Tomb Raider: Legend FAQ/Walkthrough

============================== Tomb Raider Legend =============================
================================= Walkthrough =================================
==================================== FAQ ======================================
================================= Version 0.3 =================================
=============================== - Copyright - =================================
============================ - Mister FANTASTIC - =============================
======================== - - =========================
================================== - 2006 - ===================================


  April 17, 2006 ................................................ Version 0.3
                    í‚° Completed the Outfits in the EAXTRAS section
                    í‚° Added some ARTAFACT locations in the Manor.
                    í‚° Added Nepal - The Ghalali Key
  April 14, 2006 ................................................ Version 0.2
                    í‚° Made some Lay-Out Changes
                    í‚° Added Ghana - Persuing James Rutland
                    í‚° Added some info on the outfits
  April 11, 2006 ................................................ Version 0.1
                    í‚° Added Bolivia - Tiwanaku
                    í‚° Added Peru - Return to Paraiso
                    í‚° Added Japan - Meeting with Takamoto
                    í‚° Added Bolivia - The looking glass
                    í‚° Added list of Extra's
                    í‚° Added Boss Strategies
                    í‚° Added About the game section


                               Table of Contents

  I. In Advance (100%)
     I.1 - About me....................................................(00001)
     I.2 - Copyrights..................................................(00002)

  II. About the game (100%)
     II.1 - Controls...................................................(00003)
     II.2 - Load Level.................................................(00004)
     II.3 - Saving.....................................................(00005)
     II.4 - Time Trial.................................................(00006)
     II.5 - Weapons....................................................(00007)

  III. Walkthrough (70%)
     III.1 - Bolivia - Tiwanaku........................................(00008)
     III.2 - Peru - Return to Paraiso..................................(00009)
     III.3 - Japan - Meeting with Takamoto.............................(00010)
     III.4 - Ghana - Persuing James Rutland............................(00011)
     III.5 - Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek.............................(00012)
     III.6 - England - King Arhur's Tomb?..............................(00013)
     III.7 - Nepal - The Ghalali Key...................................(00014)
     III.8 - Bolivia - The Looking Glass...............................(00015)
     III.9 - England - Croft Manor.....................................(00016)

  IV. Extras (90%)
     IV.1 - Credits....................................................(00017)
     IV.2 - Cinematics.................................................(00018)
     IV.3 - Character Profiles.........................................(00019)
     IV.4 - Location Concepts..........................................(00020)
     IV.5 - Object Models..............................................(00021)
     IV.6 - Outfits....................................................(00022)
     IV.7 - Pistol Upgrades............................................(00023)
     IV.8 - Special....................................................(00024)

  V. Hidden Artefacts (10%)
     V.1 - Bronze......................................................(00025)
     V.2 - Silver......................................................(00026)
     V.3 - Gold........................................................(00027)

  VI. Boss Strategies (100%)
     V.1 - Takamoto....................................................(00028)
     V.2 - James Rutland...............................................(00029)
     V.3 - Mystic Creature.............................................(00030)
     V.4 - Hydra.......................................................(00031)
     V.5 - Amanda......................................................(00032)

  VII. Contact

  VIII. Credits

...............................I.IN ADVANCE....................................

 I.1 - About me........................................................(00001)

  Name: Joeri Crauwels
  Date of Birth: 7 January 1984
  Location: Hever (Flanders)
  Country: Belgium
  Education: Bachelor Teacher
            (History - English - Computer Science)

 I.2 - Copyrights......................................................(00002)

 Writing a Walkthrough/FAQ takes up a lot of time and effort. That's why one
 simply can't steal stuff like this. Guides like this one are protected by
 international copyrights thanks to publication on Hence,
 it is illegal to take this guide to claim it as your own or to make profit
 from it without my permission.

 This walkthrough can only be found at the following locations:

 .............................II.ABOUT THE GAME...............................

 The game came out here in Europe on Friday, April 7th. I got the game that
 morning and I completely finished it Saturday evening. I then took Sunday
 to obtain all the items and do all the time trials. (I just need to time
 trial Kazakhstan.) I'm saying this because I'm getting e-mails from people,
 who think, and accuse me of using guides and help of friends to beat the
 game and obtain the items. But truly, that was not the case. The game is
 easy as pie, the puzzles are limited and pretty obvious and the items are
 very logical to find. The bronze ones are just on your path, the silver ones
 are mostly hidden up a staircase or in a crate and the golden ones are
 always connected to the main puzzle of a level. So as you can see, with
 just some thinking, it is all very easy to figure out. The only thing I
 needed help for was the golden item at the manor. For that I consulted the
 gamefaqs message boards.

 II.1 - Controls.......................................................(00003)

 On Foot:
     O..................................................Roll / Drop down
     []...................................................Grappling hook
     /...............................Speed up current action / Interact
     L1.................................................Lock onto target
     L2......................................Centre Camera / Display HUD
     R2......................................Throw grenade / Throw Flare
     up..................................................Use Health Pack
     down.................................................Switch Weapons
     start....................................................Pause Menu
     left analogue stick.......................................Move Lara
     right analogue stick..............................Manipulate Camera
     R3.......................................................Manual Aim

     /...........................................Shoot prompted targets
     L1.........................Lock onto nearest target / Cycle targets

     [].............................................Decelerate / Reverse
     R1.......................................................Raise fork
     R2.......................................................Lower fork

 Special moves:
    O, O, O, O, O.................................Acrobatic forward jump
    X, X, X, X, X.................................Acrobatic forward jump
    X, Forward + O.............................................Swan dive
    O while running at a human foe........................Sliding tackle
    X, X when next to a human foe............................Bullet Time
    / while in the air near human foe.......................Aerial kick
    / while locked on to human target..............................Kick
    [] wile locked on to human target............................Grapple
    X while next to human target.........................Jump off target
    O while hanging on platform................................Handstand

 II.2 - Load Level.....................................................(00004)

 The game offers you the possibility to replay any level you want. This way
 you can collect items that you may have missed earlier to expand your
 collection of extras. It also allows you to play with any of the unlocked
 Load level can be found in the main screen under load. The select the load
 level option. You will be prompted to select a saved game. You can now
 choose any of the levels that you have finished so far. In the next screen
 you can choose the difficulty and the outfit. During a replay of a level
 you get the option to save your rewards, just like at the Croft Manor. This
 will not make you loose your current position. It just adds the found
 artefacts, and the extra's that are connected to the artefacts, to the
 system data. So feel free to save over your last save file. No worries!

 II.3 - Saving.........................................................(00005)

 There are two kinds of data. Your current position and system data. The
 current position is to determine where you are in the game. The system data
 holds your unlocked rewards and system settings.
 There are also two ways of saving. One is just saving, which saves your
 current position. The other one is save rewards, which saves the data about
 the unlocked rewards. Saving data does NOT affect your current position.
 This means it's perfectly safe to replay an earlier mission, unlock it's
 secrets and then save over the current position of another level.

 II.4 - Time Trial.....................................................(00006)

 Tim Trial becomes available when you've completed a level. Choose Load Level
 and select Time Trial as a difficulty. The game difficulty will then be
 set to normal. You must now try to finish the level within the given time
 limit. If you fail, the level will start over again. Cut scenes do not count
 towards your time, so don't worry. A tip: speed up on as many actions as
 you can by using the triangle button and don't waste your time fighting foes
 when you can simply run past them. Also, the codes are available during
 time trial. I suggest you Time Trial the last level first and use that code
 so you can one-hit-kill all the enemies and even most of the bosses.

 II.5 - Weapons........................................................(00007)

    |                  | Distance  efficiency     | Mag.   | Max.   |
    | Weapon           | Short  | Medium | Long   | Size   | Ammo   |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | Handguns         | 100%   | 70%    | 5%     | 15 x 2 | N/A    |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | Shotgun          | 100%   | 50%    | 0%     | 5      |        |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | SMG              | 100%   | 100%   | 30%    |        |        |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | Assault Rifle    | 100%   | 100%   | 100%   | 30     | 120    |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | Grenade Launcher | 30%    | 100%   | 100%   | 5      |        |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | Grenade          | 0%     | 100%   | 100%   | N/A    | 4      |
    |                  |        |        |        |        |        |
    | Excalibur        | 100%   | 100%   | 100%   | N/A    | N/A    |


 III.1 - Bolivia - Tiwanaku............................................(00008)

 GOLD: 1

 You start of with a cut scene. It shows us our heroine at early age. She is
 in an airplane with her mother. Unfortunately the airplane crashes somewhere
 in Peru. The game then switches to the present day. We see Lara doing some
 crazy climbing. Via her headset, Lara gets commentary from Zip and Allister
 who form Lara's research and technical support team.

 Once you finally gain control over Lara it's time to get this party started.
 Run forward and jump over the gap. Run to the left and run into the shade.
 There you should be able to find a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now, take a swim. Climb
 out on the other side and climb up the ledge. Press the triangle button to
 grab the rock after which you press forward to push the rock off the cliff.
 Don't jump over the now available gap just yet. Instead, drop down to find a
 BRONZE ARTEFACT. Once you picked it up, make you way back up to where you
 pushed down that rock and jump over the gap.
 From here, you can climb a rock upwards. When you reach the top, jump sideways
 to your right. Do the same again to end up on a platform. From the platform
 here you must jump to the rope hanging in front of you. Do so. Instead of
 swinging forward, rotate Lara so she faces her left. You should be able to
 see another cave. Swing towards that one. Once Lara has reached the highest
 point of swinging, jump of the rope to make the jump safely.
 In the cave turn on your flashlight. Without it, it's impossible to see
 anything. Follow the tunnel and you'll come by a SILVER ARTEFACT. Take it
 jump down at the end of the tunnel. Don't go right because you'll end up at
 the rope again. So, turn left instead and run out of this tunnel. From here,
 jump to the platform in front of you. Climb up and the camera will
 automatically take over to show you a gap that can be used to shimmy towards
 the waterfall. Do so by grabbing the gap. Shimmy to the left around the
 corners. When you reached the end, you must jump backwards to reach a rock
 next to the waterfall. Climb up and stay to the left of the water. In front
 of you is a large stone that will start rolling when you approach it. So be
 careful and stay to the left side to make it roll right by without harming
 you. Run to where the boll used to be and look out for a rock on your right
 side. From this rock you can jump to the branch in front of you. Shimmy a bit
 to the left and then start swinging across to the waterfall. Grab a hold of
 the rock and shimmy to the right. Jump sidewards past the water and a short
 scene will follow.

 Jump up and run to the guard. Open fire and drop him. Pick up anything he
 might have dropped, which probably is a health pack. Run forward and around
 the corner to your left should be a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Take a look around.
 Do you see the branch and the rock on the platform behind it? Walk to the
 end of the branch and jump up to grab a ledge. Shimmy around the corner and
 climb up the platform. Approach the rock and push it off. Now jump off
 yourself. The rock has fallen on the end of the branch. A piece of this
 branch can now be used to swing to the rock at the waterfall. Do so and
 climb up the rock. Run forward and you should see a large circular tablet in
 front of you. Use your grappling hook on it to make it fall and clear a
 passage. Run through and you should see another small scene.

 Run up to the guards and open fire. Kill them and pick up their items. Now
 face the water. There should be a elevated rock in front of the water. From
 that rock, you can jump to a ledge behind the water. Do so and quickly
 shimmy to the left. Quickly because a piece of the ledge will fall. If you
 fall down again, no worries since you can always get back to the ledge and
 jump past the broken part. When you reached the far left, jump backwards to
 the pole and start swinging. Jump of and grab the gap at the strut. Climb
 around the corner and jump to Lara's left. Climb up the ledge here.
 Look around and you'll see a rope and a platform on the other side. Instead
 of jumping to the platform on the far right corner, use the rope to swing
 to the water. When you jump, you'll jump through the water and end up in an
 alcove where you can pick up a nice BRONZE REWARD.

 Now, go to the ledge and use it to shimmy to the platform. From here, you
 can swing to a pole. From that pole you can swing to another one and then to
 a platform. When you reach the platform you will get into another fight
 with a single guard. Once he's dead, follow your route and jump of the gap.
 You won't make it, so quickly press X again to use the grappling hook. You
 can now safely swing to the other side. Run around the corner, stop and look
 at where you came from. You should be able to see a BRONZE ARTEFACT. While
 looking at it, use the grappling hook to claim the prize. Now, continue your
 route until a cut scene follows.

 You can press the triangle button to fire at some rocks which will cause
 them to start rolling down and crush the two guards down there. So do so and
 then slide down. Run straight forward and a bit to the right to pick up
 another BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now go to the left and kill the guard that will
 appear on the ledge in front of you. Continue upwards and use the rope
 to swing to the other side. Here you will encounter six more guards. Kill
 them all and claim the items they drop. Before you enter the temple you
 must first pick up a SILVER ARTEFACT. To get it, shoot the small unstable
 wall on the left side in this area. Once you've got that artefact, you may
 enter the temple.

 A cut scene will follow. Once it's over, walk inside the temple. You will
 eventually see some small rock in front of you. Kick one of them by hitting
 the triangle button. The floor in front of you will now disappear. That's
 a good thing though. Jump to where the floor once was and press X again to
 use the grappling hook. You should make it to the other side safely.
 Run up the stairs and eventually the camera will take over again to show
 you some chains. Do not climb them yet. Instead, go in the narrow passage on
 your left. Here you can pick up a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now you can climb up the
 middle chain. From here, make sure you have your back to the left chain.
 Press jump and Lara should grab it. The chain will slowly start moving
 downwards, so climb. Have your back to the middle chain and once you've
 climbed above the obstacle on the middle chain, jump to the middle chain.
 Now have your back towards the ledge and jump. On the other side of the
 ledge is another chain. Jump towards it and slide down.
 Follow the path and jump into the water. Keep an eye out for the surface
 and get out of the water as soon as you can. You will then find a platform
 with a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Grab it, jump back into the water and follow the
 underwater passage. Get out at the end.

 Follow the hallway and be prepared to take out a leopard. Once it's dead,
 walk to the two giant boulders that keep moving to each other. Stand in front
 of them and once the gap appears quickly run forward. When they will crush
 you, use a forward roll to get out. At the other end you can find a cage.
 Grab it and push it forward to the next boulders. As long as you keep pushing
 the cage, the boulders can't crush you. So use that to your advantage to
 make it across safely. Follow the new path and you'll end up in a big room.

 Hooray, this is your first puzzle! This is how it works. There are three
 pressure switches and three boxes. Putting the boxes on the switches will open
 up the gate. The first box is just to your right, but the other boxes are
 on the lower floor. Start by dragging the box to your right to the nearby
 pressure switch. Do not drag it on the switch though. Now jump down to the
 lower floor and be prepared to kill another leopard. Once it's dead you
 must drag the box on the right side of the lower floor to the left side.
 There you can see a large flat stone with another cage under it. Drag that
 one cage next to the cage under the stone. Then drag the cage under stone
 from underneath it. The stone will now fall and form a ramp. Drag one box on
 the tip of the ramp. Climb the upper floor and run to the centre part. From
 here, jump on the back of that big flat stone to launch the crate in the air.
 If you did it correctly, the crate will end up on the upper part of the room.
 Now go to where the crate landed and drag it to the centre pressure switch.
 Repeat the process with the ramp with the other box. Now that the boxes are
 all on the upper floor, it's time to move them to where they belong.
 However, since we want the GOLDEN ARTEFACT, we will do things a bit
 differently. Anyways, push the box on the left side on the left pressure
 switch. Now do the same for the right one and the middle one. A cut scene
 will show you that the door has opened. Do not leave yet, we will need to
 adjust the mechanism a bit to be able to get our precious GOLDEN ARTEFACT.
 To do so, go to the centre box and drag it of the pressure switch. Do the same
 for the right box. Now, push the middle box back onto the pressure switch. Go
 to the right box and keep looking at the rotating mechanism on the right side.
 You need to make it turn 180í‚°. When it's almost halfway around, thus 180í‚°,
 push the box on the pressure switch again. The locks should appear locking the
 mechanism in a stance of 180í‚°. Since it didn't get a chance to go around
 fully, the door only opened halfway. And that is exactly what we want.
 Now, make your way to the gate by climbing the chain on the left side and then
 jumping to the ledge, vaulting up and climbing via the pole over the slope.
 When you're at the gate, don't go through, but climb up on either of the
 ledges, left or right, from the gate. From here you can jump to ledges on the
 gate itself. Climb upwards and there it is, the first GOLDEN ARTEFACT.
 Once you have that, climb back down. Go to the left and jump up to grab the
 ledge. Shimmy to the right and climb up. Go over the slope and you'll find
 a SILVER ARTEFACT. Now, go all the way back to the gate and crawl under it.
 Your first interactive cut scene will follow. So, keep your fingers on the
 controls and be prepared to hit the prompted buttons.

 During the scene, you might have noticed something shiny. We'll get to that
 in a bit. But first, continue up to a ledge. Pop out an assault rifle if you
 have it and try to shoot the leopard that's in the room down below. If you
 can't hit it from here, you'll have to climb down and face it. Once the
 *****cat is dead go stand at the wall where you entered this room. There
 should be a big rock that you can push forwards. Do so until you can't move
 anymore. Release the rock and follow the dark path to your right. Turn on
 your flashlight if you need to. At the end of the passage you will see that
 shiny thing you saw just a few moments ago... a shiny SILVER ARTEFACT.
 Run back to the previous room and go right up the small rock. From here, face
 the left side of the room and jump to that creepy looking. It will rotate.
 Jump forward and it will rotate again. Jump to the next one, which will
 rotate, and you should be facing a wall. Jump to the wall and grab the
 ledge. Shimmy to the right and jump to grab the next ledge to your right.
 Keep shimmying until a pole is right behind you. Jump backwards and grab
 that pole. It will rotate. Start swinging and jump forward. You'll end up
 in a small alcove with the last SILVER ARTEFACT. Now, drop down and repeat
 all of the above again. But instead of jumping onto that last pole to get
 to the alcove, jump to reach the ledge above you. Now shimmy to the right and
 around the corner. Drop down on the platform. Climb up on the higher
 platform at the end of this one. Follow the path until the end. Another
 cut scene will follow.

 Immediately start running forward. Be ready to jump when you need to since
 this bridge is about to collapse. Don't worry about the chopper shooting at
 you, it won't hit you. Once you made it to the other side, you'll have to
 face some mercenaries. Kill them all to finish the level.

 II.2 - Peru - Return to Paraiso.......................................(00009)

 GOLD: 1

 Once the cut scene is over, run straight ahead. You will stumble upon a dummy
 on which you can practice your offensive cunning. Do so when you want to.
 When you're ready, go to the right and go behind the building. Climb the
 crate and then climb up to the roof. Run straight forward and jump of the
 roof. Immediately press X to use the grappling hook to swing to a roof on
 the other side of the street. Cross the roof and jump down on the other side.
 Pick up the BRONZE ARTEFACT. Drag the box here to a wooden barricade. Climb
 the box and jump over to land back on the streets. When you're ready go
 through the gates. A cut scene will follow.

 You are now to take out six guards. Go to manual aim and aim at the gas tank
 on the truck. The truck will explode, and hopefully some foes as well. Run
 around the square and shoot the rest. Sometimes you'll be prompted to press
 the triangle button. This will make Lara shoot an explosive barrel. Just
 make sure you're not to close to it so you don't harm yourself. Once these
 six guards are dead, a few other pop up. Shoot them dead and another one
 with a shotgun will appear on the balcony. Don't worry about him just yet.
 He can't hit you with the shotgun from here.

 Go to the truck. Behind it is a chart on which you can climb. Do so. Jump
 to the swinging pole and get to the next roof. Here you can pick up a
 BRONZE ARTEFACT. Use the rope to slide down. Now, head over to the flagpole.
 Go into the street to the right and pick up another BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now
 climb the flagpole with your back towards the building. When you're high
 enough, jump and land on the balcony. Go to the door behind you and open it
 by hitting the triangle button. Enter the house and get the SILVER ARTEFACT.
 Leave this room and head over to the edge of the balcony, facing the
 balcony with the goon and his shotgun. Jump off and hit X to use your
 grappling hook. Swing over to the other side and kill this guy. Leave the
 shotgun since the assault rifle is far more useful. Enter the room here and
 watch out for the foe. Grab his items and grab the grenades from the table.
 Now open the cupboard with the triangle button to get whatever is in it.
 Exit this room on the other side.

 You're up for a pretty tough fight. Equip your assault rifle and aim for
 the guard on the balcony directly opposite of your position. Once he's
 dead, start picking off the guards on the building on the other side of the
 street. Next up are the ones on the street. Jump of the roof and press X
 to use the grappling hook. Swing to the buildings on the other side of the
 street. Kill more foes and enter the room. Exit via the other side and be
 prepared to shoot down some more enemies down on the street. Jump down
 and go into the alley right in front of you. (This alley goes all the way
 around a building, so you'll end back up on the main street.) You can pick
 up your fourth BRONZE REWARD. Get back to the main street and fight of
 more enemies, picking up their ammo and health kits. Now, run to the truck
 and make sure to take out the guy on the machine gun. Once he's dead, run
 to the machinegun and press triangle to use it. A new enemy will spawn to
 your left and he'll throw grenades at you. So let go off the machinegun and
 kill this guy first. Grab the machinegun again and blast away to kill the
 foes at the end of the street. When everybody is dead, run around and
 grab the ammo and health packs. Heal up and approach the bike at the end
 of the street.

 Well, this is the first time you get to ride a bike in a Tomb Raider. Well,
 you could briefly in The Last Revelation, but that was one with a sidecar.
 Anyways. The controls are simple. Just hit the X button to speed up and the
 square button to slow down or back up. You can heal the normal way. Health
 pack can be found at several locations. Just drive over them to pick them
 up. The point is to drive forward, avoid hitting the rocks and shoot the
 mercenaries following Anya. To shoot them, press L1 to lock onto the best
 target and then R1 to fire. Once most of them are dead, you'll end up
 chasing some trucks. Be careful! The last one will open a hatch and drop
 some crates. Run past it while avoiding the obstacles and approach the
 front left truck. It will do the same, so swing behind the right truck. Once
 the crates are gone, swing back behind the left truck and kill the two guards
 in here. The hatch will lower some more and form a ramp. Drive up the truck.
 A new cut scene will follow showing how our heroine takes out the driver.

 We now get a flashback from Lara's past. Now, that outfit looks familiar!
 Follow Amanda and slide down. At the next gap, jump up and use the beam
 above you to swing to the other side. At the end, you turn left but the
 cave will collapse and you'll see someone running away from something. Run
 to the right side, past the crates and dive under the gate. You'll find
 Sarah who has been killed. Push the box here onto the right side of the
 pressure switch so a trap will be activated. It will break and leave you with
 one stick. Use it to swing onto the platform. Pick up a BRONZE ARTEFACT.
 Jump to the statue thing on the wall and shimmy to the left. Now jump to the
 left. Follow and jump down. You'll see Kent screaming at you behind the gate.
 Run to the ball and drag it away from the pressure switch. Now, quickly
 run over that switch and climb up the platform. From here you can jump to
 the rope. Climb up a bit then swing to the platform. Go through the doorway
 and jump down on the other side. A scene will follow. Once you see a blue
 image of Lara at the lower right corner of your screen, it's time to run
 like hell!. Run forward and jump over the two rocks. At the end, jump down
 into the pit. The monster that was following you will hit a wall and
 disappear. Now, climb up the platform with the ball and push it of this
 platform. Jump back down and roll the ball onto the pressure switch. A trap
 will be activated. Jump back up the platform and onto the next one. Amanda
 will be behind a gate and there will be some fuss about the monster. Never
 mind that, you need to save yourself! Jump to the pole that appeared when
 you activated the trap and swing to the other side. Before you exit this
 room, make your way to the right to pick up BRONZE ARTEFACT number six.
 Exit the room and follow the path to the end and use the beam to swing over
 the pit with the sticks. A cut scene will pop up later. We now know that
 Amanda got trapped under some rocks and the place started to flood. Lara had
 no other option but to get out there herself.

 The present day again. Turn to your left and shoot the boxes. Inside you
 will find a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now go to the far right, to the water. Here
 you can find the last BRONZE ARTEFACT between some wooden boards. Now put
 on your bathing suit because it's time to take a dive. Jump into the water
 and swim into the tunnel. Follow it and take some air at the first stop.
 Once you've cought some air, dive in again and keep swinging. Go through
 the broken gates and catch air whenever you need to. Eventually you'll end
 up in a big circular room. Catch some air now and take a look around.
 Do you see those shiny crystal orbs? You need to interact with them. However,
 they will not stay pulled out forever, so you must hurry and make your way
 around the room. Use the triangle button to swim faster! Once all the orbs
 have been activated a scene will come up showing you the water has drained.

 Run to one of the alcoves here. Pick up the second and last SILVER ARTEFACT.
 Now make your way to the wall with a gap in it. Jump through and another
 scene will follow. Run either left or right and follow a bit. You'll stumble
 upon a ledge to your left. Use it to climb up and then to jump to the
 platform behind you. From this platform jump forward and hit X while in the
 air to use your grappling hook. Swing to the other side of the gap and climb
 up the platform here. Now jump again and use the grappling hook again. Once
 you're on top of the broke stairs, run forward into the next big room. A
 new, interactive, scene will occur. So be ready to press the prompted buttons.
 Once Lara is safe, look to your left and a bit up. You will see a statue with
 a golden ball. Pull down the ball and start pushing it forward into the room.
 This room has three pressure switches. A ball needs to be placed on all three
 of them. Use this ball on the right pressure switch. The statue to your right
 will open up and reveal a ladder. Climb it as high as possible. Then swing
 over to the middle of the statue. Jump up a bit and then jump to the upper
 part of the statue. Climb up and you'll find another golden ball. Push it
 off. Climb back down the ladder and once you're in the middle, press O to
 release. Lara will grab the lower part of the ladder, so no worries. Once
 you made it to the ground, drag the new ball onto the middle pressure switch.
 Head over to the left side of the room and use the ball next to the switch.
 Once all three balls are in place a new scene pops up. You can now go to
 the centre statue. Climb it and Lara will find what she was looking for.
 But oh oh... Anya is in trouble and some mercenaries have come down the tomb
 to harm you.

 From where you're standing, jump to the right and grab the ledge. Climb up
 and jump to the ladder. From this platform you must jump to another platform.
 Grab the ledge here and shimmy around the corner. Jump over the gaps and drop
 on the large stone pillar at the end. Take a look at the opposite pillar...
 it's broken. But there are some ledges above it. Use the rope to swing to
 those ledges. Shimmy to the left and enter the alcove. Run up and push the
 ball. It will start rolling and smash through the wall. Follow the ball and
 jump down on the platform. From here, jump to the large stone construction
 that was holding a ball earlier in the game. Make your way back down. Grab
 the fourth ball and place it on the middle pressure switch, next to the other
 ball. The tomb will now rise some more and reveal the GOLDEN ARTEFACT.

 Repeat the above until you get to the rope. Instead of swinging to the
 ledges, swing to the platform next to the broken one. From that platform
 you can jump to the next one. Slide down and take care of the two mercenaries
 who are having a chat. Continue back and slide down the stairs taking out the
 next foe. Once you reached the circular room where you activated those
 crystal orbs, be prepared to take out a handful of enemies. Once they are
 dead, take their guns and ammo because you'll need it in just a bit. Climb up
 the rope to the top and then swing to the gap. To climb up a swinging rope,
 hold the triangle button to climb. Now follow the path while you climb up and
 shoot some mercenaries. Eventually you'll come to a rope leading all the way
 back up to the ground. Climb it to the top and have your back to the ground.
 Then jump. Equip the assault rifle and charge. There are two guards near
 the rope and four more a bit further down. Be careful since they like
 tossing grenades at you. Once they are dead a few more will appear. Once
 you murdered the horde of dummies Lara will tell Zip he needs to warn Anya
 that someone is coming. Pick up some more assault rifle ammo and shoot the
 guy near Anya's jeep. The final scene of this level appears and you're
 informed about your next location... Japan.

 II.3 - Japan - Meeting with Takamoto..................................(00010)

 GOLD: 1

 This is one for people with raging hormones! Lara is wearing a tight black
 dress. Stand still for a while and she'll check if her tong is still in
 place. Anyways, you can't really do anything other then walking and looking
 sexy. Run over the bar and talk to the bartender. He'll let you know that
 you can got to Nishimura's office. Go there and enter the door. A friendly
 scene will follow. Lara and Nishimura greet each other and Lara apologizes
 for the trouble that may be caused when Takamoto arrives.

 Once you're back outside the office, walk back to the party to trigger the
 next scene. Takamoto has arrived and he has brought several of his guards.
 Lara will dive behind the bar, tear up her dress and pull out her guns.
 Seriously, where has she been hiding that equipment?

 Once the scene is over you are forced to fight the guards. Kill the first
 group and some more will come from behind the corner. It shouldn't be to
 hard. You can always shoot the TV’s to do some more damage. Once they are
 dead, Nishimura will give you a key card for the elevator. Now, pick up all
 the items the dead fools left and go to the elevator. Ride it to the roof.
 Go right and head outside. Turn around and press triangle to blow up whatever
 that is. Climb the pipe that now is climbable and jump to the platform on
 the right. Climb up and go up to the top of the roof. Use your grappling
 hook to open the skylight. Don't jump down just yet. Instead, climb the
 other part of the roof to find your first BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now you may jump
 down. Descend the stairs. Do you see those yellow boxes near the door? Behind
 it is a crate that can be shot. Do so to reveal a SILVER ARTEFACT. There is
 another breakable crate under the staircase. Shoot it and grab a BRONZE
 ARTEFACT. Now you can jump on the bike. And what a sweet bike it is! Drive
 it outside and around the room it was in. Speed up and drive up the broken
 walkway. A new interactive scene will come up, so be ready to press the
 correct buttons when prompted.

 Now, climb down the ledge and follow these boars until the end. You can find
 a crate which holds BRONZE ARTEFACT there. Turn around and climb back up to
 where you came from. Jump to the upper boards and continue a bit. You'll see
 a shiny new window hanging from a rope. Shoot the hook and the window will
 fall down. Use the rope to swing to the next platform. From here you need
 to use the cable to slide to a platform on the opposite building. Once you
 made it across safely, use the grappling hook to make the metal scaffolding
 swing. When it's near, jump to it. Jump of the other side and press X to
 use your grappling hook. Turn around to face your right and swing to the next
 ledge. From here, you must do the same to two metal scaffoldings. Once you're
 at the second one, jump and use your grappling hook again. Turn to face your
 right side once more and swing onto the roof.

 There are some foes that need to be taken care of. So bring out the guns and
 start blasting. You can shoot the lights here for some extra damage. In total
 you'll be facing three foes. Three guards and two dogs. Dogs are a pain
 because you can't use your neat attack tricks on them. Anyway, once they
 are dead grab the items like usual and enter the building. Go downstairs
 and shoot the crates to find a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now go up the stairs and up
 the next one. Jump to the ledge and drop Lara on the pipes. Carefully walk
 them to the end and pick up a SILVER ARTEFACT. Now go back down. Enter the
 door at the end of the hallway to enter an office. Again, you'll be facing
 some guards, so be careful. There will be patrolling between the desks while
 two others can be found on an elevated part of the office to your right.
 When that is taken care of, face the big television screen. Wish you had that
 in your living room, don't you? Use the grappling hook on it. It won't flip
 over completely. So pull out your pistols and use the manual aim to shoot
 the two hooks holding the TV. The TV will fall down and two more enemies
 will appear in the hallway behind it. So Shoot these guys. But before you
 climb up you need to destroy a crate at the left corner to find a BRONZE
 ARTEFACT and then open a locker for a SILVER ARTEFACT on the platform.
 Then exit the office via the fallen TV and the door beyond.

 You're now outside. Run to the pole and climb it to the top. Jump to the
 ledge and shimmy around the corner. Then pull yourself up on the platform.
 Now, take a look at that big sing. Use your grappling hook on it to make it
 rotate. Jump to it and from there you jump to the next platform. Climb the
 ladder and use your grappling hook on the next sing. Jump and climb up the
 platform, then jump to the pole. From the pole, jump backwards to the
 horizontal pole behind you. This will make the next sings fall down. Once it
 is down, swing back to the pole. Climb up a bit then jump backwards to the
 sign that has just dropped. From here you can jump to a new platform. From
 this position, you must jump to a pipe and then climb it. When you reach the
 top it will start to crumble on you. So quickly jump to the next pole behind
 you. Swing to the next one and from there to the last one. Then onto the
 floor in front of you. Do it all quickly since these poles can't bear Lara's
 weight. Now enter the building again.

 Go right and up those small stairs. Kill the two guards. Take their stuff and
 shoot the crate to get a the final BRONZE REWARD. Then jump over the balcony.
 Be prepared to shoot some more guards. Once they are dead pick up the last
 SILVER REWARD from the locker down here. Now go through the next door. Here,
 there are two ways to continue. The corridor beyond has some laser beams. If
 you activate them a machinegun will start firing at you and there is no way
 to survive that. So, you can either go into the small office and release the
 fire extinguishers to make the lasers viewable, or you can take that huge
 ball and roll it in front of you as cover. If you chose the last, then you'll
 automatically activate the lasers. But the gun won't hit you as long as you
 stay behind the ball. If you chose the latter, then you must be careful and
 try to dodge the lasers. Either way, you need to get to the other side of the
 hallway. Once there follow to the end and enter the next room. A small scene
 will start. Once that's over, three guys will appear from behind the wall in
 front of you. So be ready to shoot them. When that's done go and stand on
 the long table at the back of the dragon. Use the grappling hook on this
 dragon to make it swing. If it swings enough, the front will destroy a
 window. Run to the crate under the window, vault up and climb up the ledge.
 Two more guys will be standing here and one of them has a shotgun. Kill them
 good! Run around the corner and you should find a box. Drag it to where the
 dragon smashed the window and you climbed up. Push the box off the edge and
 it will break. The GOLDEN ARTEFACT is now for yours to take. So pick it up
 and climb back up. Then enter the elevator. A scene and the next boss fight
 will follow.

 Takamoto is a real pushover. He's pretty fast, but he won't use his speed
 for the offensive, but rather for defence. He'll shoot a green light at
 you which takes away about 15% of your health. This can be easily dodged by
 either jumping over it or rolling under it. Another way to be attacked is
 by the machineguns hanging around. So climb up the platform ASAP!
 To damage Takamoto you need to simply run up to him and shoot him. It's as
 simple as that. When you get to close, he'll run away to the other side of
 the room and start shooting that light at you again. So run up to him and
 repeat. It's quite convenient if you saved an assault rifle since that will
 allow you to open fire from a greater distance.
 So, in a nutshell: Climb up the platform and run to Takamoto. Open fire and
 jump over, or roll under, his green light things. He should go down in no

 The last scene of this level comes up when you killed Takamoto. You'll be
 picked up by Nishimura in a helicopter. 

 II.4 - Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland.................................(00011)

 GOLD: 1

 You start of, like always, with a scene.

 Once it's over, run forward until you reach the waterfall. Now, that is truly
 amazing! A new scene will show you that Rutland's goons have arrived.

 Jump into the water and climb up the island. Make your way to the 
 construction. Climb on the rights side then jump tot he rope. Then let go
 of it and shoot the giant rock that just moved. A impressive scene will
 follow and show you a hidden temple. The rock will now function as a bridge.
 Don't go inside yet. You need to collect some items underwater. There is
 one SILVER ARTEFACT in an alcove right under the bridge. Then there are two
 more BRONZE ARTEFACTS in the water. One on the left side and one on the right
 side of the island. Once you've obtained these items, climb out.

 Follow the hallway until you reach some water. Use the grappling hook to
 get that raft. Pull it towards Lara and then get on. From the raft, jump to
 the rope. Then swing to the next one. From the second rope, jump down on
 the platform. The continue along the hallway again. You'll find some traps
 but they won't hurt you since they aren't active. Then, just around the
 corner you will see some more traps and a gate just past it. The gate is
 closed, but can be opened. At the corner, just in front of the second
 trap construction is a pressure switch. Run over and the gate will open up.
 But it will start to close rapidly as soon as you leave the pressure switch.
 So make your way over and under the traps quickly. Then roll under the gate
 to reach the other side.

 You're now up for a fight. There are three guards patrolling right ahead of
 you. Two more will appear through a gate and two more are watching over the
 area from the upper floor. Mind you that the ones on the upper floor have
 a machine gun. So be careful. Kill these folks and then climb up to where
 the machine gun is. Near it, you can pick up your third BRONZE ARTEFACT. Now
 grab the machine gun and aim towards the giant wheel on your left side. A
 large stone pillar is leaning against it. Blast that pillar and the wheel
 should start turning, which activates the traps. But you're not done yet.
 You still need the wheel on your right side to work. To make that happen,
 jump to the rope on your left, then jump to the spikes on the rotating wheel.
 Keep swinging until you're near a second rope. Jump to it and swing yourself
 up onto a new platform. Face right and drag the metal scaffolding to you.
 Mount it and use the grappling hook on the small pillar ahead to drag this
 all back to the other side. From here you can jump to yet another rope. Face
 right and jump to the spikes on this wheel. You need to climb up the rope
 a bit though, else you'll be grabbing the lower spikes, and you need the
 upper ones. From the upper spike you can launch yourself to the next and from
 there to a ladder. Climb the ladder to the top. Climb up the next ladder
 until you can't go any further. Then jump to the left to grab a ledge.
 Shimmy to the left until you go around a corner. There, you can jump upwards
 and climb a metal ladder. Now continue. But watch out, as the room ahead
 holds a leopard. Kill it, then jump down. Don't mind the raft now. Instead,
 climb up the broken stairs to your right. Go around the corner and then
 straight until you come to a rock. Behind it is the next BRONZE ARTEFACT.
 Climb the rock here and jump to the next, hanging rock. It will start to
 come down under your weight. Be ready to jump to the next rock. That one is
 coming up. Once you get on it though, it will start to go down again. So
 hurry and jump from there to the small ladder ahead. Run forwards and you'll
 get an overview of the area.

 Run straight forward. Ahead of you, you should see a stone pillar with a
 crack in it. Jump to the crack, then swing around the right corner. Drop down
 and drop down once more. Then, dive into the water and climb the raft. Look
 around for a shiny spot on a wall. That can be used, with your grappling
 hook, to drag the raft you're on forward. Do so until you reach an opening
 to the area next to you. Then let go of the grappling hook and use it on
 a similar pillar far in front of you. Drag the raft up to there. You should
 be going to the right side of this place. Once you get there, jump of the
 raft and swim to the other, the left, corner. Climb out of the water and look
 to the broken staircase next to you. Behind it is a SILVER ARTEFACT. Grab it
 and go back to the raft. Climb back on it. From on the raft, jump to the
 stone platform. Now, run to the ladder and climb it to the top. Jump
 backwards onto the stone. You did something like this just a few moments ago.
 So, wait until the next stone is up high, jump to it and then jump to the
 ladder beyond. Once up the ladder, you'll find yourself on a platform with
 the last BRONZE ARTEFACT. Once you've picked it up, jump forward and use
 the grappling hook to prevent Lara from falling down. Swing to the next
 ledge. From here, jump to the crack in the pillar beyond and shimmy around
 the corner. Drop down one ledge and shimmy to the right. Jump sideways past
 the horizontal crack and then jump up to another crack. Shimmy right some
 more and then jump to the platform.

 Right. We've got another puzzle. A small one though. Go stand on the pressure
 switch here. A platform will flip over tossing of a box. Face that rotating
 platform and run to it. You need to jump it when it's reaching a horizontal
 position. Then quickly jump to the bigger platform. Once you made it, you'll
 see another platform, just like the rotating one. This one however will
 stay still. So jump to it and then to the next platform. Here, you must drag
 the bog box onto the pressure switch. Once you did that, you need to jump
 all the way back to the first pressure switch. Stand on that one again to
 make the rotating platform rotate again, then jump back to the middle
 platform quickly. Face the statue and use your grappling hook on it. You
 will pull down the arms. You need to do this before the rotating platform
 gets back to his place since that also means that the arms will be locked
 by a bracelet. And you don't want that. Once you managed to drag down the
 arms a scene will show you that the dam has opened and water is poring to
 that second wheel.

 Jump into the water below you and make your way back to the room with the
 two rotating wheels. Just remember to climb the ladders. I tried jumping
 into the falling water, but I died, so that's no good. When you get back into
 the room with the wheels, you'll see that all the traps are now active again.
 At the bottom of the ladder, jump down to the ground. Run to the right of
 the room and make you're way back up the platforms using the rope and the
 turning wheel. From the platform, drag that metal scaffolding back to you.
 The climb it and pull it to the other platform. Then jump to it. You should
 now see some active traps past the doorway beyond. You need to head that
 way. Carefully walk up to the spikes and time your moment to go through.
 Wait until a gap starts to open. Then quickly roll through it. Do the same
 for the next sets. Once past this, run on and you'll stumble up on a new
 trap. These are rotating wheels. If you touch them, then you'll end up
 as chopped liver. What to do? Well, there is a convenient movable rock
 sitting here doing nothing. Grab it and push it in front of you against
 the blades. Meanwhile, stick either to the left or the right side. You should
 be safe. However, near the end, stop pushing. Climb over the rock and then
 jump forward. Why you ask? Well, if you kept pushing the rock, then the
 blades would have cut you in your ass. Anyways, along your path you'll see
 a similar trap. There is another rock to help you. It's behind you as you
 face the blades. It should be somewhere inside the wall. So repeat the
 previous strategy to get to the other side of this trap. After you made it
 past the trap safely, go on ahead. There's only one way to go. Eventually
 Lara will sense that there's something wrong. A giant rock comes rolling down
 behind you. So hurry and run away. Jump over the first spikes on the right
 side. Then roll underneath the next set of spikes, on the left side. Keep on
 running and jump over the gap beyond. Lara will then take cover and the rock
 will smash some other rocks.

 You are now back outside. There's a ladder here. Follow it to the area below
 to pick up a SILVER ARTEFACT. Then climb back up. Next to where you exit the
 temple is a horizontal pole. Jump to it and swing to the ledge beyond it.
 Shimmy around the corner. Jump to the ledge above this one and shimmy around
 the next corner. From here, jump backwards to grab yet another ledge. Did
 you see that? As soon as you grab the ledge above you, a rock will come down.
 So you need to be quickly and jump backwards to grab the pole behind you.
 Use this pole to swing to the next one and then to a new platform. Oh oh...
 there seems to be a problem. Lara lost connection with the home front.
 Anyways, we need to keep going. So, where were we? Right, platform and
 falling rock. So, you're on a platform. See the metal scaffolding ahead?
 Jump to it. Once you're on it, it will drop down a bit. No worries, that's
 the point. From here, jump to the next platform. Then you can jump to another
 metal scaffolding. Do so and jump from there to another platform. Turn around
 and face a bit to the left of the metal scaffolding you just came from. See
 the pole? Jump to it. The swing onto the ledge. Shimmy to the left and then
 jump upwards to a ledge above. Quickly jump to the pole on your right side
 since a rock will fall down at any time. If it hits you, you will be crushed.
 When on the pole, swing to the next one. Stop and turn around. Now start
 swinging again and jump to the pole above the previous one. Then jump of it
 and grab another ledge. Hurry up once to avoid a falling rock and shimmy
 around the corner. Then jump up one ledge. One more backwards jump and you're
 back on solid ground. Enter the temple.

 Lara will find something that had once belonged to her dear mother. Strange
 place to find something like that. Turn on your light and follow the dark
 hallway. Eventually, you'll end up at a spiked pit. Jump it and then press
 X again to use the grappling hook. Swing over the pit and drop onto a
 platform. Now do the same to the next spiked pit. On the other side, run
 ahead until you reach a large gap with a wooden bridge. On the other side are
 three guards. Kill them. Don't stand on the bridge to long since it can
 be destroyed. If it gets destroyed while you're still on this side, you can
 always swing across it using your trusty grappling hook. Pick up the items
 from these goons and follow the passageway back outside.

 Next to the exit is a pole that can be used to swing on. Do so and jump to
 the next one. Then jump and grab the crack in the pillar ahead. Jump
 sideways to the left and drop down if you made it past the waterfall. Stay
 where you are and toss a grenade at the large brown door. It will be blown
 to pieces and reveal the last SILVER ARTEFACT. Jump back to the other side
 of the waterfall. Then jump upwards and shimmy around the corner. Jump up
 some more and then shimmy around the right corner. Jump up to the last
 crack. From here, you can jump backwards to a pole and then to another pole.
 From the last pole you can jump onto a platform. Whatever you do, don't jump
 down or in the water. Also, stay clear of the barrels. They explode and they
 don't discriminate women for that matter. So run over the little metal bridge
 and go down the small stairs on the other side. Take out your biggest gun
 and start shooting the enemies. Pick up whatever they leave. Watch out for
 the guy with the white T-shirt on the ledge on the other side of this place.
 He's got a grenade launcher and he's not afraid to use it. Once all seven of
 the mercenaries are dead you'll need to check your stock. Make sure you have
 anything you need as if you were to go into a boss fight. You can take the
 grenade launcher if you wish, but it's not worth it. I'd stick with the
 assault rifle. Go into the next room you will find a panther. Kill it and
 climb the left staircase. Quickly jump to the rope and let the two giant
 balls roll by. Now swing to the other side, the right side. Another ball will
 start rolling down. Dodge it by hiding in the alcove where you landed. Now,
 run upstairs. Here you can find a pressure switch. Stand on it and watch the
 door. Wait until the door is completely open. Now, quickly turn around and
 descend the stairs again. The door in between the stairs is open, but it is
 closing. Enter it quickly and grab the GOLDEN ARTEFACT. The door will now
 remain open. Go back upstairs and go stand onto the pressure switch again.
 Wait until the doors is open all the way, then go through. You'll meet James
 Rutland in person. He doesn't seem to be all that friendly though.
 This fight is a lot like the fight against Takamoto. The room is circular
 and there are platforms. James is fast and he'll use that for the offensive.
 What you need to do is fire at James while jumping around like a maniac.
 When you've damaged him enough, he'll jump on one of the four platforms
 where he regains his health. During those few seconds you must shoot the
 platforms by pressing the triangle button when prompted. Then use the
 grappling hook on the platforms and pull the platforms down. It doesn't
 matter in which order you do in. Just repeat the process three more times to
 take down all the platforms. When all the platforms are broken, James no
 longer has a place to regain health. All you need to do now is shoot him
 until he goes down.
 James will attack you from up close with a dagger. That can hurt quite a bit.
 When you're too far away from him, he'll start tossing grenades at you, so
 stay clear of those babies.

 II.5 - Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek..................................(00012)


 GOLD: 1

 II.6 - England - King Arthur’s Tomb?..................................(00013)


 A lot of people ask me about the location of Arthur's sarcophogus:
 Once you made it on top of the dark castle you will see a rope. Use it to
 slide down. A cut scene will appear. After the cutsce, walk to the tombs and
 you will find a broken one. Drag it to the broken pillar. Now go stand on the
 seal in front of Arthur. Look up and use the grappling hook to make the
 chandelier swing. Quickly use the broken tomb to crawl up onto the broken
 pillar. From here, you can jump onto a rope. Once on the rope, the bell will
 rise and collide with the chandelier. After the scene, you need to exit the
 tomb. Fight the monster and use it's dead body as a path to a new ledge.

 GOLD: 1

 II.7 - Nepal - The Ghalali Key........................................(00014)

 GOLD: 1

 A new level, a new cut scene. As soon as the scene is over, grab the ledge
 next to you. Shimmy over to the platform before the ledge breaks. On the
 platform, crawl up onto the next one. Slide down the slope in front of you
 and be ready to grab the rock ahead. Pull up and jump to the ledge in front
 of you. Now let go to drop down one ledge. Shimmy around the corner, then
 jump backwards. Quickly shimmy to the right as this piece of the ledge will
 collapse. Climb up to the platform. Run up the wooden platform and keep
 running as it will collapse soon. Jump to the pole and quickly swing to the
 platform ahead, this pole to will collapse. Once on the platform, drop down
 on the other side to find the very first BRONZE ARTEFACT. Pick it up and
 climb back onto the top. Face forward and you'll see some stalactites. Jump
 to the first one and immediately press X to use the grappling hook since you
 won't make the jump. Then swing to the stalactite. Quickly jump to the next
 one and then to the last one. From the last one, jump to the ledge ahead.
 Shimmy around the corner. Jump upwards to grab the ledge, but do not climb
 up just yet. Instead, keep shimmying to the right. Climb up at the end to
 find the first SILVER ARTEFACT. Drop down and shimmy back to the left, then
 climb up. Walk forward a bit. You'll see some differently textured ice.
 Shoot it to reveal a path.

 You are now at the area with the crashed plane. Jump to the stone block on
 your right side and pull up. Walk forward a bit, slide down and jump on the
 sloped rock in front of you. Slide down and be ready to jump to the next rock
 at the end of the slope. Face left and jump to ledge. Jump again, this time
 to a pole and swing to the platform ahead. You won't make the jump, so use
 the grappling hook. Swing into the cave. Turn around. Look on your right side
 and you should see a different textured icy wall. Shoot it. Another SILVER
 ARTEFACT will be revealed. Go and collect it. Once you've done so, follow
 the cave to the other side. A helicopter comes flying over. Don't worry
 about it. Just jump to the metal piece on your right. Drop down ledge by
 ledge. On the lower ledge, jump backwards to end up on a platform. Now, keep
 making your way down. Now, go to the bottom of the metal thingy you used to
 come down. Behind it is a BRONZE ARTEFACT. You can't collect it the normal
 way, so use your grappling hook to touch it. This will allow you to collect
 it as well. Then pull out your pistols and shoot the leopard that's stalking
 the area beneath you. Once it's dead, approach the plane. Do not go in it
 just yet. When facing the plane, go to the right. There you will find a ledge
 and a gap behind it. On the other side of the gap is a piece of the plane.
 Use the grappling hook on that rubble and pull it towards you. It will fall
 in the gap. Jump over it and collect the SILVER ARTEFACT. Then return to the
 plane. On the left side of the plane is some more rubble. Use your grappling
 hook on it to drag it your way. You need to drag it into the plane as far
 as possible. This is needed for some extra weight. If you were to enter the
 plane without doing this, the plane would flip over the edge and you would
 die. Once the piece is in the plane you can walk to the cockpit. A scene,
 followed by an iteractive one will follow. Press the buttons as they pop up
 and make it out alive.

 Go to where the plane fell down. Jump forward and land on the sloped platform.
 Slide down and grab the pole. Then swing to the next slope. Slide down and
 jump onto a next slope. Whilst sliding down, shoot the obstacle ahead. Jump
 to another slope and then to a pole. Use it to swing to a safe ledge.
 Continue a bit, then face left. Near where you landed is an alcove. In it
 is a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Use your grappling hook on it to grab it. Then follow
 the path. You'll reach a temple wall of some sort. Jump to the ledge, then
 to the pole. From this pole, quickly jump to the ledge ahead. Shimmy to the
 left and jump past the gap. Then keep on shimmying. When you reach the end,
 the ledge will start to collapse. So let go and grab the ledge below. Jump
 backwards and grab the pole. Use it to jump to the stalactite. From here
 jump the next stalactite. Then jump to the big platform. This platform is
 very unstable. So quickly run to the centre and look at the stalactits.
 Behind them, you should see a small alcove with the fourth BRONZE AREFACT.
 Grab it with your grappling hook. Then quickly turn around, run forward
 and grab the ledge in front of you. Shimmy to the right and climb up. Now,
 hang of this ledge on the other side and shimmy to the left. Grab the next
 ledge and keep going to the left. After some jumping sideways and shimmying
 you'll drop into an alcove where you can pick up the GOLDEN ARTEFACT. Take
 it, then make your way back. Then climb up the platform and grab the crack
 in the wall on the left. Shimmy to the right until you can't go no further.
 Then, jump to the next ledge. Quickly shimmy to the right because this
 ledge will collapse on you. At the end of this ledge, climb up.

 You are now to face some foes. On a platform far in front of you is a goon
 with a grenade launcher. So be aware of him. Kill all of them, then grab
 their weapons and health kits. If you face the cave from where you entered
 this area, go to the right. There you will see a platform. Next to it you
 will find a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Then, climb up the platform. You will see, in
 the wall, a icy textured wall. Shoot it and this will reveal you SILVER
 ARTEFACT number four. Now, climb the platforms until you reach the platfrom
 where the foe with the grenade launcher was. Here you can pick up another
 BRONZE ARTEFACT. You should now have seven of them. Jump to the roof of the
 building using your grappling hook. Once on top of the roof, use the rope
 to slide down to the other side of the water. You'll see a cave here. Go in
 it and slide down. Then, look to your left. There is a small alcove in which
 you can find a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Once you picked that up, continue the path.

 You will see some floating platforms. Make sure to jump to them and not
 land into the water. If you do land in the water, your will start losing
 health. If you jumped to the second platform you will notice that the next
 platform is to far away. Go to manual aim and shoot the ice above you. It
 will drop down and form a new platform for you. Great! Jump to it, then
 to the next platform. Jump to the left platform and jump down. You have now
 reached a underground river. Platforms will pass. Jump on them and keep
 jumping upstream. Eventually, you'll see the passage you need to go to on
 your right side. However, there is an alcove on the opposite side where you
 can find the fifth SILVER ARTEFACT. Grab it, then make your way to the

 Follow the passage and you'll find yourself in a large temple. A leopard will
 attack you, so be ready to take care of it. Once it's dead, go down the right
 staircase. At the bottom of the stairs, look at the wall next to the stairs.
 It can be shot. Do so and you can find the last SILVER ARTEFACT. Grab it,
 then run back up to the top of the stairs. Face the centre part of the
 temple. Jump forward and use the grappling hook. Swing forward and use the
 grappling hook once more. Then do it again to drop down on a solid platform.
 Pull out your weapons and shoot the leopard. Once it's dead follow the left
 corridor. At the end, you can pick up a BRONZE ARTEFACT. Do the same with
 the right corridor and you'll find the last BRONZE ARTEFACT. Then make your
 way back to where you killed the last leopard.

 We have our main puzzle of the level. And it's an extremely easy one. Go
 stand on the platform near the small and large brown crate. Once it dropped
 to the floor, keep standing on it. Use the grappling hook to drag the small
 platform on it. Then get of. Climb up onto the solid platform then get on
 the other moving platform. Wait until it came down and use the grappling
 hook to drag the golden box on it. Then get off. Make your way on the
 platform with the small box. It will come down. Once down, use the grappling
 hook to drag the large crate onto it. Then get of. Climb up the solid
 platform and use the grappling hook to drag the golden box to the pressure
 switch. Once the golden box is set, the doors will open. Go through and the
 doors will close on you. Never mind that. Just keep going. A scene will take

 Once the scene is over, go into the hallway next to the stairs. At the end
 use your newly accuired sword to blast open the door. Do note that from now
 on you will no longer be able to grab enemy weapons. No need for it anyway.
 Once the door has been blasted open, you'll notice that the area is starting
 to collapse. Quicly jump to the platform on Lara's left. Then jump to the
 next one. From here, jump to the platform on the right. Follow it and the
 second part of the ledge will start to fall. Time it just right and jump to
 where the giant stair was. The final scene from this level will appear.

 II.8 - Bolivia - The Looking Glass....................................(00015)


 The level starts of with a cut scene like always. It looks like Amanda and
 her goons are trying to perform a ritual. Lara asks Zip and Alister to
 shut up from now since she'll need her concentration. She slides over to
 where Amanda's goons are and warns everybody to get out of her way. Amanda
 asks Lara to stop, but we all know Lara better then that.

 This is a fight against a whole lot of foes. Whip out the sword and start
 swinging. A single blast is enough to kill a mercenary. Don't worry about
 your health too much since the fools will drop enough health packs. Just
 don't use them all since you might need them in a minute. Also, forget
 about picking up their weapons. You simply can't since it would mean you'd
 have to let go of the sword. Anyways, once all the mercenaries are dead
 a new cut scene comes up.

 Right, this is the very last boss fight of the game. Luckily, it isn't that
 hard. Amanda now looks like that mystical creature you fought earlier. But
 she is far more nasty. She'll spit a red light at you which takes away about
 30% of your health. That's pretty much her only attack. You can dodge it by
 jumping away from it, or by hiding behind one of the large stones.
 Amanda cannot be harmed with bullets. But why would you use your pistols
 when you've got the magical sword Excalibur? Press L1 to lock on to the
 target, in this case Amanda, and press R1 to unleash the attack. Repeat over
 and over again while dodging Amanda's attacks. Eventually she'll go down.
 Quickly run up to her and press the triangle button as prompted. This will
 be the real damage you can do because Amanda will get back up with almost
 full health. She'll keep the damage from that prompted action while she was
 down though. Repeat the entire process again, and again, and again.
 Eventually you will cause enough damage with those prompted attacks that
 you can take her out.

 The final cut scene appears. It seems like Amanda wanted to activate a
 portal to Avalon. Instead, Lara activates the device and sees her mother
 from the past. It all becomes very clear now... the voice Lara's mother
 heard were actually the voices of Lara, who was trying to warn her, and
 Amanda, who was trying to lure Lara's mum into doing something stupid.
 Once that is over, Lara points her gun at Amanda, threatening to execute
 her. She backs down and orders Zip to make arrangements for her next

 II.9 - England - Croft Manor..........................................(00016)

 I'll add more about the Manor soon. Here's something Carlin & Andrew
 contributed. The location of the BRONZE and SILVER ARTAFACTS in the gym.

 Bronze 1: As you enter the room, turn right and grab the BRONZE ARTEFACT in
           the pool. 
 Branze 2: When you come up, grapple the horizontal bar closest to the door
           (with the shiney brass knob on it) so that it is parallel with the
           triangular block against the wall. Then go to the blue wedge mat in
           the center of the room. The horizontal bar in front of that is your
           starting point. Jump from that horizontal bar to the vertical one
           infront of you, the to the horzontal one with the brass knob. Then
           swing to the triangular block. As you slide down the side jump to
           the wall... you will automatically be jumping/facing the right way
           so don't worry about directional keys. Jump up to the next ledge
           then to the vertical bar behind you. From there, turn and jump to
           the next vertical bar then to the ledge and claim your prize.
 Bronze 3: Grapple the next knob in the room (attached to a ladder in the
           center of the laft wall) so that the ladder is open into the room
           rather than flush with the wall. Go back to the horizontal bar you
           used for Bronze 2. Jump to the vertical one infront of you, the to
           the horzontal one with the brass knob. Then swing to the triangular
           block. As you slide down the side jump to the wall... you will
           automatically be jumping/facing the right way so don't worry about
           directional keys. Move right around the side of this ledge and jump
           right to the vertical bar nearest you. From here jump to the pipe
           attached to the wall and then the ledge on the wall and from there
           to the ladder. Move up the ladder and jump left to another pipe on
           the wall and then to the artifact window.
 Bronze 4: Grapple the ladder knob to the closed position. Repeat all steps in
           Bronze 3 (except opening the ladder agin... duh) until you get to
           the top of the ladder. This time, jump right to the uppermost ledge
           and then right again to the ledge in the corner. From there, jump to
           the horizontal bar above the window and drop down into the window
           to claim the artifact.
 Bronze 5: Grapple the brass knob on the semi-circular horzontal bar until it
           becomes a vertical bar. Turn around and jump up on the rock ledge
           in the middle of the floor. Jump backwards onto the horizontal bar
           and then forwards onto the vertical bar. Jump forward again onto
           the newly adjusted vertical bar.  Turn left and jump to the next
           vertical bar. Continue onto the rock ledge straight ahead and then
           jump right into the artifact window.
 Bronze 6: Readjust the semi-circular bar back to horizontal. Turn around and
           jump up on the rock ledge in the middle of the floor. Jump
           backwards onto the horizontal bar and then forwards onto the
           vertical bar. Jump forward again onto the semi-circular horizontal
           bar and again onto the pipe on the wall. From the top of this pipe,
           jump right onto the rock ledge. Shimmy around and jump up one ledge.
           Shimmy around again and jump right/backwards onto another rock
           ledge below the green climbing grips. Jump up the grips to the top
           and jump right onto another rock ledge. Jump right to two seperate
           horzontal bars and then onto a rock ledge at the artifact window.
 Silver 1: Located on a platform in the pool. You probably grabbed it at the
           same time as Bronze 1.
 Silver 2: Grapple the brass knob on the semi-circular horzontal bar until it
           becomes a vertical bar. Turn around and jump up on the rock ledge
           in the middle of the floor. Jump backwards onto the horizontal bar
           and then forwards onto the vertical bar. Jump forward again onto the
           newly adjusted vertical bar. Turn left and jump to the next
           vertical bar. Continue onto the rock ledge straight ahead and then
           jump left onto another rock ledge. Jump up one ledge, backwards to
           a vertical bar suspended from the ceiling. Jump backwards again
           onto a rock slide. While sliding down, jump again onto some green
           climbing grips. Jump left onto a horizontal bar. Jump diagonally to
           another horizontal bar and then straight ahead to a vertical bar.
           Turn around and jump to the silver platform. It will move closer to
           your target platform. Jump to the next platform and claim the
 Silver 3: This one sucks. Get ready to do it over and over until you get it
           JUST RIGHT! Grapple the brass knob on a panel in the right wall
           (above the pool) until it is open. Readjust the semi-circular bar
           back to horizontal. Turn around and jump up on the rock ledge in
           the middle of the floor. Jump backwards onto the horizontal bar and
           then forwards onto the vertical bar. Jump forward again onto the
           semi-circular horizontal bar and again onto the pipe on the wall.
           From the top of this pipe, jump right onto the rock ledge. Shimmy
           around and jump up one ledge. Shimmy around again and jump
           right/backwards onto another rock ledge below the green climbing
           grips. Jump up the grips to the top and jump right onto another
           rock ledge. Jump backwards onto a horizontal bar. Jump forward onto
           a horizontal bar and the slightly left onto another horizontal bar.
           From there jump to a platform. Position Lara in the forwardmost,
           left-hand corner of the platform (facing the artifact window).
           Grapple the metallic strip at the bottom of the window and pull
           yourself closer. Release the grapple and jump into the window. The
           camera angles are tricky here hence all the positioning. Also I had
           difficulty getting into the window because Lara bumps her head on
           the platform suspension and/or bounces out of the window against an
           invisible impediment.


 IV.1 - Credits........................................................(00017)

 What is it?
 Just as the name implies, this is a full list of credits.

 How to unlock?
 This is available from the start.

 IV.2 - Cinematics.....................................................(00018)

 What is it?
 These are the movies you get to see throughout the game.

 How to unlock?
 You'll unlock a movie whenever you've seen it in the game. Hence, you'll
 unlock all of them simply by playing and beating the game.

 IV.3 - Character Profiles.............................................(00019)

 What is it?
 These are the profiles for all the characters in the game?

 How to unlock?

 IV.4 - Location Concepts..............................................(00020)

 What is it?
 These are concept drawings of the locations you visit ingame.

 How to unlock?
 Collect all bronze items from a certain level to unlock the concepts for that

 IV.5 - Model Objects..................................................(00021)

 What is it?
 These are basically all models found in a level. These includes characters,
 items, statues,...

 How to unlock?
 Collect the silver artefacts from a certain level to unlock the models from
 that level.

 IV.6 - Outfits........................................................(00022)

 What is it?
 These are outfits that Lara can wear when you replay a mode, or when you
 visit the Croft Manor.

 How to unlock?
  Legend, Union Jack.....................Collect Silver Artefacts in Bolivia
  Legend, Black............................Collect Silver Artefacts in Manor
  Legend, Blue..............................Collect Silver Artefacts in Peru
  Legend, Pink.............................Collect Silver Artefacts in Ghana
  Biker.........................................................Beat England
  Biker, Red Jacket......................Collect Bronze Artefacts in England
  Biker, No Jacket.......................Collect Silver Artefacts in England
  Evening, Ripped.................................................Beat Japan
  Evening, Red.............................Collect Silver Artefacts in Japan
  Classic....................................Collect Golden Artefact in Peru
  Classic, Grey.............................Collect Golden Artefact in Ghana
  Winter.....................................................Beat Kazakhstan
  Winter, No Coat............................................Beat Kazakhstan
  Winter, Orange...........................Collect Silver Artefacts in Nepal
  Winter Orange, No Coat................................................????
  Winter, Pink..............................................Time Trial Nepal
  Winter Pink, No Coat.......................................Time Trial Peru
  Catsuit...................................Collect Golden Artefact in Japan
  Wintersuit................................Collect Golden Artefact in Nepal
  Suit......................................Collect Golden Artefact in Manor
  Suit, Cream.....................Collect Silver & Golden Artefacts in Manor
  Special Forces.......................Collect Golden Artefact in Kazakhstan
  Special Forces, Urban...................Collect Golden Artefact in England
  Goth....................................................Time Trial England
  Goth, Lace Shirt..........................................Time Trail Japan
  Sport.......................................Collect Gold Reward in Bolivia
  Sport, Green............................................Time Trial Bolivia
  Swimsuit......................................100%, finish all time trials
  Swimsuit, Black........100%, collect all artefacts, finish all time trials
  Amanda..............................................Time Trial Ghana level
  Amanda, Winter......................................Finish all time trials

 IV.7 - Pistol Upgrades................................................(00023)

 What is it?
 These are upgrades for Lara's pistols. There are three kinds of upgrades:
 Increased Magazine Size - Increased Accuracy - Increased Damage.

 How to unlock?
 Increased Magazine Size: 25% Bronze Rewards
 Increased Accuracy: 50% Bronze Rewards
 Increased Damage: 75% Bronze Rewards

 IV.8 - Special........................................................(00024)

 What is it?
 There are two special extra's. One is a list of codes that can be used ingame
 while the other is a video of unfortunate mishaps. The video shows several
 ways for Lara to die in the game. The codes however can only be used once
 you've unlocked them. So don't bother entering them when you did not yet
 time trailed the correct level. To activate the codes, enter them while your
 in a level. No need to pause first.

 How to unlock?
 Codes: Beat Time Trials
    - Textureless Mode...........................Beat the game
      ...................Hold L1 and press L2  X  O  X  /  R1
    - Draw Enemy Life..................................Bolivia
      ..................Hold L1 and press []  O  X  L2  R1  /
    - Infinite Assault Rifle.............................Japan
      ...................Hold L2 and press X  O  X  L1  []  /
    - Infinite SMG........................................Peru
      ...................Hold L2 and press O  /  L1  R1  X  O
    - Infinite Shotgun...................................Ghana
      ..................Hold L2 and press R1  O  []  L1  []  X
    - Infinite Grenade..............................Kazakhstan
      .................Hold L2 and press L1  /  R1  O  L1  []
    - Bullet Proof.....................................England
      .................Hold L1 and press X  R1  /  R1  []  L2
    - Excalibur..........................................Nepal
      ..................Hold L2 and press /  X  O  R1  /  L1
    - One hit kill...........................Return to Bolivia
      .................Press L1 and press /  X  /  []  L2  O
 Video: Beat the game

 ............................V.HIDDEN ARTEFACTS...............................

 V.1 - Bronze..........................................................(00025)

 V.2 - Silver..........................................................(00026)

 V.3 - Gold............................................................(00027)

 Bolivia - Tiwanaku:
  In the room wit the puzzle, solve the puzzle first to open the door. Then,
  go to the centre box and drag it of the pressure switch. Do the same for the
  right box. Now, push the middle box back onto the pressure switch. Go to the
  right box and keep looking at the rotating mechanism on the right side. You
  need to make it turn 180í‚°. When it's almost halfway around, thus 180í‚°, push
  the box on the pressure switch again. The locks should appear locking the
  mechanism in a stance of 180í‚°. Since it didn't get a chance to go around
  fully, the door only opened halfway. And that is exactly what we want.
  Now, make your way to the gate by climbing the chain on the left side and
  then jumping to the ledge, vaulting up and climbing via the pole over the
  slope. When you're at the gate, don't go through, but climb up on either of
  the ledges, left or right, from the gate. From here you can jump to ledges
  on the gate itself. Climb upwards and there it is, the first golden artefact.

 Peru - Return to Paraiso:
  Solve the puzzle with the balls and get the scene where Zip informs Lara that
  Anya is having trouble with some mercenaries. Jump to the right and grab
  the ledge. Climb up and jump to the ladder. From this platform you must jump
  to another platform. Grab the ledge here and shimmy around the corner. Jump
  over the gaps and drop on the large stone pillar at the end. Take a look at
  the opposite pillar... it's broken. But there are some ledges above it. Use
  the rope to swing to those ledges. Shimmy to the left and enter the alcove.
  Run up and push the ball. It will start rolling and smash through the wall.
  Follow the ball and jump down on the platform. From here, jump to the large
  stone construction that was holding a ball earlier in the game. Make your
  way back down. Grab the fourth ball and place it on the middle pressure
  switch, next to the other ball. The tomb will now rise some more and reveal
  the golden artefact.

 Japan - Meeting with Takamoto:
  In the area with the stone dragon, climb up on the ledge. Run around the
  corner and you should find a box. Drag it to where the dragon smashed the
  window and you climbed up. Push the box off the edge and it will break. The
  golden artefact is now for yours to take.

 Ghana - Perusing James Rutland:
  Near the end of the level you will pass a wooden bridge and fight of some
  foes. Then in the next room you will find a panther. Kill the panther and
  climb the left staircase. Quickly jump to the rope and let the two giant
  balls roll by. Now swing to the other side, the right side. Another ball
  will start rolling down. Dodge it by hiding in the alcove where you landed.
  Now, run upstairs. Here you can find a pressure switch. Stand on it and watch
  the door. Wait until the door is completely open. Now, quickly turn around
  and descend the stairs again. The door in between the stairs is open, but it
  is closing. Enter it quickly and grab the golden artefact. The door will now
  remain open.

 Kazachstan - Project Carbonek:
  In the room where you can use the first railgun. Drag the platform to the
  right. You'll notice that it's impossible to get it all the way to the other
  wall since the tracks on which the platform is hanging curve upwards. To
  get the platform where we want it, we'll need to make it swing there. Drag
  the platform back to the left and then to the right. Back to the left and
  back to the right. Keep doing that until you've got a nifty swinging motion
  going on. Once you think it's swinging enough, make it swing to the right
  and release it to let it slide up the curve. An electrical blast might be
  needed to give that extra push. I know it's hard. Some people have been
  trying four hours before they succeeded. Persistence is needed here.
  Once that is in place, rotate the rail gun to your right. There is a small
  platform on the side you're on with a pushable crate. Do not touch that
  crate! Now look in between this platform and the point where the railing
  is broken off. There are four small crates stuck in the wall. Pull them out.
  Once they have been pulled out leave the railgun. Now go to that platform
  here and push the crate, which I told you not to touch, to the edge of this
  platform you're standing on. Climb up the crate and jump to where those
  four boxes in the wall were. Jump one ledge up and then swing around the
  corner. Jump onto the platform which you dragged into place with the
  railgun. From here, jump to the next platform. Turn around and you should
  see a small alcove with the artefact. Jump towards the pole and swing into
  the alcove to grab the well earned artefact.
 England - King Arthur’s Tomb?:
  Once you've seen the scene where the forklift dies (Poor forklift), you
  need to make your way down. Once down you should notice a big rock with a
  Roman III on it. Do not push it yet, nor touch the other shining rock.
  Continue along the path. You'll eventually and up at a place with rotating
  blades. Use the crates do dive under the blades. Once you are in the middle
  room with blades, drag a crate to you and place it under the blades on the
  left side. Crawl under it and drag the crate to you so you can jump up to
  the platform. Here you will see a rock with a big Roman I on it. Push it as
  far as you possibly can. Climb down and do the same to the right side
  where you will find a rock with a big Roman II. It's important that you do
  it in this order, or else the rocks will return to their original place.
  Once that is done, make your way back to where the rock with the Roman III
  was. Push that rock all the way. The other shiny rock in this room will
  slide away to reveal the golden artefact.
  Do note that it you will come to these areas later in the game, so it is
  possible to push the rock with the Roman III later on, after the bossfight.

 Nepal - The Ghalali Key:
  Once you're past the plane section and you've found the ruins, Alister
  will be amazed on what he sees. Continue the path and you'll need to use
  stalactics to jump to a big unstable rock. As long as you stand in the
  centre, it will remain stable for a while. Jump to the next ledge and
  shimmy to the right to climb up the next ledge. Now, hang of this ledge on
  the other side and shimmy to the left. Grab the next ledge and keep going
  to the left. After some jumping sideways and shimmying you'll drop into
  an alcove where you can pick up the golden artefact.

 Bolivia - The looking mirror:

 England: Croft Manor:
  The golden artefact in the croft manor requires some running around and
  finding clues. First of all, go to the right into the computer room. Go to
  the right corner and activate the computer that's on the floor here. A safe
  on the back wall will open. Grab the grappling hook. Now make your way to
  Lara's bedroom. In the seating area of her room are two pillars with knives
  on it. Pull them both and the seal will open up revealing Lara's pistols.
  Now head over to the library. To your right, when you've entered, should be
  some boards. Shoot them. Drag the bookcase that has now revealed itself
  into the library. Drag it all the way next to Allister's desk. You need to
  place it on either of the two pressure switches next to the desk. Once that
  is in place, face the stairs. Above the beginning of the stairs you can see
  a small platform with an identical bookcase. Use the grappling hook on the
  platform and the bookcase will fall down. Drag it onto the other pressure
  switch. A big bookcase on the left side of the library will now slide open.
  Enter the secret passageway and you will find a clue somewhere in the middle
  of the tunnel. Turn on the light so you can see where you are. If you don't
  have the light yet, it's next to Allister on his desk. Hmmm... what could
  this clue mean?
  Head out to the pool. When you enter the pool, stick to the right side. Drag
  the first statue out of the wall. Continue along the wall and drag the next
  one out of its place. Climb on it and turn around. Jump to the spear to
  swing to the balcony. Shimmy around it, jump backwards onto the statue.
  From here, you can jump to a next spear to swing onto the next platform.
  Here you can find two large statues. You can interact with them. Do so and
  place them so that they have their backs towards eachother. (You will need
  to make them face eachother to get a switch first. Activate the switch
  which opens up a door in the water, then turn the statues so they have their
  backs towards eachother.) You will get a next clue about books. Where can
  we find books? Of course, the library. Head over there!
  In the library, interact with the blue book to your right. Then run upstairs
  and enter the room in the back. Interact with the yellow book here. Now
  go back downstairs and activate the green book before you run down the
  stairs. Now, the last book is the red one the left side of the room. A
  giant bookcase will now slide open to reveal another clue.
  Right, go to the main hall, but stay on the upper part. Run to the end and
  you'll see a face with a tongue. That's a switch. Don't activate it just
  yet. First, use the grappling hook on the shiny poles on top of the
  computer room. You now have three poles to swing from. Once they are set,
  activate the switch and quickly swing to the other side where you need to
  activate similar switch. If you did it in time, a statue will rise up from
  the ground. Make it turn so it faces the window above the staircase. Run
  towards the staircase and stand on the seal on the ground. That's a pressure
  switch. The statue will be replaced by a big pillar. Run upstairs and use
  the pole to swing to the top of the pillar. There you have your Golden

 .............................V.BOSS STRATEGIES...............................

 V.1 - Takamoto........................................................(00028)

 Takamoto is a real pushover. He's pretty fast, but he won't use his speed
 for the offensive, but rather for defence. He'll shoot a green light at
 you which takes away about 15% of your health. This can be easily dodged by
 either jumping over it or rolling under it. Another way to be attacked is
 by the machineguns hanging around. So climb up the platform ASAP!
 To damage Takamoto you need to simply run up to him and shoot him. It's as
 simple as that. When you get to close, he'll run away to the other side of
 the room and start shooting that light at you again. So run up to him and
 repeat. It's quite convenient if you saved an assault rifle since that will
 allow you to open fire from a greater distance.
 So, in a nutshell: Climb up the platform and run to Takamoto. Open fire and
 jump over, or roll under, his green light things. He should go down in no

 V.2 - James Rutland...................................................(00029)

 This fight is a lot like the fight against Takamoto. The room is circular
 and there are platforms. James is fast and he'll use that for the offensive.
 What you need to do is fire at James while jumping around like a maniac.
 When you've damaged him enough, he'll jump on one of the four platforms
 where he regains his health. During those few seconds you must shoot the
 platforms by pressing the triangle button when prompted. Then use the
 grappling hook on the platforms and pull the platforms down. It doesn't
 matter in which order you do in. Just repeat the process three more times to
 take down all the platforms. When all the platforms are broken, James no
 longer has a place to regain health. All you need to do now is shoot him
 until he goes down.
 James will attack you from up close with a dagger. That can hurt quite a bit.
 When you're too far away from him, he'll start tossing grenades at you, so
 stay clear of those babies.

 V.3 - Mystic Creature.................................................(00030)

 This is one heck of a fight. Trust me, it will get annoying at some point.
 But whatever you do, don't throw your Playstation, the controller, the TV,
 the game or whatever out of the window. Be patient and you'll succeed.
 The room again is circular. Along side the wall are four struts. These all
 have an switch to activate the machine in the middle of the room. So that
 is your first step... Run around the room while you activate the four
 switches. Meanwhile, the creature will attack you by making fire appear at
 your feet. When you see a small light at your feet quickly roll forward to
 dodge it. It shouldn't be to hard. The damage you take is about 20%, if you
 get hit that is. Once the four switches are activated you'll get a small
 small scene that shows you the machine is now active.
 Get in the machine and only use the R1 button. This will fire an electrical
 beam of some sort. The point is to fire at the four giant bolls hanging
 around the machine. The bolls will swing backwards and cause a wall of
 electrical current around the boll. You'll need to get all four bolls
 swinging to have a complete electrical wall around the machine your in.
 Meanwhile, the monster will float around and charge at you. When it hit's
 you, you'll be knocked out of the seat. How do you solve that? Fire at the
 monster with R1 to slam it against the wall. Remember those struts with
 switches? In between two of them is a large electrical board. You need to
 slam the monster into that. Keep firing at it and you'll see the health of
 the monster depleting. When it seems like it's almost dead, the monster
 will disappear for about 4 seconds. Use that time to make sure all the bolls
 are swinging so you have that wall of electrical current active. With the
 monster now out of the picture, the orb above the machine now opens up to
 reveal a piece of the sword that makes the monster currently invincible. So
 hurry and jump out of the machine, then use the grappling hook to pull out
 the sword fragment. Tough fight wasn't it?
 So, again in a nutshell: Activate the four electrical switches. Jump in
 the machine and use R1 to hit the large bolls around you and press R1 to
 slam the monster against the wall with the electrical switchboard. Once the
 monster is gone and the four bolls are swinging back, jump out of the machine
 and use the grappling hook to pull out the sword fragment from above the

 V.4 - Hydra...........................................................(00031)

 The Hydra cannot be harmed with bullets, so don't bother. So how do you
 damage it? Well, you might have noticed those four switches before? You'll
 need those. Fire on a statue and it will make a loud noise. You'll now when
 it's making noise when it glows yellow. When it makes noise, the monster
 will turn it's head towards it. Now, pull out the grappling hook and pull
 the switch. A cage will drop down and hit the monster on the head. You'll
 need to repeat the process for the other three switches. Easy as pie.
 The monster will of course attack you. But these are quite easy to dodge.
 The first attack is when it spits a green slime/light at you. Simply jump
 to the side to avoid that one. The other one is when you get to close to the
 monster. It will then swing his head at you and knock you off your feet. Jump
 away from the monster to dodge that attack.
 Whatever you do, stay away from the water. If you do end up in the water the
 monster will automatically grab you with it's teeth and throw you back on
 the solid ground, which hurts quite a lot.

 V.5 - Amanda..........................................................(00032)

 Amanda now looks like that mystical creature you fought earlier. But Amanda
 is far more nasty. She'll spit a red light at you which takes away about 30%
 of your health. That's pretty much her only attack. You can dodge it by
 jumping away from it, or by hiding behind one of the large stones.
 Amanda cannot be harmed with bullets. But why would you use your pistols
 when you've got the magical sword Excalibur? Press L1 to lock on to the
 target, in this case Amanda, and press R1 to unleash the attack. Repeat over
 and over again while dodging Amanda's attacks. Eventually she'll go down.
 Quickly run up to her and press the triangle button as prompted. This will
 be the real damage you can do because Amanda will get back up with almost
 full health. She'll keep the damage from the prompted action while she was
 down though. Repeat the entire process again, and again, and again.
 Eventually you will cause enough damage with those prompted attacks that
 you can take her out.


 Feel free to contact me whenever you want. If you think you saw a mistake,
 please let me know. If you know something about the game that I don't
 know and you think it might be useful for this guide, please let me know
 and you'll be awarded with full credit. However, do not sent me Spam or
 any viruses. Also, keep in mind that I don't reply to questions of which
 the answer can be clearly found in this guide.


 - Thanks to GAMEFAQS for posting this guide.
 - Thanks to the guys from Crystal Dynamics to bring us Lara in full glory.
 - Thanks to ab001 for some tips on how to improve this guide and the
   requirements for the Union Jack outfit.
 - Thanks to Hellsguardian29 for the Kazakhstan code.
 - Thanks to jimbhello for the help with the red dress outfit.
 - Thanks to Soumis about the second rock in the Ghana level.
 - Thanks to Joseph Rhys for the requirements to unlock the outfits.
 - Many thanks to Carlin & Andrew for their contribution. (The entire section
   about the BROZNE and SILVER ARTEFACTS in the Manor gym.)
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