Prince of Persia (2008) FAQ/Walkthrough

	  PPPPP   ***   PPPPPP
	  PPPPP     PPPPPP                                              
	  PPPPP                      I  NN        N         
	  PPPPP    RRRRRRRR         II  NNN      NN    CCCCC      EEEEEEE
	           RR     RRRRR   II    NNN    NNNN    CCCCCCC    EEEEEEEE
	           R              I     NN       NN     CCCCCCC

      OOOO      FFFFFFFF       *****************************************
     OOOOOOO   FFFFFFFF       * Game:         Prince of Persia ( 2008 ) *
    OO   OOOO  FFF            * Type:         FAQ/Walkthrough           *
    OO    OOO  FFFFFFF        * For:          PS3, Xbox 360, PC         *
    OOO  OOO   FFFFFF         * Author:       Brad Russell "TheGum"     *
     OOOOOO    FFF            * Email:  *
      OOOO     FFF            * Web:  *
               FF              *****************************************

	  PPPPP  ***  PPPP
	  PPPPPPP                                              I       AAA
	  PPPP     EEEE        RRR  RRR           SSSSS     IIII  AAAA   AAA
	 PPPP       EEEEEEEE   RRR   RRR   SS      SSSS     III   AAA    AAA
	 PP          EEEEEEEE  RR     RRR  SSSSSSSSSSS      II    AA      AA
	 P                              RR  SSSSSSSS        I     A          


Version 1.0 - the whole game, doubt I'll cover every seed, like I did for 
those dam flags in Assassin's Creed, but I'll need a lot of help I'll bet.

Table Of Contents
Use quick find (Ctrl + F) and type in the code or level. 

	Section:		Code:

1. A Brief Foreword
2. Controls			( CON2222 )
3. Starter Tips			( TIPS333 )
4. Walkthrough			( FAQ4444 )

	Into the Storm:		The Temple
	Ruined Citadel: 	King's Gate
	The Vale: 		The Cauldron
	Royal Palace: 		The Cavern

	The Temple:		Step of Ormazd
	City of Light: 		City Gate
	Ruined Citadel: 	The Sun Temple
	Ruined Citadel: 	The Windmills
	The Vale: 		Machinery Ground

	The Temple:		Wings of Ormazd
	Ruined Citadel: 	Marshalling Ground
	Ruined Citadel: 	Martyr's Tower
	Ruined Citadel: 	Hunter's Lair
	The Vale: 		Reservoir
	Royal Palace: 		Royal Gardens
	Royal Palace: 		Coronation Hall

	The Temple:		Breath of Ormazd
	The Vale: 		Construction Yard
	The Vale: 		Heaven's Stair
	The Vale: 		The Observatory
	City of Light: 		Tower of Ormazd
	City of Light: 		Queen's Tower

	The Temple:		Hand of Ormazd
	Royal Palace: 		Spire of Dreams
	Royal Palace: 		Royal Spire
	Royal Palace: 		The Palace Rooms
	City of Light: 		Tower of Ahriman
	City of Light:		City of Light
	City of Light: 		Warrior's Fortress

	The Temple:		Darkness to Light

5. FAQ / Author Info / Copyright  

* 1. A Brief Foreword                                                         *

Well, I've played all of the last generation PoP games, and I must say this 
one is both weaker and stronger. I also played Okami, and I've played 
Assassin's Creed. 

For one, the element of Okami, the beautiful graphics, are worth the play all
on their own. The contrast between pure and corrupted highlights the cel-
shaded graphics that were beautiful in previous generations and are only 
that much better in high definition. You almost want to cleanse each area just
to see the crisp, sharp shadows from the shining sun.

From Assassin's Creed you have the easy jumping around, where most of the 
paths are set before you and you only need to push the stick over and press a
button most of the time. There are like five or so difficult jumping sections,
and that may be a vast over-estimate. Where the AC combat was a bit difficult,
this system is more or less very simple, with just a little explaining and 
you can essentially fight the same fight for the entire game. 

If you were diehard about the last series, for one, you can toss out the second
game, Warrior Within. You can include most of Two Thrones, but for some reason
that one didn't work as much as the first. The first game was linear, the 
combat had more depth than this game, and the puzzles and platforming was 
worth owning.

This game is not worth owning, like Assassin's Creed, but if not for the story
elements for something later, you at least must give this game a try. The 
story was nice, the characters a bit too smarmy, but I enjoyed the game and
the set-pieces were nice. You can always pop on the old PoP skins and call it


* 2. Controls ( CON2222 )                                                     *

X - jump, jump to thrown enemy, roll around in combat
SQU - attack (should not use much)
O - use, grab in combat
TRI - Elika attaks, light your path set on map
R1/R2 - block, grip-fall, drop, counter
L1/L2 - Talk to Elika
RS - look
LS - move
START - pause/save
SELECT - map (you can teleport to clean areas)

XBox 360
I'm just guessing on these, assuming they match the PS3

A - jump, jump to thrown enemy, roll in combat.
X - attack (should not use much)
B - use, grab in combat
Y - Elika attaks, light your path set on map
RB/RT - block, grip-fall, drop, counter
LB/LT - Talk to Elika
RS - look
LS - move
START - pause/save
BACK - map (you can teleport to clean areas)

* 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 )                                                 *

#1. You can't die, so get over it. But really, rather than use the time 
feature of the previous games you just don't die here at all. It hurts if you
"die" in a boss fight, but other than that you are free to do as you wish; so
long as you don't care about the trophy/achievement for not "dying" 100 times.

#2. Combat is simple, you have an attack button, grab button, jump button,
and magic button. You can mix and match these for some nice combos. There
are shields that the enemies will eventually run that require you use one 
attack to chase off the shield, and that's as far as the combat system goes.

#3. The last part of combat is blocking, but of course you have two outs if 
you don't want to block; one being not dying and the other being the random
button press after two consecutive hits to "save" yourself. You block as the 
enemy is attacking to counter so that you can attack again while they are 
briefly stunned. Of course it's easier to block in real time than when they
counter you and it's either really fast or you have time to wait for it.

#4. All normal enemies can be tossed over an edge for death, and even blasted
against a wall. Even a few bosses can be ringed out. Watch out for the goo
on the sides during boss fights as it kills combos and will save the boss.

#5. For the platforming, there is always somewhere to go, so look up, down,
and all around, and nothing will be so obscure you can't just pan the camera
around to see a place to go. You can always use your compass, the Elika button,
to find your path.

#6. One thing to get used to is the "lunge" with every wall contact. This is
easily seen in the wall run, but when you hit a wall directly you will take a
short hop up the wall before sliding down. So basically, when you hit a wall
and wish to grab a fissure above you, don't press jump, you'll get up there
on your own. You can cancel this lunge by pressing the grip fall button.

#7. While jumping along the game will "stack" your button presses, but don't 
like try to press three buttons and expect to end up somewhere good. All it
means is you can press a button slightly before you get to the point where
you need to press it, and if you are afraid you can press it twice to be safe.

#8. Under options you'll find the combo list and you'll notice a "leads to:"
column on the right. Well, if a combo leads to an aerial combo that means you
can do an aerial combo to keep it going. Keep in mind that no combo goes longer
than three buttons, unless it ends the combo or is the second part of a bigger
combo. You can try the more complex combos if you want, but it's not required
to beat the game.

#9. One easy thing to remember is that for any time you want to do a x3 Elika
button combo, the straight Elika as I call it, you can mix in a grab for the 
last button and go into an aerial combo. It should go: Elika, attack or Elika,
grab, jump, and two more attacks or magic. 

#10. Should be obvious, but please save your game in the pause menu before you
quit, as the autosave may not be anywhere near where you end.

#11. Note to the light seed hunters, your totals for each area are in your
map. There are 45 for all 20 areas, plus the 100 for beating all the bosses.
Since there are 1001 I can't spoil where the last one comes from.

#12. If you are seperated from Elika during a fight, just get over to her. You
can press the jump button to roll faster and the arena too. 

* 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 )                                                  *

Prince of Persia Walkthrough

No, you don't need to follow this step by step, and you can go in any order you
wish. If you got the powers out of order, just jump to the area you are on
and follow from there. Remember, command Ctrl + F is the search function.

Into the Storm

To The Temple

Okay, so the controls are much easier than you would think. For one, just 
move up and jump along the gaps. When you reach the wall, just jump onto the
wall, aim to about mid-way over, and the Prince will finish off the action by
wall-running the rest of the way. Just keep following, you'll do a wall run and
a wall jump, then you meet some bad guys.

*NOTE: For all of these starter fights, you have to do the action on the 
screen, then you can fight as you wish. For example, if block is on the 
screen you must block before you can do anything else.*

For you first fight you have an attack button, claw button, and block button,
but the combat is also easier than even these three buttons would make it 
seem. When you grab and toss the guy into the air, press jump and you can keep
attacking him. Farah, get it? Girl from the last games? Funny.

After that, follow this girl's movement to get up the narrow gap, though you
may need to jump a few more times. Then follow her along, the double-wall run
may be tricky, but you will keep running after a jump, so it's pretty simple.

After the scene, just move forward for the next fight. You are told that you
can press the jump button, press the attack buttons, and by doing so you can
create easy combos. For example, jump, attack, and attack again. You can even
jump and grab. Of course all of this is overkill as you only need to defeat
the guy. 

You can now talk to Elika, so I'll let you know now that you can press this 
button at any time to see if there is anything to talk about; you can do so 
three times right now. Climb up and do two wall runs, then you hit a narrow 
gap with no ground. Just jump to the right, wall run, jump and wall run to the
next fight. Just claw, block, and then fight. Remember, you can string together
moves, especially after a grab. If you didn't catch the combo-ing of moves, 
the second fight here will force you to. After the scene, walk to the ledge,
hang on, and press the button to grip-fall.

#The Temple#

Follow Elika to the temple, try to talk if you want, and follow her up the 
wall. If you played Assassin's Creed this will be very similar. You don't hold
the A button or press it a lot, you just press it to climb, press it while 
holding up to run up, and you'll be fine; if you press the A button while 
moving up the wall you will "die," meaning she will save you, but it's best not
to be a complete idiot. You can climb those vertical parts on the ledges.

At the top, turn the crank, let go, and then gripfall down and go inside. Go
to the door and jump up the vertical line to slide down the ring. Go through,
talk to her twice, and then approach the tree.

You fight the big guy, and my favorite move is jump, grab, jump, and keep 
tapping attack until the combo is over. After each you'll need to block his
attack, then do it again until over.

For this fight with the demon, all that is new is the added button of Elika's
magic, which is just a way to twirl her around, but you can combo it with the
rest all the same. Kill it and then jump along until you reach the wall. You
will jump, jump again, grab the fissure, get to the end, and then press over
to jump to safe land. Jump over and go up the ramp, jump across the gap, and 
fight another demon; maybe you luck off and can toss him off the edge by just
using Elika's magic attack three times. Jump to the ring to open the door. 

Go through and now the place will start to break apart. Jump over the first 
gap, wall run the second, wall run the right side of the third as the wall will
open, then jump to the exit and press the Elika button to swing to safety.

*NOTE: You save in the pause menu, in case you thought there was going to be
a save point.*

To King's Gate

You will then be given the map tutorial, so have fun. Set you destination to 
the left and exit (if you set it elsewhere we may have problems). You can 
now press her button to have a magic ball light your path. Then we have about
20 "real" conversations with the fixed camera, then about 20 repeating talks
that end after he hums a little; achievements/trophies for going the distance.

So, let's go left. Don't bother with the structure along the way, you can't 
climb it. Approach the opening to the path and there is a brief scene, and 
after you have more talking if you want, less than the last time though. Elika-
jump the chasm, climb the fissure up the left side, and then use the ring and
the grab button to get up higher. Next you will jump to the ledge and wall run
up it without having to press a button. Now you must wall run, grab the ring,
press the grab button to continue, and then jump to get on solid ground.

You are still going left. You will jump a pole, use some rings, jump from a 
beam to ledge, then up a fissure, and the rest is more beams climbing fissures
until you all stop on a platform and Elika talks.

Ruined Citadel: King's Gate

Talk to her from the platform a few times. Jump the boards and pole to hit a
spot where the left is blocked by the goo, but the right path is open. Jump to 
the column, make sure your back is pointed to the surface, and press jump to
get over. Go up the wall and climb the vines, gripfall on the other side to 
get off. Jump the two columns, run to the vines and run off, and then a column
you need to climb up, then jump to get on flat ground.

For the next column, climb up to the top, then press the jump button to do a
roofrun, hit the ring, and you'll land on the other side. Jump to the next 
column, make sure you turn, and jump. To reach the vines, jump to the bend in
the wall and you should wall run, even if you hit pretty low. Climb around, go
up, and wall run to the top.

#Corrupted: Hunter#

Approach the enemy. This battle is fairly easy, and if you are afraid you can
hold down block to keep safe. First, blocking is hard, so you may be best to 
just hold it down when he's coming at you or after an attack. My attack up 
choice is grab, press jump, then keep pressing the Elika button until the 
combo is over or he goes into his button-mashing sequence. These things will
pop up whenever you inflict a certain amount of damage, so be ready to hit
whatever button flashes on the screen; you are warned by a sudden change of 
camera and a slight pause, such as before his attack. 

A tip on the blocking, as soon as he pulls back his hand, press block and you
should hit it just right, then feel free to grab of just abuse Elika's power.

After that, press her button and then repeatedly for OKAMI! Cel-shaded, grass
grows, beautiful, the only question is where's the brush? You can talk some 
more, some fine conversation at that. Then pick up the light seed, then the
one on the ring slide. From the beam, Elika-jump to the column, slide down,
then jump to the leaves at the top, come down to get a seed, and then gripfall
on the right to drop onto the other seed.

Now you must choose a new destination, and you can only pick from the first 
four spots, so pick the next one to the right of here. But since we are here,
let's get as many light seeds as we can.

There's one on the beam, then turn and jump to the wall over the gap on the
left. Jump the beams and poles and then Elika-jump to the vines. Go up, run up
a wall for a seed, turn around, and go along the poles, Elika-jump, and then
slide down the vines.

For the next order, let's go back onto the tower. Instead of going left when
you get over, go right. Go beyond the column for one, then go back up. At the
roofrun column, there is one on the back side, then go along the ring side. Now
just go back to the top and then return to the nexus in the path. Press the 
Elika button to see your path, which is over the poles and has more seeds. Go
that way, but stop when you see some vines on the wall to the right. Go up, 
go over, jump to the column, get to the vines, and slide down, then go back
across the poles to the other side with the seed. You should have 30 seeds from
this area.

*NOTE: There is a back path from here that leads to an area that you can do
nothing in, so no reason to go, but there are a few light seeds, but again,
there is no reason to go. Feel free to get the few lights seeds and come 
right back, because I will not go over it.*

To The Cauldron

You're opposite the side you entered, FYI. Wall run and use the ring, then use
the fissure to get down; you'll pick up another light seed. From here you could
go back to the Citadel for those two seeds along the way, but let's not. Just
jump, wall and ring to a fissure, and you get one more seed going down.

From this fork in the road, you will take a left, which is going down the dark
path. Climb the purple vines, then wall run, hit fissure, wall run, and jump.
For the next two wall running parts I will tell you that you must jump at the
end to get over. Climb the vines and wall run and jump to the surface. Go up
the next set, wall run, jump, and then jump to the fork in the road. Go left
to hit the next area.

The Vale: The Cauldron

More talking if you wish. You can only go left and up the vines. Talk with 
her then keep going and you'll hit a slide, which is just you slide down and
then jump at the very bottom. Keep going, but there is no timer, so relax. 
Hit the columns, roofwalk, hit the ring, and get up. Jump right, slide, jump to
the wall to run, and you'll land on solid ground. 

#Corrupted: Alchemist#

Just another fight. Only thing you need to know is that when he is close and
you see his shadow under him extend, press block. You can just get close and 
tap the Elika button for the easy combo until he's dead if you want, but it's
slow. I just say, block, jump, grab, press jump again, and then Elika button
for good damage. Use the straight Elika combo only when he's got a sliver of 
health for easy damage. 

*NOTE: For the future, all bosses have these button press things, all enemies
in fact, so I shouldn't have to mention it throughout.*

*NOTE: Another important note, while the straight Elika combo is easy, you can
press her button, do another of your attack or hers, and then go into a grab 
combo in the air. Keep that in your back pocket for extra damage.*

Some new talk, then go do the cleansing. More talking right after, then grab
the four free seeds up here. Elika jump over to the vines and take them down.
Set a marker to that place on the right, the Cavern.

*NOTE: Hopefully you've gotten the idea of how to jump around, but I will
still help you out when needed.*

From here, jump over like you are going down that tunnel, but don't because 
that is NOT YOUR PATH. Take the seeds on the wall and above the vines you can
jump to another. Then just go along the wall around the middle spire and you're
back to the start of this area.

*NOTE: For vines, it's best to keep better track of where your thumbs are on
the analog sticks because sometimes your previous view had you pressing up
or something, but when you get to the edge of a vine you'll jump up when you
want to jump over. So just know where you're pushing the sticks is all I'm

There are a few lights seeds worth getting. Go back up the path you came to
get to the top, and after the second slide just drop down it instead of jumping
for the see. There is another around the corner, then go along the wall to a
ledge and look across from it. Elika jump over there for a seed, then jump
down to the start.

To The Cavern

Go out and to the right is the path you came from the gate, so go to your left.
Do the jumping to hit the intersection and keep going down the left path.
There are a just columns and a few other jumps, nothing hard.

*NOTE: If by some miracle you did a few extra seed grabs, you may get to 
shoot back to the temple along this path. However, there is no need since you
don't need a power for the remaining two areas, and we will go there after 
this area. If you do go back now, please pick the red plate.*

Royal Palace: The Cavern

Jump the poles, then Elika jump the columns to hit the nexus point. From how
you got here, if you go left you're heading to the rest of the palace from
which you can do nothing (face it and check your map if you're confused, you
don't want to head north). All you have to do is jump to the roof column and 
jump again to hit the furtile ground.

#Corrupted: Concubine#

You have to reach her first. On the other side of the platform, opposite Elika
and not behind her, is a beam on the edge. Take it up and climb up the column,
then follow the path boss and try to swipe at her.

Now jump to the center and back up the column, but this time follow the ramps
to her illusion. Now jump back and this time take the beam behind Elika. Follow
it to the final illusion.

Jump back and start the fight, or jump away if you want to hear her talk. 
Her "tell" for her attack is just a motion backward, so if you see that hit
the block. The fight is just the same as the rest, except don't even try to 
get her to the edge and knock her off, it just kills your combo, so try to 
stay in the middle. Watch out for that double-strike if you get only a block
and not a counter. Again, the grab, hit in the air, and Elika combo is the
choice, with the straight Elika combo only when she's close to death, or you
need time to heal.

*NOTE: When you hit the 60 Light Seed amount and get the message to return to
the temple, do so after you've gotten all of these light seeds.*

More talking, then you have the same two beams to get out of here. The path 
with the ring right after the column is where we will start, so take it. When
you get up, drop off the right side for two seeds, then jump right for a slide 
to get back to the middle. Go back up and this time go up the rings, but don't
go all the way up or you'll be at the entrance to this area.

Instead, go left along the ramps to a dead end. Jump back and take the other
beam. Go up the beam, get the seed on it, and to get the seed on the wall
you will jump to it and then jump back. At the top go either left or right
just like you did to reach those illusions, and come back to this spot a 
third time and take the rings up to the top. 

From here you can go right taking the narrow path with columns for a few 
seeds, but don't that path leads to a place we will reach soon. Just go left
to the column, roof run behind it, then go along the roof rings, slide down
the column, and then jump along the poles. Look to the left and Elika jump the
columns to get two seeds, then come back. Go left for a seed atop a column,
then either jump back or return to the entrance. 

*NOTE: Since the power doesn't matter, feel free to head to City Gate 
now, then go to the Temple.*

The Temple: Step of Ormazd

*Requires 60 Light Seeds

Since you have over 60 seeds, and if you don't you'll just have to remember
this spot for when you beat the next area. Open the map and teleport to the 
temple (Elika button?).

For the training, just run along the right side wall, press her button, and off
you go twirling through the air. Then you can talk for a while before doing
a double jump and then run through the light to get out. There's a scene with
that guy, then talk some more if you wish. You also have a new set of standard
sayings, a few of which that are worth hearing. 

Now, since we have one more "free" area to clean, let's open the map, set a 
course for the city gate, and head there.

*NOTE: Other than the game telling you when you have chats ready, but just
so you know you can hit some now and when you hit a clean area.*

To City Gate

From the temple the path is just rings and fissures. 

From the Cavern it's mostly a column path.

When you arrive at the nexus point between the two, head into the dark and jump
to the slide. Take the slides toward the end, and the final slide you will 
hit the wall and go up, so don't jump again.

City of Light: City Gate

Jump over the slides and talk with her about the Warrior. Now when you take
this slide, watch out for when it breaks, so press jump when there is nothing
in front of your feet. Take the vines up and vine over. Take the columns and
then jump to him.

#Corrupted: Warrior#

It's very simple, you cannot attack him for damage, all you can do is knock
him off the edge. You can hold block to not take damage, but if he swings back
you can press block to parry. Simple lead him near the edge, then maneuver
around him so he is near the edge, then block and do a simle Elika three hit
combo to knock him off, but be sure to tap whatever button is shown, and do
it fast.

A quick chat, then go purify the area. Drop over the edge near the one seed
and move near the two below to pick them up, and don't miss the one by the 
wooden door. Take the slide, jump for a seed, and follow the vines to the 
column. To get the two by the wall it's simple. Slide down the column, almost
to the bottom, jump over there, and then jump back. Roof run along the columns
to get to a flat platform. 

Jump right for a free seed, but DON'T follow this path to a locked area. Just
take the slide over to the nexus point. Now taking the path back to the 
furtile ground just yeilds two seeds, but you may as well get them now since
you're here. Tip for the column one, jump to the wall and jump back. Also, 
don't jump off from too high on the column or you'll die. Then return all the
way back to the nexus. 

You can take these slides back and forth for the seeds. But for that one seed
on the wall, stand by the returning slide path, jump over, and jump back.

*NOTE: I have 114 seeds, but 10 probably came from my going to places I 
shouldn't have, so you should at least be close to this number.*

To The Sun Temple

Now, I assume you have the first power, the red one called the Step of Ormazd,
and on your map there should be two red glowing areas over at the Ruined 
Citadel side, along with two at the Vale. If not, then you must have some 
other power and should go to wherever. 

Teleport to the King's Gate. From here you may notice that those red plates
are now live. Jump down to the nexus point below. Head back to the tower and
go right. Climb the column to almost the very top, jump, wall run to the
first red plate, press her button, keep until you hit the rings, use them,
and hit the final plate to get one the path you need to go.

Follow this path, Elika jump the ramp, do wall runs and jumps, and if you
were fast enough you can swipe at that swirl to kill the enemy before he 
appears - Elika combos off the edge if you have to fight him, or just treat
him like any boss. You can turn and follow the upper path to two seeds in an 
alcove, then Elika jump back to this platform. 

Jump to the fissure, wall run and jump to a slide, and Elika jump off the 
slide to hit the main protion of the Ruined Citadel.

Ruined Citadel: The Sun Temple

Jump from the beam to the first plate, then the second, then the Hunter.

#Corrupted: Hunter#

First Half
The tried and true, grab, attack in the air, and Elika combo is the choice
for this fight. 

However, he is faster, so your blocking may be off. If you parry, do the 
combo, but if you just do a quick hit away of his attack be ready for another
attack because you didn't parry. If you do get damaged, again, use the triple
Elika combo when he gets close to buy yourself some time and inflict easy

One more thing, he can spit ink onto the screen, where you can only faintly
see him moving around, but the thing that sucks most is you can't see him
while he's attacking (though it's not impossible to kinda time it if you know
he's close). But when he does this you can either hold block or do an Elika
combo to chase him away.

Half Time

Halfway through there is a quick scene, then talk to Elika a few times. Then
use the nearby plate and another to get to a ledge. He sprouts wall creatures
along the cliff fissures. You can actually wall run passed this first one,
or climb, just time it so it won't be in your path. Then go along, up a 
fissure, split two blobs, then take the plates to a platform.

Seems like that plate around the left side is the answer, but if you climb
up the fissure, jump up the top, then jump again you'll hit a pole. Climb it,
hit the wall to climb up, and do the same to reach the next part and up to
the top fissure. Another blob, then going down the set of three blobs may
seem impossible, but once you pass the first one the rest won't hit you. Then
turn to the left, wall run passed the blob, and hit the plate. 

Be ready to jump, then do some Elika jumping to hit the Hunter for part 2 of
this fight.

Second Half
Now he will attack with less predictability, but since you will wait for him
to throw his arm back you won't have any problems parrying his attack, then
doing a combo, but watch out for the button mash sequence after a good first

Then just do combos, be ready for the ink to Elika combo him, and combo some
more, not hard at all.

They no longer tell you to press her button nearby, but you should know to 
stand on that spot and do so, also to tap that button. Then take the plates
back to the entrance nexus. Set a marker up to The Windmills area.

To The Windmills

From here you have two options, both lead to the other area on the opposite 
side the the ruins; grab the easy seed on the left side. Then get back on
that first plate and ride it to the first stop. To get this seed you must 
climb up the opposite wall, then Elika jump over, but what you may not realize
is you can keep doing this to the top to get two more seeds, so keep the 
pattern or hitting the wall, jumping, then using Elika over and over. Then
just follow the fissures to the next plate. Go up the fissures like before, and
when sliding down move around so you grab both seeds. Drop over the side to
grab another. Then follow the rest of the path like you did before.

When you're back to the starting point either go left or right, all paths lead
to the other area, but I'll go right, along the column path. Follow them to
the roof column, slide down it, then jump to the beam for the seed. Take the 
ceiling rings to the enemy, since you won't be there in time to cut him, so
just get him near an edge and Elika him over the side.

*NOTE: I sure hope you realize by Elika I mean pressing her button for that 
attack three times, and when he's close.*

When you reach the fissures, remember to not jump when you hit a wall. Get up 
to the surface and press her button to see the light go inside the tunnel. 
Go up the fissures and wall run to the other side. Elika jump down the left 
tunnel as the other path leads to the Vale. From here, wall run by the blobs
and hang from the pole. This part is tricky because you need to tack about 
2 seconds onto your estimation of when you can split the blobs and hit the 
rings, so basically do it right after they leave the spot on the wall you 
intend to run through, and then you hang on the next pole to do basically 
the same for the next blob. 

Kill the next monster by using the edge, and did I mention you can instant 
kill enemies if you get them against a wall? So basically get any enemy to the
side of your arena to kill them quicker. Then run along the wall using the 
rings on the corners, then climb up. Though the distance looks far, you can
hit the wall with a run and reach the ring. Do so again, jump to the pole, and
then you are at the next area.

Ruined Citadel: The Windmills

After she talks, talk to her some more, but you have to be near that gate,
which can look weird, but oh well. 

Run down the wooden ramp and jump to the first plate. Be ready for rings, then
another to go up. Talk with her and then jump forward. Then talk to her some
more. For this puzzle the left crank changes the direction the gears turn, and
the right one turns them set to the tiles above. If one is red that means it
turns twice. 

With the left one the same, with both blue arrows pointing right, turn the 
right crank until the circle on the right gear is to the right of the plate
and the opening on the left gear is on the opposite side. Then go to the 
left crank and turn it until you have the red on the left tile and the blue on
the right tile. Then turn the right crank until the circles are over the plates
which should be just one turn.

*NOTE: I apologize if that's hard to handle, I'll try to get the crank turns

Use those plates to get to the ledge across the way. You have to wall run to
get on the pole. To climb the narrow gap, hit it, let yourself run, then jump
again. From here look to the wall blobs, then notice the turning gear beyond
the ring. There is only one side of it that will stop, the side with a surface,
so wait for it to get close, go split the blobs, and you'll hit the beam. Then
you let the gear's surface point up, run up it, and jump to the beam to hit
the next puzzle.

Talk some more, here is the solution to this three-plate puzzle:

Turn the left crank to show a blank on the left and two blue tiles.
Turn the right crank once to the left (or down on you joystick.
Turn the left crank to show all three blue.
Turn the right down once, so the middle plate is open.
Turn the left crank to show blue on the left, red in middle, and blank.
Turn the right so that all three openings are on top.
Now turn the left to all blue and then turn the right to clear it.

*NOTE: Not sure what I did, why I did it, or what it did, but it worked!*

Jump up the left plate to follow the path. Go left and time you jump through
the blobs. Jump to the path and then up the rings with a nice timed jumps to
avoid these blobs. Then jump into the arena for another fight with the boss.

#Corrupted: Hunter#

The fight is the same as the above one at the Sun Temple, only this time
he can change into a state where only pure sword attacks hurt him, and all
else will not even go through, so don't try to even grab. It's only when he's
got that stuff around him, so when he's clean you can resume the grabbing
and tossing. 

When he is in this state, wait for a block, hit it, and then just press the
attack button for your combo, but be ready for his counter attack at any
moment which you can also counter if you see it in time, just don't hit it
too soon. Also, he may turn his form into that ink, but at least he loses
that form and you can just Elika when he's close, or hold block.

However, since he regains some health with this and it goes away when he's
hit, try to stay near him for this whole fight and swing at him while he's 

At this time I would like to introduce you to the attack, attack, grab, jump,
Elika combo. This inflicts more damage, but of course is a little tougher to
pull off, but it's needed do to his health regaining. 

After the fight, jump up the ring and jump out to hit the furtile ground. Go
left after for some seeds, which require an Elika jump. Drop down over the 
edge, and get between the gap of the wall and the thin wall with the seed on
top. Jump up the solid wall, then jump to the other and grab the seed. Then 
jump over to the walkway and follow it to the rail. Get on and jump to the pole
and hit the slide, then the wall, then a ring, and you'll land on a platform 
of three seeds. Then follow the wall to another spot with a seed, and from
here you can run the wall left back to the part with the wall gap.

Drop over the edge of the corner for more light seeds. Then drop down and
just run up the opposite wall for the final seed. Returning to the wall gap,
head back to where the furtile ground was and Elika jump to the pole and
hop down to be back at the start of the Windmills.

From here you should be close to 170 light seeds, so I'll give you the option 
to either hunt this newly refreshed area for seeds, revisit the windmill for
seeds, or just head on the next area in the Vale.

Returning to the windmill nets you a seed, then you can wall run for another
inside by using the turning gear surface; you have to jump at the end of the
wall run, and you have to go back. There are only four by retracing your plates
in the tower, then make your way back to the furtile ground and out.

To the Machinery Ground

*NOTE: I know some of you will have the ability to return to the temple for a
new power, but there is no need, so keep reading.*

To reach the Machinery Ground at The Vale, you go right of the dark gate - set
a mark on your map and use where your marker is pointing if you are unsure of
the directions. Going this way you slide down two ramps and Elike jump off the
second. If you then turn around you can go up a ring for two seeds on a 
beam (you jump to it) and two more along the wall runs. Then wall run among
the poles and rings until you hit the wall blobs. Again, timing is key, but I'm
fairly certain all of them sync up to allow you one clear shot. When you hit
the tunnel part, Elika jump both sides of the pole, then take a left into the 
carvern, not back into the ruins.

It's just basic jumping until you hit the wall gap. Hit the right side, then do
it again for the next gap. More blobs, but you need to read the second pair 
on the right; you just need to go when the second one is on the part of the 
wall you need. Then one more, a wall run, and then an Elika jump and you're 

The Vale: Machinery Ground

Talk with her once, then take the wall on the left, you hit a sliding ring,
then a wall to one more plate, and then a fight. 

#Corrupted: Alchemist#

This fight is just like the previous with the Hunter. Same standard rules of
a fight, and then the added bonus of the changed states, and it should still
be to the attack button. Again, stay close, be ready for blocks and attack when
he's changing. 

One thing to note, his button press may summon a blob monster, and it should
require an Elika attack to fend off. But when the fight is almost won he will
infect you.

Now jump over to the side, up the wall ring, up the wall, and then follow the
rings to the spinning gear. Here you should be able to talk with Elika a bit,
then leap over the goo when the gear stops. Wall run as the blobs go up, 
run, jump to the pole, jump a few more times, and Elike jump to solid ground. 

Now wall run as the blob goes away and the gear will stop on it's own. Climb
up the vines, up the rings, then over one more sliding ring past a blob. You
stop for a brief chat, then hit the column, roof run, hit the two rings, and
you're on some vines. Hit the ring and jump to the column, turn, and then roof
run along more rings. Elike jump over the gap, then drop down to hit ring, and
then hit solid ground.

Run along the rings and you'll hit a fissure. Slide down it, then wall run to
the right for a ring. Hit the rings, the beams and poles, and then Elike jump
to a fissure. Drop down again, follow the rings, and then up to the top. 
Approach the ground and clean it up like the others.

There are a few free seeds, then stand on that beam at the tip of this ship-
like platform for an easy trophy/achievement. Hit that plat on the side to 
get back to the lower level. You can grab an easy seed or two, but I fully 
expect that you have 170 seeds, and if you don't you can go right of here for
a few seeds. If you don't have 170 and don't get them on your way to the 
Reservoir here in The Vale, then just do the Reservoir and then go to the 
temple - mainly because you'll have to. 

*NOTE: If you are short of seeds and don't make the amount when reaching the 
Reservoir, consider returning to clean places and scooping up the seeds on
their branching paths that you didn't take. If not, you'll need to complete
the Reservoir and either get back on track for when we finish the Citadel, or
skip ahead to when we finish the Vale and pick up the green power now. It 
can get messy, but just use the Ctrl + F command to find any location you

The Temple: Wings of Ormazd

*Requires 170 Light Seeds

But we are returning the the Temple now so we can take out the Citadel in full
next. With 170 seeds teleport to the Temple. You fight the father, but it's
just a fight like with the other two bosses in that he changes form to only
allow attacks. It's harder because of his flurry of attacks, but counter
one and you're safe, then attack, grab, jump, and keep attacking. Soon Elika
will stop the fight.

Talk with her some more, then you have the choice of any new power. You can
step on all of them and she will tell you what opens where, or you can check
the bottom nodes of your map to see exactly what each power opens. I'll give
you the option the green or yellow, but this guide will continue as if you
chose yellow. Yellow means you can beat the Ruined Citadel; green allows you
to finish The Vale.

Again, pick yellow, the Wings of Ormazd so we can finish the Citadel. The 
training is similar to the first one. The only thing to keep in mind is 
that you can move around as you fly along your rail. You'll need to move on the
second plate to avoid crashing; you go right, left, up, then down. 

Set a course for the Mashalling Ground at the Citadel, then teleport to the
Sun Temple.

To Marshalling Ground

From the Sun Temple take the plate down and then go left, along the poles. 
The seeds along the wall gaps are easy, just jump from one wall to the other,
and watch your grip-fall down. 

When you hit the fissures you're in the area. When you hit the top of the 
fissures you fight an enemy. The thing about these guys is you have to do
the counter block when told, there is no other way to defeat them because they
put on their shield so quickly. You can only attack, hit block half a second
after they deflect your attack, then go after them, then go after them, 
hopefully into the edge.

Then follow the fissures through the many blobs, and you have to go downward.
When you hit the platform, get to the vines and wall run right. Go up the
vines, over, and from this solid ground you can use your locator to see you 
must run the wall point outward. Do so and hit the plate. The pattern is: 
left, right, and right. Before the first plate was the start, but you talk
to her now.

Ruined Citadel: Marshalling Ground

Take the plate; down, up, down, and right. Then the next plate; right, down, 
left, down, right, and then the Hunter.

#Corrupted: Hunter#

It's very simple, ring this dude out. Same rules apply as always, but if you
can get him near an edge, just Elika him out. Easy. I only wonder if we could
have ringed him out other times. 

Talk, then up the wall and talk some more. Heal the ground, then talk some
more. Pick up the free seeds, then hop on the plate.

*NOTE: I believe if you dropped off the right side you could have just landed
back at the start, but we will get there anyway so it matters not.*

If you want quite a few free seeds, hop on the plate back to the ground. At
the first stop there are a few along the sides. To get the three on the wall,
Elike jump over there, hop up, and then Elika jump back. Take the plate for
more on the ride, then two more at the stop. On the final plate are a few 
more seeds.

To Martyr's Tower

When back at the start of the area set a course of the final area of the Ruined
Citadel, the Martyr's Tower. For the sake of seeds you can retrace your path
to the Sun Temple, or take the new path to the Windmills for seeds. Or just
teleport to these areas, up to you, but I say take the path to the Windmills.

Simple wall run and jumping, then an Elika jump off a column. On the beam
facing the next column, Elika jump left to the fissures and then wall run the
tiny strip of wall for the seeds, and you drop back on the beam. A few seeds to
roof run for, and one column you can jump to for a free seed. Take the pole
path on the side of the slope. Then you'll notice there are seeds all over the
place and even a path below you, but just follow the poles forward. When you
jump off the second pole, Elike jump and take the ring and you'll be back to
the Windmills area.

The path to the next part is the same as before, just no seeds in it. Take the
slope path and do this quickly so you can whack the monster before it 
materializes. Do the blob wall runs one last time, but instead or going through
or into the tunnel, go right and Elika jump to the yellow plate.

Ruined Citadel: Martyr's Tower

Hit the yellow plate and the next three for some pretty easy riding, nothing 
too serious. Then just drop all the way down to the dark chamber. Talk with
her a few times, then run along the wall with three blobs; go when they are 
down (the key to all the blob jumps is letting them get completely out of the
wall area you'll jump to). Then it's just simple wall runs with single blobs.

At the corner, go to the beam, stand, turn, and jump to another along the 
pillars. Follow the beams around into the middle and face the wall. Elike jump
to it and onto the fissure. Follow the wall right to the fissure, get on the
beam, jump to the fissure, and then go up. 

#Corrupted: Hunter#

This fight is the same as the rest. Just watch out for that more unpredictable
attack of his, the timing and when to block that is. Again, only swords hit
his changed state. Yet again, gotta work on the timing of your block when he 
counters; you only need to wait a second, then press it to counter back. A 
good tip is to just press the block button twice during this thing, once as 
it starts and then soon after (not 100% to work but it does work).

Watch out for when he extends his arm, be ready for a button press, most likely
Elika's button. If he goes into a mad flurry of attacks, mash your attack
button before the icon pops on screen. 

But always remember, you can grab and go into an aerial combo before he blocks
you at any time so long as you've attacked and shaken off that shielded form.
Also remember the straight Elika when he's normal to shake him off you. Also,
when going into your attack combo, feel free to toss in a few Elika shots if 
you think you're too far to grab and just want sure hits. And gettting him to
the sides does help get big damage.

On one side of the wall there are two fissures to climb up. Climb to the second
one and run right and jump to the pole. Elike jump over, and from the fissure
to right to the fissure on the wall. Take it up and hit the upper level. 

Go right and jump the beams over the hole in front of the plate. Grab the 
fissure and let the fast blob go by before running left, hit the sliding 
ring, and then just wall run left of the fissure to grab the pole. Jump to the
beam, jump to the hole beam, and hit the plate. Jump the two poles, jump from
the wall, and jump the next two to the fissure. Climb up and heal the furtile

You are free to grab the seeds and hit the plate to go to the black gate, but
you need quite a lot more seeds to reach 340, so find the hole and take it 
back down into the dungeon; you may want to grab that seed on the plate now
but just not take it back down. Falling down there are seeds on both sides of
the hole, so hit each side to get them. In the first part, just get on the
ground and jump the back set of pillars to get the two seeds, then climb up.
From here, take the path up the top level, but this time to left to get on a 
balcony area. Grab the seeds, but stand on that "view point" at the corner for
a nice little trophy/achievement. Go back in for a seed over the hole, but
there is no reason to go back up to the ground. Instead, come back out to the
balcony, find the broken side of some steps, and slide down the wall for some
seeds. Go right, drop down the fissures, and then jump to the start of this

To Ruined Citadel Black Gate

If you want you can teleport to the windmills and be done with it. If you want
some seeds, go right of the plate. You may wonder how to grab the seed on the 
wall. You hit the fissure on across from the beam, then wall run, and at the 
end of the run jump. Then you follow a familiar path to the windmills.

Ruined Citadel: Hunter's Lair

Approach the gate for the scene to play. Go right, on the railing, and jump to
the plate to hit the first yellow ride. There are just two left pushes. Then
follow the red plates to a yellow one, and you just avoid the easy obstacles
and some cages to the other side. 

BOSS: The Hunter

Main tip, when he spits ink at you, just use Elika when he's close. At any
time when he's close and not shielded, grab and go into an aerial combo. Keep
in mind when he's beating up on you in a little scene, just mash the attack
button before the icon appears. And just be ready for any button sequence at
any time, they are all kinda hard to predict. He also loves to do a quick 
counter attack and give you little time to react, so be ready to hit the block
at any time you are attacking him; press it twice, once to start and again
if it's a slow counter.

*NOTE: Holding the block button for counters helps to block, but not to put
on a counter of your own.*

He will break the ground twice. The first time it just makes the arena smaller.
The second puts you in a little platforming part. Jump over to the slide and
Elike jump off of it, and again for the next one. After two wall runs, Elika 
jump to the next, and then you can Elika jump to the final arena.

Don't even try to ring him out, doesn't work and it kills your combo. Just
keep up your same tactics, but more than ever you must keep your eye out for
his quick button press sequences, they are hard to see coming. At this point,
if you can get through all his changing forms and insane counters and get in
one good aerial combo, that should be close to over.


Talk a few times, then go and hit the red plate. Follow them to the yellow 
plate, and the rides are fairly simple with just some tricky obstacles to go
under among the rest. And then at the end you're done with the citadel.

You may be able to look right and see a few seeds, so go get them if you want;
there is just like one if you drop down those poles on the side. 

To the Reservoir

Anyway, you should be about 80 seeds from your next power. Bring up your map
and set a course for the Reservoir at The Vale. Then teleport to the Machinery

Take the red plates down to the three-way intersection. If you have your 
locator on, use it to see you can take that middle path to get on your way. Hit
the pole and do the jumps to a platform, then take the left slide path to 
quickly reach the enemy and cut him out before fighting. Follow the slide to
the solid platform.

Hit the column, Elika jump to the next, and then roof run along the rings 
to the next one. Roof run or jump to the next, slide down a bit, and jump to
the other column (yes, they are more like poles, but I can't get these terms
switched up). 

You reach the Observatory, but of course you cannot enter, but feel free to
talk about it with her. Hit the columns, run to the fissure, jump to the 
vines, cross the blobs, hit the columns, wall run along the rings, and it's
unlikely you'll be able to cut the monster before he appears. But again, just
ring him out for a quick kill. I hope you realize you just move around, then
Elika combo him off the edge, right?

Check your map or use your locator to check your path, as either side looks 
the same. More columns and rings, then some wall blobs flanking a patch of 
diseased vines. And you're close to the nexus point of the Reservoir, but at
this platform you can talk to her about it. There are just slides and fissures
from this point to reach the nexus of the Reservoir.

The Vale: Reservoir

Step down and get near the red plate, then ride it and the next one to a spot
where you can talk some more. Watch for the slides along the next few plates,
and the fourth slide has an Elika jump at its end. 

#Corrupted: Alchemist#

His attacks are hard to counter, but the trick is as soon as he you see the goo
below him move. 

For his changed state only Elika attacks will repel it, and that's great news
because her attacks are the easiest to pull off. To tell the difference 
between the sword-only shield and the Elika-only shield, he will glow blue 
for the sword, and he is covered in a lot of goo for Elika. 

This battle is tough because you must stay away from the sides, and his 
button sequences are very hard to catch, but most involve Elika, and if he 
grabs you you need to mash attack, well hard to explain as one grab could be
any button but the other is mash attack only. 

Your most friendly combo is the attack, grab, jump, Elika when he's in the 
attack state, or at any time because you want to avoid having to hit a counter
with this guy, it's very hard. Not how to help you counter better, but so long
as you stay aggressive the fight shouldn't last too long.

Talk a little after and take the plates out of here. When back to the nexus,
get back on the plate and hit the platform with a yellow and red. Take the 
yellow one for a ride where you can grab five seeds and void about five 
obstacles. The into the sun part is tough because you can't see the seeds, but
they are there. When you return, just follow the path back to the tank, getting
the few slide seeds you have to move to get, and then return to the nexus.

To Royal Gardens

Should be 50 or so away from 340, so we have a lot of work to do. You can
either over-achieve now and go get the seeds you can see, or we'll do it later
if we must. Up to you. 

So the options are to travel along all the paths you haven't in The Vale, or
just teleport to The Cavern of the Royal Palace and make your way north. We
will get close to 340 just taking on the next two areas, but no matter what 
there will be some jumping down paths we don't need to to get more seeds. So
again, you can do that now or later. I would think later is best so you know 
what you need, but I'll give you that option now.

Assuming you hit the Cavern, make your way up to the nexus point. One reason
I said to wait was because the yellow plate here chips in a few seeds; you
just move around a tiny bit for them after you avoid the two obstacles to 

Then turn and take the path behind you that has the columns. Quickly Elika 
jump along them to the enemy and slash him before he appears; ring him out
if you don't. Elika jump to the rings, then take the columns to the wall 
runs and Elika jump to the solid ground.

Royal Palace: Royal Gardens

More talking, then move forward and take the yellow plate to series of wall 
runs, then more yellow plates. 

Now for the sluice gate puzzle. Talk to her some more to get the details down, 
but eventually the talks are just about not solving the puzzle. 

Go left and pull the crank by the pool down.
Go down a level and pull the crank below it up.
Go to the other lower crank and pull it down.
Go to the top right crank (on this same side) and pull it down.

Now head to the right side of the area after more talking.

First, get it so that all the lower row of pools will make a flow to the end
	pool. Don't ask how, I already forgot the crank turns. But no matter 
	what, this must be the first step.
Second, pull the upper left crank so the top middle is pointing left and down.
	Sadly, I'm not sure what I did, but I turned the crank by the pool and
	that was the solution. I don't know if the other pools were set to 
	their default positions or not.

This is what the solution path looks like:

S - start
E - end
O - is a pool
arrows - are the flow directions
x - are the unused pools

		  O  x   x
		  O  O> <O
		  V  v   v
		  ^  ^   ^
		  O><O   O>
		     V   v

Perhaps with your help and a second playthrough I'll get the precise turns down
to a science. If all else fails, the first step was a must, but not sure where
to go from there, but perhaps random turning of the cranks will work for you.

So however to solve it, Elika jump to the center area, then take the plate to
the ground. Attempt to heal it for the fight.

#Corrupted: Concubine#

Of course you have the normal sword/Elika-only shields, but now we get the 
grab-only shield. That's fine, but most of the time you'll just end up having
to block her in this state, as nothing else will work. All you can do is block,
and then try to grab, that's it. This state is rarely used, but she glows
orange when she uses it.

Her attacks are easier to spot than the other two bosses. Even though there
are no walls you cannot ring her out, but you can try to smash her against the
pillars. Best to just hold block when she counters you. And that's pretty 
much it. Remember, get in your grabs when you can and use Elika when the 
boss is open to her attacks.

Heal the ground, talk, and then jump off the edge of either side. Set a course
for the Coronation Hall at the top of the Royal Palace.

First, let's get back on the puzzle area for free seeds. There are two ways to
return, but you need to take both because they have seeds. The first is the
way you took with the yellow plates. The second is if you get to the stairs 
that lead to the first yellow plate and instead of taking it, hop on the left
wall, then drop down to a fissure, then run right for another. You hit two
seeds and you drop down to the puzzle area. There are seeds on the edges of 
each starting pool, seeds in the pits, seeds above the pits, and a couple 
on the sides. Take the yellow plate back to the ground, and then take the other
path to the nexus and take the path you didn't take the first time.

After you make the two trips to the furtile ground, come back to the nexus and 
go left to the vines on the wall. Go up and take the red plate to some seeds.
From this spot you cannot reach the other side, so just gripfall down. Now to 
right, down the side with another plate but you can't reach it from the vines.
Follow the columns to the fourth one, then look to the wall and get to the 
fissure. Follow the path to the plate and you get three more seeds.

To Coronation Hall

*NOTE: If by some miracle you have 340, just wait to hit the temple.*

Now that that is over with, let's head to the hall. You can take either path
from here, it shouldn't matter. If you go right, there are vines above the 
vines for seeds. The enemy you encounter should be set to Elika-only attacks,
which is fine because we will ring him out. 

Follow the blob monster path and you'll hit the Royal Spire where you can 
talk to her a bit, then keep going left; use your locator. Get in the long 
passageway and jump to the first column. Then roofrun along the rings to
quickly take out the enemy. Then another long corridor and then follow the 
cliffside to the Hall.

Royal Palace: Coronation Hall

Talk a bit, then jump on the plate: around the cage, through the hole, and 
avoid the spires (these plate-makers don't with efficiency much). Jump the 
goo and go slash her illusions into the gates, then slide down the case, and
when you hit the column you can slide down to the lowest slide level to make
your trip shorter. At the gap use the wall fissure and jump over. At the 
bottom chamber, slash at her and that's it.

Take the ring on the side of the doorway, then run to the sliding ring and 
jump to the lift. Now you have these dragonfly things that I guess are some
sort of timer, so move quickly. The path is fairly straight-forward, and you
do have briefs moments to pause and plan your jump, but don't take too long.
For this path, if there is nothing in front of you, just jump and chances are
you'll hit something. Climb the last column to hit the fight.

#Corrupted: Concubine#

One quick note, the game would lag any time she was about to go into her 
furious combo sequence where you have to just mash attack, and the worst part
is she sometimes tacks one more press at the end of it, even if you win. That
and the Elika bail-out sequence are favs of her's, so be ready. 

The grab shield is used much more this fight. The key is to block and just try
to hold block, try to counter, and go for a grab. That or just get her while
she's changing, that always works.

Also, she does this thing where she raises her hand and your movement direction
is reversed, so keep that in mind. But, at the end of the day it's all about
blocking and getting in a good combo or two.

Heal the area, then grab the free seeds nearby. Then return to the winding 
slide for a few more, and take the long path for as many as possible. Climb
back up from the bottom and you should either have or be near to 340 seeds.
If not there quite yet go out to the nexus and head in either/both directions
from the Hall to claim more seeds. With 340 seeds, teleport to the temple.

If you are short some seeds after the adventuring around here, I guess you'll
have to teleport to Vale areas and the "gates" to each area and head down the
paths you didn't take, such as from the Cavern to the City Gate. If you
haven't been following this walkthrough from the start, then perhaps you need
to revisit earlier areas and read those parts of the guide for tips on getting
all the seeds. Bottom line, there are seeds from clear area to clear area and
there are more than 340 out at this time.

The Temple: Breath of Ormazd

*Requires 340 Light Seeds

Hit the temple and there is nothing to bother you this time. 

Again, I leave the option to you to go in any order you wish, but I'm a 
completionist and I want to go from left to right in full. The green power 
will allow you to finish off the Alchemist's lair and start on the city areas,
then the blue will let you finish out the entire map. Of course if you choose
some earlier power then feel free to do as you wish.

Take green and you're in the training. This is the best power because you have
full control and it's easier to see where you're going. You just follow the 
eroded paths and that's all. 

To Construction Yard

Talk some more, a bit more than usual, then zap to either the Cauldron or 
Reservoir, probably the Reservoir for the seeds. There is more talking when you
get there. That jump from a wooden platform to wall ring is tricky; you aim
for the top middle of the faded patch of wall. The enemy fight needs grabs,
and it's tough because he can do anything at any time, just good luck getting
a grab after a block is all I can say.

From there you just follow a standard path of blob monsters and vines, but that
wall run at the end is tricky because you have to jump quickly. Talk when
you can in range of the Yard, but the dragonflies hurry you, so be quick.
Once you reach the nexus point they go away. 

The Vale: Construction Yard

Get on the green plate, and just move forward on all of them, making sure you
aim for the next green plate when in view, should be easy.

At the top there is a quick chat, then take the rings up the narrow tower 
nearby, then Elika jump to the first platform. Talk a little, then you can only
pull this one down once. Elika jump to the upper left, then turn it down twice,
just so the lower right tower's long beam points down. Then return to the first
platform and turn it down so the long beam points to you. Get on the lower
right platform, turn the crank down until it gets you to the upper right, so
go there.

Now, you are still way too far from the ground, so turn this upper right 
platform down to move all the platforms. The one with the long beam is near the
ground, so jump there, turn it up once, Elika jump over, and it's fightin' 

#Corrupted: Alchemist#

So expect heavy grab shields. The thing is, you can ring him out, so get 
close to an edge, get hit back to it, and do something to back him up, but be
ready for the attack mash to knock him out. Easy, or it should be. Otherwise 
it's just a standard fight.

A few more chats, and take the yellow plate here for a brief trip to nab 
five easy seeds, then Elika jump back for some seeds. Return up the rings to
the platforms, and all you have to do is hit the upper left one, the one that
spins the whole thing, and you can move to the spots where each seed rests and
grab them, and keep going to return to the start. 

From the very start, a the bottom of the rings, go up the ring nearby (but it
seems the rings are slightly glitched up for some reason, just fight through
it if so). There is a seed up here, and then Elika jump to the right for 
two seeds over the side, but don't go further down, because then you're just
on the path to the next spot. Of course you are going to Heaven's Stair, so 
perhaps you want to hoof it the whole way.

To Heaven's Stair

Tag the node at the top of The Vale map and head either left or right from 
the yard, or you could teleport to one of the prior locations to make the trip
shorter, but you have close to 200 seeds for the next power, so better bite
the bullet now and take a long way there.

You could take the way you used to get here, but since you know that path let's
take the other way, toward the Machinery Ground. You hit the vines, go down a
ring (you press nothing to drop down rings), and Elika jump off a pole. At the
wall you can drop off the side of a platform that popped up for a seed. You
jump up the pole to get another, then you Elika jump off the sliding ring to
hit the beams. You arrive at the triple intersection of the Ground, and the
rest should be familiar to you.

I would say perhaps now is a good time to retrace your steps through the
Ground, since I didn't recommend it earlier, what with it being so long. One
note, when jumping the poles, early on, look up the wall for a ring. Go up
the two rings and Elika jump off the very top to hit a platform, where you can
jump to another for two seeds; you Elika jump off the left side to return. 
There is a column where you jump to the wall and jump back for a seed. That's
about it though; don't miss the Titanic View at the top if you did earlier.

Remember, head to the Stair, it's only a few jumps away from the intersection,
just be quick so the dragonflies can't get you. Quick note, take the back slide
once you head out for those two easy seeds if you haven't gotten them already.

The Vale: Heaven's Stair

Hit the green plate to get the runnin' going; just avoid the gears and stuff
and you will eventually hit the third plate. You then fight a normal enemy,
but move him toward a wall and get in a combo to finish him off quicker; he 
should rely on the Elika-only shield a lot. After there are a few chats, and
notice the eels in the tanks around you.

Hit the next green plate and just don't fall off. You arrive in a chamber where
the object is to hit all four sliding rings, with some urgency as the 
corrupted air seeps in. I shouldn't have to go over each ring, they are all
started up a green plate, jumping to fissures, and then finding the way up to
wall run to a sliding ring. Then you come down and repeat until all four are
hit and the air is clear. You can talk too.

Get on the lift and turn it up twice. Talk a little and then go out to the 
balcony for another green plate. The collision detection for the gears is 
pretty rough, so make sure you move far over for each. Then just Elika jump to
the fight.

#Corrupted: Alchemist#

You may miss it if you weren't looking, but there is an edge, and you can ring
him out. All you do is as it starts just move around, maybe he will not rush
in, get his back near the edge, and hopefully you can get in an Elika combo to
send him over; of course you have to do the mashing the attack button sequence
too, but that should be simple.

Again, a ring out or a long fight, your choice.

Heal it up, talk it up, then go grab the light seeds. What you may not have 
noticed was the black gate being right here. Beside it is a gate you can open
using the ring, but that leads to a long tube going down. I would say now is
as good a time as any to finish off the Alchemist.

The Vale: The Observatory

Take the first green plate, then the reds, then watch for the rings you'll
have to hit. From the platform, wall run left to a ring to hit the next green
plate. For the next couple of green plates, watch for the barriers, you can
go over those tiny star holes, and for the third one go deep left. After the
third green plate from the platform, the remaining path is fairly easy.

BOSS: The Alchemist

The only real problem is when he turns blue, because you may confuse the sword
shield with the Elika shield; remember, covered in goo means Elika magic. 

Avoid getting him near the goo on the sides, that helps to not kill your 
combos. Also, if he gets you near the goo, be ready to mash attack no matter
what. Also, his only button press sequence, aside from the normal saved-from-
being-killed hit is to mash attack. Just keep doing the dance of death with
him until he runs away.

Talk first, then hit the red plate, and you end up in a fight. Again, these
normal enemies favor the Elika shield, so ring him out using it. Follow the 
red plate path to another fight, and ringing out is the same as walling out
for normal enemies. Hit the last plate to the very top.

For the last bout with the science guy, the arena is small, but hopefully he
favors the grab shield because with him always being close you can just grab
him while he's changing and combo. The only perfect combo is anything you get
while standing on the edge of the corruption because all else will get cut 
off. Also, with so little health, if he doesn't change form, just Elika him
straight up. Should be no real problems.


After the scene, run left and take the red plate to some rings and another.
Then ring your way to a couple of green plates, a couple of red, then a few
more greens (watch the barriers on that second green plate here), and just
take the red plates home.

To Tower of Ormazd

Well, you should be about 120 or so away from the final power. The only places
open are at the city. So set a course for the Tower.

From the Stair's furtile ground, take the tube on the side down, and the idea
is to avoid the brown spots, so slide around them and grab the second seed in

At the bottom go right and jump to a column, then to the one underneath, and 
then back. You are more than welcome to return up the Stair. There is a seed
on the right of the first gear you cross, two on the ground in the lift
chamber, two on the controls in the lift chamber, and there are a few at the
top of the lift chamber; with the ones on the sides only for the blue power.
Take the last green plate path for a few more, then take the tube back down.

Now you have any number of options to make it to the Tower. You can explore
out the paths leading around The Vale to claim more seeds, you can just go
around The Vale to get seeds, you can take uncharted paths all the way to the
Tower, or just do the best thing and zap to the City Gate and then make your
way over. 

I would say go left from the stair and hit the Reservoir, then the Spire in
the Royal Palace, hit the Gardens, then the Cavern and City Gate to mop up
those seeds you probably skipped, and finally hit the Ormazd Tower. Look
above the vines on the way to the Reservoir, below the normal path to the Spire
are some seeds, there are chats at the spire and move quick through that 
corrupted air, and be careful with the dragonflies as you approach the gardens.

At the gardens the jumps to the narrow beams are make-able. From the one going
forward, jump to the wall and onto the pole, turn, and then jump to the 
platform for seeds. To get back you just Elika jump to the pole and back to
the arena. When heading for the cavern from the garden you have two paths.
Go right for a quick seed, then come back to take the slides down the left 
path. From the column you can jump left for seeds by a sewer hole. At the 
platform jump to the rings for a seed, then take the rings back down to get
back. To the left of the platform you can look down to see seeds. Jump over
and grip fall down, then jump the narrow gap back and forth. From there you
can slide down rings to get on some columns, or return to the platform and go
right for another seeds; if you miss the last one just fall if you don't mind. 

You already took that yellow plate at the cavern, right? Now make your way to
the gate, which should be a return to the simple, stress-free jumping around.
Remember to go left at the fork in the road. After the slide, Elika jump right
and then back for that seed. Once you reach the gate, feel free to take the
path back and then teleport back to the gate, just for a few seeds, because 
you'll honestly never come back through here again.

When you reach the gate, go left, and above the second vine are two seeds. 
Just run past the first blob monster to hit the ramp, then cut down or ring
out the enemy. Then just avoid the blob monsters as you race through the
poison air. 

You arrive at the Tower of Ahriman, odd how it's the first one, so chat a bit
and then go left. Hit the slides, which probably seem more intimidating than
they really are because of the air, and cut the enemy before he spawns. If
you use your locator here it goes back and goes right, so just jump right and 
up to the slide. Jump your way to the tower, at long last.

City of Light: Tower of Ormazd

Should be no extra chats, so hit the plate on the wall. Just pull to the right
as you can move to the other wall thanks to the curved corner. 

#Corrupted: Warrior#

And this fight wins the worst fight ever award. First, you can't attack him.
Second, you have to move him back. Third, your "saving" button press flips you
behind him, usually when you're almost close. Fourth, his range is long. Fifth,
Elika's range is short, so you have to block his attack first. 

You can only use the three wooden corners, not the solid one with the ring on
it. Oh yeah, if you lose Elika there is no way to use the corner, so don't even
try; you lose Elika by pressing her button on a sword shield and such. 

And that's the fight. Learn to press block as soon as he winds back, not a
second too late. You can also more faster back to a corner by pressing the 
jump button. The finisher combo once you get him to a corner is always the 
attack button mash. Do it three times.

Now talk and go up the rings to the balcony, then talk a little more - not 
much urgency I guess. Look right and wall run along the outside to the ring, 
then go up the vines. Wall run to the left, talk a little too, and go up to
the next balcony. 

Now go left to the ring, and up the vines as a dragonfly appears. Hit the rings
and there should be more complaining to do on the balcony (aka you press the
talk button). Keep going, hit the cool little jump here (which is really not
hard at all), and then make your way to the green plate. 

Yep, not over. Go left and follow the slides and rings to a certain ring where 
you hit it, run, jump, run, and be ready to Elika jump from this wall to a 
slide. Then you soon just hit a fissure, slide down (around the opening),
and you're back on the ground. Heal, and it's over.

Couple of seeds in the corners, then go around the balcony and there is a seed
to be had for jumpong on the very middle of each wall. Come back in and take
the yellow plate for a quick ride, and you get four seeds - should be near 

Take the rings up for a few seeds, and at the first balcony go right, then turn
around and go to the left side, the dead-end. No worries becauase the path to 
go up is no more (you can see a dirt patch over where the ring should be). So
go back inside the tower and down the hatch, and make sure you slide to the 
left so you land.

To Queen's Tower

You have three ways from here: left goes to the Royal Palace and the other two
get you to the next area. If we cut out the RP path, then going left takes you
to the City of Light area, and right takes you to the Ahriman tower. When we
get the fourth power we will finish the Palace first, then the city, so let's
take the path to the Ahriman tower, right.

There are free seeds at the start of each path, so grab them all and the one
leading to the city will trigger an out-of-place scene. Go take the right path,
back the way you came. You'll notice a seed down below. You just drop down on
the other side with the green, then Elika jump to the wall, bounce off from the
top of your lunge, and Elika jump back. Hit the platform and then take the 
slides back for two easy seeds before coming back to the platform. Jump right,
up the column, slide through the air, and you're back to the Ahriman tower.

Go left and Elika jump to the fissure, go up, and jump by the blobs, but you
have to time it as best you can, and jump off the right side of the slide; 
your jump and where you jump off are the only ways to change when you hit the 
wall. After the fight, go right along those fissures, up, another slide, and 
Elika off the end to reach the next tower.

City of Light: Queen's Tower

Just hi the plate and the straight path is clean. Talk at the top, then Elika
jump the goo. The next plate has something in the middle, so move after the 
curve, and the rest is just the same running with an obstacle on about 
every other run, and one run with many in between; just be ready to move at
any moment. At the balcony, wall run right, ring, two plates, and then the 

*NOTE: Gotta hit those curves perfect or you will die. So don't get on or off
too late or too soon.*

#Corrupted: Warrior#

Not to be outdone with the last ill-conceived battle of the first one, this 
time the game really wants to F with you. You can only knock him off an edge.
Sadly, you must make sure he is perfectly perpendicular to that opening or
else you've just wasted your try. It doesn't seem like you can chase him into
the first two or three, so just try to practice your countering while you
lure him around. 

Again, look to the ground and make sure your combo will be dead-center with the
opening of you'll just have to try again. Just do straight Elika combos to push
him back and that's that. Trust me, this fight was stupider than the last, for
me at least.

A few chats, some seeds, then grip fall off the open side. Jump to the middle
surface, slide down, hit the ring, the next, and jump to the right-side wall.
Slide down, jump to the middle, hit the three rings, and jump to the left 
wall. Slide down, Elika jump over, and down the rest of the way.

You can jump on the wall, Elika jump over, and Elika jump back for those 
seeds. Come back in, grab the ones on the side, then get on the plate if you
are a few seeds away from 540; if you have 540 then you are welcome to leave,
there is no real reason to get anymore seeds other than for the trophy/
achievements at the hundred mark from here on out (there are 1001 total). So
you can zap right to the temple if you have no interest in that junk.

If you need a few more, there are about 15 or so going back along the green
plates. It should be the same only maybe moving to different sides to grab
the seeds. When you get to the top, jump up from wall to wall for a seed above
you, then slide down again. When you are back on the ground, drop over the 
first edge by you, and slide down to the original starting point. You got a
few free seeds. 

If you are short a few for 540, then take both paths from this area and you
should get enough. If not, well, not only have you not been following my
advice, but you will now need to return to each area and either go back into
them or just follow the simple paths for the easy seeds. I mean, I shouldn't
have to really help you, but if you must revisit all the previous sections,
the parts after the Corrupted fights. No matter what, this should not take you
very long.

Note if you missed it, the light seed totals for each area are listed in your
map. Each area has 45 seeds, including all the paths leading out away. You get
100 for beating each boss. There are 20 areas times 45 equals 900, and add in
the 100 for the bosses meands there are 1000 seeds to find, with one you can
imagine coming from the story, duh. 

So look to your map, find areas with the least amount of found seeds, and go
there to start hunting. Following this guide you should have easily gotten
20 in every area, meaning you should have 320 right here, plus the two bosses
equals 420. So if you took the paths, went a little out of your way, and 
re-traced your steps in every area, shouldn't be far off at all.

The Temple: Hand of Ormazd

*Requires 540 Light Seeds

Step on blue, hit the plates, easy as that. 

Her dad shows up, of course, but if you have the blocking down and you stay
close to cancel his changed states, should be pretty easy.

To Spire of Dreams

Then zap to the Royal Gardens. Just go left, use the map and compass light
for help, cut down the enemy, avoid the dragonfly, and when you reach the 
corrupted air just go left and jump after the wall run to reach the start of
the spire.

Royal Palace: Spire of Dreams

Just avoid the blob and hit the blue plate, a few rings and plates, and 
you reach the lift. Crank it up for a scene. Cut her, then go right and follow
the jumps to cut her again. Then just jump back and cut for another scene. 

With Elika back, you can take that little path back and then hit the column,
or just go to the wall and jump up to it from right here, your call. Roof run
to the ring, hit the wall and rings, and then let the blobs go down to hit the
blue plate. 

On the third level, let the blobs go up, then do an Elika jump and hit the ring
to a plate. Elika jump again, and pretty much do the same for the rest of the
way up; watch out for when you see nothing in front of you, you will wall run,
then Elika jump. Hit the fissure and you're done, just crank up the lift to
the top. 

#Corrupted: Concubine#

No, can't ring her out, sorry. Again, when the screen lags or she's in a mini
cutscene just mash the attack button. Your best bet is to move around so you
fight her left or right, since there is no center of the arena. It's just a 
standard fight. Don't get killed and block as much as you can. Remember you
have multi-string combos if you've forgotten.

Couple of chats, a few free seeds, and then you can grip fall off the side 
where the seeds were. Or, go to the back and find a beam you can drop to, drop
down again and get these seeds if you want; wall run to the side you would 
grip fall down, but not from the edge of the platform or you'll overshoot. 

Take the green plate, and out of the second one to wide right, then go way 
left on the third. Some seeds, then go right to hit the last plate that takes
you up, if you hit the ramp. At the top, you go down the same protrusion, only
down the side you didn't take last time; most likely down right as there are
no skip marks there for the one seed. 

For all the work you do returning up the spire you get only six seeds; three
around the lift at the very top. So let me be clear, you don't need to hunt
these down unless you're an achievement whore.

To Royal Spire

Just make a route to the Hall. To get those two seeds under the blue plate at
this spire, just Elika jump from the upper platform to them, then Elika jump
to the other surface. The path to the Hall is best, unless you teleport some
place because there are a ton of easy seeds. 

From the Hall when you hit the first column, go down it for a seed and Elika
jump to a column. You're not done, jump to the wall, hit the ring, jump the 
corner, and you get a few hidden seeds. Go up the ring and resume the path.
Quick kill the enemy, and resume the path of many roof rings. At the spire you
must get to the upper platform to really be here.

Royal Palace: Royal Spire

Just jump up to the middle spire for a funny scene, then a few chats. You jump
up to the plate as the thing is turning, then just follow the path to the
balcony, and just keep an eye out for the one Elika jump to a wall run.

From here you must Elika jump to the plate when it is turning, and after the
next plate you have to Elika jump from where it drops you. Then get on the 
beam, Elika jump over, and Elika jump after this plate; from here on out just
know that most are Elika jumps, so just have your finger ready on her button
the whole way. At the balcony, turn the crank to take the lift up.

#Corrupted: Concubine#

Yep, same as the rest, only you have a center of the arena, and still can't 
ring her out. Your first move is to jump or get to the middle, so you avoid 
any edge animations. You can also use those columns for a little extra 
damage too. Just a basic fight.

*NOTE: In case you missed it, instead of doing a straight Elika x3 combo you
can throw in a grab for the third button, jump, and do an aerial combo.*

Couple of chats, a few seeds, and then slide down the spire. Again, if you 
want the seeds, take the plate. Go wide left of the second one, and then left
when you take the one off the balcony. When you get back to the top, again,
go off the protuding spot.

*NOTE: There is no more need to seed hunting other than achievements. I will
still cover them, but only out of habit and that I am going to do it anyway
do I include the seed hunting beyond the 540 mark.*

Eight seeds around the base. Get to under the first blue plate, then look 
behind you and to the right. From the floor you stand on, not the rail, Elika
jump to that platform. Follow the fissures to the left and you're at another
platform. Look to the middle mechanism and you see the blue plate will show up
on this side. Use it and you can grab a tricky seed on the fissure. To get down
you just slide down the fissure you used to get here.

The return trip up the spire yields only two seeds or so, not a lot. So do
that and come back down.

To The Palace Rooms

Yes, the quickest way is to just teleport to the Coronation Hall, but just 
take the manual path to get the easy seeds. Don't miss that lower path when
your close, which is at the bottom of a long column; it's for a few free seeds,
but don't take it again if you did earlier.

Royal Palace: The Palace Rooms

Elika jump to the plate: right, left, left, left. Next plate: right, left, 
and then a few blues. For the third yellow: right, down, up, right, and then
blue. The fourth yellow just takes you to the end. Have a chat, then go in.

BOSS: The Concubine

It does not start as a fight, so have a few quick chats, not with Elika though,
which is weird, or just glitchy, they pop up as you go too. You have to cut all
the illusions, so hit em.

The first part of the fight is the same as the last fight you had with her,
which means you can use the columns. And remember my tip about extending any
ground-based combos into aerial ones with a grab for your third button. 

*NOTE: For the fighting, getting her to a wall helps add a little more 

After the first scene have a few chats, then take the blue plate to a yellow,
and the rest are harmless, except for the last one which requires and Elika

Go in and have another fight, which should be brief. I mean it should, you've
had this fight a million times up to this point.

For the plates to get to the last level, be ready for an Elika jump off the 
second one and the rest is simple.

For the last fight with the old girl you start with a game of picking an Elika
illusion, only they all disappear when you get close and they keep popping up 
when you cut them. Hmm, well, you can try both forever, or just go jump off the
side, your choice, in fact, just go jump off the side.

The fight is not tough, as she has little health. Just don't "die" to give her
more and it will be easy. 


As the place collapses, you have a few chats, then take the plate out of here.

To Tower of Ahriman

Well, almost done. Since I know you don't care about collecting light seeds,
just teleport to either towers in the City of Light, or the City Gate, and make
your way to the corrupted area. Actually, though the City Gate path is more
familiar, don't go there unless you want a little extra work getting out of 
that furtile ground. 

*NOTE: There is a blue plate at the City Gate, if interested.*

City of Light: Tower of Ahriman

The chats after the initial intro scene sure do sound like they were the 
first bits of VO work the Prince did! Anyway, up the middle beam, roof run to
the ring, go up the wall, and jump to the blue plate. 

Go up and from here it may look like a dead end. Go to the other side of the
platform and jump to the fissure on the wall and go up to the balcony. Go up 
the fissure on the wall, up to the sliding plate, then over to a wooden 
platform. Use the ring here to pull down the upper plate, then get on it and
go left from there. Just turn the crank to turn the gear fissure, and take
it up.

Chat at the platform, the first of the "natural" sounding ones in a long time,
and then use the ring and go across. After a few quick chats, turn the crank so
the near one is an upside down, reverse L. Use this gear's hand holds to get
to the ring, and pull the ring down. Now turn this crank to make only the 
top gear move, and put it in the same upside down, reverse L as the other one.
Now return to the first crank, turn it twice so both gears are nice L's, and
go up the path to the blue plate. Go up the column and Elika jump to the 
furtile ground.

#Corrupted: Warrior#

Yep, it's as easy as it looks. You simply move around him, get him near the 
edge, block an attack, and do three Elika attacks to knock him off, it's really
that simple, can't make it any easier. It's the only way to win, so there's 
nothing more to say.

Heal, chat, grab the free seeds, and begin the plinko game of going down the 
side of the building; it's the slides and jumping, nothing hard, just an Elika
jump and grip falling off an adjacent fissure at the bottom. 

*NOTE: Only time during the Elika jump down the plinko slides do you see what
she does when she saves you in the air, she just floats.*

Couple of chats, then grab the easy seeds around the balcony and the one inside
the spire. You're not on the ground, this is the second level. Go to the wall
you can climb the fissures and you can take a few red plates for a ride. Then
take your path back up to the top, doesn't take too long. And come back down.
To back to the ground is probably something you would have missed. You just
go to the middle of this second level, find the part of the rail missing, look
down to see a seed, grip fall down to the ring, and you're back at the

There's a tricky seed under the base of the tall column. Just stand on the 
center platform, find go opposite the side with the blue plate, slide down,
hit the rings, and that's that.

To City of Light

Looking at the three paths, the left one takes you out of here, the middle 
takes you to Ormazd's tower, and right takes you to the Queen's tower. Let's
head to the Queen's tower, a path you have taken before. 

Take the slides to the platform and look right to see two seeds in what seems
like a plate-only area. Well, jump to the fissure on the right wall and slide
down to a lower fissure. Go right, and wall run right and jump three times, 
using an Elika jump off the last, and go back up.

At the Queen's tower there is a blue plate, so take it for some easy seeds.
Keep going, sliding down the column for a seed and Elika jumping off, then
go ring out the enemy. Use the compass if mixed up, and Elika jump until you
hit the series of columns, then just jump until you reach the slide, then 
follow the poles and beams to do an Elika jump to the final area to be 

City of Light: City of Light

Couple of chats, and more if you hop up near the black gate. You can either 
slide off the edge or wall run to the blue plate on the edge.

Some chats when you land, then let the tentacles go away and then just jump 
the gap. Jump to the fissure on the next wall, go left, and slide down after
the tentacle has been out a bit, and then wall run left when the other is in
to hit the plate. Another easy run, and it throws you in a wall run where you
just have to follow it and you'll get through. 

After the slide you just can't be too late to make your jumps, that is about
all I can tell you as you die if you jump to late anyway by falling. When you
hit a flat platform there are a few chats, and all you can do is go after the
first tentacle leaves, so go and keep going. Same from the fissure, and I 
think the tentacles are just set to let you go if you hit the first one, so 
none of the runs are that hard. Hit the plate and you're in.

#Corrupted: Warrior#

If you can push him straight back with Elika combos from the start that will
work, otherwise just go to the red area under the gate, move around, and push
him to the very back of this little cage thing. Do that and then heal quickly.

Chats, free seeds, and wall run to the blue plate. You may not notice it, but
the black gate is directly in front of where you climb up. Jump the poles and
approach the gate to open it. Grab the seed and you are free to go in.

Returning along the path to the city square is much easier without the 
tentacles in the way, so it's as easy as the first time and then some. There
is a seed above the first fissure, one above the small fissure by a plate,
one to jump to on the first slide, and one above the fissure after the long
series wall runs.

To Warrior's Fortress

Yep, from the exit out of the city square, just jump the poles and you're 

City of Light: Warrior's Fortress

Start by Elika jumping to the green plate, move right to hit the next, move
right then left to hit a blue, move wide right from the third green, and hit
the blue to land on a platform.

Hit the next green, go wide left but stay on the curve, hit the next green, and
follow the fairly simple path to the blue. Pull left as soon as you hit the 
next green, hit the blue, and you are there.

BOSS: The Warrior

The edge is right behind where you start, so perhaps just back up, let him hit 
you twice, save yourself, and then push him off. Otherwise just your basic move
around and Elika combo him off.

Jump off the slide and you get one of the cooler looking fights if anything
else to finish him off. No, you can do nothing to him. All you do here is 
run around, block, and slowing move inward as the thing falls outside in. 
You can roll with the jump button, block, and nothing more, so don't try to
attack in any way. It's just a timed battle, he is slowly burning. Easy.


Just move forward, chat after the scene, and jump to the green and move right
a little bit. Elika jump over the gaps as the place falls apart, and Elika
jump off the ramp.

If this is your final boss, and it should have been, then you are free to 
make your break to the temple. But first, make sure you make a save file now
in case you wish to find all the seeds. Just do it.

Darkness to Light

To the Temple

With all four Corrupted gone you can teleport to the temple, just make sure 
you have a save file seperate for if you wish to go seed hunting. FYI, you
must get out of the Warrior's Fortress to teleport. You are welcome to 
manually make the trip back, if you want to.

*NOTE: If you think the last part is too long, by all means, go hunt all 1000
light seeds. Of course that will take much longer than doing the end 
sequence twice, and you can use that Jade outfit, eh!?*


Last chance to save your game and keep that file for the future. Go into the 

Yep, it's just like the tutorials for each power, only you have all the powers
and platforming thrown in. 

Wall run, hit the rings, jump, and hit the rings to the plates until you reach
a green; move right then left. From the red it's red and a green; right then 
left, and another green to a yellow. Go left, down, up, then down, right, left,
and one last right to the next green; go wide left on the second and back 
right. From the yellow pull up, up again, and then be ready to wall run to a
ring, then a red plate. You hit another red, a few rings and jumps, then a safe
blue, and that's it.

*NOTE: Be sure subtitles are on because the audio is really low at times, or 
mine was just glitchy.*

A Father's Sacrifce

You've been under a rock if you didn't see this coming. Remember, any time you
break into what you think is an Elika x3 combo, toss in a grab and aerial combo
at the third button. No ring outs, be ready for any button press sequence, but
mainly the mash attack, especially if you get near the edges, so try not to.
So play the field left to right.

*NOTE: Saying to avoid the edges is not entirely true if the final attack puts
him on the edge, then it's cool because you add in a littl extra damage.*

Also, he can use any extra power, such as the reverse move, ink, and anything
else you've seen before. One key thing to remember is if you don't have Elika
by you because you missed a shield, you will have on response for an attack
mash press. More than ever you need to try and cancel his changing state as 
he is changing, to stop the health regeneration. 

And that's it. He seems a bit faster than the rest, but probably not. Just keep
those blocks going, at the first sight of the attack coming, and go into two
ground attacks, grab, and an aerial combo. Also keep an eye out for that second
button press at times.

Anyway, not too hard, especially if you've gotten to learn the combat system, 
should be fairly easy, if only a little longer than usual. 

Ahriman's Gambit

*NOTE: If you didn't know how to properly mash buttons, you will now. You just
hold the controller on one knee, hold your index finger right above it, use
your thumb and middle finger to squeeze it, and use your wrist to act like a 
jack hammer on the button. Sure, you can try your thumb only, but that won't
work most the time. Do this for all cleansings.*

Wall run right, on the vines, and take safety on the lighted area. When the 
corruption passes, go right and as you go along the fissure when you stop
that means you must wall run to the next part of the fissure. So go until you
reach the next plate. Then go down a lot, right, and heal this furtile 

*NOTE: I don't know why you would, but if you stop on the vines you should
perpare to get punched. Also, the corruption only rises when near a plate,
so move quickly when close to one. The golden rule as you near a plate is to
move up and right at an angle, that seems to be the only thing that works.*

Nope, not over. Keep going right (just like in the Mario days!) and reach the
third plate. After the next fissure part, when you get on the vines you have to
go right a bit more than you think, but please also move up as you do, then go
up and quickly run up to the next plate before you're too late. Then go right
as you wall run between the patches of vines. Hit the plate, heal the ground,
and you're still not done.

Yep, keep going right to the plate. Keep going to the next plate, and reach
the platform area below a ground. No, can't go up, so keep going right. Hit the
plate and keep going until you reach a flat area. The path will break away,
so be ready for single jumps and one Elika jump to the next vines and to the
plate. Go right along the rings to the ground you were under and cleanse it.

Now take the plate, and once you are in just tap like crazy the Elika button
and you're almost done.

Light to Darkness

Just leave the controller down for a minute, it's a free achievement/trophy,
so why not? The ramp is to your left, so walk up, and keep on walking that 
lonely walk. Certainly not your average credits. Keep going all the way out
of the temple. 

Interesting, huh? Start with the Citadel tree. The ring is behind on the left
and for the second wall jump you have to do it quick. For the Vale's tree you
have to jump a narrow gap back and forth. For the Palace tree you jump from
the low one to the left, then just normal jumps to the tree. For the City
tree you take the ring and follow the rings to the tree. You cut each tree,
if you didn't realize.

Return to the temple and go in. Little scary what might happen, huh? Go in,
cut the main tree, and I think you know what to do...

See you next time!

* 5. FAQ / Author Info / Copyright                                            *





Q: Titanic view?

A: Machinery Ground at the Vale. Teleport to the furtile ground and hit that 
beam nearby.

Q: Assassin's view?

A: Hit the Martyr's Tower at the Ruined Citadel. Below the furtile ground level
is a balcony, and at the corner is a beam. Remember view points? What a 
nightmare those caused me! For each new district you had to find new view 
points! Argh, I hate you!

Q: Precious Time?

A: After you beat Ahriman and are holding Elika, just stop for one minute and
don't do anything. Perhaps maybe possibly at the beginning or after the 
Warrior battle as well, not sure.

Q: Sinking to New Depths?

A: Go to the left side of the temple, or the east side near the City of
Light and take a short passage and get to the bottom of it and you'll get
this achievement.

Q: How do you unlock last generation PoP skins?

A: Enter code 525858542 in the skin manager.

Q: How do you unlock Jade?

A: Beat the game once.

Q: How do you unlock Altair?

A: Log onto, make an account, then press the "Exclusive Content"
button from the main menu of the game with your internet connected. Real cool,
and you can activate the skin from the main menu under Extras and play it at 
any time. Almost the only reason to play this game.

Q: Other two skins?

A: No clue at this time.

Q: Help me, I'm missing [insert a small number] seeds?

A: Easy, just open your map, find the areas you are missing seeds, and 
hopefully looking around will help you out; look all over, ALL OVER!

And if you want all 1001 light seeds, you achievement whore you, then you 
must at least revisit every area, take every path, and hopefully follow the 
tips in my guide for the area. 

I plan to take the second half of each area from my walkthrough, re-read them,
find the seed parts, find the tricky seeds you would miss otherwise, and 
put all the difficult seeds in one section. This will be hard for the paths, as
half of each path will belong to a different area, but I'll just put them under
a "point A to point B" format.



Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want
to talk, or if you want to ask a question. All help is appreciated, but that
doesn't mean it will be included in the guide.

Flamers may or may not get a response, most likely not. Please, I'm not here to
hate on people or start fights, so even if you disagree with me but aren't 
looking to flame, just be polite.

My email:

Title of your email should be: 		PoP

*I know there are many games called "Prince of Persia" but this is my first
guide covering one, so whatever. Also, please, don't ask me where your missing
seeds are, that's not what this guide is for, yet.

Extra points for good spelling. So anything you want to send, email away. 
Sadly, if I get your email on my phone don't expect much punctuation. Also,
if I don't reply that most likely means I can't help. I'll always reply if I
know the answer to your question.

PS - To GameFAQ's users, if you like the guide, click "recommend" at the top
of the guide, but only if you like it.

PPS - I cannot fix bugs, glitches, or achievements/trophies not clicking. I
mean, I can't write some code and hack your machine or anything, and speaking
of which, I can't fix technical issues either. That should be a given, but 
these things I get asked a lot and I can never fix them for you.



I have other guides floating around too. They are:

Resident Evil 4
Dead Rising
Gears of War
Lost Planet
Rainbow Six Vegas
TES IV: Oblivion
Shivering Isles
Knights of the Nine
The Darkness
Halo 3
Half-Life 2
HL2: Episode One
HL2: Episode Two
Call of Duty 4
Assassin's Creed
Mass Effect
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Perseus Mandate
Sam & Max Episode 203
Devil May Cry 4
God of War: Chains of Olympus
Rainbow Six Vegas 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Metal Gear Solid 4
Alone in the Dark (360)
NCAA Football 09
Madden 09
Dead Space
Gears of War 2
Call of Duty: World at War



I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask
me, and all because I write these little guides.

Also, I am in the October issue as well, which should be out at the time of 
this guide's release. At least I ain't a one hit wonder.

In a nice surprise, I didn't even know I was in the March 2008 issue of 
GamePro, but I am. Maybe I'll be in more I don't know about...

Look to for a slew of other articles written by me in the 
featured article section.



Here is my list of sites:

GameFAQs (main host site)
GamersTemple (
CheatCodeCentral (
and more here and there, too many to keep up with
and even a few foreign ones too!

*NOTE: There are many more with single guides, and then others with a few, and
some that I just don't keep track of.*

All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the
guide be ad-free and in this text format.

And if you want to make a donation at my site for hosting a guide, that is 
fine too.



Here is my website:

You'll find all my other guides here too and perhaps something else you may



Since I have decided that I will make a focused effort to cover the hard modes
for all games, this guide-making business has become much more than just a
nice little hobby, it's become like a job. A job with no pay. I'm not slaving
to work away at playing video games, but it's not as easy as making a 
walkthrough and being done with it.

Before I could just cover the game and assume everyone realized the hard mode
would be the same thing but harder, but I think people really need help with
these difficulties, especially with so many people hungry for achievements and

So enough of my sad story, here is the link to my donation page and you can 
give whatever you like. Seriously, $1 adds up over a few people. And I saved
you $20 on an over-priced, overly-long, overly-complicated picture guide that
doesn't update and you would never use it again.

I'm not out to make money, but it sure would make this weird thing I do much
more acceptable to the family if I got something for my effort. There aren't
many people who CAN do what I do.

Thanks to anyone who at least would like to give, even if they can't.



This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, 
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2008 Brad Russell

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Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
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