Virtua Fighter 5 FAQ/ Walkthrough

Virtua Fighter 5

By: Alex "Joker" Hall

Started on: April 30, 2007

Completed on:


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- Yes people! I have returned! Just as I said before in my last guide (Rumble

Roses for the PS2...which I never did finish....but eh oh well) I joined the

Marine Corps and I have been gone for quite some time. I'm currently

stationed out here in Japan and have been for the past two years. It's been

a real eye opening exprience and I can't say that I won't miss things out

here when I leave. But getting to the guide stuff....needless to say that it

would seem that alot of big time games that have come out are without a

proper walkthrough writer these days. I've watched GameFAQs put up alot of

bounties and most wanteds and such of walkthroughs to games that you would

figure alot of people would be fighting to get. And that's where I come in!

Alot of people have asked me to return to the walkthrough writing scene, even

though I had "retired" from it. Well....I must say that I did miss doing

this and I missed writing up for GameFAQs and other sites out there. Never

knew that a person could get a fanbase (albeit a very small one) for the

guides that they write. So....I am here to bring the guide for the game that

should of had one a long time ago. I'm of course talking about Virtua

Fighter 5! Now since being out here in Japan, I've seen alot of games hit

the arcades and consoles way before it ever made it to the states. One day,

I was walking around in an arcade, and then I noticed a special, different

machine in the corner, with a Luchador picture above the machine. I raised

an eyebrow and went to check it out. I was never too big into the Virtua

Fighter series, though I did play a few of the titles in the past. But when

I started playing as El Blaze....I was hooked. Number one, hispanic fighters

aren't normally seen in many games....let alone hispanic characters either!

So playing as a new fighting style of Lucha Libre and a hispanic fighter

(such as me...I'm of Nicaraguan decent) I was dead set at becoming a master

at this game. I played against the japanese all the time out here, and

whooped their asses big time once I got the hang of things. Now that I got

a PS3 and the game as well....well I've got a ton of time to practice all

the time! And with this game coming out as well on the 360, I'll get it on

that console too. Hopefully on the 360, they'll put in online multiplayer

since there is none on the PS3. Still this game kicks ass no matter what!

And with this guide, I'll cover the arcade, the Playstation 3, and when it

finally comes out for the system, the XBox 360 respectively. So lets get

this show on the road! It's been far too long since I've been away....and

retirement is for pansies! The return of Sanctuary Remix is here!

- As with every other guide that I've wrote, this guide is my own property! I

happily made this for all to enjoy and to use, and all that I ask is that if

you are planning on using this for your site, then just ask me for permission

ok. I'm really easy to get along with and generally don't mind it so long as

you ask for my permission first. Don't go thinking "Oh he'll never say ok,

lets just rip the guide and post it anyways" because that's a flawed way of

thinking. Just give it a shot sometime and you may be surprised! My e-mail

box is always open!

- A big reminder to everyone out there....if you're looking for updates to this

guide, then head on over to I write for that site and that

site only.....or at least, that's where the guide's origins are. Any update

that I do will hit there. I don't really plan on keeping up with how many

other hundreds of sites have my guides up for their use and have to go and

update it on their site as well, so save yourself some trouble and headache

and check my guide out at GameFAQs ok. I really don't want to deal with a

million e-mails asking me about updates and info and such when I'm telling

you now what to do.

*** Version 1.0 ***

- This walkthrough will go into detail on how to play the game properly, how

each character works and their background, basic gameplay mechanics

explained, details on how the game modes work, how to unlock all secrets and

cheats, and how to work with the game.

- Next version update should include the following:

Detailed listing of each character's clothing items

In-Depth coverage of Playstation 3 Quest Mode

*** Constant Updater Info ***

- I will always constantly update this guide despite what version it is that I

have out. This is due to the fact of the User Tactics Section of this guide.

Whenever I am e-mailed with a tip from someone on a tactic that they find

useful in certain or any situation, then it will be posted up as fast as I

can possibly get it up. This along with whenever I find any tactics that I

can come up with myself. So always be on the look out for that!

- Table of Contents -

1) Story

2) Controls

*Arcade Controls*

*Playstation 3 Controls*

3) The Basics

*Arcade Basics*

*Playstation 3 Basics*

4) Game Modes

*Arcade Game Modes*

*Playstation 3 Game Modes*

5) The Characters

*Akira Yuki*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*El Blaze*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion


= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Pai Chan*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion


= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Aoi Umenokouji*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal opinion

*Goh Hinogami*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion


= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Sarah Bryant*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Jacky Bryant*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Brad Burns*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Shun Di*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Lau Chan*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Jeffry McWild*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Vanessa Lewis*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Wolf Hawkfield*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

*Lion Rafale*

= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion


= Backstory and Stats

= Move Set

= Costumes and Clothes Sets

= Personal Opinion

6) Quest Mode

*The Arcades*

- Sega World North

- Sega World South

- Sega World Route 101

- Club Sega Downtown

- Club Sega Bay Area

- Sega Arena Coast

- Sega Arena East

- Special

*Gaining Exprience*

*Official Titles*

*The Opponents*

- Sega World North

- Sega World South

- Sega World Route 101

- Club Sega Downtown

- Club Sega Bay Area

- Sega Arena Coast

- Sega Arena East

- Special


*The Ins and Outs*

* Home *

- Customize

= Costume Settings

= Item Shop

= Change Ring Name

= Personal Comment Settings

= Emblem Settings

- Status

- Quest Settings

- Save

*Tips and Tricks*

* The Sega Balloon *

* Arcade Tournaments *

* Orb Discs *

* Emblem Unlocking *

* Making Money *

* Win or Lose *

* Accessing the Special Arcade Fighters *

* Treasure Chest Icons *

* Quick Arcade Search *

7) Cheats, Secrets, and Such

* Old School Sega! *

* The Sega Balloon *

* Unlocking Dural *

* Various Background Trivia *

* Unlocking Costumes C and D *

* Watch Mode *

* Unlocking the Dojo Stages *

* Playing Route B in Arcade Mode *

* Custom Characters in VF TV *

* Downloading the Soundtrack *

* Knowing Your Virtua Fighter and Where to go for It *

8) User Character Tactics

* Akira *

* El Blaze *

* Eileen *

* Pai Chan *

* Lei-Fei *

* Aoi Umenokouji *

* Goh Hinogami *

* Kage-Maru *

* Sarah Bryant *

* Jacky Bryant *

* Brad Burns *

* Shun-Di *

* Lau Chan *

* Jeffry McWild *

* Vanessa Lewis *

* Wolf Hawkfield *

* Lion Rafale *

* Dural *

9) Credits

1) The Story of Virtua Fighter 5

- Now I'm not an expert as to the whole story of Virtua Fighter, so I'm going

to go off of what info I can get ahold of and go from there.

- The Fourth World Fighting Tournament had come to one fianl bout between

Kage-Maru and Shun Di. But as Kage-Maru launched his final offensive, the

glowing, silver form of Dural interrupted the match.

"Mother..." Kage-Maru whispered, facing the transformed being that had once

been Tsukikage. Knowing full well that it was too late to save his mother,

Kage-Maru destroyed her with his own hands. But when he looked at her face,

his expression froze. "This is..."

Concerned by Dural's defeat, J6 captured Vanessa for the next step of the

Dural program. But before they could turn her into the next Dural, she

disappeared - apparently with inside help. But they had already transplanted

her combat data into the production-model Dural, and thus J6 announced the

Fifth World Fighting Tournament to test the abilities of the new V-Dural and

to determine the identity of any traitors within J6.

What is J6?

Judgement 6, or J6, is made up of six global corporations. Together, they

exert enormous influence over areas ranging from weapons development to

international politics. J6's goal is to complete their subtle form of world


- So basically from what I've gathered is that each fighter has their own

reason to fight....just like any other fighting game. Now some of the

fighters have ties to J6 and hold a personal vendetta against them. While

others are in it for their own reasons. For the most part there has not been

a clear cut hero in the story, nor has their been a real consecutive winner

of each tournament like Liu Kang of Mortal Kombat fame. Most people seem to

think that Akira is the big man to beat in the game with winning all the

tournaments. This is not true. Akira (from what I've gathered canonically)

has only won the Second World Fighting Tournament, even though he is

prominently displayed on the cover art of each title and given that whole

main good guy look to him. So basically this is a game where it is possible

that any character could very well be the official winner of each tournament.

As far as the whole background of the entire Virtua Fighter universe goes,

well as I said before....I just don't know. If anyone has info on the story

of the past games or parts of the Virtua Fighter universe that are

significant and worthwhile, then e-mail the info to me and I'll put it up

with the credit going to you.

2) Getting to Know Your Controls

- Arcade Controls -

- Well it's pretty cut and dry with the arcade controls. The console versions

can really spoil you due to the layout, but still...the arcade comes with

classic controls that one can quickly get use to.

- The joystick is what you'll use to move about the place. It's an 8-way

joystick. Just move it in the direction you desire to move about. Basically

it's like this:

| /

- O -

/ |

- I haven't seen any arcade machine with more than 3 buttons so far for this

game. All you need is three anyways, so unless you're playing some version

of it that I don't know about, then you'll run into just 3 button for

playing. The buttons are as follows:

The Punch button allows your character to throw a punch

The Kick button allows your character to throw a kick

The Guard button allows your character to put up a block

When using the buttons, you'll want to mix up the directions you input them

in with the joystick so that you'll get various results from your attacks.

You'll learn more as you move on to the characters.

- Here's the control techniques you can do with the arcade controls:


Double tap the joystick either forward or backward to make the character do

a quick dash


Double tap and hold the joystick forward to make your character do a run


By pressing the Punch and Guard buttons together, you can make your character

grab your opponent for some damage. Check out the characters section in this

guide to see what throws they can do and how to do them

Crouching Dash

Double tap the joystick at a downward angle either forward or backward to

make your character dash while crouching


Just hold the joystick in the direction you want them to move. To make them

move toward the camera, quickly tap down twice and on the second tap, hold

down on the joystick

Throw Escape

By pressing the Punch and Guard buttons at the same time in correspondence to

your opponent's grab, you can escape their grab. You must also use the right

direction at times depending on the grab trying to be used on you

Down Attack

This one is universal for all characters, even though they all have many

unique down attacks as well. To do the simple one for each, just hold up on

the joystick and then press the punch button

Quick Recovery

By pressing the Punch, Kick, and Guard buttons at the same time just before

you hit the ground, you will do a quick recovery. This is extremely helpful

so that you can avoid someone taking advantage of you by using a Down Attack,

or by setting up their next offensive on you


If you're flat on your back, hit the Punch and Guard buttons by button

mashing to make your character get up faster

Rising Attack

While you're getting up from being knocked down, hit the Kick button to make

your character do a Rising Attack. You can also use a low Rising Attack by

holding down on the joystick and pressing the Kick button while your

character is getting up

Defensive Move

By pressing down or up on the joystick quickly, you can make your character

do a Defensive Move. This sets them up to either reverse an attack, or get

into a better position to avoid a combo or move that your opponent is trying

to use on you

Offensive Move

By pressing down or up on the joystick quickly and pressing the Punch, Kick,

and Guard buttons together, your character should do a quick sidestep while

closing in on your opponent. This sets them up to start a combo of your own

or get in a good grab move if you're fast enough


Some attacks performed by a character will make your opponent stagger

backward off balance. During this time you can take advantage of a good

opportunity to hit them with a big move or combo

Stagger Recovery

If you are put into Stagger status you will be prompted to recover faster by

a joystick icon in the corner. Just start moving the joystick back and forth

quickly to make your character regain their balance and continue the fight

- Playstation 3 Controls -

- As I stated above, the Playstation 3 controls can really spoil you with the

way you can layout your controls. With the ability to lay the buttons out

however you want it, you'll have a better feel and control over the game.

Try out different layouts til you're comfortable with what you want.

- You use the D-Pad in this game to move about. The joystick is disabled

during the game. With the D-Pad though, you have a direct feel over the

character I think. You still have the same 8 direction basic movement with

the D-Pad just like you did with the Arcade joystick.

- The default button layout for the Playstation 3 is as follows:

Triangle = Punch

Circle = Kick

Square = Guard

X = Punch

L1 = Punch+Guard

L2 = Punch+Guard+Kick

R1 = Punch+Kick

R2 = Kick+Guard

I recommend using this layout has a better feel for the

controls and I think it helps to keep the action flowing and smooth. You

don't have to keep it like this though. Like I said....experiment til you

find something that you're comfortable with. This is my layout scheme:

Triangle = Kick

Circle = Guard

Square = Punch

X = Guard

L1 = Punch+Guard

L2 = Punch+Guard+Kick

R1 = Punch+Kick

R2 = Kick+Guard

As you can see, there's not too much of a change from the default settings.

I just think that with the Punch and the Kick setup like that, you have a

better way of keeping things flowing, and with a quick thumb roll, you can

easily guard when you need it. Keeping two guard buttons does help when you

start to panic under pressure.

When using the buttons, you'll want to mix up the directions you input them

in with the joystick so that you'll get various results from your attacks.

You'll learn more as you move on to the characters.

- Here's the control techniques you can do with the Playstation 3 controls:


Double tap the joystick either forward or backward to make the character do

a quick dash


Double tap and hold the joystick forward to make your character do a run


By pressing the Punch and Guard buttons together, you can make your character

grab your opponent for some damage. Check out the characters section in this

guide to see what throws they can do and how to do them

Crouching Dash

Double tap the joystick at a downward angle either forward or backward to

make your character dash while crouching


Just hold the joystick in the direction you want them to move. To make them

move toward the camera, quickly tap down twice and on the second tap, hold

down on the joystick

Throw Escape

By pressing the Punch and Guard buttons at the same time in correspondence to

your opponent's grab, you can escape their grab. You must also use the right

direction at times depending on the grab trying to be used on you

Down Attack

This one is universal for all characters, even though they all have many

unique down attacks as well. To do the simple one for each, just hold up on

the joystick and then press the punch button

Quick Recovery

By pressing the Punch, Kick, and Guard buttons at the same time just before

you hit the ground, you will do a quick recovery. This is extremely helpful

so that you can avoid someone taking advantage of you by using a Down

Attack, or by setting up their next offensive on you


If you're flat on your back, hit the Punch and Guard buttons by button

mashing to make your character get up faster

Rising Attack

While you're getting up from being knocked down, hit the Kick button to make

your character do a Rising Attack. You can also use a low Rising Attack by

holding down on the joystick and pressing the Kick button while your

character is getting up

Defensive Move

By pressing down or up on the joystick quickly, you can make your character

do a Defensive Move. This sets them up to either reverse an attack, or get

into a better position to avoid a combo or move that your opponent is trying

to use on you

Offensive Move

By pressing down or up on the joystick quickly and pressing the Punch, Kick,

and Guard buttons together, your character should do a quick sidestep while

closing in on your opponent. This sets them up to start a combo of your own

or get in a good grab move if you're fast enough


Some attacks performed by a character will make your opponent stagger

backward off balance. During this time you can take advantage of a good

opportunity to hit them with a big move or combo

Stagger Recovery

If you are put into Stagger status you will be prompted to recover faster by

a joystick icon in the corner. Just start moving the joystick back and forth

quickly to make your character regain their balance and continue the fight

2) The Basics to the Game

- This section will talk about various aspects of the game for that respective

system. Certain things that would not be in the other sections of this

walkthrough will be put here.

- Arcade Basics -

- Here's where to learn about a few odds and ends of playing at the arcades out

there. Now number one, I'm here to tell you that I've only played out in the

Japanese Arcades and I haven't had a chance to see if they're out in the

States or not. So from what I'll go on about here is what to expect while

playing in the Japanese Arcade. Once I've done some research and found any

Virtua Fighter 5 US Arcade games out there, then this section will cover that

as well.

- First off when you play some of the game systems out here in Japan, you will

notice that some of them have card readers. I have found machines that do

not have card readers as well, so basically it depends on your location and

the arcade itself as to whether it will have a card reader or not. Arcades

out here are plentiful and all over the place from a professional setting to

underground. But I'm getting off subject....the card reader is meant for a

special card that you can buy from certain vending machines within the arcade

itself. They allow you to create character data that will save your settings

from a previous time playing the game. So basically if I was playing as

El Blaze, then the card would be burned with the data of how I did at that

time and act accordingly by recording my wins and losses and making a small

memory of how I fought. I'm not totally sure on this either since I can't

read japanese, but everytime I've seen a card used, it brought up a small

antenna power signal on the bottom of the screen. Now I've used cards before

on other games out here like Tekken and what appears to be a Romance of the

Three Kingdoms game, and when I do, it will find opponents for me that are

playing in another arcade somewhere else. So basically it's an online match

in the arcades. I'm not entirely sure that this works with Virtua Fighter 5

or not, but I'd say it's a safe bet that it does. Also with the card, there

is a way to go online with it and save info to it that will give you a

customed character type of option. I've seen it work on Tekken, but I have

not yet seen if this is true of Virtua Fighter 5 yet. The last thing that I

think that this card does as well is feed your character information (i.e.

fighting style, win/loss record, etc) to the system. This leaves a memory of

what you've done thus far from what the card has recorded on the machine you

were playing at. On a score attack game, depending on how you fight with

your character and you current record with them, your character data will be

placed in a certain standing for someone to fight. So if you play as a newb

or noob then your character data can be shown relatively early on for someone

to fight against. If you play as an expert or veteran, then it will reflect

and it would be quite sometime before anyone has a chance to fight your

character data. So for the most part the card does a few little extra quirks

to the arcade that you didn't think possible. If any of this info is wrong

or not complete, then by all means e-mail in the correct information and it

will be corrected.

- One thing that should catch your eye is that the machine (at least in Japan)

is played on a big plasma screen tv. The machine layout is comfortable too,

and if you want to challenge someone, they're on the other side of the

machine, out of sight and hard to hear. The music and sounds are loud enough

that you'll have a hard time distinguishing if your opponent is cussing or

screaming at you for winning. This game looks beyond amazing with a machine

that's made to solely run it. You'll feel at home as well with the simple

control layout and comfortable arm rests that the machine provides as well.

- I'm not sure what the current version for the arcades is, but I do know that

the game does receive some updates, via online capabilities. I've seen the

version number and letter rise from time to time, so the people at Sega must

be working out some bugs with it and making this game run alot smoother than

before. Honestly, I've never encountered any bugs or issues so far in the

game, but if I do find any or find out about any, I'll be sure to let all of

you know.

- Playstation 3 Basics -

- There's not too much to hit on on the Playstation 3 from what I can tell

right now. There is no online capabilities to speak of, so if you were

hoping to fight others online....think again. There's also no downloadable

material for the game either, so all that you can earn in the game is all

that you can get. I do know that playing this game on a plasma or HD TV does

wonders for the graphics on this game. This was a game that was meant to be

played in high definition. I played a floor model of the Playstation 3 with

Virtua Fighter 5 on a floor model HD TV and wasn't sure if this game looked

better here or on the arcade. I honestly think that it's better on the

Playstation 3 in terms of graphics. Now you can notice the difference when

this is on a regular TV and an HD me! So if you're the kind of

person that's all up in arms about graphics and the details of the game, then

play it on an HD TV and you won't be disappointed.

- One thing about this game is that you have to create character data for the

most part to play most modes. Once you've selected a character, that's it,

no do overs. You can go to the Customize menu and change your display name

and many other aspects to the character data there. This helps to keep a

personal record of how you do with that character and to show the progress

you make with them. Now in most modes you don't have to play with character

data, but in Quest Mode you have to....there is no choice.

4) Game Modes

- Arcade Game Modes -

- Knockout Mode -

- Knockout Mode is basically you choosing a path out of three choices of

randomly drawn opponents. You are allowed to see all that you are going to

fight in each path, but which ever path you choose, they will not go in order

from left to right. Instead the computer randomly picks an opponent from the

path that you've chosen and keeps going on as such til you either lose or

have beaten all opponents on your path. Now in each path you can end up

fighting the same fighter more than once. Just look carefully at all the

paths there are and you will see that sometimes the face of one fighter

appears more than once. If you truely hate fighting against that character,

then avoid that path. There is no score count or any type of ranking count

for playing Knockout Mode, so you're playing this one for fun really. This

isn't a story mode either. So like I said before....this is basically for

fun. Once you've defeated all the opponents of the path that you've chosen,

then the credits will roll and you will have beat game....that's it. There's

not even an extra credit for you to play again just for winning either.

It's all pretty much just get up and leave so the next person can play.

- Score Attack -

- Score Attack is just as its name implies....a means of getting ranked on the

machine. You're not given any kind of path to choose from, and you just run

through a gauntlet of opponents that progressively get harder and harder. I

have never seen an actual end to this mode, so basically you just keep going

until you get your ass royally handed to you and you run out of money to play

any more. If you've broke a record on the machine, then you get the chance

to leave your name behind for all to see. From what I can tell, the machine

has a memory bank, so your score won't be erased when the machine is turned

off. If you're really trying to put up a good score to impress everyone,

then you better know what you're doing since this mode gets hard real fast.

- Common Themes in all Arcade Modes -

- One thing about each mode, no matter what you play, the game gets harder and

harder with each passing fighter. It starts off relatively simple, but by

the time you've reached the 4th match at're basically playing

the game on hard mode on crack it seems. The computer will basically seem

to almost know everything you're going to do before you do it, and the only

way to win is by becoming unpredictable and figuring out tactics that just

seem cheesy and underhanded at times.

- You're not allowed to select a new character during a continue. Once you've

chosen a character, make sure that it's the one you want to use for the

remainder of the time that you're playing. I believe that if you lose during

a multiplayer match, then you get the option to chose a new character at the

continue, so I think that this is the only exception.

- You can be interrupted by another player in any mode of play to start up a

Versus match. Always be ready for a challenger at any time!

- Playstation 3 Game Modes -

- Arcade Mode -

- This is the basic way to play the game. It's set up to the supposed story

mode of this game, even though there's really nothing there in a story that

lets you know what's going on. Every character has two routes that they can

go on in this mode, so you don't always have the same character order that

you have to fight. At the end of everyone's routes though (including

Akira's) you will always face Akira in the final battle. After that, you

will be given a chance at a bonus fight against Dural. You only have one

shot against Dural at this time. Whether you win or lose the fight, the

game will be over after it is done. Then your character data will be

entered into your own personal high score rankings and that's that. That's

all there really is about Arcade Mode.

- Versus -

- This is pretty self explanatory really. It's the only multiplayer aspect of

the game. You have a few friends over? Well get to challenging them! You

can't go online in this game, so you have to do things the old fashioned way

of inviting everyone over your place to begin owning them. Just make sure

you have 2 controllers, both of you pick characters, and then just keep

fighting til you two are at each other's throats in real life.

- Quest Mode -

- In order to actually come up with something of an extra challenge, the guys

at Sega decided to put this in. This is basically you (yes you....they meant

for this to be all based on YOU as the main character) going around to

various arcades in a small island like area and proving that you are the

best of the best at Virtua Fighter 5. In this mode you can unlock items and

clothes to further expand on your character's customization. Though I have

been playing this mode for awhile, the one way to beating it for sure from

what I can tell is by winning all the official tournaments. Though I will

put out an entire section later detailing everything about Quest Mode, this

is where I'm just going to elaborate on it. Each Arcade has it's own set

amount of players that goes to it. Each Arcade also holds it's own special

tournaments that aren't official and won't really hurt you if you lose them.

All that the Arcade tournaments offer is special items that are usually hard

to find, or a large sum of money so you can buy more clothes. You can check

your status and who you've fought and how much and many people and items

you've collected or fought here as well.

- Dojo -

- Here is where you can get in some practice before heading out to Arcade Mode

or Quest Mode. You have two types of practice you can do. They are Free

Sparring, which gives you free reign over what you want to do and how you

want to practice, and there's Command Training, which gives you each

character's move set that you must get through as it shows up on the top of

the screen. I suggest using Command Training at first so you can learn all

the character's move sets and then go into Free Training to get that

perfection down with the character. In Dojo, you also have the Time Trial

Mode. This is where you try to set how fast you can get through your

selected character's basic move set as fast as you can. The first time you

do this, you're basically setting the time. From there on out, it's all

about seeing how fast you can get it all done in faster than your previous


- V.F. TV -

- Simply just come here to watch some videos that the creators of the

game put in for your enjoyment. There's nothing to unlock to watch later in

this section and everything you see there is what you get. You have two

promo videos and two videos starring the two new characters El Blaze and


- Customize -

- Here you can go into your character data that you've made and start changing

the way your character looks and the tagname that you want that character

data to go by. This is basically where you go to change up the whole look of

your data and what you want to use while in battle. It's not going to change

the strength or weakness of your character, but you can make them to look

smooth while kicking someone's ass!

- Options -

- Here's where you go to tweek all the aspects of gameplay to this game to suit

your needs. I'll go through everything so you know what to do and expect.

Game Settings


Difficulty - Change how hard or easy the game is from very easy to very hard

Round Count - Change how many rounds before victory from 1 to 5

Time Limit - Change how long rounds will last from 15 seconds to 60 seconds

Max Health Bar: Player - Change how much your life bar will start off with

during gameplay from 160 to 300

Max Health Bar: CPU - Change how much the computer's life bar will start off

with during gameplay from 160 to 300

Commentary - You can put on announcers during gameplay that will make it seem

like you're playing on live tv during gameplay. An interesting

feature to try out at first, but it just annoyed me after awhile


Round Count - Change how many rounds will before victory from 1 to 5

Time Limit - Change how long rounds will last from 15 seconds to 60 seconds

Max Health Bar: Player 1 - Change how much P1's life bar will start off with

during gameplay from 160 to 300

Max Health Bar: Player 2 - Change how much P2's life bar will start off

with during gameplay from 160 to 300

Stage Select - Change whether or not you want to change stages after each

battle or not.

Commentary - You can put on announcers during gameplay that will make it seem

like you're playing on live tv during gameplay. An interesting

feature to try out at first, but it just annoyed me after awhile

Controller Settings

Here you can map out how you want your controller's button functions to work.

The default layout is seen as such:

Triangle = Punch

Circle = Kick

Square = Guard

X = Punch

L1 = Punch+Guard

L2 = Punch+Guard+Kick

R1 = Punch+Kick

R2 = Kick+Guard

Find your own comfortable setting so you can kick some ass properly!

Screen Settings

Here you can alter the way the screen will appear on your tv. If you're

having problems reading something or you feel that the screen is too far to

the left, then come here and change the way that it is displayed. You can

also change the detail settings here as well.

Sound Settings

Here you can change how loud you want the game to be. You can alter three

different categories. They are sound effects, music, and commentary. Each

respective category alters how loud or soft the sound will be compared to

the others. Leaving it all on 20 is the default and best recommended for

this game, unless you're one of those people that just doesn't like hearing

the music or sound effects during battle.

Save Data

Here you can choose to save all your data that you've done or load data from

a previous game. Here you can also turn on or off the autosave feature of

this game. You can also delete saved data from here as well.


Here you can view the games rankings and see where you stack up. If you play

with enough people that come over your place, let them try to get up on a few

rankings to see if you're better or worse than they are.

- And there you have it. Everything explained for the Options of this game.

5) The Characters

- Ok....lets get down to it. You want to know how to fight with each character

and what they can do. Well here's the layout of all to know for each

character and their respective backgrounds.

*** Akira Yuki ***















































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- Backstory -

- Akira left the Fourth World Fighting Tournament in the semifinals, defeated

by Kage-Maru. With only disappointment to show for his efforts in the third

and fourth tournaments. Akira began to doubt himself. But one day, as he

continued his training deep in the mountains, Akira's gaze dropped to a creek

nearby. A single leaf rode the current and spun around a boulder in the

middle of the stream, avoiding it neatly. "The leaf spins because it rides

the stream, not trying to resist the flow..." With a new epiphany fresh in

his mind, Akira resumed his training. And now, as his training nears its

close, an invitation for the fifth tournament arrives. "Now I should be able

to hold my own-and more-against him."

- Stats -

Nationality - Japanese

Birthday - 9/23/1968

Hobby - Kung-Fu

Height - 180 cm (5'11)

Weight - 79 kg (173 lbs)

Measurements - 105/90/94

Blood Type - O

Occupation - Kung Fu Teacher

Fighting Style - Hakkyoku-Ken

Voice Actor - Miki Shinichirou

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Akira properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Chusui - P

Hacimon Kaida - P,P

Kansuitai - P,K

Shousui - =>,P

Shousui~Tanheitou - =>,P,<=

Shousui~Tanheitou~Anshou - =>,P,<=,P

Shousui~Tanheitou~Anshou Chouchu - =>,P,<=,P,P

Shousui~Teirou Kanpo - =>,P,P+K+G

Rimon Chouchu - =>,=>,P

Yakuho Chouchu - =>,=>,=>,P

Jouho Senshou - <=,=>,P

Fukko - <=,,P

Fukko~Shichiseiho - <=,,P,|(or ^)

Fukko~Shichiseiho~Chouchu - P during Fukko~Shichiseiho

Fukko~Shichiseiho~Chouchu~Ouda - P,P during Fukko~Shichiseiho

Housui - |,P

Mouko Kouhazan - Hold |, =>,P

Mouko Kouhazan~Kakuda Chouchu - Hold |, =>,P then P during guard or hit

Byakko Soushouda - Hold |, <=,=>,P

Koboku - |,/,<=,P

Youhou - ,,P

Shoutai - K

Youteitou - =>,K

Kenhou - =>,K,P

Utankyaku - =>,=>,K

Renkantai - =>,=>,K,K

Fujinkyaku - |,K

Youzentai - Hold |(or /),K

Sokutai - ,K

Kinkei Tourei - P+K

Youho Shousui - P+K,P

Renkan Toushou - P+K,=>,P

Suisou - P+K,P+K

Senzankou - =>,=>,P+K

Senzankou~Shichiseiho - =>,=>,P+K,|(or ^)

Senzankou~Shichiseiho~Chouchu - P during Senzankou~Shichiseiho

Senzankou~Shichiseiho~Chouchu~Ouda - P,P during Senzankou~Shichiseiho

Hazan Ryoutenchi - =>,=>,P+K,P

Chouzan Housui - <=,=>,P+K (can be charged)

Tetsuzankou - <=,=>,=>,P+K

Maho Shoukou - Hold |, =>,P+K

Gaimon Chouchu (deflect) - |,/,<=,P+K

Souka Housui - ,P+K

Hekisui - ,,P+K

Zanshu - K+G

Youshi Saiken - K+G,P (can be charged)

Teishitsu Dantai - K+G (release G after 1 frame)

Ryusoushiki - ,K+G

Ryusoushiki~Maho Chouchu - ,K+G,=>,P

Ryusoushiki~Maho Chouchu~Kyoho - ,K+G,=>,P,| (or ^)

Ryusoushiki~Maho Chouchu~Tetsuzankou (Shura Ha'ou Koukazan) - ,K+G,=>,P,P+K

Ryusoushiki~Maho Chouchu~Tetsuzankou (Shura Ha'ou Koukazan) -


Fujinkyaku - |,K+G

Fujinkyaku~Jouho Choushitsu - |,K+G,K

Fujinkyaku~Jouho Choushitsu~Fukko (Fujin Shoushitsu Fukkogeki) - |,K+G,K,=>,P

Houken - P+K+G

Houken~Youshi Senrin - P+K+G, then <=,,P+G during hit

Houken~Youshi Senrin~Soushou (Hougeki Unshin Soukoshou) -

P+K+G,then <=,,P+G,=>(or <=),P during hit

Gekiho Honko (stagger) - |,P+K+G

Kaiko (stagger) - =>,P+K+G

(during stagger) Mouko Kouhazan - |,=>,P (during stagger)

(during stagger) Byakko Soushouda - |,<=,=>,P (during stagger)

(during stagger) Utankyaku - =>,=>,K (during stagger)

Geimon Tessen - <=,=>,P+K+G

Hougekishu (deflect) - ,P+K+G

Hougekishu~Gaimon Chouchu - ,P+K+G,P

Tenzankou - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Toushou - P (during Offensive Move)

Juji Toutai - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Teirou Kanpo *

Teirou Kanpo - /,P+K+G

Teirou Kanpo~Choushinchu - From Teirou Kanpo: P

Teirou Kanpo~Shousui - From Teirou Kanpo: P (delayed)

Teirou Kanpo~Shousui~Teirou Kanpo - P,<= (delayed)

Teirou Kanpo~Jashin Hisei - From Teirou Kanpo: K

Teirou Kanpo~Hakkaku Chuten - From Teirou Kanpo: K, then P+G during hit

Teirou Kanpo~Honshin Shouten - From Teirou Kanpo: P+K

Teirou Kanpo~Honshin Shouten~Shouten Housui - From Teirou Kanpo:

P+K, success, then =>,P

* Throws *

Toushin Soutai - P+G

Kaikyusei - =>,P+G

Kaikyu Tenshin Touda - =>,P+G,| (or ^)

Daiden Housui - <=,=>,P+G

Shin'iha - /,=>,P+G

Junshin Honko - =>,<=,P+G

Junshin Honko~Shin'iha - P+K (during Junshin Honko)

Junshin Honko~Chinho - | (or ^)(during Junshin Honko)

Chinho~Kouzanheki - P+K(during Chinho)

Junho Honko (stagger) - <=,|,P+G

Shishi Hougetsu - ,P+G

Youshi Senrin - <=,,P+G

Shinporiko - /,P+G

Shishi Hougetsu - (wall in back) ,P+G

Kyuho Chouchu - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Daisekkou - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Reversals *

Youhou - <=,P+K (vs. right high punch)

Gaimon Chouchu - <=,P+K (vs. left high punch)

Tan'yokuchou - <=,P+K (vs. high kick)

Youhou - /,P+K (vs. right mid punch)

Gaimon Chouchu - /,P+K (vs. left mid punch)

Tan'yokuchou - /,P+K (vs. mid kick)

Gaimon Chouchu - /,P+K (vs. elbow)

Jouho Shoukou - /,P+K (vs. right side kick)

Haiho Richu - /,P+K (vs. left side kick)

Senpu Soushou - /,P+K (vs. knee)

Shoutenkou - /,P+K (vs. somersault)

Honshin Tanda - |,P+K (vs. low punch)

Souhakushu - |,P+K (vs. low kick)

Tsutenhou - <=,P+K+G

Tsutenhou~Mouko Kouhazan - <=,P+K+G success, then =>,P

* Down Attacks *

Soukahou - (opponent down) ,P

Gekihousui - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Kenhaisui - (opponent behind) P

Hairakuheki - (opponent behind) |,P

Haitai - (opponent behind) K

Hashitsutai - (opponent behind) |,K

Chisentai - (opponent behind) Hold |,K

Tetsuzankou - (opponent behind) P+K

Haishin Ponken - (opponent behind) P+K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Rakuho Shasui - (while rising) P

Rakuhosui - (in midair) P

Choushitai - (while rising or in midair) K

Choushitai - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Hekiyakutai - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Long Wild Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Long Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Short Gray Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Wild Brown Hair = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gray Pigtail = 9000G Use: ABCD

Long Gray Bangs = 9000G Use: ABCD

Purple Headband = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Sports Band = 10000G Use: ABCD

Blue Pattern Band = 3000G Use: ABCD

Purple Pattern Band = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sports Band = 10000G Use: ABCD


Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gray Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Thin Eyebrows = 9000G Use: ABCD

Wild Moustache = 5000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Brown Bead Necklace = 2000G Use: ABCD

White Bead Necklace = 10000G Use: ABCD

White Kung Fu Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Blue Kung Fu Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Gold Kung Fu Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Black Dogi = 6000G Use: A

Blue Dogi = 6000G Use: A

Orange Dogi = 6000G Use: A

Dark Hakkyoku Top = 9000G Use: B

Black-Sleeved Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Red-Sleeved Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Coral Hakkyoku Top = 9000G Use: B

Purple Flame Dogi = 9000G Use: A

Purple Kung Fu Tunic = 18000G Use: C

Black Sweat Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Red Training Parka = 15000G Use: D

Blue Training Parka = 15000G Use: D

Green Kung Fu Tunic = 18000G Use: C

Brown Flame Dogi = 9000G Use: A

Gray Hakkyoku Top = 14000G Use: B

Olive Sweat Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Teal Dogi = 9000G Use: A

Green Hakkyoku Top = 9000G Use: A

Orange Kung Fu Tunic = 9000G Use: C

Yellow Gym Parka = 15000G Use: D

Yellow Flame Dogi = 6000G Use: A

Purple Hakkyoku Top = 6000G Use: B

Yellow Kung Fu Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Orange Sweat Shirt = 23000G Use: D


White Bead Bracelets = 10000G Use: ABCD

White Wristbands = 1000G Use: AB

Brown Bead Bracelets = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Bandages = 3000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

White Belt = 1000G Use: A

Indigo Kung Fu Belt = 1000G Use: C

Blue Belt = 1000G Use: A

Purple/White Belt = 1000G Use: A

Brown/White Belt = 1000G Use: A

Yellow/Black Belt = 1000G Use: A

Gray Hakkyoku Belt = 1000G Use: B

Yellow Nunchaku = 1000G Use: ABCD

Wooden Sword = 10000G Use: ABCD

Three Section Staff = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Nunchaku = 10000G Use: ABCD

White Kung Fu Pants = 8000G Use: C

Blue Kung Fu Pants = 8000G Use: C

Black Pants = 4000G Use: A

Blue Pants = 4000G Use: A

Orange Pants = 4000G Use: A

Dark Hakkyoku Pants = 6000G Use: B

Coral Hakkyoku Pants = 6000G Use: B

Purple Flame Pants = 6000G Use: A

Gold Kung Fu Pants = 8000G Use: C

Black Sweat Pants = 15000G Use: D

Red Training Pants = 10000G Use: D

Blue Training Pants = 10000G Use: D

Green Kung Fu Pants = 8000G Use: C

Brown Flame Pants = 6000G Use: A

Gray Hakkyoku Pants = 9000G Use: B

Olive Sweat Pants = 15000G Use: D

Teal Pants = 6000G Use: A

Green Hakkyoku Pants = 6000G Use: B

Orange Kung Fu Pants = 6000G Use: C

Yellow Gym Pants = 10000G Use: D

Yellow Flame Pants = 4000G Use: A

Purple Hakkyoku Pants = 4000G Use: B

Yellow Kung Fu Pants = 8000G Use: C

Orange Sweat Pants = 15000G Use: D

Purple Kick Guards = 4000G Use: ABCD

Red Sneakers = 6000G Use: ABCD

White Kung Fu Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 50000G Use: ABCD

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Akira:

First of all, if you didn't notice from his move sets, he's an extremely

advanced character to try and master. So this guy is in no way a character

to start off as until you know the ins and outs of this game. He may have

that whole Ryu simplistic look to him, but don't be fooled....this guy takes

FOREVER to actually get just some of his moves down right. I'd say that once

you've mastered a character or two in this game and you want to use Akira as

your main character of choice....then go for it. But be prepared for the

long haul with him. I haven't actually met anyone that has mastered playing

with him in the arcades on the home system yet. Everytime someone picks him,

it's usually a newb that just barely gets off a simple punch with him right.

Needless to say, without practicing extensively with him, you'll just be

easy pickings for anyone that has played this game, even for just a few

minutes with another character. I have somewhat of a problem with his fight

style as well. I think that he kinda telegraphs his moves before he uses it.

I just say that because I can usually block or dodge with relative ease any

of his moves when playing against him. Now that's not to say that he's a

complete failure of a character and to just leave him alone. I

said before....if you can get good with him and master him, then you'll see

that this guy is a complete powerhouse. His combos are extremely devistating

in strength, and just doing a few simple moves or one strong lunging elbow

takes off damn near what a 5 hit combo would do with some characters in the

game. If you ever meet an Akira master, then just stand there and let them

beat you is all I can say....mainly because they had to of put in a lot of

time and effort to getting as good as they did with him. So basically what

I can say of him is that though his fighting style is somewhat too slow for

my taste and too complicated that I don't even want to attempt to getting

into even the mid level moves, he is still a strong offensive and defensive

fighter, being able to dish out major damage in just a few simple moves and

taking a beating while at it as well.

*** El Blaze ***






















































- Backstory -

- Unrivaled in the light-heavyweight division, El Blaze viewed Wolf's victories

with envy and jealousy. In order to surpass Wolf and finally put these

feelings behind him, El Blaze decides to enter the Fifth World Fighting


- Stats -

Nationality - Mexican

Birthday - N/A

Hobby - N/A

Height - N/A

Weight - N/A

Measurements - N/A

Blood Type - N/A

Occupation - N/A

Fighting Style - Lucha Libre

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 5

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use El Blaze properly. Remember, you can

always go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves


* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Jab - P

Quick Hook - P,P

Keen Edge Combo - P,P,P

Burnout Combo - P,P,P,K

Burnout Combo~Combo Rocket Discharge - P,P,P,K, then => during guard or hit

Jab~High Kick - P,K

Jab~Low Kick - P,|,K

Shadow Strike - =>,P

Shadow Fang - =>,P,K

Back Knuckle - <=,P

Shadow Spin Kick - <=,P,K

Shadow Spin Kick~Combo Rocket Discharge - <=,P,K, then => during guard or hit

Shadow Storm Combo - <=,P,K,P

High-Speed Jab - <=,=>,P

Shouda - <=,=>,P,P

Rising Back Spin Kick - <=,=>,P,P,K

Back Spin Low Kick - <=,=>,P,P,|,K

Flame Toe Kick - <=,=>,P,K

Inferno Savate - <=,=>,P,K,K

Inferno Savate~Turn - <=,=>,P,K,K,<=

Inferno Savate~Combo Rocket Discharge - <=,=>,P,K,K, then => during hit

Rolling Low Knuckle - /,P

Sit Jab - |,P

Body Blow - ,P

Fake Roll - HCF,P

Venus - From Fake Roll: P

Venus Diversion - From Fake Roll: P, then K during hit

Jumping Elbow - UF,P

High Kick - K

Shadow Spear - =>,K

Shadow Spear~Combo Rocket Discharge - =>,K, then => during hit

Shadow Lance - =>,=>,K

Shadow Lance~Combo Rocket Discharge - =>,=>,K then => during guard or hit

Toe Kick - <=,K

Shadow Slash - <=,K,P

Face Smash - <=,K,P,P

Darkness Savate - <=,K,P,K

Darkness Savate~Turn - <=,K,P,K,<=

Darkness Savate~Combo Rocket Discharge - <=,K,P,K, then => during hit

Head Smash Kick - <=,=>,K

Head Smash Kick~Combo Rocket Discharge - <=,=>,K, then => during hit

Low Kick - |,K

Hook - |,K,P

Face Hit - |,K,P,P

Quick Savate - |,K,P,K

Quick Savate~Combo Rocket Discharge - |,K,P,K, then => during hit

Slide Low Kick - Hold | (or /),K

Death Scythe Slash - ^,K

Death Scythe Slash~Combo Rocket Discharge - ^,K, then => during guard or hit

Middle Kick - ,K

Fade Roll Kick - UB,K

Fade Roll Kick~Combo Rocket Discharge - UB,K,=>

Drop Kick - UF,K

Drop Kick~Combo Rocket Discharge - UF,K,then => during hit

Volcano Knee - K (while rising from a crouch)

Elbow - P+K

Double Elbow - P+K,P

Combo Elbow Upper - P+K,P,P

Straight - =>,P+K

Quick Combo - =>,P+K,P

Shadow Hammer - Hold |,=>,P+K

Hammer Smash - <=,=>,P+K

Short Upper - ,P+K

Combination Blow - ,P+K,P

Shutdown Knee - ,P+K,P,K

Darkness Smash - <=,,P+K

Handsome Scratch Rush - <=,,P+K, then =>,P+G during hit

Handsome Scratch Rush~Combo Rocket Discharge -

<=,,P+K, then =>,P+G,=> during hit

Volcano Upper - <=,P+K

Darkness Hammer - |,P+K

Jumping Hammer Knuckle - ^,P+K

Rolling Body Press - UB,P+K

Demon Dance - UF,P+K

Demon's Tail - From Demon Dance: K

Demon's Tail~Combo Rocket Discharge - From Demon Dance:

K, then => during guard or hit

High Spin Kick - K+G

Jumping Savate - =>,K+G

Jumping Savate~Turn - =>,K+G,<=

Jumping Savate~Combo Rocket Discharge - =>,K+G, then => during hit

Darkness Sword - ,K+G

Darkness Sword~Combo Rocket Discharge - ,K+G, then => during hit

Low Spin Kick - |,K+G

Low Drop Kick - /,K+G

Tornado Spin - P+K+G

Heartbreak Smash - From Tornado Spin: P

Fake Savate - From Tornado Spin: K

Darkness Flame - From Tornado Spin: K, then P+G during hit

Quick Back Spin - P+K (Defensive Move)

Quick Back Spin Kick~Combo Rocket Discharge -

P+K (during Defensive Move), then => during hit

Quick Body - P (during Offensive Move)

Quick Knee - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Rocket Discharge *

Rocket Discharge - =>,P+K+G

Backfire - =>,P+K+G

Flying Cross Chop - From Rocket Discharge: P

Drop Kick - From Rocket Discharge: K

Drop Kick~Combo Rocket Discharge - From Rocket Discharge: K,

then => during hit

Low Drop Kick - From Rocket Discharge: |,K

Tope Mortal - From Rocket Discharge: K+G

Demon Dance - From Rocket Discharge: P+K

Fake Roll - From Rocket Discharge: P+K+G

Deja Vu - From Rocket Discharge: P+G

* Throws *

High-Speed Brain Buster - P+G

Decapitation - =>,P+G

Whirlwind - HCF,P+G

Just Face Lock - P+G (during Whirlwind)

Screw Drag - <=,P+G

Hole Drag - =>,<=,P+G

Swing DDT - HCB,P+G

44 - <=,|,P+G

Astro Scissors - ,P+G

Head Scissors - ,,P+G

Hammer Through - /,P+G

Hammer Through~Combo Rocket Discharge - /,P+G,<=

High-Speed Huracan Rana - UF,P+G

Tope Invertida - (wall behind opponent) <=,=>,P+G

Swing DDT - (wall behind opponent) =>,<=,P+G

Rebs Cutter - (wall behind opponent) ,P+G

Thunderclap - (on opponent's right) P+G

Falchion - (on opponent's left) P+G

Stinging Leap - (on opponent's right) <=,=>(or =>,<=),P+G

Strike Back - (on opponent's left) <=,=>(or =>,<=),P+G

Mysterious Rana - (opponent facing away) P+G

Rolling Clutch - (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Fantasma - (opponent crouching) ,P+K+G

Spread Wing - (opponent crouching) ,,P+K+G

Thunderclap - (on crouching opponent's right) |(or ),P+K+G

Falchion - (on crouching opponent's left) |(or ),P+K+G

Diamond Dust - (opponent facing away and crouching) |(or ),P+K+G

* Down Attacks *

Tread Smash - (opponent down) ,K

450 Splash - (opponent down) ^,P

Personal Elbow - (opponent down) ,P

Rolling Body Press - (opponent down) UB,P+K

* Back Attacks *

Shouda - (opponent behind) P

Darkness Hammer - (opponent behind) |,P

Behind Heel Kick - (opponent behind) K

Rebs Low Kick - (opponent behind) |,K

Meteor Impact - (opponent behind) ^,K

Back Knuckle - (opponent behind) P+K

Stab Blade - (opponent behind) K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Step Hammer - (while rising) P

Rock Punch - (in midair) P

Toe Crush - (in midair) K

Hammer Edge - (before landing) K

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Orange Blaze Mask = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Scorpion Mask = 10000G Use: ABCD

Blue Fire Mask = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Blaze Mask = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Fringe Mask = 9000G Use: ABCD

Green Beetle Mask = 9000G Use: ABCD


Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

Moustache = 15000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

White Chain Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Bead Necklace = 4000G Use: ABCD

Red Elbow Braces = 3000G Use: A

Amber Training Shirt = 3000G Use: B

Orange Tanktop = 4000G Use: B

Yellow/Black Braces = 5000G Use: A

Green/Black Braces = 5000G Use: A

Purple Tanktop = 4000G Use: B

Brown Elbow Pads = 3000G Use: C

Green Elbow Pads = 3000G Use: C

Apricot Shirt = 4000G Use: B

Yellow Tanktop = 4000G Use: B

Dark Red Sweatshirt = 8000G Use: B

Brown Denim Vest = 10000G Use: C

Black Denim Vest = 10000G Use: C

Del Sol Denim Vest = 15000G Use: C

Flame Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Green Formal Shirt = 15000G Use: D

White Formal Shirt = 15000G Use: D

Purple Del Sol Parka = 11000G Use: B

Tan Denim Vest = 15000G Use: C

Blue Flame Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Apricot Sweatshirt = 23000G Use: B

Orange Denim Vest = 23000G Use: C

Purple Formal Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Aqua Del Sol Parka = 23000G Use: B

Purple Del Sol Vest = 23000G Use: C

Orange Flame Shirt = 23000G Use: D


Purple Arm Cloth = 5000G Use: AC

Tribal Tattoo = 6000G Use: AC

Arm Scars = 5000G Use: AC

Green Arm Strings = 10000G Use: AC

Mexican Bracelets = 10000G Use: ABCD

Spiked Bracelet = 1000G Use: ABCD

Leather Bracelt = 10000G Use: ABCD

Green Wristbands = 1000G Use: ABCD

Blue Open Gloves = 1000G Use: ACD

Black Gloves = 4000G Use: ABCD

Red Open Gloves = 1000G Use: ACD

Black Fire Gloves = 10000G Use: ACD

White Hand Bandages = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Brown Fringe Belt = 3000G Use: ACD

Red Nylon Belt = 1000G Use: C

Green Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

White Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

Brown Nylon Belt = 1000G Use: C

Green Nylon Belt = 1000G Use: C

Purple Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

Amber Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

Red Azteca Belt = 2000G Use: A

Black Nylon Belt = 2000G Use: C

White Azteca Belt = 2000G Use: A

White Nylon Belt = 2000G Use: C

Navy Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

Flame Loincloth = 9000G Use: A

Maracas = 10000G Use: ABCD

Purple Loincloth = 1000G Use: A

Red Ring Pants = 7000G Use: A

Gray Sweatpants = 5000G Use: B

Blue Jeans = 7000G Use: C

Gray Jeans = 7000G Use: C

Nazca Red Jeans = 10000G Use: C

Blue Formal Pants = 10000G Use: D

Green Formal Pants = 10000G Use: D

White Formal Pants = 10000G Use: D

Green G. Pants = 10000G Use: A

Purple Sweatpants = 8000G Use: B

Nazca Teal Jeans = 10000G Use: C

Purple Formal Pants = 10000G Use: D

Olive Ring Pants = 10000G Use: A

Apricot Sweatpants = 10000G Use: B

Purple Jeans = 10000G Use: C

Citrus Formal Pants = 10000G Use: D

Purple G.Pants = 10000G Use: A

Aqua Sweatpants = 10000G Use: B

Nazca Yellow Jeans = 10000G Use: C

Aqua Formal Pants = 10000G Use: D

Blue Ring Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Ring Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Enamel Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 50000G Use: ABCD

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on El Blaze:

What can I say about El Blaze? He's a total badass for starters! It's about

damn time that we hispanics got a decent video game fighting character for

once. And before anyone says that there was Christy from Tekken, let me just

point out that she was nothing more than a character model swap for Eddy....

I mean they have the same exact move sets for christs sake! The only thing

that separated the two was that they made Christy into a stereotypical latina

by making her big breasted and with a big ass...not to say that that's wrong

mind you, but I'm just saying. But we get a truely decent latin

fighter in El Blaze with a great fighting style that did originate in Mexico.

I really do hope that the guys at Tekken take note of the lucha fighting

style and make a luchador of their own....THAT'S HISPANIC, NOT JAPANESE!!!

With that said, El Blaze is easily a great character to start off with if

you're new to the series. His move set is simple enough to pick up on in no

time, yet still offering quite alot in terms of advanced fighting. El Blaze

can seem like a beginners character at first, but once you get to the core

of his fighting style, then you find a very tricky character to use. Now El

Blaze is not a powerhouse by no means, and he's certainly not a defensive

character either. What El Blaze shines in is his speed, move diversity, and

what I like to call "Blitz Tactics". What that means is that if you can

switch up enough with him quickly enough, then you find yourself with a total

offensive character. El Blaze is not a turtle users dream by no means. You

don't want to actually stay on offense too long. Hell even most if not all

of El Blaze's reversal techniques immedieately require you to start launching

an offensive and keep it going. El Blaze from what I've seen has an answer

for everything in terms of fighting. For those that love to push offensive

pressure onto you, you can push it back onto them easily enough, throwing

their game off. For those that love to turtle and stay in crouching blocked

or just avoidance of you, El Blaze can immedieately run after an opponent at

the drop of a hat, and with an extensive throwing set, he can catch turtlers

in any position. As stated before, if you are a beginner to the Virtua

Fighter series, then El Blaze is a great character for you to at least learn

some of the basic ropes without worrying too much about things. If you feel

that your loyalty lies with another character after using El Blaze at first,

then move on. For those that love the style that El Blaze brings to the

table though, veterans and pros will come to love the diversity and

simplicity that El Blaze can offer in terms of advanced fighting. I just

hope that in terms of canon in the Virtua Fighter storyline, that El Blaze

does defeat Wolf and places high if not wins the 5th World Tournament.

*** Eileen ***
































































- Backstory -

- After losing both her parents at a young age, Eileen was raised by her

grandfather, a martial arts master. In addition to her grandfather's

training she also spent much time studying with a Beijing opera troupe. One

day, she happened to see a martial arts demonstrationby Pai Chan, and was

amazed by the beauty of her movements. Since then, Eileen thinks of little

else besides finding some way to approach Pai.

- Stats -

Nationality - Chinese

Birthday - N/A

Hobby - N/A

Height - N/A

Weight - N/A

Measurements - N/A

Blood Type - N/A

Occupation - N/A

Fighting Style - Kou-Ken

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 5

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Eileen properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Shusshou - P

Enkou Rensou - P,P

Enkou Rensou~Koushi Choukan - P,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Enkou Rensou~Taisei Honsou - P,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Enkou Rensou~Taisei Chouzan - P,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Enkou Rensou~Taisei Dakka - P,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Enkou Rensou~Zenkuhon - P,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Enkou Rensou~Enkou Nyudou = P,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Enkou Rensou~Rakuchi Bougetsu = P,P,| P+K+G

Enkou Rensou~Rakuten Hagetsu = P,P,^ P+K+G

Rensou Hekizan = P,P,P

Rensou Hekizan~Koushi Choukan = P,P,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Rensou Hekizan~Taisei Honsou = P,P,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Rensou Hekizan~Taisei Chouzan = P,P,P, then |=> K during guard or hit

Rensou Hekizan~Taisei Dakka = P,P,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Rensou Hekizan~Zenkuhon = P,P,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Rensou Hekizan~Enkou Nyudou = P,P,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Rensou Hekizan~Rakuchi Bougetsu = P,P,P,| P+K+G

Rensou Hekizan~Rakuten Hagetsu = P,P,P,^ P+K+G

Rakuho Senpukyaku = P,P,P,K

Renkan Zensou Senpu = P,P,P,|,K,K

Enkou Gekisou = P,P,=>,P

Renkan Chouten = P,,P

Renkan Chouten~Koushi Choukan = P,,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Renkan Chouten~Taisei Honsou = P,,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Renkan Chouten~Taisei Chouzan = P,,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Renkan Chouten~Taisei Dakka = P,,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Renkan Chouten~Zenkuhon = P,,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Renkan Chouten~Enkou Nyudou = P,,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Renkan Chouten~Rakuchi Bougetsu = P,,P,| P+K+G

Renkan Chouten~Rakuten Hagetsu = P,,P,^ P+K+G

Shoukou Yakutou = P,,P,K

Rententai = P,K

Douchu = =>,P

Jouho Chu'um = =>,P,P

Jouho Chu'um~Koushi Choukan = =>,P,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Jouho Chu'um~Taisei Honsou = =>,P,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Jouho Chu'um~Taisei Chouzan = =>,P,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Jouho Chu'um~Taisei Dakka = =>,P,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Jouho Chu'um~Zenkuhon = =>,P,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Jouho Chu'um~Enkou Nyudou = =>,P,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Jouho Chu'um~Rakuchi Bougetsu = =>,P,P,| P+K+G

Jouho Chu'um~Rakuten Hagetsu = =>,P,P,^ P+K+G

Matsumen Soubi = =>,P,P,|,K

Enkou Nyurin = =>,=>,P

Soumensou = <=,P

Juji Kimensou = <=,P,P

Juji Kimensou~Koushi Choukan = <=,P,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Juji Kimensou~Taisei Honsou = <=,P,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Juji Kimensou~Taisei Chouzan = <=,P,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Juji Kimensou~Taisei Dakka = <=,P,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Juji Kimensou~Zenkuhon = <=,P,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Juji Kimensou~Enkou Nyudou = <=,P,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Juji Kimensou~Rakuchi Bougetsu = <=,P,P,| P+K+G

Juji Kimensou~Rakuten Hagetsu = <=,P,P,^ P+K+G

Enkou Yurin = <=,P,P,K

Nichigetsu Tenkan = <=,<=,P

Enkou Kenka = <=,=>,P

Fukushinshou = |,P

Koushi Choukan = |=>,P

Taisei Honsou = |/<=,P

Taisei Rensou = |/<=,P,P

Hikou Sousou = ^,P

Enkou Chousou = ,P

Enkou Chousou~Koushi Choukan = ,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Enkou Chousou~Taisei Honsou = ,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Enkou Chousou~Taisei Chouzan = ,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Enkou Chousou~Taisei Dakka = ,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Enkou Chousou~Zenkuhon = ,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Enkou Chousou~Enkou Nyudou = ,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Enkou Chousou~Rakuchi Bougetsu = ,P,| P+K+G

Enkou Chousou~Rakuten Hagetsu = ,P,^ P+K+G

Enkou Santen = ,P,P

Hikou Hagetsu = ,,P

Tenshin Rinheki = /,P

Tenshin Rinheki~Koushi Choukan = /,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Tenshin Rinheki~Taisei Honsou = /,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Tenshin Rinheki~Taisei Chouzan = /,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Tenshin Rinheki~Taisei Dakka = /,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Tenshin Rinheki~Zenkuhon = /,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Tenshin Rinheki~Enkou Nyudou = /,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Tenshin Rinheki~Rakuchi Bougetsu = /,P,| P+K+G

Tenshin Rinheki~Rakuten Hagetsu = /,P,^ P+K+G

Rinheki Hairen = /,P,K

Hikou Bokushoku = UF,P

Tonhi Yakuboku = UB,P

Tentai = K

Kousokuhon = K (while rising from a crouch)

Hikou Niki = =>,K

Hikou Senshi = =>,=>,K

Hairenkyaku = <=,K

Kousokutan (deflect) = <=,=>,K

Kasettai = |,K

Taisei Chouzan = |=>,K

Taisei Renteki = |=>,K,K

Taisei Kouten = |=>,K,K, then K during hit

Taisei Dakka = |/<=,K

Hikou Choukan = ^,K

Sokutantai = ,K

Tanhikyaku = UF,K

Tonhi Toutai = UB,K

Dokuritsu Sougan = P+K

Jinraishou = =>,P+K

Jinraishou~Koushi Choukan = =>,P+K then |=> P during guard or hit

Jinraishou~Taisei Honsou = =>,P+K then |/<= P during guard or hit

Jinraishou~Taisei Chouzan = =>,P+K then |=> K during guard or hit

Jinraishou~Taisei Dakka = =>,P+K then |/<= K during guard or hit

Jinraishou~Zenkuhon = =>,P+K then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Jinraishou~Enkou Nyudou = =>,P+K then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Jinraishou~Rakuchi Bougetsu = =>,P+K,| P+K+G

Jinraishou~Rakuten Hagetsu = =>,P+K,^ P+K+G

Sayu Gekishou = =>,P+K,P

Sayu Gekishou~Koushi Choukan = =>,P+K,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Sayu Gekishou~Taisei Honsou = =>,P+K,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Sayu Gekishou~Taisei Chouzan = =>,P+K,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Sayu Gekishou~Taisei Dakka = =>,P+K,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Sayu Gekishou~Zenkuhon = =>,P+K,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Sayu Gekishou~Enkou Nyudou = =>,P+K,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Sayu Gekishou~Rakuchi Bougetsu = =>,P+K,P,| P+K+G

Sayu Gekishou~Rakuten Hagetsu = =>,P+K,P,^ P+K+G

Jinrai Santen = =>,P+K,P,P

Geimenshou = <=,P+K

Geimen Hashitsu = <=,P+K,P

Geimen Hashitsu~Koushi Choukan = <=,P+K,P then |=> P during guard or hit

Geimen Hashitsu~Taisei Honsou = <=,P+K,P then |/<= P during guard or hit

Geimen Hashitsu~Taisei Chouzan = <=,P+K,P then |=> K during guard or hit

Geimen Hashitsu~Taisei Dakka = <=,P+K,P then |/<= K during guard or hit

Geimen Hashitsu~Zenkuhon = <=,P+K,P then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Geimen Hashitsu~Enkou Nyudou = <=,P+K,P then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Geimen Hashitsu~Rakuchi Bougetsu = <=,P+K,P,| P+K+G

Geimen Hashitsu~Rakuten Hagetsu = <=,P+K,P,^ P+K+G

Sayu Hashitsu = <=,P+K,P,P

Taisei Soudou = <=,=>,P+K

Taisei Soudou~Shukushin = <=,=>,P+K,G

Enkou Toutou = ,P+K

Koushi Kouzan = Hold |,,P+K

Koushi Kouzan~Koushi Choukan = Hold |,,P+K then |=> P during guard or hit

Koushi Kouzan~Taisei Honsou = Hold |,,P+K then |/<= P during guard or hit

Koushi Kouzan~Taisei Chouzan = Hold |,,P+K then |=> K during guard or hit

Koushi Kouzan~Taisei Dakka = Hold |,,P+K then |/<= K during guard or hit

Koushi Kouzan~Zenkuhon = Hold |,,P+K then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Koushi Kouzan~Enkou Nyudou = Hold |,,P+K then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Koushi Kouzan~Rakuchi Bougetsu = Hold |,,P+K,| P+K+G

Koushi Kouzan~Rakuten Hagetsu = Hold |,,P+K,^ P+K+G

Koushi Renzan = Hold |,,P+K,P

Shashin Sousou = /,P+K

Rigou Tenshintai = K+G

Honshin Senputai = =>,K+G

Honshin Senputai~Koushi Choukan = =>,K+G then |=> P during guard or hit

Honshin Senputai~Taisei Honsou = =>,K+G then |/<= P during guard or hit

Honshin Senputai~Taisei Chouzan = =>,K+G then |=> K during guard or hit

Honshin Senputai~Taisei Dakka = =>,K+G then |/<= K during guard or hit

Honshin Senputai~Zenkuhon = =>,K+G then |=> P+K during guard or hit

Honshin Senputai~Enkou Nyudou = =>,K+G then |/<= P+K during guard or hit

Honshin Senputai~Rakuchi Bougetsu = =>,K+G,| P+K+G

Honshin Senputai~Rakuten Hagetsu = =>,K+G,^ P+K+G

Hikou Rantsui = =>,K+G,|,K

Hansenpu Tenshin = <=,K+G

Renkan Touku Kouhaikyaku = <=,K+G,K

Kesshi Hanbi = <=,=>,K+G

Zensoutai = |,K+G

Zensou Senpu = |,K+G,K

Honshin Kousoutai = ,K+G

Goku Shicchi = =>,P+K+G

Goku Kouzan = From Goku Shicchi: P

Goku Santeki = From Goku Shicchi: K

Zenkuhon = From Goku Shicchi: P+K

Enkou Choushou = =>,=>,P+K+G

Goku Senshin = <=,P+K+G

Goku Honshin = /,P+K+G

Goku Hekitai = From Goku Honshin: K

Goku Kouhon = ,P+K+G

Shashin Hon'yaku = P+K (during Defensive Move)

Shashin Sousou - P (during Offensive Move)

Shashin Teikyaku = K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Zenkuhon *

Zenkuhon = |=>,P+K

Zenku Soutui = From Zenkuhon: P

Zenkuhon Rakutai = From Zenkuhon: K

Rakuchi Bansoutai = From Zenkuhon: |,K

Rakuchi Senshintai = From Zenkuhon: ,K

Taisei Soumen = From Zenkuhon: P+G

* Moves from Enkou Nyudou *

Enkou Nyudou = |/<=,P+K

Enkou Shutsudou = From Enkou Nyudou: P

Shukushin Sokutan = From Enkou Nyudou: K

Shukushin Zensoubi = From Enkou Nyudou: |,K

* Throws *

Kou'ou Enten = P+G

Kou'ou Touten = =>,P+G

Kou'ou Gezan = =>,P+G,=>

Kou'ou Hyou'un = =>,P+G,|(or^)

Kou'ou Tekikyu = =>,P+G,|(or^),K

Kou'ou Roukyu = =>,<=,P+G

Kou'ou Batsuzan = HCB,P+G

Kou'ou Kouzan = ,P+G

Kou'ou Haibi = (on opponent's right) P+G

Kou'ou Touju = (on opponent's left) P+G

Kou'ou Ryouran = (opponent facing away) P+G

* Down Attacks *

Enkou Shousui = (opponent down) ,P

Enkou Rakuten = (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Haishin Gekichou = (opponent behind) P

Haishin Kasou = (opponent behind) |,P

Haishin Kouryoutai = (opponent behind) K

Kasoukyaku = (opponent behind) |,K

Bateikyaku = (opponent behind) ^,K

Touho Shikei = (opponent behind) P+K

Haishin Souyakutai = (opponent behind) K+G

Haishin Kousou = (opponent behind) |,K+G

Goku Haishin = (opponent behind) P+K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Rakuchisou = (in midair) P

Toukutai = (in midair) K

Rakuchi Sokutan = (before landing) K

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Orange Knit Cap = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Flower Ornament = 5000G Use: ABCD

Golden Crown = 5000G Use: ABCD

Black Short Hair = 1000G Use: ABCD

Shaggy Black Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 10000G Use: ABCD

Brown Hair/Headband = 5000G Use: ABCD

Pink Pigtails = 9000G Use: ABCD

Pink Hair/Bun Caps = 9000G Use: ABCD

Pink Flower Ornament = 5000G Use: ABCD


Heavy Makeup = 5000G Use: ABCD

Nose Bandage = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Hot Pink Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Rimmed Glasses = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Rimmed Glasses = 4000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Goldfish Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Kung Fu Vest = 5000G Use: A

Yellow Kung Fu Top = 2000G Use: A

Orange Kung Fu Vest = 5000G Use: A

White Kung Fu Top = 2000G Use: A

Pink Chinese Shirt = 9000G Use: B

Light Blue T-Shirt = 7000G Use: C

Light Yellow T-Shirt = 7000G Use: C

Red Spiral Top = 3000G Use: A

Red Flower T-Shirt = 10000G Use: C

Purple Tanktop = 6000G Use: D

Blue Shoulder Scarf = 6000G Use: AC

Black Half Vest = 13000G Use: D

White Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Orange Half Vest = 13000G Use: D

Orange Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Gray Kung Fu Vest = 8000G Use: A

Black Spiral Top = 3000G Use: A

Green Kung Fu Vest = 8000G Use: A

Green Shoulder Scarf = 1000G Use: AC

Black Chinese Shirt = 13000G Use: B

Green Flower T-Shirt = 10000G Use: C

Green Half Vest - 19000G Use: D

Wine Red Tanktop - 6000G Use: D

Wine Red Scarf - 5000G Use: CD

Violet Kung Fu - 14000G Use: A

Navy Kung Fu Top - 10000G Use: A

Purple Chinese Shirt - 14000G Use: B

Purple T-Shirt - 10000G Use: C

Pink Half Vest - 14000G Use: D

Pink Tanktop - 10000G Use: D

Pink Kung Fu Vest - 14000G Use: A

Pink Spiral Top - 10000G Use: A

Orange Chinese Shirt - 14000G Use: B

Coral Flower T-Shirt - 10000G Use: C

Amber Half Vest - 14000G Use: D

Dark Green Tanktop - 10000G Use: D


Carnelian Bracelet = 4000G Use: ABCD

Baby Blue Wristbands = 1000G Use: ABCD

Pink Wrist Cloth = 4000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Open Gloves = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Feminine Sandals = 1000G Use: ABCD

Flower Sandals = 9000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sash = 1000G Use: A

Red Kung Fu Pants = 3000G Use: A

Red Kung Fu Shoes = 1000G Use: AB

Blue Pants = 13000G Use: C

Blue Leather Belt = 1000G Use: C

Yellow Pants = 13000G Use: C

Brown Leather Belt = 1000G Use: C

Pink Sash = 1000G Use: A

Maroon Spiral Pants = 5000G Use: A

Two-Toned Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Low-Rise Jeans = 20000G Use: C

Purple Gym Pants = 8000G Use: D

Red Flower Sash = 1000G Use: D

White Gym Pants = 8000G Use: D

Black Flower Sash = 1000G Use: D

Black and Blue Sash = 1000G Use: A

Black Spiral Pants = 5000G Use: A

Purple Jeans = 20000G Use: C

Purple Leather Belt = 1000G Use: C

Wine Red Gym Pants = 13000G Use: D

Yellow Flower Sash = 1000G Use: D

Gray Flower Sash = 1000G Use: D

Blue Sash = 1000G Use: A

Yellow Kung Fu Pants = 9000G Use: A

Pink Shorts = 9000G Use: B

Black Shorts = 9000G Use: B

Pink Leather Belt = 1000G Use: C

Moss Green Pants = 13000G Use: C

Pink Gym Pants = 13000G Use: D

Amber Flower Sash = 1000G Use: D

White and Gray Sash = 1000G Use: A

Pink Spiral Pants = 13000G Use: A

White Shorts = 13000G Use: B

White Leather Belt = 1000G Use: C

Light Brown Jeans = 13000G Use: C

Blue Flower Sash = 1000G Use: D

Dark Green Gym Pants = 13000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Eileen:

Eileen is the other new character to the game. Now I haven't seen monkey

style kung fu too much in games....actually the only time I can say I've seen

it off the top of my head is in Mortal Kombat Armageddon. But here, we have

a cute little girl character kicking some ass and taking names with this

style to say the least. She is a character that requires almost the same

game style as El Blaze, but not so much so. I've seen people use her as a

turtle character before and play an extremely annoying low game to win

matches. She is a great character to learn the ropes with in this game, but

don't expect much from her in the strength department. You have to rely on

her quickness and combos in order to put in some high damage. All in all

Eileen is a great character to get to know the game with and quickly master.

*** Pai Chan ***
































































- Backstory -

- Pai had entered the Fourth World Fighting Tournament out of concern for her

sick father, Lau. But before she could see him, she was defeated and had to

leave the tournament. Pai searched for her father afterward, and found him

just in time to save the weakened Lau from Lei-Fei's killing blow. Hit with

the realization that Lau did not have long to live, Pai realized that she

could do nothing for her father-she had to respect his desire to pursue

ultimate strength for as long as he lived. So when Pai learned that Lau was

participating in the fifth tournament, she decided to enter as well, telling

herself that the only way she can show her love for her father is to be

strong, both emotionally and in combat.

- Stats -

Nationality - Chinese

Birthday - 5/17/1975

Hobby - Dancing

Height - 166 cm (5'5 1/2)

Weight - 49kg (107 lbs)

Measurements - 85/54/88

Blood Type - O

Occupation - Action Star

Fighting Style - Ensei-Ken

Voice Actor - Minami Takayama

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Pai Chan properly. Remember, you can

always go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves


* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Chuken = P

Renshou = P,P

Raigekishou = P,P,P

Renkan Tenshinkyaku = P,P,P,K

Renkan Haitenkyaku = P,P,P,<=(or UB)K

Renkan Tenshin Soukyaku = P,P,P,|,K

Renkan Engeki = P,P,<=,P

Renkan Kousentai = P,P,<=,P,K

Renkan Enshi Rantsui = P,P,<=,P,K,|,K

Renken Toukyaku = P,P,K

Renken Youkikyaku = P,P,K,K

Renkentai = P,K

Renkentai~Bokutai = P,K,|

Senchuken = =>,P

Gyokujo Kensho = =>,P,K

Enshi Soushou = =>,=>,P

Hi'en Dantai = =>,=>,P,K

Jouho Souchushou (deflect) = =>,<=,P

Ensei Soushou = =>,<=,P,P

Ensei Soushouheki = <=,P

Henshin Engeki = <=,<=,P

Souchuken = |,P

Ensei Kosouha = Hold |,=>,P

Ensei Raige****n = Hold |,<=,P

Soukasui = ,P

Soukasui~Bokutai = ,P,<=

Souka Rensui = ,P,P

Souka Rensuishou = ,P,P,=>,P

Souka Senpukyaku = ,P,K (can be charged)

Souka Senpukyaku~Honshin = ,P,K, then G while charging

Souka Senpukyaku~Haishin = ,P,K, then <= while charging

Souka Senpukyaku~Shukushin = ,P,K then | while charging

Rikensui = /,P

Koushutai = K

Koushu Kasui = K,P

Koushu Kasui~Bokutai = K,P,<=

Koushu Kasui Senpukyaku = K,P,K (can be charged)

Koushu Kasui Senpukyaku~Honshin = K,P,K, then G while charging

Koushu Kasui Senpukyaku~Haishin = K,P,K, then <= while charging

Koushu Kasui Senpukyaku~Shukushin = K,P,K, then | while charging

Ko'en Senkyaku = K,K

Koudantai = K (while rising from a crouch)

Danshitsu = =>,K

Danshitsu Senshou = =>,K,P

Shi'en Kousen = =>,K,P,K

Shi'en Haiten = =>,K,P,<=(or UB)K

Shi'en Zensou = =>,K,P,|,K

Koutankyaku = =>,=>,K

Renkan Tanheki = =>,=>,K,P

Ensei Haikyaku = <=,K

Ensei Haikyaku~Bokutai = <=,K,|

Ensei Toukyaku = <=,=>,K

Ensei Toukikyaku = <=,=>,K,K

Hansenpu = <=,<=,K

Touku Kouhaikyaku = <=,<=,K,K

Ensei Katai = |,K

Ensei Katai~Turn = |,K,<=

Ensei Haijinkyaku = Hold |,<=,K

Sensaitai = Hold |(or /)K

Renka Sentai = Hold |(or /)K,K

Senchutai = ,K

Senkyaku Chushou = ,K,P

Hi'en Tankyaku = UF,K

Hi'en Rekkyaku = UF,K,K

Haitenkyaku = UB,K

Rensen Haitenkyaku = UB,K,=>,K

Ensei Katanheki = P+K

Hi'en Tenshinshou = P+K (rising from a crouch)

Chouho Soukasui = =>,=>,P+K

Chouho Soukasui~Bokutai = =>,=>,P+K,<=

Kasuishou = <=,=>,P+K (can be charged)

Ensei Katai = |(or ^)P+K

Ensei Senpukyaku = K+G

Enbu Renkyaku = =>,K+G

Ensei Touku Haikyaku = =>,=>,K+G

Kochoukyaku = <=,K+G

Enshu Haitenkyaku = <=,=>,K+G

Enshu Haiten Renkyaku = <=,=>,K+G,K

Zensoutai = |,K+G

Honshin Soukyaku = /,K+G

Honshin Choutankyaku = Hold =>,K(while running)

Sokushin Senpuga = P+K (during Defensive Move)

Sokushin Toushou = P (during Offensive Move)

Sokushin Danshitsu = K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Bokutai *

Bokutai~Chuken = From Bokutai: P

Bokutai~Raigekishou = From Bokutai: P,P

Bokutai~Kousoutai = From Bokutai: K

Bokutai~Koushou Soushougeki (deflect) = From Bokutai: K,P

Bokutai~Kinkei = From Bokutai: P+K

Bokutai~Zensou Taitoukyaku = From Bokutai: K+G

* Moves from Meishouho *

Meishouho = <=,P+K+G

Meishouho Ryusui Shouda = From Meishouho: P

Meishouho Gekiryu Shouda = From Meishouho: P,P

Meishouho Gekiryuha = From Meishouho: P,P,P

Meiho Zensoutai = From Meishouho: K

Meishougei Ensenkyaku = From Meishouho: K+G

Meishougei Enshi Renshou = From Meishouho: K+G,P

Meishougei Enshi Renshou Soukyaku = From Meishouho: K+G,P,K

* Throws *

Toushin Housoukyaku = P+G

Raishin Nyurin = =>,P+G

Toushin Inshou = =>,=>,P+G

Ensei Monka = <=,=>,P+G

Kuretsu Tenhou = Hold |,=>,P+G

Shun'en Ryouku = <=,P+G

Honshin Haisetsukou = =>,<=,P+G

Senpu Enka = HCB,P+G

Ensei Houshin Katai = =>,|,P+G

Sei'en Katou = <=,|,P+G

Hi'en Honko = ,P+G

Junsui Suishu = ,,P+G

Raishin Nyurin = (wall in back) =>,P+G

Haishin Choushou = (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Shun'en Katou = (opponent facing away) P+G

Zenshu Koutenkyaku = (during Shun'en Katou)

Hi'en Tenshin Shoukyaku = (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Enfu Rinshou = (opponent crouching) =>,P+K+G

Ensei Shoutai = (opponent crouching) <=,=>,P+K+G

Haishin Choushou = (on crouching opponent's left or right) = |(or=>),P+K+G

Shun'en Katou = (opponent facing away and crouching) = |(or=>), P+K+G

* Reversals *

Unshu Soushouha = =>,P+K (vs high punch)

Senpu Soukyaku = =>,P+K (vs right high kick)

Senpu Haikyaku = =>,P+K (vs left high kick)

Raku'en Katou = =>,P+K (vs right high elbow)

Sousui Sanmon = =>,P+K (vs left high elbow)

Unshu Soushouha = ,P+K (vs mid punch)

Senpu Soukyaku = ,P+K (vs right mid kick)

Senpu Haikyaku = ,P+K (vs left mid kick)

Raku'en Katou = ,P+K (vs right mid elbow)

Sousui Sanmon = ,P+K (vs left mid elbow)

Ryusui He****n = ,P+K (vs right side kick)

Mougyu Kenkaku = ,P+K (vs left side kick)

Soushitsu Touraku = ,P+K (vs right knee)

Teishitsu Soukyaku = ,P+K (vs left knee)

Ensen Hairyu = <=,P+K (vs high punch)

Rasen Anshou = <=,P+K (vs high kick)

Honshin Rasen Anshou = P+G (vs opponent Pai's Rasen Anshou)

Hi'en Hairyu = <=,P+K (vs high elbow)

Ensen Hairyu = /,P+K (vs mid punch)

Rasen Anshou = /,P+K (vs mid kick)

Hi'en Hairyu = /,P+K (vs mid elbow)

Kakyaku Senten = /,P+K (vs side kick)

Shitsuten Toukai = /,P+K (vs knee)

* Down Attacks *

Rai'in Shouda = (opponent down) ,P

Enshu Raigeki = (opponent down) ^,P

Hi'en Youshu = (opponent down) ^,K+G

* Back Attacks *

Haishin Housui - (opponent behind) P

Haishin Kasui - (opponent behind) |,P

Haishin Kasui~Bokutai - (opponent behind) |,P,<=

Koushutai - (opponent behind) K

Zaka Sentai - (opponent behind) |,K

Zaban Soushou - (opponent behind) P+K

Haishin Chugeki - (opponent behind) |,P+K

Haishin Kakyaku - (opponent behind) |,P+K, then P+G during hit

Zenshu Koutenkyaku - UF,K (during turning attack)

Meishouho - (opponent behind) P+K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Touku Soushou - (while rising) P

Toudan Kensui - (in midair) P

Hishitai - (while rising) K

Sokushutai - (in midair) K

Sokushutai - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Hekika Haishu - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Hekika Haiten - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Brown Pigtails = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Twin Pigtails = 5000G Use: ABCD

Short Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Hair and Bun = 10000G Use: ABCD

Blond Twin Buns = 5000G Use: ABCD

Bralmageed Blond Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Green Newsboy Cap = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Hibiscus = 5000G Use: ABCD


Yellow Rim Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Sunglasses = 5000G Use: ABCD

Silver Rim Glasses = 10000G Use: ABCD

Pink Sunglasses = 6000G Use: ABCD

Blue Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Straight Sword = 5000G Use: ABCD

Rhinestone Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Chinese Top = 6000G Use: A

Blue Crop Top = 5000G Use: B

Blue Chinese Dress = 12000G Use: C

Green Chinese Dress = 12000G Use: C

White Chinese Dress = 18000G Use: C

Aqua Butterfly Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Black Chinese Shirt = 15000G Use: D

Green Chinese Shirt = 15000G Use: D

Purple Chinese Top = 9000G Use: A

Yellow Chinese Top = 9000G Use: A

Black Crop Top = 8000G Use: B

Pink Chinese Dress = 18000G Use: C

Pink Butterfly Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Green Chinese Top = 23000G Use: A

Mint Crop Top = 8000G Use: B

Lime Chinese Dress = 18000G Use: C

Red Chinese Dress = 23000G Use: D

White Flower Top = 23000G Use: A

Wine Red Crop Top = 8000G Use: B

Yellow Chinese Dress = 23000G Use: C

Jade Butterfly Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Gold Necklace = 9000G Use: ABCD


Pink Bangle = 1000G Use: ABCD

Navy Silk Gloves = 5000G Use: AC

Red Silk Gloves = 5000G Use: AC

Aqua Silk Gloves = 9000G Use: AC

Light Blue Bangle = 1000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Red Fish Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Chinese Pants = 4000G Use: A

Red Chinese Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gold Sash = 1000G Use: A

Blue Flare Pants = 10000G Use: B

Blue Shorts = 8000G Use: C

Green Sandals = 4000G Use: ABCD

Pink Sash = 1000G Use: B

Pink Line Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Purple Capris = 15000G Use: D

Blue Fish Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Capris = 10000G Use: D

Green Capris = 10000G Use: D

Purple Chinese Pants = 6000G Use: A

Yellow Chinese Pants = 6000G Use: A

Black Flare Pants = 15000G Use: B

Orange Sash = 1000G Use: B

Purple Shorts = 8000G Use: C

Pink Capris = 15000G Use: D

Black Leather Whip = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Sash = 1000G Use: A

Maroon Sash = 1000G Use: A

Green Chinese Pants = 15000 Use: A

Mint Sash = 1000G Use: B

Green Flare Pants = 15000G Use: B

Green Shorts = 8000G Use: C

Yellow Capris = 15000G Use: D

White Flower Pants = 15000G Use: A

Wine Red Sash = 1000G Use: B

Gold Flare Pants = 15000G Use: B

White Shorts = 15000G Use: C

Orange Capris = 15000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Pai Chan:

Ya know....with the way technology is going nowadays and the way we can make

3D models look almost human is crazy....especially if you can find a woman

that looks like her....damn! A beautiful fighter to say the least, and very

powerful, she is far beyond the stereotypical female fighter. She can take

down people in just a few good hits, and when properly mastered, you can

destroy people with a blistering offense and a strong defense. Pai Chan is

easily enough one character that people would love to master simply because

of her style of martial arts and the way she destroys the competition in no

time flat. Now that's not to say that she doesn't have her down sides. She

does take time to master and if you are wanting to end matches in about 3 or

4 moves....then you're going to have to learn how to time her counters to

hitting people. Her counters are the big money makers and sometimes it is

tough to time them against people, especially if they're veterans of the

game. So if you can learn how to bait people into attacking you the way you

want them to do so, then you'll have no problem destroying everyone that you

come across in this game. Pai Chan is beauty and strength all rolled into

one that you won't regret using once you've mastered. I would say that she

is an advanced to intermediate fighter so get some practice with a beginner

character for a little bit and then move up to her.

*** Lei-Fei ***






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- Backstory -

- Lei-Fei had received orders from his master to put an end to the Ko'en-Ken

style. But when he found Lau in the fourth tournament, he saw for himself

the amazing power of the style, and approached Lau after the tournament as a

promising student. Impatient to learn quickly, Lei-Fei attacked Lau, hoping

to see the secrets of Ko'en-ken. But the weakened Lau was unable to fight

back, and survived only because of Pai's sudden appearance. Lei-Fei had

failed in his mission to destroy Ko'en-ken and had failed to learn Ko'en-ken

for himself. His only choice was to develop the strength required to defeat

anyone who came after him. Lei-Fei used the pressure to push himself to new

heights. Now, Lei-Fei is ready to enter the fifth tournament.

- Stats -

Nationality - Chinese

Birthday - Unknown

Hobby - Praying

Height - 175 cm (5'9)

Weight - 63 kg (138 lbs)

Measurements - 98/85/83

Blood Type - B

Occupation - Monk

Fighting Style - Shoalin-Ken

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 4

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Lei-Fei properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Chugeki - P

Renken~Dokuritsu Shiki - P,P

Rengeki Soushouha~Hai Shiki - P,P,P

Kakushu Suigeki - =>,P

Kakushu Suigeki~Ura Koko Shiki - =>,P,P+K+G

Kakushu Suirengeki - =>,P,P

Toushou - =>,=>,P

Yushin Kengeki - <=,P

Rakengeki - <=,P,P

Souyokugeki - <=,=>,P

Uryu Banda~Hai Shiki - <=,,P

Fukusoushou - |,P

Toutenshou - Hold |,=>,P

Chouchu - ,P

Honrai Konten - ,P,P

Shatenshou - ,,P

Shatenshou~Ura Nehan Shiki - ,,P,P+K+G

Shaten Renshou - ,,P,P

Haisenkyaku~Hai Shiki - K

Haisenkyaku~Bokutai - K, then | during guard or hit

Rigoutai~Koko Shiki - =>,K

Toukyaku - =>,=>,K

Toukyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - =>,=>,K, (hold K)

Fujinkyaku - |,K

Shazen Tenshin Haikyaku~Koko Shiki - ^,K

Tenshin Senputai - ^,K,K

Bunkyaku - ,K

Niki Bunkyaku - UF,K

Kinkei Dokuritsu - P+K

Kongou He****n - P+K,P

Kongou He****n~Ura Nehan Shiki - P+K,P,P+K+G

Kongou Renshin Houda - P+K.P.P

Mahosui - =>,P+K

Mahosui~Ura Nehan Shiki - =>,P+K,P+K+G

Geimen Soushou - =>,P+K,P

Zaban Hekishou - =>,=>,P+K

Chinheki - <=,P+K

Hekizan Jujikou - <=,P+K,P

Kyuho Soufuken - <=,=>,P+K

Goka Zasan - <=,=>,=>,P+K

Souryu Shukkai - <=,,P+K

Soushou~Nehan Shiki - |,P+K

Haishin Chugeki~Koko Shiki - |,P+K,P

Kochouheki (deflect) - |,,=>,P+K

Katoken - (or UF)P+K

Haisetsukou~Koko Shiki - (or UF)P+K.P

Sousuigeki - /,P+K

Sokutankyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - K+G

Hansenpu~Ura Nehan Shiki - =>,K+G

Senpukyaku~Koko Shiki - =>,=>,K+G

Shouhikyaku - <=,K+G

Shouhi Renkyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - <=,K+G,K

Soushouhi Kousoutai - <=,K+G,K,|,K

Zensoutai - |,K+G

Touku Tenshinkyaku - ^,K+G

Chisen Choukyaku 1 - ,K+G

Chisen Choukyaku 2 - ,K+G,K

Fukushin Soukyaku - ,,K+G

Toushintai~Suirakan Shiki - ,,K+G,K

Toushin Choukyukyaku - ,,K+G,K,K

Toushin Sen'enkyaku - ,,K+G,K,K+G

Souhikyaku - UF,K+G

Kousoku Toukyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Teishitsu Sokushou - P+K,P (during Defensive Move)

Shaho Toushin - P (during Offensive Move)

Shaho Shitsuda - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Dokuritsu Shiki *

Dokuritsu Shiki - ^,P+K+G

Senshin Toushou~Hai Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: P

Juji Toukyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: K

Nikikyaku - From Dokuritsu Shiki: K,K

Fukushintai~Hai Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: |,K

Shouhikyaku - From Dokuritsu Shiki: <=,K

Shouhi Renkyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: <=,K,K

Soushouhi Kousoutai - From Dokuritsu Shiki: <=,K,K,K

Shinpo Bunkyaku - From Dokuritsu Shiki: K+G

Sokushin Kousoutai - From Dokuritsu Shiki: |(or ^) K+G (back side)

Sokushin Zensoutai - From Dokuritsu Shiki: |(or ^) K+G (front side)

Yasha Sekka - From Dokuritsu Shiki: P+K

Yasha Sekka~Ura Nehan Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: P+K,P+K+G

Zenten - From Dokuritsu Shiki: =>,P+K+G

Zenten~Touku Rensenkyaku - From Dokuritsu Shiki: =>,P+K+G,K

Zenten~Hou'ou Ten'yoku - From Dokuritsu Shiki: =>,P+K+G,P+G

Dokuritsu Shiki~Hai Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: | (or <=) P+K+G

Dokuritsu Shiki~Nehan Shiki - From Dokuritsu Shiki: /,P+K+G

Dokuritsu Senshou - From Dokuritsu Shiki: (vs high punch/mid punch/low punch/


* Moves from Hai Shiki *

Hai Shiki - |,P+K+G

Housui~Hai Shiki - From Hai Shiki: P

Housui Rengeki~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Hai Shiki: P,P

Housui Shouheki - From Hai Shiki: P,P+K

Koudantai~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Hai Shiki: K

Hai Shiki Zensoutai - From Hai Shiki: |,K

Senpukyaku~Hai Shiki - From Hai Shiki: K+G

Senshippo - From Hai Shiki: P+K (can be charged)

Hai Shiki~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Hai Shiki: ^ (or <=) P+K+G

Hai Shiki~Nehan Shiki - From Hai Shiki: /,P+K+G

* Moves from Bokutai *

Bokutai - From Hai Shiki: |

Kyuho Koken - From Bokutai: P

Shinpo Senshinken - From Bokutai: P,P

Tenshin Ryousou~Ura Koko Shiki - From Bokutai: =>,P

Fukushin Koushitai~Ura Nehan Shiki - From Bokutai: K

Senkyutai - From Bokutai: ,K

Hanshouda - From Bokutai: P+K

Touku Tenshinkyaku - From Bokutai: K+G

* Moves from Nehan Shiki *

Nehan Shiki - /,P+K+G

Tenshin Housui (deflect)~Ura Nehan Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: P

Sokushukyaku~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: P,K

Honshin Kouryoukyaku - From Nehan Shiki: K

Hi'en Senpukyaku~Koko Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: K+G

Zensoutai - From Nehan Shiki: |,K

Honsha Teiken (deflect)~Ura Koko Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: P+K

Renkan Honshin Jousui - From Nehan Shiki: P+K,P

Renkan Honshin Mahosui - From Nehan Shiki: P+K,P,P

Nehan Shiki~Hai Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: |,P+K+G

Nehan Shiki~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: ^,P+K+G

Nehan Shiki~Suirakan Shiki - From Nehan Shiki: |,|

* Moves from Suirakan Shiki *

Rakan Dako - From Suirakan Shiki: P

Rigyo Datei - From Suirakan Shiki: P+K

Fukuchi Settai~Ura Nehan Shiki - From Suirakan Shiki: K

Kinkou Sentai - From Suirakan Shiki: K+G

* Moves from Koko Shiki *

Renkan Sousui (deflect) - From Koko Shiki: P

Koushutai (deflect) - From Koko Shiki: K

Haishin Kasouhsou~Hai Shiki - From Koko Shiki: |,K

Kasou Rensengeki~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Koko Shiki: |,K,P

Kasou Rensen Housui - From Koko Shiki: |,K,P,P

Koko Shiki~Hai Shiki - From Koko Shiki: | (or ^)P+K+G

*Moves from Ura Nehan Shiki *

Youho Suishou - From Ura Nehan Shiki: P

Kouryu Zoubi~Nehan Shiki - From Ura Nehan Shiki: P,P

Rakan Doushou - From Ura Nehan Shiki: P,P,P

Kishin Hikyaku - From Ura Nehan Shiki: K

Kishin Niki - From Ura Nehan Shiki: K,K

Honshin Soudoutai - From Ura Nehan Shiki: |,K

Soubunsui - From Ura Nehan Shiki: P+K

Kishin Senpu~Koko Shiki - From Ura Nehan Shiki: K+G

Uryu Souchi - From Ura Nehan Shiki: K+G,K

Ura Nehan Shiki~Hai Shiki - From Ura Nehan Shiki: <= (or |)P+K+G

Ura Nehan Shiki~Dokuritsu Shiki - From Ura Nehan Shiki: |,P+K+G

Ura Nehan Shiki~Suirakan Shiki - From Ura Nehan Shiki: |,|

* Moves from Ura Koko Shiki *

Jirou Tanzan (deflect) - From Ura Koko Shiki: P

Touku Kobi - From Ura Koko Shiki: K

Chouho Tansa~Hai Shiki - From Ura Koko Shiki: =>,K

Honshin Kousou - From Ura Koko Shiki: |,K

Tenshin Mouko Shutsudou - From Ura Koko Shiki: P+K

Taihou Haikyaku~Hai Shiki - From Ura Koko Shiki: K+G

* Throws *

Raishin Senbu - P+G

Kyusen Shouheki - =>,=>,P+G

Kouryu Haibi - <=,=>,P+G

Soufu Kanji - HCF,P+G

Sousai Haiken - From Soufu Kanji: <=,=>,P+G

Rakan Shintengeki - From Sousai Haiken: |,,=>,P+G

Haikyaku Soutou - =>,<=,P+G

Kinryu Gakkou - ,P+G

Haizan Toukai -,,P+G

Ryou'in Senshu - (on opponent's right) P+G

Bokutai Nentou - (on opponent's left) P+G

Toushin Soukasui - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Down Attacks *

Toushingeki - (opponent down) ,K

Rakugeki Houda - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Haikengeki - (opponent behind) P

Haishin Zaban Hekishou - (opponent behind) |,P

Koushitai - (opponent behind) K

Zasenshu - (opponent behind) |,K

Touku Hairenkyaku (deflect)~Hai Shiki - (opponent behind) ^,K

Haishin Chugeki~Koko Shiki - (opponent behind) P+K

Haishin Sentai~Hai Shiki - (opponent behind) K+G

Turn~Hai Shiki - (opponent behind) |,P+K+G

Turn~Dokuritsu Shiki - (opponent behind) ^,P+K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Chouhosui - (while rising) P

Choudansui - (in midair) P

Choutotsushu - (in midair) K

Chouho Totsushu - (before landing) K

* Wall Attacks *

Hekika Haishu - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Hekika Haiten - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Yellow Bandana = 10000G Use: ABCD

Green Knit Cap = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Worker's Cap = 9000G Use: ABCD

Brown Topknot = 5000G Use: ABCD

Shaggy Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Spiky Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Silver Queue = 9000G Use: ABCD

Silver Bun = 9000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Silver Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD


Black-Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Round Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Silver Rim Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Trlmageent = 5000G Use: ABCD

Monk's Spade = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Bead Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Shoalin Robe = 6000G Use: A

Blue Bead Necklace = 6000G Use: BC

Brown Kung Fu Top = 9000G Use: B

Dark Green Necklace = 6000G Use: BC

Red Workout Gear = 10000G Use: C

Orange Workout Gear = 10000G Use: C

Purple Workout Gear = 15000G Use: C

Red Surplice = 23000G Use: D

Orange Ornate Top = 14000G Use: B

Purple Shoalin Top = 9000G Use: A

Green Workout Gear = 15000G Use: C

Brown Tanktop = 3000G Use: C

Blue Surplice = 23000G Use: D

Black Bead Necklace = 4000G Use: ABCD

Aqua Shoalin Robe = 23000G Use: A

White Kung Fu Top = 14000G Use: B

Aqua Workout Gear = 23000G Use: C

Yellow Surplice = 23000G Use: D

Green Shoalin Robe = 23000G Use: A

Purple Ornate Top = 23000G Use: B

Blue Workout Gear = 15000G Use: C

Aqua Surplice = 23000G Use: D


Brown Bead Bracelets = 1000G Use: ABCD

Olive Wristbands = 1000G Use: CD

Gray Wristbands = 1000G Use: CD

Yellow Wristbands = 1000G Use: CD

Red Wristbands = 2000G Use: CD

Orange Bracers = 1000G Use: BCD

Russet Wristbands = 1000G Use: CD

Blue Wristbands = 2000G Use: CD

Purple Wristbands = 1000G Use: CD

Aqua Wristbands = 1000G Use: CD

Worn Bracers = 2000G Use: BCD

*Lower Body*

Blue 3-Part Staff = 10000G Use: ABC

Dragon Sword = 5000G Use: ABC

Red Workout Pants = 7000G Use: ABC

Black Monk Shoes = 4000G Use: AB

Green Workout Belt = 1000G Use: C

Orange Workout Pants = 7000G Use: C

Rust Monk Shoes = 1000G Use: AB

Purple Workout Pants = 7000G Use: C

Brown Chinese Pants = 15000G Use: D

Gray Dragon Pants = 10000G Use: D

Yellow Dragon Pants = 10000G Use: D

Orange Ornate Pants = 9000G Use: B

Orange Kung Fu Shoes = 1000G Use: AB

Green Shaolin Pants = 4000G Use: A

Green Workout Pants = 7000G Use: C

Russet Workout Belt = 1000G Use: C

Blue Chinese Pants = 15000G Use: D

Aqua Shaolin Pants = 15000G Use: A

White Kung Fu Pants = 9000G Use: B

Aqua Workout Pants = 15000G Use: C

Purple Dragon Pants = 15000G Use: D

Brown Shaolin Pants = 15000G Use: A

Purple Ornate Pants = 15000G Use: B

Blue Workout Pants = 7000G Use: C

Rust Chinese Pants = 15000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Lei-Fei:

Lei-Fei is the *******s dream character I'd say. He's doing things all his

way and he doesn't care who he hurts to achieve his goals. He's a strong

character to use and has an extremely big mix up game. Alot of his style and

damaging combos requires him to transition into one stance to another. He

does have some simplistic and good moves for his basic stance that you start

off with at the beginning of each round, but using this is just a beginner's

strategy. For a person to become great with Lei-Fei, it'll require alot of

practice and perfection. You have to learn the ins and outs of all his

stances and when the right time to use them is. One of the biggest downfalls

that Lei-Fei has is that in most, if not all, of his stances is that he is

unable to block until he's set back to his basic stance. So don't get

discouraged in the beginning of learning him. You have to learn how to keep

a huge offensive going with Lei-Fei without allowing people to break it. If

you have to try and mount a defense with Lei-Fei, then the first thing you

need to learn is to get back into his basic stance and then learn how to

counter from this stance. This way you have a means to block at least and

with some practice, a means to begin your offensive again. Lei-Fei can be a

great character to use and learn, but he is definitely a character that a

beginner couldn't bring out all of the potential and abilities just right off

of the bat. Lei-Fei isn't a character like Akira that requires perfection

and to be a veteran at the game or the series of the game, but Lei-Fei is a

character that a pro at the game could use and love. So basically get some

getting to know the game with a simple character at first, and then move on

over to Lei-Fei once you have a feel for the game, then spend alittle bit of

time in the Dojo to perfect your technique with Lei-Fei. A great Lei-Fei

fighter can definitely win matches and tournaments with very little stress or


*** Aoi Umenokouji ***








































































- Backstory -

- Aoi left the fourth tournament with only frustration and anger. She had to

endure a slew of pick-up lines before her match, and the match itself was a

complete loss. Her opponent's nimble footwork and powerful kicks were more

than impressive, but his tendency to come on to any woman he saw only angered

Aoi. Even after the tournament ended, Aoi thought about her opponent often.

There had never been any fighters like that in the previous tournaments, and

he had made a strong impression on her. Aoi found herself training harder

because she wanted to show him a thing or two. Now that the invitation to

the Fifth World Fighting Tournament has arrived, Aoi can barely contain her

desire to enter the tournament and see him again.

- Stats -

Nationality - Japanese

Birthday - 3/14/1979

Hobby - Ikebana

Height - 162 cm (5'3 1/2)

Weight - 47 kg (104 lbs)

Measurements - 83/53/86

Blood Type - A

Occupation - Student

Fighting Style - Aikijutsu

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 3

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Aoi properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

FCFC = Full Circle Clockwise Forward

FCFCC = Full Circle Counter Clockwise Forward

FCBF = Full Circle Backwards Clockwise

FCBCC = Full Circle Backwards Counter Clockwise

* Normal Moves *

Datotsu - P

Nirentotsu - P,P

Nirentotsu Ouchu - P,P,P

Rentotsu Kodachi - P,P,P,K

Rentotsu Kodachi~Tenchi In'you - P,P,P,K,P+K+G

Rentotsu Kusanagi - P,P,P,|,K

Rentotsu Kusanagi~Sundome - P,P,P,|,K,G

Rentotsu Kusanagi~Tenchi In'you - P,P,P,|,K,P+K+G

Nirentotsu Ouda - P,P,=>,P

Nirentotsu Ouda~Sundome - P,P,=>,P,G

Rentotsu Kinuguruma - P,P,=>,P,P

Rentotsu Kinuguruma~Sundome - P,P,=>,P,P,G

Rentotsu Ryusen - P,P,|(or ^),P

Rentotsu Ryusen~Sundome - P,P,|(or ^),P,G

Rentotsu Ryusen~Ryubu - P,P,|,(or ^),P,<=

Rentotsu Ryusen Soushou - P,P,|(or ^),P,P

Rentotsu Ryusen Shoshou~Sundome - P,P,|(or ^),P,P,G

Nirentotsu Kugikyaku - P,P,K

Shougerigasane - P,K

Chudan Hiji'ate - =>,P

Tsumujisakura - =>,P,P

Tsumujisakura~Sundome - =>,P,P,G

Koromoguruma - =>,=>,P

Koromoguruma~Sundome - =>,=>,P,G

Ougibarai (deflect) - =>,<=,P

Ougibarai~Kasane'ate - =>,<=,P success, then P

Ougibarai~Tenkai - =>,<=,P success, then P, then P+G during hit

Ougimai - <=,P

Ougimai~Tachikaze - <=,P,K

Ougimai~Tenchi In'you - <=,P,P+K+G

Kasane'ate - <=,=>,P

Tenkai - <=,=>,P, then P+G during hit

Usumaki Shutou - <=,<=,P

Ryoushi - <=,,P

Gedan Shouda - |,P

Musouha - Hold |,,P

Sodeguruma - Hold |,,P, then <=,P+G during counter hit

Hou'oushu - ,P

Sunekudaki - /,P

Uegeri - K

Uegeri~Datotsu - K,P

Uegeri~Datotsu~Abarakudaki - K,P,K

Kusarigami - K,K

Raijinha - =>,K

Raijinha~Tenchi In'you - =>,K,P+K+G

Kumogeri - =>,K,K

Sou'unha - =>,=>,K

Kamageri - <=,K

Kasumigeri - |,K

Kasuminagi - |,K,P

Kasumi Renshou - |,K,P,P

Gedan Keri'ate - Hold |(or /),K

Maegeri - ,K

Hirate 1 - P+K

Hirate 2 - P+K,P

Hirate 3 - P+K,P,P

Ouda - =>,P+K

Oushu Hiji'ate - =>,P+K,P

Oushu Hiji'ate~Sundome - =>,P+K,P,G

Sanseigan - =>,=>,P+K

Ouka - =>,=>,P+K,P

Namigaeshi - =>,<=,P+K

Iwaodome - =>,<=,P+K,P

Soushouda - <=,=>,P+K

Jousei Ryusenshou - <=,<=,P+K

Jousei Ryusenshou~Sundome - <=,<=,P+K,G

Inshou - <=,,P+K

Shinchuzuki (deflect) - |,,=>,P+K

Tengu Otoshi - Hold |,,P+K

Tengu Otoshi~Kaname'uchi - Hold |,,P+K,P

Tengu Otoshi~Kaname'uchi~Sundome - Hold |,,P+K,P,G

Ryusen - (or /),P+K

Ryusen~Sundome - (or /),P+K,G

Ryusen~Ryubu - (or /),P+K,<=

Ryusen Soushou - (or /),P+K,P

Ryusen Soushou~Sundome - (or /),P+K,P,G

Sodeshinken - ,,P+K

Sodeshinken~Sundome - ,,P+K,G

Sodeshinken~Tenchi In'you - ,,P+K,P+K+G

Shigure - K+G

Joudan Keri'ate - =>,K+G

Suigetsutotsu (deflect) - =>,K+G,P

Ogamigeri (deflect) - <=,K+G

Kusanagi - |,K+G

Kusanagi~Sundome - |,K+G,G

Kusanagi~Tenchi In'you - |,K+G,P+K+G

Mikawashi Ouda - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Abara'uchi - P (during Offensive Move)

Hiza'ate - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Tenchi In'you *

Tenchi In'you - <=,P+K+G (can be charged)

Ryuka - From Tenchi In'you: <=

Ryusui - From Tenchi In'you: |(or ^)

Ryusen - From Tenchi In'you: |(or ^),P

* Throws *

Ko'ate - P+G

Hikichigai - =>,P+G (change throw direction with <= or | or ^)

Okurite Mawashi - <=,=>,P+G

Wakigarami - HCF,P+G

Itomaki - =>,^(or <=,^) P+G (during Wakigarami)

Yumigatame - =>,|(or <=,|) P+G (during Wakigarami)

Ebi'ori - |,^,P+G (during Yumigatame)

Kaibiki - ^,|,P+G (during Yumigatame)

Taiboku Taoshi - FCFC (or FCFCC) P+G

Taiboku Kudaki - HCF,K+G (during Taiboku Taoshi)

Aikinage - Hold |,=>,P+G

Okuri Otoshi - =>,<=,P+G

Chougarami - HCB,P+G

Itomaki - =>,^(or <=,^) P+G (during Chougarami)

Yumigatame - =>,|(or <=,|) P+G (during Chougarami)

Ebi'ori - |,^,P+G (during Yumigatame)

Kaibiki - |,^,P+G (during Yumigatame)

Kiri'e Otoshi - FCBC (or FCBCC) P+G

Morotebiki - Hold |,<=,P+G

Konoha Otoshi - ,P+G

Oboroguruma - ,,P+G

Hangetsuha - /,P+G

Ayatetori - (on opponent's right) P+G

Samidare - (on opponent's left) P+G

Sugi Taoshi - (opponent facing away) P+G

Tekime Toushin - (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Shin no Kurai - (opponent crouching) /,P+K+G

Ayatetori - (on crouching opponent's right) /(or |) P+K+G

Samidare - (on crouching opponent's left) /(or |) P+K+G

Sugi Taoshi - (opponent facing away and crouching) /(or |) P+K+G

* Reversals *

Uzuneri - <=,P+K (vs right high punch)

Tenshin Nyushin - <=,P+K (vs left high punch)

Edasaki - <=,P+K (vs right high kick)

Kusabi Otoshi - <=,P+K (vs left high kick)

Ryu no Agito - <=,P+K (vs high elbow)

Konami - <=,P+K (vs high full spin kick)

Ryuokoromo - <=,P+K (vs high two-handed attack)

Tsumuji - <=,P+K (vs high two-footed attack)

Uzuneri - /,P+K (vs right mid punch)

Tenshin Nyushin - /,P+K (vs left mid punch)

Edasaki - /,P+K (vs right mid kick)

Kusabi Otoshi - /,P+K (vs left mid kick)

Ryu no Agito - /,P+K (vs mid elbow)

Konami - /,P+K (vs mid full spin kick)

Ryoukoromo - /,P+K (vs mid two-handed attack)

Tsumuji - /,P+K (vs mid two-footed attack)

Ougisaki - /,P+K (vs right side kick)

Tsutakazura - /,P+K (vs left side kick)

Fusharin - /,P+K (vs right knee)

Ochibamai - /,P+K (vs left knee)

Ouzu - /,P+K (vs somersault)

Tasuki Shichijou - /,P+K (vs shoulder)

Chidori - /,P+K (vs mid head attack)

Oroshi Ha'ori - /,P+K (vs back)

Tsumuji - |,P+K (vs low two-footed attack)

Chidori - |,P+K (vs low head attack)

Konami - |,P+K (vs low full spin kick)

Senryu - |,P+K (vs low punch)

Kaede Otoshi - |,P+K (vs low kick)

Ura Kotegaeshi - /,P+K (opponent behind, vs mid punch)

Ura Senryu - /,P+K (opponent behind, vs mid kick)

Mamorimino - P+K (lying face up with head toward opponent, vs punch down


Hasami Okuri - P+K (lying face up with feet toward opponent, vs punch down


Hasami Okuri - P+K (lying face up with feet toward opponent, vs kick down


Ryuseishu - From Tenchi In'you: (vs high punch/mid punch/elbow)

Ha'oboro - From Tenchi In'you: (vs high kick/mid kick)

Hangetsuguruma - From Tenchi In'you: (vs side kick)

Hangetsuguruma - From Tenchi In'you: (vs knee)

* Down Attacks *

Tate Shutou - (opponent down) ,P

Kusei Komashutou - (opponent down) ^,P

Kusei Gatosugeri - (opponent down) ^,K+G

Edakudaki - (opponent lying face up, feet toward you) |(or ) P+G

Fuyoujin - (opponent lying face up, head toward you) |(or ) P+G

Fuyoujin - (opponent lying face up, side toward you) |(or ) P+G

Unsui - (opponent lying face down, feet toward you) |(or ) P+G

Fudoujin - (opponent lying face down, head toward you) |(or ) P+G

Fudoujin - (opponent lying face down, side toward you) |(or ) P+G

* Back Attacks *

Shutou Mawari - (opponent behind) P

Mawari Shutou - (opponent behind) |,P

Sokutougeri - (opponent behind) K

Ura Kasumigeri - (opponent behind) |,K

Mawari Shitageri - (opponent behind) Hold |,K

Oboro Shutou - (opponent behind) P+K

Oborotsumuji - (opponent behind) P+K,P

Oboroharai - (opponent behind) P+K,P,P

Oboroharai~Sundome - (opponent behind) P+K,P,P,G

Namigaeshi - (opponent behind) P+K,P,<=,P

Iwadome - (opponent behind) P+K,P,<=,P,P

Ura Kusanagi - (opponent behind) |,K+G

Ura Kusanagi~Sundome - (opponent behind) |,K+G,G

Ura Kusanagi~Tenchi In'you - (opponent behind) |,K+G,P+K+G

Ryuou - (opponent behind) |(or ^) P+K+G

Ryuoyouha - (opponent behind) |(or ^) P+K+G,P

* Jump Attacks *

Tobi Shutou - (while rising) P

Tobi Shutou - (in midair) P

Tobi Moegeri - (while rising) K

Tobi Kakatogeri - (in midair) K

Tobi Kakatogeri - (before landing) K

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Brown Low Ponytail = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown High Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Hair and Bow = 5000G Use: ABCD

Bobbed Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Short Blonde Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Flipped Blonde Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Blue Chime Earrings = 6000G Use: ABCD

Short Brown Pigtails = 10000G Use: ABCD

Silver Pigtails = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Hair Ornament = 5000G Use: ABCD


Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Moles = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Blue Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Pink Umbrella = 6000G Use: ABCD

Light Pink Fan = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Kimono = 6000G Use: A

Pink Bikini Kimono = 9000G Use: B

White Aiki Top = 12000G Use: C

Maroon Aiki Top = 12000G Use: C

Black Aiki Top = 12000G Use: C

Fancy White Kimono = 9000G Use: A

Red Aiki Top = 18000G Use: C

Formal Black Dogi = 23000G Use: D

Purple Dogi = 15000G Use: D

Red Dogi = 15000G Use: D

Fancy Pink Kimono = 9000G Use: A

Black Bikini Kimono = 14000G Use: B

Green Aiki Top = 18000G Use: C

Formal Red Dogi = 23000G Use: D

Aqua Kimono = 23000G Use: A

Green Bikini Kimono = 14000G Use: B

Violet Aiki Top = 14000G Use: C

Yellow Dogi = 14000G Use: D

Fancy Black Kimono = 23000G Use: A

Blue Bikini Kimono = 14000G Use: B

Citron Aiki Top = 14000G Use: C

Formal Aqua Dogi = 14000G Use: D


Blue Aiki Gloves = 1000G Use: D

Purple Aiki Gloves = 1000G Use: D

Red Aiki Gloves = 1000G Use: D

Brown Aiki Gloves = 1000G Use: D

Gray Aiki Gloves = 1000G Use: D

*Lower Body*

Bare Feet = 3000G Use: ABCD

Bamboo Water Bottle = 9000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Japanese Flute = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Skirt = 4000G Use: A

Navy Skirt = 4000G Use: A

Pink Bikini Kimono = 9000G Use: B

Violet Sandals = 1000G Use: ABCD

Orange Flower Skirt = 8000G Use: C

Gray Flower Skirt = 8000G Use: C

Blue Skirt = 4000G Use: A

Pink Flower Sash = 2000G Use: A

Garnet Skirt = 4000G Use: A

Purple Sandals = 4000G Use: ABCD

Shiny Purple Skirt = 12000G Use: C

Gold Skirt = 15000G Use: D

Purple Wing Skirt = 10000G Use: D

Purple Strap Sandals = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Wing Skirt = 10000G Use: D

Elegant Gray Skirt = 9000G Use: B

Black Sandals = 10000G Use: ABCD

Shiny Yellow Skirt = 12000G Use: C

Ivory Skirt = 15000G Use: D

Blue Folding Fan = 5000G Use: ABCD

Black Sash = 1000G Use: A

Lazuline Skirt = 15000G Use: A

Elegant Plum Skirt = 9000G Use: B

Blue Flower Skirt = 9000G Use: C

Crimson Wing Skirt = 9000G Use: D

Red Flower Sash = 1000G Use: A

Pearl Skirt = 15000G Use: A

Elegant Pink Skirt = 9000G Use: B

Shiny Brown Skirt = 9000G Use: C

Moss Skirt = 9000G Use: D

Olive Sandals = 1000G Use: ABCD

Azure Sandals = 5000G Use: ABCD

Pink Sandals = 5000G Use: ABCD

Aqua Wind Chime = 5000G Use: ABCD

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Aoi Umenokouji:

Aoi is a character that can be a beginner's and an expert's dream. Aoi's

combo game is something that can be easily learned and can cause anyone to

cringe and rethink strategies. Being that said her combos string together

long and what seems to be damaging. In reality though her combos aren't as

strong as one would think. They seem damaging because of all the hits she

can string together. So for beginnners, they can at least get vets to even

back off for a moment and rethink strategies should they be able to land a

few of these combos, simply because seeing a long combo like what she is

capable of does tend to psychologically make a person say "What the hell

already?" She has a few strong attacks as well that can be abused like crazy

that beginners will love as well. Now as far as for experts, they will love

the advanced repetoire that she has in her arsenal. She is a master at

counter attacks and can use a very damaging and lethal mix up game from low

to mid to highs back down to lows all over again. In the hands of an expert,

this woman can make your life a living hell. With a devestating counter game

accompanied by a strong mix up game will leave any veteran and expert pulling

out all the stops and cursing your name without shame. The only downside to

her is that she is relatively weak. Once a vet has seen her ins and outs and

can tell what you are trying to use against them, especially if you're a

beginner with her and using the same old set of moves over and over, then

she'll be extremely vulnerable. People will learn when the openings on her

combos can be exploited and since she can't take a hit as well either, then

she'll be gone in no time flat. So when you start off as a beginner with

her, try not to get comfortable with her basics and strive to move on to her

advanced techniques. This is a character that can only be put to the

greatest of use once you've mastered her move set and put some time to

learning how to time her counter moves properly. It's not that she's a

character that is designated specifically for pro, vet, and expert players...

it's just that in order to realise her full potential, you have to learn a

balance of pressure offense and counter defense with her to win matches

flawlessly. No matter if you're picking up this game for the first time or

you've spent countless hours playing it, you can feel comfortable playing

with Aoi.

*** Goh Hinogami ***














































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- Backstory -

- Goh found himself in an old, abandoned dojo. This was a former J6 training

facility, where Goh had spent much of his youth. As he layed on the ruined

tatami mats, sunlight filtered in from the holes in the ceiling to play

across Goh's face. His orders had been to assassinate certain fighters

taking part in the Fourth World Fighting Tournament, but he had failed

completely. He had explained to his superiors that Dural's interruption of

the final match had disrupted his plans as well as the tournament itself, but

the organization had done little to hide its disappointment in him. He could

not afford to fail again. The Fifth World Tournament is his last chance to

redeem himself.

- Stats -

Nationality - Unknown

Birthday - Unknown

Hobby - Collecting Silver Accessories

Height - 176 cm (5'9 1/4)

Weight - 66 kg (145 lbs)

Measurements - 105/79/85

Blood Type - AB

Occupation - Assassin

Fighting Style - Judo

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Goh properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

FCFC = Full Circle Clockwise Forward

FCFCC = Full Circle Counter Clockwise Forward

FCBF = Full Circle Backwards Clockwise

FCBCC = Full Circle Backwards Counter Clockwise

* Normal Moves *

Shouda - P

Tsurane Shouda - P,P

Shouda~Kasumigoroshi - P,K

Shouda~Kasumigoroshi~Turn - P,K,<=

Hibara'uchi - =>,P

Rengoku - =>,P,P

Abara Kudaki - =>,=>,P

Yomi'okuri - =>,=>,P, then <=,P+G during counter hit

Kui'uchi - <=,P

Aragami - <=,P,K

Urahiji - <=,<=,P

Soukyu - <=,=>,P

Sune Kudaki = <=,,P

Sune'uchi - |,P

Raika - ,P

Kirin - ,,P

Inazuma (Migi Hibara) Geri - K

Tsukikage - =>,K

Garyu - =>,=>,K

Kyousengeri (deflect) - <=,=>,K

Yamibaraigeri - <=,K

Uchikurubushigeri - |,K

Ura Inazuma (Migi Hibara) Geri - ,K

Senryukeri - /,K

Hayabusa - =>,P+K

Jun'you - =>,P+K.P

Fudousatsu Arata - =>,=>,P+K

Karura - <=,P+K

Kotetsu - <=,P+K (when fully charged)

Kokuryusatsu Ichi - <=,=>,P+K

Kokuryusatsu Ni - <=,=>,P+K,P

Kokuryusatsu Todome - <=,=>,P+K,P,P

Kokuryusatsu Arata - <=,=>,P+K,P,=>,P

Minamobarai - |(or ^) P+K

Goukitotsu - Hold |,=>,P+K

Gohou Yuri'ori (delflect) - ,P+K

Yoroidoshi (deflect) - /,P+K

Kiribarai - K+G

Ikaruga - K+G,P

Raijinsatsu - <=,=>,K+G

Onikubikari - =>,=>,K+G

Murakumo - =>,=>,K+G, then <=,P+G during guard or hit

De'ashibarai - |(or ^) K+G

Ni'oudaoshi - ,K+G

Ni'ousatsu - ,K+G, then =>,P+G during counter hit

Orochinagi - /,K+G

Tengusatsu - UF,K+G

Basara - P+K+G

Basara~Mekira - P+K+G, then <=,,P+K during hit

Basara~Mekira~Bikara (Shinshou Sangou) - P+K+G, then <=,,P+K,=>,P during hit

Basara~Mekira~Indara (Ura Shinshou Sangou) - P+K+G, then <=,,P+K,<=,P

during hit

Zenpou Kaiten Ukemi - =>,P+K+G

Suigetsugeri - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Shouda - P (during Offensive Move)

Keri'age - K (during Offensive Move)

* Throws *

Makikomi - P+G

Tsuchikumo - =>,=>,P+G

Osotogari - <=,=>,P+G

Tsuyubarai~Todome - HCF,P+G

Tachidori~Todome - FCFC(or FCFCC) P+G

Se'oinage - =>,<=,P+G

Tai Otoshi - HCB,P+G

Hiza'ate~Oguruma - FCBC(or FCFBCC) P+G

Uchimata - =>,|,P+G

Onigari - ,P+G

Naraku Otoshi - <=,,P+G

Gourai - ,,P+G

Hiji'ate~Kuchiki'ori - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Kegon Otoshi - (opponent facing away) P+G

Kuchikitate - (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Orochi - (opponent crouching) ,P+K+G

Hiji'ate~Kuchiki'ori - (on crouching opponent's left or right) |(or ),


Kegon Otoshi - (opponent facing away and crouching) |(or ) P+K+G

* Moves from Tsukami *

Kumite Harai - P+K

Kumite Harai~Tsukami - P+K,P+G

Yamibarai - <=,,P+K

Yamibarai~Tsukami - <=,,P+K success, then =>,P+G

Tsukitobashi - From Tsukami: P+G

Zenpou Kuzushi - From Tsukami: =>

Zenpou Kuzushi~Osotogari - From Tsukami: =>,P+G

Zenpou Kuzushi~Osotoguruma - From Zenpou Kuzushi: =>,P+G

Zenpou Kuzushi~Se'oi Otoshi - From Zenpou Kuzushi: <=,P+G

Zenpou Kuzushi~Okuri'ashibarai - From Zenpou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G (back side)

Zenpou Kuzushi~Ashibarai - From Zenpou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G (front side)

Kouhou Kuzushi - From Tsukami: <=

Kouhou Kuzushi~Tamanage - From Tsukami: <=,P+G

Kouhou Kuzushi~Osoto Otoshi~Todome - From Kouhou Kuzushi: =>,P+G

Kouhou Kuzushi~Yashaguruma - From Kouhou Kuzushi: <=,P+G

Kouhou Kuzushi~Okuri'ashibarai - From Kouhou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G (back side)

Kouhou Kuzushi~Ashibarai - From Kouhou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G (front side)

Uhou Kuzushi - From Tsukami: |(or ^) (back side)

Uhou Kuzushi~Okuri'ashibarai - From Tsukami: |(or ^) P+G (back side)

Uhou Kuzushi~Osotogari - From Uhou Kuzushi: =>,P+G

Uhou Kuzushi~Hizaguruma - From Uhou Kuzushi: <=,P+G

Uhou Kuzushi~Okuri'ashibarai Gou~Todome - From Uhou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G

(back side)

Uhou Kuzushi~Ashibarai - From Uhou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G (front side)

Sahou Kuzushi - From Tsukami: |(or ^) (front side)

Sahou Kuzushi~Ashibarai - From Tsukami: |(or ^) P+G (front side)

Sahou Kuzushi~Osotogari - From Sahou Kuzushi: =>,P+G

Sahou Kuzushi~Hizaguruma - From Sahou Kuzushi: <=,P+G

Sahou Kuzushi~Okuri'ashibarai - From Sahou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G (back side)

Sahou Kuzushi~Ashibarai~Gou~Todome - From Sahou Kuzushi: |(or ^),P+G

(front side)

* Down Attacks *

Todome - (opponent down) ,P

Hayate - (opponent down) ^,P

Matasaki - (opponent lying face up, feet toward you) |(or ),P+G

Kesagatame - (opponent lying face up, head toward you) |(or ),P+G

Murasame - (opponent lying face up, right side toward you) |(or ),P+G

Udehishigi - (opponent lying face up, left side toward you) |(or ),P+G

Hi'engaeshi - (opponent lying face down, feet toward you) |(or ),P+G

Enmasatsu - (opponent lying face down, right side toward you) |(or ),P+G

Udehishigi - (opponent lying face down, left side toward you) |(or ),P+G

* Back Attacks *

Tsuki - (opponent behind) P

Tettsui - (opponent behind) |,P

Mawashigeri - (opponent behind) K

Sunegeri - (opponent behind) |,K

Kouryusatsu - (opponent behind) P+K

Ouchigari - (opponent behind) K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Tobitsuki - (while rising) P

Tobi Tetsubishi - (in midair) P

Tobigeri - (while rising or in midair) K

Tobi Suigetsugeri - (before landing) K

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Half Mask = 5000G Use: ABCD

Black Bandanna = 5000G Use: ABCD

Wild Gray Hair = 1000G Use: ABCD

Spiky Gray Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Gray Mohawk = 5000G Use: ABCD

Short Gray Ponytail = 10000G Use: ABCD

Natural Black Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Parted Black Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Blue Bandana = 5000G Use: ABCD

Orange Bandana = 9000G Use: ABCD


Stubble = 6000G Use: ABCD

Black Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

Gray Lens Sunglasses = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Gold Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Shotgun = 6000G Use: ABCD

Devil Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Skull Choker = 2000G Use: ABCD

Gray Judogi = 5000G Use: A

Orange Tanktop = 2000G Use: A

Brown Hitman Jacket = 9000G Use: B

Navy Training Wear = 12000G Use: C

Green Training Wear = 12000G Use: C

Red Flame Judogi = 8000G Use: A

Blue Training Wear = 18000G Use: C

Purple Hitman Suit = 13000G Use: D

Open Green Shirt = 6000G Use: D

Red Hitman Suit = 13000G Use: D

Open Red Shirt = 4000G Use: D

White Hitman Suit = 13000G Use: D

Open White Shirt = 4000G Use: D

Blue Tanktop = 2000G Use: A

Yellow Flame Judogi = 8000G Use: A

Yellow Tanktop = 2000G Use: A

Blue Hitman Jacket = 14000G Use: B

Blue Hitman Suit = 13000G Use: D

Open Orange Shirt = 6000G Use: D

White Judogi = 13000G Use: A

Purple Tanktop = 6000G Use: A

Beige Hitman Jacket = 18000G Use: B

Aqua Training Wear = 18000G Use: C

Tan Hitman Suit = 18000G Use: D

Open Cobalt Shirt = 6000G Use: D

Green Flame Judogi = 18000G Use: A

Green Tanktop = 6000G Use: A

Purple Hitman Jacket = 18000G Use: B

Orange Training Wear = 18000G Use: C

Yellow Training Wear = 18000G Use: C

Moss Hitman Suit = 18000G Use: D

Open Lime Shirt = 6000G Use: D


Croc Skin Bracelet = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Hand Tape = 10000G Use: ABCD

Leather Bracelet = 10000G Use: ABCD

White Leather Gloves = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Hand Tape = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

White Loafers = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gray Judo Pants = 3000G Use: A

Brown Leather Pants = 6000G Use: B

Dark Red Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Dark Blue Gym Pants = 8000G Use: C

White Gym Pants = 8000G Use: C

Silver Sneakers = 10000G Use: ABCD

Gold Sneakers = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Flame Judo Belt = 1000G Use: A

Red Flame Pants = 5000G Use: A

Black/Gray Gym Pants = 12000G Use: C

Purple Hitman Pants = 8000G Use: D

Red Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

Red Hitman Pants = 8000G Use: D

White Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

White Hitman Pants = 8000G Use: D

Blue Flame Judo Belt = 1000G Use: A

Yellow Judo Belt = 1000G Use: A

Yellow Flame Pants = 5000G Use: A

Blue Leather Pants = 9000G Use: B

Black Leather Belt = 1000G Use: B

Brown Leather Belt = 1000G Use: B

Orange Training Wear = 18000G Use: C

Green Gym Pants = 12000G Use: C

Blue Hitman Pants = 8000G Use: D

Brown Leather Belt = 1000G Use: D

Red Bandages = 9000G Use: ABCD

White Judo Pants = 8000G Use: A

White Leather Belt = 1000G Use: B

Beige Leather Pants = 12000G Use: B

Gray Gym Pants = 9000G Use: C

Tan Hitman Pants = 12000G Use: D

Green Flame Pants = 12000G Use: A

Purple Leather Pants = 12000G Use: B

Yellow Gym Pants = 12000G Use: C

Moss Hitman Pants = 9000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Goh Hinogami:

I've actually sat down and tried using Goh.....I mean seriously, at first

glance when you see Goh just by appearance and some of the demo movies that

have him in it, you'd think that he's a total badass and want to immedieately

play as him without a second thought. Well there's a very big problem with

that....his fighting style! Goh has a very complex style. His move set is

far different than any other character's to say the least. He has a few

reliable combos that you can fall back on, but that's not saying much with

him. You have to learn how to utilize his complex grapples and advance

countering system. I would put Goh up in the Akira range of characters. Goh

is yet another character that if you're a total beginner to the game, you

have to stay away from him. Alot of hours will be spent in the Dojo trying

to perfect his style on just the grappling alone. You have to set up an

opponent in certain situations in order to start up his advanced techniques.

Like I said before, he does have a few combos and strikes that you can fall

back on, but if you try to rely solely on them, you're going to easily get

dominated by players that are even in the mid-exprienced range. They don't

have to be an expert with the characters they are using, they just have to

know the game well enough to beat you if you use this. So be prepared to

spend alot of time learning his countering as well. His most damaging

potential is when he does get the opponent in close and starts holding

control over them with his grabs and counters. You can easily destroy

everyone you face simply because Goh offers alot of unblockable grapples and

grapple combos. And once you get the timing down to utilize his countering

game, you are quite possibly one of the most deadliest Virtua Fighter players

around. No one can mount a true game plan against an opponent if you keep

on breaking their's up and surprising them with a few tricks of your own.

Goh has a very solid defensive game to say the least, so if you're a turtle

fighter, then here's your character. If you can learn to time counters

properly (even to the point that you just win matches solely on using counter

grabs and counter grapple combos) and use some of the grapple combos and

grapple moves along with some of his offensive combos and strikes as a mix up

game, then no person in their right mind can truely say that they can begin

an offense or even a defense against you. I'd be hard pressed to say that

the few expert Goh players I've fought haven't pushed me to my limits. You

will only find a challenge presented to you as an expert Goh fighter from

experts only with other characters since only they would be able to maybe

figure out a way to finally break your balance of offense/defense/counter

mix. So to finally finish this off, spend your time in the dojo training

with Goh to learn him inside and out, and don't get frustrated if can't get

things down right on the first try. The saying holds very true with Goh and

his style of fighting, patience is a virtue.

*** Kage-Maru ***

























































- Backstory -

- Kage-Maru had entered the fourth tournament to save the soul of his mother,

Tsukikage, who had been transformed into Dural by J6. He made it to the

final round, but the finals were interrupted by the sudden intrusion of

Dural. Kage-Maru tried to reach whatever was left of Tsukikage, but realized

that it was too late. He destroyed Tsukikage and Dural with his own hands.

Afterwards, however, he realized that the destroyed Dural he held in his arms

was not Tsukikage, but one of the production model Durals. After further

investigation, Kage-Maru found that J6 continued the Dural Project with a new

model with Vanessa's abilities. Kage-Maru decides to enter the fifth

tournament - to stop J6, and to save Tsukikage.

- Stats -

Nationality - Japanese

Birthday - 06/06/1970

Hobby - Mah-Jong

Height - 178 cm (5'10)

Weight - 66 kg (145 lbs)

Measurements - 101/89/90

Blood Type - B

Occupation - Ninja

Fighting Style - Hagakure-ryu Ju-Jutsu

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Kage properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Danken - P

Resshou - P,P

Sandangeki - P,P,P

Sanden Urageri - P,P,P,K

Sandan Fujinkyaku - P,P,P,<=(or UB) K

Resshou Rasengeki - P,P,<=,P

Resshou Rasengeki~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - P,P,<=,P (hold P)

Resshou Rasengeki~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - P,P,<=,P,P+K+G

Sandan Rasen Urageri - P,P,<=,P,K

Rekkukyaku - P,P,K

Rekku Renkyaku - P,P,K,K

Hagasane - P,K

Hagasane~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - P,K,P+K+G

Hiji'uchi - =>,P

Hiji'uchi~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - =>,P (hold P)

Hiji'uchi~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - =>,P,P+K+G

Rasen - <=,P

Rasen~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - <=,P (hold P)

Rasen~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - <=,P,P+K+G

Rasen Urageri - <=,P,K

Rakujin Gaeri - <=,<=,P

Jizuridan - |,P

Hagakure-ryu In Yougeki - Hold |,,P

Fusenjin - ,P

Shippuzan - ,,P

Sokudan - /,P

Sokudangasane - /,P,K

Sokudangasane~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - /,P,K,P+K+G

Zenten - HCF,P

Kouten - HCB,P

Zenten 2 - From Zenten or Kouten: HCF,P

Kouten 2 - From Zenten: HCB,P

Shinsodan - From Zenten 2 or Kouten 2: HCF,P

Kaiten Jizurikyaku - From Zenten or Kouten: K

Kaiten Kageyaiba - From Zenten or Kouten: =>,|,,P+K

Kaiten Ryugakuha - From Zenten or Kouten: K+G (can be charged)

Kaiten Ryugakuha~Cancel - From Zenten or Kouten: K+G, then G while charging

Kaiten Rairyu Hishoukyaku - From Zenten or Kouten: HCF,P+K+G

Tsukikaeshigeri - K

Surigeri - |,K

Fushin Hizageri - Hold |,=>,K

Doukudaki - =>,K

Ryu'eikyaku - =>,=>,K

Ryu-eikyaku~Cancel - =>,=>,K,G

Kodachinuki (deflect) - <=,K

Kodachinuki~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - <=,K (hold K)

Kodachinuki~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - <=,K,P+K+G

In Senpugeri - From Kodachinuki~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: UF,K

Ryubigeri - <=,K,K

Tenshin Agokudaki - <=,K,K,K

Ura Tsumujigeri - <=,<=,K

Kuruwageri - <=,=>,K

Kuruwageri~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - <=,=>,K (hold K)

Nakageri - ,K

Rasen Fujin - ,K,P

Rasen Fujin~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - ,K,P,P+K+G

Rasen Kouryujin - ,K,P,P

Jibashiri - /,K

Senpugeri - UB,K

Tobimaegeri - ^(or UF) K

Bosatsushou (stagger) - P+K

Hagakure-ryu In Raijingeki - <=,=>,P+K

Hagakure-ryu In Raijingeki~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - <=,=>,P+K,P+K+G

Rakusenjin Gaeshi - =>,P+K,P

Kasumi Yaiba - =>,=>,P+K

Kage Yaiba - =>,|,,P+K

Hishou Nichirinzan - =>,|,,P+K then P during guard or hit

Hishou Rendan - =>,|,,P+K then K during guard or hit

Hagakure-ryu In Suzaku Hishoukyaku - =>,|,,P+K,P,K,then K during hit

Naraku Otoshi - =>,|,,P+K,K

Senpujin - |,P+K

Senpujin~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - |,P+K,P+K+G

Fujin Urasuisha - |,P+K,K

Fujin Urasuisha~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - |,P+K,K (hold K)

Rakuyou Senpudan - ^,P+K

Souhajin - ,P+K

Rasengeri - K+G

Fusen Renkyaku - =>,K+G

Hagaryu - =>,=>,K+G

Gen'you - <=,K+G

Gen'you Otoshi - <=,K+G then <=,P+G during guard or hit

Ryubisen - <=,<=,K+G

Tsumujigeri - |,K+G

Ryugakuha - |,,=>,K+G (can be charged)

Ryugakuha~Cancel - |,,=>,K+G, then G while charging

Urasuisha - ,K+G

Urasuisha~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - ,K+G (hold K+G)

Suishageri - UB,K+G

Engetsugeri - UF,K+G

Rairyu Hishoukyaku - =>,=>,P+K+G

Sokuten - <=,<=,P+K+G

Sokuten~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - <=,<=,P+K+G (hold P+K+G)

Sokuten~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - <=,<=,P+K+G,P+K+G

Jisuberibashiri - Hold =>,K (while running)

Hagakure Senjin - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Ryusuizan - P (during Offensive Move)

Ryusui Urageri - K (during Offensive Move)

* From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae *

Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae - P+K+G

Juji Danken - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P

Jumonji Hagasane - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P,K

Jumonji Hagasane~Normal Stance - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P,K

(hold K)

Hagakure-ryu In Kama'itachi - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P,K,K+G

Hagakure-ryu You Kusabi'uchi - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: =>,P

Suigetsugeri - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: K

Hagakure-ryu In Dounuki - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: =>,K

Hagakure-ryu In Dounuki~Normal Stance - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae:

=>,K (hold K)

Suimengeri - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: |,K

Hagakure-ryu In Suigetsuhou (deflect) - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae:


Hagakure-ryu In Suigetsuhou~Normal Stance - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji

Kamae: P+K (hold P+K)

Hagakure-ryu You Hi'en - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: K+G

Hagakure-ryu You Hi'en~Normal Stance - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae:

K+G (hold K+G)

Fushin Randangeki - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P+G

Fushin Randangeki~Normal Stance - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae:

P+G (hold P+G if fail)

Hagakure-ryu You Jumonjibashiri - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: =>,=>

Hagakure-ryu In Kabutowari - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonjibashiri: K

Hagakure-ryu In Kagenui - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonjibashiri: ,K+G

Hagakure-ryu In Ryubigaeshi - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonjibashiri: ,K+G,

then P+G during hit

Ryu'eiten - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: |(or ^)

Hagakure-ryu In Chinryu - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: (vs high/mid


Hagakure-ryu In Myou'oujin - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae:

(P+K+G vs mid/side kick)

Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: <=,P+K+G

Juji Uraha - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P

Ura Tachigeri - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: K

Ura Tachigeri~Normal Stance - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji

Kamae: K (hold K)

Ura Shutou Rin - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: |,P

Ura Shutou Rin~Normal Stance - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You

Jumonji Kamae: |,P (hold P)

Ura Minamogeri - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: |,K

Ura Minamogeri~Normal Stance - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You

Jumonji Kamae: |,K (hold K)

Ura'ate - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P+K

Ura'ate~Normal Stance - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji

Kamae: P+K (hold P+K)

Zan'eiten - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: |(or ^)

Yamigasumi - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P+G

Hagakure-ryu You Raimeizan - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji

Kamae: P+G,P

Amatsukitsune - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae: P+K+G

Amatsukitsune~Normal Stance - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji

Kamae: P+K+G (hold P+K+G)

* From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin *

Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - <=,P+K+G

Hagakure-ryu In Fujin - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P

Hagakure-ryu In Shinsokujin - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P,P

Hagakure-ryu In Shinsoku Renjin - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P,P,P

Hagakure-ryu In Kumobarai - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P,K

Hagakure-ryu In Shouryuzan - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: ,P

Hagakure-ryu In Kusanagigiri - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: =>,P

Hagakure-ryu In Shippukyaku - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: K

Hagakure-ryu In Ryubibarai - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: |,K

Hagakure-ryu In Ryubi Renkyaku - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: |,K,K

Hagakure-ryu In Ryujin - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P+K

Fushin Randangeki - From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P+G

Hagakure-ryu In Ura Fujin - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin:


Ura Shutou - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: |,P

Gyakugeri - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: K

Hangetsugeri - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: |,K

Hairyusou - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: ^,K

Ura Senpugeri - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: UB,K

Tachi Shutou - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P+K

Tachi Shutou~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu

In Shippujin: P+K,P+K+G

Shin'youshu - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P+K,K

Yamigasumi - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P+G

Hagakure-ryu You Raimeizan - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In

Shippujin: P+G,P

Amatsukitsune - (opponent behind) From Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin: P+K+G

* Throws *

Taitou - P+G

Jungyaku Jizai - =>,P+G

Kagegasumi - <=,=>,P+G

Tomoenage - <=,P+G

Ko'enraku - =>,<=,P+G

Izuna Otoshi - =>,<=,P+G,^,P+G

Fugasumi - <=,|,P+G

Katanagasumi - ,P+G

Fushin Randangeki - UF,P+G

Hakakure-ryu In Shiranui - (wall behind) <=,|,P+G

Kirigasumi - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Jungyaku Jizai - (on opponent's left or right) =>,P+G

Ha'uragasumi - (opponent facing away) P+G

Jungyaku Jizai - (opponent facing away) =>,P+G

* Reversals *

Kotegaeshi - <=,P+K (vs high punch)

Kotegaeshi - /,P+K (vs mid punch)

* Down Attacks *

Kakato Otoshi - (opponent down) ,K

Hi'endan - (opponent down, close range) ^,P

Asuka - (opponent down, mid range) ^,P

Hishougeki - (opponent down, long range) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Uraha - (opponent behind) P

Ura Shutou - (opponent behind) |,P

Gyakugeri - (opponent behind) K

Hangetsugeri - (opponent behind) |,K

Hairyusou - (opponent behind) ^,K

In Senpugeri - UF,K (during turning attack)

Ura Senpugeri - (opponent behind) UB,K

Tachi Shutou - (opponent behind) P+K

Tachi Shutou~Hagakure-ryu In Shippujin - (opponent behind) P+K,P+K+G

Shin'youshu - (opponent behind) P+K,K

Yamigasumi - (opponent behind) P+G

Hagakure-ryu You Raimeizan - (opponent behind) P+G,P

Amatsukitsune - (opponent behind) P+K+G

Amatsukitsune~Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji - (opponent behind) P+K+G (hold P+K+G)

* Jump Attacks *

Shutou - (while rising) P

Tobi Seiken - (in midair) P

Tsukikakatogeri - (while rising or in midair) K

Jitsumuji - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Kaimon Kousui - (wall in front) <=,P+K

Boukeshu - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Brown Topknot = 1000G Use: ABCD

Samurai Helm = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ninja Hood = 1000G Use: A

Black Ninja Hood = 1000G Use: A

White Ninja Hood = 1000G Use: A

Brown Helmet = 1000G Use: B

Gray Helmet = 1000G Use: B

Shaggy Black Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Green Shinobi Hood = 1000G Use: C

Purple Shinobi Hood = 1000G Use: C

Red Ninja Hood = 1000G Use: A

Green Camo Hood = 2000G Use: C

Silver Ninja Helm = 2000G Use: D

Black Topknot = 9000G Use: ABCD

Silver Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Long Silver Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Red Battle Hood = 1000G Use: D

Yellow Battle Hood = 1000G Use: D

Yellow Ninja Hood = 1000G Use: A

Blue Helmet = 2000G Use: B

Orange Camo Hood = 2000G Use: C

Blue Ninja Helm = 2000G Use: D

Purple Ninja Hood = 4000G Use: A

Green Helmet = 4000G Use: B

White Shinobi Hood = 4000G Use: C

Gray Battle Hood = 4000G Use: D

Orange Ninja Hood = 4000G Use: A

Red Helmet = 4000G Use: B

Violet Camo Hood = 4000G Use: C


Green Shinobi Mask = 1000G Use: C

Purple Shinobi Mask = 1000G Use: C

Navy Shinobi Mask = 1000G Use: C

Ryusui Battle Mask = 2000G Use: ACD

Red Battle Mask = 1000G Use: ACD

Mauve Shinobi Mask = 1000G Use: C

Black Shinobi Mask = 1000G Use: C

Blue Battle Mask = 2000G Use: ACD

Yellow Ninja Mask = 5000G Use: ABCD

Teal Ninja Mask = 2000G Use: ABCD

White Shinobi Mask = 4000G Use: C

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

Gray Battle Mask = 2000G Use: ACD

Purple Battle Mask = 2000G Use: ACD

Violet Shinobi Mask = 2000G Use: C

Spectacles = 1000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Black Ninja Sword = 1000G Use: ABCD

Huge Throwing Star = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ninja Suit = 6000G Use: A

Brown Scarf = 1000G Use: A

Black Ninja Suit = 6000G Use: A

Black Scarf = 1000G Use: A

White Ninja Suit = 6000G Use: A

White Scarf = 1000G Use: A

Brown Armor = 8000G Use: B

Gray Armor = 8000G Use: B

Green Shinobi Armor = 12000G Use: C

Purple Shinobi Armor = 12000G Use: C

Red Ninja Suit = 9000G Use: A

Red Scarf = 1000G Use: A

Orange Undershirt = 3000G Use: B

Green Camo Armor = 18000G Use: C

Purple Battle Suit = 19000G Use: D

Ryusui Battle Collar = 2000G Use: D

Red Battle Suit = 13000G Use: D

Red Battle Mail = 4000G Use: D

Yellow Battle Suit = 13000G Use: D

Yellow Battle Mail = 4000G Use: D

Yellow Ninja Suit = 9000G Use: A

Blue Armor = 11000G Use: B

Blue Undershirt = 3000G Use: B

Orange Camo Armor = 18000G Use: C

Blue Battle Suit = 19000G Use: D

Purple Ninja Suit = 12000G Use: A

Green Armor = 12000G Use: B

White Shinobi Armor = 6000G Use: C

White Shinobi Mail = 3000G Use: C

Gray Battle Collar = 2000G Use: D

Gray Battle Suit = 6000G Use: D

Orange Ninja Suit = 12000G Use: A

Red Armor = 12000G Use: B

Red Armor Scarf = 2000G Use: B

Orange Scarf = 2000G Use: A

Violet Camo Armor = 12000G Use: C

Grape Battle Suit = 12000G Use: D

Violet Battle Collar = 2000G Use: D


Brown Gauntlets = 6000G Use: ABCD

Black Arm Guards = 1000G Use: ABCD

Navy Arm Guards = 2000G Use: ABCD

Gold Armlet = 1000G Use: D

Amber Battle Bracers = 2000G Use: ABCD

Black Hand Tape = 2000G Use: ABCD

Red Battle Bracers = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gold Gauntlets = 10000G Use: ABCD

Purple Armlet = 1000G Use: D

Green Armlet = 1000G Use: D

Red Arm Guards = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gray Armlet = 1000G Use: D

Violet Arm Guards = 2000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Black Short Sword = 9000G Use: AB

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Coin Roll = 4000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ninja Pants = 4000G Use: A

Black Ninja Pants = 4000G Use: A

White Ninja Pants = 4000G Use: A

Brown Armor Pants = 5000G Use: B

White Belt = 1000G Use: A

Red Armor Belt = 1000G Use: B

Gray Armor Belt = 1000G Use: B

Gray Armor Pants = 5000G Use: B

Gray Armor Sandals = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Shinobi Pants = 8000G Use: C

Purple Shinobi Pants = 8000G Use: C

Black Belt = 1000G Use: A

Red Ninja Pants = 6000G Use: A

Purple Armor Sandals = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Camo Pants = 12000G Use: C

Navy Battle Belt = 2000G Use: D

Purple Battle Pants = 13000G Use: D

Ninja Battle Greaves = 4000G Use: ABCD

Red Battle Belt = 1000G Use: D

Red Battle Pants = 8000G Use: D

Black Leg Tape = 1000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Battle Belt = 1000G Use: D

Yellow Battle Pants = 8000G Use: D

Amber Battle Greaves = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Belt = 1000G Use: A

Yellow Ninja Pants = 6000G Use: A

Blue Armor Belt = 2000G Use: B

Blue Armor Pants = 5000G Use: B

Green Tabi Boots = 1000G Use: ABCD

Orange Camo Pants = 12000G Use: C

Blue Battle Belt = 2000G Use: D

Blue Battle Pants = 13000G Use: D

Purple Ninja Pants = 8000G Use: A

Green Armor Pants = 8000G Use: B

White Shinobi Pants = 4000G Use: C

Gray Battle Belt = 2000G Use: D

Gray Battle Pants = 4000G Use: D

Orange Ninja Pants = 8000G Use: A

Orange Armor Belt = 2000G Use: B

Red Armor Pants = 8000G Use: B

Violet Camo Pants = 8000G Use: C

Violet Ninja Greaves = 1000G Use: ABCD

Grape Battle Belt = 2000G Use: D

Grape Battle Pants = 8000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Kage-Maru:

Kage-Maru is kinda funny in terms of character difficulty and such. Normally

a ninja character is one of the most frustrating, confusing, and extremely

difficult characters in the roster to learn and master their moves with. But

that's not necessarily the case with Kage-Maru. I don't know if it's because

he's one of the characters that has ended up in the finals often enough in

previous games, or if he's the one that's suppose to be the main character of

the game despite the fact they keep giving Akira that appearance. Whatever

the case may be, Kage-Maru is a character that anyone no matter what their

skill level is, can pick up Kage and find a comfort zone with him. Beginner

players will love the fact that he has some simple and extremely reliable

combos and strike moves that will give you a sense of satisfaction and means

of getting use to the game. Expert players will love Kage's advance

repetoire of moves that, just like any other ninja character, range from

tricky to deadly. It's hard to find a reason not to like him. As a

beginner, I'd recommend that you use Kage-Maru to try and learn the game

with. Kage is a character that offers you the opportunity to learn and

easily progress into expert techniques without too much stress and worry.

Kage's move set allows a beginner to move up at a nice and even pace,

learning advanced to expert move sets with just a little difficulty. The

only problem with Kage would be that if you are a beginner and get over

confident with him thinking that you would be able to immdieately take on his

expert moves without learning the basics. It is very easy to think you're

greater than everyone else with Kage's moves, plus the fact that he's a ninja

as well probably has something to do with it too. Just remember to hold back

your overconfidence and make sure to learn the basics properly and progress

at a normal pace. Just alittle but of time in the dojo is all that is needed

with Kage as well. Kage offers up a nice balance of speed and damage. Kage

isn't exactly a defensive kinda character. He has the means of being a

counter character, just not to the extent of Goh. Kage can counter with

strikes and combos which does make him dangerous if you have put in the time

to learn his counters properly. Kage can have an answer for anyone and

anything that you throw at him, just so long as you're not trying to rely on

him being a tank that can easily take damage like it's nothing. An expert

Kage player can become a huge annoyance to anyone. If you push pressure on

your opponent with Kage and take a few breathers to either let them offer up

a chance for a counter or to allow the opponent to give up an opening to push

more pressure onto them and finish them off. One big thing that Kage has

going for him is arsenal of launchers. Kage is by far one of the easiest

characters that can throw people over walls no matter the height. As said

before....Kage has an answer for everything. You can become a true nightmare

with punishing combos and strikes, or you can become the cheesiest guy

around.....either way, Kage can offer up a ton of victories in your books if

you use him to your advantage.

*** Sarah Bryant ***























































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- Backstory -

- Sarah had entered the Fourth World Fighting Tournament in the hopes that

surpassing her brother would allow her to put her past behind her. But while

she was able to push Jacky to the edge, she was unable to defeat him. In

addition, Sarah was faced with the sudden disappearance of Vanessa, who had

been protecting her. Then one day, Sarah heard that Jacky had resumed his

training in order to destroy J6 itself. Sarah decided that if she could

destroy J6 first, she could both surpass her brother and prevent anyone else

from becoming a victim of the evil organization. But Sarah knew too little

of the power of J6. Her efforts to infiltrate J6 play neatly into their

hands, and danger threatens her once again...

- Stats -

Nationality - American

Birthday - 7/04/1973

Hobby - Sky Diving

Height - 173 cm (5'8)

Weight - 55 kg

Measurements - 90/57/90

Blood Type - AB

Occupation - College Student

Fighting Style - Martial Arts

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Sarah properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

FCFC = Full Circle Foward Clockwise

FCFCC = Full Circle Foward Counter Clockwise

FCBC = Full Circle Backwards Clockwise

FCBCC = Full Circle Backwards Counter Clockwise

* Normal Moves *

Straight Lead - P

Jab Straight - P,P

Flash Piston Punch (A) - P,P,P

Combo Rising Knee - P,P,P,K

Combo Somersault Kick - P,P,P,<=(or UB) K

Combo Scarecrow - P,P,P,^,K

Flash Piston Punch (B) - P,P,<=,P

Combo Somersault Kick - P,P,<=(or UB) P,K

Flash Piston Punch (C) - P,P,^,P

Combo Somersault Kick - P,P,^,P,K

Combo Back Spin Kick - P,P,K

Combo Reverse High Kick - P,P,K,K

Serpent Tail - P,P,|,K

Serpent Bite - P,P,|,K, then K just before hit

Punch High Kick - P,K

Punch Knee Kick - P,<=,K

Rising Elbow - =>,P

Elbow Side Chop - =>,P,P

Double Joint Butt - =>,P,K

Elbow Hook Kick =>,P,<=,K

Elbow Hook Kick~Step - =>,P,<=,K,P+K+G

Back Knuckle - <=,P

Serpent Rage - <=,P,K

Serpent Frenzy - <=,P,K, then K during hit or guard

Tail Sweep - <=,P,K,K+G

Serpent Claw - <=,P,K,<=,K

Back Knuckle Turn - <=,<=,P

Squat Straight - |,P

Snap Side Chop - ,P

Setup Combination - ,P,K

Setup Combination~Step - ,P,K,P+K+G

Vertical Hook Kick - K

High Kick Straight - K,P

Double Thrust Kick - K,K

Knee Kick - =>,K

Dash Knee - =>,=>,K

Switch Kick - <=,K

Sharpsword - <=,<=,K

Sharpsword Combo - <=,<=,K,K

Sharpsword Combo Cancel - <=,<=,K,K,G

Quick Knee - <=,=>,K

Jackknife Kick - |,K

Jackknife Middle Kick - |,K,K

Low Kick - Hold |(or /) K

Spin Turn Kick - Hold |,<=,K

Double Spin Kick - Hold |,<=,K,K

Middle Kick - ,K

Mirage Kick - ,K,K

Dragon Smash Cannon - ,,K

Feather Scarecrow - ^,K

Full Spin Heel Kick - UF,K

Heel Kick Moonsault - UF,K,P+K+G

Somersault Kick - UB,K

Hide Side Kick (deflect) - P+K

Breeze Shot - =>,P+K

Wind Knuckle - =>,P+K,P

Storm Combination - =>,P+K,P,K

Storm Combination Cancel - =>,P+K,P,K,G

Rising Upper - =>,P+K,,P

Blizzard Kick - =>,P+K,,P,K

Blizzard Kick Cancel - =>,P+K,,P,K,G

Double Rise Kick - <=,P+K

Serpent Toe Kick - |,P+K

Serpent Smash Cannon - |,P+K,K

Spinning Scarecrow - K+G

Spinning Scarecrow~Step - K+G,P+K+G

Crush Tornado - (while rising from a crouch) K+G (can be charged)

Heel Slash - =>,K+G

Shadow Slash - =>,K+G,K

Spear Kick - =>,=>,K+G

Spear Kick Combo - =>,=>,K+G,K

Spear Kick Combo Cancel - =>,=>,K+G,K,G

Crescent Heel - <=,K+G

Crescent Hell Cancel - <=,K+G,G

Leg Slicer - |,K+G

Rising Knee - Hold |,=>,K+G

Rising Knee Double - Hold |,=>,K+G,K

Rising Knee Combo - Hold |,=>,K+G, then K (delayed)

Round Kick - ^,K+G

Low Spin Kick - ,K+G

Valkyrie Low - /,K+G

Valkyrie Sword - /,K+G,K

Valkyrie Sword~Step - /,K+G,K,P+K+G

Valkyrie Flight - UF,K+G

Valkyrie Jab - UF,K+G,P

Valkyrie Straight - UF,K+G,P,P

Valkyrie Strike - UF,K+G,P,P,K

Sword Slash - UF,K+G,K

Sword Rush Combo - UF,K+G,K,K

Sword Rush Combo Cancel - UF,K+G,K,K,G

Moonsault - UF,P+G+K

Running Knee - Hold =>,K (while running)

Sidestep Kick - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Sidestep Slash - P (during Offensive Move)

Sidestep Knee - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Flamingo *

Step-In Menace - From Flamingo: =>

Cut-In Punch - From Flamingo: P

Cut-In Chop - From Flamingo: ,P

Rapid Kick - From Flamingo: K

Step Kick Combination - From Flamingo: K,K

High Kick Shift Combination - From Flamingo: K,=>,K

Low Cut Combination - From Flamingo: K,|,K

Cannon Combination - From Flamingo: K,K+G

Guard Crush Sword - From Flamingo: =>,K

Valkyrie Lancer - From Flamingo: <=,K

Crush Low - From Flamingo: |,K

Hand Hold Neck Cut - From Flamingo: |,K, then P+G during hit

Somersault Kick - From Flamingo: ^(or UB) K

Cut-In Middle - From Flamingo: ,K

Switch Low - From Flamingo: /,K

Fake - From Flamingo: P+K

Back Knuckle - From Flamingo: =>,P+K

Back Knuckle Side Kick - From Flamingo: =>,P+K,K

Back Knuckle Low Kick - From Flamingo: =>,P+K,|,K

Edge Kick Combo Double - From Flamingo: =>,P+K,|,K, then K during hit

Edge Kick Combo Triple - From Flamingo: =>,P+K,|,K, then K,K during hit

Side Neck Cut Sword - From Flamingo: |(or ^) P+K

Side Neck Cut Sword Cancel - From Flamingo: |(or ^) P+K,G

Back Spin Kick - From Flamingo: K+G

Mirage Step - From Flamingo: K+G,|(or ^)

Reverse High Kick - From Flamingo: K+G,K

Heel Sword Slash - From Flamingo: =>,K+G

Low Spin Kick - From Flamingo: |,K+G

Heel Sword - From Flamingo: ,K+G

Neck Cut Slash - From Flamingo: ,K+G, then P+G during guard or hit

Leg Hook Throw - From Flamingo: P+G

Gatling Kick Beat - From Flamingo: FCFC(or FCFCC) P+G

Back Roll Escape - From Flamingo: <=,P+K+G

Moonsault - From Flamingo: UF,P+K+G

Turn Knuckle - (opponent behind) From Flamingo: P

Turn Low Straight - (opponent behind) From Flamingo: |,P

Turn Kick - (opponent behind) From Flamingo: K

Turn Low Spin Kick - (opponent behind) From Flamingo: |,K

* Moves From Step *

Step - From Flamingo: P+K+G

Step~Cross Straight - From Step: P

Cross Straight~Hook Kick - From Step: P,K

Cross Straight~Hook Kick~Step - From Step: P,K,P+K+G

Step~Toe Kick - From Step: K

Step~Toe Kick Cancel - From Step: K,G

Toe Kick~Back Spin Kick - From Step: K,K

Toe Kick Combination - From Step: K,K,K

Toe Kick Combination Cancel - From Step: K,K,K,G

Step~Low Kick - From Step: |,K

Step~Edge Kick Combo Double - From Step: |,K, then K during hit

Step~Edge Kick Combo Triple - From Step: |,K, then K,K during hit

Step~Fake - From Step: P+K

Step~Round Spin Kick - From Step: K+G

Tornado Spin Kick - From Step: K+G,K

Step~Serpent Tail - From Step: |,K+G

Step~Serpent Bite - From Step: |,K+G, then K just before hit

* Throws *

Valkyrie Rage - P+G

Requiem - =>,P+G

Requiem~Mirage Step Kick - =>,P+G,|(or ^)

Neckbreaker Drop - =>,=>,P+G

Leg Hold Throw - <=,=>,P+G

Sweet Pain - FCFC(or FCFCC) P+G

Mermaid Phalanx - <=,P+G

Front Suplex - =>,<=,P+G

Falling Angel Throw - =>,/,P+G

Rolling Face Crush - UF,P+G

Lighting Knee Smash - (wall behind opponent) <=,P+G

Shell Break Elbow - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Backdrop - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Down Attacks *

Soccerball Kick - (opponent down) ,K

Jumping Knee Stamp - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Turn Knuckle - (opponent behind) P

Turn Low Straight - (opponent behind) |,P

Turn Kick - (opponent behind) K

Dragon Kick - (opponent behind) <=,K

Turn Low Spin Kick - (opponent behind) |,K

Turn Rising Kick - (opponent behind) /,K

Turn Hook Kick - (opponent behind) K+G

Turn Hook Kick~Step - (opponent behind) K+G,P+K+G

Moonsault - (opponent behind) P+K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Elbow - (while rising) P

Step Straight - (in midair) P

Step Hook Kick - (in midair) K

Step Heel Kick - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

React Round Kick - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Wall Back Roll - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Purple Star Earrings = 4000G Use: ABCD

Leopard Hat = 15000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 1000G Use: ABCD

Parted Red Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Curled Red Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Slicked Black Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Black Slmagee Ponytail = 10000G Use: ABCD

Shaggy Black Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Amber Star Earrings = 10000G Use: ABCD


Wild Makeup = 5000G Use: ABCD

Eyepatch = 10000G Use: ABCD

Gradation Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Slim Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Beauty Mark = 10000G Use: ABCD

Blue Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Magic Staff = 5000G Use: ABCD

Silver Star Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Bodysuit = 3000G Use: A

Red Camisole = 3000G Use: C

Brown Party Dress = 5000G Use: B

Black Casual Shirt = 10000G Use: C

Pink Casual Shirt = 10000G Use: C

Green Bodysuit = 3000G Use: A

Blue Floral Shirt = 15000G Use: C

White Camisole = 3000G Use: C

Black Long Coat = 23000G Use: D

Green Long Coat = 15000G Use: D

White Long Coat = 15000G Use: D

Black Bodysuit = 5000G Use: A

Pink Bodysuit = 5000G Use: A

Lacy Pink Dress = 8000G Use: B

Brown Floral Shirt = 15000G Use: C

Yellow Camisole = 3000G Use: C

Orange Long Coat = 23000G Use: D

Orange Bodysuit = 8000G Use: A

Blue Party Dress = 8000G Use: B

Maroon Casual Dress = 23000G Use: C

Light Blue Camisole = 8000G Use: C

Brown Long Coat = 23000G Use: D

Light Blue Bodysuit = 8000G Use: A

Lacy Orange Dress = 5000G Use: B

Beige Floral Shirt = 23000G Use: C

Black Camisole = 8000G Use: C

Blue Long Coat = 23000G Use: D


Gothic Bangle = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Armwarmers = 9000G Use: AB

White Gloves = 1000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Leg Holster = 4000G Use: ABC

Zebra Leg Warmers = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Fire Long Boots = 15000G Use: ABCD

Red Leather Pants = 7000G Use: A

Black Jeans = 7000G Use: C

Light Blue Jeans = 7000G Use: C

White Long Boots = 1000G Use: ABCD

Casual Inner Wear = 15000G Use: B

Gold Trim Boots = 6000G Use: ABCD

Beige Studded Belt = 1000G Use: C

Gray Jeans = 7000G Use: C

Purple Enamel Shorts = 10000G Use: D

Gray Leather Belt = 1000G Use: A

Green Enamel Shorts = 10000G Use: D

White Enamel Shorts = 10000G Use: D

Black Leather Pants = 10000G Use: A

Pink Leather Pants = 10000G Use: A

Beige Party Boots = 10000G Use: ABCD

Pink Studded Belt = 1000G Use: C

Brown Jeans = 7000G Use: C

Brown Studded Belt = 1000G Use: C

Red Enamel Shorts = 10000G Use: D

Red Straight Boots = 1000G Use: ABCD

Beige Leather Belt = 1000G Use: A

Orange Leather Pants = 15000G Use: A

Blue Leather Sash = 1000G Use: B

Blue Studded Belt = 1000G Use: C

Olive Jeans = 15000G Use: C

Orange Enamel Shorts = 15000G Use: D

Light Blue Pants = 15000G Use: A

Orange Leather Sash = 1000G Use: B

White Jeans = 15000G Use: C

Pink Enamel Shorts = 15000G Use: D

Blue Fire Long Boots = 15000G Use: ABCD

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Sarah:

Well first off other than being a blonde bombshell, Sarah's got a fighting

style that any beginner can easily take to. I'm really surprised at how

simplistic her style is, while still being strong and damaging. I find that

hard to believe that she hasn't placed high in the previous game tournaments,

let alone be able to beat her brother. Her fighting style does remind me

alot of Hwoarang's from the Tekken series. Some Tekken players that use

him like crazy will find a somewhat familiar ground with Sarah. Her combos

are simplistic and with little practice, easily learned. She is a huge combo

fighter, so you have to learn head on to use her combos in order to win

matches. She does have a few big strikes that can be used to knock around

opponents, but don't become reliant on them. A good majority of her big

strikes are somewhat telegraphed and easily seen ahead of time by alot of the

veterans and experts in the game. So take your time learning her mix up game

properly to keep launching offensives against your opponents. I find that

using Sarah as an offensive pressure character is the best way to go. Sarah

is strictly a "basics" character you could say. She doesn't have a huge

glaring fighting game that distinguishes her, nor does she have any kind of

"speciality" to her name either. As I said before, stick to offense with

only defense in the case that someone starts putting too much pressure for

you to handle. She has another stance that she can go into to expand upon

and mix up with her combo game. That's her big ticket to winning matches.

The biggest downside to Sarah I'd say is that because she doesn't have any

big offensive skills or defensive skills like others, that makes you have to

resort to using Sarah in a manner that is relatively "basic". This is to say

that it just doesn't seem glamourous or worthwhile that you may lose faith

in the fact that Sarah can dish out quite a bit of pain. That also means

once a person becomes a veteran or a pro at this game, then they'll easily

be able to recognize Sarah's style without hassle and develop a much simple

and easy gameplan to destroying even a pro with Sarah. She falls victim easy

enough to people that use an effective counter game due to her offensive

nature, and also to other people that are able to put up an even more

devestating offensive game than her, causing her to shrink back into a very

limited defensive game of hers. Sarah though is a truely acceptable

character to use as a beginner and learn the ropes of this game in no time

with relative ease and comfort. For a person to become an expert with Sarah

would require alot of patience and time to say the least. You have to learn

how to keep an offensive game going at all times regardless of who it is and

what they bring to the table to fight you with. All in all though...Sarah

is a great character to hit things off with and learn the ropes with. A

dedicated Sarah fan will become an expert with her in no time and figure out

ways around other characters' fighting styles. It's not impossible to be

able to use Sarah in a manner to see through the cracks of another's fighting

style and break it wide open if you know what you're doing with her. Besides

she's so damn gorgeous that at least you'll have something pretty to look at

while getting your ass kicked or doing the ass kicking!

*** Jacky Bryant ***































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- Backstory -

- Jacky could barely contain his anger against J6, the mysterious organization

that was after his sister, Sarah. He was goaded into entering the Fourth

World Fighting Tournament, but then had to deal with the disappearance of

Vanessa, who had been guarding his sister. Even in his races, the continuing

series of incidents, including sudden pull-outs by his sponsors and

improbable mechanical breakdowns, seemed to indicate someone tampering with

his racing career. J6 was behind everything and unless the organization

itself was destroyed, there would be no end to Jacky and Sarah's troubles.

with this new realization, Jacky was determined to put an end to J6. With

almost perfect timing, the invitation to the fifth tournament arrives.

- Stats -

Nationality - American

Birthday - 8/28/1970

Hobby - Training

Height - 182 cm (5'11 1/2)

Weight - 75 kg (165 lbs)

Measurements - 110/87/92

Blood Type - A

Occupation - IndyCar Racer

Fighting Style - Jeet Kune Do

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Jacky properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Straight Lead - P

Jab Straight - P,P

Flash Piston Punch - P,P,P

Double Punch Slash Kick - P,P,K

Double Punch Slash Kick~Slide Shuffle - P,P,K,<=

Double Punch Middle Smash - P,P,=>,P

Combo Smash Back Knuckle - P,P,=>,P,P

Combo Smash Back Knuckle~Side Slide Shuffle - P,P,=>,P,P,|(or ^),P+K+G

Combo Smash Back Knuckle Spin - P,P,=>,P,P,K

Combo Smash Back Knuckle Spin~Slide Shuffle - P,P,=>,P,P,K,<=

Combo Smash Back Knuckle Low - P,P,=>,P,P,|,K

Rib Crush - P,P,=>,P,P,P+K

Combo Smash Sword - P,P,=>,P,K

Jab Straight Back Knuckle - P,P,<=,P

Jab Straight Back Knuckle~Side Slide Shuffle - P,P,<=,P,|(or ^),P+K+G

Combo Back Knuckle Spin - P,P,<=,P,K

Jab Double Straight - P,P,^,P

Punch High Kick - P,K

Punch Side Kick - P,<=,K

Middle Smash - =>,P

Middle Smash Back Knuckle - =>,P,P

Middle Smash Back Knuckle~Side Slide Shuffle - =>,P,P,|(or ^),P+K+G

Middle Back Knuckle Spin - =>,P,P,K

Middle Back Knuckle Spin~Slide Shuffle - =>,P,P,K,<=

Low Slash - =>,P,P,|,K

Rib Crush - =>,P,P,P+K

Middle Smash Sword - =>,P,K

Spinning Back Knuckle - <=,P

Spinning Back Knuckle~Side Slide Shuffle - <=,P,|(or ^),P+K+G

Double Back Knuckle - <=,P,P

Spinning Arm Kick - <=,P,K

Spinning Back Knuckle Low Slash - <=,P,|,K

Spinning Slant Back Knuckle - <=,P,/,P

Side Hook Turn - <=,<=,P

Squat Straight - |,P

Smash Upper - Hold |,,P

Smash Straight - ,P

Smash Straight Hook - ,P,P

Lighting Back Knuckle - ,P,P,P

Smash Back Knuckle - ,P,P,P+K (can be charged)

Slant Back Knuckle - /,P

Rage Kick - /,P,K

Smash Kick - K

Forward Kick - Hold =>,K

Flash Sword Kick - Hold =>,K then G just before hit

Smash Kick~Back Knuckle - K,P

Smash Kick~Back Knuckle~Slide Shuffle - K,P,<=

Smash Kick~Back Knuckle~Side Slide Shuffle - K,P,|(or ^),P+G+K

Combo Knuckle Spin Kick - K,P,K

Combo Knuckle Low - K,P,|,K

Double Spinning Kick - K,K

Knee Kick - =>,K

Dash Hammer Kick - =>,=>,K

Standing Knee Kick - <=,K

Standing Knee Kick Combo - <=,K,K

Groin Kick - <=,=>,K

Spinning Kick Turn - <=,<=,K

Smash Low Kick - |,K

Fake Elbow - |,K then P just before hit

Fake Elbow Back Knuckle - |,K then P,P just before hit

Low Kick - Hold |(or /) K

Middle Kick - ,K

Middle Kick~Jab - ,K,P

Middle Kick~Jab~Side Slide Shuffle - ,K,P,|(or ^) P+K+G

Spin Kick Combination - ,K,P,K

Spin Kick Combination~Slide Shuffle - ,K,P,K,<=

High Angle Upper Kick - ,,K

Somersault Kick - UB,K

Double Dragon - UF,K

Beat Knuckle - P+K

Beat and Back Knuckle - P+K,P

Beat Spin Kick - P+K,K

Beat Spin Kick~Slide Shuffle - P+K,K,<=

Chopping Left - =>,P+K

Chopping Left~Slide Shuffle - =>,P+K,<=

Chopping Left~Side Slide Shuffle - =>,P+K,|(or ^) P+K+G

Chopping Left Combo - =>,P+K,P

Sway Hook - <=,P+K

Bil Jee - <=,=>,P+K

Lighting Kick 1 - |,P+K

Lighting Kick 2 - |,P+K,K

Lighting Kick 3 - |,P+K,K,K

Lighting Kick 4 - |,P+K,K,K,K

Lighting Kick 5 - |,P+K,K,K,K,K

Body Blow - ,P+K

Rage of Dragons - ,P+K then P+G during hit

Dragon Combination 1 - /,P+K

Dragon Combination 2 - /,P+K,P

Dragon Combination 2~Side Slide Shuffle - /,P+K,P,|(or ^) P+K+G

Dragon Combination 3 - /,P+K+,P,P

Spinning Kick - K+G

Spinning Kick~Slide Shuffle - K+G,<=

Spinning Kick Low Spin Kick - K+G,|,K+G

Step-In Middle Kick - =>,=>,K+G

Step-In Middle Kick~Turn - =>,=>,K+G,<=

Spin Heel Sword - <=,K+G

Middle Spin Kick - <=,=>,K+G

Leg Slicer - |,K+G

Spin Leg Slicer - |,K+G,K

Jumping Savate - ^,K+G

Head Hook Kick - ,K+G

Switch Step - P+K+G

Switch Spin Kick - P+K+G,K

Switch Spin Kick~Slide Shuffle - P+K+G,K,<=

Barrier Kick - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Sidestep Body - P (during Offensive Move)

Sidestep Hammer Kick - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Side Slide Shuffle *

Spear Elbow - From Side Slide Shuffle: P

Elbow Back Knuckle - From Side Slide Shuffle: P,P

* Moves from Side Shuffle *

Slide Shuffle - <=,P+K+G

Flash Back Knuckle - From Slide Shuffle: P

Step-In Sword - From Slide Shuffle: K

Step-In Sword~Cancel - From Slide Shuffle: K, then G before hit

Step-In Low Crush - From Slide Shuffle: |,K

Step-In Low Crush~Slide Shuffle - From Slide Shuffle: |,K,<=

Step-In Low Slash High - From Slide Shuffle: |,K,K

Dragon Back Knuckle - From Slide Shuffle: P+K

Ducking - From Slide Shuffle: ,

Ducking~Heavy Body - From Slide Shuffle: ,,P

Ducking~Toe Kick - From Slide Shuffle: ,,K

Toe Kick Somersault Kick - From Slide Shuffle: ,,K then P+G during hit

Ducking~Fire Darts - From Slide Shuffle: ,,K+G

* Throws *

Face Smash Kick - P+G

One-Inch Blow - =>,P+G

One-Inch Blow~Switch Back Blow Combo - =>,P+G,|(or ^)

Dragon Fist - =>,=>,P+G

Knee Strike - =>,<=,P+G

Dragon Snap - ,P+G

Sadistic Hanging Knee - ,,P+G

Wall Face Crush - (wall behind opponent) =>,=>,P+G

Neck Slashing - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Face Crusher - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Moves from Pak Sao *

Pak Sao - Lever neutral (vs high/mid punch)

Pak Sao Knuckle - From Pak Sao: P

* Down Attacks *

Soccerball Kick - (opponent down) ,K

Jumping Knee Stamp - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Turn Knuckle - (opponent behind) P

Turn Slant Back Knuckle - (opponent behind) |,P

Rage Kick - (opponent behind) |,P,K

Turn Kick - (opponent behind) K

Turn Kick~Slide Shuffle - (opponent behind) K,<=

Turn Low Spin Kick - (opponent behind) |,K

Blind Back Knuckle - (opponent behind) P+K

Slide Shuffle - (opponent behind) P+K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Elbow - (while rising) P

Step Straight - (in midair) P

Step Hook Kick - (while rising or in midair) K

Step Heel Kick - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

React Round Kick - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Wall Back Roll - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Black Bead Earrings = 3000G Use: ABCD

Spiky Brown Hair = 1000G Use: ABCD

Short Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Long Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Wild Red Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Pompadour = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Racing Cap = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Beanie Helmet = 10000G Use: ABCD


Brown Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sunglasses = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Face Paint = 10000G Use: ABCD

Dark Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Blue Face Paint = 10000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Silver Wing Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Racing Jacket = 5000G Use: A

Red T-Shirt = 2000G Use: A

Red V-Neck Shirt = 3000G Use: B

Red Tanktop = 7000G Use: C

Black Leather Jacket = 8000G Use: B

Black V-Neck Shirt = 3000G Use: B

Black Tanktop = 7000G Use: C

Black T-Shirt = 2000G Use: A

Black Skull Tanktop = 10000G Use: C

Gold Team Jacket = 19000G Use: D

White Eagle Tanktop = 6000G Use: D

Navy Eagle Jacket = 13000G Use: D

Navy Logo Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Red Eagle Jacket = 13000G Use: D

Red Logo Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Olive Eagle Jacket = 8000G Use: A

Orange Eagle Jacket = 8000G Use: A

White Star Jacket = 11000G Use: B

Brown Skull Tanktop = 10000G Use: C

Orange Team Jacket = 19000G Use: D

Yellow Eagle Tanktop = 6000G Use: D

Gold Wing Necklace = 9000G Use: ABCD

Green Racing Jacket = 19000G Use: A

Green Leather Jacket = 19000G Use: B

Blue Tanktop = 4000G Use: C

Black and White Jacket = 19000G Use: D

White Logo Tanktop = 4000G Use; D

Aqua Eagle Jacket = 19000G Use; A

Red Star Jacket = 19000G Use: B

Indigo V-Neck Shirt = 4000G Use: B

Green Skull Tanktop = 4000G Use: C

Purple Team Jacket = 19000G Use: D

Olive Eagle Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

White Scarf = 10000G Use: ABCD


Silver Bracelet = 1000G Use: ABCD

Hand Tape = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Racing Gloves = 4000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Gun Holster = 5000G Use: ABC

Buffalo Buckle Belt = 1000G Use: AD

Wallet Chain = 4000G Use: AB

Red Racing Pants = 3000G Use: A

Brown Racing Belt = 1000G Use: A

Brown Leather Belt = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Work Boots = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gray OVeralls = 13000G Use: C

Blue Logo Overalls = 20000G Use: C

Purple Jeans = 8000G Use: D

Yellow Line Sneakers = 6000G Use: ABCD

Black Studded Belt = 1000G Use: D

Black Jeans = 8000G Use: D

Red Studded Belt = 1000G Use: D

Red Jeans = 8000G Use: D

Red Sneakers = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Cowboy Pants = 5000G Use: A

Brown Cowboy Pants = 5000G Use: A

Black Logo Overalls = 20000G Use: C

Dark Purple Jeans = 8000G Use: D

Green Racing Pants = 20000G Use: A

Green Leather Pants = 20000G Use: B

Orange Overalls = 20000G Use: C

Dark Studded Belt = 1000G Use: D

Aqua Cowboy Pants = 20000G Use: A

Red Star Pants = 20000G Use: B

Green Logo Overalls = 20000G use: C

Purple Studded Belt = 1000G Use: D

Olive Jeans = 20000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Jacky:

Jacky is by far one of the most popular and well used characters in the

entire Virtua Fighter cast. I find him annoying to be honest, but eh. Jacky

has a fighting style that beginners can appreciate but his true and best

potential is seen from an advanced player. Jacky relies mainly on strike

attacks and short chain combos. Jacky has a great defensive/counter game as

well. With a blistering offense when used properly and a hell of a defensive

game, Jacky can destroy and easily decimate any opponent. I would go so far

to say that with Jacky you can easily cheese your way through matches and win

with ease. A drawback with Jacky though is the fact that even though you can

get alot with just simple strikes and 2 to 3 hit combos, they're at times

easily blocked and deflected, leaving Jacky open to a severe butt whupping.

You have to mix up your offensive strategy to keep your opponents guessing so

that way you can fully appreciate Jacky's arsenal. Try not to use too many

strike attacks only simply because if blocked or deflected properly, it'll

leave Jacky open for a second or two, giving your opponent the opportunity to

launch an offensive on you. Should this happen, then make sure to learn how

to put up a defensive game with Jacky, or to make use of the few counters

that he has. In just a few simple moves, you can easily turn the momentum

back around and start back up on your opponent. Jacky is easily a striker

character, but you have to learn to maintain a slight defensive with him in

order to not get too carried away. As a beginner, you could try Jacky out

and find some comfort in him, but if you put some time and effort into fully

learning all there is about Jacky, then you'll become a severely deadly force

to be reckoned with. A great Jacky fighter can dominate in matches with

relative ease and even getting perfects over people. His style doesn't take

as long as one would think to learn and get down properly, unlike Akira. The

only thing is is that Jacky can't just be learned immedieately and start

kicking butt all over the place. Just make sure to learn to mix things up

with a low to mid to high game, and you'll be set to prove your greatness

against all challengers!

*** Brad Burns ***






































































- Backstory -

- The Fourth World Fighting Tournament was like one big party to Brad - the joy

of fighting against challenging opponents, and the fact that many of them

were beautiful women, was almost too much for Brad to take. But after the

tournament ended, Brad's life suddenly felt empty. There were still no

opponents who could challenge him in the kickboxing ring, and none of the

women he had met at the tournament were returning his calls. Then one day,

Brad received an invitation to the Fifth World Fighting Tournament. The

invitation also included the name of a female fighter that Brad didn't

recognize. "Hmmm... Looks like I'll have to go meet her."

- Stats -

Nationality - Italian

Birthday - N/A

Hobby - Thrill Seeking

Height - 178 cm (5'10)

Weight - 68 kg (149 lbs)

Measurements - 105/78/88

Blood Type - B

Occupation - Kickboxer

Fighting Style - Muay Thai

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Brad properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Jab - P

Jab Straight - P,P

Jab Straight~Ducking - P,P,=>

Jab Straight~Slipping - P,P,|(or ^)

Combination Upper - P,P,P

Combo Double Knee - P,P,P,K

Combination Low - P,P,K

Jab~Body Straight - P,=>,P

Gliding Knee - P,=>,P,K

Gliding Knee~Catch (Neck Clinch) - P,=>,P,K then P+G during counter hit

Jab~Spin Kick - P,K

Elbow Hook - =>,P

Elbow Hook~Ducking - =>,P,=>

Elbow Hook~Slipping - =>,P,|(or ^)

Elbow Hook~Screw High Kick - =>,P,K

Spine Whip - <=,P

Spine Whip~Ducking - <=,P,=>

Spine Whip~Slipping - <=,P,|(or ^)

Lumpini Combination - <=,P,K

Lumpini Combination~Ducking - <=,P,K,=>

Lumpini Combination~Slipping - <=,P,K,|(or ^)

Lumpini Combination~Catch (Neck Clinch) - <=,P,K then P+G during counter hit

Sit Jab - |,P

Rising Upper - Hold |,,P

Jolt Upper - ,P

Dtee Sawk Combination - ,P,P

Gazelle Upper - ,,P

Gazelle Combination - ,,P,P

Sharp Shoot - /,P

Stopping - K

High Kick - Hold =>,K

Stopping~Mobility Jab - K,P

Stopping~Mobility Jab~Ducking - K,P,=>

Stopping~Mobility Jab~Slipping - K,P,|(or ^)

Teep Combination - K,P,K

Teep Combination~Catch (Neck Clinch) - K,P,K then P+G during counter hit

Knee Upper - =>,K

Knee Upper~Ducking - =>,K,=>

Knee Upper~Slipping - =>,K,|(or ^)

Kao Loy - =>,=>,K

Stop Kick - <=,K

Stop Kick~Ducking - <=,K,=>

Stop Kick~Slipping - <=,K,|(or ^)

Fake Jab - <=,K then P just before hit

Fake Jab~Body Crush Middle - <=,K then P,K just before hit

Fake Jab~Quick Low Kick - <=,K then P,|,K just before hit

Step Change Knee - <=,=>,K

Cutting Low - |,K

Low Kick - Hold |(or /) K

Double Strike - Hold |(or /) K,K

Turn Savate - Hold |,<=,K

Middle Kick - ,K

Middle Kick~Catch (Neck Clinch) - ,K then P+G during counter hit

Dtee Sawk Bon - P+K

Sawk Klab - =>,P+K

Short Upper - =>,=>,P+K

Upper Combination - =>,=>,P+K,P

Upper Combination~Ducking - =>,=>,P+K,P,=>

Upper Combination~Slipping - =>,=>,P+K,P,|(or ^)

Short Upper~Phasing Hook - =>,=>,P+K,|(or ^) P

Step-Out Hook - <=,P+K

Step-Out Hook~Ducking - <=,P+K,=>

Step-Out Hook~Slipping - <=,P+K,|(or ^)

Shovel Hook - |,P+K

Shovel Hook~Last Shot - |,P+K,=>,P

Shovel Hook Double - |,P+K,P

Shovel Hook Double~Last Shot - |,P+K,P,=>,P

Shovel Hook Triple - |,P+K,P,P

Shovel Hook Triple~Last Shot - |,P+K,P,P,=>,P

Phasing Smash - |,P+K

Destruction Body - ,P+K

Dtee Sawk Lang - ,P+K,P

High Spin Kick - K+G

Tornado Combination - K+G,|,K+G

Step-In Knee - <=,K+G

Step-In Knee~Front Kick - <=,K+G,K

Step-In Knee~Front Kick~Ducking - <=,K+G,K,=>

Step-In Knee~Front Kick~Slipping - <=,K+G,K,|(or ^)

Pap Sawk Kao - <=,=>,K+G

Jaguar Tail - |,K+G

Over Step Middle - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Body Blow - P (during Offensive Move)

Quick Knee - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Ducking *

Ducking - =>,P+K+G

Ducking~Slipping - From Ducking: |(or ^)

Ducking~Sway Back - From Ducking: <=

Body Hook - From Ducking: P

Cross Upper - From Ducking: P,P

Ducking Knee Upper - From Ducking: K (can be charged)

Ducking Knee Upper~Catch (Neck Clinch) - From Ducking: K then P+G during

counter hit

Hell Trap - From Ducking: P+K

Gazelle Upper - From Ducking: P+K success, then P

Middle Spin Kick - From Ducking: K+G

* Moves from Long Ducking *

Long Ducking - =>,P+K+G,=>

Long Ducking~Slipping - From Long Ducking: |(or ^)

Quick Hook - From Long Ducking: P

Dtee Sawk Lang Combo - From Long Ducking: P,P

Dtee Sawk Lang Combo~Ducking - From Long Ducking: P,P,=>

Dtee Sawk Lang Combo~Slipping - From Long Ducking: P,P,|(or ^)

Dtee Sawk Lang Combo~Sway Back - From Long Ducking: P,P,<=

Double Dtee Sawk Lang Combination - From Long Ducking: P,P,P

Quick Knee Kick - From Long Ducking: K

Double Knee Combo - From Long Ducking: K,K

Corkscrew Straight - From Long Ducking: P+K

Crush Knee Kick - From Long Ducking: K+G

Arrow Kick - From Long Ducking: =>,K+G

* Moves from Sway Back *

Sway Back - <=,P+K+G

Sway Back~Ducking - From Sway Back: =>

Sway Back~Slipping - From Sway Back: |(or ^)

Sway Back Jab - From Sway Back: P

Sway Back Jab~Ducking - From Sway Back: P,=>

Sway Back Jab~Slipping - From Sway Back: P,|(or ^)

Sway Back Middle Kick - From Sway Back: K

Sway Back Straight - From Sway Back: P+K

Combo Cutting Elbow - From Sway Back: P+K,P

Combo Cutting Elbow~Ducking - From Sway Back: P+K,P,=>

Combo Cutting Elbow~Slipping - From Sway Back: P+K,P,|(or ^)

Combo Elbow Middle Kick - From Sway Back: P+K,P,K

Ratchadamnoen Combination - From Sway Back: P+K,P,K then ,K during guard or


Sway Back Low - From Sway Back: K+G

Cross Counter Hook - From Sway Back: <=,P+K

Cross Counter Hook~Ducking - From Sway Back: <=,P+K,=>

Cross Counter Hook~Slipping - From Sway Back: <=,P+K,|(or ^)

* Moves from Slipping Right *

Slipping Right - |(or ^) P+K+G (front side)

Slipping Right~Ducking - From Slipping Right: =>

Slipping Right~Slipping - From Slipping Right: |(or ^)(back side)

Slipping Right~Sway Back - From Slipping Right: <=

Body Break - From Slipping Right: P

Piercing Knee - From Slipping Right: K

Waving Body - From Slipping Right: P+K

Waving Body~Smash Hook - From Slipping Right: P+K,P

* Moves from Slipping Left *

Slipping Left - |(or ^) P+K+G (back side)

Slipping Left~Ducking - From Slipping Left: =>

Slipping Left~Slipping - From Slipping Left: |(or ^)(front side)

Slipping Left~Sway Back - From Slipping Left: <=

Smash Hook - From Slipping Left: P

Hunting Middle Kick - From Slipping Left: K

Hunting Middle Kick~Catch (Neck Clinch) - From Slipping Left: K, then P+G

during hit

Waving Body - From Slipping Left: P+K

Waving Body~Smash Hook - From Slipping Left: P+K,P

* Moves from Phasing Turn *

Phasing Turn - |,P+K+G,|(or ^,P+K+G,^)

Flicker Jab - From Phasing Turn: P

Flicker Jab~Ducking - From Phasing Turn: P,=>

Flicker Jab~Slipping - From Phasing Turn: P,|(or ^)

Chopping Blow - From Phasing Turn: P,P (can be charged)

Grand Sweep Hook - From Phasing Turn: |,P

Face Crush Knee - From Phasing Turn: K

Double Crusher - From Phasing Turn: P+K

Double Crusher~Ducking - From Phasing Turn: P+K,=>

Double Crusher~Slipping - From Phasing Turn: P+K,|(or ^)

* Moves from Neck Clinch *

Elbow Slash - From Neck Clinch: P

Gohk Kor Dtae Kao 1 - From Neck Clinch: K

Gohk Kor Dtae Kao 1~Goh Kor Dtae Kao 3 - From Neck Clinch: K,K+G

Gohk Kor Dtae Kao 2 - From Neck Clinch: K,K

Gohk Kor Dtae Kao 2~Goh Kor Dtae Kao 3 - From Gohk Kor Dtae Kao 2: K (or K+G)

Gohk Kor Dtae Kao 3 - From Neck Clinch: K+G

Position Change Right - From Neck Clinch: | (or ^)(front side)

Position Change Back - From Neck Clinch: <=

Position Change Left - From Neck Clinch: | (or ^)(back side)

Back Through - (after Position Change)From Neck Clinch: <=

Right Through - (after Position Change)From Neck Clinch: | (or ^)(front side)

Left Through - (after Position Change)From Neck Clinch: | (or ^)(back side)

* Throws *

Elbow Slash - P+G

Body Knee Crush - <=,=>,P+G

Neck Slash - <=,P+G

Hold Elbow - ,P+G

Face Fang - ,,P+G

Change - /,P+G

Pap Sawk Kao - (on opponent's right) P+G

Rehw Impact - (on opponent's left) P+G

Power Gradation - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Reversals *

Death Trap~Elbow - /,P+K (vs right mid kick, right side kick, right mid full

spin kick)

Death Trap~Low - /,P+K (vs left mid kick, left side kick, left mid full spin


* Down Attacks *

Gambit - (opponent down) ,K

Hell Dive - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Spine Whip - (opponent behind) P

Jutting Elbow - (opponent behind) |,P

Needle Kick - (opponent behind) K

Wai Kru Turn - (opponent behind) |,K

Face Crush Elbow - (opponent behind) P+K

* Jump Attacks *

Jump Knuckle - (while rising) P

Jump Straight - (in midair) P

Jump Toe Kick - (while rising or in midair) K

Jump Side Kick - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Jumping Knee - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Red Headband = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Felt Hat = 5000G Use: ABCD

Ivory Earrings = 3000G Use: ABCD

Gray Felt Hat = 5000G Use: ABCD

Spiky Brown Hair = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Slick Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Shaggy Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Long Blonde Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

White Ten Gallon Hat = 8000G Use: ABCD


Black Rimmed Glasses = 6000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Tiger Claw Scar = 9000G Use: ABCD

Gaudy Necklace = 4000G Use: ABC

Square Pendant = 1000G Use: ABC

Silver Sun Necklace = 5000G Use: ABC

Open White Shirt = 6000G Use: A

Open Black Shirt = 6000G Use: A

Blue Tanktop = 5000G Use: B

Red Tanktop = 5000G Use: B

White Jacket = 10000G Use: C

Patterned Blue Shirt = 3000G Use: C

Brown Jacket = 10000G Use: C

Black Shirt = 3000G Use: C

Open Brown Shirt = 9000G Use: A

Light Blue Shirt = 5000G Use: C

Red Rose Jacket = 15000G Use: C

White Vest and Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Blue Vest and Shirt = 15000G Use: D

Red Vest and Shirt = 15000G Use: D

Green Zebra Tanktop = 8000G Use: B

Beige Shirt = 5000G Use: C

Black Rose Jacket = 15000G Use: C

Brown Vest and Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Open Blue Shirt = 23000G Use: A

White Tanktop = 5000G Use: B

Moss Green Jacket = 23000G Use: C

White Shirt = 5000G Use: C

Green Vest and Shirt = 23000G Use: D

Open Pink Shirt = 23000G Use: A

Moss Zebra Tanktop = 5000G Use: B

Yellow Rose Jacket = 23000G Use: C

Green Shirt = 5000G Use: C

Pink Vest and Shirt = 23000G Use: D


Red Armbands = 5000G Use: ABC

Leather Bracelet = 5000G Use: ABCD

Black Wrist Tape = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Open Gloves = 1000G Use: ABD

Green Gloves = 2000G Use: ABD

Purple Gloves = 1000G Use: ABD

*Lower Body*

White Bandages = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Red Slacks = 4000G Use: A

Red Trunks = 10000G Use: B

Red Jeans = 7000G Use: C

Black Jeans = 7000G Use: C

White Slacks = 4000G Use: A

Washed Black Jeans = 10000G Use: C

Black Foot Tape = 10000G Use: ABCD

White Silk Pants = 15000G Use: D

Blue Silk Pants = 10000G Use: D

Red Silk Pants = 10000G Use: D

Green Stinger Trunks = 15000G Use: B

Wallet Strap = 4000G Use: ABCD

Washed Beige Jeans = 10000G Use: C

Brown Silk Pants = 15000G Use: D

Yellow Slacks = 10000G Use: A

White Trunks = 10000G Use: B

Purple Jeans = 15000G Use: C

Green Silk Pants = 15000G Use: D

Turquoise Slacks = 15000G Use: A

Lemon Stinger Trunks = 15000G Use: B

Turquoise Jeans = 15000G Use: C

Pink Silk Pants = 15000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Brad:

Welcome to the Brad Show! I'm serious....that is one of the greatest lines

I've ever heard in video game history. Of course it does scream out loud

that he is a date rapist....but a date rapist that can kick anyone's ass

easily enough! But that's beside the point. Brad is a great character that

beginner's can use and learn the game with. Brad offers up a huge arsenal

that gives him a big offensive game. Brad can counter but that's not what

his game is all about. Just remember that you have some select counters to

use with him should you be placed on the defensive with him. You have to

keep a strong offense going with him if you want to get anywhere. Brad's all

about pressure and evasion. He has a great mix up game that you can use to

your advantage, plus a great array of combos that range from the annoyingly

small and life pecking to the devistatingly strong and life threatening.

When it comes to defense, he has a few good moves to break up opponents'

offenses and keep them guessing. He also delves deep into the evasion game

that you don't see much from people in this game. If you use his dodging and

evasive manuevers to your advantage, you'd be surprised how easily what

would seem to be a defensive skills set turns into an offensive helper. But

as I said before, Brad's biggest strength is his mix-up game with strong

combo ability. Another huge plus about him is that he can keep space between

him and his opponents with long reaching kicks and punches. You don't have

to keep opponents close to you to damage them in the least, causing your

opponents to get frustrated and try to figure out how to land a blow on you.

Should an opponent finally break your long range game and get close, his

knee strikes/combos can cause even more stress and heartache for the poor

sucker. Either way a beginner all the way to an expert can find some

greatness and comfort using Brad. Plus that, a womanizing kickboxer...what's

not to love?

*** Shun Di ***




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- Backstory -

- Shun had entered the Fourth World Fighting Tournament to look for his young

student who had been abducted by J6. Hoping that he would find useful

information by fighting his way through the competition, Shun fought with

uncharacteristic energy, and made it to the final round. But he was unable

to find anything, and the tournament ended with Dural's intrusion into the

final round. Shun returned to his quiet life of retirement, and when he was

almost ready to give up, an invitation arrived for the Fifth World Fighting

Tournament, and the sender's name was that of his missing student. Shun

enters the fifth tournament, determined to discover the truth behind his

student's mysterious disappearance.

- Stats -

Nationality - Chinese

Birthday - 01/02/1912

Hobby - Drinking

Height - 164 cm (5'4 1/2)

Weight - 63 kg (138 lbs)

Measurements - 88/86/89

Blood Type - O

Occupation - Herbal Doctor

Fighting Style - Drunken Kung-Fu

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 2

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Shun properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

FCFC - Full Circle Forward Clockwise

FCFCC - Full Circle Forward Counter Clockwise

FCBC - Full Circle Backward Clockwise

FCBCC - Full Circle Backward Counter Clockwise

* Normal Moves *

Gyou'inshu - P+K+G

Chougeki - P

Rengeki - P,P

Honshin Tanka - P,P,<=,P

Saishu Renkangeki - P,P,P

Renkan Chougeki - P,P,P,K

Renkan Chougeki~Soukokukyu - P,P,P,K then <= just before hit

Rengeki Katai - (6 or more drinks) P,P,|,K

Rengeki Katai~Down - (6 or more drinks) P,P,|,K,G

Rengeki Koukashutai - (6 or more drinks) - P,P,|,K,K

Rengeki Koukashutai~Down - (6 or more drinks) P,P,|,K,K,G

Chougeki Rigoutai - P,K

Chougeki Rigoutai~Turn - P,K,<=

Kasen Chugeki - =>,P

Kasen Denda - =>,P,K

Kasen Gyou'in - (2 or more drinks) =>,P,P+K

Kasen Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (2 or more drinks) =>,P,P+K,<=

Kasen Soushou - =>,P,P

Kasen Renkan Denda - =>,P,P,K

Kasen Gyou'in - (4 or more drinks) =>,P,P,P+K

Kasen Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (4 or more drinks) =>,P,P,P+K,<=

Kasen Renkan Haishu - =>,P,P,P

Kasenko - =>,P,P,P,K

Kasen Gyou'in - (6 or more drinks) - =>,P,P,P,P+K

Kasen Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (6 or more drinks) =>,P,P,P,P+K,<=

Ousougeki - =>,<=,P

Ousou Gyou'in - (8 or more drinks) =>,<=,P,P

Ousou Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (8 or more drinks) =>,<=,P,P,<=

Tenshin Haishu - <=,P

Suisen Gyou'in - (4 or more drinks) <=,P,P

Suisen Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (4 or more drinks) <=,P,P,<=

Getsuga Gakushu - <=,=>,P

Getsuga Gyou'in - (2 or more drinks) <=,=>,P,P+K

Getsuga Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (2 or more drinks) <=,=>,P,P+K,<=

Rensai Gakushu - <=,=>,P,P

Rensai Gyou'in - (4 or more drinks) <=,=>,P,P,P+K

Rensai Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - (4 or more drinks) <=,=>,P,P,P+K,<=

Rengeki Gakushu - <=,=>,P,P,P

Rengeki Gyou'in - (6 or more drinks) <=,=>,P,P,P,P+K

Rengeki Gyou'in~Soukokukyu Turn - <=,=>,P,P,P,P+K,<=

Shinho Suikoushu - <=,,P

Chougeki Haiten - <=,<=,P

Fukuchougeki - |,P

Chouwan Ryouken - |,,=>,P

Chouwan Saishu - (6 or more drinks) |,,=>,P,P

Getsuga Saigeki - Hold |,,P

Gyou'in Haishu - ,P

Gyou'in Haishu~Soukokukyu Turn - ,P,<=

Gyou'in Senshu - (8 or more drinks) ,P,P

Gyou'in Renkan Tankyaku - (8 or more drinks) ,P,P,K

Gyou'in Renkan Tankyaku~Tentouritsu - (8 or more drinks) ,P,P,K,P+K+G

Haisenchu - /,P

Haisenchu - Hold /,P

Haisenchu Kaikakyaku - /(or Hold /) P,K

Hiten Hougeki - UF,P

Koushutai - K

Koushutai~Choukarou - K (Hold K)

Renhi Chougeki - K,K

Renhi Chougeki~Choukarou - K,K (Hold K)

Renshu Kaishu - K,K,P

Renshu Haikashou - K,K,|,P

Renshu Haika Ryukyaku - (16 or more drinks) K,K,|,P,K

Sokutan Senshu - =>,K

Gyoushintai - Hold =>,K

Rentai Kanshu - Hold =>,K,P

Chubu Soutenkyaku - =>,=>,K

Gyoushin Suitai - <=,K

Getsuga Chougeki - <=,K,P

Toushin Soutanshu - <=,K,K

Asen Kaikyaku - <=,<=,K

Gyousentai - |,K

Kouhi Tentai - Hold |,<=,K

Ryubikyaku - ^,K

Sokutankyaku - ,K

Koushu Katai - /,K

Koushu Katai~Down - /,K,G

Koushu Rentai - /,K,K

Koushu Rentai~Down - /,K,K

Kuhi Soutanshu - UB,K

Senshi - UF,K

Suisenshu - P+K

Suisen Renkyaku - P+K,K

Suisen Renkyaku~Tentouritsu - P+K,K,P+K+G

Tenshin Souchushou - =>,P+K

Touku Hitenhou - (8 or more drinks) =>,=>,P+K

Tenshin Getsuga Chougeki (deflect) - (10 or more drinks) <=,P+K

Dokuritsu Kanpai - <=,=>,P+K

Gekizan Senchu - ,P+K (can be charged)

Sourou Tekisen (deflect) - /,P+K

Kanshoushi - /,P+K,P

Tanhi Chougeki - K+G

Tanhi Chougeki~Choukarou - K+G (hold K+G)

Ousoushu - K+G,P

Toukyaku - =>,K+G

Honshin Rensenkyaku - <=,K+G

Honshin Rensenkyaku~Choukarou - <=,K+G (hold K+G)

Zensen Soutai - (1 or more drinks) |,K+G

Renzensen Soutai - (6 or more drinks) |,K+G,K

Renkan Zensen Soutai - (7 or more drinks) |,K+G,K,K

Senpu Soutai - ,K+G

Haitou Rensenkyaku - /,K+G

Gyoushin Inshu - =>,P+K+G

Gyoushin Kanshu - =>,P+K+G,P

Suisen Honda - =>,P+K+G,P then P during guard or hit

Koushinhi - <=,P+K+G

Koushinhi Fusshu = <=,P+K+G,P

Suiho - |(or ^) P+K+G

Kasen Chugeki - |(or ^) P+K+G,P

Kasen Renchugeki - |(or ^) P+K+G,P,P

Kousoku Zenhi - (or UF) P+K+G

Kousoku Kouhi - /(or UB) P+K+G

Kousoku Kouhi Fusshu - /(or UB) P+K+G,P

Kousoku Kouhi Soushu - /(or UB) P+K+G,P+K

Touku Hitenhou - Hold =>,P+K (while running)

Shasoku Renkyaku - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Sokuhi Kanshu - P (during Offensive Move)

Sokuhi Teishisu - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Zanbentetsu *

Zanbantetsu - |,P+K

Zanbantetsu~Tentouritsu - From Zanbantetsu: <=

Zanbantetsu~Oushin - From Zanbantetsu: |,|

Chubu Rakusenkyaku - From Zanbantetsu: K

Saiekikyaku - From Zanbantetsu: |,K

Za'inshu - From Zanbantetsu: P+K+G

Zanbantetsu~Suiho - From Zanbantetsu: |(or ^) P+K+G

Zanbantetsu~Tentouritsu - From Zanbantetsu: <=

* Moves from Tentouritsu *

Tentouritsu - HCB,P+K

Chubushin - ^,P+K

Tentouritsu~Move forward - From Tentouritsu: =>

Tentouritsu~Move back - From Tentouritsu: <=

Toushin Renkyaku - From Tentouritsu: K

Tenshin Suishukou - From Tentouritsu: P+K

Tenshin Suishukou~Oushin - From Tentouritsu: P+K,G

Soushoutai - From Tentouritsu: K+G

Honshin Sousentai - From Tentouritsu: P+G

* Moves from Oushin *

Oushin - HCF,P+K

Nehan Senkyaku - From Oushin: K

Nehan Shusui - From Oushin: K,P

Gyoushin Toutai - From Oushin: K,P,K

Nehan Rengekitai - (10 or more drinks) From Oushin: K,P,|,K

Nehan Rengekitai~Down - (10 or more drinks) From Oushin: K,P,|,K,G

Nehan Rengeki Katai - (10 or more drinks) From Oushin: K,P,|,K,K

Nehan Rengeki Katai~Down - (10 or more drinks) From Oushin: K,P,|,K,K,G

Nehan Sousoukyaku - From Oushin: =>,K

Nehan Soukyaku - From Oushin: |,K

Oushin Inshu - From Oushin: P+K+G

* Moves from Choukarou *

Chousuiho (Forward) - From Choukarou: =>

Chousuiho (Back) - From Choukarou: <=

Choukarou~Suiho - From Choukarou: |,|(or ^,^)

Ousou Sengeki - From Choukarou: P

Choukarou~Suisenshu - From Choukarou: P+K

Gyoushin Suitai - From Choukarou: P+K,K

Zensen Soutai - From Choukarou: K+G

Suisen Toushu Sougeki - From Choukarou: P+G

Choukarou~Zabantetsu - From Choukarou: P+K+G

Zenten - From Choukarou: =>,P+K+G

Zenten~Shinho Suikoushu - From Choukarou: =>,P+K+G,P

Zenten~Suisen Rensoutai - From Choukarou: =>,P+K+G,K

Choukarou~Oushin - From Choukarou: |(or ^) P+K+G

Choukarou~Turn - From Choukarou: G

* Moves from Soukokukyu *

Soukokukyu~Suiho - From Soukokukyu: |,|(or ^,^)

Ha'ou Kanshu - From Soukokukyu: P

Dokuritsu Kanshu - From Soukokukyu: P,P

Ha'ou Chouteki - From Soukokukyu: P,P,K

Kokukyu Danteki - From Soukokukyu: K

Kokukyu Danteki~Choukarou - From Soukokukyu: K (hold K)

Kokukyu Zensou - From Soukokukyu: |,K

Kaibou Honshin (deflect) - From Soukokukyu: P+K

Kaibou Hanbi - From Soukokukyu: P+K,P

Kokukyu Toutetsu - From Soukokukyu: K+G

Kokukyu Gyou'in - From Soukokukyu: P+K+G

Jouho Gyou'in - From Soukokukyu: =>,P+K+G

Tenshin Gyou'in - From Soukokukyu: <=,P+K+G

Soukokukyu~Suiho - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: |,|(or ^,^)

Haishin Bentsui - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: P

Haishin Renkan Chougeki - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: P,K

Haishin Renkan Chougeki~Soukokukyu - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: P,K

then <= just before hit

Haishin Ryoutai - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: K

Rouko Haibi - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: |,K

Kokukyu Honda (deflect) - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: P+K

Kokukyu Ryou'in - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: P+K,P

Haishin Bokuko - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: K+G

Haishin Bokuko~Oushin - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: K+G,G

Haishin Gyou'in - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: P+K+G

Haishin Jouho Gyou'in - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: <=,P+K+G

Haishin Taiho Gyou'in - (opponent behind) From Soukokukyu: =>,P+K+G

* Throws *

Suiho Tenshinchu - P+G

Suiryu Honshin - =>,P+G

Suiryu Bukazan'un - =>,P+G,|(or ^)

Rengeki Tenshin Ousoushu - (3 drinks or more) <=,=>,P+G

Toushu Richu - <=,P+G

Gouhai Senbu - (10 drinks or more) FCBC(or FCBCC) P+G

Tenshin Souko - ,P+G

Tenshin Soukeikyaku - (6 drinks or more) <=,,P+G

Toushu Richu - (wall behind opponent) <=,P+G

Tenshin Toushu Richu - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Kanshouri - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Down Attacks *

Rasen Suichu - (opponent down) ,P

Tenchu Rakukyaku - (opponent down) ^,P

Touchi Hanshousou - (opponent down) UB,P

Tenchi Chugeki - (opponent down) UF,P

* Back Attacks *

Haihanshou - (opponent behind) P

Haika Hanshou - (opponent behind) |,P

Haisentai - (opponent behind) K

Teitoukyaku - (opponent behind) |,K

Suisenshu - (opponent behind) P+K

Sentankyaku - (opponent behind) P+K,K

Koushi Renkyaku - (opponent behind) K+G

Haisen Koushugeki - (opponent behind) P+K+G

Haisen Rengekishu - (opponent behind) P+K+G,P

Haisui Renkoushu - (opponent behind) P+K+G,P,P

Koushu Gakusai Shugeki - (10 drinks or more, opponent behind) P+K+G,P,P

(during hit)

Haitou Richu - (5 drinks or more, opponent behind) P+G

* Jump Attacks *

Touchi Hanshousou - (while rising) P

Rakuho Chougeki - (in midair) P

Saikatai - (in midair) K

Jigentai - (before landing) K

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Yellow Sage Cap = 5000G Use: ABCD

Beige Cozy Hat = 5000G Use: ABCD

Straight Black Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Black Ponytail = 9000G Use: ABCD

Blond Pigtail = 1000G Use: ABCD

Blond Queue = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blond Bun = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blond Mohawk = 10000G Use: ABCD

Brown Knit Cap = 9000G Use: ABCD

Brown Cozy Hat = 6000G Use: ABCD

Green Cozy Hat = 10000G Use: ABCD

Brass Crown = 4000G Use: ABCD


Reading Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Round Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Silver Staff = 10000G Use: ABCD

Brown Hermit's Cane = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Bead Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Sage Tunic = 6000G Use: A

Blue Sage Tunic = 6000G Use: A

Red Chinese Tunic = 9000G Use: B

Amber Fighter Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Olive Fighter Tunic = 12000G Use: C

Brown Floral Tunic = 9000G Use: A

Red Fighter Tunic = 18000G Use: C

Olive Camo Tunic = 23000G Use: D

Black Kungfu Tunic = 15000G Use: D

Brown Kungfu Tunic = 15000G Use: D

Purple Floral Tunic = 9000G Use: A

Ethnic Teal Tunic = 14000G Use: B

Blue Fighter Tunic = 18000G Use: C

Red Camo Tunic = 23000G Use: D

Black Bead Necklace = 6000G Use: ABCD

Blue Bead Necklace = 4000G Use: ABCD

Green Sage Tunic = 15000G Use: A

Blue Chinese Tunic = 15000G Use: B

Purple Fighter Tunic = 18000G Use: C

Teal Kungfu Tunic = 15000G Use: D

Black Floral Tunic = 18000G Use: A

Ethnic White Tunic = 18000G Use: B

Green Fighter Tunic = 15000G Use: C

Orange Camo Tunic = 15000G Use: D


*Lower Body*

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Golden Gourd = 5000G Use: ABCD

Bare Feet = 3000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sage Sash = 1000G Use: A

Green Sage Sash = 1000G Use: A

Green Sage Pants = 4000G Use: A

Pink Chinese Sash = 1000G Use: B

Red Chinese Pants = 6000G Use: B

Brown Chinese Shoes = 1000G Use: A

Yellow Fighter Shoes = 10000G Use: ABCD

Light Yellow Belt = 1000G Use: C

Olive Fighter Pants = 8000G Use: C

Purple Chinese Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Teal Sage Pants = 4000G Use: A

Yellow Fighter Pants = 8000G Use: C

Yellow Belt = 1000G Use: C

Red Dyed Sash = 2000G Use: A

Brown Sage Pants = 4000G Use: A

Ornate Red Belt = 2000G Use: C

Red Fighter Pants = 12000G Use: C

Olive Camo Pants = 15000G Use: D

Black Kungfu Pants = 10000G Use: D

Brown Kungfu Pants = 10000G Use: D

Yellow Dyed Sash = 2000G Use: A

Blue Sage Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Amber Dyed Sash = 2000G Use: A

Maroon Sage Pants = 4000G Use: A

Purple Sage Shoes = 4000G Use: ABCD

Ethnic Green Sash = 2000G Use: B

Ethnic Teal Pants = 9000G Use: B

Ornate White Belt = 2000G Use: C

Blue Fighter Pants = 12000G Use: C

Tan Fighter Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Camo Pants = 15000G Use: D

Red Sage Pants = 10000G Use: A

Light Blue Sash = 2000G Use: B

Blue Chinese Pants = 10000G Use: B

Beige Belt = 2000G Use: C

Purple Fighter Pants = 12000G Use: C

Teal Kungfu Pants = 10000G Use: D

Brown Sage Sash = 2000G Use: A

Purple Dyed Sash = 2000G Use: A

Coal Sage Pants = 12000G Use: A

Ethnic Black Sash = 2000G Use: B

Ethnic White Pants = 12000G Use: B

Green Fighter Pants = 10000G Use: C

Orange Camo Pants = 10000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Shun-Di:

He is nothing more than an old borracho....but he still kicks the living hell

right out of you like it's not even funny! Shun-Di...even though he doesn't

look possibly one of the strongest characters in the game. His

strength and best techniques come from getting drunk! The more you pack down

the stronger he becomes. He has a great set of moves that can devastate any

one that he comes across. They're simple button combinations as well. It

could be said that he is a beginner's character, but oh'd be

wrong! Despite having a ton of great things going for him, his moves

themselves are something that take a little while to get use to. He does

move all over the place when attacking, and knowing what to use and when to

use it with him is something that takes awhile to figure out. He has a ton

of evasive and low attacking moves and combos that can easily decimate any

offense and even defense that anyone can put up against you. But as I said

before, you have to learn how they work properly and when to use them. He

has this habit of leaving himself wide open should he miss or be blocked.

Any expert at the game can destroy a Shun player by exploiting this weakness,

especially if you're not an expert Shun player yourself. So take some time

to fight in the dojo and learn a thing or two on using some of Shun's combos

and strikes, and learning where they should apply and how they can be used

in other ways, not just for offense. Also learn how to pack away the drinks

as quick as you can so you can get your strength up and new move sets to use.

In this sense you also need to learn how many drinks you need to put down

before you get to use those moves and such. But it's not like Shun is like

Akira, and so just alittle time in the dojo is needed, while the rest is just

basically live and learn. So for the most part Shun is great for anyone who

has put a little time into the game and wishes to use a tricky and flamboyant

character with great moves and combos, plus a drinking habit. And besides

that....if you change Shun's clothes set in certain ways, you can make him

look like Tommy Chong! And what's better than kicking someone's butt in such

a way with an old man that no one thinks should be as great as he is? Why

kicking someone's butt in such a way that the old man looks like one of the

greatest stoners in history! After it's all said and done, you can look at

your opponent and say "Yo really suck man...." in your best

Chong impression.

*** Lau Chan ***

































































- Backstory -

- Lau was unable to win the Fourth World Fighting Tournament, but he found a

worthy successor to his Ko'en-Ken style - Lei-Fei. Lei-Fei thristed for

strength, and was obedient to his new master. As they trained, however, Lei

Fei suddenly turned on him, and the weakened Lau survived only because of

Pai's sudden appearance. Lau realized that the bond between father and

daughter was there, in spite of everything. But death was fast approaching,

there was nothing that he could do for his daughter. True to the way he had

lived his life, he disappeared. One day, an invitation to the fifth

tournament arrived at what he had thought was a secret hideaway. He is now

ready to face the last fight of his life.

- Stats -

Nationality - Chinese

Birthday - 10/02/1940

Hobby - Chinese Poetry

Height - 172 cm (5'7 3/4)

Weight - 77 kg (169 lbs)

Measurements - 99/90/93

Blood Type - B

Occupation - Cook

Fighting Style - Koen-Ken

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Lau properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Chusui - P

Renshou - P,P

Raigekishou - P,P,P

Renkan Tenshinkyaku - P,P,P,K

Renkan Haitenkyaku - P,P,P,<=(or UB) K

Renkan Tenshin Soukyaku - P,P,P,|,K

Souken Senputai - P,P,K

Haisen Renshou - P,<=,P

Tenshin Soukoshou - P,<=,P,P

Renkentai - P,K

Renkentai~Kokei - P,K,P+K+G

Chugeki - =>,P

Hou'ou Soushou - =>,P,P

Hou'ou Shoshou~Kokei - =>,P,P,P+K+G

Kosouken - <=,P

Kosoushou - <=,=>,P

Hi'en Tenshinshou - <=,<=,P

Hi'en Renshou - <=,<=,P,|,P

Hi'en Soukyaku - <=,<=,P,|,K

Hi'en Senpukyaku - <=,<=,P,K+G

Souchuken - |,P

Fukko Sougeki - Hold |,<=,=>,P

Shajoushou - Hold |,,P

Shajou Chusui - Hold |,,P,P

Shajou Chusui~Kokei - Hold |,,P,P,P+K+G

Renkan Soushou - Hold |,,P,=>,P

Renkan Ko'enshou - Hold |,,P,P+K

Shakashou - ,P

Renshou - ,P,P

Renkanshou - ,P,P,P

Renshou Tenshinkyaku - ,P,P,P,K

Renshou Haitenkyaku - ,P,P,P,<=(or UB) K

Renshou Tenshin Soukyaku - ,P,P,P,|,K

Renshou Senputai - ,P,P,K

Junho Chushou - ,,P

Junho Renshou - ,,P,P

Junho Renshou~Kokei - ,,P,P,P+K+G

Housui - /,P

Renshou - /,P,P

Hi'en Nyusou - /,P,P,P

Jinrai Kokou - /,P,P,|,P

Renkentai - /,P,K

Renshu Senpu - /,P,K,K

Renken Sokushu - /,P,,K

Katsumentai - K

Sokushutai - K (while rising from a crouch)

Ko'en Tenshinkyaku - K,K

Ko'en Senshi - =>,=>,K

Kasoutai - |,K

Ko'en Kasou Renshou - |,K,P

Sensaitai - Hold |(or /) K

Tenshin Risenkyaku - Hold |(or /) K,K

Senchutai - ,K

Senkyaku Chushou - ,K,P

Senkyaku Chushou~Kokei - ,K,P,P+K+G

Senkyaku Renkan Koshou - ,K,P,P

Genchi Senpukyaku - ^,K

Rakuchi Kobikyaku - ^,K,K

Touku Kosenkyaku - UF,K

Kokyaku Haiten - UB,K

Enshishou - P+K (can be charged)

Enshishou~Kokei - P+K then <= while charging

Tenshin Senchugeki - =>,P+K

Souko Sensou - =>,=>,P+K

Sako Soushou - <=,P+K

Kosou Renshou - <=,P+K,P

Kosou Renshou~Kokei - <=,P+K,P,P+K+G

Ko'en Tenshin Utanchu - <=,P+K,P+K

Kokuko Ransensou (deflect) - <=,=>,P+K

Ko'en Souken - |,P+K

Souko Reppa - ,P+K

Honshin He****n - /,P+K

Senpuga~Kokei - K+G

Koryu Tenshinkyaku - =>,K+G

Enjin Senpukyaku - <=,K+G

Chisoutai - |,K+G

Kukokyaku - UF,K+G

Geimen Tansou (stagger) - =>,P+K+G

Koushokuhi Ko'enshou - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Kokuko Toushin - P (during Offensive Move)

Kokuko Choushitsu - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Kokei *

Senshinken - From Kokei: P

Senshin Shajoushou - From Kokei: P,P

Senshin Shajou Sougeki - From Kokei: P,P,P+K

Touho Ryou'inshou - From Kokei: =>,P

Kou'ou Sakou - From Kokei: =>,P then P+G during hit

Haisou - From Kokei: <=,P

Rensou - From Kokei: <=,P,P

Gako Kin'you - From Kokei: <=,P,P,P

Touku Renkanshou - From Kokei: UF,P

Kokyaku Haiten - From Kokei: K

Kokei~Enshishou - From Kokei: P+K

Kosou Gekishou - From Kokei: =>,P+K

Haichuken - From Kokei (opponent behind): P

Haigo Shakashou - From Kokei (opponent behind): |,P

Haichutai - From Kokei (opponent behind): K

Zaka Sentai - From Kokei (opponent behind): |,K

Gekihouchu - From Kokei (opponent behind): P+K

* Throws *

Kensha Touraku - P+G

Gako Shitsuda - =>,P+G

Gako Bokushoku - =>,P+G,|(or ^)

Tenshin Ha'inshou - <=,=>,P+G

Houshin Soukosoushou - Hold |,=>,P+G

Ryusha Senten - <=,P+G

Ryushu Katou - <=,|,P+G

Raishin Nyurin - ,P+G

Ko'en Renbu - <=,,P+G

Daichi Toushu - ,,P+G

Raishin Nyurin - (wall in back) ,P+G

Ryusha Senten - (wall in back) <=,P+G

Tenshin Souhashou - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Mouko Haishu - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Down Attacks *

Toushugeki - (opponent down) ,K

Kosou Raishu - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Haichuken - (opponent behind) P

Haigo Shakashou - (opponent behind) |,P

Haichutai - (opponent behind) K

Zaka Sentai - (opponent behind) |,K

Gekihouchu - (opponent behind) P+K

Kokyaku Haiten - UF,P (during turning attack)

Touku Haishou - (opponent behind) ^,K+G

* Jump Attacks *

Touku Shashou - (while rising) P

Touku Chuken - (in midair) P

Touku Chukyaku - (in midair) K

Tenshin Soutai - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Hekika Haishu - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Hekika Haiten - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Green Worker's Cap = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Pigtail = 1000G Use: ABCD

Unbralmageed Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Shaggy Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Wild Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Queue = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Bun = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Worker's Cap = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Hero's Helm = 9000G Use: ABCD

Bronze Crown = 10000G Use: ABCD

Full Black Beard = 10000G Use: ABCD

Full Red Beard = 10000G Use: ABCD

Purple Eye Band = 5000G Use: ABCD

Golden Crown = 4000G Use: ABCD


Monocle = 1000G Use: ABCD

Gauze Mask = 5000G Use: ABCD

Eyepatch = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Dragon Halbred = 1000G Use: ABC

Three Point Halbred = 7000G Use: ABC

Dragon Broadsword = 6000G Use: ABC

Blue Kung Fu Tunic = 6000G Use: A

Red Noble Robe = 9000G Use: B

Blue Tiger Jacket = 12000G Use: C

White Tiger Jacket = 12000G Use: C

Brown Kung Fu Tunic = 6000G Use: A

Brown Dragon Jacket = 18000G Use: C

Red General Armor = 23000G Use: D

Black Warrior Armor = 15000G Use: D

Purple Warrior Armor = 15000G Use: D

Green Master Tunic = 9000G Use: A

Purple Master Tunic = 9000G Use: A

Black Noble Robe = 14000G Use: B

Red Dragon Jacket = 18000G Use: C

Brown General Armor = 23000G Use: D

White Kung Fu Tunic = 12000G Use: A

Teal Noble Robe = 12000G Use: B

Lime Tiger Jacket = 12000G Use: C

Navy Warrior Armor = 12000G Use: D

Red Master Tunic = 12000G Use: A

Brown Noble Robe = 23000G Use: B

Black Dragon Jacket = 23000G Use: C

Teal General Armor = 23000G Use: D


*Lower Body*

Hero's Sword = 6000G Use: ABC

Red Ba Gua Mirror = 2000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Great Sabre = 4000G Use: ABC

Green Nunchaku = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Noble Pants = 6000G Use: B

Blue Tiger Pants = 8000G Use: C

Bronze Kungfu Shoes = 4000G Use: ABCD

Silver Kungfu Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Tiger Pants = 8000G Use: C

Brown Kungfu Pants = 4000G Use: A

Brown General Pants = 15000G Use: D

Black Warrior Pants = 10000G Use: D

Red Warrior Belt = 1000G Use: D

White Warrior Pants = 10000G Use: D

Green Kungfu Pants = 4000G Use: A

Rust Leather Belt = 1000G Use: A

Purple Kungfu Pants = 4000G Use: A

Tan Leather Belt = 1000G Use: A

Gray Noble Pants = 9000G Use: B

Red Dragon Pants = 12000G Use: C

Brown General Pants = 15000G Use: D

Blue Ba Gua Mirror = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Kungfu Pants = 4000G Use: A

Blue Koen Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Blue Leather Belt = 1000G Use: A

Navy Kungfu Pants = 8000G Use: A

Teal Noble Pants = 8000G Use: B

Lime Tiger Pants = 8000G Use: C

Navy Warrior Pants = 8000G Use: D

Red Kungfu Pants = 8000G Use: A

Brown Noble Pants = 15000G Use: B

Black Dragon Pants = 15000G Use: C

Red General Pants = 15000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Lau Chan:

Seriously.....if you have never played this game before or any in the series,

then dammit man, this is the guy that you have to play as! There's nothing

that he can't do! He's a complete beginner's dream and an expert's godsend.

Lau can destroy you flat out in like 2 well placed combos along with one or

two big strikes to end a round. He makes quick work of opponents with

lightning fast strikes and quick long hitting combos to say the least. He

has a real simple and quick learning curve which beginners will love, and

his advanced tactics are easy and a blessing, turning people into experts in

no time flat. His strength is flawlessly big, and his speed just doesn't

seem natural for a character of stature. He seems to have an answer for any

situation no matter what it is. If you use a big pressure offense game, then

he can use it with the blistering combos. If your thing is countering people

into annoyance, then he has the means of putting up a defense and counter

striking the hell out of your opponents til they cry about your cheesiness.

He can be used to turtle fight, he can be used to pressure offense, hell he

can even be used to just stand there and look friggin cool with! There isn't

much that you can say about him that's bad. If you learn how to use his

arsenal properly, you can use a deadly mix up game from high to low attacks.

Choose Lau if this is your first time playing the game so you can get the

hang of this game in no time flat. In the hands of an expert, Lau can be

deadly. I've seen the computer and even human players chain together attacks

and combos to the point that they get perfects back to back with little to no

effort. This is due to the fact that his speed is quick enough that unless

you're an expert yourself, then you won't be able to see it coming or know

how to properly defend yourself against him. If you don't want to be a Lau

user, then you'd better learn how to put up some means of a gameplan against

him by learning him. He's a nightmare to face. I don't know if it was

because he's fighting a disease and he's on the last leg in life, but the

makers of Virtua just seemed to say that "If this is the last game that Lau

will appear in, then he's going out with a bang!" Like I said to begin with,

there's just nothing that he can't do and when you use him, you'll see

exactly what I mean!

*** Jeffry McWild ***

























































- Backstory -

- Jeffry had entered the Fourth World Fighting Tournament to raise funds to buy

a fishing research vessel with high-end radar, but when he returned home, he

heard from the local fishermen that the Devil Shark had been captured by J6.

His rival, captured? Jeffry couldn't believe his ears. "I'm the only one

who can defeat the Devil Shark! No one else can touch him! No one! Driven

by obsession, Jeffry tried to find out everything he could about J6, but even

after spending all of his prize money from the tournament, all he learned was

that J6 was the organization behind the tournament itself. Unsure of what to

do next, Jeffry's next move is decided for him when he receives an invitation

to the fifth tournament.

- Stats -

Nationality - Australian

Birthday - 02/20/1957

Hobby - Reggae Music

Height - 183 cm (6'0)

Weight - 111 kg (244 lbs)

Measurements - 121/93/97

Blood Type - A

Occupation - Fisherman

Fighting Style - Pancratium

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Jeffry properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Straight Knuckle - P

Double Knuckle - P,P

Double Knuckle~Upper - P,P,P

Straight Knuckle~Body Blow - P,=>,P

Straight Knuckle~Body Blow~Threat Stance - P,=>,P,P+K+G

Head Cut Smash - P,=>,P,P

Knuckle Kick - P,K

Combo Pile Bunker - P,K,P

Elbow Butt - =>,P

Elbow Hammer - =>,P,<=,P

Dash Elbow - =>,=>,P

Dash Elbow Upper - =>,=>,P,P

Violence Body Blow - =>,<=,P

Violence Face Stamp - =>,<=,P,K

Elbow Stamp - <=,P

Double Impact - <=,P,P

Kenka Hook - <=,=>,P

Tornado Punch - <=,=>,=>,P (can be charged)

Double Hammer Down - <=,,P

Rising Hammer - <=,,P,P

Low Knuckle - |,P

Vertical Upper - Hold |,,P

Smash Upper - ,P

Double Upper - ,P,P

Full Swing Upper - ,,P

Upper Kick - K

Killing Knee Kick - K,K

Killing Knee Hammer - K,K,P

Killing Knee Kick Splash Mountain - K,K then |,,=>,P+G

Knee Attack - =>,K

Kenka Kick - =>,=>,K

Knee Push - <=,K

Knee Push Bottle Cut - <=,K,P

Toe Kick - |,K

Toe Kick Hammer - |,K,P

Toe Kick Splash Mountain - |,K then |,,=>,P+G

Vertical Kick - Hold |(or /) K

Side Kick - ,K

Jumping Heavy Kick - UF,K

Heavy Low Kick - /,K+G (can be charged)

Body Stab - P+K

Double Stab - P+K,P

Buzzsaw Kick - P+K,P then =>,P+G during counter hit

Middle Hell Stab - =>,P+K

Hell Claw - =>,=>,P+K

Choke Slam - =>,=>,P+K then P+G during hit

Hell Dunk Hammer - =>,<=,P+K

Heavy Back Knuckle - <=,P+K

Heavy Back Knuckle~Threat Stance - <=,P+K,P+K+G

Stomach Destroyer - <=,P+K,K

Head Attack - <=,=>,P+K

Full Swing Double Hammer - <=,=>,=>,P+K

Megaton Knuckle - <=,,P+K

Power Hammer - HCF,P+K

Hell Dunk Elbow - |,P+K

Hell Dunk Knee - |,P+K,K

Tidal Wave Combo 1 - ,P+K

Tidal Wave Combo 2 - ,P+K,P

Tidal Wave Combo 3 - ,P+K,P,P

Tidal Wave Combo 4 - ,P+K,P,P,P

Megaton Fist Drop - /,P+K

Destruction Wave - K+G

Heel Drop - =>,K+G

Ducking Low - |,K+G

Heel Scythe Kick - ,K+G

Rolling Heel Attack - UF,K+G

Running Body Press - Hold =>,P+K (while running)

Running Hip Attack - Hold =>,K+G (while running)

Turn Straight - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Body Hook - P (during Offensive Move)

Quick Knee - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves From Threat Stance *

Threat Stance - P+K+G

Catch Blow - From Threat Stance: P

Heavy Knee Strike - From Threat Stance: P then =>,P+G during guard

Counter Side Kick - From Threat Stance: K

Spear Straight From Threat Stance: P+K

Rising Rush - From Threat Stance: P+G

* Throws *

Knee Smash - P+G

Power Slam - =>,P+G

Head Butt - <=,=>,P+G

Head Crush - From Head Butt: <=,P+G

Double Head Butt - From Head Butt: =>,P+G

Triple Head Butt - From Double Head Butt: =>,P+G

Head Crush - From Double Head Butt: <=,P+G

Front Backbreaker - HCF,P+G

Machine Gun Hammer - /,=>,P+G

Body Lift - <=,P+G (change throw direction with | or ^)

Go To Sleep - HCB,P+G

Spine Buster - |,P+G

Sharkbite Tackle - ,P+G

Splash Mountain - ,,P+G

Back Throw - /,P+G

Machine Gun Tackle - (wall behind opponent) <=,,P+G

Wall Back Flip - (wall in back) ,P+G

Wall Back Flip - (wall behind opponent) ,P+G

Number One Buster - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Only One Buster - (on opponent's left or right) <=,=>(or =>,<=) P+G

Backbreaker - (opponent facing away) P+G

Choke Sweeper Swing - (opponent facing away) |,P+G

Iron Claw - (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Machine Gun Knee Lift - (opponent crouching) |,=>,P+K+G

Power Bomb - (opponent crouching) ,P+K+G

Tidal Wave Bomb - (on crouching opponent's left or right) |(or or |,=>)


Backbreaker - (opponent facing away and crouching) |(or or |,=>) P+K+G

Air Catch Bomb - (opponent falling, face up with feet in the air) UF,P+G

Air Catch Backdrop - (opponent falling, face down with feet in the air)


Air Catch Power Slam - (opponent falling, face down with head in the air)


Crash Down Slam - (opponent falling, face up with head in the air) UF,P+G

* Down Attacks *

Stomping - (opponent down) ,K

Body Press - (opponent down) ^,P

Raiden Drop - (opponent down) ^,K+G

Devil Reverse Claw - (opponent lying face up) |,P+G

Devil Reverse Claw - (opponent lying face down) |,P+G

Neck Hanging Bomb - (opponent lying face up) ,P+G

Face Crusher - (opponent lying face down) ,P+G

* Back Attacks *

Spin Knuckle - (opponent behind) P

Back Double Hammer - (opponent behind) |,P

Back Kick - (opponent behind) K

Back Heel Kick - (opponent behind) |,K

* Jump Attacks *

Hammer Down - (while rising) P

Step Knuckle - (in midair) P

Step Kick - (while rising) K

Heel Drop - (in midair) K

Pushing Kick - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Jumping Knee - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Purple Headband = 5000G Use: ABCD

Straw Hat = 9000G Use: ABCD

Brown Tied Dreads = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Heavy Dreads = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Hair Headband = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Bandana = 5000G Use: ABCD

Green Bandana = 9000G Use: ABCD

Slicked Brown Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Headband = 5000G Use: ABCD


Slmageeburns = 5000G Use: ABCD

Black Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Fishing Sunglasses = 4000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Three Skull Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Heavy Tanktop = 7000G Use: C

Blue Heavy Tanktop = 7000G Use: C

Red Wheel Tanktop = 10000G Use: C

Blue Wingfish Vest = 19000G Use: D

Black Leather Vest = 13000G Use: D

Orange Leather Vest = 13000G Use: D

Gray Aloha Shirt = 14000G Use: B

Green Wheel Tanktop = 10000G Use: C

Green Wingfish Vest = 19000G Use: D

Green Aloha Shirt = 19000G Use: B

Brown Heavy Tanktop = 10000G Use: C

Purple Leather Vest = 19000G Use: D

Purple Tropics Shirt = 19000G Use: B

Orange Wheel Tanktop = 10000G Use: C

Yellow Wingfish Vest = 19000G Use: D


Roman Shoulder Pads = 10000G Use: ACD

Leather Bracelet = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Fire Gloves = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Bead Bracelet = 1000G Use: AC

Orange Heavy Gloves = 1000G Use: ABCD

Rust Elbow Braces = 4000G Use: D

Black Elbow Braces = 4000G Use: D

Orange Elbow Braces = 4000G Use: D

Brown Elbow Braces = 4000G Use: D

Red Leather Bracelet = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Great Sword = 5000G Use: AC

Double Axe = 5000G Use: AC

Roman Leg Guards = 10000G Use: ABD

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Gray Beach Sandals = 6000G Use: ABCD

Brown Linen Pants = 10000G Use: A

Yellow Foot Guards = 1000G Use: A

Aqua Foot Guards = 1000G Use: A

Green Baggy Pants = 13000G Use: C

Black Baggy Pants = 13000G Use: C

Orange Rope Belt = 1000G Use: A

Blue Wave Pants = 15000G Use: A

Blue Foot Guards = 1000G Use: A

Mohogany Shorts = 9000G Use: B

Green Bead Belt = 1000G Use: C

Black Gym Pants = 20000G Use: C

Red Noble Shorts = 13000G Use: D

Black Anchor Shorts = 8000G Use: D

Black Kick Guards = 1000G Use: ABCD

Orange Anchor Shorts = 8000G Use: D

White Rope Belt = 1000G Use: A

Gray Wave Shorts = 9000G Use: B

Brown Gym Pants = 20000G Use: C

Purple Bead Belt = 1000G Use: C

Orange Beach Sandals = 10000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Beach Sandals = 10000G Use: ABCD

Brown Noble Shorts = 13000G Use: D

Purple Rope Belt = 2000G Use: A

Green Linen Pants = 20000G Use: A

Blue Shorts = 13000G Use: B

Pink Baggy Pants = 20000G Use: C

Green Anchor Shorts = 13000G Use: D

Pink Rope Belt = 2000G Use: A

Beige Wave Pants = 20000G Use: A

Brown Wave Shorts = 13000G Use: B

Navy Bead Belt = 2000G Use: C

Blue Gym Pants = 20000G Use: C

Yellow Noble Shorts = 13000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Jeffry:

The hulking huge powerhouse of the game, equaled only by Wolf. Even though

he's all strength like Wolf, the two of them differ in many ways. While Wolf

retains a sort of techinical aspect, Jeffry is all about beating the living

tar out of people. Jeffry is a popular character that the computer and alot

of people love to use him. He has incredible reach that for alot of

characters, poses a big problem of getting in close to him to even begin

attacking him. One of the biggest and probably his most glaring flaw from

the start is his speed. Jeffry is not a very mobile guy compared to most of

the other characters. He's still pretty quick for a big guy, but when you

put him up against the likes of El Blaze....yeah....his lack of speed becomes

extremely apparent. Since he's basically the slowest in the game though,

that gives him the stereotypical over the top strength factor. All a good

Jeffry player has to do is land like 2 or 3 strikes to basically either win

the match or come real close. As I said before, Jeffry isn't a techinical

character, nor does he have a finesse of sorts....he's all about huge strikes

and powerfully devestating throws. You could say that he's a beginner's

character, but then again you could say that he's an expert only character as

well. The way you could see him as a beginner character is because it

doesn't take much to learn him at all. He does have some simplistic combos

but it's not like you have to learn them and use them religiously to win

matches. Just learning some big throws and his quick hard hitting strikes

alone will be what makes you win matches. Now as to why he should be an

expert character is because only someone with a firm grasp on the game's

mechanics and such could be able to compensate for Jeffry's slow speed and

lumbering strikes to make his fighting style become something more than just

simple hit or miss style. I've seen expert Jeffry players use a tremendous

amount of set up strikes and situations with walls, the enviroment, or just

pop ups to set up combos with him that I would of never even thought of that

he was capable of pulling off. So I'm going to put Jeffry out there as a

character to approach no matter who you are. There's not going to be a huge

amount of learning with the game's mechanics with him, but there is a comfort

zone that you can find with him in relatively little time. Just think of

Jeffry as a character that you play as solely to abuse opponents and to just

have some good old fun with rather than become a techinical player and learn

the Virtua Fighter 5 game with. One of the cheesiest things that you can do

with Jeffry that he has going for him is his throws. You can easily toss

people over walls and get many ring out victories over opponents. A very

effective way to annoy people and get on their bad sides. All in all Jeffry

is a character that is something more or less that you have to play as to get

your own sense of feel with and can have a total amount of freedom and fun

with, rather than trying to learn a set amount of long combos and strikes

and get an in-depth gameplan with to win matches.

*** Vanessa Lewis ***










































































- Backstory -

- When Vanessa learned that J6 was targeting Sarah, she volunteered to protect

her, and infiltrated the Fourth World Fighting Tournament as a security

officer. But midway through the tournament, Vanessa suddenly lost contact

with her team and disappeared. After a few years passed with no leads on her

whereabouts, Vanessa was suddenly found unconscious in a room in the Bryant

home. When she came to, she could only remember events up to midway through

the fourth tournament. Her body, however, showed signs of conditioning and

training beyond anything she remembered. As Vanessa struggled with her lack

of memories, she learned of the fifth tournament. Hoping to find out what

had happened, Vanessa decides to enter the tournament.

- Stats -

Nationality - Unknown

Birthday - N/A

Hobby - Singing

Height - 175 cm (5'9)

Weight - 55 kg (121 lbs)

Measurements - 93/57/93

Blood Type - AB

Occupation - Security Guard

Fighting Style - Vale Tudo

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 4

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Vanessa properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

FCFC - Full Circle Forward Clockwise

FCFCC - Full Circle Forward Counter Clockwise

FCBC - Full Circle Backward Clockwise

FCBCC - Full Circle Backward Counter Clockwise

* Normal Moves (Defensive Style) *

Jab - From Defensive Style: P

One Two - From Defensive Style: P,P

One Two Low - From Defensive Style: P,P,K

One Two~Swtich Knee Lift - From Defensive Style: P,P,P+K+G

Shadow Combination - From Defensive Style: P,P,P

Shadow Combo High Kick - From Defensive Style: P,P,P,K

Feint Body - From Defensive Style: P,,P

Crush Jaw - From Defensive Style: P (while rising from a crouch)

Back Knuckle - From Defensive Style: =>,P

Back Knuckle High - From Defensive Style: =>,P,K

Back Knuckle Stream - From Defensive Style: =>,P,K,K

Back Knuckle High~Switch Back Blow - From Defensive Style: =>,P,K,P+K+G

Back Knuckle Toe Kick - From Defensive Style: =>,P,,K

Back Knuckle Toe Kick~Front Sleeper - From Defensive Style: =>,P,,K then

=>,P+G during counter hit

Back Knuckle Toe Kick~Hold Face Knee - From Defensive Style: =>,P,,K then

=>,P+G,K during counter hit

Ducking Body Blow - From Defensive Style: =>,=>,P

Ducking Body Smash - From Defensive Style: =>,=>,P,P

Heavy Impact - From Defensive Style: <=,P

Sit Jab - From Defensive Style: |,P

Takeoff Elbow - From Defensive Style: Hold |,,P

Takeoff Elbow~Switch Knee Lift - From Defensive Style: Hold |,,P,P+K+G

Cut Upper - From Defensive Style: ,P

Defensive Elbow (deflect) - From Defensive Style: /,P

Front Kick - From Defensive Style: K

Switch Left Slicer - From Defensive Style: K,|(or ^) K

Half Moon Kick - From Defensive Style: K (while rising from a crouch)

Cut-In Knee Kick - From Defensive Style: =>,K

Cut-In Knee Kick~Front Sleeper - From Defensive Style: =>,K then =>,P+G

during counter hit

Front Sleeper~Hold Face Knee - From Defensive Style: =>,K then =>,P+G,K

during counter hit

Shadow Slicer - From Defensive Style: =>,=>,K

Parrying High Kick (deflect) - From Defensive Style: <=,=>,K

Parrying Combination - From Defensive Style: <=,=>,K,P

Stopping Low - From Defensive Style: |,K

Stopping Low Combo - From Defensive Style: |,K,P

Stopping Low~Switch Back Blow - From Defensive Style: |,K,P+K+G

Sit-Dow Low Kick - From Defensive Style: Hold |(or /) K

Right Angle Toe Kick - From Defensive Style: ^,K

Bone Crush Middle - From Defensive Style: ,K (can be charged)

Heavy Hook - From Defensive Style: P+K

Heavy Hook Combo - From Defensive Style: P+K,P

Heavy Hook~Switch Knee Lift - From Defensive Style: P+K,P+K+G

Fake Spin Elbow (deflect) - From Defensive Style: =>,P+K

Grand Spike - From Defensive Style: =>,P+K,P

Leopard Strike (deflect) - From Defensive Style: <=,=>,P+K

Cut-In - From Defensive Style: <=,,P+K

Bomber Strike - From Defensive Style: |,P+K

Boomerang Hook - From Defensive Style: ,P+K

Guard Crush Tornado - From Defensive Style: K+G

Heel Kick - From Defensive Style: =>,K+G

Switch Back Middle - From Defensive Style: <=,K+G

Back Charge Kick - From Defensive Style: <=,<=,K+G (can be charged)

Back Charge Set-Up - From Defensive Style: <=,<=,K+G then | while charging

Step Out - From Defensive Style: <=,<=,K+G then G while charging

Step In - From Defensive Style: <=,<=,K+G then G before hit

Low Spin Slicer - From Defensive Style: |,K+G

Stomach Crush - From Defensive Style: ,K+G

Stomach Crush~Front Sleeper - From Defensive Style: ,K+G then =>,P+G during


Front Sleeper~Hold Face Knee - From Defensive Style: ,K+G then =>,P+G,K

during hit

Leg Bomber - From Defensive Style: /,K+G

Intrude Hook - From Defensive Style: G (hold G) |(or ^) P (front side)

Intercept Body Blow - From Defensive Style: G (hold G) |(or ^) P (back side)

Gliding Slicer - From Defensive Style: G (hold G) (or UF) P (front side)

Gliding Back Knuckle - From Defensive Style: G(hold G) (or UF) P (back side)

Gliding Toe - From Defensive Style: G (hold G) /(or UB) K (front side)

Gliding Middle - From Defensive Style: G (hold G) /(or UB) K (back side)

Set-Up (Offensive Style) - From Defensive Style: P+K+G

Barrier Kick - From Defensive Style: P+K (during Defensive Move)

Body Hook - From Defensive Style: P (during Offensive Move)

Smash Toe Kick - From Defensive Style: K (during Offensive Move)

* Normal Moves (Offensive Style) *

Step-In Jab - From Offensive Style: P

Quick Upper - From Offensive Style: P,P

Straight - From Offensive Style: P,P,P

Quick Back Blow - From Offensive Style: P,P,P,P

Machine Gun Combination - From Offensive Style: P,P,P,K

Double Jab~Switch Back Blow - From Offensive Style: P,P,P+K+G

Feint Body - From Offensive Style: P,,P

Combo Knee Kick - From Offensive Style: P,K

Smash Straight - From Offensive Style: P,K,P

Fake Lancer - From Offensive Style: P,K then =>,P+K just before hit

Smash Upper - From Offensive Style: P (while rising from a crouch)

Body Blow - From Offensive Style: =>,P

Body Blow~Bullet Hook - From Offensive Style: =>,P,P

Stride Combination - From Offensive Style: =>,P,P,K

Bullet Hook~Switch Back Blow - From Offensive Style: =>,P,P+K+G

Long Barrel Blow - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,P

Heavy Impact - From Offensive Style: <=,P

Heavy Straight - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P

Body Straight - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P,P

Chopping Right - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P,P,P

Assault Combination - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P,P,P,K

Blow Back - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P,P,<=,P

Crimson Lancer - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P,P,<=,P,=>,P+K

Stinger Strike - From Offensive Style: HCF,P (can be charged)

Tank Buster - From Offensive Style: HCF,P then | while charging

Leg Guard Crush - From Offensive Style: |,P

Short Upper - From Offensive Style: ,P

Bunker Buster - From Offensive Style: UF,P

High Kick - From Offensive Style: K

High Kick~Intercept - From Offensive Style: K,P

Fake Lancer - From Offensive Style: K then =>,P+K just before hit

Death Scythe - From Offensive Style: Hold =>,K

Cluster Knee - From Offensive Style: K (while rising from a crouch)

Knee - From Offensive Style: =>,K

Knee~Kick - From Offensive Style: =>,K,K

Knee~Kick~Jab - From Offensive Style: =>,K,K,P

Knee~Kick~Jab~Hook - From Offensive Style - =>,K,K,P,P

Blow Back - From Offensive Style: =>,K,K,P,<=,P

Crimson Lancer - From Offensive Style: =>,K,K,P,<=,P,=>,P+K

Knee~Kick~Jab~Switch Knee Lift - From Offensive Style: =>,K,K,P,P+K+G

Landing Knee Kick - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,K

Landing Knee Combo - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,K,P

Hunting Kick - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,K,|(or ^) K

Fake Lancer - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,K then =>,P+K just before hit

Stop Middle - From Offensive Style: <=,K

Intruder Step - From Offensive Style: <=,K then => just before hit

Counter Strike - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,K

Crimson Lancer - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,K then =>,P+K during counter hit

Stopping Low - From Offensive Style: |,K

Stopping Low Combo - From Offensive Style: |,K,P

Stopping Low Smash - From Offensive Style: |,K,P,P

Blow Back - From Offensive Style: |,K,P,<=,P

Crimson Lancer - From Offensive Style: |,K,P,<=,P,=>,P+K

Stopping Low Combo~Switch Knee Lift - From Offensive Style: |,K,P,P+K+G

Sit-Down Low Kick - From Offensive Style: Hold |(or /) K

Stopping Toe - From Offensive Style: ,K

Flag Back Knuckle - From Offensive Style: ,K,P

Stealth Body Blow - From Offensive Style: ,K,P,P

Stealth Body Blow~Switch Knee Lift - From Offensive Style: ,K,P,P,P+K+G

Stealth Spin Kick - From Offensive Style: ,K,P,K

Flag Back Knuckle~Intruder Step - From Offensive Style: ,K,P,K then =>

just before hit

Stopping Toe~Second Impact - From Offensive Style: ,K,K

Stopping Toe~Intruder Step - From Offensive Style: ,K,K then => just before


Stopping Toe~Switch Back Blow - From Offensive Style: ,K,P+K+G

HAWK Strike - From Offensive Style: UF,K

Chopping Hook~Body Smash - From Offensive Style: P+K,P

Chopping Hook~Switch Back Blow - From Offensive Style: P+K,P+K+G

Pile Bunker - From Offensive Style: =>,P+K

Lighting Lancer Tackle - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,P+K

Lighting Smash - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P+K

Lighting Smash~Combo - From Offensive Style: <=,=>,P+K,P

Russian Hook - From Offensive Style: <=,,P+K

Uppercut - From Offensive Style: ,P+K

Upper Heel Sword - From Offensive Style: ,P+K,K

Quick Back Knuckle - From Offensive Style: /,P+K

Guard Crush Tornado - From Offensive Style: K+G

Leg Slicer - From Offensive Style: |,K+G

Leg Slicer~Takedown - From Offensive Style: |,K+G then =>,P+G during counter


Heel Kick - From Offensive Style: =>,K+G

Leg Cut Low - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,K+G

Leg Cut Low~Takedown - From Offensive Style: =>,=>,K+G then =>,P+G during hit

Quick Toe Kick - From Offensive Style: <=,K+G

Leg Crush Hold - From Offensive Style: <=,K+G then P+G during hit

Back Charge Kick - From Offensive Style: <=,<=,K+G (can be charged)

Back Charge Set-Up - From Offensive Style: <=,<=,K+G then | while charging

Step Out - From Offensive Style: <=,<=,K+G then G while charging

Step In - From Offensive Style: <=,<=,K+G then G just before hit

Leg Bomber - From Offensive Style: /,K+G

Set-Up (Defensive Style) - From Offensive Style: P+K+G

Sidestep Lancer - From Offensive Style: P+K (during Defensive Move)

Body Smash - From Offensive Style: P (during Offensive Move)

Quick Knee Kick - From Offensive Style: K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Intruder Step (Offensive Style) *

Rising Upper - From Intruder Step: P

Rising Upper~Switch Back Blow - From Intruder Step: P,P+K+G

Rolling Toe Kick - From Intruder Step: K

Bunker Crusher - From Intruder Step: P+K

Spear Tackle - From Intruder Step: P+G

* Moves from Takedown (Offensive Style) *

Hammer Knuckle - From Takedown: P

Hammer Knuckle 2 - After Hammer Knuckle or Body Punch: P

Hammer Knuckle 3 - After Hammer Knuckle 2 or Body Punch 2: P

Body Punch - From Takedown: |,P

Body Punch 2 - After Hammer Knuckle or Body Punch: |,P

Body Punch 3 - After Hammer Knuckle 2 or Body Punch 2: |,P

Hammer Knuckle (Finish) - From Takedown P+K

V1 Armlock - From Takedown: P+G

V1 Armlock 2 - After Hammer Knuckle or Body Punch: P+G

V1 Armlock 3 - After Hammer Knuckle 2 or Body Punch 2: P+G

* Moves from Hand Hold (Defensive Style) *

Hand Hold - From Defensive Style: Lever neutral (vs high punch/mid punch)

Face Crush Upper - From Hand Hold: P

Face Crush Knee - From Hand Hold: K

Shoulder Breaker - From Hand Hold: P+G

* Throws (Defensive Style) *

Canyon Dive - From Defensive Style: P+G

Elbow Rush - From Defensive Style: =>,P+G

Army Combination - From Defensive Style: HCF,P+G

Heaven's Gate - From Defensive Style: FCBC (or FCBCC) P+G

Hell's Gate - From Defensive Style: =>,|,P+G

Rolling Arm Crusher - From Defensive Style: <=,|,P+G

Replace Throw - From Defensive Style: /,P+G

Wall Kiss - From Defensive Style: (wall behind opponent) =>,=>,P+G

Judgement: Guilty - From Defensive Style: (wall behind opponent) =>,=>,P+G


Stomach Crusher - From Defensive Style: (wall behind opponent) =>,=>,P+G


Head Divider - From Defensive Style: (on opponent's right) P+G

Takedown Blow - From Defensive Style: (on opponent's left) P+G

* Throws (Offensive Style) *

Canyon Dive - From Offensive Style: P+G

Elbow Rush - From Offensive Style: =>,P+G

Leg Breaker - From Offensive Style: HCF,P+G

Styx Hole - From Offensive Style: HCB,P+G

Arm Crush Throw - From Offensive Style: ,P+G

Triangle Lancer - From Offensive Style: ,,P+G

Rampage Drive - From Offensive Style: (wall behind opponent) =>,=>,P+G

Head Divider - From Offensive Style: (on opponent's right) P+G

Chinook Strike - From Offensive Style: (on opponent's left) P+G

Deep Sweeper - From Offensive Style: (opponent facing away) P+G

Upkeep - From Offensive Style: (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Hellhound - From Offensive Style: (opponent crouching) ,P+K+G

Head Divider - From Offensive Style: (on crouching opponent's right) |(or )


Chinook Strike - From Offensive Style: (on crouching opponent's left) |(or )


Deep Sweeper - From Offensive Style: (opponent facing away and crouching)

|(or ) P+K+G

* Reversals (Defensive Style) *

Prison Armlock - From Defensive Style: <=,P+K (vs high punch)

Leg Catch Throw - From Defensive Style: <=,P+K (vs right high kick)

Leg Hold Throw - From Defensive Style: <=,P+K (vs left high kick)

Prison Armlock - From Defensive Style: /,P+K (vs mid punch)

Leg Catch Throw - From Defensive Style: /,P+K (vs right mid kick)

Leg Hold Throw - From Defensive Style: /,P+K (vs left mid kick)

Leg Hold Smash - From Defensive Style: /,P+K (vs side kick)

* Down Attacks (Defensive Style) *

Soccerball Kick - From Defensive Style: (opponent down) ,K

Rolling Leg Drop - From Defensive Style: (opponent down) ^,P

* Down Attacks (Offensive Style) *

Soccerball Kick - From Offensive Style: (opponent down) ,K

Bryant's Knee Stamp - From Offensive Style: (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks (Defensive Style) *

Back Slash - From Defensive Style: (opponent behind) P

Turn Defensive Elbow (deflect) - From Defensive Style: (opponent behind) |,P

Half Moon Turn Kick - From Defensive Style: (opponent behind) K

Stopping Foul Kick - From Defensive Style: (opponent behind) |,K

Face Crush Elbow - From Defensive Style: (opponent behind) P+K

Turn Low Spin Slicer - From Defensive Style: (opponent behind) |,K+G

* Back Attacks (Offensive Style) *

Back Slash - From Offensive Style: (opponent behind) P

Turn Low Straight - From Offensive Style: (opponent behind) |,P

Half Moon Turn Kick - From Offensive Style: (opponent behind) K

Stopping Foul Kick - From Offensive Style: (opponent behind) |,K

Face Crush Elbow - From Offensive Style: (opponent behind) P+K

Turn Low Spin Slicer - From Offensive Style: (opponent behind) |,K+G

* Jump Attacks (Defensive Style) *

Double Knuckle - From Defensive Style: (while rising) P

Step Straight - From Defensive Style: (in midair) P

Step Hook Kick - From Defensive Style: (in midair) K

Step Heel Kick - From Defensive Style: (before landing) K

* Jump Attacks (Offensive Style) *

Elbow - From Offensive Style: (while rising) P

Step Straight - From Offensive Style: (in midair) P

Step Hook Kick - From Offensive Style: (in midair) K

Step Heel Kick - From Offensive Style: (before landing) K

* Wall Moves (Both Styles) *

React Round Kick - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Wall Back Roll - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Red Hibiscus = 5000G Use: ABCD

Headset = 2000G Use: ABCD

White Drop Earrings = 10000G Use: ABCD

Blond Ponytail = 9000G Use: ABCD

Blond Pigtails = 9000G Use: ABCD

Medium Brown Hair = 1000G Use: ABCD

Short Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Wild Brown Updo Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Long Brown Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Blue Camo Cap = 15000G Use: ABCD

Desert Camo Cap = 9000G Use: ABCD

Green Beret = 15000G Use: ABCD

Pink Drop Earrings = 2000G Use: ABCD


Night Vision Goggles = 7000G Use: ABCD

Rimless Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

General Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Light Makeup = 4000G Use: ABCD

Black Rimmed Glasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sunglasses = 10000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Turquoise Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Leather Bra = 2000G Use: A

Gray Military Shirt = 5000G Use: A

Dark Red Combat Suit = 7000G Use: C

Blue Combat Suit = 7000G Use: C

Winter Camo Shirt = 8000G Use: A

White SP Shirt = 9000G Use: B

Green Camo Suit = 10000G Use: C

Black Flight Jacket = 19000G Use: D

Brown Half Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Blue Guardian Jacket = 13000G Use: D

Green Jacket = 13000G Use: D

Green Half Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Forest Camo Shirt = 8000G Use: A

Green Leather Bra = 2000G Use: A

Brown Leather Bra = 2000G Use: A

Dark Green SP Shirt = 9000G Use: B

Brown Flight Jacket = 19000G Use: D

Rust Half Tanktop = 4000G Use: D

Pink Camo Suit = 10000G Use: C

Ruby Necklace = 6000G Use: ABCD

Pink Military Shirt = 19000G Use: A

Orange SP Shirt = 19000G Use: B

Orange Combat Suit = 10000G Use: C

Gray Guardian Jacket = 19000G Use: D

Red Half Tanktop = 10000G Use: D

Dry Woods Camo Shirt = 19000G Use: A

Brown SP Shirt = 19000G Use: B

Gray Camo Suit = 10000G Use: C

Lilac Flight Jacket = 19000G Use: D

Beige Half Tanktop = 10000G Use: D


Leather Bracelet = 2000G Use: ABC

Green Combat Gloves = 1000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Bazooka = 5000G Use: ABCD

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Green Military Bag = 10000G Use: AC

Red Laced Boots = 1000G Use: ABCD

Blue Military Belt = 1000G Use: A

Gray Military Pants = 3000G Use: A

Black Laced Boots = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Combat Pants = 13000G Use: C

Blue Combat Belt = 1000G Use: C

Blue Combat Pants = 13000G Use: C

Winter Camo Pants = 5000G Use: A

Dark Amber Pants = 9000G Use: B

Green Combat Belt = 1000G Use: C

Purple Combat Pants = 13000G Use: C

Brown Studded Belt = 1000G Use: D

Light Blue Jeans = 13000G Use: D

Gray Denim Pants = 8000G Use: D

Blue Denim Pants = 8000G Use: D

Green Military Belt = 1000G Use: A

Forest Camo Pants = 5000G Use: A

Brown Military Belt = 1000G Use: A

Washed Blue Jeans = 13000G Use: D

Pink Combat Belt = 1000G Use: C

Black Combat Pants = 13000G Use: C

Silver Nightstick = 5000G Use: ABCD

Pink Military Pants = 13000G Use: A

Orange SP Pants = 13000G Use: B

Orange Combat Pants = 13000G Use: C

Dry Woods Camo Pants = 13000G Use: A

Dark Green Pants = 13000G Use: B

Navy Combat Belt = 2000G Use: C

Olive Combat Pants = 13000G Use: C

Blue Fire SP Boots = 15000G Use: ABCD

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Vanessa:

It's hard for me to place Vanessa in a means of who she is really meant for,

either a beginner or an expert. She has quite a few techniques that take

quite awhile to getting use to, yet when I gave her a spin, she had more

than enough simple combos and strikes to destroy opponents. I would put her

into a Jeffry category, but it's not like you can just haul off and do

whatever you want and still win matches. She does require a degree of

practice in order to finally get down right, especially if you're planning on

learning her inside and out. If you're just wanting to pick up on her

though just to see what she's about, then she still has plenty of the basics

that seem to put her skills up there with that of a pro player even in the

hands of a beginner. A true expert Vanessa player though is a force to be

reckoned with. Where Vanessa's strengths lie is in her blitz offense

tactics, her quick strikes, her counter game, and her solid defense. You

could say that she has the total package, and you could be right....but she's

not without her flaws! Though she does have the answer for any situation

given to her, it all depends on the stance that she's in. That's right.

You have to switch back and forth between her two stances in order to gain

either her full offensive tactics or her full defensive tactics. This can be

a big pain in the ass given that most of the time if you're using other

characters, it just becomes second nature to use your offense and defense

without hindrance. So basically what you have to do with her is not so much

learn her inside and out, but learn every other character inside and out!

This way you'll know what you should use and what to stay in majority of the

time given whatever character you're faced with. If you know that by

fighting Jeffry or Wolf that you have the speed advantage, then stay with her

offensive stance and stick to using blitz tactics and stringing combos. Like

wise if you're fighting against El Blaze or Eileen and know that you're out

classed in speed and blitz tactics, then switch to primarily using her

defensive stance and tactics, using her counter game to your advantage. So

I would say that basically use Vanessa as you would see fit against likewise

opponents. It all basically falls upon your own skill against players and

the computer when thrown into various situations. So in the long run when

using Vanessa it matters more on how you react to players and the way they

fight more so than learning her inside and out. You must be ready for

anything with her and know what techniques to use and how to use them on the

fly. So going back to whether or not she is a beginner or an expert

character.... well the verdict's still out. An expert can appreciate the

extremely deep gameplay that she offers up, but be turned off by the fact

that she's not as fluid a character as just about the rest of the roster is.

While a beginner will love how much Vanessa can offer and if this is a

beginner's first character for this game, will be able to learn Vanessa far

more easily than a person who's been playing the game alot longer than

others. Still a beginner can be easily overwhelmed by many given the fact

that they still lack the knowledge of the game or the other characters and

what they are capable of since they have no clue how to yet judge other

players or characters. I would say approach Vanessa with this knowledge at

hand and at your own discretion. She can be a true force to be reckoned with

yes, but not until you've definitely put in the long haul of time behind her.

All in all though....a sexy mama like her is more than enough for any one to

enjoy to the fullest and brawn is something that doesn't

come around very often!

*** Wolf Hawkfield ***
























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- Backstory -

- When Dural appeared during the Fourth World Fighting Tournament, Wolf was on

hand to watch the final match. He saw a small mark on Dural's body that was

very similar to a symbol he had seen in his nightmares - a recurring dream

of the apocalypse. Almost as if to confirm the connection, his nightmares

ended. Wolf returned to his life as a professional wrestler, and received

a challenge from El Blaze, and an invitation to the Fifth World Fighting

Tournament. Wolf hid a smile, knowing that he'd have something else to look

forward to besides fighting Akira.

- Stats -

Nationality - Canadian

Birthday - 2/08/1966

Hobby - Karaoke

Height - 181 cm (5'11 1/4)

Weight - 101 kg (222 lbs)

Measurements - 123/93/98

Blood Type - O

Occupation - Woodman

Fighting Style - Pro Wrestling

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Wolf properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

FCFC - Full Circle Forward Clockwise

FCFCC - Full Circle Forward Counter Clockwise

FCBC - Full Circle Backward Clockwise

FCBCC - Full Circle Backward Counter Clockwise

* Normal Moves *

Straight Hammer - P

Jab Straight - P,P

One Two Upper - P,P,P

Elbow Smash - P,P,=>,P

Combo Elbow Butt - P,P,=>,P,<=,P

Combo Double Arm Suplex - P,P,=>,P,/,P+K+G

Hammer Kick - P,K

Body Blow - =>,P

Dragonfish Blow - =>,P,P

Rolling Back Elbow - =>,P,P+K

Screw Hook - HCB,P

Screw Lariat - HCB,P,P

Elbow Butt - <=,P

Shoulder Attack - <=,=>,P (can be charged)

Shoulder Attack~Cancel - <=,=>,P then | while charging

Clothesline - <=,=>,=>,P

Rolling Elbow - <=,,P

Emerald Flowsion - <=,,P then HCF,P+G during hit

Emerald Flowsion Variant - <=,,P then max input speed HCF,P+G during hit

Reverse Emerald Flowsion - (opponent facing away) <=,,P then HCF,P+G during


DD5 - (opponent facing away) <=,,P then max input speed HCF,P+G during hit

Low Hammer - |,P

Vertical Smash - Hold |,,P

Reverse Sledgehammer - Hold |,,=>,P

Arrow Knuckle - ,P

Comet Hook - /,P

Elbow Rush 1 - /,=>,P

Elbow Rush 2 - /,=>,P,P

Elbow Rush 3 - /,=>,P,P,P

Tomahawk Chop - UF,P

European Elbow - UF,P then =>,P+G during counter hit

High Kick - K

Double High Kick - K,K

Knee Lift - =>,K

Low Drop Kick - =>,|,K

Savate - <=,K

Standing Low Kick - |,K

Low Smash - Hold |(or /) K

Face Lift Kick - ,K

Drop Kick - UF,K

Level Back Crush - P+K (can be charged)

Dragon Knuckle - =>,P+K

Dragon Knuckle Combo - =>,P+K,P

Dragon Chop - =>,P+K,P,P

Quick Shoulder - =>,=>,P+K

Ogre Slash - HCB,P+K

Half Nelson Suplex - HCB,P+K then P+G during hit

Short Shoulder - <=,=>,P+K

Ogre Chop - HCF,P+K

Burning Hammer - HCF,P+K then P+G during hit

Burning Driver - (opponent facing away) HCF,P+K then P+G during hit

Grizzly Larait - ,P+K

Regret Discharge - ,,P+K

Pounding Elbow - UF,P+K

Death Scythe - K+G

Rolling Savate - =>,K+G

Tornado Savate - =>,=>,K+G

Heavy Toe Kick - <=,K+G

Toe Kick Side - <=,K+G,K

Toe Kick Stunner - <=,K+G then P+G during hit

Front Roll Kick - <=,=>,K+G

Neck Cut Kick - |,K+G

Thrust Kick - ,K+G

Kenka Kick - /,K+G

Flying Zero - UF,K+G

Running Shoulder Attack - Hold =>,P+K (while running)

Jumping Back Elbow - Hold =>,P+K+G (while running)

Sidestep Catch - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Body Blow - P (during Offensive Move)

Dynamic Kick - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Reject Wall *

Reject Wall - P+K+G (vs high punch/mid punch/elbow)

Reject Wall~Knuckle Arrow - P+K+G success, then P

Reject Wall~Low Drop Kick - P+K+G success, then K

Reject Wall~Level Back Chop - P+K+G success, then P+K

Reject Wall~Catch - P+K+G success, then P+G

Reject Wall~Reject Wall - P+K+G success, then P+K+G

* Moves from Deadly Move *

Deadly Move Front - =>,P+K+G

Deadly Move Back - <=,P+K+G

Clothesline - From Deadly Move: P

Jumping Knee - From Deadly Move: K

Running Shoulder Attack - From Deadly Move: P+K

Sky High Shoulder Through - From Deadly Move: P+G

* Throws *

Face Crush Chop - P+G

Catch - =>,P+G

Quebradora Slam - From Catch: P+G

Push - From Catch: ,P+G

Schwein - From Catch: /,P+G

Spiral Bomb - From Catch: <=,P+G

Change - From Catch: =>,P+G

One and Only - From Change: P+G

Push - From Change: =>,P+G

Calf Branding - From Change: ,P+G

Dangerous Backdrop - From Change: <=,P+G

Giant Swing - HCF,P+G

Giant Swing (fastest input) - (max input speed) HCF,P+G


DDT - <=,P+G

Turbo Drop Third - HCB,P+G

Low Sway Tackle - <=,<=,P+G


Snap Meyer - ,P+G

Soccerball Kick - From Snap Meyer: <=,=>,K

Smash Down Bottom - <=,,P+G

Jackhammer - ,,P+G

Swing Through - /,P+G

Frankensteiner - UF,P+G

Wall Body Slam - (wall behind opponent) ,P+G

Shotgun Chop - (wall behind opponent) <=,,P+G

Exploider - (on opponent's right) P+G

Elimination Slam - (on opponent's left) P+G

Wrist Clutch Exploider - (on opponent's left or right) <=,=>(or=>,<=) P+G

German Suplex - (opponent facing away) P+G

Dragon Suplex - (opponent facing away) |,P+G

Side Suplex - (opponent crouching) |,P+K+G

Vertical Tiger Driver - (opponent crouching) ,P+K+G

Big Bridge Hammer - (opponent crouching) ,,P+K+G

Double Arm Suplex - (opponent crouching) /,P+K+G

Pedigree - (opponent crouching) /,/,P+K+G

Cross Armbreaker - (on crouching opponent's left or right) /(or | or )


German Suplex - (opponent facing away and crouching) /(or | or ) P+K+G

* Reversals *

Captured - <=,P+K (vs high kick)

Captured - /,P+K (vs mid kick)

Dragon Screw - /,P+K (vs side kick)

Low Punch Cut - |,P+K (vs low punch)

Low Punch Cut~Slip Behind - |,P+K,<= (vs low punch)

Low Punch Cut~Shining Wizard - |,P+K success, then =>,P+G

* Down Attacks *

Elbow Drop - (opponent down) ,P

Elbow - (opponent down) ^,P

Guillotine Drop - (opponent down) ^,K

Piercing Elbow - (opponent down) ,P+K

Front Roll Kick - (opponent down) <=,=>,K+G

Double Claw - (opponent lying face up) |,P+G

Double Claw - (opponent lying face down) |,P+G

Ankle Lock - (opponent lying face up, feet toward you) ,P+G

Final Cut - (opponent lying face up, side toward you) ,P+G

Armbar - (opponent lying face down, feet toward you) ,P+G

STF - (opponent lying face down, feet toward you) ,P+G

Grand Sword - (opponent lying face down, head toward you) ,P+G

Cross Face Lock - (opponent lying face down, side toward you) ,P+G

* Back Attacks *

Rolling Hammer - (opponent behind) P

Back Low Hammer - (opponent behind) |,P

Back Kick - (opponent behind) K

Back Drop Kick - (opponent behind) |,K

* Jump Attacks *

Step Hammer - (while rising) P

Rock Punch - (in midair) P

Toe Crush - (while rising) K

Toe Crush - (in midair) K

Hammer Edge - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Jumping Knee - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


White Headband = 10000G Use: ABCD

Silver Ponytail = 5000G Use: ABCD

Long Silver Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Silver Pompadour = 5000G Use: ABCD

Brown Ponytail = 1000G Use: ABCD

Permed Blond Hair = 9000G Use: ABCD

Blue Headband = 9000G Use: ABCD

Orange Headdress = 7000G Use: ABCD


Blue Devil Paint = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Face Paint = 5000G Use: ABCD

Green Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Black Leather Choker = 10000G Use: ABCD

Green Necklace = 1000G Use: ABCD

Black Elbow Pads = 3000G Use: A

Brown Loincloth = 8000G Use: B

Red Elbow Pads = 3000G Use: B

Red Loincloth = 11000G Use: B

Black Classic Gown = 23000G Use: D

Red Champion Gown = 15000G Use: D

Yellow Champion Gown = 15000G Use: D

Purple Elbow Pads = 5000G Use: A

White Classic Gown = 23000G Use: D

Topaz Necklace = 2000G Use: ABCD

Blue Loincloth = 11000G Use: B

Yellow Elbow Braces = 3000G Use: B

Brown Leather Choker = 1000G Use: ABCD

White Bead Necklace = 4000G Use: ABCD

Aqua Elbow Pads = 5000G Use: A

Black Loincloth = 23000G Use: B

Green Champion Gown = 15000G Use: D

Smoke Elbow Pads = 5000G Use: A

Teal Loincloth = 23000G Use: B

Purple Elbow Braces = 5000G Use: B

Pink Classic Gown = 23000G Use: D

White Elbow Braces = 5000G Use: B


Turquoise Bracelet = 4000G Use: ABCD

Rectangle Armlets = 10000G Use: ABC

Round Armlets = 3000G Use: ABC

Yellow Gloves = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Fringe Bands = 1000G Use: ABC

Red Gloves = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Wristbands = 10000G Use: ABCD

Green Gloves = 1000G Use: ABCD

Green Wristbands = 10000G Use: ABCD

Red Leather Bracelet = 3000G Use: ABCD

*Lower Body*

Red Fringe Boots = 10000G Use: ABC

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Black Shorts = 7000G Use: A

Red Formal Shorts = 5000G Use: B

Red Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Brown Fringed Pants = 15000G Use: C

Black Suede Boots = 6000G Use: ABC

Green Fringed Pants = 15000G Use: C

Red Maple Shorts = 10000G Use: A

Light Blue Jeans = 23000G Use: C

Black Classic Tights = 15000G Use: D

Black Belt = 1000G Use: C

Red Tights = 10000G Use: D

Yellow Tights = 10000G Use: D

Purple Maple Shorts = 10000G Use: A

White Classic Tights = 15000G Use: D

Yellow Formal Shorts = 5000G Use: B

White Jeans = 23000G Use: C

White Belt = 1000G Use: C

Yellow Belt = 1000G Use: C

Light Blue Shorts = 10000G Use: A

Dark Formal Shorts = 15000G Use: B

Pink Belt = 1000G Use: C

Red Fringed Pants = 10000G Use: C

Green Tights = 23000G Use: D

Smoke Maple Shorts = 15000G Use: A

Purple Formal Shorts = 15000G Use: B

Purple Belt = 1000G Use: C

Sky Blue Jeans = 15000G Use: C

Pink Classic Tights = 15000G Use: D

Black Fringe Boots = 10000G Use: ABC

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Wolf:

Great Jeezamus Christ! You want pure power and refined technique you say?

Well look no further! Wolf gives you by the far the most dangerous mix up

game in this game! When used properly, it's extremely tough to figure out

what anyone will throw at you to defend it properly. He has a wide variety

of high to low attacks that devestate on each hit, and if you find yourself

in the midst of a cheesy or turtle player, well Wolf has quite a few

surprises for them as well. Should someone want to use a few cheesy pop

attacks or low attacks, Wolf has the reach over damn near every character in

the game, with the exception of Jeffry, to put a boot up someone's ass and

stop them cold in their place. As for turtle players that like to block or

crouch all the time....well don't can't block throws! Wolf has

a wide variety of throws and throw combos that will leave even the greatest

turtle player trying desperately to figure out what to do against you. Wolf,

is simply put, the total package in this game. His speed is a bit lacking

in this game, but it's not as bad as Jeffry. Besides that, Wolf also has

an impressive defensive capablity to counter like crazy and reverse the

offensive on other players. So it's not like you'll need too much speed when

playing as Wolf if you let them come to you. One of the biggest and best

things about Wolf in this game is that he's the character that has the

strongest attacks in the game. I'm not kidding. You can win a match in

just two attacks only with him....not even a combo is needed, just two simple

attacks! Wolf is blessed to have the Giant Swing in his arsenal which takes

off just about half of the opponent's life bar, and even more so if you're

able to toss them into a wall...or just win the match by tossing them over

the wall instead! In the hands of a true expert, Wolf is by far the most

deadly and the hardest character to overcome no matter who you are. One of

the best things about him as well is the fact that there's very little

learning curve with him. A beginner can easily pick up Wolf and go far with

him in no time at all. The only thing you really need to worry about doing

with Wolf is learning when and where is the best times to use certain moves

in his arsenal. Also you can't really try to go toe to toe with the faster

characters in terms of beating them to the punch all the time. Try to make

your opponents open up to you and make them play to your game, rather than

going berzerker on them. With one of the best move sets in the entire game,

Wolf is by far the best character for anyone of any skill level that they

could pick up and just have fun with the game. His high strength and defense

levels allow players to take damage and dish it out like it was going out of

style, and his technical aspects allow players to pick up on the game

mechanics easily enough, getting a proper feel for the game almost instantly.

You just can't go wrong with this behemoth of a man, so give him a try at

least once.

*** Lion Rafale ***





























































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- Backstory -

- At the end of the Fourth World Fighting Tournament, Lion returned home. He

had not been able to win the tournament, but was satisfied with his

performance and fighting. His father congratulated him as well, and it

seemed that his life would continue without incident. But one day, Lion

stumbled on the documents that seemed to link his father's company to J6.

Lion threw himself into his training, trying to forget his suspicions. Just

when he could no longer stand to keep quiet, an invitation arrived for the

Fifth World Fighting Tournament. Somewhat bothered by the timing of the

invitation arrival, Lion decides to enter the tournament, in part to learn

about his father's involvement with J6.

- Stats -

Nationality - French

Birthday - 12/24/1979

Hobby - Skateboarding

Height - 180 cm (5'11)

Weight - 79 kg (175 lbs)

Measurements - 90/84/88

Blood Type - AB

Occupation - Student

Fighting Style - Tourou-Ken

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter 2

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Lion properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Tousui - P

Koushu Rensui - P,P

Renkan Senshou - P,P,P

Rensui Hachihon - P,P,<=,P

Rensui Hachihon~Tourou Soufu - P,P,<=,P,P+K+G

Rensui Mabanshu - P,P,|(or ^) P

Rensui Mabanshu~Honshin - P,P,|(or ^) P,G

Rensui Mabanshu~Haishin - P,P,|(or ^) P,<=

Rensui Soushu - P,P,|,P+K

Rensuitai - P,K

Rensuitai Shumen - P,K,P

Rensuitai~Kanpo - P,K,P+K+G

Banchu - =>,P

Banchu Renkanshu - =>,P,P

Senshippo - =>,=>,P

In'you - <=,P

Ni In'you - <=,P,P

Ni In'you~Tourou Soufu - <=,P,P,P+K+G

Senshou Haiten - <=,<=,P

Shinpo Tourou Soushu - <=,,P

Katousui - |,P

Shippo Shousenshu - Hold |,=>,P

Soukoushu - Hold |,,P

Rensou Koushu - Hold |,,P,P

Ryusei Koushugeki (deflect) - |,/,<=,P

Sen'inshou - ,P

Rakugekishou - ,P,P

Tougekisui - /,P

Tougeki Rensui - /,P,P

Touku Gekishou - UF,P

Senshintai - K

Rensentai - K,K

Koushu Teishitsu - =>,K

Koushu Teishitsu~Kanpo - =>,K,P+K+G

Fujinkyaku - =>,=>,K

Fujin Rentankyaku - =>,=>,K,K

Sentai - <=,K

Sentai Shumen - <=,K,P

Sentai~Kanpo - <=,K,P+K+G

Koushutai - <=,<=,K

Tanhikyaku - <=,=>,K

Attai - |,K

Zensoutai - |,K,K

Tousentai - |,K,K+G

Senputai - ^,K

Katoutai - ^,K,K

Dantai - ,K

Senkyutai - /,K

Senten Kukyaku - UF,K

Souji Senpu - P+K

Tenshin Touho Soushu - =>,P+K

Tenshin Touho Soushu~Normal Stance - =>,P+K,<=

Tenshin Touho Soushukyaku - =>,P+K,K

Soukoushu - =>,=>,P+K

Tourou Youzan - =>,=>,P+K,P

Taizan Soukoushu - <=,P+K (can be charged)

Kouho Hachihonsui - <=,<=,P+K

Kouho Hachihonsui~Tourou Soufu - <=,<=,P+K,P+K+G

Ukoushin - <=,=>,P+K

Ryusei Renkoushu - <=,=>,P+K,P

Rensansui Banchu - <=,=>,P+K,P,P

Ryusei Mabanshu - <=,=>,P+K,P,|(or ^) P

Ryusei Mabanshu~Honshin - <=,=>,P+K,P,|(or ^) P,G

Ryusei Mabanshu~Haishin - <=,=>,P+K,P,|(or ^) P,<=

Touho Soushu - |,P+K

Touho Soushu~Turn - |,P+K,<=

Takuhi Hoshinshou - Hold |,=>,P+K

Juchou Senshou - ^,P+K

Honsui - ,P+K

Zaban Shuhou - ,,P+K

Shaho Shasousui - /,P+K

Senpukyaku - K+G

Senpu Renhitai - K+G,K

Shippu Sanrentai - K+G,K,K

Tenshin Ryou'inkyaku - =>,K+G

Kasentai Haiten - <=,<=,K+G

Senpu Rakukyaku - <=,=>,K+G

Senpu Haisoushu - <=,=>,K+G,|,P

Senpu Haisoushu - <=,=>,K+G,/,P

Senpu Shoukyaku - <=,=>,K+G,|,K

Kousoutai - |,K+G

Shicchi Soutai - ,K+G

Zensou Tenshinkyaku - /,K+G

Hakotsushu - P+K+G

Hakotsushu~Senshinho - P+K+G then |(or ^) when successful

Shazenho - (or UF) P+K+G

Shazenho~Honsui - From Shazenho: P

Shazenho~Shasosui - From Shazenho: P+K

Shakouho - /(or UB) P+K+G

Mabanshu - P+K (during Defensive Move)

Shashin Konryuchu - P (during Offensive Move)

Shashin Sokusouteki - K (during Offensive Move)

* Moves from Kanpo *

Kanpo Chouchu (deflect) - From Kanpo: P

Tourou Shugan - From Kanpo: P,P

Kanpo Teishitsu - From Kanpo: K

* Tourou Soufu *

Tourou Soufu - =>,P+K+G

Taitou Bougetsu - From Tourou Soufu: P

Ousen Soufu - From Tourou Soufu: =>,P

Naisenkyaku - From Tourou Soufu: K

Tenshin Senputai - From Tourou Soufu: K,K

Naisenkyaku~Kanpo - From Tourou Soufu: K,P+K+G

Juchou Teishitsu - From Tourou Soufu - =>,K

Roushu Matsumen Senputai - From Tourou Soufu: P+G

Senpu Renhitai - From Tourou Soufu: K+G

Shippu Sanrentai - From Tourou Soufu: K+G,K

* Tourou Maifuku *

Tourou Maifuku - <=,P+K+G

Tourou Tansou - From Tourou Maifuku: P

Tourou Rensou - From Tourou Maifuku: P,P

Tourou Sanrensou - From Tourou Maifuku: P,P,P

Tourou Tansenkyaku - From Tourou Maifuku: K

Maifuku Toubi - From Tourou Maifuku: |,K

Tourou Soutansou - From Tourou Maifuku: P+K

Furakukyaku - From Tourou Maifuku: K+G

Senkutai - From Tourou Maifuku: =>,K+G

Maifuku Kousou - From TOurou Maifuku: |,K+G

* Throws *

Hatoushu Shutai - P+G

Saishu Houkou - =>,=>,P+G

Hiten Soukukyaku - <=,=>,P+G

Goda Renkanheki - HCF,P+G

Tozan Honshakyaku - Hold |,=>,P+G

Shichisei Tenbunchu - <=,P+G

Tenshin Soukoushu - HCB,P+G

Haika Senten - ,P+G

Youzan - <=,,P+G

Tourou - Chouhi Soukoushu - ,,P+G

Bokuho - =>,/,P+G

Renkan Sakusui 1 - From Bokuho: P

Renkan Sakusui 2 - From Bokuho: P,P

Renkan Sakusui 3 - From Bokuho: P,P,P

Yokudhin - From Bokuho: |(or ^) P+G (left side)

Rakushu Dantai - From Bokuho: |(or ^) P+G (right side)

Honshin Teishitsu - (on opponent's left or right) P+G

Renkoushu Haishu - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Down Attacks *

Rakusenshu - (opponent down) ,P

Hiten Rakutai - (opponent down) ^,P

* Back Attacks *

Hairensenshou - (opponent behind) P

Haiho Soushu - (opponent behind) |,P

Kousenkyaku - (opponent behind) K

Kaikakyaku - (opponent behind) |,K

Haishin Senshou - P+K (during turning attack)

Haishin Sakusui - (opponent behind) P+K

* Jump Attacks *

Touku Haigekishou - (while rising) P

Rakuho Tousui - (in midair) P

Touku Shoukyaku - (in midair) K

Chisou Shoukyaku - (before landing) K

* Wall Moves *

Suishou Koukyaku - (wall in front) <=,P+K+G

Hekikai Honkyaku - (wall in front) UB,P+K+G

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- All Costume Items that can be bought and the costume types that they can be

used with:


Blue Baseball Cap = 6000G Use: ABCD

Dragon Claw Earrings = 6000G Use: ABCD

Gold Claw Earrings = 10000G Use: ABCD

Silver Mlmagedle Part = 1000G Use: ABCD

Permed Silver Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Slicked Sliver Hair = 10000G Use: ABCD

Shaggy Silver Hair = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Mlmagedle Part = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Ponytail = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Baseball Cap = 9000G Use: ABCD

Red Headband = 4000G Use: ABCD

Black Headband = 10000G Use: ABCD


Thin Eyebrows = 5000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Orange Sunglasses = 4000G Use: ABCD

Slim Sunglasses = 1000G Use: ABCD

Pink Sunglasses = 5000G Use: ABCD

Red Contacts = 10000G Use: ABCD

*Upper Body*

Black Leather Choker = 1000G Use: ABD

Red Sports Vest = 5000G Use: A

Red Mesh T-Shirt = 2000G Use: A

Black Mesh T-Shirt = 2000G Use: A

Red 3/4 Shirt = 9000G Use: B

Gray Formal Vest = 12000G Use: C

White Formal Vest = 12000G Use: C

Black NBR T-Shirt = 3000G Use: A

Blue String Vest = 18000G Use: C

Red Workout Wear = 23000G Use: D

Gray Workout Wear = 15000G Use: D

Yellow Workout Wear = 15000G Use: D

Brown Camo Vest = 8000G Use: A

Gray NBR T-Shirt = 3000G Use: A

White Feather Shirt = 14000G Use: B

Brown String Vest = 18000G Use: C

Teal Workout Wear = 23000G Use: D

Orange Sports Vest = 23000G Use: A

Moss Mesh T-Shirt = 3000G Use: A

Mint 3/4 Shirt = 23000G Use: B

Green Formal Vest = 23000G Use: C

Orange Workout Wear = 14000G Use: D

Yellow Camo Vest = 23000G Use: A

Brown NBR T-Shirt = 3000G Use: A

Purple Feather Shirt = 14000G Use: B

Yellow String Vest = 14000G Use: C

Purple Workout Wear = 14000G Use: D


Silver Bracelet = 1000G Use: ABD

Black Leather Band = 10000G Use: AB

Gold Chain Bracelet = 5000G Use: ABD

Green NBR Wristbands = 1000G Use: A

Gray NBR Wristbands = 1000G Use: A

*Lower Body*

Green Light Plate = 10000G Use: ABCD

Dark Blue Shorts = 3000G Use: A

Black Shorts = 3000G Use: A

Moss Waist Bag = 10000G Use: ABCD

Khaki Scissors Bag = 5000G Use: ABCD

Light Brown Slacks = 8000G Use: C

Black Slacks = 8000G Use: C

White High Tops = 1000G Use: A

Black Sting Slacks = 12000G Use: C

Tan Leather Shoes = 1000G Use: ABCD

Red Workout Pants = 15000G Use: D

Gray Workout Pants = 10000G Use: D

Moss Green Sneakers = 1000G Use: ABCD

Yellow Workout Pants = 10000G Use: D

Wine Red Shorts = 3000G Use: A

Gray Shorts = 3000G Use: A

Gray and White Pants = 9000G Use: B

Beige Sting Slacks = 12000G Use: C

Teal Workout Pants = 15000G Use: D

Green Shorts = 15000G Use: A

Khaki Casual Pants = 15000G Use: B

Green Slacks = 15000G Use: C

Orange Workout Pants = 9000G Use: D

Yellow Shorts = 15000G Use: A

Blue and White Pants = 9000G Use: B

Ochre Sting Slacks = 9000G Use: C

Purple Workout Pants = 9000G Use: D

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Lion:

Well if you're the type that loves to cheese your way out of matches, then

look no further for your character. Lion offers up some of the sneakiest

moves that I've ever seen from a fighting character in any game. First off

you have a blazing speed advantage with him, which works extremely well with

the kind of moves that you'll be performing with him. Secondly he has a

tight game of making you guess where he'll strike. What sometimes may look

like he's about to go for a high attack to the head, it turns out that he

is really aiming for your legs with a low attack. It's more annoying trying

to figure out how to put up a solid defense against this guy, than it is

trying to learn how to use him. Lion can be summed up as a middle tier

character that you'd want to use. Give yourself some time to learn alittle

bit of the game, and get a feel for it before moving on to Lion. This is

because his style, while relatively simple in theory, requires you to set up

opponents more so for deep combo punishment rather than going on blitz

offensives. Now you can easily enough go for blitz's with Lion, but the

majority of them will be low attacks that have great range. The down side

you ask? Well people will eventually catch on to the low game that you're

playing and then you're screwed if you don't have anything else that you

can do in terms of being flexible with him. Lion does offer up a nice set

countering that does help him to lead into his better combos and big damage

pay outs, but once's all a matter of being patient with him. It

can be easy to get overly excited with Lion since his character is all about

speed and quick attacks, making yourself cocky enough to want to lash out

alot at opponents. But this is a newb's mistake. Like I said, Lion is best

handled by players after they've put some time into the game to learn it

alittle bit and get a feel for things. If you can master using Lion to

luring opponents to doing what you want them to do when you want them to do

it, then people will soon start to hate you like it isn't even funny. Use

his low attacks sparringly to say the least so you don't show a pattern that

your opponents can use against you. Lion isn't built to take a huge beating

ya know! All in all though, if you want to use a smart alecky, fast-paced,

stylish, and dangerous character, then you've got that and more in Lion!

*** Dural ***





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- Backstory -

- Dural was previously a human woman. Her name was Tsukikage and she was both

Kage-Maru's mother and a Kunoichi. When the mysterious corporation J6

noticed her exemplary fighting ability and resilient body, they captured her

and used her as their prototype for their terrifying Dural project. Arming

her body with various cybernetic enhancements and brainwashing, she became a

cyborg, immune to feeling. Technically, she underwent roboticization, though

this isn't directly stated in the games. Since then, Kage has attempted to

retrieve Tsukikage and restore her to her former self, finally succeeding in

Virtua Fighter 3. However, he needed parts to keep her inhuman body

operational, and when he retrieved them, she became even less human than

before. Now Kage enters the 4th tournament to end his mother's suffering and

return her to normal. Meanwhile, the J6 corporation has their eyes on Sarah

Bryant as the subject for their next Dural project. During the Fourth World

Fighting Tournament, J6 released their true model; however it was defeated.

This drove J6 to kidnap Vanessa Lewis. Although Vanessa escaped, her combat

data was captured and transferred into a new model: V-Dural. J6 is now ready

to test if their new advanced V-Dural is truly ready to defeat the world's

best fighters - let the Fifth World Fighting Tournament begin...

- Stats -

Nationality - N/A

Birthday - N/A

Hobby - N/A

Height - N/A

Weight - N/A

Measurements - N/A

Blood Type - N/A

Occupation - Bio-Weapon

Fighting Style - Mixture of Fighting Styles

Voice Actor - N/A

First Game - Virtua Fighter

- Move Set -

- Now it's time to learn how to use Dural properly. Remember, you can always

go into Dojo and use Command Training to perfect using these moves properly.

* Legend *

P = Punch

K = Kick

G = Guard

=> = Forward

<= = Back

= Forward/Down

/ = Backward/Down

^ = Up

| = Down

Hold = Hold certain direction and/or button for at least one sec before


HCF = Half Circle Forward starting from Back

HCB = Half Circle Back starting from Forward

UF = Up/Forward

UB = Up/Back

* Normal Moves *

Jab - P

One Two - P,P

One Two Upper - P,P,P

Combo Double Claw - P,P,P,P

Combo Death Wall - P,P,P,P,P+K

Combo Slash Kick - P,P,P,K

Combo Low Sweep - P,P,P,|,K

Intrude Elbow - =>,P

D Combination 1-Zeta - =>,P,P

D Combination 1-Theta - =>,P,P,P

Rising Upper - <=,=>,P

D Combination 7 - <=,=>,P,P

D Combination 7-Alpha - <=,=>,P,P,K

D Combination 7-Beta - <=,=>,P,P,K,K

D Combination 7-Gamma - <=,=>,P,P,K,K,K

Low Knuckle - |,P

Smash Upper - ,P

Double Smash Upper - ,P,P

Double Upper Somersault - ,P,P,K

Heaven's Kick - K

Hell and Heaven - K,K

D Combination 10 - K,K,K

Upper Kick - =>,K

D Combination 8-Alpha - =>,K,P

D Combination 8-Beta - =>,K,P,K

D Combination 8-Gamma - =>,K,P,K,K

Knee Smash - =>,=>,K

Leg Smash - |,K

Swallow Kick - ^,K

Double Swallow - ^,K,K

Middle Rapier - ,K (can be charged)

Shade Palm - P+K

D Combination 9 - P+K,P

D Combination 9-Alpha - P+K,P,K

D Combination 9-Beta - P+K,P,P

D Combination 9-Gamma - P+K,P,P,K

D Combination 9-Zeta - P+K,P,P,P

D Combination 9-Theta - P+K,P,P,P,K

D Combination 9-Epsilon - P+K,P,P,P,P

D Combination 9-Eta - P+K,P,P,P,P,K

Deadly Hook - ,P+K

Deadly Cross - ,P+K,K

Step Back Death Wall - <=,<=,P+K

Step Back Kick - <=,<=,P+K (when fully charged)

Step Back - <=,<=,P+K then G while charging

Tornado Kick - K+G

Tornado Combination - K+G,K

Clip Middle - =>,K+G

Edge Blade - =>,K+G,P

Clip Edge Impact - =>,K+G,P,P

Tail Kick - |,K+G

Leg Slash - /,K+G

Protect Kick - P+K

Body Hook - P (during Offensive Move)

Smash Toe Kick - K (during Offensive Move)

* Throws *

Learning Throw 1 - P+G

Learning Throw 2 - =>,P+G

Learning Throw 5 - <=,P+G

Learning Throw 6 - ,P+G

Learning Throw 11 - (on opponent's right) P+G

Learning Throw 13 - (on opponent's left) P+G

Learning Throw 17 - (opponent facing away) P+G

* Back Attacks *

Stomach Impact - (opponent behind) P

Spear Kick - (opponent behind) K

- Costumes and Clothes Set -

- There are no costume items that can be bought for Dural. You can't use her

in Quest Mode to get new costumes or costume parts. She has 4 different

"versions" though from what I can tell. There are two costumes that you can

use from the start, Costumes A and C. I'm still trying to figure out if

there is a way or not to unlock Costumes B and D if there even is a Costumes

B and D. But I believe I know what Costumes B and D are from what I've seen

of Dural in other modes of play in the game.

Costume A = Dural's "Platinum Steel" version. This is the one most often

seen in all of Dural's promotional pictures and videos all over

the net and magazines.

Costume B = Dural's "Black Steel" version. Now I've only seen this version

in the game when I was practicing in the Dojo while using Dural's

Costume A. She appears even more shiny than her Costume A, and

gives her a much more sleek appeal than most.

Costume C = Dural's "Invisible" version. Now this is what I call impressive!

I dunno if this version is in the Arcade or not, but if this is

a way of showing off the PS3's capablities, then damn. You can

see through Dural, but not exactly entirely. The light of the

area around you bends around her body in a way to show you where

she is at at all times. So technically she's not truely

invisible, but a window you could say. Still, impressive none

the less, and using this version could even throw off everyone's

game of trying to look extremely close at what you're trying to


Costume D = Dural's "Stone" version. This is the version of Dural you see

during the bonus boss fight at the end of playing through the

series of opponents during arcade mode in the PS3. When you goto

the Sanctuary stage, she seems to be a statue that comes to life

for the sole purpose of wiping the floor with you. She isn't as

visually impressive in this version since no light really bounces

off her. This would be a definitive costume for her to play

against others since it sort of at least puts her on a level

playing field with the rest of the cast. Her body doesn't set

off reflections of light nor is she see-thru. She's a solid,

easy to tell target....but that still doesn't take away from how

deadly she is though!

- Personal Opinion -

-'s basically my take on Dural:

She's friggin Dural!!!!! I mean damn already....they talk about her

constantly as a weapon throughout the story and character bios, so why

wouldn't she be extremely powerful? Her strength factor is ridiculously

high, her defense skills are top notch, her speed is blazingly high, I mean

there's nothing you can find about her that's wrong! She has the best of

everything and to make things worse in her favor, she has the best martial

arts set in the entire game. Why do you ask? Well that's because she has

every single best move, strike, throw, or combo that's offered up by all the

cast of characters in this game. She can defeat opponents in just two moves

just like Wolf since she has access to his Giant Swing, and some of the

hardest hitting strikes that can be offered up by any of the other characters

in the game. She has the best combos as well used by the likes of Akira,

El Blaze, etc. Not only that but her versions of their combos are blazingly

fast and if you blink, you'll miss the whole combo! They're hard to block

simply due to the fact that the first hit is so hard to tell where she's

trying to aim at because she throws the first hit at an incredible speed.

There's not even too much of a learning curve with her since all of the

moves designated to her are put in such a simplistic manner than where they

originally come from. If you can't use Dural, then you simple shouldn't be

playing this game at all. A beginner can pick her up and own expert players

like they're nothing at all. It's hard enough to beat her when playing

against her as the computer, but when human the hands of an

expert she is by far the most deadly thing in this game. I highly doubt that

she's actually tournament legal, but for fun against your friends, go for it!

6) Quest Mode

- Time to talk about the one thing that the Playstation 3's got that will be

the most time consuming thing in the game. This is suppose to simulate in

ways of taking on arcades of people. Your main goal in this is to become

the best of the best Virtua Fighter players around. This is done by fighting

and defeating "players" in the various arcades across the map. Each arcade

holds different skill level players. Since there is no difficulty that you

can set for this, this is the best way to go about doing things in terms of

how tough you want things to be. After awhile you'll notice that you gain

levels in this mode as well. As you gain levels, tougher opponents will

appear that you must take on. After awhile, players of certain skill levels

will not be open to you anymore due to the level of what you are. More on

this will be explained later. Lets get this ball rolling though in great

detail as to what you have to do to become the greatest Virtua Fighter player

in the land!

*** The Arcades ***

- This is where we shall talk about the various arcades that are scattered

across the map that you'll play on. The arcades are basically where you'll

select your real difficulty when it comes to fighting players. Each arcade

lists what kind of players there are in it and the difficulty that they will

provide you with. From the beginner difficulty to the expert difficulty, you

have to learn how to handle them all if you wish to complete the Quest Mode.

Now when you go to each arcade, depending on what kind of difficulty will

depend how each person reacts as well. You could fight a 5th Kyu player in

a beginner's arcade and he'll be incredibly easy to beat, barely even put up

a fight even. But go into an expert arcade and another 5th Kyu player could

put up a fight against you that would rival a 8th Dan player from that very

own beginner arcade. So sometimes you can't really judge the player's skill

on their title, but rather what the arcade is telling you the types of

players that frequent that arcade. There are seven arcades that you have

access to. The arcades are as follows:

* Sega Arena Coast *

A lively arcade with a welcoming environment and many beginning players.

(No matter who you fight in here, for the most part you won't have much of

a problem fighting the players in here. Until you hit some of the higher

titles, then you really won't be finding too much of a challenge here. This

is a great place to get a feel for things though, and warm up at least

for later fights and more challenging arcades.)

* Sega World North *

A well-known arcade where many advanced players gather.

(Ok...this is where you'll step into some tough territory. They're not the

hardest players in the game mind you, but it'll sure feel that way! Before

you decide to head to South, I suggest taking on a few here and getting a

feel for things before heading there. This place will push you to go

beyond the limits that you thought you couldn't break before.)

* Club Sega Downtown *

A crowded arcade packed with many beginning and intermediate players.

(Now here's a place where you can learn how to get better as a player! You

have a mixture of players that on a scale of difficulty from one to ten

stars, you have players that are from one star difficulty to about 5 star

difficulty. You can easily be pushed into digging deep to find a more

in-depth gameplan with yourself and yet be comfortable enough to feel that

you have control of things here. A definite place to sit down and play in

for a good while.)

* Club Sega Bayarea *

An arcade with a wide range of skill levels, especially popular among

intermediate players.

(Ok....once you've had your fun in Downtown, this where you should head next

to keep the good vibrations flowing. For the most part it's all

intermediate players. There are a few beginners and advanced players

roaming around in here, but they don't show up nearly half as often as the

intermediate players do. Once you start finding the people here too easy

for your own good, then you know your ready for the big leagues!)

* Sega World Route 101 *

A popular arcade with many players, ranging from novices to advanced


(This place is a haven for majority advanced players than anything else.

Yes you do have novices and intermediate players roaming about, but not that

many as would be suggested. Still this is a good place to hone your skills

further and push yourself into learning skills and tricks that you never

thought possible. If you can't hang with the players in here, then you are

going to have one tough time later on when trying to beat the even higher

ranked players or tournaments.)

* Sega Arena East *

An arcade that attracts all skill levels for friendly competition.

(The random melting pot of various skilled players, ranging from beginners to

the elite. If you like sudden spikes in skill levels from your competition

and never knowing what will be thrown at you next, then this place is the

place to go. It's a great place to keep on your toes and to anticipate any

kind of player that you will come across.)

* Sega World South *

An elite arcade frequented by many high-ranked players.

(The cream of the crop in terms of players. This arcade houses what is

considered to be the best of the best, and when you fight them, you'll see

why. Only come to this place when you've mastered your character and

developed your skills to knowing how to do many attacks for any and all

situations thrown at you without getting stressed out or backing down.)

- So there you have it. These are the arcades where you'll head out to to

gather up the many things in Quest Mode. Good luck, and remember to develop

your skills as you continue along with Quest Mode!

*** Gaining Exprience ***

- Well as I'm sure you've noticed, after fights, you fill your exprience meter

located at the bottom of the screen. After filling it up, you're given an

opportunity on your next fight to prove your ready to move on to the next

title. In order to gain proper exprience, you have to fight players of a

higher or equal value to you. First I'll explain things and how it works for

the early titles from 10 kyu to 10 dan.

Simply put, early on things are quite simple when leveling up and gaining

exprience. Any competitor that you face will offer up some form of exprience

to gain. What you should keep an eye out for is tougher, higher title

players so that you gain more than the average sum of exprience in order to

move up faster. The higher the title that you're going for, the longer it

will take to gain that title as well. Once you've hit 10th Dan, you'll be

in range for the "Ultimate Titles". These titles are not in the same respect

as the kyu and dans in that these really sound like titles more than martial

art ranking titles. Once you've reached 10th Dan, your meter should be at

full to begin with, with only a little bit left to fill. The only way to

level up at this point is to take a Master title from a Master player. This

is easier said than done to say the least. Once you have successfully taken

a Master's title and become a Master yourself, then you are now in line to

fight the other "Ultimate Title" players yourself. Also, when you are a

Master, you have to watch out for other 10th Dan fighters as well. If you

lose to them, then you lose the Master title automatically, and they end up

taking it. So once you've attained the title of Master, start leveling up

quickly to the next title, so that you're now a cemented "Ultimate Title"


"Ultimate Title" exprience gaining is far different than the simple kyu and

dan leveling up. First off the only way to level up is by fighting either

other "Ultimate Title" players of the same rank that you haven't defeated

yet, or by fighting other "Ultimate Title" players of a higher rank than you.

This is also where things get tricky. Should you lose to a player that is

of lower rank than you, you can lose exprience and after awhile, be demoted

to the last title you just held. So now you're basically playing for keeps.

You don't want all that hard work you just spent to go to waste do you? So

once you've reached an "Ultimate Title" position, you have to be on your game

in full effect or else you'll stay in the low kyu and dan rankings forever.

You can usually tell who will give you exprience by watching your bar just

before the match begins. If it flashes, then that means you're able to get

exprience from this player. This works on all titles no matter the


There is no quick and easy way to keep leveling up either. You just have to

keep going through fight after fight and winning matches. If this were a

Final Fantasy game, then of course there would be an easier way to level up.

Sadly though, there's not. So until I figure out a fast, effective way of

leveling up (especially at the "Ultimate Title" rankings), then you all have

to do things the old fashioned way.

*** Official Titles ***

- Now I'm sure you are all wondering what the titles are that you can gain

right? Well I'm going to tell you! First off, I'm putting down so far what

I have ok, so bare with me as I'm still playing Quest Mode myself ok. Each

title will place from the lowest to the highest. I will also put down which

title moves on to what title as well so there's no confusion.

*Lowest Rank Possible* 10th Kyu => 9th Kyu

9th Kyu => 8th Kyu

8th Kyu => 7th Kyu

7th Kyu => 6th Kyu

6th Kyu => 5th Kyu

5th Kyu => 4th Kyu

4th Kyu => 3rd Kyu

3rd Kyu => 2nd Kyu

2nd Kyu => 1st Kyu

1st Kyu => 1st Dan

1st Dan => 2nd Dan

2nd Dan => 3rd Dan

3rd Dan => 4th Dan

4th Dan => 5th Dan

5th Dan => 6th Dan

6th Dan => 7th Dan

7th Dan => 8th Dan

8th Dan => 9th Dan

9th Dan => 10th Dan

*Highest Lower Tier Rank* 10th Dan = Master

*Lowest Ultimate Tier Rank* Master => Warrior

Warrior => Veteran

Veteran => Gladiator

Gladiator => Vindicator

Vindicator => Avenger

Avenger => Vanquisher

Vanquisher => Conqueror

Conqueror => ?????

In order to gain each title successfully, look to the Gaining Exprience

section in this chapter.

*** The Opponents ***

- Time to learn who you'll be facing out there! These players range from the

embarrasingly crappy, to the godly elite. I will put down each arcade and

what players inhabit that arcade, plus their ranking. Remember, the easiest

player of that arcade is the first one, while the last player on the list of

that arcade is the best one that you can find there.

Also, when looking at the lists, you'll see stars placed beside player names.

You may be asking yourself just what does that mean right? Well this means

that you have defeated that player at least once already. You're looking to

get a star up beside every player's name in order to get a 100% player list

completion. So be prepared to spend some time hunting down certain players!

(Now mind you I haven't unlocked all opponents just yet, but look for later

updates for the complete list soon!)

* Sega World North *


BiG's Ring 4th Dan

Volmage 4th Dan

Peebles 6th Dan

Angry Fist 8th Dan

Allossery 8th Dan


Juko (SPA) 10th Dan

Dani 10th Dan

Slmageergian 10th Dan

Iron Emu 10th Dan

Eileen 10th Dan

??? ???

??? ???

Pokey Hunter

??? ???

EL-Orochi Hunter

Flipain Enforcer

Al Enforcer

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Ifrit Assassin

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Rahzazu Paladin

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Clarkson Berzerker

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Jonnie Destroyer

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Astrea Destroyer

* Sega World South *


neo kenzu 4th Dan

Jander 5th Dan

Milky Pai 6th Dan

Flounder 6th Dan

Yoopidou 7th Dan

WellcooK 8th Dan

Nicole L. 8th Dan

Renato F. 8th Dan

ChiefGutti 9th Dan

Danger Den 9th Dan

AnakiraNO 10th Dan


The Animal 10th Dan

S.L. 10th Dan

Zoe K. 10th Dan

Bluegirl Defender

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Rafael Enforcer

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Overkill Slayer

Target Slayer

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Mil Froid Berzerker

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

* Sega World Route 101 *


Old Beast 8th Kyu

Kogen 3rd Kyu

Schaufel 1st Kyu

Rico Suavez 1st Dan

G Radar 1st Dan

Tristar 2nd Dan

optimusuk 2nd Dan

Unicorn 3rd Dan

Telomin 3rd Dan

Luke S. 3rd Dan

Futa-Kun 4th Dan

freereign 4th Dan

JunoSynth 4th Dan

Xander 5th Dan

captin 5th Dan

Dynasty 6th Dan

Abel 6th Dan

JOXE 6th Dan

Tartaruga 7th Dan

Vincent 7th Dan

4Oi4 7th Dan

MsHardlove 7th Dan

El Guapa 7th Dan

Painani 8th Dan

Crocodile 8th Dan

Raz3th 8th Dan

Gats 8th Dan

Delta RW 8th Dan

Chano 8th Dan

Diegoracg 9th Dan

Garbonzzo 9th Dan

Iron Hulk 9th Dan

Nybec 9th Dan

apple pai 10th Dan

Fox Hole 10th Dan

Exfoliator 10th Dan

RickoSama 10th Dan

LeiRunner 10th Dan

Zinarc 10th Dan

DirtyRaska Defender

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Kinosam Enforcer

Nho Enforcer

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Ei-Ei Sentinel

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Necro Slayer

??? ???

Tricky J Paladin

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Broughtus Berzerker

* Club Sega Downtown *


steven jul 10th Kyu

WildStyle 10th Kyu

AndySwat 10th Kyu

Spike 10th Kyu

Pootwaddle 10th Kyu

Taiyo 9th Kyu

BlueNinja 9th Kyu


Drunkstyle 9th Kyu

MightyAndy 9th Kyu

alFrEdo 9th Kyu

R4IDEN ES 8th Kyu

Xandl 8th Kyu

S Wolf 8th Kyu

eVo 8th Kyu

RustyFrush 7th Kyu

Meo FJG 7th Kyu

Isabella 7th Kyu

BlackErnie 7th Kyu

Spinning 7th Kyu

Hyperion 6th Kyu

Shunto 6th Kyu

FaceMan 6th Kyu

juan 6th Kyu

LauTest 5th Kyu

I'Oasi 5th Kyu

Stalwart 5th Kyu

Asgar 5th Kyu

SethFortuy 5th Kyu

HeartNana 5th Kyu

Lalilulelo 4th Kyu

The Cage 4th Kyu

T.Samba 4th Kyu

Jieiru 4th Kyu

NightCrow 4th Kyu

Victor007 3rd Kyu

Wiz 3rd Kyu

calcilin 3rd Kyu

Enete 3rd Kyu

Imperival 3rd Kyu

doson 2nd Kyu

Vicky 2nd Kyu

LiquidM 2nd Kyu

rapideath 2nd Kyu

Sefiros 2nd Kyu

Lee Thor 1st Kyu

Karolus 1st Kyu

achosport 1st Kyu

FlyMonkey 1st Kyu

FROSTY 1st Dan

Shai Pai 1st Dan

BrNoMen 1st Dan

Alejandro 1st Dan

MonkeyFace 1st Dan

Tsobanian 2nd Dan

JRSonic 2nd Dan

The Tank 2nd Dan

fanaat 2nd Dan

Garf 3rd Dan

Style cage 3rd Dan

Darkness 3rd Dan

KiwE 3rd Dan

Kirsche 3rd Dan

M4Sh 4th Dan

koso 4th Dan

SegaVega 4th Dan

Saiki 4th Dan

Jeffahn 5th Dan

LoixArtX 5th Dan

SummAh 5th Dan

MAN!AC 6th Dan

Kawaii Aoi 6th Dan

Kobun Heat 6th Dan

Paul 7th Dan

Agent 002 7th Dan

Hkaine 9th Dan

Texas Lion 10th Dan

Silks 10th Dan

* Club Sega Bay Area *


YCSTAGL 10th Kyu

Bunny 8th Kyu

Namflow 7th Kyu

XyzzySqrl 6th Kyu

DFR1975 4th Kyu

Lobster 2nd Kyu

Tone Mealin 1st Dan

Mizume 1st Dan

Payback 1st Dan

Plague 2nd Dan

HowBoutSum 2nd Dan

Ryuutoushi 2nd Dan

miserables 2nd Dan

Dolfy Dj 2nd Dan

Aleksander 3rd Dan

grabber 3rd Dan

Raven 3rd Dan

Sniper Woof 3rd Dan

jon08 3rd Dan

Lan Di 4th Dan

Tokio 4th Dan

danTHe 4th Dan

Blaze 5th Dan

Lau.VF 5th Dan

Virgius 5th Dan

ProdigyOPM 5th Dan

Raska 5th Dan

DonMaikeru 6th Dan

AndiGotard 6th Dan

Lleyton 6th Dan

GSPY 6th Dan

EmX 7th Dan

Juseda 7th Dan

Binkleykun 7th Dan

Kendi-Z 7th Dan

El Bambino 7th Dan

Wellencamp 8th Dan

Chuck 8th Dan

Feng Shui 8th Dan

The Burn 8th Dan

Shen Fa 9th Dan

AshidoFrou 9th Dan

Snapshot 9th Dan

OgreBaptL 9th Dan

Blue David 9th Dan

Selene 10th Dan

srkelley 10th Dan

Mena Amore 10th Dan

Delighted 10th Dan

Jeneric 10th Dan

Enforcer X Defender

Diamond Defender

Pepo Feng Defender

Pendekar Defender

Yaeris Hunter

mis?er?y Hunter

Wrangler Hunter

Oozaru Hunter

Killa Enforcer

Tiny Enforcer

Rpgamer86 Enforcer

Wasted Enforcer

La Selva Enforcer

Pain Chan Raider

Sera Raider

Socko Raider

Wilderness Sentinel

Rosemberg Sentinel

Blue Light Sentinel

Oldboy Barbarian

GUERRO Barbarian

Benuix Protector

Relik Protector

Neko Protector

Hentoe Assassin

Bad Baby Assassin

Janet Guardian

No Escape Guardian

GohTheD Slayer

Si Paladin

rockboy Berzerker

* Sega Arena Coast *


SGT. Angry 10th Kyu

Buzo 10th Kyu

Qazi 10th Kyu

Zimbette 10th Kyu

C. Fodder 9th Kyu

Mishaal Q8 9th Kyu

The Flame 9th Kyu

Srider 8th Kyu

Ryker 8th Kyu

golfitops3 8th Kyu

Jcs 8th Kyu

Mossman 7th Kyu

negora 7th Kyu

Ghost 7th Kyu

Deckard 6th Kyu

Ana 6th Kyu

Corootai 6th Kyu

Megan 6th Kyu

Manu FDZ 5th Kyu

Rosnerland 5th Kyu

dan 5th Kyu

Chan Shun 4th Kyu

BludLust 4th Kyu

BrodiMAN 4th Kyu

MIE 4th Kyu

Sakura Ten 3rd Kyu

ChrmnMan0 3rd Kyu

Kordalia 3rd Kyu

WeaselBack 2nd Kyu

Woutst 2nd Kyu

Beauty Aoi 2nd Kyu

DeeDawkins 2nd Kyu

Nerkin 1st Kyu

Youri 1st Kyu

Mike 1st Kyu

bluecesar 1st Kyu

Domen 1st Dan

Ferreti 1st Dan

AuRoN 1st Dan

Sander 1st Dan

abiss 1st Dan


Eileen 1st Dan

Luisetex 2nd Dan

Masamune 2nd Dan

R, Martin 2nd Dan

ElectricLeo 2nd Dan

MAkAtiEL 2nd Dan

Guardian K 2nd Dan

Dev1neMerc 3rd Dan

Di 3rd Dan

M-Al 3rd Dan

Mr Jones 3rd Dan

Lerida's R 3rd Dan

KiwE 4th Dan

Serserakos 4th Dan

Barcelona 4th Dan

^_^V0mv^_^ 4th Dan

Mugi 4th Dan

Tetramm 5th Dan

The Beast 5th Dan

Teh Beast 5th Dan

D!zzy120% 5th Dan

BurningUp 5th Dan

ButtonMash 6th Dan

Fernst 6th Dan

Tofu 6th Dan

andiimon 6th Dan

Darkshine 6th Dan

The Major 7th Dan

Muck 7th Dan

Louicifer 7th Dan

DaX 8th Dan

EckstEIN 9th Dan

Choi - Ryo 9th Dan

T - Kustro 10th Dan

shinyu 10th Dan

Aoihime Defender

Huntress Defender

Eos Hunter

* Sega Arena East *


Zimbo 9th Kyu

Allie 7th Kyu

Jota 6th Kyu

Jerky 5th Kyu

BillyH 3rd Kyu

Cobra 1st Kyu

I<3MySarah 1st Dan

Ice 1st Dan

Jileen 1st Dan

Brisal73 2nd Dan

MajinJekku 2nd Dan

lamps 2nd Dan

Squallmageo 3rd Dan

Shank 3rd Dan

Argos 84 4th Dan

Golden Boy 4th Dan

Cap'N Boat 5th Dan

Thrillho 5th Dan

Ting Jao 5th Dan

Natesh 6th Dan

Pipo 6th Dan


xNarKoSith 7th Dan

KoD Ladon 7th Dan

Axili 8th Dan

Timothy DC 8th Dan

Zen Dragon 8th Dan

Skilletor 8th Dan

kmaso 8th Dan

THR 9th Dan

wild man 9th Dan

Laykon 9th Dan

Man o mule 9th Dan

gurgleplex 9th Dan

MvGariachi 10th Dan

Betelqeuze 10th Dan

Pepe Silva 10th Dan

Z S S 10th Dan

Snowman 10th Dan

ChileVerde 10th Dan

Sunrise 10th Dan

??? ???

Nickoten Defender

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Come Queso Hunter

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Pale Blue Raider

??? ???

??? ???

Emma F. Sentinel

??? ???

Rico Blaze Sentinel

Archangel Barbarian

Girgante Barbarian

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Jacky Boy Assassin

ChaosAngel Assassin

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

* Special *


Konjou Aki Master

Endymion Master

Splendhill Master

Kempy Master

gambito Master

LouBird Master

2mph Master

Amor-Ray Master

En Fuego Master

La Mona Master

Junk Shack Warrior

Hans M. Warrior

blondqueen Warrior

NecronoiD Warrior

Cool Lei Warrior

Thomaticus Warrior

singery Warrior

SpoilerCas Veteran

ginji Veteran

BananaSlam Veteran

najibring Veteran

Slick Ant Veteran

PainBuffet Veteran

MathiusXII Veteran

wolffield Gladiator

VF Kid Gladiator

Mr. Saki Gladiator

Quickblade Gladiator

Heta Akira Gladiator

Chupalibre Gladiator

wolfman Vindicator

Canary Vindicator

Blue Vindicator

Lindie Vindicator

Damaramu Vindicator

Arno's Bar Vindicator

??? ???

KreaSe Avenger

Comicware Avenger

BugleHawkM Avenger

Huppumies Avenger

Emily Avenger

Archangel Vanquisher

Brucy Vanquisher

Big Ron Vanquisher

Randomkage Vanquisher

speed kaa Vanquisher

Davook Vanquisher

Danjah Conqueror

PaiCrust Conqueror

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

Fry Conqueror

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

??? ???

*** Tournaments ***

- Here's where you find out if you truely are the best around. Some players

only show up at tournament gatherings as well, so if you're looking for

certain players, then try heading to a tournament or two to face them. There

are two types of tournaments as well. The official tournaments held at the

stadium on the map screen, and local arcade tournaments that have special

rules. At these tournaments, you can walk away with prizes in hand depending

on how well you do and where you place in the tournament. Naturally, a first

place victory guarantees you the top prize. First lets take a look at the

official tournaments.

The official tournaments of the Quest Mode are (at least in my opinion) the

means of winning the Quest Mode. There are a certain number of official

tournaments that are played and once you've beat them all, you get a special

credits screen showing you winning matches at the final tournament. You

really don't get anything at these tournaments except the ability to go back

and replay any of the tournaments that you've won at your leisure. You just

get a small trophy by the side of the tournament you've won, showing that

you are a champion in that respect. The list of official tournaments are as


Beginners' Try

Participants: 8

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

Amateurs' Tournament

Participants: 8

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

Challengers' Cup

Participants: 16

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

Virtua Fighter Championship

Participants: 16

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

VF Climax

Participants: 16

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

VF Battle Masters

Participants: 16

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

Virtua Fighter World Tournament

Participants: 32

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

Virtua Fighter World Tournament Finals

Participants: 32

Rounds: 3

Time: 45

As you can see, they all have a sense of structure to them, with the only

exception of things that the higher up you go in status of tournament, the

more participants there are. Now, the number of participants doesn't mean

that you have to fight that many in order to win it all. It's done in a

bracket style with that many players fighting. So for instance, if you were

in the Beginners' Try tournament, there are eight participants. The first

round is four matches with the winners moving to the next round of two

matches, with those winners fighting in the finals. So in all, you'd fight

three matches in total to win. The only tournament that doesn't go on your

list is the Virtua Fighter World Tournament Finals. This is a special

tournament that will give you an invitation to fight at it after awhile, and

when you win, you have "won" at the Quest Mode. One of the perks though to

starting up old tournaments from what I can tell is that you have the

opportunity to weed out players that are hard to find in the arcades since

they feel they're only good enough to play at tournaments.

Now moving on to local arcade tournaments. These are special tournaments

that offer up prizes to the winner. The prize is always stated before the

tournament begins, so you know what you're fighting for ahead of time.

Gold is usually a high amount in these tournaments, items are usually rare

ones that can not be bought, and sometimes emblems are given away at these

tournaments as well. Whatever the case may be, the biggest factor of these

local tournaments is that they have their own random rules thrown in. So

once a match starts, immedieately look up at the timer and round points to

see how many rounds you have to fight in what amount of time they give you.

Sometimes they make you fight for 5 rounds at 15 seconds each, basically

asking you to try and deal more damage to your opponent in the little amount

of time and get a default win. Other times you could be fighting for one

round only but have a timer of 90 seconds to have a full match. Whatever

the case may be, make sure to know what you're up against when you start the

first match. Once you know what you're doing, it will stay that way the rest

of the tournament, so don't worry about it changing constantly on you.

Whenever a tournament is about to begin, you will be given an invitation

message after you've won a match against a player during normal play. It

will ask you if you wish to stop your current streak in order to go to the

arcade or the stadium, wherever the tournament is being hosted at. If you

choose yes, you are sent back to the map screen to head out to the

tournament. If you choose no, you miss the tournament opportunity and

continue fighting regular players till another tournament invitation shows up


*** The Ins and Outs ***

Here I'll explain the menus and such that are used within Quest Mode. You

have to know how things work in order to stack things in your favor right?

Well, lets get started!

** Home **

First things first....when you begin playing the game, you'll notice a house

icon on the map screen labeled Home. This is where you'll keep track of all

of your accomplishments, mess around with options, and check your status of

all you've done so far.

* Customize *

The Customize menu is where you go to alter your character's costume and your

Ring Name attributes. You can also access this on the Main Menu of the Main


- Costume Settings

When you select Costume Settings you'll have two options to choose from,

Item edit and Main/Sub costume settings

In Item edit, you can change the appearance of your character for any

costume set you've unlocked with any items you've either bought or unlocked

in Quest Mode. Just choose between Type A through D and the items you want

to put on for that Type, then save changes and exit out. It's that simple.

In the Main/Sub costume settings menu, you select which costume you want to

use and which one you want to have on stand by. The main costume will always

be on top, so the Type that you choose here will be the default costume. The

default costume is always on A to start with. Whenever you fight an opponent

that's using the same Type costume as you, or by changing the costume on the

fly at the character select menu just before a fight, your costume Type will

be that of the Sub costume. The Sub costume is always on B to start with.

If you have trouble remembering what each costume looks like off the top of

your head, don't worry. There are pictures of each costume Type that you've

unlocked at the bottom of the screen to remind you. Just set them up and

exit out of the menu to save.

- Item Shop

Here's where you'll spend quite alot of time in. The Item Shop holds up to

at least 50% of the clothing items that you'll need to unlock for your

character. Yes buying clothes here does count toward your overall unlock

percentage for Items. As I said, about 50% is in this shop, and depending on

the character you have, it could be more or less than 50%. This is also

where you go to get Orb Discs. Check out the Tips and Tricks section for

more info on the Orb Discs. Pretty much all you do is just save up some

money earned in the Quest Mode, come here, and purchase items for use in your

Costume Settings.

- Change Ring Name

Pretty much a no-brainer, this is what you use to change the tag name that

you want to go by in game. Whatever you put here will be the name of the

"character" you will use in Quest Mode and the name of the stats that go

along with the character of the data you are using.

- Personal Comment Settings

This is what you will see in a versus match at the bottom of the screen just

before a fight. In Quest Mode, you see this alot. While the game is loading

it will show yours and your opponent's stats, the character they're using,

and the comment they put to "intimdate" you just before a match. You have

two lines of some limited space to play around with here, so don't try to be

too elaborate when making a comment. A comment will also come up should you

use data in a versus match against any other players that decide to come over

your place for a few butt whoopings.

- Emblem Settings

Throughout the course of playing Quest Mode, you should see players with tiny

emblems by their names during a match under their life bar. Those emblems

can be used by you as well. This is where you go to set the emblem that you

want to use, so long as you've unlocked it first. How do you unlock an

emblem you ask? Hit up the Tips and Tricks section to find out! This is

also where you can go to check to see which emblems you still haven't

unlocked yet to getting the 100% Emblems collected.

* Status *

Here is where you go to check up on the amount of players defeated, items

collected, and emblems collected. This also shows you just how much in total

you have of Quest Mode completed. Though I think you techinically "win" at

Quest Mode once you've defeated the Virtua Fighter 5 Tournament Finals in

Quest Mode, it would seem that once you've done and collected everything that

you've truely won at it. It also shows you your longest win streak that

you managed to pull off in Quest Mode as well. From the Status screen, you

also have access to the Player list and the Emblem list to view who you have

defeated or earned and who you haven't defeated or earned yet. Trust me when

I say that you'll be coming here often enough to check up on your progress.

One thing that will piss you off....the very slow rise of any of the stats!

Just be patient and you'll have 100% in no time.

* Quest Settings *

Here is where you can change the difficulty and the Commentary for the game.

To be honest...I don't really see a difference when changing the difficulty

between opponents. I just leave it on Normal and don't really bother with

it. The Commentary is just that....commentary during a match. You can turn

it on here and have some John Madden like announcers commenting how you are

during the match, what you should do, etc. I find it annoying really, so I

just leave it off as well. Having the Commentary on doesn't affect anything

at all in game, so this is really a personal preference.

* Save *

You have to save the game some time, and here is where you go to do it. Make

sure to save quite often in Quest Mode so you don't lose those precious wins

over opponents that you just knocked the crap out of the first time. No

sense in going back to do the work over again right?

*** Tips and Tricks ***

* The Sega Balloon *

During the course of your Quest Mode fighting, you should eventually notice a

hot air balloon fly across the map screen, usually starting in the upper

right corner. This is a good sign! When the hot air balloon is visible on

the map screen, go into an arcade, and the next 10 fights you are in will be

Item Battles. In the beginning when you have next no items, you can easily

rack up on small time to rare items with this. When you hit the later stages

of your Quest Mode, this is the best way to haul in some money. The Sega

Balloon doesn't show up often, and it is random. Also, don't enter any

tournaments when you do get the balloon trick going or else your run will

end right then and there. You have to keep winning in order to keep the 10

Item Battles going, so don't quit or lose during the run!

* Arcade Tournaments *

I know I know...why isn't this in the Tournaments part right? Well that was

to discuss them to let you know the rules and such. This is where you can

learn about taking advantage of the arcade rules for yourself. As I've

stated before, when an invitation to an arcade tournament arrives to you,

the tournament is usually govern by a set of custom rules. These rules vary

from tournament to tournament and is not usually the fault of the arcade you

are going to. These are the types that I've seen the most so far:

= Normal Tournament =

This tournament goes by the normal set of default rules that you usually go

by while playing normally. This means that the clock is set at 45 seconds

per round, and goes for 3 rounds to win in total.

= Quick Draw Tournament =

This tournament is basically to see who can inflict the most damage the

fastest before time is up. The clock is set to 15 seconds, which doesn't

give you too much time to sit and think. You have to be quick to get the

most health knocked off of your opponent and keep yours from being taken

away as well. The time limit here is 15 seconds for 5 rounds to win in


= One Shot Tournament =

This tournament is basically an all or nothing type of deal. You have one

round to win with clock set to high. You can pace yourself alittle bit and

attack when you feel comfortable, but trying to let the clock run out is out

of the question. The time limit here is 60 seconds for 1 round to win in


= Master Quick Draw Tournament =

After playing alittle bit more into the Quest Mode, I found a tournament with

the same rules as Quick Draw, only at three rounds! That means you really

have to watch what you do here to win. The other thing is that you have

a stacked roster of Conqueror players from the Special list. That means that

while you can earn some emblems held only by them, you're going to have one

hell of a time trying to win this thing. So do what you can and hold tough!

If you manage to win at this, you earned it!

So, how do you go about winning these things in style? Well that's what we

are here to tell you! And yes I do mean we....though I'll list all of my

thoughts and such to winning these tournaments, they may not be your cup of

tea. You yourself may have a way of winning one of these custom tournaments

and if you e-mail me your tip for this, I'll make sure that proper credit is

given to you here. So don't leave all of us hanging! Help out if you know

a trick or two!

= Normal Tournament =

- For the most part I treat these tournaments as I would a normal versus

match in the Quest Mode. There's not too much that you can do other than

use the strategy that you have used to keep your wins higher than your losses

during Quest Mode.

= Quick Draw Tournament/Master Quick Draw Tournament =

- One effective way I've found to winning these things is by using long drawn

out throw moves. El Blaze for instance. He has a few throw moves that

require him to move about and take his time before inflicting the damage on

the opponent. Using these throw moves once you've knocked off some of your

opponent's health, helps to keep you ahead and also helps to draining the

timer down, leaving your opponent with little to do anything with.

- If you are playing on a fenceless stage, try anything that you can to push

your opponent off the edge to get a ring out victory. It sounds cheesy, but

I mean're here to win this thing right? You'd be surprised

how easy it is to win a round in a tournament like this, so take as many

shortcuts as you can.

- Turtle fighting sort of helps out here as well. If you're fighting in like

the lower kyu's and dan's then this should be a very effective strategy.

Using this in the Ultimate Title fights though may not prove to work so well.

I say this because the Ultimate Title fighters will grab you and easily

break your blocking habit in no time. So use this technique sparringly when

you reach those higher levels.

- The always effective run like a pansy helps out tons in this kind of

tournament. If you're using El Blaze, then you're really going to love these

tournaments. By hitting the opponent a few times in the beginning, making

sure that their health is lower than yours, you can now dodge and keep the

distance between the two of you til the timer runs out. With El Blaze, this

is far easier since he is able to turn around and run away with ease.

Remember, the timer is your friend when using this strategy. So put that

cape on and run like the PansyMan that you are!

= One Shot Tournament =

- Pretty much you can use your same strategy that you use in the Normal

Tournament. Sometimes I use a blistering pressure offense in order to win

these things and hurry the tournament along. Now I have lost doing this as

well. You may want to gauge your enemy sometimes before pushing a huge

offensive on them.

- A strong defense is sometimes better than a strong offense. By watching

your opponent and cherry picking the right times to attack, you can slowly

dwindle their health down til you've won the match. In this sense, using a

character that has a huge counter ability going for them will find winning

these kind of tournaments much easier than others.

- Once again, take advantage of fenceless stages! This is a winner take all

tournament with no room to make up for a lost round in. Get those opponents

of yours near the edge and cheese your way to victory!

*** Orb Discs ***'re wondering how Orb Discs work, what they do, how to get more, and

so on and so on right? Well this is the place to find out! First off when

start a new Quest Mode with a character, they start off with an Orb Disc.

This good in the sense that you don't have to buy your first one.

So how do you fill it up? Well you have to go around to the arcades and earn

orbs in the Item Battles. You can never tell if you're fighting for an orb

during an item battle, but majority of the time while you're holding an orb

disc, it'll be an orb. So when you get ahold of 7 orbs, you'll see a small

cutscene of the orbs glowing and then shoot into the sky, causing a dragon

to appear. Pretty familiar scene right? ahem (Dragonball) ahem

Once you have seen this scene you will either of earned a new costume piece,

or one of your Costume Sets. Early on you'll earn the new Costume Set to use

so really after you've earned that, you'll just be earning costume pieces.

These are pieces that can't be bought and are considered rare. You know

you've earned the last piece when you can't buy anymore Orb Discs.

To buy Orb Discs, just go to the Item Shop and it will be the last category

that you can select. So long as there's still an item to be earned from the

Orb Discs, then they will still be available.

Each character is different in that the amount of Orb Discs available for

use varies. This means that while you may be able to unlock items with 15

Orb Discs for one character, doesn't mean that the next one will be 15 as

well. So you just have to keep buying and earning til it doesn't allow you

to buy anymore.

*** Emblem Unlocking ***

Now here's one of those annoying things to hunt down....emblems. In a way,

it's not so bad in the fact that while you're trying to get 100% player list

completion, you will be earning the emblems as well.

In order to earn an emblem first you have to find a player that has that

emblem. You can tell if they do if you see it just under their life bar

during a fight. This will be the emblem you will earn should you win the

fight against them. Everytime you win an emblem, when you go back to the

main screen to choose another arcade or go save, a pop up screen will come up

just before you can leave the arcade you're in, showing you what emblems you

earned while fighting.

You can only set emblems for your own use only if you've unlocked them. If

you fought a guy and they won the fight, you haven't earned the emblem then.

So when you see one that you haven't unlocked yet, fight for all that your


Another way to earning emblems is through Arcade Tournaments. Sometimes the

tournament will hold the first place prize as an emblem. This is usually

held by a player that's rare or hard to find in the regular arcades, so this

could very well be your only chance to getting this emblem until another

tournament begins or you manage to find them in the arcades.

*** Making Money ***

I'm sure everyone that checks out this guide for the section on Quest Mode

is wondering just how in the hell can they earn some easy and fast money? can't. There are ways of going about getting some money and I'm

here to tell you all about those methods.

First off there's the ever obvious earning them in the Item Battles. During

some Item Battles you can earn money. This is a bit tricky to get in the

beginning, especially when you're dealing with alot of low level costume

items and Orb Discs. When you don't have an Orb Disc in your possession,

then most of the Item Battles will be fought for money. So basically the

more clothing that you earn and the faster you get Orb Discs out of the way,

the more abundant that you will get money from Item Battles than anything


Another easy way is by joining Arcade Tournaments. Once again, if you are

starting off and don't have any emblems, you will be plagued with tournaments

that are using the emblem as its grand prize. If you want the money rather

than the emblem, then on the final fight of the tournament, lose on purpose

and fight the other runner-up for the second place prize of the most amount

of money. Now when you go up in rank and have less emblem hunting to deal

with, then you'll be placed in tournaments that have huge monetary winnings.

So try to collect emblems as fast as you can in the beginning!

One way you can some really cheap cash is by losing. Check out the Win or

Lose section for more on this.

Whenever you find a Sega Balloon floating around, go into an arcade and start

taking advantage of this. If you don't have to use anymore Orb Discs,

usually have a high percentage of items earned, and have a high rank, then

your earnings from the next ten fights should put you up there since all you

to win from these 10 fights will mainly be money.

Whenever I can manage to find ways of earning a slew of money really fast,

then I'll make sure to let you all know. I'll also post up other ways that

I've found to earning money in this game as well, even if it's slow.

*** Win or Lose ***

Now you may be asking yourself, what does this section have to do with

anything? Well I'm here to tell you the ups and downs of winning and losing.

Now I know you're saying "Oh c'mon...what can be so bad about winning?" Well,

listen and you'll find out.

First off lets talk about winning. Naturally you always want to win. You

want to earn exprience and move on to the next level and so forth. But,

what if when you won a match, you lost exprience points? That's right. I've

seen it happen before too. By taking on an opponent that's of an incredibly

huge gap in title ranking, you can lose exprience. I don't know if this is

because you're just taking advantage of this person or that you are really

fighting outside of your skill level, but it does happen from time to time.

So you're saying "What should I do to stop this? I need to beat this guy

since I have to move on to the next one for a Sega Balloon challenge, or

I haven't beat him yet!" Well you're just going to have to take the hit in

those cases. If you don't have to win the match, then just quit. Find out

more about quitting safely in the Quick Arcade Search section. Now, as far

as winning goes when it benefits you, by all means win! If you see your

exprience bar flash or you know this is for an item that's rare...then win

dammit! Your stats will always look better with a high win column!

Now moving on to losing. No one wants to lose a match. It sucks to lose.

So how is it that you can earn anything from losing? Well the makers of this

game decided that even though you lost the match, you're not walking away

empty handed. That's right. You earn money for losing! Now it's a measely

chump change 50, but if you make a habit of losing on purpose....then you see

where I'm going with this. The bad thing is that you lose exprience fast if

get on a losing streak! The more you lose, the faster your exprience drops,

and eventually you're saying good bye to that rank you worked so hard to get.

So when is this acceptable to do? Maybe in the beginning when you first

start playing? If you seriously have the patience to sit down and rack up a

huge loss streak to earn fast easy money....then that's totally your thing.

*** Accessing the Special Arcade fighters ***

Now I'm sure that when you've checked your listings for your player list,

you've seen that one list that says Special. You've probably told yourself

that this list has to have the best of the best on it. You sir are correct.

But how do you go about fighting the people on this list in the first

place? There's no special arcade on the map. So how do I find these people

and bring them to their knees? Well first thing's first. You have to first

reach the level of Master, the lowest tier rank for the Ultimate Titles. This

shows that you're ready to play with the big boys! Once you've attained the

rank of Master, Special Arcade fighters will start to randomly appear in the

various arcades on the map. You can never tell who will show up where at

first, but when you first fight a Special Arcade fighter at a certain

arcade, then they will most likely reappear there in the future more often

than other arcades. They all skip around to various arcades, but they all

do have a tendency to favor one certain arcade. So moving about and hunting

them all down will be hard on you to do, especially with the arcades

themselves offering up players you haven't fought yet either. Most of the

time, Specials will show up in tournaments as well. So basically, whenever

you find a Special, pursue them til you defeat them. You never know when

you'll get another chance at fighting them again!

*** Treasure Chest Icons ***

Ok....this wasn't originally planned to be put in, but I know some dumb fool

is going to ask me "Durrrr....what does each color mean when you see the

Treasure Chest come up?" and I'm going to say " my walkthrough.

I already answered this there." So here it is. It's really simple actually.

First off lets talk about the Treasure Chest Dragon and Tiger Icon.

The Dragon and Tiger Icon will come up in 3 different colors from what I've

seen so far. The colors are Silver, Gold, and Dynamic Color. The Silver

logo means that simple item will be won from this battle, like money, or

a very cheap costume item, or an orb. A gold logo means that there's a much

better item to be had with a win in this fight, such as a bigger amount of

gold or a much better costume item. Now a Dynamic Color icon can be told as will be in a shiny real time color of the dragon and tiger, and

the tribal all around them will be a mixture of silver and gold lines. This

means that the Dragon will be green and detailed and the Tiger will be orange

and detailed. The only item I've won from a fight like this is a rare and

hard to obtain costume item such as the Hand Green Light Plate.

Now you may be wondering about those jewel icons when you win a costume item

as well. Well this is simple too. Emerald items are the cheaper, easier

to obtain items. These are the items that will probably be an off color

like purple or green or yellow for like an clothing piece that no one really

cares about too much like a belt. Ruby items are the medium ranged items

that you'll find more enjoyment out of probably, such a new set of pants or

a shirt or special mask that you can use depending on the character you are

using. Now Diamond items are the cream of the crop! When you hit the rank

of Master for the first time, you're given the opportunity to win a Hand

Green Light Plate. This is a Diamond Item. Much more flamboyant or detailed

and better colored pieces of clothing also fall under this category of

Diamond Item. These are extremely hard to come by and when you get the

opportunity to take better not lose the fight!

*** Quick Arcade Search ***

The Quick Arcade Search is a means of hunting down players in arcades that

you haven't fought yet without delibrately losing in a match to leave, or

without having to wait for an invitation to a tournament to stop you. This

is also where I will tell you how to go about hunting down players that you

don't have a star on them yet too.

First off, you want to just leave already and stop fighting the same people

that you beat over and over and over...but you don't want to lose in the

match to give yourself a loss on your record. Well just as the announcer is

telling you the round, get ready to hit start. When he says Fight! hit start

and just quit back to the arcade screen. Don't let the match begin, don't do

anything, just hit start and quit to the arcade screen. This will let you

leave the streak you're on without costing you a loss.

Now as you're looking at the three arcade machines that have players on them,

you're saying to yourself "Dammit...I've already beat these guys! I want to

play against people I haven't seen yet!" Well by exiting and entering into

the arcade, you will reset the machines with new players on them. This is

how you will go about hunting down all the players in order to get a 100%

completion. Just keep leaving and coming in to the arcade til you see a

player's name show up without a star by it and take them out!

So there you have it. All you have to do is combine the two of these

together and you have the means to getting the entire list for an arcade

completed. Just fight the guy that you haven't fought before, win, wait for

the next fight to load, quit immedieately, check to see if you have defeated

that person you just quit on (because when you get back to the arcade screen

it will show that person you quit on at the arcade machine you just left),

and if you have, and the other two machines have players you defeated also,

then exit the arcade and go right back in, repeating til you get a player

to show up that doesn't have a star by his name. Simple right?

7) Cheats, Secrets, and Such

Welp, as you all know, this game isn't without it's little easter eggs,

cheats, or the like. Here I will list everything that you can earn or see

in this game. Some may already have shown up in other parts of the guide,

but if some people weren't idiots and seen that, then I wouldn't have to

repeat myself. So for convienence, I'll list them here too! I'm such a nice

guy sometimes....

* Old School Sega! *

For those of you who have been gaming for a good long time like myself, and

can remember the old Atari, Nintendo, and Sega systems...then this is a nice

trip down memory lane. After you do the intial save game data load when you

start up the game, hold the O button while it loads up and keep holding til

it reaches the Sega logo screen. You should hear the old "SEGA!!!!" from the

Genesis games.

* The Sega Balloon *

Now I know I mentioned this in the Quest Mode section, but people will still

look here wondering why it's not here and how to get it to show. For

starters you can't make it show up when you want. It's a random event that

happens only on the Quest Mode Map Screen. For more information, check out

The Sega Balloon section in the Quest Mode section.

* Unlocking Dural *

Ok....yes you can unlock Dural in this game. Now the only downside is that

you can't use her in Quest Mode or unlock costumes and such for her. What

you see is what you get. Now to unlock her, you have to first win at Arcade

Mode with every single character on the roster. You don't have to beat

Dural at the end of Arcade Mode either. You just have to complete Arcade

Mode on any difficulty with all the characters. When you've done so, you

should get a confirmation message letting you know you've unlocked her.

To use her, just hit down underneath anyone on the bottom row, and she will

appear. She can only be used in Arcade Mode, Dojo, and Versus, and can't

have Data made for her either.

* Various Background Trivia *

From time to time I will notice things in the background of games and say

"Hey....that's pretty cool...I wonder if other people saw that too?" Well

here is a spot that will constantly updated with things that I see in the

backgrounds of this game. If you want to contribute to this as well, then

just e-mail me with the info of what you saw and I'll give you the creds and

place it in here for all to see.

- In the background of El Blaze's stage Arena, the scrolling sign is saying

"Excitement and invigoration are offered to all men."

* Unlocking Costumes C and D *

Well you didn't think you just had the two starter outfits for all the

characters did you? This game has two more sets that you can use should you

unlock them. They have their own items that can be bought for them as well

so don't think that it's a simple one time earned thing!

To get Costume C all you have to do is keep leveling up your character in

Quest Mode, til you reach 1st Dan. Once you do so, you should have a

confirmation message show up that says you've earned the costume.

To get Costume D, just complete your first Orb Disc and you should have it.

Maybe that's the reason why the first disc was free huh?

* Watch Mode *

Tired of fighting yourself and you just want to watch the characters go at

it without you worrying about getting up each time to choose a match over

and over? Well this nifty little secret allows you to put the game into

Watch Mode, so you can just sit back and enjoy some primo matches of the

computer going at itself without lag or on easy. Just premium fighting for

your entertainment until you say you've had enough watching and want to start

playing. First go into VF TV and select Exhibition Match. When you can

select the characters, press and hold L1 and R1 and press X. You should hear

a confirmation tone that lets you know that you did it correctly. From hear

on out...just sit back and enjoy the show!

* Unlocking the Dojo Stages *

So you want to play against your friends in the Dojo huh? Well ok. It's

real simple to do. First off you have to earn them. This can be done by

completing a Time Attack. To enter a Time Attack, start up Command Training

and you should get the option to begin a Time Attack session. Basically

just do what it tells you til you win. There's no time limit to beat. You

should get a confirmation message letting you know you won the two stages

after you complete a Time Attack. Now you have them available for use in

Versus Mode.

* Playing Route B in Arcade Mode *

You do know that there's another set of players that can be fought in Arcade

Mode right? Well when you get the question of the character that you are

choosing is correct (the Yes or No part), hold down either the G button or

the P button until your first match begins. You should now be on a new set

of enemies leading up to Akira than the normal bunch you see often enough.

* Custom Characters in VF TV *

Pretty much an Easter Egg of sorts to play around with, the costume that you

spent so much time making and pimping out for El Blaze, Wolf, and Eileen

can be shown in their demo movies. This is the Main Costume for the Data

of those characters that you saved. In order to view this, first go into

VF TV and then select Movie Theater. On either the El Blaze or Eileen Demos

hold Left on the D-Pad and then hit X. You should hear a confirmation tone

if done correctly. Now you can watch the movies again, only with your custom

costume on the characters now.

* Downloading the Soundtrack * can thank me later for hunting this down over the net. It took

a good long time before I found this place, and a little while longer to

figure the site out and learn how to use it properly. So here is the link

to the Virtua Fighter 5 soundtrack. I'd grab it before the person who

uploaded it decides to take it down! If that does happen, do let me know so

I can try and figure out a way to uploading the soundtrack myself for all to


My only didn't have the Character Select song in it!

* Knowing Your Virtua Fighter and Where to go for It *

I'll bet you were all think to yourselves "What the hell is talking about?"

well what I'm talking about is the website! The official website for all

you need on Virtua Fighter is here. Check it out sometime.

8) User Character Tactics

Ahhhh....the final chapter of this glorious guide of think I

finally made it this far. This part though isn't written entirely by me...

This part is written by all of you! That's matter what I say or

do to tell you things about characters or explaining their ins and outs,

everyone has their own style and their own way doing things with each

character. In that respect I give to all of you this section. E-mail in

your tips, tricks, and fighting techs that you find to be useful for the

given character in the given situation you're in. For examples, goto El

Blaze's section in here. That's my main guy in this game, so you can bet

that I'll leave up quite a few tips for him that I find. The only way this

section can get bigger, is by all of you, so flood my e-mail box ok! I know

it's at the top, but for convienence my e-mail is:

I will give full credit to you that send in your tips and tricks, so be a pal

and help out those around you by contributing to this guide!

* Akira *

- (Here is an Akira tip, brought to you by the one and only Gil Morrison)

Tip description: Akira advanced techiniques for versus fighting

Joker is right folks. Akira is a hardcore character to master. Unless you've

played as him before to some length in other Virtua Fighters then expect to

look like a lumbering oaf in VF5. The Dojo will be your best friend in

beginning to understand Akira. Practice his commands every time you start up

the game so you don't forget his most basic moves. His jumping double kick is

a great way to catch your opponents off-guard at the start of the fight, but

don't use it too heavily...people will notice a pattern. Mostly you'll be

relying on his devastating assortment of lunging punches and shoulder blows.

The P+K combos will be your best friends. You can chain most of them. Land

five of them in a row and there goes half of the poor sap's life your

fighting against. The most useful of these I've found is the =>P+K | PP. If

you don't land the first punch then you'll be side stepping before your

opponent can hit you. Another similar combo is <= P | PP. The first strike

may be harder to pull of but is much more powerful. Use the "auto-side steps"

to make your own combos. Instead of "PP" at the end, throw after the side

step. Akira's throws are usually not recommended unless the enemy is stunned,

though some can be very useful for ring outs or massive damage in enclosed

arenas. Don't neglect his | | P+K either. It results in a knockdown and

allows you to recompose yourself in hairy encounters. And never forget to

practice your counters over and over again!!!!

For 360 owners playing online with Akira can be frustrating because most

other characters are much easier to use. My first 3 days playing online have

been filled with cheap wins by people playing as faster, more user friendly

fighters like Jackie, Sarah, Pai, Lau, Lei Fei, Eileen, and Brad. Don't get

discouraged. Just know that they are taking the path of least resistance and

that someday you will house them without being touched. Anyone can hit the

kick button five times in a row. To see an experienced Akira player fight is

a thing of beauty and is to be respected. Not to mention rare. Out of all

fighters I see Akira used the least online.

P.S. If your a Street Fighter fan you can make Akira look like Akuma. You can

even give him red eyes!

* El Blaze *

- From: Alex "Sanctuary Remix" Hall

Tip Description: Using El Blaze in Quest Mode or against human players

When you use El Blaze in Quest Mode, you have to remember that he is an

offensive blitz machine. I've found that in the later difficulties of the

high Dans and the Ultimate Ranks by using his Burnout Combo into Rocket

Discharge into Deja Vu is an extremely effective tactic. What I mean by

this is this. At the higher levels, the computer will block you crazily.

They love to counter and hit you fast should you try to grab them. So, with

that said, if you use the Burnout Combo, you hit them fast and either they

take the punches, or block them. This you shouldn't care about though

hitting with the punches is an added bonus should they land. What you want

is for them to block the kick at the end of the combo. This allows El

Blaze to go into his Rocket Discharge. Since he's running full force at

the opponent at point blank range, immedieately go for a grab since they

should still be blocking while in Rocket Discharge. You should then hit

them with the Deja Vu. This one move takes off quite a bit of health and

when used constantly over and over against the computer, you should be

racking up the wins with little to no hassle so long as you keep the

pressure going against them. Remember this move set as your main weapon!

This also comes in handy for Quick Draw Tournaments as well, eating up alot

of health from the opponent and taking away alot of time as well, almost

ensuring your victory should you run away the rest of the time.

* Eileen *

* Pai Chan *

* Lei-Fei *

* Aoi Umenokouji *

* Goh Hinogami *

* Kage-Maru *

* Sarah Bryant *

* Jacky Bryant *

* Brad Burns *

* Shun-Di *

* Lau Chan *

* Jeffry McWild *

* Vanessa Lewis *

* Wolf Hawkfield *

* Lion Rafale *

* Dural *

9) Credits

- First and foremost I give credit to Sega for coming out with one kick ass

fighter. I've never been so jaw dropped before by a fighting game with all

that it shows off. I'm still going strong with it, so I think I'm now

turning into a Virtua Fighter fan! Way to go Sega, by making an addictive

game like this!

- Secondly I'd like to give creds to all of those out there that asked for me

to come back and make more walkthroughs. You have no clue how much I missed

doing these, and just because I'm in the Marines, doesn't mean I have to

retire from walkthrough writing! Thank you for all the support and e-mails

that all of you have sent telling me how good my past walkthroughs were and

that you all wanted to see more. Without the support, I think the drive and

the love for walkthrough writing would of left me a long time ago.

- Next up I give credit to myself for spending long nights and many months just

working on this guide alone. The one that's out on store shelves right now

is crap, and this game just deserves a rightfully made guide....I just pray

and hope that I lived up to the expectations of everyone that reads this.

I know that without a shadow of a doubt though, this guide is by far my best

work yet to this date. I'm incredibly happy with its progress and even more

happy with how it has turned out. At this point in time I know there is

still much more to go to getting that final version stamp, but with what is

given alone, gamers should be able to do more than just the basics in this

game. I know that I will make many more in the years to come, and I can only

hope that I achieve the same degree of greatness with those guides that I

know I did with this guide.

- If there's anything that you wish to add or correct in my walkthrough, then

by all means, shoot me an e-mail at I'll take

your comments and concerns seriously and get back to you as fast as I can.

You will be given the proper credit as well for contributing to my guide.

Thanks again, and I'll sees yas all later!

Alex "Joker" Hall

Sanctuary Remix

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