Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough

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		    FAQ/Walkthrough by Matt 'nofxgamer' Biro

        Act 1: Tip of the Spear........................................GOW2-A1
	Act 2: Denizens................................................GOW2-A2
	Act 3: Gathering Storm.........................................GOW2-A3
	Act 4: Hive....................................................GOW2-A4
	Act 5: Aftermath...............................................GOW2-A5
Characters and Enemies..........................................GOW2-06
Collectibles and Unlockables....................................GOW2-07

GOW2-01				History

v0.3	11/07/08	Initial guide, got in as much as I could on the first
                        night. Aiming to mainly finish up the walkthrough and
                        collectibles section as I continue to play the game. I
                        wont have some of the other parts filled out just yet
                        because they aren't really that important. So far
                        finished the first act walkthrough and the first act
                        collectibles, with photos :)

v0.7	11/10/08	Second posting, Acts 1-3 Finished, corrected some
                        minor errors. Still working on finishing the rest of
                        the guide up. Should be complete in a few days.

v1.0	11/12/08	Complete guide, added in the missing sections,
                        finished the walkthrough for all the acts as well as
                        the info on all of the collectibles. Enjoy!

GOW2-02				Overview

Well it's been quite a long wait for this game, but well worth it. I'll be
doing my best to be as detailed as I can with the walkthrough and with
everything else.

I won't be going into multiplayer too much, maybe if I have the time I might
add some tips as far as good spots to stay at, or certain tactics to use, but
because multiplayer can have so many different outcomes in certain scenarios
there won't be too much on it.

Also, as a note, I do use a certain difficulty when writing the walkthrough. I
know that most games usually have differences (as far as the amount of
enemies, difficulty of enemies, amount of ammo...etc) between each difficulty
so I will be using one difficulty so please keep this in mind.

Feel free to contact me and ask questions, give tips, provide corrections to
any errors or anything else. I'm always open to criticism as well as don't
mind having a short chat. Please though, keep any grammatical, or spelling
errors to yourself. I do my best to type everything up as properly as
possible, but I use Notepad (no spell check) when writing my guides, so it is
possible that I may make some errors.

Besides this, read on, enjoy the game and the guide.

GOW2-03				Controls

Normal Controls

Y - Point Of Interest
X - Use/Interact
B - Melee/Tag (Hold for Chainsaw)
A - Take Cover/Evade/Mantle (Press and hold for Roadie Run)

RT - Shoot/Throw Grenade
RB - Reload (Press again at right moment for Active Reload)
LT - Aim
LB - See Objectives and Squad Status

LS - Move
RS - Look (Click to Zoom)

Directional Pad - Switch Weapons

Back - Skip Cinematic/See Multiplayer Scoreboard
Start - Start/Pause (Options)

Other Moves

Active Reload - When you reload, press RB to start the reload process, then
                press it in the bright white or grey area to perform an active
                reload (faster reload if in the grey area, perfect if in the
                white area, which provides bonuses depending on the weapon.)

Blind Fire - When in cover, press and hold RT to Blind Fire.

Chainsaw Duel - If you face an enemy who is holding a Lancer towards you and
                you try to Chainsaw them, you will enter a Chainsaw Duel.
                Rapidly press B to win the Chainsaw Duel.

Cover Slip - To quickly move around a corner while in cover, move LS towards
             the direction that you want to go and then press A.

Crawl - When you are down, but not dead, move using LS and rapidly press A to
        move faster. Press RT to call for help, or if you are holding a
        grenade press RT to detonate it.

Evade - To Evade just aim LS towards where you want to dodge and roll to and
        press A, it will work as long as there is no cover around.

Execution - To Execute an enemy they must be crawling, you can Curb Stomp them
            by pressing X, perform a Quick Kill by pressing B, or do an
            Extended Kill by pressing Y.

Mantle - To Mantle, i.e. climb over low cover, while in cover move LS towards
         the direction you want to jump and then press A.

Meatshield - If an enemy is down and crawling you can use them as a shield by
             walking up to them and pressing A. While using them as a shield
             you can only fire Pistols and Melee. To drop the shield, press X,
             but once you do so you cannot repick up the enemy again. Also if
             your shield takes too much damage it will disintegrate.

SWAT Turn - While in cover and trying to move to an adjacent cover point, use
            LS toward the adjacent point of cover then press A. To interrupt a
            SWAT Turn hold A.

Take Cover - To get into cover move towards some form of cover (wall,
             doorway...etc) and press A. To exit cover, either move LS to exit
             cover or Cover Slip. While in cover to duck, press LS.

GOW2-04			       Walkthrough

**NOTE** Just to be clear, I'm writing the walkthrough based on Normal
difficulty. If you notice any discrepencies (as far as enemy numbers, missing
ammo...etc) it might be because of this. Some games change some of these
things when the difficulty is increased or decreased.

So we start off just a bit after where Gears of War left off. After detonating
the lightmass bomb and dealing what humanity thought was a huge blow to the
Locust, we see that they've grown bigger and badder. We see how the war has
gone somewhat south now that the Locust have bumped up their forces and their

We now start a Jacinto, humanity's last hope for winning this war. We must
defend Jacinto and make an attack on the Locust to drive them out.

Enjoy the game and guide.

GOW2-A1			  Act 1: Tip of the Spear

[Total Collectibles in Act 1: 13]

Chapter 1: Welcome to Delta

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 1: 2]

After the cinematics are done, you can choose to train the rookie (teaches you
the basics of the game) or you can skip it. If you skip it, you will miss two
collectibles and an achievement, so I suggest you do it anyways. If you choose
to skip it, it skips all of Chapter 1 and goes to where Chapter 2 starts.

Once you gain control of Marcus start to head down the path, most of this
chapter is just about explaining how to play the game, so don't really worry
about any enemies or anything. Once you get to the end of this first path
there will be a fence that Jack will start to cut open. Just before this fence
on the ground is a stack of Newspapers, this will be your first collectible.

Now once the fence is opened, head through the opening and head forward until
Dom shoots the bottle (takes enough bullets to do so) and then shoot the 5
bottles yourself. Then the rook will move a dumpster, then make your way
around the dumpster. Continue forward and you will spot some wretches and then
continue on your way. Mantle over the blockade and head around the corner and
kick the fence open.

Continue forward and grab some grenades and head up to where Dom is. You'll
need to toss a grenade into the building when prompted, after the rook throws
one revive both the rook and Dom and continue forward and break through the
planks using your lancer and continue up. Grab the ammo up here and then
continue forward and take the ladder down.

Now go to your right, not the left, and into the small garage-like building.
In here is the second collectible, grab it and then head back and down the
other way.

Chapter 2: Desperation

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 2: 5]

Once the chapter starts, listen to the conversation and once the door
activates, head through it. In this next room you'll meet Tai, after the scene
continue on following where Tai goes. Continue and you will come to a room
where you are on the second floor, take cover and hide and wait til' they give
you the signal to shoot, then shoot at the explosive tanks to make them
explode and kill the locusts.

After you've killed them, head to the side that Dom and Tai went, in one of
the rooms will be a collectible. Grab it and continue down the hall and into
the next large room, take cover and take out the locust as they come from
below, then proceed to your left and a few will come from up top. Kill them
and collect on of the Hammershot Assault Rifles. Grab some ammo on the lower
level and head back up and into the hall ahead (Dom and Tai will go down the
hall down below).

Continue down this hall and two more locust will come, let the king raven kill
them and then continue down the hall into the next room. In this room will be
two locusts, kill them and continue forward and there will be another in the
next hall. Kill it, collect ammo, and continue forward down the stairs. In
this room will be two locusts, kill them and meet back up with Dom and Tai.
Grab any ammo and the collectible in between the center desk and then head

There will be a few locusts out here, kill them and then continue across into
the next building. Head down the hall, grab the ammo box and then continue
into the next big room where two locusts will be. Kill them and continue on
into the next hallway, go to either the right or left and into the cafeteria
to face three locusts, kill them and then go into the door on the left (don't
proceed forward into the next room.)

In this hall is a room that contains a collectible, grab it and there is also
a freezer room that you can go into (have to kick the door in) for some ammo.
Continue into the next room past the cafeteria. In here a King Raven will
crash into the room and then a few locusts will attack you from the second
floor. Kill them and head up there and into the next room.

In here go to the right and there is a collectible at the end of the walkway,
grab it and head down, once you get down some locusts will burst in from one
door and then a few more from another door. Kill them all and then grab the
ammo in the area, there is some ammo in the room that the locusts first came
from. Then continue on outside and meet up with the rook.

Once outside, kill the attacking locusts and after it is clear, just outside
the door you came from, go to the right and in the corner will be a COG Tag.
Grab it and continue down. You'll be attacked by some more locusts, continue
and go into the the store to flank them. After you kill them all, continue on
and collect any dropped ammo. Continue forward a bit more and some more
locusts will attack, after you kill them it will go to a cutscene.

Chapter 3: Rolling Thunder

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 3: 2]

As the chapter starts out, turn around and on the wall of the Assault Derrick
by the ladder will be a poster, this is a collectible, grab it and then sit
back for a minute as the scene progresses. After it progresses far enough you
will start to get attacked by nemacysts, get on the troika turret and shoot
them down. If the turret gets close to overheating, cool it down quickly by
holding RB. Continue to shoot them down until you start to get attacked by

One will pull up on you to your left, quickly shoot down the two locusts on it
and then shoot it down. Your in the clear for a minute or two now, after the
scene you will get off the assault derrick to provide cover while Dizzy fixes
it. To the left, by the flipped jeep, will be some ammo, grenades, and the
second collectible. Grab them and then quickly fight off the drones coming
from the e-hole.

Another e-hole will emerge, continue to kill the drones as they come and then
some drones will flank you to the right, kill them off and then continue
fighting anymore that show up until Dizzy tells you that the vehicles fixed.
Then quickly run to the ladder of the vehicle to continue on to the next

Chapter 4: The Big Push

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 4: None]

Immediately at the start of the chapter get on the troika turret and stay on
it. Shoot any drones you see on the ground asap, then the assault derrick will
pull up on your right, it's been hijacked by drones, so kill any that are on
there or that come on there. Eventually some will jump on your vehicle, you
may need to get of the turret for a second to kill any, but Dom should handle
them just fine.

Continue fighting the drones on the other vehicle until you come to a point
where Dizzy points out that there is a single lane bridge coming up. He will
then ram the other assault derrick, busting open the window protecting the
driver, quickly shoot the driver and you will drive them off the cliff and
continue across the bridge.

Once across you will fight some brumaks, aim for the big gun first to destroy
that, then aim for their heads to kill them. You will continue on,
encountering a couple more brumaks, some more drones, and a corpser (though
don't worry about the corpser, it wont do anything.)

After the corpser you'll encounter another brumak, kill it and this will
finish out chapter 4.

Chapter 5: Roadblocks

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 5: 4]

The enemies you saw destroy the other assault derrick are tickers, basically
they are suicide bombers, they run up to you, light up their packs and then
explode. You can easily kill them with gnasher shotgun, or if you want a
little more fun, you can melee them with it and then shoot their dead body to
use as an explosive. Once the chapter starts, head into the building on the

Mantle over the counter and go upstairs for the first collectible. Grab it and
head down and through the building to encounter some tickers. Kill them and
head outside to finish off any more out here. Then head through the hole in
the fence and head around the building. Use the lancer to cut through the
boards and head back onto the street to face some more tickers. Dispose of
them and continue forward

At the end of the street, go to your right, on the wall is a collectible, grab
it and then continue to your left. Once you move far enough you will start to
be attacked by some drones further up as well as some nemacysts. Shoot the
nemacysts that are in the air and eventually a king raven will take out the
turret. Then move up and finish up the drones up here.

After you kill the drones, the assault derrick will take out the turret to
your left. Now that the area is clear, collect any ammo and go inside the gas
station. In a room in here is a collectible and some ammo, grab everything and
then continue through the hole in the fence.

Continue down the road and into the tunnel, once you go in far enough Dizzy
will turn on the assaul derrick's light. Continue forward and you will face a
wave of tickers. Kill them and continue forward and you will face some more
and then you will come to a roadblock and there is a room to the left. There
will also be a door at the base of the steps, go in here first and grab the
COG tag, then continue into the next room.

Head to the end of this room and you will encounter some more tickers, kill
them and then continue out of this room and once Dizzy pulls up, continue to
advance and face some more tickers. Continue to advance and once you get to
the end of the tunnel take cover behind the last car because you will have to
fight a reaver. Kill the drone on it and then kill the reaver itself.

Once dead, continue on outside and you will face some mortars. Either option
makes no difference, in all honesty, going into the hotel is less work. If you
choose the rooftops, you'll face a few enemies, then have to climb to the
roof, kill the drone with the mortar, then use the mortar to bust open the
roof for Dom. To fire the mortar, press and hold LT to plant it, then hold RT
to give it some distance, max distance or just short of that should work. Then
continue down and Jack will open the door for you.

Continue in and kill the few drones out here, then grab the ammo and mortar
gun out here and then you will call Dizzy. Just after this a brumak will come
from the tunnel. Kill it using the mortar gun and then advance to chapter 6.

If you chose to go through the hotel, just clear the first few drones at top
of the roof, Dom will bust open the roof with the mortar gun, then head into
the next room, kill the few drones in here and then head out to the right and
kill the few drones here. Grab the mortar gun and kill the brumak when it
shows up and then go to chapter 6.

Chapter 6: Diggin In

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 6: None]

This chapter is straight forward, just fight. You'll first faces a bunch of
drones. Quickly kill them off and a few mortar drones will come out, kill them
off and then some boomers will come. Once you kill them, two reavers will come
and once they are dead you are done. This chapter is super short and easy,
especially if you still had the mortar in hand from the previous chapter, you
can use that mortar gun and the one on the vehicle to make easy work of the

GOW2-A2			       Act 2: Denizens

[Total Collectibles in Act 2: 8]

Chapter 1: Scattered

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 1: None]

As the chapter starts, you and Dom will split up to try to locate Carmine
faster. Turn around and climb the ladder, there is nothing on the path at all,
just follow it til' it forks and go left at the fork, follow this path all the
way to the end to meet up with Carmine, who is being attacked by drones. Break
through the vines and into the room and kill off the drones and then group up
with Carmine. There should be some ammo around where Carmine is, along with
some grenades.

After the scene you will encounter quite a few drones and some tickers, kill
everything off and once Jack finishes fixing the Grindlift the enemies should
stop coming. Collect any ammo, I highly suggest to get the Hammerburst here
for the next area, then use the Grindlift to break down the wall. Once you
make it to the other side, go to your right to the ledge. This is where the
Hammerburst comes in handy, you face quite a lot of enemies here and being on
the ledge with the ability to zoom makes things easier.

If you want you can also go all the way down and face them from here, you have
cover, but you don't have a better advantage on them. The only downside to
sitting at the top of the ridge is if you get wounded, Dom or Carmine wont be
able to save you, so try to be safe when shooting from up here. After
everything is dead, collect the ammo and continue forward.

After you go far enough the ceiling will crash in behind you and you can't go
back, so go to your left and you will encounter some wretches. continue down
the path and cut through the vines to go into the next room.

Chapter 2: Indigenous Creatures

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 2: 2]

As the chapter starts you encounter a new enemy, though they aren't dangerous
(unless you walk into their head, they will kill you). They can be used as a
mobile defense since they act as a wall and if you shoot the glowing fruit
they will move to it, providing you cover as you move. After you are done with
the rockworm, go to your left down the path that leads around, as you are
going down this path, on your left will be some vines. Cut them down to get
the first collectible and some ammo, then continue on your way.

As you continue forward you will come to a fork, go either right or left, the
left gives you higher ground which is a bit of an advantage versus the
upcoming drones, the right gives you a chance to use the rockworm as cover.
Either way, continue on the path and you will encounter some drones, one of
them on a troika turret, kill them all and continue, grab their ammo and go up
the ladder.

Up here you will encounter two tickers from the right, kill them, then you can
go to your left to grab some more ammo, then head down the way the tickers
came from. As you continue forward you will see a rockworm, shoot the hanging
fruit down so it can be used as cover and a grub hole will emerge with a few
drones. Close it with a grenade and kill the drones and continue forward. Once
you get around the corner you will encounter a sniper and some more from a 
distance. Grab a Longshot Sniper Rifle and take care of all the snipers.

Once they are dead, continue forward down the path and a rockworm will emerge,
though, on the Normal difficulty it was of no use (I assume on Hardcore or
Insane, to the right there is a Troika Turret, so there might be locust there
on harder difficulties and the rockworm is used for cover.) Over by the turret
will be a an explosive container (your thing should pop up when you get far
enough showing you where it is) shoot it and then continue forward. You can
choose to go right or left, either way sort of puts you in the same spot.

You will head up the path and there will be another Longshot, grab it and pick
off the enemies from a distance for some practice, then continue up. Once you
get to the end and get to the top, you will encounter several drones and two
Troika Turrets. Take out the turrets and then the drones, once everything is
dead a reaver will show up, get on one of the turrets and kill it quickly.
Once it is dead grab some ammo and the second collectible which is in the
back, behind the turrets. After a minute or so, some more enemies will come
from the door, two boomers, some drones, tickers and wretches. Kill them all
using the turret and then proceed through that door.

Follow the path all the way down and after the scene make your way all the way
down and you will encounter some drones. Make short work of them and then pick
up one of the Mortars. Some drones will come from the path below where the
grindlifts landed, take them out to assist the other Gears. Once they are dead
it will go to a scene and after that continue down the path you are on to end
the chapter.

Chapter 3: Disturbing Revelations

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 3: 1]

As the chapter starts follow this path until you come to the end, which will
put you at the bottom of some steps that lead to some temple thing. After the
scene a few drones and a kantus will emerge. Take out the kantus first, these
guys are annoying and can rally injured locust back into the fight from afar.
After you kill the kantus and drones another kantus and some wretches will
come from the door just in front of you. Kill them off and then head into the

As soon as you enter the building, look to your right for some ammo and a
collectible. Grab these and continue forward until you come a to the end of
the path and get to choose from the right or left path. The left path will
put you up top to do some sniping and small support for Dom and Ben, after
they take out the two Troika Turrets, the room you are in will have a lever
you can pull to continue into the next room. In here will be two Troika
Turrets, a Kantus, and some drones, and after a minute a Boomer should show

The right path will put you in a little more of harms way, you first have to
take out two Troika Turrets, then pull a lever inside where the turrets are to
open the door to the next room. Here you have to take out another Troika
Turret and then flank another Troika Turret, some drones, and a kantus. After
a minute a boomer will show up, kill it and the rest of the drones and it
should go to a scene rounding out the chapter.

Chapter 4: Sinking Feeling

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 4: 2]

As the chapter starts, head forward and grab the ammo box and head into the
ruined area. As you progress far enough you will be attacked by some drones
and some bloodmounts. Bloodmounts are mounted drones, the mount attacks as
well if it gets close enough. Take down the mount first then kill the drone
after he falls down. Once you clear this area, progress forward and you will
be attacked by a reaver, kill it and continue on. 

After you kill the reaver, move a little backwards and there is a small area
that has some ammo and will give you a good sight at two snipers, kill the
snipers, grab the ammo and there is a collectible just in front of the
overturned car. Grab it and continue down the path just past where the reaver
showed up.

Once you come into the next opening a corpser will bust through the wall and
a bridge will emerge with several drones. Kill them off asap and a reaver will
show up midfight. kill it and continue through the ruined building and then
into the next building.

As you come in a scene will go and after the scene you will get ambushed by a
bunch of drones. Kill them off and stay hidden and after awhile you will get
saved. After the scene is over, go to the left of where you start and there
should be a dead corpse in the same building with a COG Tag by it, grab it and
head out of the building.

Head down the path and into the graveyard, in here you will fight a reaver,
after you kill it keep advancing forward and some drones and a kantus will
come from the bridge. Kill them and head across the bridge, there is some ammo
behind the small concrete block, grab it and follow the tunnel.

Chapter 5: Captivity

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 5: 1]

Continue to follow this tunnel and the path after it and you'll come up to
some prison things. Once you get far enough you will hear Baird inside one of
the cells, after the scene continue to follow the path and right around the
next corner on your right just past the box is a collectible. Grab it and
continue down the path.

You will see the beast-barge and once it stops a few drones and a boomer will
get off and attack. Kill them and get on board the beast barge. Once on it a
grinder will come down, quickly kill it, grab the mulcher it drops and use the
elevator it came from. Pull the lever right in front of you and then proceed
to the very top.

On top there will be two drones, kill them and then pull the lever on the
backside to move the beast barge. Once it rams the other beast barge there
will be three drones up top and one on a Troika Turret. Kill them and move
down and open the holding cells. After the scene you will be attacked by a few
drones and a grinder, kill them and get off the barge and follow the path.

Once you go far enough you'll encounter a kantus, a few drones and a few
bloodmounts. Kill everything and continue to follow the path down and you will
encounter another kantus and some tickers. Kill them and proceed forward. This
area is pretty big and can be a bit hectic because there will be a lot of
fighting going on.

Firstly, head forward and take out the drones that show up and then go to your
right. Once over here you'll fight a kantus and some drones and a reaver
should also appear. Kill everything and follow this path around the corner and
straight forward. As you continue forward some more drones will pop out from
various places, kill them as you go but keep progressing forward and to the

Once Dom points out the building saying it would be a safe LZ, head to the
right, follow this path up onto the roof of the building. Once up here you
will have to protect yourself for so long before the King Raven shows up.
Once it does you will board it and it will go to a scene to round out the

Chapter 6: Intestinal Fortitude

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 6: 2]

As the chapter starts out, start to head forward and immediately on your left
will be the first collectible. Grab it and continue forward. You will then
come to these large digestive teeth, avoid them because they will kill you
instantly. Run past the first two large ones and continue down the path and
then past the third one. Next will be several teeth in a row, you MUST roadie
run the whole way (don't stop and stand up or you will die.) Once across
continue to follow the path.

Avoid the next set of digestive teeth and keep going forward. Once past the
teeth a small hole will open and some locust will emerge. Kill them and head
forward. After the scene you will have to keep running to avoid the debris
rolling behind you, just after where you start after the scene on the left
will be another COG Tag, grab it and keep running forward.

Keep following the path and avoid running into the grass stuff since it will
damage you, once you get to the wall, shoot it to open it up and then continue
down the path. Once you come to a small wall, saw it open with your Lancer and
continue to the next wall, shoot it with your gun to open. Now follow the path
and you will come to a part where the path will stop, look up and shoot the
car down to make a path and continue and you will encounter another small
wall, quickly saw it open and it will go to a scene.

Here you need to avoid the nozzle things that are spraying, to stop them
temporarily shoot the green part and it will stop for a short second. Also
avoid any large pools of acid since it will damage you as well. At the
beginning there is some ammo down the right path, but that is it, head up the
left path stopping and avoiding the acid nozzles as you go.

Once you get past these, follow the path into a cave-like area. Move quickly
through here or you will die. From the start go straight and take the second
left, and then continue straight forward and you will come to a small wall,
quickly cut through with your lancer to continue.

After the scene head forward down the path and you will come to a small wall
that you can cut through, go through and cut the two arteries to the heart,
one is on the left and one on the right. Then continue down the path to the
right of the heart. As you follow the path you will encounter a few more
locust, quickly kill them and continue on and you will come to another small
wall that you can saw through.

In this room you will come to the second heart, cut the three arteries on the
left and continue through the newly opened path. Continue down this path to
another small wall that you can cut through. In the next room is the last
heart and a few small locust will pop out from the ground as well. This heart
has four arteries, two on the left and two on the right, cut them all and then
watch the scene as Act 2 finishes.

GOW2-A3			   Act 3: Gathering Storm

[Total Collectibles in Act 3: 6]

Chapter 1: Dirty Little Secret

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 1: None]

As the chapter starts out after the scene ends, start to head off to the left
and as you progress you will see a wretch run past on the screen. Follow where
it went and when you get to the two doors one can be kicked in. Kick it in and
go inside the building. Head down the hall that is on the right, in the second
room on the left will be a Boltok Pistol and a Gorgon Pistol. Continue to the
end of the hall to go into a scene.

After the scene is over, follow this hall all the way down and through a room
and you will come upon a Scorcher Flamethrower. This weapon comes in handy for
quite awhile. Continue into the next room to turn on the power. Continue back
into the room you just came from (the one before the Scorcher Flamethrower.)
The door you came from is shut, but there is a door on the opposite side that
can be opened by using a lever, open it and head into the next room.

In here you will be attacked by a bunch of wretches. Kill them all asap, if
you grabbed the Scorcher Flamethrower it comes in handy killing wretches. Now
head through the room and on the left will be a door, open it by using the
handle and you will meet back up with Cole and Baird to get your explosives.

This part is a bit different, because you have to carry the explosives you
will move a lot slower due to the weight and on top of this you can only use
your pistol (though you have unlimited ammo with it for the time.) Continue
forward back into the room you just came from.

Once in this room head directly forward and you will get attacked by some
wretches on both sides. Once they are dead continue forward into the next
room. Once you enter you will be attacked by some more wretches. Kill them
and head down the hall on the right, as you go down the hall some wretches
will drop from the ceiling. Continue to kill them until you get to the
security door to go to a scene.

Chapter 2: Origins

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 2: 3]

After the scene head through the door and up the stairs, at the top, just
before entering the main room, will be a small room on the right. In here
will be the first collectible, grab it and then continue into the main room.
After the conversation is over, Jack will open a door on the right, go through
this door and follow the hall all the way down.

Once you get down the stairs, go into the door to the right (have to kick it
open) and activate the security turrets so they kill the wretches, then
deactivate the turrets and head out of this room. Now head to the other end of
the hall and kick in the door to go into the room where the wretches were.
Head through this room and you will come to another hall, on the left will be
an active turret, quickly go into the room just left of the turret (avoiding
its detector) and deactivate the turret and grab the Frag Grenades.

Now go back and down the other hall and into the first door on the right, head
down and kick the next door in and get the second collectible and then head
out and continue further down this hall. Around one of the corners will be
another active turret, in the room to the right is a Scorcher Flamethrower,
avoid the turret and go into the room closest to the turret to deactivate it
and then continue through this room. 

In the next room there will be some wretches and two active turrets. Kill off
the wretches and then get in the top-right corner. Now roadie run across under
the turrets sight and then deactivate the turrets. Now continue into the next
hall and go to your right. Around this corner will be three turrets. Wait at
the corner and make your way to cover by the desk when you have the chance.
Then when you have a chance, mantle over the desk and deactivate the turrets.

Continue through the hall and then kick in the door on the left to go outside.
Out here will be a few wretches. Kill them and head for the door on the right,
once you get close enough some more wretches will come out. Kill them and head
in and through the hall on the left. Avoid the turret and cross over through
the doorway. In here are two more turrets. Make your way up to the top-right
corner and some wretches will come. The turrets should kill them, if not, then
quickly kill them and then roadie run under the two turrets sights.

Continue through the next hall and deactivate the turrets and then head down
this hall. At the end in the next room will be some turrets. Head across and
into the room that has the turret control button on the outside, but leave the
turrets on, they will kill most of the wretches. In this room is the third
collectible and a Scorcher Flamethrower. Now go out, finish off any other
wretches and disable the turrets.

Make your way into the next room, in here will be two more turrets, just
avoid them and down the hall on the left will be some ammo, grab it and
through the doorway on the right and take the stairs down. Continue through
this hallway and you will come to a part that has two turrets on the left and
a door. Move close enough so that the wretches come through the door. Kill
them and then roadie run all the way to the end of the hall.

Head through the door Jack opened, then down the stairs on the left and you
will come to a part where you go operate the turret controls or be laser bait.
The turret controls is really simple, all you do is press one button, then the
next, then the next...etc. The laser bait is just as easy, but a little
harder. You have to lean against the pillars and as he operates the controls,
SWAT Turn from one pillar to the next (hold LS left and press A.) Once you get
to the end head into the next room.

Head through this room and then into the next room and up the stairs. Walk up
to the console straight ahead and pull the lever, this will lead to a scene
and round out the chapter.

Chapter 3: Rude Awakening

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 3: 2]

As the chapter starts, head through the door and down the stairs and into the
next room. As you move far enough forward one of the sires will bust from the
stasis tube. Kill it and continue forward, two more will come out, kill them
and head towards the gate/door. Two more sires will break through it and into
this room. Kill them and head into the next room.

In here make your way to the other side of the room to continue on, as you do
so sires will continue to bust out of their stasis tubes, so kill them as they
come. Once they are all dead, make your way into the next room and the same
thing will happen here. Continue through the door by using the handles after
the sires are all dead.

In this room, round the corner and use the lever at the end to shut down the
computer system then head through the next door and follow this hall down and
then you will come to another room. As you move far enough in some drones and
flamers will come in through the wall, quickly move into the small room on the
right to activate the turrets. After it kills them deactivate it and head
through the hole they made.

In this room you will be attacked by a drone and a flamer, kill them and head
through the door on the left. Quickly move to the end of this door and
deactivate the turret, it will turn the one in the hall you need to go down
off and then one will pop up where all the locust are and kill them.
Now continue down this hall and there will be some ammon on your left, grab it
and head into the next hall.

Once you head in a drone and a flamer will come from around the corner, kill
them and continue through the hall and you will encounter a few more drones
and a flamer kill them and then head through the door to the right of them.
Once you enter a grinder and some drones will bust through the door. Fight
them for a minute and then the razorhail will start to pour down. This stuff
is dangerous and will kill you quickly so avoid it at all costs. Continue out
of this room and head outside.

Once outside, go to your right into the small room thing, there will be a
collectible in here. Then go back and head to the left to the other room thing
and then onto the train car. Release the brake and attack the locust as you
move, then once the train car stops, get off and kill the drones from the spot
you are at. After they are dead head to the right, go through the train car
and you will be where the locust were, collect any ammo and follow the path
into the building.

In here kill the drones and the sniper, then open the door thing so you have
cover from the razorhail inside the building, take cover and kill the locust
that are outside. Then proceed over the wall to the right, open the next door
and go outside to open the last door. Head through it and through the door at
the end to head back outside. Before getting on the train car, head into the
building directly behind you, in here will be some ammo and some writing
on the wall that will be the second collectible. Grab it and get on the train

Do the same thing here from before, release the brake and take cover, killing
locust as you move. Once it stops, clear the locust out and then head off the
train car and to the front of it then up the ladder to the left. Continue
forward and once you get to the open areas again some grub holes will open up.
Kill the locusts and continue heading forward.

After the second grub hole is closed, two maulers will come out, quickly kill
them and then grab one of their boomshields. You can walk in the razorhail
with it, but it should stop shortly after this. Continue forward and kill some
more drones. After you kill them, head to your left and you will meet back up
with Cole and Baird. Stave off the two reavers as they come and then Baird
will fix the Centaur Tank, which will lead to a scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 4: Ascension

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 4: None]

This chapter is pretty fun because you get to use the Centaur Tank. As you
start the chapter head forward and left at the fork. Kill all the enemies here
and continue forward off the small jump and continue forward killing any
enemies you come across. You will come to another jump, head off again and
then when you land head forward and to the right onto the lake.

Avoid the holes made by the nemacyst and make your way across the lake, then
kill the two reavers and head onto the next lake. Same thing here, but a
reaver will land on the lake, kill it and make your way off the lake. Head to
the right and over the jump at the fork. Continue your way up killing any
enemies that get in your way. When you come to the next fork go right climbing

Continue following the path, killing anything in your way and you will
eventually come to the bridge that you were supposed to cross, but it will be
destroyed. Go to the right and there is a small ridge for you to use as a jump
to get across. Now continue your way up killing any enemies in the way. Once
you get to the part where you have to destroy the barricade, kill the enemies
in the area first and then shoot the tower to knock it down opening the

Continue into the cave and head straight ahead, you will come to a dead end,
but a corpser will bust through the wall making a hole for you, now keep going
straight on ahead. Once the three stalagmites fall, aim a little left to drop
down to the lower level and continue forward. As you follow the path you will
drop down once again, continue to follow this path and you will drop once
more, but this will be a longer drop and will disable the tank.

After the tank starts up there will be three corpsers in front of you, shoot
their torso when they raise their legs to kill them. Once all three are dead
continue forward and you will drop again and then have to kill two brumaks.
After you kill them it will go to a few scenes and end the chapter.

Chapter 5: Displacement

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 5: 1]

As the chapter starts, continue forward down the path and once you get far
enough you will encounter a theron guard, who uses the Torque Bow. Kill him
and grab the Torque Bow, there is also some ammo below and to the right before
the bridge thing that the guard was on. Once you've got everything proceed

As you get into the next area you will be attacked by a few drones and the
locust gunboat, if you are in good cover you don't need to worry about the
boat. After you kill everything continue forward and there will be some steps
on your right and some wretches will come from here. Kill them and take these
steps all the way to the top for a collectible. Then kill the locust in this
area and then kill the drones on the gunboat to destroy the gunboat.

Now cross over the water via the gunboat and continue to kill the drones and
the kantus as you encounter them and keep heading forward. After you get to
the dock a gunboat will pull up next to the row boat, kill the drones and the
grinder that come from the boat and continue forward and then the boat will
pull away. Grab the mulcher and then head to the rowboat.

After the scene a gunboat will attack from the left, kill the drones on it and
then wait for the gunboat that will come from the right. Kill them off and sit
back and relax for a moment. Once you get rammed by the next gunboat, kill the
flamer and get onto the gunboat. After the scene you will be attacked by
several gunboats. Kill the drones off of them as they come and use the Troika
Turret to conserve ammo and make easy work of them.

After you clear them all you can relax for a moment while you float on to the
end of the chapter.

Chapter 6: Brackish Waters

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 6: None]

As the chapter starts you will be attacked by the huge monster thats been
swimming below. You need to defeat the monster to proceed. As the fight starts
it will first try to pull the ship under using its tentacle, run up and saw it
with your Lancer. It should do this twice more, after the third time it will
swim around for a minute and then bite down on the ship. Now shoot one of the
eyeballs to open its mouth and run inside. Once inside these smaller tentacle
things will turn blue and when they do shoot them. After shooting 3-4 of them
the central mouth will open, now lob a frag grenade into the mouth thing and
it will explode and let go. Do this twice more and it will be dead.

After that, it will round out the act.

GOW2-A4				Act 4: Hive

[Total Collectibles in Act 4: 9]

Chapter 1: Priorities

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 1: 1]

As the chapter starts head off the boat and follow Dom down the path. The path
won't deviate and there won't be anything on the path, so just keep trudging
forward. Once you get to the top, go through the structure and go through to
the other side and head out to the other side and you will come to a scene.

After the scene, head forward and follow Dom into the path. Continue through
the building and you will come to an elevator, push the switch to go up. At
the top, head out and follow the path and you will come to another scene.
After the scene, head forward to another elevator, push the switch to go down.

At the bottom, head forward a little bit and then use the valve on the left to
close the floodgates. Once stopped, mantle over the walls to continue forward.
A few drones will come out, there will be one trying to open the floodgate,
quickly kill them and after they are dead continue forward and grab any ammo
and head down the hall to the next elevator, use the switch and go down.

After you get to the bottom continue forward and there is some ammo and a
Longshot Sniper Rifle to your right. Grab them and then head to your left and
outside. Once outside you will get attacked by some wretches and mauler. Kill
the mauler asap and then grab the boomshield and kill the wretches and head to
your left.

As you continue forward, there will be some ammo, once you start to cross the
bridge there will be a couple of a drones, a theron guard, and a Troika
Turret. Kill everything and continue forward, grab any ammo you need and then
go to your left and there will be two terminals. Go to the one farthest from
the steps first, it is a collectible, grab it, then access the other one which
will take you to a scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 2: Answers

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 2: 1]

After the scene continue to make your way forward in this area, once you get
far enough up there will be a locust terminal, use the terminal and then
continue forward. You can let the patrol continue on without engaging them, or
you can attack them now. After they pass by, continue forward and go to the
left of the terminal, there will be a collectible on the side of the vehicle
then use the locust terminal.

After you use the terminal, continue to follow the path to the right of the
terminal, there will be some ammo if you need it and then once you get far
enough you will get to another locust terminal. After you use it continue
forward and make your way to the next terminal. After you use it, continue
forward and if you didn't kill the patrol you might be spotted by them now,
kill them if they spot you and then to make your way forward and there will be
some ammo and then use the locust terminal on your right.

Finally the terminal you need, you will go to a scene, after the scene you
will get attacked by several locusts, the first wave will be some wretches and
and a bloodmount, after you kill this a similar wave will come from behind.
Then after that wave you will be attacked by a few drones and a grinder from
where the first wave came. Kill them all and some more drones and some theron
guards will come from behind and after you kill them off it will go to a scene
and end the chapter.

Chapter 3: Hornets' Nest

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 3: 2]

As the chapter starts head forward and there will be a switch you can pull
(and there will be many like it later on) that will raise some walls for
cover. Head off to the left and in the top-left corner will be a Torque Bow
and some ammo. Now head to the right and down the stairs and go into the hall
on the right, in this hall will be a collectible, grab it and continue to the
end of the hall.

At the end of the hall, go right and head out and to your left and kick open
the door and this will take you to a scene. After the scene, go down the
stairs on the left and you will get attacked by some drones up ahead and a
theron guard in the tower. Kill them and head across, grab some ammo and head
up the stairs into the tower thing where the theron guard was. Flip the switch
in here and it will open a door down below and some flamers and theron guards
will come out.

Kill them asap and then head through the door they came from and through this
hall, continue forward and you will come upon some ammo as you continue. Once
you get far enough you will get attacked by some drones and a bloodmount,
quickly kill them and head forward. Grab some ammo and head into the building
and through it and be careful as you exit because there is little cover from
the drones.

Kill them and while fighting you will get attacked by a reaver, then finish
off the drones. As you continue fighting some more drones will show up, kill
them all there will be a guy who is lowering the cover off on a small ledge,
kill him and head forward and two grinders will come through the large door.
Quickly take cover and kill them and then proceed forward, grab any ammo and
a mulcher and continue on.

Head through the door the grinders came from, head to your left and up the
steps and you will come to another big room. As you enter a door ahead will be
closing, start to roadie run to your right and there is a door that will also
be closing, if you roadie run you should get in. Once inside a collectible
will be to your right. Then head forward, pull the switch and get on the
Troika Turret. There will be a bunch of drones, some butchers, and some other
enemies. Quickly kill them a second wave of enemies will come from the door
all the way at the end, kill these guys as well and proceed across and some
more enemies will come from that same door.

After they are dead head all the way across and go through that entrance and
follow the hall and take the stairs up. Once you get to the top, head to the
end of the hall for some ammo and then go through the door on the left. You
can shoot some of the enemies before you enter with them not being alert of
you. Then proceed in and kill the other drones and butchers.

Kill them all off and proceed all the way through this room and grab any ammo
and proceed down the walkway up the stairs and into the hall, then grab any
more ammo and go through the corridor out into the cave area. There will be
some grenades by the switch and continue forward and you will be attacke by
some drones. You can use the switch here so you have some cover to get behind.
After you kill them head forward and grab some ammo if you need any and once
you go far enough forward it will go to a scene.

After the scene pull the lever for cover, now kill any enemies that attack
you, which should be some drones and some tickers. Some reavers will fly over
you for a minute and then the two reavers will land and attack you. Kill them
as soon as they land and then kill off any other drones and once everything is
dead collect any ammo you need and then head forward opposite of the way you
came from. In the next area there will be a Mortar on the ground, grab it and
then continue forward to the switch and pull it.

Then the wall to the left should come down and you will be attacked by several
drones and a mortar, avoid the mortar fire and kill the drones asap. Then head
foward into this area and the wall on the left will open up, quickly kill the
drones and mortar here. After you kill them head forward and the next wall
will fall. There will be some drones, tickers, a mortar, and two grinders.
Quickly distance yourself from the mortar fire and kill the grinders and
tickers. Then kill the mortar and head forward and up the stairs on the right.

Once you move up the stairs it will go to a scene, after the scene continue
forward and pull the lever to open the door on the left and it will go to a
scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 4: No Turning Back

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 4: 2]

As the chapter starts the gondola-like thing will start to rise and there is
some ammo on board if you need any. It will get to a part where you will be
attacked by reavers. Four will come, one every few seconds, from the left
side. After you kill them all you will continue to rise and the other gondola
at the end will start to descend.

Once the gondola gets close enough, kill the drones on it asap and then it
will pull along side of yours, quickly jump onto that gondola and then it will
start to rise. As it starts to rise you will get attacked by two more reavers
that will come from the right side. Kill them and then the gondola will reach
the top and you can get off.

Head off and proceed to your left down the hall and as you head down the hall
it will go to a scene. After the scene continue forward and there will be some
ammo to the left of the stairs, then head up the stairs. At the top, go to
your left and grab the collectible which is a pedestal thing. After you grab
the collectible, head to your right and down the stairs.

Continue down the stairs and at the bottom if you go to the left will be some
grenades and ammo, just ahead will be some drones and kantus. Kill them and
then head over to where they were at, grab any ammo if you need any and then
head down the stairs on the right and continue down them and pull the switch.
This will then give you option to use the lift and use the Troika Turret or to
use the stairs.

In my opinion the Troika Turret is the better option here. Get on the turret
right away and you will go down to the next level, quickly kill any drones and
the kantus asap. After everything is dead it will take you down to the next
level. On this level will be some boomer, some drones, and a kantus. Kill them
all and then it will go down once more to the last level. On this level will
be some more drones, a kantus, and some grinders. Kill them all and then get
off of the lift.

Once off the lift head forward, grab a Mulcher and then use the switch on the
left. Use this and proceed forward and then you will meet up with Dom and
Baird and then continue down the path to the right. At the bottom will be some
ammo, then you will come into a room that has some drones, some boomers, and a
kantus. Kill everything as fast as you can and go down the stairs on the left
and pull the switch to extend the bridge.

Now go back up and around the other way to cross the bridge, then in this room
head to the left, there will be some ammo and another collectible. Then turn
around and there will be a switch, use it and go back out and some stairs will
pop up, take them down and it will go to a scene. After the scene the large
doors ahead will open and two grinders will come out. Quickly kill them and
then grab a Mulcher.

Now head back around and some drones will come from a door ahead, kill them
and then head through the door they come from. Proceed down this hall and you
will come upon some ammo, then continue and you will come upon some more
drones. Kill them and proceed down, once at the bottom continue into the next
room and head through the door on the right.

Now follow the stairs down and follow it around, you will eventually come to
the end and the lift will rise and it will have two maulers, two theron
guards, and a kantus. Hide and kill them asap, once they are dead get on the
lift and it will go to a scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 5: The Best-Laid Plans

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 5: 2]

As the chapter starts you will be on the lift and it will be descending. Once
it is at the bottom continue forward. On your left will be some ammo and
continue all the way forward and head to try to go into the palace door and it
will go to a scene. After the scene you will be ambushed by some palace guards
up top. Quickly kill them on one side and then some more will attack from the
other side.

After you kill them all, turn around and head somewhat back towards the lift,
but go to the right and there is small path. Follow this path and there will
be some ammo on the path. As you continue forward you will encounter some
tickers, a bloodmount, and some palace guards. Kill them and continue forward
and a lift will come up from the left and ther will be a palace guard and a
kantus. Kill them and then continue forward past the lift.

Just past the lift on the right in a door entrance will be a collectible, grab
it and if you want there is a Torque Bow at the very end, if you don't want it
get on the lift and head down and you will go to a scene. After the scene, get
off and head through the door. Continue down this hall and use the switch, now
choose to go up or down. The upper level is a bit easier to do since you don't
really take as much damage.

Head to the edge, then quickly assist in killing the mauler and other locust
down below and then there will be a grinder on the upper level across from you
so kill it asap, once everything is dead head forward and round the corner.
Then go into the area on the right and step on the switch to open the gate for
Dom and Baird and continue forward and then take the stairs on the right.

Make your way all the way down to other stairs and just at the end of the
stairs will be a collectible and then some ammo. Grab them and head back and
grab the Mulcher from the dead grinder, then continue forward and take the
spiral staircase down. It is quite a long staircase, just continue down
killing the palace guards and tickers as they come.

Once at the bottom enter the room and kill the kantus and the palace guards
asap and once everything is dead it will go to a scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 6: Royal Inquisition

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 6: 1]

As the chapter starts round the corner and there will be some ammo and a
mulcher. Grab everything and head forward into the next room. In this room
head all the way to the left and there will be a collectible, grab it and any
other ammo if you need anything. Then head over to where the rest of the Delta
Squad is and then pull the switch, after you pull it and you will choose
either to go left or right, both sides deal with the same thing so it doesn't
matter which way.

As you choose your way and take the elevator down, continue forward and you
will fight some palace guards and a mauler, kill them and continue forward.
Once you move far enough forward you will face some palace guards and some
tickers. After you kill these continue forward again and you will have to go
out on the ledge to the left. First help kill the mauler and the palace guards
on the other side, then proceed around the ledge and kill the mauler and
palace guards on your side.

After you kill them continue forward and through the middle and then onto the
lift and pull the switch. After you reach the bottom head forward and grab
some ammo to your left and a mortar to your right. After you move far enough
in you will get attacked by several palace guards. Kill them and move forward
and once again some more palace guards will attack. Kill them and move forward
and again another wave of palace guards will come.

Once you've finished off the last wave, move forward and you will go onto the
platform and it will go to a scene. After the scene you will get ambushed by
some palace guards, kill them off. There is a handle that you can turn in the
middle that will move your platform back up. You may need to kill some of the
palace guards off before you can use it and to keep them from shooting you
while you use it.

Once back at the top head forward through the door and into the next room and
it will go to a scene. After the scene Cole and Baird will follow the locust
queen and you will have to fight skorge. At the start of the fight skorge will
drop down and attack with his chainsaw, quickly tap B rapidly to win the
chainsaw duel and then once you win you will cut his polearm in half. At this
point he will run to one of the ledges, now get behind the cover and move when
you need to.

Skorge will through some Ink Grenades as well as shoot at you with the Gorgon
Pistol as well as knock some stuff down towards you. Dom should be taking care
of any tickers who come out, but if they get close shoot them down. After so
long skorge will go to ceiling and saw down a stalactite, so avoid it if it
comes down near you. After this he will then saw a pillar down, avoid the
pillar and he will come down to the floor, now run towards him and you will
enter a chainsaw duel with him again, rapidly press B and you will cut him.

Now repeat this once more and he will get on a reaver and retreat. After the
scene head towards the throne and go through the left or right door and head
out to meet back with Cole and Baird. After you are done talking the bridge
ahead will extend, now roadie run all the way to the other end, don't worry
about the reaver that is attacking. Once you reach the other end it will go to
a scene and end the act.

GOW2-A5			      Act 5: Aftermath

[Total Collectibles in Act 5: 5]

Chapter 1: Escape

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 1: None]

This chapter is pretty straight forward, just shoot anything that gets in your
path and avoid any rockets. The controls are simple, the front turret is the
rocket launcher which has unlimited ammo and no reload/cooldown and the back
gun is a Troika Turret (which does need to be cooled down.) To switch quickly
between the two press X, or if you turn far enough with RS it will switch
automatically. To move side to side, move LS left and right, the actual
driving will be done by Cole.

As the chapter starts out shoot any brumaks and any rocket launcher turrets
that you come upon and avoid any rockets that are coming towards you. Once you
get far enough you will come upon some locust fighting some Gears and you will
land. Quickly kill the locust and then to your left a brumak will emerge from
the wall, kill it and it will go to a scene.

After the scene you will be in a tunnel heading for the surface, sit on the
back turret and you will be attacked by the hydra with skorge riding it. Shoot
the turret when you can and when it gets close and opens the mouth, shoot it
in the mouth. Just keep avoiding any rockets and repeat this and then once you
get far enough and do enough damage it will go to a scene.

After the scene you will be outside and will be getting chased by other
reavers. Continue to take these down (they will all come from behind and
rarely get ahead of you) and avoid their gunfire and once you go far enough it
will go to a scene and you will fight the hydra again.

Here the fight is somewhat similar, you mainly aim for the turret and the head
to do the damage, but when it is behind you it will grab you with its arm,
when it does, quickly shoot the arm and after you destroy the arm then shoot
the mouth. After it gets ahead of you shoot it in the head with the cannon
asap and then it will go behind you. Repeat this process once or twice more
and it will die and go to a few scenes, rounding out the first chapter.

Chapter 2: Desperate Stand

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 2: 2]

At the start of the chapter head forward and you will get attacked by a reaver
right away, quickly kill it and then head across and enter the building on the
left. As you head through the door go to your right and there will be some
locust on the landing platform. After awhile a reaver will land, you can shoot
it down, but the King Raven will kill it after awhile.

Now head to your right and then go left down the steps to get the collectible
and some ammo. Grab these and head back up and continue forward and on your
left there will be some more drones. Kill them asap and another reaver will
land, kill it and any remaining drones and then head through the door on your

Continue to follow Colonel Hoffman and then go left up the steps and continue
forward and out the door. There will be some drones down below, as well to the
left of the door you came from will be a Longshot Sniper Rifle, two Mulchers,
and some ammo. As you continue to fight a boomer will come out, after killing
it two reavers will land. Don't waste your ammo on them, the King Raven will
kill them both.

After they are dead continue across the bridge and head to the right up the
stairs following Colonel Hoffman. At the top will be two Troika Turrets, get
on one and kill the reavers as they come, try to shoot them while they are in
the air, a few will land. After you've killed so many, continue to your right
and grab the ammo if you need it.

Continue to follow the hall and Colonel Hoffman. After the door is opened,
head down the path and out here will be a bunch of drones as well as a Mortar
and Mulcher. Before killing the drones, head to the right, past the Mortar and
the steps and down the steps here and grab the COG Tag past the ammo. After
you kill them a few more drones will come, kill them as well and two grinders
will show up. After they are dead, two brumaks will appear. Once you kill them
it will go to a scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 3: Free Parking

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 3: 2]

As the chapter starts out you will be in a courtyard, there will be a couple
drones across the way in the building, there will be some snipers up top as
well. Kill them and head forward, a drone and a flamer will come from the
right. Kill them and then head into the building. As you head through the
building you will face a few more drones and a flamer. Kill them and head up
to top and some more drones will be up here. Kill them and head through the

Once you move forward down below will be some drones and a kantus. Move around
the walkway and then a grinder will pop out from the door. Kill the grinder
and head down the stairs and out of the building. Out here there will be
several drones and a Troika Turret. Take out the Troika Turret first and then
kill the drones. Now as you move forward you will get attacked by some
wretches and two maulers, one from each side. After you kill them, two
bloodmounts will come out as well.

Kill them and then head forward and into the building and use the handle to
open the closed gate, and then continue to make your way through the building.
Exit the building and you'll encounter several drones and a grinder. Kill the
grinder and take out the drones. After you kill everything move forward and to
the right of where the grinder was, behind the wall, will be a collectible.
Grab it and then proceed to your left. Here you will have to split up and
either go into the parking garage or stay on the streets.

The parking garage is a bit easier, you more or less provide support. Continue
to kill the drones on the street as you proceed forward and a reaver will come
down. Kill it and keep going forward and kill some more drones. At the end you
will reconnect with Dom and then a grinder will pop up in front of you. Kill
it quickly and proceed forward. Grab the Hammer of Dawn on the ground since it
is propbably one of the best weapons (no ammo, does insane damage, only
limited by availability of satellites.)

Use the Hammer of Dawn to kill of the drones and the mauler here and continue
forward and through the ruined building on the left. Knock down the wall and
then go to the left of the building and in a ruined building next to it will
be a COG Tag. Grab it and continue down this street to end the chapter.

Chapter 4: Tenuous Footing

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 4: 1]

As the chapter starts head down to your left and drop down a floor. There will
be a Longshot Sniper Rifle here, but if you have the Hammer of Dawn it can
still be used so I would keep it. Head toward the crane and you can use it.
Move it all the way to the left, then once Dom gets on move it all the way to
the right and Dom will get off and move to the other crane.

Now kill the drones below and then Dom will knock the crane down so you can
walk across to him. Make your way across and a few more drones will grapple up
from below. Kill them and then head down, start to head forward and a mauler
will come. Kill the mauler and continue forward and then a reaver will come,
kill it and continue forward.

As you round the corner, there will be a flamer and some tickers. Then head
through the hall where the flamer came from and there will be a drone here.
Kill any more tickers that come and head forward. Then several drones will
grapple up. Kill them as they come and after so many the floor will drop out
below you and you will fall to the bottom of the building.

Once at the bottom and after the conversation grab any ammo and kill the
drones and the flamers outside the buildng. Then head out of the building and
at the top-right corner will be the last collectible. Grab it and head down,
as you head down you will see some drones across from you below, kill them and
make your way down.

There will be a tower-like thing here, cut the two cables to make a bridge
to the gap, dont worry about the drones, just run inside it and it will drop
down below. Once you get up, head forward and to the left and kill the kantus
and the drones that show up. Kill them and continue forward into the building,
then outside you will see a brumak and a ton of drones. If you have the Hammer
of Dawn you can rack up a bunch of kills here by killing the drones with it.

After the brumak shoots the building a few times, it will fall down. Now make
your way over a few downed pillars and push the switch for the elevator and
you will get in and it will take you upwards. Once you get out, make your way
around and stick to cover while the brumak shoots at you. Make your way out
and kill the brumak pilot and it will go to a scene and end the chapter.

Chapter 5: Closure 

[Total Collectibles in Chapter 5: None]

Ah you get to take the reins of a brumak, how fun. You move using LS, fire the
mounted Troika Turrets on the brumak's arms by using RT and cool them by
holding RB. Press X to fire the multiple rockets. This chapter is extremely
linear. Just follow the path, kill any drones, boomers, grinders, and reavers
you come across.

Once you get far enough, you will have to break through a door, get close
enough and press B to do so and continue on the path. Once you come to a part
where you have to fight a corpser, it is simple just spam B when it attacks
you to win the fight. Then continue forward. Once you get far enough, you will
have to destroy a beast-barge, just shoot it constantly with the missiles and
it should die quickly.

After you make your way to the end you will have to knock down the three
pillars to make an opening for the King Ravens to bring the lightmass bomb in.
Shoot the pillars with your weapons in the same spot constantly to break them
down. In this room there will be a bunch of reavers and seeders. Kill them off
so they don't bother you and continue forward to the next pillar.

Destroy this pillar and continue to your left to go to the last pillar, after
you break it down it will go to a scene. After the scene the boss is easy,
just aim with LT and hold down RT to use the Hammer of Dawn. It will knock
your King Raven a few times, after it does just reaim and fire again. After so
long it will die and it will go to the last scenes and end the game.


GOW2-05			    Weapons and Vehicles


Snub Pistol - This is the standard COG pistol, I tend to prefer this one more
              than the Boltok. It does less damage, but carries more ammo
              overall and per clip and is a lot faster. Max Ammo - 132 Bullets.

Boltok Pistol - The Locust preffered Pistol. A six shooter pistol, zoom
                capabilities and heavy damage, but only holds 6 rounds and is
                fairly slow in shooting. Max Ammo - 42 Bullets.

Gorgon Pistol - This weapon can be tricky to master because of the way it
                fires, but it does a lot of damage for a pistol. It burst
                fires several bullets at once, four times (need to release
                and repress RT after a second of the first shot.) Max Ammo
                - 544 Bullets.

Lancer Assault Rifle - The bread and butter of Gears of War. Nice gun that
                       does a decent amount of damage and has the Chainsaw on
                       it for melee fun. Max Ammo - 550 Bullets.

Hammerburst Assault Rifle - The Locust preferred Assault Rifle. Nice damage,
                            only drawback is that it isn't automatic, but this
                            is nice for precision aiming since you can fire
                            single shots and it zooms in. Max Ammo - 323

Gnasher Shotgun - Standard Shotgun, nice upclose damage, not too great of a
                  ranged weapon, very useful against wretches and tickers. Max
                  Ammo - 39 Bullets.

Longshot Sniper Rifle - The sniper rifle of COG, very effective in precision
                        shooting and does high damage even if the shot is a
                        torso shot. Very easy to get headshots with and keep
                        your distance from enemies. Max Ammo - 24 Bullets.

Boomshot Grenade Launcher - Simple as it sounds, a grenade launcher. Long
                            reload times, but does good damage if you can aim
                            it properly. Max Ammo - 8 Grenades.

Torque Bow - This is probably my favorite weapon in the game. It can kill most
             enemies in a single hit if you hit them with it. It fires an
             explosive arrow that sticks to what it hits, then blows up. You
             need to hold RT longer to make the path of the arrow farther and
             straighter. Max Ammo - 12 Arrows.

Scorcher Flamethrower - This weapon is great, but mainly works well with
                        enemies that have to melee you (i.e. wretches).
                        Doesn't take much to take down most enemies though, so
                        still quite effective, especially when blind firing.
                        Max Ammo - 350 Rounds

Hammer of Dawn - Deals a massive ammount of damage via satellites, but can
                 only be used in areas that are completely open to the
                 satellites view. No ammo capacity.

Boomshield* - Though, not necessarily a weapon, this can be picked up on top
             of your normal weapons. It works nice when advancing on a lot of
             enemies in open areas. It does slow you down, but you can still
             roadie run with it. To plant it as cover, hold LT and press A.
             To use it for normal cover while moving hold LT.

Mortar* - Great weapon that deals massive area damage. Especially effective
         against multiple enemies at a distance. Hold RT longer to make the
         shot go further. Max Ammo - 12 Shells.

Mulcher* - This is similar to the Troika Turret, but is only one barrel and
           is movable. You can use it almost like a Troika Turret by finding
           cover and moving against the cover and pressing LT. It will then
           mount on the cover and fire away. Like the Troika Turret, it builds
           up heat so you need to dissipate the heat by holding RB.

Troika Turret - Standard Turret found throughout the game, it works very well
                in most cases, you need to vent the heat before it overheats,
                do this by holding down RB. No ammo capacity.

Frag Grenade - Standard grenade, deals a nice amount of damage to a nice
               radius and can close E-holes. Max Ammo - 4 Grenades.

Ink Grenade - Similar to a Smoke Grenade, but puts out a toxic gas. If the
              enemy stays in the gas too long they will die. Nice grenade, but
              you can only find them so often which is a downside.

Smoke Grenade - Causes a lot of smoke to come out providing cover, also causes
                a large knockback effect knocking enemies down.

* - Denotes that item is a Heavy Weapon. It doesn't take a spot of your two
primary weapons, but slows you down. With the exception of the Boomshield, you
can roadie run with it, but your normal speed is slowed down.


Assault Derrick - These are the rigs that dig into the earth and shoot down
                  the Grindlifts down into the Locust areas. Has a turret on
                  it for defense.

Centaur Tank - The main Tank used by COG, an all-terrain vehicle, quite fast
               and its gun is quite effective.

King Raven - The main helicopter that the COG uses for taking down Locust,

Reaver - This is the main form of transportation for the locust, armed with a
         rocket launcher and a Troika Turret, it is extremely fast and agile.
         Who said that they were only for the locust?

Brumak - The t-rex type animal that the locust use as a tank. Has two side
         mounted Troika Turrets to its arms and a multiple rocket launcher on
         its head. Pretty slow, but extremely tough. Ever wonder what it would
         be like to ride one?

GOW2-06		            Characters and Enemies


Marcus Fenix - The main character, now a dedicated hero along with Dom, Baird,
               and Cole for the lightmass bombing. He now leads the Delta
               Squad in staving off the Locust attacks in Jacinto.

Dominic Santiago - A part of the Delta Squad, Marcus' right hand man. He now
                   tries to spend a lot of his time trying to track down his
                   wife Maria.

Augustus Cole - A part of the Delta Squad, one of the most enthusiastic
                members when it comes to killing Locust. Typically partners
                with Baird. He is nicknamed "Cole Train".

Damon Baird - A part of the Delta Squad, an expert when it comes to explosives
              and other stuff. Typically partners with Cole.

Jack - The robot that stays with your party through thick an thin. He cuts
       through things, repairs things, keeps you in contact with
       control...etc. When not being used he will go in and out of camouflage
       to stay hidden from enemies.

Ben Carmine - Brother to Anthony Carmine (a character who died in the first
              Gears of War game.) He is a rookie to the Delta Squad and Marcus
              takes him in to show him the ropes of being a Gear.

Anya Stroud - Anya is your main contact at control. She provides you with
              critical mission information as well as provides words of
              support and is helping Dom to try and locate his wife.

Colonel Victor Hoffman - Hoffman is the head of Delta squad and has been known
                         to be quite a tough colonel. He has crossed paths
                         several times with Marcus, especially since he helped
                         convict him to prison before Gears of War 1. 

Dizzy Wallin - Dizzy is a former stranded who signed onto COG to help to get
               his wife and daughters to safety. Now drives an Assault Derrick
               he calls "Betty".

Maria Santiago - Dominic's wife, she went to Jacinto with Dom after e-day, but
                 after Dom's continued increase of service to the COG she
                 vanished, with no information on where she went or was going.

Tai Kaliso - A new character, he is also a Gear and can easily be recognized
             by his tattoos. He is known for surviving some of the craziest
             incidents without little more than a scratch.

Chairman Prescott - He is one of the lead politicians who has made choices in
                    the fight against the locust and works to ensure the
                    locust are defeated.

Jack - The robot that stays with your party through thick an thin. He cuts
       through things, repairs things, keeps you in contact with
       control...etc. When not being used he will go in and out of camouflage
       to stay hidden from enemies.


Drones - These are propably the most common enemy you will face. Standard
         locust, not really smart and they are pretty weak. Typically use the
         Hammerburst Assault Rifle or the Boltok Pistol.

Wretches - These things are small, dog-like things (or if you like the rook's
           description, monkey-dogs). They have to melee you to do any damage,
           so try to keep your distance and pick them off as they attack, if
           they get too close, just melee them.

Tickers - These things can get annoying quick. They are small, quick, and
          explosive. They move around and can come out of any small hole, once
          the flames on their back start going get your distance because they
          will explode. You can melee them with most weapons that have a
          normal Melee attack. The lancer doesn't work on them though. If you
          kill one and it didn't explode, you can continue to shoot it to
          cause it to explode.

Nemacyst - These are shot out by seeders, they act like homing missles and
           explode on impact. Easy to kill, but they can move around very

Boomers - These guys are similar to your typical drone, but they are much
          larger and use the Boomshot Grenade Launcher.

Grinders - These guys are similar to your typical drone, but they are much
           larger and use the Mulcher.

Flamers - These guys are similar to your typical drone, but they are much
          larger and use the Scorcher Flamethrower. Can be killed by shooting
          the pack on their back.

Maulers - These guys are similar to your typical drone, but they are much
          larger and use an exposive flail as well as carry a Boomshield for

Butchers - These guys are similar to your typical drone, but they are much
           larger and use a large butcher knife to deal heavy melee damage.

Kantus - These guys are monk-like Locust who can rally injured Locust back
         into the fight. They typically use the Gorgon Pistol and Ink

Rockworms - These aren't necessarily enemies, they can kill you or wound you
            if you walk into their head, but thats it. They eat glowing fruit
            and act as cover, even when moving.

Snipers - These are drones who specialize in sniping. They can be
          differentiated by their gear and are usually away from the

Bloodmounts - These are mounts that a drone uses to move quickly through
              battle and to attack enemies with their tusk and sharp claws.
              If the drone is killed first the bloodmount will go in a rage.

Grenadiers - These are drones equipped with the Gnasher Shotgun and Frag
             Grenades. They tend to get more up close in the battle instead
             of staying back and hiding.

Sires - These are mutated beings that were being produced at the New Hope
        Research Facility. They are similar to slightly larger drones with
        tentacles on their back.

Theron Guards - These are like drones, but much more advanced and smart. They
                don't react as blindly as drones do and they use the powerful
                Torque Bow to kill their opponents.

Palace Guards - These are similar to Theron Guards, but they are stronger and
                have a much more versatile weapon arsenal.

Reavers - I would describe these as the locust form of helicopters. Typically
          there is a single Boomer on it, take it out and then aim at the head
          of the Reaver to kill it.

Brumaks - These are huge T-Rex type things with a huge gun on its back. When
          fighting these, aim for the gun first to blow it up, then aim for
          the head. This seems to be the most effective way to stop them.

Corpsers - These are extremely large spider-like Locust whos main task is to
           create tunnels for the Locust. They use their legs to attack as
           well as a shield for their torso, which is their weak spot.

Seeders - These are like artillery cannons. They are usually found far from
          the actual battlefield and they spew out nemacyst which then home in
          on their enemy.

Leviathan - This is the huge fish thing you fight at the end of chapter 3. It
            is something that even the locust avoid. It is large and uses its
            large tentacles and mouth to deal damage to unsuspecting boats.

Hydra - This is seen a few times in the game and actually engaged with in Act
        5. It is similar to a reaver, but is slightly more beefier and has
        more powerful weapons.

Skorge - This is the Locust Queen's bodyguard. Equipped with a polearm with
         chainsaws on each end, he is an agile and powerful warrior. Also uses
         Ink Grenades and a Gorgon Pistol.

Locust Queen - The queen of the locust, not as locust-looking as you would
               expect, she actually looks somewhat human. Knows of Marcus'
               father, Adam Fenix and knows much about the human race and what
               they plan to do to fight the locust.

GOW2-07			 Collectibles and Unlockables


These are items (Documents, COG Tags...etc) that you find in the game on the
ground and there are a total of 41 of them. They are documents with various
types of information. Here is the list of them, what act they are found in
and where they can be found. I also took the time to capture screenshots of
all 41 items. I will list each SS with each item so that it is a bit easier to
find, some of the SS wont show anything, but I circled where the item is (they
don't reshow up in the game after you collect it once, even if you start a new

The link below each entry is the photo, if you want here is a direct link to
the photoalbum containing all the photos. I labeled them in order, i.e. A1C1A
(A being the first collectible in chapter 1, b being the second...etc)


Act 1: Tip of the Spear

Chapter 1

The Eagle Newspaper - You find this on the ground just at the start of Chapter
                      1. It is down the first path you take just before the
                      fence that Jack cuts down for you.

Ambulance Driver's Log - You find this at the end of Chapter 1 when you are
                         training the rookie. Just after you secure the
                         parking area and head down the ladder go to the right
                         (into the garage-like structure) and not down the
                         road to the hospital. It is found by a desk in the

Chapter 2

Doctor's Journal: Dr. Nicolette Shannon - You find this during the first
                                          actual action you see (the part
                                          where you, Dom, and Tai kill the
                                          locusts in the courtyard using the
                                          explosive tanks). It is in one of
                                          the rooms down the hall that Tai
                                          goes down.

Jacinto Medical Center File: Jonathan Harper - You find this in the middle of
                                               the reception counter just
                                               after you meet back up with Dom
                                               and Tai (it is just before you
                                               go outside of the hospital into
                                               a courtyard).

COG Letterhead - You find this in a small room in the hall that is connected
                 to the cafeteria area of the hospital.

COG Proclamation - You find this in the large two floor room, it is the second
                   room just after the cafeteria and is upstairs at the end of
                   one of the walkways.

COG Tag CSID:085177-MJ3V5-PB - You find this just after you exit the hospital,
                               it will be to the right of the exit, just
                               around the corner in the corner.

Chapter 3

Grindlift Notice - You find this at the start of Chapter 3 on the Assault
                   Derrick, it is on the wall towards the back of the AD.

Munitions Requisition Form - You find this just to the left of the Assault
                             Derrick after it breaks down and you have to
                             provide cover until it is fixed, it is by the
                             overturned jeep.

Chapter 4


Chapter 5

Jacinto Sentinel Newspaper - You find this at the start of the Chapter. It is
                             inside the first building you go into. You have
                             to mantle over the counter and go upstairs.

Memorial Inscription - You find this on the wall just after you kill the
                       second wave of Tickers and then get the objective to
                       kill the locusts while the king raven takes care of the

Truck Driver's Note - You find this inside the small room that is inside the
                      gas station. 

COG Tag CSID:595506-GK8C6-9A - You find this inside the tunnel, it will be in
                                a small room to the left just before you enter
                                the room because the tunnel road is blocked by
                                some cars. 

Chapter 6


Act 2: Denizens

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Gear's Journal - You find this just at the beginning, after you take the path
                 that leads away from where the rockworm is sitting there will
                 be some vines to your left that you can cut through to get to
                 a grindlift with some ammo and the collectible.

Kantus Scroll - You find this after you first start fighting the snipers, you
                will split up and go up the small mountain thing and once you
                get to the top it is in the back behind where the locust are.

Chapter 3

Locust Emblem - You find this just after you enter the temple thing after
                fighting the first Kantus.

Chapter 4

Ilima City Help-Wanted Ad - You find this just after the first bloodmounts and
                            just before you fight the first reaver. It is in a
                            small area that will give you a good sight at two
                            snipers just in front of an overturned car.

COG Tag CSID:085177-MJ3V5PB - You find this just after the scene where you
                              meet up with Cole, it is in the same room you
                              start in after the scene by a dead body.

Chapter 5

Stranded's Journal: Jennifer - You get this just after you free Baird, it is
                               right around the corner in the next room to the

Chapter 6

Car Gold Magazine - You get this once you wake up inside the riftworm, it is
                    right at the beginning on the left.

COG Tag CSID:838186-22A03-SF - You find this just after the scene with Carmine
                               where you have to avoid the debris. It it just
                               past where you start after the scene on the

Act 3: Gathering Storm

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

Interoffice Memo: Niles Samson - You find this just after the beginning of
                                 chapter 2, after you head through the door
                                 you blew up it will be in the first room on
                                 the right.

Memo: Dr. Doug Sato - You find this in a small office, it is just past where
                      the hall goes left and right (to the left is a turret),
                      you go to the right, inside the first door on your right
                      and kick the door down at the end of the hall.

New Hope Medical File: Ruth - You find this in a small room, it comes just
                              after Cole/Baird contact you saying the weather
                              is getting worse. In the room after that it is
                              in a small room by the turret control switch.

Chapter 3

Doctor's Journal: Dr. Stephanie Zimmer - You find this just after you first
                                         encounter razorhail. It is in a small
                                         covered room to the right of the room
                                         that had the grinder and the first
                                         sign of razorhail.

Captivity Marks - Before boarding the second train car, turn around, head into
                  the building behind you and they will be scratched on the

Chapter 4


Chapter 5

Stranded's Journal: Stu - You find this after you progress enough to see the
                          locust gunboats. As you move past where the first
                          one attacks you there is a small set of stairs that
                          will be to your right, climb them and it is at the

Chapter 6


Act 4: Hive

Chapter 1

Locust Terminal - You find this in the same room as the terminal that you have
                  to actiavte to continue on with your search. Of the two
                  terminals it is the second one farther from the steps.

Chapter 2

Prisoner's Journal: Jonathan Harper - You find this after you start to look 
                                      for Maria in the prison cell things, it
                                      will be past the second locust terminal
                                      you use, to the left of the

Chapter 3

Locust Jailer Document - You find this at the start of chapter 3. As you move
                         from where you start to your right, go down some
                         stairs and go to your right down the hall and you
                         will come to the document.

Human Finger Necklace - Just after the room where the two grinders come out
                        from the door, roadie run into the next room, you will
                        see a door ahead start closing, go to your right and
                        there is a door here that is closing as well, if you
                        roadie run you should get in the room. To your right
                        will be the collectible.

Chapter 4

Locust Calendar - You find this just after you ride the gondola up, after the
                  scene you will climb some stairs and it will be to the left
                  at the top.

Locust Defense Plans - You find this in the room just past the part where you
                       choose to use the lift or take the stairs. It is in the
                       small hall that you extend the bridge to get to.

Chapter 5

Locust Invasion Map - You get this somewhat past the start of the chapter. As
                      you look for an alternate entrance you will make your
                      way around the palace and a small lift will come up on
                      your left. Just past the lift on the right in a small
                      blocked entrance is the collectible.

Trinity of Worms Artifact - You find this in an area just past where you
                            choose to split up. After you meet back with Dom
                            and Baird, you will proceed to go down a spiral
                            staircase. Before going down this stair case there
                            is a set of stairs to the right of it, take these
                            up, go through this room and down the other stairs
                            and it is at the end of the stairs.

Chapter 6

Locust Tablets - You find this just at the start of the chapter, just as you
                 move into the room past where you start, it will be all the
                 way to the left behind a pillar.

Act 5: Aftermath

Chapter 1


Chapter 2

COG Recon Repeort - You find this just after the start of the chapter, once
                    you fight the locust and the reaver on the landing
                    platform, head to your right and then left down some steps
                    and it will be by the ammo.

COG Tag CSID:911706-DZUHO-JN - You find this in the area just after where you
                               use the Troika Turrets to shoot down the
                               reavers. As you come into the area, go to the
                               right of the Mortar and past the stairs, in the
                               right room head down the steps and it will be
                               on the ground past the ammo.

Chapter 3

Jacinto Sentinel Newspaper - You find this in the area just after the
                             courtyard that had the Troika Turret in the
                             middle. After you kill the drones and the grinder
                             it will be behind the wall on the right of where
                             the grinder was.

COG Tag CSID:444526-MI2k9-3B - Just after you head through the building after
                               you get the Hammer Of Dawn, there is a small
                               ruined building to left of the building you
                               exited. The COG Tag is in here. This is listed
                               as being in Tenuous Footing, but it is at the
                               end of Free Parking (though you can access it
                               in Tenuous Footing if you start the chapter
                               over and just head back.)

Chapter 4

Stranded's Journal: Russell - You find this on the floor in the top-right
                              corner just after the floor falls out below and
                              drops a few floors. It is on the floor just
                              outside of the room you fell into.

Chapter 5



Insane Difficulty - Complete the game once on any difficulty.

Character "Dizzy Wallin" - Complete Act 1 on Any Difficulty.

Character "Kantus" - Complete Act 2 on Any Difficulty.

Character "Tai Kaliso" - Complete Act 3 on Any Difficulty.

Character "Flame Grenadier" - Complete Act 4 on Any Difficulty.

Character "Skorge" - Complete Act 5 on Any Difficulty.

Character "Anthony Carmine" - Have the "Completed Act 1" Achievement from
                              Gears of War 1.

Character "RAAM" - Have the "A Dish Best Served Cold" Achievement from Gears
                   of War 1.

Character "Lt. Minh Young Kim" - Have the "Time To Remember" Achievement from
                                 Gears of War 1.

GOW2-08				Achievements

Most of the achievements are straightforward and explain how to do it in their
description, for a few of them I will elaborate on them a bit more. Most of
the achievements are done in single player, anything marked as any mode can be
done either in single player or multiplayer, on any difficulty
(with the restriction of the online ones marked this way, they can be done in
private matches though.)

Anything marked public, must be done online in a public game, not private.

Also, if you complete the game the first time around on Hardcore, it will give
you the Hardcore achievement, the Normal achievement, and the Casual
achievement all at once. And no you can't just do the last chapter of act 5 on
insane difficulty by loading it up that way and get the achievement, you have
to play through the whole game on the difficulty.

Single Player

It's a Trap! - Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 2 - 10G

Escort Service - Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 4 - 10G

Girl About Town - Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 6 - 10G

That Sinking Feeling - Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 4 - 10G

Freebaird! - Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 5 - 10G

Heartbroken - Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 6 - 10G

Longitude and Attitude - Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 3 - 10G

Tanks for the Memories - Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 4 - 10G

Water Sports - Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 6 - 10G

There's a Time for Us - Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 2 - 10G

Better Wrapped in Beacon - Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 3 - 10G

Have Fun Storming the Castle - Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 6 - 10G

And the Horse You Rode in On - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 1 - 10G

You Are the Support, Son - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 2 - 10G

Brumak Rodeo - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 4 - 10G

Does This Look Infected to You?	- Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 5 - 10G

Tourist of Duty - Complete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty - 25G

Guerilla Tactician - Complete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty - 50G

Artist of War - Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty - 75G

Suicide Missionary - Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty - 150G

Collector - Recover 5 collectibles (any difficulty) - 5G

Pack Rat - Recover 20 collectibles (any difficulty) - 10G

Completionist - Recover all 41 collectibles (any difficulty) - 30G

Green as Grass - Train the rook (any difficulty) - 10G

Dirty, Dirty Horde - Survive the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any
                     map) - 20G

Hoard the Horde - Survive all 50 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any
                  map) - 30G

Back to Basic - Successfully complete the 5 lessons of Multiplayer Training
                Grounds - 10G

Crossed Swords - Win 10 chainsaw duels (any mode) - 10G

Crowd Control - Melee 10 enemies down with the Boomshield equipped (any
                mode) - 10G

Kick 'Em When They're Down - Perform all 11 unique executions on a downed
                             enemy - 10G

     This one is a bit tricky. Here is the list of the 11 Executions. All
     these are performed on an enemy who is crawling.

     01: Neck Snap - Press A to pick up a crawling enemy, then press X.
     02: Beat Down - Press Y while holding the Lancer (works with some other
                     weapons as well.)
     03: Curb Stomp - Press X while near a crawling enemy.
     04: Golf Swing - Press B while holding the Gnasher Shotgun.
     05: Longshot Slam - Press Y while holding the Longshot Sniper Rifle.
     06: Torque Bow Neck Snap - Press Y While Holding the Torque Bow.
     07: Boltok Whip - Press Y while holding the Boltok Pistol.
     08: Boomshield Smash - Press Y while holding the Boomshield.
     09: Quick Kill 1 - Press B while holding the Lancer (works with some
                        other weapons as well.)
     10: Quick Kill 2 - Press B while holding the Torque Bow (works with some
                        other weapons as well.)
     11: Quick Kill 3 - Press B while holding the Longshot Sniper Rifle (works
                        with some other weapons as well.)

Once More, With Feeling - Perform 30 perfect active reloads (any mode) - 10G

Organ Grinder - Kill 30 enemies with a cover mounted Mulcher (any mode) - 10G

Pound of Flesh - Use a meatshield to save your life 10 times (any mode) - 10G

                 To get this one, you need to hold a meatshield until it fully
                 disintegrates due to enemy fire. Also, you can tag a downed
                 enemy with a grenade by press B, then pick them up, they will
                 explode and you wont take any damage and it will count
                 towards the achievement.

Said the Spider to the Fly - Kill 10 enemies with a planted grenade (any
                             mode) - 10G

                             To do this one you need to kill an enemy using
                             planted grenades. To plant a grenade walk up to a
                             wall and press B, then once they get close enough
                             it will explode and kill them.

Shock and Awe - Kill 30 enemies with the heavy Mortar (any mode) - 10G

Smells Like Victory - Kill 30 enemies with the Scorcher Flamethrower (any
                      mode) - 10G

A Parting Gift - Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out (any
                 mode) - 20G

                 To do this one you need to kill an enemy after you've been
                 taken down while holding a grenade as your weapon. To explode
                 it while down press RT.

Takes a Licking - Melee 30 Tickers (any mode) - 30G

Variety is the Spice of Death - Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game
                                (any mode) - 30G

Seriously 2.0 - Kill 100,000 enemies (any mode) - 50G

One-Night Stand - Complete 1 chapter in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or
                  Dom) - 10G (this can be done online or split screen on one

Open Relationship - Complete 10 chapters in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or
                    Dom) - 30G

Friends with Benefits - Complete all acts in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus
                        or Dom) - 50G

Online Achievements

Photojournalist* - Submit a spectator photo - 10G 

     For this achievement, you need to take a photo while dead, the easiest
     way to do this is to do a multiplayer round (like Warzone) with multiple
     bots on each team. Go die, take a photo while dead and spectating by
     pressing B and then exit the match. Now go to your War Journal, and go to
     photos, then hit Y to upload the photo.

Beat the Meatflag - Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public) - 10G

It's Good to be the King - Win 10 rounds of Guardian as the leader
                           (public) - 10G

Standing Here, Beside Myself - Win 3 matches of Wingman (public) - 10G

You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine - Win three matches of King of the Hill
                             (public) - 10G

Around the World, Again* - Win a multiplayer match on each map (any
                           mode) - 30G

Party Like It's 1999* - Play 1999 rounds of multiplayer (any mode) - 30G

* - Online achievements with the * notation indicate that they can be done in
a private multiplayer match (you can do this by yourself with bots if you want
or on the same console with a friend.)

GOW2-09				Review

Well this was quite worth the wait. A few minor things could have been
adjusted, but overall it was a great game.

Gameplay: 9/10

The gameplay is great, I loved the cover system that Gears of War used and it
still works great here. A few new weapons as well as enemies makes the game a
lot better. I wish they did add some more new weapons, or modify the current
ones. On top of this, the difficulty wasn't as bad as compared to Gears of War
1, in many areas it was really simple and easy. Beyond this though, the game
is still a great game.

Story: 10/10

Now the game may have lacked a bit as far as difficulty and major differences
from Gears of War 1, but the story did not. They really polished off the story
here, drawing you into the game. There were happy and sad moments in the game
and it really makes you want for more, just like reading a great book, or
watching a great movie, it delivers.

Sound: 9/10

I love the sound in the game, it could have used some different sounds then
the same ones from Gears of War 1, but overall the sound is still of great
quality and draws you more into the game.

Replay: 10/10

The replay on this is endless, the story is good so you can always replay the
game to enjoy this, be it by yourself or with a friend. On top of this it has
a great multiplayer that can be played a ton of times over.

Visuals: 10/10

They did extremely well here. The Unreal 3 engine really shines here and shows
a great amount of quality both in the actual gameplay and in the cutscenes.

Overall: 9.5/10

I highly recommend to purchase this game. It is one of those games you will
want to keep and replay later on and it has a nice multiplayer that will keep
you playing again and again. The game was great in almost every aspect except
the difficulty department. If it improved on this and maybe made the game a
bit longer, I would have enjoyed it more and it definitely would deserve a
10/10, but for what they did I am happy. A lot of sequels can either be good,
bad, or mediocre, and when you get a bad sequel it makes you sad because if
the first game was good, they should do just as good with a sequel.

GOW2-10			     FAQ/Credits

Frequently Asked Questions

None yet!

Legal Junk

This guide is purely by me, Matt Biro aka nofxgamer. Anything that is not mine
or was provided to me to help the guide has been properly noted, both in the
credits section and in the guide where it is used. 

I give thanks to the great developers of this game, always love playing great
games that come out every year, the people I do these guides for, you are who
I give the most thanks to. The compliments I get from people who use these
makes it all the worth it, even if I don't get anything out of it. Also thanks
to the great music by Flogging Molly, makes typing up a walkthrough so much
faster and a lot more fun!

Also thanks to the great GameFAQs community, I've been coming to this site
since early 2000 and loved it for the free hard work individuals put out there
that in most cases the quality exceeded even the strategy guides that are put
out for sale. I return the favor now by writing guides as well.

Feel free to contact me if you have any tips, questions, concerns, or wish to
use my guide on another site. My contact information is:

AIM: fatmikefatty
Gamertag: MattTheCommie

The following sites have my permission to use this guide:
Cheat Code Central Copyright 2008 Matthew Biro All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide was originally produced and published for the GameFAQS website. Please visit and continue to support the great community at
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