No Man’s Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes

A new No Man’s Sky update, means changes and, of course, the No Man’s Sky 1.65 update patch notes. This time around players are getting a new addition to the Community Research quests, new items to grab using Quicksilver, and some fixes here and there. Curious about what new things Specialist Polo will get you to do? Read on and find out.

No Man’s Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes- Community Research Update

With the new patch, the developers have added to the ongoing Community Research questline. Though exact details of what the quest will be are scarce, from the No Man’s Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes, we can get a good guess of what you will need to do. The blog post for the update notes that Specialist Polo will give you a mysterious new device to use to help find their lost Traveller friends. Players will need to take this item to various transmission devices on planets that are characterized by large flora. From there, you will be able to “influence events occurring outside of the present moment.”

No Man’s Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes- New Building Parts

The new update will bring some new cosmetic building parts to the game. In exchange for Quicksilver at the space colony, you will now be able to obtain a bronze, silver, or gold Atlas station statue. The statues also rotate. Take a look at them below.

No Man's Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes

In addition to those, three new plants will become available: a carnivorous bush, a maize-like plant, and a squat dwarf plant. You can take a look at them below.

No Man's Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes

No Man’s Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes- General Fixes

Hello Games also added the following fixes in the No Man’s Sky 1.65 Update Patch Notes:

  • Further fixes to rectify getting stuck when exiting the starship.
  • Updated mission logic.
  • Updated text.

For more No Man’s Sky guides, check out our game hub.

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