Animal Crossing: City Folk Money Guide Written by Ryan Rigney, owner of Contact me at Follow me at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Introduction Hey everybody! I'm returning for my second guide to be published on this site, and it's actually not a whole lot different than the first one. Since Animal Crossing for the Wii really didn't change a whole lot from the DS version, (which my first guide was written for) I've pretty much just updated that guide to work with City Folk. As such, I'll need the community's help in crafting this guide. My email is, and I expect lots of feedback. If I missed something or simply have incorrect information down here, be sure to hit me with a message and let me know. I'll give credit to anyone and everyone that helps, so your hard work won't go unrecognized. You can also check out my website,, which allows pretty much any old hobo off the streets to get their humorous gaming articles out there for thousands of my readers to check out. I also use it as my personal blog. If you've got a funny bone, check that place out. Moving on to the topic of copyrights; look, I don't care what you do with this guide, post it anywhere, just don't change my quotes. For instance, you could change the word "quotes" in that last sentence to "pants" and post it somewhere and next thing you know I'm gettin all kinds of strange offers in my e-mail account. You get the idea. No I'm not kidding, that's really what it is. I'll contribute your um... contributy thingy if it's good enough AND RELEVANT. Okay... how's that for an introduction? Now for what the title claims this to be: the money guide. Nah. I'm just messin with you. You're still going to have to scroll through the contents and version history and my notes and- scroll! Scroll like the wind! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents (1) Version History (2) Using Money for More Money (3) Fossils (3.1) Fossils: Sell or Donate? (4) Fishing (4.1) Thoughts on Fishing (5) Fruit (5.1) Planting Strategy (5.2) Thoughts on Fruit (6) Foraging For Funds (7) Money Trees (7.1) Thoughts on Money Trees (8) Online/Local Trading (8.1) Cheating Your Friends and Family for Fun and Profit (8.2) Local/Online Stalk Market (9) Red Turnips (9.1) Thoughts on Red Turnips (10) White Turnips (10.1) Investment Strategy (10.2) Thoughts on White Turnips (10.3) Notes on White Turnips (11) Other Cash-Making Techniques (11.1) Interest (11.2) The Flea Market (11.3) Balloons (11.4) Animal Deliveries (11.5) Animal Hobbies (11.6) "Magical" Rocks (11.6.1) Rock Strategy (12) Overall Best (13) Overall Thoughts (14) What're Supposedly Copyrights ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) Version History 1.00 (10:30 PM Sunday, November 16, 2008) This sucker is pretty well filled up. I got it all nice and organized, and I'm about to submit it to GameFAQs. Wish me luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2) Using Money for More Money Before I begin rattling on about all the wonderful nonsense mentioned in the contents, I have to make a few suggestions. Before you can even begin to buy things with all the wealth you will (hopefully) accumulate from following this guide, you need to pay off your house to the point where you have a usable second story. Trust me, you're going to have white turnips coming out your ears. Very painful. You'll need the space. That and the purchase of a dresser is all you need. I say this because you WILL need the storage and you WILL- no wait, there was only one reason. Anyway, keep that in mind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3) Fossils Only in AC would hundreds of dead critters show up on a daily basis in your back yard. Odd as it seems, three stars appear in your town every day. These stars can be dug up using the shovel, revealing either a pitfall, gyroid, or fossil, the latter of which is what this chapter is all about. Fossils sell for quite a lot of money usually, but you can't do anything with them until you get them identified by the museum curator, Blathers, whom from what I can gather, cannot move his legs. Simply talk to him, select "check fossil" and choose the fossil to be identified. Blathers will faithfully begin studying the fossil while making a series of disturbing grunts and gasps for breath. After this epileptic episode, he will ask whether or not you will donate the piece to the museum. He won't ask if that type of fossil has already been donated. (3.1) Fossils: Sell or Donate? Here comes the eternal question, should you sell for the quick 2-5,000 bells, or Donate in order to make your museum a better place? I recommend using fossils as a form of making cash only in the beginning of the game. You'll need the extra dough to pay that house off as soon as possible (for the first few upgrades, anyway). After that, rely on some of the following methods for your income, while you soup up that museum. If you don't care about your museum, go ahead and sell. No skin off your back. Unless somebody you know needs a transplant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (4) Fishing This is the best moneymaker that doesn't require an investment. Save the measely 400 for the fishing rod and you have an all new source of income. Fishing is a very simple concept. Stand facing a body of water and press A. This casts your line. You'll have a floatymajigger type thing that will dip when a fish bites. The most important thing to remember is that the fish has to be facing the thingymajigger to see it and to possibly take the bait. You have to take into consideration the flow of water when casting towards a fish. In case you haven't already figured it out, the fish is that fish-like shadow. No der. You also might want to let the line float a ways before pulling in so as to give a chance for the fish to react. When a fish nibbles on your line, don't pull in (A) right away. Wait until right after the floaty thingy goes under and makes the sploosh noise before reeling. Get some practice in, and learn to time it right, and the fish is yours. I tried eating them raw, but it seems that someone at Nintendo has some common sense. Sell the fish for quick cash, donate it if it's a first timer, or keep it as a pet. Practice, and you'll perfect the technique in no time. O. And the reason that I called it the "floatymajigger" thing, that was a joke. You know. Like, hah hah. I got an e- mail from some guy tellin me that it made me appear unintelligent. Tell you what, if you actually have nothing better to do than correct spelling errors in some unimportant online FAQ, do it to somebody else's. I don't find it humorous when I get insulted. I'll correct the spelling errors. If that bothers you, print it out and use white out, but don't tell me about it. I couldn't care less. (4.1) Thoughts on Fishing This is the best quick cash method. Once you get good at it, you'll be haulin in squirming nuggets o gold faster than a Californian with magnet gloves. A full pack of fish can sometimes sell for 10,000. It isn't the fastest way to make money, but it is an unlimited supply source, and it doesn't require but a 400 bell investment. I highly recommend this technique until you're rich enough to live off of the "stalk market," which we'll get into later. So go out and start endangering species, their pitiful lives are worth tons! Of money! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (5) Fruit This is, without a doubt, the biggest moneymaker in the game. It is also one of the most time consuming, as it may take weeks before your orchard is complete. There are 6 types of fruit: Apples, Oranges, Peaches, Cherries, Pears and Coconuts. These are planted by digging a hole anywhere and dropping a fruit of any type in. If you don't trample the sapling like some clumsy oaf, a new tree that will produce three of the type of buried fruit every three days will grow. Trees can be planted in any soil but the sand on the beach. The one exception are coconuts, which can only flourish in the soil directly above the sand; NOT THE SAND. (5.1) Planting Strategy You're town starts out with one of the normal five fruits (never coconuts). This fruit sells for 100 bells apiece at Nook's shop. Since each tree produces three fruits every three days, that adds up. But it's not where the real money's at. The reason this made this list is the selling price for fruit that isn't native to your town. 500 bells FOR A SINGLE FRUIT. The fact that you can get over 200 trees in your town, each producing 3 500 bell fruit, is literally a mind-blowing amount of bells. That equals 300,000 bells every 3 days. Yeah. That's a lot. How do you get these foreign fruits? Everybody recommends going online to get them. That's because everybody is an idiot. The quickest way to get some foreign fruit is to simply send a letter to a villager with one of your native fruits attached. They will probably send a foreign fruit back. Chop down a tree and plant the fruit where the stump used to be. This is so you are pretty much guaranteed that the fruit tree will grow successfully. After that, plant every fruit that grows from the tree (don't chop down anything for them), and every fruit that grows from those trees. Do this until the town hall attendant tells you that you have too many trees in your town. Chop down a few until she's satisfied, then start chopping down and replacing the stumps with that type of fruit. Doing this will not only give you a perfect town, but a near unlimited supply of bells. It's not balanced, but it'll make the other kids cry with jealousy. (5.2) Thoughts on Fruit This is the way to get rich. The only problem is, if you do the 200 trees thing, you'll have to spend about 3 hours picking the fruit. If you are, you know, a nerd with no life, that's all fun and swell, but for me that just isn't worth it. I got like, chicks and stuff. Seriously. Anyway, it IS the best way to make the moolah, so you pick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (6) Foraging for Funds Heh. That has a nice ring to it. Tongue twister. Peterpiperpicksapeck- you know, it's not quite as challenging when you type it. Anyway, that was random, and I apologize. This is about using all the things you find to sell. I'm gone crack this off Dvd Duesday style, for all you AOTS fans. Seashells: Good. Quick. Good money. Takes a while to reappear. Native Fruit: Quick cash. Good for when you need a few extra bucks. Old Furniture: Not much cash. Sell it if it isn't rare. Recycled Furniture: If you don't want it, sell it. Gyroids: I hate em. Nearly 1000 bells apeice. Sell em all. Lost and Found stuff: Nearly always crap. Quick buck. Your own leg: I'm joking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (7) Money Trees Finally. It's here. MONEY TREES!!! yay. whatever. To grow one of these, you first need a golden shovel. This will take about two days. Buy a shovel. Got it? Good. Now buy another shovel, like the next day or something. Got it? Good. Now bury one shovel with the first shovel, and just leave it. The idea is to wait at least 24 hours before you dig the second shovel up again. Before exactly that and this won't work. After your 24 hours, dig it back up and it will be a golden shovel. This would bring down the value of gold to nothing in a matter of hours if the media found out, so don't tell. After you've gotten the golden shovel, dig a hole. I know, you're tired of it. Suck it up. Now the interesting part. See, if you bury a money bag in this hole, there's a chance that it will grow into a tree that bears 3 bags containing the same amount of bells that was in the buried bag. But there's a catch. It might not grow AND the maximum you can get is three 30,000 bell bags, or 90,000 bells, for our less mathematically gifted viewers. So burying over 90,000 bells is pretty much pointless. Also, if you bury 1,000 bells, there's a 1% chance a money tree will grow. A tree will grow regardless, but it might not have money on it. If you bury 10,000 bells, on the other hand, there's a 10% chance a money tree will grow. 50,000 buried bells equals a 50% chance of growth, and so on. Every thousand bells adds one percent chance of growth to your overall chance. Got it? Good. Keep in mind that the tree won't grow more than 90,000 bells, though. Also, it will not regrow bells like a normal fruit tree. (7.1) Thoughts on Money Trees It's Chancy. Your Choice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8) Online/Local Trading I'm no expert at online trading, in fact, I suck at it. That's why I'm begging anyone to help me. PLEASE. Turnips I got, I just need maybe a list of items considered rare and that therefore sell for more, some strategies, and whatever else you throw in. There is a bell award. (8.1) Cheating Your Friends and Family for Fun and Profit Now this is something I can tell you about. Once you already have a decent catalog, prepare to make some cash if you have access to online or local multiplayer. My dad is a really philosophical kinda guy. An engineer for NASA actually. Basically, he has way to much think time on his hands. Anyway, he one day explained the basis of trading. It's called the "greatest fool." Now you may be thinking, oh boy, here comes a sarcastic Migito moment. But it's really pretty practical. You see, everybody has wants. Depending on how much they value these wants, they set a price in their mind. You can always push this price up a bit. The trick is to not push the item you are selling up too far, or they will become stubborn and revert to that original price they had set in their mind. Here comes the fool part. When figuring out how much that particular item is worth, you must decide how much to pay for it. If you don't have an item in your catalog, where everything is pretty much cheap, you may have to go online to buy the item. If you buy the item for more than the customer is willing to pay, you have become the greatest fool. Don't ask how much the person is willing to pay, because then they'll figure out that they are at the moment they are the greatest fool, and then YOU once again become the greatest fool. That's about as complicated as I'm going to get this whole guide, so be wary of vampiric squirrels!!!(joke explained in thanks) (8.2) Local/Online Stalk Market Here comes my take on the one thing that 90% of the topics on the boards are about. If you know nothing about turnips, skip this and go to the white turnips section. If you do have an IQ above 20, stay here and read on. As you know, everybody that owns the game has their own turnip price every day. Some are better than others. A lot better. This is where taking advantage of others begins. If you have an incredible price on turnips, (400+) and have an online connection, take your town to market. What I mean is post your price on a board and charge an entrance price. Before doing so, check out what other people have in their towns, and see what THEY are charging for entrance. No one wants to pay 100,000 for entrance to a town with turnips buying for 500 bells when some other guy has nook shelling out 600 bells a pop and he's only charging 75,000 bells for entrance. Local people will generally let you in for free, or for however much money you have, since it's assumed you're friends since you're playing together. If they won't let you in for cheap, simply lob something heavy at them, that way when they're passed out, you can open their gates. You could also blackmail. Lobbing things is more fun, though. When the cops ask, I didn't tell you that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (9) Red Turnips Every Sunday from six to twelve in the morning, a creepy old hog type thing wearing a bonnet, named Joan, shows up randomly walking around your town. She's packing two typed of turnips, red and white, the former being the subject of this chapter. Good 'ol Joan has the memory of an elephant... that has had a lobotomy. Every single time she shows up, she only remembers to bring ONE PACK OF SEEDS. Aggravated? You will be when you find out how much these things are worth. Buy the pack, which cost only 1,000 bells. Find a easily visibly area, and plant it. (Doesn't require a hole, plant like a flower) Now here's the catch: you have to water this thing every single day or it will die. That doesn't sound so bad. I mean, you know, what's a thousand bells? The little wussy will die after a week also. BUT, if you water it every day and sell it the end of the week, Old Man Nook will take it off your hands for 15,000 bells. Now you know why it's aggravating that you can only buy one. (9.1) Thoughts on Red Turnips This is an okay way to make cash, but it really doesn't feel worth the dedication in the end. If you play AC every day of the week, buy you a pack of big red. But if for any reason you can't make it to your ds even one day of a whole week, this is a waste of time and money. Not my favorite. Also, the fact that you can only buy one pack at a time makes this technique a pass. It pretty much sucks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (10) White Turnips Heeeeeeeeeeere we go. Your one way ticket to "retirement" from picking fruit. Also from the large-headed Joan, these are AC's version of a one- product stock market. Joan will sell these at varying prices every Sunday. There is an unlimited supply, so buy all you like. Joan's selling prices usually hover around 100 bells, with exceptions. The reason you should spend all your hard-earned cash on the turnips? Tom Nook's buying price raises or lowers randomly from Monday-Saturday. Buy low, sell high, make a load, milk the system. (10.1) Investment Strategy Like I said before, Joan's selling price is usually around 100 bells. The only time you should refrain from buying is when she's selling for more than about 130 bells. More than that and you're risking it. But if you feel lucky, go ahead. If you're rich to the point that you're just making more money for bragging purposes, invest every time. Though you'll probably want to rip off someone’s face when you get messed over. Fair warning. Check Tom Nook's every day. If you don't get a price that you would make a decent amount of money on by Wednesday, sell on the next price that comes up that will get you your money back. If Nook at any time offers 30 bells more than what you bought them for, sell. It's worth it. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL SATURDAY TO SELL. Why the urgency? Like their red counterparts, white turnips spoil after Saturday. These are some good rules to follow when investing. Don't follow them and you'll probably get hosed. (10.2) Thoughts on White Turnips This is the way to make the REAL money. Paired with a good fruit orchard, you'll have your house paid off in no time with smart investments. Always check with Joan. ALWAYS. If you have to time travel a few hours to get her, do it. But the turnips don't survive tting, so be warned. You won't be able to change back till you sell. Suck on that, tters. (10.3) Notes on White Turnips I got a very interesting e-mail from some random dude named Master5871 (whole lot of masters out there) who held a very interesting bit of knowledge that I'd never heard before. Turns out old man Nookinton changes his turnip prices after noon. That means you have two chances a day to make tons, not just one. I didn't know, so maybe you didn't. Then again, I also don't know what I ate for breakfast, so it's not a high standard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (11) Other Cash-Making Techniques Here are some other ways to drag in some dead presidents. Most of them totally suck. (11.1) Interest Get a lot of money, put it in the bank, get a very small amount of interest. Not very useful if you're trashed, but if you have a ton of cash anyway, why not? You're better off putting your money into turnips though. (11.2) The Flea Market Every once in a while, every animal in town hosts their very own small shop in their home. Go, because they will buy some items for up to three times what Nook would pay. A very nice way to make cash. Not much else you can say. Just don't depend on it. It's not an every day thing. UPDATE: I’ve recently been informed of a trick you can use to exploit the foolish little villagers. Sometimes after you sell an item to an animal, it will appear in the recycle bin, where you can go and pick it up again. This allows you to potentially sell the same item multiple times to the same animal. Proving once and for all that not only that elephants DO forget, but also that there’s always someone dumber than you. (11.3) Balloons Ever notice those little floaty things that, you know, float around on the top screen sometimes? Those are BALOONS. Much to the excitement of millions of brain-dead children around the world, balloons are in this game. It doesn't make much sense, but for some reason, balloons will float over your town about every ten minutes. There is a reason Nook has all those slingshots in his shop . That's what you use to shoot down those balloons. (11.4) Animal Deliveries If you ever played the first Animal Crossing, you'll probably be expecting to have to do tons of deliveries in this game. Let's face it, in the first game there were about three things animals would say to you: "I lost my glasses, bought this shirt for (insert random pantless animal here), or I found (insert other random pantless animal here)'s Gameboy and you can't play it because this is a stupid game and Nintendo likes to torture people." It got old. Real fast. BUT, you were also expecting NES games, and we didn't get those either. Yes. No more stupid, repetitive animal deliveries. You can still deliver for animals by simply talking to them and hope it comes up in the conversation, but there is no longer the option to deliver on the screen. You know what I mean. Delivering for the animals is a pretty bad way to make cash. If you want furniture, or just brownie points with the animals, this is a good way to pass the time, but if the animals do decide to pay you, it probably won't be over 1,000 bells. Not really worth your time. On the other hand, you could sell the furniture and other items you are likely to get from them, which could bring in some cash flow. Your choice. It's almost worth it just to watch your neighbor pull a couch out of his pants. (11.5) Animal Hobbies Okay, Animals have hobbies. These really annoying mindless desires for a certain type of thing, such as pink furniture, or the left leg of all the other animals. One of the two, I forget. Anyway, these hobbies pop up in random conversation with your townspeople AND DON'T GO AWAY UNTIL YOU FUFILL THEM. Sometimes they'll stay even though you fulfilled them, but I'm not sure. Anyway if you really just hate money, go right ahead. I bought a pink couch for Cesar, because, apparently, he's like that, and he paid me about half of what I paid to get the thing. Sometimes you get furniture, but you're safer off doing some deliveries. (11.6) "Magical" Rocks I don't really care what you call them, magical or red, players of the original Animal Crossing for GCN will probably remember one of the tricks in the game that made even less sense than the others. Basically, hit a rock with a shovel, and money might come shooting out of it. Yeah. See, every day a different rock is... financial... um. Well, it has money in it. Basically just run around like an idiot every day hitting every rock in town. You could add some strategy to it. I'm serious. I'm literally about to give you a strategy for hitting a rock with a shovel. What has our world come to? (11.6.1) Rock Strategy Okay, the more you hit the rock that has the money within a certain time limit, the more money comes out. It comes out in an order something like this. 1 hit- 100 bells 2 hit- 200 bells 3 hit- 300 bells 4 hit- um. More than that. Look, I don't know. Just hit the rock a bunch and money comes out. The details aren't really necessary. Although the way you stand is, see, you get knocked back every time you hit the rock, and since you only have a small amount of time that the rock will produce money, that's a bad thing. Luckily for you, some guy whose name I'll have to add in a later version came up with a way to stop the recoil. Simply dig two holes like this: Oh, crap. I accidentally made it so the graph is split between two pages... I'll fix that with some random thoughts. If you throw money at people, is that assault, or charity? How'd that whale fly over that kid at the end of "Free Willy"? It should of like, crushed him. That would have been a better ending. How much wood COULD a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Okay, I'm done. Wait, they don't have pages in FAQs, do they? God, I'm stupid. Key: R=Rock 0=Hole X=You RRRRRR RRRRRR RRRRRR XX 000 XX 00000 000 000 00000 000 I for one think that's a very good picture. Anyway, you stand approximately where the X is, and face the rock. Then start hitting and don't stop, if you placed the two holes correctly, you won't move backwards enough to the point that you will miss the rock. This will assure that you can hit the rock as many times as possible before it stops spitting out the cash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (12) Overall Best Do some foraging and whatnot while you expand your foreign fruit orchard. Doing so will give you the funds to get into white turnip investment, which is the absolute best way to make money. That's pretty much all there is too it. Just have fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (13) Overall Thoughts Make your own strategy using any of the suggested ways to make cash, then buy what you want with it. That's the point of AC, customization and uniqueness on every cartridge. Don't conform. But remember, if you let your obsession with getting virtual money go to far, such as planting an orchard that takes 3 hours to pick, you've stepped over the line. There's more to life than video games, don't donate so much of yours to them. That's about it. Have fun and make some cash. Just don't expect it all to happen in one day, cuz it won't. I hope you enjoyed reading this FAQ, and found it useful. If you didn't, you can die for all I care. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (14) What're supposedly Copyrights Upload this to immediately for all I care. Just don't copy stuff from this and then claim that it's your own work. I've seen it happen. I'm known for giving "the farmhand" to perpetrators. I don't care if you're a nun or an orphan or whatever. I'll throw down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The End
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.