Tree trick
Make a drago (type of tree) and drop it so it falls on its side then bring it up to the top of the screen and let go and it will fall right through the floor so far i only know that it works for the ice area in playground mode.
Gold Star Rankings
Unlockable How to Unlock Gold Stars Complete a level, then retry it to activate Advance Mode. Complete Advance Mode.
Unlockable How to Unlock 5TH Cell Spawn a 5TH Cell employee. All New Complete a level with objects you've never used before. Architect Write 2 buildings. Arrrrrr Attach the Jolly Roger to a flagpole. Audiophile Write 2 or more instruments or audio objects. Bioterrorist Introduce the plague and infect 2 or more people. Botanist Write 2 or more plants. Chauffeur Drive a vehicle with more than one passenger Chef Write two or more foods Closet Write two or more clothes. Combo Combine any two objects together. Cupid Shoot a humanoid with Cupid's arrow. Decorator Write 2 furniture objects. Electrolysis Shock someone with electricity. Elemental Write more than one element. Entertainer Write 2 or more entertainment objects. Entomologist Spawn two or more insects. Environmentalist Write 2 or more environmental objects. Explosive Spawn two or more objects that explode. Exterminator Two or more humanoidsor animals start a level, and are destroyed. Fantasynovel Write 2 fantasy objects. Fashion Designer Cloth Maxwell's head, body, legs, feet and give him an accessory. Firefighter Put out at least 2 fires. Genius Complete a level twice in a row. Glutton Feed someone or something 3 times in a row. Gold Digger Spawn three or more precious stones. Grab and Go Write 2 or more grabbing tool objects. Haxxor Write 5 or more developers. Healer Spawn two or more medical objects. Herpetologist Write 2 or more reptiles. Humanitarian Write two or more humans. Infected Spawn a zombie and make it infect at least two humanoids. Janitor Spawn two or more cleaning objects. Jockey Use an animal as a vehicl.e Joust Defeat a knight while Maxwell is mounted. Knight School Kill a dragon using a melee weapon. Luddite Short out 3 or more objects. Lumberjack Cut down three or more trees. Mad Hatter Place a hat on four or more humanoids or animals. Magician Use the magic wand to turn something into a toad. Marine Biologist Write 2 or more fish. Mechanic Jump start a vehicle. Messiah Turn a humanoid into a deity. Militant Use 2 weapons and 1 weaponized vehicle. Miner 49er Dig a massive hole. Miser Obtain a total of 300,000 or more Ollars New Object Write a completely new item. No Weapons Don't write a weapon to complete a level. Novice Angler Catch a fish with a fishing pole. Old School Write 2 or more classic videogame objects. Organ Donor Spawn two or more organs. Ornithologist Write 2 or more birds. Paleontologist Spawn two ore more dinosaurs. Pariah Make 3 humanoids or animals flee. Pi Earn exactly 314 Ollars in a level. Picasso Write 2 or more drawing object tools. Pilot Spawn two or more aircraft. Prodigy Complete a level 3 times in a row. Pyromaniac Set at least 4 objects on fire in a level. Reanimator Bring a corpse back to life. Roped In Write 2 or more rope objects. Russian Doll Place an object inside another object, and then place that object into a third object. Savior Two or more humanoids or animals start and finish a level alive. Sea Two Write 2 or more sea vehicles. Series of Tubes Spawn 'tube' five times. Shoveler Spawn two or more digging objects. Smasher Write 2 or more melee weapons. Smuggler Hide an item in a container. Split Personality Write 2 or more cutting or splitting tool objects. Stealth Destory a security camera. Sweet Tooth Write 2 or more junk foods. Tooling Around Write 2 or more tool objects. Washington Chop down a Cherry tree. Water Jockey Use a sea animal as a vehicle. Whisperer Ride a hostile animal. Zookeeper Write two or more animals.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.