroak       FTG/PSN 49  597  7-15,D1-9             -12.0%
Tropius         GRS/FLY 50  601  12-15,D1-2             12.8%
Drowzee         PSY     15   79  15,D1-4                12.8%
Spiritomb       GHO/DRK 52  646  15,D1-5               -10.0%
Porygon         NRM     13  165  D3-8                   12.8%
Hypno           PSY     53  266  D6-9                   -4.5%
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 14  225  D6-9                   12.8%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort~
Dusknoir        GHO     49  852  14-15,D1-4            -12.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Latias          PSY/DRG 44  630  10                      0.1%
Darkrai         DRK     53  892  14                    -22.0%
Latios          PSY/DRG 44  630  D5                      0.1%

Floor 1
 Wonder Tile        32.54%
 Warp Trap           5.92%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.92%
 Chestnut Trap       5.92%
 Summon Trap         5.92%
 Pokemon Trap        5.92%
 Grimy Trap          5.91%
 Spin Trap           5.32%
 Slow Trap           4.73%
 Seal Trap           2.96%
 Poison Trap         2.96%
 Gust Trap           2.96%
 Sticky Trap         2.96%
 Slumber Trap        2.96%
 Mud Trap            2.96%
 Explosion Trap      2.36%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.78%

Floors 2-9
 Wonder Tile        31.61%
 Warp Trap           5.75%
 Poison Trap         5.75%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.75%
 Summon Trap         5.75%
 Pokemon Trap        5.75%
 Grimy Trap          5.74%
 Chestnut Trap       5.74%
 Spin Trap           5.17%
 Slow Trap           4.60%
 Sticky Trap         2.88%
 Slumber Trap        2.88%
 Seal Trap           2.87%
 Gust Trap           2.87%
 Mud Trap            2.87%
 Explosion Trap      2.30%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.72%

Floor 10
 Wonder Tile        22.73%
 Sticky Trap        11.36%
 Grimy Trap          5.69%
 Warp Trap           5.68%
 Slow Trap           5.68%
 Poison Trap         5.68%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.68%
 Chestnut Trap       5.68%
 Summon Trap         5.68%
 Pokemon Trap        5.68%
 Spin Trap           5.11%
 Slumber Trap        2.85%
 Seal Trap           2.84%
 Gust Trap           2.84%
 Mud Trap            2.84%
 Explosion Trap      2.28%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.70%

Floors 11-12
 Wonder Tile        23.39%
 Sticky Trap        11.70%
 Summon Trap         5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Chestnut Trap       5.85%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Spin Trap           5.27%
 Gust Trap           2.92%
 Mud Trap            2.92%
 Slumber Trap        2.92%
 Warp Trap           2.92%
 Seal Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.33%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.76%

Floors 13-15, D1-4
 Wonder Tile        22.73%
 Sticky Trap        11.36%
 Grimy Trap          5.69%
 Warp Trap           5.68%
 Slow Trap           5.68%
 Poison Trap         5.68%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.68%
 Chestnut Trap       5.68%
 Summon Trap         5.68%
 Pokemon Trap        5.68%
 Spin Trap           5.11%
 Slumber Trap        2.85%
 Seal Trap           2.84%
 Gust Trap           2.84%
 Mud Trap            2.84%
 Explosion Trap      2.28%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.70%

Floor D5
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Warp Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 Chestnut Trap       5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.52%
 Mud Trap            5.52%
 Slow Trap           5.52%
 Pokemon Trap        5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Slumber Trap        2.77%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.66%

Floors D6-10
 Wonder Tile        17.54%
 Sticky Trap        11.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.85%
 Warp Trap           5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Chestnut Trap       5.85%
 Mud Trap            5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Slumber Trap        2.93%
 Seal Trap           2.92%
 Gust Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.75%

Floor 1
  *Escape Orb* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (25.36%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.25%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.62%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (11.11%)
  Quick Seed      (11.11%)
  Warp Seed       (11.11%)
  Max Elixir      (11.11%)
  Totter Seed      (5.93%)
  Doom Seed        (5.93%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.93%)
  Sleep Seed       (5.92%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.92%)
  Hunger Seed      (5.92%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.71%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.71%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.70%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.70%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.75%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.74%)
  Slip Seed        (0.74%)
  Via Seed         (0.74%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.74%)
  Oren Berry       (0.74%)
  Dough Seed       (0.74%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.49%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [5.07%]
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Pass Scarf      (10.31%)
  Persim Band      (5.16%)
  Insomniscope     (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.16%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Power Band       (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.15%)
TMs***********************  [4.35%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
ORBS********************** [18.12%]
  Blowback Orb     (4.68%)
  Pounce Orb       (4.68%)
  Trawl Orb        (4.67%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.34%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.34%)
  Lob Orb          (2.34%)
  Hail Orb         (2.34%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.34%)
  Slow Orb         (2.34%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.34%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.34%)
  Rainy Orb        (2.34%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.34%)
  Slumber Orb      (2.34%)
  Totter Orb       (2.34%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.34%)
  Radar Orb        (2.34%)
  Rollcall Orb     (2.34%)
  Invisify Orb     (2.34%)
  Shocker Orb      (2.34%)
  Sizebust Orb     (2.34%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.34%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.34%)
  Stairs Orb       (2.34%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.33%)
  Sandy Orb        (2.33%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.33%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.33%)
  Warp Orb         (2.33%)
  Identify Orb     (2.33%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.33%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.33%)
  Trapper Orb      (2.33%)
  Sunny Orb        (2.33%)
  Quick Orb        (2.33%)
  Mobile Orb       (2.33%)
  Silence Orb      (2.33%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.33%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.41%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.40%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.40%)

Floors 2-15, D1-10
  Coins (25.36%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.25%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.62%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (11.11%)
  Quick Seed      (11.11%)
  Warp Seed       (11.11%)
  Max Elixir      (11.11%)
  Totter Seed      (5.93%)
  Doom Seed        (5.93%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.93%)
  Sleep Seed       (5.92%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.92%)
  Hunger Seed      (5.92%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.71%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.71%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.70%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.70%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.75%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.74%)
  Slip Seed        (0.74%)
  Via Seed         (0.74%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.74%)
  Oren Berry       (0.74%)
  Dough Seed       (0.74%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.49%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [5.07%]
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Pass Scarf      (10.31%)
  Persim Band      (5.16%)
  Insomniscope     (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.16%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Power Band       (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.15%)
TMs***********************  [4.35%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
ORBS********************** [18.12%]
  Blowback Orb     (4.47%)
  Pounce Orb       (4.47%)
  Trawl Orb        (4.46%)
  Escape Orb       (4.46%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.24%)
  Rainy Orb        (2.24%)
  Totter Orb       (2.24%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.24%)
  Radar Orb        (2.24%)
  Shocker Orb      (2.24%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.24%)
  Warp Orb         (2.23%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.23%)
  Slow Orb         (2.23%)
  Quick Orb        (2.23%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.23%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.23%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.23%)
  Sandy Orb        (2.23%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.23%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.23%)
  Slumber Orb      (2.23%)
  Sunny Orb        (2.23%)
  Silence Orb      (2.23%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.23%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.23%)
  Lob Orb          (2.23%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.23%)
  Rollcall Orb     (2.23%)
  Invisify Orb     (2.23%)
  Identify Orb     (2.23%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.23%)
  Sizebust Orb     (2.23%)
  Trapper Orb      (2.23%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.23%)
  Hail Orb         (2.23%)
  Mobile Orb       (2.23%)
  Stairs Orb       (2.23%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.23%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.34%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.34%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.34%)
This dungeon can be tough.  Many strong pokemon reside here, and traps are
all over the place.  Two floors have a high chance of having a monster house
so watch it.  There are quite a few useful Orbs and other items here though.


44##. 	Dark Crater + Deep Dark Crater
Requirements: Complete Spacial Rift.  Then talk to Cresselia.
15 Floors(DC) + 14 Floors(DDC) + Deep Dark Crater
-You cannot be rescued in Deep Dark Crater
-----General Info-----
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-15,D1-15: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-15,D1-15: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-9: 4
          Floors 10-15,D1-15: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-15,D1-15: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-15,D1-15: 6
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-15,D1-15: 5%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-15,D1-15: 5%
          Floors 1-15,D1-14: Light Darkness
     Lava on Floors 3, 5-6, 8-9, 12-14, D1-2, D4, D6, D9-11, D13
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-15,D1-15
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-15,D1-4: 150
          Floors D5-14: 331
          Floor D15: 600
          Floor D15: Battle versus Darkrai and its allies.
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors        Rec.Rate
Charmander      FIR      5   14  1-10            8.2%
Charmeleon      FIR     43  218  1-15,D1-5     -10.0%
Growlithe       FIR     16  165  1-13            8.2%
Ponyta          FIR     17  228  1-13            8.2%
Flareon         FIR     49  203  1-15,D1-14    -12.0%

Cyndaquil       FIR      5   11  1-10            8.2%
Slugma          FIR     15  132  1-12           16.4%
Torchic         FIR      5    2  1-14            8.2%
Combusken       FIR/FTG 45  442  1-15,D1-8     -10.0%
Numel           FIR/GRD 14  174  1-11           12.8%
Chimchar        FIR      5    9  1-10            8.2%
Monferno        FIR/FTG 43  161  1-15,D1-5     -10.0%
Hippowdon       GRD     33  516  1-10           16.4%

Camerupt        FIR/GRD 46  434  3-15,D1-6     -12.0%
Rapidash        FIR     48  530  4-15,D1-9      -4.5%
Arcanine        FIR     49  481  6-15,D1-9     -12.0%
Quilava         FIR     50  224  11-15,D1-5    -10.0%
Magcargo        FIR/RCK 51  426  11-15,D1-11     0.5%
Rhyperior       RCK/GRD 53  626  D1-14         -12.0%
Magmortar       FIR     52  677  D5-14         -10.0%

Charizard       FIR/FLY 53  651  D6-14         -12.0%
Typhlosion      FIR     53  570  D6-9,11-14    -12.0%
Infernape       FIR/FTG 52  567  D6-14         -12.0%
Torkoal         FIR     53  489  D7-14           6.4%
Mismagius       GHO     52  610  D7-14          16.4%
Blaziken        FIR/FTG 53  694  D9-14         -12.0%
Aggron          STL/RCK 52  744  D9-14         -10.0%

Floors 1-15, D1-15
 Wonder Tile        23.12%
 Slumber Trap        6.94%
 Warp Trap           5.78%
 Grimy Trap          5.78%
 Slow Trap           5.78%
 Poison Trap         5.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.78%
 Chestnut Trap       5.78%
 Summon Trap         5.78%
 Pokemon Trap        5.78%
 Spin Trap           5.20%
 Mud Trap            2.89%
 Gust Trap           2.89%
 Seal Trap           2.89%
 Sticky Trap         2.89%
 Trip Trap           2.89%
 Explosion Trap      2.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.74%

Floors 1-15, D1-15
  Coins (28.37%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.64%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.54%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (23.44%)
  Quick Seed      (11.72%)
  Warp Seed       (11.72%)
  Max Elixir      (11.72%)
  Doom Seed        (6.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.25%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.91%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.91%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.91%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (3.90%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.90%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.90%)
  Slip Seed        (0.79%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.78%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.78%)
  Via Seed         (0.78%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.78%)
  Oren Berry       (0.78%)
  Dough Seed       (0.78%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.19%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [3.54%]
  Mobile Scarf    (10.95%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.65%)
  Twist Band       (3.65%)
  Scope Lens       (3.65%)
  Patsy Band       (3.65%)
  No-Stick Cap     (3.65%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.65%)
  Persim Band      (3.65%)
  Power Band       (3.65%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.65%)
  Insomniscope     (3.65%)
  Sneak Scarf      (3.65%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.65%)
  Racket Band      (3.65%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.65%)
  Stamina Band     (3.65%)
  Special Band     (3.65%)
  Zinc Band        (3.65%)
  Detect Band      (3.65%)
  Curve Band       (3.65%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.65%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.65%)
  Pass Scarf       (3.65%)
  Friend Bow       (3.65%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.64%)
OTHER*********************  [0.71%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.73%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

Be careful.  You'll find yourself losing a lot of hp unexpectantly, so
keep your guard up, and your hp higher.

------------Other Dungeons-------------

45##. 	Concealed Ruins
Requirements: Complete Aegis Cave.
29 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (6 Deluxe Boxes)
-----General Info-----
-It is dark here.
-There is a Key Chamber on floor 29.
-There are Unique Kecleon Shops here. See below for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-30: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floors 7-30: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-30: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-30: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-30: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-30: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-30: 5%
          Floors 1-29: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-30
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20,
                                22, 24, 26, 28, 30
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-19: 150
          Floors 20-30: 331
          Floor 29: Key Chamber
          Floor 30: Warp Zone Floor(6 Deluxe Boxes)
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Pidgey          NRM/FLY 42   45  1-10         8.2%
Nidoqueen       PSN/GRD 42  545  1-29       -12.0%
Voltorb         ELC     13  127  1-15        12.8%
Weezing         PSN     42  387  1-29       -12.0%
Umbreon         DRK     45  189  1-29       -12.0%
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 22  235  1-29         6.4%
Poochyena       DRK     15   91  1-15         8.2%
Taillow         NRM/FLY 16   22  1-15         6.4%
Loudred         NRM     42  499  1-15       -10.0%

Delcatty        NRM     47  509  8-15       -12.0%
Pidgeotto       NRM/FLY 45  205  11-20       -4.5%
Electrode       ELC     45  561  16-29       -4.5%
Mightyena       DRK     48  552  16-29       -4.5%
Swellow         NRM/FLY 45  124  16-29        0.5%
Exploud         NRM     45  615  16-29      -12.0%
Shuppet         GHO     45  264  16-19        6.4%
Pidgeot         NRM/FLY 46  500  21-29      -10.0%

Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           18.35%
 Explosion Trap     13.77%
 Seal Trap           9.18%
 Grimy Trap          9.18%
 Sticky Trap         9.17%
 Warp Trap           9.17%
 PP-Zero Trap        9.17%
 Spin Trap           8.26%
 Slumber Trap        4.59%
 Slow Trap           4.58%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.58%

Floor 10
 Mud Trap           16.13%
 Sticky Trap        16.13%
 Seal Trap          12.10%
 Explosion Trap     12.10%
 Warp Trap           8.07%
 Grimy Trap          8.06%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.06%
 Spin Trap           7.26%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.03%
 Slow Trap           4.03%
 Slumber Trap        4.03%

Floors 11-30
 Mud Trap           22.39%
 Sticky Trap        14.92%
 Explosion Trap     11.20%
 Seal Trap          11.19%
 Grimy Trap          7.47%
 Warp Trap           7.46%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.46%
 Spin Trap           6.72%
 Selfdestruct Trap   3.73%
 Slow Trap           3.73%
 Slumber Trap        3.73%

Floors 1-28
  Coins (29.85%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.19%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.20%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.48%)
  Rawst Berry      (8.48%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.48%)
  Warp Seed        (8.48%)
  Oran Berry       (8.47%)
  Quick Seed       (8.47%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.47%)
  Totter Seed      (5.65%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.65%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.65%)
  Max Elixir       (5.09%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.52%)
  Doom Seed        (4.52%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.82%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.82%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.57%)
  Via Seed         (0.57%)
  Oren Berry       (0.57%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.56%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.56%)
  Slip Seed        (0.56%)
  Dough Seed       (0.56%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.73%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.74%]
  Def. Scarf      (22.99%)
  No-Stick Cap    (11.50%)
  Special Band    (11.50%)
  Racket Band     (11.49%)
  Twist Band      (11.49%)
  Joy Ribbon      (11.49%)
  Zinc Band       (11.49%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
TMs***********************  [5.97%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.74%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.66%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Floors 29-30
  Coins (97.56%)
OTHER*********************  [2.44%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)

                Kecleon Shop Unique Type
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [20.00%]
  Stick           (58.14%)
  Iron Thorn      (34.88%)
  Silver Spike     (6.98%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [20.00%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.55%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.55%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.55%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.55%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.55%)
  Warp Seed        (4.55%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
  Totter Seed      (4.54%)
  Life Seed        (4.54%)
  Plain Seed       (4.54%)
  Oran Berry       (4.54%)
  Blast Seed       (4.54%)
  Quick Seed       (4.54%)
  Stun Seed        (4.54%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.54%)
  Violent Seed     (4.54%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.54%)
HOLD********************** [20.00%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
TMs*********************** [20.00%]
  Focus Punch      (2.35%)
  Water Pulse      (2.35%)
  Light Screen     (2.35%)
  Reflect          (2.35%)
  Flamethrower     (2.35%)
  Fire Blast       (2.35%)
  Rest             (2.35%)
  Energy Ball      (2.35%)
  Embargo          (2.35%)
  Recycle          (2.35%)
  Swords Dance     (2.35%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.34%)
  Brick Break      (2.34%)
  Avalanche        (1.76%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.76%)
  Flash            (1.76%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.76%)
  Shock Wave       (1.47%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.46%)
  Ice Beam         (1.18%)
  Focus Blast      (1.18%)
  Stone Edge       (1.18%)
  Roar             (1.18%)
  Giga Drain       (1.18%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.18%)
  Torment          (1.18%)
  Captivate        (1.18%)
  X-Scissor        (1.18%)
  Wide Slash       (1.18%)
  Poison Jab       (1.18%)
  False Swipe      (1.17%)
  Brine            (1.17%)
  Psychic          (1.17%)
  Explosion        (1.17%)
  Payback          (1.17%)
  Bulk Up          (1.17%)
  Hidden Power     (1.17%)
  Calm Mind        (1.17%)
  Dive             (1.17%)
  Blizzard         (1.17%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.17%)
  Protect          (1.17%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.17%)
  Toxic            (1.17%)
  Safeguard        (1.17%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.17%)
  Psych Up         (1.17%)
  Attract          (1.17%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.17%)
  Rock Slide       (1.17%)
  Roost            (1.17%)
  Frustration      (1.17%)
  Natural Gift     (1.17%)
  Thunder          (1.17%)
  Overheat         (0.88%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.88%)
  Steel Wing       (0.88%)
  Skill Swap       (0.88%)
  Drain Punch      (0.59%)
  Silver Wind      (0.59%)
  Earthquake       (0.59%)
  Dig              (0.59%)
  Facade           (0.59%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.59%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.59%)
  Thief            (0.59%)
  SolarBeam        (0.59%)
  Fling            (0.59%)
  Charge Beam      (0.59%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.59%)
  Swagger          (0.59%)
  U-turn           (0.59%)
  Substitute       (0.59%)
  Trick Room       (0.59%)
  Pluck            (0.58%)
  Secret Power     (0.58%)
  Endure           (0.58%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.58%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.58%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.30%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.30%)
  Rock Polish      (0.29%)
  Taunt            (0.29%)
  Iron Tail        (0.29%)
  Grass Knot       (0.29%)
  Giga Impact      (0.29%)
ORBS********************** [10.00%]
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.57%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Hail Orb         (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.79%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.79%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.79%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.79%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Drought Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.79%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.79%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.79%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.79%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.79%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.79%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.79%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.79%)
  Warp Orb         (1.79%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.79%)
  Quick Orb        (1.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.78%)
  Identify Orb     (1.78%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.78%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.78%)
  Mug Orb          (1.78%)
  Slow Orb         (1.78%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.78%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.78%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.78%)
  Silence Orb      (1.78%)
  Lob Orb          (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.78%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.78%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.78%)

This dungeon has a massive variety of TMs here.  You can also find some
Unique kecleon shops here, which can hold awesome items like Sitrus Berries
or Joy Seeds.


46##. 	Marine Resort
Requirements: Complete Dark Crater.  Then do a job and sleep 3 times.  After
              Manaphy joins, do a job and sleep 3 more times.
18 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (4 Deluxe Boxes)
-----General Info-----
-There are Unique Kecleon Shops here. See below for details.
-There are Advanced Monster Houses here.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Unique Secret Bazaars here.  See below for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-19: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
          Floors 7-19: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-19: 4
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floors 3-6: 7
          Floor 7: 5
          Floor 8: 6
          Floors 9-18: 7
          Floor 19: 5
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-19: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-19: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 4-19: 6%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-19: 15%
     Water on Floors 1-19
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-19: 150
          Floor 3: Cloudy
          Floor 4: Sunny
          Floor 5: Fog
          Floor 8: Sunny
          Floor 9: Cloudy
          Floor 19: Warp Zone Floor(4 Deluxe boxes w/ Gummies inside)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Clefairy        NRM     42   40  1-9         -4.5%
Jigglypuff      NRM      5   53  1-9         -4.5%
Slowbro         WTR/PSY 43  338  1-19       -12.0%
Krabby          WTR     11  102  1-19        12.8%
Lickitung       NRM     48  267  1-19         8.2%
Kabuto          WTR/RCK  1   11  1-19        12.8%
Kabutops        WTR/RCK 40  470  1-19         1.0%
Dratini         DRG     11  106  1-19        16.4%

Bellossom       GRS     15  151  1-19        -4.5%
Espeon          PSY     47  196  1-19       -12.0%
Wobbuffet       PSY     48  188  1-19       -12.0%
Snubbull        NRM     16  195  1-19        12.8%
Corsola         WTR/RCK  2   13  1-5         16.4%
Phanpy          GRD     17   23  1-19         8.2%
Smeargle        NRM     14  144  1-19        13.6%
Miltank         NRM     47  554  1-19         8.2%

Wingull         WTR/FLY 11  106  1-19        12.8%
Pelipper        WTR/FLY 40  470  1-19       -12.0%
Whismur         NRM     16  177  1-19         8.2%
Spoink          PSY     13  187  1-7          6.4%
Spinda          NRM     48  444  1-9          6.4%
Wynaut          PSY     14   92  1-11         8.2%

Croagunk        FTG/PSN 47  224  1-19         8.2%
Cleffa          NRM     13   44  2-7          8.2%
Buizel          WTR     12   77  7-11         8.2%
Lickilicky      NRM     48  541  7-19       -12.0%
Igglybuff       NRM     14   57  8-14         8.2%
Swalot          PSN     48  575  9-19       -12.0%
Clefable        NRM     44  159  10-19      -12.0%
Wigglytuff      NRM     44  461  10-19      -12.0%
Ambipom         NRM     44  418  10-19        8.2%

Floors 1-19
 Wonder Tile        27.32%
 Slumber Trap        6.56%
 Grimy Trap          5.47%
 Poison Trap         5.47%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.47%
 Warp Trap           5.47%
 Pokemon Trap        5.47%
 Chestnut Trap       5.46%
 Summon Trap         5.46%
 Slow Trap           5.46%
 Spin Trap           4.92%
 Mud Trap            2.73%
 Gust Trap           2.73%
 Seal Trap           2.73%
 Sticky Trap         2.73%
 Trip Trap           2.73%
 Explosion Trap      2.18%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.64%

Floors 1-19
  Coins (34.65%)
  Oran Berry      (22.22%)
  Quick Seed      (11.11%)
  Warp Seed       (11.11%)
  Max Elixir      (11.11%)
  Sleep Seed       (5.93%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.71%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (3.71%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.71%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.70%)
  Totter Seed      (3.70%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.70%)
  Blinker Seed     (3.70%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.70%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.70%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.75%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.74%)
  Slip Seed        (0.74%)
  Via Seed         (0.74%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.74%)
  Oren Berry       (0.74%)
  Dough Seed       (0.74%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [24.75%]
  Apple           (25.86%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.32%)
  Red Gummi        (4.31%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.31%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.31%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.31%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.31%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.31%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.31%)
  White Gummi      (4.31%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.31%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.31%)
  Green Gummi      (4.31%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.31%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.31%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.31%)
  Black Gummi      (4.31%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.31%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.86%)
HOLD**********************  [4.96%]
  Mobile Scarf    (10.95%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.65%)
  Twist Band       (3.65%)
  Scope Lens       (3.65%)
  Patsy Band       (3.65%)
  No-Stick Cap     (3.65%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.65%)
  Persim Band      (3.65%)
  Power Band       (3.65%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.65%)
  Insomniscope     (3.65%)
  Sneak Scarf      (3.65%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.65%)
  Racket Band      (3.65%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.65%)
  Stamina Band     (3.65%)
  Special Band     (3.65%)
  Zinc Band        (3.65%)
  Detect Band      (3.65%)
  Curve Band       (3.65%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.65%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.65%)
  Pass Scarf       (3.65%)
  Friend Bow       (3.65%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.64%)
OTHER*********************  [0.99%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS**********************  [9.90%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

                  Kecleon Shop Unique Type
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [37.97%]
  Apple            (5.00%)
  Big Apple        (5.00%)
  Huge Apple       (5.00%)
  White Gummi      (5.00%)
  Red Gummi        (5.00%)
  Blue Gummi       (5.00%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.00%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.00%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.00%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.00%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.00%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.00%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.00%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.00%)
  Green Gummi      (5.00%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.00%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.00%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.00%)
  Black Gummi      (5.00%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.00%)
HOLD********************** [37.98%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.99%]
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.57%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Hail Orb         (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.79%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.79%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.79%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.79%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Drought Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.79%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.79%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.79%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.79%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.79%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.79%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.79%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.79%)
  Warp Orb         (1.79%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.79%)
  Quick Orb        (1.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.78%)
  Identify Orb     (1.78%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.78%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.78%)
  Mug Orb          (1.78%)
  Slow Orb         (1.78%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.78%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.78%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.78%)
  Silence Orb      (1.78%)
  Lob Orb          (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.78%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.78%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.78%)
BOXES*********************  [5.06%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

                Secret Bazaar Unique Type
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [37.97%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
HOLD********************** [37.98%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [18.99%]
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.57%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Hail Orb         (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.79%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.79%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.79%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.79%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Drought Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.79%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.79%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.79%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.79%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.79%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.79%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.79%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.79%)
  Warp Orb         (1.79%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.79%)
  Quick Orb        (1.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.78%)
  Identify Orb     (1.78%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.78%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.78%)
  Mug Orb          (1.78%)
  Slow Orb         (1.78%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.78%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.78%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.78%)
  Silence Orb      (1.78%)
  Lob Orb          (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.78%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.78%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.78%)
BOXES*********************  [5.06%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

An extremely good place to find gummies.  The Unique kecleon
shops here have gummies for every kind of pokemon.  You'll also get plenty
of Gummies and Gold Ribbons from Swalot's Grab Bags in Secret Bazaars in
this dungeon.


47##. 	Lake Afar
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.  Then Recycle 100 Times.
24 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Markets here.  Unique type info is below.
---Evo-A: All Odd Floors, starting at Floor 3.
---Unique: All Remaining Floors.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There is a Key Chamber on floor 15.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Aqua Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-25: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floor 7: 6
          Floors 8-24: 8
     Item Density
          Floors 1-12: 4
          Floors 13-25: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-21: 6
          Floors 22-25: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-25: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-25: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-25: 3%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-25: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-25: 15%
          Floors 8-24: Light Darkness
     Deep Water on Floors 1-14, 18-19, 21
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-25: 330
          Floor 4: Fog
          Floor 6: Fog
          Floor 9: Cloudy
          Floor 11: Cloudy
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 25: Warp Zone Floor(1 Deluxe Box)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Squirtle        WTR      5   15  1-8          8.2%
Poliwhirl       WTR     30  358  1-12         0.5%
Slowpoke        WTR     10   38  1-20         8.2%
Goldeen         WTR      6   37  1-12         8.2%
Magikarp        WTR      6   36  1-12         8.2%
Croconaw        WTR     30  280  1-15       -10.0%
Politoed        WTR     30  581  1-24       -12.0%
Quagsire        WTR/GRD 30  557  1-12         0.5%
Mudkip          WTR      5   11  1-9          8.2%

Lombre          WTR/GRS 13  303  1-12        -4.5%
Ludicolo        WTR/GRS 30  643  1-12       -12.0%
Corphish        WTR     11  184  1-12         8.2%
Feebas          WTR      6   75  1-12         8.2%
Totodile        WTR      5   15  5-11         8.2%
Seaking         WTR     31  116  7-12        -4.5%
Wartortle       WTR     28  251  9-16       -10.0%

Marshtomp       WTR/GRD 29  330  10-19      -10.0%
Poliwrath       WTR/FTG 32  586  13-24       -4.5%
Vaporeon        WTR     32  143  13-24      -12.0%
Crawdaunt       WTR/DRK 32  545  13-24      -12.0%
Feraligatr      WTR     33  567  16-24      -12.0%
Blastoise       WTR     33  512  17-24      -12.0%
Swampert        WTR/GRD 35  664  20-24      -12.0%
Milotic         WTR     34  808  21-24      -12.0%

Floors 1-25
 Wonder Tile        23.12%
 Slumber Trap        6.94%
 Warp Trap           5.78%
 Grimy Trap          5.78%
 Slow Trap           5.78%
 Poison Trap         5.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.78%
 Chestnut Trap       5.78%
 Summon Trap         5.78%
 Pokemon Trap        5.78%
 Spin Trap           5.20%
 Mud Trap            2.89%
 Gust Trap           2.89%
 Seal Trap           2.89%
 Sticky Trap         2.89%
 Trip Trap           2.89%
 Explosion Trap      2.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.74%

Floors 1-25
  Coins (19.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.87%]
  Iron Thorn      (50.00%)
  Silver Spike    (50.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.82%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (35.09%)
  Rawst Berry     (13.16%)
  Blinker Seed     (8.77%)
  Quick Seed       (8.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.77%)
  Max Elixir       (7.90%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.39%)
  Violent Seed     (4.38%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.63%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.88%)
  Slip Seed        (0.88%)
  Via Seed         (0.88%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.88%)
  Dough Seed       (0.88%)
  Oren Berry       (0.87%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.87%)
HOLD**********************  [6.30%]
  Power Band      (20.49%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.30%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.29%)
  Gold Ribbon      (8.20%)
  Stamina Band     (8.20%)
  Insomniscope     (8.19%)
  Joy Ribbon       (4.10%)
  Warp Scarf       (4.10%)
  Persim Band      (4.10%)
  Racket Band      (4.10%)
  Heal Ribbon      (4.10%)
  Twist Band       (4.10%)
  Scope Lens       (4.09%)
TMs***********************  [6.30%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.78%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.69%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

                   Kecleon Shop Unique Type
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.74%]
  Iron Thorn      (60.00%)
  Silver Spike    (40.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [9.74%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Max Elixir      (12.00%)
  Blinker Seed     (8.00%)
  Totter Seed      (8.00%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.00%)
  Stun Seed        (8.00%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.00%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.00%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.00%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.00%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.00%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.00%)
  Warp Seed        (4.00%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.00%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.00%)
  Vile Seed        (4.00%)
  Violent Seed     (4.00%)
  Life Seed        (4.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [19.48%]
  Big Apple      (100.00%)
HOLD********************** [19.48%]
  Persim Band     (11.12%)
  Twist Band      (11.11%)
  Scope Lens      (11.11%)
  Patsy Band      (11.11%)
  Heal Ribbon     (11.11%)
  Power Band      (11.11%)
  Def. Scarf      (11.11%)
  Special Band    (11.11%)
  Zinc Band       (11.11%)
TMs***********************  [6.50%]
  Focus Punch      (2.35%)
  Water Pulse      (2.35%)
  Light Screen     (2.35%)
  Reflect          (2.35%)
  Flamethrower     (2.35%)
  Fire Blast       (2.35%)
  Rest             (2.35%)
  Energy Ball      (2.35%)
  Embargo          (2.35%)
  Recycle          (2.35%)
  Swords Dance     (2.35%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.34%)
  Brick Break      (2.34%)
  Avalanche        (1.76%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.76%)
  Flash            (1.76%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.76%)
  Shock Wave       (1.47%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.46%)
  Ice Beam         (1.18%)
  Focus Blast      (1.18%)
  Stone Edge       (1.18%)
  Roar             (1.18%)
  Giga Drain       (1.18%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.18%)
  Torment          (1.18%)
  Captivate        (1.18%)
  X-Scissor        (1.18%)
  Wide Slash       (1.18%)
  Poison Jab       (1.18%)
  False Swipe      (1.17%)
  Brine            (1.17%)
  Psychic          (1.17%)
  Explosion        (1.17%)
  Payback          (1.17%)
  Bulk Up          (1.17%)
  Hidden Power     (1.17%)
  Calm Mind        (1.17%)
  Dive             (1.17%)
  Blizzard         (1.17%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.17%)
  Protect          (1.17%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.17%)
  Toxic            (1.17%)
  Safeguard        (1.17%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.17%)
  Psych Up         (1.17%)
  Attract          (1.17%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.17%)
  Rock Slide       (1.17%)
  Roost            (1.17%)
  Frustration      (1.17%)
  Natural Gift     (1.17%)
  Thunder          (1.17%)
  Overheat         (0.88%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.88%)
  Steel Wing       (0.88%)
  Skill Swap       (0.88%)
  Drain Punch      (0.59%)
  Silver Wind      (0.59%)
  Earthquake       (0.59%)
  Dig              (0.59%)
  Facade           (0.59%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.59%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.59%)
  Thief            (0.59%)
  SolarBeam        (0.59%)
  Fling            (0.59%)
  Charge Beam      (0.59%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.59%)
  Swagger          (0.59%)
  U-turn           (0.59%)
  Substitute       (0.59%)
  Trick Room       (0.59%)
  Pluck            (0.58%)
  Secret Power     (0.58%)
  Endure           (0.58%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.58%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.58%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.30%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.30%)
  Rock Polish      (0.29%)
  Taunt            (0.29%)
  Iron Tail        (0.29%)
  Grass Knot       (0.29%)
  Giga Impact      (0.29%)
ORBS********************** [12.98%]
  Pounce Orb       (6.90%)
  One-Shot Orb     (6.90%)
  Spurn Orb        (6.90%)
  All-Mach Orb     (6.90%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (6.90%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (6.90%)
  Hurl Orb         (6.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (6.89%)
  All-Hit Orb      (6.89%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (6.89%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.45%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.45%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.45%)
  Lob Orb          (3.45%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.45%)
  Warp Orb         (3.45%)
  Shocker Orb      (3.45%)
  Sizebust Orb     (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.44%)
BOXES*********************  [2.60%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

One of the Dungeons with an Evo-Type Kecleon shop.  There are also Unique
Kecleon shops here with a variety of items.


48##. 	Happy Outlook
Requirements: Graduate.  Randomly unlocked at Spinda Drink Stand.
19 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.
---Evo-B: All Odd Floors, starting at Floor 3.
---Advanced: All Remaining Floors.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floors 7-10: 6
          Floors 11-20: 7
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 3
          Floor 3: 4
          Floors 4-5: 3
          Floors 6-7: 4
          Floors 8-20: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 7
          Floor 2: 8
          Floor 3: 9
          Floors 4-20: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 15%
          Floors 1-19: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 5, 10, 15-20
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-14: 150
          Floors 15-20: 330
          Floors 4-5, 7, 10, 14, 18: Cloudy
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 20: Warp Zone Floor(1 Deluxe Box)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Metapod         BUG     28   48  1-15       -10.0%
Oddish          GRS/PSN 11   68  1-15        16.4%
Persian         NRM     38  418  1-15       -12.0%
Exeggutor       GRS/PSY 33  151  1-19         1.0%
Chikorita       GRS      5    9  1-15         8.2%
Togepi          NRM      9   27  1-15         6.4%
Togetic         NRM/FLY 33  155  1-15       -12.0%
Sunkern         GRS     13  140  1-15         5.2%
Sunflora        GRS     37  423  1-19       -12.0%
Seedot          GRS     14   41  1-15         8.2%
Skitty          NRM      5   18  1-15         6.4%
Gulpin          PSN     12  109  1-15         6.9%
Cacturne        GRS/DRK 32  328  1-19         1.0%
Turtwig         GRS      5    9  1-15         8.2%
Budew           GRS/PSN 11   82  1-19        16.4%
Happiny         NRM     12  218  1-19         8.2%
MimeJr.         PSY     10  148  4-12         8.2%
Meowth          NRM      5   28  5-15         8.2%
Blissey         NRM     32  840  10-14      -12.0%
Chansey         NRM     32  368  12-16        6.9%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Latias          PSY/DRG 43  618  19           0.1%

Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           23.26%
 Sticky Trap         7.75%
 Grimy Trap          7.75%
 Warp Trap           7.75%
 Seal Trap           7.75%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.75%
 Pokemon Trap        7.75%
 Spin Trap           6.97%
 Explosion Trap      5.43%
 Slumber Trap        3.88%
 Slow Trap           3.88%
 Gust Trap           3.88%
 Poison Trap         3.87%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.33%

Floors 10-20
 Mud Trap           20.83%
 Sticky Trap        13.89%
 Grimy Trap          6.95%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.95%
 Seal Trap           6.94%
 Warp Trap           6.94%
 Pokemon Trap        6.94%
 Spin Trap           6.25%
 Explosion Trap      4.86%
 Poison Trap         3.48%
 Gust Trap           3.48%
 Slow Trap           3.47%
 Pitfall Trap        3.47%
 Slumber Trap        3.47%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.08%

Floors 1-3
  Coins (28.78%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.79%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.79%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (28.37%)
  Rawst Berry     (10.64%)
  Pecha Berry     (10.64%)
  Blinker Seed     (7.10%)
  Hunger Seed      (7.09%)
  X-Eye Seed       (7.09%)
  Max Elixir       (6.39%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.55%)
  Totter Seed      (3.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.54%)
  Stun Seed        (3.54%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.54%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.71%)
  Slip Seed        (0.71%)
  Via Seed         (0.71%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.71%)
  Oren Berry       (0.71%)
  Dough Seed       (0.71%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.70%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.38%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [7.20%]
  No-Stick Cap     (9.26%)
  Power Band       (9.26%)
  Special Band     (9.26%)
  Zinc Band        (9.26%)
  Pass Scarf       (9.26%)
  Twist Band       (3.09%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.09%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.09%)
  Sneak Scarf      (3.09%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.09%)
  Stamina Band     (3.09%)
  Patsy Band       (3.09%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.09%)
  Curve Band       (3.09%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.09%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.09%)
  Racket Band      (3.08%)
  Detect Band      (3.08%)
  Insomniscope     (3.08%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.08%)
  Scope Lens       (3.08%)
  Persim Band      (3.08%)
TMs***********************  [5.75%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.72%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)

Floors 4-20
  Coins (28.78%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.79%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.79%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (28.37%)
  Rawst Berry     (10.64%)
  Pecha Berry     (10.64%)
  Blinker Seed     (7.10%)
  Hunger Seed      (7.09%)
  X-Eye Seed       (7.09%)
  Max Elixir       (6.39%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.55%)
  Totter Seed      (3.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.54%)
  Stun Seed        (3.54%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.54%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.71%)
  Slip Seed        (0.71%)
  Via Seed         (0.71%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.71%)
  Oren Berry       (0.71%)
  Dough Seed       (0.71%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.70%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.38%]
  Apple           (36.76%)
  White Gummi      (3.68%)
  Red Gummi        (3.68%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.68%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.68%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.68%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.68%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.68%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.68%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.68%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.68%)
  Black Gummi      (3.68%)
  Green Gummi      (3.67%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.67%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.67%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.67%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.67%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.67%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.74%)
HOLD**********************  [7.20%]
  No-Stick Cap    (12.30%)
  Pass Scarf      (12.30%)
  Patsy Band       (4.10%)
  Heal Ribbon      (4.10%)
  Joy Ribbon       (4.10%)
  Power Band       (4.10%)
  Pecha Scarf      (4.10%)
  Insomniscope     (4.10%)
  Warp Scarf       (4.10%)
  Sneak Scarf      (4.10%)
  Def. Scarf       (4.10%)
  Stamina Band     (4.10%)
  Detect Band      (4.10%)
  Curve Band       (4.10%)
  No-Aim Scope     (4.10%)
  Twist Band       (4.10%)
  Persim Band      (4.09%)
  Scope Lens       (4.09%)
  Lockon Specs     (4.09%)
  Racket Band      (4.09%)
TMs***********************  [5.75%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.72%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)

One of the Dungeons with an Evo-Type Kecleon shop.

For such a Happy place, it sure is Cloudy a lot.


49##. 	Mt. Mistral
Requirements: Graduate. Randomly unlocked at Spinda Drink Stand.
19 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.
---Evo-B: All Odd Floors, starting at Floor 3.
---Advanced: All Remaining Floors.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There is a Key Chamber on floor 15.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-7: 5
          Floors 8-20: 7
     Item Density
          Floors 1-9: 4
          Floors 10-20: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-3: 8
          Floors 4-6: 10
          Floors 7-11: 8
          Floors 12-20: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 3%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 15%
     Water on Floors 1-2
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-20: 330
          Floor 3, 6: Rain
          Floor 5, 8: Fog
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 20: Warp Zone Floor(1 Deluxe Box)
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Pidgeot         NRM/FLY 35  400  1-19       -10.0%
Fearow          NRM/FLY 37  317  1-19        -4.5%
Venomoth        BUG/PSN 35  215  1-19        -4.5%
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 38  244  1-19        16.4%
Jumpluff        GRS/FLY 31  372  1-19       -10.0%
Swellow         NRM/FLY 37  105  1-19         0.5%
Flygon          GRD/DRG 37  386  1-19       -12.0%
Staraptor       NRM/FLY 39  340  1-19         1.5%
Mothim          BUG/FLY 37  515  1-19        16.4%
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 34  477  1-19         5.0%
Mismagius       GHO     35  440  1-19        16.4%
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 37  561  1-19        -4.5%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Ho-oh           FIR/FLY 43  936  19          10.0%

Floors 1-20
 Wonder Tile        25.28%
 Slumber Trap        6.74%
 Grimy Trap          5.62%
 Slow Trap           5.62%
 Chestnut Trap       5.62%
 Warp Trap           5.62%
 Pokemon Trap        5.62%
 Summon Trap         5.61%
 Poison Trap         5.61%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.61%
 Spin Trap           5.06%
 Mud Trap            2.81%
 Gust Trap           2.81%
 Seal Trap           2.81%
 Sticky Trap         2.81%
 Trip Trap           2.81%
 Explosion Trap      2.25%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.69%

Floors 1-20
  Coins (28.37%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.09%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.09%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (28.37%)
  Quick Seed      (10.64%)
  Warp Seed       (10.63%)
  Max Elixir       (6.39%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.55%)
  Totter Seed      (3.55%)
  Blinker Seed     (3.55%)
  Ginseng          (3.55%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.55%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.55%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (3.54%)
  Doom Seed        (3.54%)
  Violent Seed     (3.54%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.54%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.71%)
  Slip Seed        (0.71%)
  Via Seed         (0.71%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.71%)
  Oren Berry       (0.71%)
  Dough Seed       (0.71%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.70%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.19%]
  Apple           (19.23%)
  Big Apple       (12.82%)
  Grimy Food      (12.82%)
  White Gummi      (3.21%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.21%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.21%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.21%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.21%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.21%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.21%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.21%)
  Silver Gummi     (3.21%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.20%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.20%)
  Green Gummi      (3.20%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.20%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.20%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.20%)
  Black Gummi      (3.20%)
  Red Gummi        (3.20%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.64%)
HOLD**********************  [3.54%]
  Heal Ribbon      (4.10%)
  Twist Band       (4.10%)
  Patsy Band       (4.10%)
  No-Stick Cap     (4.10%)
  Joy Ribbon       (4.10%)
  Persim Band      (4.10%)
  Power Band       (4.10%)
  Insomniscope     (4.10%)
  Warp Scarf       (4.10%)
  Sneak Scarf      (4.10%)
  Gold Ribbon      (4.10%)
  Racket Band      (4.10%)
  Stamina Band     (4.10%)
  Special Band     (4.10%)
  Zinc Band        (4.10%)
  Detect Band      (4.10%)
  Curve Band       (4.10%)
  Lockon Specs     (4.10%)
  Pass Scarf       (4.10%)
  Friend Bow       (4.10%)
  No-Aim Scope     (4.09%)
  Def. Scarf       (4.09%)
  Pecha Scarf      (4.09%)
  Scope Lens       (4.09%)
OTHER*********************  [0.71%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.73%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

One of the Dungeons with an Evo-Type Kecleon shop.


50##. 	Shimmer Hill
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.  Then enter this wondermail:
              FSPH- 4T0-P14 4QWR=
              T@&K9 H#@NHTT 56R&3
17 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.
---Evo-B: All Even Floors.
---Advanced: All Remaining Floors.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There is a Key Chamber on floor 15.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-18: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-10: 5
          Floors 11-18: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-9: 4
          Floors 10-18: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 5
          Floors 6-18: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-18: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18: 3%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-18: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18: 15%
     Water on Floors 2, 4-5, 7, 9, 11-12, 16, 18
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-18: 330
          Floor 6: Rain
          Floor 7: Cloudy
          Floor 8: Fog
          Floor 10: Rain
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 18: Warp Zone Floor(1 Deluxe Box)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Primeape        FTG     33  541  1-17        -4.5%
Arcanine        FIR     36  373  1-17       -12.0%
Rhyhorn         RCK/GRD 32  409  1-17        12.8%
Tauros          NRM     33  386  1-17        12.8%
Sentret         NRM     13  167  1-17         6.4%
Mareep          ELC     17  197  1-17        16.4%
Espeon          PSY     30  136  1-17       -12.0%
Girafarig       NRM/PSY 17  234  1-17        12.8%
Ursaring        NRM     30  366  1-17       -12.0%
Houndour        DRK/FIR 14  149  1-17        16.4%
Stantler        NRM     13  138  1-17        12.8%
Miltank         NRM     30  386  1-17         8.2%
Linoone         NRM     33  327  1-17         1.0%
Camerupt        FIR/GRD 30  308  1-17       -12.0%
Castform        NRM     26  178  1-17         6.4%
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 35  554  1-17         0.5%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Deoxys          PSY     45  432  17         -10.0%

Floors 1-18
 Mud Trap           24.19%
 Sticky Trap         8.07%
 Warp Trap           8.07%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.07%
 Grimy Trap          8.06%
 Spin Trap           7.26%
 Explosion Trap      5.64%
 Gust Trap           4.03%
 Poison Trap         4.03%
 Slumber Trap        4.03%
 Slow Trap           4.03%
 Pokemon Trap        4.03%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.42%

Floors 1-18
  Coins (23.36%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [9.35%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (38.46%)
  Rawst Berry     (14.43%)
  Pecha Berry      (9.62%)
  Quick Seed       (9.61%)
  Max Elixir       (8.65%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.81%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.80%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.89%)
  Via Seed         (0.97%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.96%)
  Slip Seed        (0.96%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.96%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.96%)
  Oren Berry       (0.96%)
  Dough Seed       (0.96%)
HOLD**********************  [7.48%]
  Gold Ribbon     (32.47%)
  Power Band      (19.48%)
  Stamina Band    (19.48%)
  Pecha Scarf      (6.50%)
  Insomniscope     (6.49%)
  Heal Ribbon      (6.49%)
  Twist Band       (6.49%)
TMs***********************  [7.48%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.94%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [23.36%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

One of the Dungeons with an Evo-Type Kecleon shop.


51##. 	Lost Wilderness
Requirements: Graduate. Randomly unlocked at Spinda Drink Stand.
17 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.  Unique type info is below.
---Evo-B: All Odd Floors, starting at Floor 3.
---Unique: All Remaining Floors.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Unique Secret Bazaars here.  See below for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-18: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-18: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-8: 4
          Floors 9-18: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-18: 4
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-18: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18: 4%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-18: 7%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-18: 10%
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-18: 330
          Floor 2: Cloudy
          Floor 4: Sandstorm
          Floor 6: Fog
          Floor 8: Rain
          Floor 10: Fog
          Floor 12: Cloudy
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 18: Warp Zone Floor(1 Deluxe Box)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Abra            PSY     11   80  1-17         8.2%
Kadabra         PSY     36  216  1-17        -4.5%
Lickitung       NRM     30  183  1-17         8.2%
Mr. Mime        PSY     30  308  1-17        -4.5%
Magmar          FIR     32  348  1-17         1.0%
Tyrogue         FTG     14  110  1-17         6.4%
Hitmontop       FTG     30  475  1-17       -12.0%
Shiftry         GRS/DRK 30  405  1-17       -12.0%
Hariyama        FTG     30  417  1-17       -12.0%
Meditite        FTG/PSY 15  117  1-17         5.5%
Medicham        FTG/PSY 30  354  1-17       -12.0%
Spinda          NRM     30  304  1-17         6.4%
Croagunk        FTG/PSN 30  156  1-17         8.2%
Makuhita        FTG     15  220  3-16         4.0%
Lucario         FTG/STL 45  210  11-17      -10.0%

Floor 1
 Wonder Tile        20.41%
 Slumber Trap       12.25%
 Poison Trap        10.21%
 Warp Trap          10.21%
 Grimy Trap         10.20%
 Slow Trap          10.20%
 Spin Trap           9.18%
 Gust Trap           5.10%
 Seal Trap           5.10%
 Explosion Trap      4.08%
 Selfdestruct Trap   3.06%

Floor 2
 Wonder Tile        18.02%
 Slumber Trap        9.91%
 Gust Trap           9.01%
 Grimy Trap          9.01%
 Seal Trap           9.01%
 Poison Trap         9.01%
 Warp Trap           9.01%
 Spin Trap           6.31%
 Slow Trap           5.40%
 Trip Trap           4.50%
 Explosion Trap      3.61%
 Selfdestruct Trap   3.60%
 Pitfall Trap        3.60%

Floor 3
 Wonder Tile        17.70%
 Warp Trap           8.85%
 Gust Trap           8.85%
 Seal Trap           8.85%
 Poison Trap         8.85%
 Grimy Trap          8.85%
 Slumber Trap        7.08%
 Spin Trap           6.20%
 Slow Trap           5.31%
 Trip Trap           5.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.42%
 Pitfall Trap        3.54%
 Explosion Trap      3.54%
 Sticky Trap         2.65%

Floor 4
 Wonder Tile        16.39%
 Gust Trap           8.20%
 Seal Trap           8.20%
 Warp Trap           8.20%
 Poison Trap         8.19%
 Grimy Trap          8.19%
 Slumber Trap        6.56%
 Trip Trap           5.74%
 Spin Trap           5.73%
 Slow Trap           4.92%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.92%
 Explosion Trap      3.28%
 Sticky Trap         3.28%
 Pitfall Trap        3.28%
 Mud Trap            2.46%
 Summon Trap         2.46%

Floor 5
 Wonder Tile        15.39%
 Warp Trap           7.69%
 Gust Trap           7.69%
 Seal Trap           7.69%
 Poison Trap         7.69%
 Grimy Trap          7.69%
 Slumber Trap        6.15%
 Mud Trap            6.15%
 Trip Trap           6.15%
 Spin Trap           5.39%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.38%
 Slow Trap           4.62%
 Sticky Trap         3.85%
 Pitfall Trap        3.08%
 Explosion Trap      3.08%
 Summon Trap         2.31%

Floor 6
 Wonder Tile        15.39%
 Warp Trap           7.69%
 Gust Trap           7.69%
 Seal Trap           7.69%
 Poison Trap         7.69%
 Grimy Trap          7.69%
 Slumber Trap        6.15%
 Selfdestruct Trap   6.15%
 Mud Trap            6.15%
 Spin Trap           5.39%
 Trip Trap           5.38%
 Slow Trap           4.62%
 Sticky Trap         3.85%
 Pitfall Trap        3.08%
 Explosion Trap      3.08%
 Summon Trap         2.31%

Floor 7
 Wonder Tile        15.38%
 Warp Trap           7.69%
 Gust Trap           7.69%
 Seal Trap           7.69%
 Poison Trap         7.69%
 Grimy Trap          7.69%
 Selfdestruct Trap   6.92%
 Mud Trap            6.15%
 Slumber Trap        6.15%
 Spin Trap           5.39%
 Slow Trap           4.62%
 Trip Trap           4.62%
 Sticky Trap         3.85%
 Pitfall Trap        3.08%
 Explosion Trap      3.08%
 Summon Trap         2.31%

Floors 8-10
 Wonder Tile        15.50%
 Warp Trap           7.75%
 Gust Trap           7.75%
 Seal Trap           7.75%
 Poison Trap         7.75%
 Grimy Trap          7.75%
 Selfdestruct Trap   6.98%
 Mud Trap            6.20%
 Slumber Trap        6.20%
 Spin Trap           5.43%
 Slow Trap           4.65%
 Sticky Trap         3.88%
 Trip Trap           3.88%
 Pitfall Trap        3.10%
 Explosion Trap      3.10%
 Summon Trap         2.33%

Floors 11-15
 Wonder Tile        15.62%
 Warp Trap           7.81%
 Gust Trap           7.81%
 Seal Trap           7.81%
 Poison Trap         7.81%
 Grimy Trap          7.81%
 Slumber Trap        6.25%
 Selfdestruct Trap   6.25%
 Mud Trap            6.25%
 Spin Trap           5.47%
 Slow Trap           4.69%
 Sticky Trap         3.91%
 Trip Trap           3.91%
 Pitfall Trap        3.13%
 Explosion Trap      3.13%
 Summon Trap         2.34%

Floors 16-18
 Wonder Tile        16.26%
 Warp Trap           8.13%
 Gust Trap           8.13%
 Seal Trap           8.13%
 Poison Trap         8.13%
 Grimy Trap          8.13%
 Selfdestruct Trap   6.50%
 Slumber Trap        6.50%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Slow Trap           4.88%
 Trip Trap           4.07%
 Sticky Trap         4.06%
 Pitfall Trap        3.26%
 Explosion Trap      3.25%
 Mud Trap            2.44%
 Summon Trap         2.44%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (28.22%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [12.10%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [12.09%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (46.51%)
  Pecha Berry     (17.44%)
  Blinker Seed    (11.63%)
  Max Elixir      (10.46%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.82%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.17%)
  Oren Berry       (1.17%)
  Slip Seed        (1.16%)
  Via Seed         (1.16%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.16%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.16%)
  Dough Seed       (1.16%)
HOLD**********************  [4.03%]
  Pass Scarf      (27.17%)
  Persim Band     (10.87%)
  Def. Scarf      (10.87%)
  Stamina Band    (10.87%)
  Heal Ribbon     (10.87%)
  Twist Band       (5.44%)
  Detect Band      (5.44%)
  Patsy Band       (5.44%)
  Scope Lens       (5.43%)
  Zinc Band        (5.43%)
TMs***********************  [6.46%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.81%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [20.16%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Floors 10-18
  Coins (35.36%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [15.15%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.10%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.05%]
  Pass Scarf      (27.17%)
  Persim Band     (10.87%)
  Def. Scarf      (10.87%)
  Stamina Band    (10.87%)
  Heal Ribbon     (10.87%)
  Twist Band       (5.44%)
  Detect Band      (5.44%)
  Patsy Band       (5.44%)
  Scope Lens       (5.43%)
  Zinc Band        (5.43%)
TMs***********************  [8.08%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.01%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [25.25%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

    Kecleon Shop Unique Type / Secret Bazaar Unique Type
  Apple           (66.67%)
  Silver Gummi    (16.67%)
  Gray Gummi      (16.66%)

One of the Dungeons with an Evo-Type Kecleon shop.  There is also a Unique
Kecleon Shop here that specializes in only 3 items.  The Swalot Grab Bags
in this dungeon's Secret Bazaars also have the same 3 items.  What immense


52##. 	Midnight Forest
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.  Then enter this wondermail:
              CSPY5 FQCFWQ0 3X-+&
              2%JH- W7-6Y&8 58@@T
24 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.
---Evo-A: All Odd Floors, starting at Floor 5.
---Advanced: All Remaining Floors, including the Warp Floor.
-There is a Key Chamber on floor 15.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-25: 250
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-2: 4
          Floors 3-7: 5
          Floors 8-25: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-8: 4
          Floors 9-17: 5
          Floors 18-25: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 8
          Floors 6-13: 9
          Floors 14-25: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-25: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-25: 9%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-25: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-25: 15%
          Floors 6-24: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-25
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 150
          Floors 10-25: 330
          Floor 4: Rain
          Floor 7: Fog
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 25: Warp Zone Floor(1 Deluxe Box)
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Beedrill        BUG/PSN 31  124  1-21        10.0%
Raticate        NRM     30  351  1-21        -4.5%
Venonat         BUG/PSN 15   43  1-21         8.2%
Venomoth        BUG/PSN 35  215  1-21        -4.5%
Bellsprout      GRS/PSN  6    9  1-21         8.2%
Scyther         BUG/FLY 15  211  1-21         8.2%
Ledyba          BUG/FLY 14  202  1-21         8.2%
Ledian          BUG/FLY 33  462  1-21        -4.5%
Wurmple         BUG      5   19  1-21         6.4%
Beautifly       BUG/FLY 29  197  1-24         1.0%
Nuzleaf         GRS/DRK 30  187  1-24         0.5%
Nincada         BUG/GRD 23  224  1-21        12.8%
Roselia         GRS/PSN 30  109  1-24         6.4%
Rotom           ELC/GHO 32  401  10-20      -12.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Latios          PSY/DRG 44  630  24           0.1%

Floors 1-24
 Wonder Tile        21.85%
 Slumber Trap        6.56%
 Grimy Trap          5.47%
 Chestnut Trap       5.47%
 Pitfall Trap        5.47%
 Pokemon Trap        5.47%
 Poison Trap         5.46%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.46%
 Warp Trap           5.46%
 Summon Trap         5.46%
 Slow Trap           5.46%
 Spin Trap           4.92%
 Seal Trap           2.74%
 Mud Trap            2.73%
 Sticky Trap         2.73%
 Gust Trap           2.73%
 Trip Trap           2.73%
 Explosion Trap      2.19%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.64%

Floor 25
 Wonder Tile        23.12%
 Slumber Trap        6.94%
 Warp Trap           5.78%
 Grimy Trap          5.78%
 Slow Trap           5.78%
 Poison Trap         5.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.78%
 Chestnut Trap       5.78%
 Summon Trap         5.78%
 Pokemon Trap        5.78%
 Spin Trap           5.20%
 Mud Trap            2.89%
 Gust Trap           2.89%
 Seal Trap           2.89%
 Sticky Trap         2.89%
 Trip Trap           2.89%
 Explosion Trap      2.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.74%

Floors 1-25
  Coins (19.69%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.87%]
  Iron Thorn      (50.00%)
  Silver Spike    (50.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.82%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (33.61%)
  Rawst Berry     (12.60%)
  Blinker Seed     (8.41%)
  Quick Seed       (8.41%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.40%)
  Violent Seed     (8.40%)
  Max Elixir       (7.57%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.20%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.52%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.84%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.84%)
  Slip Seed        (0.84%)
  Via Seed         (0.84%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.84%)
  Oren Berry       (0.84%)
  Dough Seed       (0.84%)
HOLD**********************  [6.30%]
  Power Band      (20.49%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.30%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.29%)
  Gold Ribbon      (8.20%)
  Stamina Band     (8.20%)
  Insomniscope     (8.19%)
  Joy Ribbon       (4.10%)
  Warp Scarf       (4.10%)
  Persim Band      (4.10%)
  Racket Band      (4.10%)
  Heal Ribbon      (4.10%)
  Twist Band       (4.10%)
  Scope Lens       (4.09%)
TMs***********************  [6.30%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.78%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.69%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

More Evo-Type Kecleon shops!


53##. 	Dojo: Last Maze
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.
48 Floors
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-48: 40
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-48: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-48: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-48: 4
          Floors 1-48: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 21-24, 26-43, 46, 48
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-48: 150
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
At Floor 10, All enemies lv up to 45. At about Floor 43, All enemies
lv up to 50.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Doduo           NRM/FLY 40  117  1-48        12.8%
Staravia        NRM/FLY 40  377  1-48         8.2%
Houndour        DRK/FIR 40  318  1-48        16.4%
Magby           FIR     40  372  1-48        16.4%
Poochyena       DRK     40  186  1-48         8.2%
Omanyte         WTR/RCK 40  313  1-48        12.8%
Kabuto          WTR/RCK 40   53  1-48        12.8%
Shroomish       GRS     40  279  1-48        12.8%
Carnivine       GRS     40  396  1-48        16.4%
Magnemite       ELC/STL 40  323  1-48        16.4%
Mareep          ELC     40  372  1-48        16.4%
Mawile          STL     40  426  1-48        12.8%
Swinub          GRD/ICE 40  328  1-48        16.4%
Phanpy          GRD     40   44  1-48         8.2%
Machop          FTG     40   98  1-48        16.4%
Meditite        FTG/PSY 40  240  1-48         5.5%
Spinarak        BUG/PSN 40  127  1-48        12.8%
Skorupi         BUG/PSN 40  529  1-48        16.4%
Bagon           DRG     40  509  1-48        12.8%
Misdreavus      GHO     40  490  1-48        16.4%
Floors 1-48
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-48
  Coins (24.79%)
  Max Elixir      (14.63%)
  Heal Seed        (9.76%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.32%)
  Warp Seed        (7.32%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.32%)
  Blast Seed       (7.31%)
  Oran Berry       (7.31%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.88%)
  Stun Seed        (4.88%)
  Pure Seed        (4.88%)
  Violent Seed     (4.88%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.88%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.87%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.44%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.44%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.44%)
  Totter Seed      (2.44%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.39%]
  Apple           (16.39%)
  White Gummi      (4.92%)
  Red Gummi        (4.92%)
  Blue Gummi       (4.92%)
  Grass Gummi      (4.92%)
  Clear Gummi      (4.92%)
  Orange Gummi     (4.92%)
  Pink Gummi       (4.92%)
  Brown Gummi      (4.92%)
  Gold Gummi       (4.92%)
  Green Gummi      (4.92%)
  Gray Gummi       (4.92%)
  Purple Gummi     (4.92%)
  Black Gummi      (4.92%)
  Silver Gummi     (4.92%)
  Royal Gummi      (4.91%)
  Yellow Gummi     (4.91%)
  Sky Gummi        (4.91%)
TMs*********************** [10.75%]
  Focus Punch      (1.80%)
  Light Screen     (1.80%)
  Brick Break      (1.80%)
  Reflect          (1.80%)
  Flamethrower     (1.80%)
  Fire Blast       (1.80%)
  Rest             (1.80%)
  Energy Ball      (1.80%)
  Embargo          (1.80%)
  Recycle          (1.80%)
  Dive             (1.80%)
  Flash            (1.80%)
  Thunder Wave     (1.80%)
  Swords Dance     (1.80%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.80%)
  Water Pulse      (1.79%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.79%)
  Avalanche        (1.79%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.50%)
  Shock Wave       (1.49%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.20%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.20%)
  Attract          (1.20%)
  Roost            (1.20%)
  Focus Blast      (1.20%)
  Giga Drain       (1.20%)
  False Swipe      (1.20%)
  Safeguard        (1.20%)
  Payback          (1.20%)
  Thunder          (1.20%)
  Wide Slash       (1.20%)
  Psychic          (1.20%)
  Calm Mind        (1.20%)
  Roar             (1.20%)
  Stone Edge       (1.20%)
  Toxic            (1.20%)
  Bulk Up          (1.20%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.20%)
  Ice Beam         (1.20%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.20%)
  Captivate        (1.20%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.20%)
  Rock Slide       (1.20%)
  X-Scissor        (1.20%)
  Blizzard         (1.20%)
  Poison Jab       (1.20%)
  Brine            (1.19%)
  Protect          (1.19%)
  Explosion        (1.19%)
  Hidden Power     (1.19%)
  Torment          (1.19%)
  Natural Gift     (1.19%)
  Psych Up         (1.19%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.90%)
  Steel Wing       (0.90%)
  Overheat         (0.90%)
  Skill Swap       (0.89%)
  Secret Power     (0.60%)
  Earthquake       (0.60%)
  Dig              (0.60%)
  Fling            (0.60%)
  Charge Beam      (0.60%)
  Endure           (0.60%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.60%)
  Drain Punch      (0.60%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.60%)
  Silver Wind      (0.60%)
  Thief            (0.60%)
  SolarBeam        (0.60%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.60%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.60%)
  Frustration      (0.60%)
  Facade           (0.60%)
  Dream Eater      (0.60%)
  Swagger          (0.60%)
  Pluck            (0.60%)
  U-turn           (0.60%)
  Substitute       (0.60%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.60%)
  Trick Room       (0.60%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Grass Knot       (0.48%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.48%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.48%)
  Iron Tail        (0.48%)
  Giga Impact      (0.48%)
  Rock Polish      (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Fly              (0.48%)   *HM*
  Surf             (0.48%)   *HM*
  Strength         (0.48%)   *HM*
  Defog            (0.48%)   *HM*
  Rock Smash       (0.48%)   *HM*
  Waterfall        (0.48%)   *HM*
  Rock Climb       (0.48%)   *HM*
  Cut              (0.47%)   *HM*
ORBS********************** [16.53%]
  Escape Orb       (8.70%)
  Mug Orb          (4.35%)
  Lob Orb          (4.35%)
  Switcher Orb     (4.35%)
  Blowback Orb     (4.35%)
  Transfer Orb     (4.35%)
  Slow Orb         (4.35%)
  Petrify Orb      (4.35%)
  Stayaway Orb     (4.35%)
  Slumber Orb      (4.35%)
  Totter Orb       (4.35%)
  See-Trap Orb     (4.35%)
  Spurn Orb        (4.35%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (4.35%)
  All-Mach Orb     (4.35%)
  All-Hit Orb      (4.35%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (4.35%)
  Warp Orb         (4.34%)
  Decoy Orb        (4.34%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (4.34%)
  One-Shot Orb     (4.34%)
  Rebound Orb      (4.34%)
BOXES*********************  [2.48%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

The only dungeon in the game you can find HMs in.


54##. 	Zero Isle North
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.
74 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (Wonder Gummi, Golden Mask, Wonder Chest)
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+You do not gain any exp from the enemies in this dungeon.
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.  Info is below.
---Semi-Unique: Floors 1-59.
---Unique: Floors 60-75.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are several Key Chambers in this Dungeon
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-39: 200
          Floors 40-49: 400
          Floors 50-69: 600
          Floors 70-75: 700
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-13: 6
          Floor 14: 8
          Floors 15-25: 6
          Floor 26: 8
          Floors 27-28: 6
          Floor 29: 8
          Floors 30-31: 6
          Floor 32: 8
          Floors 33-39: 6
          Floors 40-41: 8
          Floors 42-45: 6
          Floor 46: 8
          Floors 47-55: 6
          Floor 56: 8
          Floors 57-63: 6
          Floor 64: 8
          Floors 65-75: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-30: 4
          Floors 31-75: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-19: 8
          Floors 20-40: 10
          Floors 41-75: 12
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-75: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          All Floors that are a multiple of 3, starting at floor 6: 25%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 0%
          Floors 14, 29, 46, 64: 30%
          All Remaining Floors: 6%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-75: 5%
          Floors 14-60: Light Darkness
          Floors 61-74: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30-31, 34, 38,
                     41, 43, 45, 49-50, 53, 57, 62, 64, 66, 70-71, 74
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-75
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-13: 150
          Floors 14-19: 200
          Floors 20-29: 330
          Floors 30-49: 331
          Floors 50-69: 600
          Floors 70-75: 850
          All Floors that are a multiple of 5: Random
          Floor 74: Random
          Floor 75: None
          Floors 10,13,16,19,22,26,30,35,40,45: Key Chamber
          Floor 75: Warp Zone Floor(Wonder Gummi, Golden Mask, Wonder Chest)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
Enemies level up rapidly, and will be around lv 90 by the end of this
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Persian         NRM     50  N/A  1-5         N/A
Alakazam        PSY     50  N/A  1-5         N/A
Machamp         FTG     50  N/A  1-5         N/A
Electrode       ELC     50  N/A  1-5,30-40   N/A
Kabutops        WTR/RCK 50  N/A  1-5         N/A
Smoochum        PSY/ICE 50  N/A  1-5         N/A
Yanmega         BUG/FLY 50  N/A  1-5         N/A
Slowbro         WTR/PSY 51  N/A  2-4         N/A
Fearow          NRM/FLY 52  N/A  3-6         N/A
Omanyte         WTR/RCK 52  N/A  3-5         N/A
Seedot          GRS     52  N/A  3-7         N/A
Magcargo        FIR/RCK 53  N/A  4-5         N/A

Shellder        WTR     54  N/A  5-9         N/A
Golbat          PSN/FLY 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Hitmonlee       FTG     55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Hitmonchan      FTG     55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Mr. Mime        PSY     55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Jynx            PSY/ICE 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Ditto           NRM     55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Noctowl         NRM/FLY 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Xatu            PSY/FLY 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Heracross       BUG/FTG 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Houndoom        DRK/FIR 55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Exploud         NRM     55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Wailmer         WTR     55  N/A  6-10        N/A
Camerupt        FIR/GRD 59  N/A  8-12        N/A

Diglett         GRD     62  N/A  10-16       N/A
Electivire      ELC     62  N/A  10-15       N/A
Magmortar       FIR     62  N/A  10-15       N/A
Butterfree      BUG/FLY 64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Beedrill        BUG/PSN 64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Vulpix          FIR     64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Magmar          FIR     64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Feraligatr      WTR     64  N/A  11-15,41-49 N/A
Ariados         BUG/PSN 64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Azumarill       WTR     64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Octillery       WTR     64  N/A  11-15,41-50 N/A
Shedinja        BUG/GHO 64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Hariyama        FTG     64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Plusle          ELC     64  N/A  11-15       N/A
Minun           ELC     64  N/A  11-15       N/A

Wartortle       WTR     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Venomoth        BUG/PSN 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Dewgong         WTR/ICE 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Drowzee         PSY     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Krabby          WTR     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Scyther         BUG/FLY 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Pinsir          BUG     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Eevee           NRM     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Corsola         WTR/RCK 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Breloom         GRS/FTG 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Meditite        FTG/PSY 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Medicham        FTG/PSY 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Illumise        BUG     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Torkoal         FIR     72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Armaldo         RCK/BUG 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Togekiss        NRM/FLY 72  N/A  16-20       N/A
Porygon-Z       NRM     72  N/A  16-20       N/A

Forretress      BUG/STL 76  N/A  20-25       N/A
Ivysaur         GRS/PSN 77  N/A  21-25       N/A
Raichu          ELC     77  N/A  21-30       N/A
Mankey          FTG     77  N/A  21-25       N/A
Golem           RCK/GRD 77  N/A  21-25       N/A
Magneton        ELC/STL 77  N/A  21-30       N/A
Haunter         GHO/PSN 77  N/A  21-25       N/A
Sudowoodo       RCK     77  N/A  21-25       N/A
Slaking         NRM     77  N/A  21-29       N/A
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 77  N/A  21-25       N/A
Wobbuffet       PSY     79  N/A  23-28       N/A

Honchkrow       DRK/FLY 80  N/A  25-30       N/A
Horsea          WTR     80  N/A  26-30       N/A
Bayleef         GRS     80  N/A  26-30       N/A
Qwilfish        WTR/PSN 80  N/A  26-30       N/A
Carvanha        WTR/DRK 80  N/A  26-30       N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 80  N/A  26-30       N/A
MimeJr.         PSY     80  N/A  26-30       N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 81  N/A  29-33       N/A
Staraptor       NRM/FLY 82  N/A  30-39       N/A
Charmeleon      FIR     82  N/A  31-40       N/A
Nidoran-M       PSN     82  N/A  31-35       N/A
Jigglypuff      NRM     82  N/A  31-35       N/A
Weezing         PSN     82  N/A  31-35       N/A
Quilava         FIR     82  N/A  31-35       N/A
Remoraid        WTR     82  N/A  31-40       N/A
Mawile          STL     82  N/A  31-40       N/A
Zangoose        NRM     82  N/A  31-40       N/A
Absol           DRK     82  N/A  31-40       N/A
Mantyke         WTR/FLY 82  N/A  31-40       N/A
Kingdra         WTR/DRG 83  N/A  33-38       N/A

Delibird        ICE/FLY 84  N/A  35-40       N/A
Nidoking        PSN/GRD 84  N/A  36-40       N/A
Manectric       ELC     85  N/A  37-40       N/A
Venusaur        GRS/PSN 86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Charizard       FIR/FLY 86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Blastoise       WTR     86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Dragonite       DRG/FLY 86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Meganium        GRS     86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Typhlosion      FIR     86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 86  N/A  41-50       N/A
Tyranitar       RCK/DRK 86  N/A  41-50       N/A
Sceptile        GRS     86  N/A  41-50       N/A
Blaziken        FIR/FTG 86  N/A  41-50       N/A
Swampert        WTR/GRD 86  N/A  41-50       N/A
Walrein         WTR/ICE 86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Metagross       STL/PSY 86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Shellos[E]      WTR     86  N/A  41-49       N/A
Lumineon        WTR     86  N/A  41-49       N/A

Arbok           PSN     90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Vileplume       GRS/PSN 90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Dugtrio         GRD     90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Poliwrath       WTR/FTG 90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Muk             PSN     90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Cloyster        WTR/ICE 90  N/A  50-64       N/A
Starmie         WTR/PSY 90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Lanturn         WTR/ELC 90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Ursaring        NRM     90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Miltank         NRM     90  N/A  50-74       N/A
Swalot          PSN     90  N/A  50-70       N/A
Glalie          ICE     90  N/A  50-70       N/A
Salamence       DRG/FLY 90  N/A  50-70       N/A
Hippowdon       GRD     90  N/A  50-60       N/A
Drapion         DRK/PSN 90  N/A  50-60       N/A
Tangrowth       GRS     90  N/A  50-60       N/A
Mamoswine       ICE/GRD 90  N/A  50-60       N/A

Mismagius       GHO     90  N/A  55-65       N/A
Weepinbell      GRS/PSN 90  N/A  61-74       N/A
Vespiquen       BUG/FLY 90  N/A  61-74       N/A
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 90  N/A  61-74       N/A
Carnivine       GRS     90  N/A  61-74       N/A
Gallade         PSY/FTG 90  N/A  61-74       N/A
Masquerain      BUG/FLY 90  N/A  64-74       N/A
Gengar          GHO/PSN 90  N/A  65-74       N/A

Floors 1-75
 PP-Zero Trap       21.06%
 Seal Trap          21.05%
 Grimy Trap         15.79%
 Mud Trap           15.79%
 Sticky Trap        15.79%
 Summon Trap         5.26%
 Trip Trap           5.26%

Floors 1-30
  Coins (50%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [12.50%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (19.35%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.45%)
  Blast Seed       (6.45%)
  Max Elixir       (6.45%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.23%)
  Totter Seed      (3.23%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (3.23%)
  Warp Seed        (3.23%)
  Doom Seed        (3.23%)
  Stun Seed        (3.23%)
  Pure Seed        (3.23%)
  Quick Seed       (3.23%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.22%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.22%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.22%)
  Vile Seed        (3.22%)
  Blinker Seed     (3.22%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.22%)
  Life Seed        (1.94%)
  Sitrus Berry     (1.94%)
  Protein          (1.94%)
  Iron             (1.94%)
  Calcium          (1.93%)
  Zinc             (1.93%)
  Via Seed         (0.65%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.65%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.65%)
  Dough Seed       (0.65%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.64%)
  Oren Berry       (0.64%)
  Slip Seed        (0.64%)

Floors 31-75
  Coins (11.77%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [11.76%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (19.35%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.45%)
  Blast Seed       (6.45%)
  Max Elixir       (6.45%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.23%)
  Totter Seed      (3.23%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (3.23%)
  Warp Seed        (3.23%)
  Doom Seed        (3.23%)
  Stun Seed        (3.23%)
  Pure Seed        (3.23%)
  Quick Seed       (3.23%)
  Cheri Berry      (3.22%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.22%)
  Rawst Berry      (3.22%)
  Vile Seed        (3.22%)
  Blinker Seed     (3.22%)
  X-Eye Seed       (3.22%)
  Life Seed        (1.94%)
  Sitrus Berry     (1.94%)
  Protein          (1.94%)
  Iron             (1.94%)
  Calcium          (1.93%)
  Zinc             (1.93%)
  Via Seed         (0.65%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.65%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.65%)
  Dough Seed       (0.65%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.64%)
  Oren Berry       (0.64%)
  Slip Seed        (0.64%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.76%]
  Red Gummi        (5.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.82%)
  Green Gummi      (5.82%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.82%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.81%)
  White Gummi      (5.81%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.81%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.81%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.81%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.81%)
  Black Gummi      (5.81%)
  Blue Gummi       (5.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
ORBS********************** [29.41%]
  Escape Orb       (8.34%)
  Identify Orb     (8.34%)
  One-Room Orb     (8.34%)
  Stairs Orb       (8.34%)
  Cleanse Orb      (8.33%)
  Shocker Orb      (8.33%)
  Sizebust Orb     (8.33%)
  Drought Orb      (8.33%)
  Fill-In Orb      (8.33%)
  Hurl Orb         (8.33%)
  Rollcall Orb     (8.33%)
  Longtoss Orb     (8.33%)

                  Kecleon Shop Semi-Unique Type
  Stun Seed        (9.10%)
  Sitrus Berry     (9.09%)
  Life Seed        (9.09%)
  Joy Seed         (9.09%)
  Chesto Berry     (9.09%)
  Heal Seed        (9.09%)
  Vile Seed        (9.09%)
  Protein          (9.09%)
  Calcium          (9.09%)
  Iron             (9.09%)
  Zinc             (9.09%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [50.00%]
  Huge Apple       (5.56%)
  Red Gummi        (5.56%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.56%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.56%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.56%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.56%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.56%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.56%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.56%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.56%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.55%)
  Blue Gummi       (5.55%)
  Green Gummi      (5.55%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.55%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.55%)
  White Gummi      (5.55%)
  Black Gummi      (5.55%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.55%)

                  Kecleon Shop Unique Type
  Heal Seed        (4.17%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.17%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.17%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.17%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.17%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.17%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.17%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.17%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.17%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.17%)
  Plain Seed       (4.17%)
  Blast Seed       (4.17%)
  Joy Seed         (4.17%)
  Stun Seed        (4.17%)
  Vile Seed        (4.17%)
  Max Elixir       (4.17%)
  Warp Seed        (4.16%)
  Life Seed        (4.16%)
  Oran Berry       (4.16%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.16%)
  Totter Seed      (4.16%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.16%)
  Violent Seed     (4.16%)
  Quick Seed       (4.16%)
HOLD********************** [50.00%]
  Friend Bow     (100.00%)

Welcome to Zero Isle North.  Like the other Zero Isles, you'll find plenty
of the best items of the game here.  You can bring items here, so prepare
before coming here.

This dungeon has rather low Item Densities for a Zero Isle.  However, North
makes up for it by having every 3rd floor have a 25% chance of having a
Kecleon Shop.  You'll see them pretty often, so bring lots of money before
entering this dungeon.  The Kecleon shops have some extremely awesome items.

Once you get to Floor 31, the Item density will increase and a larger
variety of items will appear.  Floors 31-75 are great spots for some
superb Orbs, such as One-Room Orbs & Stairs Orbs.

Watch out for Monster Houses.  Some floors have a 30% chance of spawning one
of them, so be on your guard.

Enemies have extremely high IQ, so be ready for a challenge.

Traps are quite deadly.  There are numerous Stat-Reduction Traps and Item
Corruption Traps and no Wonder Tiles, so these traps will heavily influence
your survival.

If you've trained up a few level 100 pokemon with high stats, this place will
be a breeze.


55##. 	Zero Isle East
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.
39 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (White Silk, Deluxe Box)
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Upon entering this dungeon, all your pokemon will have their level reduced
 to 1.  It will be restored after leaving the dungeon.
+Every item of your bag in the 17th slot and beyond will be lost upon entry.
-----General Info-----
-There are unique Kecleon Shops here.  See below for details.
-There are several Key Chambers in this Dungeon.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
-There are Unique Secret Bazaars here.  See below for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-40: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-40: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-40: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-11: 8
          Floors 12-21: 9
          Floors 22-40: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-40: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-40: 7%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-40: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-40: 15%
          Floors 1-39: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30-31, 34, 38
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-40
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-15: 150
          Floors 16-29: 330
          Floors 30-40: 331
          Floors 4-5: Cloudy
          Floor 10: Random
          Floor 12: Fog
          Floor 17: Random
          Floor 20: Fog
          Floor 26, 28, 36: Random
          Floor 10: Key Chamber
          Floor 15: Key Chamber
          Floor 20: Key Chamber
          Floor 35: Key Chamber
          Floor 40: Warp Zone Floor(White Silk, Deluxe Box)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
Enemies level up rapidly, and will be around lv 20 by the end of this
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Dewgong         WTR/ICE  1   80  1-3         N/A
Shellder        WTR      1    9  1-3         N/A
Kabuto          WTR/RCK  1   11  1-5         N/A
Azumarill       WTR      1   85  1-5         N/A
Corsola         WTR/RCK  1   12  1-3         N/A
Slowpoke        WTR      2   22  2-4         N/A
Yanma           BUG/FLY  2   81  2-5         N/A
Spearow         NRM/FLY  3   76  3-6         N/A
Mankey          FTG      3   42  3-5         N/A
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN  3   94  3-5         N/A
Voltorb         ELC      3   69  3-5         N/A
Seedot          GRS      3   21  3-7         N/A
Heracross       BUG/FTG  4   67  4-8         N/A
Golbat          PSN/FLY  6  169  6-10        N/A
Primeape        FTG      6  193  6-8         N/A
Ditto           NRM      6   94  6-10        N/A
Hoothoot        NRM/FLY  6   88  6-10        N/A
Natu            PSY/FLY  6   21  6-10        N/A
Houndour        DRK/FIR  6   97  6-10        N/A
Wailmer         WTR      6  193  6-10        N/A
Mr. Mime        PSY      8  134  8-12        N/A
Venonat         BUG/PSN  9   32  9-13        N/A
Hitmonlee       FTG      9   99  9-13        N/A

Beedrill        BUG/PSN 11   62  11-15       N/A
Vulpix          FIR     11  120  11-15       N/A
Magneton        ELC/STL 11  156  11-14       N/A
Chansey         NRM     11  180  11-15,26-32 N/A
Feraligatr      WTR     11  270  11-15       N/A
Spinarak        BUG/PSN 11   52  11-15       N/A
Slugma          FIR     11  110  11-15       N/A
Krabby          WTR     12  107  12-16       N/A
Magmar          FIR     12  178  13-17       N/A
Pineco          BUG     12  100  13-17       N/A
Wartortle       WTR     13  149  14-18       N/A
Omanyte         WTR/RCK 13  140  14-18       N/A
Graveler        RCK/GRD 13  160  15-19       N/A
Haunter         GHO/PSN 14  165  16-20       N/A
Eevee           NRM     14   20  16-20       N/A
Togetic         NRM/FLY 14   85  16-20       N/A
Shroomish       GRS     14  131  16-20       N/A
Plusle          ELC     14  190  16-21       N/A
Minun           ELC     14  190  16-21       N/A
Bronzor         STL/PSY 14  121  16-20       N/A
Scyther         BUG/FLY 14  202  18-22       N/A
Pinsir          BUG     14  154  18-22       N/A

Rhyhorn         RCK/GRD 15  240  20-24       N/A
Shedinja        BUG/GHO 15    4  20-24       N/A
Ivysaur         GRS/PSN 15   74  21-25       N/A
Drowzee         PSY     15   79  21-25       N/A
Sudowoodo       RCK     15   84  21-25       N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 15  235  21-25       N/A
Anorith         RCK/BUG 15   36  21-25       N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 15  151  21-25       N/A
MimeJr.         PSY     15  187  21-25       N/A
Electivire      ELC     15  292  21-25       N/A
Porygon-Z       NRM     15  237  21-25       N/A
Pikachu         ELC     15   16  23-28       N/A
Illumise        BUG     15  204  24-29       N/A
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 16  190  25-30       N/A
Makuhita        FTG     16  230  25-30       N/A
Nidoran-M       PSN     16   15  26-31       N/A
Bayleef         GRS     16  152  26-30       N/A
Qwilfish        WTR/PSN 16  205  26-30       N/A
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 16  187  26-30       N/A

Nidoking        PSN/GRD 17  215  30-35       N/A
Meditite        FTG/PSY 17  127  30-35       N/A
Medicham        FTG/PSY 17  236  30-35       N/A
Camerupt        FIR/GRD 17  205  30-34       N/A
Absol           DRK     17  257  30-34       N/A
Charmeleon      FIR     18  113  31-39       N/A
Quilava         FIR     18  102  31-35       N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     18  270  31-39       N/A
Remoraid        WTR     18  183  31-37       N/A
Zangoose        NRM     18  307  31-39       N/A
Weezing         PSN     18  205  33-39       N/A
Kingdra         WTR/DRG 18  294  33-38       N/A
Electrode       ELC     19  291  34-39       N/A
Horsea          WTR     19  151  35-39       N/A
Octillery       WTR     19  397  35-39       N/A
Delibird        ICE/FLY 19  313  35-39       N/A
Carvanha        WTR/DRK 19  473  35-39       N/A
Butterfree      BUG/FLY 19   53  36-39       N/A
Loudred         NRM     19  274  36-39       N/A
Manectric       ELC     19  352  36-39       N/A
Torkoal         FIR     19  221  36-39       N/A
Wynaut          PSY     19  112  36-39       N/A

Floors 1-2
 Wonder Tile        32.54%
 Warp Trap           5.92%
 Chestnut Trap       5.92%
 Summon Trap         5.92%
 Pokemon Trap        5.92%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.91%
 Grimy Trap          5.91%
 Spin Trap           5.32%
 Slow Trap           4.73%
 Seal Trap           2.96%
 Gust Trap           2.96%
 Sticky Trap         2.96%
 Slumber Trap        2.96%
 Mud Trap            2.96%
 Trip Trap           2.96%
 Explosion Trap      2.37%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.78%

Floors 3-9
 Wonder Tile        30.73%
 Warp Trap           5.59%
 Poison Trap         5.59%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.59%
 Summon Trap         5.59%
 Pokemon Trap        5.59%
 Grimy Trap          5.58%
 Chestnut Trap       5.58%
 Spin Trap           5.03%
 Slow Trap           4.47%
 Sticky Trap         2.80%
 Slumber Trap        2.79%
 Gust Trap           2.79%
 Seal Trap           2.79%
 Mud Trap            2.79%
 Trip Trap           2.79%
 Explosion Trap      2.23%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.68%

Floor 10
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Warp Trap           5.53%
 Slow Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Pokemon Trap        5.53%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 Chestnut Trap       5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Slumber Trap        2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Mud Trap            2.76%
 Trip Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.65%

Floors 11-19
 Wonder Tile        22.73%
 Sticky Trap        11.36%
 Slow Trap           5.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.69%
 Poison Trap         5.68%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.68%
 Chestnut Trap       5.68%
 Summon Trap         5.68%
 Pokemon Trap        5.68%
 Spin Trap           5.11%
 Gust Trap           2.84%
 Mud Trap            2.84%
 Slumber Trap        2.84%
 Warp Trap           2.84%
 Seal Trap           2.84%
 Trip Trap           2.84%
 Explosion Trap      2.28%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.70%

Floor 20
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Slow Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Pokemon Trap        5.53%
 Chestnut Trap       5.52%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 Mud Trap            5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Warp Trap           2.77%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Slumber Trap        2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Trip Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.65%

Floors 21-29
 Wonder Tile        17.55%
 Sticky Trap        11.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Mud Trap            5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.84%
 Chestnut Trap       5.84%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Seal Trap           2.93%
 Gust Trap           2.93%
 Slumber Trap        2.92%
 Warp Trap           2.92%
 Trip Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.76%

Floor 30
 Mud Trap           16.13%
 Sticky Trap        10.75%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 Wonder Tile         8.07%
 Chestnut Trap       5.38%
 Grimy Trap          5.38%
 Poison Trap         5.37%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.37%
 Slow Trap           5.37%
 Summon Trap         5.37%
 Pokemon Trap        5.37%
 Spin Trap           4.84%
 Warp Trap           2.69%
 Slumber Trap        2.69%
 Gust Trap           2.69%
 Trip Trap           2.69%
 Explosion Trap      2.15%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.62%

Floors 31-39
 Mud Trap           17.54%
 Seal Trap           8.77%
 Wonder Tile         8.77%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Chestnut Trap       5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.84%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Sticky Trap         2.93%
 Slumber Trap        2.93%
 Warp Trap           2.93%
 Gust Trap           2.92%
 Trip Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.75%

Floor 40
 Mud Trap           18.18%
 Seal Trap          12.12%
 Wonder Tile         9.09%
 Poison Trap         6.07%
 Slow Trap           6.06%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.06%
 Summon Trap         6.06%
 Pokemon Trap        6.06%
 Spin Trap           5.45%
 Slumber Trap        4.85%
 Grimy Trap          3.64%
 Gust Trap           3.03%
 Sticky Trap         3.03%
 Warp Trap           3.03%
 Trip Trap           3.03%
 Explosion Trap      2.43%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.81%

Floor 1
  Coins (7.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.82%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.34%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (27.14%)
  Oran Berry       (9.69%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.82%)
  Quick Seed       (5.81%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.88%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.88%)
  Life Seed        (3.88%)
  Blast Seed       (3.87%)
  Warp Seed        (3.11%)
  Joy Seed         (2.71%)
  Totter Seed      (1.94%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.94%)
  Rawst Berry      (1.94%)
  Doom Seed        (1.94%)
  Pecha Berry      (1.94%)
  Stun Seed        (1.94%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.94%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.93%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.93%)
  Sleep Seed       (1.93%)
  Zinc             (1.17%)
  Violent Seed     (1.16%)
  Heal Seed        (1.16%)
  Protein          (1.16%)
  Calcium          (1.16%)
  Iron             (1.16%)
  Pure Seed        (1.16%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.39%)
  Slip Seed        (0.39%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.39%)
  Oren Berry       (0.39%)
  Dough Seed       (0.39%)
  Via Seed         (0.38%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.38%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [15.27%]
  Big Apple       (65.79%)
  Apple           (26.32%)
  Grimy Food       (6.57%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.32%)
HOLD**********************  [6.10%]
  Plain Ribbon    (11.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (7.58%)
  No-Stick Cap     (7.57%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.79%)
  Persim Band      (3.79%)
  Power Band       (3.79%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.79%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.79%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.79%)
  Racket Band      (3.79%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.79%)
  Scope Lens       (3.79%)
  Zinc Band        (3.79%)
  Bounce Band      (3.79%)
  Curve Band       (3.79%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.79%)
  Twist Band       (3.79%)
  Stamina Band     (3.78%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.78%)
  Special Band     (3.78%)
  Munch Belt       (3.78%)
  Insomniscope     (3.78%)
TMs***********************  [9.93%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.53%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.08%]
  Escape Orb       (6.82%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.54%)
  Warp Orb         (2.28%)
  Quick Orb        (2.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (2.28%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.28%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (2.28%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.28%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (2.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (2.28%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.28%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.27%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.27%)
  Mug Orb          (2.27%)
  Trawl Orb        (2.27%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.27%)
  Lob Orb          (2.27%)
  Slumber Orb      (2.27%)
  Totter Orb       (2.27%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.27%)
  Silence Orb      (2.27%)
  Blowback Orb     (2.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.27%)
  Radar Orb        (2.27%)
  Drought Orb      (2.27%)
  Snatch Orb       (2.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (2.27%)
  One-Shot Orb     (2.27%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.27%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.27%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.27%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.27%)
  Slow Orb         (2.27%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (2.27%)
  All-Mach Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.27%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.27%)

Floors 2-19
  Coins (7.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.82%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.34%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (24.82%)
  Oran Berry      (10.64%)
  Quick Seed       (5.32%)
  Warp Seed        (5.32%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.32%)
  Blast Seed       (4.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.55%)
  Life Seed        (3.55%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.55%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.55%)
  Totter Seed      (3.55%)
  Joy Seed         (2.48%)
  Doom Seed        (1.78%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.77%)
  Rawst Berry      (1.77%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (1.77%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.77%)
  Stun Seed        (1.77%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.77%)
  Pure Seed        (1.07%)
  Protein          (1.07%)
  Zinc             (1.07%)
  Violent Seed     (1.06%)
  Calcium          (1.06%)
  Iron             (1.06%)
  Heal Seed        (1.06%)
  Slip Seed        (0.36%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.36%)
  Oren Berry       (0.36%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.35%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.35%)
  Via Seed         (0.35%)
  Dough Seed       (0.35%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [15.27%]
  Big Apple       (65.79%)
  Apple           (26.32%)
  Grimy Food       (6.57%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.32%)
HOLD**********************  [6.10%]
  Plain Ribbon    (11.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (7.58%)
  No-Stick Cap     (7.57%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.79%)
  Persim Band      (3.79%)
  Power Band       (3.79%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.79%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.79%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.79%)
  Racket Band      (3.79%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.79%)
  Scope Lens       (3.79%)
  Zinc Band        (3.79%)
  Bounce Band      (3.79%)
  Curve Band       (3.79%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.79%)
  Twist Band       (3.79%)
  Stamina Band     (3.78%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.78%)
  Special Band     (3.78%)
  Munch Belt       (3.78%)
  Insomniscope     (3.78%)
TMs***********************  [9.93%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.53%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.08%]
  Escape Orb       (6.82%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.54%)
  Warp Orb         (2.28%)
  Quick Orb        (2.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (2.28%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.28%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (2.28%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.28%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (2.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (2.28%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.28%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.27%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.27%)
  Mug Orb          (2.27%)
  Trawl Orb        (2.27%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.27%)
  Lob Orb          (2.27%)
  Slumber Orb      (2.27%)
  Totter Orb       (2.27%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.27%)
  Silence Orb      (2.27%)
  Blowback Orb     (2.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.27%)
  Radar Orb        (2.27%)
  Drought Orb      (2.27%)
  Snatch Orb       (2.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (2.27%)
  One-Shot Orb     (2.27%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.27%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.27%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.27%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.27%)
  Slow Orb         (2.27%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (2.27%)
  All-Mach Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.27%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.27%)

Floor 20
  Coins (17.24%)
HOLD********************** [13.79%]
  Plain Ribbon    (11.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (7.58%)
  No-Stick Cap     (7.57%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.79%)
  Persim Band      (3.79%)
  Power Band       (3.79%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.79%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.79%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.79%)
  Racket Band      (3.79%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.79%)
  Scope Lens       (3.79%)
  Zinc Band        (3.79%)
  Bounce Band      (3.79%)
  Curve Band       (3.79%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.79%)
  Twist Band       (3.79%)
  Stamina Band     (3.78%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.78%)
  Special Band     (3.78%)
  Munch Belt       (3.78%)
  Insomniscope     (3.78%)
TMs*********************** [22.42%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [3.45%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [43.10%]
  Escape Orb       (6.82%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.54%)
  Warp Orb         (2.28%)
  Quick Orb        (2.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (2.28%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.28%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (2.28%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.28%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (2.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (2.28%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.28%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.27%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.27%)
  Mug Orb          (2.27%)
  Trawl Orb        (2.27%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.27%)
  Lob Orb          (2.27%)
  Slumber Orb      (2.27%)
  Totter Orb       (2.27%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.27%)
  Silence Orb      (2.27%)
  Blowback Orb     (2.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.27%)
  Radar Orb        (2.27%)
  Drought Orb      (2.27%)
  Snatch Orb       (2.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (2.27%)
  One-Shot Orb     (2.27%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.27%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.27%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.27%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.27%)
  Slow Orb         (2.27%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (2.27%)
  All-Mach Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.27%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.27%)

Floors 21-40
  Coins (7.63%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.82%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.34%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (24.82%)
  Oran Berry      (10.64%)
  Quick Seed       (5.32%)
  Warp Seed        (5.32%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.32%)
  Blast Seed       (4.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.55%)
  Life Seed        (3.55%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.55%)
  Chesto Berry     (3.55%)
  Totter Seed      (3.55%)
  Joy Seed         (2.48%)
  Doom Seed        (1.78%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.77%)
  Rawst Berry      (1.77%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (1.77%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.77%)
  Stun Seed        (1.77%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.77%)
  Pure Seed        (1.07%)
  Protein          (1.07%)
  Zinc             (1.07%)
  Violent Seed     (1.06%)
  Calcium          (1.06%)
  Iron             (1.06%)
  Heal Seed        (1.06%)
  Slip Seed        (0.36%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.36%)
  Oren Berry       (0.36%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.35%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.35%)
  Via Seed         (0.35%)
  Dough Seed       (0.35%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [15.27%]
  Big Apple       (65.79%)
  Apple           (26.32%)
  Grimy Food       (6.57%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.32%)
HOLD**********************  [6.10%]
  Plain Ribbon    (11.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (7.58%)
  No-Stick Cap     (7.57%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.79%)
  Persim Band      (3.79%)
  Power Band       (3.79%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.79%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.79%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.79%)
  Racket Band      (3.79%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.79%)
  Scope Lens       (3.79%)
  Zinc Band        (3.79%)
  Bounce Band      (3.79%)
  Curve Band       (3.79%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.79%)
  Twist Band       (3.79%)
  Stamina Band     (3.78%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.78%)
  Special Band     (3.78%)
  Munch Belt       (3.78%)
  Insomniscope     (3.78%)
TMs***********************  [9.93%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.53%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.08%]
  Escape Orb       (6.82%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.54%)
  Warp Orb         (2.28%)
  Quick Orb        (2.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (2.28%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.28%)
  Decoy Orb        (2.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (2.28%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.28%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (2.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (2.28%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.28%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.27%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.27%)
  Mug Orb          (2.27%)
  Trawl Orb        (2.27%)
  Evasion Orb      (2.27%)
  Lob Orb          (2.27%)
  Slumber Orb      (2.27%)
  Totter Orb       (2.27%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.27%)
  Silence Orb      (2.27%)
  Blowback Orb     (2.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.27%)
  Radar Orb        (2.27%)
  Drought Orb      (2.27%)
  Snatch Orb       (2.27%)
  Rollcall Orb     (2.27%)
  One-Shot Orb     (2.27%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.27%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.27%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.27%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.27%)
  Slow Orb         (2.27%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (2.27%)
  All-Mach Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.27%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.27%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.27%)

                 Kecleon Shop Unique Type
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [5.00%]
  Stick           (58.14%)
  Iron Thorn      (34.88%)
  Silver Spike     (6.98%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.00%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Joy Seed        (11.11%)
  Ginseng          (5.56%)
  Max Elixir       (5.56%)
  Calcium          (5.56%)
  Zinc             (5.56%)
  Iron             (5.55%)
  Protein          (5.55%)
  Quick Seed       (2.78%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.78%)
  Totter Seed      (2.78%)
  Sleep Seed       (2.78%)
  Warp Seed        (2.78%)
  Heal Seed        (2.78%)
  Sitrus Berry     (2.78%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.78%)
  Stun Seed        (2.78%)
  Vanish Seed      (2.78%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.78%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.78%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.78%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.78%)
  Hunger Seed      (2.78%)
  Life Seed        (2.77%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.77%)
  Blast Seed       (2.77%)
  Violent Seed     (2.77%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.77%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [5.00%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  Big Apple       (50.00%)
HOLD********************** [30.00%]
  Joy Ribbon      (25.00%)
  Friend Bow      (12.50%)
  Heal Ribbon      (6.25%)
  X-Ray Specs      (6.25%)
  Power Band       (6.25%)
  Pecha Scarf      (6.25%)
  Insomniscope     (6.25%)
  Racket Band      (6.25%)
  Def. Scarf       (6.25%)
  Munch Belt       (6.25%)
  Twist Band       (6.25%)
TMs*********************** [10.00%]
  Water Pulse      (2.84%)
  Reflect          (2.84%)
  Flamethrower     (2.84%)
  Energy Ball      (2.84%)
  Embargo          (2.84%)
  Shock Wave       (2.83%)
  Light Screen     (2.83%)
  Rest             (2.83%)
  Brick Break      (2.83%)
  Focus Punch      (2.83%)
  Recycle          (2.83%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.83%)
  Swords Dance     (2.83%)
  Fire Blast       (2.55%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.13%)
  Avalanche        (2.13%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.13%)
  Flash            (2.12%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.77%)
  Attract          (1.42%)
  Focus Blast      (1.42%)
  Toxic            (1.42%)
  Ice Beam         (1.42%)
  Explosion        (1.42%)
  Payback          (1.42%)
  Calm Mind        (1.42%)
  Protect          (1.42%)
  Dive             (1.42%)
  Giga Drain       (1.42%)
  Stone Edge       (1.42%)
  Safeguard        (1.42%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.42%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.42%)
  Torment          (1.42%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.42%)
  Psych Up         (1.42%)
  Captivate        (1.42%)
  Rock Slide       (1.42%)
  X-Scissor        (1.42%)
  Psychic          (1.42%)
  Poison Jab       (1.42%)
  Frustration      (1.41%)
  Hidden Power     (1.41%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.41%)
  Wide Slash       (1.41%)
  Brine            (1.41%)
  Roar             (1.41%)
  Natural Gift     (1.41%)
  Roost            (1.41%)
  Overheat         (1.07%)
  Steel Wing       (1.06%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.06%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.71%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.71%)
  SolarBeam        (0.71%)
  Dig              (0.70%)
  Iron Tail        (0.36%)
  Giga Impact      (0.36%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.36%)
  Taunt            (0.36%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.35%)
ORBS********************** [15.00%]
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.39%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.39%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.39%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.39%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.39%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.70%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.70%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.70%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.70%)
  Drought Orb      (1.70%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.70%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.70%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.70%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.70%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.70%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.70%)
  Warp Orb         (1.70%)
  Slow Orb         (1.70%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.70%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.70%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.70%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.70%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.69%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Identify Orb     (1.69%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.69%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.69%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.69%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.69%)
  Lob Orb          (1.69%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.69%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.69%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.69%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.69%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.69%)
  Silence Orb      (1.69%)
  Hail Orb         (1.69%)
  Radar Orb        (1.69%)
  Quick Orb        (1.69%)

                 Secret Bazaar Unique Type
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.26%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Joy Seed        (11.11%)
  Ginseng          (5.56%)
  Max Elixir       (5.56%)
  Calcium          (5.56%)
  Zinc             (5.56%)
  Iron             (5.55%)
  Protein          (5.55%)
  Quick Seed       (2.78%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.78%)
  Totter Seed      (2.78%)
  Sleep Seed       (2.78%)
  Warp Seed        (2.78%)
  Heal Seed        (2.78%)
  Sitrus Berry     (2.78%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.78%)
  Stun Seed        (2.78%)
  Vanish Seed      (2.78%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.78%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.78%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.78%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.78%)
  Hunger Seed      (2.78%)
  Life Seed        (2.77%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.77%)
  Blast Seed       (2.77%)
  Violent Seed     (2.77%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.77%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [5.27%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  Big Apple       (50.00%)
HOLD********************** [31.57%]
  Joy Ribbon      (26.67%)
  Friend Bow      (13.33%)
  X-Ray Specs      (6.67%)
  Pecha Scarf      (6.67%)
  Insomniscope     (6.67%)
  Def. Scarf       (6.67%)
  Munch Belt       (6.67%)
  Heal Ribbon      (6.67%)
  Twist Band       (6.66%)
  Power Band       (6.66%)
  Racket Band      (6.66%)
TMs*********************** [10.53%]
  Water Pulse      (2.84%)
  Reflect          (2.84%)
  Flamethrower     (2.84%)
  Energy Ball      (2.84%)
  Embargo          (2.84%)
  Shock Wave       (2.83%)
  Light Screen     (2.83%)
  Rest             (2.83%)
  Brick Break      (2.83%)
  Focus Punch      (2.83%)
  Recycle          (2.83%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.83%)
  Swords Dance     (2.83%)
  Fire Blast       (2.55%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.13%)
  Avalanche        (2.13%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.13%)
  Flash            (2.12%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.77%)
  Attract          (1.42%)
  Focus Blast      (1.42%)
  Toxic            (1.42%)
  Ice Beam         (1.42%)
  Explosion        (1.42%)
  Payback          (1.42%)
  Calm Mind        (1.42%)
  Protect          (1.42%)
  Dive             (1.42%)
  Giga Drain       (1.42%)
  Stone Edge       (1.42%)
  Safeguard        (1.42%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.42%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.42%)
  Torment          (1.42%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.42%)
  Psych Up         (1.42%)
  Captivate        (1.42%)
  Rock Slide       (1.42%)
  X-Scissor        (1.42%)
  Psychic          (1.42%)
  Poison Jab       (1.42%)
  Frustration      (1.41%)
  Hidden Power     (1.41%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.41%)
  Wide Slash       (1.41%)
  Brine            (1.41%)
  Roar             (1.41%)
  Natural Gift     (1.41%)
  Roost            (1.41%)
  Overheat         (1.07%)
  Steel Wing       (1.06%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.06%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.71%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.71%)
  SolarBeam        (0.71%)
  Dig              (0.70%)
  Iron Tail        (0.36%)
  Giga Impact      (0.36%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.36%)
  Taunt            (0.36%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.35%)
ORBS********************** [15.79%]
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.39%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.39%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.39%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.39%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.39%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.70%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.70%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.70%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.70%)
  Drought Orb      (1.70%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.70%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.70%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.70%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.70%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.70%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.70%)
  Warp Orb         (1.70%)
  Slow Orb         (1.70%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.70%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.70%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.70%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.70%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.69%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Identify Orb     (1.69%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.69%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.69%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.69%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.69%)
  Lob Orb          (1.69%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.69%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.69%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.69%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.69%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.69%)
  Silence Orb      (1.69%)
  Hail Orb         (1.69%)
  Radar Orb        (1.69%)
  Quick Orb        (1.69%)
Welcome to Zero Isle East.  Like the other Zero Isles, you'll find plenty
of the best items of the game here.  Although your team will be set to level
1, you have the opportunity to bring 16 items, so prepare before coming here.

Zero Isle East has an Item Density of 6 throughout the entire dungeon,
making it the best Zero Isle to gather items in, unless you only want a
short 10-floor trip (ZIW & ZIS are good for short trips).

You'll find many Max Elixirs and TMs throughout the dungeon.  The Kecleon
Shops found here are pretty nice as well.  The Secret Bazaars here have
Swalot Grab Bags with a huge variety of possible items inside.

Happily, there are no Monster Houses in this dungeon! Hooray!


56##. 	Zero Isle West
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.
39 Floors + Warp Zone Floor (Amber Tear)
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Rescuers cannot send you items in this dungeon.
+Upon entering this dungeon, all your pokemon will have their level reduced
 to 1.  It will be restored after leaving the dungeon.
+Every item of your bag will be lost upon entry.
-----General Info-----
-There are Semi-Unique Kecleon Shops here. See below for details.
-There are Semi-Unique Monster Houses here. See below for details.
-There are several Key Chambers in this Dungeon.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-31: 200
          Floors 32-40: 300
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-6: 5
          Floor 7: 8
          Floors 8-13: 5
          Floor 14: 8
          Floors 15-20: 5
          Floor 21: 8
          Floors 22-25: 5
          Floor 26: 8
          Floors 27-33: 5
          Floor 34: 8
          Floors 35-39: 5
          Floor 40: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 7
          Floors 5-8: 6
          Floors 9-40: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 1
          Floor 2: 3
          Floor 3: 5
          Floor 4: 7
          Floors 5-13: 8
          Floors 14-40: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-40: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 14, 29: 0%
          All Remaining Floors: 7%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-13: 0%
          Floor 14, 29: 50%
          All Remaining Floors: 6%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-40: 5%
          Floors 14-39: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30-31, 34, 38
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-40
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-40: 26
          Floor 3: Cloudy
          Floor 5: Fog
          Floors 9-10: Random
          Floor 13: Cloudy
          Floor 14: Fog
          Floors 17-18, 26-27, 35-36: Random
          Floor 9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37: Key Chamber
          Floor 40: Warp Zone Floor(Amber Tear & Deluxe Box)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
Enemies level up rapidly, and will be around lv 20 by the end of this
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Farfetch'd      NRM/FLY  1   58  1-5         N/A
Shellder        WTR      1    9  1-3         N/A
Voltorb         ELC      1   58  1-5         N/A
Kabuto          WTR/RCK  1   11  1-2         N/A
Corsola         WTR/RCK  1   12  1-4         N/A
Piplup          WTR      1    7  1-3         N/A
Yanma           BUG/FLY  2   81  2-5         N/A
Castform        NRM      2   56  2-39        N/A
Spearow         NRM/FLY  3   76  3-6         N/A
Tentacool       WTR/PSN  3   64  3-5         N/A
Slowpoke        WTR      3   24  3-4         N/A
Cubone          GRD      3   67  3-5         N/A
Seedot          GRS      3   21  3-7         N/A
Nincada         BUG/GRD  3   84  3-7         N/A
Staryu          WTR      4   22  4-8         N/A
Teddiursa       NRM      4   65  4-5         N/A
Magby           FIR      4   98  4-7         N/A
Porygon2        NRM      5  137  5-9         N/A

Golbat          PSN/FLY  6  169  6-10        N/A
Venomoth        BUG/PSN  6   73  6-10        N/A
Kadabra         PSY      6   72  6-10        N/A
Grimer          PSN      6   43  6-15        N/A
Omastar         WTR/RCK  6  111  6-10        N/A
Hoothoot        NRM/FLY  6   88  6-10        N/A
Xatu            PSY/FLY  6   61  6-10        N/A
Azumarill       WTR      6  127  6-10        N/A
Swinub          GRD/ICE  6  100  6-10        N/A
Houndoom        DRK/FIR  6  145  6-10        N/A
Marshtomp       WTR/GRD  6  130  6-10        N/A
Wailmer         WTR      6  193  6-10        N/A
Prinplup        WTR      6   46  6-10        N/A
Glameow         NRM      6  108  6-10        N/A
Stunky          DRK/PSN  6  172  6-12        N/A
Hitmonlee       FTG      8   93  8-12        N/A
Rhyhorn         RCK/GRD  8  170  8-12        N/A
Mr. Mime        PSY      8  134  8-12,31-35  N/A
Camerupt        FIR/GRD  8  134  8-12        N/A

Skorupi         BUG/PSN  9  194  10-15       N/A
Electivire      ELC      9  219  10-15       N/A
Butterfree      BUG/FLY  9   34  11-15       N/A
Beedrill        BUG/PSN  9   55  11-15       N/A
Nidoran-M       PSN      9   10  11-15       N/A
Vulpix          FIR      9  108  11-15       N/A
Parasect        BUG/GRS  9   88  11-15       N/A
Chansey         NRM      9  162  11-15       N/A
Kabutops        WTR/RCK  9  172  11-15       N/A
Feraligatr      WTR      9  243  11-15       N/A
Spinarak        BUG/PSN  9   46  11-15       N/A
Octillery       WTR      9  255  11-15       N/A
Blissey         NRM      9  369  11-15       N/A
Shedinja        BUG/GHO  9    3  11-15       N/A
Plusle          ELC      9  149  11-15       N/A
Minun           ELC      9  149  11-15       N/A
Grumpig         PSY      9  208  11-15       N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 10  119  13-30       N/A
Togekiss        NRM/FLY 10  214  13-18       N/A

Trapinch        GRD     11  154  15-20       N/A
Wartortle       WTR     12  142  16-20       N/A
Ekans           PSN     12  119  16-21       N/A
Venonat         BUG/PSN 12   37  16-20       N/A
Dewgong         WTR/ICE 12  168  16-20       N/A
Cloyster        WTR/ICE 12  109  16-20       N/A
Hypno           PSY     12   90  16-20       N/A
Kingler         WTR     12  176  16-20       N/A
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 12  249  16-20       N/A
Scyther         BUG/FLY 12  184  16-20       N/A
Pinsir          BUG     12  140  16-20       N/A
Eevee           NRM     12   18  16-20       N/A
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 12  109  16-20       N/A
Furret          NRM     12  161  16-20       N/A
Sneasel         DRK/ICE 12    8  16-20       N/A
Miltank         NRM     12  207  16-20       N/A
Larvitar        RCK/GRD 12  107  16-20       N/A
Armaldo         RCK/BUG 12  245  16-20       N/A
Bronzor         STL/PSY 12  111  16-20       N/A
Porygon-Z       NRM     12  207  16-20       N/A
Meditite        FTG/PSY 13  107  18-22       N/A
Medicham        FTG/PSY 13  200  18-22       N/A
Illumise        BUG     13  187  18-22       N/A
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 13  173  19-23       N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 13  215  19-25       N/A

Pineco          BUG     14  110  20-25       N/A
Ivysaur         GRS/PSN 14   71  21-25       N/A
Pikachu         ELC     14   16  21-30       N/A
Growlithe       FIR     14  151  21-25       N/A
Poliwhirl       WTR     14  211  21-25       N/A
Magnemite       ELC/STL 14  151  21-30       N/A
Haunter         GHO/PSN 14  165  21-25       N/A
Magmar          FIR     14  195  21-25       N/A
Ditto           NRM     14  144  21-25       N/A
Sudowoodo       RCK     14   80  21-25       N/A
Smoochum        PSY/ICE 14  292  21-25       N/A
Beautifly       BUG/FLY 14  119  21-25       N/A
Breloom         GRS/FTG 14  154  21-25       N/A
Cranidos        RCK     14  262  21-25       N/A
Machamp         FTG     15  204  24-28       N/A
Probopass       RCK/STL 15  295  24-28       N/A

Slowbro         WTR/PSY 16  162  25-30       N/A
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 16  315  25-34       N/A
Dugtrio         GRD     16   80  26-35       N/A
Golem           RCK/GRD 16  257  26-30       N/A
Horsea          WTR     16  135  26-30       N/A
Meganium        GRS     16  287  26-30       N/A
Noctowl         NRM/FLY 16  157  26-30       N/A
Ariados         BUG/PSN 16  135  26-30       N/A
Ampharos        ELC     16  207  26-30       N/A
Wobbuffet       PSY     16   82  26-30       N/A
Scizor          BUG/STL 16  242  26-30       N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 16  280  26-30       N/A
Carvanha        WTR/DRK 16  422  26-30       N/A
Torkoal         FIR     16  197  26-30       N/A
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 16  187  26-31       N/A
Banette         GHO     16  272  26-30       N/A
Grotle          GRS     16   35  26-30       N/A
Honchkrow       DRK/FLY 16  267  26-30       N/A
MimeJr.         PSY     16  195  26-30       N/A
Magnezone       ELC/STL 16  302  26-30       N/A
Makuhita        FTG     17  239  29-34       N/A

Muk             PSN     17  286  30-39       N/A
Electrode       ELC     17  270  30-39       N/A
Snorlax         NRM     17  314  30-34       N/A
Dragonite       DRG/FLY 17  244  30-34       N/A
Rampardos       RCK     17  244  30-35       N/A
Charmeleon      FIR     18  113  31-39       N/A
Arbok           PSN     18  256  31-35       N/A
Jigglypuff      NRM     18  102  31-35       N/A
Weezing         PSN     18  205  31-35       N/A
Seadra          WTR     18  170  31-35       N/A
Quilava         FIR     18  102  31-35       N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     18  270  31-39       N/A
Heracross       BUG/FTG 18  140  31-35       N/A
Remoraid        WTR     18  183  31-39       N/A
Zangoose        NRM     18  307  31-39       N/A
Absol           DRK     18  267  31-39       N/A
Monferno        FIR/FTG 18   83  31-35       N/A
Rhyperior       RCK/GRD 18  272  31-35       N/A
Kingdra         WTR/DRG 18  294  33-38       N/A
Crawdaunt       WTR/DRK 18  359  33-37       N/A
Ledian          BUG/FLY 19  308  35-39       N/A
Delibird        ICE/FLY 19  313  35-39       N/A
Exploud         NRM     19  319  35-39       N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 19  291  35-39       N/A
Nidoking        PSN/GRD 19  232  36-39       N/A
Lickitung       NRM     19  131  36-39       N/A
Manectric       ELC     20  365  37-39       N/A

Floors 1-2
 Wonder Tile        32.54%
 Warp Trap           5.92%
 Chestnut Trap       5.92%
 Summon Trap         5.92%
 Pokemon Trap        5.92%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.91%
 Grimy Trap          5.91%
 Spin Trap           5.32%
 Slow Trap           4.73%
 Seal Trap           2.96%
 Gust Trap           2.96%
 Sticky Trap         2.96%
 Slumber Trap        2.96%
 Mud Trap            2.96%
 Trip Trap           2.96%
 Explosion Trap      2.37%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.78%

Floors 3-9
 Wonder Tile        30.73%
 Warp Trap           5.59%
 Poison Trap         5.59%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.59%
 Summon Trap         5.59%
 Pokemon Trap        5.59%
 Grimy Trap          5.58%
 Chestnut Trap       5.58%
 Spin Trap           5.03%
 Slow Trap           4.47%
 Sticky Trap         2.80%
 Slumber Trap        2.79%
 Gust Trap           2.79%
 Seal Trap           2.79%
 Mud Trap            2.79%
 Trip Trap           2.79%
 Explosion Trap      2.23%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.68%

Floor 10
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Warp Trap           5.53%
 Slow Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Pokemon Trap        5.53%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 Chestnut Trap       5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Slumber Trap        2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Mud Trap            2.76%
 Trip Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.65%

Floors 11-19
 Wonder Tile        22.73%
 Sticky Trap        11.36%
 Slow Trap           5.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.69%
 Poison Trap         5.68%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.68%
 Chestnut Trap       5.68%
 Summon Trap         5.68%
 Pokemon Trap        5.68%
 Spin Trap           5.11%
 Gust Trap           2.84%
 Mud Trap            2.84%
 Slumber Trap        2.84%
 Warp Trap           2.84%
 Seal Trap           2.84%
 Trip Trap           2.84%
 Explosion Trap      2.28%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.70%

Floor 20
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Slow Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Pokemon Trap        5.53%
 Chestnut Trap       5.52%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 Mud Trap            5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Warp Trap           2.77%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Slumber Trap        2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Trip Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.65%

Floors 21-29
 Wonder Tile        17.55%
 Sticky Trap        11.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Mud Trap            5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.84%
 Chestnut Trap       5.84%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Seal Trap           2.93%
 Gust Trap           2.93%
 Slumber Trap        2.92%
 Warp Trap           2.92%
 Trip Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.76%

Floor 30
 Mud Trap           16.13%
 Sticky Trap        10.75%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 Wonder Tile         8.07%
 Chestnut Trap       5.38%
 Grimy Trap          5.38%
 Poison Trap         5.37%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.37%
 Slow Trap           5.37%
 Summon Trap         5.37%
 Pokemon Trap        5.37%
 Spin Trap           4.84%
 Warp Trap           2.69%
 Slumber Trap        2.69%
 Gust Trap           2.69%
 Trip Trap           2.69%
 Explosion Trap      2.15%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.62%

Floors 31-39
 Mud Trap           17.54%
 Seal Trap           8.77%
 Wonder Tile         8.77%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Chestnut Trap       5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.84%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Sticky Trap         2.93%
 Slumber Trap        2.93%
 Warp Trap           2.93%
 Gust Trap           2.92%
 Trip Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.75%

Floor 40
 Mud Trap           18.18%
 Seal Trap          12.12%
 Wonder Tile         9.09%
 Poison Trap         6.07%
 Slow Trap           6.06%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.06%
 Summon Trap         6.06%
 Pokemon Trap        6.06%
 Spin Trap           5.45%
 Slumber Trap        4.85%
 Grimy Trap          3.64%
 Gust Trap           3.03%
 Sticky Trap         3.03%
 Warp Trap           3.03%
 Trip Trap           3.03%
 Explosion Trap      2.43%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.81%

Floor 1
  *Key* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (11.81%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.94%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.30%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (16.39%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.20%)
  Oran Berry       (8.19%)
  Rawst Berry      (8.19%)
  Heal Seed        (4.92%)
  Quick Seed       (4.92%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.92%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.92%)
  Joy Seed         (4.26%)
  Life Seed        (3.28%)
  Stun Seed        (3.28%)
  Blast Seed       (3.28%)
  Warp Seed        (2.62%)
  Totter Seed      (1.64%)
  Sleep Seed       (1.64%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.64%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.64%)
  Ginseng          (1.64%)
  Doom Seed        (1.64%)
  Chesto Berry     (1.64%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.64%)
  Violent Seed     (1.64%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.64%)
  Calcium          (0.99%)
  Zinc             (0.99%)
  Iron             (0.98%)
  Protein          (0.98%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.33%)
  Via Seed         (0.33%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.33%)
  Oren Berry       (0.33%)
  Dough Seed       (0.33%)
  Slip Seed        (0.32%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.32%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.24%]
  Big Apple       (58.14%)
  Apple           (29.07%)
  Grimy Food      (11.63%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
HOLD**********************  [4.72%]
  Plain Ribbon     (8.72%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.82%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.81%)
  Pass Scarf       (5.81%)
  Joy Ribbon       (2.91%)
  Persim Band      (2.91%)
  Power Band       (2.91%)
  Insomniscope     (2.91%)
  Warp Scarf       (2.91%)
  Twist Band       (2.91%)
  Def. Scarf       (2.91%)
  Stamina Band     (2.91%)
  Patsy Band       (2.91%)
  Special Band     (2.91%)
  Detect Band      (2.91%)
  Dodge Scarf      (2.91%)
  Curve Band       (2.91%)
  Whiff Specs      (2.91%)
  No-Aim Scope     (2.91%)
  Munch Belt       (2.91%)
  Heal Ribbon      (2.91%)
  Weather Band     (2.91%)
  Scope Lens       (2.90%)
  Racket Band      (2.90%)
  Zinc Band        (2.90%)
  Lockon Specs     (2.90%)
  Pecha Scarf      (2.90%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.90%)
  Bounce Band      (2.90%)
TMs***********************  [9.45%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.57%]
ORBS********************** [19.69%]
  Escape Orb       (6.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.92%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.28%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.28%)
  Warp Orb         (3.28%)
  Slow Orb         (3.28%)
  Quick Orb        (3.28%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.28%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.28%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.28%)
  Lob Orb          (3.28%)
  Radar Orb        (3.28%)
  Drought Orb      (3.28%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.28%)
  Identify Orb     (3.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (3.28%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.28%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.28%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.28%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.28%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.27%)
  Rocky Orb        (3.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.27%)
  Hail Orb         (1.64%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.64%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.64%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.64%)

Floors 2-9
  Coins (11.81%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.94%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.30%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (15.19%)
  Oran Berry       (9.12%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.60%)
  Rawst Berry      (7.60%)
  Heal Seed        (4.56%)
  Quick Seed       (4.56%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.56%)
  Warp Seed        (4.56%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.56%)
  Joy Seed         (3.95%)
  Blast Seed       (3.65%)
  Totter Seed      (3.04%)
  Stun Seed        (3.04%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.04%)
  Life Seed        (3.03%)
  Doom Seed        (1.52%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.52%)
  Ginseng          (1.52%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.52%)
  Chesto Berry     (1.52%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.52%)
  Violent Seed     (1.52%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.52%)
  Protein          (0.92%)
  Calcium          (0.91%)
  Iron             (0.91%)
  Zinc             (0.91%)
  Via Seed         (0.31%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.31%)
  Oren Berry       (0.31%)
  Slip Seed        (0.30%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.30%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.30%)
  Dough Seed       (0.30%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.24%]
  Big Apple       (58.14%)
  Apple           (29.07%)
  Grimy Food      (11.63%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
HOLD**********************  [4.72%]
  Plain Ribbon     (8.72%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.82%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.81%)
  Pass Scarf       (5.81%)
  Joy Ribbon       (2.91%)
  Persim Band      (2.91%)
  Power Band       (2.91%)
  Insomniscope     (2.91%)
  Warp Scarf       (2.91%)
  Twist Band       (2.91%)
  Def. Scarf       (2.91%)
  Stamina Band     (2.91%)
  Patsy Band       (2.91%)
  Special Band     (2.91%)
  Detect Band      (2.91%)
  Dodge Scarf      (2.91%)
  Curve Band       (2.91%)
  Whiff Specs      (2.91%)
  No-Aim Scope     (2.91%)
  Munch Belt       (2.91%)
  Heal Ribbon      (2.91%)
  Weather Band     (2.91%)
  Scope Lens       (2.90%)
  Racket Band      (2.90%)
  Zinc Band        (2.90%)
  Lockon Specs     (2.90%)
  Pecha Scarf      (2.90%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.90%)
  Bounce Band      (2.90%)
TMs***********************  [9.45%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.57%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.69%]
  Escape Orb       (6.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.92%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.28%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.28%)
  Warp Orb         (3.28%)
  Slow Orb         (3.28%)
  Quick Orb        (3.28%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.28%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.28%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.28%)
  Lob Orb          (3.28%)
  Radar Orb        (3.28%)
  Drought Orb      (3.28%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.28%)
  Identify Orb     (3.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (3.28%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.28%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.28%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.28%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.28%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.27%)
  Rocky Orb        (3.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.27%)
  Hail Orb         (1.64%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.64%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.64%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.64%)

Floors 10-19
  Coins (11.81%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.94%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.30%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (17.31%)
  Oran Berry      (10.38%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.19%)
  Reviver Seed     (5.19%)
  Quick Seed       (5.19%)
  Warp Seed        (5.19%)
  Heal Seed        (5.19%)
  Joy Seed         (4.49%)
  Blast Seed       (4.16%)
  Totter Seed      (3.46%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.46%)
  Stun Seed        (3.46%)
  Life Seed        (3.46%)
  Doom Seed        (1.73%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.73%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.73%)
  Rawst Berry      (1.73%)
  Ginseng          (1.73%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.73%)
  Chesto Berry     (1.73%)
  Pecha Berry      (1.73%)
  Violent Seed     (1.73%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.73%)
  Calcium          (1.04%)
  Iron             (1.04%)
  Zinc             (1.04%)
  Protein          (1.03%)
  Slip Seed        (0.35%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.35%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.35%)
  Dough Seed       (0.35%)
  Via Seed         (0.34%)
  Oren Berry       (0.34%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.34%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.24%]
  Big Apple       (58.14%)
  Apple           (29.07%)
  Grimy Food      (11.63%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
HOLD**********************  [4.72%]
  Plain Ribbon     (8.72%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.82%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.81%)
  Pass Scarf       (5.81%)
  Joy Ribbon       (2.91%)
  Persim Band      (2.91%)
  Power Band       (2.91%)
  Insomniscope     (2.91%)
  Warp Scarf       (2.91%)
  Twist Band       (2.91%)
  Def. Scarf       (2.91%)
  Stamina Band     (2.91%)
  Patsy Band       (2.91%)
  Special Band     (2.91%)
  Detect Band      (2.91%)
  Dodge Scarf      (2.91%)
  Curve Band       (2.91%)
  Whiff Specs      (2.91%)
  No-Aim Scope     (2.91%)
  Munch Belt       (2.91%)
  Heal Ribbon      (2.91%)
  Weather Band     (2.91%)
  Scope Lens       (2.90%)
  Racket Band      (2.90%)
  Zinc Band        (2.90%)
  Lockon Specs     (2.90%)
  Pecha Scarf      (2.90%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.90%)
  Bounce Band      (2.90%)
TMs***********************  [9.45%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.57%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.69%]
  Escape Orb       (6.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.92%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.28%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.28%)
  Warp Orb         (3.28%)
  Slow Orb         (3.28%)
  Quick Orb        (3.28%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.28%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.28%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.28%)
  Lob Orb          (3.28%)
  Radar Orb        (3.28%)
  Drought Orb      (3.28%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.28%)
  Identify Orb     (3.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (3.28%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.28%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.28%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.28%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.28%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.27%)
  Rocky Orb        (3.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.27%)
  Hail Orb         (1.64%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.64%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.64%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.64%)

Floor 20
  Coins (43.1%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.90%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.20%]
  Big Apple       (58.14%)
  Apple           (29.07%)
  Grimy Food      (11.63%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
HOLD**********************  [5.18%]
  Plain Ribbon     (8.72%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.82%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.81%)
  Pass Scarf       (5.81%)
  Joy Ribbon       (2.91%)
  Persim Band      (2.91%)
  Power Band       (2.91%)
  Insomniscope     (2.91%)
  Warp Scarf       (2.91%)
  Twist Band       (2.91%)
  Def. Scarf       (2.91%)
  Stamina Band     (2.91%)
  Patsy Band       (2.91%)
  Special Band     (2.91%)
  Detect Band      (2.91%)
  Dodge Scarf      (2.91%)
  Curve Band       (2.91%)
  Whiff Specs      (2.91%)
  No-Aim Scope     (2.91%)
  Munch Belt       (2.91%)
  Heal Ribbon      (2.91%)
  Weather Band     (2.91%)
  Scope Lens       (2.90%)
  Racket Band      (2.90%)
  Zinc Band        (2.90%)
  Lockon Specs     (2.90%)
  Pecha Scarf      (2.90%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.90%)
  Bounce Band      (2.90%)
TMs*********************** [10.34%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.73%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [21.55%]
  Escape Orb       (6.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.92%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.28%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.28%)
  Warp Orb         (3.28%)
  Slow Orb         (3.28%)
  Quick Orb        (3.28%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.28%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.28%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.28%)
  Lob Orb          (3.28%)
  Radar Orb        (3.28%)
  Drought Orb      (3.28%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.28%)
  Identify Orb     (3.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (3.28%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.28%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.28%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.28%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.28%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.27%)
  Rocky Orb        (3.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.27%)
  Hail Orb         (1.64%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.64%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.64%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.64%)

Floors 21-40
  Coins (11.81%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.94%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.30%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (17.31%)
  Oran Berry      (10.38%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.19%)
  Reviver Seed     (5.19%)
  Quick Seed       (5.19%)
  Warp Seed        (5.19%)
  Heal Seed        (5.19%)
  Joy Seed         (4.49%)
  Blast Seed       (4.16%)
  Totter Seed      (3.46%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.46%)
  Stun Seed        (3.46%)
  Life Seed        (3.46%)
  Doom Seed        (1.73%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.73%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.73%)
  Rawst Berry      (1.73%)
  Ginseng          (1.73%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.73%)
  Chesto Berry     (1.73%)
  Pecha Berry      (1.73%)
  Violent Seed     (1.73%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.73%)
  Calcium          (1.04%)
  Iron             (1.04%)
  Zinc             (1.04%)
  Protein          (1.03%)
  Slip Seed        (0.35%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.35%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.35%)
  Dough Seed       (0.35%)
  Via Seed         (0.34%)
  Oren Berry       (0.34%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.34%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.24%]
  Big Apple       (58.14%)
  Apple           (29.07%)
  Grimy Food      (11.63%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
HOLD**********************  [4.72%]
  Plain Ribbon     (8.72%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.82%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.81%)
  Pass Scarf       (5.81%)
  Joy Ribbon       (2.91%)
  Persim Band      (2.91%)
  Power Band       (2.91%)
  Insomniscope     (2.91%)
  Warp Scarf       (2.91%)
  Twist Band       (2.91%)
  Def. Scarf       (2.91%)
  Stamina Band     (2.91%)
  Patsy Band       (2.91%)
  Special Band     (2.91%)
  Detect Band      (2.91%)
  Dodge Scarf      (2.91%)
  Curve Band       (2.91%)
  Whiff Specs      (2.91%)
  No-Aim Scope     (2.91%)
  Munch Belt       (2.91%)
  Heal Ribbon      (2.91%)
  Weather Band     (2.91%)
  Scope Lens       (2.90%)
  Racket Band      (2.90%)
  Zinc Band        (2.90%)
  Lockon Specs     (2.90%)
  Pecha Scarf      (2.90%)
  Sneak Scarf      (2.90%)
  Bounce Band      (2.90%)
TMs***********************  [9.45%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.57%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [19.69%]
  Escape Orb       (6.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.92%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.28%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.28%)
  Warp Orb         (3.28%)
  Slow Orb         (3.28%)
  Quick Orb        (3.28%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.28%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.28%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.28%)
  Evasion Orb      (3.28%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.28%)
  Lob Orb          (3.28%)
  Radar Orb        (3.28%)
  Drought Orb      (3.28%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.28%)
  Identify Orb     (3.28%)
  One-Room Orb     (3.28%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.28%)
  Hurl Orb         (3.28%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.28%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.28%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.28%)
  Longtoss Orb     (3.27%)
  Rocky Orb        (3.27%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.27%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.27%)
  Hail Orb         (1.64%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.64%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.64%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.64%)

                    Kecleon Shop Semi-Unique Type
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.14%]
  Stick           (45.45%)
  Iron Thorn      (27.28%)
  Silver Spike    (27.27%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.15%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Joy Seed         (8.33%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.17%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.17%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.17%)
  Life Seed        (4.17%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.17%)
  Quick Seed       (4.17%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.17%)
  Totter Seed      (4.17%)
  Warp Seed        (4.17%)
  Blast Seed       (4.17%)
  Heal Seed        (4.17%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.17%)
  Vile Seed        (4.17%)
  Violent Seed     (4.17%)
  Max Elixir       (4.17%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.16%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.16%)
  Stun Seed        (4.16%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.16%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.16%)
  Vanish Seed      (4.16%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.16%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [7.15%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  Big Apple       (50.00%)
HOLD********************** [21.43%]
  Heal Ribbon      (3.71%)
  Patsy Band       (3.71%)
  X-Ray Specs      (3.71%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.71%)
  Sneak Scarf      (3.71%)
  Racket Band      (3.71%)
  Special Band     (3.71%)
  Curve Band       (3.71%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.71%)
  Pass Scarf       (3.71%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.70%)
  No-Stick Cap     (3.70%)
  Diet Ribbon      (3.70%)
  Scope Lens       (3.70%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.70%)
  Stamina Band     (3.70%)
  Persim Band      (3.70%)
  Dodge Scarf      (3.70%)
  Bounce Band      (3.70%)
  Power Band       (3.70%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.70%)
  Twist Band       (3.70%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.70%)
  Munch Belt       (3.70%)
  Insomniscope     (3.70%)
  Weather Band     (3.70%)
TMs*********************** [14.28%]
  Water Pulse      (2.84%)
  Reflect          (2.84%)
  Flamethrower     (2.84%)
  Energy Ball      (2.84%)
  Embargo          (2.84%)
  Shock Wave       (2.83%)
  Light Screen     (2.83%)
  Rest             (2.83%)
  Brick Break      (2.83%)
  Focus Punch      (2.83%)
  Recycle          (2.83%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.83%)
  Swords Dance     (2.83%)
  Fire Blast       (2.55%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.13%)
  Avalanche        (2.13%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.13%)
  Flash            (2.12%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.77%)
  Attract          (1.42%)
  Focus Blast      (1.42%)
  Toxic            (1.42%)
  Ice Beam         (1.42%)
  Explosion        (1.42%)
  Payback          (1.42%)
  Calm Mind        (1.42%)
  Protect          (1.42%)
  Dive             (1.42%)
  Giga Drain       (1.42%)
  Stone Edge       (1.42%)
  Safeguard        (1.42%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.42%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.42%)
  Torment          (1.42%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.42%)
  Psych Up         (1.42%)
  Captivate        (1.42%)
  Rock Slide       (1.42%)
  X-Scissor        (1.42%)
  Psychic          (1.42%)
  Poison Jab       (1.42%)
  Frustration      (1.41%)
  Hidden Power     (1.41%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.41%)
  Wide Slash       (1.41%)
  Brine            (1.41%)
  Roar             (1.41%)
  Natural Gift     (1.41%)
  Roost            (1.41%)
  Overheat         (1.07%)
  Steel Wing       (1.06%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.06%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.71%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.71%)
  SolarBeam        (0.71%)
  Dig              (0.70%)
  Iron Tail        (0.36%)
  Giga Impact      (0.36%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.36%)
  Taunt            (0.36%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.35%)
ORBS********************** [21.43%]
  Decoy Orb        (3.78%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.78%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.78%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.77%)
  Totter Orb       (3.77%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.77%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.77%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.77%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.77%)
  Warp Orb         (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Quick Orb        (1.89%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Hail Orb         (1.89%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.89%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Drought Orb      (1.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.89%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mug Orb          (1.89%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.89%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.89%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.89%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.89%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.88%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.88%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.88%)
  Radar Orb        (1.88%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.88%)
  Lob Orb          (1.88%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.88%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.88%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.88%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.88%)

                    Monster House Semi-Unique Type
  Coins (37.5%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [31.25%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
TMs*********************** [18.75%]
  Focus Punch      (3.81%)
  Water Pulse      (3.81%)
  Light Screen     (3.81%)
  Brick Break      (3.81%)
  Reflect          (3.81%)
  Rest             (3.81%)
  Energy Ball      (3.81%)
  Embargo          (3.81%)
  Recycle          (3.81%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.81%)
  Swords Dance     (3.81%)
  Dive             (3.80%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.86%)
  Flash            (2.86%)
  Shock Wave       (2.38%)
  False Swipe      (1.91%)
  Roar             (1.91%)
  Explosion        (1.91%)
  Payback          (1.91%)
  Protect          (1.91%)
  Wide Slash       (1.91%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.91%)
  Safeguard        (1.91%)
  Attract          (1.91%)
  Roost            (1.91%)
  Hidden Power     (1.91%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.91%)
  Natural Gift     (1.91%)
  Giga Drain       (1.90%)
  Calm Mind        (1.90%)
  Brine            (1.90%)
  Torment          (1.90%)
  Rock Slide       (1.90%)
  Focus Blast      (1.90%)
  Poison Jab       (1.90%)
  Steel Wing       (1.42%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.42%)
  SolarBeam        (0.95%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.95%)
  Dig              (0.95%)
  Iron Tail        (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [12.50%]
  Evasion Orb      (3.39%)
  Snatch Orb       (3.39%)
  See-Trap Orb     (3.39%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.39%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.39%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.39%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.39%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.39%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.39%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.39%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Silence Orb      (3.39%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.39%)
  Radar Orb        (3.39%)
  Trapbust Orb     (3.39%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.39%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.39%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.39%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.39%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.39%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.39%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.39%)
  Warp Orb         (1.70%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.69%)

Welcome to Zero Isle West.  Like the other Zero Isles, you'll find plenty
of the best items of the game here.  Be sure to pick up the Key on floor 1.

Floors 1-8 have the highest Item Densities of the dungeon, so those are
good floors to search thoroughly for items.

You'll find nearly as many TMs in this dungeon as you would in Treeshroud


57##. 	Zero Isle South
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.
98 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Rescuers cannot send you items in this dungeon.
+Only your Leader may enter this dungeon.
+Upon entering this dungeon, your leader will have its level reduced
 to 1.  It will be restored after leaving the dungeon.
+Every item of your bag will be lost upon entry.
+All your money will be lost upon entry.
-----General Info-----
-There are 2 types of Kecleon Shops here.  Semi-Unique shops are the same
 as the ones in Zero Isle West.  Unique Type info is below.
---Semi-Unique: Floors 1-89
---Unique: Floors 90-99
-There are Semi-Unique Monster Houses here. Semi-Unique houses are the same
 as the ones in Zero Isle West.
-There are several Key Chambers in this Dungeon.
-There are buried Coins in the walls.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-99: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-20: 4
          Floors 21-50: 5
          Floors 51-77: 6
          Floor 78: 8
          Floor 79: 7
          Floor 80: 6
          Floor 81: 9
          Floor 82: 6
          Floor 83: 7
          Floor 84: 8
          Floor 85: 7
          Floor 86: 6
          Floor 87: 9
          Floor 88: 6
          Floor 89: 7
          Floor 90: 8
          Floor 91: 7
          Floor 92: 6
          Floor 93: 9
          Floor 94: 6
          Floor 95: 7
          Floor 96: 8
          Floor 97: 7
          Floor 98: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
          Floors 6-10: 6
          Floors 11-20: 5
          Floors 21-49: 4
          Floors 50-69: 5
          Floors 70-99: 4
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-50: 8
          Floors 51-99: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-99: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 7, 23, 38, 55, 75, 95: 50%
          All Remaining Floors: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 0%
          Floors 6-13: 5%
          Floors 14, 29, 46, 64, 86: 50%
          All Remaining Floors: 6%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-99: 5%
          Floors 1-98: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30-31, 34, 38,
                     41, 43, 45, 49-50, 53, 57, 62, 64, 66, 70-71, 74,
                     78, 82
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-99
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-39: 26
          Floors 40-69: 150
          Floors 70-79: 330
          Floors 80-99: 331
          Floors 15, 21, 24, 28, 32, 38, 43, 48, 52, 57, 61, 67, 81,
                 89: Random
          Floor 15, 25: Key Chamber
          Floor 96: Key Chamber(Miracle Chest)
          Floor 99: Warp Zone Floor(Deluxe Box?)
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
Enemies level up rapidly, and will be around lv 30 by the end of this
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors                       Rec.Rate
Pidgey          NRM/FLY  1    9  1-3                           N/A
Jigglypuff      NRM      1   38  1-3                           N/A
Shellder        WTR      1    9  1-3                           N/A
Seadra          WTR      1   63  1-3                           N/A
Staryu          WTR      1   17  1-3                           N/A
Starmie         WTR/PSY  1   20  1-3                           N/A
Cleffa          NRM      1   20  1-4                           N/A
Chingling       PSY      1   17  1-3                           N/A
Caterpie        BUG      2   13  2-4                           N/A
Bellsprout      GRS/PSN  2    6  2-3                           N/A
Wurmple         BUG      2   15  2-3                           N/A
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY  3   37  3-5                           N/A
Chinchou        WTR/ELC  3   97  3-5                           N/A
Glameow         NRM      3   86  3-6                           N/A
Poochyena       DRK      4   49  4-6                           N/A
Gulpin          PSN      4   67  4-6                           N/A
Rattata         NRM      5   30  5-8                           N/A
Nidoran-F       PSN      5    7  5-7                           N/A
Cubone          GRD      6   84  6-8                           N/A
Togepi          NRM      6   22  6-10                          N/A
Larvitar        RCK/GRD  6   76  6-8                           N/A
Clefairy        NRM      7   12  7-9                           N/A
Diglett         GRD      7   41  7-11                          N/A
Elekid          ELC      7  145  7-9                           N/A
Zigzagoon       NRM      7   91  7-8                           N/A
Machoke         FTG      8   71  8-10                          N/A
Weepinbell      GRS/PSN  8   37  8-10                          N/A
Ninjask         BUG/FLY  8  159  8-10                          N/A
Aron            STL/RCK  8   83  8-9                           N/A
Spearow         NRM/FLY  8  108  9-12                          N/A
Hoppip          GRS/FLY  8   64  9-10                          N/A
Wobbuffet       PSY      8   56  9-11                          N/A

Metapod         BUG      9   23  10                            N/A
Weedle          BUG/PSN  9   52  10-14                         N/A
Electivire      ELC      9  219  10-15                         N/A
Tentacool       WTR/PSN  9   97  11-13                         N/A
Eevee           NRM      9   16  11-14                         N/A
Marill          WTR      9  156  11-14                         N/A
Ralts           PSY      9   86  11-13                         N/A
Dustox          BUG/PSN 10   96  12-14,27-30                   N/A
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 10  142  12-15                         N/A
Meditite        FTG/PSY 10   93  13-14                         N/A
Volbeat         BUG     10  152  13-16                         N/A
Hypno           PSY     11   86  14-17                         N/A
Lanturn         WTR/ELC 11  200  14-18                         N/A
Natu            PSY/FLY 11   28  14-17                         N/A
Geodude         RCK/GRD 11   46  15-17                         N/A
Exeggutor       GRS/PSY 11   72  15-16                         N/A
Stunky          DRK/PSN 11  230  15-19                         N/A
Scyther         BUG/FLY 12  184  16-18                         N/A
Hoothoot        NRM/FLY 12  123  16-18                         N/A
Snubbull        NRM     12  163  16-21                         N/A
Bronzor         STL/PSY 12  111  16-20                         N/A
Porygon-Z       NRM     12  207  16-20                         N/A
Beedrill        BUG/PSN 12   65  17-21                         N/A
Ekans           PSN     12  119  17-21                         N/A
Grimer          PSN     12   60  17-21,30-35,80-85             N/A
Sudowoodo       RCK     12   73  17-19                         N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 12  235  17-19                         N/A
Slakoth         NRM     12  182  17-20                         N/A
Plusle          ELC     12  174  17-20                         N/A
Minun           ELC     12  174  17-20                         N/A
Armaldo         RCK/BUG 12  245  17-19                         N/A
Oddish          GRS/PSN 13   74  18-25                         N/A
Linoone         NRM     13  171  18-20                         N/A
Sentret         NRM     13  167  19-21                         N/A
Swinub          GRD/ICE 13  147  19-22                         N/A
Swalot          PSN     13  222  19-22                         N/A

Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 14  181  20-22                         N/A
Sunflora        GRS     14  211  20-24                         N/A
Abomasnow       ICE/GRS 14  252  20-24                         N/A
Shroomish       GRS     14  131  21-25                         N/A
Castform        NRM     14  117  21-22,34-38,54-59,70-79,89-94 N/A
Beldum          STL/PSY 14  250  21-25                         N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 14  144  21-25                         N/A
Ledyba          BUG/FLY 15  211  22-25                         N/A
Spinda          NRM     15  187  22-25                         N/A
Farfetch'd      NRM/FLY 15  139  23-28                         N/A
Growlithe       FIR     15  158  24-28                         N/A
Poliwag         WTR     15   57  24-28                         N/A
Trapinch        GRD     15  184  24-28                         N/A
Voltorb         ELC     16  145  25-28                         N/A
Dugtrio         GRD     16   80  26-32,60-69                   N/A
Meganium        GRS     16  287  26-32                         N/A
Spinarak        BUG/PSN 16   65  26-32                         N/A
Yanma           BUG/FLY 16  185  26-30                         N/A
MimeJr.         PSY     16  195  26-30                         N/A
Teddiursa       NRM     16  125  27-30                         N/A
Monferno        FIR/FTG 16   77  27-33                         N/A
Grotle          GRS     17   36  29-33                         N/A
Rhyperior       RCK/GRD 17  262  29-33                         N/A

Electrike       ELC     17  223  30-34                         N/A
Honchkrow       DRK/FLY 17  278  30-34                         N/A
Nidoran-M       PSN     18   16  31-35                         N/A
Ampharos        ELC     18  224  31-33                         N/A
Gligar          GRD/FLY 18  145  31-35                         N/A
Stantler        NRM     18  170  31-36                         N/A
Electabuzz      ELC     18  240  33-39                         N/A
Magnezone       ELC/STL 19  338  34-38                         N/A
Doduo           NRM/FLY 19   67  35-39                         N/A
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 19  310  35-40                         N/A
Gloom           GRS/PSN 19  106  36-48                         N/A
Poliwrath       WTR/FTG 19  400  36-40                         N/A
Tauros          NRM     19  257  36-43                         N/A
Snorlax         NRM     19  338  36-40                         N/A
Manectric       ELC     19  352  36-40                         N/A
Cacnea          GRS     20  217  37-39                         N/A
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 21  228  39-42                         N/A
Heracross       BUG/FTG 21  156  39-42                         N/A
Breloom         GRS/FTG 21  201  39-43                         N/A
Weavile         DRK/ICE 21  282  39-44                         N/A

Cacturne        GRS/DRK 21  240  40-45                         N/A
Skorupi         BUG/PSN 21  324  40-45                         N/A
Gyarados        WTR/FLY 22  356  41-48                         N/A
Granbull        NRM     22  266  41-46                         N/A
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 22  390  41-49                         N/A
Ariados         BUG/PSN 22  167  42-46                         N/A
Skiploom        GRS/FLY 22  167  42-46                         N/A
Dunsparce       NRM     22  192  43-46                         N/A
Nincada         BUG/GRD 23  224  44-49                         N/A
Muk             PSN     23  352  45-55                         N/A
Probopass       RCK/STL 23  393  45-52                         N/A
Golbat          PSN/FLY 23  361  46-50                         N/A
Nidorina        PSN     24  122  47-50                         N/A
Nindorino       PSN     24  122  47-50                         N/A
Magmar          FIR     24  280  47-52,74-80                   N/A
Bagon           DRG     24  343  47-49                         N/A
Tangela         GRS     24   92  48-52                         N/A
Illumise        BUG     24  280  49-54                         N/A

Arcanine        FIR     24  273  50-55                         N/A
Fearow          NRM/FLY 24  227  51-54                         N/A
Electrode       ELC     24  343  51-56                         N/A
Hitmonlee       FTG     24  181  51-56                         N/A
Hitmonchan      FTG     24  310  51-56                         N/A
Forretress      BUG/STL 24  382  51-55                         N/A
Shuckle         BUG/RCK 24  247  51-55                         N/A
Magby           FIR     24  250  53-57,71-77                   N/A
Numel           FIR/GRD 24  250  53-59                         N/A
Drapion         DRK/PSN 25  414  55-60                         N/A
Ditto           NRM     25  214  56-64                         N/A
Magcargo        FIR/RCK 25  241  56-61,71-77                   N/A
Mightyena       DRK     25  329  56-60                         N/A
Rapidash        FIR     25  316  57-64                         N/A
Torkoal         FIR     25  268  57-64                         N/A
Rampardos       RCK     25  319  57-62                         N/A
Rhyhorn         RCK/GRD 25  340  58-64                         N/A
Swablu          NRM/FLY 25  363  58-64                         N/A
Kricketune      BUG     25  241  59-63                         N/A

Arbok           PSN     25  323  60-64                         N/A
Piloswine       GRD/ICE 25  265  60-67                         N/A
Snorunt         ICE     25  329  60-65                         N/A
Furret          NRM     25  261  61-63                         N/A
Lairon          STL/RCK 25  292  61-68                         N/A
Metang          STL/PSY 25  394  62-66                         N/A
Pineco          BUG     25  163  63-67                         N/A
Shieldon        RCK/STL 25  343  63-68                         N/A
Wormadam-T      BUG/STL 25  340  63-68                         N/A
Vileplume       GRS/PSN 26  367  65-79                         N/A
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 26  182  65-69                         N/A
Pupitar         RCK/GRD 26  329  65-70                         N/A
Zangoose        NRM     26  399  65-70                         N/A
Shelgon         DRG     26  416  65-69                         N/A
Purugly         NRM     26  304  65-70                         N/A
Glalie          ICE     26  350  68-73                         N/A
Luxio           ELC     26  140  69-73                         N/A
Bastiodon       RCK/STL 26  395  69-73                         N/A

Venomoth        BUG/PSN 26  171  70-74                         N/A
Masquerain      BUG/FLY 26  231  70-75                         N/A
Slaking         NRM     26  395  70-75                         N/A
Koffing         PSN     26  297  71-79                         N/A
Mothim          BUG/FLY 26  392  71-75                         N/A
Golem           RCK/GRD 26  360  73-79                         N/A
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 26  416  73-79                         N/A
Nidoqueen       PSN/GRD 26  374  74-76                         N/A
Parasect        BUG/GRS 26  171  74-78                         N/A
Duskull         GHO     26  350  74-78                         N/A
Mamoswine       ICE/GRD 26  385  74-79                         N/A
Prinplup        WTR     26  108  76-80                         N/A
Floatzel        WTR     26  283  76-80                         N/A
Nidoking        PSN/GRD 26  290  77-79                         N/A
Gorebyss        WTR     26  350  78-82                         N/A
Porygon2        NRM     27  352  79-84                         N/A

Camerupt        FIR/GRD 27  284  80-85                         N/A
Mismagius       GHO     27  360  80-86                         N/A
Magmortar       FIR     27  399  80-85                         N/A
Garchomp        DRG/GRD 27  385  81-86                         N/A
Shuppet         GHO     28  181  83-87                         N/A
Ponyta          FIR     28  325  84-88                         N/A
Weezing         PSN     28  281  86-98                         N/A
Ledian          BUG/FLY 28  407  86-90                         N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 28  362  86-90                         N/A
Solrock         RCK/PSY 28  377  86-90                         N/A
Dusclops        GHO     28  414  86-92                         N/A
Lucario         FTG/STL 28  144  86-90                         N/A
Metagross       STL/PSY 29  410  89-95                         N/A
Altaria         DRG/FLY 30  405  91-98                         N/A
Empoleon        WTR/STL 30  425  91-97                         N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 30  405  91-98                         N/A
Hippowdon       GRD     30  479  91-95                         N/A
Tropius         GRS/FLY 30  397  93-98                         N/A
Roserade        GRS/PSN 30  347  93-98                         N/A
Crawdaunt       WTR/DRK 30  518  94-98                         N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 30  429  94-98                         N/A
Scizor          BUG/STL 30  378  95-98                         N/A

Floors 1-2
 Wonder Tile        32.54%
 Warp Trap           5.92%
 Chestnut Trap       5.92%
 Summon Trap         5.92%
 Pokemon Trap        5.92%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.91%
 Grimy Trap          5.91%
 Spin Trap           5.32%
 Slow Trap           4.73%
 Seal Trap           2.96%
 Gust Trap           2.96%
 Sticky Trap         2.96%
 Slumber Trap        2.96%
 Mud Trap            2.96%
 Trip Trap           2.96%
 Explosion Trap      2.37%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.78%

Floors 3-9
 Wonder Tile        30.73%
 Warp Trap           5.59%
 Poison Trap         5.59%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.59%
 Summon Trap         5.59%
 Pokemon Trap        5.59%
 Grimy Trap          5.58%
 Chestnut Trap       5.58%
 Spin Trap           5.03%
 Slow Trap           4.47%
 Sticky Trap         2.80%
 Slumber Trap        2.79%
 Gust Trap           2.79%
 Seal Trap           2.79%
 Mud Trap            2.79%
 Trip Trap           2.79%
 Explosion Trap      2.23%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.68%

Floor 10
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Warp Trap           5.53%
 Slow Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Pokemon Trap        5.53%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 Chestnut Trap       5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Slumber Trap        2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Mud Trap            2.76%
 Trip Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.65%

Floors 11-19
 Wonder Tile        22.73%
 Sticky Trap        11.36%
 Slow Trap           5.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.69%
 Poison Trap         5.68%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.68%
 Chestnut Trap       5.68%
 Summon Trap         5.68%
 Pokemon Trap        5.68%
 Spin Trap           5.11%
 Gust Trap           2.84%
 Mud Trap            2.84%
 Slumber Trap        2.84%
 Warp Trap           2.84%
 Seal Trap           2.84%
 Trip Trap           2.84%
 Explosion Trap      2.28%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.70%

Floor 20
 Wonder Tile        22.10%
 Sticky Trap        11.05%
 Slow Trap           5.53%
 Poison Trap         5.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.53%
 Grimy Trap          5.53%
 Pokemon Trap        5.53%
 Chestnut Trap       5.52%
 Summon Trap         5.52%
 Mud Trap            5.52%
 Spin Trap           4.97%
 Warp Trap           2.77%
 Seal Trap           2.76%
 Slumber Trap        2.76%
 Gust Trap           2.76%
 Trip Trap           2.76%
 Explosion Trap      2.21%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.65%

Floors 21-29
 Wonder Tile        17.55%
 Sticky Trap        11.69%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Mud Trap            5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.84%
 Chestnut Trap       5.84%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Seal Trap           2.93%
 Gust Trap           2.93%
 Slumber Trap        2.92%
 Warp Trap           2.92%
 Trip Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.76%

Floor 30
 Mud Trap           16.13%
 Sticky Trap        10.75%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 Wonder Tile         8.07%
 Chestnut Trap       5.38%
 Grimy Trap          5.38%
 Poison Trap         5.37%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.37%
 Slow Trap           5.37%
 Summon Trap         5.37%
 Pokemon Trap        5.37%
 Spin Trap           4.84%
 Warp Trap           2.69%
 Slumber Trap        2.69%
 Gust Trap           2.69%
 Trip Trap           2.69%
 Explosion Trap      2.15%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.62%

Floors 31-39
 Mud Trap           17.54%
 Seal Trap           8.77%
 Wonder Tile         8.77%
 Grimy Trap          5.85%
 Poison Trap         5.85%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.85%
 Chestnut Trap       5.85%
 Slow Trap           5.85%
 Pokemon Trap        5.85%
 Summon Trap         5.84%
 Spin Trap           5.26%
 Sticky Trap         2.93%
 Slumber Trap        2.93%
 Warp Trap           2.93%
 Gust Trap           2.92%
 Trip Trap           2.92%
 Explosion Trap      2.34%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.75%

Floors 40-49
 Mud Trap           18.18%
 Seal Trap          12.12%
 Wonder Tile         9.09%
 Poison Trap         6.07%
 Slow Trap           6.06%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.06%
 Summon Trap         6.06%
 Pokemon Trap        6.06%
 Spin Trap           5.45%
 Slumber Trap        4.85%
 Grimy Trap          3.64%
 Gust Trap           3.03%
 Sticky Trap         3.03%
 Warp Trap           3.03%
 Trip Trap           3.03%
 Explosion Trap      2.43%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.81%

Floor 50
 Mud Trap           21.05%
 Sticky Trap        10.53%
 Seal Trap          10.53%
 Wonder Tile         7.89%
 Pokemon Trap        5.27%
 Poison Trap         5.26%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.26%
 Slow Trap           5.26%
 Summon Trap         5.26%
 Trip Trap           5.26%
 Spin Trap           4.74%
 Slumber Trap        4.21%
 Grimy Trap          3.16%
 Warp Trap           2.63%
 Explosion Trap      2.11%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.58%

Floors 51-59
 Mud Trap           21.28%
 Seal Trap          10.64%
 Sticky Trap        10.63%
 Wonder Tile         7.98%
 Poison Trap         5.32%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.32%
 Summon Trap         5.32%
 Pokemon Trap        5.32%
 Trip Trap           5.32%
 Spin Trap           4.78%
 Slumber Trap        4.26%
 Slow Trap           4.25%
 Grimy Trap          3.20%
 Warp Trap           2.66%
 Explosion Trap      2.12%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.60%

Floors 60-69
 Mud Trap           24.54%
 Sticky Trap        12.27%
 PP-Zero Trap       12.27%
 Seal Trap           9.20%
 Wonder Tile         9.20%
 Explosion Trap      6.13%
 Summon Trap         4.91%
 Slumber Trap        4.90%
 Slow Trap           3.69%
 Grimy Trap          3.68%
 Poison Trap         3.07%
 Spin Trap           3.07%
 Pokemon Trap        3.07%

Floor 70
 Mud Trap           31.01%
 Seal Trap          15.50%
 PP-Zero Trap        9.30%
 Explosion Trap      7.75%
 Sticky Trap         7.75%
 Slumber Trap        6.20%
 Summon Trap         5.43%
 Slow Trap           4.66%
 Grimy Trap          4.65%
 Poison Trap         3.88%
 Spin Trap           3.87%

Floors 71-72
 Mud Trap           32.52%
 Seal Trap          16.26%
 PP-Zero Trap        9.76%
 Explosion Trap      8.13%
 Sticky Trap         8.13%
 Slumber Trap        6.50%
 Summon Trap         5.69%
 Slow Trap           4.88%
 Spin Trap           4.07%
 Poison Trap         4.06%

Floor 73
 Mud Trap           32.26%
 Seal Trap          16.13%
 PP-Zero Trap       10.48%
 Explosion Trap      8.07%
 Sticky Trap         8.06%
 Slumber Trap        6.45%
 Summon Trap         5.65%
 Slow Trap           4.84%
 Spin Trap           4.03%
 Poison Trap         4.03%

Floor 74
 Mud Trap           31.75%
 Seal Trap          15.87%
 PP-Zero Trap       11.90%
 Explosion Trap      7.94%
 Sticky Trap         7.93%
 Slumber Trap        6.35%
 Summon Trap         5.56%
 Slow Trap           4.76%
 Spin Trap           3.97%
 Poison Trap         3.97%

Floors 75-78
 Mud Trap           32.52%
 Seal Trap          16.26%
 PP-Zero Trap        9.76%
 Explosion Trap      8.13%
 Sticky Trap         8.13%
 Slumber Trap        6.50%
 Summon Trap         5.69%
 Slow Trap           4.88%
 Spin Trap           4.07%
 Poison Trap         4.06%

Floor 79
 Mud Trap           33.06%
 Seal Trap          16.53%
 Explosion Trap      8.27%
 Sticky Trap         8.26%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.26%
 Slumber Trap        6.61%
 Summon Trap         5.79%
 Slow Trap           4.96%
 Spin Trap           4.13%
 Poison Trap         4.13%

Floors 80-99
 Mud Trap           32.00%
 Seal Trap          16.00%
 Slow Trap           8.00%
 Sticky Trap         8.00%
 Explosion Trap      8.00%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.00%
 Slumber Trap        6.40%
 Summon Trap         5.60%
 Spin Trap           4.00%
 Poison Trap         4.00%

Floor 1
  *Key* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (17.98%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.60%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.03%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (18.12%)
  Rawst Berry      (7.24%)
  Oran Berry       (5.44%)
  Life Seed        (5.44%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.43%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.43%)
  Joy Seed         (4.71%)
  Reviver Seed     (3.99%)
  Stun Seed        (3.98%)
  Heal Seed        (3.62%)
  Warp Seed        (2.90%)
  Sleep Seed       (2.90%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.54%)
  Vile Seed        (2.18%)
  Quick Seed       (1.82%)
  Ginseng          (1.81%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.81%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.81%)
  Totter Seed      (1.81%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.81%)
  Pure Seed        (1.81%)
  Violent Seed     (1.81%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.81%)
  Protein          (1.81%)
  Calcium          (1.81%)
  Iron             (1.81%)
  Zinc             (1.81%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.37%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.37%)
  Via Seed         (0.36%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.36%)
  Slip Seed        (0.36%)
  Oren Berry       (0.36%)
  Dough Seed       (0.36%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.79%]
  Big Apple       (49.51%)
  Grimy Food      (29.70%)
  Apple           (19.80%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.99%)
HOLD**********************  [4.31%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
TMs*********************** [10.08%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.44%]
ORBS********************** [12.95%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floors 2-6
  Coins (17.98%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.60%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.03%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (15.33%)
  Rawst Berry      (7.67%)
  Oran Berry       (5.75%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.75%)
  Life Seed        (5.74%)
  Joy Seed         (4.98%)
  Stun Seed        (4.22%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.22%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.83%)
  Heal Seed        (3.83%)
  Warp Seed        (3.07%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.06%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.68%)
  Vile Seed        (2.30%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.92%)
  Totter Seed      (1.92%)
  Violent Seed     (1.92%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.92%)
  Calcium          (1.92%)
  Zinc             (1.92%)
  Pure Seed        (1.91%)
  Quick Seed       (1.91%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.91%)
  Protein          (1.91%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.91%)
  Iron             (1.91%)
  Ginseng          (1.91%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.39%)
  Oren Berry       (0.39%)
  Via Seed         (0.38%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.38%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.38%)
  Slip Seed        (0.38%)
  Dough Seed       (0.38%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.79%]
  Big Apple       (49.51%)
  Grimy Food      (29.70%)
  Apple           (19.80%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.99%)
HOLD**********************  [4.31%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
TMs*********************** [10.08%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.44%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.95%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floors 7-19
  Coins (17.98%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.60%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.03%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (11.28%)
  Max Elixir      (11.28%)
  Rawst Berry      (7.52%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.64%)
  Life Seed        (5.64%)
  Joy Seed         (4.89%)
  Stun Seed        (4.14%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.13%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.76%)
  Heal Seed        (3.76%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.01%)
  Warp Seed        (3.00%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.63%)
  Vile Seed        (2.25%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.88%)
  Ginseng          (1.88%)
  Quick Seed       (1.88%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.88%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.88%)
  Totter Seed      (1.88%)
  Pure Seed        (1.88%)
  Violent Seed     (1.88%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.88%)
  Protein          (1.88%)
  Calcium          (1.88%)
  Iron             (1.88%)
  Zinc             (1.88%)
  Slip Seed        (0.38%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.38%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.38%)
  Dough Seed       (0.38%)
  Via Seed         (0.37%)
  Oren Berry       (0.37%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.37%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.79%]
  Big Apple       (49.51%)
  Grimy Food      (29.70%)
  Apple           (19.80%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.99%)
HOLD**********************  [4.31%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
TMs*********************** [10.08%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.44%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.95%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floor 20
  Coins (22.32%)
  Oran Berry      (12.19%)
  Max Elixir      (12.19%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.10%)
  Life Seed        (6.09%)
  Joy Seed         (5.29%)
  Stun Seed        (4.48%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.47%)
  Heal Seed        (4.07%)
  Warp Seed        (3.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.25%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.84%)
  Vile Seed        (2.43%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.04%)
  Totter Seed      (2.04%)
  Pure Seed        (2.04%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.04%)
  Protein          (2.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.03%)
  Quick Seed       (2.03%)
  Violent Seed     (2.03%)
  Ginseng          (2.03%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.03%)
  Calcium          (2.03%)
  Iron             (2.03%)
  Zinc             (2.03%)
  Slip Seed        (0.41%)
  Via Seed         (0.41%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.41%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.41%)
  Dough Seed       (0.41%)
  Oren Berry       (0.40%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.40%)
HOLD**********************  [5.36%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
TMs*********************** [12.50%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.79%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [16.07%]
  Escape Orb      (66.67%)
  Blowback Orb    (22.22%)
  Pierce Orb      (11.11%)

Floors 21-49
  Coins (17.98%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.60%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.03%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (12.19%)
  Max Elixir      (12.19%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.10%)
  Life Seed        (6.09%)
  Joy Seed         (5.29%)
  Stun Seed        (4.48%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.47%)
  Heal Seed        (4.07%)
  Warp Seed        (3.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.25%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.84%)
  Vile Seed        (2.43%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.04%)
  Totter Seed      (2.04%)
  Pure Seed        (2.04%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.04%)
  Protein          (2.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.03%)
  Quick Seed       (2.03%)
  Violent Seed     (2.03%)
  Ginseng          (2.03%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.03%)
  Calcium          (2.03%)
  Iron             (2.03%)
  Zinc             (2.03%)
  Slip Seed        (0.41%)
  Via Seed         (0.41%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.41%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.41%)
  Dough Seed       (0.41%)
  Oren Berry       (0.40%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.40%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.79%]
  Big Apple       (49.51%)
  Grimy Food      (29.70%)
  Apple           (19.80%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.99%)
HOLD**********************  [4.31%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
TMs*********************** [10.08%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.44%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.95%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floors 50-99
  Coins (17.98%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.60%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.03%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (12.19%)
  Max Elixir      (12.19%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.10%)
  Life Seed        (6.09%)
  Joy Seed         (5.29%)
  Stun Seed        (4.48%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.47%)
  Heal Seed        (4.07%)
  Warp Seed        (3.25%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.25%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.84%)
  Vile Seed        (2.43%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.04%)
  Totter Seed      (2.04%)
  Pure Seed        (2.04%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.04%)
  Protein          (2.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.03%)
  Quick Seed       (2.03%)
  Violent Seed     (2.03%)
  Ginseng          (2.03%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.03%)
  Calcium          (2.03%)
  Iron             (2.03%)
  Zinc             (2.03%)
  Slip Seed        (0.41%)
  Via Seed         (0.41%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.41%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.41%)
  Dough Seed       (0.41%)
  Oren Berry       (0.40%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.40%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.79%]
  Big Apple       (49.51%)
  Grimy Food      (29.70%)
  Apple           (19.80%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.99%)
HOLD**********************  [4.31%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
TMs*********************** [10.08%]
  Focus Punch      (2.68%)
  Water Pulse      (2.68%)
  Brick Break      (2.68%)
  Fire Blast       (2.68%)
  Rest             (2.68%)
  Embargo          (2.68%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.68%)
  Reflect          (2.67%)
  Energy Ball      (2.67%)
  Flamethrower     (2.67%)
  Recycle          (2.67%)
  Dive             (2.67%)
  Light Screen     (2.67%)
  Swords Dance     (2.67%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.01%)
  Flash            (2.01%)
  Avalanche        (2.00%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.00%)
  Shock Wave       (1.68%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.67%)
  Roost            (1.34%)
  Focus Blast      (1.34%)
  Thunder          (1.34%)
  Brine            (1.34%)
  Toxic            (1.34%)
  Payback          (1.34%)
  Bulk Up          (1.34%)
  Wide Slash       (1.34%)
  Hidden Power     (1.34%)
  Calm Mind        (1.34%)
  Protect          (1.34%)
  Stone Edge       (1.34%)
  Giga Drain       (1.34%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.34%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.34%)
  Safeguard        (1.34%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.34%)
  Psych Up         (1.34%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.34%)
  Rock Slide       (1.34%)
  X-Scissor        (1.34%)
  Attract          (1.34%)
  Natural Gift     (1.34%)
  Poison Jab       (1.34%)
  Captivate        (1.33%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.33%)
  Torment          (1.33%)
  Psychic          (1.33%)
  Ice Beam         (1.33%)
  Explosion        (1.33%)
  Roar             (1.33%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.01%)
  Steel Wing       (1.00%)
  Overheat         (1.00%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Secret Power     (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Dig              (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.34%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.33%)
  Iron Tail        (0.33%)
  Rock Polish      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [1.44%]
  Key            (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.95%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.78%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.39%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.39%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.39%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.70%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.70%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.70%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.70%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.70%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.70%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.70%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.70%)
  Quick Orb        (1.70%)
  Escape Orb       (1.70%)
  Radar Orb        (1.70%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.70%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.70%)
  Identify Orb     (1.70%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.70%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.70%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.70%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.70%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.70%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.69%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.69%)
  Lob Orb          (1.69%)
  Drought Orb      (1.69%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.69%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.69%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.69%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.69%)
  Warp Orb         (1.69%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.69%)
  Hail Orb         (1.69%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.69%)
  Slow Orb         (1.69%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.69%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.69%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.69%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.69%)
  Silence Orb      (1.69%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.69%)

                Kecleon Shop Unique Type
  Life Seed       (25.00%)
  Ginseng         (25.00%)
  Joy Seed        (25.00%)
  Violent Seed    (25.00%)
HOLD********************** [50.00%]
  Pierce Band     (16.67%)
  Goggle Specs    (16.67%)
  Trap Scarf      (16.67%)
  Dodge Scarf     (16.67%)
  Detect Band     (16.66%)
  Tight Belt      (16.66%)

Ah, the great Zero Isle South.  Like the other Zero Isles, you'll see many
of the best items of the game here.  Be sure to pick up the Key on floor 1.
Also, be sure to explore floor 20 thoroughly, since there is a good chance
of finding an Escape Orb on that floor.

Floors 1-10 have the highest Item Densities of the dungeon, so those are
good floors to search thoroughly for items.

You'll find as many TMs in this dungeon as you would in Treeshroud Forest.
If only there was a pokemon who could learn them all....*coughMEWcough*

Several floors have a 50% chance of having a kecleon shop, so looking for
one on those floors isn't a bad idea.  However, since you are very likely
lacking in money, get used to stealing from them.

This dungeon is not lacking in difficulties.  Enemies are always tough.
Once you have reached Floor 51, expect to see even more enemies and traps
than previously.  Enemies will also start getting dangerously intelligent
after floor 40, so be ready for that too.  Some floors have a 50% chance
of having a monster house on it, so don't stick around on those floors for
too long.

Here is a list of pokemon that I have heard are fairly good at Zero Isle
Smoochum (Forewarn ability; Room-Range Powder Snow; Great Movepool)
Regigigas (Great early stats, Good Movepool)
Mew (High hp; Learns every TM in the game)
Sableye (Good early Stats; Good Movepool; No Weaknesses)
Lucario (8-Tile Range Dark Pulse; Many Resistances)

If you have other suggestions, tell me and I'll add them above.


58##. 	Zero Isle Center
Requirements: Graduate from the Guild.  Recycle 150 times at Recycle Stand.
49 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+You do not gain any exp from the enemies in this dungeon.
+Traps stay invisible if you attack the tile they are on, or if an item
 bounces of the trap tile.  They only turn visible when you step on them.
+You may only enter with 16 items.
+You can not be rescued in this dungeon.

-----General Info-----
-There are Semi-Unique Kecleon Shops here.  These shops are the same
 as the Semi-Unique Shops in Zero Isle North.
-There are Monster Houses here that can only spawn/contain Coins.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-50: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-7: 10
          Floors 8-24: 12
          Floors 25-50: 13
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 6
          Floors 11-20: 5
          Floors 21-50: 4
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 12
          Floors 2-4: 13
          Floors 5-7: 14
          Floors 8-50: 15
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-50: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-50: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-8: 8%
          Floors 9-10: 50%
          Floors 11-21: 8%
          Floors 22-23: 30%
          Floors 24-28: 8%
          Floors 29-30: 30%
          Floors 31-50: 8%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-50: 8%
          Floors 1-50: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-7
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-50
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-50: 850
          Floor 15,21,24,28: Random
          Floor 50: Warp Zone Floor(4 Deluxe Boxes)

For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
Enemies level up rapidly, and will be around lv 99 by the end of this
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Golduck         WTR     90  N/A  1-7         N/A
Primeape        FTG     90  N/A  1-49        N/A
Golem           RCK/GRD 90  N/A  1-18        N/A
Onix            RCK/GRD 90  N/A  1-27        N/A
Hitmonlee       FTG     90  N/A  1-30        N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 90  N/A  1-49        N/A
Swampert        WTR/GRD 90  N/A  1-49        N/A
Nosepass        RCK     90  N/A  1-20        N/A
Lairon          STL/RCK 90  N/A  1-20        N/A
Wailmer         WTR     90  N/A  1-7         N/A
Relicanth       RCK/WTR 90  N/A  1-7         N/A
Empoleon        WTR/STL 90  N/A  1-49        N/A
Gible           DRG/GRD 90  N/A  1-20        N/A
Lucario         FTG/STL 90  N/A  1-49        N/A
Mantyke         WTR/FLY 90  N/A  1-7         N/A
Tyranitar       RCK/DRK 93  N/A  8-20        N/A
Sableye         GHO/DRK 93  N/A  8-20        N/A

Togepi          NRM      5  N/A  10-22       N/A
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 96  N/A  14-35       N/A
Jynx            PSY/ICE 96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Piloswine       GRD/ICE 96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Glalie          ICE     96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Walrein         WTR/ICE 96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Weavile         DRK/ICE 96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Glaceon         ICE     96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Mamoswine       ICE/GRD 96  N/A  14-16       N/A
Venonat         BUG/PSN 99  N/A  19-20       N/A
Venomoth        BUG/PSN 99  N/A  19-20       N/A
Hitmonchan      FTG     99  N/A  19-49       N/A
Beautifly       BUG/FLY 99  N/A  19-20       N/A
Dustox          BUG/PSN 99  N/A  19-20       N/A
Masquerain      BUG/FLY 99  N/A  19-20       N/A
Volbeat         BUG     99  N/A  19-20       N/A
Mothim          BUG/FLY 99  N/A  19-20       N/A

Aggron          STL/RCK 99  N/A  21-49       N/A
Gabite          DRG/GRD 99  N/A  21-35       N/A
Probopass       RCK/STL 99  N/A  21-49       N/A
Bayleef         GRS     99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Meganium        GRS     99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Sunkern         GRS     99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Sunflora        GRS     99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Nuzleaf         GRS/DRK 99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Shiftry         GRS/DRK 99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Tropius         GRS/FLY 99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Leafeon         GRS     99  N/A  23-25       N/A
Charizard       FIR/FLY 99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Growlithe       FIR     99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Magmar          FIR     99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Steelix         STL/GRD 99  N/A  28-49       N/A
Slugma          FIR     99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Magcargo        FIR/RCK 99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Houndour        DRK/FIR 99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Houndoom        DRK/FIR 99  N/A  28-30       N/A
Magmortar       FIR     99  N/A  28-30       N/A

Dragonite       DRG/FLY 99  N/A  31-49       N/A
Altaria         DRG/FLY 99  N/A  31-49       N/A
Clefairy        NRM      5  N/A  33-45       N/A
Magneton        ELC/STL 99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Electabuzz      ELC     99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Lanturn         WTR/ELC 99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Elekid          ELC     99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Luxray          ELC     99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Magnezone       ELC/STL 99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Electivire      ELC     99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Rotom           ELC/GHO 99  N/A  33-35       N/A
Garchomp        DRG/GRD 99  N/A  36-49       N/A
Ekans           PSN     99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Arbok           PSN     99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Grimer          PSN     99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Muk             PSN     99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Koffing         PSN     99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Weezing         PSN     99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Croagunk        FTG/PSN 99  N/A  38-40       N/A
Toxicroak       FTG/PSN 99  N/A  38-40       N/A

Kadabra         PSY     99  N/A  43-45       N/A
Alakazam        PSY     99  N/A  43-45       N/A
Mr. Mime        PSY     99  N/A  43-45       N/A
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 99  N/A  43-45       N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 99  N/A  43-45       N/A
Bronzor         STL/PSY 99  N/A  43-45       N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 99  N/A  43-45       N/A
MimeJr.         PSY     99  N/A  43-45       N/A

Floors 1-50
 Random Trap        36.74%
 PP-Zero Trap       12.24%
 Seal Trap          12.24%
 Grudge Trap        12.24%
 Grimy Trap          4.08%
 Summon Trap         4.08%
 Explosion Trap      2.05%
 Warp Trap           2.05%
 Slow Trap           2.04%
 Sticky Trap         2.04%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.04%
 Mud Trap            2.04%
 Gust Trap           2.04%
 Spin Trap           2.04%
 Slumber Trap        2.04%

Floors 1-29
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (27.52%)
  Max Elixir      (11.93%)
  Totter Seed      (9.17%)
  Doom Seed        (7.34%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.51%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.59%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.59%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.59%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.59%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.59%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.58%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.58%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.92%)
  Slip Seed        (0.92%)
  Via Seed         (0.92%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.92%)
  Dough Seed       (0.92%)
  Oren Berry       (0.91%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.91%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.71%]
  Apple           (52.08%)
  Red Gummi        (5.21%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.21%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.21%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.21%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.21%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.21%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.21%)
  Black Gummi      (5.21%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.20%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.04%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Twist Band      (15.47%)
  Patsy Band       (5.16%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Insomniscope     (5.16%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Weather Band     (5.16%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.15%)
  Scope Lens       (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.15%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.15%)
  Friend Bow       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Escape Orb      (27.27%)
  Trapbust Orb     (9.10%)
  Rebound Orb      (9.09%)
  Cleanse Orb      (9.09%)
  Rollcall Orb     (9.09%)
  Hurl Orb         (9.09%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (9.09%)
  All-Hit Orb      (9.09%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (9.09%)

Floors 30-50
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (29.70%)
  Totter Seed      (9.90%)
  Doom Seed        (7.93%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.94%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.95%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.95%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.95%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.95%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.95%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.95%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.95%)
  Max Elixir       (4.95%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.99%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.99%)
  Slip Seed        (0.99%)
  Via Seed         (0.99%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.99%)
  Oren Berry       (0.99%)
  Dough Seed       (0.99%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.71%]
  Apple           (52.08%)
  Red Gummi        (5.21%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.21%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.21%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.21%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.21%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.21%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.21%)
  Black Gummi      (5.21%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.20%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.04%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Twist Band      (15.47%)
  Patsy Band       (5.16%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Insomniscope     (5.16%)
  Gold Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Weather Band     (5.16%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Def. Scarf       (5.15%)
  Scope Lens       (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.15%)
  No-Stick Cap     (5.15%)
  Friend Bow       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Escape Orb      (27.27%)
  Trapbust Orb     (9.10%)
  Rebound Orb      (9.09%)
  Cleanse Orb      (9.09%)
  Rollcall Orb     (9.09%)
  Hurl Orb         (9.09%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (9.09%)
  All-Hit Orb      (9.09%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (9.09%)

Welcome to Zero Isle Center.  Unlike the other Zero Isles, this dungeon does
not have any awesome vitamins and berries just lying around.  In fact, this
dungeon doesn't really appear to have any neat items lying around.  This
dungeon is basically Zero Isle North with its extra 25 floors and awesome
items traded for an insane spike in difficulty.

The first thing you'll notice here is the incredibly high level pokemon to be
found.  The highest levels found in any dungeon in the game, these pokemon
start at level 90, and quickly reach level 99.  Though, there are some
pathetic level 5 pokemon on some of these floors.  Apparantly they just
wandered in from Marine Resort or something.

Next is the incredible amount of traps to be found.  It's bad enough that
you can't see the traps after attacking them, but most of the floors have
around 15 of them!  To make matters worse, two of the most common traps are
also new evil traps unseen in Time/Darkness.  Random Trap randomly chooses
a different trap and then has that trap affect your entire party!  Grudge
Trap is even worse.  It spawns some enemies near you with the Grudge Status,
so that if you defeat those enemies with a move, that move loses all its
PP.  Not too bad right?  Did I mention that every enemy on the floor also
gets the Grudge Status, and this Grudge Status never wears off?  Again, you
are not gonna like tripping a Grudge Trap, because beating lv 90-99 enemies,
who can still use moves, with a regular attack is not gonna be fun.

You'll find 4 Deluxe Boxes at the final floor.  From what I've heard, these
Deluxe Boxes have Pokemon-Specific Items for the pokemon you used to reach
the end of this dungeon, although I have not confirmed this myself.


59##. 	Destiny Tower
Requirements: Graduate.  Randomly unlocked at Spinda Drink Stand.
99 Floors + Summit
+Only Team leader let in
+Reduced to level 1 on entry
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+All IQ abilities are disabled.  Reviver Seeds are useless.
+Traps stay invisible if you attack the tile they are on, or if an item
 bounces of the trap tile.  They only turn visible when you step on them.
+You cannot bring money or items.
+You can not be rescued in this dungeon.

-----General Info-----
-There are Unique Kecleon Markets here. See below for details.
-There are Unique Monster Houses here. See below for details.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-40: 100
          Floors 41-99: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-50: 5
          Floors 51-77: 6
          Floor 78: 8
          Floor 79: 7
          Floor 80: 6
          Floor 81: 9
          Floor 82: 6
          Floor 83: 7
          Floor 84: 8
          Floor 85: 7
          Floor 86: 6
          Floor 87: 9
          Floor 88: 6
          Floor 89: 7
          Floor 90: 8
          Floor 91: 7
          Floor 92: 6
          Floor 93: 9
          Floor 94: 6
          Floor 95: 7
          Floor 96: 8
          Floor 97: 7
          Floor 98: 6
          Floor 99: 0
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 7
          Floors 4-9: 6
          Floors 10-20: 5
          Floors 21-49: 4
          Floors 50-69: 5
          Floors 70-99: 4
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-50: 8
          Floors 51-99: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-99: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-6: 11%
          Floor 7: 50%
          Floors 8-22: 11%
          Floor 23: 50%
          Floors 24-37: 11%
          Floor 38: 50%
          Floors 39-54: 11%
          Floor 55: 50%
          Floors 56-74: 11%
          Floor 75: 50%
          Floors 76-94: 11%
          Floor 95: 50%
          Floors 96-99: 11%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 0%
          Floors 6-13: 5%
          Floor 14: 50%
          Floors 15-28: 6%
          Floor 29: 50%
          Floors 30-45: 6%
          Floor 46: 50%
          Floors 47-63: 6%
          Floor 64: 50%
          Floors 65-85: 6%
          Floor 86: 50%
          Floors 87-99: 6%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-99: 8%
          Floors 1-98: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-99
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-39: 26
          Floors 40-69: 150
          Floors 70-79: 330
          Floors 80-99: 331
          Floors 15,21,24,28,32: Random
          Floors 38,43,48,52,57: Random
          Floors 61,67,81,89: Random

For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
Enemies level up rapidly, and will be around lv 30 by the end of this
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Bulbasaur       GRS/PSN  1    7  1-3           N/A
Pidgey          NRM/FLY  1    9  1-3           N/A
Bellsprout      GRS/PSN  1    6  1-3           N/A
Shellder        WTR      1    9  1-3           N/A
Chikorita       GRS      1    7  1-3           N/A
Cyndaquil       FIR      1    8  1-3           N/A
Cleffa          NRM      1   20  1-2           N/A
Treecko         GRS      1    6  1-3           N/A
Torchic         FIR      1    2  1-3           N/A
Barboach        WTR/GRD  1   32  1-3           N/A
Caterpie        BUG      2   13  2-4           N/A
Mudkip          WTR      2    8  2-4           N/A
Spoink          PSY      2   93  2-4           N/A
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY  3   37  3-5           N/A
Chinchou        WTR/ELC  3   97  3-5           N/A
Loudred         NRM      3  117  3-5           N/A
Whiscash        WTR/GRD  3   45  3-5           N/A
Glameow         NRM      3   86  3-6           N/A
Seadra          WTR      4   81  4-6           N/A
Totodile        WTR      4   14  4-6           N/A
Stantler        NRM      4   81  4-7           N/A
Gulpin          PSN      4   67  4-6           N/A
Bidoof          NRM      4  154  4-7           N/A
Burmy-T         BUG      4   59  4-7           N/A
Chingling       PSY      4   22  4-6           N/A
Rattata         NRM      5   30  5-8           N/A
Nidoran-F       PSN      5    7  5-7           N/A
Linoone         NRM      5  109  5-8           N/A
Lotad           WTR/GRS  5   44  5-8           N/A
Starmie         WTR/PSY  6   30  6-9           N/A
Togepi          NRM      6   22  6-10          N/A
Larvitar        RCK/GRD  6   76  6-8           N/A
Clefairy        NRM      7   12  7-9           N/A
Diglett         GRD      7   41  7-11          N/A
Marowak         GRD      7  201  7-9           N/A
Machoke         FTG      8   71  8-10          N/A
Weepinbell      GRS/PSN  8   37  8-10          N/A
Ninjask         BUG/FLY  8  159  8-10          N/A
Aron            STL/RCK  8   83  8-9           N/A
Spearow         NRM/FLY  8  108  9-12,41-45    N/A
Hoppip          GRS/FLY  8   64  9-10          N/A
Wobbuffet       PSY      8   56  9-11          N/A

Gloom           GRS/PSN  9   68  10-14         N/A
Electivire      ELC      9  219  10-15         N/A
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN  9  142  11-14         N/A
Eevee           NRM      9   16  11-14         N/A
Vaporeon        WTR      9   63  11-14         N/A
Azumarill       WTR      9  153  11-14         N/A
Ralts           PSY      9   86  11-13         N/A
Nosepass        RCK      9  118  11-13         N/A
Dustox          BUG/PSN 10   96  12-14,27-30   N/A
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 10  142  12-15         N/A
Meditite        FTG/PSY 10   93  13-14         N/A
Volbeat         BUG     10  152  13-16         N/A
Armaldo         RCK/BUG 10  222  13-16         N/A
Hypno           PSY     11   86  14-17         N/A
Lanturn         WTR/ELC 11  200  14-18         N/A
Natu            PSY/FLY 11   28  14-17         N/A
Exeggutor       GRS/PSY 11   72  15-16         N/A
Stunky          DRK/PSN 11  230  15-19         N/A
Bronzor         STL/PSY 11  106  15-20         N/A
Porygon-Z       NRM     11  198  15-20         N/A
Scyther         BUG/FLY 12  184  16-19         N/A
Hoothoot        NRM/FLY 12  123  16-19         N/A
Beedrill        BUG/PSN 12   65  17-21         N/A
Arbok           PSN     12  199  17-21         N/A
Grimer          PSN     12   60  17-21,30-35,80-85    N/A
Sudowoodo       RCK     12   73  17-19         N/A
Quagsire        WTR/GRD 12  300  17-20         N/A
Slakoth         NRM     12  182  17-20         N/A
Plusle          ELC     12  174  17-20         N/A
Minun           ELC     12  174  17-20         N/A
Buneary         NRM     12  136  17-20         N/A
Graveler        RCK/GRD 13  160  18-21         N/A
Oddish          GRS/PSN 13   74  19-24         N/A
Sentret         NRM     13  167  19-21         N/A
Swinub          GRD/ICE 13  147  19-22         N/A
Swalot          PSN     13  222  19-22         N/A

Sunflora        GRS     14  211  20-24         N/A
Abomasnow       ICE/GRS 14  252  20-24         N/A
Kirlia          PSY     14  158  21-25         N/A
Shroomish       GRS     14  131  21-25         N/A
Castform        NRM     14  117  21-24,38-44,57-62,75-83,89-94     N/A  
Beldum          STL/PSY 14  250  21-25         N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 14  144  21-25         N/A
Venonat         BUG/PSN 15   43  22-25         N/A
Ledyba          BUG/FLY 15  211  22-25         N/A
Farfetch'd      NRM/FLY 15  139  23-28         N/A
Growlithe       FIR     15  158  24-28         N/A
Poliwag         WTR     15   57  24-28         N/A
Trapinch        GRD     15  184  24-28         N/A
Gorebyss        WTR     15  240  24-28         N/A
Voltorb         ELC     16  145  25-28         N/A
Meganium        GRS     16  287  26-32         N/A
Spinarak        BUG/PSN 16   65  26-32         N/A
Yanma           BUG/FLY 16  185  26-30         N/A
MimeJr.         PSY     16  195  26-30         N/A
Raichu          ELC     16  277  27-30         N/A
Teddiursa       NRM     16  125  27-30         N/A
Beautifly       BUG/FLY 16  130  27-30         N/A
Monferno        FIR/FTG 16   77  27-33         N/A
Dugtrio         GRD     17   83  29-32,70-79   N/A
Grotle          GRS     17   36  29-33         N/A
Rhyperior       RCK/GRD 17  262  29-33         N/A

Electabuzz      ELC     17  231  30-36         N/A
Electrike       ELC     17  223  30-34         N/A
Nidoran-M       PSN     18   16  31-35         N/A
Ampharos        ELC     18  224  31-33         N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     18  270  31-36         N/A
Gligar          GRD/FLY 18  145  31-35         N/A
Psyduck         WTR     18   72  33-37         N/A
Pinsir          BUG     18  180  33-39         N/A
Mareep          ELC     19  212  34-37         N/A
Magnezone       ELC/STL 19  338  34-38         N/A
Doduo           NRM/FLY 19   67  35-39         N/A
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 19  310  35-40         N/A
Poliwrath       WTR/FTG 19  400  36-40         N/A
Snorlax         NRM     19  338  36-40         N/A
Manectric       ELC     19  352  36-40         N/A
Cacnea          GRS     20  217  37-41         N/A
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 21  228  39-42         N/A
Heracross       BUG/FTG 21  156  39-42         N/A
Breloom         GRS/FTG 21  201  39-43         N/A
Weavile         DRK/ICE 21  282  39-44         N/A

Tauros          NRM     21  276  40-43         N/A
Skorupi         BUG/PSN 21  324  40-45         N/A
Gyarados        WTR/FLY 22  356  41-48         N/A
Granbull        NRM     22  266  41-46         N/A
Cacturne        GRS/DRK 22  248  41-45         N/A
Ariados         BUG/PSN 22  167  42-46         N/A
Skiploom        GRS/FLY 22  167  42-46         N/A
Dunsparce       NRM     22  192  43-46         N/A
Nincada         BUG/GRD 23  224  44-49         N/A
Muk             PSN     23  352  45-55         N/A
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 23  403  45-52         N/A
Probopass       RCK/STL 23  393  45-52         N/A
Golbat          PSN/FLY 23  361  46-50         N/A
Nidorina        PSN     24  122  47-50         N/A
Nindorino       PSN     24  122  47-50         N/A
Magmar          FIR     24  280  47-52,74-80   N/A
Bagon           DRG     24  343  47-50         N/A
Tangela         GRS     24   92  48-52         N/A
Illumise        BUG     24  280  49-54         N/A

Arcanine        FIR     24  273  50-55         N/A
Surskit         BUG/WTR 24  105  50-53         N/A
Mawile          STL     24  287  50-54         N/A
Spinda          NRM     24  257  50-54         N/A
Fearow          NRM/FLY 24  227  51-54         N/A
Electrode       ELC     24  343  51-56         N/A
Hitmonlee       FTG     24  181  51-56         N/A
Hitmonchan      FTG     24  310  51-56         N/A
Forretress      BUG/STL 24  382  51-55         N/A
Shuckle         BUG/RCK 24  247  51-55         N/A
Elekid          ELC     24  300  53-59         N/A
Numel           FIR/GRD 24  250  53-59         N/A
Lopunny         NRM     24  429  53-60         N/A
Drapion         DRK/PSN 25  414  55-60         N/A
Ditto           NRM     25  214  56-64         N/A
Magcargo        FIR/RCK 25  241  56-61         N/A
Mightyena       DRK     25  329  56-60         N/A
Rapidash        FIR     25  316  57-64         N/A
Torkoal         FIR     25  268  57-64         N/A
Rampardos       RCK     25  319  57-62         N/A
Rhyhorn         RCK/GRD 25  340  58-64         N/A
Swablu          NRM/FLY 25  363  58-64         N/A
Kricketune      BUG     25  241  59-63         N/A

Vileplume       GRS/PSN 25  357  60-69         N/A
Piloswine       GRD/ICE 25  265  60-67         N/A
Snorunt         ICE     25  329  60-65         N/A
Furret          NRM     25  261  61-63         N/A
Lairon          STL/RCK 25  292  61-68         N/A
Metang          STL/PSY 25  394  62-66         N/A
Pineco          BUG     25  163  63-67         N/A
Shieldon        RCK/STL 25  343  63-68         N/A
Wormadam-T      BUG/STL 25  340  63-68         N/A
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 26  182  65-69         N/A
Pupitar         RCK/GRD 26  329  65-70         N/A
Zangoose        NRM     26  399  65-70         N/A
Spheal          WTR/ICE 26  161  65-66         N/A
Shelgon         DRG     26  416  65-69         N/A
Purugly         NRM     26  304  65-70         N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 26  392  67-71         N/A
Sealeo          WTR/ICE 26  175  67-68         N/A
Walrein         WTR/ICE 26  332  69-70         N/A
Luxio           ELC     26  140  69-73         N/A
Bastiodon       RCK/STL 26  395  69-73         N/A

Venomoth        BUG/PSN 26  171  70-74         N/A
Girafarig       NRM/PSY 26  315  70-75         N/A
Masquerain      BUG/FLY 26  231  70-75         N/A
Slaking         NRM     26  395  70-75         N/A
Koffing         PSN     26  297  71-79         N/A
Magby           FIR     26  266  71-77         N/A
Mothim          BUG/FLY 26  392  71-75         N/A
Golem           RCK/GRD 26  360  73-79         N/A
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 26  416  73-79         N/A
Nidoqueen       PSN/GRD 26  374  74-76         N/A
Parasect        BUG/GRS 26  171  74-78         N/A
Duskull         GHO     26  350  74-78         N/A
Mamoswine       ICE/GRD 26  385  74-79         N/A
Ursaring        NRM     26  329  75-80         N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 26  385  75-80         N/A
Prinplup        WTR     26  108  76-80         N/A
Floatzel        WTR     26  283  76-80         N/A
Nidoking        PSN/GRD 26  290  77-79         N/A
Porygon2        NRM     27  352  79-84         N/A

Hariyama        FTG     27  385  80-84         N/A
Camerupt        FIR/GRD 27  284  80-85         N/A
Mismagius       GHO     27  360  80-86         N/A
Lucario         FTG/STL 27  140  80-85         N/A
Magmortar       FIR     27  399  80-85         N/A
Garchomp        DRG/GRD 27  385  81-86         N/A
Shuppet         GHO     28  181  83-87         N/A
Scizor          BUG/STL 28  358  84-89         N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 28  362  84-89         N/A
Solrock         RCK/PSY 28  377  84-89         N/A
Ledian          BUG/FLY 28  407  86-90         N/A
Miltank         NRM     28  366  86-90         N/A
Dusclops        GHO     28  414  86-92         N/A
Hippowdon       GRD     28  455  86-90         N/A
Metagross       STL/PSY 29  410  89-95         N/A

Politoed        WTR     29  566  90-99         N/A
Altaria         DRG/FLY 30  405  91-99         N/A
Empoleon        WTR/STL 30  425  91-97         N/A
Honchkrow       DRK/FLY 30  417  91-99         N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 30  405  91-99         N/A
Tropius         GRS/FLY 30  397  93-99         N/A
Roserade        GRS/PSN 30  347  93-99         N/A
Crawdaunt       WTR/DRK 30  518  94-99         N/A
Kangaskhan      NRM     30  374  95-99         N/A
Noctowl         NRM/FLY 30  245  96-99         N/A
Floors 1-2
 Wonder Tile        26.31%
 Random Trap        19.14%
 Chestnut Trap       4.79%
 Grimy Trap          4.79%
 Pokemon Trap        4.79%
 Warp Trap           4.79%
 Summon Trap         4.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.78%
 Spin Trap           4.31%
 Slow Trap           3.83%
 Gust Trap           2.39%
 Sticky Trap         2.39%
 Slumber Trap        2.39%
 Mud Trap            2.39%
 Trip Trap           2.39%
 Seal Trap           2.39%
 Explosion Trap      1.91%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.44%

Floors 3-9
 Wonder Tile        25.12%
 Random Trap        18.26%
 Summon Trap         4.57%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.57%
 Grimy Trap          4.56%
 Chestnut Trap       4.56%
 Warp Trap           4.56%
 Pokemon Trap        4.56%
 Poison Trap         4.56%
 Spin Trap           4.11%
 Slow Trap           3.65%
 Sticky Trap         2.29%
 Gust Trap           2.29%
 Trip Trap           2.29%
 Seal Trap           2.29%
 Slumber Trap        2.28%
 Mud Trap            2.28%
 Explosion Trap      1.83%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.37%

Floor 10
 Wonder Tile        18.10%
 Random Trap        18.10%
 Sticky Trap         9.05%
 Slow Trap           4.53%
 Poison Trap         4.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.53%
 Grimy Trap          4.53%
 Pokemon Trap        4.53%
 Warp Trap           4.53%
 Chestnut Trap       4.52%
 Summon Trap         4.52%
 Spin Trap           4.07%
 Gust Trap           2.26%
 Seal Trap           2.26%
 Mud Trap            2.26%
 Trip Trap           2.26%
 Slumber Trap        2.26%
 Explosion Trap      1.81%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.35%

Floors 11-19
 Wonder Tile        18.10%
 Random Trap        18.10%
 Sticky Trap         9.05%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.53%
 Grimy Trap          4.53%
 Pokemon Trap        4.53%
 Slow Trap           4.53%
 Poison Trap         4.52%
 Summon Trap         4.52%
 Chestnut Trap       4.52%
 Spin Trap           4.07%
 Gust Trap           2.27%
 Mud Trap            2.26%
 Seal Trap           2.26%
 Warp Trap           2.26%
 Trip Trap           2.26%
 Slumber Trap        2.26%
 Grudge Trap         2.26%
 Explosion Trap      1.81%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.36%

Floor 20
 Wonder Tile        17.70%
 Random Trap        17.70%
 Sticky Trap         8.85%
 Poison Trap         4.43%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.43%
 Grimy Trap          4.43%
 Pokemon Trap        4.43%
 Slow Trap           4.43%
 Summon Trap         4.42%
 Mud Trap            4.42%
 Chestnut Trap       4.42%
 Spin Trap           3.98%
 Warp Trap           2.22%
 Slumber Trap        2.21%
 Gust Trap           2.21%
 Trip Trap           2.21%
 Seal Trap           2.21%
 Grudge Trap         2.21%
 Explosion Trap      1.77%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.32%

Floors 21-29
 Random Trap        18.10%
 Wonder Tile        13.58%
 Sticky Trap         9.05%
 Poison Trap         4.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.53%
 Grimy Trap          4.53%
 Slow Trap           4.53%
 Chestnut Trap       4.52%
 Summon Trap         4.52%
 Pokemon Trap        4.52%
 Mud Trap            4.52%
 Grudge Trap         4.52%
 Spin Trap           4.07%
 Warp Trap           2.27%
 Trip Trap           2.27%
 Seal Trap           2.26%
 Slumber Trap        2.26%
 Gust Trap           2.26%
 Explosion Trap      1.81%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.35%

Floor 30
 Random Trap        16.95%
 Mud Trap           12.71%
 Sticky Trap         8.48%
 Wonder Tile         6.36%
 Seal Trap           6.35%
 Poison Trap         4.24%
 Chestnut Trap       4.24%
 Slow Trap           4.24%
 Summon Trap         4.24%
 Grudge Trap         4.24%
 Pokemon Trap        4.23%
 Grimy Trap          4.23%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.23%
 Spin Trap           3.81%
 Gust Trap           2.12%
 Trip Trap           2.12%
 Warp Trap           2.12%
 Slumber Trap        2.12%
 Explosion Trap      1.70%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.27%

Floors 31-39
 Random Trap        18.10%
 Mud Trap           13.57%
 Wonder Tile         6.79%
 Seal Trap           6.79%
 Summon Trap         4.53%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.53%
 Slow Trap           4.52%
 Chestnut Trap       4.52%
 Grimy Trap          4.52%
 Pokemon Trap        4.52%
 Poison Trap         4.52%
 Grudge Trap         4.52%
 Spin Trap           4.07%
 Trip Trap           2.27%
 Slumber Trap        2.27%
 Sticky Trap         2.27%
 Warp Trap           2.26%
 Gust Trap           2.26%
 Explosion Trap      1.81%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.36%

Floors 40-49
 Random Trap        18.61%
 Mud Trap           13.95%
 Seal Trap           9.30%
 Wonder Tile         6.98%
 Poison Trap         4.65%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.65%
 Slow Trap           4.65%
 Pokemon Trap        4.65%
 Summon Trap         4.65%
 Grudge Trap         4.65%
 Spin Trap           4.19%
 Slumber Trap        3.72%
 Grimy Trap          2.79%
 Sticky Trap         2.33%
 Warp Trap           2.33%
 Gust Trap           2.32%
 Trip Trap           2.32%
 Explosion Trap      1.86%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.40%

Floor 50
 Mud Trap           16.33%
 Random Trap        16.33%
 Seal Trap           8.16%
 Sticky Trap         8.16%
 Wonder Tile         6.12%
 Grudge Trap         6.12%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.09%
 Poison Trap         4.09%
 Pokemon Trap        4.08%
 Trip Trap           4.08%
 Summon Trap         4.08%
 Slow Trap           4.08%
 Spin Trap           3.67%
 Slumber Trap        3.27%
 Grimy Trap          2.45%
 Warp Trap           2.04%
 Explosion Trap      1.63%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.22%

Floors 51-59
 Mud Trap           16.46%
 Random Trap        16.46%
 Seal Trap           8.23%
 Sticky Trap         8.23%
 Wonder Tile         6.18%
 Grudge Trap         6.17%
 Trip Trap           4.12%
 Poison Trap         4.12%
 Summon Trap         4.12%
 Pokemon Trap        4.11%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.11%
 Spin Trap           3.71%
 Slumber Trap        3.29%
 Slow Trap           3.29%
 Grimy Trap          2.47%
 Warp Trap           2.05%
 Explosion Trap      1.65%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.23%

Floors 60-69
 Mud Trap           18.35%
 Random Trap        18.35%
 PP-Zero Trap        9.18%
 Sticky Trap         9.17%
 Wonder Tile         6.88%
 Seal Trap           6.88%
 Grudge Trap         6.88%
 Explosion Trap      4.59%
 Slumber Trap        3.67%
 Summon Trap         3.66%
 Grimy Trap          2.76%
 Slow Trap           2.75%
 Spin Trap           2.30%
 Poison Trap         2.29%
 Pokemon Trap        2.29%

Floor 70
 Mud Trap           21.74%
 Random Trap        21.74%
 Seal Trap          10.86%
 Grudge Trap         8.15%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.52%
 Explosion Trap      5.44%
 Sticky Trap         5.43%
 Slumber Trap        4.34%
 Summon Trap         3.81%
 Slow Trap           3.27%
 Grimy Trap          3.26%
 Spin Trap           2.72%
 Poison Trap         2.72%

Floors 71-72
 Mud Trap           21.86%
 Random Trap        21.86%
 Seal Trap          10.93%
 Grudge Trap        10.93%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.55%
 Explosion Trap      5.47%
 Sticky Trap         5.46%
 Slumber Trap        4.37%
 Summon Trap         3.83%
 Slow Trap           3.28%
 Spin Trap           2.73%
 Poison Trap         2.73%

Floor 73
 Mud Trap           21.74%
 Random Trap        21.74%
 Seal Trap          10.87%
 Grudge Trap        10.87%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.06%
 Explosion Trap      5.44%
 Sticky Trap         5.43%
 Slumber Trap        4.34%
 Summon Trap         3.81%
 Slow Trap           3.26%
 Spin Trap           2.72%
 Poison Trap         2.72%

Floor 74
 Mud Trap           21.51%
 Random Trap        21.51%
 Seal Trap          10.75%
 Grudge Trap        10.75%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.06%
 Explosion Trap      5.38%
 Sticky Trap         5.37%
 Slumber Trap        4.30%
 Summon Trap         3.77%
 Slow Trap           3.23%
 Poison Trap         2.69%
 Spin Trap           2.68%

Floors 75-78
 Mud Trap           21.86%
 Random Trap        21.86%
 Seal Trap          10.93%
 Grudge Trap        10.93%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.55%
 Explosion Trap      5.47%
 Sticky Trap         5.46%
 Slumber Trap        4.37%
 Summon Trap         3.83%
 Slow Trap           3.28%
 Spin Trap           2.73%
 Poison Trap         2.73%

Floor 79
 Mud Trap           22.10%
 Random Trap        22.10%
 Seal Trap          11.05%
 Grudge Trap        11.05%
 Explosion Trap      5.53%
 Sticky Trap         5.52%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.52%
 Slumber Trap        4.42%
 Summon Trap         3.87%
 Slow Trap           3.32%
 Spin Trap           2.76%
 Poison Trap         2.76%

Floors 80-99
 Mud Trap           21.62%
 Random Trap        21.62%
 Seal Trap          10.81%
 Grudge Trap        10.81%
 Sticky Trap         5.41%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.41%
 Explosion Trap      5.40%
 Slow Trap           5.40%
 Slumber Trap        4.33%
 Summon Trap         3.78%
 Poison Trap         2.71%
 Spin Trap           2.70%

Floor 1
  Coins (10.21%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.14%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (18.94%)
  Rawst Berry      (7.57%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.69%)
  Life Seed        (5.69%)
  Oran Berry       (5.68%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.68%)
  Joy Seed         (4.92%)
  Stun Seed        (4.17%)
  Heal Seed        (3.79%)
  Warp Seed        (3.04%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.65%)
  Vile Seed        (2.27%)
  Pure Seed        (1.90%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.90%)
  Protein          (1.90%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.89%)
  Totter Seed      (1.89%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.89%)
  Quick Seed       (1.89%)
  Violent Seed     (1.89%)
  Ginseng          (1.89%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.89%)
  Calcium          (1.89%)
  Iron             (1.89%)
  Zinc             (1.89%)
  Slip Seed        (0.38%)
  Via Seed         (0.38%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.38%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.38%)
  Oren Berry       (0.38%)
  Dough Seed       (0.38%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [5.10%]
  Apple           (49.18%)
  Big Apple       (32.79%)
  Grimy Food      (16.39%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.64%)
HOLD**********************  [6.12%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
ORBS********************** [30.61%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floors 2-6
  Coins (23.62%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.09%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Max Elixir      (16.07%)
  Rawst Berry      (8.03%)
  Life Seed        (6.02%)
  Oran Berry       (6.02%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.02%)
  Joy Seed         (5.22%)
  Stun Seed        (4.42%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.02%)
  Heal Seed        (4.02%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.22%)
  Warp Seed        (3.21%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.81%)
  Vile Seed        (2.41%)
  Ginseng          (2.01%)
  Quick Seed       (2.01%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.01%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.01%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.01%)
  Pure Seed        (2.01%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.01%)
  Protein          (2.01%)
  Iron             (2.01%)
  Zinc             (2.01%)
  Calcium          (2.00%)
  Totter Seed      (2.00%)
  Violent Seed     (2.00%)
  Slip Seed        (0.41%)
  Via Seed         (0.40%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.40%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.40%)
  Oren Berry       (0.40%)
  Dough Seed       (0.40%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [9.45%]
  Apple           (49.18%)
  Big Apple       (32.79%)
  Grimy Food      (16.39%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.64%)
HOLD**********************  [4.73%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
ORBS********************** [23.62%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floors 7-19
  Coins (23.62%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.09%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (11.81%)
  Max Elixir      (11.81%)
  Rawst Berry      (7.88%)
  Sitrus Berry     (5.90%)
  Life Seed        (5.90%)
  Joy Seed         (5.12%)
  Stun Seed        (4.33%)
  Heal Seed        (3.94%)
  Pecha Berry      (3.93%)
  Warp Seed        (3.15%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.15%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.75%)
  Vile Seed        (2.37%)
  Blinker Seed     (1.97%)
  Ginseng          (1.97%)
  Quick Seed       (1.97%)
  X-Eye Seed       (1.97%)
  Cheri Berry      (1.97%)
  Totter Seed      (1.97%)
  Violent Seed     (1.97%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (1.97%)
  Protein          (1.97%)
  Calcium          (1.97%)
  Iron             (1.97%)
  Zinc             (1.97%)
  Pure Seed        (1.96%)
  Slip Seed        (0.40%)
  Oren Berry       (0.40%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.39%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.39%)
  Via Seed         (0.39%)
  Dough Seed       (0.39%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [9.45%]
  Apple           (49.18%)
  Big Apple       (32.79%)
  Grimy Food      (16.39%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.64%)
HOLD**********************  [4.73%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
ORBS********************** [23.62%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floor 20
  Coins (28.3%)
  Oran Berry      (12.82%)
  Max Elixir      (12.82%)
  Life Seed        (6.41%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.41%)
  Joy Seed         (5.56%)
  Stun Seed        (4.70%)
  Heal Seed        (4.27%)
  Warp Seed        (3.42%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.42%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.99%)
  Vile Seed        (2.56%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.14%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.14%)
  Quick Seed       (2.14%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.14%)
  Totter Seed      (2.14%)
  Pure Seed        (2.14%)
  Violent Seed     (2.14%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.14%)
  Protein          (2.14%)
  Iron             (2.14%)
  Zinc             (2.14%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.13%)
  Calcium          (2.13%)
  Ginseng          (2.13%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.13%)
  Via Seed         (0.43%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.43%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.43%)
  Dough Seed       (0.43%)
  Oren Berry       (0.42%)
  Slip Seed        (0.42%)
HOLD**********************  [5.66%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
ORBS********************** [28.30%]
  Escape Orb      (66.67%)
  Blowback Orb    (22.22%)
  Pierce Orb      (11.11%)

Floors 21-49
  Coins (23.43%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.91%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.47%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (12.82%)
  Max Elixir      (12.82%)
  Life Seed        (6.41%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.41%)
  Joy Seed         (5.56%)
  Stun Seed        (4.70%)
  Heal Seed        (4.27%)
  Warp Seed        (3.42%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.42%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.99%)
  Vile Seed        (2.56%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.14%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.14%)
  Quick Seed       (2.14%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.14%)
  Totter Seed      (2.14%)
  Pure Seed        (2.14%)
  Violent Seed     (2.14%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.14%)
  Protein          (2.14%)
  Iron             (2.14%)
  Zinc             (2.14%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.13%)
  Calcium          (2.13%)
  Ginseng          (2.13%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.13%)
  Via Seed         (0.43%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.43%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.43%)
  Dough Seed       (0.43%)
  Oren Berry       (0.42%)
  Slip Seed        (0.42%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [7.81%]
  Apple           (49.18%)
  Big Apple       (32.79%)
  Grimy Food      (16.39%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.64%)
HOLD**********************  [4.69%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
ORBS********************** [23.44%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.45%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.45%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.45%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.45%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.45%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.45%)
  Totter Orb       (3.45%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.45%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.73%)
  Mug Orb          (1.73%)
  Lob Orb          (1.73%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.73%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.73%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.73%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.73%)
  Escape Orb       (1.73%)
  Drought Orb      (1.73%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.73%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.73%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.73%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.73%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.73%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.73%)
  Warp Orb         (1.72%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.72%)
  Slow Orb         (1.72%)
  Silence Orb      (1.72%)
  Quick Orb        (1.72%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.72%)
  Radar Orb        (1.72%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.72%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.72%)
  Hail Orb         (1.72%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.72%)
  Identify Orb     (1.72%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.72%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.72%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.72%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.72%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.72%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.72%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.72%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.72%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.72%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.72%)

Floors 50-99
  Coins (23.43%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [3.91%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [5.47%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (12.82%)
  Max Elixir      (12.82%)
  Life Seed        (6.41%)
  Sitrus Berry     (6.41%)
  Joy Seed         (5.56%)
  Stun Seed        (4.70%)
  Heal Seed        (4.27%)
  Warp Seed        (3.42%)
  Sleep Seed       (3.42%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.99%)
  Vile Seed        (2.56%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.14%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.14%)
  Quick Seed       (2.14%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.14%)
  Totter Seed      (2.14%)
  Pure Seed        (2.14%)
  Violent Seed     (2.14%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.14%)
  Protein          (2.14%)
  Iron             (2.14%)
  Zinc             (2.14%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.13%)
  Calcium          (2.13%)
  Ginseng          (2.13%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.13%)
  Via Seed         (0.43%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.43%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.43%)
  Dough Seed       (0.43%)
  Oren Berry       (0.42%)
  Slip Seed        (0.42%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [7.81%]
  Apple           (49.18%)
  Big Apple       (32.79%)
  Grimy Food      (16.39%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.64%)
HOLD**********************  [4.69%]
  Plain Ribbon     (9.55%)
  No-Stick Cap     (6.37%)
  Pass Scarf       (6.37%)
  Joy Ribbon       (3.19%)
  Power Band       (3.19%)
  Insomniscope     (3.19%)
  Gold Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Stamina Band     (3.19%)
  Scope Lens       (3.19%)
  Special Band     (3.19%)
  Detect Band      (3.19%)
  Curve Band       (3.19%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.19%)
  Munch Belt       (3.19%)
  Heal Ribbon      (3.19%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.18%)
  Patsy Band       (3.18%)
  Zinc Band        (3.18%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.18%)
  Bounce Band      (3.18%)
  Persim Band      (3.18%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.18%)
  Racket Band      (3.18%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.18%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.18%)
  Twist Band       (3.18%)
  Weather Band     (3.18%)
ORBS********************** [23.44%]
  Cleanse Orb      (6.78%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.39%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.39%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Two-Edge Orb     (3.39%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.70%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.70%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.70%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.70%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.70%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.70%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.70%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.70%)
  Quick Orb        (1.70%)
  Escape Orb       (1.70%)
  Radar Orb        (1.70%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.70%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.70%)
  Identify Orb     (1.70%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.70%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.70%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.70%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.70%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.70%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.69%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.69%)
  Lob Orb          (1.69%)
  Drought Orb      (1.69%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.69%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.69%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.69%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.69%)
  Warp Orb         (1.69%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.69%)
  Hail Orb         (1.69%)
  One-Room Orb     (1.69%)
  Slow Orb         (1.69%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.69%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.69%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.69%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.69%)
  Silence Orb      (1.69%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.69%)

                Kecleon Shop Unique Type
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.14%]
  Stick           (45.45%)
  Iron Thorn      (27.28%)
  Silver Spike    (27.27%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.15%]
  Geo Pebble     (100.00%)
  Joy Seed         (8.33%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.17%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.17%)
  Life Seed        (4.17%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.17%)
  Quick Seed       (4.17%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.17%)
  Totter Seed      (4.17%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.17%)
  Blast Seed       (4.17%)
  Heal Seed        (4.17%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.17%)
  Stun Seed        (4.17%)
  Pure Seed        (4.17%)
  Violent Seed     (4.17%)
  Max Elixir       (4.17%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.16%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.16%)
  Vile Seed        (4.16%)
  Warp Seed        (4.16%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.16%)
  Vanish Seed      (4.16%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.16%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [7.15%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  Big Apple       (50.00%)
HOLD********************** [21.43%]
  Heal Ribbon      (3.71%)
  Patsy Band       (3.71%)
  X-Ray Specs      (3.71%)
  Pecha Scarf      (3.71%)
  Sneak Scarf      (3.71%)
  Racket Band      (3.71%)
  Special Band     (3.71%)
  Curve Band       (3.71%)
  No-Aim Scope     (3.71%)
  Pass Scarf       (3.71%)
  Warp Scarf       (3.70%)
  No-Stick Cap     (3.70%)
  Diet Ribbon      (3.70%)
  Scope Lens       (3.70%)
  Def. Scarf       (3.70%)
  Stamina Band     (3.70%)
  Persim Band      (3.70%)
  Dodge Scarf      (3.70%)
  Bounce Band      (3.70%)
  Power Band       (3.70%)
  Whiff Specs      (3.70%)
  Twist Band       (3.70%)
  Lockon Specs     (3.70%)
  Munch Belt       (3.70%)
  Insomniscope     (3.70%)
  Weather Band     (3.70%)
TMs*********************** [14.28%]
  Focus Punch      (1.90%)
  Roar             (1.90%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.90%)
  Light Screen     (1.90%)
  Safeguard        (1.90%)
  Frustration      (1.90%)
  SolarBeam        (1.90%)
  Thunder          (1.90%)
  Reflect          (1.90%)
  Fire Blast       (1.90%)
  Secret Power     (1.90%)
  Rest             (1.90%)
  Attract          (1.90%)
  Thief            (1.90%)
  Overheat         (1.90%)
  Focus Blast      (1.90%)
  False Swipe      (1.90%)
  Giga Impact      (1.90%)
  Flash            (1.90%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.90%)
  Dream Eater      (1.90%)
  Grass Knot       (1.90%)
  Rock Smash       (1.90%)      *HM*
  Explosion        (1.43%)
  Captivate        (1.43%)
  Natural Gift     (1.43%)
  Torment          (1.43%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.43%)
  Defog            (1.43%)      *HM*
  Earthquake       (1.43%)
  Return           (1.42%)
  Hidden Power     (1.42%)
  Psych Up         (1.42%)
  Dive             (1.42%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.42%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.95%)
  Drain Punch      (0.95%)
  Dragon Claw      (0.95%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.95%)
  Facade           (0.95%)
  Wide Slash       (0.95%)
  Iron Tail        (0.95%)
  Dig              (0.95%)
  Psychic          (0.95%)
  Stone Edge       (0.95%)
  Brick Break      (0.95%)
  Steel Wing       (0.95%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.95%)
  Dark Pulse       (0.95%)
  Rock Slide       (0.95%)
  X-Scissor        (0.95%)
  Roost            (0.95%)
  Protect          (0.95%)
  Poison Jab       (0.95%)
  Aerial Ace       (0.95%)
  Brine            (0.95%)
  Pluck            (0.95%)
  Substitute       (0.95%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.95%)
  Cut              (0.95%)      *HM*
  Fly              (0.95%)      *HM*
  Surf             (0.95%)      *HM*
  Charge Beam      (0.95%)
  Endure           (0.95%)
  Waterfall        (0.95%)      *HM*
  Rock Climb       (0.95%)      *HM*
  Stealth Rock     (0.48%)
  Fling            (0.48%)
  Payback          (0.48%)
  Avalanche        (0.48%)
  Trick Room       (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Strength         (0.47%)      *HM*
  Skill Swap       (0.47%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.47%)
  Embargo          (0.47%)
  Toxic            (0.47%)
  Silver Wind      (0.24%)
  Swagger          (0.24%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.24%)
  Swords Dance     (0.24%)
  Energy Ball      (0.24%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.24%)
  Water Pulse      (0.24%)
  Giga Drain       (0.24%)
  Rock Polish      (0.24%)
  Shock Wave       (0.24%)
  Sludge Bomb      (0.24%)
  Calm Mind        (0.24%)
  Blizzard         (0.24%)
  Bulk Up          (0.24%)
  Recycle          (0.23%)
  Ice Beam         (0.23%)
  Flamethrower     (0.23%)
  U-turn           (0.23%)
  Thunder Wave     (0.23%)
ORBS********************** [21.43%]
  Decoy Orb        (3.78%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.78%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.78%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.77%)
  Totter Orb       (3.77%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.77%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.77%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.77%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.77%)
  Warp Orb         (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Quick Orb        (1.89%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Hail Orb         (1.89%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.89%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Drought Orb      (1.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.89%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mug Orb          (1.89%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.89%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.89%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.89%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.89%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.88%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.88%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.88%)
  Radar Orb        (1.88%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.88%)
  Lob Orb          (1.88%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.88%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.88%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.88%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.88%)

                Monster House Unique Type
  Coins (33.33%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [40.00%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
ORBS********************** [26.67%]
  Evasion Orb      (3.39%)
  Snatch Orb       (3.39%)
  See-Trap Orb     (3.39%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.39%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.39%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.39%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.39%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.39%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.39%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.39%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Silence Orb      (3.39%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.39%)
  Radar Orb        (3.39%)
  Trapbust Orb     (3.39%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.39%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.39%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.39%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.39%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.39%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.39%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.39%)
  Warp Orb         (1.70%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.69%)

Welcome to Destiny Tower.  This dungeon is basically Zero Isle South with a
few differences.  For one thing, you can't be rescued in this dungeon.  You
also have to now worry about the same annoying new traps that were in Zero
Isle Center.  Most of the stuff I mentioned in the Zero Isle South Notes
apply here.  The Kecleon Shops here can have a variety of items, including
HMs.  There are also unique monster houses here that contain Orbs and

For reaching the end of this dungeon, you are rewarded with the Space Globe,
which is an equippable item that boosts the power of the user's moves by


NOTE: The next 4 dungeons have the following Kecleon Shop List
           Kecleon Shop *Rank Type
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [6.25%]
  Stick          (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [6.25%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Joy Seed        (11.11%)
  Ginseng          (5.56%)
  Max Elixir       (5.56%)
  Calcium          (5.56%)
  Zinc             (5.56%)
  Iron             (5.55%)
  Protein          (5.55%)
  Quick Seed       (2.78%)
  Pecha Berry      (2.78%)
  Totter Seed      (2.78%)
  Sleep Seed       (2.78%)
  Warp Seed        (2.78%)
  Heal Seed        (2.78%)
  Sitrus Berry     (2.78%)
  Chesto Berry     (2.78%)
  Stun Seed        (2.78%)
  Vanish Seed      (2.78%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.78%)
  Blinker Seed     (2.78%)
  X-Eye Seed       (2.78%)
  Rawst Berry      (2.78%)
  Hunger Seed      (2.78%)
  Life Seed        (2.77%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.77%)
  Blast Seed       (2.77%)
  Violent Seed     (2.77%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (2.77%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [6.25%]
  Apple           (50.00%)
  Big Apple       (50.00%)
TMs*********************** [12.50%]
  Water Pulse      (2.84%)
  Reflect          (2.84%)
  Flamethrower     (2.84%)
  Energy Ball      (2.84%)
  Embargo          (2.84%)
  Shock Wave       (2.83%)
  Light Screen     (2.83%)
  Rest             (2.83%)
  Brick Break      (2.83%)
  Focus Punch      (2.83%)
  Recycle          (2.83%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.83%)
  Swords Dance     (2.83%)
  Fire Blast       (2.55%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.13%)
  Avalanche        (2.13%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.13%)
  Flash            (2.12%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.77%)
  Attract          (1.42%)
  Focus Blast      (1.42%)
  Toxic            (1.42%)
  Ice Beam         (1.42%)
  Explosion        (1.42%)
  Payback          (1.42%)
  Calm Mind        (1.42%)
  Protect          (1.42%)
  Dive             (1.42%)
  Giga Drain       (1.42%)
  Stone Edge       (1.42%)
  Safeguard        (1.42%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.42%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.42%)
  Torment          (1.42%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.42%)
  Psych Up         (1.42%)
  Captivate        (1.42%)
  Rock Slide       (1.42%)
  X-Scissor        (1.42%)
  Psychic          (1.42%)
  Poison Jab       (1.42%)
  Frustration      (1.41%)
  Hidden Power     (1.41%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.41%)
  Wide Slash       (1.41%)
  Brine            (1.41%)
  Roar             (1.41%)
  Natural Gift     (1.41%)
  Roost            (1.41%)
  Overheat         (1.07%)
  Steel Wing       (1.06%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.06%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.71%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.71%)
  SolarBeam        (0.71%)
  Dig              (0.70%)
  Iron Tail        (0.36%)
  Giga Impact      (0.36%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.36%)
  Taunt            (0.36%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.35%)
ORBS********************** [18.75%]
  Warp Orb         (4.26%)
  Pounce Orb       (4.26%)
  Decoy Orb        (4.26%)
  Totter Orb       (4.26%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (4.26%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (4.26%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (4.26%)
  Stairs Orb       (4.25%)
  Spurn Orb        (4.25%)
  Slumber Orb      (4.25%)
  All-Mach Orb     (4.25%)
  Cleanse Orb      (4.25%)
  All-Hit Orb      (4.25%)
  Trapbust Orb     (4.25%)
  Radar Orb        (2.13%)
  Drought Orb      (2.13%)
  Luminous Orb     (2.13%)
  Itemizer Orb     (2.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (2.13%)
  Mobile Orb       (2.13%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.13%)
  Longtoss Orb     (2.13%)
  Pierce Orb       (2.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (2.13%)
  Blowback Orb     (2.13%)
  Rocky Orb        (2.13%)
  Slow Orb         (2.13%)
  Quick Orb        (2.13%)
  Silence Orb      (2.13%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.12%)
  Switcher Orb     (2.12%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.12%)
  Transfer Orb     (2.12%)
BOXES********************* [12.50%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)


60##. 	Oblivion Forest
Requirements: Reach Master * Rank
14 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
+Only Team leader and 1st Partner let in
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Your money is reduced to 0 on entry.
+You may only bring 8 items.
+You can not be rescued in this dungeon.
-----General Info-----
-There are *Rank Kecleon Shops here. See above Oblivion Forest for details.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
-There are Advanced Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 400
          Floors 6-10: 450
          Floors 11-15: 500
     Pokemon Density
          Floor 1: 4
          Floor 2: 5
          Floors 3-8: 6
          Floors 9-15: 7
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-11: 5
          Floors 12-15: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 7
          Floors 3-9: 8
          Floors 10-15: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-15: 6
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-15: 9%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-12: 7%
          Floors 13-15: 8%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-15: 5%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-15: 15%
          Floors 1-15: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 2, 7-10, 14-15
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-15
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-15: 330
          Floor 3: Fog
          Floor 5: Fog
          Floors 8-9: Cloudy
          Floor 15: Warp Zone Floor (1 Deluxe Box)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Beedrill        BUG/PSN 55  198  1-14        N/A
Parasect        BUG/GRS 55  313  1-14        N/A
Poliwhirl       WTR     55  588  1-14        N/A
Exeggutor       GRS/PSY 55  230  1-14        N/A
Pinsir          BUG     55  428  1-14        N/A
Ledian          BUG/FLY 55  704  1-14        N/A
Scizor          BUG/STL 55  620  1-14        N/A
Heracross       BUG/FTG 55  332  1-14        N/A
Ninjask         BUG/FLY 55  601  1-14        N/A
Crawdaunt       WTR/DRK 55  851  1-14        N/A
Torterra        GRS/GRD 55  691  1-14        N/A
Carnivine       GRS     55  518  1-14        N/A
Abomasnow       ICE/GRS 55  704  1-14        N/A
Tangrowth       GRS     55  787  1-14        N/A

Floors 1-15
 Random Trap        34.28%
 Seal Trap          11.43%
 Grudge Trap        11.43%
 Grimy Trap          5.72%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.72%
 Summon Trap         5.71%
 Slow Trap           2.86%
 Mud Trap            2.86%
 Explosion Trap      2.86%
 Warp Trap           2.86%
 Gust Trap           2.86%
 Slumber Trap        2.86%
 Sticky Trap         2.85%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.85%
 Spin Trap           2.85%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.59%)
  Totter Seed      (8.19%)
  Doom Seed        (6.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.92%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.10%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.10%)
  Quick Seed       (4.10%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.10%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.10%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.10%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.10%)
  Warp Seed        (4.10%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.10%)
  Stun Seed        (4.10%)
  Max Elixir       (4.10%)
  Vile Seed        (4.09%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.64%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.82%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Via Seed         (0.82%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dough Seed       (0.82%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

Floors 10-15
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.19%)
  Totter Seed      (8.06%)
  Doom Seed        (6.45%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.84%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.04%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.04%)
  Warp Seed        (4.04%)
  Vile Seed        (4.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.03%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.03%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.03%)
  Quick Seed       (4.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.03%)
  Stun Seed        (4.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.03%)
  Max Elixir       (4.03%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.62%)
  Joy Seed         (1.61%)
  Via Seed         (0.81%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.81%)
  Dough Seed       (0.81%)
  Slip Seed        (0.80%)
  Oren Berry       (0.80%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.80%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)
A fairly tough dungeon with some slightly difficult restrictions.  Be sure
to bring Reviver Seeds.  This is a decent place to train in, and you might
even stumble upon Joy Seeds on the later floors.  There are some nice
Kecleon Shops here as well.


61##. 	Treacherous Waters
Requirements: Reach Master ** Rank
19 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
+Only Team leader and 1st Partner allowed in.
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Your money is reduced to 0 on entry.
+You may only bring 8 items.
+You can not be rescued in this dungeon.

-----General Info-----
-There are *Rank Kecleon Shops here. See above Oblivion Forest for details.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
-There are Aqua Secret Bazaars here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 400
          Floors 6-10: 450
          Floors 11-15: 500
          Floors 16-20: 550
     Pokemon Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floor 4: 8
          Floor 5: 9
          Floors 6-20: 10
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-11: 5
          Floors 12-20: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 7
          Floor 3: 8
          Floor 4: 9
          Floor 5: 10
          Floor 6: 11
          Floor 7: 12
          Floors 8-20: 13
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 16-20: 13%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-6: 7%
          Floors 7-20: 8%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-20: 8%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 15%
          Floors 1-20: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 4, 6, 10, 15, 18
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-16: 330
          Floors 17-20: 331
          Floor 5: Rain
          Floor 7: Rain
          Floor 10: Rain
          Floor 12: Rain
          Floor 16: Rain
          Floor 20: Warp Zone Floor(2 Deluxe Boxes?)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 58  529  1-15        N/A
Slowbro         WTR/PSY 58  435  1-15        N/A
Kingler         WTR     58  562  1-6,13-15   N/A
Staryu          WTR     58  113  1-15        N/A
Dragonair       DRG     58  522  1-15        N/A
Corsola         WTR/RCK 58   80  1-15        N/A
Octillery       WTR     58  951  1-15        N/A
Wailmer         WTR     58  864  1-15        N/A
Gastrodon[E]    WTR/GRD 58  355  1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15    N/A
Gastrodon[W]    WTR/GRD 58  556  2,4,6,8,10,12,14      N/A
Pelipper        WTR/FLY 60  662  7-15        N/A

Golduck         WTR     63  806  16-19       N/A
Swampert        WTR/GRD 63 1087  16-19       N/A
Lombre          WTR/GRS 63  993  16-19       N/A
Glalie          ICE     63  720  16-19       N/A
Walrein         WTR/ICE 63  684  16-19       N/A
Empoleon        WTR/STL 63  784  16-19       N/A
Garchomp        DRG/GRD 63  770  16-19       N/A

Floors 1-20
 Random Trap        34.28%
 Seal Trap          11.43%
 Grudge Trap        11.43%
 Grimy Trap          5.72%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.72%
 Summon Trap         5.71%
 Slow Trap           2.86%
 Mud Trap            2.86%
 Explosion Trap      2.86%
 Warp Trap           2.86%
 Gust Trap           2.86%
 Slumber Trap        2.86%
 Sticky Trap         2.85%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.85%
 Spin Trap           2.85%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.59%)
  Totter Seed      (8.19%)
  Doom Seed        (6.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.92%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.10%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.10%)
  Quick Seed       (4.10%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.10%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.10%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.10%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.10%)
  Warp Seed        (4.10%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.10%)
  Stun Seed        (4.10%)
  Max Elixir       (4.10%)
  Vile Seed        (4.09%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.64%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.82%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Via Seed         (0.82%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dough Seed       (0.82%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

Floors 10-20
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.19%)
  Totter Seed      (8.06%)
  Doom Seed        (6.45%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.84%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.04%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.04%)
  Warp Seed        (4.04%)
  Vile Seed        (4.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.03%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.03%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.03%)
  Quick Seed       (4.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.03%)
  Stun Seed        (4.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.03%)
  Max Elixir       (4.03%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.62%)
  Joy Seed         (1.61%)
  Via Seed         (0.81%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.81%)
  Dough Seed       (0.81%)
  Slip Seed        (0.80%)
  Oren Berry       (0.80%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.80%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

A fairly tough dungeon with some slightly difficult restrictions.  Be sure
to bring Reviver Seeds.  This is a decent place to train in, and you might
even stumble upon Joy Seeds on the later floors.  There are some good
Kecleon Shops here as well.


62##. 	Southeastern Islands
Requirements: Reach Master *** Rank
24 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
+Only Team leader allowed in.
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Your money is reduced to 0 on entry.
+You may only bring 8 items.
+You can not be rescued in this dungeon.

-----General Info-----
-There are *Rank Kecleon Shops here. See above Oblivion Forest for details.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
-There are Unique Secret Bazaars here.  See Below for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 400
          Floors 6-10: 450
          Floors 11-15: 500
          Floors 16-25: 550
     Pokemon Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floor 4: 8
          Floor 5: 9
          Floors 6-25: 10
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-11: 5
          Floors 12-25: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 7
          Floor 3: 8
          Floor 4: 9
          Floor 5: 10
          Floor 6: 11
          Floor 7: 12
          Floors 8-25: 13
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-25: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-2: 8%
          Floor 3: 35%
          Floors 4-6: 8%
          Floor 7: 20%
          Floors 8-10: 8%
          Floor 11: 25%
          Floors 12-13: 8%
          Floor 14: 30%
          Floors 15-20: 8%
          Floor 21: 40%
          Floors 22-25: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-10: 7%
          Floor 11: 33%
          Floors 12-17: 7%
          Floor 18: 33%
          Floors 19-25: 7%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-25: 8%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-25: 15%
          Floors 1-25: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 2, 4, 8, 13, 16, 20, 23, 25
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-25
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-16: 330
          Floors 17-22: 331
          Floors 23-25: 600
          Floor 4: Random
          Floor 8: Random
          Floor 12: Random
          Floor 15: Random
          Floor 24: Random
          Floor 25: Warp Zone Floor(3 Deluxe Boxes)

For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Mankey          FTG     61  245  1-24        N/A
Magnemite       ELC/STL 61  462  1-24        N/A
Hypno           PSY     61  301  1-24        N/A
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY 61  217  1-24        N/A
Xatu            PSY/FLY 61  287  1-24        N/A
Ampharos        ELC     61  581  1-24        N/A
Umbreon         DRK     61  245  1-24        N/A
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 61  532  1-24        N/A
Girafarig       NRM/PSY 61  630  1-24        N/A
Hitmontop       FTG     61  854  1-24        N/A
Elekid          ELC     61  637  1-24        N/A
Gardevoir       Pyschic 61  581  1-24        N/A
Hariyama        FTG     61  749  1-24        N/A
Aron            STL/RCK 61  343  1-24        N/A
Electrike       ELC     61  602  1-24        N/A
Plusle          ELC     61  581  1-24        N/A
Minun           ELC     61  581  1-24        N/A
Grumpig         PSY     61  812  1-24        N/A
Absol           DRK     61  693  1-24        N/A
Gallade         PSY/FTG 61  735  1-24        N/A

Floors 1-25
 Random Trap        34.28%
 Seal Trap          11.43%
 Grudge Trap        11.43%
 Grimy Trap          5.72%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.72%
 Summon Trap         5.71%
 Slow Trap           2.86%
 Mud Trap            2.86%
 Explosion Trap      2.86%
 Warp Trap           2.86%
 Gust Trap           2.86%
 Slumber Trap        2.86%
 Sticky Trap         2.85%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.85%
 Spin Trap           2.85%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.59%)
  Totter Seed      (8.19%)
  Doom Seed        (6.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.92%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.10%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.10%)
  Quick Seed       (4.10%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.10%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.10%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.10%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.10%)
  Warp Seed        (4.10%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.10%)
  Stun Seed        (4.10%)
  Max Elixir       (4.10%)
  Vile Seed        (4.09%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.64%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.82%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Via Seed         (0.82%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dough Seed       (0.82%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

Floors 10-25
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.19%)
  Totter Seed      (8.06%)
  Doom Seed        (6.45%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.84%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.04%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.04%)
  Warp Seed        (4.04%)
  Vile Seed        (4.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.03%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.03%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.03%)
  Quick Seed       (4.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.03%)
  Stun Seed        (4.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.03%)
  Max Elixir       (4.03%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.62%)
  Joy Seed         (1.61%)
  Via Seed         (0.81%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.81%)
  Dough Seed       (0.81%)
  Slip Seed        (0.80%)
  Oren Berry       (0.80%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.80%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

                Secret Bazaar Unique Type
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [25.00%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.55%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.55%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.55%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.55%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.55%)
  Warp Seed        (4.55%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
  Totter Seed      (4.54%)
  Life Seed        (4.54%)
  Plain Seed       (4.54%)
  Oran Berry       (4.54%)
  Blast Seed       (4.54%)
  Quick Seed       (4.54%)
  Stun Seed        (4.54%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.54%)
  Violent Seed     (4.54%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.54%)
HOLD********************** [25.00%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
TMs*********************** [25.00%]
  Focus Punch      (2.35%)
  Water Pulse      (2.35%)
  Light Screen     (2.35%)
  Reflect          (2.35%)
  Flamethrower     (2.35%)
  Fire Blast       (2.35%)
  Rest             (2.35%)
  Energy Ball      (2.35%)
  Embargo          (2.35%)
  Recycle          (2.35%)
  Swords Dance     (2.35%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.34%)
  Brick Break      (2.34%)
  Avalanche        (1.76%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.76%)
  Flash            (1.76%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.76%)
  Shock Wave       (1.47%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.46%)
  Ice Beam         (1.18%)
  Focus Blast      (1.18%)
  Stone Edge       (1.18%)
  Roar             (1.18%)
  Giga Drain       (1.18%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.18%)
  Torment          (1.18%)
  Captivate        (1.18%)
  X-Scissor        (1.18%)
  Wide Slash       (1.18%)
  Poison Jab       (1.18%)
  False Swipe      (1.17%)
  Brine            (1.17%)
  Psychic          (1.17%)
  Explosion        (1.17%)
  Payback          (1.17%)
  Bulk Up          (1.17%)
  Hidden Power     (1.17%)
  Calm Mind        (1.17%)
  Dive             (1.17%)
  Blizzard         (1.17%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.17%)
  Protect          (1.17%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.17%)
  Toxic            (1.17%)
  Safeguard        (1.17%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.17%)
  Psych Up         (1.17%)
  Attract          (1.17%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.17%)
  Rock Slide       (1.17%)
  Roost            (1.17%)
  Frustration      (1.17%)
  Natural Gift     (1.17%)
  Thunder          (1.17%)
  Overheat         (0.88%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.88%)
  Steel Wing       (0.88%)
  Skill Swap       (0.88%)
  Drain Punch      (0.59%)
  Silver Wind      (0.59%)
  Earthquake       (0.59%)
  Dig              (0.59%)
  Facade           (0.59%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.59%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.59%)
  Thief            (0.59%)
  SolarBeam        (0.59%)
  Fling            (0.59%)
  Charge Beam      (0.59%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.59%)
  Swagger          (0.59%)
  U-turn           (0.59%)
  Substitute       (0.59%)
  Trick Room       (0.59%)
  Pluck            (0.58%)
  Secret Power     (0.58%)
  Endure           (0.58%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.58%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.58%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.30%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.30%)
  Rock Polish      (0.29%)
  Taunt            (0.29%)
  Iron Tail        (0.29%)
  Grass Knot       (0.29%)
  Giga Impact      (0.29%)
ORBS********************** [12.50%]
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.57%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Hail Orb         (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.79%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.79%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.79%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.79%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Drought Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.79%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.79%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.79%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.79%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.79%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.79%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.79%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.79%)
  Warp Orb         (1.79%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.79%)
  Quick Orb        (1.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.78%)
  Identify Orb     (1.78%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.78%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.78%)
  Mug Orb          (1.78%)
  Slow Orb         (1.78%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.78%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.78%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.78%)
  Silence Orb      (1.78%)
  Lob Orb          (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.78%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.78%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.78%)
A fairly tough dungeon with some slightly difficult restrictions.  Be sure
to bring Reviver Seeds.  This is a decent place to train in, and you might
even stumble upon Joy Seeds on the later floors.  Very nice Kecleon Shops
here as well.  The Swalot Grab Bags in the Secret Bazaars in this dungeon
have quite a variety of items, including frequent TMs.

The pokemon here can be quite annoying.  You'll get Screeched often and
occasionally even Metal Sounded by Magnemite, which can easily lead to being
KOed by an enemy attack, so be on your guard.


63##. 	Inferno Cave
Requirements: Reach Guildmaster Rank
29 Floors + Warp Zone Floor
+Only Team leader allowed in.
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+Your money is reduced to 0 on entry.
+You may only bring 8 items.
+You can not be rescued in this dungeon.

-----General Info-----
-There are *Rank Kecleon Shops here. See above Oblivion Forest for details.
-There are Gummi monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
-There are Unique Secret Bazaars here.  See below for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 400
          Floors 6-10: 450
          Floors 11-15: 500
          Floors 16-30: 550
     Pokemon Density
          Floor 1: 5
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floor 4: 8
          Floor 5: 9
          Floors 6-30: 10
     Item Density
          Floors 1-14: 4
          Floors 15-30: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 7
          Floor 3: 8
          Floor 4: 9
          Floor 5: 10
          Floor 6: 11
          Floor 7: 12
          Floors 8-30: 13
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-30: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-7: 8%
          Floor 8: 25%
          Floors 9-13: 8%
          Floor 14: 30%
          Floors 15-18: 8%
          Floor 19: 15%
          Floor 20: 8%
          Floor 21: 10%
          Floors 22-25: 8%
          Floor 26: 40%
          Floor 27: 8%
          Floor 28: 30%
          Floors 29-30: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 3-10: 7%
          Floor 11: 33%
          Floors 12-17: 7%
          Floor 18: 33%
          Floors 19-30: 7%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-30: 8%
     Hidden Stairs Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-30: 15%
          Floors 1-30: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 7, 12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-30
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-16: 330
          Floors 17-22: 331
          Floors 23-30: 600
          Floor 5: Sunny
          Floor 7: Random
          Floor 11: Sunny
          Floor 15: Random
          Floor 17: Random
          Floor 21: Sunny
          Floor 24: Random
          Floor 28: Random
          Floor 30: Warp Zone Floor(Deluxe Box w/ IQ Booster inside?)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Vulpix          FIR     64  438  1-29        N/A
Rapidash        FIR     64  678  1-29        N/A
Gastly          GHO/PSN 64  474  1-10        N/A
Magmar          FIR     64  620  1-13        N/A
Typhlosion      FIR     64  671  1-29        N/A
Noctowl         NRM/FLY 64  459  1-29        N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     64  730  1-29        N/A
Aggron          STL/RCK 64  890  1-29        N/A
Gulpin          PSN     64  379  1-8         N/A
Numel           FIR/GRD 64  554  1-10        N/A
Shuppet         GHO     64  357  1-15        N/A
Cranidos        RCK     64  832  1-10        N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 64  459  1-14        N/A
Swalot          PSN     66  757  9-29        N/A
Haunter         GHO/PSN 67  547  11-20       N/A
Camerupt        FIR/GRD 67  600  11-18       N/A
Rampardos       RCK     67  714  11-29       N/A
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 68  854  15-29       N/A
Magmortar       FIR     68  854  15-29       N/A
Banette         GHO     69  850  16-29       N/A
Torkoal         FIR     69  616  19-29       N/A
Gengar          GHO/PSN 69  897  21-29       N/A

Floors 1-30
 Random Trap        40.00%
 Seal Trap          13.34%
 Grudge Trap        13.33%
 Grimy Trap          4.45%
 PP-Zero Trap        4.45%
 Summon Trap         4.44%
 Warp Trap           2.23%
 Slumber Trap        2.22%
 Slow Trap           2.22%
 Sticky Trap         2.22%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.22%
 Explosion Trap      2.22%
 Mud Trap            2.22%
 Gust Trap           2.22%
 Spin Trap           2.22%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.59%)
  Totter Seed      (8.19%)
  Doom Seed        (6.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.92%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.10%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.10%)
  Quick Seed       (4.10%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.10%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.10%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.10%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.10%)
  Warp Seed        (4.10%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.10%)
  Stun Seed        (4.10%)
  Max Elixir       (4.10%)
  Vile Seed        (4.09%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.64%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.82%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Via Seed         (0.82%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dough Seed       (0.82%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

Floors 10-30
  Coins (34.19%)
  Oran Berry      (24.19%)
  Totter Seed      (8.06%)
  Doom Seed        (6.45%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.84%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.04%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.04%)
  Warp Seed        (4.04%)
  Vile Seed        (4.04%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.03%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.03%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.03%)
  Quick Seed       (4.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.03%)
  Stun Seed        (4.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.03%)
  Max Elixir       (4.03%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.62%)
  Joy Seed         (1.61%)
  Via Seed         (0.81%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.81%)
  Dough Seed       (0.81%)
  Slip Seed        (0.80%)
  Oren Berry       (0.80%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.80%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [8.55%]
  Apple           (38.17%)
  Red Gummi        (3.82%)
  Blue Gummi       (3.82%)
  Grass Gummi      (3.82%)
  Clear Gummi      (3.82%)
  Orange Gummi     (3.82%)
  Brown Gummi      (3.82%)
  Sky Gummi        (3.82%)
  Green Gummi      (3.82%)
  Gray Gummi       (3.82%)
  Royal Gummi      (3.82%)
  Black Gummi      (3.82%)
  Pink Gummi       (3.81%)
  White Gummi      (3.81%)
  Purple Gummi     (3.81%)
  Yellow Gummi     (3.81%)
  Gold Gummi       (3.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (0.76%)
HOLD**********************  [4.27%]
  Gold Ribbon     (15.46%)
  Curve Band      (10.31%)
  Power Band       (5.16%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.16%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.16%)
  Stamina Band     (5.16%)
  Zinc Band        (5.16%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.16%)
  No-Aim Scope     (5.16%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.15%)
  Special Band     (5.15%)
  Insomniscope     (5.15%)
  Detect Band      (5.15%)
  Persim Band      (5.15%)
  Twist Band       (5.15%)
  Munch Belt       (5.15%)
ORBS********************** [27.35%]
  Escape Orb      (11.37%)
  Sunny Orb        (3.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (3.79%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.79%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.79%)
  Hail Orb         (3.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.78%)
  Rainy Orb        (3.78%)
  Warp Orb         (1.90%)
  Quick Orb        (1.90%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.90%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.90%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.90%)
  Totter Orb       (1.90%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.90%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.90%)
  Invisify Orb     (1.90%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.90%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.90%)
  Stairs Orb       (1.90%)
  Decoy Orb        (1.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (1.89%)
  Slow Orb         (1.89%)
  Silence Orb      (1.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.89%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.89%)
  Radar Orb        (1.89%)
  Luminous Orb     (1.89%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.89%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.89%)
  Identify Orb     (1.89%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.89%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.89%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.89%)
  Lob Orb          (1.89%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.89%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.89%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.89%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.14%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.14%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.13%)

               Secret Bazaar Unique Type
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [50.00%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.55%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.55%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.55%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.55%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.55%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.55%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.55%)
  Warp Seed        (4.55%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.55%)
  Vile Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
  Totter Seed      (4.54%)
  Life Seed        (4.54%)
  Plain Seed       (4.54%)
  Oran Berry       (4.54%)
  Blast Seed       (4.54%)
  Quick Seed       (4.54%)
  Stun Seed        (4.54%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.54%)
  Violent Seed     (4.54%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.54%)
TMs*********************** [16.67%]
  Focus Punch      (2.35%)
  Water Pulse      (2.35%)
  Light Screen     (2.35%)
  Reflect          (2.35%)
  Flamethrower     (2.35%)
  Fire Blast       (2.35%)
  Rest             (2.35%)
  Energy Ball      (2.35%)
  Embargo          (2.35%)
  Recycle          (2.35%)
  Swords Dance     (2.35%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.34%)
  Brick Break      (2.34%)
  Avalanche        (1.76%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.76%)
  Flash            (1.76%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.76%)
  Shock Wave       (1.47%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.46%)
  Ice Beam         (1.18%)
  Focus Blast      (1.18%)
  Stone Edge       (1.18%)
  Roar             (1.18%)
  Giga Drain       (1.18%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.18%)
  Torment          (1.18%)
  Captivate        (1.18%)
  X-Scissor        (1.18%)
  Wide Slash       (1.18%)
  Poison Jab       (1.18%)
  False Swipe      (1.17%)
  Brine            (1.17%)
  Psychic          (1.17%)
  Explosion        (1.17%)
  Payback          (1.17%)
  Bulk Up          (1.17%)
  Hidden Power     (1.17%)
  Calm Mind        (1.17%)
  Dive             (1.17%)
  Blizzard         (1.17%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.17%)
  Protect          (1.17%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.17%)
  Toxic            (1.17%)
  Safeguard        (1.17%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.17%)
  Psych Up         (1.17%)
  Attract          (1.17%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.17%)
  Rock Slide       (1.17%)
  Roost            (1.17%)
  Frustration      (1.17%)
  Natural Gift     (1.17%)
  Thunder          (1.17%)
  Overheat         (0.88%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.88%)
  Steel Wing       (0.88%)
  Skill Swap       (0.88%)
  Drain Punch      (0.59%)
  Silver Wind      (0.59%)
  Earthquake       (0.59%)
  Dig              (0.59%)
  Facade           (0.59%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.59%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.59%)
  Thief            (0.59%)
  SolarBeam        (0.59%)
  Fling            (0.59%)
  Charge Beam      (0.59%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.59%)
  Swagger          (0.59%)
  U-turn           (0.59%)
  Substitute       (0.59%)
  Trick Room       (0.59%)
  Pluck            (0.58%)
  Secret Power     (0.58%)
  Endure           (0.58%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.58%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.58%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.30%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.30%)
  Rock Polish      (0.29%)
  Taunt            (0.29%)
  Iron Tail        (0.29%)
  Grass Knot       (0.29%)
  Giga Impact      (0.29%)
ORBS********************** [25.00%]
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.57%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Hail Orb         (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.79%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.79%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.79%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.79%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Drought Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.79%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.79%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.79%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.79%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.79%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.79%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.79%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.79%)
  Warp Orb         (1.79%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.79%)
  Quick Orb        (1.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.78%)
  Identify Orb     (1.78%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.78%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.78%)
  Mug Orb          (1.78%)
  Slow Orb         (1.78%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.78%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.78%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.78%)
  Silence Orb      (1.78%)
  Lob Orb          (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.78%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.78%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.78%)

A fairly tough dungeon with some slightly difficult restrictions.  Be sure
to bring Reviver Seeds.  This is a decent place to train in, and you might
even stumble upon Joy Seeds on the later floors.  Some good Kecleon Shops
here as well.  Swalot Grab Bags in Secret Bazaars have quite a bit of item

I've heard that the Warp Zone Floor has an IQ Booster, but I have not
personally confirmed this.


64##. 	Star Cave
Requirements: Complete Special Episode 1.  Accept Jirachi's Challenge
              Request after the Secret Rank is obtained.  Use this
              NYC%F 0313F8= FJK26
              K=C45 Q266H6T S2T-0
16 Floors (Last Floor is Jirachi after accepting Challenge Request)
+You cannot recruit the pokemon in this dungeon.
+You cannot be rescued in this dungeon.

-----General Info-----
-There are 2 kinds of Kecleon Shops here. See Star Cave(episode 1) for info.
-There are Unique Monster Houses here. See Star Cave(episode 1) for info.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-2: 200
          Floors 3-8: 300
          Floors 9-16: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-16: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 6
          Floors 4-16: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-16: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-16: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-2: 50%
          Floors 3-4: 100%
          Floor 5: 50%
          Floor 6: 100%
          Floor 7: 50%
          Floor 8: 100%
          Floors 9-16: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 13-16: 5%
          Floors 1-16: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-3, 5, 7, 11, 14
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-16: 26
          Floor 14: Random

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Poliwag         WTR      9   43  1-7         N/A
Anorith         RCK/BUG  3   18  1-7         N/A
Kricketot       BUG      8   34  1-9         N/A
Chingling       PSY      4   22  1-7         N/A
Lotad           WTR/GRS 10   60  4-11        N/A
Bonsly          RCK     10   70  5-10        N/A
Psyduck         WTR     10   51  8-16        N/A
Gulpin          PSN     11  104  8-14        N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY  9  176  11-16       N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY  6  156  11-16       N/A

Floors 1-16
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-3
  Coins (29.63%)
  Oran Berry      (38.46%)
  Pecha Berry     (19.23%)
  Totter Seed     (12.82%)
  Reviver Seed    (10.26%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.41%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.41%)
  Max Elixir       (6.41%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.11%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [22.22%]
  Sunny Orb       (11.11%)
  Rainy Orb       (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Escape Orb       (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.56%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Quick Orb        (5.55%)

Floors 4-6
  Coins (25%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.38%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.12%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (29.41%)
  Max Elixir      (22.06%)
  Totter Seed     (14.71%)
  Reviver Seed    (11.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.35%)
  Chesto Berry     (7.35%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.35%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.50%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.13%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [15.62%]
  Sunny Orb       (11.11%)
  Rainy Orb       (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Escape Orb       (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.56%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Quick Orb        (5.55%)

Floors 7-16
  Coins (21.43%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (29.41%)
  Max Elixir      (22.06%)
  Totter Seed     (14.71%)
  Reviver Seed    (11.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.35%)
  Chesto Berry     (7.35%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.35%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.28%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Sunny Orb       (11.11%)
  Rainy Orb       (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Escape Orb       (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.56%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Quick Orb        (5.55%)

This dungeon is only accessible by accepting Jirachi's Challenge Request
during the Post-ending, which may only appear if you have completed Bidoof's
Special Episode.
Not much to this dungeon, except for the extremely common Kecleon Shops.

------------Wonder Dungeons-------------

NOTE: These dungeons have a special Kecleon Shop, Monster House, and Buried
Item list. They are as follows:

              Kecleon Shop Wonder List
   Found: Mystery Jungle(8%)

THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [4.00%]
  Stick           (58.14%)
  Iron Thorn      (34.88%)
  Silver Spike     (6.98%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [4.00%]
  Geo Pebble      (70.00%)
  Gravelerock     (30.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.35%)
  Oran Berry       (4.35%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (4.35%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.35%)
  Blinker Seed     (4.35%)
  Life Seed        (4.35%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.35%)
  Quick Seed       (4.35%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.35%)
  Totter Seed      (4.35%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.35%)
  Plain Seed       (4.35%)
  Warp Seed        (4.35%)
  Joy Seed         (4.35%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.35%)
  Stun Seed        (4.35%)
  Violent Seed     (4.35%)
  Max Elixir       (4.35%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.34%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.34%)
  Vile Seed        (4.34%)
  Blast Seed       (4.34%)
  X-Eye Seed       (4.34%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [24.00%]
  Big Apple        (5.27%)
  Red Gummi        (5.27%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.27%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.27%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.27%)
  Black Gummi      (5.27%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.26%)
  Huge Apple       (5.26%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.26%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.26%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.26%)
  White Gummi      (5.26%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.26%)
  Green Gummi      (5.26%)
  Apple            (5.26%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.26%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.26%)
  Blue Gummi       (5.26%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.26%)
HOLD********************** [24.00%]
  Gold Ribbon    (100.00%)
TMs***********************  [8.00%]
  Focus Punch      (2.35%)
  Water Pulse      (2.35%)
  Light Screen     (2.35%)
  Reflect          (2.35%)
  Flamethrower     (2.35%)
  Fire Blast       (2.35%)
  Rest             (2.35%)
  Energy Ball      (2.35%)
  Embargo          (2.35%)
  Recycle          (2.35%)
  Swords Dance     (2.35%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.34%)
  Brick Break      (2.34%)
  Avalanche        (1.76%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (1.76%)
  Flash            (1.76%)
  Sleep Talk       (1.76%)
  Shock Wave       (1.47%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.46%)
  Ice Beam         (1.18%)
  Focus Blast      (1.18%)
  Stone Edge       (1.18%)
  Roar             (1.18%)
  Giga Drain       (1.18%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.18%)
  Torment          (1.18%)
  Captivate        (1.18%)
  X-Scissor        (1.18%)
  Wide Slash       (1.18%)
  Poison Jab       (1.18%)
  False Swipe      (1.17%)
  Brine            (1.17%)
  Psychic          (1.17%)
  Explosion        (1.17%)
  Payback          (1.17%)
  Bulk Up          (1.17%)
  Hidden Power     (1.17%)
  Calm Mind        (1.17%)
  Dive             (1.17%)
  Blizzard         (1.17%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.17%)
  Protect          (1.17%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.17%)
  Toxic            (1.17%)
  Safeguard        (1.17%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.17%)
  Psych Up         (1.17%)
  Attract          (1.17%)
  Dark Pulse       (1.17%)
  Rock Slide       (1.17%)
  Roost            (1.17%)
  Frustration      (1.17%)
  Natural Gift     (1.17%)
  Thunder          (1.17%)
  Overheat         (0.88%)
  Hyper Beam       (0.88%)
  Steel Wing       (0.88%)
  Skill Swap       (0.88%)
  Drain Punch      (0.59%)
  Silver Wind      (0.59%)
  Earthquake       (0.59%)
  Dig              (0.59%)
  Facade           (0.59%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.59%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.59%)
  Thief            (0.59%)
  SolarBeam        (0.59%)
  Fling            (0.59%)
  Charge Beam      (0.59%)
  Dragon Pulse     (0.59%)
  Swagger          (0.59%)
  U-turn           (0.59%)
  Substitute       (0.59%)
  Trick Room       (0.59%)
  Pluck            (0.58%)
  Secret Power     (0.58%)
  Endure           (0.58%)
  Flash Cannon     (0.58%)
  Will-O-Wisp      (0.58%)
  Return           (0.53%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.30%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.30%)
  Rock Polish      (0.29%)
  Taunt            (0.29%)
  Iron Tail        (0.29%)
  Grass Knot       (0.29%)
  Giga Impact      (0.29%)
ORBS********************** [12.00%]
  Slumber Orb      (3.58%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.57%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.57%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.57%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.57%)
  Totter Orb       (3.57%)
  Stairs Orb       (3.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.57%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.57%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.57%)
  Hail Orb         (1.79%)
  Stayaway Orb     (1.79%)
  Rainy Orb        (1.79%)
  Sandy Orb        (1.79%)
  Snatch Orb       (1.79%)
  See-Trap Orb     (1.79%)
  Rebound Orb      (1.79%)
  Scanner Orb      (1.79%)
  Drought Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapbust Orb     (1.79%)
  One-Shot Orb     (1.79%)
  Shocker Orb      (1.79%)
  Fill-In Orb      (1.79%)
  Trapper Orb      (1.79%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.79%)
  Switcher Orb     (1.79%)
  Longtoss Orb     (1.79%)
  Pierce Orb       (1.79%)
  Warp Orb         (1.79%)
  Transfer Orb     (1.79%)
  Quick Orb        (1.79%)
  Blowback Orb     (1.78%)
  Identify Orb     (1.78%)
  Sunny Orb        (1.78%)
  Sizebust Orb     (1.78%)
  Mug Orb          (1.78%)
  Slow Orb         (1.78%)
  Itemizer Orb     (1.78%)
  Rocky Orb        (1.78%)
  Mobile Orb       (1.78%)
  Silence Orb      (1.78%)
  Lob Orb          (1.78%)
  Radar Orb        (1.78%)
  Petrify Orb      (1.78%)
  Evasion Orb      (1.78%)
  Rollcall Orb     (1.78%)

              Monster House Wonder List
   Found: Bottomless Sea(5%), Shimmer Desert(6%,50%), Mt. Avalanche(5%),
          Giant Volcano(5%), World Abyss(7%,10%), Mystery Jungle(5%)

  Coins (40%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [40.00%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
TMs***********************  [6.67%]
  Focus Punch      (3.81%)
  Water Pulse      (3.81%)
  Light Screen     (3.81%)
  Brick Break      (3.81%)
  Reflect          (3.81%)
  Rest             (3.81%)
  Energy Ball      (3.81%)
  Embargo          (3.81%)
  Recycle          (3.81%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.81%)
  Swords Dance     (3.81%)
  Dive             (3.80%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.86%)
  Flash            (2.86%)
  Shock Wave       (2.38%)
  False Swipe      (1.91%)
  Roar             (1.91%)
  Explosion        (1.91%)
  Payback          (1.91%)
  Protect          (1.91%)
  Wide Slash       (1.91%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.91%)
  Safeguard        (1.91%)
  Attract          (1.91%)
  Roost            (1.91%)
  Hidden Power     (1.91%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.91%)
  Natural Gift     (1.91%)
  Giga Drain       (1.90%)
  Calm Mind        (1.90%)
  Brine            (1.90%)
  Torment          (1.90%)
  Rock Slide       (1.90%)
  Focus Blast      (1.90%)
  Poison Jab       (1.90%)
  Steel Wing       (1.42%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.42%)
  SolarBeam        (0.95%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.95%)
  Dig              (0.95%)
  Iron Tail        (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [13.33%]
  Evasion Orb      (3.39%)
  Snatch Orb       (3.39%)
  See-Trap Orb     (3.39%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.39%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.39%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.39%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.39%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.39%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.39%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.39%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.39%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.39%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.39%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.39%)
  Totter Orb       (3.39%)
  Silence Orb      (3.39%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.39%)
  Radar Orb        (3.39%)
  Trapbust Orb     (3.39%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.39%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.39%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.39%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.39%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.39%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.39%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.39%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.39%)
  Warp Orb         (1.70%)
  Mug Orb          (1.69%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.69%)

              Buried Items Wonder List
   Found: Bottomless Sea, Shimmer Desert, Mt. Avalanche, Giant Volcano,
          World Abyss, Mystery Jungle*

  Coins (46.29%)
  Sitrus Berry    (13.16%)
  Life Seed       (13.16%)
  Joy Seed        (13.16%)
  Protein         (13.16%)
  Calcium         (13.16%)
  Iron            (13.16%)
  Ginseng         (13.15%)
  Zinc             (7.89%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [23.15%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
OTHER********************* [23.15%]
  Lost Loot      (100.00%)


65##. 	Bottomless Sea
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              @+MM7 C6H%0@T F&32W
              =&K&5 +216-5& X-XW4
49 Floors + Kyogre Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
-There are Wonder Monster Houses and Wonder Buried Items here.  See above
 Bottomless Sea for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-50: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floors 7-50: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-50: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-50: 7
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-50: 8
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-50: 5%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-50: 7%
          Floors 8-49: Light Darkness
     Deep Water on Floors 1-50
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-50
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-49: 331
          Floor 50: 600
          Floor 50: Boss Battle vs Kyogre
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Tentacruel      WTR/PSN 43  410  1-49        -4.5%
Slowbro         WTR/PSY 43  338  1-49       -12.0%
Horsea          WTR     11  108  1-49         8.2%
Seadra          WTR     43  327  1-49       -10.0%
Starmie         WTR/PSY 43  104  1-49        -4.5%
Gyarados        WTR/FLY 42  586  1-25        -4.5%
Slowking        WTR/PSY 43  442  1-49       -12.0%
Qwilfish        WTR/PSN 43  426  1-49         6.9%
Remoraid        WTR     26  238  1-25         8.2%
Octillery       WTR     43  738  1-49       -12.0%
Kingdra         WTR/DRG 44  577  1-25       -12.0%
Wailmer         WTR     11  258  1-25         4.0%
Clamperl        WTR     15  252  1-25         8.2%
Finneon         WTR     11  270  1-25         8.2%
Lapras          WTR/ICE 46  511  21-25        6.7%
Wailord         WTR     48  872  26         -12.0%

Floors 1-9
 Mud Trap           24.19%
 Sticky Trap         8.07%
 Warp Trap           8.07%
 Seal Trap           8.07%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.07%
 Grimy Trap          8.06%
 Spin Trap           7.26%
 Explosion Trap      5.64%
 Gust Trap           4.03%
 Poison Trap         4.03%
 Slumber Trap        4.03%
 Slow Trap           4.03%
 Pokemon Trap        4.03%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.42%

Floors 10-29
 Mud Trap           21.58%
 Sticky Trap        14.39%
 Grimy Trap          7.20%
 Warp Trap           7.20%
 Seal Trap           7.20%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.19%
 Spin Trap           6.48%
 Explosion Trap      5.04%
 Slumber Trap        3.60%
 Pokemon Trap        3.60%
 Poison Trap         3.59%
 Gust Trap           3.59%
 Slow Trap           3.59%
 Pitfall Trap        3.59%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.16%

Floor 30
 Mud Trap           22.39%
 Sticky Trap        14.92%
 Seal Trap          11.19%
 Grimy Trap          7.47%
 Warp Trap           7.46%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.46%
 Spin Trap           6.72%
 Explosion Trap      5.23%
 Pitfall Trap        3.73%
 Slumber Trap        3.73%
 Slow Trap           3.73%
 Pokemon Trap        3.73%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.24%

Floors 31-39
 Mud Trap           25.21%
 Seal Trap          12.60%
 Grimy Trap          8.41%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.41%
 Warp Trap           8.40%
 Spin Trap           7.56%
 Explosion Trap      5.88%
 Slow Trap           4.21%
 Pitfall Trap        4.20%
 Slumber Trap        4.20%
 Sticky Trap         4.20%
 Pokemon Trap        4.20%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.52%

Floors 40-49
 Mud Trap           24.39%
 Seal Trap          16.26%
 Warp Trap           8.13%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.13%
 Spin Trap           7.32%
 Slumber Trap        6.50%
 Explosion Trap      5.69%
 Grimy Trap          4.87%
 Sticky Trap         4.07%
 Pitfall Trap        4.07%
 Pokemon Trap        4.07%
 Slow Trap           4.06%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.44%

Floor 50
 Mud Trap           27.03%
 Seal Trap          13.52%
 Sticky Trap        13.51%
 Warp Trap           6.76%
 Summon Trap         6.76%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.76%
 Spin Trap           6.08%
 Slumber Trap        5.40%
 Explosion Trap      4.72%
 Grimy Trap          4.05%
 Pokemon Trap        3.38%
 Selfdestruct Trap   2.03%

Floors 1-48
  Coins (34.49%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [12.93%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (32.26%)
  Max Elixir      (10.75%)
  Doom Seed        (8.61%)
  Sleep Seed       (8.60%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.38%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.38%)
  Quick Seed       (5.38%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.37%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.37%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.37%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.08%)
  Slip Seed        (1.08%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.08%)
  Dough Seed       (1.08%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.07%)
  Oren Berry       (1.07%)
  Via Seed         (1.07%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [4.31%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [4.31%]
  Def. Scarf      (22.99%)
  No-Stick Cap    (11.50%)
  Special Band    (11.50%)
  Racket Band     (11.49%)
  Twist Band      (11.49%)
  Joy Ribbon      (11.49%)
  Zinc Band       (11.49%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
TMs***********************  [4.31%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.86%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [21.55%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Floors 49-50
TMs*********************** [83.33%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER********************* [16.67%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)

Floor 50
        Aqua-Monica       (Defeat Kyogre)
Very strong enemies here, so be careful.  Nice place to train your tough
pokemon, though.

The Floor before Kyogre is loaded with TMs.  Perhaps bringing some Itemizer
Orbs and pokemon with the Pick-up ability to that floor might not be a bad


66##. 	Shimmer Desert
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              FF90- @-9FSKS 3Q3-5
              Q87Y8 NQMN1FY SNKRX
9 Floors + Groundon Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
-There are Wonder Monster Houses and Wonder Buried Items here.  See above
 Bottomless Sea for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-2: 4
          Floors 3-6: 5
          Floors 7-10: 7
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10: 12
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 8
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floor 8: 50%
          All Remaining Floors: 6%
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9: 331
          Floor 10: 600
          Floor 1, 6: Sunny
          Floor 3, 9: Sandstorm
          Floor 10: Boss Battle versus Groundon
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Ekans           PSN     16  142  1-10         0.5%
Arbok           PSN     48  541  1-10       -12.0%
Sandshrew       GRD     20  217  1-10        16.4%
Sandslash       GRD     42  392  1-10         1.0%
Nidoking        PSN/GRD 42  423  1-10       -12.0%
Diglett         GRD     12   54  1-10         8.2%
Dugtrio         GRD     42  163  1-10        -4.5%
Sudowoodo       RCK     42  178  1-10         0.5%
Garchomp        DRG/GRD 45  577  3-8          1.0%
Rhyperior       RCK/GRD 49  585  5-8        -12.0%

Floors 1-10
 Selfdestruct Trap  13.64%
 Seal Trap           9.10%
 Sticky Trap         9.09%
 PP-Zero Trap        9.09%
 Slumber Trap        4.55%
 Mud Trap            4.55%
 Summon Trap         4.55%
 Gust Trap           4.55%
 Chestnut Trap       4.55%
 Trip Trap           4.55%
 Poison Trap         4.54%
 Spin Trap           4.54%
 Explosion Trap      4.54%
 Warp Trap           4.54%
 Slow Trap           4.54%
 Pokemon Trap        4.54%
 Grimy Trap          4.54%

Floors 1-9
  Coins (32.61%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [21.74%]
  Silver Spike   (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [21.74%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [21.74%]
  Grimy Food      (58.14%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.82%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.82%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.82%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.81%)
  Green Gummi      (5.81%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.81%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.81%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.16%)
OTHER*********************  [2.17%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)

Floor 10
  Coins (41.66%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [27.78%]
  Silver Spike   (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [27.78%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
OTHER*********************  [2.78%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)

Floor 10
        Terra Cymbal      (Defeat Groundon)
Considering the high value of Coins here, this is not a bad place to gather
some up.  Powerful throwing items here too.


67##. 	Mt. Avalanche
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              &3R06 #8S-+C& 9Q6MS
              28NP# 7QPN%5F H#@C9
29 Floors + Articuno Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
-There are Wonder Monster Houses and Wonder Buried Items here.  See above
 Bottomless Sea for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floors 7-20: 8
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 4
          Floors 3-20: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-20: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 8
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Water on Floors 1-20
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-20: 331
          Floor 2, 4, 6: Snow
          Floor 3, 5, 9: Cloudy
          Floor 20: Boss Battle versus Articuno
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Jynx            PSY/ICE 42  377  1-19        -4.5%
Marill          WTR     40  426  1-19         0.5%
Azumarill       WTR     45  459  1-19         0.5%
Sneasel         DRK/ICE 12    8  1-19         6.4%
Piloswine       GRD/ICE 41  390  1-19       -12.0%
Delibird        ICE/FLY 41  560  1-19         8.2%
Smoochum        PSY/ICE 17  330  1-19         6.4%
Slakoth         NRM     15  208  1-19         8.2%
Vigoroth        NRM     41  560  1-19       -10.0%
Slaking         NRM     45  610  1-19       -12.0%
Azurill         WTR     11  254  1-19         8.2%
Nosepass        RCK     42  336  1-19         6.4%
Swablu          NRM/FLY 11  214  1-19         6.4%
Altaria         DRG/FLY 42  530  1-19       -12.0%
Zangoose        NRM     42  581  1-19         6.4%
Armaldo         RCK/BUG 42  596  1-19        -4.5%
Snorunt         ICE     14  223  1-19         6.4%
Piplup          WTR      5    9  1-19         8.2%
Prinplup        WTR     42  158  1-19       -10.0%
Empoleon        WTR/STL 45  588  1-19       -12.0%
Weavile         DRK/ICE 42  479  1-19       -12.0%
Mamoswine       ICE/GRD 42  561  1-19       -12.0%
Golduck         WTR     43  582  12-19      -12.0%

Floors 1-20
 Wonder Tile        23.12%
 Slumber Trap        6.94%
 Warp Trap           5.78%
 Grimy Trap          5.78%
 Slow Trap           5.78%
 Poison Trap         5.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.78%
 Chestnut Trap       5.78%
 Summon Trap         5.78%
 Pokemon Trap        5.78%
 Spin Trap           5.20%
 Mud Trap            2.89%
 Gust Trap           2.89%
 Seal Trap           2.89%
 Sticky Trap         2.89%
 Trip Trap           2.89%
 Explosion Trap      2.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.74%

Floors 1-20
  Coins (26.85%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [16.78%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (27.27%)
  Pecha Berry     (11.36%)
  X-Eye Seed       (9.10%)
  Blinker Seed     (9.09%)
  Doom Seed        (9.09%)
  Sleep Seed       (9.09%)
  Max Elixir       (5.69%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.68%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.68%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.14%)
  Via Seed         (1.14%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.14%)
  Dough Seed       (1.14%)
  Slip Seed        (1.13%)
  Oren Berry       (1.13%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.13%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [13.43%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [5.36%]
  Twist Band      (19.23%)
  Power Band      (19.23%)
  Def. Scarf      (19.23%)
  Special Band    (19.23%)
  Zinc Band       (19.23%)
OTHER*********************  [0.67%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [16.78%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Floor 20
        Icy Flute         (Defeat Articuno)
Some useful Buried items here.


68##. 	Giant Volcano
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              20JNM XX37XJT H0FC5
              #9HK9 W909M1= 93MP#
19 Floors + Heatran Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
-There are Wonder Monster Houses and Wonder Buried Items here.  See above
 Bottomless Sea for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-20: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-4: 4
          Floors 5-11: 5
          Floors 12-20: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-19: 5
          Floor 20: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-3: 10
          Floors 4-20: 12
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 8
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-20: 5%
     Lava on Floors 3, 5, 7-8, 11, 13, 15-16, 19
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-20
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-20: 331
          Floor 3, 5: Sunny
          Floor 6, 8, 10: Cloudy
          Floor 20: Boss Battle versus Groundon
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Charmander      FIR      5   14  1-10         8.2%
Charmeleon      FIR     43  218  1-19       -10.0%
Growlithe       FIR     16  165  1-10         8.2%
Arcanine        FIR     48  473  1-19       -12.0%
Ponyta          FIR     17  228  1-8          8.2%
Rapidash        FIR     48  530  1-19        -4.5%
Flareon         FIR     49  203  1-19       -12.0%
Cyndaquil       FIR      5   11  1-10         8.2%
Quilava         FIR     48  216  1-19       -10.0%
Slugma          FIR     15  132  1-10        16.4%
Magcargo        FIR/RCK 49  411  1-19         0.5%
Torchic         FIR      5    2  1-8          8.2%
Combusken       FIR/FTG 45  442  1-19       -10.0%
Numel           FIR/GRD 14  174  1-9         12.8%
Camerupt        FIR/GRD 46  434  1-19       -12.0%
Chimchar        FIR      5    9  1-7          8.2%
Monferno        FIR/FTG 43  161  1-19       -10.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort. Requires Secret Slab or Mystery Part~
Moltres         FIR/FLY 44 1086  10          30.0%

Floors 1-20
 Wonder Tile        23.12%
 Slumber Trap        6.94%
 Warp Trap           5.78%
 Grimy Trap          5.78%
 Slow Trap           5.78%
 Poison Trap         5.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.78%
 Chestnut Trap       5.78%
 Summon Trap         5.78%
 Pokemon Trap        5.78%
 Spin Trap           5.20%
 Mud Trap            2.89%
 Gust Trap           2.89%
 Seal Trap           2.89%
 Sticky Trap         2.89%
 Trip Trap           2.89%
 Explosion Trap      2.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.74%

Floors 1-20
  Coins (36.04%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.01%]
  Silver Spike   (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [9.01%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (29.41%)
  Blinker Seed     (7.85%)
  Sleep Seed       (7.85%)
  X-Eye Seed       (7.84%)
  Totter Seed      (7.84%)
  Doom Seed        (7.84%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.91%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.90%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.90%)
  Heal Seed        (4.90%)
  Quick Seed       (4.90%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.98%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.98%)
  Slip Seed        (0.98%)
  Via Seed         (0.98%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.98%)
  Oren Berry       (0.98%)
  Dough Seed       (0.98%)
HOLD**********************  [4.50%]
  Gold Ribbon     (17.24%)
  Scope Lens       (5.75%)
  Patsy Band       (5.75%)
  Power Band       (5.75%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.75%)
  Insomniscope     (5.75%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.75%)
  Racket Band      (5.75%)
  Stamina Band     (5.75%)
  Curve Band       (5.75%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.74%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.74%)
  Detect Band      (5.74%)
  Twist Band       (5.74%)
OTHER*********************  [0.90%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [13.51%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

Floor 20
        Fiery Drum        (Defeat Heatran)
If you look for buried items here, beware the lava!


69##. 	World Abyss
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              7H4WX T780F=T 03@1H
              #X&F+ CQF&@1P 69JW8
29 Floors + Giratina Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
-There are Wonder Monster Houses and Wonder Buried Items here.  See above
 Bottomless Sea for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-30: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-2: 4
          Floors 3-4: 5
          Floors 5-6: 6
          Floors 7-8: 7
          Floors 9-25: 8
          Floors 26-30: 9
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floor 4: 6
          Floors 5-7: 4
          Floor 8: 6
          Floors 9-11: 4
          Floor 12: 6
          Floors 13-14: 4
          Floor 15: 6
          Floors 16-19: 4
          Floor 20: 6
          Floors 21-27: 4
          Floor 28: 6
          Floors 29-30: 4
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-30: 12
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-30: 8
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 9, 27: 10%
          All Remaining Floors: 7%
          Floors 1-29: Light Darkness
     Void on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-30
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-30: 331
          Floor 30: Boss Battle versus Giratina
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Pidgey          NRM/FLY 42   45  1-10        8.2%
Pidgeotto       NRM/FLY 43  197  1-20       -4.5%
Nidoqueen       PSN/GRD 42  545  1-29      -12.0%
Voltorb         ELC     13  127  1-15       12.8%
Electrode       ELC     42  530  1-29       -4.5%
Weezing         PSN     42  387  1-29      -12.0%
Umbreon         DRK     45  189  1-29      -12.0%
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 22  235  1-14        6.4%
Poochyena       DRK     15   91  1-15        8.2%
Taillow         NRM/FLY 16   22  1-8         6.4%
Loudred         NRM     42  499  1-15      -10.0%
Delcatty        NRM     47  509  8-15      -12.0%
Swellow         NRM/FLY 43  119  9-29        0.5%
Mightyena       DRK     48  552  16-29      -4.5%
Exploud         NRM     45  615  16-27     -12.0%
Pidgeot         NRM/FLY 46  500  21-29     -10.0%

Floors 1-30
 Wonder Tile        23.12%
 Slumber Trap        6.94%
 Warp Trap           5.78%
 Grimy Trap          5.78%
 Slow Trap           5.78%
 Poison Trap         5.78%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.78%
 Chestnut Trap       5.78%
 Summon Trap         5.78%
 Pokemon Trap        5.78%
 Spin Trap           5.20%
 Mud Trap            2.89%
 Gust Trap           2.89%
 Seal Trap           2.89%
 Sticky Trap         2.89%
 Trip Trap           2.89%
 Explosion Trap      2.31%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.74%

Floors 1-30
  Coins (36.04%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.01%]
  Silver Spike   (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [9.01%]
  Gravelerock     (77.78%)
  Geo Pebble      (22.22%)
  Oran Berry      (41.10%)
  Sleep Seed      (10.96%)
  Doom Seed       (10.95%)
  Quick Seed       (6.85%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.85%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.85%)
  Heal Seed        (6.85%)
  Dropeye Seed     (1.37%)
  Reviser Seed     (1.37%)
  Slip Seed        (1.37%)
  Via Seed         (1.37%)
  Mix Elixir       (1.37%)
  Oren Berry       (1.37%)
  Dough Seed       (1.37%)
HOLD**********************  [4.50%]
  Gold Ribbon     (17.24%)
  Scope Lens       (5.75%)
  Patsy Band       (5.75%)
  Power Band       (5.75%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.75%)
  Insomniscope     (5.75%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.75%)
  Racket Band      (5.75%)
  Stamina Band     (5.75%)
  Curve Band       (5.75%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.74%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.74%)
  Detect Band      (5.74%)
  Twist Band       (5.74%)
OTHER*********************  [0.90%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [13.51%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

Floor 30
        Rock Horn         (Defeat Giratina)
Boy, if you love traps, you'll love World Abyss!


70##. 	Sky Stairway
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              M#=YQ C1&W66= S13=X
              RT@TR M5XPF70 5#883
49 Floors + Rayquaza Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-50: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-50: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-20: 4
          Floors 21-50: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-50: 10
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-50: 5%
          Floors 1-49: Light Darkness
     Void on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 30-31, 34, 38,
                     41, 43, 45, 49-50
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-50
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-49: 331
          Floor 50: 600
          Floor 1, 4: Cloudy
          Floors 6-7: Fog
          Floor 9: Sunny
          Floor 11: Fog
          Floors 13-14: Cloudy
          Floor 16: Sunny
          Floor 18: Cloudy
          Floor 20, 24, 30, 37, 42, 48: Sunny
          Floor 50: Boss Battle versus Rayquaza
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Raichu          ELC     42  566  1-49       -12.0%
Vulpix          FIR     14  138  1-49         8.2%
Magnemite       ELC/STL 12  138  1-25        16.4%
Muk             PSN     30  429  1-49        -4.5%
Gastly          GHO/PSN 30  253  1-15        16.4%
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 33  499  1-10       -10.0%
Ditto           NRM     28  233  1-49        16.4%
Jumpluff        GRS/FLY 33  390  1-49       -10.0%
Misdreavus      GHO     30  390  1-49        16.4%
Forretress      BUG/STL 30  452  1-49         1.0%
Steelix         STL/GRD 33  483  1-49       -10.0%
Skarmory        STL/FLY 28  414  1-49        16.4%
Claydol         PSY/GRD 30  429  1-49         1.0%
Banette         GHO     30  425  1-49       -10.0%

Duskull         GHO     30  390  1-49         6.4%
Shelgon         DRG     30  464  1-49         1.0%
Metang          STL/PSY 33  487  1-49         1.0%
Mothim          BUG/FLY 33  470  1-49        16.4%
Ambipom         NRM     42  402  1-30         8.2%
Gabite          DRG/GRD 33  390  1-10        16.4%
Tangrowth       GRS     33  516  1-49        16.4%
Leafeon         GRS     33  147  1-49       -10.0%
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 30  475  1-49        -4.5%
Probopass       RCK/STL 33  516  1-49        16.4%
Togekiss        NRM/FLY 28  418  5-49       -12.0%
Spiritomb       GHO/DRK 50  625  7-14       -10.0%
Haunter         GHO/PSN 33  302  16-29        1.0%
Magneton        ELC/STL 50  460  26-49       -4.5%
Gengar          GHO/PSN 36  517  30-49      -10.0%
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 34  270  31-49        5.0%

~Appears after getting Marine Resort~
Dusknoir        GHO     55  940  49         -12.0%

Floors 1-40
 Wonder Tile        28.09%
 Slumber Trap        6.74%
 Grimy Trap          5.62%
 Slow Trap           5.62%
 Chestnut Trap       5.62%
 Warp Trap           5.62%
 Pokemon Trap        5.62%
 Summon Trap         5.61%
 Poison Trap         5.61%
 PP-Zero Trap        5.61%
 Spin Trap           5.06%
 Mud Trap            2.81%
 Gust Trap           2.81%
 Seal Trap           2.81%
 Sticky Trap         2.81%
 Explosion Trap      2.25%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.69%

Floors 41-49
 Wonder Tile        33.55%
 Warp Trap           6.72%
 Gust Trap           6.71%
 Seal Trap           6.71%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.71%
 Grimy Trap          6.71%
 Slumber Trap        5.37%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.37%
 Spin Trap           4.69%
 Slow Trap           4.03%
 Sticky Trap         3.36%
 Pokemon Trap        3.36%
 Explosion Trap      2.69%
 Summon Trap         2.01%
 Mud Trap            2.01%

Floor 50
 Wonder Tile        35.21%
 Seal Trap           7.05%
 Warp Trap           7.05%
 Selfdestruct Trap   7.04%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.04%
 Grimy Trap          7.04%
 Slumber Trap        5.64%
 Summon Trap         4.93%
 Spin Trap           4.92%
 Slow Trap           4.22%
 Sticky Trap         3.52%
 Pokemon Trap        3.52%
 Explosion Trap      2.82%

Floors 1-3
  Coins (30.54%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.63%]
  Stick           (44.44%)
  Iron Thorn      (33.34%)
  Silver Spike    (22.22%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.64%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.59%)
  Doom Seed        (6.56%)
  X-Eye Seed       (6.56%)
  Totter Seed      (6.56%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.56%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.55%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.10%)
  Quick Seed       (4.10%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.10%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.10%)
  Heal Seed        (4.10%)
  Warp Seed        (4.10%)
  Max Elixir       (4.10%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.09%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.82%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.82%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Via Seed         (0.82%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dough Seed       (0.82%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [6.10%]
  Apple           (98.04%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.96%)
HOLD**********************  [6.11%]
  Gold Ribbon     (17.24%)
  Scope Lens       (5.75%)
  Patsy Band       (5.75%)
  Power Band       (5.75%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.75%)
  Insomniscope     (5.75%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.75%)
  Racket Band      (5.75%)
  Stamina Band     (5.75%)
  Curve Band       (5.75%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.74%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.74%)
  Detect Band      (5.74%)
  Twist Band       (5.74%)
ORBS********************** [19.08%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

Floors 4-50
  Coins (31.25%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.81%]
  Stick           (44.44%)
  Iron Thorn      (33.34%)
  Silver Spike    (22.22%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [7.82%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.59%)
  Doom Seed        (6.56%)
  X-Eye Seed       (6.56%)
  Totter Seed      (6.56%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.56%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.55%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.10%)
  Quick Seed       (4.10%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.10%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.10%)
  Heal Seed        (4.10%)
  Warp Seed        (4.10%)
  Max Elixir       (4.10%)
  Chesto Berry     (4.09%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.09%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.82%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.82%)
  Slip Seed        (0.82%)
  Via Seed         (0.82%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.82%)
  Oren Berry       (0.82%)
  Dough Seed       (0.82%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [6.25%]
  Apple           (98.04%)
  Gravelyrock      (1.96%)
HOLD**********************  [3.91%]
  Gold Ribbon     (17.24%)
  Scope Lens       (5.75%)
  Patsy Band       (5.75%)
  Power Band       (5.75%)
  Pecha Scarf      (5.75%)
  Insomniscope     (5.75%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
  Heal Ribbon      (5.75%)
  Racket Band      (5.75%)
  Stamina Band     (5.75%)
  Curve Band       (5.75%)
  Warp Scarf       (5.74%)
  Joy Ribbon       (5.74%)
  Detect Band      (5.74%)
  Twist Band       (5.74%)
ORBS********************** [19.53%]
  Escape Orb      (15.87%)
  Warp Orb         (7.94%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.94%)
  Radar Orb        (5.30%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.29%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.29%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.29%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.29%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.29%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.29%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.29%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.29%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.29%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.29%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.29%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (1.59%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (1.59%)
  All-Hit Orb      (1.58%)

Floor 50
        Sky Melodica      (Defeat Rayquaza)
No Kecleon shops, monster houses, or buried items here.  Not the most
exciting Wonder Dungeon, unless you love Sunny Weather.


71##. 	Mystery Jungle
Requirements: Complete Crevice Cave.  Then enter this wondermail:
              6@JF0 HC74%#J 4%3P=
              9XW%9 #377=W8 3H6YY
29 Floors + Mew Boss Battle
-----General Info-----
-There are Wonder Monster Houses and Wonder Buried Items here. See above
 Bottomless Sea for details.
-There are Wonder Kecleon Shops here. See above Bottomless Sea for details.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-30: 400
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors 4-6: 5
          Floors 7-30: 6
     Item Density
          Floor 1: 3
          Floor 2: 4
          Floor 3: 5
          Floors 4-5: 4
          Floor 6: 3
          Floor 7: 4
          Floors 8-28: 5
          Floors 29-30: 3
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-11: 8
          Floors 12-16: 15
          Floors 17-22: 8
          Floors 23-30: 15
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-15: 8
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-30: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-30: 5%
     Chance of Item being Sticky
          Floors 1-30: 3%
          Floors 1-14: Light Darkness
          Floors 15-29: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-3, 6, 8-11, 14-16, 18-19, 21-22, 24-25, 27-28
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 1-30
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-29: 331
          Floor 30: 330
          Floor 5: Random
          Floors 7-8: Fog
          Floor 10, 15: Random
          Floors 17-18: Fog
          Floor 20, 25: Random
          Floor 30: Boss Battle versus Mew
For any floor that can have more than 14 different pokemon species, only
a random 14 of those appear on that floor.
NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Bulbasaur       GRS/PSN  5    9  1-29         8.2%
Ivysaur         GRS/PSN 40  151  1-29       -10.0%
Venusaur        GRS/PSN 43  530  1-29       -12.0%
Metapod         BUG     40   63  1-29       -10.0%
Rattata         NRM     13   48  1-29         8.2%
Raticate        NRM     42  459  1-29        -4.5%
Spearow         NRM/FLY 12  134  1-29         8.2%
Nidoran-F       PSN     40   24  1-29         8.2%
Nidoran-M       PSN     40   29  1-29         8.2%
Vileplume       GRS/PSN 42  535  1-29       -12.0%
Venonat         BUG/PSN 12   37  1-29         8.2%
Bellsprout      GRS/PSN 15   14  1-29         8.2%
Weepinbell      GRS/PSN 40  107  1-29       -10.0%
Victreebel      GRS/PSN 42  209  1-29       -12.0%
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY 10   58  1-29         6.0%
Koffing         PSN     13  187  1-29        12.8%
Scyther         BUG/FLY 20  255  1-29         8.2%
Eevee           NRM      9   16  1-29         8.2%
Snorlax         NRM     42  617  1-29       -12.0%
Chikorita       GRS      5    9  1-29         8.2%
Bayleef         GRS     38  286  1-29       -10.0%
Meganium        GRS     42  586  1-29       -12.0%
Aipom           NRM     14  287  1-29         6.4%

Sunkern         GRS     18  172  1-29         5.2%
Sunflora        GRS     42  469  1-29       -12.0%
Teddiursa       NRM     15  120  1-29         8.2%
Treecko         GRS      5    8  1-29         8.2%
Grovyle         GRS     42  239  1-29       -10.0%
Sceptile        GRS     46  577  1-29       -12.0%
Wurmple         BUG     15   33  1-29         6.4%
Silcoon         BUG     42  224  1-29       -10.0%
Cascoon         BUG/PSN 42  173  1-29       -10.0%
Seedot          GRS      8   30  1-29         8.2%
Nuzleaf         GRS/DRK 11   96  1-29         0.5%
Roselia         GRS/PSN 40  137  1-29         6.4%
Gulpin          PSN     10   98  1-29         6.9%
Flygon          GRD/DRG 40  411  1-29       -12.0%
Turtwig         GRS      5    9  1-29         8.2%
Grotle          GRS     38   65  1-29       -10.0%
Torterra        GRS/GRD 40  529  1-29       -12.0%
Bidoof          NRM     10  226  1-29         8.2%
Roserade        GRS/PSN 42  453  1-29       -12.0%
Lopunny         NRM     38  611  1-29       -12.0%
Stunky          DRK/PSN 13  253  1-29         8.2%
Skuntank        DRK/PSN 40  617  1-29         0.5%
Munchlax        NRM      5    9  1-29         8.2%

Floors 1-10
 Mud Trap           17.54%
 Explosion Trap     13.16%
 Sticky Trap         8.78%
 Warp Trap           8.77%
 Seal Trap           8.77%
 Grimy Trap          8.77%
 PP-Zero Trap        8.77%
 Spin Trap           7.89%
 Selfdestruct Trap   4.39%
 Slow Trap           4.39%
 Slumber Trap        4.39%
 Poison Trap         4.38%

Floors 11-30
 Mud Trap           21.58%
 Sticky Trap        14.39%
 Explosion Trap     10.80%
 Seal Trap          10.79%
 Grimy Trap          7.20%
 Warp Trap           7.19%
 PP-Zero Trap        7.19%
 Spin Trap           6.47%
 Poison Trap         3.60%
 Slow Trap           3.60%
 Slumber Trap        3.60%
 Selfdestruct Trap   3.59%

Floors 1-30
  Coins (21.58%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.79%]
  Stick           (50.00%)
  Iron Thorn      (30.00%)
  Silver Spike    (20.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)*********** [10.79%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.48%)
  Rawst Berry      (8.48%)
  Pecha Berry      (8.48%)
  Warp Seed        (8.48%)
  Oran Berry       (8.47%)
  Quick Seed       (8.47%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.47%)
  Totter Seed      (5.65%)
  X-Eye Seed       (5.65%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.65%)
  Max Elixir       (5.09%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.52%)
  Doom Seed        (4.52%)
  Cheri Berry      (2.82%)
  Reviver Seed     (2.82%)
  Reviser Seed     (0.57%)
  Via Seed         (0.57%)
  Oren Berry       (0.57%)
  Dropeye Seed     (0.56%)
  Mix Elixir       (0.56%)
  Slip Seed        (0.56%)
  Dough Seed       (0.56%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [3.60%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.60%]
  Def. Scarf      (22.99%)
  No-Stick Cap    (11.50%)
  Special Band    (11.50%)
  Racket Band     (11.49%)
  Twist Band      (11.49%)
  Joy Ribbon      (11.49%)
  Zinc Band       (11.49%)
  Sneak Scarf      (5.75%)
TMs***********************  [5.75%]
  Brick Break      (2.71%)
  Flamethrower     (2.71%)
  Embargo          (2.71%)
  Recycle          (2.71%)
  Dive             (2.71%)
  Swords Dance     (2.71%)
  Fire Blast       (2.70%)
  Rest             (2.70%)
  Energy Ball      (2.70%)
  Light Screen     (2.70%)
  Focus Punch      (2.70%)
  Reflect          (2.70%)
  Thunder Wave     (2.70%)
  Water Pulse      (2.70%)
  Flash            (2.03%)
  Sleep Talk       (2.03%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.02%)
  Sludge Bomb      (1.69%)
  Shock Wave       (1.69%)
  Wide Slash       (1.36%)
  Roar             (1.36%)
  Attract          (1.36%)
  Focus Blast      (1.36%)
  Dragon Claw      (1.36%)
  Giga Drain       (1.36%)
  Rock Slide       (1.36%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.36%)
  Psychic          (1.35%)
  Bulk Up          (1.35%)
  False Swipe      (1.35%)
  Brine            (1.35%)
  Hidden Power     (1.35%)
  Explosion        (1.35%)
  Payback          (1.35%)
  Ice Beam         (1.35%)
  Blizzard         (1.35%)
  Calm Mind        (1.35%)
  Protect          (1.35%)
  Toxic            (1.35%)
  Torment          (1.35%)
  Gyro Ball        (1.35%)
  Safeguard        (1.35%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.35%)
  Psych Up         (1.35%)
  Captivate        (1.35%)
  Thunder          (1.35%)
  X-Scissor        (1.35%)
  Roost            (1.35%)
  Natural Gift     (1.35%)
  Poison Jab       (1.35%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.02%)
  Steel Wing       (1.02%)
  Overheat         (1.01%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.68%)
  Secret Power     (0.68%)
  Dig              (0.68%)
  Facade           (0.67%)
  Thief            (0.67%)
  SolarBeam        (0.67%)
  Shadow Ball      (0.67%)
  Return           (0.61%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.34%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.34%)
  Taunt            (0.34%)
  Iron Tail        (0.34%)
  Rock Polish      (0.34%)
  Grass Knot       (0.34%)
  Giga Impact      (0.33%)
OTHER*********************  [0.72%]
  Gone Pebble     (50.00%)
  Wander Gummi    (50.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.99%]
  Escape Orb      (15.39%)
  Warp Orb         (7.69%)
  Switcher Orb     (7.69%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.13%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.13%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.13%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.13%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.13%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.13%)
  Radar Orb        (5.13%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.13%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.13%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.13%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.12%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.12%)
  All-Hit Orb      (2.57%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (2.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (2.56%)

Floor 30
        Grass Cornet      (Defeat Mew)
Lots of Throwing items and Orbs here.  This is the only Wonder Dungeon with
Wonder kecleon shops, so be on the lookout for them.

~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
        ##V.   Other Dungeons
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-

NOTE: Most of these Special Episode Dungeons use the following Kecleon
      Shop Item List:
             Kecleon Shop Episode Type
  Max Elixir      (12.00%)
  Blinker Seed     (8.00%)
  Totter Seed      (8.00%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.00%)
  Stun Seed        (8.00%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.00%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.00%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.00%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.00%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.00%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.00%)
  Warp Seed        (4.00%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.00%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.00%)
  Vile Seed        (4.00%)
  Violent Seed     (4.00%)
  Life Seed        (4.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [23.53%]
  Big Apple      (100.00%)
HOLD********************** [23.53%]
  Persim Band     (11.12%)
  Twist Band      (11.11%)
  Scope Lens      (11.11%)
  Patsy Band      (11.11%)
  Heal Ribbon     (11.11%)
  Power Band      (11.11%)
  Def. Scarf      (11.11%)
  Special Band    (11.11%)
  Zinc Band       (11.11%)
TMs*********************** [11.76%]
  Light Screen     (5.84%)
  Reflect          (5.84%)
  Rest             (5.84%)
  Embargo          (5.84%)
  Recycle          (5.84%)
  Swords Dance     (5.84%)
  Flash            (4.38%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (4.38%)
  Shock Wave       (3.65%)
  Attract          (2.92%)
  False Swipe      (2.92%)
  Brine            (2.92%)
  Giga Drain       (2.92%)
  Payback          (2.92%)
  Safeguard        (2.92%)
  Wide Slash       (2.92%)
  Roar             (2.92%)
  Hidden Power     (2.92%)
  Calm Mind        (2.92%)
  Stealth Rock     (2.92%)
  Rock Slide       (2.92%)
  Poison Jab       (2.92%)
  Roost            (2.91%)
  Steel Wing       (2.19%)
  Hyper Beam       (2.19%)
  SolarBeam        (1.46%)
  Thunderbolt      (1.46%)
  Dig              (1.46%)
  Giga Impact      (0.73%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.73%)
  Iron Tail        (0.73%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.73%)
ORBS********************** [17.65%]
  Decoy Orb        (5.41%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.41%)
  Stairs Orb       (5.41%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.41%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.40%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.40%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.40%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.40%)
  Totter Orb       (5.40%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.40%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.40%)
  Warp Orb         (2.71%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.71%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.71%)
  Shocker Orb      (2.71%)
  Silence Orb      (2.70%)
  Slow Orb         (2.70%)
  Radar Orb        (2.70%)
  Trapbust Orb     (2.70%)
  One-Shot Orb     (2.70%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.70%)
  See-Trap Orb     (2.70%)

------------Special Episode Dungeons-------------

NOTE: For each Episode, the dungeons appear in the order listed.
NOTE: Here is the requirements for unlocking each Special Episode:
Episode 1 - Complete Chapter 3
Episode 2 - Complete Chapter 9
Episode 3 - Complete Chapter 13
Episode 4 - Complete Chapter 16
Episode 5 - Graduate

--------Episode 1--------

SP1_1##. Star Cave
7 Floors + Deep Star Cave(4 Floors) + Deep Star Cave(Boss Battle)
+ Star Cave Depths(4 Floors) + Star Cave Pit(Boss Battle)

-----General Info-----
-There are 2 kinds of Kecleon Shops here.  Details are below.
---Semi-Unique: Floors 1-7,Dp1
---Unique: Remaining Floors
-There are Unique Monster Houses here.  Details are below.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-2: 200
          Floors 3-7, Dp1: 300
          Floors Remaining: 200
     Pokemon Density
          All Floors: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 6
          Floors Remaining: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors Remaining: 8
     Buried Item Density
          All Floors: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-2: 50%
          Floors 3-4: 100%
          Floor 5: 50%
          Floor 6: 100%
          Floor 7: 50%
          Floor Dp1: 100%
          Floors Remaining: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors Dps2-4: 5%
          All Floors, excluding Boss Floors: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-3, 5, 7, Dp4, Dps3
     Enemy IQ
          All Floors: 26
          Floor Dps3: Random
          Deep Star Cave: Boss Battle versus Team Rogue (victory optional)
          Star Cave Pit: Boss Battle versus Jirachi

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Poliwag         WTR      9   43  1-7          N/A
Anorith         RCK/BUG  3   18  1-7          N/A
Kricketot       BUG      8   34  1-7,Dp1-2    N/A
Chingling       PSY      4   22  1-7          N/A
Lotad           WTR/GRS 10   60  4-7,Dp1-4    N/A
Bonsly          RCK     10   70  5-7,Dp1-3    N/A
Psyduck         WTR     10   51  Dp1-4,Dps1-4 N/A
Gulpin          PSN     11  104  Dp1-4,Dps1-2 N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY  9  176  Dp4,Dps1-4   N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY  6  156  Dp4,Dps1-4   N/A

All Floors
 Wonder Tile       100.00%

Floors 1-3
  Coins (29.63%)
  Oran Berry      (38.46%)
  Pecha Berry     (19.23%)
  Totter Seed     (12.82%)
  Reviver Seed    (10.26%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.41%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.41%)
  Max Elixir       (6.41%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [11.11%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [22.22%]
  Sunny Orb       (11.11%)
  Rainy Orb       (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Escape Orb       (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.56%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Quick Orb        (5.55%)

Floors 4-6
  Coins (25%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [9.38%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.12%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (29.41%)
  Max Elixir      (22.06%)
  Totter Seed     (14.71%)
  Reviver Seed    (11.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.35%)
  Chesto Berry     (7.35%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.35%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [12.50%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.13%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [15.62%]
  Sunny Orb       (11.11%)
  Rainy Orb       (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Escape Orb       (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.56%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Quick Orb        (5.55%)

Floors Remaining
  Coins (21.43%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (29.41%)
  Max Elixir      (22.06%)
  Totter Seed     (14.71%)
  Reviver Seed    (11.77%)
  Pecha Berry      (7.35%)
  Chesto Berry     (7.35%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.35%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.28%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Sunny Orb       (11.11%)
  Rainy Orb       (11.11%)
  Warp Orb         (5.56%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.56%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.56%)
  Escape Orb       (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.56%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.56%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.56%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.55%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.55%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.55%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.55%)
  Quick Orb        (5.55%)

          Kecleon Shop Semi-Unique Type
  Sunny Orb       (20.69%)
  Rainy Orb       (20.69%)
  Decoy Orb        (6.90%)
  Luminous Orb     (6.89%)
  Slumber Orb      (6.89%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.45%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.45%)
  Quick Orb        (3.45%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.45%)
  Drought Orb      (3.45%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.45%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.45%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.45%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.45%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.45%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.44%)

          Kecleon Shop Unique Type
  Max Elixir      (12.00%)
  Blinker Seed     (8.00%)
  Totter Seed      (8.00%)
  Chesto Berry     (8.00%)
  Stun Seed        (8.00%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (8.00%)
  Rawst Berry      (4.00%)
  Hunger Seed      (4.00%)
  Pecha Berry      (4.00%)
  Cheri Berry      (4.00%)
  Heal Seed        (4.00%)
  Sleep Seed       (4.00%)
  Warp Seed        (4.00%)
  Reviver Seed     (4.00%)
  Sitrus Berry     (4.00%)
  Vile Seed        (4.00%)
  Violent Seed     (4.00%)
  Life Seed        (4.00%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [23.53%]
  Big Apple      (100.00%)
HOLD********************** [23.53%]
  Persim Band     (11.12%)
  Twist Band      (11.11%)
  Scope Lens      (11.11%)
  Patsy Band      (11.11%)
  Heal Ribbon     (11.11%)
  Power Band      (11.11%)
  Def. Scarf      (11.11%)
  Special Band    (11.11%)
  Zinc Band       (11.11%)
TMs*********************** [11.76%]
  Light Screen     (5.84%)
  Reflect          (5.84%)
  Rest             (5.84%)
  Embargo          (5.84%)
  Recycle          (5.84%)
  Swords Dance     (5.84%)
  Flash            (4.38%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (4.38%)
  Shock Wave       (3.65%)
  Attract          (2.92%)
  False Swipe      (2.92%)
  Brine            (2.92%)
  Giga Drain       (2.92%)
  Payback          (2.92%)
  Safeguard        (2.92%)
  Wide Slash       (2.92%)
  Roar             (2.92%)
  Hidden Power     (2.92%)
  Calm Mind        (2.92%)
  Stealth Rock     (2.92%)
  Rock Slide       (2.92%)
  Poison Jab       (2.92%)
  Roost            (2.91%)
  Steel Wing       (2.19%)
  Hyper Beam       (2.19%)
  SolarBeam        (1.46%)
  Thunderbolt      (1.46%)
  Dig              (1.46%)
  Giga Impact      (0.73%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.73%)
  Iron Tail        (0.73%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.73%)
ORBS********************** [17.65%]
  Luminous Orb     (5.72%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.72%)
  Slumber Orb      (5.72%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.72%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.72%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.72%)
  Stairs Orb       (5.71%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.71%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.71%)
  Totter Orb       (5.71%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.71%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.71%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.71%)
  Silence Orb      (2.86%)
  Radar Orb        (2.86%)
  One-Shot Orb     (2.86%)
  Shocker Orb      (2.86%)
  Warp Orb         (2.86%)
  Petrify Orb      (2.86%)
  Scanner Orb      (2.85%)
  Stayaway Orb     (2.85%)
  Slow Orb         (2.85%)

          Monster House Unique Type
  Coins (31.58%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [52.63%]
  Blue Gummi       (5.89%)
  Orange Gummi     (5.89%)
  Gold Gummi       (5.89%)
  Royal Gummi      (5.89%)
  Yellow Gummi     (5.88%)
  Clear Gummi      (5.88%)
  Red Gummi        (5.88%)
  Pink Gummi       (5.88%)
  Brown Gummi      (5.88%)
  Sky Gummi        (5.88%)
  White Gummi      (5.88%)
  Green Gummi      (5.88%)
  Gray Gummi       (5.88%)
  Purple Gummi     (5.88%)
  Grass Gummi      (5.88%)
  Black Gummi      (5.88%)
  Silver Gummi     (5.88%)
TMs***********************  [5.26%]
  Focus Punch      (3.81%)
  Water Pulse      (3.81%)
  Light Screen     (3.81%)
  Brick Break      (3.81%)
  Reflect          (3.81%)
  Rest             (3.81%)
  Energy Ball      (3.81%)
  Embargo          (3.81%)
  Recycle          (3.81%)
  Thunder Wave     (3.81%)
  Swords Dance     (3.81%)
  Dive             (3.80%)
  Vacuum-Cut       (2.86%)
  Flash            (2.86%)
  Shock Wave       (2.38%)
  False Swipe      (1.91%)
  Roar             (1.91%)
  Explosion        (1.91%)
  Payback          (1.91%)
  Protect          (1.91%)
  Wide Slash       (1.91%)
  Aerial Ace       (1.91%)
  Safeguard        (1.91%)
  Attract          (1.91%)
  Roost            (1.91%)
  Hidden Power     (1.91%)
  Stealth Rock     (1.91%)
  Natural Gift     (1.91%)
  Giga Drain       (1.90%)
  Calm Mind        (1.90%)
  Brine            (1.90%)
  Torment          (1.90%)
  Rock Slide       (1.90%)
  Focus Blast      (1.90%)
  Poison Jab       (1.90%)
  Steel Wing       (1.42%)
  Hyper Beam       (1.42%)
  SolarBeam        (0.95%)
  Thunderbolt      (0.95%)
  Dig              (0.95%)
  Iron Tail        (0.48%)
  Taunt            (0.48%)
  Shadow Claw      (0.47%)
  Giga Impact      (0.47%)
  Bullet Seed      (0.47%)
ORBS********************** [10.53%]
  Evasion Orb      (3.64%)
  Rebound Orb      (3.64%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.64%)
  Luminous Orb     (3.64%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.64%)
  Trawl Orb        (3.64%)
  Cleanse Orb      (3.64%)
  Slumber Orb      (3.64%)
  Totter Orb       (3.64%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.64%)
  Invisify Orb     (3.64%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.64%)
  Spurn Orb        (3.64%)
  All-Mach Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (3.64%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (3.64%)
  Radar Orb        (3.63%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.63%)
  Decoy Orb        (3.63%)
  Itemizer Orb     (3.63%)
  Snatch Orb       (3.63%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (3.63%)
  Pounce Orb       (3.63%)
  Silence Orb      (3.63%)
  All-Hit Orb      (3.63%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.63%)
  Warp Orb         (1.82%)
  Mug Orb          (1.82%)
  Hurl Orb         (1.82%)

Not much to this dungeon, except for the interesting Kecleon Shops and
Monster Houses.  Kecleon Shops pop up quite a lot.

--------Episode 2--------

SP2_1##. Murky Forest
7 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-7: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-7: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-2: 6
          Floors 3-7: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-7: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-7: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-6: 8%
          Floor 7: 50%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 0%
          Floors 6-7: 5%
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-7: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Exeggcute       GRS/PSY 10   58  1-3         N/A
Hoothoot        NRM/FLY 10  112  1-3         N/A
Hoppip          GRS/FLY 11   76  1-7         N/A
Doduo           NRM/FLY  7   38  2-4         N/A
Weedle          BUG/PSN 11   58  3-7         N/A
Spinarak        BUG/PSN  7   41  3-7         N/A
Wurmple         BUG     15   33  3-7         N/A
Burmy-T         BUG     11   92  3-7         N/A

Floors 1-7
 Wonder Tile        66.67%
 Warp Trap          16.67%
 Chestnut Trap      16.66%

Floors 1-3
  Coins (28.16%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.04%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [4.93%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (30.12%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.02%)
  Totter Seed      (6.02%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.02%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.08%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.53%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.61%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Floors 4-7
  Coins (28.16%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.04%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [4.93%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (28.41%)
  Max Elixir      (17.05%)
  Totter Seed     (11.36%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.09%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.69%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.68%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.68%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.68%)
  Chesto Berry     (5.68%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (5.68%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.08%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.53%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.61%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.


SP2_2##. Eastern Cave
10 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-10: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 8
          Floor 3: 9
          Floors 4-5: 10
          Floor 6: 11
          Floors 7-10: 12
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-6: 8%
          Floor 7: 50%
          Floors 8-10: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 6-10: 5%
          Floors 1-10: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Diglett         GRD     12   54  1-10        N/A
Tangela         GRS     10   53  1-10        N/A
Nincada         BUG/GRD 23  224  1-10        N/A
Whiscash        WTR/GRD 11   76  1-10        N/A
Magikarp        WTR      7   38  6-10        N/A

Floors 1-10
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Warp Trap          10.00%
 Slumber Trap       10.00%
 Slow Trap          10.00%
 Summon Trap        10.00%
 Trip Trap          10.00%

Floors 1-10
  Coins (30.07%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.28%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.76%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [9.78%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.76%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [18.80%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.


SP2_3##. Fortune Ravine
8 Floors + Fortune Ravine Depths(7 Floors) + Fortune Ravine Pit

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 6
     Item Density
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 8
          Floor 3: 9
          Floors 4-8,D1-7: 10
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 6-8: 5%
          Floors D1-7: 7%
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, D2-4, D7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-8,D1-7: 26
          Floor D7: Random
          Floor D7: Boss Battle versus Multiple enemies

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Machop          FTG      8   34  1-3         N/A
Geodude         RCK/GRD  8   39  1-4         N/A
Stantler        NRM     15  151  1-4         N/A
Smeargle        NRM     16  157  1-5         N/A
Zigzagoon       NRM     16  142  1-3         N/A
Oddish          GRS/PSN 13   74  3-5         N/A
Dustox          BUG/PSN 13  112  4-8         N/A
Abra            PSY     14   92  6-8         N/A
Shroomish       GRS     16  142  6-8         N/A
Happiny         NRM     14  239  6-8         N/A
Exeggutor       GRS/PSY 14   82  D1-6        N/A
Bellossom       GRS     16  157  D1-4        N/A
Pineco          BUG     14  110  D1-6        N/A
Nuzleaf         GRS/DRK 14  110  D1-6        N/A
Starly          NRM/FLY 11   54  D1-6        N/A

Floors 1-8, D1-7
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Warp Trap          10.00%
 Slumber Trap       10.00%
 Slow Trap          10.00%
 Summon Trap        10.00%
 Trip Trap          10.00%

Floors 1-8, D1-7
  Coins (30.07%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [11.28%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.76%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [9.78%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.76%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [18.80%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.

--------Episode 3--------

SP3_1##. Spring Cave
4 Floors + Upper Spring Cave + Upper Spring Cave(4 Floors)
+ Middle Spring Cave + Lower Spring Cave(4 Floors)
+ Spring Cave Depths(4 Floors) + Spring Cave Pit

-----General Info-----
-There are 2 kinds of Kecleon Shops here. The Semi-Unique Kecleon Shops are
 the same as the Semi-Unique shops in Star Cave.
---Semi-Unique: 1-3,U1
---Episode: 4, Remaining Floors
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          All Floors: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-3: 4
          Floors Remaining: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 6
          Floors Remaining: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors Remaining: 8
     Buried Item Density
          All Floors: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floor 1: 30%
          Floors 2-3: 50%
          Floor 4: 30%
          Floor U1: 50%
          Floor U2: 30%
          Floors U3-4: 10%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors U1-4,L1: 6%
          Floor L2: 7%
          Floor L3: 8%
          Floors L4,D1-3: 6%
          Floor D4: 50%
          All Floors, excluding Boss Floors: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-4, U2, U4, D1 
     Enemy IQ
          All Floors: 26
          Upper Spring Cave: Boss Battle versus Haunter
          Middle Spring Cave: Boss Battle versus Haunter
          Spring Cave Pit: Boss Battle versus 3 Haunter

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Cubone          GRD     20  162  1-4           N/A
Snubbull        NRM     16  195  1-4           N/A
Meditite        FTG/PSY 14  112  1-2,L4,D1-4   N/A
Baltoy          PSY/GRD 23  240  1-4,L4,D1-4   N/A
Trapinch        GRD     22  238  3-4,U1-2      N/A
Larvitar        RCK/GRD 22  158  U1-3          N/A
Wormadam-S      BUG/GRD 26  350  U1-4          N/A
Cacnea          GRS     20  217  U1-4          N/A
Aron            STL/RCK 23  156  U2-4          N/A
Onix            RCK/GRD 29  410  U4,L1-2       N/A
Paras           BUG/GRS 13   88  L1-4,D1       N/A
Beldum          STL/PSY 27  392  L1-4,D1-4     N/A
Zubat           PSN/FLY 16  167  L2-4,D1-4     N/A
Ekans           PSN     18  153  L3-4,D1-3     N/A
Cranidos        RCK     27  410  L3-4,D1-3     N/A

All Floors
 Wonder Tile        50.00%
 Warp Trap           6.25%
 Gust Trap           6.25%
 Spin Trap           6.25%
 Slumber Trap        6.25%
 Slow Trap           6.25%
 Poison Trap         6.25%
 Summon Trap         6.25%
 Trip Trap           6.25%

Floors 1-4, U1
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Sunny Orb       (13.51%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.41%)
  Quick Orb        (5.41%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.41%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.41%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.41%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.41%)
  Warp Orb         (5.40%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.40%)
  Escape Orb       (5.40%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.40%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.40%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.40%)
  Radar Orb        (5.40%)

Floors Remaining
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (23.53%)
  Max Elixir      (17.65%)
  Reviver Seed    (11.77%)
  Totter Seed     (11.76%)
  Cheri Berry      (5.89%)
  Pecha Berry      (5.88%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (5.88%)
  Blinker Seed     (5.88%)
  Chesto Berry     (5.88%)
  Rawst Berry      (5.88%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Sunny Orb       (13.51%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.41%)
  Quick Orb        (5.41%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.41%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.41%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.41%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.41%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.41%)
  Warp Orb         (5.40%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.40%)
  Escape Orb       (5.40%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.40%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.40%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.40%)
  Radar Orb        (5.40%)

Nothing particularly interesting here.  You can find Sunny Orbs often.

--------Episode 4--------

SP4_1##. Southern Jungle
10 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-10: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-6: 8%
          Floor 7: 50%
          Floors 8-10: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 6-10: 5%
          Floors 4-10: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10: 150
          Floor 4: Random
          Floor 7: Random
          Floor 10: Random

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Dodrio          NRM/FLY 20  258  1-6           N/A
Jumpluff        GRS/FLY 33  390  1-10          N/A
Mawile          STL     23  278  1-6           N/A
Staraptor       NRM/FLY 24  234  1-10          N/A
Muk             PSN     30  429  2-5           N/A
Forretress      BUG/STL 30  452  2-6           N/A
Seviper         PSN     24  372  2-5           N/A
Hippopotas      GRD     26  346  3-6           N/A
Glameow         NRM     28  266  4-8           N/A
Vespiquen       BUG/FLY 36  472  6-10          N/A
Murkrow         DRK/FLY 23  243  7-10          N/A
Cherrim         GRS     36  333  8-10          N/A

Floors 1-10
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-10
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.


SP4_2##. Boulder Quarry
5 Floors + Deep Boulder Quarry(5 Floors) + Boss Battle

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-5,D1-6: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-11: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5,D1: 8%
          Floor D2: 50%
          Floors D3-6: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors D1-6: 5%
          Floors 4-5,D1-5: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, D2, D6
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 150
          Floor D6: Boss Battle versus Aggron(Multiple)

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Ampharos        ELC     17  215  1-3           N/A
Lairon          STL/RCK 22  266  1-2           N/A
Staraptor       NRM/FLY 24  234  1-3           N/A
Manectric       ELC     24  415  3-5           N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 30  429  3-5,D1        N/A
Ninjask         BUG/FLY 24  310  4-5,D1-3      N/A
Shelgon         DRG     30  464  4-5,D1-5      N/A
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 30  475  4-5,D1        N/A
Muk             PSN     30  429  5,D1-4        N/A
Probopass       RCK/STL 27  442  D1-4          N/A
Rhydon          RCK/GRD 34  511  D2-5          N/A
Tangrowth       GRS     27  442  D2-5          N/A
Metang          STL/PSY 29  440  D3-5          N/A
Steelix         STL/GRD 27  414  D4-6          N/A

Floors 1-5, D1-6
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-5, D1-6
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)
Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.


SP4_3##. Left Cave Path
5 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-5: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 8%
          Floors 1-5: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5: 150

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Ampharos        ELC     17  215  1-3           N/A
Lairon          STL/RCK 22  266  1-2           N/A
Staraptor       NRM/FLY 24  234  1-3           N/A
Manectric       ELC     24  415  3-5           N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 30  429  3-5           N/A
Ninjask         BUG/FLY 24  310  4-5           N/A
Shelgon         DRG     30  464  4-5           N/A
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 30  475  4-5           N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.


SP4_4##. Right Cave Path
5 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-5: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5: 8%
          Floors 1-5: Heavy Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5: 150

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Ampharos        ELC     17  215  1-3           N/A
Lairon          STL/RCK 22  266  1-2           N/A
Staraptor       NRM/FLY 24  234  1-3           N/A
Manectric       ELC     24  415  3-5           N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 30  429  3-5           N/A
Ninjask         BUG/FLY 24  310  4-5           N/A
Shelgon         DRG     30  464  4-5           N/A
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 30  475  4-5           N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)
Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.
This dungeon is identical to Left Cave Path.


SP4_5##. Limestone Cavern
5 Floors + Deep Limestone Cavern(5 Floors) + Boss Battle

-----General Info-----
-There are Episode Kecleon Shops here. See above Episode 1 for details.
-There are Advanced monster houses here.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-5,D1-6: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-5,D1: 8%
          Floor D2: 50%
          Floors D3-6: 8%
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors D1-6: 5%
          Floors 1-5,D1-5: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 1-2, 4-5, D1, D3, D5-6
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 150
          Floor D6: Boss Battle versus Team AWD

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Kingler         WTR     36  378  1-5           N/A
Marill          WTR     40  426  1-5           N/A
Slowking        WTR/PSY 43  442  1-5           N/A
Volbeat         BUG     30  312  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Illumise        BUG     30  331  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Seviper         PSN     24  372  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Dragonair       DRG     37  358  5,D1-4        N/A
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 33  218  D1-5          N/A
Masquerain      BUG/FLY 30  257  D1-5          N/A
Poliwhirl       WTR     29  349  D2-5          N/A
Dugtrio         GRD     37  147  D4-5          N/A

Floors 1-5, D1-6
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-5, D1-6
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Nothing particularly interesting here. You can find Petrify Orbs often.

--------Episode 5--------

SP5_1##. Barren Valley
5 Floors + Deep Barren Valley(5 Floors) + Boss Battle

-----General Info-----
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-3: 7
          Floors 4-5,D1-6: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 4
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors D1-6: 5%
     Water on Floors 3, 5, D2, D6
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5,D1-6: 26
          Floor D6: Boss Battle versus 4 Sableye

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Jumpluff        GRS/FLY 33  390  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Flygon          GRD/DRG 33  352  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Lunatone        RCK/PSY 33  411  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Shuppet         GHO     30  191  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Honchkrow       DRK/FLY 30  417  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Glameow         NRM     33  302  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Toxicroak       FTG/PSN 32  422  1-5,D1-5      N/A
Shiftry         GRS/DRK 28  384  D1-5          N/A

Floors 1-5, D1-6
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-5, D1-6
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)
Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.


SP5_2##. Dark Wasteland
4 Floors

NOTE: This dungeon has 16 Floors, yet the game only uses 4 of them.  Odd.

-----General Info-----
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-16: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-16: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-16: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-3: 7
          Floors 4-16: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-16: 4
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 6-13: 5%
          Floor 14: 50%
          Floors 15-16: 6%
          Floors 1-16: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 15
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-16: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Gastly          GHO/PSN 31  260  1-16          N/A
Onix            RCK/GRD 29  410  1-16          N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     31  400  1-16          N/A
Shiftry         GRS/DRK 28  384  1-7           N/A
Shedinja        BUG/GHO 43   10  1-16          N/A
Solrock         RCK/PSY 34  438  1-16          N/A
Skorupi         BUG/PSN 28  399  1-7           N/A
Drapion         DRK/PSN 32  500  8-16          N/A

Floors 1-16
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-16
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.
This dungeon is odd in that the game only uses 4 Floors of this 16-Floor
Dungeon.  Or, at least it only let ME go through the first 4 Floors before
going to the next cut scene.  I've included all 16 Floors, incase my game
is glitched or something.


SP5_3##. Temporal Tower
10 Floors + Temporal Spire(10 Floors)

-----General Info-----
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10,S1-10: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
          Floors 6-10,S1-10: 5
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
          Floors S1-10: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-10,S1-10: 7
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 1-10,S1-10: 5%
          Floors 1-10,S1-10: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, S1-12, S5, S9
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10,S1-10: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Zubat           PSN/FLY 31  268  1-6           N/A
Kadabra         PSY     33  201  1-10          N/A
Magnemite       ELC/STL 38  310  1-10          N/A
Gastly          GHO/PSN 33  273  1-10,S1-10    N/A
Drowzee         PSY     35  145  1-10          N/A
Ditto           NRM     31  252  1-10,S1-10    N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 33  462  1-10,S1-10    N/A
Mismagius       GHO     34  430  1-10,S1-10    N/A
Bronzong        STL/PSY 39  499  1-10,S1-10    N/A
Golbat          PSN/FLY 37  519  7-10,S1-S4    N/A
Alakazam        PSY     38  352  S1-10         N/A
Magneton        ELC/STL 41  390  S1-10         N/A
Hypno           PSY     39  206  S1-10         N/A
Porygon2        NRM     41  490  S4-10         N/A
Crobat          PSN/FLY 45  691  S6-10         N/A

Floors 1-10, S1-10
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-10, S1-10
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.


SP5_4##. Dusk Forest
7 Floors + Boss Battle

-----General Info-----
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-8: 100
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-8: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-3: 3
          Floors 4-7: 4
          Floor 8: 5
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-6: 6
          Floors 7-8: 8
          Floors 6-7: Light Darkness
     IQ-Booster Bonus on Floors 2, 4, 6, 8
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-8: 26
          Floor 8: Boss Battle versus 6 Sableye

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Haunter         GHO/PSN 34  309  1-7           N/A
Lickitung       NRM     37  216  1-7           N/A
Ditto           NRM     32  258  1-7           N/A
Claydol         PSY/GRD 34  473  1-7           N/A
Salamence       DRG/FLY 45  631  1-7           N/A
Mismagius       GHO     35  440  1-7           N/A
Hippowdon       GRD     32  504  1-7           N/A
Rhyperior       RCK/GRD 40  494  1-7           N/A
Drifloon        GHO/FLY 32  258  6-7           N/A

Floors 1-8
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-8
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.


SP5_5##. Spacial Cliffs
10 Floors

-----General Info-----
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
          Floors 6-10: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-10: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 6-10: 5%
          Floors 1-10: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Haunter         GHO/PSN 34  309  1-10          N/A
Koffing         PSN     32  348  1-10          N/A
Misdreavus      GHO     34  430  1-10          N/A
Shedinja        BUG/GHO 46   11  1-10          N/A
Banette         GHO     34  468  1-10          N/A
Beldum          STL/PSY 37  501  1-10          N/A
Mismagius       GHO     35  440  1-10          N/A

Floors 1-10
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-10
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.


SP5_6##. Dark Ice Mountain
10 Floors + Dark Ice Mountain Peak(4 Floors) + Boss Battle

-----General Info-----
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10,P1-5: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-10,P1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 5
          Floor 6: 6
          Floors 7-10,P1-5: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-10,P1-5: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10,P1-5: 4
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors 6-10,P1-3: 6%
          Floor P4: 50%
          Floor P5: 6%
          Floors 1-10,P1-4: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, P1-2, P5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10,P1-5: 26
          Floor P5: Boss Battle versus Mamoswine & 4 Glalie

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Gengar          GHO/PSN 34  494  1-10,P1-4     N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 37  515  1-10,P1-4     N/A
Banette         GHO     34  468  1-9           N/A
Metang          STL/PSY 39  556  1-10,P1-4     N/A
Lickilicky      NRM     41  475  1-10,P1-4     N/A
Tangrowth       GRS     37  565  1-10,P1-4     N/A
Duskull         GHO     34  430  7-10,P1-4     N/A

Floors 1-10, P1-5
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-10, P1-5
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.


SP5_7##. Icicle Forest
10 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-10: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-10: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-10: 4
          Floors 1-10: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-10: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Gengar          GHO/PSN 34  494  1-10          N/A
Weezing         PSN     34  326  1-10          N/A
Ditto           NRM     32  258  1-10          N/A
Cacturne        GRS/DRK 34  344  1-10          N/A
Metagross       STL/PSY 41  540  1-10          N/A
Lickilicky      NRM     41  475  1-10          N/A
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 37  561  1-10          N/A
Drifblim        GHO/FLY 32  455  3-10          N/A

Floors 1-10
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-10
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.


SP5_8##. Vast Ice Mountain
9 Floors + Vast Ice Mountain Peak(8 Floors) + Boss Battle

-----General Info-----
-Watch out for Standard monster houses.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-9,P1-9: 200
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-9,P1-9: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
          Floors 6-9,P1: 6
          Floors P2-9: 5
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-9,P1-9: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-9,P1-9: 4
     Monster House Appearance Rate
          Floors P1-9: 5%
     Water on Floors 3, 5, 7, P2-3, P6
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-9,P1-9: 26
          Floor P9: Boss Battle versus Primal Dialga

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Gengar          GHO/PSN 43  598  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Aerodactyl      RCK/FLY 42  265  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Smoochum        PSY/ICE 41  635  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Shedinja        BUG/GHO 46   11  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Dusclops        GHO     40  548  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Absol           DRK     42  504  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Metagross       STL/PSY 45  583  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Magnezone       ELC/STL 44  641  1-9,P1-8      N/A
Gliscor         GRD/FLY 42  622  1-9,P1-8      N/A

Floors 1-9, P1-9
 Wonder Tile        25.32%
 Slumber Trap        7.60%
 Grimy Trap          6.33%
 Slow Trap           6.33%
 Poison Trap         6.33%
 PP-Zero Trap        6.33%
 Chestnut Trap       6.33%
 Warp Trap           6.33%
 Pokemon Trap        6.33%
 Spin Trap           5.69%
 Gust Trap           3.17%
 Seal Trap           3.16%
 Mud Trap            3.16%
 Trip Trap           3.16%
 Explosion Trap      2.53%
 Selfdestruct Trap   1.90%

Floors 1-9, P1-9
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
THROW(HIGH-ARC)***********  [3.58%]
  Gravelerock    (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (24.10%)
  Max Elixir      (18.07%)
  Totter Seed     (12.04%)
  Reviver Seed     (9.64%)
  Rawst Berry      (6.03%)
  Chesto Berry     (6.03%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.03%)
  Eyedrop Seed     (6.02%)
  Pecha Berry      (6.02%)
  Blinker Seed     (6.02%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [14.29%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
HOLD**********************  [3.57%]
  Persim Band     (12.50%)
  Power Band      (12.50%)
  Pecha Scarf     (12.50%)
  Insomniscope    (12.50%)
  Def. Scarf      (12.50%)
  Stamina Band    (12.50%)
  Special Band    (12.50%)
  Zinc Band       (12.50%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Petrify Orb     (11.76%)
  Quick Orb        (5.89%)
  Decoy Orb        (5.89%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.89%)
  Foe-Fear Orb     (5.89%)
  See-Trap Orb     (5.88%)
  Escape Orb       (5.88%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.88%)
  Radar Orb        (5.88%)
  Luminous Orb     (5.88%)
  Spurn Orb        (5.88%)
  Foe-Hold Orb     (5.88%)
  All-Mach Orb     (5.88%)
  Warp Orb         (5.88%)
  All-Hit Orb      (5.88%)
  Foe-Seal Orb     (5.88%)

Pretty much the same items as every other Special Episode dungeon.

------------Demo Dungeons-------------

NOTE: These dungeons are only accessible via DS Download Play.
NOTE: These dungeons will not include a Notes Section.

D1##. Little Plains
5 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-4: 5
          Floor 5: 7
     Trap Density
          Floors 1-5: 0
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Water on Floors 3, 5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Pichu           ELC      5   15  1-5           N/A
Starly          NRM/FLY  5   37  1-5           N/A
Bidoof          NRM      5  166  1-5           N/A
Buneary         NRM      5   91  1-5           N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floor 1
  *Oran Berry* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (27.59%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Pecha Berry     (38.46%)
  Cheri Berry     (19.23%)
  Blast Seed      (19.23%)
  Heal Seed       (11.54%)
  Max Elixir      (11.54%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.34%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

Floor 2
  *Joy Seed* (Guaranteed)

  Coins (27.59%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.34%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

Floors 3-5
  Coins (27.59%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.34%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)


D2##. Mt. Clear
6 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-6: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
          Floor 6: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-6: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
     Water on Floors 3, 5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-6: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Diglett         GRD     12   54  1-6           N/A
Skarmory        STL/FLY 15  268  1-6           N/A
Electrike       ELC     12  180  1-6           N/A
Kricketot       BUG     12   42  1-6           N/A

Floors 1-6
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-6
  Coins (27.59%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.34%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)


D3##. Challenge River
7 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-7: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-7: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-7: 7
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-7: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-7: 4
     Water on Floors 1-7
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-7: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Poliwag         WTR     20   69  1-7           N/A
Magikarp        WTR      6   36  1-7           N/A
Vaporeon        WTR     17   91  1-7           N/A
Wobbuffet       PSY     18   89  1-7           N/A
Azurill         WTR     11  254  1-7           N/A

Floors 1-7
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-7
  Coins (27.59%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.34%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)


D4##. Trial Forest
6 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-6: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
          Floor 6: 6
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-6: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-6: 4
          Floors 1-6: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-6: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Snorlax         NRM     13  266  1-6           N/A
Combee          BUG/FLY 11   96  1-6           N/A
Pachirisu       ELC     14  149  1-6           N/A
Togekiss        NRM/FLY 16  282  1-6           N/A

Floors 1-6
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-6
  Coins (27.59%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.34%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [10.34%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.24%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)


D5##. Guiding Sea
5 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 50
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-5: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Water on Floors 2-5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Staryu          WTR     22   52  1-5           N/A
Wingull         WTR/FLY 22  164  1-5           N/A
Pelipper        WTR/FLY 25  326  1-5           N/A
Wailmer         WTR     20  374  1-5           N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (28.57%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)*********** [10.71%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (60.60%)
  Pecha Berry     (15.15%)
  Cheri Berry      (7.58%)
  Blast Seed       (7.57%)
  Heal Seed        (4.55%)
  Max Elixir       (4.55%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [7.14%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [17.86%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)


D6##. Hidden Shopkeeper Village
5 Floors

-----General Info-----
-There are Unique Kecleon Shops here. See below for details.
-There are buried Coins within the walls here.
     Coin Max
          Floors 1-5: 900
     Pokemon Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 7
     Trap Density
          Floor 1: 0
          Floor 2: 6
          Floor 3: 7
          Floors 4-5: 8
     Buried Item Density
          Floors 1-5: 4
     Kecleon Shop Appearance Rate
          Floor 2: 30%
          Floor 3: 60%
          Floor 4: 100%
          Floors 1-5: Light Darkness
     Water on Floors 3, 5
     Enemy IQ
          Floors 1-5: 26

NAME            Type    LV  Exp  Floors     Rec.Rate
Cleffa          NRM     13   44  1-5           N/A
Igglybuff       NRM     13   55  1-5           N/A

Floors 1-5
 Wonder Tile        45.00%
 Summon Trap         5.00%
 Warp Trap           5.00%
 Gust Trap           5.00%
 Spin Trap           5.00%
 Slumber Trap        5.00%
 Slow Trap           5.00%
 Poison Trap         5.00%
 Selfdestruct Trap   5.00%
 Grimy Trap          5.00%
 Pokemon Trap        5.00%
 Trip Trap           5.00%

Floors 1-5
  Coins (51.28%)
THROW(STRAIGHT)***********  [7.69%]
  Iron Thorn     (100.00%)
  Oran Berry      (49.39%)
  Pecha Berry     (12.34%)
  Warp Seed       (12.34%)
  Sleep Seed       (6.18%)
  Blast Seed       (6.18%)
  Cheri Berry      (6.17%)
  Heal Seed        (3.70%)
  Max Elixir       (3.70%)
FOOD/GUMMIES**************  [2.57%]
  Apple          (100.00%)
ORBS********************** [12.82%]
  Escape Orb      (16.66%)
  Warp Orb         (8.33%)
  Switcher Orb     (8.33%)
  Evasion Orb      (5.56%)
  Petrify Orb      (5.56%)
  Trawl Orb        (5.56%)
  Cleanse Orb      (5.56%)
  Blowback Orb     (5.56%)
  Scanner Orb      (5.56%)
  Trapbust Orb     (5.56%)
  Hurl Orb         (5.56%)
  Radar Orb        (5.55%)
  Rebound Orb      (5.55%)
  Rollcall Orb     (5.55%)
  Pounce Orb       (5.55%)

      Kecleon Shop Unique Type
  Max Elixir      (25.00%)
  Oran Berry      (12.50%)
  Eyedrop Seed    (12.50%)
  Quick Seed      (12.50%)
  Sleep Seed      (12.50%)
  Heal Seed       (12.50%)
  Joy Seed         (6.25%)
  Reviver Seed     (6.25%)
FOOD/GUMMIES************** [18.18%]
  Apple           (20.00%)
  Red Gummi       (10.00%)
  Blue Gummi      (10.00%)
  Grass Gummi     (10.00%)
  Yellow Gummi    (10.00%)
  Clear Gummi     (10.00%)
  Orange Gummi    (10.00%)
  Pink Gummi      (10.00%)
  Brown Gummi     (10.00%)
HOLD********************** [18.19%]
  Patsy Band       (4.77%)
  Insomniscope     (4.77%)
  Zinc Band        (4.77%)
  Lockon Specs     (4.77%)
  Persim Band      (4.76%)
  Power Band       (4.76%)
  Pecha Scarf      (4.76%)
  Twist Band       (4.76%)
  Warp Scarf       (4.76%)
  Racket Band      (4.76%)
  Def. Scarf       (4.76%)
  Stamina Band     (4.76%)
  Special Band     (4.76%)
  Heal Ribbon      (4.76%)
  Bounce Band      (4.76%)
  Curve Band       (4.76%)
  Whiff Specs      (4.76%)
  No-Aim Scope     (4.76%)
  No-Stick Cap     (4.76%)
  Pass Scarf       (4.76%)
  Weather Band     (4.76%)
ORBS********************** [18.18%]
  Luminous Orb     (7.41%)
  Decoy Orb        (7.41%)
  Slumber Orb      (7.41%)
  Totter Orb       (7.41%)
  Stairs Orb       (7.41%)
  Hurl Orb         (7.40%)
  Pounce Orb       (7.40%)
  Transfer Orb     (3.71%)
  Radar Orb        (3.71%)
  Shocker Orb      (3.71%)
  Switcher Orb     (3.71%)
  Stayaway Orb     (3.71%)
  Petrify Orb      (3.70%)
  Silence Orb      (3.70%)
  Scanner Orb      (3.70%)
  Warp Orb         (3.70%)
  One-Shot Orb     (3.70%)
  Mug Orb          (3.70%)
  Slow Orb         (3.70%)
  Blowback Orb     (3.70%)
BOXES********************* [18.18%]
  Link Box       (100.00%)

~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
        ##VI.       Useful Items and their Locations
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
This section names useful items and the best dungeons to find them.

 ~~~Dungeons with high Item Densities (Pre-ending)~~~
  4* Apple Woods, Treeshroud Forest, Brine Cave, Hidden Land
  5* Temporal Tower

 ~~~Dungeons with high Item Densities (Post-ending)~~~
  5* Mt. Travail, Most of the 7 Wonder Dungeons, Zero Isle North
  5* Zero Isle West, Zero Isle South/Destiny Tower (6*-7* on early floors)
  6* Rank Dungeons (4*-5* on early Floors)
  6* Zero Isle East

       |         A.        Pre-ending           |

[Coins]: Star Cave(Ep 1) - Northern Desert - Quicksand Cave - Brine Cave

[Seeds]: Drenched Bluff
  (Heal Seed): Drenched Bluff (3.60%)
  (Stun Seed): Drenched Bluff (3.60%)
  (Sleep Seed): Beach Cave 3,4 (50.00%)
  (Blast Seed): Beach Cave 3,4 (50.00%)
  (Violent Seed): Treeshroud Forest / Hidden Land / Temporal Tower (1.44%)
  (Eyedrop Seed): Murky Forest[Ep2] (1.42%) - Eastern Cave[Ep2] (1.35%)
  (Totter Seed): Star Cave[Ep1] (4.53%)
  (Pure Seed): Amp Plains (1.53%)
  (Reviver Seed): Star Cave[Ep1] (3.71%) - Labyrinth Cave (4.62%)

[Berries]: Mt. Bristle - Most Non-Story Dungeons
  (Oran Berry): Marowak Dojo (33.33%) - Oran Forest (80.72%)
  (Pecha Berry): Drenched Bluff (10.75%) - Star Cave[Ep1] (7.09%)
  (Cheri Berry): Mt. Bristle (2.70%) - Most Non-Story Dungeons (2.70%)
  (Rawst Berry): Mt. Bristle (3.69%)
  (Chesto Berry): Star Cave[Ep1] (2.31%)

[Food]: Star Cave[Ep1] - Apple Woods - ALL 6 Non-Story dungeons

[Gummies]: Craggy Coast
  (White Gummi): Mt Bristle (1.72%) - Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Red Gummi): Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Blue Gummi): Craggy Coast (2.63%)
  (Grass Gummi): Mt Bristle (1.72%) - Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Yellow Gummi): Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Clear Gummi): Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Orange Gummi): Mt Bristle (1.72%) - Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Pink Gummi): Apple Woods (1.52%)
  (Brown Gummi): Craggy Coast (1.30%)
  (Sky Gummi): Craggy Coast (1.30%)
  (Green Gummi): Craggy Coast (1.30%)
  (Silver Gummi): Northern Desert / Quicksand Cave (1.00%)

[Drinks]: SEE BELOW
  (Max Elixir): Star Cave[Ep1] (6.70%) - Oran Forest (3.40%)

[Throw]: Mt. Bristle - Mt. Horn - Hidden Land/Temporal Tower
  (Stick): Apple Woods (9.90%) - Foggy Forest (10.60%)
  (Geo Pebble): Craggy Coast (21.00%)
  (Iron Thorn): Mt. Horn (13.00%)
  (Silver Spike): Quicksand Cave (3.25%) - Labyrinth Cave (5.55%)

[Orbs]: Crystal Cave - Brine Cave - Some Non-Story dungeons
  (Sunny Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (2.21%)
  (Rainy Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (2.21%)
  (See-Trap Orb): Eastern Cave[Ep2] / Fortune Ravine[Ep2] (1.09%)
  (All-Mach Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (1.10%) - Eastern Cave[Ep2] (1.09%)
  (Decoy Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (1.10%) - Eastern Cave[Ep2] (1.09%)
  (Luminous Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (1.10%) - Eastern Cave[Ep2] (1.09%)
  (Petrify Orb): Eastern Cave[Ep2] / Fortune Ravine[Ep2] (2.20%)
  (Scanner Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (1.10%)
  (Radar Orb): Star Cave[Ep1] (1.10%)
  (Rollcall Orb): Mt. Bristle (1.60%)
  (Escape Orb): Marowak Dojo (33.33%)

[Hold]: Steam Cave - Amp Plains - Crystal Crossing - Temporal Tower
  (Twist Band): Waterfall Cave (1.83%)
  (Power Band): Waterfall Cave (1.83%)
  (Special Band): Waterfall Cave (1.83%)
  (Pecha Scarf): Hidden Land (1.24%)
  (Stamina Band): Hidden Land (1.77%)

[TMs]: Steam Cave - Treeshroud Forest

       |         B.        Post-ending          |
[Coins]: Mt. Travail - Wonder Dungeons (400 Coin Max) - Rank Dungeons

[Seeds]: Aegis Cave - Dojo: Last Maze - Zero Isle North
  (Eyedrop Seed): Mystery Jungle (2.11%)
  (Pure Seed): Dojo: Last Maze (1.58%) 
  (Blinker Seed): Aegis Cave (3.44%)
  (Hunger Seed): Happy Outlook (1.51%)
  (Quick Seed): Spacial Rift (3.39%)
  (Doom Seed): Aegis Cave (5.52%)
  (X-Eye Seed): Aegis Cave (5.52%)
  (Warp Seed): Aegis Cave (6.88%)
  (Violent Seed): Midnight Forest (2.31%)
  (Vile Seed): Zero Isle North (1.17%)
  (Life Seed): Zero Isle South (2.03%)
  (Joy Seed): Zero Isle South (1.75%)

[Berries]: Aegis Cave
  (Cheri Berry): Aegis Cave (3.44%)
  (Rawst Berry): Shimmer Hill (4.03%)
  (Sitrus Berry): Zero Isle South (2.06%)

[Food]: Spacial Rift - Marine Resort - Zero Isle East - Mt. Avalanche

[Gummies]: Marine Resort
  (Gold Gummi): Shimmer Desert (1.26%)
  (Gray Gummi): Shimmer Desert (1.26%)
  (Purple Gummi): Shimmer Desert (1.26%)

[Drinks]: See Below
  (Max Elixir): Zero Isle East (7.76%)
  (Stat-Boost): Zero Isle North 1-30 (0.71% each)
  (Ginseng): Mt. Mistral (0.74%)

[Throw]: Lost Wilderness - Shimmer Desert
  (Iron Thorn): Lost Wilderness (13.30%)
  (Gravelerock): Shimmer Desert (21.70%)
  (Silver Spike): Shimmer Desert (21.70%)

[Orbs]: Shimmer Hill - Lost Wilderness - Zero Isles
  (Trawl Orb): Shimmer Hill (1.19%)
  (Rollcall Orb): Zero Isle North 31-75 (2.44%)
  (One-Room Orb): Zero Isle North 31-75 (2.44%)
  (Stairs Orb): Zero Isle North 31-75 (2.44%)

[Hold]: Post-ending non-Story Dungeons
  (Def Scarf): Crevice Cave (1.06%)
  (Zinc Band): Crevice Cave (1.06%)
  (Gold Ribbon): Shimmer Hill (2.40%)
  (Pass Scarf): Lost Wilderness (1.19%)

[TMs]: Dojo: Last Maze - Zero Isle South - Bottomless Sea 49
  (HMs): Dojo: Last Maze (0.04% each)

[Other]: See Below
  (Key): Aegis Cave (2.6%)
  (Link Box): Dojo: Last Maze (2.40%)
  (Sky Gift): Shaymin Village [Camp 4 & Up] (2.25%)

~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
        ##VII.       Questions and Answers
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
Q: What is the best dungeon to train at before the game's ending?
A: Early on, train on the 4th and 5th floors of training mazes in Marowak's
   Dojo. Once you have completed Amp Plains and chapter 10, just train in
   any story dungeon that comes afterward.  However, Dragon Maze(Floors 3-5)
   in Marowak's Dojo remains one of the highest exp-yielding locations, so
   feel free to continue training there.

Q: I need a lot of exp and fast! Any advice?
A: If you are still in the pre-ending, see the previous question.  However,
   If you are in the post-ending, there is a very easy method to gain tons of
   exp.  Remember those Rollcall Orbs that have been collecting dust in your
   storage?  Imagine if you could turn every one of those Rollcall Orbs into
   a monster house full of exp! How, you ask? Just follow these 10 easy steps!
   1. Make at least 1 pokemon of your team a pokemon with the Illuminate
      ability (Staryu, Chinchou, Volbeat, etc.).
   2. Make sure 1 of your pokemon has a room range damaging move, such as
      Discharge, Silver Wind, etc. Link it with another move.
   3. Add 1 or more rollcall orbs to your inventory.
   4. Enter any post-ending dungeon, excluding the zero isles.
   5. Find a low level enemy and lead it to a fairly big room on the floor.
   6. Disable all of your Illuminator's moves, and position him near the low
      level enemy.
   7. Allow the enemy to continue attacking your Illuminator until it stops
   8. Then position yourself near the low level enemy and throw a Rollcall Orb
      at that enemy.
   9. The enemy will then proceed to use that Rollcall Orb to warp every other
      enemy on the floor into the same room as your group.
   10.Wipe the room clean using your room-range move. Enjoy the experience!

   If you brought more than 1 Rollcall Orb, feel free to repeat steps 5-10 as
   often as you wish.

Q: I don't have any Rollcall Orbs or pokemon with the Illuminate ability!
   Any other ideas for getting lots of exp?
A: Here is a variant of the above method that uses Pokemon Traps instead of
   Rollcall Orbs and Illuminators to create monster houses.
   1. Add at least 15 of any Throwing item(s) to your bag.
   2. Make sure 1 of your pokemon has a room range damaging move, such as
      Discharge, Silver Wind, etc. Link it with another move.
   3. Add 1 or more Eyedrop Seeds to your bag.  Goggle Specs are better if
      have one.
   4. Enter any dungeon with Pokemon Traps in it, excluding the zero isles.
   5. Use your Eyedrop Seeds(or Goggle Specs) to find a Pokemon Trap.
   6. Place your Room-Range Move using Pokemon into the same room as the
      Pokemon Trap.
   7. Throw your Throwing items at the walls in the room.  Keep doing this
      until at least a dozen items litter the ground.
   8. Step on the Pokemon Trap to change every item in the room into an
      enemy Pokemon.
   9. Wipe the room clean using your room-range move. Enjoy the experience!
   10.Find another Pokemon Trap and repeat Steps 6-9 until satisfied.

Q: What are the best dungeons to find Kecleon Shops in?
A: Star Cave.  Its early floors have a 50%/100% chance of having Kecleon
   Shops.  These kecleon shops don't have anything really special, but
   if you want to sell something to a kecleon shop, these are the easiest
   to find.  If you would rather recruit a Kecleon, then I recommend
   Waterfall Cave, Apple Woods, or Mt. Horn, which all have around 9%
   Kecleon Shop Appearance Rates, and don't have any difficult enemies.

Q: I need a lot of money! How can I get rich quick?
A: Stock up on Gold Ribbons/Lost Loots & Pure Seeds/Trawl Orbs.  Then bring
   these to the Kecleon Shops in Star Cave, and sell the GR/LLs there.
   Then use the PS/TOs to rob the Kecleon Shop and get all your items back.
   If you brought enough PS/TOs, you can repeat this multiple times on
   different floors of Star Cave.

Q: Any Advice for finding Hidden Stairs?
A: Eyedrop Seeds and Goggle Specs reveal Hidden Stairs.  Some 3-star pokemon
   items increase the chances of Hidden Stairs spawning.  You should
   definitely look for Hidden Stairs at Shaymin Village.  The Grab Bags
   in the Secret Bazaars there are incredibly good.  You can recycle for
   Eyedrop Seeds.

~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
        ##VIII.        Version History
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
version 1.0
November 5, 2009
[~] First Release
[~] 95 Dungeons completed

version 1.01
November 8, 2009
[!] Swalot Grab Bag Item Lists added!
[!] Hidden Stairs Appearance Rates added!
[~] IQ Booster Floor Boosts added.
[~] Best Locations For Items Section updated.
[~] More Questions and Answers added.
[~] Some FAQ errors corrected.
[~] Added Requirements for Special Episodes
[~] Credits updated slightly.

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        ##IX.        Coming Soon
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-

+Add more info on Treasure Chambers/Warp Zones

~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-
        ##X.         Credits
~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~- ~-

1. Gamefaqs. I found quite a bit of misc. information from the Explorers
   of Sky Boards.  Thanks everyone!
2. midgetgirl05.  She gave me some dungeon information.
3. nhahtdh.  He has given advice throughout the FAQ's production.  He also
   provided the recruitment rates for each pokemon.
4. Serebii.net.  More Dungeon information from here.  Also got Special
   Episode requirements from here.

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        ##XI.       Contact Information
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Email: OgreSean@Yahoo.com

Feel free to let me know of any corrections or additions I should make to
my FAQ.

I also post as OgreGunner on the Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky message
boards on gamefaqs.

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        ##XII.       Copyright Information
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This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Upcoming Releases
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.
Development of Titanfall 3 was confirmed in the acquisition of Respawn Entertainment by Electronic Arts in November 2017.
Damnview: Built From Nothing is a simulation sandbox game about occidental culture and its different social classes. Immerse yourself into a decadent urban sprawl, all while working precarious jobs where you will either be absorbed into the system, or cast out of society’s machine. Damnview: Built From Nothing is a game about despair, the hostility of capitalism, and the need…
Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first person space combat and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers (known as Star Citizen), and a branching single-player game (known as Squadron 42). The game will also feature VR support.