Harvest Moon: Animal Parade FAQ/Walkthrough


         Copyright 2009   .   .                          .     If you find this
           by DetroitDJ   |   |                         _|_    guide useful,
                          |---| .-., .--..    ._.-. .--. |     please remember
          Version 1.1.5   |   |(   ) |      / (.-' `--. |     to click on
                          '   ' `-'`-'     `'   `--'`--' `-'   recommend above!
                                .    .
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              /    The most recent version of this guide can    
             /       always be found at the following URL:       
            /    www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/game/960313.html    
         /       To use the quick-launch system outlined below,      
        /        hit Ctrl+F and type the code in the brackets.        
      /          Quick-Launch Table of Contents -- Major Areas          
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Introduction               Game and FAQ release data, a basic   |
     |                                overview of the game, the game's   |
     |   [INTRO]                    controls and a list of significant   |
     |                               changes from Tree of Tranquility.   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   The basics of Harvest Moon,           Welcome to Harvest Moon   |
     |   including overviews of farming,                                 |
     |   ranching, mining, fishing,                            [HARVM]   |
     |   foraging, social life and the plot.                             |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Welcome to Animal Parade        It's a whole new world! Check   |
     |                                   here for a guide to the area,   |
     |   [CASTA]                   hidden locations and shortcuts, and   |
     |                            general info on how the world turns.   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Your character operates on some                Your Character   |
     |   simple ideas of stamina & fatigue,                              |
     |   and has a big rucksack and lots of                    [YOURC]   |
     |   outfits. Check here for details!                                |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Your Property                A field, a house, a coop, a barn   |
     |                              -- it's a lot to take in for a new   |
     |   [YOURP]                 farmer! Find out all you need to know   |
     |                              about your new home and farm here.   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   What's the difference between                           Tools   |
     |   Leveling and Upgrading a tool? Where                            |
     |   can you find a hammer? How do you use                 [TOOLS]   |
     |   it effectively? Check here for answers!                         |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Farming                Farming is the backbone of any Harvest   |
     |                             Moon game. Here you'll find all the   |
     |   [FARMI]                information you need on crops, fruits,   |
     |                                 soil and fertilizer to succeed!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Second only to farming is ranching.                  Ranching   |
     |   Cows, goats, sheep, horses, ostriches,                          |
     |   chickens, ducks, silkworms -- oh my!                  [RANCH]   |
     |   Find out all you need to know here!                             |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Pets                         Your pets do more than just hang   |
     |                             around your house -- they'll dig up   |
     |   [PETSS]                     items, do tricks and win festival   |
     |                       contests! See all two dozen of them here!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   There are rivers, ponds, lakes and                    Fishing   |
     |   oceans everywhere, and they all                                 |
     |   offer their own unique crop of fish!                  [FISHN]   |
     |   Check out all the best spots here!                              |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Mining                        Three mines, dozens of gems and   |
     |                            metals, and the only way you'll find   |
     |   [MININ]             the mysterious Harvest King -- to succeed   |
     |                              in Harvest Moon, mining is a must!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   From the beach to the fields to                      Foraging   |
     |   the forest, there are important items                           |
     |   lying all everywhere. Find out what                   [FORAG]   |
     |   they are and what they're for here!                             |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Cooking                   So you're growing and gathering all   |
     |                              these items for what? To sell? No!   |
     |   [COOKN]              Those items can be used for so much more   |
     |                          than that! Find out what and how here!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   With over 50 different characters and              Characters   |
     |   twenty different marriage candidates,                           |
     |   it's the liveliest Harvest Moon                       [CHARA]   |
     |   ever! Meet everyone here!                                       |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Friendship                   No man is an island, and neither   |
     |                             are you! Check here to find all you   |
     |   [FRIEN]                 need to know to make friends with all   |
     |                         the various citizens of Harmonica Town.   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   So you've made friends, but what          Dating and Marriage   |
     |   about that special someone Check here                           |
     |   for all you need know to woo and wed                  [DT&MR]   |
     |   the love of your Harvest Moon life!                             |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Family Life              So you've found that special someone   |
     |                              -- time to settle down and start a   |
     |   [FAMIL]                   family! Check here for all you need   |
     |                         to know about your spouse and children!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   The world isn't what it used to be           Plot Walkthrough   |
     |   -- how can you save it? You've got                              |
     |   to find the Harvest King! Find out                    [PLOTW]   |
     |   all you need to know here!                                      |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Game Walkthrough             Important items, events to watch   |
     |                              for, and general game strategy. If   |
     |   [GAMEW]                       you're afraid of missing out on   |
     |                                        this section is for you!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Enough of the day-to-day routine,        Festivals and Events   |
     |   it's time to party! Check here for                              |
     |   information on all the festivals and                  [FESTI]   |
     |   plot events in the game.                                        |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Shops and Places      Harmonica Town is a wonderful, vibrant,   |
     |                          and completely self-sustaining culture   |
     |   [SH&PL]                  -- check here for all the places and   |
     |                                items for sale that you'll need!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   What about Power Berries? What             Reference Sections   |
     |   are those trophies? How about a                                 |
     |   calendar, or a list of all the TV                     [REFER]   |
     |   programs? All the lists can be found here!                      |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Frequently Asked Questions     This guide is huge, and it can   |
     |                                be hard to find exactly what you   |
     |   [F_A_Q]                    need. If you can't find the answer   |
     |                           to your question elsewhere, try here!   |
     |                                                                   |
     |  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Copyright information on the game               The Three C's   |
     |   and guide, credits to all those that                            |
     |   have helped put it together, and all                  [C_C_C]   |
     |   you need to know to get in touch with me.                       |
     |                                                                   |

               Quick-Launch Table of Contents -- Thorough Topics
                 | Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . [INTRO] |  | There have
                 |    Release Information. . . . . . [RDATA] |  | been
                 |    Game Summary . . . . . . . . . [GMSUM] |  | important
                 |       New Features. . . . . . . . [NEWFE] |  | changes from
                 |       Significant Changes . . . . [SIGCH] |--| Tree of
                 |    Controls and Basic Info. . . . [CO&BA] |  | Tranquility -
 Harvest Moon |  |       Game Controls . . . . . . . [GAMEC] |  | find out what
   isn't your |  |       Main Screen . . . . . . . . [MAINS] |  | here!
typical game. |  |       Menu Screens. . . . . . . . [MENUS] |
If you're new |  |       Saving. . . . . . . . . . . [SAVIN] |
       to the |--| Welcome to Harvest Moon . . . . . [HARVM] |
series, check |  |    Intro to Harvest Moon. . . . . [IN_HM] |
this section! |  |    Intro to Your Character. . . . [IN_YO] |
                 |    Intro to Farming . . . . . . . [IN_FA] |
                 |    Intro to Ranching. . . . . . . [IN_RA] |
                 |    Intro to Mining. . . . . . . . [IN_MI] |
                 |    Intro to Fishing . . . . . . . [IN_FI] |
                 |    Intro to Foraging. . . . . . . [IN_FO] |
                 |    Intro to Social Life . . . . . [IN_SL] |  | It's a whole
                 |    Intro to the Plot. . . . . . . [IN_PL] |  | new world!
                 | Welcome to Animal Parade. . . . . [ANIMP] |--| Learn about
                 |    Locations. . . . . . . . . . . [LOCAT] |  | it here!
                 |       Harmonica Town District . . [HARMO] |
                 |       Toucan Island . . . . . . . [TOUCA] |
                 |       Garmon Mine District. . . . [GARMO] |
                 |       Flute Fields. . . . . . . . [FLUTE] |
                 |    Hidden Areas & Shortcuts . . . [UNLOC] |
                 |       Goddess Spring. . . . . . . [GODSP] |
                 |       Upper Garmon Mine . . . . . [UPPER] |
                 |       Fugue Forest. . . . . . . . [FUGFO] |
                 |       Watery Cave . . . . . . . . [WATER] |
                 |       Mountain Peak . . . . . . . [MOUNT] |
                 |       Toucan Island . . . . . . . [TOUCA] |
                 |       Mine Cart Shortcut. . . . . [CARTS] |
                 |    World Mechanics. . . . . . . . [WRLDM] |
                 |       Weather . . . . . . . . . . [WEATH] |
        Don't |  |       Flow of Time. . . . . . . . [FLOWT] |
  collapse in |  |       Game Routine. . . . . . . . [GAMER] |
the middle of |  | Your Character. . . . . . . . . . [YOURC] |
 your chores! |--|    Stamina & Fatigue. . . . . . . [ST&FA] |
 Find out how |  |       Stamina . . . . . . . . . . [STAMI] |
stamina works |  |       Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . [FATIG] |
        here. |  |    Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . [CLOTH] |
                 |    Rucksack . . . . . . . . . . . [RUCKS] |
                 |       Rucksack Upgrades . . . . . [RUCKU] |
                 | Your Property . . . . . . . . . . [YOURP] |
                 |    Your House . . . . . . . . . . [YOURH] |
                 |       Home Upgrades . . . . . . . [HOMEU] |
                 |       Lumber. . . . . . . . . . . [LUMBR] |
                 |       Furniture . . . . . . . . . [FURNI] |
                 |       Home Cooking. . . . . . . . [HCOOK] |  | Farm Degrees
                 |       Storage Space . . . . . . . [STOSP] |  | can yield
                 |       Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . [MAILB] |  | valuable
                 |    Farm Degree. . . . . . . . . . [FARMD] |--| prizes. Find
There've been |  | Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [TOOLS] |  | out more
 some changes |  |    Tool Basics. . . . . . . . . . [TOOLB] |  | here.
       to how |  |       Basic Tool Usage. . . . . . [TLBAS] |
upgrading and |  |       Obtaining Tools . . . . . . [OBTTL] |
     leveling |--|       Upgrading vs. Leveling. . . [UPvLV] |
  work. Check |  |    Upgradeable Tools. . . . . . . [UPGTL] |
 it out here. |  |       Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . [AXETL] |
                 |       Fishing Rod . . . . . . . . [FISHR] |
                 |       Hammer. . . . . . . . . . . [HAMMR] |
                 |       Hoe . . . . . . . . . . . . [HOETL] |
                 |       Sickle. . . . . . . . . . . [SICKL] |
                 |       Watering Can. . . . . . . . [WATCN] |
                 |    Non-Upgradeable Tools. . . . . [NUPTL] |
                 |       Bell. . . . . . . . . . . . [BELLS] |
                 |       Brush . . . . . . . . . . . [BRUSH] |  | Farming is
                 |       Camera. . . . . . . . . . . [CAMRA] |  | the most
                 |       Milker. . . . . . . . . . . [MILKR] |  | important
                 |       Shears. . . . . . . . . . . [SHEAR] |  | part of any
                 |    One-Time Use Tools . . . . . . [O-TUT] |  | Harvest Moon
                 | Farming . . . . . . . . . . . . . [FARMI] |--| game. You'll
                 |    Farming Preparation. . . . . . [FARMP] |  | find all you
                 |       Farming Basics. . . . . . . [FRMBA] |  | need to know
                 |       Getting Started . . . . . . [GETST] |  | here.
                 |       Buying Seeds. . . . . . . . [BUYSE] |
                 |    Farming Mechanics. . . . . . . [FARMM] |
 Trees can be |  |       Basic Farming Mechanics . . [BFRMM] |
  the easiest |  |       Soil & Crop Quality . . . . [S&CQU] |
  moneymakers |  |       Fertilizer. . . . . . . . . [FERTI] |
   around, if |--|    Trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . [TREES] |
 you know how |  |       Tree Mechanics. . . . . . . [TREEM] |
 to use them. |  |    Spring Crops . . . . . . . . . [SPCRP] |
                 |    Summer Crops . . . . . . . . . [SUCRP] |
                 |    Fall Crops . . . . . . . . . . [FACRP] |
                 |    Winter Crops . . . . . . . . . [WICRP] |
                 |    Fruits . . . . . . . . . . . . [FRUIT] |
                 | Ranching. . . . . . . . . . . . . [RANCH] |  | You can only
                 |    Ranching Basics. . . . . . . . [RANBS] |  | have three
                 |       The Barn and Coop . . . . . [BN&CP] |  | types of
                 |       Purchasing. . . . . . . . . [PURCH] |  | livestock at
                 |       Livestock Limits. . . . . . [LIMIT] |--| a time this
                 |    Care-Taking. . . . . . . . . . [CARET] |  | time around.
                 |       Feeding . . . . . . . . . . [FEEDN] |  | Find the best
                 |       Moving Animals. . . . . . . [MOVIN] |  | choices here.
                 |       Animal Heart Levels . . . . [ANHTL] |
                 |       Animal Products . . . . . . [ANIPR] |
                 |       Processed Products. . . . . [PROPR] |
                 |       Breeding. . . . . . . . . . [BREED] |
                 |       Illness . . . . . . . . . . [ILLNS] |
     The Pets |  |       Selling . . . . . . . . . . [SELLN] |
   system has |  |       Death . . . . . . . . . . . [DEATH] |
been expanded |  |    The Animals. . . . . . . . . . [THEAN] |
  incredibly. |--| Pets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [PETSS] |  | There are
   Meet man's |  |    Pet Mechanics. . . . . . . . . [PETME] |  | over four
  best friend |  |    The Pets . . . . . . . . . . . [THEPE] |  | dozen fish
        here. |  | Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . [FISHN] |--| just waiting
                 |    Fishing Basics . . . . . . . . [FISHB] |  | for you to
                 |       Get & Level the Rod . . . . [G&STR] |  | catch them!
                 |       How to Fish . . . . . . . . [HWTFS] |
                 |       Fishing Stamina . . . . . . [FISHS] |
                 |       Why Fish? . . . . . . . . . [WHYF?] |
                 |    The Fish . . . . . . . . . . . [THEFI] |
                 |    Fishing Locations. . . . . . . [FSHLO] |
                 |       Goddess Spring. . . . . . . [GODSP] |
                 |       Toucan Island . . . . . . . [TOUCA] |
                 | Mining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [MININ] |
   Don't sell |  |    Mining Basics. . . . . . . . . [MINEB] |
your Ores and |  |       Stairs, Holes & Geysers . . [SH&GY] |
 Wonderfuls - |  |       Afflictions . . . . . . . . [AFFLC] |
  refine them |  |       Ores & Wonderfuls . . . . . [OR&WN] |
         into |--|       Refining. . . . . . . . . . [REFIN] |
something far |  |       Refining Trick. . . . . . . [REFTR] |
         more |  |       Moles . . . . . . . . . . . [MOLES] |
    valuable! |  |       Why Mine? . . . . . . . . . [WHYM?] |
                 |       Descending the Mines. . . . [DESCE] |
                 |    The Mines. . . . . . . . . . . [MINES] |
                 |    Mine Items . . . . . . . . . . [MINEI] |
                 |       Ores. . . . . . . . . . . . [ORES.] |
                 |       Wonderfuls. . . . . . . . . [WONDR] |
                 |       Other Mine Items. . . . . . [MINEE] |
                 | Foraging. . . . . . . . . . . . . [FORAG] |
                 |    Foraged Items. . . . . . . . . [FORIT] |
                 | Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . [COOKN] |
                 |    Cooking Basics . . . . . . . . [COOKB] |  | Milling is
                 |       Ingredient Categories . . . [INGCA] |  | new, but
 Every recipe |  |       Fish Dish Qualities . . . . [DISHQ] |  | crucial. Read
  in the game |  |       Milling . . . . . . . . . . [MILLN] |--| about it
 can be found |--|    Recipe List. . . . . . . . . . [RLIST] |  | here.
 here, listed |  |       Aging Pot Recipes . . . . . [R_AGE] |
  by utensil! |  |       Cutting Board Recipes . . . [R_CUT] |
                 |       Frying Pan Recipes. . . . . [R_FRY] |
                 |       Ice Cream Maker Recipes . . [R_ICM] |
                 |       Match Set Recipes . . . . . [R_MAT] |
                 |       Mill Recipes. . . . . . . . [R_MIL] |
                 |       Mixer Recipes . . . . . . . [R_MIX] |  | Harmonica
                 |       Oven Recipes. . . . . . . . [R_OVE] |  | Town is home
                 |       Pot Recipes . . . . . . . . [R_POT] |  | to ten
                 | Characters. . . . . . . . . . . . [CHARA] |  | eligible
                 |    Bachelors. . . . . . . . . . . [VGUYS] |--| bachelors.
                 |       Calvin. . . . . . . . . . . [CALVI] |  | Maybe it's
                 |       Chase . . . . . . . . . . . [CHASE] |  | love? Find
                 |       Gill. . . . . . . . . . . . [GILL.] |  | out here!
                 |       Harvest King. . . . . . . . [HRVKN] |
                 |       Jin . . . . . . . . . . . . [JIN..] |
                 |       Julius. . . . . . . . . . . [JULIU] |
    Boy meets |  |       Luke. . . . . . . . . . . . [LUKE.] |
    girl. Boy |  |       Owen. . . . . . . . . . . . [OWEN.] |
     falls in |  |       Toby. . . . . . . . . . . . [TOBY.] |
love. Boy has |  |       Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . [WIZRD] |
  to know how |--|    Bachelorettes. . . . . . . . . [GIRLS] |
 to woo girl! |  |       Anissa. . . . . . . . . . . [ANISS] |
  Check here, |  |       Candace . . . . . . . . . . [CANDA] |
         boy! |  |       Harvest Goddess . . . . . . [HRVGD] |
                 |       Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . [KATHY] |
                 |       Luna. . . . . . . . . . . . [LUNA.] |
                 |       Maya. . . . . . . . . . . . [MAYA.] |
                 |       Phoebe. . . . . . . . . . . [PHOEB] |
                 |       Renee . . . . . . . . . . . [RENEE] |
                 |       Selena. . . . . . . . . . . [SELEN] |
                 |       Witch . . . . . . . . . . . [WITCH] |
                 |    Villagers. . . . . . . . . . . [VILLS] |
                 |    Rival Kids . . . . . . . . . . [RIVKD] |
                 |    Harvest Sprites. . . . . . . . [HARVS] |
                 | Friendship. . . . . . . . . . . . [FRIEN] |
                 |    Raising Affection. . . . . . . [RAIAF] |
                 |    Gift-Giving Mechanics. . . . . [GIGIM] |  | Two kids,
                 | Dating and Marriage . . . . . . . [DT&MR] |  | unique
                 |       Dating. . . . . . . . . . . [DATIN] |  | attitudes,
                 |       Marriage. . . . . . . . . . [MARRI] |  | lots of
                 | Family Life . . . . . . . . . . . [FAMIL] |--| outfits -
                 |    After Marriage . . . . . . . . [AFTMA] |  | it's like a
   Completing |  |    Your Children. . . . . . . . . [CHILD] |  | real family!
the plot will |  |       Kid Chores. . . . . . . . . [KIDCH] |
   unlock new |  |       Kid Personalities . . . . . [KIDPR] |
    areas and |--| Plot Walkthrough. . . . . . . . . [PLOTW] |
  characters! |  |    Bell #1: Red Bell. . . . . . . [REDBL] |
                 |    Bell #2: Yellow Bell . . . . . [YELBL] |
                 |    Bell #3: Green Bell, Pt. 1 . . [GREB1] |
                 |    Bell #4: Blue Bell . . . . . . [BLUBL] |
                 |    Bell #3: Green Bell, Pt. 2 . . [GREB2] |  | Two games for
                 |    Bell #5: Purple Bell . . . . . [PURBL] |  | the price of
                 |    Calling the King . . . . . . . [CALLK] |  | one! Help set
                 |    Child's Journey. . . . . . . . [NEWG+] |--| your child
Don't sell an |  | Game Walkthrough. . . . . . . . . [GAMEW] |  | off on a
    item that |  |    Important Events . . . . . . . [IMPEV] |  | journey of
  you'll need |  |       Getting Started . . . . . . [GETST] |  | their own.
 later! Check |--|    Important Items. . . . . . . . [IMPIT] |
     here for |  |       Plot Items. . . . . . . . . [PLOTI] |
items to look |  |       Child's Journey Items . . . [CHJIT] |
     out for. |  |       Contest Items . . . . . . . [CONTI] |
                 |       Other Important Items . . . [IMPOI] |
                 |    Game Strategy. . . . . . . . . [STRAT] |
                 | Shops and Places. . . . . . . . . [SH&PL] |
                 |    Shops. . . . . . . . . . . . . [SHOPS] |
                 |       Blacksmith's Shop . . . . . [SH_BS] |
                 |       Brass Bar . . . . . . . . . [SH_BB] |
                 |       Carpenter's Shop. . . . . . [SH_CS] |
                 |       Choral Clinic . . . . . . . [SH_CC] |
                 |       General Store . . . . . . . [SH_GS] |
                 |       Horn Ranch. . . . . . . . . [SH_HR] |
                 |       Marimba Farm. . . . . . . . [SH_MF] |
                 |       Ocarina Inn . . . . . . . . [SH_OI] |
                 |       Pineapple Inn . . . . . . . [SH_PI] |
                 |       Sonata Tailoring. . . . . . [SH_ST] |
                 |       Taylor's Seeds. . . . . . . [SH_TS] |
                 |       Town Hall . . . . . . . . . [SH_TH] |
                 |    Other Places . . . . . . . . . [PLACE] |
                 |       Hot Springs . . . . . . . . [HOTSP] |  | Take that
                 |       Windmill. . . . . . . . . . [WINDM] |  | special
                 |       Waterwheel. . . . . . . . . [WHEEL] |  | someone out
                 | Festivals and Events. . . . . . . [FESTI] |  | for a
                 |    Romantic Festivals . . . . . . [ROMFE] |--| romantic
                 |       Flower Festival . . . . . . [FLOWF] |  | evening -
    Contests, |  |       Firefly Festival. . . . . . [FIREF] |  | they'll fall
       shops, |  |       Moon Festival . . . . . . . [MOONF] |  | for you in no
attractions - |  |       Starry Night Festival . . . [STARF] |  | time!
festivals are |--|    Social Festivals . . . . . . . [SOCFE] |
    rare, but |  |       Animal Festival . . . . . . [ANIMF] |
     awesome! |  |       Ocean Festival. . . . . . . [OCEAF] |
                 |       Harvest Festival. . . . . . [HARVF] |
                 |       New Year's Eve. . . . . . . [NEWYF] |
                 |       Theodore's Circus . . . . . [CIRCF] |
                 |    Family Festivals . . . . . . . [FAMIF] |
                 |       Your Birthday . . . . . . . [YOURB] |
                 |       Your Spouse's Birthday. . . [SPOUB] |  | You won't get
                 |       Your Anniversary. . . . . . [ANNIV] |  | far until the
                 |       Your Child's Birthday . . . [CHLDB] |  | bridge is
                 |    Events . . . . . . . . . . . . [EVENT] |  | fixed and the
   Theodore's |  |       Fix the Bridge. . . . . . . [FIXBR] |--| animals have
 animals have |  |       Move the Animals. . . . . . [MOVEA] |  | moved. Find
escaped! Help |--|       Theodore's Circus Event . . [THEOD] |  | out to solve
   find them! |  |       Harmony Day . . . . . . . . [THANK] |  | that here!
                 |       Bo's Lunch. . . . . . . . . [BOSLU] |
                 | Reference Sections. . . . . . . . [REFER] |
                 |       Power Berries . . . . . . . [POWER] |
                 |       Trophies. . . . . . . . . . [TROPH] |
                 |       Television Programs . . . . [TVPRG] |
                 |       Calendar. . . . . . . . . . [CALEN] |
                 |       Shopping Reference. . . . . [SHOPR] |
                 | Frequently Asked Questions. . . . [F_A_Q] |
                 |    Farming Questions. . . . . . . [FAQ_F] |
                 |    Character Questions. . . . . . [FAQ_C] |
                 |    Mining Questions . . . . . . . [FAQ_I] |
                 |    Gameplay Questions . . . . . . [FAQ_G] |
                 |    General Questions. . . . . . . [FAQ_Q] |
                 |    Marriage Questions . . . . . . [FAQ_M] |
                 |    Ranching Questions . . . . . . [FAQ_R] |
                 |    Pets Questions . . . . . . . . [FAQ_P] |
                 | The Three C's . . . . . . . . . . [C_C_C] |
                 |    Copyright. . . . . . . . . . . [COPYR] |
                 |    Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . [CREDI] |
                 |    Contact Information. . . . . . [CONTA] |

        // [INTRO]                                                           //
       //                                                    Introduction   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Excellence is in the details. Give attention                    //
    //  to the details and excellence will take                          //
   //  care of itself." -Perry Paxton                                   //
  //                                                                   //
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [RDATA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    Release Information  /
| /                                                                         /
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Game Release Data                                                          
|          Genre : Simulation (Farming)
|      Developer : Marvelous Interactive
|      Publisher : Marvelous Interactive (Japan)
|                : Natsume (US)
|    Distributor : Nintendo
|         System : Nintendo Wii
| Official Title : Bokujou Monogatari: Waku Waku Animal March (Japan)
|                : Harvest Moon: Animal Parade (United States)
|   Release Date : October 30th, 2008 (Japan)
|                : November 10th, 2009 (US)
|    ESRB Rating : E
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| FAQ Release Data                                                           
| Detailed release information on acceptable use of this FAQ can be found
| under the Copyright section at the end of this guide. If there is no
| copyright section, then you're looking at an unacceptable use of this FAQ.
| Shame on you!
| After writing the guides for Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, I swore I'd
| never write a guide for a game that big again. But here I am. Why am I
| doing this to myself?
| Well, really, because with the experience I gained writing the Tree of
| Tranquility guides, I anticipate this to be a much more manageable process.
| I'm also using a new guide-writing method that makes things like the
| navigation system, header styles and other aspects substantially easier to
| manipulate. Plus, I just love Harvest Moon. And writing guides. Go figure.
| This guide has taken a ton of work to put together. Animal Parade is even
| more immense than Tree of Tranquility by a moderate amount. Lots of the
| information contained at the time of this guide's first posting is based on
| information from the Japanese version as well, so there might be some minor
| translation confusions -- but I wanted to make sure to have it available as
| soon as possible considering how strange some aspects of Harvest Moon games
| can be.
| But like I said, this guide has taken a ton of work to put together. If you
| find it helpful, I'd love to hear about it. If you have any suggestions,
| additions, corrections, questions or merciless flames, you can find my
| contact information at the end of the guide.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| FAQ Version History                                                        
| 1.1.3 (11/30/2009): Several corrections, especially to the names of several
| of the recipes. Apparently Marvelous didn't translate Buckwheat the same
| way twice. Go figure.
| 1.1.2 (11/25/2009): From this point forward, I'll likely only change the
| version history when they're a pretty significant change. The pretty
| significant change this time is that I've spun-off a separate guide for
| Crop Profits. You can find it at GameFAQs along with my other guides.
| 1.1.1 (11/23/2009): Minor fixes and such. Woo.
| 1.1.0 (11/20/2009): The Character section has a new feature I'm
| particularly proud of that details the easiest Liked and Loved gifts to
| obtain for each villager. I'll be posting a separate Character Guide
| tomorrow that goes much more in-depth with this as well. And as always,
| lots of minor corrections -- huge thanks to the Animal Parade message board
| for helping fix some of my errors.
| 1.0.1 (11/18/2009): More expected minor updates and fixes. Only major
| change I think is the Mining Tricks, thanks to Quicksilver9448.
| 1.0.0 (11/17/2009): Now this is what I would call complete. There's still
| plenty more to be done, of course, but all the major content is here. I'm
| especially proud of the shopping lists that are now included in the guide.
| Everything is cross-linked automatically, so there should be absolutely no
| discrepancies between a shop's listing and the shopping spots listed for
| the items themselves.
| 0.9.0 (11/16/2009): Lots of minor obvious changes, especially corrections
| to my guide-writing program. Way too many small changes to note, though.
| Also, the fishing listings and mining listings are included now. The guide
| will be complete when the shopping lists are added in, which I have about
| 90% compiled.
| 0.7.0 (11/10/2009): This guide exists now. It didn't used to. All great
| guides start this way. At the time of this first posting, it's actually
| mostly complete. I still need to put in shop listings, fishing listings and
| mining listings, but everything else is here and awaiting improvement.
| There's plenty more I plan to do, such as profit analysis on farming,
| ranching, mining and fishing, gift listings, profit recommendations, etc.,
| but most of that will go in the in-depth guides.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [GMSUM]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Game Summary  /
| /                                                                         /
| Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is the second Harvest Moon game released for
| the Nintendo Wii console, neglecting of course the many past Harvest Moon
| games available for the Wii Virtual Console. The game can be played with
| the WiiMote and Nunchuk, or with the classic controller. However, unlike
| its predecessor, Animal Parade does not make substantive use of motion
| controls.
| Animal Parade is built on the same engine as Tree of Tranquility. What that
| means is that you'll find the overall visual feel very similar, and many of
| the mechanics of the game work in similar (though not identical) ways. If
| you played Tree of Tranquility, you'll be able to jump right into Animal
| Parade with little learning curve.
| That's not to say that the game is identical, or that you shouldn't bother
| playing Animal Parade: the game is substantially better than Tree of
| Tranquility. Tree of Tranquility is Windows Vista to Animal Parade's
| Windows 7 -- it feels similar, but it just works better. If you enjoyed
| Tree of Tranquility at all, you'll want to pick up Animal Parade as well.
| At a fundamental level, Animal Parade remains pretty true to the classic
| Harvest Moon formula. You play the role of a farmer, given the task of
| running a farm. As part of this task, you grow and sell crops and raise
| animals to sell their products like milk and eggs. More broadly, you can go
| mining, go fishing, mingle with the local villages, shop, make friends, get
| married and have kids. It's everything you love about the Harvest Moon
| series, but everything has been improved.
| The plot remains similar to Tree of Tranquility, but also improved. Rather
| than creating five rainbows, your goal is to ring five bells to awaken
| different parts of the game, toward the ultimate goal of finding the
| Harvest King. But we'll get to that much later.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [NEWFE] _
| New Features                                                               
| So you're wondering, what's actually new in Animal Parade if it's built on
| the same engine as Tree of Tranquility? In a word, plenty. Below is just a
| short list of many of the new features you'll find in Animal Parade, or
| returning features that have been left out of the franchise for a long
| time.
|   - Four playable characters to choose from: the Tree of Tranquility
|     characters and two new ones.
|   - An all-new and much-enhanced child system, giving you two children that
|     take after both you and your spouse.
|   - New wild animals to befriend and adopt including a duck, snake and
|     frog, and a much better system for befriending them.
|   - The ability to ride ANY livestock animal in the game, including cows
|     and goats, as well as new wild animals as well through Theodore's
|     circus.
|   - A deeper recipe system, involving numerous new and more realistic
|     ingredients like flour, sugar, cornmeal and salt.
|   - Several new characters, including new eligible bachelors and
|     bachelorettes.
|   - An incredibly expanded general social system, with much more realistic
|     events.
|   - New rival couples and rival children for the lifelong bachelors and
|     bachelorettes from Tree of Tranquility.
|   - A new trophy system to reward you for completing various aspects of the
|     game, such as growing every crop or meeting every animal.
|   - A much-expanded wardrobe system and improved furniture system.
|   - New and interesting vacation houses actually separated from the
|     district of your main home.
|   - Slowed game time passage, a tweaked stamina system, and various other
|     minor improvements to simple game mechanics.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SIGCH] _
| Significant Changes                                                        
| This is important, especially to people who played Tree of Tranquility
| thoroughly. Animal Parade is built on the same engine as Tree of
| Tranquility, and that means that many, many elements work the same way.
| It's a lot like Tree of Tranquility with a different village and story.
| However, there are certain things that you need to notice have changed.
| These aren't the expected things, like more fish and recipes, which don't
| really matter all that much. These are real changes to the way Tree of
| Tranquility worked.
| Among these significant changes are:
|   - When mining, there are no longer any sparkles to tell you what your Ore
|     or Wonderful is. It might not even be determined when you pick it up:
|     it might be determined when you have Mira refine them -- I'll get back
|     to you on that. But the point is, don't bypass every non-sparkling Ore
|     and Wonderful just because you're expecting sparkles.
|   - There are now five soil qualities instead of three.
|   - Soil qualities will automatically decrease every month if there is a
|     crop growing in that soil. You'll have to keep fertilizing it to keep
|     it high-quality.
|   - While there are still five types of livestock animals -- goats, sheep,
|     cows, horses, ostriches -- you can only own three types at a time. You
|     can have up to eight livestock animals total, but only three types at a
|     time.
|   - Seeds are now purchased individually -- one seed per bag. That means
|     they're planted individually too, so you're no longer locked into a 1x6
|     format like in Tree of Tranquility.
|   - Animals will not go back inside at the end of the day automatically,
|     and chickens, ducks and ostriches won't lay eggs unless they're inside
|     in the morning. You have to put your animals inside every day.
|   - Trees won't drop fruit unless you push them over and shake them.
|   - And very generally, the game has gotten more challenging. The plot is
|     longer and more involved, money is much harder to come by, there are
|     more things to buy: overall, you'll finally get to the second year and
|     still have a lot left to accomplish.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CO&BA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                Controls and Basic Info  /
| /                                                                         /
| Let's get down to the overly-detailed basics. In Harvest Moon, you play a
| farmer. You run around, do chores, talk to people, give gifts, grow crops
| and raise animals. You can play as a boy or a girl, but to avoid s/he and
| other annoying gender-neutral terms, I'll most likely refer to the
| character as a male, except when normal gender-neutral words ('spouse',
| 'parent') exist.
| Your character stays the same the entire game: this is you. He can do a
| variety of actions, like walking, talking and using tools. He can hold
| either items or tools. Items can be given or thrown away, whereas tools can
| be used. He can only hold one item or tool at a time.
| He can run or walk according to how much the control stick is tilted. He
| can talk to people by going up to them and pressing A. If he has an item
| when he talks to a person, he'll automatically give it to them. If he has a
| tool, he'll show it to them, though oftentimes they won't pay any attention
| unless the tool has some particular relevance.
| You can pick things up in the game. Just walk up to them and press A to
| pick them up. On your back is the world's most space-efficient backpack
| (called a rucksack), able to hold up to 30 items at a time later in the
| game, including all your tools. Multiple items will stack in the rucksack,
| allowing you to hold up to 99 of an item for the same amount of space as 1.
| Yes, that rucksack can apparently hold 2970 pumpkins at a time. Crazy.
| One of the main goals in the game is to make money. To make money, place
| items in the various shipping bins. Any item that can be sold can be placed
| in the shipping bins. Price lists for various items can be found throughout
| this guide, but you'll mostly sell crops, fish, mine products, forageables
| and dairy products.
| I think that about covers it. If you don't see something here, feel free to
| ask using the contact information at the bottom of this guide.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GAMEC] _
| Game Controls                                                              
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| WiiMote Controls
| A Button : Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine objects,
|          : use your currently equipped tool (hold down before release to
|          : charge), ride an animal, trash your currently-held item.
| B Button : Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a menu.
| C Button : Open rucksack and menu screens, described below.
| Z Button : Check field square selection (use when tilling, watering or
|          : planting).
| + Button : Open the map screen, described below.
| - Button : View Photo Album.
|    D-Pad : Open (down), browse (left/right) and close (up) your rucksack.
| Joystick : Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting slightly).
|  A and B : Press together to whistle for an animal to ride.
| 1 Button : Talk to Finn -- effectively, get Help.
| 2 Button : Toggle name display.
| Animal Parade does not contain motion controls for tool usage.
| _ _ _ _
| Rubbing
| Animal Parade provides a benefit for having a second player play along with
| you with a second WiiMote. By connecting a second WiiMote to the game, the
| second player can point the pointer over villagers as you walk by them to
| "rub" them, granting a bonus to affection. This can be used on other
| villagers, wild animals and livestock as well. Of course, there's no real
| way for the game to know if you're really playing with someone else or just
| picking up a second WiiMote every once in a while, so go for it!
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Classic Controller Controls
|       A Button : Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine
|                : objects and use your currently equipped tool (hold down
|                : before release to charge).
|       B Button : Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a
|                : menu.
|       Y Button : Open rucksack and menu screens, described below.
| Right Joystick : Controls camera.
|  Left Joystick : Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting
|                : slightly).
| Right Shoulder : Open map screen, described below.
|  Left Shoulder : Check field square selection (use when tilling, watering
|                : or planting).
|       + Button : Open the map screen, described below.
|       - Button : View Photo Album.
|          D-Pad : Open (down), browse (left/right) and close (up) your
|                : rucksack.
|  Left Z Button : Get help.
| Right Z Button : Toggle name display.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MAINS] _
| Main Screen                                                                
| The main screen -- that is, the screen you spend most of your time looking
| at, with your character, the villagers and everything else there is -- has
| a heads-up display to show pertinent information. As you run around the
| game world, you'll notice these elements on your screen:
| _ _ _ _
| Center
|      You : The most obvious characteristic, you!
| _ _ _ _ _
| Top Left
|    Clock : A clock displaying the current time in 10-minute increments.
|     Date : The current day of the week, and date within the month.
|   Season : The current season, displayed as an image: a snowflake for
|          : winter, and leaf for fall, a green clover for spring, or a
|          : yellow sun for summer.
|  Weather : Also shown as an image, such as a sun for sunny and a cloud for
|          : cloudy.
|     Wind : The wind speed, by the speed the windmill is turning.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Top Right
|     Tips : Help information and tips on what buttons can be used at your
|          : current position.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bottom Right
|    Money : How much money you currently have.
|  Stamina : Your current stamina, displayed as a meter. The meter will
|          : change colors as you lose stamina.
| Portrait : A picture of you, giving a graphical depiction of your current
|          : stamina and health.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bottom Left
|  Tracker : If you choose to track someone through the menu screens, their
|          : current location (such as the current district or shop) will be
|          : displayed here.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MENUS] _
| Menu Screens                                                               
| Pressing C (or Y on the classic controller) brings up the main menu screen.
| The main menu screen consists of four sub-screens, displaying information
| about your rucksack, farm, income and relationships. You can scroll through
| the different sub-screens using the D-pad, or navigate within them using
| the control stick or D-pad.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rucksack Screen
| The Rucksack Screen shows all the items presently in your rucksack. The
| items are listed in order in that items will appear on your rucksack
| quick-view in the same order they appear on the Rucksack Screen. You can
| use the control stick and the A button to rearrange the items with some
| restrictions and idiosyncrasies that will be mentioned in the quick-view
| section below.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Farm Screen
| The Farm Screen shows several details about the current status of your
| farm. From left to right (kind of), the first screen displays: your home
| level, the amount of stone, wood, bird feed and livestock fodder you have,
| and how many of each animal you have.
| You can use the D-Pad to scroll to two other sub-screens within the Farm
| Screen. These feature the Player Screen, showing your birthday, family and
| other information, and the Tool Screen, showing how proficient you are with
| each tool you have.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Income Screen
| The Income Screen shows how much money you've earned. That's pretty much
| it. It divides it up based on what year you've earned it in (current year
| and previous year) and all time, and into various categories such as farm
| items, ranch items, mining items, fishing items, etc. This is very
| important as certain shops' inventory will differ based on how much you've
| sold in a particular category.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Relationship Screen
| The Relationship Screen shows how well you get along with basically every
| living creature in the game. They are divided into sub-categories, like
| villagers, livestock and wild animals.
| Each screen shows a listing of every person or animal you've met, and a
| heart rating from 1 to 10 hearts. On the villager screen, you can also
| control the tracker: scroll down to the villager you want to track and
| press A to choose to track them.
| Villagers and livestock are the first two tabs; the final two are pets and
| wild animals. When you choose to adopt a wild animal as a pet, it moves
| from the wild animal screen to the pet screen.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rucksack Quick-View                                                        
| The Rucksack Quick-View is a quick view of your rucksack that can be
| brought up by pressing Down on the D-pad. It shows your rucksack at the top
| of the screen, letting you scroll through it and choose an item to pull
| out. Scroll through and press A to pull out the selected item. You can
| press B afterward to return the current item to the rucksack, and press B
| again to pull the most recent item back out.
| The Quick-View's order is reflected in the Rucksack Screen; but note that
| all items will be grouped together on the Quick-View, as well as all the
| blank rucksack spaces. That means that if your Rucksack Screen shows [Hoe],
| [Hammer], [Blank Space], [Axe], [Blank Space], it will appear in your
| Quick-View as [Hoe], [Hammer], [Axe], [Blank Space], [Blank Space].
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SAVIN] _
| Saving                                                                     
| You are given three save slots to save your game in. You can save by
| examining the diary on your bedside table, or at any vacation house. The
| game will fortunately remember which slot you last saved to, so there's not
| as much risk of saving over another person's file.
| The best time to save tends to be before you go to bed. It feels a little
| odd to load up your game only to go right to bed, but there are several
| advantages. By saving before going to bed, you can:
|   - Re-load your game and ship an item you might have forgotten to ship.
|   - Re-load your game and take care of any chores you might have forgotten,
|     like watering crops.
|   - Re-load your game and re-set the weather for the day after next --
|     although whether this works in Animal Parade remains to be seen.
|   - Check and make sure you've earned enough money for an important
|     purchase the next day, especially festival items that only come around
|     once per year.

        // [HARVM]                                                           //
       //                                         Welcome to Harvest Moon   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Some stories get taken out                                      //
    //  to pasture. Here's one that                                      //
   //  started there." -Sky Render                                      //
  //                                                                   //
| Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Oak! ...wait, that can't be
| right. Let's try this again. Welcome to the World of Warcraft! ...hmm. No,
| that's not right either.
| Welcome to the world of Harvest Moon! There we go. This section will
| introduce you to the basics of Harvest Moon in general. This isn't a primer
| for the series as a whole: it's definitely specific to Animal Parade. But
| many of the fundamental characteristics of the game hold constant over the
| various entries in the Harvest Moon series. Natsume also tends to be a
| little lax in explaining these elements to new players. So, this will be a
| primer on those elements.
| If you've ever played a Harvest Moon game before in your life, this section
| won't be necessary. And even if you haven't, you might not need to read
| this: this is for those that want to come into the game with a level of
| knowledge of the general game mechanics. It's not really necessary at all,
| but it can help to know what to expect.
| I divide the gameplay of Harvest Moon: Animal Parade into 8 distinct parts:
| Your Character, Farming, Ranching, Mining, Fishing, Foraging, Social Life,
| and the Plot. Each of these sections will be elaborated in much more detail
| later in this guide: this section is just a primer on each of them so that
| you know at a very high level how each part of the game works.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_HM]                                                                 /
|  /                                                  Intro to Harvest Moon  /
| /                                                                         /
| This is short, but crucial.
| Harvest Moon plays a lot like an RPG, but if you play it like an RPG, you
| will fail miserably and you won't have any fun. Let me explain.
| With an RPG, there's a story. You follow the story. You go where the story
| tells you to go and do what the story tells you to do. When the story ends,
| the game is over.
| Harvest Moon isn't like that. Yes, there is a story, but the story is only
| one small part of the game. The game is really much more of a simulation.
| Your goal is not to plow your way through the plot; your goal is to raise a
| successful farm and ranch, make money, meet some friends, get married and
| start a family -- oh, and also to complete the plot.
| What this means is that you can't (and don't want to) just start moving
| forward with the plot, ignoring villagers, crops and animals. You need to
| have other goals that you're pursuing at the same time, like growing crops,
| raising animals and making friends. Don't just wake up and go to the next
| step in the plot -- you won't get very far that way. Plant some crops,
| raise some animals, meet people and generally take it easy. You can follow
| the plot at your own pace. You shouldn't neglect it, as lots of stuff is
| triggered by completing the plot, but you shouldn't neglect the rest of
| your game either.
| It's all about a balance. Pursue the plot when there's something available,
| but remember the rest of your Harvest Moon life as well.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_YO]                                                                 /
|  /                                                Intro to Your Character  /
| /                                                                         /
| Your character is you. No kidding. At the beginning of the game, you'll
| choose a gender and one of two appearances, and you're off on your game.
| Here's what you need to understand about your character. Aside from the
| obvious control-driven stuff (control stick to move, A to talk, etc.), your
| character operates on a stamina system. Every time you do pretty much
| anything, you'll lose a little bit of stamina. When you start to run low,
| your character will move more slowly. When you run out of stamina, your
| character will collapse and go to the doctor's office.
| The meter in the bottom right of the screen represents how much stamina you
| have. Stamina is restored by eating food, going to the hot spring or
| sleeping. Sleeping is obviously the best way, and 6 hours of sleep will
| restore all your stamina -- less than that, however, and you might wake up
| with less than full stamina still.
| For more information on yourself, search for [-YOURC-] without the dashes.
| You can increase your maximum amount of stamina by finding the Power
| Berries in the game. But we'll get to that later. Or you can search for
| [-POWER-] without the dashes to jump to that section.
| Your character is also responsible for using tools like hammers, hoes and
| watering cans. To use these, pull them out of your rucksack and press A to
| use them.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_FA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Intro to Farming  /
| /                                                                         /
| Farming is where it all begins, in more ways than one. It's the cornerstone
| of the game's early development (although cows later take the crown as most
| profitable), and it's likely to take the largest portion of your in-game
| time.
| The concept behind farming is simple: till the soil with your hoe, plant
| crop seeds, water them daily with your watering can, and wait for them to
| grow. When they mature, pick the fruit or vegetable from them and sell it
| (or give it, or use it in a recipe - whatever you'd like to do, though the
| majority of your crops will likely end up getting sold).
| In planting crops, there are a couple aspects to pay attention to. First of
| all, pay attention to seasons. Different crops grow in different seasons -
| although unlike past Harvest Moon games, crops can grow in seasons other
| than their "main" season. For example, strawberries - a Spring crop, can
| grow in Summer as well. However, it's always more profitable to plant crops
| in their "main" season, so focus on doing that.
| Secondly, there are two types of crops: there are one-time sprouting crops
| and there are re-growing crops. One-time crops are crops whose soil is
| returned to normal after picking them - a new crop can be planted in its
| spot once it's picked. Re-growing crops are more like vines - when you pick
| the fruit or vegetable, the vine stays behind and grows another fruit after
| a few more days. Typically, re-growing crops are more profitable, as the
| time to grow a second fruit from a single vine or stalk is usually much
| shorter than the time to grow a whole-new crop.
| If this is still confusing, consider this example: potatoes vs. corn. For
| potatoes, you plant a single seed in the ground, wait a few days and pull
| the potato: one seed, one potato. For the corn, though, you plant a single
| seed in the ground and a corn stalk grows. The corn grows from this stalk,
| but when you pick the corn, the stalk remains - allowing another ear of
| corn to grow a few days later.
| Farming is especially prevalent in Spring and Summer, and has become more
| relevant in Fall in recent Harvest Moon games. Winter, though, is the down
| season for farming - with snow on the ground, not much will grow, so make
| sure you either have enough money saved up or enough animals in your barn
| to keep you through winter. Unlike past Harvest Moon games, there are
| Winter crops, but they aren't very profitable at all.
| Crops that grow have different qualities: Decent, Good, Perfect and
| Shining. The crop quality will depend on what soil quality the crop is
| planted in. There are five different qualities of soil, rating from
| low-quality, light, sandy soil to high-quality, dark, muddy soil. The
| better the soil quality, the higher-quality the resultant crops grown in it
| will be.
| For more information on Farming, search for [-FARMI-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_RA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Intro to Ranching  /
| /                                                                         /
| Second only to farming comes ranching. Ranching (in my terminology at
| least) is the animal side of running your farm.
| At the beginning of the game, you actually already have your ranch
| buildings, though both are rather small. However, these can be upgraded by
| talking to the carpenter (and paying him, of course). There are two ranch
| buildings: a bird coop (which houses the chickens, ducks and silkworms) and
| a barn (which houses the cows, goats, sheep, horses and ostriches). Odds
| are you'll upgrade the bird coop first - it's cheaper, and the animals that
| live in it are cheaper and more profitable in the short-term as well. But
| once you've earned a good bit of money, you'll want to move on to the
| bigger animals.
| For all your ranching needs, Horn Ranch is the place to go. Initially
| you'll only be able to buy select animals and products, but as you sell
| more ranch products (milk, eggs, etc.), Horn Ranch will grow and sell more.
| The first time you visit Horn Ranch, you'll also be given a free cow, a
| pretty significant departure from past Harvest Moon games. But we'll get to
| that later.
| The chief reason for raising animals is that they yield enormous returns on
| the investment: a single cow gives milk every single day, and they operate
| through all seasons as well, with every animal giving products all the way
| through the winter.
| To care for your animals, you must make sure they eat every day. On sunny
| days even in winter, you can let them out to graze in the lawn by ringing
| the big bell outside the barn. On rainy and snowy days, though, you must
| feed them in the barn and coop, either by placing feed in their trough or
| by giving the feed to them directly (it's always better to feed them
| directly). Note also that if you don't put your animals back in the barn or
| coop at night, they'll stay out and still be outside in the morning. This
| is a change from Tree of Tranquility.
| Your friendship with each animal is measured in the form of a heart level,
| which is increased by various tasks. Hand-feeding them increases their
| heart level, but it's also increased by picking up or petting them,
| brushing them and milking them. Note that shearing sheep actually lowers
| their heart level, but not significantly -- certainly not enough to warrant
| not shearing them whenever possible.
| Higher heart levels correspond to a better chance of getting better
| products. A 1-heart animal will almost always give Decent goods, while a
| 10-heart animal will give mostly Perfect goods. Even the most affectionate
| animal will only give Shining goods about 5% of the time. Heart level also
| affects how fast some animals run.
| Almost every animal can be bred. Cows, sheep, horses and goats are bred
| through the use of something called a "Miracle Potion". After using a
| Miracle Potion on an animal and waiting a few weeks, it will give birth to
| a baby of its own type. Chickens, ducks and ostriches are bred differently
| though - instead of a potion, simply place one of their eggs in an
| incubator and wait a week. After a week, a chick will hatch. After another
| week, the chick will mature and start giving eggs of its own.
| An interesting new feature in Animal Parade is that every livestock animal
| can be ridden as well. But obviously some animals are faster than others.
| Another interesting new feature in Animal Parade is that you can only have
| three types of livestock at a time. You can have up to eight animals
| depending on your barn size, but you can only have three types at a time.
| So if you have cows, horses and goats, you can't have sheep or ostriches.
| None of this affects what poultry you can keep, though.
| For more information on Ranching, search for [-RANCH-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_MI]                                                                 /
|  /                                                        Intro to Mining  /
| /                                                                         /
| Beyond those two activities, there are several other ways to make money in
| your spare time - they just require venturing a little further away from
| your farm.
| The first of these is mining. Mining involves going to the mine and
| breaking apart rocks, many of which hold ores, precious gems or other items
| that can be sold or used in a variety of ways, such as jewelry-making.
| In order to mine, you only need a hammer. As you descend the mine, you'll
| come across rocks and crystals. Rocks can contain what are called Ores,
| whereas crystals can contain what are called Wonderfuls. Ores and
| Wonderfuls are refined by Mira into Metals and Gems.
| In Tree of Tranquility, the amount of sparkle that an Ore or Wonderful
| showed indicated what it would refine to. In Animal Parade, it's random:
| there's no way of knowing what your Ores and Wonderfuls will refine to.
| The type of Ore and Wonderful you take to Mira will influence what you get
| out of it. Any of them can refine to something junky (junk ore for Ores,
| glass for Wonderfuls), but each can also refine to something with worth.
| Copper Ore can refine to Copper, for example. Each Ore has only one
| 'worthwhile' possible refinement, while Wonderfuls have multiple ones: a
| Green Wonderful could refine to a Jade, Peridot or Emerald.
| Take note that Wonderfuls are nothing like they are in some of the portable
| Harvest Moons. I haven't played those games, but I know those are
| significant to tool upgrades or something -- that is nowhere near their
| purpose in Animal Parade.
| Aside from the gems and metals, you can also make lots of profit in the
| mines by picking up the mushrooms and toadstools that are lying around.
| There are numerous items just lying around the floors, including the
| extremely common Mushrooms and Toadstools, and the less common Truffles,
| Pearls and Rocksalt.
| There are three mines in the game, and each also has a hot spring connected
| to it. Initially you'll only have access to one of them, but you'll access
| the other two later in the game.
| For more information on Mining, search for [-MININ-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_FI]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Intro to Fishing  /
| /                                                                         /
| Fishing is a favorite past time in Harvest Moon. After obtaining the
| fishing rod from Toby, you'll be able to fish in any of the bodies of water
| around the town: the ocean, the river, or the lakes.
| Fishing has become bigger and bigger in recent Harvest Moon games. In
| Animal Parade, there are over a half-dozen different fishing spots and four
| dozen fish, each with its own time schedule, sale price, possible
| locations, and seasons. Entire townspeople's careers revolve around fishing
| as well.
| To fish, simply approach a body of water and cast your line. Wait until you
| notice a bite (a sound will play, the controller will vibrate and there
| will be an icon on screen), then press A repeatedly and hold the WiiMote
| vertically until the fish is reeled in. If you're using the classic
| controller, press A repeatedly instead.
| For more information on Fishing, search for [-FISHN-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_FO]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Intro to Foraging  /
| /                                                                         /
| Even just gathering wild items can be a bit profitable, though really it's
| more useful for gathering ingredients for many in-game recipes.
| Throughout the world you'll find numerous items growing out in the wild.
| Herbs are the most common, but you'll also find various types of berries,
| mushrooms and fruit, as well as some sea items.
| These items will randomly spawn each night, though the more items there
| already are on the ground, the less likely new ones are to spawn. Try to
| check out the areas where they spawn on a fairly regular basis to pick them
| up soon after they appear, so that new ones will appear sooner.
| For more information on the Plot, search for [-FORAG-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_SL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                   Intro to Social Life  /
| /                                                                         /
| Under the ranching section, I mentioned that every animal you have has a
| heart level that measures how friendly it is with you. Every villager has
| the same type of thing.
| When you meet a villager, they're added to your Relationship Screen. As you
| talk with them, give them gifts and get to know them, their heart level
| will increase.
| There are several impacts of raising a villager's heart level. For most
| villagers, they'll change their dialogue when you become better friends
| with them. But for some, raising their heart level will trigger different
| events and scenes.
| The biggest application of heart levels are the marriage candidates. In
| order to get married, you'll have to raise a bachelor or bachelorette's
| heart level to the point of marriage. After marriage, your spouse will have
| an additional heart meter to raise.
| For more information on Friendship, search for [-FRIEN-] without the
| dashes. For more information on Marriage and Family, search for [-DT&MR-]
| and [-FAMIL-] without the dashes. For more information on the Characters
| themselves, search for [-CHARA-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IN_PL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Intro to the Plot  /
| /                                                                         /
| Ah, the plot. In past Harvest Moon games, some people have had a tendency
| to just ignore the plot. It didn't used to matter all that much. But in
| recent games, it's started to play more and more of a role, and Animal
| Parade is no exception. In Animal Parade, your progression through the plot
| will unlock new villagers, new areas and new items.
| You'll learn this all as you play the game, but when you arrive you'll find
| Harmonica Town is a relatively quiet area. It seems there was once a
| supernatural tree whose growth and prosperity meant prosperity for the
| entire area. That tree, however, has died, and needs something powerful to
| revive it. More powerful, even, than the Harvest Goddess, who's already
| available: you need to summon the Harvest King by ringing five hidden bells
| simultaneously.
| To ring them, you'll have to explore the island, complete tasks and find
| the bells. As you ring them, new villagers will arrive and new areas will
| be opened for you. Some of the new villagers are marriage candidates, too,
| so by all means, follow the plot!
| For more information on the Plot, search for [-PLOTW-] without the dashes.

        // [ANIMP]                                                           //
       //                                        Welcome to Animal Parade   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "A stranger in town is like a                                    //
    //  white dog: he gets noticed immediately."                         //
   //  -African Proverb                                                 //
  //                                                                   //
| Welcome to the game! And welcome to Harmonica Town, your humble abode for
| the numerous hours of enjoyable farm life that lie in front of you. This
| section will introduce you to the areas of the island and some of the very
| high-level general mechanics you'll need to be aware of.
| The game area is fairly large: essentially, it's Harmonica Town and the
| "metro area" around it. In Tree of Tranquility and some other Harvest Moon
| games, the game world was actually an island. In Animal Parade, it appears
| to be just a coastal town: but there's the distinct possibility that I'll
| refer to it as an island at some point.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [LOCAT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                              Locations  /
| /                                                                         /
| There are lots of ways you could mentally divide up the game world. The
| game divides it into four districts, though they don't quite encompass
| everything.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Farmlands                                                                  
| The Farmlands is the home to your farm, and... well, little else. Yes, you
| get your own entire district, mostly because the load times for your
| animals and such are going to increase the time enough.
| There's nothing else really notable in The Farmlands; it actually feels a
| little barren. There are two other areas with tillable soil that you can
| buy from the Mayor once you have enough money, but that's about it.
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HARMO] _
| Harmonica Town District                                                    
| To the West of your farm and The Farmlands is Harmonica Town District. The
| town is the hub for local activity, and the logical center of commerce for
| the game world. The majority of the game's shops are in Harmonica Town,
| although they're mostly the less important towns: it houses Brass Bar,
| Sonata Tailoring, Fishery, Simon's Studio, Choral Clinic, Town Hall and
| Ocarina Inn, while stores like the Blacksmith's, Carpenter's, Ranch and
| Farm are elsewhere.
| You'll find that almost half the villagers live in this area, so you'll be
| frequenting here a lot. Interestingly, rather than shops having their own
| individual days off, every town in a single district closes on the same
| day. In Harmonica Town, it's Sunday.
| Harmonica Town also connects to the Celesta Church area, which is where
| most events will take place. The Fishery also grants access to another area
| after you progress a bit in the plotline: Toucan Island.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TOUCA] _
| Toucan Island                                                              
| Toucan Island won't be available until a bit later in the game, but it fits
| logically in here. Toucan Island is an island off the coast of Harmonica
| Town, only accessible by boat. It's the home of an inn and two characters,
| Sue and Samson. Ocarina Inn mirrors the inn in Harmonica Town: it sells
| dishes and has rooms and beds that for whatever reason you're never allowed
| to rent.
| Toucan Island is also the only place you can get certain items (like
| Bananas, Coconuts and Pineapples) and provides some unique fish.
| Unfortunately, trips to the island are no longer free: they cost a whopping
| 400G! But fortunately you won't need to make frequent trips unless you want
| to befriend Sue and Samson for some reason.
| And if you're trying to wrap your head around the fact that Toucan Island
| was in Tree of Tranquility and looked pretty much the same, but yet all the
| villagers from Tree of Tranquility now live in Harmonica Town with no
| reference to having moved... yeah, you're not alone. We'll file that away
| alongside "your child moved to a different island where every single person
| looks exactly like the people on their original island".
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GARMO] _
| Garmon Mine District                                                       
| On the North side of The Farmlands is the Garmon Mine District. Here you'll
| find some more significant shops: the Carpenter's, where you can get home
| extensions and barn/coop upgrades; the Blacksmith's, where you can upgrade
| your tools; and the General Store, where you can buy other useful things.
| The shops in this district close on Thursdays.
| In case it wasn't perfectly obvious, Garmon Mine District is also where you
| can access -- brace yourself -- Garmon Mine. Initially you'll only be able
| to access one part of the mine, but you'll unlock the other one later.
| Garmon Mine District ends up being pretty crucial, as most of the
| exceedingly plot-relevant areas are accessible through here. Eventually
| you'll need to come here to descend and ascend Garmon Mine various times.
| You'll also find the Goddess's Pond down a path by the Carpenter's Shop
| here.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FLUTE] _
| Flute Fields                                                               
| To the East of your farm and The Farmlands is Flute Fields. This is
| probably the most significant other district in terms of your main tasks:
| it houses Horn Ranch, where you'll buy your animals and all their
| necessities, and Marimba Farm, where you'll buy seeds and other farming
| stuff.
| Flute Fields is also the home to some of the villagers' houses who don't
| live in rooms attached to their workplace (mostly the eligible bachelors).
| This district also has a few other relevant characteristics: mainly the
| horse racing track (accessible any time, still not a festival) and the
| windmill, which will be used for processing certain ingredients.
| Flute Fields also houses the entrance to Fugue Forest. Fugue Forest is
| something new for the Harvest Moon series: it's actually a custom-generated
| environment that changes every time you enter it. The most relevant part of
| the forest, though, is that it houses one of the marriage candidates if
| you're playing as a guy. There are also items to be found here, and it's
| the best place to get lumber.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [UNLOC]                                                                 /
|  /                                               Hidden Areas & Shortcuts  /
| /                                                                         /
| This section is likely to have some very minor spoilers, so you may want to
| pass it over; I'm phrasing it specifically to avoid spoiling any plot
| elements, though, so it should be safe.
| The unlockable areas listed below are loosely in the order that you'll find
| them.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GODSP] _
| Goddess Spring                                                             
| The Goddess Spring is where you'll find the Goddess (no, really?). It's not
| initially accessible, though. To access the Goddess Spring, you'll need to
| complete the Fix the Bridge and Move the Animals events.
| To find out how to do that, search for [-FIXBR-] and [-MOVEA-] without the
| dashes. Once you've completed that, you can access the Goddess Spring down
| the path in Garmon Mine District.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [UPPER] _
| Upper Garmon Mine                                                          
| The Upper Garmon Mine is accessed through the same outer entrance as the
| Lower Garmon Mine that you have access to from the beginning. The entrance
| to this mine is blocked until after you ring the Red Bell.
| Note that unlike the other mines, you ascend the Upper Garmon Mine -- so
| you'll want to use the upwards staircases instead of the downward ones.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FUGFO] _
| Fugue Forest                                                               
| At the beginning of the game, Fugue Forest is locked. You'll unlock it in
| the course of ringing the Blue Bell, so unfortunately you won't really be
| able to get in until then. Once it's open, you can only get inside when you
| have the axe, similar to needing the hammer for the mines.
| Once those two things are taken care of, you'll be able to enter Fugue
| Forest from Flute Fields. Like the mines, Fugue Forest is a sequence of
| several randomly-generated screens. Instead of randomly-placed rocks, there
| will be random trees, stumps and twigs, great for chopping for lumber. And
| instead of randomly-placed stairs, there is a randomly-placed path on each
| screen.
| After following the path through several screens, you'll find the Witch's
| house.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WATER] _
| Watery Cave                                                                
| The Watery Cave will automatically be unlocked if you move through the plot
| line. It is the home of the Blue Bell. For more information on how to do
| this, just read the Plot Walkthrough by searching for [-PLOTW-] without the
| dashes.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MOUNT] _
| Mountain Peak                                                              
| At the peak of the mountain, the Harvest King awaits your arrival. If
| you've never gotten then before, the only way to do it is to ascend all the
| way up the Upper Garmon Mine. It's a long trip, so bring some healing items
| and get an early start.
| After you've completed the plot, the King will create a shortcut in Garmon
| Mine District to the mountain peak, making it easier to visit him, give him
| gifts and court him as a possible spouse.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TOUCA] _
| Toucan Island                                                              
| Toucan Island is the only place outside the main island you'll go. After
| ringing the Blue Bell, you'll be able to buy a ferry ticket from Ozzie at
| the Fishery for 400G.
| Take the ferry ticket to Pascal when he's standing by his boat at the dock.
| Give him the ticket and he'll ferry you to Toucan Island and back.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CARTS] _
| Mine Cart Shortcut                                                         
| Getting around the game world can be tough. The Circus animals provide
| shortcuts to Flute Fields, Fugue Forest and Harmonica Town, but none of
| them really come close to the Garmon Mine District. So what are you going
| to do?
| There's a shortcut from Harmonica Town to Garmon Mine District: an old,
| broken mine cart. At first, it sits unmoving in Garmon Mine District; but,
| if you complete the Bo's Lunch event, you can get it moving again. Search
| for [-BOSLU-] without the dashes for more information on that event.
| Once you've completed the event, you can approach the mine cart in either
| Garmon Mine District or Harmonica Town and instantly transport to the other
| area.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [WRLDM]                                                                 /
|  /                                                        World Mechanics  /
| /                                                                         /
| This section explains some of the basic mechanics of the game world, at a
| very high level. The games of the Harvest Moon series mimic an actual town
| and actual life, so many common ideas have an in-game equivalent. Time
| flows, day turns into night, the weather changes, and you have to find a
| way to pass the time.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WEATH] _
| Weather                                                                    
| Weather plays a significant role in the game. At a basic level, it'll
| change the routines of the villagers: they'll avoid hanging out outside, or
| even going out altogether, if the weather's bad. During certain weather,
| you'll find that you don't need to water your crops, or you need to keep
| your animals inside and be careful how much you work.
| There are seven different weather patterns in the game, with Winter's
| weather differing from the other seasons pretty significantly.
| Wind plays a key role in the game; and while it's technically weather, I'm
| listing its impact under the Milling section. For more information, search
| for [-MILLN-] without the dashes.
| _ _ _
| Sunny
| Appears as... a bright, sunny, clear day.
| Happens in... all seasons.
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    can be allowed outside to graze (even in winter).
| Wind...       is pretty randomly determined.
| Villagers...  will go about their normal routines.
| You...        can go about your work as normal.
| _ _ _ _
| Cloudy
| Appears as... a cloudy, gray, overcast day.
| Happens in... all seasons.
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    can be allowed outside to graze (even in winter).
| Wind...       is pretty randomly determined.
| Villagers...  will go about their normal routines.
| You...        can go about your work as normal.
| _ _ _
| Rainy
| Appears as... rain, with wet ground, muted music and rain sounds.
| Happens in... Spring, Summer and Fall (and rarely Winter 1).
| Plants...     do not need to be watered.
| Animals...    should be kept inside to avoid illness and anger.
| Wind...       is pretty randomly determined, but tends to be a bit
| stronger.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside much.
| You...        can work outside (chopping, hammering, tilling, fishing), but
|               should make sure not to run too low on stamina (after the
|               first "I'm getting tired" animation) to avoid getting sick.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Thunderstorms
| Appears as... rain, with wet ground, muted music, rain and thunder sounds.
| Happens in... Spring, Summer and Fall.
| Plants...     do not need to be watered.
| Animals...    should be kept inside to avoid illness and anger.
| Wind...       is usually very strong.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        can work outside (chopping, hammering, tilling, fishing), but
|               should make sure not to run too low on stamina (after the
|               first "I'm getting tired" animation) to avoid getting sick.
| _ _ _
| Snowy
| Appears as... snowfall (on the already-snowy ground).
| Happens in... Winter.
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    should be kept inside.
| Wind...       is pretty randomly determined.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        can work outside (chopping, hammering, tilling, fishing), but
|               should make sure not to run too low on stamina (after the
|               first "I'm getting tired" animation) to avoid getting sick.
| _ _ _ _
| Typhoon
| Appears as... extremely heavy rainfall, lightning.
| Happens in... Summer/Fall (and may last multiple days).
| Plants...     don't need to be watered, but some will be damaged.
| Animals...    MUST be kept inside to avoid illness or worse.
| Wind...       is always very strong.
| Villagers...  will avoid going outside at all costs (although you can).
| You...        can work outside (chopping, hammering, tilling, fishing), but
|               should make sure not to run too low on stamina (after the
|               first "I'm getting tired" animation) to avoid getting sick.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Blizzard
| Appears as... extremely heavy snowfall and strong winds.
| Happens in... Winter (and may last multiple days).
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    MUST be kept inside to avoid illness or worse.
| Wind...       is always very strong.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        can work outside (chopping, hammering, tilling, fishing), but
|               should make sure not to run too low on stamina (after the
|               first "I'm getting tired" animation) to avoid getting sick.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FLOWT] _
| Flow of Time                                                               
| Unlike other games, time actually flows in Harvest Moon. Time doesn't just
| randomly freeze like in other RPGs: real time is game time. Every second of
| real time is roughly one minute of game time -- one minute per hour, and
| about 20 minutes per day, if you were just standing around outside.
| That pace is slowed even further by the fact that time now stops inside
| every building as it used to, instead of just your house. Time also stops
| or pauses when you use tools, talk to villagers, whistle for animals, and
| various other minor tasks. You should have no trouble having enough time to
| do everything you need to do. It's a pretty time-consuming game.
| You'll wake up every morning at 6AM, no matter when you went to bed. If you
| don't get much sleep, you won't fully recover all your lost stamina, but
| it's not hard to recover all of it.
| Time influences nearly the entire game. Depending on what time of day it
| is, you'll find certain villagers in certain places, certain shops will be
| open and closed, the fish you can catch will change, and the visual and
| audio appearance of the screen will be much different.
| Days form themselves into weeks and months: in Animal Parade, there are
| four 28-day months titled after the seasons. If you're following along,
| that's around 40 hours per game year.
| The day of the week impacts shop closings and, thus, character schedules.
| More importantly, though, there are certain festivals and other events that
| happen only on certain dates, like Theodore's Circus which comes to town on
| the 22nd of every month. Villagers have birthdays within this calendar as
| well, and will be even happier if you give them a gift on their birthday.
| At the top level, the months impact mostly what you can grow in the given
| season, as well as other minor elements like the outfits the villagers
| choose to wear. They also influence weather patterns, with some months
| rainier than others and snow only apparent in winter.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GAMER] _
| Game Routine                                                               
| As you progress through the game, you'll find that a lot of your game time
| is spent doing the same simple things every day, like watering the plants
| and taking care of your animals. You'll also find that there are certain
| tasks that you only complete once in a while, like buying more feed,
| visiting a festival or buying new seeds. It's very similar to a real life
| -- you have a "normal" routine, and you have things that interrupt it.
| The key to success in Harvest Moon is in that daily routine. You want to
| somehow strike a balance between the various aspects of game play. You'll
| obviously need to take care of certain chores every day; the important
| thing is what you choose to do with the rest of the time. Remember to spend
| some time socializing, some time making extra money, and some time pursuing
| the plot. A lot of times people say that they get through a good portion of
| the game and have completely neglected something: that's because unlike
| most games, Harvest Moon isn't about doing big things once. It's about
| doing small things several times.
| The other element of this is that if you do the same things on a regular
| basis, you'll find that you do them quicker, and they feel like a natural
| part of your routine. If you're keen on marrying a certain person, then
| work visiting them at the optimal time into your daily schedule. Maybe that
| means heading right to see them before they leave for work. Maybe that
| means visiting them at work, or on their way home. The point is, figure out
| what you want -- money, friendship, home extensions, plot success, etc. --
| and work the small steps to get toward it into your daily routine.
| With that said, the other great part about Harvest Moon is you can play
| however you want. If you don't care about the plot, that's fine -- be aware
| that certain characters and areas are opened by moving through the plot,
| but if you don't care about that stuff, then forget it. If you're not too
| keen on making friends and getting married, that's fine. If you don't care
| about having a ton of money, then relax a bit. It's all about what you make
| it. The game's what you make it, so let's make it rock.

        // [YOURC]                                                           //
       //                                                  Your Character   //
      //  "Be yourself. Above all, let who you are,                        //
     //  what you are, what you believe, shine                            //
    //  through every sentence you write, every                          //
   //  piece you finish." -John Jakes                                   //
  //                                                                   //
| For the duration of the game, you'll be controlling your character (no,
| really DetroitDJ?). Most of this comes down to the controls -- control
| stick to move, A to talk, B to use tools, etc. -- but there are a few other
| details you should know about your character as well.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [ST&FA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Stamina & Fatigue  /
| /                                                                         /
| When it comes to tool usage and other actions, your character operates
| based on two variables: stamina and fatigue.
| At this point, I should note the terms "stamina" and "fatigue" are borrowed
| from Sky Render's terminology from his incredible guide to Harvest Moon:
| Back to Nature. If you're ever playing either Back to Nature or Boys and
| Girls, his guide comes highly recommended - you can find it over on Game
| FAQs, specifically at this shortened URL: tinyurl.com/5zp28c
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [STAMI] _
| Stamina                                                                    
| Your character operates on a type of points system that indicates how much
| stamina he has at a given time. Stamina, in turn, controls how much work
| your character can perform. You begin the game with 600 stamina points
| (which are typically restored every night), and your actions throughout the
| day will drain your stamina.
| There are two actions that consume stamina:
|   - Using any tool. Certain tools, like the axe or hammer, use more stamina
|     than others, like the watering can or fishing pole. However, it's
|     notable that the charge level of the tool does not impact how much
|     stamina it consumes, surprisingly enough. That means using a Level 1
|     axe takes the same amount of stamina as using a Level 5 axe, even when
|     fully charged.
|   - Picking up objects, especially weeds.
| As you lose stamina, your character will periodically look exasperated,
| marking the loss of stamina. You can also monitor how little stamina you
| have in the meter in the bottom right.
| As your stamina starts to run out, your character will walk slower and look
| tired. When your stamina is depleted, your character will collapse. This
| isn't an entirely bad thing -- you'll just wake up the next day, and all
| your goods will still sell. But your stamina won't restore very much, so
| you'll need to use some food to take care of that.
| To increase total stamina, you can obtain Power Berries that lengthen your
| stamina meter. Each Power Berry you obtain increases your stamina by 50
| points, for a maximum of 1000 stamina points. For information on how to
| find these Power Berries, see the Power Berries section (search for
| [-POWER-] without the spaces).
| Likewise, there are four actions that restore stamina:
|   - Sleeping.
|   - Eating -- different foods restore different amounts of stamina.
|     Bodigizers and Bodigizers XL are especially aimed to restoring stamina.
|   - The Hot Springs. There are four hot springs located around the island,
|     and you can use a hot springs once per day. Check out the Hot Springs
|     section for more information by searching for [-HOTSP-] without the
|     dashes.
|   - Eating a Power Berry -- restores all stamina and permanently raises
|     stamina by 50 points.
| Sleeping is obviously the most common way to restore stamina, but note that
| you won't automatically restore all your stamina just by going to sleep.
| Stamina restoration is based on how long you sleep. You'll need to get at
| least around 5-6 hours to fully restore your stamina if it's running almost
| on empty.
| When you're out working, mining or fishing, it can be beneficial to keep
| some food on you to eat in case your stamina runs low.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FATIG] _
| Fatigue                                                                    
| Fatigue operates similar to stamina; however, fatigue corresponds to
| something different: the easiest analogy is that Stamina corresponds to
| tiredness while Fatigue corresponds to sleepiness.
| When your fatigue hits a certain value, you'll start to walk extremely
| slowly, about on the same order as when you have less than 50 stamina
| points. Typically, after one full night's sleep, you'll have enough energy
| to stay awake all through one day and into the next, but at the start of
| the second day you'll hit your limit and get fatigued. Basically, your
| character sucks at all-nighters.
| Fatigue is accumulated two ways: staying up all night, and eating mushrooms
| (and possibly other foods). As soon as you hit 6:00AM, you'll become
| drowsy. Additionally, if you eat too many mushrooms you'll become drowsy as
| well.
| Mushrooms are still effective for stamina restoration when you're in the
| mine, but pay attention to how many you're eating if you don't have a
| restoration item on you. Note, however, that Pontata Roots can be found in
| the mines, and moles will occasionally drop Stay Awakes when you hit them
| with a hammer.
| Fatigue is also correlated to illness. Essentially, getting drowsy while
| it's raining or snowing will result in illness even if you don't go
| outside.
| So how do you cure fatigue? Stay Awake and Super Stay Awake. Some other
| recipes may help too, but Stay Awake and Super Stay Awake are specifically
| intended to cure drowsiness.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CLOTH]                                                                 /
|  /                                                               Clothing  /
| /                                                                         /
| Animal Parade has a huge clothing system. We're talking about individual
| shirts, pants, scarves, hats, glasses, jewelry, and clothes for your kids
| too. It's incredibly thorough.
| There are two main places to buy clothing, both for yourself and your kids:
| Sonata Tailoring and the New Year's Eve festival. Mira at the Accessory
| Shop is the place for jewelry.
| Once you've bought something, to customize your outfit you need to set out
| a wardrobe in your house. Then, press A at it to bring up the customization
| screen.
| However, the clothing you wear has no impact beyond making you look
| different -- it doesn't prevent fatigue, restore stamina or anything like
| that, so I'm not going to go into extreme detail on this. If you're
| interested in seeing all the clothes that can be purchased, I recommend
| looking at Ushi No Tane's extremely complete clothing listing, located at:
| www.fogu.com/hm/animal_parade/clothing.php
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [RUCKS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                               Rucksack  /
| /                                                                         /
| Most of the information on your rucksack is in the controls section, but
| there are a few more things you need to understand.
| First of all, your rucksack mirrors the storage facilities mentioned in the
| Storage Space area of the next section. Animal Parade fixes a big problem
| with Tree of Tranquility by allowing you to split items when you're moving
| them between storage and your rucksack -- or, more importantly, between
| your rucksack and the shipping bin.
| But more importantly, you might notice that initially there are 30 slots in
| your rucksack, but 15 are blocked out. How do you access that other 15?
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [RUCKU] _
| Rucksack Upgrades                                                          
| There are two rucksack upgrades: one from 15 to 20 slots, one from 20 to 30
| slots. Both upgrades are obtained from Shelly at Sonata Tailoring.
| I'm not yet sure about the details of these events, though. I know they're
| not accessible from the beginning of the game, but I'm not sure what makes
| them accessible. If you know, let me know and I'll add it in!
| I also know that for both upgrades, you'll need to bring her some items:
|   - Wool: you'll need two of these -- for the first, any quality will do,
|     and for the second, it must be Perfect or Shining. You can buy the
|     first from Horn Ranch once it's leveled up a bit, or both from Hannah
|     at the Animal Festival. The any-quality one is for the first rucksack
|     upgrade, the Perfect or Shining one is for the second.
|   - 10 Green Herbs: go figure why, but she'll also need 10 Green Herbs to
|     make the first rucksack upgrade. Green Herbs can be found anywhere, so
|     you might be tempted just to sell them -- save at least 10 for the
|     first rucksack upgrade.
|   - Honey: you'll need some Honey for the second rucksack upgrade. You can
|     get this by growing some flowers on your farm, then waiting for a bee
|     to buzz around some to pick it. You can also buy it from Marimba Farm
|     at any time.
|   - 5 Bodigizers: This one's easy. You can just buy these from Choral
|     Clinic, or get them in the mines from moles. You might be tempted to
|     cook them too, but actually the ingredients will sell for more than the
|     purchase price of the Bodigizer, so may as well just buy them.

        // [YOURP]                                                           //
       //                                                   Your Property   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Home is an invention on which no one                            //
    //  has yet improved." -Ann Douglas                                  //
   //                                                                   //
  //                                                                   //
| At the beginning of the game, you're presented with an old, somewhat
| run-down farm by the Mayor. You don't get to choose where -- there's only
| one possible starting location.
| There's basically an entire district dedicated to your farm. There are a
| couple other plots, a couple fishing spots and the beach, but really,
| you're the only thing that exists in The Farmlands.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [YOURH]                                                                 /
|  /                                                             Your House  /
| /                                                                         /
| Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Your house is the central
| element of your farm, and all of The Farmlands. It's where you'll spend
| every night (there's no where to sleep in the secondary homes we'll talk
| about later), it's where you'll store all your stuff, and it's where your
| pets will move when you adopt them.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HOMEU] _
| Home Upgrades                                                              
| You won't be stuck in this tiny little shack forever, though. As you earn
| more money and gather lumber (detailed later in this section), you'll be
| able to upgrade your house.
| Total, there are four home levels:
|   - The first upgrade (to Level 2) will just give you more space in the
|     main room. You'll need to have this upgrade before you can get married.
|   - The second upgrade (Level 3) will add a second room. The main room will
|     stay the same size, and the second room is where your kids will live.
|   - The final upgrade (Level 4) will add an upstairs. Sadly, you can't move
|     your bed up there, though.
| All upgrades are purchased at the Carpenter's Shop, and take a couple days
| to complete. The Carpenters can also remodel your house to make it look
| different, both inside and out. There's no practical benefit to that, but
| it can add that element of personalization.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [LUMBR] _
| Lumber                                                                     
| But in order to upgrade your house (or coop, or barn), you're going to need
| some lumber. There are two types of lumber in the game: wood lumber and
| stone lumber (sometimes referred to as Material Stone).
| Wood lumber and stone lumber are obtained in very similar ways. To obtain
| wood lumber, you have to chop apart trees and stumps. These can be found in
| Fugue Forest and on your farm plot. Every level axe can chop apart a tree
| and stump, so just keep swinging away until it falls. Then, use the axe on
| the individual twigs as well. If you run out of stamina (or start to)
| before a tree falls, don't worry -- you can come back another day and
| finish chopping it down.
| Stone lumber comes the same way, except with stones. You'll find stones in
| various places, such as Fugue Forest and the mines. Use the hammer to smash
| these stones apart. Unlike Tree of Tranquility, the mines are actually a
| viable location for gathering lots of stone lumber -- but Fugue Forest is
| still better if that's what you're looking for.
| Every house, coop and barn upgrade costs a lot of lumber, so you may want
| to expend your excess stamina each day chopping and smashing in preparation
| for building these extensions.
| If you're wondering how much lumber you have, open up the menus and scroll
| to the farm screen. Your lumber is displayed in the bottom two lines on the
| left side.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FURNI] _
| Furniture                                                                  
| As you go through the game, you'll find more and more furniture you can
| buy. Most of it will be purchased from the Carpenter's Shop, but some
| festivals and other places sell some things too.
| To set out furniture, examine your diary and choose the Furniture option.
| It'll bring you to the system for laying out furniture. Green spaces are
| available for whatever piece you're placing currently: some pieces of
| furniture can only be placed against the wall, while others must be placed
| in the center of the room.
| Most pieces of furniture don't serve a practical purpose: the table, for
| example, facilitates family festivals, but nothing else. Others, though,
| have important roles: cabinets store non-perishable stuff, refrigerators
| store food, the telephone and TV deliver information, and the calendar
| is... well, a calendar.
| You can only put out a limited number of furniture pieces at a time, though
| I'm not yet sure what the limit is. Note also that the furniture screen is
| how you put out cooking utensils.
| For more information on Furniture, check out some of the shop listings,
| especially the Carpenter's Shop by searching for [-SH_CS-] without the
| dashes.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HCOOK] _
| Home Cooking                                                               
| One of the most important things that you'll do in your house is cooking.
| Since you have a kitchen in your new house, you can immediately start
| buying cooking tools from the General Store. These tools allow you to cook
| different dishes.
| Cooking is a relatively simple process. First, choose which cooking utensil
| you'll be using (note that these tools must be set out in your house before
| you can use them - for information on this, refer to the Furniture section
| above); every recipe requires only one utensil. Then, add in your
| ingredients from your rucksack. If your ingredients (with that utensil) are
| a viable recipe, you'll receive one of it; if not, you'll receive a "Failed
| Dish", which no one likes and doesn't sell very well. Before making your
| recipe with a set of ingredients, though, you can hit the Recipe option to
| see if it will give you something edible.
| Obtaining recipes is rather simple and can be done in a multitude of ways,
| including:
|  - From the TV (the cooking show is on Mondays).
|  - Examine other peoples' kitchen utensils.
|  - Purchase a dish (or receive it as a gift).
|  - Purchase the recipe (not the dish) from a shop in town.
|  - Experiment! If you "accidentally" make a real dish, it's added as well.
| When you've obtained a recipe, it's added to your list of available recipes
| for easy selection later.
| Cooking doesn't have to be done in the kitchen; it can also be done on
| every beach. Simply toss some matches on the ground (purchased from the
| General Store), then toss one of the other ingredients for a Roasted
| version of that item. This is mostly for fish, but Corn, Chestnuts and Yams
| can be cooked this way too.
| If you manage to make all three hundred or so recipes, you'll be awarded
| with the Cooking Trophy. Woo!
| For more information on kitchen utensils, see the General Store section
| under Shops (search for [-SH_GS-] without the dashes); for cooking
| information, check under Cooking (search for [-COOKN-] without the dashes);
| for recipes, see the recipe list (search for [-RLIST-] without the dashes).
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [STOSP] _
| Storage Space                                                              
| As you go throughout the game, you'll collect several items in several
| categories. You can carry anything in your rucksack, but what if you want
| to save it longer-term? Fortunately, there are several options as far as
| storage space goes.
| There are five different types of storage units:
|      Cabinets : Cabinets can store any non-food item, including tools.
|     Wardrobes : Wardrobes store clothes and jewelry.
|   Bookshelves : Bookshelves store books you receive and completion lists.
| Refrigerators : Refrigerators can store any food item.
|       Toolbox : The toolbox can store any rucksack item, food and non-food.
| Storage units (and other furniture) are bought from the Carpenter's Shop
| and some festivals. It must be set out before it can be used. For
| information on setting storage units out, see the Furniture section above.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MAILB] _
| Mailbox                                                                    
| Your house also comes with a mailbox sitting outside. Occasionally, you'll
| receive letters from the area villagers, informing you of various events,
| like new villager arrivals and increased store inventories.
| When you receive a letter, a bouncing letter icon will appear over the
| mailbox. To view the letter, approach the front of the mailbox and press A.
| The letter text will appear.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FARMD]                                                                 /
|  /                                                            Farm Degree  /
| /                                                                         /
| Animal Parade introduces an interesting new system for long-term
| achievement. I'm pretty excited about this system because it provides some
| challenge that the game usually sorely lacks.
| There are four major categories of sell-able items: Crops, Ranch Products,
| Mining Products and Fish. There are also 'other' items, which include some
| forageables and recipes, but they don't have a category.
| Every night when you go to bed, you'll see a tally of your profits in each
| of those categories since the last time you went to bed. Then, at the end
| of the month, your profits in each of the categories are tallied for the
| month as a whole.
| This next part is a bit difficult to explain. Within each category, there
| are six titles that correspond to how much you sold in that category:
| Apprentice, Skillful, Expert, Hero, Champ and King. How much you have to
| sell to achieve the title differs from category to category.
| You'll only be given one title at the end of the month, even if you've sold
| enough to get titles in more than one category. So what title do you get?
| You get the highest title among the ones you qualified for, even though you
| might have sold more in another category.
| That might not make sense, so let's look at the chart. Below is the chart
| for how much you have to sell in each category to earn the designated
| title.
|                             Crops       Ranch        Mine        Fish
|           Apprentice      10,000G     10,000G     25,000G     10,000G
|           Skillful        30,000G     20,000G     50,000G     20,000G
|           Expert          50,000G     40,000G    100,000G     30,000G
|           Hero           100,000G     60,000G    250,000G     40,000G
|           Super          200,000G     80,000G    400,000G     60,000G
|           King           300,000G    100,000G    500,000G     80,000G
| So, if you sold 75,000G worth of Crops and 45,000G worth of Fish, you'd get
| the Hero of Fish title. Your current Farm Degree only lasts a month,
| though: at the end of next month, the same tally will be conducted and
| you'll get a new one. If you don't sell above the 'Apprentice' level in any
| category, you won't have a Farm Degree at all.
| So what's the point of these Farm Degrees? They have two purposes. First of
| all, in the plot, you'll have to become a Hero in something. You'll have to
| actually have the Hero degree when you attempt to complete the plot, so you
| don't really need to try to take care of that ahead of time.
| Secondly, the different degrees have really good rewards associated with
| them. I haven't researched what all the rewards are, but Ushi No Tane has
| them listed on their Farm Title Degree page. What I do know from my own
| information is that each degree category has a general type of reward:
| Crops are rewarded with fertilizer, Mining is rewarded with medicinal
| drinks, Ranch Products are rewarded with sweets, and Fishing is rewarded
| with fish recipes.
| Additionally, if you manage to surpass the King level in all four
| categories in the same month, you'll be given a degree that recognizes that
| you did all four at the same time. Then, you probably need to get a new
| hobby.

        // [TOOLS]                                                           //
       //                                                           Tools   //
      //  "We shall neither fail nor falter.                               //
     //  We shall not weaken or tire. Give                                //
    //  us the tools and we will finish the                              //
   //  job." -Winston Churchill                                         //
  //                                                                   //
| As with other recent Harvest Moon games, there are three types of tools
| you'll use throughout the game: six main "upgradeable" tools and several
| other "non-upgradeable" and "one-time use" tools. The three categories
| function mostly independently, but there are just enough similar
| characteristics to warrant a unified section to start us off.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [TOOLB]                                                                 /
|  /                                                            Tool Basics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Tools function much like any other item. They take up a spot in your
| rucksack, can be moved around, and can be stored away in the toolbox or
| your cabinets. When you pull a tool out, it'll appear in your hands just
| like an item. Pressing A, though, will use the tool instead of giving the
| item away or putting it down.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TLBAS] _
| Basic Tool Usage                                                           
| To equip a tool, pull it out of your rucksack. It'll appear in your hands.
| Press A to use it. Usually, you can use any tool at any time -- but it'll
| only have an effect if you're standing near something relevant. For
| example, the milker will only really do anything if you're facing an animal
| that gives milk, and the axe will only do something if you're facing a
| tree, stump or twig.
| Every time you use a tool, it'll use some of your stamina. Stamina's
| displayed in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Different tools use
| different amounts of stamina: a brush, for example, barely uses any, while
| the hammer and axe use a fair amount.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OBTTL] _
| Obtaining Tools                                                            
| When you get started, you'll be given two tools: the Watering Can and the
| Hoe. These are the only two tools necessary for planting and growing crops,
| but you'll need others. Here's how you can obtain them:
|   - Sickle: Obtained the first time you talk to Hannah at Horn Ranch.
|   - Axe: Obtained during the Fix the Bridge event: see the Events section
|     by searching for [-EVENT-] without the spaces for more information.
|   - Hammer: Obtained the first time you talk to Owen inside the Lower
|     Garmon Mine.
|   - Fishing Rod: Obtained the first time you talk to Toby by the river in
|     Flute Fields.
|   - Camera: Obtained the first time you talk to Simon at Simon's Studio.
|   - Brush, Milker, Shears & Bell: These four animal-related items can be
|     purchased from Hannah at Horn Ranch.
|   - Animal Medicine & Miracle Potions: These other animal-related items are
|     tools, but can also only be used once. They can also be purchased from
|     Hannah at Horn Ranch, though certain ones won't be available until Horn
|     Ranch has leveled up. Search for [-STRLV-] without the dashes for more
|     information.
|   - Seeds: Seeds aren't usually thought of as tools, but really they
|     function the exact same way. You can purchase seeds from Marimba Farm,
|     Taylor's Seeds, Pineapple Inn, or several festivals.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [UPvLV] _
| Upgrading vs. Leveling                                                     
| The most important tools are the upgradeable tools: the Watering Can, Hoe,
| Sickle, Axe, Hammer and Fishing Rod. These are the ones you'll use most
| often, and they are all similar in that they can be improved in two
| separate ways.
| This is surprisingly difficulty to understand, so I'm going to introduce
| two terms that the game only uses loosely: Upgrade and Level.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| What Do They Mean?
| A tool's Upgrade refers simply to how many upgrades you've had done to the
| tool at the Blacksmith's Shop. There are five levels above where the tool
| starts out: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold and Goddess. We'll get to how to
| upgrade later, but remember: 'Upgrade' means what type of metal it is
| currently made of.
| A tool's Level refers to how skilled you are with the tool. There are five
| total levels, including the way the tool starts out initially. A tool's
| Level increases solely through using it; but again, we'll get to that
| later.
| Now, here's the change from Tree of Tranquility: in Animal Parade, Upgrade
| and Level ARE related. You can upgrade your tools all you want, and they'll
| use less stamina -- so for upgrades, you don't need to be concerned with
| level. But, when you Level a tool, you must also Upgrade it before you can
| use its 'powered-up' technique.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| What Do They Affect?
| A tool's Upgrade mostly impact how much stamina it consumes when you use
| it. The original Hoe you get, for example, will use a lot of stamina every
| time you swing it. A Gold Hoe will use much, much less. For most of the
| upgradeable tools, that's the only difference: the exception is the Fishing
| Rod. Upgrading the Fishing Rod will make it consume less stamina, but it
| will also increase your chances of catching rare fish. But I'll explain
| that more fully later.
| A tool's Level will actually affect how strong the tool is. For example, a
| Level 1 Watering Can can only water one square at a time; a level 2 one can
| water two at a time. That goes for the hoe, sickle and hammer as well. For
| the axe, since trees are rarely adjacent, Leveling allows you to shop a
| tree or stump in fewer hits.
| But, Leveling a tool will not automatically unlock its higher power.
| Instead, you have to hold down A to charge the tool up every time you use
| it. You'll see a little animation for every level you power up: make sure
| to stop powering-up before you exceed the number of Levels you have, or
| else you'll mess up and lose some stamina. Just release the A button to
| stop powering up and use the tool at its current powered strike.
| Additionally, as mentioned above, you must Upgrade a tool to unlock its
| Leveled-up ability. So, if you Level your watering can to level 2 (where it
| can water 2 spaces at a time), you'll need to Upgrade it to Iron.
| Similarly, Copper is required to use a tool's level 3 skill; Silver for
| level 4; and Gold for level 5.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How Do I Level/Upgrade?
| For Upgrades, you'll have to take a trip to any of the mines and the
| Blacksmith's Shop. You'll need three of a particular metal to buy the
| upgrade to that level (Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold or Rare Metal for
| 'Goddess' tools). After you get that from a mine, go to the Blacksmith's
| Shop and talk to Ramsey. There, you'll be able to choose your tool upgrade.
| Be aware, they're pretty expensive, and you have to buy all of them in
| order (regular to Iron, Iron to Copper, etc. -- you can't skip straight
| from Iron to Gold or anything like that).
| Fortunately, Levels are easier to come by. You'll earn levels simply
| through using the tool. For most tools, simply using it no matter the area
| or situation will earn a little experience, but you'll get more for
| actually using the tool properly. So while you technically can just water
| or till the same square over and over to level the Watering Can or Hoe,
| it'll be more efficient to use them to actually water dry crops or till
| plain soil. Levels are tiered such that each level is significantly harder
| to reach than the previous one: only the most hardcore Harvest Moon players
| will reach Level 5 on any tool.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| So What's So Special About the Fishing Rod?
| The Fishing Rod operates under some pretty specific other mechanics.
| The Level of the rod corresponds to what types of fish you're able to
| catch; you simply cannot catch the rarest fish without a high-level rod.
| They just won't come.
| The Upgrade of the rod won't change what fish you can catch, but it will
| improve the odds of catching a rarer fish. You might get lucky and catch a
| rare fish with a lower-level rod, but you'll probably need to Upgrade.
| So, with a Goddess Fishing Rod at Level 1, you won't be able to catch any
| rare fish. With a regular Fishing Rod at Level 5, you could technically
| catch rare fish, but it'll take a lot of luck and patience. For best
| results, you'll need a combination of a high-level and high-upgrade rod.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [UPGTL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Upgradeable Tools  /
| /                                                                         /
| Upgradeable tools are the main category of tools, which function according
| to the leveling and upgrading rules outlined above. If you're still unclear
| on the difference between leveling and upgrading, scroll up a bit and
| re-read.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [AXETL] _
| Axe                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
| Obtained : Obtained in the Fix the Bridge event (meet Bo in Garmon Mine
|          : District at the beginning of the game).
|  Purpose : Chops down trees, cuts apart stumps and breaks up twigs to give
|          : you lumber for home, barn and coop upgrades.
|    Usage : Stand facing the tree, stump or twig, equip the axe and use it.
|          : For trees and stumps, it will take multiple swings. You can
|          : charge the tool up by holding the button while your character
|          : goes through a series of animations - but be sure not to try to
|          : charge it to a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing
|          : will fail and you'll lose some stamina.
|   Effect : When enough chops are used, a tree will become a stump
|          : surrounded by twigs. Chopping the stump will create another
|          : twig. Chopping the twigs will add lumber to your lumber stock.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrading Info
|           Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Axe, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not Iron
|                        : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|    Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Axe, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not Copper
|                        : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Axe, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not
|                        : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up.
|           Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Axe, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not Gold
|                        : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level
|                        : 3.
|    Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up.
|        Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Axe, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal (not
|                        : Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools to Goddess after you've completed the main
|                        : plotline.
| Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Leveling Info
| How to Level : The Axe is leveled every time it is swung at all. It levels
|              : faster when it hits trees, stumps and twigs. Don't forget:
|              : charges cannot be used until the corresponding upgrade is
|              : purchased (Iron for one charge, Copper for two, Silver for
|              : three, Gold for four, Goddess for five).
|   One-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in half as many
|              : one-charge hits as no-charge hits.
|   Two-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in one-third as many
|              : two-charge hits as no-charge hits.
| Three-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in one-sixth as many
|              : three-charge hits as no-charge hits.
|  Four-Charge : The Axe will destroy trees and stumps in one-twelfth as many
|              : four-charge hits as no-charge hits.
|  Five-Charge : The Axe will destroy any tree or stump in one five-charge
|              : hit.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FISHR] _
| Fishing Rod                                                                
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
| Obtained : Obtained from Toby the first time you meet him by the Waterwheel
|          : in Flute Fields.
|  Purpose : Catches fish from any of the various fishing spots around the
|          : game world.
|    Usage : Stand facing a body of water, equip the fishing rod and use it.
|          : Then, wait. When a fish is caught, you'll see an animation, hear
|          : a sound and feel a vibration on the controller. Then, press A as
|          : quickly as possible until the fish is caught. You can charge the
|          : tool up by holding the button while your character goes through
|          : a series of animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to
|          : a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail
|          : and you'll lose some stamina.
|   Effect : If a fish is caught, it will replace the tool in your
|          : character's hand. If no fish is caught, the reel will be brought
|          : in and the rod will remain in your hands.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrading Info
|           Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Fishing Rod, 2400G, and 3 Iron
|                        : (not Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|    Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching
|                        : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to
|                        : Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Fishing Rod, 6000G, and 3 Copper
|                        : (not Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching
|                        : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to
|                        : Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Fishing Rod, 12000G, and 3 Silver
|                        : (not Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching
|                        : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to
|                        : Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up.
|           Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Fishing Rod, 24000G, and 3 Gold
|                        : (not Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools to Gold after his shop has leveled
|                        : to Level 3.
|    Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching
|                        : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to
|                        : Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up.
|        Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Fishing Rod, 48000G, and 3 Rare
|                        : Metal (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will
|                        : only upgrade tools to Goddess after you've
|                        : completed the main plotline.
| Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, increases your odds of catching
|                        : rarer fish, and allows you to charge your tool to
|                        : Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Leveling Info
| How to Level : The Fishing Rod is leveled every time it is swung and hits
|              : the water. It levels faster when it is used to real fish in,
|              : based on the number of button presses it takes to reel in
|              : the fish. Don't forget: charges cannot be used until the
|              : corresponding upgrade is purchased (Iron for one charge,
|              : Copper for two, Silver for three, Gold for four, Goddess for
|              : five).
|   One-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast a bit further,
|              : allowing you to catch slightly rarer fish.
|   Two-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast somewhat further,
|              : allowing you to catch somewhat rarer fish.
| Three-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast even further,
|              : allowing you to catch rarer fish.
|  Four-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast much further,
|              : allowing you to catch significantly rarer fish.
|  Five-Charge : With one charge, the Fishing Rod will cast much, much
|              : further, allowing you to catch much, much rarer fish.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HAMMR] _
| Hammer                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
| Obtained : Obtained from Owen the first time you meet him inside the outer
|          : entrance to Garmon Mine (after completing the Fix the Bridge
|          : event).
|  Purpose : Breaks apart boulders and stone to give you stone lumber for
|          : home, barn and coop upgrades.
|    Usage : Stand facing the boulder or stone, equip the hammer and use it.
|          : For boulders, it will take multiple swings. You can charge the
|          : tool up by holding the button while your character goes through
|          : a series of animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to
|          : a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail
|          : and you'll lose some stamina.
|   Effect : When enough swings are used, a boulder will become a collection
|          : of rocks. Smashing a rock will add stone lumber to your stone
|          : lumber stock. In the mine, smashing a rock or crystal may unveil
|          : Ores, Wonderfuls, items or affliction gasses.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrading Info
|           Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Hammer, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not
|                        : Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|    Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Hammer, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not
|                        : Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Hammer, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not
|                        : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up.
|           Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Hammer, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not
|                        : Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level
|                        : 3.
|    Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up.
|        Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Hammer, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal
|                        : (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools to Goddess after you've completed
|                        : the main plotline.
| Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Leveling Info
| How to Level : The Hammer is leveled every time it is swung at all. It
|              : levels faster when it hits boulders, stones, rocks or
|              : crystals in the mines. Don't forget: charges cannot be used
|              : until the corresponding upgrade is purchased (Iron for one
|              : charge, Copper for two, Silver for three, Gold for four,
|              : Goddess for five).
|   One-Charge : With one charge, the Hammer can hit two squares directly in
|              : front of you with one swing. It can also destroy boulders in
|              : fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be the same as a
|              : regular swing.
|   Two-Charge : With two charges, the Hammer can hit three squares directly
|              : in front of you with one swing. It can also destroy boulders
|              : in fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be the same
|              : as a regular swing.
| Three-Charge : With three charges, the Hammer can hit nine squares directly
|              : in front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. It can
|              : also destroy boulders in fewer strikes. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|  Four-Charge : With four charges, the Hammer can hit twelve squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares
|              : out from your character) with one swing. It can also destroy
|              : boulders in fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be
|              : the same as a regular swing.
|  Five-Charge : With five charges, the Hammer can hit twenty squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares
|              : out from your character) with one swing. It can also destroy
|              : boulders in fewer strikes. The stamina consumption will be
|              : the same as a regular swing.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HOETL] _
| Hoe                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
| Obtained : Obtained automatically at the beginning of the game.
|  Purpose : Tills soil for planting seeds.
|    Usage : Stand facing untilled soil, equip the hoe and use it. The soil
|          : in range will turn up tilled. You can charge the tool up by
|          : holding the button while your character goes through a series of
|          : animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to a level you
|          : haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail and you'll
|          : lose some stamina.
|   Effect : The untilled squares in range of the hoe will be tilled. If
|          : there are any seeds that have not sprouted in that range,
|          : they'll be dug up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrading Info
|           Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Hoe, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not Iron
|                        : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|    Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Hoe, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not Copper
|                        : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Hoe, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not
|                        : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up.
|           Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Hoe, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not Gold
|                        : Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level
|                        : 3.
|    Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up.
|        Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Hoe, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal (not
|                        : Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools to Goddess after you've completed the main
|                        : plotline.
| Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Leveling Info
| How to Level : The Hoe is leveled every time it is swung and strikes a
|              : square of soil. It levels faster if that square of soil was
|              : previously untilled. Don't forget: charges cannot be used
|              : until the corresponding upgrade is purchased (Iron for one
|              : charge, Copper for two, Silver for three, Gold for four,
|              : Goddess for five).
|   One-Charge : With one charge, the Hoe can hit two squares directly in
|              : front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will be
|              : the same as a regular swing.
|   Two-Charge : With two charges, the Hoe can hit three squares directly in
|              : front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will be
|              : the same as a regular swing.
| Three-Charge : With three charges, the Hoe can hit nine squares directly in
|              : front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|  Four-Charge : With four charges, the Hoe can hit twelve squares directly
|              : in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares out from
|              : your character) with one swing. The stamina consumption will
|              : be the same as a regular swing.
|  Five-Charge : With five charges, the Hoe can hit twenty squares directly
|              : in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares out from
|              : your character) with one swing. The stamina consumption will
|              : be the same as a regular swing.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SICKL] _
| Sickle                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
| Obtained : Obtained from Hannah the first time you meet her at the store in
|          : Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Cuts down weeds, crops and grass to use for fodder.
|    Usage : Stand facing the weed, crop or grass, equip the sickle and use
|          : it. Anything growing in range will be cut. You can charge the
|          : tool up by holding the button while your character goes through
|          : a series of animations - but be sure not to try to charge it to
|          : a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing will fail
|          : and you'll lose some stamina.
|   Effect : Whatever was in front of the sickle when it was used will
|          : disappear. If it was grass, fodder will be added to your stock.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrading Info
|           Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Sickle, 2400G, and 3 Iron (not
|                        : Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|    Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Sickle, 6000G, and 3 Copper (not
|                        : Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Sickle, 12000G, and 3 Silver (not
|                        : Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up.
|           Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Sickle, 24000G, and 3 Gold (not
|                        : Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only upgrade
|                        : tools to Gold after his shop has leveled to Level
|                        : 3.
|    Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up.
|        Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Sickle, 48000G, and 3 Rare Metal
|                        : (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools to Goddess after you've completed
|                        : the main plotline.
| Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Leveling Info
| How to Level : The Sickle is leveled every time it is used in any way. It
|              : levels faster if it hits some weeds, crops or grass. Don't
|              : forget: charges cannot be used until the corresponding
|              : upgrade is purchased (Iron for one charge, Copper for two,
|              : Silver for three, Gold for four, Goddess for five).
|   One-Charge : With one charge, the Sickle can hit two squares directly in
|              : front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will be
|              : the same as a regular swing.
|   Two-Charge : With two charges, the Sickle can hit three squares directly
|              : in front of you with one swing. The stamina consumption will
|              : be the same as a regular swing.
| Three-Charge : With three charges, the Sickle can hit nine squares directly
|              : in front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing. The
|              : stamina consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|  Four-Charge : With four charges, the Sickle can hit twelve squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares
|              : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|  Five-Charge : With five charges, the Sickle can hit twenty squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares
|              : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WATCN] _
| Watering Can                                                               
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
| Obtained : Obtained automatically at the beginning of the game.
|  Purpose : Waters crops and puts out bonfires created with match sets.
|    Usage : Stand facing the seeds or crops, equip the watering can and use
|          : it. It will water any seeds or crops in range. Note that you
|          : don't need to water seeds and crops on rainy days, but you do
|          : need to keep watering flowers after they grow to keep them alive
|          : before picking them. You never need to water trees. You can
|          : charge the tool up by holding the button while your character
|          : goes through a series of animations - but be sure not to try to
|          : charge it to a level you haven't accessed yet, or else the swing
|          : will fail and you'll lose some stamina.
|   Effect : The crops in range of the watering can will be watered for the
|          : day. If used on a bonfire, the bonfire will be put out.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrading Info
|           Iron Upgrade : Take the regular Watering Can, 2400G, and 3 Iron
|                        : (not Iron Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|    Iron Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 2 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Copper Upgrade : Take the Iron Watering Can, 6000G, and 3 Copper
|                        : (not Copper Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Copper Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 3 once your tool has Leveled up.
|         Silver Upgrade : Take the Copper Watering Can, 12000G, and 3 Silver
|                        : (not Silver Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools after you've rung the Red Bell.
|  Silver Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 4 once your tool has Leveled up.
|           Gold Upgrade : Take the Silver Watering Can, 24000G, and 3 Gold
|                        : (not Gold Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will only
|                        : upgrade tools to Gold after his shop has leveled
|                        : to Level 3.
|    Gold Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 5 once your tool has Leveled up.
|        Goddess Upgrade : Take the Gold Watering Can, 48000G, and 3 Rare
|                        : Metal (not Rare Ore) to Ramsey. Note Ramsey will
|                        : only upgrade tools to Goddess after you've
|                        : completed the main plotline.
| Goddess Upgrade Effect : Uses less stamina, and allows you to charge your
|                        : tool to Level 6 once your tool has Leveled up.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Leveling Info
| How to Level : The Watering Can is leveled every time it sprinkles any
|              : water. It levels faster when it is used to water actual
|              : crops. It does not level when used while empty. Don't
|              : forget: charges cannot be used until the corresponding
|              : upgrade is purchased (Iron for one charge, Copper for two,
|              : Silver for three, Gold for four, Goddess for five).
|   One-Charge : With one charge, the Watering Can can hit two squares
|              : directly in front of you with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|   Two-Charge : With two charges, the Watering Can can hit three squares
|              : directly in front of you with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
| Three-Charge : With three charges, the Watering Can can hit nine squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 3x3 formation with one swing.
|              : The stamina consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|  Four-Charge : With four charges, the Watering Can can hit twelve squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 3x4 formation (four squares
|              : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|  Five-Charge : With five charges, the Watering Can can hit twenty squares
|              : directly in front of you in a 4x5 formation (four squares
|              : out from your character) with one swing. The stamina
|              : consumption will be the same as a regular swing.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [NUPTL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                  Non-Upgradeable Tools  /
| /                                                                         /
| Non-upgradeable tools tend to be used for animal caretaking, like the
| Milker, Shears, Brush and Bell.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BELLS] _
| Bell                                                                       
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Calls animals toward you.
|    Usage : Stand in the field while the animals are outside, equip the bell
|          : and use it.
|   Effect : Animals will begin walking toward you. No, it's not really
|          : important at all. You'll probably never use it.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BRUSH] _
| Brush                                                                      
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Raises the heart level of livestock animals.
|    Usage : Stand alongside the Cow, Sheep, Horse or Goat, equip the Brush
|          : and use it while facing the animal.
|   Effect : The animal will gain a few affection points. Note that this only
|          : works once per day.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CAMRA] _
| Camera                                                                     
| Obtained : Obtained from Simon the first time you meet him at the
|          : Photography Shop.
|  Purpose : Allows you to take pictures to share with friends or decorate
|          : your house.
|    Usage : Equip the camera, then use it to bring up the viewfinder. Use it
|          : again to take a snapshot.
|   Effect : The snapshot will be stored for future use.
|     Note : For more information on photography, check out the Photography
|          : section by searching for [-PHOTO-] without the dashes.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MILKR] _
| Milker                                                                     
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Retrieves Milk from adult Cows, Sheep and Goats.
|    Usage : Stand alongside the Cow, Sheep or Goat, equip the Milker and use
|          : it while facing the animal.
|   Effect : A bottle of milk will replace the tool in your character's
|          : hands, and the animal will gain a few affection points. If the
|          : animal did not eat the previous day, is sick, is not an adult,
|          : is pregnant, or has already been milked for the day, it will act
|          : confused and not gain any affection points.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SHEAR] _
| Shears                                                                     
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Retrieves Wool from adult Sheep.
|    Usage : Stand alongside the Sheep, equip the Shears and use it while
|          : facing the animal.
|   Effect : A bundle of wool will replace the tool in your character's
|          : hands, and the Sheep will gain a few affection points. Note that
|          : you can only use the Shears on an adult Sheep that has wool. If
|          : it does not have wool, it won't gain any affection points.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [O-TUT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                     One-Time Use Tools  /
| /                                                                         /
| One-time use tools are also typically used for ranching or farming, but in
| these instances the quantity is significant: you must purchase one for each
| time you plan to use it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Animal Medicine                                                            
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Heals illness for one livestock animal.
|    Usage : Stand on any side of the Cow, Sheep, Horse or Goat, equip the
|          : Animal Medicine and use it while facing the animal.
|   Effect : The animal will be healed of illness. If the animal wasn't ill,
|          : it won't have any effect, but you'll lose the Animal Medicine
|          : anyway.
|     Note : For more information on animal illness, check out the Illness
|          : section by searching for [-ILLNS-] without the dashes.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cow Miracle Potion                                                         
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Gets one adult Cow pregnant.
|    Usage : Stand on any side of the Cow, equip the Miracle Potion and use
|          : it.
|   Effect : The cow will moo, and the next day you'll find that it has
|          : become pregnant.
|     Note : For more information on Miracle Potions, check out the Breeding
|          : section by searching for [-BREED-] without the dashes.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Seeds                                                                 
| Obtained : Purchased from Marimba Farm, Taylor's Seeds, Pineapple Inn or
|          : various festivals.
|  Purpose : Plants seeds in squares of tilled soil.
|    Usage : Stand facing at least one tilled square, equip the seeds you
|          : want to plant and use them. By default, you'll plant one at a
|          : time. If you have 9 seeds of the same type or more, you can hold
|          : down the button and plant an entire 3x3 square of the seed at
|          : the same time. Just make sure that the entire 3x3 square is
|          : tilled.
|   Effect : The seeds will be scattered in the tilled squares and ready to
|          : water. If you want to unplant them, use the hoe while they're
|          : still seeds, or the sickle once they sprout into plants.
|     Note : For more information on seeds, check out the Farming section by
|          : searching for [-FARMI-] without the dashes.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Goat Miracle Potion                                                        
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Gets one adult Goat pregnant.
|    Usage : Stand on any side of the Goat, equip the Miracle Potion and use
|          : it.
|   Effect : The goat will bleat, and the next day you'll find that it has
|          : become pregnant.
|     Note : For more information on Miracle Potions, check out the Breeding
|          : section by searching for [-BREED-] without the dashes.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Horse Miracle Potion                                                       
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Gets one adult Horse pregnant.
|    Usage : Stand on any side of the Horse, equip the Miracle Potion and use
|          : it.
|   Effect : The horse will whinny, and the next day you'll find that it has
|          : become pregnant.
|     Note : For more information on Miracle Potions, check out the Breeding
|          : section by searching for [-BREED-] without the dashes.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sheep Miracle Potion                                                       
| Obtained : Purchased from Horn Ranch.
|  Purpose : Gets one adult Sheep pregnant.
|    Usage : Stand on any side of the Sheep, equip the Miracle Potion and use
|          : it.
|   Effect : The sheep will make sheep sounds, and the next day you'll find
|          : that it has become pregnant.
|     Note : For more information on Miracle Potions, check out the Breeding
|          : section by searching for [-BREED-] without the dashes.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tree Seedlings                                                             
| Obtained : Purchased from Marimba Farm or Taylor's Seeds.
|  Purpose : Plants a tree seedling in a tilled square of soil.
|    Usage : Stand facing one tilled square, equip the seedling and use it.
|          : Note that to grow, the square must be surrounded by a 3x3 square
|          : of space with no weeds, crops, other trees, or land boundaries.
|          : To make sure the square will work, till a 3x3 square and plant
|          : the seedling in the middle. Trees can share empty adjacent
|          : spaces, as long as each tree has nothing in its own 3x3
|          : surrounding square.
|   Effect : The seedling will be planted in the ground. If you want to get
|          : rid of it, use the axe. Note that seedlings do not need to be
|          : watered.
|     Note : For more information on seedlings, check out the Farming section
|          : by searching for [-FARMI-] without the dashes.

        // [FARMI]                                                           //
       //                                                         Farming   //
      //  "Farming looks mighty easy when your                             //
     //  plow is a pencil and you're a thousand                           //
    //  miles from the corn field." -President                           //
   //  Dwight D. Eisenhower                                             //
  //                                                                   //
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FARMP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    Farming Preparation  /
| /                                                                         /
| Before you plow in and start planting, you'll want to know the basics
| behind tilling the land, planting crops and watering the seeds. That's what
| this section is for.
| You start the game with nine turnip seeds, a hoe and a watering can. That's
| all you need to start planting. Note, though, that you'll want to get more
| seeds really, really soon. Maybe even right away.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FRMBA] _
| Farming Basics                                                             
| Raising crops is a fairly simple system. using the hoe, you till a few
| spots of soil, then plant some seeds. Water the seeds each day (unless it's
| raining) and they'll begin to sprout. Keep watering them until they bare
| fruit, then stand next to it and press A to pick the crop from the ground.
| If you're not sure if it's ready yet, press A anyway -- you'll pick it if
| it's ready.
| There are some extremely basic things you need to know about crops before
| getting started:
|   - Crops are seasonal. If you try to plant a crop out of season, it might
|     sprout (I haven't confirmed if crops grow out-of-season in Animal
|     Parade), but it'll take longer to grow. So, check the season of your
|     crop. When you're buying from Marimba Farm, they'll only sell in-season
|     seeds, so you won't have to worry there unless you buy some seeds and
|     hold on to them for a while.
|   - All crops are not created equal. They have many different
|     characteristics: different growth times, different sale prices,
|     different usages. The growth times are especially important, though:
|     make sure there's enough time left in this season to grow the crop.
|     Don't plant a crop that takes 8 days to grow on the 26th of the month.
|   - Some crops are multi-harvest. That means that when you pick the crop
|     from the ground, something will be left behind. This is the vine: keep
|     watering it and another crop will sprout. These are usually more
|     profitable because it takes much less time for the second (and third,
|     and fourth...
|   - Crops have quality ratings. Four, to be specific: Decent, Good, Perfect
|     and Shining. Better-quality crops will sell for more and are more liked
|     by the villagers. You can find more about crop qualities in the
|     Mechanics section.
|   - Soil has quality ratings, too. Five, to be specific: Bad, Poor, Decent,
|     Good, Best. The better the soil quality, the better the crop quality.
|     Most crops will also grow faster in better soil. More info on that is
|     in the Mechanics section too.
|   - Hurricanes and blizzards may destroy crops. They won't wipe your field
|     clean, but you'll notice random crops throughout your field have
|     disappeared. The effect of a hurricane or blizzard is set when you go
|     to bed on the night when the hurricane has already been happening, so
|     you won't see the crops destroyed until the next day -- but that means
|     if too many crops are destroyed, you can reset to the previous night
|     (if you saved that night) and try again.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GETST] _
| Getting Started                                                            
| When you start off, you're given a decent-sized field. You don't get to
| choose it this time around, there's a single starter field. You'll already
| have a few crops growing as a gift from the folks at Marimba Farm, but
| you'll need to grow more (a LOT more) to succeed in the game. So let's go
| over the basics.
| You might notice that there are rocks, saplings, trees or weeds in the way
| of where you want to plant some crops. Isn't that annoying? To clear out
| rocks, you'll need the Hammer; to clear out saplings and trees, you'll need
| the Axe. To find out about how to get and use those tools, check the Tools
| section by searching for [-TOOLS-] without the dashes.
| Weeds can be taken care of with the sickle (you can check that section for
| info on that as well), but can also be pulled by hand. Beware though,
| pulling weeds will use a lot more stamina than slashing them with the
| sickle. Weeds also have a deeper impact than just looking ugly and getting
| in the way, but that will be detailed in the Mechanics section.
| Once you've cleared a bit of land to plant your crops, you need two things:
| a hoe and some seeds. Equip the hoe to till the soil -- you'll notice it
| changes to a hole-looking square of land. Then, equip the seeds. Each seed
| you buy is enough for one single tilled square (no more six seed-packs like
| in Tree of Tranquility). You can plant them one by one, or in a 3x3 square
| by holding down A while the seeds are equipped, if you have more than 9 of
| them.
| If you make a mistake, don't worry. You can dig seeds back up with the hoe
| (though you don't actually get to plant them again) the same way you tilled
| the soil. If the crops sprout, you can chop them down with the sickle like
| weeds if you need to clear that land.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BUYSE] _
| Buying Seeds                                                               
| The above section mentioned needing a hoe and seeds. You get the hoe
| automatically, but the seeds you'll have to purchase. There are several
| places in the game to purchase seeds. Most of your time will be spent at
| Marimba Farm, over in the Flute Fields. They sell almost all the seeds in
| the game, at the cheapest price. However, they won't stock all the seeds
| initially -- you'll need to sell some crops first. For more info on that,
| check the Store Levels section (search for [-STRLV-] without the spaces).
| As with all shops, you can also call Marimba Farm to order seeds, but
| beware: if you order the seeds by phone, you'll pay a lot more (double, I
| think). Fortunately, though, you can use the phone service 24 hours a day,
| 7 days a week -- so if you're in a bind and the shop is closed, give them a
| call.
| Once you've moved through the plot a bit, a kid named Taylor will show up.
| Taylor runs a phone-order-only seed shop. He doesn't sell any seeds you
| can't get at Marimba Farm, and you'll pay the higher price. However,
| there's still a benefit: Marimba Farm will add items to their inventory
| slowly as you progress through the game, while Taylor will stock all the
| seeds right when he moves in. So, if Marimba Farm isn't selling something
| you need yet, give Taylor a ring.
| There are a few other places to buy seeds as well. Some Festivals will sell
| some seeds, and there are also some seeds you can only buy at Pineapple Inn
| on Toucan Island.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal Seed Mixes                                                        
| Marimba Farm and Taylor also sell Seasonal Seed Mixes. Seasonal seed mixes
| are a bit of a gamble. They each can contain any type of seed for that
| season -- including ones that aren't yet sold at Marimba Farm, which can be
| useful if Taylor hasn't moved in. However, there's no way of determining
| what the seeds will be, and mixed seed bags typically cost slightly more
| than the average of the crops for the season. Plus you have to mess with
| different growth times and thus wait longer to re-plant, sometimes they'll
| grow multi-harvest crops that don't disappear when you pick them...
| overall, they're a bit of a hassle.
| In general, you won't want to buy seasonal seed mixes for profit. But if
| there's a particular crop you're hoping for that isn't yet available
| elsewhere, you may as well take the gamble.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FARMM]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Farming Mechanics  /
| /                                                                         /
| So now you've bought some seeds, tilled the soil and planted your crops. Or
| you've just got the crops that your farm started with. Whichever. Either
| way, it's time to look at the best way to raise those crops.
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BFRMM] _
| Basic Farming Mechanics                                                    
| Each crop has a pre-set growth time for the particular type of soil it's
| in. It will mature in that many days unless something slows it down. Note
| that when I say "X days", it means that it will take that many days of
| water before it will produce fruit. For example, if a crop takes 5 days to
| grow and you plant it on the 1st, you'll get fruit on the 6th: the 5 days
| of watering are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, so on the 6th it will be
| mature.
| What could slow down that growth though? Various things can slow down how
| long it takes your crops to mature:
|   - Soil quality. Poorer soil quality will result in longer growth times
|     for most (but not all) crops.
|   - Missed watering days. Every time you miss a day of watering, the crop
|     will take one day longer to grow. If you miss too many, though, the
|     crop will die altogether.
|   - Nearby weeds. If a crop has a weed anywhere in the 3x3 square
|     surrounding it, its growth will be slowed, and the crop quality might
|     be lowered too.
| Take care of those things and your crops will sprout in no time. But what
| about soil quality and crop quality? There's a bit more to say about
| that...
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [S&CQU] _
| Soil & Crop Quality                                                        
| When a crop matures and gets picked, it will have a quality associated with
| it: Decent, Good, Perfect or Shining. The quality is based on the type of
| soil the crop grew in.
| There are five levels of soil: Bad, Poor, Decent, Good and Best. You can
| identify different qualities by the color: darker spoils are better, though
| it might be hard to differentiate between adjacent levels (Bad & Poor, Good
| & Best, etc.) without looking at them side by side.
| Better soil quality results in faster growth times and better-quality
| crops. You'll notice that there's only a subtle increase in crop quality
| from soil to soil, but it does make a different in the long run. The chart
| below shows the odds of getting each crop quality in each soil quality.
| Note that I'm basing these numbers on only around 30 tests in each soil, so
| they may change with more information.
|                                Soil Quality
|                    Bad       Poor     Decent       Good    Perfect
|          Decent    50%        40%        30%        25%        20%
|          Good      30%        35%        35%        35%        30%
|          Perfect   20%        25%        30%        35%        40%
|          Shining    0%         0%         5%         5%        10%
| When you start planting crops, you'll notice that the soil qualities start
| to get worse. Every couple weeks you have crops growing in a particular
| soil space, the quality of that soil will drop. It might slow the growth
| time of the crop by a day or two when it does this (depending on how far
| along the crop was anyway), and the crop quality will be determined by the
| soil quality when the crop finally matures.
| Soil quality will never go back up on its own. So what do you do when the
| quality drops? Well, that's where the next section comes in.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FERTI] _
| Fertilizer                                                                 
| Fertilizer lets you raise your crop quality and can be purchased from
| Marimba Farm. Each bag of fertilizer functions like a bag of seeds: one
| spot per fertilizer, and if you have nine or more you can hold down A and
| fertilize a 3x3 area.
| There are four different types of fertilizer: Decent Fertilizer, Good
| Fertilizer, Perfect Fertilizer and Shining Fertilizer. Better fertilizers
| raise the soil more levels at a time, from 1 levels for Decent Fertilizer
| to 4 levels (Best soil no matter what it was previously) for Shining
| Fertilizer. You won't be able to buy better fertilizers until you level
| Marimba Farm up a bit (search [-STRLV-] without the dashes for more info on
| that), but Taylor will stock all four types as soon as he moves in.
| Fertilizer is pretty expensive, but only if you let yourself get behind.
| When you get enough money, raise the soil quality for every soil you're
| using to the maximum level, and then just use Decent Fertilizer every
| couple weeks to bring it back up.
|____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crops vs. Herbs and Flowers                                                
| There are three types of seeds that you can buy: crops, herbs and flowers.
| The vast majority of your seed purchases will be crops: these are the most
| profitable of the growable items, and are affected by soil quality.
| That last note is the key difference between crops and herbs/flowers; while
| crops are affected by soil quality, herbs and flowers do not have quality
| levels. Every herb grown will be of the same quality, as well as every
| flower - the only drawback to planting flowers and herbs in poor quality
| soil is in the growth time.
| Between herbs and flowers, the main difference is in consumption: mainly,
| herbs can be consumed, whereas flowers cannot. Both can be used for dyeing
| yarn, and both can be sold, though neither are nearly as profitable as
| crops.
| Note that if you want to keep flowers alive after they're fully grown (for
| honey, for example), you still need to water them each day. If you notice
| that your flowers are brown one day, pick them immediately - they'll
| disappear before the next day. The only way to get Honey is to keep flowers
| growing until you see bees buzzing around them. For more information on
| that, check out the foraging section (search for [-FORAG-] without the
| spaces).
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [TREES]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                  Trees  /
| /                                                                         /
| Not only do you have some crops when you get started, but you'll find out
| you also have a few trees. They might get in your way later in the game,
| but for starters they're a nice little profit supplement.
| If you're looking for information on trees for lumber, search for [-LUMBR-]
| without the dashes.
| Trees are a close cousin to crops. Like crops, you'll plant trees by
| tilling a square of land and using the tree seed (well, sapling) on the
| tilled spot, and like crops, fruits are rated on a quality scale from
| Decent to Shining. The similarities end there though.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TREEM] _
| Tree Mechanics                                                             
| First of all, let's take care of the basic mechanics behind trees,
| especially compared to crops:
|   - Crops are temporary, but trees are permanent. Once you plant a tree, it
|     will stay alive year-round until you cut it down with your axe.
|   - Trees will take a couple months to grow to full maturity, but will grow
|     faster in better soil. They'll start producing fruit about halfway
|     through their total growth process, and will produce more and more as
|     they get to be fully-grown.
|   - You don't need to water trees. Ever. At all. Not when you plant them,
|     not when they're grown up, not ever. They'll grow up on their own.
|   - Trees can't, however, be planted side-by-side. With anything. Every
|     space bordering the tree trunk must be empty and tillable (meaning a
|     tree can't be planted in the corner of a plot, either). If there's
|     anything within the 3x3 square that surrounds the tree trunk, the tree
|     will stop growing until that's cleared. That includes weeds, crops,
|     rocks and other trees. So, keep an eye on the tree as it grows and make
|     sure to get rid of any weeds that spring up next to the trunk. If you
|     plant anything in the 3x3 area surrounding a full-grown tree, it won't
|     sprout.
|   - Trees have seasons too. While crops will only grow in certain seasons,
|     trees will only produce fruit in certain seasons.
|   - When a tree is in season, you can shake the tree to get fruits to fall
|     out. The fruits won't "stack" from day to day, so a missed day of
|     shaking means you might miss some fruit altogether. Shake a tree by
|     leaning against it -- you'll see it bend, and any fruit available for
|     the day will fall.
|   - Young trees will give one fruit per day, while full-grown trees will
|     give two.
|   - In the long run, trees are more profitable than crops in terms of the
|     amount of work you put into them. However, it's harder to maximize that
|     profit with a lot of trees: in the space it takes to keep two trees
|     that produce fruit for one season each, you can plant three bags of
|     crops every season. Still, though, later in the game, planting an
|     orchard of trees on the spare plots is a low-work high-reward way to
|     make more money.
|   - Note that Hali trees are sold by Marimba Farm, but don't produce any
|     fruit. They're used just for lumber.
| That just about covers it for tree mechanics -- now, you're probably
| interested in which tree is the best. Put simply, Apple Trees. They're the
| most expensive sapling but they pay for themselves quickly, and sell for
| the most at every quality level except Shining (Shining Chestnuts and
| Coffee Beans sell for more than Shining Apples), but you won't be getting
| that many Shining fruits anyway. For detailed pricing information, though,
| check the next section.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [SPCRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Spring Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cabbage                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 190G / 220G / 250G / 390G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 380G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 440G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 500G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Kimchi, Pot-au-Feu, Vegetable Juice
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cocoa                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Pineapple Inn, Lv.1, 140G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Poor Soil : 7 days              5 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 140G / 160G / 180G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Cookies,
|                 : Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Pie, Chocolate Pudding,
|                 : Hot Cocoa
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flax                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 110G / 170G / 230G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 540G; (Decent)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G; (Good) Marimba Farm, Lv.2,
|                 : 380G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 440G
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Flax Yarn
|       Made With : Yarn Maker
|      Sale Price : 180G / 210G / 270G / 500G / 220G (Red) / 190G (Yellow) /
|                 : 190G (Green) / 260G (Blue) / 190G (Purple)
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Animal Festival (Shelly's Booth), 2900G
| Used in Recipes : None
|            Note : Dyed flax yarn requires the dye pot as well.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hyacinth                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lavender                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Purple
|      Sale Price : 100G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 200G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Purple Perfume
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lettuce                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 40G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 220G / 250G / 280G / 390G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 440G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 500G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 560G
| Used in Recipes : Taco
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pansy                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 90G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 180G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pinkcat                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Purple
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 240G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Potato                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 190G / 220G / 250G / 360G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 480G (Spring); (Decent)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 380G (Spring); (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 440G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Baked Potato, Croquette, Curry Bread, French Fries,
|                 : Mashed Potatoes, Potato Gratin, Potato Pancake, Potato
|                 : Stew, Pot-au-Feu, Spicy Stew, Stew, Vegetable Curry,
|                 : Vegetable Pizza
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spicy Pepper                                                               
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Pineapple Inn, Lv.1, 40G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Kimchi, Southern Omelet, Spicy Seafood Stew, Spicy Stew,
|                 : Stay Awake, Super Stay Awake
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Curry Powder
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 520G
| Used in Recipes : Curry Bread, Curry Soba, Seafood Curry, Vegetable Curry
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Strawberry                                                                 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 110G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|         Bad Soil : 10 days              8 days
|         Poor Soil : 9 days              7 days
|       Decent Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Good Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Best Soil : 6 days              4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 180G / 220G / 260G / 410G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 360G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 440G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 540G; (Shining)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 820G
| Used in Recipes : Shortcake, Strawberry Candy, Strawberry Ice Cream,
|                 : Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tulip                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 220G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : None
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Turnip                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 170G / 200G / 230G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 340G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 400G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 460G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Pot-au-Feu, Steamed Turnip
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Wheat                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 80G (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days              4 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 130G / 150G / 170G / 260G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 260G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 300G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 340G
| Used in Recipes : Wheat Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Wheat Flour
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 150G / 180G / 210G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 420G
| Used in Recipes : None
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [SUCRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Summer Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Begonia                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Purple
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 220G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Herb                                                                  
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Summer); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|           Color : Blue
|      Sale Price : 60G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Corn                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 100G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 9 days              6 days
|         Poor Soil : 8 days              6 days
|       Decent Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Good Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 310G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 380G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 420G
| Used in Recipes : Boiled Corn, Corn Soup, Cornbread, Roasted Corn
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Cornmeal
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 500G
| Used in Recipes : Tortilla
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cucumber                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 200G / 240G / 360G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 320G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 400G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 480G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Herb                                                                 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Summer); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|           Color : Green
|      Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Mint Candy, Mint Ice Cream; Can also be used in any 'Any
|                 : Herb' recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hibiscus                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Pineapple Inn, Lv.2, 40G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 210G
|   Purchase Info : Pineapple Inn, Lv.2, 420G
| Used in Recipes : None
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Honeydew                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 40G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 9 days
|         Poor Soil : 8 days
|       Decent Soil : 7 days
|         Good Soil : 6 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 250G / 300G / 450G / 640G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 500G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 600G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 900G; (Shining)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 1280G
| Used in Recipes : Honeydew Candy, Honeydew Ice Cream, Honeydew Juice,
|                 : Honeydew Milk
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lily                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 140G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 280G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Morning Glory                                                              
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 20G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Blue
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 240G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Onion                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 170G / 200G / 230G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 340G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.2, 400G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 460G
| Used in Recipes : Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Cheese
|                 : Risotto, Curry Bread, Curry Soba, Marinated Fish; Decent,
|                 : Marinated Fish; Good, Marinated Fish; Perfect, Marinated
|                 : Fish; Shining, Marinated Mushroom, Onion Bread,
|                 : Pot-au-Feu, Ratatoullie, Salmon Cream Stew, Seafood
|                 : Risotto, Spicy Seafood Stew, Spicy Stew, Spinach Risotto,
|                 : Stew, Taco, Tomato Risotto, Vegetable Curry
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sugarcane                                                                  
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 40G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 360G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 380G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Sugar
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 520G
| Used in Recipes : Apple Candy, Apple Ice Cream, Banana Candy, Banana Ice
|                 : Cream, Blackberry Candy, Blackberry Ice Cream, Blueberry
|                 : Candy, Blueberry Ice Cream, Carrot Ice Cream, Cherry
|                 : Candy, Cherry Ice Cream, Chocolate Ice Cream, Coffee
|                 : Candy, Coffee Ice Cream, Cranberry Candy, Cranberry Ice
|                 : Cream, Grape Candy, Grape Ice Cream, Green Tea Ice Cream,
|                 : Honeydew Candy, Honeydew Ice Cream, Milk Candy, Mint
|                 : Candy, Mint Ice Cream, Orange Candy, Orange Ice Cream,
|                 : Raspberry Candy, Raspberry Ice Cream, Strawberry Candy,
|                 : Strawberry Ice Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream, Yam Ice Cream
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sunflower                                                                  
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 160G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tea Leaves                                                                 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 50G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 170G / 200G / 230G / 360G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 340G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 400G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 460G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : Green Tea
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tomato                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 100G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days              4 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 320G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 380G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 420G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Paella,
|                 : Ratatoullie, Sardine Tomato Stew, Saury Tomato Stew,
|                 : Spaghetti Napolitan, Spicy Seafood Stew, Squid Tomato
|                 : Stew, Taco, Tomato Juice, Tomato Omelet, Tomato Risotto,
|                 : Tomato Soup, Vegetable Pizza
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Watermelon                                                                 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 210G / 250G / 290G / 410G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 420G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 500G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 580G (Summer); (Shining) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 820G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : None
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FACRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                             Fall Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bell Pepper                                                                
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 100G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days              4 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 160G / 190G / 220G / 320G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 380G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 440G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Ratatoullie, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Pizza
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Mist Flower                                                           
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 7 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Blue
|      Sale Price : 390G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Blue Perfume
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Carrot                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 6 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 180G / 220G / 260G / 380G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Craig's Booth), 520G;
|                 : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 360G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 520G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Carrot Cake, Carrot Ice Cream, Carrot Juice, Curry Bread,
|                 : Kimchi, Pot-au-Feu, Salmon Cream Stew, Spicy Stew, Stew,
|                 : Vegetable Curry
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chrysanthemum                                                              
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 20G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 90G
|   Purchase Info : Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 180G; Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 180G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : None
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cosmos                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 20G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 100G
|   Purchase Info : Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 200G; Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 200G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : None
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eggplant                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 80G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days              3 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 130G / 150G / 170G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Craig's Booth), 360G;
|                 : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 26G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.2, 300G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3,
|                 : 360G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Ratatoullie, Tempura Soba
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Grape                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 160G / 290G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 280G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 320G
| Used in Recipes : Grape Candy, Grape Cocktail, Grape Ice Cream, Grape Juice
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Moondrop Flower                                                            
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Yellow Perfume
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pumpkin                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 90G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|         Bad Soil : 10 days              8 days
|         Poor Soil : 9 days              7 days
|       Decent Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Good Soil : 7 days              5 days
|         Best Soil : 6 days              4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 150G / 180G / 210G / 310G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Craig's Booth), 420G;
|                 : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 300G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 360G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 420G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Croquette, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin
|                 : Pudding, Pumpkin Stew
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Herb                                                                
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Fall); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|      Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer XL; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red Herb                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Fall); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|      Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer, Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Super
|                 : Stay Awake; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rice                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 210G / 250G / 290G / 400G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 420G; (Good) Marimba Farm,
|                 : Lv.3, 500G; (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 580G
| Used in Recipes : Box Lunch; Decent, Box Lunch; Good, Box Lunch; Perfect,
|                 : Box Lunch; Shining, Cheese Risotto, Chestnut Rice,
|                 : Chirashi Sushi, Conger Eel Bowl, Doria, Eel Bowl, Egg
|                 : Rice, Fried Rice, Mushroom Rice, Omelet Rice, Paella,
|                 : Rice Ball, Rice Cocktail, Salmon Fried Rice, Seafood
|                 : Curry, Seafood Doria, Seafood Fried Rice, Seafood
|                 : Risotto, Southern Fried Rice, Southern Omelet, Spinach
|                 : Risotto, Sushi; Decent, Sushi; Good, Sushi; Perfect,
|                 : Sushi; Shining, Tomato Risotto, Tuna Bowl, Vegetable
|                 : Curry, Yam Rice
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rose                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 120G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 440G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Red Perfume
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spinach                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 30G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 180G / 220G / 260G / 380G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Craig's Booth), 540G;
|                 : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 360G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 540G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Boiled Spinach, Sauteed Spinach, Shark Fin Soup, Spinach
|                 : Cake, Spinach Risotto, Steamed Egg, Vegetable Juice
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yam                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 90G (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|   Growth Time :             Re-Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 8 days              6 days
|         Poor Soil : 7 days              5 days
|       Decent Soil : 6 days              4 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days              3 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days              3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 130G / 160G / 190G / 260G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Craig's Booth), 360G;
|                 : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 260G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.2, 320G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.3,
|                 : 360G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Baked Yam, Roasted Yam, Yam Cake, Yam Cocktail, Yam Ice
|                 : Cream, Yam Rice, Yam Stew
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [WICRP]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Winter Crops  /
| /                                                                         /
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Anemone                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 20G (Winter)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Red
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 200G (Winter)
| Used in Recipes : None
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Buckwheat                                                                  
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 30G (Winter)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 5 days
|         Good Soil : 5 days
|         Best Soil : 5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Crop
|      Sale Price : 190G / 220G / 250G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 380G (Winter); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 440G (Winter); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.4, 480G (Winter)
| Used in Recipes : Buckwheat Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Soba Flour
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 220G / 270G / 320G / 390G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 600G
| Used in Recipes : Buckwheat Pancake, Curry Soba, Sobagaki, Tempura Soba,
|                 : Tsukimi Soba, Zaru Soba
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Bell Flower                                                          
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 3 days
|         Poor Soil : 3 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Green
|      Sale Price : 110G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Green Perfume
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Snowflake Flower                                                           
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : (none)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 5 days
|         Poor Soil : 4 days
|       Decent Soil : 3 days
|         Good Soil : 3 days
|         Best Soil : 3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Flower
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 150G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : None
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Herb                                                                
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
| Purchase Information : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 20G (Winter); New Year's Eve
|                      : (Irene's Booth), 20G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
| Multi-Harvest : No
|   Growth Time :
|          Bad Soil : 6 days
|         Poor Soil : 5 days
|       Decent Soil : 4 days
|         Good Soil : 4 days
|         Best Soil : 4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|            Type : Herb
|           Color : Yellow
|      Sale Price : 40G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : Paella; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FRUIT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                 Fruits  /
| /                                                                         /
| In the below listing, the Growth Time listed is for the lowest-quality
| soil. For every increase in soil quality, the growth time shortens by 4 to
| 5 days -- except Olive Trees, which grow in two weeks in any type of soil.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Apple                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 990G
|   Growth Time : 30 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Summer
|      Sale Price : 130G / 160G / 190G / 300G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 260G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 320G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 360G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Apple Candy, Apple Cocktail, Apple Ice Cream, Apple Jam,
|                 : Apple Juice, Apple Pie
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cherry                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 860G
|   Growth Time : 45 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Summer
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 150G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Spring); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.3, 280G (Spring); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 300G (Spring)
| Used in Recipes : Cherry Candy, Cherry Ice Cream, Cherry Jam, Cherry Pie
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chestnut                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 860G
|   Growth Time : 45 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Fall
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 170G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 280G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 340G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Chestnut Pie, Chestnut Rice, Mont Blanc Cake, Roasted
|                 : Chestnut
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Coffee Bean                                                                
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 980G
|   Growth Time : 30 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Fall
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 170G / 340G
|   Purchase Info : (none)
| Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Ground Coffee
|       Made With : Mill
|      Sale Price : 190G / 230G / 270G / 330G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 440G
| Used in Recipes : Cafe au Lait, Coffee Candy, Coffee Ice Cream, Hot Coffee
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Olive                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.4, 860G
|   Growth Time : 14 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Fall
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 160G / 270G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 240G (Fall); (Good) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 280G (Fall); (Perfect) Marimba Farm, Lv.4,
|                 : 320G (Fall)
| Used in Recipes : Olive Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| By-Product Characteristics
|         Product : Olive Oil
|       Made With : Mixer
|      Sale Price : 130G / 150G / 170G / 280G
|   Purchase Info : (Perfect) Harvest Festival (Ruth's Booth), 340G
| Used in Recipes : French Fries, Paella, Pesto Spaghetti, Sardine in Oil,
|                 : Sauteed Clam, Sauteed Mushroom, Sauteed Mussel, Sauteed
|                 : Oyster, Sauteed Spinach, Spaghetti Carbonara, Spaghetti
|                 : Napolitan, Spaghetti Pescatore, Squid Ink Spaghetti,
|                 : Tortilla
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Orange                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling Characteristics
| Purchase Info : Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 860G
|   Growth Time : 30 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fruit Characteristics
|          Season : Summer
|      Sale Price : 120G / 140G / 160G / 290G
|   Purchase Info : (Decent) Marimba Farm, Lv.1, 240G (Summer); (Good)
|                 : Marimba Farm, Lv.2, 280G (Summer); (Perfect) Marimba
|                 : Farm, Lv.3, 320G (Summer)
| Used in Recipes : Marmalade, Orange Cake, Orange Candy, Orange Cookies,
|                 : Orange Ice Cream, Orange Juice, Orange Pie

        // [RANCH]                                                           //
       //                                                        Ranching   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "And God said, 'Let the land produce                             //
    //  living creatures according to their kinds.'                      //
   //  And it was so." -Genesis 1:24                                    //
  //                                                                   //
| Ranching refers to the livestock and poultry portion of the game. At the
| start of the game, you'll have an empty coop, a barn and a cow as soon as
| you drop by Horn Ranch to get it. But there's a lot more that you need to
| know before you can effectively start raising animals.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [RANBS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                        Ranching Basics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Animal Parade takes a page from the A Wonderful Life book and gives you a
| cow really early in the game. You start the game off with a barn, and the
| first time you visit Horn Ranch and talk to Cain, he'll give you a baby
| cow.
| But in order to take care of your cow, and get more animals, there's a bit
| of preparation involved. The stuff in this section doesn't necessarily need
| to be done before you start raising your livestock and poultry, but it
| isn't involved in the day-to-day maintenance of the animals.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BN&CP] _
| The Barn and Coop                                                          
| Like I said, you start the game with a Barn and Coop -- you don't have to
| build them. However, you'll also notice that early on, they're really
| small: the Barn can hold only three animals, while the Coop can hold only
| four (and no silkworms!).
| That'll work fine early on, but later you'll want to start expanding both
| of them. Both the Barn and the Coop have three sizes: Small, Medium and
| Large.
|   - A Medium barn will hold 5 livestock animals, while a Large barn will
|     hold 8 livestock animals.
|   - A Medium coop will hold 8 poultry animals, while a Large coop will hold
|     12 poultry animals and 4 silkworms.
| To upgrade, you'll have to talk to the Carpenter's. You'll need to gather a
| whole lot of lumber first, though, and even after that, the upgrades are
| pretty expensive. For more information on gathering Lumber, search for
| [-LUMBR-] without the dashes. For more information on the prices and lumber
| requirements for each upgrade, check the Carpenter's Shop section by
| searching for [-SH_CS-] without the spaces.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [PURCH] _
| Purchasing                                                                 
| All livestock and poultry are purchased from Horn Ranch, from Hannah
| specifically. Every livestock animal can be purchased as either a baby or
| an adult. Babies are cheaper, but take some time to grow before they can
| produce any animal products or can be ridden.
| Poultry can only be purchased as babies (chicks and ducklings). They're
| significantly cheaper than livestock animals and require less care, but
| they also don't give quite as much profit. Silkworms, on the other hand,
| don't have a young and adult form, so you'll always buy them as adults.
| To purchase an animal, talk to Hannah inside Horn Ranch. Choose the animal
| and you'll be asked to name it. Then the animal will appear at your house.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [LIMIT] _
| Livestock Limits                                                           
| This is an interesting feature in Animal Parade. While there are five
| livestock animals -- the cow, goat, sheep, horse and ostrich -- you can
| only have three types at a time. If your barn is fully upgraded, you can
| have up to 8 livestock animals -- but only three kinds.
| In case the message isn't clear enough, here are some examples. If you have
| a cow, a sheep and a goat, then you can't buy a horse or ostrich. You can
| buy more cows, sheep and goats, though. If you want to buy a horse or
| ostrich, you'll have to sell all your cows, all your sheep or all your
| goats. Otherwise, Hannah won't sell them to you.
| So what does this mean? You actually need to put some thought into which
| three animals you choose. But, it's not really that hard of a decision.
| Cows, sheep and goats are far, far more profitable than the ostrich (which
| isn't profitable at all) and the horse (which doesn't produce anything at
| all). So, odds are you're most interested in those.
| Now, the caveat is that the horse and ostrich are faster. However, sheep
| and goats are fairly fast to ride as well, and with the circus animals from
| Theodore's Circus providing shortcuts to most major places on the island,
| chances are you won't have much trouble getting from place to place.
| Granted many people will want a horse just to have a horse, so you might be
| wondering what to choose for the other two animals: cows, goats and sheep
| all produce milk (yes, you read that right -- sheep produce milk too), but
| sheep also produce wool. Sheep Milk is slightly less profitable than Goat
| Milk, and both are less profitable than Cow Milk -- but the sheep's wool
| makes up for the slight drop in profit. So, if you want a horse, the most
| profitable choices for your other two animals are the Cow and Sheep.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Animal Colors                                                              
| Personally, I don't care what color my animals are, but some people do, so
| let's talk about that for a second.
| Except ostriches, every livestock animal has multiple possible colors. The
| sheep, for example, can be white or black. However, the color you get isn't
| totally randomly determined: Hannah only sells one color for each animal.
| If you want the other colors, you'll have to breed them. That makes the
| white horse, black goat, and brown cow somewhat rare commodities (although
| if you ask me, black & white should be the more special cow color).
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CARET]                                                                 /
|  /                                                            Care-Taking  /
| /                                                                         /
| Now that you've got some animals, it's time to take care of them. Every
| animal requires some type of attention every single day for it to be happy,
| healthy and profitable.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FEEDN] _
| Feeding                                                                    
| Animals, like people, have to eat. Granted your character apparently
| doesn't have to eat, but you get the picture. Unlike Tree of Tranquility,
| there is no automatically-growing grass in your field. That means you'll
| initially have to buy fodder, and you'll have to buy and plant grass seeds
| later on to let your animals craze. That means you might want to wait until
| you have an additional field to plant grass in -- otherwise you'll be
| wasting valuable crop space on grass. But in the meantime, fodder works
| just fine.
| Every animal, no matter the stage of growth, needs to eat every day. You'll
| know if an animal has eaten for the day by the spoon and fork icon floating
| above their head. The penalty for missing a day is that the animal will
| take one day longer to produce its next product. For animals like cows,
| goats and chickens which produce something every day, they will basically
| skip a day. For animals like ducks, silkworms, ostriches and sheep which
| produce products at a longer interval, it will take one day longer than it
| would have otherwise.
| If you go a few days in a row without feeding a given animal, it will die.
| Cain will come to your house and yell at you for this. For more information
| on animal death, see the Death section below by searching for [-DEATH-]
| without the spaces.
| There are two ways to feed your animals: feeding them with feed and fodder,
| and letting them graze.
| _ _ _ _
| Grazing
| Generally speaking, letting them graze is the simpler option. Every animal
| (except silkworms) can be let outside to get their nom on in the field
| outside your house. Once let outside, each will eat one patch of grass per
| day. Animals can be let outside to graze in every season, even Winter.
| In order to let your animals out to graze, though, you must plant your own
| grass. You plant grass the normal way -- till the soil, plant the seeds.
| Grass will automatically re-grow, and as far as I know it lives through all
| seasons. I haven't worked out exactly how much grass you'll need to plant
| in order to never have to worry about running out of food, but it should be
| safe as long as you have four squares of grass per animal grazing. Also,
| let the grass grow for 3-4 days after planting it before letting the
| animals graze on it.
| To let your animals out to graze, just ring the bell outside the barn. This
| will let every animal out into the lawn. Unlike Tree of Tranquility,
| though, they won't automatically return inside -- you'll need to remember
| to put them back in. This is especially important for chickens and ducks,
| which won't lay eggs unless they're inside.
| In some cases, however, letting the animals graze is not the best option.
| They should not be let outside if it's raining or snowing, so in these
| cases it's better to feed them inside. Silkworms cannot graze outside, and
| thus must be fed manually. Additionally, hand-feeding them carries a more
| substantial affection boost, so if you want to get your animal's hearts up
| faster, you need to know about feed, fodder and manual feeding. And yes,
| I'm aware this paragraph read like the disclaimers at the end of a medicine
| commercial.
| _ _ _ _
| Feeding
| Your other option for feeding your animals is to obtain feed and fodder to
| give to your animals directly. You'll need to do this at least part of the
| time, given that animals should not be let outside when it is raining or
| snowing. Additionally, feeding them manually can raise their heart level
| faster. Silkworms cannot be let outside, and thus must be fed manually with
| feed.
| Fodder can be obtained in two ways: it can be purchased from Horn Ranch for
| 20G each, or you can cut your own grass with the sickle. Purchasing is
| typically the better option so that there is plenty of grass for the
| animals to graze. Feed can also be bought for 10G each from Horn Ranch, and
| cannot be obtained any other way.
| You'll need to keep at least some feed and fodder on hand in case of rainy
| or snowy days. You don't want to get stuck on a rainy day with no feed or
| fodder, especially if it's Monday when Horn Ranch is closed.
| To feed your animals with feed and fodder, pull the food out of the spout
| at the back of the barn and coop by standing against it and pressing A. For
| efficiency, pull out as many feeds or fodders as you need before giving it
| to your animals.
| Once you have the animal food, place it in the the animal's feed bins. Note
| that each barn animal and each silkworm has its own feeding trough, but the
| coop has only "community" feeding areas to be shared by all the chickens
| and ducks. With chickens, ducks and silkworms, you can also give them feed
| directly.
| Both hand-feeding and letting animals graze carry a heart level boost; but
| the grazing boost comes from letting the animal out in general, so you can
| pick up both boosts in one day by hand-feeding the animal first, then
| letting her outside.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MOVIN] _
| Moving Animals                                                             
| Animals can be called and moved in four different ways. One of the most
| interesting elements of Animal Parade is that every animal can be ridden,
| although some are clearly faster than others.
| _ _ _ _
| Riding
| All livestock animals -- cows, sheep, goats, ostriches and horses -- can be
| ridden from place to place. You can't ride these animals, though, until
| their heart level is at least 5 hearts. They also have to be an adult, but
| there's no way to raise an animal to 5 hearts before it grows to its adult
| form.
| To ride, simply stand alongside the animal and press A -- you'll be
| prompted to hop on. Animals can be ridden into and out of the barn, and
| around town. If you dismount, the animal will stay in roughly the same area
| for a decent period of time.
| While you can ride all the animals, they don't all move at the same speed:
| the ostrich and horse are the fastest, followed by the goat and sheep, and
| then the cow. The higher the animal's heart level, the faster it moves.
| Avoid riding any animals in bad weather, though. If snow is only on the
| ground, it's ok -- but if snow is falling or it's raining in any way, the
| animal is likely to get sick if you ride it around in the rain.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Whistling
| If you find yourself out and about and want a ride, you can also whistle
| for an animal. Press A and B at the same time to call an animal to you.
| Note that in some areas, you can't whistle for animals. Annoyingly, it
| appears that the highest heart-level animal will come, which makes horses
| even more useless.
| Note that blowing the whistle that Owen gives you will call a circus animal
| to you, not a livestock animal; and that's only after completing the
| Theodore's Circus Event -- search for [-THEOD-] without the dashes for more
| information on that.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Hand Bell
| All livestock can be called towards you using the bell. When you ring the
| bell, every livestock animal within earshot (on screen and within a few
| steps off-screen) will walk towards your character. This isn't actually
| that useful, since to take care of the animals you need them to be somewhat
| separated. The only purpose it served in past Harvest Moon games was to
| make it easier to move the animals in and out, but in Animal Parade...
| _ _ _ _ _
| Barn Bell
| There is a bell alongside your barn that can be rung to automatically
| transport all your animals indoors and outdoors (whichever they weren't
| before you rang it). If some are in and some out, all will come out. This
| is the easiest way to move your animals in and out. If you want your
| animals to graze in the yard, simply let them out in the morning using the
| bell, then put them back in at night using it. That will give them ample
| time to graze and eat their fill, and will raise their affection levels
| too. This bell will summon both barn animals and coop animals.
| Note that unlike Tree of Tranquility, animals will not automatically go
| back inside at the end of the night. That means that if the weather's bad
| the next day, they'll still be outside in it. Also, chickens and ducks
| won't lay eggs unless they're put inside for the night. In short, let your
| animals back inside!
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ANHTL] _
| Animal Heart Levels                                                        
| For most aspects so far, poultry (chicken, ducks and silkworms) and
| livestock (cows, goats, sheep, horses, ostriches) have been identical.
| However, when it comes to raising your animal's affection points, there is
| a strong difference between poultry and livestock.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Poultry Heart Levels
| Like the villagers, poultry operate on a 10-heart system for affection -
| each heart corresponds to 100 heart points. So, raising a poultry animal's
| affection by 100 heart points corresponds to an increase in 1 heart on
| their heart level. You can check your poultry's heart level by opening up
| the menu screens, scrolling to the Heart icon and scrolling down to
| Animals.
| There are three ways to increase a poultry animal's heart points: giving
| them feed by hand, picking them up, and letting them outside. Letting them
| outside is the best way, but you can get the hand-feeding bonus by feeding
| them before letting them out. If you let them out first, they'll eat
| outside. Note, though, that the time it takes to hand-feed each chicken and
| duck really isn't worth the extra bonus.
| This also makes it clearer why it takes ages and ages to raise a silkworm's
| heart level, as they can't be let outside. Fortunately, the dye pot and
| yarn maker make silkworm's affection relatively irrelevant -- product
| quality is based on heart level, but dyed silk yarn doesn't have a quality
| rating. But we'll get to that later.
| Unfortunately, it's a lot easier to lower a poultry animal's heart level
| than raise it. Two actions lower their heart level: letting them outside in
| the rain and using a tool on them. Fortunately though, forgetting to feed
| them does not appear to lower their affection: instead, they just don't
| give products for a couple days after a missed feeding. Of course,
| forgetting to feed them for days on end will kill them, which could be
| considered the "ultimate" affection lowerer.
| Overall, the best routine for chickens, ducks and silkworms is to wake up,
| let them all outside to eat, enter the coop to gather the eggs and silk,
| then feed the silkworms. The bonuses for picking up and hand-feeding the
| chickens and ducks really aren't worth the huge amount of extra time it
| takes. Letting the chickens and ducks out before you enter the coop is just
| to cut down on the load time.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Livestock Heart Levels
| Like villagers and poultry, livestock operate on a 10-heart system. Each
| heart corresponds to 100 heart points - so, raising an animal's heart
| points by 100 corresponds to an increase in 1 in their heart level.
| There are several ways to increase livestocks' heart points: hand-feeding
| them, letting them outside, brushing them, milking them, and riding them.
| Raising the affection of livestock is a lot faster than raising the
| affection of chickens, ducks and silkworms. And like poultry, you can
| receive heart points both for hand-feeding and for letting your livestock
| outside. Again, this may not be worth it to you as the benefit is
| relatively small.
| Perhaps the best part of this is that the act of obtaining milk from a
| livestock animal itself raises the animal's heart level. It doesn't help
| with horses and ostriches, but it helps with cows, goats and sheep.
| Remember that shearing lowers your sheep's heart level, but not enough to
| actually discourage you from doing so.
| Overall, the best routine for the livestock animals will depend on where
| you are in the game. Brushing them gives a big enough heart level boost
| that it's worth doing every day, and you'll obviously want to let them
| outside and milk/shear them every day. The big decision to make is whether
| to milk, shear and brush them inside or outside: early in the game when
| time is at a premium, you might want to do it inside since time stops
| indoors. Later in the game, when the days seem to creep by, it can be nice
| to let them outside and pass some time while you take care of them. Plus,
| you deal with fewer load times by letting them outside first.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ANIPR] _
| Animal Products                                                            
| So you've got the animals, you've paid a fortune for them, you've taken
| great care of them... for what? For profit, of course!
| The main reason to keep animals is because the products they produce are
| among the most profitable items in the game. While the animal's alive and
| an adult, it will produce a product on a specific schedule. Most animals
| will produce a product every day, but others will produce one every 2, 4 or
| 6 days.
| The method for obtaining the items differs from animal to animal. For eggs
| and silk cocoons, for example, the item will just appear on the barn or
| coop floor each morning. All you need to do is pick them up. Milk and wool,
| though, require you to take an item (milker and shears, respectively) and
| use them on the animal. The item will replace the tool in your hands.
| Like crops, animal products have quality ratings. The quality of an item is
| based largely on the affection level of the animal it's obtained from. It's
| not a direct thing -- a single cow could produce Perfect milk for three
| days in a row, then produce Good milk for a week. It's just influenced by
| heart level, not directly controlled.
| So what's the influence like? At the lower heart levels, you'll get almost
| all Decent products. Around 3 to 4 hearts, you'll start getting Decent and
| Good products in about the same proportion, and you'll get your first
| Perfect products too. Once you get to around 6 and 7 hearts, you'll get
| about the same number of Perfect products as Good products, with the
| occasional Decent and Shining products. Finally, at the maximum heart
| level, you'll get Shining products pretty regularly, but you'll still get
| mostly Perfect products.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [PROPR] _
| Processed Products                                                         
| If you really want to rake in the profit, though, there's one more thing
| you need to know about: the Makers. The Makers are items that let you take
| a normal animal product and transform it into a more valuable, more useful
| product. There are five Makers in the game (the way I count them, at
| least):
|   - Mayonnaise Maker: Changes Chicken, Duck or Ostrich Eggs into
|     Mayonnaise, Duckonnaise or Ostonnaise.
|   - Butter Maker: Changes Cow, Goat or Sheep Milk into Cow, Goat or Sheep
|     Butter.
|   - Cheese Maker: Changes Cow, Goat or Sheep Milk into Cow, Goat or Sheep
|     Cheese.
|   - Yarn Maker: Changes Wool, Silk Cocoons or Flax into Wool Yarn, Silk
|     Yarn or Flax Yarn.
|   - Dye Pot: Changes Wool Yarn, Silk Yarn or Flax Yarn into Dyed Wool Yarn,
|     Dyed Silk Yarn or Dyed Flax Yarn. The color is determined by what herb
|     or flower you add to the pot.
| The Mayonnaise Maker will sit in the coop after purchased; the Cheese, Yarn
| and Butter Maker will sit in the barn; and the Dye Pot has to be placed in
| the kitchen like any other kitchen utensil. All are purchased from the
| General Store.
| Be careful, though: while usually putting an item in a Maker will increase
| its quality, there are certain items that will actually lose value when
| changed into something else. These are:
|   - Good or higher Duck Eggs, as Duckonnaise has no quality rating.
|   - Good or higher Ostrich Eggs, as Ostonnaise has no quality rating.
|   - Good or higher Silk Yarn, as all colors of Dyed Silk Yarn sell for less
|     than Good Silk Yarn.
|   - Good or higher Wool Yarn, as all colors of Dyed Wool Yarn sell for less
|     than Good Wool Yarn.
|   - Perfect or higher Flax Yarn, as all colors of Dyed Flax Yarn sell for
|     less than Perfect Flax Yarn.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BREED] _
| Breeding                                                                   
| Except for the silkworms, every animal can be bred on your farm. Breeding
| has the following benefits:
|   - Breeding is cheaper than buying a new animal.
|   - With breeding, you can get an animal of a rarer color, like a white or
|     black horse, or a black cow, goat or sheep.
|   - Both the parent and child receive an affection boost from breeding.
| And the following drawbacks:
|   - Breeding takes some extra time, as you have to wait for the birth, and
|     then for the animal to grow up.
|   - You have to have an extra spot open in your barn for the duration of
|     the pregnancy, so effectively you miss out on a week of having another
|     animal.
|   - Breeding DOES remove your animal's ability to be milked or ridden
|     during the pregnancy (for livestock).
|   - Pregnant animals won't graze outside, meaning that they must be fed in
|     the barn and can't be ridden.
| To breed livestock, you'll need to purchase one of the four Miracle Potions
| from Horn Ranch: Cow, Sheep, Goat or Horse Miracle Potion. Buy it, use it
| on the animal, then wait the amount of time listed in The Animals section
| below.
| For poultry and ostriches, you'll just need to grab one of their eggs and
| put it in one of the incubators (after you purchase them from the General
| Store, once you have a Level 2 Coop for the Chicken/Duck Egg Incubator, or
| Level 3 Barn for the Ostrich Egg incubator). The chicken and duck egg
| incubator can be found in the coop after purchase, and the ostrich egg
| incubator in the barn. You can also incubate eggs that you just purchased
| from Horn Ranch, which can be a nice way to get your first chicken, duck or
| ostrich if you don't want to buy a chick (though you'll make up the
| purchase price in the extra week of having an adult chicken).
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ILLNS] _
| Illness                                                                    
| Occasionally, you'll find your animal is in a consistently bad mood, shows
| a sad face, and won't let you ride it. It probably won't give any milk
| either, or lay any eggs.
| This happens when the animal is sick. Usually this will only happen if
| you've let the animal out in the rain, but it can also happen when you
| forget to feed them, or occasionally just randomly. Before you assume it's
| sick, try feeding, petting and brushing it -- if this fixes it, it was just
| ticked off at you, not sick.
| When this happens, you'll need to get some Animal Medicine from Horn Ranch.
| Animal Medicine works just like Miracle Potions -- just use it on the
| animal and voila, all better.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SELLN] _
| Selling                                                                    
| Cute as they are, sometimes you just get sick of seeing those little animal
| faces. Or maybe you want to try out one of the other animals, and so you
| need to get rid of some of the ones you have. Regardless of the reason,
| you'll find that at some point, you need to sell your animals.
| Selling is easy. Just go talk to Hannah at Horn Ranch and choose the Sell
| Animals option. She'll give you a list of your animals, and you can choose
| which to sell. The sale price will be based on what the animal is and how
| high their hearts are -- a higher heart-level animal will sell for more.
| Some people wonder if it'd be profitable to buy a cow, raise it to 10
| hearts, then sell it and buy a new one. Unfortunately, not really -- the
| money you make from having high-quality milk to sell in the time it takes
| to raise another one is far more than the money you get by selling the cow.
| Still, it can be useful to sell an animal that's about to die, though
| that's always hard to predict.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [DEATH] _
| Death                                                                      
| Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, blah blah blah. Each animal has an
| approximate lifespan, and as it meets and surpasses that lifespan, the
| chances of death increase. Animals may also die if you don't feed them for
| too many days in a row.
| When an animal dies, Cain will come to your ranch and tell you, then hold a
| small funeral for the animal at the cemetery. If the animal died of old
| age, he'll console you; but if it died of neglect, he'll yell at you.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [THEAN]                                                                 /
|  /                                                            The Animals  /
| /                                                                         /
| _ _ _ _
| Chicken
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : White
|             Price : 1000
|       Ranch Level : 1
|         Residence : Coop
|          Breeding : Yes; use the incubator in the coop
|     Time to Birth : 7 days
| Time to Adulthood : 7 days
|          Lifespan : 2 years
|    Product Prices : Mayonnaise (with Mayo Maker); get daily.
|                   : 80G / 100G / 120G / 190G
|                   :
|                   : Chicken Egg; get daily.
|                   : 50G / 80G / 110G / 150G
| _ _
| Cow
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : Black & White; Black; Brown
|             Price : 1200 (newborn), 2400 (adult)
|       Ranch Level : 1 (newborn), 2 (adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|          Breeding : Yes; use a Miracle Potion from Horn Ranch
|     Time to Birth : 14 days
| Time to Adulthood : 14 days
|          Lifespan : 3 years
|    Product Prices : Cow Milk (with Milker); get daily.
|                   : 170G / 260G / 350G / 510G
|                   :
|                   : Cow Butter (with Milker; Butter Maker); get daily.
|                   : 190G / 280G / 370G / 560G
|                   :
|                   : Cow Cheese (with Milker; Cheese Maker); get daily.
|                   : 190G / 280G / 370G / 560G
| _ _ _
| Duck
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : White
|             Price : 800
|       Ranch Level : 1
|         Residence : Coop
|          Breeding : Yes; use the incubator in the coop
|     Time to Birth : 7 days
| Time to Adulthood : 7 days
|          Lifespan : 2 years
|    Product Prices : Duck Egg; get every 2 days.
|                   : 80G / 120G / 160G / 240G
|                   :
|                   : Duckonnaise (with Mayo Maker); get every 2 days.
|                   : 140G
| _ _ _
| Goat
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : White; Black
|             Price : 1500 (newborn), 3000 (adult)
|       Ranch Level : 3 (newborn), 4 (adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|          Breeding : Yes; use a Miracle Potion from Horn Ranch
|     Time to Birth : 7 days
| Time to Adulthood : 14 days
|          Lifespan : 2.5 years
|    Product Prices : Goat Butter (with Milker; Butter Maker); get daily.
|                   : 150G / 250G / 350G / 530G
|                   :
|                   : Goat Milk (with Milker); get daily.
|                   : 140G / 230G / 310G / 480G
|                   :
|                   : Goat Cheese (with Milker; Cheese Maker); get daily.
|                   : 150G / 250G / 350G / 530G
|              Note : In addition to the Horn Ranch level, your barn must be
|                   : at Level 2 to buy a goat.
| _ _ _
| Horse
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : White; Black
|             Price : 2000 (newborn), 4000 (adult)
|       Ranch Level : 2 (newborn), 3 (adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|          Breeding : Yes; use a Miracle Potion from Horn Ranch
|     Time to Birth : 14 days
| Time to Adulthood : 14 days
|          Lifespan : 3 years
| _ _ _ _
| Ostrich
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : Black
|             Price : 3000 (newborn), 6000 (adult)
|       Ranch Level : 4 (newborn), 4 (adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|          Breeding : Yes; use Ostrich Egg incubator in the barn
|     Time to Birth : 7 days
| Time to Adulthood : 14 days
|          Lifespan : 3 years
|    Product Prices : Ostrich Egg; get every 6 days.
|                   : 350G / 530G / 700G / 1050G
|                   :
|                   : Ostonnaise (with Mayo Maker); get every 6 days.
|                   : 450G
|              Note : In addition to the Horn Ranch level, your barn must be
|                   : at Level 3 to buy an ostrich.
| _ _ _
| Sheep
|    Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|       Appearances : Gray; White; Brown; Black
|             Price : 1800 (newborn), 3600 (adult)
|       Ranch Level : 1 (newborn), 1 (adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|          Breeding : Yes; use a Miracle Potion from Horn Ranch
|     Time to Birth : 7 days
| Time to Adulthood : 14 days
|          Lifespan : 2.5 years
|    Product Prices : Sheep Butter (with Milker; Butter Maker); get every 4
|                   : days.
|                   : 130G / 230G / 330G / 510G
|                   :
|                   : Sheep Milk (with Milker); get every 4 days.
|                   : 120G / 210G / 300G / 460G
|                   :
|                   : Wool Yarn (with Sheers; Yarn Maker); get every 4 days.
|                   : 680G / 1010G / 1340G / 2000G / 810G (Red) / 680G
|                   : (Yellow) / 680G (Green) / 1000G (Blue) / 680G (Purple)
|                   :
|                   : Sheep Cheese (with Milker; Cheese Maker); get every 4
|                   : days.
|                   : 130G / 230G / 330G / 510G
| _ _ _ _ _
| Silkworm
| Purchased From : Horn Ranch
|    Appearances : White
|          Price : 4000
|    Ranch Level : 1
|      Residence : Coop
|       Breeding : No; cannot be bred
|       Lifespan : 1.5 years
| Product Prices : Cocoon (with Nothing); get every 4 days.
|                : 660G / 990G / 1320G / 1980G
|                :
|                : Silk Yarn (with Yarn Maker); get every 4 days.
|                : 730G / 1090G / 1450G / 2180G / 860G (Red) / 730G (Yellow)
|                : / 730G (Green) / 1060G (Blue) / 730G (Purple)
|           Note : Silkworms will not be available until you have upgraded
|                : your coop to Large.

        // [PETSS]                                                           //
       //                                                            Pets   //
      //  "You can say any fool thing to a dog, and                        //
     //  the dog will give you this look that says,                       //
    //  'My God, you're right! I never would've                          //
   //  thought of that!'" -Dave Barry                                   //
  //                                                                   //
| The Pets system debuted in Tree of Tranquility, but didn't work all that
| well. It took an age and a half to... oh wait, this is a guide, not a
| review.
| The Pets system in Animal Parade is much improved over the one in Tree of
| Tranquility. Pets are easier to befriend, and they actually do stuff this
| time instead of just hanging around your house getting in your way.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [PETME]                                                                 /
|  /                                                          Pet Mechanics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Pets are wild animals that reside in various locations around the game
| world. At first, they'll live outside, following their own little routines.
| But as you meet and befriend them, they'll come to be open to being adopted
| in your household.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Meeting the Pets                                                           
| There are two dozen different wild animals around the game world. You'll
| find them in various different locations, and some are only available in
| certain seasons. Bears, for example, all seem to disappear into their caves
| in the winter.
| To meet a wild animal, just go find it and talk to it by pressing A. You
| can find the various locations of the wild animals in the sections below.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Befriending Pets                                                           
| Once you've met a potential pet, it will be added to the Wild Animals
| screen on your menus. Now it's time to start befriending the animal.
| There are three things to do to befriend an animal:
|   - Pet it, by pressing A when you're nearby -- note that you'll only get
|     the 'petting' bonus once per day.
|   - Give it gifts, by pulling out a gift and pressing A toward the animal
|     to give it to them. Most animals like most gifts, but they all have
|     their favorites.
|   - "Rub" it using the second controller. For information on that, check
|     back with the Controls section by searching for [-GAMEC-] without the
|     dashes.
| The most efficient thing to do with gifts is just to give the pet gifts
| until it stops accepting them: that means you've reached the maximum heart
| level bonus you can receive for the day.
| Monitor the number of hearts each animal has on the menu screen: when the
| animal reaches 6 hearts, you'll get the chance to invite the wild animal to
| be your pet.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Adopting Pets                                                              
| To adopt a wild animal, you need to raise its heart level to 6 hearts.
| After that, you'll receive a prompt about adopting it every time you talk
| to the animal.
| If you choose to adopt it, the animal will move into your house. The number
| of animals you can adopt is limited by your house size, though: like Tree
| of Tranquility, you can have as many pets as the current level of your
| house, for a maximum of four pets in a level 4 house. If you adopt a new
| wild animal when you're already at the maximum, you'll get the chance to
| kick one of your current animals out -- but you won't get that option
| unless you're adopting a new animal, so once you adopt an animal, you're
| guaranteed to always have at least that many pets.
| Most animals will live on the main floor of your house, but the two biggest
| -- the Bear and the Panda (not the cubs of either) will live on the top
| floor, and therefore for those you have to have a Level 4 house. Those two
| animals still count against the four total animals you can have, even
| though they live upstairs.
| Once you adopt a pet, it will move from the Wild Animals list on your menus
| to the Pets list, and will be identified by the name you give it instead of
| its animal type.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Owning Pets                                                                
| Pets in Animal Parade aren't just decorative: they actually serve multiple
| purposes. You can still pet them and give them food once you've adopted
| them, but now you can do two new things: train them and walk with them.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Training
| Remember that whistle that Owen gave you? It's not just for whistling for
| circus animals; it can also be used to teach your pets some tricks. The
| system is simple: while facing the animal really close (as if you're using
| a tool on it), use the whistle. The animal nearest to you will do a trick.
| If it knows more than one trick, it'll let you choose which to do.
| You can do this once a day, and as you do it more and more, the trick your
| pet does will get more difficult. There's nothing more to it than that --
| just do it once per day, and you'll notice the pet does cooler things.
| But, there's a purpose to all this: the Pet Contest at the Animal Festival.
| At the Animal Festival, you can enter your pet into a trick contest, where
| the best trick wins. The more you've trained the pet you enter, the better
| chance it has to win.
| _ _ _ _
| Walking
| When you talk to a pet in the morning, you'll get the option to take a walk
| with it. If you accept, it'll follow behind you. You can have up to three
| pets follow you (or your spouse, or any of your kids can count as one as
| well).
| Be careful as the pet will get annoyed with you if you get out of sight
| (basically, if the pet is no longer on screen). This can be a problem if
| you're walking with a slow animal, but remember you can always pick it up
| and carry it back, except for the large animals.
| Walking with the animal will raise its affection. It appears that the
| duration of the walk impacts how much their heart level rises, so may as
| well take them for longer walks. Just don't get out of their sight or
| they'll get sad.
| Walking has another purpose those: animals will dig up mushrooms and herbs
| when they're out walking with you. It'll only work when they're on screen
| with you and moving (and thus, you're moving), but as long as that's true
| they'll dig up some mushrooms and herbs for you to pick up. So, it's good
| to take pets with you when you go out to do your chores in the morning.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [THEPE]                                                                 /
|  /                                                               The Pets  /
| /                                                                         /
| _ _ _ _ _
| Baby Boar
|   Location : Outside Horn Ranch
| Appearance : Small, brown pig-looking boar.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _
| Beagle
|   Location : outside the Church
| Appearance : Small, brown dog.
|    Seasons : Spring & Summer
|       Note :
| _ _ _
| Bear
|   Location : Near the Goddess Spring in Garmon Mine District
| Appearance : Large, brown bear
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer & Fall
|       Note : You can only adopt the Bear if you have a Level 4 house. The
|            : Bear will live upstairs.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Bear Cub
|   Location : Near the Goddess Spring in Garmon Mine District (near its
|            : mother)
| Appearance : Small, brown bear.
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer & Fall
|       Note : Note that this is a Bear Cub, and will live downstairs in your
|            : house. Its mother, if adopted, will live upstairs.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Black Cat
|   Location : outside the Church
| Appearance : Small, black cat.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Border Collie
|   Location : Near Town Hall
| Appearance : Large, black and white dog.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Brown Weasel
|   Location : In Fugue Forest, near the witch's house
| Appearance : Small, brown weasel.
|    Seasons : Spring & Summer
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _
| Chipmunk
|   Location : At the fork in Flute Fields
| Appearance : Small, brown squirrel.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _
| Frog
|   Location : Flute Fields, near the river bank
| Appearance : Small, green frog.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Great Pyrenees
|   Location : outside the Church
| Appearance : Large, white dog.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mallard Duck
|   Location : By the pond, near the waterfall in Garmon Mine District
| Appearance : Small, brown and green duck,
|    Seasons : Winter
|       Note : Note that this duck won't lay any eggs or live in your coop.
|            : Why is it different? I have no idea.
| _ _ _ _
| Monkey
|   Location : Toward the East side of Garmon Mine District
| Appearance : Medium-sized brown chimp.
|    Seasons : Winter
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Orange Tabby
|   Location : Behind the Inn
| Appearance : Small, orange cat.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _
| Panda
|   Location : Behind Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island
| Appearance : Large, black and white panda bear.
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer & Fall
|       Note : You can only adopt the Panda if you have a Level 4 house. The
|            : Panda will live upstairs.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Panda Cub
|   Location : Behind Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island (near its mother)
| Appearance : Small, black and white panda bear.
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer & Fall
|       Note : Note that this is a Panda Cub, and will live downstairs in
|            : your house. Its mother, if adopted, will live upstairs.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Patched Rabbit
|   Location : Flute Fields, near the waterwheel
| Appearance : Small, black rabbit.
|    Seasons : Fall & Winter
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _
| Penguin
|   Location : Toucan Island
| Appearance : Small, black and white penguin.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _
| Raccoon
|   Location : In Fugue Forest, near the witch's house
| Appearance : Small, brown raccoon.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _
| Shiba Inu
|   Location : outside the Church
| Appearance : Small, black dog.
|    Seasons : Fall & Winter
|       Note :
| _ _ _
| Snake
|   Location : Outside the Lower Garmon Mine
| Appearance : Long, thin, green snake.
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer & Fall
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _
| Turtle
|   Location : In Fugue Forest, near the witch's house
| Appearance : Small, green turtle.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _
| White Cat
|   Location : Near the Lighthouse
| Appearance : Small, white cat.
|    Seasons : Year-Round
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| White Rabbit
|   Location : Flute Fields, near the beach
| Appearance : Small, white rabbit.
|    Seasons : Spring & Summer
|       Note :
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| White Weasel
|   Location : In Fugue Forest, towards the end of the main path
| Appearance : Small, grey weasel.
|    Seasons : Fall & Winter
|       Note :

        // [FISHN]                                                           //
       //                                                         Fishing   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Caution is a most valuable asset                                //
    //  in fishing, especially if you                                    //
   //  are the fish." -Unknown                                          //
  //                                                                   //
| Aside from ranching and farming, the deepest money-making portion of the
| game is fishing. There are fishing locations all over the island, and
| almost 50 different types of fish.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FISHB]                                                                 /
|  /                                                         Fishing Basics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Before you can become an expert fisherman, you've got to learn how to fish
| -- and that's what this section is for. And before you can learn to fish,
| you've got to get a rod -- and that's that this next heading is for.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [G&STR] _
| Get & Level the Rod                                                        
| See, told ya. The first thing you need to do to be able to fish is get the
| fishing rod. In Flute Fields by the river, you'll find Toby. When you first
| meet him, he'll give you your basic Fishing Rod.
| There, wasn't that simple? Now, the regular fishing rod will work, but not
| well. In order to catch better fish, you'll need to level and upgrade it.
| You can find detailed information on leveling and upgrading the rod in the
| tools section (search for [-TOOLS-] without the dashes), but here's a brief
| overview:
|   - Leveling the rod will allow you to catch rarer fish. You level the rod
|     just by using it -- flinging it levels it a little bit, but it'll level
|     more when you catch something. What's more, how much it levels when you
|     catch something is based on how hard that fish is to reel in, so
|     fishing for rare fish will level you up faster.
|   - Upgrading the rod will improve your odds of catching rarer fish.
|     Upgrading is done by taking the rod to Ramsey's Blacksmith Shop. You'll
|     need some money and three of whatever metal represents the next Rod
|     level (Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold or Rare
| Don't worry about those things right away, though -- you won't be able to
| upgrade until you've used the rod a bit, and using the rod a bit will take
| care of leveling it.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HWTFS] _
| How to Fish                                                                
| So you've got your rod -- now you're ready to fish!
| Fishing is easy. Go to a body of water, equip your rod and press A. Your
| rod will cast into the water. Now you play the waiting game: when something
| bites (and sometimes it can take a while), you'll see a tug on your line,
| feel a vibration in the WiiMote, and hear a sound. When that happens, press
| A as fast as possible -- if you do it fast enough, you'll catch the fish.
| If you don't do it fast enough, it'll get away.
| The longer you have to press A, the rarer the fish will be -- not that it
| matters, since you won't know how long it takes until you catch the fish.
| That's all there is to it. When you catch the fish, it'll appear in your
| hands. Ignore the size -- it's irrelevant.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FISHS] _
| Fishing Stamina                                                            
| Stamina use while fishing is interesting. Casting your line will use no
| stamina, and neither will sitting there waiting for a fish. The only time
| stamina is consumed is when a fish is resisting and you're trying to reel
| it in.
| This makes for some very interesting strategy, because this is the only
| tool usage in the game where you can run out of stamina halfway through
| using a tool. With other tools, you know if one more use will deplete your
| stamina fully, but with a fishing rod it's dependent on how fast you reel
| in the fish (which itself is only dependent on the type of fish caught, not
| on your reeling skill). But, fortunately, if you run out of stamina halfway
| through reeling, you'll just lose the fish -- you won't pass out unless you
| use a tool again.
| As mentioned above, better rods take less stamina to reel in their fish, so
| upgrade when you get the chance.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WHYF?] _
| Why Fish?                                                                  
| Fishing has many important uses in the game. Its usage is not as varied as
| mining and some other activities, but it is equally important:
|   - Profit. Fishing is a great way to make some extra money. Many fish sell
|     for upwards of 200G, making it easy to make some extra cash in your
|     spare time, especially with a leveled and upgraded rod from the best
|     fishing spots.
|   - Power Berry. Fishing is the only way to obtain a certain Power Berry.
|     To obtain it you must level your rod up to level 5. Note, though, that
|     you don't need to upgrade it for this Power Berry, just level it
|     through usage. The next time you cast after that, you'll fish up this
|     Power Berry.
|   - Food. Fish make great dishes, and are the ingredients in dozens of the
|     game's recipes.
|   - Completion. One of the trophies in the game is a "Fish Trophy", which
|     is rewarded if you catch one of every type of fish.
|   - Farm Degree. One of the farm degrees available is for fishing. With a
|     strong rod and plenty of time and luck, it can be easier to become a
|     King of Fishing than some other areas.
|   - Plot Relevance. Various elements of the plot and other events require
|     you to have some fish. For example, to ring the Blue Bell you'll need
|     at least 5 fish.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [THEFI]                                                                 /
|  /                                                               The Fish  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Angler Fish                                                                
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Harmonica Town Beach; Watery Cave (1st Floor); Watery Cave
|               : (50th Floor)
|       Seasons : Fall; Winter
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 330G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 660G (Winter)
|       Recipes : Grilled Angler Fish (sells for 350G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Barracuda                                                                  
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 680G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Barracuda (sells for 700G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bonito                                                                     
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 120G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 240G (Spring); Ocean Festival (Paolo's
|               : Booth), 240G
|       Recipes : Grilled Bonito (sells for 125G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Brown Trout                                                                
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Flute Fields River; Garmon Mine District Stream
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 80G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Brown Trout (sells for 100G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Carp                                                                       
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Flute Fields River; Goddess Spring
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 60G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Carp (sells for 75G); can also be used in any "Fish
|               : (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Catfish                                                                    
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Lake
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 110G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Catfish (sells for 125G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Char                                                                       
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Goddess Spring
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 100G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Char (sells for 100G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cod                                                                        
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Fall; Winter
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 80G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 170G (Winter)
|       Recipes : Grilled Cod (sells for 100G); can also be used in any "Fish
|               : (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Conger Eel                                                                 
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Summer; Fall
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 140G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 280G (Fall)
|       Recipes : Chirashi Sushi, Conger Eel Bowl, Grilled Conger Eel (sells
|               : for 150G); can also be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crawfish                                                                   
|          Type : Crustacean
|     Locations : Farmlands Lake; Farmlands Stream; Flute Fields River
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 10G
| Purchase Info : Ocean Festival (Paolo's Booth), 20G
|       Recipes : Grilled Crawfish (sells for 25G); can also be used in any
|               : "Crustacean (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dorado                                                                     
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Fugue Forest Stream
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 700G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Dorado (sells for 700G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eel                                                                        
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Flute Fields River
|       Seasons : Summer; Fall; Winter
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 200G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Eel Bowl, Grilled Eel (sells for 200G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flounder                                                                   
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 70G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Flounder (sells for 75G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Freshwater Prawn                                                           
|          Type : Crustacean
|     Locations : Farmlands Lake; Farmlands Stream; Flute Fields River
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 20G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 50G (Fall)
|       Recipes : Grilled Prawn (sells for 25G); can also be used in any
|               : "Crustacean (any)" recipe.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Giant Arowana                                                              
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Goddess Spring
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 650G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Giant Arowana (sells for 650G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Goby                                                                       
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach; Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 10G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 30G (Spring)
|       Recipes : Grilled Goby (sells for 25G); can also be used in any "Fish
|               : (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Halibut                                                                    
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 130G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Halibut (sells for 125G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Horse Mackerel                                                             
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 80G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 170G (Summer)
|       Recipes : Grilled Horse Mackerel (sells for 100G); can also be used
|               : in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Huchen                                                                     
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Garmon Mine District River
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 250G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Huchen (sells for 250G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| King Salmon                                                                
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Flute Fields River
|       Seasons : Summer; Fall
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 760G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled King Salmon (sells for 750G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lobster                                                                    
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island; Watery Cave (1st Floor); Watery Cave (50th
|               : Floor)
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 180G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 360G (Winter)
|       Recipes : Grilled Lobster (sells for 200G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mackerel                                                                   
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 90G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Mackerel (sells for 100G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mahi-Mahi                                                                  
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 3
|    Sale Price : 290G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Mahi-Mahi (sells for 300G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Manta Ray                                                                  
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 3
|    Sale Price : 170G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Manta Ray (sells for 175G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Masu Trout                                                                 
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Flute Fields Lake; Flute Fields River; Garmon Mine District
|               : River
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 110G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Masu Trout (sells for 125G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Nautilus                                                                   
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Watery Cave (1st Floor)
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 830G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Nautilus (sells for 850G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Octopus                                                                    
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 60G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 120G (Spring); Ocean Festival (Paolo's
|               : Booth), 120G
|       Recipes : Grilled Octopus (sells for 75G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pacific Halibut                                                            
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 850G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Pacific Halibut (sells for 750G); can also be used
|               : in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pacific Herring                                                            
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 80G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 160G (Winter)
|       Recipes : Grilled Herring (sells for 75G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pond Smelt                                                                 
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Lake; Farmlands Stream; Flute Fields River;
|               : Garmon Mine District River
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 10G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Pond Smelt (sells for 25G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Puffer Fish                                                                
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 20G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Puffer Fish (sells for 25G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rainbow Trout                                                              
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Garmon Mine District River; Garmon Mine District Stream
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 110G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 120G (Fall)
|       Recipes : Grilled Rainbow Trout (sells for 75G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rock Lobster                                                               
|          Type : Crustacean
|     Locations : Toucan Island; Watery Cave (1st Floor); Watery Cave (50th
|               : Floor)
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 90G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 190G (Summer)
|       Recipes : Grilled Rock Lobster (sells for 100G); can also be used in
|               : any "Crustacean (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rock Trout                                                                 
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 120G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 240G (Spring)
|       Recipes : Grilled Rock Trout (sells for 125G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rockfish                                                                   
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 80G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 160G (Summer)
|       Recipes : Grilled Rockfish (sells for 75G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Salmon                                                                     
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Stream; Flute Fields River; Garmon Mine District
|               : River
|       Seasons : Fall; Winter
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 3
|    Sale Price : 280G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 560G (Fall)
|       Recipes : Grilled Salmon (sells for 275G), Salmon Cream Stew, Salmon
|               : Fried Rice; can also be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sardine                                                                    
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 20G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 40G (Spring)
|       Recipes : Grilled Sardine (sells for 25G), Sardine in Oil, Sardine
|               : Tomato Stew; can also be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Saury                                                                      
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach; Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 90G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 190G (Fall)
|       Recipes : Grilled Saury (sells for 100G), Saury Tomato Stew; can also
|               : be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sea Bream                                                                  
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 3
|    Sale Price : 150G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 300G (Summer)
|       Recipes : Fish Soup, Grilled Sea Bream (sells for 150G), Steamed
|               : Turnip; can also be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shark                                                                      
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 350G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Shark (sells for 350G), Shark Fin Soup, Shark Fin
|               : Stew; can also be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Skull Jellyfish                                                            
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Watery Cave (50th Floor)
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Night; Morning
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 670G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Jellyfish (sells for 675G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Squid                                                                      
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Harmonica Town Beach; Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 1
|    Sale Price : 50G
| Purchase Info : Ocean Festival (Paolo's Booth), 110G
|       Recipes : Grilled Squid (sells for 50G), Seafood Curry, Seafood Fried
|               : Rice, Seafood Gratin, Seafood Pizza, Seafood Risotto, Squid
|               : Ink Spaghetti, Squid Tomato Stew; can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Steelhead                                                                  
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Flute Fields River
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 70G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Steelhead (sells for 50G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Swordfish                                                                  
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : Spring; Summer; Fall
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 320G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Swordfish (sells for 325G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tarpon                                                                     
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 5
|    Sale Price : 800G
| Purchase Info : (none)
|       Recipes : Grilled Tarpon (sells for 800G); can also be used in any
|               : "Fish (any)" recipe.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tuna                                                                       
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Farmlands Beach; Harmonica Town Beach; Toucan Island
|       Seasons : All
|          Time : Morning; Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 4
|    Sale Price : 320G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.2, 640G (Summer)
|       Recipes : Grilled Tuna (sells for 325G), Tuna Bowl, Tuna Sandwich;
|               : can also be used in any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellowtail                                                                 
|          Type : Fish
|     Locations : Toucan Island; Watery Cave (1st Floor)
|       Seasons : Winter; Spring
|          Time : Afternoon; Night
|    Difficulty : 2
|    Sale Price : 150G
| Purchase Info : Fishery, Lv.1, 310G (Winter)
|       Recipes : Grilled Yellowtail (sells for 175G); can also be used in
|               : any "Fish (any)" recipe.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FSHLO]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Fishing Locations  /
| /                                                                         /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Farmlands Beach                                                            
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Bonito               X   X           X    X    X            120G
|      Cod                  X   X   X                 X    X        80G
|      Conger Eel               X   X            X    X            140G
|      Flounder             X   X           X    X    X    X        70G
|      Goby                 X   X           X    X    X    X        10G
|      Halibut                  X   X       X    X    X    X       130G
|      Horse Mackerel       X   X   X       X    X    X    X        80G
|      Mackerel             X   X           X    X    X             90G
|      Octopus                      X       X    X    X    X        60G
|      Pacific Herring              X       X              X        80G
|      Puffer Fish          X   X   X       X              X        20G
|      Rock Trout           X   X   X       X              X       120G
|      Sardine              X   X   X       X    X    X    X        20G
|      Saury                    X   X       X    X    X    X        90G
|      Sea Bream            X   X           X    X    X            150G
|      Tuna                 X   X   X       X    X    X    X       320G
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Farmlands Lake                                                             
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Catfish                  X   X       X    X    X    X       110G
|      Crawfish             X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|      Freshwater Prawn             X       X    X    X    X        20G
|      Pond Smelt           X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Farmlands Stream                                                           
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Crawfish             X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|      Freshwater Prawn             X       X    X    X    X        20G
|      Pond Smelt           X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|      Salmon               X   X                     X    X       280G
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flute Fields Lake                                                          
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Masu Trout           X   X           X    X    X            110G
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flute Fields River                                                         
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Brown Trout          X   X           X    X    X    X        80G
|      Carp                 X   X   X       X    X    X    X        60G
|      Crawfish             X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|      Eel                      X   X            X    X    X       200G
|      Freshwater Prawn             X       X    X    X    X        20G
|      King Salmon                  X            X    X            760G
|      Masu Trout           X   X           X    X    X            110G
|      Pond Smelt           X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|      Salmon               X   X                     X    X       280G
|      Steelhead                    X       X    X    X    X        70G
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fugue Forest Stream                                                        
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Dorado               X   X   X       X    X                 700G
|__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Garmon Mine District River                                                 
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Huchen                       X       X              X       250G
|      Masu Trout           X   X           X    X    X            110G
|      Pond Smelt           X   X   X       X    X    X    X        10G
|      Rainbow Trout        X   X           X    X    X    X       110G
|      Salmon               X   X                     X    X       280G
|____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Garmon Mine District Stream                                                
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Brown Trout          X   X           X    X    X    X        80G
|      Rainbow Trout        X   X           X    X    X    X       110G
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GODSP] _
| Goddess Spring                                                             
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Carp                 X   X   X       X    X    X    X        60G
|      Char                 X   X           X    X    X    X       100G
|      Giant Arowana        X   X           X    X    X            650G
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Harmonica Town Beach                                                       
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Angler Fish                  X                 X    X       330G
|      Bonito               X   X           X    X    X            120G
|      Cod                  X   X   X                 X    X        80G
|      Conger Eel               X   X            X    X            140G
|      Flounder             X   X           X    X    X    X        70G
|      Goby                 X   X           X    X    X    X        10G
|      Halibut                  X   X       X    X    X    X       130G
|      Horse Mackerel       X   X   X       X    X    X    X        80G
|      Mackerel             X   X           X    X    X             90G
|      Octopus                      X       X    X    X    X        60G
|      Pacific Halibut      X   X   X       X              X       850G
|      Pacific Herring              X       X              X        80G
|      Puffer Fish          X   X   X       X              X        20G
|      Rock Trout           X   X   X       X              X       120G
|      Sardine              X   X   X       X    X    X    X        20G
|      Saury                    X   X       X    X    X    X        90G
|      Sea Bream            X   X           X    X    X            150G
|      Squid                        X       X    X    X    X        50G
|      Tuna                 X   X   X       X    X    X    X       320G
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TOUCA] _
| Toucan Island                                                              
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Barracuda            X   X           X    X    X    X       680G
|      Goby                 X   X           X    X    X    X        10G
|      Lobster                      X       X    X    X    X       180G
|      Mahi-Mahi            X   X   X       X    X    X    X       290G
|      Manta Ray            X   X           X    X    X    X       170G
|      Rock Lobster             X   X       X    X    X    X        90G
|      Rockfish             X   X   X       X    X    X             80G
|      Saury                    X   X       X    X    X    X        90G
|      Shark                X   X           X    X    X    X       350G
|      Squid                        X       X    X    X    X        50G
|      Swordfish            X   X   X       X    X    X            320G
|      Tarpon               X   X   X       X              X       800G
|      Tuna                 X   X   X       X    X    X    X       320G
|      Yellowtail               X   X       X              X       150G
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Watery Cave (1st Floor)                                                    
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Angler Fish                  X                 X    X       330G
|      Lobster                      X       X    X    X    X       180G
|      Nautilus                 X   X       X    X    X            830G
|      Rock Lobster             X   X       X    X    X    X        90G
|      Yellowtail               X   X       X              X       150G
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Watery Cave (50th Floor)                                                   
|                           M   A   N      Spr  Sum  Fal  Wnt     Price
|      Angler Fish                  X                 X    X       330G
|      Lobster                      X       X    X    X    X       180G
|      Rock Lobster             X   X       X    X    X    X        90G
|      Skull Jellyfish      X       X       X    X    X            670G

        // [MININ]                                                           //
       //                                                          Mining   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Genius is the gold in the mine. Talent                          //
    //  is the miner who works and brings it                             //
   //  out." -Marguerite Blessington                                    //
  //                                                                   //
| After farming, ranching and fishing comes mining. Mining is actually
| typically more profitable than fishing, but isn't quite as deep and
| nuanced.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [MINEB]                                                                 /
|  /                                                          Mining Basics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Mining is a rather simple process. To start, just grab your hammer (not
| your hoe, like in some past Harvest Moon games) and enter the mine - mine
| locations can be found under the "The Mines" section (search for [-MINES-]
| without the dashes).
| Descend the first staircase at the entrance to find yourself on the 1st
| floor of the mine. Every floor (with a few exceptions) operates in the same
| way: a large area with several characteristic items. These include:
|   - Stairs: Each floor contains two staircases: one going up, and one going
|     down. The staircase you'll be looking for differs based on which mine
|     you're in.
|   - Cracks: Most floors contain some cracks in the ground, marked by 'X's.
|     These X's, when stepped on, become either holes or geysers, plummeting
|     you down or rocketing you up a random number of floors.
|   - Rocks: Rocks are the foundation of the mine. Smashing them can yield
|     Ores, items or afflictions.
|   - Crystals: Crystals are like rocks, except they house more valuable
|     treasures, called Wonderfuls, and can also hold afflictions.
|   - Items: There are also some items that can be immediately spotted on the
|     mine floor. These can be picked up just like any other item.
| When you break a rock or crystal, you will sometimes find an item contained
| in the rock - this is the entire purpose of mining. If you do, you can
| either pick it up or leave it - if you leave it, it will remain on the
| ground indefinitely (until you leave the floor, that is). You'll need to
| put your tool away to pick it up, and you can obviously only put it in your
| rucksack if you have space. Ores and wonderfuls dug up in the mine DO stack
| this time, and Pontata Roots, Mushrooms and Toadstools will as well.
| How you behave in a mine will depend on what you intend to do. Sometimes
| you'll want to get down to a certain level, sometimes you'll just want to
| get down as far as you can, and sometimes you'll just want to find a
| particular item.
| Regardless of what you're there to do, though, the controls remain the
| same. Break rocks to try to find Ores; break crystals to try to find
| Wonderfuls; to descend, get to the staircase; and to ascend and leave the
| mine, get to the up staircase and choose 'top floor'.
| There's one important note to make, though. There are three mines in the
| game, and for one of them (the Upper Garmon Mine), you'll actually be
| ascending, not descending. So, when you move through this mine, look for
| the up staircase, not the down one. For consistency, though, I'll usually
| refer to this as "descending" the mine as well.
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH&GY] _
| Stairs, Holes & Geysers                                                    
| There are two ways to descend the mine: stairs and holes. Stairs are the
| reliable way: when you approach the downward staircase, you'll be
| automatically transported down one level in the mine - never more than one.
| Oftentimes the stairs are visible immediately upon entering a level of the
| mine. However, sometimes - especially at lower floors - the staircase is
| hidden under a rock. To find it, look for a rock that has nothing bordering
| it, on the sides or diagonally. Only rocks with nothing bordering them can
| cover up staircases. Bust these rocks until you find the staircase.
| Cracks are a riskier, but often faster, way of descending. If you step on
| an 'X', you will fall down a random number of floors in the mine, between 1
| and 5. Additionally, cracks are often much more accessible than the stairs,
| given that a particular floor will contain several cracks but only one
| staircase. So, cracks are often a more efficient method for descending the
| mine - and, though you might suspect otherwise, holes carry no stamina
| penalty.
| Cracks have a risk associated with them, however: sometimes when you step
| on a crack, it will become a geyser instead of a hole. Geysers propel you
| upwards a random number of floors.
| Geysers become more frequent at lower floors, making it more difficult to
| get to the deepest sections of the mine. It's best to stick to stairs once
| you get down to the last few floors.
| Ascending to the top of the mine can also be done by simply touching the
| upwards staircase: you'll receive the option to automatically ascend all
| the way to the surface.
| Note that in the Upper Garmon Mine, where you're ascending instead of
| descending, the geysers suddenly become beneficial while holes become
| detrimental. Fortunately, the proportions shift too -- you'll find mostly
| geysers on the lower levels of Upper Garmon Mine, and mostly holes as you
| get toward the top.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [AFFLC] _
| Afflictions                                                                
| "I think I have the black lung, pop." Zoolander quotes aside, Ores and
| Wonderfuls aren't the only things that pop up when you break a rock or
| crystal. There are multiple afflictions that come in the form of different
| colored gases. These afflictions will affect your efforts to descend the
| mine:
|    Red : Stamina loss (your character loses stamina points - 20 for 'lost a
|        : little stamina', 50 for 'lost a lot of stamina')
|   Blue : Stamina immunity (no stamina penalty for using any tool).
|  Green : Stamina restoration (your character regains around 300 stamina
|        : points).
| Purple : Temporary confusion (joystick directions no longer map to the
|        : character's direction, and randomly change).
| Orange : Blindness (the visibility around your character drastically
|        : shrinks).
|  White : Slowness (your character's movement speed is severely restricted)
| or
|        : Quickness (your character's movement speed is drastically raised).
| Yellow : Drowsiness (your character becomes drowsy, which can only be cured
|        : by a Stay Awake or Super Stay Awake) or illness (your character
|        : becomes sick, which can only be cured by a Cold Medicine).
| You can get rid of any non-stamina related afflictions by changing floors.
| Any lost stamina will remain though, and if you hit some yellow gas to make
| you drowsy, that effect will remain as well.
| Afflictions will spread outward from the initial location in various
| patterns and at different speeds. Oftentimes you'll be able to avoid the
| affliction before it hits you - just run away as soon as you hear the sound
| of a gas spewing. Unfortunately you'll likely also miss the stamina
| restoration gasses, but that's a small price to pay.
| If you do get hit with an affliction, there are multiple items you can use
| to relieve the effect. For red gas (stamina loss), food or Bodigizers will
| restore that lost stamina. For purple, orange or white gas, a Remedy will
| remove the effect. For yellow gas, a Stay Awake or Super Stay Awake will
| fix the problem.)
| As Kamikon_Wolf has observed, different afflictions appear more often in
| different mines. To come prepared, it's good to bring a medication
| specifically for the afflictions most common to the mine you're going to.
| The recommendations are:
|   - Remedy for Lower Garmon Mine.
|   - Remedy for Upper Garmon Mine.
|   - Cold Medicine and Stay Awake for Watery Cave.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OR&WN] _
| Ores & Wonderfuls                                                          
| The two main items that can be found in the mine are Ores and Wonderfuls.
| Both are only accessible by smashing apart rocks (for Ores) and crystals
| (for Wonderfuls). When a rock or crystal is smashed, an ore or wonderful
| may appear on the ground for you to pick up.
| If I could italicize this next sentence, I would: Ores and Wonderfuls, by
| themselves, are essentially worthless. They have very low shipping values
| and cannot be used for tool upgrades, jewelry creations or effective gifts.
| Instead, Ores and Wonderfuls hold within them Metals and Gems. It's as if
| the true "identity" of the Ore or Wonderful is hidden from you, and can
| only be established by a gifted refiner - and conveniently, there is a
| gifted refiner on the island: Mira.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [REFIN] _
| Refining                                                                   
| Every Ore and Wonderful houses an item. Sometimes the item is of a greater
| value, but sometimes the item is junk. The item an Ore or Wonderful holds
| corresponds to the color/type of the Ore or Wonderful: for example, Gold
| Ore contains either Gold (the treasure) or scrap iron (junk). Wonderfuls
| have three different levels of treasure: for example, a blue-colored
| Wonderful can contain a Sapphire (high-value), a Aquamarine (medium-value),
| a Lapis Lazuli (low-value) or glass (junk).
| So how are you to tell what your Ores and Wonderfuls are? That's where Mira
| comes in. Mira works at the Accessory Shop every day after you meet talk to
| her at the Church and convince her to return to work. She is a specialist
| at refining your Ores and Wonderfuls. To get Mira to refine your materials,
| talk to her over the counter and choose 'Refine' - don't just talk to her
| with the item in your hands or you'll inadvertently give it to her. Mira
| will let you know what the item truly is and will give it back to you:
| after that, the item will be identified in your rucksack as the Metal or
| Gem instead of an Ore or Wonderful. After that, you can use it for jewelry
| or tool upgrades. It will also make a better gift, and the shipping value
| will will be much higher. Metals and Gems will stack as well.
| Refining isn't free, though. For every item you ask her to refine, you'll
| have to fork over 35G. It's usually worth it -- every refined item sells
| for more than 35G, as long as it's not junk. Junk items sell for only 10G
| each.
| This presents a minor problem with mining though: wouldn't you hate to go
| to the mines and grab 8 Wonderfuls, only to find out that they're all
| glass? Or to pick up a bunch of Gold Ore, only to find out they're all
| scrap? Well, that's just too bad. Tree of Tranquility let you identify
| Ores' and Wonderfuls' true item when they were in your rucksack, but Animal
| Parade isn't nearly as kind. The item you get is determined randomly, and
| there's no way to know what it'll be until you get the item back from Mira.
| However, there's a catch! The true 'identities' of the Ores and Wonderfuls
| are established at the time you have Mira refine them, not when you dig
| them up. That means that you could dig up a whole lot, save your game, and
| then reset after refining if you didn't get as many good gems and metals as
| you'd hoped. Generally speaking, if almost half of the stuff you have
| refined turns up to be something valuable, that's about as good as you're
| going to get.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [REFTR] _
| Refining Trick                                                             
| There are, however, a couple tricks to at least improving your odds of
| getting something good.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Trick #1
| This is the easier trick, but less rewarding. Basically, what you get when
| Mira refines your Ores and Wonderfuls is set when you enter the Accessory
| Shop -- but, you won't know exactly what you're going to get until after
| she refines them.
| So, what you can do is dig up a bunch of Ores and Wonderfuls in the Mines,
| take them back to your farm and save, and then go to Mira. If you don't get
| as much good stuff as you'd like, reset and try again.
| Statistically, you won't be able to use this to get a HUGE amount of extra
| profit, but it's a good safeguard against getting a particularly bad haul.
| Take a look at the percentages in the listing below before deciding whether
| to reset or not. If what you get mirrors the percentages listed, you're
| probably better off just sticking with what you get.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Trick #2
| What you'll get when you have Mira refine a stack of Ores or Wonderfuls is
| determined when you walk in the Accessory Shop. However, if you don't have
| enough slots in your rucksack for the different products she'll give you,
| she'll tell you to come back when you have more slots open.
| How does that help you? Using this, you can guarantee you'll get at least
| one higher-level Gem or real Metal. To do this, follow these steps:
|   - Get at least one disposable item, like a mushroom to eat or any item
|     that can be given as a gift. You'll also want one stack of several of
|     one type of Ore or Wonderful. Aim for more than 5, but fewer than 15.
|   - Next, you want to fill your rucksack to almost full. How full? First,
|     figure out how many TYPES of items you want to receive from ONE stack
|     of Ores or Wonderfuls. For Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold and Rare Ore,
|     that number is always two: Junk Ore and a real Metal. For Purple, Red
|     and Yellow Wonderfuls, that number is three: Glass and two types of
|     Gems. For White, Green and Blue Wonderfuls, that number is four: glass
|     and three types of Gems (though you could stop at three if you just
|     want to guarantee you'll get a mid-level gem).
|   - Once you've figured out how many types of items you want, fill your
|     rucksack so that one FEWER slot than that number is open. So, if you
|     want two types of items, leave only one slot open; two slots open for
|     three items; and three slots open for four.
|   - Talk to Mira over the counter and choose Refine, then select the Ore or
|     Wonderful stack. If she lets you, cancel out -- don't let her refine
|     them. Exit and re-enter.
|   - Repeat that until she eventually says that you don't have enough open
|     slots. That means that you're getting as many types of items as you
|     wanted. Cancel out, get rid of your disposable item, then talk to her
|     again. This time, let her refine the Ores or Wonderfuls.
| Doing that, you've guaranteed you'll receive at least one of a higher-level
| type of object. For example, with a stack of Blue Wonderfuls, you could
| enter with only three spots open and keep re-entering until she told you
| that your rucksack didn't have enough slots. That means you're getting at
| least four items, which means you're getting a Glass, Lapis Lazuli,
| Aquamarine and Sapphire.
| There is a minor danger to this trick, though. First of all, when she
| offers to actually refine them, you still don't know what the result could
| be. You could possibly have gotten all of a high-quality gem and no Glass.
| To avoid this, only use this trick if you have at least 5 of that type of
| Ore or Wonderful. Statistically, if you have at least 5, you're almost
| guaranteed to get at least one Junk Ore, so there's no chance of missing
| out on an all-quality haul.
| Additionally, this trick's value drops notably once you get above 15
| Wonderfuls. At that point, you're almost guaranteed to get one of each type
| anyway -- but you could still use this trick just to be safe.
| Credit goes to Quicksilver9448 for originally suggesting this trick.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MOLES] _
| Moles                                                                      
| Sometimes when you're mining, you'll come across a little mole in the
| field. Make sure PETA isn't watching, then smash the mole with your hammer.
| If you succeed, the mole will cough up an item: typically just a Mushroom
| or a Toadstool, but sometimes something more valuable, like a Bodigizer.
| How the mole got his hands on one of those is beyond me.
| Moles have been observed dropping seven different items: Mushrooms,
| Toadstools, Pontata Roots, Stay Awake, Super Stay Awake, Bodigizer and
| Bodigizer XL. They might also drop Remedies, but I've never seen one.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WHYM?] _
| Why Mine?                                                                  
| So, there's this great big part of the game called mining where you can dig
| up random stuff from the ground. So what, why bother?
| There are several useful reasons to make use of the mines:
|   - Tool upgrades. For each tool upgrade, you need three of a particular
|     type of metal. That means if you plan to upgrade your tools all the
|     way, you'll need eighteen of each metal. The best way to get those? The
|     mines.
|   - Jewelry. In order to make jewelry, you must supply the Metals and Gems.
|     And since there's nowhere else to get them except the mine, you're
|     locked into that option if you want to make jewelry.
|   - Profit. Mining in Animal Parade is a notably profitable task. Just
|     picking up a few Coppers and Silvers can yield a quick 500G, and your
|     profits will soar even higher if you start digging up some gemstones,
|     which sell for everything from the 170G Crystal to the over 1000G
|     Diamond. Additionally, harvesting the Toadstools, Mushrooms and other
|     items from the mine is hugely profitable. Make Marinated Mushrooms with
|     an herb, mushroom and a cutting board for an even larger profit.
|   - Even More Profit. No, really, Mining has gotten wildly profitable now
|     that Wonderfuls and Ores stack. You're no longer limited by rucksack
|     size in how much you can bring back -- even with the smallest rucksack
|     you can bring back some of every type of Wonderful and Ore. You're only
|     limited by stamina, making Mining a potentially extremely profitable
|     endeavor.
|   - Power Berry and Pontata Roots. Two of the game's eight Power Berries
|     are at the bottom of the Lower and Upper Garmon Mines, and the mines
|     are also the best place you can find Pontata Roots, a key ingredient in
|     the medicine category of recipes.
|   - Completion. One of the trophies in the game is a "Mining Trophy", which
|     is rewarded if you obtain one of every mining item.
|   - Farm Degree. One of the farm degrees available is for mining. With
|     plenty of time and luck, it can be easier to become a King of Mining
|     than some other areas.
|   - Plot Relevance. The mines play a huge role in various plot events.
|     You'll descend the mines to meet villagers, find items, use hot
|     springs, and to finally complete the plot.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [DESCE] _
| Descending the Mines                                                       
| If your goal is to descend pretty deep into the mine, here are a few tips:
|   - Bring recovery items. Stamina will be a major threat to your descent,
|     and you'll be kicking yourself if you get down to the last 5 floors and
|     run out of stamina. The best item for stamina recovery is the Bodigizer
|     XL, any type of Pizza or Spaghetti, or most Buckwheat recipes.
|   - Be careful using Mushrooms to restore stamina. They work, but they also
|     increase your fatigue. If you eat too many, you'll get drowsy and walk
|     too slowly to really do anything. You can use them in a fix, but don't
|     depend on them.
|   - Start early. You don't want to stay there all night and into the next
|     day unless you brought some Super Stay Awake, so get there early.
|   - Plan to spend the whole day. You never know how long it will take you
|     to get as far down as you want to go, so don't leave any chores - like
|     watering the crops or feeding the animals - for when you get back.
|   - Empty your rucksack of non-consumables, especially tools. You'll be
|     kicking yourself if you come across five White Wonderfuls but only have
|     four spots in your rucksack. Keep only food and your hammer in your
|     rucksack if you plan to bring home a big haul. That way, if you run out
|     of room, you can eat what's taking up room.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [MINES]                                                                 /
|  /                                                              The Mines  /
| /                                                                         /
| There are three mines in the game:
|   - Lower Garmon Mine: the mine that you have access to from shortly after
|     the beginning of the game. It's accessed at the far west side of Garmon
|     Mine District. The Lower mine is the one on the left.
|   - Upper Garmon Mine: this mine is accessible as soon as you ring the Red
|     Bell, shortly after the game begins. It's accessed in the same place as
|     the Lower Garmon Mine, but head right at the Entrance to the Mine.
|   - Watery Cave: this mine is accessed during the steps that take you to
|     the Blue Bell. It's in Harmonica Town, at the far left.
| Each mine is different, with different things to offer:
|   - All three mines offer all the different types of Ores.
|   - The mines have different colored Wonderfuls: Blue, Green and Purple
|     Wonderfuls are only found in the Watery Cave, and you won't find
|     anything else there. The Lower Garmon Mine has both Red and Yellow
|     Wonderfuls, while the Upper Garmon Mine has both White and Yellow
|     Wonderfuls.
|   - The Lower Garmon Mine and Watery Cave both descend, but the Upper
|     Garmon Mine is actually a mind that you ascend. So, in Upper Garmon
|     Mine, look for stairs upwards, not downwards.
|   - At the bottom of the Lower Garmon Mine and at the top of the Upper
|     Garmon Mine, you'll find Power Berries -- just wander around until your
|     character finds it.
|   - At the bottom of the Watery Cave is a fishing spot. There's also one at
|     the top of the Watery Cave, but the fish you find there aren't quite as
|     good. The Watery Cave is also the only place you'll find Pearls and
|     Black Pearls.
|   - You'll find Hot Springs in both Garmon Mines, on the 20th floor in the
|     Lower mine and the 45th floor in the Upper mine. You'll also find one
|     on the 20th floor of the Watery Cave.
|   - The Upper Garmon Mine is also how you find the Harvest King, once
|     you've rung all five bells and become a Hero in something.
|   - All three mines are different sizes: the Lower Garmon Mine has 30
|     floors, the Upper Garmon Mine has 45 floors, and the Watery Cave has 50
|     floors.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [MINEI]                                                                 /
|  /                                                             Mine Items  /
| /                                                                         /
| There are three broad categories of Mine items: Ores (and the Metals that
| they refine into); Wonderfuls (and the Gems that they refine into); and
| mine items, that can just be found on the floor of the mines.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ORES.] _
| Ores                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _
| Junk Ore
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Ore
| Sale Price : 10G
| Refines To : Scrap Metal (100% chance, sells for 10G)
| _ _ _ _ _
| Iron Ore
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Ore
| Sale Price : 20G
| Refines To : Scrap Metal (50% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Iron (50% chance, sells for 50G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Copper Ore
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Ore
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Scrap Metal (60% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Copper (40% chance, sells for 70G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Silver Ore
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Ore
| Sale Price : 40G
| Refines To : Scrap Metal (70% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Silver (30% chance, sells for 30G)
| _ _ _ _ _
| Gold Ore
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Ore
| Sale Price : 50G
| Refines To : Scrap Metal (80% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Gold (20% chance, sells for 150G)
| _ _ _ _ _
| Rare Ore
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Ore
| Sale Price : 150G
| Refines To : Scrap Metal (90% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Rare Metal (10% chance, sells for 240G)
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WONDR] _
| Wonderfuls                                                                 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Wonderful
|   Found In : Watery Cave
|       Type : Wonderful
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Glass (60% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Lapis Lazuli (20% chance, sells for 300G)
|            : Aquamarine (15% chance, sells for 420G)
|            : Sapphire (5% chance, sells for 620G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Wonderful
|   Found In : Watery Cave
|       Type : Wonderful
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Glass (60% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Peridot (20% chance, sells for 350G)
|            : Jade (15% chance, sells for 190G)
|            : Emerald (5% chance, sells for 690G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Wonderful
|   Found In : Watery Cave
|       Type : Wonderful
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Glass (70% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Spinel (20% chance, sells for 220G)
|            : Amethyst (10% chance, sells for 420G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red Wonderful
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine
|       Type : Wonderful
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Glass (70% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Garnet (20% chance, sells for 270G)
|            : Ruby (10% chance, sells for 830G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Wonderful
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine
|       Type : Wonderful
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Glass (70% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Amber (20% chance, sells for 250G)
|            : Topaz (10% chance, sells for 550G)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| White Wonderful
|   Found In : Upper Garmon Mine
|       Type : Wonderful
| Sale Price : 30G
| Refines To : Glass (60% chance, sells for 10G)
|            : Crystal (20% chance, sells for 170G)
|            : Opal (15% chance, sells for 330G)
|            : Diamond (5% chance, sells for 1330G)
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MINEE] _
| Other Mine Items                                                           
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Black Pearl
|   Found In : Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 150G
|       Note : Only on 25th and 44th floor.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Common Mushroom
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 40G
|       Note : Can be used in any 'Mushroom (any)' recipe.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Mushroom
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 80G
|       Note : Can be used in any 'Mushroom (any)' recipe.
| _ _ _
| Pearl
|   Found In : Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 90G
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pontata Root
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 40G
| _ _ _ _ _
| Rock Salt
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 50G
|       Note : Milled into Salt for use in recipes
| _ _ _ _ _
| Toadstool
|   Found In : Lower Garmon Mine; Upper Garmon Mine; Watery Cave
|       Type : Item
| Sale Price : 20G

        // [FORAG]                                                           //
       //                                                        Foraging   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "If you never forage for yourself,                               //
    //  you'll always eat porridge after                                 //
   //  others." -Arthur Tugman                                          //
  //                                                                   //
| Foraging is a simple process. In various places around the island, you'll
| find items sitting on the ground. Pick them up. Then give them away, use
| them in recipes, or sell them. There, wasn't that simple.
| There's really not much else to foraging. Items will randomly spawn every
| day. They'll stay there a couple days, then disappear if you haven't picked
| them. Some items only grow in certain seasons. Most have to be
| refrigerated, but not all. That's it.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FORIT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                          Foraged Items  /
| /                                                                         /
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Banana                                                                     
|         Seasons : Summer
|       Locations : Toucan Island
|      Ship Value : 50G
| Used in Recipes : Banana Candy, Banana Ice Cream, Banana Milk, Banana
|                 : Pudding, Chocolate Banana
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blackberry Fruit                                                           
|         Seasons : Summer through Winter
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields
|      Ship Value : 60G
| Used in Recipes : Blackberry Candy, Blackberry Cocktail, Blackberry Ice
|                 : Cream, Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Juice, Blackberry Pie
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Herb                                                                  
|         Seasons : Fall through Spring
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 60G
| Used in Recipes : Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|            Note : Can also be grown on your own farm.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blueberry Fruit                                                            
|         Seasons : Fall through Spring
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields
|      Ship Value : 60G
| Used in Recipes : Blueberry Candy, Blueberry Cocktail, Blueberry Ice Cream,
|                 : Blueberry Jam, Blueberry Juice, Blueberry Pie
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Clam                                                                       
|         Seasons : Fall
|       Locations : All Beaches
|      Ship Value : 70G
| Used in Recipes : Butter Steamed Clam, Clam Soup, Sauteed Clam, Seafood
|                 : Doria; Can also be used in any 'Any Shellfish' recipes.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Coconut                                                                    
|         Seasons : Summer
|       Locations : Toucan Island
|      Ship Value : 50G
| Used in Recipes : Coconut Cocktail, Coconut Juice
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Common Mushroom                                                            
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Farmlands; Fugue Forest; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 40G
| Used in Recipes : Can be used in any 'Any Mushroom' recipe.
|            Note : Brown-colored mushrooms.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cranberry Fruit                                                            
|         Seasons : Fall through Winter
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields
|      Ship Value : 60G
| Used in Recipes : Cranberry Candy, Cranberry Cocktail, Cranberry Ice Cream,
|                 : Cranberry Juice
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fugue Mushroom                                                             
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Fugue Forest
|      Ship Value : 70G
| Used in Recipes : None
|            Note : Purple-colored mushrooms; the Fugue Mushroom is also a
|                 : part of the main plot sequence.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Herb                                                                 
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 30G
| Used in Recipes : Mint Candy, Mint Ice Cream; Can also be used in any 'Any
|                 : Herb' recipe.
|            Note : Can also be grown on your own farm.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Honey                                                                      
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Your Farm
|      Ship Value : 50G / 100G / 150G / 250G
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Buckwheat Pancake, Pancake,
|                 : Potato Pancake, Yogurt Drink
|            Note : Honey is obtained from planting flowers on your farm,
|                 : keeping them watered after they bloom, and only trying to
|                 : pick them when you see a bee around it. Honey has four
|                 : qualities: Decent, Good, Perfect and Shining.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Laver Seaweed                                                              
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : All Beaches
|      Ship Value : 40G
| Used in Recipes : Rice Ball, Southern Fried Rice
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mushroom                                                                   
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Farmlands; Fugue Forest; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 80G
| Used in Recipes : Can be used in any 'Any Mushroom' recipe.
|            Note : White-colored mushrooms.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mussel                                                                     
|         Seasons : Summer
|       Locations : All Beaches
|      Ship Value : 60G
| Used in Recipes : Butter Steamed Mussel, Sauteed Mussel; Can also be used
|                 : in any 'Any Shellfish' recipes.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Oyster                                                                     
|         Seasons : Summer
|       Locations : All Beaches
|      Ship Value : 60G
| Used in Recipes : Butter Steamed Oyster, Sauteed Oyster; Can also be used
|                 : in any 'Any Shellfish' recipes.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple                                                                  
|         Seasons : Summer
|       Locations : Toucan Island
|      Ship Value : 70G
| Used in Recipes : Pineapple Juice, Southern Fried Rice, Southern Omelet
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Herb                                                                
|         Seasons : Winter through Summer
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 30G
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer XL; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|            Note : Can also be grown on your own farm.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Raspberry Fruit                                                            
|         Seasons : Spring through Summer
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields
|      Ship Value : 50G
| Used in Recipes : Raspberry Candy, Raspberry Cocktail, Raspberry Ice Cream,
|                 : Raspberry Jam, Raspberry Juice, Raspberry Pie
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red Herb                                                                   
|         Seasons : Summer through Winter
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 50G
| Used in Recipes : Bodigizer, Bouillabaisse; Decent, Bouillabaisse; Good,
|                 : Bouillabaisse; Perfect, Bouillabaisse; Shining, Super
|                 : Stay Awake; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|            Note : Can also be grown on your own farm.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Royal Jelly                                                                
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Your Farm
|      Ship Value : 300G
| Used in Recipes : Cold Medicine, Remedy
|            Note : Royal Jelly is an even higher-quality honey, obtained
|                 : rarely from flowers on your farm with bees hovering over
|                 : them.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sakura Seashell                                                            
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : All Beaches
|      Ship Value : 70G
| Used in Recipes : None
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sea Urchin                                                                 
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : All Beaches
|      Ship Value : 80G
| Used in Recipes : None
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Toadstool                                                                  
|         Seasons : Year-Round
|       Locations : Farmlands; Fugue Forest; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 20G
| Used in Recipes : None
|            Note : Orange-colored mushrooms.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Herb                                                                
|         Seasons : Spring through Fall
|       Locations : Farmlands; Flute Fields; Garmon Mine District
|      Ship Value : 40G
| Used in Recipes : Paella; Can also be used in any 'Any Herb' recipe.
|            Note : Can also be grown on your own farm.

        // [COOKN]                                                           //
       //                                                         Cooking   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Cooking is like love. It should                                 //
    //  be entered into with abandon, or                                 //
   //  not at all." -Harriet van Horne                                  //
  //                                                                   //
| Cooking is a very substantial part of Animal Parade. There are a variety of
| kitchen utensils you can use to make a huge variety of recipes, many of
| which sell for a lot of profit. But before you get started, there are some
| basics to know.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [COOKB]                                                                 /
|  /                                                         Cooking Basics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Cooking is a relatively simple process. You'll purchase utensils from the
| General Store, then set them out like furniture onto the kitchen counter.
| From there, you approach a utensil and press A to cook with it. You'll be
| prompted to add ingredients from your rucksack, and then make the recipe.
| After doing so, you'll be given one of the recipe you made. That's all!
| But there are a lot more subtle nuances that should be understood to cook
| effectively.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [INGCA] _
| Ingredient Categories                                                      
| For many recipes in the game, you'll notice that there's an '(any)' note
| alongside one of the ingredients, such as 'Bread (any)', 'Herb (any)' or
| 'Fish (any)'. These are categories of items: any item within the category
| can be used for the recipe.
| The relevant categories are:
|   - Bread: Bread, Cornbread, Herb Bread or Onion Bread can be used.
|   - Crustacean: Shrimp, Lobsters and Crawfish can be used.
|   - Flour: either Flour or Soba Flour can be used.
|   - Flower: any flower grown on your farm can be used.
|   - Herb: any color herb can be used.
|   - Dairy Products: When Milk, Butter, Cheese, Eggs or Mayonnaise are
|     mentioned, they can come from any animal that produces any version of
|     that item.
|   - Fish: almost anything that is caught with your rod can be used, with
|     the exception of the Shellfish and Crustaceans mentioned elsewhere.
|   - Shellfish: Mussels, Clams and Oysters can be used.
|   - Vegetable: almost any crop grown on your farm can be used. There are
|     some that cannot, but most will.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [DISHQ] _
| Fish Dish Qualities                                                        
| Some dishes have an interested added element: like crops and dairy
| products, some dishes have quality ratings to them. Most of them are fish
| dishes: Sushi, Sashimi, Marinated Fish, Herb Fish, Bouillabaisse, and
| Meuniere. The others are the Box Lunch and Hearty Lunch, but you'll never
| really need to cook those.
| Each of these dishes have those same four quality ratings you're probably
| tired of by now: Decent, Good, Perfect and Shining. What determines the
| quality you get is the sale value of the ingredients you put into the dish.
| The better the ingredients, the better the quality.
| This means that it's actually pretty difficult to make any profit off of
| these items: usually you have to use around (for example) 1000G worth of
| items in order to cook something that'll sell for around 1030G. Any more
| than 1000G and you're actually losing money.
| In the Recipe List below, quality-based dishes will have the 'cut-off'
| point noted in the notes below.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MILLN] _
| Milling                                                                    
| Milling is a new feature in Animal Parade. It's essentially a method for
| processing one 'raw' item down into another, usually more suitable for
| cooking.
| There are seven items that can be milled:
|   - Buckwheat, milled into Soba Flour.
|   - Coffee Beans, milled into Ground Coffee.
|   - Corn, milled into Cornmeal.
|   - Rock Salt, milled into Salt.
|   - Spicy Pepper, milled into Curry Powder.
|   - Sugarcane, milled into Sugar.
|   - Wheat, milled into Flour.
| As you can see, many of these 'milled' items are better ingredients in
| recipes. Just as importantly, they all sell better than their pre-milled
| form, which is great since milling is free.
| So how do you mill an item? You simply place it into a mill, and out pops
| the milled item. There are three mills in the game world:
|   - Waterwheel in Flute Fields: the first Waterwheel is found on the river
|     in Flute Fields. It can be accessed from the beginning of the game.
|     Note that the Flute fields Waterwheel can only mill Corn, Wheat, and
|     Buckwheat.
|   - Windmill: the Windmill is located next door to Horn Ranch. You can't
|     use it until after you've rung the Red Bell to start the wind. Note
|     that the Windmill can only mill Rock Salt, Sugarcane, Coffee Beans and
|     Spicy Peppers.
|   - Farm Waterwheel: the second Waterwheel is the most convenient milling
|     location: it's on your own farm, and can mill all seven mill-able
|     items. Unfortunately, you'll have to have the carpenters repair it
|     first, which costs a fortune -- 24,000G and some wood and stone lumber.
| Every milled item has a quality associated with it. By default, the quality
| that's produced is the same as the quality of the item you put into it.
| Except Rock Salt, every item has a quality: so, for example, a Good
| Buckwheat will result in a Good Soba Flour when milled. Like their source
| ingredients, higher-quality milled items sell for more and are more
| appreciated as gifts.
| But wait, there's more! Under certain conditions, the mills can actually
| improve the quality of the ingredient you put into the mill, depending on
| the weather. For the Windmill, that means wind speed (as indicated by the
| meter in the top left of the screen); for the Waterwheels, that means
| precipitation.
| This principle is more beneficial at the Windmill. Among the four Windmill
| items (Coffee Beans, Rock Salt, Sugarcane, Spicy Peppers), two are enhanced
| by high wind and two are enhanced by low wind. Sugarcane and Coffee Beans
| benefit from light wind and are penalized by heavy wind. Spicy Peppers and
| Rock Salt benefit from heavy wind, but are not penalized by light wind.
| The Waterwheels are a bit tougher. All Waterwheel items (except Rock Salt)
| are penalized by precipitation, but benefit from snowfall. The problem with
| that is that snowfall only happens in Winter. So it's best to mill at
| Waterwheels on clear or cloudy days.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| List Key                                                                   
| This recipe list is reasonably easy to understand, but for the sake of
| thoroughness I'll explain it.
| The list is made of four columns. The first column displays multiple pieces
| of information: at the top is the recipe name, the most important feature.
| Indented underneath that is the utensil you use to make that particular
| recipe. Most utensils are placed in your kitchen, but some (the Match Set
| and Mill) are out in the world. For Match Set recipes, buy a Match Set from
| the General Store and start a bonfire on one of the wood stacks to make the
| recipe. For the Mill, use the specified mill from the list above.
| The first column also contains some 'notes' where relevant. Notes typically
| tell you what the sale price of the ingredients must sum to in order to
| create a dish of that quality, or recipes that are listed by an alternate
| name on the game's recipe list than the listed item name.
| The second column is the ingredient list. These are the ingredients you
| need to put into the utensil in order to make that dish. If an ingredient
| is listed twice, it means you need two of them. For some recipes, like Herb
| Fish, extra ingredients can be used -- that's listed in the Notes section.
| When (any) is listed next to an ingredient, it means it corresponds to one
| of those categories listed previously.
| The third column is the stamina restoration value of the recipe. Note that
| all these values are approximate -- the actual stamina restoration may be a
| bit higher or lower, but should be accurate within about 10 points either
| way. If the stamina restoration is listed as 0, that typically means the
| recipe cannot be eaten.
| The final column is the sale value of the recipe. This is how much you'll
| receive if you ship that dish. Note that these values are also approximate
| -- it could be a bit more or less, but should be accurate within about 10G
| either way.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [RLIST]                                                                 /
|  /                                                            Recipe List  /
| /                                                                         /
| Recipe Name, Utensil & Notes         Ingredients       Stamina  Sale Price
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_AGE] _
| Aging Pot Recipes                                                          
| Apple Cocktail                       Apple                 220        350G
|   Aging Pot                          Apple
| Blackberry Cocktail                  Blackberry Fruit      160        125G
|   Aging Pot                          Blackberry Fruit
| Blueberry Cocktail                   Blueberry Fruit       160        125G
|   Aging Pot                          Blueberry Fruit
| Buckwheat Cocktail                   Buckwheat             160        450G
|   Aging Pot                          Buckwheat
| Coconut Cocktail                     Coconut               180        100G
|   Aging Pot                          Coconut
| Cranberry Cocktail                   Cranberry Fruit       160        125G
|   Aging Pot                          Cranberry Fruit
| Grape Cocktail                       Grape                 200        300G
|   Aging Pot                          Grape
| Kimchi                               Carrot                140        675G
|   Aging Pot                          Cabbage
|                                      Spicy Pepper
| Olive Cocktail                       Olive                 200        300G
|   Aging Pot                          Olive
| Pickled Vegetables                   Salt                  120        325G
|   Aging Pot                          Vegetable (any)
| Raspberry Cocktail                   Raspberry Fruit       160        125G
|   Aging Pot                          Raspberry Fruit
| Rice Cocktail                        Rice                  200        550G
|   Aging Pot                          Rice
| Sardine in Oil                       Sardine               100        275G
|   Aging Pot                          Olive Oil
| Wheat Cocktail                       Wheat                 200        325G
|   Aging Pot                          Wheat
| Yam Cocktail                         Yam                   180        350G
|   Aging Pot                          Yam
| Yogurt                               Milk (any)            140        275G
|   Aging Pot
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_CUT] _
| Cutting Board Recipes                                                      
| Box Lunch; Decent                    Rice                  200         10G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Vegetable (any)
|   to less than 400G                  Boiled Egg (any)
| Box Lunch; Good                      Rice                  260         50G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Vegetable (any)
|   to between 400G and 600G           Boiled Egg (any)
| Box Lunch; Perfect                   Rice                  300         50G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Vegetable (any)
|   to between 600G and 1200G          Boiled Egg (any)
| Box Lunch; Shining                   Rice                  360        100G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Vegetable (any)
|   to more than 1200G                 Boiled Egg (any)
| Chirashi Sushi                       Egg (any)             300        675G
|   Cutting Board                      Rice
|                                      Conger Eel
|                                      Mushroom (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Chocolate Banana                     Banana                320        225G
|   Cutting Board                      Chocolate Bar
| Egg Salad                            Mayonnaise            120        525G
|   Cutting Board                      Boiled Egg (any)
| Egg Sandwich                         Mayonnaise            200       1400G
|   Cutting Board                      Bread (any)
|                                      Boiled Egg (any)
| Hearty Lunch; Decent                 Egg (any)             200         10G
|   Cutting Board                      Butter (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Mayonnaise
|   to less than 800G                  Bread (any)
|                                      Vegetable (any)
| Hearty Lunch; Good                   Egg (any)             260         10G
|   Cutting Board                      Butter (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Mayonnaise
|   to between 800G and 1000G          Bread (any)
|                                      Vegetable (any)
| Hearty Lunch; Perfect                Egg (any)             300         10G
|   Cutting Board                      Butter (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Mayonnaise
|   to between 1000G and 1200G         Bread (any)
|                                      Vegetable (any)
| Hearty Lunch; Shining                Egg (any)             360         10G
|   Cutting Board                      Butter (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Mayonnaise
|   to more than 1200G                 Bread (any)
|                                      Vegetable (any)
| Marinated Fish; Decent               Onion                 160        300G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Herb (any)
|   to less than 450G
| Marinated Fish; Good                 Onion                 160        550G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Herb (any)
|   to between 450G and 700G
| Marinated Fish; Perfect              Onion                 180        850G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Herb (any)
|   to between 700G and 1400G
| Marinated Fish; Shining              Onion                 180       1300G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Herb (any)
|   to more than 1400G
| Marinated Mushroom                   Onion                 100        325G
|   Cutting Board                      Herb (any)
|                                      Mushroom (any)
| Pie Crust                            Butter (any)           20        500G
|   Cutting Board                      Flour (any)
| Rice Ball                            Rice                  180        350G
|   Cutting Board                      Laver Seaweed
| Sashimi; Decent                      Fish (any)             80         75G
|   Cutting Board
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to less than 300G; up to six
|   fish may be used
| Sashimi; Good                        Fish (any)            100        400G
|   Cutting Board
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to between 300G and 700G; up
|   to six fish may be used
| Sashimi; Perfect                     Fish (any)            120        850G
|   Cutting Board
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to between 700G and 1400G;
|   up to six fish may be used
| Sashimi; Shining                     Fish (any)            140       1700G
|   Cutting Board
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to more than 1400G; up to
|   six fish may be used
| Sobagaki                             Soba Flour             80        300G
|   Cutting Board
| Sushi; Decent                        Rice                  180        300G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to less than 500G; up to
|   five fish may be used
| Sushi; Good                          Rice                  220        650G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to between 500G and 800G; up
|   to five fish may be used
| Sushi; Perfect                       Rice                  240       1025G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to between 800G and 1400G;
|   up to five fish may be used
| Sushi; Shining                       Rice                  280       1825G
|   Cutting Board                      Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to more than 1400G; up to
|   five fish may be used
| Taco                                 Onion                 500       1575G
|   Cutting Board                      Tomato
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Lettuce
|                                      Tortilla
| Tuna Sandwich                        Tuna                  200       1125G
|   Cutting Board                      Mayonnaise
|                                      Bread (any)
| Vegetable Salad                      Mayonnaise            100        425G
|   Cutting Board                      Vegetable (any)
| Vegetable Sandwich                   Mayonnaise            180       1300G
|   Cutting Board                      Bread (any)
|                                      Vegetable (any)
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_FRY] _
| Frying Pan Recipes                                                         
| Baked Potato                         Butter (any)          180        525G
|   Frying Pan                         Potato
| Buckwheat Pancake                    Egg (any)             300        775G
|   Frying Pan                         Milk (any)
|                                      Honey
|                                      Soba Flour
| Butter Steamed Clam                  Clam                  180        375G
|   Frying Pan                         Butter (any)
| Butter Steamed Mussel                Mussel                180        350G
|   Frying Pan                         Butter (any)
| Butter Steamed Oyster                Oyster                180        350G
|   Frying Pan                         Butter (any)
| Cheese Omelet                        Egg (any)             260        675G
|   Frying Pan                         Butter (any)
|                                      Cheese (any)
| Croquette                            Egg (any)             180       1200G
|   Frying Pan                         Potato
|                                      Bread (any)
| Curry Bread                          Onion                 300       1125G
|   Frying Pan                         Potato
|                                      Carrot
|                                      Flour (any)
|                                      Curry Powder
| French Fries                         Potato                120        475G
|   Frying Pan                         Olive Oil
| Fried Egg                            Egg (any)             120        125G
|   Frying Pan
| Fried Rice                           Egg (any)             320        425G
|   Frying Pan                         Rice
| Meuniere; Decent                     Herb (any)            180        250G
|   Frying Pan                         Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Butter (any)
|   to less than 300G
| Meuniere; Good                       Herb (any)            180        525G
|   Frying Pan                         Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Butter (any)
|   to between 300G and 600G
| Meuniere; Perfect                    Herb (any)            180        900G
|   Frying Pan                         Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Butter (any)
|   to between 600G and 1200G
| Meuniere; Shining                    Herb (any)            180       1550G
|   Frying Pan                         Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Butter (any)
|   to more than 1200G
| Omelet Rice                          Egg (any)             360        650G
|   Frying Pan                         Rice
|                                      Butter (any)
| Paella                               Rice                  380        825G
|   Frying Pan                         Tomato
|                                      Olive Oil
|                                      Yellow Herb
|                                      Shellfish (any)
| Pancake                              Egg (any)             300        675G
|   Frying Pan                         Milk (any)
|                                      Honey
|                                      Flour (any)
| Pesto Spaghetti                      Egg (any)             560        700G
|   Frying Pan                         Salt
|                                      Olive Oil
|                                      Herb (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Plain Omelet                         Egg (any)             200        325G
|   Frying Pan                         Butter (any)
| Potato Pancake                       Egg (any)             300        725G
|   Frying Pan                         Milk (any)
|                                      Honey
|                                      Potato
| Pumpkin Croquette                    Egg (any)             180       1175G
|   Frying Pan                         Pumpkin
|                                      Bread (any)
| Salmon Fried Rice                    Egg (any)             440        625G
|   Frying Pan                         Rice
|                                      Salmon
| Sauteed Clam                         Clam                  220        325G
|   Frying Pan                         Olive Oil
| Sauteed Mushroom                     Olive Oil             160        300G
|   Frying Pan                         Mushroom (any)
| Sauteed Mussel                       Mussel                220        300G
|   Frying Pan                         Olive Oil
| Sauteed Oyster                       Oyster                220        300G
|   Frying Pan                         Olive Oil
| Sauteed Spinach                      Spinach               160        500G
|   Frying Pan                         Olive Oil
| Seafood Fried Rice                   Egg (any)             400        525G
|   Frying Pan                         Rice
|                                      Squid
|                                      Shellfish (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Southern Fried Rice                  Egg (any)             380        525G
|   Frying Pan                         Rice
|                                      Laver Seaweed
|                                      Pineapple
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Southern Omelet                      Egg (any)             400        700G
|   Frying Pan                         Rice
|                                      Pineapple
|                                      Spicy Pepper
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Spaghetti Carbonara                  Egg (any)             460        925G
|   Frying Pan                         Salt
|                                      Milk (any)
|                                      Olive Oil
|                                      Flour (any)
| Spaghetti Napolitan                  Egg (any)             400        850G
|   Frying Pan                         Salt
|                                      Tomato
|                                      Olive Oil
|                                      Flour (any)
| Spaghetti Pescatore                  Egg (any)             320        700G
|   Frying Pan                         Salt
|                                      Olive Oil
|                                      Flour (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Squid Ink Spaghetti                  Egg (any)             140        700G
|   Frying Pan                         Salt
|                                      Squid
|                                      Olive Oil
|                                      Flour (any)
| Stir Fry                             Vegetable (any)       160        250G
|   Frying Pan
| Tomato Omelet                        Egg (any)             220        600G
|   Frying Pan                         Butter (any)
|                                      Tomato
| Tortilla                             Salt                   20        600G
|   Frying Pan                         Cornmeal
|                                      Olive Oil
| Tortilla Chips                       Tortilla              340        625G
|   Frying Pan
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_ICM] _
| Ice Cream Maker Recipes                                                    
| Apple Ice Cream                      Egg (any)             160        775G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Apple
| Banana Ice Cream                     Egg (any)             160        650G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Banana
| Blackberry Ice Cream                 Egg (any)             160        675G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Blackberry Fruit
| Blueberry Ice Cream                  Egg (any)             160        675G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Blueberry Fruit
| Carrot Ice Cream                     Egg (any)             160        850G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Carrot
| Cherry Ice Cream                     Egg (any)             160        750G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Cherry
| Chocolate Ice Cream                  Egg (any)             160        775G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Cocoa
| Coffee Ice Cream                     Egg (any)             160        825G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Ground Coffee
| Cranberry Ice Cream                  Egg (any)             160        675G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Cranberry Fruit
| Grape Ice Cream                      Egg (any)             160        750G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Grape
| Green Tea Ice Cream                  Egg (any)             160        825G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Green Tea
| Honeydew Ice Cream                   Egg (any)             160        975G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Honeydew
| Mint Ice Cream                       Egg (any)             160        650G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Green Herb
| Orange Ice Cream                     Egg (any)             160        750G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Orange
| Raspberry Ice Cream                  Egg (any)             160        650G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Raspberry Fruit
| Strawberry Ice Cream                 Egg (any)             160        850G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|                                      Strawberry
| Vanilla Ice Cream                    Egg (any)             160        600G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
| Yam Ice Cream                        Egg (any)             160        775G
|   Ice Cream Maker                    Yam
|                                      Milk (any)
|                                      Sugar
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_MAT] _
| Match Set Recipes                                                          
| Grilled Angler Fish                  Angler Fish           220        350G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Barracuda                    Barracuda             600        700G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Bonito                       Bonito                160        125G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Brown Trout                  Brown Trout           160        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Carp                         Carp                  140         75G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Catfish                      Catfish               120        125G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Char                         Char                  120        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Cod                          Cod                   140        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Conger Eel                   Conger Eel            200        150G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Crawfish                     Crawfish               20         25G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Dorado                       Dorado                700        700G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Eel                          Eel                   220        200G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Flounder                     Flounder              140         75G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Giant Arowana                Giant Arowana         660        650G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Goby                         Goby                   80         25G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Halibut                      Halibut               160        125G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Herring                      Pacific Herring       140         75G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Horse Mackerel               Horse Mackerel        100        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Huchen                       Huchen                120        250G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Jellyfish                    Skull Jellyfish       400        675G
|   Match Set
| Grilled King Salmon                  King Salmon           770        750G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Lobster                      Lobster               160        200G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Mackerel                     Mackerel              120        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Mahi-Mahi                    Mahi-Mahi             100        300G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Manta Ray                    Manta Ray             140        175G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Masu Trout                   Masu Trout            120        125G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Nautilus                     Nautilus              600        850G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Octopus                      Octopus               120         75G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Pacific Halibut              Pacific Halibut       860        750G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Pond Smelt                   Pond Smelt             80         25G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Prawn                        Freshwater Prawn      100         25G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Puffer Fish                  Puffer Fish           160         25G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Rainbow Trout                Rainbow Trout         100         75G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Rock Lobster                 Rock Lobster          160        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Rock Trout                   Rock Trout            140        125G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Rockfish                     Rockfish              140         75G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Salmon                       Salmon                160        275G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Sardine                      Sardine               100         25G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Saury                        Saury                 200        100G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Sea Bream                    Sea Bream             140        150G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Shark                        Shark                 120        350G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Squid                        Squid                 100         50G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Steelhead                    Steelhead              80         50G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Swordfish                    Swordfish             140        325G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Tarpon                       Tarpon                300        800G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Tuna                         Tuna                  220        325G
|   Match Set
| Grilled Yellowtail                   Yellowtail            140        175G
|   Match Set
| Roasted Chestnut                     Chestnut              120        175G
|   Match Set
| Roasted Corn                         Corn                  140        200G
|   Match Set
| Roasted Yam                          Yam                   160        175G
|   Match Set
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_MIL] _
| Mill Recipes                                                               
| Cornmeal; Decent                     Corn                    0        200G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Cornmeal; Good                       Corn                    0        225G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Cornmeal; Perfect                    Corn                    0        275G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Cornmeal; Shining                    Corn                    0        325G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Curry Powder; Decent                 Spicy Pepper            0        200G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Curry Powder; Good                   Spicy Pepper            0        225G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Curry Powder; Perfect                Spicy Pepper            0        275G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Curry Powder; Shining                Spicy Pepper            0        325G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Ground Coffee; Decent                Coffee Bean             0        200G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Ground Coffee; Good                  Coffee Bean             0        225G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Ground Coffee; Perfect               Coffee Bean             0        275G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Ground Coffee; Shining               Coffee Bean             0        325G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Salt; Decent                         Rock Salt               0        100G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Salt; Good                           Rock Salt               0        100G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Salt; Perfect                        Rock Salt               0        125G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Soba Flour; Decent                   Buckwheat               0        225G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Soba Flour; Good                     Buckwheat               0        250G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Soba Flour; Perfect                  Buckwheat               0        300G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Soba Flour; Shining                  Buckwheat               0        400G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Sugar; Decent                        Sugarcane               0        200G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Sugar; Good                          Sugarcane               0        225G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Sugar; Perfect                       Sugarcane               0        275G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Sugar; Shining                       Sugarcane               0        325G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with Windmill
|   or repaired Waterwheel
| Wheat Flour; Decent                  Wheat                   0        150G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Wheat Flour; Good                    Wheat                   0        175G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Wheat Flour; Perfect                 Wheat                   0        200G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
| Wheat Flour; Shining                 Wheat                   0        275G
|   Mill
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
|   according to Milling
|   section; made with either
|   Waterwheel
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_MIX] _
| Mixer Recipes                                                              
| Apple Juice                          Apple                 180        175G
|   Mixer
| Banana Milk                          Milk (any)            260        325G
|   Mixer                              Banana
| Blackberry Juice                     Blackberry Fruit       80         75G
|   Mixer
| Blue Perfume                         Blue Mist Flower        0       1600G
|   Mixer                              Blue Mist Flower
|                                      Blue Mist Flower
|                                      Blue Mist Flower
| Blueberry Juice                      Blueberry Fruit        80         75G
|   Mixer
| Bodigizer                            Honey                 300        275G
|   Mixer                              Red Herb
|                                      Pontata Root
| Bodigizer XL                         Egg (any)             800        225G
|   Mixer                              Honey
|                                      Pontata Root
|                                      Purple Herb
| Carrot Juice                         Carrot                100        250G
|   Mixer
| Coconut Juice                        Coconut               100         50G
|   Mixer
| Cold Medicine                        Royal Jelly            20        125G
|   Mixer                              Pontata Root
|                                      Mushroom (any)
| Cranberry Juice                      Cranberry Fruit        80         75G
|   Mixer
| Decent Perfume                       Flower (any)            0        400G
|   Mixer                              Flower (any)
| Grape Juice                          Grape                 160        150G
|   Mixer
| Green Perfume                        Green Bell Flower       0        475G
|   Mixer                              Green Bell Flower
|                                      Green Bell Flower
|                                      Green Bell Flower
| Honeydew Juice                       Honeydew              220        375G
|   Mixer
| Honeydew Milk                        Milk (any)            280        650G
|   Mixer                              Honeydew
| Olive Oil; Decent                    Olive                   0        125G
|   Mixer
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
| Olive Oil; Good                      Olive                   0        150G
|   Mixer
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
| Olive Oil; Perfect                   Olive                   0        175G
|   Mixer
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
| Olive Oil; Shining                   Olive                   0        275G
|   Mixer
|   Quality will match
|   ingredient's quality
| Orange Juice                         Orange                100        150G
|   Mixer
| Pineapple Juice                      Pineapple             160         75G
|   Mixer
| Purple Perfume                       Lavender                0        425G
|   Mixer                              Lavender
|                                      Lavender
|                                      Lavender
| Raspberry Juice                      Raspberry Fruit        80         50G
|   Mixer
| Red Perfume                          Rose                    0        900G
|   Mixer                              Rose
|                                      Rose
|                                      Rose
| Remedy                               Pontata Root           20        100G
|   Mixer                              Royal Jelly
| Shining Perfume                      Flower (any)            0       1700G
|   Mixer                              Flower (any)
|                                      Flower (any)
|                                      Flower (any)
|                                      Flower (any)
| Stay Awake                           Milk (any)             20        525G
|   Mixer                              Spicy Pepper
|                                      Pontata Root
| Strawberry Milk                      Milk (any)            260        525G
|   Mixer                              Strawberry
| Super Stay Awake                     Milk (any)            200        575G
|   Mixer                              Spicy Pepper
|                                      Red Herb
|                                      Pontata Root
| Tomato Juice                         Tomato                100        200G
|   Mixer
| Vegetable Juice                      Spinach               300        675G
|   Mixer                              Cabbage
|                                      Bell Pepper
| Yellow Perfume                       Moondrop Flower         0        500G
|   Mixer                              Moondrop Flower
|                                      Moondrop Flower
|                                      Moondrop Flower
| Yogurt Drink                         Honey                 260        400G
|   Mixer                              Yogurt
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_OVE] _
| Oven Recipes                                                               
| Apple Pie                            Egg (any)             360        750G
|   Oven                               Apple
|                                      Pie Crust
| Baked Yam                            Yam                   300        775G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Egg (any)
|                                      Milk (any)
| Banana Pudding                       Egg (any)             320        425G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Banana
| Blackberry Pie                       Egg (any)             360        650G
|   Oven                               Pie Crust
|                                      Blackberry Fruit
| Blueberry Pie                        Egg (any)             360        650G
|   Oven                               Pie Crust
|                                      Blueberry Fruit
| Bread                                Milk (any)            260        775G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Carrot Cake                          Egg (any)             320       1100G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Carrot
|                                      Flour (any)
| Cheesecake                           Egg (any)             360       1150G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Cherry Pie                           Egg (any)             360        725G
|   Oven                               Cherry
|                                      Pie Crust
| Chestnut Pie                         Egg (any)             380        750G
|   Oven                               Chestnut
|                                      Pie Crust
| Chocolate Cake                       Egg (any)             360       1025G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Cocoa
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Chocolate Cookies                    Egg (any)             340        750G
|   Oven                               Cocoa
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Chocolate Pie                        Egg (any)             360        750G
|   Oven                               Cocoa
|                                      Pie Crust
| Chocolate Pudding                    Egg (any)             300        525G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Cocoa
| Cookies                              Egg (any)             300        575G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Cornbread                            Milk (any)            300        975G
|   Oven                               Corn
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Doria                                Rice                  300        900G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Mushroom (any)
| Herb Bread                           Milk (any)            300        800G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Herb (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Herb Cookies                         Egg (any)             320        625G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Herb (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Herb Fish; Decent                    Herb (any)            280        100G
|   Oven                               Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to less than 250G; up to
|   five fish may be used
| Herb Fish; Good                      Herb (any)            280        325G
|   Oven                               Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to between 250G and 500G; up
|   to five fish may be used
| Herb Fish; Perfect                   Herb (any)            280        600G
|   Oven                               Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to between 500G and 1000G;
|   up to five fish may be used
| Herb Fish; Shining                   Herb (any)            280       1150G
|   Oven                               Fish (any)
|   Ingredient sale prices sum
|   to more than 1000G; up to
|   five fish may be used
| Mashed Potatoes                      Milk (any)            280        800G
|   Oven                               Potato
|                                      Butter (any)
| Mont Blanc Cake                      Egg (any)             380       1000G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Chestnut
|                                      Flour (any)
| Mushroom Gratin                      Milk (any)            280        925G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Mushroom (any)
| Onion Bread                          Milk (any)            300        975G
|   Oven                               Onion
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
| Orange Cake                          Egg (any)             320       1000G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Orange
|                                      Flour (any)
| Orange Cookies                       Egg (any)             340        725G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Orange
|                                      Flour (any)
| Orange Pie                           Egg (any)             360        725G
|   Oven                               Orange
|                                      Pie Crust
| Pizza                                Cheese (any)          500        800G
|   Oven                               Pie Crust
| Potato Gratin                        Milk (any)            400       1100G
|   Oven                               Butter (any)
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Potato
| Pudding                              Egg (any)             260        375G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
| Pumpkin Cake                         Egg (any)             320       1050G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Pumpkin
|                                      Flour (any)
| Pumpkin Pie                          Egg (any)             380        775G
|   Oven                               Pumpkin
|                                      Pie Crust
| Pumpkin Pudding                      Egg (any)             360        550G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Pumpkin
| Raspberry Pie                        Egg (any)             360        625G
|   Oven                               Pie Crust
|                                      Raspberry Fruit
| Seafood Doria                        Rice                  320        975G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Clam
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Seafood Gratin                       Milk (any)            380        975G
|   Oven                               Squid
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Cheese (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Seafood Pizza                        Squid                 500        900G
|   Oven                               Cheese (any)
|                                      Pie Crust
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Shortcake                            Egg (any)             360       1100G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Strawberry
|                                      Flour (any)
| Spinach Cake                         Egg (any)             320       1100G
|   Oven                               Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Spinach
|                                      Flour (any)
| Vegetable Pizza                      Cheese (any)          520       1425G
|   Oven                               Tomato
|                                      Pie Crust
|                                      Bell Pepper
|                                      Potato
| Yam Cake                             Egg (any)             320       1025G
|   Oven                               Yam
|                                      Milk (any)
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Flour (any)
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [R_POT] _
| Pot Recipes                                                                
| Apple Candy                          Apple                 160        425G
|   Pot                                Sugar
| Apple Jam                            Apple                 200        350G
|   Pot                                Apple
| Banana Candy                         Sugar                 160        300G
|   Pot                                Banana
| Blackberry Candy                     Sugar                 160        300G
|   Pot                                Blackberry Fruit
| Blackberry Jam                       Blackberry Fruit      160        125G
|   Pot                                Blackberry Fruit
| Blueberry Candy                      Sugar                 160        300G
|   Pot                                Blueberry Fruit
| Blueberry Jam                        Blueberry Fruit       180        125G
|   Pot                                Blueberry Fruit
| Boiled Corn                          Corn                  100        225G
|   Pot
| Boiled Duck Egg                      Duck Egg              100        175G
|   Pot
| Boiled Egg                           Chicken Egg           100        125G
|   Pot
| Boiled Ostrich Egg                   Ostrich Egg           100        650G
|   Pot
| Boiled Spinach                       Spinach               120        275G
|   Pot
| Bouillabaisse; Decent                Onion                 280        525G
|   Pot                                Tomato
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Red Herb
|   to less than 1000G                 Fish (any)
|                                      Shellfish (any)
| Bouillabaisse; Good                  Onion                 280       1100G
|   Pot                                Tomato
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Red Herb
|   to between 1000G and 1250G         Fish (any)
|                                      Shellfish (any)
| Bouillabaisse; Perfect               Onion                 280       1350G
|   Pot                                Tomato
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Red Herb
|   to between 1250G and 1700G         Fish (any)
|                                      Shellfish (any)
| Bouillabaisse; Shining               Onion                 280       1850G
|   Pot                                Tomato
|   Ingredient sale prices sum         Red Herb
|   to more than 1700G                 Fish (any)
|                                      Shellfish (any)
| Cafe au Lait                         Milk (any)            140        475G
|   Pot                                Ground Coffee
| Cheese Fondue                        Cheese (any)          240       1475G
|   Pot                                Bread (any)
|                                      Grape Cocktail
| Cheese Risotto                       Rice                  260        775G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Cheese (any)
| Cherry Candy                         Sugar                 160        400G
|   Pot                                Cherry
| Cherry Jam                           Cherry                200        300G
|   Pot                                Cherry
| Chestnut Rice                        Rice                  200        425G
|   Pot                                Chestnut
| Chocolate Bar                        Cocoa                 300        175G
|   Pot
| Chocolate Fondue                     Milk (any)            240       1325G
|   Pot                                Bread (any)
|                                      Chocolate Bar
| Clam Soup                            Clam                  160         75G
|   Pot
| Coffee Candy                         Sugar                 160        450G
|   Pot                                Ground Coffee
| Conger Eel Bowl                      Rice                  260        400G
|   Pot                                Conger Eel
| Corn Soup                            Corn                  160        475G
|   Pot                                Milk (any)
| Cranberry Candy                      Sugar                 160        300G
|   Pot                                Cranberry Fruit
| Curry Soba                           Onion                 400        750G
|   Pot                                Curry Powder
|                                      Soba Flour
| Eel Bowl                             Eel                   360        475G
|   Pot                                Rice
| Egg Rice                             Egg (any)             140        350G
|   Pot                                Rice
| Egg Soup                             Egg (any)             120        375G
|   Pot                                Milk (any)
| Fish Soup                            Sea Bream             180        150G
|   Pot
| Grape Candy                          Grape                 160        400G
|   Pot                                Sugar
| Green Tea                            Tea Leaves             80        225G
|   Pot
| Herbal Tea                           Herb (any)             80         50G
|   Pot
| Honeydew Candy                       Honeydew              160        625G
|   Pot                                Sugar
| Hot Cocoa                            Milk (any)            160        450G
|   Pot                                Cocoa
| Hot Coffee                           Ground Coffee         160        225G
|   Pot
| Hot Milk                             Milk (any)            140        275G
|   Pot
| Marmalade                            Orange                220        300G
|   Pot                                Orange
| Milk Candy                           Milk (any)            160        525G
|   Pot                                Sugar
| Milk Tea                             Milk (any)            100        325G
|   Pot                                Herb (any)
| Mint Candy                           Sugar                 160        275G
|   Pot                                Green Herb
| Mushroom Rice                        Rice                  160        325G
|   Pot                                Mushroom (any)
| Mushroom Soup                        Milk (any)            160        325G
|   Pot                                Mushroom (any)
| Orange Candy                         Sugar                 160        400G
|   Pot                                Orange
| Potato Stew                          Potato                100        250G
|   Pot
| Pot-au-Feu                           Onion                 320       1125G
|   Pot                                Potato
|                                      Carrot
|                                      Turnip
|                                      Cabbage
| Pumpkin Stew                         Pumpkin               100        225G
|   Pot
| Raspberry Candy                      Sugar                 160        300G
|   Pot                                Raspberry Fruit
| Raspberry Jam                        Raspberry Fruit       160        100G
|   Pot                                Raspberry Fruit
| Ratatoullie                          Onion                 280        775G
|   Pot                                Tomato
|                                      Eggplant
|                                      Bell Pepper
| Salmon Cream Stew                    Milk (any)            300       1300G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Salmon
|                                      Carrot
| Sardine Tomato Stew                  Tomato                180        225G
|   Pot                                Sardine
| Saury Tomato Stew                    Saury                 180        300G
|   Pot                                Tomato
| Seafood Curry                        Rice                  300        700G
|   Pot                                Squid
|                                      Curry Powder
|                                      Shellfish (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Seafood Risotto                      Rice                  300        650G
|   Pot                                Squid
|                                      Onion
|                                      Shellfish (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Seafood Stew                         Milk (any)            360        950G
|   Pot                                Butter (any)
|                                      Fish (any)
|                                      Shellfish (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Shark Fin Soup                       Shark                 260        500G
|   Pot                                Spinach
| Shark Fin Stew                       Shark                 180        600G
|   Pot                                Herb (any)
|                                      Salt
| Spicy Seafood Stew                   Onion                 260        675G
|   Pot                                Tomato
|                                      Spicy Pepper
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Spicy Stew                           Milk (any)            300       1175G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Carrot
|                                      Potato
|                                      Spicy Pepper
| Spinach Risotto                      Rice                  180        725G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Spinach
| Squid Tomato Stew                    Squid                 160        250G
|   Pot                                Tomato
| Steamed Egg                          Egg (any)             200        650G
|   Pot                                Spinach
|                                      Mushroom (any)
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Steamed Turnip                       Turnip                160        375G
|   Pot                                Sea Bream
| Stew                                 Milk (any)            320       1250G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Butter (any)
|                                      Carrot
|                                      Potato
| Strawberry Candy                     Sugar                 160        500G
|   Pot                                Strawberry
| Strawberry Jam                       Strawberry            260        500G
|   Pot                                Strawberry
| Tempura Soba                         Eggplant              560        500G
|   Pot                                Soba Flour
|                                      Crustacean (any)
| Tomato Risotto                       Rice                  200        675G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Tomato
| Tomato Soup                          Milk (any)            160        475G
|   Pot                                Tomato
| Tsukimi Soba                         Egg (any)             460        375G
|   Pot                                Soba Flour
| Tuna Bowl                            Rice                  320        575G
|   Pot                                Tuna
| Vegetable Curry                      Rice                  300       1200G
|   Pot                                Onion
|                                      Carrot
|                                      Potato
|                                      Curry Powder
| Yam Rice                             Yam                   200        450G
|   Pot                                Rice
| Yam Stew                             Yam                   100        200G
|   Pot
| Zaru Soba                            Soba Flour            400        300G
|   Pot

        // [CHARA]                                                           //
       //                                                      Characters   //
      //  "We sometimes encounter people, even                             //
     //  perfect strangers, who begin to interest                         //
    //  us at first sight, somehow suddenly,                             //
   //  all at once, before a word has been                              //
  //  spoken." -Fydor Dostoevsky                                       //
| Animal Parade is home to over four dozen different villagers, several
| magical creatures, and another dozen 'potential' villagers as well. Each
| and every villager has their own home, birthday, and gift preferences.
| You'll notice that the Bachelors and Bachelorettes have two extra
| categories: Dating Info and Rival Dating Info. For more information on
| these items, check out the Dating and Marriage section by searching for
| [-DT&MR-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [VGUYS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                              Bachelors  /
| /                                                                         /
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CALVI] _
| Calvin                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 14
|      Home : Inn
| Workplace : Upper Garmon Mine
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After finding the Yellow Bell and talking with the Goddess
|     Meet : Automatically when you begin to charge up the Yellow Bell.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline; marriage candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Jam (see Pot recipe)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Calvin.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Calvin, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Calvin, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Topaz
|  4-Heart Gift : Diamond
| Date Location : at the Bar, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Phoebe
|  First Event Location : Once you have Calvin raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter Garmon Mine, if you are
|                       : a guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Phoebe.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Calvin raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter the General Store, if you are a guy. If
|                       : you are a girl, it will trigger when you have 7
|                       : hearts with Phoebe.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Heath
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the General
|                       : Store) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Heath).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CHASE] _
| Chase                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 23
|      Home : Chase's House in Flute Fields
| Workplace : Inn
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet outside the Church any time after the game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Orange Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Orange Juice (320G from Lv.4 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Marmalade (see Pot recipe)
|       : Orange Juice (320G from Ocean Festival)
|       : Chicken Egg; Shining (obtained from your own Chicken)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Chase.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Chase, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Chase, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Salt
|  4-Heart Gift : Orange Cake
| Date Location : at the Lighthouse, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Maya
|  First Event Location : Once you have Chase raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Inn, if you are a
|                       : guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Maya.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Chase raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter Chase's house, if you are a guy. If you
|                       : are a girl, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts
|                       : with Maya.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Dakota
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Chase's
|                       : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Dakota).
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GILL.] _
| Gill                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 22
|      Home : Hamilton's House in Harmonica Town
| Workplace : Town Hall
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Hamilton (father)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Automatically after ringing the Blue Bell.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Tomato Juice (420G from Lv.2 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Tomato Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Squid Tomato Stew (510G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Saury Tomato Stew (590G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
| Likes : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Cold Medicine (260G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Blue Herb (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Bodigizer (430G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Gill.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Gill, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Gill, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Cherry Shell
|  4-Heart Gift : Clothing
| Date Location : at the Tailor Shop, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Luna
|  First Event Location : Once you have Gill raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter Town Hall, if you are a
|                       : guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Luna.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Gill raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter Hamilton's house, if you are a guy. If you
|                       : are a girl, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts
|                       : with Luna.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Vivian
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Hamilton's
|                       : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Vivian).
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HRVKN] _
| Harvest King                                                               
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : Atop the mountain, accessed through the Upper Garmon Mine
| Workplace : Atop the mountain, accessed through the Upper Garmon Mine
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : At the conclusion of the main plotline
|     Meet : Atop the mountain, accessed by scaling the Upper Garmon Mine.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline (no kidding); marriage
|          : candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Grape Cocktail (600G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Apple Cocktail (680G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Apple Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Grape Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Grape; Shining (grown on your farm in Fall)
| Likes : Anemone (grown on your farm in Winter)
|       : Olive Cocktail (600G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Olive Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Anemone (200G from Lv.4 Marimba Farm in Winter)
|       : Chicken Egg; Shining (obtained from your own Chicken)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Harvest
|       : King. For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for
|       : Harvest King, see my Character Guide. For a complete list of all
|       : gift preferences for Harvest King, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : (none)
|  4-Heart Gift : Apple (Shining)
| Date Location : No date event
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [JIN..] _
| Jin                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 26
|      Home : the Clinic
| Workplace : the Clinic
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Irene (grandmother)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Meet at the Clinic.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline; marriage candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Cold Medicine (260G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Bodigizer (430G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
| Likes : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blue Herb (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Raspberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Jin. For
|       : a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Jin, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Jin, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Cold Medicine
|  4-Heart Gift : Remedy
| Date Location : at the Bar, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Anissa
|  First Event Location : Once you have Jin raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Clinic, if you are
|                       : a guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Anissa.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Jin raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter the Clinic, if you are a guy. If you are a
|                       : girl, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Anissa.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Van
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the Clinic)
|                       : a month after the wedding. Then, visit again a
|                       : month later to meet the grown-up child (Van).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [JULIU] _
| Julius                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 21
|      Home : Julius's House in Flute Fields
| Workplace : Accessory Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Accessory Shop any time after the game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Pumpkin Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Rose (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Pumpkin Pudding (see Oven recipe)
|       : Ruby (Red Wonderful refined by Mira, 10%)
|       : Rose (440G from Lv.2 Marimba Farm in Fall)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Purple Herb (foraged Winter through Summer)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Raspberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Julius.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Julius, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Julius, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Amethyst
|  4-Heart Gift : Clothing
| Date Location : at Moon Hill in Flute Fields, late in the afternoon (before
|               : 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Candace
|  First Event Location : Once you have Julius raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Tailor Shop, if you
|                       : are a guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when
|                       : you have 4 hearts with Candace.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Julius raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter Julius's house, if you are a guy. If you
|                       : are a girl, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts
|                       : with Candace.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Angie
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Julius's
|                       : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Angie).
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [LUKE.] _
| Luke                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 8
|      Home : Carpenter's Shop
| Workplace : Carpenter's Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Dale (father)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Yellow Bell and opening up Fugue Forest
|     Meet : In Fugue Forest, on the way to the Witch's house.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Boiled Spinach (see Pot recipe)
|       : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Coconut Cocktail (200G from Lv.3 Brass Bar)
|       : Banana (foraged Summer at Toucan Island)
|       : Banana Pudding (830G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
| Likes : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Luke.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Luke, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Luke, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Honey
|  4-Heart Gift : Vegetable Curry
| Date Location : at the Waterwheel in Flute Fields, late in the afternoon
|               : (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Selena
|  First Event Location : Once you have Luke raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Beach by Harmonica
|                       : Town, if you are a guy. If you are a girl, it will
|                       : trigger when you have 4 hearts with Selena.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Luke raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter the Bar, if you are a guy. If you are a girl,
|                       : it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with Selena.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Lucy
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the
|                       : Carpenter's Shop) a month after the wedding. Then,
|                       : visit again a month later to meet the grown-up
|                       : child (Lucy).
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OWEN.] _
| Owen                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 18
|      Home : Blacksmith's Shop
| Workplace : Blacksmith's Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Ramsey (grandfather), Chloe (sister)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet inside the outer entrance to both Garmon Mines any time
|          : after the game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Mushroom Soup (see Pot recipe)
|       : Copper Ore (dug up in any mine)
|       : Apple Cocktail (680G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
| Likes : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Fried Egg (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Owen.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Owen, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Owen, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Garnet
|  4-Heart Gift : Ruby
| Date Location : outside the Church, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Kathy
|  First Event Location : Once you have Owen raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter Horn Ranch, if you are
|                       : a guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Kathy.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Owen raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter the Bar, if you are a guy. If you are a girl,
|                       : it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with Kathy.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Roy
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the
|                       : Blacksmith's Shop) a month after the wedding. Then,
|                       : visit again a month later to meet the grown-up
|                       : child (Roy).
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TOBY.] _
| Toby                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 9
|      Home : Fishing Company
| Workplace : Fishing Company
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet by the Waterwheel in Flute Fields any time after the game
|          : starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Clam Soup (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Cosmos (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Grilled Prawn (see Match Set recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Green Herb (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Toby.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Toby, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Toby, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Fish
|  4-Heart Gift : Eel Rice
| Date Location : at the Waterwheel in Flute Fields, late in the afternoon
|               : (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Renee
|  First Event Location : Once you have Toby raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Dock, if you are a
|                       : guy. If you are a girl, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Renee.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Toby raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter Horn Ranch, if you are a guy. If you are a
|                       : girl, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Renee.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Matt
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Horn Ranch)
|                       : a month after the wedding. Then, visit again a
|                       : month later to meet the grown-up child (Matt).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WIZRD] _
| Wizard                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : Wizard's House in Harmonica Town
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After talking to the Witch (in frog form) in Fugue Forest
|     Meet : Meet at his house in Harmonica Town.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline; marriage candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Hot Coffee (440G from Lv.2 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Pontata Root (80G from Harvest Festival)
|       : Crystal Brooch (300G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Crystal (White Wonderful refined by Mira, 20%)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Wizard.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Wizard, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Wizard, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : (none)
|  4-Heart Gift : Vegetable Juice
| Date Location : outside the Church, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [GIRLS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                          Bachelorettes  /
| /                                                                         /
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ANISS] _
| Anissa                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 16
|      Home : Marimba Farm
| Workplace : Marimba Farm
|   Day Off : Wednesday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Ruth (mother), Craig (father), Taylor (brother)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Yellow Bell
|     Meet : At Marimba Farm, inside the shop.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blue Herb (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Cold Medicine (260G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Cranberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (140G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Raspberry Fruit (foraged Spring through Summer)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Anissa.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Anissa, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Anissa, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Herbal Tea
|  4-Heart Gift : Blackberry Pie
| Date Location : at Moon Hill in Flute Fields, late in the afternoon (before
|               : 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Jin
|  First Event Location : Once you have Anissa raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Clinic, if you are
|                       : a girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Jin.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Anissa raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter the Clinic, if you are a girl. If you are
|                       : a guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Jin.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Van
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the Clinic)
|                       : a month after the wedding. Then, visit again a
|                       : month later to meet the grown-up child (Van).
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CANDA] _
| Candace                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 7
|      Home : Tailor Shop
| Workplace : Tailor Shop
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Shelly (grandmother), Luna (sister)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Meet at the Tailor's Shop any time after the game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Mint Candy (see Pot recipe)
|       : Pearl Pendant (200G from Lv.2 Accessory Store)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Candace.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Candace, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Candace, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Silk Yarn (Good)
|  4-Heart Gift : Clothing
| Date Location : at the Beach, near the Dock in Harmonica Town, late in the
|               : afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Julius
|  First Event Location : Once you have Candace raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Tailor Shop, if you
|                       : are a girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when
|                       : you have 4 hearts with Julius.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Candace raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter Julius's house, if you are a girl. If you
|                       : are a guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts
|                       : with Julius.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Angie
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Julius's
|                       : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Angie).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HRVGD] _
| Harvest Goddess                                                            
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : Goddess Spring
| Workplace : Goddess Spring
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After completing the Fix the Bridge and Move the Animals events
|     Meet : At the Goddess Spring, accessible through Garmon Mine District.
| Function : Directs the main plot of the game; marriage candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Royal Jelly (picked from flowers on your farm with bees)
|       : Honey; Shining (picked from flowers on your farm with bees)
| Likes : Moondrop Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Hibiscus (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Pinkcat (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Hyacinth (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Blue Mist Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Harvest
|       : Goddess. For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for
|       : Harvest Goddess, see my Character Guide. For a complete list of all
|       : gift preferences for Harvest Goddess, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : (none)
|  4-Heart Gift : Royal Jelly
| Date Location : No date event
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [KATHY] _
| Kathy                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 3
|      Home : Bar
| Workplace : Bar
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Hayden (father)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Bar any time after the game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wheat Cocktail (640G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Carrot Juice (500G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Carrot Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Grape Cocktail (600G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Hibiscus (grown on your farm in Summer)
| Likes : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Raspberry Fruit (foraged Spring through Summer)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Kathy.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Kathy, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Kathy, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Carrot (Good)
|  4-Heart Gift : Cheese Fondue
| Date Location : at the Beach, near the Dock in Harmonica Town, late in the
|               : afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Owen
|  First Event Location : Once you have Kathy raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter Horn Ranch, if you are
|                       : a girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Owen.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Kathy raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter the Bar, if you are a girl. If you are a
|                       : guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Owen.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Roy
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the
|                       : Blacksmith's Shop) a month after the wedding. Then,
|                       : visit again a month later to meet the grown-up
|                       : child (Roy).
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [LUNA.] _
| Luna                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 25
|      Home : Tailor Shop
| Workplace : Tailor Shop
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Shelly (grandmother), Candace (sister)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Meet at the Tailor's Shop.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Pumpkin Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Pinkcat (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Pumpkin Pudding (see Oven recipe)
|       : Pinkcat (240G from Lv.3 Marimba Farm in Spring)
|       : Blueberry Pie (1290G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Cranberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Winter)
|       : Raspberry Fruit (foraged Spring through Summer)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Luna.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Luna, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Luna, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Flax Yarn (Good)
|  4-Heart Gift : Clothing
| Date Location : at the Tailor Shop, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Gill
|  First Event Location : Once you have Luna raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter Town Hall, if you are a
|                       : girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Gill.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Luna raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter Hamilton's house, if you are a girl. If you
|                       : are a guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts
|                       : with Gill.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Vivian
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Hamilton's
|                       : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Vivian).
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MAYA.] _
| Maya                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 24
|      Home : Inn
| Workplace : Inn
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Jake (father), Colleen (mother), Yolanda (grandmother)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Inn any time after the game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Yam Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Roasted Yam (see Match Set recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
| Likes : Cranberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Winter)
|       : Raspberry Fruit (foraged Spring through Summer)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Maya.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Maya, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Maya, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Chestnut (Good)
|  4-Heart Gift : Sweet Potato
| Date Location : at the Bar, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Chase
|  First Event Location : Once you have Maya raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Inn, if you are a
|                       : girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Chase.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Maya raised to 7 hearts and have seen
|                       : the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when you
|                       : enter Chase's house, if you are a girl. If you are
|                       : a guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Chase.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Dakota
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Chase's
|                       : house) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Dakota).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [PHOEB] _
| Phoebe                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 17
|      Home : General Store
| Workplace : Upper Garmon Mine
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Simon (father), Barbara (mother)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Red Bell
|     Meet : On the fifth floor of the Upper Garmon Mine.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Sobagaki (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Zaru Soba (see Pot recipe)
|       : Royal Jelly (picked from flowers on your farm with bees)
|       : Jade Brooch (300G from Lv.2 Accessory Store)
|       : Rare Ore (dug up in any mine)
| Likes : Green Herb (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Silver Ore (dug up in any mine)
|       : Mayonnaise; Perfect (260G from Lv.3 Horn Ranch)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Yellow Wonderful (dug up in either Garmon Mine)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Phoebe.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Phoebe, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Phoebe, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Gold
|  4-Heart Gift : Diamond
| Date Location : outside the Church, late in the afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Calvin
|  First Event Location : Once you have Phoebe raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter Garmon Mine, if you are
|                       : a girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Calvin.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Phoebe raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter the General Store, if you are a girl. If
|                       : you are a guy, it will trigger when you have 7
|                       : hearts with Calvin.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Heath
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the General
|                       : Store) a month after the wedding. Then, visit again
|                       : a month later to meet the grown-up child (Heath).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [RENEE] _
| Renee                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 5
|      Home : Horn Ranch
| Workplace : Horn Ranch
|   Day Off : Wednesday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Cain (father), Hannah (mother)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at Horn Ranch (outside the Windmill) any time after the
|          : game starts.
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Hot Milk (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Strawberry Milk (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Amber Pendant (300G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
|       : Amber Brooch (300G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Raspberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Renee.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Renee, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Renee, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Chicken Egg (Good)
|  4-Heart Gift : Stew
| Date Location : at the Waterwheel in Flute Fields, late in the afternoon
|               : (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Toby
|  First Event Location : Once you have Renee raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Dock, if you are a
|                       : girl. If you are a guy, it will trigger when you
|                       : have 4 hearts with Toby.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Renee raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter Horn Ranch, if you are a girl. If you are
|                       : a guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Toby.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Matt
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (Horn Ranch)
|                       : a month after the wedding. Then, visit again a
|                       : month later to meet the grown-up child (Matt).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SELEN] _
| Selena                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 26
|      Home : Pineapple Inn
| Workplace : Bar
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Samson (father), Sue (mother)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Meet on Toucan Island, accessible by ferry from the Dock (by the
|          : tickets from Ozzie and present them to Pascal).
| Function : Marriage Candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Hibiscus (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Lily (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Hibiscus (420G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Coconut Cocktail (200G from Lv.3 Brass Bar)
|       : Wheat Cocktail (640G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Pineapple Juice (160G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Selena.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Selena, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Selena, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : Black Pearl
|  4-Heart Gift : Southern Omelet Rice
| Date Location : at the Beach, near the Dock in Harmonica Town, late in the
|               : afternoon (before 6PM)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rival Dating Info
|                 Rival : Luke
|  First Event Location : Once you have Selena raised to 4 hearts, the event
|                       : will trigger when you enter the Beach by Harmonica
|                       : Town, if you are a girl. If you are a guy, it will
|                       : trigger when you have 4 hearts with Luke.
| Second Event Location : Once you have Selena raised to 7 hearts and have
|                       : seen the 4-heart event, the event will trigger when
|                       : you enter the Bar, if you are a girl. If you are a
|                       : guy, it will trigger when you have 7 hearts with
|                       : Luke.
|               Wedding : After witnessing the 7-heart event, you will
|                       : receive a wedding invitation in your mailbox. Go to
|                       : the church on the date on the invitation before
|                       : noon to witness the wedding.
|             Rival Kid : Lucy
|           Birth Event : Visit the couple's post-marriage home (the
|                       : Carpenter's Shop) a month after the wedding. Then,
|                       : visit again a month later to meet the grown-up
|                       : child (Lucy).
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WITCH] _
| Witch                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : Fugue Forest
| Workplace : Fugue Forest
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell and obtaining the items for the
|          : Wizard
|     Meet : At her house in Fugue Forest.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline; marriage candidate
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Jam (see Pot recipe)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Pontata Root (80G from Harvest Festival)
|       : Blackberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.4 Brass Bar)
| Likes : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Witch.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Witch, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Witch, see my Gift Guide.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dating Info
|  2-Heart Gift : (none)
|  4-Heart Gift : Pumpkin Pie
| Date Location : at Moon Hill in Flute Fields, late in the afternoon (before
|               : 6PM)
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [VILLS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                              Villagers  /
| /                                                                         /
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Barbara                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 23
|      Home : General Store
| Workplace : General Store
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Simon (husband), Phoebe (daughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the General Store any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the General Store
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Orange Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Clam (foraged Fall on any beach)
|       : Orange Juice (320G from Lv.4 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Amber Pendant (300G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
|       : Amber Brooch (300G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Wool Yarn; Yellow (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Barbara.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Barbara, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Barbara, see my Gift Guide.
|__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bo                                                                         
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 2
|      Home : Carpenter's Shop
| Workplace : Carpenter's Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet near Garmon Mine any time after the game starts.
| Function : Repairs the bridge to the Garmon Mine District; repairs the mine
|          : cart between Harmonica Town and the Garmon Mine District
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wool Yarn; Green (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Mushroom Rice (660G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
| Likes : Green Herb (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Hot Milk (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Bo. For
|       : a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Bo, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Bo, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cain                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 6
|      Home : Horn Ranch
| Workplace : Horn Ranch
|   Day Off : Wednesday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Hannah (wife), Renee (daughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at Horn Ranch (inside the barn) any time after the game
|          : starts.
| Function : Runs the Horse Racing mini-game
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Coconut Cocktail (200G from Lv.3 Brass Bar)
|       : Sea Urchin (160G from Ocean Festival)
|       : Seafood Stew (320G from Ocean Festival)
| Likes : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Cain.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Cain, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Cain, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chloe                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 27
|      Home : Blacksmith's Shop
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Ramsey (grandfather), Owen (brother)
|  Arrival : After meeting the Harvest Goddess and finding the stand for the
|          : Red Bell
|     Meet : Meet outside the Carpenter's Shop.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Red Wonderful (dug up in Lower Garmon Mine)
|       : Tulip (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Squid Tomato Stew (510G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Chloe.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Chloe, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Chloe, see my Gift Guide.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Colleen                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 12
|      Home : Inn
| Workplace : Inn
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Jake (husband), Maya (daughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Dock by the Fishing Company any time after the game
|          : starts.
| Function : Runs the Inn restaurant
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Apple Cocktail (680G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
|       : Rose (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Grape Cocktail (600G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Jade Brooch (300G from Lv.2 Accessory Store)
| Likes : Raspberry Fruit (foraged Spring through Summer)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Yellow Herb (foraged Spring through Fall)
|       : Cranberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Winter)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Colleen.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Colleen, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Colleen, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Craig                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 6
|      Home : Marimba Farm
| Workplace : Marimba Farm
|   Day Off : Wednesday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Ruth (wife), Anissa (daughter), Taylor (son)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at Marimba Farm any time after the game starts.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (490G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Olive Cocktail (600G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Olive Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Wheat; Shining (grown on your farm in Spring)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Purple Herb (foraged Winter through Summer)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Craig.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Craig, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Craig, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dale                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 14
|      Home : Carpenter's Shop
| Workplace : Carpenter's Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Luke (son)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Carpenter's Shop any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Carpenter's Shop for house, coop and barn upgrades and
|          : furniture purchases; plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Coconut Cocktail (200G from Lv.3 Brass Bar)
|       : Marinated Mushroom (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Clam Soup (see Pot recipe)
|       : Mushroom Rice (660G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Wheat Cocktail (640G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
| Likes : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Dale.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Dale, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Dale, see my Gift Guide.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hamilton                                                                   
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 13
|      Home : Hamilton's House in Harmonica Town
| Workplace : Town Hall
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Gill (son)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Automatically met in the opening sequence.
| Function : Runs Town Hall and sells additional homes and plots of land
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Potato Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Moondrop Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Silver Pendant (200G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
|       : Potato Stew (520G from Harvest Festival)
|       : Potato Pancake (see Frying Pan recipe)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Yam Stew (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for
|       : Hamilton. For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for
|       : Hamilton, see my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift
|       : preferences for Hamilton, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hannah                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 4
|      Home : Horn Ranch
| Workplace : Horn Ranch
|   Day Off : Wednesday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Cain (husband), Renee (daughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at Horn Ranch (inside the shop) any time after the game
|          : starts.
| Function : Runs the Horn Ranch Shop
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Morning Glory (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Plain Omelet (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Strawberry Milk (see Mixer recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Fried Egg (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Hannah.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Hannah, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Hannah, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hayden                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 21
|      Home : Bar
| Workplace : Bar
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Kathy (daughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Bar any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Bar
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Apple Cocktail (680G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
| Likes : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Boiled Duck Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Mayonnaise; Perfect (260G from Lv.3 Horn Ranch)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Hayden.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Hayden, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Hayden, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Irene                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 20
|      Home : Clinic
| Workplace : Clinic
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Jin (grandson)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Clinic any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Clinic shop
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Lavender (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Pumpkin Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Pontata Root (80G from Harvest Festival)
|       : Pontata Root (found in any mine)
|       : Lavender (200G from Lv.3 Marimba Farm in Spring)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (140G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Irene.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Irene, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Irene, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Jake                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 28
|      Home : Inn
| Workplace : Inn
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Colleen (wife), Maya (daughter), Yolanda (mother)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Dock by the Fishing Company any time after the game
|          : starts.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Blueberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
| Likes : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Stir Fry (490G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Clam Soup (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Jake.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Jake, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Jake, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mira                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Fall 10
|      Home : Accessory Shop
| Workplace : Accessory Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet inside the Church any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Accessory Shop; plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Lavender (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Grape Cocktail (600G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Blue Mist Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Orange Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Orange Juice (320G from Lv.4 Ocarina Inn)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Mira.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Mira, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Mira, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ozzie                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 23
|      Home : Fishing Company
| Workplace : Fishing Company
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Paolo (son)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Fishing Company any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Fishing Company shop; sells ferry tickets for Toucan
|          : Island
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Clam (foraged Fall on any beach)
|       : Oyster (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Mussel (120G from Ocean Festival)
| Likes : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Sashimi; Decent (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Goby (30G from Lv.1 Fishery in Spring)
|       : Rock Lobster (caught with fishing rod)
|       : Grilled Bonito (see Match Set recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Ozzie.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Ozzie, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Ozzie, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Paolo                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 20
|      Home : Fishing Company
| Workplace : Fishing Company
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Ozzie (father)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Yellow Bell and meeting with the Wizard
|     Meet : Meet at the lighthouse by Harmonica Town.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Clam (foraged Fall on any beach)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Oyster (foraged Summer on any beach)
| Likes : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sashimi; Decent (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Sardine (40G from Lv.1 Fishery in Spring)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Paolo.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Paolo, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Paolo, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pascal                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 3
|      Home : Fishing Company
| Workplace : Fishing Company
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Automatically the morning after ringing the Blue Bell.
| Function : Runs the ferry back and forth to Toucan Island
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Sea Urchin (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Oyster (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Cosmos (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Clam Soup (see Pot recipe)
|       : Sea Urchin (160G from Ocean Festival)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Herb Fish; Decent (see Oven recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Pascal.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Pascal, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Pascal, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Perry                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 7
|      Home : Church
| Workplace : Church
|   Day Off : None
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet inside the Church any time after the game starts.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Wool Yarn; Blue (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Mushroom Rice (660G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Lavender (grown on your farm in Spring)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blue Herb (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Perry.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Perry, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Perry, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ramsey                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 5
|      Home : Blacksmith's Shop
| Workplace : Blacksmith's Shop
|   Day Off : Thursday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Owen (grandson), Chloe (granddaughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Blacksmith's Shop any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Blacksmith's Shop after you ring the Red Bell
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Clam Soup (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Wheat Cocktail (640G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
|       : Sobagaki (see Cutting Board recipe)
| Likes : Stir Fry (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Sashimi; Decent (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Ramsey.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Ramsey, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Ramsey, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ruth                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 6
|      Home : Marimba Farm
| Workplace : Marimba Farm
|   Day Off : Wednesday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Craig (husband), Anissa (daughter), Taylor (son)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at Marimba Farm any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Marimba Farm shop
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Boiled Spinach (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blue Mist Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Boiled Spinach (550G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn in Fall)
|       : Sapphire Brooch (600G from Lv.3 Accessory Store)
|       : Sapphire Ring (600G from Lv.3 Accessory Store)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Raspberry Fruit (foraged Spring through Summer)
|       : Blackberry Fruit (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Ruth.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Ruth, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Ruth, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Samson                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 21
|      Home : Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island
| Workplace : Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Sue (wife), Selena (daughter)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Meet on Toucan Island, accessible by ferry from the Dock (by the
|          : tickets from Ozzie and present them to Pascal).
| Function : Runs the Pineapple Inn shop
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Hibiscus (grown on your farm in Summer)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Cranberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (140G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Samson.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Samson, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Samson, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shelly                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 19
|      Home : Tailor Shop
| Workplace : Tailor Shop
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Candace (granddaughter), Luna (granddaughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Tailor's Shop any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Tailor Shop; upgrades your rucksack
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Roasted Chestnut (see Match Set recipe)
|       : Mushroom Rice (660G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Mushroom Rice (see Pot recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blue Herb (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Begonia (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Shelly.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Shelly, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Shelly, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Simon                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Winter 8
|      Home : General Store
| Workplace : Photography Shop
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Barbara (wife), Phoebe (daughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Photography Shop any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs the Photography Shop
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Yam Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Pumpkin Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Potato Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Lapis Lazuli Pendant (400G from Lv.1 Accessory Store)
|       : Yam Stew (400G from Harvest Festival)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Simon.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Simon, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Simon, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sue                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Spring 27
|      Home : Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island
| Workplace : Pineapple Inn on Toucan Island
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Samson (husband), Selena (daughter)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Blue Bell
|     Meet : Meet on Toucan Island, accessible by ferry from the Dock (by the
|          : tickets from Ozzie and present them to Pascal).
| Function : Plays a role in the Toucan Island Drama event
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Blackberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Pineapple Juice (160G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Cranberry Cocktail (240G from Lv.2 Brass Bar)
|       : Raspberry Cocktail (see Aging Pot recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Blueberry Fruit (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Laver Seaweed (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Sue. For
|       : a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Sue, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Sue, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Taylor                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 19
|      Home : Marimba Farm
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Ruth (mother), Craig (father), Anissa (sister)
|  Arrival : After ringing the Yellow Bell
|     Meet : Meet at Marimba Farm any time after the game starts.
| Function : Runs Taylor's Seeds, a phone hotline for seeds
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Hot Coffee (440G from Lv.2 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Chocolate Bar (see Pot recipe)
|       : Banana Candy (590G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
| Likes : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Hot Milk (see Pot recipe)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Boiled Duck Egg (see Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Taylor.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Taylor, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Taylor, see my Gift Guide.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yolanda                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Summer 10
|      Home : Inn
| Workplace : Inn
|   Day Off : Sunday
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Jake (son), Maya (granddaughter)
|  Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|     Meet : Meet at the Inn any time after the game starts.
| Function : Involved in the Treasure Map event
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Pumpkin Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Yam Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
|       : Squid Tomato Stew (510G from Lv.1 Brass Bar)
| Likes : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Boiled Duck Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Yolanda.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Yolanda, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Yolanda, see my Gift Guide.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [RIVKD]                                                                 /
|  /                                                             Rival Kids  /
| /                                                                         /
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Angie                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Julius's House in Flute Fields
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Julius (father), Candace (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Julius and Candace's wedding
|     Meet : At Julius's House after receiving a note about her birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Cranberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Raspberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Blackberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (140G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Purple Herb (foraged Winter through Summer)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
|       : Pansy (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Cosmos (grown on your farm in Fall)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Angie.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Angie, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Angie, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dakota                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Chase's House in Flute Fields
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Chase (father), Maya (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Chase and Maya's wedding
|     Meet : At Chase's House after receiving a note about her birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Roasted Chestnut (see Match Set recipe)
|       : Pinkcat (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Pumpkin Pudding (see Oven recipe)
|       : Roasted Chestnut (330G from Harvest Festival)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
|       : Lavender (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Dakota.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Dakota, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Dakota, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Heath                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : General Store
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Calvin (father), Phoebe (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Calvin and Phoebe's wedding
|     Meet : At the General Store after receiving a note about his birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Pancake (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Chicken Egg; Shining (obtained from your own Chicken)
|       : Duck Egg; Shining (obtained from your own Duck)
| Likes : Purple Herb (foraged Winter through Summer)
|       : Cold Medicine (260G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Purple Herb (grown on your farm in Fall)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Heath.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Heath, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Heath, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lucy                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Carpenter's Shop
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Luke (father), Selena (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Luke and Selena's wedding
|     Meet : At the Carpenter's Shop after receiving a note about her birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Pineapple Juice (160G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Chocolate Banana (460G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Hibiscus (420G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|       : Grape Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Hibiscus (grown on your farm in Summer)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Oyster (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Mussel (foraged Summer on any beach)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Banana (foraged Summer at Toucan Island)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Lucy.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Lucy, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Lucy, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Matt                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Horn Ranch
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Toby (father), Renee (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Toby and Renee's wedding
|     Meet : At Horn Ranch after receiving a note about his birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Apple Juice (360G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Apple Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
|       : Sunflower (grown on your farm in Summer)
|       : Orange Juice (see Mixer recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Green Herb (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Cranberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Cranberry Juice (140G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Raspberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Matt.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Matt, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Matt, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Roy                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Blacksmith's Shop
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Owen (father), Kathy (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Owen and Kathy's wedding
|     Meet : At the Blacksmith's Shop after receiving a note about his birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Egg Soup (see Pot recipe)
|       : Honeydew Milk (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Strawberry Milk (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Grilled Salmon (see Match Set recipe)
|       : Conger Eel Bowl (see Pot recipe)
| Likes : Boiled Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Boiled Duck Egg (see Pot recipe)
|       : Tulip (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Anemone (grown on your farm in Winter)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Roy. For
|       : a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Roy, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Roy, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Van                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Clinic
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Jin (father), Anissa (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Jin and Anissa's wedding
|     Meet : At the Clinic after receiving a note about his birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Milk Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Potato Stew (see Pot recipe)
|       : Green Tea
| Likes : Blue Herb (foraged Fall through Spring)
|       : Cold Medicine (260G from Lv.1 Choral Clinic)
|       : Remedy (180G from Lv.2 Choral Clinic)
|       : Lavender (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Blue Herb (grown on your farm in Summer)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Van. For
|       : a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Van, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Van, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Vivian                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : Varies
|      Home : Hamilton's House in Harmonica Town
| Workplace : None
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : Gill (father), Luna (mother)
|  Arrival : Within a month after Gill and Luna's wedding
|     Meet : At Hamilton's House after receiving a note about her birth.
| Function : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Rose (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Honeydew Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Pinkcat (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Pumpkin Pudding (see Oven recipe)
|       : Pinkcat (240G from Lv.3 Marimba Farm in Spring)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Wool Yarn; Purple (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Wool Yarn; Yellow (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Wool Yarn; Red (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Wool Yarn; Green (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Vivian.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Vivian, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Vivian, see my Gift Guide.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [HARVS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                        Harvest Sprites  /
| /                                                                         /
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Alan                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : The Harvest Goddess Spring
| Workplace : The Harvest Goddess Spring
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : When you find the Red Bell
|     Meet : Automatically after getting the Red Bell out of the Blacksmith
|          : Shop's chimney.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wool Yarn; Red (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Tulip (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Spinel (Purple Wonderful refined by Mira, 20%)
|       : Sauteed Mushroom (see Frying Pan recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Common Mushroom (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Fried Egg (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Red Herb (foraged Summer through Winter)
|       : Common Mushroom (found in any mine)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Alan.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Alan, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Alan, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ben                                                                        
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : The Harvest Goddess Spring
| Workplace : The Harvest Goddess Spring
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After ringing the Yellow Bell and meeting with the Wizard
|     Meet : After opening up the Watery Cave with the key received from
|          : Paolo.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wool Yarn; Blue (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Marinated Mushroom (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Mushroom Rice (660G from Lv.1 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Mushroom Rice (see Pot recipe)
| Likes : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Common Mushroom (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Blueberry Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Common Mushroom (found in any mine)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Ben. For
|       : a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Ben, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Ben, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Collin                                                                     
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : The Harvest Goddess Spring
| Workplace : The Harvest Goddess Spring
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : When you find the Yellow Bell
|     Meet : Automatically when you find the Yellow Bell.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wool Yarn; Yellow (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Moondrop Flower (grown on your farm in Fall)
|       : Sauteed Mushroom (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Silk Yarn; Yellow (Cocoon placed in Yarn Maker)
| Likes : Common Mushroom (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Sakura Seashell (foraged Year-Round on any beach)
|       : Common Mushroom (found in any mine)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Pineapple Juice (160G from Lv.2 Pineapple Inn)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Collin.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Collin, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Collin, see my Gift Guide.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Daren                                                                      
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : The Harvest Goddess Spring
| Workplace : The Harvest Goddess Spring
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After getting the Green Bell from the Witch
|     Meet : Automatically after obtaining the Green Bell.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wool Yarn; Green (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Green Bell Flower (grown on your farm in Winter)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Sauteed Mushroom (see Frying Pan recipe)
|       : Jade (Green Wonderful refined by Mira, 15%)
| Likes : Common Mushroom (foraged Year-Round)
|       : Herbal Tea (see Pot recipe)
|       : Common Mushroom (found in any mine)
|       : Yogurt (see Aging Pot recipe)
|       : Mushroom (found in any mine)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Daren.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Daren, see
|       : my Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Daren, see my Gift Guide.
|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Edge                                                                       
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Basic Info
|  Birthday : N/A
|      Home : The Harvest Goddess Spring
| Workplace : The Harvest Goddess Spring
|   Day Off : N/A
| _ _ _ _ _
| Plot Info
|   Family : None
|  Arrival : After ringing the Green Bell
|     Meet : At the Church, through the side door by the altar.
| Function : Plays a role in the main plotline
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Item Preferences
| Loves : Wool Yarn; Purple (Sheep Wool placed in Yarn Maker)
|       : Marinated Mushroom (see Cutting Board recipe)
|       : Fugue Mushroom (foraged Year-Round at Fugue Forest)
|       : Pinkcat (grown on your farm in Spring)
|       : Sauteed Mushroom (see Frying Pan recipe)
| Likes : Mushroom (found in any mine)
|       : Grape Juice (see Mixer recipe)
|       : Grape Juice (320G from Lv.4 Ocarina Inn)
|       : Purple Wonderful (dug up in Watery Cave)
|       : Grape Juice (320G from Ocean Festival)
|  Note : This lists only the five easiest Loved and Liked items for Edge.
|       : For a complete list of all easily-obtainable gifts for Edge, see my
|       : Character Guide. For a complete list of all gift preferences for
|       : Edge, see my Gift Guide.

        // [FRIEN]                                                           //
       //                                                      Friendship   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Life is partly what we make it, and                             //
    //  partly what it is made by the friends                            //
   //  we choose." -Tennessee Williams                                  //
  //                                                                   //
| As in past Harvest Moon games, Tree of Tranquility operates based on a
| points system for affection. Affection is basically a measure of how close
| you are with each villager. Affection exists for all villagers, but plays a
| special role for the player's potential spouses. But before we get to that,
| let's take a look at how to earn affection.
| I should mention at this point that this section is almost entirely based
| on my similar research on Tree of Tranquility. Animal Parade is built on
| the same engine as Tree of Tranquility, so I'd be very surprised if there
| were any fundamental changes to this; however, I'm not yet positive.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [RAIAF]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Raising Affection  /
| /                                                                         /
| Below is a list of general ways to increase your affection (or friendship)
| with a given villager. For more specific details on the impact of each way,
| read the Affection Mechanics section below.
|   - Gifts: Giving gifts is the most clear way to gain friendship. Each
|     villager has gifts that they love, like, dislike and hate -- see the
|     specific villager in the Characters section above for detailed
|     information for each one. Giving gifts that they love or like raises
|     their affection -- 'love' more than 'like', obviously -- whereas giving
|     gifts they dislike or hate will lower their friendship level. Gifts are
|     especially effective when given on birthdays: a birthday gift given on
|     a villager's birthday carries double the impact of the same gift given
|     any other day.
|   - Talking: Even just talking carries an affection increase. It's lower
|     than gift-giving, but just speaking to a villager every day will help
|     you become their friend.
|   - Heart Events and Festivals: for bachelor/ettes, there are several heart
|     events that take place that mark your progress in wooing them, as well
|     as several romantic festivals that you can take your beloved to.
|     Successfully completing these heart events and participating in these
|     festivals will increase your affection level, but only with the
|     bachelor/ette that is participating.
|   - Rubbing: Rubbing is mentioned more under the controls section -- search
|     for [-GAMEC-] without the dashes to find it. Rubbing appears to have a
|     substantial effect on affection, allowing you to raise a person's heart
|     level by a heart in just a week or so when combined with talking and
|     daily gift-giving.
|   - Clothing: This one is interesting. Every villager has some clothing
|     that they like to see you in; if you talk to them while wearing an item
|     of clothing they like, their heart level will increase by more than it
|     would have otherwise. Experiment with different outfits to find what
|     different villagers like.
| Every villager's affection - or what's commonly referred to as heart level
| - is measured in the same way, using the 10-heart system. Each heart is
| comprised of 100 points - so, it takes 1000 affection points to raise a
| villager to the maximum level.
| The actions listed above each carry a bonus of a certain number of
| affection points. Performing these actions adds some points to the
| villager's affection counter - the heart display in the information screen
| shows the total number of points, rounded down to the nearest hundred, as a
| number of hearts.
| The two most prominent ways of raising affection are Gift Giving and
| Talking. Talking to a villager is worth 5 affection points - so, if you
| simply talk to a villager every day, you'll raise their heart level by one
| heart in 20 days. The 'talking' benefit can only be gained once per
| villager per day.
| Gift-giving, however, is far faster - however, it can be a good bit more
| complicated, and is detailed in the section below. If you combine talking,
| rubbing and daily gift-giving, though, you can raise a villager's heart
| level by a heart every week.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [GIGIM]                                                                 /
|  /                                                  Gift-Giving Mechanics  /
| /                                                                         /
| Gift-giving is the most effective way to raise affection, but is also a bit
| more complicated. Basically, each villager will accept exactly one gift per
| day. Their attitude about the gift determines how much of an affection
| boost you get from it.
| There are four attitudes towards gifts: Loves, Likes, Neutral and Dislikes.
| Loves, Likes and Neutral will all result in an increase in heart level,
| with Loves giving more of an increase than Likes and Likes giving more of
| an increase than Neutral. Giving a Disliked gift will actually decrease
| your friendship with that villager.
| Birthdays double both the heart points gained from a gift - so, on a
| person's birthday, each gift counts for twice as many points.
| Because you can only give one gift per villager per day, it becomes much
| more important to know what good gives are to give. We're in the process of
| mapping out a huge list of good gifts to give -- if you're interested in
| helping out, check out my Gift Guide.

        // [DT&MR]                                                           //
       //                                             Dating and Marriage   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Each moment of a happy lover's                                  //
    //  hour is worth an age of dull and                                 //
   //  common life." -Aphra Behn                                        //
  //                                                                   //
| One of the most popular elements of the Harvest Moon series is marriage.
| For each gender, there are ten possible bachelors or bachelorettes that you
| can marry. Eight of these will marry someone else if you don't marry them.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [DATIN] _
| Dating                                                                     
| In this section, I'll usually talk as if you've already chosen who you want
| to marry. There's absolutely no reason to do that, though. You can
| separately woo all ten potential spouses at once and choose who to marry
| later (although doing so will lower the heart level of each other bachelor
| or bachelorette). I'm just phrasing it this way for simplicity.
| The first step to marrying your beloved is simply to befriend them. This
| follows the same exact principles described in the above Friendship
| section. Talk to them as often as you can and give them gifts they like and
| you'll be well on your way.
| As you begin to befriend them, you'll encounter several "heart events".
| Heart events occur when the person reaches a certain heart level and mark
| your developing relationship with that person. In order to marry someone,
| you need to experience all their heart events.
| The events are:
|   - Two gift-giving events: most bachelors and bachelorettes have two
|     gift-giving events, when your heart level with them reaches 2 hearts
|     and 4 hearts. They'll stop by your house in the morning and give you
|     your gift. If Animal Parade is anything like past Harvest Moon games,
|     you might have to enter and exit your house at around 8:00AM to get
|     these events to trigger. Note that the Witch, Wizard, Harvest King and
|     Harvest Goddess each only have one gift-giving event, at 4 hearts. For
|     the King and Goddess, you'll have to go get your gift -- they won't
|     show up to give it to you.
|   - The letter: there's nothing you need to do for this one. You'll get a
|     letter in your mailbox from the bachelor or bachelorette, after raising
|     them to 6 hearts.
|   - The date event: most bachelors and bachelorettes -- not the Harvest
|     King or Goddess, though -- have a date event. The date event is
|     triggered when you talk to a bachelor or bachelorette with more than 5
|     hearts on a sunny non-festival morning. They'll ask you out to a date
|     later in the day, specifying a location and time. Show up at the
|     location at that time to see the event. During the event, you'll be
|     asked a question -- one of the responses will raise the other person's
|     affection points, while the other will lower them. The question differs
|     from character to character, but generally the response you want is the
|     one that resembles 'Yes.' If you miss the event, they'll lose some
|     affection points, and you'll have to raise them again to trigger the
|     date event again.
|   - The confession: the confession event is very similar to the date event.
|     It occurs when you talk to a bachelor or bachelorette with more than 7
|     hearts on a sunny non-festival day. Just like the date event, the
|     bachelor or bachelorette will ask you to meet them later: everyone will
|     specify the beach by the lighthouse in the later afternoon, before
|     6:00PM. During the event, you'll be asked whether you like them or not
|     -- the impact of the responses are obvious. If you miss the event, the
|     person will lose a lot of affection points and you'll have to raise
|     their heart level to trigger the confession again.
| Note that each time you experience a 7-heart event with a bachelor or
| bachelorette, the heart levels of the others will drop a bit. You can still
| raise them all, though; you'll just have to make up for that little bit of
| lost ground. Note also that the King and Goddess don't have 5-heart dates,
| and they'll just show up at your house for the 7-heart date.
| Every heart event also boosts that bachelor or bachelorette's heart level.
| You'll find that once you get them up to 2 hearts, it's much quicker to
| move through the other levels.
| Aside from talking, gift-giving and heart events, there's one other thing
| that will help: romantic festivals. Half the festivals let you ask an
| eligible bachelor or bachelorette to them the previous day. If you do and
| show up, you'll get a pretty significant heart bonus.
| It won't take more than three to four months to raise a bachelor or
| bachelorette's heart level to 7 after meeting them, though many of the
| potential spouses won't be available until much later. If you can give a
| Loved gift every day, it'll go even faster.
| Once you've experienced all the heart events, you're almost ready for
| marriage: almost.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MARRI] _
| Marriage                                                                   
| There are three requirements to get married:
|   - You must have experienced all the bachelor or bachelorette's heart
|     events. They're listed in the previous section.
|   - You must have upgraded your house at least to Level 2 to get a
|     Queen-size bed.
|   - You must have the Blue Feather, which requires you to have access to
|     the Upper Garmon Mine. Chances are you will anyway, but if you don't,
|     check the Plot section under [-PLOTW-] without the dashes.
| Once you've raised a bachelor or bachelorette to 9 hearts, Mira will come
| by and mention she saw a blue bird. Scale the Upper Garmon Mine to the peak
| late in the afternoon, specifically between 7:00PM and 9:00PM (19:00 and
| 21:00). Note that you have to get there in the later afternoon, so you'll
| want to start much earlier. You can always wait on the second-to-last floor
| for a while, so get an early start.
| In order to get the Blue Feather, you must raise a bachelor or bachelorette
| to at least 9 hearts. Note, however, that once you have the Blue Feather,
| you can use it on any bachelor or bachelorette for whom you've seen all the
| heart events. So, you could raise Phoebe to 9 hearts, then use the Blue
| Feather on Anissa even if Anissa has only 7 hearts, as long as you've seen
| all of Anissa's heart events. This can be useful for marrying one of the
| potential spouses that isn't available until later in the game.
| Once you've met those requirements, it's time to propose. Pull out the Blue
| Feather and present it to your desired spouse. If you've followed these
| steps, he or she will accept after a scene. You'll be given some choices to
| make, but they don't really matter.
| Next is the wedding, which will be scheduled by Hamilton. It will be within
| one week of your proposal. On that day, there'll be a series of scenes.
| You'll be given an occasional choice, but it doesn't matter what you
| choose. The only exception is when you're asked what your nickname should
| be. Your spouse will refer to you by this nickname most of the time from
| now on.
| Lastly there's the honeymoon. Over the course of the marriage events,
| Hamilton will present you with a special ticket. Take it to Pascal on a
| sunny morning (take care of your animals first, as you'll be gone until
| late at night) and you'll go on a day-long honeymoon to Toucan Island with
| your spouse. You'll return that night, though, which would seem to prevent
| the primary purpose of a honeymoon.

        // [FAMIL]                                                           //
       //                                                     Family Life   //
      //  "One of life's greatest mysteries is how                         //
     //  the boy who wasn't good enough to marry your                     //
    //  daughter can be the father of the smartest                       //
   //  grandchild in the world." -Unknown                               //
  //                                                                   //
| So you're married. Woo! Congratulations. Your spouse has moved in with you
| and you're settling into your completely otherwise-unchanged life. Unless
| you married the Harvest Goddess or Harvest King, in which case it's a
| completely-unchanged life. No, really -- there's absolutely no change to
| your home life if you marry them. Not at this point, anyway.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [AFTMA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                         After Marriage  /
| /                                                                         /
| Like Tree of Tranquility, your spouse will pack you some food every
| morning, assuming you wake up at the house and there's not another event
| waiting to occur (for example, an animal death). The lunch will restore
| stamina when eaten, but by the time you're married, chances are stamina
| isn't a huge issue, so you might just want to sell them.
| The first new ability after marriage is that you can go on walks with your
| spouse. Simply talk to them before 7:00AM and you'll be presented with the
| option to have them join you for some time -- if you do, they'll follow you
| around. This is how you can take them to some festivals, or even trigger
| some little cutscenes. This also increases their heart level, which is
| important. You can take pets and your children on walks this same way, up
| to three at once.
| Other than that, your spouse does more than just sit on their hands. You
| can actually ask them to help out with the farm. When you talk to them
| first thing in the morning, they'll give you a number of choices. Besides
| walking with you, they can:
|  - Collect crops.
|  - Collect barn products (milking and shearing).
|  - Collect coop products (eggs and cocoons).
|  - Water crops.
|  - Pick weeds.
|  - Forage.
|  - Brush animals.
|  - Head to the mine.
|  - Go fishing.
| Note, however, that if you have your spouse collect any kind of shippable
| item, it won't appear in the shipping bin. You'll never get the chance to
| actually keep the items -- they'll just automatically be shipped. So, don't
| have your spouse do anything with any goods that you wanted to keep or
| process before shipping.
| Now, they won't do any of these tasks perfectly at first, but they'll get
| better with practice, so it's beneficial to give them the same tasks over
| and over.
| Getting married also creates festivals for your birthday, your spouse's
| birthday and your anniversary. Check out the Festivals section for more on
| that.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Marriage Heart Levels                                                      
| In Animal Parade, there's an additional element to marriage. Once you're
| married, you'll notice your spouse's heart meter has an additional set of
| 10 red hearts about their standard hearts. These are their post-marriage
| hearts. I'm not sure if you have to fill up their regular hearts before
| these other hearts will start filling or not, but these hearts will mark
| your marriage relationship.
| They're not just for show -- events like having kids will be based on this
| heart meter. You actually need to pay attention to your marriage
| relationship this time around. Talking to them every day will fill the
| meter slowly, but you'll want to give your spouse gifts, take them to
| festivals, and remember birthdays to raise it faster.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CHILD]                                                                 /
|  /                                                          Your Children  /
| /                                                                         /
| For us Harvest Moon fans, the children system has always felt quite
| tacked-on and rudimentary. Well, good news, Harvest Moon fans. It's been
| completely revamped.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Requirements for Kids                                                      
| In order to have kids, you have to meet three requirements:
|   - First of all, you've got to be married. I know, boys and girls, it's
|     shocking -- but back in the old days, marriage came BEFORE kids.
|     Shocking!
|   - Secondly, you need a Level 3 house. When your house reaches Level 3,
|     you get a second room -- that becomes the kids' room.
|   - Finally, your spouse has to ask you if you want kids. This happens
|     after you raise their marriage heart meter to 4 or 5 hearts. Obviously,
|     you should say yes.
| After saying yes, you'll get the chance to choose the gender. If you let
| your spouse decide, it will be randomly determined.
| Then, it's a waiting game. The time you have to wait isn't preset, but
| you'll notice what your spouse says changes. Then, eventually, you'll find
| yourself taken to Choral Clinic for the birth and naming. Woo! You've got a
| child!
| Your child's appearance is a combination of yours and your spouse's, but in
| a different way from Tree of Tranquility. The child's facial structure will
| take after your own, but their hair color will come from your spouse. Yes,
| Phoebe's kids have green hair, pink for Luna's, and blue for Luke's.
| In Animal Parade, though, you can have two different kids. Obviously to
| have a second, you've already met all the requirements for the first, so
| it's just a waiting game until your spouse asks if you want another one.
| The second won't come until after the first one is fully grown, though.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [KIDCH] _
| Kid Chores                                                                 
| Once your child has grown up fully, you'll have the option of assigning
| them chores in the morning, just like your spouse. The chores you can
| choose from are:
|  - Collect crops.
|  - Collect barn products (milking and shearing).
|  - Collect coop products (eggs and cocoons).
|  - Water crops.
|  - Pick weeds.
|  - Forage.
|  - Brush animals.
|  - Head to the mine.
|  - Go fishing.
| Note, however, that if you have your child collect any kind of shippable
| item, it won't appear in the shipping bin. You'll never get the chance to
| actually keep the items -- they'll just automatically be shipped. So, don't
| have your spouse do anything with any goods that you wanted to keep or
| process before shipping.
| Initially the kids won't be very good at any chore -- but as they do the
| chore more often, and as you increase in your friendship with them, they'll
| get better.
| You can also walk with your kids the same way you walk with your spouse or
| pets -- talk to them before 7:00AM. They'll follow you around and gain
| heart points with time. You can have up to three things follow you.
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [KIDPR] _
| Kid Personalities                                                          
| There are four different possible child personalities, which I'm referring
| to as Sweet, Active, Smart and Artistic. Each particular potential spouse
| has three possible child personalities associated with them, so your
| options are limited first of all by who you married. You can find the child
| personalities listed under the characters' listings in the Characters
| section (search for [-CHARA-] without the dashes).
| So how do you push your child toward one personality type? Well, over the
| course of your child's upbringing, you'll be given several questions by
| your spouse about how you want your child to end up. Your choices will
| impact what they end up as. However, I'm not yet sure what those choices
| are for all the different couples, and to be honest I have no plans to find
| out. So, for this I'll refer you to Ushi No Tane's fantastic child
| personalities section, found at this address:
|              http://www.fogu.com/hm/animal_parade/your_kids.php
| Your child will go through four stages of maturation. Once they're fully
| grown, you can ask them for help on your farm as well, just like your
| spouse. You can also take walks with them, and even change their outfits
| with ones you buy at Sonata Tailoring and Accessory Shop by accessing your
| dresser. Having kids also opens up the child's birthday festival, which you
| can find in the Festivals section. You can also take your kids with you to
| Theodore's Circus to watch them play with the animals (after you've rescued
| them all).
| Your first and second kids will look different even if they're the same
| gender: one will look older, the other young. They'll take the same amount
| of time to reach their "final" stage though.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Your Child's Journey                                                       
| When you've completed the main plotline and have a full-grown child, you'll
| also have the opportunity to send them out on a journey of their own. This
| plays more into the plot than into the child-rearing element of the game,
| so for more information on that, check out the Child's Journey section by
| searching for [-NEWG+-] without the dashes.

        // [PLOTW]                                                           //
       //                                                Plot Walkthrough   //
      //  "The one who says 'I can't change the                            //
     //  world, but I can make a difference'                              //
    //  will make a difference. The one who                              //
   //  says 'I can change the world' will change                        //
  //  the world." -David Joyner                                        //
| Many people try to play Harvest Moon without bothering with the plotline at
| all. In earlier games, the plot really wasn't all that relevant. In Animal
| Parade, though, the plot plays an important role. It unlocks new areas, new
| characters, new abilities and several other things that have been available
| from the start in other games. So, in short, pay attention to the plot.
| The plot to the game begins after you complete the Fix the Bridge and Move
| the Animals events outlined under the Festivals and Events section. If you
| haven't done that yet, take care of that first. You can search for
| [-EVENT-] without the dashes for more information on those.
| Walk down the path between the Carpenter's Shop and General Store toward
| the Goddess Spring. The Goddess will appear and basically tell you what
| you're going to be doing for the duration of the game. I won't spoil the
| plot, but basically your objective is to call the Harvest King, and in
| order to do that you have to find five rainbows -- er, five bells -- around
| the island. The Goddess will give you a detailed map describing their
| locations.
| Yeah, right. No, you'll have to find them yourself. Let's get started.
| In Tree of Tranquility, your goal was to find the ingredients for five
| rainbows. Each rainbow was basically the same to complete -- only the
| ingredients changed. In Animal Parade, however, the bells are all very
| different. They'll require that you go different places, talk to different
| people, complete different events, and many times simply wait. As you find
| and ring the bells, you'll access new areas, new characters and new
| abilities.
| Each bell has a Harvest Sprite, a color and an element. I'll mostly refer
| to them by color just because I find it easier to remember. Actually, I
| find the element easiest to remember, but usually you won't know what a
| bell's element is until after you ring it.
| For the most part, I'll leave the plot sequence out of the following
| walkthrough to avoid spoilers. The majority of the time, you either need to
| go find and talk to a person or collect some items to move through the
| plot. Most of it is fairly self-explanatory, but if you get stuck, lost or
| confused, follow these steps.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [REDBL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Bell #1: Red Bell  /
| /                                                                         /
| The first thing to do is figure out where the heck the bell is. For the Red
| Bell, this is simple: head down to the 10th floor of the original Garmon
| Mine and you'll find a hole where Owen has smashed a large boulder. Head
| down the path and you'll find where the Red Bell should be, but
| unfortunately it's not there.
| Talk to Ramsey, then go find Chloe by walking by the General Store. Long
| story short, she'll kick it up onto the roof of the Blacksmith Shop. Little
| twerp.
| Head back into the Blacksmith Shop. Long story short, you need to gather
| one of each Ore: Iron, Copper, Silver and Gold. You don't have to get a
| Rare Ore, fortunately.
| You should read the Mining section (search for [-MININ-] without the
| dashes) for thorough information on Mining. For now, though, here's what
| you need to do: head into Garmon Mine with your hammer, head down the
| ladder and start smashing the rocks. Sometimes when you smash a rock (not a
| crystal), something will pop out: an Ore. Continue to smash rocks until
| you've gathered one Ore of each type. If you run out of rocks on one floor,
| use the ladder to get down to another floor. If you run out of stamina,
| head home and rest -- you don't have to find all the Ores on one trip.
| Once you have all of them, go back and talk to Ramsey while they're in your
| rucksack. You'll get the Red Bell. Take it back down to the tenth floor and
| equip it, then put it on the pedestal.
| The red Harvest Sprite, Alan, will appear and ring the bell.
| Ringing the Red Bell unlocks the following new areas and abilities:
|   - The Hot Springs on your farm and in the mines are now usable.
|   - Ramsey will now offer tool upgrades.
|   - You can travel further down the Lower Garmon Mine by using the stairs
|     near the pedestal.
|   - You can ascend to the Upper Garmon Mine by using the pathway to the
|     right of the Lower Garmon Mine's entrance.
|   - You can find Phoebe in the Upper Garmon Mine.
|   - Wind will start blowing, so you can now use the windmill by Horn Ranch.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [YELBL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                   Bell #2: Yellow Bell  /
| /                                                                         /
| The Yellow Bell is even easier to find. Head to the south-east side of The
| Farmlands on the beach (through an opening in the fence when the camera is
| in that awful overhead position, heading towards Flute Fields) and you'll
| find it lying on the ground. Take the bell to the Goddess Spring, where
| you'll learn that you have to take the bell to three specific spots on the
| island at night to restore its power. To restore some power, equip the bell
| and press A while standing on one of the spots.
| The three spots are:
|   - On the roof of the buildings nearest the entrance to Garmon Mine, up
|     the stairs just past the Blacksmith's Shop.
|   - Near Horn Ranch, on the right as you head down the path toward the
|     buildings.
|   - By the lighthouse, down the little path below it.
| Note that you'll meet Calvin at whichever one you visit first. He won't
| start living in the village until after you ring the Yellow Bell, though.
| When he does move in, give him back the Tablet -- he'll get annoyed if you
| get rid of it any other way, and it's annoying to have it take up some
| space in your storage.
| Like the Red Bell, you also have to return the Yellow Bell to its pedestal
| before you can ring it. But naturally, the gate to the pedestal is locked.
| Talk to Ruth and Craig at Marimba Farm to learn that they can unlock it,
| but only if you ship some stuff.
| Basically, you have to grow 10 Good+-quality crops to get them to unlock
| the gate. You can't just grow 10 of any crop, though; there's one crop per
| season that you can choose: Lettuce for Spring, Tomato for Summer, Pumpkin
| for Fall and Buckwheat for Winter. You only have to choose one, so just
| plant some of whatever is currently in-season. Note that when I say
| "Good+-quality", that means Good, Perfect or Shining -- anything but
| Decent. It's also worth noting that you can have any combination of those
| four crops, which can be good if you're near the end of a season, or have
| already grown some of them. You just need 10 total.
| Once you've grown 10 Good+-quality Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pumpkins or
| Buckwheat, bring them to Ruth -- do NOT ship them. You might have to save
| some in your rucksack between harvests to get all 10. Talk to Ruth while
| they're in your rucksack and she'll unlock the gate.
| Take the Yellow Bell to the pedestal to ring it.
| Ringing the Yellow Bell unlocks the following new areas and abilities:
|   - Anissa and Taylor will return the next day. When you meet Anissa,
|     she'll give you some Tomato seeds.
|   - Calvin will move in permanently. Give him back the tablet to get rid of
|     it.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [GREB1]                                                                 /
|  /                                             Bell #3: Green Bell, Pt. 1  /
| /                                                                         /
| If you thought the previous two bells were wild goose chases, you haven't
| seen anything yet. Note that for this one, you may have inadvertently
| already completed some of these steps, like talking to Hannah at Horn
| Ranch. That's ok -- just move along with the steps.
| The next bell you'll ring is actually the Blue Bell. However, in order to
| get to the Blue Bell, you first have to go through the first few steps to
| get the Green Bell.
| So, to get started on the Green Bell, go through these steps:
|   - Go to the Windmill on Horn Ranch and go upstairs. You'll find the Green
|     Bell's pedestal, but don't worry -- you're still working on the Blue
|     Bell.
|   - Go to the Fugue Forest entrance in Flute Fields.
|   - Talk to Hannah at Horn Ranch.
|   - Go back to the Fugue Forest entrance and talk to Cain.
|   - Talk to Dale at the Carpenter's Shop.
|   - Go back to the Fugue Forest entrance and unlock the gate.
|   - Navigate to the end of Fugue Forest. For more information on how to do
|     this, read the Fugue Forest section under Unlockable Areas -- search
|     for [-FUGFO-] without the dashes. You'll also meet Luke in the process
|     of this step.
|   - Enter the Witch's House and talk to the pink frog sitting on the table.
|     Yes, you read that right.
|   - Exit Fugue Forest and talk to the Wizard at his house in Harmonica
|     Town.
| At this point, the bell you're looking for will shift. In order to find and
| ring the Green Bell, you have to have a Hibiscus flower. But the Hibiscus
| flower is only available on Toucan Island, which is only accessible by a
| boat that isn't running right now. The only way to get the boat to run is
| to ring the Blue Bell.
| Note that although you've met the Wizard, you can't give him gifts until
| you ring the Green Bell.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [BLUBL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                     Bell #4: Blue Bell  /
| /                                                                         /
| After going through the above steps, go talk to Ozzie. Long story short,
| the boat isn't running and you need to ring the Blue Bell.
| After talking to Ozzie at the Fishery, follow these steps:
|   - Talk to Paolo at the lighthouse.
|   - Unlock the gate to the Watery Cave, located in Harmonica Town by Choral
|     Clinic.
|   - Enter the Watery Cave and talk to Ben.
|   - Return to the Goddess Spring and talk to the Goddess.
|   - Go back to the lighthouse and talk to Paolo.
| Now, finally, the plot will ask you to do something besides go somewhere
| and talk to someone. Next you need to collect the following three items:
|   - Black Pearl: Black Pearls can be found in the Watery Cave only. The
|     further you go, the better your chance of encountering a Black Pearl.
|   - Duck Egg: Unfortunately, the only way to get duck eggs is to actually
|     have a duck. If you don't already have one, buy one from Horn Ranch.
|     It'll only take a week for it to mature and start producing eggs.
|   - Fish: five of them, to be exact. You can check out the fishing section
|     (search for [-FISHI-] without the dashes) for information on how and
|     where you can fish. It doesn't matter what five fish you catch, though
|     they do have to be fish and not crustaceans (shrimp, lobsters, etc.) or
|     shellfish (oysters, etc.
| Once you have those three items, you have to wait for a windy day. The
| forecast on TV will tell you the wind level, but the windmill in the top
| left will also tell you how windy it is. All you need is any wind
| whatsoever, so you won't have to wait long if at all. Plus, if you talk to
| Paolo to set it up on a non-windy day, I believe he won't even allow it.
| I'm not positive on that, though.
| So, take the three items and talk to Paolo on a windy day. Next you need to
| set up a Rube Goldberg machine (props if you get the reference). Time will
| stop while you complete these steps, so don't worry about hurrying.
| There'll also be arrows pointing to where you're supposed to put things.
| The items need to go in the following places:
|   - Put the duck egg on top of the roof to the Mayor's house.
|   - Put the fish (all five of them, one at a time) in the random pond on
|     the top floor of Ocarina Inn.
|   - Put the Black Pearl on the scale by the entrance to Ocarina Inn.
| Go back and talk to Paolo and watch the scene. Then, return to the Watery
| Cave and ring the bell.
| Ringing the Blue Bell will unlock the following new areas and abilities:
|   - The Mayor's son, Gill, will arrive the next day. You'll meet him
|     automatically. He won't move in permanently until after you ring the
|     Green Bell, though.
|   - Candace's sister and Shelly's other granddaughter, Luna, can now be
|     found at Sonata Tailoring.
|   - Jin, the doctor at Choral Clinic, will finally return. Meet him at
|     Choral Clinic.
|   - Toucan Island is now accessible via the ferry at the Fishery.
|   - Selena, Sue and Samson, who live on Toucan Island, are now accessible.
|   - You can now descend the Watery Cave mine.
|   - Brass Bar will re-open.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [GREB2]                                                                 /
|  /                                             Bell #3: Green Bell, Pt. 2  /
| /                                                                         /
| You can get to Toucan Island now, so all of those ingredients you need to
| find for the Green Bell are now accessible. They are:
|   - Hibiscus Flower: the Hibiscus flower requires you to complete the
|     Toucan Island Drama event. You can find that in the Events section --
|     search for [-EVENT-] without the dashes. The Hibiscus flower is
|     actually your reward for the event, but if somehow you lost the flower
|     after receiving it, you can also buy and grow the Hibiscus seeds from
|     the shop on the island.
|   - Perfect-or-better Butter: by the time you get this far in the game,
|     chances are that cow you got from Cain at the beginning will be
|     producing Perfect Milk. Buy the butter maker from the General Store --
|     a whopping 3800G -- and put some Perfect Milk in it. Perfect Butter
|     will come out. Note that if you have other milk-producing animals like
|     Sheep or Goats, Perfect Butter from them should work too.
|   - Good-or-better Cornmeal: To get Cornmeal, you need two things: Corn and
|     the Waterwheel. To get Corn, you have several options. You can buy and
|     grow the seeds from either Marimba Farm or Taylor's Seeds, or you can
|     buy a Good Corn from Marimba Farm if the farm's level is level 3 or 4.
|     After getting the Corn, take it to the Waterwheel in Flute Fields,
|     unless you have the Waterwheel fixed on your own farm. Enter through
|     the door and put the Corn in the bucket to get Cornmeal. The Cornmeal
|     will match the quality of the Corn you put in as long as it's not
|     raining.
| Once you have the three items, go back to the Wizard's house in Harmonica
| Town with them in your rucksack. Talk to him, and the next thing you know,
| the Witch is back and isn't happy. Go back and talk to her and she'll
| produce the Green Bell.
| Take the Green Bell to the top floor of the Windmill on Horn Ranch and ring
| it.
| Ringing the Green Bell will unlock the following new stuff:
|   - Gill, the Mayor's son, will move in permanently.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [PURBL]                                                                 /
|  /                                                   Bell #5: Purple Bell  /
| /                                                                         /
| Only one more bell to go!
| Talk to Perry at the Celesta Church, then return around 2:00AM and you'll
| trigger a scene. Talk to Perry there, then examine the little door by the
| altar inside the church. After a long scene, go talk to the Goddess.
| After the series of scenes, you'll find your task for the fifth bell:
| fulfill ten people's wishes. What the heck does that mean? Almost every
| villager in the game has a "wish": basically a request they'll tell you
| when they get above three hearts.
| You don't have to complete the requests: you just have to hear them. Every
| time you hear one, return to the fresco during the day, press A to examine
| in and then select the person whose wish you've heard. Once you've done
| this for ten villagers, the fresco will be complete and Edge will ring the
| Purple Bell.
| Ringing the Purple Bell will unlock the following new areas and abilities:
|   - You can now pursue the Wish Trophy, which is obtained by hearing every
|     villager's wish and telling it to the fresco. You have to hear every
|     current villager's at any time, including rival couple's kids.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CALLK]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Calling the King  /
| /                                                                         /
| Surely you didn't think you were actually done, did you? Hardly.
| After ringing the Purple Bell, return to the Goddess Spring. Long story
| short, it turns out you have to become a "Hero" in one of the game
| categories in order to complete the plot and call the Harvest King.
| For details on how to become a Hero, refer to the Farm Degree section by
| searching for [-FARMD-] without the dashes. Generally speaking though, at
| the end of every month, the amount of goods you've sold in each major
| category (Farming, Ranching, Mining, Fishing) is tallied and you're given a
| title for one of those categories for the season. Hero is one of those
| titles. So, odds are you'll need to start working on this task near the
| beginning of the month.
| The [-FARMD-] section has detailed information, but generally speaking
| you're aiming for one of the following four plateaus -- I recommend aiming
| for animal products or crops, since they're easier to plan out:
|   - 100,000G worth of crops shipped in a month.
|   -  60,000G worth of animal products shipped in a month.
|   -  40,000G worth of fish shipped in a month.
|   - 250,000G worth of mine products shipped in a month.
| Your title only lasts a month, so there's no use in trying to get a Hero
| rank earlier so that you're ready for this event, except maybe the month
| before. However, if you're really good, you'll find yourself achieving a
| Hero rank in one of the categories without putting forth any specific
| effort.
| Once you've become a Hero in something, go to the Upper Garmon Mine and
| ascend through all the levels. You'll reach the summit of the mountain in
| all its epic glory.
| You don't have to do anything else. Watch the scene, give yourself a pat on
| the back. You get to keep playing afterward.
| Note also that the Harvest Goddess and Harvest King are eligible for
| marriage. It's hard to woo them and they won't move in, but just think how
| awesome it would be to have the daughter of the Harvest Goddess or son of
| the Harvest King.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [NEWG+]                                                                 /
|  /                                                        Child's Journey  /
| /                                                                         /
| But wait, there's more! Act now and we'll throw in a whole new game at no
| additional charge!
| Once you've finished the main plotline, there's one more major plot
| sequence that can be undertaken. In order to do this, not only do you have
| to complete the plotline, but you must also have a fully-grown child.
| After you have a fully-grown child and have completed all of the above
| stuff, visit the Harvest King, either by scaling Upper Garmon Mine or using
| the portal. Talk to him and he'll ask you to bring someone with a "pure
| heart" to him.
| Who could he be thinking of? Your child, that's who! So, in the morning (to
| give yourself plenty of time to get there), take a walk with your kid and
| bring them to the Harvest King.
| After that, head home and head to bed. Shortly thereafter, you'll get
| another scene. Go to the Goddess Spring after that. You'll get a list of
| five ingredients that you need to obtain to make a rainbo... er, to do
| something involving your kid. Point being, you need to bring five things to
| the Harvest King in order to get your child going on their journey.
| The five items are:
|   - Diamond: get some white Wonderfuls from the mines and take them to Mira
|     to refine. One of them will, hopefully, be a Diamond.
|   - King Salmon: not just a large salmon, but a specific type of fish. Try
|     fishing at night by the Flute Fields Waterwheel. Note that it's only
|     available in Summer and Fall, as far as I know.
|   - Shining Honeydew: the only way to get this is to grow it on your farm.
|     Honeydews grow in Summer. For best results, raise the crop quality to
|     maximum using some Shining Fertilizer.
|   - Cheesecake: mmm, cheesecake. Cheesecake is cooked in the oven with
|     Flour, an Egg, Butter, Milk and Cheese.
|   - Shining Hearty Lunch: you might receive this randomly from your spouse,
|     but odds are you'll have to make it. Take some Bread, Butter,
|     Mayonnaise, Egg and a Vegetable and use the Cutting Board. If you have
|     trouble getting a Shining one, use higher-quality ingredients: Shining
|     Butter, Mayonnaise, Egg and any Shining Vegetable should guarantee a
|     Shining Hearty Lunch.
| Once you have all five ingredients, take them to the Harvest King. He'll
| give you a Goddess Tree Seed. You'd think that would've been important
| earlier, wouldn't you?
| Take the seed and your child to the Goddess Spring and you'll receive a
| seed. Long story short, you'll plant the seed, and you need to return to
| water it every day. The annoying part about this is that you also need to
| take your child with you, so ask your child to follow you on a walk and
| talk him or her to the Goddess Spring every day until the Goddess tells you
| to stop.
| Once that's done, you're about finished. Head to the Harvest King with the
| seedling and your child, then head to the Goddess Spring with your child
| the next day. That'll set into motion the sequence of events that will set
| up the New Game+, a new journey for your child.
| Just as the child is leaving, you'll have the chance to give them one final
| item. That would be awesome if there was any really good single item, but
| there isn't really. Give them whatever you want.
| Finally, the New Game+ will start. TAKE NOTE OF THIS! If you save the New
| Game+ over your regular save file, your game and your original character
| are lost forever. You cannot go back and play on your original game.
| Instead, you can save your New Game+ in a new slot -- but, your child will
| still be present in the old game file.
| Here, let me demonstrate. Let's say that this line (picture a line)
| represents time. Obviously, somewhere in the past the timeline skewed down
| into this tangent (picture a tangent), creating an alternate time. I really
| wanted to continue this reference, but the phrasing just didn't work out as
| well as I'd hoped. Alas.
| The New Game+ has some advantages over your original game besides just that
| item, though. You start out with maximum stamina, maximum tool levels (both
| upgrades and levels), and more money. Other than that, though, it's the
| same exact game all over again.

        // [GAMEW]                                                           //
       //                                                Game Walkthrough   //
      //  "It is one of the most beautiful compensations                   //
     //  of life, that no man can sincerely try                           //
    //  to help another without helping himself."                        //
   //  -Ralph Waldo Emerson                                             //
  //                                                                   //
| Navigating through the plotline is only part of the game, though. You also
| want to build a thriving farm and ranch, meet the townspeople, make some
| friends, get married... and all the other reasons you play Harvest Moon.
| This section is to help walk you through those other game concepts. It
| won't be just one big day-by-day walkthrough: the joy of Harvest Moon is
| that you can play however you want. Instead, this will just be notes about
| things to watch for as you go through.
| Right now, I'm planning on two major sections: an 'important items and
| events' section, which is just things to keep an eye out for; and a 'game
| strategy' section, which is a loose walkthrough for creating a successful
| farm and ranch.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IMPEV]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Important Events  /
| /                                                                         /
| You will have access to numerous events throughout the game, but oftentimes
| you can easily completely miss out on doing what you need to do to trigger
| these events. In Tree of Tranquility, for example, you needed to enter the
| waterfall area on a sunny Monday afternoon to trigger an event -- who's
| going to do that except by accident? So this section also contains a list
| of events that you might not come across on your own.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [GETST] _
| Getting Started                                                            
| So it's the beginning of the game, you just loaded it up, and you really
| want to make sure you're not missing out on anything. That's fine. This
| section will take you through the very beginning of the game, and all you
| need to start getting into a normal Harvest Moon game routine.
| After starting a new game and choosing your character (a purely aesthetic
| decision), you'll be given a series of introductory questions. Most are
| self-explanatory. I haven't the faintest clue what the significance of the
| 'favorite food' question is, and your birthday doesn't matter all that much
| either.
| Follow the scenes and Hamilton will explain to you the game basics. You'll
| also find out that you actually need to pay for your ranch this time --
| 5000G total. Fortunately, you can take your sweet time paying this back.
| He'll also give you your map, a Watering Can and a Hoe.
| Now this is pretty important. Animal Parade has NO tutorial segment.
| Long-time fans of the series will rejoice, but if this is your first time
| playing, it can be pretty intimidating.
| So, make use of the bookshelf for in-game information on the various
| aspects of the game -- or, better yet, read the Welcome to Harvest Moon
| section of this guide by searching for [-HARVM-] without the dashes.
| You'll finally get control of your character. Spend a moment familiarizing
| yourself with the controls. Press Down on the D-Pad to bring up your
| rucksack quick-view, and scroll through it with either the Control Stick or
| D-Pad. You can pull something out by pressing A or Down, or close it
| without pulling anything out by pressing Up or B.
| In your rucksack you'll find you have a Watering Can, a Hoe and 9 Turnip
| seeds. Head outside and jog down to your field -- you'll find that it's
| already somewhat active! There are several plants growing already, and
| three Turnips ready for you to pick. Go ahead and pick them.
| Finn wants you to hurry and meet the Goddess, but it's really in your best
| interest to take care of a minor chore or two first. Equip the Hoe, till
| some soil, then plant your Turnip seeds and water them, along with the
| plants that are already growing. Check the in-game bookshelf tutorials for
| more info on how to do all that, or my own Farming section by searching for
| [-FARMN-] without the dashes. You may as well go ahead and sell those
| Turnips, too -- money's more valuable than anything else this early in the
| game.
| Now it's time to appease Finn. Head up to the Northwest and exit the area
| -- you'll enter Garmon Mines. Bo is there, lamenting the broken bridge.
| This is the first step toward triggering the Fix the Bridge event. That's
| the next thing you want to take care of -- for more information on that,
| check the section for it by searching for [-FIXBR-] without the spaces. You
| can do that in conjunction with doing other stuff listed here.
| As part of that event, you'll be asked to go around Harmonica Town and meet
| everyone. While you're at it, though, do the same for Flute Fields. Both
| sets of people are outlined in the event section.
| Early (hopefully the first day) one thing you'll want to do is go to the
| Barn at Horn Ranch in the late afternoon (after 4:00PM or so). Enter it and
| you'll trigger a scene with Cain where he'll give you your very own new
| cow. It's just a baby, but it'll soon be an adult capable of producing milk
| -- and the sooner you get it, the sooner you'll be selling dairy products.
| You will, however, want to buy some fodder for the cow to use on rainy days
| -- but you'll be letting it graze in the yard on sunny days. Check out the
| Ranching section for more info by searching for [-RANCH-] without the
| dashes.
| While you're poking around in Flute Fields, you may want to go ahead and
| buy a Milk and Strawberry, as you'll need them for the Fix the Bridge
| event.  Between those and the fodder, you'll be almost out of money, but
| that's ok.
| When you're all done, head back to the farm and take care of your new cow
| by feeding it, petting it and brushing it. If you still have time, you
| might be able to make it back to Garmon Mines to give Bo his toolbox, but
| don't worry if you have to wait until the next day.
| As you met all the villagers, you probably noticed you got a lot of gifts.
| At this stage of the game, the best thing to do with most of them is sell
| them. Money's at a premium, and none of them have an immediate use. So sell
| the Chars and Cookies you got. You also received some seeds -- may as well
| go ahead and plant them!
| Now's also a good time to get in the habit of expending your excess stamina
| each day doing something productive. It could be as simple as swinging the
| hoe or axe a few times to level it, or fishing until you're about out of
| stamina or it's almost midnight -- but use every resource that's available
| to you!
| Aside from completing the Fix the Bridge and Move the Animals events,
| you're about done with the 'Getting Started' portion of the game. You've
| met all the villagers you can meet, you've gotten all the tools that are
| available, you have some crops growing, and you have a calf to take care of
| -- you're off to a great start, and it's only the second day!
| From here, you're on your own, but don't fret -- it's not intimidating.
| Just keep taking care of your daily chores, buy new crops and plant them
| when your current ones sprout, spend some time fishing (and mining, once
| you've accessed it), and pay attention to the plotline. Good luck!
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [IMPIT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                        Important Items  /
| /                                                                         /
| As you go through the game, there are many important items that will come
| across your path. But oftentimes, you won't know they're important until
| long after your first chance to obtain them. You don't want to get stuck in
| early Summer needing an item that can only be obtained in Spring. To help
| with this, included here is a list of items to watch for. When you come
| across one of these items, save it!
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [PLOTI] _
| Plot Items                                                                 
| In the previous section, there is a complete walkthrough for the plot. But
| like I mentioned, you're not going to be completing the plot while
| neglecting your farm as a whole. You'll be farming, ranching, fishing,
| mining and doing plenty of other stuff.
| So, while you're doing that stuff, you'll want to be on the look out for
| some of the items that will help you later in the plot. These items
| include:
|   - Milk & Strawberry: these are the first two items you'll need for the
|     Fix the Bridge event. Chances are you'll just need to buy them from
|     Horn Ranch and Marimba Farm, respectively, but it can't hurt to mention
|     them here.
|   - Iron, Copper, Silver and Gold Ores: these will be necessary for the Red
|     Bell, the first bell in the main plotline. You might not mine before
|     reaching this point in the plot, but you can save yourself some time if
|     you get these ahead of time.
|   - 10 Good Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pumpkins or Buckwheat, or any combination
|     thereof: for the Yellow Bell, you'll need to give Ruth a total of 10 of
|     any of these four crops. You can save yourself some time by growing
|     whichever is in-season. Plant them during the Red Bell portion of the
|     plot to make sure they're grown in time. Better-than-Good quality will
|     work too.
|   - Duck Egg: for some reason, only a duck egg will work for part of the
|     Blue Bell quest. You can buy a duck egg from Horn Ranch later in the
|     game, though. Any quality will work.
|   - Black Pearl: the only place you can get a Black Pearl is down in the
|     Watery Cave. You will have just recently unlocked it when you need it,
|     so chances are you'll need to go down specifically to get this.
|   - Hibiscus: you'll receive your first Hibiscus flower during the events
|     that trigger on your first visit to Toucan Island. You can also buy
|     seeds at Pineapple Inn and grow them, but they only grow in Summer, so
|     you're better off using the Hibiscus you receive. Just don't sell it or
|     give it away -- you'll need it for the Blue Bell.
|   - Good Cornmeal: Cornmeal is made by placing Corn into either Waterwheel
|     -- search for [-MILLN-] without the dashes for more information on
|     milling Corn into Cornmeal. To ensure Good quality, use Good Corn and
|     make sure it isn't raining. Corn grows in Summer, and you'll need it
|     for the Blue Bell quest. Better-than-Good Cornmeal will work too.
|   - Perfect Butter: the Perfect Butter for the Blue Bell quest can be made
|     from Cow, Goat or Sheep Milk. To be safe, save your first Perfect Milk.
|     You can always turn it into butter later. Shining Butter will work too.
| That's all the items you'll need to complete the main plot line. There are,
| however, a few items you'll need as well to complete the Child's Journey
| epilogue.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CHJIT] _
| Child's Journey Items                                                      
| There are five items you'll need to kick off your Child's Journey. They're
| all somewhat rare, so you'll want to be on the lookout for them ahead of
| time.
|   - Diamond: the rarest mine item comes in White Wonderfuls. You get it the
|     same way you get all other gems: dig up the wonderful and have Mira
|     refine it. The Diamond is the rarest mine item, though, so save one
|     when you find it.
|   - King Salmon: the King Salmon can only be caught in Summer and Fall, and
|     it's still really rare then. You'll have to catch it in the river
|     running through Flute Fields.
|   - Shining Honeydew: Honeydew is a Summer crop. You can't buy a Shining
|     one from Marimba Farm, so you'll have to grow it. Plant a bunch and use
|     fertilizer to ensure maximum soil quality.
|   - Cheesecake: the easiest item for the Child's Journey is the Cheesecake.
|     All the ingredients are farm ingredients: any Egg, any Milk, any
|     Butter, any Cheese and Flour. Toss them together in the Oven and you'll
|     get a Cheesecake.
|   - Shining Hearty Lunch: your spouse will give you Hearty Lunches, but to
|     get a Shining one you'll have to make it yourself. Fortunately, it's
|     pretty easy too: any Egg, any Butter, any Mayonnaise, any Bread and any
|     Vegetable, put together with the Cutting Board.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CONTI] _
| Contest Items                                                              
| There are various contests throughout the year at the social festivals, and
| lots of them have really great prizes. You'll want to save some
| high-quality items that have a great chance of winning to enter in the
| contest, and many of them are hard to come by -- so save them when you get
| them!
|   - Crop Contest: the crop contest happens at the Harvest Festival. Any
|     Shining crop is good, but if you have the luxury of choosing, go for
|     Strawberries, Eggplant, Pumpkins and Spinach are all great options.
|   - Fruit Contest: the fruit contest also happens at the Harvest Festival.
|     Shining is always better, but Shining Apple is your best option.
|   - Flower Contest: the flower contest also happens at the Harvest
|     Festival. a Blue Mist flower is nearly a guaranteed victory. Roses and
|     Crysanthemums are good too, and all grow in Fall.
|   - Cooking Contest: you can technically make this dish any time, but it
|     may require some preparation. Your best bets are any Shining fish dish.
|   - Gem Contest: the Gem Contest happens at the New Year's Eve festival.
|     Diamonds are the best for this, followed by Rubies, Emeralds and
|     Sapphires.
|   - Fashion Contest: for this, you just want to be wearing the most
|     expensive stuff you can. Focus on buying a really expensive item for
|     each category.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [IMPOI] _
| Other Important Items                                                      
| Aside from those items, there are various other somewhat rare items that
| can be used for events, rucksack upgrades or other tasks.
|   - Wool: you'll need two of these -- for the first, any quality will do,
|     and for the second, it must be Perfect or Shining. You can buy both
|     from Horn Ranch once it's leveled up a bit. The any-quality one is for
|     the first rucksack upgrade, the Perfect or Shining one is for the
|     second.
|   - 10 Green Herbs: go figure why, but she'll also need 10 Green Herbs to
|     make the first rucksack upgrade. Green Herbs can be found anywhere, so
|     you might be tempted just to sell them -- save at least 10 for the
|     first rucksack upgrade.
|   - Honey: you'll need some Honey for the second rucksack upgrade. You can
|     only get this by growing some flowers on your farm, then waiting for a
|     bee to buzz around some to pick it.
|   - Vegetable Pizza: there are three items required for Theodore's Circus
|     Event. The first two have no seasonal ingredients, but the third does.
|     Make sure to get a Potato in Spring (there are some growing on your
|     farm when you start -- save one), a Tomato in Summer, and a Bell Pepper
|     in Fall.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [STRAT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                          Game Strategy  /
| /                                                                         /
| Coming soon!

        // [SH&PL]                                                           //
       //                                                Shops and Places   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Whoever said money can't buy happiness                          //
    //  simply didn't know where to go                                   //
   //  shopping." -Bo Derek                                             //
  //                                                                   //
| There quite a few attractions around the island. Many of them are shops
| where you can buy important goods, but many of them are different: these
| are things like the Hot Springs, Windmill and Waterwheel which will be
| useful for other aspects of the game.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [SHOPS]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                  Shops  /
| /                                                                         /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Accessory Store                                                            
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Garmon Mine District
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 22:30 (10:30PM)
|   Closed On : Thursdays, Holidays
| Description : The Accessory Store is similar to the Tailoring Shop: it
|             : sells things that you can wear. This is also where you come
|             : to have your Ores and Wonderfuls refined by Mira. You'll need
|             : Gems and Metals (refined Ores and Wonderfuls) to buy
|             : accessories. In the shop listings below, the Gems and Metals
|             : you need to make each accessory are listed to the right.
|        Note : To open it up, you first must complete the Opening the
|             : Accessory Shop event, which basically just involves meeting
|             : Julius and then talking to Mira at the church.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 50,000G worth of mining items (only refined or
|                    : refineable items; mushrooms, toadstools and pearls
|                    : don't count).
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 100,000G worth of mining items (only refined or
|                    : refineable items; mushrooms, toadstools and pearls
|                    : don't count).
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Accessory:
|         Amber Brooch                      300G    1   Silver, Amber
|         Amber Pendant                     300G    1   Silver, Amber
|         Amber Ring                        300G    1   Silver, Amber
|         Crystal Brooch                    300G    1   Silver, Crystal
|         Crystal Pendant                   300G    1   Silver, Crystal
|         Crystal Ring                      300G    1   Silver, Crystal
|         Garnet Brooch                     300G    1   Silver, Garnet
|         Garnet Pendant                    300G    1   Silver, Garnet
|         Garnet Ring                       300G    1   Silver, Garnet
|         Lapis Lazuli Brooch               400G    1   Silver, Lapis Lazuli
|         Lapis Lazuli Pendant              400G    1   Silver, Lapis Lazuli
|         Lapis Lazuli Ring                 400G    1   Silver, Lapis Lazuli
|         Peridot Brooch                    400G    1   Silver, Peridot
|         Peridot Pendant                   400G    1   Silver, Peridot
|         Peridot Ring                      400G    1   Silver, Peridot
|         Sakura Shell Brooch               200G    1   Silver, Sakura Shell
|         Sakura Shell Pendant              200G    1   Silver, Sakura Shell
|         Sakura Shell Ring                 200G    1   Silver, Sakura Shell
|         Silver Brooch                     200G    1   Silver x2
|         Silver Pendant                    200G    1   Silver x2
|         Silver Ring                       200G    1   Silver x2
|         Spinel Brooch                     300G    1   Silver, Spinel
|         Spinel Pendant                    300G    1   Silver, Spinel
|         Spinel Ring                       300G    1   Silver, Spinel
|         Aquamarine Brooch                 500G    2   Silver, Aquamarine
|         Aquamarine Pendant                500G    2   Silver, Aquamarine
|         Aquamarine Ring                   500G    2   Silver, Aquamarine
|         Gold Brooch                       300G    2   Gold x2
|         Gold Pendant                      300G    2   Gold x2
|         Gold Ring                         300G    2   Gold x2
|         Jade Brooch                       300G    2   Silver, Jade
|         Jade Pendant                      300G    2   Silver, Jade
|         Jade Ring                         300G    2   Silver, Jade
|         Opal Brooch                       400G    2   Silver, Opal
|         Opal Pendant                      400G    2   Silver, Opal
|         Opal Ring                         400G    2   Silver, Opal
|         Pearl Brooch                      200G    2   Silver, Pearl
|         Pearl Pendant                     200G    2   Silver, Pearl
|         Pearl Ring                        200G    2   Silver, Pearl
|         Amethyst Brooch                   500G    3   Silver, Amethyst
|         Amethyst Pendant                  500G    3   Silver, Amethyst
|         Amethyst Ring                     500G    3   Silver, Amethyst
|         Black Pearl Brooch                200G    3   Silver, Black Pearl
|         Black Pearl Pendant               200G    3   Silver, Black Pearl
|         Black Pearl Ring                  200G    3   Silver, Black Pearl
|         Diamond Brooch                   1200G    3   Silver, Diamond
|         Diamond Pendant                  1200G    3   Silver, Diamond
|         Diamond Ring                     1200G    3   Silver, Diamond
|         Emerald Brooch                    700G    3   Silver, Emerald
|         Emerald Pendant                   700G    3   Silver, Emerald
|         Emerald Ring                      700G    3   Silver, Emerald
|         Goddess Brooch                    400G    3   Rare Metal x2
|         Goddess Pendant                   400G    3   Rare Metal x2
|         Goddess Ring                      400G    3   Rare Metal x2
|         Ruby Brooch                       800G    3   Silver, Ruby
|         Ruby Pendant                      800G    3   Silver, Ruby
|         Ruby Ring                         800G    3   Silver, Ruby
|         Sapphire Brooch                   600G    3   Silver, Sapphire
|         Sapphire Pendant                  600G    3   Silver, Sapphire
|         Sapphire Ring                     600G    3   Silver, Sapphire
|         Topaz Brooch                      600G    3   Silver, Topaz
|         Topaz Pendant                     600G    3   Silver, Topaz
|         Topaz Ring                        600G    3   Silver, Topaz
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_BS] _
| Blacksmith's Shop                                                          
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Garmon Mine District
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 20:00 (8:00PM)
|   Closed On : Thursdays, Holidays
| Description : The Blacksmith's Shop is the place to go for tool upgrades.
|             : All tool upgrades are handled by Ramsey, and he'll also
|             : require you to bring the necessary metals to him for the
|             : upgrades. In the shop listings below, the metals you need to
|             : bring are listed to the right.
|        Note : You won't be able to upgrade tools until the Blacksmith's
|             : Shop reaches Level 2.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ring the Red Bell.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 15,000G worth of mining items (only refined or
|                    : refineable items; mushrooms, toadstools and pearls
|                    : don't count.)
| Upgrade to Level 4 : Ship 35,000G worth of mining items (only refined or
|                    : refineable items; mushrooms, toadstools and pearls
|                    : don't count.)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Tool Upgrade:
|         Iron Axe Upgrade                 2400G    1   Iron x3
|         Iron Fishing Rod Upgrade         1800G    1   Iron x3
|         Iron Hammer Upgrade              2400G    1   Iron x3
|         Iron Hoe Upgrade                 2400G    1   Iron x3
|         Iron Sickle Upgrade              2400G    1   Iron x3
|         Iron Watering Can Upgrade        2400G    1   Iron x3
|         Copper Axe Upgrade               6000G    2   Copper x3
|         Copper Fishing Rod Upgrade       4800G    2   Copper x3
|         Copper Hammer Upgrade            6000G    2   Copper x3
|         Copper Hoe Upgrade               6000G    2   Copper x3
|         Copper Sickle Upgrade            6000G    2   Copper x3
|         Copper Watering Can Upgrade      6000G    2   Copper x3
|         Silver Axe Upgrade              12000G    2   Silver x3
|         Silver Fishing Rod Upgrade       9600G    2   Silver x3
|         Silver Hammer Upgrade           12000G    2   Silver x3
|         Silver Hoe Upgrade              12000G    2   Silver x3
|         Silver Sickle Upgrade           12000G    2   Silver x3
|         Silver Watering Can Upgrade     12000G    2   Silver x3
|         Gold Axe Upgrade                24000G    3   Gold x3
|         Gold Fishing Rod Upgrade        14400G    3   Gold x3
|         Gold Hammer Upgrade             24000G    3   Gold x3
|         Gold Hoe Upgrade                24000G    3   Gold x3
|         Gold Sickle Upgrade             24000G    3   Gold x3
|         Gold Watering Can Upgrade       24000G    3   Gold x3
|         Goddess Axe Upgrade             48000G    4   Rare Metal x3
|         Goddess Fishing Rod Upgrade     36000G    4   Rare Metal x3
|         Goddess Hammer Upgrade          48000G    4   Rare Metal x3
|         Goddess Hoe Upgrade             48000G    4   Rare Metal x3
|         Goddess Sickle Upgrade          48000G    4   Rare Metal x3
|         Goddess Watering Can Upgrade    48000G    4   Rare Metal x3
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_BB] _
| Brass Bar                                                                  
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 16:00 (4:00PM) to 1:30 (1:30AM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : Brass Bar is the gathering place for the island, where you
|             : can get food, drinks and company at night. Many of the date
|             : events in the game will occur here, though I'm not sure what
|             : happens if you trigger a date event before the Bar opens.
|        Note : Brass Bar will not open until after you ring the Blue Bell.
|             : After that, enter the Bar to trigger its grand opening.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 100,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 200,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 4 : Ship 350,000G worth of any type of good.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Cocktails:
|         Apple Cocktail                    680G    1
|         Grape Cocktail                    600G    1
|         Potato Cocktail                   680G    1
|         Wheat Cocktail                    640G    1
|         Buckwheat Cocktail                920G    2
|         Cranberry Cocktail                240G    2
|         Olive Cocktail                    600G    2
|         Coconut Cocktail                  200G    3
|         Raspberry Cocktail                200G    3
|         Blackberry Cocktail               240G    4
|         Rice Cocktail                    1080G    4
|      Dish:
|         Mashed Potatoes                  1610G    1
|         Squid Tomato Stew                 510G    1
|         Stir Fry                          490G    1
|         Bouillabaisse; Decent            1060G    2
|         Marinated Fish; Decent            590G    2
|         Meuniere; Decent                  510G    2
|         Pancake                          1370G    2
|         Saury Tomato Stew                 590G    2
|         Yam Cake                         1670G    2
|         Bouillabaisse; Good              2220G    3
|         Marinated Fish; Good             1100G    3
|         Meuniere; Good                   1050G    3
|         Sardine Tomato Stew               440G    3
|         Sardine in Oil                    540G    3
|         Shortcake                        2210G    3
|         Bouillabaisse; Perfect           2720G    4
|         Marinated Fish; Perfect          1700G    4
|         Meuniere; Perfect                1830G    4
|      Recipe:
|         Apple Cocktail (recipe)           280G    1
|         Blueberry Cocktail (recipe)       100G    1
|         Buckwheat Cocktail (recipe)       370G    2
|         Cranberry Cocktail (recipe)       100G    2
|         Grape Cocktail (recipe)           240G    3
|         Olive Cocktail (recipe)           240G    3
|         Raspberry Cocktail (recipe)        80G    3
|         Blackberry Cocktail (recipe)      100G    4
|         Rice Cocktail (recipe)            440G    4
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_CS] _
| Carpenter's Shop                                                           
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Garmon Mine District
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 20:00 (8:00PM)
|   Closed On : Thursdays, Holidays
| Description : The Carpenter's Shop has two main purposes: ranch upgrades
|             : and furniture. The first is more important: this is where you
|             : come to expand your house (necessary for marriage and kids),
|             : barn (necessary for more livestock and Ostriches) and coop
|             : (necessary for more poultry and Silkworms). You can also buy
|             : furniture here to decorate your house, and you can also have
|             : them fix the Waterwheel on your property to make milling
|             : easier.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 300,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 500,000G worth of any type of good.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Furniture:
|         Bookshelf: Chic                  2100G    1
|         Cabinet (S): Chic                1400G    1
|         Cabinet (S): Cute                1700G    1
|         Cabinet (S): Normal              1200G    1
|         Chair: Casual                     900G    1
|         Chair: Normal                     700G    1
|         Chair: Pop                       1300G    1
|         Recliner: Chic                   1400G    1
|         Recliner: Country                1200G    1
|         Recliner: Normal                 1000G    1
|         Shelf (S): Chic                  1700G    1
|         Shelf (S): Cute                  2000G    1
|         Sofa: Chic                       2300G    1
|         Sofa: Country                    2000G    1
|         Sofa: Normal                     1800G    1
|         Stool: Casual                     800G    1
|         Stool: Normal                     600G    1
|         Stool: Pop                       1100G    1
|         Bookshelf: Casual                2500G    3
|         Cabinet (M): Chic                2800G    3
|         Cabinet (M): Cute                3200G    3
|         Cabinet (M): Normal              2500G    3
|         Dresser: Normal                  1800G    3
|         Shelf (M): Chic                  1800G    3
|         Shelf (M): Cute                  2200G    3
|         Shelf (M): Normal                1500G    3
|         Armchair: Casual                 1800G    4
|         Armchair: Cute                   1700G    4
|         Cabinet (L): Chic                3600G    4
|         Cabinet (L): Cute                4000G    4
|         Cabinet (L): Normal              3500G    4
|         Chair: Chic                      1800G    4
|         Chair: Country                   1600G    4
|         Chair: Urban                     2100G    4
|         Dresser: Chic                    2300G    4
|         Dresser: Cute                    2600G    4
|         Recliner: Urban                  2300G    4
|         Shelf (L): Chic                  2300G    4
|         Shelf (L): Cute                  2600G    4
|         Shelf (L): Normal                2000G    4
|         Sofa: Casual                     2700G    4
|         Sofa: Cute                       2500G    4
|         Sofa: Urban                      2800G    4
|         Stool: Chic                      1500G    4
|         Stool: Country                   1400G    4
|         Stool: Urban                     1800G    4
|      Ranch Upgrade:
|         Level 2 Barn Upgrade            30000G    1   40 Lumber, 50 Stone
|         Level 2 Coop Upgrade            24000G    1   30 Lumber, 20 Stone
|         Level 2 Home Upgrade            25000G    1   100 Lumber, 100 Stone
|         Level 3 Barn Upgrade            60000G    1   100 Lumber, 50 Stone
|         Level 3 Coop Upgrade            45000G    1   50 Lumber, 50 Stone
|         Level 3 Home Upgrade            50000G    1   300 Lumber, 300 Stone
|         Level 4 Home Upgrade           150000G    1   600 Lumber, 600 Stone
|         Waterwheel Repair               24000G    2   50 Lumber, 50 Stone
|      Remodeling:
|         Casual Remodel                   1500G    1   Req. Lv.2 House
|         Country Remodel                  1500G    1   Req. Lv.2 House
|         Cute Remodel                     1500G    1   Req. Lv.2 House
|         Gorgeous Remodel                 1500G    1   Req. Lv.2 House
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_CC] _
| Choral Clinic                                                              
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 20:00 (8:00PM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : Choral Clinic is the medicine shop for Harmonica Town.
|             : Initially it'll just be Irene working there and selling
|             : medicines, but as you move through the plot, Jin will arrive
|             : to be the doctor for the area.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ring the Blue Bell (shop upgrades with Jin's arrival
|                    : shortly thereafter).
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Medicine:
|         Bodigizer                         430G    1
|         Cold Medicine                     260G    1
|         Stay Awake                       1040G    1
|         Bodigizer XL                      570G    2
|         Remedy                            180G    2
|         Super Stay Awake                 1140G    2
|      Recipe:
|         Green Tea (recipe)                180G    1
|         Cold Medicine (recipe)            110G    2
|         Remedy (recipe)                    80G    2
|         Stay Awake (recipe)               420G    2
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fishery                                                                    
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 6:00 (6:00AM) to 17:00 (5:00PM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : The Fishing Company is the home to Ozzie, Paolo and Pascal,
|             : and the workplace of Toby. You'll be able to buy a bunch of
|             : fish here, some fish dishes and recipes, and also ferry
|             : tickets to go to Toucan Island.
|        Note : The Fishing Company's inventory is seasonal, with five fish
|             : available per season. The cooked dishes and recipes are
|             : available year-round, though.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ring the Blue Bell (shop upgrades with Pascal's
|                    : arrival shortly thereafter).
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Fish:
|         Goby                               30G    1   Spring
|         Sardine                            40G    1   Spring
|         Bonito                            240G    2   Spring
|         Octopus                           120G    2   Spring
|         Rock Trout                        240G    2   Spring
|         Horse Mackerel                    170G    1   Summer
|         Rockfish                          160G    1   Summer
|         Rock Lobster                      190G    2   Summer
|         Sea Bream                         300G    2   Summer
|         Tuna                              640G    2   Summer
|         Rainbow Trout                     120G    1   Fall
|         Salmon                            560G    1   Fall
|         Conger Eel                        280G    2   Fall
|         Freshwater Prawn                   50G    2   Fall
|         Saury                             190G    2   Fall
|         Cod                               170G    1   Winter
|         Yellowtail                        310G    1   Winter
|         Angler Fish                       660G    2   Winter
|         Lobster                           360G    2   Winter
|         Pacific Herring                   160G    2   Winter
|      Recipe:
|         Butter Steamed Clam (recipe)      300G    1
|         Fish Soup (recipe)                130G    1
|         Grilled Goby (recipe)              20G    1
|         Grilled Horse Mackerel (re...      80G    1
|         Grilled Mahi-Mahi (recipe)        240G    1
|         Grilled Sardine (recipe)           30G    1
|         Sardine Tomato Stew (recipe)      180G    1
|         Sashimi (recipe)                   70G    1
|         Butter Steamed Mussel (recipe)    290G    2
|         Butter Steamed Oyster (recipe)    290G    2
|         Clam Soup (recipe)                 70G    2
|         Sauteed Clam (recipe)             260G    2
|         Sauteed Mussel (recipe)           250G    2
|         Shark Fin Stew (recipe)           480G    2
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_GS] _
| General Store                                                              
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Garmon Mine District
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 20:00 (8:00PM)
|   Closed On : Thursdays, Holidays
| Description : The General Store isn't as General as it sounds: it really
|             : just sells books and cooking utensils. This is where you'll
|             : find the Butter, Cheese, Yarn and Mayo Makers, every type of
|             : kitchen utensil, and a handful of electronics like
|             : televisions and phones. Note that the Makers you can buy are
|             : determined by how big your barn and coop are, not by the
|             : shop's level.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ring the Red Bell (shop upgrades when you meet Phoebe,
|                    : which you can do as soon as you ring the Red Bell).
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Shop 120,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 4 : Ship 300,000G worth of any type of good.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Books:
|         Milling Basics                    500G    1
|         TV Listings                       500G    1
|         Castanet Guide: Volume 2          500G    2
|         Map of Bonds                      222G    2
|         Map of Fire                       111G    2
|         Advanced Farming                 1500G    3
|         All About Tools                   800G    3
|         Animal Care Tool Guide           1500G    3
|         Gathering Materials              1500G    3
|         Map of Droplet                    555G    3
|         Map of Mirrors                    333G    3
|         Map of Splash                     444G    3
|         Map of Goddess                    999G    4
|         Map of Pastoral                   888G    4
|         Map of Sneaking                   666G    4
|         Map of Wings                      777G    4
|      Furniture:
|         Classic TV                       2500G    1
|         Refrigerator (S): Red            1500G    2
|         Refrigerator (S): White          1400G    2
|         Refrigerator (S): Yellow         1600G    2
|         Rotary Phone: Normal             2000G    2
|         Standard TV                      4000G    2
|         Touchtone Phone: Cute            2600G    2
|         Wood Oven                        2200G    2
|         Cast Iron Stove                  3100G    3
|         Luxury TV                        5500G    3
|         Refrigerator (M): Red            2300G    3
|         Refrigerator (M): White          2200G    3
|         Refrigerator (M): Yellow         2400G    3
|         Rotary Phone: Cute               2400G    3
|         Touchtone Phone: Pop             3000G    3
|         Oil Heater                       3700G    4
|         Refrigerator (L): Red            3900G    4
|         Refrigerator (L): White          3800G    4
|         Refrigerator (L): Yellow         4000G    4
|         Rotary Phone: Luxury             2700G    4
|         Touchtone Phone: Urban           3000G    4
|      Makers:
|         Butter Maker                     3800G    1
|         Cheese Maker                     4200G    1   Req. Level 2 Barn
|         Incubator                        1000G    1
|         Mayonnaise Maker                 3000G    1   Req. Level 2 Coop
|         Ostrich Egg Incubator            3000G    1   Req. Level 3 Barn
|         Yarn Maker                       4500G    1   Req. Level 3 Coop
|      Tools:
|         Matches                           480G    1
|         Rattle                            720G    1
|      Utensils:
|         Aging Pot: Gray                  2100G    1
|         Cutting Board: Normal            1500G    1
|         Dyeing Pot                       3600G    1
|         Frying Pan: Normal               1800G    1
|         Mixer: Normal                    1200G    1
|         Oven: Normal                     2500G    1
|         Pot: Normal                      2000G    1
|         Aging Pot: Brown                 2300G    2
|         Cutting Board: Country           1700G    2
|         Frying Pan: Country              2200G    2
|         Ice Cream Maker: Blue            2600G    2
|         Mixer: Country                   1400G    2
|         Oven: Country                    2800G    2
|         Pot: Country                     2000G    2
|         Aging Pot: White                 2500G    3
|         Cutting Board: Cute              1800G    3
|         Frying Pan: Cute                 2400G    3
|         Ice Cream Maker: Yellow          2800G    3
|         Mixer: Cute                      1500G    3
|         Oven: Cute                       3000G    3
|         Pot: Cute                        2300G    3
|         Ice Cream Maker: Pink            3300G    4
|         Ice Cream Maker: Purple          3000G    4
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_HR] _
| Horn Ranch                                                                 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Flute Fields
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 20:00 (8:00PM)
|   Closed On : Wednesdays, Holidays
| Description : Horn Ranch is your one-stop shop for all your ranching needs.
|             : You'll buy and sell animals, animal products, animal food and
|             : animal tools here. The first time you visit, you'll even get
|             : a free cow when you meet Cain in the barn. Horn Ranch sells
|             : an enormous variety of animal goods, but don't be tempted to
|             : try to buy some and toss them in the Maker for profit: the
|             : purchase price for the items is always higher than the sale
|             : price of the processed item.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 10,000G worth of animal products.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 50,000G worth of animal products.
| Upgrade to Level 4 : Ship 80,000G worth of animal products.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Animal Products:
|         Butter; Decent                    380G    1
|         Cheese; Decent                    380G    1
|         Egg; Decent                       100G    1
|         Goat Butter; Decent               200G    1
|         Goat Cheese; Decent               300G    1
|         Mayonnaise; Decent                160G    1
|         Milk; Decent                      340G    1
|         Ostrich Egg; Decent               700G    1
|         Silk Yarn; Decent                1460G    1
|         Wool Yarn; Decent                1360G    1
|         Wool; Decent                     1240G    1
|         Butter; Good                      560G    2
|         Cheese; Good                      560G    2
|         Cocoon; Decent                   1320G    2
|         Egg; Good                         160G    2
|         Goat Butter; Good                 500G    2
|         Goat Cheese; Good                 500G    2
|         Goat Milk; Good                   280G    2
|         Mayonnaise; Good                  200G    2
|         Milk; Good                        520G    2
|         Ostonnaise                        900G    2
|         Sheep Butter; Decent              260G    2
|         Sheep Cheese; Decent              260G    2
|         Silk Yarn; Good                  2180G    2
|         Wool Yarn; Good                  2020G    2
|         Butter; Perfect                   740G    3
|         Cheese; Perfect                   740G    3
|         Duck Egg; Decent                  160G    3
|         Duck Egg; Good                    240G    3
|         Goat Butter; Perfect              680G    3
|         Goat Cheese; Perfect              680G    3
|         Goat Milk; Good                   460G    3
|         Mayonnaise; Perfect               260G    3
|         Sheep Butter; Good                460G    3
|         Sheep Cheese; Good                460G    3
|         Sheep Milk; Decent                240G    3
|         Cocoon; Good                     1980G    4
|         Ostrich Egg; Good                1060G    4
|         Sheep Cheese; Perfect             640G    4
|         Sheep Milk; Good                  420G    4
|         Silk Yarn; Perfect               2900G    4
|         Wool Yarn; Perfect               2680G    4
|         Wool; Good                       1840G    4
|      Animals:
|         Calf                             1200G    1
|         Chick                            1000G    1
|         Duckling                          800G    1
|         Lamb                             1800G    1
|         Sheep                            3600G    1
|         Chicken                          2000G    2
|         Cow                              2400G    2
|         Foal                             2000G    2
|         Kid                              1500G    2   Req. Level 2 Barn
|         Duck                             1600G    3
|         Horse                            4000G    3
|         Silkworm                         4000G    3   Req. Level 3 Coop
|         Goat                             3000G    4
|         Ostrich                          6000G    4   Req. Level 3 Barn
|         Ostrich Chick                    3000G    4   Req. Level 3 Barn
|      Feed:
|         Feed                               10G    1
|         Fodder                             20G    1
|      Recipe:
|         Boiled Egg (recipe)               100G    1
|         Fried Egg (recipe)                100G    1
|         Hot Milk (recipe)                 230G    1
|         Yogurt (recipe)                   230G    1
|         Baked Potato (recipe)             430G    2
|         Boiled Duck Egg (recipe)          140G    2
|         Cafe Au Lait (recipe)             390G    2
|         Milk Tea (recipe)                 260G    2
|         Cheesecake (recipe)               930G    3
|         Strawberry Ice Cream (recipe)     690G    3
|         Strawberry Milk (recipe)          420G    3
|         Yogurt Drink (recipe)             330G    3
|         Apple Ice Cream (recipe)          630G    4
|         Banana Ice Cream (recipe)         530G    4
|         Blackberry Ice Cream (recipe)     540G    4
|         Blueberry Ice Cream (recipe)      540G    4
|         Carrot Ice Cream (recipe)         680G    4
|         Cherry Ice Cream (recipe)         610G    4
|         Coffee Ice Cream (recipe)         660G    4
|         Cranberry Ice Cream (recipe)      540G    4
|         Honeydew Ice Cream (recipe)       790G    4
|         Mint Ice Cream (recipe)           520G    4
|         Orange Ice Cream (recipe)         610G    4
|         Raspberry Ice Cream (recipe)      530G    4
|      Tools:
|         Animal Medicine                   800G    1
|         Bell                             1000G    1
|         Brush                            1600G    1
|         Cow Miracle Potion                720G    1
|         Milker                           2000G    1
|         Shears                           1600G    1
|         Sheep Miracle Potion             1080G    1
|         Horse Miracle Potion             1200G    2
|         Goat Miracle Potion               900G    3
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_MF] _
| Marimba Farm                                                               
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Flute Fields
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 20:00 (8:00PM)
|   Closed On : Wednesdays, Holidays
| Description : Marimba Farm is probably the most important shop in the game.
|             : Here you'll find all you need for planting and raising crops:
|             : well, seeds and fertilizer, since you already received the
|             : hoe and watering can. Note that as you might expect, Marimba
|             : Farm's inventory is seasonal: they'll only sell in-season
|             : seeds.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 30,000G worth of crops.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 80,000G worth of crops.
| Upgrade to Level 4 : Ship 160,000G worth of crops.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Fertilizer:
|         Decent Fertilizer                  50G    1
|         Good Fertilizer                    60G    2
|         Perfect Fertilizer                220G    3
|         Shining Fertilizer                300G    4
|      Produce:
|         Honey; Decent                     100G    1
|         Strawberry; Decent                360G    1
|         Corn; Decent                      320G    2
|         Flax; Decent                      320G    2
|         Flax; Good                        380G    2
|         Grape; Decent                     240G    2
|         Honey; Good                       200G    2
|         Honeydew; Decent                  500G    2
|         Honeydew; Good                    600G    2
|         Lettuce; Decent                   440G    2
|         Onion; Decent                     340G    2
|         Onion; Good                       400G    2
|         Strawberry; Good                  440G    2
|         Wheat; Decent                     260G    2
|         Wheat; Good                       300G    2
|         Corn; Good                        380G    3
|         Flax; Perfect                     440G    3
|         Grape; Good                       280G    3
|         Honey; Perfect                    300G    3
|         Honeydew; Perfect                 900G    3
|         Lettuce; Good                     500G    3
|         Onion; Perfect                    460G    3
|         Rice; Decent                      420G    3
|         Rice; Good                        500G    3
|         Strawberry; Perfect               540G    3
|         Wheat; Perfect                    340G    3
|         Corn; Perfect                     420G    4
|         Grape; Perfect                    320G    4
|         Honeydew; Shining                1280G    4
|         Lettuce; Perfect                  560G    4
|         Rice; Perfect                     580G    4
|         Strawberry; Shining               820G    4
|         Cabbage; Decent                   380G    1   Spring
|         Tulip                             220G    1   Spring
|         Turnip; Decent                    340G    1   Spring
|         Cabbage; Good                     440G    2   Spring
|         Cherry; Decent                    240G    2   Spring
|         Hyacinth                          240G    2   Spring
|         Turnip; Good                      400G    2   Spring
|         Cabbage; Perfect                  500G    3   Spring
|         Cherry; Good                      280G    3   Spring
|         Cherry; Perfect                   300G    3   Spring
|         Lavender                          200G    3   Spring
|         Pansy                             180G    3   Spring
|         Pinkcat                           240G    3   Spring
|         Potato; Decent                    380G    3   Spring
|         Potato; Good                      440G    3   Spring
|         Turnip; Perfect                   460G    3   Spring
|         Potato; Perfect                   480G    4   Spring
|         Cucumber; Decent                  320G    1   Summer
|         Orange; Decent                    240G    1   Summer
|         Sugarcane; Decent                 360G    1   Summer
|         Watermelon; Decent                420G    1   Summer
|         Cucumber; Good                    400G    2   Summer
|         Lily                              280G    2   Summer
|         Orange; Good                      280G    2   Summer
|         Sugarcane; Good                   380G    2   Summer
|         Sunflower                         320G    2   Summer
|         Tea Leaves; Decent                340G    2   Summer
|         Tomato; Decent                    320G    2   Summer
|         Watermelon; Good                  500G    2   Summer
|         Begonia                           220G    3   Summer
|         Coffee Beans; Decent              280G    3   Summer
|         Coffee Beans; Good                320G    3   Summer
|         Coffee Beans; Perfect             360G    3   Summer
|         Cucumber; Perfect                 480G    3   Summer
|         Orange; Perfect                   320G    3   Summer
|         Sugarcane; Perfect                440G    3   Summer
|         Tea Leaves; Good                  400G    3   Summer
|         Tomato; Good                      380G    3   Summer
|         Watermelon; Perfect               580G    3   Summer
|         Morning Glory                     240G    4   Summer
|         Tea Leaves; Perfect               460G    4   Summer
|         Tomato; Perfect                   420G    4   Summer
|         Watermelon; Shining               820G    4   Summer
|         Apple; Decent                     260G    1   Fall
|         Blue Mist                         780G    1   Fall
|         Eggplant; Decent                   26G    1   Fall
|         Yam; Decent                       260G    1   Fall
|         Bell Pepper; Decent               320G    2   Fall
|         Carrot; Decent                    360G    2   Fall
|         Chestnut; Decent                  240G    2   Fall
|         Eggplant; Good                    300G    2   Fall
|         Moondrop                          240G    2   Fall
|         Olive; Decent                     240G    2   Fall
|         Pumpkin; Decent                   300G    2   Fall
|         Rose                              440G    2   Fall
|         Spinach; Decent                   360G    2   Fall
|         Yam; Good                         320G    2   Fall
|         Apple; Good                       320G    3   Fall
|         Bell Pepper; Good                 380G    3   Fall
|         Carrot; Good                      440G    3   Fall
|         Chestnut; Good                    280G    3   Fall
|         Chrysanthemum                     180G    3   Fall
|         Cosmos                            200G    3   Fall
|         Eggplant; Perfect                 360G    3   Fall
|         Olive; Good                       280G    3   Fall
|         Pumpkin; Good                     360G    3   Fall
|         Spinach; Good                     440G    3   Fall
|         Yam; Perfect                      360G    3   Fall
|         Apple; Perfect                    360G    4   Fall
|         Bell Pepper; Perfect              440G    4   Fall
|         Carrot; Perfect                   520G    4   Fall
|         Chestnut; Perfect                 340G    4   Fall
|         Olive; Perfect                    320G    4   Fall
|         Pumpkin; Perfect                  420G    4   Fall
|         Spinach; Perfect                  540G    4   Fall
|         Buckwheat; Decent                 380G    2   Winter
|         Buckwheat; Good                   440G    3   Winter
|         Snowflake                         300G    3   Winter
|         Anemone                           200G    4   Winter
|         Buckwheat; Perfect                480G    4   Winter
|      Recipe:
|         Blueberry Jam (recipe)            100G    1
|         Boiled Corn (recipe)              190G    1
|         Cherry Jam (recipe)               240G    1
|         Egg Salad (recipe)                420G    1
|         Marinated Fish (recipe)           240G    1
|         Marmalade (recipe)                240G    1
|         Stir Fry (recipe)                 200G    1
|         Apple Jam (recipe)                280G    2
|         Potato Stew (recipe)              210G    2
|         Mashed Potato (recipe)            650G    3
|         Roasted Chestnut (recipe)         140G    3
|         Vegetable Salad (recipe)          340G    3
|         Cornbread (recipe)                780G    4
|         Olive Oil (recipe)                110G    4
|         Roasted Yam (recipe)              150G    4
|      Seedling:
|         Apple Seedling                    990G    1
|         Orange Seedling                   860G    1
|         Chestnut Seedling                 860G    2
|         Cherry Seedling                   860G    3
|         Hali Seedling                     350G    3
|         Coffee Bean Seedling              980G    4
|         Olive Seedling                    860G    4
|      Seeds:
|         Grass Seeds                        20G    1
|         Cabbage Seeds                      30G    1   Spring
|         Lettuce Seeds                      40G    1   Spring
|         Strawberry Seeds                  110G    1   Spring
|         Tulip Seeds                        20G    1   Spring
|         Turnip Seeds                       30G    1   Spring
|         Flax Seeds                         30G    2   Spring
|         Hyacinth Seeds                     20G    2   Spring
|         Pansy Seeds                        20G    2   Spring
|         Spring Seed Mix                    30G    2   Spring
|         Wheat Seeds                        80G    2   Spring
|         Lavender Seeds                     20G    3   Spring
|         Pinkcat Seeds                      20G    3   Spring
|         Potato Seeds                       30G    3   Spring
|         Blue Herb Seeds                    20G    1   Summer
|         Cucumber Seeds                     30G    1   Summer
|         Green Herb Seeds                   20G    1   Summer
|         Lily Seeds                         20G    1   Summer
|         Onion Seeds                        30G    1   Summer
|         Sugarcane Seeds                    40G    1   Summer
|         Summer Seed Mix                    30G    1   Summer
|         Tea Leaves Seeds                   50G    1   Summer
|         Tomato Seeds                      100G    1   Summer
|         Watermelon Seeds                   30G    1   Summer
|         Corn Seeds                        100G    2   Summer
|         Sunflower Seeds                    30G    2   Summer
|         Begonia Seeds                      20G    3   Summer
|         Honeydew Seeds                     40G    4   Summer
|         Morning Glory Seeds                20G    4   Summer
|         Carrot Seeds                       30G    1   Fall
|         Fall Seed Mix                      30G    1   Fall
|         Pumpkin Seeds                      90G    1   Fall
|         Purple Herb Seeds                  20G    1   Fall
|         Red Herb Seeds                     20G    1   Fall
|         Cosmos Seeds                       20G    2   Fall
|         Eggplant Seeds                     80G    2   Fall
|         Grape Seeds                        30G    2   Fall
|         Spinach Seeds                      30G    2   Fall
|         Yam Seeds                          90G    2   Fall
|         Bell Pepper Seeds                 100G    3   Fall
|         Blue Mist Seeds                    50G    3   Fall
|         Rice Seeds                         30G    3   Fall
|         Chrysanthemum Seeds                20G    4   Fall
|         Moondrop Seeds                     20G    4   Fall
|         Rose Seeds                         30G    4   Fall
|         Buckwheat Seeds                    30G    1   Winter
|         Yellow Herb Seeds                  20G    1   Winter
|         Anemone Seeds                      20G    3   Winter
|         Snowflake Seeds                    20G    3   Winter
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_OI] _
| Ocarina Inn                                                                
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 22:00 (10:00PM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : If Brass Bar is the night-time hot spot, Ocarina Inn is the
|             : family restaurant for the area. It's open for lunch and
|             : dinner, selling lots of food and lots of recipes. The Inn is
|             : also the home to various people, though most of them will
|             : move around. Note also that Ocarina Inn's inventory is
|             : seasonal.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 60,000 worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 180,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 4 : Ship 400,000G worth of any type of good.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Dish:
|         Blueberry Pie                    1290G    1
|         Mushroom Rice                     660G    1
|         Mushroom Soup                     670G    1
|         Pie Crust                         990G    1
|         Rice Ball                         710G    1
|         Vegetable Sandwich               2600G    1
|         Blackberry Pie                   1290G    2
|         Cheese Fondue                    2960G    2
|         Doria                            1810G    2
|         Egg Sandwich                     2800G    2
|         Fried Rice                        840G    2
|         Pizza                            1590G    2
|         Pot-au-Feu                       2270G    2
|         Seafood Fried Rice               1080G    2
|         Seafood Pizza                    1800G    2
|         Cheese Omelet                    1380G    3
|         Mushroom Gratin                  1860G    3
|         Salmon Fried Rice                1280G    3
|         Tempura Soba                     1020G    3
|         Tuna Bowl                        1180G    3
|         Vegetable Curry                  2400G    3
|         Curry Soba                       1490G    4
|         Egg Rice                          720G    4
|         Raspberry Pie                    1270G    4
|         Seafood Curry                    1390G    4
|         Seafood Doria                    1940G    4
|         Curry Bread                      2250G    1   Spring
|         Omelet Rice                      1320G    1   Spring
|         Sobagaki                          590G    1   Spring
|         Potato Gratin                    2200G    2   Spring
|         Cherry Pie                       1460G    3   Spring
|         Chocolate Pie                    1510G    3   Spring
|         French Fries                      960G    3   Spring
|         Plain Omelet                      780G    4   Spring
|         Steamed Turnip                    730G    4   Spring
|         Apple Pie                        1510G    1   Summer
|         Tomato Soup                       950G    1   Summer
|         Zaru Soba                         590G    1   Summer
|         Conger Eel Bowl                   820G    2   Summer
|         Tomato Omelet                    1180G    2   Summer
|         Tomato Risotto                   1370G    2   Summer
|         Corn Soup                         950G    4   Summer
|         Orange Pie                       1480G    4   Summer
|         Boiled Spinach                    550G    1   Fall
|         Eel Bowl                          940G    1   Fall
|         Yam Rice                          880G    1   Fall
|         Chestnut Pie                     1480G    2   Fall
|         Pumpkin Croquette                2340G    2   Fall
|         Pumpkin Pie                      1560G    2   Fall
|         Steamed Egg                      1290G    2   Fall
|         Tsukimi Soba                      750G    2   Fall
|         Chestnut Rice                     850G    3   Fall
|         Ratatoullie                      1570G    3   Fall
|         Tuna Sandwich                    2810G    3   Fall
|         Spinach Risotto                  1460G    4   Fall
|         Cheese Risotto                   1570G    1   Winter
|         Croquette                        2410G    1   Winter
|         Spicy Seafood Stew               1360G    2   Winter
|         Chocolate Fondue                 2670G    3   Winter
|         Egg Soup                          730G    3   Winter
|         Seafood Risotto                  1330G    3   Winter
|         Paella                           1660G    4   Winter
|      Drink:
|         Apple Juice                       360G    1
|         Carrot Juice                      500G    1
|         Cranberry Juice                   140G    1
|         Hot Cocoa                         890G    2
|         Hot Coffee                        440G    2
|         Raspberry Juice                   120G    2
|         Tomato Juice                      420G    2
|         Blackberry Juice                  140G    3
|         Honeydew Juice                    770G    3
|         Vegetable Juice                  1370G    3
|         Blueberry Juice                   140G    4
|         Coconut Juice                     120G    4
|         Grape Juice                       320G    4
|         Orange Juice                      320G    4
|      Recipe:
|         Apple Juice (recipe)              150G    1
|         Boiled Spinach (recipe)           220G    1
|         Cranberry Juice (recipe)           60G    1
|         Croquette (recipe)                970G    1
|         Egg Rice (recipe)                 290G    1
|         Plain Omelet (recipe)             320G    1
|         Rice Ball (recipe)                290G    1
|         Sobagaki (recipe)                 240G    1
|         Spinach Risotto (recipe)          590G    1
|         Tomato Soup (recipe)              380G    1
|         Tuna Sandwich (recipe)           1130G    1
|         Zaru Soba (recipe)                240G    1
|         Blueberry Juice (recipe)           60G    2
|         Cheese Risotto (recipe)           630G    2
|         Eel Bowl (recipe)                 380G    2
|         Fried Rice (recipe)               340G    2
|         Honeydew Juice (recipe)           310G    2
|         Hot Cocoa (recipe)                360G    2
|         Hot Coffee (recipe)               180G    2
|         Mushroom Gratin (recipe)          750G    2
|         Mushroom Rice (recipe)            270G    2
|         Pie Crust (recipe)                400G    2
|         Pizza (recipe)                    640G    2
|         Seafood Pizza (recipe)            720G    2
|         Tomato Juice (recipe)             170G    2
|         Blackberry Pie (recipe)           520G    3
|         Conger Eel Bowl (recipe)          330G    3
|         French Fries (recipe)             390G    3
|         Grape Juice (recipe)              130G    3
|         Salmon Fried Rice (recipe)        510G    3
|         Blackberry Juice (recipe)          60G    4
|         Cherry Pie (recipe)               590G    4
|         Coconut Juice (recipe)             50G    4
|         Corn Soup (recipe)                380G    4
|         Orange Juice (recipe)             130G    4
|         Orange Pie (recipe)               590G    4
|         Potato Gratin (recipe)            880G    4
|         Vegetable Curry (recipe)          960G    4
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_PI] _
| Pineapple Inn                                                              
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Toucan Island
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 22:00 (10:00PM)
|   Closed On : Holidays
| Description : Pineapple Inn is an island resort accessible only by Ferry
|             : after you ring the Blue Bell and meet Pascal. It is home to
|             : Sue and Samson who run the Inn. The most important thing
|             : about Pineapple Inn is that it sells lots of items you can't
|             : find anywhere else, like Hibiscus and Cocoa Seeds. Neither
|             : Marimba nor Taylor will ever stock the seeds you can buy at
|             : Pineapple Inn.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Dish:
|         Southern Omelet                  1390G    1
|         Banana Candy                      590G    2
|         Banana Ice Cream                 1320G    2
|         Banana Pudding                    830G    2
|         Chocolate Banana                  460G    2
|         Pesto Spaghetti                  1390G    2
|         Southern Fried Rice              1060G    2
|         Spaghetti Carbonara              1850G    2
|         Spaghetti Napolitan              1800G    2
|         Spaghetti Pescatore              1420G    2
|         Squid Ink Spaghetti              1410G    2
|      Drink:
|         Banana Milk                       650G    2
|         Pineapple Juice                   160G    2
|      Produce:
|         Hibiscus                          420G    2
|      Recipe:
|         Pineapple Juice (recipe)           70G    1
|         Tortilla Chips (recipe)           500G    1
|         Banana Candy (recipe)             240G    2
|         Banana Ice Cream (recipe)         530G    2
|         Banana Milk (recipe)              260G    2
|         Banana Pudding (recipe)           340G    2
|         Chocolate Banana (recipe)         190G    2
|         Kimchi (recipe)                   550G    2
|         Pesto Spaghetti (recipe)          560G    2
|         Sardine in Oil (recipe)           220G    2
|         Southern Fried Rice (recipe)      430G    2
|         Spaghetti Napolitan (recipe)      680G    2
|      Seeds:
|         Cocoa Seeds                       140G    1
|         Green Bell Seeds                   20G    1
|         Spicy Pepper Seeds                 40G    1
|         Hibiscus Seeds                     40G    2
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Simon's Studio                                                             
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 17:00 (5:00PM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : Photography is a new feature of Animal Parade. You can take
|             : pictures at any time by equipping a camera, and share them
|             : with friends or decorate your house with them. Simon runs the
|             : Photography Shop, and will give you a free camera the first
|             : time you visit.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 320,000G worth of 'other' items (includes cooked
|                    : dishes, foraged items and milled items).
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 540,000G worth of 'other' items (includes cooked
|                    : dishes, foraged items and milled items).
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Item:
|         Frame (S): Chic                  1000G    1
|         Frame (S): Normal                1000G    1
|         Frame (S): Urban                 1000G    1
|         Poster (S): Casual               2000G    1
|         Poster (S): Country              2000G    1
|         Poster (S): Cute                 2000G    1
|         Frame (M): Chic                  1500G    2
|         Frame (M): Normal                1500G    2
|         Frame (M): Urban                 1500G    2
|         Poster (M): Casual               3000G    2
|         Poster (M): Country              3000G    2
|         Poster (M): Cute                 3000G    2
|         Frame (L): Chic                  2250G    3
|         Frame (L): Normal                2250G    3
|         Frame (L): Urban                 2250G    3
|         Poster (L): Casual               4000G    3
|         Poster (L): Country              4000G    3
|         Poster (L): Cute                 4000G    3
|      Tools:
|         Gold Camera                      2400G    1
|         TLR Camera                       3000G    2
|         Bellows Camera                   3600G    3
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_ST] _
| Sonata Tailoring                                                           
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 17:00 (5:00PM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : Sonata Tailoring is the main spot to go for all your
|             : different clothing needs. They sell headwear, neckwear,
|             : facewear, tops, pants and lots of other stuff. Seriously,
|             : they sell enough to clothe fifty Harmonica Towns. Because the
|             : clothes are made from cloths, and because cloths are animal
|             : products, Sonata Tailoring's upgrade level is based on animal
|             : product shipments.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 100,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 200,000G worth of any type of good.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      Clothing:
|         Blue Workwear (Boy)              1000G    1   Spring & Summer
|         Green Casual (Girl)              1000G    1   Spring & Summer
|         Workwear (Girl)                  1500G    1   Spring & Summer
|         Yellow Workwear (Boy)            1500G    1   Spring & Summer
|         Black Victorian (Girl)           2000G    2   Spring & Summer
|         Brown Safari (Boy)               3000G    2   Spring & Summer
|         Sporty (Boy)                     2000G    2   Spring & Summer
|         Sporty Shortsleeves (Girl)       1500G    2   Spring & Summer
|         Chic (Boy)                       3000G    3   Spring & Summer
|         Formal Dress (Girl)              3000G    3   Spring & Summer
|         Punk (Boy)                       2000G    3   Spring & Summer
|         Safari (Girl)                    2000G    3   Spring & Summer
|         Blue Jacket (Boy)                1000G    1   Fall & Winter
|         Red Casual (Girl)                1500G    1   Fall & Winter
|         Yellow Casual (Girl)             1000G    1   Fall & Winter
|         Yellow Parka (Boy)               1500G    1   Fall & Winter
|         Down Vest (Boy)                  2000G    2   Fall & Winter
|         Red Victorian (Girl)             2000G    2   Fall & Winter
|         Sporty (Girl)                    2000G    2   Fall & Winter
|         Tracksuit (Boy)                  2000G    2   Fall & Winter
|         Formal Jacket (Boy)              3000G    3   Fall & Winter
|         Pantsuit (Girl)                  3000G    3   Fall & Winter
|         Safari Jacket (Boy)              3000G    3   Fall & Winter
|         Western (Girl)                   3000G    3   Fall & Winter
|      Hats & Glasses:
|         Fire Bandana                      800G    1
|         Round Red Glasses                1000G    1
|         Round Silver Glasses             1000G    1
|         Thick Glasses                    1200G    1
|         White Baseball Cap               1400G    1
|         Big Round Glasses                1700G    2
|         Brown Hunting Cap                1700G    2
|         Camo Hat                         1700G    2
|         Granny Glasses                   1500G    2
|         Heart Glasses                    1600G    2
|         Novelty Glasses                   700G    2
|         Orange Sunglasses                1800G    2
|         Paisley Bandana                   800G    2
|         Round Sunglasses                 1400G    2
|         Square Glasses Black             1400G    2
|         Star Glasses                     1900G    2
|         White Cowboy Hat                 2400G    2
|         3D Glasses                       1200G    3
|         Big Round Sunglasses             1700G    3
|         Brown Cowboy Hat                 2400G    3
|         Cool Sunglasses                  1700G    3
|         Eyemask                          2200G    3
|         Heart Sunglasses                 1700G    3
|         Monocle                          1800G    3
|         Red Hunting Cap                  1700G    3
|         Star Sunglasses                  1900G    3
|         Tropical Bandana                  800G    3
|         Yellow Baseball Cap              1200G    3
|         Blue Straw Hat                    500G    1   Spring & Summer
|         Red Straw Hat                     500G    1   Spring & Summer
|         Blue Knit Cap                    1000G    1   Fall & Winter
|         Red Knit Cap                     1000G    1   Fall & Winter
|         White Scarf                      1500G    1   Fall & Winter
|         Long Purple Beanie               1300G    2   Fall & Winter
|         Red Scarf                        2000G    2   Fall & Winter
|         Long Black Beanie                1300G    3   Fall & Winter
|         Yellow Scarf                     2000G    3   Fall & Winter
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_TS] _
| Taylor's Seeds                                                             
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Only by Phone
|       Hours : Always Open
|   Closed On : Always Open
| Description : Taylor's Seeds is a phone order-only shop for buying seeds.
|             : The good side of ordering from Taylor is that you don't have
|             : to wait for Marimba Farm to level up to buy seeds; he stocks
|             : every type of seed right from his arrival. The bad side is
|             : that he charges twice as much per seed. Note that you can
|             : eventually buy everything from Marimba Farm that you could
|             : from Taylor, and they'll also charge you double if you order
|             : by phone.
|        Note : Taylor's Seeds won't open until after you've rung the Yellow
|             : Bell.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SH_TH] _
| Town Hall                                                                  
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Information
|    Location : Harmonica Town
|       Hours : 8:00 (8:00AM) to 17:00 (5:00PM)
|   Closed On : Sundays, Holidays
| Description : The Town Hall is the place to go to buy extra fields and
|             : houses. Houses don't serve much purpose, but extra fields
|             : will give you places to plant orchards and more crops. Plus,
|             : extra houses are just kind of cool. You can't sleep in the
|             : other houses, but you can decorate, cook and save in them.
|        Note : Hamilton will not sell you these things until you pay back
|             : the 5000G he lends you at the beginning of the game. These
|             : are the only benefits to paying him back, though, so no rush.
| Upgrade to Level 2 : Ship 150,000G worth of any type of good.
| Upgrade to Level 3 : Ship 250,000G worth of any type of good.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|      House:
|         Beach House                    100000G    1
|         Mountain House                 100000G    2
|         River House                    100000G    2
|         Summer House                   200000G    3
|      Plot:
|         River Plot                      70000G    1
|         Farm Plot                      150000G    2
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [PLACE]                                                                 /
|  /                                                           Other Places  /
| /                                                                         /
| Aside from the places to buy various items, there are many other relevant
| locations around the island. These are places where you'll run into
| villagers, experience many events, and process important materials.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HOTSP] _
| Hot Springs                                                                
| There are four Hot Springs around the game world. A Hot Spring lets you
| substantially restore all your stamina once per day. Just go up to the Hot
| Spring and press A -- you'll emerge with full stamina.
| The Hot Springs won't take care of drowsiness or illness, and each can only
| be used once a day. Note also that time won't pass while you're in the Hot
| Spring -- its impact is instant.
| The four Hot Springs are located:
|   - On your ranch, toward the northeast. You won't be able to use it right
|     away, but after you complete a little bit of the plot it'll be
|     available.
|   - At the top of Upper Garmon Mine.
|   - On the 20th floor of Lower Garmon Mine.
|   - On the 20th floor of the Watery Cave.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WINDM] _
| Windmill                                                                   
| The Windmill is located right next door to Horn Ranch. It sits motionless
| until you ring the Red Bell and get the wind blowing again. After that, it
| can be used to process certain goods: Rock Salt into Salt, Spicy Peppers
| into Curry Powder, Coffee Beans in Ground Coffee, and Sugarcane into Sugar.
| For more information on using the Windmill to Mill items, check the Milling
| section by searching for [-MILLN-] without the dashes.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [WHEEL] _
| Waterwheel                                                                 
| The Waterwheel is located a bit down the river in Flute Fields. Like the
| Windmill, it can be used to process certain goods: Wheat into Flour,
| Buckwheat into Soba Flour, and Corn into Cornmeal.
| For more information on using the Windmill to Mill items, check the Milling
| section by searching for [-MILLN-] without the dashes.
|______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| School                                                                     
| The School is located in Harmonica Town, just past the Town Hall up the
| stairs. It doesn't serve much purpose, but once the villagers start having
| kids of their own, several events can take place here.

        // [FESTI]                                                           //
       //                                            Festivals and Events   //
      //  "The truth is that existence wants your life                     //
     //  to become a festival, because when you are                       //
    //  unhappy, you also throw unhappiness all around."                 //
   //  -Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh                                          //
  //                                                                   //
| Harvest Moon fans have long been asking for more and better festivals and
| events, ever since the gems that were Harvest Moon 64 and Harvest Moon:
| Back to Nature. Animal Parade, unfortunately, has fewer festivals than even
| Tree of Tranquility. But fortunately, the festivals themselves are far
| better, and there are far more events.
| Festivals and events are broken up (by me) into four categories: Romantic
| Festivals, Social Festivals, Family Festivals and Events:
|   - Romantic Festivals allow you to take one of the eligible bachelors or
|     bachelorettes on a date to do something special. In order to have a
|     date for these festivals, you have to talk to the person on the day
|     before the festival, and they must have at least three hearts in their
|     heart level. The dates all happen at night.
|   - Social Festivals are much bigger. In Animal Parade, every social
|     festival has multiple shop booths where you can buy goods and multiple
|     contests you can enter. There may be only four of these festivals, but
|     they're all huge events. Social Festivals also includes Theodore's
|     monthly circus, which happens on the 22nd of every month.
|   - Family Festivals are small family events. Unlike the other two, the
|     dates of these events are custom-defined in your game. These are
|     birthdays and anniversaries, and are celebrated by small gatherings in
|     your own house.
|   - Events are plot sequences, series of dialog and other interesting
|     little scenes that are triggered by your friendship with different
|     villagers or presence at certain places and at certain times. There are
|     lots of events in Animal Parade, and I'm not going to list them all in
|     this section: I'm only going to list the ones where it might not be
|     clear what you need to do.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [ROMFE]                                                                 /
|  /                                                     Romantic Festivals  /
| /                                                                         /
| Each month has one romantic festival, all occurring in the first half of
| the month.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FLOWF] _
| Flower Festival                                                            
|      Date : Spring 14
|  Location : Celesta Church Area
| Arrive By : 6:00PM
|   Ends At : 10:00PM
| The Flower Festival is the Spring romantic festival. First of all, in order
| to take a date to the Flower Festival, you must talk to your chosen date on
| the day before (that is, Spring 13) the festival. If they have more than 3
| hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If you accept, no
| one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask again if you
| talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's offer. They won't
| lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry about accidentally
| talking to someone you don't want to take first.
| Then, on Spring 14, show up in the Celesta Church area before 6:00PM and
| hang out until the clock hits 6:00. You might be able to arrive as late as
| 7:00PM, but to be safe, go ahead and get there early. The scene will
| automatically trigger by 7:00PM. If you're in the right place and it
| doesn't trigger, run around a bit.
| There's nothing to do during the festival but watch the scene. Then, the
| event will end, and you'll be in an empty Celesta Church area at 10:00PM.
| If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some
| affection points.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FIREF] _
| Firefly Festival                                                           
|      Date : Summer 7
|  Location : At the beach, near the river in Flute Fields
| Arrive By : 6:00PM
|   Ends At : 10:00PM
| The Firefly Festival is the Summer romantic festival. First of all, in
| order to take a date to the Firefly Festival, you must talk to your chosen
| date on the day before (that is, Summer 6) the festival. If they have more
| than 3 hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If you
| accept, no one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask
| again if you talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's
| offer. They won't lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry
| about accidentally talking to someone you don't want to take first.
| Then, on Summer 7, show up at the beach near the river (you'll see the
| festival decorations) before 6:00PM and hang out until the clock hits 6:00.
| You might be able to arrive as late as 7:00PM, but to be safe, go ahead and
| get there early. The scene will automatically trigger by 7:00PM. If you're
| in the right place and it doesn't trigger, run around a bit.
| There's nothing to do during the festival but watch the scene. Then, the
| event will end, and you'll be on the now-empty beach at 10:00PM.
| If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some
| affection points.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MOONF] _
| Moon Festival                                                              
|      Date : Fall 14
|  Location : On the hill in Flute Fields
| Arrive By : 6:00PM
|   Ends At : 10:00PM
| The Moon Festival is the Fall romantic festival. First of all, in order to
| take a date to the Moon Festival, you must talk to your chosen date on the
| day before (that is, Fall 13) the festival. If they have more than 3
| hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If you accept, no
| one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask again if you
| talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's offer. They won't
| lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry about accidentally
| talking to someone you don't want to take first.
| Then, on Fall 14, show up on Moon Hill in Flute Fields (middle of the area,
| behind the fork that leads to Marimba Farm and Horn Ranch -- same location
| as the Starry Night Festival) before 6:00PM and hang out until the clock
| hits 6:00. You might be able to arrive as late as 7:00PM, but to be safe,
| go ahead and get there early. The scene will automatically trigger by
| 7:00PM. If you're in the right place and it doesn't trigger, run around a
| bit.
| There's nothing to do during the festival but watch the scene. Then, the
| event will end, and you'll be back at the fork at 10:00PM.
| If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some
| affection points.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [STARF] _
| Starry Night Festival                                                      
|      Date : Winter 11
|  Location : On the hill in Flute Fields
| Arrive By : 6:00PM
|   Ends At : 10:00PM
| The Starry Night Festival is the Winter romantic festival. First of all, in
| order to take a date to the Starry Night Festival, you must talk to your
| chosen date on the day before (that is, Winter 10) the festival. If they
| have more than 3 hearts, they'll offer to be your date to the festival. If
| you accept, no one else will offer to go with you. If you deny, they'll ask
| again if you talk to them again unless you've accepted someone else's
| offer. They won't lose any affection if you turn them down, so don't worry
| about accidentally talking to someone you don't want to take first.
| Then, on Winter 11, show up on Moon Hill in Flute Fields (middle of the
| area, behind the fork that leads to Marimba Farm and Horn Ranch -- same
| location as the Moon Viewing Festival) before 6:00PM and hang out until the
| clock hits 6:00. You might be able to arrive as late as 7:00PM, but to be
| safe, go ahead and get there early. The scene will automatically trigger by
| 7:00PM. If you're in the right place and it doesn't trigger, run around a
| bit.
| Unlike the other festivals, this festival has a bit of a mini-game. You'll
| be prompted over and over with a set of 5 "wishes". If you select the same
| wish every time, you'll get a reward. The wish dialog only stays visible
| for a few seconds, so you'll have to act fast. Then, the event will end,
| and you'll be back at the fork at 10:00PM.
| If you don't show up in time, your date will be upset and lose some
| affection points.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [SOCFE]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Social Festivals  /
| /                                                                         /
| Like the Romantic Festivals, there is one unique Social Festival per month.
| Additionally, Theodore's circus comes to town every month, though after the
| first couple times it's not nearly as important.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ANIMF] _
| Animal Festival                                                            
|         Date : Spring 28
|     Location : Horn Ranch
| Arrive After : 10:00AM
|      Ends At : 6:00PM
|  Description : The Spring social festival is the Animal Festival, and takes
|              : place at Horn Ranch. Like the title suggests, the Animal
|              : Festival is a celebration of animals of all kinds:
|              : livestock, poultry, and even pets.
|              :
|              : There are three contests at the Animal Festival, as well as
|              : several shops selling various animal products.
|     Contests : Animal Contest: The Animal Contest is for livestock and
|              : poultry. Enter the contest by talking to Hamilton at Horn
|              : Ranch and selecting Animal Contest. You'll be asked which
|              : animal you want to enter, and presented with a dialog sorted
|              : by heart level of all your animals. Any livestock animal can
|              : be entered, but higher-heart level animals have a much
|              : better chance of winning. If you have multiple animals of
|              : the same heart level, go for the "biggest" one -- a cow
|              : would be better than a horse, which is better than a sheep
|              : or goat, which are all better than chickens, ducks and
|              : silkworms. If you win, you'll get a heaping helping of bird
|              : feed.
|              :
|              : Pet Contest: The Pet Contest is, you guessed it, for your
|              : pets. Well, one of your pets. Trigger it by talking to
|              : Hamilton and selecting Pet Contest. With the Animal Whistle
|              : you can teach tricks to your pets just by whistling for them
|              : once per day. As they do more tricks, the skill of their
|              : trick will improve. At the Pet Contest, choose your animal
|              : with the best trick, and it will do that trick for the
|              : contest. For more information on tricks, check out the Pets
|              : section by searching for [-PETSS-] without the dashes.
|              :
|              : Horse Race: Well, technically you can ride any animal, but
|              : the horse or ostrich is the most logical. To trigger
|              : practice for the Horse Race, talk to Cain before 9AM -- to
|              : actually enter it, talk to Hamilton and choose Race. He'll
|              : let you choose what animal to ride. From there, the game
|              : follows the same mechanics as the racing mini-game, which
|              : you can find by searching for [-RACMG-] without the spaces.
|              : Note that you can only ride animals -- even horses and
|              : ostriches -- that have at least 5 hearts, so odds are you
|              : won't be able to participate until your second year unless
|              : you befriend your cow really quick. You can also just watch
|              : by talking to Cain and selecting Watch. You can even get
|              : prizes for correctly predicting the winner! Whether you're
|              : racing or picking a winner, the Horse is always the best
|              : option.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|   Hannah's Booth:
|      Animal Products:
|         Butter; Perfect                   740G
|         Cheese; Perfect                   740G
|         Goat Butter; Perfect              680G
|         Goat Cheese; Perfect              640G
|         Mayonnaise; Perfect               260G
|         Sheep Butter; Perfect             640G
|         Sheep Cheese; Perfect             640G
|         Wool; Perfect                    2440G
|      Recipe:
|         Buckwheat Pancake (recipe)        620G
|         Cookies (recipe)                  470G
|         Orange Cookies (recipe)           590G
|         Pancake (recipe)                  550G
|         Potato Pancake (recipe)           580G
|         Pudding (recipe)                  300G
|         Shortcake (recipe)                890G
|   Shelly's Booth:
|      Animal Products:
|         Flax Yarn; Perfect               2900G
|         Silk Yarn; Perfect               2640G
|         Wool Yarn; Perfect               2680G
|   Yolanda's Booth:
|      Drink:
|         Honeydew Milk                    1300G
|         Strawberry Milk                  1040G
|         Yogurt Drink                      820G
|      Produce:
|         Honey; Decent                     100G
|         Honey; Good                       200G
|         Honey; Perfect                    300G
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [OCEAF] _
| Ocean Festival                                                             
|         Date : Summer 17
|     Location : Harmonica Town beach
| Arrive After : 10:00AM
|      Ends At : 10:00PM
|  Description : The Summer social festival is the Ocean Festival, a
|              : celebration of all things sea-related. Aside from two booths
|              : stocking primarily sea dishes and items, you'll also find a
|              : booth with lots of regular dishes as well.
|              :
|              : The Ocean Festival has only two contests, but also has a
|              : fireworks event to close the day.
|     Contests : Fishing Contest #1: I'm not entirely sure how this contest
|              : works yet. At this contest, you're graded on your fishing
|              : prowess thusfar in the game, based on how many fish you've
|              : caught and how good they are. I'm not sure the span of time
|              : you have to catch contest-eligible fish, though. To enter,
|              : talk to Hamilton in the morning. The prizes for this
|              : festival are all medicines.
|              :
|              : Fishing Contest #2: The second fishing contest is a bit more
|              : obvious. Talk to Hamilton in the afternoon to trigger it,
|              : and he'll tell you a fish that you need to try to catch.
|              : Fish in the Harmonica Town ocean to try and catch that fish,
|              : and the first person to catch it wins! The prizes for this
|              : are fish recipes.
|              :
|              : Fireworks: The fireworks aren't a contest, but rather just
|              : an event. If you're in the area at 7:00PM, the fireworks
|              : will start and you'll chill on the beach and watch them with
|              : everyone else.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|   Ozzie's Booth:
|      Dish:
|         Baked Potato                     1060G
|         Grilled Squid                     130G
|         Roasted Corn                      420G
|         Sashimi; Good                     800G
|         Sauteed Clam                      640G
|         Seafood Stew                      320G
|   Paolo's Booth:
|      Fish:
|         Bonito                            240G
|         Crawfish                           20G
|         Octopus                           120G
|         Squid                             110G
|      Item:
|         Mussel                            120G
|         Oyster                            120G
|         Sea Urchin                        160G
|   Pascal's Booth:
|      Drink:
|         Apple Juice                       360G
|         Blackberry Juice                  140G
|         Blueberry Juice                   140G
|         Carrot Juice                      500G
|         Coconut Juice                     120G
|         Cranberry Juice                   140G
|         Grape Juice                       320G
|         Honeydew Juice                    770G
|         Orange Juice                      320G
|         Pineapple Juice                   160G
|         Raspberry Juice                   120G
|         Tomato Juice                      520G
|         Vegetable Juice                  1370G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HARVF] _
| Harvest Festival                                                           
|         Date : Fall 27
|     Location : Marimba Farm
| Arrive After : 10:00AM
|      Ends At : 6:00PM
|  Description : The Harvest Festival is the corresponding crop-oriented
|              : festival to the Animal Festival. Here you'll celebrate a
|              : year of bountiful harvests, fitting for the second-to-last
|              : day of Fall.
|              :
|              : The Harvest Festival has four different contests: one for
|              : each type of crop, and one for recipes. To enter all the
|              : contests, you'll want to bring something in each category
|              : with you in your rucksack.
|              :
|              : There are also several booths open selling crops and
|              : vegetable dishes. Note that Ruth sells many common recipe
|              : ingredients like Olive Oil, Flour and Cornmeal -- you won't
|              : get to get these again for almost another year, so if
|              : there's any recipes you want to make soon you might want to
|              : buy some. Note, though, that if you buy these ingredients,
|              : your final dish usually won't sell for enough to make it
|              : profitable.
|     Contests : Crop, Flower and Fruit Contests: These three contests all
|              : work exactly the same. Talk to Hamilton and he'll ask you
|              : for a crop, flower or fruit, depending on which contest you
|              : choose. Have them in your rucksack, then hand them over when
|              : he asks for them. A crop is anything that grows in a single
|              : square on your farm and has a quality rating
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|   Craig's Booth:
|      Item:
|         Pontata Root                       80G
|      Produce:
|         Carrot; Perfect                   520G
|         Eggplant; Perfect                 360G
|         Pepper; Perfect                   440G
|         Pumpkin; Perfect                  420G
|         Spinach; Perfect                  540G
|         Yam; Perfect                      360G
|   Ruth's Booth:
|      Dish:
|         Chestnut Rice                     850G
|         Decent Perfume                    780G
|         Mushroom Rice                     660G
|         Yam Rice                          880G
|      Fertilizer:
|         Shining Fertilizer                360G
|      Item:
|         Salt; Perfect                     240G
|      Produce:
|         Chrysanthemum                     180G
|         Cornmeal; Perfect                 500G
|         Cosmos                            200G
|         Curry Powder; Perfect             520G
|         Flax; Perfect                     540G
|         Ground Coffee; Perfect            440G
|         Olive Oil; Perfect                340G
|         Soba Flour; Perfect               600G
|         Sugar; Perfect                    520G
|         Wheat Flour; Perfect              420G
|      Recipe:
|         Blue Perfume (recipe)            1280G
|         Decent Perfume (recipe)           320G
|         Green Perfume (recipe)            380G
|         Red Perfume (recipe)              730G
|         Shining Perfume (recipe)         1370G
|         Yellow Perfume (recipe)           410G
|   Taylor's Booth:
|      Dish:
|         Apple Candy                       830G
|         Apple Jam                         680G
|         Pickled Vegetables                660G
|         Potato Stew                       520G
|         Pumpkin Stew                      450G
|         Roasted Chestnut                  330G
|         Roasted Yam                       360G
|         Sauteed Mushroom                  620G
|         Strawberry Jam                    980G
|         Vegetable Salad                   840G
|         Yam Stew                          400G
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [NEWYF] _
| New Year's Eve                                                             
|         Date : Winter 28
|     Location : Town Hall
| Arrive After : 6:00PM
|      Ends At : 12:00AM
|  Description : The New Year's Eve festival is a celebration of...
|              : miscellaneous other stuff that didn't get covered in the
|              : other three festivals! There's a hodgepodge of contests
|              : covering mining, foraging, and clothing. Be aware that for
|              : one of the contests, you'll need to find and refine an Ore
|              : or Wonderful before the festival day.
|              :
|              : Additionally, there are shops at the New Year's Eve festival
|              : as well. This is the only place that I know of where you can
|              : buy herb seeds, which are great for dyeing yarns. There's
|              : also a wide assortment of clothing available here.
|     Contests : Foraging Contest: This contest is like the first fishing
|              : contest from the Ocean Festival. Essentially, all the
|              : different forageable goods you've picked up are tallied, and
|              : whoever has picked up the most wins. Forageable goods in
|              : this case are pretty much anything you can find on the
|              : ground outside, like berries, herbs and beach stuff. The
|              : prizes here are different quantities of lumber, so this can
|              : be a great way to get the wood to build that new home
|              : extension or barn expansion.
|              :
|              : Clothing Contest: The Clothing Contest is a fashion show.
|              : You'll be judged on what you're wearing at the time of the
|              : contest, so come dressed all fancy-like. I have no idea if
|              : the results of this festival are randomly determined or are
|              : actually based on what you're wearing, but just in case,
|              : come dressed in the most expensive stuff you have -- the
|              : game doesn't understand color complements or anything like
|              : that.
|              :
|              : Mining Contest: Like the Crop, Flower, Fruit and Cooking
|              : contests from the Harvest Festival, the Mining Contest is a
|              : contest to bring the best mine product. As usual, this
|              : appears to be solely based on the item's sale value, so just
|              : bring the most expensive thing you can find. Gems are better
|              : than Metals. This is a great way to get a lot of stone
|              : lumber, as that's the prize for winning this contest.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shop Listings
|                                                 Lv.
|         Item                    Purchase Price  Req   Notes
|   Barbara's Booth:
|      Utensils:
|         Aging Pot: Gold                  3000G
|         Aging Pot: Red                   2700G
|         Cutting Board: Chic              2000G
|         Cutting Board: Gorgeous          2500G
|         Frying Pan: Chic                 2600G
|         Frying Pan: Gorgeous             3000G
|         Mixer: Chic                      1700G
|         Mixer: Gorgeous                  2000G
|         Oven: Chic                       3200G
|         Oven: Gorgeous                   3500G
|         Pot: Chic                        2500G
|         Pot: Gorgeous                    2800G
|   Irene's Booth:
|      Seeds:
|         Blue Herb Seeds                    20G
|         Green Herb Seeds                   20G
|         Purple Herb Seeds                  20G
|         Red Herb Seeds                     20G
|         Yellow Herb Seeds                  20G
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CIRCF] _
| Theodore's Circus                                                          
|         Date : Spring 22, Summer 22, Fall 22, Winter 22
|     Location : Celesta Church area
| Arrive After : 3:00PM
|      Ends At : 8:00PM
|  Description : Theodore's Circus is a monthly festival, although it really
|              : has none of the characteristics of other festivals. I've
|              : outlined most of the details of it in the Theodore's Circus
|              : Event section -- for that, search for [-THEOD-] without the
|              : spaces. This section just focuses on the monthly elements of
|              : it.
|              :
|              : The first couple times you come to Theodore's Circus, you'll
|              : be focused on completing Theodore's Circus Event. After
|              : that, though, there won't be much to do here. Once you're
|              : married, you can have your family follow you to the circus
|              : and see your kids playing with all the animals.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAMIF]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Family Festivals  /
| /                                                                         /
| In addition to those seasonal festivals, as you get married and start a
| family you'll find a few events that occur on particular dates to celebrate
| birthdays and anniversaries.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [YOURB] _
| Your Birthday                                                              
| Before marriage, you probably noticed that people around the island
| mysteriously wished you happy birthday even though you probably can't
| recall ever telling them when your birthday is. They probably looked it up
| on Facebook.
| After marriage, though, you'll have a little celebration at your house.
| Just enter your house after 6:00PM and you'll get the scene, which goes
| until around 10:00PM. Other than that, you don't have anything to do.
| If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM),
| you'll miss the event, but your spouse won't really mind.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SPOUB] _
| Your Spouse's Birthday                                                     
| You'll celebrate your spouse's birthday too, but be warned: do NOT give
| your spouse a present early in the day. As soon as you give them a gift,
| the event triggers, and it won't be over until 10:00PM.
| You can also trigger the event the same way as your own birthday, just by
| entering your house after 6:00PM. Your spouse will be happier if you
| trigger it with a present, though.
| If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM),
| you'll miss the event, and your spouse will lose a bit of affection.
| Note that the Harvest King, Harvest Goddess, Witch and Wizard all have
| unknown birthdays, so this event won't take place.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ANNIV] _
| Your Anniversary                                                           
| Like your birthday and your spouse's birthday, the anniversary event is
| triggered just by entering the house on the date of your anniversary after
| 6:00PM. I'm not yet sure if there's a present involved.
| If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM),
| you'll miss the event, and your spouse will lose a bit of affection.
| Note that this event won't take place if you married the Harvest King or
| Harvest Goddess.
|______________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CHLDB] _
| Your Child's Birthday                                                      
| Like the other family-based festivals, your child's birthday is triggered
| by entering your house after 6:00PM. It won't be over until 10:00PM, so
| don't plan on doing any major chores after entering the house.
| Now, there's a funny thing about kids: they want presents! And you'll need
| to legitimately have something in your rucksack to give them, or they'll be
| pretty upset. Now, as you might've noticed, there's no real toy-like items
| in the game, so go with food: cake, pie, chocolate are all good options.
| If you don't return for the event (you don't get home until after 10:00PM),
| you'll miss the event, and your spouse will lose a bit of affection.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [EVENT]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                 Events  /
| /                                                                         /
| Note that if you're looking for heart events and other romance-related
| events, you're going to want to check the Dating and Marriage sections by
| searching for [-DT&MR-] without the dashes. This section is for
| non-romantic events that pseudo-randomly occur around the island. They're
| listed loosely in the order you'll likely encounter them.
| Some of these events occur at the very beginning of the game, so let me
| state something kind of obvious: you're not meant to do these events on
| their own, without playing any other element of the game at the same time.
| You should still be doing your farming, ranching, fishing, socializing, or
| whatever else it is that you do while you complete these events. Don't just
| complete a step of the event, then go home and go to sleep. This isn't that
| kind of RPG.
| Note that the titles for these events are my own creation -- they're not
| labeled this way in the game anywhere.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [FIXBR] _
| Fix the Bridge                                                             
| At the very start of the game, you must complete the Fix the Bridge event
| before you can get started with the plotline. I'm separating it, though,
| because aside from allowing the plotline to start, it really doesn't flow
| as a cohesive story. Also, in case you just jumped right to this point,
| read the paragraph directly above this one, before the start of this
| section.
| This event is reasonably self-explanatory, so there's a good chance you
| should be able to complete it without reading this.
| As you may or may not know, in order to start the plotline, you'll need to
| visit the Goddess Spring. Unfortunately, the Goddess Spring is accessed
| through Garmon Mine District, and the bridge to the district is down. It's
| up to Bo to repair it.
| So, now it's just a matter of waiting for Bo to get off his tush and repair
| it, right? Of course not. You're responsible for triggering various
| elements of the event that will eventually lead to him repairing the
| bridge.
| To start the event off, attempt to go down the path behind your farm toward
| Garmon Mine District. You'll run into Bo, who will explain everything I
| just said. Then he'll ask you to get his toolbox from the Mayor.
| Head over to Town Hall and talk to the Mayor to get the toolbox. Yeah,
| right -- you wish it was that easy. Before he'll give you the toolbox,
| Hamilton (the Mayor) asks you to make sure you've met everyone around the
| island first. So, go do that. The villagers you need to meet are:
|   - Simon at the Simon's Studio.
|   - Shelly & Candace at Sonata Tailoring.
|   - Kathy & Hayden outside Brass Bar.
|   - Ozzie at the Fishery.
|   - Jake & Colleen at the Dock past the Fishery.
|   - Maya & Yolanda at Ocarina Inn.
|   - Irene at Choral Clinic.
|   - Perry & Mira in the Church.
|   - Chase at the Church area.
| Those are all the folks Hamilton cares if you meet, but there are a lot
| more villagers to meet as well. They are:
|   - Hannah & Cain at Horn Ranch, at the shop and barn respectively.
|   - Renee at the Windmill by Horn Ranch.
|   - Toby at the Waterwheel in Flute Fields.
|   - Craig, Taylor & Ruth at Marimba Farm.
| And after Bo fixes the bridge, you'll also be able to meet:
|   - Dale at the Carpenter's Shop.
|   - Ramsey at the Blacksmith's Shop.
|   - Owen at Garmon Mine.
|   - Julius at the Accessory Shop.
|   - Barbara at the General Store.
| Once you're done (Finn will let you know -- remember, it's only that first
| list of people that you need to find), return and talk to Hamilton again.
| He'll give you the toolbox. Take that back to Bo and give it to him (talk
| to him while the toolbox is in your hands). That does it! Except that
| apparently Bo is hungry, and won't work until you bring him food. Spoiled
| little... anyway, time to bring Bo some food. But not just any food: he
| specifically requests milk and a strawberry. You can get them on your own
| farm if your cow is grown and you've planted Strawberries, but it's easier
| just to buy them from Horn Ranch and Marimba Farm (assuming it's still
| Spring), respectively. They cost 700G together, so it might take you a
| little while to earn the money to buy them -- if you're running low on
| money, gather some mushrooms in the mine to get that sum quickly.
| Take the items back to Bo (talk to him while one is in your hands, then the
| other). The next morning, he'll pop by your farm and tell you that the
| repairs are all finished. Woo-hoo! That completes the Fixing the Bridge
| event.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [MOVEA] _
| Move the Animals                                                           
| This event is reasonably self-explanatory, so there's a good chance you
| should be able to complete it without reading this.
| Now that you've fixed the bridge, you can go to Garmon Mine District and
| take the path between the Carpenter Shop and General Store to the Goddess
| Spring. Unfortunately, as soon as you do so, you'll find that a bunch of
| wild animals are standing in your way.
| Now we introduce the new hunting system in... nah, just kidding. Navi --
| er, I mean, Finn -- will pop up and tell you to go find someone that
| understands wild animals. Not that you have any idea who that would be, so
| usually you'd just have to go talk to everyone until someone said something
| useful. Fortunately, you're reading this, so I can tell you just to go talk
| to Dale.
| To make a long story short, Dale will say you need an item called the
| Animal Whistle. Time to go on a wild goose chase to find that whistle. Go
| talk to Barbara at the General Store, then Julius at the Accessory Shop or
| anywhere else he goes, then Chloe or Ramsey at the Blacksmith Shop, then
| Owen. Except, Owen's not that easy to find -- he's on the 10th floor of the
| mine.
| Once Owen gives you the whistle, head back to the menagerie blocking the
| Goddess Spring and use it just like you'd use any other tool. They'll move
| their butts. That completes the Accessing the Goddess Spring event.
|________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [THEOD] _
| Theodore's Circus Event                                                    
| The first time Theodore's circus comes to town (Spring 22), head over to
| the Celesta Church area. Unfortunately, it seems that some of his circus
| animals have wandered off, and it's up to you to help find them. You can't
| complete this event the first time Theodore comes to town because certain
| items can only be obtained in later seasons. Don't worry, he comes back on
| the 22nd of every month, and you can complete the event in stages.
| To find his animals, you'll need to do two things:
|   - Make a dish to feed to each animal to get it to follow you back.
|   - Find each animal by blowing the animal whistle that Owen gave you.
| First, go home and make the three dishes. Since you're reading this guide,
| you could actually do this in advance. The three recipes are:
|   - Good Herb Fish: Cook any Herb and up to four fish in the Oven. The sale
|     value of the items you cook must be at least 250G. If you end up with a
|     Perfect or Shining Herb Fish, it should still work.
|   - Bread: Bread is also made in the oven, using Milk, Butter and Flour.
|     Flour might be hard to come by at your early stage of the game: it
|     requires wheat, one of the more expensive seeds, and the waterwheel in
|     Flute Fields.
|   - Vegetable Pizza: This one's tough. You'll need a good bit of
|     preparation to make a Vegetable Pizza, and it isn't sold anywhere.
|     First, this is important: save one of the Potatoes that grows on your
|     farm when you first start the game. Secondly, get some Cheese, either
|     from your own animal or from Horn Ranch. Third, get a Tomato, either
|     grown yourself in Summer or bought from a Level 2 Marimba Farm in
|     Summer. Fourth, get a Bell Pepper, either grown yourself in Fall or
|     bought from a Level 2 Marimba Farm in Fall. Last, get a Pie Crust by
|     putting Butter (bought or from your animals) and Wheat (from Flour,
|     grown or bought year-round from Level 2 Marimba Farm) together with the
|     Cutting Board. Then, cook the Potato, Cheese, Tomato, Bell Pepper and
|     Pie Crust together in the oven.
| You'll be using these dishes in order. To make this easier, before the
| 22nd, cook one of each of the ones you can (odds are, only the first two in
| Spring) and have it in your rucksack when you go to see Theodore.
| Theodore will tell you that three animals are missing: the Giraffe,
| Elephant and Hippopotamus. You must find them in order, and you have to
| return to talk to Theodore between finding each one.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eunice the Giraffe
| Eunice the Giraffe is hiding behind the lighthouse near the ocean. Head
| near the lighthouse and equip the whistle, then press A to use it. You'll
| be prompted to offer the Giraffe some food: he wants the Good Herb Fish.
| You might have to blow the whistle twice to be prompted to turn over the
| dish.
| Once you've given the Giraffe the dish, he'll return to Theodore. You
| should do the same.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Trunks the Elephant
| To find Trunks, you first have to convince Vegeta and Bulma to... wait,
| wrong universe.
| Trunks the Elephant is hiding near the entrance to Fugue Forest, in Flute
| Fields. Head near the forest and equip the whistle, then press A to use it.
| You'll be prompted to offer the Elephant some food: he wants the Bread. You
| might have to blow the whistle twice to be prompted to turn over the dish.
| Once you've given the Elephant the dish, he'll return to Theodore. You
| should do the same.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Humphrey the Hippopotamus
| Humphrey the Hippopotamus is hiding in the swamp inside Fugue Forest. Head
| all the way to the Witch's House and equip the whistle, then press A to use
| it. You'll be prompted to offer the Hippopotamus some food: he wants the
| Vegetable Pizza. You might have to blow the whistle twice to be prompted to
| turn over the dish.
| Once you've given the Hippopotamus the dish, he'll return to Theodore. You
| should do the same.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| The Shortcuts
| Once you've rescued all three animals, the circus will take place. Watch
| the show! At the end of it, the three animals will be available as
| shortcuts to some of the more difficult parts of the island. To access
| these shortcuts, just blow your whistle anywhere on the island when there's
| not a pet nearby, and choose where you want to go:
|   - Giraffe: The Giraffe will pop up and take you to Harmonica Town,
|     outside Town Hall.
|   - Elephant: The Elephant will pop up and take you to Flute Fields, at the
|     fork that leads to Marimba Farm and Horn Ranch.
|   - Hippopotamus: The Hippopotamus will take you to the Witch's House, so
|     you don't have to navigate that obnoxious forest anymore.
|   - Pig: The Pig will take you back home.
| These circus animals apparently know how to scuba dive -- they can pick you
| up even if you're on Toucan Island. Note, though, that to do this, you have
| to blow the whistle Owen gives you -- pressing A and B will whistle for a
| livestock animal, and those won't come on Toucan Island and in some other
| areas.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [THANK] _
| Harmony Day                                                                
| Harmony Day is kind of technically a festival, but it doesn't take place at
| any particular location. On the 5th of Winter, all day long you'll receive
| cake from any eligible bachelor or bachelorette with more than 5 hearts, so
| long as you talk to them. You'll also receive an additional boost to a
| person's heart level if you give them cake on this day: this applies to
| every villager.
| Cakes are pretty complicated recipes: they all involve Egg, Milk, Butter
| and Flour, with an alternating fifth ingredient that determines what type
| of cake it is. The easier thing to do is just give away the cakes you
| receive: after all, you weren't using them for anything.
|__________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [BOSLU] _
| Bo's Lunch                                                                 
| This one's short and easy. After you've rung the Red Bell, you'll notice
| that Bo spends his time chilling by the broken mine cart in Garmon Mine
| District. But, like the Fix the Bridge event, he apparently can't do
| anything about it with food. And he's too cheap to pay for it, so he wants
| you to bring it to him.
| Once you've triggered the event, all you have to do is bring Bo an edible
| gift during the day every day for around a week. Eventually, he'll say he's
| fixed it.
| Once it's fixed, you can use the mine cart as a shortcut. For more
| information on that, check out the Mine Cart Shortcut section by searching
| for [-CARTS-] without the dashes.
|__________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Opening the Accessory Shop                                                 
| This event is reasonably self-explanatory, so there's a good chance you
| should be able to complete it without reading this.
| This event is easy. When you're completing the Accessing the Goddess Spring
| event, Julius will mention that the Accessory Shop won't run without Mira.
| Mira is moping at the church.
| Go to the church and talk to her to get her to come re-open the shop.
| There, wasn't that easy?
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Toucan Island Drama                                                        
| The first time you visit Toucan Island, you'll trigger an event that
| introduces Sue, Samson and Selena.
| Most of the event is just scenes: one when you first enter Pineapple Inn on
| Toucan Island and one afterward outside Ocarina Inn. After that, you'll
| need to head back on the ferry to Harmonica Town.
| Once you're back, you'll discover that Selena hid on the ferry and came
| back with you. She'll get a job dancing at Brass Bar. Talk to her there and
| she'll ask you to take a letter back to her mom on Toucan Island.
| Take the letter, buy yet another ticket, and give the letter back to Sue.
| She'll thank you with a Hibiscus flower.

        // [REFER]                                                           //
       //                                              Reference Sections   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "It's the little details that are                                //
    //  vital. Little things make big things                             //
   //  happen." -John Wooden                                            //
  //                                                                   //
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [POWER] _
| Power Berries                                                              
| At the beginning of the game, you have 600 stamina points (though you'll
| never see the actual numbers). The only way to increase this number is by
| eating Power Berries. There are eight in the game, with each giving a
| permanent 50-point bonus.
|  Mine Berry #1 : On the final floor of the Lower Garmon Mine.
|  Mine Berry #2 : On the final floor of the Upper Garmon Mine.
|  Fishing Berry : Level the fishing rod to Level 5 (see the Tools section by
|                : searching for [-TOOLS-] without the dashes).
|  Tilling Berry : Level the hoe to Level 5 (see the Tools section by
|                : searching for [-TOOLS-] without the dashes).
|   Animal Berry : Raise any animal (livestock, poultry, pet or wild animal)
|                : to 10 hearts.
|  Goddess Berry : On the ground at the Goddess Spring.
| Marriage Berry : Raise your spouse to a full 20 hearts.
|    Child Berry : Raise your child to a full 10 hearts.
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TROPH] _
| Trophies                                                                   
| There are eight trophies that you can get for completing certain portions
| of the game. When you receive a trophy, you can set it out as a piece of
| furniture in your house to show off your accomplishment.
|  Animal Trophy : Possess each farm animal (both newborn and adult) at some
|                : point (though not all at the same time) and meet every
|                : wild animal.
| Cooking Trophy : Make every recipe.
|    Crop Trophy : Grow each of the 32 crops and fruits.
|    Fish Trophy : Catch each of the 48 fish.
|  Flower Trophy : Grow each of the 18 flowers.
|   Heart Trophy : Collect every villager wish and take it to the fresco (in
|                : other words, raise each villager to three hearts).
|  Mining Trophy : Obtain every mine item, including ores, wonderfuls,
|                : metals and gems, as well as both types of pearl.
|   Ranch Trophy : Obtain each animal product and animal by-product.
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [TVPRG] _
| Television Programs                                                        
| There are seven TV programs. Some are on every day, while others change
| from day to day.
| The shows are:
|                            Sun  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri  Sat
|            Weather Report   X    X    X    X    X    X    X
|       Harmonica Town News   X    X    X    X    X    X    X
| General Store Infomercial   X    X    X    X    X    X    X
|             Anime Program   X
|         Cooking with Maya        X              X
|             Animal Parade             X              X
|       Julius's Style Show                  X              X
|________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [CALEN] _
| Calendar                                                                   
| Here's a month-by-month calendar for the entire game. I'm planning to make
| a better-looking image version of this sooner.
|                                __  __  __  __
|                                    Spring
|                                __  __  __  __
| Sunday     Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday   Friday     Saturday
|  1          2          3          4          5          6          7
|                                             Ramsey's   Ruth's
|                                             Birthday   Birthday
|  8          9         10         11         12         13         14
|            Toby's                                      Mayor's    Flower
|            Birthday                                    Birthday   Festival
| 15         16         17         18         19         20         21
|                       Phoebe's                                    Hayden's
|                       Birthday                                    Birthday
| 22         23         24         25         26         27         28
| Circus     Chase's               Luna's                Sue's      Animal
|            Birthday              Birthday              Birthday   Festival
|                                __  __  __  __
|                                    Summer
|                                __  __  __  __
| Sunday     Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday   Friday     Saturday
|  1          2          3          4          5          6          7
|                       Kathy's                          Cain's     Firefly
|                       Birthday                         Birthday   Festival
|  8          9         10         11         12         13         14
| Luke's                Yolanda's                                   Dale's
| Birthday              Birthday                                    Birthday
| 15         16         17         18         19         20         21
|                       Ocean      Owen's     Taylor's              Samson's
|                       Festival   Birthday   Birthday              Birthday
| 22         23         24         25         26         27         28
| Circus     Barbara's                        Selena's   Chloe's
|            Birthday                         Birthday   Birthday
|                                __  __  __  __
|                                     Fall
|                                __  __  __  __
| Sunday     Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday   Friday     Saturday
|  1          2          3          4          5          6          7
|            Bo's                             Renee's    Craig's
|            Birthday                         Birthday   Birthday
|  8          9         10         11         12         13         14
|                       Mira's                                      Moon
|                       Birthday                                    Festival
| 15         16         17         18         19         20         21
|            Anissa's                                    Irene's    Julius's
|            Birthday                                    Birthday   Birthday
| 22         23         24         25         26         27         28
| Circus                Maya's                           Harvest    Jake's
|                       Birthday                         Festival   Birthday
|                                __  __  __  __
|                                    Winter
|                                __  __  __  __
| Sunday     Monday     Tuesday    Wednesday  Thursday   Friday     Saturday
|  1          2          3          4          5          6          7
|                       Pascal's   Hannah's   Thanks-               Candace's
|                       Birthday   Birthday   giving                Birthday
|  8          9         10         11         12         13         14
| Simon's                          Starry     Colleen's             Calvin's
| Birthday                         Night Fest Birthday              Birthday
| 15         16         17         18         19         20         21
|                                             Shelly's   Paolo's
|                                             Birthday   Birthday
| 22         23         24         25         26         27         28
| Circus     Ozzie's                          Jin's                 New
| Year's
|            Birthday                         Birthday              Eve
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [SHOPR] _
| Shopping Reference                                                         
| _ _ _ _ _
| Accessory
| Amber Brooch                   300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Amber
| Amber Pendant                  300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Amber
| Amber Ring                     300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Amber
| Amethyst Brooch                500G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Amethyst
| Amethyst Pendant               500G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Amethyst
| Amethyst Ring                  500G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Amethyst
| Aquamarine Brooch              500G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Aqua...
| Aquamarine Pendant             500G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Aqua...
| Aquamarine Ring                500G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Aqua...
| Black Pearl Brooch             200G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Blac...
| Black Pearl Pendant            200G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Blac...
| Black Pearl Ring               200G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Blac...
| Crystal Brooch                 300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Crystal
| Crystal Pendant                300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Crystal
| Crystal Ring                   300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Crystal
| Diamond Brooch                1200G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Diamond
| Diamond Pendant               1200G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Diamond
| Diamond Ring                  1200G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Diamond
| Emerald Brooch                 700G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Emerald
| Emerald Pendant                700G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Emerald
| Emerald Ring                   700G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Emerald
| Garnet Brooch                  300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Garnet
| Garnet Pendant                 300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Garnet
| Garnet Ring                    300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Garnet
| Goddess Brooch                 400G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Rare Metal x2
| Goddess Pendant                400G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Rare Metal x2
| Goddess Ring                   400G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Rare Metal x2
| Gold Brooch                    300G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Gold x2
| Gold Pendant                   300G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Gold x2
| Gold Ring                      300G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Gold x2
| Jade Brooch                    300G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Jade
| Jade Pendant                   300G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Jade
| Jade Ring                      300G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Jade
| Lapis Lazuli Brooch            400G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Lapi...
| Lapis Lazuli Pendant           400G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Lapi...
| Lapis Lazuli Ring              400G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Lapi...
| Opal Brooch                    400G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Opal
| Opal Pendant                   400G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Opal
| Opal Ring                      400G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Opal
| Pearl Brooch                   200G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Pearl
| Pearl Pendant                  200G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Pearl
| Pearl Ring                     200G Accessory Store, Lv.2; Silver, Pearl
| Peridot Brooch                 400G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Peridot
| Peridot Pendant                400G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Peridot
| Peridot Ring                   400G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Peridot
| Ruby Brooch                    800G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Ruby
| Ruby Pendant                   800G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Ruby
| Ruby Ring                      800G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Ruby
| Sakura Shell Brooch            200G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Saku...
| Sakura Shell Pendant           200G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Saku...
| Sakura Shell Ring              200G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Saku...
| Sapphire Brooch                600G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Sapphire
| Sapphire Pendant               600G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Sapphire
| Sapphire Ring                  600G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Sapphire
| Silver Brooch                  200G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver x2
| Silver Pendant                 200G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver x2
| Silver Ring                    200G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver x2
| Spinel Brooch                  300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Spinel
| Spinel Pendant                 300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Spinel
| Spinel Ring                    300G Accessory Store, Lv.1; Silver, Spinel
| Topaz Brooch                   600G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Topaz
| Topaz Pendant                  600G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Topaz
| Topaz Ring                     600G Accessory Store, Lv.3; Silver, Topaz
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Animal Products
| Butter; Decent                 380G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Butter; Good                   560G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Butter; Perfect                740G Animal Festival
| Butter; Perfect                740G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Cheese; Decent                 380G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Cheese; Good                   560G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Cheese; Perfect                740G Animal Festival
| Cheese; Perfect                740G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Cocoon; Decent                1320G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Cocoon; Good                  1980G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Duck Egg; Decent               160G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Duck Egg; Good                 240G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Egg; Decent                    100G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Egg; Good                      160G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Flax Yarn; Perfect            2900G Animal Festival
| Goat Butter; Decent            200G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Goat Butter; Good              500G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Goat Butter; Perfect           680G Animal Festival
| Goat Butter; Perfect           680G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Goat Cheese; Decent            300G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Goat Cheese; Good              500G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Goat Cheese; Perfect           640G Animal Festival
| Goat Cheese; Perfect           680G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Goat Milk; Good                460G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Goat Milk; Good                280G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Mayonnaise; Decent             160G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Mayonnaise; Good               200G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Mayonnaise; Perfect            260G Animal Festival
| Mayonnaise; Perfect            260G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Milk; Decent                   340G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Milk; Good                     520G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Ostonnaise                     900G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Ostrich Egg; Decent            700G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Ostrich Egg; Good             1060G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Sheep Butter; Decent           260G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Sheep Butter; Good             460G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Sheep Butter; Perfect          640G Animal Festival
| Sheep Cheese; Decent           260G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Sheep Cheese; Good             460G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Sheep Cheese; Perfect          640G Animal Festival
| Sheep Cheese; Perfect          640G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Sheep Milk; Decent             240G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Sheep Milk; Good               420G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Silk Yarn; Decent             1460G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Silk Yarn; Good               2180G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Silk Yarn; Perfect            2640G Animal Festival
| Silk Yarn; Perfect            2900G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Wool Yarn; Decent             1360G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Wool Yarn; Good               2020G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Wool Yarn; Perfect            2680G Animal Festival
| Wool Yarn; Perfect            2680G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Wool; Decent                  1240G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Wool; Good                    1840G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Wool; Perfect                 2440G Animal Festival
| _ _ _ _
| Animals
| Calf                          1200G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Chick                         1000G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Chicken                       2000G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Cow                           2400G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Duck                          1600G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Duckling                       800G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Foal                          2000G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Goat                          3000G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Horse                         4000G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Kid                           1500G Horn Ranch, Lv.2; Req. Level 2 Barn
| Lamb                          1800G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Ostrich                       6000G Horn Ranch, Lv.4; Req. Level 3 Barn
| Ostrich Chick                 3000G Horn Ranch, Lv.4; Req. Level 3 Barn
| Sheep                         3600G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Silkworm                      4000G Horn Ranch, Lv.3; Req. Level 3 Coop
| _ _ _
| Books
| Advanced Farming              1500G General Store, Lv.3
| All About Tools                800G General Store, Lv.3
| Animal Care Tool Guide        1500G General Store, Lv.3
| Castanet Guide: Volume 2       500G General Store, Lv.2
| Gathering Materials           1500G General Store, Lv.3
| Map of Bonds                   222G General Store, Lv.2
| Map of Droplet                 555G General Store, Lv.3
| Map of Fire                    111G General Store, Lv.2
| Map of Goddess                 999G General Store, Lv.4
| Map of Mirrors                 333G General Store, Lv.3
| Map of Pastoral                888G General Store, Lv.4
| Map of Sneaking                666G General Store, Lv.4
| Map of Splash                  444G General Store, Lv.3
| Map of Wings                   777G General Store, Lv.4
| Milling Basics                 500G General Store, Lv.1
| TV Listings                    500G General Store, Lv.1
| _ _ _ _ _
| Clothing
| Black Victorian (Girl)        2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Spring & Summer
| Blue Jacket (Boy)             1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Blue Workwear (Boy)           1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Spring & Summer
| Brown Safari (Boy)            3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Spring & Summer
| Chic (Boy)                    3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Spring & Summer
| Down Vest (Boy)               2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Fall & Winter
| Formal Dress (Girl)           3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Spring & Summer
| Formal Jacket (Boy)           3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Fall & Winter
| Green Casual (Girl)           1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Spring & Summer
| Pantsuit (Girl)               3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Fall & Winter
| Punk (Boy)                    2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Spring & Summer
| Red Casual (Girl)             1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Red Victorian (Girl)          2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Fall & Winter
| Safari (Girl)                 2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Spring & Summer
| Safari Jacket (Boy)           3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Fall & Winter
| Sporty (Boy)                  2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Spring & Summer
| Sporty (Girl)                 2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Fall & Winter
| Sporty Shortsleeves (Girl)    1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Spring & Summer
| Tracksuit (Boy)               2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Fall & Winter
| Western (Girl)                3000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Fall & Winter
| Workwear (Girl)               1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Spring & Summer
| Yellow Casual (Girl)          1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Yellow Parka (Boy)            1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Yellow Workwear (Boy)         1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Spring & Summer
| _ _ _ _ _
| Cocktails
| Apple Cocktail                 680G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Blackberry Cocktail            240G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Buckwheat Cocktail             920G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Coconut Cocktail               200G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Cranberry Cocktail             240G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Grape Cocktail                 600G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Olive Cocktail                 600G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Potato Cocktail                680G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Raspberry Cocktail             200G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Rice Cocktail                 1080G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Wheat Cocktail                 640G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| _ _ _
| Dish
| Apple Candy                    830G Harvest Festival
| Apple Jam                      680G Harvest Festival
| Apple Pie                     1510G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Summer
| Baked Potato                  1060G Ocean Festival
| Banana Candy                   590G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Banana Ice Cream              1320G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Banana Pudding                 830G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Blackberry Pie                1290G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Blueberry Pie                 1290G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Boiled Spinach                 550G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Fall
| Bouillabaisse; Decent         1060G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Bouillabaisse; Good           2220G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Bouillabaisse; Perfect        2720G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Cheese Fondue                 2960G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Cheese Omelet                 1380G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Cheese Risotto                1570G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Winter
| Cherry Pie                    1460G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Spring
| Chestnut Pie                  1480G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Fall
| Chestnut Rice                  850G Harvest Festival
| Chestnut Rice                  850G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Fall
| Chocolate Banana               460G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Chocolate Fondue              2670G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Winter
| Chocolate Pie                 1510G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Spring
| Conger Eel Bowl                820G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Summer
| Corn Soup                      950G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4; Summer
| Croquette                     2410G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Winter
| Curry Bread                   2250G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Spring
| Curry Soba                    1490G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Decent Perfume                 780G Harvest Festival
| Doria                         1810G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Eel Bowl                       940G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Fall
| Egg Rice                       720G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Egg Sandwich                  2800G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Egg Soup                       730G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Winter
| French Fries                   960G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Spring
| Fried Rice                     840G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Grilled Squid                  130G Ocean Festival
| Marinated Fish; Decent         590G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Marinated Fish; Good          1100G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Marinated Fish; Perfect       1700G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Mashed Potatoes               1610G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Meuniere; Decent               510G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Meuniere; Good                1050G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Meuniere; Perfect             1830G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Mushroom Gratin               1860G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Mushroom Rice                  660G Harvest Festival
| Mushroom Rice                  660G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Mushroom Soup                  670G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Omelet Rice                   1320G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Spring
| Orange Pie                    1480G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4; Summer
| Paella                        1660G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4; Winter
| Pancake                       1370G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Pesto Spaghetti               1390G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Pickled Vegetables             660G Harvest Festival
| Pie Crust                      990G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Pizza                         1590G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Plain Omelet                   780G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4; Spring
| Pot-au-Feu                    2270G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Potato Gratin                 2200G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Spring
| Potato Stew                    520G Harvest Festival
| Pumpkin Croquette             2340G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Fall
| Pumpkin Pie                   1560G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Fall
| Pumpkin Stew                   450G Harvest Festival
| Raspberry Pie                 1270G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Ratatoullie                   1570G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Fall
| Rice Ball                      710G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Roasted Chestnut               330G Harvest Festival
| Roasted Corn                   420G Ocean Festival
| Roasted Yam                    360G Harvest Festival
| Salmon Fried Rice             1280G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Sardine Tomato Stew            440G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Sardine in Oil                 540G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Sashimi; Good                  800G Ocean Festival
| Saury Tomato Stew              590G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Sauteed Clam                   640G Ocean Festival
| Sauteed Mushroom               620G Harvest Festival
| Seafood Curry                 1390G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Seafood Doria                 1940G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Seafood Fried Rice            1080G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Seafood Pizza                 1800G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Seafood Risotto               1330G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Winter
| Seafood Stew                   320G Ocean Festival
| Shortcake                     2210G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Sobagaki                       590G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Spring
| Southern Fried Rice           1060G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Southern Omelet               1390G Pineapple Inn, Lv.1
| Spaghetti Carbonara           1850G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Spaghetti Napolitan           1800G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Spaghetti Pescatore           1420G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Spicy Seafood Stew            1360G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Winter
| Spinach Risotto               1460G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4; Fall
| Squid Ink Spaghetti           1410G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Squid Tomato Stew              510G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Steamed Egg                   1290G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Fall
| Steamed Turnip                 730G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4; Spring
| Stir Fry                       490G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Strawberry Jam                 980G Harvest Festival
| Tempura Soba                  1020G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Tomato Omelet                 1180G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Summer
| Tomato Risotto                1370G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Summer
| Tomato Soup                    950G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Summer
| Tsukimi Soba                   750G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2; Fall
| Tuna Bowl                     1180G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Tuna Sandwich                 2810G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3; Fall
| Vegetable Curry               2400G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Vegetable Salad                840G Harvest Festival
| Vegetable Sandwich            2600G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Yam Cake                      1670G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Yam Rice                       880G Harvest Festival
| Yam Rice                       880G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Fall
| Yam Stew                       400G Harvest Festival
| Zaru Soba                      590G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1; Summer
| _ _ _
| Drink
| Apple Juice                    360G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Apple Juice                    360G Ocean Festival
| Banana Milk                    650G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Blackberry Juice               140G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Blackberry Juice               140G Ocean Festival
| Blueberry Juice                140G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Blueberry Juice                140G Ocean Festival
| Carrot Juice                   500G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Carrot Juice                   500G Ocean Festival
| Coconut Juice                  120G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Coconut Juice                  120G Ocean Festival
| Cranberry Juice                140G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Cranberry Juice                140G Ocean Festival
| Grape Juice                    320G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Grape Juice                    320G Ocean Festival
| Honeydew Juice                 770G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Honeydew Juice                 770G Ocean Festival
| Honeydew Milk                 1300G Animal Festival
| Hot Cocoa                      890G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Hot Coffee                     440G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Orange Juice                   320G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Orange Juice                   320G Ocean Festival
| Pineapple Juice                160G Ocean Festival
| Pineapple Juice                160G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Raspberry Juice                120G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Raspberry Juice                120G Ocean Festival
| Strawberry Milk               1040G Animal Festival
| Tomato Juice                   420G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Tomato Juice                   520G Ocean Festival
| Vegetable Juice               1370G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Vegetable Juice               1370G Ocean Festival
| Yogurt Drink                   820G Animal Festival
| _ _ _
| Feed
| Feed                            10G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Fodder                          20G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fertilizer
| Decent Fertilizer               50G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Good Fertilizer                 60G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Perfect Fertilizer             220G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Shining Fertilizer             360G Harvest Festival
| Shining Fertilizer             300G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| _ _ _
| Fish
| Angler Fish                    660G Fishery, Lv.2; Winter
| Bonito                         240G Fishery, Lv.2; Spring
| Bonito                         240G Ocean Festival
| Cod                            170G Fishery, Lv.1; Winter
| Conger Eel                     280G Fishery, Lv.2; Fall
| Crawfish                        20G Ocean Festival
| Freshwater Prawn                50G Fishery, Lv.2; Fall
| Goby                            30G Fishery, Lv.1; Spring
| Horse Mackerel                 170G Fishery, Lv.1; Summer
| Lobster                        360G Fishery, Lv.2; Winter
| Octopus                        120G Fishery, Lv.2; Spring
| Octopus                        120G Ocean Festival
| Pacific Herring                160G Fishery, Lv.2; Winter
| Rainbow Trout                  120G Fishery, Lv.1; Fall
| Rock Lobster                   190G Fishery, Lv.2; Summer
| Rock Trout                     240G Fishery, Lv.2; Spring
| Rockfish                       160G Fishery, Lv.1; Summer
| Salmon                         560G Fishery, Lv.1; Fall
| Sardine                         40G Fishery, Lv.1; Spring
| Saury                          190G Fishery, Lv.2; Fall
| Sea Bream                      300G Fishery, Lv.2; Summer
| Squid                          110G Ocean Festival
| Tuna                           640G Fishery, Lv.2; Summer
| Yellowtail                     310G Fishery, Lv.1; Winter
| _ _ _ _ _
| Furniture
| Armchair: Casual              1800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Armchair: Cute                1700G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Bookshelf: Casual             2500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Bookshelf: Chic               2100G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Cabinet (L): Chic             3600G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Cabinet (L): Cute             4000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Cabinet (L): Normal           3500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Cabinet (M): Chic             2800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Cabinet (M): Cute             3200G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Cabinet (M): Normal           2500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Cabinet (S): Chic             1400G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Cabinet (S): Cute             1700G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Cabinet (S): Normal           1200G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Cast Iron Stove               3100G General Store, Lv.3
| Chair: Casual                  900G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Chair: Chic                   1800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Chair: Country                1600G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Chair: Normal                  700G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Chair: Pop                    1300G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Chair: Urban                  2100G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Classic TV                    2500G General Store, Lv.1
| Dresser: Chic                 2300G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Dresser: Cute                 2600G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Dresser: Normal               1800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Luxury TV                     5500G General Store, Lv.3
| Oil Heater                    3700G General Store, Lv.4
| Recliner: Chic                1400G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Recliner: Country             1200G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Recliner: Normal              1000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Recliner: Urban               2300G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Refrigerator (L): Red         3900G General Store, Lv.4
| Refrigerator (L): White       3800G General Store, Lv.4
| Refrigerator (L): Yellow      4000G General Store, Lv.4
| Refrigerator (M): Red         2300G General Store, Lv.3
| Refrigerator (M): White       2200G General Store, Lv.3
| Refrigerator (M): Yellow      2400G General Store, Lv.3
| Refrigerator (S): Red         1500G General Store, Lv.2
| Refrigerator (S): White       1400G General Store, Lv.2
| Refrigerator (S): Yellow      1600G General Store, Lv.2
| Rotary Phone: Cute            2400G General Store, Lv.3
| Rotary Phone: Luxury          2700G General Store, Lv.4
| Rotary Phone: Normal          2000G General Store, Lv.2
| Shelf (L): Chic               2300G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Shelf (L): Cute               2600G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Shelf (L): Normal             2000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Shelf (M): Chic               1800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Shelf (M): Cute               2200G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Shelf (M): Normal             1500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.3
| Shelf (S): Chic               1700G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Shelf (S): Cute               2000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Sofa: Casual                  2700G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Sofa: Chic                    2300G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Sofa: Country                 2000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Sofa: Cute                    2500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Sofa: Normal                  1800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Sofa: Urban                   2800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Standard TV                   4000G General Store, Lv.2
| Stool: Casual                  800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Stool: Chic                   1500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Stool: Country                1400G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Stool: Normal                  600G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Stool: Pop                    1100G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1
| Stool: Urban                  1800G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.4
| Touchtone Phone: Cute         2600G General Store, Lv.2
| Touchtone Phone: Pop          3000G General Store, Lv.3
| Touchtone Phone: Urban        3000G General Store, Lv.4
| Wood Oven                     2200G General Store, Lv.2
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hats & Glasses
| 3D Glasses                    1200G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Big Round Glasses             1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Big Round Sunglasses          1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Blue Knit Cap                 1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Blue Straw Hat                 500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Spring & Summer
| Brown Cowboy Hat              2400G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Brown Hunting Cap             1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Camo Hat                      1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Cool Sunglasses               1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Eyemask                       2200G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Fire Bandana                   800G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1
| Granny Glasses                1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Heart Glasses                 1600G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Heart Sunglasses              1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Long Black Beanie             1300G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Fall & Winter
| Long Purple Beanie            1300G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Fall & Winter
| Monocle                       1800G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Novelty Glasses                700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Orange Sunglasses             1800G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Paisley Bandana                800G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Red Hunting Cap               1700G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Red Knit Cap                  1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Red Scarf                     2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2; Fall & Winter
| Red Straw Hat                  500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Spring & Summer
| Round Red Glasses             1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1
| Round Silver Glasses          1000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1
| Round Sunglasses              1400G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Square Glasses Black          1400G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Star Glasses                  1900G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| Star Sunglasses               1900G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Thick Glasses                 1200G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1
| Tropical Bandana               800G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| White Baseball Cap            1400G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1
| White Cowboy Hat              2400G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.2
| White Scarf                   1500G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.1; Fall & Winter
| Yellow Baseball Cap           1200G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3
| Yellow Scarf                  2000G Sonata Tailoring, Lv.3; Fall & Winter
| _ _ _
| House
| Beach House                 100000G Town Hall, Lv.1
| Mountain House              100000G Town Hall, Lv.2
| River House                 100000G Town Hall, Lv.2
| Summer House                200000G Town Hall, Lv.3
| _ _ _
| Item
| Frame (L): Chic               2250G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Frame (L): Normal             2250G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Frame (L): Urban              2250G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Frame (M): Chic               1500G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| Frame (M): Normal             1500G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| Frame (M): Urban              1500G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| Frame (S): Chic               1000G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Frame (S): Normal             1000G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Frame (S): Urban              1000G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Mussel                         120G Ocean Festival
| Oyster                         120G Ocean Festival
| Pontata Root                    80G Harvest Festival
| Poster (L): Casual            4000G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Poster (L): Country           4000G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Poster (L): Cute              4000G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Poster (M): Casual            3000G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| Poster (M): Country           3000G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| Poster (M): Cute              3000G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| Poster (S): Casual            2000G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Poster (S): Country           2000G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Poster (S): Cute              2000G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Salt; Perfect                  240G Harvest Festival
| Sea Urchin                     160G Ocean Festival
| _ _ _ _
| Makers
| Butter Maker                  3800G General Store, Lv.1
| Cheese Maker                  4200G General Store, Lv.1; Req. Level 2 Barn
| Incubator                     1000G General Store, Lv.1
| Mayonnaise Maker              3000G General Store, Lv.1; Req. Level 2 Coop
| Ostrich Egg Incubator         3000G General Store, Lv.1; Req. Level 3 Barn
| Yarn Maker                    4500G General Store, Lv.1; Req. Level 3 Coop
| _ _ _ _ _
| Medicine
| Bodigizer                      430G Choral Clinic, Lv.1
| Bodigizer XL                   570G Choral Clinic, Lv.2
| Cold Medicine                  260G Choral Clinic, Lv.1
| Remedy                         180G Choral Clinic, Lv.2
| Stay Awake                    1040G Choral Clinic, Lv.1
| Super Stay Awake              1140G Choral Clinic, Lv.2
| _ _ _
| Plot
| Farm Plot                   150000G Town Hall, Lv.2
| River Plot                   70000G Town Hall, Lv.1
| _ _ _ _
| Produce
| Anemone                        200G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Winter
| Apple; Decent                  260G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Apple; Good                    320G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Apple; Perfect                 360G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Begonia                        220G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Bell Pepper; Decent            320G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Bell Pepper; Good              380G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Bell Pepper; Perfect           440G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Blue Mist                      780G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Buckwheat; Decent              380G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Winter
| Buckwheat; Good                440G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Winter
| Buckwheat; Perfect             480G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Winter
| Cabbage; Decent                380G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Cabbage; Good                  440G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Cabbage; Perfect               500G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Carrot; Decent                 360G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Carrot; Good                   440G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Carrot; Perfect                520G Harvest Festival
| Carrot; Perfect                520G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Cherry; Decent                 240G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Cherry; Good                   280G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Cherry; Perfect                300G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Chestnut; Decent               240G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Chestnut; Good                 280G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Chestnut; Perfect              340G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Chrysanthemum                  180G Harvest Festival
| Chrysanthemum                  180G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Coffee Beans; Decent           280G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Coffee Beans; Good             320G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Coffee Beans; Perfect          360G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Corn; Decent                   320G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Corn; Good                     380G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Corn; Perfect                  420G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Cornmeal; Perfect              500G Harvest Festival
| Cosmos                         200G Harvest Festival
| Cosmos                         200G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Cucumber; Decent               320G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Cucumber; Good                 400G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Cucumber; Perfect              480G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Curry Powder; Perfect          520G Harvest Festival
| Eggplant; Decent                26G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Eggplant; Good                 300G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Eggplant; Perfect              360G Harvest Festival
| Eggplant; Perfect              360G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Flax; Decent                   320G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Flax; Good                     380G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Flax; Perfect                  540G Harvest Festival
| Flax; Perfect                  440G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Grape; Decent                  240G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Grape; Good                    280G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Grape; Perfect                 320G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Ground Coffee; Perfect         440G Harvest Festival
| Hibiscus                       420G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Honey; Decent                  100G Animal Festival
| Honey; Decent                  100G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Honey; Good                    200G Animal Festival
| Honey; Good                    200G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Honey; Perfect                 300G Animal Festival
| Honey; Perfect                 300G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Honeydew; Decent               500G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Honeydew; Good                 600G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Honeydew; Perfect              900G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Honeydew; Shining             1280G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Hyacinth                       240G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Lavender                       200G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Lettuce; Decent                440G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Lettuce; Good                  500G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Lettuce; Perfect               560G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Lily                           280G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Moondrop                       240G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Morning Glory                  240G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Summer
| Olive Oil; Perfect             340G Harvest Festival
| Olive; Decent                  240G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Olive; Good                    280G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Olive; Perfect                 320G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Onion; Decent                  340G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Onion; Good                    400G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Onion; Perfect                 460G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Orange; Decent                 240G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Orange; Good                   280G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Orange; Perfect                320G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Pansy                          180G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Pepper; Perfect                440G Harvest Festival
| Pinkcat                        240G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Potato; Decent                 380G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Potato; Good                   440G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Potato; Perfect                480G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Spring
| Pumpkin; Decent                300G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Pumpkin; Good                  360G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Pumpkin; Perfect               420G Harvest Festival
| Pumpkin; Perfect               420G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Rice; Decent                   420G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Rice; Good                     500G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Rice; Perfect                  580G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Rose                           440G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Snowflake                      300G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Winter
| Soba Flour; Perfect            600G Harvest Festival
| Spinach; Decent                360G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Spinach; Good                  440G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Spinach; Perfect               540G Harvest Festival
| Spinach; Perfect               540G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Strawberry; Decent             360G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Strawberry; Good               440G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Strawberry; Perfect            540G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Strawberry; Shining            820G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Sugar; Perfect                 520G Harvest Festival
| Sugarcane; Decent              360G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Sugarcane; Good                380G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Sugarcane; Perfect             440G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Sunflower                      320G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Tea Leaves; Decent             340G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Tea Leaves; Good               400G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Tea Leaves; Perfect            460G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Summer
| Tomato; Decent                 320G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Tomato; Good                   380G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Tomato; Perfect                420G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Summer
| Tulip                          220G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Turnip; Decent                 340G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Turnip; Good                   400G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Turnip; Perfect                460G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Watermelon; Decent             420G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Watermelon; Good               500G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Watermelon; Perfect            580G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Watermelon; Shining            820G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Summer
| Wheat Flour; Perfect           420G Harvest Festival
| Wheat; Decent                  260G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Wheat; Good                    300G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Wheat; Perfect                 340G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Yam; Decent                    260G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Yam; Good                      320G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Yam; Perfect                   360G Harvest Festival
| Yam; Perfect                   360G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ranch Upgrade
| Level 2 Barn Upgrade         30000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 40 Lumber, ...
| Level 2 Coop Upgrade         24000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 30 Lumber, ...
| Level 2 Home Upgrade         25000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 100 Lumber,...
| Level 3 Barn Upgrade         60000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 100 Lumber,...
| Level 3 Coop Upgrade         45000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 50 Lumber, ...
| Level 3 Home Upgrade         50000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 300 Lumber,...
| Level 4 Home Upgrade        150000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; 600 Lumber,...
| Waterwheel Repair            24000G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.2; 50 Lumber, ...
| _ _ _ _
| Recipe
| Apple Cocktail (recipe)        280G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Apple Ice Cream (recipe)       630G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Apple Jam (recipe)             280G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Apple Juice (recipe)           150G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Baked Potato (recipe)          430G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Banana Candy (recipe)          240G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Banana Ice Cream (recipe)      530G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Banana Ice Cream (recipe)      530G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Banana Milk (recipe)           260G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Banana Pudding (recipe)        340G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Blackberry Cocktail (re...     100G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Blackberry Ice Cream (r...     540G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Blackberry Juice (recipe)       60G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Blackberry Pie (recipe)        520G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Blue Perfume (recipe)         1280G Harvest Festival
| Blueberry Cocktail (recipe)    100G Brass Bar, Lv.1
| Blueberry Ice Cream (re...     540G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Blueberry Jam (recipe)         100G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Blueberry Juice (recipe)        60G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Boiled Corn (recipe)           190G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Boiled Duck Egg (recipe)       140G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Boiled Egg (recipe)            100G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Boiled Spinach (recipe)        220G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Buckwheat Cocktail (recipe)    370G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Buckwheat Pancake (recipe)     620G Animal Festival
| Butter Steamed Clam (re...     300G Fishery, Lv.1
| Butter Steamed Mussel (...     290G Fishery, Lv.2
| Butter Steamed Oyster (...     290G Fishery, Lv.2
| Cafe Au Lait (recipe)          390G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Carrot Ice Cream (recipe)      680G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Cheese Risotto (recipe)        630G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Cheesecake (recipe)            930G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Cherry Ice Cream (recipe)      610G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Cherry Jam (recipe)            240G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Cherry Pie (recipe)            590G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Chocolate Banana (recipe)      190G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Clam Soup (recipe)              70G Fishery, Lv.2
| Coconut Juice (recipe)          50G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Coffee Ice Cream (recipe)      660G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Cold Medicine (recipe)         110G Choral Clinic, Lv.2
| Conger Eel Bowl (recipe)       330G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Cookies (recipe)               470G Animal Festival
| Corn Soup (recipe)             380G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Cornbread (recipe)             780G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Cranberry Cocktail (recipe)    100G Brass Bar, Lv.2
| Cranberry Ice Cream (re...     540G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Cranberry Juice (recipe)        60G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Croquette (recipe)             970G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Decent Perfume (recipe)        320G Harvest Festival
| Eel Bowl (recipe)              380G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Egg Rice (recipe)              290G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Egg Salad (recipe)             420G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Fish Soup (recipe)             130G Fishery, Lv.1
| French Fries (recipe)          390G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Fried Egg (recipe)             100G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Fried Rice (recipe)            340G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Grape Cocktail (recipe)        240G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Grape Juice (recipe)           130G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Green Perfume (recipe)         380G Harvest Festival
| Green Tea (recipe)             180G Choral Clinic, Lv.1
| Grilled Goby (recipe)           20G Fishery, Lv.1
| Grilled Horse Mackerel ...      80G Fishery, Lv.1
| Grilled Mahi-Mahi (recipe)     240G Fishery, Lv.1
| Grilled Sardine (recipe)        30G Fishery, Lv.1
| Honeydew Ice Cream (recipe)    790G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Honeydew Juice (recipe)        310G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Hot Cocoa (recipe)             360G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Hot Coffee (recipe)            180G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Hot Milk (recipe)              230G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Kimchi (recipe)                550G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Marinated Fish (recipe)        240G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Marmalade (recipe)             240G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Mashed Potato (recipe)         650G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Milk Tea (recipe)              260G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Mint Ice Cream (recipe)        520G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Mushroom Gratin (recipe)       750G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Mushroom Rice (recipe)         270G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Olive Cocktail (recipe)        240G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Olive Oil (recipe)             110G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Orange Cookies (recipe)        590G Animal Festival
| Orange Ice Cream (recipe)      610G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Orange Juice (recipe)          130G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Orange Pie (recipe)            590G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Pancake (recipe)               550G Animal Festival
| Pesto Spaghetti (recipe)       560G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Pie Crust (recipe)             400G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Pineapple Juice (recipe)        70G Pineapple Inn, Lv.1
| Pizza (recipe)                 640G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Plain Omelet (recipe)          320G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Potato Gratin (recipe)         880G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Potato Pancake (recipe)        580G Animal Festival
| Potato Stew (recipe)           210G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Pudding (recipe)               300G Animal Festival
| Raspberry Cocktail (recipe)     80G Brass Bar, Lv.3
| Raspberry Ice Cream (re...     530G Horn Ranch, Lv.4
| Red Perfume (recipe)           730G Harvest Festival
| Remedy (recipe)                 80G Choral Clinic, Lv.2
| Rice Ball (recipe)             290G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Rice Cocktail (recipe)         440G Brass Bar, Lv.4
| Roasted Chestnut (recipe)      140G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Roasted Yam (recipe)           150G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Salmon Fried Rice (recipe)     510G Ocarina Inn, Lv.3
| Sardine Tomato Stew (re...     180G Fishery, Lv.1
| Sardine in Oil (recipe)        220G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Sashimi (recipe)                70G Fishery, Lv.1
| Sauteed Clam (recipe)          260G Fishery, Lv.2
| Sauteed Mussel (recipe)        250G Fishery, Lv.2
| Seafood Pizza (recipe)         720G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Shark Fin Stew (recipe)        480G Fishery, Lv.2
| Shining Perfume (recipe)      1370G Harvest Festival
| Shortcake (recipe)             890G Animal Festival
| Sobagaki (recipe)              240G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Southern Fried Rice (re...     430G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Spaghetti Napolitan (re...     680G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Spinach Risotto (recipe)       590G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Stay Awake (recipe)            420G Choral Clinic, Lv.2
| Stir Fry (recipe)              200G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Strawberry Ice Cream (r...     690G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Strawberry Milk (recipe)       420G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Tomato Juice (recipe)          170G Ocarina Inn, Lv.2
| Tomato Soup (recipe)           380G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Tortilla Chips (recipe)        500G Pineapple Inn, Lv.1
| Tuna Sandwich (recipe)        1130G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| Vegetable Curry (recipe)       960G Ocarina Inn, Lv.4
| Vegetable Salad (recipe)       340G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Yellow Perfume (recipe)        410G Harvest Festival
| Yogurt (recipe)                230G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Yogurt Drink (recipe)          330G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Zaru Soba (recipe)             240G Ocarina Inn, Lv.1
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Remodeling
| Casual Remodel                1500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; Req. Lv.2 House
| Country Remodel               1500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; Req. Lv.2 House
| Cute Remodel                  1500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; Req. Lv.2 House
| Gorgeous Remodel              1500G Carpenter's Shop, Lv.1; Req. Lv.2 House
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seedling
| Apple Seedling                 990G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Cherry Seedling                860G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Chestnut Seedling              860G Marimba Farm, Lv.2
| Coffee Bean Seedling           980G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Hali Seedling                  350G Marimba Farm, Lv.3
| Olive Seedling                 860G Marimba Farm, Lv.4
| Orange Seedling                860G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| _ _ _
| Seeds
| Anemone Seeds                   20G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Winter
| Begonia Seeds                   20G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Summer
| Bell Pepper Seeds              100G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Blue Herb Seeds                 20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Blue Herb Seeds                 20G New Year's Eve
| Blue Mist Seeds                 50G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Buckwheat Seeds                 30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Winter
| Cabbage Seeds                   30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Carrot Seeds                    30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Chrysanthemum Seeds             20G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Cocoa Seeds                    140G Pineapple Inn, Lv.1
| Corn Seeds                     100G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Cosmos Seeds                    20G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Cucumber Seeds                  30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Eggplant Seeds                  80G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Fall Seed Mix                   30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Flax Seeds                      30G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Grape Seeds                     30G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Grass Seeds                     20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1
| Green Bell Seeds                20G Pineapple Inn, Lv.1
| Green Herb Seeds                20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Green Herb Seeds                20G New Year's Eve
| Hibiscus Seeds                  40G Pineapple Inn, Lv.2
| Honeydew Seeds                  40G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Summer
| Hyacinth Seeds                  20G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Lavender Seeds                  20G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Lettuce Seeds                   40G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Lily Seeds                      20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Moondrop Seeds                  20G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Morning Glory Seeds             20G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Summer
| Onion Seeds                     30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Pansy Seeds                     20G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Pinkcat Seeds                   20G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Potato Seeds                    30G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Spring
| Pumpkin Seeds                   90G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Purple Herb Seeds               20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Purple Herb Seeds               20G New Year's Eve
| Red Herb Seeds                  20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Fall
| Red Herb Seeds                  20G New Year's Eve
| Rice Seeds                      30G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Fall
| Rose Seeds                      30G Marimba Farm, Lv.4; Fall
| Snowflake Seeds                 20G Marimba Farm, Lv.3; Winter
| Spicy Pepper Seeds              40G Pineapple Inn, Lv.1
| Spinach Seeds                   30G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Spring Seed Mix                 30G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Strawberry Seeds               110G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Sugarcane Seeds                 40G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Summer Seed Mix                 30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Sunflower Seeds                 30G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Summer
| Tea Leaves Seeds                50G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Tomato Seeds                   100G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Tulip Seeds                     20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Turnip Seeds                    30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Spring
| Watermelon Seeds                30G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Summer
| Wheat Seeds                     80G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Spring
| Yam Seeds                       90G Marimba Farm, Lv.2; Fall
| Yellow Herb Seeds               20G Marimba Farm, Lv.1; Winter
| Yellow Herb Seeds               20G New Year's Eve
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tool Upgrade
| Copper Axe Upgrade            6000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Copper x3
| Copper Fishing Rod Upgrade    4800G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Copper x3
| Copper Hammer Upgrade         6000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Copper x3
| Copper Hoe Upgrade            6000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Copper x3
| Copper Sickle Upgrade         6000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Copper x3
| Copper Watering Can Upgrade   6000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Copper x3
| Goddess Axe Upgrade          48000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.4; Rare Metal x3
| Goddess Fishing Rod Upgrade  36000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.4; Rare Metal x3
| Goddess Hammer Upgrade       48000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.4; Rare Metal x3
| Goddess Hoe Upgrade          48000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.4; Rare Metal x3
| Goddess Sickle Upgrade       48000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.4; Rare Metal x3
| Goddess Watering Can Up...   48000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.4; Rare Metal x3
| Gold Axe Upgrade             24000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.3; Gold x3
| Gold Fishing Rod Upgrade     14400G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.3; Gold x3
| Gold Hammer Upgrade          24000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.3; Gold x3
| Gold Hoe Upgrade             24000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.3; Gold x3
| Gold Sickle Upgrade          24000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.3; Gold x3
| Gold Watering Can Upgrade    24000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.3; Gold x3
| Iron Axe Upgrade              2400G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.1; Iron x3
| Iron Fishing Rod Upgrade      1800G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.1; Iron x3
| Iron Hammer Upgrade           2400G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.1; Iron x3
| Iron Hoe Upgrade              2400G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.1; Iron x3
| Iron Sickle Upgrade           2400G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.1; Iron x3
| Iron Watering Can Upgrade     2400G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.1; Iron x3
| Silver Axe Upgrade           12000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Silver x3
| Silver Fishing Rod Upgrade    9600G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Silver x3
| Silver Hammer Upgrade        12000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Silver x3
| Silver Hoe Upgrade           12000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Silver x3
| Silver Sickle Upgrade        12000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Silver x3
| Silver Watering Can Upgrade  12000G Blacksmith's Shop, Lv.2; Silver x3
| _ _ _
| Tools
| Animal Medicine                800G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Bell                          1000G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Bellows Camera                3600G Simon's Studio, Lv.3
| Brush                         1600G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Cow Miracle Potion             720G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Goat Miracle Potion            900G Horn Ranch, Lv.3
| Gold Camera                   2400G Simon's Studio, Lv.1
| Horse Miracle Potion          1200G Horn Ranch, Lv.2
| Matches                        480G General Store, Lv.1
| Milker                        2000G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Rattle                         720G General Store, Lv.1
| Shears                        1600G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| Sheep Miracle Potion          1080G Horn Ranch, Lv.1
| TLR Camera                    3000G Simon's Studio, Lv.2
| _ _ _ _ _
| Utensils
| Aging Pot: Brown              2300G General Store, Lv.2
| Aging Pot: Gold               3000G New Year's Eve
| Aging Pot: Gray               2100G General Store, Lv.1
| Aging Pot: Red                2700G New Year's Eve
| Aging Pot: White              2500G General Store, Lv.3
| Cutting Board: Chic           2000G New Year's Eve
| Cutting Board: Country        1700G General Store, Lv.2
| Cutting Board: Cute           1800G General Store, Lv.3
| Cutting Board: Gorgeous       2500G New Year's Eve
| Cutting Board: Normal         1500G General Store, Lv.1
| Dyeing Pot                    3600G General Store, Lv.1
| Frying Pan: Chic              2600G New Year's Eve
| Frying Pan: Country           2200G General Store, Lv.2
| Frying Pan: Cute              2400G General Store, Lv.3
| Frying Pan: Gorgeous          3000G New Year's Eve
| Frying Pan: Normal            1800G General Store, Lv.1
| Ice Cream Maker: Blue         2600G General Store, Lv.2
| Ice Cream Maker: Pink         3300G General Store, Lv.4
| Ice Cream Maker: Purple       3000G General Store, Lv.4
| Ice Cream Maker: Yellow       2800G General Store, Lv.3
| Mixer: Chic                   1700G New Year's Eve
| Mixer: Country                1400G General Store, Lv.2
| Mixer: Cute                   1500G General Store, Lv.3
| Mixer: Gorgeous               2000G New Year's Eve
| Mixer: Normal                 1200G General Store, Lv.1
| Oven: Chic                    3200G New Year's Eve
| Oven: Country                 2800G General Store, Lv.2
| Oven: Cute                    3000G General Store, Lv.3
| Oven: Gorgeous                3500G New Year's Eve
| Oven: Normal                  2500G General Store, Lv.1
| Pot: Chic                     2500G New Year's Eve
| Pot: Country                  2000G General Store, Lv.2
| Pot: Cute                     2300G General Store, Lv.3
| Pot: Gorgeous                 2800G New Year's Eve
| Pot: Normal                   2000G General Store, Lv.1

        // [F_A_Q]                                                           //
       //                                      Frequently Asked Questions   //
      //  "Have patience with everything that remains                      //
     //  unsolved in your heart. Try to love the                          //
    //  questions themselves, like locked rooms                          //
   //  and like books written in a foreign language."                   //
  //  -Rainer Maria Rilke                                              //
| This guide is frickin' huge. I understand if information can be pretty hard
| to find sometimes.
| So, I've gathered together all the common questions in this final section.
| If you came to this guide looking for an answer to a very specific question
| and aren't able to find it, maybe it's answered here! If not, feel free to
| contact me and I'll either do my best to answer or show you where in the
| guide to find it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Questions Index                                                            
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Farming Questions
|   - How do I get honey?
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Character Questions
|   - I can't find Calvin after meeting him with the Yellow Bell! Where is
|     he?
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mining Questions
|   - I can't get down to Level 10 in Garmon Mine!
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Gameplay Questions
|   - Are items stackable?
|   - Can I reload my game file/load another game file without restarting?
|   - Can I rearrange items in my rucksack?
|   - I can't place a kitchen utensil in my house!
|   - What's the difference between tiredness, drowsiness and sickness?
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| General Questions
|   - Where do I find the tools at the start of the game?
|   - Where are the Power Berries?
|   - How and where do I gather wood lumber or stone lumber?
|   - Do I have to level my tools before I upgrade them (or vice versa)?
|   - Is there Wi-Fi in this game?
|   - I chopped down a tree, but I can't pick up the lumber!
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Marriage Questions
|   - What are the heart events you have to complete to get married?
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ranching Questions
|   - How can I get better-quality goods from my animals?
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pets Questions
|   - Can pets be bred?
|   - How many pets can you have?
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_F]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      Farming Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How do I get honey?                                                        
| Answer : Honey randomly springs up from grown flowers. You'll know if a
|        : flower has honey by the bees floating around it. If you want to
|        : get honey, plant some flowers, then water them every day even
|        : after they're fully grown. Pick the ones you see a bee floating
|        : around in the morning.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_C]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    Character Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|________________________________________________________________________ _
| I can't find Calvin after meeting him with the Yellow Bell! Where is he?   
| Answer : You'll meet Calvin when you charge the Yellow Bell the first time,
|        : but he won't really live on the island and go about his regular
|        : routine until you ring the Yellow Bell. Don't worry, he'll be
|        : there soon.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_I]                                                                 /
|  /                                                       Mining Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| I can't get down to Level 10 in Garmon Mine!                               
| Answer : Stairs can be hidden underneath rocks, and it appears that the
|        : stairs on floor 9 of Lower Garmon Mine are always hidden under a
|        : rock. Use your hammer to bust all the rocks to find it.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_G]                                                                 /
|  /                                                     Gameplay Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Are items stackable?                                                       
| Answer : Yes, almost all items are stackable. The only exceptions are Ores
|        : and Wonderfuls dug up in the mine. Otherwise, any items with the
|        : exact same name will stack: note that this means that while two
|        : Perfect Eggs will stack and take up one slot, a Perfect Egg and a
|        : Good Egg will not stack and will take up two spots.
|____________________________________________________________________ _ _ _
| Can I reload my game file/load another game file without restarting?       
| Answer : Unfortunately, no. In order to reload your current file or open a
|        : different file, you must exit the game completely and start it
|        : again.
|______________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Can I rearrange items in my rucksack?                                      
| Answer : Yes! To rearrange the items in your rucksack, open the menu
|        : screens and scroll over to the Rucksack view with the D-Pad. Here,
|        : you can move items around by selecting them with A and moving them
|        : with the Control Stick.
|____________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| I can't place a kitchen utensil in my house!                               
| Answer : You have to place it on the counter, not on the floor.
|__________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _
| What's the difference between tiredness, drowsiness and sickness?          
| Answer : Extreme tiredness occurs when you're running low on stamina. Cure
|        : it by eating anything, or sleeping. You'll receive a prompt that
|        : you could collapse at any moment when you hit extreme tiredness.
|        :
|        : Drowsiness occurs when you stay up all night, by some mine gases,
|        : or eat too many mushrooms. Cure drowsiness with a Stay Awake or
|        : Super Stay Awake, as well as some drinks. Drowsiness is also cured
|        : by going to bed, though you'll sleep until the next 6:00AM.
|        :
|        :  Sickness occurs when it's raining or snowing and you become
|        : drowsy, or from certain mine gases. It will persist through
|        : sleeping, and has to be cured by a Cold Medicine.
|        :
|        : The three appear very similarly - your character will walk very
|        : slowly, and the picture in the bottom right will look pretty much
|        : dead. If you're not sure which you have and you don't want to go
|        : on to bed, try eating something. If that doesn't work, drink a
|        : Stay Awake. If that still doesn't work, drink a Cold Medicine.
|        : Medicines can be bought from the Choral Clinic. Conversely, you
|        : can sleep and if you're still afflicted in the morning, you know
|        : you need a Cold Medicine (unless you got less than a couple hours
|        : of sleep, in which case you could still just be extremely tired).
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_Q]                                                                 /
|  /                                                      General Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Where do I find the tools at the start of the game?                        
| Answer : The Watering Can and Hoe are given to you automatically at the
|        : beginning of the game.
|        :
|        : The Axe is given to you when you first meet Bo in Garmon Mine
|        : District.
|        :
|        : The Hammer is given to you when you first meet Owen in Garmon
|        : Mine.
|        :
|        : The Sickle is given to you when you first meet Hannah at Horn
|        : Ranch.
|        :
|        : The Fishing Rod is given to you when you first meet Toby in Flute
|        : Fields, by the river.
|____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Where are the Power Berries?                                               
| Answer : There are eight power berries:
|        :
|        : - On the final floor of Lower Garmon Mine.
|        : - On the final floor of Upper Garmon Mine.
|        : - Automatically when you level your rod to level 5.
|        : - Automatically when you level your hoe to level 5.
|        : - Raise any animal to 10 hearts.
|        : - On the ground at the Goddess Spring.
|        : - Raise your spouse to 20 full hearts.
|        : - Raise your child to a full 10 hearts.
|______________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How and where do I gather wood lumber or stone lumber?                     
| Answer : Wood lumber and stone lumber can be gathered on any field in the
|        : Farmlands. Stone lumber can also be gathered in the mines.
|        :
|        : But the easiest way to gather either is to go to Fugue Forest once
|        : it's open. Both stone lumber and wood lumber is available there.
|__________________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _
| Do I have to level my tools before I upgrade them (or vice versa)?         
| Answer : Yes! This time around, you do. Upgrading your tools will always
|        : reduce their stamina consumption. However, leveling your tools
|        : won't give you access to their higher-level abilities until you
|        : also upgrade the tool.
|        :
|        : An Iron tool is required for one charge, Copper for two charges,
|        : Silver for three charges, Gold for four charges, and Goddess for
|        : five charges.
|____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Is there Wi-Fi in this game?                                               
| Answer : Sadly, no. The Wi-Fi capabilities have been removed from the US
|        : release of Animal Parade.
|______________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| I chopped down a tree, but I can't pick up the lumber!                     
| Answer : You don't pick it up, you chop the log that is left on the ground
|        : after it crashes. When you chop it, it'll disappear and
|        : automatically be added to your lumber stock.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_M]                                                                 /
|  /                                                     Marriage Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|______________________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _
| What are the heart events you have to complete to get married?             
| Answer : There are five events that must be completed.
|        :
|        : The first two are gift-receiving events. The bachelor or
|        : bachelorette will show up at your house and give you a gift. This
|        : happens twice.
|        :
|        : The third is a love letter. You'll receive this automatically.
|        :
|        : The last two are date events. Talk to the bachelor or bachelorette
|        : in the morning and they'll ask you on a date for that afternoon,
|        : specifying a time and location. After that, you need to raise them
|        : to 9 hearts to marry them.
|        :
|        : For detailed information on all this, check out the Dating &
|        : Marriage section by searching for [-DT&MR-] without the dashes.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_R]                                                                 /
|  /                                                     Ranching Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|____________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How can I get better-quality goods from my animals?                        
| Answer : Raise their heart levels. Even then, though, the product qualities
|        : are somewhat randomized, and Shining products are still rare. Some
|        : experimentation has shown that hand-feeding the animal before
|        : milking or sheering it may improve its product quality, so try
|        : that if you're in need of a high quality good.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [FAQ_P]                                                                 /
|  /                                                         Pets Questions  /
| /                                                                         /
|__________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Can pets be bred?                                                          
| Answer : No.
|____________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How many pets can you have?                                                
| Answer : One per level of your house - at a level 5 house, you can have 5
|        : pets.

        // [C_C_C]                                                           //
       //                                                   The Three C's   //
      //                                                                   //
     //  "Only one thing is impossible for God:                           //
    //  to find any sense in any copyright law                           //
   //  on this planet." -Mark Twain                                     //
  //                                                                   //
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [COPYR]                                                                 /
|  /                                                              Copyright  /
| /                                                                         /
| This FAQ is the exclusive property of DetroitDJ. All rights reserved. This
| FAQ may be freely distributed on any site, in whole or part, as long as
| this last section remains intact (all three C's). That means no changing
| 'GameFAQs' to any other site name. You know who you are.
| The latest version of my FAQs will ALWAYS be at:
|             http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/game/960313.html
| Other sites are permitted to show this FAQ; however, most do not
| automatically update, and I only update my FAQs on GameFAQs -- so, if you
| don't see something, check that URL to see if there's a newer version.
| Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is copyright 2009 Natsume and Marvelous
| Interactive. All rights reserved.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CREDI]                                                                 /
|  /                                                                Credits  /
| /                                                                         /
| To Marvelous Interactive, Natsume and Nintendo, for this game and this
| system.
| To SBAllen, CJayC and GameFAQs as a whole, for maintaining this site.
| To mister_jmp, for doing anything he's going to do. Seriously, he did so
| much for my Tree of Tranquility guides that he deserves recognition here
| whether he decides to play Animal Parade or not.
| To Toshio, who is responsible for all the information gathered for this
| guide based on the Japanese game version.
| To Omega42, for helping me a ton with translations shortly before the game
| came out. This guide makes a whole lot more sense because of his efforts.
| To Roemu, for being my pseudo-beta tester for the guide's layout and such.
| And for generally being pretty awesome.
| To Ushi No Tane, better known to Harvest Moon fans as Fogu.com. I've made
| an active effort not to copy any information directly from the site, but I
| acknowledge that I have consulted Fogu.com's incredible Animal Parade
| section to check my own facts and for help with some translations in
| writing before the game's American release. Additionally, I read over the
| entire site before writing, so a good bit of my pre-release understanding
| is based on their information and that may impact what has been written --
| nothing is copied directly, but the way I've focused on certain elements,
| divided sections up or phrased certain portions may be impacted by their
| structure. If you haven't checked out Ushi No Tane's Animal Parade guide, I
| highly, highly recommend it:
|                     http://www.fogu.com/hm/animal_parade/
| To gigi_gg and Stormfeather, for going way beyond the call of duty in
| basically proofreading the entire guide. Thanks!
| To gottaluvme2841, for extensively testing weather patterns to see if they
| could be manipulated.
| To all the other people that have submitted corrections, tips and
| suggestions: Strongbad456, NurseFin, ayumi_ishimaru, Shionite, Luthviana,
| Shionite, XReikaX, Splinterscat, Tefalie, kevin_jiriki, alien418, Tefalie,
| Stormfeather, Quicksilver9448, Komae_Seshat, gottaluvme2841, jan_lee23,
| Blulightning, DayWolf, Hazeygray, Kamikon_Wolf, alaire_2000, pseudoduck.
| To Roemu, Rift, Sugar_Celebi, ZetsubouSensei, cynwri8, and the rest of the
| pre-release Harvest Moon: Animal Parade board, for generally being awesome.
|    _________________________________________________________________________
|   / [CONTA]                                                                 /
|  /                                                    Contact Information  /
| /                                                                         /
| GameFAQs ID: DetroitDJ -- find me on the Tree of Tranquility and Animal
| Parade boards. This is the preferred way to contact me.
| If you have a question, the next-best way is through my screenname, which
| is DDJGameFAQs. You can use that screenname for AIM, Yahoo!, MSN or
| GoogleTalk.
| If you have a suggestion or addition for the guide, or don't have AIM or a
| GameFAQs ID, or I'm not online, you can contact me via e-mail by prefacing
| your subject line with [AP] and e-mailing DDJGameFAQs@gmail.com. I'll
| respond only if you preface your e-mail with [AP] so that it avoids my spam
| filter and filters itself into my Harvest Moon box. Seriously, even if it
| hits my inbox, I might cackle and throw it to the trash if it doesn't have
| the [AP] on the front. This isn't rocket science, people.
| To recap, if you're asking a question, use GameFAQs or AIM. If you're
| making a suggestion or contribution, use e-mail. I won't kill you if you do
| it differently, that's just what makes it easiest for both of us.
| I'd hoped not to have to do this, but I also need to make a disclaimer
| about the type of communication I'll accept. But my old note scared people
| off, so let me make it more succinct.
| To summarize the below, ask yourself this: are you asking me a question
| about Harvest Moon: Animal Parade, or giving a suggestion for the guide? If
| so, then contact me. If not, read on.
| I'm more than happy to answer any questions about Harvest Moon: Animal
| Parade, via e-mail or IM. However, please note the following:
|   - I am not interested in just chatting about Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.
|     That means, don't ask me who I married, if I've finished the game, how
|     much money I have, etc. And I'm not all that interested in hearing
|     every detail about your farm either. Sorry.
|   - I am not interested in chatting about any other game, nor am I
|     qualified to answer questions about any game except for Harvest Moon:
|     Animal Parade (or other games I've written guides for). That means,
|     don't ask me about Spore, Gears of War, Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing
|     or Age of Empires. Don't ask me what other video game systems I have.
|     Don't list yours for me. I'm really not interested in hearing about it.
|     Sorry.
|   - If you ask me a question that is clearly stated somewhere in this
|     guide, I'll tell you how to find it. I won't look up the answer for
|     you. I didn't write this guide just so people could scroll to the
|     bottom and find my e-mail address. Don't be afraid to ask, but don't be
|     upset if I respond with a search code.
|   - Please type communicably. I'm not obsessed with proper
|     grammar/spelling, but if I can't understand what you're saying I just
|     won't respond. And this one is just a pet peeve of mine: I have no idea
|     what any of these "smileys" mean: ^^ ^^; -_- >> << <<; >>;; <_> >_< n-n
|     n.n - and I have no desire to know. So don't say anything that's
|     dependent on me understanding what these devilspawn illegitimate
|     children of lolspeak and anime mean.
|   - I am not interested in just chatting. That means, do not send me videos
|     of sneezing pandas. Do not as me what I look like. Do not send me the
|     "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" video. Do not send me a "Kiwee Emoticon." Do
|     not ask me if I like Naruto. And do NOT write DetroitDJ fanfiction.
|     Seriously, creepy.
| And yes, every single thing I've listed above has actually happened.
| Basically, if you contact me and I don't answer, ask yourself one question:
| Am I asking a question about Harvest Moon: Animal Parade? If the answer is
| no, then now you know why I'm not responding. If you have a question, don't
| hesitate to ask.

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