*Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas*
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas Walkthrough and Guide
For Xbox 360
Version 1.35 (7/25/07)
Written by Brad Russell "TheGum" (email at bottom)
Version 1.0 - walkthrough complete, don't expect any further updates.
Version 1.1 - added FAQ section, and now don't expect any updates, ever.
Version 1.2 - added a tiny credit, and I added the alternate ending
Version 1.3 - added a new FAQ tip
Version 1.35 - updated the contact info
Table of Contents
Use Ctrl + F and type in the code to quick-find
1. Brief Foreword
2. Controls lortnoc
3. Weapons snopaew
4. Walkthrough rhtklaw
Mexico mex1234
Las Vegas las1234
Fremont Street fre1234
The Spire spi1234
Dante's Casino dan1234
Hoover Dam dam1234
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
5. Credits/Copyright
* 1. A Brief Foreword *
Well, darn. Money is tight around here. I don't own this game, I rented it
for five days and I decided to get a guide going once I saw that no one else
did. Geez, it's been a long time since this game came out, I would have thought
I was hella late. Oh well, someone has to do this. And I'm sorry for all the
people who never got a guide for this game shortly after it came out.
I'll will begin by saying I'm no expert at this game, and I know many of my
solutions to the problems are horribly flawed. None the less, I did manage to
get through, and some of my strats are rock solid, some aren't. Just bare with
me and take the variations in stride; I don't have time to really analyze the
game top to bottom.
This is a great game, though not as complex as GRAW. This game focuses on
intense fire fights since you can only do limited sneaking. If you played
Gears of War, same concept: take cover, scope out the bad guys, then pop and
shoot. Raid rooms is the added dimension, and multiple entry points make for
some moments of sheer awesomenessicity.
My guide is on the normal settings, and yes, many of my plans will result in
you taking a few hits - thankfully you can take a few. So maybe you need to
plan extra hard if you go for more challenging fair.
The graphics and gun play are enough to make this a great game, though I could
easily see not adding this to your collection; it is the same tactics and game
play over and over, with very little variation. Still, something about the
fights make this a great game, and the tight spots are way cool. Worth the buy
or rent (rent in my case).
And sorry for short guide with the bare minimum, I'll do better for the games
I own.
Have fun,
PS - stay tuned for RE5, that game will be super cool crazy!
* 2. Controls lortnoc *
A - Interact/Team move
B - Throw Grenade
X - Reload; Hold for weapon options
Y - Switch Weapons; hold for inventory
LS - Move; click to crouch
RS - Look/aim; click to zoom
LT - Take cover
RT - Fire
LB - Rules of Engagement (team orders)
RB - Switch vision; hold for vision menu
D-Pad - Team orders; Down will order team to hold or regroup
Start - duh
Back - Tag enemies; hold to toggle map (very important)
There are some voice commands, but whatever (don't ask me).
The rules of engagement change the team orders. Assault will give your team
lethal commands, while Infiltration gives them passive ones, or at least more
You can press A when your crosshair is over certain objects to do different
things, but it usually just sends your team over to a critical point.
The screen map is your friend, use it often.
* 3. Weapons snopaew *
I was going to go in depth with these things, but I don't have the time. Here
are their stats, for some reason. They all seemed pretty much the same to me,
so go figure. I used the SCAR and mixed it up from time to time with another
gun, to test it out. Only used a sniper rifle two times. Shotguns are better
than you think, but I don't like them.
DAM = damage
RAN = range
ACC = accuracy
MAG = magazine size
The drops are found on enemies and will be in your selection screen for the
rest of the game.
I never used these things, but you can, I guess.
MAG 30
MAG 40
MAG 25
MAG 30
MAC 11
MAG 32
P90 (DROP)
MAG 50
I like this one the best.
MAG 100
MAG 100
M249 SPW
MAG 100
MAG 100
Decent gun, I like it.
MAG 30
MAG 30
I like this one too, handles real good.
MAG 25
MAG 30
MAG 30
MAG 30
This is my favorite, so far. It has a good scope, decent stats, and it looks
bad as heck, and that does count for something.
MAG 30
DAM 10
ACC 10
MAG 05
ACC 10
MAG 05
The better of the sniper rifles, but they are all pretty much the same.
DAM 10
ACC 10
MAG 05
I think there is one more, oh well.
MAG 08
The best shotgun, but I don't like any of them that much.
MAG 08
MAG 08
MAG 12
MAG 13
Solid handgun, my choice.
MAG 15
MAG 06
MAG 10
MAG 10
Good for making traps, but really not useful otherwise.
Only good for guys directly in front of doors, and they supposedly stun the
others in the room. I never used them.
Will blind the bad guys for a while, I say get these.
Get these too; a must really. Has a big blast radius. Sucks when the bad guys
toss them at you.
Put on your thermals and run into a room with smoke. The enemy can't see you
that well (maybe later in the game they do). Required for one spot.
Ahh, brings me back to RE4. Almost as deadly as frags, but not as damaging.
Use them at some point though.
* 4. Walkthrough rhtklaw *
Read ahead to get a feel of what is to come. I'm just here to tell you what to
expect and try to solve some tough spots, but you will find many variations
and I'm sure there are better ways. I'm just human, and I don't even own this
game... Ha!
Mexican Streets
You start with the MP5N, and it doesn't have a scope, just a laser pointer.
Your 552 COMMANDO isn't much better, but use it for this mission. The MK.23
is your handgun, and it ain't too bad either. Go forward to the piece of
concrete and press and hold LT to take cover. Move the RS around and get your
crosshair onto the bad guy, who hopefully did not spot you. With the crosshair
on the enemy, push the LS either up or to the side to poke your head up, then
press the RT to get some shots off. I know it sounds hard, but get use to this
control scheme as you will essentially repeat these tactics through the whole
Click the LS to crouch, hold the X button to bring up your weapon's options,
and hold the Y button to pull up your weapons menu. Crouching is purely
optional and is best used when there are many obstacles between you and the
bad guys. On the weapon's options menu, you get to choose a silencer and what
kind of fire you want; use the silencer for single enemies, and change your
rate of fire depending on the intensity of the battle, but the rate of fire
really doesn't matter (at least on normal).
Back to the game, take a shoulder to the wall's corner and look for bad guys.
None right now, but it is a good habit. Go into the open and take cover behind
the tiny wall. Two guys will appear down the street, get a read on them and
take them out, shouldn't be hard. You get a message about an alley, so take it.
I say use the silencer and use a single fire rate. Peek around the corner and
try to spot the lone enemy. Take him out, then move up to the corner and look
for three enemies up the street. Try to take them out with headshots.
You don't have to take the other hidden path, just keep going. Keep the
silencer on and enter the building by the dumpster. Sneak up on the lone
terrorist and splatter his brains. Ignore the doors and just go up the stairs.
Follow the hall and take a left, then enter the room with a ladder and go up,
then quickly take out the guy up here. Go the where he was standing and aim
down to the streets (RS) and kill the guy you see moving. Look at the hook and
go down; ignore the people in the window.
Quickly take cover and scope out the way ahead. Go backward and snake your way
down the back path. Take the corner down the second alley you find, so that you
see down the original path, but aren't behind the enemies. You will see two
nearby and another down a bit further. Headshot the one near you, and hopefully
the other will not see you, so take him out. The last one should take cover,
and if he doesn't see you, just poke out now and again to get his attention;
then off him.
Go up and take cover behind the truck, but don't go all the way to the back
corner; you will be able to aim from the cover. You should see a guy on a
balcony and another patrolling the streets. Shoot the one up high, then take
out the other when he comes into view. Now stand up and take cover by the
corner on the wall. A third guy comes out to investigate, so kill him too.
Go where he came from and take the corner down the steps. There is one up high,
and another will hop the fence nearby. The one on the ground will spot you, so
get him quick and then the other. I sure hope you realize that all the shots
I'm taking are headshots...
Climb the fence and watch the tiny cutscene. Quickly go down the steps and
take the corner. There are four on the streets and two of your guys on the
church. You should be able to get two-three, and then mop up whatever is left;
you can see through the smoke by pressing the RB to bring up your thermals.
Enter the church and meet your dudes up top. Take cover, leave your guys where
they are. Enemies will pop up from both sides of the church, but only a few
from the direction of the stairs. Your guys should take out the ones behind
you, but if you are taking hits, then you know to look behind you for the
source. In front of you are three levels of guys, high, medium, low, and there
are about three waves for each position. Take them out and go back down the
Press Down on the d-pad to rally your team, and press A to send them somewhere.
Press the LB to change their priorities: infiltrate is defensive, and assault
is self-explanatory. I say keep them on the offensive, but I'm sure the sneak
option is for the other one. I use my team as bait and decoys so I can survive
fights. And they are usually better then you in a fight, so sending them first
is a wise tactic, just make sure you are close behind and providing cover.
Back to game, send your guys to the podium at the front of the church, then it
doesn't really matter what you do. You can run to the seats in the center and
provide support, I guess; just don't get killed. Watch for the guys on the
right side of the church, and be ready for more to enter from the doors. The
tiny scene does not mean the fight is over, so wait for a calm. When it seems
to be over, just send your guys in front of you as you leave through the doors.
Go around and send your team to the doors, and then wait behind the truck.
After the bomb goes off, go to the edge of the doors and provide support. The
enemies should hide behind some slabs down the road. When it seems quiet, send
your team down the road and then follow; there are no more in the area.
There are three doors to the next building, and I say put your team on the
middle one, near the front. Go to the door and snake it by looking at the
bottom. Press the Back button to set a target on one of the guys. Go to the
other door on the right and look through for the other guy. Stand back and then
press Up on the d-pad, wait for one second, then open your door, and take out
the other one. I guess you can set a second target, do this so you will know
where the guy is that you are going to shoot. This is all too much, but you
should at least know how raid rooms.
Go out the door and stack your team on the door on the bottom. Look through,
set a mark on the guy up high, then go up the stairs. Snake this door and spot
the two guys. The game plan is for you to tell your team to frag and clear,
you open this door, and then you take out the guys on the upper levels. Do this
and take cover by the railing and simply pop and shoot to clear the upper
catwalks while your team takes out the guys on the bottom (what they do down
there is a mystery to me, but they seem to do fine). When things seem quiet,
press and hold the back button to see if any tangos are in the area, then act
accordingly. Might be one more guy when you move around up top, so just do
whatever and then get to the fast rope to end this part of the mission.
Get the assault rifle SCAR-H CGC, and the sniper rifle Scout Tactical, and
then trade your handgun for a 92FS. I say bring some frags and flashbangs, but
it's up to you. Set your assault rifle to silent and single fire, then whip out
the sniper.
Come outside and get in the middle of the trains and look up to take out a
patrolling goon. Go to the right and look down for another guy with plenty of
white and grey matter, trapped inside that skull. (the RS is the scope, in case
you forgot)
I say attack by keeping your guys in the center, and you move along the right
side of the trainyard. It's too much to explain, but you stay to the right
and keep moving your guys to cover. When you get toward the white train car,
you should be able to see three guys, so snipe them all. Mover your team up,
switch to your assault rifle, and then sneak to the very right corner of the
yard and you should see a guy on a turret. Take him out, and then send your
guys to where he was; might kill a guy on there way.
Keep following the tracks and keeping your team under cover (I'm not really
sure how many are in the area, or where they are, but you'll be fine). There
are a couple of guys at the end, so be cautious. Keep your guys on the ground
as you take the ladder by the wall, and once you are on the catwalk bring your
team up. Go inside and get through the door.
Stack your team on the first door you see. Quickly snake it and set this order
of marks: middle, left, and right. You will tell your team to flashbang, but
you will enter from the other door on the side and take out the guy farthest
away. Be sure to flashbang, and then wait for your guys to enter before you
go in. Again, this is all too much, but you never know.
Go through the door when all is said, and set your team to fast rope. Before
you send them down, get out the sniper rifle and position yourself next to the
railing. Send them down and be ready to take out guy by the crate that pops up
- it must be magic! Don't go down the rope, but send your team to the white
train, and then keep scanning for targets. Set your team to offense, and wait
for enemies, some of which will appear below you. Then move your team from
corner to cover along the trains, all from your perch. Send them to the crate
by the building where you saw the first guy, then go join them; and some more
bad guys might pop up, just do whatever.
Behind the crate is a door below. Stack up your team, then tell them to frag
and clear. They should be able to clear so enter when it's over. Send them down
to the back of the second train, down the dark hallway. Whip out the sniper and
go down the right side of the other train car, but do it slowly. If you poke
around the corner, you will barely be able to see a bad guy to the left, but
get him with the perfect shot. Then put up the sniper and come back as some
more terrorists are engaged by your buddies. Send your team to one of the
concrete blocks down the tracks. That should bring up a few more guys, and
there is another to the left, behind some crates. Send your team to the first
train car and you will provide some support.
There is a ladder to the right. You could go down, but just make sure that
you don't get surprised by the ones that pop up. Work your team to the bricked
wall that leads into the other room, and then move them around from cover to
cover so that the bad guys will pop out. When you want to send them in, make
sure they are behind cover facing the fencing into the other room; and they
should handle the enemies on the other side. Make your way to the stairs and
bring your team up. Send them inside the upper room, and be ready for one last
guy on this upper level.
There might be some in the next, big room, so proceed by sending your team in
first. Then put them on the hook, and line up with them. Send them down in
assault mode and they should clear the way. When they reach the bottom, just
send them in and the mission is over.
Go forward into the lighted area. You got two options: either take the door
down below, or assault the room from the top. You don't got a good read on
the enemies up high from the bottom. And the top is not going to be a sneaking
mission. But I say take the top path anyway, and there are only four guys in
here anyway. Put your team on a corner down the hallway and they should handle
the ones up high. Keep advancing them and you will mop up the bad guys in no
time. Get to the ground and set your team to blow up the door. Go through and
get in her face to trigger a "scene."
You wake up with only your handgun, so be thankful for it. Go along the path
until you run into a hall with a big hole on one side and a crate on the other.
Equip your silencer and kill the guy through the hole. Slowly move under the
light ahead, and look up. Kill the guy at the top of the stairs, and then take
his gun. Proceed until you run into a path with a fork and two guys at the
other end; it's a small fork, so check your map to find it. Hide behind the
first box and pop up to take out the first guy, then the next, and then another
in the same area. There is one more, but you have to go down the path to spot
him; go around the left path to use the wall as cover. Then get to the box
where all the guys were killed and play peek-a-boo with the last enemy. (for
all of this, be crouched and use the handgun)
Keep on truckin' til you reach another fork, but creep down the steps while
taking aim toward the left so you can get the next terrorist. Pull out the
old shotgun and creep around the left and get ready for another guy around the
corner, hide behind the barrels. Go into the next section of hallway, and then
take cover behind a trashcan that looks down the steps. There are two guys down
the way, plus three more inside the room. Go forward and be cautious as you
aim to the left, then stay at the end of the hallway as you take out the
guys on either side of the room. You could run guns blazin' to the cover on one
side, then take out the other from that side, or whatever works, just don't die
on this part. Enter the door to end this mission.
No enemies in the area, so follow the path until you find a rope on the wall
and take it all the way up - no enemies in the windows. When you near the top
you should be able to see the head of an enemy; take him out, wait, and then
get the guy who comes to investigate. Hop out and take the door to the left,
and be ready for a guy behind the door in the hallway. Enter the room for the
next bit of info.
Pull out your handgun and enter the big room. You should be able to make out
a guy on the ground and another in the room across the way. Kill either one
and then pull out your shotgun. Just wait by wall and be ready for about five
or so guys to appear; don't engage them when they are on the ground, just let
them come to you. Then pull out your other gun and go around the ladder they
climbed up, kill any left. Make your way to the railing (check your map first)
and locate the two guys on a catwalk below, then off 'em. That should be all,
but check your map and proceed with some caution as you follow the stairs to
the ground level.
Go up the stairs on the side of the room to reach a door leading to the last
part of this whole level. Look through the window to get a glimpse of a baddie
to the left. Open the door and take him out before he leaps over the edge.
Then peek over the side of the catwalk to the ground. Check your map and try to
spot the three or so enemies down there; they are usually behind something.
There is another one in the open, on the ground, and if you go to the railing
on the left and look that way, you should be able to take him out. There should
be only two more remaining: one at the other end, and one outside. Follow the
catwalk and get behind the turret quickly to take out the gunner before he can
get to cover. Hit the floor and be ready for whoever may be left inside the
building, and then get the last guy outside, to the left. Then go out and hop
into the copter to end this whole level.
Inside, switch your shotgun for a SCAR, and then get your sniper rifle.
I've been to the strip, and it looked a lot like it does in the game; no, it
was more chaotic in real life, and much more dangerous. HA!
The Strip
You get two new decoys, I mean teammates. Get out your sniper and move up while
looking down the street, but be quick or you will miss the guys that appear.
Try to stay where you are and snipe as many as possible. Move your team to
cover, then you should go around the big bus on the right. You should run into
a few guys nearby, so take them out and keep your team moving up. Get them
behind the big van looking down the small path, then you should slowly move
your squad along the path, in case some stragglers pop up.
Set your guys behind the nearby taxi at the end of the path, and then you go
all the way to the left, and poke around the big bus. There will be one guy
back here, for some reason. Then move to where he was and direct your team to a
small block that houses a tree (not the one near you, but down the way a bit).
This will get the nest moving and a bunch of enemies will get set. They tend to
try and flank you from the left side, along the sidewalk, so be ready. Get to
where your guys are fighting, and then simply crouch and stand behind some
cover to take out the red spots on your map. Move your team to new cover after
a while and keep up the routine. Work your way to the next path, where there
should be two guys near its end. Watch the news.
Go around the bus, and send your team to the truck across the way. Go to the
other side of the road and more bad men with guns will appear. Get your
fellowship of goodness behind another tree stand and be ready for more guys to
take the sidewalk. Move them to the next tree stand and keep low as you handle
the situation. Eventually move your team into the cars on the street. Should
have all the enemies done in. There is an outfitting station in the streets,
but you don't need it, unless you do for ammo.
When taking on the next area, I found that sending your team to the white car
at the end of the path works best as you take cover behind the blue truck.
They should take out the guys around them, and you should aim for the enemies
that move around by the palm leaves across the way. Check the map for anyone
left on the either side, and then move toward the wall of the casino when the
coast is clear; may be one or two left over.
Go into the building and go through the door. Stack your guys up on the white
doors, then send them in to take out a bad dude. There are two doorways into
the office, but use the door inside the small room to the left. Send them in
with frag and clear, then you go inside through the other door. Tossing a frag
to the far corner might get a few, then just send in your guys to mop up.
Grab a GLOCK 18 from the ground, it is a cool gun. Send your guys into the
next room to end the mission.
Calypso Casino
Go through the door to the right, and stack your men on the door at the end.
Set a mark on one of the guys, then come back and snake the other door. Look
to the left to set one of those guys as a mark. You will send your band in with
frag and clear, then you go in and take out the guys to the left of your door.
Then go over to their position and move them along the rows of slots. When they
go up, more guys should pop up. They will try to flank your teammates, so you
need to snake through the slots and get them first.
Move your team to cover in the next section, then get them under the truck in
the center. Men with dirty mouths will pour into the area and attack from all
sides. You should cover one side, then move your team to the other side, and
eventually get over there yourself; or at least that is what I did. And then
make your way to the small room, where one or two guys might be hiding. Pick
up a Desert Eagle if you can, and then get some more ammo from the box of
Enter the next area and make your way to the rapple point; use it. Go around
the vents and put your guys on the openings, then you flank the bad guys from
another point in the vents. Just send your team into the next room and you
will take out all the bad men. Then send your team into the hallway through
the doors in front of you, they should get both guys from both sides.
At the end of the hallway, to the right, stack your guys on the door and tell
them to enter and clear. Then follow and mop up. Go up the stairs and put your
bff on the computer. Get ready for some guys to pop up that you were not
expecting. They will pop up from the left and right stairs. Then go out the
door to the right to clean up, then stack your team on the door on the other
end. Somehow, these two did not hear the magnificent gun fight outside, but
send in your team to clear their ears out.
Get to the floor and follow the path through another door; there may be a new
in hiding. Stack them on the first door, and send them in there guns blazin'.
Then go through the next two doors, and stack your guys on the doors at the
end of the hallway. Send them in for two more guys, and then go up the sets of
Stack 'em on the door as you watch the scene. Set a mark and send 'em through,
but you keep a read on the door across the way. Move in when all is well. Send
your squad into the next section and put them behind the center thingy. Then
wait behind cover as some more terrorists drop in. Clear them out however you
please. Then send your gang up the steps, and quickly send them back to the
center thingy. Peek and shoot as you wish, then send them back up the stairs
when all is well again. Surprise! more guys will appear when they get to the
top, so bring them back to the ground and pick off the enemies where needed.
This time you can go up the steps and no more fighting, that is if you cleared
them all out, so be on your toes. From here, choose to go up with the stairs on
the walkway, the other is behind some doors. Repeat the process on this level,
then again, and again until you can't go up through these stairs. Take the path
through some doors and then up to the next level, which is surprisingly clean.
Past the save point, go through the doors, then go into the room on the left
for some ammo. Stack them up and snake the door. Set a mark on the guy on the
floor, then position yourself so that you can shoot the guy on the stage
through your scope as soon as the door opens. Again, might be overkill, but
just look cool saving the hostages. There are three more guys in the other room
and once they are gone you can claim the hostages. Go to the last checkpoint
to end this mission.
Casino Floor
Go forward and notice the two paths to the other side. Send you mates to one
side as you take the other. You should be able to direct them from your side,
so inch them forward; there are only two guys between both sides, but there are
more on the floor that may come up. When you reach the end, about five enemies
drop from the skies, so handle them and regroup on the stairs. Send your team
to cover on the floor as you stay on the steps and direct traffic. Move them
closer to the center gambling pit so that more guys drop into the fray, and be
ready for them to attack from both sides. After that it is just a matter of
killing the ones in the pit.
Take the stairway to the right and stack your team on the door. Snake it and
try to mark both guys, then send in the good guys and make sure you watch the
door across the way. Set your team behind some of the blue things and help
them clear the area. Go forward to end this mission.
VIP Escort
I say assault the captors from above by using the skylight on the patio. Set
your team to the fast ropes, then send them in when you get a read on the guy
holding the hostage. Take him out, send in your team, then do your best to
provide support from above. Tossing down a flashbang might help before you
go down. Mop up and claim the prize. Make sure you make him follow you.
Follow the path and round the corner down a hall, get the lone ranger before
he gets you. Stack them dudes on the door and tell them to frag and clear, but
make your follower hold in the hall. Keep a read on the door across the way
as your team clears the room. Quickly send them to the next door down some
steps in the same room. Then you come out the door up top, and be ready for a
guy to approach from the upper level. Send your guys to clear and then take
cover behind the obstacle at the top of the bottom set of stairs; the thing
with the railings that you can see across the room to the other stairs as guys
pour out. When your team clears out the room they were at, send them to one of
the tables near your set of stairs. Then you need to take cover on the upper
level behind the little walls next to the real walls up here, but be sure to
clear out the guys on the walkway that can see you. With you and your team, the
area should be cleansed in no time.
Send them to the opposite set of stairs, go get the follower, and then get some
more ammo. I don't care what you get, so long as you have something with a
good scope. Join the team and get to the top of the first set of stairs, look
at the hallway, but don't go inside. Look as far as you can down it and then
toss a frag down there to clear it out, then send your team in the hall just in
case. If no one is left, just get your friend and make your way to the chopper
outside to end this mission.
Have the SCAR, PSG1 (or whatever), Eagle, Frag, and Flashbang.
=Fremont Street=
Red Lotus
Watch the scene, then go to the sky light and look down for the two bad guys
below. Get them, then go around and take out the other two on the top of the
stairs (use the thermals if you can't see them). Set your team to the hooks and
send them in on assault mode. Should be just two tangos left, so clean up and
move to the door up top.
Go to the door on the far right and snake it. Put a mark on the closest guy,
then another on the other. Stack your team on this door, then you go to the
door on the far left. Snake it to scope out the opposition, two guys. Get ready
and send in your team on frag and clear as you enter at the same time. You
have to help your team out, use your thermals when they toss a smoke, and get
your team to you - put them behind the table near the middle doors if you can.
Then simply snuff everyone out. Move your team along the walkway to the other
side to test the waters.
Go through the next door to be ready for the next setup. This area is more
complex than the last. Stack your guys on one of the two doors in this main
hallway, then you go snake out the other door on the right. Just one guy in
here. This is the gameplan: send in your team, take out your one guy, then
join your team, set them to cover facing the opposite side, and then you take
the cover on the other side of your side. Essentially, you should put your
team on the right, and you get on the left of the staircase. Enemies will be on
both sides on the second level, them come from the opening up high, and they
will hide on the bottom too. If you keep checking your map, and keep a look on
the opening on their side, you should be able to get what your squad misses.
And FYI, there was a stair in the hall behind you; they didn't take it when we
stormed the balcony, but they did when we took to the room with the ammo, so
just know that. Send your team behind a statue on the ground, then get them to
the opening across the way. Put 'em on the hooks to end this mission.
Fremont Street
Go forward and put your congregation on the door to the left. Quickly snake it
and put two marks on the guys not holding the girl. Send them in, and you
should take try to take out the guy with the girl. Then put them in cover
facing the tables as you mop up the few guys above your position. Stay near
the door after the reporter splits and just wait for the guys to rush your
team. When it seems clear, send your squad farther down the way as you cover
them from the corner; whatever you do stay away from the short ends on the
tree stand things. There will be plenty of hard-to-shoot guys as you move up,
so have some patience.
Move through the last bits of this casino into Fremont Street. Send your guys
to the central thing up ahead and provide support. Once the civilians are safe,
you should go up the ladder on the left. Move your guys toward the center
area and put them behind the cover of the tiny bastions sticking from the
things that hold some plants, the plant holders. From the corner of this upper
area, you should be able to move from one corner of the corner, since you
can't see out the direct corner, and get good reads on the whole fight. Keep an
eye on the right as that seems to be where a lot of guys come from, but
look from the left as the fight starts (it starts when your guys reach the
plant holders). From the left, be sure to check the ladder down the ways, as
I was killed one time by a sneaky fox. Provide support and move your guys if
needed to win the battle.
*Obviously the above gameplan did not work, or else I wouldn't have had this
one. Bring your team with you to the upper path and set them to one opening
while you take the other. Battle goes much smoother. And yes, don't drop down
the ladder, be sure to use it.
If you do this one, then when you get to the ground there might be a few guys
under the path you took, and the explosion will make two more guys appear when
you get to the intersection.*
Move your team up and keep them in behind cover as another wave of guys pops
up out of nowhere. Take them out and keep moving to a stair case (check map)
where three more guys will rush you if you aren't ready. Go through the door
down there and send your men down to end this mission.
*There was an alley on the other side, but whatever, it probably wasn't as fun
as this side.*
Behind the Curtains
Go and look down the hall, and send your guys to the wall at the end so they
will kill the two patrolling enemies. Then move up and set them to the first
flat column. You should stay on the corner of the original hallway and direct
the flow of the fight. They should be able to handle the situation after a
certain amount of time, but then they won't be able to kill one guy down the
way behind a crate; and they might not be able to kill a guy two columns down.
Check the map and intervene where appropriate, and use a frag on the guy in
hiding. Move your team first up the path in case there is another enemy.
Move along until you reach a new setup. There are two doors, the one on the far
right has a bad guy in front of it. Put your men on that one, then you go to
the first one and snake it. Put on the thermals for this fight, and crouch.
You will send in your team guns blazin', and you will use the cover of the
piping near your door for safety. If you are unable to get a couple of bad guys
in here, then your teammates will most likely get hurt. So put them first
before anything, but just know that these enemies have some grenades. They
don't have frags, and you could probably use one for the last ones that hide in
the center area.
Proceed along the path and through a door to another ammo crate. Keep what you
got, I guess, then stack your men on the door. Send them in, then you crouch
and go out the door, but be sure to get the guy that might be right near the
door. Tell your team to fall in on you as you set up near the hooks. Take out
the guys on the ground and on the catwalks, use thermals if needed, and then
go along the walkway. Stack and send in your team into the room up here. Come
back out and return to the hooks. Send them down, and look to the right to
provide cover fire. Try to send your men to cover, and use your thermals if
they smoke your vision. Hopefully your guys don't get wounded, and you can just
stay up high and pick prey off.
I believe that when you start to move along the path, two guys will rush the
hooks you took and try to sneak up on you, so be ready. And when you try to
enter the hallway, a guy will be in the opening to the left. Keep going and
your guys will run into one guy in the small room. Go further to a ladder and
get to the next part of the level.
Keep your team on you, and go through the door, then just wait for a guy to
come out the next door. Send your team in, or toss in a frag, to clear out the
next room. Go through the next doorway on the right and there should be one
more tango. Go up the nearby stairs and through the door into a hallway with
many doors. Check each out (snake): one is a bathroom, and the other two lead
to the next room. Enter the door near the bathroom, and then put your buddies
on the corner of the wall, then you take cover behind the overturned table up
here. When the first group of guys are finished, move up to the railing that
faces the bar and take out as many tangos as you can. There is one far down
the path, behind a counter; he is the most dangerous, but some dam plants don't
let you see him from up here. Send your team to the cover by the booths and
rub your rabbit's foot that they don't toss incendiaries and rush your guys
with shotguns. If they survive, join them and finish off whoever might still
Go through the door into the next hallway with three more doors. Send your team
to the one on the left, ignore the one on the right, and enter the one in the
middle. Don't be scared to look out the window toward the objective. There is
one guy on the ground nearby, and another on the walkway across the road. Look
down to the left for two more guys by the fence. Set these two with marks, and
wait for them to be near the range of your guys. You will send your team into
the streets as you take out the guy by the tree, then the one across the way.
Do so, set your guys behind the white van, and be ready for one more enemy to
shoot at you from the streets, but your guys should take him out. Grab some
supplies and join your team.
Send your business partner to the van and then take shelter behind the two
blocks up the road. Leave your free man by the van and get ready for one heck
of a fantastic fight. Be ready when they toss smoke, and watch both sides of
the road. They will try to rush you by running right up the center, so don't
let them get behind you. Your cover fire is surprisingly accurate, so just
keep your gun active and you should be fine. Be sure to get the one guy that
takes a perch up high, to the left. And the fight is not over until the new
objective pops up. Simply place a bomb and run down the road to end this
=The Spire=
Tower Top
Don't take the sky lights this time. Turn around and locate the door leading
to a stairwell, and go to the bottom. Put on the silencers and get your team
on the door to the right. Snake it and tag both guys, then send 'em in. Pull
back out and go to the other door to do the same, except you can only see on
of the tangos. Go in and watch the door across the kitchen as about three more
will take interest. When it seems safe, go to the door with your team and take
cover. Pull up your map and if it says there are two behind the bar, toss a
frag in there. Enter the room and make sure it is clear. Whip out the old
flashbangs and get ready to descend the stairs on the side of the room. Send
down your team first, then run down and toss a flash grenade toward the bad
guys to buy you all time to get to the cover on the floor level. Then it is
just a matter of not dying, as usual. Descend the next set of steps and set
your guys on the wall to the left of the opening.
There are two ways to go from here, and the right side is a dead end with just
two guys. Stack your team on the door taking the other path, but then check
your map. There are two other doors leading to two bathrooms. The first, bigger
one will have one guy. Open this one and take him out. Then snake the door
leading to the bigger room and watch the pattern of the patrolling guard. You
want to open the door when he is directly in front of it, and then take cover
by the door. When the other tangos have you pinned, send in your soldiers to
spread the field, then you can come out and take out the guys around the bar.
Go through the hall and stack your guys on the door. This is tricky, because
you have to toss in a flashbang, let your guys clear out a few, then bring them
back into the hall. You should take the safety of the wall by the door and try
to clean house yourself; it will be hard since these guys can be anywhere.
When it looks clear, send out your team behind some cover (not much) and
then get out there yourself; I don't know what the spotlight does, but just
ignore it. Not much to this next part but some dumb luck. Put your team under
one of the little tents and hope they can see the enemies. They are on both
sides near each pool, so take cover and play the game. When all looks clear,
set your guys on the hooks and send 'em down to end the mission.
Dr. Williams
Take the red door on the left and descend the stairs. Snake the door down here
and mark both terrorists to the right, then send 'em in. Now go the the door
on the far left and snake it. You will hear some chatter about you, so tag
two enemies and raid the room. There is another shotgun-wielding enemy in the
Going out the door will put you in the sights of three enemies to the right.
If you got a frag, open the left door and toss it down the hall; I guess the
same with a flashbang, then take them out. Either way, there are two more guys
inside the room.
Get ready to save the hostage. Stack your dudes on the door and snake it. There
are three enemies, and you need to tag the one holding the hostage first, then
put a tag on the closest guy; you will take the one in the middle, on the
other side of the room. Let them open the right door, and then you open the
left door as you got your scope fixed on the position of your guy. Should work
perfectly, and your team will handle it if you don't.
Go to the room to the left and get some ammo only if you need some, otherwise
just save it for later. Go into the room to the left with some stairs and get
to the top. Stack them on the door up here and snake it, tag the two
guys by the railing to the left. There is one more guy around the tables, so
try to open the other door and get him yourself. Once your team is on the top
of the casino floor's second level, set them behind the square of tables close
to the door.
The enemy is extremely random in this section. There will always be a bunch of
them on the bottom, hiding amongst the slots, and the rest will try to rush
your level from either set of stairs. I believe they rush the sides that your
team is on. If they are near the doors and you are in the bigger square of
tables away from the door, expect for them to rush you from both stairs. I
found it much easier for you and your teammates to go into the square of tables
away from the door, and for some reason you don't get hit by grenades nearly
as much - oh yes, I believe these enemies carry frags, joy. Make sure to
rotate your guys from the two tables, so they can draw fire of the enemy and
they can usually see them better than you, or they can see better than me.
I don't know how to get through this perfectly, as there is just too much crap
blocking your vision. So I really let my team handle the situation, as I just
directed traffic. Don't let them get rushed, and then move around the top level
when the bullets get slow. Cautiously send them down when it seems clear and
go through the next door on the bottom, to the right (don't forget the ammo
if you didn't get it the first time).
Snake the next door and tag the two guys talking to each other. There are about
three others that are patrolling around the stairs, so be alert. Watch both
sides of the floor below for more as you descend the stairs. Stack them boys
on the door and snake it. Don't tag anyone from here. Crouch and go around to
the porch on the left. There is a bar near the door your team is on, and it
has one guy behind it; tag him. Then cross over the door and get a read on the
two other guys on the ground. One is near your door, behind a bar, and the
other is a bit away from that one; tag the one farthest away from you. You will
send your team in, and then you take out the guy close to your window. Be
careful not to let the guys on the top level get you; if you are quick to kill
your man, just hide behind the door and dash in when the bullets pause. Get
your team in and make sure you clear the top level.
Send a homeboy on the micro pulse bomb, oh the suspense! Now you got to get the
heck out of here. Go back up the big stairs, and just one last guy to give you
the jump from the door at the top. Then just tell them to follow you as you
ascend, then rapple over the side and board the copter to end this mission.
=Dante's Casino=
Oh yeah, no, gambling is no sin. This place is nice.
Hell's Gate
Go forward and set your team on the railing, join them and pick off tangos.
Send your guys to the hook on the left, and then you get ready to take the
stairs on the right. Send them down and then you take the steps. Your decoys
should draw the enemy fire, and you should be able to sneak up on them. Put
your guys in cover and send them along the left side of the site; you take
the right side. Just keep moving your team and move along with them until
you reach the ladder. Go up and set your team on the crates to the left of the
small steps. They will distract the fire of the enemy while you rush them. You
will first go to the first obstacle, then the one on the right, and then you
will take out the guy ahead, but don't forget the one above you (hard to see).
Check the map as you clear the area.
Hook on the right side and begin dropping. Tell them to infiltrate and get
positioned on the windows behind the guys below. When everyone is set, put them
on assault and shoot one of the guys if you can. Go in and watch the bell fall.
Slide down the ladder, and then put your team on defensive, also switch to
silencers. All you you go down the double hooks, and then check the map for
all three bad guys. I'm pretty sure they can't see you, so switch to night
vision (RB) and take them out one by one; pull up your guys if you want to
finish them off quickly.
Go to the stairs and send your guys down there under cover fire. Go down there
if things get tricky - and use your thermals, they aren't the best, but they
work okay. Just use the map and take out everyone. Then take the stairs and
repeat the process, but be ready for guys on all sides (use the dark to your
advantage). Enter the little room and go into the lighted room for the next
There are two doors into the next room. Stack them on the left door and just
send them in with frag and clear; you can enter through the other door, but the
timing won't work, you will probably get blown away. Go through the next door.
There are a few ways to get into the next room. Leave your team back and go to
the door up on the left. Snake it and watch the guy patrolling. Open the door
and kill him, silently. Then crouch under the window and look into the room
below. There are about four guys in here: three in the center and one on guard
to the right on a walkway. Stack your team on the door. You will send them
through on frag and clear, and you will raise up and try to get the one guy on
the right.
Enter the next section and stack your team on the next door. Snake it and tag
the guy in the hallway. Frag and clear, and you can do something from the
window on the side if you like. Go into the next area and go to the left where
you will find an ammo crate and a door. Stack them and get some ammo. You can
tag the patrolling guy then send them in on clear.
The next section is a slot floor under construction. I say take the right path
and attack from above. There is a guy up here, and after he is gone send them
to overlook the area. You should help out, then take the stairs nearby that
lead to the open. Weave through the slots, toss frags, use the map, and take
out the large number of enemy tangos. Be sure to keep an eye on the opening on
the opposite side up top.
Stack on the door leading to the next room. Tag the two on the left and send
them in, they should be able to clear it out. There are three more guys on the
walkway above, so clear them out yourself. Move your team to the wall on the
left and be ready for about three more guys in the next hallway, the hall with
a bunch of arcades (one is Splinter Cell). Pick up the XM-26 LSS, swap your
sniper rifle.
Go into the arcade and free your old buddy. Get ready for a big rush of enemies
from the other side. Put your team behind the arcades on the left and you hide
behind the one on the right. Should take a few hits, but you should do fine,
just the same pop and shoot routine as before. There will be two guys that drop
in from above, so be ready when you hear glass break. Make sure to check your
map often and watch in the right corner as guys will try to run up the steps
and flank you guys, so get them first. Also keep an eye on when they try to
rush you. All of the rushers have shotguns, so you know what you are up against
in this one. Just keep patient, and if the action dies, put no call from the
girl, then send your team into the open and draw out the survivors, but pull
them back if another wave comes from the doors.
When you get the call, follow Gabe to the bottom level; I picked up a FAMAS,
swapping out the shotgun. When you go into the small hallway, a lone bad guy
will try to get the jump on you. Put your team behind the center obstacle and
go to the wall on the left. Just take care of these guys, which is not that
easy, and get to the door to end the mission. Frags will help.
Construction Yard
Crouch and go through the door, keep going until you reach a small railing.
Look over and toss a frag into the two enemies. Set your team behind the two
blocks near where the other two were and just take out tangos. Take the small
path to the right, but watch out for a gunner waiting for you, and another
above the path you took. There will be two more up high on the ledge. Bring
your team up and go up the steps. Make your way to a bigger area, killing foos
along the way. Then hide behind another railing to the right where you can kill
about three more guys all around. Follow the path and reach the target by
going down a ladder.
Outfit yourself with some ammo, then get ready for a tango in the hallway. Go
along and use the fast ropes. Kill some people, but don't kill the friendly on
the ground. Send your guys into the piping and let them engage the trap. Watch
the sad "scene".
Go up the ladder and round the corners with your team. Put them on the railings
near the turret and let them have at the enemies in the pit and around the high
ledge. They will try to climb out, but see if you can stop them. Don't let the
ones up here flank you from the left. Just stay low and go around this upper
level to flank the ones in hiding. Follow the path and get some more ammo when
the fight is over.
Stack on the next door and set two marks on the guy you see and the patrolling
dude. Send them in, and when the red marks go away, put your men on the small
railing in front of the door. There will a couple of guys that fall on the
open doorways in this walkway part. So go toward the right corner and wait for
them to drop in, then watch the path on the right. Don't let them flank you or
your guys from either side. When they stop trying to rush, you should try to
flank them from the left and move your team with you. Just keep checking the
map and play smart; they might try to flank you again. There is a gunner on
the other side.
Enter the Cerebus lobby. Set your team behind the wooden box and you take up
point behind the black box. Get the gunner up high, and then just keep the mob
at bay; there will be quite a few, but they never rushed me. Poke and shoot
like you do. Then go up the stairs and end this mission.
Dante's Theatre
Go up the path and up the stairs to the right. Leave your team on the steps and
put them on defense. Make sure your silencer is on. Creep forward and watch
your map for tangos in the area, and stay down. One guy should patrol the
area up here, and he was very blind when I got him. There are two more guys
on the ground that are not by the doors. The guys by the doors talking should
be left alone, and they won't notice as you kill the others. Make sure you are
getting headshots and no one will know what you are doing. When you are sure
that the extras are taken care of, and the two by the door are none the wiser,
send your team to the center door in the lobby and send them in. Get some
ammo from the crate.
Okay, go through the first door on the left and kill the two guys on the top
of the stairs. From there, it gets tricky. I say leave your team in this room
while you go and clear all the upper levels of bad guys. You can get the jump
on a few, but after a while they will know you're there. Start on the top
level and kill as many from the shadows as you can. Then move down and clear
the next level.
When you reach the bottom level, you got two options: go back and assault the
enemies with your team, or take them on yourself. It's not too hard to take
care of it on your own. Go to a stairway, open the door, get a couple by
surprise, and then retreat back into the stairwell. They will try to rush you,
for some reason, so you can just pick them off. Or, you can do this and just
have your team with you (you can tell I did this by myself and didn't die). So
you do what is best, and frags help. Bring your team to the floor and then all
you you should engage the guys on the stage by the turret on the left.
*Oh, yeah, when you are on the top level, watch for a guy on a bridge high
above the stage.*
Go up the path to the left, may be one or two guys, and stack your team on the
door at the end. Snake it to locate one guy to tag. Send them in, but don't
follow or you'll get hit by a frag. Should be two more guys. Don't send your
team through this next door. Open it and try to peek around the corner to the
left. There is a door with an obstacle and a guy behind it. Try to peek and
shoot him.
Get on the stage and send a brother in arms to the computer. Don't get on the
turret, it won't work. There are two spots to hide to the right of the computer
and that is where you and your free man will take cover. You need to use the
gun with the biggest magazine. Your goal is to protect the computer from the
waves of enemies. It is like whack-a-mole, as they will appear from all the
balconies and then the seats. Use any spare frags on the second wave and be
quick to kill the bad guys. If your guy falls, got to leave him, but he should
be fine and he should help you a bunch.
Climb the ladder, and there will be a guy from the door on the other side of
the walkway. When you are in the next room, toss a frag into the room on the
right and that should get the other two bad guys. There will be one more on the
steps ahead. Follow the path and get to the chopper to end this mission.
=Hoover Dam=
I've been here too. Dam tourists! They call it the Nevada Dam, but I'm pretty
sure it's the Hoover. I did a yahoo search and got the Hoover Dam as the
Nevada Dam.
The Bridge
Go forward for a run-in with a worker. Hop over one of the railings to get on
a walkway. Move your team along and eventually some guys will pop up from both
sides when you get close. When it's safe up here, get to the rapple points and
go down. Breach in and kill the terrorists, or shoot them through the windows
first, your call (heck, you probably could've taken the stairs). Send a knight
of the brotherhood to the bomb. Oh the horror!
Some dam bad guys will attack from both sides while the dialogue runs. Go down
the path and snake the door. You can handle the guys, but you can send in your
team, or whatever. Then go out the next door and kill the guy on the catwalk,
then the guy down below. There is one guy behind the next door, so handle him
however. Then get to the ground level and snake the red door on the left. Tag
both guys (one is behind the fenced area) and then go around to the other door
and try to get the main dude as your team enters the room. Meet the dam
hostage to end this dam mission.
Get outside. Tell the follower to hold, make sure your silencers are on, and
then look way over to the right to get one guy on a walkway. Bring your guys to
the ground and get rid of the two terrorists on the ground, or whatever that
level is called. There will be about three more further down, and my team was
able to kill them all, just keep 'em movin'. When the outside area is clear, be
sure to collect the follower and set him below the walkway. Ascend the ladder
with your team, then scope out the room below the skylight. You should be by
the hooks when your team goes in, and you will shoot from above; there are
about four or so guys in the room and you can hit three easily. Your follower
will come in by himself when it is secure.
Take the stairs in the back. Descend and take the door to the left. Stack up
on the next door, but snake it just to see the red barrels on the ground. Put
targets on the guys so you can get a relative picture of where the barrels are.
You want to hit the barrels so that when you are in that room you are not blown
to heck. Get inside after you clear it and then get your guys to cover, then
watch out for guys to hide behind the forklift nearby (use the map) and set
your men to a corner so that they can take out the guys down the path ahead.
*Hardest part of game upcoming.*
Put a son of Hades on the dam computer. Get ready for tangos to come in sets of
four from around where you came from. There will also be a couple from the
right side, but they sneak up on you after a while. There is only one way to
get past this part, and even then you need a lot, I mean a lot of luck; or else
you will be really pissed with this dam situation. You have to stay in the
little room and aim at the opening door from out the window (it will be in
front of the area you came from). Try to get a couple of guys, then get the
ones that try to rush. If you don't get them, then it is all for naught. After
those first few guys are down, turn around and look to the back for two more
guys, who hopefully did not toss grenades in with you. Once they are gone you
can focus on the main group, and pray they don't nail you with a frag. If your
free man ever gets hit, you just got to let him bleed and hope you finish the
job alone. Again, the first few guys that try to rush you are the key to
success, if they get by you will restart from the last checkpoint.
reader tip
I know you mentioned no more info, and you classified your guide as complete,
but just in case you want to add it, I have an easier way to finish that part
you described in "Hardest part of game upcoming" .
1. Send your team to the crates in front of the little shack where Jung will
hack the computer. Not the crates near the back gate that will open up.
2. Once they are there, situate yourself as close as possible to the first
gate that will open up with tangos rushing out, but still close enough to be
able to give the command to hack the computer. That way, when you give the
command, you can rush towards the gate before it opens.
3. As soon as you give the command, run towards the gate, and take cover at
the corner, and have your submachine gun ready, pointing at the gate. I
tried to draw the position with text. Hope it comes out right.
_______ =========== ___________=============______________
This gate opens
|X <---- hide here
4. As soon as the gate opens, waste 'em quickly. You'll most likely get all
the tangos with one clip, and if not, only one will survive.
5. When you run out of rounds, run to the back gate that will open. If you
are fast enough, you will get there just before the back gate fully opens.
Try to run along the wall you took cover from earlier to prevent any baddies
from hitting you as you run back.
6. Shoot the two guys who come out of the back gate.
7. After this you are left with maybe only 4 other bad guys that Michael will
be able to fend off on his own from the back of the crate. By this time, the
hacking would have been done, and progress will have been saved. If not,
just pick the remaining guys off, who will be sort of far away, with your
assault rifle or sniper rifle. Whether you do this or not, since the
progress was saved, when you die, any tangos you hadn't killed yet will not
be there anymore, and you will just proceed to the next objective.
*Brett Persons has noted that tossing a few smoke grenades around may help.
I would say that smoke should be thrown on your position, in the direction of
the main flow of bad guys, and then to the garage door when it opens. The more
smoke the better.
Go along the path. When you reach the door to the second level, just send in
your team and they should get the one guy and then the two others guys that
come in from both sides. Go into the next room and put your guys behind cover
as you get into the main section. There will be a few guys on the left, and a
few that drop in from the roof. Then cautiously peer into the bottom area and
take out the many enemies. Send your team to some cover down there and that
should cause a few more to drop in from above. Be sure to advance your team
into unknown places. Take the path next to the room, and then pick off the
tangos in the next section one by one; remember to move from cover to cover.
Move up the stairs and put your men behind some cover as you engage the few
men along the way. Send your team up and flank the enemy from the left as you
approach the next room. Take the stairs and stack up on the red door. Snake it
and tag at least one of the guys then send them in. Now go down the stairs
alone with silencers on. You will see an opening to the right with a guy
standing on the ground. Kill him, then go to the opening and kill the other two
down there. Go where they were standing and send your team to the crate by the
red door as some guys fire from way down the room. There is a something
opposite the red door, not good for cover but it has a space between it and
the wall. You should be able to look through this space to kill a few enemies.
Then mop up whoever remains.
Take the red door, but be ready for the bad guys in the next room; tossing in
a frag may help, then handle the rest. Go through the door on the right and
use the fast rope to end this mission.
Secret Labs
Go forward and talk to a friend. Send your team to the left wall of the entry
way to the next area; make sure they are not on the corner or they will get
killed. There are a bunch of bad dudes with guns across the room. Two gunners
in the booth and many more will spill out and try to flank you. You got to
get in this room, and I say take cover behind the light blue van. You won't
be safe from the left, as that is a popular place for bad guys to go to; just
be ready to pop off the van and take your shot. There are two blue trucks to
the right. You can't poke out and kill the gunners, but if you send your team
behind the outmost truck, they will draw the fire and allow you enough time
to get maybe both of them, but one is fine. From there it is the same poke and
shoot as before (use your map). And send your team over there when it seems
There is another door in the back and it has three bad guys behind it. You can
frag and clear, but just letting your team clear will work. Go into the next
room and snake the door on the left. Set a tag on the guy by himself to the
left, and then get the guy talking. Stack your team and then get to the door
on the right. You will send in your team, you will open the door and kill
the guy you couldn't see from the other door, and then you need to put your
team on the corner of the wall so they can get the other guy in the room.
Through the next door is yet another big fight. Put your team nearby and set
them to infiltrate. Crouch, put on silencer, and go through the door alone.
You should be able to kill the guy straight ahead, and then the next one
through the left window. Go to the door if they haven't spotted you and snake
it to scope your opposition. Yes, you won't be able to kill them all. Come
back to the booth and try to get one more, but if they spot you don't worry,
well, worry a bit. To your team on assault and put them in the booth while you
go to the door and anticipate a fool rushing in. From the doorway you should
be able to get the guys to the right, in front of the booth. Then it becomes
the same routine and you trying to spot loose tangos. One will be up high and
another may be on the docks to the left. Send in your team to lead the way.
Snake the red door and find the patrolling guard to tag first, then get the
other one nearby. Send in your team when the moving target gets next to the
door. Quickly send your team to the boxes near the door for cover. You set up
shop on the wall by the left door. You got to use your thermals and map to
locate terrorists in this room. I got lucky and these guys torched themselves
with a few incendiaries. You should be safe from fire, and your team can take
a burn, or they will simply move (be sure to put them back where you got them).
Again, when things are quiet, send in your team to act as decoys. There are
usually a few on the left, under the stairs.
The big hole in the wall has two guys waiting on the other side, to the right
of it; either send in your decoys, or toss in a frag, or whatever. Enter the
labs. The path is in the room in the right corner. Go through the metal
detector and the door beyond. Look through one of the doors and locate one
moving enemy and another at the top of the stairs. Make the moving target the
first priority, and the other as second. Wait for the big red target to get
near the other and send your team in. My guys could handle all the tangos below
from that position as I went through the other door up here. But going down
the stairs may work too, but I doubt it. From up top you can spot all the bad
guys and move around the top to locate them. Put your team at the foot of the
stairs as you mop up (the last ones are hiding in the corner to the right).
Follow the hall in the back. The next section is a maze of cubicles. Hug the
wall and take the small cover to the left of the door. They should spot you and
start taking shots at you. Get the couple of guys that poke out from the path
in the left corner, and bring your team to the wall nearby in the same little
pathway. You can set them near the window in the wall and they should get a few
guys; be sure to check the map for flankers. Then move them into the center of
it all to hunt down any survivors. If you are sneaky enough, you can go to the
back of the area and get the last two guys in a small room, if they haven't
already come out. Follow the path cautiously as a guy or two may yet live.
Check the map and find the path that has only one route. There will be a room
adjacent to a long hall, and a red door in this room. Stack on this door
quickly, snake it, tag two guys, and then send them in to clear out the four
terrorists holding the prizes. Go up the stairs.
Go through the next door and don't worry, the bad guys can't see you through
the openings in the doors for reasons unknown. Stack on the double doors to the
left and snake it. Tag the guy way to the left and another in front of the
door. Silencers on, you can just look through the other door on the right and
spot a lone bad guy. Open the door and kill him quickly without alerting the
others. Can't get the others through the windows without being seen. Send in
your team, and you should watch the other door in your room for a flanker to
come through. My guys were able to clear the room on their own, but feel free
to go through the door and help out.
Take the door on the left side of the room, go down a hallway, and pass through
the door. Snake both doors to find three guys in two different rooms. Stack on
the door on the left and tag the guy in front of the door plus the guy to the
right, up high. The door on the right has one guy you should be able to kill
silently, but the door opens toward you so you have to be a bit away to open
it without making a fuss. Send your team in and then open the door in this room
to join the fray. There will be two more guys in the room, so eyes open. And
when you go up the stairs, be ready for a few more from all sides. The room
with the target location will have one guy that is tricky to kill, I say just
rush your team to his spot. Or, you can send your team in from one side as you
go around from the other.
In this hallway you will find two doors on the left. The far, red door has
just one guy for you to kill silently. Send your team to the door in this room,
and then snake the door to see a guy nearby. Now, go back to the hallway, run
along, crouch and go along the walkway at the end, hugging the wall to reach
the other side with the stairs. Go down the dark stairs and snake the door.
Put on your thermals and wait for one guy to get close. Tag him, but this tag
is for you to know when he is in front of the door. The plan is for you to send
in your people from one side, and then you open your door when the guy is close
to get an easy kill. Then you should take cover by the door to finish off
whoever is left.
You can run into the lighted room from this dark one and kill the two guys, but
I say go back up the steps, hug the wall, and peer over the edge so that you
can get a read on the two guys down and away; hard to explain, but it's just
two guys. There are two points of entry into this room: the right door will
put whoever goes through in harms way, and the left point will be the flanking
position. I say just bring your team in from the left and put them behind the
big crate for cover as you all battle it out with the tangos. Ignore the ammo
crate until you win.
*Another frustrating fight upcoming. And don't go up the stairs yet.*
Get the SCAR and the MK46 (light machine gun) and some smoke grenades from the
crate in the previous room; you need the smoke grenades, or else you can just
start the game over, or whatever. Bring your team to the area with the
computer. I know I haven't been fond of the smoke grenades through the whole
game, but this is the first time when they were the only answer. As soon as
you put Jung on the computer, put Michael on the other open spot on the
computer. You will also toss a smoke grenade in toward the box in front of the
console and put on your thermals. Now they can't see you (at least they didn't
fire at me) and you only need to keep the smoke up as you stand in the middle
of it and pick each bad guy off as they drop in. This smoke made it way easy,
so I hope it works for you too.
Get ready to go up the stairs and kill two more dudes. Go around the walkway
until you reach a blast door and just wait for your team. Head in and go around
the corner. Send your team to the big wall for cover, and then you got a couple
of cover points. If you made it this far I'm sure you know the routine by now,
so I'll let you fill in the blanks (send in the team when it seems clear). Go
up the stairs and round the corner and out-gun Irena to put her down. Enter the
elevator to end this mission.
I say keep the gun with the big clip, but stock up on ammo. You are going to
go up the stairs and kill two guys. Outside will be run and gun, but I don't
think you are actually timed. Just get to cover and take out all the bad guys
before you blow up the missile in spectacular fashion. Then follow the road for
the big tweest!
Go toward the chopper, but don't kill the first person you see, that will be
a friendly. Shoot at the guys shooting at you. Then go behind the van for a
very exciting conversation. Dam to the ending, oh well. Here's to Rainbow
Six Miami and Rainbow Six New York.
*ALTERNATE ENDING ALERT: I found out about this much later, but you can shoot
the fleeing helicopter and get a slightly alternate ending. The outcome is no
different, but the words are changed a bit. As I hear, you see, I still don't
have the game. You can check Wikipedia for more info on that.*
That was fun, can't wait for GRAW 2. Happy hunting.
Go play Terrorist Hunt, that is kinda fun.
* Frequently Asked Questions FAQ *
Just two for now, they come up quite a bit.
I can't get past the Irena part in the labs, will you come to my
rescue sweet knight of the video game realm?
Yes, and stop asking.
Darn, I hate this little part of the game. I will tell you what I did: I
hacked the computer, used the smoke to kill all the guys, my team started
talking, I killed two guys as I went up the steps, I waited at the blast
door, it opened, my team joined me, we went inside, had a big gun fight,
and then we killed the b*$#h. I think you are not waiting for the conversation
between teammates to take place, once that happens you are free, and it will
only happen if all the enemies are dead so check the area.
I did the computer hack at the theatre, but the door won't open, can
you toss me a bone brotha?
You are possibly screwed. My askers did not report back to me, but I
believe they restarted the game. Do not go backwards in the level after
you hack and defend, or else the game's scripting will mess up. Hack
the computer and go up the ladder is what I did.
Here is a tip sent from a reader. He explains it the best of anyone that has
tackled this section. So I am happy to credit him for it:
I know you mentioned no more info, and you classified your guide as complete,
but just in case you want to add it, I have an easier way to finish that part
you described in "Hardest part of game upcoming" .
1. Send your team to the crates in front of the little shack where Jung will
hack the computer. Not the crates near the back gate that will open up.
2. Once they are there, situate yourself as close as possible to the first
gate that will open up with tangos rushing out, but still close enough to be
able to give the command to hack the computer. That way, when you give the
command, you can rush towards the gate before it opens.
3. As soon as you give the command, run towards the gate, and take cover at
the corner, and have your submachine gun ready, pointing at the gate. I
tried to draw the position with text. Hope it comes out right.
_______ =========== ___________=============______________
This gate opens
|X <---- hide here
4. As soon as the gate opens, waste 'em quickly. You'll most likely get all
the tangos with one clip, and if not, only one will survive.
5. When you run out of rounds, run to the back gate that will open. If you
are fast enough, you will get there just before the back gate fully opens.
Try to run along the wall you took cover from earlier to prevent any baddies
from hitting you as you run back.
6. Shoot the two guys who come out of the back gate.
7. After this you are left with maybe only 4 other bad guys that Michael will
be able to fend off on his own from the back of the crate. By this time, the
hacking would have been done, and progress will have been saved. If not,
just pick the remaining guys off, who will be sort of far away, with your
assault rifle or sniper rifle. Whether you do this or not, since the
progress was saved, when you die, any tangos you hadn't killed yet will not
be there anymore, and you will just proceed to the next objective.
Oh yes, here is a quick add from a reader (Jason Prosser):
qball8600 says that riotshields can be picked up and used with a pistol. I
am not sure where the riot shields are (please, I don't need to know) but I
trust him.
* 5. Credits/Copyright *
Brett Persons - for reminding me about the smoke in the dam level.
JM Taylor - for the famous 'hardest part of the game' tip
Please contact me if you need any help, if you want to praise me, if you want
to talk, or if you want to ask a question. And if you must send a flame, please
be nice so that I'll consider it. Also, if you have a cool trick or comment
that you want me to add to this guide, good luck, I don't accept just anything.
You will have to present it well and I will have to like it a lot!
Please have 'R6V' in the title.
My email:
PS - If I don't respond, don't take it personally, but there is most likely a
good reason (lazy, heard it a million times, it's stupid, etc.).
I have other guides floating around too. They are:
Resident Evil 4
Gears of War
Lost Planet
Dead Rising
Oblivion (work in progress)
Shivering Isles
Knights of the Nine
The Darkness
I've also been published in GamePro magazine, June 2007. Pretty cool if you ask
me, and all because I write these little guides.
Here is my list of sites:
GameFAQs (main host site)
CheatCodeCentral (cheatcc.com)
GamersTemple (http://www.gamerstemple.com/)
and even a few foreign and other random sites
*Not launched
All other sites must ask permission if they want this. All I ask is that the
guide be ad-free and in this text format.
Here is my small site:
Give it a visit, and see if you like.
This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Copyright 2007 Brad Russell
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.