Dragon Quest IV: The Chapters of the Chosen FAQ/ Walkthrough

                    FAQ/Walkthrough for

                               Dragon Quest IV

                            Chapters of the Chosen

                                by miss lufia
                   e-mail: s[dot]escalier[at]orange[dot]fr

                               Copyright notice

 This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted (c) 2008 to me, Sandrine "miss lufia"
 Escalier. You may use this walkthrough freely, redistribute it and host it
 wherever you want as long as its access remains free of charge, no profit is
 being made off my work, the file remains unaltered and you don't claim it as
 your own.

 I won't answer any e-mails regarding the possibility of hosting this FAQ on
 your own website, as I've already granted you permission. If you still feel
 the need to replace my name by your own wherever it appears, that's just sad.

The latest version of this file can always be found at www.gamefaqs.com

Version 1.01 - 1/10/2008
               Some minor fixes here and there in the bestiary, following
               Magus747's work, and in the walkthrough. Not playing right now,
               some stuff to do before the academic year begins. Will play
               through the game again soon enough but my internet access will
               probably be limited for a while. I'm not giving up on this
               thing, I promise.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

 To get to the section of your choice, use Ctrl+F and type in the section's
 number inside the square brackets at the end of the line. You should find what
 you're looking for without too much trouble.



   Menu Screen..........................................................[II.2.]
   Battle screen........................................................[II.3.]



   Chapter 1: Ragnar McRyan and the mystery of the missing children....[III.2.]

      The Missing Husband............................................[III.2.a.]
      The Hidden Playground..........................................[III.2.b.]
      Strathbaile Tower..............................................[III.2.c.]

   Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Alena on her way to the tournament............[III.3.]

      Saving Anastacia...............................................[III.3.a.]
      The kidnapped Tsarina..........................................[III.3.b.]
      The Nightingale Nectar.........................................[III.3.c.]
      The Endor Coliseum.............................................[III.3.d.]

   Chapter 3: Torneko's climb to success...............................[III.4.]

      Fixing the bridge to Endor.....................................[III.4.a.]
      Digging to the east............................................[III.4.b.]

   Chapter 4: Meena and Maya or the secret of Mahabala.................[III.5.]

      Finding Oojam..................................................[III.5.a.]
      Looking for Balzack............................................[III.5.b.]

   Chapter 5: The Chosen...............................................[III.6.]

      Part I: Hero LFG...............................................[III.6.a.]

         Meena and Maya............................................[III.6.a.a.]
         Alena, Borya and Kiryl....................................[III.6.a.c.]

      Part II: The Zenithian gear....................................[III.6.b.]

         The Zenithian Helm........................................[III.6.b.a.]
         The Zenithian Shield......................................[III.6.b.b.]
         The Mod Rod...............................................[III.6.b.c.]
         The Zenithian Armour......................................[III.6.b.d.]
         Defeating Estark..........................................[III.6.b.e.]
         The Zenithian Sword.......................................[III.6.b.f.]

      Part III: The island in the middle of the map..................[III.6.c.]

         Going to Zenithia.........................................[III.6.c.a.]
         The four barriers.........................................[III.6.c.c.]
         Demon Castle..............................................[III.6.c.d.]

   Chapter 6: Oh my, it's not over yet?!...............................[III.7.]

      Getting Psaro to join..........................................[III.7.a.]
      Brutally murdering Aamon.......................................[III.7.b.]


      The Pirates' Treasure..........................................[III.8.a.]
      Minikin's Dominion.............................................[III.8.b.]

         Mini Medal List...........................................[III.8.b.b.]

      Pioneer Town...................................................[III.8.c.]

         Stage 1...................................................[III.8.c.b.]
         Stage 2...................................................[III.8.c.c.]
         Stage 3...................................................[III.8.c.d.]
         Stage 4...................................................[III.8.c.e.]
         Stage 5...................................................[III.8.c.f.]

      Locked Doors...................................................[III.8.d.]

         Blue locked doors.........................................[III.8.d.a.]
         Red locked doors..........................................[III.8.d.b.]
         Prison doors..............................................[III.8.d.c.]

      The Pandemonium gear...........................................[III.8.e.]
      The casino.....................................................[III.8.f.]

         Casino Prizes.............................................[III.8.f.a.]
         How to win tokens.........................................[III.8.f.b.]




   Temporary characters.................................................[IV.2.]

      Chapter 1.......................................................[IV.2.a.]
      Chapter 3.......................................................[IV.2.b.]
      Chapter 4.......................................................[IV.2.c.]
      Chapter 5.......................................................[IV.2.d.]

MAGIC AND ABILITIES........................................................[V.]

   Healing Spells........................................................[V.1.]
   Offensive spells......................................................[V.2.]
   Support Spells........................................................[V.3.]
   Other Abilities.......................................................[V.4.]

WEAPONS AND ARMOURS.......................................................[VI.]

   Body Armours.........................................................[VI.2.]


   Regular Items.......................................................[VII.1.]
   Special Items.......................................................[VII.2.]


   Boss Battles.......................................................[VIII.1.]

      Psaro's Pawn & Winky..........................................[VIII.1.a.]
      Master Kung & Foo Dog (x2)....................................[VIII.1.b.]
      Endor's Coliseum..............................................[VIII.1.c.]
      Picksy (x2) & Vampire bat (x2)................................[VIII.1.e.]
      Tigergram & Flamethrower (x2).................................[VIII.1.f.]
      Marquis de Léon...............................................[VIII.1.g.]
      Arsene Lutrin.................................................[VIII.1.i.]
      Sir Roseguardin...............................................[VIII.1.j.]
      Rashaverak (x3)...............................................[VIII.1.l.]
      Aamon & Drooling ghoul (x3)...................................[VIII.1.o.]
      Psaro the Manslayer...........................................[VIII.1.p.]
      Foo Yung & Chow Mein..........................................[VIII.1.q.]


VERSION HISTORY...........................................................[IX.]

CREDITS / SPECIAL THANKS...................................................[X.]

<  I.                            INTRODUCTION                                 >

Hello there. I felt in the mood for some FAQing when I purchased the game, so
here is my attempt at a comprehensible walkthrough for DQIV DS.

I haven't witten many walkthroughs - there usually are 10 very good
walkthroughs out by the time I can get my hands on a game, which is
discouraging - and this will be my first "big" one, so please bear with me for
any rookie mistakes in the execution or the far more likely delays between
updates. I've never been that good at carrying out long run projects...

I still hope I'll make a decent job of writing this walkthrough and that at
least some people will find it useful.

I've now finished the "walkhrough" section of this guide and you're good to go
beat the final boss and subsequent secret final bosses by following it. There
is still some stuff I'd like to add in the "Sidequests" section of the
walkthrough, like a Mini Medals list. Most changes from now on will be related
to what I find out during my second playthrough, which I'll probably start

The walkthrough should now be (mostly) consistent with the English version. But
I won't make an habit of playing that version. Seriously, what's up with those
spell names? How the hell is "Frizz" related to a fireball spell? If you see
anything I missed (and I'm bound to have missed some words) feel free to point
it out.

So, let's move on.

<  II.                             CONTROLS                                   >

Pretty much all the info in this section comes directly from the instruction

 / II.1.                            Basics                                   

The DS stylus isn't used in this game. Here are the basics funstions of the
buttons, which are nothing special for anybody who has already played an RPG.

Directional pad - Move
            L/R - Spin camera left/right
              X - Menu / Confirm
              A - Action / Confirm
                  Action means talk to people and examine stuff around you.
              B - Cancel
              Y - Obtain informations about map
                  Close all windows

 / II.2.                          Menu Screen                                

Here's a description of the menu screen and info about some sub-menus. Press X
to bring up the menu. It looks like this:

Top screen
/ +---------++---------++---------++---------+ 
| |Char 1   ||Char 2   ||Char 3   ||Char 4   | |
| +---------++---------++---------++---------+ |
| |HP       ||HP       ||HP       ||HP       | |
| |MP       ||MP       ||MP       ||MP       |-|- Some info about your party
| |Lvl      ||Lvl      ||Lvl      ||Lvl      | |
| +---------++---------++---------++---------+ |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                                  +---------+ |
|                                  | Gold    |-|- Amount of gold you have
|                                  +---------+ |

Bottom screen
|                                              |
|          |-----------------------------------|--- Look at, use and organise
|          |                                   |    your items
|          |     |-----------------------------|- Talk to someone
|          |     |                             |  Alternatively, press A in
|          | +---|-----++---------+            |  front of someone.
|          | | Talk    || Magic   |------------|--- Use magic on the field
|          | +---------++---------+            |
|          |-| Items   || Examine |------------|- Look around you
|            +---------++---------+            |  Can be done by pressing A
|            | Info    || Misc.   |            |  in front of something
|            +---------++---------+            |  interesting.
                 |          |
 Look at your characters'  Bring up menu to set tactics,
 characteristics           modify team, quicksave...

 = Items Screen =

In here, you can look at your character's inventory and see a description of
the items you have.

     Use - Use item.
Transfer - Give the object to somebody else or place it in your bag.
 Abandon - Throw away item.
   Equip - Equip character with item (only for weapons and armors).
Appraise - Only available when Torneko is on your team. He'll give his opinion
           about the item.

 = Info Screen =

There you can see various informations about your characters, such as spells
learned, statistics and items equipped.

      Exp. - The character's amount of experience.
     Level - The character's level.
 HP/HP max - Your Hit Points. When they reach 0, you die.
 MP/MP max - Your Magic Points. Necessary to cast spells.
  Strength - Determines physical damage done by the character.
   Agility - Your action speed. Used to determine order of actions during
Resilience - Your physical resistance.
    Wisdom - Determines spells learning speed.
      Luck - Various effects. More likely, determines critical hit ratio.
    Attack - Character's + weapon's strength. Determines damage dealt to the
   Defence - Character's + armour's resistance. Determines damage dealt by the

 = Misc. Screen =

Here, you can change various settings.

      Heal all - Use healing spells as efficiently as possible to heal the
                 whole team.
         Equip - Change equipment.
     Alignment - Change party's battle formation. Characters at the front are
                 more likely to be attacked.
        Tactic - Appears in chapter 5. Define an automatic behaviour for your
                 allies during battle.
Organise Items - Place all unequipped items in the bag.
      Sort Bag - Sort iteams in the bag by type or alphabetically.
Battle Results - Various info about your battle performance.
      Settings - Change text speed and volume.
     Quicksave - Save on the world map. Be careful as there is only one
                 Quicksave slot common to the three adventure logs.

 / II.3.                        Battle Screen                                

Here's a quick break down of the battle screen. When you enter a battle, your
screen will look like this:

Top screen
/ +------------------------------------------+ 
| |           Merciless                HP    | |
| |                                   first  |-|- Tactics defined for your
| +------------------------------------------+ |  allies (only during chapter
|                                              |  5).
|                                              |
| +---------++---------++---------++---------+ |
| |Char 1   ||Char 2   ||Char 3   ||Char 4   | |
| +---------++---------++---------++---------+ |
| |HP       ||HP       ||HP       ||HP       | |
| |MP       ||MP       ||MP       ||MP       |-|- Some info about your party
| |Lvl      ||Lvl      ||Lvl      ||Lvl      | |
| +---------++---------++---------++---------+ |

Bottom screen
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                                              |
|                |-----------------------------|- Fight the enemies.
|                |                             |
|            +---|-----++---------+            |
|            | Fight   || Party   |------------|- Change characters taking part
|            +---------++---------+            |  in the fight.
|            | Tactics || Flee    |            |
|            +---------++---------+            |
                 |          |
   Change tactics set   Run away from battle.
   for your allies.

 = Tactics =

Set a different battle tactic for an ally. Available in Chapter 5.

    Merciless - Defeat the enemy as quickly as possible, no matter the MP cost.
   Act wisely - Balance attack and defence.
     Cover me - Protect the hero using spells and other abilities.
     No magic - Only normal attacks.
    HPs first - Heal as quickly as possible.
Follow orders - Direct character manually.

 = Fight =

Fight the enemies.

 Attack - A normal attack using your weapon.
  Magic - Cast a spell using your MPs.
  Items - Use an item.
Defence - Defend yourself during one turn to reduce damage taken.

<  III.                          WALKTHROUGH                                  >

Upon starting a new game, you'll be asked to choose a name for your hero, and
then his sex. Am I the only one thinking that this order doesn't make sense?

Anyway, I'll start with a male and pretend it doesn't matter. I'll see if there
are any differences between the two on my second playthrough, whenever that
comes around.

 / II.1.                           Prologue                                  

| Items to get        |
| Seed of Strength x1 |
| Medicinal Herb   x2 |
| Antidotal Herb   x1 |
| Gold             x3 |

You start as your hero (let's call him "Hero" from now on) who is busy being
beaten up by his teacher. He'll ask if you've had enough. Answer whatever you
want, it doesn't matter.

Press A near the barrels and jars to break them and find items. This is
something you should do in every location you visit without me telling you to.
The items found in jars and/or chests (or even just lying around) in any
location will be listed at the beginning of the corresponding paragraph.

Another thing you should do upon entering a new place is talk to everybody. You
never now what might be the trigger for the quest to move on.

Anyway, leave the cave and cross the bridge to meet a frog. Follow it back
inside and talk to the girl (Elisa) to trigger a scene.

Go back outside. Your house is the one most to the left in the village. You can
explore but there's nothing to do or get. Talk to your father to trigger a
scene and end the prologue.

 / III.2.   Chapter 1: Ragnar McRyan and the case of the missing children    

O III.2.a.                    The Missing Husband                             O

| Items to get        |
| Medicinal Herb   x2 +==========+
| Seed of Strength x1 | Inn      |
| Leather Shield   x1 +----------+
| Gold             x8 | 4 Gold   | (The price in the inn is per person)
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Oaken club     30 | Leather Armour    180 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Chain Mail        350 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Shield     90 | Holy Water     20 |
| Chain Sickle  550 | Scale Shield      180 |                   |
|                   | Leather Hat        65 |                   |
|                   | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |

You're now playing as Ragnar McRyan, a soldier of Burland who has to find why
the hell children go missing around here.

Go around town to find various items. Be sure to talk to a woman named Aigneas
who will tell you that her husband, Angus, has gone missing. Then, you have to
leave and make your way to Strathbaile.

| Monsters             |
| Scissor beatle       |
| Slime                |
| Wiggly               |
| Air rat              |
| Bubble slime (night) |

You're supposed to go to the Strathbaile cave which is situated to the
northwest of Burland. Don't worry, you can't get lost, you're surrounded by

| Monsters       | Recommended level: 3 |
| Scissor beatle | Items to get      |
| Slime          +-------------------+
| Wiggly         | Medicinal Herb x1 |
| Air rat        | Gold          x40 |
| Healslime      |                   |

Whenever you encounter a group containing a Healslime, kill it first as they
can cast Heal to heal their allies.
This is just one big room with two chests to pick up along the way. The exit
is to the north.

| Monsters             |
| Scissor beatle       |
| Wiggly               |
| Air rat              |
| Stump chump          |
| Bubble slime (night) |

The town of Strathbaile is to the northeast of the cave. AS before, you can't
get lost as there are mountains everywhere. Notice the tower surrounded by
water just above you. We'll go there later.

For now, just enter the town.

| Items to get      |
| Medicinal Herb x3 | Inn      |
| Plain Clothes  x1 +----------+
| Gold          x33 | 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Copper Sword  100 | Chainmail         300 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Bronze Armour     700 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Hunter's Bow  350 | Iron Armour      1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Chain Sickle  550 | Scale Shield      180 |                   |
| Iron Lance    880 | Iron Shield       650 |                   |
|                   | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |

Go around town to collect items and buy new equipment. If you go to the prison
(it's underground, the stairs are to the northeast of town) you'll meet a guy
whose name is Angus. Hmm... Looks like you'll need to go back to Burland and
talk to his wife.

Back in Burland, talk to Aigneas who'll ask you to take her to her husband. So
head back to Strathbaile with her. Once there, Angus will get back his memory
and will tell you about a place in a forest southeast of Strathbaile where the
kids like to play.

Time to go investigate. Head out of town and wander around the forest to the
souteast of town. You'll enter a new location.

O III.2.b.                    The Hidden Playground                           O

| Monsters    | Recommended level: 5~6 |
| Mad mole    | Items to get       |
| Healslime   +--------------------+
| Winkster    | Medicinal Herb  x2 |
| Stump chump | Seed of Agility x1 |
+=============+ Seed of Life    x1 |
              | Winged Shoes    x1 |
              | Gold          x595 |

The first screen is the only one that will be above the ground. The rest will
be in a cave accessed by going down the well to the north. There are a lot of
crossways down there but there's a voice that tells you whether you're on the
right way or not.

Rather than write down a very confusing walkthrough, I'll make a very simple
ASCII map of the place, indicating where there is stuff to pick up and so on.

 Exit  |
   X   |


Well - Entrance              X - Dead end (nothing to pick up there)
Exit - Way to exit the cave  C - Chest
S - Stairs

This map should help you navigate through the cave easily enough. In case it's
really, really not clear, feel free to e-mail and I'll try to improve it.

At the spot marked "Doc", you can ask a Medic Jelly called Doc to join your
party. You should accept, as he can cast Heal to restore some of your HPs.

/ Doc                            
| Healslime      | Strength    9 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility    56 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 28 |
| HP: 35/35      | Wisdom     12 |
| MP: 30/30      | Luck       30 |
|                | Attack      9 |
|                | Defence    28 |
| Spells                         |
| Heal                     2 MPs |

Be sure to pick up the Winged Shoes in C2, that's the whole reason we came
down there. Once you get everything you want, make your way to the exit, where
there are a bunch of items to pick up. You'll ultimately come back outside to
the northwest of the well down which you fell.

Time to get out of here.

I suggest heading back to Strathbaile to heal and buy new equipment before
going to the tower surrounded by water that lies to the west. To enter it,
place yourself in front of it and then use the Winged Shoes.

O III.2.c.                     Strathbaile Tower                              O

| Monsters            | Recommended level: 7~8 |
| Healslime           | Items to get        |
| Bodkin archer       +---------------------+
| Splatypunk          | Chimaera Wing    x1 |
| Blinkster           | Seed of Strength x1 |
| Bantamweight        | Scale Shield     x1 |
| Mad mole            | Cautery Sword    x1 |
| Psaro's pawn (boss) | Gold           x640 |
| Winky (boss)        +=====================+

The Batamweights can be annoying as sometimes their attacks will put you to
sleep. The archers have the bad habit of boosting their allies' defence and the 
Splatypunks lower yours. The fairies have only enough MPs to cast one spell so
they're not that much of an annoyance.

Upon entering, you'll see some kind of green monster take a kid away. Looks
like we found the culprit for the recent disappearances. Or at least the
culprit's henchman. Go down the stairs.

This tower is actually pretty straightforward, so I'm not going to give you
detailed instructions. Your goal is to go down to the basement of the tower.
When you find a soldier down on the ground telling you about the Lord of Hell
you'll know you're almost there.

Be sure to equip the Cautery Sword you find in here, it's way better than what
you can purchase. Once you're ready, go into the basement and go talk to the
old guy standing in the back of the room to trigger a boss battle.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 9~10
 Exp  108
 Gold 100
 Psaro's pawn    | Winky
 HP 249~275      | HP 42~43
 MP       ?      | MP     0?
 Spells          | Spells
  Flamme         |  N/A
  Crame          |
 Special Attacks | Special Attacks
  Spit Fireball  |  Desperate Attack
 Attack the Winky first, it'll go down in 2-3 turns. Watch out for the 
 desperate attack he'll do when he's low on health, it'll hit you for at least
 15 HP.  Then keep on attacking the Psaro's Pawn and let Doc take care of the
 healing.  Eventually, he'll die. I advise at least level 9, it's a bit of a
 close call to beat them at level 8.

You'll have to make your way back to the top of the tower and jump down from
there to be able to go back to Strathbaile. Which is where you're supposed to
go to get the children back to their mothers. There's nothing new here, so make
your way back to Burland to claim some kind of reward from the King.

Back in the castle, Ragnar announces he wants to find the Hero that's supposed
to save the world. The King agrees and gives you some experience as a goodbye
gift. Took me from level 9 to level 15. Actually, I think the idea is to get
you to level 15.

And thus ends chapter 1.

 / III.3.         Chapter 2: Alena on her way to the tournament              

O III.3.a.                      Saving Anastacia                              O

| Items to get      |
| Holy Water     x1 |
| Medicinal Herb x2 |
| Feathered Cap  x1 |

You're playing as Tsarin Alena who's a bit of a tomboy intent on travelling the
world to become stronger, something that doesn't make her father happy.

You can't leave the castle. Go to your room and break the boarded up wall to
try and sneak out. Jump down the ledge and try to leave to have Borya and Kiryl
join you. Sweet.

This time, leave for real and go take a look at the town itself.

| Items to get       | Inn       |
| Seed of Agility x1 | 2 Gold    |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           |
| Oaken Club     30 | Plain Clothes      10 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Wayfarer's Clothes 70 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Armour    180 |
|                   | Leather Shield     90 |
|                   | Leather Hat        65 |
|                   | Medicinal Herb      8 |

I'd suggest not going too far away from the town before you're at level 3 as
all your characters have low HPs. Once you feel confident you can safely walk
a bit further, go north and east to reach Taborov

| Monsters         |
| Walking stick    |
| She-slime        |
| Wiggly           |
| Lickspittle      |
| Mischievous mole |
| Mouseflap        |
| Foo dog          |
| Bagworm          |

| Items to get       |
| Seed of Life    x1 |
| Antidotal Herb  x1 +============+
| Leather Hat     x1 | Inn        |
| Mini Medal      x1 +------------+
| Seed of agility x1 | 3 Gold     |
| Item Shop          |
| Medicinal Herb   8 |
| Antidotal Herb  10 |
| Chimaera Wing   25 |
| Divine Dagger  200 |
| Hunter's Bow   350 |
| Leather Armour 180 |

Talking to people around the village, you'll learn that a monster lives in the
forest to the north and that young girl must be sacrificed to protect the
village. Also, the Item Shop is closed as the owner is feeling down.

As we're heroes, we're going to go kick some monster's arse. When you're ready,
Go to the church and talk to the priest. Tell him you want to take Anastacia's
place during the sacrifice and a boss battle will occur.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 4~5
 Exp  150
 Gold 100
 Master Kung     | Foo dog x2
 HP ~42          | HP 18~20
 MP   ?          | MP     0?
 Spells          | Spells
  ?              |  N/A
 Special Attacks | Special Attacks
  Spin staff     |  N/A
These guys can hit pretty hard, so I suggest casting Buff on your team. Attack
with Alena and cast Ice with Borya. Your priority should be to take down the
Foo Dogs before going after Master Kung. If you can spare one turn to cast Sap
on him, all the better. Heal when necessary with Kiryl and everything should be

You'll find yourself back in the village, where the item shop reopened.

Once you've done everything you wanted here, exit the village through the
church and to the north. The next city is to the northeast of this place.

O III.3.b.                   The Kidnapped Tsarin                             O

| Monsters    |
| Carnivine   |
| Healslime   |
| Bullfinch   |
| Firespirit  |
| Funghoul    |
| Lickspittle |

| Items to get      |
| Antidotal Herb x1 | Inn        |
| Plain Clothes  x1 +------------+
| Gold          x10 | 4 Gold     |
| Item shop             | Weapon shop       |
| Medicinal Herb      8 | Copper Sword  100 |
| Antidotal Herb     10 | Divine Dagger 200 |
| Chimaera Wing      25 | Hunter's Bow  350 |
| Chainmail         350 | Chain Sickle  550 |
| Hardwood Headwear 120 | Iron Lance    880 |
| Bronze Armour     700 |                   |

Apparently, the tsarina is visiting. Given that you're the tsarina, this is
smelling fishy. Of course, when you go to the inn to see her, you'll walk in
on a kidnapping. Follow them outside of town and then enter Vrenor again.

You can now stay at the inn. If you talk to a kid to the east of the fountain,
you'll learn that his dog brought him a ransom letter. You need to bring the
treasure of Vrenor to the cemetery tomorrow night.

If you talk to the guy living in the house most to the north, you'll learn that
the treasure of Vrenor is a Sparkly Bracelet that was moved to the cave down
south. So that's where we're headed.

| Monsters      | Recomended level: 8~9 |
| Bedbug        | Items to get        |
| Funghoul      +---------------------+
| Thorny devil  | Seed of agility  x1 |
| Bullfinch     | Magic Water      x1 |
| Vampire bat   | Chimaera Wing    x1 |
| Crested viper | Sparkly Bracelet x1 |
| Blinkster     | Gold           x360 |

This cave really isn't complicated as the dead ends are really short. There's
only one way to our goal, the sparkly bracelet at the end of the second room.
I highly recommend being at least level 8 to navigate this cave. I first 
entered at level 7 and almost got trampled.

Go back to Vrenor during the night and go to the cemetery. Three people will be
waiting for you. Give them the bracelet and get a Thief's Key in exchange. The
fake princess will reveal that her name is Anya and that she didn't want to
cause trouble.

The weapon shop will now be open. You should make use of it.

O III.3.c.                   The Nightingale Nectar                           O

Now go to the Desert Bazaar, which is located southwest of Vrenor.

| Monsters      |
| Bullfinch     |
| Lugworm       |
| Komodo        |
| Crested Viper | 
| Démonius      |

| Items to get        |
| Medicinal Herb   x1 +===========+
| Horse Manure     x1 | Inn       |
| Seed of Strength x1 +-----------+
| Seed of Agility  x1 | 6 Gold    |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Hunter's Bow      350 | Leather Armour    180 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Chainmail         350 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Bronze Armour     700 | Holy Water     20 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Leather Shield     90 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Scale Shield      180 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                       | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |

There are some better weapon and armours around here.

When you try to enter the big tent, a guard will stop you and tell you to go
back to the castle because the Tsar is very ill. Let's go back to see our

Once in the castle, you'll learn that the Tsar has lost his voice. The Tsar's
counsellor tell you to go see Starek, who lives at the back of the castle,
behind a locked door. He will tell you to go talk to Josef Staligne who is on
the roof of the church in the nearby town. The latter will tell you he drank
some kind of potion from the Desert Bazaar. Let's head back there. Talk to the
lady from the Item Shop and she'll say that you can find the potion in the
tower to the west. So, here we go.

| Monsters      | Recommended level: 11 |
| Flyguy        | Items to get        | Inn     |
| Pteranodon    +---------------------+---------+
| Peeper        | Seed of Strength x1 | 6 Gold  |
| Whacker gila  | Chimaera Wing    x1 +=========+
| Crested viper | Nectar           x1 |
| Flying doctor | Gold          x1200 |
| Cyclown       +=====================+
| Erazor blade  |
| Pickayune     |

Yes, there's an inn inside the tower. If you go through the yellow doors and to
the basement, you'll find it. That makes this tower a good place to level up,
which you should do.

This dungeon is a bit less straightforward than the others. Go through the blue
doors and up the stairs. First, go down through the leftmost passage and up the
stairs to reach some chests. Backtrack to the previous floor and this time take
the other stairway.

Follow the path north for a chest, and then the path around the room for the
stairwell going up. Go up yet another floor and pick up the Nightingale Nectar
after the scene.

Get out and back to Zamoksva. Give the nectar to the Tsar and he'll tell you
that you can leave the continent. So, now is the time to go to Endor through
the sanctuary located to the east of the desert.

O III.3.d.                      The Endor Coliseum                            O

| Monsters           |
| Restless armour    |
| Armoured scorpion  |
| Médislime          |
| Ptéranodon         |
| Cyclown            |
| Metal slime        |
| Skeleton swordsman |

| Items to get          |
| Seed of Life       x1 |
| Holy Water         x1 |
| Silk Robe          x1 +==========+
| Seed of Resilience x1 | Inn      |
| Antidotal Herb     x1 +----------+
| Gold              x64 | 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Chainmail         350 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Bronze Armour     700 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Iron Armour      1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Iron Apron       1500 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Astraea's Abacus 1600 | Scale Shield      180 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                       | Iron Shield       650 |                   |
|                       | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |
| Casino              |
| Magic Water      30 |<- These prices are in tokens
| Prayer Ring     500 |   (1 token = 10 gold)
| Gold bracer    1000 |
| Spangled Dress 2500 |
| Meteor Bracer 10000 |
| Falcon Blade  65000 |

You'll learn that a tournament is held at the coliseum, which is in the castle.
Sounds like something we'd want to participate in.

Talk to the King and Princess in the castle to learn that the King promised
that the coliseum champion would get to marry the Princess. His brilliant plan
to bail out is to have a woman win the coliseum, namely you.

A guy named Psaro seems to have done remarkably well in the competition.

Head to the castle basement and enter the coliseum.

| Inn      |
| 8 Gold   |
| Item Shop         |
| Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Iron Claw    1500 |

<---<Endor Coliseum>---------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 13~14
 You'll have to battle 5 enemies in a row to win the coliseum. Alena will be on
 her own so Herbs are your only way of healing. It's probably doable at level
 13 but level 12 was to close. At level 14, I kept doing criticals so it was a
 breeze. (Alena had the Iron Claw equipped)
 You won't get any experience or gold.
 Name                   HP   MP
 Attila le Deux       50~74   0
 Aubert le Vif       63~100   0
 Maggie Magie           ~96   ?
 Chevalier Samson       ~95   0
 Abominable Showman    ~100   0

They are all pretty easy. Just watch out for the last one as he will replicate
himself three times at the beginning of the battle. I think you have to find
the right one. I don't know, I 1-hit-whacked him.

The guards will be asked to fetch Psaro for the final but he's nowhere to be
found. King Norbert declares you winner by default.

Later, he'll tell you to go back to your home to tell the Tsar about your
accomplishments. As a guard comes to die before you just after telling you to
do just that, your presence at Zamoksva may be more necessary than you'd have
thought at first.

Zoom there. Walk around and you'll notice that everybody's gone. Leave the
empty castle to end chapter 2.

 / III.4.             Chapter 3: Torneko's climb to success                  

O III.4.a.                 Fixing the bridge to Endor                         O

| Items to get      |
| Leather Hat    x1 |
| Medicinal Herb x1 +=========+
| Leather Shield x1 | Inn     |
| Antidotal Herb x1 +---------+
| Gold           x8 | Free    |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Oaken club     30 | Wayfarer's clothes 70 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Leather Armour    180 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Chainmail         350 | Holy Water     20 |
|                   | Bronze Armour     700 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
|                   | Leather Shield     90 |                   |
|                   | Leather Hat        65 |                   |

You'll now play as Torneko, a merchant who dreams of becoming the greatest
weapon seller in the world.

Once outside, there's a little mini game you can do: push an old man to the
church. He'll give you some gold as a reward. Then go to the weapon shop, which
is also your workplace. You'll have to stay behind the counter and tend to the
store until the end of the day. That gets you some money to buy better
equipment so do it for a few days.

The inn's owner will tell you that you can find an iron safe in a cave to the
north. Sounds great, let's go get it!

| Monsters         |
| Mischievous mole |
| Slime            |
| Scissor beatle   |
| Wiggly           |

| Monsters         | Recommended level: 2 |
| Mischievous mole | Items to get    |
| Wiggly           +-----------------+
| Bubble slime     | Chain Sickle x1 |
| Scissor beatle   | Iron Safe    x1 |

The cave is rather straightforward and has very simple puzzles. In the room
with the big boulder, you have to let it fall in a hole and form a bridge for
you. To be able to take the safe away, you have to push a rock on the button
on the floor.

Leave the cave and head south. You'll see a little village

| Items to get      |
| Medicinal Herb x1 |
| Horse Manure   x1 |
| Boxer Shorts   x1 |
| Item Shop           |
| Medicinal Herb    8 |
| Steel Broadsword 10 |

If you enter the village, you won't be able to leave. However, if you stay
overnight in the top left most house, the village will have disappeared
altogether when you wake up. Scary!

Don't buy anything here, the Steel Broadswords turn into Cypress Sticks in your

Anyway, there's not much to do here for now so let's just walk on. Enter the
castle surrounded by mountains.

| Items to get      |
| Leather Shield x1 | Inn      |
| Seed of Life   x1 +----------+
| Gold          x70 | 10 Gold  |
| Weapon Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Copper Sword      100 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Hunter's bow      350 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Holy Water     20 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Steel Broadsword 2000 |                   |

There are no armours left in town. You can sell some to the shop if you have
any to spare, he'll pay quite a lot for them.

Walking around town, you'll learn that Hector Busier should be here to fix the
bridge (he was back in Reginhart), that foxes are scared of dogs and that
there's a guy from Lakanaba in prison.

What you can do right no is bring a Chimaera Wing to the guy in prison. 

Exit the town and come back at night. Meet the prince behind the weapon shop
and you'll obtain a letter to give to the princess of Endor.

For now, let's head back to Lakanaba. There, talk to the guy you got out of
prison and he'll let you borrow his dog. A hunting dog. To catch foxes. That's
right, we're going to Reginhart. Just follow your dog as he goes fox hunting.
Afterwards, let the fox go to get a Full Plate Armour.

Take the dog back to Lakanaba and make your way to Endor now that the bridges
are fixed.

O III.4.b.                      Digging to the east                           O

| Monsters      |
| Mad mole      |
| Stump chump   |
| Bodkin archer |
| Firespirit    |
| Splatypunk    |

| Inn      |
| 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Chainmail         350 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Bronze Armour     700 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Iron Armour      1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Iron Apron       1500 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Astraea's Abacus 1600 | Scale Shield      180 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                       | Iron Shield       650 |                   |
|                       | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |
| Casino              |
| Magic Water      30 |<- These prices are in tokens
| Prayer Ring     500 |   (1 token = 200 gold)
| Gold Bracer    1000 |
| Spangled Dress 2500 |
| Meteor Bracer 10000 |
| Falcon Blade  65000 |

We where he before with Alena and already picked up all the items that could be
found lying around. Bring the letter you have to the Princess. The King will
give you a parchment to bring to the King of Ballymoral. Backtrack to deliver
your message and tell the King of Endor you did what he asked.

In return, the King will let you open a shop in Endor. The only problem is
that you need 35000 Gold to buy one from an old man in a house to the left of
town. Let's get a move on if we want to get that sum before the next century.

There is a guy in town that is looking for a Silver Statuette of the Goddess.
Lucky for us, this item is in a nearby cave, so we're going treasure hunting.

Before going, there are two people that you can hire to accompany you. One is
a soldier wandering to the west of town and the other one is a mage staying at
the inn. I suggest taking at least one of them with you, it wan save you a bit
as the cave is a bit far away. I took the mage because he could cast Heal but
he's a bit of an idiot and will keep wasting his MPs on Sizz instead. Oh, well.

 _______________________________   _______________________________
/ Laurel                         / Hardi                         
|-------------------------------| |-------------------------------|
| Wandering Poet | Strength   4 | | Bodyguard      | Strength  30 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility   18 | | Sex: Masculine | Agility   15 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 9 | | Level: ?       | Resilience 7 |
| HP: 58/58      | Wisdom    35 | | HP: 82/82      | Wisdom     8 |
| MP: 68/68      | Luck      16 | | MP:  0/0       | Luck      10 |
|                | Attack    28 | |                | Attack    58 |
|                | Defence   25 | |                | Defence   29 |
|===============================| |===============================|
| Spells                        | | Equipment                     |
|-------------------------------| |-------------------------------|
| Heal                    2 MPs | | Iron Lance                    |
| Sizz                    4 MPs | | Chainmail                     |
| Snooze                  3 MPs | | Leather Armour                | 
|===============================| |===============================|
| Equipment                     | | Additional                    |
|-------------------------------| |-------------------------------|
| Poison Moth Knife             | | Pay 400 Gold for 5 days       |
| Leather Armour                | _______________________________/
| Leather Shield                |
| Additional                    |
| Pay 600 Gold for 4 days       |

Go east from Endor and cross the bridge. Go north. You'll see a large cave,
that's not where we're going. Continue further north to a little cave
surrounded by poisoned purple water. Yes, it hurts if you step on it.

Get inside.

| Monsters    | Recommended level: 5 |
| Lugworm     | Items               |
| Vampire bat +---------------------+
| Elepus      | Chimaera Wing    x2 |
| Flyguy      | Antidotal Herb   x1 |
| Splatypunk  | Holy Lance       x1 |
| Killer gila | Medicinal Herb   x1 |
+=============+ Iron Lance       x1 |
              | Iron Armour      x1 |
              | Steel Broadsword x1 |
              | Silver Statuette x1 |
              | Gold           x760 |

This cave may be a bit larger than the ones we've already visited but there's
only one way around so I won't write a detailed walkthrough. Our main goal was
the Silver Statuette but the other items found around here are also worth quite
a bit of gold so don't miss out on them.

Once you've picked up everything you wanted, exit the cave and go back to

There, sell your silver statuette to the guy in the house to the northeast of
town and get 25000 Gold. Looks like we'll be able to afford that shop soon. To
collect the rest of the money, you've to sell your other items. Go to Ballymoral
to sell armours, they're worth more there.

As the enemies drop quite a lot of items when you're fighting with Torneko, it
shouldn't take that long to get to 35000.

Once you've done that, you'll have to battle monsters to get items and furnish
the shop's stock. Go talk to the King and he'll tell you he wants 6 Iron
Broadswords and 6 Iron Armours, so go get that as well. Doing just that will
get you the 60000 Gold you need to open a way east.

Head to the cave south of the Statuette Cave (the one we didn't enter earlier)
and pay the old man so that he finishes digging his tunnel. The casino has now
reopened. A token is now worth 200 Gold, though. The old man will tell your
wife when he's done digging.

So go visit the casino then go talk to your wife to learn that the tunnel is 
done. Go to said tunnel and take the stairs at the end to finish chapter 3.

 / III.5.     Chapter 4: Meena and Maya or the secret of Mahabala            

O III.5.a.                      Finding Oojam                                 O

| Items to get          |
| Medicinal Herb     x1 |
| Seed of Strength   x1 |
| Silk Robe          x1 |
| Wayfarer's clothes x1 +==========+
| Leather Hat        x1 | Inn      |
| Antidotal Herb     x1 +----------+
| Gold             x205 | 3 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           |
| Oaken club     30 | Wayfarer's clothes 70 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Silk Robe         100 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Dress     250 |
| Hunter's bow  350 | Leather Hat        65 |
|                   | Hairband          110 |
|                   | Medicinal Herb      8 |

You're now playing with Meena and Maya, two sisters that want to find Balzack,
the man who murdered their father.

Be sure to visit the town at night to get every last item and some info about
your destination.

Once you're done, leave town and head north.

| Monsters      |
| She-slime     |
| Walking stick |
| Platypunk     |
| Foo dog       |

| Items to get      |
| Leather Shield x1 +========+
| Seed of Magic  x1 | Inn    |
| Seed of Life   x1 +--------+
| Gold          x35 | Free   |
| Item Shop         |
| Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Leather Dress 250 |
| Feathered Cap 280 |
| Chain Sickle  550 |

This is your hometown. You'll learn that your father had two pupils: Balzack
and Oojam. Balzack murdered him and Oojam is in hiding in a cave to the west.
When you're ready, exit the town and make your way to the aforementioned

| Monsters      |
| Horny devil   |
| She-slime     |
| Platypunk     |
| Foo dog       |
| Walking stick |
| Bagworm       |
| Lickspittle   |

| Monsters    | Recommended level: 5 |
| Winkster    | Items to get      |
| Dirty dogu  +-------------------+
| Funghoul    | Chimaera Wing  x1 |
| Wimp        | Seed of Life   x1 |
+=============+ Night Light    x1 |
              | Silence Sphere x1 |
              | Gold         x240 |

As usual, the cave is neither big nor complicated. When you can choose between
two elevators, start with the northern one, it'll lead you to a Night Light and
Oojam will join you. As he's quite strong, be sure to put him at the front of
the party.

/ Oojam                         
| Alchemist      | Strength  10 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility    8 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 4 |
| HP: 95/95      | Wisdom    20 |
| MP:  0/0       | Luck       4 |
|                | Attack    68 |
|                | Defence   38 |
| Equipment                     |
| Iron Lance                    |
| Bronze Armour                 |
| Scale Shield                  |
| Leather Hat                   |

The other elevator in the previous room takes you to a Silence Sphere. With
these two items acquired, leave the cave.

Make your way northwards.

O III.5.b.                     Looking for Balzack                            O

| Monsters               |
| Crack-billed platypunk |
| Frolicker              |
| Wimp                   |
| King slime             |
| Ratattaque             |
| Fee lée                |
| Stump grump            |
| Fire beatle            |
| Dirty dogu             |
| Paralyslicer           |
| Weartiger              |

| Items to get        |
| Dancer's Costume x1 |
| Gold           x200 |

Technically, you don't have to enter the castle. Maybe it just makes more sense
story-wise as you'll learn that Balzack became regent and that the chancellor,
who is the only one to know where he is, is a coward that flees at the first

As you can't actually do anything here right now, exit and continue further
north to the town.

| Items to get      +==========+
+-------------------+ Inn      |
| Medicinal Herb x1 +----------+
| Gold          x15 | 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop       | Item Shop         |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Leather Dress 250 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Iron Fan          620 | Fur Coat      600 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Iron Armour  1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Leather Shield 90 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Poisoned Needle  1300 | Scale Shield  180 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                       | Feathered Cap 280 |                   |

In the town, you'll learn that you can't board a boat to Endor because the
regent is being a jerk and that you can find some gunpowder in the Mamon Mine
further to the west. Gunpowder sound like a great way to scare a chancellor,
doesn't it? So let's get going.

| Monsters        | Recommended Level: 10 |
| Ratatattack     | Items to get      | Inn     |
| Vampire battler +-------------------+---------+
| Frolicker       | Leather Hat    x1 | 8 Gold  |
| Venus guytrap   | Medicinal Herb x1 +=========+
| Metal scorpion  | Holy Water     x1 |
| Fée lée         | Seed of Magic  x1 |
+=================+ Silver Cards   x1 |
                  | Seed of Life   x1 |
                  | Powder Keg     x1 |
                  | Scale Shield   x1 |
                  | Gold          x60 |

In the town part of the level, you can enter the broken house to the north
west by a door in the back for some stuff.

Yet another incredibly straightforward dungeon. When will I get a really
convoluted one so that I can feel useful for writing an incredibly detailed
walkthrough? Anyway, once you've got the powder keg you can leave.

Go back to the Regent Castle and use your newly acquired Powder keg in the
hallway next to the Chancellor's room. Follow him relatively sneakily to the
regent's room. Talk to Balzack to trigger the boss battle.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 13
 Exp  500
 Gold   0
 HP  ?
 MP  A lot
 Special Attacks
 Spits fireball
I say level 13 because I was level 11 when I tried to take him down and boy was
that a close one! Don't make the same mistake I made and use the Silence Spell
right at the beginning of the battle to block his magic. If you don't, he'll
eventually cast his kickass healing spell, negating all your previous efforts.
Meena should be used for healing, and mostly only that. Maya should cast Sap
and then Sizz. Oojam will do decent damage. See if you can afford to have Meena
attack from time to time, I couldn't.

After you beat him, a big blue Chimera thingy will pop up from nowhere and will
attack. Don't bother fighting back, he's too strong for you.

You'll wake up in the castle's dungeon where you'll meet the former king. He
tells you to pick up a boarding pass on your way out.
| Seed of Strength x1 |
| Boarding Pass    x1 |

You'll be spotted by the guards as you try to escape from the castle. Oojam
will stay behind so that you can flee. So flee and go to Havre Léon.

Enter the building in the northwest of town and climb on the boat. On it, you
can find:
| Seed of Magic x1 |

Once you're sure you want to leave, talk to the captain to set sail and end 
Chapter 4.

 / III.6.                      Chapter 5: The Chosen                         

O III.6.a.                       Part I: Hero LFG                             O

( III.6.a.a.                      Meena and Maya                              )

We find Hero again. Your mum will give you a packed lunch to bring to your
father. Go back to your mother and tell her you want to eat to trigger a scene. 
You'll get a Monsters Book and the village will be destroyed. There's a
Feathered Cap to pick up in the ruins.

Leave the village.

There's a little house just south of where you are with some stuff to pick up.

| Items to get      |
| Seed of Life   x1 |
| Medicinal Herb x1 |
| Leather Armour x1 |
| Gold          x50 |

The guy will let you stay for free if you come see him at night. Anyway, he'll
tell you that there's a castle to the southeast, which is obviously where we're

| Items to get     |==========+
+------------------+ Inn      |
| Plain Clothes x1 +----------+
| Gold         x20 | 3 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Oaken Club     30 | Leather Armour    180 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Chainmail         350 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Shield     90 | Holy Water     20 |
| Hunter's Bow  350 | Scale Shield      180 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
|                   | Leather Hat        65 |                   |
|                   | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |

Everybody keeps mentioning Endor, which is to the west. Think you can take a
hint? I think you have to talk to the king, but then maybe not. So get out and
head west.

| Monsters       |
| Bubble slime   |
| Platypunk      |
| Scissor beatle |
| Wiggly         |
| Firespirit     |
| Mouseflap      |

You'll arrive at a large cave. Upon entering, you might recognise the tunnel
Torneko helped dig. Sure enough, Endor is on the other side.

| Monsters     |
| Lickspittle  |
| Mad mole     |
| Air rat      |
| Bubble slime |
| Carnivine    |
| Firespirit   |

| Inn      |
| 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Chainmail         350 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Bronze Armour     700 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Iron Armour      1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Iron Apron       1500 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Astraea's Abacus 1600 | Scale Shield      180 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                       | Iron Shield       650 |                   |
|                       | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |
| Casino              |
| Magic Water      30 |<- These prices are in tokens
| Prayer Ring     500 |   (1 token = 20 gold)
| Gold Bracer    1000 |
| Spangled Dress 2500 |
| Meteor Bracer 10000 |
| Falcon Blade  65000 |

Third time's the charm...

Reginald and Veronica are getting married in the Coliseum, isn't that sweet?
Torneko's wife opened a bank as she ran out of stock for the shop once her
husband left. I doubt you have any money to spare right now, though.

Go talk to Meena to the west of town, just above the bank. Have her read your
hand and she'll join your party. Next, go pick up Maya at the Casino.

Now that you have two women looking after you, it's time to do some levelling
up for Hero. You don't need to bring him to a certain level, rather you should
fight until you can afford some much needed equipment upgrades for him. You
should be around level 7 or 8 before you are reasonably well equipped.

( III.6.a.b                           Torneko                                 )

It's now time to go back to Casabranca, and then further to the east. Look for
an entrance of sorts in the mountain range to the south and enter the little
inn situated there.

| Items to get      |
| Antidotal Herb x1 | Inn      |
| Packed Lunch   x1 +----------+
| Gold          x15 | 6 Gold   |

You can't continue into the desert - which is where we want to go as there
were rumours of Torneko crossing it - on foot and Hank Hoffman Jr won't let you
have his carriage because he has serious trust issues. Of course, when a
problem arises, you have to go raid a cave in the neighbourhood to solve it.
The cave you need is further to the east.

| Monsters          |
| Armoured scorpion |
| Jinkster          |
| Mandragore        |
| Thorny devil      |
| Picksy            |
| Bodkin archer     |

| Monsters    | Recommended level: 9 |
| Frolicker   | Items to get    |
| Tricksy     +-----------------+
| Vampire bat | Faith Symbol x1 |

I don't know if I just got lucky or if it's designed that way (I'll go for that
one) but I've had no random encounters in this cave.

Follow the path. Meena and Maya will fall into a trap. Take the nearby stairs
and follow them when you see them going away. Talk to them. Of course, it was a
trap and two Frolickers will attack you.

You'll fall into yet another trap. Maya and Meena are wandering around. Of
course it's a trap again.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 9
 Tricksy x2      | Vampire bat x2
 HP 20-40        | HP    20
 MP   0          | MP     0
Seriously, this is only a boss battle because you're all alone to fight them.
Take the Vampire bat down first as you should be able to defeat them in 1
attack. You can take each Tricksy down in 2 attacks so the battle won't last
too long. Just be on the cautious side when it comes to healing and you'll be

Take the stairs. You'll see Meena and Maya running away from you again... But
they're the real ones this time! Talk to them and they'll ask you whether it
was Meena that was throwing money away at the casino. Answer no, it was Maya.
They'll believe that you're the real Hero and join you again.

Follow the path until you get to the room with the chest containing the Faith
Symbol and we'll be done with this cave. Head back to the Desert Inn.

Give the Faith Symbol to Hank and he'll join your party, along with his horse.
/ Hoffman                         
| Innkeeper's son | Strength   30 |
| Sex: Masculine  | Agility    26 |
| Level: ?        | Resilience 13 |
| HP: 96/96       | Wisdom     24 |
| MP:  0/0        | Luck       22 |
|                 | Attack     58 |
|                 | Defence    47 |
| Equipment                       |
| Iron Lance                      |
| Bronze Armour                   |
| Scale Shield                    |
| Leather Hat                     |

You can now cross the desert!

| Monsters        |
| Bubble slime    |
| Metal slime     |
| Stump grump     |
| Restless armour |
| Tire-Fleche     |
| Sweaty yeti     |
| Crested viper   |

There's a town to the south of the desert which looks like a nice place to 

[ BATH ]
| Items to get        |
| Antidotal Herb   x1 |
| Leather Shield   x1 |
| Seed of Strength x1 +==============+
| Seed of agility  x1 | Inn          |
| Mini Medal       x1 +--------------+
| Gold            x50 | 4 or 10 Gold |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Hunter's Bow      350 | Fur Coat          600 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Bronze Armour     700 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Iron Fan          620 | Iron Armour      1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Hardwood Headwear 120 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Feathered Cap     200 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
| Holy Lance       1250 |                       |                   |

This is in fact a thermal station. You can do a guided tour of the city and
you'll hear about a hero named Godefroy who was wearing a magical armour. If
you come back during the night, you'll see Godefroy's ghost in the cemetery who
will tell you that the armour in the church is in fact a replica and that the
real one was stolen. Also, it's called the Zenithian Armour. I'm pretty sure I
heard of a Zenithian Sword during Torneko's chapter... Looks like we're going
to find ourselves a whole set of legendary equipment!

Finally, there are two inns in town. Sleep in the bottom one, the other one is

When you feel you're ready to leave, head south once again.

| Monsters               |
| Crack-billed platypunk |
| Flyguy                 |
| Pteranodon             |
| Winky                  |
| Tire fleche            |
| Thorny devil           |

| Items to get          |
| Wayfarer's clothes x1 |
| Mini medal         x2 |
| Antidotal Herb     x1 +==========+
| Holy Water         x1 | Inn      |
| Seed of Strength   x1 +----------+
| Gold              x22 | 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop       | Item Shop         |
| Chain Sickle      550 | Bronze Armour 700 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Poison Moth Knife 750 | Iron Armour  1200 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Iron Lance        880 | Iron Shield   650 | Holy Water     20 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Feathered Cap 280 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Steel Broadsword 2000 | Golden Tiara  540 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |

Torneko owns one of the ships in the harbour. Looks like he did pretty well for
himself while we weren't looking. In other news, the boats can't actually sail
because the beacon has been taken over by monster. Guess who's going to fix

Once you have everything you need, head east around the mountain range and then
to Pharos Tower.

| Monsters      |
| Featherweight |
| Metal slime   |
| Cyclown       |
| Pteranodon    |
| Lugworm       |

| Monsters           | Recommended level: 12~13 |
| Metal slime        | Items to get          |
| Erazor blade       +-----------------------+
| Restless armour    | Seed of Resilience x1 |
| Jinkster           | Seed of Strength   x1 |
| Thorny devil       | Magic Water        x1 |
| Crested viper      | Moonwort Bulb      x1 |
| Komodo             | Hunter's Bow       x1 |
| Weartiger          | Sacred Sparks      x1 |
| Venus guytrap      | Golden Tiara       x1 |
| Skeleton swordsman | Mini Medal         x1 |
+====================+ Gold             x400 |

Torneko's here but he won't join you right now. You need to find the Sacred
Sparks somewhere in this tower to extinguish the evil fire the monsters are
creating to mess with the beacon.

It's still not a very complicated level to navigate so I'll just give you a few
pointers. On the second floor, you can choose between three different
passageways going down. Start going right, then left, then take the middle one.

At the top of the tower, where the chest with the Sacred Sparks is, take the
stairs to the north, the other ones are dead ends.

Go talk to the monsters dancing around the beacon to trigger the boss battle.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 13~14
 Exp  2220
 Gold 100
 Tigergram       | Flamethrower x2
 HP   ?          | HP 48-65
 MP   ?          | MP     ?
 Spells          | Spells
  Heal           |  Sizz
 Special Attacks | Special Attacks
  Yell           |  Spits fireball
As long as you heal whenever necessary, these guys will go down easily enough.
Take out the Flamethrowers first then go after Tigergram. The latter can be a
bit annoying because of his yell that can paralyse your party during one turn
but he's not too difficult overall. A bonus is to have Iron Shields equipped on
your characters as that cuts fire damage, the kind dealt by the Flamethrowers.

Don't forget to use the Sacred Sparks on the dark flames to return the beacon
to normal. Fall off the tower and go back to Porthtrunnel.

Go see Torneko. He'll join you this time and you'll leave on his boat.

 + Just a little tip about wanting to go exploring the whole world on your
 + brand new boat: don't do it until you're level 40 and able to defeat any
 + monster in the game. Before that, just go where you're told.

( III.6.a.c.                    Alena, Borya and Kiryl                        )

Go due south and you'll end up near Mintos on the continent below you. If
you're a bit lost, use Torneko's Eye for Distance ability and you'll now which
way to go.

| Items to get          |
| Mini Medal         x2 | 
| Seed of Resilience x1 +==========+
| Moonwort Bulb      x1 | Inn      |
| Scale Shield       x1 +----------+
| Seed of Wisdom     x1 | 6 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop            | Item Shop         |
| Iron Lance        880 | Iron Armour       1200 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Holy Lance       1250 | Iron Apron        1500 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Steel Broadsword 2000 | Full Plate Armour 2300 | Holy Water     20 |
| Cautery Sword    3500 | Iron Shield        650 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Astraea's abacus 1600 | Golden Tiara       540 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                       | Iron helmet       1100 |                   |

Hoffman will leave your team here because he wants to learn stuff from the
famous businessman, Conrad Ilton. Go talk to him - he's the old guy giving a
speech on the tribune in the centre of town - and answer "No" to his question.
That will get you a treasure map. Examine it and a big ass red X will appear on
the world map. It's not even that far away from here but, sadly, in the middle
of a desert surrounded by mountains. Tough luck.

Go to the inn and upstairs to find Borya and Kiryl. The latter is very sick and
Alena went away to look for a cure. Borya is worried about her and asks you to
help him look for her. He'll join your party. One down, two to go.

The cure to Kiryl's sickness seems to be a chamomile root which you can find in
the small kingdom of Parthenia. Time to leave and head southeast.

| Monsters       |
| Metal scorpion |
| Featherweight  |

| Monsters           |
| Salamander fry     |
| Vampire battler    |
| Buffalo wing       |
| Whizzard           |
| Skeleton swordsman |
| Metal scorpion     |
| Mushroom mage      |
| Imp                |

The town of Parthenia is on the right side of the continent, about halfway
down. I feel the need to point it out because I walked right past it at first.

| Items to get     +==========+
+------------------+ Inn      |
| Seed of Magic x1 +----------+
| Gold          x3 | 8 Gold   |
| Item Shop         |
| Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Moonwort Bulb  30 |

This is a very small and poor town that was ravaged by a drought. The rules of
RPGs state that there shouldn't be any chamomile available. Sure enough, you'll
learn that you have to travel to some kind of cave to find some yourself.

| Monsters        | Recommended level: 15 |
| Infernal armour | Items to get        |
| Powie yowie     +---------------------+
| Vampire battler | Seed of agility  x1 |
| Whizzard        | Seed of Life     x1 |
| Thorny devil    | Robe of Serenity x1 |
| Mushroom mage   | Chamomile Seed   x1 |
| Cannibox        | Gold           x800 |

Upon entering, you'll see Alena being busy breaking a door. Even though she has
the Thief's Key. Durrrrr.

There are sliding tiles in this cave, they're the grey ones with arrows on them
and they'll make you slide in the direction of the arrow.

A detailed walkthrough of this place will end up being really confusing so I'll
just give you a few pointers.

In the room with Alena, there are holes in the middle of arrowed tiles. They
lead nowhere, don't bother trying to reach them. Your destination is a flight
of stairs to the far right of the room.

At first, go to the northwest of the room and take the leftmost arrows. You'll
have to step on some other arrows to leave. From where you end up, if you go to
the west without stepping on any arrows, you can access the chest with the
Robe of Serenity. Go all the way to the east of the room, still without
stepping on any arrows, and step on the left range on arrows going down (if
memory serves). From there, you should be able to access the stairs you seek.

This room looks complicated, but really it isn't. Basically, you have to step
on the right arrows to reach the chest in the middle of the room. You start on
the right side of the room. Step on arrow pointing left the further up you can
reach (there's an arrow pointing up left of it). That will take you to the
north side of the room. DON'T STEP ON THE ARROWS ABOVE YOU!

Step on the third tile of the row below you, starting to count from the left.
That's the opposite side than the one you arrived on. It's an arrow pointing
down. It'll take you to the left side of the room. The chest here is a Mimic,
it can do a lot of damage but doesn't have that many HPs.

Finally, step on the fifth tile situated to your right, counting from the top.
It's pointing right and will take you to the chest in the middle of the room
containing the Chamomile Seed.

Once you have it, leave the cave. That's easier than trying to get there.

Go back to Parthenia and talk to the King. You'll plant your Chamomile Seed and
get a root instead (yeah, that quickly). Go back to Mintos to heal Kiryl. Both
he and Alena will join the team.

( III.6.a.d                           Ragnar                                  )

Attempt to leave and the blue haired guy outside will say that Ragnar went to
the Palais de Léon to look for you. Looks like we found our next destination.

Take your boat - it's still wherever you left in when you arrived - and head
west. Like, all the way west to the other big continent in the lower half of
the world. That's the place where we played as Meena and Maya. Leave your boat
near Havre Léon, where there's absolutely nothing new since the last time
we visited.

Head for the castle.

Talk to the guy in blue near the castle entrance. It's Doc, who apparently
managed to become human. He tells you that Ragnar's in trouble and that you can
find some info about a magic key that would let you enter the castle in Aubout
de Monde.

| Inn    |
| Free   |
| Item Shop         | Weapon Shop            |
| Medicinal Herb  8 | Steel Broadsword  2000 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 | Cautery sword     3500 |
| Chimaera Wing  25 | Battle-axe        5500 |
| Leather Dress 250 | Full Plate Armour 2300 |
| Feathered Cap 280 | Cloak of Evasion  3000 |
| Chain Sickle  550 | Iron Mask         3500 |

The new weapon shop is held by a guy staying inside the house. All that stuff
is really expensive but also really good equipment so buy what you can.

Go to Mahabala's house and talk to the monster in the basement to learn that
the Magic Key you seek is in the cave to the west. So let's head there.

| Monsters      |
| Buffalo wing  |
| Dragon pup    |
| Cocoon goon   |
| Wild beast    |
| Venus guytrap |
| Pocus poppet  |
| Hoodoo gooroo |

| Monsters         | Recommended level: 16 |
| Wild beast       | Items to get     |
| Skeleton soldier +------------------+
| Infernal armour  | Mini Medal    x1 |
| Imp              | Seed of Magic x1 |
| Flamethrower     | Magic Key     x1 |
| Dragon pup       +==================+

Be wary of the skeletons, they're *****es. They'll cast Kasap and then
hack at you for 25~30 HPs of damage. Sure, it's a sound strategy. I just like
it better when I'm the one using it.

Yes, we've already been inside this cave. The guy at the entrance tells you
that there's a mechanism inside a chest to access a secret room. It's in the
chest that contained the Night light the last time we were here. In case you
forgot where that is, take the northwest elevator in the second room of the
cave and you're set. Go get your reward and leave the cave.

Enter the castle with your newly acquired key and head to the entrance to Lord
Lionel's room to see Ragnar being busy breaking the wall. Get in if you're
ready for a boss battle and talk to the Marquis de Léon to trigger it.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 18
 Exp  5100
 Gold    0
 Marquis de Léon
 HP  900
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Cold Breath
You have to beat him this time and boy he can hit hard! Not only that, but he
also attacks twice per turn. Could that be related to him having four arms, I
wonder? I strongly suggest having Kiryl on your team to cast Kabuff at least
twice or you'll take 50+ damage from his Cold Breath and regular attacks. I had
Borya cast Sap and then Crackle constantly. I guess having Maya in your party
works just as well. Hero and Alena were attacking non-stop and Kiryl was quite
busy healing. It was a bit of a close call but in the end I made it, so you 
should as well.

He'll drop a Full Plate Armour after the battle. Apparently, the Marquis de
Léon can't remember anything he's done. Ragnar joins you when you attempt to
leave. Looks like we've got a full team, baby!

The Chancellor will mention that Balzack headed for Zamoksva so that will be
our next destination.

O III.6.b.                   Part II: The Zenithian gear                      O

( III.6.b.a.                     The Zenithian Helmet                         )

Zamoksva is on the continent north of the one you're on. Just sail due north and
enter Zalenagrad.

| Items to get      +===========+
+-------------------+ Inn       |
| Antidotal Herb x1 +-----------+
| Plain Clothes x1  | 2 Gold    |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           |
| Oaken club     30 | Plain Clothes      10 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Wayfarer's clothes 70 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Armour    180 |
|                   | Leather Shield     90 |
|                   | Leather Hat        65 |
|                   | Medicinal Herb      8 |

Nothing new armour and weapon-wise. The people around town will tell you that
the castle is now infested by monsters.

There was a red locked door in the church that you can now open. Go there and
you'll be able to access another part of the town, where there is a sign that
says you should go ask the people of Canalot (which lies far to the north)
about a place called Zenithia where a dragon god lives.

We could go there, but what about kicking Balzack's ass since we're here?

| Monsters        |
| Hoodoo gooroo   |
| Flamethrower    |
| Cocoon goon     |
| Cureslime       |
| Pocus poppet    |
| Cheater cheetah |

| Monsters         | Recommended level: 19 |
| Hoodoo gooroo    | Items to get           |
| Skeleton soldier +------------------------+
| Minidemon        | Flute of Revelation x1 |
| Rhinothrope      | Magma staff         x1 |
| Cocoon goon      | Seed of Strength    x1 |
| Cheater cheetah  +========================+
| Cureslime        |

I hate the Gurus with a passion. Not only do they cast Whack, they also find a
way to make it work most of the time. The only monsters that take priority over
them in your hitlist are the Cureslimes because they can heal their allies.

The monsters wandering around won't actually attack you, except for one Mini
Demon in the kitchen. There's nothing to pick up on your way to the boss battle
which takes place in the throne room. Talk to the Tsar look-alike and Balzack
will transform in an ugly purple monster.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 20
 Exp  6500
 Gold    0
 HP  760
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Cold Breath
He hits hard. He usually does 50+ damage. I made it without Kabuff but it
may have made things much easier. You'll need one character (Kiryl or Meena)
dedicated to healing at all times. Maya's Frizzle hit for 80 HP of damage so
I advise using that constantly. Attack with any physical fighter you have. You
may need to use Hero for healing as well if he uses Kacrack too much. I had
some cold sweat during that battle so if you really can't beat him, levelling
up is not out of the question.

After he's beaten, some monsters appear and call Balzack a failed experiment.
They mention they need the Sparkly Bracelet to achieve their evil goals. Oops.
Alena, what have you done?

Go pick up your reward downstairs, behind the red locked door. And use Maya's
Safe Passage spell to reach them, that damage floor does A LOT of damage. Yes,
I tested that. I'm such a dedicated FAQ writer.

The Magma staff is an awesome weapon for one of your spell casters. Sweet.

You can cruise this continent if you like. In Vrenor, you can find Oojam
wounded in the inn and learn that the Shiny Bracelet is some kind of artefact
that can bring out evil powers, or something.

Where the Bazaar Desert was, Hoffman is trying to establish a town. See the
Pioneer Town sidequest for more info about that.

We're done on this continent. Go back to your boat and head to the island in
the northwest corner of the map. Approach it from the southeast and park your
boat near the brown mountains. That's the only way to reach the town.

| Monsters      |
| Lethal armour |
| Rhinothrope   |
| Flamethrower  |

| Items to get        |
| Mini Medal       x3 +==========+
| Seed of Strength x1 | Inn      |
| Magic Water      x1 +----------+
| Chimaera Wing    x1 | 7 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop           | Armour Shop            | Item Shop         |
| Steel Broadsword 2000 | Full Plate Armour 2300 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Cautery sword    3500 | Cloak of Evasion  3000 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Battle-axe       5500 | Magic Vestment    4400 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Somatic Staff    2500 | Dragon Mail       5200 | Musk          150 |
|                       | Iron Shield        650 |                   |
|                       | Iron helmet       1100 |                   |
| Weapon Shop      | <- This shop is in the southwest corner of
+------------------+    town and only opens at night.
| Battle-axe  5500 |
| Dream Blade 8000 |

In the castle, you'll learn that you need a full set of Zenitian gear (sword,
helmet, shield and armour) to gain access to Zenithia. Luckily for us, the
first item is right here in Canalot. But the King doesn't even want to talk to
you, he's only interested in finding someone that will make him laugh. And no,
none of your team members can manage that. So, where to find somebody with a
sense of humour? In Laissez Fayre.

| Inn      |
| 3 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           |
| Oaken club     30 | Wayfarer's clothes 70 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Silk Robe         100 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Dress     250 |
| Hunter's Bow  350 | Leather Hat        65 |
|                   | Hairband          110 |
|                   | Medicinal Herb      8 |

No new gear to get. Just enter the theatre and go speak with Tom Foolery who is
in the room with Mr. Majestic. He'll agree to join you to Canalot.

/ Tom                              
| Wandering artist | Strength   28 |
| Sex: Masculine   | Agility    38 |
| Level: ?         | Resilience 18 |
| HP: 84/84        | Wisdom     55 |
| MP: 24/24        | Luck       88 |
|                  | Attack     88 |
|                  | Defence    53 |
| Spells                           |
| Snooze                           |
| Equipment                        |
| Dream Blade                      |
| Cloak of Evasion                 |
| Hardwood Headwear                |

So head back to Canalot and go see the King with Tom as your first character to
get the Zenithian Helm. That was rather easy, wasn't it?

Tom will leave you.

( III.6.b.b.                     The Zenithian Shield                         )

So, now what? Well a poet in the castle mentions that the Zenithian Shield used
to be in Burland. Guess where we're going?

To find Burland by boat, sail along the north coast of the norther continent.
You should be able to see the tower surrounded by water that was near
Strathbaile from the coast. Park your boat near Strathbaile and enter the town.
Be careful as the monsters near the town are now quite strong.

| Inn       |
| 6 Gold    |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           | Item Shop         |
| Copper Sword  100 | Chainmail         300 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Bronze Armour     700 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Hunter's Bow  350 | Iron Armour      1200 | Holy Water     20 |
| Chain Sickle  550 | Scale Shield      180 |                   |
| Iron Lance    880 | Iron Shield       650 |                   |
|                   | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                   |

There's nothing new in the shops but people seem to be having a strange dream
when they sleep at the inn. You want to experience that first-hand, don't you?
So go to sleep to see a dream involving Rose and Psaro. I'm all for helping her
but some indication about the place where she is would be required. What's up
with damsels in distress never communicating any useful information? Sheesh.

Anyway, it's time to go to Burland. In case you don't remember, you have to
cross the cave lying southwest and then go southeast.

| Monsters       |
| Grim rider     |
| Abracadabrador |

The monsters have only changed around Strathbaile. You'll still encounter wimpy
enemies in the cave and around Burland.

| Inn      |
| 4 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop           | Item Shop          |
| Oaken club     30 | Leather Armour    180 | Medicinal Herb   8 |
| Copper Sword  100 | Chainmail         350 | Antidotal Herb  10 |
| Divine Dagger 200 | Leather Shield     90 | Holy Water      20 |
| Chain Sickle  550 | Scale Shield      180 |                    |
|                   | Leather Hat        65 |                    |
|                   | Hardwood Headwear 120 |                    |

Nothing new here either. The new items to pick up are behind a red locked door
in the castle. Once again, use Maya's Safe Way spell so that you don't get
fried by the damage floor.

The King tells you that the Shield was given to Femiscyra, a country to the
east populated only by women. You need a Magma Staff to get there. How 

Go back to your boat and go still further to the east along the north coast.
Once you've passed the mountain range, you won't be far away from Femiscyra.
Park you boat somewhere and bring up a close view of the world map by pressing
Y. You should see the castle to the southeast. And southwest of the castle is a
brown mountain that's closing the mountain range. It's also our destination.

| Monsters           |
| Bulldozer          |
| Chillanodon        |
| Grim rider         |
| Eoraptor           |
| Chicken poxer      |
| Liquid metal slime |
| Beleth             |
| Abracadabrador     |

You'll enter a screen where there is nothing but rocks. Use the Magma staff and
you'll trigger a scene. Don't forget to pick up the staff again. At least I
did. Maybe you can leave it here and it'll do something later. I'll try that in
another playthrough.

Anyway, enter the castle.

| Items to get       |
| Fire Claw       x1 |
| Mini medal      x1 +==========+
| Seed of Wisdom  x1 | Inn      |
| Seed of Agility x1 +----------+
| Leather Dress   x1 | 8 Gold   |
| Armour Shop           |
| Leather Dress     250 |
| Dancer's Costume  400 |
| Cloak of Evasion 3000 |
| Pink Leotard     6300 |
| Golden Tiara      540 |

Nothing too exciting in the armour shop. Oh well.

To get the Fire Claw, you have to walk behind the stairs going up. There are
stairs going down there.

A poet will have you look in a drawer before fleeing. When you try to leave,
you'll be accused of theft. Uh-oh... In the end, you'll have to go find the
real culprit, but you'll have to leave one of your team members behind. Leave
whoever you want. I suggest keeping Maya for the upcoming boss battle, I'm
quite fond of her Frizzle spell.

A guy outside of the castle tells you somebody suspicious headed south. So
leave and head southeast until you find a cave. Enter, of course.

| Monsters      | Recommended level: 22 |
| Spitfire      | Items to get          |
| Eoraptor      +-----------------------+
| Chicken poxer | Mini Medal         x2 |
| Chillanodon   | Seed of Strength   x1 |
| Beleth        | Seed of Resilience x1 |
| Humbaba       | Iron Mask          x1 |
| War-rus       | Dragon Shield      x1 |
+===============+ Holy Water         x1 |
                | Mercury's Bandana  x1 |
                | Gold            x1050 |

I'm good with thieves having hideouts. But in the back of a cave with chests
for you to take inside it? What's so wrong with a simple cabin in the woods?

Anyway, you have a broad enough view of the cave to know where the right path
is without me telling you. The dead ends aren't that long anyway.

In the end, you'll arrive in a cave where the poet guy is sleeping. Talk to him
and he'll try to flee at breakneck speed! Only not really. Talk to him again to
trigger the boss battle.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 23
 Exp  7400
 Gold    0
 Arsene Lutrin
 HP 1000
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
His regular attacks don't hit that hard. Be sure to have somebody with Sap on 
your party to counter his casting Kabuff or you're in for a very, very long
battle. You'll again need to have somebody dedicated to healing every turn.
Maya's Frizzle spell works quite nicely, doing 70-80 HP of damage. She was my
primary source of damage for the battle. Eventually, you'll beat him.

After he's gone, return to the castle and talk to the queen. You'll get the
Ultimate Key with which you can open prison doors. Go free your imprisoned
companion and then go pick up the Zenithian Shield on the other side of the

( III.6.b.c.                          The Mod Rod                             )

The queen mentioned going south to some place called Rosehill. Why not?

Rosehill is actually directly to the east of Bath. To go there, you have to
follow the coast from Femiscyra east and then southwards and then go north
along a narrow channel. The town will be to the east of that channel. As I
said, it's actually quite close to Bath but not connected by land.

On your way there, you may have seen a castle with a cave above it. It was
Minikin's dominion and the Zenithian Armour is in the cave above it. Only we're
not going to get it right away as the monsters are a bit strong for now.

| Monsters     |
| Spitfire     |
| Grim rider   |
| Bloody blade |
| Chillanodon  |
| Beleth       |
| War-rus      |

| Items to get       |
| Seed of Magic   x1 | Inn       |
| Mini Medal      x1 +-----------+
| Poisoned Needle x1 | 9 Gold    |
| Weapon Shop                | Armour Shop            | Item Shop        |
| Battle-axe            5500 | Full Plate Armour 2300 | Chimaera Wing 25 |
| Falcon Knife Earrings 7500 | Magic Vestment    4400 | Musk         150 |
| Dream Blade           8000 | Dragon Mail       5200 |                  |
| Dragonsbane          15000 | Iron helmet       1100 |                  |
| Iron Mask             3500 |                        |                  |

In this town lives an elf named Rose that cries rubies. She was hunted by
humans who wanted these rubies but Psaro saved her. Aww.

If you remember the dream sequence in Strathbaile, you'll know you have to use
the flute on the tile in front of the tower. If you don't... Well, I just told
you! Just use the damn flute and get ready for a boss battle at the top of the

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 22~23
 Exp     ?
 Gold    ?
 Sir Roseguardin
 HP 1200
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Silence Sphere
  Calls Chillanodon
He hit me for about 60 HPs per attack. Just keep on attacking him and heal
wherever needed. As usual, I abused the Frizzle spell with Maya. He did try
to use a Silence Sphere on my team once but it didn't work. I suppose things
would have been much more complicated had it worked on my spellcasters. He also
calls Chillanodons for help but they're out with one Frizzle so they're
nothing to worry about. Overall a rather easy fight. 

Talk to Rose and to the slime. You'll learn where to get a Mod rod, which
we're going to get right now if you didn't get it from this part's title.

It's in a peninsula south of Endor, so Zoom there.

| Armour Shop               |
| Cloak of Evasion     3000 |
| Spiked Armour        9800 |
| Liquid metal armour 35000 |

There's a new Armour Shop in Endor which sells nice, though expensive, stuff.
It's situated in the house to the southeast of town. You need the magic key to
open the door leading to it. It may have opened earlier but I didn't come back
to Endor since I picked up Meena and Maya at the beginning of the chapter, so
I really don't know.

Anyway, starting from Endor, board your boat and follow the coast southwards.
You're in a water channel so you can't get that lost anyway... You're looking
for a little sanctuary-like building to your right, at the tip of the
continent. Go inside.

| Monsters           | Recommended level: 23 |
| Spitfire           | Items to get          |
| Liquid metal slime +-----------------------|
| Voodoo gooroo      | Staff of Antimagic x1 |
| Terrorflyer        | Mini Medal         x1 |
| Humbaba            | Mod rod            x1 |

More sliding tiles! Actually, they're far less of a pain than the last time we
encountered some.

Go up, on the tiles,  and follow the only path you can until you arrive at a
chest with the Staff of fizzle. The path to the right takes you to a teleporter
that brings you back to the entrance. So go left instead, and don't step on any
arrows anymore until you've reached the Mod rod, which is located very near
the entrance. Don't worry, there's only one way.

You can leave or maybe stay to kill some Liquid metal slimes. As the other
metallic slimes, they give A LOT of experience and they tend to appear in
groups of 8 in the room where the staff of fizzle used to be. You're bound to
manage to kill one or two, right?

Once you're done here, leave. We're going to get that Zenithian Armour.

( III.6.b.d.                     The Zenithian Armour                         )

I said it earlier, but in case you didn't listen the Zenithian Armour is in the
cave just above Minikin's dominion. Sail inside.

| Monsters       | Recommended level: 25 |
| Terminonatator | Items to get        |
| Cheeky tiki    +---------------------+
| Hell raiser    | Mini Medal       x3 |
| Dragon rider   | Zenithian Armour x1 |
| Sekerleton     +=====================+
| Freeze fly     |
| Hellspawn      |

This is actually a very short cave. You start on a raft in a big room with a
smaller room in its centre. You need to enter said smaller room from the left
to get a chest (the passage is on earth). Then get back out, take your raft
again, and enter the room from the north (the passage is on water). Exit the
small room by the west and you'll reach some stairs leading to our shiny

That's it. We're done here.

( III.6.b.e.                         Defeating Estark                         )

There's some stuff to do before we can get to the Zenithian sword, and beating
this Estark guy is part of it.

Nobody actually told us where to go. But then, there's only one place we
haven't visited so far, and that's this little continent to the south. Sail
there. Access it from the north, right in the middle. There's a water channel
there. Sail on it and enter a town. Yes, with your boat.

| Items to get     |
| Seed of Life  x1 +===========+
| Mini Medal    x2 | Inn       |
| Moonwort Bulb x1 +-----------+
| Gold bracer   x1 | 10 Gold   |
| Weapon Shop       | Armour Shop         | Item Shop         |
| Battle-axe   5500 | Magic Vestment 4400 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Dream Blade  8000 | Dragon Mail    5200 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Dragonsbane 15000 | Iron Shield     650 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
|                   | Dragon Shield  7100 |                   |
|                   | Iron Helmet    1100 |                   |
|                   | Iron Mask      3500 |                   |

I swear I couldn't find the name of this place before using Zoom. Where's
the generic "Welcome to [town]!" guy?

There's one guy trying to make a balloon, but he needs a gas lighter than air.
What happened to using, you know, hot air?

Just buy whatever you can then exit through the south end of town. On the map,
you'll see some kind of big grey statue not far away. Park your boat near there
and walk over to it.

| Monsters   | Recommended level: 26 |
| Blizzybody | Items to get       |
| Fat bat    +--------------------+
| Hellion    | Mini Medal      x1 |
| Hellspawn  | Seed of agility x1 |
| Sekerleton | Hela's Hammer   x1 |
| Minidemon  | Gold          x640 |
| Mimic      +====================+

I hate the Blizzybodies so much. They cast Thwack. And that spell seems to have
a much higher success rate when the monsters cast it on you than the other way
around. Well, you should have Revive by now, so it's not as annoying as it
could have been, really.

At first, there's only one way. On the second floor, take the right path. On
the third floor, you have to enter the room in the middle from the back, to the
right of the room. You can rotate your camera to see the entrance. The other
three ways (two doors and a stairway) are dead ends.

On the fifth floor, you can jump out of the tower in the south wall. Jump out
of the rightmost opening to get a Hela's Hammer, which not only is a cursed
weapon but also has a lousy hit rate. Don't equip it.

Make your way back to where you jumped off the tower and jump through the left
opening this time and make your way to the top of the tower. There's a lever to
use to make the Colossus move.

Once he crossed the water, jump out through one of the openings in the room
where you are.

You can now walk to the ominous looking castle further to the east.

| Monsters     |
| Rhinoceraxe  |
| Cheeky tiki  |
| Dragon rider |
| Wyvern       |

| Monsters        | Recommended Level: -- |
| Cheater cheetah | Items to get       |
| Float-o-copier  +--------------------+
| Hellion         | Prayer Ring     x1 |
| Sekerleton      | Lucida shard    x1 |
| Minidemon       | Seed of Magic   x1 |
| Rhinoceraxe     | Tempest shield  x1 |
+=================+ Kamikaze Bracer x1 |
                  | Mini Medal      x2 |

If you passed the Colossus, you're at the right level to beat the monsters here
as they're either the same or weaker. Besides, they'll only attack you if you
actually talk to them. And finally, if you use the Mod rod to turn your
team into monsters, they'll talk to you rather than attack you.

Make your way around the castle. It seems like some monsters are plotting
behind Psaro's back. To progress the story, you need to go to the conference
room, which you access through the throne room, turn your party into monsters
with the Mod rod, talk to everybody, then place your lead character on the
seat beside the blue tiger thing and wait.

A scene will occur during which Psaro gives a speech.

Some big bad guy named Estark is back. We're going to Mamon to kill him again.

| Monsters     | Recommended level: 28 |
| Sekerleton   | Items to get        |
| Dragon rider +---------------------+
| Fuddlestick  | Mini Medal       x2 |
| Wyvern       | Magic Water      x1 |
| Moosifer     | Seed of Agility  x1 |
| Mimic        | Seed of Strength x1 |
+==============+ Gas Tank         x1 |
               | Gold          x2480 |

The monsters raided the town so there's no inn anymore. The first part of the
mine is the same as the last time we were here. There even are the same
monsters on the first floor, which I didn't list again.

The mine is pretty straightforward.

At one point, after passing by a guy lying on the floor, you'll get a change of
scenery. Enter the little house in front of you to find a healing halo. Nice.
Then continue right to another house. Inside, when you have a choice between
stairs going up and down, go down. Up is a dead end.

You'll pass by a chest on a pedestal, but the way is blocked by a flame. You'll
have to come back here after you beat the boss.

Talking about a boss, you'll soon end up on a platform in the middle of some
damage floor with a big blue monster on it. Talk to the three little monsters
in front of it and refuse to leave to trigger a battle. No, that's not the boss

Once you disposed of them, heal up and talk to the big blue guy wielding two
gigantic sword. That's the boss battle.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 29
 Exp     ?
 Gold    ?
 HP 2700
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Cold Breath
First of all, don't let him sleep. He does a rather nasty attack when he's
asleep that hits your whole party. Keeping that in mind, he's actually less bad
that what you'd expect from the ominous music. Have Kiryl ready to cast Kabuff,
cast Sap on him and then abuse the strongest magic attack you have at your
disposal (Megasizz for me because I don't like Borya) and have your physical
hitters attack constantly. He attacks twice per turn and has an annoying attack
that removes all magical effects on your party. Be sure to cast Kabuff again.
As long as his attacks stay relatively focused on your meat shields, you
shouldn't have that much trouble.

After the battle, Psaro comes in. He's surprised to learn that you beat Estark.
But before he can trample you because you're so damn tired after this battle,
he learns that something happened to Rose and leaves.

Go back a few rooms to pick up the Gas Tank in the now accessible chest and
leave as well.

( III.6.b.f.                     The Zenithian Sword                          )

Yes, we're going to get that now.

First, head to Riverton and give the Gas Tank to the guy who's trying to build
a balloon. Go sleep at the inn and come back to get your very own balloon!

See that big ass red cross on the map? The one where we couldn't go before
because it's surrounded by mountains? Well, out balloon flies over that, so
let's go!

| Armour Shop         +========+
+---------------------+ Inn    |
| Power Shield  13000 +--------+
| Flowing Dress 15000 | 5 Gold |
| Monsters     | Recommended level: 30 |
| Moosifer     | Items to get          |
| Green dragon +-----------------------+
| Freeze fly   | Staff of Salvation x1 |
| Whirly girly | Yggdrasil Dew      x1 |
| Fuddlestick  | Yggdrasil Leaf     x1 |
| Grim keeper  | Zenithian Sword    x1 |
| Ogre         +=======================+

First, there's a little town with nothing to pick up. And then there's a big
tree called Yggdrasil like in every other RPG out there and that's the dungeon
we have to raid.

You should get out and make a team of only 3 people. It makes it a bit tougher
but if you don't, you can't finish the dungeon and have to come back with only
3 people anyway, so the whole thing would have been a waste of time.

I'd suggest a tank, a healer and then whatever you prefer between another tank
and an offensive magic user. I opted for two strong physical hitters.

Enter the tree. In the first room, take the left stairs first, then backtrack
and go right. On the second floor, go down as the path going up is a dead end.
On the third floor, start by going down and follow the path until you reach a
chest. Then you'll have to backtrack and take the path going up.

After that, just follow the path until you reach the top of the tree. You'll
see somebody lying on the ground. Talk to her and she'll join your party.

/ Orifiela                        
| Zenithian       | Strength   40 |
| Sex: Feminine   | Agility    76 |
| Level: ?        | Resilience 38 |
| HP: 156/156     | Wisdom     92 |
| MP: 180/180     | Luck       38 |
|                 | Attack     95 |
|                 | Defence    81 |
| Spells                          |
| Fullheal                        |
| Kasap                           |
| Dazzle                          |
| Equipment                       |
| Somatic Staff                   |
| Flowing Dress                   |

Don't forget to pick the Zenithian sword, which in on the southeast branch of
the tree top. Also if you search the ground where there are leaves, you'll get
an Yggdrasil Leaf, an item to revive your party members. You can only hold on
to one, though.

Leave the tree.

O III.6.c.                The island in the middle of the map                 O

( III.6.c.a.                        Going to Zenithia                         )

Our next destination is the path to Zenithia. Now, where that could be? Right,
that little island in the middle of the map surrounded by reeves. After all,
it's the only place where we haven't been yet.

You'll get a different world map on this island. Land and make your way east.
The town is to the left of the mountain range to the right.

| Monsters      |
| Joojoo gooroo |
| Bullion       |
| Grim keeper   |
| Ogre          |

| Items to get  | Inn      |
| Mini Medal x2 | 10 Gold  |
| Armour Shop         | Item Shop         |
| Iron Mask      3500 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Dragon Shield  7100 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Magic Vestment 4400 | Holy Water     20 |
| Dragon Mail    5200 | Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Spiky Armour   9800 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
|                     | Musk          150 |

The people around here talk in a very... convoluted... fashion. Heal up, gain
a few levels if you think you'll need it, and then leave the town.

First, head east into the little sanctuary on the other side of the mountain
range. There's a pseudo-riddle inside it. Just get the two chests.
| Goddess Ring  x1 |
| Baron's Bugle x1 |

Now let's go to the south of the island, in a blue tower.

| Monsters           | Recommended level: 30 |
| Rhinocerex         | Items to get        |
| Bone baron         +---------------------+
| Lost soul          | Glombolero       x1 |
| Pit viper          | Dragon Shield    x1 |
| Pickeerer          | Mini medal       x2 |
| Abullddon          | Seed of Strength x1 |
| King metal slime   | Kerplunk Bracer  x1 |
| Liquid metal slime +=====================+
| Slime              |

In the first room, take either stairway. On the second floor, take the left
path first and follow it until the end. Then backtrack and take the other path.
Soon, you'll see little blue platforms which are elevators. After you've taken
two of them, you'll end up in a room where you can choose between two
stairways. Take the one nearest to you first.

Later on, when you can choose between an elevator and a ladder, take the ladder
as the elevator will bring you back down. In the room at the top of the ladder,
you can once again choose between two paths. Take the one to the far right of
the room. You'll find an elevator in a tower, but that's a dead end. Continue
along that path until the end then backtrack to the room at the top of the
ladder and take the stairs you ignored.

That will take you to the end of this tower and then to Zenithia.

| Items to get     |
| Yggdrasil Dew x1 |
| Mini Medal    x1 |

Orifiela will leave you once you get inside the town. If you go find her again
in the castle, she'll give you a dragon to take with you. A small one, though.

/ Sparkie                         
| Dragonnot       | Strength  195 |
| Sex: Masculine  | Agility    35 |
| Level: ?        | Resilience 17 |
| HP: 258/258     | Wisdom      6 |
| MP:   0/0       | Luck       20 |
|                 | Attack    195 |
|                 | Defence   160 |
| Special Attacks                 |
| Cold Breath                     |
| Cool Breath                     |

Talk to the dragon god in the throne room to get an experience boost for Hero
and a power boost for the Zenithian Sword.

A scene will take place and you'll have to go to the cave of evil evilness with
your party. Go to where you picked up Sparkie and go through the door there.
You'll be out on clouds, where a hole has appeared. Fall down.

( III.6.c.b.                            Niferia                               )

You'll land in front of the cave to the northwest of the island. Go inside.

| Monsters       | Recommended level: 32 |
| Drooling ghoul | Items to get        |
| Damselfly      +---------------------+
| Pickeerer      | Shimmering Dress x1 |
| Demonspawn     | Mini Medal       x1 |
| Beelzebuzz     | Seed of Life     x1 |
| Red dragon     | Seed of Strength x1 |
| Sasquash       | Seed of agility  x1 |
| Night clubber  | Hela Armour      x1 |
| Vis mager      | Mighty armlet    x1 |
+================+ Flowing Dress    x1 |
                 | Seed of Magic    x1 |
                 | Seed of Life     x1 |
                 | Mirror Shield    x1 |
                 | Gold          x3280 |

Don't let the Beelzebuzzs be the last living monsters because they can cast
Conjuration which brings back every other monster to life at the cost of their

This dungeon may look complicated because your field of vision is impaired, but
it's not actually that long. From the entrance, go up until you reach a chest.
Then go back to the entrance and go left. Follow the path up, then left, then
down. When the path splits between left and down, go left.

You'll be in a room with arrowed tiles. Take the ones going down to reach a
chest, then go back to the junction and go down. The path winds around again.
Once again, go left when it splits.

In this room, the chest in the lower right corner (in the toxic marsh) is a
Mimic. Take the stairs going up on the other side of the room to end up on
another platform with arrowed tiles. Take the leftmost ones going down to reach
a chest containing a cursed armour, then the ones pointing right to reach the

Follow the path until you reach a room with a raft. There are two chests here:
one in the northwest corner of the room and the other on the south side of the
room, almost in the middle. The stairs going down are directly to the right of
where you started.

From here on, you just have to follow the path. When you arrive to a volcano
setting, fall down the hole in the corner of the tower to reach a chest and use
the stairs to reach the other one.

Go on and you'll end up out of Niferia.

Go due south to reach a little sanctuary. You can save your game and get healed
here. You'll also learn that you have to destroy 4 barriers to be able to enter
Psaro's castle in the middle of this little underground world.

( III.6.c.c.                     The four barriers                            )

That means four boss battles in each of the four little sanctuaries around the
main castle.


<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 32
 Exp     ?
 Gold    ?
 Rashaverak x3
 HP  500
 MP    ?
Yes, they're weak, but they're three. They can even call more of their own for
help. Cast Kabuff then hack away. They shouldn't give you too much trouble.


You'll have to sneak past the little statues that mirror your moves in the
first room. It's easy.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 32
 Exp     ?
 Gold    ?
 HP 2100
 MP    ?
He attacks twice per turn but only does physical attacks. Of course, they hurt
badly, which is why you should use Kabuff. Cast Sap on him then hack away with
all you have. Kafrizzle also works really nicely. Overall, not a very difficult


<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 33
 Exp     ?

 Gold    ?
 HP 3300
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
He attacks twice per round, casts powerful spells, hits hard and has A LOT of
HPs. Cast Kabuff and Sap at the beginning of the battle and then give him all
you've got. Be on the cautious side when it comes to healing because Kaboom
hurts your whole party badly. Winning this battle relies on luck. If your
healer goes down, you're toast.

| Items to get   |
| Zombie mail x1 |

This is actually a tower. Inside, take the right stairs first for the chest.
Then go to the top to meet the bad guy. He announces that he wants to become
the king of monsters and that he manipulated Psaro into annihilating humanity
by organising Rose's kidnapping. That guy so deserves to die.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 33
 Exp     ?
 Gold    ?
 Aamon x3     | Drooling ghoul x3
 HP  1800     | HP
 MP     ?     | MP
 Spells       |
  A bunch     |
Cast Kabuff then dispose of the weaklings. Aamon seems to be immune to magic
attacks. Besides, he sometimes casts Reflect on himself. So cast Sap at the
beginning of the battle then hit him physically. He doesn't have that many HPs
so he shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you heal every turn. I'm
not kidding about that, his spells hurt badly.

So now that it's done, we can enter the final dungeon.

( III.6.c.e.                         Demon Castle                             )

|Recommended level: 35 |
| Items to get       |
| Mini Medal      x1 |
| Yggdrasil Leaf  x1 |
| Lightning Staff x1 |
| Sage's Stone    x1 |

Go inside the castle. You'll see some monsters wandering around. I wonder if
there's something to do with them other than brutally murdering them? Anyway,
follow the path until you see a flame monster. He won't attack you.

Take the stairs down for an item, then the stairs up for the rest of the
castle. After some more path following, you'll arrive at an elevator. Don't
trigger it but walk to the stairs behind it. In the corridor, all the statues
are paired except one that you can push to reveal a secret passage. Follow it
for a chest.

Backtrack to the hallway and follow that path a bit more for another chest. Now
go take the elevator you ignored earlier. You'll be back in the room with the
fire. From the elevator, go south and once again follow the path. Eventually,
you'll come to another elevator. Trigger it and go back up using stairs to walk
on the roof of the elevator to pursue your way to stairs going up.

Follow the path until you exit Demon Castle.

Just above the castle there is a mountain with nothing but the final boss on
it. Of course, it's Psaro, but he looks like a red version of Estark now. Use
the Baron's Bungle to call your carriage and, if you're ready, walk up to him.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 38
 Exp     0
 Gold    0
 I was expecting 2~3 phases like any other end game boss. He's got seven.  At
 the recommended level, only the last one is really threatening but this felt
 more like an endurance battle. Who would go down first: Psaro or my healers'
 Psaro the Manslayer
 1. HP  2000
    MP     ?
He's doing physical attacks all the time. Sure, they do hurt but it's nothing
Kabuff and healing spells can't take care of. As always, use Sap then attack
and abuse any powerful spell of your choice. This phase is over when he loses
his right arm.
 2. HP  1600
    MP     ?
Pretty much the same as phase 1. Be sure to maintain Kabuff on your team and
he'll lose his other arm soon enough.
 3. HP  1500
    MP     ?
He still doesn't do any really dangerous attacks as long as you heal regularly.
Eventually, he'll lose his head and turn into a ridiculous ball-shaped green
 4. HP     ?
    MP     ?
He doesn't hit too hard but he can heal himself, which makes this phase really
daunting. He has between 1000 and 3400 HPs, it was the best I could do as I
don't know how well his meditation heals him. Still, having to deal up to 3400
HPs of damage to defeat him makes this the longest phase of all. When you beat
it, he'll grow arms.
 5. HP  1500
    MP     ?
He doesn't heal anymore and resumes attacking you physically. He hit harder and
faster but this still shouldn't give you too much trouble. When you're done
with him, he'll grow legs.
 6. HP  1700
    MP     ?
And this battle is still going on... Same as for all the previous phases,
Kabuff on your team, Sap on him and lash out. He'll grow a second head and evil
spikes of doom.
 7. HP  2000
    MP     ?
This one is dangerous. He'll cast Bounce on himself at the beginning of the
battle so use the Zenithian Sword to dispel it. Also, switch in Meena to cast
Insulatle, which you should maintain at all times, along with Kabuff. He hits
hard, has some really nasty breath attacks and goes twice per round. I found
battle was as much a matter of luck as of strategy. If Kiryl goes down and
you've to make-do with only Zing, you're in for a world of trouble. Try to have
either Alena or Ragnar attack like there's no tomorrow while the rest of your
team tries not to be wiped out. Hero will certainly be able to attack sometimes
as well, but always prefer casting Omniheal when the need arises rather than
doing a bit more damage to Psaro.

Congratulations, you beat Psaro. Now you just have to enjoy the ending


You can save your game after the credits and when you look at your saved game
it says chapter 6! Well, looks like we're not quite done, after all...

 / III.7.             Chapter 6: Oh my, it's not over yet?!                  

O III.7.a.                    Getting Psaro to join                           O

After you beat the game, you can load your game save, which will now say
"Chapter 6". You'll start in Endor's church and everything seems pretty normal.
Well, if you remeber the ending sequence, you'll have seen a tomb in Rosehill,
which is our destination. There, the monsters will tell you that Psaro brought
Rose's body. Also, the witch in the well will tell you that elves are now
living in the Yggdrasil. Go there to learn about flowers that can cause
miracles. Like resurrect people. See where this is headed?

Anyway, you have to look for "a place where something changed". In this sort of
cases, you either go to the very first town you visited or to the last one.
Close enough, you have to go to the Azimuth where a hole leading to a new
dungeon appeared.

Hop in.

| Monsters           | Recommended level: 40 |
| Demonspawn         | Items to get          |
| Bloody hand        +=======================+
| Cerberuff          | Yggdrasil Leaf     x1 |
| Perilwinkle        | Strength Ring      x1 |
| Spinchilla         | Mini Medal         x6 |
| Shelligators       | Seed of Agility    x1 |
| Tuskateer          | Seed of Magic      x1 |
| octophant          | Death Mask         x1 |
| Picuda             | Elevating Shoes    x1 |
| Pandora's box      | Seed of Life       x1 |
| Dragooner          | Cobra claw         x1 |
| Demon thunderer    | Demon Spear        x2 |
| Draguar            | Horse manure       x1 |
| Abbulldon          | Boxer Shorts       x1 |
| Float-o-copier     | Angel Leotard      x1 |
| Pickeerer          | Kerplunk Bracer    x1 |
| Sasquash           | Recovery ring      x1 |
| Prism peacock      | Ruby of Protection x1 |
| Emperor Wyvern     | Gold            x2800 |
| Draculard          +=======================+
| Gnucifer           |
| Div                |
| Metal king slime   |
| Mimic              |
| Testudogre         |
| Prince of darkness |
| Juggular           |
| Terminonatator     |
| Croaked king       |
| Seasaur            |
| Well wisher        |
| Togre              |

Thsi is quite a big dungeon, as you can see from the length of the monsters and
items list. The new enemies you encounter in here are quite strong, which is
why I recommend level 40 to cruise it comfortably.

There's nothing on the first floor, not even monsters, so just go to the

On the second floor, start by taking the path that goes to the right and you'll
arrive in a room with a raft. There are four chests in here, with the rightmost
one being a Pandora's box. Once you got everything, backtrack to the crosroads
and take the other path. In the new room, once again start with the path going
to the right for a chest, then go north for the stairs leading down.

On this floor, you're one flying platforms connected by bridges. Go left first
then backtrack and go right. When the path splits again, go right for a chest
then go back and take the other way to reach the stairs.

There aren't any monsters in this screen. Enter the house to see that it's way
bigger than you would have expected. Go down the stairs to enter almost the
same screen as before... You can sleep inside the house. Go down the stairs
inside and pillage the vault. The chest in the lower right room is a Pandora's
box. There's also a Mini Medal in the well outside. Take the passageway behind
the house, go down the stairs for one last chest and then proceed down the

This floor is filled with lava. Follow the path until you reach the chest with
the Death Mask then take the way left and go all the way up. Now you just have
to follow the path to reach the stairs.

How does a tower not melt in boiling hot lava? Anyway, go left for a chest then
enter the tower. First, take the stairs to the right go back to go left
instead. When you can choose between two stairways going up, start with the
right one for a chest, then take the left one, fall down the hole and take the
stairs going down.

The chest you can see in the middle of this room is a Pandora's box. Also,
there's an invisible way above the water you see on the floor. To take it, go
up the stairs to the right and when you're on the south side of the room, look
for some water that is conveniently located in front of a hole in the little
white ledge just above you. Walk by following the water until you reach a chest
in the top right corner of the room. Then exit north.

You've just reached Pinnacle Chapel. There's a chest around. Be sure to
actually visit the church to be able to teleport back here.

Exit north to enter a cave where there are tombs. Take the stairway in the
northwest corner to reach a chest with an Angel Leotard. Then go back and take
either one of the other stairways. You'll be in a village of sorts. Look around
for items then exit by the stairs behind the prison door.

The cave you arrive in is designed a bit like the one south of Femiscyra. It's
neither long nor complicated. When you've taken all the chests, exit north.

You end up at the top of a rather ominous looking tower. The ladder to the
right takes you to a Mimic. There's a chest on the top of a high tower to the
left. The exit is in the southeast corner.

You'll be in a tower with a lot of stairs. There are a few chests around but
they're easy to reach so you can make your way around the room alone. There is
a teleporter in the room to the north. Take it to reach the room with the boss.

You'll see a bunch of eggs and chickens and two punks arguing. Before you go
talk to them, let me warn you that they're pretty strong. Well, first time I
tried to beat them, my levels ranged 40-42 and I got mauled. Badly. Then I did
some levelling and I had all my characters at level 45 and Hero at level 50.
Then they seemed quite wimpy. I never even came close to dying. So maybe I just
got unlucky at level 42 and you can do it then. Hero's Gigasword spell kicks
ass, though.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 45
 Exp  21800
 Gold  1410
 Foo Yung           | Chow Mein
 HP  2800           | HP   3200
 MP     ?           | MP      0
 Spells             | Spells
  Kabuff            |  N/A
 Special Attacks    | Special Attacks
  Blistering Flames |  Concentrate
  Cold Breath       |  Toss Boulder
  Fuddle Dance      |  Feathers
                    |  Defend
Go for Foo Yung first. He is the supporting character and has the most annoying
abilities. Cast Kabuff and Insulatle to have a chance of staying alive through
their attacks. A bit of Sap then lash out on him. Kafrizzle works nicely, so
does Gigasword if you have it. Depending on their attacks, you might even not
have to heal every turn. Chow Mein can hit hard. In particular, his boulder
damages your whole party no matter their defense. When he scatters feather, all
your physical attacks for that turn will miss. He seems immune to Kafrizzle so
I went medieval on him with only physical attacks. Once he's alone, as long as
you keep Kabuff up, you're relatively safe.

A flower will blossom on the tree in the picture above them. Jump in the crater
behind them to be taken back to the Azimuth. Make your way to EL Forado then
climb to the top of the Yggdrasil to find a Yggdrasil flower.

Go to Rosehill and use the flower on the tomb to resurrect Rose. She'll tell
you to take her to Psaro. So go to Heaven's Haven, make your way through the
Demon Castle and go talk to Psaro on the mountain behind. You won't fight him
this time. Rather, Rose will make him come back to his senses and he'll join
your team. He comes at level 35 with a bunch of powerfull spells. He's so
overpowered it's not funny.

O III.7.b.                     Brutally murdering Aamon                       O

Remember Aamon, the bastard that ordered Rose's kidnapping? Well, apparently
he staged a coup and is now sitting his fat ugly ass in Diabolicic Hall's
throne room. It's time for some killing.

<---<Boss Battle>------------------------------------------------------------->
 Recommended level: 45
 Exp   0
 Gold  0
 1. HP  1800
    MP     ?
He's just a grey version of Psaro's form during the second half of the battle.
You need to have Psaro with you. I also strongly recommend Mina because he has
some devastating breath attacks. Personnally, I took Kiryl with me out of habit
and because he has Kazing, but Hero's Omniheal was my primary source of healing
as he does too much damage for various rounds of Full Heal to cut it. This
first form isn't very dangerous but can paralyse you. Cast Kabuff, Insulatle
and Oomph and you'll down him quickly.
 2. HP  2000
    MP     ?
He now has arms and legs but still isn't dangerous. Apply the same technique as
for his firt form and you'll be fine. He'll grow a second head.
 3. HP  1800
    MP     ?
More of the same, now with the added annoyance of his dispelling your magical
enhancements, so you'll have to recast. I especially recommend maintaining
Insulatle at all times. Apart from that, just continue like before.
 4. HP  4000
    MP     ?
He now has some very devastating attacks, especially his cold breath that you
can counter with Insulatle and releasing all his magical power at once which
you can counter with... Omniheal. He is dangerous so don't hesitate to use Hero
as a healer while Psaro casts Oomph on himself and beats him up. He has the
annoying habit of dispelling magical effects every two turns or so but
Insulatle is abolutely vital in this fight so always recast. He should die
before you run out of MPs.

There, done. Watch the slightly altered ending sequence with delight.

You can save your game after the credits but there won't be any additional
content if you load that save apart from a third page in your Battle Records
and a "Thanks for playing!" title waiting for you there. Hehe.

Congrats for beating the game!

 / III.8.                          Sidequests                                

O III.8.a.                      The Pirates' Treasure                         O

There's a big island to the left of the map, between the two continents with
Zamoksva and Havre Léon respectively. On this island, there's a town.

| Items to get         |
| Sponge Stone      x1 +==========+
| Mini Medal        x1 | Inn      |
| Fishnet Stockings x1 +----------+
| Leather Hat       x1 | 5 Gold   |
| Armour Shop            | Item Shop         |
| Full Plate Armour 2300 | Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Cloak of Evasion  3000 | Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Magic Vestment    4400 | Moonwort Bulb  30 |
| Iron Shield        650 | Musk          150 |
| Iron Helmet       1100 |                   |

Here, you'll hear stuff about the sands of time, an item that allows you to go
back in time in battle. You'll also hear about a sponge stone. We'll get that
right now.

Exit town and come back at night. Look in the sea. You see that spot where the
water seems to be absorbed? That's where our Sponge Stone is. So come back
during the day and examine that spot to get your Sponge Stone.

Now, you're going to need at least the Magic Key, and preferably the Ultimate
Key you get in Femiscyra.

We're going to a cave that's situated to the south of Minikin's dominion and to
the east of Rosehill, on the other side of a mountain range. You'll now if
you're in the right cave because there are waterfalls in the first room and the
stairs to the rest of the cave are underwater.

| Monsters     | Recommended level: 27 |
| Picuda       | Items to get          |
| Bloody blade +-----------------------+
| Minidemon    | Sands of time      x1 |
| Incineraytor | Mini Medal         x1 |
| Sand viper   | Liquid Metal Sword x1 |
+==============+ Death Mask         x1 |
               | Gold             x780 |

Use the Sponge Stone in the first room to drain the water and take the stairs.
Now, if you only have the magic key, the only thing you can access are the
sands of time behind the red door. If you have the Ultimate Key, you can go
further down into the cave.

There are no dead ends in this cave, or only really short ones, so a detailed
walkthrough is not needed.

The Death Mask has "cursed" written all over it.

There's a liquid metal sword in here. It inflicts greater damage to metallic
enemies. Like all these metallic slimes that give insane amounts of experience.

And we're done with this quest.

O III.8.b.                      Minikin's Dominion                            O

( III.8.b.a.                          Rewards                                 )

Minikin's dominion is situated to the northeast of the map. Starting from
Femiscyra, sail along the coast, starting by going east, and you'll stumble on
an island with only a castle on it. That's Minikin's dominion.

There's an inn there. The night is 10 Gold per person.

Inside, Minikin collects Mini Medals. If you give him enough, he'll give you an
item in return.

Here is a list of the rewards:
| Mini Medals | Item                  |
|     15      | Strength Ring         |
|     20      | Ruby of Protection    |
|     25      | Magical Skirt         |
|     30      | Staff of Divine Wrath |
|     34      | Conjuration Bracer    |
|     38      | Miracle Sword         |
|     43      | Happy Hat             |
|     47      | Mighty Armlet         |
|     52      | Liquid Metal Shield   |
|     60      | Gringham Whip         |

( III.8.b.b.                       Mini Medals List                           )

o Taborov, in the well

o Zenithai pass,

o Zenithia pass,

o Zenithia,

o Niferia,

o Demon castle,

o Bonus dungeon,

o Bonus dungeon,

o Bonus dungeon,

o Bonus dungeon,

o Bonus dungeon,

o Bonus deungeon,

o Dunplundrin,

o Waterfall cave, in a chest

o On an small island between Zamoksva and Havre Léon, in a pot inside a cabin

o Pioneer Town stage 1,

o Pioneer Town stage 1,

o Pioneer Town stage 2,

o Pioneer Town stage 2,

o Pioneer Town stage 3,

o Pioneer Town stage 3,

o Pioneer Town stage 3,

o Pioneer Town stage 4,

o Pioneer Town stage 4,

o Pioneer Town stage 4,

o Pioneer Town stage 5,

o Pioneer Town stage 5,

o Pioneer Town stage 5,

o Pioneer Town stage 5,

o Pioneer Town stage 5,

O III.8.C.                         Pioneer Town                               O

( III.8.c.a.                        Beginning                                 )

At some point in the game that is at least after you've had Alena join you
again, you'll learn that there's a new town where the Desert Bazaar used to be.
Go there and you'll see Hoffman who tells you he's trying to build his own
town. Of course, we're going to help him out.

First, Hoffman mentions somebody in Laissez Fayre who would like to start a new
life somewhere else. Go to Laissez Fayre and talk to the Sister in the church.
Tell her about Hoffman's town and she'll move there.

( III.8.c.b.                          Stage 1                                 )

Go back to Pioneer Town and talk to Hoffman. You'll see that your town has
already started to grow. Talk to everybody and search around to find:
| Mini Medal x2 |
| Bunny tail x1 |

An item shop has also opened.
| Item Shop         |
| Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Chimaera Wing  25 |

Go to Hoffman's house next to the town to configure your emissary to other
towns. The idea is that if you set your DS on random encounter, close it, walk
out and come close enough to somebody who's done the same, you'll trade
inhabitants. I've tried: none of my neighbours play Dragon Quest.

Once you've done that, and after you got the Ultimate Key, talk to Rocky in the
northwest house to hear about somebody in Burland's church that want to start
over in a new town. So go to Burland and talk to the guy in the church. Tell
him about Pioneer Town. Then go talk to his friend who's staying at the inn and
tell him about the town as well.

( III.8.c.c.                         Stage 2                                  )

Yes, the town has already grown.

Look around to find:
| Mini Medal         x2 |
| Antidotal Herb     x1 |
| Seed of Resilience x1 |
| Hairband           x1 |

Your Item Shop is now stocking Musk.
| Item Shop         |
| Medicinal Herb  8 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 |
| Chimaera Wing  25 |
| Musk          150 |

After beating Estark and after you've done the Pirates' Treasure quest, go back
to Pioneer Town and talk to the blue haired guy in front of the inn. He'll
mention an man and his wife that a looking for a pirate's treasure in a cave
somewhere. Well, I only know of one cav with a pirate's treasure in it.

Go to the Waterfall Cave. The woman is in the first room, the man at the
beginning of the second one. Tell them about Pioneer Town and they'll move.

( III.8.c.d.                        Stage 3                                   )

You guessed it, Pioneer Town has grown some more.

Look around town to find:
| Mini Medal       x3 |
| Magic Water      x1 |
| Seed of Magic    x1 |
| Chimaera Wing    x1 |
| Seed of Strength x1 |
| Gold            x73 |

You also now have two Item Shops and an inn.
| Inn     |
| 4 Gold  |
| Item Shop         | Item Shop        |
| Medicinal Herb  8 | Bunny tail   230 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 | Gold bracer  350 |
| Chimaera Wing  25 | Lucida shard 500 |
| Moonwort Bulb  30 |                  |
| Holy Water      ? |                  |
| Musk          150 |                  |

Talk to everybody and somewhere between beating Estark and entering the final
dungeon (either after getting the balloon or going to Zenithia are my best
guesses), somebody will mention that there's a monster with a lot of legs in
Strathbaile's prison. So go to Strathbaile, then in its prison, and let the
Slime out. Tell her about Pioneer Town and she'll move there to start a new

( III.8.c.e.                         Stage 4                                  )

Damn, this town grows really fast!

Around town, you can find:
| Packed Lunch   x1 |
| Seed of Wisdom x1 |
| Seed of Magic  x1 |
| Mini Medal     x3 |
| Fur Coat       x1 |
| Horse Manure   x1 |
| Fire Claw      x1 |
| Gold         x370 |

An Armour Shop opened as well.
| Inn     |
| 10 Gold |
| Item Shop         | Item Shop                | Armour Shop         |
| Medicinal Herb  8 | Bunny Tail           230 | Iron Armour    1200 |
| Antidotal Herb 10 | Gold Bracer          350 | Spangled Dress 2000 |
| Chimaera Wing  25 | Mercury's bandana    650 | Flowing Dress 15000 |
| Moonwort Bulb  30 | Strength ring        880 | Power Shield  13000 |
| Holy Water     20 | Conjuration Bracer 10000 | Iron Mask      3500 |
| Musk          150 |                          |                     |

After beating Psaro (that means you've started chapter 6), talk to princess Pam
in the inn and to Rocky in the house to the northwest. You'll hear about a king
in Havre Léon's pub and a guard in Laissez Fayre's inn. Go talk to them about
Hank's town.

( III.8.c.f.                         Stage 5                                  )

Your town is now a castle! Wee!

As always, go item hunting to find:
| Seed of Agility    x1 |
| Sultan's Body         |
| Mini Medal         x5 |
| Mirror Shield      x1 |
| Ruby of Protection x1 |
| Miracle Sword      x1 |
| Sultan's Heart        |
| Meteorite Bracer   x1 |

We also got ourselves some really nice pieces of equipment in the new shops.
| Inn       |
| 15 Gold   |
| Item Shop                  | Armour Shop            |
| Dream Blade           8000 | Full Plate Armour 2300 |
| Dragonsbane          15000 | Dragon Mail       5200 |
| Miracle Sword        31000 | Flowing Dress    15000 |
| Flail of Destruction 65000 | Tempest Shield   20000 |
| Angel Leotard        13000 | Iron mask         3500 |
| Mighty Armlet        37000 |                        |
| Casino                   |
| Kamikazee Bracer     500 |
| Magical Skirt       1000 |
| Thalian Staff       3000 |
| Ra's Mirror        10000 |
| Liquid Metal Helm 100000 |
| Gospel Ring       250000 |

The woman who sold the bracers seems to have disappeared, though.

Once you've found the Sultan's body and heart, go talk to the frog again. Its
body will have been restored. Talk to the Sultan once again and you'll get a
Mini Medal.

Pioneer Town is now fully grown. Congrats!

O III.8.d.                         Locked doors                               O

In some places, there are locked doors that you don't have to open in order to
finish the game. However, as is well know, if it's behind a locked door, it
must have some value. Sure enough, you can find some nice items there. Here is
a list of where to find them.

( III.8.d.a.                       Blue locked doors                          )

Burland, first floor of the castle
| Seed of Strength x1 |
| Seed of agility  x1 |
| Mini Medal       x1 |
| Seed of Life     x1 |
| Iron Helmet      x1 |
| Gold           x750 |

Zamoksva, Tsar's bedroom
| Chimaera Wing x1 |
| Seed of Magic x1 |
| Gold         x30 |

( III.8.d.b.                        Red locked doors                          )

Chandor, King's bedroom (night time only)
| Pink Leotard      x1 |
| Fishnet Stockings x1 |
| Mini Medal        x1 |
| Feathered Cap     x1 |

Chandor, locked house southeast of town
To access it, there's a red door near the end of the hallways leading to the
Coliseum in the castle.
| Seed of Strength   x1 |
| Mini Medal         x1 |
| Double-Edged Sword x1 |

( III.8.d.c.                          Prison doors                            )

| Prayer ring x1 |
| Mini Medal  x1 |
| Gold      x350 |

Porthtrunnel's Inn
|Massacre Sword x1 |

Ballymoral Prison
| Seed of Magic x1 |
| Seed of Life  x1 |
| Mini Medal    x1 |
| Horse Manure  x1 |

Vrenor Cave
Trigger a mechanism in the chest that used to contain the Sparkly Bracelet to
reveal some hidden stairs.
| Lightning Staff x1 |

Havre Léon Prison
| Mini Medal       x2 |
| Seed of Strength x1 |

Lakanaba, Weapon Shop
| Seed of Strength x1 |
| Chain Sickle     x1 |
| Icicle Dirk      x1 |

Strathbaile Prison
| Mini Medal x1 |

O III.8.e.                      The Pandemonium gear                          O

This quest is only available in chapter 6.

To get this gear, which is Psaro's best equipment, you need to go fight Foo
Yung and Chow Mein multiple times. Here's what they give you:
| 1. Pandemonium Shield |
| 2. Pandemonium Sword  |
| 3. Pandemonium Armour |
| 4. Boxer Shorts       |
| 5. Yggdrasil Leaf     |
| 6. Pandemonium Helm   |
| 7. Secret Immigrant   |

They don't get any stronger than the first time you defeated them so this
should be easy enough.

The final time you beat them, the guy from the picture behind will jump out and
say he'd like to have a nice place to live, so tell him about Pioneer Town and
he'll leave. His name is Old Man Psaro, or Psaro, Queen of the Desert as he
tells you in Pioneer Town. Uh?

You can continue fighting them afterwards and they'll tell you how many turns
it took you to beat them, but you won't get anymore rewards.

O III.8.f.                          The Casino                                O

There are two casinos is this game. One is accessible as early as chapter 2 and
is in Endor. The orther one is only available in chapter 6, after you've
reached the final form of the Pioneer Town. They offer different prizes, some
worth an insane amount of tokens, each one worth 20 Gold in chapter 5.

( III.8.f.a.                       Casino Prizes                              )

Endor Casino Prizes
| Magic Water      30 |
| Prayer Ring     500 |
| Gold Bracer    1000 |
| Spangled Dress 2500 |
| Meteor Bracer 10000 |
| Falcon Blade  65000 |

The Spangled Dress can be interesting for Alena during chapter 2, after that it
becomes obsolete. The Falcon Blade could be interesting if it wasn't such a
pain to earn tokens, but by the end of the game you get much better weapons.

Pioneer Town Casino Prizes
| Kamikazee Bracer     500 |
| Magical Skirt       1000 |
| Thalian Staff       3000 |
| Ra's Mirror        10000 |
| Liquid Metal Helm 100000 |
| Gospel Ring       250000 |

Your goal here should be the Liquid Metal Helm, the best helm in the game. The
Gospel Ring allows you to avoid random encounters. I don't see why you would
want to have it, at your level your game routine must consist mainly of
telporting to your favourite grinding spot, so...

( III.8.f.b.                    How to win tokens                             )

There are various ways to win tokens.

There are slot machines in both casinos. In my opinion, they're just pink
token-sucking machines. I've never won more than 20 tokens with these things
and I've wasted a lot more playing. Unless you find THE winning machine, and
there might be one in Pioneer Town, seeing the ridiculous amount of slot
machines they have there, I wouldn't advise playing those.

There are also poker tables in both casinos. In my experience, only the poker
tables in Pioneer Town include jokers, that can take the value of any card.
That can make winning a bit easier. Actually, you play only one hand of poker,
with a maximum bet of ten tokens, and if you win, you're asked to play Double
or Nothing until you decide to quit or lose. This is actually a good way to win
some tokens, but not much. Like 200 by 200, which is not going to nail you a
Liquid Metal Helm during this century. As you can only lose 10 tokens per hand,
you can usually keep playing for a good while and in the end your wins usually
exceed your losses.

There is also a monster arena in Endor's casino, but not in Pioneer Town. You
are asked to bet up to 50 tokens on a monster who will then battle against
other monsters. If your champion comes out on top, you win some tokens
according to the odds that were announced before the battle. These odds tell
you by how much your tokens will be multiplied if your monster wins. Then you
can bet all of your winnings on the following fight and in the end win quite a
lot of money. Sadly, the odds announced are rarely reliable and while is it
possible to win a lot of tokens in the monster arena, theoretically, I always
end up wasting tokens rather than piling them up. Maybe I just have lousy luck.

Oddly, the less time consuming manner to win tokens might just be to complete
your book of monsters. I had all 210 but the first 208 may be enough as the
last two don't have a reserved spot with question marks. Or maybe they do and I
just missed it completely. Anyway, to trigger the token win, you need to look
either at all of the completed 13 pages or at every single monster entry, I'm
not sure. I chose the "every single monster" route because I was copying it
down in the bestiary. Just glancing at one page in particular won't cut it. Oh,
and you win 300,000 tokens. Three. Hundred. Thousand. Tokens. The 3000 tokens I
raised through other means are laughable.

<  IV.                            CHARACTERS                                  >

 / IV.1.                             Heroes                                  

There is some leeway in the stat boosts the characters get for levelling up.
I'd say you could get +1/-1 point from the numbers I give, which are taken from
my own playthrough. Similarly, you can learn the spells two levels higher or
lower than what I indicate due to the resulting differences in Wisdom.

O IV.1.a                           Hero (Hero)                                O

Well, he's your hero. He was destined to fight the bad guy from birth and
everything. He even has a cool hero outfit. Not only does he hit hard and has
access to the best equipment in the game, he also has more than decent magic.
He especially learns some healing spells that can save your life should your
healer choose to die rather untimely. He's definitely a must-have in your
party. Somehow, I expected that.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | VIT | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  25 |   5 |   7 |   5 |   2 |   6 |   4 | Poof                         |
|  2 |  +3 |  +3 |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |     |                              |
|  3 |  +4 |  +3 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |                              |
|  4 |  +5 |  +3 |  +3 |  +1 |     |  +1 |     | Heal                         |
|  5 |  +4 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     | Frizz                        |
|  6 |  +8 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |                              |
|  7 |  +7 |  +3 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     | Midheal                      |
|  8 |  +7 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |                              |
|  9 |  +7 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     | Zoom                         |
| 10 |  +8 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |                              |
| 11 |  +8 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 | Sizz                         |
| 12 |  +8 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 | Holy protection              |
| 13 |  +8 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 | Evac                         |
| 14 |  +8 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |                              |
| 15 |  +8 |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |                              |
| 16 |  +8 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Kasnooze                     |
| 17 |  +8 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 | Cock-a-doodle-do             |
| 18 |  +9 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 19 |  +8 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 20 |  +9 |  +6 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Snub                         |
| 21 |  +8 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Kaclang                      |
| 22 | +10 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 23 |  +8 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 24 |  +8 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 | Boom                         |
| 25 |  +9 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Zap                          |
| 26 |  +8 |  +6 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 27 |  +8 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 | Fullheal                     |
| 28 |  +8 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Zing                         |
| 29 |  +8 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 30 |  +8 |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 31 | +11 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 32 |  +9 |  +7 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 | Omniheal                     |
| 33 |  +9 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 34 | +10 |  +6 |  +4 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 35 | +10 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Kazap                        |
| 36 |  +9 |  +6 |  +5 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 37 | +11 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Kazapple                     |
| 38 |  +9 |  +6 |  +4 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 39 |  +9 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Hocus Pocus                  |
| 40 | +11 |  +7 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 41 |  +9 |  +6 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 42 |  +8 |  +6 |  +6 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 43 |  +8 |  +7 |  +5 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 44 | +10 |  +6 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 45 |  +9 |  +6 |  +5 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 46 |  +9 |  +6 |  +6 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 47 | +10 |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 48 |  +8 |  +6 |  +5 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 49 | +10 |  +6 |  +6 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 50 |  +8 |  +6 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 | Gigasword                    |
| 51 |  +9 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 52 |  +9 |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 53 |  +8 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |                              |
| 54 |  +8 |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 55 |  +8 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 56 | +10 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |                              |
| 57 |  +8 |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 58 |  +9 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |

O IV.1.b.                     Ragnar Mc Ryan (Soldier)                        O

Why Ragnar gets a last name when the Hero doesn't even get a first one is
beyond my understanding. He's one of the two tanks in the game, the other one
being Alena. He has high strength and a downright ridiculous amount of HPs. I
tend to use him more than Alena because he has access to better armour than her
during a good portion of the game and as such higher defence. I like it better
when my meatshields aren't the ones in need of healing.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  27 |   0 |   7 |   4 |   2 |   1 |   2 |   N                          |
|  2 |  +3 |     |  +4 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |
|  3 |  +4 |     |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |   O                          |
|  4 |  +5 |     |  +3 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |
|  5 |  +4 |     |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |   T                          |
|  6 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  7 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |   H                          |
|  8 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  9 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |   I                          |
| 10 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 11 |  +9 |     |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |   N                          |
| 12 |  +9 |     |  +5 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              | 
| 13 |  +8 |     |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |   G                          |
| 14 |  +9 |     |  +4 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 15 | +10 |     |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 16 | +13 |     |  +5 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 17 | +12 |     |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 18 | +14 |     |  +4 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 19 | +12 |     |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 20 | +14 |     |  +4 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 21 | +12 |     |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 22 | +13 |     |  +6 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 23 | +13 |     |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 24 | +12 |     |  +5 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 25 | +13 |     |  +6 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 26 | +12 |     |  +6 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 27 | +12 |     |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 28 | +15 |     |  +5 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 29 | +12 |     |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 30 | +13 |     |  +6 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 31 | +19 |     |  +6 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 32 | +17 |     |  +6 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 33 | +16 |     |  +6 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 34 | +16 |     |  +6 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 35 | +18 |     |  +6 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 36 | +20 |     |  +7 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 37 | +16 |     |  +6 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 38 | +17 |     |  +7 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 39 | +18 |     |  +7 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 40 | +19 |     |  +7 |  +1 |     |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 41 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 42 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |
| 43 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 44 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |
| 45 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 46 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |
| 47 |  +5 |     |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 48 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |
| 49 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
| 50 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +1 |     |     |  +1 |                              |

O IV.1.c.                      Alena (Tsarina)                                O

The second tank of the game, she has high attack and agility. Besides, her
critical rate is way higher than that of any other character, which makes her
a primary source of damage for most battles. I tend to prefer Ragnar for his
higher health and defence but the two characters are interchangeable.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  16 |   0 |  12 |   7 |   3 |   4 |   1 |   N                          |
|  2 |  +5 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
|  3 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |   O                          |
|  4 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |     |  +1 |                              |
|  5 |  +4 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |   T                          |
|  6 |  +6 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
|  7 |  +6 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |   H                          |
|  8 |  +7 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |                              |
|  9 |  +6 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |   I                          |
| 10 |  +7 |     |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |                              |
| 11 |  +7 |     |  +4 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +4 |   N                          |
| 12 |  +8 |     |  +4 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +5 |                              |
| 13 |  +7 |     |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +4 |   G                          |
| 14 |  +7 |     |  +4 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 15 |  +8 |     |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 16 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +5 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 17 |  +9 |     |  +7 |  +6 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 18 |  +8 |     |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 19 |  +9 |     |  +6 |  +6 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 20 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 21 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 22 | +10 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 23 |  +8 |     |  +7 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 24 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 25 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +5 |                              |
| 26 |  +8 |     |  +7 |  +7 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |                              |
| 27 |  +9 |     |  +7 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 28 |  +8 |     |  +7 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +5 |                              |
| 29 |  +9 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 30 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 31 |  +8 |     |  +7 | +10 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 32 |  +9 |     |  +6 | +10 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 33 |  +8 |     |  +7 |  +9 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 34 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 35 | +10 |     |  +6 | +10 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 36 |  +8 |     |  +7 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 37 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 38 |  +8 |     |  +6 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 39 |  +9 |     |  +7 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 40 |  +9 |     |  +6 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +5 |                              |
| 41 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +7 |                              |
| 42 |  +9 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +6 |                              |
| 43 |  +8 |     |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +7 |                              |
| 44 |  +9 |     |  +3 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +6 |                              |
| 45 |  +9 |     |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +7 |                              |
| 46 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +6 |                              |
| 47 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +3 |  +1 |  +1 |  +7 |                              |
| 48 |  +8 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +6 |                              |
| 49 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +7 |                              |
| 50 |  +8 |     |  +5 |     |  +2 |  +1 |  +6 |                              |

O IV.1.d                         Borya (Mage)                                 O

I always prefer Maya over him as the team's offensive spell caster. He learns
more stat spells than her but she learns powerful offensive spells earlier,
especially given that Borya learns some field magic in the middle. As the name
suggests, it's really useful on the field. During boss battles? Not so much.
Also, I may be biased because I don't like him much, but it seems he levels up
more slowly that most other characters.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  16 |  10 |   3 |   5 |   2 |   8 |   2 | Crack                        |
|  2 |  +2 |  +5 |     |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  3 |  +2 |  +5 |     |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  4 |  +2 |  +5 |     |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  5 |  +2 |  +6 |     |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +2 | Sap, Snooze                  |
|  6 |  +4 |  +8 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  7 |  +4 |  +7 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +3 |  +3 | Evac                         |
|  8 |  +5 |  +7 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
|  9 |  +4 |  +9 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +3 |  +3 | Bounce, Zoom                 |
| 10 |  +5 |  +7 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 11 |  +6 | +12 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |  +3 |                              |
| 12 |  +7 | +12 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 | Crackle                      |
| 13 |  +7 | +10 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 14 |  +7 | +10 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 | Accelerate                   |
| 15 |  +7 | +11 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Peep                         |
| 16 |  +6 | +10 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 17 |  +7 | +12 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |  +5 | Tick-tock                    |
| 18 |  +6 | +12 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 19 |  +7 | +10 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Oomph                        |
| 20 |  +6 | +10 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 21 |  +6 |  +7 |  +1 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |  +5 | Kasap                        |
| 22 |  +6 |  +6 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +5 |                              |
| 23 |  +6 |  +6 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |  +4 | Snoop                        |
| 24 |  +6 |  +6 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |  +5 |                              |
| 25 |  +7 |  +6 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |  +4 | Drain magic                  |
| 26 |  +7 |  +6 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 27 |  +6 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Kacrack                      |
| 28 |  +6 |  +7 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |  +5 |                              |
| 29 |  +7 |  +6 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 30 |  +7 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +6 |  +4 | Fuddle                       |
| 31 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 32 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 | Kacrackle                    |
| 33 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 34 |  +7 |  +5 |  +1 |  +5 |  +4 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 35 |  +7 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 36 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 37 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 38 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 39 |  +6 |  +6 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 40 |  +6 |  +5 |  +1 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 41 | +12 |  +5 |     |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 42 | +11 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 43 | +12 |  +6 |     |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 44 | +10 |  +5 |  +1 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 45 | +13 |  +5 |     |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 46 | +11 |  +6 |  +1 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 47 | +12 |  +5 |     |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 48 | +12 |  +5 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 49 | +11 |  +5 |     |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |

O IV.1.e                         Kiryl (Priest)                               O

I tended to use Meena as my healer early in the game, mainly because she learnt
Midheal earlier than him. He lacks offensive spells other than the killing
ones, and those seem to have an infinitesimal rate of success when I cast them.
He also learns Multiheal far too late for it to be useful. Hero's Omniheal
ability was a relief for my healing needs. In the end, he learns Kazing and
Meena doesn't, which tips the scales in his favour as you aren't likely to have
turns to waste waiting for Zing to work late in the game.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  18 |   7 |   3 |   5 |   2 |   7 |   2 | Heal                         |
|  2 |  +3 |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
|  3 |  +5 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  4 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
|  5 |  +4 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 | Buff                         |
|  6 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Dazzle                       |
|  7 |  +5 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  8 |  +5 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Squelch                      |
|  9 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 10 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 11 |  +6 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 12 |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 13 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Fizzle                       |
| 14 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Kabuff                       |
| 15 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 16 |  +6 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Midheal                      |
| 17 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 18 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Whack                        |
| 19 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 20 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 21 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 | Zing                         |
| 22 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 23 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 24 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Thwack                       |
| 25 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 26 |  +7 |  +5 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 27 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 | Fullheal                     |
| 28 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 29 |  +7 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 30 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Multiheal                    |
| 31 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 32 | +10 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 33 |  +9 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 | Kazing                       |
| 34 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 35 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 36 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 37 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 38 |  +9 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 39 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 40 |  +8 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 41 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 42 |  +9 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 43 |  +8 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 44 |  +8 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 45 |  +9 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 46 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 47 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 48 |  +9 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 49 |  +8 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 50 | +11 |  +6 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |

O IV.1.f.                Torneko Taloon (Weapon Merchant)                     O

His chapter was really nice because it was so different from the rest. However
I tend not to use him in battle because he's not reliable. In my experience, he
doesn't hit as hard as Ragnar or Alena. Besides, he sometimes goofs off when
you tell him to attack. Sure, he can try to put the enemy to sleep, but he can
also stare into the distance and wait for the boss to maim him. He has one
redeeming quality, though. Sometimes, he steals the monsters' items in battle
which is quite handy to complete your Monsters Book. I still wouldn't recommend
him as a regular party member, though.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  20 |   0 |   4 |   5 |   2 |   5 |   3 |                              |
|  2 |  +7 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  3 |  +6 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  4 |  +7 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 | Padfoot                      |
|  5 |  +6 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  6 |  +6 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  7 |  +6 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 | Eye for distance             |
|  8 |  +6 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
|  9 |  +6 |     |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 | Nose for treasure            |
| 10 |  +6 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 11 |  +7 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 12 |  +6 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 | Whistle                      |
| 13 |  +7 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 14 |  +6 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |                              |
| 15 |  +6 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 16 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 17 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 18 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 19 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 20 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 21 |  +9 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 22 | +11 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 23 |  +9 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 24 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 25 | +10 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 26 |  +9 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |                              |
| 27 |  +8 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 28 |  +9 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 29 | +10 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 30 |  +9 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 31 | +11 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 32 | +11 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 33 | +12 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 34 | +10 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 35 | +10 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 36 | +12 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 37 | +10 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 38 | +10 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 39 | +10 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 40 | +10 |     |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 41 | +10 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 42 | +11 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 43 | +10 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 44 | +11 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 45 | +11 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 46 | +10 |     |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 47 | +12 |     |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 48 | +11 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 49 | +14 |     |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
| 50 | +11 |     |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |

O IV.1.g.                          Meena (Seer)                               O

She has offensive spells that Kiryl doesn't. They both heal equally well,
except for the fact she doesn't learn Kazing. I used her more when Midheal was
my primary healing spell because she learnt it earlier. When Kiryl got Kazing
and it became clear she wouldn't, I stopped using her.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  18 |   7 |   4 |   4 |   2 |   6 |   6 | Heal                         |
|  2 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  3 |  +5 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  4 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  5 |  +5 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Squelch                      |
|  6 |  +4 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Snooze                       |
|  7 |  +5 |  +4 |  +4 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  8 |  +5 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  9 |  +5 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 | Woosh                        |
| 10 |  +4 |  +5 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Tingle                       |
| 11 |  +4 |  +4 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 12 |  +4 |  +4 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 13 |  +4 |  +5 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Midheal                      |
| 14 |  +4 |  +4 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 15 |  +5 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 16 |  +6 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 17 |  +8 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +4 | Kasnooze                     |
| 18 |  +7 |  +4 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 19 |  +8 |  +5 |  +3 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 20 |  +8 |  +4 |  +5 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Zing                         |
| 21 |  +5 |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 22 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +4 |                              |
| 23 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Swoosh                       |
| 24 |  +5 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 25 |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 26 |  +6 |  +4 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +4 |  +3 | Fullheal                     |
| 27 |  +5 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
| 28 |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 29 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 | Insulatle                    |
| 30 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 31 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +4 |  +3 |                              |
| 32 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +4 | Kaswoosh                     |
| 33 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 34 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |  +3 |                              |
| 35 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 | Kerplunk                     |
| 36 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 37 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +3 |  +2 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 38 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 39 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +2 |  +1 |  +3 |  +4 |                              |
| 40 |  +7 |  +5 |  +2 |  +3 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 41 | +14 |  +6 |  +4 |  +6 |  +3 |  +3 |  +1 |                              |
| 42 | +13 |  +7 |  +3 |  +6 |  +3 |  +4 |  +1 |                              |
| 43 | +11 |  +8 |  +3 |  +7 |  +3 |  +4 |  +1 |                              |
| 44 | +13 |  +6 |  +3 |  +5 |  +2 |  +3 |  +1 |                              |
| 45 | +11 |  +8 |  +3 |  +6 |  +3 |  +3 |  +1 |                              |
| 46 | +13 |  +7 |  +3 |  +6 |  +4 |  +3 |  +1 |                              |
| 47 | +11 |  +7 |  +3 |  +5 |  +3 |  +3 |  +1 |                              |

O IV.1.h.                       Maya (Dancer)                                 O

She is always my party's offensive spell caster. She learns more offensive
spells than Borya but less stat magic. On the other hand, I'm quite fond of
Bang as it's a spell that hits all enemies and you get it early on. And the
Frizz spells have been a great help during boss battles.

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
|  1 |  16 |   9 |   3 |   5 |   2 |   4 |   6 | Frizz                        |
|  2 |  +5 |  +5 |     |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  3 |  +5 |  +4 |     |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  4 |  +4 |  +4 |     |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +2 |                              |
|  5 |  +5 |  +4 |     |  +1 |     |  +2 |  +2 | Sap                          |
|  6 |  +4 |  +5 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |  +3 |                              |
|  7 |  +4 |  +7 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +3 |  +3 | Sizz                         |
|  8 |  +4 |  +6 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +4 |  +3 |                              |
|  9 |  +4 |  +7 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +3 |  +3 | Zoom, Evac                   |
| 10 |  +4 |  +6 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +3 |  +3 |                              |
| 11 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 12 |  +6 | +10 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +5 |  +5 | Bang                         |
| 13 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +4 |  +3 |                              |
| 14 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +1 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Sizzle                       |
| 15 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +1 |     |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 16 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 | Drain magic                  |
| 17 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 18 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |  +4 |                              |
| 19 |  +7 | +10 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Frizzle                      |
| 20 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 21 |  +7 |  +9 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Safe passage                 |
| 22 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 23 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +5 | Boom                         |
| 24 |  +7 |  +8 |  +1 |  +4 |  +2 |  +5 |  +4 |                              |
| 25 |  +7 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |  +4 |                              |
| 26 |  +7 |  +9 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |  +4 |                              |
| 27 |  +7 |  +9 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +4 |  +4 | Kasizzle                     |
| 28 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |  +5 |                              |
| 29 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +3 |  +1 |  +5 |  +4 |                              |
| 30 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |  +4 | Puff!                        |
| 31 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 32 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +7 |  +4 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 33 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 | Kafrizzle                    |
| 34 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +5 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 35 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 36 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 | Kaboom                       |
| 37 |  +7 |  +9 |  +1 |  +5 |  +2 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 38 |  +6 |  +9 |  +1 |  +6 |  +4 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 39 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 40 |  +6 |  +8 |  +1 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 41 |  +8 | +10 |  +2 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 42 |  +9 | +10 |  +2 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 43 |  +8 | +10 |  +2 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 44 |  +9 | +11 |  +2 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 45 |  +8 | +12 |  +3 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 46 |  +9 | +10 |  +2 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |
| 47 |  +8 | +11 |  +2 |  +6 |  +3 |  +2 |  +5 |                              |
| 48 |  +9 | +10 |  +2 |  +7 |  +3 |  +2 |  +4 |                              |

O IV.1.i.                    Psaro (Master of Monsters)                       O

You can only get him after beating the game once. He is overpowered, plain and
simple. Add to that the fact that he gets the best equipment in the game and
some really nasty spells and he becomes downright cheap. Use and abuse him.

Psaro's spells on startup: Kacrackle, Kaboom, Fullheal, Multiheal, Kasap,
Dragon slash, Hatchet man, Harvest moon, Kasnooze, Zoom, Evac, Safe passage,
Holy protection

| Lv |  HP |  MP | STR | AGL | RES | WIS | LCK | Learns                       |
| 35 | 359 | 276 | 154 | 131 |  65 | 102 |  41 |                              |
| 36 | +19 | +15 |  +8 |  +7 |  +4 |  +1 |  +3 | Oomph                        |
| 37 | +20 | +16 |  +8 |  +8 |  +5 |  +1 |  +2 |                              |
| 38 | +20 | +18 |  +7 |  +8 |  +4 |  +2 |  +3 | Kazing                       |
| 39 | +22 | +16 |  +7 | +10 |  +4 |  +1 |  +4 |                              |
| 40 | +20 | +16 |  +8 |  +8 |  +5 |  +2 |  +3 | Metal slash                  |
| 41 |  +9 |  +2 |     |  +1 |     |  +2 |     |                              |
| 42 |  +8 |  +3 |  +1 |  +2 |  +1 |  +2 |     | Kathwack                     |
| 43 |  +8 |  +2 |     |  +1 |  +1 |  +2 |     |                              |

 / IV.2.                      Temporary characters                           

O IV.2.a.                           Chapter 1                                 O

/ Doc                            
| Healslime      | Strength    9 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility    56 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 28 |
| HP: 35/35      | Wisdom     12 |
| MP: 30/30      | Luck       30 |
|                | Attack      9 |
|                | Defence    28 |
| Spells                         |
| Heal                     2 MPs |

You ca find Doc in a room in the Hidden Playground. On the lowest floor of the
dungeon, go all the way east from the stairs and you'll find him. He's quite a
welcome addition to your party as he can heal you. The enemies also never seem
to attack him, or not often enough to kill him. And he's quite an efficient

O IV.2.b.                           Chapter 3                                 O

/ Laurel                        
| Wandering Poet | Strength   4 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility   18 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 9 |
| HP: 58/58      | Wisdom    35 |
| MP: 68/68      | Luck      16 |
|                | Attack    28 |
|                | Defence   25 |
| Spells                        |
| Heal                    2 MPs |
| Sizz                    4 MPs |
| Slumber                 3 MPs |
| Equipment                     |
| Poison moth knife             |
| Leather Armour                |
| Leather Shield                |
| Additional                    |
| Pay 600 Gold for 4 days       |

You can find him in a room in Endor's inn. at first I thought he would be useful
because he has Heal but he seems to prefer wasting his MPs on wimpy offensive
spells and in the end isn't able to heal anymore when you'd really need it.

/ Hardie                        
| Bodyguard      | Strength  30 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility   15 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 7 |
| HP: 82/82      | Wisdom     8 |
| MP:  0/0       | Luck      10 |
|                | Attack    58 |
|                | Defence   29 |
| Equipment                     |
| Iron Lance                    |
| Chainmail                     |
| Leather Armour                |
| Additional                    |
| Pay 400 Gold for 5 days       |

He's wandering around the eastern side of town, above your shop. I find him to
be quite useless as Torneko hits really hard during his chapter. Well, I guess
if you've really got trouble travelling alone...

O IV.2.c.                           Chapter 4                                 O

/ Oojam                         
| Alchemist      | Strength  10 |
| Sex: Masculine | Agility    8 |
| Level: ?       | Resilience 4 |
| HP: 95/95      | Wisdom    20 |
| MP:  0/0       | Luck       4 |
|                | Attack    68 |
|                | Defence   38 |
| Equipment                     |
| Iron Lance                    |
| Bronze Armour                 |
| Scale Shield                  |
| Leather Hat                   |

You get Oojam as a part of the story in chapter 4. Given that you've a party of
a healer and a spell caster, he is definitely a welcome addition to the party.
He hits really hard. Actually, he'll be the one doing all the work for the rest
of the chapter.

O IV.2.d.                           Chapter 5                                 O

/ Hoffman                         
| Innkeeper's son | Strength   30 |
| Sex: Masculine  | Agility    26 |
| Level: ?        | Resilience 13 |
| HP: 96/96       | Wisdom     24 |
| MP:  0/0        | Luck       22 |
|                 | Attack     58 |
|                 | Defence    47 |
| Equipment                       |
| Iron Lance                      |
| Bronze Armour                   |
| Scale Shield                    |
| Leather Hat                     |

You get him during the normal course of the story during chapter 5. He is the
one who owns the carriage. When you get him, Hoffman seems really strong. He
quickly outlives his usefulness though. But as you don't have enough members to
switch him out of the party, you're stuck with him. Unless you want to fight
with only three people but I can't really see the point of doing that.

/ Tom                              
| Wandering artist | Strength   28 |
| Sex: Masculine   | Agility    38 |
| Level: ?         | Resilience 18 |
| HP: 84/84        | Wisdom     55 |
| MP: 24/24        | Luck       88 |
|                  | Attack     88 |
|                  | Defence    53 |
| Spells                           |
| Slumber                          |
| Equipment                        |
| Dream Blade                      |
| Cloak of Evasion                 |
| Hardwood Headwear                |

You need him to come and tell a joke to the king of Canalot in order to get the
Zenithian Helm. I didn't actually fight with him on my team. He stays with you
for very little time anyway. Judging from his stats, he doesn't seem that

/ Orifiela                        
| Zenithian       | Strength   40 |
| Sex: Feminine   | Agility    76 |
| Level: ?        | Resilience 38 |
| HP: 156/156     | Wisdom     92 |
| MP: 180/180     | Luck       38 |
|                 | Attack     95 |
|                 | Defence    81 |
| Spells                          |
| Fullheal                        |
| Megsap                          |
| Dazzle                          |
| Equipment                       |
| Somatic Staff                   |
| Flowing Dress                   |

She is the reason why you have to enter the Yggdrasil tree with only three
party members. She is a very efficient healer, but so are Kiryl and Meena so I
would switch her out of the party as soon as you get the chance.

/ Sparkie                         
| Dragonnot       | Strength  195 |
| Sex: Masculine  | Agility    35 |
| Level: ?        | Resilience 17 |
| HP: 258/258     | Wisdom      6 |
| MP:   0/0       | Luck       20 |
|                 | Attack    195 |
|                 | Defence   160 |
| Special Attacks                 |
| Cold Breath                     |
| Cool Breath                     |

In Zenithia, if you go see Orifiela on the lower floor of the eastern side of
the castle, she'll give you Sparkie as a thank you gift for helping her out.
This little dragon hits really hard. When he decides to attack, that is. I've
most often seen him breathe at the enemies. As an AI controlled character, he's
just too unreliable for my tastes.

Note that he doesn't leave you until chapter 6.

<  V.                           MAGIC AND ABILITIES                           >

 / V.1.                            Healing Spells                            

| Name             | MPs | Target      | Effect                               |
| Heal             |   2 | One ally    | Cure at least 30 HPs                 |
| Squelch          |   2 | One ally    | Remove poison status                 |
| Tingle           |   2 | Party       | Remove paralysis status              |
| Cock-a-doodle-do |   2 | Party       | Remove sleep status                  |
| Midheal          |   4 | One ally    | Cure at least 75 HPs                 |
| Fullheal         |   6 | One ally    | Restore all HPs                      |
| Zing             |   8 | One ally    | Revive with half HPs                 |
| Multiheal        |  10 | Party       | Cure the party for 75 HPs each       |
| Kazing           |  15 | One ally    | Revive with full HPs                 |
| Omniheal         |  20 | Party       | Restore everybody's HPs              |
| Kerplunk         | All | Party       | Sacrifice to revive all other allies |

 / V.2.                          Offensive Spells                            

| Name         | MPs | Target      | Effect                                   |
| Hatchet Man  |   0 | One enemy   | Either miss or do a critical hit         |
| Dragon Slash |   0 | One enemy   | Probably effective against dragons       |
| Harvest Moon |   0 | All enemies | A weak attack that hurts all enemies     |
| Metal Slash  |   0 | One enemy   | Guaranteed damage to metallic enemies    |
| Crack        |   2 | One enemy   | Ice attack                               |
| Frizz        |   2 | One enemy   | Fire attack                              |
| Whoosh       |   2 | One group   | Wind attack                              |
| Poof         |   3 | One group   | Enemies disappear in a flash of light    |
| Frizzle      |   4 | One enemy   | Fire attack                              |
| Sizz         |   4 | One group   | Fire attack                              |
| Swoosh       |   4 | One group   | Wind attack                              |
| Whack        |   4 | One enemy   | Kill one enemy                           |
| Zap          |   4 | One enemy   | Lightning attack                         |
| Crackle      |   5 | One group   | Ice attack                               |
| Bang         |   5 | All enemies | Small explosion                          |
| Sizzle       |   6 | One group   | Fire attack                              |
| Thwack       |   7 | One group   | Kill one group of enemies                |
| Kacrack      |   8 | All enemies | Ice attack                               |
| Boom         |   8 | All enemies | Medium explosion                         |
| Kaswoosh     |   8 | One group   | Wind attack                              |
| Kafrizzle    |  10 | One enemy   | Fire attack                              |
| Kasizzle     |  10 | One group   | Fire attack                              |
| Kacrackle    |  11 | One group   | Ice attack                               |
| Kaboom       |  15 | All enemies | Large explosion                          |
| Kazap        |  15 | All enemies | Lightning attack                         |
| Puff!        |  18 | Self        | Turn into a dragon                       |
| Hocus Pocus  |  20 | ?           | Who knows?                               |
| Gigasword    |  20 | One enemy   | Do a lot of damage to a single enemy     |
| Katwhack     |     | All enemies | Kill all enemies                         |

 / V.3.                         Support Spells                               

| Name        | MPs | Target      | Effect                                    |
| Snub        |   2 | One ally    | Shield from magic                         |
| Kaclang     |   2 | Party       | Turns party to steel                      |
| Drain magic |   0 | One enemy   | Drain MPs                                 |
| Buff        |   3 | One ally    | Boost defence                             |
| Sap         |   3 | One enemy   | Negate enemy's defence                    |
| Snooze      |   3 | One group   | Put enemies to sleep                      |
| Dazzle      |   4 | One group   | Blind enemies                             |
| Acceleratle |   3 | Party       | Agility up                                |
| Fizzle      |   3 | One group   | Prevent enemies from casting spells       |
| Kasnooze    |   3 | One enemy   | Put enemy to sleep                        |
| Bounce      |   4 | Self        | Reflect spells                            |
| Kasap       |   4 | One group   | Lower enemies' defence                    |
| Kabuff      |   4 | Party       | Defence up                                |
| Fuddle      |   5 | One enemy   | Cause confusion                           |
| Oomph       |   6 | One ally    | Double attack power                       |
| Insulatle   |   6 | Party       | Protect from fire and ice attacks         |

 / V.4.                       Other Abilities                                

| Name              | MPs | Target      | Effect                              |
| Snoop             |   2 | Field       | Detect hidden treasure              |
| Safe passage      |   2 | Party       | Cross damage floor                  |
| Peep              |   2 | Chest       | Reveal content of chest             |
| Holy Protection   |   4 | Party       | Keep weak monsters away             |
| Tick-tock         |   4 | Field       | Change day/night                    |
| Zoom              |   4 | Party       | Go to a previously visited town     |
| Evac              |   4 | Party       | Exit dungeon                        |
| Padfoot           |   0 | Field       | Avoid battles                       |
| Eye for distance  |   0 | Field       | Indicate nearby towns               |
| Nose for treasure |   0 | Field       | Detect remaining chests             |
| Whistle           |   0 | Field       | Attract monsters                    |

< VI.                         WEAPONS AND ARMOURS                             >

R = Ragnar McRyan T = Torneko P = Psaro
A = Alena         M = Meena
K = Kiryl         Y = Maya    x = Can equip
B = Borya         H = Hero

 / VI.1.                              Weapons                                

| Name                  |  ATK | R A K B T M Y H P | Battle Use               |
| Poisoned Needle       |   +0 |             x     | Critical                 |
| Cypress Stick         |   +2 |     x x           |                          |
| Staff of Salvation    |   +5 |     x x   x       |                          |
| Falcon Knife Earrings |   +5 |   x       x x     | Attack twice per turn    |
| Oaken Club            |   +7 | x x x   x x   x   |                          | 
| Copper Sword          |  +12 | x   x   x x   x x |                          |
| Divine Dagger         |  +14 | x x x   x x x x   |                          |
| Hunter's Bow          |  +18 | x x x x x x x x   |                          |
| Chain Sickle          |  +20 | x x x   x x   x x |                          |
| Silver Cards          |  +21 |           x       | Read future              |
| Iron Fan              |  +22 |             x     |                          |
| Poison Moth Knife     |  +24 |       x   x x     | Can cause paralysis      |
| Iron Lance            |  +28 | x   x   x     x x |                          |
| Lightning Staff       |  +29 |       x     x     | Spell: Kazap             |
| Holy Lance            |  +33 |     x     x       |                          |
| Thalian Staff         |  +33 |     x x   x x     |                          |
| Staff of Divine Wrath |  +35 |     x     x       |                          |
| Astraea's Abacus      |  +35 |         x         | Spell: Poof              |
| Iron Claw             |  +38 |   x               |                          |
| Steel Broadsword      |  +40 | x             x x |                          |
| Hela Hammer           |  +40 | x             x x | Cursed                   |
| Cautery sword         |  +45 | x       x     x x | Spell: Sizz              |
| Staff of Antimagic    |  +50 |     x x   x x     | Spell: Fizzle            |
| Battle-axe            |  +50 | x             x x |                          |
| Magma Staff           |  +63 |     x x   x x     | Spell: Boom              |
| Dream Blade           |  +60 | x             x   | Can cause sleep          |
| Somatic Staff         |  +60 |     x x   x x     | Attack uses MPs          |
| Fire Claw             |  +60 |   x             x |                          |
| Falcon Blade          |  +67 | x             x x | Attack twice per round   |
| Icicle Dirk           |  +75 | x             x x |                          |
| Dragonsbane           |  +90 | x             x x | Effective against        |
|                       |      |                   | dragons                  |
| Double-Edged Sword    |  +99 | x             x   | Cursed                   |
| Miracle Sword         | +100 | x   x   x     x   | Regain HPs when          |
|                       |      |                   | attacking                |
| Demon Spear           | +100 | x               x | Cursed                   |
| Zenithian Sword       | +110 |               x   | Dispel enemies' magic    |
| Flail of Destruction  | +115 | x       x         | Attack all enemies       |
| Massacre Sword        | +120 | x       x       x | Cursed                   |
| Gringham Whip         | +125 |   x       x x     | Attack a whole group     |
| Liquid Metal Sword    | +130 | x   x   x x   x x | Damage metallic enemies  |
| Pandemonic Sword      | +150 |                 x | Regain HPs when          |
|                       |      |                   | attacking                |
| Cobra Claw            |      |   x         x     | Can cause poison         |

 / VI.2.                          Body Armours                               

| Name                |  DEF | R A K B T M Y H P | Comments                   |
| Plain Clothes       |   +4 | x x x x x     x   |                            |
| Wayfarer's Clothes  |   +7 |   x x x x x x x   |                            |
| Dancer's Costume    |   +8 |           x x     |                            |
| Boxer Shorts        |   +8 | x     x x         |                            |
| Silk Robe           |  +10 |   x       x x x   |                            |
| Leather Armour      |  +12 | x x x x x     x x |                            |
| Leather Dress       |  +14 |   x       x x     |                            |
| Chain Mail          |  +18 | x x x   x     x x |                            |
| Fur Coat            |  +22 |           x x x   |                            |
| Bronze Armour       |  +25 | x   x   x x   x x |                            |
| Cloak of Evasion    |  +28 |   x   x     x     | Increase avoid rate        |
| Iron Armour         |  +30 | x   x     x   x x |                            |
| Iron arpon          |  +32 |         x         |                            |
| Robe of serenity    |  +33 |   x x x x x x     | Protect when asleep or     |
|                     |      |                   | paralysed                  |
| Full Plate Armour   |  +35 | x             x x |                            |
| Magic Vestment      |  +35 |     x     x       | Reduce magic damage        |
| Pink Leotard        |  +38 |   x       x x     |                            |
| Zombie Mail         |  +39 | x             x x | Cursed                     |
| Spangled Dress      |  +40 |   x               |                            |
| Flowing Dress       |  +43 |       x   x x     | Reduce fire and ice damage |
| Dragon Mail         |  +45 | x             x x | Reduce fire damage         |
| Magical Skirt       |  +45 |   x       x x     | Reduce magic damage        |
| Glombolero          |  +47 |     x x   x x     | Absorb MPs                 |
| Spiked Armour       |  +50 | x       x     x x | Can damage enemies         |
| Shimmering Dress    |  +50 |   x       x x     | Can bounce spells          |
| Hela Armour         |  +50 | x             x x | Cursed                     |
| Zenithian Armour    |  +60 |               x   | Reduce magic damage        |
| Liquid Metal Armour |  +95 | x   x   x x   x x | Reduce magic damage        |
| Pandemonic Armour   | +100 |                 x | Reduce magic damage        |

 / VI.3.                             Shields                                 

| Name                |  DEF | R A K B T M Y H P | Comments                   |
| Leather Shield      |   +4 | x   x x x x   x   |                            |
| Scale Shield        |   +7 | x   x x x x   x x |                            |
| Iron Shield         |  +12 | x   x   x x   x x | Reduce fire damage         |
| Dragon Shield       |  +30 | x             x x | Reduce fire and ice damage |
| Power Shield        |  +40 | x   x   x     x   |                            |
| Mirror Shield       |  +45 | x   x         x x | Can bounce spells          |
| Tempest Shield      |  +50 | x             x   | Spell: Kaswoosh            |
| Zenithian Shield    |  +55 |               x   |                            |
| Pandemonic Shield   |  +55 |                 x | Reduce fire and ice damage |
| Liquid Metal Shield |  +60 | x   x x   x x     |                            |

 / VI.4.                             Helmets                                 

| Name              |  DEF | R A K B T M Y H P | Comments                     |
| Leather Hat       |   +2 | x x x x x x x x   |                              |
| Hairband          |   +5 |   x       x x     |                              |
| Hardwood Headwear |   +6 | x   x   x     x   |                              |
| Feathered Cap     |   +8 |   x       x x     |                              |
| Golden Tiara      |  +12 |   x       x x     | Prevent confusion            |
| Happy Hat         |  +15 |     x x   x x     | Recover MPs when walking     |
| Iron Helmet       |  +16 | x   x   x     x x |                              |
| Iron Mask         |  +25 | x             x x |                              |
| Zenithian Helm    |  +30 |               x   | Prevent sleep, confusion and |
|                   |      |                   | paralysis                    |
| Pandemonic Helm   |  +40 |                 x | Prevent sleep, whack and     |
|                   |      |                   | paralysis                    |
| Liquid Metal Helm |  +50 | x   x   x x   x x | Prevent sleep, confusion and |
|                   |      |                   | paralysis                    |
| Death Mask        | +200 | x x x x x x x x   | Cursed                       |

 / VI.5.                            Accessories                              

| Name               | Effects | R A K B T M Y H P | Comments                 |
| Prayer Ring        | DEF  +5 | x x x x x x x x   | Regain MPs               |
| Gold bracer        | DEF  +5 | x x x x x x x x   |                          |
| Meteorite Bracer   | AGL  x2 | x x x x x x x x x |                          |
| Fishnet Stockings  | DEF  +8 |   x       x x     |                          |
| Bunny Tail         | LCK  +8 | x x x x x x x x   |                          |
| Mercury's Bandana  | AGL +15 | x x x x x x x x x |                          |
| Strength Ring      | STR  +8 | x x x x x x x x x |                          |
| Ruby of Protection | DEF +15 | x x x x x x x x x |                          |
| Kamikazee Bracer   | DEF  +5 | x x x x x x x x   | Kill enemies when wearer |
|                    |         |                   | dies                     |
| Kerplunk Bracer    | DEF  +5 | x x x x x x x x   | Cast Kerplunk when wearer|
|                    |         |                   | dies                     |
| Mighty Armlet      | ATK +25 | x x x x x x x x x |                          |
| Goddess Ring       | WIS +33 |   x x     x x x   | Recover MPs when walking |
| Lucida Shard       | LCK  +5 | x x x x x x x x x |                          |
| Elevating Shoes    | LCK +50 | x x x x x x x x x | Gain Exp when walking    |
| Gospel Ring        | LCK +50 | x x x x x x x x x | Avoid random battles     |

<  VII.                              ITEMS                                    >

 / VII.1.                         Regular Items                              

| Name               | Price | Effect                                         |
| Medicinal Herb     |     8 | Cure small amount of HP                        |
| Antidotal Herb     |    10 | Remove poison status                           |
| Holy Water         |    20 | Keep enemies away                              |
| Chimaera Wing      |    25 | Zoom to a known town                           |
| Moonwort Bulb      |    30 | Remove paralysis status                        |
| Musk               |   150 | Attract enemies                                |
| Yggdrasil Dew      |     - | Restore party's HPs                            |
| Yggdrasil Leaf     |     - | Resurrect one ally                             |
| Seed of Strength   |   120 | Increase strength                              |
| Seed of Life       |   250 | Increase HPs                                   |
| Seed of Magic      |   550 | Increase MPs                                   |
| Seed of Resilience |    70 | Increase resilience                            |
| Seed of Agility    |    90 | Increase agility                               |
| Seed of Wisdom     |    80 | Increase wisdom                                |

 / VII.2.                          Special Items                             

| Name                | Effect                                                |
| Iron Safe           | Keep your money when defeated                         |
| Night Light         | Call nighfall                                         |
| Prince's Letter     | A letter from Reginald to Veronica                    |
| Nightingale Nectar  | A cure for the Tsar's mutism                          |
| Silence Sphere      | Block Balzack's magic                                 |
| Royal Parchment     | A letter from the king of Endor                       |
| Boarding Pass       | A pass to board a boat to Endor                       |
| Powder Keg          | A jar full of canon powder                            |
| Winged Shoes        | Shoes that allow their wearer to fly                  |
| Treasure Map        | A big red X marks the spot                            |
| Thief Key           | Open blue locked doors                                |
| Magic Key           | Open red locked doors                                 |
| Ultimate Key        | Open prison door                                      |
| Flute of Revelation | Get into Rosehill's tower                             |

<  VIII.                             MONSTERS                                 >

 / VIII.1.                          Boss Battles                             

O VIII.1.a.                     Psaro's Pawn & Winky                          O

Where: Strathbaile, ch 1

 Psaro's pawn    | Winky
 HP 249~275      | HP 42~43
 MP       ?      | MP     0?
 Spells          | Spells
  Frizz          |  N/A
  Sizz           |
 Special Attacks | Special Attacks
  Spit Fireball  |  Desperate Attack

Recommended level: 9~10

Attack the Winky first, it'll go down in 2-3 turns. Watch out for the
desperate attack he'll do when he's low on health, it'll hit you for at least
15 HP.  Then keep on attacking the Psaro's Pawn and let Doc take care of the
healing.  Eventually, he'll die. I advise at least level 9, it's a bit of a
close call to beat them at level 8.

Exp  108
Gold 100

O VIII.1.b.                   Master Kung & Foo Dog x2                        O

Where: Taborov, ch 2

 Master Kung     | Foo dog x2
 HP ~42          | HP 18~20
 MP   ?          | MP     0?
 Spells          | Spells
  ?              |  N/A
 Special Attacks | Special Attacks
  Spin staff     |  N/A

Recommended level: 4~5

These guys can hit pretty hard, so I suggest casting Buff on your team. Attack
with Alena and cast Ice with Borya. Your priority should be to take down the
Foo Dogs before going after Master Kung. If you can spare one turn to cast Sap
on him, all the better. Heal when necessary with Kiryl and everything should be

Exp  150
Gold 100

O VIII.1.c.                     Endor Coliseum                                O

Where: Endor Coliseum, ch 2

 Name                   HP   MP
 Attila le Deux       50~74   0
 Aubert le Vif       63~100   0
 Maggie Magie           ~96   ?
 Chevalier Samson       ~95   0
 Abominable Showman    ~100   0

Recommended level: 13~14

They are all pretty easy. Just watch out for the last one as he will replicate
himself three times at the beginning of the battle. I think you have to find
the right one. I don't know, I 1-hit-killed him.

Exp   0
Gold  0

O VIII.1.d.                         Balzack                                   O

Where: Palais de Léon, ch 4

 HP  ?
 MP  A lot
 Special Attacks
  Spits fireball

Recommended level: 13

I say level 13 because I was level 11 when I tried to take him down and boy was
that a close one! Don't make the same mistake I made and use the Sphere of
Silence right at the beginning of the battle to block his magic. If you don't,
he'll eventually cast his kickass healing spell, negating all your previous
efforts. Meena should be used for healing, and mostly only that. Maya should
cast Sap and then Sizz. Oojam will do decent damage. See if you can afford to
have Meena attack from time to time, I couldn't.

Exp  500
Gold   0

O VIII.1.e.               Tricksy (x2) & Vampire bat (x2)                     O


 Tricksy x2      | Vampire bat x2
 HP 20~40        | HP    20
 MP   0          | MP     0

Recommended level: 9

Seriously, this is only a boss battle because you're all alone to fight them.
Take the Vampire bat down first as you should be able to defeat them in 1
attack. You can take each Tricksy down in 2 attacks so the battle won't last
too long. Just be on the cautious side when it comes to healing and you'll be

Exp   922
Gold   86

O VIII.1.f.               Tigergram & Flamethrower (x2)                       O

Where: Pharos tower, ch 5

 Tigergram       | Flamethrower x2
 HP   ?          | HP 48-65
 MP   ?          | MP     ?
 Spells          | Spells
  Heal           |  Sizz
 Special Attacks | Special Attacks
  Yell           |  Spits fireball

Recommended level: 13~14

As long as you heal whenever necessary, these guys will go down easily enough.
Take out the Flamethrowers first then go after Tigergram. The latter can be a
bit annoying because of his yell that can paralyse your party during one turn
but he's not too difficult overall. A bonus is to have Iron Shields equipped on
your characters as that cuts fire damage, the kind dealt by the Flamethrowers.

Exp  2220
Gold 100

O VIII.1.g.                     Marquis de Léon                               O

Where: Palais de Léon, ch 5

 Marquis de Léon
 HP  900
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Cold Breath

Recommended level: 18

You have to beat him this time and boy he can hit hard! Not only that, but he
also attacks twice per turn. Could that be related to him having four arms, I
wonder? I strongly suggest having Kiryl on your team to cast Kabuff at least
twice or you'll take 50+ damage from his Cold Breath and regular attacks. I had
Borya cast Sap and then Crackle constantly. I guess having Maya in your party
works just as well. Hero and Alena were attacking non-stop and Kiryl was quite
busy healing. It was a bit of a close call but in the end I made it, so you 
should as well.

Exp  5100
Gold    0

O VIII.1.h.                         Baalzack                                  O

Where: Zamoksva, ch 5

 HP  760
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Cold Breath

Recommended level: 20

He hits hard. He usually does 50+ damage. I made it without Kabuff but it
may have made things much easier. You'll need one character (Kiryl or Meena)
dedicated to healing at all times. Maya's Frizzle hit for 80 HP of damage so
I advise using that constantly. Attack with any physical fighter you have. You
may need to use Hero for healing as well if he uses Kacrack too much. I had
some cold sweat during that battle so if you really can't beat him, levelling
up is not out of the question.

Exp  6500
Gold    0

O VIII.1.i.                        Arsene Lutrin                              O

Where: Lutrin cave, ch 5

 Arsene Lutrin
 HP 1000
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks

Recommended level: 23

His regular attacks don't hit that hard. Be sure to have somebody with Sap on 
your party to counter his casting Kabuff or you're in for a very, very long
battle. You'll again need to have somebody dedicated to healing every turn.
Maya's Frizzle spell works quite nicely, doing 70-80 HP of damage. She was my
primary source of damage for the battle. Eventually, you'll beat him.

Exp  7400
Gold    0

O VIII.1.j.                       Sir Roseguardin                             O

Where: Rosehill tower before defeating Estark, ch 5

 Sir Roseguardin
 HP 1200
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Silence Sphere
  Calls Chillanodon

Recommended level: 22~23

He hit me for about 60 HPs per attack. Just keep on attacking him and heal
wherever needed. As usual, I abused the Frizzle spell with Maya. He did try
to use a Silence Sphere on my team once but it didn't work. I suppose things
would have been much more complicated had it worked on my spellcasters. He also
calls Chillanodons for help but they're out with one Frizzle so they're
nothing to worry about. Overall a rather easy fight. 

Exp  6800
Gold    0

Note: if you want him to drop the sphere of silence that he uses, you have to
      defeat him last.

O VIII.1.k.                           Estark                                  O

Where: Lower floors of Mamon mine, ch 5

 HP 2700
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks
  Cold Breath

Recommended level: 29

First of all, don't let him sleep. He does a rather nasty attack when he's
asleep that hits your whole party. Keeping that in mind, he's actually less bad
that what you'd expect from the ominous music. Have Kiryl ready to cast Kabuff,
cast Sap on him and then abuse the strongest magic attack you have at your
disposal (Megasizz for me because I don't like Borya) and have your physical
hitters attack constantly. He attacks twice per turn and has an annoying attack
that removes all magical effects on your party. Be sure to cast Kabuff again.
As long as his attacks stay relatively focused on your meat shields, you
shouldn't have that much trouble.

Exp  15000
Gold     0

O VIII.1.l.                      Rashaverak (x3)                              O

Where: Hell, southeast barrier, ch 5

 Rashaverak x3
 HP  500
 MP    ?

Recommended level: 32

Yes, they're weak, but they're three. They can even call more of their own for
help. Cast Kabuff then hack away. They shouldn't give you too much trouble.

Exp   3060
Gold   900

O VIII.1.m.                           Pruslas                                 O

Where: Hell, southwest barrier, ch 5

 HP 2100
 MP    ?

Recommended level: 33

He attacks twice per turn but only does physical attacks. Of course, they hurt
badly, which is why you should use Kabuff. Cast Sap on him then hack away with
all you have. Kafrizzle also works really nicely. Overall, not a very difficult

Exp   4100
Gold   250

O VIII.1.n.                          Barbatos                                 O

Where: Hell, northwest barrier, ch 5

 HP 3300
 MP    ?
 Special Attacks

Recommended level: 34

He attacks twice per round, casts powerful spells, hits hard and has A LOT of
HPs. Cast Kabuff and Sap at the beginning of the battle and then give him all
you've got. Be on the cautious side when it comes to healing because Kaboom
hurts your whole party badly. Winning this battle relies on luck. If your
healer goes down, you're toast.

Exp  5500
Gold    0

O VIII.1.o.                Aamon & Drooling ghouls (x3)                       O

Where: Hell, northeast barrier, ch 5

 Aamon        | Drooling ghoul x3
 HP  1800     | HP
 MP     ?     | MP
 Spells       |
  A bunch     |

Recommended level: 35

Cast Kabuff then dispose of the weaklings. Aamon seems to be immune to magic
attacks. Besides, he sometimes casts Reflect on himself. So cast Sap at the
beginning of the battle then hit him physically. He doesn't have that many HPs
so he shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you heal every turn. I'm
not kidding about that, his spells hurt badly.

Exp   7644
Gold   189

O VIII.1.p.                   Psaro the Manslayer                             O

Where: Death mountain, ch 5

 Psaro the Manslayer

Recommended level: 38

 1. HP  2000
    MP     ?

He's doing physical attacks all the time. Sure, they do hurt but it's nothing
Kabuff and healing spells can't take care of. As always, use Sap then attack
and abuse any powerful spell of your choice. This phase is over when he loses
his right arm.

 2. HP  1600
    MP     ?

Pretty much the same as phase 1. Be sure to maintain Kabuff on your team and
he'll lose his other arm soon enough.

 3. HP  1500
    MP     ?

He still doesn't do any really dangerous attacks as long as you heal regularly.
Eventually, he'll lose his head and turn into a ridiculous ball-shaped green

 4. HP     ?
    MP     ?

He doesn't hit too hard but he can heal himself, which makes this phase really
daunting. He has between 1000 and 3400 HPs, it was the best I could do as I
don't know how well his meditation heals him. Still, having to deal up to 3400
HPs of damage to defeat him makes this the longest phase of all. When you beat
it, he'll grow arms.

 5. HP  1500
    MP     ?

He doesn't heal anymore and resumes attacking you physically. He hit harder and
faster but this still shouldn't give you too much trouble. When you're done
with him, he'll grow legs.

 6. HP  1700
    MP     ?

And this battle is still going on... Same as for all the previous phases,
Kabuff on your team, Sap on him and lash out. He'll grow a second head and evil
spikes of doom.

 7. HP  2000
    MP     ?

This one is dangerous. He'll cast Bounce on himself at the beginning of the
battle so use the Zenithian Sword to dispel it. Also, switch in Meena to cast
Insulatle, which you should maintain at all times, along with Kabuff. He hits
hard, has some really nasty breath attacks and goes twice per round. I found
battle was as much a matter of luck as of strategy. If Kiryl goes down and
you've to make-do with only Zing, you're in for a world of trouble. Try to have
either Alena or Ragnar attack like there's no tomorrow while the rest of your
team tries not to be wiped out. Hero will certainly be able to attack sometimes
as well, but always prefer casting Omniheal when the need arises rather than
doing a bit more damage to Psaro.

Exp     0
Gold    0

O VIII.1.q.                  Foo Yung & Chow Mein                             O

Where: Bonus dungeon, ch 6

 Foo Yung           | Chow Mein
 HP  2800           | HP   3200
 MP     ?           | MP      0
 Spells             | Spells
  Kabuff            |  N/A
 Special Attacks    | Special Attacks
  Blistering Flames |  Concentrate
  Cold Breath       |  Toss Boulder
  Fuddle Dance      |  Feathers
                    |  Defend

Recommended level: 45

Go for Foo Yung first. He is the supporting character and has the most annoying
abilities. Cast Kabuff and Insulatle to have a chance of staying alive through
their attacks. A bit of Sap then lash out on him. Kafrizzle works nicely, so
does Gigasword if you have it. Depending on their attacks, you might even not
have to heal every turn. Chow Mein can hit hard. In particular, his boulder
damages your whole party no matter their defense. When he scatters feather, all
your physical attacks for that turn will miss. He seems immune to Kafrizzle so
I went medieval on him with only physical attacks. Once he's alone, as long as
you keep Kabuff up, you're relatively safe.

Exp  21800
Gold  1410

O VIII.1.r.                         Aamon                                     O

Where: Diabolic Hall, ch 6


Recommended level: 45

 1. HP  1800
    MP     ?

He's just a grey version of Psaro's form during the second half of the battle.
You need to have Psaro with you. I also strongly recommend Mina because he has
some devastating breath attacks. Personnally, I took Kiryl with me out of habit
and because he has Kazing, but Hero's Omniheal was my primary source of healing
as he does too much damage for various rounds of Full Heal to cut it. This
first form isn't very dangerous but can paralyse you. Cast Kabuff, Insulatle
and Oomph and you'll down him quickly.

 2. HP  2000
    MP     ?

He now has arms and legs but still isn't dangerous. Apply the same technique as
for his firt form and you'll be fine. He'll grow a second head.

 3. HP  1800
    MP     ?

More of the same, now with the added annoyance of his dispelling your magical
enhancements, so you'll have to recast. I especially recommend maintaining
Insulatle at all times. Apart from that, just continue like before.

 4. HP  4000
    MP     ?

He now has some very devastating attacks, especially his cold breath that you
can counter with Insulatle and releasing all his magical power at once which
you can counter with... Omniheal. He is dangerous so don't hesitate to use Hero
as a healer while Psaro casts Oomph on himself and beats him up. He has the
annoying habit of dispelling magical effects every two turns or so but
Insulatle is abolutely vital in this fight so always recast. He should die
before you run out of MPs.

Exp   0
Gold  0

 / VIII.2.                         Bestiary                                  

Exp, Gold and Item are taken from the Monsters Book you get in chapter 5. The
HP and MP are just my estimates from playing the game. If you've got more
accurate info, feel free to send it to me.

About monsters locations
To the best of my knowledge, the monsters on the world map all get updated at
the beginning of chapter 5, with the exception of the area around Burland. The
monsters inside cave, towers, dungeons, etc. don't if you don't have to go back
there during chapter 5. The Hidden Playground is an exception to that rule.

That means is there's a monster that you missed during a previous chapter, you
should still be able to encounter it in a dungeon from that chapter. However,
if the monster you missed appeared exclusively on the world map, you're out of

That information is conditional to me not being completely clueless. Definitely
not guaranteed.

About getting items from monsters
In order to get the item that a monster drops to show up on their entry, you
can either fight 20 of that enemy, get lucky and actually get their drop, or
(in Chapter 5) get lucky that Torenko Taloon steals their treasure while they
are caught off-guard.

Note that the drops that monster give in Chapter 3 are different than their
actual items, thus you may want to just fight 20 of each kind instead.

With most monsters, you can repeatedly defend until Torenko Taloon eventually
takes their treasure. Who Torneko steals from is random, so you will want to
eliminate all other monsters in the battle except the kind that you are trying
to get the item from. It is recommended that you cast Kabuff a few times or
Insulatle depending on what monster you are fighting so that you can repeatedly
defend without fear of party members dying.

For the exceptionally tricky monsters to steal from, the ones that run... such
as liquid metal slimes and metal king slimes (both of which you want to steal
from because of their awesome drops... the happy hat and the liquid metal helm,
respectively) it is best to keep fighting them until you run into a group of 2
or more and they are too stunned to move or caught by surprise.  At this point,
defend the first round, hoping Taloon will steal.  If he does not steal the
first round, then use the sands of time on the second round and try again. It
is very important that both Taloon and the person with the sands of time have
meteorite bracers equipped and an agility rating at 255 if possible, or very
close to 255. There is still the chance that the liquid metal slime or metal
king slimes will attack first the second round and all run; but this trick
should give you plenty of shots at Torenko stealing their rare items.

All that being said, here is a compilation of every monster in 'The Big Book of
Beasts' by numbered order:

| No  | Name                   |   HP | MP |   Exp | Gld | Item               |
| Comments                                                                    |
| Location (chapter 5 unless stated otherwise)                                |
|   1 | Slime                  |    7 |  0 |     1 |   2 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Weakest enemy in the game. They're cute.                                    |
| Burland outskirts / Any beginning area except ch 2 and 5                    |
|   2 | Wiggly                 |   10 |  0 |     3 |   6 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Burland outskirts                                                           |
|   3 | Air rat                |   11 |  0 |     3 |   7 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Strathbaile cave,                                                           |
|   4 | Scissor beatle         |    8 |  0 |     1 |   4 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Strathbaile cave                                                            |
|   5 | Bubble slime           |   10 |  0 |     6 |   8 | Antidotal Herb     |
| Can poison you                                                              |
| Burland outskirts, night                                                    |
|   6 | Mischievous mole       |    8 |  0 |     2 |   4 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 1: Hidden playground / Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts                          |
|   7 | Stump chump            |   16 |  0 |     7 |  13 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 1: Forest near Starthbaile / Ch 3: Endor outskirts                       |
|   8 | Healslime              |   14 | 30 |     7 |  11 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Spell: Heal                                                                 |
| Strathbaile cave / Ch 1: Hidden playground                                  |
|   9 | Mad mole               |   14 |  0 |     9 |  10 | Seed of Strength   |
| Concentrate: powerful attack next turn                                      |
| Strathbaile tower / Ch 1: Hidden playground                                 |
|  10 | Winkster               |   15 |  2 |    11 |  13 | Cypress Stick      |
| Spell: Frizz                                                                |
| Ch 1: Hidden playground                                                     |
|  11 | Bodkin archer          |   16 |  ? |    13 |  15 | Plain Clothes      |
| Spell: Buff                                                                 |
| Strathbaile tower                                                           |
|  12 | Splatypunk             |   20 |  ? |    14 |  10 | Leather Shield     |
| Spell: Sap                                                                  |
| Strathbaile tower / Ch 3: Statuette cave                                    |
|  13 | Blinkster              |   31 |  2 |    18 |  20 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Spell: Ice                                                                  |
| Strathbaile tower                                                           |
|  14 | Picksy                 |   20 |  0 |    32 |  40 | Seed of Agility    |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Desert inn outskirts                                                        |
|  15 | Bantamweight           |   27 |  0 |    20 |   9 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Attack can put to sleep                                                     |
| Strathbaile tower                                                           |
|  16 | Winky                  |   42 |  ? |    27 |  40 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Desperate attack when low on health                                         |
| Desert inn outskirts                                                        |
|  17 | Walking stick          |    7 |  0 |     1 |   2 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts                                                    |
|  18 | She-slime              |    9 |  0 |     2 |   5 | Medicinal Herb     |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts                                                    |
|  19 | Lickspittle            |   11 |  0 |     4 |  10 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Calls for help                                                              |
| Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts                                                    |
|  20 | Mouseflap              |   10 |  0 |     3 |   5 | Leather Hat        |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts                                                    |
|  21 | Foo dog                |   19 |  0 |     7 |  20 | Chimaera Wing      |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts, night                                             |
|  22 | Bagworm                |   16 |  0 |     5 |  18 | Chimaera Wing      |
| Concentrate: powerful attack next turn                                      |
| Hidden playground / Ch 2: Zamoksva outskirts, day                           |
|  23 | Funghoul               |   18 |  0 |     6 |  15 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Its attack can poison you                                                   |
| Vrenor cave                                                                 |
|  24 | Bullfinch              |   18 |  0 |     7 |  17 | Seed of Strength   |
| Call roll around in his sleep to damage you                                 |
| Ch 2: Vrenor outskirts                                                      |
|  25 | Carnivine              |   15 |  0 |     7 |  18 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Call Healslime for help                                                     |
| Ch 2: Vrenor outskirts / Ch 3: Endor outskirts                              |
|  26 | Firespirit             |   11 |  ? |     6 |  16 | Holy Water         |
| Spell: Frizz, Sizz                                                          |
| Ch 2: Vrenor outskirts, night                                               |
|  27 | Thorny devil           |   24 |  0 |    15 |  25 | Leather Shield     |
| Spits fireballs                                                             |
| Ch 2: Desert Bazaar outskirts                                               |
|  28 | Lugworm                |   24 |  0 |    22 |  27 | Plain Clothes      |
| Weird dance: Lowers an ally's MPs                                           |
| Ch 2: Desert Bazaar outskirts                                               |
|  29 | Bedbug                 |   19 |  4 |    12 |  15 | Magic Water        |
| Spell: Slumber, Kasnooze                                                    |
| Vrenor cave                                                                 |
|  30 | Komodo                 |   28 |  0 |    25 |  39 | Holy Lance         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 2: Desert Bazaar outskirts                                               |
|  31 | Pickayune              |   20 |  0 |    18 |  36 | Holy Water         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Vrenor cave (bottom floor) / Ch 2: Desert Bazaar outskirts                  |
|  32 | Crested viper          |   20 |  ? |    18 |  25 | Feathered Cap      |
| Spell: Megsap                                                               |
| Birdsong tower                                                              |
|  33 | Armoured scorpion      |   45 |  0 |    39 |  44 | Leather Hat        |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 2: Endor outskirts                                                       |
|  34 | Vampire bat            |   20 |  0 |    11 |  23 | Seed of agility    |
|                                                                             |
| Vrenor cave                                                                 |
|  35 | Cyclown                |   33 |  0 |    32 |  34 | Hunter's bow       |
| Spell: Tornado                                                              |
| Birdsong tower, upper floors                                                |
|  36 | Killer gila            |   23 |  0 |    18 |  21 | Antidotal Herb     |
| Can poison you                                                              |
| Birdsong tower / Statuette cave                                             |
|  37 | Flyguy                 |   29 |  ? |    35 |  47 | Magic Water        |
| Spell: Fizzle                                                               |
| Birdsong tower                                                              |
|  38 | Erazor blade           |   24 |  ? |    30 |  46 | Copper Sword       |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Birdsong tower                                                              |
|  39 | Pteranodon             |   40 |  0 |    36 |  50 | Seed of Agility    |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Birdsong tower                                                              |
|  40 | Flying doctor          |   40 |  0 |    38 |  60 | Chimaera Wing      |
| Spits fireballs                                                             |
| Birdsong tower, upper floors                                                |
|  41 | Peeper                 |   28 |  ? |    31 |  62 | Leather Hat        |
| Spell: Kaclang, Bounce                                                      |
| Birdsong tower                                                              |
|  42 | Skeleton swordsman     |   50 |  ? |    53 |  54 | Iron Claw          |
| Spell: Kasap                                                                |
| Ch 2: Endor outskirts                                                       |
|  43 | Restless armour        |   42 |  0 |    55 |  49 | Chain Mail         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Ch 2: Endor Outskirts                                                       |
|  44 | Metal slime            |    3 |  ? |  1350 |   5 | Golden Tiara       |
| Spell: Frizz / Flees                                                        |
| Statuette cave / Ch 2: Endor Outskirts                                       |
|  45 | Elepus                 |   22 |  0 |    14 |  18 | Dancer's Costume   |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Statuette cave                                                              |
|  46 | Platypunk              |   10 |  0 |     3 |   8 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Its attack can poison you                                                   |
| Ch 4: Laissez Fayre outskirts                                               |
|  47 | Horny devil            |   11 |  0 |     7 |  11 | Antidotal Herb     |
| Its attack can poison you                                                   |
| Ch 4: Aubout du Monde outskirts                                             |
|  48 | Dirty dogu             |   12 |  ? |    12 |  17 | Magic Water        |
| Spell: Buff                                                                 |
| Ch 4: Aubout du Monde cave ONLY                                             |
|  49 | Wimp                   |   20 |  ? |    15 |  28 | Hardwood Headwear  |
| Dance: Lowers one ally's MPs                                                |
| Ch 4: Aubout du Monde cave ONLY                                             |
|  50 | Crack-billed platypunk |   22 |  ? |    18 |  30 | Leather Hat        |
| Spell: Ice                                                                  |
| Ch 4: Havre Léon outskirts                                                  |
|  51 | Fire beatle            |   18 |  0 |    16 |  21 | Oaken Club         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Hidden playground / Ch 4: Havre Léon outskirts                              |
|  52 | Slimification          |   30 |  0 |     3 |   1 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Will multiply and form a King slime                                         |
| Hidden playground / Ch 4: Havre Léon outskirts                              |
|  53 | King slime             |  140 |  0 |   100 | 150 | Seed of Magic      |
| Spell: Snub                                                                 |
| Hidden playground, Ch 4: Havre Léon outskirts                               |
|  54 | Ratatattack            |   33 |  0 |    43 |  18 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Calls for help                                                              |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  55 | Frolicker              |   27 |  0 |    28 |  61 | Cypress Stick      |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Mamom Mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  56 | Stump grump            |   15 |  0 |    25 |  30 | Hardwood Headwear  |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Desert north of Bath / Ch 4: Mamon outskirts                                |
|  57 | Weartiger              |   52 |  0 |    30 |  50 | Wayfarer's Clothes |
|                                                                             |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  58 | Jinkster               |   35 |  3 |    27 |  52 | Seed of Life       |
| Spell: Sizz (not enough MPs)                                                |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  59 | Paralyslicer           |   24 |  0 |    25 |  18 | Moonwort Bulb      |
| Can paralyse you                                                            |
| Hidden playground / Ch 4: Havre Léon outskirts                              |
|  60 | Lost soul              |      |    |    20 |  28 | Holy Water         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  61 | Vampire battler        |   33 |  ? |    36 |  24 | Divine Dagger      |
| Spell: Slumber                                                              |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  62 | Metal scorpion         |   55 |  0 |    59 |  38 | Scale Shield       |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Mintos outskirts / Mamon mine, upper floors                                 |
|  63 | Featherweight          |   45 |  0 |    50 |  51 | Feathered Cap      |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  64 | Salamander fry         |   30 |  0 |    59 |  58 | Medicinal Herb     |
| Spits fireballs / Flees battle                                              |
| Parthenia outskirts / Mamon mine, upper floors                              |
|  65 | Venus guytrap          |   35 |  ? |    40 |  34 | Seed of Resilience |
| Spell: Fizzle                                                               |
| Mamon mine, upper floors                                                    |
|  66 | Bodkin Fletcher        |      |    |    18 |  16 | Antidotal Herb     |
|                                                                             |
| Ballymoral outskirts                                                        |
|  67 | Mandragore             |   30 |  ? |    26 |  17 | Seed of Magic      |
|                                                                             |
| Desert inn outskirts                                                        |
|  68 | Bodkin bowyer          |   30 |  0 |    47 |  16 | Wayfarer's Clothes |
| Calls for help / Its attack can make tou fall asleep                        |
| Desert north of Bath                                                        |
|  69 | Sweaty yeti            |   45 |  0 |    70 |  68 | Fur Coat           |
|                                                                             |
| Desert north of Bath                                                        |
|  70 | Flamethrower           |      |    |   110 |  52 | Holy Lance         |
|                                                                             |
| Vrenor outskirts                                                            |
|  71 | Mushroom mage          |   34 |  ? |    45 |  30 | Magic Water        |
|                                                                             |
| Parthenia outskirts                                                         |
|  72 | Buffalo wing           |   45 |  0 |    49 |  39 | Iron Lance         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Parthenia outskirts                                                         |
|  73 | Imp                    |   31 |  ? |    80 |  75 | Seed of Resilience |
| Spell: Kaboom (not enough MPs)                                              |
| Aubout du Monde cave                                                        |
|  74 | Whizzard               |   35 |  ? |    70 |  31 | Seed of Resilience |
| Spell: Tornado / Calls Thorny devil for help                                |
| Imperial cave (Parthenia)                                                   |
|  75 | Infernal armour        |   55 |  0 |    77 |  76 | Iron Armour        |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Aubout du Monde cave                                                        |
|  76 | Powie yowie            |   65 |  0 |    85 |  38 | Fur Coat           |
| Cold Breath                                                                 |
| Imperial cave (Parthenia)                                                   |
|  77 | Skeleton soldier       |   60 |  ? |   106 |  47 | Steel Broadsword   |
| Spell: Kasap                                                                |
| Aubout du Monde cave                                                        |
|  78 | Pocus poppet           |   35 |  ? |    37 | 300 | Golden Tiara       |
| Spell: Confusion                                                            |
| Zamoksva castle                                                             |
|  79 | Wild beast             |   60 |  0 |    89 |  49 | Iron Apron         |
| Take a deep breath: powerful attack next turn?                              |
| Aubout du Monde cave                                                        |
|  80 | Dragon pup             |   60 |  0 |    96 |  50 | Chain Sickle       |
|                                                                             |
| Aubout du Monde outskirts                                                   |
|  81 | Hoodoo gooroo          |   70 |  ? |   200 |  54 | Iron Claw          |
| Spell: Whack, Sap                                                           |
| Zamoksva castle                                                             |
|  82 | Cocoon goon            |   26 |  0 |    80 |  10 | Chain Mail         |
| Very high defence, can paralyse you                                         |
| Zamoksva outskirts                                                          |
|  83 | Cureslime              |   60 |  ? |    68 |  43 | Seed of Magic      |
| Spell: Fullheal                                                             |
| Zamoksva outskirts                                                          |
|  84 | Abracadabrador         |  100 |  ? |   125 |  81 | Antidotal Herb     |
| Spell: Swoosh                                                               |
| Zamoksva outskirts                                                          |
|  85 | Cheater cheetah        |   90 |  0 |   115 |  62 | Fur Coat           |
| Spell: Fizzle                                                               |
| Zamoksva castle                                                             |
|  86 | Rhinothrope            |   65 |  0 |   126 |  39 | Battle-Axe         |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Vrenor outskirts                                                            |
|  87 | Minidemon              |   80 |  ? |   193 |  43 | Death Mask         |
| Spell: Frizzle                                                              |
| Colossus                                                                    |
|  88 | Chillanodon            |   75 |  0 |   104 |  33 | Seed of Strength   |
|                                                                             |
| Femiscyra outskirts                                                         |
|  89 | Lethal armour          |   55 |  0 |   120 |  58 | Full Plate Armour  |
| N/A                                                                         |
| Canalot outskirts                                                           |
|  90 | Rockbomb               |      |    |   150 |  40 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Dunplundrin outskirts / Forest south of Canalot                             |
|  91 | Eoraptor               |  100 |  0 |   116 |  45 | Bronze Armour      |
|                                                                             |
| Femiscyra outskirts                                                         |
|  92 | Beleth                 |  100 |  ? |   132 |  70 | Somatic Staff      |
| Spells: Bounce, Sizzle                                                      |
| Strathbaile outskirts                                                       |
|  93 | Grim rider             |  200 |  0 |   216 |  82 | Iron Lance         |
|                                                                             |
| Strathbaile outskirts                                                       |
|  94 | Bulldozer              |   70 |  0 |   121 |  72 | Seed of Strength   |
|                                                                             |
| Femiscyra outskirts                                                         |
|  95 | Chicken poxer          |   90 |  0 |   108 |  40 | Chimaera Wing      |
|                                                                             |
| Femiscyra outskirts                                                         |
|  96 | War-rus                |  120 |  0 |   128 |  54 | Astraea's Abacus   |
| Attack twice per turn                                                       |
| Rosehill outskirts                                                          |
|  97 | Liquid metal slime     |    4 |  0 | 10050 |  10 | Happy Hat          |
| Flees, Spell: Sizz                                                          |
| Royal crypt                                                                 |
|  98 | Humbaba                |   70 |  0 |   144 |  76 | Moonwort Bulb      |
| Spits fireballs                                                             |
| Royal crypt / Lutrin cave                                                   |
|  99 | Spitfire               |  100 |  0 |   180 | 100 | Cloak of Evasion   |
|                                                                             |
| Royal crypt / Rosehill outskirts                                            |
| 100 | Terminonatator         |      |    |   135 |  57 | Silk Robe          |
|                                                                             |
| Minikin's cave / Ch 6: Bonues dungeon, room with water near the end         |
| 101 | Sekerleton             |  110 |  ? |   315 |  50 | Zombie mail        |
| Spell: Kasap                                                                |
| Minikin's cave                                                              |
| 102 | Cheeky tiki            |  100 |  ? |   290 | 102 | F. Knife Earrings  |
| Calls help, Spell: Swoosh                                                   |
| Minikin's cave                                                              |
| 103 | Podokesaurus           |      |    |   270 |  81 | Seed of agility    |
|                                                                             |
| Colossus                                                                    |
| 104 | Dragon rider           |  140 |  0 |   351 | 108 | Seed of Strength   |
|                                                                             |
| Diabolic Hall outskirts                                                     |
| 105 | Freeze fly             |  100 |  0 |   261 | 151 | Horse Manure       |
|                                                                             |
| Imperial cave (Parthenia) / Yggdrasil                                       |
| 106 | Hell raiser            |   80 |  ? |   234 |  91 | Prayer Ring        |
| Spell: Zing                                                                 |
| Diabolic Hall outskirts                                                     |
| 107 | Hellspawn              |  120 |  0 |   225 | 186 | Moonwort bulb      |
|                                                                             |
| Minikin's cave / Colossus                                                   |
| 108 | Bloody blade           |   70 |  0 |   180 |  80 | Steel Broadsword   |
|                                                                             |
| Rosehill outskirts                                                          |
| 109 | Terrorflyer            |   90 |  0 |   187 |  74 | Chimaera Wing      |
|                                                                             |
| Royal crypt                                                                 |
| 110 | Voodoo gooroo          |   90 |  ? |   211 |  88 | Staff of slavation |
| Spell: Whack                                                                |
| Colossus                                                                    |
| 111 | Medislime              |      |    |   162 |  55 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Riverton outskirts                                                          |
| 112 | Rhinoceraxe            |      |    |   245 |  68 | Hela Hammer        |
| Attack twice per round / Spell: Kasap                                       |
| Colossus                                                                    |
| 113 | Fat bat                |  120 |    |   172 |  84 | Robe or Serenity   |
|                                                                             |
| Diabolic Hall outskirts, night / Colossus, night                            |
| 114 | Hellion                |  140 |    |   224 | 119 | Leather Dress      |
| Attack twice per round                                                      |
| Diabolic Hall outskirts                                                     |
| 115 | Blizzybody             |   80 |    |   286 | 100 | Seed of Magic      |
| Spell: Whack, Thwack                                                        |
| Colossus                                                                    |
| 116 | Wyvern                 |  100 |  0 |   393 | 116 | Poison Needle      |
|                                                                             |
| Diabolic Hall outskirts / Mamon mine, lower levels                          |
| 117 | Fuddlestick            |   70 |  0 |   261 |  99 | Musk               |
|                                                                             |
| Mamon mine, lower levels / Yggdrasil                                        |
| 118 | Moosifer               |  200 |  ? |   397 | 122 | Seed of Life       |
| Spell: Crackle                                                              |
| Mamon mine, lower levels                                                    |
| 119 | King cureslime         |      |    |   384 | 300 | Copper Sword       |
| Spell: Omniheal                                                             |
| Yggdrasil, top floor / Mamon mine, lower floors                             |
| 120 | Rhinocerex             |      |    |   655 | 150 | Full Plate Armour  |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass                                                               |
| 121 | Joojoo gooroo          |      |    |   477 | 146 | Glombolero         |
|                                                                             |
| Azimuth outskirts                                                           |
| 122 | Grim keeper            |  200 |    |   585 |  73 | Chain Sickle       |
|                                                                             |
| Azimuth outskirts                                                           |
| 123 | Ogre                   |  300 |  0 |   391 |  65 | Fire Claw          |
|                                                                             |
| Azimuth outskirts                                                           |
| 124 | Bullion                |      |    |   447 |  92 | Silver Tarot Cards |
|                                                                             |
| Azimuth outskirts                                                           |
| 125 | Night emperor          |      |    |   495 | 144 | Pink Leotard       |
|                                                                             |
| Azimuth outskirts, night                                                    |
| 126 | Metal king slime       |    6 |  ? | 30010 |  20 | Liquid Metal Helm  |
| Flees                                                                       |
| Zenithia pass / Azimuth outskirts                                           |
| 127 | Green dragon           |  100 |  0 |   405 | 132 | Dragon Shield      |
|                                                                             |
| Yggdrasil                                                                   |
| 128 | Whirly girly           |   70 |  ? |   403 | 128 | Hunter's Bow       |
| Spell: Swoosh                                                               |
| Yggdrasil                                                                   |
| 129 | Bone baron             |      |    |   543 | 139 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, upper floors                                                 |
| 130 | Drooling ghoul         |      |    |   448 |  63 | Zombie mail        |
| Can multiply                                                                |
| Niferia                                                                     |
| 131 | Teaky mask             |      |    |   485 |  52 | Iron Mask          |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, lower floors                                                 |
| 132 | Pickeerer              |  145 |    |   573 | 172 | Prayer Ring        |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, upper floors                                                 |
| 133 | Pit viper              |      |    |   563 |  95 | Moonwort bulb      |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, upper floors                                                 |
| 134 | Damselfly              |      |    |   615 | 390 | Seed of Magic      |
|                                                                             |
| Niferia                                                                     |
| 135 | Abullddon              |      |  ? |   670 | 205 | Dragon Mail        |
| Spell: Kacrackle                                                            |
| Niferia                                                                     |
| 136 | Hot dog                |      |    |   515 | 205 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, lower floors                                                 |
| 137 | Beelzebuzz             |      |    |   570 | 123 | Double-Edged Sword |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, upper floors                                                 |
| 138 | Float-o-copier         |    ? |  ? |   592 | 316 | Ra's Mirror        |
| Morphs into one of your party members                                       |
| Niferia / Diabolic Hall (only one)                                          |
| 139 | Terracotta warrior     |      |    |   693 |  15 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Demon castle, first room (statues walking around)                           |
| 140 | Swingre                |      |    |  1094 |  53 | Hela's Armour      |
|                                                                             |
| Demon castle outskirts                                                      |
| 141 | Red dragon             |      |    |   603 | 215 | Seed of Resilience |
|                                                                             |
| Niferia                                                                     |
| 142 | Sasquash               |  220 |  0 |   589 |  99 | Thalian Staff      |
|                                                                             |
| Niferia, lower floors                                                       |
| 143 | Wilder beast           |      |    |   480 |  81 | Seed of Agility    |
|                                                                             |
| Zenithia pass, lower floors                                                 |
| 144 | Vis mager              |      |    |  1232 | 112 | Shimmering dress   |
|                                                                             |
| Demon castle, last rooms                                                    |
| 145 | Prince of darkness     |      |    |   684 | 226 | Staff of antimagic |
|                                                                             |
| Demon castle outskirts                                                      |
| 146 | Dragooner              |  250 |    |   740 | 169 | Dragonsbane        |
| Attacks twice per round                                                     |
| Demon castle outskirts                                                      |
| 147 | Emperor wyvern         |      |    |   786 | 254 | Seed of Agility    |
| Calls Pickeerer and Emperor Wyvern for help                                 |
| Demon castle outskirts                                                      |
| 148 | Demonspawn             |  150 |    |   586 | 247 | Cloak of Evasion   |
| Calls for help                                                              |
| Niferia, upper floors                                                       |
| 149 | Night rider            |      |    |  1678 |  20 | Double-Edged Sword |
|                                                                             |
| Demon castle / Demon castle outskirts                                       |
| 150 | Night clubber          |      |    |  1023 | 137 | Oaken Club         |
|                                                                             |
| Niferia, room with the raft                                                 |
| 151 | Knightshade            |      |    |   450 |  92 | Cautery Sword      |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with floating platforms                           |
| 152 | Decayurion             |      |    |   563 |  72 | Zombie Mail        |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room behind the inn - after Pinnacle Chapel            |
| 153 | Bloody hand            |  180 |  0 |   347 |  50 | Gold Bracer        |
| Calls Cerberuff and Bloddy hand for help                                    |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, first room                                             |
| 154 | Demon thunderer        |  200 |  ? |   480 |  95 | Seed of Resilience |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, first room                                             |
| 155 | Draguar                |  280 |  ? |   543 | 102 | Seed of Agility    |
| Spell: Swoosh                                                               |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with floating platforms                           |
| 156 | Juggular               |      |    |   680 | 142 | Mighty Armlet      |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, cave with tombs                                        |
| 157 | Cerberuff              |  300 |  0 |   435 |  95 | Musk               |
| Can attack whole party at once                                              |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with lava and after                               |
| 158 | Gnucifer               |  300 |    |   685 | 121 | Death Mask         |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, cave with tombs                                        |
| 159 | Div                    |  350 |    |   712 | 160 | Seed of Agility    |
| Attacks twice per round                                                     |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, cave with tombs and after                              |
| 160 | Prism peacock          |  400 |  ? |   885 | 155 | Seed of Magic      |
| Spell: Kasizzle                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with lava and after                               |
| 161 | Testudogre             |  300 |    |   750 | 200 | Hela's Armour      |
| Chilly breath                                                               |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with lava and after                               |
| 162 | Drakulard              |  450 |    |   935 | 130 | Seed of life       |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with lava and room with various ladders           |
| 163 | Togre                  |      |    |   525 | 142 | Spiked Armour      |
| Spell: Oomph                                                                |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with various ladders                              |
| 164 | High djinks            |      |    |   710 | 117 | Boxer Shorts       |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, last room (with all the stairs)                        |
| 165 | Perilwinkle            |  160 |    |   356 |  83 | Seed of Wisdom     |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with water near the end                           |
| 166 | Shelligator            |  150 |  0 |   415 |  77 | Demon Spear        |
| Tidal Wave: attack whole party                                              |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, rooms with water (with the raft and near the end)      |
| 167 | Croaked King           |  400 |    |   740 | 110 | Prayer Ring        |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with water near the end                           |
| 168 | Seasaur                |  400 |    |   640 | 150 | Seed of Strength   |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with water near the end                           |
| 169 | Platinum king jewel    |      |    | 65000 | 700 | Kerplunk Bracer    |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, cave with the tombs                                    |
| 170 | Cannibox               |      |    |   150 |  25 | Chain Mail         |
| Attack twice per round, Spell: Whack                                        |
| Hidden playground                                                           |
| 171 | Mimic                  |  180 |  ? |   350 |  48 | Dancer's Costume   |
| Attack twice per round, Spell: Twhack                                       |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with Cobra Claw                                   |
| 172 | Pandora's box          |  900 |  8 |  1250 | 280 | Pink Leotard       |
| Spell: Whack, Drain Magic / Sweet Breath                                    |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, trick chests and room with various ladders             |
| 173 | Scarewell              |      |    |   350 | 100 | Ruby of Protection |
|                                                                             |
| Hidden playground                                                           |
| 174 | Well wisher            |      |    |   574 |  67 | Seed of Strength   |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, in the room with various ladders                       |
| 175 | Man o'war              |      |    |    35 |  12 | Moonwort Bulb      |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south or Porthtrunnel                                                |
| 176 | Glugworm               |      |    |    94 |  29 | Medicinal Herb     |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Minikin's Dominion                                              |
| 177 | Strangler fish         |      |    |    80 |  43 | Chain Sickle       |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, around the island in the middle of the map                           |
| 178 | Axolotl                |      |    |   113 |  60 | Cypress Stick      |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Canalot                                                         |
| 179 | Preying manta          |      |    |    70 |  24 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Porthtrunnel                                                    |
| 180 | Barracuda              |      |    |    75 |  33 | Iron Helmet        |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Porthtrunnel                                                    |
| 181 | Pterygotus             |      |    |    95 |  25 | Iron Mask          |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south of Casbranca                                                   |
| 182 | Devilfish              |      |    |   120 |  72 | Hunter's Bow       |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south of Endor                                                       |
| 183 | Mangler fish           |      |    |   155 |  72 | Moonwort Bulb      |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Minikin's Dominion                                              |
| 184 | Maulrus                |      |    |   140 |  80 | Icicle Dirk        |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south of Endor and near Minikin's Dominion                           |
| 185 | Woolungasaurus         |      |    |    65 |  38 | F. Knife Earrings  |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south of Casabranca                                                  |
| 186 | Sand viper             |      |    |   170 | 124 | Golden Tiara       |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Minikin's Dominion / Waterfall cave                             |
| 187 | Ultraviolent ray       |      |    |   103 |  48 | Seed of Agility    |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near the island in the middle of the map                             |
| 188 | Terrornodon            |      |    |   187 |  70 | Seed of Magic      |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, around Minikin's Dominion                                            |
| 189 | Spinchilla             |      |    |   180 |  84 | Cloak of Evasion   |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south of Endor                                                       |
| 190 | Picuda                 |   90 |  0 |   165 |  69 | Iron Fan           |
|                                                                             |
| Waterfall cave                                                              |
| 191 | Dangler Fish           |      |    |    48 |  30 | Magic Water        |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, south of Porthtrunnel                                                |
| 192 | Octophant              |  230 |  0 |   208 |  98 | Seed of Life       |
| Attacks twice per tound                                                     |
| Waterfall cave / Ch 6: Bonus dungeon, room with water near the end          |
| 193 | Incineraytor           |      |    |   221 | 100 | Iron Shield        |
|                                                                             |
| Waterfall cave                                                              |
| 194 | Tuskateer              |  120 |  0 |    98 |  55 | Chimaera Wing      |
|                                                                             |
| Ocean, near Porthtrunnel                                                    |
| 195 | Psaro's pawn           |  260 |  ? |    73 |  60 | N/A                |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 1: Strathbaile tower boss                                                |
| 196 | Master kung            |   42 |  ? |   136 |  60 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 2: Taborov boss                                                          |
| 197 | Abominable showman     |  100 |  0 |     0 |   0 | N/A                |
| Creates 3 doubles at the beginning of the fight                             |
| Ch 2: Endor coliseum                                                        |
| 198 | Balzack                |    ? |  ? |   500 |   0 | N/A                |
| Use the Silence Sphere to block his magic                                   |
| Ch 4: Palais de Léon boss                                                   |
| 199 | Tricksy                |  ~40 |  0 |   450 |  20 | N/A                |
|                                                                             |
| Cave east of the desert inn boss                                            |
| 200 | Tigergram              |      |    |  2000 | 350 | N/A                |
|                                                                             |
| Pharos tower boss                                                           |
| 201 | Marquis de Léon        |  900 |    |  5100 |   0 | Full Plate Armour  |
|                                                                             |
| Palais de Léon boss                                                         |
| 202 | Baalzack               |  760 |    |  6500 |   0 | N/A                |
|                                                                             |
| Zamoksva boss                                                               |
| 203 | Sir roseguardin        | 1200 |    |  6800 |   0 | Sphere of Silence  |
|                                                                             |
| Rosehill tower boss (only before defeating Estark)                          |
| 204 | Rashaverak             |  500 |    |  1020 | 300 | Dragon Shield      |
|                                                                             |
| Hell, southeast barrier boss                                                |
| 205 | Pruslas                | 2100 |    |  4100 | 250 | Oaken Club         |
|                                                                             |
| Hell, southwest barrier boss                                                |
| 206 | Barbatos               | 3300 |    |  5500 |   0 | Miracle Sword      |
|                                                                             |
| Hell, northwest barrier boss                                                |
| 207 | Aamon                  | 1800 |    |  6300 |   0 | N/A                |
|                                                                             |
| Hell, northeast barrier boss                                                |
| 208 | Estark                 | 2700 |    | 15000 |   0 | N/A                |
|                                                                             |
| Mamon mine boss                                                             |
| 209 | Foo Yung               | 2800 |    | 12000 | 850 | Seed of Magic      |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon boss                                                    |
| 210 | Chow Mein              | 3200 |    |  9800 | 560 | Seed of Life       |
|                                                                             |
| Ch 6: Bonus dungeon boss                                                    |

< IX.                          VERSION HISTORY                                >

Version 0.30 - 14/09/2008
               Walkthrough up to the end of Chapter 3. I'm working on the
               various lists mentioned in the Table of Contents but they're
               nowhere near presentable for now so I removed them altogether in
               the file I submitted to Gamefaqs. Still playing, update soon.

Version 0.50 - 16/09/2008
               Walkthrough up to Chapter 5, Part I: finding your other team
               members. Left some of the lists in this time. They aren't as
               pretty as they will be once they're complete but maybe they can
               be useful as such for some people. Playing instead of looking
               for a flat for the next schoolyear. Update soon.

Version 0.70 - 22/09/2008
               Walkthrough up to just before beating Psaro. A bunch of lists
               are as complete as I can get them right now. The bestiary still
               needs a lot of work. Names should now be consistent with the
               English version. Doing some grinding to beat Psaro. Next update
               shouldn't be too far away.

Version 1.00 - 28/09/2008
               The walkthrough is complete! Well, there's some stuff that still
               need updating in the Sidequests section (the Mini Medals list)
               but the walkthrough is good to get you beating the final boss,
               the additional boss and the secret final boss. Phew. Got a full
               bestiary but still needs work. I also toyed around with the
               layout. Please tell me it looks prettier now. Next update sooner
               or later.

Version 1.01 - 1/10/2008
               Some minor fixes here and there in the bestiary, following
               Magus747's work, and in the walkthrough. Not playing right now,
               some stuff to do before the academic year begins. Will play
               through the game again soon enough but my internet access will
               probably be limited for a while. I'm not giving up on this
               thing, I promise.

< X.                        CREDITS / SPECIAL THANKS                          >

It's almost over and there are a few people that deserve my thanks:

www.gamefaqs.com - Awesome website. And they accept to host my FAQs.
     Square-Enix - Publishers of Dragon Quest. Thank you for this game. Love.
             You - What would an author be without its readers?

And also all the people that directly helped me out with the walkthrough.

            mig - For a bunch of item drops from monsters and some more help
                  with the bestiary.
       Magus747 - That guy worked out item drops for every single monster. But
                  that wasn't enough, he also sent all the locations of the
                  monsters, half of which I had already forgotten. The
                  paragraphs about how to get items from monsters before the
                  bestiary are also from him. I think he put more work into
                  that thing than I did...
 Jennifer Smith - For two missed monsters in Minikin's cave.
  SkirkOutrider - Told me about stage 5 of Pioneer Town.
        Lazyazz - Also told me about stage 5 of Pioneer Town.
  Sean Kelleher - Told me about the point in the story to be reached before
                  you could get stage 2 and 3 of Pioneer Town.
SionLionheart23 - Told me the shop in Reignart was a rip-off.

I forgot you? Tell me, I'll rectify that.

I hope this FAQ was both useful and an enjoyable read. If you have any
questions, comments, suggestions, insults, praise or dirty pictures that you'd
like to share with me, please don't hesitate to send an e-mail at 

See you for another FAQ!

       o   o o ooo
  ~   o   o o oo
     ooo ooo o

Copyright (c) 2008 to Sandrine "miss lufia" Escalier. EoF
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