Tales of Symphonia Advanced Coliseum FAQ

Advanced Coliseum FAQ

By Josh Laddin

Version 1.65 – July 9, 2007


Table of Contents


1) Introduction

2) Version history

3) Single Mode General Strategies

3.a) Velocidragon and Dragon Rider

3.b) Crush Tortoise

3.c) Drake

3.d) Ice Warrior

3.e) Dragon Knight

4) Single Mode Character Tips

4.a) Lloyd

4.b) Kratos/Zelos

4.c) Presea

4.d) Sheena

4.e) Regal

4.f) Colette

4.g) Genis

4.h) Raine

5) Cheesing

5.a) Genis and Raine

5.b) Sheena

5.c) Sheena and Colette

6) Party Mode General Strategies

7) Bonus Battles

7.a) Seles

7.b) Tales Series Characters

8) Rewards

8.a) Weapons and Items

8.b) Equipment Drops

8.c) Titles

9) Closing


1 – Introduction


Welcome to this, my second FAQ, for the outstanding RPG Tales of

Symphonia. This FAQ is only to help you survive some of the most

difficult battles in the game in the Advanced Coliseum Class in

Meltokio. While there really aren’t any spoilers here, you won’t need

to read this until you reach the last part of the game anyway since

that’s when the Coliseum is available. The Beginner and Intermediate

Classes will not be covered since frankly they’re just too easy, and

if you can’t beat them you really shouldn’t be here. Moreover, you

only have to clear the Single Mode Beginner and Intermediate Classes

with one character (aka Lloyd, unless you have a fetish for another

character) to unlock Advanced for all the characters.

I won all of my battles in the Coliseum while my characters were

between level 70 and 75 – that should serve as a good measure for your

preparedness. Make sure to have every useful tech learned for all your

characters, good equipment, and good accessories. In other words, it’s

best to do the Coliseum after you’ve cleared out the last dungeon of

everything but the final boss. And always make sure to save before you

battle, so you can reset and not lose your money if you lose the

fight. That’s about it.


2 – Version history


Version 1.65 – July 9, 2007

-Added yet another bit of info about Seles

Version 1.64 – May 22, 2007

-Added more suggestions for Lloyd, Zelos/Kratos, Sheena, and Regal

-Added a party makeup suggestion for Party Mode

Version 1.62 – September 19, 2006

-Added a tip for Raine

-More info on the Tales Character battle

Version 1.60 – June 18, 2006

-Added a tip for Sheena

Version 1.59 – May 25, 2006

-Added some strategy and tips for the Tales Character battle

Version 1.58 – March 25, 2006

-Added a tip for Lloyd

Version 1.57 – March 5, 2006

-Added some tips for Regal

Version 1.56 – January 21, 2006

-Added yet another Seles strategy

Version 1.55 – December 18, 2005

-Added a Seles strategy

Version 1.52 – November 6, 2005

-Added an Ex Skill suggestion for Regal

Version 1.51 – August 6, 2005

-Added another strategy against Seles

Version 1.5 – June 30, 2005

-Added accessory suggestions

-Added an Ex Skill suggestion for Colette

-Added an Ex Skill suggestion for Raine

-Added a strategy for Lloyd against the Ice Warrior

Version 1.44 – April 1, 2005

-Added a detail about the Seles fight

Version 1.43 – January 4, 2005

-Added a cooking suggestion

-Added an Ex Skill suggestion for Lloyd

-Added an Ex Skill suggestion for Kratos/Zelos

Version 1.4 – November 28, 2004

-Added an Ex Skill setup for Raine

-New equipment recommendation for Kratos/Zelos

-New strategy for Seles battle

-Extra tip for Lloyd

-Added suggestions for Raine’s equipment

-Added a note for Raine

Version 1.31 – October 19, 2004

-Extra tip for Colette

Version 1.3 – September 16, 2004

-Ex Skill recommendation for Colette

-Extra tips for Kratos/Zelos

-Added how to enter Party Mode

-A little change in wording here and there

-Slight addition to Dragon Knight battle

Version 1.25 – August 27, 2004

-More info in the Tales Series Character battle

-Added a couple combo charts for Regal

-Even more info on meeting Seles

Version 1.2 – August 10, 2004

-Slight correction to equipment changing

-Added more info for fighting Seles

-Corrected misspelling of Colette’s name throughout the FAQ

-Extra tip for Lloyd

Version 1.15 – August 9, 2004

-Added the location of the Extreme Symbol

-Inserted Turquoise gem info in appropriate places

-Tip on changing equipment added to General Strategies

-More info in getting Seles

-More strategy added for Seles

-More strategy added for Tales Series Characters

-Extra tips for Lloyd

-Extra tips for Genis

-Extra tips for Regal

Version 1.05 – August 6, 2004

-Minor grammar and spelling fixes

-Altered Raine’s strategy slightly

Version 1.0 – August 4, 2004

-Initial Release


3 – Single Mode General Strategies


In this section I will give the stats for each enemy you face, a brief

description of the battles, and tactics universal for most, if not

all, characters. Stats are for normal battle rank.

Remember, you can cook after a battle! This is the best way to restore

HP and TP, so make sure you go in with plenty of ingredients for your

recipe of choice. I recommend Miso Stew (in the game, not real life.


–> Maxmagnus20019 recommends cooking Meat Stew with physical

characters, such as Lloyd, for the HP restoration and attack increase

for the next battle.

–> I have also been reminded by Aveothopios2 that you can change

equipment in battle, so it would be wise to switch to weapons and

armor that will give you elemental advantages over the competition.

Maxrpg has pointed out, however, that you can only change equipment in

the beginning of the battle, and soon after the option can no longer

be selected.

3.a) Velocidragon and Dragon Rider


HP: 2300

TP: 0

Attack: 406

Defense: 30

Element: None

Weaknesses: Ice

Strengths: None

Dragon Rider

HP: 2680

TP: 0

Attack: 425

Defense: 37

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

For some characters (magic users mostly) I consider this the hardest

battle in the Advanced Class because it’s a 2 on 1. One hit will make

the Rider fall and then you’ll have to deal with both. Though the

Rider has better stats, I find it easier to go after him first (except

with casters) because it’s easier to hit him with combos and dodge his

attacks. Don’t let up on him, and when he’s down, go after his pet.

Sometimes the way the Dragon staggers from hits will keep it out of

range of the next hit, which can be annoying when trying to combo it.

Still, once you’ve taken one of them out, the other will go down

fairly easily.

3.b) Crush Tortoise

HP: 9400

TP: 0

Attack: 904

Defense: 121

Element: Water

Weaknesses: Lightning

Strengths: Water, Ice

This guy is pretty simple. Although his Attack stat is high, he

doesn’t seem to do much damage. All he does are close range bites and

stomps, or he’ll go into his shell and launch himself at you. All of

these attacks are easily dodged or blocked and then countered. Just

be wary, since if he blocks your attacks he can counter surprisingly

fast. If you use a character that knows healing magic, distance

yourself and heal if you need to.

3.c) Drake

HP: 11850

TP: 1000

Attack: 630

Defense: 54

Element: None

Weaknesses: Ice

Strengths: Fire, Lightning

I consider this third fight to be the "breather." Not only is it very

easy, you should be able to heal yourself back to full before the end

as long as you wear the Holy Symbol or cast magic. I keep all

characters without healing magic (except Genis) equipped with a Holy

Symbol (or Turquoise!). Anyway, all he does is breathe fire in front

of him and occasionally cast Spark Wave. Run underneath him in between

his attacks and stay there. His breath cannot hit you, and if you see

him charging Spark Wave, just run at full speed in any direction to

avoid the spell and get back under him. If you have the Holy Symbol

equipped, just stand under him and dodge his magic until your HP is

back to full. If you can use healing magic, obviously do so as it is

much faster. When you’re ready to end the fight, bring him to the

ground with a jump attack and just go to town with whatever attacks

you like, and you shouldn’t take any damage at all.

3.d) Ice Warrior

HP: 4320

TP: 0

Attack: 668

Defense: 59

Element: Ice (Duh!)

Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning

Strengths: Water, Ice

He’s…really slow. If he shoots ice balls run out of range, but

basically the best tactic is to run up to him, block a slash, and

counter. If you need room to cast a spell, he’s fortunately just short

enough to jump over and run to the other side. Just watch out for his

overhead swing if you jump over. The annoying thing he does is his

charged up slash, since it knocks you into the air even when blocking

or using your defensive skill, preventing you from countering! But

he’s still not that big a deal. Kill him and cook some food for the

final battle.

3.e) Dragon Knight

HP: 13500

TP: 0

Attack: 1485

Defense: 250

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

The Dragon Knight can be really difficult or really simple depending

on the character. If you’re attacking physically, the best way is to

get close enough to initiate his attack, backstep out of the way, then

run in close and block. If he swings his axe, run back in after it

knocks you back. You want him to shoot his fireballs. After blocking

all three you can counter with your strongest combo. Then back away

and repeat. Consider yourself lucky if he does his flying fire breath.

It’s easy to dodge if you’re at a distance, and if you’re close you

can run beneath and behind him to pummel him when he lands. If you

need to heal by way of the Holy Symbol or Turquoise, it’s important to

note that all his attacks are triggered by standing a medium distance

away from him. Stand there to get him to attack you and then backstep

to dodge it, run back up to the same distance and repeat. With

practice, you will not be hit at all while you wait for your HP to

regenerate. Lloyd and Presea can pretty much just keep smacking him to

death, but the other characters may take some time to keep their HP


Also, some characters are short enough not to get hit by the fireballs

when standing right up next to the Dragon Knight. You’d be suprised –

even Lloyd sometimes can stand next to him without being hit, in prime

position for a combo. Presea and Sheena can do this almost all the

time (strange, Sheena doesn’t seem that short). Try it out.

–> Angelos says that if you get right under the Dragon Knight as he

flies up, he’ll land right on top of you and you can cast spells on

him without fear of retaliation.


4 – Single Mode Character Tips


I’ve listed these in order the order of difficulty that I found, easy

to hard. This section is for legitimate fighting only! If you want to

do really cheap stuff to win for some of the more difficult

characters, scroll down to the "Cheesing" section. But I would

recommend that you try doing it the honest way for the satisfaction

and bragging rights. I will list the accessories I used for each

character too.

–> Stormage has informed me that the Turquoise gem is better than the

Holy Symbol as it also restores TP. Use it instead!

–> Maxrpg has mentioned that if you equip both the Turquoise and Holy

Symbol you will get double the regen. Good call!

Here are my choices for the best accessories overall:

Faerie Ring (50% TP consumption) – an absolute must for Tech users

Holy Symbol (3% slow HP regen) – if the character can’t use healing

magic, you should slap one of these on them

Turquoise (3% slow HP and tp regen) – Ahh, now I know what this does!

Better than the Holy Symbol or Spirit Symbol

Mystic Symbol (Faster spell casting) – good for Genis and Raine

Extreme Symbol (Stronger attack) – good to round out a character’s

equipment, won in the Advanced Party Mode

–> watcher0’s choices for good accessories include the Force Ring

(dropped by the Hell Knight) and the Reflect Ring (dropped by Origin).

These provide increased physical and magical defense, respectively.

4.a) Lloyd

My accessories:

Holy Symbol

Extreme Symbol

There’s really not much to say for Lloyd. He’s overpowered,

especially if you did the Abyssion sidequest to get his Nebilim

swords. If you can’t beat the Coliseum with Lloyd, you’d better go

out and get a lot better. Be as aggressive as you can and take the

fight right to your enemy with your favorite combos.

–> Angelos mentions that if you get behind the Dragon Knight and

set Raining Tiger Blade to neutral B, you can keep mashing B and he

won’t be able to recover.

–> Aveothopios2 reports that you can abuse Rising Falcon over and

over to dish out huge damage to all your enemies. Whatever floats your


–> Daide notes that you if the Ice Warrior blocks your attacks, you

can use a Tiger Blade tech (he recommends Raining Tiger Blade) to

break the block for a real combo.

–> yahiko has a strategy for the Ice Warrior in which you run right

up to him at the beginning and let him slash you, then do a normal four

hit combo, Tiger Blade, Fierce Demon Fang, and Raining Tiger Blade.

With this combo, you should be able to do a guard break on him over

and over.

–> Assassin105 has a technique in which you knock an enemy to the

ground with a Beast move, then stand next to them and use Demon Fang.

This should make them stand up immediately, and if you hit them with

Twin Tiger Blade right away it will knock them down again. Repeat to

get high combos.

–> Patrick Da Silva recommends the following Ex Skills:

Lvl 3 – Add Combo

Lvl 2 – Vitality

This will give you Sky Attack, which allows you to use special attacks

in midair. When the Dragon Knight uses his fireballs, use Tempest in

the air and you will sail over him. Then knock him down from behind.

–> Yet another way to slay the Dragon Knight was sent by Mike Lambert.

If your health is low (in the red) you can just equip the Material

Blade and hit A+B+X to do Falcon’s Crest, which should probably kill

the Dragon Knight in one go.

–> Icezera says "with Lloyd, the ‘tiger blade’-‘twin tiger blade’

-‘demon fang’ combo lets you endlessly keep up a combo. I equipped him

with a faerie ring to reduce tp cost on the expensive twin


4.b) Kratos/Zelos

My accessories:

Extreme Symbol

Faerie Ring

They’re good physical attackers like Lloyd, but they can’t rack up

or take quite as much damage. Fortunately, they have First Aid. Make

one of your shortcuts First Aid and use it when there are gaps in

your enemies’ patterns. Otherwise the strategies should be pretty

much the same as Lloyd’s.

–> plastic_chochi has sent me tips on the Ice Warrior and Dragon

Knight. If you hang back far away from the Ice Warrior and use Demon

Fang continuously, you will kill him easily since he moves so slowly.

Likewise, you can let the Dragon Knight corner you and Demon Fang him

repeatedly. To avoid the fireballs you hold guard and hop backward

over them. This Demon Fang stuff can also work for Lloyd.

–> Elmador recommends equipping the Cleric’s Hat and Omega Shield on

Kratos/Zelos and giving them Turquoise and Black Onyx for accessories.

This will give your character more HP and therefore lots more HP regen

from all the equipment.

–> SOS brought to my attention the excellent Ex Skill setup for Super


Lvl 3 – Eternal

Lvl 3 – Super Chain

Lvl 3 – Slasher

Super Blast lets you have the six combo hits from Slasher, and follow

with special attacks. This is great for long combos and lots of damage.

–> From Icezera: Zelos/Kratos should use ‘light spear’-‘demon fang’

until your enemy is backed into a corner. It pushes them back a lot.

Then, you do ‘light spear’-‘super lightning blade’-‘demon fang’ over

and over. It takes up a lot of TP so equip a faerie ring.

4.c) Presea

My accessories:

Holy Symbol

Extreme Symbol

Presea is simply a tank. Since she can’t use magic she’s got a nearly

identical strategy to Lloyd: Hit very hard and very often. Her

defense is incredible, too, so you shouldn’t have to worry about your

HP. Remember to take advantage of Presea’s height and stand right next

to the Dragon Knight when he shoots fireballs. This is a real

advantage since most of the damage in the Dragon Knight fight comes

from having to block his attacks before you counter.

4.d) Sheena

My accessories:

Holy Symbol

Faerie Ring

I thought the Coliseum would be really hard with Sheena since she

doesn’t have a lot of HP and can’t heal herself, but she’s real quick

and can pull off some strong combos, making the fights go rather

quickly. I like comboing with Life Seal + Demon Seal. It’s powerful

and knocks the enemy down to give you some space. Remember the enemy

weaknesses too. Use S. Seal Ice on yourself for the Velocidragon and

Drake, S. Seal Lightning for the Crush Tortoise, and S. Seal Fire for

the Ice Warrior to give your attacks extra power.

–> TripleJump suggests that, if you have a lot of hp left going into

the Dragon Knight fight, you can just deliberately take a beating

until you overlimit and just kill him with a strong summon. If you go

into overlimit during any other fight, you should also summon while

you have the chance, but I think that goes without saying.

–> Icezera also adds that Sheena’s Cyclone Seal is extremely useful

as it’s a long range attack. Against smaller enemies (so no dragon

knight) it’ll deal lots of damage and lift them up. If you have the

Hard Hit Ex skill and Force Seal the enemy, you can easily do the

‘power seal pinion’-‘life seal’-‘demon seal’ combo for lots of damage.

Power Seal Pinion obviously lowers enemy def. so you drain more life

and do more damage.

4.e) Regal

My accessories:

Holy Symbol

Faerie Ring

I’m not very good with Regal so it was probably tougher than it should

have been. Also I chose stupid accessories since I forgot Regal can

heal himself. But anyway, fight a lot like you would with

Kratos/Zelos. I don’t know Regal’s good combos, but I used Triple Kick

and Eagle Dive a lot and it got the job done. Remember to heal

yourself when needed.

–> Edrynion submits the Ex Skill setup of:

Lvl 3 – Add Combo

Lvl 4 – Flash

This gives you Air Jump, and the way to use it is to double jump over

the Dragon Knight and unleash combos on him from behind.

–> Niraj Lakhia says that a good combo for Regal is Triple Kick

followed by Dragon Dance with the Add Combo Ex Skill.

–> iggy91519 and a lot of others have mentioned that Mirage is a

killer tech for Regal. Use it to get behind your enemies (especially

Dragon Knight) and hit them while their backs are turned.

–> Here are two great combo charts sent in by Jack, cause we all

know that Regal’s all about combos:

———->"Eagle Fall"

"Dragon Dance"—- —>"Wolverine"

———->"Eagle Dive" ——

—>"Triple Rage Kick"




"Triple Kick"

->"Eagle Fall"

->"Crescent Moon" –

"Crescent Dark Moon"– ->"Eagle Dive" -I

->"Eagle Fall" I


->"Eagle Dive"————

–>"Triple Rage Kick"




"Triple Kick"

–> Ice Magus uses the following Ex SKills:

Lvl 2 – Vitality

Lvl 3 – Guard Plus

Lvl 4 – Guilt

Lvl 4 – Flash

to make the compound Ex Skill Glory, preventing most staggering. He

also suggests the Turquoise and Faerie Ring for accessories. His

tactic for killing the larger enemies (like Velocidragon and Dragon

Knight) calls for standing a medium distance away and Miraging into

them. You can end up inside the monster and can heal yourself freely

because it can’t hurt you (except for the Dragon Knight’s thrust


–> Icezera says that Regal can just endlessly combo with ‘crescent

moon’ then ‘eagle rage.’

4.f) Colette

My accessories:

Holy Symbol

Faerie Ring

Once you get past the first fight, the rest actually aren’t that bad

with Colette as long as you have Para Ball and/or Torrential Para

Ball. If not, I’d suggest you learn these S techs. Once you get a feel

for the Para Ball’s range, you can keep tossing them at your enemies

to keep them at bay. It takes a while, but it’s a nice way to kill

your enemies while keeping yourself relatively safe. Also, the Para

Balls stun enemies quite frequently, which will let you run up and


–> Jack has submitted an extremely useful Ex Skill setup as follows:

Lvl 3 – Resurrect

Lvl 3 – Eternal

Lvl 4 – Stat Boost

Lvl 4 – Angel Song

This gives you the "Angels’s Tear" compound Ex skill which revives you

automatically once per battle! Quite nice.

–> ages_boy submits the following Ex Skills:

Lvl 2 – Vitality

Lvl 3 – Spirit

Lvl 4 – Stat Boost

This should give you Life Thief and Spirit Thief – now if you

continuously cast Stardust Cross, you will restore your HP and TP.

Simply repeat it until your enemy is dead.

–>AllPainful recommends using Hammer Rain to deal lots of damage to

the Dragon Knight. If you run up and stand under him when he flies up

to breath fire, you can hit him with Hammer Rain to dish out tons of


4.g) Genis

My accessories:

Heal Bracelet

Mystic Symbol

I don’t use the Holy Symbol for Genis because his fights end too

quickly for it to be effective; either you or the enemy will die fast.

Instead I use the Heal Bracelet for 10% HP regain when he kills

enemies. It’s a more substantial gain in the long run. I also subbed

the Mystic Symbol for the Faerie Ring, also because the fights end too

quickly to come close to burning through all your TP.

Genis and Raine must absolutely have the "Concentrate" Ex

Skill if you want to win legitimately. For Genis this requires:

Lvl 3 – Rhythm

Lvl 4 – Spell Save

Lvl 4 – Speed Cast

Lvl 4 – Spell Charge

This prevents you from staggering when hit while casting a spell. With

that in mind, cast your strongest Ice magic to kill the Velocidragon

and any strong spell to kill the Rider. Lightning will tear up the

Crush Tortoise and Ice will take out the Drake, although the Ice spell

Absolute will not usually hit him since he’s flying. But it’s the

Drake, so you can kill him with pretty much anything. Use your

strongest Fire magic against the Ice Warrior and cast Meteor Storm

nonstop against the Dragon Knight to wipe him out quite easily. Cook

often with Genis since he’ll take a beating while casting.

4.h) Raine

My accessories:

Mystic Symbol

Faerie Ring

As above, you want the Ex Skill "Concentrate". For Raine this


Lvl 3 – Speed Cast

Lvl 4 – Item Pro

Lvl 4 – Spell Save

Lvl 4 – Happiness

Raine’s entire offense is composed of only 2 spells, which makes the

strategy pretty simple. While her advanced offensive spells have the

potential for more damage, the number of hits they do can vary, and it

takes a while for the hits to actually connect, leaving you open

longer. Photon does less damage but hits quickly and accurately.

Balance them as the situation dictates. In the first fight, keep

blasting the Velocidragon until it’s dead (hopefully before you). Then

immediately cast First Aid over and over until you’re back up to full

HP. The Rider will hit you, but not for nearly as much as you get

healed each time. The second, third, and fourth fights shouldn’t pose

much of a problem with your healing power. The Dragon Knight can be

trouble. Mix up your casting with First Aid and offensive spells as

appropriate. Unlike the other enemies, the Dragon Knight can damage

you for more than you heal at a time, so choose wisely when you cast.

–> Ryan Johnson recommends using the Blue Talisman and Turquoise for

battles 1 and 5, and the Reflect Ring and Persian Boots for battles

2 – 4, with the Spirit Robe equipped for all of them.

–> Garuda notes that Ray will hit for maximum damage on the Dragon

Knight if you cast it on top of him.

–> Murasaki has contributed this Ex Skill setup:

Lvl 2 – Personal

Lvl 3 – Add Combo

Lvl 4 – Spell Save

Lvl 4 – Happiness

She gets the Compund Ex Skills Nimble Mage, Hard Hit, and Reducer. The

most important is Nimble Mage, since it allows her to move again

immediately after casting, as the spell hits. This is a good setup if

you want to try an alternate way of going through the Coliseum (not


–> Rock M suggests this setup:

Lvl 1 – Magical

Lvl 2 – E. Guard

Lvl 3 – Guard Plus

Lvl 4 – Item Pro

This combination gives the following –

E Block

Auto Aid

Blood Magic

Auto-Aid randomly casts First Aid as a counter to taking damage

(non-blocked), and Blood Magic regenerates Raine’s TP when she’s hit

in battle.

–> [ho1ysword] has a tip for the first battle. If you need to heal,

let the Velociraptor kick you in the air or the Rider knock you in

the air with a jumping slash, and just hit the ground. When you get

back up, you will flash briefly and have enough invincibility time to

cast First Aid, allowing you to recover the HP lost and a significant

amount more.


5 – Cheesing


None of these cheesing strategies come from me, but some clever users

of the gamefaqs message boards. They’re pretty dishonorable ways to

win, but if you don’t mind that, go ahead and use them. These can

probably work in any battle, including the bonus battles.

5.a) Genis and Raine

This is an almost surefire way for Genis and Raine to kick ass in the

Coliseum posted by Yeblos, and it requires the "Randomizer" Ex Skill

for Genis or the "Quick Spell" Ex Skill for Raine. The setups are:


Lvl 1 – Tough

Lvl 3 – Rhythm


Lvl 2 – Neutralizer

Lvl 4 – Spell Save

Lvl 4 – Happiness

These skills give a small chance of casting a spell instantly,

supposedly a 1/10 chance. The idea is to use "spell canceling". If

you haven’t noticed yet, you can cancel a spell as it is being cast

and instantly go back to a neutral stance without any lag time just

by guarding. So the simple process is to take a powerful spell like

Meteor Storm or Ray and put it on your neutral B button shortcut. Then

in battle just mash B, X, B, X, B, X, etc. over and over as fast as

you can because each time the random chance will be reset. You will

usually be able to cast a powerful spell in much less time than you

would normally, although on some unlucky occasions you might end up

taking longer. But overall it works very effectively and you should

conquer the arena without any problems.

5.b) Sheena

This is another one of Yeblos’ ideas, what he calls her "semi-infinite

combo". It involves having Sheena’s "Hard Hit" Ex Skill which


Lvl 2 – Dash

Lvl 3 – Prolong

This makes the enemy stagger more from your hits. You also need the

T tech Serpent Seal Pinion (or as Yeblos calls it, "SSP"). Learn the

move if you don’t have it, because it has the shortest recovery time

of Sheena’s techs.

There are two ways to pull this off. If you can get behind the enemy

and hit it before it turns around, all you do is continuously normal

combo behind its back + SSP. It won’t be able to turn around and you

can just keep smacking it. This won’t actually form combo hits, but

it’s still a way to just slaughter your enemy.

If you can’t get behind the enemy’s back and hit it in time, you can

first use Force Seal on the enemy to further increase it’s stagger

duration. Now, as long as Force Seal remains active, you can do the

same process from the front of the enemy and it will count as a combo.

5.c) Sheena and Colette

This infinite combo was developed by magnomanX on the gamefaqs boards

originally for Colette, but it can be used by Sheena as well. Like the

strategy for Genis and Raine, it involves spell canceling. I will use

Colette as the example for this:

Set one of her angel spells to the neutral B shortcut. Colette can

only do a 2 hit normal combo, so you go up to the enemy and hit A

twice, then you spell cancel with B and X, and it negates the

recovery time after the original combo. If you do it fast enough you

can launch another 2 hits while the enemy is still staggered, which

will add to the original combo. In essence you continuously tap

A, A, B, X over and over. Once you get the timing down you can do it

indefinitely and kill anything.

Sheena can do the same by spell canceling with her S. Seal techs. This

strategy is more useful for Colette, though, since it’s not too hard

for Sheena to win in the Coliseum anyway.


6 – Party Mode General Strategies


You wouldn’t believe how many people have problems entering Party

Mode. To enter, all you need to do is talk to the girl to the left of

the one you talk to for Single Mode!

Even the battles in the Advanced Class are pretty easy on Party Mode.

The real strategy comes in your character choice, since you can only

use 3 characters for these battles. I think Lloyd and Raine are a

given. For the third character you should use either Genis or another

physical attacker. I personally used Regal since I don’t think just

Lloyd is enough as a meat shield. Anyway, on with the battles. Stats

are for normal battle rank.

–> Icezera suggests using Regal and Zelos/Kratos/ and Lloyd. Regal

and Zelos can both heal you. Remember to go to strat section and put

everyone to the ‘attack same’ tactic.

Battle One:

Beast Ogre

HP: 3420

TP: 0

Attack: 578

Defense: 43

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

Druid (x2)

HP: 3810

TP: 420

Attack: 758

Defense: 70

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

Come on, this is simple. Kill the Druids first so they don’t use magic

while you hit the Beast Ogre (which should always be used as a general


Battle Two:

Boar (x2)

HP: 6840

TP: 0

Attack: 891

Defense: 82

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

Baby Boar (x3)

HP: 3760

TP: 0

Attack: 799

Defense: 37

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

You may be a bit outnumbered here, but that doesn’t make the battle

much more difficult. The babies barely do anything at all. Focus on

taking out the big Boars first, and the babies will fall in seconds


Battle Three:

Red Mantis (x2)

HP: 2780

TP: 0

Attack: 520

Defense: 43

Element: None

Weaknesses: Fire, Lightning, Ice

Strengths: Water

Feather Magic (x2)

HP: 3580

TP: 68

Attack: 603

Defense: 58

Element: None

Weaknesses: Earth

Strengths: Wind, Lightning

Go for the Mantises first since they’re easier to hit and have less

HP. If you see a Feather Magic casting a spell, quickly run over and

slash it, then resume pounding on the Mantises. Once they’re done you

can finish off the Feather Magics with ease.

Battle Four:


HP: 9800

TP: 0

Attack: 1010

Defense: 95

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

Evil Teddy (x2)

HP: 7800

TP: 800

Attack: 1250

Defense: 230

Element: None

Weaknesses: Fire

Strengths: None

Hey, these guys actually put up a respectable fight. Though the

Cutlass has more HP, the Teddies actually take longer to kill because

of their significantly higher defense. Still, since they can cast some

dangerous magic you’re better off going for the Teddies first. This

battle will be the longest yet, but you shouldn’t have a problem as

long as you don’t get careless.

Battle Five:

Druid (x2)

HP: 3810

TP: 420

Attack: 758

Defense: 70

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

Dragon Knight

HP: 13500

TP: 0

Attack: 1485

Defense: 250

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

This battle is actually easier than the last because the magic users

go down faster. You’d think they’d use some stronger magic users than

just a couple more Druids, but whatever. Target the Druids first, and

then go to town on the Dragon Knight, who is loads easier with three

characters than he is in Single Mode.


7 – Bonus Battles


These are much more difficult battles than the normal Coliseum

battles. They also drop great items that you can’t get anywhere else.

Be prepared before you fight them, and always reload if you lose.

7.a) Seles

To fight Seles, you must have Zelos in your party and fight a

couple matches in the Coliseum to see some cutscenes involving her.

Then play as Zelos and win the Advanced Class Single Mode. She will

challenge you to a one-on-one battle.

NOTE: Alex Nelson contributed to my understanding of the conditions

for fighting Seles with Zelos in your party:

"If you’ve beaten the beginner and intermediate classes, then you’ll

see the needed cutscenes. Just beat [Advanced Class] once to see the

final Seles minicutscene, and twice to fight her (not neccessarily

using Zelos)." I’ve found further clarification of this indicating

that you can fight her with any character as long as you use that

character to win twice in a row. Zelos must still be in your party to

meet her at all, though.

–> Wrath of Anubis from the gamefaqs message boards also states that

if you challenge Seles with Zelos and lose, she will be available to

any character that completes Advanced Class until you beat her.

Now, if you went for Kratos instead of Zelos, you can fight her a

second time after opening the final door and viewing the final scene

before the boss. If you go back to the arena she should challenge you

to a second match. But be warned, you MUST have beaten her once with

Zelos in your party before losing him or you cannot fight her at all,

let alone a second time.

–> DragonKnightKain points out that you don’t neccesarily need to

BEAT Seles to have her come back to avenge Zelos after the final

scene. You only need to see her in battle before that particular event.

–> Mylinda Antoinette provided even more info, stating that it seems

you only need Zelos in your party for the first three scenes with

Seles, and that you don’t need to actually fight her with him in your

party before coming back with Kratos. She will still challenge you.

Hopefully, this exhausts all the info needed for fighting Seles!


HP: 12000

TP: 800

Attack: 1300

Defense: 420

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: Water, Wind, Fire, Earth

If you’re fighting with Zelos, this can be tough since he’s not the

ideal character for the battle. Using Lloyd would make it much easier,

but this is the strategy I used for Zelos:

Have the Faerie Ring equipped (essential), and basically keep your

distance to make her cast Absolute and Freeze Lancer over and over.

Start guarding when she begins to cast, and if it’s Absolute, backstep

to dodge the spell completely. If it’s Freeze Lancer, push down to

activate Guardian. Keep doing this until she runs toward you, which

means she’s out of TP. Now run toward her and jump over her head when

you get close. She should slash the empty air where you were. While

she does that, attack her exposed backside with your best combo.

Then back away, run at her again, and repeat until she goes down. Be

wary of her special techs, though, like the hammer smashes. They have

a long range.

I know this isn’t the best way to fight her, but it’s how I won. Ice

resistant equipment can also help a lot.

–> trowabartan recommends hanging back while she casts a spell and

jumping over her as soon as she casts to do a back attack combo. I

couldn’t quite get the hang of this myself as it seems her casting

time varies, but it does work effectively when you can pull it off.

Also, if you block her entire sword strike air combo thing she will

land with her back to you and open for a combo. Back away from the

hammer smashes since you can see them coming pretty early and run in

for a combo after she misses.

–> Lastjustice has a strategy using Lloyd if he’s a T type. Run

toward Seles right at the start, avoiding her spell. Use Sword Rain

Alpha on her immediately after her spell, while she’s open. Before

Sword Rain Alpha finished, combo it into Rising Falcon, which will hit

her and send you through to her other side. While she’s still facing

the other way, do the Sword Rain Alpha into Rising Falcon combo again.

Keep doing it and she’ll be defenseless the whole battle.

–> ArmyLeprechaun2 submitted this strategy that was written for

Presea, but can be adapted with other characters’ appropriate moves in

place of Endless Infliction:

"At the start of the fight, Seles will start casting a spell.

Immediately run towards her and, if possible,jump over her. Wait for

her to cast the spell. If it’s Absolute, just back step it and repeat.

If it’s Freeze Lancer, immediately run to her back and use Endless

Infliction. The second you finish the attack, backstep. If she runs at

you, run forward and jump over her again. If she doesn’t use Sword

Buster (or whatever Light Spear mimic attack she has), use another

Endless Infliction. If she uses Sword Buster, wait until the final down

strike to run, and use Endless Infliction on her anyway.

The key is Endless Infliction, back step, forward, jump, repeat."

–> A strategy using Zelos/Kratos from Dave Higaki:

"Ok, Seles will first go out and start casting a spell. Move 1/2 way

towards her until her spell is cast, then either Guardian if it’s

Freeze Lancer, or back step for the Absolute (you mentioned this).

Now she should be casting again. Run up to her and lay on a Fierce

Demon Fang. This WILL juggle her into the air and cancel the spell.

Now guard, for she typically does a two-swing counterattack, then

smack her with a 3 hit combo. The trick now is if she pops guards; if

she does, use the! Fierce Demon Fang to juggle again and quickly lay

on a Super Lightning Blade. If she doesn’t, just use the Super

Lightning Blade and Block again. Around this point, she’ll use her

Sword Breaker combo thing, so just block. She should jump over you,

so quickly turn around and lay on a combo against her exposed backside

(I prefer 3 attacks, Fierce Demon Fang, Super Lightning Blade in that

order ). Keep close so she’ll prefer to use melee over magic and

rinse and repeat until she loses her hat.

At that point, back up while she’s casting. She’ll cast Prism Sword

as her choice always after losing her hat. As soon as the spell forms

below Zelos, run towards her and smack down a combo again. Do the

guard her attack/counter attack with a combo strategy as above, but

watch for her Mini Meteor. She gives an announcement so you can

quickly Guardian the attack or back step if you’re quick enough."

–> Another Zelos/Kratos strategy, this one from Douglas Pantaleon,

involves running as far away as possible from her in the beginning of

the fight. Once you are at maximum distance you can just hit her

repeatedly with Double Demon Fang. This interrupts her spells but she

will keep trying to cast. Then when she tries to attack you physically

just use your best combos to finish her off.

7.b) Tales Series Characters

To get this battle, all you have to do is beat the Advanced Party Mode

and they will challenge you. Fortunately this is an exhibition match,

so you are allowed to use items. It would be unbelievably difficult

without them. These are characters from previous Tales games that have

teamed up to challenge you.


HP: 20000

TP: 150

Attack: 1650

Defense: 450

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: Earth, Lightning, Ice, Darkness

Farah Oersted:

HP: 20000

TP: 150

Attack: 1705

Defense: 455

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: Fire


HP: 16000

TP: 1450

Attack: 800

Defense: 390

Element: None

Weaknesses: None

Strengths: None

This battle gets very hectic. Your top priority is to go after Meredy

in this one. She can cast Resurrection on a dead comrade if you don’t

take her out first, which can completely screw you over. The problem

in going after her first is that the other two seem to like going after

your magic users a lot. Farah is very annoying when she keeps

attacking Raine and interrupting your healing. Plus her beast move is

really strong and knocks you down. Try to attack Farah and/or Garr

every once in a while to make them target you instead of Raine, though

the first priority is taking out Meredy. She will revive once,

however, with a portion of her HP left.

When she’s down for good the battle’s not so bad. I’d go after Garr

next since he hits from long range, but either of the remaining 2 make

prime targets.

–> Drum Kero has also conducted tests and told me that it is not

simply Meredy who revives, it’s whomever you kill first. The AI

apparently allows one revive to whichever character you defeat first.

After playing them again, I found that if Meredy is killed first, Garr

simply uses a Life Bottle. So whomever you kill first will come back

through either Resurrection or a Life Bottle, but apparently only

once. I still prefer to go after Meredy first because she’s the

annoying caster and an easier kill with less HP, but the choice is

yours since the revival factor can be applied to all of them.

UPDATE: MiturBinIzdrti has found that if you kill one character and

they get revived, then kill a different character before finishing off

the first one, the second character gets revived as well. So to be

safe, you should make sure and finish the revived one completely or

risk more reviving from your next target.

–> Namu_the_king has a number of suggestions for the battle:

-Use Zelos/Kratos as your third character

-Have max numbers of every gel

-Use First Aid primarily because of its short casting time and small

TP usage

-Be a high level (duh)

-Kill Garr first, because he hits hard from both long and short


-Give Lloyd the Add Combo Ex skill and use A, A, A, A, Tiger Rage,

Hunting/Raging Beast for an effective combo

-Hit Farah every once in a while to grab her attention because she

likes going after Raine

Don’t be stingy on your item use in this battle – you’re allowed to

use them for a reason! An all-divide would work well in this battle,

although I didn’t use one. You’ll eat through a bunch of life bottles

and gels by the time you’re done. Have Raine constantly cast

Revitalize to keep your HP up, and you should be able to pull through.


8 – Rewards


8.a) Weapons and Items

Every character gets a really powerful weapon for beating Advanced

Class Single Mode the first time, but you must have opened the door to

the last boss, gone inside, and watched the scene. Once that’s done,

go back out and you will be able to receive these awesome weapons in

the Coliseum. They are:

Lloyd – Valkyrie Saber

Colette – Angel’s Halo

Genis – Final Player

Raine – Crystal Rod

Kratos/Zelos – Excalibur

Sheena – Divine Judgment

Presea – Bahamut’s Tear

Regal – Kaiser Greaves

The first time that you beat Advanced Class on Single Mode you will

be awarded a Krona Symbol, which blocks all status effects and makes

for some pretty cheap leveling when combined with the Demon’s Seal.

Michael Blaker, Chaos Stryker, and a number of others have informed me

that you win the Extreme Symbol from the Advanced Class Party Mode.

Thanks everyone!

8.b) Equipment Drops

You get some pretty sweet equipment from winning the bonus battles.

They are also the only source for these pieces of equipment as far as

I know.

For beating Seles, you will win the Last Fencer, a weapon for Zelos

that’s even more powerful than the Excalibur. She also drops an

Elemental Circlet which is perfect for Raine.

For beating the Tales Series Characters, you get the Mumbane, a great

armor for Lloyd, and the Star Cloak, a great cloak for Genis.

8.c) Titles

Every character earns a fantastic title for completing the Advance

Single Class the first time. They are:

Lloyd – Sword of Swords

Colette – Super Girl

Genis – Ultimate Kid

Raine – Gladiator Queen

Kratos – Conqueror

Zelos – Grand Champion

Sheena – Rose of Battle

Presea – Deadly Flower

Regal – King of the Coliseum

Lloyd will also receive the title of Tactical Leader if you win the

Advanced Class Party Mode with him.

All of these titles offer great stat boosts for all stats and are well

worth earning.


9 – Closing


Questions? Suggestions? Comments?

Send them to stormeagle666@yahoo.com. Everything is welcome except

pointless hate mail. If you expect credit, please give me a name to

credit you by if it’s not evident in the email.

*I’ve got more Seles strategies now than you can shake a Kendama at,

so please no more of those*


This document Copyright 2004 by Josh Laddin.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by

their respective trademark and copyright holders.

This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for

personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other








or distributed publicly without written permission from the author.

Like anyone ever reads this anyway.

I’d like to thank:

-Nintendo and Namco of course! You need the game before you need a


-Yeblos of the gamefaqs message boards for his Sheena, Genis, and

Raine cheesing strategies

-magnomanX, also from the boards for his Colette cheesing strategy

-Stormage (and many others) for the info on Turquoise

-Maxrpg, for the Turquoise/Holy Symbol combo and an equipment note

-Niraj Lakhia, for some Regal tips

-Angleos, for Lloyd, Genis, and Regal tips

-trowabartan, for some more Seles strategy

-Alex Nelson, for information on getting Seles

-Aveothopios2 for a Lloyd tip, equipment tip, and Tales Character

battle tip

-Michael Blaker, Chaos Stryker, and others for where the Extreme

Symbol comes from

-iggy91519 (and others) for a Regal tip with Mirage

-Daide for a Lloyd tip

-Wrath of Anubis, for more Seles info

-Jack, for the Regal combo charts and also Ex Skill contribution

-Drum Kero, for contributing information about the Tales Character


-plastic_chochi, for Kratos/Zelos tips

-AllPainful, for a Colette tip.

-Assassin105, for a Lloyd tip.

-Ryan Johnson, for suggestions on Raine’s equipment.

-Garudam for a Raine note.

-Lastjustice, for a strategy against Seles.

-Elmador, for a Kratos/Zelos equipment recommendation.

-Murasaki, for a Raine Ex Skill contribution.

-Maxmagnus20019, for a cooking suggestion.

-Patrick Da Silva, for a Lloyd Ex Skill contribution.

-SOS, for a Kratos/Zelos Ex Skill contribution.

-DragonKnightKain, for a detail on the Seles battle.

-Rock M, for a Raine Ex Skill contribution.

-watcher0, for accessory suggestions.

-yahiko, for a Lloyd tip.

-ages_boy, for a Colette Ex Skill contribution.

-ArmyLeprechaun2, for a Seles strategy.

-Edrynion, for a Regal Ex Skill contribution.

-Dave Higaki, for a Seles strategy.

-Douglas Pantaleon, for another Seles strategy.

-Ice Magus, for some Regal tips.

-Mike Lambert, for a Lloyd tip.

-Namu_the_king, for tips on the Tales Character battle.

-TripleJump, for a Sheena tip.

-MiturBinIzdrti, for more clarification in the Tales Character battle.

-[ho1ysword], for a Raine tip.

-Icezera for a few single character and one Party battle suggestion.

-Mylinda Antoinette, for even more info on getting the Seles fight.

-As always, you, the readers.

Good luck in the Coliseum!

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