Creatures that defy nature...
_______ _______ _______ _________ ______ _______ _ _________
( ____ )( ____ ( ____ __ __/( __ ( ____ ( /|__ __/
| ( )|| ( /| ( / ) ( | ( )| ( /| ( | ) (
| (____)|| (__ | (_____ | | | | ) || (__ | | | | |
| __)| __) (_____ ) | | | | | || __) | ( ) | | |
| ( ( | ( ) | | | | | ) || ( | | | | |
| ) __| (____//____) |___) (___| (__/ )| (____/| ) | | |
|/ __/(_______/_______)_______/(______/ (_______/|/ )_) )_(
_______ _________ _ ___
( ____ | /|__ __/( / )
| ( /| ) ( | ) ( | ( / /) |
| (__ | | | | | | | | / (_) (_
| __) ( ( ) ) | | | | (____ _)
| ( _/ / | | | | ) (
| (____/ / ___) (___| (____/ | |
(_______/ _/ _______/(_______/ (_)
Are they human... or...?
Copyright 2005-2007 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host
any of my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.
I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact
me, and I will contact the site to get it updated.
All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:
Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at
deucestaley@gmail.com or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Please try to get to
the point as fast as possible, as I really, really hate having drawn out
conversations over AIM.
Note: This guide is just my personal advice, information, and thoughts on this
game. If you have different opinions, strategies, and so forth, I will gladly
listen to you. If you have some information that you think would make a good
contribution to this guide, feel free to share.
Second Note: No, I didn't copy DJ's ASCII for the title. It seems he just
happens to use the same ASCII generator and font that I use.
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0.00) A Few Notes Before You Get Started
0.01) Controls
0.02) Things to Know
1.00) Walkthrough
1.11) Chapter 1-1
1.12) Chapter 1-2
1.13) Chapter 1-3
1.21) Chapter 2-1
1.22) Chapter 2-2
1.23) Chapter 2-3
1.31) Chapter 3-1
1.32) Chapter 3-2
1.33) Chapter 3-3
1.34) Chapter 3-4
1.41) Chapter 4-1
1.42) Chapter 4-2
1.43) Chapter 4-3
1.44) Chapter 4-4
1.51) Chapter 5-1
1.52) Chapter 5-2
1.53) Chapter 5-3
1.54) Chapter 5-4
1.60) Final Chapter
1.70) Assignment Ada
2.00) Separate Ways Walkthrough
2.10) Chapter 1: Ring the Church Bell
2.20) Chapter 2: Rescue Luis
2.30) Chapter 3: Retrieve the Sample
2.40) Chapter 4: Stop Leon's Assassination
2.50) Chapter 5: Obtain the Sample
3.00) Other
3.01) Weapons
3.02) Equipment
3.03) Treasures
3.04) Key Items
3.05) The Merchant
4.00) End
4.01) Version History
4.02) Closing
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- This is used to preform various actions when they appear on the screen.
While holding down the R1 button, pressing the X button fires the current
- Hold this while pressing Left Analog to run. Press this and back on Left
Analog to do a 180 degree turn. Press this while holding down the R1 button to
reload the current weapon.
- This opens your item menu.
- This will open your map.
- This will open your options menu.
- Hold this down to aim a weapon, and press the X button while holding the R1
button down to fire. Press the O button while holding R1 to reload. This
button will also rotate items in your inventory.
- Hold this to activate your "quick knife" feature. Press the X button while
holding the L1 button to swing your knife.
- Pressing back on Left Analog and the O button at the same time will cause
your character to quickly turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction of where
they were currently facing. This is invaluable during heated battles, or just
when you need to turn around.
- While holding R1, press the O button to reload the current weapon. You
should always try to remain fully loaded at all times.
- Many crates, barrels, and other items can be destroyed to reveal hidden
items. It's easy and free to break them with your knife, and that's what you
should do most of the time. Just be careful when you break ones that have
snakes in them.
- You can save your game at a Typewriter. Typewriters are scattered
through the levels fairly generously, and I suggest you save often. The game
also keeps a "retry point" save after you enter an area. You can start over
from that point if you die between Typewriters.
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| 1.11) CHAPTER 1-1 |
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Approaching Pueblo
1) Money (Crow)
2) Money (Crow)
3) Spinel (Crow)
4) Handgun Ammo (10) (Top floor of house on a table)
5) Handgun Ammo (10) (On table in first shed)
6) Green Herb (Large box in first shed)
7) Money (Small box on the right in the first shed)
8) Money (Crow)
9) Hand Grenade (Crow)
10) Red Herb (Ground near the wooden fence to the right of the sign post)
11) Money (Large box in second shed)
12) Green Herb (Shelf in second shed)
13) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in third shed)
R) Random (Crate on cart to the left of the house)
R) Random (Small box on the left in first shed)
R) Random (Small box in second shed)
R) Random (Small box in third shed)
R) Random (Small box in third shed)
_______ __
/ . 4 .| ____/
|R . .| __ /
| ... ..|____________/ _/
8 _ _ /
_____ __9_ | . / /
/ / . T 5. / _ . .R . / /
_____ / / .7R 6. 10/ __ .12. .R ./ /
/1 3/ ...... ¯¯¯¯¯¯ 11 R . . /
__ 2 | . .13 /
| _____| . . /
| / __ / /
¯ / /
| / /
|____ / /
/ /
Snipe the crows in front of you if you want, then examine them for some items.
Head for the small house on your left. On the left side of the house, you'll
see a wagon thing with a crate on it. Hold your L1 button to get your knife
out, then press the X button to swing the knife, which will break the crate.
It might drop an item, or it might not. Either way, enter the house through
the front now.
Head to the back of the house to chat with the villager. Once you get control
of Leon again, use your R1 button to aim for the enemy's head, then press the X
button to fire your handgun. You almost always have to hit enemies at least
twice in the head to kill them. After the enemy's been dealt with, check him
for equipment, then head up the stairs in the back of the house. Grab the ammo
from the table, then jump out the window.
Deal with the three enemies down here, then grab their equipment. Head for the
next shack thing behind where the truck used to be. Grab all of the items from
inside and save your game using the typewriter.
(NOTE: You'll encounter a wolf trapped in a bear trap along the path. Will
freeing him be beneficial or detrimental in future events? Don't continue
reading this paragraph if you don't want to know, since my next sentence is
going to tell you. And the answer is yes, freeing the wolf will prove
beneficial later.)
Continue down the trail. You can pick off some more crows here if you'd like.
Grab the Red Herb from the bush to the right of the Pueblo sign, then continue.
Stay on the path, since there are traps in the shrubs. Be especially careful
not to walk into the tripwires between the trees, since they'll blast you.
When you make it past the tripwires, another enemy will attack you. Deal with
him, then head up the hill to continue your way down the path.
When you approach the next cabin, two more enemies will appear. Take care of
both of them, then enter the cabin to collect all of the items inside. Head
down the path to cross the rope bridge next. There's an enemy waiting inside
the cabin on the left, so don't just blindly run in there. Take care of him,
then grab the items. Open the gate at the end of the path when you're done.
1) Green Herb (Log pile)
2) Red Herb (Crate near second log pile)
3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Far upper-right structure on table)
4) Alert Order file (Wall of far upper-right structure)
5) Shotgun Shells (10) (Top of the tower)
6) Handgun Ammo (10) (Wood next to locked door)
7) Green Herb (East side of southern house in some wood)
8) Red Herb (Cart behind southern house)
9) Yellow Herb (Large box behind barn)
10) Flash Grenade (Large box in south-west shack)
11) Shotgun Shells (5) (Small crate in southern house)
12) Money (Bed in southern house)
13) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shelf in western structure)
14) Incendiary Grenade (Small box in western structure)
15) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shelf in north-east structure)
16) Money (Table in upper floor, north-east structure)
17) Shotgun Shells (5) (Bed in upper floor, north-east structure)
18) Hand Grenade (Smash glass in upper floor, north-east structure)
19) Shotgun (Wall on upper floor, north-east structure)
20) Spinel (Roof of north-east structure)
21) 10,000 Pesetas (Chainsaw guy if you enter the north-east house)
22) Ruby (Chainsaw guy if you attempt to exit out the north-east)
23) Handgun Ammo (10) (chimney on the roof of the structure)
24) Money (Barrel in north-east structure below stairs)
R) Random (Crate on left side of table in north-western structure)
R) Random (Barrel in north-western structure) . /23/
R) Random (Small box in south-west shack) . . / /
R) Random (Barrel in southern house) . ./ .
R) Random (Barrel in southern house) . . . .
R) Random (Barrel in north-east structure below stairs) . 4 .
R) Random (Crate in small north-eastern structure) . . 3.
_______________________________..... / / . .
/ 2 .R . / / .
/ ........ ........ .. ./ /
__/ . 13 23. .181915. / /
/ . R. .16 R24. / /
/ . 14. . ......... /
/ / . R... . . ....
/ / . . . / . 5. /
/ / ...... . 17 20 . | . /
/1 / ............ .. | /
/ / / | /
/ / / | / /6 /
| / ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ / //
| | / 21 /
| | / / /
___| |___/ / /
/ / /
/ ______________ / /
/ / /
/ / | . .----... ...... |
| | . . . . |
| | . . .R .7 |
| | . .----....... .. |
| | . . 8 .R . |
___| | . . .11 . |
| | . 12 . |
.... | ...... /
. | 9 |
. . | _______________|
.10R. | __________/
..... |
| |
| |
¯¯ ¯¯
Head into the town, taking a look with your binoculars if you want. You can
try to sneak around the village without being seen, but it won't help you -
there's no way you can leave until the villagers notice you, at which time
you'll be forced to fight them off. There's no set method you have to use to
accomplish this, but there are a few things you should keep in mind:
1) Trying to leave the village will result in an angry villager armed with a
chainsaw attacking you. While this might seem like a bad thing, you'll get a
Ruby from him if you kill him.
2) Entering the large house with the fence in front of it will also result in
an attack by a chainsaw villager. This one will drop 10,000 pesetas when you
kill him. Even better yet - there's a shotgun on the wall on the second floor
of the house, which will make the battle much easier.
If you'd like to make as much money and collect as many items as possible, you
should first run through the village to get the attention of the villagers,
then attempt to exit the village through the gate past the tower. Once the
first chainsaw guy and the rest of the villagers are chasing you, enter the
house with the fence in front of it to make the second chainsaw guy appear.
A cutscene will occur when you enter the house. After it's over, make Leon
shove the large shelf in front of the window to delay the villagers, then raid
the house. Your first stop should be the second floor, so run up the stairs
and grab the shotgun from the wall at the top. Smash the glass on the shelf to
find a very helpful hand grenade, then grab the pesetas from the nearby table
as well as the shotgun shells from the bed.
Run back down the stairs now, then run past the large table and smash the
barrels underneath the stairs to find some items (and don't forget the hand gun
bullets on the shelf). Get in the far back corner behind the table to prepare
for the upcoming fight. The villagers will eventually break through the window
and door, so be prepared to stop them from reaching you.
The best way to do this is to aim for the legs of the first group to make them
fall down, then toss a hand grenade over there when a large enough group of
them are there. Hopefully you can get the chainsaw guys with the grenades too,
but if not, you'll need to knock them down with the shotgun. Make absolutely
sure you kill the chainsaw guys first if you want to get their treasures, since
the battle will end after a while and any enemies that aren't dead yet will
just vanish.
If you find yourself having trouble fighting off such a large hoard inside the
house, you can always avoid entering it and making the chainsaw men appear.
You won't get as much booty after the fight, but it should be considerably
easier for you. Instead of fighting from that house, simply enter a different
structure and use the same strategy. The house across from the large one is
particularly good, since you can get in the bedroom and defend the single door.
After the battle, make sure to scour the village for items (refer to the
picture for item locations). Once you're sure you've collected all the items
you can, head through the gate near the tower.
B = Blue Medallion
1) Pearl Pendant (Above well, shoot support stick first, then shoot pendant)
2) Incendiary Grenade (Barrel behind north-western shack)
3) Spinel (Crate in north-eastern shack)
4) Spinel (Cabinet in south-western shed)
5) Money (Cabinet in south-western shed)
6) Money (Barrel in far south-east corner of south-western shed)
7) Handgun Ammo (10) (Cabinet on upper level of south-western shed)
8) Beerstein (Crate in south-eastern shed, reached from shed's roof)
9) About the Blue Medallions file (Tree to the west of south-western shed)
R) Random (Barrel in far-western shed by typewriter)
R) Random (Barrel in western-central shed)
R) Random (Barrel in north-eastern shack)
R) Random (Small crate on table)
R) Random (Small crate on shelf in south-western shed)
R) Random (Barrel in south-western shed)
R) Random (Barrel in south-western shed)
B) Above and to the left of north-east exit gates
B) Dangling from windmill near north-east exit gates
B) Dangling from northern window of south-western shed
B) Dangling from top of the roof on the south side of the south-western shed
B) Dangling from a tree branch near the About the Blue Medallions file
B) Dangling from southern window in western-central shed
B) Dangling from a tree branch east of north-western shed
/ 2 |
/ .... | B
/ . . |_________________________________/
/ . . B | / R /
/ | | /
| | /
... ... | /
. . | ....B
__________. ._____| 3R.
/ . R. _______....
| ... ... |
| B B |
|1 .... ....
..... . R.-----
.R . ______ ____.4 . |
.T / . . |
..... / . .. ...
/ | 9 . . 8 . |
/ ______|___B .R R.......________ |
/ / .5 7 6.
/ / .... ....
/ / B |
/ / ¯¯ |
There's a typewriter in the hut on the left, so use it immediately. There are
only a few villagers here, so don't worry too much about causing a scene.
Next to the shack the typewriter is in, you'll see a well, and there's a
necklace dangling above it. Shoot the poll holding the wooden slab up, then
shoot the necklace where it's hanging from the wood to knock it down. (If you
fail to shoot the stick first, the necklace will fall into the water, causing a
significant reduction in its sale price.) Grab the necklace, then turn around
to deal with the villagers that will attack you for making noise.
There are items scattered throughout the farm, so start scouring the area.
Don't miss the grenade in a barrel behind one of the shacks, and don't miss the
"beerstein" item (you need to jump out the window in the hayloft, then fall to
the lower level on the right side of the walkway to reach the crate where the
beerstein is).
You'll also want to take the blue poster attached to a tree near the entrance.
Take the poster, then use your map to track down the seven blue jewels in the
farm area. Shoot them all, then save at the typewriter and exit the area
through the next gate.
B = Bear Trap
E = Explosives (Tripwire bombs)
1) Spinel (Roof of tunnel)
2) Spinel (Roof of tunnel)
3) Spinel (Left box in north-west shack)
4) Hand Grenade (Table in middle structure)
5) Red Catseye (Bird's nest in tree)
6) Money (Cabinet in typewriter room)
7) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table near typewriter)
8) Green Herb (Cabinet in east house) _________________................
9) Money (Table in east house) / | . T . .
R) Random (Crate on ground past bird nest) / . . . .
R) Random (Crate in western shack) ..... E | 7 .E. ....
R) Random (Barrel in middle structure) .3R B | . 6. . .
R) Random (Barrel in middle structure)/. E . ....... .. .
_/ . .. ....... R .E .
_________________________| .4 . | 5 .8 9 .
/ 1 2 .... . | .......
/ _______________________ B . . ---- ---|
/ / |___ B . . /
/ / B .RR /
/ / ....... ____/
| | ___/
| | _____________/
| |
| |
/ |
/ /
Start to run down the hill, and some villagers will have an interesting
surprise for you. Start jamming your X button as fast as possible, and when
the notice pops up on the screen, jam those buttons (either R1+L1 or X+Square)
to dodge the rock.
Head through the tunnel at the bottom of the hill, shooting the two shiny spots
in the ceiling to get two Spinels. At the end of the tunnel, you'll see
another red sign with skulls attached to it. That means there are traps in the
area. In this instance, the traps are bear traps, tripwires, and villagers
armed with dynamite.
Pick off the villager standing in the open first, then pick off the one inside
the house in front of you. Look at the ground and shoot the bear traps to set
them off, then set off the tripwire inside the small shed. Deal with the
villager on the far side of that shed, then deal with the explosive-throwing
villager inside the house on that end.
Enter the first house through the window in the back, then take all of the
items you can find in it. Jump back out through the window, then shoot the
nest in the tree between the two houses to collect a Red Catseye. There's a
crate on the right side of the large house, so go grab its contents, then kick
the locked door to get inside the large house. (You can use your knife or a
bullet to break the lock instantly if you'd prefer.)
Grab the ammo from the table and the money from the cabinet, then save your
game. Enter the small hallway, stand back, and shoot one of the explosives.
Shoot one of the explosives in the next room too, then grab the money from the
table and the Green Herb from the cabinet. Push the bookshelf away from the
next doorway, then enter the next area and open the cabinet.
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| 1.12) CHAPTER 1-2 |
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Valley Camp
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shelf in western structure)
2) Rifle Ammo (5) (Table near the typewriter in western structure)
3) Red Herb (Barrel south of western structure)
4) Green Herb (Barrel on east side of western structure)
5) Emblem - Left Half (Treasure chest at top of south-east hill)
6) Rifle Ammo (5) (Barrel on top of south-east hill)
7) Shotgun Shells (5) (Shelf in southern part of central structure)
8) Handgun Ammo (10) (On a box in northern part of central structure)
9) Flash Genade (Locker in north-west corner central structure)
10) Emblem - Right Half (Treasure chest on top of central structure)
11) Money (Locker in eastern structure)
12) Yellow Herb (Locker in eastern structure)
13) Shotgun Shells (5) (Barrel high above eastern structure)
R) Random (Barrel south of western structure)
R) Random (Barrel north of central structure)
R) Random (Barrel on east side of central structure)
R) Random (Barrel on roof of central structure)
R) Random (Barrel on top of south-east hill)
R) Random (Barrel on west side of eastern scructure)
R) Random (Barrel on west side of eastern scructure)
/R _______
|.. ....... _ R......
|.9 R / | __ R.1112.
|. . | / / . ....13_
|. 8 .... | / /
|. R | | | _
|. 10 . | | | |
|..... . | | | /
_______________ |. 7 . _/ / / /
| _ | |.. .... | / / /
| ....... | | | |_ ____/ / / /
| . 2T | | | | | / / /¯¯
| . .... | | | | | / / ____/
| M. .4 | | | | | | | / 6R5/
| . .... | | | __| |_____| | ___/ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
| . . | | | / __| / ___/
| . 1 . / | |_/ /¯¯¯¯¯¯ | / /
| ......./ | /| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /
| 3R/ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Press the buttons shown on the screen to avoid the villager's axe. Grab the
ammo from the nearby shelf once you get control of Leon, then head around the
corner, grab the ammo, and use the typewriter to save.
Exit the house and take a left, working your way behind the building to where
the weapons guy is. What you buy/upgrade is really just a matter of how you
like to play. Here's a list of items you should have right now that you should
go ahead and sell:
Spinel [7]....................14000
Pearl Pendant.................10000
Ruby..........................10000 (if you killed first Pueblo chainsaw guy)
Don't sell the Red Catseye or the Beerstein, as they can be combined with other
items later to increase their sale price. I suggest you upgrade your handgun
and shotgun as much as possible, and hold off on the Rifle for now. You can
go without it until you get the chance to get a better one later. If you're
going to buy a new weapon (such as the rifle or TMP), you'll also want the
Attache Case M. If not, you can probably do just fine without it.
Attache Case M................24000 Handgun: Firepower 2 (1.2)...........7000
Treasure Map (Village).........3000 Firing Speed 2 (0.40).......5000
Handgun........................8000 Reload Speed 2 (1.47).......4000
Shotgun.......................20000 Capacity 2 (13).............4000
Rifle.........................12000 Shotgun: Firepower 2 (4.5)..........15000
TMP...........................10000 Reload Speed 2 (2.43).......7000
Rocket Launcher...............30000 Capacity 2 (8)..............8000
Scope (Rifle)..................7000 Rifle: Firepower 2 (5.0)..........10000
First Aid Spray............... 5000 Reload Speed 2 (3.23).......8000
Capacity 2 (7)..............6000
Once you're done shopping, continue down the path behind the weapon seller to
find some crates, smash them, and take their items. Head back around the
buidling to the doors leading to the main camp. Get your shotgun out and
prepare to waste a ton of enemies. Stay where you are at first, blasting them
as they come up the ramp. When you get an openning, run down the ramp, then
head up the next ramp on the right.
Kill the guy up here, then open the chest and get the items from the barrels.
Turn to face the ramp again, since there's likely to be a hoard of enemies
coming up it. Blast them until they all stop coming, grab their items, and go
back down the ramp.
Enter the shack across the bridge and grab the ammo, then open the next door.
There're three guys in there, so kill them all. Take the ladder to the roof
and grab the item from the treasure box, then jump down. Finish scouring the
area for guys and items, then head for the gate leading out of the area. (Make
sure you don't miss the Yellow Herb in the cabinet inside the shack close to
the gate.)
Approach the gate and press X. You'll find yourself inside your items menu.
Select one of the two artifact pieces you just picked up, then select the
Combine option in its submenu. Combine it with the other half of the artifact,
then select the completed artifact and chose the Use option. You'll be able to
open the gate, so go ahead.
Water Works
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Inside southern furnace)
2) Spinel (Inside northern furnace)
3) Elegant Mask (Shelf in small center room, smash boards to enter window)
4) Green Herb (Barrel in central area)
5) Handgun Ammo (10) (In water near exit)
6) Flash Grenade (In water near exit)
7) Money (In water near exit)
R) Random (Barrel in western area)
R) Random (Barrel in western area)
R) Random (Barrel in western area)
R) Random (Barrel in entry room)
R) Random (Barrel in front of first window)
R) Random (Barrel in central area)
R) Random (Barrel in north-east area)
R) Random (Barrel in north-east area)
There are also fish in the water near the exit.
__ | |
| R| |_ _________________ |
| | | | R| | | R| |________
____| | |4 | R| | 5 |
/ | R | |_______ _| | | 6 |
/ | ¯¯¯|_| R| 3|------- 2| | 7 |
/ |__| | |___ ___|
/ _ |R | ------ 1|
/ | R| |___ _| |¯¯|___________
/ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | |________|
/ _/ | |________ |
/ / | |
/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Destroy the three barrels in this area and grab their items before openning the
double doors. There's another barrel in the first room of the structure, so
take its item as well. When you go through the next door, you'll be spotted by
several enemies. Eliminate them, take their items, and work your way around
to the other end of the path.
Smash the crate and grab anything that it happened to contain, then jump
through one of the windows next to it. There will be several enemies behind a
sandbag wall, two of which are armed with explosives. Blast them before they
get the chance to throw, but if they do, run behind the brown dumpster and
press the X button to use the crouch option.
Once the guards are dealt with, use your handgun to disarm those pesky bear
traps, then raid the barrels and furnaces for some items. Make your way to the
door behind the sandbags, making sure to avoid the bear traps. Two more
enemies will come out of the door, so make sure you don't let your guard down.
The next room contains a boarded-up window. Break the boards with your knife
and jump through, grab the Mask from the wall, and return to the hallway.
Check the barrels here for items, then head out the next door and down the
ramp. There're two more guards down here, then you can climb the ladder to
safety. But first, jump down into the water on the left. There are some items
in it, and you can also kill the fish if you need some quick energy (or you can
keep the large ones in your inventory and sell them, assuming you have room to
Chief's House
1) Money (First Crow)
2) Money (Second Crow)
3) Money (Third Crow)
4) Brass Pocket Watch (Break stick holding well open, then shoot the item)
5) Money (Closet in Chief's room)
6) Chief's Note (Bed in Chief's room)
7) Insignia Key (Table in Chief's room)
8) Handgun Ammo (10) (Desk drawer in Chief's room)
R) Random (Barrel in first shed)
R) Random (Crate in first shed
| ..... __ ______________
| 4 .R R. ___________________/ _______ |
| .. . 2 | _____| |
| 3 ___________________ | |5 |
| 1 ____/ | | 6 |
|__________/ ___| | 8|
| 7 |
Use your handgun to kill the first crow, then use another shot to set off the
bomb on the trees ahead. That will kill the other two crows, so shoot the
three bear traps on the ground, then collect the crows' items. Near the hole
you just crawled out of, you'll find a pocket watch dangling over a well.
Shoot the stick holding the lid up, then shoot the watch down to retrieve it.
Destroy the crate and barrel in the small shack to look for items, then run to
the door of the house.
The door on the upper level has a blue orb on it. Rotate it once up, then once
left to open the door. Grab the key from the table in front of you, the money
from the cabinet between the two doors, the handgun ammo from the desk drawer,
and the note off of the bed, then open the next door.
| |
| |
| 1.13) CHAPTER 1-3 |
| |
| |
Chief's House
. _____________/ /
. . / 8 /
. ./ ______________/
1) Green Herb (Cabinet at top of stairs). 7 /
2) Money (Cabinet on west side) . /
3) Incendiary Grenade (Glass shelf) . /
4) Brown Chicken Egg (Oven) / 6 /
5) Ruby (Chainsaw guy) / /
6) Spinel (Nest in tree) / /
7) Red Herb (Crate in shed) / /
8) TMP Ammo (50) (Nest in tree) / /
/ /
/ |
/ 5|
/ |
______________ _______/ |
| |Stairs |4 | |
| |--- | | |
| | | /
|¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯ | | /
| 2| | | /
| | /
| | | _/
|3 T| /
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
If you want to see an interesting scene, step back into the previous room.
When you're done, open the cabinet at the end of this hallway to find an herb,
then head downstairs. You can blast the guy in the bathroom under the stairs
if you'd like, then search the rest of this area for items and use the
typewriter. Head out the next door when you're ready.
You'll immediately attract the attention of a villager armed with a chainsaw,
and at least two other villagers in the area. Use the shotgun to deal with
them, but keep in mind that it takes a minimum of six shells to the head to
kill the chainsaw dude.
Continue down the path once you've collected all their items, and slaugher any
other villagers you encounter along the way. There's a crate in the small
shack, and there are two bird nests along the path. Make sure you destroy them
all to collect their items. Unlock the double doors at the end of the path to
enter Pueblo again.
. / /
X) The locked entrance to the tunnel area. . . / /
. ./ .
. . . .
. .
. . .
_______________________________..... / / . .
/ . . / / .
/ ........ ....... .. ./ /
__/ . . . . / /
/ . . . . / /
/ . ... . .......... /
/ / .. . . . ....
/ / . . . . / . . /
/ / . . . | . /
/ / .. ............ .. | /
/ / / | /
/ / / | / / /
| / ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ X //
| | / /
| | / / /
___| |___/ / /
/ / /
/ ______________ / /
/ / /
/ / | . .----... ...... |
| | . . . . |
| | . . . . |
| | . .----....... .. |
| | . . . . |
___| | . . . . |
| | . . |
.... | ...... /
. | |
. . | _______________|
. . | __________/
..... |
| |
| |
¯¯ ¯¯
You'll start right next to the hut I suggested you use to defend against the
villagers the first time you were here. It will work well again this time, so
I suggest you duck in there quickly and waste the enemies as they walk in.
Grab their items, then head to the main part of town.
Enter any buildings you might've missed earlier, but keep your eyes peeled for
villagers on the rooftops. They'll throw hatchets at you, but you can usually
knock them down with a handgun shot or two. When you're ready, approach the
door on the building where the villagers all vanished earlier. You can use the
key in your inventory to open it.
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shelf)
2) TMP Ammo (50) (Barrel) /
3) Spinel (Lantern on ceiling) /R
4) Spinel (Ceiling, shoot lantern to see it better) 1 T
5) Spinel (Ceiling, shoot lantern to see it better) /
6) Elegant Headdress (Ceiling, shoot lantern to see better) / 2
R) Random (Box to the right of the entrance) / /
R) Random (Box in alcove) / 3 /
/ /
/ /
/ //
/ /
Attache Case M.................24000
Treasure Map (Village)..........3000
Shotgun........................20000 ______
Rifle..........................12000 | 6
TMP............................10000 R
Rocket Launcher................30000 |
*Stock (TMP).....................4000 4|
Scope (Rifle)...................7000 |
First Aid Spray.................5000 5|
| |
/ /
TMP: Firepower 2 (0.5)........7000 / /
Reload Speed 2 (1.93)....5000 / /
Capacity 2 (50)..........7000 ____/ /
| |
|M |
| |
¯¯| |¯
Grab the ammo from the shelf, then use the typewriter to save your game. Open
the next door, stand back, and shoot the lantern on the ceiling to get a Spinel
from it. Open the hatch on the ground and jump down. When you get to an open
area in the tunnel, shoot the lantern, then shoot the three shining areas on
the ceiling to find two Spinels and an Elegant Headdress.
Continue down the tunnel, and you will eventually find yourself in front of a
merchant. You should have the following items to sell to him right now:
Spinel [5]................10000
Brass Pocket Watch........10000
Elegant Headdress.........10000
DO NOT sell your Red Catseye, Beerstein, or Elegant Mask. There isn't much new
here at this time, so take a quick look to see if anything interests you, then
head out the nearby door and exit the area.
__| B | B __________ __
/ 4 | | |B |
/2/¯ 3 | | | 9|
/ / 5 | | | |
/ / | | |__________| |
/1/ ....| ------| 8 | | ......
. . / / | . 10.
.6 B/ __/ | . 11.
.7R. | | . ..._
.... B | _______| / _____B
________________|__________ | _ / /
______/ / /
1) Hand Grenade (Nest in tree) / /
2) Rifle Ammo (10) (Nest in tree) ________/ ___/ /B | |
3) Money (Crow) _____/ B| |
4) Money (Crow) | |
5) Handgun Ammo (10) (Crow) | _____
6) Handgun Ammo (10) (Crate on shelf) |
7) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table) |
8) Incendiary Grenade (Nest in tree) ______|
9) Green Catseye (Puzzle behind church)
10) Snake (Box on table)
11) Closure of the Church (Table)
R) Random (Crate on table)
R) Random (Crate on shelf)
Head up the trail, blasting a nest on a tree branch along the way. When you
reach the cemetary, take a right. One enemy will attack from the shack, and
another will attack from the cemetary. Eliminate them both, raid the shack,
then start picking off the crows nearby for some items.
Start searching the area for the rest of the blue pendants, three of which are
in the main cemetary area. There's another one on the left side of the church,
and one behind the church. While you're behind the church, rotate the thing on
the pedestal seven times using the 3 option, then another five times with the 4
option, then one more time with the 3 option to collect the Green Catseye.
Head for the wooden plank area along the water next. There are a few more
enemies around here, and there are also three more blue medallions, so keep
your eyes peeled and destroy them. Take the document from the small shack, and
smash both boxes. The one on the table has a snake in it, so be careful when
you open it. Head to the end of the planks when you're ready, kill the last
enemy, and open the door.
Storage Area
| ___
|2 ___ 1) Flash Grenade (Crow)
| _ 2) Spinel (On cart)
| 3) Spinel (Table in shack)
| 4) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in shack)
| 5) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in shack)
| ________ R) Random (Barrel)
| CCCCC R R R) Random (Barrel)
___ | CC1CC R) Random (Barrel)
| | CCCCC ____ C) Money (14 of them) (Crows)
|__| 5 | | |
R 4 _| | |
____ 3 _/
| /
Approach the gathering of crows and toss a grenade at them, then collect their
items. If you missed some of them, exit the room and use another grenade to
get the rest of them. Search the shacks and the rest of the area for some
items, including two Spinels. Head for the lower set of double doors when
you're ready.
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (On boxes) | |
R) Random (Barrel behind merchant) | |
R) Random (Barrel on right side of Typewriter) | |
| |
| |
| |
Attache Case M....................24000 | |
Treasure Map (Village).............3000 _______________| |
Handgun............................8000 | T R |
Shotgun...........................20000 | 1|
Rifle.............................12000 | ___ ___|
TMP...............................10000 | | | | |
Rocket Launcher...................30000 | M | | | |
Stock (TMP)........................4000 | | | | |
Scope (Rifle)......................7000 |____| | | |
First Aid Spray....................5000 | R | |__|
Punisher: Firepower 2 (1.1).........10000
Firing Speed 2 (0.40).....10000
Reload Speed 2 (1.47)......8000
Capacity 2 (13)............8000
Note: The Punisher will be sold here for free if you've destroyed at least
ten of the blue medallions. If you've destroyed all fifteen, it will
be sold for free and it will come with the level two firepower upgrade.
Grab the ammo down here and destroy the barrels, then talk to the merhcant.
He'll offer to sell you the Punisher, a handgun that has piercing bullets.
Whether you use the weapon or not is up to you, but definitely buy it while
it's free. If you use it for a while and don't like it, sell it. At least
you'll get some money out of it that way. You should have the following items
to sell to the merchant right now:
Spinel [2]...........4000
DO NOT SELL your Green Catseye, Red Catseye, Beerstein, or Elegant Mask. Head
back to the previous area when you're done.
Storage Area
Take a right at the top of the stairs and head through the double doors.
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in hut)
2) Spinel (High on cliff wall)
3) Hand Grenade (In the water)
4) Shotgun Shells (10) (West box in shed)
5) TMP Ammo (50) (Barrel in shed) ____________
6) Antique Pipe (Nest in tree) . /
7) Incendiary Grenade (Bench) . . / __________
8) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in second shack) . ./ /
S) Snake in a crate .8 . /
__________________________ .S /
/ . /
_. ...____________ / ___/ /
.R 1. 2 / / /
..... __ / . ./
/ _______________/ . ./
/3 . . |
. ... . . . .
. . .4S5. . . . |
| . . ... . .... .. |
| . . . . |
| . .... . ... . |
| . . ...6.7. . |
__ . . .... /
| |
Grab the items from the shack near your position, then start down the hill.
You'll have to avoid another rolling rock, so get ready to press whatever
buttons pop up on your screen. When you're safely at the bottom, turn around
(press the O button and Back on the left analog stick to do a quick-turn). You
should be able to see a shiny spot on the cliff, so shoot it, then collect the
Spinel that drops.
Continue down to the docks. The place will soon be swarming with enemies, so I
suggest getting your shotgun out. Enter the first shack you come to, but be
careful of the crate on the shelf, since it contains a snake. Jump into the
water on the right side and work your way to the other end of the area,
blasting enemies as you go. Watch out for tripwires and snakes in the water.
When you get to the ramp leading back onto the second part of the dock, look in
the nearby tree for a nest and shoot it. Grab the Antique Pipe that comes out
of it, then head up the ramp. Grab the grenade from the bench, then run to the
end of the wood area to find a second shack. Eliminate the two enemies near
it, then kill the snake inside the crate in the shack. Head up the path and go
through the door when you're ready.
Items in this area include:
Red Herb (near the big tree at the top of the hill)
Gold Bangle w/Pearls (nest in a tree near the first shack)
Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in first shack)
Yellow Herb (Crate in first shack)
Green Herb (Table in second shack)
Random (Barrel in second shack)
Fish (in the water, kill them and pick them up with the boat)
Head all the way up the hill and approach the cliff to the right to witness a
rather interesting scene. When it's done, grab the Red Herb from the ground
near the large tree, then head back down the path. Take a left when you can,
and knock the nest out of the large tree on the left just before the first
shack to get the Gold Bangle w/Pearls item.
Grab the items from both shacks, then use the typewriter in the second shack.
Head for the Lake and enter the motor boat. Steer the boat towards the other
side of the lake until a scene occurs, then be prepared for a fun little fight.
As you're dragged along, avoid the debris in the water. When you get an
opportunity, hold your R1 button, aim, and press the X button to throw a
harpoon. If you score a hit, immediately hold left or right on the controller
to avoid ramming the thing. When the boat stands still, it means you're going
to get rushed. Keep your eyes peeled, and when it approaches, hit it in the
face with a harpoon. Even though it's still charging towards you, it'll
submerge at the last second, and the process will repeat.
Continue this process until it runs away. When it does, press the button
displayed on the screen as fast as you can until you accomplish your task. If
you get knocked out of the boat at any time, press the X button as fast as
possible to get back in. Note that it does hurt you to get knocked out of the
boat, so make sure you heal yourself if necessary.
| |
| |
| 1.21) CHAPTER 2-1 |
| |
| |
Items in this area include:
Anonymous Letter (Bed in large shack)
Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in large shack)
Flash Grenade (Table in large shack)
Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in second shack [respawned])
Random (Crate in first shack [respawned])
Randm (Barrel in second shack [respawned])
Random (Crate in large shack)
Fish (in the water, kill them and pick them up with the boat)
Raid the cabin for items, including a letter on the bed. Use the typewriter,
then exit the cabin. If necessary, you can fish for some Bass to use as
recovery items. Get in the boat when you're ready and head back to the dock
where you were earlier. The items in those two sheds will have regenerated, so
grab them again, then get back on the boat. Head for the cave on the left side
of the Lake. (You can also backtrack all the way to Pueblo and collect new
items if you'd like, but you will eventually have to head for the path near the
cabin where Leon woke up.)
Merchant's Cave
Items in this area include:
Spinel (Lantern on right side of merchant's shack)
Green Gem (Barrel on roof of shack)
Rifle Ammo (10) (Inside shack, drop down from the roof)
Random (Eight barrels, three on each side of the shack and two on the roof)
Explore the area thoroughly before you do anything else. A large crate on the
left platform can by pushed out of your way, which reveals a ladder heading to
the roof of the hut. Get up there, push the rest of the boxes, and collect any
items you find along the way, including a Green Gem. The lantern on the right
side of the shack also has a Spinel stuck to the bottom.
Attache Case M..............24000 Handgun: Firepower 3 (1.4)..........10000
Treasure Map (Village).......3000 Capacity 3 (16).............6000
Handgun......................8000 Shotgun: Firepower 3 (5.0)..........20000
Shotgun.....................20000 Capacity 3 (10)............10000
Rifle.......................12000 Rifle: Firepower 3 (6.0)..........12000
TMP.........................10000 Capacity 3 (9)..............8000
Rocket Launcher.............30000
Stock (TMP)..................4000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray.............10000
Jump down and talk to the merchant. You should have the following items to
sell to the merchant right now:
Spinel [2]...................4000
Antique Pipe................10000
Gold Bangle w/Pearls........10000
DO NOT SELL your Green Catseye, Red Catseye, Beerstein, Elegant Mask, or Green
Gem. You'll want to combine those with some items later to sell them for a
higher price. Upgrade any weapons you'd like upgraded, then get back on the
Drive back to the cabin on the far side of the lake and use the typewriter if
you want. After that, head through the gate near the cabin to enter the
Waterfall area.
Kill both of the enemies, grab their items (including a whopping five thousand
pesetas from one guy), then jump across the dam to the other side of the river.
Head for the next set of jumps, jump across, then use the rope to go down the
There's a guy on a high platform near you, so take care of him first. There's
a Spinel on the wall by the rope, and there's handgun ammo and a barrel on the
platform where you shot the guy. Next on the agenda is shooting the chains on
thee crates above the water. This will make a series of platforms for you to
jump across, so go ahead and do so. Don't bother heading right yet, since
you'll have to do that later anyway.
Climb the ladder and use the lever up there, then head back to the boxes on the
water. When you get to the middle, you'll be in for a bad surprise. Jump back
the way you came as fast as possible, or you're pretty much guaranteed to get
hit from one side or the other (or both). Deal with all of the townspeople,
then head for the waterfall.
Blast all of the torches and barrels in the area, and don't miss the shiny spot
between the two torches for an Amber Ring. Head through the waterfall when
you're ready. At the end of the tunnel, you'll find a large set of doors.
Take the Round Insignia off of it, then head out the next set of doors.
Turn around and destroy the torch near the door for a Spinel, then destroy any
barrels you can find. Get on the boat, then exit it.
Attache Case M..............24000 (No new ones are offered at this time.)
Treasure Map (Village).......3000
Rocket Launcher.............30000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray..............5000
You should have the following items to sell to the merchant right now:
Spinel [2]...................4000
Amber Ring..................10000
DO NOT SELL your Green Catseye, Red Catseye, Beerstein, Elegant Mask, or Green
Gem. You'll want to combine those with some items later to sell them for a
higher price. Use the typewriter if necessary, then head out of the area using
the ladder.
Storage Area
Smash the two barrels and take their items, then head to the left where the
main part of the room is. You're in for another surprise, and this one's even
better than the last one. I suggest getting whatever weapon you're most
comfortable with (I used my trusty shotgun, obviously) and blasting the thing
in the face as fast as possible.
When you do enough damage, it'll fall down. Run to it and press the X button,
then continue pressing the button displayed on the screen as fast as possible.
You have to do this pattern a minimum of three times before the battle will
finish. If he tries any special attacks on you, press the appropriate buttons
displayed on the screen to avoid them.
(NOTE: Want to make this a really easy fight? Use Flash grenades. It'll
stun the thing just long enough for you to dump the appropriate amount of
shotgun shells into it. If you have three Flash grenades, this will be an
extremely easy fight.)
After the battle, search the area for items. There's a lot of ammo, a red and
a yellow herb, a Spinel, and a pile of pesetas from the monster, among other
things. Head through the gate to return to the Cemetary.
Take the items from the shack on the right side of the path, then head into the
main part of the cemetary. Three wolves will greet you right in front of the
church. Blast them quickly with a grenade or your shotgun, then take their
items. Raid the shack in the main part of the cemetary for items, and take the
items from the two nests in the trees on the far side of the cemetary. Open
the main door of the church when you're ready.
Take the money off of the table on the left side of the alter, then smash the
barrel in the hallway on the right. Take the ladder to the upper level, then
swing across the chandelier. Smash the barrels up here for some more items,
then head for the console thing to control the lights.
Rotate red twice, green three times, blue once, then choose Combine. The gates
on the side of the room will go up, so head over there and open the door.
Smash all of the barrels in here to get items, then open the door to leave.
Head for the ladder on the right side of the area and jump down, then approach
the ladder and press the X button to have Ashley jump. Enter the main part of
the church to finish this section of the chapter.
| |
| |
| 1.22) CHAPTER 2-2 |
| |
| |
Destroy all of the barrels and take their items, then open the door to exit.
Run towards the main part of the cemetary, then take Ashley's advice and shoot
the barrels on the wagon. Take care of any survivors, then take all of the
items they dropped.
Head down the trail to the shack with the tunnel entrance in it and head down.
Attache Case M..............24000 TMP: Firepower 3 (0.6).........14000
Treasure Map (Village).......3000 Capacity 3 (100)..........15000
Handgun......................8000 Punisher: Firepower 3 (1.3).........15000
*Red9........................14000 Capacity 3 (16)...........10000
Shotgun.....................20000 Red9: Firepower 2 (1.7).........15000
Rifle.......................12000 Firing Speed 2 (0.47).....10000
TMP.........................10000 Reload Speed 2 (2.20)......6000
Rocket Launcher.............30000 Capacity 2 (10)............6000
*Stock (Red9).................4000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray..............5000
You should have the following items to sell to the merchant right now:
Spinel [3]...................6000
DO NOT SELL your Green Catseye, Red Catseye, Beerstein, Elegant Mask, or Green
Gem. You'll want to combine those with some items later to sell them for a
higher price.
Head up the tunnel and exit it at the end. Make sure you destroy the barrel
and crate in the house, and don't forget to shoot the lantern for another
Spinel. Save your game with the typewriter, then exit the house.
There are at least eight villagers around the town, so keep your eyes open at
all times. Grab all of the new items around town, including a Spinel on the
top of the tower. Make your way to the doors leading to the Farm, but watch
out for villagers and bear traps on the ground. Head through the doors as soon
as you're ready.
Run to the dumpster on the right and use your X button to have Ashley hide in
it. Enter the small shack on the left to grab some items, including a file.
Save with the typewriter, then enter the main part of the Farm.
There are at least another eight villagers scattered around here, so start
hunting them down and eliminating them. Search the structures thoroughly,
since many of them have new items. The two-story barn is especially full of
items, so make sure you raid it. Just be careful of the bear traps on the
Climb the ladder in there, take a left, and run straight forward to the ladder.
Jump down and remove the bear traps in the area, then press X to whistle for
Ashley (only do that if you're sure you've cleared the Farm of villagers).
Approach the double doors here with Ashley following you, then press the A
button to initiate the Piggyback option.
Fortified House
There's a merchant in front of the bridge, but he doesn't have much to offer at
this point in time.
Attache Case M..............24000 (No new upgrades are offered here.)
Treasure Map (Village).......3000
Rocket Launcher.............30000
Stock (Red9).................4000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray..............5000
You should have the following items to sell to the merchant right now:
Spinel [2]...................4000
DO NOT SELL your Green Catseye, Red Catseye, Beerstein, Elegant Mask, or Green
Gem. You'll want to combine those with some items later to sell them for a
higher price. Cross the bridge when you're ready.
Grab the ammo and the yellow and red herbs from the lower level, then start
shoving shelves in front of the windows. Once you've got them in place, go
stand on the stairs and wait for enemies. Simply blast anything and everything
that approaches, and don't worry about Luis. Remember to try and avoid hitting
villagers in the head, since that causes the parasites to appear.
After a while, enemies will start coming in from the windows on the second
floor. Luis will join you up there, so let him fire at the enemies comind up
the stairs. Concentrate your own efforts on the windows, knocking down ladders
whenever possible. Help Luis every time you get a break, and try to collect as
many items as you can durring the fight before they vanish.
After a while, the villagers will cease their attack.
| |
| |
| 1.23) CHAPTER 2-3 |
| |
| |
Fortified House
Make another qick sweep of the house for items, then head outside. Pick up any
items you see out here, then enter the small shack to find a document and a
typewriter. The merchant is just outside the shack, so talk to him if you want
to. You should not have any items to sell to him at this time.
DO NOT SELL your Green Catseye, Red Catseye, Beerstein, Elegant Mask, or Green
Gem. You'll want to combine those with some items later to sell them for a
higher price.
Attache Case M..............24000 (No new upgrades are offered here.)
Treasure Map (Village).......3000
Rocket Launcher.............30000
Stock (Red9).................4000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray..............5000
When you read the document (Two Routes), you can decide which path you wish to
take. Head for the lever near the merchant and open whichever path you want.
Head out of the little spot where the level is and enter the gates of the path
you chose. I will give directions for the Left path first, then I will include
directions for the Right bath in the indented section after the Left path. If
you take the Right path, scroll down to the indented text below. If you take
the Left path, skip the indented section when you encounter it.
[NOTE: I suggest backtracking through the Camp to the Fortified House, then
taking the Right path after you're done with the Left path. There are lots of
good things to get on the Right path, and it's not too hard to do. If you take
the Right path first, be sure to double back and take the Left path when you're
done. Of course, you can still opt to only take one path if you're in a hury
to finish the game or just don't feel like doing it.]
- - - Left Path - - -
Use your handgun to shoot one of the barrels in the wagon in front of you,
which should eliminate several villagers. Finish off the survivors, then work
your way around the path to the ladder on the right. Climb it, deal with the
first villager, and then hide Ashley in the dumpster here. Eliminate the other
three villagers on the upper level, then look around the area for items.
Don't jump down into the middle pit area until you've jumped down to the small
area on the side of the fort. Look down before you jump, and if you don't see
a cart full of coal, don't jump. Grab the ammo and the items in the barrels,
then climb back up. Get your shotgun out if it's not already, THEN jump down
into the middle pit area to start a fight.
You'll have to fire quickly. Concentrate on the two chainsaw ladies first,
keeping them knoecked down at all times. You'll probably kill the other guys
just from the spread of the shotgun while you're firing at the chainsaw ladies.
If not, finish them off. Take every item they dropped, including a key and a
Ruby. Use your handgun to pick off the two axe-throwing guys up on the
platforms, then whistel for Ashley when it's clear.
Use the Camp Key to open the door down here. Turn right, break the crate on
the ground in front of the sandbags, then open the door to the right of the
crate. Take a left as soon as you get inside. Use your knife to smash the
boards on the window there, jump over, and smash both barrels at the end of the
path, one of which contains a Red Gem. Head back into the shack now.
Drop down to the lower level, grab the ammo and grenade, then exit the
small hut thing. Proceed down the path to the right. Quickly hide Ashley in
the next dumpster, then concentrate on the fort area.
Tons of villagers are going to pour our of it. Use some grenades at first (NOT
your flash grenades, you'll want those later), then switch to shotgun when you
run out of grenades or an enemy gets too close. Gather all the items when the
fight is finished, then head for the door on the other side of the fort area.
Smash the barrels nearby, whistle for Ashley, and head through the gate.
- - - Right Path - - -
El Gigante's Path
There are so many easy ways to beat this guy, it's not even funny. By far
the easiest way is with Flash grenades, so if you have a few, equip them
right now. Run to the opposite side of the area, making sure Ashley
follows you. A scene will occur, and after that, you can start fighting
El Gigante.
Toss Flash grenades at him, then blast him with your shotgun until he
falls down. Run to him and press A to climb up, then press the button
displayed on the screen as fast as possible to damage the parasite.
Repeat this process with additional grenades and shotgun rounds until he
dies. Don't forget to dodge his falling body, either.
You can also wait for him to walk under that large boulder Ashley points
out, then shoot the poll holding the platform up to make the boulder fall.
If you leave Ashley alone, and El Gigante gets close to her, he'll grab
her. Don't let that happen, since it hurts her quite badly.
Kick down the gate when the battle is over (after you pick up the money
from El Gigante's corpse). The next area has two shacks, both of which
are filled with good items, including Spinels, ammo, money, and grenades.
A few more items can be found along the edge of the canyon, and don't
miss the Purple Gem that you can shoot down from the bucket high above the
two shacks. Other than that, head for the second chained door, break the
chains, then use the old key (found in one of the sheds) to open the gate.
Search in and around the house on the right for a few items, including a file.
Use the typewriter, then talk to the merchant if necessary and smash the barrel
near him for an item. Open your inventory and combine the Green Gem, Red Gem,
Purple Gem, and Elegant Mask. You should then have the following items to sell
to the merchant at this time:
Elegant Mask w/(R,G,P)......20000
DO NOT SELL the Green Catseye, the Red Catseye, or the Beerstein. You'll want
to combine them with something later to increase their sale price.
Attache Case M..............24000 (No new upgrades are offered here.)
Treasure Map (Village).......3000
Rocket Launcher.............30000
Stock (Red9).................4000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray..............5000
Head to up the hill on the other side of the area to find the Gondola. Smash
the barrel on the right side of it for an item, then get on it.
Use your hand gun to pick off the enemies in the gondola cars heading up the
wires. Also make sure you take care of the two guys on the wooden platforms to
the left, or they'll jump on the top of your gondola and cut it down. When you
reach the bottom, run around and jump through the open window of the small
control room. Open the lockers for some items, then head down the stairs near
the gondola.
Take the left path and have Ashley wait there. Peek around the corner into the
cave to deal with two villagers standing behind the sandbags. Jump the bags
and take the ladder up, kill the last villager, and open the large treasure
chest to get the Yellow Catseye. Run back to Ashley and take the path down.
The merchant has nothing new to offer, but you can now combine your Green, Red,
and Yellow Catseyes with the Beerstein and sell it to him:
Beerstein w/(G,R,Y).........20000
That is the only thing you should have to sell to him right now.
Attache Case M..............24000 (No new upgrades are offered here.)
Treasure Map (Village).......3000
Rocket Launcher.............30000
Stock (Red9).................4000
Scope (Rifle)................7000
First Aid Spray..............5000
Shed of Enlightenment
Approach the structure at the end of the path. Watch the scene that occurs,
and be prepared to press the buttons displayed on the screen to dodge an
attack. When the battle starts, shoot the center of the creature as it walks
towards you. When it makes it to your part of the room, quickly run around it
to the center of the back part of the shed where the ladder is.
Turn around and continue shooting the thing, but when it gets to the middle
part of the area, turn a little to your right and shoot the red barrel on the
ground. The explosion will be enough to break the creature in half if you've
been hitting it a lot already. If not, finish shooting it in the middle of
its body until it breaks in half.
Now that the upper-body is swinging from the rafters, climb up one of the
ladders in the room. Get to one side of the upper area and take a few shots at
the enemy, but when it gets fairly close to you, run to the other side of the
rafters. Keep shooting it and running, shooting it and running, and so forth
until it dies.
The upper level is littered with items, including some all-important Herbs.
Grab all of the items in the upper area, then jump down below. There's more
ammo and another herb spread around the lower part of the shed, so grab it all.
There will also be a Spinel if you destroyed the red barrel, and a large pile
of money where the enemy's corpse is sitting. Grab all that stuff as well as
the False Eye, then examine the new hole in the shed to exit.
Run up the hill and go through the double doors again to leave.
Save at the typewriter, then head back to the gondola and hop on it. Continue
to the large double doors near the bridge, then use the Village Chief's eye to
open the gate.
Grab the ammo to your right, then head up the road. I truck will approach, and
you need to pick off the driver before it gets close to you. Immediately run
up the hill after that, then turn around and fight off the hoard of villagers.
Grab all of their items and proceed up the hill.
There's an alcove on the left side of the road with two barrels. Break them
both and take the items (including a Velvet Blue), then go all the way to the
end of the road.
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| 1.31) CHAPTER 3-1 |
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Castle Entrance
*Attache Case L.............40000 Handgun: Firepower 4 (1.6)............15000
Attache Case M.............24000 Firing Speed 3 (0.33)........12000
*Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Reload Speed 3 (0.87)........10000
Handgun.....................8000 Capacity 4 (19)...............8000
Red9.......................14000 Shotgun: Firepower 4 (6.0)............25000
Punisher...................20000 Reload Speed 3 (1.50)........15000
*Blacktail..................24000 Capacity 4 (12)..............12000
*Broken Butterfly...........38000 Rifle: Firepower 4 (8.0)............20000
Shotgun....................20000 Reload Speed 3 (2.33)........18000
*Riot Gun...................32000 Capacity 4 (12)..............12000
Rifle......................12000 TMP: Firepower 4 (0.8)............18000
*Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000 Red9: Firepower 3 (2.0)............20000
TMP........................10000 Capacity 3 (12)...............8000
*Mine Thrower...............28000 Blacktail:
Rocket Launcher............30000 Firepower 2 (1.8)............15000
Stock (Red9)................4000 Firing Speed 2 (0.40)........10000
Stock (TMP).................4000 Reload Speed 2 (1.47).........8000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000 Capacity 2 (18)...............8000
*Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000 Broken Butterfly:
*Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000 Firepower 2 (15.0)...........25000
First Aid Spray.............5000 Capacity 2 (8)...............15000
Rifle (semi-auto):
Firepower 2 (8.0)............15000
Reload Speed 2 (1.90).........9000
Capacity 2 (12)..............10000
Riot Gun: Firepower 2 (5.5)............20000
Mine Thrower:
Capacity 2 (7)...............25000
Explore the area and destroy the barrels/crates, taking all of the items from
them. Don't miss the treasure box full of money, either. Open your menu and
choose the Combine option on each of the three Catseye gems with the Beerstein.
Head for the merchant and choose the Sell option. Sell any Spinels you have,
sell the Ruby you got from the chainsaw lady, sell the fully-upgraded Beerstein
(for a whopping 20000), and sell the Velvet Blue you just picked up outside.
Sell your standard Handgun and the Punisher now too, as well as your shotgun.
Buy the Blacktail and the Riot Gun. I also suggest you purchase the next size
of Attache Case. The Semi-Automatic Rifle and its scope are also a good idea
right now, so grab both of them as well. Definitely make sure you purchase
every upgrade for the Riot Gun, Blacktail, and the Semi-Automatic Rifle.
Once you're done with the merchant, save with the typewriter, then exit the
door at the top of the stairs.
Castle - Front Gate
Grab the rifle ammo from the crate you encounter around the first corner, then
use your new Rifle to kill both of the guys on the ledge in front of you. Run
up the stairs, and a scene will eventually stop you from going any farter. The
first two shots will miss you as long as you stand still, so wait for that to
happen, then sprint to the left and down the next set of stairs.
Raid the barrels in the cannon's room for some items, then head back up the
stairs and take a left. Stop under the bridge and look up to snipe a barrel
near that catapult. Continue up the stairs, turning to the right when you get
to the small crevice in the castle wall. Use that hole to snipe the next red
barrel by another catapult, then step up to the top of the area.
Use your scope to see across to the small shed with a door and a window. Snipe
the guy in there, then make a mad dash for the entrance. Look out the large
window to snipe another red barrel by a third catapult, then leave Ashley in
this room. Exit the room and sprint across the small bridge thing to the tower
on the other side. Use the window in the tower to snipe the castle dweller
that's manning the fourth (and last) catapult.
There's a crank on the wall by the circular hole in the ground outside the
tower you're in, so use the crank to raise the cannon, then fire it. Run back
to the shack where Ashley is waiting and check the left side of it for a Gold
Bangle in a treasure chest. Take the Herb and other items from the shack, then
have Ashley follow you through the newly-destroyed castle gate.
Attache Case L.............40000 Riot Gun: Firepower 3 (6.0)............24000
Attache Case M.............24000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Nothing much new with the merchant, so just head through the next door unless
you're using the Riot Gun and want to upgrade it.
Castle - Foyer
Take the ammo off of the table, then take the Platinum Sword off of the wall.
Head up the stairs just far enough to get the three dudes to notice you, then
go back down. Use your Blacktail to kill them, then run up the stairs. Raid
the shelves, table, and cabinet for items, and take the Golden Sword from the
wall. Tons of cult guys are going to come up the stairs, so be prepared to
deal with them.
Once they're all dead, sweep the room one more time to make sure you didn't
miss any items, then make sure the red cult guy is dead in the lower area.
Stick the Gold sword back on the lower wall and stick the Platinum sword in the
upper wall. Head through that door that opens to continue.
Castle - Main Gate
Go around the next corner and deal with the clueless guy there, then head
forward and open the next door. When you shoot the visible guy, several more
will approach, so don't look away. Have your shotgun ready and start blasting
them all. Enter the door and take a right when you're ready.
Kill the solitary guy inside the next door, then raid the room. Take a look
out the window for a guy on the ledge above. He's got a flaming crossbow, so
take him down before he tags you. Run out and to the next door.
Grab all of the items here, openning the treasure chest last. A large group
of castle guys will rush in through the door, so make sure your shotgun is
still ready. Once you've killed them all and taken their items, head all the
way back to the beginning of this area and unlock the gate with your new key.
Castle - Prison
Run to the stairs to start a little scene. Smash all of the pots in the area
to collect some items, shoot a shiny spot high on the archway to get a Green
Gem, then use the typewriter to save your game. Open the door to the right of
the typewriter. Head down it along the right side, picking up the ammo from
the chair and moving the painting to find some money. Continue through the
smaller hallway, destroy the barrels for some items, and read the note on the
wall. Examine the painting in the next area to get the Prison key, then head
all the way back to the door right before the typewriter.
Turn right and unlock the prison door. Leave Ashley at the top of the stairs,
then head down. Shoot the Shotgun ammo off of the rafters and collect it, then
pick up the Green Herb from the ground near the bell on the left of the cell.
Approach the cell and kick down the gate.
There's a reason they showed you a close-up of this creature's eyes; The thing
is blind, so if you walk around quitely, it won't be able to do much to you.
As soon as you open the gate, run to one of the bells, do a quick 180 degree
turn, and shoot the other bell. The enemy will turn towards it and prepare to
attack it. Shoot the parasite on it's back when it does so, and then walk away
from the area.
Keep using the bells to distract the enemy, but he will destroy them if he gets
too close. If that happens, just keep quietly walking around the area and
hitting his parasite when you get the chance. Once he's down, take his money
and flip the switch in his cell. Go collect Ashley and take a left to where
the horse things were.
You'll have to stop several more castle dwellers, but you will eventually come
to another set of red doors. Take the ammo from the thing in the middle of the
room, then get your shotgun ready and enter the next area.
Castle - Reflecting Pools
Start blasting them as soon as you enter the room. Try to keep your shotgun
shells for the shielded ones, and switch to the Blacktail for the others.
Collect as many items from the guys and from around the room as possible.
A second wave will arive after you kill most of the first one, so deal with
them too.
Head down the stairs next, and several more guys will attack. Deal with all of
them, smash the pots in the area, then enter the small room through the door
down here. Grab both items, then leave Ashley on one of the two yellow
platforms. Run Leon to the second one, then immediately order Ashley to follow
you again. Quickly exit this area and make it back to the main upper part of
the room, where it's more open to finish of the rest of the cult guys.
Use the thing that raised in the middle of the room to drop the stairs, then
head up. Enter both small rooms for some items, then break the two pots near
the water for some shotgun and rifle shells. Approach either of the two murals
and use the piggyback option to send Ashley up.
She'll crank the two wheels for you, but you have to defend her. More
importantly, you have to defend yourself. Keep your shotgun ready and blast
the guys that attack Leon. When Ashley screams, it means a guy is trying to
steal her. If he makes it to a door, you lose. Use your rifle to pick their
feet off as they try to run, which kills them instantly.
Ashley doesn't take damage from being picked up, so your priority should always
be Leon. Only turn to defend Ashley if she's screaming or if you're totally
sure there aren't any guys anywhere near Leon. Once both cranks are turned,
run to the edge and catch Ashley, then jump over the platforms and head through
the large doors.
Castle - Balcony Area
There's a box of handgun ammo on a shelf on the left, a grenade in the treasure
box on the right, several pots to destroy, and two Spinels; one on the back
eye of the first upside down statue and one in the cabinet on the same side of
the room as the treasure chest. Grab all that stuff, then talk to the merchant
on the left.
Attache Case L.............40000 Handgun: Firepower 5 (1.8)............18000
Attache Case M.............24000 Capacity 5 (22)..............10000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Rifle: Firepower 5 (10.0)...........25000
Handgun.....................8000 Capacity 5 (15)..............18000
Red9.......................14000 TMP: Firepower 5 (1.0)............24000
Punisher...................20000 Reload Speed 3 (1.17)........15000
Blacktail..................24000 Punisher: Firepower 4 (1.5)............20000
Broken Butterfly...........38000 Firing Speed 3 (0.33)........20000
Shotgun....................20000 Reload Speed 3 (0.83)........18000
Riot Gun...................32000 Capacity 4 (20)..............15000
Rifle......................12000 Red9: Firepower 4 (2.4)............24000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000 Firing Speed 3 (0.40)........15000
TMP........................10000 Reload Speed 3 (1.67)........10000
Mine Thrower...............28000 Capacity 4 (15)..............12000
Rocket Launcher............30000 Rifle (semi-auto):
Stock (Red9)................4000 Firepower 3 (9.0)............18000
Stock (TMP).................4000 Capacity 3 (14)..............12000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000 Riot Gun: Reload Speed 2 (2.43).........7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000 Capacity 2 (9)...............10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Sell any Spinels you have, any Velvet Blue you have, and the Gold Bangle you
found a few rooms back. Upgrade both parts of your Semi-Automatic Rifle and
both parts of your Riot Gun, then use the typewriter to save. Head down the
central hallway to complete this section of Chapter Three.
NOTE: The door near the merchant leads to the shooting range area. Grab the
file from the desk to read about the game, and complete it to earn six
bottle caps. You'll be rewarded with fifteen thousand pesetas if you
earn all six caps. More informaion can be found in the shooting range
section of this guide. [Yet to be completed.]
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| 1.32) CHAPTER 3-2 |
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| |
Castle - Sewer
Turn around and take the door on your left to enter the sewer area. Take the
items from the barrels on the right, then head down the hallway. You're about
to meet the things you heard about in your last radio conversation, so have
your rifle ready. When you turn right and see a long hallway, use your scope
to see down it. You'll notice some odd steam and some dangling goo. Blast
the source of that with your rifle, and you'll kill a nasty little bug.
Grab the item it dropped and proceed down the hallway. When you get to an area
full of water, don't jump in. Use your scope first to see the steam and goo
coming out of the middle of the water. There are two more of those bug-like
enemies in there, so snipe them both. Jump in the water, take the items, and
head out the next door.
Open the next door and turn to the right. Two more bugs will attack, so have
the shotgun ready. Explore the cells nearby for some items, then continue down
the other open hallway. Kill the bug that's stuck in the cell, then enter it,
grab its item, and proceed to the water control room. Drain the water, then
raid the room for items, including the Butterfly Lamp and an herb.
When you exit the water control room, two more bugs will be waiting for you.
Kill them both and take their items, then head back to the main part of the
sewer where the cells are. Another bug will come out of one of the jammed cell
doors, and another one will come from the drained area to the left. Blast them
both, take their items, and jump down to the newly drained area.
As soon as you kick the grate down, run forward and turn around. A bug will
appear behind you, so blast it, take its item, then search the corner by the
drain for some Velvet Blue. Smash the barrels up the stairs, then open the
door to reach the pendulum room.
This isn't as hard to get through as it may look. You can see the shadow of
each pendulum on the platform as you approach it, so just don't get too close.
After one swings in front of you, run past it, then wait for a chance to jump
or run between the next ones. Grab the shiny Velvet Blue to the right on the
other side, then turn to the left and take the ladder up. Smash the barrels
for some items, then open the door.
Castle - Balcony Area
Take a right and get close to the edge to observe the gathering of cult guys.
Ready a Flash grenade and toss it into the middle of the pile, then immediately
toss two handgrenades down there to wipe out as many of them as you can. All
survivors will exit out of the room. If you failed to kill the red guy, you
might want to try again, since he has a valuable Illuminados Pendant on him.
Raid the lower area for all the items dropped by the grenade victims, then
climb the ladder to get back to the balcony. Use the first chandelier to jump
across, then turn left and smash some barrels for a few items. Use the second
chandelier to get back to the other side, and turn left again to find a
treasure chest with an Elegant Mask in it. Pull the lever at the end of this
side of the balcony to raise the gates, then use the typewriter in the middle
of the lower area if you want.
Climb the stairs and talk to the merchant if necessary (he doesn't have
anything new), then leave through the door he's next to.
Attache Case L.............40000 (No NEW upgrades are offered at this time,
Attache Case M.............24000 although the upgrades from the first time
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 you were in this room will still show up
Handgun.....................8000 as being new.)
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Castle - Gallery
Take the Red Herb from the corner across from you, then head up the stairs.
Take the file on the middle table and the handgun ammo on the chair, then open
the next door and immediately run to the left. Take cover in the corner so the
crossbow guys can't hit you, then blast the two guys on the lower level with
your shotgun. Use the window nearby to snipe the two crossbow guys, then walk
around the corner and open the door.
Turn to the left and smash the barrels, then kill the guy at the top of the
stairs. Open the next door and turn left to grab some rifle ammo off of the
table, then work your way around to the other end of the balcony. When you
reach the large steel door, and the red carpet area is below you to the left,
snipe the two guards in black robes until they die or run out of your view,
then jump down to the red carpet.
Finish off the two guys in black if necessary, then run into the small room and
grab the shotgun shells and money. Follow the guy in red around the balcony.
[NOTE: You can shoot the guy in red to knock him down, then catch up to him
and finish him off. This is the faster and safer route, but there's something
fun to see if you let him escape, so I suggest doing that. If you don't have a
rifle, just kill him now, since you'll have a hell of a time killing him if you
wait to see what happens when he escapes.]
When you get to the door, don't run through it. There's a guy on the other
side with a shield, so open the door slowly, let him see you, then blast him.
Run all the way down and open the door at the bottom of the room.
The guy in red will man a machine gun in the middle of the Gallery. Retreat
back into the room you're in immediately and head for the top door again.
Just barely open it and peer down to the middle. You can line up a rifle shot
to where you can just barely see the guy in red, and his machine gun bullets
won't be able to hit you. Shoot him in the head a few times to down him, then
run to the gap in the balcony and jump down.
Grab the Gallery Key that the machine gunner dropped, then raid the lower area
for items hidden inside the pots. Head back up to the balcony and unlock the
door in the red carpet area when you're ready.
Shoot the shiny eye of the animal head for a piece of Velvet Blue, then break
the pots in the room. Operate the controls for the paintings when you're
ready. There are tons of combinations that make this thing work. Choose 1, 2,
3, 4, and OK in that order, or 4, 3, 2, 1, and OK. It doesn't really matter,
as long as the paintings are lined up with one death, two deaths, one death,
and two deaths. Exit the door when it opens.
Turn right and go through the door before the cult guys get the chance to
attack you. Blast them as they come through the lower door, then turn to take
care of the second wave that comes through the upper door. Grab the Yellow
Herb in the corner of the stairwell, then exit to the top of the area.
Chase down the crossbow enemies and deal with any other survivors. When two
dudes pop out with rocket launchers, get behind a wall as quickly as possible.
Once you've cleared the area of enemies, drop down to the lower area and break
all of the pots for some items, then go back to the upper area and press the
red switch by one of the barred doors.
Enter the other door in this area now and press the switch under the pot. Two
idiots with rocket launchers will appear outside the door, but luckily, they
only take one hit each to kill. Once they're dead, grab the Goat Ornament from
the treasure chest and go through the newly-unbarred door on the upper level.
(Make sure you've searched the upper level for items first.)
Castle - Roof
Use the typewriter, then follow the hallway to a pot. Smash it for some
handgun ammo, then exit through the left door. Look up to the top of the wall
across from you and shoot the shiny thing, then shoot any crows you can while
making your way to the door.
Open the door, then head around the outside area until you see a fountain on
the left. Pick off the crows with your handgun from far away, then grab the
loads of items around the fountain. Proceed down the path, destroying the
barrels as you go, and enter the next set if double doors.
Castle - Hedge Maze
Walk along this path until you get to the stairs, then enter the hedge maze
through the main gate. Smash the barrels, then carefully move forward up the
left side of the maze. A wolf thing will attack, so blast it twice with the
shotgun to kill it. Head behind the stone thing in front of you and get the
Green Herb from the barrel, then open the gate on the right.
Turn right at the next split and follow it to the end to find a Spinel. Head
back the way you came, and snipe the wolf thing in the cage in front of you.
Take its item if it drops one, then smash the nearby barrel for another item.
Take the Second path on the left first to find a can of First Aid Spray, then
take the other path.
When you see the stone bridge thing, be careful. Another wolf is going to jump
out of the bush in front of you, so be ready to blast it with the shotgun.
Turn around the corner, then take the first left to find a Red Gem. Skip the
second path on the left for now, and instead, take the path to the right at the
end of the maze. Head up the stairs and take the Moonstone chunk from the
fountain, then turn around and head back down. Two more wolves will attack you
on the way to the next path to the right (the second path to the left you just
skipped a few seconds ago.)
Go down that path, and another wolf will attack you. Continue forward to find
a cage with several of them locked in. Toss a grenade in the cage to kill them
all, then take their stuff.
Head all the way down the path and take the last left. Open the treasure chest
at the end for some shotgun shells, then immediately do a 180 degree turn to
face the direction you came from. One wolf thing will come from the path on
the right, and then a second one will jump over the bushes in front of you.
Kill them both, then exit that part of the hedges and take a right as soon as
you get the chance to cross a bridge.
Take a right at the end of the bridge and grab the second half of the Moonstone
on the fountain. Turn around to go back to the bridge, but be prepared to
deal with three more wolves at the front of the bridge. Take the little gap to
the right of the bridge to find a treasure chest with some ammo, then go get on
the bridge again. Jump off of the left side, go through the double gates,
climb the stairs on the right, and open the locked door on the left using the
(combined) Moonstone pieces.
| |
| |
| 1.33) CHAPTER 3-3 |
| |
| |
Castle - Hedge Maze
Attache Case L.............40000 Blacktail:
Attache Case M.............24000 Firepower 3 (2.0)............18000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Capacity 3 (21)..............10000
Handgun.....................8000 Broken Butterfly:
Red9.......................14000 Firepower 3 (17.0)...........30000
Punisher...................20000 Reload Speed 2 (3.00)........15000
Blacktail..................24000 Riot Gun: Firepower 4 (6.5)............28000
Broken Butterfly...........38000 Capacity 3 (11)..............12000
Shotgun....................20000 Mine Thrower:
Riot Gun...................32000 Firepower 2 (4.0)............25000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Raid the various shelves, pots, and cabinets in the room for a grenade, some
ammo, a Spinel, and the Mirror. Grab the file off of the table in the room
with the merchant, then sell your Spinels, Velvet Blues, Mirror with Pearls and
Rubies, and your Illuminados Pendant to the merchant. Buy all available
upgrades on the Blacktail and Riot Gun if you'd like, then use the typewriter
to save. Open the door near the typewriter when you're ready to continue.
Castle - Dining Hall
Raid the place for items, taking everything you find. Head to the small bell
in the corner to the right of the barred door and ring it. Use your rifle to
shoot the wine bottle. The bars will go up, but don't go through there quite
yet. Instead, go down the hallway nearby, break the pots to get some items,
and go through the door there.
Castle - Roof
This is the other side of the locked door you went passed a few minutes ago
right before entering the Hedge Maze. Search the place for all items, and be
careful with one of the boxes, since it contains a snake. Smash the lock off
of the door for later, then head back into the Dining Hall.
Castle - Dining Hall
Run to the door you unbarred a few minutes ago and enter the room. Make sure
you have your shotgun ready, and as soon as you get control of Leon, blow the
lock off of the nearest door and exit the cage. Kill all of the cult guys
around the outside of the cage, then kill the big guy. Collect all items,
including the hourglass from the treausre box, the flash grenade from the
shelf, and the magnum ammo from the area behind the bell, which you can reach
by going through the middle door in the cage room. Head out the closed door in
the cage room to continue.
Castle - Mural Room
Turn left and smash the pot for some rifle ammo, then kill all of the cult guys
in this area. Jump down to the lower part, collect all the items from the dead
guys and the pots, then use the lever. Climb the ladder and walk to the middle
of the new bridge. Turn around immediately after guys show up in front of you
and blast the guy trying to attack you from behind, then turn back to the door
and blast the rest of them.
Head to the left at the end of the bridge. Take care of the crossbow guy
before he hits you, then grab the money from the table. Deal with any cult
guys still in the area, then jump down. The center thing is loaded with items,
and you won't (or shouldn't, anyway) be able to fit all of it in your attache
case. Leave it all sitting here for now.
Run up the stairs and break the lock off of the door, then run to the left over
the bridge and go through that door. Break both pots in the large hallway,
then turn right at the end and talk to the merchant.
*Attache Case XL............73000 (No new ones are offered at this time.)
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Sell your Spinels, Velvet Blues, and the Hourglass, then buy the new Attache
Case XL. Head back to that pedestal with all the items and take them,
including the Rocket Launcher. Then head back to the door next to the
merchant and head through.
| |
| |
| 1.34) CHAPTER 3-4 |
| |
| |
Castle - Ashley's Cell
Run around the room collecting items from the shelves and pots, and don't miss
the money behind the painting directly above Ashley. Once you're ready, stand
on the little platform across from Ashley and use your rifle to shoot the three
strap shackles holding her in. When she's free, kill the three guys that enter
the room.
She'll try to leave, only to find out that she can't. More guys will enter the
room. Deal with the ones that have crossbows first, then take care of the rest
of them. Once the guy in red goes down, Ashley will be able to use the key to
Castle - Butler's Quarters
Turn left to grab a Spinel off of the ground, then continue farther to the left
to find a Yellow Herb on the ground. Use the Typewriter, then head down the
hall. Ashley doesn't have any weapons to defend herself with, so you either
have to run from all encounters or toss the yellow lanterns scattered around
the rooms at the enemies. Problem is, it takes three lanterns to kill a cult
guy, and there are only three lanterns in each room, so if you miss, you're
pretty well screwed.
Run to the right past the first guy, stopping in the middle of the table to
grab the Green Herb. Crawl under the table in the back-right, then crawl
through the hole in the wall to get to the next room. Open the drawer right in
front of you for a Spinel, then grab the first lantern a little farther in
front of you to toss it at the cult guy.
Turn left and run to the corner, then turn to face the cult guy. Wait until he
gets up, then toss this lantern at him. Run to the back of the room and crawl
under the table there to find a third lantern, but wait until the cult guy is
pacing around aimlessly by the fireplace before you throw it to make sure you
don't miss.
Crawl out from under the table and open the hutch for some money, then use both
of the cranks to open the gates to the hallway, then go down it. Grab the Red
Herb from the table on the right and go through the door. Turn right to open a
drawer for some Velvet Blue, then continue to the back-right corner for another
Grab the ammo from the cabinet on the right of the lower level and the Butler's
Memo from the table on the left. Head back out the door and take the hallway
to the next door.
Castle - Armor Storage
Take the Green Herb from the table in the back of the room, then crawl under
the table near the door. Press the red switch on the far wall, then grab the
Stone Tablet from the fireplace. Press the next switch to raise the gate on
the right of the fireplace, then push the bookshelf to find a third switch.
Press it and head for the back door, grabbing the money and Velvet Blue on each
side of the door.
Continue down the dark hallway and grab the Spinel from the corner along the
way. Eventually, you'll find yourself in a room with some old armor and a
pedestal in the middle. If you examine the door in this area, you'll note that
it has a picture on it. You must rearrange the tiles on that center pedestal
to form the picture on that door in order to continue.
This puzzle is pretty easy, but here's the fastest method I've found to
complete it if you don't want to do it yourself or if you're having trouble:
[The "XX" represents the center box being empty, since it's hard to illustrate.
Read the boxes from left to right, then move down to the next column, just like
reading a line of text.]
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| ¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯
| |XX| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| ¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯ |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯|
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| ¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯|
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| ¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| |¯¯|¯¯|¯¯|
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
__ __ __
| | | |
| | | |
|¯¯|¯¯|¯¯| If pictures just aren't your thing, you can use the text
| | | | directions given below:
| | |
¯¯ ¯¯
Middle-left tile to the right.
Lower-left tile up.
Middle-bottom tile to the left.
Lower-right tile left.
Middle-right tile down.
Upper-right tile down.
Top-middle tile to the right.
Top-left tile to the right.
Middle-left tile up.
Lower-left tile up.
Middle-bottom tile to the left.
Lower-right tile to the left.
Finally, insert the Stone Tablet you got a few minutes ago to open the sealed
door. Head through it, grab the Gold Bangle from the treasure box and the
Spinel from the cabinet, then grab the Salazar Family Insignia from the middle
of the wall. The wall will rotate to reveal a treasure box. Take the Serpent
Ornament from it.
Immediately turn around. Four suits of armor will rush through the door. Get
on the right side of the table and wait for them to work their way around, then
quickly sprint around the right side and out the door to avoid them. Run
through the hallways back the way you came, and be prepared to press the
buttons displayed on the screen to dodge the attacking armor.
Break through the next door and enter the place with all the old furniture and
bars. Press the first switch you get to so the bars drop, sealing the
attacking armor in the back. One more suit will attack you as you approach the
exit, so be ready to dodge it. Exit through the door after that.
Castle - Butler's Quarters
Turn right and enter the door at the turn in the hallway. Run down to the
thing in the middle of the room and use the Salazar Family Insignia to open a
path to a ladder. Climb the ladder, grab the money to the right, then head
down the corridor until you reach the door.
| |
| |
| 1.41) CHAPTER 4-1 |
| |
| |
Castle - Ashley's Cell
Time to collect a few free items. Exit the room through the only open small
door, not the large doors down the hallway.
Castle - Mural Room
Run down the hallway past the merchant, open the door, cross the bridge, and
exit through the door on the other side.
Castle - Dining Hall
There will be several cult guys near the cage, so deal with them first. Two
more are waiting in the main part of the dining room, and a third is by the
door leading to the roof. Take care of all three of them, then exit the door
near the bell that leads to the roof area.
Castle - Roof
The storage room has two of those invisible bug things in it, so be prepared to
blast them with your shotgun. Open the door on the other side of the room,
take a right, and head through the next area. When you get outside, take
another right and head for the door by the fountain.
Examine the door if you didn't do so earlier, then examine the area to the left
of it for the piggyback option to appear. Have Ashley unlock the door, then
enter that room. Open all four treasure chests in there for a Broken
Butterfly, Elegant Perfume Bottle, Gold Bangle, and a Red Herb.
Backtrack the way you came through the storage room and re-enter the Dining
Castle - Dining Hall
There shouldn't be anything new here for you to deal with. Take a right and
go through the door at the end of the cage room.
Castle - Mural Room
Cross the bridge, go through the door, and follow the hallway to the merchant.
Don't bother saving unless you're extra paranoid, since there will be another
typewriter closer to your next destination anyway.
Castle - Ashley's Cell
Take a left and go down the short hallway to enter the double doors.
Castle - Transport Room 1
Grab the ammo from the right, then smash the pots on the left. Use the
typewriter, then have Leon board the thing on the upper level. Go through the
doors on the other side.
Castle - Hall of Fire
Walk towards the stairs to cause a guy to get in one of the dragon tanks. Pick
him off with your rifle before he gets to use that thing, then run down the
stairs. Grab the money from the treasure chest, then jump into the rotating
circle cage. Snipe two guys on the walkway on the other side, then jump
through the next gap.
Run all the way to the far side of the area on the left, and stay behind the
wall there so you don't catch flames. Turn around and watch to your right for
the next dragon tank to approach. When it gets close to you, run back to the
metal cage, then snipe the dragon tank's operator. Now stand where you are and
slaughter the hoard of cult guys coming out of that tower until no more come
out of it. Grab the Illuminados Pendant from the treasure chest.
Run to one of the far corners by the last dragon tank, and right before it
fires at you, run across to the other corner. Snipe the driver, grab the
Lion Ornament from the treasure chest, and go back to Ashley.
Castle - Transport Room 1
Use the typewriter, then go down and board the little cart thing down the
stairs. When you reach the other side of the track, smash the pots for some
items, the exit the room.
Castle - Prison
You've been here before, but this time, you can use your three Ornament items
to open a passage through the wall. Head up the stairs on the right side to
find a painting with some money behind it and a pot, then go back down the
stairs and go through the next set of doors.
Castle - Transport Room 2
Jump over the gates on each side of the room to reach some pots with items in
them. Get on the cart after that. Smash the pots on the other side when you
get out, and open the painting on the left to find some money. Go through the
door to continue.
Castle - Corridor
Turn to the right and enter the door right next to the one you just came from
to see the merchant. Grab the money and ammo from the room, then use the
Attache Case XL............73000 Shotgun: Firepower 5 (7.0)............30000
Attache Case L.............40000 Capacity 5 (15)..............15000
Attache Case M.............24000 TMP: Firepower 6 (1.2)............35000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Capacity 4 (150).............20000
Handgun.....................8000 Rifle (semi-auto):
Red9.......................14000 Firepower 4 (11.0)...........24000
Punisher...................20000 Reload Speed 3 (1.33)........18000
Blacktail..................24000 Capacity 4 (17)..............15000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Sell all of your Spinels, Velvet Blues, the Gold Bangle, the Illuminados
Pendant, and the Elegant Perfume Bottle. Combine the Elegant Mask with the Red,
Green, and Purple Gems, then sell it.
NOTE: The door near the merchant leads to the shooting range area. You'll
need to win three times in each game style to win your six bottle caps
this time. You'll be given 25000 pesetas for your trouble. More
information can be found in the shooting gallery section. [Not yet
Upgrade the Semi-Automatic Rifle with every upgrade available, and upgrade the
Broken Butterfly if you want. Exit the merchant area and take a right. Grab
the yellow herb and file from the table as well as the Spinel from the corner,
then head through the door.
Castle - King's Grail
Head down the hall and take the ammo from the statue. You'll have to dodge two
attacking suits of armor through the next hall, so be on your toes. Take a
right at the end of that hall.
Take the Green Herb from the ground to your right, then take the ammo from the
wall in the back, and finally, take the grail from the middle of the room. Use
your shotgun to blow the helmets off of the enemies that attack you, then shoot
the parasites. Grenades make this fight quite easy, and you should also note
that Flash Grenades will kill parasites instantly.
Grab anything they dropped after the fight, then head back to the Corridor.
Castle - Corridor
Run across the room to the door at the other end of the Corridor, just a little
past the merchant's area and the door you first entered the area from.
Castle - Queen's Grail
Have Ashley wait on one of the four square indentation things on the floor,
then push the two statues onto two of the other squares. Stand on the fourth
one to open the door. When the ceiling starts to fall, use your handgun to
shoot the four red spots on it to stop it. Grab the handgun ammo from the
corner, then head through the door.
Run to the end of the path and try to go out the next door. Something big will
come through the wall. Use your rifle to pick off both drivers, then get
Ashley and Leon out of the way. (The thing will stop at the door, so don't
wory about missing any items on that side of the room.)
Raid the room for barrels, boxes, and cabinets to find ammo, a piece of Velvet
Blue, a Spinel, money, and the Elegant Chessboard. Grab the Queen's Grail from
the treasure chest, then break the lock and go through the door. Take the door
on the right to get back to the Corridor.
Castle - Corridor
Take a left and grab the Flash grenade from the chair, then work your way to
the open part of the hallway. Kill the two un-helmeted guys with your rifle
before you approach the main part of the room, then use your shotgun to deal
with the other four guys. Shoot the four shiny spots on the statues to get two
Spinels, a Velvet Blue, and a Purple Gem. Approach the two statues next to the
door and insert the grails.
Castle - Hive
The pot on the left side of the right set has a snake in it, so be careful.
Break all four pots, take their items, then take the money out of both cabinets
on the left side of the hallway. Grab the ammo from the pot on the cabinet on
the right at the end, then jump out the window there. Turn right to get a Red
Herb from the ground, then turn around and climb the ladder.
Grab the Butterfly Lamp from the chest, then jump down through the hole to the
left. Catch Ashley, then try to walk under the hive thing. Defend against the
insects with your shotgun, collect everything they dropped, then run to the
lever on the wall and pull it. Shoot the metal things where the chains attach
to the wall, then head over the bridge to the doors.
Don't go through quite yet, though. Instead, shoot the bright section of the
hive until it falls (took 32 fully-upgraded Blacktail bullets). Collect the
hoard of items it dropped, then go through the doors on the other side of the
Castle - Clock Tower Entrance
Attache Case XL............73000 Handgun: Firepower 6 (2.0)............20000
Attache Case L.............40000 Capacity 6 (25)..............12000
Attache Case M.............24000 Rifle: Firepower 6 (12.0)...........35000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Capacity 6 (18)..............18000
Handgun.....................8000 Punisher: Firepower 5 (1.7)............25000
Red9.......................14000 Capacity 5 (24)..............18000
Punisher...................20000 Red9: Firepower 5 (2.8)............28000
Blacktail..................24000 Capacity 5 (18)..............16000
Broken Butterfly...........38000 Blacktail:
Shotgun....................20000 Firepower 4 (2.3)............24000
Riot Gun...................32000 Firing Speed 3 (0.27)........20000
Rifle......................12000 Reload Speed 3 (0.83)........15000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000 Capacity 4 (25)..............15000
TMP........................10000 Broken Butterfly:
Mine Thrower...............28000 Firepower 4 (20.0)...........35000
Rocket Launcher............30000 Capacity 3 (10)..............20000
Stock (Red9)................4000 Riot Gun: Firepower 5 (7.0)............32000
Stock (TMP).................4000 Capacity 4 (13)..............15000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000 Mine Thrower:
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000 Reload Speed 2 (2.57)........18000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Grab the ammo from the chair, then talk to the merchant. Sell both of your
Butterfly Lamps after you put one of each colored eye in them, then sell any
Spinels and Velvet Blues you have along with the Elegant Chessboard if you
haven't sold it already. Get the upgrades for the Blacktail, Riot Gun, and
Broken Butterfly (skip the Broken Butterfly if you don't have enough money),
then use the typewriter. Exit the door at the end of the hallway.
Smash the barrels and shoot the torch for some items, then cross the bridge.
Continue running when the catapults start firing. Head up the stairs on the
left side of the tower, slaughter the idiot guys up there, then search the area
for items. Pick off the catapult operators with the rifle if you'd like, then
enter the tower through the upper door.
Clock Tower
Three boards are jamming the gears in the clock tower. When you enter the
tower, don't move. Use your handgun to shoot two of the boards right away, one
a little bit above you and a second one way up top. Climb the ladder right
in front of you.
Head to both ends of this level to find some money and some handgun ammo, then
find the next ladder and head up. Run across this area until you come to a
table with the Ritual Preparation file and a Green Herb on it. Glance to the
right of the lever to find the third board, shoot it, and pull the lever.
Make your way back down the tower, but there will be cult guys in it now.
Watch out for the crossbow ones, and keep making your way all the way to the
very bottom. Open the boxes down there, then exit the place through the newly
open gate. If you cause a Plaga to come out of a guy's head, be alert: This
new type spits acid, and they also crawl out of the host after they die,
meaning you'll have to shoot them off of the host, then shoot them again once
they're by themselves.
Clock Tower Exit
Kill the first group of shielded guys before you get on the bridge. When you
get on the bridge, more guys will attack from both directions. I suggest
tossing a grenade at the ones in front of you, then turning around and hitting
the second set with shotgun shells. Keep turning around to make sure all of
them stay off of you, and when they're all dead, kill the leader by the gate
and take his Gold Bangle. Enter the gate.
Garrador Corridor
If you've still got that rocket launcher, which you should, now's a good time
to use it. Aim for a spot behind and bewteen the two Garradors, and if you're
lucky, the blast will kill them both. If not, it'll only take one more hit in
the back to kill them. Either way, clear out the room. There's an herb on the
right of the door you entered the area from, and there are items in the pots.
There's a Spinel in each of the statues on the approach to the next set of
doors, too. Head through those doors once you've collected everything.
Spiked Pit
Search the dead guys for items, including grenades, ammo, Velvet Blue, a Crown,
and a Yellow Herb. Grab the grenade off of the table next to the typewriter,
then talk to the merchant.
Attache Case XL............73000 (No new ones are offered at this time.)
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Sell any Spinels, Velvet Blues, but not the crown. Sell your Riot Gun too, and
replace it with the Striker. Make room in your inventory and do yourself a
huge favor; buy another Rocket Launcher if you don't have one. You'll want it
in a little while.
Use the typewriter when you're done shopping, then climb the ladder next to it.
Take a left and follow the drainage area. There's a piece of Velvet Blue in
the first drain on the left, some ammo on the right, and a Spinel in the last
drain on the left. Open the door at the end to continue.
Control Tunnel
Don't bother stopping at either of the two side paths down this tunnel. Just
run all the way to the end and head through the door. Be alert though; an
enemy will try to smack you as you run, so be prepared to press the buttons on
the screen to avoid taking damage.
When you get in the door, take a left and grab the shotgun shells, then take a
right, then another right to find a control panel. Flip the lever, then turn
around and grab the Green Herb. Make your way back to the door you entered the
room through and attempt to open it. The enemy will approach you, but all you
can do is dodge its attacks for now.
Dodge its first attack, then run around it and take a right. Examine the red
tube of liquid Nitrogen to knock it over when the enemy is close. This will
freeze the enemy. If you took my advice earlier and got another rocket, this
will be easy. Simply run to the far wall, aim the rocket at the frozen enemy,
and destroy it in a single blast.
If you were a damn idiot and didn't get another rocket, you'll have to blast
away at it with shotgun shells for a while (or Blacktail rapid-fire, which you
can do by holding down the X button while aiming). Once it regains mobility,
run out the shuttered door and make your way to the next Nitrogen tank on the
When the enemy approaches, knock the tank over and blast it while it's frozen.
Repeat this process using the third Nitrogen tank in the room to the right
(which also contains TMP ammo), and using the fourth one in the last room down
the tunnel if necessary.
Take the ammo and First Aid Spray from the elevator room, and don't forget to
take the Crown Jewel from the enemy's dead body. Board the elevator when
you're ready.
| |
| |
| 1.42) CHAPTER 4-2 |
| |
| |
Mine Entrance
Grab the Green Herb across from the elevator, then destroy the three barrels to
the right of the merchant for three items. Grab the ammo and Luis's Memo 2
from the tables near the typewriter, then use it. Exit the door to the main
part of the mine.
Attache Case XL............73000 Riot Gun: Capacity 5 (15)..............20000
Attache Case L.............40000 Mine Thrower:
Attache Case M.............24000 Firepower 3 (6.0)............45000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
NOTE: The other door next to the merchant leads to another shooting range.
You'll need to play the "C" type game to win the next six bottle caps.
If you manage to win them all, you'll be given 35000 pesetas. More
information can be found in the shooting gallery section of this guide.
[Not yet complete.]
Grab the Velvet Blue, ammo, and Green Herb as you deal with the villagers, then
go to the end of the tunnel. Kill the scattered villagers in the main mine
area, then raid the place for items. There's a piece of Velvet Blue inside a
mine car near the trolley controls, a crate towards the ramp heading to the
circuit breaker, and a pile of money behind the circuit breaker.
Flip the trolley switch first, then head up to the circuit breaker and flip it.
Immediately run back towards the trolley switch. Several angry villagers, one
of which is armed with a chainsaw, will attack you. Run into the caged area
to the left of the trolley switch to defend yourself, since all enemies will be
forced to come in the only entrance. Shotgun them, then use your rifle to aim
head shots on the chainsaw guy while he's down. He drops a pile of money when
he dies.
Flip the trolley lever again, then grab the dynamite from it. Examine the
boulder to the right of the trolley switch, place the dynamite in it, and run
away. Head for the double doors after the rock is removed, smashing the
barrels on the left along the way.
Grab the Flash grenade, First Aid Spray, and shotgun shells from around the
room, then try to leave through the second set of double doors. While killing
both of these guys might be worth a pretty penny, it'll cost you way too much
ammo unless you use the a rocket. But if you use a rocket, you're paying more
than the second kill is worth, so I suggest only fighting one of them, and
using the hole in the middle of the room to take care of the second one.
Start right away by climbing the ladder. Use the rope thing to slide over to
the lever, then pull the lever once one of the two guys is standing on the
circular part of the floor in the middle of the room. Now just run in circles
to avoid the second one while the hole in the floor closes.
Once it's closed, use the classic Flash grenade trick to get rid of the second
one. Use Magnum bullets to do fast damage if you don't have any Flash grenades
available. Just keep running around, or running between his legs, firing when
you get the chance.
Grab the money it drops when it's dead, then head through where the gate was to
smash some barrels for a grenade and some shotgun shells. Open the next set of
double doors to move on.
Lower Hive
Grab the Green Herb in the light on the left once you enter the main cavern
area, then turn to deal with the flying enemies in the area. Once they're
taken care of, head up the path on the right, grabbing the Flash grenade along
the way. Grab the ammo on the ground at the next intersection, then take the
path to the right, entering the cave on the left of it.
Grab the Green Herb from the left corner of the cave, then press the switch. A
large group of those insects is going to attack you, so stay where you are and
shotgun them all. Gather their items and exit the cave when they stop coming.
Take a right and head up the ramp, grab the Red Herb on the left side of the
blocked door, then head across the cavern where more bugs can be seen flying.
Blast the flying enemies, grab the ammo on the right side of the cave entrance,
then go inside. There's another green herb on the left, so take it, then press
the switch. Prepare to defend against another flood of flying insects, then
run to the newly-openned door, dealing with the enemies around it if you want.
Run through this tunnel, being careful not to get smashed while you do so.
After you jump down the second time, pull the lever on the left, then head up
the hill. Grab the Royal Insignia from the pedestal, then examine it again to
ride up.
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| 1.43) CHAPTER 4-3 |
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Cathedral Courtyard
Attache Case XL............73000 Handgun: EXCLUSIVE....................57000
Attache Case L.............40000 Shotgun: Firepower 6 (8.0)............45000
Attache Case M.............24000 Capacity 6 (18)..............20000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Rifle: EXCLUSIVE....................80000
Handgun.....................8000 TMP: Capacity 5 (200).............25000
Red9.......................14000 Punisher: Firepower 6 (1.9)............35000
Punisher...................20000 Capacity 6 (28)..............24000
Blacktail..................24000 Red9: Firepower 6 (3.5)............45000
Broken Butterfly...........38000 Blacktail:
Shotgun....................20000 Firepower 5 (2.7)............30000
Riot Gun...................32000 Capacity 5 (30)..............20000
Striker....................43000 Broken Butterfly:
Rifle......................12000 Firepower 5 (24.0)...........50000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000 Reload Speed 3 (2.33)........20000
TMP........................10000 Rifle (semi-auto):
Mine Thrower...............28000 Firepower 5 (13.0)...........30000
Rocket Launcher............30000 Capacity 5 (20)..............20000
Stock (Red9)................4000 Striker: Firepower 2 (7.0)............25000
Stock (TMP).................4000 Reload Speed 2 (2.40).........8000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000 Capacity 2 (14)..............10000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000 Firepower 3 (8.0)............28000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000 Capacity 3 (16)..............12000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Smash the barrels to the left of the merchant's place for some items, then take
the Letter From Ada off of the right side of the merchant's place. Combine
your Crown, Royal Insignia, and Crown Jewel, then sell the crown along with any
Velvet Blue and Spinels you have and the Gold Bangle.
Upgrade your Striker as much as you can, and upgrade the Blacktail and
Semi-Automatic Rifle too. You can upgrade the Broken Butterfly if you want,
but it's quite expensive, and there aren't too many uses for it. Head out of
the merchant's place and continue down the path after you use the typewriter.
Pick off the first two guys in the ruined courtyard area, then raid the place
for Velvet Blue and money. Toss a grenade at the gathering of villagers by the
fire if you have one, or just hose them with the Striker if you don't. There's
more money and Velvet Blue in the structure on the right, as well as a barrel
on the upper part.
Head behind the other structure to find a Flash grenade, then jump through the
window in the back. Smash the crate for an item, then turn the crank and jump
down the hole.
Underground Ruins
Break a crate on the left near the entrance and one on the right near the main
room for some items, then use your rifle to pick off the villagers roaming
around in the main area. Watch out for bear traps as you move through the
area, and make your way to the stairs leading down near the entrance of the
room. Open the tomb for the Staff of Royalty, then head back to the main area.
Keep watching for bear traps. There are two pieces of Velvet Blue on the
ground, and there's a Red Herb on the left of the large metal door. Enter the
wooden door on the side of the structure and have the Striker ready. There are
two chainsaw guys in there waiting for you, one on each level. To make matters
worse, a flood of villagers will rush the structure once you enter it.
Step inside, knock the first chainsay guy down, then watch the stairs for the
second one. Make sure they're both knocked down, then run up the stairs and
defend in the corner by the barrel (which contains a yellow herb). Keep your
eyes on the stairs, but don't forget about the windows; villagers will pour
in from a ladder there. Once you've killed everyone, take their items and take
the Key to the Mine off of the pedestal in the upper area of that structure,
then head through the giant metal door that was locked before.
(Note: If you have a rifle, it's easier to snipe the upper chainsaw from
outside the structure before entering it.)
Head down the hallway and smash the box on the left, then open the door at the
end. When you enter the next room, the ceiling is going to start falling.
There are also two parasites on the ground, so you'll have to move fast. Kill
both parasites, then shoot the four shiny spots in the ceiling to stop it.
Collect the handgun ammo from the corner and the money from the tomb, then go
through the door and head down the spiral. Smash the barrels for some more
items, then open the door.
Minecar Tracks
Smash the barrels on the right, then grab the green herb from the left. Board
the minecart train when you're ready, shooting the terminal on the left to
make it start moving. Get in the rear cart as fast as possible, and be
prepared to blast villagers as they attempt to board your carts.
The cars will go down the tracks, and villagers will jump down every minute or
so. Blast them as they do, and try to pick up as much of what they drop as you
can, since you won't be able to recover it once the cars stop. Be ready to
press the buttons displayed on the screen to dodge various obstacles.
At the end of the track, open the door and grab the Stone of Sacrifice from the
pedestal. Head through the new passage and climb the ladder.
Cathedral Courtyard
Approach the large metal door by the fire and use the Stone of Sacrifice on it,
then activate the elevator.
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| 1.44) CHAPTER 4-4 |
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| |
Take the ammo from the table on the right near the typewriter, then continue
down the hall. Smash the pots on the right for some more items, then go down
the stairs and take a left. Several cult guys will appear, so be prepared.
You can pick four of them off with your rifle from where you're standing, but
watch out for the one that will approach from the stairs you just came down.
Climb the ladder in the area beside the statue. Kill the guy up there and take
the items from the pots, then climb on the moving hand of the statue. Turn
around and get off on the next level above you, blasting the cult guys when you
do. Take all of the items from up here, then pull the lever on the wall. Go
to the ledge near the statue and look for a lever on its back. Shoot that
lever to alter the motion of the hands, then jump onto the closest hand.
Wait until both hands go as high as they can and meet in the middle, then jump
to the second hand. Grab all of the items from up here, and don't miss the pot
on the ledge behind the big statue. When ready, get back on the closest hand
and get off on the floor below you. Grab any items from here, but watch out
for the guy in red, since he tends to climb the ladder to get you.
Once you've gotten everything from that floor, drop down the ladder to the area
behind the bars. Flip the last switch, and have your shotgun ready to blast at
least four more guys that materialize out of nowhere. Once they're dead, head
out of the Cathedral over the platforms in the water that you just raised.
An interesting surprise awaits you. Rapidly press your X button, and be
prepared to press L1, R1, or both at once to dodge pillars. Blast the lock and
exit the door at the end, then continue jamming your X button. Be ready to
press the buttons displayed on the screen at the end of the open area, then jam
the X button again to climb. Open the doors in front of you.
Ritual Tower
Don't set the controller down during the scene, since you'll need to dodge an
attack from the body guard by pressing the buttons shown on the screen. When
you have control of Leon again, take a left and grab the ammo, then continue to
the far back-left area to find a Yellow Herb inside a treasure chest. Start
running up the spiral after that.
Eventually, barrels will start coming down the spiral at you. Two handgun
bullets or a shotgun shell will destroy them, or you can just duck in the small
indentions to dodge them. Kill the guys operating the barrel lever when you
make it up there, then immediately turn and snipe the guy to the left of there
up high. He throws dynamite at you from there, and it's quite unpleasant.
Continue up the ramp to find a green herb, then go deal with the hoard coming
up from below. Some will take the ramp, others will take the ladder near the
barrel lever. While using the barrels might seem like a good way to deal with
the ones coming up the ramp, you have to keep two things in mind: First, guys
can easily surprise you up the ladder while you're busy with the lever, and
second, it's quite easy to accidentally hit yourself with a barrel. Either
way, eliminate them all, grab their items, and drop down below to kill the
leader if you want. Check behind the lift area for some items, then get on the
Push both crates off of it, then press the button to make it go up. Hoards of
cult guys will drop in from above, and the elevator won't move if there are too
many of them on it at once. Let the shotgun shells fly, and make sure you also
take care of the two archers around the outside of the lift. Exit the lift
when it stops.
Collect the items from the upper area as you work your way around the outside,
making sure you don't miss the Red Herb and Gold Bangle. Ride the lift to the
top of the tower, then collect the pile of items by the typewriter.
Attache Case XL............73000 Red9: Capacity 6 (22)..............22000
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Sell your Spinels, Velvet Blues, Gold Bangle, and Staff of Royalty to the
merchant, and purchase the upgrades for the Semi-Automatic Rifle if you want.
Save at the typewriter, then enter the door.
Salazar's Den
When the battle starts, run to the right and stay on that side of the upper
area for the entire battle. Fire some shotgun shells at the tentacle on that
side to make it retract, then use your rifle to hit the yellowish eye in the
central tentacle thing. You'll see Salazar's shell open, so shoot him in the
head a few times before the shell closes again. If you have a rocket launcer,
you can finish him in a single shot.
If not, stun the tentacle again, then shoot the center eye some more. Keep
hitting Salazar when the shell opens, but be careful: As the battle moves on,
he'll start having the central tentacle do an instant-kill move. If you're far
enough to the right on the platform, that attack won't be able to hit you. But
if you're a little too far to the left, you'll have to start the battle over
After the battle, raid the upper area you're on for a green herb and some ammo,
then jump down to the lower area. Destroy four pairs of barrels for some more
items, then climb the center ladder, grab the money, and exit.
Ritual Tower Exit
Smash the barrels for some items, then use the rope in the back to repel down
the cliff. Destroy some more boxes at the bottom (one of which has a snake in
it), then operate the elevator.
Ritual Tower Dock
Attache Case XL............73000 Shotgun: EXCLUSIVE....................90000
Attache Case L.............40000 TMP: Capacity 6 (250).............35000
Attache Case M.............24000 EXCLUSIVE...................100000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000 Punisher: EXCLUSIVE....................40000
Handgun.....................8000 Red9: EXCLUSIVE....................80000
Red9.......................14000 Blacktail:
Punisher...................20000 Firepower 6 (3.0)............40000
Blacktail..................24000 Capacity 6 (35)..............25000
Broken Butterfly...........38000 EXCLUSIVE....................80000
Shotgun....................20000 Riot Gun: Firepower 6 (8.0)............50000
Riot Gun...................32000 Reload Speed 3 (1.50)........20000
Striker....................43000 Capacity 6 (17)..............25000
Rifle......................12000 EXCLUSIVE...................120000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000 Mine Thrower:
TMP........................10000 Capacity 3 (10)..............40000
Mine Thrower...............28000 Striker: Firepower 4 (9.0)............32000
Rocket Launcher............30000 Reload Speed 3 (1.50)........15000
Stock (Red9)................4000 Capacity 4 (20)..............16000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Collect all of the items scattered around the merchant, then buy the upgrades
for the Striker and Blacktail if you'd like. Note that the "Exclusive" upgrade
will now be available for the Blacktail if you've already gotten all of the
other upgrades. The Exclusive upgrade costs a fortune though, so you may or
may not opt to get that. Open the door when you're ready to continue to
chapter five.
| |
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| 1.51) CHAPTER 5-1 |
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| |
Island Cliffs - Lower
Head down the path and jump down when you're given the option, then continue on
the left path until you get to some rocks. Climb them, then grab the items
from the boxes on top, one of which is an Emerald. Head back to the wooden
bridge, cross it, then turn right and jump over the next gap.
Four guys will attack you, so have the Striker ready. Once they're dealt with,
try to go around the wall on the left side. A dude with a really big machine
gun will jump down, so immediately get behind the wall on the right and wait
for him to stop firing. When he does, peek through the gap in the wall and hit
him in the head with rifle shots until he dies.
Approaching his corpse causes a large group of guys to attack from the tower
and the right side of the area. Stand back and blast them all, and be
especially careful of ones that have things to throw and bows to shoot. When
you think they've stopped coming, walk forward to collect any items, but stay
alert, since a second group usually comes after that.
There's a green herb in the bottom of that structure where the machine gun guy
jumped out of, so grab it. Head for the door you saw in the scene a few
minutes ago and activate it to cause a laser to emit. Look on the tops of the
structures around here for two mirrors. Climb the one in the corner and aim
the mirror at the other mirror to the right, then climb the other structure,
grab the ammo from the top, and rotate the mirror to point the laser at the
little yellow spot on the right side of the door.
Head through it now that it's open. Grab the ammo behind the sandbags, then
continue down the path. When you get to the cave entrance, be prepared to
press the buttons displayed on the screen to dodge an attack by some guys.
Smash the barrels inside the cave, then head into the second section of cave.
There are two guys in there, so take care of them, then grab the shotgun shells
from the back. Climb the ladder when you're ready to continue.
Island Cliffs - Upper
Take the Emerald from the top of the crate nearby, then take a left out of the
exit. Kill that guard, take the item behind him, then turn around and jump
across the gap to the other side. Jump through the window on the right and
have your Striker ready. There are several guards in this room armed with
shock sticks, and they hurt quite badly if you're careless enough to let some
of them hit you.
Once you've killed the guards, explore the cave area for ammo, a Red Herb, and
the Golden Lynx (you'll have to shoot a red barrel and climb a ledge for that).
Exit the cave and turn right. Don't step out from behind the small section of
wall, since there are several archers, a bazooka guy, and a dynamite thrower
around the corner.
Pick off the archers first, then the bazooka guy, and then the dynamite guy.
Take care of any loose ends, then head up the cave on the left side of the
road. There will be a guy waiting in it, so blast him with your shotgun. That
causes several more to come in from the bottom of the cliff, and there are also
several waiting at the top. Deal with the upper ones first, then run into the
cave behind them.
Grab the items from the cave, then turn around to deal with the incoming guys.
Take their items and head back down the cliff. There'll be another guy at the
bottom, and a new dynamite thrower will have appeared up high. Just ignore him
and run to the top of the hill.
Take care of the last guy at the top of the hill, but be careful not to hit the
wagon with barrels in it. Step out of the way, THEN shoot the wagon. Examine
the cliff walls where it blows up to find some stuff, then press the red button
on the right side of the next door.
Turn right and head down the hallway. Sell any Spinels and Emeralds you have
to the merchant. You'll note that he's now offering the Killer 7 for sale.
Whether you buy it or not is entirely up to you. Personally, I didn't bother.
You have so little magnum ammo throughout the game that it's not really worth
wasting money on it, especially if you still have the Broken Butterfly that you
got for free earlier.
Attache Case XL............73000 Broken Butterfly:
Attache Case L.............40000 Capacity 4 (12)..............25000
Attache Case M.............24000 Rifle (semi-auto):
*Treasure Map (Island).......3000 Firepower 6 (15.0)...........40000
Handgun.....................8000 Capacity 6 (24)..............25000
Red9.......................14000 EXCLUSIVE....................80000
Punisher...................20000 Mine Thrower:
Blacktail..................24000 EXCLUSIVE....................30000
Broken Butterfly...........38000 Striker: Firepower 5 (10.0)...........40000
*Killer7....................77700 Capacity 5 (24)..............18000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Purchase the new upgrades for the Striker, then save your game at the
typewriter. Use your rifle to pick off the guy on the ledge on the right side
of the path when you continue, then deal with the other guys. Open the door at
the end of the path when you're done.
Base - Entrance
Grab the money from the locker in front of you, then head down the hall. Grab
the Incendiary Grenade from the dumpster on the right, then continue down the
hallway until you come to the door. When you enter it, be prepared to blast a
guy hiding on the left side, since he'll jump out at you. Enter the area where
he jumped from to find a Green Herb and some shotgun shells, then continue down
the hallway.
Enter the kitchen for another little surprise, grab the grenade from the sink,
then continue to the next room.
Base - Surveillance Room
Take care of the big guy up top first, then use your rifle to snipe the two
guys in the lower level. Go down to the lower level after that, but be
prepared to take out two more guys that come down the stairs after you. Grab
the Red Stone of Faith from the case in the corner, then enter the smaller room
in the back for a Yellow Herb and some money.
Go back up the stairs and head through the door on your left. Grab the ammo in
front of you, then walk farther into the room to start a scene. Grab the money
from the locker in the corner once the scene is done and head out the next
Base - Garage Area
Take the shotgun shells from the filing cabinet on the left, then take a right
and go into the merchant's area. Take the shotgun shells from the box on the
left and the rifle ammo from the glass case, then talk to the merchant. He's
offering a Tactical Vest now. It's expensive, and if you're anything like me,
you're not taking much damage anyway. Personally, I went without the vest and
spent my money upgrading the Striker again. If you have enough to max it out,
the Exclusive upgrade will become available, which gives you a one hundred
shell capacity. O_o
Attache Case XL............73000 Striker: Firepower 6 (12.0)...........60000
Attache Case L.............40000 Capacity 6 (28)..............25000
Attache Case M.............24000 EXCLUSIVE....................60000
*Tactical Vest..............60000 Killer7: Firepower 2 (30.0)...........62000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000 Reload Speed 2 (1.53)........20000
Handgun.....................8000 Capacity 2 (10)..............30000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
NOTE: The other door next to the merchant leads to another shooting range.
You'll need to play the "D" type game to win the next six bottle caps.
If you manage to win them all, you'll be given 50000 pesetas. More
information can be found in the shooting gallery section of this guide.
[Not yet complete.]
Move towards the open area with the garage door in it. When you step out in
view of the door, it will open, and several guys will appear. Try to knock as
many as possible over, especially since they'll be chucking dynamite at you
whenever they get the chance. Once you get the chance, enter the area they're
in and deal with any stragglers.
Take the red herb and ammo from that area, then go open the drawer in the
second set of filing cabinets to find an Emerald. Go through the door inside
the garage area to continue.
Base - Cryogenic Lab Access
Enter the little room on the left to find a typewriter and some items, one of
which is a Brass Pocket Watch. Exit back into the main hallway and take a
right when you get the chance. Head left down the dead-end hallway to find an
Emerald in a case, then take the ammo from the red box on the wall in the left
hallway. Both doors in this area are sealed, so go through the gate and take
the left hallway. Grab the Incendiary Grenade from the red cabinet on the
wall, then go down the hall and exit the door there.
Base - Autopsy Lab
Take a look around if you want. When ready, examine the security panel with
the nine colored traingles on it. Seriously, just about any series of buttons
you push will open it, but here's one that works every time:
Blue, Yellow, Green, Green, Red, Red, Red.
Enter that autopsy area and take Luis's Memo 3 from the desk on the left as
well as the ammo from the ground on the right. Take the keycard for the
freezer from the dead guy in the back of the room, then get your rifle out.
Approach the door you entered the autopsy room until you hear a crash outside,
then back all the way to the back of the autopsy room.
A "Regenerator" enemy will attack. If you read that memo you just picked up,
you'll know that you can't kill Regenerators without some sort of heat sensor.
So, blast a leg off of it as it attacks you, then run the hell away back to the
door you entered the lab from.
(Actually, you CAN kill them without the infrared scope, it's just slightly
more difficult. Toss a grenade or blast it enough times with a shotgun, and
it'll explode just like it does if you hit all of the plaga spots. It's just
much more ammo-efficient to use the infrared scope with the rifle.)
Base - Cryogenic Lab Access
Look left around the corners slowly. There's another Regenerator waiting near
the central gate area, but you can pick off one of his legs before he sees you
if you do it right. Run past him while he's down and enter the cold door.
Base - Cryogenic Lab
Grab the Green Herb from the case in the back-left, then enter the small room
next to the door. Alter your keycard with the device on the table to receive
the Waste Disposal Card Key, then use the controls in there to open the door to
the small freezer unit. Take the Infrared Scope from that freezer, then
immediately run to the right side of the entry door, grabbing the rifle ammo
Turn around and target the Regenerator making its way toward you. Shoot the
little red/dark orange spots on it until the thing explodes. Grab its money
and exit the Cryonenics Lab.
Base - Cryogenic Lab Access
There will suddenly be two Regenerators in this hallway. Take care of the one
on your right first, then take care of the one on the left. Regenerators tend
to drop five thousand pesetas each, so don't forget to kill them and pick up
their money. Use your re-written access card to open the door to the garbage
Base - Garbage Disposal Area
Run forward and grab the ammo from the boxes, then open the door to the control
area. Grab the hand grenade from the middle of the floor, then take control of
the crane with the levers. Use it to pick up the cluster of two guys first,
then pick up the other two one at a time. You only get three uses from the
crain before the idiots decide crouching in the open isn't going to help them,
so if you don't manage to catch all four, be prepared to deal with the
survivors. Grab the green herb and Emerald from the dumpsters in the main part
of the room, then open the door.
Grab the TMP ammo and go up there stairs. Take the shotgun shells from the
table, the Yellow Herb from the counter, and check the lockers in the corner,
then open the next door.
Base - Ashley's Cell
Head down the hallway, stopping to grab the ammo from the red box on the right
wall. Blast the two dudes guarding the cell door, then open the other door
nearby to continue.
Base - X-Ray Lab
Grab the shotgun shells from the ground on the left, then open the next door.
Several enemies, including an archer, are waiting in the X-Ray Lab. Take care
of all of them, then raid the place for items. There's some ammo in a cabinet
on one side of the room and a grenade of the other. Check the cabinet under
the stairs for a box of Magnum ammo, then open the door.
Run to the end of the hall and open the door. Grab the Green Herb from the
table, then use the typewriter.
Base - Research Lab
Go through the first part and open the door. Immediately turn to the right and
use your infrared rifle to pick off the Plagas on the spiky Regenerator that'll
come in the room. Take the Storage Room Card Key that it drops, then grab the
rifle ammo on the cart next to you and more rifle ammo from the case on the
right in the next area. Jump through the window to the large lab area.
The wall with the glass shelved area has a Red and a Green Herb, and the other
wall has two boxes of ammo, one on a shelf and one in a crank door. Grab all
of that stuff, then exit the lab door. Head through the door right by it to
Base - Radio Terminal
Use your Blacktail to pick off the six crows on the upper part of the bridge,
then break the barrels by the merchant. Not much else to do with him at the
moment, unless you didn't have the money to upgrade everything you wanted to
earlier. Ride the elevator to the upper area.
Attache Case XL............73000 [No new upgrades are offered at this time.]
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Enter the radio control room to see a scene, then grab the shotgun shells from
the corner. Go back to the elevator, take the Green Herb from the end of the
walkway, then get back on it. Go back into the lab as soon as you get back to
the bottom area.
Base - Research Lab
Nothing new here, creepily enough. Just head to the right and go through the
door in the smaller lab area.
Base - X-Ray Lab
Use the typewriter in the small room on the left if you want, then go enter the
main X-Ray chamber again. Several guys will gather at the top of the steps, so
don't hesitate to start firing shotgun shells when you get in there. Be
especially sure you knock the archers down, since they tend to be quite
accurate now for some reason.
Head all the way out of this area to get back to the room with Ashley's cell.
| |
| |
| 1.52) CHAPTER 5-2 |
| |
| |
Base - Ashley's Cell
Take the shotgun shells from the thing on your left, then take the Paper
Airplane. Exit the cell and be prepared to blast some guards around the left
corner. Head out of this area through the door down the left hallway.
Base - Garbage Disposal Area
Several more guys are in here, including an archer. Take them all out, then
go press the security button to open the door. A few more guys will come in,
so either turn around as fast as possible and blast them or run to the other
side. Either way, kill them and make your way to the room with the crane.
Approach the side of the garbage dump to continue.
Base - Dump
Flip the closest lever, then turn and use your infrared rifle to blast the
Regenerator that was in the garbage pile. Exit into the open area and take the
rifle ammo, then flip go to the large red thing and have Ashley help you push
it into the water. Before you cross over to the other side, go look through
the fence wall on the left to see another Regenerator.
Shoot one of the Plagas while it's just standing there, then pick off the rest
as it moves towards you, backing up all the way to where you started if
necessary. Grab the green herb and rifle ammo, then push the second red crate
out of the way and open the next door.
Base - Wrecking Arena
Take care of the three guys near the entrance, then pick up the shotgun shells
and Green Herb on your way to the furnace area with the wrecking ball. Enemies
will pour into that room as soon as you enter it, so be ready for a long and
tedious round of blasting them. Take all of their stuff, then go to the corner
area and grab the ammo and Red Herb on the ground. Use the wrecking ball three
times to break the junk away from the door.
More guys will enter the room once you do that, so either deal with them or
make a run for the door.
Base - Elevator
Enter the room on the right and take the grenade from the thing on the right
and the rifle ammo from the cabinet in the back-left. Go back to the main
hallway and pull the lever in front of the gate, but be ready to immediately
turn around and run back to the end of the hallway. Snipe the Plagas off of
the Regenerator from there.
Carefully work your way down the hallway, and when you see the second
Regenerator, retreat to the end of the hallway to take out its Plagas. Enter
the little conference room on the left side of the hallway to find a Green Herb
and some shotgun shells. Press the switch in the back-right corner to activate
the power to the next door.
Go to that door and pull the lever near it. Send Ashley under it, then grab
the Yellow Herb from the end of the hallway. Enter the right door to find a
Red Herb. Purchase any upgrades for the Striker or other weapons if you don't
already have them, then save with the typewriter.
Attache Case XL............73000 [No new upgrades are offered at this time.]
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Exit the merchant's area and have Ashley stand by one of the levers on the
sides of the elevator door. Take Leon to the other lever to get the chance to
operate the levers. Wait for the lights on the top to flash down to the center
and press the X button. If you do it at the right time, you'll be granted
access to the elevator.
Base - Bulldozer Path
Grab the shotgun shells, rifle ammo, and First Aid spray from the left, then
raid the crates on the right. Jump in the back of the bulldozer thing to start
the next part of the game.
Stand right next to Ashley in the front part of the truck's bed and blast any
guys that try to board the truck. Eventually, another truck will come down the
path, so blast the front of it to temporarily stop it. Continue halting the
guys as they try to climb. Don't worry when that same truck comes back; it'll
get caught on a low piece of metal.
When the dozer stops and Ashley points to a lever, jump out of the truck and go
up the right ladder. Grab the Green Herb, then turn right and start blasting
your way through the guys. Don't waste any time standing around, or Ashley
will get killed before you make it back down. Get into the middle part, blast
the guys there, then pull the lever.
Run out the other side of the lever area. Several guys are most likely already
in the back of the truck or close to it. Pick them off with your rifle. Once
the room is secure, board the truck again. Be ready to defend against a bunch
more guys trying to get on, and keep your ears peeled for the sound of an
approaching truck. Make sure you're standing as close to Ashley as possible,
and when you hear the truck, turn around to face the direction you're driving
in to shoot its engine. The truck should ram you and flip over, but you should
be fine.
Grab the handgun ammo from the left corner, then open the next door. You can
pick up a grendade, some shotgun shells, and the Green Stone of Judgement in
this room.
Attache Case XL............73000 [No new upgrades are offered at this time.]
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
The merchant doesn't have anything new, but you can pick up stuff if you failed
to get it earlier. Save at the typewriter and head through the door across
from the merchant.
| |
| |
| 1.53) CHAPTER 5-3 |
| |
| |
Base - Boiler Area
Take the money from the left side of the stairs, then take the Our Plan file
from the table in the middle of the elevated area. Open the door to see a
short scene, then run to the end of the platforms for some shotgun shells. Go
down the metal stairs and deal with the two guys there, then take the Green
Herb and head through the door.
Another set of guys is on the lower level of the boiler room, including one
archer. Take care of them, then deal with the other two on the top level.
Take the shotgun shells and money from that small room, then raid the other
small room on the right side of the lower level for money and a Flash grenade.
Open the last door in the boiler room to continue.
Grab the shotgun shells from the floor and take the lift to the upper level.
If you've struggled with the whole pressing buttons to avoid cutscene deaths
thing, you're about to be thoroughly frustrated. You have a series of about
six or so to dodge during the next scene, and the game tries to trick you into
second-guessing when they're going to happen. All you can do is try to stay
focussed on the buttons instead of the entertaining scene.
When it's over, jump down from the current level to find a new door and head
through it.
Base - Laser Grid
You'll have to time the first two runs through the lasers. The other sets will
have to be dodged by pressing the appropriate buttons on the screen as they
come towards you. Take the Emerald from the chair in the next room, then turn
around and knock the Elegant Headdress off of the upper area. Take the lift
behind the chair to continue.
Go down the stairs at the end of the tunnel, then check behind them at the
bottom for a Green Herb and an Emerald. Go down the other section of tunnel
and take Luis's Memo 4 from the box to the left of the merchant.
Attache Case XL............73000 Broken Butterfly:
Attache Case L.............40000 Firepower 6 (28.0)...........70000
Attache Case M.............24000 Killer7: Firepower 3 (35.0)...........78000
Tactical Vest..............60000 Reload Speed 3 (0.93)........30000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000 Capacity 3 (14)..............40000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Upgrade any weapons you want, then save your game with the typewriter. There's
a Red Herb and some Magnum ammo in the small room behind the merchant. Go
through the doors and prepare for yet another interesting fight.
Head up the hill on your left and grab the Yellow Herb from the cage. Continue
to the main area and head up the hill on the left to start the battle. When
you find yourself in the caged areas, don't panic. Press the displayed buttons
to dodge attacks when necessary, and if the thing lands without any buttons
being displayed, blast it in the face with a shotgun shell to make it retreat.
Your goal in each of the three cage sections is to press two red security
buttons, which unlocks the red metal doors to the next section. It also causes
the section you're in to fall after thirty seconds, so a good plan is to find
the red metal door before you press the second switch. That way, you won't
have to panic when you start looking for it. Note that all of the cages
require you to open smaller gates inside them by shooting small green lights
near each gate.
Repeat the process through the second cage. The third cage is a tad more
tricky. One of the green lights can only be hit from the back side of the
gate, so you'll have to go around, shoot it, then go back to the front to press
the button. When you open the last red metal door, jump on the swinging wire
to escape.
If you need a visual aid for this battle, this is the best I can do for now:
--------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------
| 1| T | |T 4| | . | |
| ---- ---- | |-----------....----- | | . |*
| | | | | | | | | | | | ------ |---- |
| | | | | -- ----------- | | -- | |T| | --
| | | | | RG L | | RG ---------- | RG
| | | L | | -- -------- | |--- -- L | | --
|...| | | | | | | | | | T | | -------- | | |
| |---- -----. | | --------| ----- | | | | -- |
| T | 2 . | |3 | | | T|-- |
--------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------
L = Where Leon starts the battle.
T = One of the terminals you need to activate before you can exit a crate.
... = A gate that can only be openned by shooting a green light.
RG = A red gate that leads from one crate to the next.
* = Stand here to see the green light that opens the gate on the left.
1 = Shotgun Shells
2 = Green Herb
3 = Incendiary Grenade
4 = Hand Grenade
After jumping out of the third crate:
Take a few steps and you'll encounter the thing again. If you've still got a
magnum with ten or so bullets, this battle is simple and fast. Just stand
where you are and shoot the thing in the face, one bullet at a time, nice and
carefully. Every hit stuns it, so there's no need to risk a miss because
you're firing too fast.
After it takes about six hits from a magnum, it'll dive underground. Start
running around the area looking for items, but be prepared to press the buttons
on your screen to dodge attacks. When it surfaces again, hit it in the face
with a few more magnum shots to finish the battle. It really is quite an easy
battle thanks to that stunning... If you don't have a magnum or enough bullets,
the shotgun will work just as well, but you'll have to do it from closer range
to make it as effective.
Finish searching the area when it's dead, then open the door near the hanging
wire you used to escape the caged crates. Grab the green herb from behind the
stairs, then go up the ladder. (The button on the nearby lift will take you to
the other side of the chasm, but there's no need for that right now.)
Island - Camp
Climb the ladder, then take the shotgun shells from the table and the handgun
ammo from the cabinet. Open the door and quietly destroy the barrel for an
item, then peek over the edge of the cliff on the left. Snipe the red barrel,
then pick off the lone guy on the right that isn't close enough to the barrel
to be killed by it. Jump down, raid the place for items (including a Yellow
Herb), then jump down the hole inside the tent.
Take a right as soon as you can to find the Blue Stone of Treason, then get
back on the main path and head for the merchant. Grab Krauser's Note from the
left side of the typewriter, then combine the Golden Lynx with the Blue Stone
of Treason, the Red Stone of Faith, and the Green Stone of Judgement. Sell the
Lynx to the merchant after that along with any Emeralds you have and the
Elegant Headdress.
Attache Case XL............73000 Broken Butterfly:
Attache Case L.............40000 EXCLUSIVE...................150000
Attache Case M.............24000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
NOTE: The other door next to the merchant leads to another shooting range.
Unless you failed to complete some of the games eariler on, there won't
be anything for you to do here this time.
Save at the typewriter, then Climb the ladder. Smash the barrel behind you for
an item, then enter the large door.
Ancient Fortress
Take the Green Herb from the barrel on the left, then jump down and work your
way through the pillars on the left. Throughout the entire encounter with
Krauser, be prepared to press buttons as they show up on your screen. When you
have control of Leon again, wait for Krauser to reload, then dash up the stairs
and enter the small room.
Grab the items, then turn around and face the door you just came through. By
far the easiest and most ammo-efficient way to deal with Krauser during this
encounter is by using your knife as much as possible. Krauser will jump around
and eventually get close to you, so just stand there with your knife out and
slice him every time he gets close enough. He'll throw a flash grenade and
escape after you do that.
If he ever pulls out his gun, you'll have to either duck behind some cover or
shoot him until he stops using it. Open the gate in the room you're in and
proceed forward. Krauser will jump out, so be prepared to knife him again.
Take a right and then another right at the next junction, and you'll be heading
across the spot where Krauser started this scene. He'll probably be standing
on the top of the building in the distance, so be ready to either blast him
down or run to him while he's reloading.
He'll attack again when you get close to the structure. Jump in through the
window and get in the corner by the ladder to defend against him. A few robots
will start flying around after a while, but they're easily brought down with a
single shotgun shell.
Exit the structure when you're ready and head through the area behind it. Grab
the herb, then head around to the stairs and enter the side area. Prepare to
blast Krauser with something to knock him off the roof, then knife him again.
Grab the Red Herb and ammo from this area, then push the statue onto the square
thing to unlock the bars on the door's lever. Pull the lever, then backtrack
to that structure from earlier.
Krauser will be waiting near the front of the structure. Knife him again, then
use the lever and jump down the later. Pick up the items, then turn to the
left and blast the machines. Walk to the left around that section of wall, and
you'll be forced to deal with two more machines. Now go down the hallway on
the right, and guess what? Two more machines... Destroy the ones Krauser
sends at you, then grab the Yellow Herb and go up the stairs.
Climb the ladder and turn left. Pick up the items here, then go back to the
ladder area, turn to your left to see the wooden planks, and turn right to find
the second Piece of the Beast. Krauser will attack again, only this time, you
won't particularly feel like using your knife. If you have some magnum shells
to spare, get that out. If not, use your trusty shotgun.
Shoot him in the legs to knock him down, then blast him as fast as possible
before he stands up. As long as you don't let him get too close, this battle
won't take long. Just make sure you don't waste ammo trying to shoot him high,
since that arm thing is invincible.
Grab the third Piece of the Beast that he drops, then jump back down the ladder
nearby. Jump off of the wooden planks near the bottom of the ladder, and
you'll discover that you're right next to the gate you need to go through. Use
all three Pieces of the Beast to open it, then head through.
NOTE: If you let the timer expire before you use the three Pieces of the
Beast, you'll be killed. You MUST go through the door they unlock
before the timer runs out, or it's game over for you.
| |
| |
| 1.54) CHAPTER 5-4 |
| |
| |
Chopper Zone
Mike the chopper guy will help you out through this area. Let him take care of
business, then run for cover in the tent or behind a wall until Mike takes out
the machine gun nest. You'll know when he's about to blast something when he
talks. If he says anything about getting out of the way, it means you're too
close to the taget, and you should get away before he blasts you.
Take a left at the first split and wait for Mike to destroy the tower above
the gate. Deal with any stray guys that Mike misses, then run across the
bridge. Another machine gun guy is in the upper part of the next structure, so
don't linger around in front of it. Deal with the two guys in the windows,
enter the structure, and open the door on the left inside it.
Things get complicated down here. Try to stay under cover as much as you can,
but you'll have to make a run for it eventually. Run up the wooden planks when
you get the chance, grab the rope thing at the top, and slide to the other side
where the machine gun guy is standing. Take him out, grab his money, and drop
down to the level below where he was standing to flip the lever that opens the
next gate.
Enter than gate and take a left to find a small tunnel. Guys will enter it, so
deal with them and climb the ladder. Your next goal is to find the two levers
that activate the final gate in this area. There's no direct way from one
lever to the other, so you'll have to drop down to the middle to find a ladder
to get to the second lever. Drop down and enter the door when you've pulled
both levers.
Chopper Zone 2
Mike will take care of everyone in this area for you. Search the place for
items when he's done, including a Green Herb in a barrel and two Emeralds on
the tops of two pillars (one near the entrance and one near the exit). Go
through the next gate to continue.
Torture Cells Access
Take the Pearl Pendant from the table behind you, then enter the next room.
Take the handgun ammo from the table, then exit the door. Enter the next door
to continue.
Torture Cells
Take the Flash grenade from the left, the magnum ammo from the drawer by the
typewriter, and the shotgun shells from the green box on the wall, then enter
the small room near the green box to find a Yellow Herb. Use the typewriter,
then get your rifle (and infrared scope) ready. The last cell on the left
has a Regenerator in it, so run to the Red Herb, take it, then turn around and
run all the way back to the typewriter.
Turn around and snipe the Regenerator, and note that it has a plaga on its
back. Shoot through it's chest to take care of it. After it explodes, raid
the first cell on the right for some rifle ammo, then climb the ledge near the
door and exit.
Security Station
Take the Green Herb and smash the crate, then head around the corner. You can
easily pick off three or four guys with the rifle before they even notice you,
but then you'll have a hoard to deal with, so get your shotgun ready. Stay in
the walled area to avoid the machine gun guy, but clear the place of all
enemies before you continue.
Enter the door on the structure and climb the ladder. Raid the upper area for
items, then go outside and jump off the ledge to your left. Raid the locker in
the next room, then attempt to press the button on the console. Run back to
the lockers and face the catwalk to defend against a large group of guys. When
they're dead, take the keycard from one of them. climb the ladder, and go use
it on the security access thing.
Backtrack to that console and press the button, then walk across the catwalk to
the second small room with another console in it. Two guys will be hiding in
there, so don't let your guard down. Once both buttons are pressed, head down
to the lowest level, walk past where the gate used to be, and enter the door.
Deal with the two shielded guys, then exit into the next area.
Saddler's Experiment
Watch the scene. When you have control of Leon, check behind the rocks on the
left to find some money, then pick up the ammo, herb, and another note from
Luis. use the merchant if you want, then open the next door.
Attache Case XL............73000 [No new upgrades are offered at this time.]
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Radiation Lab
Deal with four guys around the first corner to the right, then go down the
right hallway to re-enter Saddler's Experiment chamber. Take the shotgun ammo,
then go down the other part of the hall to find the radiation lab area.
| |
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| 1.60) Final Chapter |
| |
| |
Radiation Lab
Exit the door in the back of the lab, run up the stairs, and take the shotgun
shells, Yellow Herb, and Our Mission file. Exit the door after that.
Final Battle Arena
Take the herb and smash the crates near the merchant, then use the typewriter.
Head down the stairs to start the final battle.
Attache Case XL............73000 [No new upgrades are offered at this time.]
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case M.............24000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
This isn't a tough fight if you know what you're doing, and it's even easier if
you have several regular hand grenades. Toss a grenade at it, then run to it
and press the X button to climb on it, just like you would to fight El Gigante.
If you run out of hand grenades, start shooting the yellow eyes on it's legs to
knock it down, then use your X button to climb on it.
After six or seven sucessful climbs, a rocket launcher will show up on the
far side of the area. Cross the bridge while the light is green, pick up the
launcher, and hit the enemy with it to finish the battle.
A timer starts. Run to the elevator, but don't forget to take the money the
enemy dropped. Head down the tunnel, jump down the ledge, then catch Ashley.
Use the key to get on the jet ski.
The jet ski part only takes about thirty seconds, so don't worry about time at
first. However, once the game tells you how to accelerate, you MUST accelerate
to keep from losing the mission. After it tells you to accelerate, keep the
jet ski on the left side of the water to avoid shallow water and falling rocks.
When the path turns left, run into the left part of the obstruction to ramp
over it, then the right side of the next one. Dodge a few more fairly easy
rock formations, and you're home free.
Don't forget to watch the credits and save after them. Bonus options get added
to your system file, such as the infinite rocket launcher, the Matilda,
Assignment Ada, and Mercenary Mode.
| |
| |
| 1.70) Assignment Ada |
| |
| |
Island Cliffs - Lower
1) Yellow Herb (Crate on top of rocks)
2) Hand Grenade (Crate on top of rocks)
3) Handgun Ammo (Top of box)
4) TMP Ammo (25) (Inside west-central structure)
5) Green Herb (Ground in the middle of the three structures)
6) Handgun Ammo (10) (Inside north-west structure)
7) Rifle Ammo (5) (Top of north-west structure)
8) First Aid Spray (Roof of south-east structure)
9) TMP Ammo (25) (Sandbags south-east of north-west structure)
10) Green Herb (Left side of stairs)
11) Yellow Herb (Behind the sandbags)
12) Red Herb (On the ground)
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This entire area should look familiar from the regular games. In Assignment
Ada, you'll be trying to collect five Plaga Samples, then escape the island on
a chopper. There are no savepoints, no merchants, and a slight lack of ammo,
but fortunately, there's certainly no lack of healing items.
Begin the area just like you did in the normal game, heading down the paths,
killing the guys in your way, and taking the left path first when you get to
the wooden bridge. Climb the rocks and shoot the two crates (Ada has no knife)
for a Hand Grenade and a Yellow Herb. Head back to the bridge and take the
other path, jumping across the gap to enter the main area.
Grab the handgun ammo on the box in front of you, then peak around the wall to
the left. The island is absolutely swarming with guys, so be ready to unload
lots of ammo. Don't waste it though; you only have a few basic weapons, and
depending on how lucky you get with enemies dropping ammo, you might find
yourself quite low.
When you proceed farther into the main area, tons more guys will enter along
with one of those big machine gun dudes. Get back behind the walls to deal
with the regular guys first, then use hit and run tactics to snipe the big guy
with your rifle. When everyone's dead and the music calms down, search the
place for items. You definitely don't want to pass up any chance to get some
ammo or healing items.
Go up the stairs, jump over the sandbags to find a Yellow Herb, then go down
the path. Deal with the guys in the cave, then examine the rear of it to find
a Red Herb. Climb the ladder in the cave to continue.
Island Cliffs - Upper
1) Rifle Ammo (5) (Barrel in south-west corner)
2) Green Herb (Barrel in south-west corner)
3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in caves)
4) Yellow Herb (Ground in caves, first dead end)
5) Hand Grenade (Treasure chest in cave, destroy red barrel, then climb ledge)
6) TMP Ammo (25) (Box at bottom of hill)____________
7) Red Herb (Ground in upper cave) /
8) Green Herb (Table in hallway) / _________
9) Rifle Ammo (5) (On box in hallway)/ /
/ /
| | |
| | ___ | |__
__. ._______| 7| | 8 |
/ _. .___________| | |
/ / | | | |¯¯
| | | |
| | | |
6| | |
| | | |
| | | |
________| | | |
/ ______| | 9|
| / __ | |
| __/ |_ / / | |
/ ___ 3____/ / | |
/ / _____ | |
/ / __ | |
_| | /4/ | | __
/ | ____ / / / | || |
/ |___| |/__/ | | ||
___ | | | | || |
2 1/ |____| |5 / | |
¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯
Smash the two barrels on the left of the next area for a green herb and some
rifle shells, then jump across the gap and head for the window entrance to the
caves. Deal with the guys in the caves, grab the handgun ammo from the table,
and head down the first path on the right to find a Red Herb. Head down the
other section of the path, shoot the barrel to blast the rocks, then climb the
ledge to reach a treasure chest with a hand grenade in it.
Exit the caves and through the main entrance and take a right. Deal with the
guys on the lower level, then use your rifle to pick off both guys on the upper
level as well as several guys on the top of the hill in front of you. Grab the
TMP ammo from the box on the right side of the hill, then head up the cave ramp
on the left side. Grab the red herb from the other side of the caves, then
jump down to the hill from the wooden bridge.
Head through the door at the top of the hill, but be alert. Two more guys will
attack from behind you, and two archers will be on the far end of the next
hallway. Eliminate all of them, grab the green herb and rifle ammo, then climb
the ladder and enter the hole in the wall to continue.
Base - Cryogenic Lab Access
1) TMP Ammo (25) (Table) | | | |
2) Green Herb (In crate) | | | ____ |
3) Green Herb (On ground) | | | |1 | | |
4) Handgun Ammo (10) (Cabinet on wall) | | | |2 |_| |
5) TMP Ammo (25) (Case on table) | | | |¯ |
6) Red Herb (Cabinet on wall) | | | |_______|
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | | |
| |___| |_________| |______________
| |
|6 3 4 |
¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |
| | | |
| | | |
|5 | | |
¯¯ | |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
Head down the stairs near where you start, eliminating the guy you encounter at
the bottom. Enter the small room on the right and grab the TMP Ammo and Green
Herb, then head back up the stairs to the main split in the hallway. Take the
Green Herb from the ground and take the left path. Grab the Handgun Ammo from
the red cabinet thing on the right side of the wall, then head around the
hallway to the door on the other side (guarded by a single guy). [You'll pick
up items 5 and 6 on the way back, so only go out of your way if you desperately
need them.]
Base - Autopsy Lab
_____________ ___________
| 2| |_| 3 | 1) TMP Ammo (25) (Table near entrance)
| _ | 2) Yellow Herb (Smash glass in north-west room)
|_____| | | 4| 3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in north-east room)
| | | | 4) Plaga Sample
| | | |
|1 ______| |___________|
| |
| | _______
| |_|
| _
|______| |_______
Take the TMP Ammo from the table in front of you, then eliminate the two guys
in the north-west room. Break the glass on the shelf in that room to get a
Yellow Herb, then enter the north-east room. Kill the guy in here quickly,
since three more will appear behind you in the other part of the room. Turn
around and deal with them, then grab the Handgun Ammo from the table and the
Plaga Sample on the ground near the dead guy in the back of the room. Exit the
area back to the main Cryogenic Lab Access hallway.
Base - Cryogenic Lab Access
Head down this area until you get to the door that leads to the Cryogenic Lab.
There will be a rather large gathering of enemies, so either eliminate them all
now or enter the lab, then deal with them on your way out.
Base - Cryogenic Lab
| 3 |2 |
| | | 1) Rifle Ammo (5) (Table in small room on the right)
| | | 2) Plaga Sample (In the separated freezer area)
| | 3) Hand Grenade (Break glass in back-left or main area)
| ___| 4) Green Herb (Left side of main area)
|4 |
| __|
| | |
| 1|
| | |
|___ _____|__|
Nothing too difficult in here. Grab the Rifle Ammo from the small room to the
right, then take the Plaga Sample from the same spot you find the Thermal Scope
in during the regular game. Smash the glass on the shelf in the back-left
corner of the main area for a Hand Grenade, then take the Green Herb from the
top of the box and exit the Cryogenic Lab area.
Base - Cryogenic Lab Access
Deal with the enemies out here if you didn't already, and don't forget to grab
the two items from the area if you didn't grab them on your first trip through
here. Head up the hallway in the north-west to get to the next door.
Base - Garbage Disposal Area
__ ______________
|1 || | |
| | 1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Box at end of hallway)
| || | | 2) Rifle Ammo (5) (Corner of control room)
| || 2| | 3) Red Herb (Next to dumpster)
| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | 4) Green Herb (On box before stairs)
| | ________| | 5) TMP Ammo (25) (Table in middle of room)
| | | 3 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |_____________ ____________
| | | 4| | |
| | | | | |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | 5 |
| | |__ |
| | | | |
| ¯¯¯¯ |
| |
Take the Handgun Ammo from the box at the end of the hallway, then open the
door and kill the two guys in the control room. Take the Rifle ammo from the
far corner, then go through the door. Snipe the first guy with your rifle,
then back into the corner where the other guys won't be able to hit you. The
machine gunner should jump up the ladder eventually, and you can snipe him to
death after he does.
Pick off the remaining guys in the disposal area, then take care of the two
dynamite guys that come through the next door. Grab the Red Herb next to the
northern dumpster, then go through the next hallway. Take the Green Herb, then
kill the two guys in the next room. Take the TMP Ammo from the table in the
middle and press the switch to unlock the door. Doing so causes several more
guys to rush in from the disposal area.
Quickly run away from them and gun them all down with the TMP (or use a hand
grenade). Take their items, then go through the unlocked door to continue.
Base - Ashley's Cell
___| |_________ _______________
| |_| |
| _ 3| 1) Yellow Herb (Floor)
| ___________| | | 2) Hand Grenade (Red cabinet on wall)
| | ___| | 3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table)
| |________ | 5 | 4) TMP Ammo (25) (Crate)
| 2 1|| 4 | 5) Plaga Sample (Case)
| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|______________________________ |
| |
| |
| |
You should recognize this area as the place where they kept Ashley in the main
game. There's a Yellow Herb in the corner after the broken power cord, and
there's a grenade inside the red cabinet on the wall. Enter the door at the
end of the next hallway and hose down the five or so guys that are guarding the
third Plaga Sample.
Take the Handgun Ammo, TMP Ammo, and the Plaga Sample, then head back out
through the door. Go through the next door on the right to continue.
Base - X-Ray Lab
____ __________
| |__| |_________
| __ 1 |
|_ _| |__________| |
| | 1) TMP Ammo (25) (Shelf)
| | 2) Green Herb (Shelf)
| | 3) Red Herb (Floor at bottom of stairs)
| | 4) Handgun Ammo (10) (Window)
| 2 | 5) Yellow Herb (Table)
| | 6) TMP Ammo (25) (Table)
|---. .---|
| . . |
| . . 4|
| . . |
_______| |
| |
| 3|
| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
| |
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| |_
| _
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|5 6|
Open the door at the end of the hallway and deal with all five guys in the
area. Grab the TMP Ammo, the Green Herb, the Handgun ammo, and the Yellow
Herb, then try to open the other door. Have a handgrenade ready, and throw it
up the stairs as fast as you can. It should kill all of the normal guys, and
you can finish off the machine gunner with your rifle.
Exit the door now that it's unlocked. Deal with a few more guys out here,
including two dynamite guys in the door at the end of the hallway. Take the
Yellow Herb and TMP ammo from the small room they were in, then head through
the next door.
Base - Research Lab
_______________ _____________
| | 1 |
| | 1) Green Herb (Table)
| 2) Handgun Ammo (10) (Case)
| | | 3) TMP Ammo (25) (On boxes)
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ 4) Rifle Ammo (5) (Shatter glass shelf)
|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯| 5) Rifle Ammo (5) (Shatter glass shelf)
|2 | 6) TMP Ammo (25) (Shatter glass shelf)
| | 7) TMP Ammo (25) (Shatter glass shelf)
| .........___ | 8) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shatter glass shelf)
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | 9) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shatter glass shelf)
| |_ _| 10) Red Herb (Shelf)
|13 | | 11) Yellow Herb (Shelf)
| 4| | 12) Green Herb (Shelf)
| 5| | 13) TMP Ammo (25) (On boxes)
| 14 6| | 14) Plaga Sample (Break glass in middle)
| 7| 3|
| 8| |
| 9| |
| |
| 10 11 12 | |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
Enter the second area and take care of the two nearby guys, then grab the Green
Herb from the table and the handgun ammo from the case. Jump through the
windows to enter the main lab area, then raid the place for items, taking the
Plaga Sample from the center at the end of your raid, since it will cause a
rather large group of enemies to attack.
Jump back out the window and take a left as soon as you take the sample. Tons
of guys are going to attack you, so keep in a good defensive spot. There's a
fire extinguisher on the left wall that you can use to kill several enemies (by
shooting it while they're close). Other than that, use your handgun, rifle,
and TMP. Try to keep some grenades for the next fight.
When the first wave is dealt with, open the door that runs next to the main lab
area. Deal with the second cluster in here, grab the TMP ammo from the boxes,
then exit out the door.
Base - Radio Terminal
1) First Aid Spray (Barrel) __________________
2) Handgun Ammo (30) (Barrel) | _____________ |
3) TMP Ammo (100) (Barrel) | | | | |
4) Plaga Sample (Krauser) | | | | |
___________________________________.... | | | | |....
4 . | | | | .
. | | | | .
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|1 2 3|¯¯¯¯.... | |_____ | | ....
¯¯¯¯¯ | | | |
| _______| |_|
Run to the far side of the area to start the fight. If you still have several
hand grenades left, this will be easy. Simply turn around immediately and toss
one at him, switch to TMP, and blast him as much as you can before he gets up.
Wait for another chance to hit him with any other grenades you have left. When
you run out of grenades, switch to your TMP and aim at his legs. Keep hitting
him when he falls down, and he should run away after four or so times.
There's handgun ammo, TMP ammo, and a First Aid Spray in the three barrels if
you need them. Grab the last Plaga sample Krauser drops at the end of the
fight, then take the elevator up to the next level. Enter the radio area and
operate the switch to finish the mission.
| 2.00) Separate Ways Walkthrough |
| |
| |
| 2.10) Chapter 1: Ring the Church Bell |
| |
| |
1) Spinel (Sitting on rock near west gate)
2) Shotgun Ammo (10) (Sitting on rock near west gate)
3) Green Herb (On wood pile above north-west structure)
4) Green Herb (On wood pile near southern gate)
5) Flash Grenade (Large crate in south-west shack)
6) Yellow Herb (Crate south of cattle barn)
7) Red Herb (On small cart behind southern structures)
8) Green Herb (In wood pile on east side of southern structures)
9) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Top of tower near locked door)
10) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in north-eastern shack)
11) Chicken Egg (Floor of north-eastern shack)
12) Spinel (Near north-eastern gate)
13) Red Herb (Crate above north-western structure)
14) Hand Grenade (Floor of southern structure)
15) Chicken Egg (Table in southern structure)
16) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Crate in southern structure)
17) Elegant Mask (Bed in southern structure)
18) Insignia Key (Roof of southern structure, grapple from outside)
19) Handgun Ammo (10) (Cabinet in north-western structure)
20) Incendiary Grenade (Right crate on table in north-western structure)
21) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shelf on second floor of shotgun house)
22) Money (Table on second floor of shotgun house)
23) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Bed on second floor of shotgun house)
24) Spinel (Roof of shotgun house)
25) Handgun Ammo (Cabinet under the stairs on first floor of shotgun house)
R) Random (Barrel under the stairs in shotgun house)
R) Random (Barrel under the stairs in shotgun house)
R) Random (Crate in north-eastern structure)
R) Random (Barrel in north-western structure) . /12/
R) Random (Left crate in north-western structure) . . / /
R) Random (Barrel in southern structure) . ./ .
R) Random (Barrel in southern structure) .11 . . .
R) Random (Small crate in south-west shack) . .
R) Random (Crate in north-eastern shack) . . 10.
_______________________________..... / / . .
/ 13 .R . / / .
/ ........ ........ .. ./ /
__/ . 19 . .21 25. / /
/ . R. .22 RR. / /
/ . 20. . ......... /
/ / . R... . . ....
/ / . . 24. / . 9. /
/ / ...... . 23 . | . /
/3 / ............ .. | /
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/ / /
/ ______________ / /
/2 / 18 /
/1 / | . .----... ...... |
| | . . .15 .8 |
| | . . .R 14 . |
| | . .----....... .. |
| | . . 7 .R . |
___| | . . .16 . |
| | . 17 . |
.... | ...... /
. | |
. . | 6 _______________|
.5R . | __________/
..... |
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|4 |
¯¯ ¯¯
The layout of Pueblo should be quite familiar to you. There're items all over
the place, so use the map I've provided to track them all down. Most noteably,
don't miss the three Spinels (one by the west gate, one by the north-east gate,
and one on the roof of the shotgun house) or the Elegant Mask (on the bed in
the southern house).
Entering the southern house, the north-western house, or the tower will cause a
cutscene, which will also prompt and endless stream of villagers to enter the
area. You can literally sit there and fight them all day if you'd like, but if
you'd rather progess with the story, simply try to open the door with the
insignia on it. Another cutscene will show you a shiny spot on the roof of the
southern house. Run to the middle of the town, and Ada will be prompted to use
her grappling gun. Use it to get on the roof, where you'll find the Insignia
You can either use the key now to open the locked door or you can keep
slaughtering villagers and collecting items. Either way, you'll need to head
through that door eventually if you want to keep playing.
1) Snake in a crate
2) Handgun Ammo (10) (Shelf near merchant) /
3) Green Herb (Barrel by door behind merchant) /1
4) Handgun Ammo (10) (Alcove on tunnel wall) 2 T
5) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Alcove on tunnel wall) /
6) TMP Ammo (25) (Ground near water) / 3
7) Green Gem (Crate in alcove on wall) / /
R) Random (On the ground near the Green Gem crate) / /
/ /
/ /
Mission 1 Treasure Map.........10000 / //
Attache Case M.................24000 / /
TMP............................12800 4
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
First Aid Spray.................5000 5
Spinel [x3].....................6000 |
Don't sell the Elegant Mask or Green Gem (if you picked it up |
already). These items can be combined with other items later |
to increase their sale price. |
| |
/ /
You'll encounter the first merchant here. You should have three Spinels / /
to sell, but don't sell your Elegant Mask (or your Green Gem if you / /
already picked it up). You'll likely have enough money to get the / /
next Attache Case, but I don't personally think it's necessary, ____/ /
or at least not quite this early. | |
|M |
The crate near the merchant has a snake in it, so be prepared to | |
swing your knife a second time before it can hit you. Grab the ¯¯| |¯
handgun ammo, then open the door in the back of the room. The
barrel has a Green Herb in it, so go smash it open and take it.
Examine the hatch on the floor to open it, then jump down. As soon
as you drop down, some villagers will come through the door behind
you, and some more of them will come at you from the other side of the
tunnel. Sprint to the other side of the tunnel, ignoring all of the
items for now.
Instead, smash open the metal door on the other end before the villagers can,
then knock them both down and run to the other side by the ladder. You can
easily defend yourself against all of them from here without worrying about
getting hit in the back, so go ahead and finish them all off. Grab any items
they drop, then move back through the tunnel to collect all of the items along
the walls. Make sure you grab the Green Gem from the crate, then go ahead and
use the ladder to enter the cemetary.
__| | __________ __
/ R | | | |
/2/¯ R | | | 8|
/ / R | | | |
/ / | | |__________| |
/1/ ....| ------| R | | ......
. . / / | . 6.
.5 / __/ | . R.
.4R. | | . ..._
.... | _______| / _____
________________|__________ | _ / /
______/ / /
1) Hand Grenade (Nest in tree) / /
2) Handgun Ammo (10) (Nest in tree) ________/ ___/ / | |
3) Red Gem (Top of gravestone) _____/ | |
4) Handgun Ammo (On table in south-west shack) | |
5) Yellow Herb (Crate in south-west shack) | _____
6) Snake in a crate |
7) Green Catseye (On the ground near the door) 7|
8) Round Insignia (Inside the light contraption) ______|
R) Random (Crow)
R) Random (Crow)
R) Random (Crow)
R) Random (Crate on table in south-west shack)
R) Random (Crate on shelf in eastern shack)
R) Random (Nest in tree near front door of the church)
A villager will throw something at you as soon as you get off of the ladder, so
be ready to take her out. Check this path for two nests in the tree branches,
then head up towards the cemetary. Pick off the three crows on the tombstones
with your handgun, then take care of the three villagers that attack you.
Collect all of the items from the crows and villagers, then head into the
middle of the cemetary and grab the Red Gem from one of the tombstones. Raid
the shack in the corner for a few more items, but be prepared to deal with
several more villagers. Head up the path next to the cemetary to reach the
church, where even more angry villagers will attack you. Blast the nest out of
the tree to the right of the church door for an item, then take the path by the
A few villagers are on the planks, but a single shot will usually knock them
off into the water. Raid the shack, but watch out for the snake in the crate
on the table. Farther down the planks, you'll find two villagers and a woman
armed with a chainsaw. Deal with them, then grab the Green Catseye from the
ground near the door.
Return to the church and take the path that leads behind it. Operate the
contraption back here by turning it seven times using the 3 option, then
another five times with the 4 option, then one more time with the 3 option to
receive the Round Insignia. Eliminate the two villagers that attack, then
inspect the contraption again. Place the Green Catseye in it to make the bars
on the entrance retract.
When you head back towards the front of the church, a horde of villagers will
attack. Deal with them, then use the Round Insignia to open the front door of
the church.
| RR 1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Alter)
| ___ ___________________ 2) Purple Gem (Ground in SW corner)
| | 3) Flash Grenade (1st floor, SE barrel)
| | R) Random (Barrel on 2nd floor)
| | | R) Random (Barrel on 2nd floor)
| | |
| 1 | |
| | | Run to the alter and grab the handgun
| | | ammo as soon as you enter the church,
| / | then turn around and enter the hallway
| ___ ___________________/ | to your left. Grab the Purple Gem from
|2 3 / the ground and smash the barrel to find
|_________________________________/ a flash grenade.
| | _| |__
| | | | The corner where you find the flash grenade is
| | | | a good spot to defend against the villagers, so
| | | | stay here until the three from the first floor
|_______| |______| are dead.
Cross the church and use the ladder on the other side to reach the upper floor.
There are three more villagers up here, so look around corners carefully. When
you reach the flat area by the large painting, use the control panel to operate
the lights on the walls. Each of the three colored cirlces has a little icon
thing pointing straight up when you first take control of it. Turn the red one
three times, the green one once, and the blue one twice, then combine the three
to operate the church bell. (The red circle's icon thing should be pointing to
the left, the green one should be pointing to the right, and the blue one
should be pointing down.)
| |
| |
| 2.20) Chapter 2: Rescue Luis |
| |
| |
Chief's House
. _____________/ /
. . /15 /
. ./ ______________/
____________ .14 /
| 1 ..... __ ______________ . /
| .2 3. _______________/ _______ | . /
| .. . | _____| | / /
| R R _______________ | |4 M | / /
| R ____/ | | | / /
|__________/ ___| | 5| / 13/
|7 6 | / /
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / /
/ |
/ |
/ |
______________ _______/ 12 |
| |Stairs |10| |
| |--- | | |
| | | /
|¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯ | | /
| 8| | | /
| | /
| | | _/
|9 T| 11 /
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
1) Brass Pocket Watch (Hanging above well, shoot stick first, then the watch)
2) Spinel (Crate in western shack by the well)
3) TMP Ammo (25) (Barrel in western shack by the well)
4) Money (Cabinet in Chief's room)
5) Handgun Ammo (10) (Desk drawer in Chief's room)
6) Chicken Egg (Case on table in Chief's room)
7) Money (Cabinet in hallway by Chief's room)
8) Money (Cabonet in room west of the dining room)
9) Hand Grenade (Break glass on cabinet in room west of dining room)
10) Gold Chicken Egg (In the oven)
11) Handgun Ammo (10) (On wood pile near back door)
12) Ruby (Chainsaw villager)
13) Handgun Ammo (10) (Nest in tree on path east of Chief's house)
14) Red Herb (Crate in shack on east side of Chief's house)
15) TMP Ammo (25) (Nest in tree on path east of Chief's house)
R) Random (Crow)
R) Random (Crow)
R) Random (Crow)
*Mission 2 Treasure Map.........10000 Spinel..........................2000
Attache Case M.................24000 Brass Pocket Watch.............10000
Blacktail......................24600 Elegant Mask w/(R,G,P).........20000
TMP............................12800 You should have a Red, Green, and
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600 Purple Gem by now. Combine them
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000 with your Elegant Mask, then sell it
First Aid Spray.................5000 to the merchant for a higher price.
Before you talk to the merchant, grab the three items from this room, then go
out the open door next to him. Head down the path and shoot the three crows on
the ground, then inspect the well. Shoot the stick to close it, then shoot the
Brass Pocket Watch to retrieve it. Enter the shack and grab the TMP Ammo and
Spinel, then return to the merchant. Combine the Green, Red, and Purple Gems
with the Elegant Mask, then sell it, the Spinel, and the Brass Pocket Watch.
Exit through the other door in this room, then take an immediate left and grab
the money from the cabinet. Head down the hallway and stairs, then take a
right. Kill the villager, then grab the money and hand grenade from the two
cabinets. Head for the other end of the house now and grab the chicken egg
from the oven, then open the back door and head outside.
Grab the handgun bullets from the log pile to your right, then deal with the
chainsaw guy (who'll drop a Ruby when you kill him) and the villagers. There's
a nest in the tree before the shack with some handgun bullets, and a crate in
the shack has a Red Herb in it. Another next in a tree right after the shack
has some TMP ammo. Kill or run past the last group of villagers to reach the
door leading back to Pueblo.
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (In wood pile near the tunnel house)
2) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Top of the tower)
3) Shotgun Ammo (3) (Table in north-eastern shack)
4) Green Herb (Wood pile above north-western structures)
5) TMP Ammo (25) (Shelf in north-western structure)
6) Rifle Ammo (5) (Roof of north-eastern house on the northern chimney)
7) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Crate in bedroom of southern structure)
8) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Bed in southern structure)
9) Handgun Ammo (10) (Roof of shotgun house)
10) Chicken Egg (Break glass on cabinet on second floor of shotgun house)
11) Handgun Ammo (10) (Cabinet under stairs on first floor of shotgun house)
R) Random (Crate in south-western shack)
R) Random (Crate in south-western shack)
R) Random (Crate south of cattle barn)
R) Random (Crate in shack north-east of shotgun house)
R) Random (Crate above northern structures) . / /
R) Random (Crate on table in north-western structure) . . / /
R) Random (Crate on table in north-western structure) . ./ .
R) Random (Barrel in north-western structure) . . . .
R) Random (Barrel in southern structure) . 3 .
R) Random (Barrel in bedroom of southern structure) . . .
_______________________________..... / / . .
/ R .R . / / .
/ ........ ....... .. ./ /
__/ . 5 6R. .10 11. / /
/ . R. . RR. / /
/ . R... . .......... /
/ / .. . . . ....
/ / . . . . / . 2. /
/4 / . . 9. | . /
/ / .. ............ .. | /
/ / / | /
/ / / | / /1 /
| / ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ //
| | / /
| | / / /
___| |___/ / /
/ / /
/ ______________ / /
/ / /
/ / | . .----... ...... |
| | . . . . |
| | . . .R . |
| | . .----....... .. |
| | . . .R . |
___| | . . .7 . |
| | . 8 . |
.... | ...... /
. | |
. . | R _______________|
.RR . | __________/
..... |
| |
| |
¯¯ ¯¯
Tons of items have regenerated in the town, so take a stroll around and help
yourself. Other than that, the only thing to do here is blast the wandering
villagers, so head through the north-east gate to make your way to the farm.
B = Bear trap
1) Spinel (Dangling above well, shoot stick out first)
2) Brown Chicken Egg (Barrel behind small northern shed)
3) Spinel (Roof of smaller barn, stand between the two barns to grapple)
4) Money (Cabinet in south-west corner of the first floor of the large barn)
5) Money (South-eastern barrel in larger barn)
6) Rifle Ammo (5) (Cabinet on the upper floor of the large barn)
7) Gold Bangle (Jump off the ledge directly after jumping out the window of
the second floor of the large barn)
8) Hand Grenade (Crate in north-eastern area)
9) Money (Smaller crate in north-eastern shack)
R) Random (Barrel next to typewriter)
R) Random (Barrel in smaller barn)
R) Random (Crate on shelf in larger barn)
R) Random (Barrel in larger barn)
R) Random (Barrel in larger barn)
R) Random (Cabinet on north-west corner of larger barn)
R) Random (Barrel in north-eastern shack)
/ 2 |
/ .... |
/ . . |_________________________________/
/ . . | / 8 /
/ | | /
| | /
... ... | /
. . | ....|
__________. ._____| 9 R.
/ . R. _______....
| ...3 ... B |
| B B |
|1 .... ....B B
..... . R .-----
.R . ______ ____.R . |
.T / . . |
..... / . ... ...
/ | .R . 7. |
/ ______|___ . R .......________ |
/ / .4 6 5.
/ / .... ....
/ / |
/ / ¯¯ |
Take a left and break the barrel near the typewriter in the shack, then shoot
the stick holding the well open nearby. Shoot down the shimmering item from
above it to get a Spinel, then turn around and defend yourself against the
horde of villagers. Raid the farm for items when you're done. Don't miss the
Spinel on the smaller barn's roof (grapple to it from the ground east of it),
and don't miss the Gold Bangle in the chest where the Beerstein is in Leon's
game (jump from the southern end of the walkway outside the large barn's
window). Avoid the bear traps on your way to the south-east gate and leave the
1) Spinel (Nest in tree near large structure)
2) Spinel (Crate on ground on south side of large structure)
3) Handgun (10) (Table near typewriter)
4) Incendiary Grenade (On a chair)
5) Beerstein (Grapple up to bridge)
R) Random (Cabinet near typewriter) _________________................
R) Random (Cabinet in eastern structure) / | . T . .
R) Random (Crate in western shack) / . . . 4.
R) Random (Crate in western shack) ..... | 3 . . ....
R) Random (Barrel in central structure).RR | . R. . .
R) Random (Barrel - central structure)/. . ....... .. .
R) Random (Barrel on grapple bridge)_/ . .. ....... 2 . .
_________________________| . . | 1 .R .
/ .... . | .......
/ _______________________ . . ---- ---|
/ / |___ . . /
/ / .RR /
/ / ....... ____/
| | ___/
|R5| _____________/
| |
| | On your way down to the tunnel, make sure you stop and use the
/ | grappling hook when you're prompted. Two villagers are on the
/ / bridge along with two barrels, one of which contains the Beerstein.
/ Grab it, then jump back down and head through the tunnel. Deal
___/ with the dynamite guys, then enter the the small house.
A cutscene will start when you enter the northern half of the house, which will
result in the door to the larger structure being unlocked. It's not necessary
to go in there, but there are a few items and a typewriter if you'd like to go
in anyway. Make sure you don't miss the Spinel in the nest between the two
structures, or the one in the chest on the south side of the bigger one.
Return to the tunnel and head back to the farm when you're ready. More
villagers will try to stop you, including a group of five that will jump down
from the bridge. Wait until all five of them land, then toss a grenade to
easily deal with them. Another pair are waiting near the gate to the farm, so
watch out.
1) Shotgun Ammo (10) (Ground by south-east corner of smaller barn)
2) Money (Table next to typewriter)
3) Spinel (Side of path by dumpster near the south-western gate)
R) Random (Sometimes there's an item on the south wall of the typewriter shed)
/ |
/ .... |
/ . . |_________________________________/
/ . . | / /
/ | | /
| | /
... ... | /
. . | ....|
__________. ._____| .
/ . .1 _______....
| ... ... |
| |
| .... ....
..... . .-----
.2 . ______ ____. . |
.T / . . |
..... / . .. ...
/R | . . . |
/ ______|___ . .......________ |
/ 3/ . .
/ / .... ....
/ / |
/ / ¯¯ |
Not much going on at the farm this time... pick up the shotgun shells near the
smaller barn, then grab the money from the typewriter shack. There's a Spinel
on the side of the path near the entrance to Pueblo, so grab it on your way to
the gate. There's also sometimes an item near the southern wall of the
typewriter shack, but not always. Seems to be a lot of places like that in the
PS2 version...
There aren't any new items in the town this time, so I didn't bother to include
a map. There are, however, several villagers lurking around. Fight your way
to the gate in the south-west corner, which leads back to the Chief's House.
You might notice a rather strangely-dressed villager near the door. When you
kill him, his body doesn't disappear. If you inspect him, you'll discover that
he's wearing Leon's jacket.
Chief's House
There aren't any new items here, either. Simply run up the path to start a
cutscene. Be prepared to press some buttons on the screen, too, or Ada will
meet an unfortunate end.
___ 1) Green Catseye (Chest near alter)
/ 2) Green Herb (Barrel near sandbags)
/7 __ 3) Iron Key (Table in gondola control room)
/T / 4) Shotgun Ammo (10) (Locker in control room)
/ / 5) Yellow Herb (Locker in control room)
________ | | 6) Handgun Ammo (10) (Near entrance to lifts)
| __ |____| | 7) Rifle Ammo (5) (Near typewriter)
| | | |5 4M| |
| | | |__ | |
| | | | 3| |
| | | |___ | |
|6 | | | |
|__| |_____ | |
____________________| | |
| |
| _______________________|
| |
|2 |
| | Mission 2 Treasure Map.......10000 Spinel [x5]...................10000
| | Attache Case M...............24000 Ruby..........................10000
| | Blacktail....................24600 Gold Bangle....................8500
| | Shotgun......................21440
| | TMP..........................12800 Do not sell the Green Catseye or the
| | Rifle (semi-auto)............35600 Beerstein, you will be able to
|1 | Scope (semi-auto rifle)......10000 combine them with other items later
|__| First Aid Spray...............5000 to sell them for a higher price.
After narrowly escaping from the cutscene, dodge the villagers' weapons, then
blast them senseless. Plagas will start randomly popping out of heads from
this point in the game, so always be prepared for that. Grab the Green Catseye
from the treasure chest, then jump down the ledge by the ladder. Stop the
dynamite guy before he gets the chance to throw, then take care of him and his
buddy. Take the green herb from the barrel, then hop over the sandbags and
deal with the villager on the stairs.
Go up the stairs and open the door to the gondola control room. Grab the Iron
Key from the table in front of the merchant, then raid the lockers for a Yellow
Herb and some shotgun shells. Do business with the merchant if you'd like,
then return to the stairs and head all the way down both flights. Grab the
rifle bullets from the crate near the typewriter, then use the Iron Key to open
the next gate.
Shed of Enlightenment
|97 | | 1) Yellow Herb (Next to the shed)
|6 | | 2) Red Catseye (Next to the shed)
|8 3 |2| 3) Lift Activation Key (Chainsaw lady)
|5 |1| 4) TMP Ammo (50) (Left side of shed)
| | | 5) Incendiary Grenade (Left side of shed)
|4 | | 6) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Left side of shed)
|__ _| | 7) Green Herb (Left side of shed)
___| |_| | 8) Red Herb (Upper level of shed)
| | 9) Handgun Ammo (10) (Upper level of shed)
| /
| /
| / Run down the path to the shed and go down the smaller path
| / to the right of it to find a Yellow Herb and the Red Catseye
/ on the ground. Enter the shed and fend off the villagers,
| | one of which is armed with a chainsaw. She'll drop the Lift
| | Activation Key when you kill her, so grab it, raid the shed
| | for items, and leave.
| |
| | Two more villagers will attack you near the gate, so take
| | care of them, then head through to go back to the gondola.
/ /
/ /
/ /
______/ / -------
________/ Gondola
__ __
1) Spinel (Ground near the gate with the retinal security scanner) | | | R|
2) TMP Ammo (25) (Wood behind southern structure) | | | |
R) Random (Sometimes there's an item on the | | | |
garbage can in the southern structure) | | | |
R) Random (Barrel at top of gondola ride) | |__| |
R) Random (Barrel near upper merchant) | |
R) Random (Locker in southern structure near upper merchant) | ______|
| |
| |
Mission 2 Treasure Map.........10000 | |
Attache Case M.................24000 / /
Blacktail......................24600 / /
Shotgun........................21440 / /
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600 / /
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000 / /
First Aid Spray.................5000 | |
| |
| |
Spinel..........................2000 /
/ |
Do not sell the Green/Red Catseyes ________________________/ |
or the Beerstein, you will be able ________________________ |
to combine them with another item | 1/
later to sell it for a higher price. _ /
|M| /
| | / /
A pair of villagers are waiting | | / /
for you next to the typewriter, |R| / /
so watch out. Head up the stairs __| |_________________/ /
and deal with the rest of the |
villagers, then enter the gondola ___ |
control shack. Use the Lift |
Activation Key on the console to |
activate the gondola, then jump .. .... |
out the window and run to the other | .R T. |
side of the lifts. Grab the handgun | ... . |
ammo if you didn't already grab it | .R . |
earlier (marked with a 6 on the other | ..... |
half of the gondola text map), then | 2 |
hop on one of the gondola lifts. |__________________|
When you exit the lift at the top, smash the barrel on the other side of the
lifts, then head down the path. Pick up the Spinel from the ground near the
large door, then go behind the shack to find some TMP ammo. Grab the items
from inside the shack, then smash the barrel near the merchant. Do business
with him if necessary, then inspect the nearby gate (the lower one). You won't
be able to open it, but if you stand a little ways away from it, you'll be able
to grapple over it.
El Gigante's Path
|11| 1) Spinel (Ground near shacks)
| | 2) Handgun Ammo (10) (Ground near shacks)
| | 3) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Barrel on southern grapple point)
| | 4) First Aid Spray (Barrel on northern grapple point)
| | 5) Yellow Catseye (Barrel on northern grapple point)
| | 6) Handgun Ammo (10) (Eastern shack)
| | 7) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Eastern shack)
| | 8) TMP Ammo (50) (Western shack)
| | 9) Incendiary Grenade (Western shack)
| | 10) Red Herb (Ground near Gigante)
| | 11) Green Herb (Ground near Gigante)
| | R) Random (Crate on ground near shacks)
| |
| |
| |
| __________________________________
| R 2 4 5
| ... ...
| .8. .6.
| 9. 7.
... ... 1 3
There are plenty of items in and around the shacks, so raid the place. Don't
miss the two grapple points along the walls, either - one of them has the
Yellow Catseye. When you've collected all of the items, head through to the
wooden gate to the other large clearing. Time to meet up with an old friend...
El Gigante will go down much easier this time than he did in Leon's game due to
Ada's superior weaponry. If you have plenty of handgun ammo, simply dump about
fifteen bullets into him from a distance to make him go down, then rush him and
use the X button to jump on his back. Hack away at his plaga using the button
shown on your screen, then repeat the whole process until he goes down for
good. Grab his money and any remaining items, then exit through the main gate.
Take a few steps on the next screen to end the chapter.
Note: If you're having trouble, toss a flash grenade. It'll stun El Gigante
for quite a while, making the fight even eaiser.
| |
| |
| 2.30) Chapter 3: Retrieve the Sample |
| |
| |
Castle - Hedge Maze
1) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Fountain behind merchant)
2) TMP Ammo (50) (Treasure chest)
3) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Treasure chest)
4) Shotgun Ammo (5) (On the right of cage)
5) Yellow Herb (On ground on west side)
6) Gold Bangle w/Pearls (On fountain across the bridge)
7) Rifle Ammom (5) (Treasure chest)
8) Red Herb (In barrel under bridge to fountain)
9) Incendiary Grenade (On ground in northernmost part of maze)
10) Rifle Ammo (5) (Treasure chest)
11) Elegant Perfume Bottle (Under canopy of the bed)
12) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Closet in southeast corner of room)
13) Rifle Ammo (5) (Vase on left when entering southeastern room)
R) Random (Barrel in northwest corner of maze)
R) Random (Barrel under eastern bridge)
R) Random (Barrel under eastern bridge)
R) Random (Vase on dresser next to bed)
R) Random (Vase next to closet)
| | 9 | |
| | | |
| R | | |
| _____ _____ | | ________ |
| | | | 2 | | | |
| __| | | | |________| | M |
| | | | | 1 |
| _____| | |_______________ | |
| 10 | | | | |
|________| | ________ |__|____________|
| | | | | | |
| | | | 8| 6 | RR |
| |____| | |________| ___________ |
| | | | | |
|__ __| ___________ | | |_ |
|5 | | | | | | | | | |
| | |__ | |_ ________ | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | |7| | | | | 3 | | | |
| |___ |_| | |___| |_____| | | |
| | | |
|______________ __________________|_| |
| 4 | / |
______________|________|___/ _______________|__
| 13 |
| _________________________ |
|_ _| | 11|
| R |
| ____ ____|
| / |
| / |
| T| |
[MERCHANT] | | |
| | R 12|
*Mission 3 Treasure Map.........10000 |__ _|________|
*Attache Case L.................40000
Attache Case M.................24000 [WHAT TO SELL]
Shotgun........................21440 Spinel..........................2000
TMP............................12800 Beerstein w/(G,R,Y)............20000
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000 Combine the Green, Red, and Yellow
*Bowgun.........................70000 Catseyes with the Beerstein, then
First Aid Spray.................5000 sell it along with the Spinel.
Open your inventory and combine the Green, Red, and Yellow Catseyes with the
Beerstein, then chat with the merchant. Sell the combined Beerstein and the
Spinel, then purchase the Attache Case L, the Rifle (semi-auto), and the Bowgun
from him. (These are just my suggestions, you can get whatever you'd like.)
Grab the bowgun darts from the fountain behind the merchant, then head around
the corner to the bridge. Cult guys will attack, and many of them will have
phase two and phase three plagas pop out of their heads when you kill them, so
be alert. Use the map above to navigate the hedge maze, collecting items as
you go. Be sure to get the Gold Bangle w/Pearls from the fountain on the top
of the central platform, which you can reach from the bridge on the west side.
When you've collected everything you want from the maze, make your way to the
golden gates on the east side. Enter the room where Ada and Leon encountered
each other and raid it for items, making sure you get the Elegant Perfume
Bottle from under the bed's canopy and the bowgun darts from the cabinet in the
attached room.
Your next destination is the dining hall, but rather than taking the door near
the typewriter, I suggest you exit the bedroom and go back into the hedge maze.
Take a left and follow the path, then go through the door to reach the castle's
Castle - Roof
_ __
|_ _| 1) Hand Grenade (Chest in grapple room)
| | 2) Yellow Herb (Chest in grapple room)
| | 3) Hourglass w/gold decor (Chest in grapple room)
| | 4) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Chest in grapple room)
| | 5) Handgun Ammo (10) (Vase on table in central room)
| | ___ 6) Green Herb (Table in north-east area near merchant)
| | |23 | 7) Money (Cabinet near north-east door by merchant)
| | |1 4| 8) TMP Ammo (25) (Crate closest to merchant)
| |__|___| R) Random (Barrel by door in north-east room)
| | R) Random (Barrel by door in north-east room)
| | R) Random (Vase on north side of north-east room)
|____ | R) Random (Vase on north side of north-east room)
|_ | R) Random (Crate on shelf in north-east room)
| | R) Random (Crate on shelf in north-east room)
| | _______
| | | R R |
| | |R R|___ _
| | |R 6 7|
| | |_ _ M 8 R|
| |______________| |__________|
| |
[MERCHANT] |________________ 5 |
|_ |
Mission 3 Treasure Map.........10000 | |
Attache Case L.................40000 | | [WHAT TO SELL]
Attache Case M.................24000 | |
Blacktail......................24600 | | Elegant Perfume Bottle.........10000
Shotgun........................21440 | | Gold Bangle w/Pearls...........10000
TMP............................12800 | |
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600 |_|
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
First Aid Spray.................5000
Use your rifle to pick off the shield guy and the archer, then head towards the
fountain. Carefully peak around the corner and snipe the next two archers,
then run towards the wall and look to your right to see a third. Take care of
him, then inspect the metal door in the corner by the fountain. It won't open,
but you'll receive the option to grapple through the window after you inspect
it. Be ready, though - there's a cult guy in there. Raid the chests for all
of the items (including the key Hourglass w/gold decor item), then grapple back
out of the room.
Proceed down the path and take a left to find the next door. Another cult guy
will attack, so be ready. Continue through the next door, then smash the vase
to your right. The door on your left leads to a storage room, which should be
your next destination. Raid the barrels, crates, and cabinets for items, then
conduct business with the merchant. Open the next door when you're ready, and
you'll find yourself in the dining hall.
Castle - Dining Hall
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Table in dinging room)
2) Green Herb (Table in dining room)
3) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Vase on cabinet on far western side)
4) Flash Grenade (Break glass on cabinet in cage room)
5) Green Herb (On ground by door in north-east corner)
| | 6) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Ground behind counter)
| | 7) Ruby (From the Garrador)
| | _____________
| | |4 5
| | | |
| |__________________ | 7 |
| |_| | Pick off the first few cult guys with
|3 2 1 _ | your rifle, then smash the vases to
|________________ | |___________ | find some items. Head down the hall
| |_____________| | and snipe the archer to the left, then
| |6 | raid the tables for items. Enter the
| ______|___________| square room with the chest now.
| |
| | When you get near the chest, the cage will fall and
| | you'll have to face a Garrador, just like in Leon's
| | mission. Toss a hand grenade at the lock on the cage
| |__ if you have one, then get out of it as quickly as you
|R R| can. Pick off the cult guys, then hit the Garrador in
|_ _| the back until he drops, leaving a Ruby for you.
More cult guys will continue to fall from the ceiling, so don't let your guard
down. Enter the thin hallway that leads behind the counter to find some Bowgun
darts, then inspect the empty treasure chest. Place the Hourglass w/gold decor
in it to unbar the next door, then head through it.
Castle - Mural Room
1) Rifle Ammo (5) (Vase on west side of upper level) | ____ |____
2) Green Herb (Vase on west side of lower level) | | |
3) Elegant Chessboard (Under bridge on east side) __ |
4) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Vase under bridge) |_|------|__| |
5) Spinel (Vase in southeast hallway) / | 2 | |
6) Flash Grenade (Alcove in southeast hallway) |1 | 4 3| |
________| |_________| |________
__________________ |
___________|____________| | |
| |
Move forward to start a short cutscene, then head for the little bridge when| |
you get control of Ada again. Cult guys will rush you from both ends, so | |
have your shotgun ready. If you can knock down the lamp above the bridge, | |
it'll work like an incendiary grenade. Otherwise, just blast your way to |5|
one side of the bridge until you get into a defendable area. Once all of | |
cult guys are dealt with, raid the area for items. Don't miss the Elegant | |
Chess Board underneath the bridge on the east side. | |
| |
Go through the door on the other side of the bridge when you're ready. | |
Deal with the shield guy and the archer, then grab the Spinel from the _| |
vase. Shoot the shiny spot in the alcove where the merchant is in Leon's |6
mission for a Flash Grenade, then open the nearby door to end the chapter.|____
| |
| |
| 2.40) Chapter 4: Stop Leon's Assassination |
| |
| |
Base - Bulldozer Path
1) Hand Grenade (Barrel on ground in western room) ________________
2) Rifle Ammo (5) (Grapple to a barrel) | R R 8|
3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Grapple barrel)____ | __5 6 7 |
4) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Near debris) |3 2| | | _________ |
5) Shotgun Ammo (5) (On a box) |1 ___| |___________ | |
6) Green Herb (Crate on a box) |_____ / 4| 11 12 | |
7) Flash Grenade (Barrel by door) / ____|_ ___ |
8) TMP Ammo (25) (On tires in back of room) / | | | _____
9) Velvet Blue (On the ground) / / _| |_ / | 13 |
10) Yellow Herb (Grapple above debris, then/ / | |/ /9 __| |
move through tunnel and fall) | | | 10 / |
11) Golden Lynx (Debris after grappling) | | |______/ _____ |
12) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Debris after grapple)| | |_____|
13) First Aid Spray (Under last grappling point)
*Mission 4 Treasure Map.........10000 Elegant Chessboard.............13000
Attache Case L.................40000 Ruby...........................10000
Attache Case M.................24000 Spinel..........................2000
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
First Aid Spray.................5000
Do business with the merchant, then move forward down the path. Take a left
when you can and deal with the men there, then smash the crate on the ground.
There are two places you can use your grappling hook in here, so do so to nab
another pair of items. Drop back down and return to the main path when you're
done, taking a left when you can.
Immediately shoot the red barrel next to the men to wipe them out, then finish
any survivors. Grab the items, then open the door on the left. More troops
will be waiting for you here, so eliminate them. The room is lined with crates
and barrels, so smash them and collect the items. Get your rifle out, then
open the next door.
Several guys are just standing around, waiting for you to pick them off, so go
right ahead. Make sure you tag the archer on the catwalk to the left, too.
Grab the Velvet Blue from the ground, then get the first aid spray from the
ground under the left side of the catwalk. You'll notice that you can grapple
up to the catwalk, but avoid it for now. Instead, head to the other end of the
area and grapple above the rubble that's blocking the path.
Jump into the vent and deal with the big guy in there, then drop down. There's
another soldier waiting here, so take care of him, then grab the Yellow Herb.
Open the door and head out to find the Golden Lynx, then jump up on the crates
to get some bowgun bolts. Continue climbing the crates until you can jump back
down the other side, then grapple to the high catwalk and use the door.
Base - Dock
1) TMP Ammo (25) (On a box)
2) Hand Grenade (Sitting on barrels)
3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Sitting on barrels right of turret)
4) First Aid Spray (On a box)
5) Flash Grenade (On a box)
6) Activation Key (blue) (Sitting on a crate)
7) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Sitting on a box)
8) Red Herb (To left after ladder)
9) Velvet Blue (On the table)
10) Shotgun Ammo (5) (Crate on right side of table)
11) Green Herb (Near turret)
12) Rifle Ammo (5) (Near turret)
13) Handgun Ammo (10) (Sitting on a box after exiting the lift)
14) Green Herb (Wall near lifeboats)
15) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Crate between ladders)
16) Shotgun Ammo (10) (Left side of ladder before turret)
17) Handgun Ammo (10) (Left side of ladder before turret)
18) Red Herb (Crate to right of ladder before turret)
19) Activation Key (red) (Grapple after turret appears)
20) Shotgun Ammo (10) (North-east corner)
21) Rifle Ammo (5) (North-east corner)
22) Handgun Ammo (10) (North-east corner)
23) Bowgun Bolts (5) (Chest before typewriter and merchant)
R) Random (Barrel near entrance)
R) Random (Crate in south-east corner, lowest level)
R) Random (Crate to the right after exiting the lift the first time)
R) Random (Barrel in south-east corner, lowest level)
R) Random (Barrel in south-east corner, middle level)
__ ______________________
/ | |16| 19 20|
__| 15___/ 17|18 ______ 21|
| ___|_________| |22|
_|__ 13 | | |
/14 R| ___________| |
|__________________| | 23|
_______________ | ___________|
| R 1 | M|
| ___________ | T|
|_ | ________________ | |
| |___| 4 8| |
|2 6 9R| |__
|_____ 3 5 7|
|_ R 121110R|
Mission 4 Treasure Map.........10000 Velvet Blue [x2]................5000
Attache Case L.................40000
Attache Case M.................24000 Don't sell the Golden Lynx. You'll
Blacktail......................24600 be able to combine it with other
Shotgun........................21440 items later to sell it for a higher
TMP............................12800 price.
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
First Aid Spray.................5000
Grab the items along the path as you work your way towards the first turret.
You'll need an activation key to use it, so continue down the path until a
cutscene makes the gunship start to attack you. Watch out for its machine gun
bursts - they hurt like hell. Waste the horde of soldiers that attacks, then
run to the other side of this low area to find the activation key on some
crates. Gather the rest of the items on the way back up, then use the key to
activate the first gun turret. Hold down your X button to unleash a fury of
machine gun bullets on the boat. You must destroy the guns on it, which takes
a few seconds of concentrated machine gun fire. Once they're all destroyed,
you'll be forced from the gun.
Return to the lower area where you found the key, then climb the ladder there.
Grab all of the items, then jump on the rotating wheel thing to hop a ride to
the other side. Jump off, then clear out the guys and collect even more items.
Climb the ladder on the far side, then head up the stairs, over the gap, and up
the ladder. As you approach the red gate, a turret will come up from the deck.
Immediately use your grappling hook to reach a platform where you'll find the
second activation key.
A small protruding part of this platform will give you another grapple option,
so use it. You'll find yourself on a new platform with a few more items and a
second gun turret. Use your new key to activate it, then blast the remaining
turrets from the ship. A timer will start once you destroy the first one, but
you won't be able to leave the gun until you've destroyed them all.
Hop down from this platform when you're finished with the guns, then get back
on the big rotating wheel thing. Jump off on the other side, climb the ladder
far to the left, and head up the stairs just like before. Jump over the gap,
then climb the ladder and head through the red gate before the timer runs out.
There're a few more items waiting for you here, including a treasure chest with
some bowgun bolts in it. Grab them all, then head up the path to find the
merchant and a typewriter. Use them both if you'd like, then open the next
Base - Bulldozer Path 2
| R 5 6|
| 9 4 |__
| 3
| 78 10 R
|________ ______________________ ___
| | | | |
___| | __|2| | |
| __| __| | |
_____| 1| | |
1) Green Herb (On ground) ____| | |
2) Rifle Ammo (5) (Sitting on a crate) _____________________ / /
3) Shotgun Shells (10) (Middle level) | |/ /
4) Velvet Blue (Lowest level under catwalk) | /
5) Shotgun Shells (5) (Lowest level) | /
6) Green Stone of Judgment (Top level) | ___/
7) Flash Grenade (On a crate) |_____________________|
8) Yellow Herb (On the ground)
9) Red Herb (Barrel on the catwalk right after the gate on the top level)
10) TMP Ammo (25) (Barrel on lowest level)
R) Random (Barrel under catwalk on lowest level)
R) Random (Barrel in small room after gate on upper level)
Grab the green herb from the ground, then head up the path. There's a box of
rifle ammon on a crate to the left after you go up the small flight of stairs,
so grab it and deal with the soldiers in the area. Run to the end of the next
section of walkway and jump down when you reach the ladder.
Turn to your left and continue down the next section. Three soldiers are
waiting for you around the corner, so be prepared. Grab the shotgun shells
from the top of the crate near the catwalk, then jump down to the lowest level
using the ledge near the locked gate.
Troops will swarm you as soon as you hit the ground. Stall them with a shotgun
shell, then toss a grenade to finish them off. Raid the lower section to find
some shotgun shells, TMP ammo, and a piece of Velvet Blue, then deal with the
three soldiers on the top of the catwalk. Grapple to it when you're done, then
use the ladder to reach the top level.
Turn to your right to find the Green Stone of Judgment on some crates, then
turn around. As soon as you approach the red barrel, several soldiers will
rush at you. Tag the barrel to blast them all, then finish off any survivors.
More soldiers are waiting on the other side of the gate, so clear them out.
Take a left on the stairs after the gate to find a barrel on the catwalk, which
contains a Red Herb.
Smash the barrel in the small structure past the catwalk, then head behind it
and jump down to the other side of the locked gate you saw earlier. Take the
Yellow Herb and the Flash Grenade, then deal with the soldiers in the area.
Work your way around the path to find one last soldier, then use the ladder to
exit the area.
Base - Boiler Area
Before you do anything in here, take a left and immediately exit the area
through the door. There're some items in the next area, and you'll want to get
them now before you forget.
Base - Bulldozer Crash Site
___________ _________
| 2 3 | | | 1) Handgun Ammo (15) (On shelf by door)
| |_| | 2) Red Stone of Faith (Briefcase on north wall)
| _ | 3) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Inside the cabinet)
|1 4 | | | 4) Hand Grenade (Inside the second cabinet)
| _________| |5 | 5) Yellow Herb (Ground next to bulldozer)
There aren't any enemies in this area, so simply raid the place for items. Be
sure to pick up the yellow herb in the corner near the bulldozer, and make sure
you grab the Red Stone of Faith from the brief case in the first room. Return
to the boiler area when you're done.
Base - Boiler Area
__ __
| | ______
| | | 3 |
| | |1 | | || | _
|__| |__| | || ||2|
__| |_________________| ||__|| |_______
| T 4 | |R |
|________________________________|__ |_ |
__| | |
1) Bowgun Bolts (3) (On ground next to stairs) |__ | |
2) Shotgun Shells (5) (On the end of the catwalk) | | |
3) Blue Stone of Treason (Break the window high up on the wall) | | |
4) Green Herb (On ground in front of door on lower level) __ | | |
5) Handgun Ammo (10) (On a box in the storage room) |5 | | | |
6) Flash Grenade (On a box in the storage room) | 6| | | |
R) Random (Locker in small room) | |_____| | |
| | |
|___________ |
Grab the bowgun bolts next to the stairs, then use the typewriter if you want.
Head through the next door and run straight, then take a left at the end of the
catwalk to find some shotgun shells. Backtrack a little to find the stairs
leading down, but look up at the windows first. Shoot the flashing one to find
the Blue Stone of Treason, then deal with the pair of shield guys that attacks.
Run down the stairs and pick up the green herb at the bottom, then open the
next door and blast the guard. Take a right past the boilers, then another
right at the end to find a door leading to a storage room, where you'll find
some handgun ammo and a flash grenade. When you open the door to leave,
another soldier will be waiting, so be ready.
Head up the stairs and open the locker in the small room for an item, then go
back down the stairs and leave the boiler room through the door.
Base - Leon Meets Krauser
| ___
| |
________ |__________|
| |______
| ______|
| |
|________| 1) Velvet Blue (Ground behind grapple point)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | There's not much to do here, just run down
| | the hallway until you come to a door, then
| | run forward to pick up a piece of Velvet Blue
|__ __| on the ground. You'll be given the Grapple
| | | | prompt on the ground near the Velvet Blue, so
| | | | make sure you don't carelessly jam the button
| | | | and end up missing it. Once you grapple up,
| |________________|__|_______ a cutscene starts that will end the chapter.
| 1| Keep your hands on the controller - Ada will
|______________________ ___| need to press some buttons to perform an
| | action during the scene.
| |
| |
| 2.50) Chapter 5: Obtain the Sample |
| |
| |
Chopper Zone
*Mission 5 Treasure Map.........10000 Velvet Blue [x2]................5000
*Attache Case XL................73000 Golden Lynx w/(G,R,B)..........35000
Attache Case L.................40000
Attache Case M.................24000 Combine the Red Stone of Faith, Blue
Blacktail......................24600 Stone of Treason, and the Green
Shotgun........................21440 Stone of Judgment with the Golden
TMP............................12800 Lynx, then sell it along with your
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600 two pieces of Velvet Blue.
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
First Aid Spray.................5000
This map was horribly complicated to make, so bear with me please. I've
divided it into chunks based on the level of each area, which will show up as
lighter and darker colors on your map screen when you're on, below, or above
the other levels.
/....| ____
/.....| / __
|______|_/ /
| __/
| |
| |
| |
__________ / /
/3 67 5 | |
| 2 4 | |
| ________ |
/ / _ ___| /
/ / _______|
/ /
/ / 1) Rifle Ammo (5) (Crate next to merchant)
| | 2) First Aid Spray (Kill the heavy machine gunner)
| | 3) Hand Grenade (Inside a tent)
| | 4) Velvet Blue (Barrel near tower structure)
| | 5) TMP Ammo (25) (Barrel next to tower structure)
| M| 6) Blue Eye (On tower roof, grapple from below)
| 1| 7) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Tower roof, grapple from below)
| |
Combine the Blue Stone of Treason, Red Stone of Faith, and Green Stone of
Judgment with the Golden Lynx, then sell it to the merchant along with the pair
of Velvet Blues you have. You should be able to easily afford the Attache Case
XL if you want it, so go ahead and get it. Grab the rifle bullets from next to
him, then head up the path.
An archer is hiding behind some crates, so pick him off before he fires at you.
When you approach the tower structure, a heavy machine gunner will jump down,
and a shield guy will attack from nearby. Take care of them both, making sure
the machine gunner doesn't land a hit. Raid the tent for a grenade, then break
the two barrels next to the tower and collect their items. You can grapple to
the top of the tower, so go ahead. Be careful though - there's another soldier
waiting up there. Take the bowgun bolts and the Blue Eye from the barrel, then
jump back down and take a left.
| | _____ 1) Yellow Herb (Ground before the bridge)
| || | 2) Red Herb (Climb ladder before the bridge)
______| || | 3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Floor of trap tower)
|R | 4) Green Herb (Floor of trap tower)
|__________ | 5) Shotgun Shells (5) (Floor of trap tower)
| R) Random (Barrel at dead end after trap tower)
When you round the corner, a large group of
| soldiers will attack, including an archer
_____|__ __|__ and a dynamite guy. Wipe them all out, then
/ |3 4| | take the Yellow Herb from the ground. Climb
__/ 5| | the ladder on the left before the bridge to
__/ __ |__ __| | find a Red Herb, then shoot the red barrel
__/ __/ __ ______| on the other side of the bridge to take care
/2 __/ | | of the soldiers over there. Jump down and
/ 1/ |__| cross the bridge, then enter the tower.
/ /
| | Grab the three items from the floor, then get in a corner and
/ _| prepare to fend off a stream of soldiers that will jump in from
/ | the roof. Let three or four of them get in, then toss a hand
| | grenade if you have one. If not, just hose them all with shotgun
| _/ shells, and the gate will eventually unlock and let you out.
/ /
Hit the red barrel next to the two soldiers to take them down, then sprint up
the stairs and break the barrel. Continue up the stairs and use the pulley
slide thing at the top, picking up the hand grenade at the bottom. Deal with
the archer, then drop down and operate the switch on the small ledge to open
the gate. Drop down to the bottom, then smash the barrel to your right.
Drop farther down to find a small camp. Raid the tents, then raid the small
alcove for a Yellow Herb and some handgun bullets. Climb back up the ladder
and go through the gate to continue.
____________ | |
| | 15
10 | /|_
____| __ | ____ __
| | 9| | |_| |1 _____
| __| _| |__ __
| | | | 52 _____
|__|7 R 43 /
| 11 |__ |
/12_ ________ ___|_______|
|__/ / | | 6
13 / | |
14 / |
1) Hand Grenade (In alcove before large gate)
2) Yellow Herb (In alcove, jump down from in front of large gate)
3) Red Herb (In tent, jump down from in front of large gate)
4) Velvet Blue (In tent, jump down from in front of large gate)
5) Handgun Ammo (10) (Barrel in alcove, jump down in front of large gate)
6) Hand Grenade (On ground after using the wire slide)
7) Shotgun Shells (5) (On ground in front of sandbags)
8) TMP Ammo (50) (On upper catwalk before heavy machine gunner)
9) TMP Ammo (25) (On ground in center of lower level by wall)
10) Shotgun Shells (5) (On ground in front of second large gate)
11) Rifle Ammo (5) (On a crate near entrance to southern alcove)
12) Green Herb (Inside of elevator in south-west corner)
13) Green Herb (Crate before heavy machine gunner)
14) Bowgun Bolts (2) (Platform before heavy machine gunner)
15) Bowgun Bolts (2) (Small alcove on the catwalk before north machine gunner)
R) Random (Barrel in upper catwalk area before heavy machine gunner)
R) Random (Barrel near ladder on south side of the area)
R) Random (Barrel near large gate)
The last section of this area will seem a little chaotic, but if you move fast,
you can avoid taking any damage. Grab the shotgun shells from the sandbags
directly in front of you, then turn to the left and sprint for the alcove with
the ladder in it. Smash the barrel, then climb the ladder and pick off the
clueless archer at the top. Two more archers are waiting on the catwalks to
the left of the exit, so carefully snipe them one at a time.
Run out to the right when you're ready, and wait for the last two archers to
fire their bolts. Once they're done, aim down at the lower level and snipe
them or the red barrels next to them, either of which should kill them
instantly. As you approach the far side of the catwalk, another heavy machine
gunner will appear. Keep sprinting towards him and take cover behind the wall,
picking up the TMP ammo and the item in the barrel along the way.
On your way here, you might've noticed the tiny alcove in the wall. There was
a soldier in there, and as you ran past, you alerted him. He'll approach from
behind you, but the machine gunner should be your primary concern. Deal with
them both, then press the switch the gunner was guarding. Turn around and find
the alcove I mentioned to find a barrel with some bowgun darts in it, then drop
down to the lower level.
Collect the three ammo containers and the green herb from down here using my
text map if necessary, then take the ladder near the southern elevator to fight
the second machine gunner. Take him down, then press the switch he was
guarding to open the second gate. Collect any remaining items, then head
through it.
Chopper Zone 2
__ 1) Green Herb (Next to rocket soldier on overhang)
2) Yellow Herb (Barrel between the rows of pillars)
_ __ 3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Brick next to row of pillars)
_ __ 4) Red Eye (Stuck high up on a pillar, shoot it down)
_ ________
_ 4 |
|_____3 ____
|2 1| Isn't much going on in here. Take down the rocket
|_____ ____| soldier near the cliff and grab the green herb
| | from next to him, then go between the rows of
| | pillars to find a yellow herb. More soldiers will
| / appear, so be ready. Pick up the handgun ammo on
____/ / one of the bricks on the northern row of pillars,
/ ___________/ then head towards the northern gate.
/ /
/ / A few archers are waiting for you, but they're easy to take down.
/ / Before you go through the gate, turn around and look for a glimmering
/ / spot near the top of one of the pillars. Shoot it to collect the Red
| | Eye, then go ahead and leave through the northern gate.
Torture Cells Access
/ 1) Shotgun Shells (5) (Rock near entrance)
/1 / 2) Hangun Ammo (10) (Rock near entrance)
/2 / 3) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Table behind the ladder)
| |
| |
| |
___ ____| |
| | 3 | Take the two packs of ammo from the rock on your right, then
| | | | hop down the ladder. Immediately turn around to find a stack
| | | | of bowgun bolts on a small table, then turn around again and
| | |_____ | head through the doorway.
| | _____| |
| | | | After a short scene that should look familiar, you'll find
| |_| | yourself on the other side of the next door. Continue forward
| | and use the next door to enter the torture cell area.
Torture Cells
__ | 1 1) Flash Grenade (Drawer on furniture)
|2 | |3 T M | 2) Yellow Herb (Sitting on electric chair in small room)
| |_| | 3) Chicken Egg (Inside a cabinet on the west wall)
|________ ____| 4) Rifle Ammo (5) (Inside north-west cell)
___| |___ 5) Green Eye (On the ground inside south-west cell)
| | | | 6) Red Herb (On the ground near the exit)
| | | |
| |
|4 | | |
|___| |___|
___| |___
| 5| | |
| | | |
| |
| | | |
|___| |___|
|6 |
| |
Mission 5 Treasure Map.........10000 Velvet Blue [x2]................5000
Attache Case XL................73000
Attache Case L.................40000 Don't sell your Red or Blue Eyes,
Attache Case M.................24000 you can combine them with other
Blacktail......................24600 items later to sell them for a
Shotgun........................21440 higher price.
Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600
Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
First Aid Spray.................5000
Do business with the merchant, then save your game if you'd like. A drawer
near the typewriter has a flash grenade in it, and the small room attached to
this one has a yellow herb. Pick off the archer down the cell hallway, then be
ready to deal with the rest of the soldiers that'll attack from the cells.
Raid the first cell on the right for some rifle ammo, then grab the Green Eye
from the second cell on the right. The two left cells are empty, though you
can see an "inactive" regenerator on a gurney in the second one. Climb the
ledge by the door and use it to leave.
Security Station
___________|RR| Mission 5 Treasure Map.........10000
|9 | Attache Case XL................73000
| ________|__| Attache Case L.................40000
| | 345 | | Attache Case M.................24000
| |______|__ | __ __ Blacktail......................24600
| | | 1| Shotgun........................21440
| | | | 2| TMP............................12800
| | | |___ | Rifle (semi-auto)..............35600
| | ___ | | | Scope (semi-auto rifle)........10000
|68 | | | Bowgun.........................70000
|7 | | | | First Aid Spray.................5000
| | |_____| |
| |____| | [WHAT TO SELL]
| | |
| | _____| Butterfly Lamp w/(R,G,B).......32000
Combine the Red, Green, and Yellow Eyes with the
Butterfly Lamp, then sell it to the merchant.
1) Handgun Ammo (10) (Floor near entrance)
2) TMP Ammo (50) (Floor near entrance)
3) Shotgun Shells (10) (Ledge in second fight zone)
4) Bowgun Bolts (2) (Ledge in second fight zone)
5) Green Herb (Ledge in second fight zone)
6) Handgun Ammo (10) (Ledge in third fight zone)
7) First Aid Spray (Ledge in third fight zone)
8) Rifle Ammo (5) (Ledge in third fight zone)
9) Butterfly Lamp (Ledge to the left after Krauser)
10) Green Herb (Next to merchant)
11) TMP Ammo (50) (Next to merchant)
R) Random (Barrel near merchant)
R) Random (Barrel near merchant)
Grab the two packs of ammo to your left, then move forward to start a fight
with an old friend. Shoot him where he's not protected, then dodge his attacks
whenever possible with the buttons shown on the screen. Eventually, he'll take
enough damage that he'll run to a new section of roof, and Ada will follow him.
Grab all of the items from each new area, and continue fighting him until he
goes down for good.
Take a left on the platform you end up on to find the Butterfly Lamp, then go
down the other side of the walkway to find the merchant. Take the green herb
and ammo from the ground near him, then smash the barrels for some more items.
Combine your three Eye items with the Butterfly Lamp, then sell it. Save your
game if you'd like, then use Ada's grappling hook to jump over the next wall.
Saddler's Experiment
| | 1) Green Herb (On the ground, lower level)
| 6 | 2) Handgun Ammo (10) (Computer, lower level)
| 2 | 3) Handgun Ammo (10) (Ledge near hallway)
| | 4) Red Herb (On the ground in hallway)
______| | 5) Rifle Ammo (5) (On the ground in hallway)
| 8 | 6) Bowgun Bolts (3) (Upper level on a crate)
| 9 1 | 7) Shotgun Shells (10) (On the catwalk)
| | 8) First Aid Spray (Room on upper level)
| | 9) Rifle Ammo (5) (Room on upper level)
|_ 7 __ 3_|
| | | |
____| _____________| |4| Saddler's a pushover if you've saved your
/ __ | | | Bowgun Bolts. Raid the experiment chamber for
|__/ | | | items (though you don't really need them), and
| | | | hit Saddler with darts until he goes down. If
___/ |__ | | You cause enough damage, he'll stumble around
/ _ | |5| for a few seconds. Run up to him and use your
|__/ |_____________|_| X button to give him a stab, and he'll go down
| in no time at all.
Final Battle Arena
___ _____ _
| 1 || | 1) First Aid Spray (Ground at starting point)
|___|| | 2) Incendiary Grenade (On the catwalk)
|_ _____| 3) Green Herb (On the catwalk)
______| | | | 4) Shotgun Shells (10) (Near ladder)
| | | 5) Hand Grenade (Near top of ladder)
________| | |__
_________| | |
2 | | You'll have two minutes to reach the rocket launcher
___________|__| before the place explodes, so don't waste any time.
There's a first aid spray can right where you're
_________ standing at the start, so grab it, then use your
3 | grappling hook. On the next series of catwalks, use
_______ 4| your shotgun to knock down any soldiers in your way,
| | |5| and keep running down each one, using your grappling
| | | | hook when necessary.
| | | |
| | | | The path is very linear. Eventually, you'll end up
| | | | standing on a platform above the rocket launcher.
| |___________________| | Drop down and grab it to end the Separate Ways
| | scenario.
| |
| 3.00) OTHER |
| |
| |
| |
| 3.01) WEAPONS |
| |
| |
If you're wondering what weapons you can get in this game, where/when to get
them, how/when they can be upgraded, or practically anything else about the
various weapons, this is the section you'll want to look in.
How do I reload?
Holding the R1 button and pressing the O or square button at the same time will
make you reload your current weapon, assuming you have some ammunition for that
weapon in your inventory.
The Stats
With the exception of the Mine Thrower, all of the weapons have the four
following basic statistic qualitites:
Firepower: Increases the firepower.
(The firepower of the standard handgun is equivalent to 1.0)
Firing Speed: Increases the speed at which the weapon fires.
(Numerical values are in seconds.)
Reload Speed: Increases the reloading speed.
(Numerical values are in seconds.)
Capacity: Increases the round capacity of the firearm.
(Numerical values are the number of rounds.)
These statistical qualities are all self-explanatory. Obviosly, it's better to
have a highter Firepower value, a lower Firing Speed value, a lower Reload
Speed value, and a higher Capacity value.
Chart Format
The following charts detail information about the weapons. The format is:
Level Value Cost First Available
Additional information and notes can be found below the charts for each weapon.
Selling Weapons
You can sell weapons for half of their purchase price. The cost of ammunition
in the weapon is taken into consideration in the sale price. For example, the
Handgun can be purchased for 8000 pesetas, and can be sold with a full chamber
for 4000 pesetas. If you try to sell it while it only has five bullets in it,
it will only sell for 3750, since each of the five missing bullets subtracts
fifty pesetas from the sale price.
You should also note that any upgrades you make to a weapon will increase the
weapon's sale price by half of the cost of the upgrade. For example, selling a
Handgun with level 1 firepower, level 1 firing speed, level 1 reload speed, and
level two capacity will result in a sales price of 6150 pesetas:
(Price of standard handgun + cost of level 2 capacity) divided by two + (Cost
of three additional bullets that level 2 capacity provides) =
(8000 + 4000) divided by 2 plus (3 times 50) =
6000 + 150 = 6150
You can calculate the value of any weapon at any time using that formula,
although I honestly can't think of any reason why you'd need to... I've
included the base sale price, empty chamber sale price, and "Perfect" (all
upgrades and full chamber) sale price for the weapons, since they're the only
really important ones. The format is as follows:
SELL: Empty (no upgrades, zero rounds in the weapon)
Initial (original, unupgraded weapon, all rounds in weapon)
Perfect (all upgrades including exclusive, all rounds in weapon)
The Weapons
I've listed them alphabetically for your convenience. Enjoy.
| |
| BLACKTAIL "A 9mm handgun with superior handling." |
| |
BUY: 24000 pesetas starting in Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 11250 Empty
12000 Initial
182000 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 1.6
Level 2 1.8 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 2.0 18000 Chapter 3-3, Hedge Maze
Level 4 2.3 24000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 5 2.7 30000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 6 3.0 40000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Exclusive 3.4 80000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.47
Level 2 0.40 10000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 0.27 20000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Reload Speed
Level 1 1.70
Level 2 1.47 8000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 0.83 15000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 1 15
Level 2 18 8000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 21 10000 Chapter 3-3, Hedge Maze
Level 4 25 15000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 5 30 20000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 6 35 25000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock, 80000 pesetas
| |
| BROKEN BUTTERFLY "A very powerful .45 magnum revolver. |
| This will make anyone's day." |
| |
BUY: 38000 pesetas starting in Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance.
FIND: Chapter 4-1, Castle - Roof. Backtrack to this area once Ashley is back
with you. Remember the locked door near the fountain on the roof? You
can boost Ashley through the hole above the door to enter the room.
SELL: 16000 Empty
19000 Initial
249500 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 13.0
Level 2 15.0 25000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 17.0 30000 Chapter 3-3, Castle - Hedge Maze
Level 4 20.0 35000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 5 24.0 50000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 6 28.0 70000 Chapter 5-3, Base - Laser Grid
Exclusive 50.0 150000 Chapter 5-3, Island - Camp
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.70
Reload Speed
Level 1 3.67
Level 2 3.00 15000 Chapter 3-3, Castle - Hedge Maze
Level 3 2.33 20000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 1 6
Level 2 8 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 10 20000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 4 12 25000 Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 5-3, Camp, 150000 pesetas
| |
| HANDGUN "A standard 9mm handgun." |
| |
BUY: 4000 pesetas starting in Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp.
FIND: Leon starts the game with this weapon.
SELL: 3500 Empty
4000 Initial
103750 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 1.0
Level 2 1.2 7000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 1.4 10000 Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave
Level 4 1.6 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 1.8 18000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 6 2.0 20000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.47
Level 2 0.40 5000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 0.33 12000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Reload Speed
Level 1 1.73
Level 2 1.47 4000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 0.87 10000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 1 10
Level 2 13 4000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 16 6000 Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave
Level 4 19 8000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 22 10000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 6 25 12000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the chance of critical headshots by 5 times.
Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard, 57000 pesetas
"No longer your average 9mm handgun, it's chance
of critical headshots is increased by 5x."
(Note the incorrect form of "its" used in the second description. Yes, I'm
aware that I'm a pathetic geek... no need to contact me about it.)
| |
| KILLER7 "A very stable yet powerful .45 magnum." |
| |
BUY: 77700 pesetas starting in Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 35350 Empty
38850 Initial
172350 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 25.0
Level 2 30.0 62000 Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area
Level 3 35.0 78000 Chapter 5-3, Base - Laser Grid
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.70
Reload Speed
Level 1 1.83
Level 2 1.53 20000 Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area
Level 3 0.93 30000 Chapter 5-3, Base - Laser Grid
Level 1 7
Level 2 10 30000 Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area
Level 3 14 40000 Chapter 5-3, Base - Laser Grid
EXCLUSIVE: The Killer7 has no exclusive upgrade for some reason... not even
during subsequent trips through the game.
| |
| MATILDA "A 9mm handgun with Burst-Fire capability." |
| |
NOTE: This weapon is only available after you beat the game and load a new
round from your final save. All upgrades are immediately available when
you load a new round from a final save file.
BUY: 70000 pesetas as soon as you start a second round with a completed save.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 34250 Empty
35000 Initial
155750 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 1.0
Level 2 1.2 15000 Start of a continued new round
Level 3 1.4 17000 Start of a continued new round
Level 4 1.6 20000 Start of a continued new round
Level 5 1.8 25000 Start of a continued new round
Level 6 2.0 35000 Start of a continued new round
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.47
Reload Speed
Level 1 1.73
Level 2 1.47 6000 Start of a continued new round
Level 3 0.87 15000 Start of a continued new round
Level 1 15
Level 2 18 7000 Start of a continued new round
Level 3 21 10000 Start of a continued new round
Level 4 24 12000 Start of a continued new round
Level 5 27 16000
Level 6 30 20000 Start of a continued new round
Exclusive 100 35000 Start of a continued new round
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the ammo capacity beyond the weapon's limitation.
Start of a continued new round, 35000
| |
| MINE THROWER "This weapon fires custom "mines" that attach |
| to objects and detonate after a period of time." |
| |
NOTE: The FIREPOWER field has a different value for this weapon than in the
other weapons. It is as follows:
FIREPOWER: Increases the blast radius of the Mine-Darts.
(The default values are in meters.)
BUY: 28000 pesetas starting in Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 11500 Empty
14000 Initial
108000 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 2.0
Level 2 4.0 25000 Chapter 3-3, Castle - Hedge Maze
Level 3 6.0 45000 Chapter 4-2, Mine Entrance
Firing Speed
Level 1 1.33
Reload Speed
Level 1 3.43
Level 2 2.57 18000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 1 5
Level 2 7 25000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 10 40000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
EXCLUSIVE: Adds "homing" to the Mine-Darts and significantly increases their
blast radius.
Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper, 30000 pesetas
| |
| PUNISHER "This 9mm handgun will blast a hole through |
| two enemies!" |
| |
BUY: Can be purchased free of cost as soon as you shoot ten or more of the
Blue Medallions. If you shoot all fifteen, it will be offered free of
cost and will also have the Level 2 Firepower upgrade. It will be sold
for 20000 pesetas starting in Chapter 2-3, Fortified House.
FIND: Purchase only (see above for how to obtain free of cost).
SELL: 9500 Empty
10000 Initial
148900 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 0.9
Level 2 1.1 10000 Chapter 1-3, Waterway
Level 3 1.3 15000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 4 1.5 20000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 5 1.7 25000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 6 1.9 35000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.47
Level 2 0.40 10000 Chapter 1-3, Waterway
Level 3 0.33 20000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Reload Speed
Level 1 1.70
Level 2 1.47 8000 Chapter 1-3, Waterway
Level 3 0.83 18000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 1 10
Level 2 13 8000 Chapter 1-3, Waterway
Level 3 16 10000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 4 20 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 5 24 18000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 6 28 24000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
EXCLUSIVE: This ammo will penetrate up to 5 bodies.
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock, 40000 pesetas
"Now this 9mm handgun will blast a hole through
5 enemies!"
| |
| RED9 "A powerful 9mm handgun." |
| |
BUY: 14000 pesetas starting in Chapter 2-2, Tunnel.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 6600 Empty
7000 Initial
166200 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 1.4
Level 2 1.7 15000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 3 2.0 20000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 4 2.4 24000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 5 2.8 28000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 6 3.5 45000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Exclusive 5.0 80000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.53
Level 2 0.47 10000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 3 0.40 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Reload Speed
Level 1 2.37
Level 2 2.20 6000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 3 1.67 10000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 1 8
Level 2 10 6000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 3 12 8000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 4 15 12000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 5 18 16000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 6 22 22000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock, 80000 pesetas
| |
| RIFLE "A .223 caliber bolt action rifle." |
| |
BUY: 12000 pesetas starting in Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 5250 Empty
6000 Initial
146450 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 4.0
Level 2 5.0 10000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 6.0 12000 Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave
Level 4 8.0 20000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 10.0 25000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 6 12.0 35000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Exclusive 18.0 80000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.67
Reload Speed
Level 1 4.00
Level 2 3.23 8000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 2.33 18000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 1 5
Level 2 7 6000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 9 8000 Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave
Level 4 12 12000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 15 18000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 6 18 25000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard, 80000 pesetas
| |
| RIFLE "A .223 caliber rifle capable of firing faster than |
| (SEMI-AUTO) the standard rifle." |
| |
BUY: 35000 pesetas starting in Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 16000 Empty
17500 Initial
177600 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 7.0
Level 2 8.0 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 9.0 18000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 4 11.0 24000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Level 5 13.0 30000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 6 15.0 40000 Chapter 5-1, Ilsand Cliffs - Upper
Firing Speed
Level 1 1.43
Exclusive 0.40 80000 Chapter 5-1, Ilsand Cliffs - Upper
Reload Speed
Level 1 2.33
Level 2 1.90 9000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 1.33 18000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Level 1 10
Level 2 12 10000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 14 12000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 4 17 15000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Level 5 20 20000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 6 24 25000 Chapter 5-1, Ilsand Cliffs - Upper
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper, 80000 pesetas
| |
| RIOT GUN "A light-weight pump-action shotgun. |
| Its superior handling enables quicker aiming." |
| |
BUY: 32000 pesetas starting in Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 15160 Empty
16000 Initial
208700 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 5.0
Level 2 5.5 20000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 3 6.0 24000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Front Gate
Level 4 6.5 28000 Chapter 3-3, Castle - Hedge Maze
Level 5 7.0 32000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 6 8.0 50000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Exclusive 10.0 120000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Firing Speed
Level 1 1.53
Reload Speed
Level 1 3.03
Level 2 2.43 7000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 3 1.50 20000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Level 1 7
Level 2 9 10000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 3 11 12000 Chapter 3-3, Castle - Hedge Maze
Level 4 13 15000 Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Entrance
Level 5 15 20000 Chapter 4-2, Mine Entrance
Level 6 17 25000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock, 120000 pesetas
| |
| SHOTGUN "A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. |
| Don't leave home without it." |
| |
BUY: 20000 pesetas starting in Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp.
FIND: Chapter 1-1, Pueblo. It's on the wall on the second floor of the
biggest house.
SELL: 9280 Empty
10000 Initial
167440 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 4.0
Level 2 4.5 15000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 5.0 20000 Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave
Level 4 6.0 25000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 7.0 30000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Level 6 8.0 45000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Firing Speed
Level 1 1.53
Reload Speed
Level 1 3.03
Level 2 2.43 7000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 1.50 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 1 6
Level 2 8 8000 Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Level 3 10 10000 Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave
Level 4 12 12000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 15 15000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Level 6 18 20000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
EXCLUSIVE: Significantly increases the destructive force of the weapon for
long distance targets!
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock, 90000 pesetas
"Now possesses the same destructive power from
all distances. Sounds like a winner to me!"
| |
| STRIKER "Equipped with the advantages of wide-shot, it |
| enables faster firing than the standard shotgun." |
| |
BUY: 43000 pesetas starting in Chapter 4-1, Spiked Pit.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 20060 Empty
21500 Initial
206560 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 6.0
Level 2 7.0 25000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 3 8.0 28000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 4 9.0 32000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Level 5 10.0 40000 Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper
Level 6 12.0 60000 Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.73
Reload Speed
Level 1 3.00
Level 2 2.40 8000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 3 1.50 15000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Level 1 12
Level 2 14 10000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 3 16 12000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 4 20 15000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Level 5 24 20000 Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper
Level 6 28 25000 Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area
Exclusive 100 60000 Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area
EXCLUSIVE: Increase the ammo capacity beyond the weapon's limitation.
Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area, 60000 pesetas
| |
| TMP "A fully-automated machine pistol. |
| Fires custom 9mm's." |
| |
BUY: 10000 pesetas starting in Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp.
FIND: Purchase only.
SELL: 4400 Empty
5000 Initial
169400 Perfect
Stats and Upgrades:
Level 1 0.4
Level 2 0.5 7000 Chapter 1-3, Tunnel
Level 3 0.6 14000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 4 0.8 18000 Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Level 5 1.0 24000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 6 1.2 35000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Exclusive 1.8 100000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
Firing Speed
Level 1 0.10
Reload Speed
Level 1 2.37
Level 2 1.93 5000 Chapter 1-3, Tunnel
Level 3 1.17 15000 Chapter 3-1, Castle - Balcony Area
Level 1 30
Level 2 50 7000 Chapter 1-3, Tunnel
Level 3 100 15000 Chapter 2-2, Tunnel
Level 4 150 20000 Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor
Level 5 200 25000 Chapter 4-3, Cathedral Courtyard
Level 6 250 35000 Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock
EXCLUSIVE: Increases the firepower beyond the weapon's threshold.
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower Dock, 100000 pesetas
| |
| |
| 3.02) EQUIPMENT |
| |
| |
- The things listed in this section are the pieces of equipment/items you can
have that are not treasures or weapons. Most of the entries are ammunition and
types of grenades: These items are found all over the place in barrels, in
crates, laying on tables and shelves, and can be dropped by enemies. A few of
the entries, such as the Attache Cases and the Tactical Vest, can only be
purchased from the merchant. I have also included the exact description of
each item that's given in the game. I don't know why you would want or need to
know that information, but if you do, it's there for you.
Attache Case
Available: Leon starts with this.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sell: Can't be sold.
- Leon starts the game with this case. Trying to go through the entire game
with it will drive you crazy, especially on your first time through.
Attache Case L "A large sized case.
-------------- 8 X 12 (96 boxes)"
Available: Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Price: 40000
Sells For: Can't be sold.
- This is the second biggest case you can get. I difinitely recommend picking
it up as soon as you can, especially since you'll likely be adding a rifle to
your arsenal at the same time, and you'll need the space.
Attache Case M "A medium sized case.
-------------- 7 X 11 (77 boxes)"
Available: Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp
Price: 24000
Sells For: Can't be sold.
- This is the second case you can get. Many players would suggest you skip it
to save some money, but you will most likely want to get it, and I suggest you
do so.
Attache Case XL "The largest case available.
--------------- 8 X 15 (120 boxes)"
Available: Chapter 3-3, Mural Room
Price: 73000
Sells For: Can't be sold.
- This is the largest case. Definitely get it as soon as possible.
Flash Grenade "Use it to blind offenders momentarily."
Available: Found all over the place.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 500
- These grenades will stun enemies for a short period of time. They're
invaluable against enemies such as El Gigante and Krauser.
Hand Grenade "A handy explosive that will detonate several
------------ seconds after throwing it."
Available: Found all over the place.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 2000
- A standard grenade. These usually kill an enemy (or several) if they are
thrown nearby. Use these to slaughter large quantities of attacking enemies.
Handgun Ammo "A box of 9mm rounds."
Available: Leon starts the game with some in his inventory. More is found
all over the place through the entire game.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 50 per round.
- This is standard handgun ammunition used in the Handgun, Punisher, Red9,
Blacktail, and Matilda.
Incendiary Grenade "A powerful explosive that blasts attackers with
------------------ flames."
Available: Found all over the place.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 1000
- This are fire-bombs, basically. They usually won't kill the enemies they
hit (unless already damaged), but they do a good amount of damage, and they can
slow down a group of enemies for quite a while. If you have to pick between an
Incendiary Grenade and a Hand Grenade, I suggest taking the Hand Grenade.
Magnum Ammo "Ammo to be used with any .45 caliber Magnum."
Available: Found in various places later in the game.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 500 per round.
- This is used in the Broken Butterfly and the Killer7.
Mine-Darts "Custom mines for the Mine Thrower."
Available: Dropped randomly by enemies as soon as you purchase the Mine
Thrower. These are not dropped often.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 500 per dart.
- These are used with the Mine Thrower. Note that these will not start
appearing until you purchase the Mine Thrower.
Rifle Ammo "Ammo to be used with an .223 caliber rifle."
Available: Found all over the place throughout the game.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 150 per round.
- These are used in the Rifle and the Rifle (semi-auto).
Shotun Shells "12-gauge shells.
------------- Use them with any shotgun."
Available: Found all over the place throughout the game.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 120 per round.
- These are used in the Shotgun, Riot Gun, and Striker.
Tactical Vest "Feel safer with this armored vest.
------------- Reduce damage taken by 30%."
Available: Chapter 5-1, Base - Garage Area.
Price: 60000
Sells for: Can't be sold.
- This will reduce the damage you take by thirty percent. If you're like me,
this is a waste of money, since you rarely take damage, and will have tons of
curative items available even if you do take some damage.
TMP Ammo "Custom 9mm ammunition."
Available: Found all over the place throughout the game.
Price: Can't be purchased.
Sells for: 20 per round.
- This is obviously ammo that can be used in the TMP.
Treasure Map (Castle) "A map that shows the locations of valuable
--------------------- treasures in the castle area."
Available: Chapter 3-1, Castle Entrance
Price: 3000
Sells for: Can't be sold.
- This will make a little star appear on your map where a rare item is located
in the game. It's useless if you're using the walkthrough, but if you want to
find things on your own, it might be worth your money.
Treasure Map (Island) "A map that shows the locations of valuable
--------------------- treasures in the island area."
Available: Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper.
Price: 3000
Sells for: Can't be sold.
- This will make a little star appear on your map where a rare item is located
in the game. It's useless if you're using the walkthrough, but if you want to
find things on your own, it might be worth your money.
Treasure Map (Village) "A map that shows the locations of valuable
---------------------- treasures in the village area."
Available: Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp.
Price: 3000
Sells for: Can't be sold.
- This will make a little star appear on your map where a rare item is located
in the game. It's useless if you're using the walkthrough, but if you want to
find things on your own, it might be worth your money.
| |
| |
| 3.03) TREASURES |
| |
| |
- The items listed in this section have only one purpose: To be sold to earn
pesetas, which can then be used to puchase some items, weapons, and upgrades.
Each entry includes information on where and when they can be found, how much
they sell for, and what they can be combined with (if anything) to increase
their sale price. I have also included the exact description of each item from
the "examine" feature in the game (located to the right of each item's name).
I don't know why anyone would need or want to know that... but it's there for
you if you do.
Amber Ring "An old ring. I can almost feel the history behind
---------- this jewel. I just hope that there's some value
to it."
Found: Chapter 2-1, Waterfall, between the two torches above the entrance to
the cave under the waterfall.
Sell: 10000
Antique Pipe "There's a detailed engraving on this pipe.
------------ Let's hope it's worth something."
Found: Chapter 1-3, Dock, in a nest in a tree.
Sell: 10000
Beerstein "There are 3 recissions on the side.
--------- I wonder what they're for?"
Found: Chapter 1-1, Farm. Climb the ladder in the barn, then jump off of
the ledge as far to the right as possible.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine it with the Red, Green, and Yellow Catseyes to increase the
sale price.
Beerstein w/(G) "1 gemstone has been set in the side."
Sell: 10000
Beerstein w/(R) "1 gemstone has been set in the side."
Sell: 10000
Beerstein w/(Y) "1 gemstone has been set in the side."
Sell: 10000
Beerstein w/(G,R) "2 gemstones have been set in the side."
Sell: 15000
Beerstein w/(G,Y) "2 gemstones have been set in the side."
Sell: 15000
Beerstein w/(R,Y) "2 gemstones have been set in the side."
Sell: 15000
Beerstein w/(G,R,Y) "3 gemstones have been set in the side."
Sell: 20000
Blue Eye "The markings on the sides of the stone indicate
-------- that it was once set in something."
Found: Novistadors (the bug-like enemies that can fly) drop these items
very rarely.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine this with a Butterfly Lamp to increase the sale price of
the items. You can also combine them with a Red and a Green Eye to
maximize the sale value.
Blue Stone of Treason "The markings on the side of the stone indicate
--------------------- that it was once set in something."
Found: Chapter 5-3, Camp. When you drop down into the tunnel that goes
from the camp to the Ancient Fortress, take the first right.
Sell: 3500
Combine: Combine it with the Golden Lynx to increase the sale price. You can
also combine them with the Green Stone of Judgement and the Red
Stone of Faith to maximize the sale price.
Brass Pocket Watch "There are signs of use, but this brass watch
------------------ may still be worth something."
Found: Chapter 1-2, Chief's House. Shoot the stick holding the well open,
then shoot the watch, which is hanging from the wood above the well.
Chapter 5-1, Base - Cryogenic Lab Access. Take a left as soon as you
enter this area from the Garage Area. The watch is in a crate near
the typewriter.
Sell: 10000
Butterfly Lamp "An exquisite lamp designed with butterfly motifs.
-------------- There are 3 indentations like something might
fit inside."
Found: Chapter 3-2, Castle - Sewer. It's in a treasure chest in the room
with the valve that drains the water.
Chapter 4-1, Castle - Hive. You'll need to jump out the window
before the actual hive, then climb the ladder there.
Sell: 4500
Combine: Combine it with the Green, Red, and Blue Eyes to maximize its sale
Butterfly Lamp w/(B) "A lamp set with a Blue Eye."
Sell: 8500
Butterfly Lamp w/(G) "A lamp set with a Green Eye."
Sell: 6500
Butterfly Lamp w/(G,B) "A lamp set with 2 eyes."
Sell: 13000
Butterfly Lamp w/(G,R) "A lamp set with 2 seyes."
Sell: 11000
NOTE: Notice the use of "seyes" instead of "eyes." Odd that it would
only show up in this specific combination, don't you think? (Yes,
I know, I = geek, no need to contact me about it.)
Butterfly Lamp w/(R) "A lamp set with a Red Eye."
Sell: 7000
Butterfly Lamp w/(R,B) "A lamp set with 2 eyes."
Sell: 15000
Butterfly Lamp w/(R,G,B) "A lamp with all the eyes set in its
------------------------ indentations."
Sell: 32000
Crown "A crown with 2 divots like something might
----- fit inside."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Spiked Pit. It's on the ground in the spiked area.
Sell: 9000
Combine: Combine with the Royal Insignia and the Crown Jewel to maximize the
sale price of the items.
Crown Jewel "The markings on the backside of this piece
----------- indicate that it was once set in something."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Control Tunnel. Salazar's "Right Hand Man" will drop
it when you defeat him.
Sell: 11000
Combine: Combine it with the Crown to increase its sale price, and combine
those with the Royal Insignia to maximize the sale price.
Crown with an insignia "A crown with the royal insignia set in it."
Found: This is formed when you combine the Crown and the Royal Insignia.
Sell: 27000
Combine: Combine it with the Crown Jewel to create the Salazar Family Crown,
which maximizes the sale price of the pieces.
Crown with Jewels "A crown with 2 jewels set in it."
Found: This is formed when you combine the Crown and the Crown Jewel.
Sell: 25000
Combine: Combine this with the Royal Insignia to form the Salazar Family
Crown, which maximizes the sale price of the pieces.
Dirty Brass Pocket Watch "A very dirty timepiece.
------------------------ It doesn't seem to have much value."
Found: Chapter 1-2, Chief's House. You can only receive this item if you
shoot the watch down before closing the well. Shoot the stick holding
the well open before shooting the watch to receive a more valuable
version of this item.
Sell: 1000
Dirty Pearl Pendant "A very dirty accessory.
------------------- It doesn't seem to have much value."
Found: Chapter 1-1, Farm. You can only receive this item if you shoot the
pendant down before closing the well. Shoot the stick holding the
well open before shooting the pendant to receive a more valuable
version of this item.
Sell: 1000
Elegant Chessboard "A finely crafted chessboard with a rare design."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Castle - Queen's Grail. It's in a cupboard thing in the
area right after where the drill thing attacks you.
Sell: 13000
Elegant Headdress "The rare stone set in this headdress has
----------------- made it a one of a kind."
Found: Chapter 1-3, Tunnel. It's on the ceiling in the middle part of the
tunnel by the lantern.
Chapter 5-3, Base - Laser Grid. Sit in the chair, then look at the
ceiling in the direction of the lasers to see it.
Sell: 10000
Elegant Mask "A mask with 3 divots like something might
------------ fit inside."
Found: Chapter 1-2, Water Works. Use your knife to smash the boards on the
window to the left in the room right after the spot that had the
bear traps.
Chapter 3-2, Castle - Balcony Area. It's in a treasure chest in the
upper area, which you can reach by using the chandeliers.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine it with the Green, Red, and Purple Gems to maximize the sale
price of the pieces.
Elegant Mask w/(G) "A mask with 1 gem fitted in it."
Sell: 10000
Elegant Mask w/(G,P) "A mask with 2 gems fitted in it."
Sell: 15000
Elegant Mask w/(G,R) "A mask with 2 gems fitted in it."
Sell: 15000
Elegant Mask w/(P) "A mask with 1 gem fitted in it."
Sell: 10000
Elegant Mask w/(R) "A mask with 1 gem fitted in it."
Sell: 10000
Elegant Mask w/(R,G,P) "A mask with all the gem pieces fitted in it."
Sell: 20000
Elegant Mask w/(R,P) "A mask with 2 gems fitted in it."
Sell: 15000
Elegant Perfume Bottle "A luxurious looking perfume bottle with an
---------------------- intricate decoration."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Castle - Roof. You'll need to boost Ashley over the
window near the locked door by the fountain right outside of the
hedge maze area.
Sell: 10000
Emerald "Although small in size, a precious gem."
Found: All over the place during Chapter Five.
Sell: 3000
Gold Bangle "A handcrafted gold bangle with a beautiful
----------- decoration carved around it."
Found: Chapter 3-1, Castle - Front Gate. It's in a treasure chest behind the
small shack in the upper area across from the cannon.
Chapter 3-4, Castle - Armor Storage. It's in a treasure chest in the
room where the armor first attacks you.
Chapter 4-1, Castle - Roof. You'll need to boost Ashley over the
window near the locked door by the fountain on the castle's roof.
Chapter 4-1, Clock Tower Exit. The cult leader in red drops it when
you kill him.
Chapter 4-4, Ritual Tower. When you get to the top of the large lift,
look around for a ledge you can jump off of to reach a red treasure
chest. This one's hard to see, so you might want to check its
location on my text map for the Ritual Tower section.
Sell: 8500
Gold Bangle w/Pearls "The fantastic workmanship of this accessory
-------------------- makes this a valuable item."
Found: Chapter 1-3, Lake. It's in a bird's nest in a tree on the left side
of the trail leading to the lake from the Dock area.
Sell: 10000
NOTE: This item is not formed by combining other items. It simply comes
like this.
Golden Lynx "A golden statue with 3 holes."
Found: Chapter 5-1, Island Cliffs - Upper. Shoot the red barrel inside the
cave area, then climb the revealed cliff to get to a treasure chest.
Sell: 15000
Combine: Combine this with the Blue Stone of Treason, the Green Stone of
Judgement, and the Red Stone of Faith to maximize their sale price.
Golden Lynx w/(B) "A statue with 1 stone fitted in it."
Sell: 20000
Golden Lynx w/(G) "A statue with 1 stone fitted in it."
Sell: 20000
Golden Lynx w/(G,B) "A statue with 2 stone fitted in it."
Sell: 25000
Golden Lynx w/(G,R) "A statue with 2 stone fitted in it."
Sell: 25000
Golden Lynx w/(G,R,B) "A statue with all the stones fitted in it."
Sell: 35000
Golden Lynx w/(R) "A statue with 1 stone fitted in it."
Sell: 20000
Golden Lynx w/(R,B) "A statue with 2 stone fitted in it."
Sell: 25000
Green Catseye "The marking on the stone indicates that it once
------------- was set in something, but what?
Nevertheless, a rare gem.
Found: Chapter 1-3, Cemetary. Solve the puzzle behing the church to get
this item. Use the 3 option seven times in a row, then the 4 option
five times in a row, and then the 3 option one more time.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine this with the Beerstein to increase its sale price. Combine
them with the Yellow and Red Catseyes to maximize their sale price.
Green Stone of Judgement "The markings on the side of the stone indicate
------------------------ that it was once set in something."
Found: Chapter 5-2, Bulldozer Path. It's in the room with the merchant
right after the bulldozer stops.
Sell: 3500
Combine: Combine this with the Golden Lynx to increase its sale price.
Combine them with the Red Stone of Faith and the Blue Stone of
Treason to maximize their sale price.
Green Eye "The markings on the sides of the stone indicate
--------- that it was once set in something."
Found: Novistadors (the bug-like enemies that can fly) drop these often
when you kill them. This is the most common color of Eye.
Sell: 1000
Combine: Combine these with a Butterfly Lamp to increase its sale price.
Combine them with a Red and Blue Eye to maximize their sale price.
Green Gem "The markings on the piece indicate that it was
--------- once set in something."
Found: Chapter 2-1, Merchant's Cave. Move the boxes, then climb on the
roof of the merchant's shop. Move a few more boxes, then smash the
barrels up there, one of which contains the gem.
Chapter 3-1, Castle - Prison. Turn around after the scene with
Salazar and shoot the glimmering spot on the archway.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine one with an Elegant Mask to increase its sale price.
Combine them with a Red and a Purple Gem to maximize the sale price.
Hourglass w/gold decor "A marvelously crafted hourglass."
Found: Chapter 3-3, Castle - Dining Hall. It's in the treasure chest inside
the metal cage.
Sell: 12000
Illuminados Pendant "A pendant designed with the Los Illuminados
------------------- motif."
Found: Chapter 3-2, Castle - Balcony Area. The cult leader in red has this
on him, and you can only get it if you kill him before he runs away.
Chapter 4-1, Castle - Hall of Fire. If you kill the operator of the
second fire dragon thing, a treasure chest appears in the middle of
the room. Open the chest to find the pendant.
Sell: 12000
Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies "A gorgeous mirror lined with many pearls
------------------------ and rubies."
Found: Chapter 3-3, Castle - Hedge Maze. It's in a cabinet near the merchant
in the secluded part of the bedroom area.
Sell: 12000
Pearl Pendant "It's in pretty good condition.
------------- Looks valuable."
Found: Chapter 1-1, Farm. Shoot the stick on the well first, then shoot the
pendant from the wood above the well. Failing to shoot the stick
before shooting the pendant will result in receiving a less valuable
form of the pendant.
Chapter 5-4, Torture Cells Access. Immediately turn around after
entering this area and take the pendant from the table there.
Sell: 10000
Purple Gem "The markings on the piece indicate that it was
---------- once set in something."
Found: Chapter 2-3, El Gigante's Path. It's stuck to a bucket high up in
the air near the two shacks.
Chapter 4-1, Castle - Corridor. It's stuck to one of the four
statues in the hallway right before the door that requires the two
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine this with an Elegant Mask to increase the sale price.
Combine them with a Green and a Red Gem to maximize the sale price.
Red Catseye "The marking on the stone indicates that it once
----------- was set in something, but what?
Nevertheless, a rare gem."
Found: Chapter 1-1, Boobytraps. It's in a bird's nest in a tree between
the main house and the smaller house.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine this with the Beerstein to increase its sale price. Combine
them with the Green and Yellow Catseyes to maximize their sale
Red Eye "The markings on the sides of the stone indicate
------- that it was once set in something."
Found: Novistadors (the bug-like enemies that can fly) drop these items
sometimes. They are more common than Blue Eyes, but less common
than Green Eyes.
Sell: 1500
Combine: Combine one with a Butterfly Lamp to increase its sale price.
Combine them with a Green and a Blue Eye to maximize the sale price.
Red Gem "The markings on the piece indicate that it was
------- once set in something."
Found: Chapter 2-3, Camp. After going through the door that requires the
Camp Key, enter the small shack on the right. Immediately turn left
inside the shack and destroy the boards on the window with your
knife. The gem is in one of the barrels at the end of that path.
Chapter 3-2, Castle - Hedge Maze. It's in a treasure box near where
you can pick up the Yellow Herb... refer to the text map of that
area if you can't find it.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine it with an Elegant Mask to increase its sale price. Combine
them with a Green and a Purple Gem to maximize the sale price.
Red Stone of Faith "The markings on the side of the stone indicate
------------------ that it was once set in something."
Found: Chapter 5-1, Base - Surveillance Room. It's in a silver case in the
lower part of this area.
Sell: 3500
Combine: Combine this with the Golden Lynx to increase its sale price.
Combine them with the Green Stone of Judgement and the Blue Stone of
Treason to maximize their sale price.
Royal Insignia "The markings on the backside of this piece
-------------- indicate that it was once set in something."
Found: Chapter 4-2, Lower Hive. It's sitting on the pedestal thing that
activates the elevator out of the lower hive.
Sell: 13000
Combine: Combine it with the Crown to increase its sale price. Combine them
with the Crown Jewel to maximize the sale price of the pieces.
Found: Chapter 1-1, Pueblo. You must defeat the first chainsaw villager.
Chapter 1-3, Chief's House. You must defeat the chainsaw villager
behind the house.
Chapter 2-3, Camp. You must defeat one one of the chainsaw sisters.
Sell: 10000
Salazar Family Crown "A complete crown with all the jewels and
-------------------- insignia set in it."
Found: This is what you'll end up with if you combine the Crown, Crown Jewel,
and Royal Insignia.
Sell: 48000
Spinel "Although small in size, it appears to have
------ some value."
Found: All over the place during most of the game.
Sell: 2000
Staff of Royalty "A staff with a beautiful decoration.
---------------- It seems to have substantial value."
Found: Chapter 4-3, Underground Ruins. It's in a coffin under the entry to
the main ruins area.
Sell: 20000
Velvet Blue "Although small in size, it appears to have
----------- some value."
Found: All over the place during chapters three and four.
Sell: 2500
Yellow Catseye "The marking on the stone indicates that it once
-------------- was set in something, but what?
Nevertheless, a rare gem."
Found: Chapter 2-3, Gondola. After getting off of the gondola at the lower
area, take the stairs down, and take a left to enter the cave area.
Climb the ladder in there and open the chest in the upper area to
get the Yellow Catseye.
Sell: 3000
Combine: Combine this with the Beerstein to increase its sale price. Combine
them with the Green and Red Catseyes to maximize their sale price.
| |
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| 3.04) KEY ITEMS |
| |
| |
- The items in this section are the various items that you will need to open
doors, solve "puzzles," and so forth. Only a few of them are not needed to
finish the game: the rest must be gotten in order to continue. With very few
exceptions, you will almost always only have one key item in your inventory at
a time (or the component pieces to one key item, anyway). This means that if
you encounter something that requires a key item, you shouldn't have to put
much though into what item you need to use.
I have included the location of each item and what it does. I also included
the exact description of each item from the game's "examine" feature, although
I don't know why anyone would need or want that information. If you do, there
it is.
Blue Moonstone "A blue stone with a crescent engraving."
Found: This is what you get when you combine the Moonstone (Left half) with
the Moonstone (Right half).
Use: This opens the locked door in the Castle - Hedge Maze area.
Camp Key "It opens the door at the center of the camp."
Found: Chapter 2-3, Camp. It's attached to one of the chainsaw ladies. Kill
her to take the key.
Use: It opens the locked door in the central area of the Camp.
Castle Gate Key "A key designed with a goat motif.
--------------- This key opens the main gate into the castle."
Found: Chapter 3-1, Main Gate. It's in the red treasure chest in the back of
the room farthest from the actual gate in the Castle - Main Gate area.
Use: It unlocks the gate in Castle - Main Gate.
Dynamite "A very destructive explosive used in mining."
Found: Chapter 4-2, Mine. It's in the mine cart that you lower using the
lever and the circuit breaker.
Use: Use it to destroy the rock blocking the exit of the mine.
Emblem (Left half) "The left half of an emblem with an engraving."
Found: Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp. It's in the treasure chest at the top of
the hill.
Use: Combine it with the Emblem (Right half) to form the Hexagonal Emblem,
which will open the door out of the Valley Camp area.
Emblem (Right half) "The right half of an emblem with an engraving."
Found: Chapter 1-2, Valley Camp. It's in the treasure chest on the roof of
the central structure.
Use: Combine it with the Emblem (Left half) to form the Hexagonal Emblem,
which will open the door out of the Valley Camp area.
Emergency Lock Card Key "A card key with a white logo of the Los
----------------------- Illuminados. Insert it in the card reader
of the emergency locking device."
Found: Chapter 5-4, Security Station. One of the many enemies in this area
has it on them. Kill him to retrieve it.
Use: It will open the large gate that leads out of the Security Station.
False Eye "There is a code-like pattern etched inside the
--------- iris. It opens the gate to get out of the village."
Found: Chapter 2-3, Shed of Enlightenment. Bitores Mendez, the village
chief, will drop this when you kill him.
Use: It will open the large gate leading out of the Gondola area to the
entrance of the castle.
Freezer Card Key "A card key with a red logo of the Los Illuminados.
---------------- Use it to open the door of the freezer."
Found: Chapter 5-1, Base - Autopsy Lab. It's on the dead guy in the back of
the room that had the securoty panel thing.
Use: It opens the door to the Cryogenic Lab in the hallway right before the
Autopsy Lab.
Gallery Key "A key with an insignia of the Salazar family.
----------- This key opens the door to the gallery room."
Found: Chapter 3-2, Gallery. The guy in red will drop this when he dies.
Use: It opens the locked door near where the guy in red was first standing
in the Gallery area.
Goat Ornament "An ornament piece for the wall relief in the
------------- grand hall."
Found: Chapter 3-2, Gallery. It's in the blue treasure box on the platform
in the center of the room, where the two rocket launcher guys were.
Use: It's one of the three pieces needed to move the wall blocking the exit
to the Prison area in the front part of the castle.
Golden Sword "A decorative sword made from gold."
Found: Chapter 3-1, Castle - Foyer. It's in the corner on the wall on the
upper part of this area.
Use: Place it on the wall in the lower area where the Platinum Sword was.
Once both swords have been switched, a door will open out of the area.
Hexagonal Emblem "A hexagonal object with a unique insignia
---------------- engraved in it. It opens the gate in the valley."
Found: This is what you get when you combine the Emblem (Left half) and the
Emblem (Right half).
Use: This opens the door out of the Valley Camp.
Insignia Key "A key with a unique symbol on the end.
------------ It opens the door of the house in the village."
Found: Chapter 1-2, Chief's House. It's on a table in the Chief's room.
Use: This unlocks the door to the house in Pueblo where all of the village
dwellers disappear in the beginning of the game.
Jet-ski Key "A jet-ski key. I guess you could call it a
----------- "present" from Ada. Well, sorta..."
Found: Final Chapter, Final Battle Arena. Ada will toss this to you on her
way out.
Use: You'll need this to start the Jet-Ski parked in the cave at the end of
the game.
Key to the Mine "A key that opens the locked door in the
--------------- underground ruins."
Found: Chapter 4-3, Underground Ruins. It's on the second level of the
structure with the two chainsaw guys in it.
Use: It unlocks the large door in the Underground Ruins area that leads
towards the mine cart ride.
King's Grail "A grail with a decoration of a king."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Castle - King's Grail. It's on the center pedestal in
the room after the armor that attacks you.
Use: Placing it in the King's statue's hands will open the door out of the
Corridor area (assuming you also place the Queen's Grail in the
Queen's statue's hands).
Lion Ornament "An ornament piece for the wall relief in the
------------- grand hall."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Castle - Hall of Fire. It's in a treasure chest in the
very back of the area. You must kill the operator of the third fire
dragon thing to make the treasure chest appear.
Use: It's one of the three pieces needed to move the wall blocking the exit
to the Prison area in the front part of the castle.
Moonstone (Left half) "Only the left half of a stone object."
Found: Chapter 3-2, Castle - Hedge Maze. It's on the lower fountain in the
corner of the maze.
Use: Combine it with the Moonstone (Right half) to create the Blue
Moonstone, which can be used to open the locked door in the maze.
Moonstone (Right half) "Only the right half of a stone object."
Found: Chapter 3-2, Castle - Hedge Maze. It's on the upper fountain in the
central part of the maze.
Use: Combine it with the Moonstone (Left half) to create the Blue
Moonstone, which can be used to open the locked door in the maze.
Old Key "It opens the gate at the end of the back route
------- from the cabin."
Found: Chapter 2-3, El Gigante's Path. It can be found inside one of the two
small shacks in the central part of the path.
Use: It unlocks the gate leading from El Gigante's Path to the Gondola.
Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle "A piece of the object to be used at the
------------------------------ wall relief."
Found: Chapter 5-3, Ancient Fortress. This piece is at the top of the pillar
area on the far side of the fortress, on the wooden planks.
Use: This is one of the three pieces needed to open the exit of the Ancient
Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther "A piece of the object to be used at the
-------------------------------- wall relief."
Found: Chapter 5-3, Ancient Fortress. This piece is the first one you will
find. It's in the lower part of the fortress, on the far side..
Use: This is one of the three pieces needed to open the exit of the Ancient
Piece of the Holy Beast, Serpent "A piece of the object to be used at the
-------------------------------- wall relief."
Found: Chapter 5-3, Ancient Fortress. This is the piece Krauser drops when
you kill him.
Use: This is one of the three pieces needed to open the exit of the Ancient
Platinum Sword "A decorative sword made from platinum."
Found: Chapter 3-1, Castle - Foyer. It's in the lower part of the area, on
the wall across from the entrance.
Use: Place it on the wall in the upper area where the Golden Sword was.
Once both swords have been switched, a door will open out of the area.
Prison Key "A key that opens the door to the underground
---------- prison."
Found: Chapter 3-1, Castle - Prison. It's on the wall near the two things
that are spitting out fire.
Use: It unlocks the door that leads down to the actual prison part of the
Prison area.
Queen's Grail "A grail with a decoration of a queen."
Found: Chapter 4-1, Castle - Queen's Grail. It's in a treasure chest in the
room after the drill machine attacks you.
Use: Placing it in the Queen's statue's hands will open the door out of the
Corridor area (assuming you also place the King's Grail in the King's
statue's hands).
Round Insignia "A round object with a strange symbol.
-------------- It fits inside the door of the church."
Found: Chapter 2-1, Waterfall. It's on the wall in the back underneath the
Use: Use this to open the front door of the church in the Cemetary area.
Salazar Family Insignia "A family heirloom that has been passed down
----------------------- for generations in the Salazar family."
Found: Chapter 3-4, Castle - Armor Storage. It's in the treasure chest in
the very back of this area after you complete the tablet puzzle.
Use: Use this to operate the crank in the Butler's Quarters.
Serpent Ornament "An ornament piece for the wall relief in the
---------------- grand hall."
Found: Chapter 3-4, Castle - Armor Storage. It's in the treasure chest that
will appear after you take the Salazar Family Insignia from the back
of the room after the tablet puzzle.
Use: It's one of the three pieces needed to move the wall blocking the exit
to the Prison area in the front part of the castle.
Stone of Sacrifice "A stone object with an engraving of an animal
------------------ for sacrifice."
Found: Chapter 4-3, Minecar Tracks. It's on a pedestal in the last room at
the end of the minecart ride.
Use: Use it to open the door to the elevator in the Cathedral Courtyard.
Stone Tablet "A tablet with part if a picture etched upon its
------------ surface."
Found: Chapter 3-4, Castle - Armor Storage. It's on the mantel above the old
fireplace in the part with the three metal bar gates.
Use: This is the lower-right piece of the tablet puzzle found later in this
area. Use it to complete the puzzle and open the door.
Storage Room Card Key "A card key with an orange logo of the Los
--------------------- Illuminados. Use it to open the door where
Ashley is trapped."
Found: Chapter 5-1, Base - Research Lab. The spiky Regenerator in this room
has it. Kill him, then take it from him.
Use: This will open the door to the storage room being used as Ashley's
Waste Disposal Card Key "A card key with a yellow logo of the Los Illuminados.
----------------------- Use it to open the door to the Wast Disposal Area."
Found: Chapter 5-1, Base - Cryogenic Lab. Use the card encoder in the small
area on the right of the lab to change the Freezer Card Key to the
Waste Disposal Card Key.
Use: Use it to open the last locked door in Cryogenic Lab Access.
| |
| |
| 3.05) THE MERCHANT |
| |
| |
- The merchant can be found in various locations scattered throughout the
entire game. There are only a few really important things you need to note
about the merchant:
What The Merchant Sells
- The merchant will update his inventory of weapons and items periodically as
well as offer more upgrades for weapons. If you want to know what he offers at
any given point during the game, find that section of the game in the
walkthrough. I've included detailed selling charts for every encounter in
there. This is every item he sells throughout the game:
Attache Case M.............24000
Attache Case L.............40000
Attache Case XL............73000
Tactical Vest..............60000
Treasure Map (Village)......3000
Treasure Map (Castle).......3000
Treasure Map (Island).......3000
Broken Butterfly...........38000
Riot Gun...................32000
Rifle (semi-auto)..........35000
Mine Thrower...............28000
Rocket Launcher............30000
Stock (Red9)................4000
Stock (TMP).................4000
Scope (Rifle)...............7000
Scope (semi-auto rifle)....10000
Scope (Mine Thrower)........8000
First Aid Spray.............5000
Weapon Upgrades
The merchant offers upgrades for weapons that can increase their Firepower,
Firing Speed, Reload Speed, and Capacity, as well as some interesting
"exclusive" upgrades to make the weapons even more powerful. I recommend you
try to stick with a few weapons throughout the game, so you can easily afford
to fully upgrade them all.
For example, it might not be a great idea to waste money upgrading the original
Handgun, Shotgun, or Rifle, since you will eventually be replacing these with
better versions. If you get the Riot Gun and upgrade it a lot, don't bother
getting the Striker. But if you want to get the Striker, it might be a better
idea to bypass the Riot Gun altogether and just upgrade the normal Shotgun a
One good thing to remember about weapons upgrades is that a Capacity upgrade
will cause your clip to be filled. If you're going to upgrade a weapon's
capacity, you should try to remember not to reload it right before you get the
upgrade. Free bullets should never be passed up, especially if the weapon
you're upgrading is a magnum or the Mine Thrower.
Selling Things
The merchant will buy any sellable item at any time. Every sellable item's
price is given in my item lists, so you should check that if you want to know
how much a certain item will sell for.
All purchasable items will sell for exactly half of their purchase price. For
example, the Handgun costs 8000 pesetas and will sell for 4000 pesetas. Two
important things to keep in mind for selling weapons are:
I) Ammo in the weapon is included in the sale price. A weapon with more
round in the chamber will sell for a higher price than one with an empty
chamber. Also, the fifty percent purchase price is based off of a full
chamber; selling an empty chamber Handgun will sell for less than 4000
II) Upgrades increase the sale price of a weapon by fifty percent of the cost
of the upgrade. Keep in mind that capacity upgrades will also increase
the sale price slightly more due to the fact that the number of rounds is
increased, and rounds are included in the sale price.
First Aid Spray
The merchant will sell you a limited number of First Aid Sprays. He tends to
add one to his selling inventory every time you encounter him in a new area.
The number in my sale charts in [brackets] is the number he'll be offering if
you haven't purchased any yet during the game.
Selling a First Aid Spray to the merchant will also increase his selling
inventory by the number of units sold to him. This will not affect his normal
supply of First Aid Spray.
Killing a Merchant
The slightest bit of damage will kill a merchant. Killing a merchant is not
beneficial to you in any way, shape or form; there is no reason to kill the
merchant at any time. You can't get items from his corpse or anything like
that, so don't bother doing it.
The only thing that it WILL do is ensure that the merchant will no longer
appear in that location for the rest of the game. Meaning if you kill a
merchant, he's not coming back, and you'll have to either backtrack to a
previous merchant or continue on until you find another one.
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| 4.00) END |
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January 13th, 2005
- Submitted the walkthrough up to the start of Chapter 2-3. The controls
and some of the Things to Know were also included.
January 14th, 2005
- Added Chapter 2-3 and Chapter 3-1 to the walkthrough.
January 15th, 2005
- Added Chapters 3-2, 3-3,3-4, and 4-1 to the walkthrough. I'm trying to
hurry with the rest of the walkthrough just to get a basic version posted for
people to use, then I'll go back and add detailed ASCII maps for each area,
item locations, and crap like that.
January 16th, 2005
- Added Chapter 4-2 to the walkthrough. Not very productive today, sadly.
Wasted too much time playing XIII and Zero Hour with some friends. >_>
January 17th, 2005
- Added Chapters 4-3, 4-4, 5-1, 5-2, and part of 5-3 to the walkthrough.
January 19th, 2005
- Completed the basic walkthrough. I'll be going back slowly and adding
revamped sections for the entire game now, complete with full ASCII maps and
treasure charts. Expect weapons and items lists to be finished soon, too.
January 20th, 2005
- Added the text map for treasure for the first two sceens of the game (the
approach to Pueblo and Pueblo itself).
January 21st, 2005
- Added the text maps for Farm and Boobytraps.
January 23rd, 2005
- Corrected a few small things and added one lousy ASCII map... not very
productive again.
January 24th, 2005
- A few extremely small corrections. I started the walkthrough for Assignment
Ada, but I don't have all of the maps done for it yet, so I'm waiting to add
that section until I do.
January 27th, 2005
- Only a few slight changes.
January 31st, 2005
- Added four more ASCII maps (Water Works, both sections of the Chief's house,
and empty Pueblo). I've finished the walkthrough for Assingment Ada, and I
intend to have it added along with the ASCII maps for it by next week.
February 1st, 2005
- Added the walkthrough for Assignment Ada, complete with all of its ASCII
maps. Told you it'd be done by the end of the week. >_>
February 6th, 2005
- Added five more ASCII maps (Tunnel through Dock).
February 14th, 2005
- Added a ton of stuff about the merchant including what he sells at each
location up to the start of chapter five. I'm working my way through the game
several times to get all of the weapon upgrades down along with all the item
information, bottlecaps, and so forth. Probably be a while before I get the
next update done, gunna be busy this week.
February 25th, 2005
- Added sections 3.01 through 3.05, and updated the rest of the merchant's
selling and upgrading charts throughout the guide to include the rest of the
January 2nd, 2006
- Massive update. Added an entire walkthrough complete with text maps for
Separate Ways, and converted the rest of the guide to reflect the PS2 version
of the game rather than the GameCube version, which it was originally written
for. If you find an error or an oversight I made related to this conversion,
please let me know. (Note that the main differences have been changed through
the entire guide, but the maps and minor differences are only complete through
the end of Chapter 1-3.)
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| 4.02) CLOSING |
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*Note: The walkthrough is totally finished, although only in its first form,
without the nice maps I'd like to have. You'll note that I'm slowly
adding ASCII maps for every area in the game. Areas with completed
maps will have a centered header, and those without will have a left -
alligned header. I'm desperate for feedback on the maps, so please let
me know what you think.
I'd like to thank the following people for their assistance with this guide:
Black Rhapsody: For pointing out an extra zero on the sale price of the Gold
Bangle in the treasure section. As much as we might wish
they'd sell for that much, they don't. Oopsies. >_>
Bloodstool: AKA Bizoom. We played a lot of Separate Ways together, one of us
playing while the other worked on the text maps. That made things
go much quicker and allowed for a much more thorough checking of
our data.
I'm aware that this guide contains some flaws. Please, if you find something
as minor as a typo, let me know about it. I'm also very open for suggestions
on content, format, and so forth.
All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:
Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at
deucestaley@gmail.com or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Thanks for checking
out the guide, and enjoy the game.

Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.