Hellgate: London FAQ/ Walkthrough


H E L L G A T E: L O N D O N


Version 0.2A

By Brokaliv

Email: brokaliv@yahoo.com

Date Started: October 31, 2007


This Walkthrough is allowed to be hosted at the following sites:

GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com

Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com

Cheat Happens - www.cheathappens.com

IGN - faqs.ign.com

The Genie - www.thegenie.net

Evermore Forums - www.evermoreforums.com

Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com

Noobz Space - www.noobzspace.com

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Help Stop FAQ Theft - Check Out Michael Sarich's FAQ Theft Guide:



If you would like to donate some money to help pay for my college funds or if

you just want to help me afford the games to write you a guide please dontae

some money to me through www.paypal.com at acstupak@yahoo.com

Thank you for your support.


This game guide was written using the current game patch version

(PATCH 0) on the Collector's Edition of the game for Single Player and version for Multiplayer. This guide should work with both versions (Regular

and Collector's Edition). I am a Founder's Account Player and will be on both

the online and offline versions of the game.

As of this writing in order to update your Single Player game you have to load

the Launcher (window that shows single and multiplayer selection) and wait a

second to see if the demon face will turn in to a button to check for patches.

(The button isn't always there so the server isn't over run with people

downloading the patch) You can also try this link and download the Launcher

Quick Patcher to install the latest update. I am not sure if just keeping this

file and checking it once in a while will keep you up to date or if you must

download a new patcher everytime until the next update comes out.


As for updating Multiplayer simply log on to the multiplayer and it will

download any updates needed to play with the current online version.

Due to the FAQ being really long, it is best to use the CTRL+F feature to

search the Table of Contents to get to the section you want faster.

My PC Specs to play this game were:

· OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2

· CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz

· CPU Speed: 2.40 GHz Performance Rated @ 9.00 GHz

· RAM: 2.0 GB Corsair DHX XMS2 Dominator Dual Channel DDR2

· Disc Drive: HP DVD Writer 940di 18x

· Hard Drive: 1.5 TB Free

· Video Device: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT

· Video Driver: 6.14.0011.6375

· DirectX Version: 9.0c

· Sound: Realtek High Definition Audio

· Input: Compatible Keyboard and mouse


Minimum System Requirements


· OS: Windows XP with SP2 or Windows Vista

· CPU: Pentium 4/ Athlon XP or better

· CPU Speed: 1.8 GHz or faster (2.4 GHz for Vista)

· RAM: 1 GB (2GB for Vista) or more

· Disc Drive: DVD drive 8x or greater

· Hard Drive: 7.0 GB or more free space

· Video Device: 128MB or more RAM

3D Accelerator

DirectX 9.0c compatible

shader model shader 2.0

(NVIDIA GeForce 6200+ / ATI Radeon 9500+)

(NVIDIA GeForce 8800 for DirectX 10)

· DirectX Version: 9.0c

· Sound Card: Yes (On-board or seperate)

· Input: Compatible Keyboard and mouse

NOTE: Play experience is improved with additional RAM and higher

performance video devices.


Recommended System Requirements


· OS: Windows Vista

· CPU: Pentium 4/Athlon XP or better

· CPU Speed: 2.4 GHz

· RAM: 3 GB

· Disc Drive: DVD drive 8x or greater

· Hard Drive: 7.0 GB or more free space

· Video Device: 768MB or more RAM

3D Accelerator

DirectX 9.0c compatible

shader model shader 4.0

(NVIDIA GeForce 8800+ / ATI Radeon 2900+)

· DirectX Version: 10.0

· Sound Card: Yes (on-board or seperate)

· Input: Compatible Keyboard and mouse

NOTE: Play experience is improved with additional RAM and higher

performance video devices.




2. Controls

3. Walkthrough

3.01 - Act I

3.01.00 - Tutorial

3.01.01 - Holborn Station Story Quests - Break On Through - A Fine Welcome

3.01.02 - Holborn Station Secondary Quests - Dawn of the Zombies - Day of the Zombies - Night of the Zombies - A Leg Up - Wart's Secret

3.01.03 - Covent Garden Station Story Quests - Hell's Yard - Test Monkey - Truth Spoken

3.01.04 - Covent Garden Station Secondary Quests - Mopping Up - Hung Over - Some are Bigger... - Strange Brew - Wanted: Bag o' Bones - Bad Doggy - Wanted: Fangsnort - Panic! - Trouble Find - Like Acids, Eh - Sweet Dreams

4. Extras

4.01 - Templar

4.01.01 - Guardian

4.12 - Achievements

5. Frequently Asked Questions

6. Patch Info

6.1 - Single Player

6.2 - Multiplayer

7. Online Features Info

8. Credit

9. Version History

10. Copyright


2. Controls


G - Guild Window (Subscribers Only)

J - Toggle Achievements window

/stuck - transports the player back to the beginning of the current adventure

level after a short period of time.

/duel [playername] - initiate a duel

/pvp - Toggle player vs. player

/gchat - activate your guilds private chat room

/help - activates help menu

/g - activates your guilds private chat room

/screenshot - takes a screen shot and saves it to the computer

/ping - shows the ping


3. Walkthrough



3.01 - Act I


Russell Square

Type of Map: Random

Special: Start of game Location

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 1

Connecting Station: Holborn

Tottenham Court

Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 1

Connecting Station: Holborn

Holborn Access Shafts

Type of Map: Fixed

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 2

Connecting Station: Holborn

Covent Garden Approach

Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 3

Connecting Station: Holborn, Covent Garden Station

Covent Garden Steam Tunnels

Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 4

Connecting Station: Covent Garden

Upper Kingsway Sewers

Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 3

Connecting Station: Covent Garden

Lower Kingsway Sewers

Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 4

Connecting Station: Covent Garden, must go through Upper Kingsway Sewers

Covent Garden Market

Type of Map: Random with a Fixed end

Special: Hellrift

Hellrift Chance: 100%

Unique Monster Chance: 5%

Enemy Level: 5

Connecting Station: Covent Garden

Covent Garden Train Depot

Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 0%

Enemy Level: 5

Connecting Station: Covent Garden


Type of Map: Random

Hellrift Chance: 0%

Unique Monster Chance: 5%

Enemy Level: 6

Connecting Station: Covent Garden

British Museum

Type of Map: Fixed

Special: Hellrift

Hellrift Chance: 100%

Unique Monster Chance: 5%

Enemy Level: 6

Connecting Station: Covent Garden, must go through Bloomsbury


3.01.00 - Tutorial


As you begin in Russel Square you will get your first video transmission,

press Enter to open the transmission. A man named Murmur is stranded and needs

your help back to safety. Head through the city streets killing off the Zombies

as you head deeper inside. Soon you will meet up with Murmur, talk to him to

find out that he was with some Templar on a special mission. He tells you to

help him locate the Templar Seraph.

Continue through the streets to locate the Templar Seraph at the square and

take down all the Zombies in the area. Talk to him and he tells you that you

must find Dr. Fawkes and talk to Lann and give him Fawkes' Communique. You

must head to Covent Garden Station. Grab the folder from the Templar and

continue on to locate the portal to Holborn Station.

Head down the stairs and talk to Murmur at the bottom of the escalator to learn

that the portal to Covent Garden Approach is broken and you need to help them

fix it.


3.01.01 - Holborn Station Story Quests


******************************************************************************* - Break On Through


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Collection

Receive Quest From: Techsmith 101

Receive Reward From: Techsmith 101

Quest Destination: Holborn Access Shafts

Level Required: 1

Reward: 400 XP

55 Palladium

300 Standing with The People of Holborn Station

Head over to the Holborn Access Shafts and enter it. Start killing off the

demons to collect eight capacitors from them. Once you have all eight

capacitors head back to Techsmith 101 and he will then fix the door. Head back

over to Murmur and talk with him.

******************************************************************************* - A Fine Welcome


Prerequisite Quest: Break On Through

Type of Quest: Hand over an item

Receive Quest From: Murmur

Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann

Quest Destination: Tottenham Court Road

Level Required: 1

Reward: 800 XP

You must now head through Covent Garden Approach and reach Covent Garden

Station. Make your way through the hordes of demons and just get to the other

side to enter the next portal. This will now allow you to link to both stations

with the travel machines. You will need to head up the stairs and then talk to

Murmur. He will tell you to talk to Brandon Lann who is further in with all the

other people standing around. Talk to him about Seraph that fell in battle and

then he will have you wait a minute or two while he thinks of his friend. Talk

to him again once the icon comes back up and then he will take the file from

you and you will receive your reward.


3.01.02 - Holborn Station Secondary Quests


******************************************************************************* - Dawn of the Zombies


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Kill

Monster Objective: Zombies

Receive Quest From: George

Receive Reward From: George

Quest Destination: Tottenham Court Road

Level Required: 1

Reward: 200 XP

55 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station

(One of the following)

Initiate Gorehide Breastplate

Recruit Aramid Fiber Jack

Novice Hauberk

Talk to George right next to the Tottenham Court Road portal and accept the

quest. Enter the portal next to George and start killing ten Zombies to

complete your task. Once you killed off all ten Zombies you can continue

through the area to collect more XP or just head back to collect your rewards.

Talk to George and pick out one of the three pieces of armor to continue on.

******************************************************************************* - Day of the Zombies


Prerequisite Quest: Dawn of the Zombies

Type of Quest: Kill

Monster Objective: Blood Zombies

Receive Quest From: George

Receive Reward From: George

Quest Destination: Holborn Access Shafts

Level Required: 2

Reward: 300 XP

55 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station

(One of the following)

Trample Pants

Basaltic Pants

Netrush Pants

Head through Holborn Access Shafts opposite George and kill off all the enemies

in your way. You just need to kill off three Blood Zombies and then go talk to

George back in Holborn Station.

******************************************************************************* - Night of the Zombies


Prerequisite Quest: Dawn of the Zombies and accept A Fine Welcome

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Typhoid Mary

Receive Quest From: George

Receive Reward From: George

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Approach

Level Required: 3

Reward: 400 XP

55 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station

(One of the following)

Trample Shoulders

Basaltic Shoulders

Netrush Shoulders

Head out to the Covent Garden Approach portal and kill off the demons as they

come at you. Near the middle of the area you will find a Boss zombie named

Typhoid Mary. She will start out walking around slow but once you start to

attack her or get within her field of vision she will start to run towards you.

Take her down quickly as she can attack a little fiercely.

******************************************************************************* - A Leg Up


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Collection

Receive Quest From: Joey

Receive Reward From: Joey

Quest Destination: Tottenham Court Road

Level Required: 1

Reward: 30 XP

1 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station

Wart's Peg Leg

Go through the portal next to George to Tottenham Court Road and start killing

the enemies to to make it to the back of the area. Once you hit the back street

you will find Tantorus, a large boss monster at level 2 to take down. Kill it

and then search the body for Joey's prosthetic leg. Take it back to Joey and

claim your prize.

******************************************************************************* - Wart's Secret


Prerequisite Quest: A Leg Up and accept A Fine Welcome

Type of Quest: Kill

Monster Objective: Fellbores

Receive Quest From: Wart

Receive Reward From: Wart

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Approach

Level Required: 2

Reward: 1,000 XP

100 Standing with The People of Holborn Station

Wart, the newly named Joey, will tell you a secret if you prove yourself to him

even though you did just save his leg from the demons. You must kill twelve

Fellbores to gain Wart's trust. Head around the area and look for the demons

that teleport in to the area. These are the enemies you are looking for.


3.01.03 - Covent Garden Station Story Quests


******************************************************************************* - Hell's Yard


Prerequisite Quest: A Fine Welcome

Type of Quest: Locate

Receive Quest From: Brandon Lann

Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Market

Level Required: 4

Reward: 720 XP

210 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

I recommend you level up to at least level 6 or 7 for this quest.

Head over to talk to Murmur and he will tell you some advice to what you are

about to go up against. Head out through the portal that was previously locked

and you will immediatly receive a transmission from a Templar out in the field.

He tries to tell you that there was something that came out and took Fawkes in

to the Rift. Navigate through the city as you kill off the demons and close to

the back of the instance you will locate your first Hellrift.

Enter the Hellrift and a level 5 Boss, Shulgoth, will run up the stairs to

attack you. Try to stay on the top as there are a lot of Imps below. He can not

go through the Hellrift so you can use that as a make-shift wall. He will swing

at you with his large claw, getting it stuck in to the ground. Use this as an

opportunity to attack. Watch out for his flame breathe as this can torch you


Kill off the boss and then work on the Imps and possibly a range of other

monsters. Once they are all killed just work your way to the structure and

search the body of Dr. Fawkes for his remains and head back to Brandon Lann in

the station for your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Test Monkey


Prerequisite Quest: Hell's Yard

Type of Quest: Use Item

Receive Quest From: Brandon Lann

Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann

Quest Destination: British Museum

Level Required: 6

Reward: None

I recommend you level up to at least level 9 or 10 for this quest.

Talk to Brandon Lann and he will tell you that the information you brought back

from Fawkes' remains has now been gathered about two technologies. Far Sight

which identifies active Hellrifts and The Device. Take the Fawkes Device and

talk to the Templar Guard next to the Wanted Poster for a little more

information on your mission. Now head around the corner and up the stairs to

enter Bloomsbury.

Navigate your way through Bloomsbury and you will eventually locate the portal

leading to the British Museum. Head up the stairs and there will be a high

percentage chance that some demons will teleport in to the room as you reach

the first landing. Kill them all and continue up the stairs, once you reach the

top head up the right set of stairs and start clearing out the large room of

from the demons. Be careful as they will spawn twelve Fellbore at a time

instead of the standard three at a time per portal.

Clear out all the side rooms full of Fellbore that spawn through portals, the

Tormentors, and the flying demons. Eventually you will come across the

Hellrift, you don't have to kill all the demons in the area for it to show up

but it is recommended. Go in to the Hellrift and you will have to face a level

6 Boss named Sekworm. He has the ability to recharge his health so whenever you

can, quickly take down the Imp Troopers and Imp Snipers around the area so they

don't help him take down your health for long.

Once the Imps are taken care of focus on Sekworm by using weapons that can stun

so you can take his life down fast. Once you have taken everyone down head to

the structure and place Fawkes Device on the pedestal to activate a bomb that

will destroy the Hellrift. Run back through the Hellrift to Earth as the place

starts to explode. As you come out of the Hellrift the statues that were

holding the swords will start to live. You must now survive against these level

6 demons. Kill the Emperor demon and all the others will die with him, this is

a nice spot to kill off demon statues for some extra XP if you aren't having

any trouble against them.

Once the battle is over you will be teleported to a long room with a Sage. Talk

to her and start a new quest.

******************************************************************************* - Truth Spoken


Prerequisite Quest: Survive the Test Monkey quest

Type of Quest: Interact with Character

Receive Quest From: A Sage

Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Station

Level Required: 6

Reward: 3,100 XP

Watch the cut scene and then head through the portal behind you once the game

tells you to head back to Covent Garden Station. Talk to Brandon Lann to

collect your reward and finish Act 1.


3.01.04 - Covent Garden Station Secondary Quests


******************************************************************************* - Mopping Up


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Kill

Monster Objective: Imp Troopers

Receive Quest From: Beasley

Receive Reward From: Beasley

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Train Depot

Level Required: 5

Reward: 480 XP

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

Head out to Covent Garden Train Depot by going to the left of Beasley down the

stairs to reach the train and left again to enter the portal. Go through the

level killing all the enemies you come across and once you clean up the whole

area you should have your 16 Imp Troopers. Head back to Beasley and get your


******************************************************************************* - Hung Over


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Collection

Receive Quest From: Ranger

Receive Reward From: Ranger

Quest Destination: Lower Kingsway Sewers

Level Required: 5

Reward: 480 XP

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

Head back down the stairs to where you first entered Covent Garden Station and

turn left to find the Upper Kingsway Sewers and enter them. Make your way

through the upper sewers to descend through the levels and reach the Lower

Kingsway Sewers portal. Hunt for Fellbores down here to locate 10 Blind Eyes

Ranger lost. Watch out for the large Boss Big Ben deep inside the sewers. Once

you gather the 10 Blind Eyes head back through the portal and go up through the

Upper Kingsway Sewers to reach Covent Garden Station again. Talk to Ranger for

your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Some are Bigger...


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Big Ben

Receive Quest From: Steven Patrick

Receive Reward From: Steven Patrick

Quest Destination: Lower Kingsway Sewers

Level Required: 5

Reward: 480 XP

75 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

(One of the following)

Trample Gloves

Basaltic Gloves

Netrush Gloves

Head down the eastern stairs and enter the portal leading to the Upper

Kingsway Sewers. Make your way down through the Upper Kingsway Sewers and go

through the portal to the Lower Kingsway Sewers. Big Ben can be anywhere in

this level so stay on guard at all times as you shred through the enemies.

Locate Big Ben and take him down, then head back to Steven Patrick for your


******************************************************************************* - Strange Brew


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Collection

Monster Objective: Blade Husks

Receive Quest From: Mac Kenzie

Receive Reward From: Mac Kenzie

Quest Destination: Upper Kingsway Sewers

Level Required: 5

Reward: 600 XP

33 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

(One of the following)

Mac Kenzie's Peacemaker

Mac Kenzie's Hive

Mac Kenzie XM41 Bolter

Head down the eastern stairs and enter the portal leading to the Upper

Kingsway Sewers. Search around the sewers for the Blade Husks and kill them to

collect four claws off of them. Take the claws back to Mac Kenzie for your


******************************************************************************* - Wanted: Bag o' Bones


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Bag o' Bones

Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster

Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Train Depot

Level Required: 5

Reward: 1,350 XP

150 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

Head north in to the hallway and turn right to descend down the stairs. Enter

the Covent Garden Train Depot on the left and navigate your way through the

train depot to reach the end and you will locate Bag o' Bones. Take the demon

down and take the ear with you back to the Covent Garden Station. Talk to

Brandon Lann and you will receive your reward. If you haven't started the quest

he has for you, you must accept it first.

******************************************************************************* - Bad Doggy


Prerequisite Quest: None

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Lord Nyssaylor

Receive Quest From: Dotter

Receive Reward From: Dotter

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Steam Tunnels

Level Required: 5

Reward: 480 XP

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

I recommend you level up to at least level 8 or 9 for this quest.

Head north to go down the stairs and reach the train area. Take a right and

enter the portal ahead for the Covent Garden Steam Tunnels. Lord Nyssaylor can

be located anywhere in here, usually in the hallway right after the first room

so be very careful when you approach. The skeleton dog-like creature will be

really fast, strong, and have a longer lasting stamina than most of the enemies

you have faced so far. Once it is dead head back to Dotter for your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Wanted: Fangsnort


Prerequisite Quest: Wanted: Bag o' Bones

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Fangsnort

Receive Quest From: Wanted Poster

Receive Reward From: Brandon Lann

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Steam Tunnels

Level Required: 5

Reward: 1,200 XP

150 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

I recommend you level up to at least level 8 or 9 for this quest.

Head north to go down the stairs and reach the train area. Take a right and

enter the portal ahead for the Covent Garden Steam Tunnels. Usually found in

the end of the Steam Tunnels Fangsnort is a pretty medium threat, not to bad

to take care of. Once you killed and looted him take the ear back to Brandon

Lann for your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Panic!


Prerequisite Quest: Some are Bigger... and activate Hell's Yard

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Ravagers

Receive Quest From: Steven Patrick

Receive Reward From: Steven Patrick

Quest Destination: Covent Garden Market

Level Required: 5

Reward: 540 XP

24 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

(One of the following)

Trample Belt

Basaltic Belt

Netrush Belt

Head out to the Covent Garden Market and just start killing off the Ravagers to

tally up the eight that you need to kill and return back to Steven Patrick to

collect your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Trouble Find


Prerequisite Quest: Bad Doggy and activate Hell's Yard

Type of Quest: Explore

Receive Quest From: Dotter

Receive Reward From: Dotter

Quest Destination: Upper Kingsway Sewers

Level Required: 5

Reward: 270 XP

60 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

(One of the following)

Unidentified Fishgutter

Unidentified Cabalistic Axis

Unidentified XM55 20MM Rifle

Head down to Upper Kingsway Sewers and simply wade your way through the enemies

to locate the portal leading to Lower Kingsway Sewers. This will finish the

quest for you, so head back to Dotter and collect your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Like Acids, Eh


Prerequisite Quest: Strange Brew and Hell's Yard

Type of Quest: Collection

Monster Objective: Shriekers

Receive Quest From: Mac Kenzie

Receive Reward From: Mac Kenzie

Quest Destination: Bloomsbury

Level Required: 6

Reward: 290 XP

60 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

(One of the following)

Unidentified Squire Hauberk

Unidentified Neophyte Gorehide Cordwain

Unidentified Cadet Ballistic Vest

Head around the corner and up the steps to reach Bloomsbury's portal. Enter the

portal and start attacking the Shriekers to collect 8 Hearts of Rage from there

corpses. Once you collect all the Hearts of Rage head back to Mac Kenzie and

get your reward.

******************************************************************************* - Sweet Dreams


Prerequisite Quest: Mopping Up and Hell's Yard

Type of Quest: Hunt

Monster Objective: Shriekers

Receive Quest From: Beasley

Receive Reward From: Beasley

Quest Destination: Bloomsbury

Level Required: 6

Reward: 310 XP

65 Palladium

100 Standing with The People of Covent Garden Station

(One of the following)

Unidentified Squire Leg Guards

Unidentified Neophyte Jodhpurs

Unidentified Cadet Fatigues

Head around the corner and up the steps to reach Bloomsbury's portal. All you

have to do for this quest is hunt down 9 Shriekers and kill them within

Bloomsbury. Once you have killed the required amount of Shriekers you can

return to Beasley in the station for your reward.


4. Extras



4.01 - Templar


sources: http://www.hellgatelondon.com


Hellgate: London's Templar are based off followers of the ancient rituals and

rites of the Knights Templar, an order who has writings told of demonic

invasion centuries ago. The order, since the Middle Ages, has been prepared for

the apocolypse and has trained in holy magic as well as organizing their

followers against the forces of hell.

The True believers, the keepers of the faith, and the destroyers of all evil.

Both organized and highly motivated, with centuries of training and

preparations against fighting the demons from hell.

The Knights Templar was a military order that was around in the Middle Ages.

It was originally created after the first Christian Crusades in the 11th

century AD. There job was to keep the European Christians safe while en route

to the holy land of Jerusalem after it fell to Christian forces. Eventually

through the years they were endorsed by the Christian Church and therefore

became fairly powerful in medieval Europe in the mid-12th century. The Templar

had both military power and huge financial wealth throughout Christendom.

Having such wealth made them have powerful enemies, which included King Philip

IV of France and Pope Clement V.

Around the early 14th century, Pope Clement V took down the order with force,

usually by arresting Templar members and torturing them into confessions, and

ending it by burning them at the stake. Even after these acts the Templar still

live on to this day thanks to their secretive initiation ceremonies and

practices along with other aspects.

There are rumors that the Knights Templar had both the opportunity and the

motive to secretly hide one of Christendom's most cherished holy artifacts, the

Holy Grail. More than one historian has stated that the Templar was the final

keeper of the Holy Grail and discovering where they hid it could lead people

today to finding it. Or it just might be a myth....

These highly trained fighters come in two classes, Guardians and Blademasters.


4.01.01 - Guardian


The Guardian is used mainly for melee fighting over ranged attacks, even though

they tend to do less damage than the others in melee. Instead they can use

various auras available to them as you go through the game. This gives the

Guardian a nice range of offensive and defensive advantages that add to their



+Guardian Weaponry+


The Guardians are allowed to use weapons that all other Templar can use as

well. The only item that Guardian can use that other Templar can't is the Hand

Grappler. This item allows the Guardian to grab an enemy nearby and pull them

in close so the Guardian can deal better damage.

Hand Grappler




Grenade Launcher

Homing Pistol

Machine Pistol

Nova Gun


+Guardian Skills+


The skill set is a combination of passive and active auras with healing and

melee skills.


+Guardian Builds+


Build your own Guardian build at:


Build 1 - 1401210315070000702017105010

Spiritual Strength - Rank 7 (Maxed)

Prayer of Healing - Rank 3

Prayer of Retribution - Rank 7

Great Defender - Rank 5

Aura of Renewal - Rank 1

Aura of Defense - Rank 1

Challenge - Rank 1

Shield of Faith - Rank 2

Shield Wall - Rank 1

Shield Bash - Rank 5

Shield Turn - Rank 5

Shield Charge - Rank 2

Shield Master - Rank 7 (Maxed)

Stampede - Rank 1

Anchor - Rank 1

Heaven's Arc - Rank 1

Build 2 - 0203200333030200372117007000

Spiritual Strength - Rank 3

Prayer of Healing - Rank 3

Prayer of Retribution - Rank 3

Great Defender - Rank 7 (Maxed)

Aura of Defense - Rank 3

Challenge - Rank 3

Denounce - Rank 2

Heavenly Condemnation - Rank 7 (Maxed)

Provoke - Rank 1

Shield of Faith - Rank 2

Shield Wall - Rank 1

Shield Bash - Rank 3

Shield Turn - Rank 3

Shield Charge - Rank 2

Shield Master - Rank 7 (Maxed)


4.12 - Achievements


I Hate Crates - Destroy 1,000 breakables (20 AP)

I'll Be Up in a Minute - Reach Level 10 in 4 Hours (100 AP)

No Time to Waste - Reach Level 20 in 14 Hours (200 AP)

Not a Fit Night Out - Find the Blood Moon (200 AP)

Sniper - Kill 1,000 Monsters with a Sniper Rifle (15 AP)

Zombie Slayer - Kill 1,000 Zombies (10 AP)

Baby, You're a Rich Man - Gather 35,000 Palladium in your inventory (20 AP)

Sachin Swinger - Kill Sydonai with a Cricket Bat (100 AP)

Quester - Complete 20 Quests (20 AP)


5. Frequently Asked Questions


Q - Can my computer run Hellgate: London?

A - Get your computer scanned here:


Q - Do you have a serial key I can use?

A - Sure heres one:


Q - How do you become eligible for the Founder's Offer?

A - You have to have either Pre-Ordered your copy from the official website,

EB Games website/Store, GameStop Website/Store, Walmart, or Best Buy and

received the Pre-Order box with a serial key.

Q - What is the Founder's Offer?

A - The Founder's Offer is the ability to pay for a lifetime subscription at

$149.99 USD.

Q - How long do I have until the Founder's Offer is no longer available?

A - You have until the end of December 31, 2007 to get the Founder's Offer.

Q - Is this game free or do I have to pay for online play?

A - Both, you can play for free or pay and get extras.

Q - What are the prices to pay for the additional content?

A - As of November 12, 2007

Monthly is $9.99 USD per month

Quarterly is $27.97 USD per 3 months

Semiannual is $51.94 USD per 6 months

Lifetime is $149.99 USD Unlimited months (Founder's Only)

Q - What do subscribers get once they pay the fee?

A - Subscribers get to experience content, access to special features, events,

and benefits before non-payers. This includes but is not limited to the


Hardcore Mode

Guild Creation and Management

Larger Stash

Themed Events and Quests

Unique Event Items

Special Event Pets

And the following as they become available:

New Levels to Explore

New Monsters

New Skills and Spells

New Quests and Storyline

New Character Classes

Raid-Level Areas

New Weapons

Seasonal / Themed Events and Items

Additional Difficulty and Game Play Modes

Additional PvP Modes and Rewards

Achievement Rewards

Advanced Guild Management Tools

Web-based Rankings and Character Viewing

Q - Do Founder's members get anything extra that normal player's don't?

A - They get Name Color and a Forum Icon.

Q - What comes with the Collector's Edition?

A - You get a really huge box with a slip cover over it...everything could have

fit in a traditional metal collector's box :(, which has different box art

from the Regular box art. A Unique in-game pet known as Mantawraith. Bonus

DVD with the making of Hellgate: London and official Game Soundtrack, must

copy to PC and burn to CD-R if you want to play it in a CD Player. You also

get a map poster and a 106 page Darkhorse Graphic Novel.

Q - What are the titles of the songs on the collector's bonus dvd?

A - 1.Into The Rift

2.Fight for the Crypts


4.Battle Comes


6.Into the Depths

7.Closing In



10.Remember the Dead

11.The Covent Gardens

12.For the Living

13.Hellgate: London

Q - I know about Mantawraith but wasn't there a second special pet?

A - Yes, you have to buy the issue of PC Gamer that has the Hellgate: London

review and CD enclosed to get this pet known as Cocomoko. (December 2007


Q - What would I have received if I pre-ordered the game?

A - You would have received a serial key to allow you to be eligible for the

Beta play of Hellgate: London, elgible for Founder's One time fee, and a

Limited Edition Dye Kit (based off what store you buy your pre-order from

it was a different kit)

Q - What are the different Pre-Order Dye Kits?

A - Biohazard - Best Buy

Lava - EB Games/GameStop

Royal - Walmart

Wasp - EB Games/GameStop(?) in Canada Only(?)

Shadow Tiger - Singapore area

Kung Fu Bunny - Singapore area

Emerald Vengeance - Singapore area

Q - Where are the behind the scenes photos?

A - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaiserflagship/sets/72157600194020796/detail

Q - I want a Hellgate: London Weta Collectible, where can I get it?

A - Only 1,000 of each were made so buy it fast!



6. Patch Info


6.1 - Single Player

6.2 - Multiplayer


//6.1 - Single Player//


Patch 0 - 10/31/2007 (Bugged)

Patch 0 Fixed - 11/08/2007

New game version -


NPC Tweaks

In general, the vocal responses given by NPCs have been tuned so that they tend

more towards the serious and “normal” in nature


We’ve added a large amount of additional details on the people and places in

the game through gossip told by various NPCs in the world. NPCs with some

gossip to tell will have a purple (“ ”) icon above their heads

Elite Mode* (Subscribers Only)

The demons are tougher, deal out more damage, move faster, travel in larger

groups, and have more champions at the ready. Numerous tweaks to the overall

balance and progression of the game make this an extremely challenging mode

*Elite Mode is unlocked only to subscribers who have also beaten the game at

least once. Once the mode is unlocked, new characters may be designated as

Elite through a toggle in the character creation screen

Tuned Game Progression

· Level and monster progression is now much more thematic in nature. While this

does not affect the overarching layout of the world map, it does make each

act feel more defined and focused

· Bigger levels in Nightmare Mode increases the time players spend in each

area, giving the game a more expansive feel at higher difficulty levels

· Several new level varieties have been added

· Players will now receive a completion message upon finishing an Act

· The experience required to level between levels 30 and 50 has been rebalanced


· Improved memory usage and long-term stability

· Improved station performance and stability

· Improved multi-monitor compatibility

· Texture Detail option now behaves more predictably

· Improved DX10 initial load time

· Improved performance in DX10

· Improved appearance of motion-blur in DX10

· DX10 smoke now scales better with multi-GPU

· More noticeable get-hit effect, prevents “always grey” when getting

frequently damaged by small amounts

· Tweaked FOV limits to avoid excessive fish-eye

· Anti-aliasing now supported for ATI 2x00 series cards

· Initial settings detection is now more effective

· Fixed several loading screen bugs

· Fixed issues with “Low” Shadow Detail

· Fixed overly shiny characters when Shader Detail is set to “High”


· Sound Effects and Music: Volumes and roll-off levels have been changed for

various guns and monsters

· Updated version of FMOD

· Sound initialization improvements

· Tweaked several sound effects volumes


//6.2 - Multiplayer//


Patch 0.5 - 11/20/07


· All players now have 24 character slots, including non-subscribers

· Fixed a known issue with the inventory user interface that caused the

client to lock up.

· Fixed a bug which caused the Mini-game to sometimes become stuck.

· Added a /help command to provide assistance using available / commands.

· Some new posters have been added to stations for players to look at

Connection Issues

· Fixed known issues which sometimes caused players to be disconnected and

receive an erroneous network error message.

· Fixed an issue where some home routers would disconnect a user due to an

inactive connection.

· Fixed known bugs which sometimes disconnected players during multiplayer


· Fixed problems with NetLimiter 1.30 and some older versions of Norton

Antivirus and McAfee Antivirus which would make the user entirely unable

to connect to the game.


· Made several chat interface improvements and the text entry more intuitive.

· Chat window is now open by default in multiplayer.

· Fixed chat window closing when traveling between zones.

· Fixed several cases where the chat window would obstruct other UI components.

· Chat context (such as Party and Guild) is now more clearly defined in the

text entry window, including a color-coded border.

· Chat window is now more transparent.

· Added /g command. This is equivalent to /gchat command (guild chat).

· Whisper text now shows up on all chat tabs.

· Whisper messages and admin announcements auto-open the chat panel.

· Auto-switch to the appropriate tab (such as Party and Guild) if you type text

to that channel and are not in a tab that shows the text.

· PageUp/PageDown cycle through chat tabs when text entry is active.

· Chat panel now auto-opens if you type text and press Enter while the panel is


· Chat text entry deactivates after entering text.

· Chat panel no longer closes if you press Enter on a blank line.

· Additional miscellaneous bug fixes.


· Fixed known bugs that caused players to sometimes lose items.

· Fixed a bug with the Nanoforge that caused it to inaccurately modify the

stats of higher-quality items.

· Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Unique items to drop without special

properties. Old unique items that did not have special properties are not

changed by this patch. We are looking into whether we can fix the old items,

but we don’t currently have a solution.


· Fixed various known issues which prevented players from being able to

continue interrupted side-quests.

· Quest items should no longer remain in the player inventory after the

associated quest has been completed. Players with old quest items (such as

Train Parts) associated with quests they’ve already completed or no longer

should find these items removed upon logging in.

· Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented players from receiving credit for

killing the “5 Lies” in The Hellgate quest. Players should now be able to

properly advance in this quest.

· In order to obtain the Fawkes Force Five item, the player must have completed

Stopping Some Guy quest and not have the ‘Blueprints of Fawkes Force Five’ or

‘Fawkes Force Five’ in their inventory or stash. If they completed the quest

and don’t have the Blueprints or Fawkes Force Five, then it rewards them with

a completed Fawkes Force Five.


· Fixed known bugs which prevented Engineer Drones from saving properly.


· Fixed an incorrect modifier causing Special Effect Attack Strengths in PvP

situations to be much higher than intended.

World Movement

· Fixed known issues which occasionally prevented characters from being able to

load or switch instances.

· Fixed several issues with players getting stuck in the world.

· Fixed a bug causing players to become stuck at St. Pauls in Nightmare


· Portals to party members should now automatically close if the associated

party member leaves the game.


Re-enables Halloween items that disabled when Guy Fawkes Day theme was released



· Guy Fawkes Day (November 5, 2007 – November 11, 2007)

(Extended until November 20, 2007)

· Nemo - Master of Festivities

Everyone's favorite profane master of themed events has moved to Templar

Base and has several surprises for adventurous souls.

· Guy Fawkes Quests

There are bigger Demons out there, and perhaps they're being drawn to the

flames that erupt on Bonfire Night. Track down a series of named

monstrosities and explore new areas as you seek to keep these explosive

horrors at bay.

· Bonfire Nightmares

Increased Demonic activity and the explosive nature of the times have made

parts of the city even more fiery than usual. Keep an eye out for these

rare locations.

· Grenades

What would this celebration be without explosions? Lots of explosions...

So many, in fact, that everyone can get in on the fun of hurling the

Marksman's staple – Grenades. Now, imagine what else you could do with


· Guy Fawkes Recipes

Making things is a big part of remembering Guy Fawkes for the survivors of

London's fall. The ingenuity of Guy Fawkes is represented in the numerous

recipes and schematics that crop up during this themed timeframe.

· Guy Fawkes Treats

Bonfire Toffee, Toffee Apples, Baked Potatoes – all of the expected

foodstuffs (and more) to keep winter's chill at bay and bolster characters

with a wide variety of beneficial boosts.

· Fawkes' Flameguards

Handling explosives can be tricky, so you'll want to make sure to find the

right pair of gloves to keep your hands safe and sound.

· The Legacy of Guy Fawkes

The Techsmiths have been busier than usual, so you'll never know when gear

might drop that is thematically bound to the festivities.


New game version -

Player vs. Player Mode

· Players can Duel or elect to play Free-for-All PvP

· Players can initiate a duel by right-clicking the portrait of the group

member they wish to duel and selecting the “Duel” option if they are both

in an adventuring area. Players can also use the /duel [playername] command

to initiate a duel.

· Players may also toggle their PvP mode through the /pvp command

· While PvP is activated, the player may be attacked and harmed outside of

Stations by any other group members who are also flagged for PvP

Elite Mode* (Subscribers Only)

The demons are tougher, deal out more damage, move faster, travel in larger

groups, and have more champions at the ready. Numerous tweaks to the overall

balance and progression of the game make this an extremely challenging mode

*Elite Mode is unlocked only to subscribers who have also beaten the game at

least once. Once the mode is unlocked, new characters may be designated as

Elite through a toggle in the character creation screen


These are meant to be long-term goals for all players. Players start with a few

new goals in their Achievement Log (default hotkey is “J”) and can unlock more

as they play


· While only subscribers can start one, anyone may join a guild

· Guild members can communicate in their own private channel using /gchat

NPC Tweaks

In general, the vocal responses given by NPCs have been tuned so that they tend

more towards the serious and “normal” in nature


We’ve added a large amount of additional details on the people and places in

the game through gossip told by various NPCs in the world. NPCs with some

gossip to tell will have a purple (“ ”) icon above their heads

Tuned Game Progression

· Level and monster progression is now much more thematic in nature. While this

does not affect the overarching layout of the world map, it does make each

act feel more defined and focused

· Bigger levels in Nightmare Mode increases the time players spend in each

area, giving the game a more expansive feel at higher difficulty levels

· Several new level varieties have been added

· Players will now receive a completion message upon finishing an Act

· The experience required to level between levels 30 and 50 has been rebalanced


· Improved memory usage and long-term stability

· Improved multiplayer stability

· Improved station performance and stability

· Improved multi-monitor compatibility

· Texture Detail option now behaves more predictably

· Improved DX10 initial load time

· Improved performance in DX10

· Improved appearance of motion-blur in DX10

· DX10 smoke now scales better with multi-GPU

· More noticeable get-hit effect, prevents “always grey” when getting

frequently damaged by small amounts

· Tweaked FOV limits to avoid excessive fish-eye

· Anti-aliasing now supported for ATI 2x00 series cards

· Initial settings detection is now more effective

· Fixed several loading screen bugs

· Fixed issues with “Low” Shadow Detail

· Fixed overly shiny characters when Shader Detail is set to “High”


· Sound Effects and Music: Volumes and roll-off levels have been changed for

various guns and monsters

· Updated version of FMOD

· Sound initialization improvements

· Tweaked several sound effects volumes


Can no longer change targets mid-charge (Charge and Shield Charge) to hit a

target that is out of range


· Shield Wall can now be held indefinitely until cancelled

· Stampede’s skill description has been updated to display that the skill moves

the player forward 15 meters

· Anchor now has a 6-second cooldown

· Hamper skill now lists its duration.


· Drain Life now deals a significant amount of damage, but costs 100% more

power per second and returns less health to the Cabalist

· Cabalist beam skills now properly stop casting when the Cabalist runs out of



· Flameshards no longer has a hidden limit of 10 shards. Each shard now has a

small radius (1.0 meters), greatly improving the skill’s effectiveness. To

balance this change, Flameshards power cost has been increased by 46% and

individual shard damage has been decreased by 24%

· Firestorm no longer provides an initial bonus to Ignite Attack Strength at

rank 1

· Arcane Shield now displays the proper shield bonus

· Bone Shards is now instant cast and has had its radius increased to 10 meters

· Arc Legion damage has been increased by 25%, but costs 50% more power per


· Drain Power now returns less power per second

· Spectral Lash damage has been decreased by 13%


· The Carnagor’s damage has been reduced by 45% and stun defense reduced by 33%

· The Carnagor now taunts slightly earlier and more frequently while Meat

Shield is active

· Meat Shield has had its effective taunt radius reduced to 20 meters

· Additional levels of Meat Shield no longer increase its taunt radius

· The duration of Meat Shield’s taunt effect has been reduced to 10 seconds

· The Dominate skill can no longer be used with pets other than the Witch


· Elemental Nova no longer destroys Elementals

· Fire Elemental health has been slightly increased

· Fire Elemental Ignite Attack Strength has been reduced by 75%

· Fire Elemental power cost has increased by 25%

· Spectral Elemental health has been slightly increased

· Spectral Elemental Phase Attack Strength has been decreased by 17%

· Spectral Elemental Phase Attack Duration has been reduced to 5 seconds

· Spectral Elemental power cost has been slightly increased and now correctly

scales up with the Summoner’s level

· Force Elemental health has been slightly increased

· Force Elemental Stun Attack Strength has been reduced by 25%

· Force Elemental power cost has increased by 30%

· Storm Elemental Shock Attack Strength has been increased by 100%

· Storm Elemental Shock Attack Duration has been increased to 4 seconds from 2


· Storm Elemental Shock Attack Damage has been increased to 100% from 25%

· Storm Elemental power cost has been decreased slightly

· Storm Elemental health has been decreased

· Storm Elemental damage has been decreased significantly


· Beacon no longer charges the power cost and cooldown of the skill when the

target is out of range

· The per-level effects of Phase Grenade have changed to an increasing Phase

Attack Strength


· Sniper Stance now increases Weapon Energy Consumption by 300% while firing

· The per-level effects of Toxic and Flashcrasher Grenades have changed: they

now gain increases to their Special Effect Attack Strengths


· Tactical Mode and Advanced Tactical Mode have switched places with Armor

Retrofit and Master Engineer in the Engineer Drone skills tree

· Bomber Bot damage has been increased significantly

· Bomber Bot Phase Attack Strength and Duration have been slightly decreased

· Concussive Crash power cost has been decreased to 5

· Concussive Crash has a decreased initial Stun Attack Strength but now

properly scales up with the Engineer’s level

· Molotov Assault power cost has been decreased to 10

· Concussive Crash and Molotov Assault now have 10 second but separate


· Engineer Drones now properly save their attribute assignments and items upon

death and zoning

· Inhibitor Bots now properly slow their targets


The Special Effect Attack and Interrupt Strengths of weapons which attack

significantly faster or slower than once per second now scale properly. Faster

weapons and attacks (including field and splash damage) now appropriately have

a lesser chance to land successful special effects or interrupts. Slower

weapons and attacks now appropriately have a greater chance to land successful

special effects and interrupts


· Skill bonus affixes now only appear on weapons

· Power Regeneration boosts (i.e. Powerpacks) now function better

· All Swords have had their damage reduced by 10%; however, Shield

Overload-modified damage now correctly deals damage to a target’s health if

the damage exceeded the amount of shields.

· Increased the range and accuracy of all Hunter machine guns (non-splash,


· The Weapon Energy Consumption system for beam and streaming weapons has been

somewhat rebalanced. At ¾ of a full bar, the weapon’s damage will begin to

decrease until the bar reaches 0, where the weapon will deal only 25% of its

maximum damage.

· Rebalanced the ratio of Unique, Legendary, Rare, and Enhanced items within

the subset of magical items. Players will still find the same ratio of

magical to non-magical items.

· Rebalanced the ratio of Legendary and Rare Mods

· Rebalanced the benefit of Luck

· Decreased XM107 and XM237 Firefox Launcher damage by 10%

· Decreased XM107 and XM237 Firefox Launcher Interrupt Strength by 45%

· Decreased XM803 Zeus Rifle damage by 15%

· Decreased XM923 Zeus Rifle damage by 5%

· Decreased Nanodyne Venom Lance damage by 20%


· Crafting machines are now equipped to hold larger items

· Items can only be upgraded a maximum of 5 times each

· Item upgrading now costs significantly more scrap


· The Eyes of Oculis summoned by Oculis the All-Seeing have had their damage

increased by 60%

· Fiend Master damage has been increased significantly

· Emperor Gulkar’s damage has been increased significantly

· Defilers now perform their fade skill less often


· Difficulty has been scaled up significantly, particularly when more than 2

players are in an instance

· All players in a group receive full experience from each kill

· Special Effect Attack and Interrupt Strengths now properly scale in

multiplayer situations

· The Auto-party feature will now only group players playing the same mode


· Fixed a bug where some quests wouldn’t show up at the right time

· “Tripping the Rift” – the radar will properly disappear after completing

this quest

· “The Final Test” – all eligible players in the party can now speak to Murmur

to complete this quest

· Truth portals no longer disappear in multiplayer when other players enter

the portal

· Quest drops should now properly drop for all players in the group in the

appropriate instance

· Players can now properly interact with Jessica Summerisle in the Necropolis

· Pratch no longer repeatedly issues the same quest

Assorted Fixes

· Pets can now be released in town

· Pets now disappear from an instance when the owner leaves

· The mini-game has been somewhat adjusted

· Footsteps in 1st-person now play properly and respect the floor material

· Fixed a bug causing the camera to change positions upon zoning

· Fixed bugs preventing players from resurrecting after dying

· Fixed some town portal bugs

· Fixed some boss farming exploits

· Fixed some character saving issues

· Fixed several crash bugs

· The /stuck command has been re-enabled. Using this command will transport the

player back to the beginning of the current adventure level after a short

period of time


Hardcore Mode

Characters have one life, and ONLY one life, to give for the cause. There is no

resurrecting your downed hero in Hardcore mode, so different tactics, skills

and items rule the day. For the gamer that wants the ultimate test, try playing

an Elite Hardcore character.

Themed Events and Items

Special storylines, quests, NPCs and events designed to celebrate special

seasons or provide different themed challenges. Some of these take place every

so often, while others only happen at a specific time of year.

· Halloween (October 31, 2007 – November 4, 2007)

· Zombot

A special pet just for the All Hallows’ celebration. This amalgam of meat

and metal is sure to frighten and delight those players that are willing

to put in the time to find all the necessary pieces in order to construct


· All Hallows’ Visage

A Unique Helm that has not only very special properties, but as well a

fierce look unlike any other helm in the game.

· All Hallows’ Treats

Delicious and devious, these different delights do everything from

temporarily boosting stats to altering the appearance of the devourer.

· All Hallows’ Quests

There are a pair of special quests available, including one that is

repeatable for continuous fun.

· Nemo, Master of Festivities

This special NPC can first be found in Covent Garden Station

Guild creation and Management

· While only subscribers can start one, anyone may join a guild

· Subscribers may create a guild by purchasing and using a Guild Herald,

available from vendors

· Guild leaders can invite new members through the Guild panel (default hotkey

is “G”) or through the “invite to guild” button on the radial menu activated

by right-clicking on a player in their buddy list or in-person

· Guild members can communicate in their own private channel using /gchat

Additional Character Slots

24 character slots to make a ton of different character builds

Expanded Stash

Each character gets an extra 6x8 section in their storage locker


7. Online Features Info


As of November 14, 2007

Players can get online and play for FREE, or pay to play online and get content

as it is released through the subscription membership. The following may change

at any time please direct yourself to the following page for any updates:



------------------ ---------------- ------------------------

Complete Storyline Game YES YES

Hosted Gameplay YES YES

Nightmare Mode YES YES

Elite Mode YES YES

Hardcore Mode NO YES

Player Vs. Player YES YES

Achievements YES YES

Create Guild NO YES

Manage Guild NO YES

Join Guild YES YES

Buddy List YES YES

Larger Stash NO YES

Additional Character Slots YES YES

Themed Events & Quests NO YES

Unique Event Items NO YES

Special Event Pets NO YES



New Levels to Explore NO IN PROGRESS



New Skills & Spells NO IN PROGRESS

New Quests & Storylines NO IN PROGRESS

New Character Classes NO IN PROGRESS

Raid-Level Areas NO IN PROGRESS

More Seasonal/Theme Events NO IN PROGRESS

More Season/Theme Items NO IN PROGRESS

Additional Difficulty Modes NO IN PROGRESS

Additional Gameplay Modes NO IN PROGRESS

Additional PvP Modes & Rewards NO IN PROGRESS

Achievement Rewards NO IN PROGRESS

Advanced Guild Management Tools NO IN PROGRESS

Web-based Rankings NO IN PROGRESS

Character Viewing NO IN PROGRESS


8. Credit


TheTrueNemesis - All area types, percentages, and enemy levels


9. Version History


Version 0.2A - Fixed a few precentages

Version 0.2 - Finished Act 1 and worked on Frequently Asked Questions, Patch

Info, and Online Features Info.

Version 0.1 - Worked on the character creation details to Templar Guardian

character stats.


10. Copyright 2007


This document is the hard work of me Alan Stupak (Brokaliv). And I don't want

anyone to take this guide and rip it off. This document cannot be changed or

altered in any way, shape or form. You are welcome to ask my permission if

you would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for

private use only. You are free to print it out but you don't have permission

to sell it for profit. This document is not to be published in any form of

media publication unless you have the permission of me before hand. The

websites listed below have permission to have this guide published on their

sites. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public

display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. That is all,

thank you.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2007 Alan Stupak

If you would like to donate some money to help pay for my college funds please

send some money to me through www.paypal.com at acstupak@yahoo.com

thanks for the support.

This Walkthrough is allowed to be hosted at the following sites:

GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com

Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com

Cheat Happens - www.cheathappens.com

IGN - faqs.ign.com

The Genie - www.thegenie.net

Evermore Forums - www.evermoreforums.com

Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com

Noobz Space - www.noobzspace.com

Games Radar - www.gamesradar.com

Cheat Planet - www.cheatplanet.com

Cheat Code Central - www.cheatcc.com

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