PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update

PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update: Patch Notes Revealed

The PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update has finally arrived for participants of PUBG PTS. The PTS is a separate server which is free to download for every owner of the popular battle royale game. It’s meant to be a preview of upcoming features for players, as well as a way for PUBG Corporation to root out any issues that need to be solved before officially releasing the new features to the public. Players who wish to join the PUBG PTS can do so simply by searching for “PUBG Test Server” in the Microsoft Store on their Xbox One.

PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update: Gameplay Changes

  • Bullet penetration system is now applied to forearms.
  • When a bullet hits the forearm of the character, it will penetrate following its ballistic trajectory. The result will be different depending on whether the forearm is blocking more vulnerable body parts.
  • When a bullet penetrates a forearm and strikes a more vulnerable body part behind it, the greater damage will be applied. In other words, if a player’s forearm takes a bullet while blocking their head, the full headshot damage will be applied. This penetration system works for the head, torso, and waist only.
  • If a bullet penetrates the forearm, but no vulnerable body part is behind it, only the forearm damage will be applied
  • Forearm penetration is disabled for shotguns
  • When getting on a motorbike, if the driver’s seat is empty, it’s now much easier to enter the driver’s seat (and not accidentally get on the passenger seat).

PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update: Dynamic Weather And Other World Changes

For the first time ever, dynamic weather has been added to the Erangel and Miramar maps. Erangel has received the Overcast setting while Miramar has gotten both Overcast and Sunset. The Overcast setting includes dynamic weather like fog, rain, and more.

Additionally, Erangel has been improved with the addition of a small cluster of houses to some areas and more tactical landscapes near the river. Trees have also been added near the Sosnovka Military Base. The Miramar map has also received improvements, including the addition of more dirt roads and lowering certain high-slope sections of roads for better vehicle effectiveness.

Check out all the changes to the world in the video below.

PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update: Other Changes And Improvements

There are other changes and improvements in the PUBG Test Server Xbox One Update, which you can check out in the full patch notes provided here. These include altering the UI/UX and Spectate Mode, as well as improvements to performance, sound, and other bug fixes.

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