Luigi’s Mansion FAQ/Walkthrough

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       To rescue your brother, you'll need one heck of a complete guide!


                              Luigi's Mansion(GCN)
                Written by: ChaosDemon(
                                Version: 3.8
                           Last Updated: 2K1/12/27
                  Located at:


Well, it's the Gamecube
Launch title, and with
Luigi's brother, Mario,
they're both part of
systems. Mario was the
launch title for Nintendo
64 and his brother is now
part of the Gamecube launch.
With my jaw-excersize
out of the way,
here we go.

Area 0 & 1 of Walkthrough completed...

Table of Contents
II.........Version History
IV.........Luigi's Mansion Q & A
           a)ASCII Maps
           1.Area 0
             b)The Lab
           2.Area 1
               d)Wardrobe Room
                e)Small Balcony
                 f)Second Floor Hallway
                   h)Master Bedroom
                     j)The Crib
            3.Area 2
              b)First Floor Hallway
               c)Bathroom I
                d)First Floor Hallway
                  f)Storage Room
                    h)Washroom I
                     i)Fortune-Teller Room
                      j)Mirror Room
                       k)Fortune-Teller Room
                        l)Laundry Room
                         m)First Floor Hallway
                          n)Butler's Room
                           o)Hidden Room I
                             q)Dining Room
                                 u)The Crypt
               4.Area 3
                (not completed)
               5.Area 4
                (not completed)

                                     L E G A L
    This FAQ, document otherwise text file is published on GameFAQs and written by
Tony J. Tso (ChaosDemon). Copyright 2001 ChaosDemon. All Rights Reserved. Nothing
that appears in this FAQ, document otherwise text file may be repro-duced in
whole or in part without the express written permission from the Author,
copyright owner(I.E. Me). The name 'ChaosDemon' is a registered trademark of
Tony J. Tso. If you are interested in using this FAQ, documentor text file, email
me at:, for your message to get to my Inbox and not
the Trash Folder, remove the "nospam" from the address. All have to do is ask,
and 99% of the time, I'll let you. But just don't use it without my permission,
or I'll be forced to act legally. (Sorry if this was a bit drastic, but I don't
have a choice.) This document can be stored on your computer but, BUT FOR
YOR OWN PERSONAL USES ONLY!!!!!! If your friends want to view this guide, just tell
them to goto GameFAQs.  There are also guidelines to which you HAVE TO FOLLOW
if you want host my guides:

1. You MUST give me credit.
2. You can NOT alter anything that is in this FAQ
3. It can not be placed in a frame, but if you do, the frame can not be a
left frame, and the top bar frame must be able to be turned off.
4. If you can not follow these guidelines with no question, don't bother

These sites will always have my permission for posting my FAQs:

Why you say?  These sites will always keep up with the lastest Revisions.
Other sites may have permission.  If you find them on anywhere else, chances
are, it isn't the lastest revision.  And if you find a site that has this
FAQ on it without me credited, report to me right away!

Now with all that out of the way, let's get on with the Version History! :P

                          V E R S I O N  H I S T O R Y
12/27/01 01:25 PM - A lot of progress, I'm upto Washroom 1.  But that's where
it stops.  More to come soon.

12/25/01 04:51 PM - Merry Christmas!  I'm really enjoying X-mas today, and I'm
going to a party today.

12/13/01 09:39 AM - Nice progress, started Area 2, hope to complete.

12/01/01 07:13 PM - Very long since my last update...and bigger progress today
, just 5 rooms of walkthrough.

11/20/01 03:49 PM - After another 5 days, no progress.  Just some walkthrough
(one room).

11/15/01 01:38 PM - 5 days since my last update, and there's not much progress
.  Added *very*, *very* little bits of walkthrough.

11/1o/01 11:57 AM - Yes sir ree, the first ever Gamecube FAQ from yours truly.
And I'm excited to get this one under way, so I'm gonna stop with the talking
and start on the content!

                            I N T R O D U C T I O N
     Wow, you're thinking this right-off-the-bat: "Oh my god, this ChaosDemon
guy lost his mind, Luigi's Mansion?  Luigi's Mario's faithful sidekick!, he
doesn't have the right to star in his own game!"  If you're thinking this,
you need to get out of your closet a little more these days.  Luigi's Mansion
is one of the most anticipated titles for the Nintendo Gamecube.  The Nintendo
Gamecube is the next generation of gaming, with the crisp graphics and now
a wireless controller?!  With a launch title of Luigi's Mansion, the Gamecube
is at least worth a look at.  And the price of Gamecube starting at 299$
Canadian?  I say why not?  Just remember one thing, Luigi's Mansion, it isn't
typo, it's really life, pal.

    It's about time you take a pinch at yourself to see if you're not dreaming
or not.  But Mario is "strangely" missing, and when the main character is missing,
you'll need a good substitute.  And if you really think hard, why not Luigi?
It's finally time for Luigi to step out from the shadows and into the light,
but unfortunetly, Luigi will need a pretty decent LIGHT to help him out in
this Gamecube launch title...

    Now with the busisness aspects of the game explored, let's get to the
gameplay part of the game.  Luigi this time leads the way for the cast, rather
than being number two every single time.  Luigi wins a contest without any
contestants in it.  And his prize you say?  A huge mansion, and this is HUGE,
I mean H U G E!  But, huge mansions, creepy painting, weird noises, a nutty
professor always leads upto one result...the ghost hunt of your life.

    Luigi is frightened the first time he lays his eyes on this huge mansion,
and when he steps in, it gets just even worse for our beloved friend Luigi.
This nutty professor offers infromation and a vacum cleaner to help Luigi
rid the ghosts that haunt Luigi's Mansion and thus starts a great game of
epic porportions...

                     L U I G I ' S  M A N S I O N  Q & A
    Welcome to Professor Demon's Q & A part of his _good_ FAQs!  You can email
me with your questions too at:

Q: Are you REALLY not nuts, I mean you're writing a FAQ for a game called
"Luigi's Mansion"!

A: No sir ree, I am not crazy, and if I was, would you be reading this on
GameFAQs right now?  But now that you think of it, we're all a little crazy
in one way or another...


Q: No really, are you crazy?

A: NO!!! I am not crazy, and if you ask that question again, I'll be forced
to cry like a girl!


Q: Okay, okay, settle down tiger.  Where can I get my own copy of Luigi's
Mansion? (if it actually exists that is)

A: [Growling]


Q: Will Luigi's Mansion only be about slaying ghosts and stuff?  'Cause that
doesn't really sound like a good game.

A: Actually, it is about slaying ghosts, but searching for each of the ghosts
can keep you busy for four hours of continuest play, plus several bosses are
also in the works, just like any other Shigeru Miyamoto game.


Q: I'm wondering why they don't just make a game for Mario and he searches for
his brother, and _he_ rids his mansion of ghosts, just like any other traditional
Nintendo game.

A: Actually, simply because Nintendo have been receiving a lot of letters
talking about how come Mario keeps getting the spotlight.  And "Mario's Mansion",
it just doesn't have the same ring to it, right?


Q: How much does Luigi's Mansion cost?

A: 74.99$ Canadian in Future Shop, but a lot of places might be more cheaper.
So, before you buy, shop around.


Q: How is it even possible to get a copy of this game?

A: I was lucky enough to be able to camp near the Future Shop because I live
kind of near (like two blocks) =)


Q: How many levels are in Luigi's Mansion?

A: There's a first floor, a second floor, a third floor, a roof and a basement.
That comes to five(5) levels for you to conquer., answering those questions was kind of tough.  Again, you can email
me your question at


                                    B A S I C S

Analougue stick
This makes Luigi walk, run and even tiptoe.  To perform the
walk, just slightly press the analouge stick in a direction.  To perform the
run, push the analougue stick to the farthest possible.  To perform the tip-toe,
really, really, really, slightly, press the analougue stick in a direction.

Camera stick
Originally, this stick is designed to allow you, the player to switch the
camera angles around, but in Luigi's Mansion, there's an exception.  In this
Gamecube launch title, the camera stick is designed for Luigi to aim where
he wants the flashlight and the Poltergust 3000.  This is crucial to capture
the ghosts that lurk the mansion.

A button
The main action button of the game.  Use it to open doors, tap walls,
and to move or shake objects.  If you're not near an open door, a wall, or
an object, you'll make Luigi scream out: "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaario!!!"

B button
When holding down the B button, you'll shut off the flashlight that Luigi
depends so much on, leaving the poor guy alone in the dark *duh-duh-duh*.
You can use this to your advantage though, you can easily startle a ghostie.
To do so, when you know you're near a ghost, quickly release the B button
to stun the ghost in this room.  Poor ghost, he never saw it coming.

X button
By holding down the X button, you'll toggle on the Game Boy Horror, Exploration
mode.  Why should we use the Game Boy Horror you say?  Well, you can use this
to look at something closely or maybe you just want to look at the mansion
with it's beautiful graphics.  For some ghosts, you'll need to look at their
hearts to learn how to deafeat them.  The Game Boy Horror is also neccessary
if you want to find the hidden rooms with some extra cash, a.k.a, $_$, a.k.a

Y button
By pressing the Y button, you turn on the Map screen.  Press up or down on
the analogue stick to see cycle through the floors available, and press left
or right on the "A" stick to rotate the map.  Press the A button to zoom into
a location and press the B or Y buttons to put away the map.

R button
The R button switches the Poltergust 3000 on allowing you to capture ghosts
or rake in the items.  Hold down the R button for rapid-fire old-school vacuming.

Z button
By pressing the Z button, you'll switch on the status screen.  Doing this is,
yes, you guessed it, also useful!   In the status screen you can check out
the items you've located, cash you've "earned" and as well as check out
info on the portrait ghosts you've captured.

START button
Yes, you've guessed it, press the Start button to pause the game.
can use this when emergencies for the washroom break in, or you want to somethin',
etc., etc...

Boo Radar
This small dot in the right corner of the screen will let you know when a
Boo is nearby. Boos will only appear in cleared rooms. If the Boo Radar
shows blue, there are no Boos in the room. If there is a Boo in the room,
it will show yellow. Boos hide in objects, so you'll need to move around
the room. When the radar flashes yellow, you are getting closer. When it
flashes red, you have found the Boo. Vacuum the object to flush out the Boo.
 Note: The Boo Radar won't appear until after you've released the 50 Boos.

Element Counter
The Poltergust 3000 is a really good weapon for you to use.  It's a really
unique vacum because it can capture ghosts for you AND, that's right AND it
can be powered by three different elements.  The three elements are: water,
fire and ice.  By vacuming up the elements, you'll fill up your Element Cou-
nter.  When you dispel an element (for example shooting water out of your
Poltergust 3000) your element will eventually be used up and yes, that's a
bad thing.  While using an element, keep one eye on the counter so you won't
"accidently" use it up, and when you seriously need it, you won't have it.

Professor E. Gadd's Laboratory
When the game starts, you'll be in the Professor Laboratory.  You can think
the professor's lab. as the "Ghost busting Headquarters".  Whenever you
A: restart the game, or B: beat a boss, you'll be transported back here!
Here's the list of things you can do here

• Pressing Room - The Pressing Room is where defeated bosses are stamped
into portraits for your lovely Portrait Gallery.

• Training Room - Obviously Mario didn't hit the training room, or he
wouldn't have gotten lost in the mansion. Hone your ghost busting skills
here so you can tackle all the bad things that go bump in the night.

• Portrait Gallery - Check out the portraits you've found and see just how
many you have left to find.

Types of Ghosts
There are a few different types of ghosts. Each requires a different
strategy to beat. To beat any ghost you must expose their heart; then you
can suck them up with your Hoover. The trick is getting their hearts to

Normal Ghosts - These ghosts can have some different looks to them, but all
are easily sucked up by Luigi's vacuum cleaner. Flash them with your
flashlight (sadly, there is no button that makes Luigi drop his pants) and
then turn on your vacuum cleaner. You'll need to keep the vacuum cleaner
aimed on them until they are completely disposed of.

Masked Ghosts - Some ghosts wear masks, making them a little tougher than
regular ghosts. The trick is to suck off their mask first. Once maskless,
they are just like regular ghosts and can be stunned by your flashlight.

Cash Ghosts - These are tough ghosts to nab. They hide in cupboards and
closets, waiting to scare poor little Luigi. You will have to flash them
quickly and then suck 'em up. They disappear fast so be on your guard
whenever opening a cupboard, cabinet, drawer, or closet. If you manage to
catch one, he'll leave behind goodies like gold, money, and gems.

Fire Ghosts - These nasty fellows have a fire protecting their hearts.
To beat a Fire Ghost you'll need to attach a Water Emblem to your vacuum
cleaner. This will let you spray water to put out the fire protecting the
heart. Once the fire's out, you can treat these babies like regular ghosts.

Water Ghosts - Like Fire Ghosts, these ghosts have protected hearts. Use
the Ice Emblem with your vacuum cleaner to chill out.

                                 C H A R A C T E R S

Why would the game be called "Luigi's Mansion" if Luigi's not in the game in
the first place?  And this time, Luigi is the playable character, not Mario!
Luigi, being the unique guy that he is, is even more unique as a main character.
how come he's a hero that's: a)afraid of the dark b)frighten by ghosts and
c)gets startled every single time someone...something touches him?  Even
though he's just like an average shmo, Luigi's is prepared for what's ahead.

Professor E. Gadd
Professor E. Gadd is the nutty professor in this game, but he's more like a
mentor.  Professor E. Gadd offers information and your main weapon: a..vacum.
Nope, that wasn't a typo.  Professor E. Gadd supplys Luigi with the tricked-
out vacum to snagg the ghosts and rid Luigi's Mansion of the haunted madness.
It doesn't appear to be a great weapon and (if my active memory serves me
correctly) this is the first time in history that a video game character uses,
not a sword, nor a gun, to slay enemies but a Vacum Cleaner.

Big Boo
The Big Boo from many other titles(notably Super Mario 64) has one thing in
his mind: vengeance.  Not only is he the leader of the Boos, but he's already
snagged one half on the dynamic duo known as "Super Mario Bros." and he's
out to snag the other half, Luigi, is victim number two, but will he suceed,
or get captured-into-a-vucum-cleaner trying?

Not only is he not the main character anymore, but he took the role of the
"being rescued", Luigi is out to rescue his red counter part and he's going
to need your help doing it.

     Welcome to the item section!  I'm going to tell YOU every single item
available for you in Luigi's Mansion!  When searching for the many ghosts in
Luigi's Mansion make sure you search every nook and cranny in the Mansion
for items, too!

Poltergust 3000(the vacum)
Your Primary weapon against the lurking ghosts in your mansion, is your most
reliable.  You'll need this vacum to suck in each of the ghosts and take
retire them...permanetly.

Game Boy Horror(GBH)
Professor E. Gadd will not only give you the Vacum, but he'll also hand over
the variation of the portable video system known as the Game Boy Color, the
Game Boy Horror.  The Game Boy Horror(GBH) will provide you with information
and an interlink connection with Professor E. Gadd.
You can use your Game Boy Horror to view a map of the mansion, see the immediate
area from a first person perspective and gather clues.  When the Boos escape,
your GBH[Game Boy Horror] will help you find them.

The Flashlight
Here's the secondary item of your aresnal, you will need the flashlight to
stun the ghosts in their tracks and then take them in with the Poltergust
3000.  The Flashlight is some what a bit more used than the GBH, making the
flashlight the secondary weapon.

A lot of ghosts pack some really mean attacks, and that causes Luigi to reel.
Luckily, thanks to these helpful Hearts, you can heal the wound(s).  When
your heart meter is lowering, you can find big and small hearts to refill
that meter of yours, and that's something to be greatful for.

Cash a.k.a $_$ a.k.a ching-ching!
It's an old tradition for Mario and Luigi to locate gold coins, but the stakes
just got a little higher in Luigi's Mansion.  The treasure that can now be
located in Luigi's Mansion include dollar bills, pearls, diamonds and even
gold bars!  This is just another reason to play Luigi's Mansion. :)

Mansion Keys
Once you've conquered a room with a bunch of spirits, you'll usually earn a
useful item.  Most of the time you will earn a Key, allowing you to goto other
rooms in the mansion.  Remember to explore a lot, 'cause the former hero known
as Mario will need your help.

Saving Toad
Locating Princess Peach's assistant, Toad on several occassions on your twisted
quest.  Locate Toad to save your progress -- or non-progress to your GCN
Memory Card.  It's important to save often, in any game.

Shrinking Shroom
Touching these deadly, spotted mushroom thingys will cause havoc for Luigi.
It won't poision him, but it'll shrink down and that'll make Luigi lose his
ability to capture ghosts for a short period of time.  When you see one of
these things, keep from a safe distance until then dissapear.

                              W A L K T H R O U G H
                                      ASCII Maps

EW: Element Water
EF: Element Fire
EI: Element Ice
START: Start
S: Save Point

1st Floor
#           #
#           #
#           #######   #################################################   ##
#           #     #    #                              #
#           #          #                              #
#           #     #    #                              #
#           #######    ##### ####################################### #######
#           #     #                                       #
#           #
######  ################# #######################    #######################
#           #                   #               #    #
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#           #                   #               #    #######################
## ##############################################    #
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#                #                                   #######################
#                #                                            #
#########  #########################  ###################  #################
#           #            #  (S)    START         #            #            #
#           #            #                       #            # (EF)       #

                                    Area 0


    In the start of the game, you'll be in the Foyer point of Luigi's new
mansion, with only your trusty Flashlight and your determination to finish
this thing.  This level doesn't have anything for you do, so you should work
on some ghostbusting moves.  You can look around at your surroundings, and
practice using your flashlight (I.E. switching it off).  Do some callings for
Mario (but there will not be a reply from him).  Go around and check the locked
doors and scan the Foyer.  Now head back to the entrance, now, a key should
appear.  Grab it and run up the stairs and to the double doors.  Press the
A button to use the key and open the doors.  Now sit back and watch the cinema.
This cut-scene is about introducing a fellow named Professor E. Gadd who saves
Luigi from ghosts.  You'll now be taken to the Professor's ghost reasearching

     b)Professor E. Gadd's Laboratory

      Now that you've learned more about the whole issue with Mario and that
he's in some serious trouble.  If you want to even come close saving Luigi's
brother, you'll need some serious A+ skills.  So, let's get training!  The
professor will send you to the Training Room so you can get work your skills
up.  Now, to survive the challenges ahead, you'll need to train really well.
Some key things are: using your flashing your flashlight at ghosts will stun
them.  Once their heart is in your sight, use the Poltergust 3000 to capture
the ghosts.  After your short training is over with, the Professor will offer
to take you to the Portrait Room, or you can start with your journey and look
for your brother.

     Look around in the portrait gallery and talk to Professor E. Gadd.  He'll
tell you about the twenty-two ghosts that escaped from their repsective portraits
Now that you've learned more about the background, you'd probably want to actually
do some playin' right?  Thought so.  Okay, talk to the professor and say you
want to go back to the lab.  He'll ask you where you would like to go here and
choose the mansion to begin the most anticipated quest of the season.

                                     Area 1


     Welcome back to your mansion!  Arriving here is your first test, conquering
what's ahead will be a little harder...OK let's get on with the walkthrough!
You'll see Toad crying as soon as you get it.  Watchout for the chandelier above,
if you step under it, it'll fall on you.  Talk to Toad to save your game.  If
you want, you can use your Poltergust 3000 to suck in the carpet so Luigi can
take a look at how good of a good-lookin' guy he is.  Now quikly run up stairs.
*ChaosDemon's One minute tip* Always remember to shake objects to reveal some
helpful items.  If you can't shake them, trying using the Poltergust 3000 on
them.  Shake anything from vases to drawers.</ChaosDemon's one minute tip>
Try shaking stuff here, once you've collect enough items, head into the double


    The parlor seems to be rather not-interesting at first -- but first looks
can be deceiving, right?  Right.  Start off using your vacum cleaner on some
objects in the room.  What to use on you say?  The lamp, the desk and tables
are good starts.  You can also receive a heart by knocking on the screen in
the back corner of the room.  Also, don't forget to use your Poltergust 3000
on the chandelier.  Now get ready for one heck of a fight.  Blow out the
candles on the back wall surrounding the portrait (bearded dude with a big
snoz).  With the candles out of the way, the ghosts are cued to make their
un-welcomed appearence.  Now quickly give them a big shock with the flashlight
and take them to school (by this I mean, capture each of them with the Polter-
gust 3000 ;)

     With the ghosts defeated in this room, a treasure chest will appear to
reward you for your accomplishment.  Now if you want some even _extra_ earnings,
knock on the cabinet behind the trasure chest to get some coins.  Use the key
you just got to enter the next room.


    When you enter the room, the door shuts on you (now that's kinda rude don't
ya think?) there's really nothing for you do here except tackle ghosts.  So,
remembering what you did in the last room, do same here, use flashlight to
freeze and then take them in with the Poltergust 3000.  There's a lot of ghosts
in here, so if you get hurt, shake the tables to get some hearts.  Defeat them
and enter the next room.

    d)Wardrobe Room

    There's some things to look out for, you gotta watch out for some of those
nasty green ghosts.  Why should I look out for them you say?  They throw some
bannana peels on the floor and that can cause Luigi to fall on his behind[Ouch!]
There are four ghosts that can easily be seen.  The last ghost is hiding in the
closet near the right corner of the room.  Shake the closet to make the coward
or a ghost come out.  When the lights come on, you'll be able to find a key on
the coat rack.

    e)Small Balcony

   In this next area, you'll see Toad crying.  Give him the 'ole "Hello" and
he'll save your game.  Now you gotta head back to the Foyer.  What's the point?
You now have the ability(key) to open the door to the left.  But wait, before
you open the door, Professor E. Gadd comes in and warns you that the ghosts
ahead will be tougher than the ones you've previously faced.  It's your opinon
to decide whether it is or is it not.  Maybe he's just trying to scare you?
Something to think about...

    f)Second Floor Hallway

   Piece of cake, look around for a little ghost mice, capture it.  If you leave
it along, it'll end up hurting you, and yes that's a bad thing by the way.
Now head into the first door you see.


   Now in this room, you have one prime target, and that's the ghost on the
rocking chair.  To protect himself, he'll make books come at you with some
what speed, try to avoid these as much as possible.  There's something you
should do before you go at the ghost.  Maybe you're interested in some cheese?
Do it, it's worth it, you'll find out why now: head to the back of the desk
use the Game boy Horror (hit the Y button) and now in exploration mode, look
around for some cheese.  Find it and hit the A button.  Exit the Game Boy Horror
mode and look out for a gold mouse to run accross the floor.  Using your trusty
Poltergust 3000, capture it to earn some money.  *ChaosDemon's one-minute tip*
Yes, it's another one.  Gold ghosts can only be captured on an uncleared room,
meaning, you haven't defated all the ghosts yet.

   With the gold mouse out your way, it's time to handle the dude on the rocking
chair.  You won't be able to see him when Luigi is staring at him directly.
Head to the right side of the ghost and have Luigi's back towards him.  At
this point and time, he should stop reading his book.  What do you do now?
Attack him of course!  Make a quick turn to face him and then use the Poltergust
3000 to take him in.  He has 100 health points, so remember to keep on vacuming
until he's fully taken in.  Once the lights go on, another treasure chest
should appear.  Open it to retrieve the key to the next room.

     h)Master Bedroom

   Here comes another room.  This next room's prime target it located on the
bureau, she's sitting on it, coming her hair (what hair?!) This one's a
relitivly an easy one to beat, all you gotta do is know how.  Aim the Poltergust
3000 at the right curtain near the corner of the window to pull the curtain
back.  There will now be a hole in the window causing a draft.  The ghost will
now get up to ATTEMPT to close the curtain, yes, ATTEMPT.  Get it?  Turn at
her NOW and use the Poltergust 3000 to take her in.  Her heart won't be out for
too long.  Take her in and the lights will come out.  Goto the treasure chest
and open it to snag yet another yet,


   Don't worry, this is the semi-final room, or the second last room of Area 1,
yep, that's right you're always done!  But unfortunetly, getting there maybe
a little difficult.  What am I getting at...good question.  There's a boss
coming in about a matter of seconds!  Or maybe minutes, okay, okay, a couple
minutes.  If you've taken some abuse, and needs some healing, I got exactly
what you're lookin' for.  Use the Poltergust 3000 on the dresser beside the door
to grab a full heart to heal all of the damage taken.  Let's get on with the
"slaughterings"(I really like that word) shall we?  Alright, use the Poltergust
3000 on the rocking horse thingy until you make a baby ghost appear.  If you
like to think so, he's kinda cute right?  Maybe, but he ain't that friendly.

    Those darned teddy bears will now start lunging at you like crazy, it
might not be that neccessary, but it is for the bears.  So show no mercy and
release Poltergust 3000 vengeance on them (it isn't that hard to take them in
by the way) Now focus your attention on the ball on the floor.  Take it with
your Poltergust 3000 and hold on to the R button.  Take a good look at the
little baby and realease!  The ball will hit the baby right on the head, yep,
square on the head.  That gotta hurt right?  Probably it will, and now he
gets even more angry.  He shrinks Luigi and then takes him into that awful
crib of his.

    j)The Crib

    The baby is not cranking.  Hmm...I'm wonderin' why isn't it whining like
a baby yet?  Well, forget about his feelings and get ready to take him to
school.  He should think again before invading into your territory again, eh?
Actually, you kinda invaded his terrirtory right?  Anyways, let's get on with
the fighting.  The baby has three main attacks: the rocking horse thingy,
which happens to fly over the crib for some reason.  To avoid the rocking
horse thingy, just get out of the way, it always seem to fly straight.  As
for the second attack, the baby will drop some balls at you dodge them and
the last ball will remain on the ground.  Use the Poltergust 3000 and take
it in, hold the R button to hold onto the ball.  Take good aim and release
the R button at the baby to hit him.  Now the kid will be ready for some
Poltergusting.  Take him in as much as possible.

    You probably won't be able to take him in completly the first try, and
if you don't, here comes the third attack.  He's gonna do some belly floppying
around the crib.  To avoid this, just stay out of his way.  Repeat the tactics
to beat him and you'll eventually beat that darned baby.  You'll get back
to the Nursery now and return to your normal size.  Open the treasure chest
to recieve a Pink Key.  Professor E. Gadd will now bring you back to his lab
to show you his Ghost Portricationizer.  Well, that's Area Number One down,
only three more to go!  You'll have to figure out the next parts for now,
and I'll be back with more next time.

                                     Area 2

      The first Thing I should do is: Welcome to Area number 2 of Luigi's Mans
ion!  That was the good news.  Now, for the bad news: it'll just get a little
harder did I say little?  I mean lots.  Hey, I didn't mean to scare you, but wh
at the heck, You can't live a lie.  Alright now it's time for the Foyer walkth
rough, and it isn't that hard.  Head down to the bottom floor and then into th
e double doors.  The energy field surrounding the door will now of disappeared
allowing you to go through.  So, use the pink key you picked up by defeating
the boss in Area 1.  And thus, ending our adventure in the foyer.

         b)First Floor Hallway

      We are now at the First Floor hallway.  Make a turn to the right and
continue to do so until you reach a hallway on your left.  Just a little remin
der to you: when going down hallways, inside rooms, etc, always remember to us
e the Poltergust 3000 to suction in on objects for  items, more money and stuf
f like that.  Also, just try to shake pots when [and] where you can.  When
going down the hallway, some ghosts will try and scare you[Luigi].  You can
a)ignore them, or b)shine the Flashlight at them.  Either way, it's your call.
You should soon reach the end of the hall, take a left and follow the hallway,
turn right when you can.  There's only one door you can open, and that's the
very last door on the left side of the wall.  Open it to reach...

        c)Bathroom 1

      The bathroom contains two ghosts for you to handle, and they *can* be
tough because you're in such a small room.  The room will be dark, which (you
probably figured this out by now) makes Luigi a prime target for...grabbing!
So in the likely event of when that happens, keep pressing up and down on the
control[anolouge] stick to break free.  Turn around and give them a good dose
of light to stun them.  Then use the Poltergust 3000 to bring 'em in.
With the ghosts taken care of, let's grab the key.  Which is located in the
shelf near the bath tub.  It's time, it's time, to...head back into the hallw-
ay! :)

        d)First Floor Hallway[again]
      [This part thanks to IGN Guides]

      Head down the hallway towards the door you just found a key for. Use the
map if you aren't sure which door it is. Use the key and enter the room.


      In the Ballroom, there are a total of six-masked ghosts that you'll need
to clean up.  To do so, use the Poltergust 3000 to take in the mask, then give
them a friendly dose of light.  With the mask taken off, you'll need to use th
e vacum to take in the ghosts.  Repeat and the six will be gone.  One more not
e: they'll *atempt* to disappear when you suck off their masks, if you manage
to take them in when right after the 'mask-move', you'll have it more easier.
If you don't, wait until they reappear again, _then_ use the Poltergust 3000
to get rid of the ghosts.  When the six ghosts have been taken in, you'll need
to take in the portrait ghost.

      The checkered floor will start spinning.  You'll now need to step on the
floor to make ghosts come out dancing.  Show them  your back and the man's hea
rt will come out.  Quickly turn around and use the trusty vacum to take him in
!  Take care of the other ghost the same way and with this room ghost-free, a
treasure chest will come out.  Just incase you're wondering, there's a key in
there.  Use the key to open the door in the back of the room.  Open the door t
o continue.

       f)Storage Room

      Right when you enter the room, you're not welcomed.  A purple ghost will
charge the heck out of you if you don't take him in right away.  With that
pointed out, I have to tell you about another thing.  A RED ghost this time
will hug Luigi from behind.  It's best if you take care of the hugging red
ghost first.  These two badies can cause a big challenge for you.  Why?
Because they can cause a lot of damage, that's it.  With the ghosts taken down
, there's something you got to do first.  If you look at the mirror, you'll
probably see a red button behind you.  If not, use the Gameboy Horror(GBH) to
look around and you'll see it.  Go and press the button.  You should then noti
ce that the west wall be gone, allowing you to continue.

      It's now time to take a challenge in.  Head through the left wall and lo
ok for a portrait[sign] marked "DANGER" and use the Poltergust 3000 to take it
in.  This will reveal a button behind the sign.  If I know you(and I probably)
do) you'll press the button.  So, press it already!  Upon pressing the button,
you'll release 50 Boos, lead by King Boo himself.  Now the 50 Boos will have
made their way to rooms of the mansion.  Alright then, I made a mistake.  You
shouldn't of pressed that button.  You should've left it there and this wouldn
't of happend.  Blah...blah...blah but anyways, Professor E. Gadd will now
take you back to his lab and explain a little more about the ghosts.


      Alright, by freeing those Boos, you'll need to learn how to use the
BOO RADAR, and the Professor will teach you how (Or refer back to the Basics
ection.  Now that know how, head upstairs again.  You will now need to take do
wn five Boos in order to progressing the game.  The Boos will often escape fro
m your grasp, and that has to hurt.  If they do manage to escape(and 50% of th
e time they will) quickly keep close to them and track them down.  However, if
you can't find the ghost, he/she is in another room.

      A couple of pointers: when you enter a room, try to keep an eye on the B
oo Radar just to make sure you didn't miss any ghosts in there.  Another point
er: you should also keep a close look on your map, if you don't see a door on
the map and there is one on the screen, it's [most] likely a fake.  And if you
open it, you'll get squished into the wall(and lose some health of course.)

      Okay, now that I've given you some breifing on the level and stuff, it's
time to go hunting for the Boos.  Since there's so Boos scattered through out
the mansion, I wouldn't have to go into much detail of helping you find them,
you easily find five ghosts yourself.  Once you've nabbed five Boos, the Wasro
om will be opened for you.  I should also mention where the Washroom is.  It's
located beside the Bathroom on the first floor.

      I think you'll need a little more info on something, and that's the Boos
.  You can return to any rooms you've visited before and locate some of the 50
Boos at any time you wish.  To complete the game however, you'll need at LEAST
40 of the 50 Boos within Luigi's Mansion.  BUT, if you want the best ending,
capture all 50 of them.

        i)Washroom 1

      The first thing you should do is find Toad, he's near the toilet crying.
Use the Poltergust 3000 on the toilet to sucktion a key out of it.  Toad will
tell you that he lost something valuble.  He didn't just lose it; it's in the
damn toilet and he's going to flush it.  But don't worry, you already found
what you're lookin' for.  Soon, the lights will come on and you have cleared
the room.

...more coming _very_ soon

                                  S E C R E T S
[All of these thanks to IGN Guides]


Rescue Mario and finish the game once. You will get ranked according to how
you did and receive a letter grade. Save your game. You now have the option
to restart Luigi's two ways (in addition to going to the completed Gallery).
The first option lets you go back to the regular Luigi's Mansion Mode. The
second option, called Ura-Yashiki (Another Mansion) in Japanese, lets you
restart the game -- and presumably some of the things in the mansion have
been changed around.


If you're running low on lifeforce, get out your vaccuum and start cleaning lamps
and vases. Almost every second vase has a heart hidden inside -- and nearly
every lamp or chandelier either yields money or health. Happy hunting.


One of the sidequests in Luigi's Mansion is the capture of the 50 Boos that
you released accidentally in the beginning of the game. Finding Boos can be
a time-consuming task as you have to make your way through the whole mansion
and track them with your Game Boy Horror "Boo Sensor." Boos like to hide in
rooms with the lights on, so be sure to check in every nook and cranny.
A blue light on your GBH means there's no Boo to be found, a yellow light
means you're close, and red means you're right in front of the hiding ghost.
If the light is red, switch on your vaccuum or examine the object in
question with A. Watch out, though, not every red light equals a boo.
Sometimes a Boo Ball will fall out (you can simply blast it at a wall or
leave it where it is), or a bomb that has the potential to cause some
damage -- so run! If you're having problems finding all 50 Boos, be sure
to look in the "door-less" treasure rooms.
The reward for catching all 50 Boos is a large diamond.


There are two secret treasure rooms in Luigi's Mansion that you can access
to load up on gems and money.
The first one is located on the first floor, in the south-west corner of
the Mansion. After you have sucked in the candle-carrying butler, exmaine
the room with your Game Boy Horror to find a mousehole. Press A to activate
it and go inside to enter the trasure room.
The second treasure room is accessible from the roof top. Use the elevator
in the toy chamber to get on the roof, the go all the way to the right and
climb up on the chimney. Fall down and you will land in another treasure

Secret Warp Zones
Running around from one end of the mansion to the other can be a very time
consuming task. Thankfully, Nintendo has implemented hidden warps that let
you zoom back to the entrance hall.
Basically, any mirror in the mansion (except for the large one that
reflects the invisible ghosts) can act as a warp. To warp using a mirror,
switch to your Game Boy Horror's first person mode and examine the mirror
with A. After a really trippy warp sequence, you will find yourself in the
entrance hall of Luigi's Mansion.

Ever notice the seed in the outdoors area with the dog house? It's at the
right side, near the graveyard and just underneath the balcony with Toad.
This seed hides a secret that you can unlock right before facing the second
boss. Once you have the ability to use the Water Element, water the seed.
A plant will grow. Now enter the dog house (examine it with the Game Boy
Horror) and defeat the second boss. Return to this area afterwards and
water the plant again. Now continue with the game, but be sure to return
after you defeat boss #3. Water the plant again and it will bloom and
produce a precious diamond.
Note that if you fail to return and water the plant after a boss fight,
the plant will whither and die.

                                 C O N T A C T I N G

      This is a new section I decided to make. This clears up things for
contacting.  A lot of people send me hate mail after I fail to reply to their
so-called "important" letter.  The truth is, I determine whethere your letter
is an important one or not.  I get a lot of email everyday, and I don't have
the time (nor the patience) to answer each of the everylast 26 emails I get.
However, questions mentioned in the FAQ will NOT be answered.  So, before
sending in your email, make sure it's not mentioned in the FAQ, alright?
With the disclaimer taken care of, here are the methods how you can contact
me through.

MSN Messenger:
Aol Instant Messenger(AIM): ChaosDemon007[Not on much]

If you didn't read this section, make sure you do. :P

CJayC: For posting this FAQ

IGN Guides: For the codes and secrets

IGN Guides: AND!!! The walkthrough section of this FAQ is the expanded version
of the one in IGN Guides!z

Myself: Uhh...thanking yourself isn't really normal, but, hey, I did write thi
s FAQ right? :)

You: For reading it of course.

                                   Q U O T E S
"In hockey it's not whether you win or lose.  It's which team has more goals
after the 3rd period."
-ChaosDemon, Professor Form

"Well, it seems like you're not going to listen to me.  Time for plan B; you
take out a full clip and empty it at 'the person who's not listenin' to you'"
-Somebody I forgot

"I have a lot of confidence in my man hood.  That's why I can use pink without
feeling like a wuss."

“The Vancouver Canucks haven’t been the Kings in LA since 1996.  Just to prove
long long that was, that was when Val Odor was considered a hot prospect.”
-Don Taylor, Sportsnet Pacific

Just another FAQ brought to you by...
______________                        _____
__  ____/__  /_______ ________________  __ ___________ ________________
_  /    __  __   __ `/  __ _  ___/_  / / /  _ _  __ `__   __ _  __ 
/ /___  _  / / / /_/ // /_/ /(__  )_  /_/ //  __/  / / / / / /_/ /  / / /
____/  /_/ /_/__,_/ ____//____/ /_____/ ___//_/ /_/ /_/____//_/ /_/

Yes, you're done reading this FAQ, well maybe not yet.


© Copyright 2001 Tony J. Tso(ChaosDemon)

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