Gears of War 2 FAQ/ Walkthrough

_______________________________GEARS  OF  WAR  2_______________________________


This guide has been written and is still being written by Sokkus.

This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for 
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise 
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on 
any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, 
and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their 
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If you wish to use my guide on another website, please ask me for permission 

Websites authorised to use this guide:



     1. Introduction           [INTR]
     2. Hints and Tips         [HNTS]
     3. Story Walkthrough      [WLKT]
         3.1  Tip of the Spear [ACT1]           
         3.2  Denezens         [ACT2] 
         3.3  Gathering Storm  [ACT3] 
         3.4  Hive             [ACT4] 
         3.5  Aftermath        [ACT5] 
     4. Collectibles           [CLTB]
     5. Unlockables            [UNLK]
     6. Achievements           [ACMT]
     7. Verion History         [HSTY]
     8. Thanks                 [THNK]


Welcome to my guide for Gears of War 2! This is only the second time I have 
written a guide for a game (the other being a Fable II guide) and I am 
thoroughly enjoying writing it. I have used many FAQs written by others for 
help in games during the years and decided it was time to contribute something.
I hope this guide will be of assistance to someone out there!

As a endnote I would like to add that this guide will most likely contain some 
spoilers but I have done my utmost to keep things as vague as possible 
for the purists among you. Thanks for reading!


This guide is currently incomplete, as of now, it contains:

- Full walkthrough from Act 1-1 - Act 5-5 (excluding Act 3-4)
- Achievement List
- Small Hits and tips section
- Some collectible items, but not all (im still looking for them!)

Date Started 9th November, 2008

***Have I missed something? Do you have a handy tactic or alternate route? Do 
***you have questions or have you seen any errors in my walkthrough? If so, 
***check out my contact section and send me an email.

***  Hints & Tips  [HNTS]  ***

- Always use cover. You never know when a rocket, torque bow arrow or sniper is
  going to come and knock your face off.

- Learn how to active reload, this will get you reloaded and back in the fight
  almost instantly and give you a small increase in damage to boot.

- Only melee as a last resort (excludes wretches)

- Try sticking grenades to walls near emergence holes

- Always press the 'Y' button to view points of interest, it will save you 
  from getting lost and give you an idea of what to do. 

- If you are knocked down, crawl to your nearest team mate instead of staying 

- If you ever get lost in a level, wait a couple of seconds, and then follow 
  your squad - they never get lost!

- When you take damage in cover, use the red circle on the screen to line up 
  enemies whilst regenerating health. The centre of the red circle will be 
  where your aiming reticle will be if you pull it up.

- When using the Torque Bow, charge it BEFORE leaning out to shoot. That way, 
  you can just aim and fire, instead of waiting to charge up a good shot while
  exposing yourself to enemy fire. (thanks to vaderwalks)

- Practice blind firing! While it greatly reduces accuracy, you're virtually 
  untouchable while doing so. It's not particularly effective against Grubs 
  or Drones in cover, but it can be very effective against larger targets, such
  as Grinders or Reavers. This is especially important when using grenades.
  (thanks to vaderwalks)

- Balance out your weapon selection; this means that you should make sure that,
  no matter what situation you find yourself in, you have a weapon that can 
  play the proper role. You don't need 3 close-range power weapons 
  (i.e. Shotgun, Magnum & Flamer) or 3 long-range precision guns 
  (Longshot, Torque Bow & Hammerburst). Keep a versatile weapon like the 
  Lancer at all times, pick a specialty weapon for certain situations, and 
  then pick whatever pistol can best fill in for your missing tactical option.
  (thanks to vaderwalks)

- Hold onto the Lancer! While it's not the most accurate or powerful weapon 
  in the game, it's the most versatile and reliable. It can be used in almost 
  any situation, and it has a disproportionately high level of ammo-efficiency;
  the clip is massive, and the gun can hold over 500 rounds total. 
  More important is the chainsaw; useful in battle, yes, but also necessary 
  for several objectives throughout the campaign. (thanks to vaderwalks)

***If you have an interesting tip or tactic, let me know. If i like it, Ill put
***it in here and give you credit

***  WALKTHROUGH   [WLKT]  ***

This walkthrough will provide players with the fastest route for each Act from 
beginning to the end. 

**Please note, I have not found all the collectibles yet, so they will not 
  appear in the walkthrough until i have found them. I will update this when
  it happens**

*** Act 1: Tip of the Spear [ACT1] ***

<<<<<Chapter 1: Welcome to Delta>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

As you start the game you will be given two options, to do some training or 
to skip the training. If you skip the training you will automatically start
the game on Act 1: Chapter 2. So skip ahead to the next section.

For those that choose the training, when you start, follow the street until 
you reach a dead end with a wire fence on the right. Just in front of the fence
there is a newspaper on the ground you can pick up for collectible (1/2). You 
will be instructed in how to use your tac com and getting into cover. Whilst 
you are showing Carmine how to do this, Jack will come and open the gate for 
you.  Head through the gate when its open and stay on the path until you reach
a dead end. Go into cover and learn the mechanics of blind fire, aiming, 
switching weapons and reloading. 

Carmine will then mosey over to a dumpster and push it out of the way. Make 
your way through the new opening and continue down the set path. Continue 
around the corner and kick down the gate in front of you when instructed. 
Continue to the right, through the basketball court and out the other side.  
You will see a wretch on the second floor of the building across the street. 
Learn how to toss a grenade and revive team mates, and then enter the car park
via the entrance on the left. 

Use the lancer to cut through the barrier just inside and continue up the ramp.
Follow the room around to the right and find the section of the wire fence 
that is missing. Use the ladder here to enter the alley below, turn right and 
enter the garage at the end of the street here to find collectible (2/2). Head
back to the street and continue in the opposite direction and turn right, onto
the street to finish the first chapter. 

<<<<<Chapter 2: Desperation>>>>>
  << 5 Collectibles >>

After a short story scene, you will gain control of Fenix inside a hospital. 
After a short chat with Anya and Dom, proceed out the door with the green 
light above it to the right of the office.  Continue through the next room 
and head up the stairs right of the blue sign on the roof. At the top of the 
stairs, continue through the door that opens for you and into a room with some
patients in it. Go through either door here and shortly after Anya will warn 
you of incoming hostilities. Make your way to one of the windows overlooking 
the courtyard, there should be a big stack of fuel bottles below. Wait for 
the locust patrol to venture close to them, blow them to bits. If you don’t 
kill them all, finish off any stragglers and then doors at the end of the 
hallways will open. Before you continue through to the next area, head around
to the opposite side of the room overlooking the courtyar. Enter the room to 
the right to find collectible (1/5).

Return to the hallway at the end and continue through the door here and follow
the balcony along to the left, as you round the corner, you will be attacked 
by two drones on the same level as you and another couple on the ground floor 
below. Kill them and continue through the door in front of you, here you will 
be attacked by another couple of grubs, ventilate them and head through the 
door on the right. Push over the table in front of you and take cover behind 
it, kill the grubs in the room and keep going, through the open door. There 
are some grenades here for the taking, so pick them up and continue down the 

At the bottom of the stairs clear the room of the locust. Go through the door 
on the right side of the room and exit the building through the door at the end
of the hallway. In the courtyard here, there are some COG soldiers in a gun 
battle with some grubs, help them finish what they started and head towards 
the stairs on the opposite side of the room. A Reaver will then land in the 
courtyard.  Defeat it or run up the stairs and enter the door to continue.

Follow the hallway and take a left at the end. Continue a short way down the 
hallway and eliminate all the hostiles in the room on the left. Follow Dom and
Tai through the open door and take either hallway to enter a large cafeteria, 
defeat the grubs and mosey on over to the circular garden in the adjoining 
room. As you do, a helicopter will fall through the room and some more locust 
will appear on the floor above you, head up the stairs or kill them and then 
head up the stairs and take the exit. 

After a short hallway, you will be in another large room with a conveniently 
located statue and desks in the middle of it. Cruise down the stairs and enter
the central area. The power will go out and the door on the left will burst 
open. Kill the grubs that enter from here and then another group will enter 
the room from a door near the bottom of the stairs on the opposite side of the
room. Kill them and then wait for Jack to open the door.

Exit the building with your now completed team and take cover behind the 
sandbags, kill whatever locust you can from here and then cautiously make your
way down the stairs. Eliminate the locust in the immediate area and a gunship 
will come in to help you.  Straight across from the bottom of the stairs is a 
store with a white 'Buy, Sell Trade' sign above it. Enter through the window 
and follow the room. From the windows, take out the grubs in the next area and
head back out onto the street. Follow the street to the end, killing anything 
in the way to finish the mission.


<<<<<Chapter 3: Rolling Thunder>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

You will regain control of Marcus on top of a moving assault derrick aptly 
named Betty, and you will be defending said drilling platform until the end of
the mission. There is a turret up the front of the vehicle that can be used and
a walled lower platform below.

Soon after leaving the staring area, the convoy will start getting hit with 
mortars. After the derrick to the left is taken out and the helicopter in front
of you gets hit, Betty is next. So head up to the turret and shoot down the 
incoming nemecyst before they hit the rig. If you take too much damage, the 
mission will be over.  After taking down around ten nemecyst, the rig in front
of you will be attacked and destroyed by reavers. Shoot them down as fast as 
possible before they take you out too. Then you will have a few moments of 
silence, leave the turret and go and pick up collectible (1/2) near the 
unusable ladder on the rig. 

As you reach the top of the hill the driver will lose control of the vehicle. 
You have to make an emergency stop and repair. Following a quick scene, Delta 
will be on the ground and tasked with defending the rig while it gets fixed. 
As soon as you regain control, run over to the left for some ammo, grenades and
collectible (2/2). 

Then head over to the debris in front of the rig.  As you do, an emergence 
hole will appear. Seal it up with grenades if you can and kill everything that
pops out of it.  Soon after another emergence hole will appear to the right of
the first. Defeat these bad boys and yet another emergence hole will appear, 
this time on the ledge above and to your right. As you are fighting these guys
one last emergence hole will make itself known right next to the first one. As
soon as Dizzy says its ready, run back to the ladder to escape the baddies 

<<<<<Chapter 4: The Big Push>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles >>

When you start, get Fenix to jump on the turret. Kill as many locust as you 
can as they stream out of the hole in the ground. Shoot the brumak too if you 
like. As you are leaving the rocky area, you will be attacked by another rig 
that has been hi-jacked. Use the turret to kill the locust as they appear on 
the deck. Try and keep them off of the rigs turret as best you can.  

After some time, the other rig will drift away from you, making it a little 
harder to hit those on board. However, you will pass by a small raised area 
from which a few grubs will jump on board, kill them as fast as you can and 
when the rigs come back together again, you will now also have the threat of 
grappling locust. Listen out for a distinct clanking sound, to signify a hook 
has landed on the rig. Find and shoot the hook or a locust will climb up it 
onto the deck.  When the other rig ventures away, jump off the turret and deal
with hooks or locust on board Betty and when it is close use the turret to kill
those on the other rig. 

After a lengthy battle with the scurvy crew of rig G53, Dizzy will spot a 
bridge up ahead. But its too small for two rigs to cross. Now is the fun part.
Get back onto the turret if you are not already there and shoot those on the 
deck. The rigs should come together pretty hard three times, each time; the 
window at the very front of the other rig will become more damaged. After the 
third, you will be able to shoot through the window and kill the grub piloting
the rig to send him and his crew plummeting to their doom.

Following the bridge, you will regroup with several other rigs and some 
helicopters. Man the turret and listen out for the stomping coming from your 
left. It’s a brumak! Shoot it until it is hit by an explosion and then turn 
the turret forward, shoot at another brumak just further up the road on the 
left. After you kill it, you should see a large group of locust running in 
front of the rig. Shoot as many of these as you can. If you don’t shoot them 
all, they will be using the hooks to climb up onto the deck. Kill off the 
immediate threat and ignore the brumak, it will take out its anger on another 
rig anyway.

Next up, a corpser will emerge from the ground in front of you, lay into its 
face with the turret when it rears back and it should retreat back down the 
hole from whence it came.  A shot ways down the path another brumak will 
approach the rig from the front shoot its face and guns with the turret to take
it down and continue on to the next mission.

<<<<<Chapter 5: Roadblocks>>>>>
  << 4 Collectibles >>

After the short scene at the start, follow your squad to the first building on
the left. Kick down the door and continue inside. You will quickly be briefed 
about tickers, small spider-like creatures that are used as landmines. Head up
the stairs behind the bar for some ammo, grenades and collectible (1/4), which
is a newspaper on the ground beside the chair. Return downstairs and continue 
into the adjoining room. A swarm of tickers will come from the street outside.
Take them out by shooting them or if you are up for a challenge you can melee 
them. Either way, once they are dead continue outside.

Head straight across the street and through the broken fence opposite, head 
around the building to the left and use your lancer to destroy the barricade 
blocking your exit to the street. This is another open area full of tickers, 
destroy them all to continue. Head down the street and instead of following it
to the left, turn right into a small memorial area, read the plaque to unlock 
collectible (2/4). Turn around and continue down the street.

As you start to climb the hill, look to the sky to see massive numbers of 
nemecyst. Shoot them down as fast as you can so they do not damage the rig.  
Shooting the nemecyst will also alert some grubs in the next area to your 
presence and they will proceed to fire at you with a troika and whatever else 
they can get their hands on.  Take cover and kill the remaining nemecyst, then
slowly make your way up the hill and take out the troika on the roof and the 
grubs at the gas station here. Shoot the gas pumps for an easier time taking 
down the locust on the ground level. Now take cover from the troika on the 
left. After it is destroyed head inside the gas station, and enter the back 
room for collectible (3/4).

Return outside and make your way to the rest of your squad. Jump the wall here
and exit through the broken fence.  Follow the fence round to the left and head
through the large, ajar Iron Gate to enter a *****-black tunnel. Dizzy will 
follow you in with the grind lift and will provide a limited light source. Move
slowly through the tunnel and fight off all the tickers that appear in here. 
You should hear them before you see them, so when you do here move back closer
to the rig so that you can see them earlier. Another option for this tunnel 
section is to turn brightness up in the game options all the way to the max to
make things a little easier.

After fighting off quite a few tickers you should see a set of stairs on the 
left. Before you head up these, check out the small tunnel on the left just 
before the stairs for collectible (4/4). Continue through the door at the top 
of the stairs, kill the tickers that appear in the hallway then exit the room 
to the right back into the tunnel. Dizzy should move up to give you some more 
light, so keep moving. Soon after this, you should see the light at the end of
the tunnel, kill the remaining tickers and head for the exit.

As you reach the end a reaver will enter the tunnel and attack you. Kill the 
two locust on its back and then shoot its face until it blows up. Exit through
the now open gate . You will be given a choice to go through the hotel or onto
the rooftops. 

  Route 1: The Hotel
  Head inside and run up the stairs.  Kill the grubs here then exit onto the 
  rooftop and kill two more here.  Wait until the squad on the other side 
  finishes up fighting and they will blow the door to the next area open for 
  you. Head inside and to the end of the hallway. Kick the door down and kill 
  the locust here. Kick the door on the right of the room open and clear the 
  balcony.  Marcus will then radio Dizzy to bring him through. 

  Route 2: The Rooftops 
  Head up the stairs directly in front of you and turn left at the top, follow
  the wall round the corner and kill the grubs here. Take a right at the end 
  of the passage and climb the ladder at the end.  Kill the mortar guys on the
  roof and then pick up the mortar. Dom will tell you to mortar the building in
  front of him. The building you are mortaring should be to your right and have
  a large hole in the roof. Aim at the hole with the mortar launcher and fire 
  at about range 135 to open the door for Dom. Go back down the ladder and Jack
  will unlock the door to the next area. Kick the door down and run straight 
  through the room and exit from the other side. Hang a left and clear the 
  roof of baddies to continue.  

As Marcus calls Dizzy to give him the all clear, a brumak will emerge from the
tunnel.  Kill it using the mortars that are on both rooftops to make it quick.

<<<<<Chapter 6: Digging In>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles >>

You will begin the mission atop the grind lift again and after a brief 
introduction, an emergence hole will appear and locust will start attacking 
from the front. Get onto the turret and star blasting away at all the enemies 
as they make their way forward. After a minute or so, a locust mortar crew will
appear and start hitting the rig with mortars. At this point it is likely that
the turret on the front of Betsy will be destroyed. Luckily there are mortars 
on the deck for you to pick up. Destroy the mortar crew and continue plugging 
away at the locust swarm.

Soon after, a group of boomers will join the party; take them out using the 
mortars if you still have some. Next up are a pair of reavers, destroy them, 
once again the mortars are the best cure for these things.  Once they are dead 
you will have completed Act 1.


*** Act 2: Denizens [ACT2] ***

<<<<<Chapter 1: Scattered>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles >>

From the start, there are three different paths to take. You can go down the 
ramps to the left or the right of the start area or turn around and head up the
ladder behind you.  No matter where you go, you will need to make your way to 
a bridge that leads across the middle part of the area. After crossing the 
bridge take the ramp upwards. If you are going the right way you will see some
grind lifts appear in the distance and then another fall through the ground in
front of you. 

Continue past the hole left by the grind lift and you should reach a 
checkpoint. Continue though the pillars here until you can see gunfire.  Cut 
down the vines blocking the doorway here and enter the room.  Carmine will be 
on the raised area at the back of the room so you need to help him kill all the
locust.  Once they are all eliminated, head up the hill and talk to Carmine.

After the short cut-scene jack will start to repair a grind lift, in the 
meantime a few squads of grubs decide to show up. Defend Jack until the grind 
lift is ready to go. Emergence holes will appear to the left and the right of 
the platform and after killing a few grubs, they will start spitting out 
tickers as well, so listen out for their telltale clicking noise and use it as
a warning to move if they get to close whilst you are on grub patrol. Once you
have exhausted the locust opposition in the room, Jack will finish up with the

Head up and press the button on the grind lift, it should start digging through
the wall in front of it. Follow it through the passage it makes and exit into 
the cavern on the other side. As you emerge from the hole, you will see two 
reavers fly past and you will receive a distress call from farther in the cave.
Move down the ramp to your left, as you reach the bottom, you will encounter a
gun battle already in progress.  Join the fighting and kill the grubs as they 
appear. From time to time, reavers will fly over head, stay in cover at this 
time or they will hit you with their rockets. 

Make your way forward slowly. You will see the locust are coming into the area
from a pair of tunnels straight in front of you at the end of the room. 
Continue to kill the grubs as they appear and then the tickers when they 
appear. After a short amount of time, a couple of boomers will make his way 
into the room.  These guys have grenade launchers, so as soon as you here them
say the word 'BOOM!' get back into cover until you hear the explosion. After 
you have defeated the boomers, head to the end of the room and through the rock
archway into the left hand tunnel.   

At the top of the ramp here, walk to the pillar in front of you and turn left,
follow the trail of glowing beacons to continue.  As you reach the second bunch
of 'glowy things' a large group of wretches will appear, take them all out and
follow the path in the direction that they came from.  If you don’t have a 
lancer, pick up the one at the end of the tunnel and use it to cut through the
vines in front of you to complete the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 2: indigenous Creatures>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

As you enter the room, you will see a giant worm made out of rock. It is 
impossible to kill, but you can use it to take cover behind. They are attracted
by the glowing red fruit you often see hanging from the roofs and we will be 
using them quite a bit from now on until the end of Act 2. 

Shoot the glowing fruit above the small tunnel in front of you to move the 
rock worm. Take the ramp next to the pillar nearby down to a new area, to the 
left here is another grind lift in a room with some ammo behind a vine wall. 
Return to the main room and continue through it. About halfway down, a rock 
worm will appear. Shoot the fruit from the ceiling a little further down the 
passage way to move through and continue on to yet another grind lift sitting 
in front of a pillar. 

Here you will split up with Dom and either head down the bottom or take the 
high road, no matter which way you go, you will have to do exactly the same 
thing - eliminate the locust checkpoint here.  As you get closer to the room, 
a rock worm will appear; you can then run up and use it as cover whilst 
attacking the checkpoint to make it much easier to take out.  When the 
objective is completed, head up the ladder behind the sandbags.

When you reach the top, turn right, a few tickers will come to get you so sort
them out and the blockage here should collapse. Continue down the runnel here 
killing any tickers you see on the way and enter into a larger room. Anya will
contact you here and then an emergence hole will show up.  Run up and take 
cover behind the rock worm, kill the locust and seal the hole. When this is 
done, continue past the hole into a tunnel.

Follow the passage around to the right and Dom will warn about snipers. Run up
to the grind lift behind the sandbags and pick up a sniper rifle. Use it to 
eliminate the sniper on the bridge and the locust troika gunner and snipers on
the small outcrop to the right of the bridge - use this only for sniping 
practice though as there seem to be an unlimited number of enemies here. 
Venture down the path, hugging the wall. As you do a rock worm will appear and
walk down the path to grab some fruit. Get in cover behind it and walk with it.
As you do, shoot the glowing yellow barrels on the platform with the snipers to
the right. They should disappear and some reavers will fly out of the tunnel at
the back of the platform. Ignore them and run to the end of the bridge. 

At this point you can take either the left or right fork.  It doesn’t matter 
which way you take, they both empty out onto the same platform at the very top
of a tall rock structure. The different routes will exit on different sides of
the area, making it easier to flank and kill the enemies here.  Be careful here
and stay in cover as there are a couple of troikas here which can chew through
your health in no time at all. After you have eliminated the lot of them a 
reaver will land and try to give you some grief, take it out to continue.

Quickly pick up some ammo and then take cover in front of the very unnatural 
looking stone door. After a few moments the door will open and several 
wretches, a few tickers and a couple of boomers will head out to greet you. 
Eliminate all of them and then head through the door, follow the path to the 
end and down the ramp to the right.  When you reach the bottom you will see 
some locust raining mortars and troika fire down on another grind lift squad 
below. Kill the baddies here and then assist the squad in defeating the waves 
of enemies that come from the right side of the platform they ar on. 

Defeat all the enemies to complete the objective. Continue up the path and 
vault the wall in the middle and end the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 3: Disturbing Revelations>>>>>
  << 1 Collectible >>

Follow your squad and go down the ramp to the right, enter the water and 
continue straight ahead through the mushroom filled room until you find a set 
of stairs cut into the rock heading upwards.  Climb the stairs for a cut-scene
and afterwards, take cover at the top behind the wall sections here. In front 
of you is what appears to be the entrance to a locust stronghold. On the upper 
level is a Kantus Kill him first using the sniper rifle, and then shoot the 
fruit from the roof to make a rock worm appear. Use this as cover to get close
enough to shoot the horde of locust on the ground level with standard weapons.

After killing enough enemies, the rest will retreat and you are able to enter 
through the door in front of you.  Follow the tunnel here until you reach a 
ladder leading upwards. Here the game will give you two options. 

   Option 1: Left Path
   Continue up the path into a room with a large pillar in the middle and 
   windows overlooking the room with your squad mates below.  Go up to the 
   first set of windows and shoot the fruit to summon a rock worm.  Wait for 
   Dom and co to take cover behind it, and then run to the third set of 
   windows. Shoot the fruit down here so that they can progress further into 
   the room using the rock worm.  Next, head to the window directly opposite 
   the tunnel that you entered from and shoot one, last piece of fruit.  As 
   you do, you will be attacked by a pack of wretches, take them all out and 
   then pull the lever beside the door to exit the room. Immediately you will 
   be fired upon by a troika. Either snipe the gunner or wait for Dom to take 
   him out, and then continue on down the ramp to the left.

   Option 2: Right Path
   You will regain control just inside the gate. Turn around and pick up some 
   ammo and grenades if you need them and then continue down the path. As you 
   enter the room, you will be attacked by two troika set ups on the bottom 
   floor of the building to the left. To continue through the room run up and 
   take cover behind it. As Dom shoots down the fruit, the worm will continue 
   to move forward towards the next one. Traverse the room using the worm and 
   when you reach the corner with the entrance inside, detach yourself from 
   the worm and clear the troika room.  Pull the switch next to the door on 
   the right of the room. Continue through the tunnel and climb the ladder at 
   the end.  Take out the troika gunner and head to the end of the platform and
   go down the stairs.

Take out all the enemies in this area and both groups will be reunited and 
you can continue on through the door to complete the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 4: Sinking Feeling>>>>>
  << 2 collectibles >>

From the start, head forward down the path in front of you, after a little 
team talk, you will see a helicopter crash down nearby.  Keep following the set
path and soon you will see your first blood mount.  It should run away before
you get in range. Keep moving into the next area with lots of burnt out cars. 
As you approach a stranded man will run past you telling you to run.  

If you run past him you will meet some resistance, several drones and the blood
mount we saw earlier will come and attack. To kill a blood mount, try and keep
your distance, they are fast and will try to get close to you. If they do get 
close they can do a lot of damage. Kill either the rider or the mount, and the
other will come at you. Kill both to make sure of the death. After you kill it
and clear the remainder of the immediate area of locust, continue n pat the 
concrete road blocks. You will encounter another blood mount and a few more 

As you attack these enemies a reaver will also come in to land. Kill everything
(the drones, reaver etc.) to proceed. When you reach the giant pit with the 
burning car inside it, turn right to see a collapsed building flanked by 
streets on either side. Go up the right street to pick up some ammo and a 
boltok pistol. Turn around and look between the flipped car and the concrete 
block close to the edge to find collectible (1/2). Head back to the building 
again and this time make your way down the left street.

As you do, stay in cover as much as possible. On the ridge up ahead is a pair 
of snipers. Kill them and you will receive an assistance call over your radio.
Continue on the path and you will reach a balcony area overlooking a courtyard
opposite the burnt out skeleton of a building.  As you enter the balcony, a 
large wooden walkway will descend from behind the building and a group of 
drones will run down it and attack you from the building. 

As you engage in gunplay with these guys, a reaver will swoop down nearby and 
attack you. Ignore the drones for now and get rid of the reaver, trying your 
best to stay in cover of course.  Finish off the drones and part of the 
building will collapse. Move down the ramp at the end of the balcony area and 
cruise through the remnants of the building to the left of the pit.  On exiting
the building, take a sexy right turn down the street and head into the door to
your left just in front of the van.

After a quick scene showing us a bit of situational awareness, you will be 
ambushed. When you regain control move as quickly as possible into cover. All 
the enemies will be on the second floor of the building. Fend them off and 
after a minute or so you’ll get a re-enforcement to help you out. After the 
cut-scene, watch where Dom goes. Instead of heading straight to him, walk over
to the part of the room next to him, but on the other side of the wall from him
on the left. Examine the body here for collectible (2/2). Head back to Dom to 
continue with the mission. 

Follow the path around the building and exit the gate into a graveyard area. 
Moving about halfway up the hill in this area will invite a reaver to come and
attack you. Teach him not to diss your flavor and continue on to the bridge at
the top of the hill. As you approach it drones will start running across 
towards you. Kill them as fast as you can because if you take too long, a few 
tickers will come over the bridge too to bother you while you’re fighting the 
drones. Once everything lies in pieces, continue across the bridge to complete
the chapter.


<<<<<Chapter 5: Captivity>>>>>
  << 1 Collectible >>
Follow the giant tunnel up until you find a fog-covered room through a smaller
entrance to the left enter the area and take the left path.  Walk up the ramp 
and you will see a bunch of giant blue containers, go past these and up the 
hill to a second area filled with the same type of containers, you will hear 
someone talking from within one of the pods here, so go and investigate it.

After the cut-scene follow the squad through the exit and carry on down the 
ramp into another large prison-like area. Ahead of you, you should see 
something Baird refers to as a 'beast barge'. This is our next target. Head 
forward through the prison area towards where you saw the barge. As you reach 
its location, it will stop and a couple of drones and a boomer will disembark 
and head down the ramp in front of you. Kill these and then run up the ramp and
board the barge. 

Once you are on board take cover as soon as possible. At the front end of the 
barge, a grinder will come down a lift with a mounted mulcher (a very heavy 
machine gun) and will drill you if you are in the open. Dispatch him, and then
take the lift upwards. When you get off, press the switch on the pillar 
directly in front of you and then head up one of the sets of stairs at the back
of the room.

On the top deck, kill the two grinders and a reaver will fly in. If you picked 
up the mounted mulcher, you will finish it off in seconds! When everything is 
dead or dying, grab some ammo and move towards the opposite end of the deck. 
You see a troika turret here, do a quick 180 degree turn when you reach it and
pull the lever to start up the barge.  As soon as you start moving, mount the 
troika and kill any incoming reavers. 

After a short, but sweet ride, you will stop next to another barge. 
Unfortunately for us, this one is filled with locust soldiers. Eliminate the 
drones on the top deck of the adjacent barge, and then board it.  Make your way
to the front part of the deck, and descend the stairs.  Activate the switch on 
the pillar in this room for a quick cut-scene. 

Following the cut-scene Fenix will be on the bottom deck of the barge and there
are some bad guys shooting at the squad from a rocky outcrop to the left. After
a few seconds, the wooden boarding platform will drop down. Once everything up
on the platform is dead, climb up the platform. Follow the passage here around
to the right and continue along the path until you reach a large column to the
right of the path. Around this area you will get attacked by drones and a 
grinder heading up the ramp. Fight your way down the ramp killing everything in
your way.

At the bottom of the ramp, Marcus will contact Anya and report the situation. 
After said conversation, head through the prison area here until you see a 
wooden ramp in a vertical position. Ignore it and continue round the corner 
here to the left and into the fog-shrouded passage way. Follow this and you 
will be attacked by a kantus and some drones. As you get closer some tickers 
will also get involved, so be careful. Defeating these enemies lets you 
continue on until you reach another area filled with ruined buildings.

Take cover behind the damaged car and kill the drones that come at you. Polish
them off and move up to the concrete barriers blocking the street. Kill the 
kantus and drones further down the street and then head down the street towards
their corpses. Take a left at the first intersection and kill the reaver that 
comes in to pay you a visit.  Take the right hand path here under the destroyed
overpass and clear the area of locust.  Continue past the burning gas station 
in front of you to a large building resembling a hotel. We will now be using 
the roof of this building as an extraction point.

Head around the right side of the large building and scale the stairs at the 
back, take the first left and vault over a fallen concrete block.  Continue up
the stairs behind it and run to the centre of the rooftop to get a checkpoint.
After which Carmine will lay down some green smoke to signal a helicopter for 
evacuation. Unfortunately, it summons a huge number of locust at the same time.
Now all you need to do is hold of the locust for about a minute or so until the
helicopter arrives. All you need to do is stay alive! When the countdown 
reaches zero you will complete the chapter with a cut-scene.


<<<<<Chapter 6: Intestinal Fortitude>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>
Welcome to the inside of the rift worm. From the starting spot, head forward a
little way and look to the left of the slanted steel support for collectible 
(1/2).  Regroup with the squad and head down into the ramp, through the water 
and up the other side.  At this point you will see some giant teeth gnashing 
together in front of you. Wait for them to come down and then run across as its
going back up to avoid being crushed.  Continue past the second tooth and then
sprint across the longer third set of teeth, jump to the right as soon as you 
can whilst crossing it. 

The next area is a little tough, there are a long series of teeth and you must
run (hold the ‘A’ button) the entire way through, but do not stop until you 
reach the end. Whilst you are running you are crouched so if you stop you will
stand up and perish. Make sure you avoid the broken walls along the route here
if you get caught on them while you are running you will die. When you reach 
the end follow the rest of the squad to the right. 

Follow the passage around the corner until you reach some more teeth. This 
time, our first challenge is a set of horizontal teeth, much like the vertical
variety, the best bet is to wait for them to shut, then run through as they are
opening.  Traverse the two sets of vertical teeth and exit the room via the 
last pair of horizontals. Follow this pathway until you see a short cut-scene.

After the cut-scene you will be attacked by a number of small spiders that 
erupt from the floor. Destroy them all and carry on through the room. After 
another short cut-scene you will be chased through the area with a giant ball
of debris chasing you. You want to avoid touching the glowing grass-like 
sections of the worm as they will damage you. From the cinematic, run forward,
then around the corner and up the ramp. Hang a left at the top and follow the 
path down to a sphincter. Dom tells you to, 'Concentrate your fire on the 
opening' So do it! Shoot the sphincter and it will open, allowing you through. 

After the sphincter, take the left path and follow it around to the right as 
the death grass cuts you off. Head to the wall here and look around for a 
flimsy mucus membrane and use your lancer to chainsaw through it. Follow the 
path to the left, until you reach another sphincter. Repeat the previous 
process to open it and head through, run along the set path and when you reach 
a dead end, listen out for a car alarm. Look up and shoot the teetering car. 
It will fall down to your level. Use it as a bridge and continue over to the 
left, follow the path until you reach a dead end. Once again, find the mucus 
membrane and cut through it to end the chase. 

Head up the ramp to the left and stop before the green acid on the floor. Shoot
the green piece on the end of the dangling bits to turn them off temporarily. 
When the acid nozzle is inactive, you need to sprint over the green acid pool 
on the floor until you are on safe brown ground again. Repeat this process 
until you reach the big pool of acid at the end, continue along the narrow path
around the acid here and then continue up the hill.  You will now enter the 
intestines, this bit is a bit like a maze and is filled with gas, meaning you 
need to get through it quickly or you will die.

Head forward and continue on through the small gap in front of you, take a 
left when able and you’ll see a tunnel leading farther into the intestines. 
Follow this to the end and you will come across another mucus membrane, use 
your lancer to chainsaw your way to safety. 

After the cut-scene head up the slope and follow the path until you reach 
another mucus membrane, lancer it again and head through to find a heart.  Use
the chainsaw to sever the artery and the vein attached to the heart and a 
passage will open. Exit through here, then climb up the ramp and carry on 
along this path. You will be attacked twice by the little spider enemies we 
encountered earlier, they are easy so just exterminate them and keep on going 
until you reach another membrane. In this room is another heart. Head over to 
the left side of it and cut the arteries and veins as you head up the ramp. 
There should be three. When you are done another passage should open for you.

Proceed along this path until you reach one final membrane. Cut it and head 
inside.  As you enter, you will be attacked by some of the little spiders 
again, kill them and head to the far end of the chamber. Here is the heart. 
You will have to cut four blood vessels this time, two on the left and two on 
the right.  As you approach the heart and as you cut the arteries, you will be
attacked by the spiders, ignore them as best you can and focus on the blood 
vessels. Kill them all and you will complete Act 2.

*** Act 3: Gathering Storm [ACT3]***

<<<<<Chapter 1: Dirty Little Secret>>>>>
  << 0 Colectibles >>

From the start, turn right and circle around the building until you find a path
leading up some stairs into a door below a large bulbous sculpture. Kick in the
door and head across the lobby area here and into a long hallway. Follow it to
the end and you will be greeted by a security system controlled door.  

Following the brief cut-scene you will be in a dark room with Jack providing 
some basic light.  Follow him through a couple of tunnels and a storage room 
and he will stop moving in another, smaller room afterwards with a flamethrower
sitting on the floor. Head into the adjacent control room and use the power box
on the wall to reactivate the power. Head back to the storage room and turn 
right, use the control panel next to the door here to open it.  

Head into the room and you will be attacked by a bunch of wretches. This is a 
good opportunity to test out the flamethrower if you picked it up. Once the 
wretches have all been dealt with, continue down the left side of the room 
until you find a door that has a wall mounted wheel next to it. Head back 
outside and talk to Baird and Cole.

Now for the most annoying part of the level, Marcus and Dom will have to carry
the explosive charge between them. This means they are linked together and 
their movement is encumbered by not only the wieght of the box, but also each 
other. Cruising around at walking speed not as easy as it was a few minutes 
ago. You will still be able to use your pistol which is better than nothing.

Move forward to the door that you just exited from; there should be a loading 
elevator directly in front of it. Take it up to the door and continue inside. 
After entering the room, the door will slam shut behind you and a group of 
wretches will move in for the kill. Shoot them or melee them to death and Jack
will open another door directly in front of you. Follow Jack through the door 
into the lobby area, defend your self from some more wretches and then make 
your way into the long tunnel back to the security door. As you move down the 
tunnel five or six wretches will break out of vents in the ceiling and drop 
down to attack you. Eliminate them and take the box to the door at the end of 
the corridor to complete the chapter. 

<<<<<Chapter 2: Origins>>>>>
  << 3 Collectibles >>

Continue through the now open door and up the stairs.  Enter the first door on
the right here for a collectible (1/3) in front of the desk at the back of the 
room. Head back out of the room and into the room at the end. After a quick 
briefing, another door down the bottom will open, head on into the corridor 
and follow it around and down some stars. At the bottom of the stairs, kick 
down the door to your left and find the control panel, use it to activate the 
security system on the other side of the window and destroy all the wretches. 
Return to the door and head straight down the hallway.

Enter the room on your right, from now until the end of the act, you, like the
wretched you just annihilated will have to put up with the security systems.  
The beams that they project in front of them represent their line of site, so 
if you cross the beam they will start to fire on you. If they do so, get into 
cover as soon as you can otherwise you will die in a hurry.  In this room here
there are two security turrets activated, time it right and as they are both 
looking away from you, sprint forward and around the corner to the left. 

You will reach a corridor that allows you room to go left or right. If you need
grenades, move left, there is another security turret directly in front of you,
and there is a doorway just in front of it to your left. Wait until the beam 
is close to the opposite wall and run into the room. Pick up the grenades and 
deactivate the turret using the switch. Continue down the hallway and take the
first right into a small room, kick down the door here and pick up collectible
(2/3). Return to the main hallway and keep moving.

As you round the corner to your left, a security turret will become activated 
in front of you. Immediately get into cover behind a metal box. As the beam 
moves away, sprint up to the second set of metal boxes that are closer to the 
turret.  Take cover here and dive into the room on the right when you feel 
it’s safe. Deactivate the switch here and continue through the doors at the 
back of the room. 

In the next larger room, we will be introduced to flame turrets, and a few 
wretches. Kill the wretches and take cover behind the lockers, make your way 
to the far right of the room and then make a move for the switch behind the 
flamers in front of you. Run and roll under the beams as they move back and 
forward and when you reach the end hit the switch to turn them off.  Exit the 
room and turn right down the next corridor are three security turrets; you will
see the switch to deactivate them right in front of the cover in front of you.
Ignore it for now and run straight forward, kicking down the door in front of 
you and heading into the next area. Turn left and follow the room to the end. 
Exit when safe and run a short ways to the left to hit the switch.

Follow the hallway, past the deactivated security and kick down the door on 
the left. Venture out into the rain and kill all the wretches as they come 
for you. Run towards the door on the right of the area and it will blow open 
and another group of wretches will pour out. Once they are done for, head 
inside.  Run past the alcove on the left with the turret and go into the 
kitchen.  There are two turrets in here, wait until the beams of both turrets 
are as far apart as possible and then run down and do a u-turn around the 
central counter. As you do, watch out for wretches that will enter from the 
door ahead. Melee them as you continue forward, but do not stop until you find
cover or the turret will snap you. Finish off the remaining wretches and look 
behind the door to the right to find the switch. Turn off the turrets and 
carry on down the next hallway.

Follow the hallway here until you reach an open door, enter the medical 
research area here and as soon as you enter, you should see the switch in front
of you behind a wire fence. Run straight forward and round the corner to hit 
the switch. As you deactivate the security, a large group of wretches will 
come through the door to the left. Reactivate the security system and kill 
anything that escapes it. When they are all dead, return to the switch and 
turn it off for good. Enter the room behind the switch for collectible (3/3).

Make your way to the door that the wretches entered from and you will encounter
another two ceiling mounted security turrets.  When the left side of the room 
is clear of beams, run across to the far wall and follow it underneath the 
turrets to the door.

Continue straight ahead and leg it down the stairs and follow the hallway until
you reach a number of horizontal flamethrower turrets. Some wretches will burst
through the door behind them and come to attack you, dispatch any that survive
the flamers and then using your roll move quickly past the beams. At the end 
of the corridor, Jack will open an Iron door, head through it and down the 
stairs to the right.

Now you will have to split up. There are two options:

   Option 1: Turret Controls
   Continue up the stairs in front of you and hit the first security switch, 
   wait for Dom to get past the first section and then hit the second switch, 
   continue along to the final switch and then press the button in the next 
   room at the same time as Dom to continue.

   Option 2: Laser Bait
   Move forward slowly, and wait for the beams to deactivate.  Dom will count 
   it down for you and as he says 'go' run to the next safe zone.  You can 
   identify the safe zones, by the jutting out squares of concrete lining the 
   wall to your left. If you stand next to one of these blocks, nothing will 
   detect you. Continue through to the safe areas between each of the security
   areas when instructed until you reach the end of the room.  Press the button
   in the next room with Dom simultaneously to regroup.

Continue into the research lab and follow the layout of the room round the 
stasis tanks in the middle and down the stairs to the left. As you walk through
this area Marcus will contact command and after the conversation, the iron 
gate in front of you will open. Head through and up the stairs. In the room 
here, jack will plug into one of the computers. Use the lever in the middle of
the room for a short cut-scene and the end to the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 3: Rude Awakening>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

Walk down the stairs in front of you and into a room full of stasis tanks. I 
bet you can already guess what is going to happen.  Follow the path to the 
left, through along the walkway until you see a cut-scene, afterwards the sire
will charge at you. These things are pretty hard to kill and will rise two or 
three times after being knocked down.  The easiest way to kill them is to use 
your lancer to saw them in half.  Continue along the pathway and turn right at 
the end, follow it around until you are attacked by a couple more sires, kill 
them and then exit through the gate. 

The next room is a large one, filled with stasis chambers, make your way along
the catwalks either side to the opposite side of the room. Kill any sires that
get in your way.  The next room is another large one, filled with more stasis 
pods. Follow the general layout of the room and when you reach the end use the
gate with Dom, as the gate is opening you will get attacked by more enemies. 
Press the action button again to disengage from the wheel, kill any bad guys 
giving you a hard time, then return to open it again. Continue until the gate 
has lifted sufficiently enough for you to proceed onwards. 

In this room, head straight forwards a little ways and cut a u-turn around to 
your left when you reach the end of the wall. Follow the passage along to reach
a switch. Use this to turn off the security system.  Exit the room through the
left door and head up the stairs, turn right at the top and follow the corridor
until you reach a large room consisting of a pair of computer rooms separated 
by a central hallway. On arrival, there will be an explosion and a group of 
drones and some flamethrower toting locust will swarm into the room. Find cover
quickly and eliminate them. Flamethrower guys are fairly easy; simply aim for 
the flame tanks they have on their backs and over their soldiers, doing so 
will make them explode. Good Stuff! 

Continue through the hole in the wall and kill the enemies in here. Choose the
left hand door at the end of the room, and kill the locust on the other side of
the hallway through the windows.  Continue to the back of the room and 
deactivate the turret.  Exit the room and run through the hallway with the 
deactivated turret, follow it around the corner until you encounter more 
hostiles. Take cover behind the desks here and then continue through the area 
to another room populated by flamers and drones. Make them extinct, and then 
kick in the door on the left of the room.  Continue through into a large 
circular room with a computer desk in the middle. Take cover as a grinder and 
some drones will start piling in through the door with the statue of the bird 
above it. Kill the grinder and fight off the drones and the glass ceiling will
break. Letting the razor hail in - razor hail is kind of like the krill in 
Gears 1. If you stay in it for a short period of time it will kill you very 
quickly.  Continue around the razor hail and exit the room via the eagle door.

Now we are back outside, unfortunately, there is razor hail everywhere, so 
getting back to the rest of the squad just got harder. On exiting the building
look to your right, a short distance away through the razor hail is a small 
shed run through the hail and look at the far end of the room for collectible 
(1/2). Return to the entrance and move forward to the road block in front of 
you. This time, run through the razor hail into the small building on the 
right. Make your way through it and find the exit. There is a train here, kill
all of the locust inside it then run to the door and vault inside.

As soon as you enter the train, you will be attacked by a group of locust on 
the other side of the tracks.  There are a bunch of drones and a grinder. Kill
them all then hit the lever at the back of the train and it will start to 
slowly move along the tracks. Take cover behind the window as there will be a 
few more random locust along the way and they aren’t afraid to shoot through a
train window. When the train stops, exit through the same entry door and head 
for the concrete roadblocks directly in front of you. As you get close, an 
emergence hole will appear across the way, finish of the locust as they come 
out and then turn right, follow the platform across until you find a ramp 
leading downwards into the hail across from another train. 

Sprint down the ramp, jump into the train and out the other side, and follow 
the cover until you reach the end. Look to your left to see an open doorway 
leading into a semi-destroyed building. Run into the door and fight off the 
few hostiles in here and then open the rolling door using the wheel. When the 
door is up, take cover behind the concrete blocks and fight off the horde of 
attackers in the shelter across the way.  Destroy the large fuel tank directly
opposite to take a few of them out at once.  Finish the fight and then head 
back inside, vault the broken wall and open a second roller door.  Turn right,
jump the cement block and open the final door. Head inside and find the exit 

From the door run straight through the hail a short distance and take cover 
under the corrugated iron roofing. Follow this cover around to the right and 
enter the building here for Collectible (2/2). Return to the previous covered 
area and find the entrance to the train. Run and jump inside then hit the brake
release.  Once again take cover behind the windows and when the train stops, 
head out the same way you got in. Head out and follow the front of the train 
round to find a ladder. Climb this and follow the covered area to the end. 

You should run through the collapsed piece of fence ahead and into the safety 
of the covered area in front of you.  As you arrive a grub hole will appear 
nearby. Kill everything, then head for the next covered section. Make your way
to the back of this area and kill the drones kicking it in the next sheltered 
area.  Take their places and as you near the end, an emergence hole will appear
and some maulers will come out. These are like boomers, but they carry a large
shield to block bullets and have a huge mace that they would like to hit you 
with. Unfortunately for them, the razor hail means that they will be holding 
the shields above their heads to block it, rather than the bullets coming from
you.  After they are dead, the razor hail will subside and you can leg it back
to the centaur, there will be one final emergence hole filled with some more 
drones on the way, but nothing you can’t handle. Once it’s all said and done, 
return to your squad mates.

As you arrive, you will learn that the centaur has some minor damage, Baird 
will fix it and the locust, with their impeccable timing, decide to attack you
with some reavers. After killing a couple of these, the vehicle is fixed and 
ready to go.  Once repairs are complete, Baird will let you know, so return to
the centaur to finish the chapter.  

<<<<<Chapter 4: Ascension>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles >>

Coming Soon!

<<<<<Chapter 5: Displacement>>>>>
  << 1 Collectible >>

Follow the ramp leading downwards until you get a quick cut-scene introducing 
the Theron guards. Take cover and destroy him. Continue on until you reach a 
large ruin site. Here you will be attacked by a few drones, a flamethrower or 
two, a group of wretched and a gunship. Take all of the locust on the land out
and then make your way through the ruins to the other side.  Here you can 
destroy the gunboat by killing the drones on board, then shooting the yellow 
explosives on the deck.

Use the crashed gunboat to reach the next area and run forward into another 
ruin. Head to the right wall and take cover behind the collapsed pillar next 
to the stalactite ASAP as there are a few enemies already firing at you and 
this area will provide you with cover from three sides. Destroy the tickers 
first, then the drones and the kantus. The gunship will retreat and you can 
continue on unmolested for a little while.  Continue through the area and you 
will come across an open area with several worn pillars on either side. At this
point a blood mount will make its presence known. 

Continue on to the final ruin in the area, head through either one of the 
arches and take out the drones and the kantus here. There are some tickers as 
well if you don’t get rid of the kantus quick enough. Once you have cleared 
the ruin continue down the path and onto the dock. Run towards the end and a 
gunship will come along and drop off some troops for you to deal with. Kill 
them and continue to the end of the dock.

Following the cut-scene you will find yourself on a large, floating raft made 
up of the end of the dock you were standing on.  A gunship will come up and 
immediately attack you. Kill everybody on board and it will retreat. As it does
another gunship will come in to take its place. Repeat the process here; it 
will push you into a cave with yellow mist and glowing death fluid coming down
the walls. 

You will continue on here in piece for a little while until something hits the
boat from below. Shortly there after a gunship will come up and try to ram you
into a rock formation in the middle of the lake, kill the flamer and jump 
across the gap to hijack the gunship and continue on.  Following the cut-scene
a gunboat will come barreling in from the right, kill its crew. Soon after 
getting rid of this one, another couple will attack you from the left. Whilst 
you are dealing with these guys one more ship will get in front of you and 
fall back to your right. 

As you finish off the baddies, you will enter a set of caves when you reach 
the end the chapter is complete.

<<<<<Chapter 6: Brackish Waters>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles>>

This chapter is essentially a boss fight with a giant water monster. Excellent!
You will begin on the gunboat as before, but now you are in the centre of a 
giant lake. After a brief introduction time, during which the monster will be 
toying with you a little - nudging the boat and making rock back and forward. 
After a little while it will get bored of that and decide to get down to 

Phase 1: Tentacle Smack-down
A huge tentacle will emerge from the water to the side of the ship. It will 
come down hard and hit the deck, dodge it when it comes down or it will crush 
you to death. Avoid it and then quickly run up to it and use your lancers 
chainsaw on it. If you are too slow, the monster will pull the boat into the 
water and you will die.  He will use his tentacles several times before 
changing his tactics, so each time, just be sure to cut it ASAP, and be aware 
that the tentacles are random, they will come from the left or the right, so 
be vigilant. After the monster is tired of tentacle slapping he will move on 
to phase 2.

Phase 2:  Heartburn
The monster will now approach from the front of the vessel and bite onto it. 
You need to shoot him in the eyes - wait until you see them flash blue and he 
will drop off the boat. He’ll be back soon enough though, and will bite onto 
the front of the gunship again. Shoot one of his eyes and he will open his 
mouth get down inside his mouth quickly before he shuts it again. Inside the 
mouth, there will be lots of tentacles around, when said tentacles glow blue, 
it means that they are getting ready to come at you and attack. Shooting the
blue tentacles will cause the light to diminish and stave off the attack, 
however the blue light will transfer to another tentacle elsewhere in the 
mouth. Keep attacking the tentacles until the throat at the back of the throat
will open and start moving around. Toss a grenade into it to be spat back out 
onto the deck. Repeat phase 2 twice more to defeat the monster and complete 
Act 3.

*** Act 4: Hive [ACT4] ***

<<<<<Chapter 1: Priorities>>>>>
  << 1 Collectible >>

Disembark from the gunship and depart the docks, following the pathway until 
you reach a giant stone gate.  Continue through here until you find the locust
highway. After a quick cut-scene follow Dom through the indoor area and use the
switch at the end to raise the elevator. Ascend the stairs and follow the 
rampart until you reach another lift, take it down and you will come to a small
water reservoir. 

Activate the wheel to the right of the elevator and the water will drop, 
revealing an number of raised and lower systems.  Jump down into the drained 
area and locust will appear on the other platform.  As you work your way 
across, be sure to attack any locust that tries to activate the wheel in the 
same location as the one you activated, except on the other bank  If he 
activates it, water will pour in and you will die. Clear the other bank and 
continue through the door to the lift at the end.

After getting off the lift, head through the opening to the right. As you 
reach the bottom of the stairs into a ruin, you will be attacked by a group of
wretches incoming from the left and a mauler from the right. Defeat them and 
head across the ruined bridge on the left. A troika will fire up directly in 
front.  A group of drones and a couple of theron guards will also attack from 
the front and on a ledge to the left of the bridge.

Once the area is cleared, head up the stairs on the left to the small room 
with a couple of locust computer terminals. Investigate the terminal on the 
right of the stairs for collectible (1/1) and then use the other terminal for 
a cut-scene. 

<<<<<Chapter 2: Answers>>>>>
   << 1 Collectible >>

When you regain control, move forward through the captivity pods.  Investigate
the locust terminal when you come across it. Dom will tell you it’s the wrong 
one. Continue on through the area until you see a second terminal, as you 
approach a mauler and couple of drones will attack, sort them out and 
investigate the next terminal.  Keep following the layout of the area, checking
out all the terminals as you go. The third one you come across will be the 
correct one. Use it and you’ll get a checkpoint. 

Jack will take some time to find and open the specific pod he is looking for, 
so you will have to defend him whilst he works. Of course, as always the locust
will show up to make things exciting. The first wave to appear will consist 
of a blood mount and some wretches.  The second wave is the same as the first,
but the enemies will come from behind you. The next wave of enemies will come 
from the same area as the first did.  This group is made up of a grinder, a 
group of drones and wretches.  The final group of baddies will come from the 
back again and has a few drones combined with a theron guard. Defeat all four 
waves of enemies to finish the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 3: Hornets’ Nest>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

Walk forward and continue down the hallway to the right.  Follow this to the 
very end and turn left when able. Kick in the door and continue through for a 
short cut-scene.  Head down the stairs and get into cover. You will get 
attacked by a big group of drones from the walkway on the second floor of the 
ruin here and from the ground floor. When they are dead, go through the arch 
and enter the courtyard area directly in front of you. As you enter the area 
within the ruin watch out for the theron guard perched in the spire at the back
of the ruins.  Take him out and some more drones will appear on the balcony. 
Kill any remaining locust on the balcony, and then head up the stairs and into 
the room beneath the spire. Hit the switch to open a door on the bottom floor.
A pair of flamers and a couple of theron guards will come into the area.

Head back down the stairs and kill the locust here, head down the tunnel and 
through the now open door.  Continue round to the left and exit into an open 
area; defeat all the enemies in the area and then use the lever just before the
arch next to the building on the right of the room. Two doors to the structure
here will open and let you through.  Head down the spiral stairs here if you 
need some grenades, and then go out the door opposite the entrance.

You will enter a very large room, with a single piece of cover in the centre 
of the room in front of you. Behind this is a lever, pull it to have some cover
appear for you. In front of you, at the far end of the room is a large group of
drones. As they spot you, they will activate some mechanical cover, which will
appear out of the floor in front of them and will attack you from here. Stay in
cover and snipe them if you can. On a platform above this area to the right is
another lever, occasionally a drone will appear here. Kill him before he pulls
the lever or your cover will disappear and you will have to return to 
reactivate it. Whilst you are fighting with the drones, a reaver will fly in 
and attack you too.  

Kill everything and move up to the drones cover, as you do the giant door 
behind it will open and two grinders will exit.  Kill them and head through 
the door and follow the tunnel to the left. Continue through the room, up the 
stairs and to the door. The next room is large and heavily populated with just
about every type of locust you’ve seen so far. Fight your way through the room
and up the stairs at the back. Exit through the door at the back and head up 
the stairs. And take the first left in the hallway. 

The next room has a big semi-circular walkway leading under a makeshift bridge
and up some stairs. In this room you will be fighting several maulers, some 
snipers, a couple of drones and some flamethrower goons. To make things easier,
shoot the backpack of the flamer on the bridge to send him and his pals to 
their doom as the bridge collapses. Continue round the circular area and sit 
at the bottom of the stairs to pick off the maulers as they make their way 
towards you and then pick off anything else that’s still alive. When you are 
done, follow the room layout up some more stairs and make an exit into a 

Continue until you find yourself outside again. There will be some stalagmites
around and a lever sitting in front of you between a couple of sets of stairs.
Use the lever to activate some cover at the top of the stairs and walk up to 
them. In the centre of the room, some locust will spot you and activate a ring
of cover in the central area. Eliminate the threat and take their place in 
the middle. 

There will be a quick cut scene, and then you will have to protect Jack while 
he plants the beacon to summon reinforcements. In the meantime, you will have 
to chill out in the middle of the room here and defend your position from 
several waves of locust. Enemies will start running into the room from in front
of you, for the moment it will just be drones and tickers. After you eliminate
most of them a pair of reavers will fly over the walls around the room and 
start shooting you from overhead.  Try and ignore them for now and defeat the 
remaining ground forces. As you do, two reavers will land and attack you. 

Once the reavers have been defeated, part of the wall behind you will drop 
down and a few more ground forces will pour in to pay their respects. Make 
them extinct and you will complete the objective. Mosey on through the section
of wall that has lowered and continue into the next area. You should now see 
some grind lifts falling into the area. When this happens, the big metal wall 
to your left will lower. Take cover as there is a group of drones just on the 
other side. Pull the lever behind the small section of wall here to activate 
some cover for yourself. One of these guys has a mortar, so try and take him 
out first.

Move into the next room when everything is done and dusted and another section
of wall will lower. Take cover again and take these grubs out, once again one 
of these guys has a mortar so try to prioritize taking him out. After killing 
them all, you will see some more grind lifts coming into the area and at that 
time, the wall in front of you will lower. Quickly hit the lever nearby and 
take cover as two grinders and some tickers will enter the area. Behind these 
guys in the distance is another mortar guy at the very back. I suggest falling
back to the previous set of cover and using a sniper rifle to smash the mortar
guy's brain off from out of range if you can, then kill the tickers and finally 
the grinders.  

Head up the stairs on the right and inside for a cut-scene. Follow the wall 
to the right round the corner and pull the lever on the far wall to finish 
the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 4: No Turning Back>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

You will start the mission on an elevator going up, when it reaches the top; 
it will start to cross over a huge pool of emulsion below towards the Nexus 
palace. When the platform reaches a point about a third of the way across the 
chasm, you will be attacked by four or five reavers. Fire at them as they 
swoop in and you will kill them quickly. The Platform will stall as it gets 
close to the palace and stay put. 

Keep your eyes in front, in the direction of the palace and you will see 
another platform coming down and across to intercept you. There is a group of 
drones on it that shouldn’t put up too much of a fight, kill them and when 
the platform pulls up beside you, vault across the middle part and onto the 
other gondola. Move to the right wall in front of you and hit the switch to 
get it to take you to the palace. As it moves forward, defend the platform 
from a couple more inbound reaver attacks and then disembark when the lift 
comes to rest inside.

Head through the opening on the left of the room and you will be treated to a 
short cut-scene. When it ends, climb the spiral staircase in the centre of the
room and turn left for collectible (1/2). Continue past the collapsed column 
and down the stairs at the far end of the area. At the bottom of the stairs, 
turn to your right and pull the lever here to make some cover appear, then 
defend yourself as a group of locust further down the walkway will attack. Once
they are eliminated head to where they were and take the first right passage 
down to find a switch.  Now you will be given two options:

   Option 1: Stairwell
   Run down the stairs in front of you and when you get to an even area between
   it and the next set of stairs, head through the cave to the left. Here you 
   will have a good view of the locust swarming into the room below. Take some
   out and let Dom do a bit using the troika. When you have inflicted a 
   sufficient amount of casualties, walk down the next set of stairs and onto 
   the large platform here whose inhabitants you have just exterminated. Head 
   to the back of the area and turn right down the adjoined passage, use the 
   switch here to lower the troika to the platform below. Head down the stairs
   nearby and help Dom blast them to bits. When the coast is clear make your 
   way onto the platform here and head in the direction of the lift. Take the 
   stairs on the right here to find and activate a final switch to send Dom 
   down to the lowest level. Wait for Dom to open the door, and then enter to 

   Option 2: Lift with Troika Turret
   You will regain control moving downwards on the lift, find and man the 
   troika as soon as you can. When you are about halfway down to the next floor
   the large stone door at the back of the room will start to open. Take aim 
   and fire with the troika at all the locust that come through. When 
   everything is dead, Baird and Dom will activate another switch. This will 
   lower you to the next platform. Once again, eliminate all the hostiles and 
   your buddies will hit the switch to send you down one more level. Once 
   everything here is dead, the platform will extend to the lift, forming a 
   bridge you can cross to the platform. Move to the end of the platform and 
   take the narrow path beside the cliff to the left. Hit the switch here to 
   open the door. Continue through it to regroup.

Make your way along the path to the decorative door at the bottom of the 
stairs. Rush up to the balcony foe cover and take out the boomers and the 
drones below. After said task is completed, head down the stairs to the left 
and over the bridge to the arched side-area turn left and pull the switch here
to have some stairs appear for you. Before you descend, check out the end of 
the hallway with the switch for collectible (2/2). Return to the bridge and 
head down the stairs.

Walk to the centre of the room for a short cut-scene and immediately afterwards
find cover as a pair of grinders will enter the area with guns blazing.  Give 
them a taste of their own medicine and then do a quick 180 degree turn, and a 
door on the right side of the room will open and let a drone or two in. Kill 
them and head through the now open door. Follow the pathway here down the 
stairs until you see a battle raging below and to your left. Stay on the 
stairs, or head down to the same level to get rid of the locust here, try to 
kill the flamer and the kantus first, and then lay the smack down on the 

Continue along the main platform here and in the second part of it, a door 
will open on the right wall.  Enter the circular cave-like area here and pick 
up some ammo if you need it, but do it quickly. The reason there is a big 
circular hole in the ground on the side of the room is due to the heavily 
locust populated elevator making its way up to the platform. Kill the kantus 
and theron guards first if you can or you will have tickers to contend with 
as well, then focus fire on the maulers. Once the room is clear, board the 
elevator and you will complete the chapter. 

<<<<<Chapter 5: The Best-Laid Plans>>>>>
  << 2 collectibles>>

When the elevator reaches the bottom, head down the path in front of you.  At 
the top of the stairs, make a move for the open gate, and it will shut. Return
to the ring of cover in the centre and kill the locust as they appear in the 
windows. After a short and heated exchange, the windows will shut, and the 
door will remain closed. Return to the top of the stairs and turn right. 
Follow the path here until you are attacked, head for the yellow, glowing lines
sitting on the metal tiles, to have some cover spring up for you. Take out 
the blood mount and the kantus then any remaining baddies.

Continue along the path here, following the right wall until you see the locust
lift coming up on the left. Kill the lift jockeys and walk a little further 
down the wall to find a pressure plate. Stand on it to activate the lift. Board
the lift and use the switch to descend. When you reach the bottom, you will 
head through a brumak breeding area, follow it to the end and you will see two
gates. Hit the switch on the wall in front of you and choose one of the two 

   Option 1: Upper Path
   Make your way straight up the stairs and turn immediately right onto the 
   balcony. Look into the room below to see a flamer and a mauler heading for 
   the rest of your crew. Help take them out and before long a grinder will 
   appear on the opposite balcony, kill him off and a blood mount will appear 
   below.  When its dead, follow the room to the end and down the stairs. When
   you reach the bottom, stand on the pressure plate here to regroup.

   Option 2: Lower Path
   Enter the hallway here and enter the room on the left. As you do take cover 
   behind the pillars in the room because there is a flamer and a mauler 
   coming your way. A grinder will appear on the balcony in the next room, 
   but as soon as you enter to attack it, a blood mount will emerge from a 
   hidden door on the right of the room. Take out the blood mount and let Dom 
   and Baird worry about the grinder.  When all is said and done, the gates 
   at the end of the room will open and you will regroup with the rest of the 

Continue up the stairs in the next room and follow the passage to the right, 
turn to the right in the room at the end and kill the grinder coming down the 
stairs, climb them. Follow the passage all the way to the end to find 
collectible (1/2). Return to the room before that last grinder. Exit the room 
to the left this time and make your way down the spiral staircase. After a 
short moment of peace and a juice joke, you will be attacked by a group of 
theron guards coming up the stairs.  When they are gone, descend a little and 
some tickers will start to run up the stairs also, at this point, you will 
also be attacked by another theron guard or two. Just continue down the stairs
and take cover when under fire, and eliminate any resistance before moving 
onwards. After five or so encounters you will reach the bottom of the stairs. 

Head through the large gate here, this room consists of a terminal area at 
the back of the room surrounded by cover in every direction. You need to take 
out the kantus here first, then the theron guards. When the room is clear you 
will get to watch a humorous cut-scene and the chapter will be complete. 

<<<<<Chapter 6: Royal Inquisition>>>>>
  << 1 Collectible >>

Pick up the ammo in front of you and then enter through the gate that opens.  
Walk forwards and pull the lever to be given two options. For the record, 
both of these options are pretty much identical, I will list both of them 
anyway just for the purpose of making the guide as thorough as possible. 

   Option 1: Left Hall
   Exit from the elevator and continue forward. A mauler and a pair of theron 
   guards will enter from the opposite end of the room. Eliminate them and 
   continue. Kill the drones and the tickers in the next room, then look across 
   the chasm to where Dom and Baird are and help take down some of their 
   problems. Then head around the narrow pathway beside the cliff being mindful
   of the theron guard and the mauler around the corner. Kill them and 
   continue. vault the wall here, ventilate any remaining locust and leg it for
   the door at the end. Exterminate the mauler that comes through and head 
   through to the next area to regroup with the others.

   Option 2: Right Hall
   On departure from the elevator, a mauler and two therons will emerge from 
   the door at the opposite side of the room. Defeat them and continue into 
   the next chamber.  There is a locked door in front of you so make your way 
   to the narrow ledge on the left, watch out for the theron and the mauler 
   here and on the opposite side of the room.  Put them down and continue 
   round the ledge. There will be two or three locust sitting behind the 
   barriers in front of you and one off to your left. Kill them all, then 
   vault the wall and cruise to the door at the far end of the balcony here, 
   kill the mauler and follow the passage to regroup.

Enter the locust lift at the end and move through the door a hole will appear 
in the floor and a group of theron guards will come running for you from the 
other side. Use the yellow lines in the floor to identify cover points and 
move to them. Eliminate the threat on the other side. Then look to the right 
side of the room and pull the switch to re-extend the platform so you can 
cross the gap.  Move forward and repeat the process here, kill the guards on 
the opposing side of the gap and this time, the ground will reappear 
automatically. Continue onwards.

After running a short way forwards, another gap will appear in the floor and 
more locust will enter the room and attack you. Quickly step on the glowing 
pressure pad to give yourself cover and engage the bad guys. As you do, you 
will see a set of stairs appear on the right side of the room giving the locust
access to a higher platform overlooking your position. Try and take anything 
out that goes up the stairs or you will get flanked.  Your best bet at this 
point is to fall back to the pillars on the left side of the room and use a 
sniper rifle to take the bad guys out from a relatively safe position. 

When you have defeated them all, head forward to the tall, lamp like structure
in the centre of the area. As you approach you will see a cut-scene. When you 
regain control of Fenix, you will be in a lowered section of ground, which 
has conveniently placed cover on all four sides and you will need to defend 
yourself from all the locust that come to finish you off. While they are 
attacking you will need to use the wheel when you have a free moment and use 
it to lift the section of wall back up to the previous area.  As you do so, 
waves of guards will enter through the doors surrounding the area. The first 
wave of guards will come from the front, the next from the right, the third 
from the left and the fourth wave will come from the back. Each wave consists 
of approximately five theron guards and the fourth wave will enter the room 
as you are battling with the third wave. By the fourth wave of enemies though,
you should have lifted the section of floor sufficiently during the lulls 
between fighting to have escaped the line of fire of the guards below.  Keep 
turning the wheel until you reach the top.

Enter the huge door at the top of the stairs in front of you to see a cut-scene
with the queen giving you a bit of a monologue and a lot of story related 
stuff. Next up you will do battle with the queen’s new right hand man - Skorge.

Skorge will jump up and come down near you, chainsaw blazing. Tap the ‘B’ 
button to keep him at bay and saw him a little when he falls back. He will 
then jump up to one of the raised platforms on the side of the rooms and fire 
at you with a cover-mounted mulcher whilst tossing ink grenades everywhere and
summoning tickers from the little yellow pools to come and upset you. When he 
gets bored, he will jump to the roof of the room and cut down stalactites to 
crush you, avoid all of the stuff that he throws at you and try and shoot him 
when you have an opening.  After going through his routine he will cut down one
of the large pillars flanking the room. Dodge it so it doesn’t crush you and 
he will jump down and charge at you, when he gets close he will jump and try to
chainsaw you, tap the ‘B’ button again to send him reeling and then run to the
pressure pad in the centre of the room to make the cover reappear. You will
need to repeat this process seeral times until you see a cinematic.

After you have defeated Skorge he will retreat on some kind of super reaver. 
Exit the room via the stairs either side of the throne and regroup with the 
others. After a short conversation the bridge in front of you will extend. To 
a cannonball run the whole way across the bridge and do not stop until you 
enter the building on the other end for a cut-scene and the end of Act 4.

*** Act 5: Aftermath [ACT5] ***

<<<<<Chapter 1: Escape>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles >>

After the cut scene, you will be mounted on the back of a reaver in an attempt
to escape the nexus stronghold.  You will have very little control over the 
reaver, which will pretty much take you along a fixed path. You will be able 
to avoid incoming missiles by dodging from side to side and can shoot using 
the machine gun or a rocket launcher. 

Soon after the start you will be prompted to view a turret, these things are 
nasty and will fire homing rockets at you. Be sure to take them out when you 
see them. Cruise through the level and take pot shots at anything you like. 
when you see a brumak directly in front of you shooting take it out and you
will continue through to a new area. After you defeat the second brumak, you 
will see some fellow gears on the ground attacking some locust. The reaver will
land here so you can kill the baddies.  After the drones are dead, turn behind
and to your left to kill a brumak that will break through a wall here. 

After a brief cut-scene, you will find yourself being chased by Skorge on his 
super reaver, called a hydra. When play resumes, you will no longer control 
the reaver from the front, instead you will be facing backwards as you race 
down a tunnel. As you do, Skorge will come closer and closer to you, and his 
mount threatens to eat you. To stop it from doing just that, use the machine 
guns to blast him in the face, the mouth specifically and he will back off. 

When the hydra backs off, it will fire a cluster of five missiles at you, 
using the same controls as previously, you are able to dodge these with a bit 
of timing. Suddenly, it will disappear and then burst through a wall right 
behind you and Skorge will fire up the turret on its back. At this point fire 
at the turret until he backs off, he will then in turn fire more rockets at 
you, up close and then when he drops back into the darkness so get your dodging
shoes on. After several shots, he will come up close once more and Skorge will
turret you, hit the turret and you will be treated to a brief cut-scene.

You will now be outside, amongst a forest with a bunch of reavers chasing you.
Take down the reavers as they appear. They will always come from the back and 
move up on you very fast, they will shoot you with their turrets continuously 
and will randomly fire rockets. Don’t forget to dodge, by dodging back and 
forward constantly it will make it easier to avoid getting hit by the machine 
gun or rocket fire. After you finish off about 20 of these bad boys, you will 
start cruising therough an area full of dead and burnt out trees. At this point
the reavers will back off. A cut-scene will play.

Skorge is back for more! This time though, he is not restricted by the tunnel 
so he will have a lot more freedom in his movements. He will charge straight 
up to you like he did in the tunnel before, and this time the hydra will use 
its arms to grab hold of your reaver, shoot him in the arms and then the mouth
and he will retreat back a short distance and then charge past you, as he does,
switch to the rocket launcher at the front of the reaver and blast him. He 
will try to eat you from the front too, hit him in the mouth with a rocket as 
he lunges at you and it will send him reeling behind you. He will quickly 
recover and fire some rockets at you.

Complete this cycle three times to defeat Skorge and complete chapter 1.

<<<<<Chapter 2: Desperate Stand>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

From the start, follow the left wall around until you can see a door with a 
green light above it on the opposite side of the courtyard, make your way 
here and turn to the right, you will need to kill all of the locust down below
you on the landing platform.  Kill the drones here until the reaver shows up, 
if you can destroy this, then a king raven will come in and destroy the 
remaining locust ground forces here. Continue further along the ramparts here 
and take the first left, behind a tower here on the ground is collectible 
(1/2). Pick it up and continue on to the next landing platform.

As you arrive, you will see a helicopter take off and explode just prior to 
grappling locust forces start jumping up onto the platform.  Attack them as 
per normal, and soon enough a reaver will come in to land on the platform 
melt its face off with whatever weapon you have handy and polish off the 
remaining drones in the area. As you do, Anya will inform you of your next 
objective. Follow the squad into the next area that looks kind of like a 
parking garage. On the very left side of the room in an alcove is some ammo, 
grenades and a cover mounted mulcher. Grab it if you like and head to the 
railing overlooking the courtyard below on the opposite side of the room. 

Drones will come into the area from the street to your left and from the 
garage doors directly across and below you. After a short while a boomer or 
two will come to join them, so remember to take cover on 'Boom!' or you are 
going to regret it. After the boomer is down, drones will continue to pour 
into the area from both entry points and will call in a pair of reavers to 
spice things up a bit. Attack them if you wish, but shortly thereafter a 
helicopter will come and finish them off anyway, along with the remaining 
forces below. 

Once again Anya will come through on the radio and tell you where to go next. 
After she does, a platform will extend, giving you access to second floor of 
the structure on the other side of the courtyard. Continue up the stairs at 
the back of the room and wait for the colonel chump to open the door. As he 
does, continue up the next flight of stairs, take a left down the hallway and 
man the turret in front of you, next to the column shoot down the reavers 
attacking the building above you until Fenix tells control that he is moving 
to the main gate. 

Continue out the opposite side of the room from the entrance and turn right 
into a small room. Wait for the colonel to open the gate and mosey on through.
Continue down the spiral stairs here to a raised platform overlooking the 
street in front of the north gate. Pick up the mortar here and go nuts.  There
is also a cover mounted mulcher if you continue along this platform a little 
ways to the left and if you follow the platform to the very right, you will 
find collectible (2/2). Head back and focus on taking out the waves of drones 
as they come into the area. After you kill a bunch of them, a boomer and a 
grinder will arrive. Take them down quickly and then prepare yourself for a 
pair of brumaks. One will enter from straight in front of you, and another 
will come into the area from the right. 

Focus on killing one at a time, focusing fire on their faces and guns with just
about anything to take them down. If you still have not used the mortars or 
cover mounted mulcher, now would be a good opportunity to do so! Once the 
brumaks are dead, the chapter is complete.

<<<<<Chapter 3: Free Parking>>>>>
  << 1 Collectible >>

As you start the chapter you will be in a large, open courtyard with a 
mansion in front of you.  Clear the courtyard of locust, and watch out for 
the sniper on the second floor balcony. Once the area is clear, a few more 
reinforcements will emerge from the doors on either side of the main entrance.
Usually with a few drones and flame boomer thrown into the mix. Defeat them 
all and head inside. There are two doors here, and whichever you go in, Dom 
will enter the opposite. 

Head through the left door, enter the first room inside and take cover behind 
the pillars, a flamer and some drones will also be here with you. Take out the
flamer ASAP and then drop the drones when you get a chance. Continue through 
the door on the right to see Dom on a balcony in front and above you blasting 
locust in the room below. Help him out and move forward when the coast is 
clear, as you do, take cover behind the wall on the right of the hallway here 
and peek aroundthe corner, another group of drones and a kantus will be coming
down the stairs to get you.  Defeat them and continue into the room. As you 
do the door on the left will burst open and a grinder will enter. 

Kill the grinder and head through the now open door.  You will now have the 
objective to secure the large courtyard here, something that’s not quite as 
easy as it sounds. There is a troika in the middle, a few drones running 
around and a pair of kantus who are more than happy to supply you with an 
abundance of ticker troubles.  I suggest heading to the very right or left of 
the balcony area into the small, rounded alcoves that are present here and kill
any enemies that might try to flank you first. Just watch out for the tickers 
that will come up the stairs every so often. 

Once the left and right sides of the room are clear, take out the troika in the
centre of the area and any remaining baddies. On killing the final hostiles, 
doors on the far side of the room on the left and right will open and a shield
mauler will appear from each. Both of these maulers will be accompanied by a 
small swarm of wretches. Kill the wretches first and then focus on the maulers
until the area is secure. As the maulers fall, the door at the far end of the 
room will open and spit out a pair of blood mounts. 

Dispatch the blood mounts and their riders, then head through the door they 
came through and use the wheels on the wall with Dom to raise the gate in front
of you. Follow the tunnel to the end and emerge into a blazing gun battle 
taking place on the street in front of you. Make your way to the right of the 
area, moving carefully and eliminating the drones and the grinder in your way.
Go through the gate here into an alleyway, turn right and look behind the 
roadblock at the end for Collectible (1/1). Continue down the alleyway and 
out into the street in front. You will now split up and be given two options.

   Option 1: Streets
   Immediately take cover behind the car in front of you. A large group of 
   locust will be crossing the street in front of you and another group will 
   be just in front of the store on the corner to your left, they will take 
   cover in the store and attack you. At this point you will also be attacked 
   from a window on the second floor of a building to your right. Take this 
   guy out first. Now focus on the drones camped in the store in front of you.
   If you look just to the right of the store along the wall, you should see 
   a large silver gas tank. Shoot this and the explosion with enter the store 
   wiping out the bad guys inside.  

   Unfortunately, this will alert the enemies down the street to your right 
   who will now open fire on you, move to the left and into the burnt out store
   as you do, some cars will come flying off of the parking garage near by 
   creating some cover for you. A reaver will also swoop into the street and 
   attack you. Give him enough curry and he will retreat, leaving you alone 
   to deal with the drones. Now that you have some cover it should be a much 
   easier task. Follow them as they retreat down the street, taking them out 
   as you go.  Just after you jump down a small gap in the street, Dom will 
   rejoin you.

   Option 2: garage

As soon as you regroup with Dom, the barrier at the end of the street will 
come down and a grinder will walk out. Kill him to continue. On the ground 
just behind him, you will find the hammer of dawn. Continue down the street 
and kill the drones and then a reaver as it arrives. As you continue, a 
building at the far end of the street will collapse and a mauler and a group 
of drones will exit the smoke. Exterminate them and then head through the 
rubble on the left side of the street.  Continue to the end of the street to 
complete the chapter. 

<<<<<Chapter 4: Tenuous Footing>>>>>
  << 2 Collectibles >>

At the start of the chapter head for the cliff and follow it to the right to 
enter a crane. The crane has a wooden platform hanging from it that we will 
use to transport Dom to the next area. Lower the platform and bring it to the 
left, it is good to set it down in line with what looks like a broken bridge 
sitting above some twisted girders along the cliff.  When Dom jumps on, swing 
him over all the way to the right, past the other crane and drop him down on 
the top of the building below. Kill all the locust that chase after Dom when 
he ascends the ramp and he will attempt to use the other crane. 

It will fall, creating a bridge that you can cross to regroup. Continue down 
the ramp to the rooftop you dropped Dom on, killing all the grappling drones 
that jump onto the platform. Follow the path to the right here and a shield 
mauler will come at you.  Finish him off and a reaver will land on a raised 
platform just to your left. Let him have it, then continue down the ramp. As 
you continue around the corner to your left, you will hear tickers coming. Take
them out and then quickly fire on the flamer that follows. 

Make your way through the building to your left and head down the ramp to the 
next rooftop, kill the tickers here and then defend yourself from grapplers 
that jump onto the roof for a short while and then it will collapse.  When you
reach the bottom, Marcus will have a quick chat to control about the current 
situation. When you are able to move freely again head up to the window in 
front of you and take cover.  Kill the flame boomer and the drones as they 
attack then vault through the window and head down the ramp at the back of the

As you reach the bottom of the ramp you will be attacked from below. Take cover
here or on the next room to your right and kill the drones until a piece of 
the building to the right collapses, giving you a route down.  Continue down 
the ramp here and finish off any locust survivors.  Once that’s complete, 
find your way to the large wire structure at the back right of this rooftop. 
Look behind it to find a pair of cables. Using the lancer, cut the cables and 
you will create a bridge to the next area. Continue across the bridge for a 
quick cut-scene.

When you regain control, walk forward and round the corner to the left. Kill 
the kantus here and any grapplers that find their way onto the platform.  Once
everything is dead, the building to the left will collapse a little and the 
rubble will give you access to the next area.  Inside the building here, you 
will see another quick cut scene and be able to wander around for a little 
while, until the building collapses. When it finally does and you can move 
again, vault the counter in front of you and follow Dom to the left, past the 
fires and turn left again, vault over two counters and use the button on the 
wall in front of you to call an elevator. Vault inside and run to the far end 
for cover. 

When the door opens, jump out and continue along the walkway, rolling under 
the brumaks chain gun fire. Vault through the window at the end and hang a 
left.  Continue along this path until you can vault onto a ledge on the left. 
Kill the drone here to finish the chapter.

<<<<<Chapter 5: Closure>>>>>
  << 0 Collectibles >>

Now is the fun part. We get to control a brumak! It will handle almost the same
as Marcus, without the fancy movements and cover mechanics. The moving around,
aiming and firing remain the same. 

Make your way forward, wiping out the pair of reavers that fly towards you and
then chasing the small army of drones in front of you as they retreat. A 
corpser should appear on a platform to the left and retreat, leaving a few 
drones and a boomer here that you can kill. Continue down the tunnel after the
drones.  Two more boomers will show their audacity by trying to stop you from 
the ground. Disintegrate them and then kill the group of three reavers that 
will fly in to attack you. 

Continue following the drones down the tunnel and they will escape into a 
small cave before a giant gate. As you approach the gate, two more reavers 
will land and try to stop you. Put them out of their misery and hit ‘B’ when 
prompted near the gate to force it open. As soon as you exit the gate, destroy
the lights in front of you and to the left and the right, the locust will use 
them to target you. After the lights are down take out the turret on the 
raised platform to your right and the boomer halfway up the guard tower 
slightly to your left. Next destroy the other troika far up on the left behind
the boomer you just killed. 

Make your way into the room and as you pass between the central spire and a 
stalactite look to the platform on your left. Quickly take out the pair of 
boomers here and as you are doing so, three reavers will fly into the room 
from the tunnel on the right. Deal with them and continue. As you enter the 
tunnel, a corpser will jump through the wall to the left and pounce on you, 
thrash the ‘B’ button to defeat it. Carry on, in the next open area there will
be a series of grinders on the platform to your right and a pair of reavers 
will land in front of you in an attempt to impede tour progress. Clear the 
room and walk up to the gate to melee it down. 

Stay in the doorway and kill the grinder in front of you. Target and destroy 
the two missile turrets on the platforms behind the grinder and then head into
the room. As you do you will take fire from a boomer and a grinder from the top
floor of the building to your right. Take them out and continue around the 
blockage in front of you. As you do four more boomers will appear on the 
lowest floor of the building to your right, smash their brains off with a 
missile cluster and continue.

As you enter the long hallway again, one more boomer will come through the 
door of a building to your left.  Likewise on the next balcony on the left a 
group of brave drones will also attack, at the same time, a grinder on the 
stairs opposite will join in and a reaver will drop down in front of you to 
attack. Kill the drones first, then the reaver and finally the the grinder. Now
continue. As you reach a large pool of emulsion, look up to the right to see 
a beast barge. Shoot it in the area that kind of looks like a face at the front
to destroy it. Cut a left turn and continue along the banks of the emulsion 
river. Continue through the final gate.

As you enter you will get an objective to destroy the three columns holding up
the cavern. That’s easy enough, destroy the one directly in front of you until
a reaver appears, take it down and move further into the area. You will see 
quite a few seeders in here and they will be constantly launching nemecyst at 
you. Take down the nemecyst as they come at you and kill the seeders when you 
get the chance.  Destroy the second column and make your way around the right 
side of it making sure to watch out for and take down any of the reavers 
flying around and any more nemecyst that appear.  Destroy the final column to 
see a cut-scene.

You will regain control on a helicopter circling the now lambent brumak 
equipped with a hammer of dawn. Using the hammer, keep the laser focused on 
the brumak until it dies to watch one final cut-scene.

Congratulations, you just completed Gears of War 2 - Huzzahs are in order! 

*** Collectibles    [CLTB] ***

Coming Soon!

*** Unlockables     [UNLK] ***
There are a number of unlockables for Gears of War 2. All but one of which is
a new multiplayer character. You can check which unlocks you have, and how to
earn each one by hoosing 'War Journal' in the main menu and selecting the
'unlockables' option. 

The unlockables are as such:
 Insane Difficulty            - Complete Gears of War 2 on any difficulty
 Character "Dizzy Wallin"     -Complete Gears of War 2, Act 1 on any difficulty
 Character "Kantus"           -Complete Gears of War 2, Act 2 on any difficulty
 Character "Tai Kaliso"       -Complete Gears of War 2, Act 3 on any difficulty
 Character "Flame Grenadier"  -Complete Gears of War 2, Act 4 on any difficulty
 Character "Skorge"           -Complete Gears of War 2, Act 5 on any difficulty
 Character "Anthony Carmine"  - Complete Gears of War, Act 1 on any difficulty
 Character "General RAAM"     - Complete Gears of War, Act 5 on Hardcore
 Character "Lt.Minh Young Kim"- Collect 10 COG tags in Gears of War 1.

*** Achievements    [ACMT] ***

***Story Achievements***

Green as Grass (10G)	
Requirements: Train the rook (any difficulty).

It's a Trap! (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 2.

Escort Service (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 4.

Girl About Town (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 6.

That Sinking Feeling (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 4.

Freebaird! (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 5.

Heartbroken (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 6.

Longitude and Attitude (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 3.

Tanks for the Memories (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 4.

Water Sports (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 6.

There's a Time for Us (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 2.

Better Wrapped in Beacon (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 3.

Have Fun Storming the Castle (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 6.

And the Horse You Rode in On (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 1.

You Are the Support, Son (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 2.

Brumak Rodeo (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 4.

Does This Look Infected to You? (10G)	
Requirements: Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 5.

Tourist of Duty (25G)	
Requirements: Complete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty.

Guerilla Tactician (50G)	
Requirements: Complete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty.

Suicide Missionary (150G)	
Requirements: Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty.

Artist of War (75G)	
Requirements: Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty.

***Killing Achievements***

Seriously 2.0 (50G)	
Requirements: Kill 100,000 enemies (any mode). 

Variety Is the Spice of Death (30G)	
Requirements: Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game (any mode).

Kick 'Em When They're Down (10G)
Requirements: Perform all 11 unique executions on a downed enemy.

Crowd Control (10G)	
Requirements: Melee 10 enemies down with the Boomshield equipped (any mode).

Said the Spider to the Fly (10G)	
Requirements: Kill 10 enemies with a planted grenade (any mode).

A Parting Gift (20G)	
Requirements: Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out (any mode).

Shock and Awe (10G)	
Requirements: Kill 30 enemies with the heavy Mortar (any mode).

Smells Like Victory (10G)	
Requirements: Kill 30 enemies with the Scorcher Flamethrower (any mode).

Takes a Licking (30G)	
Requirements: Melee 30 Tickers (any mode).

Organ Grinder (10G)	
Requirements: Kill 30 enemies with a cover mounted Mulcher (any mode).

***Collection Achievements***

Collector (5G)	
Requirements: Recover 5 collectibles (any difficulty).

Pack Rat (15G)	
Requirements: Recover 20 collectibles (any difficulty).

Completionist (30G)	
Requirements: Recover all 41 collectibles (any difficulty).

***Multiplayer Achievements***
One-Night Stand (10G)	
Requirements: Complete 1 chapter in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom).

Open Relationship (30G)	
Requirements: Complete 10 chapters in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom).

Friends with Benefits (50G)	
Requirements: Complete all acts in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom).

Back to Basic (10G)	
Requirements: Successfully complete the 5 lessons of multiplayer Training 

Party Like It's 1999 (30G)	
Requirements: Play 1999 rounds of multiplayer (any mode).

Around the World, Again (30G)	
Requirements: Win a multiplayer match on each map (any mode).

Dirty, Dirty Horde (20G)	
Requirements: Survive the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map).

Hoard the Horde (30G)	
Requirements: Survive all 50 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map).

Standing Here, Beside Myself (10G)	
Requirements: Win 3 matches of Wingman (public).

You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine (10G)	
Requirements: Win 3 matches of King of the Hill (public).

Beat the Meatflag (10G)	
Requirements: Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public).

It's Good to be the King (10G)	
Requirements: Win 10 rounds of Guardian as the leader (public).

***Misc. Achievements***

Crossed Swords (10G)	
Requirements: Win 10 chainsaw duels (any mode).

Photojournalist (10G)	
Requirements: Submit a spectator photo.

Pound of Flesh (10G)	
Requirements: Use a meatshield to save your life 10 times (any mode).

Once More, With Feeling (10G)	
Requirements: Perform 30 perfect active reloads (any mode).

*** Contact    [CNTC] ***

If you feel the need to contact me you can reach me at 


Please include "Gears 2 guide" in the subject line.

*** Version History   [HSTY]***

Version 0.95

The guide currently contains
- Full walkthrough from Act 1-1 - Act 5-5 
  (excluding Act 3: Chapter 4 - Ascention)
- More collectible items added to the walkthrough. Still not complete.
- Achievement List
- Updated Hits and tips section
- contact me section
- Thanks section

Date Submitted 11th November, 2008


Version 0.75

The guide currently contains
- Full walkthrough from Act 1-2 - Act 4-6
- Achievement List
- Small Hits and tips section
- contact me section

Date Submitted 11th November, 2008
Version 0.5

The guide currently contains
- Full walkthrough from Act 1-2 - Act 2-3
- Achievement List
- Small Hits and tips section

Date Started 9th November, 2008
Date submitted 10th November


*** Special Thanks   [THNK] ***

I would like to thank the following people/entities:

- GameFAQs for always being there when I needed help and for accepting my FAQ.
- Epic Games for another awesome game.
- My Girlfriend Kumiko, who has been incredibly patient and understanding, 
  whilst I wrote this guide.
- And everybody whoo has taken the time to read and comment about 
  my FAQ so far.

- vaderwalks for numerous additions to the hints & tips section

Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.