Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow Full FAQ


1. Introduction

2. Version History

3. Contact

4. Story

5. Weapons

6. Characters

7. Walkthrough


    T.1.1 --Training 1-Learn basic Agency movement and controls

    T.1.2 --Training 2-Learn basic Agency combat techniques and controls

    T.1.3 --Training 3-Learn basic Agency MB 150 rifle and darts

    T.1.4 --Training 4-Learn advanced Agency combat techniques and controls

    T.1.5 --Training 5-Learn Basic Agency underwater movement and combat controls

    --Episode 1--

    7.1.1 --Episode 1, Part 1 'Pirates of Somalia'--

    7.1.2 --Episode 1, Part 2 'Going Under'--

    7.1.3 --Episode 1, Part 3 'Ocean's Five'--

    7.1.4 --Episode 1, Part 4 'Sea of Darkness'--

    --Episode 2--

    7.2.1 --Episode 2, Part 1 'What Lies Below'--

    7.2.2 --Episode 2, Part 2 'Depths of Darkness'--

    7.2.3 --Episode 2, Part 3 'Dead Currents'--

    7.2.4 --Episode 2, Part 4 'Drowning'--

    --Episode 3--

    7.3.1 --Episode 3, Part 1 'Missing Friends'--

    7.3.2 --Episode 3, Part 2 'Found Enemies'--

    7.3.3 --Episode 3, Part 3 'Nowhere to Run'--

    --Episode 4--

    7.4.1 --Episode 4, Part 1 'Trinidad'--

    7.4.2 --Episode 4, Part 2 'Into the Cold'--

    7.4.3 --Episode 4, Part 3 'Deadly Cargo'--

    --Episode 5--

    7.5.1 --Episode 5, Part 1 'Operation Canyon Storm'--

    7.5.2 --Episode 5, Part 2 'Our Hidden Past'--

    7.5.3 --Episode 5, Part 3 'Desert Flames'--

    --Episode 6--

    7.6.1 --Episode 6, Part 1 'The Long Descent'--

    7.6.2 --Episode 6, Part 2 'Powerless'--

    7.6.3 --Episode 6, Part 3 'Disintegration'--

    7.6.4 --Episode 6, Part 4 'Leading the Blind'--

    7.6.5 --Episode 6, Part 5 'With Violent Intent'--


8. Congratulations

9. Mission Mode

    9.1.1 --Bonus Mission Level 1 'Killing Time'--

    9.1.2 --Bonus Mission Level 2 'Lian's First Time'--

    9.1.3 --Bonus Mission Level 3 'Shadowed'--

    9.1.4 --Bonus Mission Level 4 'Behind the Scenes'--

    9.1.5 --Bonus Mission Level 5 'Left Behind'--

10. Thank You


This is my third FAQ I have written. You may know me for my Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror

and Mortal Kombat: Unchained FAQs. If you like my Dark Mirror guide I'm sure you'll

love this guide because it will be laid out exactly the same as the other so you don't

need to get used to a new layout. I like my layout I have here and it seems everyone

else does as well. Enjoy Dark Mirror and my guide.

This FAQ is for private and personal use.  It can only be reproduced

electronically. This FAQ is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or

PROMOTIONAL purposes.  This includes being incorporated,

reprinted, or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides, etc.,

in ANY way. This FAQ was created and being maintained currently

by Richie Baker. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged

that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

Just please don't use this FAQ or walkthrough to sell or make

money please and your cooperation would be appreciated.

Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow is © Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) and

Sony Bend.


V1.0 (10/5/07) - The walkthrough was written in just one day and it

contains all the level walkthroughs and most of the hidden evidence files.

I went through the game once first and got most of them so I will restart

a second time and put down the ones I missed. I will cover the bonus missions later on,

and I still need to do the weapons dossier.


Please contact me at with the subject Syphon Filter

if you see any things I missed in the walkthrough (such as Hidden

Evidence files, or anything like that), misspelled words, or any

checkpoints I did not list. To make this easy on me just copy the whole

level with the missing part; i.e. Episode 4, Part 3, you would just put

in what you want to put in, and send me the level and I will fix it from

there. Make sure you tell me what you put in and what you did. This would

be a lot easier on me so I would appreciate it if you could submit fixes.


Gabe finds himself betrayed again when Lian is supposedly on vacation when Gabe finds

out she might be defected. Robert Cordell sends Gabe on a mission to recover a secret

government cargo only known as hold five. When Gabe tries to find it he encounters an

old nemesis known as Ghassan al Bitar. While Gabe finds out more dark secrets about

his past he becomes confused on who to trust. Is Lian really still who she says she is?

What is hold five? Who is Bitar working for, and why really is Cordell's deal?

5. --WEAPONS--



The Galil project after the Six-Day War, and the design was selected by the Israel

Defense Forces from two competing designs. The winner was based on the Finnish RK G2,

a variant of the AK-47. The Galil was designed to be a domestically-produced, main

battle rifle for the IDF, taking the best features of other rifles







Sex: Female                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Kuwait                Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: Kuwaiti                Hair Color: Brown

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one   


Proprietor, Dane Bishop Enterprises

Sex: Male                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown                Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: Australian                Hair Color: Brown

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one


Director of Development, Zhonghua Industries

Sex: Male                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Dacitan, China            Eye Color: Black

Nationality: Chinese                Hair Color Black

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one


Covert Operative

Sex: Male                    Height: 6'3"

Age: 39                        Weight: 185 pounds

Birthplace: Camden, NJ                Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American                Hair Color: Black

Games Appeared In:

Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 3

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain

Syphon Filter: Dark  Mirorr


Leader, al-Jamil

Sex: Male                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown                Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: Syrian                Hair Color: Brown

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one


Assistant Chief of Operations

Sex: Male                    Height: 6'2"

Age: 41                        Weight: 210 Pounds

Birthplace: Queenstown, South Africa            Eye Color: Black

Nationality: South African                Hair Color: Black

Games Appeared In:

Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 3

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror


Intenlligence Communications Expert

Sex: Female                    Height: 5'7"

Age: 33                        Weight: 120 pounds

Birthplace: Kashi, China            Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: Chinese                Hair Color: Black

Games Appeared In:

Syphon Filter

Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 3

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror


Special Agent

Sex: Female                    Height: 5'8"

Age: 37                        Weight: 125 pounds

Birthplace: Plymouth, England            Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: English                Hair Color: Black

Games Appeared In:

Syphon Filter 3

Syphon Filter: Omega Strain

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror


Deputy Director, National Intelligence Oversite Commitee

Sex: Male                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown                Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: American                Hair Color: N/A

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one


Colonel, Spetsnaz

Sex: Male                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia            Eye Color: Brown

Nationality: Russian                Hair Color: Brown

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one


Deputy Chief of Operations

Sex: Female                    Height: 5'6"

Age: 28                        Weight: 118 pounds

Birthplace: Phoenix, AZ                Eye Color: Green

Nationality: American                Hair Color: Brown

Games Appeared In:

Syphon Filter 2

Syphon Filter 3

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror


Special Agent, Chinese Ministry of State Security

Sex: Female                    Height: Unknown

Age: Unknown                    Weight: Unknown

Birthplace: Unknown                Eye Color: Black

Nationality: Chinese                Hair Color: Black

Games Appeared In:

This is the first one


T.1.1 --Training 1-Learn basic Agency movement and controls

These training levels are pretty much the same as in Dark Mirror. If you beat the

record in this level you unlock the FAMAS.

First just run as fast as you can all the way through the level until you get

the part where you have to crawl under the containers. Instead of doing that

face the crawl space then turn right and through the little cranny. Turn left

and climb on the brown containers in front of you. Once on top use the RTL then

go around the catwalk and you should hit it by the 1:15-1:20 mark. My fastest

time is 1:10.


T.1.2 --Training 2-Learn basic Agency combat techniques and controls

If you beat the record time you unlock the FAMAS

All you have to do is do everything as fast as you can and don't wait for Teresa to

tell you what to do. Just shoot the targets and kill everything as fast as possible.

You should be done before 3 mintues. My fastest time is 2:05.


T.1.3 --Training 3-Learn basic Agency MB 150 rifle and darts

If you don't waste one shot you unlock the .UMP

You can't waste ONE shot here. When you shoot the 3 targets don't use more than

one bullet on each one. When the 1 guy comes out for EDT DON'T miss. When the 4

guys come out DON'T miss and this can be a bit tricky. I sit right as the end

of the walkway (just before the cave) and I crouch and zoom in right where

they're coming from and hit R right when the come into sight. For the 2 Gas

Dart guys wait until they stop by where you start out, but down below, and

quickly shoot the ground between both guys and then trigger it. For the 4

Explosive Dart guys wait until they stop right where the 2 Gas Dart guys did

and shoot the ground right in the middle of them all then trigger it.


T.1.4 --Training 4-

In this training level you learn all the new spiffy stuff in Logan's Shadow such as

blind firing, a new grenade tossing system, and you can now evade grenades, you also

learn about time sensitive button sequences as well...oh and Gabe does a little jig

as well. Everything is self explanitory it's not too hard to figure out.


T.1.5 --Training 5-You will also learn new stuff in Logan's Shadow such as underwater

swimming and combat. You learn to swim underwater, shoot underwater, and even grab

enemies and pull them under. One part you'll have a hard time with is finding the

hidden evidence. It's near the ramp base in the first pool.


7.1.1 --Episode 1, Part 1 'Pirates of Somalia'--

You will start out in a helicopter mounted on a machine gun. You will circle around

the ship's deck and you have to destroy the four missile launchers. They are in the

middle and they aren't easy to miss. After you destroy them RPG will come out. Take

them out before they blow up the heli. Just keep killing everyone until you drop out of

the helicopter.


After this you will be buckled against a container. Just kill all the guys here and

run around the corner. As soon as you get down the stairs buckle against the first

container you see next to the wall and take out the two guys. After this go around the

corner and up the stairs and buckle against the rubble and take out the guys. After

this go inside the doorway and turn on your EDSU goggles and take the flashbangs.

Go around the rubble outside and Gabe will call for Alima to lower her crane. Follow

the on screen prompts and start shooting the baddies.



Turn on your EDSU goggles inside the doorway and it's on the floor on your left.

Buckle against the small containers and kill the baddies. After this shoot the RPG

on top of the ladder and remove the rubble.


After this head up the ladder and turn the valve on the door. Pick up the M4 Carbine

in the box and climb up the next ladder. Kill all the bad guys and keep climbing up.

Kill these guys and climb down. Crouch and sneak up to the guy near the ladder and

knife him. Buckle against the railing and take out the guys.


Next climb down this ladder and turn the valve on the door. Use your EDSU goggles

and the evidence is on the dead body. After this buckle against the railing and kill

the guy down below. Move left towards the vent and pry it open.


7.1.2 --Episode 1, Part 2 'Going Under'--

This is where you'll get your first taste of stealth. Don't worry though you don't have

to it's just better and easier if you do. Right at the start wait until the guy turns

away and learn out and either pop him with your silenced pistol or shoot the yellow

canister on the left. After this go down the hall and buckle against the railing.

Either use your sniper rifle or pistol and shoot the guy in the head. Next head up the

ladder and sneak behind the guy and knife him. After this head up the ladder and kill

all the guys here. Go on the crane and activate the panel.


Buckle against the railing in the crane and shoot all the guys. After this get off the

crane and a few guys will come up behind you.


After you take them out go to where you shot the guys, when you were on the crane,

and turn on your EDSU goggles. It's in the corner on the left.

After this climb up the ladder and access the panel.


After this use the RTL and drop down. Shoot the guys here and in the middle of the

fires you'll see a cart on tracks. Push the cart half way then kill the guy that drops

down. Once you've moved the cart go out and kill the rest of the guys.


7.1.3 --Episode 1, Part 3 'Ocean's Five'--

Once the level starts swim up to the boat and climb the net. Buckle against the window,

crouched, and sneak up behind the guy and knife him. After this creep around the corner

into the cabin and kill the first guy. After this (time for a laugh), push the guy's

face into the stove and hear Teresa say "Gabe, was that really neccessary?" Umm...yep!

Anyways, go back outside and go around the left and climb up the ladder. Sneak up

behind the guy and knife him. Take the C4 out of the crate and plant it in the cabin.

After this BOOK IT off the boat and swim away like mad.


Buckle behind the wall and just take out all the guys on the boat. After this swim to

the boat and board it. Take out the guys around the left corner and inside the cabin.

Plant the C4 and book it.


After this swim in the hole and take out the two guys. Swim to the left and climb up

the ramp. Go into the doorway and kill the guys and shoot the green button. Swim under

the rubble blocking your way and climb up onto the catwalk. Go around the corner and

turne the valve on the door


7.1.4 --Episode 1, Part 4 'Sea of Darkness'--

When the level starts peak around the corner and pop the guy in the head with your

silenced pistol (I hope you kept it!). Next turn sharp right and kill the guy in front

of the container. Move up a bit and kill the next guy. After this go to the gate on the

far right wall and lift the gate door. After this kill the guy in front of you and

when you round the corner. Activate the lift.


After this kill all the bad guys and open the gate in front of the big metal pallet.

Push the pallet all the way to the fence and kill the bad guys. Go to the side of the

pallet and climb it and hop over the fence.


Open the gate in front of the pallet and push it against the next fence. Climb up the

side and drop down and the evidence is in the bodybag.

Go into the doorway and slide down the ladder.


Go around the corner and kill the baddies but watch out! A pipe will explode and you

will need to turn the valve on the wall to shut it off. Kill the rest of the guys and

look up to your right and shoot the vent. Climb through the vent (Syphon Filter 2

anyone?!) and kill the guy in the room.


Next go into the hall and get the grenades and lob them in the doorway. Go down the

next hall and do the same. After this go into the elevator and activate it.


Uh oh...trouble! Time to jump ship. Just pop your head up and give Fihad a good head

shot and it's end of level.


7.2.1 --Episode 2, Part 1 'What Lies Below'--

You have to eliminate five divers before Bishop can move on. The first one is below you

and off to the right. The next one is a little higher and to the left. The third one is

a little to the left and further down but you'll have to swim closer. For the last two

you will have to swim all the way to the right and look up toward the sunken ship. They

will both be right there.


After that go ahead and move the mine out of Bishop's way by finding the handle and

tapping X. Do the same with the second mine and find the hull's weak spot. The weak

spot is the scratched up spot on the left lower corner. After this cover Bishop by

killing all the diver's that come after you.


7.2.2 --Episode 2, Part 2 'Depths of Darkness'--

When the level starts swim up to the guy kneeling and pull him down. Next climb up and

sneak up behind the guy walking and knife him. After this use the switch to take the

generator covers off. Some guys will come out so kill them. After that you need to

shoot right where the covers fell off. There are two facing you and two on the other



After this you need to kill the guys coming across the zip lines and then use it

yourself. Use the AZL and dive in the water. Swim all the way to the front (where the

zip lines were) and you'll see a red valve. After you turn it climb back up where the

zip lines are and a new doorway will open. Next you will need to climb a bunch of

archways while a ton of guys pour out. Do the same in the second hallway.


Next you need to use a missile warhead to open the door...yeah...well that's Gabe

for you. Anyways, you need to make your way around to the top and push the panel to

lower the missiles. After you do that dive down to the bottom and remove the cover.


Next make your way back up to the door and get under cover quick

because two Elite soldiers will come after you. Aim for their legs and arms since

their heads and torso are protected. After you kill them plant the explosive and move



7.2.3 --Episode 2, Part 3 'Dead Currents'--

Once the level starts sneak up behind the guy and push him into the electrical box(!).

After that climb over the archway and the pipes and knife the guy. Try to remove the

rubble but you can't After that go back and climb up where the red light is flashing.

Climb up the wall and on the catwalk and sneak behind the guy and knife him.


Right where you knife the guy.

After this push the rubble onto the floor below and jump down. Take the USAS if you

want and dive under. Turn the red valve to shut off the fans so you can go by. Climb up

and and let Bishop Boost you up.


Open the door and kill the guys ahead and tell Bishop to follow you. Kill the next set

and try to open the door. You'll be trapped so go back through the hall and you'll see

a vent on the left wall. Crawl through and sneak up behind the first guy and grapple

him. Shoot the next guy and kill the guy you're holding. Next you need to turn around,

and on the left you'll see a piece of wood blocking the door so shoot it. After that

try the panel near the yellow door and you'll have to cover Bishop while he hacks it.


Kill a few guys and then a bunch of dust will blind you. Turn on your IR goggles so you

can see.


Next you need to open the doors and go through.


Next you need to find the broken catwalk and climb it. Activate all the switching and

follow the on screen prompts.


To kill Sergei just shoot him in the head a few times. DON'T MISS! You must be very

precise. Either use you're sniper rifle or a weapon with little recoil.


This one is easy! Just kill Sergei and you'll get it automatically.


7.2.4 --Episode 2, Part 4 'Drowning'--

What you need to do is help Bishop find his sub. Just follow him around and kill all

the guys that come after you.


Next you need to find the control valve. Just turn around and you should see a downed

helicopter. Remove the valve and go back but help Bishop shoot the baddies. Install the

valve now.


Next you need to kill the enemy sub. First you'll see a ten second timer and a

discharge float down. Wait until the sub is near the charge and shoot it. Quickly swim

over and disable one of the three spots followed by on screen prompt. After this a few

guys will come after you so shoot them. Rinse and repeat two more times


7.3.1 --Episode 3, Part 1 'Missing Friends'--

Just a bit of insite for fans. This same part was calling Old Friends in Dark Mirror,

that must have been a little tidbit for fans.

Just swim on and shoot the guy standing up in the head. Head all the way down and climb

up the steps. Kill the guy in the cranny and hide there. Shoot the guys who come after

you and then use the RTL. Next climb in the hole and buckle against the railing. Kill

the two men and then use the AZL.


Next you need to raise the water level. When the guy run by just shoot the mines on the

wall and it'll make things easier. Try the switch in the booth. Something's wrong

so go in the water and run all the way down to the end and open the pipe. Run all the

way back and climb the ladder. Raise the water and get ready for a lot of baddies.


Just kill the 8 baddies or so and you're good.


Run across the bridge and buckle against the wall. Use an explosive dart on the three

men down the hall and watch out for the mines! Next you need to shoot the guys above

the hole and climb up. Open the door and sneak up to the first sniper and knife him.

Do the same with the next sniper. Make sure you get the SAW out of the crate.


Next you need to pop up and shoot the turret on the tank with the SAW. When you do

these tell him to advance and start shooting the RPG guys and the others.


7.3.2 --Episode 3, Part 2 'Found Enemies'--

Right when the cut scene starts you'll need to stay sharp. Hit the on screen buttons

quickly. First thing you need to do is just follow the agent and mow down all enemies

with your SAW. Next help her boost up into the ceiling...and yeah she tricked you.


Next you need to head out out the door on your right and kill all the baddies here.

Turn on your EDSU goggles so you don't walk into the mines! Kick open the next door and

you'll see a shell through the hole in wall. Shoot it and go in and take the Shot



Go all the way back to where the agent tricked you and continue back until you can't go

any further. Turn on your EDSU goggles and the evidence is there on the counter.

Next you need to find the fallen ceiling rubble where you kicked down the first door

and crawl underneath. Kill the two baddies and then climb up the dresser and in the

hole up top.


First you need to fight your way through and just follow the agent. Kill all the guys

in this room and then help her push the safe off the counter. Jump up and get ready for

more shooting.


Next you just need to kill all the guys coming through the door and there will be two

snipers in the window.


7.3.3 --Episode 3, Part 3 'Nowhere to Run'--

The first thing you need to do is swim up the the piece of wall and buckle against it.

Take out the guys here and buckle against where they were. Learn around and shoot the

mine on the wall to take out the first guy and do the same with the guy ahead. Make

sure you take the AU300 and shoot the guys across the way. Use the RTL.


First turn on your IR goggles and shoot the guy further away on the left. After that

quickly shoot the guy in front of you and then the guy on the right. Open the door and

untie Maggie.


Next you need to take down the chopper. When the chopper shows up tell Maggie to fire.

Make sure you hide and don't bother shooting at it because you can't do any damage.

After about three or four shots it should go down.


7.4.1 --Episode 4, Part 1 'Trinidad'--

NOTE: There are two ways to play this level. One if you fail the interrogation and one

if you don't. The first part will be for when you succeed.

Right when the man starts interrogating you press the on screen buttons. After you do

this pick up the shotgun and some ammo and pull the lever to fry the guy!!!

First sneak out down the stairs and push the guy into the box. Next sneak into the cell

hold and knife the guard and take his key. Go into the guard booth and get your gear.


Right off the bat start pumping these guys full of buckshot and head through the door.

Next go through the door and climb up the box and through the bars. Equip your

explosive darts right away and fire at one of the guards on top. Next kill the two guys

up top and the guy in the room. Climb up the box and go around and use the RTL. Shoot

the lock and drop through and use the computer.


Next you need to shoot the two guys here and crawl through the hole in the wall. Go

through the vent (turn on your NV goggles!) and drop down. Turn on your IR goggles and

open the freezer that Maggie is in.


Next you need to kill all the guys in the shower room. There are a lot so stock up on

ammo. Turn on your IR goggles and just kill everyone. The last two guys will be Elites

so use EMP darts on them. After that boost Maggie up and kick in the pipe.



7.4.3 --Episode 4, Part 2 'Into the Cold'--

First off sneak up behind the guard and knife him. Go around the corner and knife the

next guard. After this boost Maggie up to the ledge.


You need to protect Maggie so fend off the 10 or so guys.


Next you need to turn on your IR goggles and you can sneak behind some of the guys and

knife them. If you get scene just gun them all down but there are a lot. After this

Head on up the hill and shoot down these guys here. It's best to use the EXP darts

here. After that a transport truck will come through so use an EXP dart on it or just

shoot it up.


This will be the first time you play Maggie Powers in the Syphon Filter series and the

first time you switch characters in this game. This is just like the first levels in

Dark Mirror where you covered Lian. Just snipe all the baddies and tell Gabe to move.

The last wave, however, has full body armor so shoot their legs.


You will need to blow up the tank so just run from cover to cover zig-zagging and

you'll be fine. Pop up and shoot the baddies and there and just run right up to the

tank. On the right are the explosives so plant them and run.


7.4.4 --Episode 4, Part 3 'Deadly Cargo'--

The first thing you need to do sneak up behind the guy in front and knife him. After

that sneak up behind the guy on the right and knife him. Next climb up the ladder and

open the door. Knife both these guys in this room and head through both doors. Here you

can either use an EXP dart or just knife the guy in front of you first then the guy

on the computer. Don't worry he won't know you killed him (even though he's RIGHT next

to him!).


Right there next to the computer (The evidence doesn't seem to be hidden anymore does


Head through the door.


Go ahead and just bolt it to Maggie. Don't bother sneaking because it won't work

anyways. Go through all three rooms before the time runs out and you'll be ok.


Next head through the door and open the hatch on the floor.


Go ahead and just kill these guys and the same around the corner. Crawl through the

space and go through the maze of crates killing baddies. Once the door open it's time

to eliminate Kudrenko.


This is easy. Equip an EXP dart and shoot his leg. Blam. He's gone.


7.5.1 --Episode 5, Part 1 'Operation Canyon Storm'--

First off shoot all the guys that are near the tank and the one sniper up top.


Next buckle against the tank and use your sniper rifle to kill these guys off and

watch for the one RPG.


Follow behind the tank and as soon as you have an enemy in your sights tell him to

fire. Tell him to fire on the guy in the ground and you snipe the two guys in top.

Next tell him to fire on the guy outside the barb wire.


Next you need to equip your EDSU goggles and disarm the mine in front of you. After

that tell the tank to fire on the turrets and shoot the guys that come after you.


Next you need to take out all the RPGs and baddies on the right then two up top

and in front of you. Disarm the mine and continue on.


Disarm that mine. (Geez! Why do they call it hidden?)


Next you need to blow up the blockade so have the tank shoot the turrets and you take

care of the rest.


7.5.2 --Episode 5, Part 2 'Our Hidden Past'--

When the level starts switch to your sniper rifle and pop the guys above you. Use

EXP darts on guys that are close to each other. After you take them out head around

the tank and kill off all these guys.


After this head out and buckle against the wall here. Use your sniper rifle and take

out these guys. After that head out and climb the cliff near the flak jacket crate.

Once atop use the RTL and shoot the two guys ahead of you. Climb up some more and

buckle against the slab. Kill these guys and then use the RTL. After that use the AZLs

and RTLS and get down to the downed soldier. Kill the guys and you're one step closer

to Lian.


Next you need to call in air strikes. Start from the right but after you call out the

first one guys zip down to you watch out. After you call them all in it's time to move



Next you need to cover Boomer while he makes you a cave...start off by keeping the guys

off that turret gun and head down the pathway.


On the dead body near where Boomer is making the hole. (Ok I give up already...)

Next you need to man the turret and just kill all the guys here. There will be goons

Zipping down left and right and two Elites at the end so stay sharp.


7.5.3 --Episode 5, Part 3 'Desert Flames'--

First off equip your EXP darts and nail the two guys in front of you. After that shoot

the barrel near the guy afar and then kill the guys up top. Push the cart all the way

to the back wall but you will stop often and have to kill off some baddies. Your EXP

darts work well here.


Shoot the orange hook on the handing crate and climb up into the cave. It's on a box

in the back. (Well that was kind of hidden...).

Climb up the cart and kill the guys in the hall while their doing their little al-Jamil

rap. Kick open that damn door!


Next you need to find Lian's cell. Run through here and shoot up all these guys and

kick down the two doors here. She's not here. Next go in the last room and climb up the

boxes. Go around and climb through the window and use the RTL. Some guys here so take

them out. Use the last RTL and kick down the door here...yep there she is!


Head back into Lian's cell and it's on the chair (Well it started to work...).


Use the RTL and lift up the vent for Lian (Wow I didn't know Gabe was that strong).

Next kill off the baddies here.



Go up to the map on the wall and it's right there (Nope this game is way too easy).

Next you need to head out and push the cart over.


This one is pretty easy. Just tell Lian to shoot and you shoot his knees. When he's

down shoot the pack on his back. Rinse and repeat until he's dead.


7.6.1 --Episode 6, Part 1 'The Long Descent'--

First off dive into the water and swim down. You'll see a red valve and you'll need to

turn it to shut the currents off. Shoot the diver in the head with your pistol. After

this climb up on the middle platform and dive down on the other side. Turn the next

valve and then climb up on the steps to the right of it.


Next buckle against the pillar on the right side and take out the two guys. Remember

these guys have full body armor so aim for the legs. Next take out the next two guys

and turn on your EDSU goggles. Find the lock on the right most gate and shoot it.

Next you need to plant three charges. Shoot the lock on each grate on the right.

After every detonation a goon will come after you. After you do that head toward the

middle tower and climb up the ladder. RTL across.


Next you need to RTL across and kill the baddies here. After this shoot the lock on

the gate and shoot the three goons here. After that try the panel but you need the key.

Shoot the guy that comes through the door and take his keycard. Activate the panel and

you will probably have to kill all the guys first then come back and reactivate the

panel. Anyways, head up the ramp and hop the railing.


7.6.2 --Episode 6, Part 2 'Powerless'--

First off go in the water and dive down. Swim up and climb up the ledge on your left.

Hop over and quickly smash the guy's head into the wall. Open the and kill the two

guys down the hall. Climb up the ladder and kill the guy below. Use your sniper rifle

and shoot the guys further away.


Climb up the ladder where you sniped the guys and it's on the platform.

Next head through the door and use either a gas or EXP dart on the two guards. head

through the door and kill the armored goon. Use the access panel and shoot the three

canisters on the cylinder.


Head back the way you came by going out the door and up the ladder.


Once you hear the guards talking you'll see a pool of water near some pipes on your

right. It's in there.

Wait for the guard to come out of the room and knife him. After that head shoot the

guy leaning on the railing. Next go out the door on the right and turn your IR

goggles on. The guard will push the door open so don't stand in front of it! When he

turns away sneak up behind him and knife him. The guy near the wall can get his head

bashed in. Next jump down in the water and swim through the tunnel. Turn your EDSU

goggles on and shoot the mines.


There will be a guy dead at the bottom of this pool. It's on him. Also there is one

when you climb out of this pool near the ammo crate.

Next swim through the next tunnel like before and climb out. The canisters you need

to shoot are above you so stand in each walkway and look up. Shoot them and it's time

to override the elevator.


Next go through the door and run back to the area with the access panel. Kill all the

baddies (there's a lot) and hit the panel.


Next two AS Armor guys will come out so wait near the button next to the panel and when

they come in the water fry them. When they are down shoot their packs. Take the keycard

and head toward the elevator.


7.6.3 --Episode 6, Part 3 'Disintegration'--

First off shoot the canister right in front of you to kill that guy. Next buckle

against the wall and kill all three goons. After that buckle against the right wall and

shoot the canister behind him. You will have to unlock the door so turn on your EDSU

goggles and DON'T walk in front of the door or you'll blow up. go up to the desk first.


Next go down the hall and keep your EDSU goggles on. There are laser mines here so use

them to kill the guards. You will run into some fog that you can't see through no

matter what so just try your best to go through it.


Next you need to crouch and go around to the left. Sneak up behind the guy and knife

him. Next you will see a patrolling goon below you. Drop down and knife him. Next you

have to climb up the steps where you killed the first guy here and attach the hook.


Next shoot the guy up top and go around to the stairs. Kill the next guy and climb up

the ladder. Go through with your EDSU goggles and avoid all laser mines. Wait until

Trinidad gives you the passcode and use it.


Next three guys will be off to your right so take them out. Use a scoped weapon and

take out the guy ahead of you. After that go through the doors and a sniper will show

up ahead of you. Buckle against the railing and head shoot him. Run across the crane

and you will see a red object sticking out of the corner (Use your EDSU) remove it.


Shoot the guys across the way and the head across the crane.


Go around to the right and shimmy across the pipe. Climb down the boxes and it's behind


Next go down the walkway and kick open all the doors. This hallway has red smoke so

equip the IR goggles and kill the three baddies here. Once you climb the ladder you'll

have to AR armor guys and this is tough. Aim for the knees and shoot the pack. Be

very quick and hide.


7.6.4 --Episode 6, Part 4 'Leading the Blind'--

This is it the final showdown. Get the flak jacket if you need to and turn around

because a guy will jump behind you. Man the turret and you need to shoot the

hydrolic canisters on the back of Bitar's cart. You also have to kill the snipers on

the right side of you. After you destroy them you need to shoot the last canister on

the side. After that unmount and buckle against the railing behind the turret. You will

see a blue light in Bitar's cart. Shoot it and he will die.


CONTRATULATIONS!! You beat Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow! Play the game on Hard to

unlock more bonus missions.


--Bonus Missions--



Thank you for reading my FAQ and walkthrough and I hope it helped.

© Richie Baker All Rights Reserved
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