Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors FAQ/Walkthrough



Otogi 2 - Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki



Version 2.0

16 October 2007

For XBox

by Lee Beng Hai

My lastest email address can be found at





This FAQ is meant for personal use only. You may host this document on

your web site if you like. There is no need to seek my permission.

You can find the latest copy of this FAQ at


(c) Copyright 2004-2007 by Lee Beng Hai.




01. Introduction

02. Movement and Control

03. Character Guide

04. Tips & Tricks

05. Walkthrough

06. Trial Mode: Bonus Missions

07. Spell List

08. Item List

09. Weapon List

10. Character Costumes List

11. Lyrics

12. Acknowledgement

13. Revision History


01. Introduction


This is an amazing sequel to Otogi: Myth of Demons. In Otogi 2, there are 6

playable characters, each with their own strength and weakness.

The characters are based on Japanese folklore. The replay value for this

game is great because that are so many items to collect. As for hidden

goodies, there are various hidden cut scenes in this game. To view them

all, you probably have to replay every mission using all 6 characters.

Furthermore, the weapons and costumes equipped by the various characters

will be reflected in the cut scene too. There is a 2nd Play option after

you have finished the game once. The version I bought is a 2-disk version

that came with Otogi: Myth of Demons (in English), so this is even more

value for money.


02. Movement and Control


Basic Control


A: Jump. Press again to double jump.

B: Light Attack

X: Cast Magic

Y: Heavy Attack

L Trigger: Lock On / Lock Off

R Trigger: Dash

Start: Display Stats, Mission and Map.

iJump (short for infinite jump): this special feat is performed while your

character is in midair. Press B/Y then R Trigger. This will launch the

character higher. You can keep on doing to reach very high places.

Graphical Interface


The lower right corner has 2 fans and a string of beads.

The large fan is the HP indicator while the small fan is the MP indicator.

The string of beads is the number of life left. The length of the string

determines the maximum beads that the character can have.

Any fans displayed on the top left hand corner is used to indicate the

enemy HP. Any fans displayed on the bottom left corner is used to indicate

the HP of friendly entities that you need to protect.



Stage: Go to the current available stage. Provide access to Trial Mode.

Equip: Equip your characters.

Shop: Buy or Sell items

Cleared Stage: Replay all those stages that you had cleared

Option: Save, Load, Game Setting, Controller Assign, Give Up



All stages cleared cannot be selected again.

Provide access to Trial Mode.




Buy, Sell, and Cancel


Buy, Sell, and Cancel.


You need to find the items before they are available for sale here. Such

items can only be picked up once per Stage.

Note that the price increases after each purchase.

The character that found an attribute item will gains +5 in that attribute.

So obviously character that are used more often will get stronger. The

attribute items will occur in set of 5. So if you can only find a few of

them, search more thoroughly.

The order of the items on sale is as follows:

1. Life Bead +1 (subject to length of life bead string). You need to kill

Mercury Orb and pick up the item they left behind. The original wording for

the item is called Shura Life. Shura is a kind of demigod where the male

are very ugly while the female are very pretty.

2. Strength

3. Body

4. Intelligence

5. Dexterity

6. Resistance

7. Moon Jewel. $317000. Available in 2nd Play. Raiko 4th Weapon.

Game Setting


Vibration: Red = On, Blue = Off

Caption: Red = On, Blue = Off

Auto Lock-On: Red = On, Blue = Off


Sound Setting

Note: Make sure Auto Lock-On is set off else you cannot escape from the

enemies. This is crucial in time critical mission because you don’t want to

spend time killing every single enemy you encounter.


03. Character Guide


The characters are listed according to the character portraits that appear

in the game.

The character names are hard to remember so I prefer to use nickname

instead. Who can remember a name such as Urabe Suetake? Let’s just call him

Tree Trunk!

1. Minamoto Raikou aka Raiko

Raiko’s Clan serves as Imperial Assassin. They are tasked to kill anyone in

the list issued by the Imperial Court. Many innocents blood were shed, to

redeem the sins of his Clan, he seek and cleanse all those Demons and Evil

Spirits. When the world is cleansed, he used an Enchanted Sword to seal his

spirit until the world needs him again.

Elemental Class: Equal to that of the Magic Equipped

Can use Level 1, 2 magic.

Medium Magic

Strength & Weakness

Raiko should have no problem completing any of the Stages. However, you can

only use him once per Phase.


B -> B

B -> Y (downward slash)

B -> X

B -> B -> B

B -> B -> Y

B -> B -> X

B -> B -> B -> B

B -> B -> B -> Y

B -> B -> B -> X

2. Sakata Kintoki aka Axeman

He is a rebel leader that is converted by Fan Lady. His nemesis is the

Rebel General that is beheaded and trapped in the Soul Trapping Jail.

Elemental Class: (Phoenix) (Fire)

Special Ability:

B: Heavy Attack

Y: Grab enemy. Hold to suck their MP, then press B/Y to throw.

Note: Y throw the enemy straight (can Lock On), B throw the enemy in a



Very Strong attack and defense.

High HP

High life beads. Can complete the Stages even when MP runs out.

Can take out a Boss in a few hits if he can get close enough.


Can only perform single jump only. To reach higher places, you need to do

the iJump.

Can use Level 1 magic only.

Weak magical attack and defence


B -> B

B -> Y

B -> X

B -> B -> B

B -> B -> X

Y (Grab)

3. Watanabe Tsuna aka Wolf Guy (Tiger) (Lightning)

The Earth Spiders wipe out his Clan and he is the sole survivor. Fan Lady

turned him into a Beast Warrior in order to grant him extra strength and

agility. He seeks to avenge his Clan.

Elemental Class: (Tiger) (Lightning)

Medium Magic

Can use Level 1, 2 magic.


Shockwave generated when performing certain combos.


B -> B

B -> Y

B -> X

B -> B -> B

B -> B -> Y (shockwave generated)

B -> B -> X

B -> B -> B -> B

B -> B -> B -> Y

B -> B -> B -> X

4. Usui Sadamitsu aka Scythe Girl (Butterfly) (Ice)

Note: According to Japanese Legend, Usui Sadamitsu is supposed to be a guy.

In this game, a girl is used instead.

Elemental Class: (Butterfly) (Ice)

She is the only character that can do up to 9 stage combos.

Can use Level 1, 2 magic.


Can chain combos easily. Great to use when you want to set a new combo


Very fast.

Medium Magic

Freeze enemies when performing certain combos.


Weak attack and defence

Low HP

Low life beads


B -> B

B -> Y

B -> X

B -> B -> B

B -> B -> Y (freeze enemies)

B -> B -> X

B -> B -> B -> ... -> B (9 stages)

B -> B -> B -> ... -> Y (9 stages)

B -> B -> B -> ... -> X (9 stages)

5. Urabe Suetake aka Tree Trunk (Dragon) (Seeking Missiles)

He merged with a Spirit Tree in his youth granting him extraordinary

magical power. However, to prevent the Tree Spirit from taking over his

mind, talismans are pasted on the Tree Trunk to seal the Tree Spirit.

However, this greatly lower his movement speed.

Elemental Class: (Dragon) (Seeking Missiles)


Can jump infinitely. This conserve precious MP needed for iJump.

Can use Level 1, 2, 3 magic.

Strong magical attack and defence

Attack range is the widest.



Weak physical attack

Low HP

Low life beads


B -> B

B -> Y

B -> X

B -> B -> B

B -> B -> Y

B -> B -> X

B -> B -> B -> B

B -> B -> B -> Y

B -> B -> B -> X

6. Abeno Seimei aka Fan Lady

Note: According to Japanese Legend, Abeno Seimei is supposed to be a guy.

In this game, a lady is used instead. Abeno is an Imperial Summoner

(original wording is Yin & Yang Master) and her job nature is close to that

of an Imperial Minister.

Elemental Class: Equal to that of the Magic Equipped

Special Ability:

B: Light Attack

Y: Grab enemy. Hold to suck their MP, then press B/Y to throw.

Note: Y throw the enemy straight (can Lock On), B throw the enemy in a



Can use Level 1, 2, 4 magic.

Strong Magic


Basic attack is weak.

To destroy large object, you need to press B followed by Y.


B -> B

B -> Y (Heavy Attack)

B -> X

B -> B -> Y

B -> B -> X

B -> B -> X -> X

Y (Grab)


04. Tips & Tricks


Your character MP will drains gradually while they are in play. You can

recharge it by killing enemies. Walking on water, dashing and casting Magic

will drain your MP faster.

Once your MP runs out, you will lose HP gradually. Eventually you will lose

a bead. When all your beads are used up, that’s game over.

When you run out of MP or is affected by the Sealing Spell, it is still

possible to reach those places high above. Just jump normally, move the

left thumb stick forward and keep on pressing the attack button. The

character will slowly move upward in the direction he/she is heading

towards. This is one way to stay in midair even when you are out of MP.

Make sure you save your progress regularly. If you quit the game without

saving, the will cause you to lose what you had accomplished since the

last save.

iJump drains MP. If you are in mid air, you will stay afloat as long as you

keep attacking. This is useful to keep yourself in mid air or above water

without the need to perform iJump.

When your MP runs out, you will sink and die when you are in water.

When equip with a very heavy accessory or weapon, it will affect your jump

ability, i.e. you will jump not as high as usual.

Raiko and Scythe Girl had an attack that smash into the ground. You can

use this to your advantage by moving to the top the enemies and then smash

them. However, do not use this techniques in any Sky Level or they will

fell infinitely and died.

Puppets like to cast a spell that seals your MP. This will prevent you from

doing iJump, Dash or cast Magic. Equip the Comb of the Afterlife to counter

this effect.

Enemy’s spells can be deflected back if you time your attack carefully.

In each of the stages, there will be Attribute Items hidden somewhere. You

need to find them first and then purchased them in the Shop. Do note that

the one who find it get a first dose of it so the character you used

regularly will be even stronger. The cost of these Attribute Item

increases each time you buy them so do think carefully who should have


Spiders and some other creatures tend to explode when they are killed. Use

the heavy attack to send them flying.

In certain stage, you will find a Mercury Orb. Kill it and it will be on

sale in the development menu in the Shop. They are Str, Dex, Body, Int and


Disable the auto Lock On feature in your control menus. At time the auto

Lock On feature will get your character killed since you are unable to run

away from the enemies.

The campaign progress in stages. In each stage you can have a few phases.

Any characters used up to clear any phase of a stage are not usable on the

remaining phase. Therefore, don’t send your strongest character out first.

Rather start with the weaker ones first. Keep your stronger characters for

the tougher missions.

The maximum level you can gain for each character is Level 31. Once that is

reached, The wording MAX will appear in the character level slot. However,

you can still increase the character’s stats by fulfilling the various

conditions listed below.

Ways to increase your attributes


01. 200 combo: Dex + 2, Str + 1

02. 120 Kills: Str + 2, Bdy + 1

03. Destroy 80 objects: Str + 2, Int + 1

04. Cast 15 Magic: Int + 2, End + 1

05. Lost 7 beads: End + 2, Dex + 1

06. Send enemies flying 130 times: Str + 2

07. X charges and cast Max Magic 90 times: Int + 2

08. Flown 90 times because of enemies attack: Bdy + 2

09. While Lock On, Dash 150 times: Dex + 2

10. Status changed 5 times (Frozen, Fire, etc): End + 2

Note: all the above need not be achieve within a single mission. It can

spread over several missions.

Ways to decrease your attributes


01. Cast Magic 10 times (Press X only, not using BX, BBX, BBBX) and damage

the enemies: Str -2

02. Attack enemies using pure attack (without combos) and damage it 7

times: Int -2

03. While Lock On, do iJump 5 times: Bdy -2

Note: all the above need not be achieve within a single mission. It can

spread over several missions.



There is 4 elemental class. I will list them in the order as they appear in

the magic screen.

Fan Lady and the various Bosses in the game use level 4 spells. Level 4

spells can have 3 Levels of power.

Press X and hold it to charge the spells. You will observe that the color

changes after a while. At maximum charge, the spell released is very


Press X once is equivalent to casting a Level 1 spell.

Press X and hold until you see purple steam, level 2 spell.

Press X and hold until you see red steam, level 3 spell.

You can cast higher level spell by performing combos.

Level 1 spell: Just press Y.

Level 2 spell: B -> B -> Y. Always works.

Level 3 spell: B -> B -> B -> Y. For some reason, I cannot get this combo

to work. My guess is that it could be related to the Level of the Magic you

are equipping.


Original wording is Green Dragon

Opposing Class: Tiger

Elemental type: Wood

Representative Character: Tree Trunk

Spell characteristic: Homing missiles that look like a Dragon.

Level 1: 3 small Dragons

Level 2: 2 medium Dragons

Level 3: 1 Giant Dragon

Dragon Level 4: Gush of Wind

Spell characteristic: A spinning gush of wind that follows you around for a

short period of time. It does not destroy objects but will reflect enemy

spells back to themselves.

Level 1: small radius

Level 2: medium radius

Level 3: large radius


Original wording is Red Phoenix

Opposing class: Butterfly

Elemental type: Fire

Representative Character: Axeman

Spell characteristic: Phoenix that burns enemies.

Level 1: 3 small Phoenix is released.

Level 2: 2 medium Phoenix is released.

Level 3: 1 Giant Phoenix is released.

Phoenix Level 4: Golden Spider. This is the spell the Spider Boss casts.

Spell characteristic: You see many tiny thread surrounds surrounding you.

Level 1: a few threads

Level 2: more threads

Level 3: largest amount of threads


Original wording is White Tiger

Opposing class: Dragon

Elemental type: Metal

Representative Character: Wolf Guy

Spell characteristic: Lightning that surrounds the character.

At higher level, the lightning generated cover a large area.

Tiger Level 4: Six Fold

Spell characteristic: Shoot some beams that look like some sort of creature

that curve forwards and moving towards enemies. I can’t tell what creature

that is, could be a tiger.

Level 1: 3 small creatures

Level 2: 2 medium creatures

Level 3: 1 large creature


Original wording is Blue Turtle

Opposing class: Phoenix

Elemental type: Water

Representative Character: Scythe Girl

Spell characteristic: Little butterflies

Can be charged to maximum to produces lots of butterflies.

Level 4: Ice Fangs

Spell characteristic: Ice Dragons that freezes enemies. When cast from the

ground, this spell move along the ground towards the direction that the

character is facing. It disappears when it is in contact with water. When

cast from the sky, it move downwards.

Level 1: 3 small Ice Dragons

Level 2: 2 medium Ice Dragons

Level 3: 1 giant Ice Dragon

Raiko and Fan Lady takes on the elemental class of the Magic they equipped.

Where as the other character elemental class is fixed.

When the character elemental class is opposing that of the enemies, the

attack is increased but defence is decreased.

When the character elemental class is the same as that of the enemies, the

attack is decreased but defence is increased.

Otherwise, the attack and defence remains the same.


05. Walkthrough


Note: Any character used in any Phase cannot be used again within that

Phase. Any stage within a Phase can be cleared in any arbitrary order. All

stage cleared can be replayed using any characters.

In certain stages, you will see a different cut scene when you are using

certain characters.



I can’t read Japanese but I can understand the Chinese characters that

appear in the text. Therefore my translation might not be very exact, so

please bare with it.

The title Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki means a quest to vanquish all kinds of

spirits and demons. Japanese believe that there is spirit in all kinds of

things. The term Otogi consists of two terms, the first term means taming

or defeating while the second term means legends. So putting all this term

together, it means Legend of the Demon Slayers.

When the story begins, there is a narration that mentioned that the Capital

had been relocated. In the process, a lot of the Seals that is being used

to ward away the spirits had been broken. As a result, many creatures had

been corrupted by the spirits and became demons.

In this game, your characters will be sent on many quests against all kinds

of evil creatures.

Phase 1


Playable Character: Fan Lady

When the story starts, you can see the Fan Lady running in the forest. Soon

you can see that a gigantic Nine-Tail Fox Demon is chasing her. She is

corned and the Fox Demon slays her. Soon enough, the Demon found out that

it is actually a paper doll animated by magic. This made the Fox Demon

cried out in rage.

In the mean time, the real Fan Lady was on her way to a large blossom tree.

Objective: Reach the large blossom tree.

This is a very simple mission because the Bird Demons can be taken care off

with a few hits. Check the map and move towards the blossom tree.

Upon reaching the blossom tree, you can see a rune-covered sword within the

tree trunk. Fan Lady is apparently seeking a supernatural ally to aid in

her quest to deal with the demons in her world. 4 great warriors had to

give their lives in order to wake Raiko. They are the other 4 playable

characters in this game.

After a very disturbing scene, Raiko is resurrected.

Note: Fan Lady post is an Imperial Summoner, the original word is Yin Yang

Master. Yin means the dead while Yang means the living. So Fan Lady is

really summoning Raiko to her aid. Therefore after the other 4 characters

had killed themselves, Fan Lady should be able to summon them in a similar

way. My understanding of the game mechanic is that, when they were summoned

into this world, their energy (MP) will drains slowly. When they had

running out MP, their HP will start dropping and eventually they will be

banished from this world when their HP runs out. However, there is a flaw

to this logic since Fan Lady’s MP does drain slowly so does it mean that

somebody else summoned her as well?

Stage 1: Resting Ground

After Raiko is awakened, some bird demons appear. Fan Lady asked Raiko to

despatch them.

Playable Character: Raiko

Objective: Kill all the bird demons.

Just kill the first batch of Bird Demons. A cut scene will play and more

Bird Demons will appear. Kill them all to end the stage.


Phase 2

Stage 2: Treasury Building

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Mercury Orb. Near the pond

Suggested Magic: Dragon Level 1

Suggested Accessory: Comb of the Afterlife

The item stolen from the Nine-Tailed Fox Demon is a While Pearl. It is an

artifact of great power but it will corrupt the wielder of its magic

slowly. The Fan Lady had placed the White Pearl in the Treasury Building.

The Puppet Clan (actually it is called the White Silver Man in Japanese)

had learnt about this and decided to steal the White Pearl. The Puppet is

clan whereby humans had given up their human form and choose a spiritual

form. It looks like a piece of paper with a human face, it can move quickly

and cast Sealing magic.

Objective: Take out all 6 Puppets.

There are 6 Puppets in this stage. You need to kill them all. They can fly

and seal your magic. Equip the Comb of the Afterlife to gain immunity to

sealing magic. Lock on and cast Dragon Magic to finish them off.

Stage 3: Village of Water

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Mercury Orb

Butterfly Level 1. Inside large crystal, use iJump to reach.

Clear stage with Wolf Guy: Insect Warding Fragrance

Clear stage with Scythe Girl: Dark Water Top

Bonus cut scene:

Clear stage with Wolf Guy

Clear stage with Scythe Girl

The Fan Lady had detected that the Earth Spiders are amassing an army. The

heroes were sent to take them out.

Objective: Kill all 6 Huge Spiders.

The Spiders can explode when they are dying. Therefore it is best to use

the heavy attack to send them flying. In fact, if you aim correctly, it can

explode in the middle of other Spiders and set off a chain effect and kill

out most of the Spiders. You need to kill the 6 Huge Spiders to clear the


Stage 4: Temple of 1000 Gods

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Scripture of Vengeful Spirits (NW area, area above the floor)

Some of the Puppets who had attacked the Treasury Building had escaped to

the Temple of 1000 Gods.

Objective: Destroy all Puppets.

There are a lot of statues in the temple. The Puppets had the ability to

possess the Statue and are able to deal lots of damage to low level

characters. If possible, try to make it a priority to destroy all those

statues before the Puppets start to possess them. It is easier to deal with

the Puppet than the Statues.


Phase 3

Stage 5: Soul Trapping Jail

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Gleaming Jade Belt: SW area, near Huge Skeletons

3000 Combos: Soul Devouring Gourd

The Spirits trapped in the Soul Trapping Jail are causing trouble. You are

tasked to investigate. Destroy the sealing chain to release the Spirits and

take them all out.

Objective: Destroy the chain and destroy the spirits that were released.

This is an easy stage. Just use Heavy Attack to send the enemies flying.

Otherwise, they will explode and cause heavy damage to anyone standing next

to it. Pass through the long passage and jump into the chamber. Destroy the

chain to release more enemies. Fight for a while and the stage will end.

To reach a combos of 3000, select Axeman, equip Tiger Level 1. Just stand

in front of the wall, and keep casting Magic. Since his Magical Attack is

so low, it can hardly damage the enemies, so you can get a combo of 3000

easily. When near out of MP, just give a few swing with the axe and you

will kill near enemies to recharge your MP.

Stage 6: Valley of Sunset

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady

Suggested Character:

Tree Trunk for his ability to stay above water.

Scythe Girl for her speed.


Mercury Orb. (Left middle portion of map)

Clear in 2 min 30 sec: Spirit Pin

Tip on getting 100%:

Destroy the bridge that you are standing on. 40%

Destroy the trees and surrounding on the cliff on both sides. 60%

You probably have to replay this Stage a few times because you need to

protect the barrier.

Objective: Destroy all the ships. Protect the barrier.

After failing to steal the White Pearl, the Puppets decided to take the

artifact by brute force. They had sent their navy to attack the Capital.

You need to protect the barrier and destroy all ships.

The fan on the top right hand corner is the enemy Large Ship’s HP

The fan on the bottom right hand corner is the Seal’s HP.

Whenever a ship reached the barrier, the barrier’s HP will keep on

decreasing so you need to take out that particular ship.

There are 3 Large Ships and a few smaller ships. The small ship can be

taken out in one hit. The Large Ship takes around 3 hits before going down.

Tree Trunk should be able to clear this stage easily because he can keep on

jumping infinitely to stay above water.

To clear the stage within 2 min 30 sec. Select Scythe Girl, equip Seal of

the Ogre Horn so that her light attack can destroy the ships. With her

speed, you should be able to accomplish the mission in the shortest time.

Stage 7: Fiery Graveyard

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady

Objective: Destroy all spiders’ eggs.

Fan Lady found a lot of Spider eggs in the Fiery Graveyard. If the eggs

hatched, a large spider army will be borne. You are tasked to destroy the


You need to destroy the eggs in five separate locations before the seal to

the last location is broken. Be careful of the red Spider eggs because they

will explode when destroyed.


Phase 4

Stage 8: White Tiger Hall (Boss: Headless Horseman)

Playable Character: Raiko and Axeman


Clear Stage with Axeman: Axeman 2nd Weapon.

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Axeman

Objective: Defeat the Headless Horseman

The Headless Man is a rebel leader. When he was caught, he was beheaded and

sentenced to eternal torture in the Soul Trapping Jail. This is the first

Boss stage in the game. Basically, the Boss will attack on horseback for a

while. After you damage it for a while, he will move to the top of the

platform and cast Lightning at you. iJump and attack him and after a while

he will dismount from the horse. Take him out to clear the stage.

Headless General (on horseback)

Elemental Class: Tiger

HP: 3500

Weight: 640

Physical Defence: 80

Magical Defence: 120

Physical Defence Rate: 10

Magical Defence Rate: 61

Exp: 0

$: 0

Headless General (dismounted)

Elemental Class: Tiger

HP: 10500

Weight: 120

Physical Defence: 95

Magical Defence: 120

Physical Defence Rate: 60

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 15600

$: 4000

Stage 9: Lotus Pond (Boss: Spider King)

Playable Character: Wolf Guy, Scythe Girl and Tree Trunk


Dragon Level 4. Lower left region of map.

Clear Stage with Wolf Guy: Wolf Guy 2nd Weapon.

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Wolf Guy

Objective: Defeat the Spider King

The Earth Spiders had a new base and you are tasked to destroy it.

There is a Giant Spider at the beginning of the stage. Hidden in the cave

nearby are 5 Attribute Items, you need to smash open the wall to discover

it. Take out the Giant Spider and the Spider King will appear. Do iJump and

stay above the ground, dash to run away from the Boss. You cannot harm it

during the chase scene. After you had reached the lower portion of the map,

a cut scene will play and the fight with the Spider King commences. It’s

weak point is at it’s head. Just Lock-On and attack it.

Spider King

Elemental Class: Phoenix

HP: 12000

Weight: 128000

Physical Defence: 93

Magical Defence: 105

Physical Defence Rate: 93

Magical Defence Rate: 105

Exp: 16800

$: 5000

After you had defeated it, the Spider King detached itself from it’s lower

body and escaped.


Phase 5

Stage 10: Demon Bitten Oak

Playable Character: Axeman and Tree Trunk

Suggested Magic: Phoenix


Mercury Orb

Tip on getting 100%:

On the NW region, there is a tree high above the cliff. 17%

On the NE region, destroy one of the trees on the ground. 17%

As for the rest, with the demons exploding everywhere, you would have got

them all. 66%

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Axeman

Clear Stage with Tree Trunk

Objective: Protect the Barrier.

The assault at Lotus Pond is successful. The heroes give chases to the

Spiders and found their base. The Puppets are attacking the Spiders at the

same time. After Wolf Guy and Scythe Girl entered the Earth Spider’s lair,

Fan Lady put up a seal to block the entrance from the Puppets. Axeman and

Tree Trunk are tasked to guard the Barrier.

You need to protect the Seal from the Demons. The Demons will attack in

small waves, after a while, they will send a full wave forming a circle to

assault the seal. The Phoenix Magic proves to be an effective way to take

them out. The Demons will explode when they died and this can take you out

easily. Once you had survived the final wave of attack, the mission will


Stage 11: Earth Spider Lair (Boss: Spider King)

Playable Character: Wolf Guy and Scythe Girl


Phoenix Level 4: Kill all the little spiders behind the waterfall.

Wolf Guy 2nd Costume: Clear stage with Wolf Guy.

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Wolf Guy

Clear Stage with Scythe Girl

Objective: Defeat the Spider King

The Spider King is badly injured after the assault at Lotus Pond. Wolf Guy

and Scythe Girl followed it to their lair.

You need to locate and destroy 4 Seal to open the Spider Web. Once the webs

are destroyed, proceed to the place where the Spider King is healing. All

his 8 legs are connected to the healing pond so there is no point attacking

him. Instead, focus on destroying the seal attached to 8 of its legs. Once

that is done, you can take him out normally.

Spider King (injured)

Elemental Class: Phoenix

HP: 3200

Weight: 4000

Physical Defence: 85

Magical Defence: 130

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 12000

$: 6000

After the Spider King is defeated, Wolf Guy and Scythe Girl escaped the

lair. The Puppets sent a huge force to destroy the Spider Lair. At this

point, the Earth Spider Clan is wiped out.


Phase 6

Stage 12: Pearl Sealing Hall

Playable character: Raiko


Tiger Level 2: End of passage, lots of boxes.

Jade Goblet: After getting the White Pearl, on the way back, look for a

hidden passage above.

Objective: Get the White Pearl and return to the entrance.

The Fan Lady asked Raiko to retrieve the White Pearl.

Just find your way to the White Pearl and then return to the starting

point. When the White Pearl is removed, some doors will be sealed, so you

will have to do iJump and go through from above the doors. Just near the

exit, the floor will give way and lots of Stone Heads will appear and the

door will be sealed. Take them out and the seal will be broken. Exit and

end the level.

The Fan Lady took the White Pearl and another Fan Lady appears. It turned

out that the one who sent Raiko is an impostor. The White Pearl stolen is a

fake one and started to burn in the false summoner’s hand. Just before she

died, she takes Raiko with her to hell. Fan Lady mourns the loss of Raiko.


Phase 7

Stage 13: Red Lotus Capital

Playable Character: All except Raiko


Clear with Fan Lady: Fan Lady 2nd Weapon

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Fan Lady

Objective: Destroy all 4 floating structures.


When you run out of MP or is affected by the Sealing Spell, it is still

possible to reach those places high above. Just jump normally, move the

left thumb stick forward and keep on pressing the attack button. The

character will slowly move upward in the direction he/she is heading

towards. This is one way to stay in mid-air even when you are out of MP.

The Puppets had launched a massive attack at the Capital after they found

out that Raiko is gone. Fan Lady utilises the power of the White Pearl to

take out the Puppet’s Ship.

Your mission is to take out all the floating structures. There are 4

pillars under each floating Structure. You need to destroy the 4 pillars

before a floating structure is destroyed. It cannot be harm by Magic or

Phyiscal Attacks. The only way to destroy any of the pillars is to use

heavy attack to send enemies flying into the pillars. Fan Lady and Axeman

can grab and throw the enemies towards the floating structures.

Stage 14: Nether Realms

Playable Character: Raiko only


Mercury Orb

Raiko 2nd Weapon

Objective: Guide the Raiko’s Soul to the platform. Then step onto the


Tips on getting 100%: One of soul is hidden in a boat in the sea, if you

try to reach there, I suggest that

Raiko is split in two parts: Soul and Body. Raiko need to guide his soul to

the NE corner of the map. Raiko Soul is easily attracted by fire, so you

need to destroy the various light sources to guide the Soul there. Raiko

Soul is vulnerable to your attacks, so stay away from it. The skeletons are

very hard to kill, so you need to send them flying into the water. There

are 2 paths available, by land and by sea. The way by land is full of

skeletons whereas the path by sea had some floating stone heads. Basically

the enemies on the path by sea is easier to deal with but at certain

places, black souls will appear and drain lots of your MP. The way by land

had greater perils. Anyway, the choice is yours.

Once the Soul had reached the destination, the Raiko Soul and Body merges

and Raiko is complete.


Phase 8

Stage 15: Blossom Dancing Road (Boss: Fox Demon Swordsman)

Playable Character: Fan Lady

Rescued: Scythe Girl


Moonstone Shard: Near the house at the beginning of stage.

Objective: Defeat the Fox Demon Swordsman

After defeating the Puppets, Fan Lady asked the 4 heroes to meet her at the

blossom tree. However, the Nine Tailed Fox Demon found them first. One by

one, they were defeated. The courageous Axeman managed to delay the Fox

Demon while Scythe Girl was to escape and inform Fan Lady. While escaping,

she was ambushed by Huge Skeletons that eventually corned her. In the nick

of time, Fan Lady came to her rescue. After defeating the Skeletons, she

hurried toward the place the other 3 heroes were defeated.

Just follow the path and you will find a Boss waiting for you when you step

out of the cave. The 3 heroes had already been taken away, and the Fox

Demon Swordsman is left as a rear to stop any pursuit. He is very easy to

defeat with Fan Lady’s powerful magic.

Fox Demon Swordsman

HP: 12000

Weight: 250

Physical Defence: 220

Magical Defence: 85

Physical Defence Rate: 90

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 15600

$: 7000

Stage 16: Dark Hall in the Night

Playable Character: Raiko only


Phoenix Level 2. Passage on the right. Near large painting, need to smash a


Objective: Release the both Yin & Yang Spirits and then step on the

platform in between them.

Raiko have to find a way to open the gateway to return to the real world.

You start in a room with 2 Spirits facing one another. You need to free

both Spirits and return to the platform at the beginning of the stage. The

Yin Spirit can cast Magic that freezes you while the Yang Spirit cast Magic

that burn you. I suggest you free the Spirits on the left first. Just move

towards the left until you find a room with pillars that keep growing back,

take them out quickly to reveal a new path. If you free the Spirit on the

right, clearing out the growing pillars in this room will be tougher since

you will be constantly bombarded by magic. Proceed to free the left Spirit.

Move on to free the right Spirit and return to the platform between them.

The gateway open and Raiko passes through it. The Yin & Yang Spirits

followed shortly.


Phase 9

Now that Raiko is back, Fan Lady asked them to rescue the others. You start

with Raiko and Scythe Girl. The other 3 heroes are trapped. You need to

rescue them first before you can use them to clear this Phase.

Stage 17: Skull Jail (Boss: Headless General)

Playable Character: Raiko, Scythe Girl, Wolf Guy(*) and Axeman(*)

(*): If rescued

Rescued: Tree Trunk


Tiger Level 3: Inside one of the huge skeletons hanging at the end of the


Drill of Demon Summoning: Clear stage with Axeman.

Objective: Defeat the Headless General

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Raiko

After Raiko had returned, they set out on a quest to free the other

characters. Tree Trunk was trapped in the Skull Jail guarded by the

Headless General.

The path is pretty straightforward, just move on for a while and the Boss

will appear and throw magic at you. If you are fast enough you can deflect

it back to him. Otherwise, just dashes forward and attack him. He will

teleport away and appears elsewhere. Just move along the path and attack

him. Repeat this a few times and you reach a chamber surrounded with huge

skeletons. Just stand on the platform in the middle. Take him out either by

deflecting his Magic or Dash near and attack him.

After he is defeated the first time, a cut scene play and he will be hiding

in a small passage. When you enter the passage, he will cast a very

powerful Magic at you. The passage will be too narrow for you to dodge the

blast, so just swing your weapon to deflect it back to him. If you are hit

by this blast, you will probably lose around 3-4 life beads. Deflect it

twice and the Boss should be dead.

Headless General (with Skulls attached)

Elemental Class: Tiger

HP: 10500

Weight: 75

Physical Defence: 80

Magical Defence: 180

Physical Defence Rate: 20

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 29600

$: 8000

Stage 18: Demon Tree Tower

Playable Character: Raiko, Scythe Girl, Axeman(*) and Tree Trunk(*)

(*): If rescued

Rescued: Wolf Guy

Objective: Destroy all the trees in the water. Attack the core of the Large

Tree above.

Bonus Cut scene:

Clear stage with Raiko

Clear stage with Wolf Guy (wearing 2nd or 3rd costume)

Clear stage with Axeman

Clear stage with Scythe Girl

Clear stage with Tree Trunk

Wolf Guy is trapped in a Gigantic Tree. To rescue him, you need to destroy

all the trees that are located in the water. The Large Tree above will

recharge the smaller trees with lightning. Wait for the lightning to expire

and quickly dash in and take them out with your heavy attacks. You can also

send enemies flying into them but it is hard to aim that way. Once the

trees are taken out, iJump to the Big Tree on top of the cliff and destroy

its core.

Stage 19: Hall of Ice God (Boss: Ice Snake)

Playable Character: Raiko, Scythe Girl, Wolf Guy(*) and Tree Trunk(*)

(*): If rescued

Rescued: Axeman

Recommended Accessory: Instrument of Cold Breaking

Objective: Defeat the Ice Snake


Butterfly Level 3. It is located some where in the area below the Boss.

Axeman 2nd costume: Clear stage with Scythe Girl.

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Wolf Guy

Clear Stage with Scythe Girl

Clear Stage with Tree Trunk

Axeman is trapped in an ice block. You must destroy the Ice Snake to free


This level is quite straightforward. There are winds that can blow you away

but is easily countered by dashing. Some skeletons and fly skeletons will

try to stop you but they are really easy to take out. There are some wizard

sitting on top of ice pillar that can cast spells to freeze you. Equipping

the Instrument of Cold Breaking will counter the effect. Move along and you

will find the Ice Snake eventually. It will wake up and attack you. Just

Lock-On and attack it. It doesn’t have much HP so you should be able to

kill it easily.

Ice Snake

Elemental Class: Butterfly

HP: 4000

Weight: 28000

Physical Defence: 90

Magical Defence: 180

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 18000

$: 7000


Phase 10

Stage 20: Endless Sky

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Clear in 2 min 30 sec: Scythe Girl 3rd Weapon

Flute of Sorcery: In last Ship, hidden behind one of the mirrors.

Tip on getting 100%:

Just destroy all those smaller ships you see.

Objective: Destroy 2 Large Ships. Once the Giant Ship appears, destroy the

mirrors on it.

Bonus cut scene:

Clear Stage with Raiko

Clear Stage with Scythe Girl

The Puppets had send their entire fleets and is cruising through the sky.

Your mission is to stop them.

You need to keep dashing from one ship to another. There are 2 Large Ships

and several smaller ones. You should be able to take them out easily. Once

large ships are destroyed, a Giant Ship appears. You need to search and

destroy the 4 mirrors located on the ship. You will approach the ship from

the back, right ahead in the basement is the first mirror. Destroy it and

iJump and move toward the head of the ship. You should find the second

mirror somewhere on top. Destroy it and move ahead. The remaining 2 mirrors

are located at the front of the ship. Destroy them and the mission is


Note: You do not need to destroy all the ships to complete this mission.

Just destroy the 2 Large Ships and than the Giant Ship. Bare this in mind

if you aiming to clear it in 2 min 30 sec.

Once the Giant Ship is destroyed, this marks the end of the Puppet Clan.

Stage 21: Valley of Silent

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Scythe Girl 2nd Costume: Clear stage with Scythe Girl.

Objective: Destroy all those Evil Tree Demons

The heroes passed by a valley with statues everywhere. The inhabitants had

all been turned into statues by evil magic. Help to lift the curse.

This stage has a simple objective. Just destroy all those Evil Trees Demons

located in various place of the stage. As long as it’s moves, destroy it.

Once I left one alive (blame the heavy attack) and have to hunt for it

before the stage is cleared.

Stage 22: Worm Screaming Lake

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Wolf Guy 3rd Weapon: Kill both Centipedes. Note that if you don’t kill any

one of them in less than 3 min, Fan Lady will kill them for you but you

don’t get the weapon. You must kill at least one of them to stop the timer

from ticking. Just use Axeman and stand at the platform. You can take them

out with one or two swing of his axe.

Objective: Either kill both Centipedes or survive the onslaught for about 3


Two Giant Centipedes had been causing havoc in the land. Fan Lady had found

their lair and determines to get rid of them. She started casting a very

complicated spell and your task to distract them until her spell is ready.

To clear this stage is easy but to kill the Centipedes is not. You don’t

have to kill them to clear the stage. Just survive for about 3 minutes and

Fan Lady will take care of the Centipedes. To survive long enough is quite

easy, just iJump to high above and then swing your weapon to stay airborne.

The lightning can’t touch you and the Centipedes are not heading your way.

Enjoy the view up there and wait for Fan Lady to do her job.

If you kill any one of the Centipedes, Fan Lady will not cast her spell. So

you need to kill the other one before your MP and HP run out.

Centipede A

Elemental Class: Tiger

HP: 3600

Weight: 42000

Physical Defence: 90

Magical Defence: 180

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 36000

$: 18000

Centipede B

Elemental Class: Tiger

HP: 3600

Weight: 39000

Physical Defence: 90

Magical Defence: 90

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 36000

$: 7000


Phase 11

Stage 23: Road to Spirit Banishment (Boss: Yin & Yang Spirits)

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Orchid Malevolence: Defeat both Yin & Yang Spirits. You can kill them

easily with Raiko 4th weapon, the Moon Light Sword.

Objective: Banish both Yin & Yang Spirits or destroy them both.

The Yin and Yang Spirit are roaming the land and you are tasked to send

them back via the Portal. Just dodge their attack and reach the Portal.

Smash the 2 statues on each side of the Portal to activate it. Then send

the two Spirits flying into the Portal with your heavy attacks.

Without the Moon Light Sword or Orchid Malevolence, it will not be possible

to kill the 2 Spirits. Just look at the amount of HP they had and you will

realise how tough it is.

Yin & Yang Spirit

Elemental Class: None

HP: 95000

Weight: 42

Physical Defence: 350

Magical Defence: 350

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 39600

$: 20000

Stage 24: Capital of the Dead (Boss: Fox Demon Archer)

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady

Objective: Defeat the Fox Demon Archer. Then destroy all the skeletons that

spawn from the pool.

The heroes are getting closer to the lair of the Nine Tailed Fox Demon.

They found a Fox Demon Spawn and decided to destroy it.

The Boss will shoot arrows at you once in a while. Once you found it,

quickly Lock-On and Dash towards it. It can move really fast and this will

cast you to lose your Lock-On. Anyway, he is very easy to take out once you

can get close enough.

Once he is dead, his spirit will corrupt the water and raise tons of

skeletons. Destroy them all to end the stage.

Fox Demon Archer

Elemental Class: Phoenix

HP: 12000

Weight: 220

Physical Defence: 130

Magical Defence: 175

Physical Defence Rate: 15

Magical Defence Rate: 80

Exp: 14400

$: 7000

Stage 25: Valley of Eternal Darkness (Boss: Tree Demon)

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady


Spirit Summoning Statuette: near the end of the map, in an area without

light. You know you found the place when you see small little spiders

crawling around.

Objective: Defeat the Tree Demon

Beyond the Valley of Eternal Darkness lies the Lair of the Nine Tailed Fox

Demon. But in order to get pass the valley, you need to get rid of the Tree

Demon guarding the valley. The Tree Demon is a friend of Fan Lady who was

corrupted by evil magic.

The Boss will chase you around the stages. He had a special beam attack

that is very damaging, to avoid it, stay up in the sky.

It is very easy to kill the Boss with Raiko. Just stay in the sky to avoid

the energy beam, dash until you are on right top of him, then use Raiko

heavy attack and smash into the Boss. This will send him spinning all over

the place. Raiko heavy attack is a downward smash, so this works nicely.

Repeat until it is dead. Another character with similar attack is Scythe

Girl but she is a bit weak in strength.

There are 4 Crystals that will light up the place when smashed. If you want

100% on this stage, it is better to light them all up rather than searching

in the dark.

Tree Demon

Clan: Fox Demon

Elemental Class: Dragon

HP: 27000

Weight: 420

Physical Defence: 105

Magical Defence: 280

Physical Defence Rate: 20

Magical Defence Rate: 60

Exp: 28000

$: 9000

Just before the Tree Demon is destroyed, it asks Fan Lady how she became so

powerful. At the moment, it had a gleam of the truth and found out that the

White Pearl had corrupted Fan Lady. Knowing that Fan Lady will die soon, it

told her that they would meet in Hell shortly and died.


Phase 12

This is the last Phase of the game. You have the chance to view several

endings depending on the order you complete the Stages.

Note: Detail description of the ending is not given so as not to spoil the


Ending #1:

Clear Stage 26 with any characters except Raiko.

Fan Lady fell from the sky and died.

Ending #2:

Clear Stage 27 with Raiko.

Fan Lady sent Raiko back to his resting-place.

Ending #3:

Clear Stage 26 with Raiko. When you had done these, Stage 26 is not

selectable in the Campaign but is added to the Cleared Stage.

Fan Lady fall from the sky and Raiko saved her.

Ending #4:

Clear Stage 26 with Raiko, then clear Stage 27.

This is the proper ending.

Other endings: You should see something different in 2nd Play.

Note: I personally do not see something different in 2nd Play. But that

could be because I had not completed the entire Bonus Missions in Trial


Stage 26: Red Sky (Boss: Fan Lady)

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady

Note: Any character used in this Stage is still available in the Stage 27.

Suggested Accessory: Soul Devouring Gourd


Raiko 2nd Costume: Clear stage with Raiko

Fan Lady 2nd Costume: Clear stage with Fan Lady

Objective: Defeat Fan Lady

Remark: After clearing this Stage, you will be prompted to save your game.

However, this Stage is not added to the Cleared Stage unless Raiko clear


Fan Lady utilise the power of the While Pearl in order to know about the

demons that roam the land and send her warriors to cleanse them. However,

the power of the White Pearl had become uncontrollable. Fan Lady sealed the

White Pearl within her body in order to contain it. She had decided to

retreat to a remote place and die in peace. You are tasked to remove the

White Pearl from her body. Fan Lady will not allow it.

This is basically a Boss stage. Fan Lady can cast any of the Level 4

spells. The spells are almost impossible to dodge. So, the easiest approach

is to Lock On and Dash toward her. Then keep on slashing her until she is

defeated. She will run away after a few hits, so you will have to keep on

chasing her.

Once she is defeated, you will be prompted to save your game and the credit

screen ending will appear. There is no harm saving the game at this point.

If you clear this stage with Raiko, he will cast a spell to remove the

White Pearl from Fan Lady. Thus freeing her from the curse of the White


Fan Lady

Clan: None

Elemental Class: None

HP: 31000

Weight: 45

Physical Defence: 160

Magical Defence: 520

Physical Defence Rate: 90

Magical Defence Rate: 100

Exp: 42000

$: 14000

Stage 27: Final Stage (Boss: Nine Tailed Fox Demon)

Suggested Accessory:

Soul Devouring Gourd (1st Play)

Orchid Malevolence (2nd Play)

Playable Character: All except Fan Lady

Note: Any character used in this Stage is still available in the Stage 26.

Objective: Defeat the Nine Tailed Fox Demon and then destroy the meteor.

There are 2 slightly different versions of the Boss depending on whether

you had Cleared Stage 26. Watch the starting animation and you can count

the number of tails on the Fox Demon.

The 8 Tails version is very easy to defeat since it doesn’t cast the deadly

lightning spells. However, killing will not give you the best ending.

The 9 Tails version is quite tough. It will start to coil up into a ball

and cast the dreadful lightning.

The Boss will move around in the sky. So you really need to get a Lock-On

on it and Dash towards it all the time. Just get near and attack it until

it is dead. If you are using character with a downward heavy attack such as

Raiko and Scythe Girl, you can fell into the chasm and died if you don’t

land on the ground.

In the 9 Tails version, the Boss will coil up into a ball and prepare to a

very powerful Lightning Magic. It will be almost impossible to Dash away

from this attack if the Lock-On is activated. So you might want to disable

the Lock-On and Dash away first. It is very hard to get back the Lock-On

once you had done that. This is one of the main reasons why it is so tough

to kill it.

After you have killed the 9 Tails version, the Boss will merge with the

meteor at the end and you have to take it out. Just free fall until you see

the base of the meteor, than attack it a few time to reveal it core which

look like a fox. Once the core is revealed, a fan appears on the top right

hand corner. Attack it until it’s HP is gone.

Once the Boss is dead, save the game and watch the ending.

Nine Tailed Fox (8 Tails) (Stage 26 not added to Cleared Stage)

Clan: None

Elemental Class: None

HP: 30000

Weight: 55000

Physical Defence: 180

Magical Defence: 240

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 0

$: 0

Nine Tailed Fox (9 Tails) (Stage 26 added to Cleared Stage)

Clan: None

Elemental Class: None

HP: 39000

Weight: 58000

Physical Defence: 230

Magical Defence: 290

Physical Defence Rate: 0

Magical Defence Rate: 0

Exp: 0

$: 0


2nd Play

Once you had completed Stage 27 and save your game, you save game wordings

will now be in Green and there will be an Otogi Logo displayed. You can

continue playing this as per normal.

Notice that in the title scene, there is a new option for 2nd Play.

My advice is to create another save game of your existing game and use the

newly one created one to port over for 2nd Play.

Reason is simple, the cut scene you see in 1st Play and 2nd Play could be

slightly different. So if you want to view both sets of endings, you may

need 2 separate game slots. Amendment to this statement, I had seen both

endings in 1st and 2nd Play but I don’t see any differences between them.

When you select 2nd Play option, the game will look for a Green wordings

saved game and convert it into a Blue wordings saved game. At this point,

all Character Levels, Item, Weapon and Costumes will be ported to the new

saved game. If you are aiming for 100% on each stage, I suggest you do it

before porting over.

All statistics obtained in 1st Play will be kept in 2nd Play. That includes

the scores for all Stages and Trial Mode. However, the various Stages will

not be playable until you had cleared them in the campaign mode.

In 2nd Play, all characters can equip all the available Magic.

Raiko 4th Weapon will be on sale in the Shop for $317000. It is listed as a

MoonStone but once you purchased it, Raiko will have his 4th weapon, the

Moon Light Sword.


06. Trial Mode: Bonus Missions


There are 18 Bonus Missions. There will be some sort of a timer or counter

at the top left hand corner. If the wordings in Red, that means you had not

achieve the minimum requirements. When it turn Blue, you had met the

minimum requirements.


Bonus Mission 1: House of 99 Birds

Unlock: Clear Phase 1


Crimson Passage of Time

Break all the Stone arches before the timer run out. Tree Trunk can clear

this stage easily because his attack have a wider range and can destroy the

arches easily.


Bonus Mission 2: Demon Emerging Cave

Unlock: Clear Phase 1

Defeat 100 Bird Demons and return to starting place. Note: on your way

back, Stone Statues will guard the entrance. If you have Auto Lock On

turned on, you will find it very difficult to Dash pass the Statues to

reach to starting point. So, disable the Auto Lock On in the control panel.


Bonus Mission 3: Cursed Walls

Unlock: Clear Phase 2

Break at least 40 rising walls.


Bonus Mission 4: House of the Water Bird God

Unlock: Clear Phase 2

Goodies: Scythe Girl 2nd Weapon

This is a stage full of water. If you touch the water or break any of the

arches, you have to restart. Dash through the arches before the timer runs


This is the stage for Tree Trunk since he can jump infinitely and stay

above water.


Bonus Mission 5: Bridge War

Unlock: Clear Phase 3


Soul Reflecting Mirror

Protect the tree and send the enemies flying. You need at least 50 kills to

clear the stage.


Bonus Mission 6: Collect Magic

Unlock: Clear Phase 3

Collect the 6200 Magic before the timer run out. Watch out for flying

Skulls. You can ignore the Puppets.


Bonus Mission 7: Grass Beating

Unlock: Clear Phase 4


Tree Trunk 2nd Weapon

Destroy at least 5 square feet of grass. This is stage for Axeman and Fan

Lady. They can grab the enemies and aim them at the grass patches. Other

characters will have to do heavy attack and it is harder to control.


Bonus Mission 8: Puppet Escape

Unlock: Clear Phase 5


Butterfly Level 4

Defeat all the Puppets. Just Lock On and throw Dragon(Wood) magic.


Bonus Mission 9: Hit the Boats

Unlock: Clear Phase 6


Pinwheel of the Wind's Grace

You cannot leave the platform and the enemies are on the boat. Stone Heads

will appear in front of you, just use Heavy Attack to send them towards the

boats to destroy the Puppets. You can grab and throw them too.


Bonus Mission 10: Trapped inside the Hall

Unlock: Clear Phase 7


Skeleton Seal

Dodge the Stone Heads’ fireballs and lightning for 1 min 30 sec.


Bonus Mission 11: Rebound Platform

Unlock: Clear Phase 8

Deflect at least 30 energy attacks while protecting the Tiger Statue. The

Statue will be destroyed in 2 hits so this level is quite tough. Initially,

the enemies will throw 1 spell at you, then followed by 2, near the end, 6

spells will be thrown at you.

Thanks to KnifeFace in GamesFAQ Message Board for the hint to clear this


I had problem clearing this stage initially, this is because it is quite

hard to hit the spell accurately when you are running around. Furthermore,

if the enemies pop up in a position whereby you didn’t see it, the spell

could have hit the statues without you knowing it. This mission is easily

accomplished by equipping the Dragon Level 4 Spell. In 1st Play, only Fan

Lady can equipped it. In 2nd Play, any character can equip it. When the

spell is active, it will reflect all enemies spell in contact with it. Just

stands right in front of the Tiger Statue and touch all spells that are

thrown at you. Near the end, more spells will be thrown and you will need

to jump to reach them.


Bonus Mission 12: Return to Other World

Unlock: Clear Phase 8

Goodies: Axeman 2nd Weapon.

Send 15 Stone Heads flying into the Portal.


Bonus Mission 13: Box Puzzle

Unlock: Clear Phase 9

Goodies: Tree Trunk 3rd Weapon

Destroy the crates before timer runs out. There are 3 parts to this

mission. You will be shown an image of a set of boxes arranged in 4 x 5

manner. A few of the boxes will be destroyed within split seconds, remember

which boxes are destroyed. When the game, start, you have about 100 seconds

to smash all the boxes that are marked for destruction. If you hit the

wrong box, you need to restart. I suggest you simply take a pen and sketch

the locations of the boxes quickly, then proceed to smash them accordingly.


Bonus Mission 14: Speed Running

Unlock: Clear Phase 9

Dash to the ending Arch and then back to the starting Arch. There are a lot

of obstacles along the way. Heavy attack is a bit slow, I suggest that you

equip the Seal of the Ogre Horn and use Scythe Girl to clear the level.


Bonus Mission 15: Boxes in the Hall

Unlock: Clear Phase 10


Tree Trunk 2nd Costume.

Destroy all 30 boxes. I suggest you sketch a rough map of the place and

indicate where are the boxes. Then plan your path and quickly go through

the stage. Basically you can either go clockwise or anti-clockwise. Scythe

Girl is the fastest character, so use her.


Bonus Mission 16: Sending the Yin Spirit

Unlock: Clear Phase 11


Hannya Worm

You have 30 hits available. You need to send the Yin Spirit into the

Portal. I clear this stage using Axeman, just grab and throw the Yin



Bonus Mission 17: Destroy 1000 Demons

Unlock: Complete Bonus Mission 1 to 16.


Raiko 3rd Weapon.

Defeat 1000 Skeletons.


Bonus Mission 18: Named Moon

Unlock: Complete Bonus Mission 17.

Suggested Character:


Suggested Accessory:

Soul Devouring Gourd

Suggested Weapon:

Raiko 3rd Weapon (1st Play)

Raiko 4th Weapon (2nd Play)


Raiko 3rd Costume: Clear Mission with Raiko

Wolf Guy 3rd Costume: Clear Mission with any character equipped with Hannya

Worm. Hannya Worm reduces the character to Level 1, 1 life bead and cannot

cast Magic. I had cleared this Mission using Raiko equipped with the 4th

Weapon: The Moonlight Sword. The only way to kill the boss is by pressing

the button Y to release the moonlight slash. Remember that 1 hit from the

moonlight slash is sufficient to kill the Boss. However, since the boss can

block it and kill you in 1 or 2 attacks, this mission is quite tough.

Mission objective is simple, just defeat the Red Haired Demon. The Demon

can block your attacks easily. You need to dash to his side and attack him

from there. His attack will seal your Magic and knock you back so he is

quite tough. If you had the Moon Light Sword, he should be very to take

out. Just aim your Moon Light Slash carefully.

The method listed here is how I take him out, you can try other methods if

you prefer. When the stage begins, just press Y to throw a moonlight slash

and the Boss will block it. Next, jump up and press Y to smash the bridge.

You will fall to the bottom. Wait for the Boss to jump down, for some

unknown reason he will stand there in a unguarded position, so quickly

press Y to throw another moonlight slash to take him out. If this fail,

restart and try again. I got it within 5 tries.

Red Haired Demon

Original name is Wine Drinking Demon.

Elemental Class: Phoenix

HP: 36000

Weight: 185

Physical Defence: 210

Magical Defence: 180

Physical Defence Rate: 90

Magical Defence Rate: 90

Exp: 58000

$: 0


07. Spell List


The Level 4 spells are Fan Lady special spells.


Dragon (Wood, Homing missiles that look like Dragons)

Dragon Level 1

Basic Spell for Raiko

Attack: 150

MP usage: 110

Value: 3350

Magical Defence +3


Dragon Level 2

Shop after Phase 5

Attack: 270

MP usage: 480

Value: 7800

Magical Defence +9


Dragon Level 3

Shop after Phase 9

Attack: 380

MP usage: 1020

Value: 12700

Magical Defence +18


Dragon Level 4 (Green Breeze)

Stage 9

Attack: 110

MP usage: 270

Value: 4580

Magical Defence +12

Physical Defence +7


Phoenix (Fire)

Phoenix Level 1

Shop after Phase 2

Attack: 165

MP usage: 120

Value: 340

Status Resistance +6


Phoenix Level 2

Stage 16

Attack: 290

MP usage: 520

Value: 7550

Status Resistance +12

Physical Attack +3


Phoenix Level 3

Shop after Phase 9

Attack: 400

MP usage: 1100

Value: 11500

Status Resistance +22

Physical Attack +8


Phoenix Level 4 (Golden Spider)

Stage 11

Attack: 340

MP usage: 620

Value: 8800

Status Resistance +15


Tiger (Metal) (Lightning)

Tiger Level 1

Shop after Phase 2

Attack: 180

MP usage: 75

Value: 3150

Physical Attack +6


Tiger Level 2

Stage 12

Attack: 310

MP usage: 380

Value: 6900

Physical Attack +13


Tiger Level 3

Stage 17

Attack: 450

MP usage: 820

Value: 9800

Physical Attack +25


Tiger Level 4 (Six Fold)

Basic Spell for Fan Lady

Attack: 520

MP usage: 830

Value: 9700

Physical Attack +14


Butterfly (Water) (Ice)

Butterfly Level 1

Stage 3

Attack: 130

MP usage: 90

Value: 3200

HP Regeneration +6

Jump Ability +7


Butterfly Level 2

Shop after Phase 5

Attack: 230

MP usage: 420

Value: 6850

HP Regeneration +11

Jump Ability +12


Butterfly Level 3

Stage 19

Attack: 340

MP usage: 930

Value: 10150

HP Regeneration +17

Jump Ability +25


Butterfly Level 4 (Freezing Fangs)

Bonus Mission 8

Attack: 220

MP usage: 370

Value: 7200

HP Regeneration +13


08. Item List


There are 30 items total. They are listed in the order they appear in the

Equip screen. The original wording is in Japanese, if you cannot tell what

item it is, try to sell it and check the price. It should be 70% of the

price listed here.

01. White Snake Necklace (a necklace with a white snake)

Weight: 0.1

Price: 4600

Protection from Fire

Physical Defense + 1

Status Resistance + 15

Shop after Phase 3

02. Spotted Prayer Beads (beads tie up in a string forming a circle)

Weight: 0.1

Price: 12800

Half MP used when casting Magic

Shop after Phase 7

03. Wristband of Holy Beads (wristband)

Weight: 0.2

Price: 9400

Raise Physical Attack

Physical Attack +20

Magical Attack –5

Shop after Phase 2

04. Spirit Summoning Statuette

Weight: 6.6

Price: 32000

Experience 1.5 times

Stage 25, near the end of the map, in an area without light.

05. Gleaming Jade Belt (a belt)

Weight: 0.5

Price: 3400

Magical/Physical 1.2 times

Magical Defence +20

Physical Defence +20

Stage 5. Near the 2 huge skeletons.

06. Spirit Pin

Weight: 0.1

Price: 5670

Physical Attack 1.5 times, unblockable. Defence halved, cannot cast Magic.

Physical Attack +50

Physical Defence –50

Magical Defence –50

Clear Stage 6 in 2 min 30 sec.

07. Soul Reflecting Mirror

Weight: 0.4

Price: 4400

Life reduced to 1/3

1.5 times Physical/Magical Attack and Defence

Clear Bonus Mission 5: Bridge War

08. Jade Goblet

Weight: 0.1

Price: 1220

1.5 times money gain

Stage 12, after getting the White Pearl, on the way back, look for a hidden

passage above.

09. Bell of Ghosts

Weight: 4.2

Price: 9850

Grants immunity to all status effects

Life Regen –25

Shop after Phase 7

10. Scripture of Vengeful Spirits

Weight: 0.3

Price: 5200

Physical Attack increased by (Character Level x 0.03)

Stage 4. NW area, area above the floor

11. Hundred Quilted Feather (a feather)

Weight: 0.1

Price: 1320

Jumping ability raised.

Shop after Phase 3

12. Flowing Jade

Weight: 0.2

Price: 2250

When out of MP, prevent death from sinking into water.

Shop after Phase 7

13. Drill of Demon Summoning

Weight: 0.8

Price: 780

Prevent Heavy Attack from knocking back enemies.

Physical Attack +5

Life Regen -5

Clear Stage 17 with Axeman.

14. Seal of the Ogre Horn

Weight: 0.9

Price: 91200

Light attack can destroy large object.

Visit the Shop when you have $90000

15. Golden Scarab (look like an insert coiled up in a ball)

Weight: 0.6

Price: 5300

Increase Physical Defence, Decrease Magical Defence

Physical Defence +35

Magical Defence –10

Shop after Phase 4

16. Spirit Fan

Weight: 0.3

Price: 6250

Increase Magical Defence, Decrease Physical Defence

Magical Defence +35

Physical Defence -10

Shop after Phase 4

17. Comb of the Afterlife (red comb)

Weight: 0.1

Price: 1780

Grants immunity to sealing effect

Shop after Phase 2

18. Flute of Sorcery

Weight: 0.1

Price: 8800

1.2 times Magical Attack

Physical Attack –5

Magical Attack +20

Stage 20, In last Ship, hidden behind one of the mirrors.

19. Bell of Greenery

Weight: 0.4

Price: 2100

1.2 times MP gains

MP gain after killing enemies +50%

Shop after Phase 2

20. Instrument of Cold Breaking (A little drum with 2 small beads)

Weight: 0.5

Price: 3820

Grants immunity to freezing effect.

Status Resistance +20

Shop after Phase 6

21. Orchid Malevolence

Weight: 0.2

Price: 70

All enemies die in one hit. Character dies in one hit

Stage 23, Defeat both Yin & Yang Spirits.

22. Insect Warding Fragrance

Weight: 0.4

Price: 3200

Spider Bane.

Phyical Attack +30% against Spiders

Magical Attack +30% against Spiders

Clear Stage 3 with Wolf Guy.

23. Crimson Passage of Time

Weight: 0.2

Price: 3800

Puppet Bane.

Phyical Attack +30% against Puppets

Magical Attack +30% against Puppets

Clear Bonus Mission 1: House of 99 Birds

24. Moonstone Shard

Weight: 0.4

Price: 6690

Fox Spirit Bane.

Phyical Attack +30% against Fox Spirits

Magical Attack +30% against Fox Spirits

Stage 15. Near the house at beginning of stage.

25. Hannya Worm

Weight: 0.2

Price: 20

Reduces Character Level to 1.

Reduces life beads to 1.

Unable to use magic.

Clear Bonus Mission 16: Sending the Yin Spirit

26. Pinwheel of the Wind's Grace

Weight: 0.3

Price: 2380

Light attacks gain a knock back effect

Jump Modifier +5

Clear Bonus Mission 9: Hit the Boats

27. Dark Water Top

Weight: 0.2

Price: 1500

Life Regeneration rate increased

Life Regeneration rate +50

Clear Stage 3 with Scythe Girl

28. Arrow of Infinity

Weight: 0.3

Price: 7780

1.3 times lock-on distance

Shop after Phase 10

29. Skeleton Seal

Weight: 0.4

Price: 5200

Magic charging time halved

Bonus Mission 10

30. Soul Devouring Gourd

Weight: 0.8

Price: 8200

3 times Physical Attack

MP reduced to 1/8

Stage 5, perform 3000 combos


09. Weapon List


All equipped weapons will show up in the various cut scene.

Raiko 1st Weapon

Basic Weapon for Raiko

Attack: 120

Weight: 2.1

Max MP: +8

MP Absorb: +22

HP Regen: +16

Status Resistance: +5

Physical Attack: +5

Magical Attack: 0

Physical Defence: +4

Magical Defence: 0

Jump Modifier: 0

Raiko 2nd Weapon

Clear Stage 14 with Raiko.

Attack: 145

Weight: 2.4

Max MP: -5

MP Absorb: -6

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +16

Magical Attack: -33

Physical Defence: +23

Magical Defence: -16

Jump Modifier: 0

Raiko 3rd Weapon

Clear Bonus Mission 17: Destroy 1000 Demons

Attack: 195

Weight: 2.7

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: -20

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +26

Magical Attack: 32

Physical Defence: -24

Magical Defence: -13

Jump Modifier: 13

Raiko 4th Weapon: The Moon Light Sword

Purchased from Shop in 2nd Play for $317000.

Attack: 570

Weight: 2.7

Max MP: +22

MP Absorb: 0

HP Regen: +8

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +33

Magical Attack: +5

Physical Defence: +12

Magical Defence: +12

Jump Modifier: +7

Remark: This weapon is extremely powerful. Press Y to do heavy attacks and

release a Moon Light Slash. The Moon Light Slash can take out any enemy

including Bosses with just a single hit. However, it is only release when

you are on ground level. If you had Lock-On an enemy, it will move towards

the enemy, however unless they stand still, high chances is that it will

moved away. So slashing towards the direction they are heading towards is a

better option. Exception to this rule: The Yin & Yang Spirit can survive a

few hits from the Moon Light Slash before they are destroyed.

Axeman 1st Weapon

Basic Weapon for Axeman

Attack: 130

Weight: 7.8

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: 0

HP Regen: +7

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +16

Magical Attack: 0

Physical Defence: +5

Magical Defence: 0

Jump Modifier: 0

Axeman 2nd Weapon

Clear Stage 8 with Axeman.

Attack: 160

Weight: 8.2

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: 0

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +23

Magical Attack: -39

Physical Defence: +26

Magical Defence: -16

Jump Modifier: 0

Axeman 3rd Weapon

Clear Bonus Mission 12: Return to Other World

Attack: 195

Weight: 9.6

Max MP: -20

MP Absorb: -15

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +37

Magical Attack: -36

Physical Defence: +7

Magical Defence: -40

Jump Modifier: 0

Wolf Guy 1st Weapon

Basic Weapon for Wolf Guy

Attack: 110

Weight: 2.3

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: 0

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: +14

Physical Attack: +6

Magical Attack: 0

Physical Defence: +3

Magical Defence: 0

Jump Modifier: 0

Wolf Guy 2nd Weapon

Clear Stage 9 with Wolf Guy.

Attack: 150

Weight: 2.5

Max MP: -10

MP Absorb: -5

HP Regen: +24

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +22

Magical Attack: -22

Physical Defence: +9

Magical Defence: -33

Jump Modifier: 0

Wolf Guy 3rd Weapon

Kill both centipedes in Stage 22.

Attack: 180

Weight: 2.8

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: 0

HP Regen: -5

Status Resistance: -8

Physical Attack: +34

Magical Attack: +26

Physical Defence: -40

Magical Defence: -25

Jump Modifier: 0

Scythe Girl 1st Weapon

Basic Weapon for Scythe Girl

Attack: 92

Weight: 0.9

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: +8

HP Regen: +18

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: 0

Magical Attack: 0

Physical Defence: 0

Magical Defence: +2

Jump Modifier: +17

Scythe Girl 2nd Weapon

Clear Bonus Mission 4: House of the Water Bird God

Attack: 117

Weight: 1.3

Max MP: +14

MP Absorb: +5

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: 0

Magical Attack: +23

Physical Defence: -12

Magical Defence: +18

Jump Modifier: -11

Scythe Girl 3rd Weapon

Clear Stage 20 in 2 min 30 sec.

Attack: 139

Weight: 0.7

Max MP: 0

MP Absorb: +5

HP Regen: -40

Status Resistance: -8

Physical Attack: +22

Magical Attack: +9

Physical Defence: -9

Magical Defence: -12

Jump Modifier: +33

Tree Trunk 1st Weapon

Basic Weapon for Tree Trunk

Attack: 77

Weight: 1.3

Max MP: +13

MP Absorb: +4

HP Regen: -5

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: 0

Magical Attack: +14

Physical Defence: -4

Magical Defence: 0

Jump Modifier: +16

Tree Trunk 2nd Weapon

Clear Bonus Mission 7: Grass Beating

Attack: 58

Weight: 1.4

Max MP: +42

MP Absorb: +9

HP Regen: -7

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: -18

Magical Attack: +36

Physical Defence: -13

Magical Defence: +18

Jump Modifier: -10

Tree Trunk 3rd Weapon

Clear Bonus Mission 13: Box Puzzle

Attack: 128

Weight: 1.6

Max MP: +17

MP Absorb: 0

HP Regen: -24

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +33

Magical Attack: +44

Physical Defence: -33

Magical Defence: -27

Jump Modifier: +33

Fan Lady 1st Weapon

Basic Weapon for Fan Lady

Attack: 118

Weight: 1.1

Max MP: +7

MP Absorb: +3

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: +6

Physical Attack: 0

Magical Attack: +13

Physical Defence: 0

Magical Defence: +11

Jump Modifier: +8

Fan Lady 2nd Weapon

Clear Stage 13 with Fan Lady.

Attack: 76

Weight: 1.2

Max MP: +23

MP Absorb: +8

HP Regen: -7

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: -11

Magical Attack: +27

Physical Defence: -8

Magical Defence: +24

Jump Modifier: 0

Fan Lady 3rd Weapon

Get 100% on all stages with Cleanse Destruction Level. I had verified this.

You cannot get the weapon by getting 100% soul freed in all 26 stages. You

also need to get Cleanse (Grade A) Destruction level in all 26 stages.

Attack: 158

Weight: 1.3

Max MP: +12

MP Absorb: +4

HP Regen: 0

Status Resistance: 0

Physical Attack: +21

Magical Attack: +42

Physical Defence: -33

Magical Defence: -29

Jump Modifier: 0


10. Character Costumes List


When selecting the character in a mission. Press Y to toggle any costumes

that the character had acquired. The costume worn will be reflected in the

cut scene too. You might want to replay the various missions to watch

slightly different of the cut scenes.

2nd Costume: Red

3rd Costume: Purple


01. Basic

02. Clear Stage 26 with Raiko.

03. Clear Bonus Mission 18: Named Moon with Raiko.


01. Basic

02. Clear Stage 19: Hall of Ice God with Scythe Girl.

03. Sum of max enemies slain in all stages exceeds 3000. This information

is incorrect. I got this costume after playing the game for a long time, I

counted my Max enemies slain in all stages, and it is roughly 1500+. So

maybe you don’t need 3000.

Wolf Guy

01. Basic

02. Clear Stage 11 with Wolf Guy.

03. Clear Bonus Mission 18: Named Moon with Hannya Worm equipped using any

character. Hannya Worm reduces the character to Level 1, 1 life bead and

cannot cast Magic. I had cleared this mission with Raiko equipped with the

Moon Light Sword and acquired this costume.

Scythe Girl

01. Basic

02. Clear Stage 21 with Scythe Girl.

03. Sum of max combos in all stages exceeds 5000. This is hard to verify I

got this after a while. I guess training in Stage 5: Soul Trapping Jail

does helps. Note that this costume turns Scythe Girl invisible so she

doesn’t show up in cut scenes. You can see her weapon though.

Tree Trunk

01. Basic

02. Clear Bonus Mission 15: Boxes in the Hall

03. Use any character for more than 200 times. Based on experience, it

seemed that as long as you used the characters 200 times, you would get

this costume. So this stats is not for just one character, but rather the

sum of all characters.

Fan Lady

01. Basic

02. Clear Stage 26 with Fan Lady.

03. Get Cleanse Destruction Level on all Stages.


11. Lyrics


This is the lyric for the song at the end of the game. I found it at this


shi ra tsu yu hi ka ri ta no mi te mi ki no u chi sa sa ge ba

ka mi no tsu ru gi ha na no u chi

a ka ne ji so u mo ku wo fu ka mi ta da ta da mo chi zu ki

ko u to de ra shi i zu ko he

chi ru mi zu no ko e ni mi no ja ku zu re da ku shi te

chi ru ka ne no ko e ni hi to yo ta tsu

u tsu ro i i tsu zo u su re ko to wa ri a ru ke ba

ya ma ni sa to ni hi so ya ka ni

ka ta chi wa o ni to i u ra ha na no ka ge ko no mi wa

i ka ni i ku be shi su be

yo i ya mi a o ki ho shi to tsu ki no hi ka ri da ki shi me

a ka tsu ki ta ma ki wa ri te i zu ko sa ri yu ku

ma i chi ru mi zu no ko e ni mi no ja ku zu re da ko shi te

chi ru ka ne no ko e ni hi to yo ta te ri

a a ki mi o mo i mo yu ru chi no wa ku gu re ko ga re te

ki mi yu ke ba so ko ni fu shi te ma te ri

Note: My version has the original lyrics in Japanese. However GameFAQs

don't like unicode file so I had removed them.


12. Acknowledgement


Lyrics for the song at the end of the game.



13. Revision History


2.0 16 Oct 2007

Minor updates.

1.9 19 Jun 2007

Minor updates.

1.8 27 Jul 2004

Fixed the translation of the title.

1.7 15 Jul 2004

Added the lyrics for the theme song.

1.6 08 Jul 2004

Added some translation of the story.

1.5 01 Jul 2004

Fix some minor details.

1.4 30 Jun 2004

Added info on how to unlock Bonus Mission 17 & 18.

1.3 28 Jun 2004

Fix some mistakes in my FAQ. Fill in some missing portions.

1.2 25 Jun 2004

More updates.

1.1 24 Jun 2004

Added the various ending.

1.0 23 Jun 2004

First version.

Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.