Europa Universalis III FAQ/ Walkthrough


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Author: Warfreak

Version: 1.4

Day Started: 26/8/07


Table of Contents

[1] Introduction

[1.01] Introduction

[1.02] Version History

[2] Global Modifiers

[2.01] Difficulty Modifiers

[2.02] Provincial Static Modifiers

[2.03] Global Static Modifiers

[3] Nations

[3.01] Africa

[3.02] Americas

[3.03] Arabia

[3.04] Asia

[3.05] Europe

[4] Ideas

[4.01] Naval

[4.02] Land

[4.03] Exploration

[4.04] State Business

[4.05] Culture

[5] Research

[5.01] Government

[5.02] Land

[5.03] Naval

[5.04] Production

[5.05] Trade

[6] Buildings

[6.01] Buildings

[6.02] Manufactories

[6.03] Fortresses

[7] Advisors

[7.01] The Advisors

[8] Units

[8.01] Infantry

[8.02] Cavalry

[8.03] Artillery

[8.04] Big Ships

[8.05] Light Ships

[8.06] Galley Ships

[8.07] Transport Ships

[9] Religion

[9.01] Christian

[9.02] Muslim

[9.03] Eastern

[9.04] Pagan

[10] Spies

[10.01] Missions

[11] Trade Goods

[11.01] Base Resources

[11.02] Metals

[11.03] African Resources

[11.04] Eastern Resources

[11.05] New World Resources

[12] Policies

[12.01] Aristocracy - Plutocracy

[12.02] Centralisation - Decentralisation

[12.03] Innovative - Narrowminded

[12.04] Mercantilism - Free Trade

[12.05] Offensive - Defensive

[12.06] Land - Naval

[12.07] Quality - Quantity

[12.08] Serfdom - Free Subjects

[13] Governments

[13.01] Feudal Monarchy

[13.02] Merchant Republic

[13.03] Despotic Monarchy

[13.04] Noble Republic

[13.05] Administrative Monarchy

[13.06] Administrative Republic

[13.07] Absolute Monarchy

[13.08] Republician Dictatorship

[13.09] Constitutional Monarchy

[13.10] Enlightened Despotism

[13.11] Constitutional Republic

[13.12] Bureaucracy Despotism

[13.13] Theocracy

[13.14] Papacy

[13.15] Tribal Despotism

[13.16] Tribal Federation

[13.17] Tribal Democracy

[14] Provinces

[14.01] #1 to #100

[14.02] #101 to #200

[14.03] #201 to #300

[14.04] #301 to #400

[14.05] #401 to #500

[14.06] #501 to #600

[14.07] #601 to #700

[14.08] #701 to #800

[14.09] #801 to #900

[14.11] #901 to #1000

[14.12] #1001 to #1100

[14.13] #1101 to #1200

[14.14] #1201 to #1248

[A] Contact Information

[B] Webmaster Information

[C] Credits

[D] Sites FAQ is on

[E] Copyright


[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 19th FAQ based on the game Europa Universalis 3. Of course, as a

first time player to the game, I'm new to this and not as such, a veteran to

this. Anyway, this will cover everything from buildings to research to the

stats of each province. My FAQ experience should help overcome this though,

since I've covered games like Civ 4 and C&C. The amount of provinces there

are though, 1741. This is going to take a while.


[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [26/8/07]

The guide has started. Lets rock and roll. Lets start on chapter 2.

Version 0.2 [27/8/07]

Finished Chapter 2. Started on Chapter 3 up to Armenia, ie, 13 countries.

Version 0.3 [29/8/07]

Bit on Chapter 3. It really is long.

Version 0.4 [30/8/07]

Bit more on Chapter 3. Finished Chapter 4.

Version 0.5 [5/9/07]

Must keep going on.

Version 0.6 [7/9/07]

Must continue to keep writing. More on Chapter 3. 13 more countries done.

Chapter 5 is complete. Chapter 6 also done.

Verison 0.7 [8/9/07]

Lets keep pumping out these updates. More on Chapter 3 with an extra 13

countries done. Chapter 7 is complete. Chapter 8, all the 260 units, is done.

Version 0.8 [9/9/07]

More work done. Chapter 3 has another 13 countries bring up the total to 78

out of 282. Chapter 9 is complete. Chapter 10 and 11 are complete. There are

only 5 Chapters left. Chapter 12 is complete. Then, more countries, another

26 was complete. Brings the total to 104 out of 282. Not bad.

Version 0.9 [10/9/07]

A Whopping 39 countries done today. This makes the total up to 145, which is

just past half-way.

Version 1.0 [23/9/07]

Another 39 countries complete, bring the total up to 184. Only 98 more to go.

Version 1.1 [29/10/07]

Deleted 2 Chapters because it is pointless and much too random. The brings it

down to 14 chapters. Chapter 13 is complete. Completed provinces stands at

100 out of 1741. Completed nations stands at 184 out of 286. Completed another

26 making the total 210 out of 286. 76 to go.

Version 1.2 [6/12/07]

Well, tally stands at 251/286 countries done. 100/1248 provinces done.

Version 1.3 [9/12/07]

All nations are complete. 600 out of 1248 provinces done. This is the second

last update if all goes to plan.

Version 1.4 [10/12/07]

All Done. All the nations and provinces, well, the ones on land that is, are

complete and ready to go. This guide is complete, and to date, my biggest

one, that involved the most typing. The length of this guide is insane at

the least.


[2.01] Difficulty Modifiers

Modifiers are the benefits or disadvantages that you suffer when you are under

some certain circumstances. In this instance, the difficulty modifiers effect

your gameplay overall, with easier levels cheaper to recruit units while on

harder levels, it would be harder, hence the difficulty.


*Very Easy Player*


Global Manpower Modifier is 0.5

Infantry cost 50% less

Cavalry cost 50% less

Artillery cost 50% less

Big Ship cost 50% less

Small Ships cost 50% less

Galley Ships cost 50% less

Build Cost is 50% cheaper

Sending merchants cost 50% less

Sending colonists cost 50% less

Inflation Reduced by 0.5 a year

Global Revolt Risk is -3


*Easy Player*


Global Manpower Modifier is 0.25

Infantry cost 25% less

Cavalry cost 50% less

Artillery cost 50% less

Big Ship cost 50% less

Small Ships cost 50% less

Galley Ships cost 50% less

Build Cost is 25% cheaper

Sending merchants cost 25% less

Sending colonists cost 25% less

Inflation Reduced by 0.25 a year

Global Revolt Risk is -1


*Hard Player*


No Advantages or Disadvantages


*Very Hard Player*


Army Tradition -0.25 a year

Navy Tradition -0.25 a year


*Very Easy AI*


Army Tradition -0.25 a year for AI

Navy Tradition -0.25 a year for AI


*Easy AI*


No Advantages or Disadvantages for AI


*Hard AI*


Army Tradition +0.25 a year for AI

Navy Tradition +0.25 a year for AI

Global Tax Modifier is 0.25


*Very Hard AI*


Army Tradition +0.50 a year for AI

Navy Tradition +0.50 a year for AI

Global Tax Modifier is 0.50


[2.02] Provincial Static Modifiers

These modifiers effect the provinces that you are attacking, colonising or

using. Watch them carefully.


*OverSea Provinces*


Local Tax is Reduced by 30%

Missionary Cost is 75% more expensive

Spy Defence is lowered by 5%

100% Longer to train troops

100% Longer to build ships

5% penalty on garrison growth


*Coastal Provinces*


No Advantages or Disadvantages


*Non Coastal Provinces*


10% more expensive for Colonists


*Coastal Sea*


Supply Limit is 5




Colonists 20% more expensive

-10% chance for Colonists

-8% Population Growth

Attrition is 5

Max Attrition is 5


*Sea Zone*


Max Attrition is 5


*Land Province*


Max Attrition is 5

Stability Cost is 25

Garrison Growth is 10%

Tax on Province is at least 10%


*Mild Winter*


Attrition increased by 2

Max Attrition increased by 2


*Normal Winter*


Attrition increased by 5

Max Attrition increased by 5


*Severe Winter*


Attrition increased by 10

Max Attrition increased by 10


*Out of Supply*


Max Attrition increased by 10




Trade Income is reduced by 75%

Tax income is reduced by 75%


*Adjacent Province Not Controlled*


Colonist Cost increased by 15%

Colonist Success Rate decreased by 5%


*Provincial Tax Income*


Chance of Missionary decreased by 2% for Each Ducat

Missionary Cost increased by 1% for Each Ducat

Supply Limit Increased by 0.2 for Each Ducat

Spy Defence +1% for Each Ducat

Regiment Recruit Speed 1% Faster for Each Ducat


*City Population*


Missionary Cost increased 1% for every 1000 Population




Pays 100% of Tax


*Colony Level*


Colonists Cost 2% cheaper for each level

Colonist Success Rate 4% higher for each level

+0.5% Population Cost for each level

Tax Income +10% for each level


*Native Agressiveness*


Colonist Chance -3%

Population Growth -1% for each % of agressiveness


*Core Province*


Tax Income increased by 90%


*Same Culture in Province*


-10% Tax on Province


*Unaccepted Culture in Province*


-30% Tax on Province

Missionary Success Rate decreased 5%

Manpower Modifier decreased 5%

+1 Revolt Risk

50% Longer to Train Troops


*Different Religion*


Tax Income Decreased 30%

50% more expensive stability cost

+1 Revolt Risk


*Same Religion*


Tax Income Decreased 30% if in Different but in same Group

25% more expensive stability cost


*Centre of Trade*


+5% Population Growth

Tax Income +10

+1 Merchant for Each Positive Stability




-3% Population Growth

+2 Revolt Risk

-5% Garrison Growth


*Under Siege*


-3% Population Growth




-5% Populatio Growth

Max Attrition increased by 5

50% Less Tax Income




1% For Each Point of Tolerance

+/- X Revolt Risk for Total of Tolerance/Intolerance


*Foreign Centre of Trade*


-15% Merchant Compete Chance


*Revolt Risk*


Tax Income -5% for each Revolt Risk

Spy Defence decreased 1% for each Revolt Risk

10% Longer to Train Troops for each Revolt Risk




Minimum Revolt risk 0.1

Local Revolt Risk at least 0.1 every year




Garrsion Growth increased 1% from Manpower


[2.03] Global Static Modifiers

These modifiers control the entire gameplay and effects your Government on an

international level. Modify at your own peril.


*Base Values*


+2 Merchants per year

Army Tradition Decay of 0.03

Navy Tradition Decay of 0.03

Prestige Decay of 5% a year


*War Taxes*


Global Tax Modifier give 50% more tax

War Exhaustion increased by 2




Interest Reduction of 1% per positive point

+1 Merchants per year for each positive point

Merchant Compete Chance increased 5% per positive point

Merchant Placement Chance increased by 5% per positive point

Global Revolt Risk -1 Per Positive Point

Spy Defence +5% per Positive point


*Positive Stability*


Global Tax Modifier of 10% for Each Point


*Negative Stability*


+1 Global Revolt Risk for Each Point


*Cancelled Loan*


Interest Rates increased by 3%


*Bank Loan*


Interest Rates increased by 2% per loan




Build Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Stability Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Merchant Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Colonist Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Missionary Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Infantry Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Cavalry Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Artillery Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Big Ship Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Lightship Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Galley Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Transport Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Land Tech Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Trade Tech Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Naval Tech Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Government Tech Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Production Tech Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Advisor Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation

Spy Cost increased 1% per 0.1 of inflation




+1 Global Revolt Risk

Interest Rates increased by 10%

Land Morale -2

Navy Morale -2




+1 Diplomats Per Year if At War

Maximum War Exhaustion at 10

Increase in War Exhaustion of 0.041 per month

-1 Merchant Per Year if At War




Maximum War Exhaustion at 10

Decrease in War Exhaustion of 0.083 per month


*War Exhuastion*


Stability Investment -1

+1 Global Revolt Risk


*Trade Efficiency*


Merchant Compete Chance +0.5% for 1% of Trade Efficiency

Merchant Placement Chance +0.5% for 1% of Trade Efficiency


*Production Efficiency*


Colonist Placement Chance 0.2% for 1% of Production Efficiency


*Trade Refusal*


Trade Efficiency suffers 3% Penalty

Trade Tech Investment -2


*Trade Agreement*


Trade Efficiency suffers 3% Penalty


*Defender of Faith*


+0.5 Land Morale

+0.5 Navy Morale

20% Slower Production Tech

20% Slower Trade Tech

-0.025 War Exhaustion

+0.01 Prestige




+1 Diplomat Per Year

+5% Spy Defence

+0.01 Prestige


*States in Holy Roman Empire*


Stability Investment +1

Global Manpower X0.5 to Emperor

Land Forcelimit +2




Merchant Compete Chance +10%

Colonist Placement Chance +10%

Missionary Placement Chance +10%

Leader Fire +1

Leader Shock +1

Land Tech Cost -0.02

Trade Tech Cost -0.02

Naval Tech Cost -0.02

Government Tech Cost -0.02

Production Tech Cost -0.02

Spy Efficiency +5%

Stability Cost -0.50




Foreign Merchant Compete Chance reduced 1% for each BadBoy

Stability Cost increased by 0.01 for each Badboy




Merchant Placement Chance +1% for each Point Positive

Colonist Placement Chance +1% for each Point Positive

Missionary Placement Chance +1% for each Point Positive

Spy Efficiency increased 1% for each Point Positive

Land Morale +0.05 for each Point Positive

Naval Morale +0.05 for each Point Positive

+0.1 Diplomat for each Point Positive


*Controlled Cardinals*


+0.02 Point of Prestige for Each Controlled Cardinal

Stability Investment +1 for Each Controlled Cardinal

Spy Efficiency increased 2% for Each Controlled Cradinal


[3.01] Africa

There are many several countries here. There, it will list what countries

will be here, the name and statistics of their leaders, their national ideas,

their units and other random states. It will be in alphabetical order.

Key: D = Diplomacy, M = Military, A = Admiralty [DMA] is that stats in that

order. After v1.3, some countries have had their order changed to ADM




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Deker, Harer Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Africian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Somali

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army



Leaders : 1442 - Mohammed Bin Badley 4.4.4

1454 - Ibrahim Bin Mohammed 3.3.3

1464 - Ibrahim Fah Nesrudin 3.3.3

1468 - Mohamed Bin Azhar 3.3.4

1498 - Mohammed Bin Aubaker 3.3.3

1499 - Ibrahim Bin Ahmed 3.3.3

1500 - M 3.3.3

1506 - Ahmad ibn Ghazi 3.8.6

1543 - Bat'iah Del Wanbara 5.4.3

1552 - Nur 3.3.3

1567 - Uthman 3.4.3

1569 - Talha I 4.3.3

1571 - Nasr 3.3.3

1572 - Mohammed 3.3.4

1577 - Mohammed Jasa 3.3.3

1585 - Sa'ad al-Din 3.4.4

1613 - Sabir al-Din 4.5.4

1632 - Sadiq 3.3.3

1646 - Malaq Adam 3.3.3

1647 - Ali 3.5.3

1662 - Hashim 3.3.3

1671 - Abdallah 4.3.3

1700 - Talha II 3.4.4

1721 - Abu Bakr I 3.5.4

1732 - Khalaf 3.5.3

1733 - Hamid 3.3.3

1747 - Yusuf 4.3.3

1755 - Ahmad I 3.4.5

1782 - Mohammed I 3.3.3

1794 - Ahmad II 3.4.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Al-Djazair, Al-Djazair Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Berber

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Conscripts

Sea Hawks

Superior Seamenship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Naval Fighting Instruction

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions


Leaders : 1430 - Ahmad II 7.4.5

1462 - Muhammed V 3.6.3

1468 - Muhammed VI 6.6.5

1505 - Muhammed VII 5.4.3

1516 - Musa III 5.4.3

1527 - Abd Allah III 5.3.3

1540 - Ahmad III 3.5.4

1550 - al-Hasan 3.6.4

1710 - Ali I 6.7.8 [What a Long Reign eh?]

1724 - Muhammed I 5.5.5

1731 - Ibrahim I 6.6.3

1745 - Ibrahim II 3.5.6

1748 - Muhammed II 6.5.6

1754 - Ali II 5.4.4

1766 - Muhammed III 7.5.4

1791 - Hasan 3.4.6

1798 - Mustafa 4.3.4

1805 - Ahmed 5.5.6

1808 - Ali III 3.4.3

1815 - Umar 5.4.4

1817 - Ali IV 4.3.3

1818 - Husain 5.3.4




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Yendi, Kumasi Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Africian

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Ashanti

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1442 - Beriguwiemda I 5.5.5

1454 - Beriguwiemda II 5.5.5

1469 - Zolgo 5.5.5

1486 - Zongman 5.5.5

1506 - Nengmitoni 5.5.5

1514 - Dimani 5.5.5

1527 - Yanza 5.5.5

1543 - Dariziogo 5.5.5

1554 - Luro 5.5.5

1570 - Tutugri 5.5.5

1589 - Zagale 5.5.5

1609 - Zokuli 5.5.5

1627 - Gungoble 5.5.5

1649 - Boadu Akofu Berempon 7.7.8

1677 - Bao Amponsem 6.5.6

1692 - Ntim Gyakari 3.3.5

1701 - Ose Tutu 7.9.7

1731 - Opoku Ware I 5.8.6

1750 - Kusi Obodum 4.7.3

1764 - Osei Kojo 5.6.4

1781 - Osei Kwame 3.7.3




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Oredo, Benin Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Africian

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Yorumba

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1440 - Ewuare 8.4.5

1473 - Ezoti 4.5.4

1476 - Olua 3.4.4

1481 - Ozolua 5.5.7

1504 - Esigie 6.3.4

1550 - Orhogbua 5.5.6

1578 - Ehengbuda 4.4.4

1608 - Ohuan 4.5.6

1640 - Ahenzae 5.3.5

1661 - Akenzae 5.4.7

1669 - Akengboi 4.5.5

1675 - Akenkpaye 7.5.3

1684 - Akengbedo 5.5.5

1689 - Oreoghene 6.4.6

1700 - Ewuakpe 3.6.4

1712 - Ozuere 4.3.3

1713 - Akenzua I 6.5.4

1735 - Eresonyen 4.4.8

1750 - Akengbuda 7.6.6

1804 - Obanosa 4.5.3

1816 - Ogbebo 3.4.4

1818 - Osemwede 7.5.7




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Cairo, Cairo Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Al Misr Arabic

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions


Grand Army

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1438 - Jaqmap 4.5.6

1453 - Inal 5.5.5

1461 - Khushqadam 4.4.5

1467 - Qa'itbay 4.6.4

1496 - Muhammad II 5.3.4

1498 - Qansuh I 4.5.5

1500 - Janbalat 3.4.4

1501 - Qansuh II 4.4.6

1516 - Tuman Bay II 3.3.5

1517 - Mameluk Nobles 3.3.3

1768 - Ali Beg al-Kabir 6.6.5

1773 - Mehmed Beg 7.4.4

1775 - Murad Beg 5.6.6

1801 - Osman Bardisi 3.4.3

1804 - Muhammad Ali 9.7.9




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Amba Geshen, Gonder Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = African

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Ethiopian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army



Leaders : 1434 - Zar'a Quastantinos III 9.8.8

1468 - Ba'eda Maryam II 4.5.4

1478 - Quastantinos IV 6.6.4

1492 - 'Amda Seyon II 4.5.3

1494 - Na'od I 4.4.6

1508 - Lebna Dengel Dawit II 5.3.3

1540 - Galawdewos 6.9.8

1559 - Minas 4.5.4

1568 - Sarsa Dengel 4.6.9

1597 - Ya'qob 3.4.5

1607 - Susenyos 3.8.5

1632 - Fasiladas 8.4.4

1667 - Yohannes I 8.3.5

1682 - Iyasu I 7.9.9

1706 - Taqla Haymanot I 4.4.3

1708 - Tewoflos 3.3.3

1711 - Yostos 3.4.3

1716 - Dawit III 4.4.4

1721 - 'Amsa Giyorgis 8.5.6

1730 - Iyasu II 3.6.6

1755 - Iya'os 6.5.5

1769 - Yohannes I 4.4.4

1777 - Tuqla Haymanot II 5.6.5

1779 - Salomon 3.4.4

1784 - Iyasu III 4.3.3

1788 - Tuqla Haymanot III 3.4.3

1789 - Hezqeyas 4.5.5




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Alwa, Gezira Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = African

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Nubian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army



Leaders : 1503 - Amara I Dunqas 6.7.8

1534 - Abd al-Qadir I 6.4.6

1543 - Na'l 5.7.4

1550 - Amara II 5.5.6

1563 - Dakin al-'Adil 3.6.3

1578 - Dura 4.7.6

1588 - Taiyib I 4.5.6

1592 - Unsa I 3.4.4

1604 - Abd ad-Qadir II 4.3.5

1606 - Adlan I 3.3.6

1611 - Badi I 4.5.5

1616 - Rubat I 4.6.4

1644 - Badi II 8.8.8

1680 - Unsa II 5.6.5

1692 - Badi III 4.5.6

1716 - Unsa III 3.4.4

1720 - Nul 5.5.5

1724 - Badi IV 9.7.8

1762 - Nasir 3.4.3

1769 - Isma'il 3.3.4

1778 - Adlan 3.3.3

1788 - Taiyib II 3.4.3

1790 - Badi VI 5.3.3

1791 - Badi VII 4.4.3




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Fez, Fez Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Berber

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

Excellent Shipwrights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Grand Army


Leaders : 1420 - Abd al-Haqq II 3.3.3

1465 - Muhammad 5.3.4

1472 - Muhammad I 6.4.6

1504 - Muhammad II 3.8.4

1524 - Ahmad 5.4.5

1549 - Muhammaed I 6.7.3

1557 - Abd Allah I 9.6.7

1574 - Muhammaed II 6.7.5

1576 - Abd al-Malik I 3.3.5

1578 - Ahmad II 5.3.8

1603 - Muhammad III 3.4.3

1613 - Abd Allah III 3.4.3

1624 - Abd al-Malik II 3.3.3

1626 - Muhammad IV 3.3.4

1637 - Muhammad V 3.4.3

1669 - ar-Rashid 7.6.8

1672 - Isma'il 9.8.9

1727 - Ahmad 4.3.4

1729 - Abd Allah 8.4.4

1757 - Muhammaed III 7.7.5

1790 - al-Yazid 3.6.3

1792 - Sulayman 3.5.6




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Bonny, Bonny Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = African

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Mali

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1452 - Yakubu 5.5.5

1462 - Muhamman Rumfa 6.9.7

1498 - Abdullahi II 4.6.9

1508 - Muhamman Kisoki 3.5.4

1530 - Da'uda Abasama I 5.5.5

1542 - Abu Bakr Kado 5.5.5

1564 - Yakufu 5.3.5

1572 - Muhamman Shashere 5.3.4

1582 - Muhamman Zaki 5.5.5

1617 - Muhamman Nuzaki 5.3.5

1622 - Kutambi 5.5.5

1648 - Alhaki 5.3.5

1649 - Shekkarau II 5.5.4

1650 - Muhamman Kukumba 4.3.5

1651 - Soyaki 5.5.5

1651 - Muhamman Kukumba 4.3.5

1659 - Bawa 5.5.5

1670 - Muhamman Dadi 5.5.5

1702 - Muhamman Sharifa 5.5.5

1730 - Muhamman Kumbari 5.5.5

1743 - Alhaji Kabbi 5.5.5

1752 - Muhamman Yaji 5.5.5

1768 - Babba Zaki 5.5.5

1776 - Da'uda Abasama II 5.5.5

1780 - Muhamman Alwali 3.5.3




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Gatiga, Borno Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = African

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Mali

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1451 - Ahmad Dunama IV 5.5.5

1455 - Muhammad II 5.5.5

1456 - Amir 5.5.5

1456 - Muhammad III 5.5.5

1456 - Ghaji 5.5.5

1461 - Uthman 5.5.5

1466 - Umar 5.5.5

1467 - Muhammad IV 5.5.5

1472 - Ali I Ghaji 7.7.8

1505 - Idris II Katakarmaba 6.6.5

1526 - Muhammad V Aminami 5.8.7

1545 - Ali II Zainami 5.5.5

1546 - Dunama VI Ngumaramma 6.6.6

1564 - Abd Allah V 6.6.5

1572 - Idris III Aluma Amsani 7.8.9

1603 - Muhammad VI Bukalmarami 7.7.5

1618 - Ibrahim III 5.5.5

1625 - Umar III 5.5.5

1645 - Ali III 5.5.5

1685 - Idris IV 5.5.5

1704 - Dunama VII 5.5.5

1723 - Hamdan 5.5.5

1737 - Muhammad VII Erghamma 5.3.5

1752 - Dumana VIII Ghana 5.4.5

1755 - Ali IV Ajimi 4.3.3




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = M'banza Kongo, Kongo Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = African

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Kongolese

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1419 - Nkuwu 5.6.6

1457 - Nzinga Nkuwa 4.9.5

1506 - Afonso I 8.6.7

1543 - Pedro I 5.4.3

1545 - Diogo I 5.6.5

1561 - Bernardo I 5.3.3

1566 - Henrique I 3.3.4

1568 - Alvaro I 7.4.5

1587 - Alvaro II 9.4.7

1614 - Bernardo II 3.3.5

1615 - Alvaro III 6.8.5

1622 - Pedro II 3.3.3

1624 - Garcia I 3.3.4

1626 - Ambrosio 5.3.4

1631 - Alvaro IV 3.3.3

1636 - Alvaro V 3.3.5

1636 - Alvaro VI 4.4.3

1641 - Garcia II 8.7.4

1661 - Antonio I 6.3.3

1665 - Alvaro VII 3.4.5

1666 - Alvaro VIII 4.5.4

1667 - Afonso III 3.3.5

1669 - Alvaro IX 4.3.4

1672 - Raphael 3.3.3

1674 - Daniel 3.4.5

1678 - Andre 4.4.6

1690 - Alvaro X 3.5.4

1694 - Pedro IV 8.7.4

1717 - Nicolau 5.5.5

1725 - Sabastiao 7.4.6

1732 - Antonio II 5.4.4

1741 - Alvaro XI 4.4.6

1750 - Alexio 6.5.3

1757 - Henrique II 5.4.6

1769 - Afonso IV 5.6.5

1780 - Jose I 3.5.5

1784 - Afonso V 4.6.3

1788 - Jose II 3.4.5

1792 - Pedro IV 4.6.6

1795 - Alvaro XII 3.4.6

1798 - Francisco II 5.6.5

1802 - Garcia IV 6.5.5

1814 - Garcia V 4.6.4




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Loango, Loango Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = African

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Kongolese

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1564 - Nkungu 8.9.7

1624 - Nkungu the Younger 5.5.5

1640 - Afonso 4.6.3

1700 - Queen Mother Regency 3.3.3

1710 - Ntangu 5.5.5

1735 - Makose 5.5.5

1766 - Mwene Mbatu 4.3.5




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Niani, Wasuju Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = African

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Mali

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1450 - Mule 4.4.4

1481 - Mamadu II 6.5.5

1496 - Mamadu III 6.5.4

1535 - Mamadu IV 3.3.3

1618 - Al-Hajj I 5.5.5

1621 - Muhammad I Banakanu 5.5.5

1635 - Ali Zalil 5.5.5

1635 - Muhammad I Banakanu 5.5.5

1642 - Al-Hajj II Muhammad 5.5.5

1647 - Da'ud 5.5.5

1668 - Muhammad II ad-Sadiq 5.5.5

1684 - Muhammad III 5.5.5

1702 - Bakari 5.5.5

1705 - Abd al-Rahman 5.5.5

1709 - Bakr 5.5.5

1713 - Al-Mukhtar 5.5.5

1730 - Al-Hajj III 5.5.5

1748 - Mahmud 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Marrakech, Marrakech Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Maghreb Arabic

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

Excellent Shipwrights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Grand Army


Leaders : 1448 - Ali 5.5.5

1458 - Muhammad I 6.4.6

1504 - Muhammad II al-Burtuquli 3.8.4

1510 - Muhammad I al-Qa'im 6.6.8

1517 - Ahmad al A'raj 3.5.7

1525 - Muhammad II 6.7.5

1557 - Abd Allah I 9.6.7

1574 - Muhammad III 3.6.4

1578 - Ahmad II 5.3.8

1603 - Abd Allah II 4.3.4

1609 - Zaydan 3.4.4

1627 - Abd al-Malik 3.3.4

1631 - al-Walid 3.3.3

1636 - Muhammad V 4.4.3

1654 - Ahmad III 4.3.3

1659 - Abd al-Karim 3.3.3

1669 - ar-Rashid 7.6.8

1672 - Isma'il 9.8.9

1727 - Ahmad 4.6.8

1729 - Abd Allah 8.4.4

1757 - Muhammad III 7.7.5

1790 - al-Yazid 3.6.3

1792 - Sulayman 3.5.6




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Khami, Zimbabwe Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = African

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Shona

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1450 - Matope 4.5.6

1480 - Maurva I 5.3.4

1481 - Mukombero 4.5.4

1490 - Changamire 4.5.5

1494 - Kakuyo 6.6.4

1530 - Neshangwe 5.4.7

1550 - Chivere 5.5.5

1560 - Chirisamhuru 4.6.5

1589 - Gatsi 7.6.4

1623 - Nyambo 4.4.3

1629 - Muvura II 7.4.5

1652 - Siti 5.5.4

1663 - Kamborapasu 3.6.6

1690 - Dombo Chinkura 7.6.9

1696 - Nechisake 5.6.7

1720 - Nechagadzike 5.5.5

1768 - Mambo Rupanadamananga 5.5.5

1779 - Gumboremvura 5.5.5




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Deraiyah, Najd Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Bedouin Arabic

National Ideas : Divine Supremacy

Military Drills

National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures


Grand Army


Leaders : 1446 - Mani 5.5.5

1475 - Rabi'a I 5.5.5

1500 - Musa I 5.5.5

1533 - Ibrahim I 5.5.5

1566 - Markhan I 5.5.5

1600 - Rabi'a II 5.5.5

1630 - Wetban 5.5.5

1654 - Markhan II 5.5.5

1654 - Muhammad I 5.5.5

1672 - Nasir I 5.5.5

1673 - Markhan III 5.5.5

1690 - Ibrahim II 5.5.5

1694 - Idris 5.5.5

1699 - Sultan 5.5.5

1708 - Abd Allah 5.5.5

1709 - Musa I 5.5.5

1720 - Sa'ud I 5.5.5

1720 - Muhammad II ibn Sa'ud 7.6.9

1725 - Zayid 5.5.5

1765 - Abd al-'Aziz I 6.8.8




Government = None

Capital = None

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = None

Primary Culture = None


Leaders : None at All




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Saraycik, Baybaktu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Tartar

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1440 - Timur 6.5.5

1480 - Yagarchi 3.4.3

1500 - Hasan 5.4.5

1510 - Musa I 4.4.4

1525 - Shaykh Mamai 6.5.6

1536 - Yusuf 6.6.5

1555 - Isma'il 4.4.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Muscat, Muscat Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Shiite

Primary Culture = Bedouin Arabic

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Superior Seamanship

Military Drills

Naval Fighting Instruction

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

National Bank


Leaders : 1452 - Sulayman 7.7.6

1480 - Umar 6.5.4

1489 - Muhammaed I 3.7.6

1492 - Ahmad 4.6.5

1499 - Abu'l-Hasan 5.7.7

1500 - Muhammaed II 3.3.4

1535 - Barakat 6.6.5

1560 - Makhzum 4.6.6

1615 - Nabhan 7.3.5

1617 - Umayr 5.4.5

1624 - Nasir 7.6.3

1649 - Sultan I 5.4.7

1668 - Abi'l-Arab I 6.4.5

1679 - Sayf I 5.6.5

1711 - Sultan II 5.3.4

1718 - Muhanna 6.6.4

1720 - Sayf II 3.3.5

1724 - Muhammad III 5.4.4

1728 - Sayf II 3.3.5

1742 - Sultan III 3.4.5

1743 - Abi'l-Arab II 6.4.6

1749 - Ahmad 7.6.6

1783 - Sa'id I 6.4.5

1804 - Salim I 5.4.5




Government = Tribal Democracy

Capital = Oyo, Oyo Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = African

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Yorumba

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

Military Drills

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1450 - Sango 5.4.7

1470 - Ajaka 6.7.6

1490 - Aganju 5.3.5

1505 - Kari 5.5.5

1520 - Oluaso 5.9.3

1530 - Onigbogi 5.3.3

1542 - Ofinran 5.5.5

1554 - Eguguoju 5.7.5

1560 - Orompoto 5.5.5

1580 - Ajiboyede 5.5.5

1590 - Abipa 5.5.7

1614 - Obalokun 5.5.6

1625 - Ajagbo 6.6.9

1640 - Odorawu 5.5.5

1655 - Kanran 5.5.5

1670 - Jayin 5.5.5

1685 - Ayibi 3.5.5

1700 - Osiyago 5.5.5

1720 - Ojigi 3.5.5

1730 - Gberu 5.5.5

1735 - Amuniwaiye 5.5.5

1746 - Onisle 5.5.5

1754 - Labisi 5.3.5

1754 - Agboluaje 5.4.5

1754 - Majeogbe 5.3.5

1770 - Abiodun 5.8.3

1789 - Awole Arongangan 3.4.3




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Hamedan, Hamadan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Shiite

Primary Culture = Persian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions


Engineer Corps

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1438 - Jahan Shah 4.3.3

1467 - Hasan Ali 5.4.3




Government = None

Capital = None

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = None

Primary Culture = None

National Ideas : None


Leaders : None




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Sharjah, Qawasim Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Shiite

Primary Culture = Bedouin Arabic

National Ideas : Divine Supremacy

National Conscripts

Military Drill

Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps


Grand Army


Leaders : 1719 - Rashid 5.5.5

1777 - Saqr I 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Gao, Gao Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = African

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Mali

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army



Leaders : 1449 - Mar Arandan 6.6.4

1456 - Sulayman 4.4.8

1464 - Ali Ber 7.3.9

1492 - Bakari 3.5.3

1493 - Muhammad I 3.4.8

1528 - Musa 3.3.5

1531 - Muhammad II 5.3.4

1537 - Isma'il 4.8.4

1539 - Ishaq I 3.3.5

1549 - Da'ud 8.6.7

1582 - Muhammad III 3.4.4

1586 - Muhammad IV 3.3.3

1588 - Ishaq II 4.3.3

1591 - Nuh 4.3.5

1599 - Muhammad I 3.4.5

1604 - Hurun 4.5.7

1612 - al-Amin 7.4.6

1617 - Da'ud I 8.3.5

1635 - Isma'il I 4.7.4

1639 - Muhammad II 3.4.5

1645 - Da'ud II 3.3.4

1650 - Isma'il II 5.3.4

1660 - Da'ud III 3.6.3

1680 - Ishaq 4.4.5

1700 - Hanga 3.4.4

1730 - Da'ud IV 5.4.5

1761 - Samsu 4.5.3

1779 - Harangi 3.6.4

1805 - Tomo 5.5.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Mboul, Cayor Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = African

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Mali

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drill

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army




Leaders : 1600 - Barama N'Golo 8.8.6

1652 - Kaladyan Kulibaly 6.8.8

1682 - Danfasri 7.4.4

1697 - Suma 6.4.5

1712 - Biton Mamari 7.6.5

1755 - Denkoro 3.6.4

1757 - Bakari 3.3.3

1757 - Ton Mansa Demele 4.4.4

1760 - Kanyuba Nyama 5.5.7

1763 - Kera Djugu 6.5.4

1766 - N'Golo Diara 6.7.7

1790 - Monson 5.3.5




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Angoche, Mozambique Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = African

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Swhaili

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army



Leaders : 1442 - Isma'il 6.4.7

1454 - Muhammad III 3.3.4

1455 - Ahmad 4.3.4

1456 - Hasan VI 6.4.5

1466 - Sa'id I 5.3.5

1476 - Sulayman VII 3.4.3

1477 - Abd Allah 4.5.6

1478 - Ali VI 3.6.6

1479 - Hasan VII 6.6.7

1490 - Ibrahim I 5.5.5

1495 - al-Fudail 5.4.4

1499 - Ibrahim II 6.3.4

1505 - Muhammad IV 3.4.3

1506 - Hasan VIII 3.5.3

1507 - Muhammad V 4.3.4

1508 - Sa'id II 6.6.5

1513 - Muhammad VI 7.5.4

1525 - Abu Bakr 3.4.6

1555 - Malindi 5.5.3

1590 - Sabo 4.4.4

1593 - Ahmad 4.6.5

1609 - al-Hasan 4.4.3

1614 - Munganaye 5.5.4

1630 - Yusuf 3.6.4

1632 - Abubakar bin Muhammad 5.5.5

1650 - Bwana Mkuu bin Muhammad 5.5.5

1688 - Abubakar bin Muhammad 5.5.5

1691 - Ahmad bin Abubakar 5.5.5

1700 - Bwana Tamu Mkuu 5.5.5

1730 - Omani Occupation 5.5.5

1744 - Muhammad 6.7.5

1746 - Ali 4.5.4

1753 - Mas'ud 3.5.6

1775 - 'Abd Allah I 6.6.5

1782 - Ahmad 4.6.6

1811 - 'Abd Allah II 5.3.5


[3.02] Americas

These are the countries located in the Americas, which contain the North and

South Continent.




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Tenochtitlan, Mexico Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 5

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = -5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 5

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Aztec

National Ideas : Deus Vult

Divine Supremacy

Patron of Art

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Superior Seamenship

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights


Leaders : 1440 - Moctezuma I Iluhuicamina 7.6.8

1468 - Axayacatl 3.5.6

1481 - Tizoc 4.4.6

1486 - Ahuitzotl 8.6.9

1502 - Moctezuma II Xocoytzin 5.3.3

1520 - Cuauhtemoc 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Portugese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drill

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Deus Velt

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army


Leaders : None?




Government = Constitutional Republic

Capital = Ottawa, Ottawa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Protestant

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendence Duty

Merchant Adventures

National Bank

National Trade Policy

Humanist Tolerance

Bill of Rights


Patron of Art



Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Democracy

Capital = Muskogee, Muskogee Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Cherokee

National Ideas : Humanist Tolerance

National Conscripts

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


Engineer Corps

Bill of Rights

Patron of Art


Leaders : 1453 - Tistoe 4.5.5

1700 - Amatoya Moytoy 5.5.5

1720 - Moytoy II 7.5.7

1740 - Kalanu 4.5.6

1750 - Ocanostata 4.4.8

1760 - Attakutlakulla 5.6.6




Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Picunmapu, Picunmapu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -4

Innovative / Narrowminded = -4

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Chruch Attentance Duty

Military Drills

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Deus Velt

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army


Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Chan Chan, Chan Chan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 5

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = -5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Inca

National Ideas : Humanist Tolerance

National Conscripts

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

National Bank

Battlefield Commissions

Merchant Adventures


Smithian Economics


Leaders : 1425 - Ninchcaman 6.5.6




Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Bogota, Bogota Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drills

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Deus Velt

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army


Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Democracy

Capital = Alabama, Alabama Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Creek

National Ideas : Humanist Tolerance

National Conscripts

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


Engineer Corps

Bill of Rights

Patron of Art


Leaders : 1450 - Brim 7.5.7

1550 - Chigelli 6.6.7

1700 - Tomochichi 4.5.6

1739 - Chekilli 7.6.5




Government = Tribal Democracy

Capital = Huron, Huron Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Huron

National Ideas : Humanist Tolerance

National Conscripts

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


Engineer Corps

Bill of Rights

Patron of Art


Leaders : 1450 - Ahatsistari 5.5.7

1525 - Dannaconna 6.8.4

1615 - Ahatsistari 4.5.7

1680 - Adario 3.5.8

1785 - Dunquat 4.4.5

1800 - Tarhe 5.6.6




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Cuzco, Cuzco Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 5

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = -5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Incan

National Ideas : Deus Vult

Divine Supremacy

Patron of Art

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights


Leaders : 1438 - Pachacuti 8.7.9

1471 - Tupac-Yupanqui 8.6.9

1493 - Huayna-Capac 8.5.6

1523 - Huascar 6.3.4

1532 - Atahuallpa 5.3.6

1533 - Tupac-Huallpa 3.3.3

1534 - Manco 6.6.7

1545 - Sayri-Tupac 5.6.4

1557 - Titu Cusi 7.7.5

1560 - Titu-Cusi 7.7.5

1571 - Tupac-Amaru 3.3.4




Government = Tribal Democracy

Capital = Lenape, Lenape Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Iroquis

National Ideas : Humanist Tolerance

National Conscripts

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


Engineer Corps

Bill of Rights

Patron of Art


Leaders : 1450 - Bear Paw 7.6.4

1533 - White Wolf 7.7.6

1567 - Hiawatha 8.9.6

1595 - Wise Beaver 6.8.7

1623 - Red Fox 5.7.7

1670 - Eagle 6.8.3

1699 - Theyanoguin 7.6.3

1755 - Teiorhenhsere 7.5.4

1780 - Thayendanega 5.8.3

1807 - Ahyouwighs 5.6.4




Government = Constitutional Republic

Capital = Mobile, Mobile Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Reformed

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

National Bank

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Humanist Tolerance

Superior Seamanship

Smithian Economics

Bill of Rights



Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Peten, Peten Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 5

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Mayan

National Ideas : Deus Vult

Divine Supremacy

Patron of Art

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights


Leaders : 1453 - Ah Xiu 6.4.5

1464 - Tutul Xiu 5.5.4

1492 - Napot Xiu 5.6.5




Government = Administrative Monarchy

Capital = Tenochtitlan, Mexico Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drills

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Deus Vult

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army


Leaders : None?




Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Lima, Lima Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -4

Innovative / Narrowminded = -4

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drills

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Deus Vult

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army


Leaders : None?




Government = Constitutional Republic

Capital = Kespek, Kespek Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Cosmopolitan French

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Military Drill

National Bank

National Trade Policy

Bill of Rights


Patron of Art



Leaders : None




Government = Tribal Democracy

Capital = Ohio, Ohio Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Shawnee

National Ideas : Humanist Tolerance

National Conscripts

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

National Trade Policy

Military Drill


Engineer Corps

Bill of Rights

Patron of Art


Leaders : 1450 - Hokoleskwa 5.4.5

1550 - Cottawamago 6.5.5

1725 - Paxinos 7.4.5

1755 - Wynepuechisika 4.5.6

1777 - Weyapersenwah 4.3.4

1800 - Tecumseh 8.9.8




Government = Constitutional Monarchy

Capital = Manhattan, Manhattan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Protestant

Primary Culture = American

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

Humanist Tolerance

Superior Seamanship

Smithian Economics

Bill of Rights



Leaders : 1700 - The Continental Congress 8.7.7

1789 - George Washington 8.8.9

1797 - John Adams 8.7.5

1809 - James Madison 8.8.6

1817 - James Monroe 9.8.6




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Zaachila, Mixtec Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 5

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -5

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = New World

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Zapotek

National Ideas : Deus Vult

Divine Supremacy

Patron of Art

National Conscripts

Military Drill

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights


Leaders : 1450 - Zaachilla III 5.6.4

1482 - Cociyocza 7.5.3

1529 - Cociyopu 4.4.3


[3.03] Arabia

These lands are located in what is now known as the Middle East, and I've

grouped them in Arabia.


*Ak Koyunlu*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Van, Van Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Persian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1453 - Usun Hasan 7.7.8

1478 - Khalil 5.5.6

1478 - Ya' qub 4.6.4

1490 - Baisunqur 7.4.4

1492 - Rustam 3.5.4

1496 - Ahmad 4.4.4

1497 - Murad 3.6.3

1498 - Alwand 3.4.3

1499 - Muhammed Mirza 3.3.3

1500 - Murad 3.6.3




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Kastamon, Kastamon Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Turkish

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Divine Supremacy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps


Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1443 - Isma'il 5.6.5

1460 - Qyzal Ahmad 6.4.3




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Sivas, Sivas Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Turkish

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms


Military Drills

Merchant Adventures

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1442 - Sulayman 6.4.5

1454 - Malik Arslan Beg 5.5.5

1465 - Budaq Beg 4.3.5

1465 - Shahsuwar 5.5.6

1472 - Budaq Beg 4.3.5

1479 - Ala' ad-Din Buzqurd 6.4.5

1515 - Ali Beg II 4.4.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Kandahar, Kandahar Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Baluchi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1707 - Mir Ways 6.8.8

1715 - Mir 'Abd-al'Aziz 3.4.5

1716 - Mir Mahmud 4.4.8

1725 - Mir Ashraf 3.4.3

1729 - Mir Husayn 4.3.4

1738 - Persian Occupation 5.5.5

1747 - Ahmad Shah Durr-i-Durran 6.6.9

1772 - Taimur Shah 4.5.6




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Al Hasa, Al Hasa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Shiite

Primary Culture = Bedouin Arabic

National Ideas : Divine Supremacy

Military Drills

National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures


Grand Army


Leaders : 1453 - Local Sheikhs 5.5.5

1682 - Muhammad I 4.5.7

1691 - Sadun I 5.4.6

1708 - Barrak I 3.3.3

1723 - Ali 6.5.6

1736 - Sulyaman 5.5.8

1752 - Urayir ibn Dudjayn 7.4.6

1774 - Sadun II 6.5.5

1789 - Zayid 3.3.3

1794 - Barrak II 6.3.7

1795 - Nadjim ibn Duhaynim 5.7.3

1798 - Sulayman ibn Muhammad 3.6.4




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Jiddah, Mecca Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Bedouin Arabic

National Ideas : Divine Supremacy

Military Drills

National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures


Grand Army


Leaders : 1446 - Barakat I 4.7.5

1455 - Muhammad V 7.5.3

1497 - Barakat II 5.7.4

1525 - Muhammad VI 4.4.5

1584 - al-Hasan III 6.6.4

1601 - Abu't-Talib 6.7.3

1603 - Idris II 5.6.4

1624 - Muhsin I 3.6.5

1628 - Ahmad VI 6.4.4

1629 - Mas'ud I 3.4.3

1630 - Abd Allah I 4.3.3

1631 - Zayid 6.5.5

1666 - Sa'd I 3.4.5

1672 - Barakat III 3.4.6

1682 - Sa'd I 3.4.5

1684 - Amhad VII 4.3.4

1688 - Amhad VIII 3.5.3

1690 - Mushin II 4.4.5

1691 - Sa'd I 3.4.5

1702 - Sa'id II 5.5.3

1705 - Abd al-Karim 5.4.5

1711 - Sa'id II 5.5.3

1716 - Yahya I 3.4.6

1720 - Mubarak 5.7.4

1724 - Abdilah I 6.6.4

1731 - Muhammad VIII 4.5.7

1734 - Mas'ud III 3.6.4

1752 - Musa'ad 5.5.5

1770 - Ahmad IX 4.4.5

1773 - Surur 4.5.6

1788 - Galib 6.4.4

1813 - Yahya II 5.5.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Karaman, Karaman Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Turkish

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms


Military Drills

Merchant Adventures

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1424 - Taj ad-Din Ibrahim II 3.3.5

1464 - Ishaq 3.3.3

1465 - Pir Ahmad 5.4.3

1474 - Qasim 5.5.4

1483 - Mahmud 5.3.3

1487 - Mustafa 5.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Constantinople, Thrace Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Turkish

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Divine Supremacy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps


Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1451 - Mehmet II Fatih 8.8.9

1481 - Bayezid II 6.6.8

1512 - Selim I Yavuz 5.7.8

1520 - Suleyman I Kanuni 9.8.9

1566 - Selim II 7.7.6

1574 - Murat II 6.5.5

1595 - Mehmet III 3.3.4

1603 - Ahmet I 7.7.6

1617 - Mustafa I 3.3.3

1618 - Osman II 6.6.7

1622 - Mustafa I 3.3.3

1623 - Murat IV 7.5.7

1640 - Ibrahim I 6.4.5

1648 - Mehmet IV 4.5.6

1687 - Suleyman II 3.3.4

1691 - Ahmet II 3.3.4

1695 - Muftafa II 3.3.3

1703 - Ahmet III 9.8.5

1730 - Mahmud I 4.3.6

1754 - Osman III 3.3.3

1757 - Mustafa III 5.4.4

1774 - Abdulhamid I 7.5.5

1789 - Selim III 5.6.5

1807 - Mustafa IV 3.4.4

1808 - Mahmud II 5.4.4




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Tebriz, Azerbaijan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Shiite

Primary Culture = Persian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Divine Supremacy

Engineer Corps

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Patron of Art

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1448 - Joneid 4.7.5

1460 - Haidar 7.6.5

1483 - Isma'il I 9.8.8

1524 - Thamasp I 5.3.6

1576 - Isma'il II 4.3.5

1577 - Muhammad Khudabanda 4.4.4

1585 - Hamza Mirza 4.4.5

1586 - Abu Talib 3.4.3

1587 - Abbas I 9.8.9

1629 - Safi I 4.4.3

1642 - Abbas II 6.7.6

1666 - Suleiman I 4.6.4

1694 - Sultan Hasain I 3.3.3

1722 - Thamasp II 3.4.4

1732 - Abbas III 3.4.3

1736 - Nadir 5.7.8

1747 - Adil 4.4.4

1748 - Ibrahim 3.3.3

1749 - Shah Rukh 3.3.3

1750 - Suleiman II 4.4.3

1750 - Ismail III 3.3.3

1756 - Ismail III Karim Khan 7.6.6

1773 - Karim Khan 7.6.6

1779 - Zaki Khan 3.3.4

1780 - Sadeq Khan 5.5.6

1782 - Ali Morad 4.4.4

1785 - Ja'far Khan 4.4.5

1789 - Lotf Ali Khan 6.5.4

1794 - Aga Muhammad 3.3.6

1797 - Fath Ali 5.5.5




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Samarkand, Samarkand Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Mongol

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1450 - Abd Allah Mirza 3.3.5

1457 - Abu Sa'id 3.5.6

1469 - Ahmad 3.3.5

1494 - Mahmud 3.3.3

1495 - Mas'ud 3.3.3

1495 - Bay Sunqur 3.3.3

1499 - Ali 3.3.3

1500 - Babur 8.8.9




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = 354

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Tuareg

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Military Drill

National Conscripts

Sea Hawks

Superior Seamanship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Naval Fighting Instruction

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions


Leaders : 1419 - The Tripoli Council 4.4.4

1711 - Ahmad I 7.4.6

1745 - Mehmed I 6.5.6

1754 - Ali I 6.4.4

1793 - Ali Borgul 4.5.3

1795 - Yusuf 4.5.5




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Tunis, Tunis Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Maghreb Arabic

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Military Drill

National Conscripts

Sea Hawks

Superior Seamanship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Naval Fighting Instruction

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions


Leaders : 1435 - Uthman 4.6.6

1488 - Yahya III 5.3.4

1489 - Abd al-Mu'min 3.4.4

1490 - Zakariya II 4.5.4

1494 - Muhammad V 6.3.4

1526 - Muhammad VI 3.4.3

1542 - Ahmad III 5.5.5

1573 - Muhammad VII 6.5.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Sana'a, Sanaa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Bedouin Arabic

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Superior Seamanship

Military Drill

Naval Fighting Instruction

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

National Bank


Leaders : 1447 - Salah ad-Din 'Amir I 7.5.5

1466 - Ali 4.4.6

1478 - 'Abd al-Wahhab 5.5.5

1489 - Salah ad-Din 'Amir II 5.6.7

1517 - Umar 3.3.3

1538 - Yahya IV 6.5.4

1558 - al-Mutahhar IV 4.4.4

1572 - Muhammad 3.3.6

1585 - al-Qasim 5.3.3

1620 - Muhammad I 5.6.6

1644 - Isma'il 5.7.4

1676 - Ahmad I 4.6.5

1681 - Muhammad II 4.4.5

1686 - Muhammad III 5.5.6

1718 - al-Qasim I 5.4.7

1727 - al-Husayn 3.6.5

1748 - al-Abbas 5.4.4

1775 - Ali I 6.6.6

1809 - Ahmad II 6.5.6


[3.04] Asia

These are the lands that are located in the Asia-Pacific region as well as

those in the Indian sub-continent as well. It borders next to Arabia.




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Ahmadnager, Ahmadnager Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Marathi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1490 - Malik Ahmad Shah I 7.9.7

1508 - Burhan I Nizam Shah 5.7.6

1553 - Husayn Shah I 4.7.8

1565 - Murtaza Shah I 5.6.5

1588 - Maran Murtaza Shah II 6.4.4

1589 - Isma'il Shah 5.4.6

1591 - Burhan Shah II 4.5.5

1595 - Ibrahim Shah 5.3.3

1596 - Bahadur Shah 6.5.3

1600 - Murtaza Shah II 6.4.6

1610 - Burhan Shah III 6.3.4

1631 - Husayn Shah II 4.3.3

1633 - Annexed by Mughals on July 23




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Hue, Binh Tri Thien Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Vietnamese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1460 - Le Thanh Tong 8.6.6

1475 - Nguyen Duc Trung 4.4.4

1500 - Nguyen Van-Lang 5.4.3

1513 - Nguyen Hoang Du 4.4.5

1518 - Nguyen Kim 7.7.4

1545 - Nguyen Hoang 7.8.4

1613 - Nguyen Phuc-Nguyen 8.5.4

1635 - Nguyen Phuc-Lan 5.4.3

1648 - Nguyen Phuc-Tan 8.5.3

1687 - Nguyen Phuc-Tran 3.3.3

1691 - Nguyen Phuc-Chu I 4.4.5

1725 - Nguyen Phuc-Chu II 4.4.4

1738 - Nguyen Phuc-Khoat 5.8.5

1765 - Nguyen Phuc-Thuan 3.3.3

1777 - Nguyen Phuc-Anh 8.8.8




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Akyab, Arakan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Bengali

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1434 - Ali Khan 6.5.5

1459 - Kalima Shah 6.5.5

1482 - Dawliya 3.4.3

1492 - Basawnyo 5.4.5

1494 - Yanaung 4.4.4

1495 - Salingathu 6.5.6

1501 - Minyaza 5.5.5

1523 - Kasabadi 4.5.4

1525 - Minsaw O 3.3.3

1526 - Thatasa 6.5.6

1531 - Minbin 8.5.6

1553 - Dikha 4.5.4

1555 - Sawla 6.4.4

1564 - Minsetya 4.4.6

1571 - Minpalaung 4.6.6

1593 - Salim Shah 6.6.4

1612 - Husayn Shah 7.5.7

1622 - Thirithudamma 5.4.6

1638 - Minsani 3.3.3

1639 - Narapatikyi 4.4.4

1645 - Thado 5.6.4

1652 - Sandathudamma 7.7.3

1684 - Thirithuriya 4.3.3

1685 - Waradhammaraza 4.6.4

1692 - Munithudhammaraza 5.5.4

1694 - Sandathuriyadhamma 4.4.3

1696 - Nawrahtazaw 3.3.3

1697 - Kalamandat 3.3.3

1698 - Naradipati I 3.4.3

1700 - Sandawimala I 4.3.4

1706 - sandathuriya I 4.3.4

1710 - Sandawizaya I 5.6.5

1731 - Sandathuriya II 4.3.4

1734 - Naradipati II 3.3.3

1735 - Narapawara 3.3.3

1737 - Sandawizaya II 3.3.3

1737 - Katya 3.3.3

1738 - Madarit 4.4.5

1742 - Nara-apaya 7.6.6

1761 - Thirithu 4.4.4

1764 - Apaya 6.6.5

1773 - Sandathumana 4.4.4

1777 - Sandawimala II 3.3.4

1778 - Sandaditha 3.4.4

1782 - Thamada 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Gargaon, Assam Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Assamese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1439 - Susenpha 7.5.6

1488 - Suhenpha 5.4.5

1493 - Supimpha 5.4.5

1497 - Suhungmung 3.3.4

1539 - Suklenmung 6.5.5

1552 - Sukhampha 6.6.5

1603 - Susengpha 6.6.4

1641 - Surampha 3.3.3

1644 - Sutyinpha 3.4.3

1648 - Sutamla 3.3.5

1663 - Supungmung 5.5.5

1669 - Sunyatpha 6.4.5

1673 - Suklampha 4.4.5

1675 - Suhung 3.3.3

1675 - Gobar 3.3.3

1676 - Sujinpha 3.3.3

1677 - Sudalpha 3.4.4

1679 - Sulikpha 3.3.4

1681 - Supatpha 4.5.4

1696 - Sukrungpha 5.5.5

1714 - Sutanpha 3.4.4

1744 - Sunenpha 4.5.4

1751 - Surampha 4.5.5

1769 - Suyeopha 4.5.5

1780 - Suhitpangpha 3.3.4

1794 - Suklingpha 4.4.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Banda Aceh, Aceh Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Malayan

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamenship

National Conscript

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1453 - Ali Mugayat Shah 6.6.4

1528 - Salah ad-Din Ibrahim 4.4.5

1537 - Ala ad-Din al-Qahhar 8.6.4

1568 - Husayn Ali Ri'ayat Shah 5.5.5

1575 - Sultan Sri 'Alam 3.3.3

1576 - Zayn al 'Abidin 3.3.3

1577 - Ala ad-Din Mansur Shah 5.5.4

1585 - Ali Ri-ayat Shah 5.6.4

1588 - Sultan Buyong 6.4.4

1596 - Ala ad-Din Ri'ayat Shah 4.4.4

1604 - Ali Mugat Shah 3.3.3

1607 - Iskandar Shah 7.5.5

1636 - Iskander Tani Ala ad-Din 3.4.4

1641 - Safiyat ad-Din Taj 6.6.5

1675 - Neqiyat ad-Din Inaya 3.3.4

1678 - Zaqiyat ad-Din Inaya 5.4.4

1688 - Zirat ad-Din Kamalat Shah 5.5.4

1699 - Badr ad-Din Sharif Hashim 4.3.3

1702 - Perkara Alam Sharif 3.3.3

1703 - Jamal al-'Alam Sharif 6.5.4

1726 - Shams al'-Alam 3.3.3

1727 - Ala ad-Din Ahmad Shah 4.4.3

1735 - Ala ad-Din Shah Jahan 7.6.6

1760 - Mahmud Shah I 7.5.6

1781 - Ala ad-Din Muhammad 6.5.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Ayutthaya, Ayutthaya Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Central Thai

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1448 - Boromo Trailokanat 9.5.5

1488 - Boromorajat III 4.6.3

1491 - Rama T'ibodi III 5.4.4

1529 - Boromoraja IV 5.5.4

1534 - Ratsada 6.8.6

1535 - P'rajai 5.4.6

1546 - Keo Fa 3.4.4

1548 - Khun Worawongsa 5.4.5

1549 - Maha Chakkrap'at 4.4.3

1569 - Mahin 3.4.3

1569 - Maha Thammaraja I 3.3.3

1590 - Naresuen 7.6.8

1605 - Ekat'otsarat 5.4.4

1620 - Songtham Int'araja II 7.4.3

1628 - Jett-atirat 3.5.4

1629 - At-ityawang 3.3.3

1629 - Prasat T'ang 3.3.6

1656 - Chao Fa Jai 5.4.4

1656 - Sri Suthammaraja 3.5.3

1656 - Narai 6.8.6

1688 - P'ra P'etraja 6.7.7

1703 - P'racaho Sua 3.3.4

1709 - T'ai Sra Pumint'araja 4.4.4

1733 - Boromakot T'ammaraja II 5.6.4

1758 - Ut'ump'on 5.5.5

1767 - Phya Taksin 6.7.8

1782 - Rama I 8.5.7




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Singaraja, Bali-Lombok Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Sulawesi

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamenship

National Trade Policy

Naval Fighting Instruction

Sea Hawks

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1450 - Ketut Ngulesir 4.5.5

1460 - Watu Renggong 7.6.6

1550 - Dalem Bekung 5.5.4

1605 - Dalem Di Made 5.5.4

1686 - Dalem Di Made 5.5.4

1710 - Dewa Agung Jambe 5.5.5

1715 - Dewa Agung Di Made 6.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Quetta, Quetta Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Baluchi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Despotism

Capital = Bandung, Banten Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 1

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Sulawesi

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practices

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1525 - Maulana Hasanudin 5.5.5

1552 - Maulana Yusuf 5.5.5

1570 - Maulana Muhammad 5.5.5

1580 - Abdul Mufakir 5.5.5

1598 - Abdul Ma'ali 5.5.5

1640 - Ageng Tirtayasa 5.5.5

1651 - Haji Abunasr 5.5.5

1672 - bul Fadhal 5.5.5

1687 - Abdul Mahasin 5.5.5

1690 - Muhamad Syifa 5.5.5

1733 - Syarifudin Ratu 5.5.5

1750 - Muhammad Wasizainul 5.5.5

1752 - Muhammad Arief 5.5.5

1753 - Abdul Mafakin 5.5.5

1773 - Muhyidin Zainussolihin 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Howrah, Murshidabad Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Bengali

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drill

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1442 - Nasir ad-Din Mahmud 6.5.5

1459 - Rukn ad-Din Barbak 3.4.3

1474 - Shams ad-Din Fath 5.4.5

1481 - Sikandar II 4.4.4

1482 - Jalal ad-Din Fath 6.5.6

1487 - Shah-Zada Barbak II 3.3.5

1488 - Sayf ad-Din Firuz II 3.3.4

1490 - Nasir ad-Din Mahmud II 3.3.3

1491 - Shams ad-Din Abu Nasr 3.3.4

1493 - Ala' ad-Din Husayn 6.5.7

1519 - Nasir ad-Din Nasrat 5.5.5

1533 - Ala' ad-Din Firuz III 3.3.3

1533 - Ghiyat ad-Din Mahmud II 4.4.6

1538 - Sher Shah 9.7.8

1545 - Islam Shah Suri 5.5.5

1553 - Shams ad-Din Muhammad 6.6.4

1555 - Ghiyat ad-Din Bahadur 7.5.7

1561 - Ghiyat ad-Din Jalal 5.4.6

1564 - Sulayman Khan Kararani 4.4.4

1572 - Da'ud 3.3.3

1575 - Mughal rule 5.5.5

1716 - Murshid Quli 7.6.8

1726 - Shuja' ad-Din Muhammad 7.6.4

1739 - Ala' ad-Daula Sarfaraz 3.3.3

1740 - Mirza Muhammad 5.6.5

1756 - Mirza Mahmud Siraj 3.3.3

1757 - Mir Muhammad Ja'far 4.4.5

1760 - Mir Qasim 'Ali 3.3.6

1763 - Mir Muhammad Ja'far 4.4.5

1765 - Mir Phulwari Najm 3.3.3

1766 - Sayf ad-Daula 3.4.4

1770 - Mubarak ad-Daula 3.3.3

1772 - Wazir ad-Daula 3.4.4

1775 - Saiyid Zain ad-Din 'Ali 6.3.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Nagpur, Nagpur Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Marathi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1490 - Fath Allah 'Imad Malik 6.7.7

1504 - Ala' ad-Din 'Imad Shah 4.6.5

1529 - Dariya 'Imad Shah 5.5.6

1562 - Burkhan 'Imad Shah 5.3.3

1568 - Taufal Khan 3.3.4

1574 - Annexed by Ahmadnagar




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Nagpur, Nagpur Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Marathi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1738 - Raghuji I Bhonsle 8.6.8

1755 - Janoji 5.3.6

1772 - Sabaji 6.6.7

1775 - Raghuji II 4.3.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Thimphu, Bhutan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Tibetan

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1616 - Ngawang Namgyal 9.9.7

1651 - Pekar Jungney 5.5.5

1698 - Kunga Gyaltshen 5.5.5

1713 - Phyogla Namgyal 5.5.5

1730 - Jigme Norbu 5.5.5

1735 - Mipham Wangpo 5.5.5

1738 - Jigme Dragpa I 4.5.7

1761 - Choeki Gyaltshen 6.7.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Patna, Bihar Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Bihari

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1440 - Mahmud Shah 8.5.5

1457 - Muhammad Shah 6.4.5

1459 - Husayn Shah 7.3.6




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Bijapur City, Raichur Doab Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Kannada

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1490 - Yusuf Adil Shah 7.7.8

1511 - Ismail Adil Shah 5.6.5

1534 - Malik Adil Shah 3.3.3

1535 - Ibrahim Adil Shah 5.5.5

1557 - Ali Adil Shah 5.5.4

1580 - Ibrahim Adil Shah II 6.7.8

1626 - Muhammad Adil Shah 6.5.5

1656 - Ali Adil Shah II 5.5.4

1673 - Sikandar Adil Shah 5.5.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Brunei Town, Brunei Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 1

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Malayan

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1432 - Sulayman 7.7.5

1485 - Bulkiah 5.7.9

1524 - Abd al-Qahhar 5.6.5

1530 - Sayf ar-Rijal 6.3.5

1578 - Shah Bruni 7.4.5

1582 - Hasan 6.4.6

1598 - Abd al-Jalil I 5.7.6

1659 - Abd al-Jalil II 9.5.6

1660 - Muhammad Ali 5.5.4

1661 - abd al-Mubin 3.4.6

1673 - Muhyi ad-Din 7.5.4

1690 - Nasr ad-Din 6.4.5

1710 - Kamal ad-Din 7.5.6

1740 - Ala ad-Din 5.4.5

1762 - Sayf ad-Din I 6.6.5

1795 - Muhammad Jamal ad-Din 6.5.7

1796 - Muhammad Taj ad-Din 6.6.6

1807 - Muhammad Khan dhul 'Alam 4.5.6




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Kalinjar, Mandla Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Avadhi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1437 - Arjun Deo 5.5.5

1468 - Malkhan Singh 5.5.5

1501 - Rudra-pratap Singh 8.6.6

1531 - Bharti-candra I 5.5.5

1554 - Madukar Shah 5.5.5

1592 - Ram Shah 5.5.5

1604 - Bir Singh Deo I 5.5.5

1626 - Jujhar Singh 5.5.5

1635 - Devi Singh 5.5.5

1641 - Pahar Singh 5.5.5

1653 - Sujan Singh I 5.5.5

1672 - Indramani Singh 5.5.5

1675 - Jaswant Singh 5.5.5

1684 - Baghwat Singh 5.5.5

1689 - Udwat Singh 5.5.5

1735 - Prithvi Singh 5.5.5

1752 - Sawant Singh Mahendra 5.5.5

1765 - HatiSingh Mahendra 5.5.5

1768 - Man Sing Mahendra 5.5.5

1775 - Bharti-candra II Mahndra 5.5.5

1776 - Vikramajit Mahendra 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Thanjavur, Tiruchchirapalli Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Telegu

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1710 - Muhammad Sa-adat I 7.7.8

1732 - Dust 'Ali Khan 6.7.7

1740 - Safdar 'Ali Khan 5.3.5

1742 - Muhammad Sa-adat II 3.3.3

1744 - Anwar ad-Din Muhammad 7.4.7

1749 - Wala Jah Muhammad Ali 5.3.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Kalanpu, Korales Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Sinhala

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1412 - Parakramabahu VII 5.5.5

1468 - Jayabahu II 5.5.5

1470 - Bhuvanaikabahu VI 5.5.5

1478 - Parakramabahu VIII 5.5.5

1509 - Vijayabahu VII 5.5.5

1521 - Bhuvanaikabahu VII 5.5.5

1551 - Dharmapalabahu 3.3.3

1597 - Vimala Dharmasuriya I 5.5.5

1604 - Senarut 5.5.5

1635 - Rajasimha 5.5.5

1687 - Vimala Dharmasuriya II 5.5.5

1707 - Narendra 5.5.5

1739 - Sri Vijaya Rajasimha 5.5.5

1747 - Kitri Sri Rajasimha 5.5.5

1782 - Sri Rajadhiraja Simha 5.5.5


*Chagatai Khanate*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Kulja, Moghulistan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Uzbehk

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1434 - Esen Buqa 4.3.8

1462 - Yusuf Khan 6.7.7

1487 - Mahmud Khan 3.3.6

1508 - Mansur Khan 7.4.7

1533 - Abd ar-Rashid Khan 3.3.6

1559 - Abd al-Karim Khan 5.5.4

1592 - Muhammad Khan 6.4.4

1609 - Abd al-Latif Khan 5.6.5

1627 - Sultan Ahmad Khan 4.4.4

1638 - Abd Allah Khan 4.5.4

1667 - Ilbars 3.4.4

1670 - Isma'il Khan 3.3.5

1678 - Muhammad Amin Khan 3.4.5

1682 - Galdan Khan 6.7.8




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Vijaya, Vijaya Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Cham

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1449 - Maha Kui Yu 5.4.5

1458 - Maha P'an-lo-yue 3.4.3

1460 - P'an-lo T'u-ts'uan 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Champassak, Champassak Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Lao

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1700 - Nan Rath 4.5.4

1714 - Nokasat 6.6.7

1738 - Saya Kuman 5.4.6

1791 - Xiang Keo 3.3.3

1791 - Fai Na 4.5.4


*Dai Viet*


Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Hanoi, Thang Long Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Vietnamese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1442 - Le Nhan Tong 4.4.5

1459 - Le Nghi Dan 5.3.4

1460 - Le Thanh Tong 8.6.5

1497 - Le Hien Tong 4.4.3

1504 - Le Tuc Tong 4.3.3

1504 - Le Uy Muc 3.3.3

1510 - Le Thong Duc 3.3.3

1516 - Le Chieu Tong 3.3.3

1522 - Le Cung Hoang 3.3.3

1527 - Mac Dang Dung 5.5.5

1529 - Mac Dang Doanh 5.5.4

1533 - Le Trang Tong 4.4.4

1548 - Le Trung Tong 4.3.4

1556 - Le Anh Tong 3.4.4

1573 - Le The Tong 4.4.4

1599 - Le Kinh Tong 5.3.4

1619 - Le Than Tong 4.4.4

1643 - Le Chan Tong 4.3.3

1649 - Le Than Tong 4.4.4

1662 - Le Huyen Tong 3.4.4

1672 - Le Gia Tong 5.4.3

1675 - Le Hi Tong 3.4.3

1705 - Le Du Tong 4.3.4

1729 - Le Duy Phuong 4.4.3

1732 - Le Thuan Tong 4.4.5

1735 - Le Y Tong 4.4.4

1740 - Le Hien Tong 4.5.5

1776 - Nguyen Nhac 6.4.4

1788 - Nguyen Hue 5.8.8

1792 - Nguyen Quang Toan 5.4.4

1802 - Gia Long 8.8.8

1820 - Minh Mang 5.4.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Golconda, Golconda Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Telegu

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1436 - Ala ud-Din Ahmad Shah II 4.4.5

1458 - Ala ud-Din Humayin Shah 3.3.5

1461 - Ahmad Shah III 3.3.3

1463 - Muhammad Shah III 5.5.3

1482 - Mahmud Shah II 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Delhi, Delhi Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Pashtun

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1451 - Bahlul Ludi 6.7.8

1489 - Sikandar Shah 3.4.6

1517 - Ibrahim Shah 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Howrah, Bangala Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Bengali

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1442 - Nasir ad-Din Mahmud 6.5.5

1459 - Rukn ad-Din Barbak 3.4.3

1474 - Shams ad-Din Fath 5.4.5

1481 - Sikandar II 4.4.4

1482 - Jalal ad-Din Fath 6.5.6

1487 - Shah-Zada Barbak II 3.3.5

1488 - Sayf ad-Din Firuz II 3.3.4

1490 - Nasir ad-Din Mahmud II 3.3.3

1491 - Shams ad-Din Abu Nasr 3.3.4

1493 - Ala' ad-Din Husayn 6.5.7

1519 - Nasir ad-Din Nasrat 5.5.5

1533 - Ala' ad-Din Mahmud III 3.3.3

1533 - Ghiyat ad-Din Mahmuc II 4.4.6

1538 - Sher Shah 9.7.8

1545 - Islam Shah Suri 5.5.5

1553 - Shams ad-Din Muhammad 6.6.4

1555 - Ghiyat ad-Din Bahadur 7.5.7

1561 - Ghiyat ad-Din Jalal 5.4.6

1564 - Sulayman Khan Kararani 4.4.4

1572 - Da'ud 3.3.3

1575 - Mughal Rule 5.5.5

1716 - Murshid Quil 7.6.8

1726 - Shuja' ad-Din Muhammad 7.6.4

1739 - Ala' ad-Daula Sarfaraz 3.3.3

1740 - Mirza Muhammad 5.6.5

1756 - Mirza Muhammad Siraj 3.3.3

1757 - Mir Muhammad Ja'far 4.4.5

1760 - Mir Qasim 'Ali 3.3.6

1763 - Mir Muhammad Ja'far 4.4.5

1765 - Mir Phulwari Najm 3.3.3

1766 - Sayf ad-Daula 3.4.4

1770 - Mubarak ad-Daula 3.3.3

1772 - Wazir ad-Daula 3.4.4

1775 - Saiyid Zain ad-Din 'Ali 6.3.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Boroda, Boroda Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Gujarati

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1726 - Pilaji Rao 7.6.7

1732 - Damaji Rao II 3.4.3

1768 - Sayaji Rao I 4.4.5

1778 - Fateh Singh Rao 3.6.3

1789 - Manahi Rao 3.4.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Golcanda, Golcanda Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Telegu

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1518 - Quli Qutb Shah 6.8.9

1543 - Jamshid Qutb Shah 6.6.5

1550 - Subhan Quli Qutb Shah 3.4.3

1580 - Muhammad I 4.4.4

1612 - Muhammad II 3.5.6

1626 - Abd Allah 6.6.3

1672 - Abu'l-Hasan 3.5.3


*Golden Horde*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Sarai, Sarai Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Tartar

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1433 - Sayyid Ahmad I 3.3.5

1465 - Ahmad 4.3.5

1481 - Sayyid Ahmad II 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Jabalpur, Gondwana Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Avadhi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1448 - Arjuna Simha 5.5.5

1480 - Sangrama Simha 5.5.5

1530 - Daipat Simha 5.5.5

1549 - Vira Narayana 5.5.5

1564 - Chandra Sahi 5.5.5

1575 - Madhukara Sahi 5.5.5

1599 - Prema Narayana 5.5.5

1610 - Hirade Sahi I 5.5.5

1681 - Chhatra Sahi 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Granada, Granada Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -3

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 5

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Andalucian

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Patron of Art

National Conscripts

Divine Supremacy

Colonial Ventures

National Trade Policy

Superior Seamanship

National Bank


Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1453 - Muhammad IX 4.4.3

1454 - Muhammad IX 4.4.4

1455 - Sa'd I Ciriza 3.4.3

1462 - Yusuf V 4.3.3

1463 - Sa'd I Ciriza 3.4.3

1464 - Ali I Muley Hucan 3.4.3

1482 - Muhammad XII Boabdil 5.3.4

1483 - Ali I Muley Hucen 5.3.4

1485 - Muhammad XIII 3.3.3

1489 - Muhammad XII Baobdil 5.3.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = 516

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Gujarati

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1451 - Ahmad Shah II 5.5.4

1459 - Mahmud Shah I 7.8.8

1511 - Muzaffar Shah 4.4.5

1526 - Bahadur Shah 5.3.9

1537 - Mubarak Shah 3.3.4

1538 - Mahmud Shah II 6.5.6

1554 - Ahmad Shah III 3.4.3

1556 - Muhammad Shah III 6.5.4

1562 - Muzaffar Shah III 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Golconda, Golconda Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Telegu

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1724 - Nizam ul-Mulk Asaf Jah 7.6.8

1748 - Muhammad Nasr Jang 4.5.5

1750 - Asaf ud-Daula Jang 3.3.6

1762 - Nizam Ali Khan 4.4.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Kyoto, Yamashiro

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Shinto

Primary Culture = Japanese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Superior Seamanship


Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1428 - Hanazono 3.3.3

1464 - Tsuchimikado 5.7.5

1500 - Kashiwabara 5.5.3

1521 - Nara 5.7.4

1557 - Ogimachi 4.3.5

1586 - Yozei 6.7.7

1611 - Mizunoo 7.5.4

1629 - Meshio 3.6.5

1643 - Komyo 4.6.4

1655 - Saiin 6.7.4

1663 - Reigen 5.7.6

1687 - Higashiyama 5.3.5

1709 - Nakamikado 6.7.4

1735 - Sakuramachi 3.4.4

1747 - Momozono 4.7.7

1762 - Sakuramachi 4.7.5

1771 - Momozono 3.6.5

1779 - Kokaku 3.7.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Srinagar, Kashmir Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = -5

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Kashmiri

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1420 - Zayn al-'Abidin 5.5.5

1470 - Haydar Shah 5.5.5

1472 - Hasan Shah 5.5.5

1484 - Muhammad Shah 3.3.6

1486 - Fath Shah 3.4.5

1493 - Muhammad Shah 3.3.6

1505 - Fath Shah 3.4.5

1514 - Muhammad Shah 3.3.6

1515 - Fath Shah 3.4.5

1517 - Muhammad Shah 3.3.6

1528 - Ibrahim Shah 3.5.6

1529 - Nazuk Shah 3.4.5

1530 - Muhammad Shah 3.3.6

1537 - Shams ad-Din 5.5.5

1538 - Isma'il Shah 3.5.6

1540 - Nazuk Shah 3.4.5

1552 - Ibrahim Shah 3.5.6

1555 - Isma'il Shah 3.5.6

1556 - Mahmud Habib Shah 5.3.7

1561 - Ghazi Shah 5.5.5

1563 - Husayn Shah I 5.5.5

1569 - Ali Shah 5.5.5

1579 - Yusuf Shah 4.5.7

1579 - Saiyid Mubarak Baihaqi 3.3.6

1579 - Lohir Shah 4.5.5

1580 - Yusuf Shah 4.5.7

1586 - Ya'qub Shah 3.3.5


*Kazakh / Khazak Horde*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Turkestan, Turkestan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Khazak

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1440 - Jani Beg 3.4.7

1480 - Burunduq 5.4.5

1509 - Qasim 4.4.4

1518 - Mamash 6.5.6

1523 - Tagir 6.6.5

1530 - Tugum 3.4.4

1538 - Aq Nazar 6.7.6

1580 - Shigay 3.4.3

1582 - Tawakkul 6.6.7

1598 - Ishim 5.5.5

1628 - Abaigirim 6.4.5

1636 - Yahangir 4.4.5

1652 - Bogokht the Kalmyk 3.3.3

1680 - Tauka 6.5.5

1718 - Bular 3.3.3

1731 - Shemeke 3.4.4

1734 - Jolbars 3.3.4

1742 - Abu'l Mambet 3.5.4

1748 - Abilay 3.4.3

1781 - Abdullah 3.3.3

1782 - Wali 3.3.3




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Kazan, Kazan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Tartar

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Merchant Adventures

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Grand Navy

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1445 - Mahmudak 5.5.6

1466 - Ibrahim 6.4.4

1479 - Ilham 4.5.6

1487 - Muhammad Amin 3.5.7

1495 - Mamuk Khan 3.6.6

1496 - Abd-al-Latif 6.7.6

1502 - Muhammad Amin 5.6.7

1518 - Shah Ali 3.3.4

1521 - Sahib Giray 5.4.5

1524 - Safa Giray 5.6.6

1531 - Yan Ali 4.4.7

1533 - Safa Giray 6.6.7

1549 - Otemish 3.7.5

1551 - Yadigar Muhammad 4.6.6




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Burhanpur, Khandesh Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Marathi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1441 - Miran Mubaruk Khan I 5.5.5

1457 - Adil Khan II 5.5.5

1503 - Da'ud Khan 5.5.5

1510 - Ghazni Khan 3.3.3

1510 - Alam Khan 3.3.3

1510 - Adil Khan 5.5.5

1520 - Miran Muhammad Khan I 5.5.5

1537 - Miran Mubarak Shah II 5.5.5

1566 - Miran Muhammad Khan II 5.5.5

1576 - Rajah Ali Khan 5.5.5

1597 - Miran Bahadur Shah 5.3.3




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Khiva, Khiva Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Uzbehk

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1509 - Ilbars 4.4.6

1525 - Sultan Hajji 4.4.5

1527 - Hassan Quli 4.3.4

1530 - Sufyan Khan 5.3.5

1531 - Bujunga Khan 4.4.4

1533 - Avanak Khan 4.3.5

1534 - Qul Khan 4.5.4

1540 - Agatai Khan 4.4.5

1546 - Dost Khan 4.4.5

1558 - Hajji Muhammad I 6.4.6

1603 - Arab Muhammad I 5.5.5

1622 - Ilbars & Habash 5.4.3

1623 - Isfandiyar 5.5.4

1642 - Sa'id Muhammad 4.4.4

1643 - Nadir Muhammad 5.4.5

1645 - Abu'l Ghazi I 6.7.3

1663 - Anusha Muhammad 5.7.6

1685 - Khudaida 5.4.4

1689 - Arang Muhammad 4.4.5

1694 - Juchi 4.4.3

1695 - Kabakly 5.3.6

1695 - Qul Muhammad 4.4.4

1697 - Shah Niyaz 5.5.5

1701 - Musi 4.3.4

1703 - Arab Muhammad II 3.3.3

1703 - Hajji Muhammad II 4.4.5

1714 - Yadigar Khan 4.4.4

1714 - Arang Muhammad II 4.4.3

1715 - Sher Khan 4.4.5

1732 - Ilbars II 4.5.5

1741 - Abu Muhammad 4.3.3

1742 - Abu'l Ghazi II 3.4.4

1745 - Gha'ip Khan I 5.4.5

1750 - Abd'Allah Qarabay 4.4.5

1753 - Sultan Timur Ghazi 4.5.4

1764 - Gha'ip Khan II 4.4.5

1791 - Abu'l Ghazi III 5.4.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Phnom Penh, Udong Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Khmer

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1444 - Dharmarajadhiraja 6.5.3

1486 - Srey Sukonthor 4.6.4

1512 - Nay Kan 6.4.5

1566 - Barom Reachea I 3.4.4

1576 - Chettha I 4.3.3

1594 - Reamea Chung Prei 3.4.3

1596 - Barom Reachea II 3.3.3

1598 - Barom Reachea III 3.4.3

1600 - Chao Ponhea Nhom 4.4.3

1603 - Barom Reachea IV 3.3.3

1619 - Chettha II 3.3.3

1628 - Ponhem To 3.3.3

1630 - Ponhea Nu 3.4.3

1640 - Ang Non I 4.3.4

1642 - Chan Rama Thupdey 4.3.3

1659 - Batom Reachea 5.3.3

1672 - Chettha III 3.3.4

1673 - Ang Chei 3.3.3

1674 - Ang Non 3.3.4

1675 - Chettha IV 3.3.3

1706 - Thommo Reachea II 4.3.4

1710 - Ang Em 4.4.4

1722 - Satha Ang Chei 3.5.3

1738 - Thommo Reachea II 4.3.4

1747 - Ang Ton 4.3.3

1749 - Chettha V 4.3.3

1755 - Ang Ton 3.3.3

1758 - Preah Outey II 4.4.4

1775 - Ang Non II 5.4.5

1779 - Ang Eng 6.5.5

1796 - Interregum 3.3.3




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Kokkand, Ferghand Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Uzbehk

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1690 - Shah Rukh 5.5.5

1694 - Rustam 5.5.5

1697 - Ashur-qul 5.5.5

1700 - Shah Rukh II 5.5.5

1721 - Abu Rahim 5.5.5

1739 - Abd al-Karim 5.5.5

1746 - Irdan I 5.5.5

1770 - Sulayman 5.5.5

1774 - Shah Rukh III 5.5.5

1774 - Narubata 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Hanseong, Chung Cheong Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Confucianism

Primary Culture = Korean

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures


Superior Seamanship

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1452 - Tan-jong 6.5.5

1456 - Se-jo 7.4.5

1468 - Ye-jong 5.4.5

1469 - Song-jong 6.6.5

1495 - Yon-san 3.3.5

1506 - Chung-jong 7.6.5

1544 - In-jong 3.3.3

1545 - Myong-jong 6.4.4

1567 - Son-jo 7.3.5

1608 - Kwang-hae 4.5.5

1623 - In-jo 6.5.5

1649 - Hyo-jong 6.3.5

1659 - Hyon-jong 4.3.5

1674 - Suk-jong 6.3.5

1720 - Kyong-jong 4.3.4

1724 - Yong-jo 7.5.5

1776 - Chong-yo 4.3.4

1800 - Sun-jo 5.3.4


*Lan Na*


Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Northern Thai

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1441 - Tilokaracha 6.8.6

1487 - Yot Chiang Rai 3.3.3

1495 - Muang Kaeo 6.4.4

1526 - Ket Chettharat 4.5.6

1538 - chai 9.9.8

1543 - Ket Chettharat 4.4.3

1545 - Chiraparpha 3.3.4

1546 - Setthathirat 4.3.3

1551 - Thao Mae Ku 3.3.3

1551 - Mekuti 4.3.3

1564 - Wisutthithewi 4.3.4

1659 - Phrae Occupation 3.3.5

1672 - Ingsemang 3.4.3

1675 - Chephutarai 3.3.3

1707 - Mangraenara 3.4.3

1727 - Ong Kham 3.3.3

1759 - Chan 3.4.4

1761 - Khi Hut 4.4.4

1762 - Burmese Occupation 5.3.3

1768 - Abhayagamani 3.4.4

1774 - Interregnum 3.3.4


*Lan Xang*


Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Luang Prabang, Luang Prabang Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Lao

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1438 - Sai Tiakap'at 7.7.5

1479 - T'ene Kham 4.4.5

1486 - La Sene T'ai 5.4.4

1496 - Som-P'ou 5.4.4

1501 - Visoun 6.6.5

1520 - P'ot'israt I 6.6.6

1548 - Sett'at'irat 6.8.5

1571 - Sene Soulint'a 3.3.4

1575 - Maha Oupahat 3.3.5

1580 - Sene Soulint'a 3.3.4

1582 - Nakhone Noi 5.5.4

1583 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1591 - Nokeo Kouname 5.4.4

1596 - T'ammikarat 6.6.5

1622 - Oupagnouvarat 3.3.3

1623 - P'ot'isarat II 4.3.3

1627 - Mone Keo 3.3.4

1629 - Oupangouvarat 3.3.3

1631 - Tone Kham 6.6.6

1635 - Visai 3.3.3

1637 - Soulinga Vongsa 8.8.8


*Luang Prabang*


Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Luang Prabang, Luang Prabang Provice

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Lao

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1707 - King Kitsatrat 7.8.8

1726 - Khamane Noi 6.5.5

1727 - Int'a Som 5.5.5

1776 - Sotika Koumane 4.6.3

1781 - Tiao Vong 5.4.4

1787 - Anourout 5.5.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Madurai, Madural Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Tamil

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1437 - Vira Pandya I 5.5.5

1475 - Vira Pandya II 5.5.5

1490 - Narasa 5.5.5

1500 - Tenna 5.5.5

1515 - Naransa Pillai 5.5.5

1519 - Kuru Kuru Timmappa 5.5.5

1524 - Kattyama Kamaiya 5.5.5

1526 - Cimappa 5.5.5

1529 - Ayyakarai Veyyapa 5.5.5

1535 - Vishvanatha 5.5.5

1564 - Kumara Periaya Krishnappa 5.5.5

1572 - Krishnappa Periaya 5.5.5

1595 - Lingayya Kumara 5.5.5

1601 - Mutu Krishnapps 5.5.5

1609 - Muttu Virappa I 5.5.5

1623 - Tirumala 5.5.5

1659 - Muttu Virappa II 5.5.5

1662 - Chokkanatha I 5.5.5

1678 - Muttu Linga 5.5.5

1680 - Chokkanatha I 5.5.5

1682 - Muttu Varappa II 5.5.5

1689 - Chokkanatha II 5.5.5

1731 - Minakshi 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Nagpur, Nagpur Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Marathi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1647 - Shivaji I 7.7.9

1680 - Shambaji 5.5.7

1689 - Rajaram 6.5.7

1700 - Shivaji II 8.4.6

1707 - Sahuji I 6.4.4

1713 - Balaji I Vishvanath 7.8.6

1720 - Baji Rao I 6.9.8

1740 - Balaji II Baji Rao 7.7.7

1761 - Madhu Rao I Balai 7.5.6

1772 - Narayan Rao 3.4.3

1773 - Ragunath Rao 3.3.5

1782 - Madhu Rao II 3.4.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Makassar, Makassar Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Sulawesi

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1440 - Tuni Djallori 4.4.4

1470 - Tuni Parisi 4.6.5

1500 - Tuni Palonga 6.3.6

1530 - Tuni Butta 4.5.5

1560 - Tuni Djallo 7.5.4

1590 - Tuni Pasulu 7.6.7

1593 - Allah ad-Din 8.5.8

1653 - Muhammad Sa'id 6.7.8

1669 - Amir Hamza 9.7.7

1674 - Muhammad Ali 6.5.6

1677 - Abd ad-Jalil 4.5.5

1709 - Shihab ad-Din Isma'il 4.4.6

1712 - Siraj ad-Din 6.5.4

1735 - Abd al-Khayr al-Mansur 3.5.5

1742 - Abd al-Qudus 5.7.6

1753 - Uthman 4.6.5

1766 - Imad ad-Din 4.4.4

1769 - Zaynal-'Abidin 3.5.4

1777 - Sankilang 4.3.5

1781 - Abd ad-Hadi 3.4.4

1810 - Abd al-Khaliq 4.5.3

1816 - Limbangparang 4.4.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Malacca, Malacca Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Malayan

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1446 - Muzaffar Shah 4.8.6

1459 - Mansur Shah 5.5.7

1477 - Ri'ayat Shah 6.4.8

1488 - Mahmud Shah 3.3.7

1528 - Ri'ayat Shah I 5.7.7

1564 - Muzaffar Shah 4.5.4

1580 - Abd al-Jalil Shah I 4.7.5

1597 - Ri'ayat Shah II 3.3.5

1613 - Ma'ayat Shah 4.4.4

1623 - Abd al-Jalil Shah II 5.8.8

1677 - Ibrahim Shah 3.4.3

1685 - Mahmud Shah 3.3.3

1699 - Ri'ayat Shah 5.4.4

1717 - Rahmat Shah 5.5.5

1722 - Sulayman Badr Shah 3.3.3

1760 - Mu'azzam Shah 4.5.6

1761 - Mahmud Ri'ayat Shah 4.3.3

1812 - Abd ar-Rahman Shah 3.4.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Male, Maldives Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Malayalam

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1442 - Hasan III 5.5.5

1466 - Muhammad V 5.5.5

1467 - Hasan III 5.5.5

1468 - Muhammad VI 5.5.5

1479 - Hasan VI 5.5.5

1480 - Umar 5.5.5

1484 - Hasan V 5.5.5

1486 - Hasan IV 5.5.5

1489 - Hasan VI 5.5.5

1491 - Ibrahim II 5.5.5

1491 - Yusuf III 5.5.5

1492 - Ali IV 5.5.5

1494 - Muhammad VII 5.5.5

1509 - Hasan VII 5.5.5

1510 - Ahmad 5.5.5

1512 - Ali V 5.5.5

1513 - Muhammad VII 5.5.5

1528 - Hasan VII 5.5.5

1548 - Muhammad VIII 5.5.5

1550 - Hasan IX 5.5.5

1554 - Abu Bakr II 5.5.5

1556 - Ali VI 5.5.5

1558 - Portuguese Occupation 5.5.5

1573 - Muhammad IX 5.5.5

1585 - Ibrahim III 5.5.5

1607 - Kamanfa'anu 5.5.5

1609 - Husayn II 5.5.5

1629 - Imad ad-Din I 5.5.5

1648 - Iskandar I 5.5.5

1687 - Muhammad X 5.5.5

1691 - Muhi ad-Din 5.5.5

1691 - Shams ad-Din I 5.5.5

1692 - Muhammad XI 5.5.5

1701 - Ali VII 5.5.5

1701 - Hasan X 5.5.5

1701 - Muzhir ad-Din 5.5.5

1704 - Imad ad-Din II 5.5.5

1721 - Iskandar II 5.5.5

1750 - Imad ad-Din II 5.5.5

1757 - Izz ad-Din 5.5.5

1767 - Shams ad-Din 5.5.5

1774 - Mu'izz ad-Din 5.5.5

1779 - Muzhir ad-Din 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Mandu, Malwa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Kanauji

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1436 - Mahmud I 8.8.9

1469 - Ghiyath Shah 4.6.4

1500 - Nasir Shah 4.3.6

1511 - Mahmud Shah 3.3.5

1531 - Gujarat Occupation 5.5.3

1536 - Qadir Shah 5.4.3

1542 - Mughal Occupation 5.5.5

1554 - Salim Shah 4.4.3

1555 - Baz Bahadur 5.3.3

1562 - Mughal Occupation 5.5.5

1728 - Malhar Rao I Holkar 5.5.5

1766 - Mali Rao 3.3.4

1767 - Ahalya Bai 9.7.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Shenyang, Liaodong Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Confucianism

Primary Culture = Manchu

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Superior Seamanship


Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1451 - Tongshan 4.4.4

1467 - Tribal Chiefs 4.3.5

1530 - Fuman 5.5.6

1560 - Juechangan 6.6.7

1582 - Nurhachi 8.8.9

1626 - Abahai 7.6.8

1643 - Shunzhi 6.7.7

1661 - Kangxi 5.5.7

1722 - Yangzheng 4.7.7

1735 - Qianlong 6.7.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Imphal, Manipur Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Bengali

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1432 - Ningthou Khama 5.5.5

1467 - Senbi Kiyamba 5.5.5

1507 - Koiremba 5.5.5

1511 - Ching-Khong 5.5.5

1522 - Nongwin Phaba 5.5.5

1523 - Senbi Khomba 5.5.5

1541 - Tangjamba 5.5.5

1544 - Chalamba 5.5.5

1561 - Mungyamba 5.5.5

1596 - Khangemba 5.5.5

1651 - Khunjaoba 5.5.5

1665 - Paikhomba 5.5.5

1696 - Charairongba 5.5.5

1708 - Pamheiba 5.5.5

1747 - Chit-sai 5.5.5

1751 - Bharat-sai 5.5.5

1752 - Maramba 5.5.5

1763 - Ching-thang Khomba 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Karta, Mataram Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Sulawesi

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1451 - Rajasavardhana 4.4.3

1453 - Interegnum 3.3.3

1456 - Hyang Purvavisesa 4.3.3

1466 - Bhre Pandan Solar 3.3.3

1478 - Raden Patah Senapati 5.6.8

1518 - Pengeran Sabrang Lar 4.6.4

1521 - Pengeran Sutan Tranganna 9.6.5

1546 - Pengeran Sultan Prawata 3.4.4

1547 - Aria Pangiri 4.3.3

1568 - Pangeran Mas 3.3.3

1582 - Panembahan Ingalasa 4.4.8

1601 - Panembahan Krapyak 5.4.5

1613 - Sultan Agung 6.8.7

1643 - Amangkurat I 4.6.5

1677 - Amangkurat II 6.5.6

1703 - Amangkurat III 3.4.4

1705 - Pakubuwana I 3.3.5

1719 - Amangkurat IV 5.3.4

1726 - Pakubuwana II 3.3.5

1749 - Pakubuwana III 4.3.3

1788 - Pakubuwana IV 4.4.5




Government = Administrative Monarchy

Capital = Beijing, Jizhou Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Chihan

Primary Culture = Confucianism

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Superior Seamanship


Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1449 - Jingtai 3.3.4

1457 - Tianshun 3.3.3

1464 - Chenghua 4.3.5

1487 - Hongchi 4.6.7

1505 - Zhengde 4.7.3

1521 - Jiajing 6.7.6

1567 - Longqing 6.4.5

1572 - Wanli 3.6.7

1584 - Nurhachi 8.8.9

1620 - Taichang 7.6.7

1620 - Tianqi 6.5.3

1626 - Abahai 7.6.8

1627 - Chongzhen 3.5.3

1644 - Zhu Yousong 5.6.6

1645 - Longwu 4.4.3

1646 - Yongli 6.4.3

1662 - Cheng Ch'eng-kung 8.8.4

1662 - Cheng Ching 6.6.3

1681 - Cheng Keh-Shuan 5.5.6


*Mongol Khanate*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Hohhot, Ulaanchab Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Mongol

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1453 - Esen Tayisi 6.3.7

1454 - Ukegtu 5.5.5

1465 - Mulan Khan 5.5.5

1475 - Manduulun Khan 5.5.5

1479 - Dayan Khan 8.7.8

1517 - Sayn Alagh Khan 5.5.5

1519 - Bodi Alagh Khan 5.5.5

1547 - Darayisung Godeng Khan 5.5.5

1557 - Tumen Jasaghtu Khan 5.5.5

1592 - Buyan Sechen Khan 5.5.5

1603 - Lingdan Khutaghtu Khan 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Agra, Agra Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Mongol

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1526 - Babur 8.8.9

1530 - Humayun 4.7.4

1540 - Sher Shah Suri 7.9.8

1545 - Islam Shah Suri 5.5.5

1553 - Muhammed Shah Adil 3.3.3

1555 - Ibrahim Shah Suri 3.3.3

1555 - Humayun 4.7.4

1556 - Akbar I 9.9.9

1605 - Jahangir 6.4.6

1657 - Aurangzib 7.8.8

1657 - Shah Jehan 5.7.4

1707 - Bahadur Shah I 3.3.3

1712 - Farrukh Siyar 3.3.3

1719 - Muhammad Shah 4.3.3

1748 - Ahmad Shah 3.3.3

1754 - Alamgir 4.3.4

1759 - Shah Jahan III 3.3.3

1760 - Shah Alam 4.3.3

1806 - Akbar II 5.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Mysore, Mysore Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Kannada

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1423 - Chama Raja I 5.6.6

1458 - Timma Raja I 4.4.4

1478 - Chama Raja II 5.3.3

1513 - Chama Raja III 6.4.5

1552 - Timma Raja II 7.5.3

1572 - Chama Raja IV 3.4.3

1576 - Bettada Deva Raja 3.3.6

1578 - Raja Wadaiyar 5.6.3

1617 - Chama Raja V 6.4.6

1637 - Imadi Raja 3.3.3

1638 - Kanthirava Narasa Raja I 4.3.4

1659 - Kampa Deva Raja 4.4.6

1672 - Chikka Deva Raja 3.5.6

1704 - Kanthirava Narasa Raja II 6.4.7

1714 - Krishna Raja I 4.5.3

1732 - Chama Raja VI 6.3.6

1734 - Krishna Raja II 3.3.5

1761 - Haydar Ali 4.6.8

1782 - Tipu Sahib 5.7.8

1799 - Krishna Raja III 4.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Katmandu, Katmandu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Nepali

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1424 - Jayayakshamalla 3.4.5

1482 - Ratmamalla 3.6.5

1520 - Suryamalla 5.5.5

1530 - Amaramalla 5.5.5

1538 - Narendramalla 5.5.5

1560 - Mahnedramalla 5.5.5

1574 - Sadashivamalla 5.5.5

1583 - Shivasimhamalla 5.5.5

1620 - Laksminarasimhamella 5.5.5

1641 - Pratapamalla 5.5.5

1674 - Jayanripendramalla 5.5.5

1680 - Parthivendramalla 5.5.5

1687 - Bhupendramalla 5.5.5

1700 - Bhaskaramalla 5.5.5

1714 - Mahendrasimhamalla 5.5.5

1722 - Jagajjayamalla 5.5.5

1735 - Jayaprasakamalla 4.3.3

1768 - Prithvi Narayana Shah 8.7.9

1775 - Pratapa Simha Shah 5.3.7

1777 - Rana Bahadur Shah 4.3.8


*Oirat Horde*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Tshiyet Noyan, Tshiyet Noyan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Shamanism

Primary Culture = Mongol

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1439 - Essen Tayisi 5.4.6

1619 - Qara Qula 5.5.5

1634 - Ba'atur Khan 5.5.5

1653 - Seng-ke Khan 5.5.5

1671 - Galdan Bashigt Khan 5.5.5

1698 - Tsevan Rabdan Khan 5.5.5

1727 - Bayan 5.5.5

1745 - Lama Darja 5.5.5

1750 - Dawaji Khan 5.5.5

1755 - Amursana Khan 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Cuttack, Orissa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Oriya

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Superior Seamanship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Naval Fighting Instruction

National Trade Policy

Battlefield Commissions

Sea Hawks

Military Drills



Leaders : 1434 - Kapilesvara Gajapati 4.5.6

1466 - Purushottama 6.5.3

1497 - Prataprudra 4.6.4

1540 - Kaluadeva 6.4.5

1541 - Govindaraja Vidyadhara 5.5.5

1549 - Chakrapretapa 3.4.4

1557 - Narashima Jana 3.3.4

1558 - Raghurama chhorta 3.4.3

1560 - Mukundadeva Harishandra 3.3.3

1567 - Ramchandra Deva I 7.6.6

1607 - Purushottama Deva 4.4.5

1623 - Ramchandra Deva II 4.5.6

1628 - Narshima Deva 3.4.4

1647 - Gangadar Deva 4.3.5

1649 - Balabhadra Deva 3.4.3

1659 - Mukunda Deva I 6.5.4

1689 - Divya Simha Deva 5.4.5

1715 - Hari Krishna Deva 3.3.3

1719 - Gapinath Deva 4.5.4

1726 - Ramehandra Deva III 5.4.4

1736 - Padmanabha 5.3.4

1739 - Vira Kishor Deva 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Lucknow, Lucknow Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Avadhi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1724 - Muhammad Sa'adat Khan 8.9.8

1739 - Muhammad Safdar Jang 5.6.6

1754 - Shujah ad-Daula 4.4.3

1775 - Asaf ad-Daula 3.3.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Pattini, Pattini Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Malayan

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drills

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1511 - Raja Isma'il Shah 5.5.5

1550 - Muzaffar Shah 5.5.5

1564 - Mansur Shah 5.5.5

1572 - Patik Siam 5.5.5

1573 - Bahadur Shah 5.5.5

1584 - Raja Hijau 5.5.5

1616 - Raja Buru 5.5.5

1624 - Raja Ungku 5.5.5

1635 - Raja Kening 5.5.5

1649 - Raja Shakti Kelantan 5.5.5

1657 - Sultan Long Bahar 5.5.5

1688 - Raja Bakalan 5.5.5

1690 - Raja Emas Kelantan 5.5.5

1704 - Raja Emas Jayam Baginda 5.5.5

1707 - Raja Dewl Perachu 5.5.5

1716 - Shah 'Alam 5.5.5

1720 - Raja Laksmana Dajang 5.5.5

1721 - Raja Emas Jawam Baginda 5.5.5

1728 - Alung Yunus 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Pegu, Pegu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Mon

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1453 - Mawdaw 6.5.4

1472 - shin Sawbu 7.6.5

1492 - Dimmazedi 7.6.4

1526 - Takayutpi 3.3.3

1539 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1550 - Smim Sawhtut 5.4.3

1551 - Smim Htaw 4.4.3

1740 - Smim Htaw Buddhaketi 6.6.7

1747 - Binnya Dala 5.4.6




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Lahore, Lahore Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Panjabi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1761 - Jassa Singh Ahuwalia 4.5.9

1765 - Lahina Singh 3.4.8




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Jaipur, Jaipur Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Rajput

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1438 - Jodha 5.5.3

1488 - Sadal 5.6.7

1491 - Suja 4.6.5

1516 - Ganga 3.6.4

1532 - Maldeo 4.5.4

1562 - Chandrasen 3.7.5

1581 - Udaya Singh 4.5.3

1595 - Sura Singh 6.6.5

1619 - Gaja Singh 3.5.3

1638 - Jaswant Singh I 6.4.4

1678 - Indra Singh 4.5.6

1680 - Ajit Singh 7.8.6

1724 - Abhaya Singh 4.5.4

1749 - Rama Singh 5.5.3

1751 - Bakht Singh 3.6.4

1752 - Bijay Singh 6.5.5

1793 - Bhim and Man Singh 4.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Shuri, Okinawa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Animism

Primary Culture = Japanese

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Excellent Shipwrights

Superior Seamanship

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

National Conscripts

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drill

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1452 - Sho Taikyu 5.5.5

1460 - Sho Toku 5.5.5

1469 - Sho En 5.5.5

1477 - Sho Sen-i 5.5.5

1477 - Sho Shin 5.5.5

1526 - Sho Sei 5.5.5

1556 - Sho Gen 5.5.5

1571 - Sho Yei 5.5.5

1588 - Sho Nei 5.5.5

1621 - Sho Ho 5.5.5

1648 - Sho Shitsu 5.5.5

1669 - Sho Tei 5.5.5

1710 - Sho Yeki 5.5.5

1716 - Sho Kei 5.5.5

1751 - Sho Boku 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Lashio, Hsenwi Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Shan

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1453 - Shengtsaubu 4.4.3

1460 - Dhamma Dzedi 4.6.6

1491 - Binya Ran 4.3.3

1526 - Takarwutbi 3.3.3

1540 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1740 - Buddha Thi Gwe Meng 4.3.4

1746 - Binya Dala 3.5.4




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Bukhara, Bukhara Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Uzbehk

National Ideas : Divine Supremacy

National Conscripts

Military Drill

Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps


Grand Army


Leaders : 1425 - Abu'l Khayr 5.5.7

1468 - Haidar Sultan 4.4.5

1488 - Muhammad Shaybani 5.5.9

1510 -Kochkunju Khan 4.3.3

1531 - Muzaffar-ud-Din Abu-Sa'id 4.4.4

1533 - Ubayd'Allah Khan 5.5.7

1539 - Abd Allah I 3.3.3

1540 - Abu-al Aziz Khan 4.4.5

1550 - Nawruz Ahmad Khan 4.4.5

1556 - Pir Muhammad I 4.4.4

1561 - Iskandar Bahadur 4.6.4

1583 - Abd Allah II 6.6.7

1598 - Abd al-Mu'min 3.3.6

1598 - Pir Muhammad II 3.3.3

1599 - Yar Muhammad 5.5.3

1600 - Jani Muhammad 4.4.4

1603 - Baqi Muhammad 5.5.5

1605 - Wali Muhammad 4.3.4

1611 - Imam Quli Bahadur 6.3.5

1641 - Sa'id Nadir Muhammad 5.3.5

1645 - Sa'id Abd al-Aziz 5.5.6

1681 - Sa'id Subhan Quli Bahadur 4.4.4

1702 - Sa'id Ubayd'Allah II 3.3.3

1711 - Abu'l Fa'iz 3.3.3

1747 - Rahim Bi 5.6.7

1753 - Muhammad Rahim Khan 6.5.6

1758 - Danial Ataliq 7.6.6

1785 - Mir Ma'sum Shah Murad 6.8.6

1799 - Haidar Tura 4.4.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Thatta, Sind Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Sindhi

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Grand Army

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1453 - Sanjar 5.5.5

1461 - Nizam ad-Din II Nanda 5.5.5

1508 - Furuz Salah ad-Din 5.5.5

1520 - Shah Shuja Beg 5.5.5

1522 - Shah Husayn 5.5.5

1554 - Mirza Muhammad Isa 5.5.5

1567 - Mirza Muhammad Baqi 5.5.5

1585 - Mirza Jani Beg 5.5.5

1592 - Mughal Rule 5.5.5

1701 - Yar Muhammad Khan 5.5.5

1719 - Nur Muhammad 5.5.5

1755 - Muhammad Murad 5.5.5

1757 - Gulam Shah 5.5.5

1772 - Sarfaraz Khan 5.5.5

1777 - Gulam Nabi Khan 5.5.5

1780 - Abd an-Nabi Khan 5.5.5

1782 - Abd Allah Khan Talpur 5.5.5

1783 - Mir Fath Ali 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Jolo, Sulu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 1

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Filipino

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Sea Hawks

Naval Fighting Instruction

Military Drill

Naval Glory


Leaders : 1450 - Sharif ul Hashim 6.6.4

1480 - Kamal ud Din 4.4.5

1503 - Sharif Sayyid Ala ud Din 3.4.4

1522 - Amirul Umara I 4.5.4

1545 - Muizz ul Mutawadiin 5.6.6

1561 - Nasir ud Din I 5.5.4

1576 - Muhammad al Halim 5.6.4

1596 - Batarah Shah Tengah 3.4.3

1610 - Muwallit Wasit I 4.6.5

1650 - Salah ud Din Bakhtiyar 3.4.5

1685 - Shihab ud Din 5.6.5

1710 - Mustafa Shafi 5.6.7

1718 - Muhammad Badaruddin I 6.5.4

1732 - Muhammad Nasr ud Din III 3.3.3

1735 - Muhammad Alimuddin I 5.4.4

1748 - Muizz ud Din Bantilan 4.4.5

1763 - Azimuddin I 3.3.3

1764 - Muhammad Alimuddin I 3.4.4

1774 - Muhammad Israil 3.3.3

1778 - Muhammad Alimuddin II 4.5.6




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Toungoo, Toungoo Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Burmese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Leaders : 1451 - Zalahtinyan 5.5.5

1470 - Sithukyawhtin 6.6.5

1481 - Sithunge 3.3.3

1486 - Minkyinyo 7.6.6

1530 - Tabinshwehti 9.8.8

1550 - Bayinnaung 7.6.7

1581 - Nanda Bayin 3.3.4

1599 - Htin 8.8.6

1605 - Anaukpetlun 8.5.8

1628 - Minredeippa 3.4.4

1629 - Thalun 3.3.5

1647 - Pindale 3.3.3

1661 - Pye 4.4.4

1672 - Narawara 3.3.3

1673 - Minrekyawdin 3.4.4

1698 - Sane 4.3.3

1714 - Taninganwe 4.3.3

1733 - Mahadammayaza-Dipati 3.4.3

1752 - Alaungpaya 8.8.8

1760 - Naugdawgyi 3.4.3

1763 - Hsinbyushin 6.6.8

1776 - Singu Min 3.3.3

1782 - Maung Maung 3.3.3

1782 - Bodawpaya 7.6.6

1819 - Bagyidaw 5.5.7




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Lhasa, Qamdo Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Tibetan

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

Patron of Art

National Conscripts


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


Leaders : 1440 - Trakpa Chunge 5.5.5

1465 - Sangye Gyantsen Pal 6.5.5

1481 - Don-yo Dorje 4.6.3

1522 - Ngawang Namgye 4.4.4

1550 - Tondap Tseten 5.5.4

1565 - Karma Tseten 6.6.5

1582 - Lhawang Dorje 6.5.5

1603 - Phuntso Namgye 6.6.5

1623 - Karma Tsen-Kyong 4.4.5

1642 - Gursi 4.5.4

1655 - Dayan Khan 5.5.6

1668 - Tenzin Dalai Khan 6.6.5

1696 - Lhabzang Khan 3.4.3

1717 - Tsewang Arabtan 5.4.4

1720 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1728 - Phola Sonam Tobgye 6.6.6

1747 - Gyurme Namgyal 3.3.3

1750 - Kezang Gyatso 8.8.7

1758 - Jampel Gyatso 7.7.7

1805 - Luntok Gyatso 3.3.3

1815 - Tshultrin Gyatso 6.6.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Hanoi, Thang Long Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Vietnamese

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Colonial Ventures

Grand Army


Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1539 - Trinh Kiem 5.5.5

1569 - Trinh Coi 5.5.5

1570 - Trinh Tung 5.5.5

1623 - Trinh Trang 5.5.5

1657 - Trinh Tac 5.5.5

1682 - Trinh Con 5.5.5

1709 - Trinh Cuong 5.5.5

1729 - Trinh Giang 5.5.5

1740 - Trinh Dinhi 5.5.5

1767 - Trinh Sam 5.5.5

1782 - Trinh Man 5.5.5

1782 - Tring Khai 5.5.5

1786 - Tring Bong 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Padmanabhapuram, Malabar Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Malayalam

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drill

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1444 - Venad Mootha Raja 6.6.3

1458 - Sri Vira Martanda Varma 4.5.4

1471 - Aditya Varma 7.3.5

1478 - Ravi Varma 3.6.3

1504 - Sri Vira Ravi Varma 6.3.4

1528 - Martanda Varma 5.4.3

1537 - Udaya Martanda Varma 6.6.4

1550 - Kerala Varma 8.4.4

1553 - Aditya Varma 3.6.5

1567 - Udaya Martanda Varma 5.5.3

1594 - Sri Vira Kulasekhara 4.5.5

1604 - Sri Vira Varma 4.7.3

1606 - Ravi Varma 3.3.3

1619 - Unni Kerala Varma 4.6.6

1625 - Ravi Varma 3.7.5

1631 - Unni Kerala Varma II 7.4.4

1661 - Aditya Varma 3.3.6

1678 - Raja Ravi Varma 5.6.5

1704 - Unni Kerala Varma III 7.5.5

1718 - Raja Aditya Varma 6.6.3

1721 - Raja Rama Varma 4.3.4

1729 - Maharaj Martanda Varma I 8.7.9

1758 - Maharaj Rama Varma II 7.5.6

1798 - Maharaj Bala Rama Varma I 3.4.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Vientiane, Vientiane Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Chinese

Religion = Buddhism

Primary Culture = Lao

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army


Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1438 - Sai Tiakap'at 7.7.5

1479 - T'ene Kham 4.4.5

1486 - La Sene T'ai 4.5.4

1496 - Som-P'ou 4.5.4

1501 - Visoun 6.6.5

1520 - P'ot'israt I 6.6.6

1548 - Sett'at'irat 8.6.5

1571 - Sene Soulint'a 3.3.4

1575 - Maha Oupahat 3.3.5

1580 - Sene Soulint'a 3.3.4

1582 - Nakhone Noi 5.5.4

1583 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1591 - Nokeo Koumane 4.5.4

1596 - T'ammikarat 6.6.5

1622 - Oupagnouvarat 3.3.3

1623 - P'ot'isarat II 3.4.3

1627 - Mone Keo 3.3.4

1628 - Oupagnouvarat 3.3.3

1639 - Tone Kham 6.6.6

1654 - Visai 3.3.3

1655 - Souligna Vongsa 8.8.8

1694 - Tian T'ala 4.5.3

1700 - Nan T'arat 4.4.3

1701 - Sai Ong Hue 3.3.3

1735 - Ong Long 4.6.6

1760 - Ong Boun 5.3.3

1778 - Chao Nan 4.4.4

1792 - Chao In 5.5.4

1805 - Chao Anou 3.3.3




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Vijaynagara, Kondavidu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Indian

Religion = Hinduism

Primary Culture = Kannada

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drill

Glorious Arms

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1447 - Mallikarjuna 5.5.4

1465 - Virupaksha II 6.6.5

1485 - Praudha Deva Râya 3.3.3

1486 - Narasimha 6.6.5

1490 - Timma 4.4.5

1491 - Immadi Narusimha 3.3.4

1505 - Vîra Narasimha 3.3.3

1509 - Krishna Deva Râya 8.7.7

1529 - Achyuta 3.4.3

1542 - Venkata Râya 5.4.4

1543 - Sâdashiva Râya 3.3.3

1570 - Tirumala 3.5.4

1571 - Ranga I 3.3.3

1585 - Venkata II 5.5.6

1614 - Ranga II 5.4.4

1615 - Rama I 5.5.5

1634 - Timma 3.3.3

1635 - Venkata III 4.5.5

1642 - Ranga III 5.4.4

1685 - Ranga IV 4.6.5

1706 - Venkata IV 5.6.4

1716 - Ranga V 5.5.5

1724 - Mahâdeva 4.4.4

1729 - Ranga VI 4.6.6

1732 - Venkata V 5.5.6

1739 - Rima II 5.4.6

1744 - Venkatapati 4.5.4


[3.05] Europe

By far the most numerous in terms of seperate countries. It is a real pain

to number them.




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Durres, Tirana Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Albanian

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : 1437 - Gjergj K Skanderbeg 9.8.9

1468 - Gjon II Kastrioti 6.7.5

1478 - Constantino Kastrioti 6.5.4




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Strasbourg, Elsass Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 4

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = 4

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1440 - Ruprecht I 5.4.5

1478 - Albrecht I 4.5.4

1506 - Wilhelm III 6.6.5

1541 - Erasmus I 4.4.7

1568 - Johann IV 6.3.6

1592 - Johann Georg I 3.4.4

1593 - Karl I 5.5.5

1607 - Leopold I 4.6.4

1626 - Leopold Wilhelm I 5.4.5

1662 - Franz Egon I 7.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Dessau, Anhalt Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Saxon

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

Humanist Tolerance

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1405 - Georg I 5.4.5

1474 - Ernst 4.6.5

1516 - Johann II 5.5.4

1551 - Joachim Ernst 4.6.6

1586 - Jakob Ernst 5.4.3

1603 - Johann Georg I 4.5.4

1618 - Johann Kasimir 7.5.5

1660 - Johann Georg II 4.4.6

1693 - Leopold 5.5.5

1747 - Leopold II Maximilian 5.6.7

1751 - Leopold III 3.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Nurnberg, Franken Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Bavarian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1440 - Albrecht Achilles 5.5.4

1486 - Friedrich I 5.5.5

1536 - Georg der Fromme 5.5.5

1543 - Georg Friedrich I 5.5.5

1603 - Joachim Ernst 5.5.5

1625 - Friedrich II 5.5.5

1634 - Albrecht 5.5.5

1667 - Johann Friedrich 5.5.5

1668 - Christian Ablrecht 5.5.5

1692 - Georg Friedrich II 5.5.5

1703 - Wilhelm Friedrich 5.5.5

1723 - Karl 5.5.5

1757 - Karl Alexander 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Barcelona, Barcelona Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Catalan

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Merchant Adventures

Divine Supremacy

Colonial Ventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Military Drills

National Bank

Engineer Corps

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1416 - Alfons V 5.7.9

1458 - Joan II 7.4.3

1479 - Ferran II 7.9.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Bayonne, Armagnac Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -5

Innovative / Narrowminded = -4

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Gascon

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonist Ventures

Military Drill

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1450 - Jean V 5.3.4

1473 - Charles I 4.4.4

1497 - Charles II 7.6.5

1525 - Marguerite I 6.8.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Yerevan, Armenia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Armenian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Merchant Adventures

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Grand Army

National Trade Policy


Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Astrakhan, Astrakhan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Tartar

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1459 - Mahmud 4.4.5

1465 - Qasim I 5.4.6

1490 - Abd al Karim 5.5.3

1504 - Qasim II 5.7.5

1532 - Aq Kobek 6.3.4

1534 - Abd ar-Rahman 3.5.6

1538 - Shaykh Haydar 3.5.4

1541 - Aq Kobek 6.3.4

1544 - Yaghmurchi 4.7.5

1554 - Darwish Ali 5.4.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Athens, Athens Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : 1451 - Francesco I 5.6.4

1455 - Franco I 7.6.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Wien, Wien Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Austrian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Grand Army

Divine Supremacy

National Bank

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions


Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1439 - Ladislas Postumus 6.6.5

1457 - Friedrich V 5.8.4

1493 - Maximilian I 5.7.5

1519 - Karl II 8.8.7

1520 - Ferdinand I 7.6.7

1564 - Maximilian II 5.7.5

1576 - Rudolf II 7.6.5

1612 - Mathias 5.5.3

1619 - Ferdinand II 5.4.5

1637 - Ferdinand III 7.4.8

1658 - Leopold I 7.7.8

1705 - Josef I 6.4.6

1711 - Karl IV 7.6.6

1740 - Maria Theresia 8.8.7

1780 - Josef II 8.9.7

1790 - Leopold II 6.5.5

1792 - Franz II 5.7.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Clermont, Auvergne Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Occitain

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1437 - Bertrand II 5.6.4

1461 - Bertrand III 4.7.5

1494 - Jean III 6.5.5

1501 - Anne I 4.3.3

1524 - Catherine I 4.3.3




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Avignon, Avignon Provnce

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Occitain

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonist Ventures

Military Drill

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Baden, Baden Provice

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1431 - Jakob I 4.5.6

1453 - Karl I 5.3.4

1475 - Christoph I 7.7.3

1515 - Bernhard III 3.4.5

1536 - Philibert 6.3.6

1569 - Philipp II 4.5.6

1588 - Eduard Fortunatus 3.6.3

1596 - Ernst Friedrich 5.4.7

1604 - Georg Friedrich 7.4.7

1622 - Wilhelm 6.4.6

1677 - Ludwig Wilhelm 5.7.7

1707 - Ludwig Georg Simpert 6.6.4

1761 - August Georg Simpert 5.8.3

1771 - Karl Friedrich 5.8.3

1811 - Karl II 7.6.4

1818 - Ludwig I 7.7.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Munchen, Munchen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Bavarian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Engineer Corps

National Bank



Battlefield Commissions

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1438 - Albrecht II 5.5.5

1460 - Johann IV 4.3.4

1463 - Sigmund 3.3.3

1467 - Albrecht IV der Weise 8.6.5

1508 - Wilhelm IV 7.4.5

1550 - Albrecht V 5.6.3

1579 - Wilhelm V 7.4.4

1597 - Maximilian I 5.7.3

1651 - Ferdinand Maria 7.5.6

1679 - Maximilian II Emanuel 7.6.5

1726 - Karl Albert 5.6.4

1745 - Maximilian III Joseph 3.4.6

1777 - Karl Theodor 6.7.3

1799 - Maximilian IV 8.8.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Prag, Bohemia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Czech

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Engineer Corps

Patron of Art

Grand Army

National Bank


Battlefield Commissions

Scientific Revolution

Glorious Arms


Leaders : 1439 - Vladislav I Pohrobek 6.6.5

1457 - Jiriz Podebrad 8.6.5

1471 - Vladislav II 5.7.5

1516 - Ludvik II 6.6.5

1526 - Ferdinand I 7.6.7

1562 - Maximilian II 5.7.5

1576 - Rudolf II 7.6.5

1612 - Mathias 5.5.3

1619 - Ferdinand II 5.4.5

1637 - Ferdinand III 7.4.8

1656 - Luitpold I 7.7.8

1705 - Josef I 6.4.6

1711 - Karl VI 7.6.6

1740 - Maria-Theresa 8.8.7

1780 - Josef II 8.9.7

1790 - Luitpold II 6.5.5

1792 - Franz II 5.7.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Sarajevo, Bosnia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Serbian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1443 - Stjepan Tomas 3.3.5

1461 - Stjepan Tomasevic 3.3.3

1463 - Stjepan Vukcic 5.4.3

1466 - Vladislav 5.5.4

1476 - Vlatko 5.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Bourges, Bourbon Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -5

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Occitain

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonist Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1434 - Charles 6.6.6

1456 - Jean II 6.5.4

1488 - Charles II 5.7.4

1503 - Suzanne I 6.6.4

1521 - Charles III 7.4.4

1527 - Charles IV 5.5.5

1537 - Antoine I 6.5.4

1562 - Henri I 8.8.8

1610 - Cesar de Vendome 6.5.4

1665 - Louis II de Vendome 6.6.6

1669 - Louis Joseph 4.7.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Hertogenbosch, Breda Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Dutch

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Berlin, Brandenburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Saxon

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1440 - Friedrich II 6.6.5

1470 - Albrecht Achilles 5.5.4

1486 - Johann Cicero 5.8.7

1499 - Joachim I Nestor 6.8.5

1535 - Joachim II Hektor 6.5.5

1571 - Johann Georg 5.9.6

1598 - Joachim Friedrich 8.4.6

1608 - Johann Sigismund 6.5.5

1619 - Georg Wilhelm 8.8.6

1640 - Friedrich Wilhelm 7.8.8

1688 - Friedrich I 9.7.7




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Bremen, Bremen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army

Military Drills

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1441 - Gerhard II 4.5.4

1463 - Heinrich II 4.6.5

1496 - Johann III Rode 6.6.6

1511 - Cristoph I 4.5.5

1558 - Georg I 6.6.4

1566 - Heinrich II 5.6.4

1585 - Johann Adolf I 6.5.5

1596 - Johann Friedrich I 6.7.6

1634 - Friedrich II 5.7.4

1648 - Heinrich von Coppeln 5.5.5

1649 - Statius Speeckhahn 5.4.4

1654 - Wilhelm von Bentheim 5.6.5

1679 - Kaspar Barkey 4.4.4

1690 - Friedrich K. Tileman 5.6.4

1721 - Johann von Reden 6.5.6

1725 - Liborius von Line 5.4.4

1728 - Hieronymus Alers 5.6.3

1731 - Heinrich Smit 4.5.4

1736 - Daniel von Buren 7.5.5

1749 - Volhard Mindemann 7.7.5

1781 - Albrecht Groning 3.4.4

1781 - Martin Eelking 4.4.4

1782 - Gerhard von dem Busch 6.5.4

1798 - Jakob Bruels 6.5.4

1803 - Heinrich Lampe 6.6.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Nantes, Vendee Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Breton

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1450 - Pierre II 5.5.6

1457 - Artur III 6.5.7

1458 - Francois II 6.6.4

1488 - Anne I 8.7.4

1514 - Claude I 5.5.5

1524 - Francois III 6.5.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Luneburg, Luneburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1432 - Heinrich 5.5.5

1473 - Wilhelm I 5.5.5

1482 - Wilhelm II 5.5.5

1503 - Heinrich I 5.5.5

1514 - Heinrich II der Jungere 5.5.5

1568 - Julius 5.5.5

1589 - Heinrich Julius 5.5.5

1613 - Friedrich Ulrich 5.5.5

1634 - Julius Ernst 5.5.5

1635 - August 5.5.5

1666 - Rudolf August 5.5.5

1704 - Anton Ulrich 5.5.5

1714 - August Wilhelm 5.5.5

1731 - Ludwig Rudolf 5.5.5

1735 - Ferdinand Albrecht 5.5.5

1735 - Karl I 5.5.5

1780 - Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Sofia, Bulgaria Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Bulgarian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drill


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Dijon, Bourgogne Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = -5

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Burgundian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1419 - Philippe III 8.8.8

1467 - Charles I 5.3.7

1477 - Marie I 6.7.5

1482 - Philippe IV 3.3.3

1506 - Charles II 7.8.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Valladolid, Castilla La Vieja Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : Quest for the New World

Divine Supremacy

Colonial Ventures


Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Bank

Excellent Shipwrights


Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1406 - Juan II 4.4.5

1454 - Enrique IV 3.3.3

1474 - Isabel I 8.9.6

1504 - Juana I 3.3.3

1504 - Felipe I 3.3.3

1506 - Fernando V 7.9.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Barcelona, Barcelona Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 4

Offensive / Defensive = 4

Land / Naval = 4

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Catalan

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Church Attendance Duty

Superior Seamanship

Divine Supremacy

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Bank


National Trade Policy


Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Reims, Champagne Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Cosmopolitan French

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Koln, Koln Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drills

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1414 - Dietrich von Mors 7.4.4

1463 - Ruprecht von der Pfalz 6.6.4

1480 - Hermann IV von Hessen 3.5.7

1508 - Phillip II 5.7.6

1515 - Hermann V 3.4.3

1546 - Adolf II 7.5.4

1556 - Anton 6.7.7

1558 - Johan Gebhard I 4.7.4

1562 - Friedrich IV 3.7.3

1567 - Salentin 5.3.6

1577 - Gebhard II 7.4.3

1583 - Ernst 3.4.5

1612 - Ferdinand 3.5.6

1650 - Maximilan Heinrich 5.5.6

1688 - Joseph Clemens 6.5.4

1723 - Klemens August I 7.4.4

1761 - Maximilian Friedrich 4.4.4

1784 - Maximilian Franz 5.3.3

1801 - Anton Viktor 3.3.3

1806 - Joachim Murat 5.5.8

1809 - Ludwig Bonaparte 6.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Galway, Connaught Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Irish

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1439 - Tadgh V 5.5.6

1464 - Cathal VII 6.4.5

1465 - Feidlimid II 3.5.3

1466 - Brian II 3.6.4

1478 - Feldlimid III 3.5.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Corfu, Corfu Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : 1448 - Leonardo II 4.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Exeter, Cornwall Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Bastia, Corsica Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = 4

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1736 - Tiadoru I 8.4.4

1753 - Clemente Paoli 4.5.3

1755 - Pasquale Paoli 6.7.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Heraklion, Crete Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Greek

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : None?




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Salaciq, Crimea Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Tartar

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1419 - Hajji I 6.6.6

1466 - Nur Daulet I 3.3.5

1468 - Mangli 4.6.6

1475 - Nur Daulet 3.3.5

1479 - Jani Beg I 3.3.5

1480 - Mangli 4.6.6

1515 - Muhammad I 4.5.7

1523 - Sa'adat I 6.5.3

1532 - Sahib I 7.7.6

1552 - Dawlat I 5.5.7

1577 - Muhammad II 3.5.5

1584 - Ghazi II 5.4.6

1608 - Muhammad III 4.7.4

1627 - Jani Beg II 5.5.3

1635 - Muhammad IV 4.7.4

1666 - Salim I 3.8.6

1704 - Qaplan I 3.5.4

1736 - Salim II 3.4.3

1748 - Arslan 4.7.5

1767 - Maqsud 4.5.3

1772 - Dawlat II 4.4.4

1777 - Shahin 4.5.5

1782 - Bahadur II 6.4.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Zagreb, Croatia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Croatian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Grand Army


Glorious Arms

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1446 - John Hunyadi 5.5.5

1454 - Laszlo Hunyadi 5.5.5

1456 - Herman II 5.5.5

1464 - Mirko Zapoljski 5.5.5

1466 - Ivan Thuz 5.5.5

1470 - Blaz Madar Podmanicki 5.5.5

1472 - Damjan Horvat 5.5.5

1499 - Herceg Ivan Korvin 5.5.5

1508 - Ivan Ernust 5.5.5

1512 - Mirko Perenyi 5.5.5

1521 - Ivan Karlovic 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Nicosia, Cyprus Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Cosmopolitan French

National Ideas : Deus Vult

National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Glorious Arms

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1432 - Jean II 6.5.5

1458 - Charlotte 4.3.3

1460 - Jacques II 6.4.7

1473 - Jacques III 5.5.5

1474 - Caterina Cornero 6.7.5

1487 - The Cypriot Council 4.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Grenoble, Dauphine Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Occitain

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Kobenhavn, Sjaelland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 1

Technology Group = Latic

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Danish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Bank

Grand Army


Bill of Rights


Leaders : 1448 - Christian I 5.4.4

1481 - Hans 4.6.7

1513 - Christian II 4.4.3

1523 - Frederik I 6.6.7

1533 - Christian III 7.7.6

1559 - Frederik II 7.6.6

1588 - Christian IV 4.7.3

1648 - Frederik III 3.3.6

1670 - Christian V 4.6.5

1699 - Frederik IV 6.5.5

1730 - Christian VI 6.6.4

1746 - Frederik V 4.6.6

1766 - Christian VII 3.3.3

1808 - Frederik VI 3.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = London, London Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Quest for the New World

Colonial Ventures

National Bank


Sea Hawks

Smithian Economics


Leaders : 1422 - Henry VI 3.3.3

1461 - Edward IV 6.5.7

1470 - Henry VI 3.3.3

1471 - Edward IV 7.6.7

1483 - Edward V 3.3.5

1483 - Richard III 4.7.6

1485 - Henry VII 5.7.5

1509 - Henry VIII 7.7.7

1547 - Edward VI 3.5.4

1553 - Jane I 6.4.5

1553 - Mary I 4.4.3

1558 - Elizabeth I 9.9.8

1603 - James I 5.6.4

1625 - Charles I 5.6.5

1646 - Oliver Cromwell 8.8.9

1658 - Richard Cromwell 3.3.3

1659 - Convention Parliament 5.5.5

1660 - Charles II 6.5.3

1685 - James II 5.5.6

1688 - Convention Parliament 5.5.5

1689 - William III 6.8.8

1702 - Anne I 8.6.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Ferrara, Ferrara Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Church Attendance Duty

Divine Supremacy

National Conscripts

National Bank

Engineer Corps

Shrewd Commerce Practice



Leaders : 1450 - Borso 6.7.5

1471 - Ercole I 8.6.6

1505 - Alfonso I 8.7.6

1534 - Ercole II 5.4.4

1559 - Alfonso II 7.5.4

1597 - Cesare V 3.3.5

1628 - Alfonso III 5.4.5

1629 - Francesco I 5.5.3

1658 - Alfonso IV 4.6.4

1662 - Francesco II 3.5.4

1694 - Rinaldo III 5.3.5

1737 - Francesco III 4.3.6

1780 - Ercole III 5.3.5

1796 - Ferdinando 3.6.3

1806 - Francesco IV 4.3.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Abo, Finland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Finnish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Bank

Grand Army


Bill of Rights


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Antwerpen, Vlaanderen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Flemish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Pau, Bearn Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 1

Offensive / Defensive = 4

Land / Naval = -4

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Gascon

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1436 - Gaston IV 7.7.6

1472 - Francois I Phebus 7.7.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Paris, Ile-De-France Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Cosmopolitan French

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drills

Quest for the New World

National Bank

Divine Supremacy

Grand Army

Colonial Ventures


Scientific Revolution



Leaders : 1422 - Charles VII 7.5.7

1461 - Louis XI 7.6.5

1483 - Charles VIII 7.5.9

1498 - Louis XII 5.6.8

1515 - Francois I 8.5.9

1547 - Henri II 7.6.6

1559 - Francois II 3.3.4

1560 - Charles IX 4.4.3

1574 - Henri III 8.4.4

1589 - Henri IV 9.9.9

1610 - Louis XIII 6.6.7

1643 - Louis XIV 6.8.9

1715 - Louis XV 5.5.6

1774 - Louis XVI 7.3.7

1792 - La Convention Nationale 6.3.7

1795 - La Directoire 6.3.7

1799 - Napoleon I 9.6.9




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Groningen, Frysland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Dutch

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Military Drills

National Trade Policy

Superior Seamanship

Quest for the New World

Colonial Ventures

National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1453 - Fryske friheid 4.4.4

1498 - Albrecht I fan Saksen 4.4.4

1500 - Hendrik I 4.4.4

1504 - George I mei de Burd 4.4.4

1515 - Karel I fan Boergonje 8.7.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Arnhem, Gelre Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Dutch

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1423 - Arnold I 6.6.6

1465 - Adolf I 5.4.6

1471 - Arnold I 6.6.6

1473 - Karel I de Stoute 5.3.7

1477 - Adolf I 5.4.6

1477 - Maria I van Bourgondie 6.7.5

1477 - Maximiliaan I 5.7.5

1482 - Filips I de Schone 3.3.3

1492 - Karel II 5.6.6

1538 - Willem II de Rijke 5.6.4




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Genoa, Liguria Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Superior Seamanship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

Excellent Shipwrights

Patron of Art

National Trade Policy

Naval Fighting Instruction

National Bank



Leaders : 1450 - Pietro de Campofregoso 6.5.7

1458 - Lodovico de Campofregoso 6.5.7

1463 - Prospero Adorno 6.5.7

1478 - Battista de Campofregoso 6.5.7

1483 - Giano de Campofregoso 7.5.6

1488 - Gian Galeazzo 6.5.7

1499 - Philippe de Ravenstein 6.5.7

1506 - Paolo da Nova 6.5.7

1507 - Rodolphe de Lannoy 6.5.7

1512 - Giano Maria Fregoso 6.5.7

1513 - Ottariano do Campogregosi 6.5.7

1528 - Oberto Cattaneo 7.8.9

1531 - Battista Spinola 7.8.9

1533 - Battista Lomellino 7.8.9

1535 - Cristiforo Grimaldi 7.8.9

1537 - Giovanni Doria 7.8.9

1539 - Andrea Giustiniani 7.8.9

1541 - Leonardo Catteneo 7.8.9

1543 - Andrea Centurione 7.8.9

1545 - Giovanni Fornari 7.8.9

1547 - Benedetto Gentile 7.8.9

1549 - Gaspari Grimaldi 7.8.9

1551 - Luca Spinola 7.8.9

1553 - Giacomo Promontorio 7.8.9

1555 - Agostino Pinelli 7.8.9

1557 - Pietro Chiavica 7.8.9

1559 - Gerlamo Vivaldi 7.8.9

1561 - Battista Cicala 7.8.9

1563 - Givanni Lercari 7.8.9

1565 - Ottavio Odorico 6.7.9

1567 - Simone Spinola 6.7.9

1569 - Paolo Giustiniani 6.7.9

1571 - Gianotto Lomellini 6.7.9

1573 - Giacomo Durazzo 6.7.9

1575 - Prospero Centurione 6.7.9

1577 - Giovanni Gentile 6.7.9

1579 - Nicolo Doria 6.7.9

1581 - Gerolamo de Franchi 6.7.9

1583 - Gerolama Chiavari 6.7.9

1585 - Ambrogio de Negro 6.7.9

1587 - Davide Vacca 6.7.9

1589 - Battista Negrone 6.7.9

1591 - Giovanni Giustiniani 6.7.7

1593 - Antonio Grimaldi 6.7.7

1595 - Matteo Senarega 6.7.7

1597 - Lazzaro Grimaldi 6.7.7

1599 - Lorenzo Sauli 6.7.7

1601 - Agostino Doria 6.7.7

1603 - Pietro de Franchi 7.4.3

1605 - Luca Grimaldi 7.4.3

1607 - Gerolamo Asserato 7.4.3

1609 - Agostino Pinello 7.4.3

1611 - Alessandro Giustiniani 7.4.3

1613 - Tomaso Spinola 7.4.3

1615 - Bernardo Clavarezza 7.4.3

1617 - Giovanni Imperiale 7.4.3

1619 - Pietro Durazzo 7.4.3

1621 - Giorgio Centurione 7.4.3

1623 - Frederico di Franchi 7.4.3

1625 - Giacomo Lomellino 7.4.3

1627 - Giovanni Chiavari 7.4.3

1629 - Andrea Spinola 7.4.3

1631 - Lonardo della Torre 7.4.3

1633 - Giovanni Doira 7.4.3

1635 - Giovanni Brignole 7.4.3

1637 - Agostino Pallavicini 7.4.3

1639 - Giovanno Durazzo 7.5.7

1641 - Agostino de Marini 7.5.7

1642 - Giovanni Lercani 7.5.7

1644 - Luca Guistiniani 7.5.7

1646 - Giovanni Battista 7.5.7

1648 - Giacomo de Franchi 7.5.7

1650 - Agostino Centurione 7.5.7

1652 - Gerolamo de Franchi 7.5.7

1654 - Allesandro Spinola 7.5.7

1656 - Giulio Sauli 7.5.7

1658 - Giovanni Centurione 7.5.7

1660 - Gian Frugoni 7.5.7

1661 - Antoniotto Invrea 7.5.7

1663 - Stefano de Mari 7.5.7

1665 - Cesare Durazzo 7.5.7

1667 - Cesaro Gentile 7.5.7

1669 - Francesco Garbarino 7.4.3

1671 - Allesandro Grimaldi 7.4.3

1673 - Agostino Saluzzo 7.4.3

1675 - Antonio da Passano 7.4.3

1677 - Giannettino Odone 7.4.3

1679 - Agostino Spinola 7.4.3

1681 - Luca Invrea 7.4.3

1683 - Francesco Imperiale 7.4.3

1685 - Pietro Durazzo 7.4.3

1687 - Luca Spinalo 7.4.3

1689 - Oberto Della Torre 7.4.3

1691 - Giovanni Cattaneo 7.4.3

1693 - Francesco Invrea 7.4.3

1695 - Bendinelli Negrone 7.4.3

1697 - Francesco Sauli 5.3.3

1699 - Gerolamo de Mari 5.3.3

1701 - Federico de Franchi 5.3.3

1703 - Antonio Grimaldi 5.3.3

1705 - Stefano Ferreti 5.3.3

1707 - Domenico de Mari 5.3.3

1709 - Vincenzo Durazzo 5.3.3

1711 - Francesco Imperiale 5.3.3

1713 - Giovanni Giustiniani 5.3.3

1715 - Lorenzo Centurione 4.6.4

1717 - Benedetto Viale 4.6.4

1719 - Ambrogio Imperiale 4.6.4

1721 - Cesare de Franchi 4.6.4

1723 - Doemico Negrone 4.6.4

1726 - Gerolamo Veneroso 4.6.4

1728 - Luca Grimaldi 4.6.4

1730 - Francesco Balbi 4.6.4

1732 - Domenico Spinola 4.6.4

1734 - Gianstefano Durazzo 4.6.4

1736 - Nicolo Cattaneo 4.6.4

1738 - Constantino Balbi 4.6.4

1740 - Nicolo Spinola 4.6.4

1742 - Dominco Canevaro 4.6.4

1744 - Lorenzo de Mari 4.6.4

1746 - Giovanni Brignole 4.6.4

1748 - Cesare Cattaneo 4.6.4

1750 - Agostino Viale 4.6.4

1752 - Giovanni Grimaldi 4.6.4

1754 - Gian Venerso 4.6.4

1756 - Gian Grimaldi 4.6.6

1758 - Matteo Franzoni 4.6.6

1760 - Agostino Lomellio 4.6.6

1762 - Rodolfo Brignole 4.6.6

1765 - Maria Rovere 4.6.6

1767 - Marcello Durazzo 4.6.6

1769 - Giovanni Negrone 4.6.6

1771 - Ferdinando Spinola 4.6.6

1772 - Alessandro Grimaldi 4.6.6

1775 - Brizio Giustiniani 4.6.6

1777 - Giuseppe Lomellini 4.6.6

1779 - Giacomo Brignole 4.6.6

1781 - Marco Gentile 4.6.6

1783 - Giovanni Ayroli 4.6.6

1785 - Gian Pallavicini 4.6.6

1787 - Raffaele de Ferrari 4.6.6

1789 - Alerame Pallavicini 4.6.6

1791 - Michelangelo Cambiaso 4.6.6

1793 - Giuseppe Maria Doria 4.4.4

1795 - Giacomo Brignole 4.4.4

1797 - Ligurian Republic 4.4.4

1802 - Girolamo Durazzo 4.4.4

1805 - Girolamo Serra 4.4.4




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = T'bilisi, Kartli Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Georgian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drills

Merchant Adventures

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Grand Navy

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1446 - Giorgi VII 3.3.6

1465 - Bagrat VI 3.4.6

1478 - Konstantine III 6.5.5

1505 - Davit III 5.6.5

1524 - Girogi IX 5.4.4

1534 - Luarsab I 6.5.7

1723 - Iese 3.4.3

1727 - Konstantine IV of Kakheti 7.6.6

1732 - Teimuraz II 8.7.7

1762 - Irakli II 8.8.9

1798 - Giorgi XII 3.3.5

1801 - Davit X 4.5.4

1819 - Ioane 3.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Berlin, Brandenburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Prussian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

Humanist Tolerance

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Visby, Gotland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Swedish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Bank

Grand Army


Bill of Rights


Leaders : None?


*Great Britain*


Government = Constitutional Monarchy

Capital = London, London Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 5

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Protestant

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

Quest for the New World

Colonial Ventures

National Bank


Sea Hawks

Smithian Economics


Leaders : 1702 - Anne I 6.8.7

1714 - George I 6.6.8

1727 - George II 7.6.7

1760 - George III 4.4.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Athens, Athens Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Greek

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Bergerac, Perigord Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Aquitaine

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Mons, Hainaut Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Wallonian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Hamburg, Hamburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1453 - Der Volksrat 5.5.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Braunschweig, Hannover Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1636 - Georg 5.5.5

1641 - Christian Ludwig 4.3.7

1648 - Georg II Wilhelm 7.5.6

1665 - Johann Friedrich 8.7.6

1679 - Ernst August 7.6.6

1698 - Georg I Ludwig 6.5.5

1727 - Georg II 7.6.7

1760 - Georg III 4.4.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Kassel, Hessen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hessian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1413 - Ludwig I 6.5.5

1458 - Ludwig II 6.6.3

1471 - Wilhelm I 7.5.5

1493 - Wilhelm II 4.4.6

1509 - Philipp I 3.6.7

1567 - Wilhelm IV 3.6.6

1592 - Moritz 4.4.3

1627 - Wilhelm V 6.7.4

1637 - Wilhelm VI 3.4.6

1663 - Wilhelm VII 6.7.7

1670 - Karl I 3.3.7

1730 - Friedrich I 5.7.4

1751 - Wilhelm VIII 5.6.3

1760 - Friedrich II 6.6.5

1785 - Wilhelm IX 6.6.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Amsterdam, Holland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 4

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Dutch

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Superior Seamanship

National Trade Policy

Quest for the New World

Colonial Ventures

Naval Fighting Instruction

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Tibe, Slesvig Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Bank

Grand Army


Bill of Rights


Leaders : 1427 - Adolf VIII 6.6.6

1459 - Christian I 4.4.5

1481 - Hans 4.6.7

1513 - Christian II 4.4.3

1523 - Friedrich I 6.6.7

1533 - Christian III 7.7.6

1544 - Adolf IX 5.5.5

1586 - Friedrich II 5.5.5

1587 - Philipp 5.5.5

1590 - Johann Adolf 5.5.5

1616 - Friedrich III 5.5.5

1659 - Christian Albrecht 5.5.5

1695 - Friedrich VI 5.5.5

1702 - Karl Friedrich 5.5.5

1739 - Karl Peter Ulrich 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Buda, Szolnok Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hungarian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1444 - Laszlo VI 6.6.5

1457 - Matyas Corvin 7.8.8

1490 - Ulaszlo II 3.6.4

1516 - Lajos II 4.5.3

1526 - Janos I Zapolya 7.6.5

1540 - Janos II Zapolya 4.5.5

1571 - Istvan Bathory 8.5.9

1576 - Christofer Bathory 4.5.5

1581 - Sigismund Bathory 4.5.5

1599 - Mihai Viteazul 7.9.9

1602 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1605 - Istvan Bocskai 5.5.6

1606 - Gabor Bathory 7.6.5

1613 - Gabor Bethlen 7.8.7

1629 - Gyorgy I Rakoczy 5.5.6

1648 - Gyorgy II Rakoczy 6.4.5

1665 - Ferenc I Rakoczy 6.3.4

1691 - Ferenc II Rakoczy 7.8.7


*Irish Munster*


Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Cork, Munster Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Irish

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1446 - Turlough IV 4.5.5

1459 - Tadhg IV 6.5.5

1460 - Donnchad VIII 4.5.3

1466 - Conchobar IV 7.6.4

1496 - Turlough V 4.5.4

1498 - Turlough VI 7.4.5

1528 - Conchobar V 5.3.3

1539 - Muireadhach II 6.6.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Dublin, Meath Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Irish

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1641 - Aedh XIV mac Eoghain 4.4.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Roma, Roma Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy

National Bank


Military Drills

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Dusseldorf, Berg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1448 - Johann I 6.6.4

1481 - Johann II 6.6.7

1521 - Johann III 6.6.6

1539 - Wilhelm der Reiche 7.3.4

1592 - Johann Wilhelm 4.7.3




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Medina, Malta Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 5

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Maltese

National Ideas : Deus Vult

National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Grand Army

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Glorious Arms

Engineer Corps

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1421 - Anton Flavian de Ripa 6.5.5

1437 - Jean Bonpar de Lastic 4.4.6

1454 - Jaques de Milly 4.4.4

1461 - Peter Raimund Zacosta 3.4.5

1467 - Gainbattista Orsini 4.5.5

1476 - Pierre d'Aubusson 7.7.7

1503 - Emeric d'Amboise 4.4.4

1512 - Guy de Blanchefort 4.4.4

1513 - Fabrizio Di Caretto 5.4.5

1521 - Phillipe de L'Isle Adam 7.7.8

1534 - Pietro del Ponte 4.4.4

1535 - Didier de Sainte-Jaille 4.4.4

1536 - Juan de Omedes 4.4.4

1553 - Claude de La Sangle 5.5.6

1557 - Jean de La Valette 8.6.8

1568 - Pietro del Monte 4.5.5

1572 - Jean de La Cassiere 3.4.5

1582 - Hughes de Verdalle 5.5.5

1595 - Martin Garzes 5.4.5

1601 - Alofe de Wingacourt 6.4.6

1622 - Luis de Vasconcellos 4.3.4

1623 - Antoine de Paule 4.4.4

1636 - Jean-Paul de Castellar 4.8.5

1657 - Martin de Redin 6.3.6

1660 - Annett de Clermont-Gessan 3.3.3

1660 - Raphael Cotoner 4.4.4

1663 - Nicolas Cotoner 3.4.5

1680 - Gergoria Carafa 4.3.4

1690 - Adrien de Wignacourt 4.4.4

1697 - Ramon Perellos y Rocaful 6.4.5

1720 - Marc'Antonio Zondadori 4.4.4

1722 - Antoine Manoel de Vilhena 6.4.5

1736 - Raymond Despuigh 4.3.4

1741 - Manuel Pinto de Fonseca 3.3.4

1773 - Francisco de Tejada 3.3.4

1775 - Emmanuel de Rohan-Polduc 7.7.8

1797 - Fredinand von Hampesch 3.3.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Mitau, Kurland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Old Prussian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


National Bank

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Leaders : 1400 - The Grandmasters 4.5.5

1562 - Gotthard 5.4.5

1587 - Friedrich 5.5.6

1641 - Jakob 6.5.8

1681 - Friedrich Kasimir 4.5.6

1698 - Friedrich Wilhelm 4.7.6

1711 - Anna Ivanova 5.5.5

1737 - Ernst Johann 3.5.3

1740 - The High Council 5.5.5

1758 - Karl Christian Joseph 4.3.3

1763 - Ernst Johann 3.5.3

1769 - Peter 4.6.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Chester, Lancashire

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?


*La Plata*


Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Rio de la Plata, Rio de la Plata Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -5

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drills

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Deus Vult

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

Grand Army


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Waterford, Leinster Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Irish

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1417 - Donnchad 4.5.5

1455 - Donal VIII 3.4.3

1478 - Murchad IV 5.6.6

1512 - Art III 4.7.5

1517 - Gearoid I 5.6.5

1523 - Muiris I 5.4.7

1531 - Cathaoir I 4.3.3

1532 - Muiris I 5.4.7

1547 - Chataoir II 3.3.4

1554 - Murchadh V 6.4.7

1557 - Criomhthann I 7.5.4

1595 - Donal IX 5.5.5




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Liege, Liege Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Wallonian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1419 - Jean VIII 5.5.5

1455 - Louis I de Bourbon 5.5.5

1482 - Jeax IX 5.5.5

1506 - Erard I 5.5.5

1538 - Corneille I 5.5.5

1544 - Georges I 5.5.5

1557 - Robert II 5.5.5

1563 - Gerard I 5.5.5

1580 - Ernest I 4.3.5

1612 - Ferdinand I 5.3.6

1650 - Maximilien-Henri I 5.5.6

1688 - Jean-Louis I 5.5.5

1694 - Joseph-Clement I 5.6.4

1723 - Georges-Louis I 5.5.5

1743 - Jean-Theodore I 5.5.5

1763 - Charles-Nicolas I 5.5.5

1771 - Francois-Charles I 5.5.5

1784 - Cesar-Constantin I 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Vilnius, Lithuania Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = -3

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lithuanian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


National Bank

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Leaders : 1440 - Kazimieras 7.7.4

1492 - Aleksandras I 6.3.3

1506 - Zygimantas I Stary 6.6.4

1548 - Zygimantas II August 6.6.4

1568 - Mikolaj I 8.8.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Nancy, Lothringen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -4

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Burgundian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World




Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1452 - Jean II 4.7.5

1470 - Nicolas I 4.7.5

1473 - Rene II 4.7.5

1508 - Antoine I 7.4.7

1544 - Francois I 7.7.6

1545 - Charles II 9.8.7

1608 - Henri I 7.6.6

1625 - Charles IV 5.3.3

1625 - Francois II 3.3.3

1625 - Charles IV 5.3.3

1634 - Nicolas II 4.4.4

1641 - Charles IV 5.3.3

1675 - Charles V Leopold 4.7.3

1690 - Leopold I Joseph 5.4.3

1729 - Francois III Ettiene 3.4.6

1736 - Stanislas I 8.5.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Luneberg, Luneberg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1445 - Friedrich 5.6.4

1457 - Bernhard II 4.3.3

1464 - Otto II 3.4.5

1471 - Heinrich II 6.4.7

1521 - Ernst I 5.3.4

1592 - Ernst II 3.7.5

1611 - Christian 5.5.5

1633 - August 4.5.5

1636 - Friedrich 5.5.5

1648 - Christian Ludwig 4.3.7

1665 - Georg II Wilhelm 7.5.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Luxemburg, Luxemburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Wallonian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Madgeburg, Altmark Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Saxon

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drills

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1445 - Friedrich II 5.6.4

1464 - Johann I 5.4.6

1475 - Interregnum 4.4.4

1479 - Enrst I 5.4.5

1489 - Adolf I 5.6.6

1513 - Albrecht I 7.6.5

1545 - Johann Albrecht I 5.6.4

1551 - Friedrich III 5.5.5

1552 - Sigismund I 6.6.6

1566 - Joachim Friedrich I 6.5.6

1598 - Christian Wilhelm I 6.5.4

1635 - August I 4.4.3




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Mainz, Mainz Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drills

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1434 - Dietrich I 5.6.6

1459 - Dietrich II 5.4.7

1461 - Adolf II 6.5.5

1475 - Dietrich II 5.4.7

1482 - Albrecht I 4.4.5

1484 - Berthold I 7.6.5

1504 - Jakob I 6.3.3

1508 - Uriel I 5.6.4

1514 - Albrecht II 5.5.6

1545 - Sebastian I 4.6.6

1555 - Daniel Brendel 6.6.4

1582 - Wolfgang I 6.4.3

1601 - Johann Adam 4.4.3

1604 - Johann Schweikhard 5.5.6

1626 - Georg Friedrich 5.4.3

1629 - Anselm Kasimir 7.6.6

1647 - Johann Philipp 6.5.5

1673 - Lothar Friedrich 4.4.4

1675 - Damian Hartrad 3.4.4

1678 - Karl Heinrich 6.4.5

1679 - Anselm Franz 6.5.6

1695 - Lothar Franz 7.5.6

1729 - Franz Ludwig 4.7.5

1732 - Philipp Karl 4.4.5

1743 - Johann Friedrich 6.6.5

1763 - Emmerich Josef 6.7.3

1774 - Friedrich Karl 4.4.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Mantova, Mantua Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Patron of Art

Deus Vult

National Conscripts

Engineer Corps

Divine Supremacy

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

National Bank

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1444 - Lodovico III il Turco 9.7.6

1478 - Frederigo I 7.9.4

1484 - Francesco II 7.6.4

1519 - Frederigo II 6.6.6

1540 - Francesco III 5.5.4

1550 - Guglielmo 6.6.4

1587 - Vincenzo I 8.8.4

1612 - Francesco IV 5.5.5

1626 - Vincenzo II 6.6.5

1627 - Carlo I 3.3.4

1637 - Carlo II 5.5.5

1665 - Carlo III 3.3.3

1708 - Giovanni 5.6.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Warsaw, Mazovia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Polish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Military Drills


National Bank

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Leaders : 1429 - Bolesaw IV 5.6.3

1454 - Konrad III Rudy 5.5.3

1503 - Stanislaw 3.3.3

1524 - Janusz III 3.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Lubeck, Lubeck Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Pommeranian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1438 - Heinrich I 6.5.5

1466 - Ulrich II 7.5.6

1471 - Heinrich II 4.5.4

1477 - Magnus I 4.6.7

1503 - Heinrich III 6.6.6

1552 - Johann Albrecht 3.5.6

1576 - Ulrich III 6.6.4

1585 - Johann IV 4.4.6

1592 - Adolf Friedrich I 6.7.7

1628 - Wallenstein 6.8.8

1631 - Adolf Friedrich I 6.7.7

1658 - Christian Ludwig I 5.5.5

1692 - Friedrich Wilhelm 4.7.4

1713 - Karl Leopold 3.5.5

1719 - Interrgnum 4.4.4

1728 - Christian Ludwig II 5.6.4

1756 - Friedrich der Fromme 7.5.6

1785 - Friedrich Franz I 5.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Milano, Lombardia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

National Bank


Engineer Corps

Scientific Revolution

Military Drills


Leaders : 1450 - Francesco I Sforza 8.8.8

1466 - Galeazzo Maria Sforza 8.4.6

1476 - Giovanni Galeazzo II 6.7.5

1494 - Ludovico the Moor 8.8.7

1508 - Ercole Massimiliano 5.7.4

1515 - Francesco II Maria 7.5.4

1535 - Milano City Council 5.7.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Modena, Modena Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

National Bank

National Conscripts

Engineer Corps

Military Drills

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1450 - Borso 6.7.5

1471 - Ercole I 8.6.6

1505 - Alfonso I 8.7.6

1534 - Ercole II 5.4.4

1559 - Alfonso II 7.5.4

1597 - Cesare V 3.3.5

1628 - Alfonso III 5.4.5

1629 - Francesco I 5.5.3

1658 - Alfonso IV 4.6.4

1662 - Francesco II 3.5.4

1694 - Rinaldo III 5.3.5

1737 - Francesco III 4.3.6

1780 - Ercole III 5.3.5

1796 - Ferdinando 3.6.3

1806 - Francesco IV 4.3.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Suceava, Bessarabia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Romanian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drills


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1451 - Petru II Aron 6.5.5

1457 - Stefan III cel Mare 8.7.8

1504 - Bogdan III 4.7.4

1517 - Petru Iv Rares 5.5.4

1546 - Ilias II 3.5.7

1551 - Alexandru IV 4.6.7

1568 - Ioan III cel Cumplit 4.6.7

1574 - Petru V Schiopul 4.6.6

1591 - Stefan VIII 4.6.3

1595 - Jeremia Movila 6.7.5

1606 - Constantain I Movila 7.3.4

1611 - Stefan IX Tomsa 6.7.5

1623 - Alenandru VIII Coronul 4.3.4

1633 - Vasile Lupu 4.6.6

1653 - Gheorge I Stefan 4.6.3

1658 - Stefan X Lupu 7.6.4

1661 - Eustratie Dabija 5.5.6

1665 - Gheorge III Duca 4.5.4

1684 - Constantain III Contemir 5.3.6

1693 - Constantain IV Duca 3.4.5

1703 - Mahai III Racovita 4.5.5

1709 - Dimitrie Cantomir 6.7.5

1711 - Nicolae Mavrogordato 6.7.5

1715 - Mahai III Racovita 4.5.5

1726 - Grigore I Ghica 3.4.4

1741 - Constantain V Movrogordato 6.5.3

1749 - Constantain VI Racovita 4.4.5

1757 - Grigore II Callamachi 4.6.4

1769 - Grigore III Ghica 5.3.4

1777 - Constantain VII Moruzi 5.4.5

1782 - Alexandru IX Movrucordat 5.6.6

1785 - Alexandru X Mavrucordat 5.4.3

1786 - Alexandru XI Ipsilanti 6.3.4

1792 - Mahai IV Sutu 3.5.6

1795 - Alexandru XII Callamachi 4.4.4

1799 - Constantain VIII Ipsilanti 5.3.7

1801 - Alexandru XIII Moruzi 4.3.4

1806 - Scarlat II Callimachi 6.7.6

1819 - Mahai V Sutu 4.3.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Zabljak, Zeta Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Serbian

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Divine Supremacy

National Conscripts

Deus Vult

Military Drills

Grand Army

Engineer Corps

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Glorious Arms


Leaders : 1435 - Stepan I 5.5.5

1465 - Jovan I 5.5.5

1490 - Djuradi IV 5.5.5

1496 - Stepan II 5.5.5

1498 - Jovan II 5.5.5

1515 - Djuradi V 5.5.5

1516 - Vavila 5.5.5

1520 - German II 5.5.5

1530 - Pavle 5.5.5

1532 - Vasilije I 5.5.5

1540 - Nikodim 5.5.5

1560 - Makrije 5.5.5

1561 - Rufim I 5.5.5

1569 - Pahomije II 5.5.5

1575 - Gerasim 5.5.5

1582 - Venjamin 5.5.5

1591 - Nikanor 5.5.5

1593 - Rufim II 5.5.5

1639 - Mardarija I 5.5.5

1649 - Visarion I 5.5.5

1659 - Mardarija II 5.5.5

1673 - Rufim III 5.5.5

1680 - Vasilije II 5.5.5

1685 - Visarion II 5.5.5

1694 - Sava I 5.5.5

1696 - Danilo I 5.5.5

1735 - Sava II 5.5.5

1782 - Petar I 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Nafpilo, Morea Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Greek

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : 1443 - Demetrios I 3.4.3




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Munster, Munster Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drills

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1450 - Walram I 5.6.6

1456 - Johann I 5.4.7

1466 - Heinrich III 6.5.5

1496 - Konrad I 5.4.7

1508 - Erich I 4.4.5

1522 - Friedrich II 7.6.5

1532 - Franz I 6.3.3

1553 - Wilhelm I 5.6.4

1557 - Bernhard I 5.5.6

1566 - Johann II 4.6.6

1573 - Johann Wilhelm 6.6.4

1585 - Ernst I 6.4.3

1612 - Ferdinand I 7.6.5

1650 - Christoph Bernhard 5.5.6

1678 - Ferdinand II 5.4.3

1683 - Maximilian Heinrich 7.6.6

1688 - Friedrich Christian 6.5.5

1706 - Franz Arnold Wolff 4.4.4

1718 - Klemens August 7.7.6

1761 - Maximilian Friedrich 6.6.3

1784 - Maximilian Franz 6.5.6




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Moskva, Moskva Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Quest for the New World

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Grand Army


Grand Navy


Leaders : 1434 - Vasily II Temny 6.4.5

1462 - Ivan III Veliky 6.7.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Pamploma. Navarra Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 4

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Basque

National Ideas : Superior Seamanship

Church Attendance Duty

Quest for the New World

Divine Supremacy

Colonial Ventures

National Conscripts


National Bank

Excellent Shipwrights

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1425 - Juan II 7.4.3

1479 - Leonor I 4.5.3

1479 - Francisco I Febo 3.4.3

1483 - Catalina I 3.4.3

1517 - Enrique II 6.7.4

1555 - Juana II 7.7.4

1572 - Enrique III 8.8.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Naxos, Naxos Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

National Conscripts


Military Drills

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Grand Army

National Bank


Leaders : 1453 - Guglielmo II 5.5.5

1463 - Francesco II 5.5.5

1463 - Giacomo II 5.5.5

1480 - Giovanni III 5.5.5

1494 - Francesco III 5.5.5

1511 - Giovanni IV 5.5.5

1564 - Giocomo IV 5.5.5

1566 - Giuseppe Nasi 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Amsterdam, Holland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 4

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Dutch

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

National Conscripts

Military Drills

Superior Seamanship

National Trade Policy

Quest for the New World

Colonial Ventures

Naval Fighting Instruction

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1559 - Willem I van Oranje 8.7.8

1584 - Staten Generaal 8.5.5

1585 - Maurits I van Nassau 8.8.9

1625 - Frederik Hendrik I 6.5.6

1647 - Willem II 8.6.6

1650 - Staten Generaal 8.8.7

1672 - Willem III 9.7.7

1702 - Staten Generaal 8.5.5

1747 - Willem IV 6.4.5

1751 - Willem V 6.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Nevers, Nevers Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 4

Land / Naval = -4

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Burgundian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1415 - Charles I 5.5.5

1464 - Jean II 5.5.5

1491 - Engelbert I 5.5.5

1506 - Charles II 5.5.5

1521 - Francois I 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Caen, Normandie Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Normand

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1465 - Charles 3.4.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Newcastle, Northumberland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None?




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Oslo, Akershus Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Norwegian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Military Drills

Glorious Arms

National Bank

Grand Army


Bill of Rights


Leaders : 1453 - Hans I 4.5.5

1466 - Magnus VIII 6.3.4

1485 - Sigurd IV 5.4.6

1530 - Hakon VII 3.7.8




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Novgorod, Novgorod Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 4

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

Quest for the New World

Military Drills

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army



Leaders : 1429 - Yeufimei II 6.7.5

1459 - Iona 6.5.5

1470 - Feodosi 6.5.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Oldenburg, Oldenburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hannoverian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1444 - Christian VI 5.5.5

1454 - Gerhand 5.6.6

1483 - Johann IV 5.4.7

1526 - Johann V 6.5.5

1529 - Anton I 6.6.4

1573 - Johann VI 4.7.5

1603 - Anton Gunther I 7.6.5

1667 - Friedrich I 6.3.3

1670 - Christian VII 5.6.4

1699 - Friedrich II 5.5.6

1730 - Christian VIII 4.6.6

1746 - Friedrich III 6.6.4

1766 - Christian IX 6.4.3

1773 - Paul I von Rubland 4.4.3

1785 - Wilhelm I 7.6.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Orleans, Orleanais Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -5

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 5

Land / Naval = 4

Quality / Quantity = -3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Cosmopolitan French

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drills

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1407 - Charles I 4.6.3

1465 - Louis II 5.6.8

1498 - Charles II 7.6.4

1545 - Regence 4.4.4

1549 - Louis III 3.3.3

1550 - Charles III 4.4.3

1560 - Henri Alexandre I 8.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Pfalz, Pfalz Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1449 - Friedrich I 5.5.7

1476 - Phillipp der Edelmutige 6.3.5

1508 - Ludwig V 7.5.6

1544 - Friedrich II der Weise 3.4.3

1556 - Otto Heinrich 3.4.7

1559 - Friedrich III der Fromme 3.7.3

1576 - Ludwig VI 5.4.5

1583 - Friedrich IV 3.7.5

1610 - Friedrich V 4.5.6

1623 - Maximilian 5.3.6

1648 - Karl I Ludwig 5.7.5

1680 - Karl II 3.3.3

1685 - Phillipp Wilhelm 3.6.7

1690 - Johann Wilhelm 4.3.4

1716 - Karl III Phillipp 7.6.7

1742 - Karl IV Theodor 6.3.7


*Papal State*


Government = Papacy

Capital = Roma, Roma Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Umbrian

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Divine Supremacy

Patron of Art

Military Drills

Deus Vult

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Bank

National Trade Policy

Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1447 - Nicolaus V 7.6.4

1455 - Callistus III 6.6.7

1458 - Pius II 7.5.4

1464 - Paulus II 7.7.4

1471 - Xystus IV 7.7.6

1484 - Innocentius VIII 4.7.4

1492 - Alexander VI 5.6.5

1503 - Pius III 5.5.4

1503 - Iulius II 4.7.5

1513 - Leo X 5.4.4

1522 - Hadrianus VI 6.3.3

1523 - Clemens VII 5.5.4

1534 - Paulus III 5.3.4

1550 - Iulius III 5.6.3

1555 - Marcellus II 6.3.3

1555 - Paulus IV 4.4.4

1559 - Pius IV 3.4.4

1565 - Pius V 5.3.4

1572 - Gregorius XIII 5.5.4

1585 - Xystus V 6.6.3

1590 - Urbanus VII 8.6.4

1590 - Gregorius XIV 6.6.4

1591 - Innocentius IX 4.4.4

1592 - Clemens VIII 5.4.3

1605 - Leo XI 6.8.5

1605 - Paulus V 3.5.4

1621 - Gregorius XV 5.4.3

1623 - Urbanus VIII 6.4.5

1644 - Innocentius X 5.4.4

1655 - Alexander VII 5.4.5

1667 - Clemens IX 5.3.4

1669 - Clemens X 5.3.4

1676 - Innocentius XI 5.3.5

1689 - Alexander VIII 5.6.5

1691 - Innocentius XII 5.3.4

1700 - Clemens XI 5.6.4

1721 - Innocentius XIII 4.3.4

1724 - Benedictus XIII 5.4.5

1730 - Clemens XII 4.6.4

1740 - Benedictus XIV 4.5.4

1758 - Clemens XIII 3.4.4

1769 - Clemens XIV 6.6.4

1774 - Pius VI 3.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Parma, Parma Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Divine Supremacy

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

National Bank

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy

Shrewd Commerce Practice



Leaders : 1545 - Pier Luigi 6.7.5

1547 - Ottavio 7.7.7

1586 - Alessandro 7.7.8

1592 - Ranuccio I 5.5.4

1622 - Odoardo I 7.6.5

1646 - Ranuccio II 6.7.5

1694 - Francesco 5.6.6

1727 - Antonio 4.7.5

1731 - Carlo I 8.7.6

1735 - Carlo di Habsburgo 7.6.6

1740 - Mario Teresa 8.8.7

1748 - Filippo I 7.7.7

1765 - Ferdinando I 5.6.5

1801 - Napoleone I 9.6.9

1814 - Mario Luigia 7.6.4




Government = None

Capital = None

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 0

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = None

Primary Culture = None

National Ideas : None


Leaders : None




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Pisa, Pisa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Excellent Shipwrights

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

Engineer Corps

National Bank

Smithian Economics


Leaders : 1494 - Simone Orlandi 5.7.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Krakow, Krakow Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Polish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Military Drill


National Bank

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Leaders : 1444 - Kazimierz IV 7.7.4

1492 - Jan I Olbracht 5.3.4

1501 - Aleksander I 6.3.3

1506 - Zygmunt I Stary 6.6.4

1548 - Zygmunt II August 6.6.4

1573 - Henryk I Walezy 4.4.4

1575 - Stefan I Batory 8.5.9

1587 - Zygmumt III Wasa 4.5.5

1632 - Wladyslaw IV Wasa 7.8.7

1648 - Jan II Kazimierz 3.6.4

1669 - Michal I Korybut 3.3.3

1674 - Jan III Sobieski 5.8.9

1697 - August II Mocny Sas 5.4.3

1700 - Stanislaw I Leszcynski 8.5.6

1733 - August III Sas 4.6.3

1764 - Stanislaw II Poniatowski 5.7.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Stettin, Hinterpommern Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Pommeranian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1451 - Ota III 5.4.6

1464 - Eryk II 4.5.6

1474 - Boguslaw X 7.6.5

1523 - Barnim XI 5.6.5

1569 - Barnim XII 4.5.5

1603 - Boguslaw XIII 5.5.4

1606 - Filip II 6.6.4

1618 - Franciszek I 4.4.4

1620 - Boguslaw XIV 6.4.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Lisboa, Lisboa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 4

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Portugese

National Ideas : Quest for the New World

Divine Supremacy

Superior Seamanship

Colonial Ventures


National Trade Policy

National Bank

Excellent Shipwrights

Scientific Revolution

Church Attendance Duty


Leaders : 1438 - Afonso V 6.6.5

1481 - Joao II 5.8.7

1495 - Manuel I 7.8.6

1521 - Joao III 4.8.4

1557 - Sebastiao I 5.5.7

1578 - Henrique I o Cardeal-Rei 5.5.5

1580 - Antonio I 7.6.7

1580 - Filipe I 7.6.7

1598 - Filipe II 5.4.4

1621 - Filipe III 6.7.3

1640 - Joao IV 6.8.6

1656 - Afonso VI 3.3.3

1667 - Pedro II 8.6.7

1706 - Joao V 5.5.6

1750 - Jose I 9.6.6

1777 - Maria I 3.4.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Aix-en-Provence, Provence Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = -1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = -3

Land / Naval = 4

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Cosmopolitan French

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drill

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1434 - Rene I 6.8.5

1480 - Charles III 3.5.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Konigsberg, Ostpreussen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Prussian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1449 - Ludwig von Erlichschausen 3.3.3

1467 - Heinrich Reuss von Plauen 5.6.5

1477 - Martin von Wetzhausen 5.5.6

1489 - Johann von Tiefen 4.4.3

1497 - Friedrich von Meissen 4.5.5

1510 - Albrecht 4.6.4

1568 - Albrecht Friedrich 4.5.4

1618 - Johann Sigismund 6.5.5

1619 - Georg Wilhelm 8.8.6

1640 - Friedrich Wilhelm 7.8.8

1688 - Friedrich I 9.7.7

1713 - Friedrich Wilhelm I 7.7.8

1740 - Friedrich II der Grobe 9.9.9

1786 - Friedrich Wilhelm II 4.7.5

1797 - Friedrich Wilhelm III 3.8.5




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Pskov, Pskov Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 2

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

Quest for the New World

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army



Leaders : 1447 - Vasili III Shuiski 5.4.3

1454 - Aleksandr VI Charorizhski 5.4.3

1460 - Ivan IV 5.4.3

1461 - Vladimir III 5.4.3

1463 - Ivan V 5.4.3

1466 - Fedor III Shuiski 6.5.5

1472 - Varoslav II Obolenski 3.3.3

1474 - Daniil II 3.3.4

1475 - Varoslav II Obolenski 3.3.3

1477 - Vasili IV Shuiski 3.3.5

1480 - Yaroslav II Obolenski 4.4.4

1488 - Semen 3.5.5

1491 - Vasili IV Shuiski 3.3.5

1496 - Aleksandr VI Rostovsky 4.4.3

1499 - Vasili V 3.3.3

1502 - Ivan VI Shuiski 4.5.3

1503 - Dmitri Rostinski 3.4.4

1507 - Ivan VII Repnin-Obolenski 3.3.3

1510 - Patriarch of Pskov 4.4.3


*Qasim Khanate*


Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Kasimov, Ryazan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy

Merchant Adventures



Leaders : 1452 - al-Qasim 5.5.5

1470 - Dan'yar 5.5.5

1486 - Nur Daula & Giray 5.5.5

1491 - Satilghan 5.5.5

1508 - Janay 5.5.5

1512 - Shaykh Auyliyar 5.5.5

1516 - Shah 'Ali 5.5.5

1521 - Jan 'Ali 5.5.5

1532 - Shah 'Ali 5.5.5

1567 - Sayin Bula 5.5.5

1573 - Mustafa Ali 5.5.5

1590 - Urus Muhammad 5.5.5

1610 - Alp Arslan 5.5.5

1626 - Sayyid Burkhan 5.5.5

1677 - Fatima 5.5.5




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Ragusa, Ragusa Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Croatian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Excellent Shipwrights

National Trade Policy

Superior Seamanship

National Conscripts

National Bank

Naval Fighting Instruction


Battlefield Commissions


Leaders : 1400 - Vijece 6.6.5




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Riga, Riga Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Prussian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

National Trade Policy

Military Drill


National Bank

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


Leaders : 1448 - Silvester Stodwescher 5.5.5

1479 - Stephan Grube 5.5.5

1483 - Michael Hildebrand 5.5.5

1509 - Jasper Linde 5.5.5

1524 - Johann IV Blankenfelde 5.5.5

1528 - Thomas Schoning 5.5.5

1539 - Wilhelm von Brandenburg 5.5.5

1555 - Christoph von Mecklenburg 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Moskva, Moskva Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Military Drill

Quest for the New World

Merchant Adventures

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Engineer Corps

Grand Army


Grand Navy


Leaders : 1462 - Ivan III Veliky 6.7.8

1505 - Vasily III 6.5.6

1533 - Ivan IV Grozny 5.8.9

1584 - Fedor I 4.5.6

1598 - Boris I Godunov 8.5.6

1605 - Dmitry Samozvanets 3.3.3

1606 - Vasily IV Shuisky 4.4.6

1610 - Vladislav I Vasa 3.4.3

1613 - Mikhail I Romanov 7.5.6

1645 - Aleksey I 5.5.6

1676 - Fedor III 6.6.7

1682 - Pyotr I Veliky 9.9.9

1725 - Yekaterina I 7.5.6

1727 - Pyotr II 3.4.4

1730 - Anna I Romanova 5.5.4

1740 - Ivan VI Brunswick 5.5.4

1741 - Elizaveta I 6.7.6

1761 - Pyotr III 4.3.5

1762 - Yekaterina II Velikaya 9.9.8

1796 - Pavel I 5.5.4

1801 - Aleksandr I 5.7.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Kasimov, Ryazan Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Merchant Adventures

Quest for the New World

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : None




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Salzburg, Salzburg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Austrian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drill

Patron of Art

Grand Army

Engineer Corps

National Bank


Battlefield Commissions

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1452 - Siegmund I von Reisperg 4.5.6

1461 - Burkhand von Weisspriach 4.4.4

1466 - Bernhand II von Rohr 5.6.5

1487 - Johann III von Gran 6.6.3

1489 - Friedrich von Schaumburg 4.4.3

1494 - Siegmund II von Holneck 4.4.5

1495 - Leonhard von Keutschach 6.4.7

1519 - Matthaus von Wellenburg 5.6.5

1540 - Ernst von Bayern 3.5.3

1554 - Michael von Khuenburg 7.3.5

1560 - Johann Jakob von Kuon 5.5.4

1586 - Georg von Khuenburg 5.4.4

1587 - Wolfgang von Rattenau 7.5.6

1612 - Mark Sittich von Altemps 6.7.6

1619 - Paris von Lodron 3.4.4

1653 - Guidobald von Thun 5.5.5

1668 - Maximilian von Khuenburg 4.5.4

1687 - Johann Ernst von Thun 4.4.7

1709 - Franz Anton von Harrach 6.5.5

1727 - Leopold Anton von Firman 7.4.4

1744 - Jakob von Liechtenstein 7.5.6

1747 - Andreas von Dietrichstein 5.6.5

1753 - Siegmund II Christof 8.5.4

1771 - Hieronymus von Colloredo 7.4.5

1803 - Ferdinand von Osterreich 3.4.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Cagliari, Sardinia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Patron of Art

Superior Seamanship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

National Bank

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy




Leaders : 1718 - Vittorio Amedeo II 7.9.8

1730 - Carlo Emanuele III 7.8.9

1773 - Vittorio Amedeo III 4.3.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Torino, Piedmont Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

National Bank


Military Drill

Engineer Corps

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1434 - Ludovico I 6.8.5

1465 - Amedeo IX 6.5.3

1472 - Filiberto I 4.4.4

1482 - Carlo I 5.5.6

1490 - Carlo II 5.5.4

1496 - Filippo II 4.4.4

1497 - Filiberto II 6.5.4

1504 - Carlo III 5.7.5

1553 - Emanuele Filiberto 8.8.7

1580 - Carlo Emanuele I 5.6.6

1630 - Vittorio Amedeo I 7.7.5

1637 - Francesco Giacinto 5.5.5

1638 - Carlo Emanuele II 6.5.6

1675 - Vittorio Amedeo II 7.9.8




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Meissen, Meissen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Saxon

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1428 - Friedrich II 6.7.3

1464 - Albrecht I der Beherzte 4.5.8

1500 - Georg der Bartige 4.4.5

1539 - Heinrich der Fromme 5.4.4

1541 - Moritz 4.4.7

1553 - August 4.5.4

1586 - Christian I 4.4.5

1591 - Christian II 4.4.5

1611 - Johann-Georg I 6.7.7

1656 - Johann-Georg II 6.6.6

1680 - Johann-Georg III 3.4.3

1691 - Johann-Georg IV 7.6.4

1694 - Friedrich August I 5.4.3

1733 - Friedrich August II 4.6.3

1763 - Friedrich Christian 4.6.4

1763 - Friedrich August III 8.4.6




Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Bern, Bern Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -2

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 5

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Rheinlaender

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions


Engineer Corps

National Bank

National Trade Policy



Leaders : 1419 - the Tagsatzung 6.6.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Edinburgh, Lothian Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lowland Scottish

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution

Naval Fighting Instruction


Leaders : 1437 - James II 6.5.5

1460 - James III 3.5.5

1488 - James IV 6.7.4

1513 - James V 6.4.5

1542 - Mary I 5.6.6

1567 - James VI 5.6.7

1625 - Charles I 5.4.7

1649 - Alexander Leslie 7.6.8

1660 - Charles II 3.6.6

1685 - James VII 4.6.6

1688 - William III 6.8.8

1701 - James VIII 6.8.7

1702 - Anne 6.8.7




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Beograd, Serbia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Serbian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drill


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1427 - Djuradj I 5.5.6

1456 - Lazar III 5.4.4

1458 - Stepan 4.4.4

1459 - Stepan Tomas 6.6.6

1459 - Vuk II 5.6.5

1485 - Djuradj II 6.6.6

1496 - Jovan 4.6.5

1502 - Ivanis Berislavic 3.4.3

1514 - Stepan Brislavic 4.4.3

1535 - Pavle Bakic 3.3.3

1804 - Karadjordje Petrovic 8.7.7

1813 - Milos Obrenovic 7.8.8




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Sibir, Tobolsk Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 3

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = -5

Quality / Quantity = 3

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Muslim

Religion = Sunni

Primary Culture = Siberian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1450 - Taybuga Khan 3.4.5

1458 - Khwaja Khan 3.3.4

1465 - Mar Khan 4.3.5

1472 - Obder Khan 3.3.6

1480 - Ibaq Khan 4.3.4

1494 - Mamuk Khan 3.6.6

1497 - Abalak Khan 4.6.5

1500 - Aguis Khan 5.3.3

1522 - Qasim Khan 4.5.4

1544 - Bekbulat Khan 3.5.4

1555 - Yadiger Khan 4.4.4

1569 - Kucum Khan 6.4.3

1584 - Aley Khan 3.3.3

1584 - Seidyak Khan 3.6.4

1589 - Suker Khan 4.4.4

1620 - Boibegus Khan 4.4.4

1631 - Kuldalang Khan 4.4.4

1646 - Ucirtu Khan 4.4.4

1671 - Dagal Khan 4.4.4

1727 - Aldark Khan 4.4.4

1755 - Dsungar Khan 4.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Napoli, Napoli Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Sicilian

National Ideas : Patron of Art

Superior Seamanship

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

National Bank

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy




Leaders : 1442 - Alfonso I 6.9.5

1458 - Ferrante I 7.7.5

1494 - Alfonso II 4.3.3

1495 - Ferrante II 5.4.4

1496 - Federigo IV 3.3.3

1713 - Vittorio Amedeo I 7.9.8

1734 - Carlo VII 7.5.6

1759 - Ferrante IV 3.3.3




Government = Administrative Republic

Capital = Siena, Siena Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

National Bank

National Conscripts

Military Drill

Engineer Corps

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1404 - Repubblica 4.5.4

1487 - Pandolfo Petrucci 7.7.5

1502 - Cesare Borgia 3.6.8

1503 - Pandolfo Petrucci 7.7.5

1512 - Borghese Petrucci 3.3.5

1515 - Raffaele Petrucci 4.4.4

1522 - Francesco Petrucci 4.4.4

1523 - Fabio Petrucci 4.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Breslau, Breslau Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Schlesian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drill

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1452 - Kazimierz II 5.5.5

1528 - Waclaw Posthumus 5.5.5

1579 - Adam Waclaw 5.5.5

1617 - Friedrich Wilhelm 5.5.5

1625 - Elisabeth Lucretia 5.5.5




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Toledo, Toledo Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 4

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -4

Offensive / Defensive = -1

Land / Naval = 2

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Castillian

National Ideas : Quest for the New World

Divine Supremacy

Superior Seamanship

Colonial Ventures

National Conscripts


National Bank

Excellent Shipwrights


Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1516 - Carlos I 7.8.8

1556 - Felipe II 7.6.7

1598 - Feilpe III 4.3.4

1621 - Feilpe IV 5.6.4

1665 - Carlos II 4.3.3

1700 - Feilpe V 6.4.6

1724 - Luis I 4.4.4

1724 - Feilpe V 6.4.6

1746 - Fernando VI 5.4.5

1759 - Carlos III 7.5.6

1788 - Carlos IV 3.5.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Graz, Steiermark Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Austrian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drill

Patron of Art

Grand Army

Engineer Corps

National Bank


Battlefield Commissions

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Stockland, Uppland Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 3

Innovative / Narrowminded = 0

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Swedish

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

Glorious Arms

National Bank

Grand Army


Bill of Rights


Leaders : 1409 - Karl VIII 6.3.5

1457 - Jons Bengtsson 4.4.4

1463 - Ture Turesson Bielke 4.4.4

1464 - Kettil Karlsson Vase 4.4.4

1464 - Karl VIII 6.3.5

1465 - Kettil Karlsson Vase 4.4.4

1465 - Jons Bengtsson 4.4.4

1466 - Erik Axelsson Tott 4.4.4

1467 - Karl VIII 6.3.5

1470 - Sten Gustavsson Sture 4.4.4

1494 - Arvid Trolle 4.4.4

1501 - Sten Gustavsson Sture 4.4.4

1503 - Svante Nilsson Sture 4.4.4

1512 - Sten Svantesson Sture 4.4.4

1520 - Gustav Trolle 3.3.3

1521 - Gustav I Vasa 9.7.7

1560 - Eric XIV 6.6.7

1568 - Johan III 6.6.6

1592 - Sigismund 5.5.6

1598 - Karl IX 8.7.3

1611 - Gustav II Adolf 9.9.9

1632 - Kristina 5.6.5

1654 - Karl X Gustav 6.4.9

1660 - Karl XI 8.6.5

1697 - Karl XII 6.4.9

1718 - Ulrika Eleonora 6.7.5

1720 - Fredrik I 6.5.7

1751 - Adolf Fredrik 7.6.5

1771 - Gustav III 8.7.5

1792 - Gustav IV Adolf 7.3.5

1809 - Karl XIII 5.8.5

1818 - Karl XIV Johan 5.5.7


*Teutonic Order*


Government = Theocracy

Capital = Koingsberg, Ostpreussen Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -5

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -2

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 0

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Old Prussian

National Ideas : Deus Vult

National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

National Trade Policy

Glorious Arms

Engineer Corps

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1449 - Ludwig von Erlichschausen 3.3.3

1467 - Heinrich Reuss von Plauen 5.6.5

1477 - Martin von Wetzhausen 5.5.6

1489 - Johann von Tiefen 4.4.3

1497 - Friedrich von Meissen 4.5.5

1510 - Albrecht von Hohenzollern 4.6.4

1525 - Wolter von Plettenberg 5.4.6

1535 - Hermann Brugsenei 5.4.6

1549 - Johann von der Recke 5.4.4

1551 - Heinrich von Galen 5.4.5

1557 - Wilhelm von Furstenberg 4.4.4

1559 - Gotthard von Kettler 5.4.5

1562 - Landmeister 4.4.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Bautzen, Lausitz Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Saxon

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

Military Drill

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1440 - Friedrich II 6.7.3

1464 - Ernst 4.5.4

1486 - Friedrich III der Weise 7.7.6

1525 - Johann der Bestandige 7.7.6

1532 - Johann Friedrich I 3.4.3

1554 - Johann Friedrich II 3.5.4

1566 - Johann Wilhelm 5.5.5

1573 - Johann 5.5.5

1605 - Johann Ernst 5.5.5

1626 - Wilhelm der Grosse 5.5.5

1662 - Johann Ernst II 5.5.5

1683 - Johann Ernst III 5.5.5

1707 - Ernst August I 5.5.5

1748 - Ernst August II 5.5.5

1758 - Karl August 9.8.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Innsbruck, Tirol Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Austrian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Church Attendance Duty

Military Drill

Patron of Art

Grand Army

Engineer Corps

National Bank


Battlefield Commissions

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1439 - Sigismund I 5.5.6

1454 - Friedrich V 6.4.3

1493 - Maximilian I 7.7.6

1519 - Ferdinand I 7.4.6

1564 - Ferdinand II 6.4.3

1595 - Margarete II 6.7.6

1630 - Ernst II 5.6.5

1635 - Ernst III 6.5.6

1677 - Friedrich VI 6.5.6

1720 - Leonhard III 6.4.5

1750 - Margarette III 6.3.4

1799 - Ernst IV 6.3.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Toulouse, Toulouse Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -5

Innovative / Narrowminded = -2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Aquitaine

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Merchant Adventures

Humanist Tolerance

Patron of Art

Colonial Ventures

Military Drill

Quest for the New World



Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Turda, Transylvania Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hungarian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drill


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1440 - Iancu de Hunedoara 6.6.8

1511 - Janos I Zapolya 7.6.5

1540 - Janos II Zapolya 4.5.5

1571 - Istvan Bathory 8.5.9

1576 - Christofer Bathory 4.5.5

1581 - Sigismund Bathory 4.5.5

1599 - Mihai Viteazal 7.9.9

1602 - Interregnum 3.3.3

1605 - Istvan Bocskai 5.5.6

1606 - Gabor Bathory 7.6.5

1613 - Gabor Bethlen 7.8.7

1629 - Gyorgy I Rakoczy 5.5.6

1648 - Gyorgy II Rakoczy 6.4.5

1665 - Ferenc I Rakoczy 6.3.4

1691 - Ferenc II Rakoczy 7.8.7




Government = Despotic Monarchy

Capital = Trebizon, Trebizon Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 0

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -1

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Greek

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Merchant Adventures

Glorious Arms


Military Drill

Divine Supremacy

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1429 - Ioannes IV Kommenos 6.7.5

1458 - Dauid Kommenos 6.3.4




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Trier, Trier Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -4

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Hessian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

Humanist Tolerance

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Conscripts

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1438 - Jakob von Sirk 5.5.5

1456 - Johann I von Baden 5.5.5

1503 - Jakob II von Baden 5.5.5

1511 - Richard Grieffenklau 5.5.5

1531 - Johann von Melzenhausen 5.5.5

1540 - Johann IV von Hagen 5.5.5

1547 - Johann V von Isenburg 5.5.5

1556 - Johann VI von der Leyen 5.5.5

1567 - Jakob III von Eltz 5.5.5

1581 - Johann von Schönenberg 5.5.5

1599 - Lothar von Metternich 5.5.5

1623 - Philipp von Söttern 5.5.5

1652 - Karl Kaspar von der Leyen 5.5.5

1676 - Johann VIII von Osbeck 5.5.5

1711 - Karl von Lothringen 5.5.5

1714 - Franz Ludwig von Neuburg 5.5.5

1729 - Franz Georg von Schönborn 5.5.5

1756 - Johann von Walderdorf 5.5.5

1768 - Klemens von Sachsen 5.5.5




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Firenze, Firenze Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Church Attendance Duty

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy

National Conscripts

National Bank


Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1429 - Cosimo di Medici 9.8.8

1464 - Piero I Gorroso di Medici 6.5.5

1469 - Lorenzo I il Magnifico 9.7.6

1492 - Piero II di Medici 6.8.7

1502 - Piero Soderino 6.8.7

1512 - Giuliano di Medici 6.8.7

1513 - Lorenzo II di Medici 8.9.6

1519 - Giulio di Medici 6.9.6

1523 - Allesandro di Medici 6.8.7

1537 - Cosimo I 6.8.7

1574 - Francesco I 5.7.3

1587 - Ferdinando I 7.6.6

1609 - Cosimo II 3.7.4

1621 - Fredinando II 3.8.6

1670 - Cosimo III 3.7.7

1723 - Gian Gastone 5.7.5

1737 - Francesco II 4.5.4

1765 - Pietro Leopoldo I 6.6.7

1790 - Ferdinando III 5.7.6




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Tver, Tver Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy

Quest for the New World

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

Grand Army



Leaders : 1425 - Boris 4.3.3

1461 - Mikhail III 3.3.3

1485 - Ivan II 5.5.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Carrickfergus, Ulster Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Irish

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1453 - Eoghan II 5.6.5

1455 - Einri I 4.4.5

1483 - Conn I 5.4.4

1493 - Einri II 6.5.4

1498 - Donal XIV 5.3.5

1509 - Art I 5.4.5

1514 - Art II 5.4.3

1519 - Conn II Bacach 5.5.4

1559 - Brian III 4.3.4

1562 - Sean I 4.5.5

1567 - Turlough I 3.5.6

1593 - Aed XIV 4.5.4




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Kiev, Kiev Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Ruthenian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy

Merchant Adventures



Leaders : None




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Urbano, Ancona Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Umbrian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Patron of Art

Merchant Adventures

National Trade Policy

Military Drill

National Bank


Engineer Corps

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1444 - Federigo 5.5.5

1482 - Guidobaldo 5.5.5

1508 - Francesco I della Rovere 5.5.5

1516 - Lorenzo di Medici 5.5.5

1519 - Catarina di Medici 5.5.5

1521 - Francesco I della Rovere 5.5.5

1528 - Guidobaldo II 5.5.5

1574 - Francesco Maria II 5.5.5

1621 - Federigo Ubaldo 5.5.5

1623 - Francesco Maria II 5.5.5




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Utrecht, Utrecht Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Dutch

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

National Conscripts

Military Drill

Patron of Art

Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Trade Policy


National Bank

Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1423 - Rudolf I 5.5.5

1455 - Gijsbrecht I 5.5.5

1456 - David I 8.8.5

1494 - Frederik IV 5.5.5

1517 - Filips I 3.2.2

1524 - Hendrik II 5.5.5




Government = Merchant Republic

Capital = Venezia, Venezia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = 1

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 3

Land / Naval = 3

Quality / Quantity = -1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Lombard

National Ideas : Merchant Adventures

Excellent Shipwrights

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Divine Supremacy

Superior Seamanship

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy

Naval Fighting Instruction



Leaders : 1423 - Francesco Foscarini 7.7.7

1457 - Pasquale Malipiero 5.5.7

1462 - Cristoforo Moro 5.5.7

1471 - Nicolò Tron 4.4.4

1473 - Nicolò Marcello 3.3.3

1474 - Pietro Mocenigo 4.4.4

1476 - Andrea Vendamin 4.4.3

1478 - Giovanni Mocenigo 5.5.6

1485 - Marco Barbango 3.3.5

1486 - Agostino Barbango 7.7.7

1501 - Leonardo Loredano 5.7.5

1521 - Antonio Grimani 5.6.7

1523 - Andrea Gritti 7.6.5

1539 - Pietro Lando 7.6.6

1545 - Franco Donato 7.7.4

1553 - Francesco Venier 7.5.8

1556 - Laurenti Priuli 9.6.4

1559 - Girolamo Priuli 6.6.7

1567 - Pietro Loredan 6.6.5

1570 - Alvise Mocenigo I 7.6.5

1577 - Sebastiano Venier 5.5.5

1578 - Niccoló da Ponte 7.7.6

1585 - Pasquale Cicogna 7.3.5

1595 - Marino Grimani 6.5.5

1605 - Leonardo Loredano II 5.5.6

1612 - Marco Memo 5.5.5

1615 - Giovanni Bembo 4.5.5

1618 - Niccoló Donato 7.5.3

1618 - Antonio Priulo 4.6.4

1623 - Franco Centurioni 4.7.7

1624 - Giovanni Cornari I 3.6.6

1629 - Niccoló Centurioni 3.5.7

1631 - Franco Erizzo 5.5.5

1646 - Franco Molino 5.5.6

1655 - Carlo Contarini 4.4.4

1656 - Franco Cornello 3.3.3

1656 - Bertuccio Valiero 4.4.4

1658 - Giovanni Pesaro 3.4.4

1659 - Domenic Contarini 4.6.7

1675 - Niccoló Sagredo 5.6.5

1676 - Alvise Contarini 4.7.5

1684 - Marco Giustiniani 6.5.5

1688 - Franco Morosini 6.5.7

1694 - Sylvester Valiero 4.5.4

1700 - Alvise Mocenigo II 5.7.5

1709 - Giovanni Cornari II 4.4.6

1722 - Alvise Mocenigo III 4.7.5

1732 - Carlo Ruzzini 5.6.4

1735 - Alvise Pisani 5.6.4

1741 - Pietro Grimani 4.7.4

1752 - Franco Loredano 5.6.5

1762 - Marco Foscari 4.4.3

1763 - Alvise Mocenigo IV 5.7.4

1778 - Paulo Rainiero 5.7.5

1789 - Luigi Manin 4.8.4




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Caernarvon, Gwynedd Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 5

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = -2

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -2

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Welsh

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : None




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Tirgoviste, Wallachia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Romanian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Glorious Arms

Military Drill


Battlefield Commissions

Engineer Corps

National Trade Policy


Shrewd Commerce Practice


Leaders : 1447 - Vladislav II 6.4.5

1456 - Vlad III Tepes 4.3.8

1462 - Radu II cel Frumos 4.4.3

1475 - Basarab II Laoiota 3.3.3

1477 - Basarab III cel Tînar 4.3.4

1482 - Vlad IV Calugarul 6.5.5

1495 - Radu IV cel Mare 3.4.8

1508 - Neagoie Basarab 7.4.5

1521 - Radu V de la Afumati 3.5.8

1545 - Mircea III Ciobanul 3.3.7

1559 - Petru cel Tînar 4.7.7

1568 - Alexandru II 5.5.6

1577 - Mihnea II Turcitul 5.5.5

1591 - Mihai II Viteazul 7.9.9

1602 - Radu IX Mihnea 4.4.5

1623 - Alexandru V Cocomul 4.3.6

1627 - Leon Tomsa 5.4.3

1632 - Matei I Basarab 4.6.6

1654 - Constantin I 3.4.3

1658 - Grigore I Ghica 4.4.5

1674 - Gheorge II Duca 4.4.5

1678 - Serban II Cantacuzino 4.7.7

1688 - Constantin II Brâncoveanu 4.5.4

1714 - Nicolae II Mavrocordat 5.6.5

1730 - Constantin III 6.6.6

1763 - Alexandru VII Ghica 5.5.4

1768 - Grigore III 4.3.3

1774 - Alexandru VII Ipsilanti 5.3.5

1782 - Mihai IV Sutu 6.4.6

1793 - Alexandru VIII Maruzi 4.4.4

1796 - Alexandru VII Ipsilanti 3.4.5

1797 - Constantin V Hancerli 4.5.4

1799 - Alexandru VIII Maruzi 4.4.4

1801 - Constantin VI Ipsilanti 5.4.5

1812 - Ioan II Caragea 6.4.4

1818 - Alexandru IX Sutu 3.3.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Stuttgart, Wurttemberg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Bavarian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Humanist Tolerance

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1419 - Ulrich V 5.5.5

1457 - Eberhard I 6.5.5

1496 - Eberhard II 4.3.4

1498 - Ulrich 3.3.6

1550 - Ferdinand I 5.5.5

1552 - Christoph 6.4.5

1568 - Ludwig the Pious 5.4.5

1593 - Friedrich I 5.5.5

1608 - Johann Friedrich 3.3.3

1628 - Eberhard III 6.5.5

1674 - Wilhelm Ludwig 5.5.5

1677 - Friedrich Carl 5.5.5

1693 - Eberhard Ludwig 5.6.7

1733 - Karl Alexander 6.5.7

1737 - Karl Eugen 4.5.5

1793 - Ludwig Eugen 5.6.8




Government = Theocracy

Capital = Wurzberg, Wurzberg Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 0

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -4

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = Bavarian

National Ideas : Shrewd Commerce Practice

National Conscripts

Humanist Tolerance

Merchant Adventures

Patron of Art

National Bank

National Trade Policy


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1444 - Gottfried IV 5.6.5

1455 - Johann III von Grumbach 4.3.6

1466 - Rudolf II von Schrenberg 6.5.3

1495 - Lorenz von Bibra 4.4.4

1519 - Konrad von Thüngen 3.5.7

1540 - Konrad von Bibra 6.6.3

1544 - Melchior von Giebelstadt 5.4.5

1558 - Friedrich von Wirsberg 6.7.5

1573 - Julius von Mespelbrunn 5.4.3

1617 - Johann von Aschausen 5.5.5

1622 - Philipp von Ehrenberg 4.5.4

1631 - Franz von Hatzfeld 3.3.5

1642 - Johann von Schönborn 6.6.4

1673 - Johann von Rosenbach 5.4.3

1675 - Peter von Dernbach 3.4.6

1683 - Konrad Wilhelm von Wernau 3.3.4

1684 - Johann von Guttenberg 6.5.6

1698 - Johann von Greiffenklau 4.7.7

1719 - Johann Philipp Franz 6.6.5

1724 - Christoph von Hutten 5.4.4

1729 - Friedrich von Schönborn 3.4.5

1746 - Anselm von Ingelheim 4.4.3

1749 - Karl von Greiffenklau 5.5.4

1754 - Adam von Seinsheim 3.4.5

1779 - Franz Ludwig von Erthal 5.3.5

1795 - Georg Karl von Fechenbach 3.3.4

1802 - Ferdinand von Osterreich 4.5.3




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -3

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 2

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -1

Offensive / Defensive = 2

Land / Naval = -3

Quality / Quantity = 2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -5

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Russian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Glorious Arms

Military Drill

Merchant Adventures

Quest for the New World

Battlefield Commissions

Grand Army

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy


Leaders : 1434 - Alexandr Bryukhatiy 5.5.5




Government = Feudal Monarchy

Capital = York, Yorkshire Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = -1

Innovative / Narrowminded = 2

Mercentilism / Freetrade = 0

Offensive / Defensive = 0

Land / Naval = 1

Quality / Quantity = -2

Serfdom / Free Subjects = 0

Technology Group = Latin

Religion = Catholic

Primary Culture = English

National Ideas : Excellent Shipwrights

Bill of Rights

Superior Seamanship

Merchant Adventures

Naval Glory


National Bank


Smithian Economics

Scientific Revolution


Leaders : 1431 - Richard II 7.4.6

1460 - Edward 5.7.7

1474 - Richard III 3.3.3

1494 - Henry 6.6.8

1547 - Richard IV 4.6.5

1605 - Charles 5.4.7

1633 - James 4.6.6

1685 - Richard V 4.5.3

1716 - Ernest Augustus 3.4.4

1728 - Richard VI 4.4.4

1761 - Edward Augustus 4.3.4

1761 - Richard VII 4.6.3

1767 - Frederick Augustus 4.3.8




Government = Tribal Federation

Capital = Zaporozhia, Zaoprozhia Province

Aristocracy / Plutocracy = -2

Centralsation / Decentralisation = 4

Innovative / Narrowminded = 1

Mercentilism / Freetrade = -3

Offensive / Defensive = 1

Land / Naval = -1

Quality / Quantity = 1

Serfdom / Free Subjects = -3

Technology Group = Eastern

Religion = Orthodox

Primary Culture = Ukrainian

National Ideas : National Conscripts

Grand Army

Military Drill

Battlefield Commissions

Shrewd Commerce Practice

Engineer Corps


National Trade Policy

Merchant Adventures



Leaders : 1506 - Lyantskoronsky 6.7.7

1534 - Kishka 6.7.7

1550 - Vishnevetsky-Bayda 6.6.6

1563 - M. Vishnevetsky 5.5.5

1573 - Ivan Svirgovsky 4.4.4

1575 - Bogdan Ruzhinsky 4.4.4

1576 - Ivan II Pidkova 4.4.4

1577 - Yakiv I Shakh 4.4.4

1578 - Lukyan Chornynsky 4.4.4

1580 - Samiylo II 4.4.4

1585 - M. & K. Ruzhinsky 4.4.4

1585 - Zakhar Kulaga 4.4.4

1586 - Lukyan Chornsky 4.4.4

1588 - Semen I Skalozub 4.4.4

1589 - V Chanovytsky 4.4.4

1590 - K. Kosynsky 4.4.4

1593 - G. Loboda 5.5.4

1596 - Shaula, Krempsky & Nech 4.4.4

1596 - Gnat Vassylevsky 4.4.4

1598 - Baybuza & Polous 4.4.4

1600 - Gavrylo Kortnevych 4.4.4

1601 - Samiylo III Kishka 4.4.4

1602 - Kortnevych & Kutskovych 4.5.5

1606 - Izapovych 4.4.4

1606 - Zborovsky 6.6.6

1609 - Andriyevch 5.4.5

1610 - Tyskinevych 4.4.4

1614 - P. Sagaydachny 6.7.8

1622 - Olifer Golub 4.4.4

1623 - Koncha, Grygor. & Kotsk. 4.4.4

1623 - M. Doroshenko 5.5.7

1625 - Pirsky & Zhmaylo 4.4.4

1625 - M. Doroshenko 5.5.7

1626 - K. Vovk 4.4.4

1628 - G. Chorny 4.4.4

1628 - Ivan V Sulyma 5.5.5

1629 - G. Chorny 4.4.4

1630 - Orendarenko 4.4.4

1631 - Buybnovsky & Perevyazka 4.4.4

1631 - Ivan VI Kulaga 4.4.4

1632 - Gavrylovych 4.4.4

1633 - Samiylo IV Sulyma 4.4.5

1635 - Ivan V Sylyma 4.4.4

1636 - Vassyl Tomylenko 4.4.4

1637 - Sava Kononovych 4.4.4

1637 - Sava, Pavlyuk & Gunya 4.4.4

1638 - Ostryanytsya & Yakiv 4.4.4

1638 - Gunya 4.4.4

1641 - Karpo P. 4.4.4

1644 - Gulak-Bulyuk 4.4.4

1648 - Bogdan IV Khmelnitsky 7.9.8

1657 - Ivan I Vygovskyy 4.4.4

1659 - Yuriy Khmelnitsky 6.7.7

1663 - Divisional Hetmans 3.3.4

1687 - Ivan IV Mazep 4.6.8

1710 - Ivan V Skoropadsky 4.8.8

1722 - Pavlo II Polubotok 4.4.5

1727 - Danylo Apostol 3.6.6

1750 - Rozumovsky 3.4.6


[4.01] Naval

The ideas are some interesting concepts that allow you to improve your empire

through its navy and army or other concepts. They can be handy but you can

only have 10, though changeable, so choose carefully. There is a total of 30

ideas to choose from. The following ideas will effect your navy.


*Grand Navy*


Max Attrition increased by 33%


*Sea Hawks*


Navy Tradition increased by 1% per year


*Superior Seamenship*


Navy Morale increased by 50%


*Naval Fighting Instruction*


Blockade Efficiency increased by 25%


*Excellent Shipwrights*


Leader's Naval Manuevers increased by 2


*Naval Glory*


Extra 33% prestige from naval battles


[4.02] Land

The Land ideas will effect your army and how they fight. I suggest this is

paid some attention since most invasions will require armies with the navy

as support.


*National Conscripts*


Global Manpower is increased by 50%


*Grand Army*


Max Attrition increased by 33%


*Military Drills*


Land Morale increased by 50%


*Engineer Corps*


Leader Siege Bonus of 1


*Battlefield Commissions*


Army Tradition increased by 1% per year


*Glorious Arms*


Extra 33% Presige from Land Battles


[4.03] Exploration

If you wish to expand into unknown land and conquer via more peaceful means,

some of the ideas are for you. These generally help to develop your economy

as well as colonisation in general.


*Merchant Adventures*


Extra Merchant Generated every year


*Quest for the New World*


Allowed to hire Explorers and Conquistadors to explore Terra Incognita


*Colonial Ventures*


Extra Colonist Generated every year


*Shrewd Commerce Practice*


Merchant Compete Chance increased by 10%




Overseas Income increased by 30%


*Smithian Economics*


Production Efficiency increased by 10%


[4.04] State Business

State Business ideas generally deal with increasing your domestic income as

well as domestic wellbeing, such as defence and diplomacy. These should serve

you well if you do not conquer new lands.




Extra Tax Income of 5%


*National Bank*


Inflation Reduced by 0.1 per year


*National Trade Policy*


Trade Efficiency increased by 10%




Extra Spy Generated every year




Extra Diplomat Generated every year


*Bill of Rights*


Global Revolt Risk decreased by 1


[4.05] Culture

Culture ideas are a mixed lot. Some help you domestically while others help

you wage war without problems. Some of these can come in handy if there is

some land you wish to takeover.


*Chruch Attendance Duty*


Stability Costs are reduced by 44%


*Divine Supremacy*


Extra Missionary Generated every year


*Humanist Tolerance*


Tolerance increased by 1 [+1% to population growth, -1 Revolt Risk]


*Scientific Revolution*


Land Tech Cost decreased 2.5%

Naval Tech Cost decreased 2.5%

Production Tech Cost decreased 2.5%

Government Tech Cost decreased 2.5%

Trade Tech Cost decreased 2.5%


*Patron of Art*


+2 Prestige Points per year


*Deus Vult*


Automatically have Casus Belli on religious enemies


[5.01] Government


| Level | Average Year | Effects |


| 0 | 1450 | Enables Tribal Despotism, Federation and |

| | | Democracy, Despotic Monarchy |

| 1 | 1455 | One Allowed Idea, Allows Feudal Monarchy |

| 2 | 1470 | Allows Noble Republic |

| 3 | 1485 | Allows Merchant Republic |

| 4 | 1495 | Allows Theocracy |

| 5 | 1497 | Two Allowed Ideas |

| 6 | 1498 | Able to Construct Temple |

| 7 | 1502 | Able to Construct Courthouse |

| 8 | 1508 | Able to Construct University |

| 9 | 1518 | Three Allowed Ideas |

| 10 | 1530 | Allows Administrative Monarchy |

| 11 | 1540 | Allows Administrative Republic |

| 12 | 1545 | Able to Construct Constable |

| 13 | 1550 | Able to Construct Fine Arts Academy |

| 14 | 1565 | Four Allowed Ideas |

| 15 | 1585 | None |

| 16 | 1600 | Able to Construct Custom House |

| 17 | 1610 | Five Allowed Ideas |

| 18 | 1620 | None |

| 19 | 1625 | Allows Absolute Monarchy |

| 20 | 1636 | Allows Republican Dictatorship |

| 21 | 1644 | None |

| 22 | 1655 | Six Allowed Ideas |

| 23 | 1660 | Able to Construct Tax Assessor |

| 24 | 1675 | Allows Constitutional Monarchy |

| 25 | 1690 | Seven Allowed Ideas |

| 26 | 1700 | None |

| 27 | 1709 | None |

| 28 | 1714 | None |

| 29 | 1719 | None |

| 30 | 1723 | None |

| 31 | 1725 | None |

| 32 | 1727 | None |

| 33 | 1730 | Eight Allowed Ideas |

| 34 | 1732 | None |

| 35 | 1735 | None |

| 36 | 1737 | None |

| 37 | 1743 | None |

| 38 | 1747 | None |

| 39 | 1750 | Allows Constitutional Republic |

| 40 | 1755 | None |

| 41 | 1760 | None |

| 42 | 1765 | Nine Allowed Ideas |

| 43 | 1770 | Allows Enlightened Despotism |

| 44 | 1775 | None |

| 45 | 1780 | None |

| 46 | 1785 | None |

| 47 | 1790 | Allows Bureaucratic Despotism |

| 48 | 1791 | None |

| 49 | 1792 | None |

| 50 | 1795 | None |

| 51 | 1798 | None |

| 52 | 1801 | None |

| 53 | 1805 | Ten Allowed Ideas |

| 54 | 1809 | None |

| 55 | 1812 | None |

| 56 | 1813 | None |

| 57 | 1815 | None |

| 58 | 1820 | None |

| 59 | 1825 | None |



[5.02] Land


| Level | Average Year | LM | IF | CF | AF | IS | CS | AS |


| 0 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 | 1 |0.44 |

| 1 | 1455 |0.05| 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 |1.2 |0.45 |

| 2 | 1470 |0.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.7 |1.4 |0.46 |

| 3 | 1485 |0.15| 0 | 0 | 0 |0.8 |1.6 |0.48 |

| 4 | 1495 |0.2 | 0 | 0 |0.05|0.9 |1.8 | 0.5 |

| 5 | 1497 |0.2 | 0 | 0 |0.05|0.9 |1.8 | 0.5 |

| 6 | 1498 |0.2 | 0 | 0 |0.05| 1 | 2 | 0.5 |

| 7 | 1502 |0.25| 0 | 0 |0.1 | 1 | 2 | 0.5 |

| 8 | 1508 |0.5 | 0 | 0 |0.2 | 1 | 2 | 0.5 |

| 9 | 1518 |0.75|0.01| 0 |0.5 | 1 | 2 | 0.1 |

| 10 | 1530 |0.75|0.02| 0 | 1 | 1 |2.1 | 0.15|

| 11 | 1540 | 1 |0.05| 0 | 1 | 1 |2.1 | 0.15|

| 12 | 1545 | 1 |0.1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |2.2 | 0.15|

| 13 | 1550 | 1 |0.2 | 0 | 1 | 1 |2.5 | 0.15|

| 14 | 1565 |1.5 |0.5 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 0.15|

| 15 | 1585 |1.5 |0.6 | 0 | 1 | 1 |3.2 | 0.15|

| 16 | 1600 |1.5 |0.75| 0 | 1 | 1 |3.5 | 0.15|

| 17 | 1610 |1.5 |0.8 | 0 | 1 | 1 |3.6 | 0.15|

| 18 | 1620 |1.75|0.9 | 0 |1.25| 1 |3.8 |0.175|

| 19 | 1625 |1.75| 1 | 0 |1.25| 1 | 4 |0.175|

| 20 | 1636 |1.75| 1 | 0 |1.25| 1 | 4 |0.175|

| 21 | 1644 | 2 |1.1 |0.01|1.5 |1.1 | 4 | 0.2 |

| 22 | 1655 | 2 |1.1 |0.02|1.5 |1.1 | 4 | 0.2 |

| 23 | 1660 | 2 |1.1 |0.02|1.75|1.1 | 4 |0.225|

| 24 | 1675 | 2 |1.1 |0.05|1.75|1.1 | 4 |0.25 |

| 25 | 1690 | 2 |1.1 |0.05| 2 |1.1 | 4 | 0.3 |

| 26 | 1700 |2.1 |1.2 |0.05|2.5 |1.25| 4 |0.35 |

| 27 | 1709 |2.1 |1.2 |0.05| 3 |1.25| 4 |0.35 |

| 28 | 1714 |2.1 |1.25|0.05| 3 |1.25| 4 |0.375|

| 29 | 1719 |2.1 |1.25|0.05|3.5 |1.25| 4 | 0.4 |

| 30 | 1723 |2.1 |1.25|0.05|3.5 |1.25| 4 | 0.4 |

| 31 | 1725 |2.25|1.25|0.05| 4 |1.3 |4.2 |0.45 |

| 32 | 1727 |2.25|1.25|0.05| 4 |1.3 |4.2 |0.45 |

| 33 | 1730 |2.25|1.25|0.05| 4 |1.3 |4.2 |0.45 |

| 34 | 1732 |2.25|1.25|0.05| 4 |1.3 |4.2 |0.45 |

| 35 | 1735 |2.5 |1.3 |0.05| 4 |1.4 |4.2 |0.475|

| 36 | 1737 |2.5 |1.3 |0.05| 4 |1.4 |4.2 |0.475|

| 37 | 1743 |2.5 |1.3 |0.05| 4 |1.4 |4.2 |0.475|

| 38 | 1747 |2.5 |1.3 |0.05| 4 |1.4 |4.2 |0.475|

| 39 | 1750 |2.5 |1.4 |0.05| 4 |1.4 |4.2 |0.475|

| 40 | 1755 |2.5 |1.4 |0.05|4.5 |1.4 |4.2 |0.525|

| 41 | 1760 | 3 |1.45|0.05|4.5 |1.45|4.5 |0.525|

| 42 | 1765 | 3 |1.45|0.05|4.5 |1.45|4.5 |0.525|

| 43 | 1770 | 3 |1.45|0.05|4.5 |1.5 |4.5 |0.525|

| 44 | 1775 | 3 |1.45|0.05| 5 |1.5 |4.5 |0.575|

| 45 | 1780 | 3 |1.5 |0.05|5.5 |1.5 |4.5 |0.625|

| 46 | 1785 | 3 |1.5 |0.07|5.5 |1.5 |4.5 |0.625|

| 47 | 1790 | 3 |1.5 |0.07|5.5 |1.5 |4.5 |0.625|

| 48 | 1791 | 3 |1.5 |0.07|5.5 |1.75|4.5 |0.625|

| 49 | 1792 | 3 |1.75|0.07|5.5 |1.75|4.5 |0.65 |

| 50 | 1795 | 3 |1.9 |0.07|5.5 |1.75|4.5 |0.65 |

| 51 | 1798 |3.5 | 2 |0.07| 6 |1.75|4.5 |0.65 |

| 52 | 1801 |3.5 | 2 |0.07| 6 |1.9 |4.5 |0.65 |

| 53 | 1805 |3.5 |2.25|0.07| 8 | 2 |4.5 |0.675|

| 54 | 1809 |3.5 |2.25|0.1 | 8 | 2 |4.5 |0.675|

| 55 | 1812 |3.5 |2.5 |0.1 | 8 | 2 |4.5 |0.675|

| 56 | 1813 |3.5 |2.5 |0.1 | 8 | 2 |4.5 | 0.7 |

| 57 | 1815 |3.5 |2.5 |0.1 | 8 | 2 |4.5 | 0.9 |

| 58 | 1820 |3.5 |2.5 |0.1 | 8 | 2 |4.5 |0.925|

| 59 | 1825 |3.5 |2.5 |0.1 | 8 | 2 |4.5 |0.925|


NB: Unit enabled are not listed. It is far too long to list them and will be

listed later under the respective section.


LM = Land Morale

IF = Infantry Fire

CF = Cavalry Fire

AF = Artillery Fire

IS = Infantry Shock

CS = Cavalry Shock

AS = Artillery Shock


[5.03] Naval


| Level | Average Year | NM | BF | LF | GF | TF | BS | LS | GS | TS |


| 0 | 1450 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 |0.5 | 1 |0.5 |

| 1 | 1455 |0.1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 |0.5 | 1 |0.5 |

| 2 | 1470 |0.15| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 |0.5 | 1 |0.5 |

| 3 | 1485 |0.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 |0.5 | 1 |0.5 |

| 4 | 1495 |0.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |0.5 |0.5 | 1 |0.5 |

| 5 | 1497 |0.2 |0.01|0.01|0.01|0.0 |0.5 |0.5 | 1 |0.5 |

| 6 | 1498 |0.2 |0.1 |0.1 |0.01|0.1 |0.7 |0.7 | 1 |0.7 |

| 7 | 1502 |0.25|0.1 |0.1 |0.01|0.1 |0.7 |0.7 | 1 |0.7 |

| 8 | 1508 |0.25|0.1 |0.1 |0.01|0.1 |0.7 |0.7 | 1 |0.7 |

| 9 | 1518 |0.75|0.3 |0.3 |0.01|0.3 |0.7 |0.7 | 1 |0.7 |

| 10 | 1530 |0.75|0.5 |0.5 |0.05|0.5 |0.7 |0.7 | 1 |0.7 |

| 11 | 1540 | 1 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 |0.8 |0.8 | 1 |0.8 |

| 12 | 1545 | 1 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 |0.8 |0.8 | 1 |0.8 |

| 13 | 1550 | 1 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 |0.8 |0.8 | 1 |0.8 |

| 14 | 1565 |1.5 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 |0.8 |0.8 | 1 |0.8 |

| 15 | 1585 |1.5 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 |0.8 |0.8 | 1 |0.8 |

| 16 | 1600 |1.5 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 |0.8 |0.8 | 1 |0.8 |

| 17 | 1610 |1.5 | 1 | 1 |0.05| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 18 | 1620 |1.75| 1 | 1 |0.07| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 19 | 1625 |1.75|1.1 |1.1 |0.1 |1.1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 20 | 1636 |1.75|1.1 |1.1 |0.1 |1.1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 21 | 1644 | 2 |1.1 |1.1 |0.1 |1.1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 22 | 1655 | 2 |1.1 |1.1 |0.1 |1.1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 23 | 1660 | 2 |1.3 |1.3 |0.2 |1.3 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 24 | 1675 | 2 |1.4 |1.4 |0.3 |1.4 |1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |

| 25 | 1690 | 2 |1.5 |1.5 |0.3 |1.5 |1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |

| 26 | 1700 |2.1 |1.75|1.75|0.3 |1.75|1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |

| 27 | 1709 |2.1 |1.75|1.75|0.3 |1.75|1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |1.1 |

| 28 | 1714 |2.1 |1.75|1.75|0.3 |1.75|1.2 |1.2 |1.2 |1.2 |

| 29 | 1719 |2.1 |1.9 |1.9 |0.3 |1.9 |1.2 |1.2 |1.2 |1.2 |

| 30 | 1723 |2.1 |1.9 |1.9 |0.3 |1.9 |1.2 |1.2 |1.2 |1.2 |

| 31 | 1725 |2.25|1.9 |1.9 |0.3 |1.9 |1.5 |1.5 |1.5 |1.5 |

| 32 | 1727 |2.25| 2 | 2 |0.3 | 2 |1.5 |1.5 |1.5 |1.5 |

| 33 | 1730 |2.25| 2 | 2 |0.3 | 2 |1.75|1.75|1.6 |1.75|

| 34 | 1732 |2.25|2.2 |2.2 |0.5 |2.2 |1.75|1.75|1.6 |1.75|

| 35 | 1735 |2.5 |2.2 |2.2 |0.5 |2.2 |1.8 |1.8 |1.7 |1.8 |

| 36 | 1737 |2.5 |2.3 |2.3 |0.5 |2.3 |1.9 |1.9 |1.7 |1.9 |

| 37 | 1743 |2.5 |2.3 |2.3 |0.5 |2.3 |1.9 |1.9 |1.7 |1.9 |

| 38 | 1747 |2.5 |2.3 |2.3 |0.5 |2.3 |1.9 |1.9 |1.7 |1.9 |

| 39 | 1750 |2.5 |2.4 |2.4 |0.5 |2.4 |1.9 |1.9 |1.7 |1.9 |

| 40 | 1755 |2.5 |2.4 |2.4 |0.5 |2.4 |1.9 |1.9 |1.7 |1.9 |

| 41 | 1760 | 3 |2.4 |2.4 |0.5 |2.4 | 2 | 2 |1.7 | 2 |

| 42 | 1765 | 3 |2.5 |2.5 |0.5 |2.5 | 2 | 2 |1.7 | 2 |

| 43 | 1770 | 3 |2.5 |2.5 |0.5 |2.5 | 2 | 2 |1.7 | 2 |

| 44 | 1775 | 3 |2.5 |2.5 |0.5 |2.5 | 2 | 2 |1.7 | 2 |

| 45 | 1780 | 3 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 | 2 | 2 |1.7 | 2 |

| 46 | 1785 | 3 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 | 2 | 2 |1.7 | 2 |

| 47 | 1790 | 3 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.2 |2.2 |1.7 |2.2 |

| 48 | 1791 | 3 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 49 | 1792 | 3 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 50 | 1795 | 3 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 51 | 1798 |3.5 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 52 | 1801 |3.5 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 53 | 1805 |3.5 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 54 | 1809 |3.5 |2.6 |2.6 |0.5 |2.6 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 55 | 1812 |3.5 |2.7 |2.7 |0.5 |2.7 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 56 | 1813 |3.5 |2.7 |2.7 |0.5 |2.7 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 57 | 1815 |3.5 |2.7 |2.7 |0.5 |2.7 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 58 | 1820 |3.5 |2.7 |2.7 |0.5 |2.7 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |

| 59 | 1825 |3.5 |2.7 |2.7 |0.5 |2.7 |2.3 |2.3 |1.7 |2.3 |


NB: Naval Units will be listed later under its respective section.


NM = Naval Morale

BF = Bigship Fire

LF = LittleShip Fire

GF = GalleyShip Fire

TF = Transport Fire

BS = Bigship Shock

LS = LittleShip Shock

GS = GalleyShip Shock

TS = Transport Shock


[5.04] Production


| Level | Average Year | Production Efficiency | Buildings Enabled |


| 0 | 1450 | 0.30 | None |

| 1 | 1455 | 0.32 | Workshop |

| 2 | 1470 | 0.34 | None |

| 3 | 1485 | 0.36 | None |

| 4 | 1495 | 0.38 | None |

| 5 | 1497 | 0.40 | None |

| 6 | 1498 | 0.42 | Textiles |

| 7 | 1502 | 0.44 | None |

| 8 | 1508 | 0.46 | None |

| 9 | 1518 | 0.48 | None |

| 10 | 1530 | 0.50 | None |

| 11 | 1540 | 0.51 | None |

| 12 | 1545 | 0.52 | None |

| 13 | 1550 | 0.53 | None |

| 14 | 1565 | 0.54 | None |

| 15 | 1585 | 0.55 | None |

| 16 | 1600 | 0.56 | None |

| 17 | 1610 | 0.57 | None |

| 18 | 1620 | 0.58 | None |

| 19 | 1625 | 0.59 | None |

| 20 | 1636 | 0.60 | None |

| 21 | 1644 | 0.61 | None |

| 22 | 1655 | 0.62 | None |

| 23 | 1660 | 0.63 | None |

| 24 | 1675 | 0.64 | None |

| 25 | 1690 | 0.65 | None |

| 26 | 1700 | 0.66 | None |

| 27 | 1709 | 0.67 | None |

| 28 | 1714 | 0.68 | None |

| 29 | 1719 | 0.69 | None |

| 30 | 1723 | 0.70 | None |

| 31 | 1725 | 0.71 | None |

| 32 | 1727 | 0.72 | None |

| 33 | 1730 | 0.73 | None |

| 34 | 1732 | 0.74 | None |

| 35 | 1735 | 0.75 | None |

| 36 | 1737 | 0.76 | None |

| 37 | 1743 | 0.77 | None |

| 38 | 1747 | 0.78 | None |

| 39 | 1750 | 0.79 | None |

| 40 | 1755 | 0.80 | None |

| 41 | 1760 | 0.81 | None |

| 42 | 1765 | 0.82 | None |

| 43 | 1770 | 0.83 | None |

| 44 | 1775 | 0.84 | None |

| 45 | 1780 | 0.85 | None |

| 46 | 1785 | 0.86 | None |

| 47 | 1790 | 0.87 | None |

| 48 | 1791 | 0.88 | None |

| 49 | 1792 | 0.89 | None |

| 50 | 1795 | 0.90 | None |

| 51 | 1798 | 0.91 | None |

| 52 | 1801 | 0.92 | None |

| 53 | 1805 | 0.93 | None |

| 54 | 1809 | 0.94 | None |

| 55 | 1812 | 0.95 | None |

| 56 | 1813 | 0.96 | None |

| 57 | 1815 | 0.97 | None |

| 58 | 1820 | 0.98 | None |

| 59 | 1825 | 0.99 | None |



[5.05] Trade


| Level | Average Year | Trade Efficiency | Enables |


| 0 | 1450 | 0.30 | None |

| 1 | 1455 | 0.32 | Merchants |

| 2 | 1470 | 0.34 | None |

| 3 | 1485 | 0.36 | None |

| 4 | 1495 | 0.38 | None |

| 5 | 1497 | 0.40 | None |

| 6 | 1498 | 0.42 | Refinery |

| 7 | 1502 | 0.44 | Monopoly |

| 8 | 1508 | 0.46 | None |

| 9 | 1518 | 0.48 | None |

| 10 | 1530 | 0.50 | None |

| 11 | 1540 | 0.51 | None |

| 12 | 1545 | 0.52 | None |

| 13 | 1550 | 0.53 | Marketplace |

| 14 | 1565 | 0.54 | None |

| 15 | 1585 | 0.55 | None |

| 16 | 1600 | 0.56 | None |

| 17 | 1610 | 0.57 | None |

| 18 | 1620 | 0.58 | None |

| 19 | 1625 | 0.59 | None |

| 20 | 1636 | 0.60 | None |

| 21 | 1644 | 0.61 | None |

| 22 | 1655 | 0.62 | None |

| 23 | 1660 | 0.63 | None |

| 24 | 1675 | 0.64 | None |

| 25 | 1690 | 0.65 | None |

| 26 | 1700 | 0.66 | None |

| 27 | 1709 | 0.67 | None |

| 28 | 1714 | 0.68 | None |

| 29 | 1719 | 0.69 | None |

| 30 | 1723 | 0.70 | None |

| 31 | 1725 | 0.71 | None |

| 32 | 1727 | 0.72 | None |

| 33 | 1730 | 0.73 | None |

| 34 | 1732 | 0.74 | None |

| 35 | 1735 | 0.75 | None |

| 36 | 1737 | 0.76 | None |

| 37 | 1743 | 0.77 | None |

| 38 | 1747 | 0.78 | None |

| 39 | 1750 | 0.79 | None |

| 40 | 1755 | 0.80 | None |

| 41 | 1760 | 0.81 | None |

| 42 | 1765 | 0.82 | None |

| 43 | 1770 | 0.83 | None |

| 44 | 1775 | 0.84 | None |

| 45 | 1780 | 0.85 | None |

| 46 | 1785 | 0.86 | None |

| 47 | 1790 | 0.87 | None |

| 48 | 1791 | 0.88 | None |

| 49 | 1792 | 0.89 | None |

| 50 | 1795 | 0.90 | None |

| 51 | 1798 | 0.91 | None |

| 52 | 1801 | 0.92 | None |

| 53 | 1805 | 0.93 | None |

| 54 | 1809 | 0.94 | None |

| 55 | 1812 | 0.95 | None |

| 56 | 1813 | 0.96 | None |

| 57 | 1815 | 0.97 | None |

| 58 | 1820 | 0.98 | None |

| 59 | 1825 | 0.99 | None |



[6.01] Buildings


| Building | Cost | Build Time | Effects |


| Temple | 50 | 24 | Stabilty Cost -5 |

| Workshop | 50 | 12 | Increase Tax Income +2 |

|Regimental Camp| 200 | 24 |Manpower x.25, Recruit -50%|

| Shipyard | 1000 | 24 | Ship Recruit -50%, Port |

| Constable | 50 | 12 | +50% Tax, +2 Revolt Risk |

| Courthouse | 50 | 12 | -2 Revolt Risk |

| Marketplace | 50 | 12 | +1% Population Growth |

| Tax Assessor | 50 | 12 | Inflation -0.5% |

| War College | 500 | 24 | Army Tradition +0.01 |

| Admiralty | 500 | 24 | Navy Tradition +0.01 |

| Customs House | 50 | 12 | +5% Tax Income |


Note that the War College and Admiralty can only be built in the Capital and

that you can only have one and not the other. Build Time are also in months.


[6.02] Manufactories


| Manufactory | Cost | Build Time | Tech Investment +5 |


| Refinery | 1000 | 60 | Trade |

| Wharf | 1000 | 60 | Naval |

| Weapons | 1000 | 60 | Land |

| Textile | 1000 | 60 | Production |

| Fine Arts | 1000 | 60 | Stability |

| University | 1000 | 60 | Government |


Note that all manufactories will provide a +1% to population growth. If given

access to their bonus material, their productivity will double. It is listed

below. By access, it means built on the province with the trade good. As you

build these manufactories, their cost will continue to increase. They will get

very expensive later on so be careful where you place it.

Refinery = Wine and Sugar

Wharf = Naval Supplies

Weapons = Iron and Copper

Textile = Wool and Cloth


[6.03] Fortresses


| Fort Level | Cost | Build Time | Supply Limit | Missionary Chance |


| 1 | 50 | 12 | 0.5 | +0.02 |

| 2 | 100 | 12 | 0.5 | +0.04 |

| 3 | 200 | 12 | 0.5 | +0.06 |

| 4 | 400 | 12 | 0.5 | +0.08 |

| 5 | 800 | 12 | 1 | +0.10 |

| 6 | 1600 | 12 | 1 | +0.12 |



[7.01] The Advisors

You can have up to three advisors at a time. Each advisor's effect is based

on the amount of stars that have next to their name, the more, the better.

The following Advisor Profiles are based off the latest patch of the game.

I believe there is a maximum of 10 Stars.

Philosopher = +0.5 Prestige per Star

Natural Scientist = Production Tech +3 per Star

Artist = Stability Investment +3 per Star

Statesman = Government Tech +3 per Star

Treasurer = Trade Tech +3 per Star

Naval Reformer = Naval Tech +3 per Star

Army Reformer = Army Tech +3 per Star

Trader = Merchant Compete Chance +2% per Star

Theologian = Missionary Success Rate +2% per Star

Spymaster = Spy Efficiency +2% per Star

Colonial Governor = Colonist Compete Chance +2% per Star

Diplomat = Badbay Modifier -0.05 per Star


[8.01] Infantry

--==Adal Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Adal Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==African Clubmen==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==African Hill Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==African Spearmen Tactics==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==African Western Franchise Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Afsharid Reformed Infantry==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 36

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Algonkin Tomahawk Charge Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==American Western Franchise Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 7

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 7

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Anglo-French Line==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 26

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Apache Guerrilla Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Asian Arquebusier==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 10

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Asian Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Austrian Grenzer==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 26

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 8

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 6

--==Austrian Jaeger==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 48

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 10

Defensive Morale = 9

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 10

Defensive Shock = 7

--==Austrian Tercio==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 20

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Austrian White Coat==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 35

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 9

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 8

--==Aztec Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Aztec Hill Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Aztec Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Bantu Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Bantu Plains Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Bantu Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Bhonsle Infantry Tactics==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 30

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 3

--==British Redcoat==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 35

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 10

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 8

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 6

--==British Square==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 47

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 10

Defensive Morale = 12

Offensive Fire = 8

Defensive Fire = 10

Offensive Shock = 7

Defensive Shock = 8

--==Chinese Footsoldier==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Chinese Longspear==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Creek Arquebusier==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Durrani Rifled Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 39

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Dutch Maurician==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 10

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==East Asian Spearmen==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Eastern Medieval Infantry==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Eastern Militia==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 3

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Ethiopian Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Ethiopian Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Ethiopian Mountain Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==French Bluecoat==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 35

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 9

Defensive Morale = 9

Offensive Fire = 7

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 7

Defensive Shock = 6

--==French Impulse==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 47

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 12

Defensive Morale = 10

Offensive Fire = 10

Defensive Fire = 8

Offensive Shock = 8

Defensive Shock = 7

--==Gaelic Free Shooter==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 10

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Gaelic Galloglaigh==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 3

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Gaelic Mercenary==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Germanized Pike==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Han Banner Army==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 21

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Huron Arquebusier==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Inca Mountain Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Indian Arquebusier==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 10

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Indian Footsoldier==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Indian Rifle Tactics==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 45

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 3

--=Irish Charge==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 20

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Iroquis Rifle Scout==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Italian Condotta==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Japanese Archer==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Japanese Footsoldier==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Maharathan Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 25

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Mali Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mamluk Archer==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Mamluk Duel==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 3

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Maya Forest Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Maya Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Maya Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Maya Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mexican Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Mongol Bow==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 3

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mughal Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 12

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Muscovite Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 15

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Muscovite Soldaty==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Native Clubmen==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Native Indian Archer==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Native Indian Mountain Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Native Indian Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Niger-Kongolese Forest Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Niger-Kongolese Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Niger-Kongolese Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Niger-Kongolese Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Ottoman Azab==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 2

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Ottoman Janissary Tactics==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Ottoman New Model==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 52

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 8

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 5

--==Ottoman Nizam-i Cedid==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 38

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Ottoman Reformed Janissary==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Ottoman Sekban==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 20

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Ottoman Yaya==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Persian Footsolder==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Persian Rifle==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 44

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 5

--==Persian Shamshir==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 7

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Peruvian Guerrilla Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 54

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Polish Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 15

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Polish Tercio==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Prussian Drill==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 48

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 10

Defensive Morale = 10

Offensive Fire = 10

Defensive Fire = 10

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 6

--==Prussian Frederickian==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 35

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 10

Defensive Morale = 8

Offensive Fire = 8

Defensive Fire = 7

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Pueblo Ambush Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Reformed Asian Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 30

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Reformed Mughal Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Russian Greencoat==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 37

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 5

--==Russian Mass==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 49

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 10

Defensive Morale = 10

Offensive Fire = 7

Defensive Fire = 7

Offensive Shock = 9

Defensive Shock = 9

--==Russian Petrine==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Saxon Infantry==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Scottish Highlander==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 26

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Sikh Hit and Run==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 39

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Songhai Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 0

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 1

--==South American Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==South American Spearmen==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==South American Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 0

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 1

--==South Indian Musketeer==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Spanish Tercio==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 10

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Swedish Caroline==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 26

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Swedish Gustavian==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 20

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Swiss Landskenchten==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Tipu Sultan Rocket Tactics==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 43

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Tofongchis Musketeers==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 15

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Western Longbow==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 2

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Western Medieval Infantry==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Western Men at Arms==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 2

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Westernized Adal Tactics==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Westernized Aztec Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Westernized Bantu Tactics==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Westernized Ethiopian==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 31

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Westernized Mayan==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Westernized Niger-Kongolese==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Westernized South American Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Westernized Zapotec==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Zapotec Gunpowder Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Zapotec Plains Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Zapotec Tribal Warfare==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 6

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Zulu Chest and Horns==--

Technology Group = African

Technology Level = 27

Maneuver = 1

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2


[8.02] Cavalry

--==Afsharid Reformed Tactics==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 36

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Ali Bey Reformed Cavalry==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 42

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 5

--==Austrian Hussar==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Bhonsle Cavalry Tactics==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 30

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==British Hussar==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 45

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 7

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 7

--==Chinese Dragoon==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 27

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Chinese Steppe==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Commanche Swarm Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 26

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Durrani Dragoon==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 44

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 7

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Durrani Swivel Tactics==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 39

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==East Mongolian Steppe==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Eastern Bow==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Eastern Knights==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==French Carabineer==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 45

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 7

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==French Caracolle==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 14

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2

--==French Cuirassier==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 44

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 9

Defensive Shock = 7

--==French Dragoon==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Hungarian Hussar==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Indian Elephant==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 15

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Japanese Samurai==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Maharathan Cavalry==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 25

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Mamluk Cavalry Charge==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mamluk Musket Charge==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 26

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Manchu Banner==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 21

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 5

--==Mongol Steppe==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mongol Swarm==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 2

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mongolian Bow Tactics==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Mughal Mansabar==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 12

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Muscovite Caracolle==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 18

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Muscovite Cossack==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 24

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Native Indian Horsemen==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Ottoman Lancer==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 52

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 9

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 9

Defensive Shock = 5

--==Ottoman Musellem==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Ottoman Reformed Spahi==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 20

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Ottoman Spahi==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 5

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Ottoman Timariot==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 2

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Ottoman Toprakli Dragoon==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 38

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 7

Offensive Fire = 7

Defensive Fire = 6

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Ottoman Toprakli Hit and Run==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Persian Cavalry Charge==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Polish Hussar==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 18

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Polish Winged Hussar==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 24

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Prussian Uhlan==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 45

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 8

Offensive Fire = 5

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 7

Defensive Shock = 6

--==Qizilbash Cavalry==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 7

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Rajput Hill Fighters==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 0

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Reformed Asian Cavalry Tactics==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 30

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Reformed Manchu Rifle Tactics==--

Technology Group = Chinese

Technology Level = 45

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 7

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Reformed Mughal Mansabar==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Russian Cossack==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 40

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 5

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Russian Cuirassier==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 40

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 8

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 8

Defensive Shock = 6

--==Russian Lancer==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 31

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Shaybanid Tactics==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 3

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Sikh Rifle Tactics==--

Technology Group = Indian

Technology Level = 45

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 7

Defensive Morale = 6

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 4

Offensive Shock = 6

Defensive Shock = 3

--==Sioux Dragoon Tactics==--

Technology Group = New World

Technology Level = 41

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Slavic Stradioti==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 2

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Swedish Arme Blanche==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 28

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 5

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 4

--==Swedish Galoop==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 19

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 4

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Tartar Cossack==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 31

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Topchis Cavalry==--

Technology Group = Muslim

Technology Level = 15

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Western Medieval Knights==--

Technology Group = Latin

Technology Level = 0

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 0

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Zaporoghian Cossack==--

Technology Group = Eastern

Technology Level = 18

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2


[8.03] Artillery

--==Chambered Demi Cannon==--

Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Coehorn Mortar==--

Technology Level = 25

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 5

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 4

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 2


Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 3

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1


Technology Level = 4

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 1

Offensive Fire = 1

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Large Cast Bronze Mortar==--

Technology Level = 4

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 0

--==Large Cast Iron Bombard==--

Technology Level = 7

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 0

Offensive Shock = 3

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Leather Cannon==--

Technology Level = 18

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 2

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2


Technology Level = 13

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 1

Defensive Morale = 2

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 1

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Royal Mortar==--

Technology Level = 39

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 6

Defensive Morale = 3

Offensive Fire = 6

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 5

Defensive Shock = 2

--==Small Cast Iron Bombard==--

Technology Level = 7

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 2

Defensive Morale = 0

Offensive Fire = 2

Defensive Fire = 1

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 1

--==Swivel Cannon==--

Technology Level = 22

Maneuver = 2

Offensive Morale = 4

Defensive Morale = 4

Offensive Fire = 3

Defensive Fire = 3

Offensive Shock = 2

Defensive Shock = 2


[8.04] Big Ships


Technology Level = 3

Hull Size = 25

Base Cannons = 50

Sail Speed = 5


Technology Level = 0

Hull Size = 20

Base Cannons = 40

Sail Speed = 5


Technology Level = 14

Hull Size = 30

Base Cannons = 60

Sail Speed = 4


Technology Level = 30

Hull Size = 60

Base Cannons = 120

Sail Speed = 5


Technology Level = 24

Hull Size = 50

Base Cannons = 100

Sail Speed = 5

--==War Galleon==--

Technology Level = 18

Hull Size = 40

Base Cannons = 80

Sail Speed = 4


[8.05] Light Ships


Technology Level = 2

Hull Size = 10

Base Cannons = 15

Sail Speed = 10

--==Early Frigate==--

Technology Level = 15

Hull Size = 20

Base Cannons = 20

Sail Speed = 10


Technology Level = 19

Hull Size = 25

Base Cannons = 25

Sail Speed = 10

--==Heavy Frigate==--

Technology Level = 25

Hull Size = 30

Base Cannons = 35

Sail Speed = 10


[8.06] Galley Ships

--==Archipelago Frigate==--

Technology Level = 29

Hull Size = 20

Base Cannons = 35

Sail Speed = 8


Technology Level = 23

Hull Size = 16

Base Cannons = 20

Sail Speed = 8


Technology Level = 13

Hull Size = 14

Base Cannons = 15

Sail Speed = 8


Technology Level = 0

Hull Size = 12

Base Cannons = 10

Sail Speed = 8


[8.07] Transport Ships


Technology Level = 0

Hull Size = 20

Base Cannons = 10

Sail Speed = 5

--==East Indiaman==--

Technology Level = 27

Hull Size = 28

Base Cannons = 16

Sail Speed = 5


Technology Level = 6

Hull Size = 22

Base Cannons = 12

Sail Speed = 5


Technology Level = 17

Hull Size = 24

Base Cannons = 14

Sail Speed = 5


[9.01] Christian

There are 4 branches of the Christian religion. All can convert to one another

except for the Orthodox branch. As a rule, you can only annex nations which

have the same branch of religion as you, although you annoy the rest of the

religious world. Christianity is must common in Europe.

What do Missionaries do? Simple, you send them to a province without the same

religion as you can you attempt to convert them to your cause. This will

reduce the Stability Cost for your province since it is not in a different

religion as also increase tolerance, a good thing.


Province Effect = Stability Cost $20

Country Effect = +2 Colonists per Year

+2 Diplomats per Year

Missionary Success Rate +30%

Can play around with Papacy


Province Effect = Stability Cost $30

Country Effect = Production Efficiency +10%

+10% More Tax Income

+1 Colonist per Year

+1 Diplomat per Year

Missionary Success Rate +30%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $30

Country Effect = Trade Efficiency +10%

10% LESS Tax Income

+2 Colonists per Year

+1 Diplomat per Year

Missionary Success Rate +27%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $15

Country Effect = +1 Colonist per Year

Missionary Success Rate +30%


[9.02] Muslim

There are 2 branches of the Muslim religion. Provinces with this religion is

found commonly in Africa, the Middle East, Russia and parts of Asia.


Province Effect = Stability Cost $20

Country Effect = Missionary Success Rate +30%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $20

Country Effect = 20% LESS Tax Income

Land Morale +50%

Missionary Success Rate +27%


[9.03] Eastern

There are 4 branches of the Eastern religion. Although they are not really a

religion by itself as Muslim and Christianity are, they cover the religions

of Asia.


Province Effect = Stability Cost $20

Country Effect = 20% LESS Tax Income

Missionary Success Rate +30%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $25

Country Effect = +5% More Tax Income

Missionary Success Rate +35%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $20

Country Effect = 50% LESS Tax Income

Missionary Success Rate +20%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $15

Country Effect = Land Morale +50%

20% LESS Tax Income

Missionary Success Rate +20%


[9.04] Pagan

Pagan religions are worship of the land and so forth, not to be confused with

worshiping the Devil. Pagans do not worship the Devil. Anyway, these are

commonly found in uncolonised lands, such as the Americas and those nations

there. They can be annex by nations of any other religion.


Province Effect = Stability Cost $10

Missionary Cost -50%

Country Effect = Missionary Success Rate +50%


Province Effect = Stability Cost $10

Missionary Cost -50%

Country Effect = Missionary Success Rate +50%


[10.01] Missions

There are 12 Missions in EU3 after the v1.3 Patch that you can readily

download off the net. Each can be used against the enemy but some may require

you do perform the mission in a certain area. Each of these missions require

a Spy and you will lose the spy, regardless whether the mission was successful

or not. You will also have to pay a price, the exact price will be inflation


Now is a good time as any to tell you what the BadBoy is. Basically, Badboy is

a measure of how bad you are, the higher the number, the worse it is. The

limit is 38, any more, enemies will gain a Casus Belli against you for free.

The Badboy number will make your foreign merchants less competitive by 1% per

point as well as making stability investment more expensive, +1% for each

point. It also makes diplomatic actions less likely to succeed and as such,

makes it super dooper hard to annex nations.

--==Incite Troop Desertion==--

Cost = 25 Ducats

Difficulty = 2/10

If Failed = Lose 5 Prestige

0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = One Unit on Tile

Other Required = None

Effect = Attrition Increased by 10

Max Attrition Increased by 10

Duration = 60 Days

--==Assassinate Advisor==--

Cost = 50 Ducats

Difficulty = 5/10

If Failed = Lose 10 Prestige

1 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = None

Other Required = Enemy Must have an Advisor

Effect = Kills an Advisor at random

Duration = Infinite

--==Sabotage Reputation==--

Cost = 200 Ducats

Difficulty = 8/10

If Failed = Lose 20 Prestige

1 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Capital City

Other Required = None

Effect = Increase Enemy Badboy by 1

Duration = One Off

--==Despised Merchants==--

Cost = 25 Ducats

Difficulty = 2/10

If Failed = Lost 1 Prestige

0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Capital City

Other Required = None

Effect = 25% Less Trade Income

-25% Compete Chance for Merchants

Duration = 120 Days

--==Spy Ring Infiltration==--

Cost = 10 Ducats

Difficulty = 2/10

If Failed = Lose 1 Prestige

0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Capital City

Other Required = None

Effect = -25% Spy Efficiency

Duration = 180 Days

--==Support Revolt==--

Cost = 25 Ducats

Difficulty = 1/10

If Failed = Lose 1 Prestige

0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = None

Other Required = None

Effect = Local Revolt Risk +3

Duration = 360 Days

--==Commission Privateer==--

Cost = 25 Ducats

Difficulty = 1/10

If Failed = Lose 1 Prestige

0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Coastal City

Other Required = None

Effect = Spawns Pirate Ship to Blockade Port

Duration = Until Privateer is Destroyed

--==Counterfeit Currency==--

Cost = 100 Ducats

Difficulty = 8/10

If Failed = Lose 20 Prestige

1 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Capital City

Other Required = Government Tech Level 23

Effect = Increase Inflation by 1

Duration = One Off

--==Sow Discontent==--

Cost = 100 Ducats

Difficulty = 8/10

If Failed = Lose 20 Prestige

1 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Capital City

Other Required = Government Tech Level 6

Effect = -1 Stability

Duration = One Off

--==Fabricate Claims==--

Cost = 100 Ducats

Difficulty = 4/10

If Failed = Lose 20 Prestige

1 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = None

Other Required = None

Effect = Add Core on Province

Duration = Infinite

--==Incite Natives==--

Cost = 25 Ducats

Difficulty = 1/10

If Failed = Lose 1 Prestige

0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Colony

Other Required = None

Effect = Increase Aggressiveness by 1

Duration = Infinite

--==Bribe Defenders==--

Cost = 25 Ducats

Difficulty = 2/10

If Failed = 0 BadBoy Increase

Tile Required = Sieged Province

Other Required = Under Siege

Effect = Dice Roll -2 For Attackers

Duration = Infinite


[11.01] Base Resources

Trade Goods are goods that are found in every single province. Your citizens

in your provinces will harvest and produce the trade goods, allowing you to

trade, make tax income and production money. In fact, the more valuable the

trade good is, the more you will make in production taxes. Anyway, this is the

main reason for expansion. People will often colonise, to the Eastern areas

and the New World for such materials. Base Resources are found everywhere, the

basic resources for survival.

Plantation, ie, manufacturies will derive demand from the amount of them on

the map. Gold is a different resource. It makes money directly to the treasury

and therefore, does not trade. Gold can also lead to gold inflation if


When supply is greater than demand, the base price will be lower than what is

posted while if demand is greater than supply, the base price will be higher.


Base Price = 5 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.5

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = War +1%

Shipyard +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Refinery +1%

Wharf +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%

Textiles Factory +1%

Fine Arts Academy +1%

University +1%


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.25

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Shipyard +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Refinery +1%

Wharf +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%

Textiles Factory +1%

Fine Arts Academy +1%

University +1%


Base Price = 5 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.25

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Shipyard +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Refinery +1%

wharf +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%

Textiles Factory +1%

Fine Arts Academy +1%

University +1%


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.5

Maximum Demand = 1.5

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Textiles Factory +2%

Regimental Camp +2%


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.5

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Shipyard +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Refinery +1%

Wharf +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%

Textiles Manufactory +1%

Fine Arts Academy +1%

University +1%


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Workshop +1%

Temple +1%


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.25

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Shipyard +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Refinery +1%

Wharf +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%

Textiles Factory +15

Fine Arts Academy +1%

University +1%

--==Naval Supplies==--

Base Price = 5 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = war +2%

Shipyard +2%

Wharf +2%


[11.02] Metals

Metals are rarer in the game than base resources but can be found anywhere on

the map regardless. The same rules apply as before.


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.25

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = War +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%


Base Price = 0

Minimum Demand = 1.0

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By =

NB: This Gold Resource will only be used if you really need to as it can

severely increase inflation.


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.25

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = War +1%

Regimental Camp +1%

Weapons Manufactory +1%


[11.03] African Resources

There is only 2 African resources, and one unfortunately, is slaves. It is

found only in Africa though. Ivory however, is common in Africa, but there are

a few exceptions


Base Price = 5 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 1.0

Maximum Demand = 1.0

Plantation Demand? = Yes

Demand Increased By = Planations


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


[11.04] Eastern Resources

There resources are only found in the Asia regions. These are more expensive

and a good substitute for the new world goods.


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


[11.05] New World Resources

The reason why you would want to expand to the New World. Unless you can

expand into Asia without being attacked, this is a good alternative. The

goods are about the same price as well as plantation based. All resources

are plantation based meaning they increase the demand for slaves.


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


Base Price = 15 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


Base Price = 10 Ducats

Minimum Demand = 0.75

Maximum Demand = 2.0

Plantation Demand? = No

Demand Increased By = Marketplace +2%


[12.01] Aristocracy - Plutocracy

Before start, let me explain how this works. There are 8 sliders for

Government Policy. Each slider has 10 points, 5 for the left, 5 for the right

with a centre. You can change policy once every 10 years only. Another thing

about this, every stat is for one point to the RIGHT. Therefore, if there is

a saving, it is a saving for moving one point to the RIGHT. There are also

Left and Right specific benefits. This means that from the centre, every

point to the left will get you a bonus while every point to the right will

give you the right specific bonus. For every point to the left, the effect

will be reversed. These effects are stacked, therefore, 5 points to the right

will give you 5X the bonus, or disadvantage.

For Every Point to the Right: Cavalry Cost 5% More

Big Ships Cost 5% Less

Light Ships Cost 5% Less

0.4 Less Diplomats per Year

+1% to Trade Efficiency

-1% to Production Efficiency

Right Specific: +0.2 More Spies per Year


[12.02] Centralisation - Decentralisation

For Every Point to the Right: Max War Exhaustion increased by 0.4

Land Tech Cost 1% Less

Trade Tech Cost 1% Less

Government Tech Cost 1% Less

Naval Tech Cost 1% Less

Production Tech Cost 1% Less

+1% More Tax Income

-1% to Production Efficiency

-1% to Spy Efficiency

-1% to Global Spy Defence


[12.03] Innovative - Narrowminded

For Every Point to the Right: Stability Investment Cost 5% Less

Max War Exhaustion decreased by 0.4

Land Tech Cost 2% More

Trade Tech Cost 2% More

Government Tech Cost 2% More

Naval Tech Cost 2% More

Production Tech Cost 2% More

+0.4 Missionaries Per Year

+0.4 Colonists Per Year

Right Specific: +2% To Global Spy Defence


[12.04] Mercantilism - Free Trade

For Every Point to the Right: +0.2 Colonists Per Year

+0.4 Merchants Per Year

+10% Merchant Travel Cost

Left Specific: +0.2 Spies per Year

+1% Merchant Compete Chance

Right Specific: +1% Merchant Compete Chance


[12.05] Offensive - Defensive

For Every Point to the Right: -5% to Artillery Cost

Land Morale -2%

Left Specific: Leader Shock +0.25

Right Specific: Leader Siege +0.25


[12.06] Land - Naval

For Every Point to the Right: Infantry Cost 5% More

Cavalry Cost 5% More

Big Ships Cost 5% Less

Light Ships Cost 5% Less

Galleys Costs 5% Less

+1% to Trade Efficiency

+2% To Overseas Income

+1% To Production Efficiency

-5% To Global Manpower

Left Specific: Land Morale +2%

Land Supply Limit +5

Right Specific: Naval Morale +2%

+0.2 Colonists Per Year

Sea Supply Limit +5


[12.07] Quality - Quantity

For Every Point to the Right: Infantry Cost 2.5% Less

Cavalry Cost 2% Less

Land Morale -2%

Global Manpower +2.5%

Left Specific: Leader Fire +0.25


[12.08] Serfdom - Free Subjects

For Every Point to the Right: Infantry Cost 2.5% More

+1% To Production Efficiency

+1% To Stability Costs

Land Morale +1%

+1% To Global Spy Defence


[13.01] Feudal Monarchy

Administrative Efficiency = 16

Allowed Conversion from = Despotic Monarchy

Absolute Monarchy

Adminstrative Monarchy

Merchant Republic

Maximum Policy = Aristocracy <---> Plutocracy [-1]

* Global Manpower is increased by 15%

* Attrition Limit increased by 15%


[13.02] Merchant Republic

Administrative Efficiency = 15

Allowed Conversion from = Administrative Republic

Bureaucratic Despotism

Feudal Monarchy

Maximum Policy = Aristocracy <---> Plutocracy [1]

* Merchants cost 25% less

* Nation is given a republican name

* You are no longer allowed to have Royal Marriages


[13.03] Despotic Monarchy

Administrative Efficiency = 20

Allowed Conversion from = Administrative Monarchy

Absolute Monarchy

Enlightened Despotism

Constitutional Monarchy

Noble Republic


Feudal Monarchy

Maximum Policy = Serfdom <---> Free Subjects [1]

* Badboy Limit is 10


[13.04] Noble Republic

Administrative Efficiency = 15

Allowed Conversion from = Administrative Republic

Republican Dictatorship

Despotic Monarchy

* Nation is given a republican name

* Tolerance is increased by 1


[13.05] Administrative Monarchy

Administrative Efficiency = 12

Allowed Conversion from = Constitutional Monarchy

Administrative Republic

Despotic Monarchy

* Production Efficiency is increased by 5%


[13.06] Administrative Republic

Administrative Efficiency = 12

Allowed Conversion from = Constitutional Republic

Republican Dictatorship

Bureaucratic Despotism

Merchant Republic

Noble Republic

Administrative Monarchy

* Trade Efficiency is increased by 5%

* Nation is given a republican name

* No longer allowed to have Royal Marriages


[13.07] Absolute Monarchy

Administrative Efficiency = 10

Allowed Conversion from = Enlightened Despotism

Despotic Monarchy

Republican Dictatorship

Maximum Policy = Centralisation <---> Decentralisation [1]

* Maximum War Exhaustion is decreased by 1


[13.08] Republican Dictatorship

Administrative Efficiency = 10

Allowed Conversion from = Bureaucratic Despotism

Administrative Republic

Absolute Monarchy

* Nation is given a republican name

* Land Morale increased by 0.1

* Naval Morale increased by 0.1


[13.09] Constitutional Monarchy

Administrative Efficiency = 8

Allowed Conversion from = Administrative Monarchy

Constitutional Republic

* Merchants are 50% cheaper


[13.10] Enlightened Despotism

Administrative Efficiency = 8

Allowed Conversion from = Absolute Monarchy

Bureaucratic Despotism

Maximum Policy = Serfdom <---> Free Subjects [-3]

* Global Spy Defence is increased by 20%


[13.11] Constitutional Republic

Administrative Efficiency = 8

Allowed Conversion from = Constitutional Monarchy

Administrative Republic

* Nation is given a republican name

* Production Efficiency is increased by 20%

* No longer allowed to have Royal Marriages


[13.12] Bureaucracy Despotism

Administrative Efficiency = 5

Allowed Conversion from = Republican Dictatorship

Enlightened Despotism

* Stability Cost is 20% cheaper


[13.13] Theocracy

Administrative Efficiency = 15

Allowed Conversion from = Absolute Monarchy

Maximum Policy = Innovative <---> Narrowminded [0]

* Must have a state religion

* No longer allowed for Royal Marriages

* Missionaries are 20% more successful


[13.14] Papacy

Administrative Efficiency = 10

Allowed Conversion from = Cannot be Converted

Maximum Policy = Innovative <---> Narrowminded [0]

* Must have Christian religion

* No longer allowed for Royal Marriages

* Missionaries are 25% more successful


[13.15] Tribal Despotism

Administrative Efficiency = 25

Allowed Conversion from = Tribal Federation

Tribal Democracy

Maximum Policy = Innovative <---> Narrowminded [1]

* Global Manpower is increased by 20%

* Technology costs 50% more expensive to research


[13.16] Tribal Federation

Administrative Efficiency = 25

Allowed Conversion from = Tribal Despotism

Tribal Democracy

Maximum Policy = Centralisation <---> Decentralisation [-1]

* Trade Efficiency increased by 10%

* Technology costs 50% more expensive to research


[13.17] Tribal Democracy

Administrative Efficiency = 25

Allowed Conversion from = Tribal Despotism

Tribal Federation

Maximum Policy = Aristocracy <---> Plutocracy [-1]

* Stability Costs 25% Less to Maintain

* Technology costs 50% more expensive to research


[14.01] #1 to #100

Before we start, I will mention the trade good in each province and the

capital city.

#1 Uppland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Stockholm

#2 Ostergotland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Linkoping

#3 Smaland

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Kalmar

#4 Bergslagen

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Vasteras

#5 Varmland

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Orebro

#6 Skane

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Lund

#7 Vastergotland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Skara

#8 Dalaskogen

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mora Socken

#9 Halsingland

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Gavle

#10 Jamtland

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Froson

#11 Vasterbotten

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Umea

#12 Sjaelland

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kobenhavn

#13 Slesvig

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ribe

#14 Fyn

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Odense

#15 Jylland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Aarhus

#16 Bohusian

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Marstrand

#17 Akershus

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Oslo

#18 Lappland

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kien Kasjarkka

#19 Osterbotten

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Korsholm

#20 Trondelag

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Trondhelm

#21 Halogaland

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Steig

#22 Eisdiva

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Hamar

#23 Bergenshus

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Bergen

#24 Agder

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Stavanger

#25 Gotland

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Visby

#26 Halland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Halmstad

#27 Finland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Abo

#28 Nyland

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Borga

#29 Tavastland

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Tavastehus

#30 Viborg

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Viborg

#31 Savolaks

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Olofsborg

#32 Keksholm

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Keksholm

#33 Neva

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Noteborg

#34 Ingermanland

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kopore

#35 Osel

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Arensburg

#36 Estland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Reval

#37 Livland

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dorpat

#38 Riga

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Riga

#39 Kurland

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Mitau

#40 Memel

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Memel

#41 Ostpreussen

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Konigsberg

#42 Warmia

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Allenstein

#43 Danzig

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Danzig

#44 Hamburg

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Hamburg

#45 Lubeck

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Lubeck

#46 Mecklenburg

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Rostock

#47 Vorpommern

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Stralsund

#48 Hinterpommern

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Stettin

#49 Neumark

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Landsberg

#50 Brandenburg

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Berlin

#51 Ruppin

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Neuruppin

#52 Altmark

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Magdeburg

#53 Luneberg

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Luneburg

#54 Bremen

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Bremen

#55 Oldenburg

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Oldenburg

#56 Osnabruck

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Osnabruck

#57 Hannover

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Braunschweig

#58 Anhalt

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Dessau

#59 Meissen

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Meissen

#60 Lausitz

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Bautzen

#61 Dresden

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Dresden

#62 Leipzig

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Leipzig

#63 Erfurt

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Erfurt

#64 Niederbayern

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Landshut

#65 Munchen

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Munchen

#66 Bamberg

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Bamberg

#67 Franken

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Nurnberg

#68 Schwaben

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Augsburg

#69 Konstanz

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Konstanz

#70 Wurttenberg

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Stuttgart

#71 Leiningen

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Hall

#72 Breisgau

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Freiburg

#73 Tirol

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Innsbruck

#74 Baden

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Baden

#75 Elsass

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Strasburg

#76 Salzburg

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Salzburg

#77 Pfalz

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Pfalz

#78 Mainz

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mainz

#79 Wurzburg

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Wurzburg

#80 Trier

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Trier

#81 Hessen

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kassel

#82 Lippe

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Paderborn

#83 Nassau

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Frankfurt

#84 Berg

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Dasseldorf

#85 Koln

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Koln

#86 Munster

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Munster

#87 Calais

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Calais

#88 Artois

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Arras

#89 Picardie

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Amiens

#90 Viaanderen

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Antwerpen

#91 Hainaut

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Mons

#92 Brabant

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Brussels

#93 Liege

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Liege

#94 Luxemburg

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Luxemburg

#95 Breda

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Hertogenbosch

#96 Zeeland

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Middelburg

#97 Holland

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Amsterdam

#98 Utrecht

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Utrecht

#99 Gelre

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Arnhem

#100 Frysland

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Groningen


[14.02] #101 to #200

#101 Liguria

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Genoa

#102 Nice

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Nice

#103 Piedmont

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Torino

#104 Lombardia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Milano

#105 Parma

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Parma

#106 Modena

Trade Good = Wine

Capital =

#107 Brescia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Brescia

#108 Verona

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Verona

#109 Mantua

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mantova

#110 Trent

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Meran

#111 Friuli

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Udine

#112 Venezia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Venezia

#113 Ferrera

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Ferrera

#114 Romagna

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Bologna

#115 Pisa

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Pisa

#116 Firenze

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Firenze

#117 Siena

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Siena

#118 Roma

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Roma

#119 Ancona

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Urbino

#120 Abbruzzi

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = L'Aquila

#121 Napoli

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Napoli

#122 Apulia

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Taranto

#123 Calabria

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Reggio di Calabria

#124 Messina

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Messina

#125 Palermo

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Palermo

#126 Malta

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Medina

#127 Sardinia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Cagliari

#128 Karnten

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Klagenfurt

#129 Krain

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Laibach

#130 Istria

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Pazin

#131 Croatia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Zagreb

#132 Steiermark

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Graz

#133 Linz

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Linz

#134 Wien

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Wien

#135 Sopron

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sopron

#136 Dalmatia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Zadar

#137 Ragusa

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Ragusa

#138 Zeta

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Zabljak

#139 Hum

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Mostar

#140 Bosnia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Sarajevo

#141 Serbia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Belgrad

#142 Corfu

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Corfu

#143 Albania

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Durres

#144 Janina

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Janina

#145 Morea

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Nafplio

#146 Athens

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Athens

#147 Salonica

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Salonica

#148 Macedonia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Uskub

#149 Edirne

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Edirne

#150 Bulgaria

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Sofia

#151 Thrace

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Constantinople

#152 Slavonia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Osijek

#153 Pecs

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pecs

#154 Ersekujvar

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pressburg

#155 Szolnok

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Buda

#156 Banat

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Timisoara

#157 Partium

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Arad

#158 Transylvania

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Turda

#159 Silistria

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Silistria

#160 Oltenia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Craiova

#161 Wallachia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tirgoviste

#162 Carpathia

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Kosice

#163 Crete

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Heraklion

#164 Naxos

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Naxos

#165 Bern

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Bern

#166 Schwyz

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Zurich

#167 Caux

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Rouen

#168 Normandie

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Caen

#169 Armor

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Rennes

#170 Finistere

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Brest

#171 Morbihan

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Lorient

#172 Vendee

Trade Good = Sale

Capital = Nantes

#173 Saintonge

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Lucon

#174 Gascogne

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Bordeaux

#175 Armagnac

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Bayonne

#176 Bearn

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Pau

#177 Maine

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Le Mans

#178 Anjou

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Angers

#179 Blois

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Tours

#180 Poltou

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Poitiers

#181 Valenciennes

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Valenciennes

#182 Vermandois

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Compiegne

#183 Ile-De-France

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Paris

#184 Orleanais

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Orleans

#185 Othe

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Troyes

#186 Champagne

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Reims

#187 Barrois

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Verdun

#188 Metz

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Metz

#189 LOthringen

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Nancy

#190 Bourbon

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Bourges

#191 Nevers

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Nevers

#192 Bourgogne

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Dijon

#193 Franche-Comte

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Besancon

#194 Perigord

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Bergerac

#195 Limousin

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Limoges

#196 Toulouse

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Toulouse

#197 Roussillon

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Perpigan

#198 Rouergue

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Rodez

#199 Auvergne

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Clermont

#200 Languedoc

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Montpellier


[14.03] #201 to #300

#201 Provence

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Alx-en-Provence

#202 Avignon

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Avignon

#203 Lyonnais

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Lyons

#204 Dauphine

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Grenoble

#205 Savoie

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Chambery

#206 Galicia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = A Corunha

#207 Asturias

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Oviedo

#208 Leon

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Burgos

#209 Vizcaya

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Bilbao

#210 Navarra

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Pamplona

#211 Pirineo

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Huesca

#212 Girona

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Girona

#213 Barcelona

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Barcelona

#214 Aragon

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Zaragoza

#215 Castilla La Vieja

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Valladolid

#216 Salamanca

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Salamanca

#217 Madrid

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Madrid

#218 Badajoz

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Badajoz

#219 Toledo

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Toledo

#220 Valencia

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Valencia

#221 Murcia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Cartagena

#222 Almeria

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Almeria

#223 Granada

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Granada

#224 Andalucia

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Sevilla

#225 Cordoba

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Cordoba

#226 Gibralter

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Gibralter

#227 Lisboa

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Lisboa

#228 Beira

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Coimbra

#229 Alentejo

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Evora

#230 Algarve

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Faro

#231 Porto

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Porto

#232 Braganca

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Braganca

#233 Cornwall

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Exeter

#234 Wessex

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Salisbury

#235 Kent

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Canterbury

#236 London

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = London

#237 Oxfordshire

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Oxford

#238 East Anglia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Norwich

#239 Gloucestershire

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Bristol

#240 Marches

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Coventry

#241 Glamorgan

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Carmarthen

#242 Gwynedd

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Caernarvon

#243 Lincoln

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Nottingham

#244 Lancashire

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Chester

#245 Yorkshire

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = York

#246 Northumberland

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Newcastle

#247 Cumbria

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Carlisle

#248 Lothian

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Edinburgh

#249 Ayrshire

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Ayr

#250 Fife

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Dundee

#251 Aberdeen

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Aberdeen

#252 Highlands

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Inverness

#253 Western Isles

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Stornoway

#254 Poznan

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Poznan

#255 Kalisz

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Gniezno

#256 Plock

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Plock

#257 Mazovia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Warszawa

#258 Lodz

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Sieradz

#259 Lublin

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Sandomierz

#260 Galicien

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Lublin

#261 Ruthenia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Lviv

#262 Krakow

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Krakow

#263 Ratibor

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Ratibor

#264 Breslau

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Breslaw

#265 Moravia

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Brunn

#266 Bohemia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Prag

#267 Plsen

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pilsen

#268 Bessarabia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Suceava

#269 Podlasia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Bialystok

#270 Troki

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Troki

#271 Samogitia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Varniai

#272 Lithuania

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Vilnius

#273 Wenden

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Wenden

#274 Pskov

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pskov

#275 Polotsk

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Vitebsk

#276 Minsk

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Minsk

#277 Grondo

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Grondo

#278 Polesia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Pinsk

#279 Volhynia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Volodymyr

#280 Kiev

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kiev

#281 Podolia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Czernowitz

#282 Cherson

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Cherson

#283 Zaporozhia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Zaporozhia

#284 Crimea

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Salaciq

#285 Kaffa

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Kaffa

#286 Azow

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Azow

#287 Kouban

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Stavropol

#288 Lugansk

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Lugansk

#289 Chernigov

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Chernigov

#290 Poltava

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Poltava

#291 Kharkov

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Kharkov

#292 Mogilyov

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Mogilyov

#293 Smolensk

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = smolensk

#294 Tver

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tver

#295 Moskva

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Moskva

#296 Kaluga

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kaluga

#297 Orel

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Orel

#298 Kursk

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kursk

#299 Voronezh

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Voronezh

#300 Tula

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Luga


[14.04] #301 to #400

#301 Ryazan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kasimov

#302 Tambow

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Tambow

#303 Saratow

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Saratow

#304 Pensa

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Pensa

#305 Simbirsk

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Simbirsk

#306 Nijni-Novgorod

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Nijni-Novgorod

#307 Vladimir

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Vladimir

#308 Yaroslavl

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Yaroslavl

#309 Olonets

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kargopor

#310 Novgorod

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Novgorod

#311 Kholm

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kholm

#312 Vologda

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Vologda

#313 Archangelsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Archangelsk

#314 Ustyug

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Ustyug

#315 Finnmark

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Vardo

#316 Bithynia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Nicomedia

#317 Bursa

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Bursa

#318 Smyrna

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Izmir

#319 Antalya

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Antalya

#320 Rhodes

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Rhodes

#321 Cyprus

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Nicosia

#322 Anatolia

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Eskisehir

#323 Konya

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Konya

#324 Karaman

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Karaman

#325 Kastamon

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Kastamon

#326 Angora

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Angora

#327 Adana

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Alexandretta

#328 Sinope

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Sinope

#329 Sivas

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Sivas

#330 Trebizon

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Trebizon

#331 Erserum

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Erserum

#332 Mus

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Mus

#333 The Baleares

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Palma

#334 Tangiers

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Tangier

#335 Mellila

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mellila

#336 Tlemcen

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Tlemcen

#337 Oran

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Oran

#338 Al-Djazair

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Al-Djazair

#339 Kabylia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Setif

#340 Constantine

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Constantine

#341 Tunis

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tunis

#342 Toubkhal

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Rabat

#343 Fez

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Fez

#344 Marrakech

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Marrakech

#345 Safi

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Safi

#346 Figuig

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Meknes

#347 Ifni

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Sadi Ifni

#348 Sus

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Taroudant

#349 Altas

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Jerada

#350 Aures

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Laghouat

#351 Biskra

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Biskra

#352 Gafsa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gafsa

#353 Gabes

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gabes

#354 Tripolitania

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Tripoli

#355 Sirt

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Sirt

#356 Cyrenaica

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Benghazi

#357 Libya

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Darnah

#358 Alexandria

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Alexandria

#359 Asyut

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Asyut

#360 Nile

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sawhaj

#361 Cairo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Cairo

#362 Delta

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Al Mahallah

#363 Diamientia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Diamientia

#364 Gaza

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Gaza

#365 Sinai

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Sinai

#366 The Canarias

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = The Canarias

#367 The Azores

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = The Azores

#368 Madeira

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Madeira

#369 Orkney

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kirkwall

#370 Reykjavik

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Reykjavik

#371 Akureyri

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Akureyri

#372 Ulster

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Carrickfergus

#373 Meath

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dublin

#374 Leinster

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Waterford

#375 Munster

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Cork

#376 Connaught

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Galway

#377 Aleppo

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Aleppo

#378 Beirut

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Bierut

#379 Judea

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jerusalem

#380 Al Karak

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Al Karak

#381 Hawran

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Amman

#382 Damascus

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Damascus

#383 Tabouk

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Tabouk

#384 Medina

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Medina

#385 Mecca

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Jiddah

#386 Asir

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Asir

#387 Mocha

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Mocha

#388 Aden

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Aden

#389 Hadramut

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Al Mukalla

#390 Sanaa

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Sana'a

#391 Najran

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Najran

#392 Nejd

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Deraiyah

#393 Jabal Shammar

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Jabal Shammar

#394 Al Hasa

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Al Hasa

#395 Qatar

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Qatar

#396 Bahrain

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Manama

#397 Beni Yas

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Beni Yas

#398 Qawasim

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Sharjah

#399 Suhar

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Suhar

#400 Muscat

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Muscat


[14.05] #401 to #500

#401 Dhofar

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Salalah

#402 Mahra

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Mahra

#403 Nizwa

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Nizwa

#404 Liwa

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Liwa

#405 Al Jawf

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Al Jawf

#406 Badiyat Ash Sham

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Badiyat Ash Sham

#407 Dayr Az Zor

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dayr Az Zor

#408 Basra

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Basra

#409 Karbala

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Karbala

#410 Iraq-I-Arab

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Bagdad

#411 Mosul

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mosul

#412 Khuzestan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Khuzestan

#413 Luristan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Luristan

#414 Hamadan

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Hamedan

#415 Sharizhor

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sharizhor

#416 Azerbaijan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Tebriz

#417 Gilan

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Rasht

#418 Van

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Van

#419 Armenia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Yerevan

#420 Qarabagh

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Qarabagh

#421 Murgan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Baku

#422 Imereti

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Batumi

#423 Kartli

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = T'bilisi

#424 Shirva

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Shirva

#425 Dagestan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Derbent

#426 Mazandaran

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Mazandaran

#427 Gurgan

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Gurgan

#428 Ajam

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Teheran

#429 Fars

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Isfahan

#430 Laristan

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Shiraz

#431 Hormuz

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Hormuz

#432 Kerman

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Kerman

#433 Dash-i-Lut

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Dash-i-Lut

#434 Makran

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Makran

#435 Sistan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = sistan

#436 Khurasan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Khurasan

#437 Atak

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Atal

#438 Kara Kum

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kara Kum

#439 Mangyshlak

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Mangyshlak

#440 Khawarzan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Khawarzan

#441 Khiva

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Khiva

#442 Bukhara

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Bukhara

#443 Ust Yurt

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Ust Yurt

#444 Charjo

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Charjo

#445 Marv

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Marv

#446 Herat

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Herat

#447 Kandahar

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kandahar

#448 Gazni

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gazni

#449 Gharchistan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Gharchistan

#450 Balkh

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Balkh

#451 Kabulistan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kabulistan

#452 Badakhstan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Badakhstan

#453 Karshi

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Karshi

#454 Samarkand

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Samarkand

#455 Kyrzyl-Kum

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Kyzyl Kum

#456 Turkestan

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Turkestan

#457 Tashkent

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Tashkent

#458 Ferghana

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kokkand

#459 Chuy

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Chuy

#460 Tian Shan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Tian Shan

#461 Moghulistan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kulja

#462 Georgia

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Georgia

#463 Alania

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Alania

#464 Astrakhan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Astrakhan

#465 Bersh

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Bersh

#466 Sarai

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Sarai

#467 Bogutjar

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Bogutjar

#468 Burtasia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Burtasia

#469 Mordvar

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mordvar

#470 Baybaktu

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Saraycik

#471 Alimuly

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Alimuly

#472 Zheteru

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Zheteru

#473 Samara

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Samara

#474 Uralsk

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Uralsk

#475 Ufa

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Ufa

#476 Kypshak

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kypshak

#477 Nadym

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Nadym

#478 Argyn

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Argyn

#479 Kerey

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kerey

#480 Kulunda

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kulunda

#481 Bermuda

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Bermuda

#482 Bahamas

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Bahamas

#483 Turk Islands

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Grand Turk

#484 Havana

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Havana

#485 Moron

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Moron

#486 Guantanamo

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Guantanamo

#487 Jamaica

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Jamaica

#488 Les Cayes

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Les Cayes

#489 Tortuga

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Tortuga

#490 Barahonas

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Barahona

#491 Curacao

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Curacao

#492 Puerto Rico

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Puerto Rico

#493 St. Thomas

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = St. Thomas

#494 St. Martin

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = St. Martin

#495 St. Kitts

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = St. Kitts

#496 Antigua

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Antigua

#497 Guadeloupe

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Guadeloupe

#498 Dominica

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Dominica

#499 Martinique

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Martinique

#500 St. Lucia

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = St. Lucia


[14.06] #501 to #600

#501 Barbados

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Barbados

#502 Trinidad

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Trinidad

#503 Kutch

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Kutch

#504 Sind

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Thatta

#505 Bakkar

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Sukkur

#506 Multan

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Multan

#507 Lahore

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Lahore

#508 Jammu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jammu

#509 Kashmir

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Srinagar

#510 Chandigarh

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Chandigarh

#511 Sutlej

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sutlej

#512 Thar

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Thar

#513 Jaisalmer

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jaisalmer

#514 Jodphur

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jodphur

#515 Kathiawar

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Kathiawar

#516 Ahmadabad

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Ahmadabad

#517 Baroda

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Baroda

#518 Udaipur

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Udaipur

#519 Jaipur

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jaipur

#520 Bikaner

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Bikaner

#521 Panipat

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Panipat

#522 Delhi

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Delhi

#523 Lucknow

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Lucknow

#524 Agra

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Agra

#525 Ajmer

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Ajmer

#526 Malwa

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Mandu

#527 Khandesh

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Burhanpur

#528 Surat

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Surat

#529 Dadra

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Bombay

#530 Konkan

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Kolhapur

#531 Goa

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Goa

#532 Raichur Doab

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Bijapur

#533 Mysore

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Mysore

#534 Calicut

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Calicut

#535 Malabar

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Padmanabhapuram

#536 Madurai

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Madurai

#537 Tiruchchirapalli

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Thanjavur

#538 Kongu

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Kongu

#539 Madras

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Madras

#540 Bangalore

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Bangalore

#541 Kondavidu

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Vijayanagara

#542 Telingana

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Telingana

#543 Golconda

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Golconda

#544 Ahmadnagar

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Ahmadnagar

#545 Maharastra

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Satara

#546 Nagpur

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Nagpur

#547 Bastar

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Baster

#548 Indravarti

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Indravarti

#549 Parlakimidi

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Parlakimidi

#550 Mandla

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Mandla

#551 Gondwana

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Jabalpur

#552 Orissa

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Cuttack

#553 Cuttack

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Cuttack

#554 Gorka

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gorka

#555 Oudh

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Oudh

#556 Allahabad

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Allahabad

#557 Katmandu

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Katmandu

#558 Maital

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Maital

#559 Bihar

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Patna

#560 Jharkand

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Ranchi

#561 Bangala

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Howrah

#562 Koch

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Koch

#563 Pandua

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Pandua

#564 Vanga

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Dhaka

#565 Bhutan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Thimphu

#566 Assam

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Gargaon

#567 Silhet

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Silhet

#568 Chittagong

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Chittagong

#569 Manipur

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Imphal

#570 Naga

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Naja

#571 Brahmaputra

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Sibsagar

#572 Jaffna

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Colombo

#573 Korales

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Kalanpu

#574 The Andamans

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = The Andamans

#575 Baluchistan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Quetta

#576 Indus

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Indus

#577 Quetta

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Quetta

#578 Kohistan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Peshawar

#579 Arakan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Akyab

#580 Chin

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Chin

#581 Sagaing

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sagaing

#582 Kachin

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kachin

#583 Hsenwi

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Lashio

#584 Kyuakse

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kyuakse

#585 Toungoo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Toungoo

#586 Pegu

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Pegu

#587 Keng Tung

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Keng Tung

#588 Mongnai

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Mongnai

#589 Chiang Mai

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Chiang Mai

#590 Moulmein

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Moulmein

#591 Tenasserim

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Tenasserim

#592 Ratchaburi

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Ratchaburi

#593 Ligore

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Ligore

#594 Pattani

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Pattani

#595 Perak

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Perak

#596 Malacca

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Malacca

#597 Johor

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Johor

#598 Pahang

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Pahang

#599 Kelantan

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kelantan

#600 Ayutthaya

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ayutthaya


[14.07] #601 to #700

#601 Sukthothai

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sukthothai

#602 Chiang Rai

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Chiang Rai

#603 Rayong

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Rayong

#604 Udong

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Phnom Penh

#605 Prei Nokoi

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Prey Nokor

#606 Panduranga

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Panduranga

#607 Vijaya

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Vijaya

#608 Champassak

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Champassak

#609 Siem Reap

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Siem Reap

#610 Binh Tri Thien

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Hue

#611 Thakhek

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Thakhek

#612 Khorat

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Khorat

#613 Thang Long

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Hanoi

#614 Vientiane

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Vientiane

#615 Luang Prabang

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Luang Prabang

#616 Viet Bac

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Viet Bac

#617 Aceh

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Banda Aceh

#618 Aru

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Aru

#619 Minangkabau

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Minangkabau

#620 Siak

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Siak

#621 Benkulen

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Benkulen

#622 Palembang

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Palembang

#623 Lampung

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Lampung

#624 Banten

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Bandung

#625 Priangan

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Priangan

#626 Mataram

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Karta

#627 Blambangan

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Malang

#628 Surabaya

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Surabaya

#629 Demak

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Demak

#630 Sunda

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Kalapa

#631 Bali-Lombok

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Singaraja

#632 Sumbawa

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Sumbawa

#633 Flores

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Flores

#634 Sumba

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Sumba

#635 Timor

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Timor

#636 Brunei

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Brunei Town

#637 Sabah

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Sabah

#638 Kutei

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kutei

#639 Banjarmasin

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Banjarmasin

#640 Sukadane

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Sukadane

#641 Makassar

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Makassar

#642 Bone

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Bone

#643 Pose

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Pose

#644 Menade

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Menade

#645 Buru

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Buru

#646 Ambom

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Ambom

#647 Ceram

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Ceram

#648 Halmahera

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Halmahera

#649 Ternate

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Ternate

#650 Tidore

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Tidore

#651 Sulu

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Jolo

#652 Maguindanae

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Maguindanao

#653 Tagoloan

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Tagoloan

#654 Visayas

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Visayas

#655 Palawan

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Palawan

#656 Manila

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Manila

#657 Samtoy

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Samtoy

#658 Cagayan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Cagayan

#659 Riau

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Riau

#660 Xishuan Banna

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Jinghong

#661 Dali

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Dali

#662 Yunnan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kunming

#663 Wenshan

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Gejiu

#664 Guangxi

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Nanning

#665 Jiangmen

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Jiangmen

#666 Hainan

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Haikou

#667 Guang Zhou

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Guangzhou

#668 Macau

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Macau

#669 Fujian

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Fuzhon

#670 Ganzhou

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Ganzhou

#671 Changsha

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Changsha

#672 Chenzhou

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Chenzhou

#673 Bozhou

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Bozhou

#674 Guiyang

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Guiyang

#675 Liangshan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Liangshan

#676 U-Thang

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Shigatse

#677 Qamdo

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Lhasa

#678 Kham

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Kham

#679 Sichuan Pendi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chengdu

#680 Shenquing

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Shenquing

#681 Yichuan

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Yichuan

#682 Hanyang

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Hanyang

#683 Nanchang

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Nanchang

#684 Zhejiang

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Hangzhou

#685 Jiangsu

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Nanking

#686 Anhui

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Auqing

#687 Running

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Running

#688 Henan

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Kaifeng

#689 Fengyuan

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Fengyuan

#690 Shandong Bandai

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Yantai

#691 Jinan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jinan

#692 Handan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Handan

#693 Sanguan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sanguan

#694 Changzhi

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Taiyuan

#695 Jizhou

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Beijing

#696 Xuan Fu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Xuan Fu

#697 Datong

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Datong

#698 Guyuan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Guyuan

#699 Lanzhou

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Lanzhou

#700 Shaanxi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Xi'an


[14.08] #701 to #800

#701 Ordos

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ordos

#702 Ulaanchab

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Hohhot

#703 Chengde

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chengde

#704 Liaoxi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Liaoxi

#705 Dangla

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Dangla

#706 Amdo

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Amdo

#707 Yumen

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Yumen

#708 Gansu

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Gansu

#709 Ningxia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Yiuchuan

#710 Hotan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Hotan

#711 Qarqan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Qarqan

#712 Ulghuristan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ulguristan

#713 Kuruk Tag

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kuruk Tag

#714 Dzungaria

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dzungaria

#715 Urumqi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Urumqi

#716 Tannu Tuva

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tannu Tuva

#717 Hovd

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Hovd

#718 Jasagdu

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Jasagdu

#719 Sayin Noyan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Sayin Noyan

#720 Tshiyet Noyan

Trade Good = Tea

Capital = Tshiyet Noyan

#721 Dornod

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Dornod

#722 Chahar

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chahar

#723 Xilin Gol

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Xilin Gol

#724 Yakesa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Yakesa

#725 Hinggan

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Hinggan

#726 Liaodong

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Shenyang

#727 Heilongjiang

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Harbin

#728 Sanxing

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Mudanjiang

#729 Wusuli

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Wusuli

#730 Haixi

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Haixi

#731 Ningtua

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Ningtua

#732 Hameyeong

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Hamhung

#733 Pyeongan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pyeongan

#734 Gangwon

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Wonju

#735 Chungcheong

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Hanseong

#736 Gyeongsang

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Daegu

#737 Jeolia

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Jeonju

#738 Taiwan

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Taiwan

#739 Altishar

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Altishar

#740 Ladakh

Trade Good = Cloth

Capital = Leh

#741 Cumana

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Cumana

#742 Guayana

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Cuayana

#743 Essequibo

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Essequibo

#744 Demerara

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Demerara

#745 Suriname

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Suriname

#746 Cayenne

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Cayenne

#747 Tucujulandia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Tucujulandia

#748 Grao Para

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Grao Para

#749 Maranhao

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Maranhao

#750 Alpercatas

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Alpercatas

#751 Ceara

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Ceara

#752 Oeiras

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Oeiras

#753 Rio Grande

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Rio Grande

#754 Itamaraca

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Itamaraca

#755 Pernambuco

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Olinda

#756 Bahia

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Bahia

#757 Ilheus

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Ilheus

#758 Goias

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Goias

#759 Diamentia

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Diamentia

#760 Porto Seguro

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Porto Seguro

#761 Espirito Santo

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Espirito Santo

#762 Sao Tome

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Sao Tome

#763 Rio de Janeiro

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Rio de Janeiro

#764 Santo Amaro

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Santo Amaro

#765 Minas Gerais

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Minas Gerais

#766 Sao Vincente

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Sao Vincente

#767 Mato Grosso

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Mato Grosso

#768 Guayra

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Guayra

#769 Santana

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Santana

#770 Tape

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tape

#771 Patos

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Patos

#772 Urugray

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Urugray

#773 Banda Oriente

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Banda Oriental

#774 Mbaracayu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mbaracayu

#775 Xeres

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Xeres

#776 Itenines

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Itenines

#777 Parana

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Parana

#778 Rio de la Plata

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Rio de la Plata

#779 Serranos

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Serranos

#780 Tuhuelmapu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tuhuelmapu

#781 Patagonia Oriental

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Patagonia Oriental

#782 Tierra del Fuego

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Tierra del Fuego

#783 Patagonia Occidental

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Patagonia Occidental

#784 Huillimapu

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Huillimapu

#785 Pehuenmapu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pehuenmapu

#786 Salinas Grande

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Salias Grande

#787 Pincunmapu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pincunmapu

#788 Cuyo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Cuyo

#789 Pampas

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pampas

#790 Chaco Austral

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chaco Austral

#791 Catamarca

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Catamarca

#792 Copiapo

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Copiapo

#793 Atacama

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Atacama

#794 Jujuy

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jujuy

#795 Chichas

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Chichas

#796 Arica

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Arica

#797 Caracara

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Caracara

#798 Charcas

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Charcas

#799 Chaco Boreal

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chaco Boreal

#800 Chiquitos

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chiquitos


[14.09] #801 to #900

#801 Caranga

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Caranga

#802 Chuquiabo

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Chuquiabo

#803 Moxos

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Moxos

#804 Puno

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Puno

#805 Arequipa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Arequipa

#806 Nazca

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Nazca

#807 Huamanga

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Huamanga

#808 Cuzco

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Cuzco

#809 Lima

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Lima

#810 Huancavelica

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Huancavelica

#811 Tarma

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Tarma

#812 Chanchan

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Chanchan

#813 Cajamarca

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Cajamarca

#814 Huanuco

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Huanuco

#815 Maynas

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Maynas

#816 Tumbes

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tumbes

#817 Cuenca

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Cuenca

#818 Canelos

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Canelos

#819 Guayaquil

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Guayaquil

#820 Quito

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Quito

#821 Quijos

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Quijos

#822 Caqueta

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Caqueta

#823 Cauca

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Cauca

#824 Mariquita

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Mariquita

#825 Bogota

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Bogota

#826 Choco

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Choco

#827 Antioquia

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Antioquia

#828 Cartagena

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Cartagena

#829 Magdalena

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Magdalena

#830 Maracaibo

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Maracaibo

#831 Caracas

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Caracas

#832 Chiancon

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Chiancon

#833 Tunja

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Tunja

#834 Barinas

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Barinas

#835 Panama

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Panama

#836 Chorotega

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Chorotega

#837 Nicaragua

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Nicaragua

#838 Mosquito

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Mosquito

#839 Pipil

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Pipil

#840 Honduras

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Honduras

#841 Guatemala

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Guatemala

#842 Peten

Trade Good = Coffee

Capital = Peten

#843 Belize

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Belize

#844 Zapotec

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Zapotec

#845 Campeche

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Campeche

#846 Yucatan

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Mayapan

#847 Mixtec

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Zaachila

#848 Tohancapan

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Tohancapan

#849 Tlapanec

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Acapulco

#850 Tlaxcala

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Tlaxcala

#851 Tarasco

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Tarasco

#852 Mexico

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Tenochtitlan

#853 Huastec

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Huastec

#854 Sayultecas

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Sayultecas

#855 Huichol

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Huichol

#856 Zacatecas

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Zacatecas

#857 Guachichil

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Guachichil

#858 Tamaulipas

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Tamilipas

#859 Sinaloa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sinaloa

#860 Tepehuan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Tepehuan

#861 Coahuila

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Coahuila

#862 Yaqui

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Yaqui

#863 Suma

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Suma

#864 Concho

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Concho

#865 Cochimi

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Cochimi

#866 Guaycura

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Guaycura

#867 Mojave

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mojave

#868 Chumash

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chumash

#869 Salinan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Salinan

#870 Yorkuts

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Yorkuts

#871 Pomo

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Pomo

#872 Kalapuya

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kalapuya

#873 Chinook

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Chinook

#874 Salish

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Salish

#875 Canyon

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Canyon

#876 Yavapai

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Yavapai

#877 Pima

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Pima

#878 Navajo

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Navajo

#879 Apache

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Apache

#880 Pueblo

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Pueblo

#881 Piro

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Acoma

#882 Mescalero

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Mescalero

#883 Lipan

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Lipan

#884 Karankawa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Karankawa

#885 Comanche

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Comanche

#886 Waco

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Waco

#887 Tonkawa

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Tonkawa

#888 Atakapa

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Atakapa

#889 Arapaho

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Arapaho

#890 Kiowa

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kiowa

#891 Jicarilla

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jicarilla

#892 Wichita

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Wichita

#893 Chitimacha

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Chitimacha

#894 Caddo

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Caddo

#895 Arkansas

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Akansas

#896 Ozark

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ozark

#897 Quapaw

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Quapaw

#898 Kansas

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kansas

#899 Osage

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Osage

#900 Tamaroa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tamaroa


[14.11] #901 to #1000

#901 Pawnee

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pawnee

#902 Missouri

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Missouri

#903 Omaha

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Omaha

#904 Nakota

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Nakota

#905 Iowa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Iowa

#906 Lakota

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Lakota

#907 Dakota

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dakota

#908 Minnesota

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dakota

#909 Mandan

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Mandan

#910 Chippewa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chippewa

#911 Menominee

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Menominee

#912 Sauk

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Sauk

#913 Fox

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Fox

#914 Winnebago

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Winnebago

#915 Illinois

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Illinois

#916 Kaskaskia

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kaskaskia

#917 Cahokia

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Cahokia

#918 Tennessee

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tennessee

#919 Chickasaw

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Chickasaw

#920 Choctaw

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Choctaw

#921 Bayougoula

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Bayougoula

#922 Mobile

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Mobile

#923 Pensacola

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Pensacola

#924 Alabama

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Alabama

#925 Tuskegee

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Tuskegee

#926 Seminole

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Seminole

#927 Timucua

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Timucua

#928 Apalachee

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Apalachee

#929 Muskogee

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Muskogee

#930 Yamasee

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Yamasee

#931 Chiaha

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Chiala

#932 Santee

Trade Good = Cotton

Capital = Santee

#933 Catawba

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Catawba

#934 Shawnee

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Shawnee

#935 Cherokee

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Cherokee

#936 Cheraw

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Cheraw

#937 Tuscarora

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Tuscarora

#938 Pamlico

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Pamlico

#939 Pennyrile

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Pennyrile

#940 Kentucky

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kentucky

#941 Cumberland

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Cumberland

#942 Wea

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Wea

#943 Miami

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Miami

#944 Potawatomi

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Potawatomi

#945 Michigan

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Michigan

#946 Wyandot

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Wyandot

#947 Erie

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Erie

#948 Ohio

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Ohio

#949 Monacan

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Monacan

#950 Powhatan

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Powhatan

#951 Kanawha

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Kanawha

#952 Manahoac

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Manahoac

#953 Conoy

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Conoy

#954 Allegheny

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Allegheny

#955 Susquehanna

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Susquehanna

#956 Lenape

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Lenape

#957 Delaware

Trade Good = Tobacco

Capital = Delaware

#958 Seneca

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Seneca

#959 Cayuga

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Cayuga

#960 Onondaga

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Onondaga

#961 Oneida

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Oneida

#962 Unami

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Unami

#963 Mahican

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Mahican

#964 Mohawk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Mohawk

#965 Manhattan

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Manhattan

#966 Connecticut

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Connecticut

#967 Narraganset

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Narraganset

#968 Massachusetts

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Massachisetts

#969 Pocumtuk

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Pocumtuk

#970 Pennacook

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Pennacook

#971 Abnaki

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Abnaki

#972 Nootka

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Nootka

#973 Squamish

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Squamish

#974 Kwakiutl

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kwakiutl

#975 Tsimshian

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Tsimshian

#976 Tlingit

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Tlingit

#977 Yakutat

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Yakutat

#978 Alaska

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Alaska

#979 Aleut

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Aleut

#980 Beothuk

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Beothuk

#981 Taqamkuk

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Taqamkuk

#982 Unamakik

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Unamakik

#983 Epekwitk

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Epekwitk

#984 Acadia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Acadia

#985 Micmac

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Micmac

#986 Kespek

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kespek

#987 Niagara

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Niagara

#988 Huron

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Huron

#989 Ontario

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ontario

#990 Kwedech

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kwedech

#991 Ottawa

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Ottawa

#992 Algonquin

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Algonquin

#993 Hochelega

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Hochelega

#994 Stadacona

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Stadacona

#995 Atiamekw

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Atikamekw

#996 Innu

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Innu

#997 Labrador

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Labrador

#998 Ungava

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Ungava

#999 Nunavik

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Nunavik

#1000 Cree

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Cree


[14.12] #1001 to #1100

#1001 Sault

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Sault

#1002 Abitbi

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Abitbi

#1003 Moose Cree

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Moose Cree

#1004 Attawapiskat

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Attawapiskat

#1005 Swampy Cree

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Swampy Cree

#1006 Chipewyan

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Chipewyan

#1007 Ojibwa

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Ojibwa

#1008 Winnipeg

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Manitoba

#1009 Atikaki

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Manitoba

#1010 Manitoba

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Manitoba

#1011 Woods Cree

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Woods Cree

#1012 Satsuma

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kagoshima

#1013 Hizen

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Fukuoka

#1014 Bungo

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Oita

#1015 Okinawa

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Shuri

#1016 Shikoku

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Shikoku

#1017 Nagato

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Nagato

#1018 Izumo

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Izumo

#1019 Harima

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Himeji

#1020 Yamashiro

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kyoto

#1021 Settsu

Trade Good = Chinaware

Capital = Naniwa

#1022 Kii

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kii

#1023 Echizen

Trade Good = Chinawre

Capital = Takaoka

#1024 Echigo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Echigo

#1025 Dewa

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Dewa

#1026 Mutsu

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Mutsu

#1027 Hitachi

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Hitachi

#1028 Musachi

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Edo

#1029 Shinano

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Matsumoto

#1030 Owari

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sunpu

#1031 Hokkaido

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Ezochi

#1032 Kurils

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kuril

#1033 Sakhalin

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Sakhalin

#1034 Kamchatka

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kamchatka

#1035 Penchisky

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Penchisky

#1036 Podzhiversk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Podshizversk

#1037 Nizhe-Kolymsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Nizhe-Kolymsk

#1038 Anadyrsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Anadyrsk

#1039 Verkhoyansk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Verkhoyansk

#1040 Suntar Khayat

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Suntar Khayat

#1041 Gizhiga

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Gizhiga

#1042 Kamnuskoye

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kamnuskoye

#1043 Okhotsk

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Okhotsk

#1044 Tauisk

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Tauisk

#1045 Yakutsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Yakutsk

#1046 Butalsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Butalsk

#1047 Jugjur

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Jugjur

#1048 Udskoye

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Udskoye

#1049 Saghalian Oula

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Saghalian Oula

#1050 Deren

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Deren

#1051 Uchurskoye

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Uchurskoye

#1052 Verkohzehkoye

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Verkohzehkoye

#1053 Albazinsky

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Albazinsky

#1054 Ilimsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Ilimsk

#1055 Verkne-Angarsky

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Verkne-Angarsky

#1056 Barguzinsky

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Barguzinsky

#1057 Udinsky

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Udinsky

#1058 Nerchinsky

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Nerchinsky

#1059 Bratsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Bratsk

#1060 Irkutsk

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Irkutsk

#1061 Yenisetsk

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Yenisetsk

#1062 Kachinsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kachinsk

#1063 Sayan

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Sayan

#1064 Tomsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Tomsk

#1065 Kuznetsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kiznetsk

#1066 Altai

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Altai

#1067 Narym

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Narym

#1068 Pegaya Orda

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Pegaya Orda

#1069 Surgut

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Surgut

#1070 Koda

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Koda

#1071 Tara

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Tara

#1072 Obdorsk

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Obdorsk

#1073 Berezov

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Berezov

#1074 Tobolsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Sibir

#1075 Tyumen

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Chimgi-Tura

#1076 Kurgan

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Kurgan

#1077 Solikamsk

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Solikamsk

#1078 North Ufa

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = North Ufa

#1079 Viatka

Trade Good = Copper

Capital = Viatka

#1080 Idnakar

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Idnakar

#1081 Bolgar

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Bolgar

#1082 Kazan

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Kazan

#1083 Zavolochye

Trade Good = Iron

Capital = Zavolochye

#1084 Wadjuk

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Wadjuk

#1085 Paredarerme

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Paredarerme

#1086 Kaurna

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kaurna

#1087 Woiworung

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Woiworung

#1088 Wergaia

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Wergaia

#1089 Wiradjuri

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Wiradjuri

#1090 Eora

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Eora

#1091 Kamilaroi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kamilaroi

#1092 Bundjalung

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Bundjalung

#1093 Barunggam

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Barunggam

#1094 Gubbi Gubbi

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Brisbane

#1095 Falklands

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Falklands

#1096 Cape Verde

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Cape Verde

#1097 Ferdando Po

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Ferdando Po

#1098 St, Helena

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = St. Helena

#1099 Socotra

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Socotra

#1100 Mahe

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Mahe


[14.13] #1101 to #1200

#1101 Diego Garcia

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Diego Garcia

#1102 Mauritius

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Mauritius

#1103 Bourbon

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Bourbon

#1104 Eiriksfjord

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Eiriksfjord

#1105 Vestbygden

Trade Good = Fur

Capital = Vestbygden

#1106 Whangarei

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Whangarei

#1107 Taranaki

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Taranaki

#1108 Wairoa

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Rotorua

#1109 Timaru

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Christchurch

#1110 Rio de Oro

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Dakhla

#1111 Arguin

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Arguin

#1112 Trarza

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Awlil

#1113 Cayor

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Mboul

#1114 Gabu

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Kansala

#1115 Brakna

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Aligh

#1116 Wolof

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Jowol

#1117 Futa Jalion

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Timbo

#1118 Sierra Leone

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Sherbro

#1119 Grain Coast

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Mesurado

#1120 Bambuk

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Bambuk

#1121 Bure

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Kurussa

#1122 Konian

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Beyla

#1123 Segu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Diara

#1124 Wasuju

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Niani

#1125 Worodugu

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Begho

#1126 Ivory Coast

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Assinie

#1127 Tust

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Tawat

#1128 Taodeni

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Tawdani

#1129 Azawadd

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Arawan

#1130 Tadimekket

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Tadmekka al-Suq

#1131 Massina

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Walata

#1132 Timbuktu

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Timbuktu

#1133 Gao

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gao

#1134 Jenne

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Jenne

#1135 Yatenga

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gursi

#1136 Gurma

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Bilanga

#1137 Wagadugi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Wagadugu

#1138 Kumasi

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Yendi

#1139 Gold Coast

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Accra

#1140 Abomey

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Allada

#1141 Whydah

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Whydah

#1142 Dendi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Sorko

#1143 Borgu

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Bussa

#1144 Oyo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Oyo

#1145 Nupe

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Nupe

#1146 Ife

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Ife Ile

#1147 Benin

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Oredo

#1148 Gobir

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Birnin Lalle

#1149 Katsina

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Katsina

#1150 Zamfara

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dutsi

#1151 Bonny

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Bonny

#1152 Idah

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Idah

#1153 Pindinga

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Lafia

#1154 Zazzau

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Turunku

#1155 Kano

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Kano

#1156 Damagaram

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Mashina

#1157 Borno

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Gatiga

#1158 Kanem

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Ngala

#1159 Bagirmi

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Massenya

#1160 Mandara

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Wandala

#1161 Bauchi

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Bauchi

#1162 Wukari

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Wukari

#1163 Calabar

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Calabar

#1164 Cameroon

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Cameroon

#1165 Gabon

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Gabon

#1166 Loango

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Loango

#1167 Luanda

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Luanda

#1168 Kisarna

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Kisarna

#1169 Mayombe

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Mayombe

#1170 Kongo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = M'banza Kongo

#1171 Ndongo

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Ndongo

#1172 Benguela

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Benguela

#1173 Damaraland

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Damaraland

#1174 Greater Namaqualand

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Greater Namaqualand

#1175 Lesser Namaqualand

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Lesser Namaqualand

#1176 Roggeveld

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Roggeveld

#1177 Cape

Trade Good = Wine

Capital = Cape

#1178 Great Karoo

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Great Karoo

#1179 Little Karoo

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Little Karoo

#1180 Transkei

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Thembu

#1181 Natal

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Magulu

#1182 Delagoa Bay

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Xefina

#1183 Inhambane

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Inhambane

#1184 Zimbawe

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Khami

#1185 Uteve

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Massekesa

#1186 Sofala

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Sofala

#1187 Urungwe

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Matarira

#1188 Masapa

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Masapa

#1189 Barwe

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Teve

#1190 Zumbo

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Chikova

#1191 Sena

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Sena

#1192 Quelimane

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Quelimane

#1193 Menabe

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Morondava

#1194 Boina

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Majunga

#1195 Mozambique

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Angoche

#1196 Kilwa

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Kilwa Kisiwani

#1197 Ujiji

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Ujiji

#1198 Tabora

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Tabora

#1199 Bagamoyo

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Bahamoyo

#1200 Tanga

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Vumba Kuu


[14.14] #1201 to #1248

#1201 Zanzibar

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Zaznibar

#1202 Mombasa

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Mombasa

#1203 Malindi

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Malindi

#1204 Lamu

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Lamu

#1205 Mogadishu

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Mogadishu

#1206 Majerteen

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Hobyo

#1207 Ogaden

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Bale

#1208 Haud

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Welwel

#1209 Berbera

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Berbera

#1210 Ifat

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Gende Belo

#1211 Herer

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Deker

#1212 Zeila

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Zayla

#1213 Shoa

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Debre Birhan

#1214 Awsa

Trade Good = Salt

Capital = Awsa

#1215 Tajura

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Baylul

#1216 Dar Nuba

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Muomo

#1217 Fazughli

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Alays

#1218 Kefa

Trade Good = Gold

Capital = Bonga

#1219 Kordofan

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Al Ubayd

#1220 Dar Jaal

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Al Damar

#1221 Taqali

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Shandi

#1222 Gezira

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Alwa

#1223 Gojjam

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Debre Libanos

#1224 Gonder

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Amba Geshen

#1225 Butana

Trade Good = Ivory

Capital = Soba

#1226 Taka

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Qoz Rajab

#1227 Tigre

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Debarwa

#1228 Dongala

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Dunqula

#1229 Berber

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Berber

#1230 Massawa

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Mitsiwa

#1231 Ibrim

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Qasr Ibrim

#1232 Suakin

Trade Good = Slaves

Capital = Sawakin

#1233 Kargah

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Qalamun

#1234 Nubia

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Aswan

#1235 Guam

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Guam

#1236 Rabaul

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Rabaul

#1237 Papua

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Papua

#1238 Soloman Islands

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Solomon

#1239 Vanuatu

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Vanuatu

#1240 Hawaii

Trade Good = Sugar

Capital = Hawaii

#1241 Kiribati

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Kiribati

#1242 Fiji

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Fiji

#1243 Samoa

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Samoa

#1244 Tahati

Trade Good = Spices

Capital = Tahati

#1245 Irian

Trade Good = Grain

Capital = Irian

#1246 Aorangi

Trade Good = Wool

Capital = Aorangi

#1247 Corsica

Trade Good = Naval Supplies

Capital = Bastia

#1248 Maldives

Trade Good = Fish

Capital = Male

The remaining 493 provinces are oceans tiles that you can explore.


[A] Contact Information

Always on g,a,m,e,f,a,q,s.c,o,m remove the commas


Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then

E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.


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Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od

u Di Tih Ni Eupe Unvslis 3?" Don't be too formal, a question is not a freakin

business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough

to the PC Game, EU3, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to POTUS or some

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I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in

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their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.

I will not respond to:

* Spam

* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)

* Something not related with this

* Something already covered

* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions

* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answered as they should be sent to Paradox not

me. I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its

your game not MINE.


[B] Webmaster Information







[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either

Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and

another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so

in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not

be credited for your work.

CJayC for hosting this FAQ, or Sailor Bacon. Thanks to both of you.

Me for writing it

Paradox Interactive for developing it

The Europa Universalis 3 Wiki, its been a great source of info.


[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions

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[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2007 Paradox Interactive. All Rights Reserved

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This document is copyright 2007. All Rights can't flush down a toilet well.
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