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(Thanks to 1337mangmaster for the art!)
Killer 7 FAQ/Walkthrough
Author: forweg
Version: 1.13
Started: 11/7/06
Last Updated: 7/9/07
E-mail: paridoxicallyidiotic@hotmail.com
Table of Contents
1. Intro
2. Game Basics
3. Characters
4. Walkthrough
4.1 Angel
4.2 Sunset, Part 1
4.3 Sunset, Part 2
4.4 Cloudman
4.5 Encounter, Part 1
4.6 Encounter, Part 2
4.7 Alter Ego
4.8 Smile, Part 1
4.9 Smile, Part 2
4.10 Lion
5. Bonuses
6. Enemies
7. Bosses
8. Contact Info
9. Version History
10. Legal Garbage
11. Credits
1. Intro
Hello! I started my first FAQ a few days before this one, which was a Puzzle
Guide for Killer 7. That got me sort of addicted to FAQing, so now I'm
shooting for the moon and am going to try for a full walkthrough of the same
Killer 7 is unlike any other game you've ever played. I gaurantee it. The
controls are weird. The plot is weird. The visuals are weird. The music is
weird. Just about EVERYTHING about the game is weird. Just my style!
If you enjoy weird, surreal, original, and utterly unique games, you should
love it like I do. If you just like the same old crap again and again, well,
this may not be the game for you.
I'll try to cover everything in the walkthrough. If I leave anything out,
feel free to contact me. I'm not using any other guides to help me with
this. I'm doing it entirely on my own.
2. Game Basics
Combat and Critical Points
The foes you face in Killer 7 are called Heaven Smiles (from now on called
Smiles). Each Smile can only attack you once before they die. To make up for
this, they usually take away a decent chunk of health.
You can blow off a Smile's head and limbs. Other than collecting a bit of
blood, shooting off their heads and arms doesn't have much effect, as they
don't really use those parts. Blowing off their legs makes them unable to
walk, and they will begin crawling towards you. They seem to crawl just as
fast as they walk, so shooting their legs isn't really incredibly useful
Most types of Smiles have critical points. Critical points appear as yellow
spots on their bodies (at least on Normal Mode). If their critical points
are hit, Smiles will die instantly. You will also receive lots of blood from
this. So, hit critical points whenever you can!
Blood and Health
Each character's health is represented by the eye at the top-right corner of
the screen. The more open the eye is, the healthier they are. If the eye is
almost closed, the character is about to die. You can recover only by using
thin blood.
You gain blood by shooting a Smile's head, limbs, or critical points. There
are two types of blood.
Thin blood is held in test tubes. You can hold up to 20 test tubes of thin
blood. Thin blood is used to heal and is also required to use special moves.
Thick blood is stored in a, um, bag. You can hold up to 1000 units of it at
one time, which should never really be a problem. Thick blood is used to
level up your characters, and thus is quite important.
Soul Shells
In most levels you'll need to collect Soul Shells. They are the flashing
objects on the map. You can't ever skip any of them, so frequently check
your map to be sure you don't leave any Soul Shells behind. You'll need to
give these to the Gatekeeper in order to enter the Vinculum Gate.
Harman's Room
Harman's Rooms are basically your safe hubs throughout the game. Check the
television to switch characters, give your thick blood to the uh... blood
guy, and level up your peeps. Sometimes the blood machine stops working and
the blood guy will hang up a "Closed" sign. Don't worry, this is fine. It
simply means you've reached the limit on the amount of thick blood you can
collect on the current stage.
Sometimes you can save in Harman's Room. Simply talk to Samantha to save.
Harman's Rooms are indicated on the map by televisions. If the television
has an S inside of it, you can save there. If it doesn't, you can't.
3. Characters
Garcian Smith
"Don't make me say it again. I'm a cleaner."
Garcian is the only member of Killer 7 with the ability to revive other
members. Simply walk to where they died and rapidly tap the A Button.
Other than when the game makes you or when you need to revive, you should
never, ever use Garcian. His inability to level up makes him an awful
Garcian has no special abilities, other than reviving.
Dan Smith
"You still are an ugly fella. How's it been, huh?"
Dan is probably the best member of Killer 7 in combat. His shots are both
powerful and quick, his reload time is short, and he has a decent number of
rounds before he has to reload. Plus, he has no glaring weaknesses. I use
him the most of anyone. Dan's the man.
Dan's special ability is called "Collateral Shot". It is extremely powerful,
but takes three test tubes of thin blood to use.
Kaede Smith
"I've changed my makeup. Did you notice? Ah, men. They never notice these
kinda things."
Kaede is a fairly useful character to use. Her shots aren't particularly
powerful, she's rather slow in all aspects, and she has a ridiculously long
reload time. What redeems her, you ask? Her special ability.
Kaede's special ability in combat is Scope. Press Y to scope in on an enemy
from a distance. This is extremely useful for all sorts of different
Kaede can also slit her wrists and make blood flow everywhere to break
barriers. This only needs to be used in certain spots.
Kevin Smith
Kevin is another good person to use. He's very quick, and his power is okay.
But Kevin's main strength is that he never has to reload, as he uses knives.
Very useful for rapid firing encounters.
Kevin has the ability to turn invisible. This can come in handy and save
your neck.
Kevin's special combat ability is a charge shot similar to Dan's, except it
can only use one test tube. I never really use this.
Coyote Smith
Coyote has no real strengths or weaknesses. Just an average character all
around. I tend to use him a lot simply because I like him. Your mileage may
Like Dan and Kevin, Coyote's special ability is a charge shot. I never
really use this either.
Con Smith
Con is all about speed, speed, speed. He is easily the fastest member of
Killer 7. Obviously, his shots aren't going to be very powerful to make up
for this. Another problem with Con is his very small health gauge. I don't
use him much myself. Just a personal preference, really.
Con's special ability is running at super speeds. Limited usefulness.
Mask de Smith
"I'm not a monster. It's only a mask."
Mask is your typical brute force video game character. Very powerful, very
slow. He has another fault in addition to his slowness: With very few
exceptions, Mask can't collect blood when killing enemies. He has his uses,
Mask's special ability is yet another charge shot. The more test tubes you
use, the more powerful the shot.
4. Walkthrough
Here's what you came here for, most likely. This walkthrough is done using
Normal Mode. It can still probably be used if you're playing on Hard,
I will be frequently using the directions north, south, east, and west. This
is indicated in the game by the compass on the top-left corner of the screen
and the letters on the junctions.
4.1 Angel
"The day when laughter disappears from this world draws near."
Watch the nice, but confusing opening scene. You will be asked if you would
like to learn the controls. If this is your first time playing, then most
definitely answer Yes. After learning the controls (or not), you will
control Garcian. Walk forward a short distance, and you will be introduced
to Dan.
As Dan, walk forward and talk to Iwazaru. He'll help you out throughout the
game. Go north to come to a junction. Go right, into Harman's Room.
Examine the TV to the left. Channel B lets you give thick blood to the blood
guy, but you don't have any yet, so ignore it. The other channels let you
switch to the different members of Killer 7. Kevin and Mask are currently
sleeping. You must defeat a certain number of opponents to wake them. You
can't do this now, so ignore them too. I recommend sticking with Dan as your
Save by talking to Samantha, the maid. You can also talk to Iwazaru in the
back of the room for loads of helpful info. When you're done, exit Harman's
Now go north into the Elevator Hall. Walk forward a bit and talk to Iwazaru.
You'll encounter your first Smile. Just aim for the critical spot or kill it
otherwise, it isn't difficult. Head down the linear path and you will
encounter another one. After killing it, talk to Travis. He is another
amusing character you'll meet throughout the game. A bit further talk to
Iwazaru again and go through the door to the Parking area.
Talk to Iwazaru yet again, and try to kill the Camellia Smile before it
kills itself. You'll get lots of blood if you do. (If you do kill it, leave
the area and come back to encounter a Duplicator. If not, the Duplicator
will be there already.)
The Duplicator spits out balls of Smiles. Kill the Smiles before they get
too close, and when you have spare time, shoot the yellow spot on the
Duplicator. Four or five shots should kill it.
Talk to the Bad Girl, Travis, and take the Soul Shell from his trunk. Return
to the hallway just past where you first meet Travis, and go up the now
accessible north hallway. Turn the corner, kill the Smile, and go through
the door. Go up the stairs and through the next door, talking to Iwazaru
along the way.
Watch the scene. There will be multiple Smiles coming at you. These guys are
much harder to deal with than anything you've faced thus far. If they start
getting too close, turn around, run back a bit, and start shooting again.
When they're dead, head into the room. To the right is another Harman's
Room, but this one only has a TV, no saving. Enter if you wish, and go
through the north door to advance.
In this room lots of Smiles will come after you, including running ones. Try
not to let them gang up on you. You'll also come across your first Micro
Smile. These guys don't hurt you, they only blind you. Try to kill them for
Go down the north hallway to talk to Travis. After, go down the east hallway
and watch another scene. Go south and kill the running Smile. Here you'll
meet Yoon-Hyun. He basically gives you hints for puzzles. You can shoot his
mask for better hints, but it takes thick blood. You shouldn't ever need to
do that since you have this, right?
Ignore Room 212 and continue south. Watch the scene with Billy Bloodysunday
and go through the door. Go down the linear path, talk to Iwazaru, and when
you come to a junction, go down the South-Southwest hallway for your first
Carrier Pigeon memo. Return to the junction and go west this time. There's
another saveless Harman's Room to the left. Use or ignore it as you wish,
and go through the west door.
This room has four Smiles. Kill the first Smile you see, then run into the
room just enough so that you can see the whole room. You don't want them
ganging up on you in that narrow hallway. After they're dead, talk to
Yoon-Hyun if you like, and go into the big north hallway. Head through the
library door.
In the library, go down the west hallway and through the door. Go into the
Harman's Room to save. You probably have enough thick blood to level up your
characters by now. I personally choose to level them all evenly except Dan,
who I have a bit ahead of the rest. You don't have to follow this, you can
level however you like. I do recommend focusing on Power first, though.
Also, be sure to wake up Mask if you can.
Go down the west stairs and into the laundry mat. Examine the dryer. Turn it
off to speak to Susie, another weird but amusing character. She'll give you
the Fire Ring. Head down the east hallway, and kill a Smile or two. Talk to
Iwazaru, and switch to Coyote to open the padlocked door. Go down the south
hallway and into Room 212.
Now, before you examine the candles, make sure the air conditioning is off.
Equip the Fire Ring if you haven't already, and examine the candles. On
normal mode, you will see numbers below the candles. On the harder modes,
you'll see a certain number of rungs below each candle signifying a number.
Light the candles in order from 1 to 5, which is:
1. Candle second from left
2. Left-most candle
3. Right-most candle
4. Center candle
5. Candle second from right
Grab the Odd Engraving from the shelves. If you mess up, just turn the air
condition on, turn it back off, and start anew.
Exit the room. Go down the south hallway, through the door, up the linear
path, and down the west hallway again to reach the room with the four
Smiles. They are even worse this time, as they are all clumped together.
Shoot, shoot, shoot, and don't let them get too close. After you kill them,
go down the west hallway and into the restroom.
After killing the Smile, examine the sprinkler with the Fire Ring equipped.
When the sprinkler turns on, flush the toilet. Exit the room.
Kill those freaking Smiles again, go down the north hallway, through the
door, down the west hallway and through door, and into the laundry mat. Pick
up the Odd Engraving that fell out of the, uh... thing. Now go back to where
you just came from, into the library. Examine the Control Panel to place the
Odd Engravings there, which opens the bookshelves. A few Smiles start coming
at you from between the bookshelves. These guys shouldn't be too tough, as
they start out fairly far away.
After killing them, head into the area between the bookshelves, and go down
the west hallway to speak to Iwazaru. After, go east to the Warehouse. If
you've woken Mask, which you should have, use him to blow down the crumbling
wall. Kill the Smile, talk to Travis to the north, and read the Carrier
Pigeon memo to the south. Go back to the intersection, and go north through
the door.
Go down the linear path, speaking to Iwazaru along the way, use or pass the
saveless Harman's Room, and head east through the door. Watch the scene and
go through another door. Kill the Smiles, go north, and speak to Iwazaru.
Switch to Kaede, go to the very end of the hall, and press the Y button (for
the Gamecube version anyway, I don't know what it is for the PS2). Collect
the Soul Shell. Return to the junction and go west this time. Break the
crumbling wall with Mask and go down the hallway. Switch to Coyote and open
the padlocked door. Speak to Travis. Go back until you reach a hallway
leading west and take it.
A Smile will crash into the wall, creating bloody letters. Talk to Travis,
then stand in front of the letters with Kaede and press the Y button. The
letters "N" and "O" will remain. Go to the door to the far north part of the
room (saving in Harman's Room along the way). You need a code to unlock it.
Obviously, enter "NO" into the lock.
In the boiler room, after talking to Travis, go down the linear path,
killing Smiles and passing a saveless Harman's Room along the way. Talk to
Iwazaru and go through the door.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shells and let you pass if you have them
all, which you certainly should if you've been following this guide. Take
the linear pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Go on ahead to
the Vinculum Gate.
Vinculum Gate: Speed Smile
This thing is pretty easy. You just need to start shooting immediately after
it starts and never let up to secure victory. Don't pick someone slow. I
use Dan and he seems to work just fine. I suppose Kaede's Scope might be
helpful near the start, but I wouldn't take that risk. She's too slow.
Head on down the linear pathways until you reach Harman's Room. Save there,
and make sure you give all of your thick blood to the blood guy before
Enter the Express Elevator. You'll forcibly be switched to Garcian. Head a
bit further and talk to Travis. Past him you will reach an intersection.
Pick either way, it doesn't matter. Watch the bizarre scene.
Boss: Angel
When the fight begins, simply shoot the angel's four wings off.
Then the real fight begins. The angel only has one means of attack: Shooting
big bursts of fire at you. It is very easy to avoid this because she makes a
slow hand gesture toward the area she is about to attack. She is
invulnerable to all attacks except in one area: The four big red faces on
her back.
To get behind her, you must take off as soon as you see flames start coming
out of her hand. The timing is slightly difficult, but you should have it
down after a few tries. Run until you get a good shot at the faces. You need
to shoot all four to defeat her.
I would recommend Kevin, Con, or Kaede for this fight. Kevin and Con because
of their speed, Kaede because her Scope ability makes it easier to hit the
faces. Or, you could use Con to run behind her and then switch to Kaede to
snipe the faces. Really, though, you can use anyone but Mask and be fine.
After the battle, go through the door marked as north. Go ahead through the
next door as Harman. Go forward as far as you can. Ignore the angel, and
shoot one of the transparent Kun Lans around her. Watch the crazy scene.
Simply shoot Kun Lan's sparkly hand and watch the scene to end this stage.
4.2 Sunset, Part 1
"Laughter is the countdown to devastation."
Watch the nice animated cutscene. ("Their only hope rested with them."? That
sounds a bit awkward, doesn't it? Poor translation, I guess.) Anyway, go
into Harman's to watch another puzzling, but interesting scene. Examine the
TV and select Harman. After the scene, exit Harman's Room and go Outside to
watch more scenes.
Head forward past Iwazaru and through the gate. You'll change to Mask. Head
right at the junction to save at Harman's Room. Go back, and use Mask to
smash the rock blocking the northern entrance. Watch the scene. That Mask is
one bad dude.
Head right at the junction. This is a fairly dangerous room, because the
Smiles reappear so frequently. After killing them, hurry forward so they
won't reappear while you're standing there. After talking to Travis and
reading the memo, go into the little southwestern room as far as you can.
Switch to Coyote and press Y to jump onto the roof. Kill the smile. Head
along the linear roof pathway while appreciating the nice scenery. Talk to
Susie to receive the Water Ring. Head all the way back to the Foyer, which
is the area where Mask killed those guys. Head north this time, into the
Kill the running Smile. Head down the curvy path, killing Smiles along the
way. When you get to the junction, go right to speak with Travis. Go back to
the junction and head north into the Lobby.
You will be introduced to Bombhead Smiles. They can be VERY dangerous. If
you shoot them while those weird things on their heads are closed, and you
are within range of their bombs, you will die instantly. Shoot the first one
you see before it gets anywhere near you. Now, head forward until you hear
TO THE ROOM! Shoot and kill the two Bombhead Smiles and one Heaven Smile
from a safe distance. If you don't do this, you will most likely die.
Go right at the junction and save at Harman's Room. If you can wake someone
up, I would suggest Dan. After coming out of the room, quickly kill the
Bombheads before they get too close. Go through the far northern door. Head
west into the Garden. Kill the Smiles, and use Kaede's special ability to
eradicate the weird tree. Destroy the Duplicator. I find Dan to be the best
at dealing with these. Talk to Travis. Go back to the junction and go north
this time. Head through the door.
Kill the several Spiral Smiles in here. They aren't very difficult, you just
need to have good timing to shoot their green faces. Go into the Guestroom.
Equip the Water Ring and examine the vase. The picture will change. Examine
the picture and grab the Odd Engraving. Head back to the junction and go
east, while watching out for more Spirals on the way. Go through the door to
the stairs.
Use or ignore the saveless Harman's Room as you wish. Go down the stairs and
through the door. Head north at the junction. Watch out for the evil
Bombhead that pops out of the room to the left. Go into the room the
Bombhead popped out of to speak to Travis. Go back out and go north at two
junctions in a row. Place the Odd Engraving into the door.
Go east at the junction for a Carrier Pigeon memo and a saveless Harman's
Room. Head back to the junction and go north this time. Switch to Mask and
have him destroy the lumber blocking the western door. Watch the scene.
"Awesome." Afterwards, head north into the hallway. Go past another saveless
Harman's Room and into the Annex.
You'll encounter Another Smiles here. They are basically just like regular
Smiles, except they hang from ceilings. Shoot them down and kill them.
Read the sign outside of the main area, and you'll see four symbols pointing
in four different directions. These correlate to the four small houses. You
must close the door in each of the houses that correspond with the signs on
the map. Close the following:
South House: Red Phoenix
East House: Azure Dragon
North House: Black Warrior
West House: White Tiger
Watch out for Another Smiles hanging in some of the houses.
There's a Pigeon memo right beside the East House. Save at the Harman's Room
in between the North and West houses. After closing all of the appropriate
doors, the bridge will lower. Go across the bridge, pick up the Soul Shell,
and enter the hallway.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shell and let you pass. Take the linear
pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Go on ahead to the Vinculum
Vinculum Gate: Phantom Smile
This Smile will have one huge body part, and it's always either the head or
one of the hands. If you shoot that part, the Phantom Smile dies instantly.
But if you accidentally shoot any other part if its body, you die instantly.
I advise you to use Kaede and her Scope to more easily target the enlarged
body part. Hopefully you won't miss.
Head on down the linear pathways until you reach the scene with Billy
Bloodysunday. Enter the Owner's Room as Harman and watch the scene.
Enter the Owner's Room again. Go past the dead body through another door.
You will be forcibly switched to Mask. Immediately switch to anyone other
than Mask or Kaede. Save at the Harman's Room, and make sure you give all of
your thick blood to the blood guy before leaving.
Once again be sure you aren't Mask or Kaede before entering the Large Hall.
Watch the scene. (Why is she so hard to hear?)
Boss: Julia Kisugi
Julia shouldn't be any trouble at all. You have to shoot her more times than
she shoots you. That's it. Needless to say, you need to shoot her non-stop
without doing anything else. Neither of you really take damage, only the
number of shots matters.
The two best characters for this fight are probably Kevin and Con. Kevin,
because he never has to reload and he's pretty fast. Con, because he is
simply the fastest member of Killer 7.
Overall, though, Julia should be a breeze for anyone except Mask and
possibly Kaede.
After the scene, save if you want. Go Outside of Garcian's apartment for
more scenes, which lead to...
4.3 Sunset, Part 2
Examine the car to see three initials: BTJ, CSC, and WTS. Go down the road
until you are switched to Kevin. Go into Harman's Room and save. Head back
out and kill some Diver Smiles. Go down the west road if you want to speak
with Iwazaru. Regardless, head down the north road to come to a vending
machine. You should now see what the initials on the car meant. Buy:
Bloody Tomato Juice
Creamy Southern Coffee
Wild vegetable Tempura Soup
You'll meet a Poison Smile in this room. You must hit Poison Smiles'
critical points, or else they will just keep rising back up. There's a
saveless Harman's Room here if you'd like to use it, and Travis is at the
far end of the hall.
Go into the Manager's Room and open the Control Panel with Coyote. Turn it
off. Look at the poster on the wall. You'll see a woman holding a pair of
dice with ones facing out. Go into Room 105 and examine the dice. Keep
rolling them until you get two ones. This can get a bit annoying, but it
shouldn't take too long. Take the Soul Shell. Now take the northern door
that leads to Stairs.
Go up the stairs and into the 2nd Floor door. Fend off the Smiles here,
including another Poison or two. There's another saveless Harman's Room
Go into Room 207 and you'll see a picture portraying a straight flush. Go
into the room at the end of the hall and there will be real cards there.
What's the only hand that beats a straight flush? A royal flush. Take away
the nine to make it happen. Pick up the Soul Shell and return to the stairs.
Go up and enter the 3rd Floor door.
A new type of Smile called Mother Smile will be introduced. They are sort of
like mobile Duplicators. Like the Duplicators, they produce more Smiles.
When you shoot them, they attack you along with their "babies".
Yes, believe or not, there is a saveless Harman's Room here, too.
Go into the room near the entrance and examine the poster to see a horse
race, with each horse having a number. Go into the room near the end of the
hall and examine the (miniature) horse race. Place the horses in the order
they are depicted in the picture, which is:
1. 1
2. 4
3. 3
4. 7
5. 6
6. 2
7. 5
Take the Soul Shell. Go into Room 301 and you'll see a Duplicator. If you've
woken him, use Dan to take it out. This Duplicator is kind of difficult,
because you have to get so close to it. You can actually just try to ignore
it, but that isn't easy either.
Use Coyote to jump up to the next floor. Grab the Odd Engraving and go back
down. Go back to the stairs, go up them, and head into the 4th Floor door.
Ah, finally a Harman's Room with the save feature. Go directly there and
save. There will be a flood of Smiles waiting for you outside. Take them all
out and go into Room 401 to speak to Travis. Now head into the northern room
labelled "Hallway" to see some cards.
I'm honestly not even sure how to do this one myself. It obviously has
something to do with the posters of girls in bikinis, but I don't exactly
know how to piece it together. It's very easy to guess at, however, so here
is the solution:
(I think they must be done in this order, too.)
Upper Cards: 2
Right Cards: 3
Left Cards: 2
FB writes in to explain this puzzle further:
"The Puzzle you have labled as "Bikini Puzzle" is also known as the "Beer
Card Puzzle" (apparently, the posters are beer advertisements). They key is
that each poster has an animal and a plant on it. They can be done in any
order in the room with the actual beer cards. The matchups are as follows:
Deer = Maple Leaves, Boar (looks kinda like a fish, to me) = Rounded Leaves
(I'm unsure of the plant species), and Butterfly = Rose."
I thank FB for providing this info.
Grab the Soul Shell. Go back out into the hallway and switch to Kevin. Press
Y to turn him invisible and go through the security lasers into the door.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shells and let you pass if you have them
all, which you certainly should if you've been following this guide. Take
the linear pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Go on ahead to
the Vinculum Gate.
Vinculum Gate: Backside Smile
This guy can be really annoying. You need to shoot one of his sickles (the
left one always seems to work better for me) until he turns around and
reveals the yellow spot on his back. Shoot the yellow spot to kill him.
Kevin is the best person to do this with, as the reload factor can get quite
irritating otherwise.
Alternatively, you can just shoot him with Mask a few times to blow him to
bits. You won't get any blood, though.
Head on down the linear pathways until you reach Harman's Room. Save there.
Then, go into the Elevator. Switch to Mask and blow down the wall. Watch the
Boss: Jean DePaul
Jean is insanely quick, and will frequently shoot you before you can even
fully aim. In addition, he is somehow invincible to direct shots.
First thing, switch to someone other than Mask. I would suggest Kevin. You
see that gray, crumbling ceiling above Mr. DePaul? You need to shoot that
down to kill him. Wait until he is just about to roll under a certain part
of it, and shoot that part. Or, if he is hiding to the far left or far right
of the screen, shoot the ceiling right beside him, as he'll be rolling there
Be careful, though, because if you shoot all three sections of ceiling
without killing him, you'll automatically die.
Head forward into the Mah-jongg Room and watch a bloody scene. Examine the
Storage Box and Susie will give you the Wind Ring. Examine the Control Panel
to place the Odd Engraving there. Change it to "Top". Head back into the
Elevator, killing lots of Smiles and talking to DePaul and Bloodysunday
along the way.
You'll be on the roof. Go past the curtained Meeting Room, and kill the
large number of bothersome Diver Smiles. Go past the Harman's Room if you
wish to speak with Iwazaru and Travis. Save at the Harman's Room, and make
sure you give all of your thick blood to the blood guy before leaving. Exit
and equip the Wind Ring. Kill those freaking Divers again, and examine the
curtained Meeting Room. The curtain will blow away, so go inside to watch
the scene.
Boss: Kurahashi and Akiba
Both men will constantly throw brains at you from across the table. This is
their only means of attack. Either shoot the brains or simply run from them
to avoid taking damage.
First of all, you MUST use Kaede for this. This isn't just a recommendation.
I'll repeat, you MUST use Kaede. Don't even think about using anyone else.
Shoot the flowers on the table. Now, press Y to scope in on the two men.
Shoot the right, taller guy's chest. The left, shorter guy will be a good
pal and straighten his friend's tie. This will expose the back of his head.
You need to run to the left side of the table, scope in on the red spot on
the back of his head, and shoot it. Be quick, though, because he'll only be
exposed for a few seconds. Two shots to the back of his head will kill him.
When the one guy is left alone, he'll start to throw brains like crazy.
Shoot three of them and he'll bend down slightly, allowing you to shoot the
red spot on the back of his head. Two shots, and you'll have the battle won.
Overall, this is a very difficult boss fight to figure out, but it isn't too
tough when you know what you're doing.
Watch the scene that ends Sunset.
4.4 Cloudman
"The day when he stops smiling is the day we remember his smile."
Watch the scene. Hey, the people who attend "Stacy" concerts sound like your
typical GameFAQs message board member. ;) Go into Harman's Room to watch
Jack Thompson's favorite scene. Select Harman from the TV for another scene.
Then go Outside for yet more scenes.
Head through the gate. You'll be switched to Coyote. The music here is nice.
Kill the several Smiles, taking care of the running ones first. You can
shoot the Ulmeyda Smiles' yellow T-shirts for some easy thin blood. Go down
the left road and save in Harman's Room.
Now head down the north road. The Smiles here reappear rapidly, so continue
to kill them. Talk to the cult member. Go east at Gas Station and talk to
Travis, making special note of his shirt. Now loop around so that you are in
front of the Semi Truck. Switch to Mask and pull it aside. Go east twice and
examine the Gas Pump. Susie will give you the Stamina Ring. I believe this
improves your defense, so it may not be a bad idea to equip it now. Turn
around and go north, then west to advance to the next area.
There are loads of Ulmeyda Smiles wandering around here. Kill some of them
if you want some thin blood. Ignore the Giant Smiles far off in the
distance, and go west at the junction. Read the Pigeon memo and go through
the gate to Suburb.
Kill the Camellia Smile if you can, and talk to the cult member. Go straight
ahead, ignoring all side paths until you come to 210 Terry St. Take it and
use Coyote to jump up. Enter and kill the four Ulmeyda Smiles. Just keep
calm and they shouldn't be difficult. Equip the Water Ring and examine the
vase. Take the Odd Engraving. Exit and go back down. Take the west-northwest
road you were running along before. 220 Terry St. leads to a saveless
Harman's Room if you'd like to use it. Otherwise, go up the north road. Take
the east road at the next junction, then enter 206 Terry St. Use Coyote to
jump up and enter. Use Kaede to absorb the blood. Snatch the Ulmeyda figure.
Exit and go back down. Go down the east road, switch to Coyote, and unlock
the door.
Now you'll have to deal with a Giant Smile. The only way to kill Giant
Smiles is to use Kaede's scope to shoot their eyes, but only when their eyes
are open. I don't recommend doing this at all, as it takes superb aim, and
Kaede's general slowness makes things even worse. I would suggest doing one
of two things instead:
a) Use Kevin's invisibility to run right past them. This takes thin blood,
but is very easy to do.
b) Approach them until you hear crazy laughter. Then, immediately turn
around and run backwards. They will harmlessly fall to the ground.
Either way, after dealing with it, take the north-northwest road. Speak to
the cult member and place the Odd Engraving into the gate. You will need a
code for the lock. Do you remember what the word was on Travis' shirt? It
was "HUSTLE". This is what must be entered into the lock.
Run ahead and deal with the multiple Giant Smiles with one of the methods I
described above. Go into Harman's Room and save. Kevin is a good person to
wake up for this level, if you haven't already. Exit and run along the road
you were taking previously, checking the Bulletin Board and Poster along the
way. Walk into the Diner.
Go along the northeast hallway and talk to the cult member. Now check the
toy dispenser. You'll get the same number of chances at Ulmeyda figures as
you've killed Ulmeyda Smiles. Hopefully you killed at least twelve. You need
ten Ulmeyda figures from the dispenser. Usually, all ten come out in a row,
maybe with one or two duplicates thrown in. Check "Collection" in your items
menu. You should only have one figure missing. If so, go to the junction
near the entrance and head down the other hallway this time. Check the photo
and go out the door.
Speak to Kisugi. If you go past where she was, you can open a padlocked door
with Coyote. This opens up a shortcut with the Suburbs from earlier in the
level. It isn't really necessary, but you might as well. Regardless, go back
to the diner and exit the front door.
Go down the north road and cross the Railroad. There's another cult member
here. Now, when you come across the Drugstore, you'll here the usual dun dun
duuuuunn sound that means something is up. Stand where you hear that, and
click on the photo from your items menu. Watch the scene. Head into the
Warehouse and collect the last Ulmeyda figure. Afterwards, go up the north
road and deal with the Backsides however you see fit. Personally, I just
invisibly run past them with Kevin. Take the west road to save. Speak to the
cult member and go through the post office door. Watch the scene with
another local hick.
You'll be on the mountain path now, which looks really neat. Go down the
linear path, killing the many Diver Smiles you come across and avoiding (or
killing if you can) the two Giant Smiles. You'll pass a saveless Harman's
Room as well. Go on ahead, through the gate.
Pay close attention to the odd posters you'll come across in this area.
Check the gate at the end of the pathway.
The gate asks trivia questions based on the Ulmeyda posters on the mountain
path. You should probably try it yourself before coming here for help, but
if you need the answers, here they are:
1. 3 People
2. 4
3. Purple
4. Texas Bronco
5. A Perfect City
6. 6
7. Suit
Run ahead to the Guard's Room, and watch the scene with the guard. He'll let
you through. Advance past the Backsides and go east (right) at the junction.
Save at the Harman's Room, and make sure you give all of your thick blood to
the blood guy before leaving. Now take the other (left) pathway and enter
the First Life Building. And the cardboard goes tumbling down. Go into the
Control Room to see a long scene with Ulmeyda. Head into the Ambulance. Just
keep going different ways randomly and you'll eventually come to...
Boss: Ulmeyda
Ulmeyda slowly treads throughout the connected ambulances. If you run into
him, you'll die instantly. He can also whip those weird, long things that
surround him at you from a distance. This doesn't cause much damage,
I find that this fight comes down to luck more than anything else. When you
first see Ulmeyda, run away. Try to circle him so that you come up behind
him. This is easier said than done. Your aim is to shoot his red afro that
he drags behind. One shot to Ulmeyda's afro, and he dies.
The luck factor comes into play when Almeyda is standing right around the
corner you just turned. Try to take corners slowly to reduce the possibility
of this happening. But, if he's standing RIGHT THERE, you'll just have to
take the death and try again. Frustrating, isn't it?
I don't think it matters too much who you choose to fight this battle. Con's
speed might help you get behind Ulmeyda more easily, or Kaede's scope may
help you target his afro. But, again, I don't think any of the Killer 7 have
a huge advantage here.
Watch the scene featuring the blood tasting Clemence.
4.5 Encounter, Part 1
"The maiden save the world with their laughter."
Wow, an even more graphically violent scene! Walk into Harman's Room and
select Harman from the TV for more scenes. Walk Outside for one more scene.
Yay, an amusement park! Walk forward and you'll be switched to Con. Save at
Harman's Room if you'd like. Continue forward into the Arcade. Kill the
nearest Smile, then switch to Mask to kill the two Protector Smiles. Head
into the Passage.
Past the saveless Harman's Room is a sliding door that will close as soon as
you get near it. You can't get through it now, so ignore it and head west
down the long, curvy hall. Go through the door to ISZK String Quartet.
You'll meet the dangerous Broken Smile. Shoot it down if you can, it's quite
difficult. Head down the northeast road, and have Mask take out the
Protector Smile. Turn right, into Cinema 4. Inside, kill the three Smiles
and have Mask destroy the cracked wall. Open the treasure chest to find an
upgrade for Mask! You can now destroy the sliding door you saw earlier. But,
let's stick to this area for now. Exit the cinema.
Have Mask kill the Protectors and Backsides you'll come across, and move
along to Cinema 3. Kill another three Smiles inside, and talk to Travis on
the seat and Kurahashi and Akiba on the stage. Leave the cinema. Kill the
Backsides and Protectors with Mask once again. If you would like to use a
Harman's Room with the save feature and/or wish to speak with Travis, enter
Cinema 2. If not, feel free to skip it.
Inside Cinema 2, there lies a Duplicator. This one is actually quite hard to
handle, as it produces a huge amount of Smiles, and it has three yellow
points that need to be taken out. Do your best to destroy it, and speak to
Travis on the stage. Use the Harman's Room however you like and leave the
Advance to Cinema 1. Kill the single Smile inside (well, two if you count
the Micro). Go onto the stage and open the treasure chest with Coyote. Susie
will give you the Time Ring. Kill the Divers and Protectors that appear, and
exit the cinema.
Head along the east road until you come across "An Object". Equip the Time
Ring and examine it. Pick up the Odd Engraving. Now head all the way back to
the first junction near the entrance, killing the various Smiles with Mask.
Take the southwest road. Pull the lever on the Main Breaker. This causes
balloons to appear on a nearby light pole. Equip the Wind Ring and examine
the balloons to receive a Soul Shell. Now leave this entire area.
Go back to the sliding door and obliterate it with Mask. Enter the Adventure
Plaza. You'll encounter a Protector Z here. They're just like their little
brothers, except you need to use Mask's Shock Shell to defeat them. (A Shock
Shell is a charge shot using one test tube of blood.) After killing it, I
advise you to quickly run straight ahead and save at the Harman's Room.
Awaken Kaede, and if you can wake up a second person, awaken Kevin. Exit the
Harman's Room.
Ignore the Hallway. There are two irritating Mother Smiles on both sides of
this area. Go east, to the Killer Mansion, killing the Mother and her
children on the way.
Inside, there will be a circular area with several doors. Above each door is
a picture of a demonish face. Simply go into the door with the face facing
forward. Do the same in the next two circular areas, "greeting" the
Backsides and Protector Zs with Mask. When you reach the center, use Coyote
to jump to the top floor. Travis will give you a Soul Shell. Jump back down
and examine the sofa as Garcian to exit. Enter Harman's room and switch to
someone else. Continue along the path and you'll come to the intersection
with the two Mothers. Go west to the Freaky Fun House this time, entering as
Run along the hallway, and carefully kill the Phantom Smiles. Enter the
Child Entrance using Con. Go on ahead to the Loop da Loop. Run ahead, watch
out for another Phantom around the corner, and destroy the cracked wall with
Mask. Take the newly opened hallway and enter the door.
Kill two more Phantoms, run across the room, and check the Burning Hot Hell
entrance. The entire room will begin rotating. You need destroy the big
piece of cheese in the middle. You could use Kaede and scope out the little
mice from the holes. But screw that. Instead, use Mask to destroy the whole
thing in one shot. Advance to Burning Hot Hell.
Get close to the bridge and use either the Water or Wind Ring to douse the
flames. Two Broken Smiles will come flying at you. I STRONGLY recommend
running right past them with Kevin's invisibility. Otherwise, you may very
easily die. After the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday, you may need to turn
invisible a second time. Approach the demonic gorillas. They each have a
target on them. Use Kaede's scope to easily hit all the targets. Go through
the door to Spinny Spinny.
You will encounter the Ceramic Smile. Never move during this fight. The
Ceramic Smile will constantly run through the tube-like area. When he sees
you facing him, he'll turn around and run the other way. You need to shoot
the little heart on his chest. Use Kaede and her scope to shoot his heart
just as he's about to turn back around to kill him.
Walk up to the Fallen Angel to receive a Soul Shell and Dan's Demon Gun.
This is a huge upgrade for Dan and makes him, in my mind, indisputably the
best member of Killer 7. Take the exit.
Run along the path to the Adventure Plaza. Kill the many running Smiles and
go north to save at Harman's Room. Now enter the north Hallway door.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shells and let you pass if you have them
all, which you certainly should if you've been following this guide. Take
the linear pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Go on ahead to
the Vinculum Gate.
Vinculum Gate: Mithril Smile
The Mithril Smile has silver armor (made of mithril, I suppose) covering his
body. The armor can be broken off after a certain number of shots. Just
constantly shoot until the armor does indeed fall off. When it does, the
Mithril Smile will come running. Shoot his critical point before he can kill
Head on down the linear pathways until you reach Harman's Room. Save there,
and make sure you give all of your thick blood to the blood guy before
After the scene with Billy Bloodysunday, approach the anime girl in the
parking lot. Watch the scene. Is she a Sailor Moon wannabe or something?
Boss: Ayame Blackburn
Ayame continuously runs around the parking lot, shooting her machine gun at
random intervals. She is blazingly fast, much faster than Con. Her shots
aren't too powerful, but can connect frequently. She can only be damaged
when she's under a lightpost.
Wait for her in a corner. As she approaches, wait until she gets under a
nearby light and shoot. This isn't easy, considering her speed. I advise you
to use Mask for two reasons. One, his target range is much larger than
anyone else's, helping to reduce your margin of error. Secondly, his shots
are the most powerful.
The first time I fought Ayame I used Kaede. It seemed to take quite a few
shots to kill her, probably somewhere between ten and fifteen. The second
time I fought her, I used Mask. Ayame was dead in three shots. That should
speak for itself.
Back to the bus she goes.
4.6 Encounter, Part 2
Curtis doesn't want to play doubles. :(
Save if you want, and go Outside. Pedro seems to be having a bad day.
Head forward into the Blackburn Residence. After you're switched to Dan,
save at Harman's Room. Kill the Bombheads before they get close and go into
the garden. Kill another Bombhead and go down the west-southwest (left)
road. Kill the Bombhead as you turn the corner. It'll keep reappearing
behind you, so keep on killing it as it reappears. Go up the north road into
the little building area, and shoot the statue with a Collateral Shot. Take
the Soul Shell. Now, QUICKLY run back to the entrance of the little building
you're in. Hopefully, there aren't any Bombheads too close. If there is one,
shoot it and pray you don't explode.
Now return to the main garden area, once again watching out for Bombheads.
Take the east road this time. Go south at the next junction. Equip the Fire
Ring and examine the water tank. Collect the Odd Engraving. Turn around and
go east at the junction this time. Use Kevin's invisibility to run past the
security lasers and enter the garage door. Inside, shoot the shiny thing on
the wall to make the lasers disappear.
Head south to see a picture and a control panel. The picture shows that the
empty space needs to be in the right-center position. So pull the lever 2
times left and 1 time down for the solution. Talk to Susie for the Power
Ring. This, predictably, makes your shots more powerful.
Head back to the central garden area. Go north into the house. When inside,
take the north hallway. Kill the Mithril Smile, and go south at the next
junction. Read the Pigeon memo and go into the saveless Harman's Room. You
should be able to wake someone up by now, so wake up Coyote.
Now head all the way back to the first junction in the house, the one near
the entrance. Take the south hallway this time. Approach the fireplace, and
use either the Water or Wind Ring to douse the flames. Grab the Soul Shell
and use Coyote to jump up. Talk to Travis and go right back down.
Continue along the north hallway and destroy the cracked wall with Mask. Go
out the door labelled "Passage". Go through the lasers with Kevin's
invisibility. Kill the Protector, Spiral, and Protector Z, and you'll
finally come across a Protector ZZ. These are exactly the same as their
brothers, except they take a charge shot using two test tubes from Mask to
kill. Go up lots of steps and enter the Second House.
Head east at the junction. Go north into the bedroom if you wish to speak
with Yoon-Hyun. Otherwise, continue east through the door. Go north
northeast and equip the Time Ring. Now, obviously, check the clock. Take the
Soul Shell.
Go back to the central junction of the second house, and take the west
hallway this time. Go north into the bedroom and turn the security system
off. Now continue west through the door. Switch to Con and go through the
Child Entrance. Quickly kill the Smile. Speak to Ulmeyda, and take the Odd
Engraving from the shelf.
Now, once again, head back to the central junction of the Second House. Go
north this time. Kill the two running Smiles, then take care of the
Protector ZZ. None of them should tough to beat. Ah, hallelujah, finally
another save point! Go in and save, of course.
Head to the Large Hall to see a familiar face.
Boss: Ayame Blackburn (Second Time)
This time Ayame will run in front in front of several opening and closing
doors. The doors provide a light source, which you once again need to damage
her. Eventually, she'll stand still in front of one of them and shoot with
her machine gun.
This battle may be slightly harder than the last time you fought her, but it
still shouldn't be too difficult. Simply scan whatever doors are open until
you spot Ayame, and shoot her like crazy. You'll inevitably take some damage
from her machine gun, but that shouldn't be a problem if you have some thin
blood handy.
About midway through the fight, she'll begin running across all of the doors
while shooting. It may make things a little trickier, but it's nothing
you can't handle.
The only real danger occurs right at the end, when she's almost dead. Ayame
will suddenly stand in the center, with all of the doors closed. She'll
begin shooting at you like mad, non-stop. Quickly kill her before she kills
I personally like to use Dan for this fight. His combination of speed and
power is nice, as both are useful against Ayame.
Overall, this battle takes quite a while, as Ayame seems to take lots of
punishment, but she should go down without being too much of a problem.
Watch the mask fall off.
Go west and turn the security system off. The pool lights turn on, so we'll
head there next. Go back and through the door to the right. Run ahead and go
through the door labelled Passage. Run along the linear path and enter the
Kill the two Bombheads, and go down the south poolside passage. The first
little road past Travis leads to a padlocked door Coyote can unlock to make
a shortcut to earlier in the level. Head down the second southern "road" and
place the Odd Engravings into the valve. Turn it on to drain the pool. You
can go past the valve to find another padlocked door shortcut. Go into the
now drained pool, and shoot the crumbling wall with Mask to gain access to
Travis and a fully featured Harman's Room. Save there. Go back and head down
the south road at the junction to enter the Basement.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shells and let you pass if you have them
all, which you certainly should if you've been following this guide. Take
the linear pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Go on ahead to
the Vinculum Gate.
Vinculum Gate: Laser Smile
The Laser Smile will be strapped to a board preventing it from moving.
Eventually, it will shoot a laser that instantly kills you. Wow. Honestly,
there isn't much I can say here. Just hurry up and kill it before it has a
chance to fire its laser!
Head on down the linear pathways until you reach Harman's Room. Save there,
and make sure you give all of your thick blood to the blood guy before
leaving. Enter the western door with Dan and watch the scene.
Boss: Curtis Blackburn
It's a good old fashioned showdown, Dan Smith vs. Curtis Blackburn. Whoever
gets to four shots first wins.
You must not shoot until the pigeon fully flies from Curtis' shoulder, or
else Curtis will get a free shot at you. Sometimes the pigeon will try to
fake you out by barely beginning to fly, then stopping. However, there is a
huge giveaway that makes this easy to detect in advance.
When the pigeon pulls its fake stunt, it won't make any sound beforehand.
But when it's about to fly for real, it will make a cooing sound before it
flies. (It sounds like "hoohoo, hoohoo".) Apparently, you can also tell when
the pigeon will fly by watching its neck movement, but meh, it's easier to
follow the cooing.
With this info, Curtis becomes the easiest boss in the game.
Watch the scene that closes Encounter. (Uh, but Dan, that IS sort of dying
with style.)
4.7 Alter Ego
"Unmask your heart. Show us your smile."
Switch to disc 2. Go into Harman's Room and examine the TV for the typically
bizarre scenes. As usual, go Outside for more scenes. Yeah, that's right. He
said Trevor Pearlharbor. Best. Name. Ever.
Run forward until you're switched to Dan. View the scene with the guitar
guy. Talk to Iwazaru to obtain a color sample. These are basically the "Soul
Shells" of this level, and Iwazaru has them all, so be sure to always speak
with him when you see him. Watch out for the Smiles, and go down the north
alley. Save at Harman's Room. After exiting, remove the nearby barrels with
Mask, and talk to Iwazaru for another color sample.
Go back to the main junction in this area and go east this time. Go up the
northern alley and through the door. Run up the twisting path and talk to
Iwazaru for another color sample. Switch to Con and you'll see soundwaves
coming from the second alley to your left. Take it. Go right at the next
junction, down the long, winding path, and through the next alley to your
left, which also has soundwaves coming from it. Go northwest and through the
door to finally get out of this hellish area. Watch out for the potentially
troublesome Phantoms and Lasers throughout this area, by the way.
In the next area, kill the pesky Roller Smile along with the two Mithrils.
Head east at the next two junctions, take out the dangerous flood of Smiles,
and talk to Iwazaru for the color sample. Go down the south alley and into
the saveless Harman's Room. Check the TV to see if you can wake someone up.
If you can, wake Kaede. If not, go outside and kill enough Smiles until you
can. (Or, you can just skip this if you don't mind missing a Travis
monologue.) If you can awaken a second person, wake up Coyote.
Go west, then north, and have Kaede break the barrier. After talking to
Travis, go back to the junction near the Harman's Room, and go east through
the door.
Go south at the junction, and jump up with Coyote if you have him awake. (If
you don't, then either kill enough Smiles to wake him, or just skip it if
you don't care about talking to Travis.) Go back and head east at the
junction this time, and obtain the color sample from Iwazaru. At the next
junction, head west twice if you'd like to open a shortcut with Coyote.
Either way, head south at the junction to enter the church.
Once you are inside the church, run forward to encounter about a billion
Diver Smiles (well, actually six). Run back a bit if they get too close.
After killing them, take the color sample from Iwazaru, and go west to save
at Harman's Room. Take the east hallway to advance through the Corrider
Take the west hallway and go through the door. After killing the many
Mithrils (try to take them one at a time), go down the north hallway for
another color sample from Iwazaru. Continue forward, through the Corrider
In the dark passage, light the lamp with the Fire Ring. Then go ahead down
the hallway the lamp was blocking, watching a weird scene along the way.
Take out the huge Duplicator with Dan. It has three yellow spots and one
red spot. The red spot is kind of hard to see, it's right above the thing
that releases the Smiles. After defeating the Duplicator, go on ahead
through the door.
You'll come to an intersection. A saveless Harman's Room is located to the
west, and Travis is sitting to the south. Head east to the Grand Staircase.
Kill the several Spirals along the Grand Staircase, and go through the door.
Go east at the junction to save at Harman's Room. Now go west at three
junctions in a row to enter a small house. Inside, blow down the wall with
Mask and obtain the color sample from Iwazaru. Back outside, head east, then
north and go through the door.
To the west is a saveless Harman's Room, which you certainly shouldn't need
since you just had access to one. So, go east, equip the Time Ring, and
examine "An Object". Grab the Odd Engraving. Speak to Curtis and go through
the door.
This area can be fairly problematic, with the two Mothers and the
reappearing Roller. Try to take the Mothers out quickly so Smiles don't
overwhelm you. Pick up another color sample from Iwazaru and advance through
the door.
Go to the Terrace and save in Harman's Room, and make sure you give all of
your thick blood to the blood guy before leaving. Back at the junction, go
west, then south, and enter a door. Past the nearly impossible to kill
Rollers on the stairs, you'll need to defeat several Spirals. After you do
so, equip the Wind Ring and examine the Windmill. Hmm, not a real toughie,
was it? This unlocks Pearlharbor's gate, so go through it. (Of course,
you'll have to get past those stupid, almost impossible to kill Rollers on
the stairs again. Jeez.)
To the right of Trevor's house, you can use the Fire Ring to create three
shortcuts to various points of this stage, if you like. Examine the Color
Palette to the right of Trevor's door. If you have them all, which you
should, the door unlocks. Head on through.
Inside, kill the several Smiles lurking around, and head forward until you
come to the big plant thing. Shoot its red spot using Dan's Collateral Shot.
Bye bye, big plant thing. You shall be missed. Watch the scene. Yeah, defeat
those bloody psychopaths, Handsome Men!
Save if you like, and go Outside. Enjoy the wonderful scene. Hajime!
Boss: The Handsome Men
This battle is entirely predetermined. You can't change the outcome to any
of the matches. I will still provide some amazing, wonderful, spectacular
strategies below.
First Match: Harman vs. Handsome Red
Shoot Handsome Red to kill him with one shot.
Second Match: Con vs. Handsome White Pearl
Shoot Handsome White Pearl until Con dies.
Third Match: Coyote vs. Handsome Gold
Shoot Handsome Gold to kill him with one shot. ("You're ****ed." Heh.)
Fourth Match: Kaede vs. Handsome Light Brown
Shoot Handsome Light Brown until Kaede dies.
Fifth Match: Kevin vs. Handsome Dead
Shoot Handsome Dead until Kevin dies.
Sixth Match: Dan vs. Handsome Blue
Shoot Handsome Blue until he dies.
Seventh Match: Mask vs. Handsome Purple
Shoot Handsome Purple until Mask dies. Mask will then revive and upgrade for
a second time. Shoot Handsome Purple with a charge shot using all five test
tubes to kill him.
Eighth Match: Garcian vs. Handsome Pink
The match doesn't ever get started. A scene begins introducing Love.
View the cast of Killer 7 Online.
4.8 Smile, Part 1
"That wonderful smile is gone for eternity."
View the opening scene. Go into Harman's Room. Uh ohs, looks like trouble.
Finally go into the Forbidden Room you've probably been wondering about for
a while. Watch the scene. Go Outside for more scenes.
Note: All of the floors of the hotel have a Harman's Room. I'll only be
making note of them if they have the save feature.
As soon as you gain control, IMMEDIATELY turn around, run west through the
lounge, and go into Harman's Room. You don't want to be caught fighting out
there with Garcian. Save by talking to the steward and switch to anyone
else. Once outside, kill the annoying Mother Smile. Go to Reception, and
have Kaede destroy the barrier (which is the bloody spot). Grab the Soul
Shell. Take the elevator up to the 2nd floor.
There's a Duplicator here, so, of course, use Dan to destroy it. This one
has four yellow spots and one red spot. Hopefully, you've powered Dan up
enough to make this relatively easy. Go past where the Duplicator was and
into Room 203. Pick up the Soul Shell inside. Exit the room, enter the
elevator, and select the 3rd floor.
Kill the Phantoms and Anothers and run down the hallway, past Harman's Room
and into Room 306. Go into the bedroom if you'd like to talk to Iwazaru.
Next, head into the bathroom. Switch to Kevin Smith. Shoot (with knives, of
course) the shiny cord and take the Soul Shell. Exit the room and go back to
the elevator. Select the 4th floor.
Kill the varying Smiles and head into Room 404. Iwazaru is in the bathroom.
Head into the bedroom and destroy the cracked dresser with Mask. Pick up the
Soul Shell. Go back to the elevator and select the 5th floor.
Go north, and kill Protector Zs with Mask. Head into Room 502. Speak to
Mills inside. Equip the Fire Ring and examine the candles to reveal a Soul
Shell. Take it and go back to the elevator. Select the 6th floor.
Watch for the many dangerous Bombheads and Lasers here. Take the eastern
hallway to save (and you might be almost full of thick blood, too.) Go back
and take the northern hallway this time, and open Room 601 with Coyote. Talk
to Travis. After he's done jabbering, grab the Soul Shell beside him. Exit
the room and enter the elevator. Finally select the seventh and final floor.
Head down the hallway and examine the flowers with the Wind Ring equipped.
After they all blow away, take the Soul Shell. Go to Harman's Room and save.
Make sure you give all of your blood to the blood guy before leaving. Now
enter the Suite.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shells and let you pass if you have them
all, which you certainly should if you've been following this guide. Take
the linear pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Switch to Kaede
before entering the Vinculum Gate.
Vinculum Gate: Timer Smile
At first, the Timer Smile slowly walks forward. It has red bumps all over
its body. You must shoot all of the red bumps off to kill it. When it only
has one bump left, it will quickly begin charging at you. Shoot the last
bump off before it gets the chance to kill you.
You should definitely use Kaede and her scope for this battle. Try to save
a bigger bump for last, so that when the Timer Smile begins charging you,
you have a bigger target to hit. This one may take a few tries.
Head on down the linear pathways until you reach a room. Go through the door
and watch a scene.
4.9 Smile, Part 2
Save if you want and go Outside to watch a scene. Why does the Japanese lady
have a European accent?
Head forward into the school and you'll be switched to Kaede. Go west to the
Entry Hall, then go into the Data Room. You can't access the terminal in
here for now.
The robot drawings around the room each have a certain number of robots on
them. Look closely at the robots. Now, examine the control panel, and you'll
see a symbol corresponds with a robot in each drawing. Match up the symbols
with the correct number of robots. The solution is: 3576. Go into the newly
opened area and talk to Travis. He'll give you a cassette player. Leave the
Go north, then west to collect a cassette. Now save in the Harman's Room you
passed. Go back downstairs, up the northern hallway and through the Corridor
Enter the Ladies' Room using Kaede. Flush the toilet to receive a memo and a
tape. Exit. Take the western hallway, kill the Mithril Smiles, and enter the
classroom. Grab the cassette and leave. Go through the (western) hallway
Lots of Broken Smiles flying around this hallway. They actually weren't too
bad for me at this point, because my Dan was so powered up. Enter the first
classroom you see, to the south. Kill the Smile inside and pick up the
cassette. Leave the room. Take the western hallway at the junction and enter
the classroom to the left. Grab the cassette and leave. Go into the
classroom right across the hall. Examine "graffiti" (looks like a chalkboard
to me) if you wish. Take the cassette and leave.
Head back to the hallway junction and go down the south hallway this time.
Enter the first classroom you come across (to the right). Kill the Smiles,
grab the cassette, and leave. Now go into the next classroom you come across
(to the left). Follow the usual routine: Grab the cassette and leave.
You see that long line of lockers across from the room you just came out of?
Well, shoot locker 656 to speak to Travis. Then, shoot locker 666 to receive
a Soul Shell and a cassette. Now, continuously shoot the open locker doors
to close them. Eventually you'll reveal the Iron Mask. Examine it with Mask
and he'll receive his third and final upgrade. Next, shoot that door closed
and continue closing them until you open the Corridor door. Before you go
through, save at Harman's room. Now you can go through.
First, head north to talk to Travis. Then, go back and head up the west-
northwest stairs. Enter the Cafeteria. Destroy the massive Duplicator with
Dan the man. This one has six yellow spots and two red spots. Dan was so
built up for me at this point that it was cake. Talk to the sitting Travis
to the north (left), and exit out the south (right) door.
Save in the Harman's Room. Exit, and head through the Library door.
The Gatekeeper will take your Soul Shells and let you pass if you have them
all, which you certainly should if you've been following this guide. Take
the linear pathways until the scene with Mr. Bloodysunday. Go on ahead to
the Vinculum Gate.
Vinculum Gate: Great Tomahawk Smile
The Great Tomahawk Smile stands still and fires big tomahawks at you. Simply
kill him in one shot by firing Dan's Collateral Shot or Mask's fully powered
charge shot at him. If you'd rather not be cheap, shoot his tomahawks down
and, when you get the chance, shoot him. He's not difficult either way.
Grab the cassette and leave. Head on down the linear pathways until you
reach Harman's Room. Save there. Head down the eastern hallway, up the
stairs, and into the Principal's Office. Watch the best scene in the game.
Benjamin Keane. What a character.
Head into the Chairman's Room. Examine the Operation Panel. You need two
codes. If you listen to all those cassette tapes you've been collecting,
Holbert (Hulbert?) will simply tell you the two codes. They are:
1. 55549
2. 72712
Past the Fingerprint ID, you'll come across a safe. Just turn it right as
far as you can, then left as far as you can to open it and obtain the Odd
Engraving. Go back and shoot the sparkling trophy. Go along the path it
opened up, then run down the Emergency Staircase. Go back to the Main School
Gate and enter. Go up the Entry Hall stairs, and talk to crazy old Keane.
Kill, killer. Enter the Data Room. Examine the terminal to be asked a series
of questions. Once again, Holbert/Hulbert will tell you the answer to all of
these on the tapes. Here they are:
1. Parkreiner
2. 00480158
3. Alabama
4. 11221942
5. B
6. Michael
7. Katharine
8. 04281952
9. Eagle
FB points this out:
"Emir's blood type is never mentioned directly on the tapes (we're
apparenlty expected to know what the mention of his folks' bloodtypes
Yep, that's true, I forgot about that.
The gymnasium door is unlocked. Save at the nearby Harman's Room, and make
sure you give all of your blood to the blood guy before leaving.
Now head to the gymnasium you just unlocked and enter. Go forward and click
on the control panel. Oh dear, another old politician...
Boss: Greg Nightmare
Greg is pretty anti-climactic for being the final boss and all. He hangs
from a string tied to the ceiling. He only has one means of attack: shooting
you with his golden gun. Each shot does pack quite a punch, be he'll stop
aiming if you shoot him.
It doesn't really matter who you use for this fight. Simply shoot one of
Nightmare's sides. He'll begin swinging. As he comes back down, shoot his
other side. He'll swing higher and higher. Continue doing this until his
pants fall off. Now, just shoot the big red spot on his crotch until his
legs break off. It should be easy. He'll drop his golden gun.
Seven pitch black Smiles will now come after you, one at a time. Stand right
beside the golden gun. The Smiles will kill all of your personas except
Garcian. There's nothing you can do about this, just let them kill you. When
you gain control of Garcian, pick up the golden gun. Quickly kill the
seventh and last Smile. Shoot the defenseless Greg Nightmare to win the
Exit the gymnasium. When in Garcian's trailerhouse, save if you like, and go
After the short scene, you'll be in Hotel Union. Examine the bloodstain
behind the reception area to see a scene. Yes, that's Kevin. Go into the
elevator. Examine the easy to find bloodstain on the second floor. Watch the
scene and return to the elevator. Examine the bloodstain on the wall by the
bathtub. Back to the elevator. Examine the bloodstain near the dresser.
Watch the scene and back into the elevator you go. Talk to Mills and examine
the bloodstain. You guessed it, back into the elevator. Examine the
bloodstain and watch yet another scene. Go back to the elevator once again.
Save here if you like. Speak to Mills. Enter the Suite, then the next room.
Watch the revealing scene. Back to the elevator. Again.
Head down the hallway into the Forbidden Room. Craziness. Go up the stairs
this time. On the roof, shoot the third eye. Poor Garcie. The credits roll.
4.10 Lion
This very short stage is basically the epilogue. Garcian can't see the
Smiles anymore. You can still barely make out their shapes, but simply hit
the B button to auto-target and kill them. Run forward, killing some Smiles
with the method I just described, and enter the Deserted Building. Go up the
steps, through the crumbling hallway, then down the steps. Exit.
Run forward, killing more invisible Smiles, and into the Colosseum. Down the
stairs you go. Run along the long, winding pathway to meet Matsuken. He'll
ask you a question. Read a bit further down if you want to know the
consequences of your answer in advance. Make your choice and move along. Go
past Harman through the door. Go down to the basement and kill the big boss
of the Smiles.
View your ending. Shoot Kun Lan's sparkling hand.
If you chose to kill Matsuken, the United States will destroy Japan. If you
chose to let him live, Japan will bomb the United States with Matsuken
leading the charge. Pleasant choices, eh?
Congrats! You beat Killer 7! Thank you for choosing my walkthrough. I hope
it was a fun ride.
5. Bonuses
Killer 8
If you beat Killer 7 one time on either difficulty, you will unlock Killer
8. Killer 8 is exactly the same as Killer 7, except with two large
1. You gain the ability to control another character, Young Harman Smith.
Hence the name Killer 8. Young Harman uses a very powerful machine gun which
also has a ludicrous number of rounds before it needs to be reloaded.
2. The difficulty is steeped up to absolutely insane proportions. 95 percent
of the time, one hit kills you. Critical points are also completely hidden,
and the map has no icons at all to help you.
I've found that, as might be expected, Young Harman is the best person to
use in Killer 8. I can't really give much more advice than that, because
this mode comes down to pure, innate skill more than anything else.
Be prepared if you want to try Killer 8. It is a FIERCE challenge.
Hopper 7
Beat Killer 8, and you'll unlock Hopper 7. You can only play the Angel level
with Hopper 7. It is exactly like the normal Killer 7, except all Heaven
Smiles have grasshopper masks on. This is obviously a reference to the
developer of the game, Grasshopper Manufacture. Yay?
6. Enemies
This section details all of the non-boss enemies you'll find in the game. It
includes descriptions and strategies on how to defeat them.
Heaven Smile
This is the regular flavor. You'll encounter these guys more than any other
enemies in the game. There's really not much I can say here. Just aim for
their critical points and shoot. The only danger they can present is with
Camellia Smile
They have white bodies with red specks all over. Camellia Smiles never harm
you. If you shoot them or get too close, they'll try to run away and kill
themselves. Try to shoot them down before they can do this to get tons of
Micro Smile
They are very small, have multi-colored bodies, and fly. They can't hurt
you, they can only blind you. They aren't bothersome enough to even be
considered annoying. But still try to shoot them for blood.
Duplicators are big, ugly masses that produce Heaven Smiles. You must shoot
all of their colored spots to destroy them. If the spot is yellow, anyone
can shoot it a few times to destroy it. If the spot is red, it must be
destroyed using Dan's Collateral Shot. Overall, Duplicators can be fairly
bothersome and dangerous.
Speed Smile
I think you only encounter one of these. It's pretty easy. You just need to
start shooting immediately after it starts and never let up to secure
victory. Don't pick someone slow. I use Dan and he seems to work just fine.
I suppose Kaede's Scope might be helpful near the start, but I wouldn't take
that risk. She's too slow.
Bombhead Smile
Bombhead Smiles can be VERY dangerous. They have two, uh, weird things on
their head that open and close. When those things are open and their head is
shot, they die instantly and you get all their blood. However, if those
weird things are closed when you shoot their head, and you are within range
of their bombs, you die instantly. Try not to EVER let Bombheads get too
close. Kill them from a safe distance.
Spiral Smile
Spiral Smiles are ball shaped, and slowly roll toward you. They have four
orange faces and one green face. The green face must be shot to kill them
and get all of their blood. They just require decent timing. They should
never really be a threat because they roll so slowly. I always enjoy seeing
them, as they are quite easy, yet give a good amount of blood.
Another Smile
Another Smiles are pretty much just like regular Smiles, except they hang
from ceilings. Just shoot them down and kill them as they crawl.
Phantom Smile
Phantom Smiles have one huge body part, and it's always either the head or
one of the hands. If you shoot that part, the Phantom Smile dies instantly.
But if you accidentally shoot any other part if its body, you take lots of
damage. They aren't too difficult if you have good aim, but they can become
frustrating when combined with lots of other Smiles.
Diver Smile
These are just like regular Smiles, except they dive from the air. Divers
can be a bit surprising sometimes, but they shouldn't be too hard to take
care of.
Poison Smile
Poison Smiles are purple and, er, poisony looking. You must hit Poison
Smiles' critical points, or else they will just keep rising back up. That's
all there is to it, just aim for their critical points.
Mother Smile
Mother Smiles are sort of like mobile Duplicators. Like the Duplicators,
they produce more Smiles. When you shoot them, they attack you along with
their "babies". Try to kill them quickly before they cause too much trouble.
Backside Smile
Backsides Smiles can be really annoying. You need to shoot one of their
sickles (the left one always seems to work better for me) until they turn
around and reveal the yellow spot on their back. Shoot the yellow spot to
kill them. Kevin is the best person to do this with, as the reload factor
can get quite irritating otherwise.
Alternatively, you can just shoot them with Mask a few times to blow them to
bits. You won't get any blood, but this is the method I prefer. It's just so
much easier.
Ulmeyda Smile
Ulmeyda Smiles don't even try to attack unless you shoot them first. Shoot
their big, yellow T-shirt area for an easy kill and some thin blood.
Giant Smile
Giant Smiles are, well, really big Smiles. Their means of attack is slowly
falling on top of you. The only way to kill Giant Smiles is to use Kaede's
scope to shoot their eyes, but only when their eyes are open. I don't
recommend doing this at all, as it takes superb aim, and Kaede's general
slowness makes things even worse. I would suggest doing one of two things
a) Use Kevin's invisibility to run right past them. This takes thin blood,
but is very easy to do.
b) Approach them until you hear crazy laughter. Then, immediately turn
around and run backwards. They will harmlessly fall to the ground.
Protector Smile
Protector Smiles are big, lumbering, and slow. Simply shoot them one time
with Mask to defeat them. Easy as pie.
Protector Z Smile
Protector Zs are just like their little brothers, except you need to use
Mask's Shock Shell to defeat them. (A Shock Shell is a charge shot using one
test tube of blood.) Just as easy as Protectors.
Broken Smile
Broken Smiles fly towards you at a high speed and cause lots of damage. They
fly in a crooked, swervy fashion, making them very difficult to hit. Brokens
are hard to kill and can be quite dangerous.
Ceramic Smile
There's only one Ceramic Smile in the game. Never move during this fight.
The Ceramic Smile will constantly run through the tube-like area. When he
sees you facing him, he'll turn around and run the other way. You need to
shoot the little heart on his chest. Use Kaede and her scope to shoot his
heart just as he's about to turn back around to kill him.
Mithril Smile
Mithril Smiles have silver armor (made of mithril, I suppose) covering their
body. The armor can be broken off after a certain number of shots. Just
constantly shoot until the armor does indeed fall off. When it does, Mithril
Smiles will be just like any other Smiles. Shoot the critical point to kill
Protector ZZ Smile
Protector ZZs are exactly the same as their brothers, except they take a
charge shot using two test tubes from Mask to kill. Yep, still as easy as
Laser Smile
Laser Smiles are strapped to a board preventing them from moving.
Eventually, they will shoot a laser that deals heavy damage. They'll die
themselves after shooting the laser. Wow. Honestly, there isn't much I can
say here. Just try to hurry and kill them before they can fire their lasers.
Roller Smile
Roller Smiles are just like regular Smiles, except they rapidly roll in a
ball towards you. They are really annoying and difficult to kill. There
really isn't any way to hit their critical points other than getting lucky.
Timer Smile
There's only one Timer Smile in the game. At first, the Timer Smile slowly
walks forward. It has red bumps all over its body. You must shoot all of the
red bumps off to kill it. When it only has one bump left, it will quickly
begin charging at you. Shoot the last bump off before it gets the chance to
kill you.
You should definitely use Kaede and her scope for this battle. Try to save
a bigger bump for last, so that when the Timer Smile begins charging you,
you have a bigger target to hit. This one may take a few tries.
Great Tomahawk Smile
You will only fight one Great Tomahawk Smile. The Great Tomahawk Smile
stands still and fires big tomahawks at you. Simply kill him in one shot by
firing Dan's Collateral Shot or Mask's fully powered charge shot at him. If
you'd rather not be cheap, shoot his tomahawks down and, when you get the
chance, shoot him. He's not difficult either way.
7. Bosses
This section is simply my boss strategies copied from the walkthrough. This
could be useful for quick reference.
Boss: Angel
When the fight begins, simply shoot the angel's four wings off.
Then the real fight begins. The angel only has one means of attack: Shooting
big bursts of fire at you. It is very easy to avoid this because she makes a
slow hand gesture toward the area she is about to attack. She is
invulnerable to all attacks except in one area: The four big red faces on
her back.
To get behind her, you must take off as soon as you see flames start coming
out of her hand. The timing is slighly difficult, but you should have it
down after a few tries. Run until you get a good shot at the faces. You need
to shoot all four to defeat her.
I would recommend Kevin, Con, or Kaede for this fight. Kevin and Con because
of their speed, Kaede because her Scope ability makes it easier to hit the
faces. Or, you could use Con to run behind her and then switch to Kaede to
snipe the faces. Really, though, you can use anyone but Mask and be fine.
Boss: Julia Kisugi
Julia shouldn't be any trouble at all. You have to shoot her more times than
she shoots you. That's it. Needless to say, you need to shoot her non-stop
without doing anything else. Neither of you really take damage, only the
number of shots matters.
The two best characters for this fight are probably Kevin and Con. Kevin,
because he never has to reload and he's pretty fast. Con, because he is
simply the fastest member of Killer 7.
Overall, though, Julia should be a breeze for anyone except Mask and
possibly Kaede.
Boss: Jean DePaul
Jean is insanely quick and will frequently shoot you before you can even
fully aim. In addition, he is somehow invincible to direct shots.
First thing, switch to someone other than Mask. I would suggest Kevin. You
see that gray, crumbling ceiling above Mr. DePaul? You need to shoot that
down to kill him. Wait until he is just about to roll under a certain part
of it, and shoot that part. Or, if he is hiding to the far left or far right
of the screen, shoot the ceiling right beside him, as he'll be rolling there
Be careful, though, because if you shoot all three sections of ceiling
without killing him, you'll automatically die.
Boss: Kurahashi and Akiba
Both men will constantly throw brains at you from across the table. This is
their only means of attack. Either shoot the brains or simply run from them
to avoid taking damage.
First of all, you MUST use Kaede for this. This isn't just a recommendation.
I'll repeat, you MUST use Kaede. Don't even think about using anyone else.
Shoot the flowers on the table. Now, press Y to scope in on the two men.
Shoot the right, taller guy's chest. The left, shorter guy will be a good
pal and staighten his friend's tie. This will expose the back of his head.
You need to run to the left side of the table, scope in on the red spot on
the back of his head, and shoot it. Be quick, though, because he'll only be
exposed for a few seconds. Two shots to the back of his head will kill him.
When the one guy is left alone, he'll start to throw brains like crazy.
Shoot three of them and he'll bend down slightly, allowing you to shoot the
red spot on the back of his head. Two shots, and you'll have the battle won.
Overall, this is a very difficult boss fight to figure out, but it isn't too
tough when you know what you're doing.
Boss: Ulmeyda
Ulmeyda slowly treads throughout the connected ambulances. If you run into
him, you'll die instantly. He can also whip those weird, long things that
surround him at you from a distance. This doesn't cause much damage,
I find that this fight comes down to luck more than anything else. When you
first see Ulmeyda, run away. Try to circle him so that you come up behind
him. This is easier said than done. Your aim is to shoot his red afro that
he drags behind. One shot to Ulmeyda's afro, and he dies.
The luck factor comes into play when Almeyda is standing right around the
corner you just turned. Try to take corners slowly to reduce the possibility
of this happening. But, if he's standing RIGHT THERE, you'll just have to
take the death and try again. Frustrating, isn't it?
I don't think it matters too much who you choose to fight this battle. Con's
speed might help you get behind Ulmeyda more easily, or Kaede's scope may
help you target his afro. But, again, I don't think any of the Killer 7 have
a huge advantage here.
Boss: Ayame Blackburn
Ayame continuously runs around the parking lot, shooting her machine gun at
random intervals. She is blazingly fast, much faster than Con. Her shots
aren't too powerful, but can connect frequently. She can only be damaged
when she's under a lightpost.
Wait for her in a corner. As she approaches, wait until she gets under a
nearby light and shoot. This isn't easy, considering her speed. I advise you
to use Mask for two reasons. One, his target range is much larger than
anyone else's, helping to reduce your margin of error. Secondly, his shots
are the most powerful.
The first time I fought Ayame I used Kaede. It seemed to take quite a few
shots to kill her, probably somewhere between ten and fifteen. The second
time I fought her, I used Mask. Ayame was dead in three shots. That should
speak for itself.
Boss: Ayame Blackburn (Second Time)
This time Ayame will run in front in front of several opening and closing
doors. The doors provide a light source, which you once again need to damage
her. Eventually, she'll stand still in front of one of them and shoot with
her machine gun.
This battle may be slightly harder than the last time you fought her, but it
still shouldn't be too difficult. Simply scan whatever doors are open until
you spot Ayame, and shoot her like crazy. You'll inevitably take some damage
from her machine gun, but that shouldn't be a problem if you have some thin
blood handy.
About midway through the fight, she'll begin running across all of the doors
while shooting. It may make things a little trickier, but it's nothing
you can't handle.
The only real danger occurs right at the end, when she's almost dead. Ayame
will suddenly stand in the center, with all of the doors closed. She'll
begin shooting at you like mad, non-stop. Quickly kill her before she kills
I personally like to use Dan for this fight. His combination of speed and
power is nice, as both are useful against Ayame.
Overall, this battle takes quite a while, as Ayame seems to take lots of
punishment, but she should go down without being too much of a problem.
Boss: Curtis Blackburn
It's a good old fashioned showdown, Dan Smith vs. Curtis Blackburn. Whoever
gets to four shots first wins.
You must not shoot until the pigeon fully flies from Curtis' shoulder, or
else Curtis will get a free shot at you. Sometimes the pigeon will try to
fake you out by barely beginning to fly, then stopping. However, there is a
huge giveaway that makes this easy to detect in advance.
When the pigeon pulls its fake stunt, it won't make any sound beforehand.
But when it's about to fly for real, it will make a cooing sound before it
flies. (It sounds like "hoohoo, hoohoo".) Apparently, you can also tell when
the pigeon will fly by watching its neck movement, but meh, it's easier to
follow the cooing.
With this info, Curtis becomes the easiest boss in the game.
Boss: The Handsome Men
This battle is entirely predetermined. You can't change the outcome to any
of the matches. I will still provide some amazing, wonderful, spectacular
strategies below.
First Match: Harman vs. Handsome Red
Shoot Handsome Red to kill him with one shot.
Second Match: Con vs. Handsome White Pearl
Shoot Handsome White Pearl until Con dies.
Third Match: Coyote vs. Handsome Gold
Shoot Handsome Gold to kill him with one shot. ("You're ****ed." Heh.)
Fourth Match: Kaede vs. Handsome Light Brown
Shoot Handsome Light Brown until Kaede dies.
Fifth Match: Kevin vs. Handsome Dead
Shoot Handsome Dead until Kevin dies.
Sixth Match: Dan vs. Handsome Blue
Shoot Handsome Blue until he dies.
Seventh Match: Mask vs. Handsome Purple
Shoot Handsome Purple until Mask dies. Mask will then revive and upgrade for
a second time. Shoot Handsome Purple with a charge shot using all five test
tubes to kill him.
Eighth Match: Garcian vs. Handsome Pink
The match doesn't ever get started. A scene begins introducing Love.
Boss: Greg Nightmare
Greg is pretty anti-climactic for being the final boss and all. He hangs
from a string tied to the ceiling. He only has one means of attack: shooting
you with his golden gun. Each shot does pack quite a punch, be he'll stop
aiming if you shoot him.
It doesn't really matter who you use for this fight. Simply shoot one of
Nightmare's sides. He'll begin swinging. As he comes back down, shoot his
other side. He'll swing higher and higher. Continue doing this until his
pants fall off. Now, just shoot the big red spot on his crotch until his
legs break off. It should be easy. He'll drop his golden gun.
Seven pitch black Smiles will now come after you, one at a time. Stand right
beside the golden gun. The Smiles will kill all of your personas except
Garcian. There's nothing you can do about this, just let them kill you. When
you gain control of Garcian, pick up the golden gun. Quickly kill the
seventh and last Smile. Shoot the defensless Greg to win the battle.
8. Contact Info
My e-mail address is: paridoxicallyidiotic@hotmail.com
Feel free to send any corrections to me regarding this FAQ, no matter how
minor. General comments and criticism are welcome too. Or, if the FAQ helped
you out and you simply wish to thank me, send that as well. I'd appreciate
it more than you probably know.
Please DO NOT send me:
-Extremely stupid flames ("ur gide sux u r looser")
-Spam or viruses
-Asking for help on a topic not relating to the FAQ.
-Asking for help for something that is already clearly covered in the FAQ
Make the title something like "Killer 7 FAQ" so I'll know it's not spam.
And yes, I do realize my e-mail address is misspelled. I've known it for
three and a half years. I don't care. I'm not gonna change it now.
9. Version History
Version 0.10, 11/7/06, 6:57 AM: Completed the Intro, Game Basics, and
Characters sections. Whew, I'm already worn out!
Version 0.20, 11/7/06, 10:00 PM: Completed the first stage, Angel. I'm
hoping to complete one stage at a time.
Version 0.30, 11/8/06, 6:38 AM: Completed Sunset, Part 1. Am about halfway
through Sunset, Part 2. I also started the Enemies and Bosses sections. I
need some sleep.
Version 0.38, 11/8/06, 7:40 PM: Completed Sunset, Part 2 and started a tiny
bit of Cloudman. Also worked on the Enemies section some more.
Version 0.45, 11/9/06, 12:41 AM: Completed Cloudman. Added a few more
entries to the Enemies section.
Version 0.60, 11/9/06, 8:37 AM: Completed Encounter, Part 1 and got about
halfway through Part 2. Also worked on the Enemies section again. I'm
progressing very nicely, I'd say.
Version 1.00, 11/10/06, 11:33 AM: Completed Bonuses, Enemies, Bosses and the
entire walkthrough. In other words, completed everything! My fingers are
burning. This should be the first public version.
Version 1.01, 11/24/06, 8:36 PM: I made some minor grammar and spelling
corrections throughout the FAQ. I still haven't received any e-mails yet,
which is rather disappointing.
Version 1.10, 12/4/06, 3:20 AM: I changed the formatting somewhat.
Version 1.11, 12/22/06, 4:03 AM: Added FB's info plus some crappy ASCII art.
Version 1.12, 2/14/07, 7:43 PM: Added much better ASCII art courtesy of
Version 1.13, 7/9/07, 2:44 AM: Cluttered the guide with snazzy yet pointless
quotes! Plus other tiny modifications.
10. Legal Garbage
The following sites have permission to host this FAQ:
The latest version can always be found at GameFAQs or Neoseeker.
I'll probably let anyone who asks nicely host this guide, as long as full
credit is given and no changes are made to it. Unless the site looks utterly
horrendous or something.
This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide
on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly
prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
In other words: Just don't steal it. That wouldn't be very nice.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
11. Credits
Me: I wrote it.
Suda 51 and Grasshopper Manufacture: For making such an original game in
such an unoriginal industry.
FB: E-mailed me a couple of tips.
1337mangamaster: For making the excellent ASCII art at the top.
Wikiquote: I retrieved the quotes from here.
Coaltar of the Deepers: For being the best band in the world. Hey, everyone
else pointlessly credits their favorite bands in their FAQs, why not me?
"I went to the train station and stabbed 100 people with my knife. I did not
go to the elementary school." -Takuma Mamoru
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.