Link’s Crossbow Training FAQ/ Walkthrough

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Platform: Nintendo Wii

Release Date: November 19, 2007

Guide By: Marko Bagaric





1. Introduction [INTRO]

2. Assembling everything [ASMBL]

a. Configuration 1 [CONF1]

b. Configuration 2 [CONF2]

c. Removing the Wii [RMVIN]

Remote and Nunchuk

3. Controls [CNTRL]

4. Getting Started [STRTD]

a. Player Select Screen [PLAYR]

b. Level Select Screen [LEVLS]

5. Gameplay [GMEPL]

a. Basic Rules [BSCRL]

b. About your weapon [ABTWP]

c. Results Screen [RSLTS]

d. Playing with 2-4 [PLYIN]


e. Game Types [GMETP]

f. Tips [FTIPS]

6. Level Walkthrough [WLKTH]

a. Level 1

- Ordon Target Practice [ORDTP]

- Gerudo Stalfos: Defender [GDSLF]

- Arbiter’s Grounds: Ranger [ARBGR]

b. Level 2

- Goron Target Practice [GRNTP]

- Zora River: Defender [ZRRVR]

- Skull Shooting [SKLSH]

c. Level 3

- Kakariko Target Practice [KRKTP]

- Fruit Balloons [FRTBL]

- The Great Bridge: Defender [GRTBG]

d. Level 4

- Zora River Target Practice [ZRRTP]

- Hyrule Castle: Defender [HRCSL]

- Skulltula Forest: Ranger [SKLFT]

e. Level 5

- Oocca Target Practice [OCATP]

- Gerudo Moldorm: Defender [GRDMD]

- The Shootout [TEHST]

f. Level 6

- Ordon Target Practice 2 [ODTP2]

- Bridge of Eldin: Defender [BRGEN]

- Snowpeak Ruins: Ranger [SNPRN]

g. Level 7

- Underground Target Practice [UDGTP]

- City in the Sky: Defender [CTISK]

- Temple of Time: Ranger [TMPTM]

h. Level 8

- Horseback Target Practice [HRSTP]

- Snowpeak Ruins: Defender [SPRND]

- Darknut Battle [DRKBT]

i. Final Level

- Ranch Target Practice [RNCTP]

- Sacred Grove: Defender [SCDGV]

- Fossil Stallord Battle [FSLST]

7. Legal Notes [LGLNT]

8. Thank you’s [THKYU]




Welcome readers! I'm R351D3NT3V1L4 on the message boards

and this is a walkthrough for Link’s Crossbow Training for

the Nintendo Wii. This is my first FAQ so please bear with

me here. Link’s Crossbow Training is basically a demo

Nintendo made to show off the Wii Zapper. It is NOT a full

adventure game like other Zelda games. I will explain both

the game and the Wii Zapper.




Before you start playing, you have to put the Wii remote

and Nunchuk into the Wii Zapper. If you have the Wii Remote

Jacket on, remove it before attaching the remote to the Wii

Zapper. There are 2 configurations. Configuration 1:

Nunchuk Attached and Configuration 2: Nunchuk Separate.




Configuration 1: Nunchuk Attached – Both the Wii Remote and

Nunchuk are attached to the Wii Zapper.

Step 1: Remove the cable storage cover by pressing and

sliding it towards the bottom of the Wii Zapper.

Step 2: Open the Nunchuk into the compartment, aligning the

projections with the screw holes on the underside of the

Nunchuk. Close the Nunchuk lock over the base of the


Step 3: Feed the cable along the underside of the Wii

Zapper, pressing it into the slot. Wrap the cable around

the projections inside the compartment 3-1/2 times, leaving

some extra cable to connect to the remote.

Step 4: Replace the cable storage cover, feeding the cable

through the slot at the top of the compartment.

Step 5: Thread the wrist strap cord through the connector

hook on the bottom of the connector plug. Insert the plug

into the External Connector on the bottom of the Wii


Step 6: Place the remote into the compartment, front end

first, while pressing the Wii Remote lock release. Let go

of the lock release when the remote is fully inserted into

the compartment. The tabs on the lock should be inserted

into the two holes on the bottom of the remote.




Configuration 2: Nunchuk Separate – The Wii Remote is

attached to the Wii Zapper while the Nunchuk is held in

your other hand.

Step 1: Thread the wrist strap cord through the connector

hook at the bottom of the connector plug. Insert the plug

into the External Extension Connector on the bottom of the

Wii Remote.

Step 2: Place the remote into the compartment, front end

first, while pressing the Wii Remote lock release. Let go

of the lock release when the remote is fully inserted into

the compartment. The tabs on the lock should be inserted

into the two holes on the bottom of the remote.




Step 1: Press and hold the Wii Remote lock release and

remove the Wii Remote from the compartment, bottom end

first. Unplug the connector from the bottom of the remote

and remove the wrist strap cord from the connector hook.

Step 2: Remove the cable storage cover by pressing and

sliding it towards the bottom of the Wii Zapper. Unwind and

remove the cable and replace the cover.

Step 3: Open the Nunchuk lock and remove the Nunchuk from

the compartment. Replace the Nunchuk lock.




Pointer – Move the crosshairs (Point at the screen)

A Button – Pause Menu: Continue, Quit, Adjust alignment

HOME Button – Open HOME Menu

B Button – Confirm, Fire Crossbow (Hold and release for

exploding arrow)

Z Button – Zoom in

Control Stick – On certain stages, you can move freely

using the Control Stick

Before you play, you will have to determine which hand is

going where. My right hand is the dominant hand but my left

hand goes on the trigger and my right hand is at the back.

But when I’m playing Ranger mode, my right hand is at the

trigger and my left hand is on the back so it all depends

on what you are comfortable with.




Once you turn on your Wii and start up Link’s Crossbow

Training, press the B Button on the title screen to bring

up the following options:

Score Attack: Improve your skills by playing through stage

after stage, and shoot for the high score. When you first

start playing, only levels 1-3 will be available.

Multiplayer: Alternate turns with up to three friends, and

see who has the best aim. Only levels you have played in

Score Attack will be available in Multiplayer.

Practice: Pick any stage and try a few practice rounds.

Only levels you have played in Score Attack will be

available in Practice.




Once you have chosen a game mode, the Player Select screen

will appear. Select a profile to use. If you’re playing a

multiplayer match, you will first choose the number of

players. When you’re done, you’ll move on to the Level

Select screen.




This screen will appear only in Score Attack. To begin

playing, point at the level you want to play and press the

B Button. A target will appear. Point at it and press the B

Button to start. Each level is made up of three stages. To

return to the Player Select screen, point at the target in

the bottom left corner and press the B Button.




There are three stages in each level. If you complete each

of the three stages with a high enough total score, you

will clear the level and move on to the next.




Hit bull’s-eyes or enemies using the Wii Zapper, and see

how many points you can earn before time runs out. You have

a limited amount of time in each stage. When you complete a

stage, you’ll move on to the next. The level ends once you

have completed all three stages. Once you finish a level,

you will return to the Level Select Screen.




Crossbow: Press the B Button to fire the crossbow. You have

an unlimited number of arrows.

Exploding Crossbow: Press and hold the B Button until the

crosshairs flash, and then release the B Button to fire an

exploding arrow. It has more power and does more damage,

but it takes a little while to charge up, so you can’t fire

it as frequently.

Automatic Crossbow: If you defeat an enemy that’s flashing

green, your weapon will turn into a rapid-fire crossbow,

able to fire many shots in rapid succession. Once you run

out of automatic arrows, your crossbow will revert to





When you complete a stage, the Results screen will show you

how many points you earned in that stage as well as your

running total for the stage you are playing. When you’re

ready to continue, press the B Button to start the next





You can play Link’s Crossbow Training with up to four

players, taking turns using the Wii Zapper. Players take

turns, starting with Player 1 and ending with Player 4.

When you are done with your turn, hand the Wii Zapper to

the next player.




There are three basic types of stages: Target Shooting,

Defender and Ranger.

Target Shooting: Shoot the targets as they appear on-

screen. You get more points for a bull’s-eye, and

consecutive hits earn you bonus points. Gold targets are

worth more points. Don’t shoot targets marked with the blue

X, or you’ll lose points and your combo chain.

Defender: Take out hordes of enemies as they attack. Turn

to face in a different direction by aiming the Wii Zapper

off screen in any direction. As with Target Shooting

stages, consecutive hits earn you bonus points.

Ranger: Seek out your enemies in a number of different

settings. Move using the Control Stick, and change your

facing by aiming the Wii Zapper off-screen in any

direction. Again, consecutive hits earn you bonus points.




Attack quickly and accurately. Some targets appear for only

a short time, so be ready to take aim and fire as fast as

you can. You’ll earn a bonus for hitting every target or

enemy in a stage.

Use exploding arrows. They can take out a lot of enemies

gathered in one area, take aim and blast the bunch of them.

Be careful because you might accidentally hit a target that

you don’t want to.

Shoot lots of things. Enemies and targets aren’t the only

things you can shoot. See what else you can shoot for

points. Some targets might even contain bonuses for you –

if you see a floating Rupee, shoot it for bonus points.

You’ll lose points for shooting Cuccos and other living





Well this is the walkthrough part. I will try my best to

help you get the highest score possible. The main things

you should remember are to hit the targets right in the

middle, make sure you don’t miss a target or your combo

will be broken and to shoot each target quickly but

carefully. Also if you shoot a scarecrow’s body 8 times,

and then shoot it’s head, another one will appear later in

the level and if you do that same to that scarecrow, you

will be taken to an alternative area with more gold targets

(Credit goes to guywiththehair for this).


Level 1 - Ordon Target Practice [ORDTP]


When you first start the level, shoot the scarecrow’s body

8 times and then shoot its head. If you did it correctly,

it will disappear into the ground. When the starting

whistle blows, the first target will appear. Shoot it and

then 2 targets will appear. Shoot them and then 3 targets

will appear. Once you shoot them, 5 targets will appear and

after you shoot those 5 targets, a gold target will appear

in the background on top of the house. Shoot it before it

disappears and then the camera will move.

If you shot the scarecrow in the correct way, another one

will appear near the top right corner. Kill it the same way

except this time it won’t disappear into the ground.

Regardless of whether you shot the scarecrow or not, a

target will appear. Shoot it and 5 targets will appear.

Destroy them and 5 more targets will appear scattered

around. Destroy them and 4 targets will appear to the left

and after you destroyed them, 1 gold target will appear to

the right.

Now this is where the paths split. If you didn’t destroy

the two scarecrows correctly, then you will go to the

default path. A cucco will be walking on the ground. Don’t

shoot it or you will lose 100 points. 3 targets will appear

to the right. Destroy them and 5 targets will appear to the

left. Shoot them and 4 targets will appear to the right.

After you shoot them, 2 more targets will appear and then

once you destroy those, a gold target will appear. That is

the end of the level.

Now if you destroyed the two scarecrows correctly, you will

go to the alternative area where there are more gold

targets. First one gold target will appear. Shoot it and

then a gold target and a normal target will appear. Shoot

those and then a gold target and 2 normal targets will

appear. After you shoot them, 2 normal targets and 1 gold

target will rise and sink into the water. Once you shoot

them, 1 gold target and 1 normal target will be on a

clothesline or something and will be moving right to left

and back. Shoot them and 2 more gold targets will appear.

Shoot those 2 and another gold target will appear. After

you shoot that one, 2 normal targets and 1 gold target will

appear. Shoot those and 3 normal targets and 1 gold target

will appear. Finally after you shoot those, 1 final gold

target will appear. After you shoot it, the level will be

over and if you shot all of the targets, you will receive

bonus score points.


Gerudo Stalfos: Defender [GDSLF]


Ok in this level, you will be in third person. When you

start, you can shoot a scarecrow somewhere in the

background. 1 small Stallfos will come out of the ground

(each hit you take will cost you 100 points). When you kill

it, another will come out. When you kill that one, a 3rd and

4th one will come out. After you kill them, 3 will come out

and when you kill them, 1 big Stallfos will come out with a

shield. Kill it and then 12 small ones will come as well as

1 big green one. If you kill the green one, your crossbow

will turn into a crossbow machine gun. Kill all of them and

then 1 big green Stallfos will come and a whole bunch of

small ones will come. Kill them and 1 big one and 4 small

ones will come in front and behind you. Kill them and 5 big

ones will come towards you. If you kill all 5, you will get

bonus points and a ton of small ones will come but by then

the time will run out.


Arbiter’s Grounds: Ranger [ARBGR]


This is a free roam area. There are 25 Bulblins. Once you

start, there will be 3 Bulblins in front of you. Kill them

and as you move forward, another one will be there. Kill it

and as you turn to the right, you will see 4 Bulblins on

the ground. Kill them all. If you look up, there will be 2

Bulblins on separate platforms. Kill them and proceed.

There is a scarecrow to the left on a platform. If you keep

on moving forward, there will be 1 Bulblin sleeping near

some crates to the left. Kill him and look up at the

platforms. You can see 6 Bulblins on 6 separate platforms.

Kill them and move to the left. There will be 3 of them in

sight. Kill them and walk around. There will be 5 left.

Take them out and you will receive bonus points for killing

every Bulblin. If there is time left, go around shooting

pots, boxes, crates, and roasting pigs.


Level 2 - Goron Target Practice [GRNTP]


This level is totally random. You will first be taken to 3

Gorons. They will roll and targets will appear on their

stomachs…yes…stomachs… Anyway, they will either be normal

targets, gold targets, or blue X targets. Do not shoot the

blue X targets. They will cost you points. After that, you

will move to 5 Gorons. The same targets will appear. You

can shoot the pots, crates, boxes and signs in the

background. After that, you will move to a final place

where there are 7 Gorons. There will be a scarecrow to the

very right that you can destroy. After time runs out, the

level will be over.


Zora River: Defender [ZRRVR]


In this level, you will be in a canoe. You will have no

control over it so just focus on shooting the enemies. You

can also shoot the pots on the walls and ones that are

hanging. When you start, there will be Toadpolis swimming

in the water. As you get close to them, they will come out

of the water and if you don’t kill them quick enough, they

will shoot rocks at you which you can destroy with your

crossbow. As you go forward, you will come across 9

Toadpolis. There will be a scarecrow that you can shoot as

you near the Tektites. There will be 7 Tektites. Kill them

all as you are proceeding. If you come near them, they will

jump at you and attack you. As you near the end, there will

be 13 Toadpolis swimming in the water. Kill them all and

you will get bonus points. Shoot as many pots as you can

before the time is up.


Skull Shooting [SKLSH]


Basically in this level, red and white skulls will be

launched in the air and you will have to shoot them before

they fall to the ground and break. White skulls are worth

50 points and Red skulls are worth 100 points. Once the

level starts, on the right side there is a scarecrow you

can destroy. I will put the order of the skulls as they

appear below:

White Skulls = W Red Skulls = R

1. W

2. WW

3. WRW








If you shoot all of the skulls, you will receive bonus



Level 3- Kakariko Target Practice [KRKTP]


In this level, every time you shoot a target, another one

will appear instantly. So the faster you shoot the targets,

the more targets will come. When the camera moves in, there

will be a scarecrow to the right. Hit its body 8 times and

then shoot its head. If done right, it will disappear into

the ground. Now keep on shooting the targets and the

maximum number of targets you can get is 31 before the

camera moves.

If you destroyed the scarecrow correctly, another one will

pop up to the left. Destroy it the same way. Keep on

shooting the targets and that maximum number of targets you

can get before the camera moves is 30.

This is where the path splits. If you didn’t kill both

scarecrows correctly, you will go to the bomb shop. The

targets will appear the same way but this time, blue X

targets will appear as well. Avoid hitting those and try to

hit all of the normal and gold targets. If you get all 28

targets, you will get bonus points.

Now if you killed both scarecrows correctly, you will be

taken to the alternative place. Here, more gold targets

will appear. Targets will appear in the background and some

targets (along with blue X ones) will pass by from the left

to the right and from the right to the left. Try to get all

of them and try to avoid the blue X ones. If you get all of

the targets, you will receive bonus points.


Fruit Balloons [FRTBL]


In this level, you will be stationary the whole time. If

you turn around 180 degrees, a scarecrow will be right

behind you that you can destroy. Fruit balloons will come

and you have to shoot them. Basically a big green balloon

pops up and when you shoot it, 3 smaller orange balloons

pop up. After you shoot the orange balloons, another big

green one pops up. Then after you shoot it, once again 3

orange ones pop up but this time when you shoot one of the

orange ones, 4 smaller red balloons pop up that you have to

shoot. Once you shoot the 4 red balloons, a big green one

will pop up and the cycle continues. Also some meteors or

whatever will fly across the screen from time to time that

you can shoot. Keep shooting the balloons until time runs



The Great Bridge: Defender [GRTBG]


In this level, Kargarocs will come at you. Shoot them but

if they stay close to you for a while, they will shoot

stuff at you and if it hits you, you will lose 100 points.

Every now and then Aeralfos will fly in the background that

you can hit. Also there is a scarecrow in the background to

the left. Just keep shooting them until time runs out.


Level 4 - Zora River Target Practice [ZRRTP]


When you start this level, you will be taken to the

waterfall. There is a scarecrow to the right so hit its

body 8 times and then hit its head to make it disappear

into the ground. Now targets will start coming down the

waterfall. There will a total of 13 normal targets and 1

gold target. After you shoot them all, or if the time runs

out for that section, the camera will move.

If you shot the first scarecrow correctly, another on will

appear in front of you. Destroy it the same way. Now

targets will be going across the screen from the left to

the right and from the right to the left. Some targets will

come down the small waterfall to the right. If a target is

behind the waterfall, don’t try to shoot it because you

won’t be able to hit it and your combo chain will be

broken. A total of 18 targets will appear through the

course of this section. They will be both big and small.

This is where the path splits. If you didn’t shoot the

scarecrows correctly, you will go to the default area. You

will be in front of the water fall again and there will be

a narrower, smaller waterfall near the bottom right. Gold

targets will come from there. Normal targets will come down

the waterfall in front of you but so will blue X targets.

Avoid hitting those targets. There will be a total of 23

targets to shoot in this section, and then the level is


If you shot both scarecrows correctly, you will go to the

alternative area that has more gold targets. You will come

to the top of the waterfall. Targets will start coming

towards you from the back. There will be gold targets,

normal targets, and blue X targets. There are a total of 16

targets and if you hit them all, you will receive bonus



Hyrule Castle: Defender [HRCSL]


In this level, you will be in third person. First 3

Stallfos’ will appear. Kill them and groups of bats will

come. There are 3 glowing green monsters you can kill that

make your crossbow a crossbow machine gun. There is also a

scarecrow behind you that you can destroy. During this

level, you will mostly be shooting groups of bats. Some

will be right in front of you, and others will be very high

up near the castle walls. Eventually, 2 big Stallfos’ will

appear. Kill them and then keep killing the bats. If you

kill all the bats, you will receive bonus points.


Skulltula Forest: Ranger [SKLFT]


This is another free roam level. Your goal is to kill 18

Skulltulas. They each take 2 hits to die. Most of them will

be on the ground but some of them will be on walls, and

hanging from trees. If you go all the way to the right,

there will be some Deku Babas there that you can kill.

There is also a scarecrow on a high ledge you can kill. If

you’re stuck and can’t find Skulltulas then just follow

your radar and remember to look up in the trees. Also if

you come near a Skulltula that is up in a tree, it will

come down at you so be careful. If you kill all of the

Skulltulas, you will receive bonus points.


Level 5 - Oocca Target Practice [OCATP]


In this level, Ooccas will fly across the screen carrying

targets. If you hit an Oocca, you will lose 100 points. You

can shoot the Peapots and pots in the background. First the

camera will move in and 14 Ooccas will fly by each carrying

1 target. After you shoot all the targets or when the time

runs out, the camera will move.

There will be a scarecrow to the right that you can

destroy. Now 16 Ooccas will fly across the screen. Some

will have 1 target and others will have 2 targets. After

you shoot them all, the camera will move.

Now you are at the final section. 20 more Ooccas will fly

by carrying 1 or 2 targets. If you shoot them all, you will

get bonus points.


Gerudo Moldorm: Defender [GRDMD]


This level will be in third person mode. When you start,

there will be a scarecrow in the background somewhere in

front of you. Moldorms will start appearing. Shoot then

when they jump out of the ground. 6 of them will come and

then 10 Leevers will surround you. They will circle around

you so just shoot each on as they pass by. After you kill

them all, a second wave of Moldorms will come. 8 of them

will appear so shoot them all. After you shoot them all, 10

Leevers will surround you again and start circling you.

Kill them again and you will receive bonus points if you

didn’t miss any enemies. Now a lot of Moldorms will start

coming so try to shoot as many of them as you can before

time runs out.


The shootout [TEHST]


This is another free roam mode. There are 25 Bulblins that

you will have to kill before time runs out. When the level

starts, shoot the first Bulblin. Now shoot the Bulblin on

the second floor. Proceed and you will see a Bulblin

walking on the ground. Shoot him and then zoom in. Shoot

the 3 Bulblins on the second floor to the right and then

shoot the 2 Bulblins on the second floor to the left. Now

shoot the Bulblin on the roof and then go into the first

house on the left and shoot the Bulblin on the second

floor. Leave and go in between the house you were just in

and the house next to it. You will see a Bulblin sleeping.

Shoot it and then shoot the window. There will be 2

Bulblins in there so shoot them. There is also a scarecrow

in there you can destroy. Go straight across to the

alleyway on the opposite side and there will be a Bulblin

there. Shoot it and shoot the one on to the left. Go all

the way down and shoot the second floor window and then

shoot the Bulblin that’s there. Exit the alleyway and there

will be 4 Bulblin on the house to the right. Shoot them

all. Now go in to the house where you just broke the window

to and shoot the 2 Bulblins there that are on the second

floor. There are 3 Bulblins left that are on the platform

thing in the back. Kill them all and you will receive bonus

points. If you have time left, shoot the exploding barrels,

pots and boxes to get more points.


Level 6 - Ordon Target Practice 2 [ODTP2]


Well we’re back at Ordon Village. In this level, you’ll be

moving to the right constantly. Targets will either appear

by themselves or you’ll have to shoot certain targets to

make other targets appear. There will be a scarecrow at the

beginning of the level that you can shoot. If you hit all

of the targets, there are 60 targets, you will receive

bonus points.


Bridge of Eldin: Defender [BRGEN]


You will be riding on a back of a wagon in this level. You

will have to shoot Bokoblins, Bulblins, Kargarocs, and

boars. 2 Bulblins will be on each boar. Shoot them off

before they shoot arrows at you. If they hit you, you will

lose 100 points. You can also shoot the boars and kill them

for points. Kargarocs will fly at you from time to time so

kill them. There will be barrels you can shoot that will

explode and kill any enemy nearby. I suggest that you fire

the exploding bomb arrows at the boars for easier kills. If

you kill most or all of the enemies, you will receive bonus



Snowpeak Ruins: Ranger [SNPRN]


This is a free roam level. You will have to kill 25

Chilfos’. If you shoot them in the body, it will take

around 5 hits to kill them. If you shoot them in the head,

it will 1 hit kill them. When you start, 1 Chilfos will be

in front of you. Kill it and then kill the one on the

stairs to the left. Move forward and kill the Chilfos to

the right. Go into the next room and kill the Ice Keese.

Shoot the Chilfos at the doorway. Look outside and kill the

2 Chilfos’ that are on the ledge to the left. Zoom in and

look up at the bedroom door and shoot the 2 Chilfos’ there.

Proceed outside and turn to the right. Kill the Chilfos

standing there. There will be 11 Chilfos’ on the ledge.

Kill them all. Kill the 2 Chilfos’ on the ground and there

will be another one on the ledge that you were just under.

Kill it and go through the doorway on the right. Kill the

final 2 Chilfos’ and you will receive bonus points for

killing them all. If you get stuck at any point, just

follow the radar on the screen. Also if a Chilfos throws a

spear at you and it hits you, you will lose 100 points.


Level 7 - Underground Target Practice [UDGTP]


When this level starts, there will be a scarecrow all the

way in the background in front of you. Shoot its body 8

times and then shoot its head and it will disappear into

the ground. Now targets will start coming towards you. Keep

on shooting the targets and avoid hitting the blue X

targets. Gold targets will pass by where you shot the

scarecrow. After the 16 targets come, the camera will move

you to another place.

If you shot the first scarecrow correctly, another one will

appear in the back. Shoot it the same way. Now targets will

start coming. After you shoot all 17 of them, the camera

will move again.

This is where the path splits. If you didn’t shoot both

scarecrows correctly, you will be taken to the default

area. Redeads/Redead Knights will start coming out of the

ground. Shoot them in the head for a fast kill. There will

be a total of 26 Redeads that you can kill. If you kill

them all, 1 last gold target will pass by in the

background. Shoot it and if you shot all of the

targets/Redeads, you will receive bonus points.

If you shot both scarecrows correctly, you will be taken to

the alternative area. Here, more gold targets will appear.

The targets will appear on the wall right in front of you.

2 targets will also appear on the bottom left wall. If you

shoot all of the targets, you will receive bonus points.


City in the Sky: Defender [CTISK]


In this level, you will be in third person. 3 Aeralfos will

be on the ground in front of you. Shoot them in the head or

body twice to kill them. They can hide behind their shields

as well. After you kill them, more Aeralfos will come but

this time, they will be flying. Shoot each of their wings a

couple of times and they will fall out of the sky. Shoot

them in the head to finish them off. Keep doing this until

time runs out and remember to watch the radar.


Temple of Time: Ranger [TMPTM]


This is another free roam mode. You will have to kill 18

Lizalfos’/Dynalfos’. Lizalfos’ take 2 hits to kill and

Dynalfos’ take around 4-5 hits depending where you hit

them. There are also Beamos statues that you can kill as

well as Keese. This level is pretty straight forward. Just

keep following the path and if you come near an enemy, they

will run at you. Just keep killing them and shoot any

objects you want to get more points. In the final area of

the level, there will be a scarecrow that you can destroy.

Also throughout the level, there will be 2 green monsters

that you can kill. If you kill them, your crossbow will

turn into a machine gun crossbow. If you kill all of the

Lizalfos/Dynalfos, you will receive bonus points.


Level 8 - Horseback Target Practice [HRSTP]


In this level, you will be riding on Epona. You will be

facing to the left and once you pass the flag, targets will

pop up in the foreground and background. Shoot them all and

if you shoot all 15, a gold target will pop up at the end

on this section. Once you reach the other flag, you will go

to another section.

Now you will be facing to the right. Once again when you

pass the flag, targets will start appearing. Shoot All 17

and a gold one will appear at the end.

Now you will be facing forward. Once you pass the flag,

targets will appear to the left, right, and in front of

you. Shoot all 20 of them and a big gold target will appear

at the end. If you shot all of the targets, you will

receive bonus points. There is also a scarecrow at the end

of the level to the right.


Snowpeak Ruins: Defender [SPRND]


In this level, you will be in third person. First 3 White

Wolfos’ will come out of the ground. Kill them and then 3

more will come. Kill those 3 and a ton of them will come

from the background. I suggest you shoot one of the green

glowing monsters in the air to turn your crossbow into a

crossbow machine gun so you can kill the Wolfos’ faster.

More of them will come from the ground so keep shooting

them. After a while another wave of them will come from the

icy water place. Shoot the other green glowing monster and

kill them all. If you kill 50 of them, you will receive

bonus points.


Darknut Battle [DRKBT]


This is a boss battle. You will face a Darknut. When you

start, there will be a scarecrow right behind you that you

can destroy. To kill the Darknut, move close to him and he

will try to attack you. Dodge his attack and start shooting

him. Keep on doing this and he will start sending bats at

you to attack you. Dodge them and keep on shooting him. 3

bigger bats will appear. Kill them and do the same thing

again. Eventually, he will transform into a ton of bats.

Kill the white bats. Now he will keep on transforming back

and forth so just keep on shooting him. If you kill him

before the time is up, you will receive bonus points.


Final Level - Ranch Target Practice [RNCTP]


When you start this level, there will be a scarecrow in the

background to the right that you can destroy. There will be

both blue and red Bokoblins to kill. Red ones are worth

more points. When the level starts, Bokoblins will come at

you riding on goats. Kill them. There will be 20 of them.

Now you will move forward. 24 of them will come one after

another. Some will be on goats and others will be on foot.

Kill them and then you will move to the left. Now there

will be a lot of them. Some of them will be coming from the

sky so kill them. Others will be on goats and on foot.

There will be around 30 of them and if you kill most of

them, you will receive bonus points.


Sacred Grove: Defender [SCDGV]


When the level starts, there will be a scarecrow right

behind you that you can destroy. Now the Skull Kid will

send puppets at you. If takes 2 hits to kill them. You can

also shoot the Skull Kid. Some puppets are normal and

others a reddish. Sometimes the Skull Kid will glow green.

If you shoot him then, your crossbow will turn into a

crossbow machine gun. If you kill more than 35 puppets, you

will receive bonus points.


Fossil Stallord Battle [FSLST]


Well this is the final level. It is a boss battle against

Stallord. When it starts, he will shoot rocks at you. Shoot

them for points. Now shoot the red circles at the bottom of

his hands. Hit it 5 times and his hand/arm will get

destroyed. Now he will shoot more rocks at you. Do the same

for the other arm and destroy it. He will fall down and

there will be a red circle on his head. Shoot it 7 times

and he will get back up. Now he will throw rocks at you and

send Fire Bubbles at you. Destroy them and hit both of the

red circles on his hands the same way. He will fall down

again so shoot the red circle on the back of his head 7

times. He will get up one last time but now he’s faster. He

will send more Fire Bubbles and rocks at you so destroy

them all. Destroy both arms again and he will fall down.

Shoot the red circle at the back of his head 7 times and he

will die. If you kill him before time runs out, you will

receive bonus points.


7. Legal Notes [LGLNT]


This FAQ is Copyright(c) December 2007 Marko Bagaric. You

can use this FAQ for your own personal use. Also if you

want to share some of this info without actually posting

it, at least give some credit to me. For any questions,

suggestions, or whatever, email me at:

Sites currently allowed to use my FAQ:


8. Thank you’s [THKYU]


1. God for giving me life

2. Me, for writing this FAQ.

3. Nintendo for making this game.

4. CJayC for making a sick gaming site.

5. SBAllen for accepting this FAQ.

6. The readers for reading this FAQ.
Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.