Rock Band FAQ/ Walkthrough

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Rock Band: FAQ/Walkthrough

Version: 1.5

Console: XBox360

Created: 03/03/2008

Author: Ayelis (Steve)

NOTE: I only have a PS2 console. I can only check the status of the PS3 game

on the weekends, when I visit my friends on the other side of town. If anyone

would like to contribute information on the XBox360 version's differences, go

right ahead! Send me gmail via s.mattison

Yes. You read it right. That's Gmail. At Gmail. Dot com.



Table of Contents

0. This table [/0.--]

I. Introduction

II. Version History

III. Walkthrough [//III.-]

III.a. Vocal Basics [//III.a.-]

III.a.1. Singing Lessons

III.a.2. How to sing in RockBand (vs SingStar, etc)

III.a.3. Scrolling mode vs. Static mode

III.a.4. Tambourines and Cowbells

III.b. Playing the RockBand Guitar [//III.b.-]

III.b.1. Bass or Guitar?

III.b.2. How to play in Rockband (vs GuitarHero, etc)

III.b.3. Lefty Mode?

III.b.4. Solos, Hammerons, Pulloffs, and other advanced tricks

III.c. Drumming Basics [//III.c.-]

III.c.1. It's just a game, right?

III.c.2. How the drums work in RockBand

III.c.3. Drum fills

III.c.4. That crazy kick pedal

IV. Track List [/IV.-]

IV.a. Main Tracks

IV.b. Bonus Tracks

IV.c. Downloadable Tracks

V. Purchasing new gear [/V.--]

VI. Solo Mode vs Multiplayer Mode [/VI.-]

VII. Online Multiplayer Mode [/VII.-]

VIII. High Scores [/VIII.-]

IX. Achievements [/IX.--]

X. Copyright Notice [/X.--]




This was intended as a comprehensive walkthrough/faq/advice/secrets list for

the game RockBand for XBox360. Hopefully it will help your game. If you have

problems with this FAQ, email me. If you have problems with the game,

talk to the hand. Aww, the hand can't hear you!

So, Harmonix finally teams up with EA and MTV Games to bring you RockBand.

With an opening sequence reminiscent of Queens of the Stone Age's hit video

"Go with the Flow", Rock Band certainly dresses to impress, setting this

amazing CG sequence to an in-game song, namely; Deep Purple's "Highway Star".



Version History

v 1.5 - This Version

Improved sections on Singing, Guitar, Bass, and Drums

Updated downloadable tracks as per 03/03/2008

Added information about Merchandise, Drum thrones, adapters

Added information about compatible equipment

Added information about other multiplayer modes

Added actual information about playing drums in RockBand

Added note about Tremolo Bar

Added a link to my Streaming RB Playlist

Added a reference to my new in-depth Expert Tablatures FAQ

v 1.25 - Second Draft

Released rights to reproduce this FAQ freely wherever you want, in whole.

Added information about buyable items.

Added XBox Achievement information.

Added more information on modifying your drum kit.

Added a note about mic stands.

v 1.00 - First Draft

Added all the main sections.

Included a list of normal songs and unlockable songs.

Included playing tips for each instrument.




Every game is different in Multiplayer Tour Mode. Different cities will have

different setlists with different songs, taken at random from the track list,

the difficulty of the track corresponding to your level of progress through

the game. For the most part, Solo mode is exactly the same, every time. Play

easy songs to unlock harder songs. Play the Bonus Tour to unlock secret songs.

Play in Tokyo to go through your downloaded content.

There are also alternative Multiplayer "Competition" modes, called:

"Tug of War" (Where you sing or play at the same time)

and "Score Duel" (Where you each play the song alone)

If you want to see who's better at any particular song, these modes should

do it for you. Tug of War may be a little less accurate, unless you both take

a turn as player 1.

For expert-mode "Tablature", please keep an eye out for my in-depth guides

under the XBox360 version of RockBand on GameFAQs.

For a general walkthrough based on your instrument, read the sections below;

//III.a.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vocal Basics


Singing Lessons

Allright, first off, I'm assuming you're looking here to improve your

RockBand abilities. I have only one suggestion for you. Listen to the songs!

Become the biggest fan of the songs.

The reason you fail at a certain song is because you don't know it. You might

have heard it, you might even know the lyrics, but you don't KNOW the song.

You have to get familiar with the key that the vocalists sing in. The lyrics

don't matter. It shows the words on the screen. You can sing each word

perfectly but if you don't know the key you're singing in, you will fail.

I am guilty of this too! I fail at Timmy and the Lords of the Underworld,

even though I think I'm singing the melody. Listen to the songs you fail.

Listen to them at least two or three times in a row before you try to sing

along with them. Listen to them and pay attention to them. No multitasking!

I've even made a streaming playlist with most of the songs from the game.

Listen to them, over and over if need be. Here they are;

Here are some not-so-common-sense lessons on becoming a better singer.

Don't clear your throat. When you clear your throat, it's like slamming your

vocal cords together. Doing it too much can injure them and make you hoarse.

Try a sip of water or swallow to quench the urge to clear. If you feel like

you have to clear your throat a lot, get checked by a doctor for such things

as acid reflux disease, or allergy and sinus conditions.

Drink water to keep your body well hydrated, and avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Your vocal cords vibrate very fast, and having a proper water balance helps

keep them lubricated. If you can't always get water or juice, try keeping

plenty of juicy types of fruit on hand.

Allow yourself several 'vocal naps' every day, especially during periods of

extended use. For instance, when possible, teachers should avoid speaking

during the breaks between classes and find quiet ways to spend the lunch hour

rather than talking in a noisy staff room with colleagues.

Don't abuse or misuse your voice. Avoid yelling or screaming, and try not to

talk loudly in noisy areas. If your throat feels dry or tired, or your voice

is getting hoarse, reduce your voice use. The hoarseness is a warning sign

that your vocal cords are irritated.

Humidify your home and work areas with a cool-mist humidifier.

Remember, moist is good for the voice.

Easy, daily warm-ups for your voice:

-Perform gentle humming and cooing to warm up your voice in the morning.

-Do lip or tongue trills in the morning (try it in the shower or on the way

to work) to facilitate better use of airflow and breath.


How to sing in RockBand (vs SingStar, etc)

I really suggest you go out to Guitar Center, and get yourself a cheap little

30$ mic stand with a clip for the mic. You might want to bring the mic in so

you can pick a clip that fits or have the friendly staff pick one for you!

Remember: The stand should come with the base, but not with the clip. Don't

forget this vital piece of equipment!

Rockband features a unique interface with a pitch-sensitive "Arrow indicator"

which moves upwards, the higher your pitch, and downwards when you sing lower.

When the song starts, feel free to test the scale by humming a few different

notes, or just speaking at different pitches. You won't lose points for it,

and it will get you accustomed to the range you'll need to sing within for

this song.

When the notes start sliding their way across the screen, try to sing at the

pitch indicated. You don't even have to sing the words (which helps, if you

don't know them), just hum along, or do the "Meow Mix" thing and Mew along.

If the arrow goes below the words, it will point upwards, meaning you should

sing at a higher pitch. If the arrow points downwards, then your pitch is

too high. If you maintain a good pitch throughout a whole phrase, your

multiplier will go up by one.

When notes do not appear (as in the Beastie Boys song), just sing anything.

Or yell anything. Or make some form of prolonged noise into the microphone.

You will get credit for it, as long as you do that when the words pass.

To activate your overdrive, just say something, shout 'Timmah!', or cheer.

Prolonging the final note from the previous phrase usually works. Saying a

short single syllable word does not usually work. With overdrive activated,

your multiplier will be doubled, and so will the band's multiplier!

During the "Big Rock Endings", the band will lose out unless you do this. Make

sure to sing or say something, or else you will lose all those points!


Scrolling mode vs. Static mode

The game uses scrolling mode by default. In Static Mode, all the lyrics for

each phrase are shown on the screen, similar to normal Kareoke. Many people

find this mode easier. Try them both out and see which works best for you!


Tambourines and Cowbells

During long lyric-less sections (such as guitar solos), you will often be

given the option to play along (and it is completely optional) with a special

"Tambourine" part, or "Cowbell" part as in Blue Oyster Cult's classic.

For these times, you can just lightly tap on the microphone, snap or clap in

front of the microphone, hit the mic against your leg, or even blow into the

microphone when the beat passes the target bar.

//III.b.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Playing the RockBand Guitar


Bass or Guitar?

Harmonix chose to abandon the idea of solo bass careers in Rock band. The only

way to choose bass when playing alone is Practice mode or Quickplay. Otherwise

you have to pick Multiplayer to play Bass.

Bass is easier. Guitar gets you more points with those lead solos.

Bass is easier. Guitar can be really really fun.

Bass is easier.

Okay, if you're going to try singing and playing at the same time, I recommend

Bass. Otherwise, try out guitar for a while. It will help you get GOOD at

playing, and prepare you for 'advanced bass techniques'. What's that? There's

a Hidden Bass Solo? Don't tell them I told you!

Anyhow, if you do attempt this, I can't stress a trip to Guitar Center enough.

(There's an unlockable Guitar Center tee, so I guess that's who Harmonix

would recommend.) Get a mic stand. It will work a lot better than your weird

"dangling microphone hat" idea.


How to play in Rockband (vs GuitarHero, etc)

Guitars from the PS2 and PS3 versions work the same way, and as such, you can

use both with either console. XBox version guitars are not wireless. I still

have no confirmation as to whether the XBox guitars will work on PS2 or PS3.

RockBand Guitars for XBox WILL NOT work with Guitar Hero games, however, all

Guitar Hero guitars work with RockBand for XBox. (However, there is a distinct

lack of an 'effects switch', which may alter your gameplay experience.)

For the most part, this guitar has the same scheme as the Guitar Hero guitar.

Like Guitar Hero, the fret buttons themselves have indicators, but they are

much less pronounced, and barely noticable.

Notice that you can hold down any color "Fret Button" at any time, and it will

not count against you. To play a note, hold down the proper color *before* the

note enters the target area. Then hit the Strum bar as soon as the note hits

the target line, and you will play it.

The game will give you certain notes (especially if you do guitar as opposed

to bass) that you can hold for extra points. This is optional, but necessary

if you want five stars. Just hold the fret after strumming. As long as the

fret is held down, you'll get those points. Press on the whammy bar, and you

can even bend the notes! (To use the whammy bar, also known as a Tremolo Arm,

Vibrato bar, or "Wang Bar", press it inwards, toward you, while holding a long

note. Notice that the bar only "down-bends", or pushes notes down in pitch.

You cannot use the bar for "up-bends", or pulling notes up in pitch.

To go into overdrive, tilt the guitar neck upwards. Pretend you're Slash or

Jimi Hendrix or something. This sometimes doesn't work. Try tilting the guitar

neck downwards first, and then pulling upwards.


Lefty Mode?

About one out of three, one out of four people are left handed. Lefty mode

would likely be good for you. Strap on the guitar upside down and go at it.

Some people who are "lefties" prefer playing right handed. And vice versa.

It's worth a good go-through, in the other fashion, just to see where you

stand on playing guitar. You never know, you could be the next Rock God!


Solos, Hammerons, Pulloffs, and other advanced tricks

During solos, your area of the screen will turn blue, and a percentage will

appear. When you get into a solo, thank your lucky stars, because you don't

even have to STRUM those parts. Just switch to the five keys that are high

up on the neck (closest to the strummer... the small ones.)

When a note passes the target, just press the fret at the right time. This

will break open the note capsule, and release all those tiny little notes.

Sometimes, during a song, you will see note capsules that are smaller than

the others, and they will be very close to the other notes that come before

them. You can do something similar with these notes! These are called

"Hammer-on" and "Pull-off" notes, depending on the time of day.

Just strum the first note, and when the second one hits, while you're still

holding the first fret, hit the second one. Alternatively, press the second

fret in advance, and let go of the first one. If you can get the hang of it,

this will help out in a LOT of songs. Especially Freezepop's "Brainpower"!

Oops, Spoiler. What, you didn't think Freezepop was going to be in this game?

//III.c.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Drumming Basics


It's just a game, right?

It is. However, the designers of RockBand designed the Drum pads in such a

fashion that once you get good at playing drums in RockBand, you can go to

any music store, pick up a pair of drum sticks, and start playing your

favorite song... And it will sound authentic! So, you should think of this

game as less of a game, and more of a Drum Simulator. The military uses flight

simulators to help new pilots "learn to fly" without crashing. This game will

help you learn drums, so you can PLAY "learn to fly" without making a fool of

yourself in public.

That way, if you want to make a fool of yourself in public, it's all you! ;)


How the drums work in RockBand

The drum can be used as a controller, with the high blue and yellow 'toms'

as the up and down buttons, the left red pad as 'cancel' and the right green

pad as 'accept'. In addition, the drum pads also have actual controller

buttons in the middle of the drum kit, if you ever get tired of doing a drum

roll to quickly scroll through a menu, and you want to do it the

old-fashioned (slow) way.

Once in a song, the drums are arranged in the same orientation that you see

on the screen: Red on left, Green on right, Yellow and blue in the middle.

When the song starts to play, you can do a complimentary drum roll; hit the

pads and you will see explosions on the screen. They are coming from the

"Target Area". Keep this in mind.

The part you play will flow down the screen toward the target area. You have

to hit the right pads with the sticks whenever a note of the corresponding

color passes through. If you do so successfully, it will play the drum part

that goes along with that note. On expert level, each note only stands for

one drum beat, so you have to hit everything properly, or else the drums

won't play.

Also: When you see an orange bar under the notes that spans the whole width

of the track, that means you should step down on the Kick Pedal to activate

the Bass Drum. There are many different techniques to do this. Unfortunately,

most people get turned off from drums because they're doing it wrong.

I take that back. There's no wrong way, really. It's whatever's comfortable

for you. But let me introduce your alternatives before you give up on your

career in drums...

Gas Pedal Method:

This is the way most people play the bass kick. This also tires out your foot

the quickest. Keep your heel down, and your toes up, leaving your full foot

on the pedal at all times. Drop your toes when you play the kick, like you're

flooring the accellerator in a car. I bet you wouldn't be able to get through

half of Maps on Expert playing like this. But, to each his own, I guess.

Full Leg Stomp Method:

A lot of professional drummers play this way, I'm sure. Keep your foot

parallel to the ground, toes touching the tip of the pedal. Drop your foot

straight down when you want to play the kick. This method requires practice,

and you might get tired of it early on, but it's worth the effort. You might

also look into getting a shock-enabled "Bouncy" drum throne to help you out

here. They run upwards of 150$ though, so there you go.

High Heel Method:

This is the method I use, despite the girly-sounding name. It just means you

keep your heel in the air at all times, and drop your toes to play the kick.

It uses less muscles than the Full Leg Stomp, simply working out your ankle.

Plus, you can cheat at this method by putting a phone book or hardcover novel

under your heel when playing. Make sure it's not a book you need anymore, in

case anything bad happens to it from all that stepping.

Reverse Gas Pedal Method: (or that's what I'd call it)

A friend of mine plays like this. Basically like the Full Leg Stomp, except

you keep the pedal pressed down halfway. You drop your heel to play the kick.

This method relies on the fact that dropping your heel will actually cause

the electronic pedal to register a kick, so if you like tapping with your

heel, it's worth some experimentation.


Drum fills

In order to activate your overdrive, you need to play two or three hits during

the overdrive sequence (represented by the special bars that take up all four

pads). You can hit the kick, or do a drum roll. This will activate the final

cymbal crash target. Hit that crash, and your overdrive goes into effect!

Fun, right? You just did a fill! Congrats!


That crazy kick pedal

Seriously! Well, it's made of plastic, and some people have complained that

it breaks way too easily. Snaps right in half! If you don't want this to

happen to you, and you have an extra hundred dollars to spend on a video game

controller, go out to a drum store. Pick up a metal guitar pedal for use with

MIDI drum sets. You'll also need a 1/4" to 1/8" audio jack adapter. You can

pick one up at Radioshack for about $3. Once everything's hooked up; Instant

impervious drum pedal!

Another option is called "Pedal Metal", and you can look it up on Ebay. For

about 15$, you get a diamond-plate slab of metal shaped just like your pedal,

7 screws, and bond strips if you don't want screw-holes in your pedal.

(Thanks to Chris McCloud on yahoo (mccc2345) and Mario on aim (goldengoal91)

for pointing out the name of this 1/4-1/8 adapter, and Cloud again for telling

me about pedal metal...)

There are also some neat ideas out there on the forums about silencing your

drum kit. Keep in mind, if you employ these methods, you may have to hit the

drums a little harder than you normally would to get them to register right.

The difference is still noticable; You hear the drums coming from the TV more

than you hear the clack of the sticks on the pads. You'll also save your pads

some wear and tear! And all for much less than buying that pedal. ;)



Track List

What follows is a list of songs that you can unlock through a normal

playthrough of the game, bonus songs that you can only unlock in solo mode,

and a list of all the songs you can download for an additional fee, on PS3 and



Main Tracks (Sorted Alphabetically by Song)

Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl

Sweet - Ballroom Blitz

Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun

The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop

Hole - Celebrity Skin

Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock

Radiohead - Creep

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California

Fallout Boy - Dead on Arrival

Kiss - Detroit Rock City

Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear)The Reaper

The New Pornographers - Electric Version

Metallica - Enter Sandman

Faith No More - Epic

Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster

Boston - Foreplay / Long Time

The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter

Queens of the Stone Age - Go With the Flow

The Outlaws - Green Grass and High Tides

OK Go - Here It Goes Again

Deep Purple - Highway Star

Garbage - I Think I'm Paranoid

Nirvana - In Bloom

Foo Fighters - Learn to Fly

The Hives - Main Offender

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

Mountain - Mississippi Queen

The Police - Next To You

R.E.M. - Orange Crush

Black Sabbath - Paranoid

The Strokes - Reptilia

Iron Maiden - Run to the Hills

Beastie Boys - Sabotage

Weezer - Say It Ain't So

The Clash - Should I Stay or Should I Go

David Bowie - Suffragette City

Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds

Rush - Tom Sawyer

Aerosmith - Train Kept a Rollin'

Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline

Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead or Alive

The Pixies - Wave of Mutilation

Coheed and Cambria - Welcome Home

The Killers - When You Were Young

The WHO - Won't Get Fooled Again


Bonus Tracks (Sorted Alphabetically by Band)

* Acro-brats "Day Late Dollar Short"

* Anarchy Club "Blood Doll"

* Bang Camaro "Pleasure (Pleasure)"

* Crooked X " Nightmare"

* Death of the Cool "Can't Let Go"

* Flyleaf "I'm So Sick"

* Freezepop "Brainpower"

* Honest Bob "I Get By"

* The Konks "29 Fingers"

* The Mother Hips "Time We Had"

* Timmy & The Lords of the Underworld - 'self titled song'

* Tribe "Outside"

* VAGIANT "Seven"


Downloadable Tracks (Sorted by Release Date)

Downloadable tracks are a completely optional part of the game, and are only

critical for achieving XBox360 accomplishments. They are for entertainment

purposes only.

"Fortunate Son" Creedence Clearwater Revival

"Juke Box Hero" Foreigner

"Bang a Gong (Get It On)" T.Rex

"My Sharona" The Knack

"Cherry Bomb" The Runaways

"Joker & the Thief" Wolfmother

"Ride the Lightning" Metallica

"Blackened" Metallica

"...And Justice For All" Metallica

"3's & 7's" Queens of the Stone Age

"Little Sister" Queens of the Stone Age

"Sick, Sick, Sick" Queens of the Stone Age

"Can't Stand Losing You" The Police

"Synchronicity II" The Police

"Roxanne" The Police

"Heroes" David Bowie

"Moonage Daydream" David Bowie

"Queen Bitch" David Bowie

"N.I.B." Black Sabbath

"Sweet Leaf" Black Sabbath

"War Pigs" Black Sabbath

"Ever Fallen in Love?" Buzzcocks

"I Fought the Law" The Clash

"Rockaway Beach" Ramones

"My Iron Lung" Radiohead

"Brass in Pocket" The Pretenders

"Buddy Holly" Weezer

"Attack"' 30 Seconds to Mars

"KillThe Kill" 30 Seconds to Mars

"Dirty Little Secret" The All-American Rejects

"Move Along" The All-American Rejects

"Song with a Mission" The Sounds

"Gimme Three Steps" Lynyrd Skynyrd

"Hard to Handle" The Black Crowes

"Limelight" Rush

"Die, All Right!" The Hives

"Interstate Love Song" Stone Temple Pilots

"The Number of the Beast" Iron Maiden

"Action" Sweet

"Last Train to Clarksville" The Monkees

"All the Small Things" Blink-182

"Don't Look Back in Anger" Oasis

"Live Forever" Oasis

"Wonderwall" Oasis

"Siva" Smashing Pumpkins

"Working Man" Rush

"Ten Speed" Coheed and Cambria

"Roam" The B-52's

"We Care a Lot" Faith No More

"Calling Dr. Love" Kiss

"Complete Control" The Clash

"Truth Hits Everybody" The Police

"Teenage Lobotomy" Ramones

"Sex Type Thing" Stone Temple Pilots

"El Scorcho" Weezer

"Why Do You Love Me?" Garbage

"March of the Pigs" Nine Inch Nails

"The Collector" Nine Inch Nails

"The Perfect Drug" Nine Inch Nails


Included in the February 2008 edition of "Official XBox Magazine":

"Rock Rebellion" Bang Camaro

"Shake" Count Zero

"Sprode" Freezepop

Everyone on the forums seems to be pulling for No Doubt. Only time will tell.



Purchasing new gear

In the in-game store, you can change your character's hairstyle and instrument

however you like. The singer may even choose a different colored microphone!

NOTE: I have recently moved the Gear List to a different FAQ. I will upload

this FAQ to both the PS3 and XBox360 sections, as they are both basically the

same as far as customizable content goes.

Something interesting to note: You can also purchase new RockBand gear in

REAL LIFE. Go to Harmonix's website and check out the

store. You can get yourself a Drummer's throne (which will actually help out

your game), RockBand guitar stickers, some sweet clothes, and suggestions for

stylists and transportation suitable for real life rock bands!



Solo Mode vs Multiplayer Mode

Solo Mode is the way to unlock Bonus songs, which you may then play in the

multiplayer band mode. If you haven't tried multiplayer mode with a few of

your friends yet, I highly suggest it. It's great! And "Rezzing" (saving) your

bandmates can be fun too. To save your bandmates, just build up your meter and

activate your overdrive! This will bring your bandmember back into the green,

and improve your score as well. One Rezzing tactic I've learned can help out

sometimes, if you're doing good; Wait five seconds before you Rez. This allows

a little bit of time to pass, and perhaps, it will get them out of a rough

section. There is no way to Resurrect yourself in Solo mode, but activating

your overdrive should be enough to get your score back in the green!

Two other Multiplayer Modes exist, beside Co-operative "World Tour" mode.

These are called "Tug-of-war" and "Score Duel". In Tug-of-war, you both play

alternating pieces of the song, with certain parts played together. In Score

Duel, you each take turns playing the whole song, to achieve a more accurate

score. Tug-of-war is more fun, but if you really want to know who's better,

pick Score Duel.



Online Multiplayer Mode

XBox360 and PS3 can not communicate with eachother. As far as I know, this

is not a bug and will not be patched in any way. Please contact me if you know




Cheats and Unlockables

In order to unlock all the bonus songs, play this sequence on the drums;

X360: Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Red, Blue, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue

Note; this disables the ability to save your game.

In order to unlock Clear, Golden, or Silver instruments, complete solo mode

using that instrument type, complete solo mode's bonus tour, or complete the

hall of fame concert for that instrument type.




Solo Tour Achievements (450 points) ------------------------------------------

10- Breakthrough Act - Unlock a Big Club in Solo Tour on any difficulty

10- Hot Artist - Unlock a Theater in Solo Tour on any difficulty

10- Top Artist - Unlock an Arena in Solo Tour on any difficulty

20- String Shredder - Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Easy

30- Fret Ripper - Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Medium

40- Axe Assassin - Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Hard

50- Lord of the Strings - Finish Guitar Solo Tour on Expert

20- Rhythm Rocker - Finish Drum Solo Tour on Easy

30- Groove Technician - Finish Drum Solo Tour on Medium

40- Heavy Hitter - Finish Drum Solo Tour on Hard

50- AN-I-MAL!!! - Finish Drum Solo Tour on Expert

20- Howler - Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Easy

30- Screamer - Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Medium

40- Crooner - Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Hard

50- Virtuoso - Finish Vocal Solo Tour on Expert

Band World Tour Achievements (395 points) ------------------------------------

20- Got Wheels - Unlock the Van in Band World Tour

20- Open Road - Unlock the Bus

20- Jet Setter - Unlock the Jet

10- One Million Fans - Reach 1 million fans

100- Hall of Fame Inductee - Finish the Hall of Fame Induction

10- Vinyl Artist - Finish the Endless Setlist at Medium

20- Gold Artist - Finish the Endless Setlist at Hard

25- Platinum Artist - Finish the Endless Setlist at Expert

10- Big In London - Finish the last remaining gig in London

10- Big In Paris - Finished Paris

10- Big In Amsterdam - Finish Amsterdam

10- Big In Berlin - Finish Berlin

10- Big In Stockholm - Finish Stockholm

10- Big In Rome - Finish Rome

10- Big In Boston - Finish Boston

10- Big In NYC - Finish NYC

10- Big In Chicago - Finish Chicago

10- Big In LA - Finish LA

10- Big In Seattle - Finish Seattle

10- Big In San Francisco - Finish San Francisco

10- Big In Japan - Finish Japan

10- Big In Sydney - Finish Sydney

10- Big In Reykjavik - Finish Reykjavik

10- Big In Rio de Janeiro - Finish Rio de Janeiro

10- Big In Moscow - Finish Moscow

Online Match Achievements (100 points) ---------------------------------------

30- Tug of War Champ - Win 20 ranked Tug of War matches

20- Tug of War Streak - Win 5 ranked Tug of War matches in a row

30- Score Duel Champ - Win 20 ranked Score Duel Matches

20- Score Duel Streak - Win 5 ranked Score Duel Matches in a row

Miscellaneous Achievements (55 points) ---------------------------------------

10- Killer Performance - Five Star a song on any difficulty

10- Flawless Drumming - Score 100% as a drummer on Expert

10- Flawless Fretwork - Score 100% as a guitarist on Expert

10- Flawless Singing - Score 100% as a vocalist on Expert

10- Flawless Groove - Score 100% as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert

(This means that you cannot hit the strum bar in a downward direction. Even

accidentally. You can still score 100% if you "add notes". I don't know

whether you can still earn the achievement however.)

5- Riding on Coattails - Play with a "Platinum Artist"



Copyright Notice

This FAQ may be redistributed IN WHOLE to other sites, without written consent

from the author. However, will usually have the most recent

version, as that is the only place the author has an account. If you think you

don't have the most recent version, it's worth checking that site. Thank you,

and rock on!

Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.