Lost Planet FAQ/ Walkthrough
















*LOST PLANET: Extreme Condition*



Lost Planet Walkthrough and Guide

For Xbox 360

Version 1.15 (7/25/07)

Written by Brad Russell "TheGum" (email at bottom)


Version 1.0 - walkthrough and all the good stuff, doubt I will include the

targets for now. (1/18/07)

Version 1.1 - added worm, easy list, and little stuff. (2/1/07)

Version 1.15 - updated the contact info (7/25/07)


Table of Contents


Use Ctrl + F and type in the code

1. A Brief Foreword

2. Controls/skills/tips con123

3. Weapons/Vital Suits wea123

4. Enemies ene123

5. Walkthrough wal123

Little Lost Soldiers lls000

The Hive Nearby thn111

The Hive thv112

Pirates on Ice poi121

Pirate Hive phv122

Lost Level llv131

King of the Hill koh141

The Climb Part Deux cpd151

Urban Disturbance urd161

Breaking the Surface bts171

Dam Defenses dam172

Flies to the Fire ftf181

To the Volcano Dome tvd182

Raid the Volcano rtv191

Just Passing Through jpt1101

Into the Enemy Lair iel1102

The Ascent tas1111

6. Boss Guide bos123

7. Targets tar123

8. Credits/Copyright/other


* 1. A Brief Foreword *


Happy New Year, the first full year of the next generation of gaming. Lost

Planet is one of the first big titles of the year. Here I am again to help

those in need.

This guide is a walkthrough. I am here to get you through the game in one play

on the normal setting. I don't care for covering multiplayer because if you

beat the game, then you should be able to frag noobs. I also will try to avoid

delving into the harder difficulties since I am not here for the highly skilled

gamer; I myself will need help on Hard.

I feel a bit mild toward this game, but I am not here for me, I am here for

you. I know I got some valuable tips to share, so let's get to it.


PS - things don't look good for the PS3, what a shame. I hope some good games

come out quick.


* 2. Controls/Skills/Tips con123 *





I add the controls because some people don't have the books.

A - jump

B - action/melee

X - anchor (I call it a hook, sounds cooler)

Y - change weapon

LS - move (click to crawl)

RS - aim (click to reload)

D-Pad - zoom and light

LB - turn

RB - turn

LT - grenade

RT - fire gun

Start - pause

Back - PDA (not useful at all, stupid time)




Here are the tricks you can perform.

Press the left or right trigger while hooking to perform an attack with that


Crouch and press jump to roll, though it ain't much help.

You can run and shoot almost directly behind you.

That may be it.




My observations about gameplay.

*enemies all mostly just in the way, and killing them is usually optional, but

do so most of the time.

*turn off the aim helper, found in the PDA.

*make sure you reload single shot weapons like the rocket launcher, for some

very smart reason the weapons don't reload automatically.

*stay in motion when fighting, it is your only hope.

*entering and exiting a VS will not damage either of you if you are under


*be careful not to exit a mech when trying to pick up a weapon.

*put weapons on mechs by putting the empty side over the gun.


I'll add more as I think of them.


* 3. Weapons/Vital Suits wea123 *


Not many weapons in this game, oh well.




Machine Gun


Standard weapon, but good all the same. Should keep at all times.



Of course this is the close range gun, but I only used it early on when the

Dongos were plentiful.



Long range weapon (press up or down on d-pad). Can give you head shots, but

this gun sucks when close. I prefer the long range of the machine gun to


Rocket Launcher


Should almost always have in the second slot. Kills mechs in a hurry, and it

does the same to Akrid. Just a cool gun.

Energy Gun


Shoots homing balls of plasma. Use if you wish, but don't forget to charge up

some shots.

Res says that a charged shot will knock a pilot out of a mech.

Plasma Gun


Swap the machine gun for this puppy. This thing can take out everything in

decent time, even VSs. Just slower to deliver all that damage, but good all

the same.






Basic type, nothing special. Keep these over the rest as there are just more

of them.



Really cool to use, but they aren't that fast. And not many in the game.



They stick to things, and that's it; take a while to blow up.



Not as strong as the rest, but they freeze targets for a while. Not many of

these either.




So I can have something else, but also so you can try out the moves to see

which suit you have.


A - Hover

Y - Dash

X - chainsaw thing


A - Hover

Y + LS - slide dash

GTF-13M (sled transformer)

Y - transform

A - Accelerator

X - Brake

LB - Jump Boost in sled


A - double jump

Y -vertical long jump

X - smoke screen



LT - cannon

RT - drill

X - drill dash

Y - transform

(the weapons can't be changed)


* 4. Enemies ene123 *


Yeah, there is one page in the book on enemies, but I will do better than that.

Kill all big enemies by shooting at the red weak spots, where ever those are.



They come from holes and don't do much. They can jump at you, or toss little

blobs at you, and they attack by opening their flaps. I call them bugs because

all they do is get in the way.

There are these red ones that show up toward the end of the game. They can

blow you up, so kill them quickly.



Or buggers. They are the pests of the sky. Not much damage either, but destroy

their holes as well.



They attack by rolling into wheels and charging at you. Dodge or jump out of

the way. Grenades and shotguns can kill them directly and when they are in

groups, but the weak spot is on their tails.



Come in medium and large. Weak spots on legs and on the tail between their

legs (yo!). You can just back away from these things and fire, and that tends

to buy you time. Either avoid the bigger ones, or quickly take out the tail or

you will take heavy damage. The big ones also have a ranged attack.



Only a few here and there. Same story, aim for the abdomen. They have a missile

attack which is easy to avoid, but the eletrical charge is not.



Aim for the weak spot before they launch their needles.



Tough these things are. Blow the tail before it can stab you for massive damage

and the rest will be easy.

Bomb Bags


Big round things with feelers on the bottom. They blow up in your face, so kill

them before they reach you; and they can be either slow or fast.

Snow Pirates/Soldiers


Headshots count on all humans. No difference between the two types. They aren't

that smart either, it takes ten to give them a chance.

Vital Suits


Not as tough when you have some rockets, or the plasma gun. Some can have the

pilots shot to free the mech.


* 5. Walkthrough wal123 *


Be sure to comb over the stuff before this section, just in case.

You may run into little coins throughout the game, ignore them unless you want

to hunt them down. I have a few at the end of this guide, but I am of no help

later on, so you will be on your own. Just forget about it!




Little Lost Soldiers lls000


Follow your partner to the room and grapple to the catwalk by pressing the X

button when your crosshair is on the ledge. Continue, wait, and then you can

hop down the hole to auto-hook, press X near the ground to let go.

Kill the Dongo (stupid name) or let your mates do it, just take note of the big

red weak spot and the little red goo that falls out. That, as you read, is

basically the timer and health of the game; so pick it up, but know that these

tiny puddles of the stuff are almost not worth it, almost. Keep following and

kill the many Trilid that fly your way, but don't worry about killing them all.

Focus, instead, on the two holes they emerge from; and note that they get a

darker red as you fire, that will happen for all weak spots on the Akrid.

Press B to turn on the Data Post. Watch the scene, but don't freak out, you

will not fight this thing. Instead, follow the arrow on the posts and follow

a buddy up a ramp inside a building; ignore the Trilid along the way. And do

not look out the side window for too long, or else you will miss the spot where

you need to hook up. Keep going and follow your buddies to another post.

Activate it and then jump into the first VS of the game. Follow the others to


NOT! Now, you fight him! No, not that either. All I can say is don't die, which

I think is impossible since the fight ends as soon as the monster approaches





The Hive Nearby thn111


Go to the small VS and hop in. Round the corner and destroy the two holes, and

be keen to spot the little bugs in the snow. Don't get out for the gun in the

snow, just walk up a bit until a Chryatis pops up. Uh, shoot the big red thing

between his legs to kill him (that would be my weak spot too). Get out by the

door, get the shotgun, and go in. Kill the bugs in here as you see fit; either

run and gun with your shotgun, or make things easy and kill everything from

far away with your machine gun. Activate the post and grab enough ammo and

grenades to be close to full. And don't forget you have grenades, don't be like


Come out and look to the left for a dig spot, get the rocket launcher and swipe

it for the shotgun (be sure to switch back to the other gun, or you will forget

and shoot a rocket). Go toss a few grenades at the hole in the warehouse, and

then go inside until another Chryatis shows up. Just keep a sight on him and

fire as you run back outside; he gets stuck, but this guy is not that tough on

foot, so don't be scared.

Head back inside and go to the other side, get the rockets in the closet, and

then open the by shooting the barrels next to them. Okay, you can run outside

and kill all Dongos by shooting their tails or whatever, or you can just hook

up to the data post behind them and leave them be; up to you. Turn the thing on

and go where it points. Go up further and act as if you are going to jump off

the cliff. This is so the big guy up ahead will do so instead. Up the path will

be another, but be patient and wait and see if the rocks will kill him (you

have to get a bit close), and if they don't then you just need to finish him

off (some trap boulders where the other committed suicide). Keep on going, pick

up the third rocket, and then just shoot your way into the cave, so don't try

to kill all the pests.

The Hive thv112


Go into the open as I could not find away to the right. Shoot the holes on

the bridge, ignore the big gun, and turn on the post, up to you if you want

that energy gun. I decided to let them all hit me since it does very little

damage and they keep coming. So head up the bridge and then fall off where the

ledge is directly below, and go ahead and grab some goo from the red pods as

you make your way to the next post. Go where it points, toward the hive, but

have your rockets in hand as you cross the narrow bridge.


BOSS - Wheel Tank

I'll call this guy the Wheel Tank - oh yes, that is a great name. Anyway, start

by jumping into the nearest VS and then make sure you pick up some other weapon

on your empty arm (you have to position the new gun on the side it will go to,

or else it will replace the other gun).

When he lands in the center, you should hover to his back side and be firing at

his weak spot on the tail while in the air. You should fire as you land as

well. He may turn, he may get stuck, he may follow you, whatever he does you

need to keep firing at that spot. The best is when he sticks his claws into the

wall because you get mucho time with the tail. Whenever he is turning toward

you, you should go to the air and get back behind him; if for nothing else, at

least fire as you are in the air.

Hopefully, he dies before he starts rolling up the walls. If he doesn't, then

you need to try your best to keep and eye on his movements, you need to stay

away from the center, and you need to be in the air as he rolls to the ground

behind you. Just do your best to avoid taking a direct strike and you will be

fine. If the worst happens and he gets you a lot, just hop into the other suit

and finish the fight.

Just be still as he attempts a last blow.





Pirates on Ice poi121


Go forward to the data post and just know that there are many weapons and ammo

in the immediate area. When you venture into the open street be ready for a

big onslaught of Dongos (I hate typing this word). Grenades and shotgun shells

can handle them all, you don't even need to be anywhere close to accurate, just

toss and shoot like crazy. Turn on the post and continue onward. Get rid of the

lone bug and keep on. The shotgun is good for Dongos because it stops their

roll, just dive out of the way yourself.

Watch for two more to roll down from the right rooftops as you go forward. Two

more pop up from the ground as you near another post, then get ready for a

Chryatis when you reach the post; then yet another as you near the living door.

Collect some goo to the next post, shoot as many of the buggers in the air, but

don't leave the read square next to the door. Seams like part of the eye candy,

but if you start shooting it, it will open and give you a nice surprise. Hop

into the mech and kill the Chryatis as you walk down the street; don't hit the

cars and junk, or else you will take a lot of damage.

When you round the corner you will see humans fighting the Akrid. Sadly, they

are the snow pirates and they will attack you. So you should kill the first

three and then the Chryatis. Look to the right and take out the tower with your

mech's machine guns. Go forward for another four-legged Akrid, take out the

pirates behind him, turn to the left and bring down another tower, but through

all this, don't get too caught up in hunting each one down; just shoot the ones

in the way and go into the ruined building. Eject from the VS, take out the

group of enemies, and then begin hooking your way up, but don't forget the free

energy in the post outside.

I don't really know if there are other routes, but hook to a pointy cement

thing sticking out of the snow, hook to a half floor, kill two guys you can see

above you, hook to a floor that is by the window side of the building, hook to

the floor near the other side, then kill two more guys by the windows, and

then get onto the bridge from there.

Kill the guys in the distance and turn on the post. Keep up, kill some guys in

the distance, but don't miss the new mech to the right. It is a sled thing that

may help you cross the gap; if you fall, you can not get out of the pit. You

don't need the thing, but you have to jump boost from one side of the broken

bridge to another. Either way, kill all the guys on the other side and keep on

going; don't let guys hide behind crates. Use the rifle near the post at the

end to snipe out the remaining pirates (push up on the D-pad). Carefully

cross the support to get to the end, and you get a choice when the mech shows

up. You can fight him like a moron, or you can hook up to the wrecked train and

enter the tunnel. No reward for killing it anyway.

NOTE: having the rifle and the machine gun is a good idea.

Pirate Hive phv122


I don't know the numbers of enemies, but all I know is that you have two

options here as well. You can snipe enemies from afar, they usually come in

pairs, and they are usually on both sides and in the center of the tunnel; this

option takes a while, but you get time to activate a post. The other option is

for you to take the high road and just get to the exit. Or you can combine the

two. Whatever you decide, you will end up in the enemy's stronghold.

Grenades are key in this area, to quickly dispatch enemies. Now, you can run

through and get to the end without any combat, but I advise at least clearing

out some of the pulp. Start by tossing a grenade to the three in front of you,

handle all the guys that fall as you move up, and then go to the left in the

trenches. There are a bunch of fellas around these buildings, but you need the

rocket on the top of the big building. Get it and take out the two big turrets

across the way, then finish off the lone mech on the ground. That should be

enough to clear a path, so do whatever you like, but just start making your

way to the big gate. Cross the trenches, take the right path, handle the

falling men, run up the steps, and unless you are desperate for energy, just

make a dash for the red door across the bridge. There were two purple energy

posts that you could have had, but you shouldn't need them.


BOSS - Mech 1 "The Jumper"

Battle starts with some minions, so get the mech in the snow to the left and

go to town on the mechs. When about one is dead the boss mech should show up

in the center. Make sure the other mechs are dead first, then focus on the


Well, it is a mech. It jumps around and fires back at you. All I did was keep

both my gatling guns on it, stopped when it jumped high, and resumed when it

landed. I believe that the missiles it fires can be shot from the air as they

leave the launcher on its shoulder; so keep the crosshairs at that spot. I

was able to kill it before my ammo ran out, but there is plenty around if you

do. And don't worry about the men on the ground, they don't cause much damage.

Another mech if your's breaks. Easier than the last fight.





Lost Level llv131


Okay, this is a weird mission. I'll tell you what I did. The first time, I took

the the very most left side of the big field and I encountered nothing. I

reached the end and simply followed the wall to the building. The second time,

I took the right side of the field. I hugged the wall the whole way, but this

side was full of Trilid and constant lurking by the worm. But I still made it

with no real conflict. Regardless, I am shocked that you don't even do anything

here with the worm; I don't even know if you can fight it.

Either way, you should get at least two data posts, the first one and maybe the

one behind the worm when it pops up.

Get onto one of the sled mechs when the mission starts. Don't dilly around in

the first area, just grab a gun, get the post, and get on the mech. Go

through the opening to the right and the worm will break your ride. I could get

the nearby energy post, so you should too. I don't know about you, but I would

go to the far left side of the field and just make my slow way to the end;

if you manage to find and get a mech to the field in one piece, use it.

Whatever you do, you need to go to the windows near the run down building in

the corner. And that is it.


HIDDEN BOSS - The Frost Worm

Okay, can't avoid his attack on your sled. After that, I'll just offer what I

know as of now.

The thing has a bunch of weak spots, six on the tail and head, but also it

seems that there are a few that you can't normally reach. The six (twelve in

all) weak spots on both halves are your main focus. These spots take quite a

lot of bullets to pop, or a rocket. The upper ones are not hard to spot, but

the darn snow and constant movement of the worm will make the lower ones very

hard to hit; do your best and just try to hit the spots through the snow.

During the fight you need to be running around the monster, not only to see

the spots but also to avoid its lunge attack. The tail will only shoot slow

bombs at you, so keep moving and these will miss. If you go too far from the

worm it will blow some ice rocks at you, but these aren't too bad. And try

to stay around the front area and in the valley area, just don't pass the

line of the dam or the worm will go away, possibly to be replaced by a new


All I did was shoot out the weak spots on the head and tail. This took a long

time, so be patient, and nothing you can do about the Trilid pestering you.

Also, keep an eye on your heat; there are two posts around the front, and

don't let the ooze from the popped spots go to waste. Once the twelve zits

are popped, go pick up the rocket (to the right and in the snow of the post

near the walls) and shoot one into the worm's mouth when it roars. It will

roar when it pops up and you go back a bit, but not too far or it will launch

ice at you.

I here that you only need to shoot a rocket into its mouth, but that did not

work for me. Also, some have said that the vital suits will help too; I was

too scared to go behind the walls to get one, in case the worm went away. You

are free to try both. Once one goes down (you can tell by it falling to the

ground) another one will replace it. You only claim the achievement when you

beat the true boss. Don't let the other one get you while you are running, just

keep an eye on it.

This achievement is tough, and the hardest fight in the game. Not required, so

if you don't want to fight, don't.



BOSS - Mech 2 "The Pink One"

This mech is considerably tougher than the last, but with some luck you can

win the day in just as easy a fashion. Here is the key to victory: you need

to be in the air as she fires a rocket. Tentatively, she goes: machine gun,

laser, and then rocket, and then she jumps in the air. If jumping in the air

all the time works best, then do it, but finding out when she fires a rocket

and when she fires the laser will do you good. I can't really say I know the

perfect routine, but simply stay in the air and last as long as possible.

You should fire the machine gun at all times, whether you hit or not, at least

use the ammo. Use the rockets only after she has landed, and only when you are

certain you will hit; you don't have time to miss, but it won't really be the

end of the world. I could use up my rockets and a lot of bullets before losing

my mech, but there are more weapons on the ground for your mech. However, I

would not advise getting anything unless you got a lot of health and will be

able to use the weapon; so don't get new stuff if your robot is about to blow.

I don't know what will happen for you, but I always lose my VS. If you had some

rockets of your own, then you should use them. But even better is the big VS

rocket launcher on the ground. If she has a small block of health left, one

big rocket will end the fight. To be honest, I can't guarantee what will happen

when you lose the mech. Your goal with the mech is to bring down her health as

much as you can so that you don't have to do much on foot.

NOTE: if there is another mech in the area, use it, I never had a chance to






King of the Hill koh141


Blast away the two holes in front of you, then run up and take out the third

on the left with a grenade. Come back for a gun on the ledge before proceeding.

Round the corner and let the Dongo fall down, then you need to hook up to the

left and then shoot down the boulders above the fourth hole. Grab the gum

grenades and stick one to the hole if it is not finished, then put two of these

suckers on the next two holes (up high and on the wall). Turn on the post and

grab the gun, then go into the hole in the ground; and just watch out for the

bombs that drop in the area, so get in the hole quickly, but don't miss the

rocket in the corner.

Lots of bug holes in here, so stay on the line and take them all out before

letting go, but dropping down is not too bad as they are pretty slow. Collect

ammo and energy then head out. This next part is no fun. There are a ton of

guys around the room, and then there are two VS units waiting for you. And

once you get in the room, two Dongos show up. I don't know how the game makers

thought this was a good idea, but make the best of it. I chose to kill the

first mech who waits by the entrance, but you have to take out all visible

pirates first. This wouldn't be so hard if it weren't for the smoke caused as

the mech fires at the wall. I think this is a glitch for many reasons, but

whatever. Somehow manage to blow it up, whether with grenades, rockets, or

by letting the other kill it for you as it tries to kill you, but whatever

you do, just stay safe at one end of the little hallway. The coast is clear

when you can see the other end again. Kill the other mech and more guys, but

do not pass the plane of the post. In other words, don't go past the data post

or you will alert the Akrid.

Turn on the post, hook up to the top of the crates, hook to the crane, and

then jump as far as you can to the other side; no big deal if you miss, just

hook up quickly and get out of here, leave the Akrid to the pirates. Drop out

from the window after the big thing flies by. Take out the three pirates before

moving on, then get onto the platform below. Hook up to where they were when

you near the destroyed part of the track and just run up the path. Be ready to

take out as many Trilid as you can when you near the door.

Activate the post, grab the gun, and jump into the new mech. Apparently this

thing does not shoot and jump at the same time, so don't try it. The series of

jumps here can be frustrating with all the beasts around. From the start, press

Y and get to the next level where you can take out a bunch of Trilid. Then do

another boost jump to the next level, go around the barrels and double jump to

the next ledge, and then again to another close ledge. Shoot the containers

on the next ledge and jump to it, then boost up again, then double jump across

the way to where you almost get out. Under the opening on top, position

yourself so you can clear the boost jump out of this platforming nightmare.

Go toward the next post and get out. Get the post up, and then free the fresh

mech from the snow (I don't know why I never tried digging, I always toss a

grenade). Get to the incline in the corner and boost up to the boss.


BOSS - The Hornet

You want to attack this guy when he is still in the air. He will be still

after moving to a new location and before he performs another attack. The

set of missiles your VS brings will be the best during this time. And that is

pretty much it as far as attack. I hope you remember the weak spot is red.

*NOTE: when he goes far away, you need to hide behind the big rock.

As for defense, you need to use the central rock pillar as your shield for

everything he throws at you. But this is especially hard when he is directly

above you, so just take your licks. Stay on the move and try to last as long

as possible. When the tail goes red, he becomes much faster and will not need

much more to die. One rocket from the launcher on top of the pillar will kill

him at this point.





The Climb Part Deux cpd151


There are things from here to the top, so grab what you wish. Run to forward

and look up the slope so you can start firing at a bug hole between some of

the ruins. Then hook up to the platform with the first data post, and then

get over to the next solid ground where should quickly duck for cover as some

boulders will roll down. Destroy the hole and then look up to grapple up to get

to the next level, and then take cover from another avalanche. Blow up another

hole and look over the nearest gap to the next solid ground. Don't hook to

the thing with the grenade on it and think you will be on top of that; use the

jump you get coming up to throw yourself over the fixture and to the other

platform. Immediately look up and watch for the rocks, hope they work for you,

but hope they don't come for you. More holes and some ammo, so finish up and

head near the big gun and look to the next ledge from there. When you get up,

hug the wall and take out the bugs, collect ammo, and then look above you one

last time to reach the top. No where to go but inside.

*NOTE: I say bring the energy gun this time.

Run out and begin laying into the mass of bugs, but you will notice a new one.

These are mini hornets and they are worth paying special attention. Keep

running until you near the VS and you see two worm things pop up. You should

kill these quickly before they blow their tops. Then hop in the machine and

start your ascent where you will run into more worms and hornets. Three worms

get the jump on you as you near the first hole. As you approach some spikes

that hang overhead, three more worms will rull rocks at you, so avoid, and

then two hornets fly in. Take out everything with double guns and move on,

where you find more worms, hornets, and spikes at the same time. Enter the

small tunnel and swap your old suit for a new one after you get the post up.

Go out and jump to the other rock ledge where the post is pointing. Pick up

the gun, energy, and then drop down all the holes until you reach a room with

a big ice pillar in the center. No, boss, not yet. Go to both sides of the room

and fit your (should be) new VS with double chain guns and get all the heat you

can (just step on the pods). Open the living door and drop in on the party.


BOSS - Thorax

This battle is very simple. You shoot the weak spots on both legs until each

are gone, then you blast the weak spot on the head. Don't worry about what he

is doing, there are two more fully equipped VSs in this room. You just keep

both triggers pulled and the crosshair on the weakspots. I'm sure those tiny

spikes on his body are for something, but don't concern yourself. Both legs

will regenerate, but you just keep firing away. This bug will fall after you

get him on the ground about three times, and damage to the legs seem to count

too, so you got this guy easy.

And be sure to hit the frozen corpse.





Urban Disturbance urd161


I'll be honest, you can run to the end of this first part and be ready for the

boss. You need to fire as you run, but you can't stop and you got to ignore

all the stuff. Just convert the first data post, run into the streets and don't

stop, kill a few pirates in your way, take a left and avoid getting stuck, try

to kill the rocket guy, go toward the end, ignore the mech and do your best

to get around it, run past everyone in the doorway, hook up to the burning

trash, and then you are home free. The hooking part may be trouble, but by then

you can probably stop to kill a few guys.

The alternative is to take each inch of the streets with some thought and

skill. Ammo is low, there is a mech on top of something, there are plenty of

goons to swarm you, and then there is a free mech before you reach the door.

I'll bet there is a VS somewhere in this city, but you could at the least run

past the final mech. Have fun either way.

After the scene, you are in a brand new mech. This thing is darn near perfect,

but you have no enemies to test it on. Just use your boosters (Y) and reach the

end quickly; just make sure you grab as much ammo as you find.


BOSS - Green Eye

Now you are fighting this guy. Despite the expectations set by the first part

of the mission, this is the hardest boss of the game; mainly because it

demands the most amount of skill from you. I will describe something that is

very easy for me, but you may need a few tries to get this down.

Green Eye has eight weak spots on both sides of his back. When those are gone

he will reveal four more on his head, and then those will lead to one big one

in the same place. Sounds easy enough, but this guy brings ice missiles that

must be avoided. And you need to find the central platform on the side of the

center building. It is located on the side that Green Eye began from, and is

not that big. This platform is crucial because it is above ground and it is

your best launching point for taking to the air. Also, you shouldn't need

any extra weapons.

Start by getting in some shots at the spots on the side that faces you, but

then quickly jump and hover to the central platform as you take some more shots

at him. If you keep a constant steam of bullets, you should hit the ice

missiles before they get you. Try to follow him for as long as you can (Y), but

eventually he will either pull away, or you will get all four weak spots on his

inner side. Keep following around the center and hope he will flip directions

after passing the platform. If he does not, then you need to hover to that side

and take out the weak spots by jumping fanatically to avoid the ice; stay in

the corner or by the wall, he will back-ram you if you go behind him.

However they fall, with those spots gone the next set will appear on his head.

This is when he will go berserk and become much faster and much more fierce.

He will sometimes crawl around the center, he will often ram into the walls

regardless if you are there, and his ice attack gets faster. You need to

keep moving and it should be in the air. Just be as quick as you can before

his attacks start to work. If you are quick enough, you may not realize when

the big spot shows up. Once it does you need to go all out and send whatever

you have left at that point.

All that sounds simple, but you need to be able to move in the air, fire and be

accurate, know when to jump on the platform, and you must be in motion to

avoid the ice. The ice is a killer for two reasons: it can put you in a cycle

where you are hit and don't get up for a while, and it covers your vision.

You don't get a second mech, and neither are you allowed to finish the fight

on foot. If you are having trouble, just know that being airborne and not

wasting much ammo are keys to a quick victory.





Breaking the Surface bts171


First, activate the post. More options in this level too. I don't know if the

four mechs HAVE to be stopped, but they are in your way. The immediate area

at the start is full of VS units, men, as well as many guns. You could

possibly kill all the enemies in this area with a little patience and a lot of

skill, as well as luck. Try at your own risk.

But I chose to try a different tactic. From the moment the mission starts, go

behind the walking mechs; don't worry about being shot at, just run. You should

be behind the last one when it is near a raised platform and should turn around

to meet you. Run around it, from its back, and then start shooting at the metal

container behind the platform (just like the one you found in the pirate city).

Jump in the mech and start making progress toward the opening down the path.

There is another container, a mech on a truck, a mech in the open, and another

mech toward the doorway at the end. In order to safely get to the end you need

to destroy a couple of the mechs in your way, and that may mean going through

a few more suits. The small ones won't last long, but you should be able to

cause havoc with the big one that has two rocket launchers. Don't really worry

about the soldiers, unless you have to, and just make your way up the path

until you can safely walk out. And I hope you realize that you should not go

back to the first area with the trucks and platforms. Oh yes, and a couple of

sleds jump out of the doorway when you get near it.

Dam Defenses dam172


Yes, you were here before. Get the gun, turn on the post, and then head to

where it points, but don't miss the mech behind the ruined truck and the rocket

in the snow. Swap your mech's rockets for another gun and go forward to

confront some worms and two Chryatis. Kill them, activate the post, and move

along toward the dam. You will cross a bunch more worms, a couple more

Chryatis, and then some mechs and soldiers as you near them. I would say just

kill them all, it would be more fun that way, but you will run out of ammo and

there isn't much along the path. I elected to jump and hover twice to make it

to the entrance of the dam, behind some fences and the soldiers. When you land,

jump out, run up the steps, and turn on the post, so long as you don't take

too much fire, then go inside.

Okay, save your rockets, no matter what happens here. Kill the first enemy and

notice all the lasers in the area. The laser won't kill you, but you will be

hunted down if you happen to pass through any. The guard bots will follow you,

but the shield on their fronts will protect them and force you to wait for it

to open; this is not good if you have more than two above you.

The path I will lay out for you is very unorthodox, and you probably won't

pull it off on the first try. Go to the right and look over the side; you

should see two guys below, but focus on the level above them that is the same

height as you. Go to the wall that has the door you came from, get on the tiny

mound of snow, jump up and try to get on the railing, but be careful, and then

hook to the wall adjacent to you and use the extra jump to sling over to the

walkway. Go ahead and lure the guard bots to you by going to the edge (for me,

five were on me even though only three lasers touched me). Go back to where you

have three walls to fight them so you don't fall off and be patient as you

kill each one; I would run around like crazy. The coast should be clear and you

need to move along the dam to the other side by either falling through the

opening near you, or just dropping over the empty edge. Two guys are below when

you fall through the hole and more may shoot at you from the building across

the way. Kill the two above and behind you only if you can see them. The next

hook is a bit tricky. It is on the center walkway that is open, and there is

an obstruction in the middle. I got around it by aiming my hook at the side of

it that faces the water below, and I simply fell to the other side, but you

may need to use that extra jump (if you are confused, the obstruction is

above the lowest level and in the center of the dam). From here, use just two

well aimed rockets to eliminate the turrets across the way, and then kill all

the guys in your way as you hook up to the next level. You can get to the big

red wall and fall over to reach the doorway where two final soldiers wait.

Grab the rocket, open the door with a grenade, blast away the door above you on

the wall (a laser scans the area), and hook up there. Turn on the post, destroy

the containers for energy, grab some stuff, and get in the suit. All this was

probably less complex than it seems; if you don't pull it off, just fight your

way to the end. Have your rocket is hand as you enter the mech.


BOSS - Mech 3 "The Quad"

Not a fun fight, all you do is fire at him and nothing more, because you don't

have time to be creative. He has some notable attacks: he can ram you when he

changes to tank mode, he can always fall on top of you, and he has a bunch of

guard bots above him. Be out of the way and preferably on the raised areas

when he turns to a tank, avoid being crushed, and go ahead and ignore the bots

as they only get replaced. He tends to land on the raised areas when you are

in a VS, but he will go for you when on foot.

As you enter the field, move forward and swap you rockets for a quicker gatling

gun. Then go back to the door and move up the way, just so you can get a clear

shot as he enters. The gameplan is simple: pull the triggers and don't let go.

Stay in motion and hover around the arena at all times. Mainly, you want to

dodge his ram attack, but also stay near the raised areas so that the little

bots don't hit you much. That is pretty much it, but I noticed two things:

possibly the bottom of this boss is a weak point, and I think that you can make

his missiles (or whatever those three things he shoots) blow up in his face.

Both, I believe, cause a good bit of damage, but either way, you will do both

if you are constantly shooting.

If you get on foot, all I can say is use your rockets and stay in motion.





Flies to the Fire ftf181


Begin with the usual clearing, and then hook up to the walkway. Aim above the

yellow and black strip to get up to the next level. Grab the stuff up here,

then come back to the post and cross the beam to get a big rocket launcher from

the rocks. Use this to kill the scorpion below, but don't be a tard and blow

yourself up as you aim below. Drop down and grab the portable rockets before

moving on, then come back and finish off the next scorpion with the rest of the

ammo in the big gun. Now move along the little road, but do not go to the top

level unless you want to fight more scorpions. Just squeeze through the green

crates and toss some grenades toward the hole, then move under the door (click

the LS).

Turn on the post and toss a single grenade at the dead center of the mass of

bugs. When you go forward some more, two more scorpions appear and unless you

want to dance with them, just keep chucking grenades at them to move on (and

more bugs show up behind you for some reason). Try to kill the next one that

jumps from the pit, then go to the left and start tossing more grenades to

the scorpions below. Hop down and jump into the new VS, then simply move

forward. Oh, don't miss a rocket on some crates before you get in.

Use the vulcan and kill both hornets as you move out. Then follow the path to

another post, and then keep on.

To the Volcano Dome tvd182


Move along and go into the mad room. Keep firing randomly and only focus on the

hornet when it shows up, then leave this room. Kill the hornet then peer over

the broken side of the bridge, let the wheel thing roll up to you and see if

you can get him stuck in the lava room behind you. If not, then try to kill him

and the three scorpions waiting on the wall across the way (hopefully they will

jump into the lave, but finish them off). Get the post before going below, but

get into the smaller mech behind you first.

Drop down to the edge of the lava fall, and hover your way to the other side.

Lots of stuff on this side, and yes you can fight all the aliens if you wish.

Or you could hover your way forward to a fallen ramp that is below the main

highway you need to get to. Hover over the two wheel tanks that try to run you

over as you cross the area. Go under the road, between the supports holding it

up, jump to the ramp, jump to the road, and then jump over all the junk in the

way between you and the gate.

Don't try to be sneaky, just kill the three bots here and grab more rockets

before jumping in your suit. Swap the shotgun for another gatling gun and then

take on both mechs that pick a fight; go for the one with rockets first. Then

take out four soldiers behind a concrete slab when you are under the bridge.

Hop out and turn on the post, then jump in the nearby fallen mech. Use this guy

to cross the gap to reach the opening where your the post is pointing. I know,

lots of guys to kill, but you don't need to. The hardest part is passing the

drill tank in the way, and you may want to try to destroy this one. Whatever

you do, just try and get your mech down the hole in one piece. Blow up the

bots and move along and up the path.

If you don't have your mech, then use your rockets on the two VSs up the way;

shoot after they dash two times, or when they are close, but try to stay by the

post if you can. With or without a VS, kill them and jump into a new one near

where they were (also another rocket by the wall). Go into the next area and

destroy the VS on the ground near you, the other will raise up and hopefully

remain still so you can destroy it easily. When they are gone, turn on the post

and then make your way up to the door by taking the left wall, and grab the

ammo you find. Go through to the boss.


BOSS - Mech 4 "The Tank"

Before you touch the ground, try to destroy the three small tanks on the ground

first. Then jump to the ground, then up to the ledge on the right side that

has some more vital suits. This ledge is your comfort zone, and leaving puts

you at risk to the world, but don't stay in one spot for too long. I am sure

that aiming for the side is the best option, and the front is just a waste of

ammo. Anything is good, so long as you are aiming at the legs. Rockets and the

grenades in the center are your best friend. Just stay in motion and jump from

the floor to the ledge to avoid his attacks, but while he is in quad mode, you

probably want to go to the floor.

Of course, more mechs to use, but if he is almost done for, just use your

rockets to finish him off on foot if you must.





Raid the Volcano rtv191


Go forward and kill the guy in front and the guy behind you. Then kill two

more, and toss two grenades under the nearby tower. This mob of soldiers will

have to die, but how you do it is up to you. Aim for the heads, use what cover

you can, and don't forget grenades. Activate the post, collect some ammo, but

make sure you bring the plasma gun with you (it's purple). Follow the road to

where there is a small chunk missing and you can see three VSs. Use the plasma

gun to kill all three (they didn't move for me), then drop down, blast away the

two towers, and make your way up the rubble to the next post. Yes, you skipped

a lot of complicated fighting by doing this.

Head inside and hope the VS is stuck in the pit as you destroy the bomb things

in the air; I don't think the plasma blows them up. Either fight or skip the

mech and proceed onwards to the next room with more bombs and some guys. Just

ignore them and fall into the pit below to continue. Kill all you can in the

next room so you can safely activate the post. You can work your way to the

bottom and hop into a tank, or you can take a shortcut to a standard mech. Both

paths lead to the same place, but I think taking the tank is a better choice

since it is a bit stronger. Just work your way down, and if you are on the

wrong side of the river just us your hook on the wall. Use X to crush the

rocks in the way.

Be sure to take out the dongos along the way, but be ready to jump and hover

when you move up and a Wheel Tank pops up behind you. Those red bugs will

cause a lot of damage, so jump around and kill the thing, then work on clearing

the path. Be ready for two more dongos as you go through, and then take out the

two worms in the pit below. There are rockets where the worms were, and then

jump into the new mech and proceed (don't forget to blow up all the containers

for heat). Bring the other gun and destroy all the worms in your way, and then

take a small opening in the wall (the rocks are if you have a tank). Jump up

and start working on the red bugs, but don't linger and go through the door.

Kill everything in this room and then pass through the two doors on the other

side (I don't know where the top paths lead to).

A wheeler will ambush you when you go in, but so long as you keep an eye on

him, you can dodge and shoot his tail with ease. Jump over the bridge thing

and exterminate all the bugs waiting for you in the tunnels (don't go through

the door yet). Come back and get some energy, then hop into the tank that is

hidden in the crate. Now go face the boss.


BOSS - Red Widow

This fight can get messy in a hurry. So work fast and keep your eye on the

prize: her legs. In the tank mech (in walking mode) it will be hard to know

exactly where you are aiming, and no, you can not change the camera. You are

supposed to aim for the two back legs. You do so by placing the back of the

tank over where you think the legs are, because that is all you can do;

thankfully, the weak spots on the legs are big. A few vulcan rounds and a

cannon blast will take out one leg, then you must work on the other. Make sure

you are aiming at the back legs since this boss tends to twist around a lot.

And once one leg is gone, you have to work quick on the next or the other will

pop back up.

When both legs are gone she will fall to the ground and let you have a whack

at the weak spot on her head, so try to be in front of it when she falls (you

should aim at the legs while under her head, so she should fall in front of

you anyway). Unload on her cranium with all you got, and if you have trouble

hitting the spot just hover in the air for a bit. Do this about three times and

you will win; hopefully before a bunch of little bugs are on the ground, and

before she starts getting into her big attacks, like webbing. All of this is

done while you ignore the minions. Just make sure you are focused on the back

legs and this fight will be easy. Oh yes, other mechs in case you screw up,

but those mechs are not as good as the tank.





Just Passing Through jpt1101


Start by getting the energy from the containers, then the rocket, and then

hop into the VS. Jump and hover your way to the path to the right. Run along

the path and then climb the wall and then hop into the hole. Get some energy

and the gatling gun, then fall into the next hole (yes, kill the hornet first).

If you don't know, I'm basically telling you to avoid all the enemies that

were in your way; again, you can fight them if you feel a void in your soul.

Don't dilly dally, note the big monster in the room and then take to the left

path where a lone hornet is in the way. Go down and emerge near the really

big Chryatis, but you don't have to fight him. Just jump over the truck and

head around the rubble and fall into the greenish building with those bomb

things. At the bottom, refuel on heat, switch you mech if needed, and then

keep on to the next post. Then drop into the hole.


BOSS - Akrid King

I don't know what this thing is, but it is the last Akrid boss. Begin by firing

a rocket at the top of one of the arms, the weak spot is at the very tip. When

it retreats, hop out of your VS, shoot that little weak spot as you run to

the hole the arm went into, follow the little tunnel, and then fire at the

tip while it is outside the body, run back out when it goes in. Get back on

your machine and do it again to the same arm. The tiny spots on the body are

points where some Trilid emerge, so keeping those shut will help, but the

spots will reform. You have to chase the arms into the tunnels two times apiece

before they are gone. Before then, the arms tend to pound the ground three

times to attack you; if you go as far to the corner from them, that arm will

miss, but the other arm can still hit you. It is best to hit the arms after

the third hit while they lay on the ground, but then do your best to hit them

in the air. When both are gone, you can focus on the body.

Keep the two holes closed as you can while the head is within the body. The

head will pop up and launch little bullets into the air, and then it will ready

a huge blast. After that blast the head will be revealed from the mouth and

let you briefly take a shot at the tip. Make sure you aim for the tip of the

head, or else you will do no damage. When its health is low, for some reason,

it will begin to show its head more; so just finish it off. Through the fight,

make sure you avoid the attacks by weaving around the field, and don't let

those ice bombs get you either. Lots of suits and lots of ammo, only problem is

the little energy you have coming into the battle, which makes this a timed

fight. Go through the door when you win.


Into the Enemy Lair iel1102


Go up the left path. Okay, if you want to get to the boss quickly, avoid all

the commotion in this room and head for the path right behind the purple post

in the distance. Shoot the containers on the truck and jump over into the next

room. Just fall down over the bridge into an area with many VSs. You want a

drill tank, but first you should kill the enemies in here, and have fun with

it because you have a bunch of mechs to chew through. Just save one fresh

drill tank for the boss ahead and fall through the hole in the floor by the


*NOTE: you may want to bring about 3,000 or so units of energy with you to

get through the fight, since I kinda made you blaze through the level. Get it

from the mechs that you kill in the last room.


BOSS - Mech 5 "Bandero's VS"

Well, I'd be lying if I said there was an easy, or not so obvious way to kill

this guy. It comes down to you avoiding his missiles and his ram attack, then

pop him with some missiles of your own before he runs away. The drill mech has

a cannon that fires pretty fast, so it is a good choice. The best time to get

him is after he rams from one side of the room to another, where he is still

for a brief time. You can't really chase him down, so just wait for him to

show himself. I found this fight a bit easier from the side of the room he

came from, just because it was more open and he tends to stay around that area.

Going into the pillars leaves you at risk from all sides, so get through there

quickly. When he gets in close, just back away and get in some good hits, but

I don't think you can avoid all of the damage.

There are a couple of spare suits in here, some containers of heat in the

corners, and when you are on foot, rockets may be enough to finish the battle.

Not a hard fight, just make sure you don't waste much ammo and that you keep

a read on where he is.





The Ascent tas1111


I can write this easy. As soon as the mission starts, press Y and don't let go

until you are out. I'm serious. I didn't fight anything, so you can just rise

to the top and be ready to finish this game.


BOSS - Mech 6 "The King VS"

Final boss, you are almost done. Okay, I know there are a bunch of ways to

kill this guy. I will give you the shortest and easiest way I found. For one,

you need to know that pulling the right trigger when near him, and then letting

go after a brief moment will unleash a very cool sword attack. That is the only

attack I found useful, and it takes away a good bit of his health. Your

gameplan for the fight is to stay with him, move to his side to avoid his guns,

and then move in for an attack, rinse and repeat.

From the start, follow him around the sky as best you can. He tends to move a

lot during the early stages of the fight, so keep with him and don't lose

sight or he will get you. You want to get right next to him and unleash a

slightly charged melee attack, and don't worry if he moves as your suit will

usually correct the aim and still hit him, or the attack is just that big.

Eventually, he will call up a gun, and after a bit he will bring up another.

This is when a direct attack is not good, so you will from then on have to move

to his sides and stay away from the front of the guns. These guns are the real

enemy in this fight, so if you can avoid those you are good to go. All that is

left is the same "get close and strike" routine. I know he does some varied

attacks and he will attack you when you get close, but early on you probably

won't get hit once if you follow him. If you keep on his tail the whole duel,

you should kill him with a bit of life left on you. May take a few tries, but

you will get him. And feel free to use the other attacks too.


Congrats! You beat the game in record time, now do it again and this time try

to fight that big worm in the snow.


* 6. Boss Guide bos123 *


This is for the people wanting only help with the bosses, nothing new here.

All listed as they are fought.


BOSS - Wheel Tank

I'll call this guy the Wheel Tank - oh yes, that is a great name. Anyway, start

by jumping into the nearest VS and then make sure you pick up some other weapon

on your empty arm (you have to position the new gun on the side it will go to,

or else it will replace the other gun).

When he lands in the center, you should hover to his back side and be firing at

his weak spot on the tail while in the air. You should fire as you land as

well. He may turn, he may get stuck, he may follow you, whatever he does you

need to keep firing at that spot. The best is when he sticks his claws into the

wall because you get mucho time with the tail. Whenever he is turning toward

you, you should go to the air and get back behind him; if for nothing else, at

least fire as you are in the air.

Hopefully, he dies before he starts rolling up the walls. If he doesn't, then

you need to try your best to keep and eye on his movements, you need to stay

away from the center, and you need to be in the air as he rolls to the ground

behind you. Just do your best to avoid taking a direct strike and you will be

fine. If the worst happens and he gets you a lot, just hop into the other suit

and finish the fight.

Just be still as he attempts a last blow.



BOSS - Mech 1 "The Jumper"

Battle starts with some minions, so get the mech in the snow to the left and

go to town on the mechs. When about one is dead the boss mech should show up

in the center. Make sure the other mechs are dead first, then focus on the


Well, it is a mech. It jumps around and fires back at you. All I did was keep

both my gatling guns on it, stopped when it jumped high, and resumed when it

landed. I believe that the missiles it fires can be shot from the air as they

leave the launcher on its shoulder; so keep the crosshairs at that spot. I

was able to kill it before my ammo ran out, but there is plenty around if you

do. And don't worry about the men on the ground, they don't cause much damage.

Another mech if your's breaks. Easier than the last fight.



BOSS - Mech 2 "The Pink One"

This mech is considerably tougher than the last, but with some luck you can

win the day in just as easy a fashion. Here is the key to victory: you need

to be in the air as she fires a rocket. Tentatively, she goes: machine gun,

laser, and then rocket, and then she jumps in the air. If jumping in the air

all the time works best, then do it, but finding out when she fires a rocket

and when she fires the laser will do you good. I can't really say I know the

perfect routine, but simply stay in the air and last as long as possible.

You should fire the machine gun at all times, whether you hit or not, at least

use the ammo. Use the rockets only after she has landed, and only when you are

certain you will hit; you don't have time to miss, but it won't really be the

end of the world. I could use up my rockets and a lot of bullets before losing

my mech, but there are more weapons on the ground for your mech. However, I

would not advise getting anything unless you got a lot of health and will be

able to use the weapon; so don't get new stuff if your robot is about to blow.

I don't know what will happen for you, but I always lose my VS. If you had some

rockets of your own, then you should use them. But even better is the big VS

rocket launcher on the ground. If she has a small block of health left, one

big rocket will end the fight. To be honest, I can't guarantee what will happen

when you lose the mech. Your goal with the mech is to bring down her health as

much as you can so that you don't have to do much on foot.

NOTE: if there is another mech in the area, use it, I never had a chance to




BOSS - The Hornet

You want to attack this guy when he is still in the air. He will be still

after moving to a new location and before he performs another attack. The

set of missiles your VS brings will be the best during this time. And that is

pretty much it as far as attack. I hope you remember the weak spot is red.

*NOTE: when he goes far away, you need to hide behind the big rock.

As for defense, you need to use the central rock pillar as your shield for

everything he throws at you. But this is especially hard when he is directly

above you, so just take your licks. Stay on the move and try to last as long

as possible. When the tail goes red, he becomes much faster and will not need

much more to die. One rocket from the launcher on top of the pillar will kill

him at this point.



BOSS - Thorax

This battle is very simple. You shoot the weak spots on both legs until each

are gone, then you blast the weak spot on the head. Don't worry about what he

is doing, there are two more fully equipped VSs in this room. You just keep

both triggers pulled and the crosshair on the weakspots. I'm sure those tiny

spikes on his body are for something, but don't concern yourself. Both legs

will regenerate, but you just keep firing away. This bug will fall after you

get him on the ground about three times, and damage to the legs seem to count

too, so you got this guy easy.

And be sure to hit the frozen corpse.



BOSS - Green Eye

Now you are fighting this guy. Despite the expectations set by the first part

of the mission, this is the hardest boss of the game; mainly because it

demands the most amount of skill from you. I will describe something that is

very easy for me, but you may need a few tries to get this down.

Green Eye has eight weak spots on both sides of his back. When those are gone

he will reveal four more on his head, and then those will lead to one big one

in the same place. Sounds easy enough, but this guy brings ice missiles that

must be avoided. And you need to find the central platform on the side of the

center building. It is located on the side that Green Eye began from, and is

not that big. This platform is crucial because it is above ground and it is

your best launching point for taking to the air. Also, you shouldn't need

any extra weapons.

Start by getting in some shots at the spots on the side that faces you, but

then quickly jump and hover to the central platform as you take some more shots

at him. If you keep a constant steam of bullets, you should hit the ice

missiles before they get you. Try to follow him for as long as you can (Y), but

eventually he will either pull away, or you will get all four weak spots on his

inner side. Keep following around the center and hope he will flip directions

after passing the platform. If he does not, then you need to hover to that side

and take out the weak spots by jumping fanatically to avoid the ice; stay in

the corner or by the wall, he will back-ram you if you go behind him.

However they fall, with those spots gone the next set will appear on his head.

This is when he will go berserk and become much faster and much more fierce.

He will sometimes crawl around the center, he will often ram into the walls

regardless if you are there, and his ice attack gets faster. You need to

keep moving and it should be in the air. Just be as quick as you can before

his attacks start to work. If you are quick enough, you may not realize when

the big spot shows up. Once it does you need to go all out and send whatever

you have left at that point.

All that sounds simple, but you need to be able to move in the air, fire and be

accurate, know when to jump on the platform, and you must be in motion to

avoid the ice. The ice is a killer for two reasons: it can put you in a cycle

where you are hit and don't get up for a while, and it covers your vision.

You don't get a second mech, and neither are you allowed to finish the fight

on foot. If you are having trouble, just know that being airborne and not

wasting much ammo are keys to a quick victory.



BOSS - Mech 3 "The Quad"

Not a fun fight, all you do is fire at him and nothing more, because you don't

have time to be creative. He has some notable attacks: he can ram you when he

changes to tank mode, he can always fall on top of you, and he has a bunch of

guard bots above him. Be out of the way and preferably on the raised areas

when he turns to a tank, avoid being crushed, and go ahead and ignore the bots

as they only get replaced. He tends to land on the raised areas when you are

in a VS, but he will go for you when on foot.

As you enter the field, move forward and swap you rockets for a quicker gatling

gun. Then go back to the door and move up the way, just so you can get a clear

shot as he enters. The gameplan is simple: pull the triggers and don't let go.

Stay in motion and hover around the arena at all times. Mainly, you want to

dodge his ram attack, but also stay near the raised areas so that the little

bots don't hit you much. That is pretty much it, but I noticed two things:

possibly the bottom of this boss is a weak point, and I think that you can make

his missiles (or whatever those three things he shoots) blow up in his face.

Both, I believe, cause a good bit of damage, but either way, you will do both

if you are constantly shooting.

If you get on foot, all I can say is use your rockets and stay in motion.



BOSS - Mech 4 "The Tank"

Before you touch the ground, try to destroy the three small tanks on the ground

first. Then jump to the ground, then up to the ledge on the right side that

has some more vital suits. This ledge is your comfort zone, and leaving puts

you at risk to the world, but don't stay in one spot for too long. I am sure

that aiming for the side is the best option, and the front is just a waste of

ammo. Anything is good, so long as you are aiming at the legs. Rockets and the

grenades in the center are your best friend. Just stay in motion and jump from

the floor to the ledge to avoid his attacks, but while he is in quad mode, you

probably want to go to the floor.

Of course, more mechs to use, but if he is almost done for, just use your

rockets to finish him off on foot if you must.



BOSS - Red Widow

This fight can get messy in a hurry. So work fast and keep your eye on the

prize: her legs. In the tank mech (in walking mode) it will be hard to know

exactly where you are aiming, and no, you can not change the camera. You are

supposed to aim for the two back legs. You do so by placing the back of the

tank over where you think the legs are, because that is all you can do;

thankfully, the weak spots on the legs are big. A few vulcan rounds and a

cannon blast will take out one leg, then you must work on the other. Make sure

you are aiming at the back legs since this boss tends to twist around a lot.

And once one leg is gone, you have to work quick on the next or the other will

pop back up.

When both legs are gone she will fall to the ground and let you have a whack

at the weak spot on her head, so try to be in front of it when she falls (you

should aim at the legs while under her head, so she should fall in front of

you anyway). Unload on her cranium with all you got, and if you have trouble

hitting the spot just hover in the air for a bit. Do this about three times and

you will win; hopefully before a bunch of little bugs are on the ground, and

before she starts getting into her big attacks, like webbing. All of this is

done while you ignore the minions. Just make sure you are focused on the back

legs and this fight will be easy. Oh yes, other mechs in case you screw up,

but those mechs are not as good as the tank.



BOSS - Akrid King

I don't know what this thing is, but it is the last Akrid boss. Begin by firing

a rocket at the top of one of the arms, the weak spot is at the very tip. When

it retreats, hop out of your VS, shoot that little weak spot as you run to

the hole the arm went into, follow the little tunnel, and then fire at the

tip while it is outside the body, run back out when it goes in. Get back on

your machine and do it again to the same arm. The tiny spots on the body are

points where some Trilid emerge, so keeping those shut will help, but the

spots will reform. You have to chase the arms into the tunnels two times apiece

before they are gone. Before then, the arms tend to pound the ground three

times to attack you; if you go as far to the corner from them, that arm will

miss, but the other arm can still hit you. It is best to hit the arms after

the third hit while they lay on the ground, but then do your best to hit them

in the air. When both are gone, you can focus on the body.

Keep the two holes closed as you can while the head is within the body. The

head will pop up and launch little bullets into the air, and then it will ready

a huge blast. After that blast the head will be revealed from the mouth and

let you briefly take a shot at the tip. Make sure you aim for the tip of the

head, or else you will do no damage. When its health is low, for some reason,

it will begin to show its head more; so just finish it off. Through the fight,

make sure you avoid the attacks by weaving around the field, and don't let

those ice bombs get you either. Lots of suits and lots of ammo, only problem is

the little energy you have coming into the battle, which makes this a timed

fight. Go through the door when you win.



BOSS - Mech 5 "Bandero's VS"

Well, I'd be lying if I said there was an easy, or not so obvious way to kill

this guy. It comes down to you avoiding his missiles and his ram attack, then

pop him with some missiles of your own before he runs away. The drill mech has

a cannon that fires pretty fast, so it is a good choice. The best time to get

him is after he rams from one side of the room to another, where he is still

for a brief time. You can't really chase him down, so just wait for him to

show himself. I found this fight a bit easier from the side of the room he

came from, just because it was more open and he tends to stay around that area.

Going into the pillars leaves you at risk from all sides, so get through there

quickly. When he gets in close, just back away and get in some good hits, but

I don't think you can avoid all of the damage.

There are a couple of spare suits in here, some containers of heat in the

corners, and when you are on foot, rockets may be enough to finish the battle.

Not a hard fight, just make sure you don't waste much ammo and that you keep

a read on where he is.



BOSS - Mech 6 "The King VS"

Final boss, you are almost done. Okay, I know there are a bunch of ways to

kill this guy. I will give you the shortest and easiest way I found. For one,

you need to know that pulling the right trigger when near him, and then letting

go after a brief moment will unleash a very cool sword attack. That is the only

attack I found useful, and it takes away a good bit of his health. Your

gameplan for the fight is to stay with him, move to his side to avoid his guns,

and then move in for an attack, rinse and repeat.

From the start, follow him around the sky as best you can. He tends to move a

lot during the early stages of the fight, so keep with him and don't lose

sight or he will get you. You want to get right next to him and unleash a

slightly charged melee attack, and don't worry if he moves as your suit will

usually correct the aim and still hit him, or the attack is just that big.

Eventually, he will call up a gun, and after a bit he will bring up another.

This is when a direct attack is not good, so you will from then on have to move

to his sides and stay away from the front of the guns. These guns are the real

enemy in this fight, so if you can avoid those you are good to go. All that is

left is the same "get close and strike" routine. I know he does some varied

attacks and he will attack you when you get close, but early on you probably

won't get hit once if you follow him. If you keep on his tail the whole duel,

you should kill him with a bit of life left on you. May take a few tries, but

you will get him. And feel free to use the other attacks too.


Good job with the bosses Capcom, really are the best part of this game.


* 7. Targets tar123 *


These are the only ones I could find, and this probably isn't half. I don't

really care for these kind of things, but I know someone does. Check back for

updates, I don't have the official guide so work with me here.

And the targets are not in the guide because I don't have them all.

There are different locations for each target on the different difficulties.


This is my list for the normal targets, incomplete.

Mission 1 EARTH

(A) Behind some containers before the empty warehouse.

(R) inside the warehouse

(H) under big bridge in hive

SparkyAK13 gave E and T

(E) behind two gas tanks near the start and around the corner

(T) by the waterfall in the hive

Mission 2 STORM

(S) in window to the left of the first data post

window opposite you when you are at top of ruined building

in the first pit on the bridge, behind a barrier

(M) on the rubble, seen from the end of the the center walkway in the tunnel

(R) in two story building toward the end, behind some crates

Mission 3

Mission 4

(E) in the corner of the area with the hole in the ground

(E) in the corner of the pit as you leave the bug room

(O) look down when you reach the post before the boss

Mission 5

on the far side of ruinded building to the right

(R) inside the top level of the same building

(U) near the second mech in the cave

Mission 6

Mission 7

(O) near the doorway after the laser bots



!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS THE EASY LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This list is from chods70 (confirmed with John Jam's list). His text, not mine.

*** Level completion points ***

Mission 01 - 10pts

Mission 02 - 10pts

Mission 03 - 10pts

Mission 04 - 10pts

Mission 05 - 15pts

Mission 06 - 15pts

Mission 07 - 15pts

Mission 08 - 20pts

Mission 09 - 20pts

Mission 10 - 20pts

Mission 11 - 30pts

***Coin/Marker locations in the order in which they're found through the map**

Level 1 - EARTH: 10pts

E) When you reach the first building the E is located on the left corner.

A) The A is located just after the car park in the first building, to the

right of the exit after the data post.

R) Located in the left end room of the warehouse (the second building you


T) In the large cavern just before the boss room, T is located on the upper

right platform in a little alcove, to the right of the bridge.

H) Far rear right of the cavern right before crossing the slime bridge to the

boss room, just further along from the data post.

Level 2 - STORM: 10pts

S) Pass under the huge arch just after the first open area, the S is

located on the roof of a door entrance to the left.

T) After passing through the snow tunnel go to the end of the road, the T

is located under the overhang of the building at the end.

O) Just before climbing up the destroyed building to the freeway you'll

see it clear as day above some rubble.

R) After completing the highway section the R is located half way down the

highway tunnel on the left side on a box.

M) The M is found in the last section before the boss arena, in the stair

alcove on the roof of the building with two missile turrets on it.

Level 3 - MIRAGE: 10pts

M) As you start the level, on the box facing you to your left.

I) On the fence around the area in which you start, on the right side by

the opening.

R) On the steps to the building on the right, half way across the snow field.

A) At the foot of the fencing next to the derelict hanger where you fight


G) On the wall of the citadel at the end of the field, half way down.

E) Follow the edge of the ravine, the E is roughly 2/3 of the way to the


Level 4 - METEOR: 10pts

M) On the left ledge just after the first right turn in the level.

E) On the ground to the right of the exit in the round room you drop into

from above, beside the boxes.

T) In the hall with the crane the T is located to the right behind the boxes.

E) Just after leaving the crane room and you drop to the lower platform,

the E is located against the wall.

O) After climbing up the cliff edge and entering the building at the top,

the O is located in the far left corner under the lift platform.

R) Located in the corner of the map just after climbing up the building to

the roof in the VS.

Level 5 - AURORA : 15pts

A) Located on the right side of the mountain side one floor up at the start

of the level.

U) Located on the left most area of the mountain side at the start of the


R) At the top of the mountainside to the left of the path before entering

the tunnel in the rock face.

O) At the bottom of the spiral room in the corner beside the VS shotgun.

R) At the top of the spiral room behind a boulder in the looped tunnel

leading to the highest section.

A) In the room of the blue column of ice take the right passage into the

room, as you enter this room the A is on the floor to the left.

Level 6 - THUNDER: 15pts

H) Behind a section of rubble at the start of the level.

U) Just as you pass under the first bridge there is an auto-turret to your

left, it is located on the left section of this platform.

T) At the foot of the second bridge, on the right side.

N) Standing under the second bridge looking forwards where the VS appeared,

high up in the building work.

D) Just after entering the buildings you grapple up onto a ledge with a

box on fire; it is located in this fire.

R) When you enter the dome access tunnel in the VS, it's located on the

right side attached to lights just before the ramp at the end.

E) Located at the very end up on the wall on a pipe in the darkness at the

top of the afore mentioned ramp.

Level 7 - TORNADO: 15pts

T) Located on top of a storage container near the start of the level

O) On the rocky outcrop to the right side of the field just before the

tunnel entrance.

N) Just after passing through the first tunnel, behind one of the snow

covered buildings.

R) On the top of the wall beside the doorway out of the snow field.

O) On the right side of the map on the ledges just after emerging from

the entrance to the base.

D) In one of the ditches on the lowest platform to the left of the base


A) Above the large doors to the far side of the base entrance, on the rim of

the door decoration.

Level 8 - VOLCANO: 20pts

V) On the second beam crossing your path at the start of the level.

O) On the rafters in the main hall with the driller VS at the bottom.

L) In the second small lava flow room by the exit wall on the right side.

C) On the furthest road away from the entrance to the volcanic area.

A) On the bridge with two large storage containers on it, on the left side

of the lower box.

N) Behind the final right pillar in the tunnel leading to the last section

of the level, before dropping down.

O) Located on the left side of a tube support beam, just before entering

the levels final arena.

Level 9 - RAINBOW: 20pts

R) In the doorway of the container holding two VS's in the first area.

A) Sat on top of a box in the lava flow in the first area, at the top of the

lava flow.

I) After making your way down into the building, you'll find it located on

the top of a 2 stacked boxes opposite the driller VS.

N) With the VS drill through the left blocked doorway, work your way down to

the high ledge, the coin will be on the left side of the ledge.

B) After dropping down the hole with the two spiky feelers, the B is beside

the VS.

O) Just after finding the B, take the narrow left path up into the room,

the O is in the corner of this room beside the light.

W) Just before the boss room you descend in a hall under a small footbridge,

the W is behind the right side of this footbridge.

Level 10 - BLIZZARD: 20pts

B) Left hand door at the start of the level, after dropping down.

L) As you drop down the nest hole at the base of the light shaft the L is at

the end of the passage beside the fuel tank.

I) Beside a search light underneath the raised ledge to the right.

Z) On the ledge opposite the wall you jump across to advance in the level

(admittedly not a good description.)

Z) After killing the tentacle boss, enter the door behind it, the Z is

located on top of a box in the tunnel.

R) After dropping down into the VS storage room, there are a pile of cargo

boxes near the exit door; it's located on the far side corner.

D) Under the red framework in the same area as the R.

A) As you enter the next arena jump across to the right, past the large

closed door, it’s on the corner of the floor near the data post.

Level 11 - STARDUST: 30pts

S) At the bottom of the pit.

T) Directly above the S on the underside of the ledge.

A) Above the round port hole you start the level at.

R) By the door before going through the first ring floor.

D) Just above the first ring floor.

U) On the second level doorway.

S) Above the second level doorway.

T) Above the second floor ring, just above where the S is.


*** Monster kill bonuses ***

Info from chods70, not my advice, but I'll add it anyway. His text, not mine.

Worm hunter - 50pts

On mission 03 you will encounter a massive worm attempting to kill you at

every opportunity across the snow field, you can earn yourself the title of

Worm hunter, if you defeat this massive foe, to defeat it you must destroy

the T-Eng spots on both its left and right side, of the head, and of the tail.

It is important to pick up the T-Eng dropped from killing its heat spots to

stay alive, also do not go to near to it when fighting the head end as it

will at times, lurch forward and eat you.

Using a VS for this task is not possible as entering the field on one will

almost always end up with the VS being completely destroyed the first time

the worm appears.

Moth hunter - 50pts

The best mission for this is mission 05, using either the energy gun or the

plasma rifle from a VS, climb as high as you can get and shoot it head on

as many times as needed to bring it to the ground.

It's useful to destroy the glowing pods at the rear of the moth to prevent

it dropping its explosive spores.

You will know when it is dead as it will turn into black lava and smash to

pieces in the ground near to you.


MORE COMING SOON!! Help me out here guys. I need two lists, complete lists,

of the target locations for the normal and hard difficulties. Locations

change so make sure you play one difficulty.


* 8. Credits/Copyright/other *



chods70 (Chris Hodder)- for the easy list

Res - for energy gun tip

John Jam - for confirming easy list

SparkyAK13 - for E and T


Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want

to talk, or if you want to ask a question. And if you must send a flame, please

be nice so that I'll consider it. Also, if you have a cool trick or comment

that you want me to add to this guide, good luck, I don't accept just anything.

You will have to present it well and I will have to like it a lot!

Please have 'Lost Planet' in the title.

My email:


PS - If I don't respond, don't take it personally, but there is most likely a

good reason (lazy, heard it a million times, it's stupid, etc.).



I have other guides floating around too. They are:

Resident Evil 4

Dead Rising

Gears of War



Rainbow Six Vegas

Oblivion (work in progress)

Shivering Isles

Knights of the Nine

The Darkness

I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask

me, and all because I write these little guides.

Here is my list of sites:

GameFAQs (main host site)






CheatCodeCentral (cheatcc.com)

GamersTemple (http://www.gamerstemple.com/)

and even a few foreign and other random sites

*Not launched

All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the

guide be ad-free and in this text format.

Here is my small site:


Give it a visit, and see if you like.





This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web

site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation

of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2007 Brad Russell

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