Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner Faq / Walkthrough




                    Raidou Kunuzoha VS The Soulless Army

                                 NA Version


                         IN DEPTH FAQ / WALKTHROUGH


                        AUTHOR: PAUL MICHAEL (VHAYSTE®)



                         [  C O P Y R I G H T  ]


  This document is copyrighted to me, Vhayste®. It is intended for

~PRIVATE~ use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic

media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way,

shape, or form. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes,

regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct

violation of copyright law.

This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties.

Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion

of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be

prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters,

names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective



<><><><><><><>            TABLE OF CONTENTS                   <><><><><><>


1. AUTHOR'S NOTE                        AUT000

2. ABOUT THE GAME                       ABT000


   Field Controls:                     [GPB001]

   Battle Controls: (Raidou)           [GPB002]

   Battle Controls: (Demon)            [GPB003]

   BATTLE TIPS                         [GPB004]


4. GENERAL GAMEPLAY HINTS               GPH000



   POINTS OF INTEREST                  [GPH003]

   GOUMA-DEN (VICTOR'S LAB)            [GPH004]

5. WALKTHROUGH                          SMT000

   [PROLOUGE]                           SMT001

   [EPISODE I - The Missing Girl]       SMT002

   [EPISODE 2 - The Red Cape]           SMT003 

   [EPISODE 3 - Dark Summoner]          SMT004

   [EPISODE 4 - The Case Of The

                Missing Shipments ]     SMT005

   [EPISODE 5 - Confrontation ]         SMT006

   [EPISODE 6 - Secret Of Five Fudou]   SMT007

   [EPISODE 7 - The Cursed Detective]   SMT008

   [EPISODE 8 - The Demon And

                The Steel Tower]        SMT009

   [EPISODE 9 - The Two Summoners]      SMT010 

   [EPISODE 10 - Capital In Flames!]    SMT011

   [EPISODE 11 - Mission To Space]      SMT012

   [EPISODE 12 - Bonds Between Us]      SMT013

6. EXTRAS                               EXT000

   TRAINING HALLS                      [TRN001]

   TRAINING HALL - NORTH               [TRN002]

   TRAINING HALL - EAST                [TRN003]

   TRAINING HALL - WEST                [TRN004]

   TRAINING HALL - SOUTH               [TRN005]



SECRET DEMONS                          [SCD001]





   KONNOU-YA CUSTOMER RANK             [KCR000]

   SHIN-SEkAI CUSTOMER RANK            [SCR000]

   RAIDOU's TITLES                     [RTL000]

7. ITEM LIST                            ITM000

   RECOVERY                            [REC000]


   AMMO AND CLIPS                      [AAC000]

   OTHERS                              [OTH00]

8. CREDITS                             [CDT000]


<><><><><><><>            AUTHOR'S NOTE               AUT000 <><><><><><>


Welcome gamer to my faq/ walkthrough for the game SMT: Devil Summoner for

the PS2. I know there are other Shin Megami Tensei titles there but this

is the only one that got me interested playing it. Everything you have read

in this faq is my experience and what I found in the game. I am sure it is

not perfect but if you have hints or other stuff not found in this faq (or

worthy to be included in this faq as well) then don't hesitate to email me.

Kindly specify in the subject that you are sending something regarding this

game otherwise it will be discarded as junk email. Questions are also


If you have questions and suggestions, kindly email me. I will gladly reply

to them whenever I can. But if the question has been answered or can be

found within this guide, your email will be humbly ignored. Mindless insults

or unconstructive criticisms will be posted in the next updates with similar



<><><><><><><>            ABOUT THE GAME              ABT000 <><><><><><>


You play as Raidou Kunuzoha the 14th, a devil summoner. Finding yourself

working under the Narumi Detective Agency, you'll encounter a mysterious

girl that is then kidnapped by some strange red soldiers. Everything now

sets into motion as you are thrown in a mission to rescue the kidnapped

girl and discover a large web of contreversy and deceit that leads to a

much greater evil.


<><><><><><><>     GAMEPLAY CONTROLS  / GAME BASICS     GBP000 <><><><><><>


[GPB001] Field Controls: 

Left analog stick/directional buttons - Move character/Navigate menus

 X - Action Window commands/Confirm menu chocies

/ - Open the map

() - Cancel

[] - Open the menu

L1 - Use a demon investigation skill (only when available)

R1 - Open the investigation menu

[GPB002] Battle Controls: (Raidou)

Left analog stick/directional buttons - Move character/Navigate menus

 X - Guard

/ - Gun attacks

() - Confinement

[] - Sword Attack

[] + X - Special attack / Double team attack with your demon.

L1 - Draw demons toward you

R1 - Open the battle menu

START Button - Pause/Resume game

SELECT Button - Easy Map On/Off

[GPB003] Battle Controls: (Demon) 

Left analog stick/directional buttons - Move character/Navigate menus

 X - Guard

/ - Magic Attack 1

() - Magic Attack 2

[] - Melee Attack

R1 - Open the battle menu (some buttons are disabled)

START Button - Pause/Resume game



* Holding the X Button will allow you to guard for as long as you hold the

  button. No guard crush to worry about.

* One press of the / button automatically fires 3 shots. Gun attacks are

  not triggered as one shot per button press.

* Pressing [] 3 times will allow you to do a 3 hit combo. The last strike

  is oftentimes the hardest and you cannot do more than a 3 hit slash.

* Pressing [] and the L analog to a direction performs a quick thrust or

  stab. This inflicts critical damage but not as damaging as the combo.

  Very useful in reaching enemies at decent range.

* Press and hold [] will allow you to 'Charge'. You can then release it to

  swing your sword around, knocking back most enemies. Useful when

  surrounded or if you want to damage a group of enemies.

* When your Demon's morale is high (increases while you fight but fills faster

  when you inflict ciritical hits), his status will be blinking green. Press

  the [] and X to activate the demon's special attack.

  Remember that your demon must learn his special attack first before you

  can use it. You can't also activate it if you and your demon have status




* Listen to my orders -- Allows you to specify a target and the

                         corresponding action of your demon.

* Use physical attacks -- Demon will resort in attacking the enemy up front

* Use magic attacks   -- Demon will burn MP while attacking with magic only

* Heal/Support me     -- Keeping yourselves healed up becomes the priority

                         of your demon. He will still block, cast spells


* Don't waste MP      -- Demon Will keep watch of his MP

I leave it to you     -- Allows the demon to decide freely.


<><><><><>     GENERAL GAMEPLAY HINTS (Read this first)     GPH000 <><><><>


* Your gun is a combo starter. IT can stun most enemies, which gives you

  the oppurtunity to attack them while open. In the duration of the game,

  you will have access to special bullets that has elemental properties or

  cause status ailments. If a demon is weak to a certain element and you

  exploited it, you will be able to land critical strikes.

* During boss fights, try experimenting with diffrent demon spells and

  bullets to know the weakness of the boss. Also bringing out a demon that

  can nullify or absorb the elemental attack of the boss can be very


* Always bring a healer demon with you. It is a very invaluable asset. Not

  to mention to bring along almost one kind of each demon class to make

  sure you can bring them up when stuck on a place or something



* Press the () button as fast as you can when capturing demons. Remember

  that you can only capture demons if their weakness has been exploited and

  they are defenseless. Demons that are in the same level as yours or below

  can be captured. Some demons however can't be confined during full moon

  or its just they can't be confined at all. There are certain demons

  however that you can ONLY capture during a Full Moon. Also, note that you

  must have an available slot or tube. Obtaining higher ranks by increasing

  max demon loyalty allows you to gain more tubes.



* As a detective, you'll need to uncover clues in order to proceed. Demons

  have their own investigative ability that will help you a lot when

  getting information that can't be obtained by normal conversation with

  people. They also help you discover hidden items and entrances. Summoning

  a demon also consumes MAG. Don't worry since MAG can be earned in battle



  Pagan             Read Mind             Can be used on people or animals.

                                          Very useful when extracting hidden

                                          information that can't be brought

                                          up by normal conversations.

  Volt              Inspect               Can be used anywhere; It allows

                                          you to detect any hidden items or

                                          entrances. Use it in strange

                                          looking places.

  Wind              Scout                 Provides you with info about the

                                          common enemies that can be

                                          encountered around the area, all

                                          items that are not yet collected,

                                          and sometimes, a random item found

                                          by the demon.

  Frost            Cool Down              Opposite of 'IGNITE', this can be

                                          used to calm a panicked or

                                          overexcited persons.

  Pyro             Ignite                 Warms the heart of the target and

                                          kindles their resolve. Very

                                          effective to use on a downhearted



  Fury             Use Force              Very useful when moving large

                                          objects that are blocking the way.


 Other skills such as SNEAK and FLY requires a demon to be solo.



 These are certain places that you will be visiting more than twice in order

 to proceed with the story.

 PLACE                        DISTRICT         DESCRIPTION


 Narumi Detective Agency      Tsukudo-Cho      This is your home. Obviously.

 Konnou-Ya                    Tsukudo-Cho      Item shop/ Entrance to


 Gouma-Den                    Tsukudo-Cho      Victor's LAB

 Nameless Shrine              Shinoda          Entry point to the Dark Realms

                                               of the capital, place where

                                               Raidou also gets Title


 Daikoku-Yu                   Fukagawa-Cho     Yakuza bathouse. Satake

                                               helps Raidou by providing info

 Shin-Sekai (Soda Joint)      Ginza-Cho        A local hangout of Tae and

                                               other summoner related stuff.



 Its your friendly neighborhood demon center. This a great place to heal,

 combine and strengthen your demons. IT IS RECOMMENDED that you REGISTER

 your demons whenever you can. This allows you to keep the latest stat info

 for the demons you owned.



 This is a great way of increasing the stats of your demons, giving them new

 abilities or simply you want to create a entirely new demon. Fused,

 sacrificed and forged demons will be gone forever. However you can buy them

 again from Victor.


 This is the typical method for producing an entirely new different species

 from the parent demons. Solid colored () indicate perfect combinations, an

 empty () indicates a mutation. ? means that a random demon will be born from

 the parennts and a / indicates poor fusion. Stat wise, fused demons are

 really powerful.



 Its a method where a demon is fused to another demon to increase it's stats.

 It can also be used to get the ability of the sacrificed demon. It is

 possible to create the ultimate demon using this method.


 This is a method where a demon of yours will be fused with your sword. This

 gives additional strength and attack power. It also changes the name of

 your sword.


<><><><><><><><><><>           WALKTHROUGH         SMT000 <><><><><><><><>


Note: You can wander around do some power leveling and exploring. The

timeline in this game is not strict so unless you trigger the necessary

events, the story won't proceed.

I will be putting everything down in an outline format so it can be easily

followed and read. Spoilers will be avoided as much as possible, without

affecting the comprehensivity of this faq.

Also, check the shop after every chapter. New items are available for sale

on every chapter.

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SMT001  --- [PROLOUGE / TUTORIAL, Kuzunoha Training Hall]


Here you will learn the basics of combat.

1st Battle: (Zombies)

Just hack and slash, no troubles.

2nd Battle: (Zombies)

Spin Slash and Quick Stab/ Thrust will be taught to you.

3rd battle: (Ukobach)

Steps on how to confine a demon will taught here. Equip your ice elemental

bullets and weaken Ukobach. Then start button mashing the () button.

4th Battle: (Zombies)

This will be your first battle with your demon alongside. Don't bother

confining those zombies, they can't be confined. And they're also weak in

fire. Just land some critical hits when they're open.

5th Battle (Zombies)

You will learn on how to launch a combination / special attack with your


Boss Battle (Okiku-Mushi, HP:431 Weak: Fire)

Just keep her away from Ukobach. Your demon will take care of most part of

the work here. Just feel free to use your combination attacks if available.

This demon is not confinable yet.

[Ushigome - Gaeri Bridge]

This is an event battle you won't win so don't bother using items. After

some chit chats, the this Prolouge ends


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SMT002  --- [EPISODE I - The Missing Girl]



1. Talk to Narumi again to obtain Y1000

2. Talk to the man in front of the Agency. Summon Ukobach and IGNITE him to

   get a Butterfly Brooch.

3. Go west then up north to reach Daidouji Residence.


There is a man near the bridge looking for a Ox-Bexoar for his wife. If you

are able to find one, give it to him to recieve Y2000

##Daidouji Residence##

1. Upon arriving, some events will take place. Show the butler Kaya's

   brooch. After that send your demon for a solo investigation to the East

   passage door.

2. Go to the very end of the room and find a photo of Kaya.


1. GO south of  to Kamishiro-Zaku then talk to the school girls there. Then

take the alley to the east, you should find Rin, Kaya's best friend. When

you try to get near her, she gets sucked into the Dark Realm.

!!Note: Try to capture a Pagan Alp for a healer. Stock also on healing

items since you're going to need it.

2. Take a streetcar ride to Shinoda. Enter the Nameless Shrine.

##Nameless Shrine##

1. Save your game then call forth the keeper. Perform ritual of entry and

enter Dark Tsukudo-Cho.

##Dark Tsukudo-Cho##

The layout of the area is the same but there are new items that can be

collected. Starting from the bridge, the path to the right has an item

(that can only be reached by a solo demon with FLY ability) and in the

left, (small docks) just use INSPECT and you should find yourself an item.

1. The path to the boss is blocked by a Dragon's jaw, a magical barrier

preventing any entry. So, take the alley to the East, heading towards

Konnou-Ya. Continue north to the direction of the Detective Agency and

find some annoying critters. Engage a battle with them.

!!Try to confine one Volt Agathion, you will need it to destroy yet another

type of wall.

2. Take the West alley then to the stairs. A  Shikimi no Kage will block

the way. Enter battle with it. So if you have an Agathion captured,

summon it and have it do its work. You'll also get a tutorial about Shikimi

no Kages

3. Once the wall is destroyed, head up and prepare yourself for a boss

   battle. (Tsuchigumo x3)

   **These guys hit hard and can poison you. So at your level, I think its

   not necessary to allow yourself getting mobbed in the middle. So

   concentrate on one target at a time. You can block first and look for an

   opening. Don't hesitate to use healing items or just force your demon to

   heal you. On the offensive side, you can order Ukobach to fry the enemy.

4. After the boss fight and rescuing Rin, take the portal home.


1. Go to the south, near the bridge. Talk to the schoolgirls and choose the

2nd option in the conversation. You will then need to go to Daidouji


##Daidouji Residence##

!!If you haven't gotten the Pricey Beer yet go to the 2f of the residence

and examine the rooms there.

1. Enter the northwestern door. Go to the end of the path and into the last

room. In the room with lots of stuff inlcuding an old book shelf, summon your

Agathion and INSPECT the place. A new object will be discovered.

2. Pick up and read the "Demon of this Earth" to open the entrance

underground. Go down and take the left path after the bridge to find an item

then take the right path to find the Large Tarrasque.

3. Talk to it and learn that he needs a RED WINE, back in town. Exit the

place and make your way to Tsukudo-Cho.


1. As you enter from the north, you should see the servant on the side of the

road. Summon a Pagan demon and use the READ MIND skill on the woman. Talk to

the servant again and ask if she is alright. She will then give you the RED


2. Go back to Daidouji Residence and to the underground cavern.

##Daidouji Residence##

1. Head down to the underground cavern and save your game. Summon a fire

demon and prepare for a boss fight.

2. Talk to the Tarrasque again, give him the Red Wine but he will still

battle you.

   **Fire is its weakness. Since there are two additional enemies summoned,

   take care of them first. Just remember to block when you see the

   tarrasque getting ready. When his HP goes below 20%, the battle ends


3. Talk to the Tarrasque after the battle. He will ask for the Pricey Beer.

Give it to him and he will give you a ride to the other side of the cavern.

4. Go to the end of the path and find a cell. Use your Volt demon's INSPECT

ability to unravel an object on the ground. Pick it up and obtain Kaya's

Diary. Its time to leave the place.

5. On your way out, you will be ambushed by some skeletetons. You'll enter

another boss fight.

   **(Pgn Gashadokuro)

     Try to concentrate on the main boss since he can summon minions

     infinitely. Get rid of the smaller ones if they get in your way.

     He has an electric magic attack so remember to block when you see him


6. Save before going up to the residence. Have your demon do a solo

investigation to the Eastern door (where the butler doesnt allow you to

enter). Eavesdrop the conversation. Return to the detective agency (or

just warp there via field menu - R1) to get more info.


1. After talking to Narumi in the detective agency, go back to the residence

##Daidouji Residence##

1. Talk to the Butler and enter the Living Room. An event will take place.

2. Go back to the main hall for yet another boss fight.

   **(Wind Ichimokuren)

   Take note that you can't damage this boss with its eyes closed. So,

   take out his minions. Once he opens his eyes, attack! This boss is weak

   to lightning to a Volt Demon will be very useful in this fight. Just

   order it to attack with Magic. Remember to block the boss' spinning

   attack (can knock you down). You can tell this if he is floating higher.


           <THE MISSING GIRL>

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SMT003  --- [EPISODE 2 - The Red Cape]



1. In the agency, you will meet Tae, a reporter investigating some Red Cape

rumors. Obtain a photo of the Red cape as a valuable item. Before setting

out remember to stock up with supplies or visit the Gouma-Den to register

your demons or get some new companions.

2. When you're ready, ride to streetcar to GINZA-CHO.


1. Take the road south go left to the construction site, under the bridge

and find a beggar there. Talk to him first then use your Pagan Demon's

READ MIND skill. Talk to him again and he will ask you to buy it for Y50000.

Refuse and he will offer you the charm for Y50.

2. Go back and get near a lady in kimono to trigger an event. After that,

leave the area to reach Restaurant Ryugu

##Restaurant Ryugu##

1. Examine the shining thing on the ground for an item. Talk to the owner

and show her the photo of the Red Cape. After that ask her about Kiyoshi

Daidouji then for Denpachi.

2. Leave the area, ride the streetcar to Fukogawa-Cho.


1. As you enter, an event will trigger. You will then need to defeat two

Yakuzas inside the bath house. Talk to the Yakuza leader to gain additional


2. Once outside, take the path east for a scene. You will be in Dark

Fukogawa-Cho. Check the cell near you to find the captured Denpachi. Learn

that you will need a lock pick to open it. Save if you want, then take the

portal out.

3. Go back to Tsukudo-Cho.


1. Go to Konnou-Ya (old man's shop, LOL) and buy a lockpick. If you don't

have enough money, get yourself in some battles until you earned enough.

2. Once you have the lockpick, exit to the main map and take a streetcar

ride to the Nameless Shrine.


1. Ring the bell (uh-huh) and talk to the Herald. Choose to be transported

to Dark Fukogawa-Cho.

##Dark Fukogawa-Cho##

1. You will need to make your way past those Red Guards and back to

Denpachi's cell. Make sure you have a Demon with FLY ability. Make your way

to the canal to the south while avoiding Red Guards' attention.

2. In the canal, send out a demon solo then have it fly over the river. You

should spot a small boat upstream. Examine it so that Raidou can ride over


3. Have the demon report back to Raidou, then take the boat. Disembark on

the second stop and send a demon solo again. Go past the red guards to the

3rd unloading stop. Unlock the gate there.

4. Have the demon report back to Raidou, then take the boat again. Get off

on the 3rd stop, then save.

5. Continue to the empty street. Destroy the Bullet Shikimi no Kage with

your gun. Unlock the gate in the end of the street to reach Denpachi's cell.

6. Release Denpachi, then enter a battle against the Red Guards.

   **Take out the gunner first. Since their moves are predictable, its easy

   to block their attacks. Don't take their attacks since they can damage

   hard. Just concentrate your attacks on one target at a time. This should

   be a rather easy battle.


1. Denpachi will request you to find Shizu, his sister. Obtain Shizu's photo

from him then enter the Daikoku-Yu (Yakuza bathouse) in the west.

2. Talk to Satake and show him the pic. He will inform you that Shizu is in

the Red-light District. Take the Northeastern exit of Fukogawa-Cho.

##Red-Light District##

1. Find Shizu there and talk to her. Return to the agency after that.


1. Talk to Narumi to get more info. Exit out and ride the streetcar to



1. Take the other route and enter Shin-Sekai/ Soda Joint. Talk to Tae for

more info. Obtain Y3000 also.

2. Go to the main downtown and go past the construction site to Kurisu-zaka.

(This is the path to Kyugu Restaurant) Move around there until the

Full Moon. An event will trigger. Get ready for a boss battle.

   **(Volt Oboroguruma)

   A frost demon (with ice magic of course) will be in great use here. You

   can just order the demon to use magic attacks only while you block the

   boss' attacks. Once stunned, land a few critical hits. Just repeat the

   process until he goes down. You will obtain a Rickshaw Knob after

   the battle.

3. Leave the area and go back to Fukogawa-Cho


1. Take the Northeast exit to the Red Light district. Talk to Shizu and give

the Lucky Charm to her.

2. Leave the area and go back to Ginza-Cho


1. Take the road south again to get to Restaurant Ryugu. Talk to the owner


2. Go back to Ginza-Cho and go to the construction site. You will encounter

the Red Cape again but it will disappear.

3. Exit the area and take a streetcar ride to Shinoda/ Nameless Shrine


1. Ring the bell (uh-huh) and talk to the Herald. Choose to be transported

to Dark Ginza-Cho.

##Dark Ginza-Cho##

!!You need a Fury Demon with USE FORCE skill to complete this mission.

1. Go up to the overpass over the construction site. Find the Red Cape and

get close to it. He will escape.

2. Go down and find him again. He will escape again. After a few

cat-and-mouse chase, you will notice that he is just circling the area.

Summon a Fury Demon and USE FORCE to move the car to block the path.

3. Save your game, heal if you need to then pursue him again. You will then

corner him. Get ready for a bossfight.

   **(Monster Red Cape)

   This boss teleports around the area. His moves are predictable, not to

   mention that he is open for a few seconds before recovering from an

   attack. His Ray attack can inflict Rage status but its not that bad.

   Just block and attack. He should go down in a short while.

4. Watch a few scenes, episode ends.


           <THE RED CAPE>

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SMT004  --- [EPISODE 3 - Dark Summoner]



1. Take a streetcar to reach this place and follow the trail leading northwest

to the Daidouji Factory.

2. Go inside, when asked for an answer select "It's Kiyoshi Daidouji's" and

move forward to find Tae.

3. An event will take place and you will be surrounded by 6 floating dolls.

Touching these dolls will take you to the Matrix Labyrinth but in diffrent

locations. In this mission, you need to find the 3 shards scattered across

the labyrinth.

##Matrix Labyrinth##

Checking the map often is the key here and you actually need touch all 6

statues to gain access to the shards. Each shard is protected by a demon,

which will always be an Okiku-Mushi (caterpillar woman).

!!Make sure you have Pyro, Frost, Wind and Volt demons with their respective

elemental magic attacks since you need to destroy some elemental Shikimi no

Kages across the area.

I won't be able to give you any directions here since any direction will do

to complete the labyrinth. Also, there is only one save point here (Dragon's

Cave) so make sure you save whenever you can.

##Daidouji Factory##

1.Once you get the shards (Red, Blue and White) it will fuse into a Blood

Chrysobery. Head out and use the Chrysobery break the seal in the door. You

can head back and save or just continue forward.

2. After some scenes, you will engage on another battle.

   **Chernobog (x8), Fury Chernobog


     You need to defeat the chernobogs by batch. You will fight 1-2-3-2

     Chernobogs. After that the real one will appear. He is an ice elemental

     so if you have a good levelled pyro demon, you can take this guy easily

     Or alternatively, use a demon that can NULL/Drain/Resist Ice.

3. Episode ends after the battle and some scenes.


           <THE DARK SUMMONER>

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SMT005  --- [EPISODE 4 - The Case Of The Missing Shipments ]



1. After the scene in the agency, Harumi-Cho can now be accessed. Restock

supplies or sell antiques in Konnou-Ya.

2. Take the streetcar to Harumi-Cho.


1. You can explore the area a bit. When you are ready, take the path on the

southeastern part of the town.

2. Find Ryugu's owner there and ask her everything. After that you can go

back to the agency.


1. After the scene in the agency, leave and go to Fukagawa-Cho.


1. Go to Daikoku-Yu and talk to Satake for additional hints.

2. Leave the area and go back to Harumi-Cho.


1. Go to the same location where Ryugu's owner is standing. After some

scenes, Dark Harumi-Cho is now available.

2. Enter Dark Harumi-Cho via Nameless Shrine.

3. As soon as you enter, you will have a battle against some Wind Anzus. Use

a volt demon to dispatch them quickly. Talk to the Stylish Sailor and use

the READ MIND pagan demon skill to get an item.

4. Now go to the path leading to the Navy HQ. There should be a ladder

leading downward. Descend and Gouto will give you a hint about another way

of getting across the water. Summon a Frost demon and use its COOL DOWN skill

to freeze the water so that you can walk over it.

5. Follow the path and take the ladder up. Find the nervous sailor attacked

by Anzus. Rescue him and use the READ MIND skill again to obtain a medicine.

6. Backtrack a bit. Continue with the path to find the last sailor. Rescue

him and read his mind after the battle for an item also.

7. Continue exploring the areas you have'nt reach before. If you found a doll

on the ground, touch it to enter a boss battle.

   **Fury Triglay (x2)

   These guys only attack from the front and they move a lot so it is really

   annoying to hit them. Just focus your attack one target at a time and he

   should go down easily.

8. You will be returned to Harumi-Cho after the battle.


1. Go to the same location where Ryugu's owner is standing. Talk to her to

obtain the Ring of Memories. You will need to cross the waters. You need to

get the help of the large tarrasque.

2. Leave the area, go to Daidouji Residence in Tsukudo-Cho.

##Tsukudo-Cho/ Daidouji Residence##

1. You can now go and open the 2f locked rooms. You will find the Vodka in

one of them.

2. Make your way to the undeground cavern where the large tarrasque is.

Negotiate with him and just pay him 100, 300, 500. He will then ask for Y1000

so refuse it and he will get angry. Scold him and he will calm down and

agree to help you. You will obtain to Flute of Rhone as a valuable item.

!!From here on, you can summon the tarrasque from the main map or some

certain docks in towns. The blue dots are the areas where you can mount or

unmount from the tarrasque.

3. Before leaving the area, you can talk to the tarrasque again and have

him deliver you to his treasure hoard. Get the items before leaving.

4, Leave for Harumi-Cho.


1. You can either enter Harumu cho, exit then summon the tarrasque in the

blue dot in the main map or just go down the stairs in front of the path

leading to the Navy HQ. Summon the tarrasque on any of the locations.

2. Use the tarrasque to reach the other side of Harumi Cho, the one with the

Church. Go past it to the Foreign Cemetery. to the spirit there are agree to unearth the remains. Just choose

Elfman and show the ring of memories.

4. After some scenes, save and prepare for a boss battle once you enter the



   **Boss: Monk Rasputin

     He is weak in lightning so a Volt Demon can help with the offensive.

     On the cornier side, he will hide himself in three large Matryoshkas.

     Just hack and slash away to destroy his worthless decoys.

     You can guard most of his attacks. Make sure you order your volt demon

     to use magical attacks only on the boss. Grab the oppurtunity to

     inflict critical damage on him and it will be better if your demon has

     learned its double team attack skill.

     If his health drops down to 50%, he will begin casting Megido, which is

     unblockable. Be sure to run away from it. It has some recovery time so

     at least hit him with a quick thrust and then guard to be safe.

     After you brought his HP down to 30% he will start using his Trailing

     Death skill, an attack that can stun you for a few seconds and that

     means free hits from him. So it if you think you have troubles keeping

     up, switch to your healer demon and command it to heal/support you.

5. After some scenes, episode ends.



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SMT006  --- [EPISODE 5 - Confrontation ]



After the scene, take the street car to Kasumidai.


1. You will find Tae in the plaza. Head north to proceed with the story.

2. Go to the east use a pyro demon's IGNITE ability on the cannon.

3. Go back to the North and talk to the soldier near the Guard Box.

4. After talking to the soldier, go back to the plaza. Pick up the shining

on the ground. Obtain Tae's Camera. Dark Kasumidai will be accessible.

5. Leave the area and go back to Tsukudo-Cho.


1. Go to Konnou-ya and pay Y3000 to develop the film inside the camera.

Restock on items if you need to. Also stock on bullets since you'll need

them in the next boss battle.

2. Go to Shinoda/ Nameless Shrine and visit Dark Kasumidai

##Dark Kasumidai##

1. YOu will need to fight some Zombie officers as soon as you enter the

area. Do not worry, they are slow and their attacks can be predicted.

2. Afte the battle, go to west and witness some friendly undead officers

chatting. You will then need to collect all 8 reports.

Most of the reports can be found by using a Volt Demon's INSPECT ability.

Report 1 -- Near the cannon at West

Report 2 -- North-West area, near the demon.

Report 3 -- At the intersection near the zombie officers

Report 4 -- Behind the Guard Box in the North

Report 5 -- Eastern road, summon a demon with SNEAK ability and have it go

            on a solo investigation on the second hole.

Report 6 -- In the South-West. Summon a flying demon and have it go on a solo

            investigation behind the statue.

Report 7 -- North-East corner, above the tree. Summon a flying demon to get

            the report.

Report 8 -- Eastern road; just keep running around until you have a battle

            with a group of zombie officers.

3. After collecting all reports, head back to your starting point and save.

Give the reports to Sadakachi and a boss battle will initiate.

   **Pgn Nebiros

   This is not a hard boss at all. Just take note that you can't damage him

   with physical attacks. Only spells and bullets will work here. He also

   summons minions infinitely. So, focus you gun attacks on the boss, and

   slash the lesser minions if they get in the way.

4. After winning the battle, you will recieve a passcode to enter the hidden

facility. Leave the area and summon the tarrasque in any of the docks. (Blue

dots in the main map.)

5. Travel the waters east and dismount on the single small island just off

the coast of Harumi-Cho

##Cannon Battery #4##

1. Use the passcode 49399221 to gain access to the entrance on the

underground shipyard.

!!Note: The battles here may be challenging depending on your level. Make

sure you've stock up with lots of support items if you want to survive this


Also, some enemies here nets you 1000 exp per battle. So if you want to,

this place is best for exp farming. And the fact that you can only access

this area once. You can come back later in the story but enemies don't

that much experience anymore.

This area has a high encounter rate so repulse water won't help you.

2. Collect the items and make your way down. There are some Shikimi no Kages

scattered in the area so just use the appropriate element or spell to

destroy them.

3. When you encounter a regenerating Shikimi no Kage, find an Ippon-datara

in the bottom ladder. Negotiate with him and give him Ex-Bezoar x2 and 150

MAG. Then tell him that he's stupid. You can then now pass the blocked path.

Dont forget to climb up the ladder first because it contains some items.

4. After this, its pretty much a straight path minus the other Shikimi no

Kages and the random battles. Once you found the Dragon Cave, you can now

start exp farming with the enemies.

5. Once ready, head to the altar and face the demon twins.

   **Nagasunehiko, Abihiko

   Nagasunehiko is an ice elemental while Abihiko is the opposite. You can

   try focusing on one boss at a time. However, if one of them is killed,

   they will fuse into one more powerful, dual-element entity.

   If the two of them are still alive, they will perform an unblockable

   spin attack which is hard to evade as well and packs a punch. Just

   have your demons support you as you exploit their weakness and land

   critical hits. Summoning a demon with a combination attack learned will

   give you an easier battle. Be sure to guard their magical attacks when

   you see them charging.

6. Watch the scenes, episode ends.



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SMT007  --- [EPISODE 6 - Secret Of Five Fudou]



1. Go to Konnou-ya and pick the Ammunition Box. Go back to the Detective

Agency. Scenes will follow. Now go to Victor in Gouma-Den.

2. Leave the area and take the streetcar.


1. Go to Daikoku-Yu, talk to Satake.

2. Leave the area and go the Amazing Science Lab, in the southeast

##Amazing Science Lab##

1. Enter the place and use the READ MIND skill on the huskey. You will then

need to type your 'dream'. Write it down or remember it since you will meet

the dog again near the end of the game as a spirit. Tell him the dream you

told him and you will have access to extra items.

2. Go to the rightmost side of the area to trigger a scene with Dr. Tsukumo.

3. Leave the area, proceed to Ginza-Cho.


1. Enter the Soda Joint in Shin-Sekai and talk to Tae. After learning some

hints, go to the main town.

2. Go underneath the overpass, in the same place where you fought the Red

Cape. The costruction site is just between the two paths. You will then

have a scene with Kaya.



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SMT008  --- [EPISODE 7 - The Cursed Detective]


Watch the scenes and you will be in the Nameless Shrine. You will be asked

if you want to be sacrificed. You will need to got to Dark Fukagawa-Cho.

##Dark Fukagawa-Cho##

1. Go southeast. You will trigger a trap and two stupid floating skulls

will appear. After some brief talking, you will be transported to the


2. Make your way to the south east again and this time take another path.

Another trap will be triggered and the same duo appears. You will be

transported to the north again.

3. Summon a volt demon and INSPECT the area. If nothing appears by the

red mailbox, make your way to the southeast again to trigger the trap and

get the hint from the stupid demons themselves.

Otherwise, just examine the shining thing on the mailbox after inspecting

the area. You will have another boss fight.


   *** Pagan Utai-gaikotsu (x2)

       Nothing special about this fight; just apply normal combat

       strategies for these scumbags. Oh, just watch out also to their

       skill that can immobilize you.

4.After they are defeated, proceed southeast and continue your advance.

Destroy any Shikimi no Kages you encounter and then save your game before

entering the square. Prepare for another bossfight.

   *** Wind Hitokotomusi

       This boss has 4 forms. On his form, use Fire attacks to weaken him

       and land some criticals. Again, demons with combination attacks

       learned will help a lot here. Most of his attacks are blockable so

       anticipate his attacks and make sure you guard them. Having a demon

       with wind resistance, drain or null will make your life easier.

       On his second form, use electric attacks, and ice for the third.

       The strategy mentioned above will suffice for these forms. Lastly,

       when he releases his final form, just use normal attacks to finish

       him off.

5. Episode ends after the battle.



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SMT009  --- [EPISODE 8 - The Demon And The Steel Tower]



Restock supplies, then leave via streetcar to Harumi-Cho


Leave the area via south exit. Take the road down and talk to the guard

blocking the path on the main map. You will now have access to enter



1.Use the Pagan Demon's READ MIND skill on the guards inside the area. You

can also use INSPECT to find some hidden items in the area. You will also

gain access to Dark Sakuradayama.

2.Leave the area and go to Shinoda/Nameless Shrine.

##Dark Sakuradayama##

1. There are some hidden items in the area so make sure your Volt Demon

INSPECTS the area.

2. Save your game, then go upstairs for a boss fight.

   ***Yomi-kugutsu x3

   Two gunners and one melee fighter. These gun-weilding red soldiers

   probably pose the threat here. The melee Yomi-kugutsu always performs a

   combo but is slow when executing it. Just remember to block when


   It will be a good idea to take out the gunners first. If you see them

   getting ready to fire their machine guns, quickly move to their side or

   back and score some free hits.

3. After the battle, take the path upstairs and enter the tower.

##Waden One##

1. When navigating this area, you may need to send your demons alone to

reach some places since some hiruko doesnt like humans. The other paths

should be obviously easy so I won't waste time giving directions step by

step. However, the last series of individual and hiruko rides can be


2. The area I am talking about is the last obstacle to reach the boss in

the top of the tower. To proceed, just ride the hiruko to reach the island

where the Moh Shuvuu is.

3. Send your demon on a solo investigation, then ride the same hiruko you

used to reach the island. Then ride right, up, left then down then report

to Raidou. Ride the hiruko your demon used and continue.

4. Upon reaching the top, there will be some scenes and after that a boss



   ***Volt Mishaguji

   This boss has a lot of HP, probably 7000+ or so, so its going to be a

   long battle. All his attacks can be blocked except the Cursed Emission

   which follows you for a period of time then paralyzes you when it hits.

   A healer demon while in Heal Me/ Support command can help you survive.

   The enemy will likely be targetting you than your demon so remember to

   guard his attacks then just counter after he is done with his combo. He

   also teleports within the area so expect that he will perform a combo

   after teleporting. Note also that his swipe attack has long reach and

   can knock you down but it is still blockable.

   Halfway on his health, he will start using his Cursed Bolts, a series

   of four lightning bolts that travels by land. It also has a CHARM

   effect. It is blockable though.

   One effective tactic to prevent your demon from being Charmed is to

   unsummon / return it if you see the boss holding this staff on the

   ground. You can hold the guard button while doing that. Or, you can just

   use an ANTI-MIND item when your demon is inflicted with Charm status.

   Beware if your demon is a healer and it is charmed. It will heal the

   boss with around 1500 HP a spell so be cautious.

   Just repeat the mentioned strategy above and you should be okay.

5. After the battle, some scenes will follow and the episode end.



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SMT010  --- [EPISODE 9 - The Two Summoners]



1. After being transported, you will find another Gouto-look alike cat.

Follow it to the Shrine. A scene will ensue.

2. After the scene, leave the area and go to the Nameless Shrine.

##Shinoda/ Nameless Shrine##

1. After learning about the current situation, you will be tasked to

obtain 3 prisms from guardians located in Dark Sakuradayama,

Dark Ginza-Cho and Dark Harumi-Cho. It doesnt matter which you choose first

2. Just restock your supplies and make sure you have all bullet types in

full ammo. This ensures you the flexibility in battle.

##Dark Sakuradayama##

1. Go to the east to obtain to Sword of Kashima. You need to synch all

stones with the sword but since they respond to the other stones, some

stones will deactivate if you activate another. Refer to the outline





    (3)       (6)

    (2)       (5)

    (1)       (4)


     X -- Starting Point

    **Examine Stone # 1

    **Examine Stone # 2

    **Send your demon on a Solo Investigation, examine stone # 5

2. After solving the puzzle, the guardian will appear and you need to

fight him to obtain the Earth Prism.

    ***Volt Oumitsunu

    The minions around the boss may be annoying so you can use Charm shots

    to inflict Charm on the minions and turn them against the main boss

    temporarily. Just anticipate the enemies' attacks and block them

    whenever you can.

    The enemies here can cast fire and electric spells so be careful of

    your summoned demon's weakness. Just keep pounding on the boss and he

    should go down in a short while.

3. After obtaining the Earth Prism, you can head back to Tsukudo-Cho to

restock or go to your next destination. You need to talk to the Herald in

Shinoda/ Nameless Shrine.

##Dark Ginza-Cho##

!!You need a fury demon with uSE FORCE skill to conquer this area.

1. Follow the path without any blocking Dragon's Jaws (they appear as

green lines in your map) and fight a Pyro Muspell along the way.

2. Continue moving forward and find a bus blocking the path. Summon your

Fury demon and remove the obstacle. Now take the first path on your left

and send your demon on a solo investigation to pass through the Tainted

Gate. Make sure that you send your best demon since it will enter a boss

fight alone. Or to save time, if you have a good levelled Fury demon, just

send it.

3. Follow the path and take the go around the corner. Your demon will need

to defeat the Pyro Muspell from before. After that, USE FORCE on the bus

make way for Raidou.

4. Report to Raidou and make your way to the stairs to get to the overpass.

You will find the next guardian there so be prepared.


   ***Fury Susan-o.

   Since this enemy is weak to ice attacks, it may seem advisable to use

   Frost Demons. To make the battle easier, dispatch his minions or just

   pummel him with ice bullets. (If you bought an ice cartridge, your ammo

   should be x99, making things more easier.) Just deal some critical hits

   when he is stunned and repeat the process until he is defeated.

5. Obtain the Flame prism and leave the area.

##Dark Harumi-Cho##

1. Talk to the Fury Shouten beside the Dragon Cave. Learn that you need

to collect 9 purity charms before he can take you to the last guardian.

2. Just roam the area to find random battles with Shoutens. There is one

demon selling a charm for Y20000, it depends whether you can afford it or

not. Just remember that there are items in the residential area of


3. After collecting charms, go back to the Shouten, save then talk to him.

You will now face the guardian of the Water Prism.

   ***Frost Orochi

   This enemy is weak against fire so you can order your pyro demon to

   use magical attacks while you attack in close. Just guard against its

   ice area attack and its melee attacks as well. The boss doesn't move

   and has slow recovery rate so it will be open after attacking. Use

   this short time to deal extra damage. Don't use guns in this battle.

4. After defeating Orochi, obtain the Water prism.

5. Leave the area and go back to the Nameless Shrine.

##Shinoda/ Nameless Shrine##

Talk to the Herald and Watch the following scenes. Episode ends after that.


           <THE TWO SUMMONERS>

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SMT011  --- [EPISODE 10 - Capital In Flames!]



After getting back in the Detective Agency, notice that Harumi is not

there. Find a letter instead. Leave the area and take a streetcar to



1. Locate Sadakichi in the south area of the town. Talk to him.

2. Head back to the Agency to watch more scenes. You will then obtain the

Chigaeshi Orb and Shiomitsu Orbs.

3. Summon your tarrasque in a dock. Go to the landing point in the

southeastern most part of the Harumi-Cho. There is a long path there

leading to an isolated place just north of the Army HQ.


!!You need a Fury Demon's USE FORCE skill to proceed!

1. Put the orbs on their respective statues.

2. Summon a Fury demon and USE FORCE the left statue.

3. Stand on one plate and have your demon go solo and stand on the other


The entrance to the Subterranean Shipbuilding Facility will now be

accessible via the well.

##Subterranean Shipbuilding Facility##

B1. Destroy the Fire Shikimi no Kage and take the Heavy x15 bullet rounds

    behind. Jump off the left Ledge, then choose to jump to the right.

B2. Destroy Electric Shikimi no Kage.

B3. Defeat the enemies blocking your way. Find a Tainted Gate that is

    blocking your path. Make your way back to B2.

B2. Jump off the ledge then take the left side. Climb the ladder to go

    back to B1.

B1. Go north and destroy the Ice Shikimi no Kage. head down to B2

B2. Destroy the Wind Shikimi no Kage, and then talk to the Ippon-datara.

    watch the scenes that will follow and go back to the area where the

    Tainted Gate is once located. Head to the next area.

1.  Destroy the Bullet Shikimi no Kage and get the item behind it. Go

    downstairs and find a Balm of Life in B4.

2. Take the ladder in B3 leading to B4's other side. Move forward until

   you get a scene with Narumi.

3. Save your game and take the staircase nearby and go left for a Lu

Incense, a Vi Insance and a Soma. Backtrack a bit and go to the Altar for

a battle.

   ***Tokoyogami Sukuna-hikona

   The enemy is weak to fire and force magical attacks but he can nullify

   gunshots. You can summon your Pyro and Wind demons to help you out in

   the offensive. Just remember to guard when you sense him readying for

   an attack. Since this boss moves around rather quickly, it will be hard

   to hit him with combos. That's where the dash/ quick stab helps.

   When his HP is down to at least 60-70% he will start summoning Hirukos

   to attack you. You will be immobilized when you get hit by these

   Hirukos. After that, expect that he will blast you with a powerful

   beam attack. Demons hit by these attacks will be sEALED, meaning you

   cannot summon them anymore during the whole battle.

   You can return your demons to prevent them from being hit by the boss'

   special attack but its a risk that you'll be damaged instead.

   You can order your demons to use magic attacks only while you take care

   of the main damage.

3, After the battle, head east to trigger an event. Episode ends after


 -- END OF EPISODE 10 --

           <CAPITAL IN FlAMES>

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SMT012  --- [EPISODE 11 - Mission To Space]



1. Ask Narumi about everything. Leave to Fukagawa-Cho.


1. Go to the Amazing Science Lab. Talk to Dr. Tsukumo near the entrance.

2. Leave the area, go to the Navy HQ in Harumi-Cho. Talk to Sadakichi and

obtain the SS Project Report.

3. Go back to the Lab and surrender the report to the Dr.

4. Go back to Tsukudo-Cho


1. Go to Gouma-Den and talk to Victor. You will then need to leave to


2. Go to Shin-Sekai and enter the Soda Joint. Find Rasputin there courting

Tae. After the scene there, choose to "SMACK HIM"

3. You will taken to Gouma-Den instantly. After the scene, go back to

the Lab.

##Amazing Science Lab##

!!If you still haven't, make sure all your demons are registered in

Victor's database.

1. Talk to Dr. Tsukumo. You will need to send a demon up there. Since it

will fight alone, I suggest sending a demon that heal itself and has

good attack/ magic offense. This demon will be gone forever though.

2. Watch the scenes that'll follow.


  ***Satellite Tai-itsu Core, Defense System x3

  The core is protected by the defense systems surrounding it. And not

  to mention that this core is protected by infinitely spawning Wind Powers

  Make your way and destroy all the defense systems. Once the systems are

  destroyed, you can now start attacking the core.

1. After the battle, watch the events and the episode will end.

 -- END OF EPISODE 11 --

           <MISSION TO SPACE>

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SMT013  --- [EPISODE 12 - Bonds Between Us]



1. Talk to Satake in front of Daikoku-Yu. Leave the area and head the

the Amazing Science Lab.

2. Talk to Dr. Tsukumo in the lab. Talk to him. Leave the area and go

to the Soda Joint in Shin Sekai.

3. Talk to Tae in the Soda Joint. After the scene, go to Dark Tsukudo-Cho.

##Dark Tsukudo-Cho##

!!NOte: This is the final stage so make sure you are prepared. Be at least

LV 60+ to have an easier time navigating the stage. Also, make sure you

are fully stocked before heading in.

Go to the edge of the bridge for a scene.

##Akarana Corridor##

You need to destroy hourglasses in each section in order to proceed. This

means you will face all major bosses you have defeated before. Same battle

tactics you used on them will also work. Note that there are some hidden

portals here that can take you to areas full of items. You can only find it

using a Volt Demon's INSPECT ability.

This area is large and the enemies can really kill you if you're not

careful. It is general knowledge to save your game whenever you find a

Dragon's Cave.

!!Make sure you have a demon with ALLURE ability. Its a requirement to

proceed deeper in this stage.

  - 1930s -

  * Just go up.


  - 1940s -

  * Go to the end of the path, destroy the Hourglass to fight Wind


  - 1950s -

  * Just make your way to the next area.

  - 1960s -

  * Find a Dragon's Cave, continue moving forward.

  - 1980s -

  * Just make your way to the next area.

  - 1990s -

  * Use ALLURE on the Fury Ikusa and Fury Oni. Take the portal on the left.

  - 2030s -

  * Save your game in the Dragon's Cave on the left.

  - 2040s -

  * Have your demon go solo then move it LEFT, LEFT then RIGHT. Portal will

    be activated. Warp to the next area, examine the Hourglass and choose

    to destroy it. Defeat Wind Hitokotonusi to unlock a new area.


  - 2030s -

  * Backtrack to 1990's

  - 1990s -

  * Take the newly opened path to 2000

  - 2000s -

  * There is a Dragon's Cave here and a Nakisawame.

  - 2010s -

  * Move Raidou to left twice then send your demon on solo and move it to

    the right. Portal will be activated, and destroy the the Hourglass.

    Bossfight with Volt Mishaguji. Defeat him to open the last path.

  - 2000s -

  * Backtrack to 1990's

  - 1990s -

  * After taking the new path, you will two paths. 





                         2030s   2020s

                         -----   -----



                       2050s        20XX

                       -----        ----



                   20XX                Items

                   ----                ------



           !! Last Boss !!         


    Note: You will be asked if want to continue or not to the final battle.

          If you want to take other path and collect the items, backtrack

          to the second path.

   - 20XX (Item Path) -

   * You will need to solve another puzzle. Refer to the solutions below.


   Frost demon - LEFT

   Volt demon  - LEFT

   Fury demon  - RIGHT

   Pagan demon - RIGHT 


   * The portal will be activated. Warp to the next area for your rewards.

   - 20XX (Boss Path) -

   * Save your game; If you talk to the spirit on the left, you will learn

     that it was the dog in the Science Lab. Tell him your dream, the one

     you told him and you will recieve a bonus...

   * There is also a Nakisawane here for healing. But it is rather costly

     depending on your and your demons' average level. Just use it if you

     really need to. Otherwise upstairs to face the final boss.

    ***Presence within Kaya

    She attacks fast and has high recovery rate, meaning there is only a

    brief moment of delay between her attacks. She hits hard so make sure

    to guard her attacks and make two slashes only at a time. Performing a

    3rd slash will not give you enough time to block her attacks in time. If

    you decide to use your demons against her, make sure you order them to

    attack with magic only. After the battle, prepare for her second form.

    ***Battleship Yasomagatsu


    The pattern for this battle is very obvious. Defeat all 4 waves/ pairs of

    enemies that will appear. Be careful with the artillery shots from the

    battle ship. Using a Pyro demon will help a lot since they can Drain or

    nullify the artillery attacks.

    After the waves of enemies are defeated, the battleship will resurface

    nearby. When that happens, attack it with all you got. Just ignore the

    gunners on the top since they are just there for annoyance and not for

    damage. Repeat the process twice or thrice to end the battle.

    Prepare for the 3rd form...

    ***Soulless God Yasomagatsu

    The shoulder cannon attacks can be dodged easily but do no step on the

    flames the shot left. You just need to deal with the L and R arms after

    every attack. The Soulless Beam sprays in a straight line and its

    unblockable. So avoid it by moving out of the line of fire.

    This boss may also attempt to smash you with both hands so quickly run to

    the edge of the battle area. After destroying both hands, the battle will


    Had enough? Well, prepare for the last form...

    *****Soulless God Yasomagatsu

    Soulless Rain is a new attack for this boss. Just avoid the salvo being

    fired at you. Running in the side gives you the best position to avoid

    these projectiles since they cannot be blocked. There will be delays

    between her attacks so use this ample time to damage her with your combos.


    As for her other attacks, like many other bosses, you can anticipate

    when you need to block or not. Just don't be too aggressive since this

    boss hits harder than the previous forms. Make sure your HP is always

    above 60% at least. Use items whenever necessary.

    Just apply the most basic boss battle tactic: guard and counterattack.

    Just repeat the process and this battle should be easy.

 -- END OF EPISODE 12 --

           <BONDS BETWEEN US>

    Game ends, enjoy the credits.


<><><><><><><>                  EXTRAS                 EXT000 <><><><><><>




There are 4 training halls scattered around the map. If you've done a little

exploring, you should have located these buildings. Only your demons can

enter and explore the area because of the Tainted Gates.

Items that can be found in the area depends on the type of demon you have

deployed. Since the area is really straightforward, no detailed directions

will be provided.



Items: Red Crystal (X8)

Enemies: - Fury Lamia         

         - Fury Oni

         - Pagan Alp

         - Pagan Ghoul

         - Pagan Okiku-mushi

         - Pyro Oshichi

         - Skill Leanan Sidhe

         - Undead Zombie Lady

         - Volt Oboroguruma

         - Wind Anzu



Items: Red Crystal (X8)

       Vi Incense (Listen to the zombies in the North, defeat them.)

Enemies: - Fury Lamia

         - Fury Oni

         - Pagan Ghoul

         - Pagan Okiku-mushi

         - Pyro Oshichi

         - Pyro Sati

         - Skill Leanan Sidhe

         - Undead Zombie

         - Undead Zombie Lady

         - Volt Oboroguruma

          Wind Anzu



Items: Red Crystal (X8)

Enemies: - Frost Jubokko

         - Fury Ikusa

         - Fury Triglav

         - Pagan Utai-gaikotsu

         - Pyro Gdon

         - Skill Nekomata

         - Volt Nue

         - Wind Feng Huang

         - Undead Zombie



Items: Red Crystal (X8)

Enemies: - Fury Gashadokuro

         - Fury Rakshasa

         - Fury Shouten

         - Pagan Ghoul

         - Pyro Sati

         - Pyro Throne

         - Skill Nekomata

         - Skill Scathach

         - Volt Nue

         - Volt Raiju



This seems to be the same training hall where you started your tutorial

training. Examine the stand on the right side of the shrine. You cannot

explore all the floors until later in the game.



       1F             EP3

       2F             EP3

       3F             EP4

       4F             EP5

       5F             EP6

       6F             EP8

       7F             EP10

       8F             EP10

       9F             EP11

       10F (Bottom)   EP12, upon saving in the last save point.



Items: NONE

Enemies: - Frost Azumi

         - Pyro Pyro Jack

         - Pyro Ukobach

         - Volt Agathion

         - Volt Raiju

         - Wind Poltergeist

         - Fury Obariyon

         - Pagan Alp

         - Undead Zombie



Items: Red Crystal

       St Incense


       Force Rounds (x15)

Enemies: - Frost Azumi

         - Pyro Pyro Jack

         - Pyro Orthrus

         - Volt Raiju

         - Volt Tsuchigumo

         - Wind Moh Shuvuu

         - Wind Poltergeist

         - Undead Zombie

         - Skill Ippon-datara

         - Fury Turdak

         - Pagan Mokoi



Items: Red Crystal

       Ma Incense


       Phys Rounds (x15)


Enemies: - Undead Zombie Lady

         - Pagan Alp

         - Pagan Mokoi

         - Pagan Okiku-mushi

         - Pyro Oshichi

         - Pyro Ukobach

         - Frost Jack Frost



Items: Red Crystal

       Vi Incense

       Balm of Life

       Death Rounds (x15)

Enemies: - Fury Lamia      

         - Fury Turdak                             

         - Skill Leanan Sidhe        

         - Volt Oboroguruma          

         - Wind Anzu 

         - Pagan Ghoul               

         - Pyro Sati 

!!A secret demon, Fury Yoshitsune can be found in this floor. Find him in

the Northern area. Talk to him to enter the battle. Defeat all enemies then

defeat him eventually. Although you can't confine him, he can be one of the

possible outcome when fusing demons.

Basic: Pagan Utai-gaikotsu +  Frost Oukuninushi



Items: NONE

Enemies: - Wind Feng Huang           

         - Skill Kudan               

         - Skill Nekomata           

         - Undead Zombie Guard       

         - Undead Zombie Officer    

         - Frost Jubokko

         - Fury Ikusa                

         - Pagan Utai-gaikotsu

!!Come back to this floor after triggering the "KING OF ABYSS" event in the

last floor and you chose anything but "Im just looking around" during the


Go to the Northeast section during HALF-MOON. YOu will be challenged. Accept

the challenge and defeat all enemies to gain PHANTOM SKILL, a valuable item.



Items: Red Crystal

       Lu Incense


       Sleep Rounds (x15)

Enemies: - Skill Thoth

         - Fury Ikusa

         - Fury Triglav        

         - Frost Raja Naga

         - Volt Nue

         - Pyro Gdon

         - Wind Feng Huang



Items: Red Crystal

       St Incense

       Soma Drop

       Charm Rounds (x15)

Enemies: - Wind Kurama

         - Fury Ikusa                 

         - Fury Rakshasa           

         - Pagan Ghoul               

         - Pagan Nebiros          

         - Pyro Ukobach

         - Undead Zombie Guard

         - Volt Nue

         - Chrysalis Hiruko

         - Skill Kudan

!!Come back to this floor after triggering the "KING OF ABYSS" event in the

last floor and you chose anything but "Im just looking around" during the


Go to the Southeastern part of this area during NEW MOON. Defeat all enemies

during the challenge to obtain TYRANT SPAWN, another valuable item.



Items: Red Crystal

       Ma Incense

       Balm of Life

       Stone Rounds (x15)

Enemies: - Volt Tsuchigumo

         - Pagan Gashadokuro

         - Pagan Ghoul

         - Pyro Gdon

         - Pyro Throne

         - Pyro Sati

         - Skill Nekomata

         - Skill Scathach

         - Frost Raja Naga

         - Fury Shouten



Items: Red Crystal

       Vi Incense

       Babylon Tablet

       Great Chakra

Enemies: - Pagan Incubus

         - Fury Susano-o

         - Fury Turdak 

         - Volt Nue

         - Volt Parvati

         - Skill Kudan

         - Skill Scathach

         - Frost Ouyamatsumi

         - Wind Anzu

         - Pyro Pyro Jack         


!!Come back to this floor after triggering the "KING OF ABYSS" event in the

last floor and you chose anything but "Im just looking around" during the


Go to the Northeast area during FULL MOON and defeat all the enemies during

the challenge. Obtain EMBLEM of HELL.



Items: Red Crystal

       Lu Incense

       Giza Mask


Enemies: - Fury Obariyon

         - Pagan Incubus

         - Pagan Lilith

         - Pyro Muspell

         - Pyro Sati 

         - Pyro Throne

         - Wind Power

         - Wind Sandalphon

         - Skill Kudan

         - Skill Futsunushi

         - Frost Arahabaki

         - Frost Jack Frost

         - Frost Raja Naga

         - Frost Orochi

!!Go to the Northern area to trigger the "KING OF ABYSS" subevent. Then, go

back to 5F during Halfmoon, 7F during New Moon and 9F during Full Moon

respectively.  Win the challenges and collect the 3 valuable items (see the

notes above for further details.)

After that, go to the North, defeat all the enemies and lastly, the King of

Abyss namely, Pagan Beelzebub.  Although you can't confine him, he can be one

of the possible outcomes when fusing demons.

Basic: Frost Orochi + Frost Arahabaki



These are the special demons that you will never encounter during the normal

pace of the game. There are certain requirements to get them, although I

haven't tried acquiring them later than the proposed episode or event.

They cannot be confined so the only way to produce them is by fusing the

required monsters. The required fusion section below doesn't mean that the

mentioned demons are the only ones capable of producing the secret demon(s).

There are always other possibilities.

<name of the demon>

EPISODE:          <Episode when the demon becomes available>

LOCATION:         <Place where to look for the demon>

REQUIRED EVENT:   <Required event to confine, get the demon>

REQUIRED FUSION:  <Parent demons needed to produce the demon>



EPISODE:           EP5


REQUIRED EVENT:    Talk to the demon and defeat all enemies, including him

REQUIRED FUSION:   Pagan Utai-gaikotsu + Frost Oukuninushi



EPISODE:          EP 7 Onwards

LOCATION:         (Random Encounter)

                  - Tsukudo-Cho

                  - Ginza-Cho

                  - Sakuradayama

                  - Daidouji Residence (Underground Cavern)

REQUIRED EVENT:   Defeat her before she escapes. 

REQUIRED FUSION:  Pagan Nebiros + Incubus

!!She heals herself when her HP drops below 50%. Also she has high phys

resistance so if you have trouble damaging her, try levelling up some more.

She seems to be weak with either fire or ice.



EPISODE:          EP 8

LOCATION:         Telephone booths in Tsukudo-Cho, Harumi-Cho, Ginza-Cho

REQUIRED EVENT:   1. Learn about the telephone booth rumor by talking to

                     the Blonde Girl in Soda Joint, Shin-Sekai

                  2. Visit the telephone booth in Harumi-Cho with Pagan

                     Nebiros in your party.

                  3. Check the telephone booth in Tsukudo-Cho near the Shrine

                     with Pyro Belial in your party.

                  4. Go to the telephone booth in Ginza-Cho with both Nebiros

                     and Belial in the party.

                  5. Defeat Pagan Alice and all enemies.

REQUIRED FUSION:  Frost Raja Naga + Frost Jack Frost



EPISODE:          EP12, after saving in the last save point.

LOCATION:         10F, last floor

REQUIRED EVENT:   See the notes above for 10F.

REQUIRED FUSION:  Frost Orochi + Frost Arahabaki



The more you buy from the shop, the quicker your rank will increase.

Increasing your rank will give you diffrent bonuses such as discounts and

new items. Refer to the chart below.

 [RANK]           [BONUS]

    1              Life Stone, Muscle Drink, Balm of Life available

    2              Item Selling Price +10%

    3              Item Buying Cost   -10%

    4              Chakra Drop becomes available

    5              Item Selling Price +20%

    6              Item Buying Cost   -20%

    7              Fatal Round, Fatal Clip becomes available.



The more you order/ drink from the shop, the quicker your rank will increase.

Increasing your rank will give you access to new, better drinks and your

MAG exchange for demons as well.

 [RANK]           [BONUS]

    1              Dragon Soda, Mandra Soda becomes available.

    2              Miracle Nectar becomes available.

    3              MAG Exchange   + 10%

    4              Muscle Nectar becomes available

    5              Valhalla Nectar, Magical Nectar becomes available

    6              MAG Exchange   + 30%

    7              Elixir Pop, Midas Pop becomes available.

    8              Harvest Pop becomes available.

    9              Deus Pop  becomes available.



When more demons become more loyal to you, (maxing their loyalties will help

a lot), your rank will increase and you will have more MAG capacity, and

bonus tubes as well. When you're rank increases, you will be told that you

have your demons had more loyal to you and MAG capacity has increased. To

change your rank after the prompt, simply talk to the Herald in the Nameless



 Promising Youth        120                    1200

 Taisho Swordsman       700                    1500           + 2 demon tubes

 Local Hero            1200                    1800

 Urban Mystic          1700                    2100           + 2 demon tubes

 Prodigy               2200                    2500

 Recognized Summoner   2700                    2900

 Gallant Hero          3200                    3400           + 2 demon tubes

 Avatar of Spirits     3800                    3900

 Rising Star           4400                    4400

 Renowned Summoner     5100                    5000

 Master of Demons      5900                    5500

 Morning Star          6800                    6100

 Demons Terror         7800                    6700

 Vigilant Guardian     9000                    7300

 Timeless Summoner    12800                    8000


<><><><><><><>               ITEM LIST                  ITM000  <><><><><>





* Get these in Konnou-Ya

 Medicine      -- Restores 75 HP to 1 ally              

 Ox Bezoar     -- Restores 250 HP to 1 ally, aphrodisiac

 Life Stone    -- Restores medium amount of target's HP 

 Muscle Drink  -- Restores large amount of target's HP

 Chakra Chip   -- Restores small amount of demon's MP

 Anti-Poison   -- Cures Poison status                   

 Anti-Mute     -- Cures Mute status                     

 Anti-Stone    -- Cures Stone status                    

 Anit-Mind     -- Cures Sleep, Panic, Charm, Rage       

 Jin Dan       -- Revives KO'd demon, restores some HP  

 Balm of Life  -- Revives KO'd demon, fully restores HP

"Mansaku" Sake -- Increases demon's Loyalty (S)


 Bead          -- Fully restores target's HP            

 Bead of Life  -- Fully restores party's HP 

 Chakra Drop   -- Restores medium amount of demon's MP  

 Chakra Pot    -- Fully restores demon's MP             

 Great Chakra  -- Fully restores demons' MP             

 Soma Drop     -- Fully restores target's HP & MP       

 Soma          -- Fully restores party's HP & MP

 St Incense    -- Increases character's Strength by 1   (permanent)

 Ma Incense    -- Increases character's Magic by 1      (permanent) 

 Vi Incense    -- Increases character's Vitality by 1   (permanent)

 Lu Incense    -- Increases character's Luck by 1       (permanent)

"Homura" Sake  -- Increases Pyro demon's Loyalty (M)    

"Fubuki" Sake  -- Increases Frost demon's Loyalty (M)   

"Raiden" Sake  -- Increases Volt demon's Loyalty (M)    

"Arashi" Sake  -- Increases Wind demon's Loyalty (M)    

"Gouriki" Sake -- Increases Fury demon's Loyalty (M)    

"Yamiyo" Sake  -- Increases Pagan demon's Loyalty (M)   

"Takumi" Sake  -- Increases Skill demon's Loyalty (M)   

"Shishiou" Sake-- Increases demon's Loyalty (M)         

"Kotetsu" Sake -- Increases demon's Loyalty (L)



* Available only in Soda Joint, Shin Sekai

* Get these in Konnou-Ya

 Valhalla Soda   -- Raise Raidou's Strength by 3 in allotted time    

 Magical Soda    -- Raise Raidou's Magic by 3 in allotted time       

 Muscle Soda     -- Raise Raidou's Vitality by 3 in allotted time    

 Miracle Soda    -- Raise Raidou's Luck by 3 in allotted time        

 Doctor Soda     -- Restores Raidou's 30% HP                         

 Dragon Soda     -- Raise Raidou's Str & Vil by 3 in allotted time   

 Mandra Soda     -- Raise Raidou's Mag & Luck by 3 in allotted time  

 Valhalla Nectar -- Raise Raidou's Strength by 5 in allotted time    

 Magical Nectar  -- Raise Raidou's Magic by 5 in allotted time       

 Muscle Nectar   -- Raise Raidou's Vitality by 5 in allotted time    

 Miracle Nectar  -- Raise Raidou's Luck by 5 in allotted time        

 Elixir Pop      -- Fully restores Raidou's HP                       

 Midas Pop       -- Increase yen drops from enemy in allotted time   

 Harvest Pop     -- Increase item drops from enemy in allotted time  

 Deus Pop        -- Increase all parameter by 5   



* Get these in Konnou-Ya

 [AMMO]    [ATK]     [EFFECT]

 Normal     12          -   

 Heavy      25          -  

 Fatal      40          -     

 Fire       6          Burn   

 Ice        6          Freeze 

 Elec       6          Shock  

 Force      6          Impede 

 Phys       6          Dizzy  

 Death      6          Stun   

 Poison     8          Poison  

 Sleep      8          Sleep  

 Charm      8          Charm  

 Panic      8          Panic      

 Mute       8          Mute   

 Stone      8          Stone

 [CLIP]          [Description]    

 Normal          Increases Normal bullet capacity    

 Fire            Increases Fire bullet capacity      

 Ice             Increases Ice bullet capacity       

 Elec            Increases Elec bullet capacity    

 Force           Increases Force bullet capacity     

 Phys            Increases Phys bullet capacity    

 Death           Increases Death bullet capacity     

 Poison          Increases Poison bullet capacity

 Heavy           Increases Heavy bullet capacity  

 Sleep           Increases Sleep bullet capacity    

 Panic           Increases Panic bullet capacity   

 Charm           Increases Charm bullet capacity     

 Fatal           Increases Fatal bullet capacity 

 Mute            Increases Mute bullet capacity     

 Stone           Increases Stone bullet capacity  

 Aurora          An infinite supply of Normal Bullets



* Get these in Konnou-Ya

 Attract Water   -- Briefly increases encounter rate        

 Repulse Water   -- Briefly decreases encounter rate

 Smoke Ball      -- Instantly escape from battle.           

 Purity Charm    -- A talisman said to espel evil


* No special effects, these are just for selling.


 [NAME]           [PRICE]       [DESCRIPTION]

 Wood Ornament     1000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Asuka Mirror      3000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Rakuyou Chalice   6000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Javanese Figure  10000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Roman Coin       13000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Persian Vase     18000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Theban Jar       22000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Cretan Goodess   27000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Babylon Tablet   35000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Giza Mask        50000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Stag Beetle       5000      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Beetle            7500      Fetches a hefty sum at Konnou-Ya.       

 Dainty Snack       500      A popular bar snack. Demons like it, too.

 Twig                 1      A plain old twig, There's no use for it.

 Old Underwear     1200      A garment favored by virgins long ago.


<><><><><><><>               CREDITS                    CDT000  <><><><><>



....first of all to YOU for reading. I hope this faq has helped you. all the gaming sites that hosted my authored faqs. I really

appreciate it. Specially to the people of

....also to all the Filipino gamers that are actively participating and

contributing, helping their fellow gamers alike. my friends and family.

Please visit my site and checkout my other faqs.

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