Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII FAQ/Walkthrough

                                   Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

                                           G a m e   G u i d e

                                             By Aaron Busch          


                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
                                    |        Version History        |
                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
                                    |        Using the Guide        |
                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
                                    |          Walkthrough          |
                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

                                         Sea of Flames

                                         Showdown in the Wastes

                                         Silent Edge

                                         H/Q Under Siege

                                         Manor of Despair

                                         Mako Reactor 0

                                         Manor of Despair

                                         DG Strikes Back

                                         The Shera

                                         Midgar Assault

                                         Fight for the Central Complex

                                         Empire in Ruins

                                         Shinra's Dark Secret


                                         Mako Reactor 0

                                         Omega and Chaos

                                         A Finale Chaotic

                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
                                    |            F A Q              |
                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
                                    |            Credits            |
                                    O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O


- - -

Dirge of Cerberus Game Guide
By Aaron Busch

Version:     A1 X05
Created:     Wednesday, August 15th, 2006
Platform:    Playstation 2

E-mail:      Undernet01@Shaw.ca

Primary Source:	http://www.gamefaqs.com
Secondary Source:	---

(C) 2006 - Dirge of Cerberus Game Guide
           Created by Aaron "Aaron21" Busch

           Information in this Game Guide has been created for free, public
           assistance to guide you through Dirge of Cerberus. Stealing work
           and claiming it as your own, or selling any material within this
           Game Guide is strictly prohibited. It's a term called plagiarism,
           and is a punishable offense.

           Any reference to this Game Guide must be given credit where it's
           due. You must contact me, should you want to use any information
           in this guide on your own Game Guide.

- - -


     Version A1 X01    (Updated: 12:46 PM 16/08/2006)   >  Created Game Guide

     Version A1 X02    (Updated: 02:34 AM 23/08/2006)   >  Updated Game Guide

     Version A1 X03    (Updated: 20:55 PM 24/08/2006)   >  Updated Game Guide

     Version A1 X04    (Updated: 02:24 AM 25/08/2006)   >  Updated Game Guide

     Version A1 X05    (Updated: 18:10 PM 05/09/2006)   >  Walkthrough Complete

- - -


Within this Game Guide, each section will be referenced as a chapter. Below
will be a reference that will explain how to report directly to the section
in which you require assistance. For example, "Vincent" would be pronounced
"V i n c e n t".

Should the name of the chapter consist of more than one word, input a space
between each letter, and three spaces between each word. 


     = Select 'Edit', located on the toolbar at the top of your

     = Select 'Find, or simply hold Ctrl, then hit the F Key.

     = Input the name corresponding to the specific section you are having
       difficulties with, then select 'Find'.


     = Select 'Edit', located on the toolbar at the top of your

     = Select 'Find in This Page', or simply hit Ctrl, then the
       F Key.

     = Input the name corresponding to the specific section you are having
       difficulties with, then select 'Find'.

   - - -


Start Dirge of Cerberus by selecting 'Game Start'. You are then prompted to
select your mode of difficulty. Those who aren't accustomed to First-Person
Shooters, I recommend Normal Mode.

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                        S E A   O F   F L A M E S
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Eliminate the initial three Soldiers, then proceed down the walkway. Obtain
the Potion, then proceed to the ladder at the end of the walkway. Climb the
ladder, clear out the nearby Soldiers, then proceed to the nearby structure
surrounding Kalm. Crouch so the Soldiers do not sense your presence.

Shoot the explosive barrel nearby to eliminate the surrounding Soldiers. In
the distance, locate the lookout at I-01. Eliminate the Soldiers, enter the
lookout, descend to the bottom, then defeat the Soldiers to begin your next

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Civilian Rescue      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Several citzens of Kalm will dash into the alleyway, but do not shoot them!
 Wait a moment, then eliminate the Soldiers chasing them. Continue into the
 Marketplace, eliminate the nearby Soldiers.

 Continue through the Marketplace and rescue the citizens who dash out from
 the right. Proceed to the end of the Marketplace and quickly eliminate the
 Soldiers to your left.

 You'll encounter three citizens nearby, located at I-14 / I-15. These will
 both connect midway through, near where you encountered the three Soldiers.
 Return through the Marketplace to G-13.

 Proceed through the alley, eliminate the Soldiers, then examine the nearby
 barrier. After you've been prompted to obtain a Cardkey, eliminate each of
 the Soldiers, obtain the Cardkey, deactivate the barrier, and then proceed

 You'll encounter more citizens ahead, but they will escape safely. Instead,
 proceed onward to initiate a cutscene.

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Civilian Rescue 2    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Your next objective is to rescue the two citizens. Enter the alley on your
 left, eliminate the Soldier devouring the mother, and then open the nearby
 cargo container.

 The cargo container will take fifteen seconds to open, so you need to hold
 off or simply eliminate the Soldiers. Leave the alley via J-07.

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Cardkey Retrieval    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Location: E-04.

 Though it might seem like a simple walk through the park, you will need to
 rescue some citizens.

 Event 1:  Begins between H-06 / G-06. Eliminate the Soldiers that surround
           the boy.

 Event 2:  Alleyway located at F-06, Event will begin at E-05. You'll see a
           crate to your immediate left. Jump onto the crate and shoot down
           the Soldiers, prior to obtaining the Cardkey directly behind you.

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Head back to H-06 with the Cardkey. After you have deactivated the barrier,
proceed into the corrdior to eventually locate a door leading to Dragonfly.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Dragonfly          /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Use the nearby Mako Points to cast Fire Materia on the Dragonfly, otherwise,
 assault the Dragonfly with your Long-Barrel equipped. Once you've partially
 depleted the Dragonfly's health, it will send Soldiers to attack. Eliminate
 them quickly by shooting one of the many nearby explosive barrels.

 Once you've depleted the Dragonfly's reamining health, Vincent will enter a
 nearby residence.

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
 |                                                                          |
 |  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
 |                                                                          |
 |  Equip: Long Barrel                                                      |
 |                                                                          |
 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Once you're inside the residence, proceed upstairs to encounter Azul and an
almost endless supply of Soldiers. Approach Azul to complete the event.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Assist the WRO       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Location: K-06 - L-07

 Avoid the Soldiers, or only shoot those who become bothersome. There is an
 endless supply, so do not waste your ammo.

 Dash to D-07 to encounter the WRO. The WRO will eliminate the Soldiers who
 remain, so proceed onward to the WRO Commander. Speak to the WRO Commander,
 then proceed to F-08.

 Once you've eliminated the Soldiers, you will need to locate a Cardkey. It
 will be in a crate, located in the alley to your right.

 Equip the Sniper Scope, deactivate the barrier with your Cardkey, continue
 up the stairs and aro

 Equip the Sniper Scope, deactivate the barrier, start up the staircase and
 around the corner to your left, then eliminate the nearby Snipers. Proceed
 down the walkway to eventually reach the Church.

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Civilian Rescue 3    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Location: E-06 - F-07

 *Accessed only once you have obtained the Cardkey in "Assist the WRO".*

 Civilian Rescue will be completely optional but will require concentration.
 Equip your Griffon, because the Soldiers will have each citizen eliminated
 within seconds.

 With the Griffon equipped, you will be able to eliminate each Soldier with

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Dragonfly GL       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 On this approach, the Dragonfly will assault Vincent from nearby. Shoot the
 Dragonfly continuously, because you need to make it bend over. After it has
 bent over, begin your assault on the core above.

 Keep your distance from the Dragonfly because the last place you want to be
 is directly beneath it. This will present problems obtaining a target.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Long Barrel, Griffon, Fire Materia                               |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
               S H O W D O W N   I N   T H E   W A S T E S
           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Hound Eradication    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Location: ---

 Unlimited ammo! Simply hold down the R1 Button to begin a rapid assault on
 the Guard Hounds. Once you have held off the Guard Hounds long enough, the
 battle will come to an abrupt end, soon to be continued on the roof of the

 You'll need to hold off the Guard Hounds once more. It's essential that no
 damage is dealt to Vincent.

 O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Crimson Hound      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Place your target lock onto a nearby Guard Hound. Your easiest method would
 be to chase the Guard Hound and don't stop, becuase the nearby Guard Hounds
 will chase you but will be unable to attack.

 The Guard Hounds will respawn, but you will have a brief moment to focus on
 the Crimson Hound.

 The Crimson Hound will typically sit atop a rock formation, where it can be
 easily targeted. When the Crimson Hound has been shot, several Guard Hounds
 will spawn, prompting the Crimson Hound to return to the surface to assault

 Ignore the Guard Hounds, because the Crimson Hound is quite weak. After the
 Crimson Hound has been killed, the Guard Hounds will retreat.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Long Barrel                                            |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After the battle, obtain the Cardkey, deactivate the barrier, then continue
up the slope to initiate a cutscene. Eliminate each Soldier to complete the

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                          S I L E N T   E D G E
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

After the initial cutscene, proceed straight, then through the alley to the
right. Once you've passed the alley, proceed onward to the main road. Enter
the alley across from the main road, then speak to the dying WRO Soldier to
obtain the Keycard.

Ascend the staircase, cross the walkway, then proceed to the main street on
the other side. Deactivate the barrier, then enter the Inn. Continue to the
back of the bar, ascend the nearby staircase, then exit through the door to
reach the alleyway. Proceed through the alleyway to a large vicinity.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Sniper Eradication   /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 The Snipers will present quite a challenge because they shoot with extreme
 accuracy and deal massive damage. Should you die, you will be sent back to
 the beginning of the chapter, so you need to be quick.

 The Snipers will lead you to an encounter of a young boy who will run past
 Vincent. Eliminating each Sniper will lead you to an event prompting a boy
 to skit across the screen. After he has disappeared into a building, enter
 inside, eliminate the Snipers on the second level, then head back down. He
 will immediately exit outside and escape to the western perimeter.

 Eliminate the Snipers, then continue to the northern perimeter. Shoot down
 the Snipers to rescue the young boy next to the barrier. Once you speak to
 him, your escort mission will begin.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Protect the Boy      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Stay a slight distance ahead of him, but not too much because enemies will
 approach in both directions. This will create a partial barrier to protect
 your escort.

 Simply remain close to your escort because he will lead you directly where
 you need to be to complete your objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After the escort objective has completed, return to the barrier. Deactivate
the barrier, then eliminate the Snipers as you proceed through the alleyway.
You will soon reach the main road.

Proceed halfway down the road, then continue right. After you reach the end
of the street, a cutscene will reveal several nearby Snipers. Eliminate the
Snipers, then proceed onward.

You will come to a road that overlooks the vicinity where you completed the
escort objective. Proceed to the alleyway next to the Mako Point, but don't
enter it. Instead, shoot the two explosive barrels to eliminate most of the

Proceed into the door once you have eliminated the Snipers to encounter the
Heavy Armored Soldier.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Heavy Armored Soldier    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Eliminate the Snipers on top before the two below because it will make the
 battle a lot less difficult. When you've eliminated the Snipers, bring the
 Heavy Armored Soldier down to 50% Health with the Cerberus.

 The Heavy Armored Soldier will then shoot you with his Machine Gun. Switch
 to the Griffon on Normal Mode, keep your distance, and escape to obstacles
 nearby to barricade incoming enemy assault. The Heavily Armored Soldier is
 quite easy to defeat.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal Barrel (Snipers)                                |
|  Equip: Griffon, Cerberus, Normal Barrel (Heavy Armored Soldier)         |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                      H / Q   U N D E R   S I E G E
           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Assist the WRO 2     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Eliminate all the Soldiers once you have gained control of Vincent. You'll
 immediately receive incoming enemy assault once the chapter has begun. The
 objective will begin in the basement of WRO Headquarters.

 Ascend the staircase once you have eliminated the nearby Soldiers. Proceed
 counter-clockwise, past the barrier, then obtain the Cardkey at the end of
 the corridor. Deactivate the barrier and proceed to the second level.

 Shoot the Soldiers across the bridge, return into the corridor and proceed
 into the door located at F-12. Exit back to the main corridor on the other
 side and ascend the staircase to your right.

 Eliminate the Soldiers at K-08 / H-02, obtain the Cardkey, then proceed to
 the staircase at K-10. Head to the top level, eliminate the Soldiers, then
 return to the level below. Head counter-clockwise around the perimeter and
 access the elevator to return to the top level. 

 Exit the elevator to your right, then proceed through the door to initiate
 a cutscene. 

 Eliminate the Soldiers at K-08 / H-02 to obtain the Cardkey. Return to the
 staircase at K-10 and deactivate the barrier to initiate a cutscene.  

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Command Center       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Arrows will be marked on several walls, so ascend the staircase, then head
 down the corridor. If you have been blocked by a barrier, you will need to
 eliminate all enemies that remain.

 You need to reach Reeve before the progress bar runs out. You'll have more
 than enough time to complete the objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Backtrack to the main corrior to encounter Azul. Proceed down to base level,
and then enter the door at J-07. Eliminate the Soldiers in the corridor and
head down the stairs to the level below. Shoot down the Soldiers to receive
a Cardkey, deactivate the barrier, then continue onward.

Some of the robotic enemies will make it difficult to survive, but you will
need to eliminate them to obtain the Cardkey. Use a Limit Breaker to easily
eliminate the Soldiers and robotic prototypes. Remain in your Limit Breaker,
because you will still be battling more robotic prototypes.

Head down the corridor, eliminate the Soldier and robotic prototype, obtain
the Cardkey from the Soldier's corpse, then proceed through the two sets of
doors to encounter Shelke.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Shelke     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Shelke will be extremely quick, so you cannot remain still. She'll come at
 you quickly and perform a powerful combo, so jump before she reaches you.

 Shoot Shelke a couple times before moving somewhere else, because she will
 throw on a shield which cannot be penetrated. Shooting her will only waste

 Each time Shelke hits you, she will send you airborne, so counter and push
 the X Button to swiftly regain control of Vincent.

 When she runs low on health, Shelke will perform a new combo, dealing lots
 of damage. The key to winning is to keep moving, and don't let her get too
 close to you.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal Barrel                                          |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After you have defeated Shelke, exit to the corridor to encounter Azul. The
battle will begin after the cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Azul       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Don't bother with your weapons because Azul has way too much armor. You'll
 probably notice several explosive barrels nearby. Shoot the three that are
 closest to Azul, but keep moving, otherwise Azul WILL one-shot you.

 Once you've destroyed the three barrels next to Azul, run to the column in
 the back corner. This will bring Azul to the other side of the room. If he
 raises his Rocket Launcher during this time, you need to jump into the air
 to avoid his powerful shockwave.

 When Azul reaches the other side of the room, shoot the barrels closest to
 him to finish him off.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal Barrel                                          |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                     M A N O R   O F   D E S P A I R
           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Eliminate the Sahagin    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 The Sahagin have inhabited the Nibelheim Sewers, but you should be able to
 eliminate them easily. Head through the sewer chamber to the barrier, then
 climb the ladder to your right.

 Once at the top, jump down into the main chamber and eliminate the Sahagin
 to obtain the Cardkey. Deactivate the western barrier and proceed into the
 next corridor.

 Enter the corridor and proceed to the larger room. Shoot down the Sahagins
 and enter the tunnel on your right. Proceed down the corridor and into the
 tunnel on your right. 

 Continue past the barrier and into the large chamber on your right. Access
 terminal on the gate mechanism, then return to the barrier in the previous

 Locate a small entryway across from the barrier and climb the ladder. This
 will bring you above the room with the gate mechanism. Access the terminal
 on the gate mechanism, then return to the lower level of this room. Follow
 the red wire to access the gate which you just opened, then proceed up the

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

You will now be centered in a warehouse in Nibelheim. Eliminate the enemies
in this area, then ride the elevator to the upper-most level. Head into the
corridor and attempt to access the stairs across the bridge. Once it closes,
attempt to return to the previous room. Several Soldiers will then rush out
from both sides and open fire.

Once you have eliminated the nearby Soldiers, head into the door you opened
and approach the elevator to initiate a cutscene.

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                       M A K O   R E A C T O R   0
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Once you have entered the Mako Reactor, ascend the stairs on your right and
jump over the pipes to begin your objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Sneak by the Soldiers    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Guard 1: Use the crate to sneak past the DG Soldier. He will patrol on the
          right side, so stick to the left. After you have reached the pipe,
          jump to the platform below and quickly hide behind the crate.

 Guard 2: Both DG Soldiers will patrol in-sync. Once the DG Soldier on your
          right has turned away from the other, stay behind him and head to
          the nearby crate.

 Guard 3: Climb down the ladder when the DG Soldier has turned to the other
          direction and proceed left.

 Guard 4: When the DG Soldier has turned from the explosive barrel, push it
          in his direction. This will eliminate the DG Soldier.

 Guard 5: Wait behind the crates. As soon as the DG Soldier on the right is
          towards the ladder, push the barrel towards the DG Soldier who is
          directly ahead.

 Cross to where you eliminated the DG Soldier and jump onto the crate. Jump
 off behind the robotic prototypes to initiate a cutscene.

 Guard 6: Stand behind the barrel to your left. Push the barrel once the DG
          Soldier has come into range.

 Return to where you eliminated Guard 6, then hide behind the barrel on the
 bridge. When a Soldier passes 6:00, quickly run behind him, then exit down
 the stairs to your left. Proceed down the stairs on your right to complete
 the objective.  

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                     M A N O R   O F   D E S P A I R
           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Proceed through the door directly ahead to a small room, then enter through
the next door to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Omega Report Files       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 File 1: Obtained as soon as your objective has begun.

 Proceed to the main corridor, continue to the end and enter the cave. This
 will eventually bring you to your next objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Destroy the Mines        /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Four mines have been planted and you have three minutes to destroy each of
 them. When you come close to a mine, you will hear a sound. After you have
 come close enough, it will emit an orange beam, prompting you to step back
 and shoot it.

 Once you have eliminated each mine, pick up the Cardkey and deactivate the

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Once you've reached the next area, press the switch to activate the central
platform. Step onto the platform, jump off to the other side, then continue
onward. Ascend the circular staircase, continue through the door at the top,
and then exit to the Mansion Foyer.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Omega Report Files       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 File 2: Western circular room in the Mansion Foyer. 

 File 3: Mansion Foyer. Enter down the eastern hallway and continue through
         the door. File 3 can be located behind the crates.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Proceed down the western hallway, enter the Kitchen, continue into the door
on your right, exit into the Storage Room, and then enter the room with the
large elevator. Exit to the hallway and enter through the door to your left
to initiate a cutscene.

After the cutscene, jump over the mines and back to the room with the large
elevator. Backtrack towards the Kitchen to encounter the Black Widow.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Black Widow    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 The easiest way to eliminate the Black Widow is to cast your Limit Breaker.
 If you cannot cast your Limit Breaker...

 The Black Widow has several attack which can be nearly impossibly to avoid.
 It's laser will strike you immeidately, so don't stand still. If it climbs
 onto a wall, shoot it down to temporarily stun it. When the Black Widow is
 down on the surface, keep moving or it will charge into you.

 That's all you need to know to eliminate the Black Widow. Like I said, you
 can easily defeat it by casting your Limit Breaker.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus / Hydra, Normal Barrel                                  |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                      D G   S T R I K E S   B A C K
           O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Shoot down the three robotic prototypes, then obtain the Cardkey. After you
deactivate the barrier, proceed down the path, clearing each Guard Hound as
they approach.

Clear the cave, including the Soldiers in the encampment below. Go into the
nearby cave and exit to WRO Headquarters.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Save the WRO Soldiers    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Shoot each of the explosive barrels near the DG Soliders quickly. Once you
 have eliminated the DG Soldiers, equip the Griffon on Long Barrel, destroy
 each DG Helicopter assaulting WRO Headquarters.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Obtain the Cardkey, then enter into WRO Headquarters. Proceed down the hall,
exit outside, eliminate all nearby DG Units, then continue through the west

Ascend the stairs on the other side, exit outside, eliminate all the nearby
Soldiers to obtain the Cardkey, then deactivate the barrier. Enter into the
darkened corridor to initiate a cutscene. Afterwards, eliminate the enemies
nearby, then ascend the stairs.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Black Widow 2  /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 This battle can literally end in seconds, simply eliminate the DG Soldiers
 and run down the stairs. Shoot it a couple times while it's still centered
 at the top of the stairs and you're done.

 The Black Widow has several attack which can be nearly impossibly to avoid.
 It's laser will strike you immeidately, so don't stand still. There is not
 much difference between the Black Widow in Nibelheim or WRO H/Q, only that
 it will now launch several rockets.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus / Hydra, Normal Barrel                                  |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Head through the main corridor and enter into the large room. Enter through
the door in the north-eastern corner, then proceed through the corridor and
down the stairs to the basement.

Start through the basement corridor to eventually encounter... Azul? You've
completed the chapter.

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                            T H E   S H E R A
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Enter into the corridor through the southern door and speak to Yuffie, then
continue to the end of the corridor. Enter through the door on your left to
initiate a cutscene.

Return into the corridor, then proceed to the first door on your left. Talk
to Reeve to continue the story.

After the cutscene, speak to Cid, Yuffie, Reeve, then Shelke. Head into the
door across the hall from Yuffie, continue downstairs, through the corridor,
then into the Engine Room. Attempt to exit and Vincent will have an episode.

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                       M I D G A R   A S S A U L T
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Turn into the opposite direction, proceed around the train to the right and
sneak behind the WRO Soldiers. Follow the WRO Soldiers into the train depot,
then shoot the explosive barrel to eliminate the nearby DG Soldiers.

Continue onward to encounter more WRO Soliders. After the cutscene you will
begin your objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Escort the WRO Soldiers    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Proceed deeper into the Sector 7 Slums, shoot down the three Soldiers that
 emerge from the nearby garage, then approach the WRO Soldier hiding behind
 the large crate in the distance. Once the WRO Soldier joins you, enter the

 Equip your Griffon, then start down the corridor and quickly eliminate the
 DG Soldiers on your left. Pick up the Cardkey and proceed past the barrier.

 Eliminate the DG Soldiers outside and continue down the stairs to initiate
 a cutscene.

 Return up the stairs you just came down, eliminate the three Soldier, then
 return down the stairs and clear the vicinity. Approach the barrier on the
 other side, shoot down the Guard, then deactivate the barrier and continue
 into the next area.

 Eliminate the Soldiers, then approach the barrier. Wait for the several of
 the robotic prototypes to attack and eliminate them with Fire Materia. Now
 obtain the Cardkey and proceed past the barrier to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Equip your Long Barrel, enter the Train Graveyard, shoot out the Soldier on
the tower, then enter the south-eastern train. Exit on the other side, then
proceed down the path, into the vicinity of the Train Graveyard.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Save the WRO Soldiers      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 This will be difficult mainly because the two Soldiers will die before the
 prompt disappears. Go around the crates on your left and eliminate all the
 Soldiers. Turn around, then cast Fire Materia to eliminate the Machine Gun

 Venture deeper into the Train Graveyard and do the same to the two Machine
 Guns that assault the nearby WRO Soldiers. Proceed into the next Graveyard,
 eliminate the Soldier, then proceed down the sidewalk to your left.

 Shoot the two Soldiers that approach, cross over to the central dock, jump
 onto the track, then exit the Graveyard.

 Continue around the corner, then enter the final Graveyard of the Sector 7
 Slums. Run along the train on your left, jump off to your right, head down
 the central walkway, then proceed into the southern-most train to initiate
 a cutscene. Exit the train, then proceed through the southern gate.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Boss Battle:  DG Commander      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Eliminate all the DG Units before attacking the Commander. After they have
 been eliminated, equip your Griffon and begin attacking the Commander. You
 should have more than enough time to deplete his health before he calls on
 more DG Units.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Griffon, Normal Barrel (Commander, Robotic Units)                |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal Barrel (Soldiers)                               |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Eliminate the DG Soldiers as you progress through the corridor. Exit on the
other side to reach a large Train Graveyard. (Okay, I lied earlier.)

Stay near the eastern wall until you reach the Mako Point. Jump through the
train across from the Mako Point, then continue down the path to your right
to initate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Boss Battle:  Shrikes           /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 You cannot stop moving in this battle. Once you have a Shrike targetd, you
 cannot let it go, so continue shooting it until it has been destroyed.

 Keep your Griffon equipped on Long Barrel and watch your health. You might
 require the use a lot of health-restoring items, depending on your current

 There is a train located at E-08 holding a Jukebox, so if you have the Gil,
 you can restock on items. This is also a great place that can be used as a

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Griffon / Hydra, Long Barrel                                     |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                    F I G H T   F O R   C E N T R A L
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Follow the WRO Soldiers to the initial three Soldiers. Eliminate them, then
obtain the Cardkey and deactivate the barrier. Enter into the next room and
eliminate the DG Soldiers. Shoot the explosive barrels or cast Fire Materia
to eliminate the DG Soldiers quickly.

Proceed down the walkway into the blue-lit corridor, access the machine gun
on your right, then shoot the incoming DG Soldiers. (Friendly fire will not

Pick up the Cardkey and continue into the door on your left. Deactivate the
barrier, then climb the ladder to the walkway above.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Avoid the Aerial Mines     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 You need to time this correctly! This is pretty simple, just avoid running
 past if one of the mines is too close. You are locked between each barrier
 for about three to five seconds and the mines cannot be shot down. There's
 a Soldier you need to shoot directly ahead once you are about halfway into
 the hallway.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Exit on the other side, then proceed up the stairs. Shoot down the Soldiers
in the corridor upstairs, then proceed onward.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Destroy the Robtoic Unit   /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Destroy the robotics with your Griffon, or cast your Materia to finish the
 objective quickly. Go up the stairs and turn right into the corridor. Kill
 the Soldier operating the Machine Gun, then climb up the ladder.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Proceed into the room on the right, eliminate the Soldiers, then deactivate
the barrier. Press the switch, then enter the elevator. Press the switch in
the elevator to be taken to the upper level.

Exit into the corridor and destroy the robotic unit. Head around the corner,
then up the nearby stairs to begin your next objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Eliminate the Robots       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 As you proceed toward the elevator, four Sentry Robots will come out. Cast
 your Materia to eliminate them, then enter the elevator to be taken to the
 upper level.

 Strafe left and right inside the elevator to avoid the missile while, then
 eliminate the Sentry Robots. After that, shoot down the two robotics ahead.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Continue into the next room, then through the door on the other side of the
wall to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Rosso the Crimson    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 You need to keep moving in this battle because Rosso is quite quick, has a
 lot of health, and packs a pretty decent punch. For the initial phase, run
 circles around the perimeter shooting her with your Cerberus. Make sure to
 keep clear of the nearby pits too, as they will be your disadvantage.

 You need to keep your distance from Rosso too, otherwise she'll dash up to
 you and perform a powerful combo. Once you've dealt enough damage to Rosso,
 she will raise the stakes.

 If you run low on health or ammunition, there are several white briefcases
 you can use to restock. There's also a Jukebox near where you entered.

 In phase two, Rosso will begin to throw several red spheres at you. Though
 they deal a considerable amount of damage, they are quite easily avoidable
 by jumping out of the way. The same will go for her electric ground tremor.
 Simply keep moving backwards away from Rosso and she will have a heck of a
 time trying to hit you.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal or Long Barrel                                  |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                      E M P I R E   I N   R U I N S
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Enter the Shinra Headquarters, eliminate the initial enemies, then continue
up the eastern staircase. Cross to the western staircase, clear out all the
Soldiers below, then continue to the third landing.

Drop down into the elevator shaft, then exit to reception. Descend down the
ladder on your left, then continue through the corridor to eventually reach
the Basement.

Eliminate the initial enemies, then proceed deeper through the corridor. In
the second room, eliminate the Soldiers that cross above, then head through
the door on your right.

Enter the room on your right, shoot down the bugs, proceed into the door on
your left, eliminate some more bugs, then enter into the hall on your left.
Continue past the Mako Point, shoot down the Soldiers, then enter the room
on your right.

Elimiante the enemies, then exit into the corridor. Go past the Jukebox and
into the next room, eliminate the Soldier, then enter the corridor ahead.

Head through the corridor and press the switch against the wall to open the
door. Enter into the next room to initiate a cutscene. Run into the chamber
you just opened and press the switch to close the door.

Continue through the remaining rooms, then down the final corridor to reach
a Mako Point. Enter the door beyond the Mako Point to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Black Widow 3    /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 *Yawn*, You're battling the same type of Black Widow, just a couple of new
 attacks. The Black Widow on top won't do much, but the other will shoot at
 you with several rapid attacks. This means you will need to run around the
 Black Widow in circles.

 The Black Widow on the bottom can be easily defeated by casting your Limit
 Breaker, though the other may be difficult to reach. Equip Griffon on your
 Normal Barrel, then while dodging the several bombs it dispenses, shoot it
 until it has been defeated.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus / Griffon, Normal Barrel                                |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After the battle, proceed into the elevator. After you've reached the upper
level, your objective will begin.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Find the DG Data Files     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 File 1: Behind the desk in the north-western room.

 File 2: Located in the Materia Exhibit.

 File 3: Found in the first Computer Lab at the bottom of the long elevator

 File 4: Found in the third Computer Lab at the bottom of the long elevator

 File 5: Found in the final Computer Lab at the bottom of the long elevator

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Start through the eastern door, shoot down the Shrikes before you cross the
bridge, then proceed into the door to reach the Crystal Exhibit. Shoot down
the enemies in the Crystal Exhibit and Materia Exhibit, then continue along
the long corridor. Approach the second bridge to initiate a cutscene. 

Proceed into the door on the other side of the bridge to reach the elevator,
then access the elevator to begin your next objective.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Destroy the Mines      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Rotate the camera as the elevator descends, shooting all the mines as they
 come into range. Make sure you stand in the center of the platform because
 they will explode.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After you've reached the bottom, exit through the south-western door, cross
the bridge, then head through the door ahead to reach the Computer Lab. Now
proceed through each room until you reach the corridor just past the fourth
Computer Lab.

Eliminate the Soldiers and robotic units, continue through the door located
at the end of the hall, cross the bridge, then access the elevator to reach
the vicinity below.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Destroy the Mines      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Rotate the camera as the elevator descends, shooting all the mines as they
 come into range. Make sure that you do not shoot them down too close, they
 will explode.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Once you reach the bottom, exit the elevator shaft, cross the bridge, enter
into the next corridor, then shoot down the enemies in the large room ahead.

The next series of room is quite simple. Your first large room will consist
of melee enemies, so just keep your distance and eliminate them. The second
room will consist of enemies holding rocket launchers. Target the explosive
barrels to eliminate them quickly, keeping your distance, then proceed into
the eastern corridor ahead.

Eliminate the robotic units and the Guard Hounds and enter through the door
ahead. Access the Jukebox, then head past the bridge to encounter Azul.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Neo Azul         /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Circle around the central column so Azul cannot see you. Strafe out, shoot
 him a couple times, then return behind the column. Unfortunately, you will
 not be perfectly safe doing this because once you return behind the column,
 Azul performs a shockwave that will damage you regardless of where you are.
 When Azul hits you, it's going to hurt, so don't act like a hero and think
 you can take him in one assault.

 Keep your distance from Azul too, because when you get too close, he kicks
 you, dealing incredible damage, so run away from him once he begins to run
 towards you.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal Barrel                                          |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                 S H I N R A ' S   D A R K   S E C R E T
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Before you venture towards the central complex, you need to eliminate eight
airborne enemies. This event triggers when you descend the second staircase,
just past the Jukebox. Once you've eliminated eight of the airborne enemies,
shoot down the enemy unit that approaches to obtain the Cardkey. Deactivate
the barrier at H-07.

Jump to the lower ledge, eliminate the nearby enemies, then continue onward.
Jump down to the bottom ledge, then proceed through the door ahead to reach
a corridor leading to the Outer Wall.

Shoot out the enemies on the stairs, then head onto the walkway to activate
the barrier. Step onto the balcony on your right, destroy the mines, obtain
the Cardkey, then deactivate the barrier.

Climb down the ladder, then proceed onward with caution. Eliminate the four
explosive barrels which drop from above, then descend the stairs, eliminate
the Soldier before he collects all the items, then climb down the ladder to
the walkway below.

When you have reached the Mako Point, turn around, then eliminate the Heavy
Armored Soldier. Aim towards the upper walkway behind you, eliminate all of
the Soldiers, then pick up the Cardkey from the Heavy Armored Soldier. Head
to the barrier and deactivate it.

Follow the walkway through the door ahead to encounter a new challenge. The
enemies here will be shielded, so your weapons will not work. Instead, your
only way of eliminating these enemies is to either attack them by melee, or
cast Materia. Once they've been eliminated, obtain the Cardkey and continue
through the south-western barrier.

In the next room, climb down a series of ladders until you reach the lowest
level of the complex.

Destroy the crates to obtain the Cardkey, then head two levels up to return
to the barrier. Deactivate the barrier, then jump down to the walkway below
and continue into the door ahead.

STOP! Proceed with caution through this next corridor because there will be
two traps located at the entrance and near the exit. After you have reached
the next room, jump onto the tram to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Tram Trouble           /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Keep a close eye on your surroundings, because several enemies come at you
 to block your entrance to the reactor.

 In the initial area, shoot the Soldiers, not the trams, then switch to the
 Hydra and eliminate the aircrafts. You will also have several Snipers that
 will be attempting to shoot you down from the surrounding buildings.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Once you have come to the end of the tram, begin through the corridor ahead,
then once the walkway collapses, drop to the surface below.

Eliminate the Soldiers as you progress down the walkway on your right, then
head down the stairs and along the rooftops to enter the nearby building.

Deactivate the barrier inside, then continue down to the lower level. Shoot
down the enemies that appraoch, pick up the Cardkey, deactivate the barrier
behind you, eliminate the Heavy Armored Soldier, then obtain the Cardkey to
deactivate the next barrier.

Exit through the door directly ahead of you and shoot down all the Soldiers
as you make your way to the street below.

Equip the Long Barrel and eliminate the Snipers, then enter the dark tunnel
and pick up the Blast Machine Gun. Attempt to exit the dark tunnel to start
an event.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Hound Eradication      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 Several Guard Hounds will begin to approach but they can all be eliminated
 quickly with the Blast Machine Gun.

 This will become somewhat troublesome if the Guard Hounds manage to gather
 together. Each Guard Hound will only deal a small amount of damage, but it
 will take big number off your health guage if they begin to attack Vincent
 in large quantities.

 Once you have eliminated the Gaurd Hounds, pick up the Cardkey and proceed
 back onto the street.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Ascend the stairs, eliminate the Snipers, obtain the Cardkey located on the
crate behind you, then proceed to the end of the alleyway and eliminate the
Rocket Launchers.

Once in the next room, drop down to the ledge below, cross the bridge, then
continue up the staircase. Access the machine gun nearby to begin your next

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Enemy Assault          /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 You'll be assaulted by Snipers from the distant building, as well as a few
 robotic units, including Aerial Mines. Your objective is to keep them from
 swarming towards you, keep your health sufficient, and don't hold back, as
 you have unlimited ammo.

 From time to time, make sure that you pop a health potion. This battle may
 last a while and you're not invulnerable.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

Return towards the stairs in the direction you came from and deactivate the
barrier at the end of the walkway. Eliminate the Soldiers, then descend the
stairs to the muddy waters below.

Proceed past the eastern stairs, then into the alley on your right. Head up
the stairs in the distance, then cross the bridge. Shoot down the onslaught
of Soldiers, obtain the Cardkey, deactivate the barrier, then proceed ahead
to initiate a cutscene.

Ascend the stairs to the upper-most level, eliminate the onslaught of enemy
units, pick up the Cardkey, then deactivate the barrier. Head up the stairs
and enter through the door.

Don't shoot the mines! Instead, sneak past or jump over them, then locate a
Cardkey at the end of the walkway. Deactivate the barrier, jump past all of
the crates, avoiding the Aerial Mines, pick up the Cardkey, then deactivate
the next barrier.

Avoid the explosive barrels on the side, continue down the walkway, pick up
the Cardkey, then deactivate the next barrier. Head through the door to the
left, eliminate the enemy units, descend the stairs, then drop off a nearby
ledge to reach the village ruins below.

Exit out the door at the base of the building, eliminate the enemy Soldiers,
pick up the Cardkey, then deactivate the northern barrier. Before you enter
the building, stand on the ledge that overlooks the area below and gain the
surprise attack by shooting down the enemies in the distance. Continue into
the building where you deactivated the barrier, begin down the stairs, then
exit outside and eliminate the enemy units.

Drop down to the left, enter the muddy waters, continue through the eastern
tunnel, then out the small passage on your left. Proceed onward through the
door, eliminate the two Soldiers, head to the end of the tunnel, then climb
the ladder on your left.

Obtain the Cardkey, then climb the second ladder. Shoot the second crate to
locate another Cardkey, jump off the roof to your left to reach the surface
below, then continue up the hill to reach an area which practically screams

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Nero             /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 You can practically dance through this fight without even taking a scratch
 of damage. Simply strafe in a circular motion around Nero. His attack will
 be pretty basic, you just can't let him corner you, otherwise he will have
 the advantage.

 When the screen begins to darken, you will be faced with three Neros. They
 will all be able to attack and deal damage, so equip the Griffon and begin
 assaulting Nero. It doesn't matter which one you attack because every time
 you deal damage, it will inflict damage on the real Nero.

 When Nero has reached half health, he will gain a new attack which prompts
 a circular spin. This can easily be avoided, just don't allow Nero to come
 too close.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus, Normal Barrel (Nero)                                   |
|  Equip: Griffon, Normal Barrel (Nero x3)                                 |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                       M A K O   R E A C T O R   0
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

Proceed around the corner, then up the stairs. Eliminate the Soldiers, jump
on top of the pipe, target the Soldier behind the large tube directly ahead,
then jump/shoot to eliminate him. Continue down the walkway to your left to
reach a second pipe. Jump over the pipe and proceed down the walkway to the
right, ignoring the two Soldiers because they cannot be killed. Quickly run
down the stairs and enter through the next two doors to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Defeat the Gargoyles     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 This is just like the previous area. You will need to target each Gargoyle
 in the region and shoot them down, but the rails will make it difficult to
 do so. You MAY need to jump/shoot to eliminate the targeted Gargoyle.

 When you've descended the second to last staircase, target the Soldier who
 is standing on the upper walkway connected to the central structure, shoot
 him down, then proceed through the door ahead.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

In the next large room, descend down the ladder, kill the two sentry robots,
then head down the walkway to the initial pipe, eliminating the one Soldier
on your left.

Kill the two Soldiers at the first two pipes, then kill the Rocket Launcher
in the distance. Make sure you do it from a distance, otherwise you will be
locked in with a Rocket Launcher and several bugs.

Pick up the Cardkey, deactivate the barrier, then proceed to the end of the
walkway. Eliminate the beetle on the large pipe to your right, then proceed
down the series of pipes to the platform below. Continue west to the end of
the walkway, then climb down to the large platform below.

Collect all the boxes, eliminate the beetles, obtain the Cardkey, then head
to the barrier and deactivate it. Enter through the next two doors to reach
a large room.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Defeat the Gargoyles 2   /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 This is just like the previous area. You will need to target each Gargoyle
 in the region and shoot them down, but the rails will make it difficult to
 do so. You MAY need to jump/shoot to eliminate the targeted Gargoyle.

 There will be a machine at the bottom of the initial staircase, but it may
 be easier simply shooting them with your Cerberus on Long Barrel. When you
 have reached the end of the walkway, proceed through the door to reach the
 next large room.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Shoot the Rocket Launchers   /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 They're all bunched together, but you cannot kill them. Instead, eliminate
 the sentry robot that approaches, hide behind the initial pillar, then run
 quickly to the second pillar.

 Hide behind the second pillar, elimiante the sentry robot, then run to the
 third pillar. Do the same to reach the last pillar, then leave through the
 door. (Don't waste your MP...)

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Defeat the Gargoyles 2   /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 This is just like the previous area. You will need to target each Gargoyle
 in the region and shoot them down, but the rails will make it difficult to
 do so. You MAY need to jump/shoot to eliminate the targeted Gargoyle.

 This time, I would suggest that you equip your Thunder Materia because the
 Gargoyles will come in an enormous flock. There's a Mako Point by the exit,
 should you need one.

 There will be a machine gun about halfway through this room, but I suggest
 using Thunder Materia or your Machine Gun / Blast Machine Gun.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

When you have reached the exit, proceed into the next room, then melee down
the Soldier in front of you quickly before the other has pushed the machine
gun to the end of the walkway.

After the first Soldier has been eliminated, obtain the Cardkey, deactivate
the barrier, then head halfway down the walkway, stopping at the console on
your left. Jump into the air and shoot down the Soldier that is pushing the
machine gun. Once this has been done, exit through the door ahead.

Enter through the next door either with caution, or a Limit Break. Kill the
Soldiers on the other side of the door quickly, otherwise it will be harder.
Should you fail, crouch under the pipe, kill the initial Soldier, head into
the next room, jump over the next pipe, then kill the two other Soldiers.

When you've entered the next room, quickly hug the wall on your left. Since
the Soldiers here have shields, you will need to kill them with either your
Limit Break, or your Materia. All the Soldiers will be on the walkway above

Once they have been eliminated, enter the next room, kill the beetles, then
pick up the Cardkey. Deactivate the barrier to the right of the entrance of
this room, then proceed into the next room.

The Soldiers here will begin shooting from above, but will jump down to the
floor. While they're above, either attack them with Materia, or switch into
a Limit Break. When they jump down to the floor, start assaulting them with
basic melee attacks. The amount of Soldiers will appear endless, so proceed
into the central-eastern door, access the wall console, then enter into the
next room to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Dragonfly PT     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 You have several targets to shoot down here. First, shoot the Gargoyles by
 casting Thunder Materia, and the sentry robots with basic weapon fire. The
 sentry robots can drop various items that can be used to assist you in the

 The Dragonfly's rockets deal quite a bit of damage, so you need to stay on
 the move to avoid enemy fire. Your main target is the Dragonfly, but if it
 is out of range, you need to focus your attacks on the Gargoyles or robots
 roaming the area with a weapon other than the Blast Machine Gun or Rifle.

 Use the side pillars to hide from the rockets if needed. This will prevent
 enemy fire from the Dragonfly, but only if that pillar is on the same side
 as the Dragonfly.

 The Dragonfly will spend a lot of time behind the central structure, which
 is enough to make you scream. At that time, you will want to focus on both
 the Gargoyles and sentry robots. Simply repeat this process until you have
 defeated the Dragonfly.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Thunder Materia (Gargoyles)                                      |
|  Equip: Blast Machine Gun or Rifle, Long Barrel (Dragonfly PT)           |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After you've defeated the Dragonfly, access the console on the wall next to
where the barrier previously stood, begin through the corridor, then follow
the Soldier to reach a larger group of Soldiers. Eliminate them, then enter
through the door on your left to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Arachnero        /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Shoot the shield to destroy it, but it will only disappear for a couple of
 seconds. This doesn't give you much time at all to shoot Nero. Once you've
 deactivated the shield, switch to your Blast Machine Gun and quickly shoot
 Nero until the shield has come back up.

 At that point, target a crystal that is activating the shield and shoot it
 down. As you repeat this process, you will notice that the environment has
 become more difficult, so keep a watchful eye on your surroundings.
 With that said, begin running around the platform in a circular motion and
 don't stop, otherwise the crystals will shoot you down, and they can cause
 quite a bit of damage. When they have been destroyed, eliminate the shield
 protecting Nero.

 He will then plunge down below and back onto the floating platform. Do not
 stop circling around the perimeter, as this creates several fireballs that
 will be coming regularly. Some time later, the crystals will respawn again,
 prompting you to start back from destroying the crystals.

 After you have brought Nero down to 50% HP, Nero will plunge down into the
 lava and Phase 1 will end.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus (Shield)                                                |
|  Equip: Blast Machine Gun, Long Barrel (Nero)                            |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Gorgonero        /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 The bad part about this is that he has probably consumed most of the items
 you brought into this battle.

 When Nero spawns in the distance, equip the Hydra or Cerberus and shoot at
 him. If he spawns right next to you, hold off on the ammo and perform your
 basic melee attacks.

 You'll only get one shot, and he will attack the moment he forms, so after
 you've located his circle of darkness, shoot him the moment you get a lock,
 otherwise he will shoot you several times. This can become a pain when you
 run low on Potions.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus or Hydra (Distance)                                     |
|  Equip: Melee, (Close)                                                   |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

After the battle, talk to Yuffie, buy some supplies at the Jukebox, then go
down to the door that Nero entered through.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Weiss            /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 Just die... Save your ammo... Save your Potions.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Weiss 2          /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 The most complicating part of this battle is his Agility. Equip your Hydra
 or Cerberus, use the nearby pods to shield yourself, and don't stop moving
 around the room. Shoot Weiss while running in the opposite direction. This
 will ensure that you don't take as much damage as you possibly could.

 Be careful that you don't trap yourself in the corner, otherwise Weiss may
 take that chance to his advantage. If you get too close, Weiss performs an
 incredibly powerful shockwave that has knockback and causes lots of damage.
 This is when you need to back away and perform a double-jump. Watch for it
 when he jumps into the air.

 When he spins his swords around, he's invincible, but you need to move out
 of his way, otherwise the attack will hit you hard.

 When he transports to the central platform, run around the room quickly in
 a circular motion to avoid his powerful energy attack.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Cerberus or Hydra                                                |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                      O M E G A   A N D   C H A O S
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

You have an extrmely powerful weapon which can eliminate all enemies in one
blow. Simply follow the path, target an enemy, then shoot it. Simply follow
the path forward until you drop down to the inside of a large pipe, proceed
towards the darkened area of the tunnel, then exit out to the right. Follow
the path to eventually initiate a cutscene.

You'll eventually arrive in a large complex. Begin around the corner and up
the stairs, then follow the path to a large outdoor warehouse. Start up the
stairs on the right, cross the walkway, circle around the pillar, climb the
stairs to the platform above, then eliminate all the enemies which approach
to initiate a cutscene.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
/  Objective: Omega Report Files       /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 File 4: Pick it up at the end of this circular pillar, located just before
         the stairs, prior to your encounter with the rest of the AVALANCHE

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

When you enter Omega, you will be unable to turn around, so you can't shoot
the enemies attacking from behind. Instead, attack them after they come out
in front of Vincent while avoding the lasers from behind. This will start a
cutscene when you have progressed to next area.

Shoot the enemies in the next area to be automatically taken ahead. At that
point, follow the path to the top of the room to return outside.

Shoot the enemies in your way, following the stream of light until you have
reached the head of Omega.

             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O
                     A   F I N A L E   C H A O T I C
             O - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Crystal Feelers  /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 For this, you need to stand by one of the Crystal Feelers. As soon as they
 open, step inside the glimmering one quickly and strike it in melee combat
 to destroy it. Shoot the enemies using the Death Penalty, then repeat this
 process until the Omega Cocoon has rised to the top.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Death Penalty                                                    |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Omega Cocoon     /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 You'll be focusing more on the enemies attacking you than the Cocoon. This
 is because of the fact that too many can become quite annoying. Bring them
 down to smaller numbers, then take a few hits at the Cocoon. Be careful of
 the invisible buildings in t his area, as they will block you from getting
 an accurate shot.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Death Penalty                                                    |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O
/  Boss Battle:  Omega Weiss      /
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= O

 The battle is simple! Avoid the lasers by strafing left and right shooting
 at Weiss with your Death Penalty. You will also sometimes deal more damage
 at a greater distance.

 The surrounding platforms will elevate, which may block you from venturing
 down the path you wish to go. If it happens, strafe the other way, but you
 cannot get close to Omega or he will pretty much crush you. 

 He may eventually transport high above the arena, casting a powerful laser
 that will pretty much remove what's left of your health. Drink a Potion to
 bring your health up or you will die. Fortunately, this happens when he is
 at low health, so you shouldn't have to see it a second time.

 One final note about Omega Weiss, halfway through the battle he will begin
 sending a ton of disk fragments in your direction. Shoot them down or they
 will deal a string of damage. You need all your health potions for the end.

O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O
|                                                                          |
|  CUSTOMIZABLE OPTIONS                                                    |
|                                                                          |
|  Equip: Death Penalty                                                    |
|                                                                          |
O =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- O

 You have beaten Dirge of Cerberus! Congratulations.


       Coming Soon!



Q:      May I use this Game Guide on my website?
A:      Please send all requests to Undernet01@Shaw.ca. I will personally
        e-mail anybody who publishes this Game Guide on their website who
        did not request consent from me.

Q:      May I add my own information to this Game Guide?
A:      I will review suggestions and answer questions or comments. Submit
        your suggestions, questions, or comments to Undernet01@Shaw.ca.

Q:      May I copy this Game Guide as a template for my own?
A:      You may copy the template only within reason. Please make sure to
        provide credit to "Aaron21" or "Aaron Busch".

Q:      Is this Game Guide for the American or Japanese version?
A:      American.

Q:      What is does the Chain Gauge do?
A:      You total damage will multiply based on your successive Chain Combo

Q:      Questions / Concerns, Who may I contact?
A:      Please! 9 / 10 your question will be within the Game Guide. If the
        information you seek has been stated within the Game Guide, I will
        respond with, "Check the Game Guide". If your question hasn't been
        stated within the Game Guide, please e-mail Undernet01@Shaw.ca

Q:      What happened to the Treasure Chest Section?
A:      After realizing some item locations were random, while others I had
        missed out on completely, I'd removed the Items & Locations Section
        because of the amount of unnecessary data space that was being used.
        Items of importance have been stated in the Walkthrough.


        Coming Soon!

Upcoming Releases
Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
Inspired by the beauty of the natural world around us, Everwild is a brand-new game in development from Rare where unique and unforgettable experiences await in a natural and magical world. Play as an Eternal as you explore and build bonds with the world around you.
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.