Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones prince of persia the two thrones faqs

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*ASCII Art Submitted by PirateoftheFAQs. Thank You!*

VERSION 2.1 (Created 12/4/2005, Updated 12/19/2005)

2005 Marten "Karma Hunter" Stein

+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
|T|a|b|l|e| |o|f| |C|o|n|t|e|n|t|s|
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To find a desired section, just use CTRL + F and enter the characters within
the parentheses next to the section.

I. Introduction (INTR1)
II. Characters & Controls (CONT2)
III. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ3)
IV. Walkthrough (WALK4)
V. Free-Form Fighting Strategy (FREE5)
VI. Enemies (ENEM6)
VII. Boss Strategies (BOSS7)
VIII. Life Upgrades (LIFE8)
IX. Secrets (SECT9)
X. Credits (CRED10)



Hi, everyone! Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough of the third and final installment
of the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy--Prince of Persia: The Two
Thrones, for the Nintendo Gamecube! This is a terrific and challenging game 
that combines the greatness of the two previous titles to create what is, in 
my opinion, a masterpiece of gaming.

But I'm not here to wax philosophical about the game, I'm here to help you! 
So, without any further adieu, read on to the guide itself!




The Prince

The Prince of Persia is back from the Island of Time, where he prevented the 
creation of the Sands of Time and rescued Kaileena, the Empress of Time. He 
eventually changed his fate and escaped death. He is now sailing to his 
homeland of Babylon, only to discover it ravaged by war and invaded by a 
powerful enemy.


A:  Roll/Jump/Action
B:  Dagger Attack
C-Stick:  Move Camera
X:  Pick Up & Throw Weapon/Drop Down
Y:  Secondary Weapon Attack/Grab/Speed Kill
Z:  Landscape View
L:  Rewind/Slowdown
R:  Wall Running/Blocking/Swinging
Control Stick:  Move Character
Control Pad:  First Person Camera


The Dark Prince

The unexpected spreading of the Sands of Time as the Prince returns to Babylon 
has tainted the Prince and given rise to a deadly Dark Prince, whose spirit 
gradually possesses him. The Dark Prince is a corrupted version of the Prince: 
ruthless, reckless, and sadistic.

A:  Roll/Jump/Action
B:  Dagger Attack
C-Stick:  Move Camera
X:  Spin Chain/Drop Down
Y:  Chain Swing/Chain Attack/Grab/Speed Kill
Z:  Landscape View
L:  Rewind/Slowdown
R:  Wall Running/Blocking/Swinging
Control Stick: Move Character
Control Pad: First Person Camera




Q: I can't beat Klompa/The Arena Boss/The First Boss/The Ogre!
A: Read my strategy, but if you're having trouble landing the Speed Kill, you 
may have the glitch (or you're pressing the button too early, TRY WAITING). 
Try different combinations of Speed Killing or try to get the timing down 
without the actual visual cue. If all else fails, you may just have to resort 
to getting another copy of the game, one that hopefully isn't glitched.

Q: Is there a secret ending for collecting all the Life Upgrades?
A: NO, there is not. As far as I know, all you get for collecting the Life 
Upgrades is extra health. No alternate ending a la Warrior Within.

Q: I jump and use a shutter, but it doesn't make me go where I need to! How do 
I do this?!
A: Sometimes, whether by glitch or design, the shutters don't go where you 
need to go unless you point in the direction you want as you jump. For 
safety's sake, I always point in the direction I want to go when I use the 

Q: What differences are there between the Gamecube version of this game and 
the other ones?
A: Aside from the standard differences in graphics, framerate, controller, et 
cetera? There are a few in the actual game, such as slight alterations to 
enemy locations that you won't likely notice or miss. More importantly, 
though, the Gamecube version misses out on a few videos for Sands of Time and 
Warrior Within in the unlockables. Not exactly a problem if you own the 
previous games, but a tad disappointing nonetheless.



This Walkthrough was done using the Hard version of the game as the template. 
These strategies will work for other versions of the game, however, as they 
are the same excepting the damage one gives and recieves. So, in other words,
don't worry. Just follow the walkthrough.

This Walkthrough is also relatively spoiler-free, as I will try not to give 
away any significant plot points in the actual guide. Names of enemies and 
bosses are given, however, so if you consider those spoilers, tread 


A. The Beginning

From where you start, go forward and roll (press A while running) through the 
hole in the doorway. Turn left and go forward, then turn around when you reach 
the flaming stone. Climb (press A) the wooden crate to your right, then jump 
(press A while running) to the stone ahead of you. Jump to the stone after 
that, then turn left at the wall and jump to the wooden ledge ahead of you. 
Turn left, and run along the wall (press and hold R while running parallel to 
the wall) to reach the next wooden ledge. Turn right and run up the wall 
(press and hold R while running directly toward the wall) to reach a ledge, 
then shimmy left along the ledge and around the corner. Drop (press X) from 
the ledge, and head forward to the ladder ahead.

Descend the ladder, head forward and turn right at the wall. Jump onto the 
column ahead of you (press A) and ascend it. Turn around the column and jump 
(press A) to the column ahead of you. You can also perform a quick jump (press 
A while pointing in the direction you want to go), but those not used to the 
game mechanics may want to wait until attempting these. Ascend the next column 
and jump back to the column behind you. Turn to the left and jump to the 
wooden platform. From there, turn right and climb the raised platform, then 
move toward the rail on the right to automatically climb over it. Jump to the 
column in the middle of the room (press the control stick toward the column 
and press A). From here, turn right and jump to the ledge across from you. 
Shimmy right along it and drop. Turn around, then run along the wall to reach 
the ledge across from you. Jump up to the ledge above that, then shimmy left 
until you reach an opening. Climb up and drop into the next room.


B. The Ramparts

This next room has a water fountain, which you can drink to replenish health 
and save the game (press R near fountain). You can also drink from any other 
sources of water to replenish health, though only fountains can save. From 
where you enter, turn left and head forward to the next corner. Here you will 
first be introduced to the Landscape Camera. See the flashing gold icon (or 
'eyecon') in the lower left corner of the screen? When that appears, you can 
use the Landscape Camera (press Z). You can use the Landscape Camera to get a 
large overview of an area, and can also zoom in and out on your character in 
this view (use the C-Stick). 

From here, turn right and ascend the ladder in the next room. Turn right and 
head through the doorway to activate a cutscene. You will now be introduced to 
your first enemy, the Guard, as well as the exciting Speed Kill system. To 
perform a Speed Kill, move behind an enemy without being detected until the 
screen becomes distorted. When that happens, press the Y button to initiate 
the Speed Kill. In order to complete the Speed Kill, you must press the B 
button when the screen flashes and the dagger flares. Failure to match these 
visual cues will result in failure of the Speed Kill, which results in 
considerable damage for the Prince. This first Speed Kill is a tutorial, so 
the time allotted for matching the visual cues and the intervals between them 
are relatively slowed. A Guard will typically require matching two visual cues 
in a Speed Kill. Execute the Speed Kill. Use Landscape Camera if you wish. 
Then, turn right, head over the rail, and jump to the column ahead of that. 

Slide down the column and move behind the next Guard, then perform a Speed 
Kill. After dispatching him, turn to the right and head to the edge of the 
platform. Run along the left wall to reach the ledge across from you. Shimmy 
right along to the end of the ledge, then climb up and jump up to the next 
ledge. Shimmy right to that ledge's end, then drop to the next ledge. Shimmy 
right to the end of the ledge, then jump across the gap to the right. Descend 
the ladder quickly, move behind the Guard ahead, and perform a Speed Kill. 

From here you will be introduced to the Free-Form Fighting system, which has 
been relatively unchanged from the previous installment in the Prince of 
Persia trilogy, Warrior Within. For in-depth strategy with this system, please 
check the 'Free-Form Fighting' section of this guide.

Head around the pillar and descend the stairway, then turn right and head 
toward the alleyway. You will now be forced to engage your first Guard in 
Free-Form Fighting. Vault attacks are effective, particularly the Aerial 
Landing Slice. After defeating him, turn right and head forward to the next 
edge. Run along the left wall and jump when you are parallel to the ledge on 
the right to reach that ledge. Climb up the ledge, then jump up to the next 
ledge. Shimmy left and climb up after you turn the corner. Turn left and 
ascend the ladder.

In this next room, look to the ledge above and run up the wall to reach it. 
Climb over it, and head forward for a cutscene. After it, turn left and reach 
the edge of the platform. Run along the left wall to the curtain, which the 
Prince will automatically slide down. Turn around and head forward to engage 
in your first major Free-Form Fighting battle with three Guard enemies. Vault 
attacks are still effective, as are Wall Rebound attacks. If you feel 
overwhelmed, you can use the Grab Throw to toss as many as you like off the 
cliff or into the fire.

After defeating them, head forward and turn left into the next room. Ascend 
the ladder in front of you, then jump backward to the other ladder. Turn 
around on the ladder, then climb up. Run up the wall on the right and jump at 
the apex of your run to reach the ledge to the left. Climb up the ledge, then 
jump to the right to reach the ladder. Climb it to the top. Here you will be 
introduced to the First Person Camera, which is activated by pressing Up on 
your D-Pad. Use the C-Stick to look around, then press Up again (or any other 
button) to return to the normal camera. Head forward off the platform and make 
a left. Head forward until you reach a door, and climb the ledge to the left 
of the door. Climb the ledge above that, move forward to the edge of the 
platform, and you will be introduced to your second type of enemy, the Archer. 
These enemies are weaker than Guards, but have aggravating arrow attacks. 
Fortunately, those attacks can be blocked, and they only require matching one 
visual cue in a Speed Kill. Run along the wall on your left to reach the ledge 
across from you, then wait until the screen becomes distorted. When it does, 
execute your Speed Kill (yes, you can start them from anywhere as long as the 
screen is distorted).

From here, head forward and descend the ladder. If you like, you can just 
sneak up on the Guard ahead of you and execute a Speed Kill. If that's too 
daring, you can run up the wall on your right to reach a ledge. Shimmy forward 
on the ledge to the end, then jump to the left to reach another ledge. Shimmy 
forward to the end of the ledge, then wait until the screen becomes distorted 
to perform the Speed Kill. Ahead of you is an Archer, approach him from the 
right and execute a Speed Kill. Move to the end of the next hallway and ascend 
the ladder at the end of it. Head forward and drop to the next area. 


C. The Harbor District

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Head forward to the edge of the 
wooden platform, then run along the left wall and jump at the end of it to 
reach the next platform. Move toward the ledge on the left to get on it, then 
drop to hang on the ledge. Shimmy right along the ledge and around the corner,
then climb up at the next platform. Use the beam on the right to reach the 
next ledge, then move right along the ledge to the next beam. Jump to the beam 
across from you to reach the next platform, then roll under the hole ahead to 
reach the next room.

Turn left and you will see a weapon rack, which will give a secondary weapon 
when broken. Break it if you wish with your dagger, then turn right and get on 
the beam. Jump forward from the beam to reach a set of beams, one above the 
other. Drop from the first beam to the second beam, and note that sending the 
birds flying will arouse the suspicion of the enemies below. Wait until the 
Archer turns away from you, then execute a Speed Kill on the Guard. After 
dispatching him, move toward the Archer and Speed Kill him as well. Move 
forward and run up the wall, jumping at the apex of the run to reach another 
beam. Jump up to the beam above that one, then move left to the next platform.

Ahead of you is another beam, jump to it. Move to the beam pointing at the 
center and jump to reach a gap, which the Prince will automatically brace 
himself in. Move the Control Stick down to slide down, and move it up to climb
up. Slide all the way down, and drop to the street below. Two Guards will 
attack, dispatch them both however you see fit. 

After killing them, turn right and jump to the beam ahead of you. Move 
along the beam to the right, then jump to the next beam. There is a gap on 
your left, jump to it and use it to climb up to the next platform. Jump 
forward to the next beam, then slide down the gap. Turn around in the gap, 
then execute the Speed Kill on the Guard below. Move forward and head into the 
next room.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then move to the edge of the platform on 
the right into the birds. Wait for the guards to resume their intial 
positions, then jump to the beam ahead of you. Execute the Speed Kill on the 
Guard from here, then move to the Archer and Speed Kill him as well. Ascend 
the ladder next to the Archer to reach the next platform.

Move on the beam and jump to the rail across from you--however, do NOT climb 
over the rail. Wait for the Archer to come to the left, then climb over when
he starts to move to the right. Catch up with him and perform a Speed Kill. 
Roll under the hole ahead of you. 


D. The Streets of Babylon

This next area has a fountain, use it if you wish. To the right of it is a 
wall, run up it to reach the next platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish, then run along the right wall and jump at the end of it to reach a beam.
Wait until the Guard moves under you and the screen becomes distorted, then 
perform a Speed Kill. Move up to the Archer, and Speed Kill him as well. Run 
along the left wall to reach a beam, then jump to the right to reach the next 

Turn left, and follow the stairway until you reach a dead end. Use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, then run up either the left or right wall and 
jump. Jump again when you hit the wall across from you, and continue this 
process to ascend to a ledge. Get on the ledge to the right, then jump up to 
reach another ledge. Move right to reach the next platform, then climb up to 
reach another.

Get on the beam to your right, then move up the center beam. Jump forward to 
the next beam, and then again to another. Move right and then jump forward to 
reach the next beam, and then move left and jump forward to reach yet another 
beam. Jump forward once more to reach the next platform. 

Climb over the rail in front of you and move parallel with the ledge across 
from you (it's above the blackened wall). Drop down to the ledge below. Use 
the Landscape Camera to wait until the Guard on the left is turned away, then 
quickly perform a Speed Kill on the other Guard. Then turn and Speed Kill the 
aforementioned Guard. Move forward and follow the alleyway until you reach a 
beam. Move along it and jump to the ledge across from you, then shimmy left 
along the edge to reach another beam. Climb on it, and jump to the beam 
parallel to it, then jump from that beam to reach the next platform. 

Move forward through the alley until you reach the edge of the platform. Run 
along the right wall and jump when you are parallel with the beam in the 
center to reach it. Jump toward the wall on your left or right, and jump off 
that wall to reach the beam above you. Move forward and jump to the next area.


E. The Palace Balcony

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Climb over the railing to your 
left and drop to the platform below. Move to the edge, then run along the wall
on your left, jumping when you are parallel to the rail on the right side. 
Climb up the rail. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run up the wall 
next to you to reach a ledge above. Move left along the ledge to reach a beam, 
and wait for the Archer in the background to move. Then, perform a Speed Kill 
on the Guard below. Move forward and turn right, but stay behind the brown 
latticed wall. Use the Landscape Camera to observe the two Archers. Wait until
the Guard in the foreground turns to the right, then quickly move up and turn 
left into the next alcove. Move forward and climb the furniture, then run up 
the wall and jump to reach a beam. Move right along the beam until you reach 
its edge, then wait for the screen to become distorted. Execute the Speed Kill 
on the Archer then, and Speed Kill the other Archer afterward. 

From where the last Archer was, there is a raised statue to the left. Climb 
it, then run up the wall and stab the dagger into the plate (press B). As a 
note, when using plates remember to let go of all buttons after stabbing, 
particularly R, as holding them can potentially mess you up. Jump up and stab 
into the next plate, then jump to the platform across from you. 

At the edge of the next platform, run along the left wall and jump when you 
reach the shutter to propel the Prince to the next platform. There is a 
pressure plate to the left, step on it to open the door ahead of you. Run 
through the door before it closes. 

In the next room, climb up the table on your right and move to the edge of the 
platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the right wall 
and stab the dagger into the plate when you reach it. Drop to the beam below, 
then jump across and stab into another plate. From here, perform a Speed Kill 
on the Guard below. 

There is a column to your right, jump to it and ascend. From there, jump to 
the beam to the right of you, and jump from there to the next platform. Use 
the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run up the wall ahead of you to reach a 
ledge. Move right along the ledge until you reach a beam, then move to the end
of the beam to reach a gap. Jump to the gap, turn around in it, and then 
execute a Speed Kill on the Archer below.

After that, turn to the railing and climb over it, then jump to the beam 
across from you. Wait until the screen becomes distorted, then perform a Speed
Kill on the Guard below. Move forward until you reach a doorway on your left 
barricaded by furniture. Destroy the furniture with your dagger and then wait 
for the alarmed Guard to move back into position. Use the Landscape Camera if 
you wish, then move through the doorway and run up the wall ahead to the rail. 
However, do NOT jump over the rail. Instead, shimmy to the right until you are
past the guard, then jump over the rail and execute a Speed Kill. 

Turn to the left wall and run up it, stabbing your dagger into the plate 
above. Jump and stab your dagger into the next plate, then run along the wall 
(hold R and press the Control Stick) to the left and stab your dagger into the 
next plate. Run one more time to the left to reach the next platform. 

Turn left and move to the table ahead. Climb it and move to its edge. Use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the wall and press Y on the 
shutter to initiate a Speed Kill on the Archer ahead, remembering to finish 
the Speed Kill afterward. 

Run up the wall on your left and jump to reach a beam. Jump from this beam to 
another beam ahead of you, and then jump at the end of this beam to the left 
to reach a ledge. Climb the ledge and over the railing above it to reach the 
next platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then climb on the table 
ahead, run up the wall, and stab your dagger into the plate. Run along the 
wall to the right and jump when you are parallel to the beam on the right. 
Move forward along the beam and turn when you reach a smaller beam on the 
left. From this beam, jump to the gap ahead of you. 

Now, the next Speed Kill. After a bit more testing on this kill, it is easier 
than I thought, and contrary to my first impressions, error on the designers 
does not seem to be the issue here. Still, it's a tricky one. To do it EASILY, 
simply drop down from the gap and quickly Speed Kill the Guard walking away 
from you, then go back and Speed Kill the Archer.

Now, if you want to do it the 'real' way, or the Guard is too far away from 
you, here's how you do it. Turn around in the gap, and execute a Speed Kill 
on the Archer below. Afterward, move forward through the hallway to the table 
ahead. Run up the wall on the left and jump to the beam above. Move to the 
beam perpendicular to you and then move right until you reach the end of the 
beam. Jump to the plate and stab your dagger into it, then run along the wall 
to the left and stab your dagger into the next plate. Then (now this is the 
tough part), you will have to jump from the plate to the beam across from you, 
then press the Control Stick away from the beam as you reach it. Doing this 
will help to make the Prince maintain balance, any other way will make the 
Prince slip into a hanging position, where the Guard will see him and mess up 
the Speed Kill. After doing this, move to the center beam, jump to the gap 
ahead, use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn around and perform the 
Speed Kill.

Any way you do it, afterward move forward into the next room. Run up the wall 
on your left and stab the dagger into the plate. Run along the wall to your 
right to reach a ledge, then shimmy right along to the end of the ledge. Climb
up to reach the next level. Head around to the end of the hall, then run up 
the wall and jump off the pressure plate to open a door and reach the beam. 
Quickly climb up through the open way before it closes to reach the next area.


F. The Palace

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. To the right there is a 
hallway full of trap spikes, run quickly over them to avoid being hurt. Follow 
the hallway until you reach your first spinning blade trap. Run through right 
after it goes down. The next trap is a panel that flips between a normal state 
and one filled with spikes. Run onto it right after it turns normal and then 
run up the wall ahead of you. Climb over the railing to reach the next

Approach the edge of the platform on the right. You will need to run along the 
wall on the right at the right time to avoid being hit by the blade. Since you 
will be passing only through where the upper half of the trap, wait until the 
blade clears that section and then quickly run through, jumping afterward to 
reach the next platform parallel to you. 

Go forward and approach the edge from the right. You will need to run along 
the wall on the right at the right time to avoid being hit by the wall trap. 
Wait until right after the wall goes down, then run along the wall, jumping on 
the shutter at the end to reach the next platform.

In the next hallway, wait until the wall trap ahead of you begins to go down, 
then quickly run forward over the trap spikes and run up it and climb to reach 
the next platform. The next trap is a duo of spinning blades. Wait for both to 
go down and then quickly run across. At the end of the hall there is a crank. 
Grab the lever of the crank (press and hold R) and use the Control Stick to 
move it and open the ceiling above you. Turn around and look to your left, 
there is a plate switch above you. Run up the wall and stab your dagger into 
the plate (press B) to pull out the block across from you. Quickly jump to the
block and run up the wall to the left to reach a ledge. Climb the ledge and 
jump to climb into the next area. 


G. The Throne Room

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From the fountain, head right 
and climb the statue of the bird. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then 
run up the wall and stab the dagger into the plate. Run along the wall to the 
right to reach the next platform, then run along the wall to a shutter where 
you should initiate a Speed Kill for the Archer ahead. Run along the left wall 
to the next platform.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run up the wall ahead of you to 
reach the next platform. Run along the left wall and jump off the shutter to 
reach a ledge. Climb up the ledge, then jump up and stab the dagger into the 
plate. Jump across to reach another ledge, then shimmy to the right to a beam.
Follow it to the center beam, and then jump across to the gap. Slide down, 
turn around, and wait for the the screen to become distorted so that you can 
use a Speed Kill on the Archer. From there, turn left and run up the wall to a 
ledge. Move to the right, around the corner, then jump up and stab the dagger 
into the plate. Run to the right and jump when you are parallel with the ledge 
on the pillar, then move left around the corner and jump to the column. Slide 
down to the column's midsection and wait.

Observe the archer above. When he turns around, ascend the column and jump to 
the railing on his platform, then quickly move behind him and do a Speed Kill. 
After that, turn right and climb over the railing, then jump to the column 
across from you. Turn to the gap ahead and jump to it, then slide down and 
turn around. 

You will now attempt your first double Speed Kill on these two Guards. This is 
attemptable when two enemies are close together, and are usually scripted 
events. A double Speed Kill requires matching with four visual cues, but takes
out two enemies at once. To my knowledge, they must always be done from above.
Simply initiate the Speed Kill and go from there. 

Afterward, turn around and head through the hallway to activate a major 

You now have the Dagger of Time, and more importantly, your first time power:
The Recall. You can rewind time now (press and hold L) to undo your mistakes. 
Pretty handy, huh? Each rewind consumes one Sand Tank. To refill sand, you 
must defeat enemies of sand or break containers in the hopes that they may 
contain sand. 

Go forward and turn right, and smash through the barricades. Continue 
following the hallway, and note that it is crumbling beneath you--so make 
haste! At the end, run up the wall on the left to reach a pressure plate, then 
run through the open door afterward.

This floor is crumbling as well, be wary as a section ahead of you will fall
before you get to it. If you mess up, remember: you can rewind your mistakes 
now. Continue to the end of the hallway, then run up the wall and stab into 
the plate above. Then run to the left and stab into a plate, then run to the 
left to reach the next platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then 
run along the right wall to the curtain and slide down. Quickly go through the 
doorway before the floor falls away to reach the next area.


H. The Trapped Hallway

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From there, head right and go 
through the hallway until you reach a two panel traps. Wait for the first one 
to retract, cross it, and then do the same for the second one. Turn left to 
find a new type of trap, the spinning bladed columns. There are two here. 
Stand to the left and wait for the first one to go to the right before 
crossing past them both.

The next trap is a combination of two panel traps and a bladed column. Take a 
side, wait for the first panel to go down, make sure the column is not in the 
way, and then cross them all. 

The next trap ahead is a bladed column, then a panel trap, and then another 
bladed column. Wait for the panel to go down, make sure the columns aren't in 
the way, and then run past them all.

At the corner on the right is a pressure plate, run up the wall to press it. 
Then turn around and head through the door before it closes.

Do not step on the floor in the middle or to the right, as it is crumbling.
Circle around from the left to reach a column in the upper right corner, and 
jump to it. Ascend the column and jump to the next column behind you, and then 
ascend and jump to the column after that. Ascend that column and turn to the 
left, then jump to the ledge opposite you. Move to the right before the ledge 
falls, and around the corner to the end, then jump up to the next ledge. Move 
all the way to the end and then jump to the column opposite you. Then, jump 
from the column before it crumbles and stab into the plate ahead of you. From 
there, run right along the wall to the next plate and stab into it, then do 
the same for the third plate. Then jump to the column opposite that plate, and 
jump to the one past that. Finally, jump to the left to land on a beam, and 
jump from the beam to reach the next platform. 

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then jump to the curtain and slide down.
Jump as you almost reach the bottom to avoid death and make it to the gap. 
Slide down the gap, then drop down to the next area.


I. The Ruined Palace.

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From there, go left and follow 
the hallway to the next set of traps--a bladed column between two panel traps. 
Simply choose a side, wait for the panel on that side to go down, and run 

Make a left and face the next set of traps--three panel traps in a row. Wait 
for the first one to go down and quickly run to pass them all.

Next is a set of three bladed columns. Pick a side, wait for the first one to 
head away from you and then quickly run past them all. Head forward through 
the hallway, taking care to keep ahead of the crumbling floor, and you will 
eventually emerge in a room. There is a platform across the gap to the right 
of this room, jump across it to reach it. From there, head forward to the wall 
at end of the platform, then make a left and run along the right wall to reach 
the next platform.

Now you will engage a single Guard in Free-Form Fighting. Dispatch of him and 
move forward to the stone block. Jump forward across the pit to reach a ledge,
and move left along the ledge to the next platform. Two more Guards will 
engage you in Free-Form Fighting. Eliminate them. To your right in a hallway 
is a chest that contains 10 Sand Credits. Sand Credits are used to buy artwork 
in the Extra Features section of the Main Menu.

Go back out and forward to a ledge ahead. Climb up the ledges to reach the 
next platform. A Guard will engage you in Free-Form Fighting, get rid of him. 
After that, turn back the way you came and climb up to the small platform. Go 
to the edge, jump to the plate across and stab into it. Then jump up and stab 
into the next plate, then jump up to the ledge. Climb it and move to the left 
to reach the next platform. Turn to the left and jump to the next platform, 
then run along the right wall and jump on the shutter to propel yourself to 
the next ledge. Move left along the ledge to reach the next area.


J. The Royal Chambers

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. Move forward from here 
to step on the pressure plate and move through the doorway. Follow the stairs 
all the way down until you trigger a cutscene.


K. The Sewers

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. Move forward to the edge
of the platform, and jump forward to grab the bar. You can swing from a bar 
(press and hold R), swing-jump (press A while swinging), and climb up a bar 
(press A). Swing-jump to the next bar, and do the same for the next one, and 
the next one, which will take you to the next platform. Turn left and move to 
the edge of the platform, then jump forward to then next bar. Shimmy around 
the bar (use the Control Stick) to the left around the corner, then shimmy up 
and around the next corner. Then turn around (use the Control Stick) and drop 
to the next platform. 

Go up the stairs to the edge of the platform, then jump forward to the next 
bar. Climb up the bar, then jump to the ledge ahead of you. Shimmy to the left
around the two corners, then drop into the gap. Slide down to the bottom and 
drop to the floor.

You will now encounter a new type of enemy, one that can only be fought using
Free-Form Fighting: the Reptus. These creatures aren't fast, but they are 
surprisingly strong and very effective defenders. They have a weakness to the 
light, however, and will be vulnerable when led into it. The easiest way to 
deal with these enemies is to lead them into the light, and then use the 
Aerial Landing Slice to quickly kill them. If there is no light to be found, 
then simple combos seem to work best to bring them down. The Reptus are also 
the first enemy that gives sand when it is defeated, so make a note of that. 
After defeating the Reptus, go down the hallway, run up the wall at the end 
and stab the plate switch ahead of you. From there, drop down to a ledge, and 
drop again into the gap. Slide down to the bottom of the gap. Jump to the bar 
ahead of you, and drop down to the next two bars, followed by dropping to the 
floor. Drink the water if you need health, then turn around and head forward 
to the stone ahead. 

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn to the left and run up the 
wall to a plate to stab into. Jump up from there to another plate to stab 
into, and then run along the wall to the right to reach a ledge. Shimmy right 
until you turn a corner, then climb up and move right around the next corner. 
Line up with the column at the center of the room, and jump to it.

Slide down the column, the door has opened. Head through the door and out to 
the beam, then jump right to the gap. Slide down the gap and drop down to the 
floor. From here move forward and until you come to the edge of a pit. Use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn to the left and jump to the ledge on 
the wall ahead. Climb up, move to the right, then jump and climb up to the 
ledge above. Then move to the right and climb up to the next ledge, followed 
by jumping to the column in the center of the room. 

Jump from the column to the bar on the opposite end, and swing-jump from the 
bar to the plate on the moving wall when it is completely out. Wait there 
until the wall is completely out again, then run along the wall to the right 
to reach the next platform.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn left and run along the right 
wall to reach the next gap. Slide down and drop to the floor, then move to the
center of the room to activate what we've all been anticipating...


The Dark Prince has quite a few differences from the standard Prince we know 
and love, which makes his playable sections into quite a ride. Firstly, he is
constantly dying. Every second takes away another bit from his health--and if 
it reaches the end, he dies. The only way to replenish health is to use sand,
which gives full health to the Dark Prince. Fortunately, virtually every 
container gives sand, and there is never a shortage of enemies to fight the 
Dark Prince--as we will soon see. 

The Dark Prince excels at combat. Read his section in the 'Free-Form Fighting'
section for intricate details, but newbies and button-mashers should be 
content with knowing that by alternatively pressing B and Y over and over 
again the Dark Prince will tear through almost any and all opponents, needing 
you only to point him at what to kill.

You begin in the thick of combat, as swarms of Reptus will seek to bring you 
down. Fight and kill them all--and don't worry, it'll take a while. After 
defeating all the enemies, head to the center of the room and face the stone 
with the lion's face emblazoned upon it. Pull out the stone (press and hold 
the Y button) to open the door behind you, and head through it quickly.

As you might have guessed, platforming is a bit more strenuous thanks to the 
drain on your life. Fortunately, that's what this guide is for. Head out onto 
the beam ahead and jump forward to reach the next beam, then jump forward 
again to reach a column. Descend it to reach the floor, where a group of 
Reptus are lying in wait. Destroy them all, and move forward out of the room. 
Make a right and you will see a bar, which you can jump and chain-swing (press 
Y while jumping) to. Jump and chain-swing across, then get some sand out of 
the pots on this platform. 

From here, move out to the beam and jump forward, chain-swing, then chain-
swing again to reach a gap. Slide down and drop to the bottom, where more 
Reptus await you. After destroying them, pull out the stone with your chain 
and then head through the door it opens. From here, run up the wooden wall 
ahead of you to reach a ledge above. Shimmy left and around the corner, then 
climb up and jump up to reach the next platform. Grab the sand from the 
adjacent pots, then turn around. 

Run along the right wall to the ladder on the other side, and ascend it to the
next platform. Go to the upper left, climb up the platform, and stab the plate
switch ahead. After the wall moves out, jump to the bar and swing-jump to the
next bar. Climb up the bar, wait for the panel trap ahead of you to retract, 
and then quickly jump from panel to wall up to the platform above. Go forward,
get the sand, and follow the hallway to the platform's edge. Move out to the 
beam, jump to the gap ahead, and then drop down.

You just touched a pool of the Water of Life. By touching this, you undo the 
transformation of the Prince into the Dark Prince. Why didn't I tell you this 
before? In the words of the Dark Prince: "And ruin all the fun?" = P

Head forward and jump up to the ledge on the right. Jump from there to the 
ledge on the left, then jump and climb to the ledge above you. Move left and 
line up with the moving wall. Jump and stab into the plate on the wall when it
descends to your level, then run to the left at its ascent to reach the next 
platform. Head forward to reach a room with four Reptus, and kill them all. To
the left of the third archway is a plate switch, stab it to open the door 
ahead. Run through before it closes.

Now you have the opportunity to get your first optional Life Upgrade, which 
permanently extends your maximum health. If you want it, read on to the next 
section, otherwise simply skip it--unlike Warrior Within, there is no reward 
for getting all the Life Upgrades.



To your left is a curtain. Go through it, and head to the edge of the 
platform. Jump to reach the next platform, then turn right and jump to another 
platform. Turn left and move out onto the beam, then jump to the next beam, 
then the next, and then the next to reach the next platform. Turn right and 
move out to the end of the next beam, then jump forward to reach another beam. 
Turn left and jump to reach the final platform, and drink from the fountain 
ahead to start the Life Upgrade hallway.

Don't bother wasting your sand in this hallway--if you die, you'll be sent 
back to the beginning with no consequences. Only resort to using sand if it is 
of the utmost importance in completing the hallway. 

You will encounter a pair of spinning blades first. Wait for them to go down, 
then quickly run past them. Move out onto the beam ahead, and drop into a 
hang. Shimmy upward until you reach a perpendicular beam, then climb up it. 
Move back to the center and forward to the edge of the beam. Wait for the two 
spinning blades to pass, then jump to the next beam. Finally, move as close to 
the platform as you can without moving from the beam. When the spinning blade 
ahead goes down, jump forward and head into the light to attain the Life 

You will be teleported back to the fountain. From here, simply retrace your 
steps back to where you came.



Ahead is a trap of two spinning blades succeeded by a spike trap. Wait for the
blades to pass, then run past them and over the trap floor, then stop. Wait 
for the second set of blades to pass, then run past those as well to reach the 
next area. 


L. The Tunnels

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. Head forward until you 
reach the platform's edge, then run along the wall to your left and jump at 
the end to reach the next platform. Turn left and run along the wall to the 
right to reach the ladder. Ascend the ladder, then jump to the ledge on the 
right. Climb up, then look up to be introduced to the newest trap--shooting 
arrows. Jump up to the next ledge, but remain in a hang. Wait until the arrows 
shoot, then climb up and jump to the right. Wait for the arrows to shoot 
again, then climb up and jump and climb to the platform above. From here, turn 
right and around until you get to the edge of the platform. Jump to the 
platform ahead, then jump again to reach the next platform with two new 
enemies--the Sand Archers. The Sand Archers are basically just Archers that 
give you sand, so quickly Speed Kill one and then the other while their backs 
are turned.

From here, run up the wall to the ledge above and climb up. Move right, then 
jump and climb up to the next ledge, and then jump and climb to the next one 
above it. Shimmy right as far as you can, then drop to the ledge below. It's 
breaking, so quickly move right and jump back up to a ledge above. 

From here, jump to the ledge on the opposite wall and move right. Then jump 
up to the next ledge, shimmy right, and drop down to the next ledge. This one
is also breaking, so quickly move right and jump up to the next ledge at the 
end. Climb up, and jump across to the ledge on the other side before that 
ledge breaks as well. Move right as far as you can, then jump and climb up to
the next ledge. Move right as far as you can.

Wait for the arrows to fire, then jump and climb up to the ledge above. Move
right as far as you can, wait for the arrows to fire, then jump up and shimmy
right on the next ledge. Climb up.

The ledges above you are retracting. Wait until they both just go out, then 
jump and climb up both, move right, and jump and climb to the platform above 
to activate a cutscene and reach the next area.


M. The Fortress

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. Use the Landscape Camera 
if you wish, then slide down the gap. You will see two new enemies, and a new
object. The object is a sand Gate, and you can get new Sand Powers from them. 
The gray enemy is a Sand Guard, the sand variant of the standard Guard. The 
red enemy is a Sand Gate Guard, and is special in three ways. Firstly, it has 
the ability to call for reinforcements from the Sand Gate. Since you cannot 
use the Sand Gate until all the enemies around it are defeated, this is not a 
good thing. Secondly, this enemy requires matching three visual cues to Speed 
Kill. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, is that this enemy has a special 
secondary weapon. It is a sword that, when equipped, will constantly 
regenerate the Prince's Sands of Time! The power of nigh-limitless recall and 
other tricks are at your fingertips with the weapon. There is the drawback of 
the sword basically stripping you of your Left Hand in Free-Form Fighting 
because the durability is so low, and you'll lose the sword whenever you turn 
into the Dark Prince (which is usually conveniently right after a Sand Gate), 
but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks so heavily it's simply no contest.

Wait for the Sand Guard to move under you, then execute the Speed Kill. After 
he goes down, move behind the Sand Gate Guard and execute the Speed Kill. A 
tip to keep in mind is that now with the recall power, you can rewind Speed 
Kills if you mess up--be sure to do so if you do.

After killing him, step on the Sand Gate to gain a new Sand Tank. With this,
you now have four Sand Tanks to draw upon. 

After that, go left and move to the edge of the platform. Wait for the panel
trap ahead of you to retract, then run across the wall and jump when alongside
the bar to reach the bar. Swing-jump to the next bar, and then swing-jump from
there to the next platform with a Sand Archer. Get behind him and quickly 
Speed Kill him.

Turn to the left, and jump to the hanging chain. Descend the chain to the 
bottom and wait. Hang there until the two Sand Guards are close together, then
execute a double Speed Kill. From there, circle around the building to locate
and Speed Kill the Sand Archer. In the alley below is a Sand Chest containing 
10 Sand Credits.

Go back to the chain and run up the wall of the small hut next to the chain to
its roof. From there, run up the wall and stab into the plate, then jump and 
stab into the plate above. After that, run left along the wall and stab into 
the plate, then run along the wall to the left and jump off the shutter, to 
another shutter, which jumping off will propel you to a ledge. Drop from the 
ledge, turn around, and run up the wall opposite you to another ledge. Wait 
for the Sand Guard above to turn around, then jump up, climb over the railing,
and execute a Speed Kill on the Sand Guard. Then move forward behind the Sand
Archer, and Speed Kill him as well. 

There is a crank here, turn it, and then move forward to the narrow edge of 
the platform. Wait for the panel trap to retract (the first one was 
deactivated by the crank), and run across the wall to reach the next platform.

What's that? Oh, the Dark Prince is back. Here we go...

The torch on the wall ahead can be chain-swung from, extending the Dark
Prince's wall-running ability. Run along the left wall and chain-swing from 
the torch to make it to the next platform. Jump forward and chain-swing to 
reach the next platform, then drop down to the Sand Archer below and prepare 
to do a Speed Kill.

However, the Dark Prince Speed Kills differently from the Prince. Fortunately,
while it is different, it is also easier. Initiate the Speed Kill using the Y
button, and then press the Y button repeatedly to snap the neck of the unlucky
victim. Brutal. >= D

Speed Kill the Sand Archer, then jump back up the ledges to the raised 
platform above. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the left 
wall, chain-swing on the torch, and jump alongside the chain to reach it. 
Slide down to the bottom, and Speed Kill the Sand Archer below. Thankfully for 
the Dark Prince, Speed Kills from chains don't require anything but initiating 
the kill. How cool is that??? = D

Drop down and head up to the next Sand Archer, and Speed Kill him. Get behind 
the stone pillar after doing that and wait for the patrolling Sand Guard. When 
he turns around, sneak up behind him and execute a Speed Kill.

Now, this will herald an infinite amount of incoming enemies. Don't deal with 
them, instead turn to the column nearest the stone pillar (it has two vases by 
it), and ascend the column. Jump to the bar ahead, and swing-jump to the next 
bar and the next bar and the next bar, then swing-jump to the plate switch, 
stabbing the switch to open the gate.

Drop down, move around to the gate and pass through to reach a pool of the 
Water of Life. You are the Prince again. Move forward to reach the next 


The chariot is simple to control. Press left and right on the Control Stick to
move the chariot left and right. Press the A button to speed up, however this 
is a completely unnecessary move. Use it only if you feel daring or suicidal.

The chariot is dangerous, however. If you smash into anything that isn't an
enemy, you will die. Period. You can use Recall to rewind time if you die, but
you can only do this so many times. So, in short, be careful.

At the beginning, you will be assaulted by another chariot. Don't let it ram 
you into the wall, and do your best to ram it into a wall instead. Make sure 
you don't ram into a wall yourself when you do it, though. Eventually he will
crash, and you will move on.

There is a juncture up ahead, move right through it. You will be assaulted by
two enemies next, one after the other, press the B button to slash them off. 
At the next juncture head left, then slash off the next enemy that comes. You 
can go down either path for the next juncture, but be warned that the upper 
road will be partially blocked by an enemy's cart. Slash the enemy that gets 
on your cart, then steer through to the climactic ending.

There. That wasn't so bad, was it? Cutscene time. 

Head through to the end of the alley. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, 
then run up the wall to the ledge, jump and climb up to the ledge above, and 
move around the corner. Then, jump over to the next ledge, and from there jump
and climb up to the platform above. Turn left and climb up the ladder, jump 
right to a ledge, then jump up to the ledge above. Jump from there to the 
ladder on the opposite wall, and ascend it to the next platform. 

Turn right and head to the end of the alley, then climb over the right rail 
and jump to the ladder. Ascend the ladder, jump to the ledge on the other 
side, then move around the corner, jump to the next ladder, and ascend. Jump 
to the rail on the other side, and climb over to reach the next area.  


N. The Lower City

There is a fountain here, save if you wish. Head forward and get on the beam. 
Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then jump across to the next beam. Move 
forward and turn right at the next perpendicular beam, then move to the edge
and jump to the ledge. Move right and around the corner, then drop down to 
the next ledge, then drop again to another ledge. Drop into a hanging mode and
shimmy right until you reach a beam, then move to the edge, and jump across 
the gap to reach a beam and the next platform. Turn around and move to the 
edge of the platform from the right, then run along the wall and initiate a 
Speed Kill on the shutter to eliminate the Sand Guard. Go through the doorway 
and Speed Kill the next Sand Guard.

Turn around now, and climb over the railing. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish, and drop to stab into the plate below. Wait until your screen is 
distorted, then perform a Speed Kill on the Sand Guard. Then, quickly move 
forward and Speed Kill the other Sand Guard. Turn right and move onto the next
beam. Jump to the bar and swing-jump across to the gap. Slide down the gap, 
turn around, and wait. Wait until your screen becomes distorted, then execute
the double Speed Kill. Afterward, quickly move up and around the portal behind
the Sand Gate Guard, and Speed Kill him. Go to the Sand Portal and you will 
receive 100 Sand Credits. 

Go through the archway to the left, step out into the alley, then go back into
the archway and turn your camera toward the alley. Wait for the two Sand 
Guards to come out into the alley and turn away from you, then come out and 
approach the Sand Guard on the left, Speed Kill him, then Speed Kill the Sand 
Guard on the right. Climb up the rubble with the brown canvas on top and then 
run up the wall and stab into the plate. Then, run along the wall to the right 
to reach a ledge. Shimmy right and climb over into the next room. 

Now for the most frustrating enemy up to this point: the Hunter Hounds. These 
things are hard to hit, hit even harder, and steal your sand away from you. 
The easiest way to deal with Hunter Hounds are to play them defensively. Block 
constantly until you see the Hound try to steal your sand (a big sand cloud 
appears when they do this), then quickly stab them with your dagger to get an 
instant kill. Doing this, they become a snap. However, if you don't have any 
sand, they won't do this. If this is the case, then you will need to resort to
standard attacks. The easiest way to kill them normally is to knock them down 
with preferably a secondary weapon, but the dagger will do. Using Wall Rebound 
attacks are extremely effective in knocking them over. Then, stab them to kill
them. There are two in this section, and yes, you can only combat them with 
Free-Form Fighting.

Turn left go forward to the edge of the platform, then run along the wall on 
the right to reach the next platform. Turn left and jump to the next platform. 
Run up the wall and climb over the railing, then turn to the right and jump to 
the next platform.

Time to be the Dark Prince. Quickly run forward and chain-swing to the next 
platform. Quickly run along the platform before it breaks and jump to the bar. 
Get on top of the bar and jump forward to reach the platform above you, then 
Speed Kill the Sand Archer. Then, quickly run along the left wall and 
chain-swing along the torch to reach the next platform. Quickly run and turn 
left on the platform before it breaks and jump at the edge, then chain-swing 
to the ladder on the other side. Ascend the ladder to reach the next area.


O. The Lower City Rooftops 

You will reach a pool of the Water of Life, and become the Prince again. There 
is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. From the fountain, turn right 
and wait for the Sand Archer on the building across from you to turn around. 
Then, jump across and Speed Kill him. Below you is another Sand Archer, wait 
for him to turn away and then descend and Speed Kill him. 

Run along the right wall and jump off the shutter to reach another shutter on 
the opposite wall, then jump again to activate a cutscene. After it, turn 
right and then left to reach the edge of the platform, then jump across to the 
next rooftop. Then, run up the wall in front of you and wait for the Sand 
Archer to turn around. When he does, climb up and Speed Kill him. 

Stay behind the vegetated wall and use the Landscape Camera to observe the two 
Sand Archers on the next rooftop. Wait until they turn around, and then jump 
across to the very rightmost part of the ledge (you should jump diagonally 
from the left on your platform to do it), but do NOT climb up. Birds will fly, 
but if you are on the right enough the two Sand Archers will not see you. Wait 
for them to turn around, then Speed Kill the one on the left, followed by the 
one on the right. 

Climb up to the next platform to activate a cutscene. Turn toward the building 
from the cutscene and jump across to the next rooftop. Use the Landscape 
Camera if you wish, then run along the wall on the right and jump off the 
shutter to reach a chain. Descend the chain and wait.

Two Sand Archers are here. Wait until the patrolling Sand Archer moves to the
left and the other Sand Archer is turned away from you. Then, drop down and 
Speed Kill the Sand Archer on the left, followed by the Sand Archer on the 
right. Move through the doorway to the edge of the platform, and jump across 
to the ledge. Drop down to the next ledge, and then drop again to get down. 
Head forward through the hallway until you reach a dead end, then run up the
on your left and stab the plate. Then jump back to a ledge. Jump up to a ledge
above, and jump again to reach the next platform. Run along the wall on your 
right and stab into the plate, then drop and stab into the plate below. Then, 
drop to the alley. 

Go forward and smash the objects, then run up the wall and stab into the 
plate. Jump up and stab into the next plate, then run along the wall and stab 
into the switch. Two doors will open.

Now, from here, you can get another optional Life Upgrade, if you wish. 



Drop from the switch and run into the doorway furthest from you, remembering 
to roll in order to make it through. Run forward at the edge of the platform 
and drop to the ledge below. Then drop to the next ledge on the left, followed 
by another ledge. Then, move to the right and jump across to the ledge on the 
other side. Then, drop down to the floor. Turn around and follow the hallway,
and run up the walls as you get to them. At the end is a fountain, drink from 
it to start the Life Upgrade hallway.

You will be confronted with two Panel Traps at the beginning. Wait until they 
both start to go down, then run forward to the beam ahead. Ahead is a set of 
arrow traps, wait until they fire, then jump to the next set of beams. Quickly 
move to the center of the cross that the beams make. Wait for the arrows ahead
of you to fire, then quickly move to the end of the beam and jump to the next 
set of beams, quickly climbing up so that you don't get hit. Move left to the 
next beam, and move forward to the edge. You will now have to deal with 
sliding ledges. Wait for the lowest ledge to retract and come back, then 
quickly jump to it. Then, *very* quickly jump to the ledges above as they 
appear. Run into the light to get the Life Upgrade.



Drop from the switch and run into the doorway closest to you to reach the next


P. The Arena.

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. In fact, I recommend 
using it, as a boss fight awaits. Smash the pots on your left if you need some 
sand, then turn right and head out into the arena to face your first boss.


Boss: Klompa

Wait for the cutscene. Be impressed.

Big guy, isn't he? Don't worry, he's beatable, although he can be a bit 
irksome if you don't know what you're doing. Klompa has a few basic attacks at 
the beginning of the battle. When you are close, he will use his grab, which 
does very little damage on its own (in fact, it will never kill you on its 
own), but if he throws you into the spikes around the arena, you will suffer 
massive damage. He also has a one handed pound, a two-handed pound, and a 
sword strike, all of which can be dodged simply by running.

To beat Klompa, you will need to use the platforms on the arena's edge to 
ascend to his height. From the beginning, and hug the wall to reach a ramp. 
Ascend the ramp, and run along the wall to the right to reach a beam. Climb 
the beam, and then jump to the right to reach the next platform. Ascend the 
next ramp, then run up the wall and stab into the plate. Then, run to the left 
to reach the last platform. During all this, Klompa will attempt to hit you, 
but if you are quick, you needn't worry. 

Step out onto the beam, and intiate a Speed Kill. Klompa requires you to match
with three visual cues in his Speed Kill. The first one happens when you dive 
out, the second happens when he has you in his hand, and the third happens 
when you are on his face.

Run along the edge of the arena to the left until you reach another ramp. 
Then, run up the ramp and stab into the plate. Then, run along the wall to the 
right and stab into the next plate, then run along the wall to the right to 
reach the platform. Ascend the ramp and run up the wall to stab into the 
plate. Then, run along the wall to the final platform. 

Step out onto the beam, and initiate a Speed Kill. Klompa requires again for 
you to match with three visual cues. The first one happens when you dive out, 
the second happens when Klompa raises his hand to you, and the third happens 
when the Prince is on his head.

Now begins the really tricky part of the battle. Klompa gains a few new 
attacks, most notably his wild sword slashing. If he hits you with this, it's 
over--a one hit kill. To dodge it, roll forward at him or roll to the side. Do 
not backflip, as the sword will hit you if you do so. Klompa also has a 
forward kick, which does moderate damage--but the real threat is that he often 
follows up this kick with a sword slash, which is then impossible to dodge. He 
also has a stomp, which does heavy damage, and if he steps on you normally, it 
will do minor damage. Save your sand for rewinding sword slashes.

To beat him in this state, circle behind him and slash at his legs.
Continually slash him there and you will whittle down his health bit by bit. 
Klompa will try to move away and counterattack, but if you dodge correctly 
each time, you will eventually bring him down. At the end you will bring down 
one leg, then the other, and then you will have to complete a final Speed 
Kill. The cues are three--one on his lower back, one when the Prince in the 
air, and the last when the Prince is on the back of the neck. If you miss any 
of these last three visual cues, Klompa will throw you off and gain back a 
little health, which you will of course have to take away. Complete the Speed 
Kill and Klompa will be finished at last.

A final note--there is a known glitch in this battle, where one of the visual 
cues will fail to appear. If you follow this specific pattern for the fight, 
you should not get the glitch. If you do, however, you can still complete the 
Speed Kill by recognizing exactly when the visual cue is *supposed* to be. 
They are listed above, of course, for your convenience.

Watch the cutscene with pride.


Q. The Arena Tunnel

Dark Prince Time! Quickly, run along either wall to the opposite platform. 
Then run up the wall ahead of you to reach the ledge. Move left and wait for 
the retracting ledge above to come out, then jump back and chain-swing to a 
ledge on the opposite side. Climb up to the next platform. Follow the hallway 
until you reach the end of this platform, where you will be confronted with a 
new trap--a motion crusher. On the opposite end of the pit ahead is a standard 
crusher, wait for it to start retracting and then quickly run and jump off the 
edge, then chain-swing to a ledge on the other side. If you're fast enough, 
the first crusher won't get you. Then, climb the ledge, waiting for the 
crusher to be safe, and jump up to the next ledge, and then the one after it. 
Directly above you is a beam, either jump up to it or move left along the 
ledge and jump from there. Then, jump to the right, wait for the two crushers, 
and then QUICKLY go to the upper right corner to smash pots for some much 
needed sand. Then turn left and descend the ladder to the bottom. Use the 
chain to pull out the block opposite you, then climb up the ladder to the 
level of the platform, jump to the platform, and quickly run toward and roll 
through the door.

Phew! Get some more sand here, then run along the wall on the right and 
chain swing on the torch to make it to a ledge. Move left and jump up to a 
ledge above, then jump and chain-swing to the opposite ledge. Jump up to a 
ledge above, then jump right from beam to beam to reach the next platform. 
Head right through the doorway and turn left to reach a pool of the Water of 
Life, and become the Prince again. 

Go forward and head to your right to activate a cutscene, and reach the next 


R. The Balconies

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. The platform ahead of you has 
two enemies, wait until they turn around. Then, run along the right wall and 
initiate a Speed Kill to take out the Sand Archer. After that, Speed Kill the 
Sand Guard. Climb up the block on your left, and use the Landscape Camera. You 
have two options here. Either wait for him to move closer to you and then use 
the shutter to get a Speed Kill, or wait for him to move away from you and 
then use the shutter to jump to him, then perform a standard Speed Kill. 
Either way, run along the left wall and use the shutter to get to the next 
platform. From here, climb over the railing in front of you and then jump to 
the next platform. Climb over and Speed Kill the Sand Guard. Then climb over 
the railing that the Sand Guard was facing to the next platform, then run up 
the wall in front of you and stab into the plate. Then run to the left, and 
stab into the next plate, then do the same for the third plate. Then, run to 
the left and jump when you are alongside the chain. Descend the chain and 
Speed Kill the Sand Guard from there.

Turn around and get on the beam, then move to the edge and jump to the chain 
in front of you. Descend the chain and wait. Wait until the two Guards are 
facing away from you and are close together, then execute the double Speed 
Kill. Look over the railing and you will see a Sand Gate Guard. Wait until he 
is facing away from you, then climb over the railing, drop, and Speed Kill 
him. Approach the Sand Gate to receive a new time power: The Eye of the Storm. 

The Eye of the Storm is a very useful power. By using it (tap L), you will 
slow down time for everything but yourself. By doing this you can make combat 
easier and can get through traps that would otherwise be impassable.

After you get it, go back to the railing you jumped over. Run up the wall and 
climb over the railing. Follow the path until you are confronted by a gang of 
enemies. You will now have to use Free-Form Fighting to combat them. There are 
a total of four enemies, two Sand Guards and two Sand Archers. The same moves 
as before are effective, but now you can also slow down time to make the 
battle much easier. So, do that! If you run low on sand, you can always go 
back down to the street level to get more from the Sand Gate.

Now you will have to get through the door at the bottom by using the pressure 
plate up here, opposite the door. To make it through, use the Eye of the 
Storm, then run up and press in the pressure plate. Then, turn around, jump 
down to the street level, and hurry through the door.

Roll under the wood to reach the next area. 


S. The Dark Alley

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From there, turn right and go 
into the light between the two walls. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, 
then either one of the weapon racks to clear the way. Run up the wall and jump
from wall to wall up to a plate at the top, then stab into the plate. Then run
along the wall to the right. Turn right, run up the wall to a ledge, and climb
the ladder to the top. 

Whoo! What a sight! Go forward and drop to the first rooftop. Birds will fly. 
Wait for a second, and don't rush the railing or the Sand Archer below will 
see you. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then drop when his back is 
turned and Speed Kill him. Take care so that the other Sand Archer across the 
way does not see you when you do it, however. Then, hide behind the railing 
until the other Sand Archer turns his back. Then jump over to the other 
building and Speed Kill him. 

Afterward, run up the wall in front of you to activate a cutscene. 

After the cutscene, hide behind the bushels of grain. Don't get too close to
the railing in front of that, or the Sand Guard ahead will see you. From here, 
you should barely be able to make out his head. If you can't, use the camera. 
When he is turned, leap over the railing and Speed Kill him.

From there, run up the wall ahead and stab into the plate. Then run to the 
left along the wall and stab into the next plate. Then run to the left along 
the wall to reach the next platform. You will now have to engage a Sand Archer 
and a Sand Guard in Free-Form Fighting. Engage them normally, keeping in mind 
that you can toss them off the roof if things get tough.

After they are dealt with, jump to the next rooftop ahead of you. You will now
have to engage two more Sand Guards in Free-Form Fighting. You can also use 
the column in the middle to do Column Attacks, so remember that. 

After you are done, a cutscene will appear. 

After the cutscene, move through the doorway and turn left at the wall. Go out 
on the beam and jump to the gap ahead. Slide down the gap, turn around, and 
jump out to stab into the plate. Then, run along the wall to the right to 
slide down the curtain. Follow the hallway to the end, then run up the wall on 
the right to reach the next platform.

Run along the wall on the right to reach the curtain, then jump off the 
curtain when you are almost at the bottom to reach the next platform, before 
you fall to your death. Head through the doorway ahead, and turn left to get 
between the two walls. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run up the 
wall (don't go all the way in the back of the corridor, or there will be a 
ceiling to stop you) and jump from wall to wall until you reach a ledge. 
Shimmy along the ledge to the left until you reach a beam, then go to its edge 
and jump to the next platform. 

Turn right, and run along the wall on your left to make it over the pit. Then 
ascend the ladder on your left, and ascend the next ladder after that. Turn 
right, and there will be a cutscene. 


T. The Temple Rooftops

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish (it's right behind you, in the 
darkness, and a little hard to see). 

Time for a new type of enemy--the Chameleons! These are mostly like Reptus, 
the big difference being that Chameleons are invisible until struck. Well, 
mostly invisible. You can make out their outlines if you're paying attention. 
They make a very loud, distinctive (and annoying) noise when they are around. 
You can engage them in Free-Form Fighting combat if you wish, there are five 
or so.

After you drop down, head forward and around the big stone, circling to the 
right. On its right side, run up it and stab into the plate. Then, jump up to 
the ledge and shimmy to the right around one corner and then the other. Jump 
over to the column from here and ascend it. Then jump to the plate opposite 
you and stab into it. Then run along the wall to the right and jump off the 
shutter to activate a cutscene. 

From where you start, jump forward to reach the next platform. Careful, there 
is a Chameleon here. Kill him, then turn your attention toward the bell. We're 
going to have to pull (hold R and use the Control Stick) this back so you can 
reach the alcove above you. 

After pulling it, run up the wall to reach the alcove. Climb up, then run up
the wall and stab into the plate switch to activate a cutscene. Drop out of 
the alcove, then get on the bell and from it, run along the right wall to 
reach the platform you first jumped on. Then enter the door before it closes.

Turn right and jump over the pit to the ledge on the other side. Move right 
and then jump over and stab the plate opposite you. Then, run along the wall 
to the left to reach a ledge. Move left quickly before the ledge falls and 
jump opposite you to stab into a plate. Then run along the wall to the right 
to reach a ledge. Move all the way to the right, then jump and stab into the 
plate above. Then jump across to the plate switch opposite you and stab into 
it. Drop to the ledge below and quickly shimmy to the left. Then, climb up the 
ledge and jump to the ledge on the other side. Then quickly go to the right 
and jump up to the next ledge before yours disappears.

From here, climb up on the ledge and move to the right. Then, jump up to the 
next ledge. Shimmy right, then drop down to the next ledge and move right. 
Then jump to and stab into the plate on the other side. Then run along the 
wall to the left and jump to the other side. Go forward and run up the wall to 
reach a ledge, then climb up and jump over to the next room.

More Hunter Hounds. Man, I hate Hunter Hounds. Kill them as you did before. 
There are five in all. After they're all dead, go to your right and climb the 
small stone block. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the 
left wall, all the way around the curve until you are alongside the bar, then 
jump off to the bar. Swing-jump and stab into the plate switch. A platform 
will raise. Drop and run to the platform, and run up it to reach it. Climb up
and run along the left wall, around the curve to reach the next platform.

Then, run along the next left wall, around the curve and jump when you are 
alongside the bar to reach it. Climb up the bar, turn around, and jump to the 
wall. Climb the wall, and jump to the next wall in front of you, the one with 
a big dagger plate on it to reach a ledge. Move right along the ledge to reach 
a platform, and run up the wall to stab into the the plate. Then, run along 
the wall to the left and jump at the end to reach another bar. Swing-jump to 
the beam in front, and then wait. Turn the camera and wait until the Sand 
Guard at the window turns around, then jump to the platform past that. 

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn around and climb over the 
narrow railing. From there, jump to the beam, and then jump again to stab into 
a plate on the wall. Then run along the wall to the left and jump off the 
shutter to reach another plate, which you should stab into. Then, run along 
the wall to the left and stab into the next plate. 

From here, wait until the two Sand Guards below you get close together, then 
initiate the double Speed Kill. Then circle around the Sand Gate and Speed 
Kill the Sand Gate Guard.

Go to the Sand Gate and receive a new Sand Tank. That makes five!

Now, see the bell in this room? Imagine that the window next to the bell is 
due north. From there, take the bell to the southeast corner of the room. Get 
on the bell once you're there, and run up the wall to stab into the plate. 
Then jump up and stab into the next plate, and finally jump up and climb up to 
activate a cutscene. 

Climb over the rail ahead of you and jump to the rail on the other side. Then 
climb over and turn the crank. After you do that, go back over the rail and
drop down. Get on the stone step, and then run up and stab into the plate. 
Then run along the wall to the right and stab into the next plate, then do the 
same for the third plate. Then, jump up to the open wall and climb up, then 
drop down on the other side. 

There are two cranks here--one on the right next to where your partner is, and 
one to the left. Pull the crank on the left, and then pull the one on the 
right to activate a cutscene.

After that, pull the crank on the left to activate another cutscene. After
that, pull the same crank to activate yet another cutscene.

Oh, and also herald the return of more Hunter Hounds. I hate Hunter Hounds. 
There are four in all. After defeating them, go back to the wall you 
originally dropped down from, run up it, and drop back down into the bell 
tower. Then return to the very first crank you pulled, and pull it again to 
activate a cutscene.

Push the bell under the plate switch, then get on the bell, run up the wall, 
and stab into the switch to activate a cutscene. You will need to stab into 
the switch again after the cutscene, and then climb up to the left and go 
through the door.

In this room, move along the ledge to the left at the gap. Move along it to 
the end, then jump across and stab into the plate. Then run along the wall to 
the left to reach the next platform. Next, run up the wall and stab into the 
plate, jump up to reach a ledge, and climb it. Then move right around the 
corner and jump up to another ledge. Move around the next corner, line up with 
the next small ledge, and jump to it. Then jump to the plate and stab into it. 
Then run along the wall to the left to reach the next platform. Follow the 
hallway to reach the next area.


U. The Temple

There is a fountain in this room, use it if you wish. Opposite the fountain is 
a plate switch, run up the wall and stab it to open the door. Go through and 
all the way down the stairway to activate a cutscene.

After the cutscene, you will transform into the Dark Prince. Climb over the 
railing and jump across to the opposite ledge. Drop to the beam below, then 
climb up and jump to the beam ahead. Wait for the screen to become distorted, 
then execute a Speed Kill on the Sand Guard below. Kill the Hunter Hound that
comes up, then run along the left wall to reach the next platform. Use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn right and run along the left wall, and
jump when you are alongside the bars, then chain-swing from the first bar to
the second bar to the platform at the other end. Then turn to the left and run
along the right wall, then jump at the end of the wall to reach a beam. Climb 
the beam and jump forward to the next beam. Then wait for the screen to become
distorted, and then perform a Speed Kill on the Sand Guard below.

Kill the Hunter Hounds that appear (there are two), then look to the stone 
ahead and use your chain to pull it out of the wall. After you do that, jump 
to the stone and climb it. Then, run up the wall on the right and jump at the 
apex of your run to reach the next platform. Turn right through the doorway.

In the next room, drop into a hang off the edge of the platform, and shimmy 
right along the ledge. Use the chain to pull out the stone, then jump to the 
stone. From here, turn right and run along the wall, chain-swinging on the two
torches and then jumping from the first shutter to the next shutter to finally
reach the next platform.

Go up and Speed Kill the Sand Guard ahead of you, and then double back and 
Speed Kill the Sand Guard behind you. Finally, kill the Hunter Hound that 
comes up. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then go through the archway 
and run along the right wall, chain-swing on the torch, and then jump at the 
end of the wall, and finally chain-swing to the next platform.

From here, turn left and run along the right wall to the gap ahead. Jump and 
chain-swing to the next gap, then jump forward to reach the next platform. 
From there, turn left and run along the right wall to reach the next platform.

Now, run up the left wall and jump to reach the next platform. From here, 
Speed Kill the Sand Guard ahead of you, then double back and Speed Kill the 

From here, go through the archway and turn right. Use the Landscape Camera if 
you wish, then run along the right wall to reach a curtain. Slide down the 
curtain and jump right before you hit the bottom, then chain-swing to the next
curtain. Slide all the way down to the floor.

Now you will be forced to fight a number of Reptus. There is also a Sand Chest
in here with 10 Sand Credits. Dispatch all the Reptus, then run on the 
pressure plate to open the door. Go through the door before it closes. The 
next room also has a pressure plate, step on it and a number of traps will 
appear. The first is a twirling blade, roll under it to the right. Then run 
past the two crushers when they retract, and finally roll past the last 
twirling blade on the right. If you activate the Eye of the Storm for this, it 
becomes a breeze.

Run through the door at the end to find a pool of the Water of Life. You are 
now the Prince again.

To your left is a crank. Pull it to drain the water. 

A new type of enemy will appear after you drain the water--the Illusion. The 
Illusions throw blades at you and constantly shift position, occasionally 
rushing you. To beat them easily, slow down time and then strike them 
repeatedly with the dagger. To the right of the crank's alcove there is an 
indented wall with a broken pillar in the foreground. Run up the wall and jump
to said column, ascend, and then turn to the right and jump to the next 
column. From here, jump backward to reach the next platform. Turn to the left 
and run along the right wall, all the way around the curve, and then jump when 
you are alongside the bars. Climb up and then jump up to the bar above you, 
then swing-jump to the next bar. 

From here you can get another Life Upgrade, if you so desire.



From this bar, shimmy to the right and you should see a hole ahead of you. 
Swing-jump to the hole and climb through. Head forward to the edge of the 
platform, then run along the left wall to the curtain. Jump at the bottom of 
the curtain to reach the curtain on the other side, and slide down to the 
floor. Go forward, make a left, and drink from the fountain to start the Life
Upgrade hallway. 

Run along the right wall to the shutter ahead, and jump from shutter to 
shutter all the way down the hall--there are nine shutters in total. At the 
end, you will encounter some crumbling columns, each separated by spinning 
blades. Wait for each blade to go down, and then jump to the next column. Do 
not hold the A button after the jump, as if you are still holding it at the 
end of the jump it can cause the column to fall prematurely. After you clear 
the last one and reach the platform, run into the light to get the Life 

To return to the initial room, turn around and head back the way you came,
until you reach the end of the hallway. Then run up the wall to the left, step 
on the pressure plate, and enter the door to reach the room again.



Climb the bar and jump to the bar above you, then turn around. Swing-jump to 
the next bar, and follow that with a swing-jump to the room above. Run through
the doorway.

There is a crank in the room, use it to open the next door. Run through to the 
next room. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the right wall
to reach the curtain. Jump at the bottom of the curtain to reach the next 
curtain, and slide all the way to the floor. Turn around and go through the 
doorway, and use the plate switch ahead of you to open the next door. Run 
through the door and follow the hallway to the next edge. Run along the right 
wall over the pit to reach the next platform. Ascend the ladder on your right
to reach the next area.


V. The Marketplace

There is a fountain in this area, use it if you wish. Run forward to activate
a cutscene. After the cutscene, turn to the left and keep to the right as you
run until you reach the edge of the platform. Run along the left wall and jump
at the end of the wall to reach the next ledge. Climb up, move right along the 
ledge around both corners, then jump to the gap on the right.

Slide down the gap and turn around, then jump forward to the beam in front of
you. Wait for the Sand Guards below you to get close together, and then 
execute the double Speed Kill. Turn around and go to the end of the hallway to 
find a wicker basket. Pull the basket back with you to the pressure plate to 
open the door at the end of the alley. Run through the door and follow the 
hallway. At the end, run up the wall, climb up, and move onto the beam ahead.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then move to the edge of the beam and 
jump to the column ahead. Then, jump to the next column in front of that. Look 
down and make sure that the patrolling Sand Guard is just turning away from 

There are two other Sand Creatures here, a Sand Guard and a new type of Sand 
Creature: the Thrall. The Thrall is lighter colored, has 
extremely disturbing attire, and takes a whopping five matches of visual cues 
to Speed Kill. It is also quite resilient, though sustained combinations in 
Free-Form Fighting will bring it down. 

Turn toward the Thrall and execute a Speed Kill on it from above. After
killing it, run up the wall opposite the column and stab into the plate, then 
quickly jump to the column and ascend it. Jump to the other opposite wall and 
stab into the plate, then wait for the Sand Guards to get close together. When 
they are close, execute the double Speed Kill.

Behind you is a wicker basket surrounded by a bunch of objects. Break the 
objects, then drag the wicker basket away from the wall to the wall on the 
other side. Climb on the basket and use it to jump up the wall and climb to 
the next platform. Move onto the beam ahead, jump forward and stab into the 
plate. From there, run along the wall to the right, jump from the first 
shutter to the second shutter, and then stab into the next plate. Wait until 
the two Sand Guards below get close together, then execute the double Speed 

Turn around and go to the end of the alley, run up the wall at the end, and 
stab into the plate switch to activate the next cutscene. 

After the cutscene, push the wicker basket forward onto the pressure plate, 
then turn around and stand on the next pressure plate to open the door. 
Quickly roll through the door before it closes. 

Follow the alley to the end and ascend the ladder. From there, move forward 
and run up the wall, then stab into the plate. Jump up to the ledge above from 
there, then shimmy left around the corner. Climb up the ledge and jump up to 
the next platform. Move to the edge of the platform, and run along the left 
wall, jumping on the shutter at the end. This will propel you to a plate, 
which you should stab into. Run along the wall to the right to reach a ledge, 
then move right around the corner. Jump and stab into the plate across from 
you, then run along the wall to the left, jumping at the end to reach a beam. 

Jump forward to the next beam, and jump from there to stab into a plate. Run 
along the wall to the left, and jump from the first shutter to the second 
shutter to a plate to stab into. From there run left along the wall to reach 
another beam. Climb up on the beam and move left so that you line up with the 
plate on the next wall, then jump and stab into it. Run along the wall to the 
left to reach the next platform, and shimmy left and climb up onto it. Follow
the hallway to the next area.


W. The Market District

Go forward and drop off the right edge of the platform. Run along the wall on 
the right and jump when you are opposite the ledge on the left. Drop into a 
hang, and move around the corner. Then drop and stab into the plate below, 
then run along the wall to the right and stab into the plate. Then jump up to 
the ledge above and move around the corner to activate a cutscene. Climb up, 
then move to the beam on the right. Jump to the gap and slide down, then turn 
around. Wait until the patrolling Sand Guard turns away from you, then 
Speed Kill the Thrall. Quickly climb up the ladder in front of you to
reach the next platform. Jump across to the ledge on the next side, then 
shimmy to the left and around the corner. Drop down to the beam below, then 
wait until the two Sand Guards are close together. When they are, execute the 
double Speed Kill. 

After that, move to the right and stab the plate switch to open the door. Slow
down time and run through the door before it closes.

Head to the end of the hallway and run up the wall to the next platform. Move 
out to the beam and jump to the next beam. Wait until all the enemies in the
background turn their backs to you, then Speed Kill the Sand Guard below you. 
Immediately and VERY quickly turn to the right, climb up the canvassed rubble,
and run up the wall to stab into the plate. Then, run along the wall to the 
left and stab into the next plate. Wait until the Sand Guard on the right
turns around, then Speed Kill the Sand Guard below you, followed by 
immediately climbing back on the rubble, running up the wall, and stabbing 
into the same plate as before. Finally, run along the wall to the left, stab 
into the plate, and wait for the screen to become distorted--when it does, 
execute the Speed Kill on the Sand Guard below. Finally, circle around the 
left side and Speed Kill the Sand Gate Guard. Go to the Sand Gate to receive 
150 Sand Credits.

Go forward and pull out the wicker basket on the left to activate a cutscene.
Then push the wicker basket to the opposite wall, climb on the basket, run up
the wall and stab the plate switch. Then slow down time, and go through the
door before it closes. Follow the hallway and ascend the ladder on the right. 
Go to the next edge of the platform, and run along the wall on the right, and
jump from shutter to shutter in order to trigger another cutscene and reach 
the next area.


X. The Bowery

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Go to the edge of the platform 
and run along the wall to your left, and jump at the end to reach a ledge on 
the other side. Climb up, jump to the next ledge, then shimmy to the left and 
climb up to the next platform with a Sand Archer. Speed Kill it quickly.

Climb over the railing and jump to the beam. Climb up and jump to the ledge 
ahead, then shimmy to the right. Then drop, turn to the right, and head 
forward to trigger a cutscene. 

Now we're the Dark Prince. Oh, man.

Climb over the railing and jump forward, then chain-swing to reach the ledge 
on the other side. Drop down to the floor, then battle the Illusion enemies 
here. There is also a chest here with 10 Sand Credits. Kill them all, then 
climb up the ledge on the right side of the other wall. Jump and climb up to 
the next ledge, and then jump back and chain-swing to reach a beam. Jump from 
the beam to the next platform. Go through the door to your right and go 
forward to the wall. Turn on the Eye of the Storm, then run on the pressure 
plate and quickly go through the door when it opens. 

Turn left, use the Landscape Camera if you wish, and then head forward and 
over the railing. Drop down to the curtain, and slide down to the floor. 

Now we get to fight a new type of enemy. Yippee. -_- The Enchantress is a 
tough cookie. They are impossible to Grab Throw, so don't even try it. In 
fact, they are immune to all grab moves. They are extremely good defenders, 
and have no discernable attributes to exploit. However, they are physically 
weaker than your average Sand Creature. So if you slow down time and then 
attack them, you will hit them more often and thus kill them more effectively. 
Still, be prepared to be annoyed by these things. And of course, they can only 
be engaged in Free-Form Fighting--no Speed Kills for you. 

A final note--many Enchantresses do not give Sand. Be very wary as the Dark 

Also, since you are the Dark Prince right now, they're not exactly that tough.
Slaughter them. After they are dead, a trio of Illusions will appear, kill 
them to get some much-needed sand.

Head around the pillar until you see a column, jump on the column, and ascend 
it. Jump toward the stone pillar to the left to grab a ledge, then shimmy left 
around the corner. Climb up, then jump and climb up to the next ledge. There 
is a Sand Archer on the opposing platform, jump to it and Speed Kill him. 
Next, run along the wall on the right to reach the next platform. 

Turn left to see a pair of Enchantresses, kill them both. Then head forward, 
turn left, and jump to reach the next platform, but do NOT climb over the 
railing. There is a Sand Archer here--wait until he comes out, then hop over 
the railing and Speed Kill him as well. Head through the doorway. Go forward 
and into the upper left alcove. Run up either wall of the alcove and jump from 
wall to wall to reach the next level. Go through the next doorway.

There is a Sand Archer on the other side of the level, make sure to avoid or 
block his arrows. Turn the crank on the right side, then run along the left 
wall, jump, and use the chain-swing to get to the next platform. Go through 
the door on your left, kill the Sand Archer, and head through the next door 
and over the rail to reach a pool of the Water of Life. 

We are now the Prince again. Huzzah!

Head forward and over the railing. Turn left. You will be confronted with a 
number of small spinning blades. Stand in the middle, wait until the blades 
are passing through the center, and then quickly roll past them all. 

For the next group of mini-blades, pick either the left side or right side and
wait for the row of blades to move away from you, then run toward them and 
move to the opposite side when the other row of blades passes you, then run 
toward the end wall. 

Run up the wall and stab into the plate, then jump up to the ledge above. Jump
up again to reach another ledge, then jump up again to reach the platform 
above. Move forward to activate the next cutscene.

If you like, turn around and go back to the floor below, then smash the weapon 
rack to get a secondary weapon for the upcoming boss battle. Then go back up, 
and run up the wall to reach the next area.


Y. The Brothel

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From the fountain, run to the 
right and we will face our second boss of the game. From observing the 
credits, I think I have discerned her name, but I could be mistaken. If I am, 
I apologize, and please contact me if you know this boss' real name.


Boss: Mahasti

There will be a short cutscene. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Mahasti is a boss in the vein of the one-on-one battles found in
the previous game, Warrior Within--specifically, that of Shahdee. Mahasti has 
a myriad of moves. The first and most devastating health-wise is her long 
combo strike. However, the strike is easily blocked and can be countered as 
well. But perhaps even more deadly is her kick, which while not very strong 
physically and also slow, can bypass the block and kick the Prince right off 
the rooftop to his doom. Mahasti also has a nasty little habit of blocking 
most attacks and even countering counter-strikes.

So, what do we do? The most effective move against her in this first state is
the Aerial Landing Slash, so use it at will against her. The Counter-Attack is
effective too, as well as any slow-motion combinations. Be warned, however, 
try to save your sand for the upcoming portion of the battle.

Eventually you will lock your blades, a la Warrior Within. Press B repeatedly 
to drive her back, and continue fighting. Eventually you will lock your blades
again, and she will inevitably overpower you. This will force a change into 
the Dark Prince, heralding the second half of the battle.

As the Dark Prince, now you can easily tear Mahasti to pieces. So, in a very
predictable fashion, she will now flee you whenever you approach her. The
idea is to chase her around the buildings and activate slow-motion when you 
see her so that you can get in a lot of hits before she runs away again, and 
beat her this way. Of course, you'll be dying during this, so in between her 
buildings are buildings with Illusion enemies. Make sure to kill them each 
time to both get the sand for slowing time and for replenishing health. 

When she gets to critical health, she will jump one last time and you will 
have to fight her and kill her in one last blade clash. Overpower Mahasti with 
pressing B rapidly and you will prove the superior warrior.

Not too bad, right? 


Z. The Plaza

Hurry on through the doorway at the other end of the rooftops and smash the 
pot to the right to get some sand. Jump from the edge of the platform to the 
curtain, then jump at the bottom to reach a ledge. Move right along the ledge 
past the corner, then jump to reach the next platform. Follow the hallway, 
smash the pot to get some sand along the way, and at the edge of the platform
jump to the ledge across from you. Climb up, jump and climb up to the ledge 
above, then move right along the corner. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, 
then jump and chain-swing to a beam. Jump from the beam forward to the next 
platform. Smash the objects for sand, then turn to the left and run along the 
wall to the right, and jump from shutter to shutter to reach a ledge. Shimmy 
right along the ledge, drop down, then move right to reach the platform. Run 
along the wall to your left and chain-swing on the torch to reach the next 

Turn right and you will be forced to fight a group of Thralls and 
Reptus in Free-Form Fighting. After defeating them all, head to the upper left
corner from where you came in, use the Landscape Camera if you wish, and then 
run up the wall, jump, and chain-swing to the beam above. Move along the beam
to reach the next platform. Turn around, then run along the wall to the right, 
chain swing from the torch, and jump from shutter to shutter to reach a ledge.
Shimmy right along the ledge and around the corner, then jump to the next 
platform. Smash the objects for sand, then climb into the window. Go right, 
then left, and use the Landscape Camera if you wish. Then run along the wall 
to the right, and jump to chain-swing to another ledge. Shimmy right along the 
ledge, then jump and chain-swing to a suspended chain. Descend the chain to 
the bottom and Speed Kill the Sand Guard beneath. 

Then, drop from the chain and sneak up on the other Sand Guard to Speed Kill
him. After that, go to the left and run up the wall to hit the pressure plate.
Run through the open door to your right before it closes. 

Now, go forward and hide behind in the alcove on the left just before the
alley's corner. Wait there, and eventually a Sand Guard will come, Speed Kill
him when he passes you. Then turn left around the corner, roll under the hole, 
and make another left. Smash the obstacles, make one more left, and turn again
through the doorway to reach a pool of the Water of Life.

We are finally the Prince again. Phew.


AA. The Upper City

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. There is a wooden structure in 
the upper left corner, climb it to the midsection, and then run along the wall
to the left, jumping at the end to reach the next platform. Pull the crank 
ahead of you, then jump back off to the floor. Pull the wooden structure along
the grooves in the floor all the way to the end, then climb to the beam on top
of it and jump back to the platform again. Pull the crank back in position, 
jump back to the beam, and jump to the new gap ahead of you. Climb the gap, 
turn around, and jump across to the next level of beams. Follow the center 
beam to the end, then jump to the next gap. Climb the gap, then turn and jump 
to yet another set of beams. Below are two Sand Guards. Get directly above the 
one on the left when he is closest to the one on the right, and initiate the 
double Speed Kill. 

Next, push the crank. Run away from it toward the gap and jump to grab the 
ledge above the newly opened door, wait until the patrolling Sand Guard turns 
away from you, then drop to his level and Speed Kill him. Go through the door,
turn to the left, and run along the wall on the right to the shutter, jumping 
from shutter to shutter to shutter to reach the next platform. Go through the
next doorway to activate a cutscene.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then go to the edge of the platform, run
along the left wall, and jump at the end to reach a beam. From there, jump to
the suspended chain and descend to the ground. A group of Reptus will attack 
you. Kill them all, then run up the wall with the pressure plate and go 
through the door it opens. 

In the next alley, go forward and quickly Speed Kill the Sand Guard ahead. 
Then turn around and run up the left wall to a ledge above, and jump from this 
ledge across to another. Climb up the ledge and move to the right to reach the 
next platform. Turn right, then run along the left wall and jump from shutter 
to a beam, and jump from this beam to the next one. Wait for the Sand Guards 
below to get very close together, then execute the double Speed Kill. 

Go forward, use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then ascend the ladder on 
the right. Jump left and back again from wall to wall to reach the next 
platform above. Turn around and face the edge of the platform, and then jump 
from the wall ahead to the beam above. Then, climb from the base of the beam 
to the next platform above. 

Go to the edge of the platform and run along the wall to your left to a beam,
then jump from the beam to a platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, 
then turn right and move to the ledge ahead of you. Drop from this ledge to 
the next and the next, then move left to reach the next platform. 

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the wall to the right and
jump from shutter to shutter to a ledge. Move to the right, wait for the 
screen to distort, then perform a Speed Kill on the Sand Guard below. 

Move up to the wall, turn right, approach the edge of the platform, run along 
the wall on your left, and jump on the shutter to reach the next platform. Run
along the wall on your left and jump at the end to reach a beam. Move out to 
the end of the beam and wait. 

When the two Sand Guards are close together and the Sand Gate Guard is turning
away, drop into a hang and execute the double Speed Kill. Then, quickly move 
forward and Speed Kill the Sand Gate Guard as well. Use the Sand Gate to 
obtain the Winds of Sand Power, an attack that allows you to knock back 
enemies with sand (tap L while holding R). Each Winds of Sand attack uses two 
Sand Tanks.

Move forward to the wall with a pressure plate, and run up it to open the 
door. Then slow down time and quickly run through the door. Head through the 
hallway, climb over the railing, and smash the objects ahead to reveal a 
wicker basket. Drag the basket out of the alcove, to the left, and forward to 
the wall ahead. Then, climb the basket, run up the wall, and climb over it. 
Move forward and drop down, then turn right and head to the end of the hall.

Jump up the stone, run up the wall ahead, and stab into the plate. From there, 
run to the left, jump, and stab into the next plate. Jump up to the ledge, 
then shimmy right to reach the next area. 


AB. The City Gardens

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Head through the doorway to the 
edge of the platform, and jump across to the bar ahead. Swing-jump forward and
stab into the plate ahead, then run right along the wall and stab into the 
next plate. Drop to the ledge, move right around the corner, then climb up and 
jump to the next ledge. Shimmy to the right until you are above a beam, then 
drop to the beam, jump across to the next beam, then jump and climb up to the 
ledge above. Move right around the corner and jump across to the next beam. 
Then, jump up and stab into the plate, followed by running along the wall to 
the right and stabbing into the next plate. Then run along the wall to the 
right to reach a platform. Birds will fly, alarming a Sand Guard above. Wait 
for him to calm down, then jump up to his level when his back his turned and 
perform a Speed Kill. Hop over the rail ahead and jump to the bar away from 
you. From there, swing-jump to the next platform and run off the front edge 
into a hang. Then, shimmy to the right around the corner and drop down to the 
next ledge. 

From this ledge, jump to the left to the opposite ledge and drop into a hang.
Shimmy to the right as far as you can, then climb up and jump over to the 
tree, which functions as a column. Slide down and jump to the next tree, and 
jump from tree to tree to tree, finally ending with a jump to the ledge ahead 
of you. Wait for two Sand Guards to move below the ledge and close to each 
other, then execute the double Speed Kill over them. 

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish.

From there, move around the left side of the stone pillar and Speed Kill the 
next Sand Guard, and then the one right after him. Go back to that stone 
pillar run up the wall with the plate switch, and stab into it. Drop and move 
between the pillar and the wall, and jump from wall to wall back up to the 
ledge. Retrace your steps back past the trees and to the ledge on the great 
stone pillar that you jumped to the trees from. Shimmy all the way to the 
left, and drop down to the beam below at the end. Jump from this beam to the 
one on the opposite side, and jump up to the ledge above. Shimmy all the way 
to the left, then climb up and jump across to a ledge on the left. Shimmy 
left, then drop and stab into the plate below. Then drop to the floor.

From this platform, turn right and head out onto the beam. Turn right here, 
and jump from beam to beam until you reach the wall. Move right past the 
corner, and then jump backward to the bar. Climb up the bar, then jump and 
climb up the bar above it, and finally turn around and jump toward the wall.

Climb up onto the beam and move up the center one. Jump from it to the tree 
ahead, then slide down midway and jump to the beam across from you. Use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, then jump and stab into the plate across the 
way. Run along the wall to the right and stab into the next plate, then run to 
the right to reach a beam. Drop into a hang off the beam, then wait for the 
Sand Guard farthest away from you to just turn around--when he does, execute a 
Speed Kill on the Sand Gate Guard. After killing him, quickly run off the 
platform behind you and drop into a hang. Shimmy to the left behind the 
statue, then wait for the Sand Guard in the background to turn around. When he 
does, shimmy left, climb up, and Speed Kill the closest guard, and then 
quickly go and Speed Kill the last guard.

The Sand Gate is now open. Step on it to claim your prize, the final Sand 
Tank. Six in all, baby.

Opposite the Sand Gate is a stone pillar, run up it and stab the plate switch.
Then head to the tree, ascend it, and jump to the beam at the left when you 
reach the top. Move forward and jump to the newly risen rooftop, then jump 
forward to the ledge across from there. Move left, then drop to the beam below
and jump to the beam across from there. Then jump and climb up to the above 
ledge, and move all the way right. 

From here, jump to the ledge on the right, and then move right and drop to the
ledge below that. Wait until the two Sand Guards are close together and the 
patrolling one is nearest you, then execute the double Speed Kill. From here,
turn right to the edge of the platform. Run along the left wall to the bar, 
shimmy right, swing-jump to the ledge on the opposite side, and move all the 
way right. When the two Sand Guards are close together and the patrolling one 
is closest to you, execute the double Speed Kill. Now, drop down to the floor
below you, a cutscene will ensue. 

Get ready now, it's time for a miniboss.


Miniboss: Stone Guardian

Seemingly plucked from the lumbering giants in Warrior Within, this semi-boss
is another homage to that game. He has many of the moves those enemies had, 
including the same types of punches, rushes, and even walking style.

Or maybe I'm just going nuts.

Either way, he's a real pushover. Circle behind him, slash at his legs a few 
times, and he'll fall over. Press B while facing his back and the Prince will
get on him, a visual cue will ensue, and matching it will make the Prince 
begin to ride him through the gardens.

Now comes the real challenge. You'll have to guide this brute through the 
corridors without crashing--if you do, he'll come tumbling back down on you, 
and that's no good. One hit kill. >_<

So navigate him much like the chariot. He can brush off sideswipes, but he 
can't take a full-on collision. For your information, you will need to:

-Turn right and bash through a door
-Turn left
-Turn right
-Turn right again
-Turn left
-Turn right
-Turn left
-Turn right
-Turn right again
-Turn right yet again
-Turn left
-Turn left again
-Turn right
-Turn right again
-Turn left
-Bash through the door ahead

And that's that. Really easier done than said, actually. After it, ascend the
ladder on the right to reach the next area. 


AC. The Canal

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. There is also a Life Upgrade 
nearby, if you so desire it. 



From the fountain, turn right and roll through the hole ahead. Turn left and 
move along the ledge on the right wall. Move all the way left, then drop to 
the next ledge and continue left, then drop to the platform below.

Turn left at the next platform and move along the ledge on the right wall. 
Move all the way left and then jump across to the ladder on the other side. 
Descend the ladder and jump across to the platform, then move forward to find 
the fountain. Drink from it to start the Life Upgrade hallway.

Go forward and turn left to find your first set of traps, bladed columns 
combined with spiked floors. Stand to the right, wait until the columns move 
left and up respectively, then quickly roll past the set of traps.

Make a right and move to the edge of the platform. For the next trap 
consisting of spinning blades along the wall, wait until the first blade 
clears the upper half of the trap and then run along the left wall to the 
opposite platform.

The next trap is a set of bladed columns with a floor of spikes between them. 
Pick a side to cross on, then simply wait for the first column to move away 
and run through the set of traps. The last trap is a simple spinning blade, 
wait for it to go down and then run toward the light to gain the Life Upgrade.



From the fountain, turn left and head forward to the end of the hall. Jump up
to the stone platform, use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run up the 
left wall and jump from wall to wall to reach the platform high above. Make a 
left there, and make another to reach the edge.

Run along the wall on the right to reach a ledge on the other side. Then move 
left, jump to the ladder on the other side, and descend to the bottom. Jump 
from there to the ledge across from you, move all the way right, then jump 
back to the bar across the pit. Swing-jump from it to the next area.


AD. The Promenade

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Head forward, make a left, and
head down the hallway to Speed Kill the Thrall at the end. If that's 
too risky for you (WTF?), you can always hop on the wooden crate in the alley,
jump to the bar above, and swing-jump to the next bar before climbing up it 
and waiting for the Speed Kill. Either way, just kill the bastard.

Afterward, grab the wicker basket to the right (it's an unusual dull brown), 
and drag it to the upper left corner of the alley so that it's positioned at 
the edge of the platform along the right wall. Climb on the basket, run 
along the right wall, and jump from wall to wall until you grab the platform 
above. However, do NOT climb the platform. Wait for the Thrall to turn
around, then climb up and Speed Kill him. 

After dispatching of him, run up the wall with the pressure plate to activate
the lowering of the right wall. Turn around, go to the edge of the platform, 
run along the right wall to the shutter, and jump from it to the ledge ahead. 
Move right around the corner, then jump and climb up to the next ledge. Next,
jump from wall to wall to reach the platform above. 

Use the Landscape Camera if you must, then run along the wall to the right and
jump from shutter to shutter to reach the next platform. Climb over the rail 
and head forward to activate a cutscene. 

The Dark Prince...again?!? Yes, it's true. Swallow your pride and let's get on
with it. Move forward and jump toward the suspended chain. Descend the chain.
To deal with the Thrall, either jump down after him and Speed Kill him
normally, or wait for him to come back and Speed Kill him from above. Either 
way, kill him and then dispatch the two Hunter Hounds that appear. To your 
right just outside the doorway is a plate switch, stab it. Then move to the
edge of the platform ahead, run along the right wall while chain-swinging from
the torch, and reach the curtain. Jump at the bottom of the curtain, and 
chain-swing to the next platform. 

There are three Enchantresses and a Hunter Hound here, kill them all. Then 
move to the upper right and stab the plate switch. Use the Landscape Camera if 
you wish, then run along the wall to the right, chain-swing, and jump from 
shutter to shutter to shutter to a platform with a Thrall. Kill him 

Turn left, use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the right wall 
to jump from shutter to shutter to shutter, and chain-swing at the end to 
reach the next platform. There are two Thralls here and a Hunter Hound, 
kill them all. Then turn left and run along the right wall to the next 

To the right on the platform is a plate switch, stab it. From there, turn 
around and climb the beam, and jump from the beam to the newly risen rooftop.
Jump from the rooftop to the platform ahead, and then run up the upper left 
wall on the platform, jumping at the apex of your run to reach the next roof.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the left wall, jump when 
you are alongside the bar, and chain-swing twice to reach the next platform.
Move to the ledge on the right side, drop into a hang, and shimmy to the 
right. Use the chain to pull out the stone block, jump to it, then run along 
the wall on the left to a ladder. Descend the ladder, pull out the stone block 
at the bottom, and jump to the block. Turn left, run along the wall to the 
right, and jump at the end of the wall to land in a pool of the Water of Life.

We are the Prince again. Finally! ^_^

Turn right and jump up the ledge, then leap over the railing to the next 
platform. Climb over the railing on the left and jump to the bar ahead. Then,
swing-jump from bar to bar until you reach a beam, and head out to the end of
the beam and jump to the suspended chain. Descend the chain.

Wait in suspension until the Thrall is below you and the Sand Gate 
Guard has just turned away, then execute the Speed Kill on him. After killing 
him, quickly duck behind the wooden edifice and run up it to reach the ledge 
above. Climb up, then jump and climb over the railing to reach the top of the
structure. Use the Landscape Camera to get a view of the Sand Gate Guard on 
the second level. When he moves close to the edge, run along the wall on the 
left, jump off the first shutter, and then use the second shutter to initiate
a Speed Kill on him. There is a Sand Chest up here, smash it to get 10 Sand 
Credits. After that, turn left from the crate, run up the stone, and climb it 
to the top. 

Turn around and run along the left wall to reach the beam on the opposite 
side. Move right and line up with the suspended chain, then jump to it and 
descend to the bottom. Wait on the chain until the Sand Gate Guard turns away, 
then do the Speed Kill on the Thrall below you. 

After it, quickly run to the left behind the large wall in the center to avoid
detection. Run up the wall and climb up to the top, then go right and jump to
the beam across the way. Wait for the screen to distort, then perform a Speed 
Kill on the Sand Gate Guard.

All done. Go to the Sand Gate to recieve a prize of 200 Sand Credits. 

Circle around left now to find the doorway, and pass through it. Climb over 
the stone and follow the hallway until you see a hall of crushers with 
miniature spinning blades suspended above them. To pass them, simply wait for 
the first crusher to retract and then move down the hallway normally, weaving 
through the crushers as quickly as possible in order to avoid death. It's not 
as hard as it sounds. 

Continue down the hallway to reach the next area.


AE. The Royal Workshop

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From the fountain, turn right 
and stab the plate switch, then drop to trigger a cutscene. 

Time for the biggest puzzle in the game. And yeah, it can be the most annoying 
as well, if you don't know what you're doing.

From the beginning, run forward toward the statue. There is a column to the 
left of the statue, jump to it and ascend. Jump to the platform on the left, 
then run up the wall and jump to reach the bar above. Turn around and shimmy 
left, then climb up to the platform. From there go left and jump up to the 
ledge on the left. Shimmy left past the two corners, then jump across to the 
ledge on the other side. From there, shimmy left and then climb onto the 

You can use the Landscape Camera from virtually anywhere in this massive room.
This is to help determine the location of the statue, which will eventually be
moved all the way to the end of this room. 

Ahead and to your right is a crank and a plate switch. The crank controls the 
direction of the plate switch, and each time the plate switch is used the
action the crank determines happens. This plate switch controls the swiveling 
of the statue, and the crank determines whether it swivels left or right. It's 
fine where it is right now.

Climb the ladder to the left cross the bridge, and descend the ladder to find 
the plate switch that controls the lateral movement of the statue. The plate 
switch makes the action happen, while the crank determines whether the statue
moves forward or backward. This is also fine how it is for now. In fact, go 
ahead and stab the plate switch right now to get a jump start on this puzzle.

Head back to the switch that controls swivel movement and stab that to make 
the statue turn right now. Then, stab it again to make the rotation 180 

Go back to the lateral movement switch and stab it again, which will send the 
statue going down the hallway some more. Then stab it yet again, which will 
send it going down even farther.

Now, go to the switch that controls swivel movement and stab it again. The 
statue should turn some more. 

Now, go to the crank that controls lateral movement and turn it. Then stab the
switch, and the statue should go back a little. 

Turn back to the switch that controls swivel movement again and stab it. The 
statue should be facing forward again.

Then go back to the crank that controls lateral movement and turn it. Then 
stab the switch, and the statue should move forward some. 

Now, go back to the switch that controls swivel movement and stab it again. 
The statue will turn to the right again.

Head to the switch that controls lateral movement, and stab it. We're nearly

Go to the crank now that controls swivel movement and pull it. Then stab the 
switch that controls swivel movement. The statue should be facing forward.

Finally, go back to the switch that controls lateral movement one more time 
and stab it to end this area.


AF. The King's Road

Time for another chariot sequence. However, this one is much more demanding. 

Weave down the street and slash the first Sand Guard that jumps on the 
chariot. Another will jump on soon after, slash him as well. A third will jump 
on after that...well, you know what to do (slash him). After the third Sand 
Guard a ramp will appear that will take you into a series of caves.

A chariot will appear on the right shortly after you enter the caves. Do not 
let it force you into the left wall and eventually ram it into the right wall 
or let it crash itself trying to kill you. A gap is up ahead, remember to 
avoid the divider between the paths directly after it.

There is a bridge directly after it you must cross, followed by yet another 
divider to avoid. Continue on and out of the caves, then continue over another 
ramp and toward another hazard of passages within building walls. Jump the 
first gap on the left (but not ALL the way to the left) and the second gap on
the right (but not ALL the way to the right). 

Continue and a cutscene/scripted event will ensue, driving you to the left 
path and through a wooden door. Continue on undeterred, jumping the next gap 
on the left and the one after it on the right. 

After a few halls barricades will be in your way. Pass the first one on the 
right, slash the Sand Guard that jumps on your chariot, and pass the next one 
on the right as well, followed by passing the third one on the left. Slash the
Sand Guard that jumps on directly after this, then pass the next barricade on 
the left, then the next on the right, and then the one after that on the left.

Continue on until you reach the last stretch, where two guards jump on your
chariot while you have to weave through stone in the middle, on the left, and 
then the right. Go on a bit more and the chariot sequence ends. Yay! time for the real fight.


Boss: The Twins

Okay, this is a boss fight with two bosses. The one on the left with the 
sword I call Blade. The one on the right with the axe I call Axe. Hey, I'm not 
here to entertain you, I'm here to help you!

Each of them has more than their fair share of standard attack. Axe can swing
his weapon surprisingly quickly, has a decent jab and a boot counter. He's 
also invincible defensively. So, suffice to say, we're going to be focusing 
our attention more on Blade.

Blade has a few sword combos up his sleeve, along with some devastating lunge
attacks. He has power attacks capable of breaking through your block with 
ease, and will counter any and all forms of unconventional attack. 

So, how do you beat these expert duo of cheese techniques? The secret is to 
constantly attack Blade with your dagger's standard B combos. Doing so will 
prompt Axe to leap into the air with a chop. If you get hit it's all for 
nothing, but if you roll out of the way he will get his axe stuck in the 
ground with comical effect, and you are free to pummel him with dagger combos 
to your heart's content...

...with a catch. The real danger lies here, as Blade will be attacking 
ferociously to protect his partner. You have to attack Axe to win, but doing 
so leaves you with the risk of suffering serious damage. Stay as far away from 
Blade as you can when you attack Axe. Rolling around Axe to keep him between 
you and Blade is effective, and vault over him if you're really in a pinch. 
When Axe recovers, start smacking Blade again to provoke him into doing
the same leaping chop. Dodge, rinse, and repeat.

When you take away about a third of health from Axe, you will get a prompt for
a Speed Kill. Match with two visual cues to clear the first phase of the 
battle and take both enemies down to around half health.

Continue this same pattern. When Axe is nearly out of health, another prompt 
for a final Speed Kill will commence. Match the two visual cues to finish the
two and end the boss battle.


Time for a long, kick-ass cutscene. Watch, enjoy, and get ready for the final
stretch of the game.

We start out in this next section as the Dark Prince. Goodie. Thralls
and Enchantresses galore will engage you, and you must tear through them all 
to proceed in the largest mandatory Free-Form Fighting section yet. 

After defeating them all, head forward through the door and to the wall ahead. 
Smash the objects on the left and run up the wall on the left side to grab the
ledge. Then shimmy to the right and climb over at the end. Run forward to 
reach a pool of the Water of Time.

The Prince again. So soon? Head up the stairs, run up the wall, and climb over
to reach the next area.


AG. The Palace Entrance

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Turn right and head forward to 
activate a cutscene. 

To the left there is a Sand Chest with 10 Sand Credits. To the right there is
the edge of the platform; from there run along the wall on the right and jump 
off the shutter at the end to reach a ledge. Jump across from the ledge to 
reach a gap, climb the gap, and turn around at the top.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then jump acros the gap to the next 
platform. Push the crank to open the door, then head through and turn left.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then turn left again, hang over the edge 
of the platform, and jump across to the curtain. Jump at the bottom to reach 
the ledge on the opposite side, then drop into a hang and shimmy to the left
to reach the next platform. Run up the wall on the left to reach a ledge. Use 
the Landscape Camera if you wish, then jump right from wall to wall and climb 
up to the platform above. There are two Sand Guards you must engage in 
Free-Form Combat, dispatch of them at will. Afterward, move to the edge of the
platform on the left.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the wall on the right and 
jump midway to reach the bar in the middle of the room. Swing-jump up to the 
next bar, and swing-jump from there to stab into the plate ahead of that. Run
along the wall to the right from there to reach the next platform.

Turn right and climb over the railing at the end of the platform. Jump and 
stab into the plate opposite you. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then 
wait for the floor in the background to move into position before you run 
along the wall to the right. Afterward quickly run up the wooden wall to the 
right and jump from wall to wall until you make it to stab into the plate 
above. Run along the wall to the right from here and jump at the end to reach 
a bar. Climb the bar and jump up to the one above it, then swing-jump from 
that bar, and from the next bar to reach the next platform.

From here you can access a Life Upgrade, if you desire so.



Turn right and hop over the railing facing the elevator. Jump left and stab 
into the plate, then hop up and stab into the next plate, then hop up and do 
the same to the third plate. Activate the Eye of the Storm, jump off the right
wall up to the pressure plate, and then drop down and stab into the middle 
plate. Jump to the right and run up through the newly opened door. Go to the 
end of the hallway and drink the water from the fountain to start the Life 
Upgrade hallway.

You begin with a miniature spinning blade in the way, followed by a panel 
trap, and that followed by slower miniature spinning blade. Pick a side, wait 
for the blade to move when panel about to go down, then run and jump to the 
next platform. Keep running and jump to the next platform past the mini-blade 
to clear the set of traps.

Above you is a gauntlet of retracting ledges. Wait for the first one to come 
out, then run up the wall and climb it. Continue to climb and jump from ledge 
to ledge until you reach the top platform. 

The final set of traps is a hellish combination of dual miniature spinning 
blades in a criss-cross formation, two alternating panel traps to the sides, 
and other panel trap at the very end. Move to either the left or right, wait 
for the panel trap on your respective side to start to descend along with the
panel at the very end, then simply run through to the light to get the Life 



Turn the crank to open the door ahead. Move through, run up the wall on the
right, and stab into the plate. From there, hop up to the next level. Run 
forward over the railing, jump across and stab into the plate, use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, and then run along the wall to the right when 
the floor is in position. Then run forward and jump to the ledge ahead.

From there, move right as far as you can. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish, then jump from wall to wall up to the next railing; but do NOT climb 
over. Instead, shimmy to the right and then climb over, and from there Speed 
Kill the two unaware Sand Guards.

Turn to the left and use the Landscape Camera if you wish. Run along the right
wall and jump midway to reach the bar in the center. From there, swing-jump to
the next bar, and swing-jump from there forward to jump from wall to wall up 
to a higher plate that you should stab into. Run along the wall to the right, 
to reach a ledge, then move right around the corner. From there jump to the 
right and hop over the railing to fight a Sand Guard and two Enchantresses. 

After killing them, hop over the railing to the right and jump to the elevator
in the distance to activate a cutscene.

This next room begins with a fight against a few Enchantresses. Dispose of 
them and turn the crank once you are through. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish, then use the upper alcove and jump between it from wall to wall when the 
moving wall above is retracting, then climb up to the platform. The next 
moving wall to the left has a plate on it, run up the wall and stab into the 
plate. From there run along the wall to the left when it pushes out and stab 
into the next plate, then jump up and stab into the plate above that. Then 
jump up to the next platform.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the left wall and stab 
into the moving wall's plate when it is out. Wait until it goes back and comes
out again, then run along the wall to the right to reach the next platform.

Turn right and run along the wall to your left to the curtain, and jump at the
bottom of the curtain to cross to the beam below. Head right to the ledge, 
move left past the corner, and move to the next beam. Then jump to the gap 
from there, climb the gap, and turn around. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish, then jump across and stab into the plate on the other side. Run along 
the wall to the left, jump at the end, and stab into the plate on the other 
side. Then run along the wall to the right to reach a ledge.

Shimmy right around the corner and then drop down. Go forward through the 
doorway. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then run along the right wall,
jump at the end, and stab into the plate on the opposite wall. Then run along
the wall to the right and stab into the next plate. Then jump across to the 
bar, swing-jump and stab into the next plate, and run along the wall to the 
left when the moving wall is out to reach the next area. 


AH. The Hanging Gardens

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From there, turn left and go 
through the doorway to the right. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then 
drop down to the ledge below the doorway and move right around the corner to 
the end of the ledge. Then jump up to the ledge above it and shimmy right to 
the next platform. Turn right and go forward for a cutscene.

After the cutscene, turn right and run along the left wall, jumping when you 
reach the bar parallel to you on your right. Drop down to the gap and slide 
down. Wait for the Thrall to pass under you as the other Thrall
is turning away, then execute a Speed Kill on him. Follow that Speed Kill up 
by Speed Killing the other Thrall.

After they are both dead, move to the platform's edge. From there, run along 
the right wall and stab into the plate there. Use the Landscape Camera if you
wish, then slow down time when the blocks to the left begin to come out again.
After doing that, run along the wall to the left, jump onto the block, and 
leap from there to the bar ahead. Climb up the bar and jump up to a higher 
bar, continuing to jump up three and reach a beam above them all. Move along 
the beam to its end, then leap across to another bar. Swing-jump to the next 
platform to trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, run along the wall to your left to the ledge on the other
side. Drop down twice to get into the gap, then slide down and turn around. 
Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then wait until the screen becomes 
distorted. When it does, execute a Speed Kill on the Sand Gate Guard below. 
After that, quickly turn around and leap over the right railing to avoid being 

Keep a close eye on the Thrall. When he turns toward his railing, climb
back up and quickly perform a Speed Kill on the other Sand Gate Guard. After 
that, perform a Speed Kill on the Thrall to wrap things up.

Touch the Sand Gate to gain your final sand power in the game: The Sand Storm.
By using it (holding R and pressing + holding L) you can obliterate all 
enemies in an area. After this a cutscene will ensue

After the cutscene, head directly over the railing perpendicular to the Sand 
Gate. From there, jump and stab into the plate on the other wall, then hop up 
and stab into the next plate. Wait for the moving wall to push out, then run 
along the wall to the left and jump from wall to wall up to the first ledge.
Wait for the wall to push out again, then jump from wall to wall up to the 
second ledge. Shimmy left around the corner and climb up, then jump up to the 
next ledge. Shimmy left all the way to the gap and drop down.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then slide down and face up. Wait for 
the two Thralls to approach the center, then Speed Kill the upper one 
when the screen distorts on his way back. After he's finished, turn around and 
Speed Kill the other Sand Thrall.

From there, make a right and go to the edge of the platform. Run along the 
wall on the right to make it to a ledge on the other side. Climb up, move 
around the corner, and jump to the bar. Swing-jump to the ledge above, then 
shimmy right all the way to the edge. Finally, jump off the ledge to reach the 
next platform and the next area.


AI. The Structure's Mind

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From the fountain, go left and 
move out on the beam. Jump to the gap across the pit. To pass the spinning 
blades, get as close to them as possible, then hold down when you see the last
of the blade pass through the gap. There are two, so be careful. At the bottom
of the gap, drop to the floor and turn around.

The next set of traps consist of a horizontal bladed column, a vertical bladed 
column, and an arrow trap. Wait for the arrows to fire and the first column to 
ascend simultaneously, then quickly run through and use your better judgement
to avoid the last column. Next come a set of three spinning blades. Watch each 
one individually, and roll through right after they pass to beat each one.

Now comes the next big puzzle, though not nearly as aggravating as the last.

From the entrance to the room, head to the room's center and look to the left
relative to the entrance. That direction is 'North'. Hence, the platform in 
front of you is the North platform, the one to the left is the West platform,
and the one to the right is the East platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you
wish, then follow the instructions.

Firstly, go to the North platform and pull the crank once. You will raise one 
floor. Run off the platform to reach the ground again.

Now go to the East platform, and pull the crank once. You will raise one 
floor. Run off the platform to reach the ground again. Now, pull the crank on 
the West platform. You will raise one floor. Now, run off the platform to 
reach the ground again.

Now, go where the East platform used to be. Stand on the raised part of the 
floor to the left of where the platform was, then run along the right wall to
a pillar of ledges. Climb up to the third ledge, turn around, and then jump
back to a metal platform, and jump from that to the East platform. Pull the 
crank to reach the second level.

From there, run along the right wall to the pillar of ledges, shimmy left 
around the corner, and then drop down three ledges. Jump to the metal platform
away from you, then jump to the North platform after that. Pull the crank to
reach the second level.

Turn left, and run along the right wall to reach the other pillar of ledges. 
Shimmy to the left, drop down three ledges, then jump away to the metal
platform. From there, just jump to the West platform. Pull the crank to reach 
the second level. 

Now all three elevators are at the second level. That's it. Puzzle solved. 
watch the cutscene, then run to the pillar of ledges and use it to descend all
the way to the ground. From there, exit through the south archway to trigger
a cutscene.


AJ. The Well of Ancestors

Well, well, well, we seem to be the Dark Prince. Doesn't seem like this'll 
ever stop, does it? <_<

Go forward and turn right to the edge of the platform. Run along the right 
wall and chain-swing along the torch to reach the next platform. From there 
run along the right wall and chain-swing along the torch to reach a beam. Use 
the Landscape Camera if you wish, then move along the beam to the left, jump, 
and chain-swing to the suspended chain. Descend the chain, drop to the beam, 
pull yourself up, and move forward before the beam falls. Turn right at the 
small beam and jump to the next platform.

From there, run along the left wall and chain-swing along the torch to reach 
the next platform. Head through the door and break the pottery for some much
needed sand.

Come back out, turn left, and jump to the beams from the platform. Drop from 
the higher beam to the lower to the next platform. Turn around and run along 
the right wall, chain-swinging from one torch to the second as you go to the 
next platform. There, continue running along the right wall and chain-swing 
from the torch to get to the next platform. Jump down to the platform below 
and enter the door.

There isn't much in here but enemies, but you need those for sand. Kill them
all, then go back out and go right.

Run along the right wall to the next platform, then go forward and drop down
into the gap ahead. Slide down and drop to the floor below, and take out the
enemies as they come for some more precious sand. After killing them, turn 
around and head toward the edge of the platform. Run, jump, and chain-swing 
along twice to reach the next platform.

From there, turn left and run along the right wall, chain-swinging on two 
torches along the way to a beam at the end. Then, drop down to a beam below 
that beam, followed by a platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then 
run along the left wall and chain-swing along four torches to a new platform.

Head forward, jump from the edge, and chain-swing to the other side. Turn 
right at the next doorway and dispatch the next group of enemies, then turn 
right and head left along the ledge near the wall. Drop from the ledge down to 
the platform below, and run along the right wall to reach the next platform.

Now head down the ramp and run along the wall to the next platform, and then 
run along the another wall to yet another platform. Turn left and you will 
face a group of Illusions in Free-Form Combat. After killing them, step out 
onto the beam in the center and jump to the gap ahead. Slide down and drop to 
the floor. Turn around, make a right, and head through the doorway. There is 
some pottery up ahead, smash it for more sands. Turn left and approach the 
edge of the next platform from the left side. Wait for the mini-blades to 
reach the lowest point of their descent, then run along the left wall to a 
ledge. Quickly drop into a hang and shimmy right and around the corner. Drop 
to the ledge below, climb up, move left, and jump to the rail across from you. 
Shimmy right as far as you can, then wait for the mini-blade to just reach the 
left side before dropping down to the next ledge. Move to your right and climb 
up the platform.

Turn left to see the next trap set--a trio of spinning blades. Wait on the 
left for the first one to pass, then roll through to clear the entire set. 
Destroy the pottery and get the sands up ahead, then make a right at the next 

Jump forward and chain-swing to the next platform, then quickly turn right and 
jump on the ledge above before the platform crumbles. Shimmy right along the 
ledge to the end, then jump across to another ledge. Drop down through three 
more ledges, and move to the right to get on the next platform. Go forward 
from here to the next set of traps--a vertical spinning blade followed by two
horizontal spinning blades. Wait at the left or right for the first blade to 
pass and then roll quickly past that blade and to the middle so as to dodge 
the horizontal blades.

Smash the pottery ahead to get more sand. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish, then observe the next set of traps: two panel traps followed by a 
multitude of arrow hazards. Wait for the sound of the arrows and the panels to 
go down, then quickly rush across, run along the left wall, and jump off the 
shutter at the end to reach a ledge. Climb up it, move right, jump and climb 
up to the next ledge, move right, jump to the ledge across from you, and move 
around the corner all the way to the right. Wait for the blade below to pass 
your half of the hazard, then quickly drop down and roll forward to avoid it. 
The next blade on the left has a ledge above it, wait for it to pass and then 
run up the wall to grab that ledge. Move right from there to the end, and then 
use the chain to pull out the stone behind you. Jump to the stone, then turn 
left and jump forward to the next ledge. Shimmy all the way to the right and 
drop to the platform, then quickly roll past the blades when they pass to 
complete this hellish section once and for all.

Your reward is one of the most memorable cutscenes in the whole trilogy. 

You are...the Prince? Cool. And you are now armed with The King's Sword. What
does it do? Try it on the enemies dumb enough to attack you here.

Cool, right? Here's the tradeoff. From here on, no more other secondary 
weapons. The sword is it. No more throwing weapons, obviously, or anything
like that. The thing is, of course, that you don't NEED any of those things,
because this baby is a ONE HIT KILL FOR ALL ENEMIES! From now on, combat will
be a breeze--so much so that I won't presume to babysit you through it.

That being said, take out the enemies here and smash the wall ahead (press and
hold Y) to enter the next area.


AK. The Well of Ancestors (cont.)

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. There are Chameleon enemies in 
this next section as well, so be on your guard. Head forward and hug the left
wall until the platform ends, then run along the left wall to reach the next 
platform. Turn right and follow the path to the end, then jump across to the 
next platform ahead. Make a right and circle around the path until the 
platform ends, then run along the left wall to reach a new platform. Run to 
the end of that platform, then run along the left wall to reach another 
platform. Turn right until you reach an alcove, then either run up the left or 
right wall and jump from wall to wall until you reach the top.

From here, head forward, turn left, and jump across to the next platform. Then 
turn right and run along the left wall to the next platform. From here turn 
right and jump across to the next platform, and then jump to the platform in 
front of that. Turn left and jump to the next platform, then turn left and 
jump to that next platform. Jump from that platform forward to the next, and 
then turn right and jump forward to yet another platform. Circle around to the 
edge of the platform closest to the upper wall, then face right and run along 
the left wall to the next platform. Finally, jump forward to the next platform 
and the next area.


AL. The Labyrinth

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From it, turn right and step on 
the pressure plate, which will open the door ahead of you. Head forward 
through the hallway until you reach a pit, then turn right, and run up the 
wall to a ledge. Shimmy left along the ledge, drop down to the next one and 
move left, jump to the one across from you and move right, and then drop to 
the next one and move right again. Keep dropping and moving right until you 
move around the corner, then climb up to a ledge and then again to a new 
platform. Head forward over the pressure plate and through the door.

Go to the edge of the platform and jump to the bar. Swing-jump to the next 
bar, then shimmy to the left and swing-jump to the small bar. Drop from the 
highest bar to the middle to the lowest, then shimmy right to swing-jump to 
the next small bar. Swing-jump from that to reach the next platform. Move 
forward and run up the walls as you proceed forward, then run up the big wall 
and grab the ledge at the top. Climb it and the two above it, then jump 
backward to another bar. Shimmy to the right, climb up the bar, jump forward, 
and stab into the plate. From there, run to the left along the wall and stab 
into the plate. Then jump opposite the wall to a bar up high, and swing-jump 
to stab into the next plate. Then run along the wall to the left and stab into 
the next plate, and then jump to the small bar and swing-jump up to reach the 
next platform.

In front of you is a cracked wall just begging to be broken down. Show it some
mercy and grant its wish. After destroying the wall, jump to the next platform 
and the next area.


AM. The Underground Cave

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Run around the stone pillar to
find a Sand Chest with 10 Sand Credits. From the fountain, turn right and jump
to the next platform. Smash the wall ahead and turn right.

You will see a stationary bladed column on the right and a moving bladed 
column on the left. Stand on the left, wait for the bladed column on the left 
to start moving to the right, and jump to the next platform, followed by 
quickly jumping to the platform after that. Turn right and run up the wall to 
the ledge above. Climb up the ledge and jump and climb to the ledge above that 
one, then shimmy right to reach the next platform. Go forward, turn left, and 
smash the wall.

Go out and turn left. Run along the wall to the left to reach a gap on the 
other side. Climb the gap to the top to reach the next platform. Across to the
right is a wall with another plate, jump and stab into it. Then drop down to
the bar below. From the bar, swing-jump forward to reach another ledge.

From this ledge, jump and climb up to another above. Then jump left and jump
from wall to wall up the chasm to reach the next platform. Turn right and
stab into the plate switch. Wait for the two blocks to start moving outward,
then slow down time, run along the right wall, jump when you are alongside the 
blocks, and jump from the first block to the second block to the platform at
the end.

Ahead of you on the platform is a plate switch, stab into it. Drop and get on
the beam to the left, then jump to the ledge on the pillar across from you. 
Move left around the corner, then drop down two ledges. Move left around the
next corner, then jump to the next platform across from you. Smash the wall
and move into the next room.

Go forward and run up the wall, stabbing into the plate at the top. From 
there, hop up and stab into the plate above that. Then run along the wall to 
your left, stab into the next plate, and then jump across and stab into the 
plate on the opposite wall. Then run along the wall to the right to stab into 
the next plate, drop and stab to the plate below it, and jump to the opposite 
side to stab into the last plate. Run along the wall to the left to reach the 
next platform. Smash the wall ahead and move into the next room.

Turn right and head toward the wall. Run up the wall facing you and jump from
wall to wall to reach the next platform. Climb up the stone block in front of
you and run along the wall to your left to reach a bar. Shimmy so that you are
lined up with the gap ahead, then swing-jump to the next bar, and swing-jump
from there to the gap. Slide down the gap and drop to the floor.

Head to the wall in front of you and turn right at the edge of the platform. 
Jump and stab into the plate across from you, then hop up to the ledge above
from there. Move left around the corner, jump and stab into the plate above, 
and then hop up and stab into the plate above that one. Hop to the ledge above
that and shimmy right to reach the next platform. 

Move out on the beam connected with the platform. Jump forward to the column 
in the middle. Turn left and jump to the next column. From there turn and jump 
to the platform in front of you. Head through the passageway, turn right, 
smash through the wall, and go into the next room.

Run along the wall to the right and stab into the plate when you come to it.
From there, run along the wall to your left and jump at the end to reach the
next ledge. Shimmy right around the corner, climb up, then jump and climb to
the two ledges above you. From there, jump across to the beam opposite you.

Head out to the edge of the beam and jump to the gap across from you. Climb 
the gap to the top to reach the next platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you 
wish and then head forward to jump from wall to wall in the small chasm ahead 
of you. Turn right and you will be confronted with four spinning bladed 

Wait for the first column to start going up and the two in the middle to start
going up with it, then roll under the first column, and keep rolling forward 
to reach the end intact. Turn left at the next corner and you'll encounter a 
crusher in between two sets of dual miniature blades. Wait for the crusher to
fully retract, stand on the right, and run as the first two blades move away
from you. Climb the crusher as it pushes out, and jump from there over the 
next two. Turn left and head up the stairway.

Run up the wall in front of you and stab into the plate above, then hop up
and stab into the plate above that. From there, run along the wall to your 
right to reach the next area.


AN. The Royal Kitchen

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. To the right of the fountain is
a plate switch, stab into it to open the secret door to the next area.

From where you enter, turn right and go up the stairs. Follow them up, turn 
left, and go to the wall at the end of the way. Run up the wall and stab into
the plate above. Hop up from there and stab into the next plate higher than 
it. Run along the wall to the left and jump when you reach the end to make it
to a beam. Move forward along the beam, turn right, then jump and stab into 
the plate on the opposite wall. From there run along the wall to the left to 
make it to a bar. Shimmy along the bar to the left and swing-jump to the next 
platform. Turn left and go to the beam connected to the platform.

Move out on the beam, turn to the right, and jump to stab into the plate on 
the wall. From there, run along the wall to the left and jump at the end to
reach the next beam. Move to the end of the beam ahead and jump to the plate
ahead and stab into it. Run along the wall to the left to activate a pressure
plate and open the door below. Run through it to the next area.


AO. The Secret Passage

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From there, follow the stairs
through the hallway. At the end you will come to the platform's edge, jump to
the bar ahead from there. Shimmy left, then swing-jump to the next bar. From 
there swing-jump to the ledge ahead. Above that ledge is a retracting ledge,
wait until it moves out fully to jump and climb up it, then quickly jump and
climb up to the ledge above that one. Jump up from there to the next platform.

Turn left and run up the wall to reach a new hallway. Follow it to reach the
next area.


AP. The Lower Tower

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. From here move through the 
archway outside. Turn left and climb the raised platform ahead of you. Move to
the platform's edge, and run along the wall to the left to reach a bar. 
Swing-jump from the bar to reach the next platform. Turn left and run up the
wall to a ledge above. Jump and climb up to the next ledge from there, then 
move right and jump up the next two ledges to reach the next platform.

From the platform's edge, run along the wall to the right to reach a bar.
Shimmy left along the bar to its end, then swing-jump forward to the gap. 
Slide down the gap and drop down to the floor. Turn around and move out on the 

To the right is a bar, jump to it and then swing-jump ahead to reach the next 
platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then circle around and push
the crank on the opposite side of the platform. From there, turn back and look
at the narrow wooden wall facing the cliff. Run up it to reach the next ledge.

Climb up, move left, then jump back to reach a beam. Ahead is another beam,
jump to it and move to the next platform. From here move out to the next beam.

Turn left and jump out to the beam above that, then turn right and jump to 
reach another beam and the platform above. Turn the crank, then turn right 
from the wooden wall and jump to the beam. From there turn back to where you 
jumped from and jump again to reach a higher beam. Move right along the beam 
out to a smaller beam, then face the elevator and jump in its direction to 
reach a final beam. Drop down to the platform below.

The elevator here has a stone, pull it out and push it against the stone wall.
From there run up and stab into the plate above. Run along the wall to the 
right and stab into the next plate as well, then run along the wall to the 
right and jump to the column when you are alongside it. Slide down and jump 
back toward the wall to stab into another plate, then run along the wall to 
the right and stab into the next plate. From there, run along the wall to the 
right to reach a bar. Swing-jump from this bar to the next one, then turn 
around and swing-jump to the next one. Swing-jump once more to reach the next 

Run along the platform and jump to the next bar ahead. Turn around, climb up 
the bar, and jump forward to reach the next platform. Run along the platform
and turn left at the end to reach the next room.

You will be confronted with a mini-spinning blade followed by a panel trap.
Wait for the panel trap to start going down and make sure that the mini-blade
is out of the way, then run along the wall past them, and jump from shutter to
shutter to reach the next platform. Next you will find a two panel traps on 
opposite sides in between four mini-blades. Wait for the panel trap to go down
and then run along the panel to clear the entire set.

Turn right to find a next set of traps--three blades on either side with two
panel traps on the floor. Simply time your way past the two panel traps as 
they come and continue on. Turn right, jump forward, and stab into the plate. 
From here run along the wall to the left and jump from shutter to shutter to 
stab into the next plate. Hop up and stab into the one above it, then do the 
same for the highest one. Run along the wall to the left to reach the next 


AQ. The Middle Tower

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. To the left is a plate switch,
stab it to open the door on the right. Run and roll through the door before it
closes to reach the outer level. Turn right and run up the wall on the right
to stab into the plate above. Hop up and stab into the plate above that one,
then run along the wall to the right to reach the next platform. Turn left and 
run up the wall to stab into the next plate, then hop up and stab into the 
plate above that one. Run to the left and stab into the next plate, then run
along the wall to the left and jump on the shutter to reach a column. Jump 
from the column to reach the platform. 

Head to the other side of the platform and turn the crank. From there head to
the edge and jump to the beam on that opposite side. Move along the beam's 
corner, then hop up to reach the next beam. Move around that beam's corner and
jump right to reach the next platform. 

Go to the other side of the platform, get the stone from the elevator, and 
bring it to the other elevator. Push it in, then turn the crank on this level.
Turn around and hop over the railing, then jump from there to a bar. Climb up
and jump to the bar above, then jump and climb that to the third one. Turn 
around and swing-jump to reach the next platform.

Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then grab the stone block from the 
elevator and bring it to the other elevator on the other side of the platform.
After doing that, turn to the left and run up the wall to the ledge above. 
Move right to reach the next platform. Run along the wall to the left and jump
when you reach the elevator to grab it. Get in it, then turn back to the left
and jump out to the beam ahead. Use it to get to the next platform.

Go to the chasm ahead and jump from wall to wall up it until you grab a ledge.
Climb the ledge, then move around one corner. Jump from here to the beam 
ahead. Move to the edge of the beam and jump to reach the last platform. Look 
to the right, run up the wall, and stab into the plate above. Run to the left 
to reach a bar, then swing-jump to the next bar, and then to the next 
platform. Use the Landscape Camera if you wish, then jump forward to reach the 
next platform.

You can now get the final Life Upgrade, if you like. 



Turn around and drop down to the beam below. Drop from that beam to another 
beam below that, and jump back from there to a beam behind you. Use that to
enter the secret hallway. Follow the hallway down, then run up the wall and 
leap from ledge to ledge in order to ascend. At the end you will reach a
platform with a fountain, drink from it to start the final Life Upgrade 

Ahead there is a stationary horizontal spinning blade trap, followed by a 
panel trap. Stand on the right, wait for the panel to start going down, then 
go forth to roll under the blade and run past the panel to clear the set.

The next set of traps has a spinning blade followed by a chasm of panel traps.
Wait until the spinning blade passes the upper half of the trap and the panels
begin to go down, then run along the wall past the blade and jump from panel
to panel up to the next platform at the end.

The next set of traps is a simple set of two spinning blades. Wait for the 
first blade to clear the upper *third* of the trap, then QUICKLY run along the
left wall past them both. Keep running as far as you can go, then jump at the
very end to reach a beam. Follow the beam and jump down to the next set of 
beams. Turn left and jump to reach the final platform, and the final set of 
traps. Easily pass them by running along either the left or the right wall. 
Head into the light, and the final Life Upgrade is yours.



Go through the doorway on the right to reach the next hallway of traps. Wait 
for the two panel traps to start moving down, then run along the left wall 
past them and jump off the shutter at the end to stab into a plate. Jump up 
and stab into the top plate if you aren't already there, then run along the 
wall to the left when the miniature blade is going down and jump off the 
shutter to another shutter to stab into another plate. Two more mini-blades 
are obstructing you, wait until they're both on their way down before running 
along the wall to your left to the next platform.

Turn left. Wait until the first mini-blade is on its way down, then run along 
the right wall to the end and jump from shutter to shutter to shutter to stab
into a plate at the end. Jump from here to reach the next platform. Turn left
around the next corner to see a horizontal blade followed by a panel trap. 
Wait for the trap to go down, then roll under the blade and run all the way to 
the edge of the platform. Jump to the other side and stab into the plate, then 
hop up and stab into each of the four plates upward until you finally hop up 
to the next platform. Go through the doorway.

Go forward to the edge of the platform, and run along the right wall to the 
bar ahead. From here, swing-jump to the next bar, and from there swing-jump to 
the ledge ahead. Move left to reach the next platform. Go through the doorway, 
turn left, and run along the wall to the left to reach a platform on the other 
side. Run up the wall on the left and climb over to reach another platform.

Follow the platform up the ramp and jump to the middle section. Use the 
Landscape Camera if you wish, then push the block here into the elevator. Jump
over the right railing from the elevator and jump from there to the next
platform. Then turn left and jump forward to the platform above. Head to the 
end of the platform and jump back toward the middle section to reach a bar.
Swing-jump forward to reach the platform and push the crank. Turn left, walk
across to the beam's end, and jump to the other side. Run up the wall and jump
over the railing to reach the next platform. 

Turn left and follow the platform to the end. Jump up here to the beam above,
then jump forward at the end of the beam to reach the next platform. Pull the
block out of the first elevator and push it into the second.

Go back to the first elevator and jump to the second elevator from it. Then,
turn right and jump to the next platform. Turn right and jump to the beam
ahead. Climb up, and jump up to the ledge above, and jump to the ledge above
that one. Shimmy all the way left, and then jump to the column on the opposite 
side. Ascend the column, look to the right to see a plate, and jump out to 
reach the platform. Face the wall and run up to stab into the plate, then run 
along the wall to the left, jump off the shutter, and stab into the next 
plate. Then run along the wall to the left, stab into the plate, then drop and 
stab into the lower plate, then drop to the ledge below, then drop to the 
platform below. Go left through the doorway and turn to the wall on the right. 
Run up and stab into the plate, then jump up and stab into the next plate, 
then run along the wall to the left and stab into that plate, then run along 
the wall to the left one more time to stab into the last plate. Then, drop to 
the beam below. Go to the end of the beam and jump to the next set of beams, 
then go right and drop to the platform. Move onto the next beam and drop to 
the set of beams below it. Move to the end of this beam, then jump out to the 
next beam. Then, drop to the platform below. There is a platform on the other 
side, jump to it. Then, run up the wall stab into the plate, and hop up and 
stab into the second and third plates as well. Then run along the wall to the 
left, jump from the shutter to reach a column. Ascend the column, then jump to 
the ledge behind you. Move to the right to reach the next platform and the 
next area.


AR. The Upper Tower

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. To the left of the fountain is 
the edge of the platform, run along the right side and stab into the plate at 
the end. Then, run along the wall to the left to reach a ledge. Move left
around the corner, then jump left and keep jumping from wall to wall to 
reach the next ledge. Climb up, move left around the corner, and then jump to
the plate and stab into it on the other side. Hop up and stab into the plate 
above, then hop up to the platform above. Go through the doorway and out to 
the next beam. Jump from there to the bar ahead, then shimmy right and swing-
jump to the next bar. Then climb the bar, shimmy right, and jump to the ledge
ahead. Climb up.

When the retracting ledge to the left pushes out, immediately go left and keep
going around the corner. Jump up when the next retracting ledge pushes out, 
and then jump again to the next ledge. Climb up, and move to the right, then
jump up to reach the next platform. Go forward to the wall ahead. Run up to
the retracting ledge, then quickly jump backward from the right to reach a 
bar. Swing-jump from here to the next bar, then swing-jump to the platform 
ahead. Go forward and follow the hallway to reach the next area, and the final 
save point before the last boss. 


AS. The Terrace

There is a fountain here, use it if you wish. Head up the stairway and make a 
right up the next set of stairs. Turn left and follow the walkway to the 
pressure plate. Run up and press it in, then turn around and head back down
the stairs and through the door ahead. Follow the hallway to the end of the 
platform. Jump across to the next platform, and then climb up and continue on.
To the left is a breakable wall, smash it down. Head down the hallway to the 
elevator at the end. Time for the last boss of the game.

You ready? Short cutscene, then battle time.


Boss: Zervan (The Vizier)

The first part of the battle has you facing off against Zervan in a wide open
area with Free-Form Fighting. Use your best combos to damage him while dodging
his attacks with rolling and backflips. After he takes a beating, he will 
float into the air and send a piece of debris at you, roll away from it to 
avoid damage. Continue using combinations on him until he floats up again, 
this time he will throw two pieces of debris at you. Repeat the process and he 
will throw three pieces of debris at you. Do this one more time to end 
Zervan's first phase.

The second phase is much more difficult. Large stones are floating around 
the arena that you must avoid, as well as Zervan's sand projectiles. To damage
Zervan, avoid these obstacles and run up the pillars behind him--he will often
move, though, so be on guard--and initiate a Speed Kill at the top. The first
one will cut his wing, the second will cut another wing, and the third will
initiate the final section of the battle. Each Speed Kill will require the
matching of three visual cues, so keep that in mind.

Finally, Zervan will bring down the entire arena to create floating platforms,
fly up high, and take pot shots at you with sand projectiles. Look to the 
lowest platform on the ground, and run up the pillar and jump to reach it. 
Jump forward from there to reach the next platform, then turn left and jump to 
reach a bar. Climb atop the bar (this is so if you get hit you won't fall to 
your death), turn around, shimmy right, and jump forward to the next platform. 
Turn left and jump to the another platform, then jump to the bar and swing-
jump to the next platform. Turn right and jump to the next platform, then jump 
forward and pull up to the platform ahead of that. After that jump to the next 
platform, turn right and jump to the bar, and swing jump to the next platform. 
Run up the wall and jump from wall to wall to climb up to the next platform, 
then jump forward one more time to reach the very last platform. Step out 
toward Zervan, and jump toward him. Press B when the dagger flares to finish 
this fight and Zervan once and for all.

Cutscene. It's finally over...huh?


AT. The Mental Realm

You come face to face with the Dark Prince. Slash him repeatedly to make the 
sun go down, and keep slashing to enter the Mental Realm proper. 

Don't worry, you can't die here. If you fall, you'll just return to where you 
last were.

Turn right and jump to the platform ahead, then jump from that to the next 
platform. Run along the left wall to reach the Dark Prince, and slash him. 
Jump to the next platform, then jump to the one after that and wait for it to 
grow closer to the Dark Prince's platform. Slash him. Step out to the beam and 
jump to the next one, then drop to the beam below and walk to the next 
platform. Jump to the next platform and the scenery will change. Don't be 
fooled, keep going and jump the platform over the bridge to reach the Dark 
Prince. Slash him. Stand on the platform as it rotates and jump to the 
platform as it appears. Then walk along the beam to the next platform and jump 
to the Dark Prince. Slash him. Walk out to the beam on the right and jump to 
the next beam, and then jump out again. The scenery will change again 
temporarily. When you come to, jump to the platform ahead, then jump again, 
then jump one more time to reach the Dark Prince. Slash him. Turn right and 
jump to change the scenery again. Jump forward to reach a stairway, follow it 
up, then jump to the Dark Prince's platform. Slash him. Turn right, jump to 
the next platform, and then jump to the next platform. After you do that, jump 
back to the platform before you, and then jump to the platform you just jumped 
from. That will extend the platform, allowing you to jump to the Dark Prince. 
Do so, and slash him. Turn left, jump to the moving platform, and jump as it 
approaches the next platform to reach it. Run along the right wall to reach 
the Dark Prince, and slash him. Walk out to the next beam, wait until the 
rotating beam aligns with you, then jump to it. Walk to its end, wait until it 
aligns with the next beam, and then leap forward.

The scenery will change. Run forward. After the scenery changes one last time, 
run forward up the stairway to end the game.

And...that's it! Enjoy the final cutscene, and pat yourself on the back. You 
just beat Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones!




This section of the guide is intended to help players master the Free-Form
Fighting system in this game. First introduced in Prince of Persia: Warrior
Within, it is a complex system that encourages creativity in battle.

For when you are forced to fight, or just don't want to bother with those dumb
Speed Kills, here's the section for you!


A. MOVE LIST (Prince)


Right Hand

-Triple Slash (B, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes three times with the dagger, landing moderate 
damage with each slash.

Analysis: This is the bread and butter of fighting. When all else fails, go 
with this. Each slash is not particularly strong on its own, but together the
damage adds up. The system wouldn't make sense without this. 

However, many enemies are too fast for it, and others are adept at blocking 
it. Using Eye of the Storm evens the odds against more stubborn foes.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7.5/10

-Furious Slash (B, B, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes four times with the dagger, landing moderate 
damage with the first three slashes and landing major damage with the fourth.

Analysis: This is the standard combination with a twist. The final slash is 
very powerful, but it has a short range and faster enemies will easily dodge
it and counter. It's more effective against stationary creatures or when using
the Eye of the Storm. Optimally use it when the enemy has its back against the 
wall so that the last slash is unavoidable.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7/10

-Asha's Fury (B When Enemy is Prone)

Description: The Prince plunges his dagger into a prone opponent, inflicting
massive damage. 

Analysis: A great finisher for one-on-one encounters, but in groups it can 
prove to be a liability as others can hurt you while you are using it. Still,
powerful, and very useful against weaker enemies.

Recommended against: Reptus

Rating: 7/10

-Dagger Charge Attack (Press and Hold B)

Description: The Prince pulls back his dagger, gathers strength, and brings it
down for a massive blow.

Analysis: It's slow, it's not powerful enough, and you'll get hit using it 
more often than you'll hit. It can break blocks, but ultimately a novelty move
at best.

Recommended against: Reptus, if you must

Rating: 1.5/10


Left Hand

-Grab (Y)

Description: The Prince will flip over the enemy and grab them for a short 
time or will simply grab them if their backs are turned.

Analysis: Basically only useful for buying time or chaining into the much 
better grab moves. Still, a staple.

Recommended against: Everything but Enchantresses, Illusions, and Hunter 

Rating: 6.5/10

-Grab Slice (Y, B)

Description: The Prince will grab the enemy and slice them across the middle.
Alternatively, the Prince will flip over the enemy and immediately slice at
their neck.

Analysis: Going from a grab to a slice is nice, but the real gem comes from
merely tapping Y and then pressing B, which will make the Prince slice at 
the enemy's neck. Weaker enemies will be decapitated instantly. Either way, 
this is a great move. Use it. Abuse it.

Recommended against: Everything but Enchantresses, Illusions, and Hunter 

Rating: 8.5/10

-Grab Throw (Y, Y)

Description: The Prince will toss the enemy in the direction the Control Stick
is facing.

Analysis: THIS IS IT. The broken move. By using it, you can toss any enemy 
that you can grab to their death and out of your life. If there are no cliffs 
around it's still useful, as it will keep them down for a short while. And 
besides, a game like Prince of Persia has TONS of cliffs. = D

Recommended against: Everything but Enchantresses, Illusions, and Hunter 

Rating: 10/10

-Steal Weapon Kill (Y, X)

Description: If the enemy is weak, the Prince will take their weapon and kill
them with it.

Analysis: This does marginal damage against the strong, but when they are weak
it just defines the word 'bloodbath'. Or sandbath, whatever. Great move.

Recommended against: Everything but Enchantresses, Illusions, and Hunter 

Rating: 9/10


Acrobatic Attacks

-Aerial Slash (A, B [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Prince leaps over an enemy and slashes once.

Analysis: Not the most useful move on its own, but very effective if chained 
with Y after the slash for a sweeping kick. More importantly, chains into one 
of the best moves, the Aerial Landing Slice.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7/10

-Aerial Landing Slice (A, B, B [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Prince leaps over and enemy, slashes once, then comes down 
again with a devastating chop. 

Analysis: This is one of the greats. It goes uncontested by nearly every enemy 
save Reptus, and is even effective against a boss. Nice damage, and while 
slightly inaccurate at times, well worth keeping in your repetoire.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.75/10

-Aerial Kick Attack (A, Y [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Prince leaps over an enemy and kicks them once in the face.

Analysis: This is okay on its own, but better if chained into a B for a 
variant of the Aerial Landing Slice that has slightly less damage, but hits 
more often in my experience. It can also chain into the very useful Aerial 
Landing Kick Sweep. A great move overall.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 8/10

-Aerial Landing Kick Sweep

Description: The Prince leaps over an enemy, kicks them in the face, then 
performs another sweep kick as he lands to knock the enemy down.

Analysis: Another fantastic move. While this move isn't as strong as the 
Aerial Landing Slice, it is still a good finisher and has an added bonus--it 
knocks the enemy down, allowing you to either use Asha's Fury or simply buy 
some time. Either way, a gem.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.5/10

-Aerial Slice (A, X [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Prince leaps over an enemy and slices once. 

Analysis: Not the greatest of moves. Can't be chained into a B or a Y, only 
useful for chaining into the much more useful Aerial Steal Weapon.

Recommended against: Everything, if you must use it

Rating: 3/10

-Aerial Steal Weapon (A, X, X [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Prince leaps over an enemy, slices once, then rams his dagger 
into the enemy. If the enemy is weak enough, the Prince takes their weapon 
away and instantly kills them.

Analysis: MUCH better than the Aerial Slice, and a terrific move overall. 
Unfortunately it has the pitfalls of not being able to work on enemies that 
cannot be grabbed, so be wary. Still, not much satisfies the thrill of the 
kill like this.

Recommended against: Everything but Enchantresses, Illusions, and Hunter 

Rating: 8.75/10

-Aerial Weapon Throw (X [In Air])

Description: The Prince leaps into the air and throws his weapon at the enemy, 
impaling them with it.

Analysis: Can be done alone like a standard throw, but more appropriately the 
variant of the Aerial Steal Weapon for when you already have a weapon in hand. 
The best way to get rid of a weapon when it's almost broken, and a great 
finisher as well.

Recommended against: Reptus

Rating: 8.5/10



Dagger Defense

-Block (R)

Description: The Prince raises his weapon(s) and uses them to block incoming 
attacks, preventing damage.

Analysis: It's the block. It'll save your ass. Use it, remember to keep 
holding it down. Not perfect, however--too many hits will cause the block to 
break, and there are unblockable moves (most are rather slow, however).

Recommended against: EVERYTHING

Rating: 9.5/10

-Counter Attack (R + B [When Enemy Strikes])

Description: The Prince blocks an incoming attack and counters with his own 
attack consisting of a kick followed by a dagger slash.

Analysis: Great manuever for those more comfortable on the defensive. The 
timing can be tricky at first, but ultimately an extremely effective move, 
especially when cornered, and a finisher to boot.

Recommended against: Sand Archers and Reptus

Rating: 8/10

-Counter Double Slice (R + Y [When Enemy Strikes])

Description: If holding a secondary weapon, The Prince blocks an incoming 
attack and counters with his own attack consisting of a dagger slice followed 
by a slice of his secondary weapon. If without a secondary weapon, The Prince 
blocks an incoming attack and counters with his own attack consisting of a 
kick followed by another kick.

Analysis: The best of both worlds. On the one hand, without a secondary weapon 
the move functions much like the Aerial Landing Kick Sweep, as it's not as 
strong as the Counter Attack, but can either finish enemies or knock them down 
depending on their health. But with a secondary weapon it becomes basically a 
better version of the Counter Attack, and is 'bad' then only because it wears 
down your secondary weapon. Nine times out of ten, this is the counter you 
want to use.

Recommended against: Sand Archers and Reptus

Rating: 9.25/10




-Jump Slash (A, B)

Description: The Prince jumps in the air and slashes his dagger once.

Analysis: Not a great move. Or even a very good one. Basically a high dodge 
and a poor attack rolled into one. Too little enemies attack low, and the 
damage is far too poor. Use it if you want to dodge low attacks and impress 
your friends, not for winning battles.

Recommended against: If you must, Enchantresses

Rating: 1.25/10

-Jump Kick (A, Y)

Description: The Prince jumps in the air and kicks once.

Analysis: In my opinion, the worst move in the game. It can knock back on 
occasion, but other than that the same drawbacks of the Jump Slash rolled into 
an even weaker package. Avoid.

Recommended against: If you must, Sand Guards

Rating: 1/10

-Wall Jump to Acrobatics (A [Toward Wall])

Description: The Prince leaps backward off a wall to Acrobatic Attacks.

Analysis: An alternative way of using Acrobatic Attacks against enemies. On 
the one hand, it reduces the likelihood of being hit by an enemy in a full-
frontal assault, but it tends to be less accurate. An all-around good move 
worth using.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7/10

-Wall Dive Attack (B [Toward Wall])

Description: The Prince rebounds off a wall and dives in the opposite 
direction, hitting anything in his way with the dagger.

Analysis: The best most accurate standard wall finisher around. Good damage, 
not much blocks it, all-around goodness. Plus, it can go through multiple 

Recommended against: Thralls, Enchantresses

Rating: 8/10

-Wall Spinkick (Y [Toward Wall])

Description: The Prince rebounds off a wall and springs in the opposite 
direction, slashing with the dagger and spin kicking along with it. If he is 
carrying a secondary weapon, he will slash with that as well.

Analysis: Not the knockdown move like you'd expect, but a more powerful but 
less accurate version of the Wall Dive Attack, amplified when carrying another 
weapon. Still, the first version's powerful enough, and if you miss you end up 

Recommended against: Thralls, Enchantresses

Rating: 7.5/10

-Wallrun Slash (B [While Running Along Wall])

Description: The Prince slashes his dagger while running along a wall.

Analysis: A decent move while avoiding combat, but not nearly as useful as in 
Warrior Within due to a lack of enemies along walls. A novelty.

Recommended against: Illusions

Rating: 2.5/10

-Angel Drop (B [While Running Up Wall])

Description: The Prince runs up a wall, backflips off and lands while cutting 
upward with his weapons.

Analysis: Terrific finisher. Great on its own, and even better when chained 
into its own finisher.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 8.75/10

-Angel Drop Finish (B, B [While Running Up Wall])

Description: The Prince runs up a wall, backflips off and lands while cutting 
upward with his weapons, then slashes down again with his weapons.

Analysis: The perfect finisher for single enemies, to the point of being 
nearly broken. Each slash is tremendously powerful, can finish enemies even at 
mid health, and nearly impossible to block.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.25/10

-Bladewhirl Attack (Y [While Running Up Wall])

Description: The Prince runs up a wall, backflips off and spins on his way 
down, cutting and slashing with his weapons in a spiral motion as he hits the 

Analysis: If the Angel Drop Finish is perfect for single enemies, the 
Bladewhirl Attack is the pinnacle of mob finishing combat. It is ridiculously 
powerful, and for all intents and purposes IS broken, except it could stand to 
be a bit more accurate. Still, abuse as needed.

Recommended against: EVERYTHING

Rating: 9.75/10

-Column Shredder (B [While Facing Column])

Description: The Prince spins around a column and carves his dagger around it, 
hitting any enemies in his path.

Analysis: Great mid-level attack, though not as great a finisher as other 
moves. Use it, don't abuse it.

Recommended against: Thralls

Rating: 6.25/10

-Column Spinkick (Y [While Facing Column])

Description: The Prince spins and kicks around a column and finishes with 
out with his dagger to slash.

Analysis: The Column Shredder does better consistent damage, but the potential 
damage of the Column Spinkick is better, plus it has knockdown ability.

Recommended against: Reptus

Rating: 6.75/10

-Charge Weapon Throw (X [Hold With Secondary Weapon])

Description: The Prince pulls back his secondary weapon and winds up his 
strength. When the button is released or after a long enough time the Prince 
throws the weapon, with greater damage depending on the length of time the 
button is held.

Analysis: The most powerful way to get rid of a weapon, but during hectic 
battles the propensity to miss and/or get hit is drastically higher. Reserve 
for finishing protracted battles.

Recommended against: Anything, really

Rating: 6.5/10

-Stand Up Attack (B [When Prone])

Description: The Prince, when lying on the ground, springs up and slashes with 
the dagger.

Analysis: If you have to get up, you have one of two choices. This is the 
worst of the two in terms of effects, but has a greater range.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 6.75/10

-Stand Up Spinwheel (Y [When Prone])

Description: The Prince, when lying on the ground, spins his legs to get up 
and slashes with his weapons.

Analysis: Recommended. Let enemies get close after you're down, and let this 
fly. Stylish, too.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7.25/10



Right Hand

-Triple Slash (B, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes three times with the dagger, landing moderate 
damage with each slash.

Analysis: Identical to the original Triple Slash, only done with a secondary 
weapon in the other hand. Same strengths and weaknesses.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7.5/10

-Furious Slash (B, B, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes four times with the dagger, landing moderate 
damage with the first three slashes and landing major damage with the fourth.

Analysis: Identical to the original Furious Slash, only done with a secondary 
weapon in the other hand. Same strengths and weaknesses.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7/10

-Rage of Darius (B, B, Y, Y, Y)

Description: The Prince slashes twice with the dagger, spins around with both 
weapons, then slashes twice with his secondary weapon.

Analysis: A great opening in cutting swaths through groups of enemies, or in 
narrow hallways. Basically a forward moving combination, which can work either 
for or against you depending on the situation.

Recommended against: Thralls

Rating: 7.75/10

-Azad's Furious Retaliation (B, B, Y, Y, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes twice with the dagger, spins around with both 
weapons, slashes once with his secondary weapon, again with the dagger, then 
performs a leaping spinkick before ending with an upward dagger slice

Analysis: The king of forward moving combinations, and ends with a great 
finisher as well. The drawbacks can be even more severe, however, so be 
cautious in using it. Still, when appropriate, abuse.

Recommended against: Thralls

Rating: 8/10

-Mithra's Vengeance (B, B, B, Y, Y)

Description: The Prince slashes three times with the dagger, then spins upside 
down on one hand while twirling his secondary weapon, and finishes with a 
secondary weapon slash.

Analysis: A flashy, but surprisingly more defensive combination. Use it to 
drive enemies back when your health is low and decimation is key.

Recommended against: Sand Guards, Chameleons

Rating: 7.5/10


Left Hand

-Misery Gale (Y, Y, Y)

Description: The Prince slashes three times with his secondary weapon.

Analysis: The basic combination, only for secondary weapons. More effective 
than the dagger, but has a tendency to wear the weapons down quickly--so be 

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7/10

-Furious Oblivion Twister (Y, B, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes once with his secondary weapon, then swings 
around 360 degrees slashing both weapons, ending with two powerful upward 
dagger slices.

Analysis: FANTASTIC for mob clearing *and* finishing, this combination can 
seemingly do it all. Not many drawbacks, although it doesn't rack up the 
damage one might like on isolate enemies. Use as a pack clearer.

Recommended against: Enchantresses, Reptus, Chameleons

Rating: 8.5/10

-Harassing Cyclone (Y, B, B, Y, Y)

Description: The Prince slashes twice with the dagger, spins around with both 
weapons, slices upward once with the dagger, then spins upside down on one 
hand while twirling his secondary weapon, and finishes with a secondary weapon 

Analysis: The other mob decimating combination, losing a more effective 
finisher, but gaining much more damage and defensive capabilities, making it 
overall the better of the two combinations. Sick.

Recommended against: Enchantresses, Reptus, Chameleons

Rating: 9/10

-Furious Tempest of Agony (Y, Y, B, B, B)

Description: The Prince slashes twice with his secondary weapon, hops up and 
slashes with both weapons in a twirl, and finishes with two powerful upward 
dagger slices.

Analysis: One of the combinations of choice against single enemies, this 
combination can easily rack up the damage, and has a great finisher.

Recommended against: Sand Guards, Sand Archers, Thralls

Rating: 8/10

-Tormenting Typhoon (Y, Y, B, B, Y, Y)

Description: The Prince slashes twice with his secondary weapon, hops up and 
slashes with both weapons in a twirl, slices upward with the dagger, then 
spins upside down on one hand while twirling his secondary weapon and finishes 
with a secondary weapon slash.

Analysis: The other combination of choice against single enemies, this one 
being the more defensive one. It's really a tossup between the two due to the 
differing nature of single enemy fighting.

Recommended against: Sand Guards, Sand Archers, Thralls

Rating: 8/10

-Left Weapon Charge Attack (Y [Hold With Secondary Weapon])

Description: The Prince pulls back his secondary weapon, gathers strength, and 
brings it down for a massive blow.

Analysis: Just like the Dagger Charge Attack, it's slow, doesn't do enough 
damage, and leaves you wide open to attack. A bit better in strength, but 
hurts the durability of the weapon as a result. And ultimately, just not worth 
it, although you can use it to break walls in the latter stages of the game, 
so it is necessary to know.

Recommended against: Reptus, if you must

Rating: 2.5/10




-Recall (L [Hold])

Description: The Prince rewinds time for as long as the button is pressed or 
the Sand gauge lasts.

Analysis: The trademark move of the Sands of Time trilogy, and ultimately the 
best move in the game. Rewind your mistakes, cheat death, all that jazz, once 
for each Sand Tank you possess. The ultimate move.

Recommended against: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

Rating: 10/10

-Eye of the Storm (L [Tap])

Description: The Prince slows down time for everything but himself for as long 
as the Sand gauge lasts.

Analysis: A fantastic move, which can be used to either pass obstacles more 
easily or slow enemies' attacks and reaction times, making combat a breeze, 
for the cost of a single Sand Tank per use. Just a hair under the recall in 
terms of effectiveness.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.75/10

-Winds of Sand (L while holding R)

Description: The Prince charges Sand and unleashes it, knocking down all 
enemies in the vicinity and inflicting damage.

Analysis: Good to use in a pinch, though the cost of two Sand Tanks per usage 
and the overall effectiveness leave much to be desired--and if you're in that 
much trouble, the Recall is likely a better move. Decent, but hardly 
essential, and you lose it after gaining the Sand Storm.

Recommended against: Hunter Hounds

Rating: 4.5/10

-Sand Storm (L while holding R)

Description: The Prince charges Sand and unleashes it, killing all enemies in 
the vicinity.

Analysis: Brutally powerful and effective, but the cost of four Sand Tanks per 
usage is hard to swallow. And by the time you get it, it becomes largely 
obsolete. Use if you MUST have all the enemies dead RIGHT NOW, but otherwise 
more a novelty.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 5.75/10


B. MOVE LIST (Dark Prince)


Daggertail Attacks

-Grab and Pull (Y [Hold])

Description: The Dark Prince throws his daggertail forward, piercing an enemy 
and bringing it to him. 

Analysis: A decent setup for enemies that try to scurry away or for finishing 
a last foe, but the Dark Prince loses health too quickly for this to be a 
staple move.

Recommended against: Thrall, Enchantresses

Rating: 5/10

-Grab and Pull Slash (Y [Hold], B)

Description: The Dark Prince throws his daggertail forward, pierces an enemy 
and brings it to him, then slashes with the dagger.

Analysis: Great finisher for single enemies, but again, as the Dark Prince the 
luxury for using this move is not often there.

Recommended against: Thralls, Enchantresses

Rating: 6.25/10

-Chain Grab and Pull Slash (Y [Hold], Y)

Description: The Dark Prince throws his daggertail forward, pierces an enemy 
and brings it to him, then thrusts forward with the daggertail.

Analysis: A good finisher, and knocks back, but suffers from the same problems  
as the Grab and Pull Slash. Not quite a novelty, but hardly the best move.

Recommended against: Thralls, Enchantresses

Rating: 6/10

-Hurricane (X [Tap Slowly])

Description: The Dark Prince spins the daggertail in a circle, forcing back 
all enemies.

Analysis: A terrific defensive move, but this hardly comes into play as the 
Dark Prince, who is all about offense. Use sparingly or not at all.

Recommended against: Sand Guards

Rating: 4/10

-Hurricane of Agony (X [Tap Quickly])

Description: The Dark Prince spins the daggertail more quickly in a circle, 
forcing back all enemies.

Analysis: An even better defensive move, which sacrifices a tiny amount of 
range for more frequent spins. But...why do it?

Recommended against: Sand Guards

Rating: 4.5/10

-Hurricane of Torment (X [Tap], Y)

Description: The Dark Prince spins the daggertail in a circle, then lashes out 
with a powerful attack.

Analysis: This is actually a decent finisher out of the Hurricane. Use it if 
you like against single enemies, if variety's your thing.

Recommended against: Illusions

Rating: 6/10

-Hurricane of Anger (X [Tap], B)

Description: The Dark Prince spins the daggertail in a circle, then leaps and 
lashes out with a powerful attack.

Analysis: Another decent finisher out of the Hurricane, slightly less accurate 
but with slightly more range. Use if you like against single enemies.

Recommended against: Illusions

Rating: 6/10

-Asha's Torment (Y When Enemy is Prone)

Description: The Prince plunges his dagger into a prone opponent, inflicting
massive damage. 

Analysis: A great finisher for one-on-one encounters, but in groups it can 
prove to be a liability as others can hurt you while you are using it. Still,
powerful, and very useful against weaker enemies. Basically Asha's Fury on a 
different button.

Recommended against: Reptus

Rating: 7/10


Dagger Attacks 

-Triple Slash (B, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince slashes three times with the dagger, landing 
moderate damage with each slash.

Analysis: This is the bread and butter of fighting. When all else fails, go 
with this. Each slash is not particularly strong on its own, but together the
damage adds up. The system wouldn't make sense without this. However, many 
enemies are too fast for it, and others are adept at blocking it. Using Eye of 
the Storm evens the odds against more stubborn foes. And it is often not fast 
enough for the Dark Prince. Stick to daggertail combinations.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 5/10

-Furious Slash (B, B, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince slashes four times with the dagger, landing 
moderate damage with the first three slashes and landing major damage with the 

Analysis: This is the standard combination with a twist. The final slash is 
very powerful, but it has a short range and faster enemies will easily dodge
it and counter. It's more effective against stationary creatures or when using
the Eye of the Storm. Optimally use it when the enemy has its back against a 
wall so that the last slash is unavoidable. Again, however, being the Dark 
Prince makes this move undesirable in light of the other moves he has. The 
last slash is good for finishing, but use sparingly.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 5/10

-Dagger Charge Attack (Press and Hold B)

Description: The Dark Prince pulls back his dagger, gathers strength, and 
brings it down for a massive blow.

Analysis: It's slow, it's not powerful enough, and you'll get hit using it 
more often than you'll hit. It can break blocks, but ultimately a novelty move
at best.

Recommended against: Reptus, if you must

Rating: 1.5/10


Acrobatic Attacks

-Aerial Slash (A, B [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Dark Prince leaps over an enemy and slashes once.

Analysis: Not the most useful move on its own, but very effective if chained 
with Y after the slash for a sweeping kick. More importantly, chains into one 
of the best moves, the Aerial Landing Slice.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7/10

-Aerial Landing Slice (A, B, B [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Dark Prince leaps over and enemy, slashes once, then comes 
down again with a devastating chop. 

Analysis: This is one of the greats. It goes uncontested by nearly every enemy 
save Reptus, and is even effective against a boss. Nice damage, and while 
slightly inaccurate at times, well worth keeping in your repetoire.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.75/10

-Aerial Kick Attack (A, Y [Toward Enemy])

Description: The Dark Prince leaps over an enemy and kicks them once in the 

Analysis: This is okay on its own, but better if chained into a B for a 
variant of the Aerial Landing Slice that has slightly less damage, but hits 
more often in my experience. It can also chain into the very useful Aerial 
Landing Kick Sweep. A great move overall.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 8/10

-Aerial Landing Kick Sweep

Description: The Dark Prince leaps over an enemy, kicks them in the face, then 
performs another sweep kick as he lands to knock the enemy down.

Analysis: Another fantastic move. While this move isn't as strong as the 
Aerial Landing Slice, it is still a good finisher and has an added bonus--it 
knocks the enemy down, allowing you to either use Asha's Fury or simply buy 
some time. Either way, a gem.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.5/10



Dagger Defense

-Block (R)

Description: The Dark Prince raises his daggertail and uses it to block 
incoming attacks, preventing damage.

Analysis: It's the block. It'll save your ass. Use it, remember to keep 
holding it down. Not perfect, however--too many hits will cause the block to 
break, and there are unblockable moves (most are rather slow, however).

Recommended against: EVERYTHING

Rating: 9.5/10

-Counter Attack (R + B [When Enemy Strikes])

Description: The Dark Prince blocks an incoming attack and counters with his 
own attack consisting of a kick followed by a dagger slash.

Analysis: Great manuever for those more comfortable on the defensive. The 
timing can be tricky at first, but ultimately an extremely effective move, 
especially when cornered, and a finisher to boot.

Recommended against: Sand Archers and Reptus

Rating: 8/10


Daggertail Defense

-Daggertail Counter Attack (R + Y [When Enemy Strikes])

Description: The Dark Prince blocks an incoming attack and counter with his 
own attack consisting of a kick followed by a daggertail slash.

Analysis: Basically another version of the Counter Attack, less likely to land 
but more powerful. 

Recommended against: Sand Archers and Reptus

Rating: 8/10




-Jump Kick (A, Y)

Description: The Dark Prince jumps in the air and kicks.

Analysis: Likely the Dark Prince's worst move, can finish and knock down the 
weakest of enemies, but not much else. Avoid.

Recommended against: If you must, Chameleons

Rating: 2/10

-Wall Whiplash (Y [Toward Wall])

Description: The Dark Prince rebounds off a wall and dives, slashing 
everything in his path.

Analysis: Good rebound finisher--not the best, but worth the time if you're 
unable to run up a wall. Recommended.

Recommended against: Sand Guards

Rating: 7.75/10

-Wallrun Slash (B [While Running Along Wall])

Description: The Dark Prince slashes his dagger while running along a wall.

Analysis: A decent move while avoiding combat, but not nearly as useful as in 
Warrior Within due to a lack of enemies along walls. A novelty.

Recommended against: Illusions

Rating: 2.5/10

-Tailspin Angel Drop (Y [While Running Up Wall])

Description: The Dark Prince runs up a wall, backflips off and lands while 
cutting circularly with his daggertail.

Analysis: Terrific finisher. Great on its own, and even better when chained 
into its own finisher.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 8.75/10

-Tailspin Angel Kill (Y, Y [While Running Up Wall])

Description: The Dark Prince runs up a wall, backflips off and lands while 
cutting circularly with his daggertail twice.

Analysis: The perfect finisher for single enemies, to the point of being 
nearly broken. Each slash is tremendously powerful, can finish enemies even at 
mid health, and nearly impossible to block.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.25/10

-Column Daggertail Spin (Y [Toward Column])

Description: The Dark Prince lashes his daggertail at a column, and runs 
around it, dragging the chain and hitting any enemies between him and the 
column for as long as the button is pressed or until a set time has expired.

Analysis: Pure decimation for mobs, though it is difficult to set up for it at 
first. Still, the rewards are well worth the wait. Plus, it just looks cool.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 8.25/10

-Stand Up Bird Sweep (B [When Prone])

Description: The Dark Prince, when lying on the ground, springs up and slashes 
with the dagger.

Analysis: If you have to get up, you have one of two choices. This is the 
worst of the two in terms of effects, but has a greater range.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 6.75/10

-Stand Up Hurricane Sweep (Y [When Prone])

Description: The Dark Prince, when lying on the ground, swings the daggertail 
around and then springs up.

Analysis: Not *quite* the range of the Stand Up Bird Sweep, but likely the 
better of the two. The Dark Prince stays down as he attacks, reducing the 
liklihood of taking damage again, and does it in a circular motion, thus 
increasing the probability of landing the hit. Also knocks down enemies. 
Highly recommended.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7.5/10



Daggertail Combos

-Breeze of Anguish (Y, Y, Y)

Description: The Dark Prince swings the daggertail thrice for three 
devastating high attacks.

Analysis: The beginning of the highly effective daggertail combos, short and 
sweet. Not with the best finisher, but brief and does great damage. Use it on 
single enemies or tiny packs.

Recommended against: Sand Archers

Rating: 7/10

-Winds of Torment (Y, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince swings the daggertail twice for two high attacks,  
swings it again in a low attack, and finishes by flipping forward and leaping 
with a final vertical chop.

Analysis: Probably the best short combination against a single enemy. The 
finisher is absolutely brutal.

Recommended against: Thralls

Rating: 8.25/10

-Blast of Sorrow (B, Y, Y, Y)

Description: The Dark Prince slashes with the dagger, swings the daggertail 
twice in two high attacks, swings it behind him in a low attack, then spins 
around for a finishing attack.

Analysis: A well-rounded combination that works well on single enemies or 
packs. Good finisher, good damage, good range, and effective defensively as 
well. A total package.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 8/10

-Whirlwind of Pain (B, Y, Y, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince slashes with the dagger, swings the daggertail 
twice in two high attacks, then cuts upward with the daggertail followed by a 
finishing leaping chop with the daggertail.

Analysis: Brutal. Tears single enemies to pieces, and works wonders in narrow 
spaces. Not as effective in open territory.

Recommended against: Sand Archers, Thralls, Reptus

Rating: 8.5/10

-Storm of Anger (Y, Y, B, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince swings the daggertail twice in three high 
attacks, then twirls it again for a fourth attack, and leaps forward for a 
fifth finishing attack.

Analysis: Pure daggertail damage, and well-balanced to boot. Kind of hard to 
hit with the finisher, though.

Recommended against: Sand Guards

Rating: 7.75/10

-Storm of Remorse (B, B, Y, Y, Y)

Description: The Dark Prince slashes twice with the dagger, then swings the 
daggertail forward in three low attacks.

Analysis: Not the best in damage, but makes up for it in knockdowns. Use in a 

Recommended against: Reptus, Chameleons

Rating: 8/10

-Twister of Pentinence (B, B, Y, Y, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince slashes twice with the dagger, then swings the 
daggertail forward in two low attacks, followed by a leaping daggertail 

Analysis: Like the Storm of Remorse, but trades a knockdown for a finisher. 
Recommended of the two.

Recommended against: Reptus, Chameleons

Rating: 8.25/10

-Plague Tornado (Y, Y, Y, B, B)

Description: The Dark Prince swings the daggertail for three high attacks, 
then slices upward with the daggertail, followed by a downward slice with the 

Analysis: The combination of finishers. Use it to clear weaker enemies 

Recommended against: Sand Guards, Chameleons

Rating: 8.5/10

-Oblivion Tornado (Y, Y, B, B, Y, Y)

Description: The Dark Prince swings the daggertail for six devastating 
attacks, finishing with a kick.

Analysis: For pure damage, this is the best combination out of them all. 
Absolutely brutal through every slash, good for single enemies and packs, and 
the only drawback being a finisher that could stand to be a bit more powerful. 
Still, a worthy combination for any situation.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9/10

-Typhoon of Torment (Y, B, Y, B, Y, B)

Description: The Dark Prince swings the daggertail for five devastating 
attacks, followed by a sixth brutal finisher.

Analysis: Nearly as good as Oblivion Tornado in damage, and makes up for it 
with a whopper of a finisher. The best combination the Dark Prince has.

Recommended against: EVERYTHING

Rating: 9.5/10




-Recall (L [Hold])

Description: The Dark Prince rewinds time for as long as the button is pressed 
or the Sand gauge lasts.

Analysis: The trademark move of the Sands of Time trilogy, and ultimately the 
best move in the game. Rewind your mistakes, cheat death, all that jazz, once 
for each Sand Tank you possess. The ultimate move.

Recommended against: ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING

Rating: 10/10

-Eye of the Storm (L [Tap])

Description: The Dark Prince slows down time for everything but himself for as 
long as the Sand gauge lasts.

Analysis: A fantastic move, which can be used to either pass obstacles more 
easily or slow enemies' attacks and reaction times, making combat a breeze, 
for the cost of a single Sand Tank per use. Just a hair under the recall in 
terms of effectiveness.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 9.75/10

-Winds of Sand (L while holding R)

Description: The Dark Prince charges Sand and unleashes it, knocking down all 
enemies in the vicinity and inflicting damage.

Analysis: Good to use in a pinch, though the cost of two Sand Tanks per usage 
and the overall effectiveness leave much to be desired--and if you're in that 
much trouble, the Recall is likely a better move. Decent, but hardly 
essential, and you lose it after gaining the Sand Storm.

Recommended against: Hunter Hounds

Rating: 4.5/10

-Sand Storm (L while holding R)

Description: The Dark Prince charges Sand and unleashes it, killing all 
enemies in the vicinity.

Analysis: Brutally powerful and effective, but the cost of four Sand Tanks per 
usage is hard to swallow. However, the Dark Prince benefits a lot from this 
move if you're low on health and need it very quickly. Unfortunately, by the 
time you get it, there's just not many opportunities to use it.

Recommended against: Everything

Rating: 7.5/10


C. Weapons

This section gives a brief overview of the numerous secondary weapons, and 
gives advice on when and how to appropriately utilize them.


The most balanced of the weapons, swords are average in almost every regard, 
and can be used in almost any situation. When all else fails, go with these.

*Sand Gate Guard Sword (Special Sword)

The Sand Gate Guard Sword is nothing great in attack and not durable at all, 
but the sword is invaluable due to the fact that while you possess it, it will 
continually regenerate your Sand Tanks. Perhaps the most useful secondary 
weapon in the game.

*King's Sword (Special Sword)

Once you get this sword, you won't be able to pick up any others--but that's 
fine. Infinite durability, and an instant kill to all conventional enemies 
make this the most powerful sword in the game, and makes combat merely an 
afterthought after acquiring it.


Stronger but slower weapons, these are to be used against the more durable 


Very powerful weapons that also get a knockdown, but painfully slow (for the 
Prince, anyway) and not the best weapons for combinations. Good for clearing 
out large groups or defensive strategies, however.


Very weak and not durable at all, these weapons have their strength in being 
thrown. These are the most powerful weapons in throwing, and can easily take 
down the mightiest of enemies before they even get to you.


A. Guard

-The Guard is the first enemy you will face in the game, and is the standard 
template for the most common enemies in the game. Tall and brutish in gray 
armor, they utilize standard battle tactics with a single melee weapon.

-Guards can be Speed Killed.

-To deal with the Guard as the Prince, the easiest thing to do is simply what 
seems appropriate. They are susceptible to most any attack, so use what you 
have at your disposal to take them down. If there is a wall nearby, use 
rebound attacks to take them down. If they are in the middle of an open space, 
use vaults to your advantage. If they are against a corner, exploit multiple-
hitting combinations. If they're alone, use grab attacks. And if they're near 
a cliff, toss them off. They are dangerous, however, despite their lack of 
defensive strengths--be on your guard and ready to block at any given moment, 
and use rolls to stay out of their range when on the defensive.

-To deal with the Guard as the Dark Prince, use combinations as appropriate. 
For large groups of enemies, either use combinations to decimate mobs or short 
combinations to take each individual enemy as quickly as possible. Keeping the 
pressure on usually makes short work of them.


B. Archer

-The Archer is the second enemy you will face in the game, and is the template 
for the second most common enemies there are. They are slender, wear ornate 
headdresses, and use a bow and arrow to engage opponents.

-Archers can be Speed Killed.

-Archers can be nasty at first as the Prince, especially if you don't know 
what you're doing. When facing packs of enemies, it's always recommended to 
get the Archer out of the way first, as they'll take very dangerous potshots 
at you while you fight other types of enemies. The block is very effective 
against Archers, and is the recommended method to deflect arrows and get in 
close to engage in close-range combat. At closer range Archers will attack 
instead with their bow as a blunt instrument, but it's slow and easy to 
avoid/block. They are very tough defensively against conventional attacks, but 
most advanced combinations, rebound, or vault attacks will dispatch of them 
pretty easily.

-As the Dark Prince Archers are also particularly aggravating, as all his 
power is still susceptible to the arrow attacks they can launch. Get in close 
and lay down your best single-enemy combinations to take out an Archer as soon 
as you can, then deal with any other enemies at your leisure.


C. Sand Guard

-The Sand Guard is the corrupted version of the Guard, and is basically 
identical to this enemy in every way. It is the most common enemy you will 
likely encounter over the course of the game, and appears just like a Guard, 
only colored golden to show the corruption of the Sands of Time.

-Sand Guards can be Speed Killed.

-To deal with the Sand Guard as the Prince, the easiest thing to do is simply 
what seems appropriate. They are susceptible to most any attack, so use what 
you have at your disposal to take them down. If there is a wall nearby, use 
rebound attacks to take them down. If they are in the middle of an open space, 
use vaults to your advantage. If they are against a corner, exploit multiple-
hitting combinations. If they're alone, use grab attacks. And if they're near 
a cliff, toss them off. They are dangerous, however, despite their lack of 
defensive strengths--be on your guard and ready to block at any given moment, 
and use rolls to stay out of their range when on the defensive.

-To deal with the Guard as the Dark Prince, use combinations as appropriate. 
For large groups of enemies, either use combinations to decimate mobs or short 
combinations to take each individual enemy as quickly as possible. Keeping the 
pressure on usually makes short work of them.


D. Sand Archer

-The Sand Archer is the corrupted version of the Archer, and is basically 
identical to this enemy in every way. It appears just like an Archer, only 
colored golden to show the corruption of the Sands of Time.

-Sand Archers can be Speed Killed.

-Sand Archers can be nasty at first as the Prince, especially if you don't 
know what you're doing. When facing packs of enemies, it's always recommended 
to get the Sand Archer out of the way first, as they'll take very dangerous 
potshots at you while you fight other types of enemies. The block is very 
effective against Archers, and is the recommended method to deflect arrows and 
get in close to engage in close-range combat. At closer range Sand Archers 
will attack instead with their bow as a blunt instrument, but it's slow and 
easy to avoid/block. They are very tough defensively against conventional 
attacks, but most advanced combinations, rebound, or vault attacks will 
dispatch of them pretty easily.

-As the Dark Prince Sand Archers are also particularly aggravating, as all his 
power is still susceptible to the arrow attacks they can launch. Get in close 
and lay down your best single-enemy combinations to take out an Archer as soon 
as you can, then deal with any other enemies at your leisure.


E. Reptus

-The Reptus is an enemy found in the darker places of the game, usually as the 
Dark Prince. It has green skin, is small, and usually uses an axe or other 
blunt instrument as a weapon. 

-Reptus cannot be Speed Killed.

-As the Prince, the Reptus can either be the hardest enemy in the game or the 
easiest enemy. If you lead Reptus into the light, they are utterly decimated--
the Aerial Landing Slice, Grab Slice, and Asha's Fury will kill them all 
instantly, just to name a few moves. But when you are forced to engage them i 
the dark, they are nearly invincible defensively--their stamina goes through 
the roof, and they block nearly all incoming attacks. In this form, rebound 
attacks are usually the way to go, as well as grab attacks. Slowing down time 
is also a good way to get any other attacks in. Give Reptus your full focus as 
the Prince if you have to engage them without light.

-Reptus are still dangerous to the Dark Prince, but far easier to dispatch. 
The best daggertail combinations will make short work of them, so abuse them 
to your heart's content. Other methods will work as well, but you often do not 
have the luxury...mostly because you're the Dark Prince at the time.


F. Chameleon

-The Chameleon is a grayish enemy similar in size to the Reptus, and usually 
attacks with daggers. However, it is initially cloaked in stealth camouflage, 
making only its outline visible in the environment.

-Chameleons cannot be Speed Killed.

-As the Prince, Chameleons are easy--once you locate them. Once you do, you'll 
find that their low health, lack of defense, and pitiful movement capabilities 
make it a snap to destroy them with any moderately damaging attack. However, 
their first strike capability makes them a decent threat. They signal their 
approach with a loud and high-pitched noise, so if you hear that, make sure to 
either go into a block and wait for them to strike, or attack their outlines 
before they attack you.

-As the Dark Prince, Chameleons are about the same as the Prince--there is 
actually little advantage to being the Dark Prince, mostly because Chameleons 
are so weak. Just use the same advice as the Prince--counter them accordingly, 
use whatever decent attacks you like to mop them up as they come.


G. Hunter Hound

-The Hunter Hound is a gray four-legged beast with a very distinctive howl. It 
attacks with either melee swipes, charges, or by siphoning sand from your Sand 

-Hunter Hounds cannot be Speed Killed.

-As the Prince, Hunter Hounds can be tricky to deal with. The easiest way to 
deal with Hunter Hounds are to play them defensively. Block constantly until 
you see the Hound try to steal your sand (a big sand cloud appears when they 
do this), then quickly stab them with your dagger to get an instant kill. 
Doing this, they become a snap. However, if you don't have any sand, they 
won't do this. If this is the case, then you will need to resort to standard 
attacks. The easiest way to kill them normally is to knock them down with 
preferably a secondary weapon, but the dagger will do. Using Wall Rebound 
attacks are extremely effective in knocking them over. Then, simply use Asha's 
Fury to end them.

-As the Dark Prince, the same rule applies. Try to stab them while they steal 
your sand, but if you can't, use low hitting daggertail combinations to sweep 
them off their feet and then use Asha's Fury.

-Man, I hate Hunter Hounds.


H. Illusion

-The Illusion is a pale and wraith-like enemy that attacks by throwing 
multiple projectiles and darting about the screen.

-Illusions cannot be Speed Killed.

-As the Prince, Illusions merely need to be caught and subdued. The easiest 
way to do this is to slow down time and then attack them either with standard 
combinations or vault attacks to bring them down swiftly. If you're caught 
without sand, just try to catch up with them and hammer with vault attacks.

-As the Dark Prince, the same rule applies, only you can still use your 
daggertail combinations on the Illusion even without sand--just use the range 
of the weapon to your advantage.


I. Enchantress

-The Enchantress is a small and nimble enemy that uses dual blades in combat. 
It is a female, wears a tiny dress, as well as a mask.

-Enchantresses cannot be Speed Killed.

-As the Prince, the best way to take out Enchantresses is to wait until they 
have stopped moving, then close in and use combinations or vaulting to bring 
them down. When available, use your best wall rebound attacks, as those are 
effective at any time. They're physically weak, so concentrate on getting past 
the defenses and getting a good blow in.

-As the Dark Prince, as usual, it boils down to using your best combinations, 
but it's also important to note that using the daggertail to pull them in and 
slash is extremely effective individually as well.


J. Thrall

-The Thrall is a very large and bulky enemy that wears a metal mask and 
is adorned with trinkets of steel, and usually uses bulky weapons like maces 
in combat.

-Thralls can be Speed Killed.

-As the Prince, Thralls can be a pain. Not quite as defensively 
competent as Reptus, but very good nonetheless, and without that helpful 
weakness to light. Wall rebound attacks are going to be the choice methods to 
eliminate Thralls, though ideally you're going to want to get them in a 
corner and brutalize them with combinations. They're slow, so you may want to 
consider a more slow-paced strategy or simply abandon the fight altogether.

-As the Dark Prince, Thralls are still tough, but can be dealt with much 
more easily. Rip through them with combinations, slowing down time if the 
battle gets to hectic. You likely won't have the luxury to abandon the fight, 
so use the best rebound attacks you have if your health starts to dwindle.



A. Klompa (1st Boss)

Location: The Arena

Wait for the cutscene. Be impressed.

Big guy, isn't he? Don't worry, he's beatable, although he can be a bit 
irksome if you don't know what you're doing. Klompa has a few basic attacks at 
the beginning of the battle. When you are close, he will use his grab, which 
does very little damage on its own (in fact, it will never kill you on its 
own), but if he throws you into the spikes around the arena, you will suffer 
massive damage. He also has a one handed pound, a two-handed pound, and a 
sword strike, all of which can be dodged simply by running.

To beat Klompa, you will need to use the platforms on the arena's edge to 
ascend to his height. From the beginning, and hug the wall to reach a ramp. 
Ascend the ramp, and run along the wall to the right to reach a beam. Climb 
the beam, and then jump to the right to reach the next platform. Ascend the 
next ramp, then run up the wall and stab into the plate. Then, run to the left 
to reach the last platform. During all this, Klompa will attempt to hit you, 
but if you are quick, you needn't worry. 

Step out onto the beam, and intiate a Speed Kill. Klompa requires you to match
with three visual cues in his Speed Kill. The first one happens when you dive 
out, the second happens when he has you in his hand, and the third happens 
when you are on his face.

Run along the edge of the arena to the left until you reach another ramp. 
Then, run up the ramp and stab into the plate. Then, run along the wall to the 
right and stab into the next plate, then run along the wall to the right to 
reach the platform. Ascend the ramp and run up the wall to stab into the 
plate. Then, run along the wall to the final platform. 

Step out onto the beam, and initiate a Speed Kill. Klompa requires again for 
you to match with three visual cues. The first one happens when you dive out, 
the second happens when Klompa raises his hand to you, and the third happens 
when the Prince is on his head.

Now begins the really tricky part of the battle. Klompa gains a few new 
attacks, most notably his wild sword slashing. If he hits you with this, it's 
over--a one hit kill. To dodge it, roll forward at him or roll to the side. Do 
not backflip, as the sword will hit you if you do so. Klompa also has a 
forward kick, which does moderate damage--but the real threat is that he often 
follows up this kick with a sword slash, which is then impossible to dodge. He 
also has a stomp, which does heavy damage, and if he steps on you normally, it 
will do minor damage. Save your sand for rewinding sword slashes.

To beat him in this state, circle behind him and slash at his legs.
Continually slash him there and you will whittle down his health bit by bit. 
Klompa will try to move away and counterattack, but if you dodge correctly 
each time, you will eventually bring him down. At the end you will bring down 
one leg, then the other, and then you will have to complete a final Speed 
Kill. The cues are three--one on his lower back, one when the Prince in the 
air, and the last when the Prince is on the back of the neck. If you miss any 
of these last three visual cues, Klompa will throw you off and gain back a 
little health, which you will of course have to take away. Complete the Speed 
Kill and Klompa will be finished at last.

A final note--there is a known glitch in this battle, where one of the visual 
cues will fail to appear. If you follow this specific pattern for the fight, 
you should not get the glitch. If you do, however, you can still complete the 
Speed Kill by recognizing exactly when the visual cue is *supposed* to be. 
They are listed above, of course, for your convenience.


B. Mahasti (2nd Boss)

Location: The Brothel

Mahasti is a boss in the vein of the one-on-one battles found in
the previous game, Warrior Within--specifically, that of Shahdee. Mahasti has 
a myriad of moves. The first and most devastating health-wise is her long 
combo strike. However, the strike is easily blocked and can be countered as 
well. But perhaps even more deadly is her kick, which while not very strong 
physically and also slow, can bypass the block and kick the Prince right off 
the rooftop to his doom. Mahasti also has a nasty little habit of blocking 
most attacks and even countering counter-strikes.

So, what do we do? The most effective move against her in this first state is
the Aerial Landing Slash, so use it at will against her. The Counter-Attack is
effective too, as well as any slow-motion combinations. Be warned, however, 
try to save your sand for the upcoming portion of the battle.

Eventually you will lock your blades, a la Warrior Within. Press B rapidly 
to drive her back, and continue fighting. Eventually you will lock your blades
again, and she will inevitably overpower you. This will force a change into 
the Dark Prince, heralding the second half of the battle.

As the Dark Prince, now you can easily tear Mahasti to pieces. So, in a very
predictable fashion, she will now flee you whenever you approach her. The
idea is to chase her around the buildings and activate slow-motion when you 
see her so that you can get in a lot of hits before she runs away again, and 
beat her this way. Of course, you'll be dying during this, so in between her 
buildings are buildings with Illusion enemies. Make sure to kill them each 
time to both get the sand for slowing time and for replenishing health. 

When she gets to critical health, she will jump one last time and you will 
have to fight her and kill her in one last blade clash. Overpower Mahasti with 
pressing B rapidly and you will prove the superior warrior.


C. Stone Guardian (Miniboss)

Seemingly plucked from the lumbering giants in Warrior Within, this semi-boss
is another homage to that game. He has many of the moves those enemies had, 
including the same types of punches, rushes, and even walking style.

Or maybe I'm just going nuts.

Either way, he's a real pushover. Circle behind him, slash at his legs a few 
times, and he'll fall over. Press B while facing his back and the Prince will
get on him, a visual cue will ensue, and matching it will make the Prince 
begin to ride him through the gardens.

Now comes the real challenge. You'll have to guide this brute through the 
corridors without crashing--if you do, he'll come tumbling back down on you, 
and that's no good. One hit kill. >_<

So navigate him much like the chariot. He can brush off sideswipes, but he 
can't take a full-on collision. For your information, you will need to:

-Turn right and bash through a door
-Turn left
-Turn right
-Turn right again
-Turn left
-Turn right
-Turn left
-Turn right
-Turn right again
-Turn right yet again
-Turn left
-Turn left again
-Turn right
-Turn right again
-Turn left
-Bash through the door ahead

And that's that. Really easier done than said, actually.


D. Lieutenants Blade and Axe (3rd Boss)

Okay, this is a boss fight with two bosses. The one on the left with the 
sword I call Blade. The one on the right with the axe I call Axe. Hey, I'm not 
here to entertain you, I'm here to help you!

Each of them has more than their fair share of standard attack. Axe can swing
his weapon surprisingly quickly, has a decent jab and a boot counter. He's 
also invincible defensively. So, suffice to say, we're going to be focusing 
our attention more on Blade.

Blade has a few sword combos up his sleeve, along with some devastating lunge
attacks. He has power attacks capable of breaking through your block with 
ease, and will counter any and all forms of unconventional attack. 

So, how do you beat these expert duo of cheese techniques? The secret is to 
constantly attack Blade with your dagger's standard B combos. Doing so will 
prompt Axe to leap into the air with a chop. If you get hit it's all for 
nothing, but if you roll out of the way he will get his axe stuck in the 
ground with comical effect, and you are free to pummel him with dagger combos 
to your heart's content...

...with a catch. The real danger lies here, as Blade will be attacking 
ferociously to protect his partner. You have to attack Axe to win, but doing 
so leaves you with the risk of suffering serious damage. Stay as far away from 
Blade as you can when you attack Axe. Rolling around Axe to keep him between 
you and Blade is effective, and vault over him if you're really in a pinch. 
When Axe recovers, start smacking Blade again to provoke him into doing
the same leaping chop. Dodge, rinse, and repeat.

When you take away about a third of health from Axe, you will get a prompt for
a Speed Kill. Match with two visual cues to clear the first phase of the 
battle and take both enemies down to around half health.

Continue this same pattern. When Axe is nearly out of health, another prompt 
for a final Speed Kill will commence. Match the two visual cues to finish the
two and end the boss battle.


E. Zervan (The Vizier, 4th Boss)

The first part of the battle has you facing off against Zervan in a wide open
area with Free-Form Fighting. Use your best combos to damage him while dodging
his attacks with rolling and backflips. After he takes a beating, he will 
float into the air and send a piece of debris at you, roll away from it to 
avoid damage. Continue using combinations on him until he floats up again, 
this time he will throw two pieces of debris at you. Repeat the process and he 
will throw three pieces of debris at you. Do this one more time to end 
Zervan's first phase.

The second phase is much more difficult. Large stones are floating around 
the arena that you must avoid, as well as Zervan's sand projectiles. To damage
Zervan, avoid these obstacles and run up the pillars behind him--he will often
move, though, so be on guard--and initiate a Speed Kill at the top. The first
one will cut his wing, the second will cut another wing, and the third will
initiate the final section of the battle. Each Speed Kill will require the
matching of three visual cues, so keep that in mind.

Finally, Zervan will bring down the entire arena to create floating platforms,
fly up high, and take pot shots at you with sand projectiles. Look to the 
lowest platform on the ground, and run up the pillar and jump to reach it. 
Jump forward from there to reach the next platform, then turn left and jump to 
reach a bar. Climb atop the bar (this is so if you get hit you won't fall to 
your death), turn around, shimmy right, and jump forward to the next platform. 
Turn left and jump to the another platform, then jump to the bar and swing-
jump to the next platform. Turn right and jump to the next platform, then jump 
forward and pull up to the platform ahead of that. After that jump to the next 
platform, turn right and jump to the bar, and swing jump to the next platform. 
Run up the wall and jump from wall to wall to climb up to the next platform, 
then jump forward one more time to reach the very last platform. Step out 
toward Zervan, and jump toward him. Press B when the dagger flares to finish 
this fight and Zervan once and for all.



As a note, I must tell you that getting all the Life Upgrades does not give 
you anything other than extended health, to my knowledge. That means no 
alternate ending a la Warrior Within, sorry.



Chapter Found: The Sewers

After touching your first pool of Water of Life and turning back from the Dark 
Prince into the Prince, continue through the level until you open a door. Go 
through it. To the right will be a series of traps and a fountain that 
continues through the level.

To your left is a curtain, which leads to the Life Upgrade. Go through it, and 
head to the edge of the platform. Jump to reach the next platform, then turn 
right and jump to another platform. Turn left and move out onto the beam, then 
jump to the next beam, then the next, and then the next to reach the next 
platform. Turn right and move out to the end of the next beam, then jump 
forward to reach another beam. Turn left and jump to reach the final platform, 
and drink from the fountain ahead to start the Life Upgrade hallway.

Don't bother wasting your sand in this hallway--if you die, you'll be sent 
back to the beginning with no consequences. Only resort to using sand if it is 
of the utmost importance in completing the hallway. 

You will encounter a pair of spinning blades first. Wait for them to go down, 
then quickly run past them. Move out onto the beam ahead, and drop into a 
hang. Shimmy upward until you reach a perpendicular beam, then climb up it. 
Move back to the center and forward to the edge of the beam. Wait for the two 
spinning blades to pass, then jump to the next beam. Finally, move as close to 
the platform as you can without moving from the beam. When the spinning blade 
ahead goes down, jump forward and head into the light to attain the Life 



Chapter Found: The Lower City Rooftops

Right before the hallway that leads to the first boss (Klompa), there is a 
plate that opens two doors. The one closer to you leads to the boss, the 
farther one leads to the Life Upgrade.

Drop from the switch and run into the doorway farthest from you, remembering 
to roll in order to make it through. Run forward at the edge of the platform 
and drop to the ledge below. Then drop to the next ledge on the left, followed 
by another ledge. Then, move to the right and jump across to the ledge on the 
other side. Then, drop down to the floor. Turn around and follow the hallway,
and run up the walls as you get to them. At the end is a fountain, drink from 
it to start the Life Upgrade hallway.

You will be confronted with two Panel Traps at the beginning. Wait until they 
both start to go down, then run forward to the beam ahead. Ahead is a set of 
arrow traps, wait until they fire, then jump to the next set of beams. Quickly 
move to the center of the cross that the beams make. Wait for the arrows ahead
of you to fire, then quickly move to the end of the beam and jump to the next 
set of beams, quickly climbing up so that you don't get hit. Move left to the 
next beam, and move forward to the edge. You will now have to deal with 
sliding ledges. Wait for the lowest ledge to retract and come back, then 
quickly jump to it. Then, *very* quickly jump to the ledges above as they 
appear. Run into the light to get the Life Upgrade.



Chapter Found: The Temple

After turning back from the Dark Prince into the Prince, in the tower where 
Zervan (The Vizier) fled from you, climb the tower until you reach the third 

From this bar, shimmy to the right and you should see a hole ahead of you. 
Swing-jump to the hole and climb through. Head forward to the edge of the 
platform, then run along the left wall to the curtain. Jump at the bottom of 
the curtain to reach the curtain on the other side, and slide down to the 
floor. Go forward, make a left, and drink from the fountain to start the Life
Upgrade hallway. 

Run along the right wall to the shutter ahead, and jump from shutter to 
shutter all the way down the hall--there are nine shutters in total. At the 
end, you will encounter some crumbling columns, each separated by spinning 
blades. Wait for each blade to go down, and then jump to the next column. Do 
not hold the A button after the jump, as if you are still holding it at the 
end of the jump it can cause the column to fall prematurely. After you clear 
the last one and reach the platform, run into the light to get the Life 

To return to the initial room, turn around and head back the way you came,
until you reach the end of the hallway. Then run up the wall to the left, step 
on the pressure plate, and enter the door to reach the room again.



Chapter Found: The Canal

After dealing with the Stone Guardian miniboss, there is a fountain.

From the fountain, turn right and roll through the hole ahead. Turn left and 
move along the ledge on the right wall. Move all the way left, then drop to 
the next ledge and continue left, then drop to the platform below.

Turn left at the next platform and move along the ledge on the right wall. 
Move all the way left and then jump across to the ladder on the other side. 
Descend the ladder and jump across to the platform, then move forward to find 
the fountain. Drink from it to start the Life Upgrade hallway.

Go forward and turn left to find your first set of traps, bladed columns 
combined with spiked floors. Stand to the right, wait until the columns move 
left and up respectively, then quickly roll past the set of traps.

Make a right and move to the edge of the platform. For the next trap 
consisting of spinning blades along the wall, wait until the first blade 
clears the upper half of the trap and then run along the left wall to the 
opposite platform.

The next trap is a set of bladed columns with a floor of spikes between them. 
Pick a side to cross on, then simply wait for the first column to move away 
and run through the set of traps. The last trap is a simple spinning blade, 
wait for it to go down and then run toward the light to gain the Life Upgrade.



Chapter Found: The Palace Entrance

In the large room with the elevator, climb the room until you reach a second 

Turn right and hop over the railing facing the elevator. Jump left and stab 
into the plate, then hop up and stab into the next plate, then hop up and do 
the same to the third plate. Activate the Eye of the Storm, jump off the right
wall up to the pressure plate, and then drop down and stab into the middle 
plate. Jump to the right and run up through the newly opened door. Go to the 
end of the hallway and drink the water from the fountain to start the Life 
Upgrade hallway.

You begin with a miniature spinning blade in the way, followed by a panel 
trap, and that followed by slower miniature spinning blade. Pick a side, wait 
for the blade to move when panel about to go down, then run and jump to the 
next platform. Keep running and jump to the next platform past the mini-blade 
to clear the set of traps.

Above you is a gauntlet of retracting ledges. Wait for the first one to come 
out, then run up the wall and climb it. Continue to climb and jump from ledge 
to ledge until you reach the top platform. 

The final set of traps is a hellish combination of dual miniature spinning 
blades in a criss-cross formation, two alternating panel traps to the sides, 
and other panel trap at the very end. Move to either the left or right, wait 
for the panel trap on your respective side to start to descend along with the
panel at the very end, then simply run through to the light to get the Life 



Chapter found: The Middle Tower

Climb the outside of the tower until you reach a platform with a doorway.

Turn around and drop down to the beam below. Drop from that beam to another 
beam below that, and jump back from there to a beam behind you. Use that to
enter the secret hallway. Follow the hallway down, then run up the wall and 
leap from ledge to ledge in order to ascend. At the end you will reach a
platform with a fountain, drink from it to start the final Life Upgrade 

Ahead there is a stationary horizontal spinning blade trap, followed by a 
panel trap. Stand on the right, wait for the panel to start going down, then 
go forth to roll under the blade and run past the panel to clear the set.

The next set of traps has a spinning blade followed by a chasm of panel traps.
Wait until the spinning blade passes the upper half of the trap and the panels
begin to go down, then run along the wall past the blade and jump from panel
to panel up to the next platform at the end.

The next set of traps is a simple set of two spinning blades. Wait for the 
first blade to clear the upper *third* of the trap, then QUICKLY run along the
left wall past them both. Keep running as far as you can go, then jump at the
very end to reach a beam. Follow the beam and jump down to the next set of 
beams. Turn left and jump to reach the final platform, and the final set of 
traps. Easily pass them by running along either the left or the right wall. 
Head into the light, and the final Life Upgrade is yours.



So far, all of the 'secrets' I know are only codes. But I'm happy to share 
those with you!

-To unlock the Baby Toy of Death, enter this code on the Pause Screen: L, L, 
R, R, X, Y, Y, X, U, D

-To unlock the Telephone of Sorrow, enter this code on the Pause Screen: R, L,
R, L, D, D, U, U, X, Y, X, X, Y, Y

-To unlock the Chainsaw, enter this code on the Pause Screen: U, U, D, D, L, 
R, L, R, X, Y, X, Y

-To unlock the Swordfish, enter this code on the Pause Screen: U, D, U, D, L, 
R, L, R, X, Y, X, Y


Version History

1.0 (Dec 4, 2005)--Walkthrough Section Completed.
1.25 (Dec 7, 2005)--The Prince's Free-Form Fighting Section Updated, Errant 
'Secret' Removed, FAQ reformatted, Walkthrough revised.
1.5 (Dec 7, 2005)--Free-Form Fighting Section Completed, Characters & Controls 
Section Completed, Life Upgrade Section Completed. First complete version of 
1.75 (Dec 10, 2005)--Added missing move to Free-Form Fighting Section, Added 
Enemies Section, Boss Strategies Section, and general FAQ to guide. Entire 
guide polished.
1.8 (Dec 11, 2005)--Fixed slight error in Table of Contents, added ASCII art
1.85 (Dec 13, 2005)--Changed answer in FAQ, Added Sand Gate Guard Sword Info 
to Walkthrough; fixed slight error in Free-Form Fighting Sand Moves, many 
thanks to ShadoKnight89 for the correction.
1.9 (Dec 14, 2005)--Added more ASCII art. Now it's a *real* FAQ!
2.0 (Dec 15, 2005)--Cleaned up guide some more, changed some terminology to 
make guide more consistent with the game, added Weapons to Free-Form Fighting 
2.1 (Dec 19, 2005)--Finally located official names of all enemies, adjusted 
guide to reflect this.

This FAQ was made! It is Copyright 2005 Marten "Karma Hunter" Stein. 
Don't take this guide without my permission. If you would like to use it, 
please e-mail me. I'm sure I'll be reasonable.

As of now, these sites have my permission to host this FAQ:

If you'd like to e-mail me to tell me about any stupid mistakes of mine or 
just want to compliment me, you can reach me at:

Don't e-mail me spam, frivolous things, or things that are already in the 
guide please. = D

Thanks to CJayC, for making GameFAQs.

Thanks to all the wonderful posters on the GameFAQs boards, for robbing me of
my social life.

A thanks to ASCII Generator for allowing me to make my own lazy text, to 
ShadoKnight89 for sending in a correction to the guide, and a very special 
thanks to PirateoftheFAQs for submitting his excellent Prince of Persia ASCII 

And last of all, thanks to Ubisoft and Jordan Mechner, for the excellence that 
is Prince of Persia.

Y'all come back now, y'hear!!!
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