Lost Odyssey Complete Walkthrough / FAQ

-=-=-= Video-guidance: www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=4D5662F701A265ED =-=-=-



1000 Gamerscore points guaranteed: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMWXcwujHSY

www.youtube.com/watch?v=nph95MXCGKU (Treasure Trove)


My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity

Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience!

My personal site : kolardamir.com


Name of game: Lost Odyssey / [PAL]

Type of guide: Complete Walkthrough / FAQ

Platform: XBOX360

Version: Ming, released on 10th March 2008

Author: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) <lifearmor(at)gmail(dot)com>

Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) - All rights reserved

Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79

Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79


If you like this guide, be sure to drop me an e-mail and tell me about it.

The only thing this guide cannot do is play the game for you.






- Version Ming (10th March 2008)

# Few sites added.

# Video guidance links added!






This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE*

use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media

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01.) Latest Updates | G0100 | Read what was added in last update.

02.) Legal Information | G0200 | Copyright protection and legal info.

03.) Table of Contents | G0300 | Sections of this guide.

04.) Introduction | G0400 | A bit about myself and this guide.

05.) Abbreviations | G0500 | What do abbreviated words stand for...?


06.) Video Walkthru | G0600 | When words just aren't enough...

07.) Walkthrough | G0700 | Guide from start to finish.


??.) Past Revisions | G??00 | History of this guide resides here...

??.) Credits | G??00 | All who contributed... Thank you.

??.) Contact Info | G??00 | Find out how to reach me.







Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to my new project. I've had XBOX360

for a while now and have played a fair share of games on it - after trying out

a few of available RPGs console has to offer I've started thinking about making

a guide for this one - Lost Odyssey. This will also be a good debut for XBOX360


Unlike the guides I made before, I'm doing this one as I play thru the game for

the first time. I want to see how the work can be done under circumstances.

Welcome to Split's FAQ for Lost Odyssey!

Now let me to address some things:

- Spoiler issue - I'm the player of the game, just like you (who is reading

this guide) are. First time I've played through the game was completely by

myself - therefore nothing was spoiled for me. All the story elements

that were supposed to surprise me had such effect. Hence why I do not want

include any spoilers (except names of cities, dungeons and NPCs you must

address to continue the storyline).

- Usage of abbreviations. If you've glanced over some of my other guides, you

see that long ago I've grown accustomed to using abbreviations for certain

words. Old habits die hard...

- Achievements - I'm not a player who hungers for getting all achievements, but

I am a player who wants to obtain everything in the game (all items, and that

sort of stuff).

Are you ready? Power up your XBOX360, open the disc tray, pop in first Lost

Odyssey disc, close the disc tray, and then choose "New Game". Select your

desired settings, and press A to continue to intro sequence.






I will be using some abbreviations.


cca --------------- in rough estimates

chr ----------------- single character

chrs ------------- multiple characters

CI -------------- Casting Interference

cross --------------------- crossroads

E ------------------------------- east

esp ----------------------- especially

EXP ---------------- Experience points

GC ------------------- Guard Condition

KI -------------------------- Key Item

N ------------------------------ north

na -------------------- not applicable

NE ------------------------- northeast

NS ------------------- nothing special

NW ------------------------- northwest

rephy -------- regular physical attack

S ------------------------------ south

SE ------------------------- southeast

SSP ---------------------- Save Sphere

SW ------------------------- southwest

VS ---------------------------- versus

W ------------------------------- west







In following days I plan to replay whole Lost Odyssey one more time - but the

difference is that I capturing on video my entire progress. You're able to find

it on Youtube (and eventually my own site, where vids will be of better

quality) at following playlist address:


This is the link to first clip of the playlist, which is my guarantee that you

as a player will be able to collect everything in the game:


See you at "The End"!



07.) WALKTHROUGH - G0700






[Highlands of Wohl / Hypocenter]

[Highlands of Wohl / Edge of Wasteland]

[Highlands of Wohl / Gorge]


The game starts with a ferocious battle raging over the battlefield. Soon

enough you're taken into a role of Kaim, the protagonist of the game.


For the moment you can only choose "Attack", "Item", and "Equip" (for the

latter press left). Equipment can be changed on the fly during battle as often

as you like, so remember that!

Attack Magic Khent Soldiers in any order you like. After some turns pass

another scene plays and it's time for a boss fight.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------




--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Magma Blast

02. Flame Thrower

03. Blade Up

04. Blade Attack

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv10

"Defend" has been added as a selectable command. BTW, if Kaim is KOed, no

worries - you'll get revived. Boss consists of two parts - Heavy Tank Right

Unit, and Heavy Tank Left Unit. What you have to do is to alternate the attacks

between the two targets - strike Left Unit, then Right Unit, then Left Unit,

and so on. Be careful - if you attack say Right Unit two times in a row, your

second attack will do very low damage.

After you strike any of the two units for the fourth time, it'll blow up.

Repeat for other unit and boss is disabled. A new target will appear - Tank's

Magic Engine. Attack it and you win.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

[Highlands of Wohl / Hypocenter]

After more spectacular scenes you're in control of Kaim. There's SSP for you to

use - I advise you to save often and in different slots. After saving advance N

for event battle against few Insane Khent Soldiers - hey, I thought they were

insane to begin with.

After you win, continue N (do not step on lava, or you'll lose HP). Also, make

sure you check debris, trees, pots, posters, and that sort of crap for items.

On E dead end ram the debris for HEALING MEDICINE. Then ram another debris

blocking path N which will cause a pillar to topple and create a path. You'll


Keep going up and ramming stuff for ANGEL'S PLUME, and MANA HERB. Shortly

before passing to next screen notice a faint glow on the ground near the debris

- pick it up for KI NAME PLATE.

[Highlands of Wohl / Edge of Wasteland]

Follow your nose and break boxes for HEALING MEDICINE, and MANA HERB.

[Highlands of Wohl / Gorge]

Another SSP to save, then break the box for HEALING MEDICINE. Scene will play -

before boarding the car, open two CHESTs (NR001, NR002) for 4x WHETSTONE

(you'll also get a RING ASSEMBLY TUTORIAL), and ANGEL'S PLUME, then go back S

and nail two boxes for HEALING MEDICINE, and MANA HERB. Return to the car and

board it. You have to at least open Whetstone chest before the game allows you

to move forward.

"Ring Assembly" is added to main menu - this submenu is used to create various

rings that come in handy during battle confrontations. For now hold off

creating any additional rings.




[Uhra Troops / Armored Vehicle]

Talk to people, then get to other side of the car to move the story along...

hold on! There is a hawt girl inside the vehicle - her name is Seth, and you

better remember it!




[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate of Uhra]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate - Inside the Tower]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Great Gate Station]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Inside the Monorail Car]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Central Station]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Central Station Square]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Virno's Tavern]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Barkus' Arms and Armor Emporium]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Tolsan's Inn]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Residential Area]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Garden]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Hallway]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Courtyard]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Magic Research Lab]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Magic Experimentation Laboratory]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Study]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Amphitheater of the Sky]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - City of Uhra]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - Sewers]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Secret Cave]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - Near Castle]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Castle of Uhra - Station Square]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Outside of the Front Gate]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Castle Station]

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Inside of the Castle]


[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate of Uhra]

Don't go inside just yet - kick the four trash cans for WHETSTONE, 10G,

MAGMA FRAGMENT, MANA HERB, then climb the observation tower in foreground and

kick the trash can for KI SEED (01/99). Climb back down and enter the facility.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate - Inside the Tower]

Board the elevator, then exit N.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Great Gate Station]

Starting here, you'll see a lot of posters. Some of them hide items and you

better nail them all - behind posters you can grab ANTIDOTE, 100G, 10G,

KI SEED (02/99), HEALING MEDICINE. When done, board the W monorail.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Inside the Monorail Car]

Walk N for two scenes.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Central Station]

Near the benches there's a faint glow - pick it up for KI ENGRAVED RING, then

kick a trash can near the elevator for COLD WATER STONE, and get on the

elevator to access lower level of Central Station. You'll find SSP here. Cool.

Check out the info-booth along W edge and talk to Meluz. Assuming you picked up

Engraved Ring on upper level, choose "Yes" when prompted with 'Drop off the

lost item?' to receive CURE-ALL. Check a poster on info-booth for MANA HERB,

and kick nearby trash can for HEALING MEDICINE. Exit E.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Central Station Square]

We'll collect the items by grinding out N side first - kick the small metal

pillars for 2x WHETSTONE, ANGEL'S PLUME, and examine the poster near NE car for

KI SEED (03/99). There's one more metal statue to left of the fountain - it

contains KI SEED (04/99). Go E and examine poster near Lost Nuhk for

WIND SEAL LEAF, then exit E.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

Several scenes unfold, then you're back on Main Street. Go W until screen

shifts, then check poster on your left for WIND SEAL LEAF, kick metal pillar

for MAGMA FRAGMENT, another pillar for 100G, and poster for KI SEED (05/99).

While walking downstairs, check poster on your right for HEALING MEDICINE, then

poster on your left for ANTIDOTE. Enter the SW dead-end alley to check poster

for 10G, then probe the pot for 2x WHETSTONE. Now enter the tavern.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Virno's Tavern]

Go upstairs and probe two pots for AQUA BOMB, KI SEED (06/99), and probe

another pot downstairs in SE corner for 100G.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

Considering your left, kick metal pillar for MANA HERB, another pillar for

KI SEED (07/99) - that's it for items in this area! Enter the shop, which is

the lower of the E entrances.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Barkus' Arms and Armor Emporium]

The owner is nowhere to be found. It looks like he likes to travel hunting for

new warez to offer - come back later. Back outside and hop into the inn.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Tolsan's Inn]

SSP is found inside. Probe the pot near staircase for ANTIDOTE, pot on

staircase for KI SEED (08/99), closet in NW room contains 100G (read the

guestbook as well), closet in NE room contains ANGEL'S PLUME. Raid the CHEST

(NR003) for HOLY KNIGHT CHARM (Crisis Defense Boost) and read Uhra Street Map

book - now return to Main Street and exit N.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Residential Area]

Peel off poster near the stairs for 100G, and there's another poster near the

entrance to playground which has KI SEED (09/99). Kick the can in playground

for 3x WHETSTONE, and metal pillar on SE end for HEALING MEDICINE. Talk to Sad

Martha sitting on a bench - assuming you picked up Name Plate, choose "Yes"

when prompted "Hand her the Uhran soldier's effects?" to receive 2x POISON OIL.

N from playground you'll find a lone poster on the wall - examine it for

MAGMA FRAGMENT. What remains to be looted are three pots, one trash can and one

metal pillar in E side of residential area. You'll nab WIND BOMB,

KI SEED (10/99), KI SEED (11/99), COLD WATER STONE, KI SEED (12/99). Return to

the inn.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Tolsan's Inn]

Talk to innkeeper to move events along. THOUSAND YEARS OF DREAMS TUTORIAL will

show up. "HANNA'S DEPARTURE" DREAM (01/31) obtained! As you try to leave the

inn, innkeeper will inform you to take any items you want. Er, I kinda did that

already... leave to main street and walk S for an event. You're supposed to go

to Gongora's to see what the hell he wants - you can get there by taking N exit

from residential area.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Garden]

Here's another SSP for saving progress. Try to enter the mansion, few scenes

roll, then you're allowed inside.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Hallway]

Go right and enter the nearby door.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Magic Research Lab]

Kick the can in SW corner for 2x QUALITY IRON SAND, kick the can in NE corner

for KI SEED (13/99), then take N door.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Hallway]


(Crisis Attack Boost), HAWK EYE (Factual Analysis). Behind two chests in

background there's a crate you can grab - pull it to foreground, then let go of

it and go behind it to reach another CHEST (NR007) with 3x MAGMA FRAGMENT. Now

go back to the lab and take W elevator to reach Gongora's room. After the convo

leave Gongora's and head for residential area to bump into Seth. Heeey, I'd

like to bump into her assets too. Return to the inn for an update from the

council - looks like I'm finally allowed to do my first mission with Seth.

You need to head to Great Gate (it's where you were dropped off after arriving

from Wohl). Either take the monorail there, or hop on magic taxi (found in

Central Station Square, near the fountain).

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate of Uhra]



SKILL LINK TUTORIAL will roll - make sure you read it thoroughly. After the

scene take the nearby door.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate - Inside the Tower]

In the background have a chat with Veteran Soldier Rakls and hear his woes

about the elevators. Agree to help him - you can move the lifts six times

before their position resets. If that happens, just try again. Here's one

possible solution: A, C, B, A, A. Once you have the lifts operational, take

them to the top and nail the CHEST (NR008) for PLATINUM GAUNTLET (Guard Heal).

Now talk to Colen, who is having troubles locating some soldier's helmet.

According to Colen's clue, do the following - take the elevator up, and then

down *without leaving the screen*. Once Kaim steps off, sniff around to the

left of Colen and you'll be able to ram the elevator. Hey, a helmet! Pick it up

and give it to Colen for ANTIDOTE BROOCH (Anti-Poison).

Make your way to upper level of [The Central Station].

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Central Station]

Approach Bragging Urena (sitting on bench) - "LITTLE LIAR" DREAM (06/31)

obtained! Hike to [Residential Area].

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Residential Area]

Approach the couple sitting on the bench inside the playground to obtain

"WHITE FLOWERS" DREAM (03/31). Go to Virno's.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Virno's Tavern]

Approach the counter where a soldier Moton is enjoying a drink. You'll obtain

"A HERO'S RETURN" DREAM (02/31). Exit the tavern and enter it again - this time

go upstairs and approach Bonno, who is sitting next to one of the tables.

"IN THE MIND OF A CAPTIVE" DREAM (04/31) is gained! Exit Virno's and enter it

yet again - Veran is sitting behind the counter enjoying his drink. Approaching

him unlocks "A MOTHER COMES HOME" DREAM (05/31).

Return to Great Gate.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate of Uhra]

As you try to leave, Barkus will show up from nowhere. What a good timing! You

can buy some stuff from him (THIEF BRACELET (Steal) if you're hunting for one

copy of everything). Leave S for world map.

While world map is displayed, you can save your game as well. Pick Ipsilon

Mountains as your next destination.




[Ipsilon Mountains / Valley Road]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Near Mountain Hut]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Mountain Hut]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Northern Ridge]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Peak]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Southern Slope]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Cart Track]

[Ipsilon Mountains / Mining Site]



Water beats fire!

Earth beats water!

Wind beats earth!

Fire beats wind!

PRO TIP: Whenever you find a save point, save your game and then reload the

save you just made. Your party's HP and MP will be fully restored.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Valley Road]

A few words on your current characters attack-wise and defense-wise:

- Kaim is your physical powerhouse. Use him for pure physical damage, and not

so much for magic offense because his magic-related stats suck. Kaim can take

physical hits well, but magic attacks hurt him a lot.

- Seth is kinda in the middle - less effective than Kaim in physical

department, a bit more efficient than Kaim in magic department. She takes about

average damage from both magic and physical attacks.

- Jansen is the magic user of the party. Very effective in dishing magic

damage, but poor in dealing physical damage. Jansen can take magic hits well,

but physical attacks hurt him a lot.

With my evaluation done, go back S a bit and ram the tree for 100G. There is

SSP if you need to use it - proceed N for event battle. Jansen will teach you

about formations, importance of Guard Condition, and how to delay enemy's turns

with Casting Interference.

After the battle SPELL TUTORIAL is available. There are three types of magic

spells - white, black and spirit. Each class has 32 spells, ranked from lv1 to

lv8. Generally, the higher the level the stronger the spell - it also costs

more MP and time to cast. New spells can be bought, or found in dungeons or

towns in chests, pots and what-have-you.

Currently you have four spells: LV1 WHITE MAGIC HEAL (01/W32),



Worry not, I'll be telling you of all spells and where to get them - let's

continue. Ram the tree further N from SSP for KI SEED (14/99). In next battle

Jansen is sure to reach lv10, at which point you gain two more spells -

LV2 BLACK MAGIC SLEEP (03/B32), LV2 BLACK MAGIC PRISM (04/B32). Jansen will

learn Factual Analysis skill upon reaching lv13.

First Skill I advise to learn is Steal - and start swiping stuff from enemies

so that you can customize elemental rings ASAP. Every bit of extra damage


Continue N until path turns towards W - there's a dead-end to NE, which

contains two pots. Probe them for MANA HERB, LV1 BLACK MAGIC GROUND (05/B32).

It's hard to describe which trees on this screen you can ram, but there are

four more trees which contain goodies - 2x WIND SEAL LEAF, KI SEED (15/99),


FLARE BOMB, 2x ANTIDOTE; and a CHEST (NR009) with KNIGHT'S CODE (Stand Ready).

Exit W to next area.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Near Mountain Hut]

Ram five trees for: 2x MAGMA FRAGMENT, KI SEED (16/99), 2x WIND SEAL LEAF,

2x WHETSTONE, KI SEED (17/99); probe two pots for: FLARE BOMB,

LV1 WHITE MAGIC BARRICADE (03/W32). When done, exit N into the hut.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Mountain Hut]

SSP is here. Probe the pot on E side for KI SEED (18/99), then examine the lamp

to the right of staircase to turn it on, which will make a faint glow appear.

Collecting it yields SEARCH GLASSES (Status Analysis). Two more pots on lower

level can be probed for ANTIDOTE, POWER DRINK. Go upstairs - you can find a

diary on the bookshelf (warns about a dangerous beast), then walk between the

beds to examine another lamp. Turning it on reveals a faint glow below the bed,

which yields another magic! LV1 WHITE MAGIC SHIELD (04/W32) is yours! Now talk

to Jansen and choose to rest. In the morning leave thru N exit. If you look

into Valuables, you'll discover KI BLACK PEARL OF DARKNESS inside.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Northern Ridge]

Break the rock near E side to get MANA HERB, then keep walking for some scenes.

"THE UPSTREAMERS" DREAM (07/31) obtained! Heavy rain will force you to walk

slowly - during your walk break two rocks simply by walking into them to obtain


[Ipsilon Mountains / Peak]

You're about to enter a boss battle, so let's talk some preps.

- Kaim skills: Stand Ready, Guard Heal, Anti-Poison

- Kaim enhancement: Crisis Attack Boost

- Seth skills: Stand Ready, Guard Heal, Anti-Poison

- Seth enhancement: Crisis Defense Boost

- Jansen enhancement: Anti-Poison

Flame Rings recommended!

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

GRILGAN T: none E: wind

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1660 | 10 | 750 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Slot Seed | Slot Seed

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Poison Claw

02. Down Burst

03. Wind

04. Rephy

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv14

Grilgan is an odd cookie. Sometimes it'll start the battle by immediately using

Down Burst inflicting severe damage on your party, therefore I suggest that you

defend during the first turn. Anti-Poison skill will keep Gril's Poison Claw in

check from taking effect on your chrs so you'll avoid wasting turns using


If boss decides to use rephy, it'll usually be thrown at Jansen, which is

another reason you should keep your GC high (help recover it with Stand Ready

skill). Boss carries Slot Seed for stealing, but why bother since you get it as

guaranteed drop after the battle?

It's entirely possible to win the battle by having both Seth and Kaim always

defending, while Jansen is slinging Flares in boss' direction. No sooner than

you say "Seth is hot, and I want her.", you win.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Woot - SLOT SEED (02/48) obtained. Save at SSP, then leave W.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Southern Slope]

Work your way past broken bridge, make two jumps, and then look out for another

way leading to other side of broken bridge - nearby you can ram some rocks and

then open the CHEST (NR010) for NOVICE EARRINGS (Lv1 Black-White Magic). Leave

the screen towards SW.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Cart Track]

Grab the cart and push it as far N as you can, then ram the other cart to

obtain COLD WATER STONE, walk around down the slope, ram another cart for

KI SEED (19/99), leave towards NE.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Mining Site]

Walk as far N as you can and take the ladder down. Upon landing ram the rocks

at nearby entrance and walk thru the tunnel to grab SLOT SEED (03/48) from the

CHEST (NR011), then walk S as far as you can and take the ladder down.

Descend another ladder, hike S a bit (ignore another ladder leading down) and

ascend the ladder to reach a CHEST (NR012) with LV1 BLACK MAGIC AQUA (06/B32).

Take the ladder you just climbed and then take the ladder I told you to ignore

to reach the bottom. Walk N, push the cart into the gap to be able to cross,

and exit N to world map.




[Construction Base / Exterior]

[Construction Base / Temporary Laboratory]

[Construction Base / Engineer's Resting Room]

[Construction Base / Building Material Warehouse]


[Construction Base / Exterior]

Enter the W door to find a resting spot.

[Construction Base / Engineer's Resting Room]

Probe two pots for LV2 BLACK MAGIC POISON (07/B32), 3x HARD SKIN, and rest if

you want. The two blocks on W side cannot be moved just yet, you need to find a

secret entrance. Go back to the exterior.

[Construction Base / Exterior]

In NW corner you can see a ladder leading somewhere inside, but the path is

blocked by two guards. Begin by talking to N guard, and then walk behind a

corner. Guard will leave his spot, then quickly run into the alley, grab the N

crate, pull it N as far as you can. Don't worry if you get spotted, crates

won't go back to their default position. Once you take care of N crate, go talk

to S guard, then walk behind a corner, guard leaves his post, run past him,

grab S crate and push it N as far as you can. Once you have access to the

ladder, climb it down.

[Construction Base / Building Material Warehouse]

Probe two pots for TURN-TAIL SHOES (Turn-Tail), KI SEED (20/99). Tatoms here

has a shop open, so bust out your gold and get shopville! If you missed

Antidote Brooch back in Uhra, you can buy one now, as well as *new weapons*.

OMG, I can buy a new sword for Seth??? Yes! Most important buy you can make

right now is 6x Magma Fragment, 6x Cold Water Stone, 6x Wind Seal Leaf, and

6x Quality Iron Sand. Doing so will allow you to combine two of each elemental

ring, making you prepared for any foe's element. Once you have your gear, exit

S into [Resting Room].

[Construction Base / Engineer's Resting Room]

Push the two crates out of your way and exit E.

[Construction Base / Exterior]

Walk to NE corner, and you'll find a strange creature in the pot. That is a

1sr Pipot - give it Seeds you find on your journey and you may get something

nice in return. Right now you have 20 Seeds, and in exchange you'll obtain

ADAMANTIS and ADAMANTIS RING. If you give it 4x Healing Medicine, HEALING HERB

is yours, and for 2x Mana Herb you get MANA CAPSULE. There's some more items to

find - near the ladder leading into [Warehouse] is a poster with MANA HERB, and

near the location of S guard is another poster with 100G. Before leaving make

use of SSP, then exit SW to world map.




[Sea of Baus / Eastern Shore]

[Sea of Baus / Rocks near Sunken Ship]

[Sea of Baus / Reef Shallows]

[Sea of Baus / Beach of Wastes]

[Sea of Baus / Crater Island]


[Sea of Baus / Eastern Shore]

On W side you'll find SSP and a CHEST (NR013) with TREASURE GLASSES (Treasure

Analysis). Exit N.

When Jansen reaches lv16, he learns Lv2 White Magic skill, which grants you

usage of two more spells: LV2 WHITE MAGIC ZEPHYR (05/W32), and


[Sea of Baus / Rocks near Sunken Ship]

Open the shell along W coast for HEALING MEDICINE, then walk into remains of

the ship and at cross take W exit to reach a dead end with magic generators.

Every so often it emanates sparks - if you get caught in sparkblast, it's bad

news. You'll fall in event battle, where enemies have first strike. Ram it

while sparks aren't flying and reward is yours - 3x INSECT INNARDS. Return to

cross and take E exit, then kick the shell for 4x STICKY TAPE.

Back to cross, N, open CHEST (NR014) for LV2 WHITE MAGIC ALL-SHIELD (07/W32),

ram the planks to open the path forward, exit N.

[Sea of Baus / Reef Shallows]

Follow the path, kick the shell for KI SEED (21/99), further W mow down magic

generator for YELLOW BAND (Anti-Paralysis), kick the shell at NW end for

MANA HERB, mow down magic generator on E side for ANTI-PARALYSIS HERB, then

kick the shell on extreme E for MAGIC-LURING STONE. Finally exit N.

[Sea of Baus / Beach of Wastes]

There's a Sethload of magic generators here - 8 in total. Ramming them awards


KI SEED (23/99), SLOT SEED (04/48), APPRENTICE EARRINGS (Lv2 Black-White

Magic), GROUND BOMB. Exit N.

[Sea of Baus / Crater Island]

Open CHEST (NR015) further up for 4x PUMICE OF DESPAIR, ascend three sets of

stairs, go E, open CHEST (NR016) with LV2 WHITE MAGIC ALL-BARRICADE (08/W32)

and back to stairs to continue going up. There's SSP, but beware! If you're

missing anything, you should go back and get it now, since you won't be coming

back for a while.

You're about to enter a boss battle, so let's talk some preps.

- Kaim skills: Lv2 Black-White Magic, Stand Ready, Guard Heal, Anti-Paralysis

- Kaim enhancement: Crisis Defense Boost

- Seth skills: Lv2 Black-White Magic, Stand Ready, Guard Heal, Anti-Paralysis

- Seth enhancement: Crisis Defense Boost

- Jansen enhancement: Anti-Paralysis

Flame Rings recommended!

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

BOGIMORAY x2 T: Organic E: fire

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1830 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Absorb

02. Para-Flare


MAGIC INSECT x5 T: Organic E: wind

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

240 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy

02. Charge

03. Force

04. Appear

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv17

Bogimoray in the back only attacks with Para-Flare once "Drawn MP" gauge is

full. During battle Magic Insects will frequently perform Charge Magic skill,

which will allow Bogi to Absorb higher amounts of MP. Reducing Insects numbers

to 2~3 is way to go (do note that they will respawn several turns later).

Have Kaim and Seth target same Insect and off it, while Jansen tosses

All-Barricade. In second turn have Kaim and Seth kill another Insect, Jansen

throws Aqua at Bogi. The result is enemies' ranks down, and Bogi losing around

25% HP (Aqua deals large amount of damage). You got Zephyr magic a while back,

which can heal entire team at once, so fall back on that if you're hurting a

lot. Magic Insects rarely attack, but you need to look out for Force, which

deals about 200 damage.

Before killing Bogi make sure you wound remaining Insects, so that you can off

them quickly in second part of battle... what second part? You didn't think it

will end so easily, did you? After you deliver finishing strike to the Bogi,

that turn ends immediately, regardless of the fact that there may have been

combatants who haven't acted.

Another Bogi will appear in battle, with "Drawn MP" gauge fully charged. Defend

on this turn to reduce Para-Flare's damage - should you not have Anti-Paralysis

skill equipped, expect to be paralyzed. This will mess you up royally and can

easily spell game over.

Once Para-Flare is done with, kill off 2~3 previously wounded Magic Insects and

start working on Bogi's HP. The rest of the battle goes pretty much the same as

first half.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

No SP or gold was awarded - stupid penny-pinchers! Seth needs more clothes, and

I can't buy them if I don't have monies. You have around a minute or so to

check around for stuff - near Jansen's is CHEST (NR017) with SAGE'S PROTECTION

(Crisis Concentration), and to Seth's right is a CHEST (NR018) with

HEALING POTION (view obscured by the fence). There are a couple of points of

interest you can examine (like magic leaking outta the pipe), though eventually

Seth pipes up and wants to go in the Grand Staff after you examine all three

points of interest or some time elapses.

Directly S from Seth is a magic energy, which restores your HP and MP when

walked into. Get ready for an event battle, and make sure you have Steal


Face off against 5x Numara Soldier, and Numara White Magician. The latter guy

holds Circlet for stealing, so you want it. After first turn ends, you'll be

shot at by arrows - every two turns Archer Support Fire will be pelting you, so

don't get too carried away in forgetting to restore HP. To end the battle, all

Numara Soldiers must die (killing Magician is optional).




[Crater Island / Numara Troop Camp]

CIRCLET (Relax) obtained from previous battle (only if you stole it, or were

lucky enough that Magician dropped it). You'll wake up trapped - what else is

new? Where's Seth (who cares about Jansen and Kaim anyway...)? As Kaim approach

N end of the cage to obtain "THEY LIVE IN SHELLS" DREAM (08/31). Talk to

Jansen, and when scenes end, check the corners of Jansen's page to find some

rats - kick them, then switch to Seth. Examine her cage for rats too, kick them

and switch to Kaim - examine NW end of the cage for faint glint, which turns

out to be LIGHT LENS (Anti-Blind), then patiently wait for more scenes.

Even if you don't pick them up, no worries - accessory can be bought later.




[The White Boa / Brig]

[The White Boa / Engine Area]

[The White Boa / Guest Area]

[The White Boa / Queen's Room]

[The White Boa / Pilothouse]

[The White Boa / Cabin (SW)]

[The White Boa / Cabin (NW)]

[The White Boa / Cabin (NE)]

[The White Boa / Cabin (SE)]

[The White Boa / Main Deck]


[The White Boa / Brig]

As Jansen approach the guard until "Throw" prompt shows up - press A and you're

free. Save at SSP and take N exit.

[The White Boa / Engine Area]

Keep walking until Jansen warns about a security system. Strange robotic

eyeballs are eyeballing around, and they can see you as well as hear you if you

make a loud noise. Wait until the first eyeball turns around and then make a

run for it. In the event Kaim trips over a pipe, which prompts first eyeball to

come looking. Continue on until you spot second eyeball.

Jansen suggests kicking the can, which is exactly what you should do. While

second eyeball is distracted, walk behind its back. You'll come to a lever,

which opens a door nearby when operated - get LV2 BLACK MAGIC PARALYZE (08/B32)

from the CHEST (NR019).

When third eyeball is spotted, Jansen suggests shutting it behind the door -

the switch you need to operate is directly to the right of you. Once third

eyeball goes into the small tunnel, run for the switch and press it. Operate

another switch further on to open up a door which will lead you into a big


Walk W (according to mini-map), and you'll eventually walk over red-colored

floor. If you're running over such floor, an alarm will sound - walk over it by

holding down B. Pass the door, carry on S and climb a ladder, then operate the

switch to lower another ladder, which takes you down close to the entrance of

the brig (you won't have to go the long way around anymore).

Return to the door you passed earlier, and go thru. There's a soldier sleeping

on duty, go W via sneaking by him quietly (don't run on red floor!), turn N,

operate the lever, get SLOT SEED (05/48) from the CHEST (NR020) in nearby

corridor), go E, climb the ladder to get on catwalk, follow your nose (don't

run...), operate the lever to lower a ladder to your S.

Descend that ladder, walk a bit N and operate the button to power up another

button next to the door to the W of the sleeping soldier. A bit E of the button

you operated you can climb another ladder to another catwalk - operate the

lever up there to create another ladder shortcut.

Operate the button we powered up and hike W to the elevator.

[The White Boa / Guest Area]

Walk N for a scene. Your equipment is back, and you will taste another event

battle against two Numara Soldiers. Afterwards pry open the CHEST (NR021) to

your E for HEALING POTION, another CHEST (NR022) on the bridge in middle of

guest area for ANGEL'S PLUME. Now examine the N-most door - Jansen briefly

leaves the party.

[The White Boa / Queen's Room]

As Jansen, walk N for more scenes, then waltz S.

[The White Boa / Engine Room]

Walk N... that lucky Jansen bastard. Ming is hawt.




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Philosopher's Chamber]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Facade]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Queen's Chamber]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Corridor Garden]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Chamber of Flowers]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Winds Chamber]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Waves Chamber]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Songs Chamber]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Thelran's Inn]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Nalia's Item Shop]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Ninn's Boutique]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Artists' Salon]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Meia Family Art Studio]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Katyla Family House]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Sanuman Family House]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Great Gate Remains]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara - Shipyard]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara - Terminal Building]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - City of Ruins]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Funeral Beach]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Cooke's and Mack's House]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Funeral Beach]


[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Philosopher's Chamber]

Exit S.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Facade]

There's SSP to your left, then probe the pot further W from SPP in corridor for

5x FRONTIER SIDERITE. At the W dead end examine the flowers to obtain

KI SEED (24/99), and do the same at E end for KI SEED (25/99). Finally there's

100G in a pot in one of NE corridors, and 5x SUN CRYSTAL in a pot at SE end.

Talk to Rona, a girl whose dog Moo has gone missing. Lol, hilarious name. Moo

isn't around here (you'll find it in [Main Street]) so exit S.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

Hug the E wall as soon as you enter, and examine the plant for KI SEED (26/99),

probe two pots near NW stand for 10G, AQUA BOMB. Talk to Lonely Chuchu along E

edge of the screen, answer "Not really.", then "Sure" to agree to play with

her. First is the game of Tag - run after her (don't worry, she doesn't go fast

at all), and press A when near to catch her. You'll obtain SLOT SEED (06/48).

Near same spot where Chuchu was standing you can examine a plant for

KI SEED (27/99). Now enter the inn.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Thelran's Inn]

You can rest here, though why pay 150G for it? Probe the pot in the lobby for

ANGEL'S PLUME, then examine the glowing plants (I think it's a plant) to left

and right of the counter for KI SEED (28/99), KI SEED (29/99), and another

plant in SE corner for ANTI-PARALYSIS HERB.

Go upstairs, probe four pots for HEALING HERB, 6x WHETSTONE, 100G,

5x WATERFALL CLUSTER, enter SW room, check the plant for KI SEED (30/99), and

the closet for GROUND BOMB. NW room yields MINT POWDER from probed pot, and 10G

from the closet; NE room gives you 6x GUARDIAN ORE from the closet, and

checking the plant spits out 5x STICKY TAPE; finally, SE room gives you

MINT POWDER in the closet, and MANA CAPSULE from probed pot. Return outside.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

Exit E.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

Keep going W past the cross and you'll bump into Chuchu again. Examine the

plant nearby for KI SEED (31/99) - then talk to Chuchu and answer "Sure." to

play hide-and-seek. Also make sure you talk to the girl standing on the

gondola, while the door near where Chuchu was leads into [Artists' Salon].

Return to cross, go N, examine the plant for KI SEED (32/33), then Kaim runs

into Ignas on the bridge to trigger "THE TALKATIVE MERCENARY" DREAM (09/31).

Straight ahead is [Ninn's Boutique], with an alley on its left. In the alley

examine two plants for KI ITEM (33/99), KI ITEM (34/99), and then talk to the

dog Moo - it'll go back to Rona on its own (we'll check for reward later).

Climb the ladder, walk the catwalk, and descend another ladder to find a CHEST

(NR023) with SLOT SEED (07/48).

Return to the previous alley, then go W to find another alley (in it you'll see

two blue carpets). Examine the plant for KI SEED (35/99), then enter nearby

door (note that you can only enter this door if you've agreed to play with

Chuchu in hide-and-seek!).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Nalia's Item Shop]

Take N exit.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

Talk to Cocktis on the gondola twice and he'll get the CHEST (NR024) for you.

Open it for LV3 WHITE MAGIC SHINE (09/W32).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Nalia's Item Shop]

Open the E drawers for 5x GALE WING, 100G, KI SEED (36/99), and open the closet

for WIND BOMB. There's Chuchu to be found in NW corner - your reward is

MANA EARRINGS (MP Max Up 1). Exit outside.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

At one of the docks here you'll see three people - Linace, Namidi, Salm.

Approaching them triggers "LETTERS FROM A WEAKLING" DREAM (11/31). Go check out

Ninn's now.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Ninn's Boutique]

Examine two plants for 10G, KI SEED (37/99)... nothing else left to do here.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

Go see the gondola girl who's been reunited with her boyfriend Cocktis. He'll

bring over another CHEST (NR025) which contains MIMINT EAR

(Lucky 0 Magic Damage).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Artists' Salon]

Probe the pot for HEALING HERB, and talk to Hocke. He works at Ninn's, and when

he finds out you couldn't get into showroom, you'll receive the password. Now

hurry to Ninn's.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Ninn's Boutique]

Again try entering the showroom on the E, and when prompted for password,

choose "Yes.". First shop at Ninn's and buy some new accessories - ALARM CLOCK

(Anti-Sleep), and you can snatch new weapons as well.

You'll also meet ringmaker Trace - unlike Ring Assembly, ringmaker takes your

existing rings and molds them together into another ring, free of charge! Go

back to [Main Street] and exit W.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

Take N path, probe the pot for MANA CAPSULE, and enter nearby door.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Meia Family Art Studio]

Probe the pot for 5x STICKY TAPE, and glowing plant for MINT POWDER, then talk

to Maia. She's lacking inspiration and would like to have some crystal

fragments from Crimson Forest to boost her inspiration. 19 is some? Whaaaat?

Enter SE rom and check the drawers for 4x SEED OF TERROR, 10G, probe the pot

for HEALING HERB, and finally examine glowing plant in NE room for


[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

There's SSP if you need to use it, cross the bridge to the W. Immediately after

crossing you can check the plant along N side for KI SEED (38/99). There's a

bunch of kids found on the street as it turns towards N, and they want to put

you on a trial - agree to it. You have to find their treasures - red balloon

(hidden near sth of the same color), gondola model (next to sth that looks just

like it), and doll (loves to go shopping down the road you're on).

Take few steps E and notice a faint glow on the ground - examine it to receive

KI LARGE BALLOON. Take few steps S and take the stairs which lead you below the

bridge - near tent you'll see a faint glow which yields KI MODEL OF GONDOLA.

Return to those kids and examine the stand NE from them for

"DON'T FORGET ME NOW, YOU HEAR?" DREAM (10/31). Keep walking NW and be on the

lookout for faint glow on the ground - pick it up for KI DOLL IN A DRESS. Give

the items back to the children to obtain KELOLON EARRING (Anti-Kelolon). Return

NW and enter the door near where you picked up the doll.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Katyla Family House]


from the table, then check out NW room's drawer for 10G, and closet for 100G.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

Go NW, probe the pot for 10G, cross a bridge, examine the plant along W side

for KI SEED (39/99), probe another pot for 5x POISONOUS BONES, and enter one

final door.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Sanuman Family House]

Probe a pot for MANA HERB, and check out N room for these items: 10G from

drawer, 4x MIGHTY CARAPACE from probed pot, FLARE BOMB from closet. Return

outside and go all the way back to [Facade].

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Facade]

Talk to Rona and your reward is 3x KELO-OIL. Return to [Canal Street].

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

Hike all the way N.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara]

Exit W to [Ghost Town].

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - City of Ruins]

Explore around, loot the CHEST (NR026) inside ruined building for

5x SANDMAN'S SEAL, then approach the two kids near some flowers. Event battle

against 3x Numara Soldier and 2x Numara Cavalry echoes... after battle go E to

arrive on 'main road', and take next path branching SW to reach a well with pot

nearby. Probe it for KELO-VITAMIN. Back on 'main road', walk NW, take path

branching N. You'll see another pot near ruins of some house. Get near and

probe the pot for 4x HARD SKIN, then back on main road and exit W.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Funeral Beach]

Take W path to reach Cooke's house (with blue door). Near the well is a pot

with 2nd Pipot - hold on a little longer to gain 40th Seed. Walk right past

Cooke's and probe two pots for KI SEED (40/99), MANA HERB. At the very end

you'll find a CHEST (NR027) with SLOT SEED (08/48). Now return to pot with

Pipot and hand over those Seeds - for 40 of them you obtain EARTH CHARM (Earth

Resistance Up).

This Pipot offers a bit more exchange than its buddy in [Construction Base] -

for giving it Antidote you'll get ANTI-PARALYSIS HERB, for Eye Drops it hands

over SMELLING SALTS, and for Smelling Salts you get ANTIDOTE.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Cooke's and Mack's House]

Probe the pot behind table for 3x EASTERN RED ORE, and approach the two kids in

back of the room for some scenes...




[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Amphitheater of the Sky]

As a surprise chr, walk N for a scene, then approach the visitor to be bumped

into event battle against 4x Mud Puppet, and another event battle against

someone you already met. Choose Inquire three times, then you can act more

freely - use Power Hit twice and you win. Bye bye fatso!




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - City of Ruins]

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Funeral Beach]

Meet Melvi - in order to arrange for a proper send-off, you need to gather 10

flowers, and 10 branches. In [Funeral Beach] you can find 4 flowers and 5

branches, and in [City of Ruins you can find 6 flowers and 5 branches.

As Cooke, run around and gather all 10 flowers - look for white flowers that

stand out and pluck 'em (since Cooke's is a small kid, she can get to parts of

areas you couldn't reach as Kaim - for now the only such part is a section of

[City of Ruins]). When you catch them all, return to Melvi and it's Kaim's turn

to gather the branches. With 10 branches in pocket return to Melvi to start the


Mack will be playing a role in light-the-torch minigame. Use left stick to

adjust the torch, press Y to raise the torch up, B to move it right, A to lower

it, and X to move it left. Don't worry, it's not complicated and you can retry

as many times as you want.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Cooke's and Mack's House]


Cooke starts off as lv15 chr, with following skills: Casting Support,

Concentrate, Angel Heart, Lv1 White Magic, Lv2 White Magic; and she's equipped

with Ranunculus.

Mack has run off to Crimson Forest and we've gotta save him. Kewl - as Kaim, go

upstairs to find SSP, loot CHEST (NR028) for LV3 WHITE MAGIC KELOLON (10/W32),

and open the closet for 1G. You can rest for free - when ready, save your game

and let's initiate the rescue operation.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - City of Ruins]

As you walk towards S exit, "EVENING BELL" DREAM (12/31) is obtained. Go thru

[Port of Numara], take S exit to [Canal Street], and head for the bridge. Walk

along N edge to obtain "PORTRAITIST OF THE DEAD" DREAM (13/31).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / White Square]

There's an old geezer Lato with floating cube to be found here. Talk to him to

obtain KI CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 1. Agree to play the first music piece, promptly

named "FIRST STEPS".

The order is CEGC.

Arrange your formation with all four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: C, E, G, and C again.

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is LV3 BLACK MAGIC FORCE (09/B32).




[Crimson Forest / Maze of Gloom]

[Crimson Forest / Near Swamp]

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Chamber of Stone Tablets]

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Dungeon Shrine]

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Altar of the Abyss]


Jansen learn Lv3 Black Magic skill at lv19, which grants you two more spells:


Cooke learns Prayer skill at lv16.

[Crimson Forest / Maze of Gloom]

I'm gonna go specific with directions as pertaining to mini-map.

N, 1stcross, SSP, E, ram stone pillar for ANGEL'S PLUME, E, kick some weird

purple shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (01/19), N, kick purple shrooms for

KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (02/19), N, 2ndcross, N, examine the weird device. Since

you don't know any spirit magic yet, it won't respond.

S, 2ndcross, W, 3rdcross, SW, ram stone pillar for ANTI-PARALYSIS HERB,

4thcross, SE, kick purple shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (03/19), turn around,

NW, 4thcross, NW, ram stone pillar for event battle, kick purple shrooms for

KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (04/19), 5thcross, SW, ram stone pillar for

KI SEED (41/99), kick purple shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (05/19), kick

purple shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (06/19), and you've circled around to


Leg it for 5thcross, N, you'll find Mack's shoe, ram the tree to open path


[Crimson Forest / Near Swamp]

N, 1stcross, NE, 2ndcross, NW, kick shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (07/19),

back to 2ndcross, E, kick shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (08/19), 3rdcross,

SW, kick shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (09/19), back to 3rdcross, W, ram

stone pillar for ANTI-PARALYSIS HERB, back to 1stcross, NW, kick shrooms for

KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (10/19), 4thcross, N, ram stone pillar for MANA CAPSULE,

kick shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (11/19), back to 4thcross, E, ram stone

pillar for event battle, 5thcross, S, ram stone pillar for KI SEED (42/99), N,

5thcross, E, kick purple shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (12/19), 6thcross, N,

exit N to next screen.

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Chamber of Stone Tablets]

Kick shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (13/19), save at SSP, then step on red

glowing elevator to descend to lower level. Walk E to spot a large rock on an

elevation - grab it and roll it onto the elevator you arrived with. Once rock

in on the elevator, step away from it - elevator and the rock will ascend,

which makes another elevator descend. Notice the piece of stone plate on the

elevator? Pick it up for KI TABLET FRAGMENT. Walk W and kick shrooms for

KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (14/19), then exit W.

Cooke learns Lv3 White Magic skill at lv19, which grants you access to


[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Dungeon Shrine]

Walk forward to see a scene of the door closing, then take nearby stairs and be

ready for some Indiana Jones magic. You'll need to dodge the boulders as you

navigate the stairs - if you're hit, you'll be knocked down into the abyss.

Retry by trekking it to the elevator which brings you to the base of S stairs.

Start climbing, and screen begins shaking indicating the a boulder is coming in

your direction. Hold X and step out of boulder's way by darting at the small

elevation on side of the stairs. Once boulder is gone, carry on, kick shrooms

for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (15/19), then carefully step on pressure plate to

trigger the boulder coming down central stairs. Dart down and get outta the way

by stepping on side elevations. Further down grab onto the pillar and push it N

as far as you can, then step on pressure plate from before to have the boulder

smash thru the door you saw close before.

Walk down N stairs to reach a CHEST (NR029) with LUCKY CLOVER (Critical Heal),

exit W.

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Chamber of Stone Tablets]

Two shroom piles give KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (16/19), KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (17/19)

when kicked. Exit W.

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Dungeon Shrine]

Walk down central stairs to bump into SSP and HP/MP recovery point. Nail the

nearby CHEST (NR030) for LV3 BLACK MAGIC CURSE (12/B32). To the W of this chest

kick some shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (18/19). Check further N... hmm, a

couple of colossi are onscreen. Fight them for event battles (remember, you

have a free healing nearby), kick shrooms for KI CRYSTAL FRAGMENT (19/19), and

open the CHEST (NR031) for CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 2. Now bash up two colossi on S

side to reach a CHEST (NR032) with SLOT SEED (09/48). Use the Slot Seeds you've

been collection on Kaim and Seth to increase amount of skills they can equip.

Save your game, then exit E.

[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Altar of the Abyss]

You're about to enter a boss battle, so let's talk some preps.

- Kaim skills: Relax, Lucky 0 Magic Defense, Stand Ready, Guard Heal

- Seth skills: Relax, Lucky 0 Magic Defense, Stand Ready, Guard Heal

- Jansen enhancement: Lucky 0 Magic Defense

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

OBSIDIAN MIASMA T: Spirit Magic E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

930 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Obsidian Sigh

02. Shadow



--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

300 (520)| 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Black Whip

02. Powera

03. Soul Drain

04. Rephy

05. Slower

06. Energy Drain

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv20

Warning - if that specific chr's HP is drained to zero (0), you'll get Game

Over, so be on the lookout. You need to attack Tentacle C in order to free that

chr, which is your main priority right now.

Assault Tentacle C mercilessly - 520 HP is not too much to remove (with Kaim

and Seth I advise to toss Bomb items, since physicals aren't as effective).

Once Tentacle C is destroyed, specific chr is freed.

Now have Kaim and Seth continuously defend, while Jansen and Cooke sling black

magic at remaining Tentacles - keep doing so until they're all defeated.

It appears you have a problem again - attacking that specific chr yields

another Game Over if chr croaks. Try chucking some Sleep magic at the chr...

looksie who came out of the woodworks to play. That specific chr will be asleep

for one turn, so quickly damage Miasma like this: Kaim and Seth use Bomb items

or magic spells, Jansen and Cooke use magic spells. When chr wakes up, use

Sleep magic again and bash Miasma down.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

You'll obtain KI PRECIOUS PETAL.




[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Altar of the Abyss]


Mack starts off as lv15 chr, with following skills: Power Hit, Combo, Wall, Lv1

Spirit Magic, Lv2 Spirit Magic; and he's equipped with Old Battle Discus.

Couple of new magic spells have entered your inventors:



Walk around for a scene in which Seth explains that Mack gained Eastern Tribe

powers - those will allow you to power up certain platforms back in Crimson

Forest. Go downstairs and hop on the elevator to be taken to [Maze of Gloom].

[Crimson Forest / Maze of Gloom]

Mack learns Counter skill at lv16.

When you get off the elevator, examine the weird pedestal nearby to absorb its

power. Now you can use two elevator platforms [Maze of Gloom], and another two

elevator platforms in [Near Swamp].

Platform close to the pedestal whose energy you absorbed leads to two stone

pillars - ram them for KI SEED (43/99), and for event battle.

The other is on W side of this area, and it takes you to stone pillar. Ram it


[Crimson Forest / Near Swamp]

One platform is on NW side of this area. It leads to stone pillar, which awards

you with LV1 SPIRIT MAGIC REFRESH (05/S32) when rammed.

The other platform is on dead end path leading W just before N exit from this

area. One stone pillar gives up HEALING POTION, the other invites event battle.

That's everything you can pick up here for now, we'll return later.

Now try to leave the forest - "ELEGY ISLAND" DREAM (14/31) obtained. You can

leave for world map afterwards. Make sure you save at this point!




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

DO NOT APPROACH THE FOUNTAIN YET! Otherwise events unfold which make you unable

to complete certain events we still have left to. Well, you can do them later,

but why leave for later what you can obtain now?

Go see Lato in White Square and play second music piece - "FOUR BEATS".

The order is DAAD.

Arrange your formation with four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: D, A, A, and D again.

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is LV1 SPIRIT MAGIC DODGER (06/S32).

Now go see Maia in [Canal Street] and fork over all 19 Crystal Fragments to

obtain LIFE BROOCH (HP Max Up 1).

That's about it for mopping up current quests - go to [White Square] and get

near the fountain to get an update on the situation. Afterwards try to leave


[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Corridor Garden]

Mack learns Lv3 Spirit Magic skill at lv19. This grants you use of


Time to escape from the guards - this is one of rare times when you'll see

enemies onscreen. There are two floors to this area, and you begin on lower

one. N, 1stcross, E, probe the pot for 3x JUNK PARTS, E, probe another pot for

KI SEED (44/99), 2ndcross, S, raid CHEST (NR033) for KI CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 3, N,

2ndcross, N, 3rdcross, probe the pot for 100G, hop on the elevator to reach

upper floor.

Probe the pot for 100G, 1stcross, S, probe the pot for 3x MYSTERIOUS PERFUME,

2ndcross, S, open the CHEST (NR034) for POWER DRINK, 2ndcross, N, 1stcross, N,

probe three pots for SLOT SEED (10/48), MANA CAPSULE, KI SEED (45/99), take the

elevator to lower floor.

S, 4thcross, E, probe the pot for 6x GENERATOR, W, 4thcross, W, probe two pots

for KI SEED (46/99), 6x BLACK PEARL POWDER, 5thcross, S, probe the pot for

2x WHETSTONE, 6thcross, S, nail ADEPT EARRINGS (Lv3 Black-White Magic) from the

CHEST (NR035), 6thcross, N, 5thcross, W, probe the pot for 100G, take the

elevator to upper floor.

Jansen learns Absorb Transfer skill at lv22.

Cooke learns Mental Stability 1 skill at lv22.

Mack learns Taunt skill at lv22.

E, probe the pot for HEALING POTION, 3rdcross, S, probe the pot for

KI SEED (47/99), S, 4thcross, E, probe the pot for ANGEL'S PLUME, 5thcross,

probe the pot for 3x MAGIC-SEALING FEATHER, S.

You'll find SSP and healing point, making this a good area to fight battles to

level up and gather SP for learning skills.

You're about to enter a boss battle, so let's talk some preps.

- Kaim skills: Crisis Attack Boost, Crisis Defense Boost, Lucky 0 Magic Defense

- Seth skills: Crisis Attack Boost, Crisis Defense Boost, Lucky 0 Magic Defense

- Jansen enhancement: Lucky 0 Magic Defense

- Cooke enhancement: Lv2 White-Black Magic

- Mack enhancement: Lv3 White-Black Magic

Jamming Ring recommended! Or Demon Warrior Ring.

Once you're prepared, exit S.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Facade]

Exit S.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

Keep going S.

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

MAGIC HEAVY TANK T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1580 | 6 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Mysterious Perfume | Mysterious Perfume

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Tank Hit

02. Full Tank Hit


CANNON T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1490 | 5 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Mysterious Perfume | Mysterious Perfume

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Volcannon

02. Full Charge Cannon


TANK UNIT T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

740 | 1 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Mysterious Perfume | Mysterious Perfume

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Securing Energy

02. Tank Charge


CANNON UNIT T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

740 | 1 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Mysterious Perfume | Mysterious Perfume

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Securing Energy

02. Cannon Charge

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv23

Another multi-target boss to take care of. Notice the "Cannon Power" and "Tank

Power" gauges - "Cannon Power" gauge increases when Cannon unit uses Securing

Energy or Cannon Charge moves, while "Tank Power" gauge increases when Tank

unit uses Securing Energy or Tank Charge moves. Either gauge also rises when

hit with magic attacks. If you allow either to charge fully, you're hit with a

rather strong attack so take care not to let it happen too often.

Go after Tank Unit first - Kaim and Seth attack it with rephys, while Jansen

casts All-Barricade, Mack All-Shield, and Cooke Zephyr (to heal the damage at

end of turn). On next turns still have Kaim and Seth attack with rephys, while

Jansen switched to offensive magic, and Mack tosses Powera on Kaim, then Seth

(alternately, consider using Power Drink); optionally add Minda on Jansen and


Next onto stupid Cannon Unit, which you'll get rid of pretty much the same way

as Tank Unit - now that both are scrap metal, Full Tank Hit and Full Charge

Cannon are things of the past. Finish the fight by using Power Hit with Kaim

and Seth and blasting the tank with magic spells.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Great Gate Remains]

SIXTH CHARACTER OBTAINED - SUPER SEXY MING! Check her out, man! She's even

hotter than Seth. That calls for guide's name change. Yup.

She is another "special" chr (like Kaim and Seth), meaning she can learn new

skills by equipping accessories or skill-linking with other "non-special" chrs.

She comes equipped with Princess Cane and MAGIC RESEARCH REPORT (Lv1 Composite

Magic), and has learned following skills: Lv1 Composite Magic, Lv3 Black-White

Magic, Anti-Seal; she joins as lv20 hawtness-bombshell.

COMPOSITE MAGIC TUTORIAL will spin - in total there are 50 different composite

magics to learn once you acquire appropriate base magic spells.

Now for some bad news - you can only have maximum of five chrs in battle party

at any time. Now that you have six chrs, that means one will always have to

warm the bench, and thus miss out on EXP and SP. Not good, but there are

efficient ways to level-grind later in the game. All in due time, though.

Exit E to world map, and head for Numara's port.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara]

The gate leading to the port is now open, so grab the chance to sneak inside.

Go N, and then towards SE to find an opening in the fence...

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara - Shipyard]

Look, a boat of general Craptastic... let's steal it! You'll be taken to world





Slantnose is yours to command! SLANTNOSE CONTROL TUTORIAL will spin, then press

RB to be taken to ship's pilothouse for an update on situation.




[The Slantnose / Pilothouse]

[The Slantnose / Deck]


When you're done exploring what little space you have available, check out the

controls to leave for world map.




Approach Numara for a scene involving Ming, then steer Slantnose towards NW to

land on [Numara Atoll].




This is the place where you go to level-grind, though at this moment you may

get to chew more than you can handle. Equip Turn-Tail skill and start sniffing

around for items, and stuff. CHEST (NR036) on NW part has BRONZE SPIRIT BAND

(Lv2 Spirit Magic), and E CHEST (NR037) contains LV2 SPIRIT MAGIC REGENERATE

(09/S32). With both items collected return to world map, and cruise E toward

another landing point at Gohtza. Upon landing you gain "SETH'S DREAM PART 1"

DREAM (15/31), then select [Tosca Village] as next destination.




[Mountain Village Tosca / Exterior]

[Mountain Village Tosca / Old Man Bosso's House]

[Mountain Village Tosca / Deeno Family House]

[Mountain Village Tosca / Tolty's Inn]


[Mountain Village Tosca / Exterior]

TIP: There are sixteen Kelolon statues in the village. They are involved in a

small quest, so memorize their locations or write them down.

Use SSP, probe the pot near waterfall for KI SEED (48/99). As you try to cross

the bridge, Telt stops you and forks over MAGIC-POWERED LOCATOR LV1,


1ST TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A treasure lies in the 'highest place'

in Tosca."

1ST TREASURE HUNT (01/24) - The hint suggests the lookout tower on SW end -

climb it and then examine the ground in front of Kelolon statue for

DARK CRYSTAL STAFF, and DARK CRYSTAL RING. Cross the bridge, probe the pot for

500G, and get close to Tibero to obtain "THE HERO" DREAM (16/31), which also

gives you treasure hunt info.

21ST TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Hidden somewhere in Tosca Village, a

present for Kaim from the children."

21ST TREASURE HUNT (02/24) - The hint suggests heading for the waterfall. Jump

over to wooden planks using the stepping stone. Search the ground in front of

Kelolon statue for MEDUSA'S HEAD (Anti-Petrify). Return to Tibero and continue

exploring - further N probe a pot for HEALING TANK, then climb the ladder near

N exit to reach a CHEST (NR038) with 500G. Enter NE house.

[Mountain Village Tosca / Old Man Bosso's House]

Probe the pot for 4x SEED OF TERROR, and if you climb to upper floor, you'll

find a 3rd Pipot in the pot. You can give it the Seeds you collected so far,

though we still have ways to go for next reward. Back outside, then enter N


[Mountain Village Tosca / Deeno Family House]

Climb to upper floor, open the drawer for FLARA BOMB, probe the pot for

KI SEED (49/99). Now leg it for the inn, and agree to rest on Jansen's plea.

[Mountain Village Tosca / Tolty's Inn]

Another SSP, check behind the picture for 2x MAGIC-SEALING FEATHER, open two

closets for AQUARA BOMB, KI SEED (50/99), waltz into NW room, open two closets

for KI SEED (51/99), CURE-ALL, open the CHEST (NR039) for SLOT SEED (11/48),

then before you go downstairs, check picture near Timio for

2x MYSTERIOUS PERFUME. Approach the innkeeper for a scene and plans for getting

to Gohtza.

The next morning exit your room to find ringmaker Trace, and in W room you'll

find a shop. Update your equips by buying new weapons and new accessories:


Spirit Magic).

Leave the inn and head E to talk to Tenio and Chelm in order to unlock

"THE BREAD OF GRANDMA COTO" DREAM (17/31). Now return to the inn and talk to

Tenka (standing near Kelolon statue) to trigger the subquest of paying respects

to Kelolons. In under five minutes you have to hunt down all 16 statues and pay

respects to them. Sometimes you'll need to wait for person to move outta the

way before you can reach the statue.

For paying respects to all 16 statues you get: 3x KELOLON HEART, SLOT SEED

(12/48), SEAL BLOCKER (Anti-Seal), LV2 SPIRIT MAGIC GAMBLE (10/S32). Now leave

the place thru N exit to world map.




Choose [Northern Cape].




At 1stcross go N, keep an eye out for a CHEST (NR040) with LION HEART

(Anti-Terror), go to end of the cape for a scene, back to 1stcross, E, look out

for faint glint and pick it up for CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 4, go to end of path for a

scene, exit to world map, and choose [Numara Atoll].




We're gonna do some level-grinding, as you now have all the stuff you need, and

that was Gamble magic. On [Numara Atoll] you'll find two enemies, Hell Shaker

and Silvel Kelolon. Former has 9120 HP and isn't worth trouble fighting, so

just use Turn-Tail skill and flee (if you opt to defeat it, you'll get 2 SP and

100G for your troubles).

Silver Kelolon, on the other hand, has 980 HP, but is incredibly hard to hit

and is very resistant to magic attacks. Gamble magic will take care of that

resistance. Note that Silver Kelolon likes to flee - when defeated, you'll get

8 SP per foe, and 600G. Also, have Kaim and Seth use Casting Support on your

Gamble casters to speed up their turn in shooting Gamble.

For starters I suggest including Jansen in your party so that he reaches lv31

as soon as possible. On that level he learns a skill 2 Accessories, which

allows your "special" characters to equip 2 accessories at once, thus doubling

the speed at which they learn new skills.

Mack learns Lv4 Spirit Magic skill at lv25, giving access to two more spells:


Cooke learns Lv4 White Magic skill at lv25, giving access to two more spells:


Jansen learns Lv4 Black Magic skill at lv25, giving access to two more spells:


Mack learns Lv5 Spirit Magic skill at lv28, giving access to two more spells:


Cooke learns Lv5 White Magic skill at lv28, giving access to two more spells:


Jansen learns Lv5 Black Magic skill at lv28, giving access to two more spells:


Mack learns Spell Counter skill at lv31.

Cooke learns Reduce Casting Time 1 skill at lv31.

Jansen learns 2 Accessories skill at lv31.

Mack learns Lv6 Spirit Magic skill at lv34, giving access to two more spells:


Cooke learns Lv6 White Magic skill at lv34, giving access to two more spells:


Jansen learns Lv6 Black Magic skill at lv34, giving access to two more spells:


Mack learns Walla skill at lv37.

Cooke learns White Staff skill at lv37.

Jansen learns Black Staff skill at lv37.

Mack learns Stand Firm skill at lv40.

Cooke learns MP Convert skill at lv40.

Jansen learns Drain Shower skill at lv40.

Mack learns Lv7 Spirit Magic skill at lv43, giving access to two more spells:


Cooke learns Lv7 White Magic skill at lv43, giving access to two more spells:


Jansen learns Lv6 Black Magic skill at lv43, giving access to two more spells:


Mack learns 3 Combo skill at lv46.

Cooke learns Reduce Casting Time 2 skill at lv46.

Mack learns Lv8 Spirit Magic skill at lv49 (unlike previous skills, no new

spells are awarded - you have to find all four of them).

Cooke learns Lv8 White Magic skill at lv49 (unlike previous skills, no new

spells are awarded - you have to find all four of them).

Jansen learns Lv8 Black Magic skill at lv49 (unlike previous skills, no new

spells are awarded - you have to find all four of them).

Mack learns Wallus skill at lv52.

Cooke learns Mental Stability 2 at lv52.

Jansen learns Double-Cast skill at lv52.

I used around 4 gameplay hours to reach lv50 with all six chrs. When you're

donw, go to world map and choose [Old Sorceress' Mansion]




[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Exterior]

Nail W CHEST (NR041) for SOUL MEDICINE, then enter the mansion.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Entrance Hall]

A ghost will go thru W door, but before following consider saving your game.

Pick up faint glint along E side for KI POEM FRAGMENT A (the clue says: "Thus

all that lives does flow, thus do they fade away.", and continue by opening the

CHEST (NR042) on NW stairs for CURE-ALL. There's SSP for using, exit N.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Courtyard]

Jansen notices an odd circular pattern on the floor. You'll need to find few

items before we can tinker with this puzzle. Circle around the room and walk to

both dead ends inside the bush formation to nab two CHESTs (NR043, NR044) with


[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Entrance Hall]

Exit W.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Hallway (left side)]

The ghost will go thru the mirror - if you try to go thru, you won't succeed...

need to find the missing part first. Pick up faint glint on the desk for

KI POEM FRAGMENT B (the clue says: "Warmth brings no solace."). Walk into the

hall and open three W doors for event battles - when you bust up monster party

which comes from middle of the three W doors, pick up KI LARGE MIRROR JEWEL

(appears as faint glint on ground). Return to the large mirror and it's time

travel for you.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / The Past within the Mirror - Hallway (left side)]

Grab the status and push it E as far as it goes, then walk N thru hallway and

step into the mirror.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / The Past within the Mirror - Hallway (right side)]

Walk S, probe two pots for MANA CAPSULE, WINDA BOMB, then unlock W door to gain

another entrance to [Past within the Mirror - Entrance]. Take the mirror to be

taken back to present.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Hallway (right side)]

Open CHEST (NR045) for 4x BLACK PEARL POWDER, then walk to the end of the

corridor to pick up faint glint for KI POEM FRAGMENT C (the clue says: "Nestled

within the sadness.". Walk back S (notice the screaming person in the mirror),

exit W into [Entrance Hall] and again take W exit.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Hallway (left side)]

Because we moved the statue in the past, you can now collect the CHEST (NR046)

and rob it for KI CELESTIAL PLATE. Take the mirror back to the past.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / The Past within the Mirror - Hallway (left side)]

Exit E.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / The Past within the Mirror - Entrance]

Go upstairs, then take a good look at wall clock. It contains four circles (N

has a picture of a bow, E has a picture of a vase, S has a picture of a wheat,

and W has a picture of a celestial sphere). CHEST (NR047) behind you has

GROUNDA BOMB, then examine the clock and make the hand point to the pot. You'll

obtain RED-COPPER BAND (Lv3 Spirit Magic) and both side doors now become

unlocked. Enter left door.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / The Past within the Mirror - Upstairs (left room)]

Approach the bed for a scene, then collect KI WHEAT PLATE from the CHEST

(NR048). Go the the right room now.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / The Past within the Mirror - Upstairs (right room)]

Approach the table for a scene, then collect SOUL MEDICINE from the CHEST

(NR049). Use the mirror in [The Past within the Mirror - Hallway (right side)]

to return to the present and leg it for [Courtyard].

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Courtyard]

OK, let's tinker with the ground pattern. The plate that is already here is the

one depicting a pot. Now, in conclusion with the clock's arrangement - put

Wheat Plate in E depression, Celestial Plate in S depression, and Bow Plate in

W depression. Path deeper opens thru the well - before you descend, pick up the

faint glow to left of the well for KI POEM FRAGMENT D (the clue says: "I will

be back.").

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Old Sorceress' Hermitage]

Examine stone tablet for these clues: "I am one in search of solitude. Why have

you invaded my hermitage? If you have nothing to ask, then you should leave

immediately. Though you may see my door with your eyes, my quest for solitude

ensures it will remain untouched. However, if you still insist on meeting me,

you will find the key at your feet. Follow the symbols of light and proceed

with order."

On the ground behind you is a ground pattern, similar to the one in

[Courtyard]. Celestial sign will light up - counting from left to right, there

are four mirrors along N side of this room. Begin by taking second one to

access NW room - here step on celestial sign to complete step 1 (out of four).

Return thru same mirror and check the ground pattern near stone tablet - wheat

sign is now glowing.

Take the fourth mirror to SE room and step on wheat sign to complete step 2

(out of four). Return thru same mirror and check the ground pattern near stone

tablet - bow sign is now glowing.

Take the third mirror to NE room, then sniff along W wall to find a lever. Pull

it to have a stone pillar rise and cover the gap in another part of the room

(we'll make use of it later). Step on bow plate to complete step 3 (out of

four). Return thru same mirror and check the ground pattern near stone tablet -

pot sign is now glowing.

Take the first mirror to SW room and step on pot sign to complete step 4 (final

one!). Doing this shatters the stone tablet in central room. Return thru the

same mirror... there's some goodies left to collect.

Take second mirror to NW room, take the other mirror to warp to NE room, keep

going S and open CHEST (NR050) for GODDESS MEDICINE, take the other mirror to

SW room, open CHEST (NR051) for LV3 SPIRIT MAGIC LOST (19/S32). Return to the

central room - I advise you backtrack to [Entrance Hall] and save your game,

cos you have a boss coming up.

You're about to enter non-difficult boss battle, so let's talk some preps. The

stuff you need is Gamble magic, and Magic Ring.

Return to [Hermitage] and advance N for a scene, then a boss battle ensues.

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

BODY OF THOUGHT A T: Magic E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1550 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Envy


BODY OF THOUGHT B T: Magic E: fire

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1550 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Enrage


BODY OF THOUGHT C T: Magic E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1550 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Lament


BODY OF THOUGHT D T: Magic E: wind

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1550 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grudge


OLD SORCERESS T: none E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1100 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Scream

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv27

Would you stop with fights where somebody needs to be protected? I want to have

fun with my girls, and don't want to be bothered by some old geezers. Bodies of

Thought will not attack you - instead they use their attacks against the target

you need to protect before her 1100 HP is down for the count.

Reducing Body's HP lessens the amount of damage it inflicts to Sorceress,

therefore I suggest that you begin by magically attacking each Body once in the

first turn. Note that Bodies have elemental counters enabled, so sticking to

rephys isn't recommended.

Sorceress will use Scream every so often - all it does is change element

property of all Bodies... nothing serious, just chuck corresponding spell at it

(remember fire-water-earth-wind-fire connection?), or use Gamble.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------


She is final "special" chr (like Kaim, Seth, and Ming), meaning she can learn

new skills by equipping accessories or skill-linking with other "non-special"

chrs. Skills she already knows are Lv4 Black-White Magic, Relax and

Anti-Petrify. She comes equipped with Crescent Rod and joins as lv25

hawtness-material. Hm, if I were in Kaim's shoes, I'd go with Ming.

Return to world map and leave for Tosca.




Enter [Deeno Family House] and talk to Deeno for a treasure hint.

3RD TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "An object charged with magic energy

lies in the great monster meeting hall in the Black Cave."

Enter [Tolty's Inn], go upstairs and approach Tureo and Hodgeo in order to

obtain "SO LONG, FRIEND" DREAM (18/31) (you'll also get treasure hint), then

talk to Tolty for another tresure hint.

22ND TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A treasure that Lirum held dear is

hidden somewhere in the cliff of the North Cape."

2ND TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A bird hid something near the front

door of the old sorceress' mansion."

We're done here, leave for [Northern Cape].




22ND TREASURE HUNT (03/24) - The hint suggests some spot somewhere on the cape.

Go N, and N again at first cross. Advance to the end of the cape for a scene,

then when you go back S, slowly sniff along W edge until a prompt for

"Examine" pipes up. Collecting it gives you LV3 SPIRIT MAGIC AILMENT VOID

(20/S32). Leave for world map and go to [Old Sorceress' Mansion].




2ND TREASURE HUNT (04/24) - The hint suggests that treasure is hidden somewhere

in [Exterior]. Walk N, then turn W to the dead end with a chest we already

looted. Search the greenery behind it for LV4 SPIRIT MAGIC VIRUS (21/S32).

Leave for world map and select [Black Cave].




[The Black Cave / Maze of Darkness]

[The Black Cave / Foul Swamp]

[The Black Cave / The Great Hall of Foul Creatures]

[The Black Cave / Helltrap]


[The Black Cave / Maze of Darkness]

Save at SSP, have Sarah open the door, N, 1stcross, N, win the event battle,

2ndcross, N, 3rdcross, NE, 4thcross, NE, open CHEST (NR052) for

STONE BEAST'S THORN, back to 3rdcross, W, 5thcross, S, force your way past

strong wind current, pick up faint glint for GODDESS MEDICINE, back to

5thcross, N, obtain "THE TRAGEDY OF THE BUTCHER GENERAL" DREAM (19/31), carry

on, jump over the gap, 6thcross, S, open CHEST (NR053) for 3x GIANT FEELER,

back to 6thcross, E, 7thcross, S, jump the gap, open CHEST (NR054) for

KI SEED (52/99), back to 7thcross, N, exit to next area.

[The Black Cave / Foul Swamp]

Go N and Kaim will pick up a firefly - this creature briefly illuminates the

surrounding area, but there are things that cause a firefly to leave you. Don't

loiter in gree goo for too long, or you'll take damage. Check out one of W-most

dead ends of the area to collect faint glint for 500G, then nail CHEST (NR055)

on E side for POWER DRINK. You can see another chest in these parts, but you

can't collect its contents from where you are. You need to make a parachute

drop to it. Exit N.

[The Black Cave / The Great Hall of Foul Creatures]

Follow your nose, at cross take S path, and nail SCROLL OF DISSECTION (Cut

Down) from CHEST (NR056), return to cross, exit E.

[The Black Cave / Helltrap]

Watch your step! If you don't, you'll fall thru holes in the ground back to

[Foul Swamp] and will need to retrace your steps. Firefly is welcome to have

around, because if you get close to a hole in the ground, it'll be revealed. I

don't recommend running in this area - take it slow and you'll get to the other


Follow the path, 1stcross, E, nab LV4 SPIRIT MAGIC REFRESHA (22/S32) from CHEST

(NR057). May want to get another firefly, since you were forced to lose

previous one as we crossed wind current. Anyway... 1stcross, S, you'll enter a

wide-open area. Make sure you have a firefly on your shoulder and carefully

tread the floor until you find three holes close together. Before we deal with

them, carry on SW from your position and exit to [Foul Swamp].

[The Black Cave / Foul Swamp]

Keep going until you hit a pile of rocks - ram them to create a shortcut

between [Foul Swamp] and [Helltrap]. Back to [Helltrap].

[The Black Cave / Helltrap]

Find those three holes again - from your point of view (as a player viewing the

screen), jump into the upper left hole.

[The Black Cave / Foul Swamp]

You'll land near CHEST (NR058) with SOUL MEDICINE inside. Get down and use the

shortcut to return to [Helltrap].

[The Black Cave / Helltrap]

Back to three holes, S, 2ndcross, E, collect faint glint at dead end for

BLINDING POWDER, back to 2ndcross, S, nail CHEST (NR059) for KI SEED (53/99),

save at SSP, exit to next area.

[The Black Cave / The Great Hall of Foul Creatures]

1stcross, nail faint glint for CURE-ALL, S...

3RD TREASURE HUNT (05/24) - The hint suggests that treasure is hidden somewhere

in the lair of the beasts, and this is it. Walk S, until "Examine" prompt pipes

up. Check it out to collect CURSE BLOCKER (Anti-Curse) - make sure all "special

chrs" learn it ASAP.

Back to 1stcross, NE, keep walking and then ram the cylinder to have lights go

out. Equip Wind Rings, and begin hunting for Rough Eaters. Kill off three

groups before commencing another boss battle.

A new enemy will enter the dudes rampaging around - you can easily distinguish

it by its red eyes. Engaging a victorious battle with it means getting out of

[Black Cave].

Bio Ring / Wind Ring accessories are recommended.

For skills you *need* Anti-Petrify (trust me on this), and Anti-Curse.

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

ROUGH SERVANT x4 T: Organic E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1360 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | Sharp Beak

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy

02. Jealousy

03. Rush


ROUGH QUEEN T: Organic E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1560 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Slot Seed | Slot Seed

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Pheromone

02. Rephy

03. Cry

04. Flee

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv30

This is a fun battle against five enemies. Take note of Queen and its abilities

- when it uses Pheromone on one of Servants, that dude's abilities increase and

it gains access to powerful attack Rush. When that happens, it's in your best

interest to take out powered-up bastid. As a trade-off, other Servants won't

attack you, but their ally instead. Don't count on too much damage from those

attacks - around 10 dmg or so. So yeah, it sucks.

Queen's rephy has a chance to petrify you, while Servant's rephy carries curse

ailment. Both can wreck you up majorly, so you better be protected and / or

heal appropriately. All enemies are weak to wind, so Wind and company will go a

long way in dealing damage; use Mack and his Wall skill to rebuff your GC.

When there's 1~2 Servant/s remaining, Queen uses Cry to call reinforcements. To

remove enemies' GC, you need to slay original four Servants that entered the

battle - fortunately new ones don't recover GC as they enter battle. If you'd

like to quickly eliminate Queen, use Gamble against it - its damage isn't

affected by GC.

Here's your chance to obtain an extra Slot Seed (unfortunately you can't gather

a Mingload of them) - make sure to steal Slot Seed from the Queen and then

reduce its HP to critical levels so it runs away on next turn. Track it down

again for a rematch.

Fight starts again with Queen and four Servants at its side, however Queen's HP

isn't recovered, which is a good thing. Battle ends once all foes are


-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Goodies! SLOT SEED (13/48), SLOT SEED (1st EXTRA) obtained. Exit N to world

map, and depart for City of Saman.




[Saman / Main Street]

[Saman / Erlio Family House]

[Saman / Kersen's Inn]

[Saman / Emelo's Tavern]

[Saman / House of Riordan the Merchant]

[Saman / Audun's Item Shop]

[Saman / Port of Saman]

[Saman / Oreego's Emporium]


[Saman / Main Street]

Save at SSP, then enter first W door.

[Saman / Erlio Family House]

Probe two pots for KI SEED (54/99), ANTIDOTE, open closet for 500G. And there's

4th Pipot in the pot - give it all Seeds you have so far, which is 54. Next

reward coming soon! ...hmm, Pipot bastard doesn't have any new trades. Back to

[Main Street] and enter first E door.

[Saman / Kersen's Inn]

On lower floor enter the E room, probe pot for KI SEED (55/99), then go

upstairs. Open closet for 6x GENERATOR, enter W room, probe pot for

5x STICKY TAPE, enter E room, probe pot for KI SEED (56/99). Back to [Main

Street] and enter first W door.

[Saman / Emelo's Tavern]

Probe the pot in back for KI SEED (57/99). Back to [Main Street].

[Saman / Main Street]

Check out Dandy the Crow's stand near the huge tree. After paying 50G, you may

obtain one of the following: Mana Herb, Soul Medicine, Healing Medicine,

Cure-All, or the best thing of them all - AWAKENING BRACELET (Slot +3). Probe

the pot next to stand for PIXIE FLOWER (Magic Defense Boost 1). Continue W and

probe the pot near next stand for KI SEED (58/99), probe the pot between two N

doors for KI SEED (59/99), then enter the right of two N doors.

[Saman / House of Riordan the Merchant]

Riordan appears to be under a spell. Probe pots for SLOT SEED (14/48),

3x WHETSTONE, then examine the small compartment behind Riordan (it's giving

off faint glow) to obtain KI SECRET LODGER. Check out the closet for 1000G.

Back to [Main Street] and enter the other N door.

[Saman / Audun's Item Shop]

Probe pot for KI SEED (60/99), and talk to Zavlo nearby in order to obtain

"THE STORY OF OLD MAN GREO" DREAM (20/31). Talk to Oreego and buy new weapons

and accessories: SWORD TEACHINGS (Weapon Guard), SORCERER EARRINGS (Lv4

Black-White Magic), MAGIC TRIAL RECORD (Lv2 Composite Magic), GOLD SPIRIT BAND

(Lv4 Spirit Magic). Audun offers an upgrade in healing items - you can now buy

Healing Tanks. Go see that pot Pipot.

[Saman / Erlio Family House]

Hand over remaining Seeds you found to score POWER BANGLE (Attack Boost). Now

try to enter the port by taking W exit in town - Davle will stop you and

request that you help him look for the captain Dozel. Apparently the captain

has stomach problems and as such he had to go somewhere to do that stuff...

there's a loo in Kersen's.

[Saman / Kersen's Inn]

Talk to Shivie in SE corner to trigger a scene. Dozel shows up and leaves for

the port, which is where you're going as well.

[Saman / Port of Saman]

Probe three pots for 3x BEAST HIDE RASP, 4x PENDULUM, 500G. Approach the group

of people, then choose to board the ship.

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

MANTA x3 T: Organic E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

620 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | Beast Hide Rasp

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy


MANTALAS T: Organic E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

3050 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | Bug's Stomach

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy

02. Bizarre Howl

03. Appear

04. "Mantalas fled to the distant ocean."

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv32

Equip Anti-Paralysis skill for easier survival against these foes. All of them

are of organic type and weak to earth attacks, so equip Bio Ring and Earth Ring

to increase your damage output. In order to win the battle, Mantalas must be

killed. That or endure the battle until Mantalas decides to flee from battle.

This is a pretty straightforward fight with enemies that don't use too much of

magic attacks, not counting paralysis annoyance from their rephys. It's

advisable to cripple Mantas to very low GC, or use Gamble against Mantalas;

remember, Gamble's damage isn't reduced by GC. Whenever you deal any type of

damage to Mantalas, it uses Bizarre Howl to call in Manta reinforcements (in

case you killed any), and then disappears from battle until you kill fresh


Once Mantalas returns, ready your strongest earth-based move (be it magical or

physical) and continue the exercise until Mantalas is KOed or flees.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

"SETH'S DREAM PART 2" DREAM (21/31) is unlocked. You'll arrive at your

destination once Seth wakes up.




[Experimental Staff / Samanese Merchant Ship]

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Marine Division]

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Power Division]

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Operation Division]

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Upper Division]

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Outer Division]

[Experimental Staff / Glass Chamber]


[Experimental Staff / E. S. Marine Division]

You'll gain control at the ship docked near Experimental Staff, so head back

inside the ship.

[Experimental Staff / Samanese Merchant Ship]

There's SSP, then check the closet for KI SEED (61/99), Damiroh (hey, that's

me!) offers shopping opportunities, and there's Ringmaker Trace as well. Trace

offers new levels of ring-crafting, and boy do those rings look tasty. Too bad

we hardly have anything from that list. You can buy magic spells from Damiroh:


you're souped up, head outside.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Marine Division]

Start walking towards E. S., at 1stcross take SE path to reach CHEST (NR060)

with SLOT SEED (15/48), back to 1stcross, NW, 2ndcross, SE, open CHEST (NR061)

for 6x GENERATOR, back to 2ndcross, NW, enter the structure.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Power Division]

Equip Steal skill, and when you're fighting an Uhran Guardsman, make sure to

steal his Gate Pass to amass few KI GATE PASS (yes, you need quite a few).

N, 1stcross, E, see a scene with your mortal enemy, 2ndcross, N, open CHEST

(NR062) for CURE-ALL, exit W.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Operation Division]

Go forward for a scene, ascend the stairs and approach the green button for

another scene. Pressing this button does nothing significant, so carry on W.

You'll soon get to a sliding platform, which is operated by a button on it.

Press it to be taken to middle of the area - immediately E operate the green

button to reach CHEST (NR063) with LV5 BLACK MAGIC AQUA MINE (23/B32). Use the

same platform to return to across, then walk all the way NW. Descend the ladder

to short catwalk with CHEST (NR064) that has 4x PENDULUM. Climb back up,

operate nearby green button, walk over raised crate, try to operate the


For these terminals you'll be needing Gate Passes, which I advised you to steal

from Uhran Guardsmans. You need single Gate Pass to unlock this terminal

granting you access to an elevator - don't use it just yet. Walk around to SW

end of this area to find another terminal - using single Gate Pass gives you a

chance at CHEST (NR065) witH KNIGHT EARRINGS (Defense Boost 1). Close to your

position are some stairs leading down to a lowered platform with something on

it - operate the nearby green button to raise the platform, then raid CHEST

(NR066) for 3x BUG'S STOMACH. Take the elevator on W side of the area (the one

you needed to use Gate Pass for).

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Upper Division]

Go N from elevator, take the ladder down for CHEST (NR067) with 5x GUTSY CLOTH,

S, press green button to raise a crate, use single Gate Pass on the terminal to

access CHEST (NR068) with WHITE LOTUS, LOTUS RING inside.

Go E for a scene, cross, E... now it's playing the crate-platform-crate

minigame. Operate the green button to raise the crate, then hop on sliding

platform and ride it right. Press green button to lower same crate down, then

hop on sliding platform to ride it left - but since crate is in the way, it'll

stop next to catwalk on the right you can't reach otherwise.

Waltz along catwalk, ride another sliding platform, then descend the ladder to

reach CHEST (NR069) with 4x BEAST HIDE RASP. Return to the crate&platform stuff

we were messing before and repeat the game - ride sliding platform to the

right, raise the crate, ride sliding platform to the left, lower the crate,

ride sliding platform to the right, but now it bumps into the crate.

Platform'll stop next to catwalk on the right you can't reach otherwise.

Waltz over catwalks and sliding platforms until you get to green button which

will lower a crate - again return to the crate&platform stuff we were messing

before and repeat the game one final time. Ride sliding platform to the left,

raise the crate, ride sliding platform to the right, lower the crate, ride

sliding platform to the left, but now it bumps into the crate. Platform'll stop

next to catwalk on the left you can't reach otherwise.

Take the path you already took, but the exception will be - when you ride the

sliding platform, it'll bump into the crate you lowered, thus letting you

access SE portion of the area. Here you can ride the elevator back down.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Operation Division]

Walk W and use single Gate Pass on the terminal to create a shortcut. That's it

for the area, return to [Upper Division].

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Upper Division]

Walk W, operate green button to raise a crate (shortcut created), then use

single Gate Pass on the terminal, and exit to [Outer Division].

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Outer Division]

Take the gate to the W.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Upper Division]

Go downstairs to CHEST (NR070) with FIRE CHARM (Fire Resistance Up). Return


[Experimental Staff / E. S. Outer Division]

Take the winding stairs up until you run into SSP and CHEST (NR071) with

4x PARAWEED NEEDLE. There's a small quest with technicians involved, and you

need to do some backtracking. Return downstairs and take the door back into

[Upper Division].

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Upper Division]

Take the elevator down to [Operation Division].

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Operation Division]

Take SE exit.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Outer Division]

Descend a ladder, cross the bridge to the left, ascend a ladder, talk to

Yarlon, descend a ladder, cross the bridge to the right, descend a ladder, grab

the crate and push it off so it falls down, operate the green switch to lower

the bridge, step on bridge and grab the crate across. Now pull it to the right

as far as you can, let go of it, operate the switch to raise the bridge, grab

the crate and push it off, operate the switch to lower the bridge. You can now

talk to Morenis, who wants to see you deliver same message to another guy.

Return to the top of E. S. by retracing your steps until you reach SSP. Take

the final stairs up, and notice the ladder in the floor - take it down. Press

the glowing button to raise a bridge, then cross it to find Yask. Your reward

is 11x BEAT STONE.

You ready for the showdown? Enter the big door on the top.

[Experimental Staff / Glass Chamber]

And here's one thing I dislike in RPGs - unwinnable battle.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

MORTAL ENEMY T: none E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

infinite |none | none |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Forceus

02. Prisma

03. Pain Surge

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv33

Bust out all the healing and protective spells you have - you have to ensure

that you survive for five turns. Mortal Enemy will switch between Forceus and

Prisma spells on first four turns, and finish you off with Pain Surge on fifth.

Don't worry - this is not game over, it's supposed to happen.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

You have 12 minutes time limit to perform a certain task - exit S.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Outer Division]

Walk down the winding stairs and take first N door.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Upper Division]

At cross go W, then S.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Outer Division]

Take the winding stairs down.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Operation Division]

At cross go W, N, N, E, exit E.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Power Division]

At cross go E, jump the gap, descend the ladder, cross the crates, open CHEST

(NR072) for POWER DRINK, descend the ladder, open CHEST (NR073) for RED SNAKE,

SNAKE RINK combo, descend the ladder, exit E.

[Experimental Staff / E. S. Marine Division]

Almost there - walk N for few scenes.







[Saman / Port of Saman]

Now you can enter the final building we couldn't get into before.

[Saman / Oreego's Emporium]

Inside you'll find Oreego's shop, Ringmaker Trace, and an auction house. Probe



If you talk to Zole the auctioneer and get the message "Sorry, but could you

come back later? We're kinda out of stuff to sell right now." - that means you

have collect every single chest you could access so far. Go outside and enter

[Main Street].

[Saman / Main Street]

Talk to Zeckte in front of Riordan's, then give him Secret Ledger and enter


[Saman / House of Riordan the Merchant]

Inside talk to Zeckte to receive SOLID SPARTAN and SPARTAN RING. Go back

outside and try to leave Saman via S exit. It's time to take the rest of the

day off.

[Saman / Kersen's Inn]

After the scene leave thru the door and choose "Yes." to move the story along,

then exit to [Main Street] the next day.

[Saman / Main Street]

Run to the candy shop vendor near the giant tree to talk to Shukte and you'll

obtain "BRIGHT RAIN" DREAM (22/31). Walk W to run into group of people in front

of Riordan's - two people are accusing Talio of stealing some money. Talk to

Talio and at prompt choose "Not at all." to see a scene where he asks you to

help him prove his innocence. Talio saw a crow fly out of the store with a bag

and land in some tree. *Without leaving* the area walk back to candy store and

look for faint glint - pick it up to find the stolen money. You'll get

GENERAL'S PEN (Freeform). Leave the area and come back to talk to Talio again

for treasure hunt info.

4TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A smuggling-ship crewman hid something

in front of the water banks at Saman Port."

4TH TREASURE HUNT (06/24) - The hint suggests that treasure is hidden somewhere

in Saman's port. Walk to the end of the pier and examine the ground to collect


Visit Audun's and talk to Valle inside for treasure hunt info.

13TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Ancient Eastern Tribe jewelry is

buriedin the Great Ancient Ruins."

Finaly check out Emelo's and talk to for treasure hunt info.

5TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "The monster king of the Ice Canyon hid

something within the ice."

Leave for world map and select [Ice Canyon].




TIP: In this place you'll fight Elmons. They can steal items, weapons and

accessories from you, and then run away with it if you don't manage to kill

them. You can get the items back in a specific way, so don't worry if something

important gets stolen - but you don't want to let too many items get stolen,

otherwise it'll be bad news for you.

[Ice Canyon / Glacier Fang]

Exit NW.

[Ice Canyon / Ice Gorge]

Go N, at 1stcross take W path and walk across two bridges to reach CHEST

(NR074) with KI SEED (62/99). Now careful - cross the bridge W of the chest you

just opened, at other side go N and slide down to the ledge below. You'll see a

path leading N to three Elmons - one of them is Elmon King, who accuses you of

stealing Elmon Crown. Drop back down onto the central path.

5TH TREASURE HUNT (07/24) - The hint suggests that treasure is hidden somewhere

in Ice Valley. Walk to the N end and observe the shape trapped in ice - it

resembles a monster. Search near its feet to obtain WATER CHARM (Water

Resistance Up).

Exit N.

[Ice Canyon / Blizzard Peak]

N, open CHEST (NR075) for BLAZING RUBY, 1stcross, NW path, 2ndcross, E path -

carefull time your passage by three wind currents, then after passing third

current drop off down the slope to reach a ledge with CHEST (NR076) with

KI SEED (63/99). Exit SE.

[Ice Canyon / Ice Gorge]


[Ice Canyon / Blizzard Peak]

Drop off ledge, 1stcross, NW path, 2ndcross, E path, walk past three wind

currents, carry on past the slope and walk to next down-slidable slope. Now,

much like not long before, slide down the right side of the slope to reach


Slide down, walk past three wind currents, follow the path... what the Sarah is

a penguin doing up there? Reach 3rdcross, NW path, walk behind the cave's wall

to reach that penguin who'll jump off the ledge. Raid CHEST (NR079) for

WARM VEST (Anti-Freeze). Now hurry back towards 1stcross and catch up to the

penguin - examine it to obtain AMULET (Absorb Attack).

If Elmons have managed to steal at least one item from you, you can now enter

event battle against Elmon Leader back in [Ice Gorge].

[Ice Canyon / Ice Gorge]

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

ELMON x4 T: None E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

440 | 1 | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Bent Needle | Wind Seal Leaf

Jet Black Cloth | Tornado Leaf

none | Bent Needle

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy


ELMON LEADER T: None E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

4000 | 1 | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Item Blast

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv34

This event battle goes smoothly, but it also depends on how many items Elmons

managed to swipe before you decided to did it. Item Blast deals 50 dmg for each

item stolen from you, so if they stole 10 items, you'll take 500 dmg.

All targets are weak against wind, so Winda, Wind-Powered Ring and All-Winda

are the ways to go.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

After the victory you'll retrieve stolen items. Exit N.

[Ice Canyon / Blizzard Peak]

Walk to 3rdcross, W path, 4thcross, W path, time your jumps past wind currents,

follow the path until you find a snow pile. Ram it to close up the opening

below you, back to 4thcross, S path, 5thcross, E path, jump two gaps (but you

need to time it carefully, else wind currents will blow you off and cause HP

loss), open CHEST (NR080) for EARRINGS OF WISDOM (Lv5 Black-White Magic), back

to 5thcross, SE path, 6thcross, W path (if you tried to pass before, you

couldn't because of constant wind current), save at SSP, exit W. Boss coming


[Ice Canyon / Snowy Plateau]

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

DINOZAORO T: Organic E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

20160 | 10 | 8000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Slot Seed | Slot Seed

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Tail Crush

02. Bind Voice

03. Headbutt

04. Rephy (counter)

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv34

Holy Sarah! 20k+ HP - I haven't had to take that much off yet. Freeform skill

is a must to be equipped, since Dino has a moveset which pulls everybody in

front row. Tail Crush attacks everyone in front row, Bind Voice inflicts

Formation Paralysis, and Headbutt deals dmg to everyone + pulls everyone from

back row into front row (make sure you heal Formation Paralysis in case anyone

gets affected, otherwise Formation command won't be selectable).

Since boss if of organic type, Bio-type rings will go a long way in nailing the

sucker. Make sure you steal Slot Seed as well - too bad we can't let it escape

and steal another...

Wounds Dino inflicts are severe, so you'll need to be healing with Zephyra

(Cooke and Ming fill the role nicely); recover GC with Mack's Walla. Blocking

Dino's rephys can be done with Weapon Guard skill, while Attack Absorb can

sometimes turn damage into free HP-recovery.

If everyone is in front row, Dino won't be using Bind Voice and Headbutt, but

Tail Crush and rephys. Personally I found it better to fight with everyone in

front row, but to each her own. Keep healthy with Zephyra and soon Dino will

defrost into nothingness.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

SLOT SEED (16/48) obtained. Check out NE path for CHEST (NR081) that contains

KI ELMON CROWN, then exit W to world map. Return to [Ice Canyon] before moving

on with the story.

[Ice Canyon / Ice Gorge]

Fight few random battles and allow Elmons to steal from you. Eventually one of

them will swipe off Elmon Crown which is what you want. Don't let them steal

too many items or Item Blast will grow very powerful. After they take off with

Elmon Crown, go bully them again...

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

ELMON x4 T: None E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

440 | 1 | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Bent Needle | Wind Seal Leaf

Jet Black Cloth | Tornado Leaf

none | Bent Needle

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy


ELMON LEADER T: None E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

6000 | 1 | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Mind Bangle | Mind Bangle

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Item Blast

02. All-Seal

03. All-Aquara

04. All-Flara

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv34

The battle goes well until you eliminate all Elmon support, then Leader brings

out the big guns - first it'll usually try to silence you all with All-Seal

(hence why Anti-Seal skill is important).

Also equip Fire Resistance Up and Water Resistance Up skills to reduce damage

from respective spells Leader can cast. Cooke will keep you healthy with

Zephyra, Mack restores GC with Walla, and Ming shoots desired target with

All-Winda, Winda or Gamble. Equip Wind-Powered Ring for a good bonus to damage

when attacking with Kaim and Seth. Before burying Leader, make sure to swipe

its Mind Bangle.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

MIND BANGLE (MP Max Up 2) obtained. Exit to world map and go to [Khent].




[City of Khent / Bastion Gate]

Open CHEST (NR082) behind Balg for AWAKENING BRACELET. Exit to world map and go

to [Gohtza].




[Gohtza City / Elevated Entrance]

[Gohtza City / Middle Town]

[Gohtza City / Hotel Crown]

[Gohtza City / Middle Town - Store]

[Gohtza City / High Town]

[Gohtza City / Low Town]

[Gohtza City / Rosa's Restaurant]

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Room]

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Bargel's Inn]

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Casino - Gambler's Hideout]

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Raihel's General Store]

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Waiting Room]

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (SE)]

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (E)]

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (NE)]

[Gohtza City / Gohtza Palace - Meeting Chamber]


Until I tell you to leave for specific destination, don't wander off or you'll

screw yourself up in getting all treasure.

[Gohtza City / Elevated Entrance]

Exit N.

[Gohtza City / Middle Town]

Walk forward for a scene, then take E door.

[Gohtza City / Hotel Crown]

Save at SSP, rest if you want, then return outside.

[Gohtza City / Middle Town]

Enter the alley behind [Hotel Crown], probe pot for HEALING TANK - at the end

of path is elevator which leads down to [Low Town], but leave it be for now. Go

further N to the big monitor that showed a scene from before.



Carry on N and take next E door.

[Gohtza City / Middle Town - Store]

Check out the shop and buy new weapons for your chrs. The only new accessory

they sell is Obsidian Spirit Band (you'll get a free one in a jiffy), and you

can buy a whole lot of ring ingredients for crafting new rings. Keep at least

10000G on you, don't blow all of your money on new stuff just yet. BTW, the

item store is selling Mana Bottles now. Ringmaker Trace is here as well, though

he'll also need to wait till later. Return outside.

[Gohtza City / Middle Town]

Probe the pot at very N for 3x PENDULUM, return to the alley behind the hotel,

and take the elevator to [Low Town].

[Gohtza City / Low Town]

Walk along W side towards N, probe pot for MINT POWDER, pass SSP, and talk to

Gelf. He asks you to deliver a message to his younger brother Gilghef, who can

be found in [Khent], probe pot behind Gelf for 500G, cross the bridge to E,

you'll get to stairs that lead E, pot nearby gives 4x NUTRITION OF THE EARTH

when probed, ascend the stairs to E to find a bar, probe nearby pot for

BLAZING RUBY, descend stairs to S, and enter the door at base of these stairs.

[Gohtza City / Rosa's Restaurant]

Probe three pots for AQUARA BOMB, KI SEED (64/99), 3x KELO-OIL, then exit to

[Low Town]. Leave for world make and jiggle to [Khent].




[City of Khent / Bastion Gate]

Talk to Gilghef and relay Gelf's message to obtain OBSIDIAN SPIRIT BAND (Lv5

Spirit Magic), then return to [Gohtza] and go see Gelf again.




[Gohtza City / Low Town]

Relay the message, and then enter the staircase behind Gelf.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

10th floor - Open wall safe for 3x GUTSY CLOTH, then descend the stairs.

9th floor - Probe pot for KI SED (65/99), open wall safe for KI SEED (66/99).

Return to [Low Town].

[Gohtza City / Low Town]

Near SSP is an elevator - take it to 7th floor.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

7th floor - Take N door to check out a creepy room.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Room]

Nothing can be done in this room just yet.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

7th floor - Probe pot in SE corner for MANA PRIME, ascend the stairs.

8th floor - Open wall safe on E side for 1000G, descend the stairs.

7th floor - Take elevator to 9th floor.

9th floor - Take N door to find an inn.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Bargel's Inn]

SSP inside, resting opportunity, probe pot for KI SEED (67/99).

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

9th floor - Take elevator to 10th floor.

10th floor - Probe pot for GROUNDA BOMB, enter W door.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Casino - Gambler's Hideout]

Take W door into gambling room, but you want to check out the bar for now.

Probe pot to the right ot counter for INNOCENCE BATON, INNOCENCE RING combo.

We'll now use 10000G I told you to hold on - talk to Banion near gambling table

and he'll ask for loan. Agree to lend him an amount of 1000G, in exchange you

receive KI SIGNED LOAN PAPERS. Leave the room and enter it ten times, which in

the long run equals ten loans of 1000G to Banion. DO NOT CHOOSE "Gimme my money

back!" option!!! Always invest 1000G! After talking to him for 11th time you'll

get 50000G! Exit to the staircase section.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

10th floor - Take N door.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Raihel's General Store]

Probe pot for 5x INCENSE OF DISTRUST, find Ringmaker Trace in E room, loot

CHEST (NR083) for 6x LIFE STEALING TOOTH, probe pot for 4x SHARK SKIN, enter N

room, probe pot for 3x WINDA BOMB. Now go blow your dough on the goods in the

store in [Middle Town].

[Gohtza City / Middle Town - Store]

Check out with Trace and note down what ingredients you need for elemental

rings of level 2 - all ring components can be created on the spot, with the

help of buying missing stuff nearby store.

[Gohtza City / Middle Town]

Are you done? Take the elevator on W side down to the station.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Waiting Room]

Probe two pots for KI SEED (68/99), 5x WHETSTONE, then return to [Middle Town].

[Gohtza City / Middle Town]

Go save your game into hotel's SSP. VERY IMPORTANT - YOUR PARTY WILL SEPARATE

FOR A WHILE IN FOLLOWING EVENTS. Try boarding N elevator for a scene - Kaim and

Sarah go one way, Mack and Cooke go another way, which leaves you as party of

Seth, Jansen and Ming.

As Seth, board the elevator.

[Gohtza City / High Town]

Go E, Ming works her charm... it worked on me quadruple times. Wow! Wow! WOW!

Gimme more, Ming... Hey, you ever wondered why Ming wears double panties?

Continue E.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza Palace - Meeting Chamber]

As Ming (yessss - press RT to zoom in on her assets) walk N, get close to

barriers and press A to destroy them. 3rd barrier will push you back, also

reactivating 1st and 2nd barriers, but simply destroy them again. Repeat the

procedure for second barrier set... darn it! Nothing but troubles.

[Gohtza City / Low Town]

As Kaim, go to the elevator of [Abandoned Apartment] complex and take it to 7th


[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

7th floor - Enter N room.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Room]

Walk N for a scene.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Waiting Room]

As Cooke, save your game at SSP, then probe pot for 3x MAGIC CRYSTAL, open

CHEST (NR084) for AQUARA BOMB, open CHEST (NR085) next to SE moving stairs for

4x LOUD BELL. Take SE moving stairs.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (SE)]

Somewhere around middle liberate CHEST (NR086) of its contents, which are

CIRCULAR DANCE DISCUS, CIRCULAR DANCE RING combo. Return to [Waiting Room] and

take NE moving stairs.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (NE)]

Walk N and talk to Adila twice to learn of an aurora on track 1 (that's SE

platform, BTW). Further N is CHEST (NR087) with FLARA BOMB, return to [Waiting

Room] and take SE moving stairs.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (SE)]

Check out the entrance to first train car...




[Aurora-Bound Train / Engine Car]

[Aurora-Bound Train / Caboose (a)]

[Aurora-Bound Train / Freight Car (a)]

[Aurora-Bound Train / Freight Car (b)]


[Aurora-Bound Train / Engine Car]

Examine the train controls.




[Gohtza City / High Town]

As Seth, take the elevators down to train station.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Waiting Room]

Try going past the ticket check-point for a scene - Kaim and Sarah are back.

Take E moving stairs (don't worry, you can access them now).

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (E)]

Walk N - Kaim and Sarah separate from your party temporarily.

When scenes are over, as Kaim ascend E movign stairs again and loot two CHESTs

(NR088, NR089) for 4x DARK FLAME, MANA PRIME. Return to [Waiting Room] and take

NE moving stairs.

[Gohtza City / Gohtza station - Platform (NE)]

Equip Anti-Sleep skill on both Kaim and Sarah, then take the entrance to first

train car to hijack the train.

Win an event battle against 2x Striker and 2x Land Walker - Spartan Ring will

deal good amount of damage to mechanical bastards. Next event battle unfolds -

equip Kaim with accessory that allows him to cast magic, then blast 2x Land

Walker for scrap metal. After they're gone, target third Land Walker and

External Engine Unit (this dude will restore MP to everyone, including you).

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

ARMORED TRAIN T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

5500 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Protection

02. Rephy

03. Magic Cannon

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv34

Keep that Spartan Ring on, and give Sarah accessory for casting Spirit Magic,

then cast Speed and Powerus on Kaim to increase his damage output and attack


Train will cast Protection which nullifies any physical damage, but still

leaves it vulnerable to magic attacks. If you want, you can have both Kaim and

Sarah blast Train with Gamble until it's defeated.

Train's rephys aren't weak as you'd think them to be, so be on your guard and

recover GC so that Sarah doesn't take too much damage from Magic Cannon.

Protection dissolves after several turns have passed, or Train was target of

enough attacks. Protection dissolving means allowing Kaim to move in and get a

good strike with physicals.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------




[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Amphitheater of the Sky]

You'll never guess who you get to control for now. Exit S, descend the stairs

and approach the monitor to begin the speech. Afterwards ascend the stairs and

exit NE. Step into the glowing circle and enter the event battle against seven

Acolytes. From left to right, they go as follows:

Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, White, Gold

All-Flarus takes care of Red Acolyte, All-Aquaus of Blue Acolyte, All-Windus of

Green Acolyte, All-Groundus of Yellow Acolyte, Shinus of White Acolyte,

All-Stonus of Black Acolyte, and Breaks of Gold Acolyte.




[Aurora-Bound Train / Caboose (a)]

Phew, there's SSP and healing point to boot. Afterwards, examine the door

controls to enter next car.

[Aurora-Bound Train / Freight Car (a)]

Win event battle against Glacier Fragment and Glacier Beast. The train is

slowly being frozen up, so don't linger too long in the icy parts. Carry on NW,

check door controls to enter middle part of [Freight Car]. Before you start

pushing crates, look along W side of the car for faint glint on the ground and

collect it for SLOT SEED (17/48), then grab onto crates with diamond-shape on

top and push them out of your way so you can reach third part of [Freight Car].

Open the door by examining the controls, then advance into event battle with 2x

Glacier Fragment. Check out final door controls and enter next [Freight Car].

[Aurora-Bound Train / Freight Car (b)]

This time you'll need to pull most of the boxes to get access further. When you

pass final box with diamond-shape on top, pull it out, and then down. Behind it

is CHEST (NR090) with GODDESS MEDICINE. Examine door controls to get to NW part

of the car.

Check out the memo along E side - the password? It's been changed again... it's

split into four numbers, and the first is "9". S of your position you can find

another memo - third number is "4". N from first memo you had to read is third

memo - second number is "2". Final memo is pinned to the wall on end of the car

- fourth number is "0". So the password is "9240". Check out the door controls

and input the password...

[Aurora-Bound Train / Engine Car]

Approach the sphere and battle 3x Glacier Beast in event battle.




[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Central Station Square]

You get to control Seth.


He joins as lv25 chr, equipped with Ceremonial Sword. Skills he already knows

are: Lullaby, Award Medal, Power Hit, Cut Down, Weapon Guard, MP Guard,

Persistence, Counter Guard, Power Guard.

Equip Seth and Tolten, then get in event battle with 2x Uhran Infantry and

Guard Dog. Afterwards take NE exit into back alleys.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - City of Uhra]

N, check poster for 3x STICKY TAPE, 1stcross, NW, kick metal pillar for

3x PENDULUM, 2ndcross, W, probe pot for KI SEED (69/99), E, 2ndcross, N, check

poster for SMELLING SALTS, back to 1stcross, NE, event battle against 2x Uhran

Infantry and Guard Dog, then you enter the area with both healing point and


Tolten learns Member Hit skill on lv28.

Tolten learns Break Hit skill on lv31.

Tolten learns MP Gift skill on lv34.

Tolten learns Absorb Guard skill on lv37.

Tolten learns Royal Equipment skill on lv40.

Tolten learns Complete Defense skill on lv43.

Tolten learns All Hit skill on lv46.

Tolten learns Huge MP Gift skill on lv49.

Tolten learns Ultimate Hit skill once specific requirements are met.

Check poster for 500G, E, ram some boxes, climb ladder, kick metal pillar for

GROUNDUS BOMB, descend ladder, NE, ram some boxes, probe pot for MANA CAPSULE,

return to big area, N, 3rdcross, N, ram some boxes, probe pot for

3x POISONOUS RED SNAKE, kick metal pillar for KI SEED (70/99), S, 3rdcross, E,

look for laddr along left wall and climb it, probe pot for POWER DRINK, descend

the ladder, E, check poster for HEALING HERB, 4thcross, E, kick metal pillar

for HEALING TANK, back to 4thcross, S, kick metal pillar for CURE-ALL, climb

the ladder, S and exit to next area.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

Follow the path, probe pot for 500G, ignore first door you come across, and

enter the second door.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Barkus' Arms and Armor Emporium]

Go downstairs, probe pot for KI SEED (71/99), open CHEST (NR091) for

AQUAUS BOMB, then check with Ringmaster Trace nearby. Barkus doesn't sell

anything new from *beginning of the game*! Go back outside and enter that first


[Magic Republic of Uhra / Tolsan's Inn]

Talk to Melen and he'll teach Tolten how to break royal seals - they resemble a

wooden plank with a strange symbol on them. We saw few of those on our

adventures so far, and we are now able to reap the rewards they're hiding.

You'll also get TALISMAN (Magic Absorb). See the innkeeper and he'll allow you

to use the back exit.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

S, kick two trash cans for KI SEED (72/99), 4x JET BLACK CLOTH, N, kick trash

can for 500G, descend the ladder.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - Sewers]

S, 1stcross, S across teh bridge, open CHEST (NR092) for HEALING TANK, back to

1stcross, W, 2ndcross, W, operate 1st red button, cross the lowered bridge,

operate 2nd red button, back to 1st red button, descend the stairs into sewer

canal (water is now drained), ascend the other stairs, operate 3rd red button

to raise the bars, S, operate 4th red button to raise another bars (shortcut

created), N, take the exit thru broken part of wall.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Secret Cave]

Open CHEST (NR093) for 3x KELO-HELMET, return to sewers.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - Sewers]

Ascend the stairs to N, follow the path along the fence, ignore 5th red button

for now, and jump across the suspended metal platforms to reach right of two N

platforms. Open CHEST (NR094) for 3x THIEF'S KEY RING. Jump back across,

operate 5th red button - jump over suspended metal platforms to reach left of

two N platforms. Open CHEST (NR095) for FLARUS BOMB. Hop back across, and take

ladder to the W.

Check out CHEST (NR096) in SW corner for 4x NIGHTMARE SEAL. Here we have three

red buttons - SW, W, and NW, and three gates - SW (lowered), W (raised), and NW

(lowered). Operate SW button to raise SW gate (water is drained from both N and

W pools), operate SW button to lower SW gate, descend ladder into N pool and

grab faint glint for GODDESS MEDICINE.

Climb back up, operate W red button to lower W gate, operate NW red button to

raise NW gate, operate NW red button to lower NW gate, operate W red button to

raise W gate. Now both N and S pools are filled up to half - use ladder to

descend in S pool, collect faint glint for LV5 BLACK MAGIC ALL-CURSE (24/B32),

climb back out and finall use NW ladder to climb out of the sewers.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - Near Castle]

N, 1stcross, W, kick metal pillar for SMELLING SALTS, 2ndcross, W, check poster

for 1000G, back to 2ndcross, N, ram some boxes, probe pot for

5x MIRROR STONE OF FEAR, back to 1stcross, E, 3rdcross, E, climb 1st ladder,

kick metal pillar for HEALING TANK, N, probe pot for KI SEED (73/99), ignore

nearby 2nd ladder, back to 4thcross, N, check poster for SOUL MEDICINE, check

another poster for STONE BEAST'S THORN.

You'll come to 2nd ladder I advised to ignore - carry on NE. Ignore 3rd ladder,

and continue to dead end - kick metal pillar for 2x WHETSTONE, ram some boxes

and probe pot for WINDUS BOMB. Climb 3rd ladder, climb 4th ladder, kick metal

pillar for 5x LIFE STEALING TOOTH, N, while exploring the rest of this part of

area leads to probed pot for 5x GUTSY CLOTH, descend 5th ladder.

Go NE, and you'll come upon Royal Seal (01/09) - ROYAL KNIGHT'S SWORD,

ROYAL KNIGHT RING combo is your reward. Ascend 5th ladder, E, descend 6th

ladder, kick metal pillar for AMBROSIA, NE, check poster for MANA BOTTLE, exit

to next area.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Castle of Uhra - Station Square]

Move along, open two CHESTs (NR097, NR098) for HEAL FULL, SLOT SEED (18/48),

save your gaem at SSP, exit E.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Outside of the Front Gate]

Continue N for a scene, and... stuff happens.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Amphitheater of the Sky]

Navigate your way thru the masses and reach circular platform in the middle -

these battles are one of rare occassions where enemies will battle among

themselves. Upon reaching the platform scenes roll...




As Cooke, go S to recover Mack, then advance N. Check the box along W side for

HEALING TANK, open another box further N for 2x BLAZING RUBY, then go E to

reach ladder taking you to two CHESTs (NR099, NR100) with KI SEED (74/99),

5x SHARK SKIN. Here are healing point and SSP.

Back to tracks and continue N.




[Old Gohtza / Scrap Dungeon]

[Old Gohtza / Western District]

[Old Gohtza / Eastern District]


[Old Gohtza / Scrap Dungeon]

As Jansen save at SSP, and there's resting point. Ram some debris in NW corner

to get to CHEST (NR101) with AMBROSIA, exit S.

[Old Gohtza / Western District]

Go dowstairs to E, open CHEST (NR102) for SOUL MEDICINE, back upstairs and

towards NE (bridge in front will collapse) until you descend some stairs to

central street. Cross the street, and before taking the other stairs, check SE

dead end for CHEST (NR103) with CURE-ALL.

Ascend the stairs now, and check E dead end in remains of some house for CHEST

(NR104) with SLOT SEED (19/48). Return and check out the other end of collapsed

bridge for CHEST (NR105) with 6x LIFE-STEALING TOOTH. The exit of this area is

towards SE.




[Gohtza City / Low Town]

Immediately after entering go E to find a pot. Probe it for BLAZING RUBY - exit

E from this pot will take you to [Eastern District], though hold off going

there for now. For now you want to go to [Abandoned Apartment] and enter the


[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Casino - Gambler's Hideout]

Talk to Khudol (guy who is scared of his mom killing him for losing the money)

and he'll tell you of enemies called Moneys who live in an undersea cave on

Numara. Apparently they have lots of cash. Exit out to 10th floor.

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment]

10th floor - Talk to Belgen in NW corner for treasure hunt info.

6TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Someone dropped an item on the road

that leads out of Low Town."

10th floor - Take the elevator to [Backyard].

[Gohtza City / Backyard]

In here you can find Backyard Battle quest, though they're not open quite yet.

You'll have to come back later - instead kick trash cans in NW corner until one

reveals SLOT SEED (20/48), then return to [Low Town].

[Gohtza City / Low Town]

6TH TREASURE HUNT (08/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff around the SW exit (leading to [Western District]) and you'll collect


We're done here, take SE exit.




[Old Gohtza / Eastern District]

Check out the metal pipe on small platform for HEALING HERB, ascend the stairs,

climb 1st ladder, SW, check metal pipe for BLAZING RUBY, open CHEST (NR106) for

POWER DRINK, NE past 1st ladder, see a short scene (I wanna touch Ming's rear

arsenal too), then have Jansen ram the metal pillar so it topples down.

Jump the gap towards E, descend 2nd ladder, walk towards SE, climb 3rd ladder,

open CHEST (NR107) for GODDESS MEDICINE, ascend stairs, check metal pipe for

KI SEED (75/99), SE, jump the gap, ram elevator door open, descend 4th ladder,

S, and we're on train tracks. Go W to find CHEST (NR108) with SLOT SEED (21/48)

inside. Exit towards E.




Waltz N, search box along E side for MANA CAPSULE and another box along E side

for BLAZING RUBY. W detour takes you to healing point, and nothing else of

interest there. Continue N and check out two more boxes along E side for

KI SEED (76/99), 3x BEAST HIDE RASP. Exit N.




As Cooke, walk N for more scenes.

As Jansen, let's hurry up! Go N, check two boxes along E side for CURE-ALL,

WARRIOR'S ARMBAND (Spell Counter), take W detour to reach healing point and

SSP. Return to the tracks and continue N to find Cooke and Mack.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

LIVING ICE T: Magic E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

6350 | 10 | 5000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Shieldus

02. Rephy

03. Reflect

04. Freeze Bite

05. All-Aquara

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv36

At start of battle fortify your position with All-Barricade and All-Shield -

Ming and Jansen will take care of magic attacks, Mack will go the physical way,

and Cooke will recover party's HP with Zephyra.

Living Ice usually begins the battle by casting Shieldus on self, reducing

physical damage it takes. That still won't matter much - give Mack Planet Ring

and watch him tear Living Ice apart, while the rest of party blasts boss with


Boss' rephys cause Chill status, and if hit with Freeze Bite, affected chr gets

Freeze status, effectively disabling him/her from acting. Be protected against

it or cure it immediately.

This guy introduces a lovely double-edged sword once it enters critical HP -

it'll cast Reflect on self, returning any magic attacks you throw at it. Stick

with physicals until the end of battle.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------




[Uhra Sewers / Giant Drain]

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (a)]

[Uhra Sewers / Destroyed Passage]

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (b)]

[Uhra Sewers / Treatment Plant]

[Uhra Sewers / Magic Tank]

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (c)]

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (d)]

[Uhra Sewers / Uhra Army - Underground Dock]


[Uhra Sewers / Giant Drain]


He joins as lv35 chr, equipped with 38 Caliber Magic Rifle. Skills he already

knows are: Turn-Tail, Steal, Taunt, Magic Seal, Counter Seal, Double Item, Auto

Shield, Auto Barrier, Resourceful, Double Gold, Double Loot, Double SP.

Sed learns Ultimate Analysis skill at lv37.

Sed learns Special Accessory skill at lv40.

Sed learns Double Experience skill at lv44.

Sed learns 3 Accessories skill at lv48.

Sed learns Lucky GC Ignore skill at lv52.

Sed comes with Mingload of useful skills, but some are quite expensive to learn

at 100 SP a pop. Therefore it's good to leave those for time when we drop to

[Numara Atoll].

As Seth, save at SSP, then follow the path until you come to broken magic

engine. Repair it to weaken the area foes a bit, then take E exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (a)]

Climb two ladders, exit N.

[Uhra Sewers / Destroyed Passage]

Go forth for a scene, take N exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (b)]

Descend the ladder to left of N exit, take SW exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Giant Drain]

Descend the ladder, 1stcross, S, E, 2ndcross, E, N, check CHEST (NR109) for

HEALING TANK, probe pot FOR 3x BEAST HIDE RASP. Back to 2ndcross, N, 3rdcross,

N, take the door behind waterfall.

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (b)]

Check CHEST (NR110) for 4x GORGON MASK, climb the ladder, operate the white

button to raise the bars, take the ladder back up, and exit N.

[Uhra Sewers / Treatment Plant]

N, descend 1st ladder, N, W, S, cross bridge to W, N. There's a chest at end of

pipe, and two crates nearby. Push them E to create artificial bridge, letting

you loot CHEST (NR111) for HOLY GUARD (Crisis Defense). Cross bridge to E, S,

E, operate the button to raise nearby bars (shortcut made), cross bridge to E,

N, cross bridge to N, then next bridge immediately to E, probe pot for

KI SEED (77/99).

Go N, climb 2nd ladder, repair the magic engine to weaken Magic Tower foes in

the area, S from magic engine check CHEST (NR112) for CURE-ALL, operate white

button to left of magic engine to raise nearby bars, ignore 3rd ladder, cross

bridge to W, ascend 4th ladder... hmm, what the hell is a shop doing here?

You can buy one new weapon, and new accessory - HERBALIST'S BADGE (Potion

Booster), save at SSP and use healing point nearby.

From SSP cross bridge to S, W, ignore 5th ladder, cross sluice gate to S, cross

bridge to W, operate red button to raise one of sluice gates (doing so will

completely drain the water), and operate same button again to lower the same

sluice gate.

Return to 5th ladder and descend down into the drain, climb a set of stairs,

operate white button to raise nearby bars, cross sluice gate to E, cross sluice

gate to S, descend 6th ladder, cross bridge to N, jump the gap to W, operate

white button to raise nearby bars, return to 6th ladder and ascend it.

Cross sluice gate to N, cross sluice gate to W, cross bridge to N. Before

taking N exit, use right analog to shift camera to the right. Probe the pot for

KI SEED (78/99), then take N exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Magic Tank]

N to SW tower, descend 1st ladder, NW, follow the path past NW tower to NE

tower. The middle tower has two stair-bridges that can be operated via buttons

- I'll relay those bridges as E-stair-bridge amd W-stair-bridge, respectively.

The control buttons are also found on middle tower.

Ascend E-stair-bridge, operate yellow button to have E-stair-bridge point SE,

then fix magic engine nearby to weaken Magic Tower foes in area. Healing point

is nearby for using if you so require - ascend W-stair-bridge to SW tower,

operate yellow button to raise nearby bars.

Descend W-stair-bridge, then descend E-stair-bridge to SE tower. Ascend 2nd

ladder, take SE exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (c)]

S down the stairs, 1stcross, W, take W exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Treatment Plant]

Go W, operate yellow button to raise nearby bars, open CHEST (NR113) for

5x DEMON SCULPTURE, return E and take E exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (c)]

E, 1stcross, S, probe pot for KI SEED (79/99), back to 1stcross, E, follow the

path, exit NW.

[Uhra Sewers / Magic Tank]

Go W to NE tower, ignore 3rd ladder, operate yellow button to raise nearby

bars, go S to SE tower, open CHEST (NR114) for 2x TOXIN BUTTERFLY SCALES, walk

around SE tower, operate yellow button to raise nearby bars, go W to SW tower,

operate yellow button to raise nearby bars, walk around SW tower, ascend 4th

ladder, nail CHEST (NR115) for WISDOM EARRINGS (Lv6 Black-White Magic). You've

made all the shortcuts, now return to 3rd ladder we passed before.

Ascend 3rd ladder, go W to NW tower, operate yellow button to raise nearby

bars, collect CHEST (NR116) for GODLY DRAGON TEARS, then leg it for N exit.

Before taking it, kick nearby container for SOUL MEDICINE.

[Uhra Sewers / Conduit (d)]

Take E exit.

[Uhra Sewers / Uhra Army - Underground Dock]

Boss coming in, so gear up!

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

MAGIC BEAST T: Beast E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

10550 | ? | ? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Crystal Fragment | Crystal Fragment

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Sonic Quake

02. Ground Strike

03. Flare Core

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv36

To start with, make sure you swipe Crystal Fragment. DO NOT EQUIP IT! It will

come in handy for somebody else. Notice "Charged Power" gauge - have all party

members focus on Dock Crane target - Sed can use regular attacks (rifle has

long-range attacks), while Seth and Tolten need to use offensive magic attacks.

Hit Dock Crane about 10 times and you win.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Escaping da sewers minigame engaged! Press the buttons displayed before the

gauge surrounding it is depleted. If an arrow appears above the button

displayed, you must press it as fast as possible. Don't be alarmed - you can

pause the game during the chase to check up on which button you need to press.

If you mess up three times, it's game over and you'll have to retry. There are

five button-mashes you'll have to smash thru.




As Jansen, take the stairs to the E, and exit E to world map. Choose [Refugee

Camp] as next stop.




[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Storage Tent]

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Lodging Tent]

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Medical Tent]


[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

Save at SSP, N from SSP probe pot for KI SEED (80/99), then probe pot on E end

of the camp for 5x LOUD BELL. Enter E tent.

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Storage Tent]

Probe pot for 4x MONSTER BIRD'S PLUME, check with Ringmaster Trace if you can

make any new rings, and talk to Ghude to hear about his troubles. Monsters

around camp are making problems for refugees, so you're asked to enter a battle

against Gyaplos foes on [Frozen Trail]. While fighting, let them call enough

buddies so that Don Laploss appears in battle. Steal KI DON LAPLOSS CLAWS from

it, or just kill it to obtain the item that way. Bring the claws back to Ghude

to obtain SACRED TORCH, SACRED RING combo reward. Now you can buy a couple of

new weapons from him - BTW, buy Cookeload of Grounda Bombs from him. Trust me,

they'll come handy soon. Back to [Exterior] and enter the tent directly W.

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Lodging Tent]

Open CHEST (NR117) for LV6 WHITE MAGIC ALL-SHIELDUS (25/W32); you can also rest

inside the tent. Back to [Exterior].

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

Probe pot a bit N for ANTI-PARALYSIS HERB (seriously, these are crap items by

now...), then enter the tent further N.

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Medical Tent]

Cool, a pot with 5th Pipot. Give the greedy bastard all Seeds you found (we

have 80 so far) and you'll score GIGANTES BROOCH (HP Max Up 3). New trading

choices are up!

- give Antidote to receive Anti-Paralysis Herb

- give Eye Drops to receive Smelling Salts

- give Smelling Salts, Bind Healer and Blazing Ruby to receive Cure-All

- give Anti-Paralysis Herb to receive Eye Drops

- give Brave Fruit to receive Seal Clear

- give Seal Clear to receive Brave Fruit

- give Stone Beast's Thorn to receive White Flame Rock

- give Mint Powder to receive Stone Beast's Thorn

- give Blazing Ruby, Smelling Salts and Bind Healer to receive Cure-All

- give White Flame Rock to receive Bind Healer

- give Bind Healer, Smelling Salts and Blazing Ruby to receive Cure-All

- give various combos of Flare Bomb, Aqua Bomb, Ground Bomb and Wind Bomb to

receive Flara Bomb (and similar) or Power Drinks

Talking to Lakks will give you treasure hunt info.

7TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "The army dropped a box of supplies near

the hot spring in the Gohtzan refugee camp."

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

7TH TREASURE HUNT (09/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

When you get out of [Medical Tent], take the ladder directly E of it to land

near hot spring. Sniff around the water and collect the loot combo of

SPIRE COMMANDER, SPIRE RING. Climb back up - there's still W side of the camp

left to explore. Probe pot for 1000G, then talk to Padolaf. He wants you to

deliver a message to his mom Sanya all the way back in [Gohtza / Low Town]

(you'll need to go by foot by taking [Frozen Trail] all the way S to [Old

Gohtza] and enter [Gohtza City / Low Town] - you'll find her on E side, close

to the bar). KI LETTER TO MOM otained - when you give her the letter, you'll

receive BLACK BELT (Counter Up).

Then talk to Bodonov about his food woes. When Alizia announces that she has

food ready, LEG IT THERE! If you're too late, enter one of the tents and then

back to [Exterior] to get another chance. When you're in time, you'll get

KI MEAL RATION. Take it to Bodonov to obtain KI SPIKY SEED (check out its


[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Medical Tent]

Give Spiky Seed to Pipot, and receive KI PRICKLY SEED in return. Prickly Seed

goes to Pipot in Saman, but we have no way of getting there at the moment.

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

Try taking NE exit for a scene - at world map choose [Crashed Magic Train Site]

as next destination.




Look for faint glints - they are 500G, KI SEED (81/99), HEALING TANK, and

finish with CHEST (NR118) with LV6 WHITE MAGIC ALL-BARRICADUS (26/W32). Save at

SSP, then enter the cavern.




[Burning Cave / Path of Steam]

[Burning Cave / The Path of Dankness]

[Burning Cave / Path of Poison Mist]

[Burning Cave / Path of Strange Rocks]

[Burning Cave / Underground Lake]


[Burning Cave / Path of Steam]

N for a scene, carry on, ignore passage to E for now, hug W wall to discover

passage to W with CHEST (NR119) with POWER DRINK. Continue N to enter the

geyser room - be careful not to be blasted or you'll take damage.

The exit is further NE, but don't leave the area without robbing its treasures

first. They all appear as faint glints - on W side you'll find 4x SEAL CROSS

inside a geyser, on N side pick up CURE-ALL (inside a geyser), near the center

collect 3x RAGING BEAST'S EYE (inside a geyser), finish with KI SEED (82/99) on

E side. Leave to NE.

[Burning Cave / The Path of Dankness]

Nothing terribly exciting here... N, eventually you bump into green-smoke

covered part of cave. There's a chest in that smoke - suffer the poison damage

for a while and open CHEST (NR120) for LV6 BLACK MAGIC FORCEA (25/B32). To the

E you'll find one of 8 royal seals, but we don't have Tolten with us.

Afterwards quickly get out of poison area and continue NE. Jump few gaps, take

NW detour to reach CHEST (NR121) with DIAMOND SPIRIT BAND (Lv6 Spirit Magic).

Exit NE.

[Burning Cave / Path of Poison Mist]

Oh man, how much of that poison crap do I have to deal with? From where you

start, go NE, slide down the slope, and NE again to reach a rock. Ram it to

stop the source of poison mist.

In geyser part of the area you can collect six items - two are in chestsn and

four again appear as faint glints. S side has KI SEED (83/99) (inside a

geyser), E side will award you with 1000G (inside a geyser), center part 500G

(inside a geyser) and 3x SEAL CROSS (inside a geyser). Climb small slope on E

side to reach CHEST (NR122) with 5x BEAT STONE, and climb the sloper on W side

to reach CHEST (NR123) with KI CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 6. Exit N.

[Burning Cave / Path of Strange Rocks]

N, 1stcross, W, check CHEST (NR124) for 2x THIEF'S KEY RING, back to 1stcross,

NE, 2ndcross, NW, 3rdcross, N, 4thcross, N (careful not to slide down the

sides), nab 5x PARAWEED NEEDLE from inside a geyser, and continue N.

Now walk down into the water along E side, and wade thru water to reach a stone

pillar - ram it from SE side to topple something on top - open CHEST (NR125)

for LV6 SPIRIT MAGIC AILMENT BREAK (25/S32). Work your way to N part of the

area by crossing past two wall geysers on W side, and then jumping the gaps

along W side as well (one of the rocks has mind of its own and is likely to

throw you off). Exit N.

[Burning Cave / Underground Lake]

SSP at last - afterwards proceed N for boss battle.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

ICE MAGIC BEAST T: Organic E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

10360 | 10 | 8000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. All-Aquara

02. Forcea

03. Ice Spike

04. Absolute Zero

05. Trample

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv38

Careful - foe has Auto Reflect, so that means no magic. Woohoo! Ming is useless

for once... OMG, what am I saying? Powerus on Mack, All-Barricadus,

All-Shieldus, All-Generate composite magic, and the rest of protective crap.

Oh, equip Warm Vests to be safe from Freeze status.

Now, if you listened to my advice about Grounda Bombs, start tossing them at

boss for some good damage. Water Resistance Up is a great skill to have to

reduce damage from All-Aquara.

The combo you need to watch out for is Ice Spike and Absolute Zero. Former

gives Chill status to row of chrs, and latter then inflicts Freeze (unless

you're protected). Chrs de-Freeze eventually, but why wait for that? Frozen chr

is esentially useless as you cannot use him/her. This is a battle where you'll

have to be relying on Mack and his damage output.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------







[The Nautilus / Pilothouse]

[The Nautilus / Inside the Nautilus]


While on world map, press RB to enter the ship. Meet Nautilus!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to final part of the guide. Since this is the

final disc, here's the general idea of how we'll be proceeding:

- Mingload of subquesting

- Storyline progress

- Sethload of subquesting

- Storyline progress

- Sarahload of subquesting

- Final storyline progress (game completed!)




Nautilus is steered the same as Slantnose, with one exception - press B to

submerge underwater (the first time you do that at the very spot you start,

you'll end in [Burning Cave]).




[Burning Cave / Underground Lake]

Hoppalongcassidy over stepping stones to SE side - check faint glint to obtain

MANA BOTTLE. Back to world map.




First thing we'll do is submerge and sniff along the ocean floor looking for

treasure - while doing that, you will also likely found the destination Ming

asked us to go to, but don't do that just yet. There'a s *LOT* of yummy stuff

we can acquire first.

While submerged, turn the camera angle above Nautilus so you can see ocean

floor - start navigating and look for air bubbles coming from the ground. Press

A near such bubbles to obtain whatever they're hiding - if you search

sistematically by always having hypercurrents or land's walls to your right,

you're bound to find all items soon (10/24):

- GODLY DRAGON TEARS (S from [Burning Cave])

- KI SEED (84/99)

- KI SEED (85/99)

- 10000G (near [Terrace Cave])

- KI SEED (86/99)

- SLOT SEED (22/48) (near [Western Shore of Uhra])

- 2x DRAINING STONE (inlet near [Western Shore of Uhra])

- 3x LIVING BRASS (inlet on NW island)

- 3x POWER REACTOR (near NW island)

- 3x UNICORN'S HORN (near NE shore)

These are spots you can land at with Nautilus:

- Western Shore of Uhra

- Eastern Coast of Saman

- Eastern Continent-East Lakefront

With Nautilus you can unlock new places by reaching them thru underwater


- while submerged, enter the cave on SW island to find [Terrace Cave], though

just reference it for later

- while submerged, drive into the inlet at N tip of SE island thru the passage,

then surface and land to unlock [The Great Ancient Ruins] (you're supposed to

go here next, but dont)

This about covers it for now, let's leave for subMingquests (what a weird word)

to use, eh?)!




[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Great Gate of Uhra]

Talk to Maios to obtain treasure hunt info.

11TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A treasure is hidden in Gongora's

secret research lab."

Talk to Yallen to the left of magic taxi and agree to deliver a letter to his

family - his father Carlen is in station square near the royal palace. You'll

get KI SOLDIER'S LETTER. Go to [The Great Gate Station] and board the monorail

for new destination - [Royal Palace].

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Castle Station]

Probe two pots for AQUAUS BOMB, KI SEED (87/99). Here's the 6th Pipot of the

game - give it the Seeds you've collected, then exit S.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Castle of Uhra - Station Square]

Loot two CHESTs (NR126, NR127) for KI SEED (88/99), 3x ADAMANTINE ORE. To the

right you can talk to Carlen (Yallen's pops) and give him the letter. You'll

receive FREEDOM ARMBAND (Skill +5). Exit E.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Outside of the Front Gate]

Waltz N, talk to Lomur on the bridge to receive KI MISSING PERSON POSTER -

Lomur is looking for his father, who is lost somewhere. Return to [Monorail -

The Castle Station], and talk to Wolph - what a coincidence! Show him the

missing person poster, and it turns out the man he's tending to is the father

of Lomur. In exchange for the info Lomur gives you 9x NIGHTMARE SEAL. Exit N.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Inside of the Castle]

Take W elevator.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Amphitheater of the Sky]

On N-most end is a royal seal - however, you can only break it after obtaining

the loot from other seven royal seals. Head for [Central Station Square].

[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Central Station Square]

Look for Lito along N side - another cubic music guy. Since we last met someone

like him, we got four new music scores, so let's play them.

Play third music piece - "TRY THE REST CUBE".

The order is ERGF EDCR.

Arrange your formation with four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: E, Rest Cube, G, F

- 2nd turn: E, D, C, R

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is KELOLON BADGE (Evade Up).

Play fourth music piece - "FIVE PERSON CHALLENGE".

The order is: GEGBA GFDCR.

Arrange your formation with five party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: G, E, G, B, A

- 2nd turn: G, F, D, C, Rest Cube

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is WIND CHARM (Wind Resistance Up).

Play fifth music piece - "MAKING IT LONGER".

The order is: DAEF, DRAR, GEDR.

Arrange your formation with four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: D, A, E, F

- 2nd turn: D, Rest Cube, A, Rest Cube

- 3rd turn: G, E, D, Rest Cube

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is TOUGHNESS BROOCH (HP Max Up 2).

Play sixth music piece - "TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR".

The order is: CCGG AAGR FFEE DDCR.

Arrange your formation with four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: C, C, G, G

- 2nd turn: A, A, G, Rest Cube

- 3rd turn: F, F, E, E

- 4th turn: D, D, C, Rest Cube

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is 64 CALIBER MAGIC RIFLE.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Central Station]

On lower floor talk to Raha (pacing near the elevator) for treasure hunt info.

8TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "The royalists' treasure lies inside the

station-square monument."

8TH TREASURE HUNT (10/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere in

[Central Station Square]. Go there and sniff around the monument to score


[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

Approach Tuncan (W from entrance to Tolsan's) - "BEYOND THE WALL" DREAM (27/31)

is obtained, along with some treasure hunt info.

24TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Sarah's present is hidden in the

mansion's courtyard."

Talk to Muhga in front of Virno's for treasure hunt info.

9TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A family heirloom was dropped into Uhra

city's sewer."

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Virno's Tavern]

Treasure hunt info can also be obtained by talking to Virno in Virno's.

10TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A treasure was thrown into the trash

behind the inn in Uhra."

Hey, talk to him again for one more treasure hunt info!

20TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Valuable materials lie on the seabed

near Crater Island."

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Main Street]

10TH TREASURE HUNT (11/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere in

the alley behind [Tolsan's Inn]. Go thru the inn's back door to enter that

alley (there's ladder nearby leading into Uhra's sewers). Sniff along W wall to

obtain 4x BYPRODUCT X.

Climb down into the sewers.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Back Alley - Sewers]

9TH TREASURE HUNT (12/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Walk down into the sewer canal, and sniff on the ground along N side to obtain


[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Residential Area]

On NE side talk to Ohzen to obtain 4x NECROSIS MOLD. Now head to Gongora's.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Garden]

Talk to the guard in front of the house so he lets you in, then take W exit.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Courtyard]

Break the Royal Seal (02/09), then go downstairs to discover [Secret Cave].

Just reference it for later, return to the mansion and take the elevator up to

Gongora's study room.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Study]

Check the spinning globe on the desk for a scene, collect faint glint on the

desk for POWER DRINK, nail two CHESTs (NR128, NR129) for 4x STONE BEAST'S FANG,

3x MAGIC-STORING STONE. Go to [Ipsilon Mountains].




[Ipsilon Mountains / Valley Road]

Keep walking N to obtain "A CHORUS OF CICADAS" DREAM (28/31). Exit to world map

and go to [Grand Staff Construction Base].




[Construction Base / Exterior]

Talk to Orth to hear about magic engine troubles. Sed will fix it and you get


[Construction Base / Building Material Warehouse]

Talk to Venim and agree to find Magic Capsules for him. Too bad they're

somewhere in Gongora's mansion back in Uhra. We'll do that eventually, for now

I want to cover subquests that don't involve navigating whole new dungeon.

[Construction Base / Temporary Laboratory]

Talk to Lilan and help him place four magic gauges all over the world. Isn't

that great? One is on top of [Ipsilon Mountain], one in [Black Cave], one in

[Ice Canyon], and last one in some ruins of Eastern Tribe. KI 4x MAGIC GAUGE is

received upon agreement. Show your Ming in [Saman] now.




[Saman / Erlio Family House]

Go see Pipot in the pot, and give it Prickly Seed to obtain KI SOLID SEED (this

seed goes to Pipot in Uhra).

[Saman / Emelo's Tavern]

Check out the jukebox for Sed to fix it - ICE WATER AMULET (Water Proof) is


[Saman / Main Street]

Behind the tavern talk to Jilze to have Sed fix the small car - kid will award

your efforts with 5x ADAMANTINE ORE. Go to [Gohtza].




[Gohtza City / Elevated Entrance]

Take the newly accessible W ladders down to reach [Low Town]. Before doing so,

talk to Jeeg on lower road for treasure hunt info.

12TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "An ancient pirate treasure lies in the

Terrace Cave on the Numara coastline."

[Gohtza City / Low Town]

Talk to Gybal (S from frozen-up entrance to Rosa's) and he'll long to have some

sort of memento from the Wohl battlefield. You'll need to make a small sidetrip

by returning to [The Great Gate of Uhra] and talk to Yelon, one of the guards

to the left of magic taxi - all of the crap Uhran soldiers were able to salvage

was sold to Barkus.

Go see Barkus in his shop and check out the sword on S-side counter. Choose to

pick it up - KI BROKEN KHENT SWORD is yours. Return to [Low Town] and give the

sword to Gybal to receive HAPPY FLOWER (Crisis Prayer).

Go along W side towards [Abandoned Apartment] and approach Ticia and Ragmund to

obtain "THE RANKING OF LIVES" DREAM (23/31).

[Gohtza City / Abandoned Apartment - Raihel's General Store]

The two girls have opened up their warez at last. You can buy new weapons and

some new accessories - WHITE FLAME CANDLE (Anti-Darkness), while the other shop

lets you buy LV6 BLACK MAGIC GROUND MINE (26/B32).

[Gohtza City / Backyard]

Backyard battles are now open!


BATTLE 01 - The Kelolon Battalion!

Condition - Defeat all enemies

Secret - Survive 4+ Combination attacks

Foe - 3x Kelolon Associate

Pro-tip - Complete Defense skill


3-stars - SLOT SEED (23/48)

BATTLE 02 - The Festival of Magic

Condition - Up to two PCs

- Defeat all enemies

- Attacks not allowed

- Skills not allowed

- Items not allowed

Secret - Defeat all enemies with *your* chrs

Foe - 2x Kelo-Sister, 2x Wise Man

Pro-tip - All-Grounda

Award - 5x MANA BOTTLE

3-stars - SLOT SEED (24/48)

BATTLE 03 - Pure Gluttony

Condition - Defeat the Explosive Bug (there are two of them actually)

Secret - Let Bug use Prey 3+ times

Foe - 5x Magic Insect, 2x Explosive Bug

Pro-tip - Defeat one of Explosive Bugs with Gamble

- Let the other use Prey enough times

- Magic Insects will keep coming back, waste of time to kill them

Award - 10x POWER DRINK

3-stars - SLOT SEED (25/48)

BATTLE 04 - Two Eyeballs

Condition - Win within 10 turns

- Defeat the Evil Eye

Secret - Nail 5x White Dog before KOing Evil Eye

Foe - 2x White Dog, Cyclops, Evil Eye

Pro-tip - Killing Cyclops will stop White Dog reinforcements

- Cyclops can only be damage by items

- Anti-Petrify, Anti-Paralysis


3-stars - SLOT SEED (26/48)

BATTLE 05 - Puppet Master

Condition - Defeat the Puppet Master

- Spare the Controlled One

Secret - Win within 10 turns

Foe - 2x Controlled One, 3x Puppet Master

Pro-tip - Gamble against Puppet Masters

- If they Reflect themselves, use Break Hit

Award - SLOT SEED (27/48)


You can give Backyard for Beginners item to Zelen for some inside scoop on

secret conditions for the battles.

With 15 stars in bag talk to Gleg (prize exchanger) and retrieve the following:



- 15 stars: 6x CAPE OF ILLUSIONS

Trek to [Refugee Camp].




[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

Get near [Medical Tent] to get "THE VILLAGE CLOSEST TO HEAVEN" DREAM (24/31).

Then talk to Ryzel - magic engine troubles just don't stop, do they. Have Sed

fix six magic engines around the camp (all are in [Exterior]. For your troubles

Ryzel gives you 5x DEATH POWDER.

Approach the camp fire to get "STONES OF HEAVEN" DREAM (25/31).

[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Medical Tent]

Approach Melaine sitting on bed for "SIGNPOST" DREAM (26/31) and treasure hunt


23RD TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "The personal effects of the general

who hired Kaim lie in the Crimson Forest."

That's about for legwork, now dungeon work! Go to [Black Cave].




[The Black Cave / The Great Hall of Foul Creatures]

Enter from the N so that you end here straight away. Check around the area in

middle of the map to install first of four Magic Gauges.

[The Black Cave / Helltrap]

Grab a firefly and check out E dead end - break another Royal Seal (03/09) to

obtain MASTER SWORD, MASTER RING combo. Master Ring will now become bane of

existence for your foes. Yo, Ming, check me out! I'm Link. Go to [Ice Canyon].




[Ice Canyon / Glacier Fang]

Check out NE end to install second of four Magic Gauges.

[Ice Canyon / Snowy Plateau]

Climb NE path to find and break another Royal Seal (04/09) - break it to get

QUAD-ELEMENT CHARM (Elements Resistance Up). One of the best accessories in the

game, but for now it's Tolten-only. You need to have "special" chrs skill-link

Royal Equipment skill before they can equip Quad-Element Charm and learn the

skill. Go to [Burning Cave].




[Burning Cave / The Path of Dankness]

Dive into the poison mist area, then leg it for W part to find and break

another Royal Seal (05/09) - get ROYAL EMBLEM (Auto Barrier). [Ipsilon

Mountains] are next.




Enter from S!

[Ipsilon Mountains / Mining Site]

While you're climbing the goddamn ladders, keep an eye out for blacksmith Lau.

At the moment he isn't that important, but that will change later in the game.

[Ipsilon Mountains / Peak]

Waltz all the way to the peak and install third of four Magic Gauges (roughly

at same spot where you fought Grilgan). Now go to [Uhra].




[Magic Republic of Uhra / Monorail - The Castle Station]

Go see Pipot in the pot and give it Solid Seed in exchange for KI TOUGH SEED

(this Seed goes to Pipot in Numara, but in due time).

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Hallway]

Check E dead end and pick faint glint on the wall for KI MAGIC CAPSULE.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Magic Research Lab]

Another KI MAGIC CAPSULE is found in NW corner near the elevator.

[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Courtyard]

Take the stairs (hidden before by a royal seal) down into bonus dungeon.




Go downstairs to find some chests... bastards, gimme back my monies! S, descend

1st ladder, probe pot for FLARUS BOMB, ascend 1st ladder, jump the gap to E,

examine the valve, descend 2nd ladder, probe pot for 5000G, ascend 2nd ladder,

examine the valve, jump the gap to E, ram the wall to N, nail CHEST (NR130) for

KI SEED (89/99).

Ignore the barrier preventing the use of elevator, carry on SE, examine the

valve, further E examine another valve, and collect GROUNDUS BOMB, 1stcross, E,

examine the valve, descend 3rd ladder, probe pot for 6x MAGIC CRYSTAL.

Ascend 3rd ladder, 1stcross, N, now sniff along left side to step into obscured

corridor, in which you can nab CHEST (NR131) with KI MAGICAL LOCK KEY. Prepare

your party before taking NE exit.




[Magic Republic of Uhra / Gongora's Mansion - Magic Experimentation Laboratory]

Event battle against 4x Doll and Generator will issue. Get rid of Generator

with a couple of Gamble tosses, and thus no more Dolls will be called for


After battle you'll obtain KI THE BACKYARD WEEKLY. Check faint glints to obtain

KI MAGIC CAPSULE (3rd and final one), and 3x PENDULUM. Kick the canister for


11TH TREASURE HUNT (13/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff around NE corner to pick DEMON KING'S HORN, DEMON KING RING combo. Also

check the sphere in NE corner for an important explanation of the story. Return

to [Secret Cave] and take the elevator back into [Gongora's Mansion], then

leave for world map and take a dive into [Terrace Cave].




This cave only has one screen, and there are seven things that you can collect

around these parts:

- CHEST (NR132) with 3x ADAMANTINE ORE (S side of the cave)

- CHEST (NR133) with 3x ADAMANTINE ORE (N side of the cave)

- CHEST (NR134) with 2x MOTHER NATURE'S SPIRIT (W side of the cave)

- CHEST (NR135) with 2x DARK DEMON NOTE (W side of the cave)

- CHEST (NR136) with 2x GLACIAL ICE (E side of the cave)

- CHEST (NR137) with WINDUS BOMB (NE side of the cave)

- CHEST (NR138) with CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 7 (NE side of the cave)

12TH TREASURE HUNT (14/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff around the big area in middle of [Secret Cave] to collect the loot of


We've got all da stuff, exit to world map.




[Magic Republic of Uhra / The Central Station Square]

Look for Lito along N side.

Play seventh music piece - "GO TELL AUNT RODY".


Arrange your formation with five party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: E, E, D, C, C

- 2nd turn: D, D, E, D, C

- 3rd turn: G, G, F, E, E

- 4th turn: D, C, D, E, C

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is HIGH WIND AMULET (Wind Proof).

Let's jack it up into the [Ancient Ruins].




[The Great Ancient Ruins / Legacy of the Eastern Tribe]

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Astral Square]

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Hanging Corridor]

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Lunar Palace]

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Throne of Sun]


[The Great Ancient Ruins / Legacy of the Eastern Tribe]

If any Trooky foes appear in battle, kill little bastards ASAP, or they will

steal your items, and even accessories. Same goes for Money foes (but you need

to allow Money to steal your gold at least once!).

N, NW, ride 1st platform to NE, get off, ride 2nd platform to SE, get off, ride

3rd platform to SW, nail CHEST (NR139) for KI TABLET FRAGMENT, ride 4th

platform to SW, back at beginning.

Ride 1st platform to NE, nail CHEST (NR140) with 4x MAGIC STAFF FRAGMENT on W

side, ride 5th platform to NE, exit N

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Astral Square]

Follow the path to NE corner (ignore the platform for now), where you'll find

and break another Royal Seal (06/09) for GOLDEN GAUNTLET (Auto Shield), then

return to 1st platform and ride it up. Look for 2nd platform along N side and

step on it - your party divides into two groups:

- Kaim, Mack, Sarah, and Cooke

- Seth, Jansen, Tolten, Sed, Ming

As Kaim press RB to change leading chr from Kaim to Seth. As Seth operate the

switch to have 2nd platform rise up. As Kaim get off 2nd platform and ram 3rd

platform nearby to topple it down, then check in N room to find CHEST (NR141)

with KI MAGICAL LOCK KEY, take the stairs two levels down, get on 4th platform

and operate switch to ride 4th platform down, and walk all the way to SW corner

- there's a hidden CHEST (NR142) with MAGIC ANALYSIS BOOK (Lv3 Composite

Magic), press RB.

As Seth, step on 3rd platform that was rammed, operate the switch to ride 3rd

platform down, ascend the stairs to S, then ascend stairs to W to find CHEST

(NR143) with 4x IRON BALL OF RUIN, descend stairs to E, S, ascend another

stairs to W, keep going until you step on 5th platform, operate switch to ride

5th platform up, open CHEST (NR144) for LV6 SPIRIT MAGIC RESET (26/S32), follow

the path past big read seal on the ground, and ram 6th platform so it falls

down close to Kaim's spot, press RB.

As Kaim, board 6th platform, operate switch to ride 6th platform up, parties

are reunited. Check out the red seal which turns into green color - meaning

transportation system is no longer FUBAR. Step on elevator in W end.

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Hanging Corridor]

Walk E, ride 1st platform down, E to find healing point and SSP, punch CHEST

(NR145) for an upgrade to Magic-Powered Locator Lv1, which simply becomes

MAGIC-POWERED LOCATOR LV2. Nearby you'll find a spot to install fourth (thus

last) of Magic Gauges. Take the stairs to W, and ride 2nd platform up, exit W.

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Lunar Palace]

As Kaim go W and step on 1st platform, press RB.

As Seth go W and operate switch to have Kaim on 1st platform go further N.

As Kaim kick CHEST (NR146) in E room fot 5x DRAGON SCALE, ascend stairs to W,

ram 2nd platform to have it fall down, press RB.

As Seth, walk around the room towards W to step on 2nd platform that got

knocked down, operate switch to ride 2nd platform further N, follow the path to

3rd platform. Weird, it won't budge - grab nearby green pillar and pull it onto

3rd platform along with you. This will force 3rd platform to go down, follow

the path, nail CHEST (NR147) in SE room for KI TROOKY TALISMAN (allow Trooky to

eventually swipe it from you during battles).

Grab green pillar and pull it with you onto 4th platform, which will sink down.

Still hang onto same green pillar and pull it with you onto 5th platform, which

will sink down, go N to find 6th platform with two green pillars on it. Pull

one of the pillard off, and 6th platform will rise close to Kaim's position.

Finally, take stairs all the way to the bottom, nail CHEST (NR148) for

TWIN CROSS (Double Back), walk to the other side where red seal is, grab green

pillar on 7th platform so it floats up, press RB.

As Kaim, descend stairs to E, go N and step on 8th platform, operate switch to

ride 8th platform down, W, step on 9th platfor, operate switch to ride 9th

platform down, follow the path to 6th and 10th platforms. Grab green pillar on

6th platform and drag it with you onto 10th platform, which will sink down, go

to SW corner to check CHEST (NR149) in SW corner for KI TABLET FRAGMENT,

retrace a bit, gran green pillar and pull it with you on 7th platform so it

sinks down.

Parties are reunited and transportation system no longer FUBAR. Before you take

W exit, prep up with Freeform skill.

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Throne of Sun]

Ride the platform up, go N and let's baleet next boss. My party was Seth, Ming,

Sarah, Cooke and Kaim.

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

KEYSTONE x2 T: Hardened E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

6690 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | Angel Ring (Keystone A)

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Slower

02. Delay

03. All-Fall

04. Shuffle


ANCIENT FIEND T: Spirit Magic E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

15880 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | Angel Feather

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Successive Waves

02. Bind Hit

03. All-Rise

04. Shadowus

05. Lost

06. Reversa

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv44

Smashing Keystone A to bits will deactivate Ancient Fiend's counters.

Smashing Keystone B to bits will deactivate Ancient Fiend's magic counters.

I find physical more effective than magic attacks in this battle, hence why

we'll smash only Keystone A. Absorb Attack skill is effective in dealing with

Successive Waves attack.

Keystones will waste lots of turns casting Slower and Delay on chrs, so just

shrug it off. Begin the battle with All-Generata, All-Shieldus, All-Barricadus

and the likes, then Powerus on Kaim and Seth. This will ensure sufficient

protection from boss attacks, and provide a counter-action when one of

Keystones casts All-Fall.

Boss' Bind Hit inflicts Formation Paralysis, while Keystone's Shuffle randomly

changes chrs positions (not effective if chr suffers from Formation Paralysis).

All in all, only thing the boss has going is amount of HP.

BTW, do not kill both Keystones, or you'll face much more potential arsenal of

the boss - which is Lost (potential to *remove* chr from battle) and Reversa

(huge amounts of damage to one chr). If boss uses All-Rise, use Reset to

nullify the effects of the spell.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

After battle you score ANGEL FEATHER, ANGEL RING combo. Afterwards you're taken

to world map - submerge, and go N for few scenes.

Nautilus can now cross hypercurrents! First things first - still stuff to do in

the ruins we just left...

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Lunar Palace]

Yup, travel all the way back... as you're walking down to ground floor of this

area, watch out for a Trooky in one of the room in the background. Talk to it

twice to be thrust in event battle with Trooky Queen and 4x Trooky (Trooky must

steal Trooky Talisman from you first, though).

Swipe SORCERER'S BRACELET (MP Max Up 3) from Trooky Queen, or get it after

battle when it's defeated. Equip Stream Rings, and blast everyone with spells

like All-Aquara, then target Queen in the back with Gamble. Queen's Item Blast

inflicts [amount of stolen items x 500] damage! Keep on healing duty, girls!

10 SP, 1100 gold

[The Great Ancient Ruins / Throne of Sun]

13TH TREASURE HUNT (15/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere in

the Ancient Ruins, and this is the spot. Sniff around the center and collect

LUCENT DRAGON DISCUS, LUCENT DRAGON RING combo. Now walk all the way back out

and pay a visit to [Terrace Cave].




If you had Money steal your gold at least once during battles with it, you'll

spot faint glints on the ground in the cave. Follow glint trail (each is worth

1G) until you come to red chest. Prepare your party and open the chest for

event battle against Money-Money. Bash its ass to win KI BIOGRAPHY OF BACKYARD

and reclaim the gold stolen by Moneys. Go to [Construction Base].




[Construction Base / Temporary Laboratory]

Report back to Lilan that you installed all Magic Gauges and he'll award you


[Construction Base / Building Material Warehouse]

Give Magic Capsules to Venim in exchange for 6x CEREMONIAL CRYSTAL. Pay a visit

to [Old Sorceress' Mansion] for a moment.




[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Exterior]

Short scene plays, exit N.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Entrance Hall]

Another scene plays, save at SSP, exit N.

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Courtyard]

24TH TREASURE HUNT (16/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff around central area, bit SE of the staircase and nail BLAZING FIRE AMULET

(Fire Proof).

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Old Sorceress' Hermitage]

Before you walk into the room, stop for a while... are you sure you're prepared

for a tough boss ahead? Give your "special" chrs as many anti-status skills as

you can before engaging. Kaim and Sarah are must-have chrs, for the rest use

all remaining girls.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

PERSONA T: none E: wind

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

12780 | 10 | 10000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


88 Caliber Magic Rifle | 88 Caliber Magic Rifle

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Forceus

02. Death

03. Darkness

04. Reverse

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv45

Equip Flare Rings for dishing physical damage, and use Flara or Flarus for

magical, but be careful. Persona begins the battle with ability that allows it

to absorb any type of magic damage as HP recovery. During battle it'll use

Reverse to switch this property from absorbing magic damage to absorbing

physical damage.

Persona introduces insta-KO spell, Death. Not much to do about it but to use

Angel's Plume to revive fallen girl (who cares about Kaim?). Forceus may also

potentially knock out a chr, so use All-Shieldus before that happens.

All-Generata is also a nice spell to apply.

The worst thing happens when Persona uses Darkness - in addition to damage it

drains Sarahload of MP and inflicts many status changes. You'll want to be

protected against Sleep, Paralyze, Darkness, Curse, Poison, Petrify, and Seal.

With four "special" chrs in party that's no problem, but "non-special" chr will

easily fall prey to Darkness attack (sorry I can't protect thee, Cooke).

Don't worry about the gun, it'll be dropped after battle.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

You'll get 88 CALIBER MAGIC RIFLE, and SARAH'S NOTEBOOK (Absorb Fire). Leave

for world map and travel to [Numara Atoll].




Ming warns you of Holy Beast prowling the area, but there's no danger of

running into it yet. What you want to do here is level up your remaining chrs

into levels 45~50. You're now more than capable of killing Silver Kelolons and

Hell Shakers. When you get Sed to lv48, make sure to skill-link 3 Accessories

skill. It's Minnngreat!




These are spots you can land at with Nautilus (few were added):

- Western Shore of Uhra

- Northern Coast of Numara

- Southern Coast of Tosca

- Eastern Coast of Saman

- Eastern Continent-East Lakefront

STAY AWAY FROM PORT OF NUMARA! Go there when I tell you to.

Since you can explore new areas, let's see what we can find! While submerged,

turn the camera angle above Nautilus so you can see ocean floor - start

navigating and look for air bubbles coming from the ground. Press A near such

bubbles to obtain whatever they're hiding - if you search sistematically by

always having hypercurrents or land's walls to your left/right, you're bound to

find all items soon (20/24):

- KI SEED (90/99) (W from Numara Atoll)










Let's proceed towards Numara.




Save your game, equip Fainting Rings and depart for Numara. After the scene

drive Nautilus into the enemy...

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

ARTHROSAURUS T: Beast E: earth

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

14370 | ? | ? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Heat Breath

02. Rephy

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv46

With Fire Proof skill this battle is a cinch. All you're gonna need to do is

heal party members who get hit with rephy and Absorb Attack skill doesn't


-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Now the real fun begins. There are 4 more Arthroses you need to take care of,

and you have to defeat them before they reach the city - game over of one

succeeds. Approach any Arthro to battle it and finish it off ASAP. Here's where

Fainting Ring will come to use - when asleep, Arthro won't be advancing. Also,

while you're fighting for your life, there are five fish schools to run into.

Their rewards are SLOT SEED (28/48), 5x DRAGON SCALE, 3x DECAYING PARTICLE,


Two Arthros are coming from SE, and two from NE. Also, their elements vary from

Arthro to Arthro, so Planet Ring works against one, but not against other - so

check your elements before striking!

Dash against any Arthro you see, engage in battle, cast Sleep on it, and flee.

Arthro will remain sleeping for quite a while, allowing you to focus on others.

Fire Proof skill will keep you safe from Heat Breath, as it did in first


After you dispatch all four guys, rejoice. All world map destinations are now

available... but before going to Numara, detour into [Crimson Forest].




[Crimson Forest / Maze of Gloom]

Check dead end on N side to find and break another Royal Seal (07/09). You'll


[Crimson Forest / Near Swamp]

23RD TREASURE HUNT (17/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere in

[Crimson Forest], and you can find it in this part. Head for N exit, and when

you reach a small stone clearing, sniff near the center to pick up OGRE BANGLE

(Attack Boost 2).

Dance back to world map and head for [City of Numara].




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Thelran's Inn]

Talk to Cotti (sitting next to harp in the lobby) and have Sed fix it to obtain

19x CAPE OF ILLUSIONS. Talk to Rakki to receive treasure hunt info.

14TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "An item was lost during the confusion

around Numara's Fountain Square."

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

14TH TREASURE HUNT (18/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff just a bit W from the fountain for LV7 SPIRIT MAGIC REFRESHUS (27/S32).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Ninn's Boutique]

Go into E and check out E wall for faint glint... wot dat? Grab the crate and

pull it away, then examine the glint for 3x PURGATORY ORE.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

Take [Main Street] towards [Canal Street] and bump into Gix and Ninon to obtain


[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

Follow the road W, then N to bump into Borlis and Slan, which leads to


[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Katyla Family House]

Talk to Toton and Tatan for treasure hunt info.

17TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "A treasure from the east is hidden

deep inside the Temple of Enlightenment."

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Sanuman Family House]

Note that you'll have to enter thru [Port of Numara]. Talk to Numan for

treasure hunt info.

15TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "An old Ghost Town resident's family

heirloom still remains buried there."

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - City of Ruins]

15TH TREASURE HUNT (19/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff around the place where petrified beast was earlier and collect your

reward of LV7 SPIRIT MAGIC REVERSA (28/S32).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Ghost Town - Funeral Beach]

Approach Cooke's house for a scene, then check out Pipot in pot. Give it Tough

Seed in exchange for KI FUZZY SEED (this one goes to Pipot in [Construction





[Construction Base / Exterior]

Check Pipot in pot and give it Fuzzy Seed in exchange for KI ROUGH SEED (this

one goes to Pipot in Tosca).




[Mountain Village Tosca / Old Man Bosso's House]

Check Pipot in pot and give it Rough Seed in exchange for KI SMOOTH SEED (this

one goes to Pipot in White Boa... where? That's a secret for now!).




[Saman / Audun's Item Shop]

Enter Audun's and hear his woes about a cursed mask. Agree to dispose of it and

you'll receive KI ENCHANTER'S MASK.




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Facade]

Ensure your game is saved, then press on towards the palace.

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------

SUPPORT HEAVY TANK x2 T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

4840 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Tank Charge Support (Heavy Tank A only)

02. Cannon Charge Support (Heavy Tank B only)

03. Volcannon


KAKANAS HEAVY TANK T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

5200 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Full Charge Hit

02. Tank Hit


KAKANAS CANNON T: Mechanical E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

4160 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Full Charge Cannon

02. Volcannon

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv47

Easy - bring Fire Proof skill along, and you've basically won.

Notice the "Kakanas Cannon" and "Kakanas Tank" gauges - "Kakanas Cannon" gauge

increases when Heavy Tank B uses Cannon Charge Support, while "Kakanas Tank"

gauge increases when Heavy Tank A uses Tank Charge Support. Both steal MP from

your chrs which bites and robs you of MP for your own skills and magics.

Equip Hacker Rings and start munching down on HP of Heavy Tank B to eliminate

charging for Kakanas Cannon. Afterwards eliminate Heavy Tank A, and finally

dismantle Kakanas' tank to end the battle.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------



[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Chamber of Flowers]

Open two closets for 5x LOUD BELL, KI SEED (91/99), use SSP to save your game.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Corridor Garden]

Go W and enter NW door.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Winds Chamber]

Open two closets for 6x FORBIDDEN EXPLOSIVES, KI SEED (92/99). SSP here too.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Corridor Garden]

Ride N elevator to upper floor, enter NW door.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Waves Chamber]

Open two closets for 5000G, KI SEED (93/99). SSP here too.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Corridor Garden]

Enter NE door.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Songs Chamber]

Open two closets for AQUAUS BOMB, 6x SPENT MAGIC ENGINE. SSP here too.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Corridor Garden]

Waltz all the way S.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Queen's Chamber]

Chck S and open CHEST (NR150) for KI CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 8, probe SW pot for

KI SEED (94/99), probe SE pot for 2x FAIRY'S CRADLE. Now exit into [Corridor

Garden], ride any elevator to lower floor, exit S into [Philosopher's Chamber],

exit S to [Facade] and head for [White Square].

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

Look for Lato along E side.

Play eighth music piece - "TRY TO REMEMBER".


Arrange your formation with four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: G, B, A, D

- 2nd turn: G, A, B, G

- 3rd turn: D, Rest Cube, G, D

- 4th turn: E, A, G, A

- 5th turn: B, E, B, E

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is ELFIN CHARM (Magic Defense Boost 2).

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Main Street]

Talk to Rona (between the two shops) and hear her plea - head for [Facade] and

save a little bird from certain doom!

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Numara Palace - Facade]

Check out the rubble just a bit S from entrance into [Philosopher's Chamber] to

find the injured bird. You'll get 6x ANCIENT STATUE. Leave to [White Square]

and come back immediately to talk to Rona again. She wants you to bring her

some flower seeds from the flowerbed in [Ghost Town / City of Ruins]. Go there

and leg it for the flowerbed - check out faint glint to obtain KI FLOWER SEED.

Bring it back to Rona for 5x SEALING STONE.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

The bridge that was blocking access to Numara's port is now down. However,

there's something else here... the other bridge on S side of the area has

stairs leading down and below that bridge. Go as far as you can to find a new

shop, which offers one new weapon and some good ring components.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara]

Go to port and head W, talk to Hales to open the W doors, then step into

[Terminal Building] which is found along N side.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara - Terminal Building]

Check the lockers on E side for KI SEED (95/99), talk to Yasusu near N exit and

board White Boa.




[The White Boa / Pilothouse]

As Jansen check your surroundings - here you have SSP, healing point and

Ringmaker Trace. In SW corner you'll find 7th Pipot in a pot. Give it Smooth

Seed in exchange for KI PUFFY SEED (this one goes to Pipot in [Pirate

Fortress]). Go E and take elevator to engine room.

[The White Boa / Engine Area]

Talk to Ketenoth for treasure hunt info!

19TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Something is hidden around the waters

where Khent once stood."

Head for the brig, we have some unfinished business there.

[The White Boa / Brig]

Open the door to N cell, check CHEST (NR151) for KI SEED (96/99). Now return to

the elevator and take it to guest area.

[The White Boa / Guest Area]

Talk to Cadasith near the pool for treasure hunt info!

16TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Some materials left on the deck of the

White Boa are now missing."

You can finally check out the four side rooms!

[The White Boa / Cabin (SW)]


[The White Boa / Cabin (NW)]

Nothing of interest.

[The White Boa / Cabin (NE)]

Check CHEST (NR152) for 2x DARK DEMON NOTE.

[The White Boa / Cabin (SE)]

Nothing of interest. Now return to the elevator and take it to main deck.

[The White Boa / Main Deck]

16TH TREASURE HUNT (20/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Sniff around near N boat for 3x STAR ABSORBER.

Walk W for some scenes. Woo, nice view of Ming's breas... I mean, the horizon.

After the scene walk a bit E for more scenes.

You now have control of White Boa! The ship can smash thru ice fields, and also

houses Nautilus for immediate deployment in smaller areas. Nautilus received

another power up - it can now jump in the air.

When you can steer White Boa, press RB to go to [Pilothouse].

[The White Boa / Pilothouse]

Another man is here - he has set up a shop for whenever you feel like buying

ring ingredients. Take the elevator to [Guest Area] and exit N to [Queen's


[The White Boa / Queen's Room]

Approach the harp to obtain KI MING'S HARP, then return to [Pilothouse] and

resume cruising (Ming's Harp can be used on [Numara Atoll] to trigger event

battle against Holy Beast] - just so you know).


Alright, time to unlock all the remaining optional areas.




These are spots you can land at with White Boa / Nautilus (one was added):

- Western Shore of Uhra

- Landing point at Numara Port

- Northern Coast of Numara

- Southern Coast of Tosca

- Eastern Coast of Saman

- Eastern Continent-East Lakefront

If you check your map with RT, you'll see five places show up on the map. All

of those are optional areas, and it's good to clear out two of them.

As port choose "Western Shore of Uhra", then steer White Boa towards NW

continent, punch thru the thin ice until "Land" command shows up. Press A to

unlock [Snowfields of the Northern Land]. That's one down, four to go.

As port choose "Western Shore of Uhra", then steer White Boa towards NW

continent, continue towards inner sea of N continent, punch thru thin ice

separating it from outer sea, then go a bit SW to unlock 7th port of the map,

called "Northern Shore of Ipsilon".

Deploy Nautilus and submerge to hunt for items (24/24):

- KI SEED (97/99) (this is the last underwater Seed)



- SLOT SEED (29/48)

These are all the items that you can find underwater, for a grand total of 24.

As port choose "Northern Shore of Ipsilon", deploy Nautilus, submerge and then

look along S mountains for hard-to-find passage to the small lake. Take it,

then surface and press A to unlock [Kelolon Village], as well as add another

port, called "Lakefront in Mountains".

As port choose "Eastern Coast of Saman", go E and then N towards NE white dot,

punch thru thin ice coming from NE and press A to unlock [Pirate Fortress], as

well as add another port, called "Northern Shore near Pirate Fortress".

As port choose "Northern Shore near Pirate Fortress", and cruise W for N white

dot. Near the dot you can punch thru some thin ice, then deploy Nautilus,

submerge, and enter the underwater tunnel to unlock [Forgotten Cave].

As port choose "Landing point at Numara Port", sail W thru hypercurrent, and

punch thru thin ice on SE continent. Deploy Nautilus, submerge, go thru nearby

tunnel, surface, and press A to unlock [Temple of Enlightenment], as well as

add another port, called "Eastern Continent-West Lakefront". That's all of

them, now head for [Pirate Fortress].




[Pirate Fortress / Exterior]

[Pirate Fortress / Sed's Studio]


[Pirate Fortress / Exterior]

There's SSP, walk forward for a scene, Sed fixes the gondola, but there's only

one crewmate. The rest of 'em haven't come back yet, so you need to track them

down. Get Sed to be in your party, otherwise you won't be able to find specific

pirates! Heading for [Kelolon Village] now...




Probe pots for 2x KELOLON'S SOUL, GODLY DRAGON TEARS, KI SEED (98/99). If

you've been to pirate fort, you'll eventually fall into event battle with 4x

Kelolon and Orly (Sed must be in party!). Kill four green bastards before they

deplete Orly's HP... that's one pirate found (01/06).

Check out E end to find and break Royal Seal (08/09) for QUAD-ELEMENT AMULET

(Nullify All Elements). In NW corner you'll find a shop which sells a couple of

new weapons and LV8 WHITE MAGIC SPELL RESURRECT (27/W32).

Talk to Kelop and enter the tournament - only Cooke is fighting, though.

Qualifier round is easy enough, just keep knocking out enemy Kelolons.

When you win, save at SSP. Then it's final battles...

Round 1: Kelo-Kelolon (wear Kelolon Earrings)

Round 2: Uncle Kelolon (use Gamble to knock him out, if he's reinforced by

Wifeena, get rid of her with Gamble as well)

Round 3: Self-Claimed lv99 (wear White Flame Candle)

Round 4: Surprise guest (no troubles here)

Save your game, then take on King Kelolon (Cooke must be in party) by talking

to Kelop.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

KING KELOLON T: Kelolon E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

11340 | ? | ? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Kelonga Crown | Kelonga Crown

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Coverus

02. Divide

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

King isn't as tough as it appears - don Planet Rings on Kaim and Seth, then

blast the boss with Grounda spells or Groundus Bombs. Boss will often use

Coverus to prevent taking some damage, though it won't do it much good in the

long run. Use All-Generata and Zephyra to keep party healthy.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

After battle you receive KELONGA CROWN (MP Max Up 4), as well as one more

spell: LV8 WHITE MAGIC DIVIDE (28/W32). Leave the village and come back, then

talk to Kepilo and help him light all ten torches. When you succeed, it'll give

you 17x IRON BALL OF RUIN. To [Pirate Fortress].




[Pirate Fortress / Exterior]

Take the gondola down, climb two ladders, probe two pots for KI SEED (99/99),

6x MASTER THIEF TOOLS, climb ladder to W, probe pot for GODDESS MEDICINE, enter

the nearby door.

[Pirate Fortress / Sed's Studio]

Check the workbench to receive MAGIC-POWERED LOCATOR LV 3. If you talk to Gar,

he'll relay info about missing friends.

[Pirate Fortress / Exterior]

Descend ladder, descend another ladder to E, climb yet another ladder to W, and

follow the penguin (probe pot on this elevation to E for 6x JET BLACK CLOTH).

When screen shifts, you'll find 8th and final Pipot in pot. Give that bastard

Puffy Seed in exchange for BRACELET OF EFFICIENCY (MP Conservation), and hand

over remaining Seeds. Now that Pipot group has all of them, you receive

PIPOT COLLAR (Absorb Earth). Nail nearby CHEST (NR153) for CUBIC MUSIC SCORE 9.

Go to [Numara].




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - White Square]

Look for Lato along E side.

Play ninth music piece - "CUBIC MAESTRO".


Arrange your formation with four party members and it's battle time.

Have each party member target the cube in correct order:

- 1st turn: Rest Cube, E, E, Rest Cube

- 2nd turn: D, Rest Cube, C, D

- 3rd turn: E, G, A, B

- 4th turn: F, E, D, E

- 5th turn: B, A, G, E

- 6th turn: C, C, D, E

- 7th turn: A, Rest Cube, E, D

This plays the perfect tune. Reward is KI SUNDERCH GLASSES - this item allows

you to see invisible chests.

Go to [Sea of Baus].




[Sea of Baus / Eastern Shore]

Go N as far as you can, and check to your right to find another crewmate Nick

(02/06), who'll go back to the pirate fort. Before leaving, check out E-most

part for invisi-CHEST (NR154) (01/11) for LV8 BLACK MAGIC PRISMUS (27/B32).

Let's find next crewmate.




[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Exterior]

Approach the entrance to the mansion for a scene, then toss a peak at E end for

invisi-CHEST (NR155) (02/11) for MASTER EARRINGS (Lv8 Black-White Magic).

[Old Sorceress' Mansion / Hallway (left side)]

Here you'll find another crewmate Rodo (03/06). Next crewmate!




[Saman / Main Street]

Look for Barg near the big tree - another crewmate found (04/06) found. Just

two more guys to go.




[The White Boa / Queen's Room]

What the heck are you doing in Ming's private quarters??? Argh, this makes me

so angry! Crewmate Gondy (05/06) found.




As port choose "Northern Shore of Ipsilon", deploy Nautilus, submerge, and look

for lots of bubbles on ocean floor just N from port point you chose. Crewman

Jila rescued (06/06)! That's all of them.

19TH TREASURE HUNT (21/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

You'll see a red dot appear NE from "Northern Shore of Ipsilon", get close with

Nautilus and start mashing A (it may take quite a while) to obtain your reward


20TH TREASURE HUNT (22/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere near

[Sea of Baus]. You'll see a red dot appear SE from the island with Grand Staff

on it. Get close with Nautilus and start mashing A (it may take quite a while)

to obtain your reward of APOCALYPSE ROD, APOCALYPSE RING combo. Arr, mateys, to

[Pirate Fortress].




[Pirate Fortress / Exterior]

If you found all six crewmates, Barg tells Sed to visit Gar in [Sed's Studio],

so go there.

[Pirate Fortress / Sed's Studio]

Gar gives you MAGIC RIFLE OF ANEIRA, ANEIRA RING award combo. Leave the fort

and come back immediately.

[Pirate Fortress / Exterior]

Gar (next to gondola) will give you awards for finding all Sed's buddies. Award

is SLOT SEED (30/48). Now save your game and cruise to [Forgotten Cave]. Don't

worry, we won't be long, I just want specific accessory from there.




Gas prevents you from using recovery items, so equipping skills like Relax and

MP Recovery are a must. When path splits for 1st time, take a right for

treasure hunt info!

18TH TREASURE HINT obtained! It reads - "Someone secretly slipped into the

Forgotten Cave and left a treasure."

18TH TREASURE HUNT (23/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

Shortly after receiving a hint path splits left and right again - take a left

(so that poison crap is on your left), keep walking, go under the stone bridge,

and wade thru green goo to reach an island in NE corner. Sniff around here and

collect ANGEL GUARD (Ailment Resistance). This is the stuff I came for, as it

grants immunity to all bad status changes (except Death, and Kelolon). Do we

rock or what? Now get the heck outta here, we'll loot the place later.

In order to be able to equip Angel Guard, you need to skill-link Special

Accessory skill from Sed - when you learn the skill, equip it, and only then

will you be able to equip Angel Guard.

In total there are 11 invisi-chests in the world, and we found two so far.

Hunting the rest of them down is quite lucrative and will also expand your

spell collection.




[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Residential Area]

Head for the playground, and check the dead end on S side for invisi-CHEST

(NR156) (03/11) with LV8 WHITE MAGIC ZEPHYRUS (29/W32). Head for Gongora's and

go to [Secret Cave].




After entering check invisi-CHEST (NR157) (04/11) for COMPOSITE MAGIC BOOK

(Lv4 Composite Magic). You'll bump into it immediately after taking first E

turn, quite hard to miss.




[Ipsilon Mountains / Near Mountain Hut]

Yodeling I shall go... There's a dead end leading SE. Go there and punch

invisi-CHEST (NR158) (05/11) with LV8 WHITE MAGIC COVERUS (30/W32).

[Ipsilon Mountains / Peak]

Check invisi-CHEST (NR159) (06/11) with LV8 BLACK MAGIC FORCEUS (28/B32).




[Crimson Forest / Sorcerer's Shrine - Altar of the Abyss]

Invisi-CHEST (NR160) (07/11) with CURSED CREST (Lv8 Spirit Magic) is found by

examining the N-most part of the area.




Invisi-CHEST (NR161) (08/11) with LV8 BLACK MAGIC DEATH (29/B32) is found by

checking out E end of the cape and sniffing along the edge.




[Ice Canyon / Snowy Plateau]

Invisi-CHEST (NR162) (09/11) with LV8 SPIRIT MAGIC REGENERUS (29/S32) is found

by climbing NE slope to the area where Royal Seal was, then examine SW portion

of the clearing.




[Gohtza City / Low Town]

Invisi-CHEST (NR163) (10/11) with LV8 SPIRIT MAGIC ALL-POWERUS (30/S32) is

found by descending short ladder to small balcony in middle of the area.




[Gohtzan Refugee Camp / Exterior]

Invisi-CHEST (NR164) (11/11) with LV8 SPIRIT MAGIC ALL-MINDUS (31/S32) is found

by taking the ladder down to hot spring, then ascending another ladder to a

small ledge. That is all of them.

Here's a brief overview of the dungeons and quests that are still left open:

- finish up [Forgotten Cave]

- [Snowfields of the Northern Land]

- battling Holy Beast at [Numara Atoll]

- [Temple of Enlightenment]

- optional boss battle at final Royal Seal in [Amphitheater of the Sky] in Uhra

- Backyard battles

- 6 magic spells left to find

- finding the rest of treasure chests (we have 165 so far)




I advise your party to consist of all "special" chrs and Sed (though I used

Cooke). Hey, I like all-girl parties if possible - if you have a problem with

that, too bad.

As port choose "Western Shore of Uhra", and cruise with White Boa S towards

Grand Staff. You'll be asked "Board the Grand Staff? (You cannot return to this

point.)". Choose "Yes" to continue - don't worry, this isn't point of no return





[Grand Staff / Engine Area]

[Grand Staff / Second Boiler]

[Grand Staff / Armory (NE)]

[Grand Staff / Armory (SE)]

[Grand Staff / Engine Section]

[Grand Staff / First Boiler]

[Grand Staff / Central Connector]

[Grand Staff / Upper Level - Upper Connector]

[Grand Staff / Transportation Lift]

[Grand Staff / Magic Control Section (a)]

[Grand Staff / Magic Control Section (b)]

[Grand Staff / Glass Chamber]

[Grand Staff / Magic-Powered Unit]

[Grand Staff / Maintenance Lift]

[Grand Staff / Control Room]


[Grand Staff / Engine Area]

The directions will be very liberal and to the T, so bear with me.

Use SSP not far ahead, now let's dance.

N, climb 1st ladder, at end of path kick canister for GODDESS MEDICINE, back to

1st ladder, E, kick canister for 3x POWER REACTOR, NE, ascend 2nd ladder, NW,

descend 3rd ladder, operate terminal to shut off steam emitters in this


Return by ascending 3rd ladder, SE, descend 2nd ladder, N, ascend 4th ladder to

NE, nail CHEST (NR165) for LV7 BLACK MAGIC AQUAUS (30/B32), descend 4th ladder,

there's a pipe leading SE. Since we shut off the steam-emitter, you can now

cross without fear of being knocked down, but you have to walk carefully

across, as the pipe is slippery - if that happens anyway, you can climb back up

using nearby ladder.

Operate the elevator to N to be taken higher.

[Grand Staff / Second Boiler]

E, ascend 1st ladder, follow the path, kick canister for SLOT SEED (31/48),

back to descending 1st ladder, SE, kick canister for 3x LIVING BRASS, S, kick

canister for 4x ROARING IRON CLAW. Before boarding S elevator, go back to

[Engine Area] and save your game, because we'll be attempting to grab an

accessory that auto-recovers HP. When done, return here and operate elevator on

S end to be taken higher.

[Grand Staff / Armory (SE)]

Directly N from elevator examine, then operate the capsule for event battle

against Experiment No. 1. Kick its ass and hope it drops its rarest item

WHITE CHARM (Auto HP Recovery) - you have two chances and if unlucky, you have

more chances later.

[Grand Staff / Second Boiler]

Operate terminal to shut off steam-emitter, then jump over three platforms to

NW, cross the pipe to N, kick canister for AMBROSIA, operate N elevator to be

taken higher.

[Grand Staff / Armory (NE)]

Immediately to your SE is another elevator, but ignore it for now. You have two

more chances for battles against Experiment No. 1, then operate SE sliding

platform to take you S to a small section with CHEST (NR166) that contains

LV7 WHITE MAGIC SHINUS (31/W32), and 5th chance for White Charm (there's more

of these guys ahead, but it takes too long to get to them). Ride sliding

platform back and fall into NE pipe to continue.

[Grand Staff / Second Boiler]

Nail CHEST (NR167) for SORCERER'S DISCUS, ride SE sliding platform towards SW,

take N elevator up.

[Grand Staff / Armory (NE)]

Take the other elevator up.

[Grand Staff / Engine Section]

Ignore the other N elevator for now, walk directly S, descend 1st ladder,

follow the path, ascend 2nd ladder, climb 3rd ladder to your SW, operate

terminal to shut off one steam-emitter, descend 3rd ladder, NE, walk across the

pipe to NE and deliberately fall down, kick two canisters for reward of

GODLY DRAGON TEARS, LV7 BLACK MAGIC GROUNDUS (31/B32), ascend 4th ladder, now

really cross the pipe to NE, ascend 5th ladder, follow the path, descend 6th


Hm, this terminal is busted - descend nearby 7th ladder, descend 8th ladder,

you'll find a terminal you cannot reach. No problem - grab nearby crate and

push it in the gap near the terminal, then operate it to shut off another

steam-emitter. Walk behind 8th ladder, and ascend 9th ladder, then walk across

pipe to NW and board the other N elevator.

[Grand Staff / First Boiler]

Walk W, ignore 1st ladder, kick three canisters for 3x SEALING STONE,

MANA PRIME, 4x MAGIC STAFF FRAGMENT, back to 1st ladder, ascend it, N, fight

sixth Experiment No. 1 if you want, descend 2nd ladder to your SE, follow the

path, descend 3rd ladder, follow the path, ascend 4th ladder (don't take the

shaft!), NE, kick three canisters for 3x MAGIC-STORING STONE, POWER DRINK,

HEAL FULL. You can fight another Experiment No. 1, and find the elevator taking

you higher.

So far we found 32 Slot Seeds (31 from regular play, and one extra by stealing

it from Rough Queen for second time) - if you gave each "special" chr 8 of

them, and you have learned Slot +3 and Slot +5 skills, then each of these chrs

will have 19 skill slots.

I recommend following abilities on Kaim and Seth:

- Counter, Weapon Guard, Absorb Attack, Absorb Magic, Persistence, Auto Shield,

Auto Barrier, Auto HP Recovery, Double Back, Counter Up, Slot +3, Slot +5, HP

Max Up 3, HP Max Up 4, Attack Boost 2, Ailment Resistance, Nullify All

Elements, Lucky 0 Magic Damage

And for spellcasters Ming and Sarah:

- Spell Counter, Absorb Attack, Absorb Magic, Persistence, Mental Stability 1,

Mental Stability 2, Auto Shield, Auto Barrier, Auto MP Recovery, Reduce Casting

Time 1, Reduce Casting Time 2, MP Conservation, Slot +3, Slot +5, 3

Accessories, MP Max Up 4, Ailment Resistance, Nullify All Elements, Lv4

Composite Magic

- for accessories give one Cursed Crest, the other Master Earrings

Heal up to full, then take the elevator

[Grand Staff / Central Connector]

Last chance to gear up! Walk forth for event battle against some old buddies.

Depending on who was the one you spared your outline will be different. Here's

mine though...

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------


--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1510 | 1 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grade 6 Magic Chant

02. Flarus

03. All-Flara



--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1510 | 1 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grade 6 Magic Chant

02. Aquaus

03. All-Aquara



--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1510 | 1 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grade 6 Magic Chant

02. Windus

03. All-Winda



--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1510 | 1 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grade 6 Magic Chant

02. Groundus

03. All-Grounda



--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1510 | 1 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grade 6 Magic Chant

02. All-Stone

03. All-Sleep



--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

1510 | 1 | 1500 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Grade 6 Magic Chant

02. Shinus

03. Forceus

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Fire magic on Red, water magic on Blue, wind magic on Green, earth magic on

Yellow, petrify status on Black, light magic on White and you win. If Gold dude

is present, toss a good physical in his direction.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------





As port choose "Landing Point at Numara Port", and cruise N with Nautilus into

a small inlet, located W from the lake in which Grand Staff has escaped to.

You'll be asked "Pursue the Grand Staff? You cannot return to this point.)".

Choose "Yes" to continue - don't worry, this still isn't point of no return.




TIP: Memorize the path you're taking to the top of Grand Staff.

[Grand Staff / Upper Level - Upper Connector]

Experiment No. 1 is a random battle in these parts, so if you didn't have a

chance to grab White Charm during first Grand Staff visit, attempt to do so


Use SSP, descend 1st ladder, ignore the elevator for now, S, descend 2nd ladder

to E, operate the terminal, ascend 2nd ladder, N, take the elevator up, follow

the path to another terminal. Operate it to cave the catwalks come together and

form path forward.

Go E to nail CHEST (NR168) with GODDESS MEDICINE, W, climb 3rd ladder, climb

4th ladder to next area.

[Grand Staff / Transportation Lift]

1st level - W, then walk across the bridge to E side, check out SE catwalk and

nail CHEST (NR169) for ENCHANTED NECKLACE (Lv7 Spirit Magic). Now

get to bridge controls in the middle and choose "Rise".

2nd level - Check out W catwalk and punch CHEST (NR170) for GODLY DRAGON TEARS.

Back to controls in the middle and choose "Rotate left", then


3rd level - Choose "Rotate left", then get to NE catwalk and operate terminal

to extend SE catwalk with chest on it. Back to controls, choose

"Rotate right", then get to SE catwalk and punch CHEST (NR171) with

INFERNO HORN. Back to controls, choose "Rotate left", then "Rise".

4th level - Cross S to catwalk, and circle around to punch CHEST (NR172) with

LORD'S EARRINGS (Defense Boost 2). Run around again and climb SW

ladder to next area.

[Grand Staff / Magic Control Section (a)]

N, ignore 1st ladder, operate nearby terminal, go W a bit, grab on 1st box with

red button and push it in, descend 2nd ladder to S, grab 2nd box with red

button and push it in, ascend 2nd ladder, E, ascend 3rd ladder (ignore the

three terminals for now), N, grab 3rd box with red button and push it in,

descend 3rd ladder, W, ascend 1st ladder.

SW, grab 4th box with red button and push it in, collect CHEST (NR173) with

AMBROSIA (don't take W elevator just yet), then return to [Transportation Lift]


[Grand Staff / Transportation Lift]

Make way to NW ladder and ascend it.

[Grand Staff / Magic Control Section (b)]

Nail CHEST (NR174) with MANA PRIME at one end, then check out terminal on other

end. Time your fiddling with it so that nearby derrick stops - jump across it

to reach CHEST (NR175) with LV7 WHITE MAGIC REFLECT (32/W32). Jump back across

the piston, *make sure* to operate terminal again to get derrick moving, and

back to [Transportation Lift].

[Grand Staff / Transportation Lift]

Make way to SW ladder and ascend it.

[Grand Staff / Magic Control Section (a)]

N, ignore 1st ladder, go W, ascend 3rd ladder, and you're next to the three

terminals we ignored before. Operate all three to have the big wheels stop

moving - you can now reach CHEST (NR176) with WYVERN'S TAIL. Turn around,

descend 3rd ladder, W, ascend 1st ladder, and take W elevator further up.

[Grand Staff / Glass Chamber]

I strongly advise that you save your game at SSP. Don't try going upstairs, the

barrier will hurt you - there's a ladder near SSP that takes you down in next


[Grand Staff / Magic-Powered Unit]

Trek over to the terminal in middle and operate it, then arrange your equips

and talk to Sed to get the battle moving. One team is Kaim and Ming, the other

team is Seth and Sarah. Rach team will face an event battle against General -

the catch is, both Generals have to be killed on same turn, otherwise it's game


General Kaim and Ming are facing is of wind element, so give Kaim Flare Ring,

while Ming casts Powerus on Kaim, then let it rip. The other General, faced by

Seth and Sarah is of earth element, so don Cyclone Ring and let it rip.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

GENERAL (a, b) T: none E: wind(a), earth(b)

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

4050 | ? | ? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Forceus (a, b)

02. Wind Mine (b)

03. Shinus (c)

04. Reflect (a, b)

05. Release Energy (support unit)

06. Adjust Output (when Sed messes with HP recovery)

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Have only Kaim or Seth attacking, while Ming and Sarah provide support.

Remember, once you kill either General, the other one must fall in same turn.

After each turn, you'll get a chance for Sed to choose "Adjust Output", which

prevents Release Energy move during the current team's turn, thus disabling the

healing General would receive.

"Special" chrs are good to use, because they can equip so many skills at once,

something that "non-special" chrs lack. If you don't have high-level element

rings to boost your attack power, use Flarus and Windus Bombs I advised to buy.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

After battle check out NW end for CHEST (NR177) with GODLY DRAGON TEARS, and NE

end for CHEST (NR178) with GODDESS MEDICINE. Then take either SW elevator,

choose "Upper floors", go N, wait for piston to lower, jump on one of its

platforms, wait for piston to rise, jump to S to upper catwalk, and leg it for

the ladder back up... hmmm, wait just a Sarah. Heal up, then take the ladder.

[Grand Staff / Glass Chamber]

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

MAGIC BEAST T: Beast E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

26790 | 10 | 10000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Ground Strike

02. Flare Core

03. Sonic Quake

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Begin by tossing All-Powerus, All-Shieldus, and All-Mindus, and you can add

All-Generatus for good measure, then begin working on Beast's HP until it bites

the dust. All you essentially need is Fire Proof and Absorb Earth.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Save your game, than return to [Magic-Powered Unit].

[Grand Staff / Magic-Powered Unit]

N, jump on piston's side when it rises, jump off piston's side to lower

catwalk, S, use SW elevator to go down, then use SE elevator and choose "Lower


[Grand Staff / Maintenance Lift]

1st level - Get to controls, choose "Rotate right", get to SW catwalk, ascend

ladder, get CHEST (NR179) with SAGE EARRINGS

(Lv7 Black-White Magic), descend ladder, back to controls, choose

"Rotate left", then "Rise".

2nd level - Choose "Rotate left", get to NW catwalk and punch CHEST (NR180)

with SLOT SEED (32/48), back to controls, choose "Rotate left",

then "Rise".

3rd level - Choose "Rotate left", then "Rise".

4th level - Get to E catwalk, and loot CHEST (NR181) with CRYSTAL FRAGMENT

(Auto MP Recovery) on N dead end (in case you didn't score one from

boss battles on earlier disc). Get to W catwalk, operate terminal

on SW end to extend another catwalk down on 3rd level, back to

controls, choose "Descend".

3rd level - Get to NW catwalk and kick CHEST (NR182) for HEAVEN'S BRANCH, back

to controls, choose "Rise".

4th level - Take SW elevator up to [Magic-Powered Unit].

[Grand Staff / Magic-Powered Unit]

Take same elevator to "Upper floors", N, jump on piston's side when it lowers,

jump off piston's side to upper catwalk, S, use SW ladder to go up.

[Grand Staff / Glass Chamber]

Save your game again, then ascend the stairs that were blocked before, and ride

the elevator up.

[Grand Staff / Control Room]

Walk forth for more scenes and event battle against a surprise guest. Defend

for four turns to move the story forward.

You have 8 minutes time limit to perform a certain task - exit S. Don't waste

time with battles, choose Turn-Tail to flee.

[Grand Staff / Glass Chamber]

Take SE elevator down.

[Grand Staff / Magic Control Section (a)]

N, descend the ladder, S, descend another ladder.

[Grand Staff / Transportation Lift]

4th level - Get to controls, choose "Descend".

3rd level - Choose "Rotate right", then "Descend".

2nd level - Choose "Rotate right", then "Descend".

1st level - Get to W catwalk, descend the ladder on S side.

[Grand Staff / Upper Level - Upper Connector]

Descend the ladder, N, take the elevator down, climb the ladder to SE, follow

the path and you're home free.




You're given an option to save your game - do so. "The Tower of Mirrors" is

added as port destination, as well.

Here's a coverage on everything else that is optional.




Save at SSP, then trek N for event battle against Holy Beast (if you have

Ming's Harp from her room aboard White Boa, that is). Ming is a must-have chr

for this battle.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

HOLY BEAST T: Beast E: water

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

14020 | 10 | 10000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


1000 Year Memories | 1000 Year Memories

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Aqua Mine

02. All-Groundus

03. All-Aquaus

04. All-Sleep

05. All-Windus

06. Hopelessness

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Planet Rings and Spartan Ring will rip this foe a new one. Equip Nullify All

Elements skill to null damage from All-Groundus and All-Aquaus, and to be free

from water counters bestowed by Aqua Mine. Don't forget Anti-Sleep or Ailment

Resistance skills to be shielded against Sleep.

When Holy Beast uses All-Sleep, it's a sign for incoming Hopelessness (in next

three turns), an unblockable attack that does 9999 damage to all chrs. Have

Persistence skill equipped to possibly survive with 1 HP.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

H-H-Holy Ming! Holy Sarah! Holy Seth! 1000 YEAR MEMORIES (Slot +10) is yours.

OMG, what a great accessory - when this is learned, you can equip a Cookeload

of skills on your "special" chrs.




[Magic Republic of Uhra / Uhra - Amphitheater of the Sky]

Check out N end of the area for ninth, thus final Royal Seal. If you have

broken other eight found in various places over the world, you'll be able to

break this one - smash final Royal Seal (09/09), as Tolten walk a bit S and

brace for event battle.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

GOLDEN KNIGHT T: none E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

----- | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Rephy

02. Ultimate Hit

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Tolten is alone for this battle. Begin by striking Golden Knight a few times,

until he rambles about protecting yourself. Cast Complete Defense to survive

Ultimate Hit strike, then you get to use Ultimate Hit for yourself (check Skill

entry!). Use it on Golden Knight and you win.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

You also score AGE OF THE KING, KING RING combo award. Sarahsome! Tolten has

learned Ultimate Hit skill - note that this is the only skill in the game

obtained in such a way.




Immediately E from entrance wade thru poison and nail CHEST (NR183) for

2x PERPETUAL DARKNESS. Back to entrance - at 1stcross go N, at 2ndcross E, at

3rdcross E, walk under bridge, wade thru green goo to small island with CHEST

(NR184) containing 3x ANCIENT STATUE, back to 3rdcross, S, follow the path up a

slope - equip Ailment Resistance skill, then carry on for boss battle (Seth is

mandatory chr).

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

CAVE WORM T: Organic E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

10180 | 10 | 10000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Triple Attack

02. Stench

03. Earth Shake

04. Complete Defense

05. Rephy

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Ailment Resistance skill is your ticket to victory. Equip Spartan Ring and

rings with Bio Killer effects to inflict significant damage on Worm, as it's

quite resilient otherwise to physical attacks.

Remember, no items can be used while in Forgotten Cave, so MP recovery skills

are a must! Keep party healthy with Zephyra and All-Generata, and make sure

that Kaim and Seth aren't hampered battle-wise with something as silly as


You can render almost everything Worm throws at you useless by equipping right

skills, so kick its slimy ass back to where it came from. Where is that,

anyway? Complete Defense only prolongs the inevitable (and also wastes Worm's

turn, hehe).

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Victory yields GRAVITY RAVE, GRAVITY RING combo, and you also score additional

reward of ANEIRA'S PLUME (Absorb Wind). After the battle take path N, and take

E path afterwards. Nail CHEST (NR185) for 6x RUIN MASK, backtrack to fight

platform, and take W path. Jump over the gap to reach CHEST (NR186) with

6x FORBIDDEN EXPLOSIVE. Back to fight platform, and trek all the way N.

Slide down the slope towards S, and take a look a bit W. Punch CHEST (NR187)

for 5x DEATH POWDER. Directly S from this chest is another - you'll have to

wade thru some poison goo to get to it. When located, punch CHEST (NR188) for

2x FAIRY'S CRADLE. That's all folks, you can now leave this place.




Sarah, what's with optional areas? They're all so damn short!

For the snowfields, there is something fishy going on - your MP is slowly being

drained; as if that wasn't enough, you're bound to get lost in the snow maze.

You have to navigate the areas is a certain way to find the boss of the

snowfields. If you want to give up for some reason or another, click right

analog and choose "Yes" to return to world map.

There are bits and pieces of magic floating thru the air - they'll be your

guidance thru the snow. Pay attention to which way pieces of magic are

floating, and take the opposite direction. Take the path correctly five times

in a row for an event battle. Jansen is mandatory character.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

BLUE DRAGON T: Organic E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

9350 | 10 | 10000 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | Blue Dragon Eye

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. All-Curse

02. Prismus

03. Leveler

04. Death

05. Forceus

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Ailment Resistance skill is your ticket to victory (that or have Anti-Curse

skill at least), but it doesn't protect against Death. Equip Spartan Ring and

rings with Bio Killer effects to inflict significant damage on Dragon (also

powered by Powera/us), as it's otherwise quite resilient to physical attacks.

Be vary - Dragon can attack twice per turn, and absorbs all elemental damage as

HP recovery. There seems to be pattern to its attacks: Death & Prismus in one

turn, followed by Leveler, and finished with All-Curse & Forceus, then repeat.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Your rewards are BLUE DRAGON EYE (Absorb Water) and final black magic

LV8 BLACK MAGIC LEVELER (32/B32). Click right analog and hike back to world





[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Artists' Salon]

Talk to Malkis and hear his request for hiring you to search out and find some

stone tablets. You already have all three (Tablet Fragments, that is), so give

them to him for 3x DECAYING PARTICLE. That was all?




[Temple of Enlightenment / Exterior]

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Square of Eternity]

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Precipice of Hopelessness]

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Corridor of Timelessness]

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Valley of Loneliness]

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Altar of Truth]


ITEM CHECK: Do you have Enchanter's Mask from Audun in [Saman]? Go get it,

you'll spare yourself a trip later.

[Temple of Enlightenment / Exterior]

Final bonus area of the game, and also the hardest. Enemies in previous

dungeons were a laugh compared to foes you'll meet here. Some have even more HP

that many of the bosses you vanquished so far.

Ride platforms around to nail two CHESTs (NR189, NR190) for SLOT SEED (33/48),

6x JEWEL OF WISDOM, then exit N.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Square of Eternity]

Ugh, this is gonna be super complicated. Notice the red blocks scattered here

and there? When you step on one of these, a sphere will pop out - operate the

sphere to have part of the area turn, thus giving or blocking you access

further. I'll be using blocks as directions - so "8 N" would mean "take 8

blocks in N direction". Also, blocks with chests on it will be counted as well,

so take that into account. Let's begin!

8N, 4W, 9N, 10W, you're on red block, operate the sphere twice, 2S, ride the

platform down, 2S, 7E, 2S, kick CHEST (NR191) for 6x FORBIDDEN EXPLOSIVE, turn

around, 2N, 7W, 2N, ride the platform up, 2N, you're on red block, operate the

sphere twice, 3E, 2S, ride the platform up.

1N, 3W, 4S, ride the platform down, 7S, 7E, 6N, kick CHEST (NR192) for

6x SPENT MAGIC ENGINE, turn around, 6S, 7W. Further W is solid ground, and I

can't guide you by block-counting - go W, and ride the platform up, step off,

turn W, kick CHEST (NR193) for GRAVESTONE OF FEAR.

Turn E and walk past platform - solid ground ends, block counting again, 5E,

1S, you're on red block, operate the sphere, 1N, 9E, 2S, 12E, ride the platform

down, 2N, 1W, 5N, 1W, 5N, you're on red block, operate the sphere, 13W, 1N,

kick CHEST (NR194) for SLOT SEED (34/48), 1S, 15E, you're on solid ground.

Kick CHEST (NR195) for 3x SEALING STONE, leave solid ground, 3W, you're on red

block, operate the sphere, 6S, 1E, 5S, 1E, 1S, ride the platform up, 12W, 3N,

5E, you're on red block, 14N, 4W, 1N, 4W, 5S, 13W, 5N, 1E, ride the platform

down, 20E, 5N, 7E, you're on red block, operate the sphere, 6S, step on solid

ground, S, nail CHEST (NR196) for 10000G. That was last chest in this area.

Return to the blocks - 6N, you're on red block, 9W, 2N, ride the platform up,

1S, you're on red block, 17W, 3N, step on solid ground, exit W.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Precipice of Hopelessness]

W, ride the platform up, make sure you step off to W, approach small grey tile

close to N wall so that sphere pops out - operate it to have other nearby

elevator rise up. Ride the elevator back down, then take same elevator up again

- this time step off to E. At the end nail CHEST (NR197) for 5x DEATH POWDER.

Take the elevator back down, continue W, take stairs to S, exit NW.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Corridor of Timelessness]

Follow the path, operate the sphere on red block to be able to access SSP. From

SSP go like this: 2E, 3N, 4W, 5N, 11E, 3N, take the platform up, 1W, 6N, ride

the platform up, 1W, 5S, 2W, 3N, 4W, 11S, nail CHEST (NR198) with ORICHALCUM,

11N, 4E, 3S, 2E, 5N, 1E, ride the platform down, 6S, you're on red block,

operate the sphere, 4S, 1E, ride the platform up, 1S, 1E, 1S, nail CHEST

(NR199) with 3x STAR ABSORBER, 1N, 1W, 1N, ride the platform down, 10N, ride

the platform up, 1W, 7S, 2E, 2S, 1E, step on solid ground, follow path to CHEST

(NR200) with ANGEL GUARD (Ailment Resistance).

Head back to blocks, but don't step on them just yet - take SE exit.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Valley of Loneliness]

To W you'll find a ladder - descend it, then take the stairs to SW to find

CHEST (NR201) with KI MAGICAL LOCK KEY. Take the ladder back up and waltz E

where you'll find an out-of-order platform - ram it. That's it, take N exit

back inside.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Corridor of Timelessness]

Return to blocks, 2W, 2N, 2W, 7N, 1E, ride the platform down, 6S, 1E, ride the

platform down, 3S, 11W, 5S, 5E, step on solid ground (save at SSP if you want),

follow the path and take E exit.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Valley of Loneliness]

Follow the path, walk down two sets of stairs, then examine three small grey

tiles along N side to activate three platforms, return E upstairs, take E exit.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Corridor of Timelessness]

Follow the path, and it's blocks time - 6W, 5N, 11E, 3N, ride the platform up,

1W, 6N, ride the platform up, 1W, 7S, 2E, 2S, 2E, step on solid ground, exit


[Temple of Enlightenment / The Valley of Loneliness]

Descend the ladder, and walk all the way E (you couldn't before because we

didn't activate the platforms) to collect KI JASPER OF LONELINESS. Return to

the ladder, climb it and exit N.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Corridor of Timelessness]

Return to blocks, 2W, 2N, 2W, 7N, 1E, ride the platform down, 6S, you're on red

block, operate the sphere, 1E, ride the platform down, 3S, 14W, 3N, 4W, 3N, 4E,

ride the platform up, 6W, 2S, 1E, 3S, 2E, 2N, you're on red block, operate the

sphere, 1N, 10E, 4N, 3E, 3N, 3W, 3N, you're on red block, operate the sphere,

3E, 2N, ride the platform up.

1N, 3W, 8S, 4W, 3S, 9W, 2S, ride the platform down, 1E, 3S, 2E, 2N, you're on

red block, operate the sphere, 2S, 2W, 3N, 1W, ride the platform up, 1S, 2W,

step on solid ground, check SW room for CHEST (NR202) which contains

6x CAPE OF ILLUSIONS, take nearby exit.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Precipice of Hopelessness]

Walk W across the platform we raised before, descend the ladder, W, collest

KI EMERALD OF DESPAIR, climb the ladder, exit N.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Corridor of Timelessness]

Blocks time - 4E, 1N, ride the platform up, 1E, 5N, step on solid ground. Loop

across the room to N side, where you'll find an altar. Examine it and put down

both Emerald and Jasper. A platform will appear behind you, though do not take

it just yet. Make way to NE room, where you'll find CHEST (NR203) containing


Go save your game down below, if you desire.

Step on blocks directly S from the altar, go 4 blocks S to step on red block,

operate the sphere, and you can board the platform that appeared.

[Temple of Enlightenment / The Altar of Truth]

Go N for a scene...

------------------------- HERE COME NEW CHALLENGERS! --------------------------


--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

22400 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


Slot Seed | Slot Seed

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Halberd of the Heavens

02. Three Waves

03. Delete All

04. Obsidian Ceremony

05. Rephy

06. Recall Soul Ceremony

07. All-Fall

08. Shuffle


OBSIDIAN MIASMA T: Spirit Magic E: none

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

16800 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | New Backyard Journal

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Obsidian Sigh

02. Shadowus


REVERSE SOUL x2 T: Spirit Magic E: wind

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

22400 | ? | ??? |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Sacrifice Self

02. Rephy

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

You'll receive some goodies - KI NEW BACKYARD JOURNAL, SLOT SEED (35/48), and


17TH TREASURE HUNT (24/24) - The hint suggests that the loot is somewhere here.

You'll see a faint glint near the altar. If you have Enchanter's Mask with you,

place it on the altar, then sniff on the ground behind you for PHOENIX DISCUS,

PHOENIX RING combo reward.

Now get the Ming out of here. I hate this place.




[Saman / Audun's Item Shop]

Return to Audun's and as a reward for returning the mask you'll get





This is the only thing that remains to be asskicked before it kicks your ass.

Give Magical Lock Keys to Bormis to unlock Medium, Heavy and Super Heavy

Classes; give Backyard key items to Zelen for tips on achieving secret


[Gohtza City / Backyard]

Let's do more Backyard battles!


BATTLE 06 - Poor little Kelolon!

Condition - Defeat all the Wild Balls

- Don't defeat the Kelolon Papa

Secret - Ensure Kelolon Mama survives

Foe - Wild Wind Ball, Wild Fire Ball, Wild Earth Ball, Kelolon Papa,

Kelolon Mama

Pro-tip - Elementary - fire on wind, water on fire, wind on earth

Award - 10x KELO-VITAMIN

3-stars - SLOT SEED (36/48)

BATTLE 07 - Art of Inner Sight

Condition - Defeat all enemies

- Dark status

- Seal status

Secret - King Owl must be eliminated first

Foe - 5x Insector, King Owl

Pro-tip - Break Hit skill, Absorb Attack skill


3-stars - SLOT SEED (37/48)

BATTLE 08 - The Mantalas' Return!

Condition - Defeat the Mantalas

Secret - All chrs must survive without getting KOed

Foe - 4x Manta, Mantalas

Pro-tip - All-Grounda spell

Award - 5x CURE-ALL

3-stars - SLOT SEED (38/48)

BATTLE 09 - Against All Odds

Condition - Tolten only

- Defeat all enemies

Secret - Never use any items or spells

Foe - Delinquent Soldier

Pro-tip - Equip Critical-type skills to give yourself a "critical" edge

- Equip a ring with HP absorbing properties

- Anti-Poison accessory

Award - 3x HEAL FULL

3-stars - SLOT SEED (39/48)

BATTLE 10 - Fireworks Night

Condition - Defeat all enemies

Secret - Win in 1~2 turns

Foe - 5x Balloon

Pro-tip - Fire Proof skill

- Cast All-Flare on first turn, they suicide on second

Award - 5x FLARE BOMB

3-stars - 5x PANDORA'S BOX


BATTLE 11 - Meat Eaters

Condition - Up to 3 PCs

- Defeat all enemies

Secret - Nail Raptor Boss

Foe - 7x Raptor (infinite), Raptor Boss (eventually appears as


Pro-tip - Leave one Raptor alive, may take a while before Boss appears


3-stars - SLOT SEED (40/48)

BATTLE 12 - A Germ of Annoyance

Condition - Defeat all enemies

- Poison status

- Dizzy status

- Seal status

Secret - KOed allies must not be revived (including on their own)

Foe - 3x Gaiatoad, 2x Experiment No. 42

Pro-tip - Equip rings with 2x GC damage (or similar) skills

- Aim for perfects

- Gaiatoad frequently uses Squash which deals big %dmg

Award - SLOT SEED (41/48)

3-stars - OCHRE EARTH AMULET (Earth Proof)

BATTLE 13 - Shared Frontline

Condition - Defeat Eastern Sage

Secret - Nail 15+ Doll Queen foes before defeating Eastern Sage

Foe - 4x Doll Queen (infinite), 2x Neo Generator, Eastern Sage

Pro-tip - Anti-Seal skill

- Killing Doll Queens will keep Neos busy summoning more

Award - 3x MANA PRIME

3-stars - SLOT SEED (42/48)

BATTLE 14 - Enter Kelolon Commander!

Condition - Defeat all enemies

Secret - Ensure Kelo Brigadier Captain croaks first

Foe - 3x Kelo-Ranger, Kelo Brigadier Captain

Pro-tip - Break Hit skill, or Gamble magic

Award - 10x KELO-OIL

3-stars - SLOT SEED (43/48)

BATTLE 15 - Absence of "special" chrs (modified title to avoid spoilers)

Condition - Jansen required

- Cooke required

- Mack required

- Tolten required

- Sed required

- Defeat all enemies

Secret - Do not use any skills

Foe - Dinozaoro

Pro-tip - Wastes two turns to disrupt your formation

- Force-type magic


3-stars - SLOT SEED (44/48)


BATTLE 16 - Ah, Fireworks Forever!

Condition - Defeat all enemies

Secret - Don't suffer any KOes

Foe - 6x Baballoon

Pro-tip - Anti-Poison skill, Fire Proof skill

- All-Flare on first turn, they all suicide on second


3-stars - SLOT SEED (45/48)

BATTLE 17 - Master Ring User

Condition - Kaim required

- Skills not allowed

- Spells not allowed

- Items not allowed

- Defeat Veteran Soldier

Secret - Subel must croak first, then nail Veteran Soldier

Foe - Veteran Soldier Galis, Subel the Hound

Pro-tip - Master Ring (has Toxin effect)

- Target Subel with Master Ring user and try to inflict Toxin on it

- Subel dies in four turns (or five if Galis uses Healus on it)

- When Subel is gone, it's party time

- Equip Critical-type skills, Complete Defense

- I was lv80 when I defeated the bastard


3-stars - WHITE CHARM (Auto HP Recovery) YES!!!

BATTLE 18 - Manny Fever

Condition - Win within 10 turns

- Defeat all enemies

- Get 3+ successful Coin Tosses

Secret - Get 10+ successful Coin Tosses

Foe - 4x Money

Pro-tip - Slot Hit will ensure successful Coin Toss

Award - SLOT SEED (46/48)

3-stars - 5x RUIN MASK

BATTLE 19 - Kelolon Battalion Head

Condition - Defeat all enemies

Secret - Nail Kelo-Thug before it flees from battle

Foe - Kelo-Thug, 2x Bodyguard

Pro-tip - Complete Defense (Bodyguard's attacks hurt), Gamble VS Kelo-Thug


3-stars - SLOT SEED (47/48)



Condition - Defeat all enemies

Secret - Win in 30 turns or less

Foe - Immortal One

Pro-tip - Critical-type skills, Complete Defense, Divide, Reversa,

Persistence, Double-Cast

- At start of battle Double-Cast Divide

- GC recovery is useless, as foe's Sneeze instantyl destroys it

- When chr's HP is low, Double-Cast Reversa

- Game of luck when foe is low on HP; expect Cube and multi-Shadowus

Award - SLOT SEED (48/48)

3-stars - QUAD-ELEMENT SEAL (Absorb All Elements)

With 60 stars in bag talk to Gleg (prize exchanger) and retrieve the following:


- 25 stars: 3x FULL HEAL, or 3x MANA PRIME, or AMBROSIA


- 35 stars: 6x CAPE OF ILLUSIONS



- 50 stars: 7x CAPE OF ILLUSIONS



Backyard White Book should be given to Zelen, since you don't really have any

use for it otherwise.




[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

Talk to the three kids whose club you joined on disc 1 - hey, there's Chuchu.

Let's look for her lost treasure somewhere in Numara's port.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / Port of Numara]

Go to NE end, and check near the fence for faint glint - pick it up to obtain

the item Chuchu is looking for.

[The Free Ocean State of Numara / City of Numara - Canal Street]

Go see those kids again - talk to Chuchu to obtain 9x PANDORA'S BOX.




Enter from S!

[Ipsilon Mountains / Mining Site]

While you're climbing the goddamn ladders, keep an eye out for blacksmith Lau.

With Orichalcum in your inventory talk to Lau - you have to choose Kaim or

Seth... who will it be? Knowing me, my choice was clear - SETH! You'll obtain

WHITE IGNIS, IGNIS RING combo. If you go with Kaim, then you'll get DURANDAL,

DURANDAL RING combo. It's *impossible* to get both. No worries, your decision

doesn't interfere with any of your achievements.

Durandal's got ATT.P 277, and following description: "A platinum sword forged

using the mysterious ore Orichalcum (for Kaim only)."

Durandal Ring comes with: Damage Up Lv3+, Critical Up Lv3+, 8x GC Damage+; and

has following description: "A ring that houses the power of the Durandal."

Now, there's only one storyline... er, dungeon left to go. It isn't long, but

it does mean a point of no return if you enter it.








Get close to [Tower of Mirrors], submerge and it's onward to final battles.




I didn't find last bosses challenging, then again, I did have a lot of neat

stuff equipped, making it for smooth cruising.

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------


--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

26790 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Ray Charge

02. Ultimate Ray

03. All-Flarus

04. Forceus

05. All-Aquara

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Begin by tossing All-Powerus, All-Shieldus, and All-Mindus, and you can add

All-Generatus for good measure, then begin working on Beast's HP until it bites

the dust. While Beast's tentacle-like thingies are white, don't use magic

attacks, as it absorbs them - when they turn red, blast it with magic as well.

When it uses Ray Charge, fortify your position with All-Shieldus to reduce the

damage from incoming Ultimate Ray, which will be released a couple of turns

later. Its elemental attacks are rendered useless with Nullify All Elements

skill, and all that you have to do is kick it... somewhere.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Come on!

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

FINAL BOSS T: variable E: variable

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

----- | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. Breaks

02. All-Stonus

03. Wall Break

04. Pain Surge

05. Meteor Impact

06. Light Absorb

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Begin by tossing All-Powerus, All-Shieldus, and All-Mindus, and you can add

All-Generatus for good measure, then begin working on boss' HP. Its type and

element change between turns, so ring switching will be done often. This battle

is supposed to unwind in a certain way, so don't panic when certain unwanted

things happen - your "nonspecial" chrs will help you out.

They will go in order of "Support Sed", "Support Tolten", "Support Mack",

"Support Cooke", "Support Jansen", then this part of battle ends.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

Still taking it easy, huh?

------------------------ HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! -------------------------

FINAL BOSS T: variable E: variable

--------------------------------- BASE STATS ----------------------------------

HP | SP | GOLD |

50000 | 0 | 0 |

--------------------------------- ITEM SPOILS ---------------------------------


none | none

--------------------------------- ATTACK LIST ---------------------------------

01. All-Stonus

02. Wall Break

03. Reset All

04. Manipulate

05. Breaks

06. Pain Surge

------------------------------ GET READY! FIGHT! ------------------- party lv50

Casting supportive magic is waste of time in this battle, as it will be

frequently dispeled by Reset All. Instead focus on rebuilding your GC when it's

shattered with Wall Break, and frequent recovery of HP with Zephyrus (not

All-Generatus because its effects will be dispeled).

Having Ailment Resistance is a must, as it renders Manipulate useless and makes

boss waste valuable turns (this includes All-Stonus, hehe). Like with first

battle, boss' type and element change between turns, so ring switching will be

done often. It has around 50000 HP, then it kicks the bucket.

-------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE VICTORIOUS! ---------------------

That's it, enjoy the ending scenes!




After ending credits, make sure to save your game in another slot. Afterwards,

when you load this game, you can start [New Game Plus]. I think that it lacks a

lot in regards to the term, but at least it's there.

New Game+ effects:

- start the game with lv50 "special" chrs

Yes, that's it. Everything else is goooone. Being lv50 allows you to plow

through majority of the areas with ease.






- Make sure to add relevant places of names in first times they appear in the

guide. I also need to remake each first entries so they appear nice and cool.

- My save references

No.02 - before tank battle of Numara on disc 4

No.09 - before end of disc 2

No.10 - before Dinozaoro

No.11 - before party splits up in Gohtza

No.12 - before Arthrosaurus battles

No.14 - before Grand Staff, part a

No.15 - before boss battle of Grand Staff, part a

No.16 - before Grand Staff, part b

No.17 - before boss of Grand Staff, part b

No.18 - before clearing out optional bosses

No.19 - clear game save






- Version Ming (7th March 2008)

# Update to Backyard part of guide.

- Version Ming (6th March 2008)

# Coverage of entire storyline progress, all optional quests, and side events.

- Version Ming (5th March 2008)

# Included most, if not all, subquests.

- Version Ming (4th March 2008)

# Contains COMPLETE WALKTHRU from start till end of game.

- Version Ming (3rd March 2008)

# Walkthrough done for discs 2, 3, and part of disc 4.

- Version Seth (29th February 2008)

# Walkthrough done for disc 1.

- Version Seth (27th February 2008)

# Initial release.



??.) CREDITS - G??00



1. Companies

- Mistwalker: they made this game possible

2. People

- spikepinto: correction on Two Eyeballs Backyard battle

- Micke S.: tip for using Casting Support while lvl-grinding with Silvers

- Anubarak: tip for locating Antidote Brooch



45.) CONTACT INFO - G4500



Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of

mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at:

lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com

I need to put down a few guidelines.

- as a subject of e-mail please include Lost Odyssey

- please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are

written badly or in some strange gibberish

- don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't

- *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages;

I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more

questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide

- I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language

- I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can

read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted,

therefore I will answer such e-mails in English

- when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails

- finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you

2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page


3. Damir Kolar's homepage/s



Yours truly, Damir Kolar

End of Document
Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.