Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility FAQ/Walkthrough


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               Winner of GameFAQs FAQ of the Month, August 2008!

                       |  Copyright 2008 -- DetroitDJ  |
                       |   with substantial aid from   |
                       |    contributor mister_jmp.    |
                       |                               |
                       |        Version - 4.2.0        |
                       |      Updated: 01/04/2009      |
                       |     FAQ/Walkthrough/Guide     |
                       |                               |
                       |  Note: the latest version of  |
                       |  this file will ALWAYS be at  |
                       |   www.gamefaqs.com/console/   |
                       |     wii/file/933022/53688     |
                       |                               |
                       | Other places are permitted to |
                       | show this FAQ - however, most |
                       |  don't automatically update,  |
                       |  and I only update my FAQ on  |
                       |  GameFAQs - so, if you don't  |
                       |   see something, check that   |
                       | URL to see if there's a newer |
                       |     version of this file.     |
                       |                               |
             |                                                   |
             |                  Navigating This Guide            |
             |                                                   |
             |   If : you're here for general information on     |
             |      : Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, skip    |
             |      : the contents sections below and just       |
             |      : start reading.                             |
             |                                                   |
             |   If : you're here for broad information about a  |
             |      : certain topic, like crops, animals, or     |
             |      : fishing, find the topic in the box below,  |
             |      : hit Ctrl+F and search for the code listed  |
             |      : by that section, either in parentheses or  |
             |      : angle brackets.                            |
             |                                                   |
             |   If : you're here for specific information       |
             |      : a particular sub-topic, like turnips, the  |
             |      : hammer, or animal products, find the       |
             |      : topic in the second box below, hit Ctrl+F  |
             |      : and search for the code listed by that     |
             |      : section, either in box brackets or curly   |
             |      : brackets.                                  |
             |                                                   |
             |   If : you have any trouble finding what you're   |
             |      : looking for in this guide, please let me   |
             |      : know. It's my goal to make this guide as   |
             |      : easily navigable as possible, and your     |
             |      : input will help.                           |
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                           Broad Topics                            |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                       The Particulars (TPA)                       |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|           Information about the game, the guide and the           |`
    `|                          basic controls.                          |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Release Data           <RDA>  |  <GSU>           Game Summary   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Information on the game's     |        A basic summary of the   |`
    `|   release date, as well as      |     game's plot, controls and   |`
    `|   this FAQ's release dates      |                 new features.   |`
    `|   and version history.          |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                      Around the Island (ATI)                      |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|       The introductory section, to help you get acquainted        |`
    `|       with the island and all the things you can do there.        |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Welcome to the Island  <WTI>  |  <PTT>      Passing the Time,   |`
    `|                                 |          Filling Your Wallet    |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   A general overview of the     |    An introduction to all the   |`
    `|   first few days of the game,   |    different tasks you can do   |`
    `|   the major locations on the    |    to earn money and pass the   |`
    `|   island and how the game       |              game time along.   |`
    `|   is played.                    |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 Home Sweet Home: Your Ranch (HSH)                 |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|        You, your home, and the things most relevant to it:        |`
    `|                     crops, animals and tools.                     |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Your Character         <YOU>  |  <YPR>          Your Property   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   A guide to your character     |     An overview of the places   |`
    `|   and how he or she operates.   |     you can live and what you   |`
    `|                                 |                 can do there.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Farming                <FRM>  |  <ANI>            The Animals   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   A comprehensive overview of   |   A comprehensive overview of   |`
    `|   everything there is to know   |   everything there is to know   |`
    `|   about every crop, every       |   about every animals you can   |`
    `|   herb and every flower, and    |      own - including poultry,   |`
    `|   how to grow all of them.      |   livestock and wild animals.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Tools                  <TOL>  | <COK>                 Cooking   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   All the tools you can buy     |  All the information you need   |`
    `|   and equip, what they do and   |     to cook every recipe, and   |`
    `|   how they level up.            |        make some profit, too.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                    Going Out: The Island (VIL)                    |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|    Everything that can be done outside your humble abode, with    |`
    `|    everyone you can meet, everywhere you can go and everything    |`
    `|                            you can do.                            |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Characters             <CHR>  |  <PAS>       Places and Shops   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   The locations, birthdays,     | Price listings for every shop   |`
    `|   families and favored gifts    |   on (and off) the island, as   |`
    `|   of everyone you can meet      |        well as information on   |`
    `|   over the course of the game.  |               seasonal goods.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Festivals              <FES>  |  <FSH>                Fishing   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   All the yearly festivals the  |    How to fish, all the spots   |`
    `|   island holds, including       |      where you can fish, what   |`
    `|   participation instructions    |    you'll catch, and what you   |`
    `|   and price listings for all    |   can do with what you catch.   |`
    `|   seasonal markets.             |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                                 |  <MIN>                 Mining   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                                 |    How to mine, the different   |`
    `|                                 |   mining caves on the island,   |`
    `|                                 |     what you'll find and what   |`
    `|                                 |           you can do with it.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                      As the Days Go By (ADG)                      |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                   The important things in life:                   |`
    `|           friends, family and reviving the goddess tree.          |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Making Friends and     <MFR>  |  <FAM>            Family Life   |`
    `|          Wooing a Mate          |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   How to make friends, fall in  |    ...and how to live happily   |`
    `|   love and...                   |                   ever after.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Return of the Goddess  <GOD>  |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   How to find the quilt,        |                                 |`
    `|   create the rainbows and       |                                 |`
    `|   revive the Goddess Tree       |                                 |`
    `|   once and for all.             |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                       Reference Guides (REF)                      |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|      Lists of everything there is to know about anything ever     |`
    `|               in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility.               |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Calendars              <CAL>  |  <LIS>                  Lists   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Calendars of the critical     |       Lists of... pretty much   |`
    `|   events, dates for reviving    |    everything there is in the   |`
    `|   the Goddess Tree, and every   |  entire game, such as prices,   |`
    `|   villager's birthday.          |            recipes and gifts.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Walkthroughs           <WLK>  |  <MIS>          Miscellaneous   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Step-by-step help in          |        Everything that didn't   |`
    `|   accomplishing whatever it     |    belong in the other areas,   |`
    `|   is that you want to           |    such as Part-Time Jobs and   |`
    `|   achieve.                      |              Island Arrivals.   |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|                 - -             |             - -                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   FAQs                   <FAQ>  |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|   Frequently asked questions,   |                                 |`
    `|   from readers like you.        |                                 |`
    `|                                 |                                 |`
    `|  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  ---  |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|                           The Three C's:                          |`
    `|          Copyright, Credit and Contact Information (CCC)          |`
    `|                                                                   |`
    `|     The information you need to know about me and this guide.     |`
    `|                                                                   |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|             Specific Sub-topics             |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                 Release Data                |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Game Release  [GDA] | FAQ Release    [FDA] |`
               `|  Data                | Data                 |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                 Game Summary                |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Controls and  [COB] |  Plot Outline  [POU] |`
               `|  Basic Info          |                      |`
               `|   Basics      {BAI}  |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|   Controls    {CON}  |  New Features  [NFE] |`
What you can |  |   Saving      {SAV}  |   Brand-New   {BNF}  |`
 find on the |--|   Information {INS}  |    Features          |`
     'pause' |  |    Screens           |   Returning   {REF}  |`
    screens. |  |   Map Screen  {MAP}  |    Features          |`
               `|   Trashing    {TRA}  |                      |`
               `|    Items             |                      |`
               `|   Main Screen {MSC}  |                      |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|            Welcome to the Island            |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Getting       [GTS] |  Day Flow      [DFL] |`
               `|   Started            |                      |`
               `|                      |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    | Weather        [WEA] |`
               `|  Daily Routine [DRO] |                      |  | Need help
               `|   Chores      {CHO}  |    - - - - - - - - - |  | unlocking an
               `|   Socializing {SOC}  | Unlockable     [ULA] |--| area? Take
               `|                      | Areas                |  | a look right
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |  Brownie      {BRA}  |  | here.
               `|  Locations     [ILO] |   Ranch Area         |`
               `|   Your Farm   {YFA}  |  Shortcut to  {STM}  |`
               `|   The Village {TVA}  |   Mine Area          |`
               `|    Area              |  Toucan       {TIS}  |`
               `|   The Beach   {TBE}  |   Island             |`
               `|   Woodlands   {TWL}  |  West Gull    {WGI}  |`
               `|   Mt. Gelato  {TMO}  |   Island             |`
               `|   The Other   {TOI}  |  East Gull    {EGI}  |`
               `|   Islands            |   Island             |`
               `|                      |  Mt. Gelato   {MGB}  |`
               `|                      |   Base/Spring        |`
               `|                      |  Mt. Gelato   {MGP}  |`
               `|                      |   Peak               |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
         Get |  |- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
  acquainted |  |                                             |`
with all the |--|    Passing the Time, Filling Your Wallet    |`
      game's |  |                  -- --- --                  |`
 activities. |  |                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Intro to      [FMG] |  Intro to      [RHG] |`
               `|  Farming             |  Ranching            |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Intro to      [MNG] |  Intro to      [FRG] |`
               `|  Mining              |  Foraging            |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Intro to      [FHG] |  Intro to      [PAR] |`
               `|  Fishing             |  Part-Time Jobs      |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                Your Character               |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
     Knowing |  |  Character     [STA] |  Character     [CCZ] |`
 how stamina |  |  Mechanics           |  Customization       |`
  works will |--|   Stamina     {STA}  |                      |`
    help you |  |   Fatigue     {FAT}  |    - - - - - - - - - |  | Get a bigger
   plan your |  |                      |  Rucksack      [RUC] |--| rucksack!
     chores. |  |                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                Your Property                |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
   Need help |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
    choosing |--|  Initial       [INL] |  Your House    [YHO] |`
your initial |  |  Location            |   Cooking     {COK}  |`
  farm spot? |  |                      |   Television  {TLV}  |`
  Check here |  | - - - - - - - - -    |                      |`
 for advice! |  |  The Field     [TFE] | - - - - - - - - -    |`
               `|                      |  The Coop      [TCO] |  | Brownie
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |                      |  | Ranch or
               `|  The Barn      [TBA] | - - - - - - - - -    |  | Souffle Farm
               `|                      |  Farm Ranks    [FRA] |--| not selling
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |                      |  | what you
               `|  Extensions    [EXT] |                      |  | need? Find
               `|                      |                      |  | out why
               `|                                             |  | here!
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                   Farming                   |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |--| Looking for
               `|  Preparation   [PRP] |  Spring Crops  [SPR] |  | information
               `|   Choosing    {CYF}  |   Turnip      {TUR}  |  | about a
               `|    Your Field        |   Potato      {POT}  |  | particular
               `|   Clearing    {CLF}  |   Breadfruit  {BRE}  |  | crop, herb
               `|    Your Field        |   Flax        {FLA}  |  | or flower?
               `|   Buying Your {BYS}  |   Strawberry  {STR}  |  | Find it here
               `|    Seeds             |   Cabbage     {CAB}  |  | to jump
               `|   Seasonal    {SSM}  |   Green Herb  {GHB}  |  | straight to
               `|    Seed Mixes        |   Hyacinth    {HYA}  |  | it!
               `|   Crop        {CRF}  |   Lavender    {LAV}  |`
               `|    Formations        |   Tulip       {TUL}  |`
               `|                      |   Moondrop    {MON}  |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |                      |`
               `|  Mechanics     [MEC] |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|   Soil and    {SQU}  |  Summer Crops  [SUM] |`
               `|    Crop Quality      |   Watermelon  {WAT}  |`
 Fertilizing |  |   Fertilizer  {FER}  |   Onion       {ONI}  |`
  the ground |  |                      |   Honeydew    {HYD}  |`
  will yield |  | - - - - - - - - -    |   Corn        {COR}  |`
better crops |--|  Trees         [TRE] |   Tomato      {TOM}  |`
  and fruit. |  |   Apple       {APP}  |   Cocoa       {COC}  |`
    Find out |  |   Cherry      {CHY}  |   Blue Herb   {BHB}  |`
  more here. |  |   Chestnut    {CHS}  |   Pansy       {PAN}  |`
               `|   Grape       {GRP}  |   Sunflower   {SUN}  |`
               `|   Orange      {ORA}  |   Pinkcat     {PKC}  |`
               `|   Hali        {HAL}  |   Hibiscus    {HIB}  |`
               `|                      |   Lily        {LIL}  |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |   Begonia     {BEG}  |`
               `|  Field Items   [FIT] |                      |`
               `|   Bamboo Shoot{BBS}  |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|   Banana      {BAN}  |  Fall Crops    [FAL] |`
               `|   Black Pearl {BPE}  |   Spicy Pepper{SPP}  |`
               `|   Blueberry   {BLB}  |   Rice        {RIC}  |`
               `|   Clam        {CLM}  |   Bell Pepper {BPP}  |`
               `|   Coconut     {CCN}  |   Eggplant    {EGP}  |`
               `|   Coral       {CRA}  |   Carrot      {CRT}  |`
               `|   Dyed Yarns  {DYN}  |   Yam         {YAM}  |`
               `|   Fancy Shell {FSS}  |   Spinach     {SPN}  |`
               `|   Honey       {HON}  |   Pumpkin     {PUM}  |`
               `|   Mushroom    {MUS}  |   Red Herb    {RHB}  |`
               `|   Pearl       {PEA}  |   Purple Herb {PHB}  |`
               `|   Perfume     {PER}  |   Cosmos      {CMS}  |`
               `|   Pineapple   {PIN}  |   Morning     {MNG}  |`
               `|   Pontata Root{PON}  |    Glory             |`
               `|   Sea Urchin  {SEU}  |   Blue Mist   {BLM}  |`
               `|   Seaweed     {SEW}  |   Rose        {ROS}  |`
               `|   Shell       {SES}  |   Chrysanthmum{CHR}  |`
               `|   Toadstool   {TOD}  |                      |`
               `|   Veryberry   {VRB}  |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|                      |  Winter Crops  [WNT] |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |   Buckwheat   {BCK}  |`
               `|  Profit Study  [CRP] |   Snowflake   {SNW}  |`
               `|   Spring      {SGP}  |   Yellow Herb {YHB}  |`
               `|   Summer      {SMP}  |   Green Bell  {GRB}  |`
               `|   Fall        {FLP}  |                      |`
               `|   Winter      {WTP}  |                      |`
               `|   Overall     {OVP}  |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                 The Animals                 |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Preparation   [APR] |  Mechanics     [AMC] |`
               `|   Accessing   {ACC}  |   Weather     {WEA}  |`
               `|    Brownie Ranch     |   Moving      {MOV}  |`
               `|   Build a     {BUI}  |    Animals           |  | Information
 At-a-glance |  |    Coop/Barn         |   Death       {DEA}  |  | on cows,
guide to all |  |   Feed        {FEE}  |                      |  | sheep,
    the most |  |                      |    - - - - - - - - - |  | horses,
   important |  | - - - - - - - - -    |  Livestock     [LVS] |--| goats and
      animal |--|  Animal        [LQR] |   Purchasing  {LPU}  |  | ostriches is
information. |  |   Quick-Reference    |   Feeding     {LFE}  |  | found here.
               `|                      |   Affection   {LAF}  |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |   Products    {LPR}  |`
  Check here |--|  Poultry       [POL] |   Illness     {LIL}  |`
 for info on |  |   Purchasing  {PPU}  |   Breeding    {LBR}  |`
   chickens, |  |   Feeding     {PFE}  |   Transport   {LTR}  |`
   ducks and |  |   Affection   {PAF}  |                      |  | Did you know
  silkworms. |  |   Products    {PPR}  |    - - - - - - - - - |  | the goat is
               `|   Breeding    {PBR}  |  Profit        [LPA] |--| the most
               `|                      |  Analysis            |  | profitable
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |   New Animal  {PA1}  |  | animal over
               `|  Animal        [ANP] |    for a Year        |  | its lifetime
               `|  Products            |   New Animal  {PA2}  |  | if you have
               `|   Eggs        {EGG}  |    for a Month       |  | the Cheese
               `|   Milk        {MLK}  |   Owned Animal{PA3}  |  | Maker? That
               `|   Wool        {WOL}  |    for a Month       |  | and more can
               `|   Silk        {SLK}  |   New Animal  {PA4}  |  | be found
               `|   Mayonnaise  {MAY}  |    for its           |  | here.
               `|   Butter      {BUT}  |    Lifetime          |`
               `|   Cheese      {CHE}  |   Profit      {PA5}  |`
               `|   Wool Yarn   {WLY}  |    Margins           |`
   Dyed yarn |  |   Flax Yarn   {FXY}  |   Quickest to {PA6}  |`
and silk are |  |   Silk Yarn   {SKT}  |    Profit            |`
    the most |--|   Dyed Yarns  {CCL}  |                      |`
 profitable  |  |                      |                      |`
   items in  |  |                                             |`
   the game. |  |- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
Find out how |  |                                             |`
to make them |  |                    Tools                    |`
       here. |  |                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`

               `|  Upgradeable   [TOL] |  Non-Upgrade   [NUT] |`
               `|  Tools               |  Tools               |`
               `|   Axe         {AXE}  |   Bell        {BEL}  |`
               `|   Hammer      {HAM}  |   Brush       {BRU}  |`
               `|   Sickle      {SIC}  |   Medicine    {MED}  |`
   Upgrading |  |   Watering Can{WTC}  |   Milker      {MLR}  |`
   tools has |  |   Hoe         {HOE}  |   Saddle      {SAD}  |`
     changed |  |   Fishing Pole{FSP}  |   Shears      {SHR}  |`
    a lot in |--|   How to      {UPG}  |                      |`
     Tree of |  |    Upgrade           |    - - - - - - - - - |`
Tranquility. |  |                      |  Yarn, Butter  [00M] |`
Find the new |  |                      |  Mayo and            |`
 rules here. |  |                      |  Cheese Makers       |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|  | Extra profit
               `|                                             |  | can be made
               `|                   Cooking                   |--| by cooking
               `|                  -- --- --                  |  | your items
               `|                                             |  | into recipes
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | - check here
               `|  Recipe        [RRC] |  Fish Recipe   [FRP] |  | to see the
               `|  Recommendations     |  Profits             |  | most
               `|                      |                      |  | profitable
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | recipes to
               `|  Ingredient    [IRC] |  Complete      [REC] |  | use.
               `|  Recommendations     |  Recipe List         |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
   There are |  |                                             |`
     over 50 |--|                  Characters                 |`
   villagers |  |                  -- --- --                  |`
   living on |  |                                             |`
 the island. |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
    Find the |  |  Bachelors     [BAC] |  Bachelorettes [BCE] |`
perfect gift |  |   Calvin      {CAL}  |   Anissa      {ANI}  |`
   for every |  |   Chase       {CHI}  |   Candace     {CAN}  |`
 one of them |  |   Gill        {GIL}  |   Kathy       {KAT}  |`
       here. |  |   Jin         {JIN}  |   Luna        {ROM}  |`
               `|   Julius      {JUL}  |   Maya        {MAI}  |`
               `|   Luke        {LUK}  |   Phoebe      {PHO}  |`
               `|   Owen        {OSE}  |   Renee       {LEN}  |`
               `|   Toby        {TAO}  |   Selena      {SHE}  |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Other         [OTC] |  Villagers'    [VLC] |`
               `|  Characters          |  Children            |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|               Places and Shops              |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
    Complete |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
       price |--|  Shops         [SHP] |  Other Places  [OPB] |`
listings for |  |   Town Hall   {THA}  |                      |`
  every shop |  |   Brownie     {BRO}  |                      |`
can be found |  |    Ranch             |                      |`
       here. |  |   Souffle Farm{SOF}  |                      |`
               `|   Carpenter's {CAR}  |                      |`
               `|    Shop              |                      |`
               `|   General     {SUP}  |                      |`
               `|    Store             |                      |`
               `|   Tailor Shop {TAL}  |                      |`
               `|   Blacksmith's{BLA}  |                      |`
               `|    Shop              |                      |`
               `|   Sundae Inn  {SIB}  |                      |`
               `|    and Bar           |                      |`
               `|   Meringue    {MRC}  |                      |`
               `|    Clinic            |                      |`
               `|   On the Hook {FSC}  |                      |`
               `|   Pineapple   {PNI}  |                      |`
               `|    Inn               |                      |`
               `|   Taylor's    {TYS}  |                      |`
               `|    Seeds             |                      |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                  Festivals                  |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Spring        [SPF] |  Summer        [SMF] |`
               `|  Festivals           |  Festivals           |`
               `|   New Year's  {NYD}  |   Ocean       {OCF}  |`
               `|    Sunrise           |    Festival          |  | Make sure
               `|   Flower      {FLF}  |   Fireworks   {FWD}  |--| you never
               `|    Festival          |    Display           |  | miss the
               `|   Spring      {SPK}  |   Summer      {SMK}  |  | chance to
               `|    Market            |    Market            |  | ask your
               `|   Animal      {ANF}  |   Firefly     {FFF}  |--| beloved
               `|    Festival          |    Festival          |  | to one of
               `|                      |                      |  | these
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | romantic
               `|  Fall          [FAF] |  Winter        [WTF] |  | festivals,
               `|  Festivals           |  Festivals           |  | held every
               `|   Arts        {ARF}  |   Thanksgiving{THF}  |  | year in
               `|    Festival          |    Festival          |  | various
               `|   Fall        {FAK}  |   Winter      {WTM}  |  | locations
               `|    Market            |    Market            |  | around the
               `|   Harvest     {HVF}  |   Starry Night{SNF}  |--| island.
               `|    Festival          |    Festival          |`
               `|                      |   New Year's  {NYE}  |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    Eve Festival      |`
               `|  Game-Specific [GMS] |                      |`
               `|   Your        {YBD}  |                      |`
               `|    Birthday          |                      |`
               `|   Anniversary {YAN}  |                      |`
               `|   Child's     {YCB}  |                      |`
               `|    Birthday          |                      |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
    It's not |--|                   Fishing                   |`
    optional |  |                  -- --- --                  |`
anymore. You |  |                                             |`
must fish in |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
    order to |  |  Mechanics     [FMC] |  Fishing       [LOC] |`
complete the |  |   Obtaining/  {FOU}  |  Locations           |`
     goddess |  |    Upgrading         |                      |`
 quest. Find |  |    the Rod           |    - - - - - - - - - |`
  out how to |  |   How to Fish {FHT}  |  Miscellaneous [MFI] |`
 catch every |  |   Stamina     {FST}  |  Fish Info           |`
  fish here. |  |   Why Fish?   {FWH}  |   Profit      {FPA}  |`
               `|   Tips        {FTP}  |    Analysis          |`
               `|                      |   Fish and    {FCR}  |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    Crustacean        |`
               `|  The Fish      [FIS] |    Recipes           |`
 At-a-glance |  |                      |   Recipe      {FRM}  |`
    guide to |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    Mechanics         |`
fish prices, |--|  The Fish      [FCH] |   Beach Items {BIT}  |`
   locations |  |  Chart               |                      |`
and seasons. |  |                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                   Mining                    |--| For
               `|                  -- --- --                  |  | upgrading
               `|                                             |  | your tools,
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | making
               `|  Mechanics     [MMC] |  The Mines     [MIN] |  | jewelry and
               `|   Basics      {BAS}  |   Ganache     {GAN}  |  | even
               `|   Stairs,     {SHG}  |    Mine              |  | reawakening
               `|    Holes and         |   Mt. Gelato  {MGM}  |  | the goddess,
               `|    Geysers           |    Mine              |  | mining is a
               `|   Afflictions {AFL}  |                      |  | must. Find
               `|   Ores and    {OAW}  |    - - - - - - - - - |  | everything
               `|    Wonderfuls        |  Ores, Gems,   [GOW] |  | you need to
               `|   Refining    {APR}  |  Minerals and        |  | know here.
               `|   Moles       {MOL}  |  Wonderfuls          |`
               `|   Why Mine?   {WHM}  |   Ores        {ORE}  |`
               `|   Descending  {DTM}  |   Wonderfuls  {WON}  |`
               `|    the Mine          |   Minerals    {MIN}  |`
               `|                      |   Gems        {GEM}  |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |                      |`
               `|  Other Mine    [OMI] |                      |`
               `|  Items               |                      |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
        Make |--|        Making Friends and Wooing Mates      |`
    friends, |  |                  -- --- --                  |`
     fall in |  |                                             |`
   love, get |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
 married and |  |  Raising       [AFF] |  Heart Events  [HEV] |`
     raise a |  |  Affection           |                      |  | Don't let
family. This |  |                      |    - - - - - - - - - |  | someone else
      is the |  | - - - - - - - - -    |  Rivals' Heart [RHE] |--| steal your
  essence of |  |  Affection     [AFM] |  Events              |  | beloved!
 any Harvest |  |  Mechanics           |                      |  | Check here
  Moon game. |  |                                             |  | to find out
        Find |  |- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|  | how to
  everything |  |                                             |  | prevent
 you need to |--|                 Family Life                 |  | someone else
 know to woo |  |                  -- --- --                  |  | from
and wed that |  |                                             |  | stealing
 one special |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | your beloved
     someone |  |  Marriage      [PRO] |  Married Life  [MLI] |  | from you!
       here. |  |   Proposal           |                      |`
               `|                      |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|                      |     Your Child [YCI] |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |  | The goddess
               `|            Return of the Goddess            |--| has vanished
               `|                  -- --- --                  |  | and only
               `|                                             |  | you can
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | bring her
               `|  The Quilt     [QUI] |  The Five      [RAI] |  | back.
               `|                      |  Rainbows            |  | Find out how
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |   Daren's     {RA1}  |  | here.
               `|  Goddess Tree  [GST] |    (Green)           |`
               `|   Finding the {FTS}  |   Ben's       {RA2}  |`
               `|    Seedlings         |    (Blue)            |`
               `|   Growing the {GTT}  |   Collin's    {RA3}  |`
    It's two |  |    Tree              |    (Yellow)          |`
 islands for |  |   Your        {NG+}  |   Alan's      {RA4}  |`
   the price |--|    Child's           |    (Red)             |`
     of one! |  |    Journey           |   Edge's      {RA5}  |`
    Find out |  |                      |    (Purple)          |`
    how your |  |                      |                      |`
   child can |  |                                             |`
   sail away |  |- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
   to save a |  |                                             |`
  goddess of |  |                  Calendars                  |`
    his own. |  |                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|   Event        {EVC} |  Birthday      {BDC} |`
               `|   Calendar           |  Calendar            |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |                      |`
               `|   Festival     {FEC} |                      |`
               `|   Calendar           |                      |`
               `|                      |                      |`
               `|                                             |`
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|`
               `|                                             |`
               `|                    Lists                    |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Sale Price    {SLP} |  Purchase      {BYP} |`
               `|  List                |  Price List          |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Gifts by      {GBR} |  Recipients by {RBG} |`
               `|  Recipient           |  Gift                |`
               `|                                             |  | Ingredients
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | and utensils
               `|  Goddess Item  {GIT} |  Recipe List   {REC} |--| for every
               `|  List                |                      |  | recipe in
               `|                      |                      |  | the game -
               `|                                             |  | over 200 in
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|  | all!
               `|                                             |`
               `|                 Walkthroughs                |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
               `|                                             |`
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Island        [IAR] |  Getting       [GTW] |`
               `|  Arrival             |  Started             |  | Create the
               `|                      |                      |  | first
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | rainbow in
               `|  Season-by     [SBS] |  The Goddess   [GTC] |--| first spring
               `|  Season              |  Tree                |  | to make sure
               `|                      |                      |  | villagers
               `| - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |  | arrive as
               `|  Bachelors and [BAB] |  Personal      [GML] |  | soon as
               `|  Bachelorettes       |  Game Log            |  | possible.
               `|                                             |  | Find out
               `|- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -|  | how here.
               `|                                             |`
               `|                Miscellaneous                |`
               `|                  -- --- --                  |`
       Power |  |                                             |`
 Berries are |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
    crucial. |--|  Power Berries {POW} |  TV Schedule   {TVS} |`
   Find them |  |                      |                      |`
   all here. |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
               `|  Phonebook     {PNB} |  Mini-Games    {MNI} |`
               `|                      |                      |`
   Part-Time |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
   jobs earn |  |  Island        {IAR} |  Foraging      {FOR} |`
   you extra |  |  Arrivals            |  Guide               |`
 money, plus |  |                      |                      |`
     brownie |  | - - - - - - - - -    |    - - - - - - - - - |`
 points with |--|  Part-Time Job {PTJ} |  Scavenger Hunt{SCH} |`
   villagers |  |                      |                      |`

       __________________________________________________________/ /  / /
       |                                                          |/  / /
        |                      The Particulars                     |  / /
        |                                                          | / /
        |   "Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the   |/ /
         |     details and excellence will come." -Perry Paxton     | /
         |________________________________________    ______________|/
                                                   |  |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<RDA>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |         Release Data        |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[GDA]_
|                                                                             |
| Game Release Data                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/         Genre : Simulation (Farming)
|      Developer : Marvelous Interactive
|      Publisher : Natsume
|    Distributor : Nintendo
|         System : Nintendo Wii
| Official Title : Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (English)
|                : Bokujou Monogatari: Yasuragi no Ki (Japan)
|   Release Date : June 7th, 2007 (Japan)
|                : September 30th, 2008 (US)
|    ESRB Rating : E
| _____________________________________________________________________[FDA]_
|                                                                             |
| FAQ Release Information                                                     |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Detailed release information on acceptable use of this FAQ can be found
| under the Copyright section in this FAQ.
| First of all, let me say this. This Harvest Moon game is HUGE - there's
| likely as much information on this game as all previous Harvest Moons put
| together. Every feature, from recipes to furniture to fishing and foraging,
| exists again in this game, but is exponentially deeper and more involved.
| If I'd known how much there was to this game when I started, I wouldn't
| have dared to try to write a FAQ about it. But here I am.
| This guide has taken a crapton of work to put together. I've written guides
| before, but never one nearly this enormous. Putting together a guide like
| this is like a month of full-time work - which is especially interesting to
| try to pull off while attending graduate school. So if you find this guide
| helpful, I'd really appreciate hearing it.
| A huge portion of the information contained in this guide has been obtained
| from the Japanese copy of the game, and thus some of this information may
| change when the American version arrives. Special thanks go to all my friends
| possessing copies of the Japanese version for their help in accumulating the
| wealth of data possessed in this guide.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {VHI} _
| Version History:
| 4.2.0 (01/04/2009): Elaborated on Gill's request event location, added in a
| couple gift responses (thanks, Mizushimo!), added a note on bird feed and
| incubating eggs (thanks, Tammy!), added in Kathy's lunch date answer (thanks,
| shadow.ouimette!), added in info on Luke (thanks, green_link!), fixed Owen's
| gifts and responses (thanks, missypearl!), fixed some fishing stuff (thanks,
| Bullfrog245!), added a Part-Time Job column to the character quick-reference
| chart, added some Luna info (thanks, JvGemma!), and added in a new Cooking
| section encompassing the summary of some of the things in my new Recipe
| Profits Guide. Also, added in some new gift preferences, courtesy of
| Kmdstoddard, mister_jmp, Mizushimo, Musicalgal25, uofdoom and missypearl.
| Thanks to all the contributors.
| File Size: 1339KB, 1316362 characters, 132647 words, 461 pages
| 4.1.1 (12/17/2008): Added in more stuff. Woo. Gift preferences and gift
| responses, mostly. New gift prefences are from Drouge87, Mizushimo and, of
| course, mister_jmp. Also fixed the Chirashi Sushi recipe, thanks gummystar2.
| The word count has gone down since some duplicate listings and mis-labeled
| listings were removed from the Gift Lists.
| File Size: 1200KB, 1179969 characters, 120713 words, 413 pages
| 4.1.0 (11/24/2008): Fixed a couple places where I was still referring to
| Ganache Mine as the "small mine", fixed the description of horse racing,
| added Mira to the list of Blacksmith Shop workers (thanks, BlackBrigade22!),
| fixed the date of the Harvest Festival in the several places it was wrong,
| made a couple other fixes to the Harvest Festival Cooking Contest, fixed the
| perfume recipes, fixed something about honey in the walkthrough and added a
| note on meeting Julius (thanks, Callista1348!), elaborated a bit on tool
| usage and stamina consumption, moderately rearranged the Making Friends and
| Wooing a Mate section, added in the framework for including character
| schedules, correct date answers and proposal locations, changed '4-heart
| gift' to '5-heart gift', replaced 'thread' with 'Silk Yarn' (a surprisingly
| tough task), and... ok, I'll be honest. This is the point where documenting
| every tiny change got really old. Thanks to mister_jmp, wonnyluv, AshleyTX
| and Mizushimo for some gift preferences, thanks to mister_jmp for ridiculous
| amounts of information as always, but beyond that, I didn't document the
| other changes. If you contributed (and there were several) and aren't
| credited at the base of the guide, let me know - I really do appreciate it,
| but at this point most people who are contributing have contributed before,
| so I'm not paying as much attention.
| File Size: 1190KB, 1169660 characters, 120846 words, 412 pages
| 4.0.0 (11/11/2008): Pretty huge update this time around: included in this
| update are the profit studies, growth times and profitability rankings for
| every crop in every season; an overhaul to the section on Villager Affection
| Mechanics; an overhaul to the section on Poultry Affection Mechanics and to
| the section on Livestock Affection Mechanics; an overhaul to the Stamina and
| Fatigue Mechanics section; and a few other things that I've forgotten. All of
| these things were completed with incredible contributions from mister_jmp.
| That would be why his name is now listed at the very top of this giant guide.
| Also, fixed the Souffle Farm price list's seed mixes (thanks, oulytZ!), added
| that recipes, crops and most anything else can be stored in the toolbox
| (thanks, several people), a tip on New Game+ tools (thanks, DayWolf!), a tip
| on mushroom profits (thanks, mrstrace!), a fix on the coop and Selena's
| birthday (thanks, Melissa!), fixed Luna's meeting event and a note on the dye
| pot (thanks, twilight.empress!), a fix on obtaining the Snowflake flower
| thanks, Maggie!), a note on Toby and Renee's heart events (thanks,
| Nickboy101!), a note on the Mother Bear (thanks, billgus!), a fix on the
| monkey's gift (thanks, AshleyTX!), a fix on where to meet Taylor (thanks,
| voku0247!), and a fix on crawfish (thanks, jan_lee23!). Also, special thanks
| to voku0247, mister_jmp, Mothership1953 and HausKat for submitting some
| villager gift preferences. This is likely the last big update. There are a
| few sections that still need to be filled out, but almost all the information
| there is about the game is now officially in this giant guide.
| File Size: 1118KB, 1098509 characters, 113939 words, 392 pages
| 3.7.0 (10/31/2008): The most significant part of this Halloween update is
| that one of the most-requested parts of the guide has finally been posted:
| a more comprehensive listing of every villager's opinion of every item. Well,
| that's the goal at least. At present it's not nearly complete - there are
| likely around 50,000 villager-item pairs, and currently we have about 1500 of
| them. But with your help, we'll get it! Besides that, I've Fixed Fall
| Festivals' search code, fixed where to buy Bell Pepper seeds, fixed Souffle
| Farm's Fall produce, added some notes on typhoons and changing the weather,
| added in notes about farm rankings in various places, fixed Mt. Gelato Mine's
| floor guide (thanks, Hexforester!), fixed the Hilltop and Seaside plot sizes
| (thanks, mister_jmp!), fixed Strawberry's and Begonia's sale prices (thanks
| again, mister_jmp!), added a lot of information on watering can upgrades
| (thanks again, mister_jmp!), fixed gem availability (thanks, several people),
| added in some of Selena's likes (thanks, voku0427!), added Selena's 5-heart
| event (thanks, JaydeWiz!), fixed Pineapple Inn's Part-Time Jobs (thanks,
| AshleyTX!), fixed the dog locations (thanks, Pikaley!), fixed the Goddess
| Cave fishing availability (thanks, Adam!), added a Renee gift preference and
| a note on the blue feather (thanks, Blade Kiri, for both of these!), and as
| always, updated the walkthrough and game log. The Getting Started walkthrough
| is basically done - it'll lead into a Season-by-Season walkthrough, which is
| what I'll be writing next, as well as several other new and exciting things.
| There are going to be a few more major additions in the near future as well.
| With a lot of help from mister_jmp, there will soon be a comprehensive guide
| to the mine, a comprehensive guide to stamina usage, and profit analysis for
| every season's crops. The profit analysis should be up by the end of the
| weekend, while the other two should follow sometime next week (hopefully).
| And that'll take us to version 4.
| File Size: 962KB, 944340 characters, 95602 words, 342 pages
| 3.6.2 (10/23/2008): Changed 'appraise' to 'refine' with respect to Mira, a
| fix on where Rare Metals/Rare Ores are obtained (thanks, mister_jmp!), fixed
| Candace's 2-heart gift (thanks, Nightshade Zero!), several wild animal likes
| and dislikes (thanks again, mister_jmp!), added a couple time restrictions on
| when proposals will be accepted (thanks, mister_jmp and IcyBlizzard!), fixed
| yellow herb's classification (thanks, ThiefRikku!), clarified something on
| coop capacity (thanks, Sugar_Celebi!), fixed the Firefly Festival location
| (thanks, TheGrizzly333!), added in info on the Box Lunches, fixed the
| Watering Can's search code, fixed something about snowy weather, fixed the
| sale price and uses of Shining Baumkuchen (thanks to mister_jmp for the
| previous four things), fixed a note on the purple wonderfuls (thanks,
| Stormfeather!), made a couple changes to the Getting Started walkthrough, 
| and added to the Personal Game Log. Also, thanks in advance to Stormfeather
| for contributing basically every single thing that Julius likes, and Shionite
| for many things Toby likes. These will be posted at a later date, but in case
| I forget to acknowledge them then, thanks in advance!
| File Size: 714KB, 698750 characters, 83511 words, 269 pages
| 3.6.1 (10/17/2008): Added some animal likes (thanks, mister_jmp!), fixed a
| note on weather on the other islands (thanks, masterofmon!), added in
| Anemone flowers that I somehow missed (thanks, DayWolf!), replaced the 'Used
| in Recipes' field with 'Flower Color' for flowers, fixed perfume and cloth
| recipes, corrected Eggplant seed purchasing (thanks, Sugar_Celebi!), fixed
| something about horses (thanks, masterofmon!), a fix on mining (thanks,
| mister_jmp!), a note on mine floor 25 (thanks again, mister_jmp!), a note on
| mushrooms in the mines (thanks, Stormfeather!), a note on the items that
| moles can drop (thanks again, Stormfeather!), corrected husband behavior
| (thanks, DayWolf!), a note on keeping flowers that have already grown
| (thanks, Master Cube 10!), and added to the walkthrough and game log.
| File Size: 699KB, 684233 characters, 81490 words, 263 pages
| 3.6.0 (10/14/2008): Changed Julius' description as a thank you for
| Stormfeather's contributions, stated more conclusively that a double bed is
| NOT required for marriage (thanks, Brittany, for confirming this), fixed the
| price of the fishing rod upgrades (thanks, brybry4567!), added in a guide to
| finding the Hot Spring (thanks, akialyn!), fixed when the Snowflake Flower
| can be purchased (thanks again, akialyn!), mentioned a bug about removing the
| root by the mine (and thanks one more time, akialyn!), fixed what happens
| when the bell is rung while some animals are in and some are out (thanks,
| swimmehdude!), added Pascal to the list of On The Hook villagers (thanks,
| DayWolf!), fixed Owen's likes/dislikes (thanks, Lily!), fixed the fourth
| rucksack upgrade (thanks again, DayWolf!), a fix on Owen's 2-heart gift
| (thanks, LunarForever!), changed Melon au Lait to Honeydew Milk (thanks,
| Stormfeather!), fixed how to obtain a coconut (thanks again, Stormfeather!),
| fixed the white affliction (thanks, mister_jmp!), added a note on affliction
| patterns, a fix on Snowflake Flowers (thanks, Rapturell!), a fix on the
| Souffle Farm Summer produce list (thanks again, Rapturell!), a fix on wild
| animal gifts (thanks again, Stormfeather!), a note on Julius's sunrise event
| thanks yet again, Stormfeather!), added in some more thorough acknowledgement
| to Master Cube 10, DayWolf and Stormfeather for all their work, completed the
| first month of the Getting Started Walkthrough, got the Game Log started,
| and fixed something about crop re-growth (thanks, mister_jmp!).
| File Size: 688KB, 673918 characters, 80127 words, 259 pages
| 3.5.0 (10/10/2008): The most major part of the update is the re-introduction
| of the walkthrough section. It currently consists of three walkthroughs:
| an "Island Arrival" walkthrough that functions as a walk through the first
| four days on the island (the tutorial section, basically); a "Getting
| Started" walkthrough that functions as a walk through the first couple months
| of the game, from new farm to established with animals; and a "Goddess
| Walkthrough" that functions simply as a walkthrough of the relevant dates in
| the goddess quest. The "Getting Started" walkthrough is currently incomplete,
| but will be completed as time goes on. New walkthroughs will also include a
| "Season-by-Season" walkthrough with suggestions on overall seasonal plans,
| and bachelor/ette walkthroughs for wooing each of your eligible bachelors
| and bachelorettes. In addition to that, pretty big new notes have been made
| on the crops mechanics section and the fishing section on fish-based recipes,
| and then there's the fixes: fixes on fertilizer and silkworms (thanks,
| Master Cube 10!), added the note on Ganache Mine level 19 being so mushroom-
| and toadstool-infested (thanks, pretty much everyone), fixed the formerly
| crappy and wrong Meringue Clinic price list and On the Hook price list,
| added star ratings for the General Store, fixed Souffle Farm's spring price
| list, added the Calvin glitch, pretty much re-did the fish section, fixed
| the chicken coop capacity (thanks, arcaneja!), fixed the first home upgrade's
| relevance to the quilt (thanks, masterofmon!), changed 'Herb Tea' to 'Herbal
| Tea', fixed the Cosmos color and its relevance to the goddess quest (thanks,
| knititblack!), a note on actually meeting Maya before the Spring Market
| (thanks, ellix_warrior!), a fix on where to buy Honey (thanks,
| JoshuaAmaron!), removed Wool and Cocoons from the Brownie Ranch price list
| (thanks, several people), a fix on the upstream river fishing location
| (thanks, myscreennamewow!), a typo on cows and shears (thanks, spencerdi!),
| and some information on Julius (thanks, Stormfeather!). And wow wall of text.
| File Size: 632KB, 618869 characters, 72093 words, 239 pages
| 3.3.2 (10/08/2008): This FAQ is now officially the recipient of FAQ of the
| Month on GameFAQs for the Month of August! Thanks to everyone who's
| contributed and made this possible. And don't worry, I still plan on updating
| the guide. Speaking of which: clarified the Shortcut to Mine section (thanks,
| masterofmon!), fixed the Yellowtail sale price (thanks, chaochap101!), a fix
| on obtaining the Perfect Honeydew for the goddess recipe (thanks, DarkBlade2
| and several others!), a fix on Black Pearl prices (thanks, VenomousX!), a fix
| on Candace and Luna's request events (thanks, Dark Kratos!), several fixes to
| the Reawaken the Goddess quest (thanks, LunarForever!), fixed Julius's
| request, fixed the places you can obtain a Grilled Yam for Daren's rainbow
| recipe, fixed a navigation system problem (Carrot and Carpenter had the same
| quick-find code), a tip on moles (thanks, faulc!), a fix on baby chickens
| (thanks again, faulc!), a fix on Harvest Festival location (thanks,
| North_Hawk!), a fix on meeting Gray and Elli (thanks, VenomousX!), a fix on
| goddess tree cutscenes (thanks, LunarForever!), and a fix on meeting Kathy.
| File Size: 595KB, 581575 characters, 66617 words, 227 pages
| 3.3.1 (10/07/2008): A note on riding pregnant horses (thanks, Kate!), a fix
| on Renee's Request Event (thanks, ljb94!), a fix on Island Arrivals, a fix
| on Simon's arrival (thanks, Shikamaru100!), fixed a minor typo (thanks, Panda
| Ai!), fixed the Morning Glory color (thanks, Rowe2327!), fixed Candace and
| Luna's request event descriptions (thanks, WinterKitsune!), fixed something
| about snowy weather (thanks, zalbaag!), fixed details on purchasing the
| Honeydew (thanks, WinterKitsune!), fixed a note on the goddess rainbow
| section (thanks, LunarForever!), a fix on seasonal seed mixes (thanks,
| animekitsune!), and a fix on mining afflictions (thanks, Bananabafilly!).
| Yes, an update full of nothing but fixes. Walkthrough's through to day 7 -
| yes, Day 7 of first spring. But it's ridiculously thorough - I'll post it
| once it's up to Spring 15.
| File Size: 593KB, 579892 characters, 66349 words, 227 pages
| 3.3.0 (10/06/2008): Started working on the walkthrough by popular demand -
| hopefully it'll be up in version 3.5.0. Also added in re-growth times for a
| couple crops (thanks, KoRnNuTz and Ryanwallen22!), fixed a couple names
| (thanks, phoenix_cire!), a fix on fish stacking (thanks, BJPres!), a couple
| fixes on the Blue Feather and a note on the Makers (thanks, thestoutteapot!),
| finished re-writing the Getting Started section (which will likely evolve
| into one of the walkthroughs), made a change on the Main Screen section,
| fixed some things about grass growing and moving animals (thanks,
| Majes_wandar and arcaneja!), fixed something with the navigation system
| (thanks, nightshadeA!), fixed something with the Scavenger Hunt (thanks,
| kdg0189!), and fixed everything about the Initial Possessions section.
| File Size: 591KB, 578032 characters, 66104 words, 226 pages
| 3.2.0 (10/03/2008): Fixed an error about when grass starts to grow (thanks,
| XReikaX!) and an error about stackable items (thanks BunnyWinx!), added in
| another way to complete Jin's heart event (thanks again, XReikaX!), a tip on
| finding Owen (thanks, cynwri8!), a tip on finding Toby (thanks, NurseFin!),
| extra information on the axe upgrades (thanks, FullMetalPanic!), more of
| Anissa's gift preferences, a correction on Request events, and a little
| glitch on the date heart events (thanks, Shadow, for all three of these!),
| rewrote the "Getting Started" portion, and fixed one of the phone numbers
| (thanks one more time, Shadow!).
| File Size: 589KB, 576140 characters, 65791 words, 226 pages
| 3.1.0 (10/02/2008): With the game's release, lots of questions are being
| asked. Many of these have now been added to the FAQ section. Additionally,
| corrections have been made to the Controls section, a 'Screen' section has
| been added, replaced "Fish Co." and "Fishing Co." with "On the Hook", added
| in the Scavenger Hunt section, and added an attractive decorative border to
| the navigation system above (because things can always look prettier).
| File Size: 584KB, 571473 characters, 64991 words, 224 pages
| 3.0.1 (09/30/2008): Murphy's Law, as soon as you think something's done there
| emerges a few little issues. Minor fix to the Goddess Tree calendar, minor
| gender correction submitted by WinterKitsune, a new 'credit' section to
| accomodate the soon-to-be-numerous contributors, and a tip from amishlou on
| getting the 20-item rucksack.
| File Size: 578KB, 565502 characters, 64216 words, 222 pages
| 3.0.0 (09/29/2008): Huge additions, including the new Animals section, the
| Mining section, the Fishing section and the Part-Time Jobs section, overviews
| of each bachelor/ette's gifts and request events, updates to all characters'
| item likes and dislikes, an overhaul of the 'Reawaken the Goddess' steps,
| fixed some goddess rainbow ingredients, dropped the walkthroughs section,
| wrote a calendar of reminders for reawakening the goddess as fast as
| possible, changed 'Melon' to 'Honeydew' in a few places I missed, added in a
| list of forageables, and fixed various other little details. This guide is
| pretty much complete: all that's left to be done is compiling together the
| information in this guide into the Purchase and Sale price lists, and to
| complete the comprehensive gift-giving gifts. And to fix dozens and dozens of
| errors that I'm sure are here. Oh, and the navigation system was completely
| revamped too. Now does it make since how this guide's length increased by
| almost 100 pages since the last update?
| File Size: 576KB, 563405 characters, 63881 words, 221 pages
| 2.3.1 (09/13/2008): Changed the way Pros and Cons are listed for the initial
| property options, added Flax Yarn and Silk Yarn to the Animal Products
| list, finished reformatting everything with a colon in it, added birthdays
| to the character list (not sure why it took so long, I've had the birthday
| list for ages), and temporarily dropped the Animals section, pending a
| major overhaul.
| File Size: 362KB, 353262 characters, 38204 words, 146 pages
| 2.3.0 (09/10/2008): Added in Taylor's Seeds and the stall listings for the
| market festivals, added in Classic Controller controls, added more detail on
| the map screen, added in the unlockable areas, added a note on the weather,
| and started reformatting some of the colon lists.
| File Size: 378KB, 368897 characters, 40890 words, 153 pages
| 2.2.1 (09/08/2008): Revised how your birthday is chosen, and changed the
| versioning system to something a bit more systematic. First digit are major
| versions, second digit represents minor updates, third digit represents tiny
| fixes. Like this one!
| File Size: 353KB, 345045 characters, 37831 words, 143 pages
| 2.20 (09/07/2008): Elaborated on several of the festivals, filled out a
| couple price lists, changed 'Knife Set' to 'Cutting Board' under the recipes
| section, and a few translation fixes. Up next are Taylor's Seeds listings
| and stall listings for all the Festival stalls.
| File Size: 353KB, 344344 characters, 37725 words, 143 pages
| 2.10 (09/04/2008): Update to the recipe guide, now featuring multiple types
| of fish, as well as some translation corrections.
| File Size: 336KB, 327405 characters, 35589 words, 137 pages
| 2.00 (09/02/2008): A minor redesign (the double lines on the left looked
| great in Notepad, but not so good in Firefox and IE), added a question to the
| FAQ, elaborated a bit on how specifically the stamina and fatigue system
| works and nearly completed the Farming section of the guide. The Farming
| section is one of the largest sections there will be in this guide (thus the
| +.40 in this latest release's version number), and currently comprises 66129
| of this guide's 314682 characters (21%) - or, in more sensible terms, 33 of
| this guide's 133 printed pages. The official BradyGames guide has only 176
| pages, and that's with pictures. Aren't you glad you're here instead?
| File Size: 324KB, 315737 characters, 34451 words, 134 pages
| 1.60 (08/28/2008): Changed several names to reflect the newly confirmed
| names (Leena to Renee, Roomi to Luna, Mai to Maya, Selena to Selena,
| Chihaya to Chase, Juli to Julius, Gil to Gill, Ose to Owen, Tao to
| Toby, Kapara to Cain, Cresson to Craig, Rucola to Ruth, In'ya to Irene, 
| Perinne to Perry, Yuba to Yolanda, Cole to Colleen, Poan to Bo, Rakusha
| to Ramsey, Pao to Paolo, Suoh to Sue, Mao to Matt and Yui to Dakota),
| added some birthdays, added to the General Store price list, corrected the
| price of land plots, removed the farm rank requirements from the
| General Store and Souffle Farm, renamed the 'Kirsch' Inn the 'Sundae' Inn,
| renamed the 'Supermarket' the 'General Store', renamed 'Southern Island'
| to 'Toucan Island', included names for West and East Gull Island, and
| renamed Koron to Collin.
| File Size: 272KB, 266227 characters, 27926 words, 101 pages
| 1.50 (08/26/2008): Additional information on the initial state of the house
| and on gemstone appraisals, added in the names of the sprites, added in a
| reference list of the goddess items, wrote the final sequence of
| reawakening the goddess, added usage information on tools, added a note
| about the Hot Spring, added some information on upgrading tools, and
| finally added the non-upgradeable tools section.
| File Size: 268KB, 262393 characters, 27322 words, 99 pages
| 1.40 (08/22/2008): Completed the controls and informational screens
| section, changed some names to their Americanized translations (Miori to
| Mira, Selaf to Shelly, Pompeii to Pascal, Dai to Dale, Baan to Van, and
| Thyme to Taylor), added in a couple notes on Day Flow, added "Basic
| Information" section, added some Power Berries, and added info on the 00
| Makers.
| File Size: 253KB, 247955 characters, 25470 words, 94 pages
| 1.30 (08/18/2008): Added in the results of the multi-board Harvest Moon
| popularity poll into the FAQ and another FAQ about the Harvest Moon series,
| included the Recipe Guide (also posted separately on GameFAQs), fixed
| a couple notes about ostriches, added to the Plot Outline and Getting
| Started section, fixed some things in the Goddess section, added in the
| starting plots, and added in the 'Controls and Other Basic Information
| section'. Also, experimenting with some different layouts on a couple later
| sections since the vertical bar appears so differently in-browser than it
| does in Notepad.
| File Size: 245KB, 239636 characters, 24319 words, 91 pages
| 1.20 (08/16/2008): Finished most of the shop price lists and added some new
| information on recipes. Up next should be the recipes list.
| File Size: 206KB, 201029 characters, 20941 words, 76 pages
| 1.15 (08/15/2008): Added several shop price lists and began work on the
| recipe guide; shop price lists will be completed by version 1.20.
| File Size: 202KB, 197617 characters, 20488 words, 75 pages
| 1.10 (08/14/2008): Added in the Quick-Find guide to make navigation
| easier, added produce to the Souffle Farm list and added a Supermarket
| price list.
| File Size: 194KB, 190089 characters, 19680 words, 72 pages
| 1.00 (08/11/2008): Lots of new information (too much new stuff to list it
| all) and a major, major redesign. At this point, every section is complete
| (although there's certainly stuff to add all over the place when I come
| across it) except for the Reference and Walkthrough sections, which will be
| next (though neither will be complete until the English version is
| released). Contributions are always welcome, by the way.
| File Size: 187KB, 182407 characters, 19070 words, 69 pages
| 0.90 (08/05/2008): 0.9: First edition of the FAQ; currently contains
| significant data that has been released, as well as a framework to fill
| in once the game arrives. Please note, this guide will undergo
| significant changes once the game is released states-side.
| File Size: 67KB, 58996 characters, 9877 words, 27 pages
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<GSU>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |         Game Summary        |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (ToT for short) is the first Harvest 
| Moon game for the Nintendo Wii (although Magical Melody was re-released 
| for Wii in Europe and Australia). Gameplay requires use of the WiiMote and
| a Nunchuk, or the Classic Controller.
| Although the specific plot line for the different Harvest Moon games 
| differs, Tree of Tranquility retains the same general goals as previous 
| Harvest Moon games. You play the role of a farmer, given the task of 
| running a farm. As part of this task, you grow and sell crops and raise 
| animals to sell their products (milk for cows, eggs for chickens, etc.). 
| In addition to these goals, you also interact with the villagers, both for
| commercial purposes (buying seeds, selling products, etc.) and social 
| reasons. Festivals play a key role in the game, giving your character a 
| chance to socialize and meet the neighbors. You even can meet and woo one 
| of the local bachelors or bachelorettes, get married and have children.
| _____________________________________________________________________[POU]_
|                                                                             |
| Plot Outline                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/As mentioned, the "plot" of Harvest Moon games tends to change from 
| edition to edition.
| In Tree of Tranquility, the plot objective (like in Magical Melody) is to 
| reawaken the Harvest Goddess. This is performed by helping the Harvest 
| Sprites create rainbows and collecting certain "badges". Once all the 
| rainbows are created, the Harvest Goddess will reawaken, and the game 
| continues indefinitely. A more complete plot outline can be found in the
| "Getting Started" section below (note that after the opening sequences,
| the plot is mostly fluidly determined by how you play, and therefore there
| is no overall summary).
| You'll also have the opportunity at one point to discontinue your current
| game and start over as your child, while keeping your possessions, items and
| money. Unfortunately, though, the villagers don't react to you any
| differently, and your character sprite is the same. You can even marry your
| new character's mother from your previous play-through. Creepy.
| _____________________________________________________________________[NFE]_
|                                                                             |
| New Features                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/As has become traditional in the Harvest Moon franchise, each iteration of
| the game introduces several new features. Some features carry over into 
| subsequent games, some do not. Here are some the new additions to this 
| game, as well as features from certain previous games that are present in 
| ToT:
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BNF} _
| Brand New Features
| All-New Livestock: Goats, Ducks, Ostriches and Silkworms.
| All-New Crops and Flowers: Including rice and a half-dozen new flowers.
| Character Customization: The ability to modify your character's clothing.
| Villager Appearances: Villagers change clothing based on their settings.
| New Game+: Ability to play as your own player's child.
| Stay Up Past 6AM: No more is your character sent to bed at 5:50AM.
| Motion Controls: Obvious for a Wii game, but tool use and other actions are
|    executed by motion controls rather than buttons.
| More Robust Family: Your spouse actually does something (makes you a lunch
|    box), and your child can help on the farm.
| Wild Animal Adoption: Your character has the ability to adopt wild animals.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {REF} _
| Returning Features
| Multiple Land Plots (MM): the ability to buy new land plots, as well as
|    choose the initial location of your farm.
| Crop Quality (MM, AWL): different crops are of different quality depending
|    on multiple factors; better crops sell better.
| House Customization (MM): in addition to simply having multiple house
|    "levels", there are added layers of house customization, from furniture
|    to new rooms.
| Different-Look Children (AWL): Different children actually look different.
| Play as Boy or Girl (MM): You'll choose your character's gender at the 
|    beginning of the game.
| Trees (MM, AWL): In addition to standard crops, you can also plant trees
|    that stay grown and reproduce fruit every year.
| _____________________________________________________________________[COB]_
|                                                                             |
| Controls and Other Basic Information                                        |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BAI} _
| Basic Information
| Let's get down to the over-detailed basics. In Harvest Moon, you play a
| farmer. You run around, do chores, talk to people, give gifts, grow crops
| and raise animals. You can play as a boy or a girl, but to avoid s/he and
| other annoying gender-neutral terms, I'll most likely refer to the
| character as a 'he'.
| Your character stays the same the entire game: this is you. He can do a
| variety of actions, like walking, talking and using tools. He can hold
| either items or tools. Items can be given or thrown away, whereas tools
| can be used. He can only hold one item or tool at a time.
| He can run or walk according to how much the control stick is tilted.
| He can talk to people by going up to them and pressing A. If he has an item
| when he talks to a person, he'll automatically give it to them. If he has
| a tool, he'll show it to them, but he might also use it on them - and yes,
| they react. Don't do that.
| You can pick things up in the game. Just walk up to them and press A to
| pick them up. On your back is the world's most space-efficient backpack,
| able to hold dozens of items at a time, including all your tools.
| I think that about covers it. If you don't see something here, feel free
| to ask.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CON} _
| Controls
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| WiiMote/Nunchuk Button Controls
| A Button : Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine objects,
|          : and use your currently equipped tool (hold down before release to
|          : charge).
| B Button : Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a menu.
| A and B  : Press together to whistle.
| C Button : Press to open rucksack, hold to open info screens, described
|          : below.
| Z Button : Confirm field square selection.
| + Button : Open the map screen, described below.
| - Button : View controls.
| D-Pad    : Select items and objects from your rucksack (left/right), control
|          : the camera (down).
| Joystick : Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting slightly).
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| WiiMote Motion Tool Controls
| These controls are only applicable when the corresponding tool is equipped.
| Watering: Hold the WiiMote upright (think of a watering can handle) to
| charge, then tilt to the side (not to the front) to pour.
| Chopping/Hammering: Hold the WiiMote upright (same as watering) to charge,
| then quickly drop it to horizontal.
| Hoeing: Hold the WiiMote horizontally, then lift it to vertical. Hold it
| here to charge, then drop it back down to horizontal to hoe.
| Fishing (Casting): Hold the WiiMote horizontally, then quickly flick it
| back towards you (vertical), then back towards the screen (horizontal) to
| cast. Hold the WiiMote vertical for longer in the middle to charge.
| Fishing (Reeling): Pull the WiiMote back to vertical and wiggle the
| nunchuk as fast as you can.
| Ringing the Bell: Shake the WiiMote back and forth.
| Less standard tools (milkers, shears, etc.) do not currently have active
| movement controls, though they have been rumored to have been added for the
| English version.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Classic Controller Controls
| A Button:       Talk, pick up items, choose options from menus, examine
|                 objects and use your currently equipped tool (hold down
|                 before release to charge).
| B Button:       Get out latest tool, put away current tool, cancel in a menu.
| X Button:       Open rucksack view.
| Y Button:       Open informational screens, described below.
| Right Joystick: Controls camera.
| Left Joystick:  Move (run by tilting all the way, walk by tilting slightly).
| Right Shoulder: Open map screen, described below.
| Left Shoulder:  Confirm field square selection.
| + Button:       Open the map screen, described below.
| - Button:       View controls.
| D-Pad:          Select items and objects from your rucksack.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MSC} _
| Main Screen
| The main screen - that is, the screen when you're just out and around - has
| quite a few notable items.
| _ _ _ _
| Center
|        You : The most obvious characteristic, you!
| _ _ _ _ _
| Top Left
| Time Meter : A graphic depiction of the time of day. Really not all that
|              useful.
|      Clock : A clock displaying the current time.
|        Day : The day of the season and current day of the week.
|     Season : Display as an image: green leaf for spring, sun for summer, red
|              leaf for fall and snowflake for winter.
| _ _ _ _ _ 
| Top Right
|       Tips : A and - buttons appear when there's something your character
|              can do.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bottom Right
|      Money : How much Gold you have on hand.
|    Stamina : How much stamina you currently have.
|   Portrait : A picture of you. Aren't you cute? The portrait will reflect
|            : how much stamina you currently have.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bottom Left
|    Tracker : After activated from the informational screens (see 'Heart',
|            : below), appears in the bottom left and points to where a certain
|            : character is.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SAV} _
| Saving
| Saving the game is done at the nightstand next to your bed. To save, simply
| press A while standing next to the nightstand and choose where you'd like
| to save the game. Note that unlike in some past Harvest Moon games, you are
| not required to go to bed once you've saved.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {INS} _
| Informational Screens
| Bringing up the menu (pressing the + button) introduces you to a sequence
| of several informational screens with details about your farm, your
| relationships and your tools. Which screen you're on is represented by the
| icon on the wheel of icons in the top left; you can navigate amongst the
| screens by using the D-Pad (for some stupid reason), and the control stick
| to navigate within a screen.
|     Silo : Overall status screen. Displays general farm information (farm
|          : name, house level, amount of animal feed on hand, number of
|          : each animal), character information (name, birthday, general
|          : information), and tool skill levels.
|    Heart : Relationships with wild animals/pets, livestock and the local
|          : villagers (measured out of 10 hearts). Also features the new
|          : creepy Harvest Moon stalker utility, which will tell you where a
|          : particular villager is at any time (select their name to open the
|          : tracking meter, which will appear in the bottom left and always
|          : point to where that character can be found).
| Rucksack : Identical to the rucksack screen.
|    Chest : Recipes for individual rainbows, if obtained, and progress through
|          : the Goddess quest.
|    Tools : All your financial information, including total money, money per
|          : season, and money gathered through each method.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MAP} _
| Map Screen
| The map screen initially displays a broad map of the area you are in - if
| you're inside a building, it shows the area that contains that building.
| Included in this map is a list of the pets and characters currently in the
| area, as well as icons on the map showing the precise location of the
| characters.
| Above this main screen is a broader map of the entire island. Here you can
| select a particular area to view it in greater detail.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TRA} _
| Trashing Items
| In past Harvest Moon games, a major problem was that if you were holding
| an item and accidentally pressed A (either just by slipping or by trying to
| give a gift and the person moving at the last second), it would get thrown
| on the ground and disappear.
| Tree of Tranquility has fixed this annoyance. If you try to throw an item
| away (meaning press A when not facing a person or the shipping box), you'll
| receive a confirmation screen, which gives you the option of either
| throwing it away, or putting it in your backpack. And even then, if you
| throw it away by accident, you'll have a momentary opportunity to pick it
| up again.
| ___________________________________________________________________________

       __________________________________________________________/ /  / /
       |                                                          |/  / /
        |                     Around the Island                    |  / /
        |                                                          | / /
        |              "Oh, it's a snug little island!             |/ /
         |   A right little, tight little island!" -Thomas Dibdin   | /
         |________________________________________    ______________|/
                                                   |  |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<WTI>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |    Welcome to the Island    |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Welcome to the game! And welcome to the village, the island, and the world
| of Harvest Moon. If you're new to Harvest Moon, this section will help to
| to get you up-to-speed on some of the mechanics of the game as a whole. If
| you consider yourself a seasoned vet, though, skip down to the next section
| (Home Sweet Home: Your Ranch, search for ( HSH ) without the spaces), as this
| section will mostly re-hash what you likely already know (or could easily
| figure out).
| Like many Harvest Moon games, Tree of Tranquility opens with a substantial
| tutorial section. The one here is actually even more substantial than most:
| it involves a couple days of service at the local farm, as well as some
| chores and errands for the Mayor.
| The majority of it is fairly self-explanatory, and you're more than
| encouraged to experience it yourself. However, if you really want some help,
| there's a walkthrough provided in the Walkthroughs section. To see it, search
| for [ IAR ] without the spaces.
| This section, though, will get you acquainted with the island, the locations,
| unlockable areas, and generally how the game works.
| _____________________________________________________________________[ILO]_
|                                                                             |
| Locations                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/The village is divided into several large areas; these areas will be
| further explained later in this guide. But for now, knowing the broad
| groups should help you find your way around this brave new world.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {YFA} _
| Your Farm
| Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home. Initially, your farm sure
| qualifies for the label "humble" - a house, a field, and little else. But
| have no fear, with your help (and maybe a little of mine) your humble abode
| will soon be a bustling commercial hub.
| The three key things to note on your farm at this point are your house,
| your field and the shipping box. While the house and field may be fairly
| self-explanatory (or if they aren't, read on), the shipping box may be the
| most crucial: anything you put in here will be sold by the next morning.
| This is how you make money - put goods in the shipping bin. You'll find
| later that there are also shipping bins available in the barn and chicken
| coop for convenience.
| At the beginning of the game, you'll be given the option of where you would
| like to put your initial farm, with three locations to choose from. For
| information on the benefits and drawbacks of each plot, see under Initial
| Location (search for [ INL ] without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TVA} _
| The Village Area
| The hustling, bustling town center of the island. Well, it will be, at
| least. Early on it can be fairly quiet - new villagers arrive as the game
| progresses. Eventually, the village area will be the central commercial
| location for buying seeds, buying clothes, celebrating festivals, meeting
| the villagers, and pretty much everything else you could think of doing
| in a small town such as this. Play your cards right, and you'll eventually
| have your wedding in the church nearby.
|____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TBE} _
| The Beach
| The beach to the southwest (well, and just west, and just south - it is an
| island, after all) is home to a fishing pier, soft sands, seashells and
| the occasional fun-in-the-sun festival. Beyond that, though, it's a fairly
| quiet area that you likely won't be visiting on a daily basis.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TWL} _
| The Woodlands
| The woodlands, to the northeast of the main area of the island, serve as a
| midpoint between the bustling town center and the mountain peaks that
| overlook the island. Here you'll find numerous wild animals as well as some
| great spots to forage for herbs, mushrooms and either goodies for sale or
| cooking. You'll also find several stumps and logs to jump for lumber for
| use in your eventual home expansions. And don't forget about the peaceful
| stream running through, there are certainly some notable fish jumping
| around in there.
|______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TMO} _
| The Mountain
| And finally, up beyond the woodlands lies the mountain. Here you'll find
| more foraging and animals, but more notably you'll find the mines where
| you can dig (well, hammer) for precious stones and ores. Some festivals
| occur up here as well, though it's notable that certain areas of the
| mountain will be unaccessible until you complete certain other tasks.
| The mountain area also contains the Hot Spring - a single dip in the
| Hot Spring will completely restore your stamina, but you can only utilize
| the Hot Spring once per day.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TOI} _
| The Other Islands
| If you look at a map, you'll see there are three small islands off the
| coast to the south. These islands are home to some of the Harvest Sprites,
| key characters in your quest to reawaken the Harvest Goddess that has
| left the island.
| The two islands directly south are named East and West Gull Island; the
| island further to the east is named Toucan Island. This island is
| especially notable, as Selena arrives from here and there is a small inn
| on the island, selling rare seeds and fruits. You'll gain access to these
| islands as you progress through the goddess quest.
| _____________________________________________________________________[ULA]_
|                                                                             |
| Unlockable Areas                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Unlike several Harvest Moon games, all areas aren't initially accessible in
| Tree of Tranquility. Instead, certain areas will only unlock after a certain
| amount of time has passed, or after you've completed a certain task.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BRA} _
| Brownie Ranch Area
| Brownie Ranch is the home to all your ranching needs: buying animals,
| animal feed, and all the animal care-taking tools. It is also the home of
| Kathy, Renee, Cain, Hanna and Gray.
| But unfortunately, at the beginning of the game, it's blocked by a giant
| boulder. You'd think someone would take care of that, wouldn't you?
| The boulder in question is near the western side of the hills area, by
| Souffle Farm. It's smashable by a hammer, but only if the hammer's level 3.
| More information on upgrading tools comes later, but what you need to know
| for this is that the hammer reaches level 3 strictly through use - you don't
| need to upgrade it at all. But, it takes a ton of uses to level the hammer
| to level 3.
| Fortunately, though, the boulder automatically disappears the night before
| the first Animal Festival on Spring 28. Chances are you won't level your
| hammer to level 3 naturally by this time, so the best course of action is
| typically to just wait until the Animal Festival. The only real reason to
| smash the boulder early is if Kathy or Renee are your choice for marriage,
| and you want to get their heart levels up in order to ask them to the first
| Fireworks Display. In this case, you might want to expend your extra stamina
| each day by using your hammer to level it up as quickly as possible.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {STM} _
| Shortcut to Mine Area
| At the beginning of the game, the hilltop area and the mine area border each
| other, but yet aren't accessible directly from one another: a log blocks the
| way.
| Unlike the boulder in front of Brownie Ranch, moving the log (which, as
| you later learn, is actually a root) only requires you to talk to people.
| After examining the log by pressing A next to it (and automatically talking
| to Gill), simply go to the Carpenter's Shop during operating hours. You'll
| automatically experience a few scenes that will trigger the root's removal.
| Be warned, however. Do NOT examine the root before meeting Dale at the
| Carpenter's Shop. Doing so may trigger a glitch where the scene will never
| trigger, and therefore the root will never be removed.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TIS} _
| Toucan Island
| Toucan Island is unlocked by completing the first rainbow, and is probably
| the most significant unlockable area.
| Unlike the other areas unlocked by rainbows, Toucan Island is not directly
| accessible through the rainbow. Instead, unlocking the first rainbow simply
| starts the Ferry back running, and the Ferry takes you to the island. This
| Ferry also ushers new characters onto the island.
| Given that the Ferry is required to access the island, Toucan Island is only
| accessible while the Ferry is running. Fortunately, it's open almost all the
| time (6:00AM to 10:00PM), but is closed on Mondays.
| Toucan Island is the home to several new characters: Sue and Samson run the
| inn on the island, while Selena is their daughter (but spends most of her
| time on the main island). The inn on the island also sells several new and
| rare seeds, and certain items found on the beach can't be found anywhere
| else, like bananas and coconuts.
| For information on the rainbow itself, see the goddess section (search for
| < GOD > without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WGI} _
| West Gull Island
| West Gull Island is also unlocked by completing the first rainbow. It's
| accessible directly by walking over the rainbow.
| Unlike Toucan Island, West Gull Island introduces no new characters. Its
| only features are a few fruits (grapes, oranges) and the third rainbow tree.
| For information on the rainbow itself, see the goddess section (search for
| < GOD > without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {EGI} _
| East Gull Island
| East Gull Island has even fewer features than West Gull Island: its only
| practical purpose is as a new fishing spot.
| East Gull Island is actually the destination of the third rainbow tree
| (Collin's, the yellow one). However, it's also where you find the second
| sprite's badge (the item that creates the rainbow), so it must be accessed
| before the second rainbow is created.
| For information on the rainbow itself, see the goddess section (search for
| < GOD > without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MGB} _
| Mt. Gelato Base and the Goddess Spring
| The base of Mt. Gelato is accessible once you get the second sprite's (Ben,
| the blue one) badge from East Gull Island. While it doesn't introduce any
| new characters, it's the home of several adoptable pets, some new forageable
| items, and most notably, the second mine and the goddess spring.
| The mine is fairly straightforward, but the spring might present some
| trouble. At first, it isn't accessible either - a big bear blocks the path.
| In order to get past the bear, you have to befriend her. And call this bear
| 'Winnie', 'cause it sure does like Honey. Feed it Honey to eventually get
| past it (and remember, Honey may be hard to grow on your farm, but can be
| purchased from Brownie Ranch).
| Once you befriend the bear, you can access the goddess spring and its first
| treasure: a power berry, the sparkle on the ground.
| Once you've access the base of Mt. Gelato the first time, you can create
| a shortcut back to the main island so you don't have to walk up the rainbow
| every time. There's a boulder between Mt. Gelato and the hilltop area, but
| there's no room to smash it from the hilltop side (thus why you haven't
| smashed it yet), but it can be smashed from the Mt. Gelato side.
| For information on the rainbow itself, see the goddess section (search for
| < GOD > without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MGP} _
| Mt. Gelato Peak and Tree Top
| The final unlockable area is the top of Mt. Gelato, accessed by completing
| the fourth rainbow (Alan's, the red one). The only thing here is the fifth
| and final sprite - completing his rainbow leads to the top of the tree,
| where you'll discover there's much more to do before the goddess tree is
| revived. But that's a topic for another section.
| For information on the rainbows, see the goddess section (search for < GOD >
| without the spaces).
| _____________________________________________________________________[DFL]_
|                                                                             |
| Day Flow                                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/One of the key details that separates Harvest Moon from the vast majority
| of other video games in the world is that time actually flows as you play.
| Whenever you're not inside your own house (where time mysteriously stops),
| you'll find that time is continuously progressing. The exact ratio is:
| 10 Real-Time Seconds = 20 Game-Time Minutes
| Or, essentially, one second real-time is two minutes in the game. It's a
| pretty easy conversion.
| You'll wake up each morning promptly at 6AM, regardless of when you went
| to bed, though the longer you sleep, the more stamina you'll recover; see
| the Character Mechanics section for more information (search for [ STA ]
| without the spaces).
| Time is critical in the game. Depending on the time of day, different
| characters are in different spots - for example, a character might take
| a stroll in the morning before going to work, then spend the evenings at
| the beach. The time of day will dictate where you can find them.
| Time of day also plays a role in store opening and closings; stores aren't
| open all hours of the day, they have hours just like in real life. Make
| sure to plan accordingly or you might find yourself arriving at a store
| after it's closed for the night.
| Just as time flows through the day, the days change also. Just like in our
| real world, there are 7 days in a week, with 4 weeks in each month and 4
| months in each year. The day of the week impacts the game just like time
| of day does: some stores will be closed on certain days, and some villagers
| will have specific routines for specific days. For example, a villager
| might go to the church on Sundays, but work the rest of the days of the
| week.
| Certain days of the year will also have specific events, like festivals.
| Festivals typically occur on a specific day, at a specific place, at a
| specific time, so make sure you're there at that time to take part in the
| festivities.
| The four months in the game go along with the four seasons: Fall, Winter,
| Spring and Summer. The months significantly impact your routine: certain
| crops will only grow in certain seasons, for example. Weather patterns
| change from season to season as well - hurricanes are possible in the
| summer, whereas blizzards are a constant threat in the winter. And don't
| forget, you can't leave the cows and sheep outside to graze in the winter
| because the grass doesn't grow.
| _____________________________________________________________________[WEA]_
|                                                                             |
| Weather                                                                     |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Weather plays an important role in Tree of Tranquility. Depending on the
| weather outside, you may find that you don't need to water crops for the
| day, but that you should also avoid heavy labor to reduce the chance of
| getting sick. Don't worry if you don't understand some of the things this
| section is referring to yet, though - you will as you play the game.
| Weather falls into several different categories, with different weather types
| happening in certain seasons. An interesting note about the weather in this
| game is that Toucan Island is always sunny, even during typhoons and
| blizzards.
| The weather for the next day is set when you wake up the previous day; so, if
| you save every night, you can reload your game from the night before if the
| weather turns out to be very bad the following day - for example, if on Fall
| 10 you observe through the weather channel or telephone that the weather on
| Fall 11 will be a typhoon, you can reload your save from the night of Fall 9
| to reset Fall 11's weather. This can be annoying when you don't have the
| phone since you have to wait until 6:00PM to find out the next day's weather.
| Additionally, Gill will alert you if the following day is going to be bad
| weather.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sunny
| Appears as... a bright, sunny, clear day.
| Happens in... all seasons
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    can be allowed outside to graze (except in winter).
| Villagers...  will go about their normal routines.
| You...        can go about your work as normal.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cloudy
| Appears as... a cloudy, gray, overcast day.
| Happens in... all seasons
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    can be allowed outside to graze (except in winter).
| Villagers...  will go about their normal routines.
| You...        can go about your work as normal.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rainy
| Appears as... rain, with wet ground, muted music and rain sounds.
| Happens in... Spring, Summer and Fall.
| Plants...     do not need to be watered.
| Animals...    should be kept inside to avoid illness.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        should avoid doing outdoor work (chopping, mowing, hammering)
|               to avoid getting sick.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Thunderstorm
| Appears as... rain, with wet ground, muted music, rain and thunder sounds.
| Happens in... Spring, Summer and Fall.
| Plants...     do not need to be watered.
| Animals...    should be kept inside to avoid illness.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        should avoid doing outdoor work (chopping, mowing, hammering)
|               to avoid getting sick.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Snowy
| Appears as... snowfall (on the already-snowy ground).
| Happens in... Winter.
| Plants...     need to be watered by hand.
| Animals...    should be kept inside (as they should all winter long).
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        should avoid doing outdoor work (chopping, mowing, hammering)
|               to avoid getting sick.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Typhoon
| Appears as... extremely heavy rainfall, lightning.
| Happens in... Fall (and may last multiple days).
| Plants...     don't need to be watered, but might be damaged.
| Animals...    MUST be kept inside to avoid illness or worse.
| Villagers...  will avoid going outside at all costs (although you can).
| You...        should avoid doing outdoor work (chopping, mowing, hammering)
|               and try to stay indoors to avoid getting sick.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blizzard
| Appears as... extremely heavy snowfall and strong winds.
| Happens in... Winter (and may last multiple days).
| Plants...     don't need to be watered, but almost certain will be damaged.
| Animals...    MUST be kept inside to avoid illness or worse.
| Villagers...  will adjust their routines to avoid hanging out outside.
| You...        should avoid doing outdoor work (chopping, mowing, hammering)
|               and try to stay indoors to avoid getting sick.
| Note : unlike in past Harvest Moon games, though, you CAN leave the house
|      : during the worst weather patterns (typhoons and blizzards). There
|      : may be consequences to how long you spend outside though.
| _____________________________________________________________________[DRO]_
|                                                                             |
| The Daily Routine                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/As the game goes on, tasks to be completed will separate themselves out
| into two groups: tasks to be completed once (or once-in-a-while), and tasks
| to be completed daily. Tasks to be completed once are tasks like planting
| crops (which you plant, then water for a few days before they grow), buying
| certain tools, and breeding animals. These are tasks where completing them
| once has implications for several days or weeks afterwards.
| The other type of task is daily tasks. These are tasks that can or need
| to be completed every day for maximum impact. Some of them might need to be
| completed every day to avoid consequences (e.g. feeding animals, watering
| plants), whereas others can be completed once a day to reap rewards (e.g.
| giving gifts, brushing animals).
| As you progress in the game, try to settle into a daily routine of
| tasks you want to complete every day. Below is a list of such actions that
| could become part of your routine.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CHO} _
| Chores
| Watering the Plants: when you're growing crops (which should be most of
|    the time), make sure to water them on every non-rainy day. If you miss
|    a day, it will take one day longer for the crop to eventually produce
|    the final fruit/vegetable. If you miss several days in a row, the plant
|    may die altogether. For more information, see the Farming section.
| Taking Care of the Animals: this is a pretty broad category and largely
|    dependent on what, if any, animals you have. But some tasks under this
|    heading that can be done once you have the corresponding animals are:
|     - Feeding the chickens/ducks/ostriches
|     - Feeding the cows/sheep/goats
|     - Brushing the cows/sheep/goats/horse
|     - Talking to the cows/sheep/goats/horse
|     - Collecting the eggs
|     - Collecting milk
|     - Take animals outside/put animals inside (depending on the weather)
|    For more information, see the Animals section.
| Extra Money-Making: if you have the time and need the money, there are
|    other activities that can be done every day to get extra items to ship
|    or give. These activities are things like Mining (see Mining section),
|    Foraging (see Foraging section), Fishing (see Fishing section) or
|    working part-time jobs (see, you guessed it, Part-Time Jobs).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SOC} _
| Socializing
| Giving Gifts to Villagers: villagers are so vain, they probably think this
|    guide is about them. The chief way of making friends (and wooing mates)
|    is giving gifts, so try to make giving gifts part of your daily routine
|    (note: not giving gifts to EVERYONE every day, but a few gifts per day).
|    These can be things you find (like flowers and herbs), products from
|    your farm, or things you buy. Check the Villagers section for more
|    information on what each villager likes and where you can find them.
| Giving Gifts to Possible Mates: basically the same as above, but you may
|    want to put a special focus on giving your beloved a gift every day to
|    help woo him/her faster. Again, check the Villagers section for
|    information on what each bachelor and bachelorette likes.
| Giving Birthday Presents: and again, basically the same as above, but you
|    receive an extra friendship boost for giving a villager a gift on their
|    birthday, so you might try to make it a point of giving every villager
|    a gift on their special day. The Villagers section has every birthday
|    listed, and the reference section has a calendar of just birthdays.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<PTT>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |     Passing the Time,       |/ /
                       |    Filling Your Wallet      | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Although it's oftentimes the social scene that people are most interested
| in, the chief objective of any Harvest Moon game is to build a prosperous
| farm - or, in Tree of Tranquility, to be prosperous in general. There are
| numerous ways to spend your time and make money in Harvest Moon: Tree of
| Tranquility; below you'll find an overview of each one.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FMG]_
|                                                                             |
| Introduction to Farming                                                     |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Farming is where it all begins, in more ways than one. It's the cornerstone
| of the game's early development (although cows later take the crown as most
| profitable), and it's likely to take the largest portion of your in-game
| time.
| The concept behind farming is simple: plant crops, water them daily, and
| wait for them to grow. When they mature, pick the fruit or vegetable from
| them and sell it (or give it, or use it in a recipe - whatever you'd like
| to do, though the majority of your crops will likely end up getting sold).
| In planting crops, there are a couple aspects to pay attention to. First
| of all, pay attention to seasons. Different crops grow in different
| seasons. If you try to plant a crop in the wrong season, the seeds will be
| buried in the ground and never sprout. And if a crop is still growing when
| the season ends, it'll be dead by the next morning - so take special care
| when planting crops and pay attention to their growth times (for example,
| don't plant a crop that takes 6 days to grow after the 22nd day of the
| 28-day month).
| Secondly, there are two types of crops: there are one-time sprouting crops
| and there are re-growing crops. One-time crops are crops whose soil is
| returned to normal after picking them - a new crop can be planted in its
| spot once it's picked. Re-growing crops are more like vines - when you
| pick the fruit or vegetable, the vine stays behind and grows another fruit
| after a few more days. Typically, re-growing crops are more profitable, as
| the time to grow a second fruit from a single vine or stalk is usually
| much shorter than the time to grow a whole-new crop.
| If this is still confusing, consider this example: potatoes vs. corn.
| For potatoes, you plant a single seed in the ground, wait a few days and
| pull the potato: one seed, one potato. For the corn, though, you plant
| a single seed in the ground and a corn stalk grows. The corn grows from
| this stalk, but when you pick the corn, the stalk remains - allowing
| another ear of corn to grow a couple days later.
| Farming is especially prevalent in spring and summer, and has become more
| relevant in fall in recent Harvest Moon games. Winter, though, is the down
| season for farming - with snow on the ground, not much will grow, so make
| sure you either have enough money saved up or enough animals in your barn
| to keep you through winter.
| For more information on farming (specific crops, growth times, prices), see
| the Farming section.
| _____________________________________________________________________[RHG]_
|                                                                             |
| Introduction to Ranching                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Second only to farming comes ranching. Ranching (in my terminology at
| least) is the animal side of running your farm.
| At the beginning of the game, you lack any of the necessary accouterments
| begin running a ranch. However, these can be built by talking to the
| carpenter (and paying him, of course). There are two ranch buildings: a
| bird coop (which houses the chickens, ducks and silkworms) and
| a barn (which houses the cows, goats, sheep, horses and ostriches). Odds are
| you'll build the bird coop first - it's cheaper, and the animals that live in
| it are cheaper as well.
| After building the necessary buildings, Brownie Ranch in the village is the
| place to go. initially you'll only be able to buy select animals and
| products, but as you sell more ranch products (milk, eggs, etc.), they'll
| grow as well.
| The chief reason for raising animals is that they yield enormous returns
| on the investment: a single cow gives milk every single day And they operate
| through all seasons as well, with every animal giving products all the way
| through the winter.
| Almost every animal can be bred. Cows, sheep, horses and goats are bred
| through the use of something called a "Miracle Potion". After using a
| Miracle Potion on an animal and waiting a few weeks, it will give birth to
| a baby of its own type.
| Chickens, ducks and ostriches are bred differently though - instead of
| a potion, simply place one of their eggs in an incubator and wait a week.
| After a week, a chick will hatch. After another week, the chick will mature
| and start giving eggs of its own.
| For more information on the Animals, see the Animals section. For more
| information on the buildings, see the 'Home Sweet Home' section. For more
| information on having the buildings built, see the Carpenters' section
| (under the Shops section). And for more information on Brownie Ranch,
| see the shops section (also under the Shops section).
| _____________________________________________________________________[MNG]_
|                                                                             |
| Introduction to Mining                                                      |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Beyond those two activities, there are several other ways to make money in
| your spare time - they just require venturing a little further away from
| your farm.
| The first of these is mining. Mining involves going to the mine and
| breaking apart rocks, many of which hold ores, precious gems or other items
| that can be sold or used in a variety of ways, such as jewelry-making.
| For more information on mining, see the full mining section by searching for
| < MIN > without the spaces.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FRG]_
|                                                                             |
| Introduction to Foraging                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Foraging? How can foraging be a viable moneymaking option? What are we, a
| bunch of squirrels?
| So many things grow in the woodlands around the village that foraging for
| little goodies can actually bring in a substantial supplement to your
| income early in the game. Mushrooms, herbs, and bamboo shoots are some of
| the dozens of items that can be found growing in the wild around the
| island. Some items, like specific herbs, actually sell for a notable amount
| of cash, so if you find yourself with some free time, head up to the hills.
| These items serve other purposes as well: certain recipes require them, and
| they also can make great gifts if you choose the recipient well. And while
| you're at it, don't forget to pick some flowers for your prospective
| spouses as well.
| A complete listing of all the forageable items, their sale prices, and
| their locations is in the Reference section.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FHG]_
|                                                                             |
| Introduction to Fishing                                                     |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Fishing is a favorite past time in Harvest Moon. After obtaining the
| fishing rod from Toby, you'll be able to fish in any of the bodies of water
| around the island: the ocean, the river, the lake, or the lakes at the
| bottoms of the mines.
| Fishing plays an extremely large role in Tree of Tranquility, as every
| rainbow recipe involves a fish, and multiple characters' entire professions
| and lives are based around fishing. There are 41 different fish that can
| be caught of varying sale prices, rarity and cooking usage. There are also
| some crustaceans that can be caught.
| For more information on fishing, see the full mining section by searching for
| < FSH > without the spaces.
| _____________________________________________________________________[PAR]_
|                                                                             |
| Introduction to Part-Time Jobs                                              |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Tree of Tranquility introduces an interesting part-time job system to the
| Harvest Moon franchise. Different stores in the village possess the ability
| to allow you to perform part-time jobs for the store, doing small tasks and
| receiving compensation.
| The benefits of these part-time jobs aren't limited to just monetary
| rewards; if you work in the shop where you prospective spouse works or
| lives, you'll gain affection points towards increasing their heart level.
| Additionally, the more you work at a single store, the higher your pay will
| be - so, there's a benefit to working at the same store on a consistent
| basis.
| For more information on part-time jobs, see the full mining section by
| searching for { PTJ } without the spaces.
| ___________________________________________________________________________

       __________________________________________________________/ /  / /
       |                                                          |/  / /
        |                Home Sweet Home: Your Ranch               |  / /
        |                                                          | / /
        |              "Home is an invention on which              |/ /
         |          no one has yet improved." -Ann Douglas          | /
         |________________________________________    ______________|/
                                                   |  |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<YOU>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /

                      |                             | / /
                      |        Your Character       |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| ___________________________________________________________________________
|                                                                             |
| Background                                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Yes, you're a character too. You come to the village at the start of the
| game to manage a farm you read about in a newspaper. Within a few days,
| you're given the farm by the mayor and you're on your way.
| That's really all there is to your character:. no back story and doesn't
| actually speak except for the very rare choice of statements you're given.
| However, Tree of Tranquility does provide for a bit more character 
| customization than past Harvest Moon games - you're actually able to dress
| your character how you want with clothes purchased from the tailor and
| other shops; more information on this is available later in this section.
| _____________________________________________________________________[STA]_
|                                                                             |
| Character Mechanics                                                         |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Typically, your character operates based on two variables: stamina and
| fatigue. In Tree of Tranquility, the presence of stamina as a variable has
| been confirmed; however, fatigue may operate differently (or not exist at
| all). Until this is confirmed one way or the other, this section will
| detail the way fatigue traditionally operates; however, take note that
| fatigue may operate differently, or be absent altogether. More thorough
| experimentation is needed to verify this.
| At this point, I should note the terms "stamina" and "fatigue" are  
| borrowed from Sky Render's terminology from his incredible guide to Harvest
| Moon: Back to Nature. If you're ever playing either Back to Nature or Boys
| and Girls, his guide comes highly recommended - you can find it over on
| Game FAQs, specifically at this shortened URL: tinyurl.com/5zp28c
| Incidentally, the most up-to-date version of this guide will also always
| be posted at this shortened URL: tinyurl.com/HM-ToT-Guide. Certain other
| sites like to claim they have the most up-to-date version, but only that
| URL is guaranteed to have it (as that's the only place I upload it too).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {STA} _
| Stamina
| Your character operates on a type of points system that indicates how much
| stamina he has at a given time. Stamina, in turn, controls how much work
| your character can perform. You begin the game with 500 stamina points (which
| are typically restored every night), and your actions throughout the day
| will drain your stamina.
| There are two actions that consume stamina:
| - Using any tool (certain tools, like the axe or hammer, use more stamina
|   than others, like the watering can or fishing pole). However, it's notable
|   that the charge level of the tool does not impact how much stamina it
|   consumes, surprisingly enough. That means using a Level 1 axe takes the
|   same amount of stamina as using a Level 5 axe, even when fully charged.
| - Picking up objects, especially weeds.
| As you lose stamina, two animations will take place: at 150 points, your
| character will say "I'm tired" and begin to look tired in his portrait. At
| 50 points, he will say "I could collapse at any moment" and begin to look
| dead in his portrait.
| Likewise, there are four actions that restore stamina: 
| - Sleeping (although it doesn't appear that ToT has AWL's ability to "nap").
| - Eating (different foods restore different amounts of stamina).
| - The Hot Springs (restores all stamina, but can only be used once per day).
| - Eating a Power Berry (restores all stamina and permanently raises stamina
|   by 100 points)
| mister_jmp has done a lot of research on how exactly stamina operates in
| Tree of Tranquility. He has come up with the following information, presented
| to you in convenient chart form:
| Action                      Stamina
| Eating/Drinking             +/- the stamina value listed for the food
| Sleeping                    +  3 per minute slept
| Using the Hot Spring        +999
| Eating a Power Berry        +999
| Get Hit by Yellow Mine Gas  +100
| Get Hit by Green Mine Gas   +300
| Picking Up an Item          -  1
| Sowing Seeds                -  2
| Pulling a Weed              - 40
| Watering Can
|   Standard                  - 20
|   Iron                      - 15
|   Copper                    - 10
|   Silver                    -  5
|   Gold                      -  3
| Hoe/Axe
|   Standard                  - 30
|   Iron                      - 25
|   Copper                    - 20
|   Silver                    - 15
|   Gold                      - 10
| Hammer/Sickle
|   Standard                  - 25
|   Iron                      - 20
|   Copper                    - 15
|   Silver                    - 10
|   Gold                      -  5
| Brush                       -  5
| Milker/Shears               - 15
| Get Hit By Red Mine Gas     - 20 / - 50 (varies)
| Falling Off Mt. Gelato Log  - 50
| The bar at the bottom right of the screen corresponds to your stamina. When
| it is depleted, your character will collapse. You'll show up in the clinic,
| where Jin will exhort you for working too hard. Then you'll wake up the next
| morning with full stamina.
| There's really no negative consequences to running out of stamina besides
| losing the rest of the day and not being able to save or ship the stuff you
| haven't put in the shipping bin. So, if you're working late in the mine or
| fishing, you don't need to be too afraid of running out of stamina.
| To increase total stamina, you can obtain Power Berries that lengthen your
| stamina meter. Each Power Berry you obtain increases your stamina by 100
| points, for a maximum of 1000 stamina points. For information on how to find
| these Power Berries, see the Power Berries section (search for { POW }
| without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FAT} _
| Fatigue
| Fatigue operates similar to stamina; however, fatigue corresponds to 
| something different: the easiest analogy is that Stamina corresponds to
| tiredness while Fatigue corresponds to sleepiness.
| When your fatigue hits a certain value, you'll start to walk extremely
| slowly, about on the same order as when you have less than 50 stamina points.
| Typically, after one full night's sleep, you'll have enough energy to stay
| awake all through one day and into the next, but early the second day you'll
| hit your limit and get fatigued. Basically, your character sucks at
| all-nighters.
| Fatigue is accumulated two ways: staying up all night, and eating mushrooms
| (and possibly other foods). As soon as you hit 6:00AM, you'll become drowsy.
| Additionally, if you eat too many mushrooms you'll become drowsy as well.
| Both these operate on a points system (detailed below).
| The actual points system behind stamina is not fully known, but mister_jmp
| and I have devised a fatigue system that seems to model it accurately. 
| Your character begins the day with 20 fatigue points, similar to the initial
| 500 stamina points. When your character's fatigue points drop to 5 points,
| your character will become drowsy and start to shuffle around slowly. Note
| that fatigue points cannot drop below 0, but there are no additional ill
| effects to falling below 5.
| Action                       Fatigue
| Eating One Mushroom            - 1
| Eating One Toadstool           -10
| Staying Up All Night           -20
| Using the Hot Springs          + 0 (no effect)
| Sleeping                       +20
| Eating One Herb (Any Color)    + 1
| Eating One Pontata Root        + 4
| Drinking One Tomato Juice,     + 4
|   Veryberry Juice, Coconut
|   Juice or Vegetable Juice
| Drinking One Pineapple Juice   + 6
| Drinking One Herbal Tea        + 6
| Drinking One Stay Awake        +10
| Drinking One Super Stay Awake  +20
| Drinking One Bodigizer XL      +20
| Mushrooms are still effective for stamina restoration when you're in the
| mine, but pay attention to how many you're eating if you don't have a
| restoration item on you. Note, however, that pontata roots can be found in
| the mines, and moles will occasionally drop Stay Awakes when you hit them
| with a hammer.
| Fatigue is also correlated to illness. Essentially, getting drowsy (fatigue
| dropping below 5 points) while it's raining or snowing will result in illness
| even if you don't go outside. The exception appears to be working in the
| mine, which never results in illness.
| After three days of all-nighters, your character will be forced to go to bed
| regardless of your fatigue.
| _____________________________________________________________________[CCZ]_
|                                                                             |
| Character Customization                                                     |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Unlike in past Harvest Moon games, Tree of Tranquility leaves some room
| for character customization and personalization. The most obvious example
| is the ability to choose your farmer's gender (initially available in
| Magical Melody), but ToT expands upon this.
| In Tree of Tranquility, as the game progresses you eventually receive the
| ability to purchase alternate outfits for your character, including hats,
| shirts, pants and jewelry. These are then kept in your house for your own
| use.
| Clothing is purchased from the tailor (see the shops section for more
| information), while other clothing can be gathered from multiple locations.
| For more information on clothing, see the Tailor Shop section by searching
| for { TAL } without the spaces.
| _____________________________________________________________________[RUC]_
|                                                                             |
| Your Rucksack                                                               |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Like in A Wonderful Life, rather than having specific parts of your
| rucksack for tools and for items, your rucksack has simply a maximum
| capacity and every item takes up one space. Slots are stackable though,
| meaning that having 10 of an item (usually a crop) takes up the same amount
| of rucksack space as having only one of that item.
| At the beginning of the game, you have 10 spots in your rucksack; the
| maximum obtainable is 30, with several intermediate sizes (15, 20 and 25).
| Rucksack upgrades are obtained at the Tailoring Shop, similar to how tools
| are upgraded at the Blacksmith. To upgrade your rucksack, you need to
| supply the required amount different types of yarn. For more information
| on obtaining rucksack upgrades, see the Tailoring Shop price list (search for
| { TAL } without the spaces).
| There is also a special rucksack obtainable later in the game; if you hold
| this rucksack in your possession and reawaken the Harvest Goddess, you'll
| receive the option to continue on in a type of New Game+ mode. Under this
| mode, you'll play as your "child", retaining your money, livestock and
| items, but everything else will be reset. Your personal character won't
| look any different though, so besides the name change this functions
| exactly as a standard New Game+.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<YPR>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |        Your Property        |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[INL]_
|                                                                             |
| Initial Location                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Before you can manage your property, you have to choose where you want your
| initial house to be located. You'll initially have three farm plots to
| choose from, and there's a fourth that you can have the option of
| purchasing later.
| All four farm plots lie on the eastern side of the island, and all four
| border each other (this is quite nice later on if you buy all four farm
| plots as it forms a type of "superfarm" spanning all three areas).
| Each plot has some advantages and disadvantages, but every plot has certain
| characteristics. Note that the fourth plot (available later) also has these
| characteristics.
|  - All plots can fit your three main buildings (level 5 house, bird coop and
|    barn) - this isn't like Magical Melody where one of the plots couldn't fit
|    everything.
|  - All plots have a field for crops, and the soil quality of all plots is
|    rather random.
|  - All plots have a field of grass. This starts growing automatically when
|    you build a barn or coop. Yes, the grass is psychic.
| Beyond this, the plots have two subtle differences: field size and proximity
| to other areas of the island. Field size isn't as relevant as you'd expect:
| early in the game you won't have the time, strength or funds to plant your
| entire field, and by the time you do have enough you'll be able to afford
| to buy another plot if you need it.
| So the most relevant detail about which plot you choose is its proximity to
| different locations. Each of the locations below has some notable
| characteristic that it can be useful to have nearby.
|  - The Town is probably most useful, given that it's where most of the shops
|     and villagers can be found.
|  - The Hot Spring is important early, given that it can completely your
|     stamina once per day.
|  - The Mine area holds the couple shops that aren't in Town - mainly the
|    Carpenter's Shop and the Blacksmith. And, obviously, it holds the mine
|    itself.
|  - Different fish can be caught in the river and the ocean. The river runs
|    through the island, while the ocean lies along the south edge.
|  - The only location of frequent interest in the Gelato area is the second
|    mine, so it doesn't present a huge interest as far as initial location.
| Personally, I choose the Town Plot, but it and the Hilltop Plot are about
| equal in their pros and cons. If you plan to be very social, the Town Plot is
| better suited; if you plan to mostly work early, the Hilltop is probably
| better for its proximity to the Hot Spring.
| Later in the game, it's good to remember that when you own multiple plots,
| you can sleep in the house nearest your first chore the next day. So if you
| plan to spend a day mining, you can sleep in the Mountain Plot's house, or
| if you plan to spend a day fishing, you can sleep in the Seaside Plot's
| house. If you're married, though, you'll want to stay home most nights given
| that your wife will only stay at your main home.
| The locations listed below correspond to the location relative to the others
| in the farmland half of the map. The four plots are arranged somewhat like
| a diamond, allowing one to be called 'North', one 'South', etc.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hilltop Plot
|      Location : North
|    Field Size : 100 squares
| Walk time to...
|          Town :  90 minutes
|    Hot Spring :  30 minutes
|     Mine Area :  60 minutes
| River Fishing :   0 minutes (on-site)
| Ocean Fishing :  90 minutes
|   Gelato Area : 120 minutes
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seaside Plot
|      Location : South
|    Field Size : 120 squares
| Walk time to...
|          Town :  90 minutes
|    Hot Spring : 120 minutes
|     Mine Area : 150 minutes
| River Fishing :   0 minutes (on-site)
| Ocean Fishing :   0 minutes (on-site)
|   Gelato Area :  30 minutes
| _ _ _ _ _
| Town Plot
|      Location : West
|    Field Size : 92 squares
| Walk time to...
|          Town :   0 minutes (bordering)
|    Hot Spring :  60 minutes
|     Mine Area :  90 minutes
| River Fishing :  30 minutes
| Ocean Fishing :  30 minutes
|   Gelato Area :  90 minutes
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mountain Plot
|      Location : East
|    Field Size : 226 squares
| Walk time to...
|          Town : 150 minutes
|    Hot Spring : 120 minutes
|     Mine Area : 150 minutes
| River Fishing :   0 minutes (on-site)
| Ocean Fishing :   0 minutes (on-site)
|   Gelato Area :   0 minutes (bordering)
| _____________________________________________________________________[YHO]_
|                                                                             |
| Your House                                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Your house, your home, your humble abode. Your house is initially home to
| only your character, but will eventually (if you so choose) accommodate
| your spouse, child and pets.
| The house is expanded in levels, with each level costing a certain amount
| of gold and wood to complete. Certain other events in the game - like
| marrying and having a child - are dependent on your house being at a
| certain level in order to have room to house your expanding family.
| The house has 5 levels, each bigger and more expensive than the last. The
| first three extensions simply expand the house, while the fourth adds a
| second floor. Home extensions are relatively cheap, however, with the top
| level costing "only" 12,000 gold. More information on the intermediate stages
| can be found under the Carpenter's shop in the Shops section.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Initial Possessions
| Initially your possessions are pretty meager. You have your bed and a dresser
| where your diary is kept, a bookcase, a toolbox, a wardrobe and a table with
| some chairs. You also have a kitchen counter-type thing, but it's not
| movable. So initially your possessions are rather slim - unlike past Harvest
| Moon games, you don't even start with a television or calendar, let alone a
| dog or horse.
| You do start with the ability to get free tools from several sources,
| however. You obtain the watering can and hoe during the opening scenes, and
| you can get the fishing rod for free from Toby (meet him by walking down the
| stairs near the beach), axe from Luke (meet him in Praline Forest), hammer
| from Owen (meet him outside the blacksmith's shop) and the sickle from the
| folks at Brownie Ranch, once you can access it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {COK} _
| Cooking
| One major task that can only be performed in your house is cooking. Since you
| have a kitchen in your new house, you can immediately start buying cooking
| tools from the General Store. These tools allow you to cook different dishes.
| Cooking is a relatively simple process. First, choose which cooking utensil
| you'll be using (note that these tools must be set out in your house before
| you can use them); every recipe requires only one utensil. Then, add in
| your ingredients from either your rucksack or your refrigerator. If your
| ingredients (with that utensil) are a viable recipe, you'll receive one of
| it; if not, you'll receive a "cooking fiasco", which you'll find under that
| list of "gifts no one likes".
| Obtaining recipes is rather simple and can be done in a multitude of ways,
| including:
|   - From the TV (the cooking show is from 10:00AM to 2:00PM on weekdays).
|   - Examine other peoples' kitchen utensils.
|   - Purchase a dish (or receive it as a gift).
|   - Experiment! If you "accidentally" make a real dish, it's added as well.
| When you've obtained a recipe, it's added to your list of available recipes
| for easy selection later.
| Cooking doesn't have to be done in the kitchen; it can also be done in the
| fire boxes on every beach. Simply toss some matches in the box, then toss
| one of the other ingredients (see Recipes reference section) for a Roasted
| version of that item.
| For more information on kitchen utensils, see the General Store section
| under Shops (search for { SUP } without the spaces); for recipes, see the
| recipe list under References (search for { REC } without the spaces).
|____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TLV} _
| Television
| Your house is also home to your television. Your TV only gets one channel,
| but what's shown on that channel varies from day to day. The TV schedule
| is:
|  6:00AM - 10:00AM : Current Weather Forecast
| 10:00AM -  2:00PM : Rainbow Cooking (weekdays)/Mastery of Beauty (weekends)
|  2:00PM -  6:00PM : News (Festival Announcements, etc.)
|  6:00PM - 10:00PM : Tomorrow's Weather
| 10:00PM -  2:00AM : Kingdom of Wildlife (weekdays)
|                                        / Mastery of Beauty (weekends)
|  2:00AM -  6:00AM : Off-Air
| _____________________________________________________________________[TFE]_
|                                                                             |
| The Field                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Every possible starting location has a field attached to it where you'll
| be doing most of your initial work. Fields are typically plagued by three
| obstacles: weeds, rocks and stumps. Weeds are easy enough to get rid of
| (either pull them up by hand or use the sickle), but rocks and stumps can
| be more difficult. The bigger ones can only be removed by upgraded tools,
| so you may find yourself working around them early in the game.
| The boundaries of your field should be relatively clear: it's the darker
| brown area that forms the majority of your property. If you're somehow
| unsure whether a certain spot of ground is field or just regular ground,
| try tilling it: if it tills, it's field.
| There are also fields around the island that can be used for growing crops,
| but until you purchase them you're unable to grow anything on them.
| _____________________________________________________________________[TCO]_
|                                                                             |
| The Coop                                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Initially, you won't actually have a bird coop - you have to first have one
| built by the carpenter. This coop can subsequently be upgraded to a larger
| coop - the small coop holds 8 birds and 6 silkworms, while the larger can
| hold 12 birds and 8 silkworms. As always, more information on this can be
| found in the Carpenter's shop section under Shops.
| Once you have the coop built, you can start populating it with chickens,
| ducks and silkworms (although you won't be able to buy ducks until the Ranch
| levels up). The main notable parts of the coop are the feeding trough/spout
| and the shipping bin. The feeding trough is for putting bird feed in,
| pulled out of the feed spout. The shipping bin is for easier shipping of bird
| products. Later on, the coop will also house a mayonnaise maker that can be
| used to make your eggs into mayonnaise, which sells for higher profits.
| Note that the number of chickens/ducks you have does not affect how many
| silkworms you can have, or vice versa. You can have up to 8 birds in a
| regular coop and still have up to 6 silkworms. Having fewer of either won't
| let you have more of the other.
| _____________________________________________________________________[TBA]_
|                                                                             |
| The Barn                                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Initially, you won't have a barn either - you have to first have the
| carpenter build this too. The barn can initially hold 6 animals, but can
| be upgraded later to hold 8.
| Once you have the barn built, you can start populating it with cows, sheep,
| ostriches, goats and horses. The notable parts of the barn mirror those of
| the coop: a shipping bin, a feeding spout and a feeding trough for each cow;
| pretty straightforward. The barn also has a special corner for pregnant
| animals to stay in during the course of the pregnancy, complete with a
| special feeding trough. There's also a special ostrich egg incubator.
| The barn also has a big bell on both the outside: ringing this bell will
| automatically put all the animals outside in the field (or if they're already
| outside, move them back inside).
| _____________________________________________________________________[EXT]_
|                                                                             |
| Extensions                                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/As mentioned above, several parts of your farm must be either built or
| extended, including the house, bird coop and barn. In order to do this, you
| need three things: money, wood lumber and stone lumber.
| Each extension costs a certain amount of money, but you must also have a
| certain amount of wood and stone lumber. Lumber is obtained by destroying
| the stones and stumps around the village; these can be found on your farm
| in the field (these won't reappear once you've destroyed them) and around
| the island (these do reappear the next day).
| When chopping or smashing, it's not necessary to manually take the lumber
| back to your farm; it's automatically transported.
| For more information on having Extensions built, see the Carpenter's section
| by searching for 
| _____________________________________________________________________[FRA]_
|                                                                             |
| Farm Ranks                                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Tree of Tranquility introduces an interesting new feature: several shops will
| will stock better products based on your sales patterns. Stores that this
| applies to are Souffle Farm, Brownie Ranch and the General Store.
| Each shop starts as a one-star shop and levels up as you ship their specific
| type of good. It takes 5000G shipped to level a shop to two stars, and
| another 5000G (10000G total) to level it to three stars.
| To level up Brownie Ranch, you need to sell ranch products, like eggs, milk,
| and wool, as well as processed products, like yarn, mayonnaise and cheese.
| To level up Souffle Farm, you need to sell farm products, like any crop,
| herb or flower grown on your own farm.
| To level up the General Store, you need to ship basically anything else. Mine
| products are especially lucrative for increasing the General Store's rating.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<FRM>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |           Farming           |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[PRP]_
|                                                                             |
| Preparation                                                                 |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Before you start planting and watering your seeds, there's some overhead that
| that needs to be taken care of.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CYF} _
| Choosing Your Field
| The first relevant decision to your farming career is your choice of an
| initial farm location. Each farm has a different field, so your initial
| choice of home location is also your choice of your initial field.
| Each property has its own benefits and drawbacks; but with respect to farming
| the three fields are actually relatively even. They differ slightly in size
| (92 at the town plot, 100 at the hilltop plot and 120 at the seaside plot),
| but at the beginning of the game you won't have the stamina to till and water
| a plant in every spot anyway - and by the time you do have that much stamina,
| you'll likely be able to afford to purchase one of the secondary fields.
| So choose your field based on the other characteristics you're interested in
| (proximity to fishing, the hot spring, the town) instead of just field size.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CYF} _
| Clearing Your Field
| Unfortunately at the beginning, your field is infested by boulders, rocks
| and trees. These need to be cleared away for more effective farming.
| Annoyingly, early in the game you really won't have the stamina to do some
| major field-clearing. The trees are definitely too strong, and the boulders
| will take most of your stamina to clear.
| One strategy is to make use of the hot spring to double your stamina for the
| day. After your chores are done, visit the hot spring and return to bust
| apart a boulder.
| Overall, though, you'll be forced to work around the obstacles for the first
| season or two. Eventually you'll have the money to upgrade your tools to make
| major field-clearing more feasible.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BYS} _
| Buying Seeds
| Seeds can be bought from a variety of places. The most prominent places are
| Souffle Farm and from Taylor, though early in the game only Souffle Farm is
| available (Taylor arrives on Winter 15 at the earliest).
| Souffle Farm will sell seeds according to its store level; early on, it
| only sells a limited selection of seeds and fertilizers, but as the farm
| grows in level (meaning as you sell crops), it will level up and increase
| its selection. To raise Souffle Farm to Level 2, sell 5000G worth of
| produce. To raise it to Level 3, sell 10000G (total, 5000G more than
| before) worth of produce.
| Fortunately, this isn't a huge sum, and you'll likely have raised it to Level
| 3 by the time first Fall begins.
| There are a few other places to buy seeds as well. Several seeds, especially
| flower seeds, can be found at the Flower Festival on Spring 10. A few others
| can be found at the Harvest Festival and different Flea Markets throughout
| the year. A select few can only be purchased from Pineapple Inn on Toucan
| Island.
| And in case you forget, seeds can only be bought from Taylor via telephone:
| his number is 881.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SSM} _
| Seasonal Seed Mixes
| Seasonal seed mixes are a bit of a gamble. They each contain every type of
| seed, and can potentially contain any seed from the season - including ones
| that aren't sold at Souffle Farm. However, there's no way of determining what
| the seeds will be, and mixed seed bags typically cost slightly more than the
| average of the crops for the season.
| Seasonal seed mixes will be included in the profit analysis for each season,
| but it's important to note that the numbers used will be average numbers, and
| that your actual profit may and likely will vary.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CRF} _
| Crop Formations
| Crop formations play a lesser role in Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility than
| they have in past Harvest Moon games. In past games, crop formations were
| especially crucial because your character couldn't walk over crops - so there
| was always a risk of blocking one crop from being harvested or watered.
| In Tree of Tranquility, though, you can walk over, around and through your
| planted crops, so planting crops with access in mind is no longer necessary.
| Instead, it is now more important to consider tool usage when planting
| crops. Initially your watering can can only water one square at a time, but
| as it levels up it will water different formations - a 1x3 (a strip of three
| directly out from in front of you, not right or left) strip at Level 2, a
| 3x3 square at Level 3, a 3x6 block at Level 4, and a 5x6 block at Level 5.
| Given that there is nothing to block you from harvesting or watering any
| crop, it really isn't necessary to plant anything besides a block of crops.
| As you level up, it actually becomes more effective to plant your crops in
| one giant block, as the watering can will touch more. Additionally, given
| that seeds are planted in a row of 6, there's never any need for the classic
| 3x3 block except as a part of a larger 3x6 block.
| Once you've settled on a formation, till the land, plant the seeds and start
| watering. Water your plants every day to minimize growth time (growth times
| listed in later sections will assume you water your crops every day).
| Note that when it comes to watering, you can now walk over your crops: so
| while you might be tempted to walk alongside the crops, turning and watering,
| it's a whole lot faster to walk straight up a line of crops, watering at each
| space.
| _____________________________________________________________________[MEC]_
|                                                                             |
| Mechanics                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Like all Harvest Moon games, farming is done on a large plot of land with 
| tillable soil. Each spot on the ground can hold one seed and grow one crop.
| But unlike past Harvest Moon games, a single bag of seeds contains enough 
| seeds for 6 spots, and these are planted in a horizontal line (rather than
| a square).
| Raising crops is relatively simple: using the hoe, till a plot of soil (or
| for best results, six in a row to plant the entire bag), then use the bag
| of seeds at one end of the row to plant seeds along the tilled spots.
| Then, water the seeds each day. They will begin to sprout - keep watering
| them every day until eventually they bare fruit.
| Seeds are purchased from several different places in and around town; prices
| vary based on the type of seed. 
| There are some considerations to be made when choosing and planting crops:
|  - Crops are seasonal. If you try to plant a crop out of season, it WILL
|    sprout (with some restrictions), but it will take drastically longer to
|    grow. Additionally, no crop planted out-of-season is more profitable than
|    any in-season crop.
|    There is one reason to plant crops out-of-season. Crops will sprout and
|    bear produce the season before or season after their designated season
|    (so, a Summer crop would bear fruit in Spring or Fall too), so it can be
|    beneficial to plant a multi-harvest crop the season before its primary
|    season to maximize the number of harvests (by having it producing when the
|    season starts, rather than having to wait that initial time at the
|    beginning of the seasons).
|  - Different crops take different amounts of time to grow. Before planting
|    late in the season, check the growth time - no point in planting a crop
|    that takes 7 days to grow when there are only 6 days left in the season.
|  - Some crops re-grow. These crops have an initial growth time (time until
|    they first bear fruit) and a re-grow time (time after they've born fruit
|    that they bear fruit again). These crops tend to be more profitable, but
|    must be planted early in the season for maximum profit.
|  - Hurricanes and thunderstorms may destroy crops. Not all of them, just
|    random crops throughout your field. There's nothing you can do about this
|    though. Sucks, doesn't it?
| Additionally, it's crucial to note that the crop quality system from
| Magical Melody has been preserved in Tree of Tranquility.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SQU} _
| Soil and Crop Quality
| The quality of mature crops varies according to the type of soil they are
| grown in, as well as some other key details. When tilling the soil, there is
| a visible difference in the types of soil: the best soil is darkest, while
| the lesser soils are progressively lighter. The best soil is so dark it
| almost looks like it's already been watered if not viewed next to a watered
| square; the worst soil is so light it looks more like sand. Remember, though,
| that all soil qualities look the same once they've been watered, so don't
| check for soil quality after watering.
| There are three soil levels: Good Soil, Decent Soil and Poor Soil. There are
| also four levels of crop quality: Decent, Good, Perfect and Shining. Notice
| that there are three types of soil, but four types of crop: a given soil
| quality will not reliably generate the same level crop.
| Higher-quality soil yields higher-quality crops, which in turn sell for
| more. However, even plants planted in the highest-quality soil will not
| reliably yield Shining-level crops. Poor soil will typically yield Decent
| and Good crops, while Regular soil will yield Good, Perfect, and rarely
| Shining. Good soil will yield Good, Perfect and Shining as well, but with
| Perfect and Shining occurring at higher rates.
| Thorough experimentation from contributor mister_jmp and I has revealing the
| following table of proportions. These are just estimates, but they're basd
| on thousands and thousands of trials, so they should be accurate within a
| percent or two. The profit studies below are based on these proportions.
| Soil:      Decent     Good  Perfect  Shining
|   Poor        70%      26%       4%       0%
| Decent         0%      80%      18%       2%
|   Good         0%      30%      64%       6%
| It's notable, however, that the level of a crop isn't determined until the
| day it finally blossoms for picking; therefore, if you wake up one day and
| find that you have a surprisingly low proportion of shining crops, you can
| reset and start the day again and you may have more crops at the "shining"
| level. This is also helpful for some of the goddess recipes, which require
| a crop of a specific level.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FER} _
| Fertilizer
| Fertilizer serves a basic purpose: raising your soil quality. A single bag
| of fertilizer operates on six squares of soil in a row, similar to the way
| a bag of seeds is planted.
| There are three types of fertilizer, with subtle differences. First of all,
| Regular fertilizer will raise the quality of each square it touches by one
| level (Poor to Decent, Decent to Good), while rapid and happy fertilizers
| will raise it to Good no matter its original status. Secondly, regular
| fertilizer's effect will last one season, while rapid's will last two seasons
| and happy's will last three. Given that the price of regular is 90G and the
| price of happy is 225G, there's really no reason to ever buy regular (thanks
| to Master Cube 10 for looking into all of this!).
| Fertilizer cannot initially be purchased from Souffle Farm; it can only be
| purchased once Souffle Farm has leveled to a Level 2 store (ship 5000G worth
| of farm products), and Happy Fertilizer will only be available once it's a
| Level 3 store (ship 10000G worth of farm products).
| Fertilizer can be purchased from other places in the meantime. The best place
| to find fertilizer is the Flower Festival, occurring the 10th of Spring. Here
| you can purchase Happy Fertilizer from some of the stalls. Unfortunately, you
| may not have much money by the first Flower Festival to buy much fertilizer,
| given its close proximity to the start of the game. Fertilizer can also be
| purchased from the Harvest Festival (in Fall) and from Taylor (who arrives
| in the middle of your first Winter at the earliest), but by the time these
| both roll around, Souffle Farm will have likely leveled-up.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Growth Times
| Every crop has three growth times, corresponding to the crop's growth time
| in the three different soil types: Good soil, Decent soil and Poor soil.
| The Good soil growth time is always the fastest, followed by the Decent soil
| time. There are, however, some crops that take the same amount of time to
| grow regardless of soil quality, like Potatoes. For these crops, they will
| take the same number of days to grow regardless of the type of soil they're
| planted in - the only impact soil quality will have is on crop quality.
| Crop growth times can be impacted by other factors as well: most importantly,
| the growth time of crops that have weeds sitting by them (either right
| alongside or diagonally alongise) will be slowed, and the quality may be
| impacted as well. To avoid this, pick weeds the first morning you see them.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Weeds
| Weeds now actually have a practical purpose. When weeds are growing near your
| crops or trees, they may (and often will) actually lower the quality of crops
| and fruit harvested. This comes in the form of both lowering the crop quality
| and raising the crop growth time.
| To prevent this from happening, pull any weed found within 2 squares (either
| side-to-side or diagonally) of a crop or tree. Be careful, though, as in
| Tree of Tranquility, pulling weeds actually consumes stamina. The sickle
| uses much less stamina than strictly pulling.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Stamina
| Certain crops can be consumed raw. These crops carry different levels of
| stamina restoration, measured in points. Consuming the crop raw will grant
| that many points of stamina restoration.
| Cooked dishes almost always carry a higher stamina restoration value than
| raw crops, but raw crops can help in a pinch, or early in the game when
| cooking utensils haven't been obtained.
| Your character begins the game with 500 stamina points, and each power berry
| grants an increase of 100 points, for a maximum total of 1000 points.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crops vs. Herbs and Flowers
| There are three types of seeds that you can buy: crops, herbs and flowers.
| The vast majority of your seed purchases will be crops: these are the most
| profitable of the growable items, and are affected by soil quality.
| That last note is the key difference between crops and herbs/flowers; while
| crops are affected by soil quality, herbs and flowers do not have quality
| levels. Every herb grown will be of the same quality, as well as every
| flower - the only drawback to planting flowers and herbs in poor quality soil
| is in the growth time (whose mechanics are still being investigated).
| Between herbs and flowers, the main difference is in consumption: mainly,
| herbs can be consumed, whereas flowers cannot. Both can be used for dyeing
| yarn, and both can be sold, though neither are nearly as profitable as
| crops.
| Note that if you want to keep flowers alive after they're fully grown (for
| honey, for example), you still need to water them each day. If you notice
| that your flowers are brown one day, pick them immediately - they'll
| disappear before the next day.
| Flowers can also be used to attract bees for honey; more information on this
| is available in the 'Field Items' section.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Key
| The crop guides below will be laid out in the following format:
| (crop name)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : (price to purchase the bag of 6 seeds)
| Purchase Location : (where the seeds can be purchased, and in what seasons)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : (what season the crop is intended to grow in)
|   Growth Time : (how long the crop takes to grow in different soils, assuming
|                 it is watered every day and no weeds spring up next to it to
|                 slow it down)
| Multi-Harvest : (whether or not the crop will remain after being harvested
|                 and sprout a crop again)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : (crop, flower or herb)
|       Sale Price : (price at sale - for crops, multiple qualities are
|                  : separated by slashes - Decent/Good/Perfect/Shining)
|   Purchase Price : (the price to purchase that item from a store, followed by
|                  : the quality it's available at, where, and when)
| Stamina Recovery : (how much stamina is recovered by consuming the item raw;
|                  : for crops, multiple qualities are separated by slashes - 
|                  : Decent/Good/Perfect/Shining)
|  Used in Recipes : (what recipes, if any, the item is used in)
|   Goddess Recipe : (what goddess recipe, if any, the item is used in, and
|                  : what quality is required)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               (The maximum number of harvests that can be garnered from a
|               single strip of soil from that crop. This count assumes that
|               the crop is planted on the first day of the season, watered
|               every day (except when it's raining, of course), harvested
|               the first day it's available, and - for single-harvest crops -
|               re-planted the same day of the harvest. Additionally, this
|               count includes the harvest that can take place on the 1st of
|               the following month, given that it does not interfere with the
|               following month's farming.)
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|   (the profit garnered over an       (the profit garnered for a
|   entire season, assuming            single bag, assuming the crop
|   maximum harvests according to       is watered every day)
|   the assumptions listed above)
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|       (the profit garnered for           (the profit garnered for
|       each square the crop is            each square the crop is
|       planted in, over the               planted in, for one bag)
|       entire season)
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|       (the profit garnered over          (the profit garnered for one
|       an entire season divided           square of a crop bag, divided
|       by the total days in a             by the days it takes the crop
|       season)                            to grow - good for computing
|                                          the highest-value crop per day)
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|       (the profit garnered over          (the profit garnered for one
|       an entire season for one           bag of a particular crop)
|       1x6 row of the crop)
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|       (the profit garnered over          (the profit garnered for one
|       an entire season divided           bag of a crop, divided by the
|       by the total days in a             days it takes the crop to grow
|       season)                            - good for computing the
|                                          most cost-efficient crop)
| (for more thorough information        *  - amounts marked with a star
| about the profit studies, check            represent multi-harvest crops.
| the Profit Studies section by              These values represent the base
| search for [ CRP ] without the             value (the profit from the first
| spaces. This section contains              harvest) plus the additional
| information on mixed-quality               profit for each additional
| rows, how crop qualities                   harvest.
| affect profits, and the possible
| uses of the different profit          ** - these values are for only the
| studies.)                                  first harvest for multi-harvest
|                                            crops - their profit per day will
|                                            increase with subsequent harvests.
| _____________________________________________________________________[SPR]_
|                                                                             |
| Spring Crops                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/If something within the categories below doesn't make sense, remember to
| check the key at the bottom of the Mechanics section.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TUR} _
| Turnip
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 60G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
|       Poor Soil :  N/A
|     Decent Soil :  N/A
|       Good Soil :  N/A
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 50G/60G/70G/120G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Spring)
| Stamina Recovery : 50/60/70/80
|  Used in Recipes : Pickled Turnips, Steamed Turnip
|   Goddess Recipe : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  174G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :  264G                Decent Soil :   50G
|               Good Soil :  301G                  Good Soil :   60G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :    9G                Decent Soil :   10G
|               Good Soil :   11G                  Good Soil :   12G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1043G                  Poor Soil :  240G
|             Decent Soil : 1584G                Decent Soil :  300G
|               Good Soil : 1805G                  Good Soil :  360G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   37G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :   57G                Decent Soil :   60G
|               Good Soil :   64G                  Good Soil :   72G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {POT} _
| Potato
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  4 days
|     Decent Soil :  4 days
|       Good Soil :  4 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 60G/70G/80G/140G
|   Purchase Price : 90G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Spring)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Croquette, French Fries, Mashed Potatoes, Potato Gratin,
|                  : Potato Miso Soup, Potato Pancake, Potato Stew, Baked
|                  : Potato, Spicy Stew, Stew
|   Goddess Recipe : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 7
|             Decent Soil : 7
|               Good Soil : 7
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  357G                  Poor Soil :   48G
|             Decent Soil :  423G                Decent Soil :   58G
|               Good Soil :  478G                  Good Soil :   68G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   13G                  Poor Soil :   12G
|             Decent Soil :   15G                Decent Soil :   14G
|               Good Soil :   17G                  Good Soil :   17G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2139G                  Poor Soil :  285G
|             Decent Soil : 2540G                Decent Soil :  345G
|               Good Soil : 2868G                  Good Soil :  405G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   76G                  Poor Soil :   71G
|             Decent Soil :   91G                Decent Soil :   86G
|               Good Soil :  102G                  Good Soil :  101G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CAB} _
| Cabbage
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 135G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 80G/130G/180G/260G
|   Purchase Price : 120G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Spring)
| Stamina Recovery : 70/80/100/120
|  Used in Recipes : Kimchi, Pickled Cabbage, Vegetable Juice
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  224G                  Poor Soil :   58G
|             Decent Soil :  476G                Decent Soil :  108G
|               Good Soil :  591G                  Good Soil :  158G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :    6G
|             Decent Soil :   17G                Decent Soil :   15G
|               Good Soil :   21G                  Good Soil :   26G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1344G                  Poor Soil :  345G
|             Decent Soil : 2854G                Decent Soil :  645G
|               Good Soil : 3544G                  Good Soil :  945G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   48G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :  102G                Decent Soil :   92G
|               Good Soil :  127G                  Good Soil :  158G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FLA} _
| Flax
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 120G
| Purchase Location : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 50G/60G/70G/120G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Flax Yarn
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  100G                  Poor Soil :   30G
|             Decent Soil :  171G                Decent Soil :   40G
|               Good Soil :  201G                  Good Soil :   50G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    4G                  Poor Soil :    4G
|             Decent Soil :    6G                Decent Soil :    7G
|               Good Soil :    7G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  602G                  Poor Soil :  180G
|             Decent Soil : 1028G                Decent Soil :  240G
|               Good Soil : 1204G                  Good Soil :  300G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   21G                  Poor Soil :   23G
|             Decent Soil :   37G                Decent Soil :   40G
|               Good Soil :   43G                  Good Soil :   50G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {STR} _
| Strawberry
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 600G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 13 days
|     Decent Soil : 11 days
|       Good Soil :  9 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  7 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 130G/210G/290G/420G
|   Purchase Price : 195G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Spring)
|                  : 435G (Perfect, Harvest Festival, Fall 27)
| Stamina Recovery : 40/50/60/80
|  Used in Recipes : Shortcake, Strawberry Milk, Strawberry Jelly
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  373G                  Poor Soil :   30G + 130G*
|             Decent Soil :  813G                Decent Soil :  110G + 210G*
|               Good Soil :  998G                  Good Soil :  190G + 290G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   13G                  Poor Soil :    2G**
|             Decent Soil :   29G                Decent Soil :   11G**
|               Good Soil :   36G                  Good Soil :   21G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2235G                  Poor Soil :  180G + 780G*
|             Decent Soil : 4879G                Decent Soil :  660G + 1260G*
|               Good Soil : 5985G                  Good Soil : 1140G + 1740G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   80G                  Poor Soil :   14G**
|             Decent Soil :  174G                Decent Soil :   66G**
|               Good Soil :  214G                  Good Soil :  127G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BRE} _
| Breadfruit
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 210G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  5 days
|     Decent Soil :  4 days
|       Good Soil :  4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 70G/90G/110G/180G
|   Purchase Price : 105G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Spring)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Bread, Carrot Cake, Cheesecake, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate
|                  : Cookies, Cookies, Corn Bread, Croquette, Herb Bread, Herb
|                  : Cookies, Mont Blanc Cake, Onion Bread, Orange Cake, Orange
|                  : Cookies, Pancakes, Pie Crust, Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin
|                  : Croquette, Shortcake, Spinach Cake, Yam Cake
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 6
|               Good Soil : 6
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  273G                  Poor Soil :   35G + 70G*
|             Decent Soil :  536G                Decent Soil :   55G + 90G*
|               Good Soil :  616G                  Good Soil :   75G + 110G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   10G                  Poor Soil :    4G**
|             Decent Soil :   19G                Decent Soil :    8G**
|               Good Soil :   22G                  Good Soil :   13G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1635G                  Poor Soil :  210G + 420G*
|             Decent Soil : 3216G                Decent Soil :  330G + 540G*
|               Good Soil : 3694G                  Good Soil :  450G + 660G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   58G                  Poor Soil :   23G**
|             Decent Soil :  115G                Decent Soil :   47G**
|               Good Soil :  132G                  Good Soil :   75G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spring Mix
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 150G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
| Multi-Harvest : Varies
|   Growth Time : Varies
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GHB} _
| Green Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 105G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Herb
|       Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Price : 45G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Vegetable Juice, Green Yarns
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes, Ben's (Blue)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :   50G                  Poor Soil :   13G
|             Decent Soil :   63G                Decent Soil :   13G
|               Good Soil :   63G                  Good Soil :   13G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    2G                  Poor Soil :    2G
|             Decent Soil :    2G                Decent Soil :    3G
|               Good Soil :    2G                  Good Soil :    3G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  300G                  Poor Soil :   75G
|             Decent Soil :  375G                Decent Soil :   75G
|               Good Soil :  375G                  Good Soil :   75G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   11G                  Poor Soil :   13G
|             Decent Soil :   13G                Decent Soil :   15G
|               Good Soil :   13G                  Good Soil :   15G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HYA} _
| Hyacinth Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  7 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 80G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  203G                  Poor Soil :   68G
|             Decent Soil :  270G                Decent Soil :   68G
|               Good Soil :  270G                  Good Soil :   68G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    7G                  Poor Soil :    8G
|             Decent Soil :   10G                Decent Soil :   10G
|               Good Soil :   10G                  Good Soil :   10G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1215G                  Poor Soil :  405G
|             Decent Soil : 1620G                Decent Soil :  405G
|               Good Soil : 1620G                  Good Soil :  405G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   43G                  Poor Soil :   45G
|             Decent Soil :   58G                Decent Soil :   58G
|               Good Soil :   58G                  Good Soil :   58G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LAV} _
| Lavender Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 60G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Purple
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  160G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :  200G                Decent Soil :   40G
|               Good Soil :  200G                  Good Soil :   40G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :    7G                Decent Soil :    8G
|               Good Soil :    7G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  960G                  Poor Soil :  240G
|             Decent Soil : 1200G                Decent Soil :  240G
|               Good Soil : 1200G                  Good Soil :  240G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   34G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :   43G                Decent Soil :   48G
|               Good Soil :   43G                  Good Soil :   48G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TUL} _
| Tulip Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 90G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : N/A
|       Poor Soil :  N/A
|     Decent Soil :  N/A
|       Good Soil :  N/A
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 60G
|   Purchase Price : 90G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Red
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  135G                  Poor Soil :   45G
|             Decent Soil :  180G                Decent Soil :   45G
|               Good Soil :  180G                  Good Soil :   45G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    5G                  Poor Soil :    6G
|             Decent Soil :    6G                Decent Soil :    8G
|               Good Soil :    6G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  810G                  Poor Soil :  270G
|             Decent Soil : 1080G                Decent Soil :  270G
|               Good Soil : 1080G                  Good Soil :  270G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   29G                  Poor Soil :   34G
|             Decent Soil :   39G                Decent Soil :   45G
|               Good Soil :   39G                  Good Soil :   45G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MON} _
| Moondrop Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
|                   : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Spring
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 40G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  110G                  Poor Soil :   28G
|             Decent Soil :  138G                Decent Soil :   28G
|               Good Soil :  138G                  Good Soil :   28G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    4G                  Poor Soil :    5G
|             Decent Soil :    5G                Decent Soil :    6G
|               Good Soil :    5G                  Good Soil :    6G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  660G                  Poor Soil :  165G
|             Decent Soil :  825G                Decent Soil :  165G
|               Good Soil :  825G                  Good Soil :  165G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   24G                  Poor Soil :   28G
|             Decent Soil :   29G                Decent Soil :   33G
|               Good Soil :   29G                  Good Soil :   33G
| _____________________________________________________________________[SUM]_
|                                                                             |
| Summer Crops                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/If something within the categories below doesn't make sense, remember to
| check the key at the bottom of the Mechanics section.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WAT} _
| Watermelon
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 480G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 110G/180G/250G/360G
|   Purchase Price : 165G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Summer)
| Stamina Recovery : 50/60/80/100
|  Used in Recipes : None
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  162G                  Poor Soil :   30G
|             Decent Soil :  464G                Decent Soil :  100G
|               Good Soil :  624G                  Good Soil :  170G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    3G
|             Decent Soil :   17G                Decent Soil :   14G
|               Good Soil :   22G                  Good Soil :   28G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  973G                  Poor Soil :  180G
|             Decent Soil : 2783G                Decent Soil :  600G
|               Good Soil : 3746G                  Good Soil : 1020G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   35G                  Poor Soil :   20G
|             Decent Soil :   99G                Decent Soil :   86G
|               Good Soil :  134G                  Good Soil :  170G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ONI} _
| Onion
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  5 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 60G/70G/80G/140G
|   Purchase Price : 90G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Summer)
|                  : 105G (Good, Harvest Festival, Fall 27)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Bouillabaise, Cheese Risotto, Fried Rice, Marinated Fish,
|                  : Onion Bread, Ratatouille, Salmon Cream Stew, Seafood Fried
|                  : Rice, Seafood Rice, Spicy Seafood Stew, Spicy Stew,
|                  : Spinach Risotto, Stew, Tomato Risotto
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 5
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  255G                  Poor Soil :   48G
|             Decent Soil :  302G                Decent Soil :   58G
|               Good Soil :  341G                  Good Soil :   68G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    9G                  Poor Soil :   10G
|             Decent Soil :   11G                Decent Soil :   12G
|               Good Soil :   12G                  Good Soil :   14G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1528G                  Poor Soil :  285G
|             Decent Soil : 1814G                Decent Soil :  345G
|               Good Soil : 2048G                  Good Soil :  405G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   55G                  Poor Soil :   57G
|             Decent Soil :   65G                Decent Soil :   69G
|               Good Soil :   73G                  Good Soil :   81G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HYD} _
| Honeydew
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 735G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 11 days
|     Decent Soil :  9 days
|       Good Soil :  8 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 200G/330G/460G/660G
|   Purchase Price : 300G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Summer)
|                  : 690G (Perfect, Souffle Farm, Summer)
| Stamina Recovery : 50/60/80/100
|  Used in Recipes : Honeydew Juice, Honeydew Milk
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes (Perfect); Edge's (Purple)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 2
|             Decent Soil : 3
|               Good Soil : 3
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  244G                  Poor Soil :   78G
|             Decent Soil :  711G                Decent Soil :  208G
|               Good Soil :  934G                  Good Soil :  338G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    9G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :   25G                Decent Soil :   23G
|               Good Soil :   33G                  Good Soil :   42G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1466G                  Poor Soil :  465G
|             Decent Soil : 4267G                Decent Soil : 1245G
|               Good Soil : 5605G                  Good Soil : 2025G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   52G                  Poor Soil :   42G
|             Decent Soil :  152G                Decent Soil :  138G
|               Good Soil :  200G                  Good Soil :  253G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {COR} _
| Corn
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 210G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 11 days
|     Decent Soil :  9 days
|       Good Soil :  8 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  5 days
|     Decent Soil :  4 days
|       Good Soil :  4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 100G/120G/140G/240G
|   Purchase Price : 150G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Summer)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Boiled Corn, Corn Bread, Corn Soup, Roasted Corn
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 6
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  393G                  Poor Soil :   65G + 100G*
|             Decent Soil :  593G                Decent Soil :   85G + 120G*
|               Good Soil :  807G                  Good Soil :  105G + 140G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   14G                  Poor Soil :    6G**
|             Decent Soil :   21G                Decent Soil :    9G**
|               Good Soil :   29G                  Good Soil :   13G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2355G                  Poor Soil :  390G + 600G*
|             Decent Soil : 3559G                Decent Soil :  510G + 720G*
|               Good Soil : 4841G                  Good Soil :  630G + 840G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   84G                  Poor Soil :   35G**
|             Decent Soil :  127G                Decent Soil :   57G**
|               Good Soil :  173G                  Good Soil :   79G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TOM} _
| Tomato
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 225G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  7 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  7 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  4 days
|     Decent Soil :  4 days
|       Good Soil :  4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 90G/110G/130G/220G
|   Purchase Price : 135G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Summer)
|                  : 165G (Good, Harvest Festival, Fall 27)
| Stamina Recovery : 80/90/100/110
|  Used in Recipes : Bouillabaise, Ratatouille, Sardine Tomato Stew, Saury
|                  : Tomato Stew, Spicy Seafood Stew, Tomato Juice, Tomato
|                  : Omelette, Tomato Risotto, Tomato Soup
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes (Good); Ben's (Blue)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 6
|             Decent Soil : 6
|               Good Soil : 6
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  544G                  Poor Soil :   53G + 90G*
|             Decent Soil :  655G                Decent Soil :   73G + 110G*
|               Good Soil :  741G                  Good Soil :   93G + 130G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   19G                  Poor Soil :    8G**
|             Decent Soil :   23G                Decent Soil :   10G**
|               Good Soil :   26G                  Good Soil :   13G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 3263G                  Poor Soil :  315G + 540G*
|             Decent Soil : 3932G                Decent Soil :  435G + 660G*
|               Good Soil : 4444G                  Good Soil :  555G + 780G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :  117G                  Poor Soil :   45G**
|             Decent Soil :  140G                Decent Soil :   62G**
|               Good Soil :  159G                  Good Soil :   79G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {COC} _
| Cocoa
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 225G
| Purchase Location : Pineapple Inn (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 10 days
|     Decent Soil :  8 days
|       Good Soil :  7 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  5 days
|     Decent Soil :  4 days
|       Good Soil :  4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 120G/150G/180G/300G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Chocolate Banana, Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Cake, Chocolate
|                  : Cookies, Chocolate Fondue, Chocolate Pie, Chocolate
|                  : Pudding, Hot Cocoa
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 6
|               Good Soil : 6
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  484G                  Poor Soil :   83G + 120G*
|             Decent Soil :  910G                Decent Soil :  113G + 150G*
|               Good Soil : 1034G                  Good Soil :  143G + 180G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   17G                  Poor Soil :    8G**
|             Decent Soil :   33G                Decent Soil :   14G**
|               Good Soil :   37G                  Good Soil :   20G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2903G                  Poor Soil :  495G + 720G*
|             Decent Soil : 5462G                Decent Soil :  675G + 900G*
|               Good Soil : 6204G                  Good Soil :  855G + 1080G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :  104G                  Poor Soil :   50G**
|             Decent Soil :  195G                Decent Soil :   84G**
|               Good Soil :  222G                  Good Soil :  122G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Summer Mix
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 150G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
| Multi-Harvest : Varies
|   Growth Time : Varies
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BHB} _
| Blue Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 120G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Herb
|       Sale Price : 70G
|   Purchase Price : 105G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : 30
|  Used in Recipes : Blue Yarns
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  340G                  Poor Soil :   85G
|             Decent Soil :  425G                Decent Soil :   85G
|               Good Soil :  425G                  Good Soil :   85G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   12G                  Poor Soil :   14G
|             Decent Soil :   15G                Decent Soil :   17G
|               Good Soil :   15G                  Good Soil :   17G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2040G                  Poor Soil :  510G
|             Decent Soil : 2550G                Decent Soil :  510G
|               Good Soil : 2550G                  Good Soil :  510G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   73G                  Poor Soil :   85G
|             Decent Soil :   91G                Decent Soil :  102G
|               Good Soil :   91G                  Good Soil :  102G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SUN} _
| Sunflower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 70G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  173G                  Poor Soil :   58G
|             Decent Soil :  230G                Decent Soil :   58G
|               Good Soil :  230G                  Good Soil :   58G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :    8G                Decent Soil :   10G
|               Good Soil :    8G                  Good Soil :   10G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1035G                  Poor Soil :  345G
|             Decent Soil : 1380G                Decent Soil :  345G
|               Good Soil : 1380G                  Good Soil :  345G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   37G                  Poor Soil :   43G
|             Decent Soil :   49G                Decent Soil :   58G
|               Good Soil :   49G                  Good Soil :   58G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PAN} _
| Pansy Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 60G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Summer)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :   80G                  Poor Soil :   20G
|             Decent Soil :  100G                Decent Soil :   20G
|               Good Soil :  100G                  Good Soil :   20G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    3G                  Poor Soil :    3G
|             Decent Soil :    4G                Decent Soil :    4G
|               Good Soil :    4G                  Good Soil :    4G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  480G                  Poor Soil :  120G
|             Decent Soil :  600G                Decent Soil :  120G
|               Good Soil :  600G                  Good Soil :  120G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   17G                  Poor Soil :   20G
|             Decent Soil :   21G                Decent Soil :   24G
|               Good Soil :   21G                  Good Soil :   24G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PKC} _
| Pinkcat Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 60G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Spring)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten
|     Flower Color : Purple
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  160G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :  200G                Decent Soil :   40G
|               Good Soil :  200G                  Good Soil :   40G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :    7G                Decent Soil :    8G
|               Good Soil :    7G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  960G                  Poor Soil :  240G
|             Decent Soil : 1200G                Decent Soil :  240G
|               Good Soil : 1200G                  Good Soil :  240G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   34G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :   43G                Decent Soil :   48G
|               Good Soil :   43G                  Good Soil :   48G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LIL} _
| Lily Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 120G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 70G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  190G                  Poor Soil :   63G
|             Decent Soil :  253G                Decent Soil :   63G
|               Good Soil :  253G                  Good Soil :   63G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    7G                  Poor Soil :    8G
|             Decent Soil :    9G                Decent Soil :   11G
|               Good Soil :    9G                  Good Soil :   11G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1140G                  Poor Soil :  380G
|             Decent Soil : 1520G                Decent Soil :  380G
|               Good Soil : 1520G                  Good Soil :  380G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   41G                  Poor Soil :   48G
|             Decent Soil :   54G                Decent Soil :   63G
|               Good Soil :   54G                  Good Soil :   63G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BEG} _
| Begonia Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten
|     Flower Color : Purple
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  150G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :  188G                Decent Soil :   38G
|               Good Soil :  188G                  Good Soil :   38G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    5G                  Poor Soil :    6G
|             Decent Soil :    7G                Decent Soil :    8G
|               Good Soil :    7G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  900G                  Poor Soil :  225G
|             Decent Soil : 1125G                Decent Soil :  225G
|               Good Soil : 1125G                  Good Soil :  225G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   32G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :   40G                Decent Soil :   45G
|               Good Soil :   40G                  Good Soil :   45G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HIB} _
| Hibiscus Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 90G
| Purchase Location : Pineapple Inn (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Summer
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 80G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten
|     Flower Color : Red
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  195G                  Poor Soil :   65G
|             Decent Soil :  260G                Decent Soil :   65G
|               Good Soil :  260G                  Good Soil :   65G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    7G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :    9G                Decent Soil :    9G
|               Good Soil :    9G                  Good Soil :   11G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1170G                  Poor Soil :  390G
|             Decent Soil : 1560G                Decent Soil :  390G
|               Good Soil : 1560G                  Good Soil :  390G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   42G                  Poor Soil :   43G
|             Decent Soil :   56G                Decent Soil :   56G
|               Good Soil :   56G                  Good Soil :   65G
| _____________________________________________________________________[FAL]_
|                                                                             |
| Fall Crops                                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/If something within the categories below doesn't make sense, remember to
| check the key at the bottom of the Mechanics section.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RIC} _
| Rice
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 120G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No (despite what the game says)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 50G/90G/130G/180G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Fall)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Bamboo Rice, Cheese Risotto, Chestnut Rice, Chirashi
|                  : Sushi, Conger Eel Bowl, Doria, Eel Bowl, Egg Rice, Fried
|                  : Rice, Mushroom Rice, Omelette Rice, Potato Rice, Rice
|                  : Ball, Salmon Fried Rice, Seafood Doria, Seafood Fried
|                  : Rice, Seafood Rice, Southern Friend Rice, Southern
|                  : Omelette, Spinach Risotto, Sushi, Tuna Bowl, Tomato
|                  : Risotto, Rice Cocktail
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  175G                  Poor Soil :   30G
|             Decent Soil :  395G                Decent Soil :   70G
|               Good Soil :  506G                  Good Soil :  110G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    5G
|             Decent Soil :   14G                Decent Soil :   14G
|               Good Soil :   18G                  Good Soil :   22G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1050G                  Poor Soil :  180G
|             Decent Soil : 2367G                Decent Soil :  420G
|               Good Soil : 3038G                  Good Soil :  660G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   38G                  Poor Soil :   30G
|             Decent Soil :   85G                Decent Soil :   84G
|               Good Soil :  108G                  Good Soil :  132G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SPP} _
| Spicy Pepper
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 30G
| Purchase Location : Pineapple Inn (Year-Round)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 60G/70G/80G/140G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Kimchi, Southern Fried Rice, Southern Omelette, Spicy
|                  : Seafood Stew, Spicy Stew, Stay Awake, Super Stay Awake
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  234G                  Poor Soil :   55G
|             Decent Soil :  340G                Decent Soil :   65G
|               Good Soil :  379G                  Good Soil :   75G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :    9G
|             Decent Soil :   12G                Decent Soil :   13G
|               Good Soil :   14G                  Good Soil :   15G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1403G                  Poor Soil :  330G
|             Decent Soil : 2039G                Decent Soil :  390G
|               Good Soil : 2273G                  Good Soil :  450G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   50G                  Poor Soil :   55G
|             Decent Soil :   73G                Decent Soil :   78G
|               Good Soil :   81G                  Good Soil :   90G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CRT} _
| Carrot
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 60G
| Purchase Location : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 80G/100G/120G/200G
|   Purchase Price : 150G (Good, Harvest Festival, Fall 27)
| Stamina Recovery : 40/50/60/80
|  Used in Recipes : Carrot Cake, Carrot Juice, Kimchi, Salmon Cream Stew,
|                  : Spicy Stew, Stew
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  231G                  Poor Soil :   70G
|             Decent Soil :  381G                Decent Soil :   90G
|               Good Soil :  436G                  Good Soil :  110G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :    9G
|             Decent Soil :   14G                Decent Soil :   15G
|               Good Soil :   16G                  Good Soil :   18G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1384G                  Poor Soil :  420G
|             Decent Soil : 2288G                Decent Soil :  540G
|               Good Soil : 2618G                  Good Soil :  660G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   49G                  Poor Soil :   53G
|             Decent Soil :   82G                Decent Soil :   90G
|               Good Soil :   93G                  Good Soil :  110G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {YAM} _
| Yam
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 135G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 10 days
|     Decent Soil :  8 days
|       Good Soil :  7 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil : 5  days
|     Decent Soil : 4  days
|       Good Soil : 4  days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 50G/90G/120G/170G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Fall)
|                  : 280G (Perfect, Fall Market, Fall 22)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Grilled Yam, Potato Rice, Sweet Yam Cake, Yam Cake, Yam
|                  : Stew, Yam Cocktail
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 6
|               Good Soil : 6
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  231G                  Poor Soil :   28G + 50G*
|             Decent Soil :  559G                Decent Soil :   68G + 90G*
|               Good Soil :  663G                  Good Soil :   98G + 120G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :    3G**
|             Decent Soil :   20G                Decent Soil :    8G**
|               Good Soil :   24G                  Good Soil :   14G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1386G                  Poor Soil :  165G + 300G*
|             Decent Soil : 3353G                Decent Soil :  405G + 540G*
|               Good Soil : 3977G                  Good Soil :  585G + 720G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   49G                  Poor Soil :   17G**
|             Decent Soil :  120G                Decent Soil :   51G**
|               Good Soil :  142G                  Good Soil :   84G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BPP} _
| Bell Pepper
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 90G
| Purchase Location : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  4 days
|     Decent Soil :  3 days
|       Good Soil :  3 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 60G/70G/80G/140G
|   Purchase Price : 90G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Fall)
| Stamina Recovery : 30/40/60/80
|  Used in Recipes : Ratatouille, Vegetable Juice
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 6
|             Decent Soil : 8
|               Good Soil : 8
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  381G                  Poor Soil :   60G + 60G*
|             Decent Soil :  584G                Decent Soil :   70G + 70G*
|               Good Soil :  646G                  Good Soil :   80G + 80G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   14G                  Poor Soil :    8G**
|             Decent Soil :   21G                Decent Soil :   12G**
|               Good Soil :   23G                  Good Soil :   13G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2284G                  Poor Soil :  360G + 360G*
|             Decent Soil : 3503G                Decent Soil :  420G + 420G*
|               Good Soil : 3878G                  Good Soil :  480G + 480G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   82G                  Poor Soil :   45G**
|             Decent Soil :  125G                Decent Soil :   70G**
|               Good Soil :  138G                  Good Soil :   80G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {EGP} _
| Eggplant
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 285G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 10 days
|     Decent Soil :  8 days
|       Good Soil :  7 days
| Multi-Harvest : Yes
|       Poor Soil :  5 days
|     Decent Soil :  4 days
|       Good Soil :  4 days
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 100G/120G/140G/240G
|   Purchase Price : 150G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Fall)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Grilled Eggplant, Pickled Eggplant, Ratatouille, Tempura
|                  : Buckwheat Noodles
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 6
|               Good Soil : 6
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  380G                  Poor Soil :   53G + 100G*
|             Decent Soil :  706G                Decent Soil :   73G + 120G*
|               Good Soil :  794G                  Good Soil :   93G + 140G*
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   14G                  Poor Soil :    5G**
|             Decent Soil :   25G                Decent Soil :    9G**
|               Good Soil :   28G                  Good Soil :   13G**
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 2280G                  Poor Soil :  315G + 600G*
|             Decent Soil : 4238G                Decent Soil :  435G + 720G*
|               Good Soil : 4766G                  Good Soil :  555G + 840G*
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   81G                  Poor Soil :   32G**
|             Decent Soil :  151G                Decent Soil :   54G**
|               Good Soil :  170G                  Good Soil :   79G**
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SPN} _
| Spinach
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 60G/80G/100G/160G
|   Purchase Price : 120G (Good, Harvest Festival, Fall 27)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Boiled Spinach, Meuniere, Sauteed Spinach, Shark Fin Soup,
|                  : Spinach Cake, Spinach Risotto, Steamed Egg, Vegetable
|                  : Juice
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes (Perfect); Collin's (Yellow)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  218G                  Poor Soil :   48G
|             Decent Soil :  363G                Decent Soil :   68G
|               Good Soil :  427G                  Good Soil :   88G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :    8G
|             Decent Soil :   13G                Decent Soil :   14G
|               Good Soil :   15G                  Good Soil :   18G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1305G                  Poor Soil :  285G
|             Decent Soil : 2175G                Decent Soil :  405G
|               Good Soil : 2559G                  Good Soil :  525G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   47G                  Poor Soil :   48G
|             Decent Soil :   78G                Decent Soil :   81G
|               Good Soil :   91G                  Good Soil :  105G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PUM} _
| Pumpkin
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 195G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 10 days
|     Decent Soil :  8 days
|       Good Soil :  7 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 130G/160G/190G/320G
|   Purchase Price : 195G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Fall)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Croquette, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin
|                  : Pudding, Pumpkin Stew
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 2
|             Decent Soil : 3
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  216G                  Poor Soil :   98G
|             Decent Soil :  407G                Decent Soil :  128G
|               Good Soil :  627G                  Good Soil :  158G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :   10G
|             Decent Soil :   15G                Decent Soil :   16G
|               Good Soil :   22G                  Good Soil :   23G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1294G                  Poor Soil :  585G
|             Decent Soil : 2441G                Decent Soil :  765G
|               Good Soil : 3761G                  Good Soil :  945G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   46G                  Poor Soil :   59G
|             Decent Soil :   87G                Decent Soil :   96G
|               Good Soil :  134G                  Good Soil :  135G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fall Mix
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 150G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
| Multi-Harvest : Varies
|   Growth Time : Varies
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PHB} _
| Purple Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 135G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Herb
|       Sale Price : 60G
|   Purchase Price : 90G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Bodigizer XL
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  150G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :  188G                Decent Soil :   38G
|               Good Soil :  188G                  Good Soil :   38G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    5G                  Poor Soil :    6G
|             Decent Soil :    7G                Decent Soil :    8G
|               Good Soil :    7G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  900G                  Poor Soil :  225G
|             Decent Soil : 1125G                Decent Soil :  225G
|               Good Soil : 1125G                  Good Soil :  225G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   32G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :   40G                Decent Soil :   45G
|               Good Soil :   40G                  Good Soil :   45G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RHB} _
| Red Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 135G
| Purchase Location : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Summer Market (Summer 22)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Herb
|       Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Bodigizer
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  110G                  Poor Soil :   28G
|             Decent Soil :  138G                Decent Soil :   28G
|               Good Soil :  138G                  Good Soil :   28G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    4G                  Poor Soil :    5G
|             Decent Soil :    5G                Decent Soil :    6G
|               Good Soil :    5G                  Good Soil :    6G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  660G                  Poor Soil :  165G
|             Decent Soil :  825G                Decent Soil :  165G
|               Good Soil :  825G                  Good Soil :  165G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   24G                  Poor Soil :   28G
|             Decent Soil :   29G                Decent Soil :   33G
|               Good Soil :   29G                  Good Soil :   33G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CMS} _
| Cosmos Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Spring Market, Spring 22)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Red
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  150G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :  188G                Decent Soil :   38G
|               Good Soil :  188G                  Good Soil :   38G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    5G                  Poor Soil :    6G
|             Decent Soil :    7G                Decent Soil :    8G
|               Good Soil :    7G                  Good Soil :    8G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  900G                  Poor Soil :  225G
|             Decent Soil : 1125G                Decent Soil :  225G
|               Good Soil : 1125G                  Good Soil :  225G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   32G                  Poor Soil :   38G
|             Decent Soil :   40G                Decent Soil :   45G
|               Good Soil :   40G                  Good Soil :   45G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MNG} _
| Morning Glory Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 75G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 90G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Blue
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  233G                  Poor Soil :   78G
|             Decent Soil :  310G                Decent Soil :   78G
|               Good Soil :  310G                  Good Soil :   78G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :    9G
|             Decent Soil :   11G                Decent Soil :   11G
|               Good Soil :   11G                  Good Soil :   13G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1395G                  Poor Soil :  465G
|             Decent Soil : 1860G                Decent Soil :  465G
|               Good Soil : 1860G                  Good Soil :  465G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   50G                  Poor Soil :   52G
|             Decent Soil :   66G                Decent Soil :   66G
|               Good Soil :   66G                  Good Soil :   78G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BLM} _
| Blue Mist Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 525G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Fall)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil : 16 days
|     Decent Soil : 13 days
|       Good Soil : 12 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 320G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Blue
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 1
|             Decent Soil : 2
|               Good Soil : 2
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  233G                  Poor Soil :  233G
|             Decent Soil :  465G                Decent Soil :  233G
|               Good Soil :  465G                  Good Soil :  233G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    8G                  Poor Soil :   15G
|             Decent Soil :   17G                Decent Soil :   18G
|               Good Soil :   17G                  Good Soil :   19G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1395G                  Poor Soil : 1395G
|             Decent Soil : 2790G                Decent Soil : 1395G
|               Good Soil : 2790G                  Good Soil : 1395G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   50G                  Poor Soil :   87G
|             Decent Soil :  100G                Decent Soil :  107G
|               Good Soil :  100G                  Good Soil :  116G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ROS} _
| Rose Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 105G
| Purchase Location : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  9 days
|     Decent Soil :  7 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 100G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Red
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  248G                  Poor Soil :   83G
|             Decent Soil :  330G                Decent Soil :   83G
|               Good Soil :  330G                  Good Soil :   83G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    9G                  Poor Soil :    9G
|             Decent Soil :   12G                Decent Soil :   12G
|               Good Soil :   12G                  Good Soil :   14G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil : 1485G                  Poor Soil :  495G
|             Decent Soil : 1980G                Decent Soil :  495G
|               Good Soil : 1980G                  Good Soil :  495G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   53G                  Poor Soil :   55G
|             Decent Soil :   71G                Decent Soil :   71G
|               Good Soil :   71G                  Good Soil :   83G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CHR} _
| Chrysanthemum Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 60G
| Purchase Location : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Fall
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 50G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  120G                  Poor Soil :   40G
|             Decent Soil :  160G                Decent Soil :   40G
|               Good Soil :  160G                  Good Soil :   40G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    4G                  Poor Soil :    5G
|             Decent Soil :    6G                Decent Soil :    7G
|               Good Soil :    6G                  Good Soil :    7G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  720G                  Poor Soil :  240G
|             Decent Soil :  960G                Decent Soil :  240G
|               Good Soil :  960G                  Good Soil :  240G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   26G                  Poor Soil :   30G
|             Decent Soil :   34G                Decent Soil :   40G
|               Good Soil :   34G                  Good Soil :   40G
| _____________________________________________________________________[WNT]_
|                                                                             |
| Winter Crops                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/If something within the categories below doesn't make sense, remember to
| check the key at the bottom of the Mechanics section.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BCK} _
| Buckwheat
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 150G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Winter)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
|                   : Harvest Festival (Fall 27)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  6 days
|     Decent Soil :  5 days
|       Good Soil :  5 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Crop
|       Sale Price : 50G/80G/110G/160G
|   Purchase Price : 75G (Decent, Souffle Farm, Winter)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Buckwheat Noodles with Egg, Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat
|                  : Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Buckwheat Cocktail
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 4
|             Decent Soil : 5
|               Good Soil : 5
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  141G                  Poor Soil :   25G
|             Decent Soil :  309G                Decent Soil :   55G
|               Good Soil :  396G                  Good Soil :   85G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    5G                  Poor Soil :    4G
|             Decent Soil :   11G                Decent Soil :   11G
|               Good Soil :   14G                  Good Soil :   17G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  848G                  Poor Soil :  150G
|             Decent Soil : 1856G                Decent Soil :  330G
|               Good Soil : 2377G                  Good Soil :  510G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   30G                  Poor Soil :   25G
|             Decent Soil :   66G                Decent Soil :   66G
|               Good Soil :   85G                  Good Soil :  102G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {YHB} _
| Yellow Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 120G
| Purchase Location : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
|                   : Flower Festival (Spring 10)
|                   : Harvest Festival (Fall 27)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Herb
|       Sale Price : 40G
|   Purchase Price : 60G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| Stamina Recovery : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Yellow Yarns
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :   60G                  Poor Soil :   20G
|             Decent Soil :   80G                Decent Soil :   20G
|               Good Soil :   80G                  Good Soil :   20G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    2G                  Poor Soil :    3G
|             Decent Soil :    3G                Decent Soil :    3G
|               Good Soil :    3G                  Good Soil :    3G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  360G                  Poor Soil :  120G
|             Decent Soil :  480G                Decent Soil :  120G
|               Good Soil :  480G                  Good Soil :  120G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   13G                  Poor Soil :   15G
|             Decent Soil :   17G                Decent Soil :   20G
|               Good Soil :   17G                  Good Soil :   20G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GRB} _
| Green Bell Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 165G
| Purchase Location : Pineapple Inn (Year-Round)
|                   : Taylor's Seeds (Year-Round)
|                   : Harvest Festival (Fall 27)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 70G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Green
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes; Alan's (Red)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  128G                  Poor Soil :   43G
|             Decent Soil :  170G                Decent Soil :   43G
|               Good Soil :  170G                  Good Soil :   43G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    5G                  Poor Soil :    5G
|             Decent Soil :    6G                Decent Soil :    7G
|               Good Soil :    6G                  Good Soil :    7G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  765G                  Poor Soil :  255G
|             Decent Soil : 1020G                Decent Soil :  255G
|               Good Soil : 1020G                  Good Soil :  255G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   27G                  Poor Soil :   32G
|             Decent Soil :   36G                Decent Soil :   43G
|               Good Soil :   36G                  Good Soil :   43G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SNW} _
| Snowflake Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 150
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Winter)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 80G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Yellow
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes; Edge's (Purple)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :  165G                  Poor Soil :   55G
|             Decent Soil :  220G                Decent Soil :   55G
|               Good Soil :  220G                  Good Soil :   55G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    6G                  Poor Soil :    7G
|             Decent Soil :    8G                Decent Soil :    9G
|               Good Soil :    8G                  Good Soil :    9G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  990G                  Poor Soil :  330G
|             Decent Soil : 1320G                Decent Soil :  330G
|               Good Soil : 1320G                  Good Soil :  330G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   35G                  Poor Soil :   41G
|             Decent Soil :   47G                Decent Soil :   55G
|               Good Soil :   47G                  Good Soil :   55G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ANE} _
| Anemone Flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seed Characteristics
|    Purchase Price : 90G
| Purchase Location : Souffle Farm (Winter) (Two Stars)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crop Characteristics
|        Season : Winter
|   Growth Time :
|       Poor Soil :  8 days
|     Decent Soil :  6 days
|       Good Soil :  6 days
| Multi-Harvest : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Produce Characteristics
|             Type : Flower
|       Sale Price : 30G
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|     Flower Color : Red
|   Goddess Recipe : No
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Profit Analysis
|      Maximum Harvests Per Season :
|               Poor Soil : 3
|             Decent Soil : 4
|               Good Soil : 4
| Profit by Season :                 Profit by Bag :
|     Profit Per Square :                Profit Per Square :
|               Poor Soil :   45G                  Poor Soil :   15G
|             Decent Soil :   60G                Decent Soil :   15G
|               Good Soil :   60G                  Good Soil :   15G
| Profit/Square Per Day :            Profit/Square Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :    2G                  Poor Soil :    2G
|             Decent Soil :    2G                Decent Soil :    3G
|               Good Soil :    2G                  Good Soil :    3G
|        Profit Per Row :                   Profit Per Bag :
|               Poor Soil :  270G                  Poor Soil :   90G
|             Decent Soil :  360G                Decent Soil :   90G
|               Good Soil :  360G                  Good Soil :   90G
|    Profit/Row Per Day :               Profit/Bag Per Day :
|               Poor Soil :   10G                  Poor Soil :   11G
|             Decent Soil :   13G                Decent Soil :   15G
|               Good Soil :   13G                  Good Soil :   15G
| _____________________________________________________________________[CRP]_
|                                                                             |
| Profit Study                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Each season below will have three profit studies for it: a seasonal profit
| study, a per-bag profit study and an observations study. The three studies
| serve different purposes:
|  - The seasonal profit study is meant for your planning from the beginning of
|    the season. These values represent the maximum amount that can be earned
|    from that crop for the season. Use this to plan which crops you want to
|    plant the first day and maintain throughout the season.
|    The values in this column are assuming several things: that the crop is
|    planted on the first day of the season, that the crop is watered every
|    day (except when it's raining), that the crop is harvested the first day
|    it's available, and that single-harvest crops are re-planted the same day
|    they're harvested.
|    Additionally, harvests are counted all the way up until the 1st day of the
|    following month - so for the values below to hold true, refrain from
|    chopping down old crops until the 1st day of the next season.
|    This list is sorted by profit per season per row in Good Soil. The number
|    listed alongside the profit is that crop's rank in that particular soil.
|  - The per-bag profit study is meant for your planning later in the season,
|    when the number of days you have to grow the crop is limited. Use this to
|    find the best crop to plant when your days are running low and you're
|    looking for a little extra cash.
|    Because this list is intended only for short-term profits, only the
|    profits from the first harvest of a multi-harvest crop are listed. If you
|    have the time for more than one harvest from a multi-harvest crop, check
|    its listing above to see how much it would make for your number of
|    harvests.
|    This list is sorted by each crop's profit per day per bag in Good Soil,
|    the best measure of crop cost-efficiency. Pay attention to the crop's
|    growth time so you know if the crop will sprout in time for the end of
|    the season.
|  - The observations profit study is a way for those of you who still aren't
|    sure how to interpret the charts to get the conclusions.
| The values listed are, needless to say, approximate. Because crop quality is
| somewhat random, profits will differ - they should be near the below values,
| but won't be precise. For more information on this, check the Crop Quality
| section at the beginning of the Farming section.
| Note that for profits computed for an entire bag or row, the profit listed
| for a soil quality is assuming the entire row is of that quality. If your
| row is of mixed qualities, average the profits.
| It might seem a bit non-intuitive that the per-day lists and the per-season
| lists differ so much; there are two chief reasons for this. The first is that
| multi-harvest crops become more and more profitable with subsequent harvests,
| while single-harvest crops have the same profitability throughout. Secondly,
| some crops' growth times leave a large "remainder" - that is, the part of the
| season after the final harvest when there isn't time for another harvest.
| Blue Mist flowers are very profitable per day, but because they can take 16
| days to grow (in Poor soil), a large portion of the season (12 days) can't be
| used for another harvest, decreasing its seasonal profitability.
| Huge thanks go out to mister_jmp for doing more of the research on this
| section than I did.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SGP} _
| Spring
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal
|                  Maximum Harvests               Seasonal Profit
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Strawberry        3       4       4     2235G ( 1)   4879G ( 1)   5985G ( 1)
| Breadfruit        4       6       6     1635G ( 3)   3216G ( 2)   3694G ( 2)
| Cabbage           3       4       4     1344G ( 4)   2854G ( 3)   3544G ( 3)
| Potato            7       7       7     2139G ( 2)   2540G ( 4)   2868G ( 4)
| Turnip            4       5       5     1043G ( 6)   1584G ( 6)   1805G ( 5)
| Hyacinth          3       4       4     1215G ( 5)   1620G ( 5)   1620G ( 6)
| Flax              3       4       4      602G (10)   1028G ( 9)   1204G ( 7)
| Lavender          4       5       5      960G ( 7)   1200G ( 7)   1200G ( 8)
| Tulip             3       4       4      810G ( 8)   1080G ( 8)   1080G ( 9)
| Moondrop          4       5       5      660G ( 9)    825G (10)    825G (10)
| Green Herb        4       5       5      300G (11)    375G (11)    375G (11)
| _ _ _ _
| Per-Bag
|               Days to First Harvest          Profit per Bag per Day
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Cabbage           9       7       6       38G ( 5)     92G ( 1)    158G ( 1)
| Strawberry       13      10       9       14G (10)     66G ( 3)    127G ( 2)
| Potato            4       4       4       71G ( 1)     86G ( 2)    101G ( 3)
| Breadfruit        9       7       6       23G ( 8)     47G ( 7)     75G ( 4)
| Turnip            6       5       5       40G ( 3)     60G ( 4)     72G ( 5)
| Hyacinth          9       7       7       45G ( 2)     58G ( 5)     58G ( 6)
| Flax              8       6       6       23G ( 8)     40G ( 9)     50G ( 7)
| Lavender          6       5       5       40G ( 3)     48G ( 6)     48G ( 8)
| Tulip             8       6       6       34G ( 6)     45G ( 8)     45G ( 9)
| Moondrop          6       5       5       28G ( 7)     33G (10)     33G (10)
| Green Herb        6       5       5       13G (11)     15G (11)     15G (11)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Observations
| Over all of Spring, the most profitable crop - regardless of soil quality -
| is the Strawberry. The seeds are expensive and growth time is long, but if
| you're planting on the first day then no other crop even comes close to the
| Strawberry's profit.
| If you're planting in Poor soil, Potato is the next best option - the Potato
| growth time is not affected by soil quality, resulting in the same number of
| harvests regardless. It also grows very quickly.
| Turnips also grow very quickly, but are very un-profitable under any
| circumstances.
| In Spring, no flowers or herbs rival any crops for profitability. The one
| exception is Flax, which should really never be grown for its own profit - 
| however, Flax is very profitable when used with the yarn maker and dye pot,
| so keep that in mind if you have those tools. It's also an ingredient in the
| rucksack upgrades.
| For end-of-the-season planting, Cabbage carries the highest profit per day,
| followed by Strawberries again if you have the time to grow it. This
| measurement is given in profit per bag per day, which means that planting one
| bag of Strawberries in Good soil is more profitable than planting Potatoes,
| even though twice as many harvests of Potatoes can be had in the same time as
| the first Strawberry harvest. Strawberries are still more profitable than
| Potatoes per day.
| If you're planting in Poor soil, however, Potato is your best option pretty
| much no matter what. Cabbage is better as long as you're in Decent or Good
| soil.
| Remember that the Per-Bag listing is assuming that only one harvest of
| multi-harvest crops can be had during the season. If more can be had, check
| the crop's listing in the sections above for an estimate of how much more
| money the crop can make if more than one harvest is possible.
| So, in short, if you're planting at the beginning of the season, plant
| Strawberries. If you're planting at the end of the season, plant Cabbage if
| it's before the 21st; otherwise, plant Potatoes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SMP} _
| Summer
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal
|                  Maximum Harvests               Seasonal Profit
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Cocoa             4       6       6     2903G ( 2)   5462G ( 1)   6204G ( 1)
| Honeydew          2       3       3     1466G ( 6)   4267G ( 2)   5605G ( 2)
| Corn              4       5       6     2355G ( 3)   3559G ( 4)   4841G ( 3)
| Tomato            6       6       6     3263G ( 1)   3932G ( 3)   4444G ( 4)
| Watermelon        3       4       4      973G (10)   2783G ( 5)   3746G ( 5)
| Blue Herb         4       5       5     2040G ( 4)   2550G ( 6)   2550G ( 6)
| Onion             5       5       5     1528G ( 5)   1814G ( 7)   2048G ( 7)
| Hibiscus          3       4       4     1170G ( 7)   1560G ( 8)   1560G ( 8)
| Lily              3       4       4     1140G ( 8)   1520G ( 9)   1520G ( 9)
| Sunflower         3       4       4     1035G ( 9)   1380G (10)   1380G (10)
| Pinkcat           4       5       5      960G (11)   1200G (11)   1200G (11)
| Begonia           4       5       5      900G (12)   1125G (12)   1125G (12)
| Pansy             4       5       5      480G (13)    600G (13)    600G (13)
| _ _ _ _
| Per-Bag
|               Days to First Harvest          Profit per Bag per Day
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Honeydew         11       9       8       42G ( 8)    138G ( 1)    253G ( 1)
| Watermelon        9       7       6       20G (12)     86G ( 3)    170G ( 2)
| Cocoa            10       8       7       50G ( 3)     84G ( 4)    122G ( 3)
| Blue Herb         6       5       5       85G ( 1)    102G ( 2)    102G ( 4)
| Onion             5       5       5       57G ( 2)     69G ( 5)     81G ( 5)
| Tomato            7       7       7       45G ( 5)     62G ( 7)     79G ( 6)
| Corn             11       9       8       35G (11)     57G ( 9)     79G ( 6)
| Hibiscus          9       7       6       43G ( 6)     56G (10)     65G ( 8)
| Lily              8       6       6       48G ( 4)     63G ( 6)     63G ( 9)
| Sunflower         8       6       6       43G ( 6)     58G ( 8)     58G (10)
| Pinkcat           6       5       5       40G ( 9)     48G (11)     48G (11)
| Begonia           6       5       5       38G (10)     45G (12)     45G (12)
| Pansy             6       5       5       20G (12)     24G (13)     24G (13)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Observations
| Over all of spring, Cocoa is the best crop unless you're planting in Poor
| soil, in which case Tomatoes take precedence. Honeydew is a close second in
| Decent or Good soil.
| Blue Herbs are an interesting summer crop. In Poor soil, they're the fourth
| most profitable crop for the season and the most profitable per-day. However,
| blue herbs' primary profitability comes in dyes. Blue Yarns are the most
| valuable Yarn, selling for over 1000G for any blue item (2100G for blue
| Silk Yarn). So, blue herbs are worth growing, but it's best to save them for
| Yarn dying.
| Again, flowers are never more profitable than crops for an entire season
| under any circumstances.
| For end-of-the-season planting, Honeydew are your best bet if you have the
| time to harvest them, and if you're in Decent or Good soil. However, Honeydew
| take over a week to harvest, so if you're more pressed for time than that, it
| is better to go with watermelons, which take two days less. If you're even
| more pressed for time, or if you're in Poor soil, go with Blue Herbs. They're
| more profitable per day than any other crop in Poor soil, and they're the
| most profitable 5-days-or-less crop in Decent or Good soil.
| So, in short, if you're planting at the beginning of the season, go with
| Cocoa - if you haven't created the first rainbow and can't get to Toucan
| Island for the seeds, go with Honeydew and remember to re-plant on harvest
| day. And if you're planting at the end of the season, plant Honeydew if you
| have a week or more, but otherwise Blue Herb is typically the best option.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FLP} _
| Fall
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal
|                  Maximum Harvests               Seasonal Profit
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Eggplant          4       6       6     2280G ( 2)   4238G ( 1)   4766G ( 1)
| Yam               4       6       6     1386G ( 7)   3353G ( 3)   3977G ( 2)
| Bell Pepper       6       8       8     2284G ( 1)   3503G ( 2)   3878G ( 3)
| Pumpkin           2       3       4     1294G (10)   2441G ( 5)   3761G ( 4)
| Rice              4       5       5     1050G (11)   2367G ( 6)   3038G ( 5)
| Blue Mist         1       2       2     1395G ( 5)   2790G ( 4)   2790G ( 6)
| Carrot            3       4       4     1384G ( 8)   2288G ( 7)   2618G ( 7)
| Spinach           4       5       5     1305G ( 9)   2175G ( 8)   2559G ( 8)
| Spicy Pepper      4       5       5     1403G ( 4)   2039G ( 9)   2273G ( 9)
| Rose              3       4       4     1485G ( 3)   1980G (10)   1980G (10)
| Morning Glory     3       4       4     1395G ( 5)   1860G (11)   1860G (11)
| Purple Herb       4       5       5      900G (12)   1125G (12)   1125G (12)
| Cosmos            4       5       5      900G (12)   1125G (12)   1125G (12)
| Chrysanthemum     3       4       4      720G (14)    960G (14)    960G (14)
| Red Herb          4       5       5      660G (15)    825G (15)    825G (15)
| _ _ _ _
| Per-Bag
|               Days to First Harvest          Profit per Bag per Day
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Pumpkin          10       8       7       59G ( 2)     96G ( 2)    135G ( 1)
| Rice              6       5       5       30G (12)     84G ( 4)    132G ( 2)
| Blue Mist        16      13      12       87G ( 1)    107G ( 1)    116G ( 3)
| Carrot            8       6       6       53G ( 5)     90G ( 3)    110G ( 4)
| Spinach           6       5       5       48G ( 7)     81G ( 5)    105G ( 5)
| Spicy Pepper      6       5       5       55G ( 3)     78G ( 6)     90G ( 6)
| Yam              10       8       7       17G (15)     51G (11)     84G ( 7)
| Rose              9       7       6       55G ( 3)     71G ( 7)     83G ( 8)
| Bell Pepper       8       6       6       45G ( 8)     70G ( 8)     80G ( 9)
| Eggplant         10       8       7       32G (11)     54G (10)     79G (10)
| Morning Glory     9       7       6       52G ( 6)     66G ( 9)     78G (11)
| Purple Herb       6       5       5       38G ( 9)     45G (12)     45G (12)
| Cosmos            6       5       5       38G ( 9)     45G (12)     45G (12)
| Chrysanthemum     8       6       6       30G (12)     40G (14)     40G (14)
| Red Herb          6       5       5       28G (14)     33G (15)     33G (15)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Observations
| For all of Fall, Eggplants are reliably the best crop. They're ranked first
| in Decent or Good soil, and come in at a virtual tie for first in Poor soil.
| Bell Peppers are their rival for profitability in Poor soil, but aren't
| initially available.
| Two crops: Pumpkins and Rice - are fairly profitable in Good soil, ranking
| 4th and 5th, but see their profitability plummet in poorer soil, down to only
| 10th and 11th in Poor soil.
| Interestingly, in Poor soil, some flowers are actually viable profit options.
| Roses and Morning Glory are the 3rd and 5th most profitable Poor soil crops
| over an entire season. The other flowers and herbs, however, are never even
| close to as profitable as the standard crops.
| The exception to this is, of course, Blue Mist flowers. Blue Mist flowers
| take ages to harvest, but are extremely profitable as far as flowers go. They
| have the highest sale price of any flowers, and are the 6th most profitable
| Fall crop even in Good soil.
| Blue Mist flowers are even more valuable per-day. In Poor and Decent soil,
| Blue Mist flowers are the most profitable Fall crop - however, because they
| take so long to harvest, it's not usually viable to plant them for profit for
| an entire season. They're your best option if you want to plant a Poor and
| Decent soil row about halfway through the season, though.
| Beyond Blue Mist flowers, the best options in Good Soil are Pumpkins and Rice
| - depending on which you have the time to grow. Pumpkins take 7 days to grow,
| while Rice takes only 5. In Poor and Decent soil, Blue Mist flowers are the
| most profitable if you have time to grow them (more than two weeks), but
| otherwise it's back to Pumpkins if you have a week, or Spicy Peppers if you
| have only 5 days.
| So in short, plant Eggplants at the beginning of the season. Then, if you
| want to play something new later in the season, go with Blue Mist flowers if
| you have over two weeks, Pumpkins if you have a week, and Rice or Spicy
| Peppers if you have less than a week.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WTP} _
| Winter
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal
|                  Maximum Harvests               Seasonal Profit
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Buckwheat         4       5       5      848G ( 2)   1856G ( 1)   2377G ( 1)
| Snowflake         3       4       4      990G ( 1)   1320G ( 2)   1320G ( 2)
| Green Bell        3       4       4      765G ( 3)   1020G ( 3)   1020G ( 3)
| Yellow Herb       3       4       4      360G ( 4)    480G ( 4)    480G ( 4)
| Anemone           3       4       4      270G ( 5)    360G ( 5)    360G ( 5)
| _ _ _ _
| Per-Bag
|               Days to First Harvest          Profit per Bag per Day
| Crop     Soil: Poor  Decent    Good      Poor       Decent         Good
| Buckwheat         6       5       5       25G ( 3)     66G ( 1)    102G ( 1)
| Snowflake         8       6       6       41G ( 1)     55G ( 2)     55G ( 2)

| Green Bell        8       6       6       32G ( 2)     43G ( 3)     43G ( 3)
| Yellow Herb       8       6       6       15G ( 4)     20G ( 4)     20G ( 4)
| Anemone           8       6       6       11G ( 5)     15G ( 5)     15G ( 5)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Observations
| Winter's not a good month for planting for profit. The most profitable
| Winter crop ranks 19th overall.
| If you're looking to make some money anyway, Buckwheat's the way to go unless
| you're in Poor soil - then go with Snowflake flowers. That goes for both
| planting seasonally and late-season planting.
| If you're going to plant Buckwheat for profit, though, there's something you
| can do to increase your profit substantially. Buckwheat sells for 160G max
| (Shining), and typically sells for 80G (50G, 80G and 110G for Decent, Good
| and Perfect). Buckwheat Noodles are made using just Buckwheat and a pot, and
| they sell for 300G. So if you're in need of winter crop profit, grow 
| Buckwheat and convert it to Buckwheat Noodles.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {OVP} _
| Overall
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seasonal
|         Maximum Harvests           Seasonal Profit
| Crop     Soil: P  D  G      Poor       Decent         Good        Season
| Cocoa          4  6  6     2903G ( 2)   5462G ( 1)   6204G ( 1)   Summer
| Strawberry     3  4  4     2235G ( 5)   4879G ( 2)   5985G ( 2)   Spring
| Honeydew       2  3  3     1466G (12)   4267G ( 3)   5605G ( 3)   Summer
| Corn           4  5  6     2355G ( 3)   3559G ( 6)   4841G ( 4)   Summer
| Eggplant       4  6  6     2280G ( 6)   4238G ( 4)   4766G ( 5)   Fall
| Tomato         6  6  6     3263G ( 1)   3932G ( 5)   4444G ( 6)   Summer
| Yam            4  6  6     1386G (16)   3353G ( 8)   3977G ( 7)   Fall
| Bell Pepper    6  8  8     2284G ( 4)   3503G ( 7)   3878G ( 8)   Fall
| Pumpkin        2  3  4     1294G (20)   2441G (15)   3761G ( 9)   Fall
| Watermelon     3  4  4      973G (27)   2783G (12)   3746G (10)   Summer
| Breadfruit     4  6  6     1635G ( 9)   3216G ( 9)   3694G (11)   Spring
| Cabbage        3  4  4     1344G (18)   2854G (10)   3544G (12)   Spring
| Rice           4  5  5     1050G (24)   2367G (16)   3038G (13)   Fall
| Potato         7  7  7     2139G ( 7)   2540G (14)   2868G (14)   Spring
| Blue Mist      1  2  2     1395G (14)   2790G (11)   2790G (15)   Fall
| Carrot         3  4  4     1384G (17)   2288G (17)   2618G (16)   Fall
| Spinach        4  5  5     1305G (19)   2175G (18)   2559G (17)   Fall
| Blue Herb      4  5  5     2040G ( 8)   2550G (13)   2550G (18)   Summer
| Buckwheat      4  5  5      848G (33)   1856G (22)   2377G (19)   Winter
| Spicy Pepper   4  5  5     1403G (13)   2039G (19)   2273G (20)   Fall
| Onion          5  5  5     1528G (10)   1814G (23)   2048G (21)   Summer
| Rose           3  4  4     1485G (11)   1980G (20)   1980G (22)   Fall
| Morning Glory  3  4  4     1395G (14)   1860G (21)   1860G (23)   Fall
| Turnip         4  5  5     1043G (25)   1584G (25)   1805G (24)   Spring
| Hyacinth       3  4  4     1215G (21)   1620G (24)   1620G (25)   Spring
| Hibiscus       3  4  4     1170G (22)   1560G (26)   1560G (26)   Summer
| Lily           3  4  4     1140G (23)   1520G (27)   1520G (27)   Summer
| Sunflower      3  4  4     1035G (26)   1380G (28)   1380G (28)   Summer
| Snowflake      3  4  4      990G (27)   1320G (29)   1320G (29)   Winter
| Flax           3  4  4      602G (40)   1028G (36)   1204G (30)   Spring
| Lavender       4  5  5      960G (29)   1200G (30)   1200G (31)   Spring
| Pinkcat        4  5  5      960G (29)   1200G (30)   1200G (31)   Summer
| Begonia        4  5  5      900G (31)   1125G (32)   1125G (33)   Summer
| Purple Herb    4  5  5      900G (31)   1125G (32)   1125G (33)   Fall
| Cosmos         4  5  5      900G (31)   1125G (32)   1125G (33)   Fall
| Tulip          3  4  4      810G (35)   1080G (35)   1080G (36)   Spring
| Green Bell     3  4  4      765G (36)   1020G (37)   1020G (37)   Winter
| Chrysanthemum  3  4  4      720G (37)    960G (38)    960G (38)   Fall
| Moondrop       4  5  5      660G (38)    825G (39)    825G (39)   Spring
| Red Herb       4  5  5      660G (38)    825G (39)    825G (39)   Fall
| Pansy          4  5  5      480G (41)    600G (41)    600G (41)   Summer
| Yellow Herb    3  4  4      360G (42)    480G (42)    480G (42)   Winter
| Green Herb     4  5  5      300G (43)    375G (43)    375G (43)   Spring
| Anemone        3  4  4      270G (44)    360G (44)    360G (44)   Winter
| _ _ _ _
| Per-Bag
|      Days to First Harvest      Profit per Bag per Day
| Crop     Soil: P  D  G      Poor       Decent         Good        Season
| Honeydew      11  9  8       42G (18)    138G ( 1)    253G ( 1)   Summer
| Watermelon     9  7  6       20G (38)     86G ( 7)    170G ( 2)   Summer
| Cabbage        9  7  6       38G (23)     92G ( 5)    158G ( 3)   Spring
| Pumpkin       10  8  7       59G ( 4)     96G ( 4)    135G ( 4)   Fall
| Rice           6  5  5       30G (31)     84G ( 9)    132G ( 5)   Fall
| Strawberry    13 10  9       14G (42)     66G (16)    127G ( 6)   Spring
| Cocoa         10  8  7       50G (10)     84G ( 9)    122G ( 7)   Summer
| Blue Mist     16 13 12       87G ( 1)    107G ( 2)    116G ( 8)   Fall
| Carrot         8  6  6       53G ( 8)     90G ( 6)    110G ( 9)   Fall
| Spinach        6  5  5       48G (11)     81G (11)    105G (10)   Fall
| Blue Herb      6  5  5       85G ( 2)    102G ( 3)    102G (11)   Summer
| Buckwheat      6  5  5       25G (35)     66G (16)    102G (12)   Winter
| Potato         4  4  4       71G ( 3)     86G ( 7)    101G (13)   Spring
| Spicy Pepper   6  5  5       55G ( 6)     78G (12)     90G (14)   Fall
| Yam           10  8  7       17G (40)     51G (28)     84G (15)   Fall
| Rose           9  7  6       55G ( 6)     71G (13)     83G (16)   Fall
| Onion          5  5  5       57G ( 5)     69G (15)     81G (17)   Summer
| Bell Pepper    8  6  6       45G (13)     70G (14)     80G (18)   Fall
| Eggplant      10  8  7       32G (29)     54G (27)     79G (19)   Fall
| Tomato         7  7  7       45G (13)     62G (20)     79G (20)   Summer
| Corn          11  9  8       35G (27)     57G (24)     79G (21)   Summer
| Morning Glory  9  7  6       52G ( 9)     66G (16)     78G (22)   Fall
| Breadfruit     9  7  6       23G (36)     47G (31)     75G (23)   Spring
| Turnip         6  5  5       40G (20)     60G (21)     72G (24)   Spring
| Hibiscus       9  7  6       43G (16)     56G (25)     65G (25)   Summer
| Lily           8  6  6       48G (11)     63G (19)     63G (26)   Summer
| Hyacinth       9  7  7       45G (13)     58G (22)     58G (27)   Spring
| Sunflower      8  6  6       43G (16)     58G (22)     58G (28)   Summer
| Snowflake      8  6  6       41G (19)     55G (26)     55G (29)   Winter
| Flax           8  6  6       23G (37)     40G (37)     50G (30)   Spring
| Lavender       6  5  5       40G (20)     48G (29)     48G (31)   Spring
| Pinkcat        6  5  5       40G (20)     48G (29)     48G (32)   Summer
| Begonia        6  5  5       38G (23)     45G (32)     45G (33)   Summer
| Tulip          8  6  6       34G (28)     45G (32)     45G (34)   Spring
| Purple Herb    6  5  5       38G (23)     45G (32)     45G (35)   Fall
| Cosmos         6  5  5       38G (23)     45G (32)     45G (36)   Fall
| Green Bell     8  6  6       32G (29)     43G (36)     43G (37)   Winter
| Chrysanthemum  8  6  6       30G (31)     40G (37)     40G (38)   Fall
| Red Herb       6  5  5       28G (33)     33G (39)     33G (39)   Fall
| Moondrop       6  5  5       28G (33)     33G (39)     33G (40)   Spring
| Pansy          6  5  5       20G (38)     24G (41)     24G (41)   Summer
| Yellow Herb    8  6  6       15G (41)     20G (42)     20G (42)   Winter
| Anemone        8  6  6       11G (44)     15G (43)     15G (43)   Winter
| Green Herb     6  5  5       13G (43)     15G (43)     15G (44)   Spring
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Observations
| Seasonally, Summer is the most profitable season for farming. Four of the six
| most profitable crops overall grow in Summer: Cocoa, Honeydew, Corn and
| Tomato. Winter is obviously the least profitable, given how few things there
| are to grow; but after Winter, Spring is the second least profitable, with
| only one crop in the top 10.
| However, since harvesting for profit doesn't necessitate having any kind of
| variety in your crops, Spring can be very profitable if you plant nothing but
| strawberries. Strawberries are the second-most profitable crop in the game,
| after only Cocoa.
| Flowers and Herbs are almost always less profitable than crops. The only
| notable exceptions in Good soil are Blue Mist flowers and Blue Herbs. In
| Poor and Decent soil, however, flowers and herbs can be more profitable.
| _____________________________________________________________________[TRE]_
|                                                                             |
| Trees                                                                       |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Trees operate differently from crops. Rather than being planted and
| harvested when they bloom, then cut down at the end of the season, trees are
| permanent. They exist through all seasons, but only produce fruit in their
| particular season.
| When the tree's fruit is in season, fruit can be found around the base of the
| tree throughout the season. For this reason, there can't be any weeds or
| other crops adjacent to the tree, as the fruit will have nowhere to fall.
| Fruit harvested from trees has only two qualities: regular and shining. Trees
| produce fruit based on the soil they're buried in, but even a tree planted in
| top-quality soil won't always produce shining fruit.
| Trees can be planted in any season and take two seasons to mature. Once
| mature, they will only produce fruit in-season. Trees do not need to be
| watered, and any tree can be cut down for lumber.
| All seedlings are purchased from either Souffle Farm or Taylor's Seeds, and
| are available in any season.
| Similar to the above crop sections, regular and shining prices and stamina
| values are separated by a slash (so 150G/300G means a regular apple sells for
| 150G, and a shining one sells for 300G).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {APP} _
| Apple
|   Seedling Price : 570G
|   Harvest Season : Fall
|       Sale Price : 150G/300G
| Stamina Recovery : 80/120
|   Purchase Price : 225G (Regular, Spring/Fall Markets, Spring 22/Fall 22)
|  Used in Recipes : Apple Juice, Apple Pie, Apple Cocktail, Apple Jam
|   Goddess Recipe : Yes (Regular); Daren's (Red)
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CHY} _
| Cherry
|   Seedling Price : 450G
|   Harvest Season : Spring
|       Sale Price : 210G/420G
| Stamina Recovery : 30/60
|   Purchase Price : 315G (Regular, Souffle Farm, Spring)
|  Used in Recipes : None
|   Goddess Recipe : No
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CHS} _
| Chestnut
|   Seedling Price : 525G
|   Harvest Season : Fall
|       Sale Price : 80G/150G
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|   Purchase Price : 120G (Regular, Souffle Farm, Fall)
|  Used in Recipes : Chestnut Pie, Chestnut Rice, Mont Blanc Cake, Roasted
|                  : Chestnuts
|   Goddess Recipe : No
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GRP} _
| Grape
|   Seedling Price : 555G
|   Harvest Season : Fall
|       Sale Price : 140G/280G
| Stamina Recovery : 50/90
|   Purchase Price : 210G (Regular, Souffle Farm, Fall)
|  Used in Recipes : Grape Juice, Grape Cocktail
|   Goddess Recipe : No
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ORA} _
| Orange
|   Seedling Price : 540G
|   Harvest Season : Summer
|       Sale Price : 130G/260G
| Stamina Recovery : 40/80
|   Purchase Price : 195G (Regular, Souffle Farm, Summer)
|  Used in Recipes : Orange Cake, Orange Cookies, Orange Juice, Orange Pie,
|                  : Marmalade Jam
|   Goddess Recipe : No
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HAL} _
| Hali
|   Seedling Price : 300G
| Hali trees produce no fruit; their sole purpose is lumber.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FIT]_
|                                                                             |
| Field Items                                                                 |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/In addition to the standard crops, herbs, flowers and trees that can be
| grown, your field can help you produce several other products for shipping
| or alternate uses.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Power Berry
| There are several power berries in the game, each of which increases your
| total stamina by 100 points. One of these power berries is obtained by using
| your hoe to till 1,000 total squares. While this can also occur in the mine,
| where the hoe can also be used, you're most likely to have to consciously try
| to till this many spots manually to get this power berry in any sort of
| early time frame.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PON} _
| Pontata Roots
|       Sale Price : 150G
|   Purchase Price : 225G (Spring/Summer Flea Market, Spring/Summer 22)
| Stamina Recovery : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Cold Medicine, Stay Awake, Super
|                  : Stay Awake
| Pontata roots can be found around your field when you're tilling, as well as
| occasionally in the mines. When you discover a Pontata root, your character
| will react with exclamation, but you'll have to pick up the Pontata root
| manually.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HON} _
| Honey
| Obtaining honey requires you to plant flowers on your farm. Any type of
| flower will work, though different colors of flower lead to different types
| of honey.
| To obtain honey, plant some flowers and wait for them to sprout. Once they've
| sprouted, do not pick them: instead, check every sunny morning to see if
| there is a bee hovering around one of the flowers. If there is, pick that
| flower to obtain some honey (instead of the flower).
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Honey
|       Sale Price : 90G
| Stamina Recovery : 100
|    Obtained From : Any flower
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Honey
|       Sale Price : 250G
| Stamina Recovery : 150
|    Obtained From : Hyacinth, Pansy, Sunflower, Lily, Chrysanthemum, Snowflake
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Honey
|       Sale Price : 300G
| Stamina Recovery : 150
|    Obtained From : Lavender, Pinkcat, Begonia
| _ _ _ _ _
| Red Honey
|       Sale Price : 330G
| Stamina Recovery : 150
|    Obtained From : Tulip, Hibiscus, Rose, Cosmos, Anemone
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Honey
|       Sale Price : 500G
| Stamina Recovery : 150
|    Obtained From : Morning Glory, Blue Mist
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Honey
|       Sale Price : 280G
| Stamina Recovery : 150
|    Obtained From : Green Bell
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Royal Jelly
|       Sale Price : 450G
| Stamina Recovery : 500
|    Obtained From : Any flower
| Honey Recipes: Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Pancakes, Yogurt Drink
| Any color honey can be used in these recipes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PER} _
| Perfume
| Similar to honey, perfume is created from flowers you can grow on your farm.
| Most perfumes are created by combining two of the same type of flower in
| the mixer.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Decent Perfume
|    Ingredients : Any two flowers, valued less than 500G
|     Sale Price : 100G
| Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Perfume
|    Ingredients : Two Lavender flowers
|     Sale Price : 170G
| Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Perfume
|    Ingredients : Two Moondrop flowers
|     Sale Price : 160G
| Purchase Price : 240G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Perfume
|    Ingredients : Two Green Bell flowers
|     Sale Price : 290G
| Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red Perfume
|    Ingredients : Two Rose flowers
|     Sale Price : 210G
| Purchase Price : 315G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Perfume
|    Ingredients : Two Blue Mist flowers
|     Sale Price : 1210G
| Purchase Price : 1815G (Flower Festival, Spring 10)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shining Perfume
|    Ingredients : Any two flower varieties, valued more than 500G
|     Sale Price : 1030G
| Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
|           Note : Because of flower prices, a Blue Mist flower must be used to
|                : obtain Shining Perfume. There is no combination of multiple
|                : types of flowers that adds to 500G without a Blue Mist
|                : flower.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {DYN} _
| Dyed Yarn
| While the primary item needed for dyed yarn is the actual yarn, various items
| grown on your farm can be used to dye those particular yarn balls.
| Three items can be placed in the yarn maker to make balls of Yarn: wool
| (which makes balls of wool yarn), silk (which makes balls of silk yarn) and
| flax (which makes balls of flax yarn). All three of these items can then be
| dyed using the dyeing pot.
| For the labels below, the slashes 
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellow Yarns
| Wool Yarn Sale Price : 500G
| Silk Yarn Sale Price : 1120G
| Flax Yarn Sale Price : 580G
|   Dyeing Ingredients : Hyacinth, Pansy, Sunflower, Lily, Chrysanthemum,
|                      : Snowflake, Yellow Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Purple Yarns
| Wool Yarn Sale Price : 560G
| Silk Yarn Sale Price : 1260G
| Flax Yarn Sale Price : 650G
|   Dyeing Ingredients : Lavender, Pinkcat, Begonia, Purple Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Red Yarns
| Wool Yarn Sale Price : 620G
| Silk Yarn Sale Price : 1400G
| Flax Yarn Sale Price : 720G
|   Dyeing Ingredients : Tulip, Hibiscus, Rose, Cosmos, Red Herb, Anemone
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Green Yarns
| Wool Yarn Sale Price : 530G
| Silk Yarn Sale Price : 1190G
| Flax Yarn Sale Price : 610G
|   Dyeing Ingredients : Green Bell, Green Herb
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Yarns
| Wool Yarn Sale Price : 930G
| Silk Yarn Sale Price : 2100G
| Flax Yarn Sale Price : 1080G
|   Dyeing Ingredients : Morning Glory, Blue Mist, Blue Herb
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Forageable Items
| While these items are not technically produced on your farm, they are
| very similar to farm items, and thus are included here for convenience.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Mushrooms                                                            {MUS}
|       Sale Price : 30G
|    Where to Find : Various
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : 50
|  Used in Recipes : Chirashi Sushi, Cold Medicine, Doria, Marinated Mushroom,
|                  : Mushroom Gratin, Mushroom Rice, Sauteed Mushroom
| _ _ _ _ _
| Blueberry                                                            {BLB}
|       Sale Price : 50G
|    Where to Find : Various
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : 30
|  Used in Recipes : Blueberry Juice, Blueberry Cocktail, Blueberry Jam
| _ _ _ _ _
| Veryberry                                                            {VRB}
|       Sale Price : 50G
|    Where to Find : Various
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Veryberry Juice, Berry Jam
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bamboo Shoot                                                         {BBS}
|       Sale Price : 210G/560G (Shining)
|    Where to Find : Various
|   Purchase Price : 315G (Spring/Summer Markets, Spring/Summer 22)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Bamboo en Papilotte, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Stew
| _ _ _ _ _
| Toadstool                                                            {TOD}
|       Sale Price : 40G
|    Where to Find : Mines
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : -100
|  Used in Recipes : None (used in Alan's goddess recipe)
| _ _ _ _
| Banana                                                               {BAN}
|       Sale Price : 100G
|    Where to Find : Toucan Island
|   Purchase Price : 150G (Pineapple Inn)
| Stamina Recovery : 80
|  Used in Recipes : Banana Milk, Banana Pudding, Chocolate Banana
| _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple                                                            {PIN}
|       Sale Price : 120G
|    Where to Find : Toucan Island
|   Purchase Price : 180G
| Stamina Recovery : 100
|  Used in Recipes : Pineapple Juice, Southern Fried Rice, Southern Omelette
| _ _ _ _
| Coconut                                                              {CCN}
|       Sale Price : 170G
|    Where to Find : Toucan Island (Summer Only)
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : 100
|  Used in Recipes : Coconut Juice, Coconut Cocktail
| _ _ _ _
| Seaweed                                                              {SEW}
|       Sale Price : 40G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Potato Miso Soup, Seaweed Miso Soup
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seashell                                                             {SES}
|       Sale Price : 70G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : 210G (Pineapple Inn)
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fancy Seashell                                                       {FSS}
|       Sale Price : 140G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _
| Clam                                                                 {CLM}
|       Sale Price : 90G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Clam Soup, Grilled Clam, Sauteed Clam, Seafood Doria,
|                  : Seafood Rice, Seafood Stew
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sea Urchin                                                           {SEU}
|       Sale Price : 700G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : Grilled Sea Urchin
| _ _ _
| Coral                                                                {CRA}
|       Sale Price : 50G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _
| Pearl                                                                {PEA}
|       Sale Price : 300G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : None
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Black Pearl                                                          {BPE}
|       Sale Price : 800G
|    Where to Find : All Beaches
|   Purchase Price : Can't be purchased
| Stamina Recovery : Can't be eaten raw
|  Used in Recipes : None
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<ANI>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |         The Animals         |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[APR]_
|                                                                             |
| Preparation                                                                 |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/So you want to raise animals, huh? Well just go right on out and buy some!
| ...hardly. In order to raise animals on your farm, there are a few things you
| need to do first.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ACC} _
| Access Brownie Ranch
| Brownie Ranch isn't accessible at the very beginning of the game: there's
| a large boulder blocking the path.
| The boulder in question is near the western side of the hills area, by
| Souffle Farm. It's smashable by a hammer, but only if the hammer's level 3.
| Check my larger FAQ for extensive information on upgrading tools, but what
| you need to know here is that the hammer can be upgraded to level 3 strictly
| through using it: unlike other Harvest Moon games, upgrading it to be more
| powerful happens automatically. Upgrading it to use less stamina costs money,
| but stamina doesn't matter to this one-time task.
| But, using the hammer enough to level it to level 3 takes a ridiculous
| amount of time and stamina: you'll have to try really hard to get it leveled
| up before the end of first spring.
| Fortunately, though, the boulder automatically disappears the night before
| the first Animal Festival on Spring 28. Chances are you won't level your
| hammer to level 3 naturally by this time, so the best course of action is
| typically to just wait until the Animal Festival. The only real reason to
| smash the boulder early is if Kathy or Renee are your choice for marriage,
| and you want to get their heart levels up in order to ask them to the first
| Fireworks Display. In this case, you might want to expend your extra stamina
| each day by using your hammer to level it up as quickly as possible.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BUI} _
| Build a Coop/Barn
| Your animals can't just live outside the time; they need a building to live
| in, and unfortunately your farm doesn't come equipped with one.
| The Carpenter's Shop is where you'll need to go to arrange for these
| these buildings to be built. They're pricey, but they're worth it once you
| have the money.
| The buildings don't just require money to be built, though. You'll also need
| lumber and stones. Collect these simply by chopping stumps and smashing
| stones you find around your farm or around the island - when you destroy one,
| it'll be automatically transported to your lumber or stone storehouse.
| When you have sufficient lumber, talk to the folks at the Carpenter's Shop
| and elect to have your barn or coop built. The coop requires 2400G, 10 lumber
| and 10 stones, while the barn requires 3000G, 12 lumber and 12 stones. You'll
| be asked to choose a location, so you'll like want to position it as close as
| possible to the entrance to your house for convenience.
| Barns and coops can only be built on your main property, and you can only
| have one of each. The coop can initially hold 8 chickens and 6 silkworms,
| while the barn can initially hold 6 animals of any type.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Upgrade Your Coop/Barn
| While you can't buy a new coop or barn, you can upgrade them at the same
| Carpenter's Shop. Upgrading the coop costs 4800G and requires 22 lumber and
| 22 stones, while upgrading the barn costs 6000G and requires 22 lumber and
| 22 stones. The upgrades only slightly increase the capacity of your coop and
| barn: the coop can hold 12 chickens and 8 silkworms, while the barn can hold
| 8 animals of any type (up from 6).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FEE} _
| Feed
| Animals, like people, have to eat. Granted your character apparently doesn't
| have to eat, but you get the picture. Every field you can start with has a
| pre-planted field of grass that will automatically start growing when you
| purchase your barn or coop. Yes, the grass is psychic.
| To feed your animals, you can either let them graze outside in the grass or
| feed them in their barn or coop. If you let them graze outside, each animal
| will consume one plot of grass per day. This applies to all animals of every
| stage of growth.
| Once an animal has been fed, a blue border will appear around its name for
| the remainder of the day. Use this to keep track of who's been fed and who
| hasn't.
| It's important to note that there are days when you'll let your animals out
| for several hours and then put them back in, only to discover that some
| did not eat for the day. I'm not sure why this happens, but if it does, just
| feed those animals by hand when you get back into the coop or barn, or if it
| is before 8:00PM, let them in and out again - they should eat the second time.
| It can also be beneficial to leave some food in some of the stalls or in the
| troughs for backup. Beware, though, that if you have an egg in the incubator,
| you will lose one piece of feed each day among those that are just sitting on
| the floor.
| On rainy days, the animals must be kept inside; otherwise they'll get sick.
| So on these days, you must have feed and fodder ready - so no matter what,
| you'll need to pick up some fodder.
| Feed can be obtained only from Brownie Ranch, but fodder can be obtained in
| two ways: either you can purchase some from Brownie Ranch, or you can cut
| your own grass with a sickle. The latter method is, obviously, free, and has
| no drawbacks (besides stamina use) if you plan to keep your animals inside
| all the time. However, if you plan to balance their time inside and out,
| remember to leave some grass growing for them to eat outside. Also, fodder
| cut from outside can only be used to feed the livestock - you'll have to buy
| some feed to feed the birds inside.
| To feed the birds, you can give the feed to them directly or leave it in
| the trough on the ground. The same is true for the livestock - both feeding
| it directly to them or placing it in their fodder tray accounts for their
| feed for the day. Feeding it to either type of animal directly carries an
| additional affection bonus, too.
| _____________________________________________________________________[AMC]_
|                                                                             |
| Mechanics                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WEA} _
| Weather
| Remember, animals must be kept inside on rainy days; otherwise, they run the
| risk of getting sick.
| Horses and ostriches can be road in bad weather, but only if you ride them
| out of the barn and into the barn. If you simply push them out, they'll
| suffer the ill effects of the weather. Once you've ridden them out, you can
| mount and dismount them as long as you ride them back into the barn at the
| end of the day.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MOV} _
| Moving Animals
| Animals can be called and moved in five different ways, which differ by the
| animal.
| Horses and ostriches can be ridden from place to place. To ride, simply stand
| alongside the animal with your saddle and use the saddle to hop on. Horses
| and ostriches can be ridden into and out of the barn, and around town. If
| you dismount, the animal will stay in roughly the same area for a decent
| period of time. Remember to ride the horse or ostrich into and out of the
| barn during bad weather: there's no affection decrease if you're riding it
| instead of pushing it in and out.
| Horses and ostriches, when outside, can also be whistled for. Press A and
| B at once to whistle for an animal to ride and the nearest ridable animal
| will head your way.
| All livestock animals (every animal except chickens and ducks) can be pushed
| by standing to one side and walking against the animal. This is the most
| precise movement method for livestock, but is also the slowest.
| Livestock can also be called towards you using the bell. When you ring the
| bell, every livestock animal within earshot (on screen and within a few steps
| off-screen) will walk towards your character. This isn't actually that
| useful, since to take care of the animals you need them to be somewhat
| separated. The only purpose it served in past Harvest Moon games was to make
| it easier to move the animals in and out, but in Tree of Tranquility...
| There is a bell alongside your barn that can be rung to automatically
| transport all your animals indoors and outdoors (whichever they weren't
| before you rang it). If some are in and some out, all will come out. This
| is the easiest way to move your animals in and out. If you want your animals
| to graze in the yard, simply let them out in the morning using the bell, then
| put them back in at night using it. That will give them ample time to graze
| and eat their fill, and will raise their affection levels too. This bell
| will summon both barn animals and coop animals.
| If you don't put the animals back in the barn by 5:00AM, they'll somehow be
| automatically transported there for the next morning: so there is no way to
| leave animals out for the next morning.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Animal Appearances
| Most animals can have multiple appearances: for example, cows can come in
| black, brown or black & white. Unlike A Wonderful Life, however, the color
| of a cow has no significance to the quality or sale price of that cow's milk.
| Color differences are purely cosmetic.
| An animal's color is determined when it is purchased or born. For birthed
| animals, the color isn't related to the color of its parent at all: a black
| cow has an equal chance of giving birth to a black cow, a brown cow or a
| black & white cow.
| If you have your heart set on a certain color for your animal, you can save
| and reset your game either the day you buy the animal or the day the animal
| is born. The color is determined at purchase or birth, so reloading your game
| will re-generate the animal's color, giving you a chance of a different color
| animal.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {DEA} _
| Death
| Animals can die, both of old age and of illness. To prevent animals from
| dying of illness, make sure to have some Animal Medicine on hand in case they
| get sick. However, there's really nothing you can do to stop an animal from
| dying of old age. You can re-load your game the morning they die the first
| couple times, but the odds of them dying on a given day increases with their
| age, so eventually there will come a day when the probability is just to high
| to be avoided by a game re-load.
| When they die, Cain will come to your ranch and either yell at you for not
| caring about the animal enough (if they died of illness) or express his
| condolences (if they died of old age). Then the animal will be buried at the
| church graveyard.
| _____________________________________________________________________[LQR]_
|                                                                             |
| Animals At-A-Glance                                                         |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/_ _ _ _ _
| Chickens
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : White
|             Price : 2100G
|   Age at Purchase : Adult
|         Residence : Bird Coop
|           Product : Eggs/Mayonnaise (via Mayo Maker)
| Product Frequency : Daily
|    Product Prices : Eggs:  80G / 100G / 120G / 200G
|                   : Mayo: 100G / 120G / 140G / 240G
|          Breeding : Yes; in incubator
|        Breed Time : 7 days to birth, 7 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 3 years
| _ _ _
| Cows
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : Black, Brown, Black & White
|             Price : 4500G
|   Age at Purchase : Calf (28 days to adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|           Product : Milk/Butter (via Butter Maker)/Cheese (via Cheese Maker)
| Product Frequency : Daily
|    Product Prices : Milk:   100G / 130G / 160G / 260G
|                   : Butter: 120G / 150G / 240G / 300G
|                   : Cheese: 140G / 170G / 240G / 340G
|          Breeding : Yes; using Miracle Potion
|        Breed Time : 14 days to birth; 28 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 3 years
| _ _ _
| Sheep
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : White, Black
|             Price : 4200G
|   Age at Purchase : Lamb (14 days to adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|           Product : Wool/Yarn (via Yarn Maker)
| Product Frequency : Every 4 Days
|    Product Prices : Wool: 210G / 260G / 310G / 520G
|                   : Yarn: 250G / 310G / 430G / 620G
|                   : Colored Yarn*: 500G (Yellow), 530G (Green),
|                   :                560G (Purple), 620G (Red), 930G (Blue)
|          Breeding : Yes; using Miracle Potion
|        Breed Time : 7 days to birth, 14 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 3 years
|                 * - Note that colored yarn has no quality; therefore, given
|                     the choice it is more beneficial to dye a lower-quality
|                     yarn than a higher-quality one. A 'Decent' yarn ball dyed
|                     Blue would make 580G more than undyed, but a 'Shining'
|                     yarn ball died Blue would make only 210G more. By that
|                     same idea, a 'Shining' yarn ball will never be worth as
|                     much dyed as it is undyed unless it's dyed blue (the
|                     price of an undyed ball of 'Shining' yarn is 620G,
|                     whereas every dyed ball of yarn besides Blue is worth
|                     620G or less).
| _ _ _
| Goats
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : White, Black
|             Price : 3600G
|   Age at Purchase : Kid (14 days to adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|           Product : Milk/Butter (via Butter Maker)/Cheese (via Cheese Maker)
| Product Frequency : Daily
|    Product Prices : Milk:    90G / 110G / 130G / 220G
|                   : Butter: 100G / 130G / 180G / 260G
|                   : Cheese: 170G / 210G / 290G / 420G
|          Breeding : Yes; using Miracle Potion
|        Breed Time : 7 days to birth, 14 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 3 years
| _ _ _
| Ducks
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : White, Green & Brown
|             Price : 2400G
|   Age at Purchase : Adult
|         Residence : Bird Coop
|           Product : Eggs/Mayonnaise (via Mayo Maker)
| Product Frequency : Every 2 Days
|    Product Prices : Eggs:  150G / 190G / 230G / 380G
|                   : Mayo*: 190G / 190G / 190G / 190G
|          Breeding : Yes; in incubator
|        Breed Time : 7 days to birth, 7 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 3 years
|                 * - Note that Duck Mayonnaise has no quality; therefore, it
|                     is only profitable to put Decent duck eggs into the Mayo
|                     Maker.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Ostriches
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : Dark Blue
|             Price : 13500G
|   Age at Purchase : Chick (24 days to adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|           Product : Eggs/Mayonnaise (via Mayo Maker)
| Product Frequency : Every 4 Days
|    Product Prices : Eggs:  280G / 350G / 420G / 700G
|                   : Mayo*: 320G / 320G / 320G / 320G
|          Breeding : Yes; in ostrich egg incubator
|        Breed Time : 14 days to birth, 24 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 4 years
|                 * - Note that Ostrich Mayonnaise has no quality; therefore,
|                     it is only profitable to put Decent Ostrich eggs into the
|                     Mayo Maker.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Silkworms
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : White
|             Price : 2850G
|   Age at Purchase : Adult
|         Residence : Bird Coop
|           Product : Silk/Silk Yarn (via Yarn Maker)
| Product Frequency : Every 4 Days
|    Product Prices :      Silk : 400G / 500G / 600G / 1000G
|                   : Silk Yarn : 420G / 700G / 980G / 1400G
|                   : Colored Silk Yarn*: 1120G (Yellow), 1190G (Green),
|                   :                  1260G (Purple), 1400G (Red),
|                   :                  2100G (Blue)
|          Breeding : No
|        Breed Time : N/A
|          Lifespan : Around 1.5 years
| _ _ _
| Horse
|    Purchased From : Brownie Ranch
|       Appearances : White, Brown, Black
|             Price : 6300G
|   Age at Purchase : Colt (28 days to adult)
|         Residence : Barn
|           Product : None
| Product Frequency : N/A
|    Product Prices : N/A
|          Breeding : Yes; using Miracle Potion
|        Breed Time : 14 days to birth, 14 days to maturity
|          Lifespan : Around 4 years
| _____________________________________________________________________[POL]_
|                                                                             |
| Poultry                                                                     |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Chickens and ducks represent the core of the poultry portion of the game.
| Silkworms, although not technically poultry, operate almost identically to
| chickens and ducks - the only differences will be noted. Ostriches, though
| technically poultry (maybe), operate mostly like livestock, and thus will
| be grouped with livestock.
| In this section, the initial sections will describe the aspects of the entire
| category of the animal; the sections at below will describe aspects specific
| to a particular animal.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PPU} _
| Purchasing
| The three poultry animals are obtained from Brownie Ranch. Initially, only
| chickens and silkworms are available, whereas ducks require for Brownie
| Ranch to level up to 3 stars before they're sold. Chickens cost 2100G to
| purchase; silkworms cost 2850G; and ducks cost 2400G. Animals will arrive
| immediately after you purchase them from Brownie Ranch. For poultry, all
| three animals are fully grown and able to produce products immediately.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PFE} _
| Feeding
| Chickens, ducks and silkworms (yes, even silkworms) eat bird seed. All need
| to be fed each day. If one isn't fed for a day, it will stop producing eggs
| (or silk) for a couple days afterward. If one isn't fed for multiple days at
| a time, it may get sick and die.
| Unlike past Harvest Moon games where chickens had to be fed via their feeding
| trough, in Tree of Tranquility you can feed your animals directly. In fact,
| when your coop is full, you'll have to: there aren't enough spaces in the
| feeding troughs to place enough food for every animal in a full coop. So,
| each day give each animal - chicken, duck or silkworm - a pile of bird feed.
| Alternatively, chickens and ducks can be fed simply by being let outside.
| There they'll each eat a patch of grass per day. Chickens and ducks are
| automatically moved out when you ring the Bell outside the barn, as well as
| automatically moved inside when you ring the Bell again.
| Some players may also want to leave some feed in the feeding troughs
| consistently. Feed placed in the troughs will not disappear until it's eaten,
| no matter how long it sits there, so placing food in the trough is an
| effective safeguard in case you accidentally forget to feed the animals for
| a day. Don't depend on this, though, considering again that a full coop can't
| be fed for a day strictly through the feeding troughs. And remember, if you
| have an egg in the incubator, it will "eat" one square of feed per day if you
| leave some in the troughs.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PAF} _
| Affection
| Like villagers and livestock, poultry operate on a 10-heart system for
| affection - each heart corresponds to 100 heart points. So, raising a poultry
| animal's affection by 100 heart points corresponds to an increase in 1 heart
| on their heart level.
| There are three ways to increase a poultry animal's heart points:
| Action           Heart Points
|    Hand-Feeding        1
|      Picking Up        5
| Letting Outside        3
| As you can see from those values, raising a poultry animal's heart level is a
| long, slow process. Fortunately, you can both hand-feed and let the poultry
| outside the same day (they receive the points for both, even if they've
| already eaten when they go outside), but you may find this overkill for only
| 1 extra point per day (it will take only about 14 extra days to raise a
| poultry animal's heart level to 10 hearts from 0 if you do not hand-feed
| them every day).
| Using these numbers, the fastest that the animals' heart level can be raised
| by one heart is:
| Animal and Care                               Days to +1 Heart
| Chickens/Ducks
|  Hand-Feeding, Picking Up and Letting Outside        11
|  Hand-Feeding and Picking Up                         16
|  Hand-Feeding and Letting Outside                    25
|  Picking Up and Letting Outside                      12
|  Only Picking Up                                     20
|  Only Letting Outside                                33
|  Only Hand-Feeding                                  100
| Silkworms
|  Hand-Feeding and Picking Up                         16
|  Only Hand-Feeding                                  100
|  Only Picking Up                                     20
| Obviously, 'Only Picking Up' is not recommended given that your animals need
| to, you know, eat. Note also that these numbers are approximate, given that
| rain will necessitate that you not let the chickens and ducks outside on
| certain days.
| This also makes it clearer why it takes ages and ages to raise a silkworm's
| heart level. Fortunately, the dye pot and yarn maker make silkworm's
| affection relatively irrelevant.
| Unfortunately, it's a lot easier to lower a poultry animal's heart level than
| raise it. Two actions lower their heart level: letting them outside in the
| rain (-10 points) and using a tool on them (-50 points or more). Fortunately
| though, forgetting to feed them does not appear to lower their affection:
| instead, they just don't give products for a couple days after a missed
| feeding.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PPR} _
| Products
| Each animal produces a sellable product. Chickens and ducks produce eggs,
| while silkworms produce silk cocoons. Chickens lay an egg every day, while
| ducks lay an egg every other day. Silkworms lay a cocoon ball every fourth
| day. All these items can simply be picked up off the coop floor. They'll
| even stay around from day-to-day if you don't pick them up the first time you
| see them.
| Chicken and duck eggs and silkworm cocoons all have quality ratings: decent,
| good, perfect and shining. Higher quality products sell for more money; for
| a complete price listing, see the At-A-Glance section above or Products
| section below.
| Quality ratings are related to the particular animal's level of affection.
| A brand new chicken will produce primarily decent eggs, but as it levels up
| it will produce more and more good and perfect eggs. Shining eggs and silk
| are a rarity even for 10-heart animals, however.
| These products can also be turned into other products using the Mayo Maker
| (for chicken and duck eggs) and the Yarn Maker (for the silk cocoons).
| Chicken eggs retain their quality rating when put into the Mayo Maker
| (leading to decent-, good-, perfect- and shining-quality mayonnaise), but
| duck eggs all lead to the same quality product. Silk also retains its
| quality, becoming decent-, good-, perfect- and shining-quality silk yarn.
| This Silk Yarn can then be placed in a dye pot with flowers or herbs of
| different colors to yield dyed Silk Yarn. The sale prices of all these
| products can also be found in the At-A-Glance section above or Products
| section below.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PBR} _
| Breeding
| Chickens and ducks can be bred on your farm by placing their eggs in the 
| incubator. An egg placed in the incubator will take one week to hatch a chick
| or duckling. The baby bird will then take a week to mature and start
| producing eggs of its own. Baby birds do not need to be fed.
| Silkworms cannot be bred; they can only be obtained by purchase from Brownie
| Ranch.
| _____________________________________________________________________[LVS]_
|                                                                             |
| Livestock                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Livestock, for our purposes, refers to all the animals that live in the barn:
| cows, sheep, goats, ostriches and horses. Functionally, cows and goats are
| essentially the same, while sheep are a bit different. Ostriches share a good
| bit in common with the poultry listed above, but actually have more in common
| with these livestock animals. And horses themselves are pretty different. But
| the fundamentals behind all five of these animals - purchasing, feeding, and
| raising affection - are the same.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LPU} _
| Purchasing
| Like all poultry, all livestock are obtained from Brownie Ranch. Initially,
| only cows (calves) and sheep (lambs) are available. Goats and horses become
| available at 2 stars, while ostriches become available at 3 stars.
| New cows cost 4500G, while new sheep cost 4200G. New goats cost 3600G, while
| new horses cost 6300G. Ostriches cost a whopping 13500G.
| Note that no livestock animal purchased from Brownie Ranch is fully-grown at
| the time of purchase. Cows and horses will take 28 days to mature into a full
| milk-producing or ridable animal, while goats and sheep will take 14 days.
| Ostriches, oddly enough, take 24 days.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LFE} _
| Feeding
| Like poultry, livestock can be fed in three different ways:
|  - Place fodder in their feeding bin.
|  - Hand fodder to them directly.
|  - Let them graze outside.
| Livestock may get sick if you miss feeding them for a day, so make sure to
| either give them some fodder every day or let them outside. Like poultry, it
| may be effective to leave some fodder in the animals' trays in case you
| forget to feed them one day - fodder left in the tray will stay in there
| until the first day when the animals aren't fed.
| Unlike the bird coop, where there is one giant mass of space to place all
| the feed on, each livestock animal has its own feeding trough to eat out
| of - so you can be sure that there are enough troughs for all the animals in
| case you forget to feed them for a day. Animals won't strictly eat out of
| their own bin either; if you have only one animal, but place the fodder in
| the furthest feeding trough, it will still eat it.
| All five livestock animals - including ostriches - eat fodder, so there's no
| need to worry about having enough of specific types, or hauling bird feed
| over from the bird coop.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LAF} _
| Affection
| Like villagers and poultry, livestock operate on a 10-heart system. Each
| heart corresponds to 100 heart points - so, raising an animal's heart points
| by 100 corresponds to an increase in 1 in their heart level.
| There are several ways to increase livestocks' heart points:
| Action            Heart Points
|     Hand-Feeding        1
|  Letting Outside        3
|          Talking        5
|         Brushing       10
| Milking/Shearing        3 (shearing can only be done every 4 days)
| As those numbers show, raising the affection of livestock is a lot faster
| than raising the affection of chickens, ducks and silkworms. And like
| poultry, you can receive heart points both for hand-feeding and for letting
| your livestock outside. Again, given that hand-feeding is only worth one
| point, this may not be worth it to you.
| Using those numbers, we find the following fastest times for raising animals'
| heart levels. Note that cows and goats operate under the same conditions.
| Animal and Care                                          Days to +1 Heart
| Cows/Goats
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing, Milking  .  . 5
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  . 6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  9
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  . 6
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .6
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .5
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .7
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .12
|  Hand-Feeding, Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .8
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .6
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .10
|  Letting Outside, Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .7
|  Talking, Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .17
|  Hand-Feeding, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
|  Hand-Feeding, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .25
|  Letting Outside, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .13
|  Letting Outside, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .8
|  Letting Outside, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .17
|  Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  7
|  Talking, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  13
|  Brushing, Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  8
|  Only Hand-Feeding  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .100
|  Only Letting Outside  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
|  Only Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .20
|  Only Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
|  Only Milking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .34
| Sheep
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing, Shearing  .  .6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  . 6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .11
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .7
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .22
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .7
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  15
|  Hand-Feeding, Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  9
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .6
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  12
|  Letting Outside, Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  8
|  Talking, Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .17
|  Hand-Feeding, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
|  Hand-Feeding, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  58
|  Letting Outside, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .13
|  Letting Outside, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .8
|  Letting Outside, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  27
|  Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  7
|  Talking, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
|  Brushing, Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .10
|  Only Hand-Feeding  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .100
|  Only Letting Outside  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
|  Only Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .20
|  Only Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
|  Only Shearing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 134
| Ostriches/Horses
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  . 6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .7
|  Letting Outside, Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .6
|  Hand-Feeding, Letting Outside  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 25
|  Hand-Feeding, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .17
|  Hand-Feeding, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
|  Letting Outside, Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .13
|  Letting Outside, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .8
|  Talking, Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  7
|  Only Hand-Feeding  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .100
|  Only Letting Outside  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
|  Only Talking  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .20
|  Only Brushing  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  10
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LPR} _
| Products
| Products are the main place where the five livestock animals differ. Two
| produce milk (cows and goats), one produces wool (sheep), one produces eggs
| (ostriches) and one produces nothing at all (horses).
| All products do have quality ratings, however: decent, good, perfect and
| shining. Higher-quality goods sell for more money. Initially, newly obtained
| animals will produce primarily decent-quality goods - but as their affection
| level rises, they'll produce more and more good- and perfect-quality goods.
| Shining-quality goods are rare even for 10-heart animals, however.
| Products are obtained in different ways. Milk is obtained from cows and goats
| using the milker, and can be obtained every day. Simply stand alongside the
| cow or goat with the milker equipped and use it: the milk will appear in your
| hands. The process is essentially the same for sheep: stand alongside a
| woolly sheep (wool regrows every 4 days) and use the shears to clip and keep
| it.
| The ostrich, like the poultry, lays eggs that can be found on the barn floor
| in the morning. The eggs will remain in place after they've been laid
| whether you pick them up or not. Ostrich eggs are laid every four days,
| similar to sheep wool.
| Horses do not produce any products; their only purpose is transportation.
| For complete prices of these goods, see the At-A-Glance section above or the
| Products section below.
| All these animal products can, in turn, be used to create secondary goods.
| Cow and goat milk can both be turned into cheese or butter using the Cheese
| Maker or the Butter Maker. Sheep wool can be turned into yarn using the Yarn
| Maker. And ostrich eggs can be turned into mayonnaise using the Mayo Maker.
| It's important to note, however, that ostrich mayonnaise does not have a
| quality rating, and itself sells for less than good, perfect or shining
| ostrich eggs. Therefore, it's only useful to convert ostrich eggs to
| mayonnaise if the egg is of decent-quality - except if you need the ostrich
| mayonnaise for the goddess recipe.
| Complete prices for all these secondary goods can be found in the At-A-Glance
| section above or the Products section below.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LIL} _
| Illness
| Animals may get sick if you forget to feed them or leave them out in the
| rain. If an animal gets sick, it will stop producing products for a few days
| (except sheep) or stop letting you ride it for a few days (for ostriches and
| horses). If it remains sick for too long, it may even die.
| If your animal does get sick somehow, use an Animal Medicine on it. It's best
| to keep one of these on hand in case an animal gets sick on a day when
| Brownie Ranch is closed. Animal affection will decrease with every day the
| animal remains sick.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LBR} _
| Breeding
| All five livestock animals can be bred. Four of these are bred the same way:
| cows, sheep, goats and horses all breed using their specific animal Miracle
| Potion.
| Miracle Potions range in cost from 1800G (goats and sheep) to 2700G (horses),
| while Cow Miracle Potions cost 2100G.
| Once you've used a Miracle Potion on an animal, it will become pregnant.
| Animal pregnancy times differ by animal: cows and horses will be pregnant
| for 14 days before giving birth, while sheep and goats will be pregnant for
| 7 days.
| Once they give birth, the baby animal will also take some time to
| mature into a full-grown, product-producing (or ridable) animal. Calves
| (baby cows) and foals (baby horses) take a full 28 days to mature to
| adulthood, while lambs (baby sheep) and kids (baby goats) take 14 days.
| Ostriches are bred more like poultry. There is an ostrich egg incubator in
| the barn where ostrich eggs can be placed for incubation. An ostrich egg
| will take 14 days to hatch, and the resultant baby bird will take 24 days to
| mature into adulthood.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LTR} _
| Transportation
| Horses and ostriches can also be used for transportation. To ride them,
| simply face them while holding your saddle and use it. Alternatively, if
| they're outside, you can whistle for them and you'll automatically mount them
| when they come close enough. Whistle by pressing A and B at the same time.
| Horses and ostriches are much faster at transporting you around than simply
| running. With the size of the island, this is actually a significant
| difference. When you dismount an animal while riding out in the field, it
| will stay in relatively the same area where you dismounted it, so you're able
| to ride it somewhere, do a task (fishing, mining, giving a gift, etc.) and
| then mount it again and ride it back.
| The speed of a particular horse or ostrich is based on your heart level with
| the animal. Horses and ostriches travel equally fast at the same heart
| levels - there is no speed difference between horses and ostriches.
| As stated, the speed is based on their heart level. A horse or ostrich with
| no hearts travels 25% faster than walking, while a horse or ostrich with
| 10 hearts travels 75% faster than walking. That means that a horse or ostrich
| with 10 hearts travels 40% faster than a horse or ostrich with 0 hearts,
| meaning that each heart level carries a 4% increase in speed.
| Ostriches and horses can be ridden in rainy weather as well, with no threat
| to their affection level. The key here is that you must ride the horse or
| ostrich out of the barn (instead of just pushing them out, or calling them
| out using the bell), and you must remember to ride them back inside. Animals
| are automatically transported back to the barn at 5:00AM, but if it's raining
| that day and you forget to ride the horse or ostrich back into the barn,
| they'll suffer the ill effects of the weather.
| Also, take note that if a horse or ostrich is ridden outside (rather than
| pushed or moved outside with the bell), it will not graze while there. In
| order to feed it, you'll have to either feed it by hand, or ride it back
| inside the barn and push it back out. On sunny or cloudy days, it's best to
| move the horse or ostrich outside with the bell, then saddle it there.
| And, in case you're wondering, horses can be ridden while pregnant.

| _____________________________________________________________________[ANP]_
|                                                                             |
| Animal Products                                                             |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/The primary purpose for raising animals, besides how darn cute they are, is
| to sell their products for a profit. Below are the three core animal
| products that can be sold, along with the three upper-level products that
| you can make out of them.
| As always, slash-separated sale prices represent the sale prices at different
| qualities - Decent / Good / Perfect / Shining.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {EGG} _
| Eggs
| Obtained from : Chickens, Ducks, Ostriches
|     Frequency : Daily (Chickens), Every 2 Days (Ducks),
|               : Every 4 Days (Ostriches)
|   Sale Prices : From Chickens:   80G / 100G / 120G / 200G
|               : From Ducks:     150G / 190G / 230G / 380G
|               : From Ostriches: 280G / 350G / 420G / 700G
|        Can Be : Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
|    Can Become : Mayonnaise, when put in the Mayo Maker.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MLK} _
| Milk
| Obtained from : Cows, Goats
|     Frequency : Daily
|   Sale Prices : From Cows:  100G / 130G / 160G / 260G
|               : From Goats:  90G / 110G / 130G / 220G
|        Can Be : Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
|    Can Become : Cheese, when put in the Cheese Maker.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WOL} _
| Wool
| Obtained from : Sheep
|     Frequency : Every 4 Days
|   Sale Prices : 210G / 260G / 310G / 520G
|        Can Be : Sold or given as a gift.
|    Can Become : Yarn, when put in the Yarn Maker.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SLK} _
| Silk
| Obtained from : Silkworms
|     Frequency : Every 4 Days
|   Sale Prices : 400G / 500G / 600G / 1000G
|        Can Be : Sold or given as a gift.
|    Can Become : Silk Yarn, when put in the yarn maker
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MAY} _
| Mayonnaise 
| Obtained from : Eggs (chickens, ducks and ostriches), through the Mayo Maker
|   Sale Prices : From Chickens:   100G / 120G / 140G / 240G
|               : From Ducks*:     190G / 190G / 190G / 190G
|               : From Ostriches*: 320G / 320G / 320G / 320G
|        Can Be : Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
|             * - Note that Duck and Ostrich Mayonnaise have no quality;
|                 therefore, it is only profitable to put eggs of Decent
|                 quality from either of these animals into the mayo maker.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BUT} _
| Butter
| Obtained from : Milk (cows and goats), through the Butter maker
|   Sale Prices : From Cows:  120G / 150G / 240G / 300G
|                 From Goats: 100G / 130G / 180G / 260G
|        Can Be : Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CHE} _
| Cheese
| Obtained from : Milk (cows and goats), through the Cheese maker
|   Sale Prices : From Cows:  140G / 170G / 240G / 340G
|                 From Goats: 170G / 210G / 290G / 420G
|        Can Be : Sold, given as a gift, or used in recipes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WLY} _
| Wool Yarn
| Obtained from : Wool (sheep), through the Yarn maker
|   Sale Prices : 250G / 310G / 430G / 620G
|        Can Be : Sold or given as a gift.
|    Can Become : Dyed yarn, when put in the dye pot with an herb or flower.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FXY} _
| Flax Yarn
| Obtained from : Flax (a crop; here for convenience), through the Yarn maker
|   Sale Prices : 220G / 360G / 500G / 720G
|        Can Be : Sold or given as a gift.
|    Can Become : Dyed yarn, when put in the dye pot with an herb or flower.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SKT} _
| Silk Yarn  
| Obtained from : Silk (silkworms), through the Yarn maker
|   Sale Prices : 420G / 700G / 980G / 1400G
|        Can Be : Sold or given as a gift.
|    Can Become : Dyed silk yarn, when put in the dye pot with an herb/flower.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CCL} _
| Colored Yarns
| Obtained from : Silk Yarn, Wool Yarn, and Flax Yarn, through the Dyeing Pot
|   Sale Prices : Yellow : 500G (Wool),  580G (Flax), 1120G (Silk)
|               :  Green : 530G (Wool),  610G (Flax), 1190G (Silk)
|               : Purple : 560G (Wool),  650G (Flax), 1260G (Silk)
|               :    Red : 620G (Wool),  720G (Flax), 1400G (Silk)
|               :   Blue : 930G (Wool), 1090G (Flax), 2100G (Silk)
|        Can Be : Sold or given as a gift.
| _____________________________________________________________________[LPA]_
|                                                                             |
| Animal Profit Analysis                                                      |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Conducting a comprehensive profit analysis for this game is quite difficult.
| There are many questions about what should be included: for example, for
| dyed yarns, should you include the money you're missing by not selling the
| flower? Should you include the money you spend on the seeds to grow the
| flowers? For cheese, butter, yarn and mayonnaise, should you include the cost
| of the 00 Maker? What about affection levels and product qualities?
| So, the way we're going to do this is to calculate what the most profitable
| products are as if you have unlimited resources - unlimited flowers and herbs
| for dyes, and all four makers. Then, we'll list the animals and their
| products in order based on how profitable they are. This list can then
| function as a sort of priority queue for you in choosing an animal or
| product. For example, if we were considering only cows and goats, the order
| would be:
| Goats	(Cheese)
| Cows (Cheese)
| Cows (Butter)
| Goats (Butter)
| Cows (Milk)
| Goats (Milk)
| Use this type of queue to find the most profitable animal and product based
| on your current equipment. For example, if you have the Cheese Maker, the
| goat is the best option. If you don't have the Cheese Maker, a cow is a
| better option, regardless of whether you have a Butter Maker or not.
| The cost of food is not included in this analysis because it is the same over
| every animal: every animal costs 15G to feed on a rainy day, and is free
| to feed on a sunny day. If you specifically start to feed your animals in
| different ways, your rankings will differ.
| We'll rank the animals in three different categories that should encompass
| the three most common questions: the profitability of a new animal over the
| course of a year, the profitability of a possessed animal over the course of
| a month, and the profitability of a new animal over the course of its
| lifetime.
| Please note that due to the large degree of variability in multiple aspects
| of each animal's parameters, these are just approximations. Additionally,
| given that even at particular heart levels an animal's product quality will
| will vary, it is impossible to determine accurately exactly how much profit
| a given animal will create. These lists should be used primarily for ranking
| animals against each other, not planning for an absolute profit value.
| Additionally, the profits are operating as if you sell the animal's product
| in that form for every single product that animal produces: for example, the
| Blue Silk Yarn value is suggesting that you make a ball of blue silk yarn out
| of every hunk of silk a silkworm produces. Needless to say, you probably
| won't actually be able to do that. This list, though, can also serve as a
| queue for what the best product to make is given your ingredient; just go
| down the list until you find the best product you're able to make. This isn't
| the function of the list, but within each animal, the products will always
| fall in the same order, regardless of what time period their profits are
| being analyzed for.
| The math behind these lists is all entered into a giant OpenOffice
| spreadsheet on my computer. If you'd like to see the spreadsheet or use it
| for your own FAQ, let me know - you're more than welcome to it. Additionally,
| if you think you see an error, let me know and I'll send you my reasoning
| and we can figure it out.
| Key: Certain abbreviations and conventions are used below to make it easier
| for the information to fit in chart format. Note the following abbreviations:
|   Silk Y : Silk Yarn
|       M. : Maker
|      F/H : Flower or Herb (used in dyes; here, always interchangeable)
|   Bought : Profit is assuming the animal was purchased from Brownie Ranch.
|     Bred : Profit is assuming the animal was bred on your farm.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PA1} _
| Profitability of a New Animal for a Year
| For bred animals, these parameters assume you either placed the egg in the
| incubator or used the Miracle Potion on the first day of the year. Remember
| that your animal certainly will not produce the same quality good all year
| round, even if its heart level stays consistent. All the prices listed below
| are assuming Decent-quality goods are the only ones produced. Your animals
| will certainly produce higher-quality goods, but the belief is that that
| should happen fairly consistently across all animals, allowing us to use
| Decent-quality goods as a benchmark for rankings.
| If you have any evidence that animals' affection levels develop at different
| enough rates to seriously threaten these rankings, let me know.
| Animal      Product       Obtained  Profit   Required Items
| Silkworm    Blue Silk Y   Bought    55950G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Silkworm    Red Silk Y    Bought    36350G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Silkworm    Purple Silk Y Bought    32430G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Silkworm    Green Silk Y  Bought    30470G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Silkworm    Yellow Silk Y Bought    28510G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bred      19357G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bought    18585G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Goat        Cheese        Bred      13670G   Cheese Maker
| Goat        Cheese        Bought    13060G   Cheese Maker
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bred      12305G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bought    10990G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bred      10940G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bred      10257G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bred       9800G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bred       9575G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bought     9520G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bred       9310G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bought     9100G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn     Bought     8910G   Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bought     8785G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Silkworm    Silk          Bought     8350G   (none)
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bought     8240G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bought     8050G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Chicken     Egg           Bred       7840G   (none)
| Cow         Cheese        Bred       7700G   Cheese Maker
| Duck        Egg           Bred       7350G   (none)
| Goat        Butter        Bred       7300G   Butter Maker
| Cow         Cheese        Bought     7260G   Cheese Maker
| Chicken     Egg           Bought     6860G   (none)
| Goat        Milk          Bred       6390G   (none)
| Cow         Butter        Bred       6300G   Butter Maker
| Goat        Butter        Bought     6200G   Butter Maker
| Duck        Egg           Bought     6000G   (none)
| Ostrich     Mayo          Bred       5920G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Cow         Butter        Bought     5580G   Butter Maker
| Goat        Milk          Bought     5220G   (none)
| Ostrich     Egg           Bred       5180G   (none)
| Cow         Milk          Bred       4900G   (none)
| Cow         Milk          Bought     3900G   (none)
| Sheep       Yarn          Bred       3887G   Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Wool          Bred       2977G   (none)
| Sheep       Yarn          Bought     1925G   Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Wool          Bought      945G   (none)
| Ostrich     Mayo          Bought    -6460G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Ostrich     Egg           Bought    -7340G   (none)
| The negative profit next to Ostrich Mayo and Ostrich Eggs correspond to the
| fact that a bought ostrich will not pay for itself in under a year.
| Obviously, over a one-year period the silkworm is by far the most profitable
| animal to have, if you have a yarn maker (and thus, a dye pot) and a suitable
| supply of flowers or herbs. And considering silkworms only produce silk every
| 4 days, you should have plenty of herbs and flowers at your disposal. Blue
| are obviously the best, but any color will do.
| Note, however, that part of the reason dyed Silk Yarn ranks so high in this
| list is because we're assuming that all the products are of Decent quality.
| Dyed Silk Yarn has no quality rating, so it inherently has an advantage in
| this list. However, considering this list is intended for one-year
| profitability only, chances are other animal products will not rise
| substantially above this level: by the end of a year, an animal will likely
| be consistently producing Good-quality product, but that would not be enough
| to alter these rankings.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PA2} _
| Profitability of a New Animal for a Month
| If you're in need of some money fast - as in, this season - the above list
| might not be too helpful. After all, cows and ostriches take an entire
| season to mature, and sheep and goats take half of one.
| For bred animals, these parameters assume you either placed the egg in the
| incubator or used the Miracle Potion on the first day of the month.
| Animal      Product       Obtained  Profit   Required Items
| Silkworm    Blue Silk Y   Bought    11850G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Silkworm    Red Silk Y    Bought     6950G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Silkworm    Purple Silk Y Bought     5970G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Silkworm    Green Silk Y  Bought     5480G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Silkworm    Yellow Silk Y Bought     4990G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bred       1400G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bred       1330G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Eggs          Bred       1120G   (none)
| Duck        Eggs          Bred       1050G   (none)
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bought      700G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bought      260G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Eggs          Bought      140G   (none)
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn     Bought       90G   Yarn Maker
| As you can see, your quickest bet for fast money is the silkworm, but odds
| are that when you need fast money, you won't have the yarn maker yet (as it
| costs 4500G). Your best bet early in the game is the chicken - it pays for
| itself in under a season - but grab the yarn maker, dye pot and silkworm
| when you can.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PA3} _
| Profitability of an Owned Animal for a Month
| Here, instead of assuming you're just now buying or breeding your new animal,
| we'll assume that you've had it for a while. It's probably producing one
| quality of good fairly consistently, and you want to know which animal is
| most profitable over the course of a month.
| Under this list, there is an extra column, simply labeled Q. This list ranks
| all the different quality levels against one another, so Q represents the
| quality of that particular good: D for Decent, G for Good, P for Perfect,
| S for Shining, and N for Not Applicable (dyed yarns, duck mayonnaise and
| ostrich mayonnaise). Given that the animal has been owned prior to the month
| we're calculating, though, how the animal was obtained is irrelevant here.
| Animal      Product        Q  Profit   Required Items
| Silkworm    Blue Silk Yarn N  14700G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Goat        Cheese         S  11760G   Cheese Maker
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn      S   9800G   Yarn Maker
| Silkworm    Red Silk Yarn  N   9800G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Cow         Cheese         S   9520G   Cheese Maker
| Silkworm    Purple Silk Y  N   8820G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Cow         Butter         S   8400G   Butter Maker
| Silkworm    Green Silk Y   N   8330G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Goat        Cheese         P   8120G   Cheese Maker
| Silkworm    Yellow Silk Y  N   7840G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Cow         Milk           S   7280G   (none)
| Goat        Butter         S   7280G   Butter Maker
| Silkworm    Silk           S   7000G   (none)
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn      P   6860G   Yarn Maker
| Cow         Cheese         P   6720G   Cheese Maker
| Chicken     Mayonnaise     S   6720G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Cow         Butter         P   6720G   Butter Maker
| Sheep       Blue Yarn      N   6510G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Goat        Milk           P   6160G   (none)
| Goat        Cheese         G   5880G   Cheese Maker
| Chicken     Egg            S   5600G   (none)
| Duck        Egg            S   5320G   (none)
| Goat        Butter         P   5040G   Butter Maker
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn      G   4900G   Yarn Maker
| Ostrich     Egg            S   4900G   (none)
| Cow         Cheese         G   4760G   Cheese Maker
| Goat        Cheese         D   4760G   Cheese Maker
| Cow         Milk           P   4480G   (none)
| Sheep       Red Yarn       N   4340G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Sheep       Yarn           S   4340G   Yarn Maker
| Cow         Butter         G   4200G   Butter Maker
| Silkworm    Silk           P   4200G   (none)
| Sheep       Purple Yarn    N   3920G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Cow         Cheese         D   3920G   Cheese Maker
| Chicken     Mayonnaise     P   3920G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Cow         Milk           G   3640G   (none)
| Goat        Butter         G   3640G   Butter Maker
| Sheep       Green Yarn     N   3710G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Goat        Milk           P   3640G   (none)
| Sheep       Wool           S   3640G   (none)
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn    N   3500G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Silkworm    Silk           G   3500G   (none)
| Cow         Butter         D   3360G   Butter Maker
| Chicken     Mayonnaise     G   3360G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Egg            P   3360G   (none)
| Duck        Egg            P   3220G   (none)
| Goat        Milk           G   3080G   (none)
| Sheep       Yarn           P   3010G   Yarn Maker
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn      D   2940G   Yarn Maker
| Ostrich     Egg            P   2940G   (none)
| Cow         Milk           D   2800G   (none)
| Silkworm    Silk           D   2800G   (none)
| Goat        Butter         D   2800G   Butter Maker
| Chicken     Mayonnaise     D   2800G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Egg            G   2800G   (none)
| Duck        Mayonnaise     N   2660G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Duck        Egg            G   2660G   (none)
| Goat        Milk           D   2520G   (none)
| Ostrich     Egg            G   2450G   (none)
| Chicken     Egg            D   2240G   (none)
| Ostrich     Mayonnaise     N   2240G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Sheep       Yarn           G   2170G   Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Wool           P   2170G   (none)
| Duck        Egg            D   2100G   (none)
| Ostrich     Egg            D   1960G   (none)
| Sheep       Wool           G   1820G   (none)
| Sheep       Yarn           D   1750G   Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Wool           D   1470G   (none)
| As usual, the silkworms rule if you have an unlimited supply of flowers and
| herbs (especially blue ones). But here we see some alternative profitable
| goods that are a bit more reliable - that is, they don't require you to go
| out and get an herb or a flower to make them. Goat Cheese, for one month, is
| the most profitable quality-based good, followed by plain silkworm silk yarn,
| cow cheese and cow butter. Of the goods that don't require any of the 00
| Makers, cow milk and silkworm silk are the way to go.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PA4} _
| Profitability of a New Animal for its Lifetime
| To a large extent, animal profitability over their entire lifetime mirrors
| their profitability over one month. However, there are some places when an
| alteration in an animal's lifespan has a profound impact on how profitable
| that animal ends up being over the course of its entire life.
| For this list, we'll be using the Perfect-quality sale price of the good to
| calculate the good's lifespan profitability. Considering that an animal can
| typically be raised to 10-hearts within a year and a half (with daily care),
| the average sale price for all goods sold in an animal's lifetime should
| average out to approximately the price of the Perfect-quality good. The only
| instance in which this might not be the case is for the silkworm, whose
| average lifespan is only 1.5 years anyway, and thus may not produce a
| substantial amount of Perfect+ quality goods; but for the sake of consistency
| we'll use sale prices for Perfect-quality silk here too.
| Animal      Product       Obtained  Profit   Required Items
| Goat        Cheese        Bred      91580G   Cheese Maker
| Goat        Cheese        Bought    89780G   Cheese Maker
| Silkworm    Blue Silk Y   Bought    85350G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bred      73065G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Cow         Cheese        Bred      71820G   Cheese Maker
| Cow         Butter        Bred      71820G   Butter Maker
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bought    70665G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Cow         Cheese        Bought    69420G   Cheese Maker
| Cow         Butter        Bought    69420G   Butter Maker
| Goat        Butter        Bred      56160G   Butter Maker
| Silkworm    Red Silk Y    Bought    55950G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Goat        Butter        Bought    54360G   Butter Maker
| Silkworm    Purple Silk Y Bought    50070G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bred      48110G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Cow         Milk          Bred      47180G   (none)
| Silkworm    Green Silk Y  Bought    47130G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bred      47040G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bought    45710G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bought    44940G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Cow         Milk          Bought    44780G   (none)
| Ostrich     Eggs          Bred      44520G   (none)
| Silkworm    Yellow Silk Y Bought    44190G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bred      43280G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bought    40880G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bred      40865G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Chicken     Eggs          Bred      40320G   (none)
| Goat        Milk          Bred      40060G   (none)
| Duck        Eggs          Bred      38640G   (none)
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bought    38465G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bred      38450G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Silkworm    Silk Y        Bought    38310G   Yarn Maker
| Goat        Milk          Bought    38260G   (none)
| Chicken     Eggs          Bought    38220G   (none)
| Duck        Eggs          Bought    36240G   (none)
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bought    36050G   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Ostrich     Mayonnaise    Bred      33920G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Sheep       Yarn          Bred      32815G   Yarn Maker
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bred      31920G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Ostrich     Eggs          Bought    31020G   (none)
| Sheep       Yarn          Bought    30415G   Yarn Maker
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bought    29520G   Mayonnaise Maker
| Sheep       Wool          Bred      23155G   (none)
| Silkworm    Silk          Bought    22350G   (none)
| Sheep       Wool          Bought    20755G   (none)
| Ostrich     Mayonnaise    Bought    20420G   Mayonnaise Maker
| There you have it, the most profitable animal over its own lifespan is... the
| goat? Yeah, I was surprised too. But bought or bred, the most profitable
| animal in the game is the goat - if you have the Cheese Maker. Without the
| Cheese Maker, better opt for silkworms and sheep, if you have the yarn maker.
| And if you don't have the yarn maker, go for cows. The butter maker with
| cow milk is the next most profitable, but cows are also the most profitable
| animal if you don't have any of the four 00 Makers.
| Looking at the price list, it's pretty evident how much the ostrich's initial
| purchase price affects its overall profit. A purchased ostrich is arguably
| the least profitable animal over the course of its lifetime; but a bred
| ostrich is the second most profitable non-00 Maker animal. This is partially
| due to the ostrich possessing the longest lifespan among the producing
| animals.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PA5} _
| Profit Margins
| A profit margin - at least in the way I'm using it - refers to how much extra
| profit can be made by converting a good to a higher good. They are listed
| below, by ingredient. Profit margins are per product.
|    Original Product     Resultant Product    Tool                    Margin
|  Decent Chicken Egg -> Chicken Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        +  20G
|    Good Chicken Egg -> Chicken Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        +  20G
| Perfect Chicken Egg -> Chicken Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        +  20G
| Shining Chicken Egg -> Chicken Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        +  40G
|     Decent Duck Egg -> Duck Mayonnaise       Mayonnaise Maker        +  40G
|       Good Duck Egg -> Duck Mayonnaise       Mayonnaise Maker        +   0G
|    Perfect Duck Egg -> Duck Mayonnaise       Mayonnaise Maker        -  40G
|    Shining Duck Egg -> Duck Mayonnaise       Mayonnaise Maker        - 190G
|  Decent Ostrich Egg -> Ostrich Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        +  40G
|    Good Ostrich Egg -> Ostrich Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        -  30G
| Perfect Ostrich Egg -> Ostrich Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        - 100G
| Shining Ostrich Egg -> Ostrich Mayonnaise    Mayonnaise Maker        - 380G
|     Decent Cow Milk ->  Decent Cow Butter    Butter Maker            +  20G
|     Decent Cow Milk ->  Decent Cow Cheese    Cheese Maker            +  40G
|       Good Cow Milk ->    Good Cow Butter    Butter Maker            +  20G
|       Good Cow Milk ->    Good Cow Cheese    Cheese Maker            +  40G
|    Perfect Cow Milk -> Perfect Cow Butter    Butter Maker            +  80G
|    Perfect Cow Milk -> Perfect Cow Cheese    Cheese Maker            +  80G
|    Shining Cow Milk -> Shining Cow Butter    Butter Maker            +  40G
|    Shining Cow Milk -> Shining Cow Cheese    Cheese Maker            +  80G
|    Decent Goat Milk ->  Decent Goat Butter   Butter Maker            +  10G
|    Decent Goat Milk ->  Decent Goat Cheese   Cheese Maker            +  80G
|      Good Goat Milk ->    Good Goat Butter   Butter Maker            +  20G
|      Good Goat Milk ->    Good Goat Cheese   Cheese Maker            + 100G
|   Perfect Goat Milk -> Perfect Goat Butter   Butter Maker            +  50G
|   Perfect Goat Milk -> Perfect Goat Cheese   Cheese Maker            + 160G
|   Shining Goat Milk -> Shining Goat Butter   Butter Maker            +  40G
|   Shining Goat Milk -> Shining Goat Cheese   Cheese Maker            + 200G
|         Decent Wool ->        Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker              +  40G
|         Decent Wool -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 290G
|         Decent Wool ->  Green Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 320G
|         Decent Wool -> Purple Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 350G
|         Decent Wool ->    Red Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 410G
|         Decent Wool ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 720G
|           Good Wool ->        Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker              +  50G
|           Good Wool -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 240G
|           Good Wool ->  Green Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 270G
|           Good Wool -> Purple Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 300G
|           Good Wool ->    Red Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 360G
|           Good Wool ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 670G
|        Perfect Wool ->        Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker              + 120G
|        Perfect Wool -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 190G
|        Perfect Wool ->  Green Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 220G
|        Perfect Wool -> Purple Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 250G
|        Perfect Wool ->    Red Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 310G
|        Perfect Wool ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 620G
|        Shining Wool ->        Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker              + 100G
|        Shining Wool -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     -  20G
|        Shining Wool ->  Green Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +  10G
|        Shining Wool -> Purple Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +  40G
|        Shining Wool ->    Red Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 100G
|        Shining Wool ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 410G
|         Decent Yarn -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 250G
|         Decent Yarn ->  Green Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 280G
|         Decent Yarn -> Purple Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 310G
|         Decent Yarn ->    Red Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 370G
|         Decent Yarn ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 880G
|           Good Yarn -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 190G
|           Good Yarn ->  Green Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 220G
|           Good Yarn -> Purple Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 250G
|           Good Yarn ->    Red Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 310G
|           Good Yarn ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 620G
|        Perfect Yarn -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 +  70G
|        Perfect Yarn ->  Green Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 100G
|        Perfect Yarn -> Purple Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 130G
|        Perfect Yarn ->    Red Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 190G
|        Perfect Yarn ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 500G
|        Shining Yarn -> Yellow Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 - 120G
|        Shining Yarn ->  Green Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 -  90G
|        Shining Yarn -> Purple Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 -  60G
|        Shining Yarn ->    Red Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 +   0G
|        Shining Yarn ->   Blue Wool Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 310G
|         Decent Silk ->        Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker              +  20G
|         Decent Silk -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 720G
|         Decent Silk ->  Green Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 790G
|         Decent Silk -> Purple Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 860G
|         Decent Silk ->    Red Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +1000G
|         Decent Silk ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +1700G
|           Good Silk ->        Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker              + 200G
|           Good Silk -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 620G
|           Good Silk ->  Green Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 690G
|           Good Silk -> Purple Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 760G
|           Good Silk ->    Red Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 900G
|           Good Silk ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +1600G
|        Perfect Silk ->        Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker              + 380G
|        Perfect Silk -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 520G
|        Perfect Silk ->  Green Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 590G
|        Perfect Silk -> Purple Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 660G
|        Perfect Silk ->    Red Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 800G
|        Perfect Silk ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +1500G
|        Shining Silk ->        Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker              + 400G
|        Shining Silk -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 120G
|        Shining Silk ->  Green Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 190G
|        Shining Silk -> Purple Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 260G
|        Shining Silk ->    Red Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     + 400G
|        Shining Silk ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Yarn Maker, Dye Pot     +1100G
|    Decent Silk Yarn -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 700G
|    Decent Silk Yarn ->  Green Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 770G
|    Decent Silk Yarn -> Purple Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 840G
|    Decent Silk Yarn ->    Red Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 980G
|    Decent Silk Yarn ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 +1680G
|      Good Silk Yarn -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 420G
|      Good Silk Yarn ->  Green Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 490G
|      Good Silk Yarn -> Purple Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 560G
|      Good Silk Yarn ->    Red Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 700G
|      Good Silk Yarn ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 +1400G
|   Perfect Silk Yarn -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 140G
|   Perfect Silk Yarn ->  Green Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 210G
|   Perfect Silk Yarn -> Purple Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 280G
|   Perfect Silk Yarn ->    Red Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 420G
|   Perfect Silk Yarn ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 +1120G
|   Shining Silk Yarn -> Yellow Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 - 280G
|   Shining Silk Yarn ->  Green Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 - 210G
|   Shining Silk Yarn -> Purple Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 - 140G
|   Shining Silk Yarn ->    Red Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 +   0G
|   Shining Silk Yarn ->   Blue Silk Yarn      Dye Pot                 + 700G
| Notice that several products actually have negative profit margins. They are:
|  - Shining Silk Yarn (converted to Yellow Silk Yarn, Green Silk Yarn or
|    Purple Silk Yarn)
|  - Shining Yarn (converted to Yellow Yarn, Green Yarn or Purple Yarn)
|  - Shining Wool (converted to Yellow Yarn)
|  - Ostrich Eggs of Good, Perfect or Shining quality (converted to Mayonnaise)
|  - Duck Eggs of Perfect or Shining quality (converted to Mayonnaise)
| These are products for which it is not beneficial to "upgrade". Otherwise,
| every product can be upgraded for extra profit. The most profitable upgrades
| are nearly every colored Yarn (especially Decent Silk to Blue Silk Yarn, a
| +1700G profit increase) and Goat Cheese (a +200G increase from Shining Milk
| to Shining Cheese).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PA6} _
| Quickest to Profit
| It's not only important how much profit an animal makes - it's also important
| how soon it becomes profitable. How fast does each animal pay for its own
| cost?
| Note that bred chickens, ducks and ostriches have no cost, and thus their
| time until they become profitable is 0 days.
| Note also that like the above lists, this is utilizing only the animal's
| Decent-quality goods for calculating the time. If your animal begins to
| produce higher-quality goods, this time will obviously decrease; however,
| typically an animal won't produce higher-quality goods until after it's begun
| to be profitable.
| And as always, the list is by the product used, assuming that every product
| an animal produces is converted to that product. Days are rounded up when
| a fractional number of days occurs. 
| 'Days' are from the day an animal becomes mature: so, for animals that take
| some time to mature after purchase or birth, the combined time is provided
| in parentheses to the right. The first number is the 'time to profit' from
| the first day the animal produces product, while the second number is the
| 'time to profit' from the day the purchase money is spent (either from the
| day the animal is purchased, or from the day that the Miracle Potion is
| purchased).
| Animal      Product       Obtained  Days      Required Items
| Silkworm    Blue Silk Y   Bought      6 (6)   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bred        8 (29)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Silkworm    Red Silk Y    Bought      9 (9)   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Silkworm    Purple Silk Y Bought     10 (10)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Silkworm    Green Silk Y  Bought     10 (10)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Silkworm    Yellow Silk Y Bought     11 (11)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Goat        Cheese        Bred       11 (32)  Cheese Maker
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bred       12 (33)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bred       13 (34)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bred       14 (35)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bred       15 (36)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Cow         Cheese        Bred       15 (57)  Cheese Maker
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bought     18 (32)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Cow         Butter        Bred       18 (60)  Butter Maker
| Goat        Butter        Bred       18 (39)  Butter Maker
| Goat        Milk          Bred       20 (41)  (none)
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bought     21 (21)  Mayonnaise Maker
| Cow         Milk          Bred       21 (63)  (none)
| Goat        Cheese        Bought     22 (36)  Cheese Maker
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bought     26 (26)  Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Egg           Bought     27 (27)  (none)
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bought     28 (42)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn     Bought     28 (28)  Yarn Maker
| Silkworm    Silk          Bought     29 (29)  (none)
| Sheep       Yarn          Bred       29 (50)  Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bought     30 (44)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bought     32 (46)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Duck        Egg           Bought     32 (32)  (none)
| Cow         Cheese        Bought     33 (61)  Cheese Maker
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bought     34 (48)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Sheep       Wool          Bred       35 (56)  (none)
| Goat        Butter        Bought     36 (50)  Butter Maker
| Cow         Butter        Bought     38 (66)  Butter Maker
| Goat        Milk          Bought     40 (54)  (none)
| Cow         Milk          Bought     45 (73)  (none)
| Sheep       Yarn          Bought     68 (82)  Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Wool          Bought     80 (94)  (none)
| Ostrich     Mayonnaise    Bought    169 (193) Mayonnaise Maker
| Ostrich     Egg           Bought    193 (217) (none)
| Because including 'growth' and 'birth' times in the day count alters the list
| substantially, here is the list again, sorted by time including growth and
| birth times. This is the 'days to profit' calculated from the first day money
| is spent on the animal.
| Animal      Product       Obtained  Days      Required Items
| Silkworm    Blue Silk Y   Bought      6 (6)   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Silkworm    Red Silk Y    Bought      9 (9)   Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Silkworm    Purple Silk Y Bought     10 (10)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Silkworm    Green Silk Y  Bought     10 (10)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Silkworm    Yellow Silk Y Bought     11 (11)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/
| Chicken     Mayonnaise    Bought     21 (21)  Mayonnaise Maker
| Duck        Mayonnaise    Bought     26 (26)  Mayonnaise Maker
| Chicken     Egg           Bought     27 (27)  (none)
| Silkworm    Silk Yarn     Bought     28 (28)  Yarn Maker
| Silkworm    Silk          Bought     29 (29)  (none)
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bred        8 (29)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/HH
| Goat        Cheese        Bred       11 (32)  Cheese Maker
| Sheep       Blue Yarn     Bought     18 (32)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Blue F/H
| Duck        Egg           Bought     32 (32)  (none)
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bred       12 (33)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bred       13 (34)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bred       14 (35)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bred       15 (36)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Goat        Cheese        Bought     22 (36)  Cheese Maker
| Goat        Butter        Bred       18 (39)  Butter Maker
| Goat        Milk          Bred       20 (41)  (none)
| Sheep       Red Yarn      Bought     28 (42)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Red F/H
| Sheep       Purple Yarn   Bought     30 (44)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Purple F/H
| Sheep       Green Yarn    Bought     32 (46)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Green F/H
| Sheep       Yellow Yarn   Bought     34 (48)  Yarn Maker, Dye Pot, Yellow F/H
| Sheep       Yarn          Bred       29 (50)  Yarn Maker
| Goat        Butter        Bought     36 (50)  Butter Maker
| Goat        Milk          Bought     40 (54)  (none)
| Sheep       Wool          Bred       35 (56)  (none)
| Cow         Cheese        Bred       15 (57)  Cheese Maker
| Cow         Butter        Bred       18 (60)  Butter Maker
| Cow         Cheese        Bought     33 (61)  Cheese Maker
| Cow         Milk          Bred       21 (63)  (none)
| Cow         Butter        Bought     38 (66)  Butter Maker
| Cow         Milk          Bought     45 (73)  (none)
| Sheep       Yarn          Bought     68 (82)  Yarn Maker
| Sheep       Wool          Bought     80 (94)  (none)
| Ostrich     Mayonnaise    Bought    169 (193) Mayonnaise Maker
| Ostrich     Egg           Bought    193 (217) (none)
| Of course, there is one other consideration to make here: animals as parents.
| An ostrich, for example, will pay for itself much faster if you breed one of
| its eggs. But that's a level of math I'm not ready to go into quite yet. That
| will be included in a future update.
| _____________________________________________________________________[YFP]_
|                                                                             |
| Wild Animals (Your Future Pets)                                             |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/The island (and surrounding islands, too) is home to several animals that
| can, with time and effort, become your pets. In past Harvest Moon games,
| these were simply wild animals - but Tree of Tranquility allows you to
| befriend and adopt these cute little woodland creatures.
| Wild animals can be befriended the same way as any other character:
| conversation and gifts. After meeting a wild animal, it will possess an
| affection meter in your informational screens just like any other character.
| Speak to the animal and give it gifts to raise its affection level: once
| you've raised its affection level to 4 hearts, it will give you a gift the
| next time you see it. The daily television show 'Kingdom of Wildlife' airs
| information about a different animal each week, including the gifts most
| preferred by each animal. It's notable, though, that animals typically only
| like food items - best save flowers, wool and other non-edibles for the
| more cultured villagers.
| At 6 hearts, you'll have the option to adopt the animal as a pet. Be careful:
| once you adopt an animal, you can't get rid of it, but if you turn down the
| initial opportunity to adopt it, you won't get another option.
| If you choose to adopt the pet, you'll get to name it; then it will move into
| your house. How many pets you can adopt depends on the size of your house:
| one pet per level of the house.
| Once a pet has been adopted, you can talk to it and take it for a walk to
| raise its affection. Otherwise, it just hangs around your house looking cute.
| In total, there are 18 animals that can be befriended, though one cannot be
| adopted.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Brown Puppy
|        Location : Beach Area, near the Lighthouse
| Preferred Gifts : Milk
|      Gift Given : Char
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| White Puppy
|        Location : Town Square
| Preferred Gifts : Milk
|      Gift Given : Char
| _ _ _ _ _
| White Dog
|        Location : Toucan Island
| Preferred Gifts : Milk
|      Gift Given : Salmon
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Black and White Dog
|        Location : Brownie Ranch
| Preferred Gifts : Milk
|      Gift Given : Catfish
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Orange Cat
|        Location : Lake Area
| Preferred Gifts : Fish, milk
|      Gift Given : Saury
| _ _ _ _ _
| Black Cat
|        Location : Toucan Island
| Preferred Gifts : Fish, milk
|      Gift Given : Saury
| _ _ _ _ _
| White Cat
|        Location : Beach Area (near fisherman's shop)
| Preferred Gifts : Fish, milk
|      Gift Given : Saury
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| White Rabbit
|        Location : Brownie Ranch
| Preferred Gifts : Carrots, Apples, Cabbage, other vegetables
|      Gift Given : Veryberry
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Patched Rabbit
|        Location : Mt. Gelato
| Preferred Gifts : Carrots, Apples, Cabbage, other vegetables
|      Gift Given : Veryberry
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Brown Weasel
|        Location : Hill Area
| Preferred Gifts : Fish
|      Gift Given : Pontata Root
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| White Weasel
|        Location : Mt. Gelato
| Preferred Gifts : Fish
|      Gift Given : Pontata Root
| _ _ _ _
| Monkey
|        Location : Hill Area
| Preferred Gifts : Fruits
|      Gift Given : Yam
| _ _ _ _
| Raccoon
|        Location : Mt. Gelato
| Preferred Gifts : Fruits
|      Gift Given : Apple
| _ _ _ _ _
| Squirrel
|        Location : East Gull Island
| Preferred Gifts : Chestnuts, Mushrooms
|      Gift Given : Blueberry
| _ _ _
| Boar
|        Location : Brownie Ranch
| Preferred Gifts : Mushrooms, Fruits, Vegetables
|      Gift Given : Mushroom
| _ _ _ _
| Penguin
|        Location : East Gull Island
| Preferred Gifts : Fish
|      Gift Given : Pearl
| _ _ _ _
| Turtle
|        Location : River Area
| Preferred Gifts : Fish
|      Gift Given : Seashell
| _ _ _
| Panda
|        Location : Toucan Island
| Preferred Gifts : Bamboo Shoots
|      Gift Given : Bamboo Shoot
| _ _ _ _ _
| Bear Cub
|        Location : Mt. Gelato
| Preferred Gifts : Honey
|      Gift Given : Salmon
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bear
|        Location : Mt. Gelato
| Preferred Gifts : Honey, Fish
| The mother bear is different from the other adoptable wild animals. She lives
| halfway up Mt. Gelato, and will prevent you from passing until you've
| befriended her. This is relevant because beyond her is the Harvest Goddess
| spring, home of a Power Berry, as well as other areas that must be accessed
| to continue the game plot.
| To get her to let you pass, feed her honey until her affection level is at
| 2 to 3 hearts. Once she trusts you this much, she'll let you pass, as well
| as let you meet her bear cub. It will take 14 honeys to befriend her, so two
| a day for a week will take care of it. Additionally, you could feed her 28
| fish at 4 a day - still only a week, though more items to give. Or any combo
| of the two will work.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<TOL>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |            Tools            |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Your standard tools include the axe, the hammer, the sickle and the
| watering can. There are several other tools in the game, but these four
| represent a different classification of tools: they are upgradeable.
| Other tools often center around taking care of animals or other extra
| activities. These tools are traditionally not upgradeable.
| _____________________________________________________________________[UPT]_
|                                                                             |
| Upgradeable Tools                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {AXE} _
| Axe 
|      Purpose : Chopping down trees and destroying stumps.
|     Obtained : Obtained free from Luke (talk to Luke).
| Strengthened : Able to strike trees harder, and thus able to chop them down
|              : in fewer strengths. Also able to strike multiple trees in a
|              : close vicinity, though that barely ever happens.
|     Upgraded : Uses less stamina.
|        Usage : Face the tree or stump, hold A to your desired charge level
|              : (you'll see an animation and hear a sound), then release A to
|              : strike the tree. As you charge, you may see squares outlined
|              : on the ground - the strike will hit all trees in this area,
|              : though it will hit the tree nearest you the strongest.
|              : 
|              : A tree will take approximately 12 level one hits, 8 level two
|              : hits, 4 level three hits, 2 level four hits and 1 level five
|              : hit to chop down. To gather the wood, pick them up just like
|              : any other item. A stump requires 2 level one hits or 1 level
|              : two or higher hit.
|  Stamina Use : Standard : -30
|              :     Iron : -25
|              :   Copper : -20
|              :   Silver : -15
|              :     Gold : -10
|              :     Note : stamina consumption is the same for a particular
|              :            type of tool, regardless of how much you charge it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HAM} _
| Hammer
|      Purpose : Destroying stones and boulders
|     Obtained : Obtained free from Owen (talk to Owen).
| Strengthened : Able to strike boulders harder, and thus able to break
|              : boulders in fewer strikes. Also able to strke multiple
|              : boulders in a single strike, though that barely ever happens.
|     Upgraded : Uses less stamina.
|        Usage : Face the boulder, hold A to your desired charge level (you'll
|              : see an animation and hear a sound), then release A to strike
|              : the boulder. As you charge, you may see squares outlined on
|              : the ground - the strike will hit all boulders in this area,
|              : though it will hit the boulder nearest you the strongest.
|              : 
|              : A boulder will take approximately 12 level one hits, 8 level
|              : two hits, 4 level three hits, 2 level four hits and 1 level
|              : five hit to chop down. To gather the stone, pick them up just
|              : like any other item.
|  Stamina Use : Standard : -25
|              :     Iron : -20
|              :   Copper : -15
|              :   Silver : -10
|              :     Gold : - 5
|              :     Note : stamina consumption is the same for a particular
|              :            type of tool, regardless of how much you charge it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SIC} _
| Sickle
|      Purpose : Cutting grass and weeds
|     Obtained : Obtained free from Cain (talk to Cain).
| Strengthened : Cuts a larger area with one strike.
|     Upgraded : Uses less stamina.
|        Usage : Stand in front of the grass or weeds you want to cut and press
|              : A to begin charging. When you're at your desired charge level
|              : (you'll see an animation and hear a sound), release A to cut.
|              : As you charge, squares will appear on the ground showing the
|              : area that will be cut.
|              : 
|              : Be careful, though, as crops will be cut too. If you're
|              : cutting weeds, be careful there are no crops in your cut
|              : radius. The same goes for cutting grass when there are animals
|              : outside.
|  Stamina Use : Standard : -25
|              :     Iron : -20
|              :   Copper : -15
|              :   Silver : -10
|              :     Gold : - 5
|              :     Note : stamina consumption is the same for a particular
|              :            type of tool, regardless of how much you charge it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WTC} _
| Watering Can
|      Purpose : Waters crops.
|     Obtained : Obtained during opening sequence (automatically).
| Strengthened : Waters larger area with one action, as demonstrated below.
|              :
|              : In these diagrams, > is your character facing  right. The X's
|              : are the squares watered by that level watering can. Note that
|              : as long as you have any water left in your watering can, you
|              : can water the area covered by an entire level in the diagram
|              : below (meaning that even if you only have 1 square of water
|              : left, you can water the entire 5x6 rectangle with a Level 5
|              : use).
|              : 
|              : Level 1: One square, in front of your character.
|              : 
|              :         >X
|              :
|              : Level 2: A 1x3 rectangle in a straight line in front of your
|              :          character (not right to left).
|              : 
|              :         >XXX
|              : 
|              : Level 3: A 3x3 square in front of your character.
|              : 
|              :          XXX
|              :         >XXX
|              :          XXX
|              : 
|              : Level 4: A 3x6 rectangle out from your character.
|              : 
|              :          XXXXXX
|              :         >XXXXXX
|              :          XXXXXX
|              : 
|              : Level 5: A 5x6 rectangle out from your character.
|              :
|              :          XXXXXX
|              :          XXXXXX
|              :         >XXXXXX
|              :          XXXXXX
|              :          XXXXXX
|              :   
|     Upgraded : Uses less stamina, holds more water as demonstrated below.
|              : Starter : Holds 20 squares worth of water.
|              :    Iron : Holds 40 squares worth of water.
|              :  Copper : Holds 60 squares worth of water.
|              :  Silver : Holds 80 squares worth of water.
|              :    Gold : Holds 100 squares worth of water.
|              :
|        Usage : Stand facing the plant (or plants) you'd like to water and
|              : use; depending on the strength of the watering can and the
|              : level of charge, a larger area (in front of you) will be
|              : watered.
|  Stamina Use : Standard : -20
|              :     Iron : -15
|              :   Copper : -10
|              :   Silver : - 5
|              :     Gold : - 3
|              :     Note : stamina consumption is the same for a particular
|              :            type of tool, regardless of how much you charge it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HOE} _
| Hoe
|      Purpose : Tills soil.
|     Obtained : Obtained during opening sequence (automatically).
| Strengthened : Plows more land with one stroke.
|     Upgraded : Uses less stamina.
|        Usage : Stand facing the soil you want to till and press A until you
|              : reach your desired charge level (you'll hear a sound and see
|              : an animation with each level of charge). As you charge, you'll
|              : see a diagram on the ground of which spots will be tilled.
|              : When you've reached the charge level for the spots you want
|              : to till, release A.
|              : 
|              : Be careful, as hoeing where seeds are planted (but haven't
|              : sprouted) will dig up those seeds - so make sure there are no
|              : un-sprouted seeds in your tilling radius.
|              : 
|              : Remember also that one Power Berry is awarded for tilling
|              : 1000 squares of soil. They don't have to be previously
|              : untilled squares, so it can be wise to expend your excess
|              : stamina each night by tilling the same squares over and over
|              : to get the tilling berry sooner.
|  Stamina Use : Standard : -30
|              :     Iron : -25
|              :   Copper : -20
|              :   Silver : -15
|              :     Gold : -10
|              :     Note : stamina consumption is the same for a particular
|              :            type of tool, regardless of how much you charge it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FSP} _
| Fishing Pole
|      Purpose : Lets you fish in rivers and the ocean.
|     Obtained : Obtain free from Toby (talk to Toby).
| Strengthened : Able to catch bigger/better fish.
|     Upgraded : Uses less stamina.
|        Usage : Stand facing the water and hold A until your desired charge
|              : level is reached (you'll see an animation and hear a sound;
|              : the longer you charge, the further you cast). When it's
|              : reached, release A to cast. Wait around until you get a bite
|              : (again, you'll see an animation and hear a sound), then press
|              : A over and over as fast as you can until the fish is reeled
|              : in.
|              : 
|              : While it's possible to catch a fish after your line has been
|              : cast for a while, most times you'll only catch a fish in the
|              : first two animations of the "..." above your character's head
|              : - so, if you get to the third or fourth, it can be best to
|              : pull back your line and cast it again elsewhere.
|              : 
|              : Remember, stamina is consumed as you reel in, not when you
|              : cast - so it's usually best to stop fishing when you even
|              : start running low on stamina. Otherwise you may find yourself
|              : running out of stamina in the middle of reeling in your next
|              : fish. For more information on how to fish, see the fishing
|              : section by searching for < FSH > without the spaces).
|  Stamina Use : Fishing pole stamina consumption occurs when you reel in the
|              : caught fish - the longer you reel, the more stamina is used.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {UPG} _
| Upgrading Tools
| In Tree of Tranquility, upgradeable tools are subject to two measures of
| strength and level: their 'upgrade' level and their 'strength' level.
| 'Strength' level refers solely to how much a tool is used. As you use a
| tool, its 'strength' will rise.
| Once a tool reaches a new 'strength' level (which will be made obvious by a
| visible alert), it will unlock new, stronger abilities. The watering can, for
| example, will now be able to water a 1x3 line rather than just a single
| square. The sickle will cut a larger area, the hoe will hoe a 1x3 strip, and
| the axe and hammer will back more power intro a single strike.
| To use the 'higher level', simply hold down the A button longer. You'll see a
| little 'charge' animation. Once you see it, release the A button to use the
| tool at that level. Be careful not to over-charge your tool, as you'll lose
| stamina without actually using the tool.
| There are 5 levels for each tool. To use a higher level, simply watch the
| number of power charge animations.
| 'Strength' level improves the actual function of the tool, but it does not
| improve the stamina usage of the tool. For that, we need to look at 'upgrade'
| level.
| 'Upgrade' level is not based on tool usage. Rather, raising a tool's
| 'upgrade' level is a function of actually having the tool upgraded to a new
| tool.
| Upgrades are done by either taking the tool, a mineral and some money to the
| Blacksmith, or by just taking the tool to the General Store. Either one will
| allow you to upgrade your tool - the Blacksmith is cheaper, but the General
| Store will not require a mineral.
| Upgrading a tool will increase its 'upgrade level', represented by the tool
| name (iron, copper, silver and gold axes). A higher upgrade level has a
| couple different applications. In all cases, the tool will use less stamina.
| A Level-5 hammer will allow you to hit a boulder very hard, but it will
| consume a ton of stamina in doing it. Upgrading that hammer to a Gold hammer
| will allow you to use its level 5 pound without destroying your stamina
| gauge. The Fishing Rod and Watering Can have additional benefits to
| upgrading, noted above.
| For more information on upgrade purchase prices, see the Blacksmith section
| (search for { REC } without the spaces) or the General Store section
| (search for { SUP } without the spaces).
| _____________________________________________________________________[NUT]_
|                                                                             |
| Non-Upgradeable Tools                                                       |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Non-upgradeable tools fall into several categories, but the most common
| ones are used to care for the animals. These are items like brushes,
| milkers and sheep shears.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BEL} _
| Bell
|      Purpose  : Calls the barnyard animals (cows, sheep, goats) to you.
|     Obtained  : Purchase at Brownie Ranch (750G).
| Rank Required :  *
|        Usage  : Stand anywhere and ring the bell. Animals within a
|               : reasonable range will start to walk towards you.
|         Notes : This does not need to be used to put animals in the barn;
|               : there is a button that does this automatically.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BRU} _
| Brush
|       Purpose : Increases an animal's affection.
|      Obtained : Purchase at Brownie Ranch (1200G).
| Rank Required :  *
|         Usage : Stand facing the animal you want to brush and use.
|         Notes : This is the fastest way to increase an animal's affection,
|               : but can only be done once per day.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MED} _
| Medicine
|       Purpose : Cures an animal of illness.
|      Obtained : Purchase at Brownie Ranch (600G).
| Rank Required :  *
|         Usage : Stand facing the animal you want to heal and use.
|         Notes : It may be best to have one of these on hand; the longer an
|               : animal stays sick, the more its affection drops, and an
|               : animal may get sick on a day when the ranch is closed.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MLR} _
| Milker
|       Purpose : Obtains milk from mature cows.
|      Obtained : Purchase at Brownie Ranch (1500G).
| Rank Required :  *
|         Usage : Stand next to the cow you wish to milk and use; the milk
|               : will replace the milker in your hands.
|         Notes : Using the shears on a sheep will boost their affection.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SAD} _
| Saddle
|       Purpose : Allows you to ride your horse or ostrich.
|      Obtained : Purchase at Brownie Ranch (2400G).
| Rank Required : * *
|         Usage : Stand facing the horse or ostrich you wish to ride and use;
|               : you will place the saddle on the animal and jump up onto it.
|         Notes : The same saddle is used for both horses and ostriches.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SHR} _
| Shears
|       Purpose : Shears your sheep's wool.
|      Obtained : Purchase at Brownie Ranch (1200G).
| Rank Required :  *
|         Usage : Stand facing the sheep you wish to shear and use; wool will
|               : replace the shears in your hands.
|         Notes : Using the shears on a sheep will boost their affection.
| _____________________________________________________________________[00M]_
|                                                                             |
| 00 Makers                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/I'm calling these '00 Makers' after their name in Harvest Moon: Back to
| Nature, though in this game they're officially just 'Makers'. These devices
| reside in the barn and chicken coop and are used to process animal products
| (and flax) into more useful products.
| 00 Makers are purchased from the General Store when the corresponding
| building is constructed.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mayo Maker
|    Price : 3000G
| Location : Bird Coop
|    Color : Red
|    Input : Eggs (Chicken/Duck/Ostrich)
|   Output : Mayonnaise
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cheese Maker
|    Price : 4200G
| Location : Barn
|    Color : Blue
|    Input : Milk (Cow/Goat)
|   Output : Cheese
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Butter Maker
|    Price : 3750G
| Location : Barn
|    Color : Yellow
|    Input : Milk (Cow/Goat)
|   Output : Butter
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yarn Maker (comes with Dye Pot)
|    Price : 4500G
| Location : Barn
|    Color : Green
|    Input : Wool; Silk; Flax
|   Output : Wool Yarn; Silk Yarn; Flax Yarn
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<COK>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |           Cooking           |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Cooking has gone through several iterations of improvement in the most recent
| Harvest Moon games. Now, cooking is actually a profitable part of the game.
| In order to cook, you need two things: the ingredients, obviously, and the
| cooking utensils. The ingredients are gathered everywhere: crops, animal
| products, fish and most things you find in the field can be used for recipes.
| Cooking utensils have to be purchased to be used: they can be bought from the
| General Store, under Makers. For a price listing, see the General Store
| section (search for { SUP } without the spaces). There are seven utensils: 
| oven, frying pan, mixer, pot, cutting board, match set and aging pot. These
| utensils all go in the kitchen inside your house; to place one, go to your
| diary and selecte Furniture, then select Cooking. These cooking utensils can
| only be placed on the kitchen counter. Your counter space increases with 
| every upgrade of the house; only a Level 4 house can have all seven utensils
| out at once. 
| Also, there are a few devices that behave very similarly to cooking utensils:
| the Makers (Mayo Maker, Butter Maker, Cheese Maker and Yarn Maker) and the
| Dyeing Pot. Information on the Makers can be found in the Makers section
| (search for [ 00M ] without the spaces), but information on the Dyeing Pot
| can be found in this section.
| Once you have the utensils, you can start cooking dishes. Below, you'll find
| recommendations for how to cook for profit, as well as a list of every recipe
| in the game.
| For more detailed information on how to cook profitably, consult my Recipe
| Profits Guide, found at: www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933022/(TBD)
| Recipe Recommendations are generally profitable recipes with easy-to-come-by
| ingredients. These are recommendations for when you want to plan what items
| to gather.
| Ingredient Recommendations are the good uses for each ingredient. These are
| recommendations for when you find yourself with a particular ingredient and
| want to know the most profitable way to cook it for sale.
| For a complete list of all the recipes, skip down to [ REC ] (search without
| the spaces).
| _____________________________________________________________________[RRC]_
|                                                                             |
| Recipe Recommendations                                                      |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/In the game, there are a number of recipes that, for one reason or another,
| are very profitable to actively pursue making and selling. These recipes come
| in a few different forms: some require only a couple easy-to-find
| ingredients, while others require several ingredients that are easy to gather
| all at once (for example, all in-season together). If you're interested in
| increasing your profit through cooking, consider some of these recipes.
| Note that these are not the most profitable recipes in the game, but rather
| are the most profitable recipes that are also fairly easy to come by with
| some pre-planning.
| Several of the recipes are plausible because they rely on one of a set of
| easily obtainable ingredients: these include animal products (like Milk and
| Eggs) and ingredients that can be found in the wild (like herbs and
| mushrooms). Rarely do recipes involve any ingredient bought from a store.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dyed Cloths
| The most obvious example of an easy and highly profitable recipe comes in the
| form of the dyed cloths: silk yarn, wool yarn and flax yarn. Silk, wool and
| flax can be converted to yarn for free using the Yarn Maker, and then dyed
| with the dye pot using flowers and herbs, most of which sell for next-to-
| nothing anyway.
| Remember, blue-dyed yarn is most profitable, followed by red, purple, green
| and yellow. Of the three yarn types, silk is most profitable, followed by
| flax; however, there's no reason to only pursue a particular one.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Marinated Mushroom
| Marinated Mushrooms are one of the simplest recipes, and can be made starting
| as soon as you have a Cutting Board. Both ingredients can be found at any
| time (herbs in Praline Forest or Brownie Ranch, mushrooms in the mine), and
| the recipe has a very high profit margin. This is a great choice.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple Juice
| Pineapple Juice is the only recipe of its kind that I've found in the game.
| It is the only place in the game where an ingredient can be bought, used in
| a recipe and immediately sold for profit. Pineapples can be purchased from
| Pineapple Inn and immediately used to make Pineapple Juice. Each Pineapple
| bought and made grants 90G of profit on a 180G investment, so it's not an
| easy method - however, if there's a particular item you want to buy at a
| festival the following day that you don't yet have money for, Pineapple Juice
| is a great way to raise the money in time when you have no other way of
| getting the money in time.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Colored Perfumes
| Colored perfumes are highly profitable if you have one of the flowers used
| for them (Blue Mist Flowers, Roses, Moondrop Flowers, Green Bell Flowers,
| or Lavender Flowers) - just toss two in a mixer.
| Stay away from Decent or Shining Perfume though. Decent Perfume is nearly
| never profitable, and Shining Perfume effectively requires a Blue Mist
| flower, which is more profitably used in Blue Perfume.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Stir-Fry
| For vegetables that can be used in Stir-Fry, Stir-Fry is an easy way to
| quickly increase the profit of the vegetable. Stir-Fry sells for a flat price
| regardless of its ingredient, so for Decent crops or just low-price crops,
| Stir-Fry is a great way to prepare them for extra profit when selling.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Recipe Milks
| Several ingredients can be made into a Milk derivative, like Honeydew Milk,
| Strawberry Milk and Hot Cocoa. These recipes are only especially profitable
| when using Decent or Good ingredients, but are a great option when these
| ingredients are in-season for a bit of extra profit from combining with your
| daily milk supply.
| Milk Tea is made using just your Milk and an herb, making it extremely easy
| to come by. It's profitable with any type Milk except Shining, and Herbs can
| be found freely or grown cheaply.
| Hot Milk is even easier, made just by heating your milk in a pot. Slightly
| less profitable than Milk Tea, but useful when you lack an herb.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pizza
| Pizza is very easy to make in Spring: all it requires is two Milks (one
| converted to Butter, one converted to Cheese) and a Breadfruit (combined with
| the butter for a Pie Crust). Only bother if you have a cow or goat of your
| own, though, as it's not profitable to buy the ingredients; and don't use any
| Shining Ingredients. Otherwise, it's still highly profitable.
| You can also add one of several vegetables to the Pizza to make it into
| Vegetable Pizza, but typically the value added by the vegetable is less than
| the sale price of the vegetable itself.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Buckwheat Noodles with Egg
| Perfect Buckwheat and Perfect Eggs (or a lower quality for either) combine
| quite well to form Buckwheat Noodles with Egg. This is a great way to shore
| up your profits in the farming-slow Winter month. If you don't have a chicken
| by winter, Buckwheat Noodles on their own are a good option as well.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Doria
| Three of Doria's four ingredients are extremely easy to come by: Milk, Cheese
| and Mushrooms. So in Fall, growing Rice for use in Doria is quite an
| effective system. Profits are basically gone once more than one ingredients
| is Perfect or Shining, so try this only if your soil is still lacking in
| quality or when your animals aren't producing Perfect goods regularly.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Banana Pudding
| Banana Pudding is one of the few times in the game when a recipe can be
| profitable even if one of its ingredients is purchased rather than grown.
| Buy bananas from Pineapple Inn and combine them with basically any
| combination of chicken eggs and milk for some quick and easy profit.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shortcake
| Shortcake is a pretty complicated recipe, but can be profitable if planned
| correctly. First of all, if you've fertilized your soil, don't bother as
| Perfect Strawberries destroy the profitability of this recipe. If not,
| though, planting a bunch of Breadfruit and Strawberries in Spring and
| combining them with Milk, Butter and Egg from your animals can yield pretty
| substantial profits. It's not the best option, but for some it might be
| useful.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cheesecake
| Cheesecake is only really useful when using almost all Decent ingredients,
| but remains profitable even with higher levels of Breadfruit if most of the
| animal products are Decent or Good. So, if you have some cows and chickens,
| the Breadfruit grown in Spring can be combined with four animal products to
| make Cheesecake.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Potato Pancake
| As long as the ingredients aren't all Perfect or better, Potato Pancakes are
| a more profitable way to sell the standard Potato, and are a good option for
| Spring profits.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Egg Rice
| Egg and Rice. What could be easier? You'll likely have several eggs each day,
| so combine them with the Rice you grow in Fall for some extra profit. Just
| stick to chicken eggs for this one, as duck and ostrich eggs are often
| not profitable.
| _____________________________________________________________________[IRC]_
|                                                                             |
| Ingredient Recommendations                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Apple
| It is never profitable to use a Shining Apple in a dish. For regular Apples,
| there are two possible profitable dishes: Apple Jam and Apple Juice.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bamboo Shoot
| It is never profitable to use a Shining Bamboo Shoot in a dish. For regular
| Bamboo Shoots, they are most profitable in Bamboo Rice (with any quality of
| rice); they are also equally profitable in Bamboo en Papilotte and Bamboo
| Stew.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Banana
| Bananas are most profitable in Banana Pudding and Banana Milk. They are also
| slightly profitable in Chocolate Banana when combined with Decent Milk and
| Decent Cocoa.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bell Pepper
| Bell Peppers are largely unprofitable to use in cooking. Shining Bell Peppers
| are never profitable to use, and lower-quality Bell Peppers are only
| profitable in Ratatouille and certain combinations for Vegetable Juice.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blue Mist Flower
| Blue Mist flowers are profitable both as a yarn dye and for perfume in all
| cases, except when dying Shining Wool Yarn blue. In all cases, however, it is
| more profitable to use Blue Herbs or Morning Glory flowers to dye your yarns.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blueberry
| Blueberries are most profitable in making a Blueberry Cocktail, but are also
| profitable in Blueberry Jam (though not as much so). Blueberry Juice is not
| profitable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bread
| No recipe involving Bread is every profitable. Strange, isn't it?
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Breadfruit
| Breadfruit is used in a huge number of recipes. It is especially profitable
| when used in any of the Cake recipes (Shortcake, Yam Cake, Cheesecake,
| Spinach Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Chocolate Cake, Carrot Cake, Orange Cake, Mont
| Blanc Cake - even Pancakes). It is sometimes profitable even when a Shining
| Breadfruit is used, though the lower-quality ones are obviously preferable.
| Most other Breadfruit uses actually aren't profitable. It's difficult to
| summarize Breadfruit given how many combinations the cakes account for; to
| ensure your cooking is profitable, either make sure you're using only Decent-
| and Good-ingredients, or check the cake lists below for specifics.
| Remember also, though - when speaking about profitability, there's no reason
| to aim only for those lower-quality ingredients. If you find yourself with
| higher-quality ingredients, just sell them. That's more profitable than
| intentionally growing lower-quality ingredients just to cook with.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Buckwheat
| Tempura Buckwheat Noodles are extremely profitable, even when made with the
| highest-quality ingredients if Prawn is used for the crustacean. Even when
| made with the highest-possible quality ingredients (Shining Buckwheat,
| Shining Eggplant, Rock Lobster), though, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles are still
| profitable.
| Buckwheat Noodles with Egg are also extremely profitable, for almost every
| combination of Buckwheat and Egg qualities. Buckwheat Noodles on their own
| are also very profitable, and far simpler.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Butter
| Butter is also used in many, many recipes. It is present in most of the cake
| recipes just like Breadfruit, and is profitable in most cases.
| Butter is also profitable when just sold on its own after being made from
| milk, but cheese is more profitable - so if you'll be selling the product
| on its own, stick with butter.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cabbage
| Shining Cabbage is never used profitably in a recipe. Lower qualities are
| used profitably in Vegetable Pizza and Stir-Fry, though the most simple and
| still profitable Cabbage recipe is Pickled Cabbage.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Carrot
| As with all vegetables, the Carrot is particularly profitable in Stir-Fry.
| Carrots are equally good in Carrot Cake, although make sure you're using a
| good combination of other ingredients to ensure maximum profitability.
| Carrots are also one of the ingredients in Kimchi, a simpler dish, and
| Vegetable Salad. Carrot Juice is also profitable, but only with a
| Perfect-or-lower quality Carrot. Shining Carrots can be profitable in other
| recipes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cheese
| Cheese is used in dozens of recipes - the most profitable among these,
| though, is the three types of Pizza (Seafood Pizza, Vegetable Pizza and plain
| Pizza).
| Most other Cheese dishes are profitable as well. The only ones to avoid are
| Cheese Fondue and Cheese Omelette. As always, pay attention to ingredient
| qualities to make sure you're actually making something profitable. Shining
| Cheese can be profitably used in recipes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chestnut
| Chestnuts' most profitable recipe is Mont Blanc Cake - it can be profitable
| even with Shining Chestnuts (though pay attention to other ingredient
| qualities too).
| Chestnut Rice and Chestnut Pie also have positive profit margins, but the
| profit is very small, and only present when using normal Chestnuts, not
| Shining.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Clam
| The easiest clam recipe is Clam Soup, which has a very high profit margin.
| Clams are also an important ingredient in Seafood Doria and Seafood Rice -
| and since there are no clam qualities, they don't impact the profit margin,
| so just keep an eye on your other ingredients.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cocoa
| Cocoa is used in many recipes - Chocolate Pie and Chocolate Cake have high
| profits, but Hot Cocoa is the simplest recipe for Cocoa for profit.
| Shining Cocoa are never used profitably in a recipe, but Perfect Cocoa can
| be.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Coconut
| The elusive coconut only has two recipes it can be used for, and only one is
| profitable: Coconut Juice. No need to use these for profit, just make the two
| Coconut dishes for your recipe completion.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cocoon (Silk) & Silk Yarn
| Silk serves exactly one purpose in the game: conversion to Silk Yarn. And
| Silk Yarn is most profitable when dyed. So, convert it to Silk Yarn, then dye
| it.
| Remember, blue-dyed yarn is most profitable, followed by red, purple, green
| and yellow. For Shining Silk Yarn, only dyeing it blue is profitable - for
| the other qualities, any color is profitable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Corn
| Corn recipes on the whole aren't very profitable - the most profitable is
| Corn Bread, followed by Boiled Corn and Roasted Corn. For most people it'll
| be best just to focus on the last two, considering for both Corn is the only
| ingredients. Shining Corn is never profitable, but Perfect can be.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crustaceans
| Several high-profit dishes require at least one crustacean, like Seafood
| Pizza, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Seafood Doria, Seafood Rice, Seafood Gratin
| and Seafood Fried Rice, as well as others. Here, however, the crustacean
| has a big influence on the final profitability of the dish. If you can use
| a Crawfish, the dish will be most profitable. The Prawn is an option as well,
| but Lobsters and Rock Lobsters severely lower the dish's profitability.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Egg
| A ridiculous number of recipes use eggs. Most are profitable, and your supply
| of eggs probably isn't limited, so it really shouldn't matter. Just stay away
| from Chirashi Sushi and Egg Sandwiches, at least for profit. Cookies aren't
| a great option either.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eggplant
| Eggplants are good for the Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, but are perhaps best
| served by being used for Pickled Eggplant. Shining Eggplant, however, is
| almost never used profitably.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Fish
| Most fish are most profitable when used in Sashimi or Sushi. Given the number
| of combinations for these recipes, however, it is unfeasible to examine
| the profitability of every single combination. The formulas for each fish
| recipe are described in the section below.
| In general, though, because what quality a fish dish turns out to be is based
| on the sale prices of the ingredients used to cook it, the six "any fish"
| dishes - Herb Fish, Sushi, Sashimi, Meuniere, Bouillabaise and Marinated Fish
| - should always be profitable.
| Among the other fish recipes, most Grilled Fish recipes are profitable. The
| exceptions are Grilled Shark, Grilled Huchen, Grilled Skull Jellyfish,
| Grilled Seasky, and Grilled Rock Trout - all other Grilled Fish are more
| profitable grilled than raw. Typically, however, the difference is not very
| large - only 30G in most cases.
| Most other recipes involving fish are profitable as well. Seafood Pizza,
| Seafood Doria, Seafood Rice, Seafood Fried Rice and Seafood Gratin all have
| high maximum profit margins, as do Shark Fin Soup and Shark Fin Stew. Seafood
| Stew, Conger Eel Bowl, Fish Soup, Sardine in Oil and Spicy Seafood Stew are
| also profitable, though not as much so, as well as both Sardine and Saury
| Tomato Stew. However, Squid Tomato Stew, Salmon Cream Stew and Chirashi Sushi
| are never profitable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flax & Flax Yarn
| Flax serves exactly one purpose in the game: conversion to Flax Yarn. And
| Flax Yarn is most profitable when dyed. So, convert it to Flax Yarn, then dye
| it.
| Remember, blue-dyed yarn is most profitable, followed by red, purple, green
| and yellow. Shining Flax Yarn is only profitable when dyed blue, but other
| qualities are profitable regardless of what color they're dyed.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flowers
| Flowers have two possible uses: Perfume and Dyes. For the flowers that can
| be used for colored Perfumes - Blue Mist, Rose, Moondrop, Green Bell,
| Lavender - that is the most profitable use. For the others, it's always most
| profitable to use them for dyeing yarns - certain combinations of flowers
| are profitable for Decent Perfume, but none more profitable than dyeing.
| Shining Perfume (not listed below) is profitable as well; however, in order
| to make it, you must use at least one Blue Mist flower, and blue perfume is
| always a more profitable. So unless you have only one Blue Mist flower, stick
| to blue perfume.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Grape
| None of the recipes that involve grapes are profitable enough to note. Grape
| Juice is slightly profitable, but not notably, and only when made with normal
| Grapes.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herbs
| Herbs - especially blue and red ones - are best used for dyeing yarns. Beyond
| that, herbs are an ingredient in one of the highest-profit dishes, Shark Fin
| Soup.
| Herbs are also an ingredient in Marinated Mushroom, Marinated Fish and Milk
| Tea, three of the easiest dishes to make, both of which have a high profit
| as well.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Honey
| The only profitable use of Honey is in Pancakes. No other recipe involving
| honey is profitable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Honeydew
| Honeydew are very rarely profitable in recipes. The only profitable use is in
| Honeydew Milk, and even then only when a Decent or Good Honeydew is used with
| a Decent or Good Milk (either Goat or Cow).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mayonnaise
| Mayonnaise isn't very profitable in any recipe. The only plausible use of it
| is in Vegetable Salad and Egg Salad, but even then it is likely more
| profitable to use the ingredients in other recipes and sell the Mayonnaise
| by itself. Shining Mayonnaise is outright never profitable used in a recipe.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Milk
| Milk is used in more recipes than any other ingredient. Most are profitable,
| but avoid Chocolate Fondue, Salmon Cream Stew, Stay Awake, and Super Stay
| Awake. Also remember to pay attention to qualities - while Shining Milk is
| profitable in some recipes, it is always better to use a lesser-quality
| Milk when cooking.
| The simplest profit from Milk can be made just from converting it to Cheese.
| Cheese is more profitable than butter.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mushroom
| Mushrooms are an ingredient in Doria, but are also an ingredient in one of
| the simplest and most profitable recipes in the game: Marinated Mushrooms.
| Other Mushroom recipes are profitable too (besides Cold Medicine and Chirashi
| Sushi), but Marinated Mushrooms are by far the best option.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Onion
| Onions are ingredients in several profitable recipes, most of which involve
| at least three or four ingredients. All are pretty good options, though avoid
| Salmon Cream Stew.
| Shining Onions are often profitable as well.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Orange
| Orange is the key ingredient in Orange Cake, but its other uses aren't
| particularly profitable. Marmalade Jam is profitable when using two Normal
| Oranges, though not by much, and Orange Juice only adds 20G to a Normal
| Orange's sale price.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple
| The rare pineapple is a key ingredient in Southern Fried Rice, but its
| simplest and most profitable use is in simple Pineapple Juice, which carries
| a 150G increase.
| Pineapples do have another interesting application - Natsume attempted to
| remove all the instances where the player could purchase an ingredient, use
| it in a recipe, then sell for instant profit with no work. However,
| Pineapples can be purchased from Pineapple Inn for 180G, made into Pineapple
| Juice, then sold for 270G. Not a huge profit, but good if you need a
| particular amount by the next day for a specific purchase.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pontata Root
| Never profitable, although if you need a Bodigizer, Stay Awake or Cold
| Medicine, it's more cost-effective to cook it yourself than sell the same
| ingredients and buy it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Potato
| Most of the Potato recipes have around the same profitability, with French
| Fries and Potato Stew slightly less so. French Fries and Potato Stew are
| one-ingredient recipes, though, so they are often the better and simpler
| option.
| Shining Potatoes are sometimes profitable, but lower qualities are always the
| better option.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pumpkin
| Pumpkin Cake has the highest profit of Pumpkin recipes, but Pumpkin Stew is
| much simpler. Avoid using a Shining Pumpkin though, as it is never profitable
| in any recipe.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rice
| Rice is an ingredient in several profitable-yet-complicated dishes, like
| Seafood Doria, Doria, Seafood Rice and Seafood Fried Rice. The more useful
| uses of Rice are probably in the simpler dishes - these aren't as profitable
| per dish, but involve less ingredients. Try Bamboo Rice if you have some
| normal Bamboo Shoots (profitable even with Shining Rice) or any Risotto Dish.
| The most easily-produced recipe is probably Egg Rice, though it is really
| only notably profitable when used with a combination of lower-qualities.
| Mushroom Rice is also simple and profitable, though Marinated Mushrooms are
| just as easy to come by and more profitable.
| Shining Rice can be profitable as well.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seaweed
| Seaweed is free profit - just toss it in a pot for some Seaweed Miso Soup and
| sell it for 130G more.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spicy Pepper
| Spicy Pepper is an ingredient in several profitable recipes with several
| ingredients, but its only somewhat-simple recipe is Kimchi. Just stay away
| from the medicines that are made with it, at least as far as profit goes -
| although, it does save money to make the medicines yourself rather than buy
| them from the Clinic. The exception is if you only have Perfect- and Shining-
| quality ingredients, in which case it's better to sell them and buy the
| medicine.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Spinach
| Spinach is an ingredient in one of the most profitable recipes, Shark Fin
| Soup, but that's difficult to produce reliably given the rarity of Sharks.
| It can be used in Vegetable Pizza, Stir-Fry and Spinach Cake, but its
| simplest use is in Boiled Spinach. Just avoid using Shining Spinach for that
| recipe, and don't waste your time boiling a bunch of Perfect Spinaches either
| - the benefit isn't notable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Strawberry
| Strawberry Jam is the most profitable Strawberry recipe when using
| low-quality strawberries, but the returns quickly diminish when you're using
| any Perfect or Shining Strawberries. Shortcake is also a possibility, but by
| the time you have the Milk, Butter and Egg to make it and it's Spring,
| you probably won't be growing many Decent and Good crops - and Shortcake's
| profit margin plummets when you start using both Perfect Strawberries and
| Perfect Breadfruit.
| Strawberry Milk is also a simple-and-profitable recipe, but essentially
| demands a Decent or Good Strawberry.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tomato
| Vegetable Pizza is always an option, but Tomato Risotto is a good bit simpler
| - and no other Tomato recipe has a large enough profit margin to really
| warrant the amount of work necessary to make them. Tomato Juice is the
| exception, but even a Tomato Juice made from a Decent Tomato carries only a
| 70G profit margin.
| Shining Tomatoes can be profitable in Tomato Risotto, but not much else.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Turnip
| Pickled Turnips are one of the most easy and profitable recipes, and there is
| a positive profit margin regardless of what quality turnip you use. No other
| turnip recipe is simpler or more profitable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Very Berry
| Both Very Berry Jam and Very Berry Juice are profitable, but barely - 20G per
| Very Berry in each. It's hardly worth it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Wool & Wool Yarn 
| Wool serves exactly one purpose in the game: conversion to Wool Yarn. And
| Wool Yarn is most profitable when dyed. So, convert it to Wool Yarn, then dye
| it.
| Remember, blue-dyed yarn is most profitable, followed by red, purple, green
| and yellow. Dyed Shining Wool Yarns are only profitable when dyed blue, and
| even then only when dyed with a blue herb or Morning Glory flower. Other
| colors are always profitable.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yam 
| Yams don't have very many simple-yet-highly-profitable dishes, though the Yam
| Cocktail is profitable when using only Decent or Good Yams. Yam Stew is also
| an option, and ranks slightly more profitable than Yam Cocktail per Yam.
| Shining Yams are only profitable in one or two instances.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FRP]_
|                                                                             |
| Fish Recipe Profits                                                         |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/There are 41 fish in the game, and six recipes involve one ingredient that
| can be any of these fish: Herb Fish, Meuniere, Bouillabaise, Marinated Fish,
| Sushi and Sashimi. If I were to include all the combinations that result in
| all of these dishes, it would add a ridiculous amount of stuff to this
| document. There are 1,533,937 combinations for Sashimi. There are 652,732
| combinations for Sushi. Those two alone would add almost 36,500 PAGES to this
| document.
| Fortunately, the six fish recipes operate on a unified mechanic, and they can
| all be profitable when done properly.
| The reason for this is because the six fish dishes each have a quality rating
| to them. Higher-quality dishes sell for more. The quality of what you cook is
| based on the sale value of the ingredients you use. And in every case, the
| sale value is higher than the minimum total cost of the ingredients you need
| to use.
| The qualities are based on three cut-off points that divide the dish into
| four qualities. If the total value of your ingredients is less than the
| bottom cut-off, the dish will turn out Decent. If the total value of your
| ingredients is greater than the top cut-off, the dish will turn out Shining.
| For example, Herb Fish's cut-offs are at 300G, 600G and 1200G. A dish made
| from ingredients summing to 150G would be Decent; 450G would be Good; 750G
| would be Perfect; and 1350G would be Shining.
| In every instance, the maximum profit will be garnered by coming as close to
| a cut-off as possible while still being equal or greater. For example, if you
| make an Herb Fish with ingredients worth 300G, you'll get a Good Herb Fish,
| which sells for 320G - a 20G profit. However, if you make an Herb Fish with
| ingredients worth 590G, you'll still get a Good Herb Fish, which still sells
| for 320G - a 270G loss.
| So, try to come as close to one of the cut-offs as you can while still being
| equal or greater to it. That means for a cut-off of 600G, shoot for something
| in the 600-620 range. If you can't do that, it might be better to make two
| lower-quality dishes.
| Below are the cut-offs and sale prices for the six fish dishes. Use these
| numbers to determine if it's worth it to cook your fish into the dish or
| just sell them outright. Note also that for dishes involving an ingredient
| other than fish, the sale value of those ingredients counts too - so pay
| attention to your ingredient qualities. Sale prices are listed below the
| cut-off that leads to them - so if your ingredients add up to the cut-off
| or more, the below dish price will result.
| If you need to see the sale prices for any of these ingredients, refer to my
| main guide at http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933022/53688 - Fish
| prices can be found easily under [FCH]. See the table of contents for where
| to find the other ingredient prices.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herb Fish
| Ingredients : 1-4 Fish, 1 Herb (any color)
|    Cut-Offs :        300G / 600G / 1200G
| Sale Prices : 260G / 320G / 630G / 1320G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Meuniere
| Ingredients : 1 Fish, 1 Butter, 1 Spinach, 1 Herb (any color)
|    Cut-Offs :        300G / 600G / 1200G
| Sale Prices : 280G / 420G / 640G / 1350G
|        Note : These numbers have not been 100% confirmed; if you observe
|             : something different, please let me know.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bouillabaise
| Ingredients : 1 Fish, 1 Herb (any color), 1 Onion, 1 Crustacean, 1 Tomato
|    Cut-Offs :        300G / 600G / 1200G
| Sale Prices : 360G / 450G / 540G / 1320G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sushi
| Ingredients : 1-4 Fish, 1 Rice
|    Cut-Offs :        600G / 1200G / 2400G
| Sale Prices : 310G / 620G / 1240G / 2480G
|        Note : These numbers have not been 100% confirmed; if you observe
|             : something different, please let me know.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sashimi
| Ingredients : 1-5 Fish
|    Cut-Offs :        500G / 1000G / 2000G
| Sale Prices : 270G / 530G / 1060G / 2120G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Marinated Fish
| Ingredients : 1 Fish, 1 Herb (any color), 1 Onion
|    Cut-Offs :        300G / 600G / 1200G
| Sale Prices : 160G / 310G / 620G / 1240G
|        Note : These numbers have not been 100% confirmed; if you observe
|             : something different, please let me know.
| _____________________________________________________________________[REC]_
|                                                                             |
| Complete Recipe List                                                        |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Below is a list of all recipes in alphabetical order; note that there is
| a more complete recipe guide, with recipe lists by utensil, stamina, price or
| ingredient, posted elsewhere on GameFAQs. This more complete guide can be
| found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933022/53834
| Some recipe names may be translated differently when Natsume localizes
| the game. Every list of ingredients below should result in a successful
| dish, but if the name of that dish is different than what I have listed
| here, please let me know (you'll be credited, of course).
| Note that the quality of any recipe calling for any type of fish will
| depend on the type (and sometimes number) of fish used in the recipe. Stamina
| corresponds to the amount of stamina restored by consuming that dish, while
| price corresponds to the amount that dish sells for when you make and ship
| it.
| Recipes marked with a '*' can also be purchased (see the more thorough guide
| mentioned above for information on where to purchase them).
| Recipes marked with a '+' are part of a goddess recipe.
| Recipes calling for 'Crustacean (any)' can take lobsters, rock lobsters or
| prawn. Recipes calling for 'Fish (any)' can utilize any fish - basically
| anything else you fish up except trash, algae, and possibly Octopus and
| Squid. Recipes calling for 'Vegetable (any)' can have anything you grown on
| your farm from a crop (no trees). Recipes calling for 'Herb (any)' can take
| any color herb.
| Recipe Title               Utensil      Ingredients            Stamina  Price
| - - - - - - -              - - - -      - - - - - -            - - - -  - - -
| Apple Cocktail*            Aging Pot    Apple (2)                  210   230G
| Apple Jam*                 Pot          Apple (2)                  200   420G
| Apple Juice                Mixer        Apple                      180   170G
| Apple Pie*                 Oven         Egg                        350   420G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Apple
| B. Noodles w/ Egg          Pot          Egg                        450   460G
|                                         Buckwheat
| Bamboo en Papilotte        Oven         Bamboo Shoot               200   370G
| Bamboo Rice                Cut. Board   Bamboo Shoot               250   520G
|                                         Rice
| Bamboo Stew                Pot          Bamboo Shoot               100   370G
| Banana Milk*               Mixer        Milk                       260   400G
|                                         Banana
| Banana Pudding*            Oven         Banana                     320   560G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Egg
| Berry Jam*                 Pot          Veryberry (2)              150   140G
| Blue Flax Yarn             Dyeing Pot   Flax Yarn                  N/A  1080G
|                                         Blue Herb or Flower
| Blue Perfume*              Mixer        Flower (Blue) (2)          N/A  1210G
| Blue Silk Yarn             Dyeing Pot   Blue Herb or Flower        N/A  2100G
|                                         Silk Yarn
| Blue Wool Yarn             Dyeing Pot   Blue Herb or Flower        N/A   930G
|                                         Wool Yarn
| Blueberry Cocktail*        Aging Pot    Blueberry (2)              160   120G
| Blueberry Jam              Pot          Blueberry (2)              180   160G
| Blueberry Juice            Mixer        Blueberry                   80    70G
| Bodigizer*                 Mixer        Red Herb                   300   200G
|                                         Honey (any)
|                                         Pontata Root
| Bodigizer XL*              Mixer        Purple Herb                800   350G
|                                         Honey (any)
|                                         Pontata Root
|                                         Egg
| Boiled Corn                Pot          Corn                       100   170G
| Boiled Spinach             Pot          Spinach                    120   140G
| Bouillabaise; Decent       Pot          Herb (red)                 280   360G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Fish (any)
| Bouillabaise; Good         Pot          Onion                      280   450G
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Tomato
| Bouillabaise; Perfect      Pot          Crustacean (any)           280   540G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Tomato
| Bouillabaise; Shining      Pot          Crustacean (any)           280  1320G
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Onion
|                                         Fish (any)
| Bread                      Oven         Breadfruit                 300   350G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Buckwheat Chips            Cut. Board   Buckwheat                   80   130G
| Buckwheat Cocktail*        Aging Pot    Buckwheat (2)              160   140G
| Buckwheat Noodles          Pot          Buckwheat                  400   300G
| Carrot Cake*+              Oven         Carrot                     320   600G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
|                                         Egg
|                                         Breadfruit
| Carrot Juice               Mixer        Carrot                     100   140G
| Cheese Fondue              Pot          Cheese                     230   300G
|                                         Grape Cocktail
|                                         Bread
| Cheese Omelette*           Frying Pan   Cheese                     260   290G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Butter
| Cheese Risotto             Pot          Rice                       250   460G
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Onion
| Cheesecake                 Oven         Egg                        350   680G
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
| Chestnut Pie*              Oven         Egg                        380   370G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Chestnut
| Chestnut Rice              Cut. Board   Rice                       200   200G
|                                         Chestnut
| Chirashi Sushi             Cut. Board   Rock Lobster               150   160G
|                                         Rice
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Conger Eel
|                                         Egg
| Chocolate Banana*          Cut. Board   Banana                     320   330G
|                                         Cocoa
|                                         Milk
| Chocolate Bar              Cut. Board   Milk                       300   300G
|                                         Cocoa
| Chocolate Cake             Oven         Butter                     360   650G
|                                         Cocoa
|                                         Egg
|                                         Milk
|                                         Breadfruit
| Chocolate Cookies          Oven         Cocoa                      340   440G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Chocolate Fondue*          Pot          Bread                      240   340G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Cocoa
| Chocolate Pie              Oven         Cocoa                      360   530G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Egg
| Chocolate Pudding          Oven         Egg                        300   380G
|                                         Cocoa
|                                         Milk
| Clam Soup                  Pot          Clam                       150   320G
| Coconut Cocktail*          Aging Pot    Coconut (2)                180   330G
| Coconut Juice*             Mixer        Coconut                    100   250G
| Cold Medicine*             Mixer        Pontata Root                10   300G
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Royal Jelly
| Conger Eel Bowl            Cut. Board   Conger Eel                 260   450G
|                                         Rice
| Cookies*                   Oven         Butter                     300   200G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Corn Bread                 Oven         Corn                       300   440G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Corn Soup                  Pot          Milk                       150   260G
|                                         Corn
| Croquette                  Frying Pan   Potato                     180   250G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Decent Perfume             Mixer        Flower (any) (2)           N/A   100G
| Doria                      Oven         Milk                       300   600G
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Rice
| Eel Bowl                   Cut. Board   Rice                       350   660G
|                                         Eel
| Egg Rice                   Cut. Board   Rice                       150   300G
|                                         Egg
| Egg Salad                  Cut. Board   Egg                        120   320G
|                                         Mayonnaise
|                                         Vegetable (any)
| Egg Sandwich               Cut. Board   Bread                      180   260G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Butter
|                                         Mayonnaise
| Egg Soup                   Pot          Milk                       120   280G
|                                         Egg
| Fish Soup*                 Pot          Sea Bream                  180   460G
| French Fries               Oven         Potato                     120   140G
| Fried Egg                  Frying Pan   Egg                        120   150G
| Fried Rice                 Frying Pan   Rice                       320   280G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Egg
| Grape Cocktail*            Aging Pot    Grape (2)                  200   200G
| Grape Juice                Mixer        Grape                      150   160G
| Green Flax Yarn            Dyeing Pot   Green Herb or Flower       N/A   610G
|                                         Flax Yarn
| Green Perfume              Mixer        Flower (Green) (2)         N/A   290G
| Green Silk Yarn            Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1190G
|                                         Green Herb or Flower
| Green Wool Yarn            Dyeing Pot   Wool Yarn                  N/A   530G
|                                         Green Herb or Flower
| Grilled Angler Fish        Match Set    Angler Fish                200   800G
| Grilled Bonito             Match Set    Bonito                     120   330G
| Grilled Carp               Match Set    Carp                       120   150G
| Grilled Catfish            Match Set    Catfish                    100   110G
| Grilled Char               Match Set    Char                       100   150G
| Grilled Clam*              Match Set    Clam                       120   130G
| Grilled Cod                Match Set    Cod                        120   110G
| Grilled Conger Eel         Match Set    Conger Eel                 150   240G
| Grilled Eel                Match Set    Eel                        180   630G
| Grilled Eggplant+          Match Set    Eggplant                    80   140G
| Grilled Flounder           Match Set    Flounder                    90   150G
| Grilled Goby               Match Set    Goby                        70    70G
| Grilled Halibut            Match Set    Halibut                    100   220G
| Grilled Horse Mackerel*    Match Set    Horse Mackerel              80   100G
| Grilled Huchen             Match Set    Huchen                     100   990G
| Grilled King Fish          Match Set    King Fish                  500  1630G
| Grilled Lobster            Match Set    Lobster                    150   630G
| Grilled Mackerel*          Match Set    Mackerel                   100    90G
| Grilled Mahi-Mahi          Match Set    Mahi-Mahi                   90   340G
| Grilled Manta Ray          Match Set    Manta Ray                  120   380G
| Grilled Masu Trout         Match Set    Masu Trout                 100   140G
| Grilled Octopus            Match Set    Octopus                    140   170G
| Grilled Pond Smelt         Match Set    Pond Smelt                  60    50G
| Grilled Prawn              Match Set    Prawn                      100   180G
| Grilled Puffer Fish        Match Set    Puffer Fish               -150    80G
| Grilled Rainbow Trout      Match Set    Rainbow Trout               80   100G
| Grilled Redfin             Match Set    Big-Scaled Redfin           50    50G
| Grilled Rock Lobster       Match Set    Rock Lobster               150   270G
| Grilled Rock Trout         Match Set    Rock Trout                 100   210G
| Grilled Rockfish           Match Set    Rockfish                   120   260G
| Grilled Salmon*            Match Set    Salmon                     150   270G
| Grilled Sardine*           Match Set    Sardine                     80    80G
| Grilled Saury*             Match Set    Saury                      190   120G
| Grilled Sea Bream          Match Set    Sea Bream                  120   330G
| Grilled Sea Urchin         Match Set    Sea Urchin                 150   550G
| Grilled Seasky Fish        Match Set    Seasky Fish                200   980G
| Grilled Shark              Match Set    Shark                      150   630G
| Grilled Skull Jellyfish    Match Set    Skull Jellyfish            200   930G
| Grilled Squid*             Match Set    Squid                       80   140G
| Grilled Swordfish          Match Set    Swordfish                  120   780G
| Grilled Tuna               Match Set    Tuna                       200   630G
| Grilled Wood Fish          Match Set    Wood Fish                  200  1630G
| Grilled Yam*+              Match Set    Yam                        150   110G
| Grilled Yellowtail         Match Set    Yellowtail                 120   330G
| Herb Bread                 Oven         Herb (any)                 300   350G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Herb Cookies*              Oven         Herb (any)                 320   230G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Herb Fish; Decent          Oven         Herb (any)                 280   260G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Herb Fish; Good+           Oven         Fish (1+)                  280   320G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Herb Fish; Perfect         Oven         Herb (any)                 280   630G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Herb Fish; Shining         Oven         Fish (1+)                  280  1320G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Herbal Tea*                Pot          Herb (any)                  80    70G
| Honeydew Juice             Mixer        Honeydew                   210   270G
| Hot Cocoa*                 Pot          Cocoa                      150   380G
|                                         Milk
| Hot Milk*                  Pot          Milk                       130   220G
| Kimchi                     Aging Pot    Spicy Pepper               130   350G
|                                         Carrot
|                                         Cabbage
| Marinated Fish; Decent     Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD   160G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Fish; Good       Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD   310G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Fish; Perfect    Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD   620G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Fish; Shining    Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD  1240G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Mushroom*        Cut. Board   Mushroom                   100   320G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marmalade Jam*             Pot          Orange (2)                 210   330G
| Mashed Potatoes            Oven         Potato                     280   320G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
| Honeydew Milk*             Mixer        Milk                       280   470G
|                                         Honeydew
| Meuniere; Decent           Frying Pan   Butter                     180   280G
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Spinach
|                                         Herb (any)
| Meuniere; Good             Frying Pan   Herb (any)                 180   420G
|                                         Spinach
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Butter
| Meuniere; Perfect          Frying Pan   Herb (any)                 180   640G
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Butter
|                                         Spinach
| Meuniere; Shining          Frying Pan   Fish (any)                 180  1350G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Spinach
|                                         Herb (any)
| Milk Tea*                  Pot          Milk                       100   270G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Mont Blanc Cake*           Oven         Egg                        380   580G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Chestnut
|                                         Butter
| Mushroom Gratin*           Oven         Butter                     280   450G
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Milk
|                                         Cheese
| Mushroom Rice              Cut. Board   Mushroom                   150   210G
|                                         Rice
| Omelette Rice*             Frying Pan   Butter                     350   220G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Rice
| Onion Bread                Oven         Onion                      300   390G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Orange Cake                Oven         Orange                     320   630G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
| Orange Cookies             Oven         Egg                        330   320G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Orange
|                                         Breadfruit
| Orange Juice*              Mixer        Orange                     100   150G
| Orange Pie                 Oven         Pie Crust                  350   400G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Orange
| Pancake*                   Frying Pan   Honey (any)                300   590G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Egg
|                                         Breadfruit
| Pickled Cabbage            Aging Pot    Cabbage                    110   210G
| Pickled Eggplant           Aging Pot    Eggplant                   100   220G
| Pickled Turnips            Aging Pot    Turnips                    100   200G
| Pie Crust                  Cut. Board   Breadfruit                  10   130G
|                                         Butter
| Pineapple Juice*           Mixer        Pineapple                  160   270G
| Pizza                      Oven         Pie Crust                  500   900G
|                                         Cheese
| Plain Omelette*+           Frying Pan   Butter                     200   160G
|                                         Egg
| Potato Gratin              Oven         Cheese                     400   530G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
|                                         Potato
| Potato Miso Soup           Pot          Seaweed                    120   210G
|                                         Potato
| Potato Pancake             Frying Pan   Egg                        300   430G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Potato
| Potato Rice                Cut. Board   Yam                        200   250G
|                                         Rice
| Potato Stew                Pot          Potato                     100   130G
| Pudding                    Oven         Egg                        260   200G
|                                         Milk
| Pumpkin Cake*              Oven         Egg                        320   660G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Pumpkin
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
| Pumpkin Croquette          Frying Pan   Pumpkin                    180   320G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Pumpkin Pie*               Oven         Pie Crust                  360   430G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Pumpkin
| Pumpkin Pudding*           Oven         Pumpkin                    350   330G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Milk
| Pumpkin Stew               Pot          Pumpkin                    100   220G
| Purple Flax Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Purple Herb or Flower      N/A   650G
|                                         Flax Yarn
| Purple Perfume             Mixer        Flower (Purple) (2)        N/A   170G
| Purple Silk Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1260G
|                                         Purple Herb or Flower
| Purple Wool Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Purple Herb or Flower      N/A   560G
|                                         Wool Yarn
| Ratatouille                Frying Pan   Tomato                     280   380G
|                                         Eggplant
|                                         Bell Pepper
|                                         Onion
| Red Flax Yarn              Dyeing Pot   Flax Yarn                  N/A   720G
|                                         Red Herb or Flower
| Red Perfume*               Mixer        Flower (Red) (2)           N/A   210G
| Red Silk Yarn              Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1400G
|                                         Red Herb or Flower
| Red Wool Yarn+             Dyeing Pot   Red Herb or Flower         N/A   620G
|                                         Wool Yarn
| Rice Ball*                 Cut. Board   Rice                       180    50G
| Rice Cocktail*             Aging Pot    Rice (2)                   200   230G
| Roasted Chestnuts          Match Set    Chestnut                   120   100G
| Roasted Corn*              Match Set    Corn                       140   160G
| Salmon Cream Stew          Pot          Carrot                     300   520G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
|                                         Salmon
|                                         Onion
| Salmon Fried Rice          Frying Pan   Rice                       430   410G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Salmon
| Sardine in Oil             Aging Pot    Sardine                     90   150G
| Sardine Tomato Stew        Pot          Herb (any)                 180   230G
|                                         Sardine
|                                         Tomato
| Sashimi; Decent            Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                   80   270G
| Sashimi; Good*             Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                  100   530G
| Sashimi; Perfect           Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                  120  1060G
| Sashimi; Shining           Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                  140  2120G
| Saury Tomato Stew          Pot          Herb (any)                 180   250G
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Saury
| Sauteed Clam               Frying Pan   Clam                       220   230G
|                                         Butter
| Sauteed Mushroom           Frying Pan   Mushroom                   150   180G
|                                         Butter
| Baked Potato*              Frying Pan   Potato                     170   120G
|                                         Butter
| Sauteed Spinach            Frying Pan   Spinach                    160   210G
|                                         Butter
| Seafood Doria              Oven         Milk                       320   820G
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Clam
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Rice
| Seafood Fried Rice         Frying Pan   Onion                      400   600G
|                                         Squid
|                                         Rice
|                                         Egg
|                                         Crustacean (any)
| Seafood Gratin             Oven         Crustacean (any)           380   820G
|                                         Squid
|                                         Milk
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Butter
| Seafood Pizza              Oven         Crustacean (any)           530  1200G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Squid
| Seafood Rice               Pot          Rice                       300   740G
|                                         Clam
|                                         Squid
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Onion
| Seafood Stew               Pot          Milk                       360   620G
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Butter
|                                         Clam
|                                         Squid
| Seasoned Egg               Aging Pot    Egg                        100   190G
| Seaweed Miso Soup          Pot          Seaweed                    100   170G
| Shark Fin Soup             Pot          Spinach                    250  1740G
|                                         Shark
|                                         Herb (any)
| Shark Fin Stew             Pot          Shark                      180  1020G
| Shining Perfume            Mixer        Flower (any) (5)           N/A  1030G
| Shortcake*                 Oven         Egg                        350   730G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Strawberry
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
| Southern Fried Rice*       Frying Pan   Spicy Pepper               370   510G
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Rice
|                                         Pineapple
| Southern Omelette*         Frying Pan   Spicy Pepper               400   370G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Pineapple
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Rice
| Spicy Seafood Stew         Pot          Prawn                      260   450G
|                                         Spicy Pepper
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Onion
| Spicy Stew                 Pot          Onion                      300   480G
|                                         Carrot
|                                         Potato
|                                         Spicy Pepper
|                                         Milk
| Spinach Cake               Oven         Spinach                    320   600G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Spinach Risotto            Pot          Spinach                    180   320G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Rice
| Squid Tomato Stew          Pot          Squid                      160   200G
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Herb (any)
| Stay Awake*                Mixer        Pontata Root                10   250G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Spicy Pepper
| Steamed Egg                Pot          Egg                        200   280G
|                                         Prawn
|                                         Spinach
| Steamed Turnip             Pot          Turnips                    150   380G
|                                         Sea Bream
| Stew*                      Pot          Butter                     320   450G
|                                         Potato
|                                         Milk
|                                         Onion
|                                         Carrot
| Stir-Fry                   Frying Pan   Vegetable (any)            150   230G
| Strawberry Jelly           Pot          Strawberry (2)             250   550G
| Strawberry Milk            Mixer        Strawberry                 250   390G
|                                         Milk
| Super Stay Awake*          Mixer        Spicy Pepper               200   350G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Pontata Root
| Sushi; Decent              Cut. Board   Fish (1+)                  180   310G
|                                         Rice
| Sushi; Good                Cut. Board   Fish (1+)                  210   620G
|                                         Rice
| Sushi; Perfect             Cut. Board   Rice                       240  1240G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Sushi; Shining             Cut. Board   Rice                       270  2480G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Sweet Yam Cake*            Oven         Butter                     400   440G
|                                         Yam
|                                         Egg
|                                         Milk
| Tempura Buckwheat Noodles  Pot          Buckwheat                  550   600G
|                                         Eggplant
|                                         Crustacean (any)
| Tomato Juice*              Mixer        Tomato                     100   160G
| Tomato Omelette            Frying Pan   Butter                     220   270G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Tomato
| Tomato Risotto*            Pot          Tomato                     200   440G
|                                         Rice
|                                         Onion
| Tomato Soup                Pot          Tomato                     150   250G
|                                         Milk
| Tuna Bowl                  Cut. Board   Tuna                       320   560G
|                                         Rice
| Vegetable Juice*           Mixer        Spinach                    300   280G
|                                         Green Herb
|                                         Bell Pepper
|                                         Cabbage
| Vegetable Pizza            Oven         Vegetable (any)            510  1000G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Cheese
| Vegetable Salad            Cut. Board   Vegetable (any)            100   240G
|                                         Mayonnaise
| Vegetable Sandwich*        Cut. Board   Bread                      200   300G
|                                         Vegetable (any)
|                                         Butter
|                                         Mayonnaise
| Veryberry Juice*           Mixer        Veryberry                   80    70G
| Yam Cake                   Oven         Egg                        320   590G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
|                                         Yam
|                                         Breadfruit
| Yam Cocktail*              Aging Pot    Yam (2)                    180   190G
| Yam Stew                   Pot          Yam                        100   120G
| Yellow Flax Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Yellow Herb or Flower      N/A   580G
|                                         Flax Yarn
| Yellow Perfume*            Mixer        Flower (Yellow) (2)        N/A   160G
| Yellow Silk Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1120G
|                                         Yellow Herb or Flower
| Yellow Wool Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Wool Yarn                  N/A   500G
|                                         Yellow Herb or Flower
| Yogurt*                    Aging Pot    Milk                       150   230G
| Yogurt Drink               Mixer        Yogurt                     250   260G
|                                         Honey (any)
| ___________________________________________________________________________

       __________________________________________________________/ /  / /
       |                                                          |/  / /
        |                   Going Out: The Island                  |  / /
        |                                                          | / /
        |  "Few things are more pleasant than a village graced by  |/ /
         |  a good priest, good church and good pub." -John Hillaby | /
         |________________________________________    ______________|/
                                                   |  |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<CHR>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |          Characters         |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/The island is inhabited by over 50 different villagers, each with their own
| likes, dislikes, schedules, families and occupations. Eight of these
| characters could become your spouse (sixteen, actually, but only eight per
| gender).
| Every character has five categories of gifts: 'loves', 'likes', 'neutral',
| 'dislikes' and 'hates'. 'Loves', 'likes' and 'neutral' all increase
| affection ('loves' more than 'likes', 'likes' more than 'neutral');
| 'dislikes' slightly decreases affection, and 'hates' decreases affection
| a bit more.
| Most characters follow a certain profile of gifts: there is one ingredient
| that they 'love' any dish that contains it, and they 'like' the ingredient
| by itself. For the most part, cooked items are the best gifts.
| Note also that the lists of likes and dislikes here are not comprehensive;
| instead they are just general frameworks for finding good gifts. If you're
| looking for an absolutely comprehensive list, check the Reference section.
| The sections labeled '2-Heart Gift' and '5-Heart Gift' are gifts that you
| receive from that character at that heart level. The 2-Heart Gift can be
| received from both bachelors and bachelorettes (it's a friendship gift more
| than a romantic gift), but the 5-Heart Gift can only be received from
| characters of the opposite gender.
| More information on the heart events like these is available in the Heart
| Events section (search for [ HEV ] without the spaces). More information on
| using gifts to raise villagers' heart levels can be found in the Affection
| Mechanics section (search for [ AFM ] without the spaces).
| It's also notable that there are certain items that absolutely no one
| likes; these gifts are either 'disliked' or 'hated' by everyone.
| Rather than list them under each character, instead they're listed here:
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Gifts No One Likes
| Dishes that didn't turn out right, trash caught while fishing, junk ore.
| Additionally, every bachelor appears to dislike bamboo shoots. Go figure.
| _____________________________________________________________________[CQR]_
|                                                                             |
| Character Quick-Reference Chart                                             |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/This chart is provided as an easy, printable reference to every villager,
| their home, their birthday and their arrival.
| 'Primary location' refers to the two place where the character spends the
| most time. 'Part-Time Job' refers to the part-time job that can be completed
| to increase that character's heart level.
| The 'Arrival' column follows this key:
|    Rainbow #N : this character is the Nth arrival after creating Daren's
|               : rainbow. Remember, after creating Daren's rainbow, villagers
|               : arrive on every 1st and 15th after that. Rainbow #0 refers
|               : to villagers that can't be accessed until Daren's rainbow is
|               : created, but can be accessed as soon as that happens (no
|               : waiting until the 1st/15th).
| Brownie Ranch : this character is available after destroying the boulder in
|               : front of Brownie Ranch, or after the first Animal Festival
|               : (Spring 28 of Year 1).
|  Flower Fest. : this character (Selena) arrives on the first flower festival
|               : of the game, Spring 10.
|       Initial : this character resides on the island from the beginning of
|               : the game.
| The 'DO' column refers to the character's day off from work, and thus the day
| they don't follow their normal schedule. NA means that the character has no
| day off, while other abbreviations correspond to days of the week (Mo for
| Monday, Tu for Tuesday, We for Wednesday, Th for Thursday, Fr for Friday,
| Sa for Saturday, Su for Sunday).
| Character  Birthday   DO  Primary Location   Part-Time Job      Arrival
| Calvin     Winter 14  NA  Ganache Mine       (none)             Rainbow #2
| Chase      Spring 23  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Inn (day)   Rainbow #3
| Gill       Winter  2  Su  Town Hall          Town Hall          Initial
| Jin        Winter 26  Mo  Meringue Clinic    Meringue Clinic    Initial
| Julius       Fall 21  Mo  Blacksmith's Shop  Blacksmith's Shop  Rainbow #5
| Luke       Summer  8  Sa  Carpenter's Shop   Carpenter's Shop   Initial
| Owen       Summer 18  Mo  Blacksmith's Shop  Blacksmith's Shop  Initial
| Toby       Spring  9  Mo  On the Hook        On the Hook        Initial
| Anissa       Fall 16  Mo  Souffle Farm       Souffle Farm       Initial
| Candace    Winter  7  Su  Tailor Shop        Tailor Shop        Rainbow #1
| Kathy      Summer  3  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Bar         Brownie Ranch
| Luna       Spring 25  Su  Tailor Shop        Tailor Shop        Rainbow #1
| Maya         Fall 24  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Inn         Initial
| Phoebe     Spring 17  Mo  Ganache Mine       General Store      Rainbow #4
| Renee        Fall  5  Mo  Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch
| Selena     Summer 26  Su  Sundae Inn         Pineapple Inn      Flower Fest.
| Barbara    Summer 23  Mo  General Store      General Store      Initial
| Bo         Summer  2  Sa  Carpenter's Shop   Carpenter's Shop   Initial
| Cain       Summer  6  Mo  Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch
| Chloe      Summer 27  Mo  Blacksmith's Shop  Blacksmith's Shop  Initial
| Colleen    Winter 12  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Inn         Initial
| Craig        Fall  6  Mo  Souffle Farm       Souffle Farm       Initial
| Dale       Summer 14  Sa  Carpenter's Shop   Carpenter's Shop   Initial
| Elli         Fall  1  Su  Town Hall          Town Hall          Initial
| Gray       Spring  4  Mo  Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch      Rainbow #7
| Irene        Fall 20  Mo  Meringue Clinic    Meringue Clinic    Initial
| Jake         Fall 28  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Inn         Initial
| Hamilton   Spring 13  NA  Waffle Town Area   Town Hall          Initial
| Hanna      Winter  4  Mo  Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch      Brownie Ranch
| Hayden     Spring 21  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Bar         Initial
| Mira       Winter 10  Mo  Blacksmith's Shop  Blacksmith's Shop  Initial
| Ozzie      Winter 23  Mo  On the Hook        On the Hook        Initial
| Paolo      Winter 20  Mo  On the Hook        On the Hook        Rainbow #9
| Pascal     Winter  3  Mo  On the Hook        On the Hook        Initial
| Perry      Spring 20  Mo  Meringue Clinic    Meringue Clinic    Rainbow #8
| Ramsey     Spring  5  Mo  Blacksmith's Shop  Blacksmith's Shop  Initial
| Ruth       Spring  6  Mo  Souffle Farm       Souffle Farm       Initial
| Samson     Summer 21  NA  Pineapple Inn      Pineapple Inn      Rainbow #0
| Shelly     Winter 19  Su  Tailor Shop        Tailor Shop        Rainbow #1
| Simon      Winter  8  Mo  General Store      General Store      Initial
| Sue        Spring 27  NA  Toucan Island      Pineapple Inn      Rainbow #0
| Taylor     Summer 19  NA  Souffle Farm       Souffle Farm       Rainbow #6
| Yolanda    Summer 10  Su  Sundae Inn         Sundae Inn         Initial
| _____________________________________________________________________[BAC]_
|                                                                             |
| Bachelors                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/If you're playing as a girl, there are 8 possible men for you to woo. Not
| all are in the village from the beginning, however; some of them require
| certain progression through the main plot line (creating the rainbows; see
| the Goddess section for more information).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CAL} _
| Calvin
|      Birthday : Winter 14
|      Location : Maple Lake District, Ganache Mine
|       Day Off : None (no job)
| Relationships : None
|         Rival : Phoebe (will marry)
|   Personality : Friendly, but distant
|    Occupation : Explorer/Scholar
|       Arrival : 2nd arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : On the 10th floor of the Ganache Mine
|         Loves : Most egg recipes.
|         Likes : All gemstones.
|      Dislikes : All chocolate dishes.
|         Hates : Failed dishes.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Calvin's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Moonlight Stone
|  4-Heart Gift : Diamond
| 5-Heart Event : To trigger the 5-heart event, you must meet Calvin on the
|               : 10th floor of Ganache mine where you met him. He would
|               : request an Apple, but...
|          Note : Be advised that Calvin is NOT actually a potential spouse in
|               : this game. He was intended to be, but there is a glitch that
|               : prevents his Request event from completing properly. Because
|               : you must complete all of a character's events to marry them,
|               : this renders Calvin un-marryable.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : 
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thank you for the present! It's great!"
|               :  Neutral : "A present? That's very nice, thanks!"
|               : Disliked : "A present? Well, it's not my favorite thing, but
|               :          :  thanks anyway."
|               :    Hates : "Uhh... Is this supposed to be a present? I really
|               :          :  hate this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CHI} _
| Chase
|      Birthday : Spring 23
|      Location : Maple Lake District, Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : None
|         Rival : Maya (will marry)
|   Personality : Sarcastic, reserved
|    Occupation : Cook
|       Arrival : 3rd arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : At the inn, early in the evening
|         Loves : Most orange recipes, most fish recipes (not grilled fish).
|         Likes : Oranges, most pumpkin and other sweet recipes.
|      Dislikes : Anything pickled, perfumes.
|         Hates : Failed dishes.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Chase's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Chicken Egg
|  4-Heart Gift : Cheese Risotto
| 5-Heart Event : Chase requests that you try to ship some of your own dishes:
|               : the specific number (which he won't state) is 30. After
|               : shipping 30 dishes made in your own kitchen, give Chase
|               : another to complete his request.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : 
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow, how did you know I like this? Um, thanks.
|     Responses :          :  I love it!"
|               :    Liked : "Oh, thanks. I like it. It's nice!"
|               :  Neutral : "For me? Oh, thanks."
|               : Disliked : "Sorry, I hate this."
|               :    Hates : "Wow, what an awful gift. You must hate me."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GIL} _
| Gill
|      Birthday : Winter 2
|      Location : Mayor's House, Town Hall/Square
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Hamilton (father)
|         Rival : Luna (will NOT marry)
|   Personality : Cocky, goal-oriented, driven
|    Occupation : Town Hall Administrator
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Most tomato recipes.
|         Likes : Tomatoes, good minerals and jewels.
|      Dislikes : Cocktails.
|         Hates : Failed dishes.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Gill's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Silver
|  4-Heart Gift : Cold Medicine
| 5-Heart Event : Gill does not request a gift, but rather requests that you
|               : find his lost journal. You can find it in the little square
|               : area next to Hamilton's house, behind the sign.
|               :
|               : A lot of people have trouble with this event because Gill's
|               : response when you answer correctly seems like you failed the
|               : event. The responses are "I heard you" (or something similar)
|               : and "I'll find it for you." After responding with these
|               : answers, the diary will be in the area with the benches and
|               : the shipping bin by Hamilton's house in Waffle Town.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : 
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : Shortcake and Lavender
|      Proposal : At Town Hall, before noon (others possible as well)
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow! This is my favorite... T-Thanks. I, uh,
|     Responses :          :  really love it."
|               :    Liked : "Well, this is... I like it. I'm quite happy to
|               :          :  accept it... T-Thanks."
|               :  Neutral : "Well, this is... Thanks, I suppose." 
|               : Disliked : "What am I supposed to do with this?"
|               :    Hates : "Are you trying to spite me? What's wrong with
|               :          :  you?" 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {JIN} _
| Jin
|      Birthday : Winter 26
|      Location : Meringue Clinic
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Irene (grandmother)
|         Rival : Anissa (will marry)
|   Personality : Relaxed, strict, compassionate
|    Occupation : Doctor
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Pontata roots, pickled recipes, buckwheat recipes.
|         Likes : All herbs and herb recipes, medicines.
|      Dislikes : Cocktails.
|         Hates : Failed dishes.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Jin's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Red Herb
|  4-Heart Gift : Bodigizer XL
| 5-Heart Event : Jin simply requests a Pontata Root. You can find Pontata
|               : Roots inside the rocks of either mine, typically on the early
|               : levels. You can also purchase a Pontata Root at the Spring
|               : and summer markets. Present the Pontata Root to Jin to
|               : complete the request.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : 
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Thank you for this wonderful gift! It's 
|     Rseponses :          :  absolutely perfect."
|               :    Liked : "Why thank you. This is quite an excellent gift."
|               :  Neutral : "Why thank you."
|               : Disliked : "I'm sorry, but what am I supposed to do with
|               :          :  this?"
|               :    Hates : "What a cruel gift. Are you trying to tell me that
|               :          :  you hate me?!"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {JUL} _
| Julius
|      Birthday : Fall 21
|      Location : Lake area, Blacksmith's Shop
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Mira (aunt)
|         Rival : Candace (will marry)
|   Personality : Creative, refined, affected
|    Occupation : Artist/Designer/Metalsmith
|       Arrival : 5th arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : In front of the blacksmith's shop (sunny day, not riding
|               : horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : Most pumpkin and chestnut recipes
|         Likes : Pumpkins, chestnuts, all gems and cloth items, all honeys.
|      Dislikes : Butter, unrefined ores, unrefined wonderfuls.
|         Hates : Failed dishes, fishing trash, bamboo shoots
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Julius's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces) - special thanks to Stormfeather for most of
|               : these.
|  2-Heart Gift : Pink Cat Flower
|  4-Heart Gift : Amethyst
| 5-Heart Event : Julius wants a ruby or sapphire from the mines. Dig up a red
|               : or blue three-sparkle Wonderful, have it refined by Mira
|               : and present it to Julius to complete the request.
|          Note : Julius, on the night of the sunrise, will apparently ask you
|               : to meet him at the Brownie Ranch meadow on the following day.
|               : There is not actually an event that corresponds to this, and
|               : nothing will happen if you show up to the meadow.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : 
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Oh my, how nice! I love this! This is perfect!
|               :          :  Thanks!"
|     Responses :    Liked : "This is great! I love it. You're so considerate!"
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you. What a nice thought."
|               : Disliked : "Oh, come on. Give me a break. I hate this thing."
|               :    Hates : "Eeek! This is horrible! I hate it! What do you
|               :          :  want me to do with it? Geez!"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LUK} _
| Luke
|      Birthday : Summer 8
|      Location : Carpenter's Shop
|       Day Off : Saturday
| Relationships : Dale (father)
|         Rival : Selena (will NOT marry)
|   Personality : Cool, hard-working, friendly
|    Occupation : Carpenter
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Near the carpenter's shop (sunny day, not riding horse or
|               : ostrich)
|         Loves : Most spinach recipes.
|         Likes : Cocktails, juices, spinach and mayonnaise.
|      Dislikes : Most cheese recipes, cheese, perfumes and most fish recipes.
|         Hates : Failed dishes, fishing trash, toadstools.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Luke's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Honey
|  4-Heart Gift : Garnet
| 5-Heart Event : Luke will request (for some reason) they you obtain 20 more
|               : lumber. Once you've obtained the lumber, the request will be
|               : complete. Note that "20 more", in this sense, means that you
|               : end up with 20 more total than when you started, so don't go
|               : using any in the meantime. If you do, you simply have to get
|               : 20 more than the minimum you have at any given time, and the
|               : wood you've obtained since the request began ceases to count.
|               : Sound complicated? Just collect all 20 lumber at once and you
|               : don't need to worry about it.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : (actual text unsure - ask for more food, though)
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : Spinach Cake and Tulip
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Whoa! Are you serious? How did you know what my
|     Responses :          :  favorite thing is? Thanks! I really love it!"
|               :    Liked : "Whoa, thanks! I really like it. It's great!"
|               :  Neutral : "Hey, thanks!"
|               : Disliked : "Sorry, but this gift isn't so awesome. I
|               :          :  appreciate the thought, but..."
|               :    Hated : "Hey! That's like my least favorite thing in the
|               :          :  world! You gotta be kidding me!"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {OSE} _
| Owen
|      Birthday : Summer 18
|      Location : Blacksmith's Shop
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Chloe (cousin), Ramsey (grandfather)
|         Rival : Kathy (will NOT marry)
|   Personality : Manly, independent, strong
|    Occupation : Blacksmith/Miner
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : In front of the Blacksmith's Shop - trigger the event by
|               : walking toward the Carpenter's away from the Blacksmith's
|               : anytime after meeting Ramsey. (sunny day, not riding horse or
|               : ostrich)
|         Loves : All cocktails, most rice recipes.
|         Likes : Most cheese recipes, every other rice recipe.
|      Dislikes : Most tomato recipes, toadstools.
|         Hates : Failed dishes, scrap iron.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Owen's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Red Wonderful
|  4-Heart Gift : Ruby
| 5-Heart Event : Owen will simply request that you meet him at the 30th floor
|               : of Ganache Mine. Go there at any time to complete the
|               : request.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date :    Lunch Date : "I'm a little self-conscious..."
|       Answers : Request Event : "I refuse to lose!"
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thanks! I really appreciate this! It's great!"
|               :  Neutral : "Hey, thanks!"
|               : Disliked : "Dang. I appreciate the thought, but this is a
|               :          :  pretty lousy gift."
|               :    Hates : "Hey, I hate this! Are you trying to insult me?"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TAO} _
| Toby
|      Birthday : Spring 9
|      Location : Lake area
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Ozzie (uncle), Paolo (cousin)
|         Rival : Renee (will marry)
|   Personality : Relaxed, gentle, lazy
|    Occupation : Fisherman
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Near the beach - trigger the introduction event by walking
|               : down the stairs near On The Hook towards the beach. (sunny
|               : day, not riding horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : Shining fish recipes.
|         Likes : Any grilled fish, any other fish recipe.
|      Dislikes : Cocktails, juices.
|         Hates : Failed dishes, perfumes, most coconut recipes.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Toby's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Char
|  4-Heart Gift : Eel
| 5-Heart Event : Toby wants you to catch a Rock Lobster. Present it to him to
|               : complete the event.
|     Character : (Regular Day)
|      Schedule :  6:00AM -  6:30AM : Toby's House
|               :  6:30AM -  7:30AM : Maple Lake District (to Waffle Town)
|               :  7:30AM -  8:30AM : Waffle Town (to On The Hook)
|               :  8:30AM - 10:00AM : On The Hook
|               : 10:00AM -  1:00PM : Waffle Town
|               :  1:00PM -  4:30PM : On The Hook
|               :  4:30PM -  5:30PM : Waffle Town (to Maple Lake District)
|               :  5:30PM -  7:00PM : Maple Lake District
|               :  7:00PM -  6:00AM : Toby's House
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date :"I'm a bit nervous too."
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : Yam Cake and Cosmos
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "I can have it? I really like it. I might even
|     Responses :             love it. Thank you."
|               :    Liked : "Wow, thank you so much. I like it."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you very much."
|               : Disliked : "What should I do with this?"
|               :    Hates : "Uh... wow. What an awful and thoughtless gift."
| _____________________________________________________________________[BCE]_
|                                                                             |
| Bachelorettes                                                               |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/If you're playing as a guy, there are 8 possible girls for you to woo. Not
| all are in the village from the beginning, however; some of them require
| certain progression through the main plot line (creating the rainbows; see
| the Goddess section for more information).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ANI} _
| Anissa
|      Birthday : Fall 16
|      Location : Souffle Farm
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Craig (father), Ruth (mother), Taylor (brother)
|         Rival : Jin (will marry)
|   Personality : Quiet, gentle, smart
|    Occupation : Medicine Maker
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Tea, pickled dishes, perfume, anything blue (e.g. blue herb).
|         Likes : Other (non-blue) herbs and flowers, toadstool.
|      Dislikes : Alcoholic drinks, raw fish, fish dishes.
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Anissa's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Green Herb
|  5-Heart Gift : Super Stay Awake
| 5-Heart Event : Anissa requests a Snowflake flower. Snowflake flowers must be
|               : grown on your farm in winter: Anissa will give you the seeds
|               : no matter what season it is, but for them to grow you should
|               : plant them in winter. Wait 5 days, pick one and present it to
|               : her to complete the event. If you're planning on marrying
|               : Anissa, you might want to make sure to grow these your first
|               : winter and store them regardless of her heart level because
|               : you won't be able to marry her until you give her the flower.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : "It's ALL good!"
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Oh my, Are you sure... that I deserve something
|     Responses :          :  so valuable? Thank you."
|               :    Liked : "This is wonderful. Thank you very much. I like
|                          :  it."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you very much."
|               : Disliked : "Oh, um... Thanks..."
|               :    Hates : "...Thank you, but... I don't really care for
|               :          :  this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CAN} _
| Candace
|      Birthday : Winter 7
|      Location : Tailor Shop
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Luna (sister), Shelly (grandmother)
|         Rival : Julius (will marry)
|   Personality : Shy, timid
|    Occupation : Tailor
|       Arrival : 1st arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : Outside the tailor shop (sunny day, not riding horse or
|               : ostrich)
|         Loves : Herbal Tea
|         Likes : All yarns, most herb recipes
|      Dislikes : Medicine
|         Hates : Bamboo shoots
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Candace's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Yellow Herb
|  5-Heart Gift : Silk Yarn
| 5-Heart Event : Candace wants a Blue Mist flower. Blue Mist flowers must be
|               : grown on your farm in fall: the seeds must be bought from
|               : Souffle Farm with at least a 3-star rating, and only in Fall.
|               : Plant them in Fall, wait 12 days, pick one and present it to
|               : her to complete the event. If you're planning on marrying
|               : Candace, you might want to make sure to grow these your first
|               : fall and store them regardless of her heart level because
|               : you won't be able to marry her until you give her the flower.
|               : Note also that you cannot give her the Blue Mist flower while
|               : she is sitting and working at the table (she won't accept
|               : it).
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Thanksgiving : 
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : Delicious!
|       Answers : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Why thank you. I really like it."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you very much."
|               : Disliked : "Umm... I don't like this very much... I'm sorry."
|               :    Hates : "I-I'm sorry. I really don't like this..."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {KAT} _
| Kathy
|      Birthday : Summer 3
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Hayden (father)
|         Rival : Owen  (will NOT marry)
|   Personality : Tomboyish, outgoing
|    Occupation : Barmaid
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Initially in Town Hall (automatic), but must unlock Brownie
|               : Ranch to meet again
|         Loves : Rice cocktail, most cheese recipes.
|         Likes : Cheese, any other alcoholic drink.
|      Dislikes : Mushrooms.
|         Hates : Anything with chocolate, toadstools.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Kathy's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Veryberry
|  5-Heart Gift : Seafood Pizza
| 5-Heart Event : Kathy requests that win the horse race mini-game that is
|               : unlocked when she reaches 5 hearts. Note, however, that you
|               : don't have to win the race to continue raising her hearts and
|               : marry her, unlike the other bachelorettes whose events must
|               : be completed before marriage.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : "Keep it coming!"
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : Carrot Cake and Shining Carrot
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow <note> I love it! Thank you <note>"
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thanks~ <note> I really like it. This is nice."
|               :  Neutral : "Thanks <note>"
|               : Disliked : "Sorry, I don't really like this."
|               :    Hates : "Sorry, but I hate it."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ROM} _
| Luna
|      Birthday : Spring 25
|      Location : Tailor Shop
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Candace (sister), Shelly (grandmother)
|         Rival : Gill (will NOT marry)
|   Personality : Outgoing, spoiled
|    Occupation : Tailor
|       Arrival : 1st arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : Inside the tailor shop
|         Loves : Shining yarns, pumpkin recipes
|         Likes : Lower-grade cloths, most chocolate recipes, gems.
|      Dislikes : Alcoholic drinks.
|         Hates : Unidentified ores and gems, glass.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Luna's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Moondrop Flower
|  5-Heart Gift : Blue Silk Yarn
| 5-Heart Event : Luna wants a Blue Mist flower. Blue Mist flowers must be
|               : grown on your farm in fall: the seeds must be bought from
|               : Souffle Farm with at least a 3-star rating, and only in Fall.
|               : Plant them in Fall, wait 12 days, pick one and present it to
|               : her to complete the event. If you're planning on marrying
|               : Luna, you might want to make sure to grow these your first
|               : fall and store them regardless of her heart level because
|               : you won't be able to marry her until you give her the flower.
|               : Note also that you cannot give her the Blue Mist flower while
|               : she is sitting and working at the table (she won't accept
|               : it).
|     Character : (Regular Day)
|      Schedule :  6:00AM -  5:50AM (all day) : Tailor Shop
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : The sweeter, the better!
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : Propose in the Tailor Shop on a sunny morning. Others may
|       Details : work to, but this has been confirmed to work.
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow! Thanks! I love this. You're so considerate."
|     Responses :    Liked : "Wow.<heart> thanks! This is great!"
|               :  Neutral : "Wow, thanks."
|               : Disliked : "Ew, what is this? I don't want it."
|               :    Hates : "This is horrible! I can't believe anyone would
|               :          :  give me such an awful gift!"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MAI} _
| Maya
|      Birthday : Fall 24
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Jake (father), Colleen (mother), Yolanda (grandmother)
|         Rival : Chase (will marry)
|   Personality : Cute, cheerful, temperamental
|    Occupation : Waitress
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : In Town Square (sunny day, not riding horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : Any yam, fish or chocolate recipe.
|         Likes : Every other recipe, coral, clams, fish.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : Toadstools.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Maya's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Spicy Pepper
|  5-Heart Gift : Chocolate Pudding
| 5-Heart Event : Maya requests that you catch an Eel for her. Catch one and
|               : present it to her to complete the request.
|     Character : (Regular Day)
|      Schedule :  6:00AM - 11:30AM : Sundae Inn
|               : 11:30AM -  1:00PM : Waffle Town
|               :  1:00PM -  6:00AM : Sundae Inn
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : But I wanted to try yours...
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : During her 11:30AM - 1:00PM break, outside the inn (others
|       Details : may be possible)
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow! This is great! I love it! I just love it!
|     Responses :          :  Thank you!"
|               :    Liked : "Yay, I like it! Thanks! This is great!"
|               :  Neutral : "Wow, thanks!"
|               : Disliked : "Umm, sorry. I'm not really interested in this."
|               :    Hates : "Ew, sorry! I hate this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PHO} _
| Phoebe
|      Birthday : Spring 17
|      Location : General Store
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Barbara (mother), Simon (father)
|         Rival : Calvin (will marry)
|   Personality : Creative, curious, smart
|    Occupation : Inventor/General Store Clerk
|       Arrival : 4th arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : On the first floor of the Ganache Mine
|         Loves : Rare metals and gems, buckwheat recipes.
|         Likes : Green herbs, coral, medicines.
|      Dislikes : Unrefined ores.
|         Hates : Shellfish, shellfish recipes and clams.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Phoebe's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Blue Wonderful (refines to Lapis Lazuli)
|  5-Heart Gift : Green Wonderful (refines to Emerald)
| 5-Heart Event : Phoebe needs some rare metal for a project. Obtain some and
|               : present it to her to complete the request.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : "No matter."
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow! For me? Thank you! What a great gift!"
|     Responses :    Liked : "Why, thank you. This is a welcome gift. Thank
|               :          :  you kindly."
|               :  Neutral : "Thanks."
|               : Disliked : "Oh. Umm... thanks."
|               :    Hates : "This is a gift? I really don't like this at all."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {LEN} _
| Renee
|      Birthday : Fall 5
|      Location : Brownie Ranch
|       Day Off : None
| Relationships : Cain (father), Hanna (mother)
|         Rival : Toby (will marry)
|   Personality : Caring, compassionate, quiet
|    Occupation : Rancher
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At Brownie Ranch, after breaking the boulder (sunny day, not
|               : riding horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : Yellow perfume, strawberry milk.
|         Likes : Dairy goods and recipes, yellow gems and cloths.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : Unrefined ores and wonderfuls.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Renee's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Chicken Egg
|  5-Heart Gift : Omelette
| 5-Heart Event : Renee requests that you help fix the corn mill on Brownie
|               : Ranch. It's fixed by creating the first goddess rainbow,
|               : which chances are you will do long before she reaches 5
|               : hearts. If you've already completed it, an event will occur
|               : when you wander near the windmill on the ranch, even if you
|               : never experienced the event with her requesting it. Note that
|               : you must experience this second scene to marry Renee.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : Delicious!
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : "Oh my! I love this! Thank you very much for this
|     Responses :          :  wonderful gift!"
|               :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you!"
|               : Disliked : "I'm sorry. I really don't like it..."
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SHE} _
| Selena
|      Birthday : Summer 26
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Samson (father), Sue (mother)
|         Rival : Luke (will NOT marry)
|   Personality : Outgoing, condescending, dominating
|    Occupation : Dancer
|       Arrival : Spring 10th of Year 1 (no requirements)
|          Meet : At the Flower Festival
|         Loves : Perfumes, Southern recipes, anything red.
|         Likes : Alcoholic drinks, gems.
|      Dislikes : Fish.
|         Hates : Ores, minerals, pontata roots.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Selena's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|  2-Heart Gift : Coral
|  5-Heart Gift : Coconut Cocktail
| 5-Heart Event : Selena's "5-heart event" actually begins as soon as you meet
|               : her parents by creating the first rainbow. After creating the
|               : first rainbow and taking a trip to Toucan Island, her mom
|               : will tell you about a spat they have had. She'll ask you to
|               : talk to Selena for her. Talk to Selena, then return to talk
|               : to her mom to complete the event.
|     Character :
|      Schedule :
|  Correct Date : Lunch Date : Saltwater
|       Answers : 
|  Thanksgiving : 
|      Proposal : 
|       Details : 
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Are you sure I can have it? Hee-hee. It's great!
|               :          :  Thank you!"
|               :  Neutral : "Why, thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Huh, I don't like this at all."
|               :    Hates : "This is horrible! Are you trying to annoy me?
|               :          :  Why'd you give me this?!"
| _____________________________________________________________________[OTC]_
|                                                                             |
| Other Villagers                                                             |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Barbara
|      Birthday : Summer 23
|      Location : General Store
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Phoebe (daughter), Simon (husband)
|   Personality : Active, energetic
|    Occupation : General Store Manager/Owner
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the General Store
|         Loves : Most vegetable dishes, most sweets.
|         Likes : Most crops and other dishes.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Barbara's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow, is this for me? Oh, I'm just so delighted."
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thanks. I appreciate it."
|               :  Neutral : "Thanks."
|               : Disliked : "Umm... Thank you for the thought, but I don't
|               :          :  like this."
|               :    Hates : "Yikes! I really hate this. Sorry."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bo
|      Birthday : Summer 2
|      Location : Carpenter's Shop
|       Day Off : Saturday
| Relationships : None
|   Personality : Friendly, cheerful, upbeat.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the carpenter's shop
|         Loves : Green Bell flowers.
|         Likes : Mushroom recipes, other flowers.
|      Dislikes : Toadstools.
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Bo's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Oh, I love this. Thank you very much."
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thanks."
|               : Disliked : "Hmm, I don't really like this. I'm sorry."
|               :    Hates : "I'm so sorry, but I really don't like this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cain
|      Birthday : Summer 6
|      Location : Brownie Ranch
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Renee (daughter), Hanna (wife)
|   Personality : Helpful, friendly
|    Occupation : Ranch Owner/Operator
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At Brownie Ranch
|         Loves : High-level dairy products.
|         Likes : Other dairy products.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Cain's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Hey, I like this! Thanks!"
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Sorry, but I don't like this so much."
|               :    Hates : "Oh, I don't like this at all."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Chloe
|      Birthday : Summer 27
|      Location : Blacksmith's Shop
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Owen (cousin), Ramsey (grandfather)
|   Personality : Cheerful, playful, childish
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the blacksmith's shop
|         Loves : Anything with chocolate
|         Likes : Juices, most sweets.
|      Dislikes : Spicy pepper dishes, mushrooms.
|         Hates : Toadstools, medicines.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Chloe's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "Wow, I love this! I'm so happy! Thank you so
|               :          :  much!"
|     Responses :    Liked : "I like it! Thank you! <notes>"
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you! <notes>"
|               : Disliked : "I don't like this!"
|               :    Hates : "Oh, I hate this!!!"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Colleen
|      Birthday : Winter 12
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Maya (daughter), Jake (husband)
|   Personality : Motherly, caring
|    Occupation : Inn Manager/Owner
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Most flowers, most fruits.
|         Likes : Alcoholic drinks.
|      Dislikes : Fish recipes.
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Colleen's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "I like it. Thank you."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Thank you... Well, for the thought, at least."
|               :    Hates : "...I don't like this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Craig
|      Birthday : Fall 6
|      Location : Souffle Farm
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Anissa (daughter), Ruth (wife), Taylor (son)
|   Personality : Old, calm
|    Occupation : Farm Owner/Operator
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : High-quality crops.
|         Likes : Most other crops.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Craig's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Oh? Is this for me? Thanks."
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thank you."
|               : Disliked : "I don't like this."
|               :    Hates : "Hey, how can you do this to me? You're rollin'
|               :          : the dice!"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dale
|      Birthday : Summer 14
|      Location : Carpenter's Shop
|       Day Off : Saturday
| Relationships : Luke (son)
|   Personality : Quiet, gruff.
|    Occupation : Carpenter.
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Spicy pepper dishes, mushroom dishes.
|         Likes : 
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Dale's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "I really appreciate this. I'm so happy."
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Oh sorry, I hate this."
|               :    Hates : "Oh man, my least favorite thing."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Elli
|      Birthday : Fall 1
|      Location : Yolanda's House
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : None
|   Personality : Happy, relaxed, compassionate
|    Occupation : Cook
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Town Hall (automatic)
|         Loves : Most sweets, dairy recipes, Moondrop flowers.
|         Likes : 
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Elli's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Oh, thank you! I like it. I'm so happy."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "I don't like it too much. But thank you anyway."
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Gray
|      Birthday : Spring 4
|      Location : Maple Lake area, Brownie Ranch
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : None
|   Personality : Quiet, borderline rude
|    Occupation : Rancher
|       Arrival : 7th arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : At Brownie Ranch (sunny day, not riding horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : All omelettes.
|         Likes : Most egg recipes.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Gray's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thank you."
|               :  Neutral : "I'll take it."
|               : Disliked : "You gotta be kidding."
|               :    Hates : "Get out of here."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hamilton
|      Birthday : Spring 13
|      Location : Mayor's House, Town Square/Hall
|       Day Off : None
| Relationships : Gill (son)
|   Personality : Jolly, caring, compassionate
|    Occupation : Mayor
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Any recipe with potatoes.
|         Likes : Potatoes, most anything else.
|      Dislikes : Alcoholic drinks.
|         Hates : Unrefined ores.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Hamilton's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "Well, well. Thank you. I like this. It's really
|     Responses :          : quite perfect."
|               :    Liked : "Oh, I like this. Thank you, <your name>."
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Well, I don't like this very much."
|               :    Hates : "I'm sorry, but I don't like this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hanna
|      Birthday : Winter 4
|      Location : Brownie Ranch
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Renee (daughter), Cain (husband)
|   Personality : Friendly, compassionate
|    Occupation : Ranch Owner/Operator
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At Brownie Ranch
|         Loves : High-level dairy products and dairy recipes.
|         Likes : Other dairy products and most recipes.
|      Dislikes : Alcoholic drinks.
|         Hates : Unrefined ores.
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Hanna's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "I kind of like this. Thank you. This is nice."
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Well, thank you for the thought."
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hayden
|      Birthday : Spring 21
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Kathy (daughter)
|   Personality : Reserved, dismissive
|    Occupation : Bartender
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Rice cocktail.
|         Likes : Other alcoholic drinks, most pizzas.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Hayden's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "Oh! That's great! Thank you! I really appreciate
|     Responses :          :  it!"
|               :    Liked : "This is good stuff! Thank you!"
|               :  Neutral : "Oh, thank you!"
|               : Disliked : "Hmm, this isn't really my thing..."
|               :    Hates : "Hmm, I have to say I don't like this at all..."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Irene
|      Birthday : Fall 20
|      Location : Meringue Clinic
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Jin (grandson)
|   Personality : Old, relaxed
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the clinic.
|         Loves : Herbal Tea.
|         Likes : Most herbs.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Irene's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thank you. I love it."
|               :  Neutral : "Why, thanks."
|               : Disliked : "I appreciate the thought, but I don't like this
|               :          :  gift."
|               :    Hates : "Are you trying to annoy me? I really don't like
|               :          : this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Jake
|      Birthday : Fall 28
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Maya (daughter), Colleen (wife), Yolanda (mother)
|   Personality : Gentle, laid-back, calm
|    Occupation : Inn Manager/Owner
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Any recipe with apples.
|         Likes : Alcoholic drinks.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Jake's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "What's this...? Thank you for giving me something
|     Responses :          : so wonderful. Thank you. I'm very happy."
|               :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : "Why, thanks."
|               : Disliked : "...Hmm, I don't like this much."
|               :    Hates : "...Sorry, but I don't like this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mira
|      Birthday : Winter 10
|      Location : Maple Lake area, Blacksmith's Shop
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Julius (nephew)
|   Personality : Passive, uninvolved
|    Occupation : Gem refiner
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the graveyard. (sunny day, not riding horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : Gems.
|         Likes : Most strawberry recipes.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Mira's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "I'm pleased. I like this. Thank you very much."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you very much."
|               : Disliked : "...Umm, I don't know what to say."
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ozzie
|      Birthday : Winter 23
|      Location : On the Hook
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Toby (nephew), Paolo (son)
|   Personality : Happy, jolly
|    Occupation : Fisherman
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the beach. (sunny day, not riding horse or ostrich)
|         Loves : Fish and fish dishes.
|         Likes : 
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Ozzie's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "Is this for me? Oh, I love it! Thank you!"
|     Responses :    Liked : "How did you know that I like that? Thanks!"
|               :  Neutral : "Thanks a lot!"
|               : Disliked : "I don't like this so much."
|               :    Hates : "Uh, I hate this. Remember that."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Paolo
|      Birthday : Winter 20
|      Location : On the Hook
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Toby (cousin), Ozzie (father)
|   Personality : Upbeat, mischievous.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : 9th arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : At On the Hook
|         Loves : Fish and crustacean dishes.
|         Likes : Most fruits.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Paolo's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : 
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pascal
|      Birthday : Winter 3
|      Location : On the Hook
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : None
|   Personality : Noble, driven.
|    Occupation : Ship Captain
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Fish and crustacean recipes.
|         Likes : 
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Pascal's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : "Is this for me? Thank you. I'm happy to accept
|     Responses :          :  it."
|               :    Liked : "Thank you. This is nice."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Hmm, what should I do? It's a nice thought,
|               :          :  but..."
|               :    Hates : "I can't say that I'm happy to receive this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Perry
|      Birthday : Spring 20
|      Location : Meringue Clinic
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : None
|   Personality : Hard-working, dedicated.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : 8th arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : At the Clinic
|         Loves : Herbal Tea, other herb dishes.
|         Likes : Herbs, rice recipes.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Perry's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thank you very much. I'm delighted."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you very much."
|               : Dislikes : "Thank you, but..."
|               :    Hates : "Sorry, but I can't accept this. Anything but
|               :          : this..."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ramsey
|      Birthday : Spring 5
|      Location : Blacksmith's Shop
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Owen (nephew), Chloe (granddaughter)
|   Personality : Gruff, reserved, borderline rude
|    Occupation : Blacksmith
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At the blacksmith's shop
|         Loves : Rare metals and ores.
|         Likes : Most recipes.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Ramsey's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "For me? Thanks."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "I don't like it."
|               :    Hates : "I don't want it."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ruth
|      Birthday : Spring 6
|      Location : Souffle Farm
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Anissa (daughter), Craig (husband), Taylor (son)
|   Personality : Motherly, calm
|    Occupation : Farm Owner/Operator
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : At Souffle Farm.
|         Loves : Most flowers, high-quality crops.
|         Likes : Lower-quality crops.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Ruth's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Hmm, it's nice. Thank you."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "I'm sorry, but I don't like this."
|               :    Hates : "Is this a joke?"
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Samson
|      Birthday : Summer 21
|      Location : Pineapple Inn
|       Day Off : None
| Relationships : Selena (daughter), Sue (wife)
|   Personality : Sarcastic, manly, dismissive
|    Occupation : Inn Owner/Operator
|       Arrival : Never; lives on Toucan Island after creating first rainbow
|          Meet : At Pineapple Inn (on Toucan Island)
|         Loves : Any alcoholic drink.
|         Likes : Any chocolate dish.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Samson's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Is this for me? Thank you!"
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you!"
|               : Disliked : "Thank you for your kindness!"
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shelly
|      Birthday : Winter 19
|      Location : Tailor Shop
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Candace (granddaughter), Luna (granddaughter)
|   Personality : Happy, cheerful, calm
|    Occupation : Tailor
|       Arrival : 1st arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : At the Tailor Shop
|         Loves : Any cloth.
|         Likes : Most fruits, Herbal Tea.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Shelly's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : "Oh. Well, thank you for the thought."
|               :    Hates : "...I'm sorry, but I really don't like this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Simon
|      Birthday : Winter 8
|      Location : General Store
|       Day Off : Monday
| Relationships : Phoebe (daughter), Barbara (wife)
|   Personality : Gentle, caring, helpful
|    Occupation : General Store Manager/Owner
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island.
|          Meet : At the General Store
|         Loves : Any yam recipes.
|         Likes : Yams.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Simon's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "That's so nice of you. Thank you very much."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "Well, I don't like it very much..."
|               :    Hates : "I don't like this at all... How depressing."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sue
|      Birthday : Spring 27
|      Location : Pineapple Inn
|       Day Off : None
| Relationships : Selena (daughter), Samson (husband)
|   Personality : Controlling, demanding, worrisome
|    Occupation : Inn Owner/Operator, Fisherwoman
|       Arrival : Never; lives on Toucan Island after creating first rainbow
|          Meet : At Pineapple Inn (on Toucan Island)
|         Loves : Fish and crustacean dishes.
|         Likes : Bananas, coconuts.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Sue's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : "Thanks."
|               : Disliked : "Sorry, but I don't like this."
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Taylor
|      Birthday : Summer 19
|      Location : Souffle Farm
|       Day Off : None
| Relationships : Anissa (sister), Craig (father), Ruth (mother)
|   Personality : Conniving, enterprising, smart.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : 6th arrival after making first rainbow (see Goddess section)
|          Meet : Will introduce himself at your farm when he arrives.
|         Loves : Chocolate dishes.
|         Likes : 
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Taylor's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Wow! Thanks. I like it!"
|               :  Neutral : "Thanks!"
|               : Disliked : "Hmm. I don't like it."
|               :    Hates : "Uh, I don't know what to do with this. I hate
|               :          : this."
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yolanda
|      Birthday : Summer 10
|      Location : Sundae Inn
|       Day Off : Sunday
| Relationships : Maya (granddaughter), Jake (son)
|   Personality : Grandmotherly, a bit of a busy-body
|    Occupation : Cook
|       Arrival : Initially resides on the island
|          Meet : Opening scenes (automatic)
|         Loves : Anything recipe with chocolate.
|         Likes : Most teas and other recipes.
|      Dislikes : Mushrooms, bamboo shoots.
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Yolanda's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : "Thank you, I'm pleased."
|               :  Neutral : "Thank you."
|               : Disliked : "I don't like it too much."
|               :    Hates : 
| _____________________________________________________________________[VLC]_
|                                                                             |
| Villagers' Children                                                         |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/There are five pairs of bachelors and bachelorettes that will marry if you
| become close enough friends with each of them. If they marry, they also
| will have children that become characters on the island.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Angie
|       Parents : Julius and Candace
|      Birthday : Varies by Julius and Candace's marriage date
|      Location : Maple Lake Area
| Relationships : Julius (father), Candace (mother)
|   Personality : Calm, carefree.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Three seasons after Julius and Candace marry
|          Meet : At the Maple Lake area
|         Loves : Any cloth, most sweets.
|         Likes : 
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Angie's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : 
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Dakota
|       Parents : Chase and Maya
|      Birthday : Varies by Chase and Maya's marriage date
|      Location : Maple Lake Area
| Relationships : Chase (father), Maya (mother)
|   Personality : Cheerful, outgoing.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Three seasons after Chase and Maya marry
|          Meet : At the Maple Lake area
|         Loves : All sweets.
|         Likes : Most fruits.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Dakota's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : 
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Heath
|       Parents : Calvin and Phoebe
|      Birthday : Varies by Calvin and Phoebe's marriage date
|      Location : Maple Lake Area
| Relationships : Calvin (father), Phoebe (mother)
|   Personality : Curious, intelligent.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Three seasons after Calvin and Phoebe marry
|          Meet : At the Maple Lake area
|         Loves : Egg dishes.
|         Likes : Gems, minerals, ores and wonderfuls.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Heath's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : 
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Matt
|       Parents : Toby and Renee
|      Birthday : Varies by Toby and Renee's marriage date
|      Location : Maple Lake Area
| Relationships : Toby (father), Renee (mother)
|   Personality : Laid-back, happy.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Three seasons after Toby and Renee marry
|          Meet : At the Maple Lake area
|         Loves : Fish recipes, most crop recipes.
|         Likes : Most fish, most crops.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Matt's gift preferences, see
|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : 
|               :    Hates : 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Van
|       Parents : Jin and Anissa
|      Birthday : Varies by Jin and Anissa's marriage date
|      Location : Maple Lake Area
| Relationships : Jin (father), Anissa (mother)
|   Personality : Intelligent, serious.
|    Occupation : None
|       Arrival : Three seasons after Jin and Anissa marry
|          Meet : At the Maple Lake area
|         Loves : Medicines, juices.
|         Likes : Herb dishes and herbs.
|      Dislikes : 
|         Hates : 
|          Note : For a comprehensive list of Van's gift preferences, see

|               : the Gifts by Recipient section (search for { GBR } without
|               : the spaces).
|          Gift :    Loved : 
|     Responses :    Liked : 
|               :  Neutral : 
|               : Disliked : 
|               :    Hates : 
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<PAS>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |       Places and Shops      |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/The island is home to several shops for you to purchase various seeds,
| foods, animals and everything else you could need.
| _____________________________________________________________________[SHP]_
|                                                                             |
| Shops                                                                       |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility introduces a new system for the shops,
| oriented around the shops earning certain star ratings. The higher a shop's
| rating, the better goods they'll sell.
| So how does a shop's rating rise? Their fate is tied directly to yours: the
| more you ship, the more they grow. Shipping dairy products helps grow
| Brownie Ranch, whereas shipping crops helps grow Souffle Farm.
| Certain items require your farm to be on a certain level before they will
| become available. For more information on farm ranks, see the Farm Ranks
| section (search for [ FRA ] without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {THA} _
| Town Hall
|      Location : Waffle Town
|       Purpose : Town center and, for you, selling land plots.
|         Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Sundays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Hamilton, Gill, Elli
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Elli
| The Town Hall, for your purposes, is the place to buy additional land
| plots. Your first plot is free, but each additional plot costs money. There
| are four total available: the three that you chose from initially and a
| fourth up in the mountains.
| Product List       Price
| Hillside Plot      7800G
| Town Plot          7500G
| Seaside Plot       7200G
| Mountain Plot     18000G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BRO} _
| Brownie Ranch
|      Location : Ganache Mine District (Northwest)
|       Purpose : Selling animals and various tools for animal care taking
|         Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Renee, Cain, Hanna, Gray
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Cain
| The Brownie Ranch is your resource for all animal-related needs. Animals,
| feed, tools and miracle potions can all be purchased here.
| Brownie Ranch operates on a star system. As the star rating increases, more
| items become available. To increase Brownie Ranch's star rating, you need to
| ship ranch-related goods (animal products). When you ship 5000G worth of
| goods, Brownie Ranch will increase to two stars; when you sell an additional
| 5000G (10000G total), Brownie Ranch will increase to three stars.
| Product List             Price      Rank Required
| Brush                    1200G        *
| Bell                      750G        *
| Shears                   1200G        *
| Milker                   1500G        *
| Medicine                  600G        *
| Saddle                   2400G        *
| Horse Miracle Potion     2700G       * *
| Cow Miracle Potion       2100G        *
| Sheep Miracle Potion     1800G        *
| Goat Miracle Potion      1800G       * *
| Mayonnaise (Good)         180G        *
| Butter (Good)             225G        *
| Cheese (Good)             255G        *
| Honey (Decent)            150G        *
| Fodder                     15G        *
| Feed                       15G        *
| Horse (Foal)             6300G       * *
| Chicken (Adult)          2100G        *
| Duck (Adult)             2400G      * * *
| Cow (Calf)               4500G        *
| Sheep (Lamb)             4200G        *
| Goat (Kid)               3600G       * *
| Ostrich (Chick)         13500G      * * *
| Silkworm (Adult)         2850G        *
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SOF} _
| Souffle Farm
|      Location : Ganache Mine District
|       Purpose : Selling seeds and tools for raising crops.
|         Hours : 7:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Saturdays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Anissa, Craig, Ruth, Taylor
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Ruth
| The Souffle Farm is your chief resource for all your crop-related needs.
| Seeds, produce, trees and fertilizer can all be found here.
| Souffle Farm operates on a star system. As the star rating increases, more
| items become available. To increase Souffle Farm's star rating, you need to
| ship farm-related goods (basically, crops). When you ship 5000G worth of
| goods, Souffle Farm will increase to two stars; when you sell an additional
| 5000G (10000G total), Souffle Farm will increase to three stars.
| Product List              Price      Rank Required
| (Spring Seeds)
|   Turnip Seeds              60G        *
|   Potato Seeds              75G        *
|   Cabbage Seeds            135G        *
|   Breadfruit Seeds         210G        *
|   Strawberry Seeds         600G        *
|   Lavender Flower Seeds     60G       * *
|   Tulip Flower Seeds        90G      * * *
|   Moondrop Flower Seeds     75G      * * *
|   Spring Seed Mix          150G        *
| (Summer Seeds)
|   Corn Seeds               210G        *
|   Onion Seeds               75G        *
|   Honeydew Seeds           735G        *
|   Tomato Seeds             225G        *
|   Watermelon Seeds         480G        *
|   Sunflower Seeds           75G        *
|   Pansy Flower Seeds        60G      * * *
|   Pinkcat Flower Seeds      60G      * * *
|   Summer Seed Mix          150G        *
| (Fall Seeds)
|   Pumpkin Seeds            195G        *
|   Rice Seeds               120G        *
|   Spinach Seeds             75G        *
|   Yam Seeds                135G        *
|   Eggplant Seeds           285G        *
|   Blue Mist Flower Seeds   525G      * * *
|   Cosmos Flower Seeds       75G        *
|   Morning Glory Seeds       75G        *
|   Fall Seed Mix            150G        *
| (Winter Seeds)
|   Buckwheat Seeds          150G        *
|   Anemone Flower Seeds      90G       * *
|   Snowflake Flower Seeds   150G      * * *
| (Year-Round Seeds)
|   Apple Tree Seed          570G        *
|   Mora Tree Seed           450G        *
|   Chestnut Tree Seed       525G        *
|   Grape Tree Seed          555G        *
|   Orange Tree Seed         540G        *
|   Hali Tree Seed           300G        *
| (Spring Produce)
|   Strawberry (Perfect)     435G        *
|   Cabbage (Perfect)        270G        *
|   Cherry (Regular)         315G        *
| (Summer Produce)
|   Watermelon (Perfect)     375G        *
|   Corn (Perfect)           210G        *
|   Tomato (Perfect)         195G        *
|   Honeydew (Perfect)       690G        *
|   Orange (Regular)         195G        *
| (Fall Produce)
|   Pumpkin (Perfect)        195G        *
|   Yam (Perfect)             75G        *
|   Eggplant (Perfect)       150G        *
|   Apple (Regular)          225G        *
|   Grape (Regular)          210G        *
|   Chestnuts (Regular)      120G        *
| (Winter Produce)
|   Buckwheat (Decent)        75G      * * *
| (Fertilizer)                       
|   Fertilizer (one season)   90G       * *
|   Rapid Fertilizer (two)   180G       * *
|   Happy Fertilizer (three) 225G      * * *
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {CAR} _
| Carpenter's Shop
|      Location : Ganache Mine District
|       Purpose : Upgrading your house and building new buildings.
|         Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Saturdays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Luke, Dale, Bo
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Dale
| The Carpenter's Shop is also your local Haverty's - most of your furniture
| will be purchased from this shop.
| Product List
| (Buildings and Upgrades)   Price      Wood    Stone
|   New Home (New Building)  4500G      27      27
|   Home Level 2 (Upgrade)   3000G      18      16
|   Home Level 3 (Upgrade)   6000G      27      24
|   Home Level 4 (Upgrade)   9000G      36      32
|   Home Level 5 (Upgrade)  12000G      45      40
|   Coop (New Building)      2400G      10      10
|   Coop Level 2 (Upgrade)   4800G      22      22
|   Barn (New Building)      3000G      12      12
|   Barn Level 2 (Upgrade)   6000G      22      22
| (House Decors)     Price
|   Simple            750G
|   Country          1500G
|   Cute             2250G
|   Gorgeous         4500G
| (Beds)             Price (Single)    Price (Double)
|   "Normal"         1500G             5250G
|   "Cute"           1500G             5250G
|   "Chic"           1800G             5700G
|   "Straw (Chic)"    450G             1950G
|   "Straw (Normal)"  600G             2100G
|   "Gold"           3000G             6000G
|   "Rococo"         3300G             6000G
|   "Royal"          3750G             6750G
| (Wardrobes)        Price (Small)     Price (Medium)    Price (Large)
|   "Normal"         N/A               2400G             3300G
|   "Chic"           1500G             2550G             3450G
|   "Cute"           1950G             N/A               3900G
| (Cabinets)         Price (Small)     Price (Medium)    Price (Large)
|   "Normal"         1200G             1500G             2250G
|   "Chic"           1200G             1500G             2400G
|   "Cute"           1350G             1650G             2700G
| (Drawers)          Price (Normal)    Price (Large)
|   "Simple"         1800G             3750G
|   "Chic"           1800G             3750G
|   "Cute"           4200G             8500G
| (Bookshelves)      Price
|   "Simple"         1500G
|   "Green"          1800G
| (Tables)           Price (Square)    Price (Round)
|   "Simple"         2700G             N/A
|   "Chic"           2400G             3300G
|   "Wood"           N/A               3000G
|   "Modern"         N/A               3300G
| (Chairs)           Price (Normal)    Price (Backrest)
|   "Normal"          300G             600G
|   "Country"         300G             300G
|   "Cute"            375G             375G
|   "Simple"          375G             675G
|   "Modern"*         375G             675G
|   "Brown"*          450G             720G
| (Couches)          Price (Loveseat)  Price (Full Couch)
|   "Normal"          750G             1500G
|   "Country"         750G             1500G
|   "Chic"            780G             1800G
|   "Fancy"*          750G             1650G
|   "Brown"*          780G             1875G
|   "Artsy"**         750G             1650G
|  * - the "Modern" and "Brown" chairs and the "Fancy" and "Brown" couches
|      are NOT available at the Carpenter's Shop; they are sold by Bo at
|      the Market. They are listed here for simplicity.
| ** - the "Artsy" couches are NOT available at the Carpenter's Shop; they
|      are sold by Owen at the Market. They are listed here for simplicity.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SUP} _
| General Store
|      Location : Waffle Town
|       Purpose : Purchasing kitchen utensils, food and other items.
|         Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Phoebe, Barbara, Simon
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Simon
| The General Store is just that: super. They sell everything here, but the
| most important parts are the kitchen utensils (listed under Makers in the
| shop menu). The Makers themselves are pretty important as well.
| The General Store operates on a star system. As the star rating increases,
| more items become available. To increase the General Stores's star rating,
| you need to ship non-farm or -ranch related goods (fish, gems/wonderfuls,
| ores/minerals, foragables, cooked dishs, etc.). When you ship 5000G worth of
| goods, The General Store will increase to two stars; when you sell an
| additional 5000G (10000G total), the General Store will increase to three
| stars.
| Product List
|(Cooking Utensils)  Price*: Normal    Rustic    Simple**   Cute** Beautiful***
|   Cutting Boards            1500G     1500G     1650G    1800G       3000G
|   Frying Pans               1800G     1800G     1950G    2100G       3300G
|   Mixers                    1200G     1200G     1350G    1500G       2700G
|   Pots                      2250G     2250G     2400G    2550G       3750G
|   Ovens                     2550G     2550G     2700G    2850G       4050G
|   Aging Pots                2175G     2175G     2475G    2325G       3675G
|   Matches                    600G
|   * - These 5 initials represent the 5 types of utensil: Normal, Rustic,
|       Simple, Cute, and Beautiful.
|  ** - These classifications of item require a two-star General Store to be
|       available.
| *** - The 'Beautiful' utensils are NOT purchased from the General Store, but
|       from Mira at the Spring and Summer Flea Markets. They are provided
|       here for convenience.
| (Tools)                Price         Rank Required
|   Iron Tool (Any)      3000G           *
|   Copper Tool (Any)    7500G           *
|   Silver Tool (Any)   15000G           *
|   Gold Tool (Any)     30000G           *
| Note : you can only buy the higher version of a tool if you have the
|      : lower-level tool as well (so, you can't buy a silver tool without
|      : first having the copper tool). Tools can also be upgraded at the
|      : Blacksmith Shop (see Blacksmith Shop section, search for { BLA }
|      : without the spaces).
| (00 Makers)            Price         Rank Required
| Mayonnaise Maker       3000G           *
| Cheese Maker           4200G           *
| Butter Maker           3750G           *
| Yarn Maker w/ Dye Pot  4500G           *
| Note : '00 Makers' are not available until a coop or barn are constructed.
| (Household Items)  Price         Rank Required
| (Calendars)
|   Chic              180G           *
|   Lovely            225G           *
|   Simple*           150G
| (Televisions)
|   Cheap             600G           *
|   Normal           1350G          * *
|   Gorgeous         5250G         * * *
| (Telephones)
|   Classical         750G          * *
|   Country           750G          * *
|   Cute              750G          * *
|   Heartful          900G          * *
|   Simple*           825G
|   Luxurious**      1050G
| (Clocks)
|   Round             525G           *
|   Square            600G           *
|   Gorgeous         1275G         * * *
|   Artsy**           750G
| (Heating)
|   Wood-Burning      900G          * *
|   Oil-Burning      1800G         * * *
|   Foreign**        1350G
| (Refrigerators)
|   Small            1200G           *
|   Medium           2250G          * *
|   Large            3750G         * * *
|   Small (Simple)*  1350G
|   Medium (Simple)* 2700G
|   Large (Simple)*  4200G
| (Books)
|   TV Listing        450G           *
|   Island History    450G           *
|   Island Guide V2   750G           *
|   Advanced Mining   750G          * *
|   Advanced Fishing  750G          * *
|   Advanced Farming  750G          * *
|   Animal Care Guide 750G          * *
|   Parenting Guide   750G          * *
| (Miscellaneous)
|   Rattle            900G           *
|  * - These items (Simple Calendar, Simple Phone, Simple Refrigerators) are
|      NOT sold at the General Store; they are sold by Owen at the Arts
|      Festival. They are provided here for convenience.
| ** - These items (Luxurious Telephone, Artsy Clock and Foreign Heater) are
|      NOT sold at the General Store; they are sold by Bo at the Arts
|      Festival. They are provided here for convenience.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TAL} _
| Tailor Shop
|      Location : Waffle Town
|       Purpose : Purchasing clothes and jewelry.
|         Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM , closed Sundays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Candace, Luna, Shelly
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Shelly
| Once the Tailor Shop arrives (after creating the first rainbow), you'll be
| able to buy different clothes and jewelry to outfit your character. Note
| also that I have no way of knowing how several of these things will be
| translated in the English version, so these names likely will change.
| Product List             Price
| (Clothes)
|   Blue Clothes           1500G
|   Red Clothes            1800G
|   Yellow Clothes         2100G
|   Green Clothes          2400G
|   Purple Clothes         2700G
| Note : each of the above is available as both a spring/summer and a
|      : fall/winter outfit, as well as both a boy's and a girl's outfit. The
|      : price remains the same regardless of season and gender. Boys' clothes
|      : are named "Formal" (spring/summer) and "Border" (fall/winter), while
|      : girls' clothes are "Urban" (spring/summer) and "Pop" (fall/winter).
| (Accessories)
|   Straw Hat               900G
|   Newsboy                1800G
|   Cap                    2100G
|   Wool Cap               2400G
|   Pirate Banada          3000G
|   Ten-Gallon Hat         3300G
| Rucksack Upgrades         Required Items
| Upgrade #1 (15 slots)     None (obtained free when Tailor Shop arrives)
| Upgrade #2 (20 slots)     Good Flax Yarn (2), Good Wool Yarn (2),
|                           Good Silk Yarn (2)
| Upgrade #3 (25 slots)     Yellow Flax Yarn (2), Red Wool Yarn (2),
|                           Green Silk Yarn (2)
| Upgrade #4 (30 slots)     Shining Flax Yarn (1), Shining Wool Yarn (1),
|                           Shining Silk Yarn (1)
| Note : the above Rucksack upgrades do not operate as a shop, but rather are
|      : obtained by talking directly to Shelly at the shop. Talk to her to
|      : obtain the list of ingredients, then talk to her again when you have
|      : the ingredients in your rucksack.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BLA} _
| Blacksmith Shop
|      Location : Ganache Mine District
|       Purpose : Purchasing and upgrading tools.
|         Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Julius, Owen, Chloe, Ramsey, Mira
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Ramsey
| The blacksmith shop allows you to upgrade your tools, as well as creates
| jewelry and accessories from items you supply.
| Product List             Price     Ore Required
| (Tool Upgrades)
| Starter->Iron Upgrade    1000G     Iron Ore  
| Iron->Copper Upgrade     2500G     Copper Ore
| Copper->Silver Upgrade   5000G     Silver Ore
| Silver->Gold Upgrade    10000G     Gold Ore
| Note : the above prices apply for upgrades of the Sickle, Hoe, Hammer, Axe,
|      : Fishing Rod and Watering Can. These items can also be purchased from
|      : the General Store for more money, but without the ore requirement.
|      : For the ore, remember you must have Mira examine your ore to determine
|      : what ore it actually is.
| (Brooches)               Price        Gem Required     Ore Required
|   Toy                     195G        Glass            Copper
|   Silver                  315G        None             Silver
|   Gold                    375G        None             Gold
|   Peridot                 405G        Peridot          Copper
|   Rose Stone              420G        Rose Stone       Copper
|   Amber                   435G        Amber            Copper
|   Lapis Lazuli            450G        Lapis Lazuli     Copper
|   Spinel                  450G        Spinel           Copper
|   Jade                    480G        Jade             Copper
|   Moonlight               525G        Moonlight Stone  Copper
|   Sapphire                570G        Sapphire         Copper
|   Garnet                  600G        Garnet           Copper
|   Pearl                   600G        Pearl            Copper
|   Topaz                   855G        Topaz            Copper
|   Amethyst                870G        Amethyst         Copper
|   Aquamarine              885G        Aquamarine       Copper
|   Ruby                    975G        Ruby             Copper
|   Emerald                1020G        Emerald          Copper
|   Harvest Goddess        1095G        Rare Metal       Copper
|   Crystal                1200G        Crystal          Copper
|   Black Pearl            1350G        Black Pearl      Copper
|   Diamond                1650G        Diamond          Copper
| (Rings)                  Price        Gem Required     Ore Required
|   Toy                     645G        Glass            Silver
|   Silver                  765G        None             Silver
|   Gold                    825G        None             Gold
|   Peridot                 855G        Peridot          Silver
|   Rose Stone              870G        Rose Stone       Silver
|   Amber                   885G        Amber            Silver
|   Lapis Lazuli            900G        Lapis Lazuli     Silver
|   Spinel                  900G        Spinel           Silver
|   Jade                    930G        Jade             Silver
|   Moonlight               975G        Moonlight Stone  Silver
|   Sapphire               1020G        Sapphire         Silver
|   Garnet                 1050G        Garnet           Silver
|   Pearl                  1050G        Pearl            Silver
|   Topaz                  1305G        Topaz            Silver
|   Amethyst               1320G        Amethyst         Silver
|   Aquamarine             1335G        Aquamarine       Silver
|   Ruby                   1425G        Ruby             Silver
|   Emerald                1470G        Emerald          Silver
|   Harvest Goddess        1545G        Rare Metal       Silver
|   Crystal                1650G        Crystal          Silver
|   Black Pearl            1800G        Black Pearl      Silver
|   Diamond                2100G        Diamond          Silver
| (Pendants)               Price        Gem Required     Ore Required
|   Toy                     945G        Glass            Gold
|   Silver                 1065G        None             Silver
|   Gold                   1125G        None             Gold
|   Peridot                1155G        Peridot          Gold
|   Rose Stone             1170G        Rose Stone       Gold
|   Amber                  1185G        Amber            Gold
|   Lapis Lazuli           1200G        Lapis Lazuli     Gold
|   Spinel                 1200G        Spinel           Gold
|   Jade                   1230G        Jade             Gold
|   Moonlight              1275G        Moonlight Stone  Gold
|   Sapphire               1320G        Sapphire         Gold
|   Garnet                 1350G        Garnet           Gold
|   Pearl                  1350G        Pearl            Gold
|   Topaz                  1605G        Topaz            Gold
|   Amethyst               1620G        Amethyst         Gold
|   Aquamarine             1635G        Aquamarine       Gold
|   Ruby                   1725G        Ruby             Gold
|   Emerald                1770G        Emerald          Gold
|   Harvest Goddess        1845G        Rare Metal       Gold
|   Crystal                1950G        Crystal          Gold
|   Black Pearl            2100G        Black Pearl      Gold
|   Diamond                2400G        Diamond          Gold
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SIB} _
| Sundae Inn/Bar
|      Location : Waffle Town
|       Purpose : Sells food, and drinks at night in the bar.
|         Hours : 9:00AM -  5:00PM, closed Sundays/Holidays (Restaurant)
|               : 6:00PM - 12:00AM, closed Sundays/Holidays (Bar)
|     Villagers : Jake, Colleen, Maya, Kathy, Selena, Hayden
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Colleen (Inn before 5PM)/Hayden (Bar after 6PM)
| The Sundae Inn really serves more as a restaurant and bar than anything
| else; it does have rooms, but they don't actually serve any gameplay
| purpose.
| Product List            Price
| (Inn)
| Apple Pie                630G
| Banana Pudding           840G
| Fondue                   510G
| Mushroom Stir Fry        480G
| Omelette                 330G
| Shark Stew              1530G
| Sole Meuniere            630G
| Tomato Rice              660G
| Veggie Sandwich          390G
| Herbal Tea               105G
| Hot Chocolate            570G
| Milk Tea                 405G
| Pineapple Juice          405G
| Tomato Juice             240G
| Veryberry Juice          105G
| Warm Milk                330G
| (Bar)
| Apple Cocktail           345G
| Blueberry Cocktail       180G
| Buckwheat Cocktail       210G
| Coconut Cocktail         495G
| Grape Cocktail           300G
| Rice Cocktail            345G
| Yam Cocktail             285G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MRC} _
| Meringue Clinic
|      Location : Waffle Town
|       Purpose : Selling medicine, birthing children and caring for illness.
|         Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Irene, Jin
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Irene
| The Doctor's Office (also called Meringue Clinic) serves a typical purpose:
| selling medicine and caring for you when you get sick. Like other shops, they
| will get more items as the game goes along, but they do not have a star
| rating.
| Product List            Price
| Herbal Tea               105G
| Bodigizer                300G
| Cold Medicine            450G
| Stay Awake               375G
| Vegetable Juice          420G
| Bodigizer XL             525G
| Super Stay Awake         525G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FSC} _
| On the Hook
|      Location : Waffle Town Pier
|       Purpose : Home for fishermen, and a place to get fish-type foods.
|         Hours : 6:00AM - 10:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
|     Villagers : Toby, Paolo, Ozzie, Pascal
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Ozzie
| On the Hook has a variety of fish-related dishes for you to purchase;
| they don't sell anything usable, though.
| Product List             Price
| Grilled Clam              195G
| Grilled Squid             210G
| Grilled Horse Mackerel    150G
| Grilled Saury             180G
| Grilled Salmon            405G
| Grilled Sardine           120G
| Grilled Mackerel          135G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PNI} _
| Pineapple Inn
|      Location : Toucan Island (accessed by creating first rainbow)
|       Purpose : As a shop, buying rare seeds
|         Hours : 7:00AM - 8:00PM
|     Villagers : Samson, Sue
| Part-Time Job : Yes; speak to Samson
| Pineapple Inn sells some rare seeds that can't be found on the main island.
| All their seeds are available year-round.
| Product List             Price
| Cocoa Seeds               225G
| Spicy Pepper Seeds         30G
| Hibiscus Flower Seeds      90G
| Green Bell Flower Seeds   165G
| Banana (Regular)          150G
| Pineapple                 180G
| Fancy Seashell            210G
| Southern Omelette         555G
| Southern Fried Rice       765G
| Pineapple Juice           405G
| Coconut Milk              375G
| Banana Milk               600G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TYS} _
| Taylor's Seeds
|      Location : Phone accessible only
|       Purpose : Purchasing seeds not available elsewhere
|         Hours : 24 hours a day, every day
|     Villagers : Taylor
| Part-Time Job : No
| Taylor's seed shop is different from every other shop on the island. It's
| only accessible via phone (except when he first introduces himself), it's
| available absolutely all the time, and seeds you order appear instantly in
| your rucksack (if there's room, otherwise you won't be able to buy from him).
| Taylor doesn't arrive until first Winter at the earliest (if you completed
| the first goddess rainbow in first Spring). His number for ordering is 881.
| All his seeds are available year round, even though they are planted
| seasonally.
| Product List               Price         Season
| Spring Seed Mix             150G         Spring
| Breadfruit Seeds            210G         Spring
| Cabbage Seeds               135G         Spring
| Flax Seeds                  120G         Spring
| Potato Seeds                 75G         Spring
| Strawberry Seeds            600G         Spring
| Hyacinth Flower Seeds        75G         Spring
| Tulip Flower Seeds           90G         Spring
| Green Herb Seeds            105G         Spring
| Summer Seed Mix             150G         Summer
| Corn Seeds                  210G         Summer
| Onion Seeds                  75G         Summer
| Tomato Seeds                225G         Summer
| Watermelon Seeds            480G         Summer
| Begonia Flower Seeds         75G         Summer
| Lily Flower Seeds           120G         Summer
| Sunflower Flower Seeds       75G         Summer
| Blue Herb Seeds             120G         Summer
| Fall Seed Mix               150G         Fall
| Carrot Seeds                 60G         Fall
| Eggplant Seeds              285G         Fall
| Rice Seeds                  120G         Fall
| Spicy Pepper Seeds           30G         Fall
| Chrysanthemum Flower Seeds   60G         Fall
| Cosmos Flower Seeds          75G         Fall
| Rose Flower Seeds           105G         Fall
| Purple Herb Seeds           135G         Fall
| Buckwheat Seeds             150G         Winter
| Green Bell Flower Seeds     165G         Winter
| Yellow Herb Seeds           120G         Winter
| _____________________________________________________________________[OPB]_
|                                                                             |
| Other Places and Buildings                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/There are several other buildings around the island that serve as homes and
| places of non-commercial activity.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Town Square
| Location : Waffle Town
|    Hours : 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
|  Purpose : The Town Square is the home of many of the festivals for the
|            island, as well as the Clock Tower, which plays an important role
|            in obtaining the quilt for the goddess quest.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Waffle Town Pier
| Location : Waffle Town (south)
|    Hours : 6:00AM - 10:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
|  Purpose : The hours listed are for the Ferry, actually, though that's the
|            only relevant purpose for the Pier. The Ferry will shuttle you
|            over to Toucan Island, as well as shuttle new villagers to your
|            island. It's only available after completing Daren's rainbow.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Library
| Location : Waffle Town (upstairs from Town Hall)
|    Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Sundays/Holidays
|  Purpose : Provides books on various island topics; basically a glorified
|          : tutorial area.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lighthouse
| Location : Waffle Town (west)
|    Hours : 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
|  Purpose : The Lighthouse serves no real purpose until you finally complete
|            all 5 goddess rainbows. Then you'll have to pay a single 5 minute
|            visit to it. But it looks nice, right?
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Church
| Location : Maple Lake District
|    Hours : 7:00AM - 6:00PM, OPEN Holidays
|  Purpose : The location of your eventual wedding, but little else.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Graveyard
| Location : Maple Lake District
|    Hours : 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
|  Purpose : Any animals that pass away will be buried here, but fortunately
|            villagers don't pass away during the game.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Hot Spring
| Location : Ganache Mine District
|    Hours : 24 hours/day, 7 days/week
|  Purpose : Not technically a building, but a location of interest
|          : nonetheless. The Hot Spring will fully restore your stamina once
|          : per day. Note that 'day' in this terminology is once between every
|          : two nights of sleeping; if you stay up all night, you can't use
|          : the Hot Springs again on the second day if you used it on the
|          : first.
|          :
|          : Several people - myself included - have had trouble finding the
|          : hot spring the first time. To find it, walk all the way to the
|          : east in the River District until you hit the river. If you start
|          : to cross a bridge, you're too far south; if you hit a cliff,
|          : you're too far north. Then, when you hit the river, head north,
|          : wrap around behind the waterfall, climb the tricky rocks, walk
|          : back around the path and finally press A by the hot spring to use
|          : it.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<FES>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |          Festivals          |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/As with all Harvest Moon games, festivals are one of the most entertaining
| aspects. In Tree of Tranquility, there are fewer festivals, and they fall
| into two main categories: Market festivals and Romantic festivals.
| Market festivals are essentially places to buy various goods from the
| villagers. Each month has a monthly market, and there are a few other markets
| as well. Markets aren't only for buying goods: there are occasionally small
| mini-games and scenes, and you can talk to various villagers there.
| Romantic festivals are occasions to spend some time with your beloved. For
| the majority of them, you have to ask your beloved to the festival the day
| before. Some of them have the option of participating alone, but the primary
| reason for the festivals is romance.
| _____________________________________________________________________[SPF]_
|                                                                             |
| Spring Festivals                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {NYD} _
| New Year's Day Sunrise
|    When : Spring 1, automatically after New Year's Eve
|   Where : Beach
|    Type : Romantic
| Details : Hardly a festival, but tradition makes me want to include this
|         : since almost every HM game has a New Year's Day event.
|         : In Tree of Tranquility, rather than a big event, New Year's Day is
|         : celebrated by watching the sunrise at the beach, alone or with your
|         : spouse if you're married. It follows right after the New Year's Eve
|         : Festival automatically.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FLF} _
| Flower Festival
|    When : Spring 10, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Town Square
|    Type : Market
| Details : A market festival, mainly for buying flower- and crop-related
|         : goods. Booths are run by Anissa and Ruth. There's also a mini-game,
|         : accessible by talking to Gill, that involves catching bugs.
| Product List               Price      Season (if applicable)
| (Anissa's Booth)
|   Happy Fertilizer          225G
|   Begonia Flower Seeds       75G      Summer
|   Hyacinth Flower Seeds      75G      Spring
|   Lily Flower Seeds         120G      Summer
|   Moondrop Flower Seeds      75G      Spring
|   Tulip Flower               90G
|   Lavender Flower            75G
|   Blue Perfume             1815G
|   Red Perfume               315G
|   Yellow Perfume            240G
| (Ruth's Booth)
|   Blue Herb Seeds           120G      Summer
|   Green Herb Seeds          105G      Spring
|   Purple Herb Seeds         135G      Fall
|   Red Herb Seeds            135G      Fall
|   Yellow Herb Seeds         120G      Winter
|   Blue Herb                 105G
|   Green Herb                 45G
|   Purple Herb                90G
|   Red Herb                   75G
|   Yellow Herb                60G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SPK} _
| Spring Market
|    When : Spring 22, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Town Square
|    Type : Market
| Details : A run-of-the-mill market. Booths are run by Maya, Simon, and
|         : Candace.
| Product List               Price
| (Maya's Booth)
|   Mixer (Gorgeous)         2700G
|   Cutting Board (Gorgeous) 3000G
|   Frying Pan (Gorgeous)    3300G
|   Aging Pot (Gorgeous)     3675G
|   Pot (Gorgeous)           3750G
|   Oven (Gorgeous)          4050G
|   Grilled Yam*              165G
|   Ostrich Mayonnaise*       480G
|   Rice Ball                  60G
| (Candace's Booth)
|   Cosmos Flower              75G
|   Snowflake Flower          120G
|   Blue Clothes (Boys')     3600G
|   Red Clothes (Boys')      3900G
|   Yellow Clothes (Boys')   4200G
|   Green Clothes (Boys')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Boys')   4800G
|   Pink Clothes (Girls')    3600G
|   Yellow Clothes (Girls')  3900G
|   Green Clothes (Girls')   4200G
|   Blue Clothes (Girls')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Girls')  4800G
| (Simon's Booth)
|   Apple*                    225G
|   Bamboo Shoot              315G
|   Glass                      45G
|   Omelette*                 240G
|   Pontata Root              225G
|   Red Herb Seeds            135G
|   Wool Yarn (Decent)        375G
| * - these items are also ingredients in one of the goddess recipes. The Apple
|     is especially notable since it's an ingredient in the first recipe, and
|     this Market is the only place to get one before late Summer and Fall.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ANF} _
| Animal Festival
|    When : Spring 28, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Brownie Ranch
|    Type : Market
| Details : The Animal Festival combines all the classic animal competitions.
|         : Instead of entering an animal in each category, you can only enter
|         : one animal. And instead of getting to choose which animal you 
|         : enter, your oldest one is automatically entered. Therefore, the
|         : only way to have a different animal enter the contest is to sell
|         : the older one. Yes, this sucks, and no, I don't know why they did
|         : it this way.
|         : To enter the contest, head to the Brownie Ranch area sometime after
|         : 9:00AM on Spring 28. Talk to Cain when you arrive and let him know
|         : you'd like to enter the contest. After saying so, your oldest
|         : animal will automatically be entered - regardless of what species.
|         : To hear the winner, be in the area of Brownie Ranch at 5:00PM.
|         : The prize announcement will interrupt your normal play, and after
|         : it's done you'll be outside the area. If you won, re-enter the area
|         : right away and talk to the Mayor as quickly as possible to obtain
|         : your prize - if you don't hurry, he'll go home and you won't
|         : receive your prize. Yes, this is done stupidly as well.
|         : To win, you need your animal to have as many hearts as possible. An
|         : animal with 10 hearts will always win something, though it won't
|         : always win first prize - it appears to be somewhat random, although
|         : replaying that one day hasn't guaranteed any change in results. If
|         : your animal has less than 10 hearts, it can still win something,
|         : though only 10 hearts will guarantee a prize.
|         : The prize listings are:
|         : 1st Prize: 120 Fodder or 120 Feed
|         : 2nd Prize:  30 Fodder or  30 Feed
|         : 3rd Prize:  10 Fodder or  10 Feed
|         : Whether you receive fodder or feed is dependent on what animal was
|         : entered: poultry will yield feed, while livestock will yield
|         : fodder.
|         : In addition to the contest, Hanna and Renee run sales booths:
| Product List               Price
| (Hanna's Booth)
|   Butter (Perfect)          315G
|   Cheese (Perfect)          360G
|   Mayonnaise (Perfect)      225G
|   Flax Yarn (Good)          540G
|   Silk Yarn (Good)         1050G
|   Wool Yarn (Good)          465G
| (Renee's Booth)
|   Apple Jam                 630G
|   Cheese Omelette           435G
|   Marmalade Jam             495G
|   Mushroom Gratin           675G
|   Pancake                   885G
|   Stew                      675G
|   Veryberry Jam             210G
|   Yogurt                    345G
| _____________________________________________________________________[SMF]_
|                                                                             |
| Summer Festivals                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {OCF} _
| Ocean Festival
|    When : Summer 7, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : At the beach
|    Type : Market
| Details : Buy and sell ocean-related goods (like the market, only just sea
|         : products). Pascal and Sue run booths at the Ocean Festival, and
|         : there's a mini-game unlockable by talking to Craig.
| Product List               Price
| (Pascal's Booth)
|   Fish Soup                 690G
|   Grilled Clam              195G
|   Grilled Squid             210G
|   Roasted Corn              240G
|   Sashimi (Good)            795G
|   Baked Potato              180G
| (Sue's Booth)
|   Banana Milk               600G
|   Banana Pudding            840G
|   Chocolate Banana          495G
|   Coconut Juice             375G
|   Honeydew Milk             705G
|   Orange Cookie             480G
|   Orange Juice              225G
|   Pineapple Juice           405G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FWD} _
| Fireworks Display
|    When : Summer 7, at 7:00PM
|   Where : At the beach
|    Type : Romantic
| Details : The Fireworks Display occurs on the same day as the Ocean Festival,
|         : but practically is a separate event. It falls under the umbrella of
|         : 'romantic festivals', as its primary purpose is to give you a
|         : romantic evening with your beloved.
|         : To ensure you have a date for the display, you must speak to the
|         : bachelor/ette you wish to accompany you sometime during the day
|         : before. Any bachelor/ette with 3 hearts or more can be asked to
|         : the display, so even in your first year you can have a date if you
|         : hurry.
|         : Once you speak to an eligible bachelor/ette with enough hearts on
|         : Summer 6, they will invite you to accompany them to the festival.
|         : If you agree, you won't receive any other invitations, so make sure
|         : to talk to your everyone first if you want to receive as many
|         : invitations as possible. You can decline someone's invitation and
|         : then talk to them again later to receive it again, however.
|         : When you have a date, simply go to the beach area on Summer 7 at
|         : 7:00PM and your date will begin. If you stand them up, their heart
|         : level will decrease, so keep the date! The date will begin promptly
|         : at 7:00PM, so it's best to get there before that. It will be over
|         : at 10:00PM.
|         : Obtaining the date is actually identical when you're married,
|         : except that only your husband/wife will invite you. Simply speak to
|         : them the day before and the date will be set up.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SMK} _
| Summer Market
|    When : Summer 22, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Town Square
|    Type : Market
| Details : The Summer market is another standard market. The product list for
|         : the Summer market is identical to the Spring market.
| Product List               Price
| (Maya's Booth)
|   Mixer (Gorgeous)         2700G
|   Cutting Board (Gorgeous) 3000G
|   Frying Pan (Gorgeous)    3300G
|   Aging Pot (Gorgeous)     3675G
|   Pot (Gorgeous)           3750G
|   Oven (Gorgeous)          4050G
|   Grilled Yam*              165G
|   Ostrich Mayonnaise*       480G
|   Rice Ball                  60G
| (Candace's Booth)
|   Cosmos Flower              75G
|   Snowflake Flower          120G
|   Blue Clothes (Boys')     3600G
|   Red Clothes (Boys')      3900G
|   Yellow Clothes (Boys')   4200G
|   Green Clothes (Boys')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Boys')   4800G
|   Pink Clothes (Girls')    3600G
|   Yellow Clothes (Girls')  3900G
|   Green Clothes (Girls')   4200G
|   Blue Clothes (Girls')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Girls')  4800G
| (Simon's Booth)
|   Apple*                    225G
|   Bamboo Shoot              315G
|   Glass                      45G
|   Omelette*                 240G
|   Pontata Root              225G
|   Red Herb Seeds            135G
|   Wool Yarn (Decent)        375G
| * - these items are also ingredients in one of the goddess recipes. The Apple
|     is especially notable since it's an ingredient in the first recipe, and
|     this Market is the only place to get one before late Summer.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FFF} _
| Firefly Festival
|    When : Summer 24, at 7:00PM
|   Where : Waterfall area
|    Type : Romantic
| Details : Like the Fireworks Display, the Firefly Festival is primarily a
|         : romantic festival (you can participate alone, but where's the fun
|         : in that?).
|         : Finding your date functions identically to the Fireworks Display:
|         : simply talk to any bachelor/ette with three or more hearts and they
|         : will ask if you want to accompany them. Say yes and the date will
|         : be set, but you won't receive any more invitations. Say no and
|         : you'll be able to talk to them again later to receive the
|         : invitation once more.
|         : To participate in the festival, simply be in the waterfall area
|         : at 7:00PM. The date will begin promptly at 7:00PM, so it's best to
|         : be there a little while before that. The date ends at 10:00PM.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FAF]_
|                                                                             |
| Fall Festivals                                                              |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ARF} _
| Arts Festival
|    When : Fall 12, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Town Square
|    Type : Market
| Details : The Arts Festival is the festival for all the non-food ingredients,
|         : such as accessories and furniture. Booths are run by Mira, Bo and
|         : Owen.
| Product List                     Price
| (Owen's Booth)
|   Calendar (Simple)               150G
|   Couch (Loveseat, Simple)        750G
|   Couch (Full Sofa, Simple)      1650G
|   Phone (Simple)                  825G
|   Refrigerator (Small, Simple)   1350G
|   Refrigerator (Medium, Simple)  2700G
|   Refrigerator (Large, Simple)   4200G
| (Bo's Booth)
|   Chair (Lovely)                  720G
|   Chair (Chic)                    675G
|   Couch (Loveseat, Urban)         750G
|   Couch (Loveseat, Lovely)        780G
|   Couch (Full Sofa, Urban)       1650G
|   Couch (Full Sofa, Lovely)      1875G
|   Cuckoo Clock                    750G
|   Phone (Royal)                  1050G
|   Potbelly Stove                 1350G
|   Stool (Lovely)                  450G
|   Stool (Chic)                    375G
| (Mira's Booth)
|   Black Pearl Ring               1800G
|   Diamond Pendant                2400G
|   Emerald Ring                   1470G
|   Ruby Pendant                   1725G
|   Sapphire Brooch                 570G
|   Topaz Brooch                    855G
|   Toy Brooch                      195G
|   Toy Pendant                     945G
|   Toy Ring                        645G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FAK} _
| Fall Market
|    When : Fall 22, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Town Square
|    Type : Market
| Details : Another standard market, with booths run by Elli, Taylor and
|         : Julius.
| Product List               Price
| (Elli's Booth)
|   Carrot Cake               900G
|   Chestnut Pie              555G
|   Cookie                    300G
|   Herb Cookie               345G
|   Mont Blanc Cake           870G
|   Pumpkin Cake              990G
|   Pumpkin Pudding           495G
|   Pumpkin Pie               645G
|   Shortcake                1095G
|   Yam Cake                  660G
| (Julius's Booth)
|   Copper                    120G
|   Silver                    165G
|   Gold                      225G
|   Blue Clothes (Boys')     3600G
|   Red Clothes (Boys')      3900G
|   Yellow Clothes (Boys')   4200G
|   Green Clothes (Boys')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Boys')   4800G
|   Red Clothes (Girls')     3600G
|   Yellow Clothes (Girls')  3900G
|   Green Clothes (Girls')   4200G
|   Blue Clothes (Girls')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Girls')  4800G
| (Taylor's Stall)
|   Bow (Girls')            15000G
|   Bunny Ears (Hat)         9000G
|   Samurai Wig (Boys')     15000G
|   Top Hat                  5100G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {HVF} _
| Harvest Festival
|    When : Fall 27, 9:00AM - 5:00PM
|   Where : Brownie Ranch
|    Type : Market
| Details : The market festival centered around selling crop products, similar
|         : to how the Flower Festival was for flowers/herbs, the Ocean
|         : Festival was for ocean goods, and the Arts Festival was for arts
|         : and crafts. The only booth is run by Craig:
| Product List               Price
| (Craig's Booth)
|   Rapid Fertilizer          180G
|   Buckwheat Seeds           150G
|   Green Bell Flower Seeds   165G
|   Yellow Herb Seeds         120G
|   Carrot (Good)             150G
|   Onion (Good)              105G
|   Spinach (Good)            120G
|   Strawberry (Perfect)      435G
|   Tomato (Good)             165G
| Additionally, at the Harvest Festival there is a cooking competition. You'd
| think that better dishes would be more likely to win, but there doesn't seem
| to be any pattern. There are prizes, however; first prize is 10 Bodigizer
| XLs, second prize is 10 Bodigizers, and third prize is 10 Tomato Juices.
| Remember, if you win, you have to run back to Hamilton on Brownie Ranch by
| 6PM to claim your prize.
| _____________________________________________________________________[WTF]_
|                                                                             |
| Winter                                                                      |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {THF} _
| Thanksgiving Festival
|    When : Winter 10, all day
|   Where : No central location
|    Type : Romantic
| Details : The Thanksgiving Festival is a gift-giving holiday with a romantic
|         : component, although it isn't strictly romantic - every villager
|         : will talk about their Thanksgiving celebration.
|         : The main components of the festival revolve around giving and
|         : receiving cakes, though. At 6:00AM, the bachelor/ette with the
|         : highest heart level will show up at your house and give you a cake
|         : closely matching their favorite type of gift. Only the
|         : bachelor/ette with the highest heart level will show up (so you can
|         : only receive one cake), and they will only show up if they have at
|         : least 3 hearts in their friendship meter.
|         : Then, throughout the day, you can give cakes to the various
|         : bachelor/ettes on the island for an extra relationship boost. You
|         : can give as many cakes as you want to as many people as you want.
|         : For information on how to make a cake, see the Recipes section.
|         : When you're married, you're still expected to give your spouse a 
|         : cake when they mention the Thanksgiving Festival. You'll also
|         : celebrate with your spouse and child (if you have one) later that
|         : evening, and your spouse will give you a gift.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WTM} _
| Winter Market
|    When : Winter 22, 9:00AM to 5:00PM
|   Where : Town Square
|    Type : Market
| Details : The Winter Market is another standard market. It holds the same
|         : product list as the Fall Market.
| Product List               Price
| (Elli's Booth)
|   Carrot Cake               900G
|   Chestnut Pie              555G
|   Cookie                    300G
|   Herb Cookie               345G
|   Mont Blanc Cake           870G
|   Pumpkin Cake              990G
|   Pumpkin Pudding           495G
|   Pumpkin Pie               645G
|   Shortcake                1095G
|   Yam Cake                  660G
| (Julius's Booth)
|   Copper                    120G
|   Silver                    165G
|   Gold                      225G
|   Blue Clothes (Boys')     3600G
|   Red Clothes (Boys')      3900G
|   Yellow Clothes (Boys')   4200G
|   Green Clothes (Boys')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Boys')   4800G
|   Red Clothes (Girls')     3600G
|   Yellow Clothes (Girls')  3900G
|   Green Clothes (Girls')   4200G
|   Blue Clothes (Girls')    4500G
|   Purple Clothes (Girls')  4800G
| (Taylor's Stall)
|   Bow (Girls')            15000G
|   Bunny Ears (Hat)         9000G
|   Samurai Wig (Boys')     15000G
|   Top Hat                  5100G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SNF} _
| Starry Night Festival
|    When : Winter 25, at 7:00PM
|   Where : Alan's Tree at Brownie Ranch
|    Type : Romantic
| Details : Like the Fireworks Display, the Starry Night Festival is primarily
|         : a romantic festival and must be attended with a date.
|         : Finding your date functions identically to the Fireworks Display:
|         : simply talk to any bachelor/ette with three or more hearts and they
|         : will ask if you want to accompany them. Say yes and the date will
|         : be set, but you won't receive any more invitations. Say no and
|         : you'll be able to talk to them again later to receive the
|         : invitation once more.
|         : To participate in the festival, simply be at Alan's Tree at Brownie
|         : Ranch at 7:00PM. The date will trigger as long as you arrive at the
|         : ranch between 7:00PM and 8:00PM, but you'll want to leave yourself
|         : plenty of time to get there - if you're like me, you've noticed it
|         : always takes longer to get from place to place than you expect.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {NYE} _
| New Year's Eve Festival
|    When : Winter 28, automatically at 10:00PM
|   Where : Your House/Around Town
|    Type : Romantic
| Details : The New Year's Eve Festival is an interesting Festival. Unlike
|         : every other festival, in which you have to make arrangements and be
|         : at a certain location, your participation in the New Year's Eve
|         : Festival is mandatory and automatic. At 10:00PM, no matter where
|         : you are, you'll be transported home to watch an event with the
|         : townspeople. If you're married, you'll instead be transported home
|         : at 9:00PM for a little event with your spouse.
|         : This festival is immediately followed by the New Year's Day
|         : sunrise.
| _____________________________________________________________________[GMS]_
|                                                                             |
| Game-Specific                                                               |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/These are yearly events whose date is specific to your game, such as your
| character's birthday and your anniversary.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {YBD} _
| Your Birthday
|    When : Specified by you at the beginning; lasts all day
|   Where : No specific location
| Details : On your birthday, every villager - regardless of your level of
|         : friendship with them - will wish you a happy birthday. You won't
|         : receive any gifts from the villagers, though.
|         : If you're married, your spouse will make a fest to celebrate. To
|         : trigger the event, just enter your house later in the day. No time
|         : will pass for the feast.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {YAN} _
| Your Anniversary
|    When : The date of your wedding, at 6:00PM
|   Where : Your House
| Details : At 6:00PM, be back at your house. Your spouse will ask you if you
|         : know what day it is: answer correctly or they'll be very upset
|         : (and lose one ENTIRE heart from their heart level).
|         : After answering correctly, you and your spouse (and child, since
|         : your child will be born by your first anniversary) will partake of
|         : the feast. No time passes for the event, though.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {YCB} _
| Your Child's Birthday
|    When : The date of the child's birth, automatically at 6:00PM
|   Where : Your Farm
| Details : On the day of your child's birthday, you'll be automatically
|         : transported to your house at 6:00PM.
|         : Your spouse will ask you what day it is to make sure you know
|         : (answer correctly or they'll be rather upset). After answering
|         : correctly, they'll ask you which of a number of gifts you want to
|         : give to the child.
|         : You have six options: banana milk, broiled shark, pink-cat flower,
|         : herbal tea, amethyst, or junk ore. Needless to say, junk ore is a
|         : bad option, but among the other options, the best choice depends on
|         : your child.
|         : Your child is determined by who you married. The best gift option
|         : for each potential spouse's child is:
|         : Julius/Toby/Renee/Maya:   Pink-Cat Flower
|         : Chase/Calvin/Selena/Luna: Herbal Tea
|         : Gil/Jin/Candace/Anissa:   Herbal Tea
|         : Owen/Phoebe:              Banana Milk
|         : Luke/Kathy:               Broiled Shark
|         : You'll likely notice that Amethyst isn't listed as the 'best' gift
|         : option for any child, but it's not a bad gift option either - just
|         : not as good. The gift you choose doesn't need to be a gift you
|         : possess, so there's no reason not to choose your child's 'best'
|         : gift.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<FSH>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |           Fishing           |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[FMC]_
|                                                                             |
| Mechanics                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FOU} _
| Obtaining and Upgrading the Rod
| In order to fish, first you naturally must obtain a fishing rod. Obtaining
| the fishing rod is very simple: talk to Toby at On the Hook. He'll give
| you one for free. Now wasn't that easy?
| A new feature in Tree of Tranquility (compared to past Harvest Moon games) is
| that the fishing rod is actually upgradeable like the watering can, axe and
| other standard tools. The fishing rod has 5 levels: starter, iron, copper,
| silver and gold.
| In order to upgrade your fishing rod, you'll need two things: money (1000G
| for iron, 2500G for copper, 5000G for silver, 10000G for gold), and the
| corresponding mineral (Iron for iron, Copper for copper, Silver for silver,
| and Gold for - you guessed it - gold). Minerals are obtained from mining
| ores and having Mira appraise them.
| Alternatively, you can also outright purchase the next level fishing rod from
| the General Store: but in order to do so, you must already have the previous
| level (so the Copper rod is only for sale if you've already obtained the Iron
| rod). You don't need to obtain all the levels the same way, you can purchase
| an Iron rod, upgrade it to a Copper rod, then purchase the Silver rod if you
| so desire. But beware - purchasing a new tool is three times more expensive
| than upgrading (3000G for iron, 7500G for copper, 15000G for silver, 30000G
| for gold).
| What good does upgrading your fishing rod have, though? It has numerous
| effects:
|  - Less stamina use for the same amount of effort (see stamina below).
|  - Increased likelihood of catching higher-grade fish.
|  - The ability to catch fish that can't be caught with lower-grade rods.
|  - Easier to reel in the same type of fish (compared to lower-grade rod).
|  - The ability to cast farther.
| There are several important fish that simply can't be caught without an
| upgraded rod, so upgrading is crucial.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FHT} _
| How to Fish
| Fishing in Tree of Tranquility is a relatively easy process. Once you have
| your rod, simply go to one of the several fishing spots, equip the rod and
| use it by holding the WiiMote horizontally, quickly pulling it back to
| vertical, then quickly flicking it forward, mimicking the actual act of
| casting a fishing line. If you're using the Classic Controller, just press A.
| Unlike some recent Harvest Moon games, you won't actually see fish in the
| water. Instead, you must simply wait patiently while your hook dangles until
| something bites.
| When something bites, you'll hear an audible 'splash' noise, you'll feel
| a vibration in the WiiMote (if using it), and you'll see the hook start to
| get pulled. When this happens, pull the WiiMote up vertically and wiggle the
| nunchuk as fast as you can - or, if you're playing with the Classic
| Controller, just press A as fast as you can. The WiiMote motion is intended
| to mimic the actual act of reeling in a fish.
| If you successfully reel in the fish, it will appear in your hands and you
| can either drop it or put it in your rucksack. If you fail, it will swim off
| and you'll have to cast again.
| If you have an levelled-up fishing rod, you can power it up by holding it
| vertical for longer (for the WiiMote), or by holding the A button longer.
| It's necessary to power your rod up to catch better fish, cast further, or
| to use less stamina.
| Only same-type fish will stack in your rucksack, so if possible ship
| somewhere close to your house to have access to a fridge or shipping bin.
| This especially applies if you're fishing for profit, not for a specific
| type of fish.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FST} _
| Stamina
| Stamina use while fishing is interesting. Casting your line will use no
| stamina, and neither will sitting there waiting for a fish. The only time
| stamina is consumed is when a fish is resisting and you're trying to reel it
| in.
| This makes for some very interesting strategy, because this is the only tool
| usage in the game where you can run out of stamina halfway through using a
| tool. With other tools, you know if one more use will deplete your stamina
| fully, but with a fishing rod it's dependent on how fast you reel in the
| fish.
| Stamina is consumed equally by time no matter what fish is being reeled in:
| better fish just take more time to reel. Stamina is also consumed when you
| catch a junk item, like a boot or a can.
| As mentioned above, better rods take less stamina to reel in their fish, so
| upgrade when you get the chance.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FWH} _
| Why Fish?
| Fishing has many important uses in the game. Its usage is not as varied as
| mining and some other activities, but it is equally important:
|  - Profit. Fishing is a great way to make some extra money. Many fish sell
|    for upwards of 200G, making it easy to make some extra cash in your spare
|    time.
|  - Power Berry. Fishing is the only way to obtain a certain Power Berry. To
|    obtain it you must level your rod up to level 3 (note: you don't need to
|    upgrade it for this Power Berry, just level it through usage). The next
|    time you cast after that, you'll fish up this Power Berry.
|  - Food. Fish make great dishes, and are the ingredients in dozens of the
|    game's recipes.
|  - Completion. One of the items accessible on the information screens is a
|    "Fish List", which contains a list of all the possible fish obtained from
|    the rivers and ocean. If you're a completionist, you'll want to complete
|    this too.
|  - Goddess Recipes. By far the most important reason to fish is that every
|    single goddess recipe requires at least one fish:
|      - Carp (a fish) for Daren's (the first tree).
|      - Char (a fish) for Ben's (the second tree).
|      - Saury (a fish) for Collin's (the third tree).
|      - Wood Fish (a fish) for Alan's (the fourth tree).
|      - Tuna (a fish)  for Edge's (the fifth tree).
|    Daren's tree also requires a Good Herb Fish, a fish-related dish that must
|    be cooked yourself.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FTP} _
| Tips for a Successful Expedition
| If you're going on a fishing trip with the intention of bringing back a nice
| haul, here are a few tips:
|  - Choose your spot carefully. Some spots have much better fish available
|    than others, and there's no point spending all day at a spot when there's
|    better fish to be had elsewhere. Pay attention to your rod level when
|    checking spots - one spot might have better fish, but they might not be
|    catchable with your current rod.
|  - Use the weather. Certain weather patterns are better for fishing, most
|    notably rain. This is especially convenient given that rainy days mean
|    no crop watering, adding to the time you can spend fishing.
|  - Get there early, stay late. The best fishing times are early in the
|    morning and late at night, so either plan to spend all day there or do
|    your chores around mid-day when the fish are less active.
|  - Bring stamina-restoring items. Fishing depletes your stamina fast,
|    especially before you get any Power Berries or upgrade the rod: restoring
|    items will help. The best items for stamina recovery are Bodigizer XL,
|    any type of Pizza or any type of Buckwheat dish (except for Cocktails
|    or Chips). The best purchasable stamina recovery items are Bodigizer XL
|    (520G from the Clinic), Southern Omelette (550G from Pineapple Inn) and
|    Sweet Yam Cake (660G from the Fall/Winter markets).
|  - Decide whether to bring a match set. On the positive side, a match set
|    allows you to cook one of the fish you eat for stamina restoration. On
|    the negative side, it takes up a spot in your rucksack. If you're fishing
|    near the ocean, where all the bonfire pits are located, it's a good idea
|    to bring one; but it's useless if you're fishing in the river.
| _____________________________________________________________________[FCH]_
|                                                                             |
| The Fish Chart                                                              |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/This is a giant quick reference chart of every fish, its availability in
| different seasons, its availability in different locations, and its sale 
| price. If you have trouble figuring out what any column means, note the key.
| Key:
|   RU - River: Upstream  RM - River: Midstream   RD - River: Downstream
|   ML - Maple Lake       WO - Waffle Town Ocean  TI - Toucan Island
|   EG - East Gull Island WG - West Gull Island   GS - Goddess Spring
|   GC - Goddess Cave     GM - Ganache Mine Lake
|                                     Locations                    Seasons
| Fish             Price    RU RM RD ML WO TI EG WG GS GC GM   Spr Sum Fal Wnt
| Angler Fish       770G                      EG                            X
| Bonito            280G                WO    EG WG             X   X   X
| Carp              120G       RM RD ML                         X   X   X   X
| Catfish            80G             ML                         X   X   X   X
| Char              120G    RU                                  X   X   X   X
| Cod                80G                WO                              X   X
| Conger Eel        210G                WO                          X
| Crawfish           20G             ML                GC       X   X   X
| Eel               600G       RM RD ML                GC           X   X   X
| Flounder          120G                WO    EG WG             X       X   X
| Goby               40G                WO       WG             X   X   X   X
| Halibut           190G                WO    EG WG                     X   X
| Horse Mackerel     70G                WO                      X   X   X   X
| Huchen           1000G    RU RM                      GC GM    X   X   X   X
| King Fish        1600G                               GC GM    X   X   X   X
| Lobster           600G                   TI                           X   X
| Mackerel           60G                WO                              X   X
| Mahi-Mahi         310G                   TI                   X   X   X   X
| Manta Ray         350G                   TI                   X   X
| Masu Trout        110G    RU RM                               X   X   X
| Octopus           140G                WO    EG WG             X   X   X   X
| Pond Smelt         20G             ML                             X   X   X
| Prawn             150G             ML                             X   X   X
| Puffer Fish        50G                WO                      X           X
| Rainbow Trout      70G       RM                               X   X   X   X
| Redfin             30G       RM RD ML                         X   X   X   X
| Rockfish          230G                WO                      X   X
| Rock Lobster      240G                      EG WG             X           X
| Rock Trout        180G                WO    EG WG             X           X
| Salmon            240G    RU RM RD                                    X   X
| Sardine            50G                WO                              X   X
| Saury              70G                WO                              X   X
| Sea Bream         300G                      EG WG             X   X   X
| Seasky           1000G    RU RM RD                            X   X   X   X
| Shark             700G                   TI EG                    X   X
| Skull Jellyfish   950G                   TI                   X   X   X   X
| Squid             110G                WO    EG WG             X   X       X
| Swordfish         750G                   TI EG                X   X   X   X
| Tuna              600G                WO    EG                X       X   X
| Wood Fish         900G                            GS GC       X   X   X   X 
| Yellowtail        300G                WO    EG WG             X           X
| _____________________________________________________________________[LOC]_
|                                                                             |
| Fishing Locations                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/There are several places around the islands where you can fish, each with its
| own custom assortment of catchable fish. Some fish are only available in
| certain seasons, so each location's assortment of fish varies from season to
| season as well.
| Fish are listed in order of sale value and rarity (which are correlated).
| Fish marked with a * are ingredients in a goddess recipe; fish marked with a
| + are subject to a specific condition for catching (time of day, weather
| condition, etc.).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| River, Upstream
|    Location : River district, Northeast corner (waterfall area)
|        Type : Freshwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Masu Trout      X   X   X   X     110G
|     Char*           X   X   X   X     120G
|     Salmon                  X   X     240G
|     Huchen          X   X   X   X    1000G
|     Seasky+         X   X   X   X    1000G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| River, Midstream
|    Location : River District, East side
|        Type : Freshwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Redfin           X   X   X   X     30G
|     Rainbow Trout    X   X   X   X     70G
|     Masu Trout       X   X   X        110G
|     Carp*            X   X   X   X    120G
|     Eel                  X   X   X    600G
|     Huchen           X   X   X   X   1000G
|     Seasky+          X   X   X   X   1000G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| River, Downstream
|    Location : River District, Southeast corner
|        Type : Freshwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Redfin           X   X   X   X     30G
|     Carp*            X   X   X   X    120G
|     Salmon                   X   X    240G
|     Eel                  X   X   X    600G
|     Seasky+          X   X   X   X   1000G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Maple Lake
|    Location : Maple Lake District, West side
|        Type : Freshwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Crawfish         X   X   X         20G
|     Redfin           X   X   X   X     30G
|     Pond Smelt           X   X   X     30G
|     Catfish          X   X   X   X     80G
|     Carp*            X   X   X   X    120G
|     Prawn            X   X   X        150G
|     Eel                  X   X   X    600G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Waffle Town Ocean
|    Location : Southern Edge of Main Island
|        Type : Saltwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Goby             X   X   X   X     40G
|     Puffer Fish      X           X     50G
|     Sardine                  X   X     50G
|     Mackerel                 X   X     60G
|     Horse Mackerel   X   X   X   X     70G
|     Saury*                   X   X     70G
|     Cod                      X   X     80G
|     Squid            X   X       X    110G
|     Flounder         X       X   X    120G
|     Octopus          X   X   X   X    140G
|     Rock Trout       X           X    180G
|     Halibut                  X   X    190G
|     Conger Eel           X            210G
|     Rockfish         X   X            230G
|     Bonito           X   X   X   X    280G
|     Yellowtail       X           X    300G
|     Tuna*            X       X   X    600G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Toucan Island
|    Location : By Pascal's Ferry, after creating Daren's rainbow
|        Type : Saltwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Mahi-Mahi        X   X   X   X    310G
|     Manta Ray        X   X            350G
|     Lobster                  X   X    600G
|     Shark                X   X        700G
|     Swordfish        X   X   X   X    750G
|     Skull Jellyfish+ X   X   X   X    950G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| West Gull Island
|    Location : Across Daren's rainbow
|        Type : Saltwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Goby             X   X   X   X     40G
|     Squid            X   X       X    110G
|     Flounder         X       X   X    120G
|     Octopus          X   X   X   X    140G
|     Halibut                  X   X    190G
|     Rock Lobster     X           X    240G
|     Bonito           X   X   X        280G
|     Sea Bream        X   X   X        300G
|     Rock Trout       X           X    300G
|     Yellowtail       X           X    300G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| East Gull Island
|    Location : Across Collin's rainbow
|        Type : Saltwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Squid            X   X       X    110G
|     Flounder         X       X   X    120G
|     Octopus          X   X   X   X    140G
|     Halibut                  X   X    190G
|     Rock Lobster     X           X    240G
|     Bonito           X   X   X        280G
|     Sea Bream        X   X   X        300G
|     Rock Trout       X           X    300G
|     Tuna*            X       X   X    600G
|     Yellowtail       X           X    300G
|     Shark                X   X        700G
|     Swordfish        X   X   X   X    750G
|     Angler Fish                  X    770G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Ganache Mine
|    Location : Bottom of the Ganache Mine (30th floor)
|        Type : Freshwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Crawfish         X   X   X         20G
|     Huchen           X   X   X   X   1000G
|     King Fish        X   X   X   X   1600G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Goddess Spring
|    Location : Mt. Gelato, across Ben's rainbow, after befriending the Bear
|        Type : Freshwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Woodfish*+       X   X   X   X    900G
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Goddess Cave
|    Location : Behind the Waterfall, after reawakening the goddess
|        Type : Saltwater
|  Fish Chart :
|                     Spr Sum Fal Wnt  Price
|     Crawfish         X   X   X         20G
|     Eel                  X   X   X    600G
|     Woodfish         X   X   X   X    900G
|     Huchen           X   X   X   X   1000G
|     King Fish        X   X   X   X   1600G
| _____________________________________________________________________[FIS]_
|                                                                             |
| The Fish                                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/There are 41 different fish in Tree of Tranquility. All can be caught using
| some level fishing rod, and some can be purchased as well. Many can be used
| in recipes.
| 'Rarity' is my own device to describe how difficult it is to catch a certain
| fish - it is not actually a function in the game. Essentially, a fish with
| rarity 1 is easily catchable with the lowest-level rod, whereas a fish with
| rarity 4 requires a higher-level rod and a bit of luck. A fish with rarity 5
| requires a higher-level rod and also has some special condition associated
| with it.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Angler Fish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Winter
|     Rarity : 4
| Sale Price : 770G
|    Recipes : Grilled Angler Fish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bonito
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, East Gull Island, West Gull Island
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer, Fall
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 280G
|    Recipes : Grilled Bonito
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Carp
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Midstream/Downstream, Maple Lake
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 120G
|    Recipes : Daren's Rainbow, Grilled Carp
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Catfish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Maple Lake
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 80G
|    Recipes : Grilled Catfish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Char
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Upstream
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 120G
|    Recipes : Ben's Rainbow, Grilled Char
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cod
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 80G
|    Recipes : Grilled Cod
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Conger Eel
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Summer
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 210G
|    Recipes : Chirashi Sushi, Grilled Conger Eel, Conger Eel Bowl
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Crawfish
|       Type : Crustacean
|  Locations : Maple Lake, Goddess Cave
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer, Fall
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 20G
|    Recipes : Grilled Crawfish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Eel
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Midstream/Downstream, Goddess Cave
|    Seasons : Summer, Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 3
| Sale Price : 600G
|    Recipes : Eel Bowl, Grilled Eel
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Flounder
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Spring, Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 120G
|    Recipes : Grilled Flounder
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Goby
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 40G
|    Recipes : Grilled Goby
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Halibut
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 190G
|    Recipes : Grilled Halibut
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Horse Mackerel
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 70G
|    Recipes : Grilled Horse Mackerel
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Huchen
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Upstream/Midstream, Goddess Cave, Ganache Mine
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 4
| Sale Price : 1000G
|    Recipes : Grilled Huchen
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| King Fish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Ganache Mine, Goddess Cave
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 4
| Sale Price : 1600G
|    Recipes : Grilled King Fish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lobster
|       Type : Crustacean
|  Locations : Toucan Island
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 3
| Sale Price : 600G
|    Recipes : Grilled Lobster
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mackerel
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 60G
|    Recipes : Grilled Mackerel
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Mahi-Mahi
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Toucan Island
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 310G
|    Recipes : Grilled Mahi-Mahi
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Manta Ray
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Toucan Island
|    Seasons : Spring/Summer
|     Rarity : 3
| Sale Price : 350G
|    Recipes : Grilled Manta Ray
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Masu Trout
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Upstream/Midstream
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer, Fall
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 110G
|    Recipes : Grilled Masu Trout
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Octopus
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 140G
|    Recipes : Grilled Octopus
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pond Smelt
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Maple Lake
|    Seasons : Summer, Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 20G
|    Recipes : Grilled Pond Smelt
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Prawn
|       Type : Crustacean
|  Locations : Maple Lake
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer, Fall
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 150G
|    Recipes : Grilled Prawn, Spicy Seafood Stew, Steamed Egg
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Puffer Fish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Spring, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 50G
|    Recipes : Grilled Pufferfish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rainbow Trout
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Midstream
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 70G
|    Recipes : Grilled Rainbow Trout
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Redfin
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Midstream/Downstream, Maple Lake
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 30G
|    Recipes : Grilled Redfin
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rockfish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Spring/Summer
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 230G
|    Recipes : Grilled Rockfish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rock Lobster
|       Type : Crustacean
|  Locations : West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Spring, Winter
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 240G
|    Recipes : Chirashi Sushi, Grilled Rock Lobster
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rock Trout
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Winter/Spring
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 180G
|    Recipes : Grilled Rock Trout
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Salmon
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Upstream/Midstream/Downstream
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 240G
|    Recipes : Grilled Salmon, Salmon Cream Stew, Salmon Fried Rice
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sardine
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 50G
|    Recipes : Grilled Sardine, Sardine in Oil, Sardine Tomato Stew
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Saury
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean
|    Seasons : Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 1
| Sale Price : 70G
|    Recipes : Grilled Saury, Saury Tomato Stew
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sea Bream
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : East Gull Island, West Gull Island
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer, Fall
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 300G
|    Recipes : Grilled Sea Bream, Fish Soup, Steamed Turnips
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Seasky
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : River: Upstream/Midstream/Downstream*
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 5
| Sale Price : 1000G
|    Recipes : Grilled Seasky
|          * - the Seasky can only be caught during a typhoon.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shark
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Toucan Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Summer, Fall
|     Rarity : 4
| Sale Price : 700G
|    Recipes : Grilled Shark, Shark Fin Soup, Shark Fin Stew
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Skull Jellyfish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Toucan Island
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 4
| Sale Price : 950G
|    Recipes : Grilled Skull Jellyfish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Squid
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Spring, Summer, Winter
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 110G
|    Recipes : Grilled Squid, Seafood Fried Rice, Seafood Gratin, Seafood
|              Pizza, Seafood Rice, Seafood Stew, Squid Tomato Stew
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Swordfish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Toucan Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 4
| Sale Price : 750G
|    Recipes : Grilled Swordfish
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tuna
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Spring, Fall, Winter
|     Rarity : 3
| Sale Price : 600G
|    Recipes : Grilled Tuna, Tuna Bowl
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Wood Fish
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Goddess Spring*, Goddess Cave
|    Seasons : All
|     Rarity : 5
| Sale Price : 900G
|    Recipes : Grilled Wood Fish
|          * - the Wood Fish can only be caught at night.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Yellowtail
|       Type : Fish
|  Locations : Waffle Town Ocean, West Gull Island, East Gull Island
|    Seasons : Winter/Spring
|     Rarity : 2
| Sale Price : 300G
|    Recipes : Grilled Yellowtail
| _____________________________________________________________________[MFI]_
|                                                                             |
| Miscellaneous Fish Information                                              |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FPA} _
| Profit Analysis
| So, which spot is the most profitable for you to go fishing at when your rod
| is at a particular level? Sure, the ocean has better fish than the river, but
| what good does that do if your rod isn't strong enough to catch anything more
| than tin cans and rubber boots?
| We're going to analyze which fishing spots are best for different levels of
| fishing rods. The operative words here are "going to". We haven't done it
| yet. But we will! So check back later.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FCR} _
| Fish and Crustacean Recipes
| Many, many recipes involve fish. Dozens. And while in the above fish listing,
| all the recipes involving specific fish are listed, there are a number of
| recipes that simply require the use of any fish. These are listed here.
| Note that all of these recipes have a quality rating. The quality is related
| to the quality of the fish used for all recipes except Herb Fish, whose
| quality can also be related to the number of fish used.
| Recipes that can be made using any type of fish:
| Marinated Fish
| Herb Fish
| Sushi
| Sashimi
| Bouillabaise
| Meuniere
| Additionally, a few recipes involve crustaceans. Crustaceans are lobsters,
| crawfish, prawn and rock lobsters, and any of the three can be used in these
| recipes. Note that some of these recipes have quality ratings, but the
| quality is based on the fish used, not the crustacean.
| Recipes that can be made using any type of crustacean:
| Bouillabaise
| Seafood Doria
| Seafood Fried Rice
| Seafood Gratin
| Seafood Pizza
| Seafood Rice
| Seafood Stew
| Southern Fried Rice
| Southern Omelette
| Tempura Buckwheat Noodles
| For a full listing of the ingredients and utensils in every recipe, see my
| Recipe guide at http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933022/53834
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FRM} _
| Fish Recipe Mechanics
| Several fish recipes have a quality rating similar to crops - Decent, Good,
| Shining and Perfect. The precise basis of this quality is not fully known,
| but there is an equation that can determine the quality rather accurately.
| Each fish has a sale value, and each quality of each fish-basd recipe has a
| sale value. If you're creating a fish dish with a quality rating, there is a
| way to predict the quality. To do so, first sum the values of the fish you'll
| be using. Then, look at the prices of the four qualities of the dish you're
| producing. The dish produced will be the lowest-price dish whose sale price
| is higher than the value of the fish used.
| For example, say you're making an Herb Fish, and the value of the fish you're
| using is 350G. Decent Herb Fish sells for 260G, Good Herb Fish sells for 320G
| and Perfect Herb Fish sells for 630G. The lowest value higher than the fish
| value is 630G, so the product will be a Perfect Herb Fish.
| By that same token, if you want to produce a certain quality of dish, all you
| need to do is look at the sale value of the next-lowest quality. Make sure
| your fish are worth more than the value of that dish and you'll get the
| quality you want.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BIT} _
| Beach-Related Items
| There are several items that can be picked up at the beach, and this seems
| like as good a place as any to list these.
| _ _ _
| Algae
|   Obtained : Fished from the Ocean
| Sale Price : 10G
|       Uses : None, but drains stamina when fished up
| _ _ _
| Boot
|   Obtained : Fished from the Ocean
| Sale Price : 10G
|       Uses : None, but drains stamina when fished up
| _ _
| Can
|   Obtained : Fished from the Ocean
| Sale Price : 10G
|       Uses : None, but drains stamina when fished up
| _ _ _
| Clam
|   Obtained : Found on any beach
| Sale Price : 90G
|       Uses : Recipes (ingredient in Clam Soup, Grilled Clam, Sauteed Clam,
|              Seafood Doria, Seafood Rice, Seafood Stew)
| _ _ _
| Coral
|   Obtained : Found on any beach
| Sale Price : 50G
|       Uses : None, besides sale
| _ _ _
| Pearl
|   Obtained : Found on beach
| Sale Price : 300G (White), 800G (Black)
|       Uses : Jewelry, Journey Rucksack (Black)
| _ _ _ _ _
| Seashell
|   Obtained : Found on any beach
| Sale Price : 70G (Common), 140G (Fancy)
|       Uses : Daren's Rainbow recipe (common), sale
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sea Urchin
|   Obtained : Found on any beach
| Sale Price : 700G
|       Uses : Eat raw (restores 100 stamina), recipe (Grilled Sea Urchin)
| _ _ _ _
| Seaweed
|   Obtained : Found on any beach
| Sale Price : 40G
|       Uses : Recipes (Potato Miso Soup, Seaweed Miso Soup)
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Swim Shorts
|   Obtained : Fished from the Ocean
| Sale Price : 10G
|       Uses : None, but drains stamina when fished up
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<MIN>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |            Mining           |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[MMC]_
|                                                                             |
| Mechanics                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BAS} _
| The Basics
| Mining is a rather simple process. To start, just grab your hammer (not your
| hoe, like in some past Harvest Moon games) and enter the mine - mine
| locations can be found under the "The Mines" section (search for [ MIN ]
| without the spaces).
| Descend the first staircase at the entrance to find yourself on the 1st floor
| of the mine (note that mine floors are numbered top-to-bottom, so the 1st
| floor is the closest to the surface and the 50th floor is the closest to the
| bottom). Every floor (with a few exceptions) operates in the same way: a
| large area with several characteristic items. These include:
|  - Stairs: Each floor contains two staircases: one going up, and one going
|    down.
|  - Holes: Most floors contain some holes in the ground, marked by 'X's on the
|    ground. These X's, when stepped on, become holes, plummeting you down a
|    random number of floors.
|  - Rocks: Rocks are the foundation of the mine. Smashing them can yield ores,
|    items or afflictions.
|  - Crystals: Crystals are like ores, except they house more valuable
|    treasures, called wonderfuls, and can also hold afflictions.
|  - Items: There are also some items that can be immediately spotted on the
|    mine floor. These can be picked up just like any other item.
| When you break a rock or crystal, you will sometimes find an item contained
| in the rock (this is the entire purpose of mining). If you do, you can either
| pick it up or leave it - if you leave it, it will remain on the ground
| indefinitely. You'll need to put your tool away to pick it up, and you can
| obviously only put it in your rucksack if you have space. Ores and wonderfuls
| dug up in the mine do not stack, unfortunately, although pontata roots,
| mushrooms and toadstools will.
| How you behave in a mine will depend on what you intend to do. Sometimes
| you'll want to get down to a certain level, sometimes you'll just want to get
| down as far as you can, and sometimes you'll just want to find a particular
| item.
| Regardless of what you're there to do, though, the controls remain the same.
| Break rocks to try to find ores; break crystals to try to find wonderfuls;
| to descend, get to the staircase or step on an 'X'; and to ascend and leave
| the mine, get to the up staircase and choose 'top floor'.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SHG} _
| Stairs, Holes and Geysers
| There are two ways to descend the mine: stairs and holes. Stairs are the
| reliable way: when you approach the downward staircase, you'll be
| automatically transported down one level in the mine - never more than one.
| Oftentimes the stairs are visible immediately upon entering a level of the
| mine. However, sometimes - especially at lower floors - the staircase is
| hidden under a rock. To find it, either smash all the rocks on the level, or
| look carefully for a rock with an odd looking square below it, typically not
| bordered by any other rocks.
| Holes are a riskier, but often faster, way of descending. If you step on an
| 'X', you will fall down a random number of floors in the mine, between 1 and
| 9. Additionally, holes are often much more accessible than the stairs, given
| that a particular floor will contain several holes but only one staircase.
| So, holes are often a more efficient method for descending the mine - and,
| though you might suspect otherwise, holes carry no stamina penalty.
| Holes have a risk associated with them, however: sometimes when you fall down
| a hole, you'll land on a geyser. Geysers are the opposite of holes: they'll
| propel you upwards a random number of floors, oftentimes sending you higher
| than the floor you started on.
| Geysers become more frequent at lower floors, making it more difficult to get
| to the deepest sections of the mine.
| Ascending to the top of the mine can also be done by simply touching the
| upwards staircase: you'll receive the option to automatically ascend all the
| way to the surface.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {AFL} _
| Afflictions
| "I think I have the black lung, pop." Zoolander quotes aside, ores and
| wonderfuls aren't the only things that pop up when you break a rock or
| crystal. There are multiple afflictions that come in the form of different
| colored gases. These afflictions will affect your efforts to descend the
| mine:
|    Red : Stamina loss (your character loses stamina points - 20 for 'lost a
|          little stamina', 50 for 'lost a lot of stamina')
|   Blue : Temporary paralysis (inability to move for around 10 game-minutes).
|  Green : Stamina restoration (your character regains around 300 stamina
|        : points).
| Purple : Temporary confusion (joystick directions no longer map to the
|        : character's direction, and randomly change).
|  Black : Blindness (the visibility around your character drastically
|        : shrinks).
|  White : Slowness (your character's movement speed is severely restricted) or
|        : Quickness (your character's movement speed is drastically raised).
| Yellow : Stamina restoration (your character regains around 100 stamina
|        : points).
| You can get rid of a timed affliction (blue, purple, black, white) by
| changing floors, either by stepping on an 'X' or ascending/descending a
| staircase.
| Afflictions will spread outward from the initial location in various
| patterns and at different speeds. Oftentimes you'll be able to avoid the
| affliction before it hits you - just run away as soon as you hear the sound
| of a gas spewing. Unfortunately you'll likely also miss the stamina
| restoration gasses, but that's a small price to pay.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {OAW} _
| Ores and Wonderfuls
| The two main items that can be found in the mine are ores and wonderfuls.
| Both are only accessible by smashing apart rocks (for ores) and crystals (for
| wonderfuls). When a rock or crystal is smashed, an ore or wonderful may
| appear on the ground for you to pick up.
| Ores and wonderfuls themselves are very different from the way ores and gems
| have been obtained in past Harvest Moon games. If I could italicize this
| next sentence, I would: ores and wonderfuls, by themselves, are essentially
| worthless. They have very low shipping values and cannot be used for tool
| upgrades, jewelry creations or effective gifts.
| Instead, ores and wonderfuls hold within them minerals and gems. It's as if
| the true "identity" of the ore or wonderful is hidden from you, and can only
| be established by a gifted refiner - and conveniently, there is a gifted
| refiner on the island: Mira.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {APR} _
| Refining
| Every ore and wonderful houses an item. Sometimes the item is of a greater
| value, but sometimes the item is junk. The item an ore or wonderful holds
| corresponds to the color/type of the ore or wonderful: for example, Gold Ore
| contains either Gold (the treasure) or scrap iron (junk). Wonderfuls have
| three different levels of treasure: for example, a red-colored wonderful can
| contain a ruby (high-value), a spinel (medium-value), a rose stone
| (low-value) or red glass (junk).
| So how are you to tell what your ores and wonderfuls are? That's where Mira
| comes in. Mira works at the blacksmith's shop and is a specialist at refining
| your ores and wonderfuls. She'll even do it free of charge. To get Mira to
| refine your materials, talk to her and choose 'Refine' - don't just talk to
| her with the item in your hands or you'll inadvertently give it to her.
| Mira will let you know what the item truly is and will give it back to you:
| after that, the item will be identified in your rucksack as the mineral or
| gem instead of an ore or wonderful. After that, you can use it for jewelry
| or tool upgrades. It will also make a better gift, and the shipping value
| will be much higher.
| This presents a minor problem with mining though: wouldn't you hate to go to
| the mines and grab 8 wonderfuls, only to find out that they're all glass? Or
| to pick up a bunch of gold ore, only to find out they're all scrap? Luckily,
| there is a way to identify the value of the item held within an ore or
| wonderful while out mining: sparkles. When you uncover an ore or a wonderful,
| it may sparkle on the ground. If an ore sparkles, it contains the
| corresponding (iron, copper, silver, gold) mineral; if a wonderful sparkles,
| it contains a gem. Which gem the wonderful contains is indicated by the
| number of sparkles it has: a three-sparkle wonderful contains the most
| valuable gem of that color, whereas a one-sparkle wonderful contains the
| least valuable gem (though a gem nonetheless).
| However, in order to use the mineral or gem in tool upgrades or jewelry, and
| in order to have it sell for a higher price, it still must be manually
| refined by Mira. The sparkles are only there to help you identify what each
| gem or mineral is while mining.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MOL} _
| Moles
| Sometimes when you're mining, you'll come across a little mole in the field.
| Make sure PETA isn't watching, then smash the mole with your hammer. If you
| succeed, the mole will cough up an item: typically just a mushroom or a
| toadstool, but sometimes something more valuable, like a Bodigizer. How the
| mole got his hands on one of those is beyond me.
| Interestingly, moles are only found on floors ending in the number 5. They
| have been observed dropping five different items: mushrooms, toadstools,
| pontata roots, Stay Awake and Bodigizer.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WHM} _
| Why Mine?
| So, there's this great big part of the game called mining where you can
| dig up random stuff from the ground. So what, why bother?
| There are several useful reasons to make use of the mine:
|  - Cheaper tool upgrades. While you can upgrade your tools by simply
|    purchasing new ones at the General Store, it's a good deal cheaper to
|    upgrade them at the blacksmith's shop - but, he requires you to supply
|    the mineral for the upgrade.
|  - Jewelry. In order to make jewelry, you must supply the minerals and gems.
|    And since there's nowhere else to get them except the mine, you're locked
|    into that option if you want to make jewelry.
|  - Profit. Mining in Tree of Tranquility is a notably profitable task. Just
|    picking up a few Coppers and Silvers can yield a quick 500G, and your
|    profits will soar even higher if you get far enough down to start digging
|    up some gemstones, which sell for everything from 170G (Peridot) to 1000G
|    (Diamond). Additionally, harvesting the toadstools and mushrooms from the
|    mine is hugely profitable. Make Marinated Mushrooms with an herb and a
|    cutting board for an even larger profit.
|  - Power Berry and Pontata Roots. One of the game's five Power Berries is at
|    the bottom of the first (Ganache) mine, and the mines are also the only
|    place you can find Pontata Roots, a key ingredient in the medicine
|    category of recipes (Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Cold Medicine, Stay Awake
|    and Super Stay Awake). Additionally, an item at the bottom of the Mt.
|    Gelato Mine (the Shining Baumkuchen) has a high sale price and is loved as
|    a gift by all villagers.
|  - Completion. One of the items accessible on the information screens is a
|    "Gem List", which contains a list of all the possible products obtained
|    from the mines. If you're a completionist, you'll want to complete this
|    too.
|  - Meeting People. Every islander has an 'introduction event' that you must
|    experience before they will begin to go about their daily routine. For
|    a few islanders - most notably Calvin - this event happens on the 10th
|    floor of Ganache Mine.
|  - King Fish. The lake at the bottom of Ganache Mine is one of only two
|    places to find the elusive King Fish, and is the only one accessible
|    for the majority of the game (the other location requires you to complete
|    the goddess revival).
|  - Goddess Recipes. Two items required for the goddess recipes - a Blue
|    Wonderful and a Lapis Lazuli - are only obtainable within the mines.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {DTM} _
| Descending the Mine
| If your goal is to descend pretty deep into the mine, here are a few tips:
|  - Bring recovery items. Stamina will be a major threat to your descent, and
|    you'll be kicking yourself if you get down to the last 5 floors and run
|    out of stamina. The best items for stamina recovery are Bodigizer XL,
|    any type of Pizza or any type of Buckwheat dish (except for Cocktails
|    or Chips). The best purchasable stamina recovery items are Bodigizer XL
|    (520G from the Clinic), Southern Omelette (550G from Pineapple Inn) and
|    Sweet Yam Cake (660G from the Fall/Winter markets).
|    Be careful using mushrooms to restore stamina. They work, but they also
|    increase your fatigue, raising the odds that you'll pass out or have to
|    stumble home way too slowly.
|  - Start early. You don't want to stay there all night and into the next day
|    (unless you brought some Super Stay Awake), so get there early.
|  - Plan to spend the whole day. You never know how long it will take you to
|    get as far down as you want to go, so don't leave any chores - like
|    watering the crops or feeding the animals - for when you get back.
|  - Empty your rucksack of non-consumables. You'll be kicking yourself if you
|    come across five Diamonds but only have four spots in your rucksack. Keep
|    only food and your hammer in your rucksack if you plan to bring home a big
|    haul.
|  - Use the holes first, then the stairs. For the first few levels, the holes
|    are a great way to get down fast. But after about 2/3rds of the way down,
|    you'll find they lead to geysers more often, making them too risky. You'll
|    almost never encounter a hole that takes you all the way to the bottom
|    either, so don't plan to just use holes and assume eventually you'll get
|    lucky enough to go all the way down.
| _____________________________________________________________________[MIN]_
|                                                                             |
| The Mines                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/There are two mines in the game: the Ganache Mine, which is accessible first,
| and the Mt. Gelato Mine, which isn't accessible until later.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GAN} _
| Ganache Mine
| Accessible : From the start
|       Size : 30 Floors
|   Location : Ganache Mine District (no, really?), North of Town
|     Floors :
|                1-9 : Low-level ores (scrap, iron, copper).
|                (7) :  No items, only one hole, lots of geysers - use stairs.
|                 10 : Ruins, no items.
|              11-19 : Mid-level ores (silver, gold), low-level gems.
|               (19) :  More mushrooms and toadstools than imaginable.
|                 20 : Ruins, no items.
|              21-24 : High-level ores (gold, rare), mid-level gems.
|              25-29 : Mid-level gems.
|               (25) :  Many, many crystals for gems.
|                 30 : Goddess murals, underground lake, Power Berry.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MGM} _
| Mt. Gelato Mine
| Accessible : After completing Ben and Collin's Rainbows
|       Size : 50 Floors
|   Location : Base of Mt. Gelato
|     Floors :
|                1-9 : Mid-level ores (silver, gold), low-level gems.
|                 10 : Ruins, no items.
|              11-20 : High-level ores, mid-level gems.
|              21-29 : Mid-level gems.
|                 30 : Ruins, no items.
|              31-49 : High-level gems.
|                 50 : Goddess murals, Shining Baumkuchen.
|               Note : Shining Baumkuchen can be eaten for a substantial
|                    : stamina restoration (not permanent boost like a Power
|                    : Berry, though), can be sold for 2000G, or can be given
|                    : as a gift to any villager (every villager 'loves' it).
| _____________________________________________________________________[GOW]_
|                                                                             |
| Ores, Minerals, Wonderfuls and Gems                                         |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Below is a listing of all the ores, wonderfuls, gemstones and minerals that
| can be found in the mine. For convenience, they are organized both by product
| (gem or mineral) and by source (ore or wonderful).
| For the Mineral and Gem lists, remember that both tool upgrades and jewelry
| creations are performed at the blacksmith's shop.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {ORE} _
| Ores
| _ _ _ _ _
| Iron Ore
|        Found : Both mines, early floors.
|   Sale Price : 20G
|    Can Yield : Scrap Ore (0 sparkles), Iron (1)
| Yield Values : 10G (scrap) / 50G (iron)
|     Found In : Rocks
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Copper Ore
|        Found : Both mines, early floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Scrap Ore (0 sparkles), Copper (1)
| Yield Values : 10G (scrap) / 80G (copper)
|     Found In : Rocks
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Silver Ore
|        Found : Both mines, middle floors.
|   Sale Price : 40G
|    Can Yield : Scrap Ore (0 sparkles), Silver (1)
| Yield Values : 10G (scrap) / 110G (silver)
|     Found In : Rocks
| _ _ _ _ _
| Gold Ore
|        Found : Both mines, mid-to-late floors.
|   Sale Price : 50G
|    Can Yield : Scrap Ore (0 sparkles), Gold (1)
| Yield Values : 10G (scrap) / 150G (gold)
|     Found In : Rocks
| _ _ _ _ _
| Rare Ore
|        Found : Both mines, late floors.
|   Sale Price : 250G
|    Can Yield : Scrap Ore (0 sparkles), Rare Metal (1)
| Yield Values : 10G (scrap) / 630G (rare metal)
|     Found In : Crystals
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {WON} _
| Wonderfuls
| _ _ _
| Green
|        Found : Both mines, mid-to-late floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Glass (0 sparkles), Peridot (1), Jade (2), Emerald (3)
| Yield Values : 30G (glass) / 170G (peridot) / 220G (jade) / 580G (emerald)
|     Found In : Crystals
| _ _
| Red
|        Found : Both mines, mid-to-late level floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Glass (0 sparkles), Rose Stone (1), Spinel (2), Ruby (3)
| Yield Values : 30G (Glass) / 180G (Rose Stone) / 200G (Spinel) /
|              : 550G (Ruby)
|     Found In : Crystals
| _ _ _ _
| Yellow
|        Found : Both mines, mid-to-late level floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Glass (0 sparkles), Amber (1), Topaz (3)
| Yield Values : 30G (Glass) / 190G (Amber) / 470G (Topaz)
|     Found In : Crystals
| _ _ _
| Blue
|        Found : Both mines, mid-to-late level floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Glass (0 sparkles), Lapis Lazuli (1), Sapphire (2),
|              : Aquamarine (3)
| Yield Values : 30G (Glass) / 200G (Lapis Lazuli) / 280G (Sapphire) /
|              : 490G (Aquamarine)
|     Found In : Crystals
| _ _ _ _
| Purple
|        Found : Both mines, late level floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Glass (0 sparkles), Garnet (1), Amethyst (3)
| Yield Values : 30G (Glass) / 300G (Garnet) / 480G (Amethyst)
|     Found In : Crystals
| _ _ _
| White
|        Found : Both mines, late level floors.
|   Sale Price : 30G
|    Can Yield : Glass (0 sparkles), Moonlight Stone (1), Crystal (2),
|              : Diamond (3)
| Yield Values : 30G (Glass) / 250G (Moonlight Stone) / 700G (Crystal) /
|              : 1000G (Diamond)
|     Found In : Crystals
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MIN} _
| Minerals
| _ _ _
| Scrap
|   Found In : Both mines, early floors
| Yielded By : Any Ore
|   Sparkles : 0
| Sale Price : 10G
|       Uses : Sale
| _ _ _
| Iron
|   Found In : Both mines, early floors
| Yielded By : Iron Ore
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 50G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Starter->Iron Tool Upgrade
| _ _ _ _
| Copper
|   Found In : Both mines, early floors
| Yielded By : Copper Ore
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 80G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Iron->Copper Tool Upgrade, all Brooches
| _ _ _ _
| Silver
|   Found In : Both mines, early-to-middle floors
| Yielded By : Silver Ore
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 110G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Copper->Silver Tool Upgrade, all Rings
| _ _ _
| Gold
|   Found In : Both mines, middle-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Gold Ore
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 150G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Silver->Gold Tool Upgrade, all Pendants
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rare Metal
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Rare Ore
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 630G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Harvest Goddess Brooch/Ring/Pendant, Journey
|            : Rucksack
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GEM} _
| Gems
| _ _ _
| Glass
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Any Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 0
| Sale Price : 30G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Toy Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _
| Peridot
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Green Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 170G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Peridot Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Rose Stone
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Red Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 180G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Rose Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _
| Amber
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Yellow Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 190G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Amber Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Lapis Lazuli
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Blue Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 200G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Lapis Lazuli Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _
| Spinel
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Red Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 2
| Sale Price : 200G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Spinel Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _
| Jade
|   Found In : Both mines, mid-to-late floors
| Yielded By : Green Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 2
| Sale Price : 220G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Jade Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Moonlight Stone
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : White Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 250G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Moonlight Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _ _
| Sapphire
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Blue Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 2
| Sale Price : 280G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Sapphire Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _
| Garnet
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Purple Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 1
| Sale Price : 300G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Garnet Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _
| Topaz
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Yellow Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 470G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Topaz Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _ _
| Amethyst
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Purple Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 480G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Amethyst Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Aquamarine
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Blue Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 490G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Aquamarine Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _
| Ruby
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Red Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 550G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Ruby Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _
| Emerald
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : Green Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 580G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Emerald Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _
| Crystal
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : White Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 700G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Crystal Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _ _ _ _
| Diamond
|   Found In : Both mines, late floors
| Yielded By : White Wonderful
|   Sparkles : 3
| Sale Price : 1000G
|       Uses : Sale, Gift, Diamond Brooch/Ring/Pendant
| _____________________________________________________________________[OMI]_
|                                                                             |
| Other Mine Items                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Beyond minerals and gems, there are several other items that can be found in
| the depths of the mines as well. Some of these can be simply picked up, while
| others are hidden within rocks as well.
| _ _ _ _ _
| Mushroom
|            Found : Lying on the ground on any floor
|       Sale Price : 30G
| Stamina Restored : 50
|  Used in Recipes : Chirashi Sushi, Cold Medicine, Doria, Marinated Mushroom,
|                  : Mushroom Gratin, Mushroom Rice, Sauteed Mushroom
| _ _ _ _ _
| Toadstool
|            Found : Lying on the ground on any floor
|       Sale Price : 40G
| Stamina Restored : -100
|  Used in Recipes : Alan's (Red) Rainbow Recipe
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pontata Root
|            Found : Inside rocks on any floor
|       Sale Price : 150G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Cold Medicine, Stay Awake,
|                    Super Stay Awake
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Power Berry
|            Found : Lying on the ground, 30th floor of Ganache Mine
| Eating a Power Berry permanently increases your maximum stamina by 100
| points.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Shining Baumkuchen
|            Found : Lying on the ground, 50th floor of Mt. Gelato Mine
| The Shining Baumkuchen (a European type of cake) restores your stamina, but
| does not have any other known purpose.
| ___________________________________________________________________________

       __________________________________________________________/ /  / /
       |                                                          |/  / /
        |                     As the Days Go By                    |  / /
        |                                                          | / /
        |                 "God, family and friends:                |/ /
         |     in this order we are strengthened." -Lonnee Boggs    | /
         |________________________________________    ______________|/
                                                   |  |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<MFR>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |      Making Friends and     |/ /
                       |         Wooing Mates        | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/As in past Harvest Moon games, Tree of Tranquility operates based on a points
| system for affection Affection exists for all villagers, but plays a special
| role for the player's potential spouses. But before we get to that, let's
| take a look at how to earn affection. 
| _____________________________________________________________________[AFF]_
|                                                                             |
| Raising Affection                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Below are a list of ways to increase your affection (or friendship) with a
| given villager:
|  - Gifts: Giving gifts is the most clear way to gain friendship. Each
|    villager has gifts that they love, like, dislike and hate (see the
|    specific villager above for detailed information for each one). Giving
|    gifts that they love or like raises their affection ('love' more than
|    'like', obviously), whereas giving gifts they dislike or hate will lower
|    their friendship level.
|    Gifts are especially effective when given on birthdays: a birthday gift
|    given on a villager's birthday carries double the impact of the same gift
|    given any other day.
|  - Talking: Even just talking carries an affection increase. It's lower than
|    gift-giving, but even just speaking to a villager every day will help you
|    become their friend.
|  - Festival Mini-Games: Certain festivals and other events have mini-games
|    that you can play. It appears that winning the game raises your affection
|    with the villager conducting the game, especially Kathy with her horse
|    race.
|  - Part-Time Jobs: the part-time job system in Tree of Tranquility also
|    serves as a way to get into specific villagers' good graces. Working at
|    a shop will increase your friendship with all the other villagers that
|    also work in the shop.
| _____________________________________________________________________[AFM]_
|                                                                             |
| Affection Mechanics                                                         |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/The way raising affection works in Tree of Tranquility is still largely
| a mystery, but through lots of experimentation, contributor mister_jmp and I
| have come up with a reasonably comprehensive understanding of the system.
| Every villager's affection - or what's commonly referred to as heart level -
| is measured in the same way, using the 10-heart system. Each heart is
| comprised of 100 points - so, it takes 1000 affection points to raise a
| villager to the maximum level.
| The actions listed above each carry a bonus of a certain number of friendship
| points. Performing these actions adds some points to the villager's affection
| counter - when 100 points are gained, their heart level rises by 1 heart.
| The two most prominent ways of raising affection are Gift Giving and Talking.
| Talking to a villager is worth 5 affection points - so, if you simply talk
| to a villager every day, you'll raise their heart level by one heart in 20
| days.
| Gift-giving is a bit more complicated. There are several different categories
| of gifts, and each one carries a specific point bonus. But what's more
| important is that a villager's affection rating can only be raised by 10
| points per day through gift-giving. They'll accept multiple gifts until they
| have gained 10 affection points for the day, but once they've reached that
| point they'll stop accepting gifts for the day.
| The good news about this is that giving Neutral-level gifts can be just as
| useful as giving Loved gifts - you just have to give more of them. A common
| strategy is just to have several items on hand and give a person as many as
| they'll accept, guaranteeing that you've hit the maximum daily limit.
| The number of levels for gifts is not totally certain. Conventional wisdom
| suggests there are five levels: Loved, Liked, Neutral, Disliked and Hated.
| However, experimentation by mister_jmp has revealed that there may actually
| be 7 levels, with the 'Neutral' category being divided into three separate
| groups.
| The following chart describes the affection boosts of each action and gift.
| For gifts, remember that giving gifts that total more than 10 heart points
| will cap off at 10.
|                   Max Times
| Action             per Day       Heart Points
|          Speaking      1               + 5
|    Part-Time Work      1               + 1 (per hour worked, rounded up)
|      'Loved' Gift      1               +10
|    'Liked 1' Gift      2               + 8
|    'Liked 2' Gift      2               + 6
|  'Neutral 1' Gift      3               + 4
|  'Neutral 2' Gift      4               + 3
|  'Neutral 3' Gift      5               + 2
| 'Disliked 1' Gift  Unlimited           - 1
| 'Disliked 2' Gift  Unlimited           - 2
|    'Hated 1' Gift  Unlimited           - 3
|    'Hated 2' Gift  Unlimited           - 4
|    'Hated 3' Gift  Unlimited           - 5
| For the purposes of the rest of this guide, any gift listed as one of the
| five categories ('Loved', 'Liked', 'Neutral', 'Disliked' or 'Hated') falls
| under one of the sub-levels under that item category, but the specific
| sub-level is unknown. Considering there is really little or no difference in
| animation or verbal response between the three sublevels, the only way to
| test these is to actually give up to 5 of the same gift to a person. It's
| hard enough to find people to contribute when they only have to give one
| gift, so 5 is a bit out of the question.
| Birthdays double both the heart points gained from a gift and the cap on how
| many heart points can be gained in one day - so, on a person's birthday, each
| gift counts for twice as many points, and you can get up to 20 heart points.
| In effect this won't change how many gifts you give, only how much you gain
| from it.
| There have been reports of people actually receiving the 2-heart gift event
| from villagers who have not yet moved into the village because they worked
| where that person would eventually work, so part-time jobs raise the heart
| points of villagers who haven't yet arrived as well (for example, Phoebe
| with the General Store, and Chase with the Inn).
| _____________________________________________________________________[RMC]_
|                                                                             |
| Romance Mechanics                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [HEV] _
| Heart Events
| All villagers have affection ratings that indicate how strong your friendship
| with them is; however, this plays a special role with regards to the
| potential spouses. For these, the number of hearts corresponds to how close
| you are to being able to marry them.
| For this reason, the bachelors and bachelorettes have visible heart levels
| (0 through 10 hearts), and as your heart level with a particular
| bachelor/ette raises, certain events will be triggered. These "heart
| events" show your growing relationship with that person.
| Heart Events are different for each bachelor/ette, but follow the same
| general framework:
|  - At 2 Hearts, they will come to your house and give you a present (note:
|    this happens with every bachelor and bachelorette, regardless of your own
|    character's gender - it's more of a friendship event than a romantic one).
|  - At 4 Hearts, they will come ask you on a lunch date.
|  - At 5 Hearts, they will again come give you a present.
|  - At 6 Hearts, they will ask to meet you at Brownie Ranch.
| In addition to the above heart events, each eligible bachelor/ette has a
| favor that they will ask you at a certain point. For most, this occurs at
| around 5 hearts, but for some it occurs much earlier. Selena's event, for
| example, occurs as soon as you have completed the first rainbow.
| The Lunch Date and the Confession event are a bit delicate to trigger. In
| order to trigger them, you must talk to that bachelor/ette before 10:00AM.
| They will request the date, and if you confirm, they'll ask you to meet them
| somewhere at noon. All the girls request to meet them at the beach, while the
| guys have other locations. For girls' lunch dates, meet them on the beach
| alongside On the Hook, down the stairs from the pier on the left.
| The location of the confession event is the same for every bachelor/ette: at
| the tree on Brownie Ranch. For both dates, they will trigger at noon if you
| are there ahead of time, or as soon as you arrive if you're there before
| 1:00PM. If you don't arrive before 1:00PM, you'll miss the date and the
| bachelor/ette will get mad.
| Beware, though! If you trigger either of these events on the day before a
| "Romantic" festival, the bachelor/ette will first ask you about the date,
| then ask about the romantic festival, and then they'll actually stand you up
| for the date. But, their heart level will decrease as if you stood them up.
| There's no way to completely avoid this, given that you need to talk to them
| on those days to ask them on the date, so you're pretty much locked in if it
| happens that way. Don't worry, though, it only decreases it by one heart
| level, and you'll almost make that up at the romantic festival itself.
| Turning down the date or missing the date will both result in a dramatic
| decrease in the bachelor/ette's affection level - as much as a full heart
| level. This serves a double purpose: it's plot-relevant, since obviously the
| bachelor/ette would be offended to be turned down, but also it allows you to
| then trigger the date request again by leveling their heart level back up.
| So if you choose 'no' by accident, or change your mind about which bride or
| groom you want, you can still recover from it.
| In order to marry a particular bachelor/ette, you must complete all four
| heart events and the 'favor' event. After that, you will receive directions
| on receiving the Blue Feather when any bachelor/ette has been raised to 8
| hearts. For more information on the Proposal, see the Family Life section
| directly below this one.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [RHE] _
| Rivals' Heart Events
| As mentioned above, some of the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes will
| marry one another if you don't. These couples are:
|  - Anissa and Jin
|  - Candace and Julius
|  - Maya and Chase
|  - Phoebe and Calvin
|  - Renee and Toby
| Like you and your beloved, these couples will experience heart events of
| their own, and will get married after they meet certain requirements.
| When your rivals' heart events will take place is dependent on your own
| friendship with the character of your own gender. The first heart event will
| take place at 2 hearts, and the second heart event will take place at 3
| hearts.
| Once the 3-heart rival event has taken place, a wedding will follow. You
| might notice that this has the potential to be incredibly early in the game:
| after all, you can raise a character to 3 hearts in a matter of a month. Be
| careful not to raise the rival of your hopeful beloved to 3 hearts before
| marrying them yourself.
| Each couple has a particular location where their heart events will take
| place:
|  - Anissa and Jin: Meringue Clinic
|  - Candace and Julius: Town Square
|  - Maya and Chase: Sundae Bar
|  - Phoebe and Calvin: Ganache Mine
|  - Renee and Toby: River, Upstream near the Waterfall (any Monday afternoon)
| If you've accidentally raised the rival to 3-hearts and want to avoid them
| marrying, try to avoid the above locations. It might be wise to actively try
| to lower their heart level as well by giving them gifts they hate, like
| trash. Or attack them with your tools if you're feeling particularly morbid.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<FAM>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |         Family Life         |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Once you've raised a particular bachelor or bachelorette to 8 hearts, you
| have the option of wedding them and starting a family together. But in order
| to do that, first you must propose.
| _____________________________________________________________________[PRO]_
|                                                                             |
| Marriage Proposal                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Once your chosen beloved is up to 8 hearts and you've completed all their
| heart events, you must obtain - you guessed it - the blue feather. Yes,
| the blue feather, wedding ring of the rustic life.
| In past Harvest Moon games, the blue feather has been bought, found or
| earned: in this game, you'll find it.
| Once your chosen beloved is up to 8 hearts, the Mayor will come by and
| explain to you the legend of the blue feather, and inform you that the
| feather is traditional for marriage proposal. Note that he will only come on
| a sunny day, though he may come on festival days.  A few days later, after
| seeing a bluebird outside your house, go up to the upper river area. There
| you'll find the blue feather. Note that it may take a couple weeks after the
| Mayor comes and talks to you to get the scene with the bluebird. This is
| normal. Stop e-mailing me about it.
| In order to use the blue feather for a proposal, you must have completed all
| that person's heart events - that's the only requirement. You don't need a
| double bed (regardless of what anyone else says) to get married. You don't
| even need your beloved to be at 8 hearts - 8 hearts just triggers the feather
| obtaining event. All you must do is experience all their heart events.
| What this means is that you can befriend any bachelor/ette up to 8 hearts to
| obtain the blue feather, and then use it on another character. This is very
| useful in case you want to marry a bachelor/ette that isn't available at the
| very beginning of the game, and thus is behind on their heart level.
| Probably the most frequently asked question I receive is "why won't so-and-so
| accept my proposal?" The answer is ALWAYS that you haven't experienced all
| their events. Make absolute sure you've experienced all of the following:
| received two gifts (they show up at your house and give you a gift), gone on
| the lunch date (talk to them before 10AM, then meet them for lunch between
| 12PM and 1PM where they request), received the confession of love (talk to
| them before 10AM, then meet them at Alan's tree between 12PM and 1PM), and
| the request event (receive their request, fulfill it, and make sure to
| trigger the conclusion to the request by either giving them what they request
| or by talking to them once you've fulfilled the request).
| There are a couple time restrictions on when you can propose, however. It
| must be on a sunny day, and it can't be on a festival day. Additionally, some
| villagers appear to have location restrictions about where they can accept a
| proposal, so if you believe you've fulfilled all the requirements and they
| still won't accept, try a different location. Follow them around for a sunny
| day if you have to.
| _____________________________________________________________________[MLI]_
|                                                                             |
| Married Life                                                                |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/After marriage (I won't spoil the wedding ceremony for you), your new
| spouse will move in with you on the farm. Unlike in previous Harvest Moon
| games where your spouse spends the vast majority of their time around your
| farm, in Tree of Tranquility they'll actually go out and do things. Wives
| will quit their jobs but spend more time out "shopping" (no word on if
| they'll actually be spending any of your hard-earned money - not sure the
| game's gotten that realistic yet!), whereas a husband keeps his job (but
| never helps pay for supplies for what he calls your "cute little farm
| thing", male chauvinist pig).
| Every day, your spouse will give you a box lunch. The box lunch has four
| possible qualities: Decent, Good, Perfect, Shining.
| You can either sell your box lunch or consume it for stamina restoration. The
| price and stamina restoration increase with the box lunch quality:
|           Price   Stamina
|  Decent :   80G       200
|    Good :   90G       250
| Perfect :  100G       300
| Shining :  110G       350
| Should you sell them or eat them? Personally, I save them for an eventual
| trip to the mine since those are the only times stamina is really an issue.
| _____________________________________________________________________[YCI]_
|                                                                             |
| Your Child                                                                  |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Two to four seasons after marriage (suspected to be regardless of how you
| play), the wife in your game (either you or your beloved, depending on the
| gender you play as) will discover - with a little help from the doctor -
| that she's pregnant.
| Conveniently, Tree of Tranquility offers you the opportunity to choose the
| gender of your child. After you/your wife becomes pregnant, you'll
| eventually get a scene of praying to the goddess; as part of this scene,
| you'll be asked which gender you'd prefer. If you choose a gender, that is
| the gender your child will be; but if you don't choose one in the scene,
| there will be an even chance of either. If only it worked that way in
| real-life.
| While ToT preserves the one-child limit (didn't you know this game takes
| place in China?) of every Harvest Moon game except the original, there is
| an improvement: depending on who you marry, your child will look and act
| different.
| There are ten potential children: five personalities, each of which has a
| child in each gender. The five options, and the spouses that lead to that
| child, are:
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| The "Model" Child
|    Husbands : Gill, Jin
|       Wives : Anissa, Candace
| Description : Polite, proper, well-raised
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| The "Happy" Child
|    Husbands : Toby, Julius
|       Wives : Maya, Renee
| Description : Cheerful, happy, easy-going
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| The "Whiny" Child
|    Husbands : Chase, Calvin
|       Wives : Luna, Selena
| Description : Reserved, rude, dislikes everything
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| The "Hyper" Child
|    Husbands : Luke
|       Wives : Kathy
| Description : Troublesome, mischievous, "ADD"
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| The "Artsy" Child
|    Husbands : Owen
|       Wives : Phoebe
| Description : Curious, artistic, smart
| Your child will go through four stages, each lasting one season (they grow
| up so fast!). In one year they move from crawling, to walking, to talking,
| to finally their final stage: sentences and the ability to help you out on
| the farm.
| During the various stages, you'll have different ways of raising your
| affection level with your child. During the first stage (when the child just
| sits in the crib), you can cuddle or play with the child using the rattle
| (purchased from the General Store, equip it to receive the 'rattle' option).
| During the second stage (crawling), you can talk to your child, but you can't
| play or give gifts. At the third stage (walking), the child will begin to
| stroll around your farm (unaccompanied, you horrible parent), but still will
| only respond with one-word responses and won't accept gifts.
| It's at the fourth and final stage that the child becomes a viable character.
| At this stage - starting a year after the child's birth - the child will walk
| and talk, accept gifts, and go on a walk with you. The child will also offer
| to help on the farm. Initially, s/he isn't very good at the chores, but with
| practice they'll become better at it.
| The final child-related event is the Journey Rucksack event. For more
| information on that, search for { NG+ } without the spaces.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<GOD>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |    Return of the Goddess    |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/The Rainbows (which are created to reawaken the goddess) are the key
| plot line in this game. Many factors are tied into when you successfully 
| progress in this plot line, most notably villagers moving to the village
| and new areas becoming accessible.
| The overall structure of this area of the game is relatively simple. There
| are 5 "rainbows" that must be created in order to reawaken the Harvest
| Goddess. The 5 rainbows must be created in order, and in order to create
| one, you must complete a recipe involving 5 ingredients (note: do NOT try
| to cook with the five ingredients; they simply have to be in your rucksack
| when you attempt to create the rainbow).
| When you have the five ingredients for a given rainbow, simply approach the
| tree and water it while those five ingredients are in your rucksack.
| It is advisable that you complete these as soon as possible, given that
| they trigger other crucial events. Certain items are only available in
| certain seasons, and villagers will start to move in the 1st day of the
| month following the completion of the first rainbow. For example, one item
| for the first rainbow - an Apple - can only be obtained at the Spring and
| Summer Markets until Fall. Therefore, if you don't buy one in Spring, you'll
| have to wait until late Summer or Fall, in which case those villagers won't
| arrive until Fall or Winter.
| The list below is strictly a list of what you need to do: it isn't meant to
| be a complete plot summary.
| _____________________________________________________________________[QUI]_
|                                                                             |
| The Quilt                                                                   |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Before you can begin creating rainbows, you must complete the Quilt event.
| Essentially, a legendary quilt has been in the Mayor's family for
| generations, but half of it has gone missing. The quilt explains what to
| do when the harvest goddess disappears. In order to begin creating
| rainbows, you must find the other half of the quilt.
| In order to trigger the event to begin, you must ship 1000G worth of goods.
| These can be herbs, crops, gems, minerals, fish or anything else. It
| shouldn't take too long.
| Once you've shipped 1000G worth of items, the Mayor will come by and tell
| you about the quilt; once you've shipped another 1000G worth of items, he
| will come give you the left half. He mentions that Gill says thee Harvest
| Sprites took it - but remember, not everyone can see the Harvest Sprites.
| Next, you need to get more information from Gill - but Gill will not tell
| you about the other half of the quilt until you've upgraded your house, which
| costs 3000G, 18 pieces of wood lumber and 16 pieces of stone lumber. Once
| your house upgrade has been ordered (you can do this before it's finished),
| talk to Gill again - he'll then direct you to go talk to Dale.
| After talking to Dale, he will direct you to go talk to the Mayor. Go talk to
| the the Mayor while he's in his house and tell him you're interested in
| fixing the clock tower. He will give you a key, where the other half of the
| quilt is hidden.
| The clock tower is in Waffle Town Square. To open it, pull out the key as if
| it's a tool and use it on the clock tower door. You'll enter the tower and
| receive the other half of the quilt.
| _____________________________________________________________________[RAI]_
|                                                                             |
| The 5 Rainbows                                                              |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Once you have the quilt, you can begin to create the rainbows. The rainbows
| must be created in the following order (though you won't have the option to
| do them out of order, since every rainbow gives you access to the place to
| create the next one with the exception of Alan's rainbow).
| To create a rainbow, take the 5 ingredients to the tree, water the flower
| under it and watch. For items in this section with the instructions "make it
| yourself", see the recipes section for more information. Optionally, you can
| also talk to the sprites (by watering their tree) before you have the
| ingredients and they'll give you the ingredient list themselves. If you get
| the list in the game, it'll be stored in your informational menus for later
| reference.
| In addition to forwarding the storyline, unlocking rainbows also unlocks
| new areas for you to access. Every rainbow unlocks a new part of the island
| (or, in some cases, new, smaller islands).
| In general, it's best to try to be gathering ingredients throughout the
| game and set them aside when you obtain them. Many of the ingredients are
| only available in certain seasons, so you won't be able to wake up one day
| and decide to grab the items for the next rainbow real quick.
| For this purpose, there is a reference list of all the goddess tree items
| in the References section (search for { GIT } without the spaces).
| Items marked with an asterisk (*) can be purchased from Souffle Farm during
| the designated season. Items marked with a plus (+) can be purchased from
| Brownie Ranch.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RA1} _
| Daren's Rainbow
|       Color : Green
|    Location : The Tree in Town Square
| Area Opened : Opens West Gull Island and Toucan Island (via Ferry)
|   Completed : Can be finished by the end of first spring
| Ingredients:
|      Good Herb Fish     Make it (using 4+ fish, any herb  All seasons
|                         and the oven - fish value must
|                         be 280G or above; look at the
|                         fish price listing to find the
|                         value of your fish)
|      Grilled Yam        Make it (using a Yam* and match   Fall
|                         set at a beach roast pit)         (Cook anytime)
|                         (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                         OR: purchase from Maya at         Spring and
|                         Spring/Summer market              Summer
|      Apple              Grow it (plant apple tree,        Fall
|                         gather in Fall)
|                         OR: purchase from Simon at        Spring and
|                         Spring/Summer market              Summer
|      Common Seashell    Find at the beach                 All seasons
|      Carp               Catch in the river, midstream     All seasons
|                         and downstream, or Maple Lake
| Other Information : Unlocking this rainbow causes several villagers to move
|                   : to the island, starting with the Tailor Shop. Villagers
|                   : will arrive one by one (or in some cases in groups) on
|                   : every 1st and 15th of each month following the creation
|                   : of Daren's rainbow.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RA2} _
| Ben's Rainbow
|       Color : Blue
|    Location : The Tree at Maple Lake
| Area Opened : Opens base of Mt. Gelato (after Yellow rainbow is complete)
|   Completed : Can be finished by the end of first fall
| Ingredients:
|      Grilled Eggplant   Make it (using an Eggplant*       Fall
|                         and match set at a beach          (Cook anytime)
|                         roast pit)
|                         (Buy seeds from Taylor's Seeds)
|      Omelette           Make it (using butter+ and an     All seasons
|                         egg+ and the frying pan)
|                         OR: Purchase from Simon at        Spring and
|                         Spring/Summer market              Summer
|      Green Herb         Find in the forest                All seasons
|                         OR: Grow it on your farm          Spring
|                         (Buy seeds from Taylor's Seeds
|                         or Flower Festival)
|      Char               Catch in river, upstream          All seasons
|      Good Tomato        Grow it on your farm              Summer
|                         (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                         OR: purchase at the fall          Fall
|                         Harvest Festival
| Note : You can't climb this rainbow until you complete the next rainbow.
|      : After completing the next rainbow, talk to the blue sprite again, then
|      : return to the yellow rainbow. You'll find the badge he's missing near
|      : the river. Return the badge to the blue sprite to be able to climb the
|      : the rainbow to the mountain.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RA3} _
| Collin's Rainbow
|       Color : Yellow
|    Location : The Tree on West Gull Island (reached by the Green rainbow)
| Area Opened : Opens East Gull Island
|   Completed : Can be finished by the end of first fall
| Ingredients:
|      Blue Wonderful     Dig up in either mine (do NOT     All seasons
|                         have Mira refine it)
|      Perfect Spinach    Grow it on your farm              Fall
|                         (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|      Saury              Catch in ocean in Fall/Winter     Fall and
|                                                           Winter
|      Red Wool Yarn      Convert a hunk of wool+ to yarn   All seasons
|                         with the yarn maker, then dye
|                         with herb or flower and dye pot
|      Banana             Purchase on Toucan Island         All seasons
|                         from Samson
|                         OR: Find on Toucan Island         All seasons
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RA4} _
| Alan's Rainbow
|       Color : Red
|    Location : The Tree on Brownie Ranch
| Area Opened : Opens the top of Mt. Gelato
|   Completed : Can be finished by the end of first winter
| Ingredients:
|      Wood Fish          Caught at Goddess Spring at       All seasons
|                         night using Silver+ and
|                         Level 3+ pole
|      Green Bell Flower  Grow it on your farm              Winter
|                         (Buy seeds from Pineapple Inn
|                         or Taylor's Seeds)
|      Ostrich            Put ostrich egg in mayo maker     All seasons
|      Mayonnaise         
|                         OR: buy from Maya during          Spring and
|                         Spring/Summer markets             Summer
|      Carrot Cake        Make it (using milk+, egg+,       All seasons
|                         butter+, carrot*, breadfruit*     Spring
|                         and the oven)                       (Breadfruit)
|                                                           Fall
|                                                             (Carrot)
|                         OR: purchase from Elli at         Fall and
|                         Fall/Winter markets               Winter
|      Toadstool          Find in mines (spotted)         All seasons
| Other Information : Alan's Rainbow at Brownie Ranch is also the location of
|                   : several events, such as the Starry Night festival and
|                   : the final heart event.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RA5} _
| Edge's Rainbow
|       Color : Purple
|    Location : The Tree at the Top of Mt. Gelato (reached by the Red rainbow)
| Area Opened : The Goddess Tree
|   Completed : Can be finished by the end of first winter
| Ingredients:
|      Snowflake Flower   Grow it on your farm              Winter
|                         (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                         OR: purchase from Candace at      Spring and
|                         Spring/Summer market (Summer      Summer
|                         Year 1 or later)
|      Red Honey          Grow red flowers and watch        Spring, Fall,
|                         for bees                          Summer, and Winter,
|                         (Red flowers are tulip, rose,     respectively
|                         hibiscus and anemone)
|      Tuna               Catch in ocean with high-level    Spring, Fall
|                         pole                              and Winter
|      Perfect Honeydew   Grow it on your farm              Summer
|                         (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                         OR: buy it from Souffle Farm      Summer
|      Lapis Lazuli       Dig up in mines (blue             All seasons
|                         wonderfuls, one sparkle, after
|                         being refined by Mira)
| Other Information : Completing this rainbow actually leads to a dead-end in
|                   : the clouds. What do you do next? Read on!
| _____________________________________________________________________[GST]_
|                                                                             |
| The Tree                                                                    |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/Well, you've created the final rainbow, climbed it, and? Nothing. Dead-end in
| the clouds. What do you do next? Talk to Edge to find out.
| Climb to the absolute peak of Mt. Gelato beyond Edge's tree. Once there,
| you'll again pass out. You might want to get that checked out.
| So your new objective is to find the Seedling of Hope. Check the Wal-Mart
| garden center first - if they have one there, go ahead and pick it up. If
| not, you'll have to do this the hard way.
| Rather than listing the steps in overly detailed paragraph-style, I'm just
| going to list the steps you need to complete. Do these in this order to
| progress to the next stage of the goddess plot.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FTS} _
| Finding the Seedlings
| Several plot-relevant scenes follow in these steps, but I'm only providing
| the things you, personally, need to do to avoid displaying too many spoilers.
|  - Talk to Jin at his office (not at home if you've married Jin).
|  - Climb the lighthouse steps and examine to find possible Seedling of Hope.
|  - Take the seedling to Goddess Spring area and plant it.
|  - Talk to Calvin - he'll mention the mural of the Seedling in the Ganache
|    Mine, on the 10th floor.
|  - Dig down to the 10th level of Ganache Mine. Calvin will meet you there
|    with another possible Seedling of Hope.
|  - Back to the Goddess Spring, plant the seedling.
|  - Find Gill at the Town Hall. He'll direct you to talk to his father, the
|    Mayor.
|  - Talk to the Mayor at Sundae Inn (speaking to him anywhere else will not
|    trigger the event) at night. He appears there on some Monday, Wednesday
|    and Saturday. Ask him about the seedling, then press him about it.
|  - Ask each of the next questions in the order they're displayed.
|  - Find the key in the church altar.
|  - Take the key to the Mayor house when he is NOT there. Pull out the key as
|    if it's a tool and use it on the back door to gain access to his garden.
|  - Take the possible Seedling of Hope back to the Goddess Spring and plant
|    it.
|  - After planting it, return to the Goddess Spring for one more scene to
|    trigger the next part of the quest.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GTT} _
| Growing the Tree
| Once you've planted the Seedling of Hope found in the Mayor's garden, there
| is still one more thing you have to do: raise the tree. The tree will begin
| as a simple seedling - your goal is to raise it into a fully-grown thriving
| tree.
| The tree's growth is based on your friendships with the villagers - you
| didn't realize you were so important, did you? In order to grow the Goddess
| Tree big and strong, you have to accumulate a total of 50 hearts with all
| the villagers. That should be incredibly easy, considering that there are 50
| villagers, and by this point you've likely been playing the game for at least
| two game years. Chances are you've already accumulated those 50 hearts. Even
| the wild animals are included in this heart count. I have no idea why this
| number is so low.
| Every night from this point on, you'll witness a little scene after you go to
| sleep of the tree growing (though if you don't yet have 50 hearts total, the
| scenes may be a few nights apart each). After you witness 4 scenes, the tree
| will be fully grown.
| When it's grown, you'll receive a note from Edge alerting you that the
| Goddess Tree has now grown full and strong, and is now the destination of his
| rainbow. Go back to Mt. Gelato and climb his rainbow to find yourself atop
| the Goddess Tree.
| After a scene, the game will be over. Well, kind of. After the scene, you'll
| have the chance to save your file. Save it and re-load it, and it'll be the
| same day. You won't need to climb the final rainbow again - that's done with,
| but now you can play forever.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {NG+} _
| Your Child's Journey (New Game+)
| But wait, there's more! If you call right now, we'll throw in a whole new
| island, absolutely free!
| After the Tree has sprouted, there is one last series of events that can take
| place, if you're married and have a child older than one year. If you don't
| yet have these, these events will be possible once you attain them.
| Some time after your child's first birthday when you speak to them, they will
| ask you if you believe in "fairies". Regardless of your response, your child
| will declare that they saw them, and ask again if you believe in them. If you
| respond that you do, a few nights later your child will have a dream of a
| woman asking for help. Sound familiar?
| A few days later, the Mayor will come by and explain the Journey Rucksack.
| Ascend back to the top of the Goddess Tree to learn about the rucksack, as
| well as a crisis facing another island.
| The goddess will give you a list of ingredients needed to create the Journey
| Rucksack the Mayor spoke of. The ingredients are:
|  - Rare Metal, obtained from digging up Rare Ore in the mine and having it
|    refined by Mira.
|  - Black Pearl, found on the beaches of the three off-shore islands (East
|    Gull Island, West Gull Island, Toucan Island).
|  - Shining Flax Yarn, made from shining flax grown on your farm that is then
|    placed in the yarn maker.
|  - Shining Wool Yarn, made from shining wool sheared from a sheep on your
|    farm and placed in the yarn maker.
| Similar to the rainbow recipes, you simply need to re-enter the Goddess
| Spring area with the ingredients in your rucksack to trigger the Journey
| Rucksack's creation.
| To initiate the child's journey, simply present the Journey Rucksack to the
| child. A series of events will take place, but there's nothing special you
| need to do.
| When the events are done, your child will be whisked away to Waffle Town 2.0,
| where everything is exactly the same as it was before. Your child will look
| identical to you (unless it's the opposite gender), and the game will be
| essentially exactly the same as any other new game, with one exception: your
| child will inherit your money, furniture, items, and every other tangible
| portable item (no buildings, though), as well as some of your tool skill
| level (the tools will all be at Level 3). Beyond that, the game is exactly as
| new.
| Be careful starting a New Game+. If you do, you won't be able to return to
| your original save file unless you saved the New Game+ into a different slot.
| That's it! That's the last thing there is to unlock in the entire game.
| You've now completed Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility, as well as it can be
| completed at least.
| ___________________________________________________________________________

       __________________________________________________________/ /  / /
       |                                                          |/  / /
        |                     Reference Guides                     |  / /
        |                                                          | / /
        |      "Hunches are usually based on facts filed away      |/ /
         |   just below the conscious level." -Dr. Joyce Brothers   | /
         |________________________________________    ______________|/
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                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<CAL>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
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                      |          Calendars          |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/The calendars featured in this section are intended to help you remember
| specific events that take place throughout the game. These are the closest
| things you'll find in this guide to a walkthrough.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {EVC} _
| Event Calendar (Festivals and Birthdays)
| Spring:
|  4 : Grey's Birthday
|  5 : Ramsey's Birthday
|  6 : Ruth's Birthday
|  9 : Toby's Birthday
| 10 : Flower Festival
| 13 : Hamilton's Birthday
| 17 : Phoebe's Birthday
| 20 : Perry's Birthday
| 21 : Hayden's Birthday
| 22 : Market
| 23 : Chase's Birthday
| 25 : Luna's Birthday
| 27 : Sue's Birthday
| 28 : Animal Festival
| Summer:
|  2 : Bo's Birthday
|  3 : Kathy's Birthday
|  6 : Cain's Birthday/Fireworks Invitation Day
|  7 : Ocean Festival (day)/Fireworks Display (night)
|  8 : Luke's Birthday
| 10 : Yolanda's Birthday
| 14 : Dale's Birthday
| 18 : Owen's Birthday
| 19 : Taylor's Birthday
| 21 : Samson's Birthday
| 22 : Market
| 23 : Barbara's Birthday/Firefly Festival Invitation Day
| 24 : Firefly Festival
| 26 : Selena's Birthday
| 27 : Chloe's Birthday
| Fall:
|  1 : Elli's Birthday
|  5 : Renee's Birthday
|  6 : Craig's Birthday
| 12 : Arts Festival
| 16 : Anissa's Birthday
| 20 : Irene's Birthday
| 21 : Julius's Birthday
| 22 : Market
| 24 : Maya's Birthday
| 27 : Harvest Festival
| 28 : Jake's Birthday
| Winter:
|  2 : Gill's Birthday
|  3 : Pascal's Birthday
|  4 : Hanna's Birthday
|  7 : Candace's Birthday
|  8 : Simon's Birthday
| 10 : Mira's Birthday/Thanksgiving Festival
| 12 : Colleen's Birthday
| 14 : Calvin's Birthday
| 19 : Shelly's Birthday
| 20 : Paolo's Birthday
| 22 : Market
| 23 : Ozzie's Birthday
| 24 : Starry Night Festival Invitation Day
| 25 : Starry Night Festival
| 26 : Jin's Birthday
| 28 : New Year's Eve Festival
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FEC} _
| Festival Calendar
| Spring:
| 10 : Flower Festival
| 22 : Market
| 28 : Cow Festival
| Summer:
|  6 : Fireworks Invitation Day
|  7 : Ocean Festival (day)/Fireworks Display (night)
| 22 : Market
| 23 : Firefly Invitation Day
| 24 : Firefly Festival
| Fall:
| 12 : Arts Festival
| 22 : Market
| 27 : Harvest Festival
| Winter:
| 10 : Thanksgiving Festival
| 22 : Market
| 24 : Starry Night Invitation Day
| 25 : Starry Night Festival
| 28 : New Year's Eve Festival
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BDC} _
| Birthday Calendar
| Spring:
|  4 : Grey
|  5 : Ramsey
|  6 : Ruth
|  9 : Toby
| 13 : Hamilton
| 17 : Phoebe
| 20 : Perry
| 21 : Hayden
| 23 : Chase

| 25 : Luna
| 27 : Sue
| Summer:
|  2 : Bo
|  3 : Kathy
|  6 : Cain
|  8 : Luke
| 10 : Yolanda
| 14 : Dale
| 18 : Owen
| 19 : Taylor
| 21 : Samson
| 23 : Barbara
| 26 : Selena
| 27 : Chloe
| Fall:
|  1 : Elli
|  5 : Renee
|  6 : Craig
| 16 : Anissa
| 20 : Irene
| 21 : Julius
| 24 : Maya
| 28 : Jake
| Winter:
|  2 : Gill
|  3 : Pascal
|  4 : Hanna
|  7 : Candace
|  8 : Simon
| 10 : Mira
| 12 : Colleen
| 14 : Calvin
| 19 : Shelly
| 20 : Paolo
| 23 : Ozzie
| 26 : Jin
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
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| _________________________|
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SLP} _
| Sale Price List
| A comprehensive list of the sale price of every sellable item in the game
| will appear here.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {BYP} _
| Purchase Price List
| A comprehensive list of the purchase price of every buyable item in the
| game will appear here. This is, obviously, a work in progress.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GIT} _
| Goddess Item List
| Below is a list of all 25 items required for the various goddess tree
| recipes. It is provided here so you can have a quick-reference guide for
| items to be on the look-out for throughout the game.
| You'll want to be gathering and putting aside these items throughout the
| game when you encounter them because several of them are only available
| in certain seasons and in certain ways - the only way to reawaken the
| goddess will be to save some items over from season to season.
| The best course of action may be to print or otherwise save this list
| and mark off ingredients as you obtain them; that way you'll be aware when
| you've obtained all the ingredients for a particular dish.
| For convenience, ingredients and tools are also listed here for recipes to
| be made yourself. Pay attention to the 'OR:' notes under How to Obtain, as
| many ingredients can be obtained multiple ways. 
| Items marked with an asterisk (*) can be purchased from Souffle Farm during
| the designated season. Items marked with a plus (+) can be purchased from
| Brownie Ranch.
| Ingredient         Tree    How to Obtain                     Availability
| Good Herb Fish     Green   Make it (using 4+ fish, any herb  All seasons
|                            and the oven)
| Grilled Yam        Green   Make it (using a Yam* and match   Fall
|                            set at a beach roast pit)         (Cook anytime)
|                            (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                            OR: purchase from Maya at Spring  Spring
|                            market
| Apple              Green   Grow it (plant apple tree,        Fall
|                            gather in Fall)
|                            OR: purchase from Simon at        Spring and
|                            Spring or Fall market             Fall
| Common Seashell    Green   Find at the beach                 All seasons
| Carp               Green   Catch in the river, midstream     All seasons
|                            and downstream, or Maple Lake
| Grilled Eggplant   Blue    Make it (using an Eggplant*       Fall
|                            and match set at a beach          (Cook anytime)
|                            roast pit)
|                            (Buy seeds from Taylor's Seeds)
| Omelette           Blue    Make it (using butter+ and an     All seasons
|                            egg+ and the frying pan)
|                            OR: Purchase from Simon at        Spring and
|                            Spring/Summer market              Summer
| Green Herb         Blue    Find in the forest                All seasons
|                            OR: Grow it on your farm          Spring
|                            (Buy seeds from Taylor's Seeds
|                            or Flower Festival)
| Char               Blue    Catch in river, upstream          All seasons
| Good Tomato        Blue    Grow it on your farm              Summer
|                            (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                            OR: purchase at the fall          Fall
|                            Harvest Festival
| Blue Wonderful     Yellow  Dig up in either mine (do NOT     All seasons
|                            have Mira refine it)
| Perfect Spinach    Yellow  Grow it on your farm              Fall
|                            (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
| Saury              Yellow  Catch in ocean in Fall/Winter     Fall and
|                                                              Winter
| Red Wool Yarn      Yellow  Convert a hunk of wool+ to yarn   All seasons
|                            with the yarn maker, then dye
|                            with herb or flower and dye pot
| Banana             Yellow  Purchase on Toucan Island         All seasons
|                            from Samson
|                            OR: Find on Toucan Island         All seasons
| Wood Fish          Red     Caught at Goddess Spring at       All seasons
|                            night using Silver+ and Level
|                            3+ fishing pole 
| Green Bell Flower  Red     Grow it on your farm              Winter
|                            (Buy seeds from Pineapple Inn
|                            or Taylor's Seeds)
| Ostrich            Red     Put ostrich egg in mayo maker     All seasons
| Mayonnaise                 
|                            OR: buy from Maya during          Spring and
|                            Spring/Summer markets             Summer
| Carrot Cake        Red     Make it (using milk+, egg+,       All seasons
|                            butter+, carrot*, breadfruit*     Spring
|                            and the oven)                       (Breadfruit)
|                                                              Fall
|                                                                (Carrot)
|                            OR: purchase from Elli at         Fall and
|                            Fall/Winter markets               Winter
| Toadstool          Red     Find in mines (spotted)           All seasons
| Snowflake Flower   Purple  Grow it on your farm              Winter
|                            (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                            OR: purchase from Candace at      Spring and
|                            Spring/Summer market (Year 2      Summer
|                            or later)
| Red Honey          Purple  Grow red flowers and watch        Spring, Fall,
|                            for bees                          Summer, Winter,
|                            (Red flowers are tulip, rose,     respectively
|                            hibiscus and anemone)
| Tuna               Purple  Catch in ocean with high-level    Spring, Fall
|                            pole                              and Winter
| Perfect Honeydew   Purple  Grow it on your farm              Summer
|                            (Buy seeds from Souffle Farm)
|                            OR: buy it from Souffle Farm      Summer
| Lapis Lazuli       Purple  Dig up in mines (blue             All seasons
|                            wonderfuls, one sparkle, after
|                            being refined by Mira)
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {REC} _
| Recipe List
| Below is a list of all recipes in alphabetical order; note that there is
| a more complete recipe guide, with recipe lists by utensil, stamina, price or
| ingredient, posted elsewhere on GameFAQs. This more complete guide can be
| found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933022/53834
| Some recipe names may be translated differently when Natsume localizes
| the game. Every list of ingredients below should result in a successful
| dish, but if the name of that dish is different than what I have listed
| here, please let me know (you'll be credited, of course).
| Note that the quality of any recipe calling for any type of fish will
| depend on the type (and sometimes number) of fish used in the recipe. Stamina
| corresponds to the amount of stamina restored by consuming that dish, while
| price corresponds to the amount that dish sells for when you make and ship
| it.
| Recipes marked with a '*' can also be purchased (see the more thorough guide
| mentioned above for information on where to purchase them).
| Recipes marked with a '+' are part of a goddess recipe.
| Recipes calling for 'Crustacean (any)' can take lobsters, rock lobsters or
| prawn. Recipes calling for 'Fish (any)' can utilize any fish - basically
| anything else you fish up except trash, algae, and possibly Octopus and
| Squid. Recipes calling for 'Vegetable (any)' can have anything you grown on
| your farm from a crop (no trees). Recipes calling for 'Herb (any)' can take
| any color herb.
| Recipe Title               Utensil      Ingredients            Stamina  Price
| - - - - - - -              - - - -      - - - - - -            - - - -  - - -
| Apple Cocktail*            Aging Pot    Apple (2)                  210   230G
| Apple Jam*                 Pot          Apple (2)                  200   420G
| Apple Juice                Mixer        Apple                      180   170G
| Apple Pie*                 Oven         Egg                        350   420G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Apple
| B. Noodles w/ Egg          Pot          Egg                        450   460G
|                                         Buckwheat
| Bamboo en Papilotte        Oven         Bamboo Shoot               200   370G
| Bamboo Rice                Cut. Board   Bamboo Shoot               250   520G
|                                         Rice
| Bamboo Stew                Pot          Bamboo Shoot               100   370G
| Banana Milk*               Mixer        Milk                       260   400G
|                                         Banana
| Banana Pudding*            Oven         Banana                     320   560G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Egg
| Berry Jam*                 Pot          Veryberry (2)              150   140G
| Blue Flax Yarn             Dyeing Pot   Flax Yarn                  N/A  1080G
|                                         Blue Herb or Flower
| Blue Perfume*              Mixer        Flower (Blue) (2)          N/A  1210G
| Blue Silk Yarn             Dyeing Pot   Blue Herb or Flower        N/A  2100G
|                                         Silk Yarn
| Blue Wool Yarn             Dyeing Pot   Blue Herb or Flower        N/A   930G
|                                         Wool Yarn
| Blueberry Cocktail*        Aging Pot    Blueberry (2)              160   120G
| Blueberry Jam              Pot          Blueberry (2)              180   160G
| Blueberry Juice            Mixer        Blueberry                   80    70G
| Bodigizer*                 Mixer        Red Herb                   300   200G
|                                         Honey (any)
|                                         Pontata Root
| Bodigizer XL*              Mixer        Purple Herb                800   350G
|                                         Honey (any)
|                                         Pontata Root
|                                         Egg
| Boiled Corn                Pot          Corn                       100   170G
| Boiled Spinach             Pot          Spinach                    120   140G
| Bouillabaise; Decent       Pot          Herb (red)                 280   360G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Fish (any)
| Bouillabaise; Good         Pot          Onion                      280   450G
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Tomato
| Bouillabaise; Perfect      Pot          Crustacean (any)           280   540G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Tomato
| Bouillabaise; Shining      Pot          Crustacean (any)           280  1320G
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Onion
|                                         Fish (any)
| Bread                      Oven         Breadfruit                 300   350G

|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Buckwheat Chips            Cut. Board   Buckwheat                   80   130G
| Buckwheat Cocktail*        Aging Pot    Buckwheat (2)              160   140G
| Buckwheat Noodles          Pot          Buckwheat                  400   300G
| Carrot Cake*+              Oven         Carrot                     320   600G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
|                                         Egg
|                                         Breadfruit
| Carrot Juice               Mixer        Carrot                     100   140G
| Cheese Fondue              Pot          Cheese                     230   300G
|                                         Grape Cocktail
|                                         Bread
| Cheese Omelette*           Frying Pan   Cheese                     260   290G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Butter
| Cheese Risotto             Pot          Rice                       250   460G
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Onion
| Cheesecake                 Oven         Egg                        350   680G
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
| Chestnut Pie*              Oven         Egg                        380   370G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Chestnut
| Chestnut Rice              Cut. Board   Rice                       200   200G
|                                         Chestnut
| Chirashi Sushi             Cut. Board   Rock Lobster               150   160G
|                                         Rice
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Conger Eel
|                                         Egg
| Chocolate Banana*          Cut. Board   Banana                     320   330G
|                                         Cocoa
|                                         Milk
| Chocolate Bar              Cut. Board   Milk                       300   300G
|                                         Cocoa
| Chocolate Cake             Oven         Butter                     360   650G
|                                         Cocoa
|                                         Egg
|                                         Milk
|                                         Breadfruit
| Chocolate Cookies          Oven         Cocoa                      340   440G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Chocolate Fondue*          Pot          Bread                      240   340G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Cocoa
| Chocolate Pie              Oven         Cocoa                      360   530G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Egg
| Chocolate Pudding          Oven         Egg                        300   380G
|                                         Cocoa
|                                         Milk
| Clam Soup                  Pot          Clam                       150   320G
| Coconut Cocktail*          Aging Pot    Coconut (2)                180   330G
| Coconut Juice*             Mixer        Coconut                    100   250G
| Cold Medicine*             Mixer        Pontata Root                10   300G
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Royal Jelly
| Conger Eel Bowl            Cut. Board   Conger Eel                 260   450G
|                                         Rice
| Cookies*                   Oven         Butter                     300   200G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Corn Bread                 Oven         Corn                       300   440G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Corn Soup                  Pot          Milk                       150   260G
|                                         Corn
| Croquette                  Frying Pan   Potato                     180   250G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Decent Perfume             Mixer        Flower (any) (2)           N/A   100G
| Doria                      Oven         Milk                       300   600G
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Rice
| Eel Bowl                   Cut. Board   Rice                       350   660G
|                                         Eel
| Egg Rice                   Cut. Board   Rice                       150   300G
|                                         Egg
| Egg Salad                  Cut. Board   Egg                        120   320G
|                                         Mayonnaise
|                                         Vegetable (any)
| Egg Sandwich               Cut. Board   Bread                      180   260G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Butter
|                                         Mayonnaise
| Egg Soup                   Pot          Milk                       120   280G
|                                         Egg
| Fish Soup*                 Pot          Sea Bream                  180   460G
| French Fries               Oven         Potato                     120   140G
| Fried Egg                  Frying Pan   Egg                        120   150G
| Fried Rice                 Frying Pan   Rice                       320   280G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Egg
| Grape Cocktail*            Aging Pot    Grape (2)                  200   200G
| Grape Juice                Mixer        Grape                      150   160G
| Green Flax Yarn            Dyeing Pot   Green Herb or Flower       N/A   610G
|                                         Flax Yarn
| Green Perfume              Mixer        Flower (Green) (2)         N/A   290G
| Green Silk Yarn            Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1190G
|                                         Green Herb or Flower
| Green Wool Yarn            Dyeing Pot   Wool Yarn                  N/A   530G
|                                         Green Herb or Flower
| Grilled Angler Fish        Match Set    Angler Fish                200   800G
| Grilled Bonito             Match Set    Bonito                     120   330G
| Grilled Carp               Match Set    Carp                       120   150G
| Grilled Catfish            Match Set    Catfish                    100   110G
| Grilled Char               Match Set    Char                       100   150G
| Grilled Clam*              Match Set    Clam                       120   130G
| Grilled Cod                Match Set    Cod                        120   110G
| Grilled Conger Eel         Match Set    Conger Eel                 150   240G
| Grilled Eel                Match Set    Eel                        180   630G
| Grilled Eggplant+          Match Set    Eggplant                    80   140G
| Grilled Flounder           Match Set    Flounder                    90   150G
| Grilled Goby               Match Set    Goby                        70    70G
| Grilled Halibut            Match Set    Halibut                    100   220G
| Grilled Horse Mackerel*    Match Set    Horse Mackerel              80   100G
| Grilled Huchen             Match Set    Huchen                     100   990G
| Grilled King Fish          Match Set    King Fish                  500  1630G
| Grilled Lobster            Match Set    Lobster                    150   630G
| Grilled Mackerel*          Match Set    Mackerel                   100    90G
| Grilled Mahi-Mahi          Match Set    Mahi-Mahi                   90   340G
| Grilled Manta Ray          Match Set    Manta Ray                  120   380G
| Grilled Masu Trout         Match Set    Masu Trout                 100   140G
| Grilled Octopus            Match Set    Octopus                    140   170G
| Grilled Pond Smelt         Match Set    Pond Smelt                  60    50G
| Grilled Prawn              Match Set    Prawn                      100   180G
| Grilled Puffer Fish        Match Set    Puffer Fish               -150    80G
| Grilled Rainbow Trout      Match Set    Rainbow Trout               80   100G
| Grilled Redfin             Match Set    Big-Scaled Redfin           50    50G
| Grilled Rock Lobster       Match Set    Rock Lobster               150   270G
| Grilled Rock Trout         Match Set    Rock Trout                 100   210G
| Grilled Rockfish           Match Set    Rockfish                   120   260G
| Grilled Salmon*            Match Set    Salmon                     150   270G
| Grilled Sardine*           Match Set    Sardine                     80    80G
| Grilled Saury*             Match Set    Saury                      190   120G
| Grilled Sea Bream          Match Set    Sea Bream                  120   330G
| Grilled Sea Urchin         Match Set    Sea Urchin                 150   550G
| Grilled Seasky Fish        Match Set    Seasky Fish                200   980G
| Grilled Shark              Match Set    Shark                      150   630G
| Grilled Skull Jellyfish    Match Set    Skull Jellyfish            200   930G
| Grilled Squid*             Match Set    Squid                       80   140G
| Grilled Swordfish          Match Set    Swordfish                  120   780G
| Grilled Tuna               Match Set    Tuna                       200   630G
| Grilled Wood Fish          Match Set    Wood Fish                  200  1630G
| Grilled Yam*+              Match Set    Yam                        150   110G
| Grilled Yellowtail         Match Set    Yellowtail                 120   330G
| Herb Bread                 Oven         Herb (any)                 300   350G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Herb Cookies*              Oven         Herb (any)                 320   230G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Herb Fish; Decent          Oven         Herb (any)                 280   260G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Herb Fish; Good+           Oven         Fish (1+)                  280   320G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Herb Fish; Perfect         Oven         Herb (any)                 280   630G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Herb Fish; Shining         Oven         Fish (1+)                  280  1320G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Herbal Tea*                Pot          Herb (any)                  80    70G
| Honeydew Juice             Mixer        Honeydew                   210   270G
| Hot Cocoa*                 Pot          Cocoa                      150   380G
|                                         Milk
| Hot Milk*                  Pot          Milk                       130   220G
| Kimchi                     Aging Pot    Spicy Pepper               130   350G
|                                         Carrot
|                                         Cabbage
| Marinated Fish; Decent     Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD   160G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Fish; Good       Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD   310G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Fish; Perfect    Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD   620G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Fish; Shining    Cut. Board   Onion                      TBD  1240G
|                                         Fish (1)
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marinated Mushroom*        Cut. Board   Mushroom                   100   320G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Marmalade Jam*             Pot          Orange (2)                 210   330G
| Mashed Potatoes            Oven         Potato                     280   320G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
| Honeydew Milk*             Mixer        Milk                       280   470G
|                                         Honeydew
| Meuniere; Decent           Frying Pan   Butter                     180   280G
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Spinach
|                                         Herb (any)
| Meuniere; Good             Frying Pan   Herb (any)                 180   420G
|                                         Spinach
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Butter
| Meuniere; Perfect          Frying Pan   Herb (any)                 180   640G
|                                         Fish (any)
|                                         Butter
|                                         Spinach
| Meuniere; Shining          Frying Pan   Fish (any)                 180  1350G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Spinach
|                                         Herb (any)
| Milk Tea*                  Pot          Milk                       100   270G
|                                         Herb (any)
| Mont Blanc Cake*           Oven         Egg                        380   580G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Chestnut
|                                         Butter
| Mushroom Gratin*           Oven         Butter                     280   450G
|                                         Mushroom
|                                         Milk
|                                         Cheese
| Mushroom Rice              Cut. Board   Mushroom                   150   210G
|                                         Rice
| Omelette Rice*             Frying Pan   Butter                     350   220G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Rice
| Onion Bread                Oven         Onion                      300   390G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
| Orange Cake                Oven         Orange                     320   630G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
| Orange Cookies             Oven         Egg                        330   320G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Orange
|                                         Breadfruit
| Orange Juice*              Mixer        Orange                     100   150G
| Orange Pie                 Oven         Pie Crust                  350   400G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Orange
| Pancake*                   Frying Pan   Honey (any)                300   590G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Egg
|                                         Breadfruit
| Pickled Cabbage            Aging Pot    Cabbage                    110   210G
| Pickled Eggplant           Aging Pot    Eggplant                   100   220G
| Pickled Turnips            Aging Pot    Turnips                    100   200G
| Pie Crust                  Cut. Board   Breadfruit                  10   130G
|                                         Butter
| Pineapple Juice*           Mixer        Pineapple                  160   270G
| Pizza                      Oven         Pie Crust                  500   900G
|                                         Cheese
| Plain Omelette*+           Frying Pan   Butter                     200   160G
|                                         Egg
| Potato Gratin              Oven         Cheese                     400   530G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
|                                         Potato
| Potato Miso Soup           Pot          Seaweed                    120   210G
|                                         Potato
| Potato Pancake             Frying Pan   Egg                        300   430G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Potato
| Potato Rice                Cut. Board   Yam                        200   250G
|                                         Rice
| Potato Stew                Pot          Potato                     100   130G
| Pudding                    Oven         Egg                        260   200G
|                                         Milk
| Pumpkin Cake*              Oven         Egg                        320   660G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Pumpkin
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
| Pumpkin Croquette          Frying Pan   Pumpkin                    180   320G
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Pumpkin Pie*               Oven         Pie Crust                  360   430G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Pumpkin
| Pumpkin Pudding*           Oven         Pumpkin                    350   330G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Milk
| Pumpkin Stew               Pot          Pumpkin                    100   220G
| Purple Flax Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Purple Herb or Flower      N/A   650G
|                                         Flax Yarn
| Purple Perfume             Mixer        Flower (Purple) (2)        N/A   170G
| Purple Silk Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1260G
|                                         Purple Herb or Flower
| Purple Wool Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Purple Herb or Flower      N/A   560G
|                                         Wool Yarn
| Ratatouille                Frying Pan   Tomato                     280   380G
|                                         Eggplant
|                                         Bell Pepper
|                                         Onion
| Red Flax Yarn              Dyeing Pot   Flax Yarn                  N/A   720G
|                                         Red Herb or Flower
| Red Perfume*               Mixer        Flower (Red) (2)           N/A   210G
| Red Silk Yarn              Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1400G
|                                         Red Herb or Flower
| Red Wool Yarn+             Dyeing Pot   Red Herb or Flower         N/A   620G
|                                         Wool Yarn
| Rice Ball*                 Cut. Board   Rice                       180    50G
| Rice Cocktail*             Aging Pot    Rice (2)                   200   230G
| Roasted Chestnuts          Match Set    Chestnut                   120   100G
| Roasted Corn*              Match Set    Corn                       140   160G
| Salmon Cream Stew          Pot          Carrot                     300   520G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
|                                         Salmon
|                                         Onion
| Salmon Fried Rice          Frying Pan   Rice                       430   410G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Salmon
| Sardine in Oil             Aging Pot    Sardine                     90   150G
| Sardine Tomato Stew        Pot          Herb (any)                 180   230G
|                                         Sardine
|                                         Tomato
| Sashimi; Decent            Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                   80   270G
| Sashimi; Good*             Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                  100   530G
| Sashimi; Perfect           Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                  120  1060G
| Sashimi; Shining           Cut. Board   Fish (2+)                  140  2120G
| Saury Tomato Stew          Pot          Herb (any)                 180   250G
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Saury
| Sauteed Clam               Frying Pan   Clam                       220   230G
|                                         Butter
| Sauteed Mushroom           Frying Pan   Mushroom                   150   180G
|                                         Butter
| Baked Potato*              Frying Pan   Potato                     170   120G
|                                         Butter
| Sauteed Spinach            Frying Pan   Spinach                    160   210G
|                                         Butter
| Seafood Doria              Oven         Milk                       320   820G
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Clam
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Rice
| Seafood Fried Rice         Frying Pan   Onion                      400   600G
|                                         Squid
|                                         Rice
|                                         Egg
|                                         Crustacean (any)
| Seafood Gratin             Oven         Crustacean (any)           380   820G
|                                         Squid
|                                         Milk
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Butter
| Seafood Pizza              Oven         Crustacean (any)           530  1200G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Cheese
|                                         Squid
| Seafood Rice               Pot          Rice                       300   740G
|                                         Clam
|                                         Squid
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Onion
| Seafood Stew               Pot          Milk                       360   620G
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Butter
|                                         Clam
|                                         Squid
| Seasoned Egg               Aging Pot    Egg                        100   190G
| Seaweed Miso Soup          Pot          Seaweed                    100   170G
| Shark Fin Soup             Pot          Spinach                    250  1740G
|                                         Shark
|                                         Herb (any)
| Shark Fin Stew             Pot          Shark                      180  1020G
| Shining Perfume            Mixer        Flower (any) (5)           N/A  1030G
| Shortcake*                 Oven         Egg                        350   730G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Strawberry
|                                         Butter
|                                         Breadfruit
| Southern Fried Rice*       Frying Pan   Spicy Pepper               370   510G
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Rice
|                                         Pineapple
| Southern Omelette*         Frying Pan   Spicy Pepper               400   370G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Pineapple
|                                         Crustacean (any)
|                                         Rice
| Spicy Seafood Stew         Pot          Prawn                      260   450G
|                                         Spicy Pepper
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Onion
| Spicy Stew                 Pot          Onion                      300   480G
|                                         Carrot
|                                         Potato
|                                         Spicy Pepper
|                                         Milk
| Spinach Cake               Oven         Spinach                    320   600G
|                                         Butter
|                                         Milk
|                                         Breadfruit
|                                         Egg
| Spinach Risotto            Pot          Spinach                    180   320G
|                                         Onion
|                                         Rice
| Squid Tomato Stew          Pot          Squid                      160   200G
|                                         Tomato
|                                         Herb (any)
| Stay Awake*                Mixer        Pontata Root                10   250G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Spicy Pepper
| Steamed Egg                Pot          Egg                        200   280G
|                                         Prawn
|                                         Spinach
| Steamed Turnip             Pot          Turnips                    150   380G
|                                         Sea Bream
| Stew*                      Pot          Butter                     320   450G
|                                         Potato
|                                         Milk
|                                         Onion
|                                         Carrot
| Stir-Fry                   Frying Pan   Vegetable (any)            150   230G
| Strawberry Jelly           Pot          Strawberry (2)             250   550G
| Strawberry Milk            Mixer        Strawberry                 250   390G
|                                         Milk
| Super Stay Awake*          Mixer        Spicy Pepper               200   350G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Herb (red)
|                                         Pontata Root
| Sushi; Decent              Cut. Board   Fish (1+)                  180   310G
|                                         Rice
| Sushi; Good                Cut. Board   Fish (1+)                  210   620G
|                                         Rice
| Sushi; Perfect             Cut. Board   Rice                       240  1240G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Sushi; Shining             Cut. Board   Rice                       270  2480G
|                                         Fish (1+)
| Sweet Yam Cake*            Oven         Butter                     400   440G
|                                         Yam
|                                         Egg
|                                         Milk
| Tempura Buckwheat Noodles  Pot          Buckwheat                  550   600G
|                                         Eggplant
|                                         Crustacean (any)
| Tomato Juice*              Mixer        Tomato                     100   160G
| Tomato Omelette            Frying Pan   Butter                     220   270G
|                                         Egg
|                                         Tomato
| Tomato Risotto*            Pot          Tomato                     200   440G
|                                         Rice
|                                         Onion
| Tomato Soup                Pot          Tomato                     150   250G
|                                         Milk
| Tuna Bowl                  Cut. Board   Tuna                       320   560G
|                                         Rice
| Vegetable Juice*           Mixer        Spinach                    300   280G
|                                         Green Herb
|                                         Bell Pepper
|                                         Cabbage

| Vegetable Pizza            Oven         Vegetable (any)            510  1000G
|                                         Pie Crust
|                                         Cheese
| Vegetable Salad            Cut. Board   Vegetable (any)            100   240G
|                                         Mayonnaise
| Vegetable Sandwich*        Cut. Board   Bread                      200   300G
|                                         Vegetable (any)
|                                         Butter
|                                         Mayonnaise
| Veryberry Juice*           Mixer        Veryberry                   80    70G
| Yam Cake                   Oven         Egg                        320   590G
|                                         Milk
|                                         Butter
|                                         Yam
|                                         Breadfruit
| Yam Cocktail*              Aging Pot    Yam (2)                    180   190G
| Yam Stew                   Pot          Yam                        100   120G
| Yellow Flax Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Yellow Herb or Flower      N/A   580G
|                                         Flax Yarn
| Yellow Perfume*            Mixer        Flower (Yellow) (2)        N/A   160G
| Yellow Silk Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Silk Yarn                  N/A  1120G
|                                         Yellow Herb or Flower
| Yellow Wool Yarn           Dyeing Pot   Wool Yarn                  N/A   500G
|                                         Yellow Herb or Flower
| Yogurt*                    Aging Pot    Milk                       150   230G
| Yogurt Drink               Mixer        Yogurt                     250   260G
|                                         Honey (any)
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {GBR} _
| Gifts by Recipient
| Below is a list of gifts available in the game, sorted by recipient and each
| recipients' attitude (loves, likes, neutral, dislikes or hates) towards that
| item. Use this list when you need to find the right gift for a certain
| villager.
| This list is far from complete. There are hundreds of items in the game and
| over 50 villagers, meaning that there are several thousand combinations of
| villagers and items. If an item isn't listed anywhere next to a particular
| villager, that means the villager's attitude towards that item is not yet
| known.
| If you know of any villager's attitude towards any item and don't see that
| item listed below, please feel free to submit it using my contact information
| at the bottom of the guide. Don't worry too much about submitting duplicates
| - this list is formatted by a piece of software that also checks for
| duplicate items, so duplicates won't make it to the final list.
| For details on each type of gift's effect on a villager's heart level, see
| the 'Making Friends' section (search for < MFR > without the spaces).
| The list below would not be possible without the contributions of dozens of
| fellow Harvest Moon players. All contributors are listed at the top and
| bottom of the guide, but I would especially like to thank Stormfeather and
| Shionite of the GameFAQs message boards. Stormfeather is single-handedly
| responsible for about 40% of this list, while Shionite is responsible for
| another 10%.
| Total Completion: 2710 / 25920
| - - - 
| Angie     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (29/540)  (none listed)         Apple Jam             Grilled Yam            
|                                 Apple Pie             Marinated Mushrooms    
|                                 Banana Pudding        Tomato Juice           
|                                 Carrot Cake                                  
|                                 Cheese Omelet                                
|                                 Chocolate Bar                                
|                                 Chocolate Fondue                             
|                                 Coconut Juice                                
|                                 Cookie                                       
|                                 Herb Cookie                                  
|                                 Herb Tea                                     
|                                 Hot Cocoa                                    
|                                 Hot Milk                                     
|                                 Milk Tea                                     
|                                 Mont Blanc Cake                              
|                                 Omelet Rice                                  
|                                 Pancakes                                     
|                                 Pineapple Juice                              
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding                              
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)                         
|                                 Strawberry Jam                               
|                                 Strawberry Milk                              
|                                 Strawberry Shortcake                         
|                                 Vegetable Sandwich                           
|                                 Very Berry Juice                             
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Gold                  (none listed)                                
| - - - -
| Anissa    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (81/540)  Herb (Blue)           Blue Mist Flower      Apple Pie              
|           Herbal Tea            Bodigizer XL          Begonia                
|           Perfume (Blue)        Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Perfect)  
|           Perfume (Shining)     Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry              
|           Pickled Eggplant      Chrysanthemum         Boiled Corn            
|           Pickled Turnip        Herb (Green)          Breadfruit (Shining)   
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Herb (Purple)         Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|           Strawberry (Perfect)  Herb (Red)            Cherry                 
|           Strawberry (Shining)  Herb (Yellow)         Chestnut               
|           Yogurt Drink          Honey (Purple)        Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Honey (Red)           Coral                  
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Corn (Good)            
|                                 Lavender              Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Lily                  Egg (Duck) (Good)      
|                                 Morning Glory         Eggplant (Perfect)     
|                                 Perfume (Green)       Glass                  
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Gold                   
|                                 Perfume (Red)         Grilled Clam           
|                                 Perfume (Yellow)      Hibiscus               
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Lobster                
|                                 Pinkcat               Milk (Cow) (Good)      
|                                 Rose                  Milk (Goat) (Good)     
|                                 Strawberry (Decent)   Onion (Good)           
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Pansy                  
|                                 Sunflower             Rice (Shining)         
|                                 Toadstool             Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                 Tomato Juice          Tomato (Good)          
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Tomato (Perfect)       
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Tulip                  
|                                                       Veryberry Jam          
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Watermelon (Good)      
|           Apple Cocktail        Failed Dish                                  
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Failed Soup                                  
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Rubber Boot                                  
|           Coconut Cocktail                                                   
|           Grape Cocktail                                                     
|           Rice Cocktail                                                      
|           Weird Dish                                                         
|           Yam Cocktail                                                       
| - - - - 
| Barbara   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (33/540)  Pickled Cabbage       Banana Pudding        Anemone                
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Banana                 
|           Vegetable Juice       Chocolate Pudding     Begonia                
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Pudding               Eggplant (Shining)     
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Fancy Seashell         
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Fried Egg              
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Glass                  
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Green Bell             
|                                 Sunflower             Hibiscus               
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Veryberry Jam         Onion (Good)           
|                                                       Rice Ball              
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Strawberry (Good)      
|           (none listed)         Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Tulip                  
|                                 Rubber Boot                                  
|                                 Toadstool                                    
| - -
| Bo        Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (30/540)  Green Bell            Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Banana                 
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Herb (Blue)           Begonia                
|                                 Herb (Green)          Blueberry              
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Bodigizer XL           
|                                 Herb (Red)            Cherry                 
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Glass                  
|                                 Herb Bread            Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Honey (Red)            
|                                 Marinated Mushroom    King Fish              
|                                 Moondrop Flower       Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Sardine in Oil         
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Very Berry             
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom                             
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)                         
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Gold                  (none listed)                                
|           Scrap Iron                                                         
| - - -
| Cain      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (23/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Begonia                
|                                 Salmon Cream Stew     Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Sardine Tomato Stew   Cherry                 
|                                 Saury Tomato Stew     Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Seafood Stew          Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Spicy Stew            Glass                  
|                                 Squid Tomato Stew     Herb (Green)           
|                                 Stew                  Hibiscus               
|                                 Yogurt                King Fish              
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Strawberry (Shining)   
|                                                       Tulip                  
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         Scrap Iron                                   
| - - - -
| Calvin    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (44/540)  Amber                 Amethyst              Glass                  
|           Buckwheat N. w/ Egg   Aquamarine            Gold                   
|           Cheese Omelet         Bodigizer XL          Herb (Green)           
|           Egg Salad             Buckwheat Chips       Honeydew (Perfect)     
|           Egg Sandwich          Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Toadstool              
|           Egg Soup              Cheese (Cow) (Shining)                       
|           Grape Cocktail        Diamond                                      
|           Seasoned Egg          Egg (Chicken) (Shi...                        
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Emerald                                      
|           Tomato Omelet         Fried Egg                                    
|                                 Grilled Clam                                 
|                                 Moonlight Stone                              
|                                 Peridot                                      
|                                 Rice Cocktail                                
|                                 Rose Stone                                   
|                                 Ruby                                         
|                                 Sapphire                                     
|                                 Spinel                                       
|                                 Yam Cocktail                                 
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Bamboo Shoot          Failed Dish                                  
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Soup                                  
|           Chocolate Banana                                                   
|           Chocolate Bar                                                      
|           Chocolate Cake                                                     
|           Chocolate Fondue                                                   
|           Chocolate Pie                                                      
|           Chocolate Pudding                                                  
| - - - - 
| Candace   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (64/540)  Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Flax Yarn (Blue)      Banana                 
|           Cocoon (Shining)      Flax Yarn (Green)     Begonia                
|           Flax Yarn (Shining)   Flax Yarn (Purple)    Blueberry Jam          
|           Herbal Tea            Flax Yarn (Red)       Breadfruit (Shining)   
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Buckwheat (Good)       
|           Silk Yarn (Shining)   Green Bell            Buckwheat Chips        
|           Wool (Shining)        Herb Bread            Buckwheat N. w/ Egg    
|           Wool Yarn (Shining)   Herb Cookie           Buckwheat Noodles      
|                                 Orange Juice          Cherry                 
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Chestnut               
|                                 Perfume (Purple)      Common Seashell        
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Coral                  
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Glass                  
|                                 Silk Yarn (Perfect)   Grape                  
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Herb (Blue)            
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Herb (Purple)          
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Hibiscus               
|                                 Snowflake Flower      Honey (Blue)           
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Wool (Perfect)        Hot Chocolate          
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Peridot                
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Pineapple              
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Pinkcat                
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Saury Tomato Stew      
|                                                       Tulip                  
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Veryberry Jam          
|           Stay Awake            (none listed)                                
|           Super Stay Awake                                                   
| - - - 
| Chase     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (94/540)  Herb Fish (Shining)   Apple Pie             Apple Cocktail         
|           Marmalade Jam         Banana Pudding        Apple Juice            
|           Orange Cake           Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Begonia                
|           Orange Juice          Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry              
|           Orange Pie            Chestnut Pie          Blueberry Cocktail     
|           Shark Fin Soup        Chestnut Rice         Buckwheat (Good)       
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Chocolate Banana      Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Buckwheat Chips        
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Buckwheat N. w/ Egg    
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Buckwheat Noodles      
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cherry                 
|                                 Herbal Tea            Common Seashell        
|                                 Lobster               Corn (Good)            
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect) Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Orange                Egg Salad              
|                                 Pinkcat               Egg Soup               
|                                 Pudding               Eggplant (Shining)     
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Fried Egg              
|                                 Pumpkin Croquette     Green Bell             
|                                 Pumpkin Pie           Herb (Green)           
|                                 Pumpkin Pudding       Honey (Decent)         
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Honey (Green)          
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Shortcake             Honey (Yellow)         
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Honeydew (Perfect)     
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)     
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Mushroom               
|           Bamboo Shoot          Failed Dish           Onion (Good)           
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Soup           Pineapple              
|           Perfume (Blue)                              Pineapple Juice        
|           Perfume (Green)                             Rice Cocktail          
|           Perfume (Purple)                            Sardine                
|           Perfume (Red)                               Sashimi (Decent)       
|           Perfume (Shining)                           Seasoned Egg           
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Snowflake Flower       
|           Pickled Cabbage                             Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|           Pickled Eggplant                            Strawberry Jam         
|           Pickled Turnip                              Sweet Potato Stew      
|           Pontata Root                                Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|                                                       Very Berry             
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)          
|                                                       Yogurt                 
| - - - 
| Chloe     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (62/540)  Chocolate Banana      Apple Jam             Apple                  
|           Chocolate Bar         Apple Juice           Banana                 
|           Chocolate Cake        Begonia               Cherry                 
|           Chocolate Fondue      Black Pearl           Cherry (Shining)       
|           Chocolate Pie         Blueberry Jam         Common Seashell        
|           Chocolate Pudding     Blueberry Juice       Glass                  
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Carrot (Shining)      Herb (Green)           
|           Strawberry Milk       Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Honey (Purple)         
|           Tomato Juice          Coconut Juice         Milk (Cow) (Good)      
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Milk (Goat) (Good)     
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Per... Mushroom               
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Pontata Root           
|                                 Hibiscus              Strawberry (Good)      
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Wool (Good)            
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Wool Yarn (Perfect)    
|                                 Marmalade Jam                                
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)                         
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)                         
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)                         
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Perfect)                        
|                                 Orange Juice                                 
|                                 Pineapple Juice                              
|                                 Pinkcat                                      
|                                 Rare Metal                                   
|                                 Seasoned Egg                                 
|                                 Strawberry Jam                               
|                                 Tulip                                        
|                                 Very Berry Jam                               
|                                 Very Berry Juice                             
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Bodigizer             Scrap Iron                                   
|           Bodigizer XL          Vegetable Juice                              
|           Copper                                                             
|           Gold                                                               
|           Stay Awake                                                         
|           Super Stay Awake                                                   
|           Weird Dish                                                         
| - - - - 
| Colleen   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (27/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Apple Cocktail        Anemone                
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Banana                 
|                                 Green Bell            Begonia                
|                                 Lavender              Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Lily                  Chestnut               
|                                 Morning Glory         Coral                  
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Corn (Good)            
|                                 Rose                  Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Fancy Seashell         
|                                                       Glass                  
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Hibiscus               
|           Vegetable Juice       (none listed)         Pinkcat                
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)      
|                                                       Tomato (Good)          
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
| - - - 
| Craig     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (26/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Bell Pepper (Shining)  
|                                 Eggplant (Perfect)    Buckwheat (Good)       
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Cherry                 
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Corn (Good)            
|                                 Spicy Seafood Stew    Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Spicy Stew            Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Glass                  
|                                                       Honey (Purple)         
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Iron                   
|           Milk (Cow) (Good)     (none listed)         Mushroom               
|           Milk (Cow) (Perfect)                        Pinkcat                
|                                                       Potato (Decent)        
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)       
| - - - -
| Dakota    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (6/540)   Pumpkin Pudding       Orange Juice          Carrot Juice           
|                                 Tomato Juice          Honey (Decent)         
|                                                       Pond Smelt             
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - -
| Dale      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (32/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Bell Pepper (Shining) Begonia                
|                                 Blueberry Cocktail    Blueberry              
|                                 Marinated Mushroom    Bodigizer XL           
|                                 Mushroom Gratin       Cherry                 
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Cocoon (Good)          
|                                 Plain Omelet          Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Sauteed Mushroom      Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Southern Omelet       Herb (Green)           
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect)Honey (Red)            
|                                 Spicy Pepper (Shining)King Fish              
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Mushroom               
|                                                       Pickled Turnip         
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Pineapple              
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Empty Can             Strawberry (Good)      
|           Toadstool             Rubber Boot           Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
| - - -
| Elli      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (22/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Breadfruit (Shining)  Anemone                
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Begonia                
|                                 Orange Cake           Common Seashell        
|                                 Pumpkin Cake          Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Shortcake             Fancy Seashell         
|                                 Snowflake Flower      Green Bell             
|                                 Spinach Cake          Hibiscus               
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - -
| Gill      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (93/540)  Ratatouille           Black Pearl           Amber                  
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Amethyst               
|           Tomato Juice          Clam                  Apple                  
|           Tomato Risotto        Conger Eel Bowl       Aquamarine             
|                                 Diamond               Begonia                
|                                 Gold                  Big-Scaled Redfin      
|                                 Grilled Clam          Box Lunch (Decent)     
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Box Lunch (Good)       
|                                 Honeydew (Perfect)    Buckwheat N. w/ Egg    
|                                 Lavender              Carrot (Shining)       
|                                 Perfume (Blue)        Char                   
|                                 Rare Metal            Copper                 
|                                 Ruby                  Coral                  
|                                 Sapphire              Crawfish               
|                                 Silver                Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Vegetable Salad       Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Flax Yarn (Perfect)    
|           Apple Cocktail        Algae                 French Fries           
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Dish           Fried Egg              
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Failed Soup           Grape                  
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Toadstool             Green Bell             
|           Coconut Cocktail      Vegetable Juice       Herb (Blue)            
|           Fodder                                      Herb (Green)           
|           Grape Cocktail                              Herb Fish (Decent)     
|           Rice Cocktail                               Herbal Tea             
|           Scrap Iron                                  Hibiscus               
|           Stir-Fry                                    Honey (Decent)         
|           Yam Cocktail                                Horse Mackerel         
|                                                       Iron                   
|                                                       King Fish              
|                                                       Lapis Lazuli           
|                                                       Lily                   
|                                                       Marinated Mushroom     
|                                                       Moonlight Stone        
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Octopus                
|                                                       Ore (Silver)           
|                                                       Pearl                  
|                                                       Perfume (Decent)       
|                                                       Peridot                
|                                                       Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Pond Smelt             
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)       
|                                                       Rose Stone             
|                                                       Sea Bream              
|                                                       Seafood Pizza          
|                                                       Seasoned Egg           
|                                                       Shortcake              
|                                                       Snowflake Flower       
|                                                       Sunflower              
|                                                       Sweet Potato Stew      
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)        
|                                                       Tomato (Good)          
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
|                                                       Yogurt                 
| - - -
| Gray      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (26/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Butter (Goat) (Shi... Begonia                
|                                 Cheese Omelet         Blueberry              
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Buckwheat (Good)       
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Cherry                 
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cherry (Shining)       
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  King Fish              
|                                 Omelet Rice           Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Plain Omelet          Milk (Cow) (Shining)   
|                                 Southern Omelet       Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                 Strawberry Milk                              
|                                 Tomato Juice                                 
|                                 Tomato Omelet                                
|                                 Vegetable Juice                              
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Toadstool             (none listed)                                
| - - - - -
| Hamilton  Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (51/540)  Mashed Potatoes       Herb Fish (Shining)   Anemone                
|           Potato Gratin         Moondrop Flower       Begonia                
|           Potato Miso Soup      Pickled Turnip        Cocoa (Good)           
|           Potato Pancake        Potato (Perfect)      Crawfish               
|           Potato Stew           Potato (Shining)      Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|           Sauteed Potato                              Fodder                 
|           Shining Baumkuchen                          Fried Egg              
|                                                       Herb (Green)           
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Hibiscus               
|           Toadstool             Apple Cocktail        Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Honeydew (Perfect)     
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Horse Mackerel         
|                                 Failed Dish           Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Failed Soup           Milk (Cow) (Good)      
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Milk (Goat) (Good)     
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Milk Tea               
|                                 Scrap Iron            Mushroom               
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Orange Juice           
|                                                       Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Potato (Decent)        
|                                                       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)      
|                                                       Tomato (Good)          
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)       
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|                                                       Very Berry             
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
| - - - 
| Hanna     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (36/540)  Egg Rice              Cheese Omelet         Begonia                
|           Egg Salad             Egg (Chicken) (Per... Black Pearl            
|           Egg Sandwich          Fried Egg             Breadfruit (Shining)   
|           Egg Soup              Plain Omelet          Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Southern Omelet       Cherry                 
|                                 Steamed Egg           Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Tomato Omelet         Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|                                                       Glass                  
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Herb (Green)           
|           Apple Cocktail        Failed Dish           Herb (Purple)          
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Failed Soup           Hibiscus               
|           Coconut Cocktail                            Milk (Cow) (Good)      
|           Grape Cocktail                              Pearl                  
|           Rice Cocktail                               Rice (Shining)         
|           Yam Cocktail                                Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry             
| - - - -
| Hayden    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (40/540)  Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Cocktail        Anemone                
|           Rice Cocktail         Bell Pepper (Shining) Begonia                
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Buckwheat (Perfect)   Bodigizer XL           
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Buckwheat (Good)       
|                                 Carrot (Shining)      Common Seashell        
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Coral                  
|                                 Grape                 Corn (Good)            
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|                                 Pizza                 Glass                  
|                                 Tomato (Shining)      Green Bell             
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Herb (Green)           
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Hibiscus               
|                                                       Honey (Purple)         
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Honey (Red)            
|           Marmalade Jam         (none listed)         Honey (Yellow)         
|           Scrap Iron                                  King Fish              
|                                                       Laver Seaweed          
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Onion (Good)           
|                                                       Pickled Turnip         
|                                                       Tulip                  
| - - - 
| Heath     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (2/540)   Southern Omelet       Plain Omelet          (none listed)          
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - - 
| Irene     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (22/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Herb (Blue)           Begonia                
|                                 Herb (Green)          Box Lunch (Perfect)    
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Common Seashell        
|                                 Herb (Red)            Fried Egg              
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Glass                  
|                                 Herbal Tea            Pineapple Juice        
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Tulip                  
|                                 Pontata Root          Very Berry Juice       
|                                 Tomato Juice                                 
|                                 Vegetable Juice                              
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         Mushroom                                     
|                                 Toadstool                                    
|                                 Weird Dish                                   
| - - -
| Jake      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (22/540)  Blueberry Cocktail    Apple Cocktail        Anemone                
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Buckwheat Cocktail    Begonia                
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Corn (Good)            
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Glass                  
|                                                       King Fish              
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Pickled Turnip         
|           (none listed)         Vegetable Juice       Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
| - - 
| Jin       Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (62/540)  Herb Fish (Shining)   Bodigizer             Begonia                
|           Herbal Tea            Bodigizer XL          Black Pearl            
|           Pickled Eggplant      Chrysanthemum         Cherry                 
|           Pontata Root          Herb (Blue)           Coral                  
|           Seaweed Miso Soup     Herb (Green)          Eel                    
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Herb (Purple)         Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Herb (Red)            Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Fancy Seashell         
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Glass                  
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Lavender               
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Marinated Mushroom     
|                                 Milk Tea              Mushroom               
|                                 Potato Miso Soup      Onion (Decent)         
|                                 Stir-Fry              Pearl                  
|                                 Tomato Juice          Rice Ball              
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Sashimi (Decent)       
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Sashimi (Good)         
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)      
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Stay Awake             
|           Apple Cocktail        Failed Dish           Strawberry (Good)      
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Failed Soup           Strawberry Jam         
|           Cocoa (Good)                                Sunflower              
|           Coconut Cocktail                            Tomato (Good)          
|           Grape Cocktail                              Tulip                  
|           Rice Cocktail                               Turnip (Shining)       
|           Scrap Iron                                                         
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                                                
|           Yam Cocktail                                                       
| - - - -
| Julius    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (467/540) Chestnut Pie          Amber                 Apple                  
|           Mont Blanc Cake       Amethyst              Apple (Shining)        
|           Pumpkin Cake          Anemone               Apple Jam              
|           Pumpkin Croquette     Apple Cocktail        Apple Juice            
|           Pumpkin Pie           Apple Pie             Bamboo Rice            
|           Pumpkin Pudding       Aquamarine            Bamboo Stew            
|           Pumpkin Stew          Banana Pudding        Banana                 
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Black Pearl           Banana Milk            
|                                 Blue Mist Flower      Begonia                
|                                 Blueberry Cocktail    Bell Pepper (Decent)   
|                                 Carrot Cake           Bell Pepper (Good)     
|                                 Carrot Juice          Bell Pepper (Perfect)  
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Bell Pepper (Shining)  
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Big-Scaled Redfin      
|                                 Cheesecake            Blueberry              
|                                 Chestnut (Shining)    Blueberry Jam          
|                                 Chestnut Rice         Blueberry Juice        
|                                 Chocolate Banana      Bodigizer              
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Boiled Corn            
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Boiled Spinach         
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Bouillabaisse (Good)   
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Bouillabaisse (Perfect)
|                                 Chrysanthemum         Bouillabaisse (Shining)
|                                 Cocoon (Perfect)      Box Lunch (Decent)     
|                                 Cocoon (Shining)      Box Lunch (Good)       
|                                 Cookie                Box Lunch (Perfect)    
|                                 Crystal               Box Lunch (Shining)    
|                                 Diamond               Bread                  
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Breadfruit (Good)      
|                                 Egg (Duck) (Shining)  Breadfruit (Perfect)   
|                                 Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Breadfruit (Shining)   
|                                 Emerald               Buckwheat (Decent)     
|                                 Fish Soup             Buckwheat (Good)       
|                                 Flax (Perfect)        Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Flax (Shining)        Buckwheat Chips        
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Buckwheat Cocktail     
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Buckwheat N. w/ Egg    
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Buckwheat Noodles      
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Cabbage (Decent)       
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Cabbage (Good)         
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Cabbage (Perfect)      
|                                 Garnet                Cabbage (Shining)      
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Carp                   
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Carrot (Decent)        
|                                 Grilled Squid         Carrot (Good)          
|                                 Grilled Yam           Carrot (Perfect)       
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Carrot (Shining)       
|                                 Herb Cookie           Catfish                
|                                 Hibiscus              Char                   
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Cheese (Cow) (Good)    
|                                 Honey (Green)         Cheese (Goat) (Decent) 
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Cheese Omelet          
|                                 Honey (Red)           Cheese Risotto         
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Cherry                 
|                                 Hot Cocoa             Cherry (Shining)       
|                                 Jade                  Chestnut               
|                                 Lapis Lazuli          Chirashi Sushi         
|                                 Lavender              Chocolate Bar          
|                                 Lily                  Chocolate Cookie       
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Clam                   
|                                 Milk (Goat) (Shining) Cocoa (Decent)         
|                                 Milk Tea              Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Cocoa (Perfect)        
|                                 Octopus               Cocoa (Shining)        
|                                 Orange Cake           Coconut                
|                                 Orange Cookie         Coconut Cocktail       
|                                 Orange Pie            Coconut Juice          
|                                 Pancakes              Cocoon (Decent)        
|                                 Peridot               Cocoon (Good)          
|                                 Pinkcat               Cod                    
|                                 Potato Stew           Common Seashell        
|                                 Pudding               Coral                  
|                                 Pumpkin (Good)        Corn (Decent)          
|                                 Pumpkin (Perfect)     Corn (Good)            
|                                 Roasted Chestnut      Corn (Perfect)         
|                                 Rose                  Corn (Shining)         
|                                 Ruby                  Corn Soup              
|                                 Sapphire              Cosmos                 
|                                 Shortcake             Duckonnaise            
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|                                 Silk Yarn (Shining)   Egg (Duck) (Good)      
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Egg (Duck) (Perfect)   
|                                 Snowflake Flower      Egg (Ostrich) (Good)   
|                                 Spinach Cake          Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                 Spinel                Egg Rice               
|                                 Squid                 Egg Salad              
|                                 Steamed Egg           Egg Sandwich           
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Egg Soup               
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Eggplant (Decent)      
|                                 Sweet Potato Cake     Eggplant (Good)        
|                                 Sweet Potato Rice     Eggplant (Perfect)     
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Eggplant (Shining)     
|                                 Tomato Juice          Fancy Seashell         
|                                 Topaz                 Fish Meuniere (Decent) 
|                                 Tulip                 Fish Meuniere (Good)   
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Fish Meuniere (Perfect)
|                                 Wool (Shining)        Flax (Decent)          
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Flax (Good)            
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Flax Yarn (Decent)     
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Flax Yarn (Good)       
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Flax Yarn (Perfect)    
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)   Flounder               
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    French Fries           
|                                                       Freshwater Prawn       
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Fried Egg              
|           Angler Fish           Algae                 Glass                  
|           Butter (Cow) (Decent) Baked Potato          Goby                   
|           Butter (Cow) (Good)   Bamboo Shoot          Gold                   
|           Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Grape                  
|           Butter (Cow) (Shining)Conger Eel            Grape Juice            
|           Butter (Goat) (Decent)Conger Eel Bowl       Green Bell             
|           Butter (Goat) (Good)  Eel                   Grilled Carp           
|           Butter (Goat) (Per... Empty Can             Grilled Catfish        
|           Butter (Goat) (Shi... Failed Dish           Grilled Clam           
|           Copper                Failed Soup           Grilled Eggplant       
|           Crawfish              Grilled Eel           Grilled Flounder       
|           Feed                  Rubber Boot           Grilled Goby           
|           Fodder                Scrap Iron            Grilled Halibut        
|           Grilled Angler Fish   Stay Awake            Grilled Horse Mackerel 
|           Grilled Crawfish      Swim Shorts           Grilled Huchen         
|           Grilled King Fish     Toadstool             Grilled Lobster        
|           Grilled Shark         Weird Dish            Grilled Mackerel       
|           Grilled Skull Jell...                       Grilled Mahi-Mahi      
|           Grilled Wood Fish                           Grilled Pond Smelt     
|           Iron                                        Grilled Prawn          
|           King Fish                                   Grilled Puffer Fish    
|           Ore (Copper)                                Grilled Rainbow Trout  
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Grilled Redfin         
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Grilled Rock Lobster   
|           Ore (Rare)                                  Grilled Rock Trout     
|           Ore (Silver)                                Grilled Rockfish       
|           Puffer Fish                                 Grilled Salmon         
|           Shark                                       Grilled Sardine        
|           Skull Jellyfish                             Grilled Saury          
|           Wonderful (Blue)                            Grilled Sea Urchin     
|           Wonderful (Green)                           Grilled Swordfish      
|           Wonderful (Purple)                          Grilled Tuna           
|           Wonderful (Red)                             Grilled Yellowtail     
|           Wonderful (White)                           Halibut                
|           Wonderful (Yellow)                          Herb (Blue)            
|           Wood Fish                                   Herb (Green)           
|                                                       Herb (Red)             
|                                                       Herb (Yellow)          
|                                                       Herb Bread             
|                                                       Herb Fish (Decent)     
|                                                       Herb Fish (Good)       
|                                                       Herb Fish (Perfect)    
|                                                       Herb Fish (Shining)    
|                                                       Herbal Tea             
|                                                       Honey (Decent)         
|                                                       Honeydew (Good)        
|                                                       Honeydew (Perfect)     
|                                                       Honeydew (Shining)     
|                                                       Honeydew Juice         
|                                                       Honeydew Milk          
|                                                       Horse Mackerel         
|                                                       Hot Milk               
|                                                       Huchen                 
|                                                       Hyacinth               
|                                                       Laver Seaweed          
|                                                       Lobster                
|                                                       Mackerel               
|                                                       Mahi-Mahi              
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Decent)
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Good)  
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Per... 
|                                                       Marinated Fish (Shi... 
|                                                       Marinated Mushroom     
|                                                       Marmalade Jam          
|                                                       Masu Trout             
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)      
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)   
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Shining)   
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Decent)    
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Good)      
|                                                       Milk (Cow) (Perfect)   
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Decent)   
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Good)     
|                                                       Milk (Goat) (Perfect)  
|                                                       Moondrop Flower        
|                                                       Morning Glory          
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Mushroom Gratin        
|                                                       Mushroom Rice          
|                                                       Omelet Rice            
|                                                       Onion (Decent)         
|                                                       Onion (Good)           
|                                                       Onion (Perfect)        
|                                                       Onion (Shining)        
|                                                       Orange                 
|                                                       Orange (Shining)       
|                                                       Orange Juice           
|                                                       Ostonnaise             
|                                                       Pansy                  
|                                                       Pie Crust              
|                                                       Pineapple              
|                                                       Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Pizza                  
|                                                       Plain Omelet           
|                                                       Pond Smelt             
|                                                       Pontata Root           
|                                                       Potato (Decent)        
|                                                       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Potato (Perfect)       
|                                                       Potato (Shining)       
|                                                       Potato Gratin          
|                                                       Pumpkin (Decent)       
|                                                       Rainbow Trout          
|                                                       Rare Metal             
|                                                       Rice (Decent)          
|                                                       Rice (Good)            
|                                                       Rice (Perfect)         
|                                                       Rice (Shining)         
|                                                       Rice Ball              
|                                                       Rice Cocktail          
|                                                       Roasted Corn           
|                                                       Rock Lobster           
|                                                       Rock Trout             
|                                                       Rose Stone             
|                                                       Royal Jelly            
|                                                       Salmon                 
|                                                       Sardine                
|                                                       Sardine in Oil         
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)       
|                                                       Sashimi (Good)         
|                                                       Sashimi (Perfect)      
|                                                       Saury                  
|                                                       Sea Urchin             
|                                                       Seafood Pizza          
|                                                       Seafood Risotto        
|                                                       Seafood Stew           
|                                                       Seasoned Egg           
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup      
|                                                       Shark Fin Soup         
|                                                       Shark Fin Stew         
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Decent)     
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Good)       
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Perfect)    
|                                                       Silver                 
|                                                       Southern Fried Rice    
|                                                       Southern Omelet        
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Decent)  
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)    
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Shining) 
|                                                       Spicy Seafood Soup     
|                                                       Spicy Stew             
|                                                       Spinach (Decent)       
|                                                       Spinach (Good)         
|                                                       Spinach (Perfect)      
|                                                       Spinach Risotto        
|                                                       Stew                   
|                                                       Stir-Fry               
|                                                       Strawberry Jam         
|                                                       Strawberry Milk        
|                                                       Sunflower              
|                                                       Sushi (Decent)         
|                                                       Sushi (Good)           
|                                                       Sushi (Perfect)        
|                                                       Sushi (Shining)        
|                                                       Swordfish              
|                                                       Tempura Buckwheat N... 
|                                                       Tomato (Decent)        
|                                                       Tomato (Good)          
|                                                       Tomato (Perfect)       
|                                                       Tomato (Shining)       
|                                                       Tomato Omelet          
|                                                       Tomato Risotto         
|                                                       Tomato Soup            
|                                                       Tuna                   
|                                                       Tuna Rice              
|                                                       Turnip (Decent)        
|                                                       Turnip (Good)          
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)       
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)       
|                                                       Vegetable Salad        
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich     
|                                                       Very Berry             
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)    
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)      
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)   
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)   
|                                                       Wool (Decent)          
|                                                       Wool (Good)            
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)         
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)       
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)    
|                                                       Yam (Decent)           
|                                                       Yam (Good)             
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)          
|                                                       Yam (Shining)          
|                                                       Yam Cocktail           
|                                                       Yellowtail             
|                                                       Yogurt Drink           
| - - - 
| Kathy     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (75/540)  Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Anemone               Begonia                
|           Cheese (Goat) (Shi... Apple Cocktail        Blueberry Jam          
|           Cheese Fondue         Blueberry Cocktail    Boiled Corn            
|           Cheese Omelet         Buckwheat Cocktail    Breadfruit (Shining)   
|           Perfume (Red)         Carrot (Shining)      Buckwheat (Good)       
|           Rice Cocktail         Cheese (Cow) (Decent) Cherry                 
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Cheese (Cow) (Good)   Cherry (Shining)       
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Coral                  
|                                 Cheese (Goat) (Per... Corn Soup              
|                                 Cheesecake            Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Corn (Decent)         Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                 Corn (Good)           Eggplant (Shining)     
|                                 Corn (Perfect)        Flax (Shining)         
|                                 Corn (Shining)        Glass                  
|                                 Garnet                Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Honey (Red)            
|                                 Herb (Red)            Honey (Yellow)         
|                                 Hibiscus              Honeydew Milk          
|                                 Omelet Rice           Hyacinth               
|                                 Rice (Shining)        King Fish              
|                                 Steamed Clam          Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Tomato Juice          Mayonnaise (Shining)   
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Moondrop Flower        
|                                                       Perfume (Purple)       
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Pickled Cabbage        
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Mushroom              Pickled Turnip         
|           Chocolate Bar                               Pineapple Juice        
|           Chocolate Cake                              Pinkcat                
|           Chocolate Fondue                            Rose Stone             
|           Chocolate Pudding                           Sardine                
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)      
|                                                       Sunflower              
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)       
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
|                                                       Yogurt                 
| - - -
| Luke      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (122/540) Banana Pudding        Apple Cocktail        Amber                  
|           Boiled Spinach        Apple Juice           Begonia                
|           Carrot Cake           Blueberry Cocktail    Bell Pepper (Shining)  
|           Chocolate Banana      Blueberry Juice       Blueberry Jam          
|           Mayonnaise (Shining)  Buckwheat Cocktail    Bodigizer XL           
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Carrot (Shining)      Buckwheat (Good)       
|           Spinach Cake          Carrot Juice          Cherry                 
|           Spinach Risotto       Coconut Cocktail      Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Coconut Juice         Cocoa (Perfect)        
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Copper                 
|                                 Grape Juice           Coral                  
|                                 Honey (Blue)          Corn (Shining)         
|                                 Honey (Red)           Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Mayonnaise (Good)     French Fries           
|                                 Mayonnaise (Perfect)  Glass                  
|                                 Orange Juice          Grape                  
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Grilled Clam           
|                                 Rice Cocktail         Herb (Blue)            
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Herb (Green)           
|                                 Spinach (Decent)      Herb (Purple)          
|                                 Spinach (Good)        Herb (Red)             
|                                 Spinach (Perfect)     Herb (Yellow)          
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Honey (Decent)         
|                                 Stir-Fry              Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Tulip                 Honey (Yellow)         
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Jade                   
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Lavender               
|                                 Watermelon (Perfect)  Marinated Mushroom     
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Marmalade Jam          
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Moonlight Stone        
|           Bamboo Shoot          Empty Can             Mushroom               
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Failed Dish           Orange                 
|           Banana                Failed Soup           Ore (Iron)             
|           Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Scrap Iron            Pearl                  
|           Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Toadstool             Peridot                
|           Cheese Omelet         Tomato Juice          Pickled Cabbage        
|           Cheese Risotto                              Pickled Turnip         
|           Cheesecake                                  Pinkcat                
|           Orange Cake                                 Pontata Root           
|           Perfume (Blue)                              Potato (Decent)        
|           Perfume (Green)                             Sashimi (Decent)       
|           Perfume (Purple)                            Sea Urchin             
|           Perfume (Red)                               Silver                 
|           Perfume (Shining)                           Snowflake Flower       
|           Perfume (Yellow)                            Spicy Pepper (Shining) 
|           Pizza                                       Tomato (Good)          
|           Pumpkin Cake                                Tomato (Perfect)       
|           Sashimi (Perfect)                           Tomato (Shining)       
|           Sashimi (Shining)                           Tomato Soup            
|           Southern Fried Rice                         Turnip (Perfect)       
|           Southern Omelet                             Wonderful (Yellow)     
|           Vegetable Pizza                             Yam (Perfect)          
|           Yogurt                                                             
|           Yogurt Drink                                                       
| - - -
| Luna      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (86/540)  Apple Pie             Banana Pudding        Anemone                
|           Chestnut Pie          Blue Mist Flower      Banana                 
|           Chocolate Pie         Blueberry Jam         Breadfruit (Good)      
|           Cocoon (Shining)      Chocolate Fondue      Buckwheat (Good)       
|           Flax Yarn (Shining)   Diamond               Buckwheat Chips        
|           Orange Pie            Flax Yarn (Blue)      Buckwheat N. w/ Egg    
|           Pumpkin Cake          Flax Yarn (Green)     Buckwheat Noodles      
|           Pumpkin Pudding       Flax Yarn (Purple)    Cabbage (Good)         
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Flax Yarn (Red)       Cherry                 
|           Silk Yarn (Shining)   Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Common Seashell        
|           Wool (Shining)        Herb (Blue)           Cosmos                 
|           Wool Yarn (Shining)   Herb (Purple)         Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Herb (Red)            Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|                                 Marmalade Jam         Egg (Duck) (Good)      
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)      Grape                  
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)     Green Bell             
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)    Herb (Green)           
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)       Herb (Yellow)          
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Herbal Tea             
|                                 Snowflake Flower      Hibiscus               
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Honey (Blue)           
|                                 Tulip                 Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Honey (Red)            
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)      Orange                 
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)     Pansy                  
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)    Perfume (Blue)         
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)       Perfume (Purple)       
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Peridot                
|                                                       Pineapple              
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Pineapple Juice        
|           Apple Cocktail        Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Silk Yarn (Decent)     
|           Blueberry Cocktail    Scrap Iron            Tomato Juice           
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Vegetable Juice       Very Berry             
|           Coconut Cocktail      Weird Dish            Very Berry Juice       
|           Glass                                                              
|           Grape Cocktail                                                     
|           Rice Cocktail                                                      
|           Yam Cocktail                                                       
| - - -
| Matt      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (1/540)   (none listed)         Orange (Shining)      (none listed)          
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - -
| Maya      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (73/540)  Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Buckwheat N. w/ Egg   Anemone                
|           Chocolate Fondue      Buckwheat Noodles     Apple                  
|           Grilled Yam           Butter (Cow) (Perfect)Apple Cocktail         
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Carrot Cake           Begonia                
|           Pudding               Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry              
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Chocolate Pudding     Blueberry Cocktail     
|           Sushi (Shining)       Clam                  Blueberry Jam          
|           Sweet Potato Cake     Honey (Purple)        Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|           Yam Rice              Honey (Red)           Buckwheat Cocktail     
|                                 Pansy                 Cherry                 
|                                 Pearl                 Cocoon (Decent)        
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Corn (Good)            
|                                 Pumpkin Stew          Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Sardine in Oil        Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Shortcake             Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|                                 Strawberry (Good)     Glass                  
|                                 Yam (Good)            Grape Juice            
|                                 Yam Cocktail          Green Bell             
|                                 Yam Stew              Grilled Eggplant       
|                                                       Herb (Green)           
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Hibiscus               
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Empty Can             Honey (Yellow)         
|           Toadstool             Rubber Boot           Lily                   
|                                                       Marinated Mushroom     
|                                                       Marinated Mushrooms    
|                                                       Marmalade Jam          
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Peridot                
|                                                       Pinkcat                
|                                                       Rice Cocktail          
|                                                       Snowflake Flower       
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Good)    
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                                       Stir-Fry               
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Turnip (Shining)       
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|                                                       Very Berry             
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
| - - -
| Mira      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (60/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Apple Jam             Apple                  
|                                 Apple Juice           Begonia                
|                                 Aquamarine            Blueberry              
|                                 Black Pearl           Bodigizer XL           
|                                 Blueberry Jam         Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Blueberry Juice       Cherry                 
|                                 Coconut Juice         Common Seashell        
|                                 Coral                 Copper                 
|                                 Crystal               Corn (Good)            
|                                 Diamond               Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Green Bell            Glass                  
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Gold                   
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Hibiscus               
|                                 Herbal Tea            Iron                   
|                                 Honey (Purple)        King Fish              
|                                 Honeydew Juice        Moondrop Flower        
|                                 Lavender              Morning Glory          
|                                 Marmalade Jam         Mushroom               
|                                 Moonlight Stone       Onion (Good)           
|                                 Orange Juice          Pineapple              
|                                 Peridot               Pinkcat                
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Pontata Root           
|                                 Sapphire              Rare Metal             
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Silver                 
|                                 Strawberry Jam        Strawberry (Good)      
|                                 Strawberry Milk       Sushi (Decent)         
|                                 Topaz                 Tomato (Good)          
|                                 Very Berry Jam        Tomato Juice           
|                                 Very Berry Juice      Tulip                  
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - -
| Owen      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (63/540)  Buckwheat Cocktail    Apple Cocktail        Banana                 
|           Coconut Cocktail      Blueberry Cocktail    Begonia                
|           Corn Soup             Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Bell Pepper (Shining)  
|           Fried Rice            Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Cherry                 
|           Omelet Rice           Cheese Risotto        Chestnut               
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Chestnut Rice         Coral                  
|           Southern Fried Rice   Egg Rice              Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|           Southern Omelet       French Fries          Glass                  
|           Yam Cocktail          Gold                  Grilled Clam           
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Herb Fish (Shining)    
|                                 Jade                  Hibiscus               
|                                 Mushroom Rice         Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Potato Rice           Honey (Red)            
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Orange                 
|                                 Rice Ball             Pineapple              
|                                 Roasted Corn          Pineapple Juice        
|                                 Salmon Fried Rice     Pontata Root           
|                                 Seafood Fried Rice    Sardine in Oil         
|                                 Seafood Rice          Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Strawberry (Shining)   
|                                 Spinel                Tulip                  
|                                 Sunflower             Very Berry Juice       
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)    
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Yogurt                 
|           Apple Pie             Failed Dish                                  
|           Marmalade Jam         Failed Soup                                  
|           Toadstool             Scrap Iron                                   
|           Tomato Juice          Vegetable Juice                              
| - - - 
| Ozzie     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (61/540)  Chirashi Sushi        Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Begonia                
|           Herb Fish (Shining)   Grilled Angler Fish   Fried Egg              
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Grilled Bonito        Glass                  
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Grilled Carp          Green Bell             
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Grilled Char          Potato (Good)          
|                                 Grilled Cod           Strawberry (Good)      
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Tulip                  
|                                 Grilled Eel                                  
|                                 Grilled Flounder                             
|                                 Grilled Goby                                 
|                                 Grilled Halibut                              
|                                 Grilled Horse Mackerel                       
|                                 Grilled Huchen                               
|                                 Grilled King Fish                            
|                                 Grilled Lobster                              
|                                 Grilled Mackerel                             
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi                            
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray                            
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout                           
|                                 Grilled Octopus                              
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt                           
|                                 Grilled Prawn                                
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish                          
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout                        
|                                 Grilled Redfin                               
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster                         
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout                           
|                                 Grilled Rockfish                             
|                                 Grilled Salmon                               
|                                 Grilled Sardine                              
|                                 Grilled Saury                                
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream                            
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin                           
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish                          
|                                 Grilled Shark                                
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell...                        
|                                 Grilled Squid                                
|                                 Grilled Swordfish                            
|                                 Grilled Tuna                                 
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish                            
|                                 Grilled Yellowtail                           
|                                 King Fish                                    
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)                         
|                                 Pickled Turnip                               
|                                 Rice (Shining)                               
|                                 Sashimi (Good)                               
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         Toadstool                                    
|                                 Weird Dish                                   
| - - - 
| Paolo     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (14/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Banana                Begonia                
|                                 Grilled Clam          Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Herb Fish (Decent)    Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                                       Honey (Purple)         
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Honeydew (Good)        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)         Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|                                                       Orange                 
|                                                       Pickled Turnip         
|                                                       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)      
| - - - -
| Pascal    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (11/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Clam                  Begonia                
|                                 Clam Soup             Fried Egg              
|                                 Grilled Clam          Glass                  
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Honey (Purple)         
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Tulip                  
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - - 
| Perry     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (20/540)  Herbal Tea            Cheese Risotto        Begonia                
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Herb (Blue)           Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Honey (Purple)        Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Pineapple Juice        
|                                 Spinach Risotto       Strawberry (Good)      
|                                 Tomato Risotto        Strawberry (Shining)   
|                                                       Tomato (Good)          
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Tomato Juice           
|           Scrap Iron            (none listed)         Very Berry Juice       
|           Seaweed Miso Soup                                                  
|           Weird Dish                                                         
| - - - -
| Phoebe    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (66/540)  Buckwheat Chips       Black Pearl           Anemone                
|           Rare Metal            Bodigizer             Apple                  
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Bodigizer XL          Apple Cocktail         
|           Tempura Buckwheat ... Buckwheat (Shining)   Begonia                
|                                 Buckwheat N. w/ Egg   Blueberry              
|                                 Buckwheat Noodles     Blueberry Cocktail     
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry Jam          
|                                 Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry Juice        
|                                 Coral                 Buckwheat (Good)       
|                                 Gold                  Cheese Omelet          
|                                 Herb (Green)          Cherry                 
|                                 Pearl                 Chestnut               
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|           Clam                  (none listed)         Grape                  
|           Clam Soup                                   Green Bell             
|           Grilled Clam                                Herb (Blue)            
|           Ore (Copper)                                Herb (Purple)          
|           Ore (Gold)                                  Herb (Yellow)          
|           Ore (Iron)                                  Herb Bread             
|           Ore (Rare)                                  Hibiscus               
|           Ore (Silver)                                Honey (Blue)           
|           Sauteed Clam                                Honey (Red)            
|                                                       Kimchi                 
|                                                       Lily                   
|                                                       Marmalade Jam          
|                                                       Moondrop Flower        
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Pumpkin Stew           
|                                                       Sashimi (Decent)       
|                                                       Scrap Iron             
|                                                       Snowflake Flower       
|                                                       Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)      
|                                                       Toadstool              
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
| - - - -
| Ramsey    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (53/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Carrot (Shining)      Apple Pie              
|           Sushi (Shining)       Coconut Cocktail      Banana                 
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Blueberry              
|                                 Eggplant (Shining)    Buckwheat Noodles      
|                                 Gold                  Carrot Cake            
|                                 Herb Fish (Perfect)   Cherry                 
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Copper                 
|                                 Onion (Shining)       Corn (Good)            
|                                 Pickled Cabbage       Diamond                
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Egg (Duck) (Good)      
|                                 Rare Metal            Glass                  
|                                 Rice (Shining)        Herb (Green)           
|                                 Silver                Iron                   
|                                 Sushi (Decent)        King Fish              
|                                 Sushi (Good)          Mushroom               
|                                 Sushi (Perfect)       Onion (Good)           
|                                 Turnip (Shining)      Royal Jelly            
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Sardine in Oil         
|                                                       Scrap Iron             
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Spicy Pepper (Perfect) 
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Toadstool             Tomato Juice           
|           Bodigizer                                   Tulip                  
|           Bodigizer XL                                Very Berry             
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)      
| - - - 
| Renee     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (58/540)  Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Amber                 Apple Jam              
|           Egg (Ostrich) (Shi... Breadfruit (Shining)  Begonia                
|           Perfume (Yellow)      Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry              
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Cheese Omelet         Blueberry Jam          
|           Strawberry Milk       Chocolate Pudding     Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Cherry                 
|                                 Feed                  Cherry (Shining)       
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Chestnut               
|                                 Grilled Yam           Coral                  
|                                 Herb (Yellow)         Corn (Perfect)         
|                                 Honey (Yellow)        Corn Soup              
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Omelet Rice           Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)    Grilled Clam           
|                                 Topaz                 Herb (Green)           
|                                 Wonderful (Yellow)    Herb (Purple)          
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)    Herb (Red)             
|                                                       Hibiscus               
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Honey (Purple)         
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)(none listed)         Honeydew (Perfect)     
|           Scrap Iron                                  King Fish              
|                                                       Lily                   
|                                                       Marmalade Jam          
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Good)      
|                                                       Mayonnaise (Perfect)   
|                                                       Moondrop Flower        
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Pansy                  
|                                                       Pinkcat                
|                                                       Red Honey              
|                                                       Seaweed Miso Soup      
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry             
|                                                       Yam (Good)             
| - - -
| Ruth      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (31/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Blue Mist Flower      Begonia                
|                                 Boiled Corn           Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Lavender              Carrot (Shining)       
|                                 Lily                  Cherry                 
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Corn (Good)            
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Shining)  Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|                                 Morning Glory         Glass                  
|                                 Pinkcat               Herb (Yellow)          
|                                 Rose                  Hibiscus               
|                                 Spinach (Perfect)     Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Spinach (Shining)     Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Strawberry (Perfect)  Onion (Good)           
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Snowflake Flower       
|                                                       Sunflower              
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Tulip                  
|           Toadstool             Weird Dish                                   
| - - - -
| Samson    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (14/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Apple Cocktail        Begonia                
|                                 Buckwheat Cocktail    Grilled Bonito         
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Herb (Green)           
|                                 Chocolate Fondue      Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Coconut Cocktail      Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|                                 Grape Cocktail        Tulip                  
|                                 Yam Cocktail                                 
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - - -
| Selena    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (150/540) Coconut               Apple Cocktail        Anemone                
|           Coconut Cocktail      Banana                Apple                  
|           Coconut Juice         Blueberry Cocktail    Begonia                
|           Diamond               Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)Blueberry              
|           Perfume (Red)         Cheese (Cow) (Shining)Blueberry Jam          
|           Perfume (Yellow)      Peridot               Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|           Pineapple             Rose                  Chestnut               
|           Ruby                  Spinel                Cocoa (Good)           
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Yam Cocktail          Common Seashell        
|           Southern Fried Rice                         Corn (Good)            
|           Southern Omelet                             Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Shining)
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Flax (Good)            
|           Angler Fish           Ore (Copper)          Glass                  
|           Big-Scaled Redfin     Ore (Gold)            Green Bell             
|           Bonito                Ore (Iron)            Herb (Blue)            
|           Carp                  Ore (Rare)            Herb (Green)           
|           Catfish               Ore (Silver)          Herb (Purple)          
|           Char                                        Herb (Red)             
|           Cod                                         Herb (Yellow)          
|           Conger Eel                                  Hibiscus               
|           Eel                                         Honey (Purple)         
|           Flounder                                    Honey (Red)            
|           Freshwater Prawn                            Hyacinth               
|           Goby                                        Marmalade Jam          
|           Grilled Angler Fish                         Milk (Cow) (Good)      
|           Grilled Bonito                              Onion (Good)           
|           Grilled Carp                                Pickled Turnip         
|           Grilled Catfish                             Pineapple Juice        
|           Grilled Char                                Pinkcat                
|           Grilled Cod                                 Potato (Good)          
|           Grilled Conger Eel                          Rice (Shining)         
|           Grilled Eel                                 Rice Ball              
|           Grilled Flounder                            Rose Stone             
|           Grilled Goby                                Snowflake Flower       
|           Grilled Halibut                             Spicy Pepper (Good)    
|           Grilled Horse Mackerel                      Strawberry (Good)      
|           Grilled Huchen                              Tomato Juice           
|           Grilled King Fish                           Tulip                  
|           Grilled Lobster                             Very Berry             
|           Grilled Mackerel                            Very Berry Juice       
|           Grilled Mahi-Mahi                                                  
|           Grilled Manta Ray                                                  
|           Grilled Masu Trout                                                 
|           Grilled Octopus                                                    
|           Grilled Pond Smelt                                                 
|           Grilled Prawn                                                      
|           Grilled Puffer Fish                                                
|           Grilled Rainbow Trout                                              
|           Grilled Redfin                                                     
|           Grilled Rock Lobster                                               
|           Grilled Rock Trout                                                 
|           Grilled Rockfish                                                   
|           Grilled Salmon                                                     
|           Grilled Sardine                                                    
|           Grilled Saury                                                      
|           Grilled Sea Bream                                                  
|           Grilled Sea Urchin                                                 
|           Grilled Seasky Fish                                                
|           Grilled Shark                                                      
|           Grilled Skull Jell...                                              
|           Grilled Squid                                                      
|           Grilled Swordfish                                                  
|           Grilled Tuna                                                       
|           Grilled Wood Fish                                                  
|           Grilled Yellowtail                                                 
|           Halibut                                                            
|           Horse Mackerel                                                     
|           Huchen                                                             
|           King Fish                                                          
|           Lobster                                                            
|           Mackerel                                                           
|           Mahi-Mahi                                                          
|           Manta Ray                                                          
|           Masu Trout                                                         
|           Octopus                                                            
|           Pond Smelt                                                         
|           Puffer Fish                                                        
|           Rainbow Trout                                                      
|           Rock Lobster                                                       
|           Rock Trout                                                         
|           Rockfish                                                           
|           Salmon                                                             
|           Sardine                                                            
|           Saury                                                              
|           Sea Bream                                                          
|           Sea Urchin                                                         
|           Seasky Fish                                                        
|           Shark                                                              
|           Skull Jellyfish                                                    
|           Squid                                                              
|           Swordfish                                                          
|           Tuna                                                               
|           Vegetable Juice                                                    
|           Wonderful (Red)                                                    
|           Wood Fish                                                          
|           Yellowtail                                                         
| - - - -
| Shelly    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (46/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Begonia               Chestnut               
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Per... Common Seashell        
|                                 Flax Yarn (Blue)      Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Flax Yarn (Green)     Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Flax Yarn (Purple)    Glass                  
|                                 Flax Yarn (Red)       Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Flax Yarn (Shining)   Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Flax Yarn (Yellow)    Pineapple Juice        
|                                 Green Bell            Tomato Juice           
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Very Berry Juice       
|                                 Herb (Purple)         Veryberry Jam          
|                                 Herb (Yellow)                                
|                                 Herb Bread                                   
|                                 Hibiscus                                     
|                                 Silk Yarn (Blue)                             
|                                 Silk Yarn (Green)                            
|                                 Silk Yarn (Purple)                           
|                                 Silk Yarn (Red)                              
|                                 Silk Yarn (Shining)                          
|                                 Silk Yarn (Yellow)                           
|                                 Tulip                                        
|                                 Wool Yarn (Blue)                             
|                                 Wool Yarn (Green)                            
|                                 Wool Yarn (Purple)                           
|                                 Wool Yarn (Red)                              
|                                 Wool Yarn (Shining)                          
|                                 Wool Yarn (Yellow)                           
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Apple Cocktail        (none listed)                                
|           Blueberry Cocktail                                                 
|           Buckwheat Cocktail                                                 
|           Grape Cocktail                                                     
|           Spicy Pepper (Good)                                                
|           Vegetable Juice                                                    
|           Yam Cocktail                                                       
| - - - 
| Simon     Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (24/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Grilled Yam           Anemone                
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Banana                 
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Begonia                
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Bodigizer XL           
|                                 Sweet Yam Cake        Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                                       Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Fried Egg              
|           (none listed)         (none listed)         Glass                  
|                                                       Green Bell             
|                                                       Honey (Purple)         
|                                                       Mushroom               
|                                                       Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Turnip (Perfect)       
|                                                       Vegetable Juice        
|                                                       Wood Fish              
| - - 
| Sue       Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (16/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Banana                Begonia                
|                                 Coconut               Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Honey (Blue)           
|                                 Hibiscus              Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Mahi-Mahi             Honey (Red)            
|                                 Pearl                 Pinkcat                
|                                 Pineapple Juice       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Tulip                  
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           (none listed)         (none listed)                                
| - - - -
| Taylor    Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (41/540)  Chocolate Fondue      Chocolate Banana      Begonia                
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Chocolate Bar         Chrysanthemum          
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Cocoa (Good)           
|                                 Chocolate Pie         Egg (Chicken) (Decent) 
|                                 Chocolate Pudding     Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 French Fries          Fried Egg              
|                                 Gold                  Herb (Green)           
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Herbal Tea             
|                                 Honey (Red)           Hibiscus               
|                                 Milk (Cow) (Perfect)  Honey (Blue)           
|                                 Pizza                 Honey (Decent)         
|                                 Strawberry (Shining)  Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Sweet Potato Stew     Marmalade Jam          
|                                 Tulip                 Pinkcat                
|                                 Vegetable Pizza       Potato (Good)          
|                                 Yogurt Drink          Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Very Berry Jam         
|           Dislikes              Hates                                        
|           Bodigizer XL          Rubber Boot                                  
|           Toadstool             Scrap Iron                                   
|                                 Vegetable Juice                              
|                                 Weird Dish                                   
| - - -
| Toby      Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (204/540) Chirashi Sushi        Black Pearl           Apple Cocktail         
|           Eel Bowl              Clam Soup             Apple Juice            
|           Sashimi (Shining)     Cosmos                Apple Pie              
|           Shining Baumkuchen    Egg (Chicken) (Shi... Banana Pudding         
|                                 Fish Meuniere (Good)  Begonia                
|                                 Grilled Angler Fish   Blueberry Cocktail     
|                                 Grilled Bonito        Bodigizer              
|                                 Grilled Carp          Bodigizer XL           
|                                 Grilled Catfish       Breadfruit (Shining)   
|                                 Grilled Char          Buckwheat (Good)       
|                                 Grilled Clam          Butter (Cow) (Decent)  
|                                 Grilled Cod           Butter (Cow) (Good)    
|                                 Grilled Conger Eel    Carrot (Decent)        
|                                 Grilled Eel           Carrot (Good)          
|                                 Grilled Flounder      Carrot (Perfect)       
|                                 Grilled Goby          Carrot (Shining)       
|                                 Grilled Halibut       Carrot Juice           
|                                 Grilled Horse MackerelCheese (Cow) (Decent)  
|                                 Grilled Huchen        Cheese (Cow) (Good)    
|                                 Grilled King Fish     Cheese Risotto         
|                                 Grilled Lobster       Cherry                 
|                                 Grilled Mackerel      Chestnut               
|                                 Grilled Mahi-Mahi     Chestnut Pie           
|                                 Grilled Manta Ray     Chocolate Fondue       
|                                 Grilled Masu Trout    Chrysanthemum          
|                                 Grilled Octopus       Clam                   
|                                 Grilled Pond Smelt    Cocoon (Decent)        
|                                 Grilled Prawn         Cocoon (Good)          
|                                 Grilled Puffer Fish   Cocoon (Perfect)       
|                                 Grilled Rainbow Trout Cocoon (Shining)       
|                                 Grilled Redfin        Common Seashell        
|                                 Grilled Rock Lobster  Conger Eel             
|                                 Grilled Rock Trout    Coral                  
|                                 Grilled Rockfish      Egg (Chicken) (Good)   
|                                 Grilled Salmon        Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Sardine       Egg (Duck) (Decent)    
|                                 Grilled Saury         Egg (Duck) (Good)      
|                                 Grilled Sea Bream     Egg (Duck) (Perfect)   
|                                 Grilled Sea Urchin    Egg (Ostrich) (Decent) 
|                                 Grilled Seasky Fish   Egg (Ostrich) (Good)   
|                                 Grilled Shark         Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)
|                                 Grilled Skull Jell... Eggplant (Perfect)     
|                                 Grilled Squid         Fancy Seashell         
|                                 Grilled Swordfish     Flax Yarn (Decent)     
|                                 Grilled Tuna          Flax Yarn (Good)       
|                                 Grilled Wood Fish     Flax Yarn (Perfect)    
|                                 Grilled Yellowtail    Flax Yarn (Shining)    
|                                 Herb (Blue)           Glass                  
|                                 Herb Fish (Good)      Gold                   
|                                 King Fish             Grape                  
|                                 Lavender              Grape Cocktail         
|                                 Mayonnaise (Shining)  Grape Juice            
|                                 Omelet Rice           Grilled Eggplant       
|                                 Onion (Good)          Grilled Yam            
|                                 Pickled Eggplant      Herb (Green)           
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Herb (Purple)          
|                                 Rice Ball             Herb (Red)             
|                                 Sauteed Clam          Herb (Yellow)          
|                                 Seasoned Egg          Herb Fish (Decent)     
|                                 Seaweed Miso Soup     Herbal Tea             
|                                 Shark Fin Stew        Honey (Decent)         
|                                 Snowflake Flower      Honey (Purple)         
|                                 Tuna                  Honey (Red)            
|                                 Vegetable Juice       Honey (Yellow)         
|                                 Wood Fish             Hot Cocoa              
|                                                       Hot Milk               
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Lapis Lazuli           
|           Bamboo Shoot          Banana                Laver Seaweed          
|           Bamboo Shoot (Shining)Coconut               Limestone              
|           Banana Milk           Coconut Cocktail      Marinated Mushroom     
|           Buckwheat Cocktail    Failed Dish           Mayonnaise (Decent)    
|           Coconut Juice         Failed Soup           Mayonnaise (Good)      
|           Feed                  Perfume (Blue)        Mayonnaise (Perfect)   
|           Fodder                Perfume (Decent)      Milk (Goat) (Decent)   
|           Rice Cocktail         Perfume (Red)         Milk (Goat) (Good)     
|           Southern Fried Rice   Pineapple Juice       Milk Tea               
|           Southern Omelet                             Mushroom               
|           Toadstool                                   Octopus                
|           Yam Cocktail                                Onion (Decent)         
|                                                       Orange Cake            
|                                                       Ostonnaise             
|                                                       Pearl                  
|                                                       Pinkcat                
|                                                       Plain Omelet           
|                                                       Pond Smelt             
|                                                       Pontata Root           
|                                                       Potato (Good)          
|                                                       Pudding                
|                                                       Pumpkin (Perfect)      
|                                                       Pumpkin Pie            
|                                                       Rainbow Trout          
|                                                       Rare Metal             
|                                                       Rose                   
|                                                       Sea Urchin             
|                                                       Silk Yarn (Blue)       
|                                                       Silver                 
|                                                       Strawberry (Good)      
|                                                       Sweet Potato Cake      
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tomato Risotto         
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Vegetable Sandwich     
|                                                       Very Berry             
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
|                                                       Watermelon (Decent)    
|                                                       Watermelon (Good)      
|                                                       Watermelon (Perfect)   
|                                                       Watermelon (Shining)   
|                                                       Wool (Perfect)         
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Decent)     
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Good)       
|                                                       Wool Yarn (Perfect)    
|                                                       Yam (Perfect)          
|                                                       Yogurt Drink           
| - - - - 
| Yolanda   Loves                 Likes                 Neutral
| (27/540)  Shining Baumkuchen    Chocolate Banana      Begonia                
|                                 Chocolate Bar         Blueberry Cocktail     
|                                 Chocolate Cake        Buckwheat (Perfect)    
|                                 Egg (Chicken) (Good)  Cherry                 
|                                 Herb Fish (Shining)   Chocolate Fondue       
|                                 Herbal Tea            Eggplant (Shining)     
|                                 Milk Tea              Fried Egg              
|                                 Pickled Turnip        Herb (Green)           
|                                                       Hibiscus               
|           Dislikes              Hates                 Honey (Purple)         
|           Toadstool             (none listed)         Lavender               
|           Vegetable Juice                             Pineapple Juice        
|                                                       Strawberry Jam         
|                                                       Tomato Juice           
|                                                       Tulip                  
|                                                       Very Berry Juice       
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {RBG} _
| Recipients by Gift
| Below is a list of gifts available in the game, sorted by gift with each
| recipients' attitude (loves, likes, neutral, dislikes or hates) towards that
| item. Use this list when you want to find the best person to give a
| particular - or to avoid giving a gift to someone who'll hate it.
| This list is far from complete. There are hundreds of items in the game and
| over 50 villagers, meaning that there are several thousand combinations of
| villagers and items. If an item isn't listed anywhere next to a particular
| villager, that means the villager's attitude towards that item is not yet
| known.
| If you know of any villager's attitude towards any item and don't see that
| villager listed below, please feel free to submit it using my contact
| information at the bottom of the guide. Don't worry too much about submitting
| duplicates - this list is formatted by a piece of software that also checks
| for duplicate items, so duplicates won't make it to the final list.
| For details on each type of gift's effect on a villager's heart level, see
| the 'Making Friends' section (search for < MFR > without the spaces).
| The list below would not be possible without the contributions of dozens of
| fellow Harvest Moon players. All contributors are listed at the top and
| bottom of the guide, but I would especially like to thank Stormfeather and
| Shionite of the GameFAQs message boards. Stormfeather is single-handedly
| responsible for about 40% of this list, while Shionite is responsible for
| another 10%.
| Total Completion: 2710 / 25920
| - - - 
| Algae                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      (none      Gill    
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)   Julius  
| - - - 
| Amber                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     Julius     Gill       (none      (none   
|                                     Renee      Luke        listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Amethyst                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius                 listed)    listed)
| - - - - 
| Anemone                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       (none      Julius     Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Kathy      Colleen     listed)    listed)
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Simon                         
| - - - - - - 
| Angler Fish              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - 
| Apple                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chloe      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - 
| Apple (Shining)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Apple Cocktail           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (20 / 48 Complete)       (none      Colleen    Chase      Anissa     Hamilton
|                           listed)   Hayden     Maya       Gill               
|                                     Jake       Phoebe     Hanna              
|                                     Julius     Toby       Jin                
|                                     Kathy                 Luna               
|                                     Luke                  Shelly             
|                                     Owen                                     
|                                     Samson                                   
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - - - 
| Apple Jam                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chloe      Renee       listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - 
| Apple Juice              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luke       Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira       Toby                          
| - - - - - 
| Apple Pie                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Luna       Angie      Anissa     Owen       (none   
|                                     Chase      Ramsey                 listed)
|                                     Julius     Toby                          
| - - - - - -
| Aquamarine               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius                 listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - -
| Baked Potato             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      (none      Julius  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)           
| - - - - - - 
| Bamboo Rice              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Bamboo Shoot             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Calvin     Julius  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Chase              
|                                                           Luke               
|                                                           Toby               
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bamboo Shoot (Shining)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (14 / 48 Complete)       Candace    (none      (none      Calvin     Barbara 
|                                      listed)    listed)   Chase      Julius  
|                                                           Dale       Luna    
|                                                           Gill               
|                                                           Kathy              
|                                                           Luke               
|                                                           Maya               
|                                                           Ramsey             
|                                                           Renee              
|                                                           Toby               
| - - - - - - 
| Bamboo Stew              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Banana                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (15 / 48 Complete)       (none      Paolo      Barbara    Luke       Toby    
|                           listed)   Selena     Bo                            
|                                     Sue        Candace                       
|                                                Chloe                         
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Simon                         
| - - - - - - 
| Banana Milk              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Toby       (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Banana Pudding           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Luke       Angie      Toby       (none      (none   
|                                     Barbara                listed)    listed)
|                                     Chase                                    
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Luna                                     
| - - - - 
| Begonia                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (39 / 48 Complete)       (none      Chloe      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Shelly     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                                Bo                            
|                                                Cain                          
|                                                Candace                       
|                                                Chase                         
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Gray                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Irene                         
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Pascal                        
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Samson                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bell Pepper (Decent)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Bell Pepper (Good)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Bell Pepper (Perfect)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Bell Pepper (Shining)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Dale       Craig      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Hayden     Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Owen                          
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Big-Scaled Redfin        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius                 listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Black Pearl              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Hanna      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Gill       Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Mira                                     
|                                     Phoebe                                   
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - -
| Blue Mist Flower         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Ruth                                     
| - - - - - 
| Blueberry                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (12 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                                Chase                         
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Gray                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Blueberry Cocktail       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (17 / 48 Complete)       Hayden     Dale       Chase      Anissa     (none   
|                          Jake       Julius     Maya       Gill        listed)
|                                     Kathy      Phoebe     Luna               
|                                     Luke       Toby       Shelly             
|                                     Owen       Yolanda                       
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - - - - - 
| Blueberry Jam            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      Chloe      Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luna       Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira       Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - 
| Blueberry Juice          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luke       Phoebe      listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - 
| Bodigizer                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Jin        Julius     Chloe      (none   
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Toby       Ramsey      listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Bodigizer XL             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (16 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Bo         Chloe      (none   
|                           listed)   Barbara    Dale       Ramsey      listed)
|                                     Cain       Hayden     Taylor             
|                                     Calvin     Luke                          
|                                     Jin        Mira                          
|                                     Phoebe     Simon                         
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - 
| Boiled Corn              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ruth       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Kathy                         
| - - - - - - - -
| Boiled Spinach           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Luke       (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                      listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Bonito                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Bouillabaisse (Good)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Bouillabaisse (Perfect)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Bouillabaisse (Shining)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Box Lunch (Decent)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Box Lunch (Good)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Box Lunch (Perfect)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Irene      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Box Lunch (Shining)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - 
| Bread                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Breadfruit (Good)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luna        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Breadfruit (Perfect)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Breadfruit (Shining)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Elli       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Renee      Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat (Decent)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat (Good)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Gray                          
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Buckwheat (Perfect)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (15 / 48 Complete)       (none      Hayden     Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Cain        listed)    listed)
|                                                Chase                         
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Buckwheat (Shining)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Phoebe     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Buckwheat Chips          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Phoebe     Calvin     Candace    (none      (none   
|                                                Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Buckwheat Cocktail       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (16 / 48 Complete)       Owen       Hayden     Julius     Anissa     Hamilton
|                                     Jake       Maya       Gill               
|                                     Kathy                 Hanna              
|                                     Luke                  Jin                
|                                     Samson                Luna               
|                                                           Shelly             
|                                                           Toby               
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Buckwheat N. w/ Egg      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     Maya       Candace    (none      (none   
|                                     Phoebe     Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Buckwheat Noodles        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Butter (Cow) (Decent)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Toby       Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Butter (Cow) (Good)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Toby       Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Cow) (Perfect)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)               listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Cow) (Shining)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Goat) (Decent)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Butter (Goat) (Good)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Butter (Goat) (Perfect)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Butter (Goat) (Shining)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gray       (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)               listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cabbage (Decent)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Cabbage (Good)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luna        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Cabbage (Perfect)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Cabbage (Shining)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - -
| Carp                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Carrot (Decent)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Carrot (Good)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Carrot (Perfect)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Carrot (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Hayden     Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                     Kathy      Ruth                          
|                                     Luke       Toby                          
|                                     Ramsey                                   
| - - - - - - 
| Carrot Cake              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Luke       Angie      Ramsey     (none      (none   
|                                     Julius                 listed)    listed)
|                                     Maya                                     
| - - - - - - -
| Carrot Juice             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Dakota     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luke       Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - 
| Catfish                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - -
| Char                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius                 listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Cheese (Cow) (Decent)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Cheese (Cow) (Good)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Cow) (Perfect)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     (none      Luke       (none   
|                           listed)   Calvin      listed)               listed)
|                                     Chase                                    
|                                     Chloe                                    
|                                     Kathy                                    
|                                     Maya                                     
|                                     Owen                                     
|                                     Phoebe                                   
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Cow) (Shining)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (12 / 48 Complete)       Kathy      Anissa     (none      Luke       (none   
|                          Maya       Calvin      listed)               listed)
|                          Renee      Chase                                    
|                                     Gill                                     
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Owen                                     
|                                     Phoebe                                   
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Cheese (Goat) (Decent)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Cheese (Goat) (Perfect)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Cheese (Goat) (Shining)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Kathy      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                                                 listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Cheese Fondue            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Kathy      (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Cheese Omelet            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     Angie      Julius     Luke       (none   
|                          Kathy      Gray       Phoebe                 listed)
|                                     Hanna                                    
|                                     Renee                                    
| - - - - - - - -
| Cheese Risotto           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       Julius     Luke       (none   
|                           listed)   Perry      Toby                   listed)
| - - - - - -
| Cheesecake               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      Luke       (none   
|                           listed)   Kathy       listed)               listed)
| - - - -
| Cherry                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (24 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                                Cain                          
|                                                Candace                       
|                                                Chase                         
|                                                Chloe                         
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Gray                          
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cherry (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chloe      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Gray        listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Renee                         
| - - - - -
| Chestnut                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Chestnut (Shining)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Chestnut Pie             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Julius     Chase      Toby       (none      (none   
|                          Luna                              listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Chestnut Rice            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Owen                                     
| - - - - - - - -
| Chirashi Sushi           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Ozzie      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                          Toby        listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Banana         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Chloe      Chase      (none      Calvin     (none   
|                          Luke       Colleen     listed)               listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Taylor                                   
|                                     Yolanda                                  
| - - - - - - - 
| Chocolate Bar            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Chloe      Angie      Julius     Calvin     (none   
|                                     Samson                Kathy       listed)
|                                     Taylor                                   
|                                     Yolanda                                  
| - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Cake           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Chloe      Chase      (none      Calvin     (none   
|                                     Elli        listed)   Kathy       listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Taylor                                   
|                                     Yolanda                                  
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Cookie         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Chocolate Fondue         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       Chloe      Angie      Toby       Calvin     (none   
|                          Maya       Julius     Yolanda    Kathy       listed)
|                          Taylor     Luna                                     
|                                     Samson                                   
| - - - - - - - 
| Chocolate Pie            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Chloe      Julius     (none      Calvin     (none   
|                          Luna       Taylor      listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Chocolate Pudding        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        Chloe      Barbara    (none      Calvin     (none   
|                                     Chase       listed)   Kathy       listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Maya                                     
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Taylor                                   
| - - - - - - - 
| Chrysanthemum            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     Taylor     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Jin        Toby        listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
| - - -
| Clam                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gill       Julius     Phoebe     (none   
|                           listed)   Maya       Toby                   listed)
|                                     Pascal                                   
| - - - - - 
| Clam Soup                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Pascal     (none      Phoebe     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Cocoa (Decent)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Cocoa (Good)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Anissa     Jin        (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Hamilton               listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Taylor                        
| - - - - - - - - 
| Cocoa (Perfect)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luke        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Cocoa (Shining)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - 
| Coconut                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Selena     Sue        Julius     (none      Toby    
|                                                            listed)           
| - - - - - - - - -
| Coconut Cocktail         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (15 / 48 Complete)       Owen       Hayden     Julius     Anissa     Hamilton
|                          Selena     Jake                  Gill       Toby    
|                                     Luke                  Hanna              
|                                     Ramsey                Jin                
|                                     Samson                Luna               
| - - - - - - - 
| Coconut Juice            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Selena     Angie      Julius     Toby       (none   
|                                     Chloe                             listed)
|                                     Luke                                     
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - - - 
| Cocoon (Decent)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Maya        listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - 
| Cocoon (Good)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Dale       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cocoon (Perfect)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Cocoon (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Candace    Julius     Toby       (none      (none   
|                          Luna                              listed)    listed)
| - - 
| Cod                      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Common Seashell          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (12 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Chloe                         
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Irene                         
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - -
| Conger Eel               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Toby       Selena     Julius  
|                           listed)    listed)                                 
| - - - - - - - - 
| Conger Eel Bowl          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gill       (none      (none      Julius  
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)           
| - - - -
| Cookie                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Copper                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Chloe      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luke       Julius      listed)
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
| - - - 
| Coral                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (14 / 48 Complete)       (none      Mira       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - 
| Corn (Decent)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Corn (Good)              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       (none      Kathy      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - -
| Corn (Perfect)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Renee       listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Corn (Shining)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Luke        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Corn Soup                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Owen       (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                      listed)   Kathy       listed)    listed)
|                                                Renee                         
| - - - -
| Cosmos                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Toby       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Luna        listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Crawfish                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Hamilton               listed)
| - - - - 
| Crystal                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Mira        listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - 
| Diamond                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Selena     Calvin     Ramsey     (none      (none   
|                                     Gill                   listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - 
| Duckonnaise              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - 
| Eel                      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Jin        Selena     Julius  
|                           listed)    listed)                                 
| - - - - -
| Eel Bowl                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Toby       (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Chicken) (Decent)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (18 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Cain       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Taylor                        
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Chicken) (Good)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (28 / 48 Complete)       (none      Yolanda    Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                                Cain                          
|                                                Chase                         
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Egg (Chicken) (Perfect)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      Chase      Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Hanna      Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                     Renee      Jin                           
|                                     Shelly     Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Egg (Chicken) (Shining)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      Calvin     Kathy      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chloe      Maya        listed)    listed)
|                                     Craig      Selena                        
|                                     Gray                                     
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Ozzie                                    
|                                     Ramsey                                   
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Egg (Duck) (Decent)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Hanna      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Hayden      listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Egg (Duck) (Good)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Duck) (Perfect)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Duck) (Shining)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Ostrich) (Decent)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Egg (Ostrich) (Good)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Egg (Ostrich) (Perfect)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chloe      Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Egg (Ostrich) (Shining)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Renee      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                                                 listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Egg Rice                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Hanna      Owen       Julius     (none      (none   
|                                                            listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Egg Salad                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     (none      Chase      (none      (none   
|                          Hanna       listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Egg Sandwich             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                          Hanna       listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Egg Soup                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     (none      Chase      (none      (none   
|                          Hanna       listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Eggplant (Decent)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Eggplant (Good)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Eggplant (Perfect)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Craig      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Eggplant (Shining)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ramsey     Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - 
| Emerald                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Empty Can                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      (none      Dale    
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)   Julius  
|                                                                      Luke    
|                                                                      Maya    
| - - - - - - 
| Failed Dish              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      (none      (none      Anissa  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)   Calvin  
|                                                                      Chase   
|                                                                      Gill    
|                                                                      Hamilton
|                                                                      Hanna   
|                                                                      Jin     
|                                                                      Julius  
|                                                                      Luke    
|                                                                      Owen    
|                                                                      Toby    
| - - - - - - 
| Failed Soup              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      (none      (none      Anissa  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)   Calvin  
|                                                                      Chase   
|                                                                      Gill    
|                                                                      Hamilton
|                                                                      Hanna   
|                                                                      Jin     
|                                                                      Julius  
|                                                                      Luke    
|                                                                      Owen    
|                                                                      Toby    
| - - - - - - - -
| Fancy Seashell           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Colleen     listed)    listed)
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - -
| Feed                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Renee      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)               listed)   Toby        listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Fish Meuniere (Decent)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Fish Meuniere (Good)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Toby       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Fish Meuniere (Perfect)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Fish Soup                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Flax (Decent)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Flax (Good)              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Selena      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Flax (Perfect)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Flax (Shining)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Kathy      (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Blue)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Decent)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Good)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Flax Yarn (Green)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Flax Yarn (Perfect)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Purple)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - 
| Flax Yarn (Red)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Flax Yarn (Shining)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Candace    Julius     Toby       (none      (none   
|                          Luna       Shelly                 listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Flax Yarn (Yellow)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - -
| Flounder                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - -
| Fodder                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Hamilton   Gill       (none   
|                           listed)    listed)              Julius      listed)
|                                                           Toby               
| - - - - - - -
| French Fries             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Taylor     Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luke                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Freshwater Prawn         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - 
| Fried Egg                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       (none      Calvin     Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Hanna      Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Irene                         
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Pascal                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - -
| Fried Rice               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Owen       (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Garnet                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Kathy       listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - 
| Glass                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (29 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Anissa     Luna       (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Barbara                listed)
|                                                Bo                            
|                                                Cain                          
|                                                Calvin                        
|                                                Candace                       
|                                                Chloe                         
|                                                Colleen                       
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Irene                         
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Pascal                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Toby                          
| - - -
| Goby                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - -
| Gold                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       (none      Gill       Anissa     Angie      (none   
|                           listed)   Owen       Calvin     Bo          listed)
|                                     Phoebe     Julius     Chloe              
|                                     Ramsey     Mira                          
|                                     Taylor     Toby                          
| - - - 
| Grape                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hayden     Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - -
| Grape Cocktail           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (16 / 48 Complete)       Calvin     Hayden     Toby       Anissa     Hamilton
|                                     Jake                  Gill               
|                                     Julius                Hanna              
|                                     Kathy                 Jin                
|                                     Luke                  Luna               
|                                     Owen                  Shelly             
|                                     Samson                                   
| - - - - - - 
| Grape Juice              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Maya        listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - -
| Green Bell               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (17 / 48 Complete)       Bo         Candace    Barbara    (none      (none   
|                                     Colleen    Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira       Elli                          
|                                     Shelly     Gill                          
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Simon                         
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Angler Fish      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Bonito           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Samson     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Carp             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Catfish          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Char             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Clam             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (12 / 48 Complete)       (none      Calvin     Anissa     Phoebe     (none   
|                           listed)   Chase      Julius                 listed)
|                                     Gill       Luke                          
|                                     Paolo      Owen                          
|                                     Pascal     Renee                         
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - 
| Grilled Cod              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Conger Eel       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Crawfish         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Grilled Eel              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     Julius  
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)                      
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Eggplant         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Maya        listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Flounder         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Goby             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Halibut          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Horse Mackerel   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Huchen           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled King Fish        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Lobster          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Mackerel         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Mahi-Mahi        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Manta Ray        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Masu Trout       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Octopus          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Ozzie       listed)               listed)
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Pond Smelt       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Prawn            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Puffer Fish      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Rainbow Trout    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Redfin           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rock Lobster     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rock Trout       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Sue                               listed)
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Rockfish         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Salmon           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Sardine          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Pascal                            listed)
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Saury            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Sea Bream        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Sea Urchin       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Seasky Fish      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Shark            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Skull Jellyfish  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Squid            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Ozzie       listed)               listed)
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Swordfish        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Grilled Tuna             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Grilled Wood Fish        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby        listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Grilled Yam              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Maya       Julius     Angie      (none      (none   
|                                     Renee      Toby        listed)    listed)
|                                     Simon                                    
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Grilled Yellowtail       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                              listed)
| - - - - 
| Halibut                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Herb (Blue)              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (14 / 48 Complete)       Anissa     Bo         Candace    (none      (none   
|                                     Irene      Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                     Jin        Julius                        
|                                     Luna       Luke                          
|                                     Perry      Phoebe                        
|                                     Shelly     Selena                        
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - -
| Herb (Green)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (25 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Cain       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Bo         Calvin      listed)    listed)
|                                     Irene      Chase                         
|                                     Jin        Chloe                         
|                                     Phoebe     Dale                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Samson                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - 
| Herb (Purple)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (14 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Bo         Hanna       listed)    listed)
|                                     Irene      Luke                          
|                                     Jin        Phoebe                        
|                                     Julius     Renee                         
|                                     Luna       Selena                        
|                                     Shelly     Toby                          
| - - - - - -
| Herb (Red)               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Bo         Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                     Irene      Renee                         
|                                     Jin        Selena                        
|                                     Kathy      Toby                          
|                                     Luna                                     
| - - - - - - - 
| Herb (Yellow)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Bo         Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                     Irene      Luna                          
|                                     Jin        Phoebe                        
|                                     Renee      Ruth                          
|                                     Shelly     Selena                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - -
| Herb Bread               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Candace    Phoebe      listed)    listed)
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - 
| Herb Cookie              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Candace     listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Herb Fish (Decent)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gray       Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Jin        Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                     Paolo      Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Herb Fish (Good)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Jin        Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Toby                   listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Herb Fish (Perfect)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gray       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Jin                    listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira                                     
|                                     Ramsey                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Herb Fish (Shining)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       Chase      Chloe      Julius     (none      (none   
|                          Jin        Gray       Owen        listed)    listed)
|                          Maya       Hamilton                                 
|                          Ozzie      Mira                                     
|                                     Ramsey                                   
|                                     Taylor                                   
|                                     Yolanda                                  
| - - - - -
| Herb Tea                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Herbal Tea               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (13 / 48 Complete)       Anissa     Chase      Gill       (none      (none   
|                          Candace    Irene      Julius      listed)    listed)
|                          Jin        Mira       Luna                          
|                          Perry      Yolanda    Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - -
| Hibiscus                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (25 / 48 Complete)       (none      Chloe      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Kathy      Cain                          
|                                     Shelly     Candace                       
|                                     Sue        Colleen                       
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - -
| Honey (Blue)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luke       Luna        listed)    listed)
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Taylor                        
| - - - - - - - -
| Honey (Decent)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Dakota      listed)    listed)
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - 
| Honey (Green)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Honey (Purple)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (35 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Gill       Bo          listed)    listed)
|                                     Irene      Candace                       
|                                     Jin        Chase                         
|                                     Julius     Chloe                         
|                                     Maya       Craig                         
|                                     Mira       Elli                          
|                                     Perry      Gray                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Pascal                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Samson                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - 
| Honey (Red)              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (15 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Bo         (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius     Dale        listed)    listed)
|                                     Luke       Hayden                        
|                                     Maya       Kathy                         
|                                     Taylor     Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - -
| Honey (Yellow)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Bo         Hayden      listed)    listed)

|                                     Julius     Kathy                         
|                                     Perry      Luke                          
|                                     Renee      Maya                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Honeydew (Good)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Paolo       listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew (Perfect)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gill       Calvin     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Renee                         
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew (Shining)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Honeydew Juice           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luke                   listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - - 
| Honeydew Milk            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Kathy       listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Horse Mackerel           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Hamilton               listed)
|                                                Julius                        
| - - - - - - - 
| Hot Chocolate            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Hot Cocoa                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius                 listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Hot Milk                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Huchen                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - -
| Hyacinth                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Kathy       listed)    listed)
|                                                Selena                        
| - - -
| Iron                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Craig      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Gill                   listed)
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
| - - -
| Jade                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Luke       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Owen                   listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Kimchi                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Phoebe     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| King Fish                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (15 / 48 Complete)       (none      Ozzie      Bo         Julius     (none   
|                           listed)   Toby       Cain       Selena      listed)
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Gray                          
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
| - - - - - - -
| Lapis Lazuli             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius     Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Lavender                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Jin        (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Colleen    Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                     Gill       Yolanda                       
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Mira                                     
|                                     Ruth                                     
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - 
| Laver Seaweed            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Hayden     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - -
| Lily                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Colleen    Maya        listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Phoebe                        
|                                     Ruth       Renee                         
| - - - - - 
| Limestone                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - 
| Lobster                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      Anissa     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)              Julius                 listed)
| - - - - -
| Mackerel                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - 
| Mahi-Mahi                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Sue        Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)                                     listed)
| - - - - - 
| Manta Ray                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Marinated Fish (Decent)  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Marinated Fish (Good)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Fish (Perfect) Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Fish (Shining) Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Marinated Mushroom       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Dale       Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Marinated Mushrooms      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Angie      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Maya        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Marmalade Jam            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (20 / 48 Complete)       Chase      Chloe      Bo         Hayden     (none   
|                                     Luna       Candace    Owen        listed)
|                                     Mira       Gray                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Taylor                        
| - - - - - - - - 
| Mashed Potatoes          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Hamilton   (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Masu Trout               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Mayonnaise (Decent)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Pascal                        
|                                                Samson                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Mayonnaise (Good)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Renee       listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Mayonnaise (Perfect)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Craig      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luke       Renee       listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Mayonnaise (Shining)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Luke       Chloe      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                     Craig      Kathy       listed)    listed)
|                                     Gray                                     
|                                     Hayden                                   
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Milk (Cow) (Decent)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Milk (Cow) (Good)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     Craig      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chloe                  listed)
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Cow) (Perfect)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      Julius     Craig      (none   
|                           listed)   Chloe                             listed)
|                                     Ozzie                                    
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Ruth                                     
|                                     Simon                                    
|                                     Taylor                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Cow) (Shining)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chloe      Gray       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius                 listed)    listed)
|                                     Ramsey                                   
|                                     Ruth                                     
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Goat) (Decent)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Milk (Goat) (Good)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Chloe                         
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Milk (Goat) (Perfect)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chloe                  listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Milk (Goat) (Shining)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Milk Tea                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      Hamilton   (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Jin        Toby        listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Yolanda                                  
| - - - - - - - - 
| Mont Blanc Cake          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Julius     Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                                                 listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Moondrop Flower          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Hamilton   Kathy       listed)    listed)
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Renee                         
| - - - - - - - - 
| Moonlight Stone          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius     Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - - 
| Morning Glory            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Colleen    Mira        listed)    listed)
|                                     Ruth                                     
| - - - - -
| Mushroom                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (19 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Chase      (none      Irene   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chloe       listed)   Kathy   
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Mushroom Gratin          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Dale                   listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Mushroom Rice            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Dale                   listed)    listed)
|                                     Owen                                     
| - - - - 
| Octopus                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Gill       Selena     (none   
|                           listed)              Toby                   listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Omelet Rice              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Owen       Angie      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                     Gray                   listed)    listed)
|                                     Kathy                                    
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - -
| Onion (Decent)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Jin        (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - -
| Onion (Good)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      Toby       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                                Chase                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - 
| Onion (Perfect)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Onion (Shining)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ramsey     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Orange                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Paolo                         
| - - - - - - - - -
| Orange (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Matt       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Orange Cake              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Chase      Elli       Toby       Luke       (none   
|                                     Julius                            listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Orange Cookie            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Orange Juice             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Chase      Candace    Hamilton   (none      (none   
|                                     Chloe      Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                     Dakota                                   
|                                     Luke                                     
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - -
| Orange Pie               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Chase      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                          Luna                   listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Ore (Copper)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     Selena  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Phoebe             
| - - - - - -
| Ore (Gold)               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     Selena  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Phoebe             
| - - - - - -
| Ore (Iron)               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Luke       Julius     Selena  
|                           listed)    listed)              Phoebe             
| - - - - - -
| Ore (Rare)               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     Selena  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Phoebe             
| - - - - - - -
| Ore (Silver)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Julius     Selena  
|                           listed)    listed)              Phoebe             
| - - - - - -
| Ostonnaise               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Pancakes                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - 
| Pansy                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Renee                         
| - - - 
| Pearl                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Phoebe     Hanna       listed)    listed)
|                                     Sue        Jin                           
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Blue)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Anissa     Candace    Luna       Chase      Toby    
|                                     Gill                  Luke               
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Decent)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       (none      Toby    
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)           
| - - - - - - - - 
| Perfume (Green)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     (none      Chase      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)   Luke        listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Purple)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     Kathy      Chase      (none   
|                           listed)   Candace    Luna       Luke        listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Perfume (Red)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Kathy      Anissa     (none      Chase      Toby    
|                          Selena                 listed)   Luke               
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Perfume (Shining)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Anissa     (none      (none      Chase      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)   Luke        listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Perfume (Yellow)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Renee      Anissa     (none      Chase      (none   
|                          Selena                 listed)   Luke        listed)
| - - - - 
| Peridot                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius     Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira       Luke                          
|                                     Selena     Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Pickled Cabbage          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Barbara    Maya       Kathy      Chase      (none   
|                                     Ramsey     Luke                   listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pickled Eggplant         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Anissa     Ramsey     (none      Chase      (none   
|                          Jin        Toby        listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Pickled Turnip           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (17 / 48 Complete)       Anissa     Barbara    Dale       Chase      (none   
|                                     Craig      Hayden                 listed)
|                                     Hamilton   Jake                          
|                                     Ozzie      Kathy                         
|                                     Ramsey     Luke                          
|                                     Simon      Paolo                         
|                                     Toby       Selena                        
|                                     Yolanda                                  
| - - - - - 
| Pie Crust                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Pineapple                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Selena     (none      Candace    (none      (none   
|                                      listed)   Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Pineapple Juice          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (24 / 48 Complete)       (none      Angie      Chase      (none      Toby    
|                           listed)   Anissa     Gill        listed)           
|                                     Candace    Hamilton                      
|                                     Chloe      Irene                         
|                                     Colleen    Jake                          
|                                     Luke       Julius                        
|                                     Mira       Kathy                         
|                                     Sue        Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - 
| Pinkcat                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (17 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chase      Colleen     listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Craig                         
|                                     Julius     Kathy                         
|                                     Ruth       Luke                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - 
| Pizza                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hayden     Julius     Luke       (none   
|                           listed)   Taylor                            listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Plain Omelet             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Dale       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Gray       Toby        listed)    listed)
|                                     Hanna                                    
|                                     Heath                                    
| - - - - - -
| Pond Smelt               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Dakota     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Gill                   listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - -
| Pontata Root             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        Jin        Irene      Chloe      Chase      (none   
|                                                Julius                 listed)
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Potato (Decent)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Craig      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Hamilton    listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
| - - - - - - - 
| Potato (Good)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Hamilton   (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Jake        listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Potato (Perfect)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hamilton   Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Potato (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hamilton   Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Potato Gratin            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Hamilton   (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                      listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Potato Miso Soup         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Hamilton   Jin        (none      (none      (none   
|                                                 listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Potato Pancake           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Hamilton   (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Potato Rice              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Potato Stew              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Hamilton   Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                                                 listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - 
| Pudding                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Maya       Barbara    Toby       (none      (none   
|                                     Chase                  listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
| - - - - - - 
| Puffer Fish              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin (Decent)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin (Good)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Pumpkin (Perfect)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Cake             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Julius     Barbara    (none      Luke       (none   
|                          Luna       Chase       listed)               listed)
|                                     Elli                                     
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Pumpkin Croquette        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Julius     Chase      (none      (none      (none   
|                                                 listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Pumpkin Pie              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Julius     Barbara    Toby       (none      (none   
|                                     Chase                  listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Pumpkin Pudding          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Dakota     Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                          Julius     Barbara     listed)    listed)    listed)
|                          Luna       Chase                                    
| - - - - - - -
| Pumpkin Stew             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Julius     Chase      Phoebe     (none      (none   
|                                     Maya                   listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Rainbow Trout            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby                   listed)
| - - - - - -
| Rare Metal               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Phoebe     Chloe      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                     Gill       Mira        listed)    listed)
|                                     Ramsey     Toby                          
| - - - - - - 
| Ratatouille              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Gill       (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Red Honey                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Renee      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Rice (Decent)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Rice (Good)              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Rice (Perfect)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Rice (Shining)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        (none      Elli       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Kathy      Hanna       listed)    listed)
|                                     Owen       Julius                        
|                                     Ozzie      Selena                        
|                                     Ramsey                                   
| - - - - - 
| Rice Ball                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Toby       Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - 
| Rice Cocktail            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (15 / 48 Complete)       Hayden     Calvin     Chase      Anissa     Hamilton
|                          Kathy      Jake       Julius     Gill               
|                                     Luke       Maya       Hanna              
|                                                           Jin                
|                                                           Luna               
|                                                           Toby               
| - - - - - - - - -
| Roasted Chestnut         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Roasted Corn             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Rock Lobster             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - -
| Rock Trout               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - -
| Rockfish                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - -
| Rose                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Colleen                listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Ruth                                     
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - - - -
| Rose Stone               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - 
| Royal Jelly              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Ramsey      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Rubber Boot              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      (none      Anissa  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)   Barbara 
|                                                                      Dale    
|                                                                      Julius  
|                                                                      Maya    
|                                                                      Taylor  
| - - -
| Ruby                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Selena     Calvin     (none      (none      (none   
|                                     Gill        listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
| - - - -
| Salmon                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Salmon Cream Stew        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Salmon Fried Rice        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Sapphire                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Gill        listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - 
| Sardine                  Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chase      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius                 listed)
|                                                Kathy                         
| - - - - - - - -
| Sardine in Oil           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       Bo         (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Sardine Tomato Stew      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sashimi (Decent)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
| - - - - - - - -
| Sashimi (Good)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ozzie      Jin        (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Sashimi (Perfect)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Jin        Luke       (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius                 listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Sashimi (Shining)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Ozzie      (none      (none      Luke       (none   
|                          Toby        listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - 
| Saury                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Saury Tomato Stew        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       Candace    (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Sauteed Clam             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Toby       (none      Phoebe     (none   
|                           listed)               listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Sauteed Mushroom         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Bo         (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Dale        listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Sauteed Potato           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Hamilton   (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Scrap Iron               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (16 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Phoebe     Bo         Cain    
|                           listed)    listed)   Ramsey     Gill       Chloe   
|                                                           Hayden     Hamilton
|                                                           Jin        Julius  
|                                                           Perry      Luke    
|                                                           Renee      Luna    
|                                                                      Owen    
|                                                                      Taylor  
| - - - - - 
| Sea Bream                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - -
| Sea Urchin               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luke                   listed)
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Seafood Fried Rice       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Seafood Pizza            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Seafood Rice             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Owen       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Seafood Risotto          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Seafood Stew             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Seasky Fish              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Seasoned Egg             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     Chloe      Chase      (none      (none   
|                                     Luke       Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                     Simon      Julius                        
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Seaweed Miso Soup        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Jin        Toby       Julius     Perry      (none   
|                                                Renee                  listed)
| - - - 
| Shark                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Shark Fin Soup           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        Chase      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                      listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Shark Fin Stew           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Toby       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Shining Baumkuchen       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (43 / 48 Complete)       Anissa     (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                          Barbara     listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
|                          Bo                                                  
|                          Cain                                                
|                          Calvin                                              
|                          Candace                                             
|                          Chase                                               
|                          Chloe                                               
|                          Colleen                                             
|                          Craig                                               
|                          Dale                                                
|                          Elli                                                
|                          Gill                                                
|                          Gray                                                
|                          Hamilton                                            
|                          Hanna                                               
|                          Hayden                                              
|                          Irene                                               
|                          Jake                                                
|                          Jin                                                 
|                          Julius                                              
|                          Kathy                                               
|                          Luke                                                
|                          Luna                                                
|                          Maya                                                
|                          Mira                                                
|                          Owen                                                
|                          Ozzie                                               
|                          Paolo                                               
|                          Pascal                                              
|                          Perry                                               
|                          Phoebe                                              
|                          Ramsey                                              
|                          Renee                                               
|                          Ruth                                                
|                          Samson                                              
|                          Selena                                              
|                          Shelly                                              
|                          Simon                                               
|                          Sue                                                 
|                          Taylor                                              
|                          Toby                                                
|                          Yolanda                                             
| - - - - - 
| Shortcake                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Chase      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Elli                   listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius                                   
|                                     Maya                                     
| - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Blue)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius                 listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Decent)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luna        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Good)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Silk Yarn (Green)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Silk Yarn (Perfect)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Purple)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - 
| Silk Yarn (Red)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Silk Yarn (Shining)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Candace    Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                          Luna       Shelly      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Silk Yarn (Yellow)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - -
| Silver                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Gill       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Ramsey     Luke        listed)    listed)
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Skull Jellyfish          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Snowflake Flower         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (12 / 48 Complete)       (none      Candace    Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Elli       Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Luke                          
|                                     Luna       Maya                          
|                                     Toby       Phoebe                        
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Southern Fried Rice      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        Owen       (none      Julius     Luke       (none   
|                          Selena      listed)              Toby        listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Southern Omelet          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        Heath      Dale       Julius     Luke       (none   
|                          Owen       Gray                  Toby        listed)
|                          Selena     Hanna                                    
| - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Spicy Pepper (Decent)    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Spicy Pepper (Good)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Jin        (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Maya       Shelly      listed)
|                                                Selena                        
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Pepper (Perfect)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       (none      Dale       Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Gray                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
| - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Pepper (Shining)   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Dale       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Luke        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Seafood Soup       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Spicy Seafood Stew       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Craig      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Spicy Stew               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Craig                  listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Spinach (Decent)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Spinach (Good)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Spinach (Perfect)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Ruth                   listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Spinach (Shining)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Ruth        listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Spinach Cake             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Luke       Elli       (none      (none      (none   
|                                     Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Spinach Risotto          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Luke       Owen       Julius     (none      (none   
|                                     Perry                  listed)    listed)
| - - - -
| Spinel                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Calvin     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Owen                                     
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - 
| Squid                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      Selena     (none   
|                           listed)               listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Squid Tomato Stew        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Stay Awake               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Jin        Candace    Julius  
|                           listed)    listed)              Chloe              
| - - - - - - -
| Steamed Clam             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Kathy      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Steamed Egg              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hanna      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - -
| Stew                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Stir-Fry                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Jin        Julius     Gill       (none   
|                           listed)   Luke       Maya                   listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Strawberry (Decent)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Strawberry (Good)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (18 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Barbara    (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chase      Chloe       listed)    listed)
|                                     Julius     Colleen                       
|                                     Maya       Dale                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Paolo                         
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry (Perfect)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Anissa     Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                                     Ruth        listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry (Shining)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (10 / 48 Complete)       Anissa     Angie      Cain       (none      (none   
|                                     Bo         Owen        listed)    listed)
|                                     Dale       Perry                         
|                                     Mira                                     
|                                     Ruth                                     
|                                     Taylor                                   
| - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry Jam           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Chloe      Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna       Julius                        
|                                     Mira       Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - - 
| Strawberry Milk          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (7 / 48 Complete)        Chloe      Angie      Julius     (none      (none   
|                          Renee      Barbara                listed)    listed)
|                                     Gray                                     
|                                     Mira                                     
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Strawberry Shortcake     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Sunflower                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (8 / 48 Complete)        (none      Anissa     Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Barbara    Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                     Owen       Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Ruth                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Super Stay Awake         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Candace    (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Chloe       listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Sushi (Decent)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ramsey     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Mira        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Sushi (Good)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ramsey     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Sushi (Perfect)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ramsey     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)                          listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Sushi (Shining)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Maya       (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                          Ramsey      listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Sweet Potato Cake        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Maya       Julius     Toby       (none      (none   
|                                                            listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Sweet Potato Rice        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Sweet Potato Stew        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Taylor     Gill        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Sweet Yam Cake           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Barbara    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Elli        listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Simon                                    
| - - - - - - 
| Swim Shorts              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      (none      Julius  
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)           
| - - - - - 
| Swordfish                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
| Tempura Buckwheat NoodlesLoves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Jin        (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                          Phoebe      listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - 
| Toadstool                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (19 / 48 Complete)       (none      Anissa     Calvin     Dale       Barbara 
|                           listed)              Phoebe     Gray       Gill    
|                                                           Hamilton   Irene   
|                                                           Maya       Julius  
|                                                           Owen       Luke    
|                                                           Ruth       Ozzie   
|                                                           Taylor     Ramsey  
|                                                           Toby               
|                                                           Yolanda            
| - - - - - - - - 
| Tomato (Decent)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Gill       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Tomato (Good)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Colleen     listed)    listed)
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Perry                         
| - - - - - - - - -
| Tomato (Perfect)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luke                          
| - - - - - - - - -
| Tomato (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hayden     Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Luke        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Tomato Juice             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (28 / 48 Complete)       Chloe      Anissa     Angie      Owen       Luke    
|                          Gill       Dakota     Chase                         
|                                     Gray       Colleen                       
|                                     Irene      Hamilton                      
|                                     Jin        Jake                          
|                                     Julius     Luna                          
|                                     Kathy      Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Taylor                        
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - 
| Tomato Omelet            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Calvin     Gray       Julius     (none      (none   
|                                     Hanna                  listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Tomato Risotto           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Gill       Perry      Julius     (none      (none   
|                                                Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Tomato Soup              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Luke        listed)    listed)
| - - - 
| Topaz                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Mira        listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Renee                                    
| - - - 
| Tulip                    Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (38 / 48 Complete)       (none      Chloe      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius     Barbara     listed)    listed)
|                                     Luke       Cain                          
|                                     Luna       Candace                       
|                                     Shelly     Chase                         
|                                     Taylor     Colleen                       
|                                                Craig                         
|                                                Dale                          
|                                                Elli                          
|                                                Gill                          
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Hayden                        
|                                                Irene                         
|                                                Jake                          
|                                                Jin                           
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Mira                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Ozzie                         
|                                                Pascal                        
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Ruth                          
|                                                Samson                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Simon                         
|                                                Sue                           
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - -
| Tuna                     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Toby       Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)                                     listed)
| - - - - - 
| Tuna Rice                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Turnip (Decent)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Turnip (Good)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Turnip (Perfect)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Hamilton   (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Simon                         
| - - - - - - - - -
| Turnip (Shining)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Ramsey     Craig      (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Jin         listed)    listed)
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Maya                          
| - - - - - - - - 
| Vegetable Juice          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (27 / 48 Complete)       Barbara    Anissa     Chase      Colleen    Chloe   
|                                     Candace    Hamilton   Selena     Gill    
|                                     Gray       Kathy      Shelly     Jake    
|                                     Irene      Maya       Yolanda    Luna    
|                                     Jin        Mira                  Owen    
|                                     Julius     Phoebe                Taylor  
|                                     Luke       Simon                         
|                                     Ramsey                                   
|                                     Toby                                     
| - - - - - - - - 
| Vegetable Pizza          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Hayden     (none      Luke       (none   
|                           listed)   Taylor      listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Vegetable Salad          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Craig      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Gill                   listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Vegetable Sandwich       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Angie      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Very Berry               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (11 / 48 Complete)       (none      (none      Bo         (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Chase       listed)    listed)
|                                                Hamilton                      
|                                                Hanna                         
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Luna                          
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Renee                         
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - -
| Very Berry Jam           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (12 / 48 Complete)       (none      Chloe      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Luna       Dale        listed)    listed)
|                                     Mira       Elli                          
|                                                Julius                        
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Maya                          
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Taylor                        
| - - - - - - - - -
| Very Berry Juice         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (23 / 48 Complete)       (none      Angie      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Anissa     Gill        listed)    listed)
|                                     Chloe      Hamilton                      
|                                     Colleen    Irene                         
|                                     Elli       Jake                          
|                                     Jin        Julius                        
|                                     Luke       Kathy                         
|                                     Mira       Luna                          
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Perry                         
|                                                Phoebe                        
|                                                Selena                        
|                                                Shelly                        
|                                                Toby                          
|                                                Yolanda                       
| - - - - - - - 
| Veryberry Jam            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Barbara    Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Candace     listed)    listed)
|                                                Shelly                        
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Watermelon (Decent)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Watermelon (Good)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Anissa     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Ramsey                        
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Watermelon (Perfect)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Luke       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - - -
| Watermelon (Shining)     Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Weird Dish               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (9 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Anissa     Irene   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Chloe      Julius  
|                                                           Perry      Luna    
|                                                                      Ozzie   
|                                                                      Ruth    
|                                                                      Taylor  
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Blue)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Wonderful (Green)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Purple)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - 
| Wonderful (Red)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)   Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Wonderful (White)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      (none      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)    listed)               listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wonderful (Yellow)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Renee      Luke       Julius     (none   
|                           listed)                                     listed)
| - - - - - 
| Wood Fish                Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Toby       Simon      Julius     (none   
|                           listed)                         Selena      listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Wool (Decent)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - 
| Wool (Good)              Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chloe      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Wool (Perfect)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - -
| Wool (Shining)           Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        Candace    Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                          Luna                   listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Blue)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Decent)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Toby       (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Good)         Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Toby        listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - 
| Wool Yarn (Green)        Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Wool Yarn (Perfect)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chloe      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Owen                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Purple)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - 
| Wool Yarn (Red)          Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - - - - - 
| Wool Yarn (Shining)      Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        Candace    Julius     (none      (none      (none   
|                          Luna       Shelly      listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - - - -
| Wool Yarn (Yellow)       Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (5 / 48 Complete)        (none      Candace    (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)    listed)
|                                     Luna                                     
|                                     Renee                                    
|                                     Shelly                                   
| - - - - - - -
| Yam (Decent)             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Yam (Good)               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (3 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)              Renee       listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - - 
| Yam (Perfect)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (4 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Chase      (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)   Julius      listed)    listed)
|                                                Luke                          
|                                                Toby                          
| - - - - - - - 
| Yam (Shining)            Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     (none      (none   
|                           listed)    listed)               listed)    listed)
| - - - - - - -
| Yam Cocktail             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (18 / 48 Complete)       Owen       Calvin     Julius     Anissa     Hamilton
|                                     Hayden                Gill               
|                                     Jake                  Hanna              
|                                     Kathy                 Jin                
|                                     Luke                  Luna               
|                                     Maya                  Shelly             
|                                     Samson                Toby               
|                                     Selena                                   
| - - - - -
| Yam Rice                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        Maya       (none      (none      (none      (none   
|                                      listed)    listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - -
| Yam Stew                 Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (1 / 48 Complete)        (none      Maya       (none      (none      (none   
|                           listed)               listed)    listed)    listed)
| - - - - - -
| Yellowtail               Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (2 / 48 Complete)        (none      (none      Julius     Selena     (none   
|                           listed)    listed)                          listed)
| - - - -
| Yogurt                   Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        (none      Cain       Chase      Luke       (none   
|                           listed)              Gill                   listed)
|                                                Kathy                         
|                                                Owen                          
| - - - - - - -
| Yogurt Drink             Loves      Likes      Neutral    Dislikes   Hates
| (6 / 48 Complete)        Anissa     Cain       Julius     Luke       (none   
|                                     Taylor     Toby                   listed)
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<WLK>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |         Walkthroughs        |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
| _____________________________________________________________________[IAR]_
|                                                                             |
| Island Arrival                                                              |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| In The Beginning...
| As the game opens up, you'll quickly receive a short back-story for how
| your character arrived on the island. It seems that there's a farm on the
| island, and you're interested in taking over and revitalizing it! So you
| travel on a ship to the island; the ship captain will ask you questions
| on the way.
| The way you answer the questions early in the game will, obviously,
| determine various characteristics about your character, such as your name
| and birthday. For your birthday, you won't be able to choose the specific
| date for your birthday, but rather a season and a relative time during that
| season. This is to ensure you don't pick the same birthday as another
| villager, or one on a festival day. The date of your birthday is relatively
| unimportant, though I like to pick a birthday that meets two criteria:
| later in the year, so that I've made some friends by the time the birthday
| rolls around, and during a time period where there are not festivals, to
| break up the monotony a bit. In Tree of Tranquility, your friendships don't
| impact your birthday celebration, so the first criteria is rather
| irrelevant. If you're like me and want your birthday to fall in a period of
| eventlessness, I recommend mid-summer and early fall. Both these result
| in birthdays during two-week no-festival times.
| Interestingly enough, in Tree of Tranquility you also get to choose some
| favorite dishes, similar to how the villagers each have their own
| preferences. What you choose doesn't make too much of a difference to the
| rest of the game, however.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Disaster Strikes!
| What? A typhoon in a simple farming game? It must be a clever plot device!
| Just enough of a storm to knock you out and make you dream an
| unrealistically vivid dream - well, isn't that just incredibly convenient.
| It seems either you're schizophrenic or there's a Harvest Goddess
| somewhere that needs your help. You have two choices: check into a mental
| hospital to see about those voices in your head, or try to help her out.
| And it seems the clinic on the island is tragically ill-equipped to deal
| with your particular brand of mental illness, so let's try to help her,
| shall we?
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Welcome to Your New Home
| When you awaken, you'll be on the island, and your character will finally
| respond to that weird nub thing on the nunchuk. Oh, right, it's called
| a joystick. Run downstairs (to the right, back down the hall, then back to
| the left - it's a bit confusing) and a scene will play out - at the end of
| it, you'll be in control of your character. Walk out the front door by
| pressing A. 
| The mayor will waddle up to you as soon as you walk out to welcome you.
| You'll get three options: "Hamilton, you rock!", "Yes, Please!" and "Leave
| Me Alone!". Resist the urge to choose the third, but either of the first two
| will result in a tour of the town. You'll receive other questions through
| this introduction sequence, and most correspond to learning new information.
| The choices should be pretty obvious as to what to choose to learn more.
| After that, you'll have an option to roam freely and greet villagers. Time
| won't pass during this, so take your time and explore the area. Some areas
| will be accompanied by little greeting screens. Try to enter all the
| buildings around town to experience as many greeting sequences as possible.
| Many villagers will give you books about different subjects as well.
| In order to progress, you must visit Town Hall, so make sure you go by there.
| You'll meet Elli and Kathy. You can also meet Gill, Barbara, Simon, Ozzie,
| Jin, Irene and three wild animals - the white cat, the white puppy and the
| brown puppy. After meeting everyone you want to meet, talk to Mayor Hamilton
| to end the day.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Earning Your Way
| The next day, head downstairs and out the door again. You'll get the chance
| to improve your friendship with the Mayor by knowing his name. You'll be
| taken on a tour of the areas surrounding the town, like the church and Maple
| Lake.
| After the tour, you'll meet the people at Souffle Farm. They're a very
| depressing (and borderline rude) bunch. And apparently, you've been roped
| into learning the ropes from them (get it, roped? Ropes? I crack myself up).
| So spend a couple days here learning the basics of farming.
| On Day 1 (Spring 2, Spring 1 was your travel day), you'll be weeding,
| and watering. For both, remember to use the Z button to line yourself up to
| a square - it makes it a lot easier. You'll earn the watering can for
| weeding, just in time to use it yourself. Just follow the directions given
| to you by Craig and you'll be fine. After you're done, the Mayor won't let
| you leave, so go back inside, where you'll meet Anissa, sparkling and all.
| Talk to Ruth to end the day.
| On Day 2 (Spring 3), go downstairs and talk to Ruth, then go outside. You'll
| notice time still isn't moving. Maybe the Mayor should check that out. Go
| talk to Craig, who'll have you picking strawberries. Pick them and take them
| to the shipping bin to complete that chore for the day. When you're done, go
| talk to Ruth.
| She'll want you to deliver strawberries to some of the villagers in the area.
| There are three strawberries to give to each of three villagers: Gill, the
| Mayor's Son; Jin, the doctor; and Yolanda, the cook at Sundae Inn. And what
| do ya know, time's moving again - better hurry! Finding them can be somewhat
| hard since the camera is pointing away from where they all are, so it's time
| to learn how to use the Tracker. Go to your menu screens (hold down C), go
| to the Heart and scroll down the list of villagers you've met. One at a time,
| select a villager (either Gill, Yolanda or Jin). Back on the main screen, a
| compass will appear pointing to where that character is. Follow the compass
| to find your target!
| After you finish, you'll be transported back to the farm where Ruth will send
| you to bed, where the voices in your head will appear again and speak to you
| incoherently. You might want to have a doctor look at that.
| On Day 3 (Spring 4), you'll wake up and mention your dream to the Mayor.
| After a minor freakout by him, he'll mention that your free house is complete
| and ready for you to move in.
| You'll be asked to choose your land plot. If you're like me, you're wondering
| how they built your house without knowing where to put it. But anyway, you
| have three choices: the Seaside Plot, the Town Plot and the Hilltop Plot. The
| choice is up to you - if you want to read some of the pros and cons to each,
| check out the Initial Location section (search for < INL > without the
| spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Free At Last
| As you leave, you're paid for how well you did your work - usually somewhere
| between 200G and 350G. You're also given a bag of potato seeds to help you
| get started.
| Walk outside and notice that time's stopped again. Try to leave Souffle Farm
| and Craig stops you to say so-long, and to give you your first hoe. Don't
| read that sentence too deeply.
| The Mayor will finally take you to your new house. Name your farm, then get
| started! Remember, time stops when you're in your house, so don't worry about
| taking your time here - but keep an eye on the clock when you're outside.
| The sections below will detail the different options you have, but there's no
| longer any specific tasks you must complete each day. Harvest Moon is one
| of the most open-ended games around - so have fun and make your own life.
| The only things you might want to keep handy are some of the calendars listed
| in the Calendars section - search for < CAL > without the spaces.
| Before you go though, just a few general tips on the first few days:
|  - Get the fishing rod. It's free - just go by On the Hook to pick it up
|    from Toby. It can be hard to find him - try walking down the stairs from
|    On the Hook to the beach.
|  - Start the Scavenger Hunt. There are five items that can be found lying
|    around the island in little chests with notes attached, and each sells for
|    a fair amount, especially early in the game. The first item can be found
|    at the beach, with a note directing you to the next one. If you want to
|    see where they all are, see the Scavenger Hunt section (search for { SCH }
|    without the spaces).
|  - Make the first rainbow soon. It'll likely take a fair amount of your early
|    money to get the first home extension, the Oven and the ingredients, but
|    it's worth it: when you make the first rainbow, almost a dozen villagers
|    move to the village the following season. But in order to make the first
|    rainbow, you need an apple, which can only be gotten at the Spring market
|    before late Summer: so if you don't make it in first Spring, those
|    villagers won't arrive until Fall. For information on how to do this, see
|    the Reawakening the Goddess section (search for < GOD > without the
|    spaces), or the Goddess Tree walkthrough (search for [ GTC ] without the
|    spaces), or the Getting Started walkthrough (search for [ GTW ] without
|    the spaces).
|  - Start gathering materials soon. That means pounding boulders and chopping
|    stumps and even trees. This is necessary for the first home extension,
|    which in turn is necessary for the rainbow as mentioned above. A good plan
|    is just to use your excess stamina at the end of each day to swing the axe
|    at the nearest tree or hammer at the nearest boulder a few times.
|  - Don't be a workaholic. Chances are you'll enjoy the social part of the
|    game far more than the farming and ranching, so make a little time each
|    day to go around and talk to people.
| That's about it - have fun! To get back to the basic information on the
| island, search from the beginning for [ ILO ] without the spaces. If you want
| further guidance with the game in the form of a step-by-step guide to the
| first month or two, the next walkthrough is for you.
| _____________________________________________________________________[GTW]_
|                                                                             |
| Getting Started                                                             |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/I'm not really a believer of walkthroughs for Harvest Moon games. To me, the
| entire pleasure of a Harvest Moon game is that you can choose to play however
| you want, and that there are dozens of different play styles.
| However, popular demand asked for a walkthrough, especially to help people
| get their game started and established. So, under my own terms, I've written
| one.
| The below walkthrough is for the first couple of months, to help you go from
| a basic farm to a thriving ranch with crops and animals. It focuses mostly on
| farm growth and the goddess quest, although there are some notes about the
| social scene as well.
| Note that it's impossible to follow this walkthrough perfectly: too many
| things vary from game to game. But it should serve as a good guideline for
| you in getting started, and it still leaves plenty of room for you to do your
| own thing. Just don't worry too much if you're forced to depart from it
| because of weather, personal finances or bad luck.
|  4 : The first day, and you only have half of a day. Go ahead and plant your
|    : potato seeds and water them. You won't have enough stamina to pull all
|    : the weeds, till the soil, plant the seeds and water them, so choose a
|    : strip of 6 squares that doesn't have many weeds. You may want to till
|    : a couple extra squares on each side, just to see where there's the best
|    : mix of soil qualities.
|    :
|    : After that, the only other thing you can really do on Day 1 -
|    : considering your lack of stamina and lack of tools - is to go around
|    : meeting people. So let's do that. Don't worry if you can't meet all
|    : these people on the first day, in time you'll meet everyone.
|    :
|    : Personally, the first person I go to meet is Mira. She's located at the
|    : Graveyard near the Church on a sunny day. The graveyard is hard to find
|    : since the camera never really shows it - go to the church and run to the
|    : left. On the map, it's that brown square of land to the left of the
|    : church and Jin's house. Mira is responsible for appraising ores and
|    : wonderfuls, one of which you'll be getting soon - so meeting her early
|    : lets you begin mining effectively right away.
|    :
|    : It's probably getting late, but if you have time, run up to the Ganache
|    : Mine District (north from the Maple Lake Area) and drop by the
|    : Blacksmith's Shop and the Carpenter's Shop. You'll meet a few new people
|    : here, and Chloe at the Blacksmith's Shop will give you a Red Wonderful.
|    : Don't worry if you don't have time, though - this can be done tomorrow.
|    :
|    : By now, it's definitely past 6:00PM (or else you're incredible at this
|    : game and have no business using a walkthrough!), so most people are
|    : home and most shops are closed. Spend the rest of the day wandering
|    : around and exploring to get a feel for the island - and if you see
|    : anything lying on the ground, pick it up and ship it! When you're done
|    : wandering around, head home and go to bed. You'll see your daily
|    : earnings sheet, one of Tree of Tranquility's best new features, but
|    : sadly you earned nothing today. Soon, though!
|  5 : Today we're going to learn a new concept. The village is much more
|    : lively during the day, so why not wait and work at night? That gives you
|    : more time to go around visiting people and meeting new villagers.
|    :
|    : Start off today by heading up to the Ganache Mine District and meeting
|    : anyone you didn't meet yesterday. In addition to actually going in the
|    : stores, you'll meet Owen next to the Blacksmith's Shop and Luke and Bo
|    : in Praline Forest. Owen will give you a hammer, and Luke will give you
|    : an axe.
|    :
|    : At the Blacksmith's, if you didn't go there yesterday, Chloe will give
|    : you a Red Wonderful. For more informations on Wonderfuls, see the
|    : section dedicated to them (search for { OAW } without the spaces for
|    : information, or { WON } without the spaces for a list). Have it refined
|    : by Mira to discover it's actually only glass - what a disappointment.
|    :
|    : Personally at this point, I go by Souffle Farm and buy a bag of
|    : breadfruit seeds to plant on my far as well. They're fairly expensive
|    : for this stage (210G), but they yield a large profit over time. Whether
|    : you want to or not is up to you, but you may want to go by and see
|    : Anissa as long as you're up in the area anyway.
|    :
|    : Next, let's go get that last tool (well, besides the sickle, but that's
|    : not accessible yet). Head through Waffle Town down to the beach. Walk up
|    : and down the stairs at On The Hook to trigger Toby's greeting scene.
|    : Eventually, he'll give you the fishing rod.
|    :
|    : On your way back to your farm, remember to talk to everyone you meet.
|    : Just talking to people makes them like you more, and it doesn't take
|    : much time at all.
|    :
|    : Now let's get those daily chores done. Head back to your farm and water
|    : your crops, and plant the new ones if you purchased any. A good strategy
|    : for watering your crops efficiently is to just start at one end of the
|    : row and walk across them, watering. That way, you don't waste valuable
|    : time turning back and forth and confirming your square every step of the
|    : way.
|    :
|    : If you did choose to plant more seeds, you'll likely get tired after
|    : tilling, planting and watering half of your crops. That's a perfect
|    : excuse to go find the hot spring for the first time. Try not to get too
|    : tired before you go, though, since you'll end up having to walk the
|    : entire way instead of run.
|    :
|    : The hot spring can be hard to find the first time. To find it, go all
|    : the way east to the river before running north. Then, follow the path
|    : past the river, past the waterfall, up behind the waterfall and around
|    : to the back.
|    :
|    : By the end of all this, it should be the end of the day, so head to bed.
|  6 : I've held your hand through the first couple days, so now it's time for
|    : you to start making some decisions of your own. Every day you'll need
|    : to water your plants and such, but beyond that, what you do is up to
|    : you. I'll provide you some guidance, but every day I'll say "and spend
|    : the rest of your time however you want".
|    :
|    : What this means is that there are several tasks you can expend your
|    : extra time and money doing. You can mine, fish, meet people, work at
|    : part-time jobs, chop lumber and break stones. Most of these are
|    : necessary: in order to kick-start the main plotline of reawakening the
|    : goddess, you'll need to ship 2000G. By the end of the spring (if you
|    : plan to start the quest in spring), you'll also need some lumber, some
|    : stone, some fish, and a good bit of money to buy the home upgrade and
|    : the oven. You probably don't want to keep fish in your rucksack for
|    : two weeks, but there's good news - in this game, cooked dishes, crops
|    : and many other things can actually be put in the toolbox. So, use that
|    : for storage until you have time to invest in a refrigerator or chest of
|    : drawers.
|    :
|    : In the meantime, you'll also want to start to break rocks, chop lumber,
|    : and possibly work some part-time jobs or do some mining to bring in
|    : some extra income. I'd recommend mining, since that counts towards the
|    : amount of money needed to start the goddess quests. And collecting
|    : mushrooms and toadstools in the mine requires no stamina if you use the
|    : holes to descend, so it's an effective method.
|    :
|    : On days where there's nothing specific you need to be taking care of,
|    : I'll let you know what I choose to do, just for your information.
|    :
|    : On the 6th, there's largely nothing in particular that needs to be done,
|    : but there is something you might want to go ahead and get started on:
|    : the Scavenger Hunt mini-quest. Hidden around the island are five items
|    : in treasure chests just waiting for you to find them. They must be found
|    : in order, and most of them sell for a notable amount. The first one can
|    : be found over by the west side of the island. Head all the way to the
|    : lighthouse, then head north across the beach to the stone wall - it'll
|    : be sitting there, holding a Lapis Lazuli.
|    :
|    : The note inside says the next gift is on the east side of the Maple Lake
|    : area, so let's head there next. It's a bit hard to describe where in the
|    : Maple Lake District the next item is, but it's in a corner formed by a
|    : couple logs about halfway down. Just follow all along the east side of
|    : the District and you won't miss it.
|    :
|    : As far as those first two items go, you can give them as gifts, but
|    : you're probably best off selling them - they sell for a fair amount,
|    : especially this early in the game.
|    :
|    : Unfortunately, the next item can't be found until you unlock Brownie
|    : Ranch - for this walkthrough, I won't assume you do, but it's actually
|    : not that hard, especially if you go mining a couple times. If you do,
|    : the main thing you gain is an earlier introduction to Renee, Cain,
|    : Hanna, and Gray, and an earlier reunion with Kathy.
|    :
|    : What to do next? Well, it'd be awful nice to have that root out of the
|    : way to make accessing the mine area easier, wouldn't it? That's a pretty
|    : simple little mini-quest - get it started just by going to the root and
|    : examining it. Gill will show up and ramble - now head to the Carpenter's
|    : Shop.
|    :
|    : Once there, you'll automatically talk to Dale, then be transported back
|    : to the tree root area - just in time to see the root get taken care of.
|    : There, now isn't it nice to have that out of the way?
|    :
|    : With that done, you're on your own for the day. Personally, I go to the
|    : mines and descend via the holes, collecting the mushrooms, toadstools
|    : and occasional pontata roots. If you decide to do the same, you may want
|    : to leave a few of your tools at your house so that if you happen to get
|    : deep enough, you can collect some ores and wonderfuls. Remember you
|    : still need to water your crops, though.
|    :
|    : When you're done, head to bed, and check out your tally for the day.
|    : 1000G for just picking up a couple items lying around? Not a bad haul!
|  7 : If all goes according to plan (that is, if you've sold 1000G worth of
|    : goods - if you haven't, this won't happen yet, but it will when you sell
|    : 1000G worth of stuff total), the Mayor will be waiting for you outside
|    : today with the first scene for getting the Quilt to start creating the
|    : first rainbow. He'll take you to his house and explain to you the legend
|    : of the rainbows and the sprites and the Harvest Goddess and all that
|    : kind of stuff. Ask him all the available questions to learn more
|    : information.
|    :
|    : What he won't tell you is that to continue the quest, you need to sell
|    : another 1000G worth of stuff - a good reason to pursue money-making
|    : first among the available activities.
|    :
|    : After the event, no time will have passed and you're back at your farm.
|    : Today is mostly your own to do what you want to do - I recommend mining
|    : or fishing so you can get to the next earnings plateau and continue the
|    : quest. Remember, money made in part-time jobs does not appear to count
|    : towards the 1000G you need to make.
|    :
|    : While you're out today, take a look at Praline Forest and see if any
|    : forageables have sprouted. Typically there will now be an herb or two.
|    : Remember also that you'll need an herb for the Good Herb Fish recipe.
|    : It's not necessary to get it now, but be on the look out for it before
|    : too long - it'd be an aggravating ingredient to be missing.
|    :
|    : It's also pretty notable that it doesn't take all that much effort to
|    : get down to the bottom of Ganache Mine - it can easily be done in about
|    : 10 game-hours. So if you're itching for that Power Berry, head on down
|    : there and grab some mushrooms and toadstools on your way.
|    :
|    : When you're done, head to bed. Did you get a dream from the Harvest
|    : Goddess? I did! That's just another sign that you're progressing through
|    : the plot. If you didn't get it, don't worry - just keep selling stuff
|    : and you will in time.
|  8 : Now, theoretically you could get your second Mayoral visit today if
|    : you've sold 2000G worth of goods. However, if you're like me in my game,
|    : you found that it was raining today. That's what makes writing a
|    : day-by-day walkthrough for a Harvest Moon game so difficult - way too
|    : much is randomly determined.
|    :
|    : So instead, let's look at things you should and shouldn't do on rainy
|    : days. They can be good days to visit villagers, since they'll tend to
|    : be at their home locations rather than out wandering, making them easier
|    : to find. It's also a good day to go mining and fishing, since some
|    : people say fishing is actually better in the rain.
|    :
|    : It's NOT a good day to stand outside bashing boulders or chopping logs,
|    : though. You'll get fatigued faster and get sick. You don't want that.
|    :
|    : Like other recent days, it's up to you what you choose to do. I,
|    : personally, chose today to buy the oven I know I'll need for the first
|    : goddess recipe, then I went fishing for the first time. I also went
|    : around visiting a couple villagers and checking price lists to make sure
|    : this guide is accurate, but you don't need to do that.
|    :
|    : If you went mining yesterday like I did, you'll also want to make time
|    : for a trip up to the Blacksmith's to get your wonderfuls and ores
|    : appraised.
|    :
|    : Since I'm partially just summarizing what I'm doing each day for you to
|    : follow along, I'm going to start including the profit that I make each
|    : day. But since I haven't done that yet, I'll preface it with a few other
|    : numbers just to get you caught up.
|    :
|    : Amount Earned in Introduction : 320G
|    :
|    :       Amount Earned Up to Now :
|    :                         Farming :    0G
|    :                         Animals :  720G (that Shining Flax Yarn)
|    :                          Mining :  300G (Lapis Lazuli, mostly)
|    :                         Fishing :    0G
|    :                          Others : 1810G (mushrooms/toadstools)
|    :                           Total : 2830G
|    :
|    :                  Amount Spent : 2760G (Breadfruit seeds, oven)
|    :                Amount on Hand :  400G
|    :
|    : And my numbers for this day:
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   400G
|    :     Profit :   950G
|    :         Produce :   0G
|    :         Animals :   0G
|    :          Mining : 550G (wonderfuls from yesterday)
|    :         Fishing : 350G (two carp, one masu trout)
|    :          Others :  50G (a veryberry)
|    : New Amount :  1350G
|  9 : Raining again? Sheesh. Well, for me, this day is spent combing the beach
|    : to see if any forageables have turned up, the dropping by Souffle Farm
|    : to check my price lists are correct. You, naturally, can spend the day
|    : however you want. I'd recommend mining or fishing if you haven't yet
|    : reached that 2000G level, and those are always good for levelling your
|    : hammer and fishing rod.
|    :
|    : The Mayor will be waiting for you outside today, but don't get too
|    : excited - it's about the Flower Festival the next day.
|    :
|    : Incidentally, today is Toby's birthday. He's a fan of any type of fish,
|    : so drop by and give him one for a double boost in affection. Be careful
|    : if you're a guy and want to marry Renee, though -  Toby's your rival,
|    : and he'll sweep her away if he gets to three hearts. Toby's at his house
|    : in Maple Lake for most of today - remember to use the tracker if you
|    : need it.
|    :
|    : Also, in case you hadn't noticed, your potatoes are harvestable today!
|    : I sold all of them, though you could give one to Hamilton, personally,
|    : then went and bought some more seeds from Souffle Farm: turnip seeds
|    : this time.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1290G
|    :     Profit :  1180G
|    :         Produce : 450G (potatoes!)
|    :         Animals :   0G
|    :          Mining : 550G (wonderfuls from yesterday)
|    :         Fishing :  70G (extra fish caught while fishing for Toby)
|    :          Others : 690G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  2470G
| 10 : Flower Festival day! As the little notification under your HUD in the
|    : top left tells you. Yes, I called it a HUD.
|    : 
|    : Luckily, that forces the day to be sunny, which means if you're me, you
|    : can finally get the first half of that quilt. He'll automatically give
|    : you the quilt half after a scene. Good thing, too, 'cause I was running
|    : out of things to talk about.
|    : 
|    : If you haven't yet received the quilt half, that's ok - I'm going to
|    : keep writing about stuff when I come across it, but you can easily do
|    : these things at any time.
|    : 
|    : The next thing you'll need to do after getting the left half is to have
|    : your home upgraded to Level 2. That might take some time, as it requires
|    : 3000G, 18 pieces of wood lumber and 16 pieces of stone lumber, so get
|    : on collecting those materials! You also need to talk to Gill, but that
|    : can be done any time.
|    : 
|    : Like the Mayor said, the Flower Festival is today, so let's drop by
|    : there. Booths will open and close throughout the day, so you might want
|    : to hang around to make sure you see everyone. If you're there before 9AM
|    : you'll witness it starting.
|    : 
|    : There are a couple different booths, but only one item of note. Ruth
|    : sells herb seeds and herbs, neither of which are that useful to you
|    : right now - they'll be useful to later in the game for dyes, though. And
|    : you could buy a herb to make the Good Herb Fish, but there should be an
|    : herb growing wildly when you need one.
|    : 
|    : Anissa's booth sells most flowers, flower seeds and perfumes, none of
|    : which are very important. But, she is also the only place you can buy
|    : fertilizer this early in the game. It's the best kind of fertilizer, too
|    : - Happy Fertilizer, which raises every square to top-quality and lasts
|    : for three seasons. You can stock up if you so desire - it can help a
|    : good bit. Personally, I didn't buy any, but that's because I'm
|    : researching growth times of the different crops.
|    : 
|    : Make sure to be there at 10AM to experience the introduction of a new
|    : character: Selena, a bachelorette, is introduced with an interesting
|    : dance sequence. She's a bit brash, demanding that you buy her a flower
|    : (which increases her heart level but doesn't actually cost you money)
|    : and occasionally telling you not to waste her time. But if she's the one
|    : you want, go for it!
|    : 
|    : After the festival, take care of your chores, then spend some time
|    : pounding boulders and chopping wood until your stamina's out.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  2470G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :         Produce :   0G
|    :         Animals :   0G
|    :          Mining :   0G
|    :         Fishing :   0G
|    :          Others :   0G
|    : New Amount :  2470G
| 11 : Onward and upwards. There's nothing much going on in the village for a
|    : few days, so your primary focus will be on your crops and continuing to
|    : progress through the goddess quilt quest. For that, you're trying to
|    : gather your lumber and stone, sell 2000G, and raise enough money to buy
|    : the oven and second home upgrade.
|    : 
|    : Beyond that, I don't have much to say for a couple days. Spend your days
|    : as you will, water your crops, harvest them, sell them. Spend the rest
|    : of your time fishing or mining until you have that 2000G sold and the
|    : first half of the quilt. After you have the quilt half, you can spend
|    : your time working part-time jobs instead, since the actual sales figure
|    : won't matter as much.
|    : 
|    : I'll keep you posted on what I choose to do with my days, naturally. On
|    : the 11th, I started off doing my chores, then discovered that my
|    : watering can levelled up, so I tilled another strip of land, bought some
|    : strawberry seeds and planted them. By then, my stamina was exhausted,
|    : so I went to the hot spring, got rejuvenated, then spent the rest of the
|    : day in the mine. Before going, though, I deposited everything in my tool
|    : box except the hammer so I'd have more room for ores and wonderfuls
|    : I actually went in the mine for ores and wonderfuls this time instead of
|    : just mushrooms and toadstools, but that's more because I'm hoping to
|    : level my hammer to level 3 soon to open up Brownie Ranch and access my
|    : choice of spouse, Kathy.
|    : 
|    : In your mine trips, it's a good idea to remember that ores can be
|    : somewhat hard to come by when you actually need them. So if you come
|    : across any real ores (not junk ores), it's best to have them appraised,
|    : then let them sit in your toolbox until you need them. You can start
|    : selling them after you have six of each.
|    : 
|    : Now, in that mine trip I mentioned, I was running low on stamina when
|    : I was about to eat a mushroom - but I decided to bash one more rock
|    : instead. Bad idea. It had red gas, lowered my stamina, and I passed out.
|    : But hey, it's gotta happen once per game, right?
|    : 
|    : When you get sick, nothing really bad happens. You just wake up at your
|    : house the next day - still holding your tool, at that. Not much of a
|    : deterent.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1870G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :         Produce :   0G
|    :         Animals :   0G
|    :          Mining :   0G
|    :         Fishing :   0G
|    :          Others :   0G
|    : New Amount :  1870G
| 12 : Another open day for you - if you don't have the left quilt half by now,
|    : you really need to get on that. Ideally, you'd have your house upgraded
|    : by around the 15th or 16th, so be gathering those materials still too.
|    : 
|    : Raining again for me, but the good news is the first of my breadfruit
|    : came in. Only two, since only two were in the best level of soil. Those
|    : get shipped along with the mushrooms and toadstools gathered the day
|    : before.
|    : 
|    : In my game, it's raining again, so after getting my wonderfuls refined
|    : by Mira and shipping them (and finding that Ramsey somehow knew about my
|    : passing out the previous day - I love this game sometimes), I personally
|    : head to Praline Forest to pound some boulders and cut some wood. Yes,
|    : even though it's raining. I have the money for the upgrade (well, I will
|    : after shipping today's merchandise), so the only thing holding me back
|    : is the stone and wood. Bashing boulders in Praline Forest got tiring
|    : pretty fast, so a trip to the hot spring was in order. Then it was
|    : chopping away at the tree on my own farm for a while. After that, I
|    : opted for a quick trip to the bar to visit some people. While I was
|    : there, I figured I'd give the part-time job for a whirl. Some rather
|    : random cutscenes, 6 hours and 123G later, I was done and it was time for
|    : bed.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1993G
|    :     Profit :  1860G
|    :         Produce : 180G
|    :         Animals :   0G
|    :          Mining : 730G (gems appraised from the previous day)
|    :         Fishing :   0G
|    :          Others : 950G (mushrooms and toadstools from the previous day)
|    : New Amount :  3853G
| 13 : Another day, another day. Again, not much required, though hopefully you
|    : have the left half of the quilt by now and are well on your way to
|    : having your home upgraded. Let's plan on that tomorrow, although if
|    : you're behind on that, it's ok for now.
|    : 
|    : Spend the day doing whatever you need to do, be it making money, selling
|    : products or obtaining materials. If you've got plenty of money, the left
|    : half of the quilt and the materials, you could go ahead and upgrade your
|    : house and continue the quest.
|    : 
|    : For me, a single other breadfruit sprouts today somehow - not really
|    : sure how, since it's a Perfect breadfruit and therefore must be in
|    : at least Decent soil - perhaps I missed a day of watering.
|    : 
|    : I've already got my materials for the upgrade, but I spent part of my
|    : day pounding boulders on the other farm plots as well. It's a good head
|    : start for the next home upgrades, and it levels the hammer for hopefully
|    : opening Brownie Ranch soon.
|    : 
|    : After that, a rather productive trip to the mine - dug up a diamond to
|    : be appraised by Mira tomorrow.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  3853G
|    :     Profit :   890G
|    :         Produce : 110G (that Perfect Breadfruit)
|    :         Animals :   0G
|    :          Mining :   0G
|    :         Fishing :   0G
|    :          Others : 780G (toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  4743G
| 14 : Spring 14th - sounds like a good day to get your house upgraded. But
|    : wouldn't you know it, they're closed on Saturdays. Darn. It'll have to
|    : wait until tomorrow - good news for those of you who haven't gotten the
|    : materials yet.
|    : 
|    : If you've been following my game perfectly, you'll also notice that your
|    : breadfruit planted in poor soil have sprouted, as well as your turnips
|    : planted in decent soil. Sell them off and head to the beach for a quick
|    : foraging fest.
|    : 
|    : Find anything? Hopefully you found a Common Seashell - it's an
|    : ingredient in the first goddess recipe. If you found one, head home and
|    : put it in your toolbox for storage. If not, you might want to start
|    : checking back every couple days - they'll last from day to day, but they
|    : won't stay put forever, and you're going to need one.
|    : 
|    : From there, the day's your own: do what you need to do. If you don't
|    : mind carrying it around for a few days until everything else is
|    : gathered, you could go ahead and hook some fish to make the Good Herb
|    : Fish part of the recipe - but remember you'll have to carry it with you
|    : since there's no refrigerator in your house yet. Other than that, the
|    : only other things you're going to need are bought at the Spring Market,
|    : so do whatever you want to do - socialize, work part-time jobs, it's
|    : your decision.
|    : 
|    : Personally, after getting my wonderfuls appraised, I head over to
|    : Praline Forest and do some more boulder bashing. Still hoping to level
|    : that hammer up, though Level 3 is much harder than Level 2.
|    : 
|    : After that, my stamina's shot, so it's to the hot spring, then to chores
|    : back at the farm. And since the hot spring restores far more stamina
|    : than you consume by just watering plants, I spend some time smashing the
|    : boulders down at the beach plot.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4743G
|    :     Profit :  2880G
|    :         Produce :  510G (turnips and breadfruit)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining : 2280G (heckuva day at the mine yesterday)
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :   90G (and a veryberry)
|    : New Amount :  7623G
| 15 : Like I said, this sounds like a good day to have your house upgraded.
|    : Again, if you're not quite ready, it's ok - but hurry and get ready soon
|    : or else you run the risk of running out of time. Remember, you'll need
|    : 3000G, 18 lumber and 16 stone.
|    : 
|    : If you're following my game exactly, you'll find that a couple more
|    : turnips have sprouted. Not only that, but you now have an empty strip
|    : of land. We'll take care of that while we're out.
|    : 
|    : Head up to the Carpenter's Shop, though you'll probably get there a good
|    : while before it opens. You can pass the time bashing some boulders or
|    : chopping some trees - hey, you'll need the stone and lumber eventually.
|    : 
|    : Talk to Dale from across the counter. In case you haven't noticed, you
|    : always talk to a person across the counter to purchase things from them,
|    : and you go around the counter if you want to just converse with them
|    : socially.
|    : 
|    : Choose Build, then Build or Upgrade, then choose the plot you chose.
|    : It takes two days for the upgrade, but you don't need to wait to
|    : progress the plot.
|    : 
|    : But before we do that, if you're like me and have another empty row for
|    : seeds, head over to Souffle Farm and pick some up. Personally, I get
|    : cabbage seeds, to preserve my focus on variety. Now, let's hunt down
|    : Gill (if your house is being upgraded - if not, just remember to do it
|    : another day, and make a note of the information below).
|    : 
|    : Gill is in different places depending on the time of day, so use the
|    : tracker to find him. Personally, I found him at the church. Talk to him
|    : to trigger the next part of the quest.
|    : 
|    : Choose the right answer ("revitalize the island", of course). Then,
|    : after a short scene, ask Gill a couple questions. It seems your new
|    : directive is to talk to Dale. But today it's probably getting a bit
|    : late, so we can save that for tomorrow.
|    : 
|    : Do your chores for the day, then expend the rest of your time and energy
|    : doing whatever you want - for me, it's pounding any boulders I can find,
|    : as always. Not much longer, though, that bar couldn't possibly be any
|    : closer to Level 3.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4488G
|    :     Profit :   110G
|    :         Produce :  110G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  4598G
| 16 : You may have noticed that I have a lot of money, but haven't been
|    : spending it as much as I could. This is true, and it's true for a
|    : reason: one major use of my money will be setting up next season's 
|    : field. I plan to keep a 6x6 field of crops next season, so it'll be good
|    : to save my money for seeds, as well as the goddess ingredients that are
|    : for sale later in the season. After that's taken care of, I'll look at
|    : what I can spend my excess money on.
|    : 
|    : There's another reason to horde money too: at the end of the season is
|    : the Animal Festival, where some items can be purchased to upgrade your
|    : rucksack capacity sooner. Ideally, you'll have 8220G when that festival
|    : rolls around - so it's a good idea to save for now.
|    : 
|    : For me, it's raining today, which brings up a good point: fishing tends
|    : to be a bit easier on a rainy day, so start looking for a rainy day to
|    : dedicate to a fishing trip, especially once you have your house
|    : upgraded. It will only be a matter of time until you have the quilt and
|    : can create that first rainbow, so it won't be long until you need that
|    : Good Herb Fish.
|    : 
|    : More breadfruit for me today, and you too if you planted some when I
|    : did. Like we said, we'll be talking to Dale today, so head up to the
|    : Ganache Mine District. You'll be there early again, so why not bash some
|    : more boulders and chop some more trees? I, personally, finally levelled
|    : my hammer to Level 3 today, so I'll be opening Brownie Ranch on the next
|    : sunny day (not that it has to be sunny, just personal preference). I
|    : won't assume you do though - I'm just doing that to get access to Kathy
|    : sooner.
|    : 
|    : When the Carpenter's Shop opens, talk to Dale from behind the counter.
|    : A short scene will ensue, and after you ask the questions, you'll find
|    : that your next destination is with the Mayor.
|    : 
|    : Use the tracker to find him, though he's probably in his house. Talk to
|    : him to initiate a scene in which you have three options - I recommend
|    : choosing "Can I fix it?", though you're free to choose yourself. He'll
|    : then give you the key to the clock tower.
|    : 
|    : It should still be early, so let's have a look at that clock tower.
|    : Examine the bottom of it, then equip the key as if it's a tool. A scene
|    : will initiate, and you'll find the other half of the quilt. Well done!
|    : 
|    : With that done, you'll receive the overview of the majority of the game
|    : plotline: give the sprites the ingredients to make special cakes, which
|    : in turn make rainbows for you to cross over to different parts of the
|    : island. Ok, so the note didn't say all that, but that's what the task
|    : is.
|    : 
|    : Let's go ahead and have a look at that first tree, just to get a feel
|    : for it. It's right by the clock tower in Town Square. Pull out your
|    : watering can and use it near it to awaken a sleeping sprite, who is very
|    : aggravated at you for waking him with such cold water. You jerk.
|    : 
|    : He'll brighten up quickly, though. After a scene, you'll get three
|    : chocies: you can choose any of them for some humorous responses, but you
|    : can't progress until you choose the right one. After that, he'll explain
|    : the rainbows to you and give you the first recipe. You won't see it
|    : automatically, but you can check it on your menu screens under story
|    : items: it consists of a Grilled Yam, a Carp, a Good Herb Fish, a Common
|    : Seashell and an Apple. You've probably heard me blathering about these
|    : earlier in this walkthrough, but fortunately even if you haven't gotten
|    : any, you still have time before the end of Spring.
|    : 
|    : The earliest you'll be able to get the rainbow, though, is Spring 23rd.
|    : Two items are sold on Spring 22nd: the Apple and the Grilled Yam.
|    : Besides those two, the other three can be obtained any time. The Common
|    : Seashell must be found on the beach, so keep looking for one if you
|    : haven't found it yet. The carp can be fished up any time, and remember
|    : that it can be kept in the toolbox until you need it.
|    : 
|    : The Good Herb Fish is a bit more complicated. It requires four decent
|    : fish (combined value of at least 270G, though some say 300G) and an
|    : herb, and the oven. And like the carp, you can store it in the toolbox
|    : until you need it, and somehow it won't spoil. The same can be said for
|    : the Apple and Grilled Yam.
|    : 
|    : Personally, I'll probably aim to obtain the carp and the Good Herb Fish
|    : around the 19th to the 21st - there's no real need to start on it
|    : earlier since it's relatively easy to make when you know what you're
|    : doing, and since the other ingredients are available starting Spring 22.
|    : 
|    : So now that that's over with, what to do? It's up to you, do whatever
|    : you need to do. If you're not to the point of obtaining the other quilt
|    : half yet, do what you need to do to get there. Try to complete the stuff
|    : outlined in this day by the 20th, though, otherwise you'll be cutting it
|    : pretty close.
|    : 
|    : Personally, I worked at the Inn for the rest of the day, then at the Bar
|    : that night. But that was more a function of being tired and wanting to
|    : go to bed (literally) than any game strategy. I also bought Selena a
|    : Veryberry Juice, but that's just because... well, why not? The Inn work
|    : brought in 88G for about 4 hours, and the subsequent time at the bar
|    : brought in 124G for 6 hours. Not great.
|    : 
|    : If you choose to go by there, you'll also see Hamilton, and you can
|    : experience the little quilt wrap-up scene. You'll also get a dream the
|    : night you obtain the quilt. Hi, goddess.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4705G
|    :     Profit :   200G
|    :         Produce :  200G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  4905G
| 17 : If you upgraded your house on the 15th, it's now ready! It's actually
|    : very spacious, and there's still three more levels to go! You'll have to
|    : set your furniture back out, though.
|    : 
|    : Today, do whatever it is you need to do, be it making money or gathering
|    : materials. If you're like me and don't have anything in particular you
|    : need to be doing, you can pretty much do whatever you want, like mining,
|    : fishing or just meeting some villagers. Just remember when foraging that
|    : things in the ground stay there until you pick them, so you might want
|    : to leave an herb sitting in Praline Forest to be ready for when you want
|    : to make that Good Herb Fish.
|    : 
|    : While we're on the subject, you may want to leave herbs growing
|    : indefinitely anyway. Their best use is in dying yarns that you get
|    : later, so if you leave them growing, they'll be ready. But that's a long
|    : way off, so there's no harm in picking a few now.
|    : 
|    : If you're like me, you now have the hammer leveled to level 3 and can
|    : smash that dang boulder in front of Brownie Ranch. I did so and got to
|    : see the beautiful Kathy again. But like I said, I won't assume you were
|    : able to level your hammer that high before Spring 28, so I'll wait until
|    : then to talk about Brownie Ranch (so if you want to hear about it, read
|    : down there).
|    : 
|    : For those of you without that much to do, I'm going to give you a little
|    : secret about one of the Power Berries. One of the Power Berries is the
|    : Hoe berry, obtained by tilling 1000 squares of soil. Sounds like a lot,
|    : but you can till already-tilled squares and they'll still count towards
|    : the total. So starting now, what you may want to do is expend your
|    : excess stamina each day tilling the same square (or squares, when your
|    : hoe levels up) of soil over and over. A couple months of that and the
|    : hoe berry will be yours in no time. Just remember to do your actual
|    : chores for the day first.
|    : 
|    : Most of my day was spent exploring Brownie Ranch, so I don't have any
|    : tasks to detail for the day.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  4905G
|    :     Profit :    90G
|    :         Produce :   90G (that one off-schedule breadfruit)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  4995G
| 18 : Yet another rainy day for me. Thunderstorm, in fact, which means that
|    : I'm going to spend my day fishing for the next goddess recipe - both the
|    : carp and the Good Herb Fish.
|    : 
|    : Oh, right, you. Again, the day's free to do whatever you want. If you
|    : have everything done... well, frankly, you don't need to be using this
|    : walkthrough anymore. This walkthrough is intended to guide you through
|    : the first couple months while teaching you the better ways to play the
|    : game, and if you're already ahead of the game, quit reading!
|    : 
|    : We will get to other stuff to do soon, though, like building new
|    : buildings and buying important things at the General Store. All in due
|    : time - the first order of business is the first rainbow.
|    : 
|    : So, the day's your own - do what you need to do. For fishing, I
|    : recommend midstream of the river - not the highest profit place to fish,
|    : but it has the carp that you need for the rainbow recipe. Plus, you're
|    : already halfway to the hot spring if you need it.
|    : 
|    : On my fishing trip, I caught 4 rainbow trouts, 3 carps, 2 big-scaled
|    : redfins and a partridge in a... and a masu trout. My rainbow trout
|    : became my Good Herb Fish, my masu trout and redfin were sold for profit,
|    : and two of my carp were given to people at the bar (Kathy! and if I'd
|    : paid attention to my own guide, I would've known not to give one to
|    : Selena...).
|    : 
|    : After that, I worked part-time at the inn, which might become a regular
|    : occurence for me. Two hours, 41G. Still not great.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  5036G
|    :     Profit :   190G
|    :         Produce :    0G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :  190G (two redfins, a masu trout, and some trash)
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  5226G
| 19 : Another day, and it's still not the Spring Market yet. This is why
|    : I'm not a fan of walkthroughs for Harvest Moon games - not knowing where
|    : you are right now, it's really hard to give recommendations.
|    : 
|    : Like I said, you know what you need to be doing. With your extra time
|    : and stamina, you can spend some time chopping wood, pounding boulders or
|    : tilling extra squares of soil in efforts to get that hoe berry. But
|    : beyond that, what you do is up to you.
|    : 
|    : Remember, the Spring Market is coming up, and that's when we can get the
|    : last couple goddess ingredients. So be ready with your Good Herb Fish,
|    : your Common Seashell and your Carp. Be on the lookout for Common
|    : Seashells, buy the oven and fish up the ingredients.
|    : 
|    : Also, have you met Maya? No? Neither had I at this point, and it's
|    : absolutely crucial that you do so. She sells the Grilled Yam at the
|    : Spring Market, and if you don't meet her first, she won't show up. So,
|    : meet her! 
|    : 
|    : To meet Maya, just enter the Town Square area sometime after around 2PM,
|    : but before 6PM. Walk forward a little bit and you'll trigger her
|    : introduction scene. She's another eligible bachelorette, if the sparkles
|    : didn't tip you off. She'll also have a book for you, about cooking.
|    : 
|    : If it's raining or you otherwise can't trigger the scene, it's ok - just
|    : make sure to trigger it by the 21st at the latest, or else she won't be
|    : at the Spring Market.
|    : 
|    : I, personally, also took this opportunity to buy some cabbage seeds to
|    : plant to hopefully maximize the amount I sell before the end of the
|    : season. I'd like for Brownie Ranch to start selling fertilizer before
|    : the start of summer. Yes, I know, I should've bought some at the Flower
|    : Festival. I figured my field would have SOME good soil in it somewhere
|    : that I could test on, but no luck on that front.
|    : 
|    : After planting the new cabbages, I personally headed to Sundae Bar.
|    : Part-time work was part of my goal, but also to give Kathy a cocktail
|    : purchased from the bar. That's part of what makes her so easy to woo -
|    : she's in the same place every night, and you can buy one of her favorite
|    : gifts in the same place that she's working.
|    : 
|    : Part-time work earned me 126G for 6 hours - almost enough to offset that
|    : one blasted blueberry cocktail.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  4767G
|    :     Profit :   140G
|    :         Produce :  140G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  4907G
| 20 : As has become customary, today is yours. We're getting near the Spring
|    : Market, so be looking for those fish and that Common Seashell. If you're
|    : all ready for that, you can spend your time gathering materials for your
|    : new buildings that we'll start looking at next month, or just mining
|    : and fishing for profit.
|    : 
|    : Personally, I spend today fishing. Later in the game, it's going to be
|    : quite beneficial to have a leveled fishing rod. However, I'm not selling
|    : most of the fish I'm catching - I give them as gifts to the villagers.
|    : Up until now we've focused on the profit and plot parts of the game, but
|    : don't forget the social side. Just remember, no fish for Selena.
|    : 
|    : You may also want to pursue mining, though not for profit, but for ores
|    : to upgrade your tools with. I grabbed an iron ore earlier in the month,
|    : and I also spent some time today getting my watering can upgraded from
|    : regular to Iron.
|    : 
|    : That fishing trip I mentioned yielded only one fish, a Masu Trout, so my
|    : evening was spent heading to the bar, giving Maya the trout, buying
|    : blueberry cocktails for Selena and Kathy, and working part-time. You
|    : really don't need to know that, that's just so you know why my invoice
|    : at the end of this day works out the way it does.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  3547G
|    :     Profit :   270G
|    :         Produce :  270G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  3817G
| 21 : The 21st already? Not really. We're almost to that Spring Market at
|    : last, so spend today making some last-minute preparations. Make sure you
|    : have the Common Seashell, fish up the ingredients for that Good Herb
|    : Fish, and catch a Carp. And if you're not to the point of being able to
|    : do that yet, that's ok - you'll have a couple days after the Spring
|    : Market to take care of things.
|    : 
|    : For tomorrow at the Spring Market, you'll need 165G for the Grilled Yam
|    : and 225G for the Apple from Simon. If you don't have that much, fish
|    : today - you won't have time to get the gems you dig up appraised by Mira
|    : in time for the Market tomorrow.
|    : 
|    : Again, if you have not yet met Maya, make absolute sure to do so today.
|    : Just enter Town Square sometime soon after 3PM. If you enter Waffle
|    : Town, Hamilton will also remind you of the Spring Market the following
|    : day.
|    : 
|    : For me, it looks like the first of those Strawberries finally sprouted.
|    : Those definitely get shipped, while I simultaneously wish I'd grown some
|    : more. But that's for other reasons.
|    : 
|    : For me, I actually spent the first half of the day being sociable and
|    : going around saying hi to people. May as well get those friendships up.
|    : That was followed by some tree-cutting to get ready for new buildings,
|    : then a trip to the bar to give Kathy her cocktail.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  3637G
|    :     Profit :   790G
|    :         Produce :  720G (woo, strawberries)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :   70G (found a piece of seaweed)
|    : New Amount :  4427G
| 22 : The Spring Market at last! It doesn't start until 9AM, so you can kill
|    : some time before heading over there. For me that means watering the
|    : plants first today.
|    : 
|    : Head to the Market when it's open. Purchase the Grilled Yam from Maya
|    : and the Apple from Simon. There are also a few other rainbow ingredients
|    : sold here, but you won't be able to create another rainbow until Fall,
|    : and these ingredients will all be sold again at the Summer Market.
|    : 
|    : After getting the Grilled Yam and the Apple, the day is yours. You might
|    : be able to create the rainbow today, though I never opt to - something
|    : about none of the villagers at the Market reacting makes it feel weird.
|    : 
|    : After the Market, do what you want to do to get ready for the first
|    : rainbow.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4037G
|    :     Profit :   730G
|    :         Produce :  730G (some cabbages came in)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  4767G
| 23 : Finally, we should have all the ingredients necessary for that first
|    : rainbow. So let's get to it!
|    : 
|    : Grab all the ingredients and put them in your rucksack, then make sure
|    : you have the watering can and head to the tree in Town Square. Water the
|    : flower to trigger the scene, complete with a weird little song and
|    : dance. And music that sounds like it's right out of Ocarina of Time.
|    : 
|    : Once the scene is done, a rainbow will be created! This is probably the
|    : most crucial plot point in the entire game. With that created, several
|    : things happen:
|    :  - You can now access Toucan Island via the Ferry.
|    :  - You can now access West Gull Island over the rainbow.
|    :  - Villagers will start to arrive on the 1st and 15th of every month.
|    :  - The windmill at Brownie Ranch will begin to operate again.
|    : 
|    : As you can see, you immediately have two new areas you can explore, so
|    : let's spend today doing that. Head to West Gull Island first by walking
|    : up the rainbow.
|    : 
|    : The main reason for visiting West Gull Island now is that foragable
|    : items have been collecting on the island since the beginning of the
|    : game, so now there should be quite a few. Run around the perimeter of
|    : the island and collect them for shipping. You can also find various
|    : fruits around the trees on the island, like oranges, cherries, chestnuts
|    : and grapes. There's also a new wild animal friend: a squirrel.
|    : 
|    : Unfortunately, to get to Toucan Island, you need to take the ferry,
|    : which requires talking to Pascal, which requires On The Hook to be open,
|    : which it isn't on the 23rd. So, we'll talk about it tomorrow.
|    : 
|    : You'll notice that when you talk to the villagers, they all mention the
|    : rainbow you just created. Feels like you're actually having an impact,
|    : doesn't it?
|    : 
|    : After that, I opted to do my chores, then go to the bar and give Kathy
|    : her cocktail, then work part-time - 127G for 5.5 hours, getting slightly
|    : better. Then, after expending the rest of my stamina hoeing the same
|    : three squares of soil over and over, it's bedtime.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4684G
|    :     Profit :  1000G
|    :         Produce :  840G (foraged fruits count as produce)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :  160G (seashell and clam)
|    : New Amount :  5684G
| 24 : Today, let's check out that new area, Toucan Island. Head over to On The
|    : Hook and talk to Pascal. You'll receive an offer to head to Toucan
|    : Island, which you should accept. After a short scene, you'll find
|    : yourself on Toucan Island.
|    : 
|    : Upon arrival, you'll meet Sue, who turns out to be Selena's mother, who
|    : will thrust you into the middle of a family squabble. After that, you're
|    : free to roam the island.
|    : 
|    : The first thing you'll notice is that there's stuff all over the beach.
|    : Foragable items have been accumulating since the game began, so a lot
|    : is available. Gather it up for a nice one-day profit. Note that not
|    : everything that looks like it can be picked up can, though.
|    : 
|    : Toucan Island is also home to a big white dog. Introduce yourself!
|    : 
|    : While you're here, drop by Pineapple Inn and meet Samson too. He's the
|    : manager of the inn. He sells a rather random assortment of items: some
|    : rare seeds, some flower seeds, some cooked dishes, some fruit and a
|    : fancy seashell.
|    : 
|    : When you're done here, you're free to do what you will. You might want
|    : to take this opportunity to do some island fishing - you can catch
|    : different fish from the island. It never rains here, either, so there's
|    : no sense in waiting for a rainy day to fish for better results. I,
|    : personally, caught a Swordfish and a Mahi-Mahi in two hours of fishing,
|    : a total of 1060G worth of fish. Expended almost all my stamina doing it,
|    : though, and had to buy a Southern Omelette just to have the stamina to
|    : take care of my chores when I got home.
|    : 
|    : Remember that family squabble? Well, talking to Selena after talking to
|    : Sue brings a giant boost in affection - about half of a heart level.
|    : So, talk to Selena shortly.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  5054G
|    :     Profit :  2690G
|    :         Produce :  780G (decent strawberries came in)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing : 1060G (Mahi-Mahi and Swordfish)
|    :          Others :  850G (stuff collected from Toucan Island beach)
|    : New Amount :  7744G
| 25 : We're getting near the end of the first season, and when first Spring is
|    : over, so will our day-by-day walkthrough be. So let's talk about a
|    : couple things that weren't really relevant to a specific day.
|    : 
|    : A few of the stores on the island - General Store, Brownie Ranch and
|    : Souffle Farm - level up as you ship certain items (for example, crops
|    : for Souffle Farm). When it levels up, their selection improves. For
|    : example, for me, Souffle Farm levelled up to Level 2 on this day. When
|    : a shop levels up, you receive a letter about it. For example, when
|    : Souffle Farm levels up to level 2, fertilizer and rapid fertilizer
|    : become available - I purchased two rapid fertilizers.
|    : 
|    : I bet you're itching to do something with all that money, aren't you?
|    : I'll talk about spending priorities in a couple days, but one major
|    : spending endeavor is on upgrading your tools. It's three times more
|    : expensive to upgrade tools at the General Store, but upgrading them at
|    : the Blacksmith requires some ores. So, when you get time, start mining
|    : for some ores. They appear in rocks, and typically start to appear
|    : around floors 17 and up. Remember, ores that sparkle will refine into
|    : actual minerals for use in tool upgrades, so only bother with the
|    : sparkling ones.
|    : 
|    : That's what I spent today doing - I did pick up a couple meals from
|    : Sundae Inn to make the trek a bit easier, since this trip will be heavy
|    : on the hammer usage. The most cost-effective thing to pick up is the
|    : Omelette Rice. These trips are notoriously difficult, though - usually
|    : you'll spend 12 hours in the mines and only uncover two or three usable
|    : minerals. It's much more difficult than mining for gems - keep at it,
|    : though.
|    : 
|    : Note also that for the Animal Festival, you'll want to have at least
|    : 4110G, if not 8220G, for some important items that are for sale there.
|    : If you're not anywhere near that number, spend the next couple days
|    : mining.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  6724G
|    :     Profit :   230G
|    :         Produce :  160G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :   70G
|    : New Amount :  6954G
| 26 : Let's talk about a rather popular tactic that hasn't really come up yet
|    : in our play. You know the shipping bins that are conveniently placed all
|    : over the village? You can access an item you place in a bin from any
|    : other bin in the village, and the items in the bins aren't sold until
|    : you go to sleep. So, if you find yourself out and run across more items
|    : than you can hold that you want to take home with you, place some in the
|    : shipping bin. Then, when you get home, put the ones in your rucksack in
|    : the storage unit, then get the others out of the shipping bin. It's like
|    : it's shipping, but straight to your house.
|    : 
|    : An important upgrade to look at is that of the hammer. Upgrading the
|    : hammer will make trips to the mine much, much more effective because
|    : the hammer will use less stamina - so add that to your list of things to
|    : do soon, along with upgrading the watering can if you haven't already.
|    : Of course, to do either, you need iron ore in the first place, which can
|    : be difficult.
|    : 
|    : Season's almost over, and I've about run out of day-by-day advice. By
|    : now, you know the options that are available to you for what to spend
|    : your day doing, so do whatever you need to do. Tomorrow we'll talk about
|    : what to do with the vast amounts of wealth you've accumulated.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  6724G
|    :     Profit :  2650G
|    :         Produce : 2650G (strawberries)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  9374G
| 27 : You'll be greeted today by Hamilton, who wants to alert you to the
|    : Animal Festival taking place on the following day. He'll suggest you
|    : enter an animal, ignoring the fact that you almost certainly don't have
|    : any yet.
|    : 
|    : Speaking of animals, there's another mechanic for us to talk about. Have
|    : you noticed that the wild animals that you run into some places get
|    : added to your menu screens, and have a heart rating? That's because they
|    : too can be befriended. If you befriend a wild animal to 6 hearts, you'll
|    : actually receive the option of adopting them as a pet. Yes, that means
|    : you can have a pet turtle, or rabbit, or squirrel, or even boar.
|    : 
|    : Unfortunately, unlike people, animals don't gain affection just by being
|    : pet and talked to - you have to give them gifts. Each animal has a
|    : favorite gift, which is listed elsewhere in this guide (search for
|    : [ YFP ] without the spaces).
|    : 
|    : One day until the Animal Festival, when you'll finally gain access to
|    : Brownie Ranch if you don't have it already. So do whatever needs doing.
|    : 
|    : Are you wondering yet what to do with all the money you've accumulated?
|    : Well, there are several options. What you choose is simply a matter of
|    : what your priority is in your game.
|    :  - Tool upgrades. These lower your stamina usage, making work much
|    :    easier.
|    :  - Home upgrades. These are mostly cosmetic, but are quite attractive.
|    :  - Kitchen utensils. These allow you to make many, many more recipes.
|    :  - Other tools. Telelphones and TVs, for example, can enhance your home.
|    :  - Storage space. It's pretty useful to have somewhere to store things
|    :    long-term, such as a refrigerator and shelves.
|    :  - Clothes/accessories. They don't really make a practical difference,
|    :    but they make your character feel more unique.
|    :  - Ranching. Ranching - that is, raising animals - can be even more
|    :    profitable than farming, but it takes some heavy investment to get
|    :    started.
|    : You know how you're playing, so make your own decisions about what it's
|    : most wise to spend your money on. For me, it's tools first (up to Iron
|    : level), then splitting between other items, storage space and maybe a
|    : home upgrade, followed by getting started on ranching.
|    : 
|    : For today, one more time now, do whatever it is you need to do. Tomorrow
|    : we'll head to the Animal Festival and you can finally access Brownie
|    : Ranch, if you haven't already.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  8604G (upgraded the hammer)
|    :     Profit :   620G
|    :         Produce :  600G
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :   20G
|    : New Amount :  9224G
| 28 : The final day of Spring and the day of the Animal Festival. Being the
|    : final day of Spring, though, you have some decisions to make about your
|    : field. Starting tomorrow, you can start buying Summer seeds from Souffle
|    : Farm, so you can plant your summer crops. Unfortunately, you might still
|    : have some Spring crops growing, and unlike in past Harvest Moon games,
|    : these can continue to grow in Summer - though at a much slower rate. So,
|    : you need to decide whether to let them grow into summer, or to chop them
|    : down to make room for new crops.
|    : 
|    : Personally, I let them grow until the 1st day of Summer, but then I
|    : chop down the ones that are still growing. May as well get one more day
|    : of profit out of it. Use the sickle to chop down old crops.
|    : 
|    : When you're ready, head up to Brownie Ranch for the Animal Festival.
|    : The Mayor will greet you, and you'll see there are various people and
|    : booths set up. He'll mention an animal contest, but you probably don't
|    : have any animals.
|    : 
|    : Besides just granting access to Brownie Ranch, the Animal Festival has
|    : one other crucial use. Shortly, if you created the first rainbow, the
|    : Tailor Shop will move in. The lady working there will upgrade your
|    : rucksack to 15 slots for free, but the 20-slot upgrade requires six
|    : items: two Good Wool Yarn, two Good Flax Yarn and two Good Silk Yarn.
|    : Making these items yourself requires sheep, flax (grown in Spring) and
|    : silkworms, as well as the expensive Yarn Maker. It's going to be a long
|    : time before you can gather these items yourself, so buy them from Hanna
|    : while you're here.
|    : 
|    : You might also want to pick up an extra of each as well. The 25-slot
|    : rucksack requires three dyed yarns, so you'll need the Yarn Maker
|    : and Dye Pot anyway, but you'll likely receive those before your next
|    : chance to obtain these items (next Spring).
|    : 
|    : So, in short, it's very beneficial to buy four Wool Yarns, four Flax
|    : Yarns and four Silk Yarns while you're here. You can store them in
|    : your toolbox until you need them. If you don't have the money to buy
|    : four, buy two of each instead. 8220G is a lot of money at this stage, so
|    : if a 25-slot rucksack isn't that much more valuable to you than a
|    : 20-slot one, it's ok to only buy two of each.
|    : 
|    : You'll find there are several foragable items on Brownie Ranch,
|    : especially in the bottom left of the area, that can supplement your
|    : income. This won't help you raise money for those items, since they
|    : won't ship until the night, but they can help you replenish your income
|    : and make sure you're ready to buy your seeds for summer.
|    : 
|    : Brownie Ranch District is pretty enormous considering it only houses
|    : one real shop. It has a few other things of note as well: you can water
|    : the tree up there to get another rainbow recipe.
|    : 
|    : Brownie Ranch is home to all your animal needs. Like Souffle Farm, it
|    : functions on a level system that's based on how much you sell. But since
|    : we haven't even begun discussing the barn and coop yet, we won't bother
|    : thinking about animals until a little later in summer.
|    : 
|    : The other prominent feature of Brownie Ranch is the new characters it
|    : introduces: most notable among these is Renee, the eligible bachelorette
|    : and daughter of the ranch owners. She'll give you a book on Animal Care.
|    : You'll also meet Hanna and Cain, the owners of the ranch. They'll give
|    : you the sickle, the last tool you're missing.
|    : 
|    : Also in the ranch area are three new wild animals: a black & white dog,
|    : a white rabbit and a boar. And as long as we're here, why don't we go
|    : ahead and collect that other rainbow recipe? Water the plant and watch
|    : the scene to add another recipe to your list.
|    : 
|    : Alan's rainbow recipe has five ingredients: a toadstool, a wood fish,
|    : a green bell flower, an ostonnaise, and a carrot cake. One of these you
|    : can get now (the toadstool), but one's not available until fall (carrot
|    : cake), one's not available until winter (green bell flower), and one's
|    : not available until you make the first three rainbows anyway (wood fish)
|    : - so don't worry too much about it yet. This is the fourth rainbow,
|    : after all.
|    : 
|    : Lastly, up by the coop and barn you can get a glimpse of the animals
|    : that will eventually be yours: sheep, cows, ducks, and horses. No sign
|    : of the goats, silkworms or ostriches though.
|    : 
|    : At some point after meeting Renee, you'll also trigger her request event
|    : (which doesn't require 5 hearts). She'll ask you to repair the windmill,
|    : but really all it takes to do that is to create the first rainbow - so
|    : depending on if you have or not, you might trigger her gratitude scene
|    : instead. If not, return to the windmill after creating the rainbow to
|    : trigger it. You won't be able to marry Renee without doing it. It earns
|    : you a kiss on the cheek and a half-heart-level increase in her heart
|    : level.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1004G (bought four wool yarn, flax yarn and Silk Yarn)
|    :     Profit :   960G
|    :         Produce :  520G (last breadfruits)
|    :         Animals :    0G
|    :          Mining :    0G
|    :         Fishing :    0G
|    :          Others :  440G (picked some herbs)
|    : New Amount :  1964G
| That concludes the day-by-day walkthrough of the game. As you could probably
| tell, it got very difficult to write something about each day that involved
| more than just describing what it is I did, so I won't be continuing the
| Day-By-Day walkthrough into summer.
| Instead, I'll be writing a Week-by-Week walkthrough for the month, with
| reminders of important events and checks on how much you should be getting
| done and when. After that, you can jump into the Season-by-Season walkthrough
| at first Fall. Its first two seasons basically summarize what's been written
| here.
| If you're interested in continuing to follow how I've been playing so you can
| sculpt your game after it, I am maintaining a Game Log section that basically
| logs my own progress. Search for [ GML ] without the spaces to find it. It's
| written more in outline form.
| Week 1 : Obviously the most crucial thing to take care of the first week (or
|        : even the first day) is getting your field set up for summer crops.
| Day 1  : It's best to spend your entire first day taking care of this so you
|  to    : can maximize your profits later on.
| Day 7  : 
|        : I recommend planting a varied mix of crop types. While some are more
|        : profitable than others, they all have some uses in recipes and such,
|        : and a couple - the Tomato and the Honeydew - are ingredients in some
|        : of the goddess recipes. There are six Summer crops, perfectly suited
|        : to a 6x6 field - especially convenient if you have the Level 3
|        : watering can to water 3x3 squares at a time. Remember, the sixth
|        : Summer crop - Cocoa - is sold at Pineapple Inn.
|        : 
|        : That day can be a heavy work day, with re-plowing some field squares
|        : and chopping down old crops, so be prepared to work all day and
|        : possibly take a trip to the hot spring. If you find your stamina
|        : running out especially early, take a trip to Sundae Inn and pick up
|        : an Omelette Rice - though not until after you've bought your seeds,
|        : otherwise you might run out of money.
|        : 
|        : You'll also want to trigger the Tailor Shop's welcome event by
|        : strolling by the store. It's located next door to Meringue Clinic.
|        : Everyone's talking about it, as you'll soon see.
|        : 
|        : After you do that, you can have her upgrade your rucksack to 15
|        : slots for free. If you followed my earlier advice and bought the
|        : materials at the Animal Festival, you can have it upgraded to 20
|        : slots, too.
|        : 
|        : You can collect the rainbow recipe from Ben under the tree at Maple
|        : Lake any time - it doesn't matter too much when, since you won't be
|        : able to make his rainbow until Fall, but it couldn't hurt to have
|        : the recipe on you.
|        : 
|        : The five items of his recipe are Grilled Eggplant (buy an Eggplant
|        : from Souffle Farm during Fall), Omelette (make it with an egg and
|        : frying pan, or buy it from Simon at the Spring/Summer Market), Green
|        : Herb (find it pretty much anywhere), Char (catch by the waterfall),
|        : and Good Tomato (grow it on your farm, or purchase at the fall
|        : Harvest Festival, or purchase a Perfect one from Souffle Farm). So,
|        : the earliest you can complete the recipe is Fall 1.
|        :
|        : Don't forget also that you can continue the Scavenger Hunt quest now
|        : that Brownie Ranch is open. The next item can be tricky to find -
|        : it's behind the map at the very north side of the ranch. The other
|        : two items after it aren't hard to find, though.
|        : 
|        : Don't forget also that the Fireworks Display is on the night of the
|        : 7th. If you have an eligible bachelor/ette at 3 hearts or more, you
|        : can ask them the day before and enjoy a romantic evening.
|        :
|        : That about covers it for the first week - pretty much spend it
|        : getting your summer crops started since so many are re-growing, and
|        : possibly mining for profit or ores, or fishing for rod levels, in
|        : your spare time.
| Week 2 : First thing's first. Have you finished the Scavenger Hunt? It has a
|        : couple very valuable items for you to find. The next item is the
| Day 8  : hardest to find - it's all the way at the top edge of Brownie Ranch,
|  to    : behind the map up there. You can't see the box, you just have to
| Day 14 : examine behind the map. After that, the last two are straightforward
|        : - they lie on the second floor of Town Hall and on the seconf floor
|        : of Sundae Inn.
|        :
|        : It's time to start thinking about the rainbow ingredients that you
|        : can obtain during summer. First of all, consider Red Honey. It's an
|        : ingredient in one of the recipes much later in the game, but it does
|        : require a tiny bit of luck to get, so it can be best to start early.
|        : Red Honey is obtained by planting red flowers, then picking one when
|        : you see a bee buzzing around it. In summer, you can grow hibiscus
|        : flowers.
|        : 
|        : A Good Tomato is an ingredient in the next rainbow recipe. The
|        : recipe can't actually be made until Fall, but you'll need to get the
|        : Good Tomato during summer. The easiest way is to grow it on your
|        : ranch. You can buy a Perfect Tomato from Souffle Farm, but there
|        : have been mixed reports as to whether a higher-quality good can
|        : qualify for a goddess recipe, and I haven't tested it myself yet.
|        : So, be safe and grow a Good Tomato on your farm and save it for
|        : Fall.
|        : 
|        : Similarly, a Perfect Honeydew is required for the fifth rainbow
|        : recipe. This may seem like it's a long way off, but you'll be able
|        : to gather all the other ingredients before next summer, so grab a
|        : Perfect Honeydew during this season. You can grow one, or purchase
|        : one from Souffle Farm.
|        : 
|        : There are several other items that can be obtained in your spare
|        : time to make later rainbow recipes easier. These ingredients
|        : include: 
|        :   - Green Herb (foraged from the forest)
|        :   - Char (caught in the river, upstream)
|        :   - Omelette (made from eggs and butter, using the frying pan)
|        :   - Blue Wonderful (dig up in either mine; do NOT have refined)
|        :   - Red Wool Yarn (wool into yarn maker, dye with red herb/flower)
|        :   - Banana (purchase or find on Toucan Island)
|        :   - Wood Fish (caught at Goddess Spring at night)
|        :   - Ostrich Mayonnaise (ostrich egg in the mayonnaise maker)
|        :   - Toadstool (found in either mine)
|        :   - Red Honey (grow red flowers and wait for bees to appear)
|        :   - Tuna (caught in the ocean)
|        :   - Lapis Lazuli (dig up a one-sparkle Blue Wonderful)
|        : Note that for some of these ingredients, there are alternate - and
|        : often easier - methods for obtaining them, but these are usually
|        : restricted to a specific time period. The methods listed above can
|        : be completed at any time.
|        : 
|        : For more information on all the ways to get the different
|        : ingredients, see the goddess section (search for < GOD > without the
|        : spaces).
|        : 
|        : You should start to receive your summer harvests shortly, and with
|        : those a substantial amount of profit. It might be tempting to use
|        : this money primarily for big investments, but don't forget to buy
|        : new seeds to replace the ones you harvest (for the non-regrowing
|        : crops). Honeydew especially are among the most profitable plants,
|        : but they are not a multi-harvest crop.
|        : 
|        : Once you've bought new seeds, though, it's time to look at bigger
|        : investments. How about a bird coop? If you have the materials, go
|        : for it.
|        : 
|        : Beyond that, keep up your chores, spend some time fishing (you'll
|        : want to have your rod leveled for that Wood Fish), and try to make
|        : some friends.
| Week 3 : If you have the money (which you probably should), this week is
|        : definitely bird coop time. Buy it and when it's completed, go pick
| Day 15 : up your first chicken. And don't forget to buy some feed for rainy
|  to    : days.
| Day 21 : 
|        : Personally, I recommend incubating your chicken's first egg right
|        : away to start the process of filling out your coop. One chicken
|        : isn't going to affect your profit for a season, but a coop full of
|        : them certainly will.
|        : 
|        : Don't forget, if you created the rainbow first Spring, Calvin has
|        : arrived. If you're playing as a girl, don't get your hopes (or his
|        : hearts) up - a glitch prevents him from being marryable. It's best
|        : (if you're a girl) not to raise his heart level above 4 until after
|        : you're married - otherwise you trigger a glitch that prevents you
|        : from descending past level 10 of Ganache Mine. After you're married,
|        : it should be fine.
|        : 
|        : Depending on how you want to play, where you go from here lies
|        : somewhere along a continuous spectrum. Either you can pursue profit,
|        : or you can pursue the social life, or somewhere in between. In many
|        : ways, they're not mutually exclusive - to make friends, you need
|        : gifts, which requires money. But you can get by on that with just
|        : the money from your crops. On the other hand, if you're looking into
|        : getting a barn, upgrading your house, buying the Makers and other
|        : things like that, you'll need to get some money. Mining can be a
|        : great way to do this. At this stage, fishing isn't as profitable,
|        : but once your rod is levelled it'll be easier and more profitable
|        : to spend the day fishing - and of course, the only way to level the
|        : rod is to fish. The decision's yours.
|        : 
|        : One somewhat wise investment may be in buying another plot of land,
|        : and a bunch of tree seedlings. Trees take one full year to sprout,
|        : so if you want the fruits of their labor any time soon you might
|        : want to get started. It's an expensive investment - 10,000G total
|        : for a field and 10 saplings, but the payoff can be worth it - not in
|        : terms of profit, but in terms of having items you likely wouldn't
|        : find otherwise.
|        : 
|        : Have you been befriending people? Personally, I've gotten a few
|        : 2-heart events. Don't be discouraged at how hard befriending people
|        : can be - for the bachelor/ettes, it picks up fast. Once you get to
|        : 2 hearts, you start to trigger scenes that themselves increase the
|        : bachelor/ette's heart level... which triggers more scenes. It may
|        : take a season to go from 0 to 2 hearts, but it only takes another
|        : season to go from 2 to 6.
|        : 
|        : Don't forget to save some money for the Summer Market on Summer 22.
|        : There are a few items for sale there that can help you with the
|        : goddess rainbows.
| Week 4 : Like I said above, head to the Fall Market on the 22nd. There are
| Day 22 : three items for sale there that can help you on your quest to
|  to    : restore the goddess tree: Ostonnaise, a Plain Omelet and a Snowflake
| Day 28 : flower. While the Plain Omelet can easily be made yourself, the
|        : other two are more difficult. The Ostonnaise especially won't be
|        : available for a while after the rainbow's other items are.
|        : 
|        : Don't forget the Firefly Festival is the 24th, so you have to ask
|        : your sweetheart on the 23rd. Any bachelor/ette with 3 or more hearts
|        : will accept your invitation.
|        : 
|        : Hopefully sometime this week your second chick will hatch, if you
|        : had the coop built and incubated the first egg. Remember, the chick
|        : needs to eat too, but the best way to feed them is to just let them
|        : outside on sunny days. Just make sure they're fed when they come
|        : back inside - if their name doesn't appear in a blue rectangle,
|        : you'll need to hand-feed them.
|        : 
|        : You'll also want to look at buying a few things for your house soon.
|        : A larger refrigerator will come in handy if you decide to start
|        : cooking, as will the cooking utensils. You can have more than one
|        : refrigerator out at a time, so you can have one refrigerator of
|        : goddess items and another of cooking items.
|        : 
|        : Don't forget to be scavenging Toucan Island every once in a while.
|        : While technically you only need to once right before the season's
|        : over, you may want to go more frequently. Foragable items spawn
|        : very infrequently on Toucan Island, but there are items - mainly the
|        : coconut - that can't be obtained anywhere else.
|        : 
|        : If you opt to fish on some days, remember that your fishing profits
|        : can be increased by cooking what you catch before selling it. The
|        : cheapest fish can be combined with an herb and an oven to make a
|        : Decent Herb Fish, which sells for 260G.
|        : 
|        : Your season's winding down, and I think you're about ready to handle
|        : things on your own. For Fall, just do what you've been doing - get
|        : the field set up with the crops you want, take care of your animals,
|        : and spend the rest of your time either socializing or working for
|        : more money. You can't go wrong in Harvest Moon. Good luck!
| _____________________________________________________________________[GTC]_
|                                                                             |
| The Goddess Tree                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/This calendar provides a succinct list of when to be on the lookout for
| the different goddess items, what you need to do to get them, and when you'll
| be able to create the rainbows. It is - obviously - much more thorough for
| the first Spring since the first rainbow (and preceding quilt) one of the
| most complicated, and because ideally you'll have it complete by the end of
| first Spring. But the calendar does contain information for all five trees.
| After that, your progression through the quest isn't limited by the time of
| year.
| For complete information on the Goddess Tree quest, search from the beginning
| for < GOD > without the spaces.
| Note : This calendar is intended for Year 1, though many of the reminders
|      : will apply to other years as well if you haven't finished the goddess
|      : tree quest by then.
| Spring:
|  4 : Get the fishing pole soon - you'll need it to fish up two ingredients
|    : for the first goddess recipe.
|  7 : Remember, to start the goddess quest you'll need to ship 2000G worth of
|    : goods. Try to pick up some herbs and other forageables when you're out
|    : to supplement your income and kick-start the Quilt part of the quest.
| 12 : If you haven't sold 2000G worth of goods and received the left half of
|    : the quilt from the Mayor yet, do so soon.
| 15 : Remember, Gill will only give you more information about the quilt when
|    : you've upgraded your house to level 2. This will require 3000G, 16 wood
|    : lumber and 16 stone lumber. Start saving up and gathering the materials
|    : now - you'll want to have them by the 23rd to be safe.
|    :
|    : Also, if you haven't met Maya, meet her - otherwise she won't set up her
|    : shop at the Spring Market, and you won't be able to buy the Grilled Yam.
|    : You meet her at Town Square.
| 20 : Start collecting fish to use in the rainbow recipe. You'll need one
|    : Carp, as well as four other of any type of fish for the Good Herb Fish.
|    : Also, pick up an herb at some point (the other ingredient in the Good
|    : Herb Fish), as well as a plain (not fancy) Seashell from the beach.
|    :
|    : Remember also that for that Good Herb Fish recipe, you'll need an Oven.
|    : Pick up one soon.
| 22 : Make sure to purchase a Grilled Yam from Maya and an Apple from Simon at
|    : the Spring Market. Both are ingredients in the first rainbow recipe, and
|    : you won't have another chance to get them until Summer 22.
|    :
|    : Remember to buy Ostrich Mayo from Maya or an Omelette from Simon, if you
|    : will need them before Summer 22 and won't be able to produce them on
|    : your farm. These are ingredients in the fourth (Alan's, red), second
|    : (Ben's, blue) and fifth (Edge's, purple) rainbow recipes.
| 24 : Try to have Dale upgrade your house by today - if you have it done later
|    : than the 24th, you might not be able to create the first rainbow in time

|    : (given that it takes 2 days for the construction to complete). As soon
|    : as you commission the upgrade, you can talk to Gill to continue the
|    : quest.
| 25 : Make sure you have the ingredients for the first goddess rainbow recipe:
|    : Grilled Yam (purchased from the Market), Apple (purchased from the
|    : Market), Seashell (found on the beach), Carp (caught in the river,
|    : midstream or downstream, or in Maple Lake) and the ingredients for Good
|    : Herb Fish (any four fish, any one herb).
| 27 : Go to Town Square with the five ingredients for the first rainbow in
|    : your rucksack (Good Herb Fish, Grilled Yam, Apple, Seashell, Carp).
|    : Water the flowers underneath the tree to create the first rainbow. New
|    : villagers will now begin to move to the island, and you can now access
|    : Toucan Island via ferry.
|    :
|    : Note that the other goddess rainbows are not nearly as time-sensitive:
|    : the first rainbow impacts new villagers arriving and a relevant new
|    : place being available (Toucan Island), but the other rainbows only
|    : impact the rest of the goddess quest. As such, dates to have the
|    : rainbows created by won't be listed - only dates when ingredients can be
|    : found.
| 28 : The 28th is the Animal Festival, and if you have the money (4110G) you
|    : can buy the items for another crucial upgrade: the 20-slot rucksack.
|    : If you've created the first rainbow, the Tailor Shop will move in on
|    : Summer 1, and you'll get an upgrade to the 15-slot rucksack just by
|    : talking to Shelly. The upgrade to 20-slot will require too Good Wool
|    : Yarn, two Good Flax Yarn and two Good Silk Yarn. You're probably a
|    : ways away from making these yourself, but all three can be purchased at
|    : the Animal Festival.
|    :
|    : You'll want to buy them even if you haven't yet created the first
|    : rainbow, since it still may be a while before you have sheep, silkworms
|    : and flax - the last of which can't be obtained until Taylor arrives, a
|    : full a three seasons after creating the first goddess rainbow.
|    : rainbow). That'd be a 2.5 month delay from when the Tailor Shop arrives
|    : to when you can buy flax seeds for the 20-slot rucksack - and if you
|    : don't create the first rainbow in first spring, flax seeds won't even be
|    : in season for another year after that.
|    :
|    : So, in short, buy the three yarns. It's about as important as buying
|    : the Apple and Grilled Yam at the Spring Market. And thanks to amishlou
|    : for realizing all of this.
|    :
|    : Additionally, you also need to buy a Wool Yarn to dye red for the third
|    : rainbow recipe. This is the only chance you'll get at a Wool Yarn before
|    : the other ingredients are available unless you get a barn and sheep
|    : relatively soon. It's easier just to get a Wool Yarn.
| Summer:
|  1 : A Good Tomato can be grown during summer by growing Tomatoes on your
|    : ranch. The Good Tomato is an ingredient in the second rainbow recipe.
|    : Honeydew can also be grown in summer; a Perfect Honeydew is an
|    : ingredient in the fifth rainbow recipe.
|  2 : Now is a good time to start gathering the rainbow ingredients that are
|    : nearly-always available to have on hand when the rarer ingredients are
|    : found. These ingredients include:
|    :   - Green Herb (foraged from the forest)
|    :   - Char (caught in the river, upstream)
|    :   - Omelette (made from eggs and butter, using the frying pan)
|    :   - Blue Wonderful (dig up in either mine; do NOT have refined)
|    :   - Banana (purchase or find on Toucan Island)
|    :   - Ostrich Mayonnaise (ostrich egg in the mayonnaise maker)
|    :   - Toadstool (found in either mine)
|    :   - Red Honey (grow red flowers and wait for bees to appear)
|    :   - Tuna (caught in the ocean)
|    :   - Lapis Lazuli (dig up a one-sparkle Blue Wonderful)
|    : There's no reason to break your neck to get these ingredients, as the
|    : time to create the other rainbows will be based mostly on the rarer
|    : ingredients. Just keep them in mind, especially that you're going to
|    : need a high-level fishing rod and a sheep and yarn maker. It'd be wise
|    : to start leveling your rod and looking at buying a sheep soon.
|    : 
|    : Additionally, one of the ingredients in the third recipe is a Red Wool
|    : Yarn. You could've bought the Wool Yarn at the Animal Festival, but to
|    : dye it you'll need a barn and the dye pot, so start saving up.
| 22 : You can purchase a Grilled Yam from Maya and an Apple from Simon at the
|    : Spring Market. Both are ingredients in the first rainbow recipe.
|    :
|    : You can buy Ostrich mayonnaise from Maya, an Omelette from Simon or a
|    : Snowflake flower from Candace. These are ingredients in the fourth
|    : (Alan's, red), second (Ben's, blue) and fifth (Edge's, purple) rainbow
|    : recipes.
| Fall:
|  1 : The Eggplant is available at Souffle Farm. Buy it and grill it with
|    : matches at the beach for Grilled Eggplant, one of the ingredients in the
|    : second rainbow recipe. Alternatively, you can also buy the seeds and
|    : grow one yourself. Then, check and see if you have all the second
|    : rainbow's ingredients, as they're all currently available.
|    :
|    : In Fall, there are also a two ingredients you can obtain:
|    :   - Perfect Spinach (grow on your own farm)
|    :   - Saury (caught from the ocean, only in Fall and Winter)
|    :
|    : Once you have these two, check to see if you have all the ingredients
|    : for the third recipe, as they've all been available.
|    :
|    : Once you've created the third rainbow, you can walk across the second
|    : rainbow to the base of Mt. Gelato. Up the path is the Goddess Spring,
|    : but initially it is blocked by a bear. In order to get past, you must
|    : feed the bear lots of honey - around 14 hunks of honey, at a maximum
|    : of two per day. Accessing the Goddess Spring is a crucial part of
|    : finishing the goddess quest, so it'd be wise to go ahead and start
|    : appeasing the bear. Honey can be purchased from Brownie Ranch.
|    :
|    : Once you've finished appeasing the bear, you're granted access to the
|    : goddess spring area. Here you can catch the Wood Fish, the most
|    : difficult ingredient in any recipe. To catch it, you must fish at night
|    : in the goddess spring. It'll take a high-level and high-upgrade rod to
|    : catch it.
| 22 : Carrot Cake, an ingredient in the fourth goddess recipe, is sold by Elli
|    : at the Fall market.
| Winter:
|  1 : Green Bell flowers grow in Winter, and are an ingredient in the third
|    : rainbow recipe. Purchase the seeds from Samson on Toucan Island.
|    : After growing the Green Bell flower, check to see if you have all the
|    : ingredients for the fourth rainbow, as they've all been available.
|    :
|    : Snowflake flowers also grow in Winter, and are an ingredient in the
|    : fifth rainbow recipe. Purchase the seeds from Souffle Farm.
|    : After growing the Snowflake flower, check to see if you have all the
|    : ingredients for the fifth rainbow, as they've all been available.
|    : You may have also bought the Snowflake Flower from Candace at the Summer
|    : Market.
| 22 : Carrot Cake, an ingredient in the third goddess recipe, is sold by Elli
|    : at the Winter market in case you missed it at the Fall market. Check to
|    : see if you have all of the third rainbow recipe's ingredients, as
|    : they've all been available at some point.
| _____________________________________________________________________[SBS]_
|                                                                             |
| Season-by-Season                                                            |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/This section, when complete, will contain a series of general season tips,
| recommendations, reminders and checklists. The goal is to give you some
| general milestones to strive for, as well as to help you ensure you don't
| inadvertently completely forget a substantial part of the game.
| _____________________________________________________________________[BAB]_
|                                                                             |
| Bachelors and Bachelorettes                                                 |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/This section, when complete, will contain a mini-walkthrough for each
| eligible bachelor and bachelorette to help you woo them as quickly as you
| can. The goal is to help you be aware of the most cost-effective gifts
| available in each season, to keep you abreast of relevant dates (festivals,
| birthdays), and to alert you when new gifts may become available for use.
| _____________________________________________________________________[GML]_
|                                                                             |
| Personal Game Log                                                           |
|  ___________________________________________________________________________|
| /
|/This section is a continuation of the day-by-day walkthrough that contains an
| overview of my personal progress through the game. It's provided here for
| those who were sculpting their game after mine initially and would like to
| continue doing so.
| Only major activities will be listed here: anything purchased or sold, any
| planting, any rainbows created or other major scenes triggered, any heart
| events, and any major activities (mining for several hours, for example).
| Spring, First Year
|  4 : Planted and watered potato seeds.
|    : Met Mira.
|    : Met villagers at Blacksmith's Shop and Carpenter's Shop.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   320G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   320G
|  5 : Bought, planted and watered breadfruit seeds.
|    : Met Toby and obtained fishing rod.
|    : Found the Hot Spring.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   110G
|    :     Profit :    30G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :    30G (glass from Chloe)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  140G
|  6 : Obtained and sold first two gifts of the Scavenger Hunt.
|    : Triggered the removal of the tree root by the Ganache Mine District.
|    : Collected mushrooms and toadstools in the mines.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   140G
|    :     Profit :  1720G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   720G (Shining Flax Yarn)
|    :         Mining :   200G (Lapis Lazuli)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   800G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  1860G
|  7 : Triggered the first quilt event.
|    : Spent several hours in the mine.
|    : Obtained the Mine Power Berry.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1860G
|    :     Profit :  1090G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :    70G (unrefined ores)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1020G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  2950G
|  8 : Purchased Oven.
|    : Had ores/wonderfuls refined and shipped.
|    : Spent several hours fishing.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   400G
|    :     Profit :   950G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :   550G (wonderfuls from yesterday)
|    :        Fishing :   350G (two carps, one masu trout)
|    :         Others :    50G (a veryberry)
|    : New Amount :  1350G
|  9 : Foraged at the beach.
|    : Harvested potatoes.
|    : Bought and planted Turnip seeds.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1290G
|    :     Profit :  1180G
|    :        Produce :  450G (potatoes!)
|    :        Animals :    0G
|    :         Mining :  550G (wonderfuls from yesterday)
|    :        Fishing :   70G (extra fish caught while fishing for Toby)
|    :         Others :  690G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  2470G
| 10 : Obtained left half of the quilt.
|    : Visited Flower Festival.
|    : Met Selena.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  2470G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :        Produce :    0G
|    :        Animals :    0G
|    :         Mining :    0G
|    :        Fishing :    0G
|    :         Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  2470G
| 11 : Levelled Watering Can to level 2.
|    : Spent several hours in the mine.
|    : Bought and planted a bag of strawberry seeds.
|    : Ran out of stamina, woops.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1870G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :        Produce :    0G
|    :        Animals :    0G
|    :         Mining :    0G
|    :        Fishing :    0G
|    :         Others :    0G
|    : New Amount :  1870G
| 12 : Harvested breadfruit from decent soil.
|    : Shipped mushrooms/toadstools gathered the previous day.
|    : Refined and shipped wonderfuls.
|    : Worked part-time at Sundae Bar.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1993G
|    :     Profit :  1860G
|    :        Produce :  180G
|    :        Animals :    0G
|    :         Mining :  730G (gems refined from the previous day)
|    :        Fishing :    0G
|    :         Others :  950G (mushrooms and toadstools from the previous day)
|    : New Amount :  3853G
| 13 : Harvested one more breadfruit (Decent soil, slowed by a weed).
|    : Spent several hours in the mine.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  3853G
|    :     Profit :   890G
|    :        Produce :  110G (that Perfect Breadfruit)
|    :        Animals :    0G
|    :         Mining :    0G
|    :        Fishing :    0G
|    :         Others :  780G (toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  4743G
| 14 : Harvested breadfruit from poor soil.
|    : Harvested turnips from decent soil.
|    : Foraged items from the beach - found the common seashell for the first
|    :   rainbow recipe.
|    : Refined and shipped wonderfuls.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  4743G
|    :     Profit :  2880G
|    :        Produce :   510G (turnips and breadfruit)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :  2280G (heckuva day at the mine yesterday)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    90G (and a veryberry)
|    : New Amount :  7623G
| 15 : Harvested turnips from poor soil.
|    : Ordered first home upgrade.
|    : Purchased and planted cabbage seeds.
|    : Talked to Gill for next part of quilt quest.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4488G
|    :     Profit :   110G
|    :        Produce :   110G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4598G
| 16 : Harvested the second batch of decent soil breadfruit.
|    : Levelled Hammer to level 3.
|    : Talked to Dale for next part of quilt quest.
|    : Talked to Mayor for next part of quilt quest.
|    : Examined clock tower for final part of quilt quest.
|    : Watered Daren's rainbow tree and obtained the first recipe.
|    : Worked part-time at the Inn, then the Bar.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4705G
|    :     Profit :   200G
|    :        Produce :   200G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4905G
| 17 : Harvested that off-schedule breadfruit.
|    : Home upgrade finished.
|    : Smashed the rock before Brownie Ranch.
|    : Triggered Renee's request event.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  4905G
|    :     Profit :    90G
|    :        Produce :    90G (that one off-schedule breadfruit)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4995G
| 18 : Spent several hours fishing.
|    : Made the Good Herb Fish (four rainbow trout, green herb).
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  5036G
|    :     Profit :   190G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   190G (two redfins, a masu trout, and some trash)
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  5226G
| 19 : Met Maya.
|    : Bought and planted three bags of cabbage seeds.
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  4767G
|    :     Profit :   140G
|    :        Produce :   140G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4907G
| 20 : Spent several hours fishing.
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  3547G
|    :     Profit :   270G
|    :        Produce :   270G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3817G
| 21 : Harvested strawberries from Decent soil.
|    : Socialized. All day.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  3637G
|    :     Profit :   790G
|    :        Produce :   720G (woo, strawberries)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    70G (found a piece of seaweed)
|    : New Amount :  4427G
| 22 : Visited the Spring Market.
|    : Harvested some cabbages.
|    : Purchased a Grilled Yam from Maya and an Apple from Simon.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4037G
|    :     Profit :   730G
|    :        Produce :   730G (some cabbages came in)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4767G
| 23 : Created the first rainbow.
|    : Explored West Gull Island, gathered foragable items.
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  4684G
|    :     Profit :  1000G
|    :        Produce :   840G (foraged fruits count as produce)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   160G (seashell and clam)
|    : New Amount :  5684G
| 24 : Harvested strawberries from Decent soil.
|    : Explored Toucan Island, met Sue and Samson.
|    : Talked to Sue and triggered Selena's request event.
|    : Gathered foragable items from the Toucan Island beach.
|    : Fished on Toucan Island.
|    : Talked to Selena to complete her request event.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  5054G
|    :     Profit :  2690G
|    :        Produce :   780G (decent strawberries came in)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :  1060G (Mahi-Mahi and Swordfish)
|    :         Others :   850G (stuff collected from Toucan Island beach)
|    : New Amount :  7744G
| 25 : Harvested a breadfruit.
|    : Spent all day mining.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  6724G
|    :     Profit :   230G
|    :        Produce :   160G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    70G
|    : New Amount :  6954G
| 26 : Harvested the second growth of Decent soil strawberries.
|    : Spent several hours mining.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  6724G
|    :     Profit :  2650G
|    :        Produce :  2650G (strawberries)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  9374G
| 27 : Harvested some cabbages.
|    : Upgraded the Hammer to Iron.
|    : Socialized. Pretty much all day.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  8604G (upgraded the hammer)
|    :     Profit :   620G
|    :        Produce :   600G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    20G
|    : New Amount :  9224G
| 28 : Harvested those last breadfruits.
|    : Gathered and shipped herbs found on Brownie Ranch.
|    : Visited the Animal Festival.
|    : Purchased four Good Wool Yarn, four Good Flax Yarn, and four Good Silk
|    :   Yarn. 8220G down the drain. Well, not really down the drain.
|    : Triggered the completion of Renee's request event.
|    : Obtained Alan's rainbow recipe.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1004G (bought four wool yarn, flax yarn and silk yarn)
|    :     Profit :   960G
|    :        Produce :   520G (last breadfruits)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   440G (picked some herbs)
|    : New Amount :  1964G
| Summer, First Year
|  1 : Harvested last two Strawberries.
|    : Purchased Onion seeds, Watermelon seeds, Corn seeds, Tomato seeds and
|    :   Honeydew seeds from Souffle Farm.
|    : Sailed to Toucan Island and purchased Cocoa seeds.
|    : Gathered and sold items on Toucan Island (one Pearl, two Sea Urchins).
|    : Talked to Sue to finish Selena's request event; obtained Manta Ray.
|    : Sailed back to Waffle Town, tilled the field, planted and watered all
|    :   seeds.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :    14G (just barely had enough for seeds)
|    :     Profit :  2630G
|    :        Produce :   580G (last strawberries)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   350G (Manta Ray from Sue)
|    :         Others :   440G (Sea Urchins and a Pearl)
|    : New Amount :  2644G
|  2 : Visited the new Tailor Shop, meeting Candace and Luna. There is no way
|    :   that little girl should be an eligible bachelorette.
|    : Had Shelly upgrade my rucksack to 15 slots.
|    : Found a Pearl and some seaweed at the beach.
|    : Bought a Grape Cocktail for Kathy.
|    : Worked at the Bar part-time (made 108G).
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  2452G
|    :     Profit :   340G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   340G (Sea Urchins and a Pearl)
|    : New Amount :  2792G
|  3 : Received Kathy's 2-heart gift (Veryberry).
|    : Purchased a Cheap TV.
|    : Purchased a Bodigizer for the upcoming fishing trip.
|    : Had Shelly upgrade my rucksack to 20 slots.
|    : Took the Ferry to Toucan Island and fished.
|    : Purchased Yam Cocktails for Kathy, Maya and Selena (Kathy's birthday).
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar.
|    : Found free money tilling the field randomly.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   647G
|    :     Profit :  2480G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :  1730G (Shark, 2x Manta Ray, 2x Algae, Mahi-Mahi)
|    :         Others :   750G (Sea Urchin and Veryberry)
|    : New Amount :  3127G
|  4 : Foraged items on West Gull Island.
|    : Obtained Collin's rainbow recipe.
|    : Purchased small refrigerator.
|    : Spent a couple hours fishing (gave fish as gifts).
|    : Purchased Apple Cocktails for Kathy, Maya and Selena.
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   936G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   936G
|  5 : Spent several hours mining for gems and minerals.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   936G
|    :     Profit :     0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   936G
|  6 : Harvested onions (all six).
|    : Purchased 5 bags of onion seeds.
|    : Had ores/wonderfuls refined by Mira (Iron, Copper, Spinel, Garnet)
|    : Worked part-time at Sundae Inn (earned 137G, not bad).
|    : Purchased rice cocktails for Maya and Kathy.
|    : Spent a couple hours ocean fishing to make up for my rich lifestyle.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :     8G
|    :     Profit :   460G
|    :        Produce :   240G (shipped three of those onions)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   190G (caught an octopus)
|    :         Others :    30G (mushroom from yesterday)
|    : New Amount :   468G
|  7 : Harvested first two Watermelons.
|    : Visited ocean festival.
|    : Played Stone Skipping game.
|    : Foraged items on the beach.
|    : Fished for a couple hours.
|    : Watched the fireworks, alone.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   468G
|    :     Profit :   840G
|    :        Produce :   540G (watermelons)
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   150G (two Horse Mackerel and a boot)
|    :         Others :   150G (common seashells and seaweed)
|    : New Amount :  1308G
|  8 : Obtained and shipped third Scavenger Hunt item.
|    : Received Selena's two-heart gift.
|    : Harvested and sold two Cocoa.
|    : Harvested and sold three Watermelons.
|    : Harvested and sold six tomatoes.
|    : Purchased (but not yet planted) two more bags of Watermelon seeds.
|    : Foraged herbs and other items at Brownie Ranch.
|    : Sailed to Toucan Island and purchased 3 bags of hibiscus seeds (to guard
|    :   weeds from coming near my crops, and to hopefully get Red Honey for
|    :   the rainbow recipe).
|    : Foraged items from the Toucan Island beach.
|    : Planted hibiscus seeds.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :    78G
|    :     Profit :  2340G
|    :        Produce :  1570G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   770G
|    : New Amount :  2418G
|  9 : Harvested three Good Cocoa from Decent soil.
|    : Harvested two Perfect Corn from Good soil.
|    : Grabbed last two Scavenger Hunt items (shipped Crystal, saved Metal).
|    : Bought Kathy a Rice Cocktail
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar (135G for 5.5 hours).
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  2208G
|    :     Profit :  1450G
|    :        Produce :   710G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :   700G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    40G
|    : New Amount :  3658G
| 10 : Harvested and sold Honeydews from Good and Decent soil.
|    : Harvested and sold last Watermelon from Poor soil.
|    : Harvested and sold Corn from Decent soil.
|    : Upgraded hoe and fishing rod to Iron.
|    : Planted new Watermelon seeds.
|    : Purchased one bag of Honeydew seeds.
|    : Purchased Anissa a Perfect Tomato.
|    : Spent a few hours fishing at the beach.
|    : Purchased a Rice Cocktail for Kathy (hoping to get 3 hearts for the
|    :   Firefly Festival) and Blueberry Cocktails for Selena and Maya.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :    23G
|    :     Profit :  2710G
|    :        Produce :  2260G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   450G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  2733G
| 11 : Harvested six Onions.
|    : Harvested final Cocoa from Poor soil.
|    : Planted new Honeydew seeds (despite the stalk in Poor soil having not
|    :   been harvested yet).
|    : Purchased a Straw Hat (why not?).
|    : Spent a little while fishing at Toucan Island.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (69G for 2.5 hours).
|    : Bought Maya a Buckwheat Cocktail and Kathy a Rice Cocktail.
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar (113G for 5 hours).
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1460G
|    :     Profit :   890G
|    :        Produce :   580G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   310G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  2350G
| 12 : Harvested second batch of Cocoa from Good soil.
|    : Harvested second batch of Tomatos from all soils.
|    : Harvested two Corns from Poor soil.
|    : Harvested Honeydew from Poor soil.
|    : Purchased three Omelette Rices in preparation for a prolonged trip to
|    :   the mine.
|    : Spent frickin' 16 hours in the mine - productive trip though.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1368G
|    :     Profit :  2510G
|    :        Produce :  1390G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1120G (toadstools and mushrooms)
|    : New Amount :  3878G
| 13 : Harvested Cocoa from Decent soil.
|    : Harvested Corn from Good soil.
|    : Had ores and wonderfuls refined by Mira (2 Irons, 2 Rare Metals, 1 Rose
|    :   Stone, 1 Jade, 3 Peridot, 1 Emerald, 1 Amber).
|    : Commissioned the construction of a bird coop.
|    : Purchased a small cabinet.
|    : Purchased a Grilled Saury for the upcoming fishing trip.
|    : Spent a few hours fishing.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :    90G
|    :     Profit :  3510G
|    :        Produce :   710G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :  2470G
|    :        Fishing :   330G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3600G
| 14 : Harvested two Good Corns from Decent soil.
|    : Spent a few hours fishing (and finally levelled the dang rod).
|    : Gathered herbs from Praline Forest and Brownie Ranch (saved for cooking
|    :   and dyeing).
|    : Cooked a Conger Eel and two Horse Mackerels into a Good Herb Fish and
|    :   sold it.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  3600G
|    :     Profit :   570G
|    :        Produce :   240G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :    10G
|    :         Others :   320G
|    : New Amount :  4170G
| 15 : Bird coop's completed! Along with that big ugly bell.
|    : Got Maya's 2-heart gift.
|    : Red flowers have sprouted, and got my red honey already. That was easy.
|    : Harvested... absolutely nothing. Really?
|    : Purchased a chicken from Brownie Ranch.
|    : Met Calvin. Biggest. Head. Ever.
|    : Shipped the few mushrooms I found while down there.
|    : Hustled back to Brownie Ranch to buy some chicken feed since I forgot
|    :   the first time.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1770G
|    :     Profit :    90G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    90G
|    : New Amount :  1860G
| 16 : Harvested and sold another batch of Onions.
|    : Re-planted those Onions.
|    : Harvested Cocoa from both Poor soil (harvest #2) and Good soil
|    :   (harvest #3).
|    : Harvested two Watermelons from Good soil.
|    : Spent a little while fishing.
|    : Gathered items from East Gull Island.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1860G
|    :     Profit :  1860G
|    :        Produce :  1860G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3720G
| 17 : Harvested three Good Cocoa, a Good Corn, a Perfect Corn, a Decent Corn,
|    :   a Perfect Tomato and three Good Watermelons. Sold all but the Tomato.
|    : Picked the Hibiscus flowers, some in the form of honey. Saved the honey,
|    :   have away the flowers.
|    : Got my first chicken egg and incubated it.
|    : Purchased and planted some sunflower, pansy and pinkcat seeds.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  3525G
|    :     Profit :  1490G
|    :        Produce :  1350G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   140G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  5015G
| 18 : Harvested two Good Corns and a Perfect Corn.
|    : Picked up two Bodigizers for the following (hopefully very profitable)
|    :   trip to the mine.
|    : Upgraded the hammer to Copper.
|    : Spent forever in the mine.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  1810G
|    :     Profit :  1310G
|    :        Produce :   380G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   850G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  3120G
| 19 : Harvested a Perfect Honeydew (with no idea how it sprouted so fast).
|    : Harvested a Decent Watermelon.
|    : Had Mira refine my wonderfuls (1 Iron, 1 Gold, 3 Rare Metals,
|    :   1 Sapphire, 1 Spinel, 3 Moonlight Stones, 1 Crystal, 2 Diamonds,
|    :   1 Amethyst) and sold all of them except the Gold.
|    : Foraged for items on Toucan Island and Waffle Island beach.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  3120G
|    :     Profit :  7420G
|    :        Produce :   570G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :  6350G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   420G
|    : New Amount : 10540G
| 20 : Harvested 3 Good Honeydew, two Good Tomatos, one Perfect Tomato, two
|    :   Decent Tomatos, one Good Cocoa, and one Perfect Cocoa.
|    : At Town Hall, purchased the Hilltop Plot.
|    : At Souffle Farm, purchased a bag of Honeydew seeds and 10 seedlings:
|    :   two of each type besides Hali.
|    : Cleared the Hilltop plot field for planting an orchard.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    25G
|    :     Profit :  1950G
|    :        Produce :  1850G
|    :        Animals :   100G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  1975G
| 21 : Received Anissa's 2-heart event.
|    : Harvested 6 more Onions and planted their replacements.
|    : Harvested 4 Cocoas.
|    : Harvested 1 Corn.
|    : Harvested 1 Tomato.
|    : Planted that orchard.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  1975G
|    :     Profit :  1350G
|    :        Produce :  1270G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount : 3325G
| 22 : Pansies sprouted; picked one for honey, one for a gift.
|    : Harvested 5 Corn.
|    : Headed to the Market - purchased an Ostonnaise, an Omelette, and a
|    :   Snowflake flower (all for rainbow recipes).
|    : Uncovered random money while tilling for the hoe Power Berry.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  2585G
|    :     Profit :   910G
|    :        Produce :   600G
|    :        Animals :   100G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   210G
|    : New Amount :  3495G
| 23 : Pinkcats and Sunflowers sprouted. Left them in the dirt except for those
|    :   offering honey.
|    : Harvested... once again, nothing. Seriously?
|    : Got a Perfect Chicken Egg from my no-hearts chicken, randomly enough.
|    : Went by the Inn and picked up three Omelette Rices for a mine trip.
|    : Asked Kathy to the Firefly Festival
|    : Spent several not-so-productive hours in the mine.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  2505G
|    :     Profit :  1420G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   120G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1300G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  3925G
| 24 : Hatched a new chicken!
|    : Grabbed some honey from some pansies and sunflowers.
|    : Harvested five Tomatoes.
|    : Harvested two Cocoas.
|    : Silently cursed Mira for being closed even though the festival isn't
|    :   until tonight.
|    : Firefly Festival with Kathy!
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  3925G
|    :     Profit :   910G
|    :        Produce :   910G
|    :        Animals :     0G (incubated the egg)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4835G
| 25 : Harvested three Cocoas, one Corn, one Tomato and two Watermelons.
|    : Had ores and wonderfuls refined by Mira (1 Copper, 1 Aquamarine,
|    :   2 Peridot, 3 Moonlight Stone, 1 Amber, 1 Garnet).
|    : Picked up another 3 Omelette Rices for another mine trip (it's raining,
|    :   why not?).
|    : Spent several very unproductive hours in the mine.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3925G
|    :     Profit :   4630G
|    :        Produce :  1310G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :  2070G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1250G
|    : New Amount :  8475G
| 26 : Harvested six Onions (saved a couple for cooking).
|    : Harvested one Cocoa (saved for cooking).
|    : Harvested two Watermelons (saved for cooking).
|    : Harvested three Corn (saved a couple for cooking).
|    : Had Mira refine my ores and wonderfuls (1 Copper, 1 Silver, 1 Gold,
|    :   3 Rare Metal, 1 Rose Stone, 1 Jade) - sold the metals and Jade, saved
|    :   the minerals, gave the Rose Stone to Selena for her birthday.
|    : Purchased the largest refrigerator, the cheapest Frying Pan and the
|    :   cheapest Pot from the General Store.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (120G).
|    : Spent a few hours fishing.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    795G
|    :     Profit :   3510G
|    :        Produce :   780G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :  2110G
|    :        Fishing :   540G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4305G
| 27 : Harvested two Corn.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (194G)(making sure I have enough
|    :   money for next season to start).
|    : Spent a few hours fishing (caught a horse mackerel and two octopi).
|    : Scavenged the Waffle Town beach (found two clams).
|    : Cooked the two clams into Clam Soup and sold
|    : Baked each fish and one herb into three Decent Herb Fish and sold.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4499G
|    :     Profit :   1570G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1490G
|    : New Amount :  6069G
| 28 : Harvested two Cocoa.
|    : Harvested one Watermelon (Perfect from Poor soil, what the heck?).
|    : Harvested five Tomatoes (saved two)
|    : Picked the rest of the flowers that had been growing.
|    : Purchased some bird feed and butter from Brownie Ranch.
|    : Scavenged for items on Toucan Island (found absolutely nothing).
|    : Purchased a ton of Spicy Pepper seeds.
|    : Scavenged for items on West Gull Island.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   5184G
|    :     Profit :   1960G
|    :        Produce :  1880G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  7144G
| Fall, First Year
|  1 : Discovered that a typhoon is already on the way, and I didn't save the
|    :   previous night. D'oh. So I'll be holding off a couple days before I
|    :   plant my crops - I'd rather have them delayed by a couple days than
|    :   be missing a few.
|    : Harvested the final Summer crop (one Corn).
|    : Chopped down remaining Summer crop stalks.
|    : Cooked a plain omelette for the goddess recipe, and put it somewhere
|    :   where I won't accidentally eat it again.
|    : Purchased 3 Pumpkin seed bags, 4 Yam seed bags, 5 Spinach seed bags,
|    :   1 Eggplant seed bag, 5 Rice seed bags, 1 bag of Cosmos seeds, 1 bag of
|    :   Morning Glory seeds, and 1 bag of Blue Mist seeds. This is partly
|    :   because I'm experimenting with crop growth times.
|    : Triggered Kathy's lunch date scene - why on such a busy day?
|    : Went to lunch with Kathy, and wondered why "such a big meal" restored
|    :   no stamina whatsoever.
|    : Tilled the field (and found random money) for eventual seed-planting.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4184G
|    :     Profit :    120G
|    :        Produce :   120G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4304G
|  2 : Purchased a few (4) bags of Happy fertilizer from Souffle Farm.
|    : Purchased an Eggplant to grill up that Eggplant for the second rainbow.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (171G).
|    : Went by the Bar and met Chase.
|    : Worked part-time at the Bar (142G).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3507G
|    :     Profit :     80G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :    80G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3587G
|  3 : Hatched a new chicken!
|    : Received Kathy's 4-heart gift.
|    : Typhoon's over, so planted all crops.
|    : Purchased a telephone so future weather-checking is easier, and some
|    :   matches for the Grilled Eggplant.
|    : Purchased another Eggplant to make up for the one I accidentally gave
|    :   away (oops).
|    : Began the surely log and arduous task of catching a Char from the
|    :   Waterfall.
|    : Caught the Char. Well now, wasn't that easy.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2027G
|    :     Profit :    120G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G (incubated the egg)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   120G (also caught a Masu Trout)
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  2147G
|  4 : Apparently today's my birthday. Cool!
|    : Witnessed Jin and Anissa's 2-heart event.
|    : Purchased a pair of Bodigizers for a long trip to the mine tomorrow.
|    : Spent a few rather productive hours fishing.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1547G
|    :     Profit :    560G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   180G (second chicken is grown)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   310G
|    :         Others :    70G
|    : New Amount :  2107G
|  5 : Bought Renee a birthday present (Good Mayonnaise).
|    : Spent the entire blasted day mining.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1927G
|    :     Profit :   1810G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   160G
|    :         Mining :   180G (a few unrefined worthless wonderfuls)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1470G (mushrooms/toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  3737G
|  6 : Grabbed a grape and chestnut from the orchard (already?).
|    : Had Mira refine my ores and wonderfuls (1 Iron, 1 Copper, 1 Rose Stone,
|    :   1 Spinel, 3 Moonlight Stone, 1 Crystal).
|    : Bought a Calendar.
|    : Bought a couple Omelet Rices for a short evening fishing trip.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (74G).
|    : Spent the evening fishing.
|    : Shipped two Halibuts outright, and cooked the other five fish (3 Saury,
|    :   2 Horse Mackerel) into 5 Decent Herb Fish and sold them.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2971G
|    :     Profit :   3900G
|    :        Produce :   220G (...huh?)
|    :        Animals :   160G
|    :         Mining :  1830G
|    :        Fishing :   390G
|    :         Others :  1300G (decent herb fishes)
|    : New Amount :  6871G
|  7 : Triggered Jin's 2-heart event.
|    : Created Ben's Rainbow.
|    : Purchased a Silkworm.
|    : Bought Renee two Mayonnaises (as long as I'm here...).
|    : Triggered the Horse Race minigame (and won!).
|    : Upgraded the Watering Can to copper.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (for Candace and Luna, not the
|    :   money) (75G).
|    : Spent a couple hours fishing in the river, caught a Redfin and a Rainbow
|    :   Trout.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1236G
|    :     Profit :    260G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   160G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   100G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  1496G
|  8 : Harvested 4 Spinach.
|    : Harvested 5 Spicy Peppers.
|    : Harvested 4 Rice.
|    : Bought two Bodigizers for a very long (and early) mine trip on
|    :   tomorrow's rainy day.
|    : Worked part-time at the General Store to get Phoebe's affection up in
|    :   advance (109G).
|    : Spent the last few hours of the day fishing at the beach.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    705G
|    :     Profit :   1560G
|    :        Produce :  1120G
|    :        Animals :   160G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   280G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  2265G
|  9 : Harvested 1 Spicy Pepper.
|    : Harvested 2 Spinach.
|    : Harvested 2 Rice.
|    : Picked up and sold a Shining Chestnut, a Grape and an Apple from the
|    :   orchard.
|    : Spent a long and questionably productive day in the mine.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2265G
|    :     Profit :   2360G
|    :        Produce :   730G
|    :        Animals :   180G
|    :         Mining :    30G (shipped one no-sparkle wonderful)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1420G (gotta love mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  4625G
| 10 : New chicken hatched!
|    : Harvested 8 Yams (and observed no difference between crops surrounded
|    :   on all sides and crops next to an open spot).
|    : Harvested 2 Eggplants.
|    : Harvested 2 Pumpkins.
|    : Upgraded my Sickle and Axe to Iron.
|    : Had Mira refine my ores and wonderfuls (1 Silver, 3 Gold, 1 Rare Metal,
|    :   1 Aquamarine, 2 Rose Stones, 1 Peridot, 3 Moonlight Stones, 1 Garnet).
|    : Purchased 6 Chestnuts - 3 for Anissa, 3 for Renee.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1955G
|    :     Profit :   4230G
|    :        Produce :  1580G
|    :        Animals :   180G
|    :         Mining :  2350G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   120G
|    : New Amount :  6185G
| 11 : Harvested 5 Good Yams, 3 Good Eggplants and 3 Good Pumpkins.
|    : Commisioned the construction of the barn.
|    : Upgraded the fishing pole to copper.
|    : Gathered a crapton of herbs from Brownie Ranch.
|    : Tried out the new fishing rod (caught Cod and Redfin).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    685G
|    :     Profit :   1580G
|    :        Produce :  1580G
|    :        Animals :   180G
|    :         Mining :  2350G (shipped one no-sparkle wonderful)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   120G
|    : New Amount :  2265G
| 12 : Harvested... well, nothing. Shoot.
|    : Visited the Arts Festival.
|    : Fished on-and-off throughout the day.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   2265G
|    :     Profit :    510G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   200G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   310G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  2785G
| 13 : Barn complete!
|    : Harvested five Decent Yams, a Decent Pumpkin and a Decent Eggplant.
|    : Bought some Mayonnaise and gave it to Renee.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (50G).
|    : Spent a few surprisingly productive hours fishing.
|    : Got the Fishing Rod Power Berry! (and leveled the rod to Level 3)
|    : Took advantage of the complete stamina restoration to till some random
|    :   plots in the field for the tilling berry.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2645G
|    :     Profit :   1380G
|    :        Produce :   480G
|    :        Animals :   240G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   660G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3025G
| 14 : Got Renee's 2-heart event.
|    : Harvested 8 Yams, 4 Spinach (saved one for the rainbow), 5 Spicy
|    :   Peppers, 4 Rice and 2 Eggplants.
|    : Purchased another silkworm.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (76G).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    951G
|    :     Profit :   2290G
|    :        Produce :  2290G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3241G
| 15 : Harvested 5 Yams, 2 Spinach, 3 Eggplants, 2 Rice and 1 Spicy Pepper.
|    : Spent most of the day fishing, and wondering if I have the season for
|    :   Saury down wrong.
|    : Worked part-time at the General Store (44G).
|    : Purchased a Bodigizer and spent the rest of the evening fishing some
|    :   more (and found that Saury after all).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2985G
|    :     Profit :   2050G
|    :        Produce :  1170G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   880G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  5035G
| 16 : Got Candace's 2-heart event.
|    : Picked the Blue Mist flowers and the remaining Morning Glory flowers.
|    : Bought 4 Chestnuts for gifts - one for Anissa's birthday (apparently).
|    : Bought three Omelette Rices for a mine trip tomorrow.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (77G).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3642G
|    :     Profit :    100G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   100G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  3742G
| 17 : Postponed my mining trip for a day since tomorrow will be rainy and more
|    :   conducive to mining (no wasting stamina and time that morning
|    :   watering).
|    : Harvested... nothing again. Sheesh.
|    : Purchased two bags of Pumpkin seeds to replace some flowers.
|    : Worked part-time at the General Store (44G).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3396G
|    :     Profit :    150G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   150G
|    : New Amount :  3546G
| 18 : Harvested three Eggplants and thirteen Yams.
|    : Spent the rest of the day in the mine.
|    : Met Phoebe.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3546G
|    :     Profit :   3280G
|    :        Produce :  1660G
|    :        Animals :   320G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1300G
|    : New Amount :  6826G
| 19 : Harvested five Yams and three Eggplants.
|    : Had Mira refine my ores and wonderfuls (2 Iron, 2 Silver, 2 Gold, 1 Rare
|    :   Metal, 1 Lapis Lazuli - finally, 1 Sapphire, 1 Jade, 1 Moonlight
|    :   Stone, 1 Crystal, 1 Diamond, 2 Garnet).
|    : Shipped the jewels, saved the metals, gave Phoebe the Rare Metal.
|    : Purchased the Yarn Maker and dye pot.
|    : Dyed a Wool Yarn red for the next rainbow recipe, and made my three
|    :   cocoons into silk yarn, dyed them blue and sold them.
|    : Spent a few hours fishing, and baked the results into two Good Herb
|    :   Fish.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2326G
|    :     Profit :  11500G
|    :        Produce :   960G
|    :        Animals :  6540G
|    :         Mining :  3350G
|    :        Fishing :    10G
|    :         Others :   640G
|    : New Amount :  13826G
| 20 : Received Luna's 2-heart event - 7 down, 1 to go!
|    : Harvested 4 Spinach, 4 Rice, 2 Pumpkins and 5 Spicy Peppers.
|    : Headed to Toucan Island to buy a banana.
|    : Spent my newfound fortune on a duck, two silkworms and a cow.
|    : Got the tilling Power Berry!
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1076G
|    :     Profit :   1750G
|    :        Produce :  1510G
|    :        Animals :   240G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   2826G
| 21 : Harvested 2 Rice, 2 Spinach, 1 Spicy Pepper and 3 Pumpkins.
|    : Purchased a brush and some fodder.
|    : Finished the day fishing.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1326G
|    :     Profit :   3680G
|    :        Produce :   810G
|    :        Animals :  2100G (gotta love blue silk yarn...)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   770G (...and three hours of fishing on a rainy day)
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   5006G
| 22 : Harvested 8 Yams and 2 Eggplants.
|    : Bought a Carrot Cake at the Flea Market for the fourth goddess recipe.
|    : Grabbed the five ingredients to the third rainbow from the house.
|    : Headed to West Gull Island and created the third rainbow.
|    : Grabbed Ben's badge from East Gull Island, and the stuff that's been
|    :   piling up on the beaches there.
|    : Ended the day with some fishing.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4106G
|    :     Profit :   2150G
|    :        Produce :  1100G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   350G
|    :         Others :   700G (sea urchin)
|    : New Amount :   6256G
| 23 : Cursed myself for running out of seed - third day of no silkworm food.
|    : Harvested 10 Yams, 3 Pumpkins and 4 Eggplants.
|    : Explored Mt. Gelato for the first time, and broke the boulder to allow
|    :   the shortcut.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   6256G
|    :     Profit :   1910G
|    :        Produce :  1910G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   8166G
| 24 : Harvested 2 Pumpkins.
|    : Discovered 4 very angry silkworms.
|    : Purchased two more silkworms.
|    : Bought a ton of feed.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    981G
|    :     Profit :    470G
|    :        Produce :   350G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :    90G
|    :         Others :    30G
|    : New Amount :   1451G
| 25 : Harvsted 4 Pumpkins (saved one).
|    : Triggered Selena's lunch date scene.
|    : Purchased two Bodigizer XL's for a foray into Mt Gelato Mine tomorrow.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    401G
|    :     Profit :   2670G
|    :        Produce :   570G
|    :        Animals :  2100G (blue silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   3071G
| 26 : Harvested... geez, everything. 8 Yams, 4 Spinach, 6 Pumpkins,
|    :   2 Eggplant, 4 Rice, and 5 Spicy Peppers - sold Perfect and Good crops,
|    :   saved Decent ones.
|    : Decided to wait until Winter to visit Mt. Gelato Mine. Takes way too
|    :   long to take care of chickens on rainy days like today.
|    : Bought Anissa a Perfect Eggplant.
|    : Bought more feed.
|    : Fished for some ingredients for tomorrow's Harvest Festival Cooking
|    :   Contest.
|    : Decided on Salmon Fried Rice (to be made with an Egg collected in the
|    :   morning).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1376G
|    :     Profit :   1800G
|    :        Produce :  1790G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :    10G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   3176G
| 27 : Harvested 4 Yams, 2 Spinach, 3 Eggplants, 1 Spicy Pepper and 1 Pumpkin -
|    :   sold Perfect and Good, kept Decent.
|    : Cooked the Salmon Fried Rice for the Harvest Festival.
|    : Headed to the Harvest Festival, entered my Salmon Fried Rice and won 2nd
|    :   prize.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3176G
|    :     Profit :   7700G
|    :        Produce :  1040G
|    :        Animals :  6420G (blue silk yarn x3)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :   240G (sold that other salmon from yesterday)
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  10876G
| 28 : Harvested 4 Yams and 1 Eggplant.
|    : Opted to go ahead and visit Mt. Gelato Mine.
|    : Got to the bottom of the mine by 6:30PM, amazingly enough.
|    : Had a ridiculously productive day in the mines, as we'll see tomorrow,
|    :   and left with more stamina than I entered with without using a single
|    :   Bodigizer (wishing I hadn't wasted a rucksack spot on them).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  10876G
|    :     Profit :   2590G
|    :        Produce :   470G
|    :        Animals :   610G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :  1510G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  13466G
| Winter, First Year
|  1 : Had Mira refine my wonderfuls (2 Sapphires, 1 Aquamarine, 1 Spinel,
|    :   2 Rubies, 2 Peridots, 1 Emerald, 2 Crystals, 2 Diamonds, 1 Topaz,
|    :   1 Amethyst) - wow.
|    : Commissioned the Level 2 Chicken Coop.
|    : Bought 2 bags of Buckwheat seeds, 1 bag of Snowflake seeds, 1 bag of
|    : Bought a Normal Cutting Board, Normal Mixer, and Gray Aging Pot to
|    :   complete my kitchen collection.
|    : Headed to Toucan Island and bought two bags of Green Bell flower seeds.
|    :   And two bananas, and two pineapples. Because who doesn't love bananas
|    :   and pineapples?
|    : Dug up random money while tilling my field.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   1011G
|    :     Profit :  14040G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  6420G (blue silk yarn x3)
|    :         Mining :  7620G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  15051G
|  2 : Met Julis. There is NO way that's a guy.
|    : Spent all day giving gifts, including two honeys to the Mt. Gelatobear.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :  15051G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  15051G
|  3 : Coop upgrade finished!
|    : Commissioned the third house upgrade.
|    : Upgraded fishing rod to silver.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (131G).
|    : Leveled watering can to level 4 by watering the same spot over and over.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4182G
|    :     Profit :   4200G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4200G (2x blue silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   8382G
|  4 : Triggered Anissa's lunch date scene.
|    : Bought more feed.
|    : Bought a lamb.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   2697G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   2697G
|  5 : House upgrade finished!
|    : New duck hatched!
|    : Shoot, what DID I do the rest of the day? I haven't the faintest. Oh,
|    :   took some honey to the bear. And chopped a tree.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   2697G
|    :     Profit :   4200G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4200G (3x red silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   6897G
|  6 : Harvested all 12 Buckwheat.
|    : Bought two bags of Buckwheat seeds.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (79G).
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   6676G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   6676G
|  7 : Picked 12 Green Bell flowers, 6 Anemones and 6 Snowflakes.
|    : Gave them as gifts, and took the bear some honey.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   6676G
|    :     Profit :   2800G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  2800G (2x red silk yarn - gave the third to Candace)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   9476G
|  8 : Triggered Owen's 2-heart event.
|    : Cooked up some dishes to give out: Decent Sushi, Decent Sashimi, Good
|    :   Sashimi, Eel Bowl, Roasted Corn, Orange Juice, Tomato Juice, and
|    :   Pumpkin Stew.
|    : Bought two bags of Anemone seeds and one of Snowflake Flower seeds.
|    : Bought some feed.
|    : Bought four Decent Honey.
|    : Bought one bag of Green Bell seeds from Toucan Island's Pineapple Inn.
|    : Finished befriending the mother bear.
|    : I'z in yer gawdess spreeng, eetinz yer powa berryz.
|    :
|    : Before Bed :   6956G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   6956G
|  9 : Triggered Phoebe's 2-heart event. All (girls') 2-heart events done!
|    : Triggered Toby's 2-heart event, too.
|    : Triggered Selena's 5-heart event - geez, that new cologne must be
|    :   working.
|    : Triggered Maya's lunch date. No, like, really. I must look hot today.
|    : Went to the goddess spring and caught a Wood Fish. Yes, on only my
|    :   second day of trying. Geez, what a lucky day.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   6956G
|    :     Profit :   4900G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4900G (two red silk yarn, one blue silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  11856G
| 10 : Got a cake from Kathy for the Thanksgiving festival.
|    : Triggered Maya's 5-heart gift.
|    : Had those two Wonderfuls from Owen and Phoebe refined (both glass).
|    : Bought a foal, 'cause I'm tired of how slow my character walks.
|    : Created Alan's rainbow.
|    : Received Edge's rainbow recipe.
|    : Checked out the peak. It's very plain.
|    : Realized I gave the Red Honey I was saving for the fifth goddess recipe
|    :   to the bear. Dang it. And I have no idea where that Lapis Lazuli went
|    :   either.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   5556G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   5556G
| 11 : Received Anissa's 5-heart gift and request event.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (80G).
|    : Spent a little while fishing.
|    : Cooked the Saury I caught into a Saury Tomato Stew.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   5636G
|    :     Profit :   4200G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4200G (3x red silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   9836G
| 12 : Triggered Renee's lunch date.
|    : Purchased two Apple seedlings, a Grape seedling, an Orange seedling, a
|    :   Chestnut seedling and a Mora seedling to complete my orchard.
|    : Triggered Maya's request event.
|    : Bought some green clothes, just to keep it interesting.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4226G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   4226G
| 13 : New duck hatched!
|    : Harvested 12 Buckwheat - cooked them into Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat
|    :   Noodles with Egg, and Buckwheat Noodles for giving, as well as two
|    :   seasoned eggs.
|    : Worked part-time at the Tailor Shop (188G) (only three more dates to
|    :   go!).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4414G
|    :     Profit :   3780G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  3780G (3x purple silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   8194G
| 14 : Flowers sprouted, but leaving them there for now in hopes of getting
|    :   some red honey.
|    : Purchased a Milker, Shears, and a Saddle.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3094G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   3094G
| 15 : Met Taylor!
|    : Got my Red Honey.
|    : Bought 4 bags of Buckwheat seeds.
|    : Bought 2 bags of Anemone seeds.
|    : Spent a few hours ocean fishing for a Tuna, but with no luck.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   2314G
|    :     Profit :   4240G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4200G (3x red silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    40G (two cans)
|    : New Amount :   6554G
| 16 : Triggered Candace's lunch date scene.
|    : Triggered Maya and Chase's 2-heart scene.
|    : Spent some more time fishing. Spent some more time not catching the
|    :   Tuna I need.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   6554G
|    :     Profit :    120G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   120G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :    40G (two cans)
|    : New Amount :   6674G
| 17 : Triggered Luna's lunch date. Yes, the day after Candace's. That's just
|    :   how I roll.
|    : Spent several hours fishing for Tuna, still unsuccessfully. Caught a lot
|    :   of octopus though.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   6674G
|    :     Profit :   4200G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4200G (3x red silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  10874G
| 18 : Sheep is fully grown!
|    : Sheared the sheep, grabbed my Flax Yarn, Silk Yarn and Wool Yarn that I
|    :   bought at the animal festival, and dyed them the proper colors for the
|    :   next rucksack upgrade.
|    : Had my rucksack upgraded, and wondered where I wear it...
|    : Spent several still-unsuccessful hours fishing for that Tuna.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  10874G
|    :     Profit :     90G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :    20G
|    :         Others :    70G
|    : New Amount :  10964G
| 19 : Got Candace's 5-heart gift.
|    : Upgraded my fishing rod to Gold - I want that dang Tuna.
|    : Finally caught my Tuna from West Gull Island, and levelled by rod to 4
|    :   in the process.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :    964G
|    :     Profit :   4200G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4200G (3x red shiny coil of happiness and love)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  5164G
| 20 : Cow is now fully grown!
|    : Harvested 24 Buckwheat.
|    : Gave Maya her eel to fulfill her request event.
|    : Triggered and fulfilled Candace's request event.
|    : Replenished my herb supply at Brownie Ranch.
|    : Purchased 4 bags of Snowflake seeds.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4564G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  4564G
| 21 : Another duck hatched!
|    : Got Renee's 5-heart gift!
|    : Triggered and fulfilled Luna's request event.
|    : Worked part-time at the General Store (118G).
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   4682G
|    :     Profit :   4900G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4900G (1 blue silk yarn, 2 red silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  9582G
| 22 : Got Luna's 5-heart gift!
|    : Discovered all my poultry are inexplicably angry. It's be easier to
|    :   remember why if I'd gotten to play in the last month.
|    : Spent most of the day hanging out at the Flea Market.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   9582G
|    :     Profit :      0G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :     0G
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  9582G
| 23 : Mt. Gelato Mine day! Hunting for that Lapis Lazuli, mostly. And had a
|    :   really productive day anyway.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   9582G
|    :     Profit :   1530G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   560G (sold the eggs for today)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :   970G (mushrooms and toadstools)
|    : New Amount :  11112G
| 24 : Had Mira refine my ores and wonderfuls (1 Rare Metal, 1 Lapis Lazuli,
|    :   5 Sapphires, 4 Aquamarines, 1 Ruby, 2 Peridot, 2 Crystals, 3 Diamonds,
|    :   2 Amethysts).
|    : Sold all but the Lapis Lazuli and Rare Metal.
|    : Bought a Goat.
|    : Asked Phoebe to the Starry Night Festival.
|    : Bought the Medium Refrigerator.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   5262G
|    :     Profit :  10160G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :   550G (sold the eggs for today)
|    :         Mining :  9610G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  15422G
| 25 : Chopped some wood, broke some stone and gathered some herbs while
|    :   waiting around for the Starry Night Festival. And wondered again why
|    :   stores are closed all day for a night-time festival.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :  15422G
|    :     Profit :  10820G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals : 10820G (six dyed silk yarns)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  26242G
| 26 : Bought an ostrich chick!
|    : Triggered Phoebe's lunch date scene.
|    : Ordered the Level 4 house upgrade.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   3742G
|    :     Profit :   1280G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  1280G (sold the eggs for the day)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   5022G
| 27 : Created the fifth and final rainbow!
|    : Climbed to the top of the mountain and met the goddess.
|    : Got irritated when my day was automatically ended at that point. I had
|    :   things to do!
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   5022G
|    :     Profit :   4900G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  4900G (two red silk yarn, one blue silk yarn)
|    :         Mining :     0G
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :   9922G
| 28 : Level 4 house upgrade complete!
|    : Got Phoebe's 5-heart gift.
|    : Harvested those Snowflake flowers. And wondered why I planted so many.
|    : Cleared and tilled the field for tomorrow's plantings.
|    : 
|    : Before Bed :   9922G
|    :     Profit :   1700G
|    :        Produce :     0G
|    :        Animals :  1120G
|    :         Mining :   580G (Phoebe's gift, an Emerald)
|    :        Fishing :     0G
|    :         Others :     0G
|    : New Amount :  11622G
| Results for the year:
|    :     Total : 221190G
|    :       Produce : 51780G
|    :       Animals : 89180G
|    :        Mining : 43110G
|    :       Fishing : 10580G
|    :        Others : 26540G
| That marks the end of my game log. I could keep on logging it, but at this
| point there's really no need. Plus, being tethered to noting everything I do
| has become annoying.
| My goals for year 2 are to complete the goddess quest in Spring, get married
| near the end of Spring or beginning of Summer, and to grow every crop to make
| every recipe. Not sure who I'll marry yet, and I probably won't post it when
| I decide since I do know people who would just marry whoever it was that I
| married. Make your own choices, you can't go wrong. Good luck!
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<MIS>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |        Miscellaneous        |/ /
                       |                             | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
| _________________________|
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {POW} _
| Power Berries
| Initially you have 500 stamina points; eating a power berry permanently
| increases your stamina capacity by 100 points. There are 5 Power Berries,
| for a total of 1000 stamina points.
|   The Ganache Mine Berry : reach the last (30th) floor of Ganache Mine.
| The Goddess Spring Berry : at the Goddess Spring.
|   The Fishing Pole Berry : level the fishing pole to level 3, then cast it.
|         The Hoeing Berry : till 1000 squares.
|         The Animal Berry : have any animal with 10 hearts (whatever you do to
|                          : raise it to 10 hearts from 9 will trigger the
|                          : scene).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {TVS} _
| TV Schedule
|  6:00AM - 10:00AM : Current Weather Forecast
| 10:00AM -  2:00PM : Rainbow Cooking (weekdays)/Mastery of Beauty (weekends)
|  2:00PM -  6:00PM : News (Festival Announcements, etc.)
|  6:00PM - 10:00PM : Tomorrow's Weather
| 10:00PM -  2:00AM : Kingdom of Wildlife (weekdays)
|                                        / Mastery of Beauty (weekends)
|  2:00AM -  6:00AM : Off-Air
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PNB} _
| Phonebook
| Below are the phone numbers that can be called once you purchase a phone.
| All except for Taylor's number are strictly information - by calling Taylor,
| you can purchase seeds. Most other numbers will give information on when that
| particular store opens or closes. There's really no point in listing this,
| since the only time you use the phone is when the phonebook is on-screen
| anyway, but for the sake of completeness:
| Destination          Number
| Blacksmith's Shop    246
| Brownie Ranch        652
| Carpenter's Shop     558
| On the Hook          357
| General Store        729
| Meringue Clinic      195
| Souffle Farm         415
| Sundae Inn           919
| Taylor's Seeds       881
| Town Hall            890
| Weather Forecast     010
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {MNI} _
| Mini-Games
| There are six mini-games that can be unlocked by talking to the right person
| at the right time. Once unlocked, the mini-game will appear in the opening
| menu when you first turn on the game.
| Mini-games, once unlocked and accessed from the opening menu, can be played
| by up to four players. To play, just make sure the other WiiMotes are on and
| registered. Only a WiiMote is necessary, no nunchuk.
| Mini-game      Villager  Location  Description
| Attack a Mole  Barbara   Harvest   Chase around a mole and whack it on the
|                          Festival  head with your hammer. For extra fun, make
|                                    sure PETA is watching.
| Bug Catching   Gill      Flower    Remember Duck Hunt? That, but with bugs.
|                          Festival  Point the WiiMote at the bugs and press A
|                                    to try to catch one.
| Horse Race     Kathy     Anywhere  Race your horse by swinging the Nunchuk
|                          (5 hearts back and forth, but watch your stamina!
|                          or more)  The key is to get the stamina-restoring
|                                    fruits - try to move horizontally as you
|                                    cross a row of fruit to get more than one.
| Leap Frog      Phoebe    Animal    
|                          Festival
| Marksmanship   Luke      Arts      Pretty much exactly the same as the bug
|                          Festival  catching game, but with clays instead of
|                                    bugs.
| Skipping       Craig     Ocean     Swing the WiiMote slightly upwards and
| Stones         (after    Festival  release A right as your WiiMote is pointed
|                12PM)               straight forward.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {IAR} _
| Island Arrivals
| A number of new islanders arrive on the island throughout the game. The
| arrival dates of some are the same for every game, while others are dependent
| on when you perform certain actions - namely, creating the first goddess
| rainbow.
| Below is a list of the islanders and when they arrive. Note that for those
| marked with an asterisk (*), the arrival date listed is assuming you
| completed the first goddess recipe during your first spring. If you did not,
| add one season for each season after that before you created the first
| rainbow (so if you created it in first summer, Summer 1 becomes Fall 1).
| Some characters technically arrive earlier, but are just not accessible. This
| list is for when each character becomes accessible.
| Character     Appearance Date        Meet
| Renee         Spring 28th            At the Animal Festival (if Brownie Ranch
|                                      not unlocked earlier)
| Kathy         Spring 28th            At Sundae Inn (if Brownie Ranch not
|                                      unlocked earlier)
| Shelly        Summer 1st*            At the Tailor Shop in Waffle Town
| Candace       Summer 1st*            At the Tailor Shop in Waffle Town
| Luna          Summer 1st*            At the Tailor Shop in Waffle Town
| Calvin        Summer 15th*           On the 10th floor of Ganache Mine
| Chase         Fall 1st*              At Sundae Inn
| Phoebe        Fall 15th*             On the main floor of Ganache Mine
| Julius        Winter 1st*            Outside the Blacksmith's
| Taylor        Winter 15th*           Comes to your farm to introduce himself
| Gray          Spring 1 (Year 2)*     At Brownie Ranch
| Perry         Spring 15 (Year 2)*    At Meringue Clinic
| Paolo         Summer 1 (Year 2)*     At On the Hook
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {FOR} _
| Foraging Guide
| Below is a list of every item in the game that can be foraged. Under this
| definition, "forage" means any item found on the ground in the forest or in
| the hills. For items collected on the beach, see the Fishing section by
| searching for < FSH > without the spaces. For non-crop items collected on
| your farm (such as honey), see the Crops section by searching for < FRM >
| without the spaces.
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herb (Blue)
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Purchased at Flower Festival; Grown on your farm (Summer).
|       Sale Price : 70G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Blue Yarns, Herb (Any) recipes (below)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herb (Green)
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Purchased at Flower Festival; Grown on your farm (Spring);
|                  : Received from Anissa at 2 hearts.
|       Sale Price : 30G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Ben's Rainbow Recipe, Vegetable Juice, Green Yarns,
|                  : Herb (Any) recipes (below)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herb (Purple)
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Purchased at Flower Festival; Grown on your farm (Fall).
|       Sale Price : 60G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Bodigizer XL, Purple Yarns, Herb (Any) recipes (below)
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herb (Red)
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Purchased at Flower Festival; Grown on your farm (Fall).
|                  : Received from Jin at 2 hearts
|       Sale Price : 50G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Bouillabaise, Red Yarns, Super Stay Awake,
|                  : Herb (Any) recipes (below)
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Herb (Yellow)
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Purchased at Flower Festival; Grown on your farm (Winter).
|       Sale Price : 40G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Yellow Yarns, Herb (Any) recipes (below)
| Note : the following recipes can be made with any of the above herbs:
|      : Herb Bread, Herb Cookies, Herb Fish, Herbal Tea, Marinated Fish,
|      : Marinated Mushroom, Meuniere, Milk Tea, Sardine Tomato Stew,
|      : Saury Tomato Stew, Shark Fin Soup, Squid Tomato Stew.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Bamboo Shoot
| Foraged Location : Mt. Gelato Peak
|   Other Location : Purchased from Spring/Summer Markets
|       Sale Price : 210G, 560G (Shining)
| Stamina Restored : N/A
|  Used in Recipes : Bamboo en Papilotte, Bamboo Rice, Bamboo Stew
| _ _ _ _
| Banana
| Foraged Location : Toucan Island
|   Other Location : Purchased at Pineapple Inn
|       Sale Price : 100G
| Stamina Restored : 80
|  Used in Recipes : Banana Milk, Banana Pudding, Chocolate Banana
| _ _ _ _ _
| Blueberry
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Received from squirrel at 4 hearts
|       Sale Price : 50G
| Stamina Restored : 30
|  Used in Recipes : Blueberry Juice, Blueberry Cocktail, Blueberry Jam
| _ _ _ _
| Coconut
| Foraged Location : Toucan Island
|   Other Location : None
|       Sale Price : 170G
| Stamina Restored : 100
|  Used in Recipes : Coconut Juice, Coconut Cocktail
| _ _ _ _ _
| Mushroom
| Foraged Location : Base of Mt. Gelato
|   Other Location : Found in the mines
|       Sale Price : 30G
| Stamina Restored : 50
|  Used in Recipes : Chirashi Sushi, Cold Medicine, Doria, Marinated Mushroom,
|                  : Mushroom Gratin, Mushroom Rice, Sauteed Mushroom
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple
| Foraged Location : Toucan Island
|   Other Location : Purchased at Pineapple Inn
|       Sale Price : 120G
| Stamina Restored : 100
|  Used in Recipes : Pineapple Juice, Southern Fried Rice, Southern Omelette
| _ _ _ _ _
| Toadstool
| Foraged Location : Base of Mt. Gelato
|   Other Location : Found in the mines
|       Sale Price : 40G
| Stamina Restored : -100
|  Used in Recipes : Alan's Rainbow Recipe
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Veryberry
| Foraged Location : Praline Forest
|   Other Location : Received from Kathy at 2 hearts;
|                  : Received from rabbit at 4 hearts.
|       Sale Price : 50G
| Stamina Restored : 20
|  Used in Recipes : Veryberry Juice, Berry Jam
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {SCH} _
| Scavenger Hunt
| Early in the game, there is a Scavenger Hunt mini-quest. Essentially, there
| are five items that you can find, each with a note attached directing to
| where you can find the next item. None of these items are completely unique,
| but all are difficult to find early in the game. None really can be used for
| anything more beneficial than profit early in the game, however.
| Each item is only available after finding the previous item - items must be
| obtained in order.
| Remember to have the wonderfuls refined by Mira before shipping them. Mira
| can be first found at the Graveyard on a Sunny day.
| Item                      Location
| Lapis Lazuli              West side of the island - go to the lighthouse and
|                           head north to the rocky wall
| Shining Flax Yarn         Maple Lake District, middle of the east side
| Shining Bamboo Shoot      Brownie Ranch, north side, behind the map - you
|                           won't see the box, but just press A.
| Crystal                   Library, Second Floor, bottom left corner
| Rare Metal                Sundae Inn, Second Floor, far right room
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ {PTJ} _
| Part-Time Jobs
| Tree of Tranquility introduces an interesting new part-time job system to
| the Harvest Moon franchise. Part-time jobs operate rather simply: just go to
| the store where you'd like to work, talk to the main clerk (whoever that is)
| and select 'Part-Time Job'. You'll be asked to confirm your choice, and if
| you do, you'll begin working.
| Working isn't a minigame as it was rumored to be: rather, it's just a montage
| of your character moving around the shop and doing little chores.
| You'll work until closing time, regardless of when closing time for that
| particular store is (be careful with On the Hook, as it closes at 10:00PM).
| Working a part-time job raises the affection levels of everyone associated
| with the store, so it's a good way to woo your chosen mate when you've
| already given them gifts for the day. You can also raise the heart levels of
| characters that haven't even moved to the island yet this way.
| The mechanics behind how much money you earn are related mostly to your heart
| level with the villagers associated with the shop - so raise their heart
| level to make more money.
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Town Hall/Library
|  Location : Waffle Town
|  Speak To : Elli
|     Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Sundays/Holidays
| Villagers : Hamilton, Gill, Elli
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sundae Inn
|  Location : Waffle Town
|  Speak To : Colleen
|     Hours : 9:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Sundays/Holidays
| Villagers : Jake, Colleen, Maya, Kathy, Hayden
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Sundae Bar
|  Location : Waffle Town
|  Speak To : Hayden
|     Hours : 6:00PM - 12:00AM, closed Sundays/Holidays
| Villagers : Jake, Colleen, Maya, Kathy, Hayden
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| On the Hook
|  Location : Waffle Town Pier
|  Speak To : Ozzie
|     Hours : 6:00AM - 10:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
| Villagers : Ozzie, Toby, Paolo
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| General Store
|  Location : Waffle Town
|  Speak To : Simon
|     Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
| Villagers : Phoebe, Barbara, Simon
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Meringue Clinic
|  Location : Waffle Town
|  Speak To : Irene
|     Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
| Villagers : Irene, Jin, Perry
| _ _ _ _ _ _
| Tailor Shop
|  Location : Waffle Town
|  Speak To : Shelly
|     Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Sundays/Holidays
| Villagers : Candace, Luna, Shelly
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Souffle Farm
|  Location : Ganache Mine District
|  Speak To : Ruth
|     Hours : 7:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Saturdays/Holidays
| Villagers : Anissa, Craig, Ruth, Taylor
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Blacksmith's Shop
|  Location : Ganache Mine District
|  Speak To : Ramsey
|     Hours : 8:00AM - 5:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
| Villagers : Julius, Owen, Chloe, Ramsey, Mira
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Carpenter's Shop
|  Location : Ganache Mine District
|  Speak To : Dale
|     Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Saturdays/Holidays
| Villagers : Luke, Dale, Bo
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Brownie Ranch
|  Location : Ganache Mine District (Northwest)
|  Speak To : Cain
|     Hours : 9:00AM - 6:00PM, closed Mondays/Holidays
| Villagers : Renee, Cain, Hanna, Gray
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Pineapple Inn
|  Location : Toucan Island
|  Speak To : Samson
|     Hours : 7:00AM - 8:00PM
| Villagers : Samson, Sue
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<FAQ>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |       Frequently Asked      |/ /
                       |          Questions          | /
                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| I can't find Mira!
| To meet Mira, you must go by the Graveyard on a sunny day (thanks, Lexie07!).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| I found a blue stone/flax yarn/bamboo shoot/crystal/rare metal somewhere
| where it isn't usually found. What's going on?
| That's part of the Treasure Hunt mini-quest. Refer to the Treasure Hunt
| listing in the reference section (search for { SCH } without the spaces).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How do I make Herb Fish of 'Good' quality?
| The quality of a fish dish is determined by the value of the fish used in it.
| For 'Good', have more than 300G worth of fish. Take a look at the Fishing
| section (search for < FSH > without the spaces) for fish prices (thanks,
| NurseFin!).
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Are items stackable (meaning, do two of an item take up more space than one
| on the shelves/in the refrigerator/in your rucksack)?
| Items are stackable in Tree of Tranquility. You can hold up to 99 of any
| given item for the same amount of space as holding only one. This includes
| in your rucksack, as well as in the refrigerator, cabinets and toolbox.
| There are some exceptions to this, though: wonderfuls, ores and different
| types of fish don't stack.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| I have a glitch! Whenever I equip a tool, it randomly activates and then
| fails, wasting stamina. It does this a few times repeatedly one right after
| the other until I can manage to un-equip the tool. Help!
| It's not a glitch.
| What's happening is that the tools operate on motion controls, and odds are
| whatever one you have equipped starts operation when you lift the controller
| vertical. So, it's not randomly activating, it's activating when you bring
| the controller up.
| The reason it's failing is because if you hold the 'tool using' motion for
| longer than your tool level will allow, you fail and expend stamina. And
| I'll bet the 'using it over and over' is that you're not lowering the
| controller in between.
| So, hold your WiiMote level, or try using the classic controller if you have
| one. 
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How many kids can you have?
| Still just the one. The only Harvest Moon game that's let you have more than
| one kid was the very first one.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Can pets be bred?
| No, pets cannot be bred - only livestock and poultry can be.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Why doesn't your FAQ have a day-by-day walkthrough?
| I'm a pretty firm believer that Harvest Moon games inherently don't need
| day-by-day walkthroughs. The entire idea of Harvest Moon is that you get
| to make your own decisions and choices. There isn't a "right" way to play.
| Instead, you'll find that this guide contains all the information you'd
| need to play how you want. Want to make lots and lots of money? There's
| tips on the most effective ways to get cash fast. Want to befriend
| everyone? You have a list of good gifts for each villager at your disposal.
| Want to reawaken the Harvest Goddess? Just follow the steps in that section.
| There isn't a right way to play Harvest Moon, there's just the way you
| want to play. Use this guide to walk yourself through to get to your own
| specific goals, and use the semi-walkthroughs to make sure you don't miss
| anything major - there's no need for a day-by-day walkthrough.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Why don't you have the heart events for each bachelor/ette listed?
| The goal of this FAQ/Walkthrough is to give the reader the information
| that they need to know in order to succeed in the game. My goal isn't to
| summarize everything that happens. If you want to know what happens in
| those heart events, take the information in this FAQ and use it to earn
| them yourself.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Why don't you have the horse racing festival listed?
| In short, because there isn't one. There isn't a horse race in Tree of
| Tranquility; instead, there is a horse racing minigame that can be
| accessed when you have Kathy up to 5 hearts.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| When will this game be released in Europe/Australia?
| The game hasn't been announced for localization in Europe or Australia.
| Hopefully it will be, but nothing's been announced for certain as of yet.
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| What's the most popular Harvest Moon game ever?
| This question has been asked hundreds of times, so recently I decided to
| finally settle it with a comprehensive multi-board poll. Copied and pasted
| below is my post of the poll results:
| "The results are in!
| With nearly 100 votes cast, the results from the poll are in.
| First off, the pure results:
| 1. 64, 18 votes
| 2. BTN, 13 votes
| 3. FoMT, 8 votes
| 4. MFoMT, MM, DSC, 7 votes
| 7. AWL, 6 votes
| 8. DS, 5 votes
| 9. AnWL, 4 votes
| 10. SNES, 3 votes
| 11. AWLSE, 2 votes
| 12. RF, ToT, SSaF, STH, 1 vote
| 16. GB, GBC2, FG, GBC3, B&G, IL, ILSE, IoH, RF2, 0 votes
| Secondly, the balanced results; for this, I've removed any votes a game
| received on its own board, so vote tallies are only how many votes each
| game garnered from other games' boards:
| 1. 64, 11 votes
| 2. BTN, 9 votes
| 3. FoMT, 8 votes
| 4. MFoMT, 6 votes
| 5. AnWL, AWL, DSC, DS, MM, 4 votes
| 10. SNES, 2 votes
| 11. AWLSE, STH, RF, SSaF, 1 vote
| 12. B&G, RF2, ToT, GBC3, GB, GBC2, HMFG, ILSE, IoH, 0 votes
| So, there you have it: HM 64 wins by a small margin. Interestingly
| enough, not only did 7 of HM64's votes come from its own board, but 8 of
| them came from the Tree of Tranquility board. BTN, on the other hand,
| gained only 4 votes from its own board and no more than 2 votes from any
| individual other board. BTN had votes for it from 7 boards, while 64 had
| votes from only 5 boards. So, 64 is more popular, but just barely.
| But, consider the fact that some of these games are nearly identical:
| BTN, HMFG and B&G are basically the same game. So are AnWL, AWL and AWLSE.
| So are FoMT and MFoMT, IL and ILSE, and DS and DSC. So, how many votes did
| each 'franchise' of a game garner?
| The results, by pure vote totals:
| 1. 64, 18 votes
| 2. FoMT (FoMT/MFoMT), 15 votes (8/7)
| 3. BTN (BTN/HMFG/B&G), 13 votes (13/0/0)
| 4. AWL (AWL/AnWL/AWLSE), 12 votes (6/4/2)
| 4. DS (DS/DSC), 12 votes (5/7)
| 6. MM, 7 votes
| 7. SNES, 3 votes
| 8. STH, RF, ToT, SSaF, 1 vote
| 12. GB, GBC2, GBC3, IL, IoH, 0 votes
| And the results, when removing votes for a game on its own board:
| 1. FoMT (FoMT/MFoMT), 14 votes (8/6)
| 2. 64, 11 votes
| 3. BTN (BTN/HMFG/B&G), 9 votes
| 3. AWL (AWL/AnWL/AWLSE), 9 votes (4/4/1)
| 5. DS (DS/DSC), 8 votes (4/4)
| 6. MM, 4 votes
| 7. SNES, 2 votes
| 8. STH, RF, SSaF, 1 vote
| 11. ToT, IoH, IL, GBC3, GBC2, GB, 0 votes
| (and note: removing votes from a single board for any game in that board's
| "franchise" of games - for example, a vote for FoMT on the MFoMT board - 
| pushes DS above AWL and BTN into 3rd place on that final list, but has no
| other effect)
| So, those are the results. In my ideas, that indicates that 64 and FoMT
| are tied for the two most popular (since MFoMT is practically identical,
| and 64's fan base was so much more limited, I think that's fair - but,
| that's subjective), with Back to Nature an extremely close 3rd.
| I, personally, consider BTN and FoMT to be of the same franchise since they
| have the same characters, layout and mechanics, but most people don't agree
| with me on that. Essentially, though, the ranking appears to be, with a
| pretty big gap between 3 and 4 and between 5 and 6:
| 1. Harvest Moon 64
| 2. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (group)
| 3. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
| 4. Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (group)
| 5. Harvest Moon: DS (group)
| 6: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
| 7. Harvest Moon (original SNES)
| 8. Any of the others
| So, them's the results. I didn't expect FoMT to do so well, but it's
| arguably tied for the most popular HM game ever.
| If you have any questions for me, post in the Tree of Tranquility topic
| (link below): I won't be checking the others. And as promised, these
| results will be posted in my Tree of Tranquility FAQ.
| http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=933022&topic=44751770
|________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| How does Tree of Tranquility compare to other Harvest Moon games?
| By many people's opinion, ToT is the culmination of the more "classic"
| Harvest Moon formula. It's far closer to Back to Nature and 64 in terms
| of mechanics than A Wonderful Life or Save the Homeland.
| So, if you were like many other Harvest Moon fans and were disappointed by
| A Wonderful Life and Save the Homeland, take heart - this is supposed to be
| a throwback to the earlier days of the franchise, and is considered by many
| to be the best game in the entire series.
| ___________________________________________________________________________

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         |  sense in any copyright law on this planet." -Mark Twain | /
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|  ________________________|
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|/This FAQ is the exclusive property of David Joyner, DetroitDJ. All rights
| reserved. This FAQ may be freely distributed on any site, in whole or part,
| as long as this last section remains intact (all three C's). That means no
| changing 'GameFAQs' to any other site name. You know who you are.
| The latest version of this FAQ will ALWAYS be at:
|            www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933022/53688  
| Other sites are permitted to show this FAQ; however, most do not
| automatically update, and I only update my FAQs on GameFAQs - so, if you
| don't see something, check that URL to see if there's a newer version.
| Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility is copyright 2008 Natsume and Marvelous
| Interactive. All rights reserved.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
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                      |           Credits           |/ /
                       |                             | /
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 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/Marvelous Interactive, Natsume and Nintendo, for this game and system.
| CJayC and GameFAQs, for the site.
| Stormfeather: for about a dozen different fixes, and basically everything
| there is to know about Julius.
| Shionite: for researching a ton about what Toby likes and dislikes.
| DayWolf: for basically being my editor and finding a crapton of fixes in the
| guide.
| Master Cube 10: for actively researching the mechanics of fertilizer.
| mister_jmp: for a ton of research regarding the mines, and a lot of
| information about stamina and fatigue.
| And various contributors online who have submitted fixes and new information:
|  - Information:
|    NurseFin, ssjlink, Shadow, amishlou, Lexie07, PPF419, Night_Flower,
|    PBGamer89, XReikaX, cynwri8, Roemu, FullMetalPanic, KoRnNuTz,
|    Ryanwallen22, thestoutteapot, ellix_warrior, akialyn, Brittany,
|    swimmehdude, voku0247, JaydeWiz, Blade Kiri, mrstrace, Nickboy101,
|    billgus, oulytZ
|  - Suggestions:
|    l337Bossman, masterofmon, Blade Kiri, twilight.empress
|  - Fixes:
|    WinterKitsune, XReikaX, BunnyWinx, Shadow, BigJPres, thesoutestteapot,
|    Kate, ljb94, Rowe2327, zalbaag, LunarForever, animekitsune, Bananabafilly,
|    chaochap101, DarkBlade2, Dark Kratos, North_Hawk, VenomousX,
|    Rapturell, knititblack, JoshuaAmaron, myscreennamewow, spencerdi,
|    brybry4567, akialyn, Lily, Sugar_Celebi, ThiefRikku, TheGrizzly333,
|    Hexforester, AshleyTX, Pikaley, Adam, oulytZ, Melissa, Maggie, voku0247,
|    jan_lee23, BlackBrigade22, Callista1348
|  - Sanity for me as I pieced this behemoth together:
|    Rift, fulluphigh, minakorocket, Nocterayne, soudesune, yhibiki
| Several of my friends with the Japanese copies of the game, for help with
| pretty much everything. Huge amounts of data, from recipes to stamina details
| to crop information, have been obtained with the help of several of my
| friends. This guide wouldn't exist without them.
| God, for everything.
| ___________________________________________________
|__________________________________________________   |
                                                   |  |
                   __________________________<CON>_|  |_____
                      __________________________|  |/ / /
                      |                             | / /
                      |      Contact Information    |/ /
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                       |   __________________________|/
 _______________________|  |
|  ________________________|
| /
|/GameFAQs ID: DetroitDJ
|      E-Mail: shadowdog87@yahoo.com
|         AIM: StarsHallelujah
| To e-mail me, PLEASE preface your e-mail subject line with [ToT] in
| brackets. I get a lot of spam, so that will help me sort through it and
| find your e-mail. If possible, IM me instead of e-mailing me - I don't
| bite, I promise.
| If you are submitting a tip, please include how you would like to be
| credited. Otherwise I'll credit you by your e-mail alias or screenname.
| I'd hoped not to have to do this, but I also need to make a disclaimer about
| the type of communication I'll accept:
| I am more than happy to answer questions about Harvest Moon: Tree of
| Tranquility any time I'm online. However, I really do not need to hear about
| every detail of your game, who you're marrying, what your goat's name is or
| anything like that. I'm really not interested in just chit-chatting, even if
| it's about Harvest Moon or something Harvest Moon-related. I'm online all the
| time, but usually I'm working on something, so unless you're asking a
| specific question, it's probably best not to contact me.
| I know that makes me sound kind of like a jerk, and that's not my intention.
| I've met some great friends who've contacted me through my guide. However,
| I've also met people who seem to have nothing better to do than IM me about
| Harvest Moon for hours and hours on end, or who want to IM me just to talk
| every time they're online, and then complain when I don't manufacture a
| conversation out of thin air or care about every little problem with their
| life. So, point being, ask a question. Maybe we'll start talking. But I'm
| pretty busy, so respect the fact that I don't have time to sit and talk about
| Harvest Moon for 8 hours a day.
| Additionally, I'm not your personal Harvest Moon answer box. I'm more than
| happy to answer questions that are confusing about the game, but don't IM me
| asking for the growth time of turnips, the sale price of an egg, or anything
| that can be very easily found in this guide. Don't be afraid to ask, though -
| if it's easy to find and you just don't know, I'll tell you how to find it.
| But for people who repetitively show they can't do anything for themselves,
| I will stop answering questions after a while.
| So if I haven't scared you off, feel free to IM me. I don't bite immediately
| to anyone, so there's no risk trying. Just don't be confused if you start
| talking about Gears of War and I stop responding.
| ___________________________________________________________________________
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