Infinite Undiscovery FAQ/Walkthrough

-=-=-= Video-guidance: =-=-=-
                            SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS
My YouTube channel:
                    Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience!
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Name of game:   Infinite Undiscovery / [PAL]
Type of guide:  Complete Walkthrough / FAQ
Platform:       XBOX360
Version:        Aya Lv1, released on 28th September 2008
Author:         Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) <lifearmor(at)gmail(dot)com>
Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) - All rights reserved
Made in:        MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79
Best viewed:    MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79
If you like this guide, be sure to drop me an e-mail and tell me about it.
The only thing this guide cannot do is play the game for you.
01.)                         LATEST UPDATES - G0100

- Version Aya Lv1 (28th September 2008)
# Guide contains full walkthru, taking you from beginning till the end of game.
# None of the subquests will be covered until I finish the walkthru portion, so
  do not mail me with assistance on quests!

02.)                       LEGAL INFORMATION - G0200

This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE*
use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media
involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or
form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given
away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional
purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in
direct violation of copyright law.

This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion
of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be
prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters,
names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective

If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may
do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If
permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document,
and you must leave it in txt format.


*ONLY* following sites can host this guide:

03.)                       TABLE OF CONTENTS - G0300

If you need to find something quickly, press and hold CTRL (Control), then
press F button. This will bring up 'Find and Replace' box. In it type the
word you're looking for and you should be taken to it immediately. This is
much faster than scrolling through entire guide.

For your convenience I've inserted special search codes near every section to
help you easily hop on to that section by using search code provided. Each
search code will appear only twice in whole guide - thus getting stray hits
will be impossible.

01.) Latest Updates       | G0100  | Read what was added in last update.
02.) Legal Information    | G0200  | Copyright protection and legal info.
03.) Table of Contents    | G0300  | Sections of this guide.
04.) Introduction         | G0400  | A bit about myself and this guide.
05.) Abbreviations        | G0500  | What do abbreviated words stand for...?
06.) Video Walkthru       | G0600  | When words just aren't enough...
07.) Walkthrough          | G0700  | Guide from start to finish.
08.) Epilogue             | G0800  | Seraphic Gate tidbits.
09.) Achievements List    | G0800  | Complete list of achievements.
??.) Later Additions      | G??00  | Little tidbits I'll add later.
??.) Past Revisions       | G??00  | History of this guide resides here...
??.) Credits              | G??00  | All who contributed... Thank you.
??.) Contact Info         | G??00  | Find out how to reach me.

04.)                          INTRODUCTION - G0400

Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to my new project for XBOX360. For my
next guide I've decided to cover Infinite Undiscovery - quite a goofy title,
but provides an immense amount of fun. Made by Tri-Ace, and published by
SquareEnix, this is a tag-team combo that truly delivers.

Unlike the guides I made before, I'm doing this one as I play thru the game for
the first time. I want to see how the work can be done under circumstances.

Welcome to Split's FAQ for Infinite Undiscovery!

Now let me to address some things:

- Spoiler issue - I'm the player of the game, just like you (who is reading
  this guide) are. First time I've played through the game was completely by
  myself - therefore nothing was spoiled for me. All the story elements
  that were supposed to surprise me had such effect. Hence why I do not want
  include any spoilers (except names of cities, dungeons and NPCs you must
  address to continue the storyline).

- Usage of abbreviations. If you've glanced over some of my other guides, you
  see that long ago I've grown accustomed to using abbreviations for certain
  words. Old habits die hard...

- Achievements - I'm not a player who hungers for getting all achievements, and
  it doesn't help that the game has some achievements which are (for me,
  anyway) hard to obtain. But I am a player who wants to obtain everything in
  the game (all items, and that sort of stuff).

- Guide's progress - based on feedback I get in my inbox, I'll post the guide
  in three-stage-progress. First stage will consist of walkthru only, guiding
  the player from start till finish of the game. Second stage will have most
  quests incorporated in body of the walkthru as they become available. Third
  stage will include everything else (lists of items and that sort of stuff).
  I believe that when a player consults a guide, player wants walkthru first,
  subquests second and everything else last.

Are you ready? Power up your XBOX360, open the disc tray, pop in first IU disc,
close the disc tray, and then choose "New Game". Select your desired settings,
and press A to continue to intro sequence.

05.)                         ABBREVIATIONS - G0500

Explanations of abbreviations I'll be using.

AP --------------------- Attack Points
BSCH ----------------- big steel chest
CA -------------------- Connect Action
cca --------------- in rough estimates
chr ----------------- single character
chrs ------------- multiple characters
IC --------------------- Item Creation
cross --------------------- crossroads
E ------------------------------- east
esp ----------------------- especially
EXP ---------------- Experience points
KI -------------------------- Key Item
MCH ---------------------- Mimic chest
N ------------------------------ north
na -------------------- not applicable
NE ------------------------- northeast
NS ------------------- nothing special
NW ------------------------- northwest
rephy -------- regular physical attack
S ------------------------------ south
SA ------------------- surprise attack
SCH ---------------------- steel chest
SE ------------------------- southeast
SPN ----------------------- Save Point
SW ------------------------- southwest
VS ---------------------------- versus
W ------------------------------- west
WCH --------------------- wooden chest

06.)                        VIDEO WALKTHRU - G0600

SVGW, or Split's Visual Guidance Walkthru for long, is my recent project of
making video playthrus of various games. With sites like youtube, it's easy for
one to present videos without fear of overcoming bandwidth.

Currently I've complimented over 10 games with complete footage of my playthru,
all of which are found on youtube - I especially recommend Fatal Frame series.

Infinite Undiscovery playthru videos can be found here:

See you at "The End"!

07.)                         WALKTHROUGH - G0700

SPLIT'S FOREWORD =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

The game offers four difficulty modes:
a) Easy
   - Suitable for players not accustomed to action games.
   - Enemies have less HP and lesser stats.
   - Has the least available content.
   - You *cannot* access bonus dungeon.
b) Normal
   - Default difficulty setting.
   - Enemies have moderate HP and moderate stats.
   - Most recommended mode to play.
   - Can access bonus dungeon.
   - Most content is available.
c) Hard
   - Unlocked upon beating the game on Normal and making "Clear game save."
   - Enemies have higher HP and higher stats.
   - More challenging mode to play.
   - Can access bonus dungeon.
   - Most content is available.
d) Infinity
   - Unlocked upon beating the game on Hard and making "Clear game save."
   - Enemies have highest HP and highest stats.
   - Most challenging mode to play.
   - Can access bonus dungeon.
   - All content is available.

If you want all 1000 GS points from IU, then you'll need to play through the
game at least thrice. Last achievement will likely be <SERAPHIC GATEKEEPER>,
which is worth 1 GS and is awarded for beating Ethereal Queen in Seraphic Gate.
I truly and honestly wish you good luck.


"Easy" or "Normal" mode for first timers?

That's a tough question to answer. If you want just to beat the game and
experience the story, go for "Easy" mode first. But those who want to get
maximum enjoyment from the game, go for "Normal".

I chose "Normal" mode for first playthru. I had a bit of close calls with first
few bosses, but it's easy enough to find a spot for running around and do some
level grinding.


1000 GS points

I'll add a list of all achievements for the game and what to do to get them,
but won't discuss methods or little tidbits of doing so. There are (will be)
other dedicated guides for that.


[] parenthesis denote:
   - Missable things (items, quests)
   - Description of Situation Bonuses

{} parenthesis denote:
   - Things I plan to add in future updates

<> parenthesis denote:
   - Achievements

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SPLIT'S FOREWORD

SUPERTIP: If you're one lucky SOB who has broadband access, you'll definitely
          want to hear of this. Recently "A Voucher" has been made as DLC on
          Marketplace. Once downloaded, it will allow you to buy a selection of
          materials from any shop!

You can buy unlimited amounts of
- Junk, Metal Fragment, Stone Statue Fragment, Sandstone, Granite, Marble,
  Ceramic, Metetite, Hearthstone, Lunatite, Quartz, Amarlista (YESSS!)
- Bronze Metal, Iron Metal, Copper Metal, Steel Metal, Silver Metal, Titanium
  Metal, Gold Metal, Blaze Metal, Prismatite Metal, Mercurius Metal,
  Crystallite Metal, Atlantis Metal (YESSS!)

And best of all, this DLC is free! TOTALLY AND AYABSOLUTELY FREE!



After watching Aya's entrance (woo, I missed those panty shots), Capell grabs a
sword and readies himself for first battle of the game.

Here's some lowdown on battle mode / attacking:
- Press RT to draw your weapon and enter battle stance.
- With weapon drawn, press RT again to sheathe your sword (not recommended to
  do while in battle mode, unless circumstances dictate to do so).
- Perform quick attack with A (fast, but less powerful).
- Perform power attack with B (slow, but more powerful).
- Use A and B buttons for a variety of combos (like A-A-B).
- With weapon drawn, hold down A or B to execute battle skills (you must learn
  them first, and then set them up in "Skills" menu).
- You can also cancel out of basic attacks into battle skills.
- When a battle skill is set to B, rather than A, damage dealt will be greater,
  but the amount of MP consumed will also increase.

Here's some lowdown on combos:
- Chaining successive attacks together will produce one of three combo types.
- AERIAL COMBO will award bonus EXP. It is indicated by red energy balls.
- GROUND COMBO will restore some AP. It is indicated by yellow energy balls.
- FLOOR COMBO will restore some HP&MP. It is indicated by green energy balls.

Here's some lowdown on Attack Points (AP):
- AP are displayed by gauge in lower-right corner. AP allow Capell to use
  special effects of certain attacks (lifting an enemy into air, or knocking an
  enemy down).
- Once the enemy has been hit by such an attack, they become susceptible to
  further attacks. But to hit the enemy with special effect successfully,
  current amount of AP must be greater than enemy's weight.
- You can view enemy's weight by targeting them.
- Without enough AP, you cannot use specials.

Here's some lowdown on parrying:
- Press LT when an enemy attacks to parry the blow (some attacks cannot be
- After the attack is parried, enemy cannot move for certain amount of time, so
  launch some counters up enemy's!

Arrrgh, enought with tutorials, get me some action! Use your newfound knowledge
to get rid of two stooges (they will be your worst nightmare on "Infinity"
mode). Aya joins the party after the battle. *kicks Capell in the nuts*


I think we should make our escape now - go E from your position and thru the
open door. Aya will give you several items and spill her beans on camping.

Here's some lowdown on camping:
- Press Back to open the menu and perform various tasks such as assigning
  skills, making items, talking to party members and so on.
- Be careful where you camp! You should always perform camping when there are
  no enemies around, because game flows in real time when menu is open.

Menu now becomes available. You get 3x RED BERRY POTION, BLUE BERRY POTION,
5x MIRACULOUS MEDICINE, then proceed S by going upstairs. Looksie, a treasure

Here's some lowdown on examining/(s)talking(Aya):
- With your sword sheathed, press A to examine objects, chests or anything else
  that looks of interest. You can also talk to people in same manner.

Here's some lowdown on treasure chests:
- Chests come in four flavors.
- WOODEN CHEST is never locked, but it may be trapped. You can destroy such
  chests with several sword swings.
- STEEL CHEST is always locked. To open it, you need to Connect with either Vic
  or Komachi and examine the chest while Connected. You can destroy such chests
  with several sword swings.
- BIG STEEL CHEST is never locked, it cannot be destroyed, and may be trapped.
- MIMIC CHEST may resemble either of the above three types. Once approached,
  chest turns into an enemy - kick its ass to obtain small amount of EXP, but
  big fol award.
- Sometimes, you'll see a chest out of reach, or behind a boulder. To get
  chests out of reach, you need to Connect with Komachi and use one of her
  skills to claim contents of the chest. As for boulders, you need to Connect
  with Balbagan or Gustav and use one of their skill to break the rock, thus
  freeing the way to the chest.
- If you destroy the chest, there's 50% chance for the item inside to turn to
  JUNK, which you should collect, as it's a part of some IC. If you break the
  chest without junking the item inside, you'll obtain the item itself.

Equip them, then continue E towards SPN. Save your progress, and talk to 'Young
Villager' behind bars.

Talk to him twice and choose 'Very well.' to receive EAGLE EMBLEM GOLD COIN KI.
Deliver it to his family (wife Anne and son Ralph) in Burgusstadt for a prize.
Climb the stairs S from SPN and look into one of the two cells for WCH with
BLACK BERRY POTION. Return to SPN and proceed N for another tutorial.

Here's some lowdown on Connecting with party members:
- While holding RB, Connect guide appears on lower half.
- Colors correspond to each chr as follows: X, A, B.
- Press relevant button to connect with desired party member.
- Connected chr will follow Capell and attack nearby enemies. Note that enemies
  that have not detected Connected chr will not be attacked by him/her.
  Connected chr will also speak and examine in place of Capell.

Here's some lowdown on Connect Actions (CAs):
- While Connected, press one of the assigned buttons to perform CA.
- You can assign new CAs in Skill menu.

With this Connect menu becomes available. Now Connect with Aya and aim at the
explosive barrel near the guard in distance - when the arrow will hit, you'll
see the cursor change shape, so let loose and there goes the guard. If he
detects you, some more guards will come running. Now go E and attempt to enter
the elevator for a scene. Turn around and loot WCH for BRONZE SCALE HELMET in a
room opposite of elevator, then examine 'Control Lever' next to elevator to
call it. Enter the elevator and examine 'Lever' to move on.

Now on lower floor, go around the elevator for WCH with RED BERRY POTION, then
attempt to climb the stairs. Master jailer Rambert the 'Fatass' will emerge
from his holiday cabin, ready to rock the house. You cannot kill him, so don't
try - instead make it to the top of the stairs while smashing the barricades
and enemies in your way. Follow my suggestions and you'll come out on the top
(almost) unscathed.

Here's some lowdown on fleeing:
- With weapon drawn, press RT to sheathe it.
- Sheathing your weapon commands other chrs to stop fighting and follow you
- You also move faster with sheathed weapon.

When Fatass comes out, go downstairs and into his room to loot WCH with
BLACK BERRY. Wait for Fatass to enter the room and slip by him. Return to the
stairs and begin waltzing - draw the sword and destroy two barricades. Further
up kill two guards, open WCH for MIRACULOUS MEDICINE.

While you're climbing, Fatass will often try to charge you, which can be seen
by screen shaking or felt by controller's vibration. Keep going up until a
cutscene - further up you have two guards, barricade and two explosive barrels.
Obliterate the guards and barricade, but be careful you don't strike the

Further up is explosive barrel and two archerwomen. When you kill them, pay
attention at the railing - Rambert will attempt to climb onto it. Quickly
target it and slash at his arm to cause him to let go - hehe. Smash next
barricade and continue up - be on the lookout for more Rambert's attempts to
cut your escape by climbing over the railing.

Smash next barricade, ignore two explosive barrels for now, give Rambert some
more medicine for not climbing over the railing and kill two archerwomen ahead.
Further up a cutscene runs showing Rambert running after Aya (I knew he was a

Things will get hairy now - you have three barricades ahead, five explosive
barrels (two in front of barricades, three behind), two guards in front of
barricades and two archerwomen after barricades. Connect with Aya and shoot
explosive barrels in front of barricades to clear these, as well as two guards.
Kill archerwomen as well and hurry on. Smash two more barricades or let Rambert
do it, carry on for another cutscene.

Connect with Aya and steadily aim at explosive barrels Rambert is closest to
(there's 9 barrels in total up here). Let go and the explosion will knock
Rambert out. You get PRISON KEY KI, so open the blasted door. Now you may want
to return downstairs and shoot up all explosive barrels we passed as well as
destroy any missed barriers. When you mop up, return topstairs and smack final
barricade - doing so gives you SITUATION BONUS [Destroyed all barricades.], and
award is full HP & MP recovery. Make sure you also shoot all barrels for an
achievement <BARREL OF LULZ>.

Save at SPN, then exit the prison.

Contains 1 Cracked Rock.

Here's some lowdown on detection:
- When enemy sees you, [!] will appear above the enemy, indicating you have
  been detected and enemy will fight you.
- If the enemy is aware of you, but doesn't see you (various obstructions, and
  similar), [?] will appear above the enemy.
- Certain actions and movements result in noise.
- Louder noise is heard from further away.
- Enemies who have detected the noise will move towards its source.

Here's some lowdown on Surprise Attacks (SAs):
- SA occurs when you hit the enemy withoug being detected.
- If SA occurs, all enemies you can reach are 100% susceptible to criticals,
  drop 50% more EXP, and are more likely to drop rare items.
- On the other hand, if you are surprised, your chrs are 100% susceptible to
  criticals, AP becomes zero (0).

While you're in the areas without light source, your minimap will show static.
This goes away when you approach a light source. To make it through the forest,
follow the torches. If you think you're lost, bring up main menu and examine
the map (map is unaffected by proximity of light sources and will always show
everything you've explored so far).

You can't return to prison, so instead sneak up on soldier ahead and show him
some SA. Near first torch is a chest with RED BERRY POTION. Pass the torch and
continue for a scene where Aya notices two apples in the tree above 2nd torch.
Shoot the down and collect 2x BURGUSS APPLE. Further ahead near 4th torch a
scene plays and tactics are introduced.

Here's some lowdown on tactics:
- They dictate other chrs' actions during battle.
- You can switch between them with up or down directionals.
- FREE: allies act on their own.
- COMBO: allies attack Capell's target in an effort to chain attacks.
- FOCUS: allies concentrate attacks on Capell's target.
- SPREAD: allies attack enemies Capell is not targetting.
- WAIT: allies refrain from moving.
- SAVE MP: allies attack without using MP as much as possible.

Tactics are now selectable. Collect MEDICAL HERB near 6th torch, and go E for
another scene. Press on to 7th torch, look up and shoot down two more apples,
then collect 2x BURGUSS APPLE. Pass 8th torch, collect BLUE BERRY POTION from
WCH near 9th torch. Don't collect rotten fruits or you'll constantly draw those
silly insects into attacking you.

Pass 10th and 11th torches, press on to 12th torch, look up and shoot down two
more apples, then collect 2x BURGUSS APPLE. Pass 13th torch, collect MEDICAL
HERB near 14th, pass 15th and shoot down final apple in the trees above 16th
torch - doing so gives you SITUATION BONUS [Shot down all Burguss Apples.], and

There's MEDICAL HERB near 18th torch, WCH with MIRACULOUS MEDICINE near 21st,
WCH with BLACK BERRY POTION near 23rd... when you run for 24th torch, Fatass
jumps on the scene. As with before, you cannot kill him, so make a run for it.
Don't bother fighting the enemies on the way, just dart past them and don't
stop. When you make it to wooden bridge, you're out of harms way.

There's WCH with MIRACULOUS MEDICINE near 28th torch. To get it, I suggest to
wait for Fatass to perform his charge and stop, then gun it for the chest and
hope he doesn't run into you and break it. Shortly before passing the bridge,
you can collect FRESH HERB to the left of it.

Woohoo, take that, Fatass. You'll stop peeping on Aya now - only I can do that.
When in control, talk to Genma, Sigmund, Balbagan, Eugene, and Edward - each
person twice. Then collect FRESH HERB near Aya, save your game and bring up the
menu. Take off all of Sigmund's and Eugene's equipment and give what you
obtained to Capell and Rico/Rucha. Hehe, thanks, mate! Talk to Aya twice.
You'll receive EMBLAZONED SWORD.


Capell will need to carry Aya to Nolaan, and while he holds her, his movement
is restricted and you also cannot attack or use the menu (but you can collect
items and open chests). Fear not, you have a powerful posse along to bash the

Here's some lowdown on healing request:
- If anyone in party is low on HP, press Y to have a party member heal/revive
  those in need.


When in control, turn around and collect FRESH HERB, then track back to bridge
you crossed before in order to gain EXP, fol and items. There's a dead end with
WCH that has BLACK BERRY POTION. That's all you can collect here, so now turn
around and just follow your posse to get out of the forest. Shortly before the
exit there's NOVO HERB you can pick up.


Contains 2 Cracked Rocks.

You're given a save chance, so use it. You need to head W in Luce Plains to get
to Nolaan. A dragon appears trying to impede your progress by shooting
fireballs in your path. If you manage to reach Nolaan without sustaining any
injury, you get SITUATION BONUS [Reached Nolaan without being hit.], and award
is 500 EXP. You also get an achievement <ON THE RUN>.

When in control, follow what used to be a road and hide behind pillars in order
to wait for dragon to stop fireballing you. There's a slight pause before it
begins again, so dash for next cover. Enemies will leave you alone, and it's
funny to watch them fly thru air when hit by fireball.


There's a shop inside the house at entrance of the village. Follow the twins to
N part of village, go up the slope, save your game and approach the twins.

Aya temporarily leaves the party, and Rucha and Rico join the partay. WTF, I
don't want underage girls!

Here's some more lowdown on Connecting:
- While in towns, you can Connect with one ally. Approach that chr and press RB
  to display Connect menu, then press A to Connect.
- Approaching certain people (and even other allies) while Connected with
  specific chr will sometimes give you free items or new quests, in addition to
  having chr's traits/palates changed, as well as possibly gain some background
  on allies.

So people cry more and Capell to the rescue. Where have I seen this before?
After the scene go back to twins' and talk to mom twice to get rest option.
Nail WCH for GRAAD ONION, then try going down the slope...

Here's some lowdown on Item Creation (IC):
- Under Creation menu you can combine multiple items into a new one.
- A chr with required personal skill must be in the party to utilize Creation
  menu. When in towns, you have to Connect with desired chr.
- Whenever you perform successful IC, that chr gains some EXP. Eventually chr's
  skill in IC will go up, resulting in more possible creations and higher rate
  of success.
- Capell can also perform IC, but his time has not yet come.

Creation menu has been added. Talk to various village folk to get items...
- BLACK BERRY POTION from 'Anxious old woman'
- RED BERRY POTION from 'Worried old woman'
- RED BERRY POTION from 'Fretful woman'
- PANACEA from 'Energetic old man'

While Connected to Rico, he can talk to animals. Doing so is often well
rewarded and leads to many quests.

Also the shop is now open, but they don't sell anything hot yet - maybe buy
some Red Berry Potions; loot WCH in the shop for COBASNA LETTUCE. Now that
you're ready, go N in the village below the slope and follow your nose until
you enter Dragonbone Shrine.

Contains 1 Cracked Rock.

Warning! There is no SPN in Dragonbone Shrine, and you also don't have the
option to save before facing the boss of the Shrine. I'll tell you when the
boss comes up, so you'll know to be ready.

At 1stcross go S to find two mice Toothy and Cheddar. Rico Connect and talk to
mice for some clues - back to 1stcross and go NW to enter a dark cavern. See
the glowing in the dark? Run to it, sheathe your weapon and examine the glow -
it's a lever which will bring light to the cavern allowing you to kick ass of
legion of bats that swarmed onto your location.

Continue N, pass first branch leading W and enter the second. Open WCH for
ANTIDOTE, then continue N to enter a room full of cobras (here's third branch
leading W that has cracked rock blocking your way). Continue N and enter 4th W
branch. Rico Connect and talk to mouse Scamper to learn of a secret room, but
it'll show you the way if Sewaria will ask.

Continue E to third large cavern - if you flip the lever, you'll be ambushed,
so think twice before doing it. Waltz further E and peek into N branch to find
mouse Sewaria. Rico Connect and talk to her, then walk back to Scamper, Rico
Connect and talk to it to have it run off in order to show the room's location.

Pass Sewaria's hideout and path takes you S into fourth large cavern. Locate
the lever and flip it, then kill a couple of cobras and bats in it. Continue S,
ignore the branch to SE and enter fifth large cavern. Kill all enemies, then
sniff around E side of the cavern to find Scamper. Rico Connect and you found
the entrance to secret cave! Examine the wall near Scamper and you get
SITUATION BONUS [Found the secret room.], with a reward of 1000 EXP.

Here's also mouse Snouty, which is connected to one of Nolaan quests.

It is wise to level Capell to lv5 so that he learns Cutting Gavotte.

Return to previous large cavern and head W to bump into a strange door. Black
wings and poisonous fangs, eh? The only enemies you met so far were bats and
snakes, and another key factor is Rico's skill Penguin Parade. This skill takes
control of the enemy when successfully hit with it.

Take heed that boss awaits you behind next door!

Rico Connect and return to previous big cavern, which contains one bat and one
snake. While targeting an enemy, command Rico to perform Penguin Parade. If the
enemy is hit successfully, you'll know so by black&white mist surrounding the
enemy. Rico's control over the enemy eventually weakens, so make haste back to
OF CAPTURED ENEMY, examine the door. The captured enemy will die and half of
the door will unseal - repeat for the other enemy and door is unlocked.

Examine the door and...

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: RAMBERT
Side Combatant/s: 2x THORN COBRA
Environmental hazard: Fireballs
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv005
OK, Fatass, you asked for it! Messing with underage girls was the final straw!

Immediately cut down two Cobras tagging along to avoid being poisoned, and
always be on the move to have dragon's fireballs hopefully miss. You can parry
Fatass' attacks, though I never parried in the game myself as I thought of it
to be a waste of time.

Fatass has two main attacks - one where it swings its arm to try to hit you,
and the other where it swings its arm and then follows it by bashing the club
into the ground. As pointed out, both can be parried, but I just proceeded to
take the hits and dealt the hits to ogre until it fell.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Here's some lowdown on flute playing:
- Press X to play the flute. Tunes can be changed by left/right directionals.
- Up to four tunes can be assigned via Skill menu.
- Tunes' effects vary from uncovering invisible chests, increasing your party's
  stats, or neutralizing enemy's magic.

You'll get a bunch of stuff - SARULEUS AMARLISTA KI, SARULEUS FLUTE KI. Capell
learns PRUDENTIAE TUNE (creates an area which cancels lunaglyph effects and
magic), PERCIPERE TUNE (uncovers hidden objects).

So how do we leave now? Walk to N end of the room behind Saruleus' altar, and
you'll begin to hear a strange noise. Whenever you hear it, it means that
invisible object is nearby, and when you're close to the source of the noise,
you'll see a wavy air around it.

Whip out the flute and play Percipere to dispel the illusion wall and make an
exit appear. Follow your nose, open BSCH for MEMOIRS OF A MAGE, and play
Percipere near another strange noise spot to uncover BSCH with
MIRACULOUS MEDICINE in it. Walk out the shrine back to Nolaan.


When you walk back into village, peel your ears for that familiar strange
sound. The source is NW from the well - play Percipere to uncover BSCH with
BRONZE RING. Now go to twins' house to advance the story.


Aya's back in my lap. Store has an update in warez, so buy new weapons for
everyone, but skip the armor as you'll likely run out of fol.

Talk to 'Doleful man' twice and get LETTER KI which you need to deliver to
Denton in Burguss. Leave for Luce Plains.


Head S from Nolaan and look for a newly opened passage in the mountain range -
it is a curvy path that will take you to S portion of Luce Plains. Giors and
Harpies make good skinning targets for 200 EXP on former and 120 EXP on latter.
Head E in the plains until you come to SPN. Make sure you save in a separate
slot, then continue on.

Separate slot is needed, as the next dungeon has two achievements to be scored.

Here's some lowdown on special conditions (blue progress bar)
- Sometimes certain conditions must be met to clear the area.
- In case of blue gauge you must reduce it all the way down to zero.

A battle rages between Burguss forces and Prevant forces. Set your tactics to
'Save MP' and battle on. After dispatching few enemies, reinforcements will pop
out from the castle - dispatch more enemies and ogres will appear at the walls.
They'll start hurling boulders your way, so how to repay the kindness?

Kill more enemies and catapults will arrive on the scene. When a catapult stops
moving, sheathe your weapon, stand behind it and press A to gain control of
catapult. Aim at the walls, hold down A to build power and release when at full
power. Use catapults to launch rocks at castle's walls where archers and ogres
are - kill ten enemies using catapults to get achievement <ROCK, STOCK AND
BARREL>. Destroyed catapults will eventually be replaced by fresh ones. Now
reload your save and go into the fray once again.

Wait until catapults arrive, then aim the rocks at gate and start launching!
If you manage to open castle gate within 3 minutes, you get SITUATION BONUS
[Opened the castle gate within 3 minutes.] for 3000 EXP! Woohoo!

{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything and obtain <CAPELL TO THE
RESCUE> achievement.}

There's SPN to save your game, and you can talk to Genma to buy some provisions
or to rest. Follow these directions exactly and you'll be thru soon.

Go E and see the guard croak. Arrrrghghghgh... Take note of circular patterns
on the ground - if stepped on, nearby gargoyle statue will come to life to
haunt you for eternity. Since my Aya doesn't like the sound of that, kick its
ass. At cross go S, say hi to enemy in first cell (it's empty otherwise),
continue S and check out second cell. Open three WCH for SUNSTONE, SUNSTONE,
STAFF PAPER. Sunstones are neat items that illuminate the darkness for a period
of time.

Back out into the corridor, carry on S, turn E, at cross go N and check out the
cell for BSCH with CELL KEY KI. Back to previous cross, go E to next cross and
turn N. Kill some enemies, go W round the corner, go N round the corner, help
out Burguss guys by killing some soldiers, go E, then N, kill more soldiers, go
W round the corner.

It's trapfloor time. Tell your party to 'Wait', Aya Connect and shoot the
statue with Ravaging Raptor to get SA on garygoyle, then kill it. Second and
third statues are harmless, repeat with Ravaging Raptor for fourth and sixth.

Turn S round the corner and climb the stairs to 2nd floor. Press on until you
enter dark corridor, so go to Items menu and use a Sunstone to illuminate your
immediate surroundings. Use Ravaging Raptor on first, third and sixth statues.
Turn N round the corner, kill some enemies, go N thru the cross, turn W at next
cross, kill some enemies, turn N round the corner, turn E at next cross, kill
some enemies to help out Burguss guys, go E, kill some enemies, go N for
another darkness infested area.

Use Sunstone, and go N as far as you can until you hit NE corner. Turn W and
use Ravaging Raptor for SA on first, fourth and sixth statues (this is N row).
Keep going W still until you hit NW corner. Rico Connect and talk to the mouse
to get IRON METAL.

If you're working on other row of statues (that means S row), the ones that are
trapped are first, third and sixth statues. Regardless of which row you
demolished (though I advice everything for EXP), the exit is in SW corner of
this room. Go upstairs to 3rd floor, examine the door and scene happens.

Rico and Rucha leave the party, Edward joins. Open three BSCH for
Genma to rest or buy provisions, and there's SPN at last.

Open E door and go upstairs to 4th floor. Follow your nose until you walk into
a square-shaped room. There's MCH in SE corner which yields hefty amount of fol
when smoked. When done, go W for a lengthy scene. You're back in the room on
3rd floor, so reorganize whatever needs organizing and save your game.

Open E door and climb the stairs back to 4th floor. The mimic chest is no
longer there, but there are some enemies - SA them and hope one of those dudes
drops Gladius, a good sword for Capell. Open S door to find lonely BSCH in the
room - attempt to open it for 1 fol and SA against your party. Defeat the
enemies and exit the room. Turn W and walk all the way until you hit the wall.
Recognize the familiar sound coming from nearby wall? Play Percipere to
dissipate the illusion and create path forward.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: LESTER
Side Combatant/s: 2x ORDER FOLLOWER
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv009
Like Aya suggests, it may be better to let Sigmund deal with Lester, while you
take care of occassional passerby. Sigmund has infinite HP as he isn't part of
your team, and Lester's attacks pack a punch even at lv9.

Set party tactics to Focus and seek out stray Followers to teach them some
manners of not ganging up on single chr. What? I'm always doing the very same
thing? I dunno what you're talking about...

If you're bursting with potions and revival items, then by all means assist
Sigmund in mopping the floor with Lester, and don't get hurt too much.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Defeated Lester within 2 minutes.] yields a bonus reward of
YELLOW BERRY POTION, WHITE BERRY POTION. Completing the battle means another
achievement: <AZURE AVENGER>.



Sigmund, Eugene, Balbagan, Savio, Rico and Rucha re/join the party. Holy crap,
no new girls? C'mon, Tri-Ace, you can do better than that!

Here's some lowdown on party setup:
- In towns only, party can be customized via Party menu.
- In addition, party is set up at start of missions or during certain events.
- Some chrs are classified as secondary party members and cannot join main
  party. Such chrs can only be added when multiple parties are being used, and
  only into a party without Capell.

Party menu becomes available - your menu options are now full. For kicks
reorganize the party and add Sigmund, Balbagan and Edward into it for
asskicking time!

From SPN follow the road E until you reach Burgusstadt.


OMG, who's the HoTzOrZ? What the heck is Aya's problem? I feel pretty
comfortable this way... When in control, explore the town to fill up the map,
then let's start collecting!

In general shop open WCH for LAUAN SANDALS, and shop for weapon and armor
upgrades, but leave around 5000 fol for yourself. Pretty soon you'll be able to
abuse infi-fol making scheme, that is why I say to spare some monies. Inn has
SPN and resting options, but no chests. Inside the bar open BSCH for

Talk to Denton and he'll take the letter you've been carrying. As payment you
receive Karathos Wristband (when equipped on chr *not* in main party, this chr
gains 100% of EXP from defeated enemies, instead of usual 50%).

Next to bar loot WCH for 330 FOL, then enter final house.

Talk to Anne to surrender the eagle emblem gold coin. Answer 'Tell her about
him.' and you'll get WHITE BERRY POTION.

Now proceed N and enter castle gate. Go left at the cross to enter W corridor
and approach one of the doors along S edge for a scene with Michelle. I feel
happy with how it feels to touch... nevermind! Michelle joins the party! In
same room open WCH for SOUP STOCK, exit the room and approach the left door
along N edge for a scene with Sigmund. In one corner of Sig's room you'll hear
the familiar noise and wavy pattern in the air - play Percipere to uncover BSCH
with SEA AXE. Back into the corridor and go all the way E into room of rites
for a scene of receiving a lunaglyph.


After the rite is complete, your party decides to head for Fayel. To get there,
you need to head S in Luce Plains to reach Oradian Dunes. But before that make
a detour to Nolaan for some easy fol.


Enter the shop and buy Cork Wood, then camp outside the village. Have Eugene
craft Cork Bows until he hits lv3 IC, at which point he can craft Smiley
Charms. Likewise have Edward craft various stuff until he hits lv3 IC for
Smiley Charms crafting. Reenter the shop and buy as much Sheep Hides as you
can. 2x Sheep Hide equals Smiley Charm - for 240 fol worth of materials you can
craft an item which sells for 1500 fol, making you 1260 fol profit. With two
chrs being able to craft Smiley Charms this fol scheme goes twice as fast - I
suggest you gun for 4000000 fol.

When you have enough monies, leave for Luce Plains and head all the way S to
reach a corridor between the mountains - follow it to reach Oradian Dunes.


Aha, a dessert. *is slapped*

{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}

Split your chrs into two parties. My tip is to include Aya, Rico and Rucha with
Capell as much as possible until few more chrs join later in the game. As the
game progresses you'll understand why I made this suggestion. Enemies killed by
other party also gives EXP and fol, so you won't be missing out.

Follow the chrs of other party as they'll lead the way to your next destination
(or basically look up and you'll see a chain in the sky - that's where you need
to go). You can make detours to hunt for items... when you encounter tornados
in the desert, stay away from them as they hurt. Once you pass first tornado,
keep heading W for a scene where party spots a small village.

After the scene it's solo party again - turn around and go save your game at
SPN near the small lake. Go S from SPN, below the stone arch and keep heading S
(use the chain in background as guidance). Shortly before entering Sapran there
is WCH with 1000 fol inside.

Before you enter the village, heal to full and restore MP. You will not be able
to save until you clear next mission and you need to beat a boss as well.



Here's some lowdown on multiple parties:
- When attempting a mission with multiple parties, create one or more
- Sub-parties will act on their own and progress along a set route.
- After completing missions using multiple parties, you will view results for
  sub-party chrs. Results change according to abilities and levels of assembled
  members, along with other factors.
- Bonus EXP, fol and items are sometimes rewarded.

In short? I didn't give an Aya about this crap. Woo, I got a C rating.

You can create three groups. Capell and Aya are mandatory members in party A -
add Rico and Rucha to the team. Sig is mandatory chr of party B - add Eugene
and Edward to his team, and remaining party members to party C. Let's rock!

You need to destroy all of the red crystals located inside the village. Notice
the 'Energy Field' bar at top - destroying red crystal will reduce the bar, and
when it's empty, you get to fight a boss. Kewl!

Exit the house you start in and there's crystal #1, so smash it. Hear the
familiar sound? Play Percipere in the spot where crystal was to uncover a cave
with crystal #2, which you'll smash, of course. Crystal #3 is in middle of the
village, and W of it is crystal #4. We'll deal with crystal in the air later...
Head towards E end of the village and destroy crystal #5. Hear the familiar
sound? Play Percipere to uncover a hidden cave with crystal #6 inside.

Enter SE house and listen for familiar noise - play Percipere to uncover
crystal #7. Crystal #8 is inside NW house. Now for aerial crystals - Aya
Connect and shoot down crystal #9 (above the tree) and crystal #10 (above the
entrance to N house). Enter N house and shoot down crystal #11 floating in the
air. Crystal #12 is located in middle of this house as well (though it's likely
to already have been destroyed by others). Now comes a scene where your party
faces Semberas.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: SEMBERAS
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv012
There's a handful or Order Privates to take care of, before we can bring our
undivided attention to Semberas. Sigmund is again a beefcake with unlimited HP.
After killing Privates turn onto Semb and start poking it - also switch tactict
to 'Focus' so that your other chrs start using offensive spells.

Boss' Sphere and Cube are area attacks around the boss and are easily
recognized by boss' stance, so if you keep your distance before he launches
them, you'll sustain no damage. Pyrwall can also be avoided, just don't keep
running into it.

Keep bashing down into Semb's HP until he runs out of vitamins...
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Defeated Semberas within 2 minutes.] yields a bonus reward of
GRANITE, STEEL METAL. Completing the battle means another achievement: <ORANGE

After the battle you'll appear next to SPN, so save your game, then exit the
village into the dunes.


Make your way back to SPN near the lake, then bring up your map. The general
idea is to be heading W from your current position. Avoid any tornados you come
upon as they hurt a lot, and kill all enemies you meet on your way. Additional
levels will help some in upcoming task. Eventually you'll see SPN in the
distance with a bunch of people nearby. Approach them for a scene, then you're
tasked to go talk to villagers.

People you need to talk to are: Leif, 'Despairing old woman', 'Grieving girl',
'Resilient girl', 'Exhausted man', Levan, Faina (woohoo!), 'Knowledgeable old
lady', 'Innocent child', 'Servile man', and 'Disheartened woman'. 11 people

Before you return to Sigmund, SAVE YOUR GAME. Two achievements are coming your
way, and both can be tough to score. Go talk to Sig now for a scene of
escorting the villagers back to Sapran.

Sig, Eugene, Balbagan, Edward, Savio, Michelle (NOOOO!) leave the party.

Here's some lowdown on special conditions (red progress bar)
- Sometimes a red gauge will appear at top of screen.
- You will get Game Over if the gauge reaches zero.


A red bar with word 'Refugees' appears at top of screen, and you need to escort
them back to Sapran. Refugees will be going along a set route, and you should
run ahead of them to clear the area of monsters, particularly of those nasty
Garudas and Amigos. Do not wander too far ahead or the monsters you slew will
respawn near the refugees and start taking them out.

Once you reach a checkpoint slightly to the W of SPN near the dunes' lake, and
if none of the villagers perished, you get SITUATION BONUS [Delivered all the
unblesseds safely.] for whopping 7500 EXP. Achievement <GUARDIAN> is also yours
for valiant efforts.

There'll be a scene near the lake - one of the refugees has gone missing. Who
was the last person that saw the little boy? Talk to 'Servile man' twice so
that he says 'A kid? Yeah, I saw one. He was heading south.', and then talk
'Disheartened woman' twice so that she says 'I saw a kid wander off towards
some rocks. I hope he's okay.'. Now go talk to Faina - Rico and Rucha leave the
party momentarily. Go save your game, then head towards Sapran. As soon as you
pass rocky arch, a scene shows Leif being attacked by a bear. Save Leif by
slaying the bear.

It won't be quite easy though - a couple of snakes mix up the heat by attacking
Leif as well. Ignore the bear and pass it to take out the snakes, then knock
out the bear. This is first half of saving procedure... now Garuda will come
and attempt to take Leif away. Do not move! Aya Connect and use Ravaging Raptor
to aim at Garuda. Shoot it down before the red bar depletes or it's Game Over.

If you manage to save Leif without him getting hurt, you'll get SITUATION BONUS
[Resced Leif without him getting hit.] with a reward of PANACEA &
MIRACULOUS MEDICINE, as well as an achievement <FOR THE CHILDREN>.



Rico and Rucha are back in your party, and inn is opened in the house with SPN.
Bastards charge 500 fol for a night, after I saved them? *kills everyone in the

Go to Faina's for a scene of staying the night, then attempt to leave the

BTW, the other girl in the inn is now selling stuff, but there's no new equips.


Capell gains a gift of enchantment!

Here's some more lowdown on creation:
- Similar to IC, certain materials can also be combined to give a temporary
  bonus to party members that affects their status.
- This is called enchantment bonus, and works similarly to equipment bonuses.
  However, EB will expire after a certain amount of time.


I'm sick of sand already... traverse the dunes all the way back to where you
met the refugees, only to be interrupted by your party wanting to spend the
night in the desert. Aya tasks Capell with finding 10 pieces of firewood.

There's one behind Aya, but leave that one for last - instead sniff around the
area and collect nine pieces of FIREWOOD KI, in addition to ANTIDOTE,
piece of wood behind Aya, then talk to her.

You'll obtain some TRAINING NOTATIONS KI - bring up your map and head S, then W
to finally reach Fayel.



Upon entering the city Aya leaves the party. Inside the bar WCH with STAFF
PAPER can be looted, you can buy new weapons and armor, checking the inn's
rooms reveals WCH with ORADIAN CHICKEN SANDWICH, check the house opposite of
the inn for WCH with SILVER FOX FUR, then waltz towards the castle for a scene,
after which the party is reunited (Aya doesn't yet return, though).


After more scenes you obtain PRELUDE NOTATIONS KI.


Aya's maid, Gina (I love maids!) comes running for help - she wants you to find
Aya's bear Gustav. What the heck is Aya doing with a bear? Why am I not enough?
Tell meeeeee!

When she stops blabbering, head for the exit to the dunes, and talk to
'Aspiring warrior' kid pacing around near Genma. He'll tell you 'Hey, I just
saw a massive bear! Nobody believes me, but you do, right?'. Talk to him for
second time to say 'The bear was running really fast out of the city!'. Now
return to Gina and talk to her - Capell will relay the info on Gustav leaving
the city, but Gina emplores him to find the bear himself. Oh well...

Put Sigmund, Rico and Rucha in your party and leave for the dunes.


Right after you exit Fayel, you'll notice a path branching to the right below
stone arch - this is where Gustav went. After passing the arch a scene plays
with Dominica's introduction. She joins the battle as a chr with infinite HP.
Take out Fire Gigas without Gustav getting hit to obtain SITUATION BONUS
[Rescued Gustav without him getting hit.], which yields you a reward of


Enter the castle and go straight N into room of rites. Open WCH behind Alexi
for MIRACULOUS MEDICINE, walk into W corridor and check out N room. Play
Percipere near familiar sound to uncover BSCH with IRON BOW. S room has WCH
with GRANITE NECKLACE, then go up to 3rd floor and enter king's quarters. Loot
WCH for IMPERIAL STEWED HOT POT. Aya's and king's rooms also have one SCH each,
but you have no chrs yet that can open locked chests. All in due time!

Leave the castle and shop for at least 30 Miraculous Medicines - you'll need
them in upcoming dungeon. Go to the inn and Eugene will tell you about the
plans of destroying another chain. When you're ready, come back to the inn and
talk to him to confirm your decision.


Eugene Connect, then talk to 'Accessory-selling girl', choose 'Sure, what's
up?', and she'll ask you to find Blood of Fayel jewel. Leave for Oradian Dunes
and walk all the way to SPN near the dunes' lake. Look for a faint glint near
the lake and examine it to obtain BLOOD OF FAYEL KI. Return to Fayel, Eugene
Connect and talk to 'Accessory-selling girl' - you'll obtain an awesome
accessory with 3% HP regen ability - RING OF LIFE.


Enter the inn and talk to Eugene, then tell him you're ready. You'll rest the
night, then exit the inn - Aya, Gustav and Dominica join the party.


{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}

I love Dominica that plays here... I mean the music. Upon entering first open
area follow the other party up the northern slope. Quickly make way to WCH you
see and open it for 20000 FOL. If you aren't quick enough, it'll be destroyed
by boulders.

Upon entering second open area work your way E, then up another slope - again
watch for falling rocks. Make haste to open WCH with MUSICIAN'S QUILL before
it's destroyed by boulders. Scene follows shortly afterwards.


After the scene talk to Genma to rest and/or buy provisions, then save your
game at nearby SPN. Continue following the other party (watch for rocks) into
third open area and start killing stuff. When the area is clear, go W, Balbagan
Connect and use Gigatackle on the rock, then nail BSCH for MEMOIRS OF A THIEF.
That third area is a good spot for level-grinding - after you kill all stuff,
go away some and return to mop up the respawned enemies. Beef your levels to
lv20 here then move on by following the other party. You'll reach Vesplume
Tower, and are offered a chance to save.


You need to make three parties.
Party A: Capell and Sigmund are mandatory, add Rucha and Rico.
Party B: Aya is mandatory, add whoever you like.
Party C: Edward is mandatory, add whoever you like.

One party member will need to sit this one out, though. Are you ready for
Vesplume Tower Assault? Directions will be liberal, so pay attention.


Change tactics to 'Save MP', then move N and take out few enemies. Take N door,
W round the corner, N round the corner, W by going upstairs, a bit S on top of
stairs, E by going downstairs, then take path going W inbetween the two

S round the corner, E round the corner, and go upstairs to find Dais of Chaos.
Examine it for a scene - whenever you find a Dais, you'll need to power it up
with an orb to unlock relevant door. Go back downstairs and try to leave W - a
scene shows Edward finding some orb.

Keep heading back, and a pigein appears with message of Edward - he found an
orb, but it's of no use to him. Meeting point is back where you first met -
also, the door at bottom of twin staircase is now unlocked, so it can act as a

You'll find Edward and other chrs on his team waiting on other side of the
railing. Sheathe your sword and talk to Ed to get ORB OF CHAOS KI. Return to
Dais of Chaos and insert the orb to unlock the door beneath. Back downstairs
and continue E into the teleport. Save your game at SPN, and hop into next


Follow your nose until you enter a room with strange ball. Smack it to unlock
next door, then follow the path into a room with a projector and five mirrors.
They are (if facing N): W, NW, N, NE, and E mirrors. Projector is in SW corner.
The aim of this room is to rotate the mirrors so that they can reflect the
light beam into the door in order to unlock it. The concept is pretty simple,
so flip E and N mirrors, then fire the projector.

Go thru unlocked door to find a cross - take E path into a big room with MCH
and some enemies. Kill them, then take care of Jeweled Cabinet Mimic. Back to
cross, top your HP, and hike N.

It's an event battle against Fire Gigas on ground, and some Order Rangers on
the balcony. Take care of Fire Gigas quickly, and then one of your other teams
arrives to kill Rangers.

With all enemies gone, follow the path to a room with two strange balls. Strike
them both within short amount of time to unlock next door, then step into
teleporter. Save at SPN, and into next teleporter.


Follow your nose, than talk to Aya to get 3x RED BERRY POTION,
2x BLACK BERRY POTION, and carry on to exit on one of tower's balconies. Check
left end for WCH with BLACK BERRY POTION. Go to other end of the balcony and
open two WCH for 5000 FOL (Silence trap) and MIRACULOUS MEDICINE.

Now I strongly advise you go back to previous SPN and save your progress, as
you're about to face a hard battle. Return to the balcony and walk to other end
again - before you enter the door, top your HP and MP and walk in...

You'll be facing your shadow clones, with exactly the same stats as your chrs.
I strongly advise getting rid of Capell and Sigmund clones first, as they
strike the hardest. One of your parties will eventually take care of Rangers on
upper floor.

Ext S into another projector room. Facing N, you have NW, N, NE, W, center, SW
and S mirrors. Flip NW mirror, then fire the projector to unseal E door. Inside
you'll find BSCH with ORB OF ORDER KI. Back to projector room.

Flip NW, center, W, and SW mirrors, then fire the projector to unseal S door.
You'll find Dais of Patience, and get sealed in - Aya will bring you
ORB OF PATIENCE KI, while handing ORB OF ORDER to Aya. Insert Orb of Patience,
then hike S to another balcony.

Go left to find two BSCH - upper one if empty and has poison trap, while lower
yields ORB OF REBIRTH FRAGMENT KI. Go right all the way and loot another BSCH
for ORB OF REBIRTH KI, then walk inside and follow your nose into another trap.

Soldiers will keep pouring down, and you just keep bashing them for more.
Eventually one of other parties will unseal the door for you. Exit E into a
room with four strange balls. Stand in middle of them and use Spinning Waltz to
activate them at same time. Exit N into teleporter, then use SPN ahead, and
talk to Genma to rest or buy provisions. Hop into next teleport.


Follow your nose into a room with projector. Before doing anything, check for
the source of familiar noise - there is an empty pedestal in front of locked
door. Play Percipere to uncover the mirror. I'll need a crappy ASCII art for
this puzzle.

                        N direction

                                      M2   M3
                        M1                 M4


                        M7                 M6

Flip M5, M2, M3 and M1 mirrors, then fire the projector to unseal E door. Enter
the room and kick BSCH for ORB OF REBIRTH FRAGMENT KI. Enter camp and go to IC,
then choose Sigmund. You'll see Orb of Rebirth at top of his list - you have
three fragments, so use them to craft ORB OF REBIRTH KI.

Now flip M6, M4 and M1 mirrors, then fire the projector to unseal S door. Exit
to yet another balcony - go left and nail WCH with Panacea. Walk right into
another trap. Do not move from your position, and try to dodge magic missiles
coming your way. Eventually one of your other parties will arrive and kill
everyone blocking your way.

When path is free, continue to the right and open WCH for 1 FOL (Curse trap),
then enter the door for a scene. Aya needs Orb of Rebirth - talk to her to fork
it over, thus unsealing N door. Continue on into a room with two strange balls.
Sigmund Connect, then target one of the balls and command Sig to use Levantine
Slash on it, while you strike the other ball at roughly the same time. This
will unseal W door, leading to teleporter. Save your game and hop into next


Follow your nose into room with four strange balls. Sigmund Connect, then
target one of the balls and command Sig to use Levantine Slash on it, while you
strike the second ball at roughly the same time. Repeat the same for remaining
two balls, and N door is unsealed. Top your HP and MP, then waltz into N room.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: KRON THE VICIOUS EYE
Side Combatant/s: 2x DIRE WOLF
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv027
I hate sidekicks that hit hard. Skin both Dire Wolves, and then turn onto Kron.
Kron has a couple of status attacks up its... hm, sleeve? It can stun you,
paralyze you or put you to sleep. If you keep Dire Wolves around, that's bad
news for you, and no wolves means bad news for Kron.

When wolves are history, only thing Kron has going for it is ability to warp,
but just find its new location and slime its ass.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Defeated Kron within 1 minute.], which yields you a reward of

Before going further, return to last SPN and save your game, then return to
Kron's room and continue N.


What, last boss already?

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: DMITRI
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv028
Sigmund (infinite HP) will be soloing Leonid, while you face off against Dmitri
and a handful of Rangers. Dispose of them, then hunt down Dmitri. He can warp,
and once he reappears, he'll try to charge up either a spell or SpAt.

Eventually Aya and Edward arrive to help you out. As they're not part of main
party, they have infinite HP for this battle. Watch out, as Ed's arrival means
appearance of several Order Warrior reinforcements. Don't dance near dueling
spot of Leonid and Sigmund, or you'll be facing damage from Leonid's chains.

Once Dmitri falls, it's down to Leonid. Gang up on him and keep damaging him
until several scenes unfold.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------


Achievement <CRIMSON CRUSADER> is gained. You obtain SIGMUND'S PENDANT KI.


From this point on, I'll no longer describe in detail how to get to earlier
towns or dungeons, except in cases where a new path has opened up in an area
you've already visited.



Ayatorious we are! Capell is alone at the moment and you start at 2nd floor of
the castle. Descend to 1st floor, try to walk out into the town and game
switches to scene with Edward once you approach his room. Walk out into the
town and enter the inn.

Approach the doors of all three rooms for: scene with Rico & Rucha, scene with
Eugene, scene with Michelle. Exit the inn and head for the archway, which lead
to Oradian Mountains for a scene with Balbagan. You will not be able to count
on him for a while. Gustav is another chr who can break rocks when Connected.

Return to the castle, ascend to 3rd floor and enter the balcony. You'll get


There are two ways to reach Port Zala - one is thru the dunes, the other is to
go to Oradian Mountains and take Bihar Mines path. I suggest the latter, as it
means loot, EXP and fol. Hence, return to Fayel and enter the mountains.


Climb and make it past first slope with rolling boulders to enter the big area
after it. Take the path leading down to SE to find the entrance to Bihar Mines.

{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}

Achievement <RECKLESS DRIVES> is obtained if you manage to kill 10 enemies
using the carts inside the mines, but without leaving the mines!


There is a cart, and three enemies ahead. Walk forward, wait for enemies to
walk on tracks, and slash the cart with your sword to send enemies flying. Do
be careful not to have any chrs stand in cart's way, as it really hurts if
you're hit. Left of two N rooms is locked, and before using nearby callpipe to
open them, walk more E and clear all enemies there.

reinforcements from N room you passed (reason being another callpipe in NE
room). If they succeed in reinforcements call, hurry back to the cart and slash
it in the way of incoming opposition of enemies.

Alternately, you can use callpipe near N room and wait for enemies to come
pouring out the room, then sending cart greetings their way, but you risk the
ambush from E enemies. In any way, it's your call. N room has SCH, which is
locked, naturally. Leave it for later - walk into right of two N rooms and use
callpipe to bring up an elevator with handful of enemies on it. Examine the
lever to travel down.


This room doesn't have anything worthwhile, except couple of enemies for fol
and EXP. Return topside.


Walk into SE corner and use the elevator to travel down.


As soon as you step off, kill some enemies. Door towards N side of the floor
can be opened by callpipe further in the floor, so ignore it for now. Walk
along S path and then up some stairs to end on the catwalk overlooking some
lava. SCH with MUSICIAN'S QUILL inside is on this catwalk - immediately
opposite of the catwalk open the door to find (leave nearby callpipe alone for

Careful now - when you step into the room, turn around immediately and wait for
group of three Lumper Leaders to come to you, then kill them. If you're
ambushed, it's tough to emerge victorious, so tap that Y for healing. Open WCH
for FUGUE NOTATIONS KI (alarm trap, which would summon Lumper Leaders, but we
already killed them).

Exit the room, and walk into SE room, kill some enemies, use the callpipe for
elevator, and kill enemies that arrive with it, then use the elevator.


Again a small area with handful of enemies for fol and EXP. Return topside.


Exit the room and use the callpipe (near the room where Lumper Leaders tried to
ambush you before) to open NW door and quickly run there, ignoring enemies in
the way. Once you're past the door, kill any opposition around you. Follow the
path to the elevator.


Kill some enemies, enter first room, and kill more enemies. Chest you see is
actually MCH (Jeweled Cabinet Mimic) - exit the room after killing it and
proceed E for exit from the mines back into the dunes.


If you chek the map, you'll see that you're somewhere in NW part of the dunes.
Entrance to Zala is slightly E, then N from your position - you can't miss it.
{collected SILVER BERRY POTION from WCH during this time, forgot where}.


{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}

After the scene let's explore this place a little. NW house has locked SCH,
which we'll leave for later; as for the inn, play Percipere near the counter to
uncover locked SCH. There is SPN, and resting possibilites - before you head
for the chain, make sure to rest and save your game. There's a tough
achievement to get during next boss battle, and a treasure chest which is a
missable and may impede your 'Compulsive' achievement.

Going up N slope leads to two houses with nothing in it; bar also has nothing
to claim. Take path leading S (near the inn) and claim WCH with ZALA ROCK SALT
in W dead end. Nearby is a store with nothing new to offer equips-wise.

Next to inn is mayor's - loot WCH with MUSICIAN'S QUILL inside. When done, exit
the house and walk towards the pier to run into Faina and Leif. Faina is now a
traveling merchant - she has a wide selection of materials to choose from.

S from the pier is a path leading to storage houses. S storage house has three
WCH with SLICED FISH, FISH FIN, FISH FIN. N storage house has four WCH with

N from the pier is a path leading on the beach and towards your next
destination. Check between the debris for WCH with ZALA ROCK SALT. Is your game
saved, and have you rested? If the answer to both is yes, proceed on!



Scene plays as you enter. If for some reason you don't like your party setup,
or you forgot to save, return to Zala and reorganize. Follow your nose and
brace yourself.


Follow your nose and brace yourself. *braces onto Aya*

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: NIEDZIELAN
Environmental hazard: tsunami
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv032
From now on all chain battles will unfold differently. As before, the link
holding the chain is protected by a barrier. In order to temporarily dissolve
the barrier, you need to keep attacking Nied until he slumps over. At this
moment the barrier is gone and you can start attacking the link. Eventually
Nied recovers and starts attacking again - keep repeating the exercise until
you defeat Nied for good. Now all that is needed is final slash at the link.

Things will not go quite as easy. Nied is reinforced by a couple of fishes and
crabs - get rid of those, then gang up on Nied until he slumps over. Turn on
the link and start attacking it. Be wary of water receding and impending
tsunami (no water on fround, vibrations, screen shaking)! You need to hide
behind the rock formations to avoid damage from tsunami. Each tsunami will
bring into battle some more crabs and fishes.

When Nied recovers, barrier reappears and knocks you back. The closer Nied is
to defeat, the faster the barrier returns. Every time tsunami hits, some free
loot will wash up ashore (mostly fish food ingredients)

Once 4th tsunami hits, pay close attention to surroundings of the link. There
will be a WCH! Claim it for 10000 FOL. Chest gets washed away with next
tsunami, so you need to be quick.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Achievement <THE TIDE OF BATTLE> is unlocked only of *none of your chrs* took
any damage from tsunami's waves. Everytime the water retreats (watch the
ground), seek safety behind the rocks. Controller's strong vibrations will also
warn you of impeding waves. If at any time any chr takes damage from a tsunami,
you're screwed for this achievement.

<CERULEAN SAVIOR> achievement is awarded for plastering the boss.



Before you reach the pier, collect three bags on the ground for TAIL KI,
BOUQUET KI, BATTERED NOTEBOOK KI. On the pier you'll find a bag with RAG KI,
and on E-most end a bag with PIECE OF WOOD KI. Near start of S path from the
pier there's a bag with VASE KI, dead end near S storage house has a bag with
DOLL KI, and S storage house itself a bag with WOODEN BOX KI. Finally, there's
a bag with STRANGE-COLORED BAG KI near the barrels of mayor's, and a bag with
DENTURES KI in the dead end between inn and shop (near 'Repetitive Woman').

Shops have new equips to offer. When done, enter the inn for some scenes.


Exit the inn and walk to end of pier for scene with Edward. Exit the inn again,
and ship is here.

WARNING! Are you sure you have completed everything there was to complete up to
         this point? It'll be a while before you can return to Zala.

TIP: Set Symphonic Blade to one of Capell's skill slots.

Talk to 'Town-loving fisherman' near the ship to board it and head to Kolton.

{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}

Here's some lowdown on invisible enemies:
- Some foes can't be seen by other chrs or detected in any way. You can't
  damage them while they're invisible.
- Play Percipere to make these bastards visible. Once they are, chrs with
  lunaglyphs are able to deal damage to invisi-foes.
- Capell can also damage invisi-foes upon using Symphonic Blade with Connected

Your party is Capell, Aya and Edward. Play Percipere to make the foe visible,
then Aya Connect and use Symphonic Blade. Remain connected, and hack the foe to
pieces. SITUATION BONUS [Defeated the mysterious foe within one minute.] yields


After more scenes Edward and Michelle leave the party, and Vic joins. Haha, too
bad, Edward, now you'll learn not to shoot your mouth off. More underage girls,
Tri-Ace? Meh. Also, Vic is the first of two chrs that can open locked chests,
as well as disable trapped chests.

You start in the inn. Vic Connect (she's nearby... yeah, Vic is a girl, inspite
of Capell referring to Vic as a he), then exit the inn. BTW, there are no
chests in the inn, and there are two rooms, one on 1st floor, one on second
(also leads to balcony).

Kolton is a big city to explore, and it has two exit points, 4 junctions, and
four passages which connect aforementioned junctions
- E exit leads to a warp leading to Cobasna Timberlands, which is your goal
- S exit leads to the port, but the ship is temporarily out of commission
- E junction has the inn, the store and passage leading to E exit
- SE passage has a house
- S junction has the emporium, entrance to palace (inaccessible for now), and
  passage leading to the port
- SW passage has a bar
- W junction has a house
- NW passage has nothing
- N junction has a church
- NE passage has a house

Straight across the inn is a general store - no new equips, darn it. Enter SE
passage and then walk into SE house - here loot WCH for KOLTON OMELET. That's
it, so waltz to S junction and enter the emporium. Loot WCH for LUX SANDALS and
buy new weapons and equips for party members.

SW passage and into the bar, then go to 2nd floor and loot two WCH for
SACRIFICIAL DOLL. Now head into N junction; take W door for a stairs which end
with locked WCH that contains 10000 FOL, then take E door for a stairs which
end with BSCH with SHAMSHIR. Enter the church and go downstairs, then search
behind the rows of chairs for WCH with MICHELLE'S DIARY.

At this point I replaced Rico with Vic. Go to E exit and warp to Cobasna.

{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}
Has 1 Cracked Rock.

Make two parties, where Capell is leader of first, and Vic is leader of second.

Cobasna is a confusing place, as it has a series of warp walls which teleport
you to a different place inside Cobasna or back at where you started. Follow
these directions precisely and you will not get lost.

Also pay attention to your surroundings, as many of the enemies blend with the
environment making them hard to see. Every so often a big chimera will pass by,
ramming everything in its way - you cannot harm it yet.

When you arrive, walk E, then S at the cross, then E at the cross, and S at
next cross. There is trapped WCH with MALUS WOOD inside (ATK down trap), and
further S is entrance to Halgita.

{FUTURE UPDATE PLAN! Describe how to claim everything.}

Halgita is the last town of the game, and also the biggest. It can be divided
into four floors:
- 1st floor has exit to Cobasna, an inn, a chapel, general store, stairs
  leading to B1 floor, stairs leading to 2nd floor, and elevator for
  transporting to 2nd or 3rd floor
- B1 floor has item shop, accessory shop, two weapon shops, armor shop, and two
- 2nd floor has two corridors with multiple houses, a library, an elevator for
  transporting to 1st or 3rd floor, stairs leading to 3rd floor, and a lonely
- 3rd floor has one corridor with 2 houses, queen's chambers, throne room, an
  elevator for transporting to 1st or 2nd floor, and a lonely house

We'll start with looting B1 floor. From entrance to Halgita walk N, then turn
E, and again N past the general store. Open the door and you'll be on the
stairs which lead down to B1. There is a lot of stores here, so it may be wise
to Vic Connect and shop (Vic has a trait for scoring 10% discount every so

Once you pass armor shop, enter the first house and get MIRACULOUS MEDICINE
from WCH inside. Second house has WCH with EBONY WOOD, and at the bottom of the
stairs you'll hear familiar sound. Play Percipere to uncover BSCH which
contains SILK SHAWL. An Ayaload of new equips is available, so burn your money.

Once we're done here, return to 1st floor and walk all the way W to find the
inn. Rest and save at SPN, then check around the beds for WCH with PANACEA. Now
go to the chapel (N from where you entered Halgita), and climb W stairs to find
locked SCH with BISHOP STAFF.

Exit the chapel and walk E to take the stairs up to 2nd floor. You'll end up in
NE corridor with Shido and 'Woman passing by', which has doors leading to four
houses. Going from left to right (according to map), 1st house has nothing,
second has WCH with STAFF PAPER, third has locked SCH with SACRIFICAL DOLL, and
fourth has nothing.

Ascend some more stairs and you'll find Dominica. The rest of 2nd floor is like
this: W end has stairs leading to 3rd floor, then the elevator S of Dominica,
another corridor-with-multi-doors on NW end, a lonely house on extreme SW, and
finally a library in the middle.

Enter the lonely house on SW and nail locked SCH with MALUS WOOD, then waltz
into SW multi-door-corridor (nice rhyme). From left to right (as per map),
first house has nothing, second house has WCH with BLACK BERRY POTION, third
has nothing, and fourth has WCH with MALUS WOOD. For the end library remains -
climb NE stairs to find locked SCH with KARATHOS WRISTBAND.

Climb E stairs up to 3rd floor. When you arrive, you'll see the elevator ahead
- opposite of elevator are another stairs, which lead to queen's chambers.
Inside you can find WCH with BLACK BERRY POTION (behind the chair set). Exit
queen's and walk all the way W (don't walk too close to the door with two
guards or you'll trigger next story scene). W-most house is empty, so enter NE
corridor with multi-doors. From left to right (as per map), first house has
locked SCH with MIRACULOUS MEDICINE, and second has locked SCH with 5000 FOL.
These are all the chests, now go into throne room.


You'll obtain 100000 FOL! Thanks queen! Hm, she was hot... that kunoichi too.
We need to find some old fart hidden deep inside Cobasna. When you make a
party, include Vic in it. Leave Halgita.


Old fart's hideout is in NE part of Cobasna, and it's difficult to get there.
But you have some help - whenever you reach a cross, look at the paths leading
in different directions. Above one of them you will see purple lights emanating
from the ground, denoting correct direction.

Ergo - N, W at the cross, N at the cross, N at the cross, E at the cross, get
ready for the next battle.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: ORTHROS
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv033
This is not a hard battle, as Orthros has only two moves: Snakesnap for
continuous flame damage around it, and Charge for physical damage. Take into
consideration side effects of the rainfall on your other chrs and you've got
easy fight on your hands.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

From place of battle, head E, W at next cross, step into the warp (it's a right
way, trust me), then walk a bit W, Vic Connect and open trapped WCh for PANACEA
(bomb trap), turn back E, S at the cross, step into the warp, turn to the S and
carefully approach the warp, but don't take it; nearby is locked SCH with
SONATA NOTATIONS KI. Walk N for a scene, then continue N for another scene, N
at the cross, and there's the house.


A bunch of scenes will unfold, explaining the mystery of lunaglyphs and what
lies beyond the rainfall.


After the scenes you'll obtain LUNYTOL, and another party member Kiriya. Now
you want to save your game at nearby SPN, and make haste back to Kolton.

From SPN, go S, W at the cross, step into the warp, proceed E, S at the cross,
W at the cross, S at the cross, W at the cross, stop in front of teleporter.
Ensure you have Percipere song set, and are able to use Symphonic Blade.
take the teleporter, you're back in Kolton.



Brace to your nearest babes! Set up the party as you see fit (Aya and Split are
mandatory chrs!), then hop into your next battle.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: VERMIFIED [spoiler]
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: defeat the boss before red bar depletes to zero!
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv034
Stage 1: Play Percipere immediately, then Aya Connect (or whoever else) and use
Symphonic Blade. You must stay Connected! Begin slashing at the boss until a
scene occurs.

Stage 2: If Percipere is still in effect, continue assaulting. When boss turns
invisible, you have to Disconnect and play Percipere again. Continue until next

Stage 3: This is the last stage. After few seconds boss bursts on scene by
destroying some wall. Invisible? Play Percipere and then Symphonic Blade his
ass to kingdom come.

Careful - if time limit depletes, it's Game Over, no questions asked.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Stopped [spoiler] within 3 minutes.] yields extra 20000 EXP!

Edward and Michelle are back. You also get 8x LUNAR SUPPRESSANT (I never needed
them, meh).


Here's some lowdown on glyph rate:
- Lunar rain affects party members with lunaglyphs, increasing their glyph
- Aristos and chrs without lunaglyphs are immune to lunar rain.
- Glyph rate has six stages
  Stage 1: no effect yet
  Stage 2: a pair of wings appears on chr's back
  Stage 3: pair of wings retains the size, but stats increase further
  Stage 4: pair of wings grows larger, Capell can no longer Connect to chr
  Stage 5: chr turns blackish, wings grow large, chr turns hostile
  Stage 6: complete Vermification, chr turns invisible, must play Percipere in
           order to defeat
- There are several items / certain flute music which suppress or increase the
  glyph rate.
- Different chrs have different glyph rate growths, and are affected
  differently by lunar rain.

Faina and Leif can be found at the pier, sporting new warez to sell. Before you
head for Halgita, save your game, as next achievement is on the line. Take the
teleporter to Cobasna and follow the path to Halgita. Use the map as guidance,
as you have treaded this same path before.


As you get near Halgita's entrance, a scene plays.



SHEATHE YOUR SWORD! Then RUN all the way up to throne room on 3rd floor,
WITHOUT stopping to fight the enemies. Even though it looks like it, there is
no boss battle at this time, just a lot of scenes.

SITUATION BONUS [Reached Svala within 3 minutes.] yields MALUS WOOD, in case
you were fast enough. This also bags achievement <IMPERIAL GUARD> on your tab.
Now sit back and enjoy some scenes.

Your next destination is set - a place called Dais, NW in Cobasna. Come on, I'm
bored to death with that forest... but Mandragoras are hawt.

Touma and Komachi join the party. Komachi is second chr that can open locked
chests, and disable traps on trapped chests. Additionally, when you Komachi
Connect, she has a skill Honeybiteme... er, I mean, Honeysuckme... what in the
world is wrong with me? *gets ass kicked by Aya* Focus! OK, she has a skill
called Honeysuckle which can get you the contents of those distant chests
you've been seeing.


My party of choice was Capell, Aya, Rucha and Komachi. There's new equips
available as well, and you can find Faina and Leif near the entrance to chapel
on first floor. I suggest to buy lots of paralysis removal items. Leave for


Dais is in NW corner of Cobasna. Difficult to find, perhaps, but you have some
help - whenever you reach a cross, look at the paths leading in different
directions. Above one of them you will see green lights emanating from the
ground, denoting correct direction to the Dais!

If green lights are mixed with purple, there's nothing wrong with that, purple
lights merely denote right direction to Kiriya's house we've visited earlier.

So from entering Cobasna, go N, W at the cross, N at the cross, N at the cross,
N at the cross, W at the cross, open BSCH for MEMOIRS OF AN ALCHEMIST, N at the
cross, step into the warp, N, E at the cross, step into the warp, there's WCH
with LIZARD SKIN VEST behind you, continue N and you're in Dais.



As soon as you're in, you're attacked by a bunch of spiders. Defeat them all,
then save at SPN - there is only one more SPN at the top, and you have to get
thru a boss to reach it, so be careful.


Take N path to a cross, and then go NW - Komachi Connect and use Ash on the web
to remove it, then kill some small spiders that will appear. At the dead end is
locked SCH with HALGITIAN PAPER. Return to cross and take NE path to reach a
room with two further paths - E one is dead end with a scorpion, and S one will
eventually put you in SPN room. Before that there is small dead end with two
chests - MCH will turn into Iron Chest Mimic, WCH has RED BERRY POWDER in it.

Back in SPN room, take S path, Aya Connect and use Cardinal Cloak on the web,
then take path branching S to dead end with a spider, and then return to cross
and waltz W. Don't touch the shrooms as they will confuse you, and it's not
pretty watching Aya tearing Capell apart (more action for me, though).

When you approach the pit, a spider will be shown how to cross it. Press on.


Squish everything, go E at 1stcross, kill two Iron Chest Mimics (silly MCH),
back to 1stcross, go S, wait for spidey-bridge, press on.


Aya Connect and Cardinal Cloak the web, then go E, and play Percipere near
familiar sound source to uncover BSCH with RACHNUVUS CLOTH. Back and continue
SW - wait for spidey-bridge, press on, wait for next spidey-bridge. You've come
to 1stcross, go NW, Aya Connect and Cardinal Cloak on the web, smash all
enemies, open WCH for PARA-GONE. Back to 1stcross, E, wait for spidey-bridge,
2ndcross, go N for dead end with a spider, back to 2ndcross, go S to reach
3rdcross, go E for dead end with locked SCH with ANTIDOTE, and BSCH with
GENIUS' QUILL (gas trap). Back to 3rdcross, SW, wait for spidey-bridge, then
press on.


Aya Connect and Cardinal Cloak the web, continue to 1stcross, go E to dead end
with three scorpions, back to 1stcross, go W and press on.

{Is it possible to cross over to N and W exits?}

There's a clearing with three exits. Make spidey-bridge to E, then continue to
1stcross, NW for dead end with three chests - one is MCH that turns into Iron
Chest Mimic, trapped WCH has WHITE BERRY POTION (gas trap), and locked SCH has
MALUS WOOD. Back to 1stcross, SE, Aya Connect and Cardinal Cloak the web, press


At 1stcross go W, and play Percipere near familiar sound to uncover BSCH with
PRISMATITE SWORD. Back to 1stcross and stop... N path leads to boss battle. As
I said before, there's no save before it, so if you feel the need to be safe,
travel all the way down to 1st floor to save. When you return, continue the
climb until a scene pops up.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: QUEEN RACHNUVUS
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv038
Queen will be blocking the exit, and every so often use a move against you.
First obliterate everything that crawls and doesn't resemble the queen. Once
you've stimped all the little guys, boss comes out and you can damage it
without fear of counters. While boss is out, it'll summon more reinforcements,
then retreat again.

Don't stand too close to the queen when it's blocking the exit, or fear
needless damage. Each time when new spideys enter the battle, squish them, wait
for queen to come out and damage it. Capell's Reginleif deals tremendous damage
in thousands, and can very well save the day.

Also make sure you're stocked up on Para-Gones to cure paralysis, otherwise it
can spell the death of your team.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Continue N, open BSCH for ODIOUS EYE, WCH for PANACEA, and you're at the top.
Open two BSCH for OVERTURE NOTATIONS KI, SILK ROBE. Make sure to save at SPN
before going on!

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: HELD
Side Combatant/s: FAESPHEREs
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv039
Kiriya and Savio join the battle as NPCs with infinite HP. Still, if everyone
on your team dies, it's Game Over, as Kiriya and Savio can't revive you.

Faespheres will keep popping up during the battle, so try to destroy them to
limit the damage Held can do to you. Otherwise he packs some pretty dangerous
moves that continuously damage your party. It may be a wise idea to bring
ranged/mage chrs into battle and let them duke it out with Held while you
destroy Faespheres.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Defeated Held within 2 minutes.] yields a bonus reward of


------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: VERMIFIED HELD
Side Combatant/s: FAESPHEREs
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv039
Kiriya and Savio join the battle as NPCs with infinite HP. Still, if everyone
on your team dies, it's Game Over, as Kiriya and Savio can't revive you.

Great! Not only do you have to bring down the boss, he's invisible. Play
Percipere near it to make him visible, then Aya Connect and start playing
Symphonic Blade on his cymballs.

Faespheres will keep popping up during the battle, so try to destroy them to
limit the damage Held can do to you. Otherwise he packs some pretty dangerous
moves that continuously damage your party. It may be a wise idea to bring
ranged/mage chrs into battle and let them duke it out with Held while you
destroy Faespheres.

Kiriya and Savio will keep Held busy most of the time, giving you ample chances
to stay away from them and heal your wounds. I was able to change skills on the
fly with ease.

Once you reduce Held's HP low enough, he'll keel over and barrier around the
link is gone. Run to it and start smacking. When Held recovers, barrier
reappears and knocks you back. The closer Held is to defeat, the faster the
barrier returns. Eventually Held croaks, and you can smack the link.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Achievement <AMBER ACE> is yours!


Back in Halgita stuff happens. Go down to 1st floor and head for the exit to
Cobasna for a scene with Faina... leave the chapel and head for exit to Cobasna
for a scene with Genma.


Party needs to return to Fayel. Leave Halgita and head to Kolton.


Upon entering there will be a scene. From your position in S junction head N
and enter the palace for more scenes...


New chrs join the party: Kristofer and Seraphina (my, you're pretty)... explore
teh palace afterwards to get the know-around of the area. 1st floor has nothing
of interest, 2nd floor has meeting room to the N, and non-working teleport pad
to E. This is where you'll be able to enter bonus dungeon upon completing the
game. Hold onto your chocobos for a while longer.

Exit the palace and board the ship to return to Zala.


After the scene save your game at the inn, then leave for the dunes (there are
new enemies present in the dunes, and vermiforms as well) and leg it for Fayel.


Achievement is on the line, so save the game at the inn and enter the castle.
Ascend to 3rd floor and enter king's room...


You'll appear in Oradian Dunes. RUN TO SAPRAN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! DO NOT STOP
TO FIGHT ENEMIES! SITUATION BONUS [Reached Sapran within 3 minutes.] will award
you bonus 30000 EXP! Additionally you'll receive achievement <MARATHON MAN>.


Forced party of Capell, Aya and Edward (plus Rucha - ya need a healer) needs to
take down three Vermiforms. Percipere to make them visible, then Aya Connect
and Symphonic Blade their asses back to the moon...


Watch a bunch of scenes and bring a handkerchief.



You're back in Fayel - new weapons and armor are available. Enter the castle,
ascend to 3rd floor and pass Aya's room for more scenes...


Stupid emir... Balbagan returns and joins the party. Your next task is to
return to Zala, board the ship and hoppalongcassidy to Kolton.



Scenes only.


Scenes only.


You start in 2nd floor of the castle. Go N to meeting room for another scene
with Svala, then exit the castle for a scene at the inn. Next chain has been
found at Castle Valette. To get there, take E exit of Kolton to the teleport
pad that usually leads to Cobasna. Well, it still leads there, only this time
you can choose another destination - Castle Valette.

Make your party Capell, Aya, Komachi and Rucha. Then check your items to see if
you're stocked on revival items, and status-curing items (especially charm!).
Head to Valette.



Make three parties - party A Capell, Aya, Komachi and Rucha, party B whoever,
party C whoever, but make sure they're full, okay?

As soon as you arrive, teleporter goes kaputt. Kill all enemies, then walk N,
killing enemies as you go - every level you gain will be worth it, so do kill

Second chamber you'll reach has MCH in NW corner (it's Iron Box Mimic), and
locked SCH in NE corner with MIRACULOUS MEDICINE. Follow the path to third
chamber, where you'll see some undead bozo spawn a bunch of skeletons. You need
to shatter them all to continue forward.

Follow the path further to 1stcross, take E path. There's a blue door with an
orb above it - it flashes red and blue. Aya Connect and Ravaging Raptor the orb
when it's glowing blue. This will unlock the door, otherwise you'll be ambushed
if you strike it when it's red. Inside the niche open three WCH for 1000 FOL,
5000 FOL, 3000 FOL. Read the blue writing on the wall that says "The road lined
in crimson spirals to demise. Feed you desire following the azure way.". We
already figured it out the hard way... Back to 1stcross and take S path to
fourth chamber.

E path from fourth chamber is dead end, so take N path to fifth chamber. In
this chamber you have two further paths - N one leads to a small room with blue
door and an orb above it. Aya Connect and Ravaging Raptor it when it's glowing
blue to open the door. Komachi Connect and open three locked SCH for
E path to 2ndcross.

Continue S to a dead end with BSCH with MEMOIRS OF A MAGE, back to 2ndcross and
fill your HP/MP. Take E path into sixth chamber for a skeleton army massacre. N
path leads to a small room with blue door and an orb above it. Aya Connect and
Ravaging Raptor it when it's glowing blue to open the door. Open two WCH for
and take E path into seventh chamber.

Go downstairs for next skelly massacre, then top your HP/MP. A boss is coming
up as soon as you step out of the underground tunnel located in seventh
chamber. Set your tactics to 'Save MP', and ensure your party can use Maiden's
Scorn to cure charmed chrs.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: ENVY
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv045
Stand your ground for a while, removing skellies as they pop up. Eventually
other two parties will arrive for a huuuge festival fest with fireworks and
more babes you can shake your stick at! Get your mind out of the gutter, you!

Charmed chrs will regain senses soon due to Maiden's Scorn usage. I suggest
setting Reginleif and Cutting Gavotte as Capell's battle skills. Use Gavotte
frequently as it can mow down multiple targets. So can Regin, but it has longer
activation time for the trade-off in thousands of damage.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Exit S into 8th chamber with SPN. Cool! Head S and read the writing on the wall
that says "The crimson flame engulfs the alabaster bird, Which ever-hungry
feeds on azure skies, Clouds that cover amber lands, sealing in, Onyx seas
whose waters quench wild fire. Repeat the cycle to weave the path together."

Confusing, is it not? By looking it up in the dictionary these are the meanings
of colors: crimson is red, azure is blue, alabaster is white, amber is yellow,
and onyx is purple. Once you logically put together the colors and wording of
the puzzle, you get this order - red, white, blue, yellow, purple, red, white,
blue, yellow, purple, red, white, blue, yellow, purple, the end.

So beginning from the spot in front of the blue writing... take the door to S
(note red circle on the ground, denoting cycle has started), white door to E,
blue door to S, yellow door to S, purple door to W, red door to W, white door
to N, blue door to W, yellow door to W, purple door to S, red door to S, white
door to E, blue door to S, yellow door to E, purple door to S. SITUATION BONUS
[Solved Chamber of Elements with no mistakes.] will fully recover your HP and

Enter ninth chamber and smash enemies lurking nearby, then wait for one of
other parties to clear the enemies from catwalk above. Notice a chest up there
as well? That's why we have Komachi - Komachi Connect and Honeysuckle BSCH for
INSTRUMENTAL SWORD. Walk to SW end of ninth chamber for passage leading S to
tenth chamber, W to 11th chamber, N to 12th chamber... hmmm, MCH (turns into
Iron Box Mimic) with plenty of gil, then walk W into 13th chamber.

Just before you step into 14th chamber, read the writing on the wall that says
"The road lined in crimson spirals to demise. Feed you desire following the
azure way. The future is framed in emerald light." - oh noes... Crimson is red,
and that is bad. Azire is blue, and that is good. Emerald is green, and it
opens the path forward.

You have two crystals in 14th chamber - their colors glow in specific order of
blue, green, red, blue, green, red, and so on. Strike either crystal when it's
blue, and then strike the other crystal when it's blue as well. You need to be
somewhat quick, otherwise the colors of striked crystal will begin cycling
again. Smacking two blues will open S door, leading to a room with two WCH with
40000 FOL, 6550 FOL, and BSCH with MEMOIRS OF A HUNTER. Then smack two greens
to open W door into 15th chamber.

Smacking two blues opens N door into a room with three WCH with RACHNUVUS
door into 16th chamber.

Ugh, can it be more obvious? Play Percipere near orb stands (familiar sound
source) to make two crystals appear. Smacking two blues opens S door into a
to open W door into a long corridor, which eventually leads to the boss. I
suggest returning to SPN to save your progress - you can walk through that darn
Chamber of Elements without harm now.

Whether or not you decide to go save, proceed down the corridor until you find
another door. Top your HP/MP and enter...

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: SARANDA
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv046
Run around for a while so that reinforcements arrive in form of one of your
teams. They act as NPCs, have infi-HP and cannot die, but same can't be said
for your team. If everyone is KOed, it's Game Over, so tread with caution. I
found it best to let my other chrs and NPCs smash Saranda around, while tapping
Y for healing requests. Ocassionally I'd run and touch Saranda with Gavotte or

Once you reduce Saranda's HP low enough, she'll keel over and barrier around
the link is gone. Run to it and start smacking. When Saranda recovers, barrier
reappears and knocks you back. The closer Saranda is to defeat, the faster the
barrier returns. Eventually Saranda croaks, and you can smack the link.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Achievement <ASHEN ASSAILANT> is unlocked.


Has 1 Cracked Rock.

Go W, talk to Genma to rest or buy supplies, save at SPN, and follow the path.
Once you walk near some water puddles, Komachi Connect and Honeysuckle BSCH for
MERCURIUS METAL. Further W and a scene occurs, where Capell is cut from others
by a giant centipede.

Try to avoid the centipede, N, open WCH for CRYSTALLITE METAL, then follow the
path until dead end. Aya and others are to your right, out of reach, but
remember that chest you see. Try to avoid the centipede, and it'll destroy the
wall opening your path further.

Follow your nose until you end at a clearing with a chest and a spider
(centipede suddenly busting outta right wall scared me). Michelle will help you
destroy the spider, then open trapped WCH for {what kind of trap is it?}
RED BERRY POWDER. Remember the chest on the ledge where Michelle is.

Walk S into big cavern system. At 1stcross go SW for another two paths, both
leading to dead ends - one has a spider, the other locked chest and familiar
sound... play Percipere to uncover BSCH with MYSTERIOUS MEDICINE. Return to
1stcross and take E path. The rest of this part of cavern doesn't have anything
else interesting, except one more thing - at E end you'll hear that familiar
sound. Play Percipere to dissipate the wall and discover part of cavern with
MCH (Iron Box Mimic) and BSCH with 160000 FOL (wow).

The path that'll take further is found in SE part - it'll take you downward
some into a corridor with some stalactites. Sheathe your sword and stick to S
side of the corridor. Open trapped WCH for WHITE BERRY POTION (paralysis trap)
and continue hugging S side. That stupid centipede will charge from front and
miss you.

Follow the path for a scene of party being reunited. Make sure your party
includes Komachi, save at SPN and retrace your steps to NE of SPN to claim
contents of three chests we left back there.

Locked SCH has RACHNUVUS CLOTH, then Komachi Connect and Honeysuckle those two
BSCH for GENIUS' QUILL, MERCENARY HELMET. Return to SPN, save your game, and
take W exit. I also advise spamming enemies within the caverns until Capell
reaches lv50 at which point he learns Grinn Valesti.

Has 1 Cracked Rock.

Komachi Connect and Honeysuckle BSCH for ATLANTIS METAL, then go E.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: DRAGON
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv050
When battle starts, retreat to SW end of the field. This not only reduces the
amount of reinforcements dragon will be getting, it also avoids chests to be

Kill any enemies that may have followed you, and patiently waits for the boss
to stop flying and to come down to the ground. Be on the move to avoid damage
from Flame Cone. When it's grounded, assault the boss mercilessly, and tap Y
every so often. Also take care to remove sidekicks if any spawn.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Defeated the dragon within 2 minutes.] yields a reward of
DRAGON EYE, DRAGON FANG. After the battle Komachi Connect and open trapped WCH
for GLUTTON HIDE (dwindle trap), trapped WCH for PIUS WOOD (bomb trap) and open
for a scene.


After several scenes Split and Aya make up. *tied Capell and disposed of him*
I'm Aya's Man now.

Ahem... party of Capell and Aya. Familiar sound behind you, eh? Play Percipere
to uncover BSCH with DRAGON HIDE. Before you go downstairs to that SPN, check
to your S - there's a teleport pad back to Kolton, though it's inactive at the
moment. Save at SPN, then walk E for a scene. Make your party of Capell, Aya,
Rucha and Komachi (my favorites) and return to Kolton's warp. There's also
Genma for restocking on provisions or free resting.

Should you need to do anything in Kolton or the rest of the world, now's the
last chance to do so. Once you leave for Underwater Palace, you aren't coming
back until you beat the game. Add Balbagan to party, then leave to Pieria.

Walk towards the entrance to Plodhif, and before you arrive at the place of
battle against the dragon, you'll spot a cracked rock. Balbagan Connect and
Gigatackle the rock, then open BSCH for WHITE BERRY POWDER. Go to Plodhif now.


Race to SPN area, Balbagan Connect and Gigatackle the cracked rock, then open
BSCH for EMPYREAN CLOTH. Go to Pieria now.


Pass the place of dragon battle (or return to Kolton to get rid of Balbagan if
he isn't part of your main team), and continue towards N/NE...


Are you ready? You will have to smash thru four bosses before you get a chance
to save, so doublecheck your inventory. Step into the teleporter for the palace
and let final assault begin!


Walk E for a scene...


------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: ISKAN DU BAL
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv051
Most of Bal's attacks are telegraphed long enough for you to get out of the
way... which you should or face fearsome damage. Getting behind Iskan's back is
often times best medicine to avoid his attacks, except for uppercut slash jump,
and forward slash which ends with a shockwave.

I usually pointed Capell behind Iskan while he was charging one of his moves
and spammed Regin on his ass until he bit the dust. Don't forget tapping Y for
healing requests, as other party members are sure to be taking a beating.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Didn't finish off Iskan via Capell.] yields extra 35000 EXP!

After scenes have ended, make three parties - my party A was Capell, Aya, Rucha
and Komachi. Walk E and sniff behind the warp pad for BSCH with SOLAR NECKLACE,
then hop into the warp.


The rest of the dungeon is extremely straightforward. You basically just follow
your nose, opening doors as you go, and defeating a set of enemies in order to
unlock the way further, then collecting the chest, and hopping into warp to
next floor. Your foes on this floor are several Fountain Beaks and two Garms.
Reward is BSCH with FEEBLE CAPE.


This is a boss floor.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: 2x VELD THE EVIL EYE
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv052
Not very different from Kron way back in Vesplume Tower, except more HP and
there being two of them. They love to warp thus making you waste MP for missed
attacks, but you'll get them in the long run. Healthy supply of status recovery
items will keep you going until both bastids are history.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------



A couple of Order Experts, Order Sorceresses, Order Officers, Order Snipers,
and Frost Gigases are here to meet you. Prize from BSCH is FEEBLE WRISTBAND.


This is a boss floor.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: TARASQUE
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv053
This is not a hard battle, as Orthros has only two moves: Snakesnap for
continuous flame damage around it, and Charge for physical damage. I was having
Capell stand just out of reach of flame spewing and spammed Regin until Tar
went into history.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

No rewards from chests this time.


You'll face some Queen Wasps and two Lava Gluttons. Reward from BSCH is


This is a boss floor.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: GREED
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv054
Greed is a bit different from Envy pal - it'll often summon Ribs to act as a
shield for it, and they can also be used as a very potent and dangerous move
Sword Dance. Hence I recommend spamming Grinn or Regin on Greed, with former
being much more efficient as it's faster and covers wider area. Don't forget Y
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------



Finally SPN, and Genma's usual service of rest or buying provisions. BSCH has


This is a boss floor.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: KRAKEN
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv054
Whee, a new boss foe, not a recycled one! Fairly easy boss, stay behind its
back and use Grinn or Regin until it falls. Be ready to take some damage when
it uses a move which damages everyone around the boss, and heal afterwards.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

BSCH award is SOVEREIGNTY RING. If you want, return to 7th floor to save your
game - there are two more bosses to plow thru before next SPN.


Walk forth and hold onto your closest babes! Fix up some favorite party and off
I go.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: KARATHOS
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv055
Stay behind its back and use Grinn or Regin. Frontal attacks are not
recommended because of very high attack power of Kar's bites. It'll often KO a
chr, so you're likely to burn thru some revival items. When it decides to start
spinning around, seek cover behind pillars or stay close to outer perimeter.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Boss spits out KARATHOS HELMET when smoked.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: DINOEL
Side Combatant/s: CHAINSPIKEs
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv055
Din is surrounded by six Chainspikes, which need to be destroyed. Grinn is a
perfect offensive move for that, and Din can be attacked after all are

He has a couple of dangerous moves in arsenal - shooting out a whip in straight
direction, then slashing with it twice; XIIIth Word which makes several chains
protrude from ground below your chrs; VIIth Violation which makes chains appear
on his back and start swaying back and forth damaging everyone they touch
(parry these to stun him); and finally ZERO Revolution - big energy ball, which
deals extreme damage when it hits the ground.

Rucha and Aya were dealing good amounts of ranged damage with their arrows and
spells, while Komachi and Capell took care of close quarters business. Keep on
Y button as well - don't neglect healing.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SITUATION BONUS [Didn't finish off Dinoel via Capell.] yields extra 40000 EXP!
You also get an achievement <VENGEANCE AT LAST>.



After you defeat the last boss, you'll be able to make Clear Game Save. When
you load this particular save data, you'll be returned just to the point before
entering Underwater Palace.

Save your game at SPN. If you need recovery items, return to 7th floor and
restock at Genma's.

Walk W, open the door and go upstairs for some scenes of getting access to
final... dungeon, so to speak.



Nothing special, keep walking N. Final challengers, here we go!


------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: DINOEL
Side Combatant/s: none
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv056
Din isn't very different from last battle (more HP and higher stats, though),
and has same moves in arsenal - shooting out a whip in straight direction, then
slashing with it twice; XIIIth Word which makes several chains protrude from
ground below your chrs; VIIth Violation which makes chains appear on his back
and start swaying back and forth damaging everyone they touch (parry these to
stun him); and finally ZERO Revolution, which involves powering up a big energy
ball, which deals extreme damage when it hits the ground.

Rucha and Aya were dealing good amounts of ranged damage with their arrows and
spells, while Komachi and Capell took care of close quarters business. Keep on
Y button as well - don't neglect healing.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Bla bla bla... come on down, bastard. I'll teach you some manners.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------
Main Combatant/s: FINAL BOSS
Environmental hazard: none
------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ----------------- Capell lv056
Y button - my best friend, after Aya, of course.

{Write down what different Nethers cast!}

Boss is surrounded by six Nethers. These must fall before boss himself steps
onto the field, trying to level your party. And boy, will he be doing that...
at least 50x Miraculous Medicine is recommended to have, in addition to
Seraphinaload of recovery items, because magic healing will hardly keep up the

You must not strike Nethers that are spinning, but can dish damage to those
that are not spinning. Grinn, sick 'em! His most dangerous moves during this
stage are summoning of your clones (try facing lv255 chrs!), a spinning storm,
and gas-type attack which causes all sorts of status ailments.

Once Nethers are history, couple of Supers become a target. Use Regin or Grinn
to attack from distance, then retreat. Boss will be summoning fire or electric
balls for some continuous damage to nearby targets. Once you also destroy both
Supers, party time.

Veros will now begin moving around and start summoning small meteors on the
battlefield in wide circle around him. Continuous melee damage is very
dangerous to consider right now, cos multiple meteors can toss you around until
you're KOed. Wait for meteors to stop raining, then quickly move in, smack him
twice or thrice, and move back out. Repeat until he's gone.
-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Achievement <DEICIDE> is unlocked.


Sit back, grab some chips and enjoy the scenes.


Sit back, grab some chips and enjoy the scenes.


Sit back, grab some chips and enjoy the scenes.


When ending credits have rolled, SAVE YOUR GAME IN A DIFFERENT SLOT. It'll be
labeled as 'Clear Data' and star will appear to the right of save slot number.
Then return to title screen. More on extra stuff in Epilogue.

08.)                           EPILOGUE - G0800

When you load 'Clear Data' save, you'll appear at SPN in Pieria Marshlands.
Take the warp behind you back to Kolton and enter the palace. Climb to 2nd
floor and check E room.

Warp pad here is now active and will take you to Seraphic Gate.

{Details on SG will be added in later updated.}

09.)                           ACHIEVEMENTS - G0900

Here's a complete list of all achievement and what must be done to obtain them.

01. AERIAL ACROBAT           | 20 GS
    Execute 20+ hit aerial combo.
02. AMBER ACE                | 10 GS
    Destroy the Amber Chain.
03. ARTISTIC                 | 30 GS
    Learn all flute tunes.
04. ASHEN ASSAILANT          | 10 GS
    Destroy the Ashen Chain.
05. ASPIRING CHEMIST         |  5 GS
    Obtain lv4 IC in alchemy skills.
06. AZURE AVENGER            | 10 GS
    Destroy the Azure Chain.
07. BAD INFLUENCE            | 30 GS
    Allowed nine chrs to turn into full vermiforms. These chrs are: Aya, Rico,
    Rucha, Edward, Eugene, Balbagan, Michelle, Vic, and Komachi. You don't have
    to do them all at once, can save inbetween and turn off your game even.
08. BARREL OF LULZ           | 15 GS
    Blow up all explosive barrels during Graad Prison escape.
    Obtain lv4 IC in writing skills.
10. BIG DADDY'S BACK         | 49 GS
    Obtain 18th playable chr from Seraphic Gate.
11. BLITZKRIEG               | 10 GS
    Launch 10 surprise attacks.
    Rescue all four prisoners from Castle Prevant. None must perish.
13. CERULEAN SAVIOR          | 10 GS
    Destroy the Cerulean Chain.
    Defeat Seraphic Queen in Seraphic Gate on Hard difficulty.
15. CLARIDIAN CHEF           | 10 GS
    Obtain lv6 IC in cooking skills.
16. CLARIDIAN HAMMER         | 10 GS
    Obtain lv6 IC in forging skills.
17. CLARIDIAN HAND           | 10 GS
    Obtain lv6 IC in enchanting skills.
18. CLARIDIAN MIND           | 10 GS
    Obtain lv6 IC in alchemy skills.
19. CLARIDIAN SCRIBE         | 10 GS
    Obtain lv6 IC in writing skills.
20. COMPULSIVE               | 50 GS
    Obtain at least one copy of *every item in the game* (this also includes
    weapons, armor, accessories, etc.). It doesn't matter if you sold it,
    crafted it or gave it away later, it matters that you had the item at one
    point or another.
21. CREME DE LA CREME        | 30 GS
    Create Heaven and Earth dish thru IC cooking.
22. CRIMSON CRUSADER         | 10 GS
    Destroy the Crimson Chain.
23. DEICIDE                  | 45 GS
    Defeat final boss in Lunar Sanctuary.
24. DOWN TO EARTH            | 20 GS
    Execute 20+ hit ground combo.
25. FILTHY RICH              | 20 GS
    Amass together 99999999 fol (yeah, that's 8-digit number).
26. FOR THE CHILDREN         | 30 GS
    Rescue Lief before he got injured. This achievement is awarded after you
    shoot the down the Garuda trying to carry him away.
27. GOLDSMITH                |  5 GS
    Obtain lv4 IC in forging skills.
28. GROUNDBREAKING           | 20 GS
    Execute 30+ hit ground combo.
29. GUARDIAN                 | 30 GS
    Escort *all* Sapran refugees to safety. None must perish!
30. HEPHAESTUS' HAMMER       | 30 GS
    Create Azureal Blade thru IC forging.
    Kill 1000 enemies.
32. HIGH ENCHANTER           |  5 GS
    Obtain lv4 IC in enchanting skills.
33. IMPERIAL GUARD           | 20 GS
    Reach Empress Svala within 3 minutes.
    Allow the enemy to surprise you 10 times.
35. MAD SCIENTIST            | 30 GS
    Create Holy Grail thru IC alchemy.
36. MARATHON MAN             | 20 GS
    Reach Sapran within 3 minutes.
37. MISTER CHEF              |  5 GS
    Obtain lv4 IC in cooking skills.
38. ON THE RUN               | 30 GS
    Reach Nolaan while carrying Aya without getting hurt in any way.
39. ORANGE OFFICER           | 10 GS
    Destroy the Orange Chain.
40. RECKLESS DRIVER          | 30 GS
    Defeat 10 foes using a mine cart in Bihar Mines, but you cannot leave the
    mines, otherwise you have to start again.
    During Prevant Castle's gate assault, use the catapult to launch rocks onto
    the walls in order to hit the defenders. Defeat 10 enemies in this way.
42. SAGACIOUS                | 30 GS
    Learn all spells.
    Defeat Seraphic Queen in Seraphic Gate on Infinity difficulty.
44. SOCIAL BUTTERFLY         | 10 GS
    Connect with each of other 17 playable chrs at least once. Secondary chrs
    can be Connected to only in towns, and Gustav only in the field.
45. STALWART                 | 30 GS
    Learn all battle skills.
46. SUMMA CUM LAUDE          | 30 GS
    Create Will of the Universe thru IC writing.
47. SURPRISE!                |  5 GS
    Launch your first surprise attack.
48. THE TIDE OF BATTLE       | 20 GS
    Do not get damaged by tsunami's waves during Cerulean Chain battle. This
    applies both for Capell and all allies he takes along into battle.
49. TIME FOR GLASSES?        | 30 GS
    Let game timer reach 40 gameplay hours.
50. VENGEANCE AT LAST        | 30 GS
    Defeat the last boss of Underwater Palace.

??.)                        LATER ADDITIONS - G??00

Komachi's CS 1 changes to High Trapmaster (Locked treasure chests or traps are
no problem. She can even detect their location!)

??.)                        PAST REVISIONS - G??00

- Version Aya Lv1 (24th September 2008)
# Contains walkthru up until Vesplume Tower.

- Version Michelle (21st September 2008)
# Initial release. Contains walkthru up until to completing Castle Prevant.

??.)                            CREDITS - G??00

1. Companies
   - Tri-Ace: they made this game possible

2. People
   - K. Parker: free equipment tip in Graad Woods

??.)                         CONTACT INFO - G??00

Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of
mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at:

lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com

I need to put down a few guidelines.
- as a subject of e-mail please include Infinite Undiscovery
- please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are
  written badly or in some strange gibberish
- don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't
- *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages;
  I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more
  questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide
- I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language
- I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can
  read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted,
  therefore I will answer such e-mails in English
- when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails
- finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you

2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page

3. Damir Kolar's homepage/s

Yours truly, Damir Kolar

End of Document
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