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MIRROR'S EDGE WALKTHROUGH Written by xXDar7h4nakinXx Last Update v1.0 11/29/08 =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. VERSION HISTORY VHIS II. GAME INFO GINF III. WALKTHROUGH WTHR TRAINING AREA TARE PROLOGUE - THE EDGE PROL CHAPTER 1 - FLIGHT CH01 CHAPTER 2 - JACKNIFE CH02 CHAPTER 3 - HEAT CH03 CHAPTER 4 - ROPEBURN CH04 CHAPTER 5 - NEW EDEN CH05 CHAPTER 6 - PIRANDELLO KRUGER CH06 CHAPTER 7 - THE BOAT CH07 CHAPTER 8 - KATE CH08 CHAPTER 9 - THE SHARD CH09 IV. TIME TRIAL TTRI V. RUNNER BAG LOCATIONS RBLO VI. ACHIEVEMENTS/TROPHIES ACTR VII. UNLOCKABLES UNLO ARTWORK AWRK VIDEOS VIDS MUSIC MUSC VIII. LEGAL/CONTACT INFO LGCI =============================================================================== I. VERSION HISTORY VHIS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.0 – 11/11/08 Complete walkthrough with runner bag locations Achievements/Trophies list/tips List of unlockables =============================================================================== II. GAME INFO GINF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted. You are a Runner called Faith - and this innovative first-person action- adventure is youR story. Mirror's Edge delivers you straight into the shoes of this unique heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat and fast paced chases. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith's world. A world that is visceral, immediate, and very dangerous. Live or die? Soar or plummet? One thing is certain, in this city you will learn how to run. Description taken directly from the game's official website. This walkthrough was written while playing through the game on normal difficulty. =============================================================================== III. WALKTHROUGH WTHR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************* TRAINING AREA TARE ********************************************************************* This level is simple, they tell you what to do and even have Celeste there to show you. First hit the jump button, then the crouch button, and then the objectives button. Cancel out of the objectives menu and run straight ahead. You'll see a ramp, aim for it. When objects are red they are indicating that that is where you should go. Jump of the end of the ramp and over the gap. Then slide under the duct work. Keep going forward, towards the boards on the right. Run down some steps and off the end of the damaged fire escape. Continue straight and jump the gap off of the boards. Now just follow Celeste through the rest of the course. Head down the small slope and jump the gap. Once over, climb the fence and watch Celeste. Do a wall run across the gap and jump the duct work on the other side. Smash open the door and go through the building. Carefully walk across the pipe. Then wall climb up the building and move up a few steps to Celeste. Run forward and jump for the bar. Swing over to the pipe on the side of the building in front of you. Turn toward the pipe on the left and jump to it. Then turn toward the platform to the left and jump for it. Pull yourseft up on the platform. Move toward the corner of the building and wallclimb to the ledge. Shimmy your way around the corner until the fence stops, then climb up. Now, wallrun, turn, and jump up on the platform. Then wallclimb up the building and climb up. Carefully make your way onto the ledge and move across. Head up the small ramp to the zipline that you just saw Celeste use. Slide down it and drop off onto the pad. Head up the ramp to Celeste. Jump over the first gap and coil with the crouch button. Then jump over the second gap and use the crouch button to do a skill roll. Use the objects in front of you like a springboard and jump to the ladder in front of you. Turn to the right and jump up to the ledge. Pull yourself up and head over to Celeste for some sparring. Simply follow the onscreen instructions to punch and kick her, then to work on a few disarms. ********************************************************************* PROLOGUE - THE EDGE PROL ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Opening cutscene. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Head straight and drop off the first ledge. Then jump across the gap and do a skill roll on the other side. Run up one of the panels, jump and coil over the fence, and slide under the bars on the other side. Climb up the building right in front of you. Run and jump for the zipline. Slide down and drop off into a slide. Head for the railing ahead and to the left. You can use it like a springboard to get on top of the next building. Then head straight ahead and climb up to the top of the building in front of you. Jump the small gap to the left and carefully make your way across the pipe. Once on the other side, drop off to the left and do a skill roll. Head along the side of the building. Do a wallrun with a jump at the end to quickly get past the gap. Then head straight for the boards in front of you. You'll need to jump over a wide gap and grab a pipe on the building across it. Jump to the pipe on the left and climb to the top of the building. Smash through the door to get inside. Once inside follow the hallway around and up some stairs. Climb up on top of the boxes on the left. Jump to a ledge on the right and then jump to the top of the duct work on the left. Pick up the bag (BAG01) on your way into the duct. Follow the duct work around two lefts and drop through opening at the end. Hold crouch when landing to do a skill roll. Once you are down, you will be facing four blues. Quickly turn to the right and run. Run up the stairs to the left. You'll need to go up four sets of stairs before you come to a door. If you want another bag head left and climb up the top of the shelves at the end of the hallway for it (BAG02). Head through the door just to the right. Once through the door immediately head left. Slide under the platform and head straight till you see a board on the right. Jump off of it over the gap to the other building. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Jump over the equipment in front of you, then slide under the bars, and climb over the fence. Slide under another bar and head to the springboard that is slightly to the left around the little building in front of you. Use it to jump over the gap to another building. Do a skill roll and then jump to the slightly higher building in front of you. Jump over the gap to the left and take out the first blue. Make your way through the equipment toward the second blue. Climb up onto the walkway that he is on and take him out. If you want the third bag for this level, head down the stairs to the left. At the bottom do a 180 and move along the right side of the stairs you just came down. You should see it slightly to the right in between some equipment underneath the platform (BAG03). Move up the stairs and to the left. Wallclimb to the top of the building. Jump off of the boards to the walkway on the building next door. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Head up three sets of stairs to a ladder. After the cutscene, turn left and run for the fence. You can either climb the fence or run through the open gate slightly to the right. Slide under a bar and run for the chopper. At the edge of the building jump and grap the chopper to escape. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 1 - FLIGHT CH01 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Head left and jump off the corner of the building to the one on the right. Then jump to the slightly higher building ahead and to the left. Now jump over the electric fence to the left. Use the pipe as a spring board to clear the next electric fence. Once over it, stand under the two air ducts in front of you. Do a wallclimb, turn, and jump for the bar between the two ducts. Then turn around and jump to the building. Straight in front of you is a bag (BAG04). Drop back down between the two ducts. Either jump off the board or use the pipe to spring board across the gap to the next building. Climb on top of the equipment a little to the right and jump to the building behind it. Then use the bar to the right to get over the electric fence. Climb up the building directly in front of you and aim slightly to the right of the white building corner in front of you. Jump the gap to the next building. Now enter the building through the door. Follow the hallway left then right. Move through the doorway and go left. When you come to the elevator on the left, hit the button, get in, and hit the button to go up. When the doors open step off for a cutscene. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- After the cutscene, head straight and jump over the railing. Move down the hallway and take a left. Jump the counter in front of you. Then take a left after the glass wall. Make for the stairs at the end of the hallway. Head down to the elevator and take two lefts. You'll see some more stairs on the left behind some glass, break through and head up. Turn around and do a wallrun across the gap to a small area. Climb up on the left and drop into another room. Move to the left side of the room and do a wallclimb, turn, and jump at the back. You'll land on a platform allowing you to climb into the ductwork. Take a left and move to the end. Wallclimb up the left side to a higher duct. Take a couple rights, then drop to a lower duct. Head left and drop into the next room. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Run left and through the door. Once outside, you'll need to jump the railing and slide down the side of the building. Head to the left so that you can jump the next building at the bottom. Move left and around the building to the right. Jump the gap to another building. Drop off that building and head right. Slide under the bar and jump the gap to the next building. Slide under some ductwork and jump some on your way to the edge. Jump the gap onto the pad on the next building. Jump off the right corner onto the lower building. Move around the corner to the left and jump over the fence. Move up onto the duct in front of you and run around the next corner to the right. Jump over the next gap and grab the bag behind the equipment on the right (BAG05). Now jump to the blue stairs that were to your left on the previous building. Go to the top of the stairs and run down the walkway. Toward the end, wallrun, turn, and jump to the duct on the right. Continue down the duct and wallrun to the next duct. Then wallrun, turn, and jump to the building on the left. Slide under the pipes and around the corner to the right. Climb the fence and head for edge. Jump to the next building and go through the door. Head down the first hallway to the right and over the fence to the left. Climb over the next fence and hop in the elevator to the left. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Get off at the bottom and follow the hallway around two rights. Go through the door at the end. Go around two lefts and drop to a lower roof. Wallrun across the gap and go through the door. Head to the right and go down the stairs at the end of that hallway. Take a left at the bottom and through another door. Drop off the building straight ahead and slide down the slope. Run across the walkway and jump over the short wall at the end. Head through the obstacles on your way to the blue tunnel to the right. Move to the left and down some stairs. Slide under the lowered gate. Head left and take a right at the end. Go through the opening on the left before the gate closes. Move down some stairs and then up some at the other side of the room. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- Once back outside you can take down a couple blues in front of you. You should easily be able to do a disarm and get yourself a gun if you want one. Now you need to head to the orange stairs on the left. If you want another bag, head underneath the stairs and around the corner to the left. You need to climb a fence and grab it from behind some equipment (BAG06). Then head back to the orange stairs. Head up the stairs to the rail overpass. Take a right at the top and wallclimb the orange wall at the end. Go around the corner on the left and climb up the ladder. Get up on the ledge to the right, turn around, and head down the ledge to the zipline. Slide down it and drop off. Jump the railing in front of you and slide down another building. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 2 - JACKNIFE CH02 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Climb up the pipe to the right. Jump to the bar on the left and swing to the equipment on the side of the building. You'll just grab the ledge and need to shimmy around to the other side of the unit. Jump to the bar behind you. Swing over the fence. Climb over the next fence and drop down into the aquaduct. Head down it to the right. Jump over the small blockade and continue down. Jump over another blockade and slide under the boards over the path. Jump over another blockade and run past the spring board. Climb over the next blockade and make your way onto the platform on the left just before the next one. You will find a back behind the columns (BAG07). Continue down the aquaduct on the platform. Duck into cover if you need to. Eventually you will come to a fence that you can't jump, move to the right side of the aquaduct and go through the doorway. Go through the doorway in the back right of the room and follow the hallway to a valve on the right side. Turn the valve to turn off the water blocking your way. Then use the objects in front of you to spring board up to the pipe on the wall. Climb up it and then jump to the pipes on the right. Make your way into the air duct on the right wall. Follow it to the left and another room. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Run down the hallway to a door and the outside. Head to the large containers on the left. Climb up to the top of the lowest one and run the length of it and climb to the top of the next one. Jump onto the beams held up by the crane and run to the end. Jump onto the board held up by the other crane. It will drop down a little ways and start to rotate clockwise. Jump onto the platform in front of you. Do a wallrun off the left edge and grab the bar. Swing to the next bar and then swing to a platform. Jump or wallrun over the gaps while you continue around. There is another bar that you can grap or you can just wallrun past it to the next platform. Wallrun over the next gap and jump for the bar on the other side. Swing over to the pipe and slide down to get on the platform to your left. Go over two more gaps and jump for the bar. You'll need to swing to another pipe. Slide all the way down it and jump to the pipe to the left. Slide all the way down this one and drop onto the platform below you. Head to the left and the emergency gate release button. Then head over two gaps to your right. You'll come to some objects to spring board up to a platform. Turn to the right and climb up to go through the gate you just opened. You need to move fairly quickly as the gate starts to close once it opens all the way. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Once inside, head toward the angled wall in front of you to the right. There is a flat spot directly opposite the ladder on the left. Use it to wallclimb, turn, and jump to the ladder. Once on the platform, turn around and jump for the bar. Swing to the platform on the other side. Head left to another gate release. Drop off the platform and head through the gate. Head for the ladder on the right with the light right next to it. Jump for it and climb up. Move around the corner to the right. You'll need to jump the gap to the left where the railing is missing. Continue over the next gap and turn left. Go across the boards and springboard up the next platform. Walk across the beam over the gap. Jump the next gap and then jump to the platform on the right. Head to the end and turn right. Jump the gap and then spring board up to the ladder. Jump the next gap and head right. Make your way across another small beam. Turn right and jump for the ladder. Climb to the top and head right. Jump to the bar and swing to the next platform. Jump the next, go around the corner to the left, and jump another gap. Spring board up to a ladder. You can jump over the gap toward the sniper and take his weapon and kill the two other blues across the room if you want. Head to the left and spring board over the first gap and jump the second. Next there will be a series of three pipes you need to use to cross the next gap. Once across, head up the stairs and spring board to the left. Head left over two gaps and then turn right. Jump over five gaps and you'll be facing a platform along the wall. Jump to it and another bag (BAG08). Jump back to the platform around the column and head to the right. If the snipers are still there, make sure you have the columns between you and them for cover. Go until you are on the far side of the last column. Then head over two gaps to the left and a zipline. Carefully make your way over the ledge to the left. There is a button on the wall on the right when facing the door. Hit it and go through the door. Wallclimb up the wall right in front of you and jump to the ledge to the upper right side of the room. Then wallclimb up the wall to the left. Slide down the water slide to the bottom. Wallrun across the gap to the platform. You will need to jump at the end to make it. Hit the gate release and wallrun across the gap to the gate. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Go through and get on the beams held up by a crane. Jump to the platform on the left side of the room. Wallrun to the first pipe, climb up it, and jump to the left to the second pipe. Climb up this one and jump to the platform on the left. Do a spring board up to the top of the lift. Turn around and jump to the platform above the one you just came from. Jump over to another pipe and climb up. Jump to the ladder on the right. Move to the valve in front of you and turn off the water. Now jump over to the bar. Swing over to another bar and then swing over to a platform from that one. Wallrun over the gap and then spring board to the top of another lift. Turn around and jump for the platform above you. Jump to the pipe in front of you and climb up. Jump over the ladder on the left. Once on the platform hit the button to activate a crane. Jump onto the beams to the right and get ready for the other crane to come up so you can jump on it. Once it's high enough, jump to it. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- Wait till it gets even with the top of the giant drain and jump out. Head straight ahead toward an orange container with a forklift to the left side of it. You will find another bag behind the forklift (BAG09). Head back toward the drain and go around the right side. You will need to head to a doorway to the left side of the drain, but going around this way limits close encounters with the blues shooting at you. Once you pass two forklifts side by side, head for the rear of the trucks parked next to the building with the door. Once behind them, climb up onto the loading dock. Head to the left and a pallette with boxes on it. Climb to the top and go over. Drop on the other side and kick in the door on the right. Follow the hallway around to an elevator on the right. Hit the button, get in, and hit the button to go up. Once the doors open, head out and go through the doorway on the right. ---------------- CHECKPOINT F ---------------- Kick through the door on the left to the outside. Now chase Jacknife down a zipline. Slide under the pipes and jump off the ledge. Drop off the building you land on and climb over the fence. Wallclimb to the top of the building in front of you. Get on top of the building in front of you that is slightly higher. Jump over the gap. Spring board up to the next rooftop. Slide under some pipes and climb up the building on the left. Climb to the top of the next building. Jump off the end of the boards in front of you to the next building. Jump over a gap to some ducts a little to the left. Jump off the second duct to the next building. Climb up to the roof on the left and jump another gap. Climb over the fence and head left. Jump across a gap to a lower building. Hop over some ducts and climb the building in front of you. Jump to the zipline on the right and slide down. Drop off the building you land on and climb over the fence. Head right and over a couple gaps to some ducts. You can jump from the ducts over the fence to the left. Use the objects on the ground to spring board to the top of the building to the left. Jump over a gap and drop off the building to the right. Run along the side the building to a door in the corner. Head through and follow the hallway to an elevator. ---------------- CHECKPOINT G ---------------- Hit the button to go up. Once the doors open head out of the elevator. Head to the left and jump off the ledge. There are a couple of bars on the side of the next building over that you can swing on. Swing off both bars to some equipment on the side of the building. Then jump to the pipe. Climb up and jump to the next one to the right. Jump to the final one to the right and then onto a platform. Wallrun, turn, and jump to the building to the right. Use some objects on the right to spring board over the next building. Then drop off the building and use the boards to jump to the scaffolding on the other side of the gap. Jump over the gap to the left and head for the ramp leading up. Once at the top turn around and go to the opening in the fence. Head through. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 3 - HEAT CH03 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Head to the fence on the right and hop over. Jump off of the far side of the building using the ramp provided. Jump to the building on the left and then jump for the pipes on the next building over. Use them to climb up. Go to the back side of the building in front of you. Do a wallrun, turn, and jump to off of the nearby building to get on top. Then jump over to that building. Head to the right of the fence in front of you. There is a duct on the next building over. Jump over to it. Then wallrun, turn, and jump to get on the inside of the fenced in area. You can also simply jump the gap back over if you can't aim the wallrun jump right. Move straight, then around to the right, and again to the right when you reach the edge of the building. You gonna need to jump off the corner at an angle to reach the next building. Once over, head up the ramp right in front of you, jump the gap to the equipment, and then the gap to the duct on the side of the building in front of you. Jump off the duct to the right over the fence. Then wallclimb up the building in front of you. Turn right and do wallclimb, turn, and jump to reach the bar above you. Swing over to the rooftop. Slide under the ducts. Wallclimb to the top of the building a little to the left. Head for the door on the building across the gap. Turn the corner and do wallrun, turn, and jump to get onto a platform above you on the right. Then head into the ductwork. Once you drop out of the ducts, there is a bag behind some stacked boxes (BAG10). Now squeeze through the vertical ducts and the wall. Go through the door to the right at the end of the hallway. Head up the stairs and do wallrun to get to the other platform. Head around the corner to the left and through the door at the end on the left. Then head through another door at the end of another hallway on the left. Head through the open door on the right and into the duct in the ceiling. Follow the duct around the corner and climb up to a higher one. Move a little ways and drop back down. Continue forward to the end of the duct. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- You can grab the gun off the desk if you want and then head out the door. Head through the door on the right. Take two lefts and head down some steps. Climb up the low water structure against the wall. Then climb up to the highest one. Turn right and jump through the glass. Head to the end and break the glass closest to the wall. Do a wallrun and jump to reach the other side. Head down the walkway to the right and take a right at the end. Use the objects in front of you to spring board up to the next level. Break the glass in front of you and the glass to the right once on the inside. Use the two bars on the ceiling to swing across to the other side of the room. Head to the left and wallclimb to the ledge on the right wall. Turn and jump to the next level up. Head left through a doorway. Run across the walkway to the other side and go bust through the door on the far wall to the right. Once outside, head left. Wallrun and jump over the gap. Bypass the door the guard just kicked through and go through the doorway in the glass wall to the left. Continue running past the guards that come out of the next door. Shortly after that another guard will bust out with a flash grenade, it only lasts a second if your looking. You'll eventually come to a yellow platform. Run up the steps and spring board across the gap. Head to the right and slide under the ducts. Now make your way to the door on the left. Kick through it and go inside. Simply follow the hallway to a broken elevator. Hit the button and wait for the doors to open so you can jump to the pipe inside the elevator shaft. Slide down the pipe and turn around to climb out of the shaft. Follow the hallway to the left and out a door at the end. Head to the right. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- You can do a wallrun at the top of some boards that make a ramp, right next to the main building, then jump to clear the fence quick. Climb up the ladder to the left and take the zipline down to another building. Head straight till you go down a small slope. Make your way around the large equipment and head right. Drop off the edge of the building and turn immediately left. Climb up the pipe. Turn right and take the zipline to the next building. Once down, head to the right between the fence and the side of the building you just came from. Take a left and climb up the pipe on the left side. Turn around to your left and jump to the pipe on the next building. Once you get to the roof take a left. Use the objects to spring board on top of some equipment and hop to the next building. Take another left and run under a couple ducts and jump the gap to the next building. Turn right up the slope and over the fence. Slide under the ducts in front of you and jump for the next building. There are three blues at this point, take them out and head up the pipes on the side of the higher building. Once on top head straight ahead and spring board to the next rooftop. If you want a bag, go to the left side of the fenced in area to your left. It is leaning up against the fence (BAG11). Turn to the right and slide under the equipment and through a hole in the fence. Kick through the door on the left and follow the hallway to an elevator. Hit the button and get in. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Once you get off the elevator, follow the hallway to a door to the outside. Go through it and head to the right. Go past the trees on the left and you'll see a couple boards on the ground. Jump from there to the next rooftop. Either climb over the building in front of you or the fence on either side of the building. JUmp the gap to the next rooftop and climb the fence. Go to the end of the building on the right and turn right. Use the billboard to wallrun over the gap. Climb up the short building in front of you, then onto the higher one. Spring board over to the building on the right. Turn left and jump for the scaffolding on the next building. Wallrun the gap and move to the end. Turn right and take the ladder down a couple levels. Turn around and wallrun another gap. Take the ladder at the end up. Carefully make your way across the beam immediately to your right. Wallclimb to the ledge in front of you and jump to the platform to your left. Spring board up a level and run up the ramp. Wallclimb up a level at the top. Turn around and jump the gap. Wallrun over the next gap and take a left. Slide under a pallet and take out the blue that comes around the corner. Turn the corner and use a wallrun to reach the top level. Climb onto the pallets and then onto the roof. Head straight ahead and jump off the boards in front of you. Take out the guard to the left and then the other one. Go back to where you landed and climb up the building that would have been in front of you. Jump over the fence to the right. Climb up the ladder in front of you and then the one to the right. Turn to the left and climb up to the top of the crane. Run down the arm of the crane and jump to the beams held up by another crane. Jump off the end onto a landing pad. If you want the last bag of the level, jump to the ladder of the second crane from the landing pad. Climb up it and head around to the right until you reach the second ladder. Climb up it and take a left. The bag is in the corner (BAG12). Jump down and head right. There is a door on the right just before the fence. Kick it open and go inside. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 4 - ROPEBURN CH04 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Turn to the left and run toward the far corner of the building on the right. Jump off the edge to a lower building across a gap. Move to the right side of the roof. You'll see some boards on the right and a pipe on the side of the previous building. Jump to the pipe and climb up. Head toward the building on the right. To the right of the door is a button to deactivate the electric fence, hit it. Then head around the left side of the building and climb over the fence. Move to the left of the equipment in front of you and you should see some objects you can spring board off of. Once on top of the equipment, jump over to the rooftop ahead of you. Turn left and jump to the next roof. Head up the slope to the left. Jump to the equipment in front of you. Then jump over the first fence to some more equipment. Now jump over the second fence. Continue straight over the gap. Head to the left and do a wallrun to the other side of the gap. You'll find a bag leaning against a box a little way in front of you (BAG13). Now go back and slide down the pipe. Go through the door at the bottom. Once inside, head to the left. Move through the doorway on the right. Climb on top of the stuff in front of you and wallclimb, turn, and jump to get onto the suspended ceiling. Now turn left and move into the ducts. Follow the duct around a couple corners, then climb up to the right. When you move around the next corner, the register you walk on falls and you drop into a hallway. Go into the room at the end and turn left. Move to the far wall and turn left. You'll need to wallrun, turn, and jump to the exposed ducts. Move to the wall you just did the wallrun on while staying on the ducts. Do another wallrun to a bar and swing over to another duct. Head to the right and do a wallrun to another bar. Swing onto the duct in front of you. Then jump the gap to the right and climb up the ladder on the left. At the top look behind you and jump for the opening. At this point you can do a wallrun, turn, and jump to the pipes in the far left corner. Slide down to the floor. Turn to the left and squeeze between the equipment and the wall. Once on the other side, turn toward the equipment. Wallclimb to the top on the right. There is a valve you need to turn to move on. Turn it and drop down. Slide through the opening directly in front of you. Climb up the ladder. Then kick through the door on the right. Head straight and off the edge. Turn to the right. Climb up on the object in front of you and then onto the platform. Head for the doorway straight ahead. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Head up the stairs to the roof. Get ready to hit the disarm button after Ropeburn smashes through the wood fence. Go through the gate to the right and slightly behind you. Then kick through the door. Follow the hallway around to another door. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Go through it and the next doorway to the right. You'll be facing three blues in the next room. You can either take them out and then head into the elevator or just head into the elevator. Once inside jump up to the opening in the ceiling. Hit the button in between the two elevators. Ride it all the way to the bottom. If you want another bag, wait until the doors to the other elevator open and climb up. You should be able to climb up with the blue standing there, you'll just end up behind him. Simply punch him and he falls into the elevator shaft. Turn to the left and grab the bag (BAG14). Then drop back into the elevator shaft. Turn to the left and head into the ducts again. You'll slide down a little ways and be facing a door. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Kick through the door. Head to the right. There is a pipe on the right wall, climb up it. Jump to the walkway behind you. Turn to the right. Do a wallrun, turn, and jump to a bar around the corner. Swing over to the walkway and move through the opening on the left wall. Go straight and drop off the ceiling. Head to the left and then through the doorway on the right. Run up the stairs to the left and turn around. Wallrun or jump up onto the scaffolding on the right. Then do a wall- climb to the next level. Now jump to the scaffolding on the left side of the room. Head to the right and do a wallrun to get over the fence. Move up the stairs and to the right. Go to the far left corner and down some stairs. You'll need to slide under the gate at the bottom. Head to the left and slide under another gate. If you don't make it under the gate, there is a button to raise it back up in between the two gates. Jump the obstacles in front of you and hit the button to raise the gates. Head straight ahead and down the escalator. There are five blues on the subway platform. You can take them out or run past them. Run all the way down the platform and onto the tracks on the right. There is a ladder on the right side shortly after the platform ends. Walk across the narrow beam behind you. The crouch into the opening in the wall. Turn to the right. You'll see two bars at your level and one a little lower. You want to wallrun past the first of the two higher bars to the second of the two higher bars. Swing onto the platform and turn right. If you want the final bag for the level look on the right wall. You will see a cable tray. There are two metal bars on it. One low and one above you. Jump to the higher one and turn to the ledge on the right. It may take a couple tries to get up there. The bag is just right there when you get up on the ledge (BAG15). Drop back down. Do a wallrun across the tracks. Head into the duct. Once you fall out of the duct turn to the left and kick through the door. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- Move down the walkway to the third right. Wallclimb, turn, and jump off the left wall onto a bar on the right. Swing onto the raised walkway and head left. Kick through the door and hit the button on the right. Head out of the room and jump over the railing to the left. Head to the left and through the newly opened door on the left. Wait for the train to pass and follow it down the tracks to the left. Duck into a nook on either side if you see or hear another train coming. After you go a little ways a couple blues will start to shoot at you. Just keep running past them. Eventually you will come to an area with some columns on the right. You need to move into a nook on the left, in the middel of the area. Wallclimb up the back of the nook, turn, and jump to an elevated walkway. You can see a bar in front of you just past the end of the walkway. Prior to going down the few steps on the walkway, do a wallrun and jump off the column to the left. Swing onto the next walkway. Kick through the door. Jump off the railing to the left. Turn around and jump over the next railing. Turn to the left and slide through the hole. Once on the other side, head up the stairs to the right. Turn around and wallrun to the bar. Swing over to the platform and then wallrun to the next platform. There is a button on the wall in front of you, hit it. Turn around and wallrun along the left wall. Jump into the fan on the left and walk through to the other side. Now get ready to jump onto a train. ---------------- CHECKPOINT F ---------------- Line yourself up with the tracks and shortly after you hear a train coming, jump over the railing. Keep an eye out for low obstacles that you need to dodge. It is either random when and where you see these obstacles or there are a few different patterns that cycle. So just be on the lookout for them. It won't be long and you'll need to jump to a train on the right. Once on the next train, you'll need to jump over and duck under some obstacles. Just keep an eye out for them. Once the train stops, turn around and jump off. You need to run for the door on the left and get through it before another train comes down the tracks. Head up the stairs and outside. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 5 - NEW EDEN CH05 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Head to the pipe in front of you. Wallrun over to it and slide down. Turn to the right and wallrun to another pipe. Slide down and turn around to the right. Follow the alley around to the left and then cross the street. Jump the fence and climb the pipe on the left. Jump to the platform between the two columns on the right. Then turn around and jump for the blue walkway. Climb up and over the railing. Head to the left. Turn left at the end and climb over part of the structure in front of you. Drop back onto the walkway and run to the next obstacle blocking your path. Climb over and back onto the walkway. Take the next left and follow the stairs up to the top. Wait for the train to go by and then run down the tracks to the left. Lookout for trains while you are running. After a little bit you'll see another doorway and some stairs on the left, go to the right directly opposite the doorway and jump on the zipline. Drop off onto the small roof at the bottom and run to the end. Jump off and head through the door in front of you. Follow the hallway around a right and a couple lefts to another door on the right. Go through and head for the door on the left around the corner. Follow the hallway to an elevator. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Head out of the elevator and up the stairs straight ahead. Turn left and wallclimb to the top of the building. Go straight and jump over the fence to the next building. Turn left and climb over the fence. Run along the right side of the building and jump off the boards to another building. Head up the yellow steps in front of you. Turn left at the top and climb the object next to the wall. Turn left and wallrun up to the duct. Climb on top and wallrun to the next duct. Then wallclimb to the roof of the building. There is a bag to the right. Climb over the fence and then onto the equipment in front of you. Turn left and jump over the fence. Drop down in between the two objects inside the fence to grab the bag (BAG16). Climb back up to the top and jump over the opposite fence. Jump over the gap to the next building. Head around the building along the left side. You'll see a pipe on the side of the building in front of you over a gap. You can jump for it and slide down or jump to the right of it and land on a duct. Head across the duct and drop off the right onto the lower roof. There is one blue on your roof, take him out. Then head for the stairs in the direction the blue came from. There are two more blues on the roof below, so carefully take them out. There is a pipe on the building opposite the stairs, climb up it to the next roof. Head up the slope and jump to the zipline. Drop off on the next building and go through the door. Shortly to the left there is an elevator shaft with some pipes in it. Use the pipes to climb up. Then jump through the next open door and head through the door at the end of the hallway on the left. Go straight out and up two sets of stairs to some boards. Jump off the boards to another rooftop. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Head to the pipe just off the left side of the roof. Climb up it and then jump to the one on the right to get all the way to the roof. Head toward the building a little way and turn left. There's some objects to use as a spring board to get on top of the equipment. Once on top turn left. Jump off the boards to the next roof. Head to the right and do a wallrun to the equipment on the side of the building. Do another wallrun and jump to the equipment on the other side of the gap. Then do a wallrun to the pipe behind the billboard. Climb up it, then jump the one on the left to get to the roof. Jump over the gap to the left. There are a couple blues waiting for you. Take them out and use some concrete blocks as a spring board to get to the zipline. Toward the end of it, drop onto the zipline going left and right. Slide under the duct and move to the left side of the building. Use some more concrete blocks to spring board over the fence. Move around a couple pieces of equipment and climb on top of the equipment at the end of the rooftop. Jump off the end to the next building. Climb on the equipment in front of you and move to the building on the left. Turn left and wallrun over to the top of some more equipment. There is a bag on top of it (BAG17). Wallrun back and drop off the other side. Use the box in front of you to get over the fence. Climb on top of the shorter building to the right and then on top of the taller one. Jump over the fence to the left and head through the door in front of you. Follow the hallway around a couple of rights to an elevator. Step out and head through the door in the back left corner. Head a little to the right. You'll be going just to the right of the giant orange "Grand Opening" sign. Head to the end and use the box on the left to spring board up to the ledge. Turn around and jump for the bar. Swing onto the ledge with the duct. Enter the duct. Once you drop out of the duct, climb on top of the truck parked in front of you to find another bag (BAG18). Drop off the back side and go through the door on the right. Follow the hallway around to the door at the end. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Head down the stairs and around the corner to the left. You'll see a guy run off around a corner to the right. Follow him. Go around the corner to the right and slide under the gate. Head left and then immediately left again. There is an elevator just around the corner to the right, get in and hit the button. Stay back away from the windows as they will eventually shoot them out. Once the elevator stops, jump out through the broken window onto the walkway. Head down the hallway to the right. When you come to a railing on the left, jump over it and down a level. Go down the walkway to the left and run up the escalators when you come to them. Head right and turn left at the wall. There is a box that you can use to spring board up to a planter on the wall. Turn around and wallrun over the railing onto the walkway. Follow the walkway to the end and turn left. Turn left again. At this point there should be some small lockers on the left, climb them. Then climb up the wall to a ledge. Head to the right and slide through the opening. Slide through the next opening and then run up some steps on the right. Head across the duct to the left. Once across head left some more. You should see a duct on the right wall, go in. Drop into the next room and take a left. Wall- climb at the end, turn, and jump to the walkway above. Climb over the railing and head left. Climb up on the ledge at the end and enter the duct. Follow the duct to a large fan. Hit the button in the left corner to stop it. Once it stops drop through. Head down the hallway with the yellowish light. When you come to the closed gate go through the door on the left. There will be some glass doors on the right shortly. Smash through the third one and head left. Go through a large doorway on the left. There are some concrete blocks good for jumping up to the suspended ceiling. Head to the left. There will be four panes of glass on the left that quickly get shot out. Wallrun on either side to a bar a little ways out. Then swing onto the catwalk. Head straight and jump a gap. Take a left at the end. Climb through another duct. Drop out of the duct and go around the corner to the left. Go through the door and up three flights of stairs. Go through the door on the right and climb up the pipe. Turn to the right and jump to the ledge. Go through the door to the right. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 6 - PIRANDELLO KRUGER CH06 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Turn to the right. You should see a pile of dirt just to the right. Run and jump off of it to the level above. Climb up and head through the doorway on the left. Go down two flights of stairs. Wallrun over the railing on the right to a duct. Drop off the end to another duct. Then wallrun over to the rooftop. There is a bag on the ground just to the left (BAG19). Jump off the corner of the building onto a landing pad at street level. Head down the street in front of you with the forklift. After the second orange door on the right you will see three pipes. Climb up them. Jump off onto the ledge behind you. Climb over the railing onto the walkway. Go to the top of the stairs and turn around. Wallrun to the bar and swing over to the walkway. Climb up the ladder on the left. Climb over the fence on the left. Jump over the duct and climb on top of the big piece of equipment. Wallclimb to the right to the rooftop. Head to the right and along the right side of the building. Carefully drop onto the ledge and shimmy past the fence on the left. Pull yourself up and head through the door in front of you. Head to the end of the hallway and climb up on the equipment to the right. Then jump up to the duct and make your way out the opening. Once outside, turn around and climb on top of the building. Jump off the far left corner to a lower building on the other side of the fence. Drop off the side with the billboard. Make your way around to the front of the billboard. There is a sniper standing there, take him out. There is another one on top of the building with the dog on the side. He is by the 'O'. There is also on on a lower roof to the right. Then there are three guys down by the containers in the loading area. You can either take them out or just jump onto the zipline and slide down. Run to the right and off the ledge. Turn around and head through the door on the right. Climb up on the shelving to the right. Wallrun over to the other shelving. Then jump over the railing and onto the walkway. Head up the stairs to the right. Wallrun the other way and jump to the walkway above you. Head through the door to the left and up the stairs. At the top, turn to the right. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Jump over the railing onto the suspended platform. After you fall to the bottom hit the button to the left of the door in front of you. Head through the doorway and immediately right. You should see some stairs to the left, go up them and to the right. Take out the blue standing there. Turn around and go down the walkway to the left. There is another blue you need to take out. Take the first right. When you reach the end, jump off the left side to the duct on the wall. Then climb over the railing on the right. Head right into the offices. Head straight. There is a bag on the shelves that you pass (BAG20). Turn left and go through the door. Head up the stairs to the right and spring board to the bar. Wait for the steam to stop and swing for the opening. Drop through it and follow the hallway to the left. At the end go through the door on the right wall. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Head to the right and around the corner to the left. Take the stairs on the left down. At the bottom head right. Climb over the fence when you get to it. Head to the far right corner past the forklift. Turn to the shelves while standing in the corner. The crate on the second shelf is crooked leaving room for a bag (BAG21). Now back toward the forklift. Climb onto the empty shelf to the right and turn right. Wallrun to the right and the second shelft. Then head to the left and jump up onto the shelf above you. Head to the next set of shelves and turn left. There should be two bars in front of you. Use them to swing onto the roof of the offices. Drop through the opening. Turn to your left and go through the open doorway. Then through the one on the right. Straight ahead is a button, hit it. Head back to the room you dropped into and kick through the door on the left. Bust through the next door and jump over the railing. Head through one of the openings by the conveyor belts on the left. Slide under the lowered door in the back left. Climb over the fence on the right. Move up the steps and through the door. Turn left and go through the door on the left. Do a wallrun to the elevated walkway. Follow it around to the right. There is an opening on the right with a ladder. Slide down the ladder. Turn left and go through the door. Go around the corner to the right. Jump to the bar and swing to the walkway on the other side. Go around the corner to the right and slide down another ladder. Turn left and do a wallrun. There is a bar that you need to jump to. Swing for the pipes on the far wall and slide to the bottom. Go into the office on the left. Hit the button on the left and go back out. Climb over the fence to the right. The platform that just raised up revealed a hole in the floor. Drop through. Turn left and head through the first set of automatic doors on the left. Follow the hallway around to some stairs. At the bottom head left. Go straight through the doors at the end of the hallway and onto a lift. Hit the button on the far side to go up. Exit out the side with button. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- You'll now face some new enemies. Turn around and run. Head up the ramp a little to the right. Then spring board up to the top of the platform in front of you. Climb up the next one in front of you and head left. Spring board up to another platform. Jump off to the left, the slightly higher platform. Then climb up the higher one that would be a little to your right. Head down the walkway and turn left. Wallrun over the gap. Head down the next walkway to the left. Don't go down the ramp, instead follow the platform to the right and jump to the platform in front of you. Turn a little left and jump to the platform with the ladder next to it. Climb up to the next platform and move onto the walkway. Go through the door at the end and go left. Get in the elevator on the left and hit the button. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- Exit the elevator and go straight. The glass in front of you gets shot out, so jump the gap. Smash your way through the glass at the end of the hallway. Head to the right at the end of the rooftop. Jump off the boards to the stairway across the gap. Head up two flights and out the doorway. Angle to the right a little bit and some boards. Jump off the boards onto a duct. Wallrun and jump to the duct on the opposite side of the alley. Slide under the duct and then jump to the duct back on the other side of the alley. Do a wallrun and jump to the rooftop on the right. Immediately go left and jump to another rooftop. Turn to the left and you should see a zipline. Jump from the corner onto it. You need to jump to the zipline prior to sliding under the duct. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 7 - THE BOAT CH07 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Carefully drop off the ledge in front of you onto a duct right next to the building. Turn to the right and jump for the bar. Swing off the bar onto another duct. Drop off the duct and continue forward. Drop off the edge of the platform to street level and head to the right toward a forklift. Once you reach the forklift turn to the right and grab the bag on the ground (BAG22). Now head back down the alley and to the left. Turn the corner to the right and run up to the back of the truck. You'll jump inside. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Once the truck stops, you'll need to take out some blues. The first one is easy, directly outside the truck run up behind him and disarm him. The second one is a little ways further. Take him out before the three reinforcements come. Usually two will come toward you far enough apart that you can take them out without shooting them. Then head for the last one. You're going to have to disarm the last one as you can't punch and kick him to knock him out. Once he's taken care of, head to the back left of the room. There is a pipe on the wall, climb up the white truck near it to jump to it. Then climb up it quick before more reinforcements come. Jump on the duct to the left. Then turn left and jump to another duct. Follow this duct to the opposite wall. When you reach the vertical part of the duct, jump to the duct on the right, and head back the way you came. If you follow this duct around the corner to the left, at the end is a bag (BAG23). Now turn around and head back down the duct. Jump to the right when you reach the solid ceiling, not the suspended ceiling. Continue to the wall and take a right. Climb down the ladder at the end. Turn around and go through the door to your right. There is a blue to the left when you go through the door. Take him out then head back into that little room you came out of. There are three more blues that you need to take out to move on. One will be at the opposite end of this little room. Pop out and shoot him or knock him out, then get back in cover. One of the two remaining will come toward you. Wait till he's close and take him out. Then just take out the last one. After you've taken care of all of them, head to the door behind the last one. It's between a van and a car. You need to turn the valve to open it. Open the first door on your right once inside. Head in and behind the door to the right is a narrow equipment shaft. Make your way through and up to the opening on the left. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- There is a pipe on the vertical duct in front of you, climb it. Jump to the duct on your left and shimmy over until you are in front of a bar. Jump for it. Swing onto the duct on the opposite wall. Climb up to another duct on the right. Then turn to the right and jump to another bar. Swing over to yet another duct. Climb up through the opening and drop into the next room. Head up the steps to the right. Wallrun and jump to the ledge on the right. Shimmy around the corner to the left. Turn to your right and jump for the ledge behind you. Then turn to the left and jump for the duct. Turn to your left and jump for the little ledge at the bottom of the duct behind you. Shimmy to the right underneath another duct. Then jump to the duct behind you and climb on top. Climb on top of the duct to the right, then turn around. Wallrun on the right, turn, and jump to the duct on the left. Climb on top and head to the right. Punch out the vent and drop into the room. Go to the door on the opposite end and turn the valve to open it. Head to the door at the end to the left. Turn the valve and go through. Head all the way to the top. Then wallrun, turn, and jump to the left side. Hop over the railing and go through the open gate on the left. Turn to the right and drop through the hole in the floor. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Open the door behind you to the left and head outside. There is a sniper in this area, so stick to cover. Immediately head right and go through the dark doorway. Move toward the door on the left a little bit. Head right and you'll find a bag in the coner on the right (BAG24). You might need to jump over some barrels to get to it. Head out the door facing the sniper and move to the right. Follow the cover up the right side. Once you reach the fence head to the opposite side of the boat while sticking to cover. Head for the ladder off to the left of the room. Climb up it quick and head right. There is another ladder to the right on the side of the room. Climb up it and head straight until you come to a fence. Drop off to the right behind cover. Head for the building with the sniper. Get right up next to it so he can't hit you. Then head to the right side and up some stairs. Once at the top you need to fight the assassin. The only thing you can do is spin him around and try to disarm him. You can spin him by doing a jump kick. After you do this there will be a mini cutscene and you will need to chase him. Head around the corner after him and through the door with 'level a' next to it. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- Move down the stairs and through the 'level 4' door. Turn right and reopen the door he just closed. Head left and open the next door. Once through, immediately jump over the railing on the right. Run after him down the ramp. You can get up on the platform the same way he does, or you can climb up on the boxes right next to the platform and then onto the platform. Follow him through the door. Take a right and jump the railing. Head down the tunnel on the left. Jump the railing and take a left. Follow him around the corner to the left and down some more hallways. Eventually he will jump onto a platform on the left. You'll need to wallrun, turn, and jump to a platform on the left. Head through the door on the right. Jump the railing on the right and follow him down the zipline. ---------------- CHECKPOINT F ---------------- At the bottom, climb up the obstacle in front of you and jump over the fence. Climb up on the containers on the left. You'll be in a fight with the assassin until you can successfully perform a disarm. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 8 - KATE CH08 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Drop off the roof to the left. Slide under the two pipes, hurdle some equipment, and slide under a cable tray. Jump off the boards in front of you to the next building. Head to the right side of the roof and jump to the lower building across the street. Climb over the fence and slide under a couple pipes. Then jump of the boards onto the equipment on the right. Jump off the end onto a small building. Jump off the left side to another building. Climb the wall to the left. Use the objects in the far right corner to get on top of the next building over. Head right over a fence. Wallrun up the right side onto the blue container past the second fence. Hop up into the second container and then onto the duct at the end. Go to the left of the object in front of you and you'll see some concrete blocks that were hidden. Use them to spring board onto the roof to the right. Slide under the pipes and go to the right side of the building. Climb up the shorter building there and then onto the main building. Head straight off the boards onto a landing pad across the gap. Head through the door on the left. Follow the hallway down and to the right. Before getting in the elevator there are some boxes on the right with a bag hiding between them and the wall (BAG25). Now get in the elevator and hit the button. Exit the elevator and go through the door in front of you. Head to the right and go through the door. Head straight and jump off the building. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- Then drop off the next roof, slide under some pipes, and jump over the next gap. Drop off this room and head around the building on the left. There is a shorter building you can climb up to get on top of the main building. Then jump off the boards to the pipe on the building across the gap to the right. Slide down to the roof. Then turn right and jump to the next building. There is a pipe toward the end of the building on the right. Run to it and climb up. You might need to take out the two blues shooting at you prior to climbing up the pipe. Once on the roof, head right. Climb the fence and then the small building in front of you. Then get on top of the roof to your left. Jump for the equipment off the far left corner. Wallrun over to the pipe on your left. Jump to the next pipe and then to the equipment to the left. Wallrun over to the lift at the corner of the building. Turn to the right and wallrun, turn, and jump to the suspended equipment. Then jump off onto the rooftop below. Head through the door. Once inside, get on the elevator to the left. Exit the elevator and head to the left. Head into the next area that is under construction. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- There is a scaffold to the left. Climb onto the white object under it. Then turn to the left and jump to the next level of the scaffold. Wallrun, turn, and jump to get another bag (BAG26). Drop back down to ground level. When facing the middle of the room from the scaffold, turn left and head to the right behind the two large columns. You'll walk under a scaffold and then to the right is a vertical platform piece that you can wallclimb, turn, and jump off of. You land on a scaffold. Wallrun on the right to get to the next level. Turn right and use the concrete blocks to spring board up to a concrete walkway. Follow it to the right until you reach the wall. Wallrun to the left and gab the bar. Swing over to the walkway. You should be on a sloped piece of scaffold. Wallrun off the top to the scaffold in front of you. Turn left and wallrun up to the next level. Turn to the left and wallclimb, turn, and jump to the concrete walkway. Head to the wall on the left. Wallrun up to the concrete beam on the left. Then wallrun over to the next concrete beam. Now jump over to the next concrete walkway. Head to the wall to the left on the far walkway. Wallrun to the left, turn, and jump to the scaffolding. Head up the ramp in front of you and turn around. Jump to the next level of the scaffold. Wallclimb up the right and jump to the concrete walkway. Then wallrun on the yellow Callaghan sign on the right. Move to the right a little bit and jump to the scaffold in front of you. Wallrun on the right to the next level. Walk to the end of the platform and turn right. Jump over the scaffold on the other side. Turn right and wallrun up to the next level. Turn to the left and jump for the concrete walkway. Climb up and head left. Follow the walkway all of the way around to the wall. Turn to the right and jump off the end of the scaffold piece to the other concrete walkway. Run all the way around this walkway. Spring board up to the duct and your way to the sniper rifle. Follow the duct until you drop to a lower duct. Follow this duct to the end straight ahead. There is a bag on the left (BAG27). Turn around and head down the duct to the left. Climb up to a higher duct on the left. Then follow it to the room with the sniper rifle. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Grab the rifle by the windows and wait for the transport vehicle to come down the street in front of you. It only takes one shot to the engine of the transport. If you're playing through not shooting anyone, drop the rifle, otherwise hold onto it. Then head through the door on the left. Head straight through the room and across the walkway to the right. Then turn to the right and go through another door. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- Head down the stairs to the left and around the corner to the right. At the next stairs a blue will be running up them. Take him out and get ready for another. Take him out and move down the stairs. When you get to the next stairs there is a blue at the bottom, take him out quick before a guy with a shotgun gets there. Take him out as well. Then head over and down the next set of stairs. There are a couple blues between you and the next stairs. They are usually close together. So, try and take out the first one while keeping him between you and the second, preventing him from shooting you. Then take out the second. At this point there shouldn't be any more guys on the stairs. Head down the next two flights, but wait at the top of the final set. There are a couple of the heavy machine gun blues at the bottom, one on this side and one on the other side. You need to wait until he stops shooting to reload before running down the stairs. When you get to him you need to do a disarm to knock him out. Then get the tv between you and the other guy. He won't move to shoot at you, so stay here until you're fully recovered. Then go around and disarm him. Then move to the opposite side of the building. There are two more blues between you and the door. You don't need to take them out, you just need to get to the revolving door in the middle of the wall to end the level. The guys you face coming down the stairs could be in different locations depending on how quickly you move down. The final two blues before exiting the building move around a little but are always by the exit. ********************************************************************* CHAPTER 9 - THE SHARD CH09 ********************************************************************* ---------------- CHECKPOINT A ---------------- Head straight through the gate and down the stairs on the right. When you get to the stairs on the left, wallrun on the right and jump into the nook on the left. You need to get to the nook on the other side of the hallway. Look up and you'll see a bar. Now climb up on either the right or left and wallrun, turn, and jump to the bar. Swing over to the other side. Follow the blue pipes to the left. Slide under a pipe and then jump over the gap. Turn the corner to the left. Wallrun to the walkway on the opposite side. MOve around the blue wall and go to the door at the end of the hallway. Head to the right. At the end of the first set of blue pipes on the left, wallclimb, turn, and jump up to a platform with a bag (BAG28). Drop down and continue down the hallway to the door on the left. Turn the valve on the right. Quickly do a 180 and head to the end of the hallway and a short nook on the left. After the explosion, head through the door next to the valve. Move down some stairs and down the hallway to the left. Then head to the right and a door at the end on the right. ---------------- CHECKPOINT B ---------------- You'll be in a parking garage. Quickly head left and slide under the pipe to the other side. Make for the doorway and the stairs in front of you. Kick through the door at the top and take out a blue quickly. There may be a couple more at the bottom of the slope, depending on how quickly you got here. Run down the slope to the far wall. Head left along it until there are some glass panes separating the garage area from the elevators. Smash through the glass and hit the button between the elevators. The left one opens, hop in and hit the button. If you're quick you can just run past all the blues on your way to the elevator. Get off the elevator and head left. Around the next left you'll see a chair on the right, in kind of a spotlight. Spring board off it to the walkway above and a door. ---------------- CHECKPOINT C ---------------- Immediately head right. When you get to the wall turn left. There is a chair in front of you to the right, spring board off of it to a platform above. There is a bag sitting in the corner (BAG29). Hop over the railing and climb up the wall in front of you. Then hop over the next obstacle. Run around the corner to the left. There are two elevators on the right. Hit the button in between them. You'll be getting into the one on the right this time. If you need to after hitting the button, hide behind one of the columns you ran past to get to the elevators while waiting for the door to open. Get in and hit the button on the right side of the door when facing it from the inside. If you can't make it this way, you'll have to take out the blues. They are spread far enough apart that it shouldn't be too much of a problem. When the elevator stops, climb through the opening above you. ---------------- CHECKPOINT D ---------------- Jump across what would have been the left elevator's shaft to a platform. There is a ladder in the middle of it. Slide down. At the bottom turn around and jump for the bar in the middle of the area. Swing to the platform on the other side. Turn around and jump to the narrow platform in the middle of the area. Then jump to the pipe on the wall. Slide down and move back to the other side using one of the narrow beams. Head toward one of the fans and turn to the middle. You should see a ladder, climb up it. Carefully move along the ledge on the right. You'll come to a little nook with two pipes on the back wall. Climb one and jump to the bar behind you. Then swing to the duct. Move through and drop out the other side. Turn to the right. Wallrun to the first bar. Then swing to the next one, it is a little lower than the one you are on. Swing from this one over to a duct, it is also lower than you. If you swing from the middle of the bar you'll be fine. Follow the duct to the wall in front of you. Wallclimb and jump to the bar above. Then swing over to another duct. Climb up on the duct on the left. Head to the left and wallrun to the platform. Head to the right and into a small duct on the right. Follow it a little way and you'll drop to a lower duct. Head down the duct to the left and around the corner. When you get to the section you can stand up in, do a wallclimb, turn, and wallclimb to reach the ledge above. Climb up and follow the duct around the corner for the final bag (BAG30). Now head back to where you fell into the duct and take the other path. Follow this till you need to climb up to a higher duct. Follow this one until you drop again. Then head to the left. Follow this one around a couple corners until you can see outside. Knock out the vent and drop outside. ---------------- CHECKPOINT E ---------------- There are some snipers at this point. Move straight ahead and jump to the building a little to the right. Climb the fence to the right. Then get on top of the building. Once on top, turn back toward the fence and you should see two ducts side by side. Run across them. Drop off the building to the right. Then jump over to the next building from the corner. Head around the corner of the building in front of you to the left. There is an open gate on the left, go through and turn right. You'll see some equipment next to the fence, use it to spring up to the top of the building and take out the sniper. Head past the left side of the object behind the sniper and jump to the next building over. Hop over the railing onto the catwalk, run across it, and hop over the railing on the other side. Head around the corner to the left and should see a pipe running to the building the sniper is on. Move acoss it. Take out the sniper and head up the stairs. Turn to the right and jump to the other building. Go through the door. Go to the end of the hallway and turn right. Go through a couple doorway and turn left. Take another left and then through another doorway. Turn right and head for the elevator. Exit the elevator at the top. ---------------- CHECKPOINT F ---------------- There will be two blues running toward you. One will go down some stairs to the left and the other to the right. They stop on a platform. You can run up and disarm one of them and then run back to the start for cover. Then go and knock out the other one. There are three more blues further into the area. One in the middle and one on either side. You need to run around the left or the right side. When you pass the area where the blue is, you should see some stairs leading up to him. Take him out and get some cover. Then work your way to the other side and take out the blue there. Now head for the one on the middle of the walkway. Take him out. You then need to damage four of the servers. There are four glassed in areas. The servers are white with black stripes. You only need to damage one of the servers in each area. Just punch the vertical black stripe a couple of times and you should see it start to smoke. Once you've damaged all four, head back onto the walkway where the last blue was. Go up the stairs and through the door on the left. Head to the opposite wall and you'll see a door on the right. Go through and head left. You'll another door on the left, go through. Follow the stairs to the top and then go right. Take the first left and jump the gate. Go to the end and turn left. Head up some more stairs to the roof. ---------------- CHECKPOINT G ---------------- After the cutscene, jump the yellow crates and slide through the opening a little to the right. Then jump for the chopper. =============================================================================== IV. TIME TRIAL TTRI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a total of 23 time trial races. ------------------ PLAYGROUND ONE ------------------ Complete Training Area in Story Mode to unlock this course * 02:00:00 ** 01:15:00 *** 01:05:00 ------------------ PLAYGROUND TWO ------------------ Beat a qualifying time on Playground 1 to unlock this course * 02:10:00 ** 01:25:00 *** 01:15:00 -------------------- PLAYGROUND THREE -------------------- Beat a qualifying time on Playground 2 to unlock this course * 02:20:00 ** 01:50:00 *** 01:35:00 -------- EDGE -------- Complete Prologue in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:10:00 ** 00:55:00 *** 00:47:00 ---------- ARLAND ---------- Complete Chapter 1 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:10:00 ** 00:55:00 *** 00:47:00 ---------- FLIGHT ---------- Beat a qualifying time on Arland to unlock this course * 01:20:00 ** 01:07:00 *** 01:01:00 --------- CHASE --------- Complete Chapter 2 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:45:00 ** 01:25:00 *** 01:18:00 ------------------- STORMDRAINS ONE ------------------- Beat a qualifying time on Chase to unlock this course * 02:00:00 ** 01:30:00 *** 01:22:00 ------------------- STORMDRAINS TWO ------------------- Beat a qualifying time on Stormdrains 1 to unlock this course * 01:20:00 ** 01:03:00 *** 00:57:00 --------------------- STORMDRAINS THREE --------------------- Beat a qualifying time on Stormdrains 2 to unlock this course * 01:10:00 ** 00:59:00 *** 00:53:00 -------- HEAT -------- Complete Chapter 3 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:15:00 ** 01:02:00 *** 00:56:00 ------------ BURFIELD ------------ Beat a qualifying time on Heat to unlock this course * 01:25:00 ** 01:10:00 *** 01:02:00 -------------- CRANES ONE -------------- Beat a qualifying time on Burfield to unlock this course * 01:45:00 ** 01:25:00 *** 01:17:00 -------------- CRANES TWO -------------- Complete Chapter 4 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:20:00 ** 01:09:00 *** 01:02:00 ------------ NEW EDEN ------------ Complete Chapter 5 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:20:00 ** 01:01:00 *** 00:55:00 ----------- FACTORY ----------- Complete Chapter 6 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:35:00 ** 01:20:00 *** 01:10:00 ---------- OFFICE ---------- Complete Chapter 7 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:05:00 ** 00:32:00 *** 00:27:00 -------------- CONVOY ONE -------------- Complete Chapter 8 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 01:20:00 ** 01:04:00 *** 00:58:00 -------------- CONVOY TWO -------------- Beat a qualifying time on Convoy 1 to unlock this course * 01:20:00 ** 01:04:00 *** 00:58:00 -------------- ATRIUM ONE -------------- Beat a qualifying time on Convoy 2 to unlock this course * 02:00:00 ** 01:15:00 *** 00:55:00 -------------- ATRIUM TWO -------------- Beat a qualifying time on Atrium 1 to unlock this course * 01:25:00 ** 01:07:00 *** 01:00:00 ------------- SHARD ONE ------------- Complete Chapter 9 in Story Mode to unlock this course * 02:00:00 ** 01:15:00 *** 01:08:00 ------------- SHARD TWO ------------- Beat a qualifying time on Shard 1 to unlock this course * 01:15:00 ** 01:07:00 *** 01:02:00 =============================================================================== V. RUNNER BAG LOCATIONS RBLO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of the Chapter and checkpoint that each bag can be found in. Use the BAG## to jump to the section of the walkthrough with a description of how to find it. PROLOGUE EDGE BAG01 CHECKPOINT B BAG02 CHECKPOINT B BAG03 CHECKPOINT C CHAPTER 1 FLIGHT BAG04 CHECKPOINT A BAG05 CHECKPOINT C BAG06 CHECKPOINT E CHAPTER 2 JACKNIFE BAG07 CHECKPOINT A BAG08 CHECKPOINT C BAG09 CHECKPOINT E CHAPTER 3 HEAT BAG10 CHECKPOINT A BAG11 CHECKPOINT C BAG12 CHECKPOINT D CHAPTER 4 ROPEBURN BAG13 CHECKPOINT A BAG14 CHECKPOINT C BAG15 CHECKPOINT D CHAPTER 5 NEW EDEN BAG16 CHECKPOINT B BAG17 CHECKPOINT C BAG18 CHECKPOINT C CHAPTER 6 PIRANDELLO KRUGER BAG19 CHECKPOINT A BAG20 CHECKPOINT B BAG21 CHECKPOINT C CHAPTER 7 THE BOAT BAG22 CHECKPOINT A BAG23 CHECKPOINT B BAG24 CHECKPOINT B CHAPTER 8 KATE BAG25 CHECKPOINT A BAG26 CHECKPOINT C BAG27 CHECKPOINT C CHAPTER 9 THE SHARD BAG28 CHECKPOINT A BAG29 CHECKPOINT C BAG30 CHECKPOINT D =============================================================================== VI. ACHIEVEMENTS/TROPHIES ACTR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are total of 44 achievements/trophies. Obtaining all 44 gives you 1000GS (X360) or a platinum trophy (PS3). Achievement/Trophy name (GS) (Trophy Type) --------------------------------- Back on the job (10) (Bronze) --------------------------------- Complete the Tutorial ----------------------------------- Prologue Complete (20) (Bronze) ----------------------------------- Complete the Prologue in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 1 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 1 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 2 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 2 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 3 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 3 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 4 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 4 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 5 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 5 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 6 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 6 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 7 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 7 in story mode ------------------------------------ Chapter 8 Complete (20) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 8 in story mode -------------------------- Bag lady (20) (Bronze) -------------------------- Find all three hidden bags in one chapter There are three bags in each chapter including the prologue. You can get all three in any of the ten levels to get this. ------------------------------------ Ran out of fingers (30) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Find 11 hidden bags Just get any eleven bags throughout the game. See the walkthrough above for their locations. ------------------------------ On the clock (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------ Beat the qualifier time on any Time Trial stretch You unlock time trials through completing levels. To access time trials, go to the Race section of the main menu and select Time Trials. You only need to beat the lowest time on any level to get this. ---------------------------------- Access all areas (20) (Bronze) ---------------------------------- Unlock all Time Trial stretches There are 23 time trial stretches to unlock. See the Time Trial section (TTRI) above for a list and how to unlock them. ---------------------------- Baby steps (20) (Bronze) ---------------------------- Attain a Time Trial star rating of 20 There are three different times to beat for each time trial. Depending on which time you beat you get one, two, or three stars. Obtain twenty stars to get this. ----------------------------------- Prologue Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ----------------------------------- Complete a Speedrun of the Prologue below the target time Speedrun mode is accessed through the Race section of the main menu. You need to beat the game to unlock it. Then simply replay a level under the required time. ------------------------------------ Chapter 1 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 1 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 2 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 2 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 3 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 3 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 4 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 4 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 5 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 5 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 6 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 6 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 7 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 7 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 8 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 8 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. ------------------------------------ Chapter 9 Speedrun (10) (Bronze) ------------------------------------ Complete a Speedrun of Chapter 9 below the target time See Prologue Speedrun. --------------------------------- Head over heels (20) (Bronze) --------------------------------- Complete a chapter of the game without ending up in a heavy landing Probably the easiest level to do this on is the Prologue. There aren't many enemies and only a few places you could end up in a heavy landing. To avoid a heavy landing, simply hit the crouch button just before landing. ----------------------------- Untouchable (15) (Bronze) ----------------------------- Complete a chapter without getting shot Again, the Prologue level is probably the easiest because there are only a couple areas where you could be shot. Just be smart and use cover. -------------------------- Pacifist (15) (Bronze) -------------------------- Complete a chapter without firing a gun This is easily done in the Prologue level. Just don't fire a gun. -------------------------------- Martial artist (10) (Bronze) -------------------------------- Perform a melee hit from a wallrun There are plenty of opportunities to do this throughout the game, if you are looking for them. ----------------------- Mine! (15) (Bronze) ----------------------- Perform 15 successful disarms (outside of the tutorial) Simply disarm 15 enemies throughout the course of the game. Should be easy as disarming usually quicker than attacking. ---------------------------- Tango down (15) (Bronze) ---------------------------- Knock out 20 enemies in melee combat The enemies that you knock out during disarms don't count for this one. You need to run up to enemies, punch and kick them to knock them out. ------------------------------ Sweet goodbye (5) (Bronze) ------------------------------ Triggered the flip-off move To do this you need to have an enemy chasing you. Then jump and quickly hit the 180 button to turn around and flip-off your pursuers. --------------------------------- Hey, it's-a-me! (10) (Bronze) --------------------------------- Execute a stomp move on an enemy To do a stomp move, you need to jump from the top of an object toward an enemy and hit the attack button. ------------------------------- That's a wrap (60) (Silver) ------------------------------- Complete the story mode on any difficulty Simply finish the story mode on either easy or normal, as they are the only options your first time, and you receive this. ------------------------------ A for effort (25) (Silver) ------------------------------ Attain a Time Trial star rating of 35 See Baby Steps. ------------------------- Vrooom! (40) (Silver) ------------------------- Maintain sprint speed for 30 seconds To get this you need to sprint for 30 seconds consecutivly. This is easy to do in Chapter 2 Jacknife Checkpoint E. Take out the blues and then circle the hole until you get it. You can't turn to sharply or you'll slow down. ------------------------------------------ Up, over, under, onwards (25) (Silver) ------------------------------------------ String together the following: jump, coil (over obstacle), slide (under obstacle) This can be done right at the beginning of the Prologue level. Jump off of one of the solar panels, coil over the fence, and then hit crouch when you land to slide under the pipes. ------------------------------ Free flowing (25) (Silver) ------------------------------ String together the following: wallrun, jump, speedvault This can be done by doing a wallrun and jump to a bar. Then simply swing ahead right away after grabbing it. There are a lot of opportunities to get this throughout the game. ---------------------------------------- May I have this dance? (30) (Silver) ---------------------------------------- String together the following: wallrun, turn, jump, wallclimb, turn, jump To do this you need to find two walls or buildings close together. Shortly after the zipline in the Prologue there are two such buildings. Wallrun on one building and hit the turn button. Then hit the jump button to wallclimb the other building. Then hit the turn button again and the jump button again. ------------------------------ aaaand safe! (30) (Silver) ------------------------------ String together the following: wallrun, jump, coil (over obstacle), skill roll Load up the time trial level 'Playground Two'. Shortly after the second checkpoint there will be a fence with barb wire at the top. Wallrun up the building on the left and jump. Hit the crouch button as you go over the fence. Then hit the crouch button agian just before you land. ------------------------------- Test of Faith (80) (Silver) ------------------------------- Complete the game without shooting an enemy This one isn't too difficult. The only places that may be a problem are the end checkpoint E of Chapter 8 Kate and checkpoints C and F of Chapter 9 The Shard. -------------------------- Pro runner (80) (Gold) -------------------------- Complete story mode on hard difficulty ----------------------- Packrat (80) (Gold) ----------------------- Find all 30 hidden bags Simply find all thirty bags hidden throughout the game. The locations are given in the walkthrough ------------------------------ Still counting (30) (Gold) ------------------------------ Attain a Time Trial star rating of 50 See Baby Steps. ---------------------------- Over the Edge (Platinum) ---------------------------- Unlock all other trophies To get this you need to be playing the PS3 version of the game and obtain all 44 of the previously listed trophies. =============================================================================== VII. UNLOCKABLES UNLO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of the artwork, videos, and music that is unlockable through playing the game. ********************************************************************* ARTWORK AWRK ********************************************************************* Faith sketches Faith sketch Faith concept Magazine cover 1 Magazine cover 1 - details Magazine cover 2 Magazine cover 2 - detail Magazine cover 3 Magazine cover 3 - detail Magazine cover 4 Magazine cover 4 - detail The City 1 The City 2 The City 3 The City 4 The City 5 The City 5 - detail The City 6 The City 6 - detail The City 7 The City 8 The City 9 The City 10 Characters - Celeste sketches Characters - Celeste concept Characters - CPF concepts 1 Characters - CPF concepts 2 Characters - Jacknife sketches Characters - Jacknife concept Characters - Merc concept Characters - Miller sketches Characters - Miller concept Characters - Ropeburn sketches Characters - Ropeburn concept Characters - SWAT sketches Characters - SWAT concept Characters - Pursuit sketches Characters - Pursuit concept Characters - Runners Misc - Merc's Lair 1 Misc - Merc's Lair 2 Misc - The bag Misc - Cut interrogation scene Misc - The Shard servers Misc - The PK training facility Misc - Painting 1 Misc - Painting 2 Misc - Painting 3 Cover sketches 1 Cover sketches 2 Cover sketches 3 ********************************************************************* VIDEOS VIDS ********************************************************************* Attract Movie CS 1 - Intro CS 2 - The Listener CS 3 - Back at Merc's CS 4 - Miller CS 5 - Standoff CS 6 - Celeste CS 7 - Jacknife CS 8 - Race to Harbour CS 9 - The Assassin CS 10 - Kate's rescue ********************************************************************* MUSIC MUSC ********************************************************************* Full Menu Song - Theme Remixed E3 Trailer Music The Edge - Ambience Flight - Ambience Jacknife - Ambience Jacknife - Puzzle Heat - Ambience Heat - Puzzle Ropeburn - Ambience Ropeburn - Cutscene Ambience New Eden - Ambience New Eden - Combat Pirandello Kruger - Ambience Pirandello Kruger - Puzzle The Boat - Combat The Boat - Chase Kate - Ambience Kate - Puzzle The Shard - Ambience The Shard - Puzzle =============================================================================== VIII. LEGAL/CONTACT INFO LGCI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This walkthrough copyright 2008 Derek Bentz This walkthrough has been approved for the following sites: gamefaqs.com gamespot.com supercheats.com gamerevolution.com neoseeker.com gamesradar.com cheatplanet.com cheatmasters.com Send any questions, comments, or suggestions to xxdar7h4nakinxx [@] hotmail.com with a subject line pertaining to this walkthrough or I will disregard the email. Any feedback is appreciated.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.