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[][][] --------------------------------------------------------------[][][]
CONTACT: vhayste@gmail.com
III. ABOUT THE GAME ---------------------- SKR000
IV. WALKTHROUGH ---------------------------- WLK000
1.1 WELCOME TO PARADISE ---------------- WLK001
1.2 ThE ATTACK CONTINUES --------------- WLK002
1.3 SEARCH AND DESTROY ----------------- WLK003
2.1 SMUGGLER'S RUN --------------------- WLK004
2.2 SMUGGLER'S DEMISE ------------------ WLK005
2.3 REPRISALS -------------------------- WLK006
2.4 THE PAYBACK ------------------------ WLK007
2.5 DECAPITATION STRIKE --------- ------ WLK008
3.1 FLASHPOINT ------------------------- WLK009
3.2 OPERATION BEAR TRAP ---------------- WLK010
3.3 PILLARS OF FIRE -------------------- WLK011
3.4 THE BRAWL -------------------------- WLK012
3.5 ANVIL AND HAMMER ------------------- WLK013
4.1 SUNBURN ALLEY ---------------------- WLK014
4.2 SHARK'S DEN ------------------------ WLK015
4.3 TO RULE THE SKY -------------------- WLK016
4.4 CARGO OF DEATH -------------------- WLK017
4.5 THE FINAL COUNTDOWN ---------------- WLK018
V. AIRCRAFT LIST -------------------------- ACL000
F-45 EAGLE ----------------------------- ACL001
F-16 FALCON ---------------------------- ACL002
F/A - 18 HORNET ------------------------ ACL003
F-117 NIGHTHAWK ------------------------ ACL004
F-35 LIGHTNING II ---------------------- ACL005
F-22 RAPTOR ---------------------------- ACL006
SR-71 BLACKBIRD ------------------------ ACL007
MIG-27 FLOGGER ------------------------- ACL008
YAK-141 FREESTYLE ---------------------- ACL009
MIG-31 FOXHOUND ------------------------ ACL010
MIG-29 FULCRUM ------------------------- ACL011
SU-27 FLANKER -------------------------- ACL012
SU-34 FULLBACK ------------------------- ACL013
SU-37 SUPER FLANKER -------------------- ACL014
MiG - 1.44 MFI ------------------------- ACL016
SU-47 BERKUT --------------------------- ACL017
T-45 GOSHAWK --------------------------- ACL018
VI. WEAPON LIST ---------------------------- WPN000
BASIC WEAPONS -------------------------- WPN001
AIR-TO-AIR MISSILES -------------------- WPN002
UNGUIDED BOMBS ------------------------- WPN005
[ C O P Y R I G H T ]
This document is copyrighted to me, Vhayste®. It is intended for
~PRIVATE~ use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic
media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way,
shape, or form. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes,
regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct
violation of copyright law.
This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion
of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be
prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters,
names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective
Permission is required from the author in case any site or individual
will like to refer to, or use a portion of this this document. Requests
for posting this faq to other websites aside from the ones the author
originally contributed to still needs to be emailed to the author first.
Expect a prompt response whenever possible.
v 1.0 -- 1:30 AM 5/7/2007 - Started Faq/ Completed Plane List
v 1.1 -- 3:16 AM 5/8/2007 - Added weapon packs in the Plane List,
- Added Bonus objectives for different
- Added unlocks for all modes.
V 1.2 -- 1:02 AM 5/12/2007 - Completed the game, added new details in
the Plane list.
V 1.3 -- 7:44 AM 5/14/2007 - Still unlocking some stuff, about 94%
| |
| |
| <'> A U T H O R'S N O T E <'> |
| """""""""""""""""""""""" |
| |
| |
| Welcome reader, to my guide for the game Heatseeker by Codemasters. |
| It is an arcade-style combat flight sim that will give you a new |
| experience in air combat. |
| |
| I have been a fan of the Ace Combat series, in fact, I already wrote|
| guides for all AC games for the PS2. Yet, even with AC's popularity,|
| don't assume that Heatseeker is another AC wannabe. The game itself |
| is unique, in terms of controls, interface and experience. You'll |
| know why when you get into the game. |
| |
| Alright, for my notes. I just started to game and wrote this faq at |
| the same time, hence, it may not appear complete yet. So, if you |
| have any info that is not found here and you think its necessary to |
| include, do hesitate to email me. I'm always attending emails from |
| my readers so expect a reply from me anytime I access my email. |
| |
| Another thing is that this guide serves only to assist players. If |
| you have better ideas, don't brag about it or compare it to my |
| approach in the game. We are all different gamers. Minus the |
| competitiveness, we are all different players. So don't tell me that|
| I suck or what since you'll be speaking for yourself. |
| |
| Emailed questions shall be answered at the best of my ability. I |
| don't know everything, and even if I wrote this faq, I just based it|
| during my experience while playing the game. |
| |
| Lastly, this guide will not guarantee you'll beat the game. It is |
| only meant to assist, to help. But finishing the game is entirely |
| up to you. Thank you! |
| |
| M 2 |
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| |
| |
| Paul "Vhayste" Michael |
[][][] ------------- A B O U T T H E G A M E -------------[][][]
Published by: Codemasters
Developed by: IR Gurus Interactive Ltd. / Codemasters
Release Date: May 1, 2007
+ Modern and Futuristic Planes +
Heatseeker features modern and futuristic fighters. From the old
favorites such as the F-16 Falcon, F-15 Eagle and F/A-18 Hornet to
the technologically advanced F-22 Raptor, the game gives players
to fly the aircraft of their choice
+ Adaptive Weapon Loadouts +
Depending on your plane, you can carry basic gatling cannons,
short-ranged missiles and various special weapons from long-ranged
cruise missiles, anti-surface bombs and even disabling EMP missiles.
Choose the loadout appropriate for the upcoming mission.
+ Infinite Weapon Ammo +
Missions in the game are long and the number of enemies are
overwhelming so having infinite ammo is a blessing here. You can
even abuse your special weapons.
+ Impact Cam +
- Takes you right into the action. Blowing up enemies is never
been better. Even applies to near misses in your plane. Highlights
acrobatic turns and evasive manuevers.
+ Missile/Bomb Camera Tracking +
- Hold the Fire button to follow your missile and watch how it blows
up the target.
+ Dynamic Missile Evasion System +
- Aside from the basic dogfighting turns and breakneck manuevers,
the planes in Heatseeker are equipped with unlimited countermeasures
(flares). The advanced warning system will display specific buttons
you need to push in time to evade the missiles.
Fortunately, enemies fire only one missile at a time, even in Ace mode.
+ Ojective Checkpoints +
- Missions in the game are long and it can be really daunting to
retry the whole damn thing. Checkpoints are conviniently activated
almost after every objective completion. If you mess up, you have the
chance to start from the last checkpoint.
Be careful though; if the checkpoint is activated AFTER you failed the
the objective (e.g. Defend the Nemesis), the activated checkpoint
will just keeps on giving you the Mission Failed message.
[][][] ------------- W A L K T H R O U G H -------------[][][]
R E A D M E !
There are different modes in the game, Rookie mode being the easiest
and Ace mode as the hardest. Technically, there are no changes made
with the amount of damage you'll receive in any of the modes. The
difficulty lies on the number of enemies that will attack, a minor
change in objectives and the like.
Bonus objectives helps you unlock weapon packs and aircrafts so make
sure you check them out. Suspicious, lone green bleeps in your radar
should be investigated. Most of the time, bonus objectives appear
only when you are near the target. Even white dots are worth checking
Primary objectives will remain the same. However, different stuff are
unlocked in different modes.
Bonus Objective targets have flashing yellow bleeps when targeted.
Another thing to note is that you don't earn credits or any money
during missions. You can use what you've unlocked immediately.
For some objectives where you are required to protect your battlegroup,
don't stray away too far from your allies. Although you can hunt
enemies down, you need to prevent as much damage as possible from
being inflicted to the Nemesis or any targets you need to protect.
-- 1.1 W E L C O M E T O P A R A D I S E --- WLK001
TASKFORCE : Lord Roberts Airbase
LOCATION : Atlantic Ocean
DEPLOYMENT: Day 1 - 0698 Hrs
| YAK-141 (fighters) | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
------------- MISSION START ------------------
- Feel the controls. If you are a seasoned Ace Combat pilot them take
a few minutes to familiarize with the controls. You will be using a
F-22 Raptor here. Follow the instructions provided on the screen.
- Head west to Lord Roberts Air Base as instructed. You will see a scene
where Divot, your wingman-to-be, will be attacked by two bandits.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy Enemy Fighters
- So time to dive in the fireworks. Accelerate towards the targets. When
you get near (-1400m), you should have a lock-on. Do not fire unless
you have a clear path.
- After downing the two enemies, objective will be complete. You will
recieve an update.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy incoming wing of fighters
- Four Yaks will appear. Destroy them to complete this objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy attacking enemy aircraft
- Head SW to the airbase. Find a wing of Yaks (x4 planes) attacking the
base. Get busy and destroy them. There will be at least 2-3 waves
coming in. Destroy them all to complete the objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend civilian medical transport
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the sabotauers before they reach the
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy boat
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy unauthorized aircraft.
- (!R) You need to work fast if you want to complete the bonus objective.
Its only optional so down at least 2 fighters and locate the saboteurs.
They will be using a boat so lower your altitude. You should be able
to spot them below.
- (!P) Enlarge your map and look for a lone, green dot in the map.
Get near it and wait for the objective to come up. Destroy it.
- (!A) This one is a bit tough to find since it is hiding in the clouds.
Fortunately, it should be visible in your radar as a lone green dot
in the map. Approach it to trigger the bonus objective.
- Objective fails if you let the medical transport to be shot down.
Destroy all targets to complete this objective. If you are after the
BOs, then destroy 3 planes and leave 1.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: T-45 GOSHAWK (R)
MiG-27 Flogger (A)
Air Attack (WP for MiG-27 Flogger V2) (P)
NOTE: (R) = Rookie Mode
(P) = Pilot Mode
(A) = Ace Mode
BO = Bonus Objective
WP = Weapon Pack
-- 1.2 T H E A T T A C K C O N T I N U E S --- WLK002
TASKFORCE : Lord Roberts Airbase
LOCATION : Lord Roberts Island
DEPLOYMENT: Day 1 - 1225 HRS
| YAK-141 (fighters) | PT BOATS (boat) |
| - - - - - - | SPEEDBOATS (boat) |
| - - - - - - | VAZ-469 Jeep (vehicle) |
| - - - - - - | Nanuchka (boat) |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
- The mission starts with you piloting a T-45 Goshawk. Its not as
good as the Raptor but its enough for the enemies that will attack.
------------- MISSION START ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend western dock
- Several spedboats will attack from the sea. Note that although missiles
can damage them, its recommended to use bombs to get rid of them
quickly. They should be to the NW.
- Ready the Goshawk's Unguided Bombs by pressing []. Now, cruise down
to the boats. The area around the target circle is the blast radius.
All units caught within that radius is damaged. Also release the
bombs twice in a row. This will ensure devastating damages to the
enemies below.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Stop the Saboteurs before they cause damage!
- Just like the bonus onjective in the last mission, the saboteurs will
arrive via speedboat. Destroy it.
- In a few moments later, they will be utilizing jeeps. So, just use
your missiles to destroy the targets. Enlarge the map so that you
can locate them quickly.
- Intercept any nearby enemy fighters as well.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the airstrip from sea attack.
- Several missile boats will be arriving from the sea. Approach them
and use bombs to quickly destroy them. Some escort planes will be
appearing as well so eb cautious.
- Destroy all the PT boats to complete the objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy all enemy bogeys!
- Engage with the enemy planes. Destroy them all to proceed.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy missile boat before it destroys the airstrip
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the sabotauers before they reach the tower
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the sabotauers without damaging any
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Prevent any cruise missiles from hitting the
- (!R) The sabotauers will be riding a jeep so you can immediately spot
them on the ground. Take them out.
- (!P) The sabotauers will exit the smaller docks in the NW, using a
jeep. DO NOT FIRE immediately. There are some buildings covering them
so slow down, and get behind them. Once the path is clear, blow them
- (!A) The Nanuchka will fire a cruise missile. As soon as the cutscene
starts, you will be targeting the cruise missile automatically. Load
your SSAM or SRAMs (the basic missiles) and blow the cruise missile.
Additional cruise missiles will be sent later the longer you take to
sink the Nanuchka.
- A heavy missile boat called Nanchuchka is firing cruise missiles
towards the airstrip. It will take several bomb runs to completely
destroy this boat at this time. When you come back later to play this
mission again, 3 hits from a MAG-M or any similar air-to-ground weapon
is enough to sink this floating can. You can also target and destroy
the cruise missiles.
- After destroying the boat, mission completes.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Multirole WP (for Mig-31 Foxhound V2)
(P) M-27 Flogger V2
(A) Yak-141 Freestyle
-- 1.3 S E A R C H A N D D E S T R o Y --- WLK003
TASKFORCE : Lord Roberts Airbase
LOCATION : Lord Roberts Island
DEPLOYMENT: Day 1 - 1808 HRS
| YAK-141 (fighters) | PT BOATS (boat) |
| KA-52 Alligator (chopper)| Nanuchka (boat) |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
- Divot will join you as your wingman. Give him orders. Select the
target in front of you by pressing X, then press Up in the D-Pad to
order your wingman to attack. Order him to attack the missile boats
to the north.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the pirates attacking the freighter.
- Turn south and destroy all hostile targets.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy helicopter squadron
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy recon vessel!
(!P/A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the SW rebel recon vessel!
(!P/A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the NE rebel recon vessel!
- (!R) The recon vessel is spotted along the S/W shores. Enlarge your
map to spot the lone green by the waters.
- (!P/A) Just spot them to the SW and N/NE.
- Destroy all the helicopters. One missile each should be enough to
bring them down. Save at least one chopper and locate the recon
vessel. (Check your radar)
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Protect the airport whilst civilians evacuate
- Destroy the PT Boats. For this battle, use bombs against the targets.
Each plane takes 1:00 minute to prep and to fly out. So during that
part, make sure you destroy as much targets as possible, if not, all.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Help Nemesis destroy the last remaining pirate forces
- Basically, the objective can be completed by destroying all targets
in the area.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Land on the Nemesis carrier
- After all hostiles are cleared out, move to the rear of the Nemesis,
slow down and go through the blue circles. These are guides for
landing successfully.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: F-16 Falcon V1
F-15 Eagle V1
(R) Rocket Attack WP (MiG-29 Fulcrum V2)
(P) Cluster Bomber WP (F-16 Falcon V2)
(A) MiG-31 Foxhound V1
-- 2.1 S M U G G L E R 'S R U N --- WLK004
LOCATION : San Siarro, Vertana
DEPLOYMENT: Day 3 - 1645 HRS
| MiG-27 Flogger (fighters)| PT BOATS (boat) |
| - - - - - - | Nanuchka (boat) |
| - - - - - - | AA guns |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
- You can now choose your plane. I suggest taking out the Eagle with
its Multirole weapon loadout.
OBJECTIVE: Scan unidentified targets
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Find and destroy hidden cargo planes. (1)
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Find and destroy hidden cargo planes. (2)
- (!P) (1) On the first airport to the NE, press X to target the
unidentified target, then press X again to target a C-130 Hercules
hidden in the woods. Destroy it, and other hidden targets will appear
on the map as green dots.
- (!P) (2) Now examine the second airfield to the NW. There should be
a C-130 there hidden, along with a cargo truck and a jeep. Destroy
them to complete the objectives.
- Approach the targets with the white (?), then lock on them. To scan
them faster, zoom in by pressing and holding the X button. Scan all
the unidentified targets. There should be 2 flying aircrafts,
2 freighters and 2 planes on land. Objective completes after scanning
them all succesfully.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Shoot down the smuggler and enemy fighters
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Shoot down 20 fighters
- Attack the smuggler's plane first. One missile should be enough to
to send him burning to the sea. Take out the remaining fighters.
Don't worry about the Bonus Objective, it will be active during the
whole mission until you satisfy it.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Scan unidentified speedboat
- After the scan, it will appear as a hostile so destroy it.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy fighters and their hangars
- From time to time, a couple of Floggers will come out from the hangars.
So elimate them as they come out and get busy with the hangars. It
will take several missile hits before it gets destroyed.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Render the enemy base inoperable
- Several AA guns will be active. Destroy them all using bombs or the
conventional missiles.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Secure freighter transport.
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Sink the missile boats within the time limit
- (!A) The Nanuchkas will be the targets and you need to sink them
within 1:40 minutes. If you have air-to-ground weapons like the MAG-M
or GAM, then a few hits should be enough to sink the ships and
also complete the mission.
- The freighter will be guarded by two heavily armored Nanuchkas.
Destroy the two boats and the mission wil be complete.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Long Ranger WP (F-15 Eagle V2)
(P) F-16 Falcon V2
(A) MiG-31 Foxhound V2
-- 2.2 S M U G G L E R 'S D E M I S E --- WLK005
LOCATION : San Siarro, Vertana
DEPLOYMENT: Day 3 - 1723 HRS
| MiG-27 Flogger (fighters)| Nanuchka (boat) |
| Yak-141 Freestyle | Souremenny (Boat) |
| C-130 Hercules | Grumbler Heavy SAMs |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Find and identify the suspected weapons transport.
- Follow the white targets in your hud. As you get near, scan the
transport plane itself. After that, its escorts will turn hostile
and start accking.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the transport's fighter escorts.
- Destroy all the MiG-27 Floggers (x4)
OBJECTIVE: Escort the weapons transport to the airfield
- The transport pilot will refuse to follow instructions. When the
go signal is given, (Through conversation) pump some lead to the
plane's fuselage. Objective completes.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take down the fighters!
- A wing of enemy fighters will appear. Destroy them all. You will also
recieve an update to destroy the fleeing transport as well.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the fleeing transports and their escorts.
- Two transports with some heavy fighter escorts will attempt to leave
the operation airspace. If any of the transports do, then the mission
will fail.
- Follow the transports and destroy them first. Take care of the
fighters after that.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the surface contacts near the northernmost island
- Approach the target, zoom with X.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the SAM sites!
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy Enemy SAM site!
- (!A) Head to the NW, find a lone SAM site near the shore.
- Be careful when approaching the SAM sites and get ready to send out
countermeasures. Dive-bomb them, or use air-to-ground missiles if
you have access to them already.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take down the enemy fleet and its fighters.
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy both subs before the submerge.
- (!R) If you have air-to-ground weapons like the MAG-M or GAM, then a
few hits should be enough to destroy the subs. If not, you'll need
fly low, target them with missiles while strafing your guns. Bombs
will just take longer since it take precise dropping to deal serious
damage to the subs.
- The ships are tough and they are dangerous with all those AA guns
mounted on them. Take out the fighters first to remove the annoyances,
then concentrate on the ships.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (A) Circuit Breaker WP (F-117 Nighthawk)
-- 2.3 R E P R I S A L S --- WLK006
LOCATION : En route to San Martique, Vertana
DEPLOYMENT: Day 4 - 1850 HRS
| MiG-29 Fulcrum | PT boats |
| Cruise Missiles | Souvremenny (Boat) |
| - - - - - - | Typhoon Attack Sub |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Defend Eyeball from the attackers
- Destroy all the MiG-29s pursuing Eyeball's V-22 Osprey.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the fleet against sea and air attacks.
- Stay near the ship, take care of the ships first then the attacks.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Go to Angel and assist her
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy cruiser!
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy spy aircraft
- Approach Angel and take care of enemies along the way. Make sure you
clear all the enemies on her tail. Objective completes when you get
near her.
- (!R) The enemy spy aircraft is located in the far South. It will appear
as a single white dot just outside of the operational area. Approach
it and you will get your bonus objective. Destroy it to complete it.
- (!A) As you approach Angel, aside from the fighters, there will be
3 Souvremenny-class cruisers flanking her from below. You only need
to destroy one cruiser (Look out for the one with the yellow lockon)
but you need to make it fast since more fighter wings will pursue
Angel. If you have an anti-ship weapon loadout (e.g the F/A-18 Hornet's
Ship Killer), the GAM will be very effective here. Just immediately
clear all the enemies pursuing Angel.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Escort Angel back to the fleet
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the sub before it submerges.
- Stick close to Angel, destroy any fighters that get near her. Near the
fleet, a Typhoon attack sub will surface. In Pilot or Ace mode,
this sub will be a Bonus Objective. Again, if you an anti-ship loadout,
then the better. Destroy a few fighters on Angel's tail then deal with
the sub
- Objective will be completed after Angel reaches the fleet.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the civilian freighter Lucille
- As the objective starts, you will be directly ahead of Lucille's
position. 2 fighter wings will attack it so make sure you get rid of
the fighters quickly.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the civilian freighter Axelrod
- Tough luck. Another civilian freighter needs to be defended. This time,
it will have fighters and PT boats attacking it. Destroy them all
to complete this objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend fleet from enemy subs
- Two Typhoons will appear near the fleet, each one will send out a
cruise missile. Chase after the cruise missiles first, and just use
your normal SSAM or SRAMs since they are faster. You can also land
a few hits on the subs using long range anti-surface weapons such as
the GAM or the MAGM-M.
- The subs will submerge, and will appear on the other side of the
fleet. Just make sure that you shoot down all cruise missiles and
destroy both subs.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: MiG-29 Fulcrum V2
(R) Cluster Bomber Mig-29 Fulcrum V3
(P) F-15 Eagle V2
(A) Multirole weapon pack (SU-27 Flanker V2)
-- 2.4 T H E P A Y B A C K --- WLK007
LOCATION : Approaching San Martique, Vertana
DEPLOYMENT: Day 5 - 1120 HRS
| MiG-29 Fulcrum | PT boats |
| Cruise Missiles | Nanuchka |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Protect the Nemesis.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy incoming boats!
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all boats and stay below the radar grid
- (!A) This bonus objective is one of the most challenging objectives
yet. There will be 15+ something number of boats and you need to stay
below the very low radar grid; not more than 20 feet. Try not to
turn but rather, YAW left/right (L2/R2) through the water. To make it
a bit easier, use any planes with anti-ship capabilities, like the
F/A-18 Hornet's Ship Killer WP. Its GAM can destroy those PT boats in
1 hit, not to mention that you can lock on them at a distance.
Once all PT boats are destroyed (in the Nemesis and Guardian sides)
the objective will be complete.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Intercept the approaching strike planes!
- Several bogeys will appear. You need to stay close to the fleet and
get rid of them as fast as you can.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Sink the incoming missile boats.
OBJECTIVE: Protect the Guardian Fleet
- The missile boats are no other than the armored Nanuchkas. It will
take several hits to sink each one of them; it will take just 3 hits
from an anti-ship weapon though.
- After downing some of the missile boats, more bogeys will appear.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Intercept the incoming bogeys.
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the fleeing ships
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all planes before they get away.
- (!R) Find the ship to the E/SE. There should be 3 of them.
- More fighters will come in. Destroy all of them.
- (!P) After there are only 2-3 fighters left, they will attempt to
escape. Chase them and make sure you down them all before the next
cutscene/ checkpoint triggers.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Ensure fleet survives missile attacks
- There will be two waves of cruise missiles. As I have mentioned
earlier, use SSAMs or SRAMs to destroy these missiles. Other than
that, there should be no problems anymore.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Naval Fighter WP (MiG-29 Fulcrum V3)
(P) Heavy Multirole (SU-37 Super Flanker V2)
(A) Circuit Breaker WP (F-22 Raptor V2)
-- 2.5 D E C A P I T A T I O N S T R I K E --- WLK008
LOCATION : Approaching San Martique, Vertana
DEPLOYMENT: Day 5 - 1248 HRS
| MiG-29 Fulcrum | PT boats |
| Cruise Missiles | AA GUNS |
| - - - - - - | T-90 Tanks |
| - - - - - - | Destroyer |
| - - - - - - | MCB Heavy SAMs |
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the island's patrol groups.
- Basically engage the enemy fighters. After a little while, you will
receive another mission update.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the island's primary AA defenses.
- There will be some AA guns in the ground, I suggest taking them out
first since they are easier to target. To make things a bit faster,
destroying them using anti-surface weapons (such as MAG-M).
Concentrate in destroying enemy fighters afterwards.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy Krygsman and his squadron
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all tanks in the airport
- (!P) As soon as the objective to destroy Krygsman's squadron appears,
approach the airport. Several T-90 tanks will be targettable. Just
drop them bombs or some anti-surface weapons to destroy them all.
- Krygsman's MiG-29 is equipped with some sort of jamming device which
it takes an awfully long time before you can get a lock-on on his
plane. To make matters worse, he moves really fast. That is where
the guns come in. If you have practiced shooting moving targets before
then you shouldn't have problems with this guy.
If you want to win the easy way, use planes that has anti-air WPs;
most of the time, they will contain RHMs, ARAAMs, or MRAMs. These
weapons can lock faster, and they are more accurate. In case of ARAAMs,
you just need to make sure that the target is within the targetting
It will still take at least 4-8 missile hits to destroy the enemy
squadron's Fulcrums. Just down them all to complete this mission.
Shooting them also kills them easier.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Sink the missile boats before they dock
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the destroyer
- You just need to sink all PT boats. They will have a Voalov-class
destroyer with them. There will be two groups. One in the SE and one
to the SW.
- (!R) As you approach the SW group, you will trigger the Bonus
Objective. If this is the last group, destroy the destroyer first
then the smaller PT boats.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the amphibious assault squad.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the attacking T-90 Tanks
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Make sure all amphibious units survive
- Once you get the primary objective, some tanks and Fulcrums will
attack. Get rid of the tanks first. If you an MAG-M anti-surface
missile, then it can blow the T-90 pairs in one hit.
- (!A) The only way to ensure none of the allied ground troops gets
scratched is by destroying all the tanks below. It shouldn't be a
problem, so long as you destroy them all fast.
- Get rid of some Fulcrums and AA guns if they start to bother you.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Clear the path of enemy vehicles
- Before the allied ground troops reach the bridge, you will receive
this Objective. Just get rid of the advancing tanks from the tunnel
in the other end of the bridge; there is also some enemy units on
the bridge itself. Destroy them all to proceed.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy incoming jets
- Once you cleared the enemy ground troops, a new wave of enemy fighters
will engage you. Just take care of them.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy Granuja's Fortress.
- Bombs will be very effective in this area. If you don't have them,
then anti-surface weapons will do (specially the MAG-M). Take out
any AA defenses he may have.
After destroying half of his fortress, the psycho dictator will
deploy his mobile missile launchers.
OBJECTIVE: Prevent missile launchers from attacking the fleet!
- The launchers will be able to launch 3 cruise missiles. Chase them
and destroy them.
- After destroying the cruise missiles, go back to the airport and
destroy the launchers. The objective will be completed after that.
- Destroy the remaining targets.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) F/A-18 Hornet
(P) Tank Killer WP (MiG-1.44 MFI V2)
(A) MiG-29 Fulcrum V1
3.1 --- F L A S H P O I N T --- WLK009
TASKFORCE : Fighter Escort Group, Bravo
LOCATION : The Southern Ocean
DEPLOYMENT: Day 1 - 1425 HRS
| MiG-29 Fulcrum | Voalov |
| SU-34 Fullback | Kirov |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Follow your fighter group towards to convoy.
- Basically just stay with the group.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Sink the Federation Destroyer
- You need to work fast here since the convoy is an easy target.
Using anti-ship weapons will take of the destroyer in a few seconds.
- After destroying the ship, standby.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the convoy from incoming fighters
(!R) BOnus OBJECTIVE: Shoot at least 40 aircraft
(!P) Ensure all convoys survive.
(!A) Prevent T-Bone from being shot down
- (!R) Just destroy fighters as fast as you can to have more appear.
- (!P) Just work as fast as you can to make sure that the enemy fighters
will get busy engaging you and not the convoys. This objective will
not end until you finish the entire mission with all the 3 convoys
- (!A) Its really hard to find/ locate T-Bone so to further enhance his
chances of survival, quickly disperse the pressure of enemy fighters
by getting rid of them yourself.
- Just work fast and destroy all fighters.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend convoy from Federation attacks.
- Destroy some ships (GAMs will be very useful here), then shoot down
some planes as well.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R)
(P) SU-34 Fullback V1
(A) Shock and Awe (F-35 Lightning II V3)
3.2 --- O P E R A T I O N B E A R T R A P --- WLK010
LOCATION : The Southern Ocean
DEPLOYMENT: Day 3 - 1005 HRS
| SU-27 Flanker | Typhoon Attack Sub |
| SU-34 Fullback | - - - - - - |
| SU-37 Superflanker | - - - - - - |
| TU-95 Bear | - - - - - - |
| MiG-29 Fulcrum | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Protect the Nemesis
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy refueling craft
- (!R) The refueling craft is located N/NE. I suggest destroying a
good number of fighters, before pursuing the refueling craft.
- Stay close to the Nemesis. This will keep enemy fighters busy as you
all try to shoot each other.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take out ECM plane to maintain radar visibility.
- Your missile's lock-ons will be jammed so don't rely on them here.
Use your guns to shoot down the slow, big bird. The ECM plane is
located in the SE.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the ECM aircraft's escorts
- Just get rid of the ECM plane's escorts to complete this objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take out the subs before they destroy the Nemesis
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the fleeing Saboteurs
- (!P) Find a small oil rig to the SE/S. Destroy all the PT boats to
complete this objective.
- Enemy Typhoon attack subs will surface near the allied Fleet. Success
of this objective depends on how fast you get rid of the Typhoons.
If you have GAMs then a couple or 3 hits should be enough for each
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take out the incoming bomber squadrons and their escorts
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Defend tanker from the fighters
- (!A) Head to the far north to spot a lone tanker with some Fullbacks
on its trail. I suggest taking out the TU-95 Bears and leave an
escort (from the primary objective) before heading to this place.
If your fleet or wingman shoots the last escort down, the last
objective for this mission will start so make sure you complete this
bonus objective as fast as you can.
- Engage the incoming bomber squadrons. Take out the bombers first since
they are easy targets. Shoot them with all you've got, just don't let
not a single one to reach the fleet.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Ace Squadron (Ghost)
- If you think your ordeal is over, think again. This enemy squadron
is the last hurdle you need to overcome in this mission. Hopefully,
you fought valiantly that you still have enough HP to put up a fight.
- Also, if you activated the Bonus Objective and the Ace Squadron
appears, after a few minutes of dogfighting, Divot will tell you its
"BINGO FUEL" - meaning that you only have a very limited time to
stay in the air and complete the objective. (1:59 minutes) You need to
destroy the whole ace squadron within that time limit or you'll fail
the objective.
- Take out the lesser squadron members first. Although it takes several
missile hits for them to be destroyed, guns are nonetheless very
effective against them. Destroy all of them and the mission completes.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) F-117 Nighthawk V1
(P) Armor Killer (F35 Lightning II V3)
(A) SU-27 Flanker V1
3.3 --- P I L L A R S O F F I R E --- WLK011
LOCATION : Mt. Cerberus Antarctica
DEPLOYMENT: Day 4- 1437
| SU-27 Flanker | MDB Heavy SAMS |
| A-50 Mainstay | Nanuckha |
| - - - - - - | Souvremenny |
| - - - - - - | Radar Tower |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Defend the B-52s
OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy fighter wing.
- After launching, approach the B-52 and eliminate all enemy fighters.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy Radar Station
- The radar station is in the side of the island. You need to use guns
or bombs to destroy it.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy jamming plane!
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the ECM plane within the time limit (00:18)
- (!A) You need to rush in to the jamming plane and give it all you've
got. Guns are very effective here.
- Use cannons only to destroy the ECM plane.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Sink Souvremenny cruiser
OBJECTIVE: Destroy All sam sites
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Souvremenny before it activates all
SAM sites
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy missile boats.
- (!R) Just shower it with missiles, bombs- everything. As soon as you
sink this ship, the better.
- You need to take care of the cruiser first. The sooner you destroy the
cruiser, the lesser enemy SAM sites will be activated in the island.
(!P) In your way to destroy the SAM sites around the island, you should
spot some Nanuchkas, patrolling the area. The bonus objective won't
appear unless you attack/destroy at least one nanuchka.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the second attack wave of B-52s
- Just stay close to the B-52s (beware of friendly fire) and destroy
all enemy planes. There will be 2-3 waves of them so take them out.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Intedictor (SU-47 Berkut)
(P) F/A-18 Hornet V2
(A) SU-34 Fullback V2
3.4 --- T H E B R A W L --- WLK012
TASKFORCE : Spearhead Special Operations Group
LOCATION : Southern Ice Shelf, Antarctica
DEPLOYMENT: Day 6- 1331
| MiG-31 Foxhound | Typhoon Attack Sub |
| TU-95 Bear | Tunguska Light SAM |
| - - - - - - | PT Boats |
| - - - - - - | Mines |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy radar station
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy radar station under the radar grid
- Stay low. Avoid swerving sideways and keep your throttle down.
If you can, just 'wade' through the icebergs using L2/R2. Destroy
the radar station once you get a lock to it. It may take several
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy SAM site
- Just destroy all the SAMs. Four MiG-31s will engage you as well.
Get rid of them.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the first Commando group and escort them
to the oilrig
(!P)BONUS OBJECTIVE: Ensure all commando boats reach the rig
- (!P) This objective can only be completed once all commando units
reach the oil rig alive.
- Engage the PT boats and the fighters. If you destroy them fast enough,
then, all commando boats will reach the rigs without a scratch
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Protect the oil rig!
- Fighters will approach the oil rig and attack it. Try to engage them
on their way because it may be too late if you allow them to get into
firing range. Destroy all the enemy fighters.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the 2nd commando group and escort them to the oil rig
- Destroy the 2 waves of PT boats.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Protect the oil rig
- A Typhoon attack sub will surface near the oil rig. You gotta work
fast in sinking it.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Protect the research facility until all commandos
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Prevent any damage to be done to the research
- Two heavily escorted squadrons of Tu-95 bombers will be heading
to the research facility. Meet them head on, fire your missiles and
guns once you get a lock-on. TARGET THE BOMBERS FIRST.
- (!A) This objective can be achieved easily by downing the bombers
and ignoring the fighters for the meantime. THe fighters will engage
you and try to divert your attention. The fighters won't attack the
facility so shoot down those large birds first.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Escort the Fury out of the ice shelf
- Several mines will be blocking the FUry's way and it will take four
hits to sink it. If you have bombs, that will be better. Or you'll
be forced to shoot them with guns and missiles (they can't be locked
- Destroy the two waves of approaching escorted TU-95 bombers.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: F-22 Raptor V1
F-35 Lightning II V1
(R) MiG-29 Fulcrum V3
(P) F-117 Nighthawk V2
(A) MiG 1.44 MFI V1
3.5 --- A N V I L A N D H A M M E R --- WLK013
LOCATION : The Southern Ocean
DEPLOYMENT: Day 10 - 1518 HRS
| MiG-31 Foxhound | Souvremenny |
| TU-95 Bear | Voalov |
| SU-34 Fullback | PT Boats |
| SU-27 Flanker | Kutzuov |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Defend oil rig from enemy fighters
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Defend the oil tanker
- Approach the oil rig to the SW. Destroy all incoming fighters.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Investigate the oil rig for signs of civilians
- Get near the oil rig. It will explode, then you'll have a bunch
of fighters heading your way. Engage them
OBJECTIVE: Repel the fighter attack
- Destroy all incoming MiG-31 Foxhounds.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the oil rig against incoming enemies
- Take care of the incoming boats to the west first. Then engage the
fighters and as much as possible, don't let most of them get into
firing range with the oil rig.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Assist the fighters in the air battle
- Just engage enemy fighters. After shooting a good number of them,
objective will be completed. (Stay away from the enemy fleet!!)
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take out the ECM aircraft
- DUring the air battle, two ECM planes will join the fray. Shoot the
first one to the S/SW then take out the other one to the N/NW
OBJECTIVE: Help the fighters gain air superiority
- Have your share of the shooting. Down any fighters that is near you.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Take out the enemy fighters - reduce their numbers
- Just the same thing, continue shooting down enemy fighters.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy cruisers flanking the ship
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy missile boats!
- (!P) Just approach the lone white bleep on the radar. There will be
3 PT boats trying to escape. Blow them up to complete this objective.
However, make sure you sink one of the two cruisers first and heavily
damage the other before rushing to the missile boats' location.
- Sink the two cruisers on each side of the Nemesis. Make sure to sink
them quickly to prevent too much damage inflicted on the Nemesis.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the Nemesis from the incoming bombers.
- Two waves of enemy heavy escorted bomber squadrons will approach from
the NW. As usual, destroy the bombers first then the escorts.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend the cruise missiles as they approach their targets
- THe only way you can protect the cruise missiles is by eliminating
any enemy fighters that may try to stop them. Just kill as many
planes, as fast as possible.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy Carrier
- This should be an easy target. Destroy it to complete the mission.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: SU-37 Super Flanker V1
(R) SU-27 Flanker V2
(P) F-22 Raptor V2
4.1 --- S U N B U R N A L L E Y --- WLK014
TASKFORCE : Operation Dragon's Den
LOCATION : En Route to Kai Jing Straits, Kamcha
| SU-34 Fullback | TYphoon Attack Sub |
| Cruise Missiles | Power Station |
| TU-95 Bear | Hangar |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Protect the carrier
- You will start the mission with the radars jammed.
OBJECTIVE: Ensure the fleet survives the first wave of missiles
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Shoot down all air-to-surface missiles
- (!A) Remember that you should shoot all the enemy cruise missiles
yourself since your allies can shoot it down if it flies near them.
Just make sure you shoot them all yourself. Objective completes
if you shoot all the missiles in all 3 waves.
- Have your SRAMs/SSAMs ready and blow those cruise missiles from the
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Intercept incoming strike planes
- Engage the fighters and down them all.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Ensure the fleet survives the second wave of missiles
- Do the same thing; destroy the cruise missiles before they hit the
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the SAM and SSM poistions in this island
- Locate the different SAMs positioned in this island. Be careful when
targetting since they can also lock into you too.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the attack submarines
OBJECTIVE: Ensure the fleet survives the third wave of missiles
- Work fast in sinking those subs. In a vert short while, enemy cruise
missiles will be fire and you need to dash back and intercept those
smart missiles.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Intercept enemy bombers
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the escort fighters within the time limit
- (!P) Time limit is 1:59. Get rid of the bombers first then shoot down
all escort fighters before the time runs out.
- Bombers and their escorts will approach the fleet. As usual, shoot
down the bombers first, then the escorts.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy airbase
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Radio Tower and Bunkers
- (!R) The radio tower and bunkers are located to the S/Sw of the
airbase. It has no defense so just blow it up.
- Destroy all targets in the airbase to complete this mission.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Bunker Buster WP (MiG 1.44 MFI V3)
(P) F-35 Lightning II V2
(A) SU-37 Super Flanker V2
4.2 --- S H A R K 'S D E N --- WLK015
TASKFORCE : Operation Dragon's Den
LOCATION : En Route to Kai Jing Straits, Kamcha
DEPLOYMENT: Day 1 - 1725 HRS
| SU-47 Berkut | TYphoon Attack Sub |
| - - - - - - | Voarov |
| - - - - - - | MDB Heavy Sam |
| - - - - - - | Tunguska Light SAM |
| - - - - - - | T-90 Battle Tank |
| - - - - - - | AA Guns |
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy radar tower
- Fly below the radar grid and approach the enemy radar tower. Once
you get a clear lock, destroy it.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy as many SAMs as possible before they activate
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all docks buildings.
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy 5 SAMS before they activate
- (!R) You can do it later when you have the objective to destroy the
docks buildings are activated.
- (!P) You need to target SAM sites, AA guns not included. There are
a lot of them in the area so if you have a medium-long range
anti-surface weapon, use it to destroy the SAM sites.
- You will have a few seconds to freely destroy the temporarily disabled
SAMs. Having long range, anti-surface weapons are very helpful here.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy AA defenses along the way
- If you are not into crazy flying, stay low and destroy the SAMs.
Although your firing range is limited, the low altitude will give
you slight radar cover from the SAMs. If you are confident that you
can take them out in the air (dangerous but makes destroying SAMs a
lot easier) then fly up and keep your senses up for deploying
a lot of countermeasures.
- Just destroy all the AA guns to complete this mission. (Several SAM
sites may still remain)
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy all attacking cruisers
- Take them out at a distance; if you have some good anti-surface
weapons then fire at will. Just sink the cruisers to complete this
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the attacking planes
- Several fighters will engage you. If there are still have a lot of SAMs
left in the area, then take extra caution. Shoot them all down.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy docks facilities
- Destroy the buildings in the docks. You can also destroy all the
buildings to complete the bonus objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the generators
- A sub will emerge from the submarine pen entrace. Also, several T-90
tanks will be deployed around the island. Destroy the generators near
the pen's entrance.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy Submarine Pen
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all submarines.
- (!A) Spot the two Typhoon attack subs in the NW and NE part of the
islands. Just destroy them to complete the bonus objective.
- If you notice, there will be several blue circles in a straight line,
leading to the pen's entrace. Your target is the door itself, which
can only be damaged by flying low and straight.
- Destroy the sub first and some T-90s. Now fly low, MAKE SURE YOU
TARGET THE SUB PEN DOOR. Once you get a lock, fire at will.
Anti-surface weapons can deal a lot of damage to the doors, otherwise
it will take several fly-bys.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: SU-47 Berkut V1
(R) Heavy Bomber WP (MiG 1.44 MFI V3)
(P) MiG 1.44 MFI V3
(A) F-35 Lightning II V3
4.3 --- T O R U L E T H E S K Y --- WLK016
TASKFORCE : Operation Dragon's Den
LOCATION : En Route to Kai Jing Straits, Kamcha
DEPLOYMENT: Day 3 - 1800 HRS
| SU-34 Fullback | AA Guns |
| MiG-1.44 MFI | Hangar |
| - - - - - - | Oil Tank |
| - - - - - - | Tunguska Light SAM |
| - - - - - - | T-90 Battle Tank |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Cripple the enemy's long range capability
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the AA batteries.
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the additional SAM sites
- (!P) Find the three additional SAM sites to the Northeast of the island
Just destroy them all to complete this objective.
- THe T-90s here will be firing high-intensity lasers so you better
watch your back. Just destroy all AA guns and SAMs; but to further
lessen the burden, feel free to destroy the T-90s as well.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy incoming Ace Squadron
- Just clear the skies of enemy fighters. Remember that ace squadrons
are a bit tougher to shoot down with missiles. That's where guns
come it. Your gatling cannons will tear them apart.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy reinforcements
- More enemies will come in. Just destroy them all as needed.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Communications station
- You will spot it immediately so approach it and destroy it.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy refinery and the fuel tanks
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the oil tanks.
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy patrol boat
- (!R) This is a giveaway bonus objective since the oil tanks are
located beside the refinery and your other targets. Destroy them all
along with your primary targets
- (!A) Fly to the northeastern seas towards a single green dot in your
radar. Destroy it then quickly get back to the island and complete
your primary objective.
- Destroy the AA defenses first to make your job a bit easier. Destroy
the indicated targets on the ground. After a while, enemy fighters
will come inbound and engage you.
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy fighter wing
- Shoot down all enemy fighters.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Clear the path for a friendly air strike
OBJECTIVE: Protect friendly bombers
- Basically, your job is to destroy any/all resistance the bombers will
encounter. These includes AA installations and enemy fighters.
Just destroy as much as you can and the bombers will do the rest.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Bunker Buster WP (F-22 Raptor V3)
(P) SU-47 Berkut V2
(A) F-22 Raptor V3
4.4 --- C A R G O O F D E A T H --- WLK017
TASKFORCE : Operation Dragon's Den
LOCATION : East of Kai Jing Straits, Kamcha
DEPLOYMENT: Day 4 - 1845 HRS
| SU-34 Fullback | - - - - - - |
| MiG-1.44 MFI | - - - - - - |
| SU-37 Superflanker | - - - - - - |
| SU-47 Berkut | - - - - - - |
| AN-225 Cossack | - - - - - - |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
OBJECTIVE: Identify the transport and determine whether it is
carrying nuclear weapons
- This mission is comprised only of airborne enemies so, you should
be using a fast, agile craft that has a good air-air rating.
- Approach the transport. Target it and scan it. It will turn red and
become hostile. Get to its six immediately.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the transport and its escorts
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the fleeing boats
-(!R) Shoot down the transport first, then look for the single white
dot in the map. Approach it and destroy all 3 PT boats.
- If you managed to get behind the transport, the shoot it down once
you get a lock.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Defend Eyeball
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy enemy tanker
- Several waves of fighters will pursue Eyeball and attempt to shoot him
down. MOve fast and stay close to Eyeball. Shoot any fighter that
locks from his six. This may take a few tries, depending on how fast
you can kill enemies.
- (!P) This bonus objective can be very hard since as the object starts,
several fighters will be on Eyeball's tail. If you're going to pursue
this boat, then turn around, and destroy it quickly. Now, blas your
way to Eyeball's location, hopefully not much damage has been done.
Note also that if the objective to defend Eyeball completes, you
won't find the tanker anymore, failing the bonus objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Determine whether the transport is carrying nuclear weapons
- Just approach the transport and the white cursors will turn green
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the transport and its escorts
- Just like before, down the transport and destroy all of its escorts.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the incoming fighters
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy the remaining fighters
- Several reinforcements will come. Just continue engaging them until
their numbers reduce.
- Destroy all enemy planes to complete this objective.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Determine whether the transport is carrying nuclear weapons
- Just approach the transport and the white cursors will turn green
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the transport and its escorts
- Just like before, down the transport and destroy all of its escorts.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the enemy ace squadron.
- The squadron members planes can take a good amount of direct hits
before they can be destroyed. Don't hesitate to shoot your guns
to them.
The squadron leader's SU-47 Berkut has good stealth capability
making the plane so hard to lock-on, unless you get in close and stay
tracking him. In rookie mode, this guy can be brought down with a few
rounds of gunfire. In Ace mode however, this guy flies like hell
and you won't be able to destroy him unless you can keep up with his
speed and crazy turns. Firing missiles blindly won't help either so
stay close to him and fire you guns.
Hopefully, it wouldn't take you that long.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
Unlocks: (R) Interdictor WP (SU-47 Berkut V3)
(A) SU-47 Berkut V3
4.5 --- T H E F I N A L C O U N T D O W N --- WLK018
TASKFORCE : Operation Dragon's Den
LOCATION : East of Kai Jing Straits, Kamcha
DEPLOYMENT: Day 5 - 1500 HRS
| SU-37 Superflanker | MDB Heavy SAM |
| MiG-1.44 MFI | T-90 Battletank |
| - - - - - - | AA Guns |
| - - - - - - | Tunguska Light SAM |
| - - - - - - | Railgun |
| - - - - - - | - - - - - - |
This is the final mission and there will a lot of dogfighting and
bombing runs that you should do.
Light- Medium Anti-air special weapons (e.g RHM, AAAM, ARAAM, HKKM etc)
Medium-Heavy Anti-surface special weapons (e.g B2K, HASM, SADM)
IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTES: (Of deployed fighter)
Speed 4+ Air-air 3+
Defense 4+ Air-ground 4-5
Agility 3+
OBJECTIVE: Shoot down combat patrols
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the airport defenses
(!R) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all the grounded planes in the airport
- (!R) Prioritize destroying those grounded planes first, before
destroying all AA installations. If you are carrying heavy bombs then
the easier you can destroy them all in a few attack runs.
- Engage with the enemy patrols. I suggest taking down a few then
destroy the AA installations in the ground, including the laser
laser firing T-90s. Then, shoot down the remaining patrols. Ordering
Divot and Angel to attack those planes takes off much of the burden
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Desalination Plant
(!P) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all anti-air platforms around the fortress.
- (!P) The fortress itself is the mountain in the center of the island.
The Anti-air platforms include MDB Heavy SAMs, Tunguska Light SAMS,
AA Guns and the T-90 Battletanks. Just fly in and around the fortress
and get rid of any AA installation around it. Just destroy any AA
defense the fortress may deploy until you get the notification that
the objective is complete already.
- Expect heavy resistance from here on. Even if you destroy enemy
fighters, they will just respawn. There are also a lot of AA
instalations that will be deployed from time to time. The
Desalination Plant will be targettable in from your hud.
Enemy fighters will swarm you, as well as enemy AA installations. Work
fast and hard. If you have heavy bombs (B2k or B1000) and great
anti-surface weapons that has 'spread' damage (anti-surface cruise
missiles will be great here), that will be better.
Engage and shoot down at at least 2-4 enemy fighters if they start to
bug you so much that you can't concentrate on bombing your target.
After all buildings in the Desalination Plant is destroyed, objective
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Cooling Loop
- After getting rid of the Desalination Plant, turn to the main nuclear
power plant. As you noticed, one of the three main facilities
supporting the main nuclear reactor is destabilizing. You need to wait
for 20 seconds before it can be vulnerable/ targettable for attacks.
Avoid/ Destroy enemy units that will try to shoot you down for that
whole 20 seconds.
Once the GO signal is released, target the Cooling Loop and blast it
with all you've got. Destroy it completely to move on to the next
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Deuterium Plant
- Same as the Desalination Plant, this one has several buildings as well,
defended by some AA installations and of course, swarming with enemy
fighters. Just destroy all the buildings.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Plutonium Enrichment Facility
- Another part of the main reactor has gone nuts. Wait for another
20 seconds for the facility to become targettable. After that,
blast it away.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Power Plant
- Same routine. Get rid of some of its defenses then resume with your
attack run. Destroy all the primary targets to move on.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Stay alive whilst spearhead locate the jamming source
- You need to destroy and avoid enemy defenses and counterattacks for
a good two minutes of less. If you're having problems getting pegged
by the ground and air defenses, move far away from the island,
out of the island's ground-to-air defenses firing range. Then you
can concentrate on engaging enemy fighters.
Once Spearhead pinpoints the source of the jamming, rush to the
new targets.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Jamming Towers and any remaining attackers
- Use your guns or bombs to destroy all four towers. You may want to
shoot down a few fighters since they can distract and annoy you big
time by making you evade missiles very often. After destroying all
the four towers, shoot down and destroy all hostile units near you.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy Treatment Plant
- Now get back to the main island and destroy the all buildings that
make up the Treatment Plant. You may want to get rid of some AA
defenses first to make your job easier.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Steam Turbine
- Again, you need to wait for the facility to destabilize. So fly around,
get rid the area of AA installations and enemy fighters. Once ready,
dive in and attack the targets hard.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Wait for the reactor to destabilize
- You'll have a good two minutes to lessen the opposition. Just don't
mind the timer and start blowing away everything that will try to stop
you. After the time runs out, the main reactor will destabilize.
------------- CHECKPOINT ------------------
OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Nuclear Reactor
(!A) BONUS OBJECTIVE: Destroy all 3 Railgun Turrets
- (!A) The turrets are easier to destroy using guns but the risk of
getting shredded by the railguns are even higher. Use long range
anti-surface weapons if you prefer. Precision weapons will further
increase your chances of survival and to take out the railgun turrets
- Now, the moment has arrived. You need to deal a final blow to the
Nuclear Reactor. The fortress will now deploy 3 large rail guns whose
projectiles can rip planes apart. Or as it looked like.
YOu can just concentrate on doing crazy bomb runs in the reactor.
Remember that all the island's defenses will do everything to bring
you down. Just make sure that every released bomb or munitions counts.
After destroying the Nuclear reactor, mission is completed.
------------- MISSION COMPLETE ------------------
- Watch a short debriefing about the missions you undertook and its
effects (basically the ending). Watch the credits after that.
CONGRATULATIONS - For finishing the game!
Unlocks: (R) Multirole WP (SR-71 Blackbird)
(P) SR-71 Blackbird
(A) The Big One WP (SR-71 Blackbird)
As the time of writing, I am still missing 2 bonus objectives and
an incomplete one.
Pilot RanK - Vertana 2.2, Smuggler's Demise
Ace Rank - Antarctica 3.5, Anvil and Hammer
Pilot Rank - Kamcha 4.4,Cargo of Death*
* I was able to find and activate the bonus objective for its ACE rank
but it was really too hard since there are tons of enemy fighters that
will chew Eyeball quickly. Not to mention the tanker that needs to be
destroyed can't be located immediately. This bonus objective appears
only during this checkpoint.
So, if anyone of you have some info regarding those stuff Im missing
and you wanted to share it to complete this faq (and help me and other
fellow gamers alike) please email it to me. Full credit shall be given
to you once I confirm the tips you provided. Thanks!
[][][] ------------- A I R C R A F T L I S T -------------[][][]
These are all the list of aircrafts available in the game. Refer to
to the walkthough section to know how to unlock each plane. The game
measures each plane's attributes by rating them from 1-5.
Speed ------------- Determines the speed of the aircraft
Agility ----------- Determines the manueverability of the plane
Defense ----------- Higher defense means less damage from attacks
Air-Air ----------- Effectivity against airborne enemies
Air-ground -------- Effectivity against targets on land and water.
Most aircraft has their own variants. Oftentimes, the variants are
more powerful than the basic models, technically, they are the
upgraded models.
Also known as weapon loadout. Each plane is designed to carry
different weapons so long as they can carry it without affecting the
plane's efficiency.
There are weapon packs for every situation or combat scenario. If your
expected resistance has more air targets, then go for the loadout
that allows you to carry special anti-air weapons. If you have more
ground targets, then select a loadout with more bombs. If both, we
have a Multirole loadout, comprised of balanced number of anti-air
and ground attack weapons.
Each variant of the planes contain different weapon packs, the higher
variant being more advanced and sophisticated.
Special anti-air weapons such as the MRAM, ARAAM, etc have longer
range than the conventional missiles. They are also a lot more
accurate than the normal SRAMs but they do travel a bit slower.
They may not seem to catch up with faster targets such as cruise
missiles. So, make sure you toggle between your weapons when the
situation to use them opens up.
Know the weapons you are carrying. Multi-purpose missiles can attack
both ground and air targets, but they don't deal that much damage on
most ground targets. That's where bombs and air-to-ground missiles
kick in. These special weapons can take care of harder enemies on the
ground easier than doing several attack runs using the missiles.
Also, there are certain planes in the game that you can't use during
campaign/story mode. You can only use them in Mission mode.
.----------- +------+ ----------.
| F-15 EAGLE |ACL001| / BOEING |
| An excellent interceptor and powerful strike fighter. |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][=][=]| |
| AG - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ARAAM (2)|| Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ARAAM (2)|| Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ B2k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ B2k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ B2k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
.----------- +------+ -----------------.
| A superb dogfighter and formidable ground strike aircraft. |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ARAAM (2)|| Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ RPOD (2) || Unguided rockets || Short Range //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ ASAM (1) || Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Medium Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ARAAM (2)|| Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ RPOD (2) || Unguided rockets || Short Range //
/ B2k (1) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ SOCM (1) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
.--------------- +------+ ----------.
| F/A - 18 HORNET |ACL003| / BOEING |
| A carrier based multirole fighter; Reliable & versatile |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AA - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ ASAM (1) || Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Medium Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ SOCM (1) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ SLAMR(1) || Anti-ship/ Land Cruise Missile || Long Range //
/ EMP-2(2) || EMP missile Anti-electronics || Medium Range//
/ ASAM (1) || Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Medium Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ FAOB (2) || Fuel-air bomb || Bunker Buster
/ SOCM (2) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
/ B2k (4) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
.---------------- +------+ -----------------.
| The world's first true stealth fighter |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|SPD - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|AGL - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][=][=][=]|AG - [=][=][=][=][=]| |
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ FAOB (2) || Fuel-air bomb || Bunker Buster
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ FAOB (2) || Fuel-air bomb || Bunker Buster
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ EM-PW(2) || EMP missile Anti-electronics || Medium Range//
.----------------- +------+ -----------------.
| Stealthy and versatile; An excellent multirole fighter |
| V1 |V2 |V3 |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]|
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
| AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
| AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][=]|
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ SOCM (1) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ SOCM (2) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ B2k (4) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ SKEETR(2)|| Anti- Tank Missile Submunitions || Medium Range //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ SOCM (2) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ GAM (4) || Ground attack missile || Medium Range//
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ FAOB (2) || Fuel-air bomb || Bunker Buster
/ B2k (4) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
/ SRAM (2)|| Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ SKEETR(2)|| Anti- Tank Missile Submunitions || Medium Range //
/ SLAMR (2)|| Anti-ship/ Land Cruise Missile || Long Range //
/ SOCM (2) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
.------------ +------+ -----------------.
| The world's premier stealth air superiority fighter |
| V1 |V2 |V3 |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]|
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| AA - [=][=][=][=][=]|AA - [=][=][=][=][=]|AA - [=][=][=][=][=]|
| AG - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ B2k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ EM-PW(2) || EMP missile Anti-electronics || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SOCM (2) || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range//
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ FAOB (2) || Fuel-air bomb || Bunker Buster
.---------------- +------+ -----------------.
| Any color you want, so long as its black |
| V1 | | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]| | |
| AGL - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]| | |
| AA - [=][=][=][=][ ]| | |
| AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]| | |
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SLAMR(2) || Anti-ship/ Land Cruise Missile || Long Range //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SKEETR(2)|| Anti- Tank Missile Submunitions || Medium Range //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LRAAM (4)|| Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ GPSB (2) || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MRAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/A-SLAMR(1)|| Nuclear Armed Cruise Missile || Long Range//
.--------------- +------+ ---------.
| Air-to-ground workshorse based on the Mig-23 |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ B500 (2) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
V2 - 02 BOMBER
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
.------------------ +------+ --------.
| A carrier-based fighter designed with versatility in mind |
| V1 | | |
| SPD - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]| | |
| DEF - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| AA - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ B500 (2) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
.---------------- +------+ ---------.
| A high-tech, high-speed long range interceptor |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]| |
| AGL - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AGL - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AG - [=][ ][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ AAAM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
.--------------- +------+ ---------.
| A heavily armored/ highly agile multirole fighter |
| V1 |V2 |V3 |
| SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
| AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
| AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ C-SALT(1)|| Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MAG-M (4)|| Advanced Ground attack missile|| Medium Range//
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LSM-R (4)|| Advanced anti-surface missile || Long Range//
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ SADM (4) || Standoff Missile Submunitions || Medium Range//
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ C-SALT(2)|| Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Long Range
.-------------- +------+ --------.
| A lightweight and amazingly agile air superiority fighter. |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| AA - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ ROCK (2) || Multi-purpose rockets || Short Range //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/CBM-500(2)|| Unguided Cluster Bomb || 500KG //
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
.--------------- +------+ --------.
| A powerful, semi-stealthy, heavily-armed fighter/bomber |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][ ][ ]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][=][=]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][=]| |
| AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][=]| |
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MAG-M (4)|| Advanced Ground attack missile|| Medium Range//
/CBM-500(2)|| Unguided Cluster Bomb || 500KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LSM-R (4)|| Advanced anti-surface missile || Long Range//
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MAG-M (4)|| Advanced Ground attack missile|| Medium Range//
/ GAT-CM(2)|| Guided Cluster Subminitions || Medium Range//
/S-GB500(2)|| Precision Guided Bomb || 500KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ FAE-P(2) || Fuel-air parachute bomb || 500KG //
/ B1000 (4)|| Unguided Bomb || 1000KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ C-SALT(2)|| Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Long Range //
/S-GB500(2)|| Precision Guided Bomb || 500KG //
/ HASM (4) || Modern Cruise Missile || Long Range//
.-------------------- +------+ --------.
| Advanced heavy air superiority and ground strike fighter |
| V1 |V2 | |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]| |
| DEF - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AA - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][=][ ]| |
| AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| |
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ LSM-R (4)|| Advanced anti-surface missile || Long Range//
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ RHM (2) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ B1000 (4)|| Unguided Bomb || 1000KG //
.--------------- +------+ ---------.
| MiG - 1.44 MFI |ACL016| / MIKOYAN |
| A high-tech, stealth capable multirole fighter. |
| V1 |V2 |V3 |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|AA - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
| AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][=][=]|
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ MAG-M (4)|| Advanced Ground attack missile|| Medium Range//
/ FAE-P(2) || Fuel-air parachute bomb || 500KG //
/ B1000 (4)|| Unguided Bomb || 1000KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/S-GB500(2)|| Precision Guided Bomb || 500KG //
/ B1000 (4)|| Unguided Bomb || 1000KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ LSM-R (4)|| Advanced anti-surface missile || Long Range//
/ GAT-CM(1)|| Guided Cluster Subminitions || Medium Range//
/ B1000 (4)|| Unguided Bomb || 1000KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SADM (4) || Standoff Missile Submunitions || Medium Range//
/ HASM (1) || Modern Cruise Missile || Long Range//
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ BB500S(1)|| Rocket Assisted Bomb || Bunker Buster
/CBM-500(4)|| Unguided Cluster Bomb || 500KG //
/S-GB500(4)|| Precision Guided Bomb || 500KG
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ HASM (4) || Modern Cruise Missile || Long Range//
/ FAE-P(1) || Fuel-air parachute bomb || 500KG
/S-GB500(4)|| Precision Guided Bomb || 500KG //
.------------- +------+ --------.
| SU-47 BERKUT |ACL017| / SUKHOI |
| A stealthy, extremely agile air superiority strike fighter. |
| V1 |V2 |V3 |
| SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][ ]|SPD - [=][=][=][=][=]|
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]|AGL - [=][=][=][=][=]|
| DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|DEF - [=][=][=][=][ ]|
| AA - [=][=][=][=][=]|AA - [=][=][=][=][=]|AA - [=][=][=][=][=]|
| AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]|AG - [=][=][=][ ][ ]|
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ HKKM (4) || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ HKKM (4) || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ HKKM (4) || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ B500 (4) || Unguided Bomb || 500KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ MAG-M (4)|| Advanced Ground attack missile|| Medium Range//
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ HKKM (4) || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ HKKM (4) || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ B1000 (4)|| Unguided Bomb || 1000KG //
/ SSAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ AAAM (4) || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range
/ SADM (4) || Standoff Missile Submunitions || Medium Range//
.------------ +------+ ----------.
| T-45 GOSHAWK |ACL018| / BOEING |
| The Navy's carrier training aircraft of choice |
| V1 | | |
| SPD - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| AGL - [=][=][=][=][ ]| | |
| DEF - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| AA - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
| AG - [=][=][ ][ ][ ]| | |
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ B1k (2) || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB //
/ SRAM (2) || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range //
/ ARAAM (2)|| Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range
[][][] ------------- W E A P O N L I S T -------------[][][]
This Section basically discusses the weapons available in the game and
their capabilities. Knowing what weapons to bring before any mission
greatly determines the chances of accomplishing it or losing it.
Also, some weapons, though their descriptions are the same, can have
different effects on specific targets. Example, the MAG-M is an advanced
air-to-ground missile that can destroy most ground targets in one hit.
However, if you use it against ships and naval targets, it will take
several hits to destroy even one boat. Compared to GAM, which is also
another advanced air-to-ground missile, it can deal considerable damage
to naval targets compared to normal ground targets.
Weapon range is important to guided and tracking weapons. This means you
need to get near the target in a specified range before getting a lock.
SHORT RANGE ----------------------- 0-999 FT
MEDIUM RANGE ---------------------- 1000-1999 FT
LONG RANGE ------------------------ 2000-2999 FT
Countermeasures are used to lure the incoming missiles towards the flares.
Most air-to-air weapons can be avoided by enemies that way. However,
certain AA weapons are almost unaffected by flares.
Weapon ammo is infinite but each has their own 'reload or recharge'
BASIC WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------ WPN001
These are the default weapons that comes along with every aircraft,
no matter what weapon pack. Since these are the basics, their firepower
and other attributes are all minimal to average. One advantage of
SRAMs and SSAMs is their speed. They are faster than special AA weapons,
and sometimes more accurate.
| 30mm || Gatling/Vulcan Cannon/ Guns || Short Range |
| SRAM || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range |
| SSAM || Multi-purpose attack missile || Short Range |
AIR TO AIR MISSILES ------------------------------------------ WPN002
As the name implies, these are special weapons that can lock air targets
only. They are more powerful than the conventional missiles and can lock
targets in longer range. However, they travel a bit slower than the
SRAMs and SSAMs. They are not that accurate also when you fire them in
close range.
| MRAM || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range|
| RHM || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range|
| ARAAM || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Medium Range|
| AAAM || Advanced Air-Air Missile || Long Range |
| LRAAM || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range |
| HKKM || Powerful Air-Air Missile || Long Range |
AIR-TO-GROUND WEAPONS (GUIDED) ------------------------------- WPN003
AG weapons are like missiles but they track down and target ground based
targets. Some has 'spread' effects upon impact, other simply destroy
one target at a time.
| GAM || Ground attack missile || Medium Range|
| MAG-M || Advanced Ground attack missile|| Medium Range|
| LSM-R || Advanced anti-surface missile || Long Range |
| SLAMR || Anti-ship/ Land Cruise Missile || Long Range |
| A-SLAMR|| Nuclear Armed Cruise Missile || Long Range |
| HASM || Modern Cruise Missile || Long Range |
| GAT-CM || Guided Cluster Subminitions || Medium Range|
| SADM || Standoff Missile Submunitions || Medium Range|
| GPSB || Precision Guided Bomb || 2000LB |
|S-GB500 || Precision Guided Bomb || 500KG |
| EMP-W || EMP missile Anti-electronics || Medium Range|
AIR-TO-GROUND WEAPONS (UNGUIDED) ----------------------------- WPN004
Unguided weapons require manual targetting and timing. Although powerful,
they are not that very effective against moving targets. Also, you need
to manually calculate the trajectory of the projectiles (for example,
the ASAM and C-SALT torpedoes) and how long they will reach the target.
| RPOD || Unguided rockets || Short Range |
| ASAM || Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Medium Range|
| C-SALT || Fast Anti-ship Torpedo || Long Range |
| ROCK || Multi-purpose Rockets || Short Range |
| SKEETR || Anti- Tank Missile Submunitions || Medium Range |
|CBM-500 || Unguided Cluster Bomb || 500KG |
| BB500S || Rocket Assisted Bomb || Bunker Buster|
UNGUIDED BOMBS ----------------------------------------------- WPN005
Bombs normally has 'spread' damage, damaging all those caught within the
blast radius. Now, the damage is higher on those nearer to the core of
the explosion. These are great for taking out groups of enemies and
structures huddled together. Unguided bombs are not recommended for
moving enemies such as ships and boats, since you need to at least
land a successful hit before dealing considerable damage.
| B500 || Unguided Bomb || 500 LB |
| B1k || Unguided Bomb || 1000LB |
| B2k || Unguided Bomb || 2000LB |
| B1000 || Unguided Bomb || 1000KG |
| SOCM || Unguided cluster bomb || Medium Range|
| FAOB || Fuel-air bomb || Bunker Buster|
| FAE-P || Fuel-air parachute bomb || 500KG |
[][][] ------------- C R E D I T S -------------[][][]
- First of all, to you! I hope this guide may have helped you.
- Thanks to the people behind MudMagic.com and Network-science.de for
their wonderful ascii generators.
- To all the gaming sites that are hosting my faqs!
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.