Suikoden V FAQ/Walkthrough

                                Suikoden V
                               Playstation 2
                       By: Cyril AKA: Stephanie Nutter
                               Version: 1.4
                       Last Updated: May 29th, 2006

This is a guide meant to walk you step by step through Suikoden V. Like most 
walkthroughs, there will be spoilers for locations, certain bosses (unless 
they are important story bosses) as well as for where and how to recruit the 
108 Stars of Destiny.  Also note that my guide does not follow the 
same "Chapter Order" that other guides do, so it will not work to reference my 
guide to another in that manner.

                        Section 1: Introduction
                        Section 2: The Basics
                             The Battle System
                             The Formation System
                             The Skill System
                        Section 3: FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
                        Section 4: Walkthrough
                             Chapter 1: Homecoming
                             Chapter 2: Plots
                             Chapter 3: Tradition
                             Chapter 4: Support
                             Chapter 5: Momentum
                             Chapter 6: Devotion
                             Chapter 7: Familiar
                             Chapter 8: Loyalty
                             Chapter 9: Truth
                             Chapter 10: Shadow
                             Chapter 11: Choices
                             Chapter 12: Liberation
                             Chapter 13: Meetings
                             Chapter 14: Finale
                        Section 5: War Battles
                        Section 6: Duels
                        Section 7: Recruitable Stars of Destiny
                        Section 8: Training Manual Guide
                        Section 9: Epic Skills
                        Section 10: Tactics/Formation List
                        Section 11: Old Books, Voice, Sound, and Window Sets*
                        Section 12: Speculation: "Lym Point" Guide
                        Section 13: Conclusion
*If you're trying to Control F this, it is actually under
Old Books, Voice Sets, Sound Sets, and Window Sets

Welcome to my Suikoden V guide!

If you have not read my guides before, I have to thank you for choosing my 
guide to be read before the others. If you have, I must say welcome back~!

This time, I have added a special feature. Though still in a highly speculated 
stage, "Lym Points" definitely DO exist.  They determine if you see some 
certain scenes early on, and can also determine if you see one ending or the 
other.  My goal is to completely chart these Lym Points for my readers.

I have tried my best to make this guide as complete as possible.  Having gone 
through the game more than three times, this guide contains every Star of 
Destiny, most mini-bosses, and full boss/duel/war strategies.  Unfortunately, 
now I am working on getting every treasure chest in the game, which is 
something of a pain.

If you are weary of using a guide for a game like Suikoden V, the simplest 
advice I can give you is fight, fight, and fight.  That will allow you to buy 
better armor and sharpen your weapons to higher levels.  The more you fight 
the easier it will become for you to succeed later on.

And last but not least, yes I know there are directional errors in this 
guide.  I wrote the guide while I playing the game itself, so it is difficult 
to keep things straight at times.  Apologies.


                             --- The Basics ---


There's a lot to learn about Suikoden V, but unfortunately, there's no In-Game 
tutorial for anything.  This section is meant to take you over all of the 
basics and help answer any important questions you may have.

                         --- The Battle System ---

The battle system in Suikoden V is an old-fashioned turn based system.  First, 
everyone inputs their commands, and at the end of the inputing, everything is 
initiated.  Repeat until the battle is over.

In battle, you have your own choice of 6 characters, each defined by their 
personal skills, Rune Affinites, and weapons.  Range of weapons will affect 
the performance in battle (see the Formation System) and Rune Affinities will 
determine the damage done by Rune Magic of specific types.

All of your stats will effect your performance in battle.  Your stats increase 
after you gain a level.  You will gain a level after reaching 1000 EXP from 
fighting battles.  If you are fighting enemies that are too weak for you, you 
will gain les and less Experience Points.

Attack - ATK: The power of your direct physical attacks.
Magic - MAG: The power of your magical attacks.
Physical Defense - PDF: Your defense towards direct physical attacks.
Magical Defense - MDF: Your defense versus magical attacks.
Technique - TEC: How often a character will Critical Attack and 
Counterattack.  Also has a minor effect on Continuous attacks.
Accuracy - ACC: How often you will hit an enemy.
Evasion - EVA: How often you will evade direct attacks.  Evading is NOT 
Speed - SPD: Determines when a character will act, as well as having an effect 
on continuous attacks and parrying.
Luck - LCK: Can raise the chance of anything, parrying, evasion, critical, 
etc, when at very high levels. Also effects item drops, I believe.

Next we have Affinities.  The higher your affinity with a Rune or skill, the 
more damage the character will do with that type of magic. There are quite a 
few of them, and some may be familiar to you, others may not.

The Affinities are ranked from S to E like this:
S - A - B - C - D -E
When a character has a S in a skill, they are the best possible.  An E in the 
skill in the worst possible, and you want to avoid those type of skills with 
that particular character.

Su - Sun (Dawn, Twilight)
Fi - Fire (Fire, Rage)
Li - Lightning (Lightning, Thunder)
Wi - Wind (Wind, Cyclone)
Wa - Water (Water, Flowing)
Ea - Earth (Earth, Mother Earth)
St - Star (Star Rune)
So - Sound (DoReMi Rune)
Ho - Holy (Shield, Resurrection)
Da - Dark (Rune of Condemnation)
Sl - Slash
Th - Thrust
Pu - Punch
Sh - Shot
A characters' Rune Affinity are predeterimed before the game is started.  You 
can raise the characters' power in a Runes by equipping "Elemental Rings" 
(Such as a Lightning Ring).  If you equip a "Water Ring" the power of Water 
Elemental attacks will be raised.

Other than direct damage, you may be inflicted by a status ailment in battle.  
There are both positive and negative Status effects in Suikoden V, and 
learning them all is the key to success.  Note that Status effects will occur 
in Suikoden V more often than in previous Suikoden games.

Effect: Poison
Poison will drain your HP every turn.  If left on after the battle, every few 
steps you take you will lose a small bit of HP.  Cure this with an Antitoxin 
Effect: Silence
This is shown by a little - . . .- bubble atop your character's head.  WHen 
affected by Silence, your character can not cast Rune Magic. Cure by using a 
Cough Drop item.
Effect: Panic
This is much like Stun.  This tends to be caused by Lightning type spells, and 
is shown by three little stars of a character's head. This will wear off 
automatically after a few rounds of battle.
Effect: Dislike/Anger
This status effect is shown by a little angry sign atop the characters head.  
The character will be unable to do Co-Ops or Unite Magics, and your entire 
party will be unable to use Formation Skills. Wears off after a set amount of 
Effect: Sleep
When a character has little "Zzzzz" above their head, they are asleep.  The 
character can not take any actions when asleep.  Sleep is cured by being 
physically atacked.
Effect: Unbalanced/Stun
This is shown by a little twirly sign over a characters head.  When a 
character becomes unbalanced, they will be unable to act the next round.
Effect: Darkness
This effect is shown by a large black mass surrounding a character. This 
status effect impairs a characters' ability to hit properly, and they will 
miss most of the time. Cure this with some Eye Drops.
Effect: Slow
This is shown by a giant anvil(?) atop the character's head. The character 
with this effect on will always act last in battle. This can only be cured 
with magic.
Effect: Unconscious/KO
There are actually two types of Death in Suikoden, Unconscious and Permanent 
Death.  When knocked out in battle, you are only knocked unconscious, and your 
characters will NEVER die permanently.  When unconscious, characters can not 
act or be healed.  You need to revive them with Water Magic or the Dawn Rune 
so that they can act again.

A character can ONLY permanently die in war battles, so don't worry about it 
in normal battles.
Now for the Positive Status Effects.

Effect: Boost
The Boost effect is given by a Rune, and is signified by a yellowish glow.  
Your character's attack power is doubled for three rounds, and then thrid HP 
is set to 1.
Effect: Wall
From the Wall Rune.  With Wall on, defense is doubled, but the character is 
completely unable to act, other than by defense.  The only time you want to 
give this to someone is on a tank who has a Firefly Rune.
Effect: Steel
From the Steel Rune.  With this status, you take half normal damage from 
physical attacks, but your magical defense is dropped to 0. Not really 
positive . . .
Effect: Fury
Fury will probably end up being one of the most common statuses in the game 
for any player.  Fury is caused in two ways: One, by a Rune, and Two: By a 
character close to another character Die in battle.  For example, when Lyon 
dies in battle, the Hero gains Fury Status. Your attack power is raised  by 
50%, but your hit percentage is lowered.
Fury is signified by a Blue-ish fire.
Effect: Berserk
Much like Fury, but caused by the Crazed Rune.  During Berserk, you are unable 
to command your character, but your attack power is raised, and accuracy 
Effect: Skunk
Another Rune effect.  Enemies will not target the character with a Skunk rune 
Effect: Alert
Something like the Boost Rune, except for Magic.  Your magical attack power is 
raised by 50% for a few rounds, until it wears off.
Effect: Boundary
From the Boundary Rune, damage from magical damage is halved, but physical 
defense is turned to 0.  Much like the Steel Rune.
Effect: Toasty
From the bath, your characters will recover HP each round until the effect 
wears off.

There are also two types of shields that Earth Magic gives you.  These look 
the same, like little floating globes of light, but have different effects.  
Clay Guardian lowers the magical and physical damage you take. The other 
protects you from a single magical attack.

                        --- The Formation System ---

Unlike previous Suikoden Games (which only gave you access to a very basic 
formation system) Suikoden V has a more advanced system for determining the 
party member placement.

First off:  What is a Formation? 

A Formation is something you can use after getting a Key Item (found in 
treasure chests) called a Tactic.  Some examples of these "Formations" are 
True Men, Geese, Cross, Tiger, and ArrowStance. There are many more other than 
this to find in the game.

With a full party (6 members) you will need to be careful which formation that 
you use.  EVERY character in the game has a certain "Attack Range." This 
Attack Range, which consists of the letters S, M, or L, determine how well a 
character can hit in what position.

S - Short Range Attacker, hits the best in the first and second rows
M - Mid Range Attacker, hits the best in the second and third rows.
L - Long Range Attacker, can hit well anywhere, but tends to do best in the 
very back.

Character Examples of S, M, and L:
S: Georg, Kyle
M: Hero, Lyon
L: Sialeeds

When a character is out of their "Attack Range" they will miss physically most 
of the time.  So if you put your Hero in the front row, and wonder why he is 
missing, this "Attack Range" is the reason.  Ideally, the Prince should be 
going in the center of your Formations.

If this all a bit complex for you, stay in Standard formation until you've 
figured everything out.
All formations also have special abilities that go with them, called Formation 
Skills.  Formation Skills are attacks that use the entire party, so you will 
not be able to issue any commands but the Formation Command when you choose to 
use it.

To use a Formation Skill, Choose "Formation" on the battle menu, and 
then "Form. Skl."  This will give you the option to use the skill available to 
the current formation you are using.  

Note that Formation Skills will be unusable if a member of your party has 
the "Anger" status on. Anger stop Co-Op attacks, and the Formation Skill is 
pretty much a big Co-Op attack.

                          --- The Skill System ---

Skills play an important role in character development in Suikoden V.  The 
higher levels your skills are, the greater the character's ability in battle 
will be.  Unfortunately, there are only 2 slots for skills, so you must choose 
carefully what role you want your characters to play in battle.

Not every character can gain the maximum level in every skill.  The ability of 
a character is determined before you start the game (it is not random, don't 
worry) so some characters reach a lower skill cap than others.  For example, 
some characters can get a SS in Magic Sword, but not in Magic Attack.

Also note that when you begin the game, you are only going to be able to raise 
your skills (magical and physical) to level C.  To raise Skills higher than C, 
you need Combat and Magic manuals found in chests throughout the game. For 
example, Basic Combat will allow you train up to B in all combat skills, but 
only with your in-house (Recruited) Physical Traininers.

Physical Skills:
Stamina: When equipped, your HP total is raised.
Attack: When equipped, your physical attack power is raised.
Defense: When equipped, your physical defense is raised, and you will have a 
higher chance of parying and defending versus physical attacks.
Technique: When equipped, your hit percentage is raised.
Vitality: When equipped, your rate of Critical Hits goes up.
Agility: When equipped, there will be a higher chance of evading attacks, 
attacking first, and having more consecutive attacks more often.

Magical Skills:
Magic: When equipped, your strength with Rune spells is raised.
Magic Defense: When equipped, you will take less damage from magical attacks.
Incantation: This is hard to judge (I may not be correct on this) but when 
equipped, the speed of Rune casting is raised.  For example, you will cast 
spells sooner than when not equipped.
Sword of Magic: When equipped, the damage done with Magic Sword status is 

Personal Skills:

Personal skills are unremovable skills that give support effects.  These 
skills are non-learnable by characters who do not have them initially.
There will be no character spoilers in this section, I am just going to name 
off the skills, not tell you who has them.

Combat Training: The ability to use a Combat Trainer anywhere, as long as the 
character is in your party or Entourage. 
Magic Training: The ability to use a Magical Trainer anywhere, as long as the 
character is in your party or entourage.
Appraisal: The ability to Apparaise and Sell your appraised items in the 
field, as long as the character is in your entourage.
Forge: The ability to have access to the Castle Blacksmith anywhere on the 
field, as long as the character is in your entourage.
Rune Sage: The ability to have access to a Rune Master anywhere on the field, 
as long as the character is in your battle party or Entourage.
Potch Finder: Earn more potch after the battle.  The higher the level, the 
higher percenatge of extra potch you get after battle.  S=+50%.
Treasure Hunter: Raises the percentage that you'll find items after battle.
Cooking: Higher chance of finding food-type items after battles -- I think.
Perfect Pitch: Raises the damage done by the DoReMi Rune.
Chain Magic: Allows two instant castings of spells for the price of 1 MP.

Note that there are more skills than these, but they are called "Epic 
Skills."  These skills can only be used when other skills in the set are at 
level A.  For example, the Epic Skill "Royal Paradise" can only be used when 
all other skills are set to A.

Also note that not all characters can use all Epic Skills, the Hero excluded.  
He can use every Epic Skill. 

Lastly about SP, there is Party SP.  Party SP is there so that you can help a 
character learn an ability in case they are a few SP short.  For example, if 
the Hero wants to learn Attack B, but does not have the SP needed, he can use 
some Party SP to help him level it up.

Any character can tranfer Personal SP to Party SP. If you find yourself with a 
character who has a lot of Personal SP, but you don't want to use the 
character anymore, you can always have them give their SP to the Party SP Pool.

Party SP carries over to a New Game+, Personal SP does not.


                      --- Frequently Asked Questions ---


This section goes over the questions I have seen asked over and over about 
gameplay in Suikoden V.  There will be no questions about story here, since 
some issues are still being debated, and my views may differ on some issues 
than yours.

Should I buy Suikoden V if I have never played a Suikoden game before?
Well, this is as good of place to start as any.  You need to have no prior 
knowledge of the Suikoden series to play this game, though it does give you a 
few added bonuses.  The main problem for you will be the lack of tutorial and 
gamplay aspects.  I suggest reading the instruction manual carefully.
In what order do the Suikoden games go in, time-wise?
Tactics - IV - Tactics - - - - - V - I - II - III
There is a 10 (ten) year difference between Suikoden V and Suikoden I.
How long is this game?
On average, to collect all Stars of Destiny it will take you around 70-80 
hours to beat the game.  Without collecting the Stars of Destiny it will 
probably take you about 40-50.  It is quite long.
Is there a New Game+?
Yes.  After you have beat the game and watched the credits, save the file to a 
New Game+.  Your Weapon Levels, Personal SP, Ability Levels, "Lym Points," 
Characters, or equipped Runes/Armor do NOT transfer over to a New Game+. The 
Sun Set armor does not transfer to a New Game+ even if you do not have it 

What DOES transfer over is Party SP, Items/Runes/etc in your Storage at the 
time of beating the game, Items/Armor/etc in your inventory that were NOT 
equipped when you beat the Final boss, Epic Skills, Tactics, Potch,and 
Combat/Magic books.

Unfortunately, there is also no Costume Change either (There really should be!)
Is it possible to skip cutscenes?
Nope.  Why would you want to do that?
Why is Sialeeds not on my "Tablet of Stars?"
Characters do not go onto your "Tablet of Stars" until you get the official 
message "You have befriended [Character]!" on your screen.  This is also true 
with characters like Kyle, and even later Georg, who you play with early on 
but don't get as Stars until later.
Why won't Viki teleport me/Luserina allow me to change party members?
Usually, when this is the case, there is a scene you need to see in the castle 
before leaving.  Look all around the castle before trying to speak with 
Luserina or Viki again.
Is there a costume change feature? At all? Please tell me there is...
No there is not. . .I really, really, really wish there was though.  I would 
wear a certain costume from end-game my entire New-Game+.
How do I train skills past "C?"
You need Key items, such as Basic Combat, Elementary Combat, Basic Magic, 
Elementary Magic, etc. to get your skills past "C."  Then, only certain 
characters IN YOUR ARMY can train you. 
How do I use "Epics?"
First, you need to be able to get your combat or magic skills to "A" level.  
Once this is possible, level the two (or more) skills to "A" necessary for the 
Epics.  For example, Fate Control.  With Fate Control, you need Attack and 
Technique levelled up to A to use the Epic skill.
What is a "Formation Skill?"
Certain Formations, such as True Men, have something called a "Formation 
Skill."  When you select "Formation" in a battle, you have the option of 
selecting "Form Skl."  This will allow you to use the Formation skill of the 
selected Formation.  Different formations allow the use of different skills.  
You can NOT use Formation skills when one character has the "angry" status 
(can not use Co-Ops) as formation skills work like entire-party Co-Ops.
How do I get the Co-Op (Unite) "Speak with Fist" to work?  It is always Grey 
in the command menu. . .
Apparently, you need three status effects on Nikea and Shoon, Volence, Fury, 
and Boost.  I have not tried this myself though.
How many endings are there?
Other than the optional endings that prematurely end the game, there are 5.
2 Good Endings.  These endings both require 108 Stars, and one also requires 
that you have been somewhat nice to Lym to get.
1 Normal Ending: From 61-107 Stars of Destiny.  
1 Bad Ending: From anything less than 60 Stars of Destiny.
If one of my characters dies in combat, are they gone permanently?
Yes. I hope you have a backup save, because this wil also mean that it is 
impossible to recuit all of the 108 Stars of Destiny.
Note that important story characters can not die permanently in battle.
Do Runes of the same name stack? Such as having two Killer Runes on Georg give 
him a higher rate of Criticals?
No, Runes with the same name never, ever stack.
Thank you Vagabond Sausage for demanding I put this in here.


                     --- [Chapter 1: Homecoming ] ---


There will be no chance for you to load previous Suikoden data when you start 
this game.  Unlike what was previously rumored, Kyril is not a character you 
can obtain by loading data from Suikoden Tactics. So if this is your first 
Suikoden, or never bothered with Suikoden IV or Tactics, don't fret!

After naming your character, selecting your settings, and watching the opening 
sequences, answer your father and mother in any manner you wish. It does not 
affect the game, other than the text shown afterwards. Soon, you gain control.

Note:  Be careful with your answers during the beginning (first 10 or so 
hours) of the game.  These will actually affect the ending that you get.  If 
you are too mean, it will be impossible to get one of the endings!  So try to 
be a balance of both nice and mean, if you do want to be mean.

                             The Past--Lordlake

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Shops: Item, Armor, Inn  -- [Unavailable]
Characters: None
Items: Escape Scroll3, Medicine5, Sacrificial Jizo

Note: In the past, parts of the town are closed off to you.  You will be 
unable to access the back alleys, for instance.

As you gain control you'll find a save point to the north, so use it if you 
wish. Continue south into the main town.  Near the "fountain" there is a man 
in green with a large hat.  Speak with him. Now head east into the Clinic, 
which is just north of the dried up fountain. Watch a scene. Reply how you 
wish, but "Who are you?" makes you seem nicer, if possible.  Exit the Clinic.

Back in the main town, head southwest and walk down the stairs. Watch the 
short scene, and cross over the dried up canal. On the other side of town, 
continue south over a second bridge.  Head all the way over the the southeast 
corner of this area (it's a bit far) and open the chest here for an ESCAPE 
SCROLL3. The passage to the forest is blocked, so head northwest to the Rovere 
Mansion. In the scene, choose "Let's go in."

Enter the mansion, and you'll find it in shambles. Go through the door on the 
western wall to another room. Open the chest in here for MEDICINE5. Now, head 
through the door to the back on the southwest wall.  It's somewhat hard to 
see, but press against the wall long enough and you'll find it.  Watch a 
scene. When you gain control, head southwest, and down the hidden stairs (once 
again, hard to see).  Open the chest here, and you will obtain a SACRIFICIAL 
JIZO.  Head back through the Rovere Mansion and into the main town.

Outside the Rovere Mansion, head north over the bridge, through the small area 
of town, and when you can, head west.  There is a large pier in this smaller 
area of town.  At the end of the pier, watch a scene. Choose whatever you 
like, but I prefer to choose "I can't let you do that."

When you regain control, head all the way to the south of the town.  The 
forest, which was once blocked will now be opened.  Head on into it.

                               Withered Forest

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Suggested Level: 3
Enemies: Hairball, Mad Dog
Items: Medicine5, Mega Medicine3
Boss: Ulse x3

This will be your first dungeon.  It is short and sweet, and quite easy.  If 
you get bored selecting commands in the frequent random encoutners, 
select "Auto" from the base menu, since it is easy to use at this point. Note 
that "Auto" is not safe to use in all battles later in the game, but it is a 
perfect option in these easy, repetitve battles. 

Follow the path down until you reach the save point.  Head over the bridge, 
and at the intersection head west.  Follow the twisting path until you reach a 
second intersection. Head southeast, and at the next intersection (this one 
has a sign) head south. Here, head west when you can, and open the chest for 
MEDICINE5. Head back up to the sign, and continue east. When you can, head 
south, and continue east and open the chest for some MEGA MEDICINE3. Head back 
up to the previous intersection and head all the way east.  Watch a scene. 
Being a good guy and choosing "Let's save him!" is more interesting than the 
other option.

Boss: Ulse x3
Reward: Medicine1, Violence Piece, Boost Piece

This battle takes place with three separate enemies, as do most boss battles 
in Suikoden V. Because there are so many multi-target bosses in this game, you 
should equip Runes that target multiple foes as well as stronger, single 
target Runes.  That's for later on though. 

Since Georg is level 20 in this battle, you should have him concentrate on one 
of the Ulse. Because he has a high critical attack rate, he will probably take 
one Ulse down on the first round, and if he does not, than he will leave it in 
critical range.  What you should do in this case, is have your Hero and Lyon 
use their Co-Op attack "Sworn Protector" on one of the Ulse, while Georg and 
Sialeeds make sure that the second Ulse is killed the first round.

Note:  If you're extra lucky, Georg will actually attack twice on the first 
round, and the battle will end before the enemies get a turn.  This is rare 
though, but hey, it's fun.

On the second round, hopefully you'll be down to two Ulse (unless Georg 
missed, then things might get messy and you'll need to use items, such as 
Medicine).  Use the same strategy here.  Have your Hero and Lyron use "Sworn 
Protector" on that already half-dead Ulse from last round, while Georg and 
Sialeeds attack the other Ulse.

This should kill off the Ulse.  But if not, use "Sworn Protector" and physical 
attacks to take the monsters down on the third or fourth rounds.

Note:  You'll get your first "Rune Pieces" after this battle.  When you have 4 
of each Rune piece (not 4 total, you need 4 of a specific piece) you will be 
able to make it into a Rune through a Rune Master in any town.

                           The Present--Sun Palace

Shops: None
Characters: None
Items: Dress, Refined Clothes, Scarf, Mega Medicine3

Note: In these opening sequences you'll find your party changing constantly. 
You will not get a steady party back until after the Sun Palace events are 

After the scene, you head back to present time.  In the cutscene, you may 
answer how you wish to the many questions asked.  Either way, you're going to 
have to go find your sister, Lymsleia.

The Palace is huge, with many people to talk to. Unfortunately, the lack of 
good items in the Sun Palace saddens us treasure hunters.

From where you gain control, head southwest and go through the large double 
doors on the western wall.  Head east, and up two sets of stairs to the second 
floor.  Now, head all the way southwest, and then all the way west.  Enter the 
door to the far side, which is Lymsleia's Room.  Talk to both maids in here to 
learn that Lym (her "nickname") is not here at the moment.  Looks like we're 
going to have to go look for her! 

Head back into the hall, and head all the way east.  There is a door on the 
eastern hall that leads to the Great Hall.  On the second floor, head south, 
and go up the spiralling stairs.  In this Rune Chamber, speak to the scholars 
and ask all three questions when prompted.  Head back downstairs to the Great 
Hall.  Now, continue east, and enter the far eastern door. 

Head south on the western wing of 2F, and enter the Hero's room.  Talk to the 
maid, and tell her that you're looking for the Princess. She hasn't been here 
yet, it seems. Exit your room, and head all the way east.  In this storage 
room, open the two chests for a DRESS and some REFINED CLOTHES. Exit the room, 
and head all the way north. Go down the stairs to 1F.

On 1F, head all the way to the south and watch a scene.  Meet Kyle, who will 
be joining your party off and on for the next few events. Enter the Knight's 
Guard Room and watch a scene.

Note:  If there is a guard in front of the door to the Guard Room, you will 
need to go back and revists certain areas of the palace.  Namely, Lymsleia's 
Room, the Hero's Room, and the Rune Chamber. This should move the guard.

After the scene ends, speak with the Queens Knights as you wish.  It is a good 
time to get to know them. Ferid is in the back room, if you want to speak with 
him too.  When you're ready to go on, exit the Knight's Guard Room. Watch a 
scene and meet Lymsleia and Miakis. (The more interesting answer here 
is "Um...a little help here?")

At this point, you gain Miakis, Lymsleia, and Kyle in your party again. Exit 
the room, and Sialeeds rejoins you. Now head all the way west, and into the 
Great Hall. Exit to the outside of the Sun Palace.  You may want to save on 
the way out.

In the castle Courtyard, head down the stairs to the east, and open the chest 
for a SCARF. Now, head back up the stairs, and continue south.  Head down the 
stairs to the east again, and circle underneath the bridge.  Head to the 
southwestern corner of the area, and open the chest for some MEGA MEDICINE3.  
Now,head back to the stairs and go back up them.  Directly across from the 
stairs is a pathway that leads to the Senate.  Watch a scene, and enter the 
Senate Hall.

Head through the door, to the west, and watch another short scene. Continue 
through this room, and into the larger chamber.  In here, head west and speak 
with the lady guarding the door.  She will tell you that they do not have the 
information that you need at the moment. Now, we need to speak with everybody 
in the Senate.  This is quite the time consuming process. The easiest way to 
go about it is to start at the top and work down. There are 6 people on the 
top level of the senate, with 2 in the central room.  Continue down to the 
lower level, and speak with the 4 people here, and the person in the 
northwestern doors.  After speaking with all of them, head into the central 
building on the lower level and watch a scene.  Meet Euram and Salum.

When you regain control, speak with the last 4 people in the Senate.  Exit the 
room, and head back to the upper level of the Hall.  Talk to the woman by the 
door, and if you've spoken with everyone, she will move.  Watch a scene.  
After the scene ends, exit the Senate Hall (finally) and head into the Front 
of the Sun Palace. Miakis, Sialeeds, and Lym leave your party.

When given the choice, choose to go to town.  The more entertaining option 
here is to agree with Kyle. Head south and enter Sol-Falena.

                              Sol-Falena City

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Kyle
Shops: Inn, Item, Armor, Appraisal, Physical Training, Magic Training, Trading 
Post, Blacksmith (Level 3)
Characters: None
Enemies: Thug
Items: Bandana, Mega Medicine3, Medicine5

From where you begin, head southeast. Go down the stairs here, and cross the 
bridge to the north.  The Blacksmith is just north of you.  It is a good idea 
to sharpen your Hero's and Lyon's weapon to level 3, if you have the Potch.  
Kyle should be done last, since he is off-and-on at this point. It takes 3,000 
Potch to sharpen everyone's weapon to level 3.

After you're done here, head east and north up the stairs.  This is the 
Trading Post.  If you want, you can buy some cheap-ish Salt here to use later 
in recruiting a character.  Continue east, and head south.  There's a chest 
here that contains a BANDANA. Head back west past the Trading Post, and 
continue southwest.  You'll pass the Physical Training Center, which you 
probably will not have enough points for now. Continue over the bridge, and 
keep going west until you pass under the bridge at the central side of town.

The Inn is over here, and there's not a lot in here. Continuing west, go south 
when you can, and open the chest at the top of the stairs to the side (its on 
a mini-building) for some MEGA MEDICINE3. For now, head northwest and out of 
this square type area from the north.  There is a chest in this next area that 
contains MEDICINE5.  Head back south, and then continue west.  At the far 
western side of town you will find the Rune Shop.  When you enter, watch a 

At this point, you probably will not have enough money to buy any Runes 
(unfortunately), so we need to take Kyle's advice and head back to the Sun 
Palace. As you exit the building, watch a scene. At this point, you can choose 
for the Prince to enter the foray or no, but you will have to fight 6 Thugs if 
you do. It's an easy battle, since Kyle is level 20, like Georg, and has a 
nice Water Rune for you to play with.

After the scene, you need to head back to the Sun Palace.  After you have 
finished your work in Sol-Falena head back to the Palace, as you can not exit 
town at this time.


                          --- [Chapter 2: Plots ] ---


                        Sun Palace--Sol-Falena--Voyage

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Shops: Inn, Item, Armor, Appraisal, Physical Training, Magic Training, Trading 
Post, Blacksmith (Level 3)
Characters: None
Boss: Zadom

Head north through the Plaza into the Palace itself.  Watch the scenes. As 
you're leaving, speak with all of the Queen's Knights for some interesting 
text. Exit to the south. Head through the Plaza to the main town.  Stay on the 
upper level, and head south over the large bridge that extends over town.  
This leads to the Pier.  After another screen of Bridge, you will finally end 
up in the Pier.

Walk down the stairs, and speak with Kyle near th southwestern dock.  He will 
not be joining you this time, unfortunately. Hop on the ship to leave Sol-
Falena.  Watch the scene.

Boss: Zadom
Reward: Medicine1, Fire Sealing Pc1, Breath of Ice S1

Since you have the same party that you did during the previous boss fight, you 
should approach it in much the same manner.  At this point, Georg will still 
be extremely overpowered, so having him use normal attacks is all that he will 
be doing.  The Hero and Lyon should use "Sworn Protector," while Sialeeds 
attacks, and heals with Healing Wind as necessary.

The Zadom has a status (breath) attack that will cause characters to be 
unablke to use Co-Op attacks.  For now, this only effects Lyon and your Hero, 
but it is somewhat of a pain.  Other than that, he has an area attack hat hits 
every party member.  This second attack does not have a very good hit 
percentage so it may miss a character or two, but because of its large hit 
range it is still potentially dangerous.

Though this battle will be over quickly, watch your HP.  If anyone's HP falls 
below 30, heal them immediately, as the bosses most powerful attacks can do up 
to 20 damage to a character. Fortunately, the battle should be over before you 
need to heal.

Watch a scene.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Gizel
Shops: None
Characters: None
Items: Old Book 7, Double Arm Tactic

When you gain control, head south towards to Arena and watch another scene. 
When you can, head into the Arena. The Arena is pretty much a large colusseum 
with multiple levels, and is a pain to navigate. You'll be spending the next 
few hours here, so you'll need to learn it, unfortunately.

Ignore the first door to the stands and head to the west, where another scene 
plays.  Whether or not you choose to see the Dragons does not affect anything. 
When you regain control, continue east and head south down the first area when 
you can.  Exit to the far south into the stands again.   Watch another scene 
here. When you regain control, head east and back inside the arena.

You'll be near some stairs, so go down them. Downstairs, go north and onto the 
next screen.  You'll immediately bump into the Infirmary.  Enter this room, 
head all the way south, and down the stairs to the southeast. Choose "Let's 
see it." and walk east along the dark path for a few scenes.  After they are 
over, head back up to the Infirmary, and out into the main hallways. Head 
north of the Infirmary, and exit to the northwest (The "Front of the Arena.")  
Out here, search along the southwestern wall for the "DOUBLE ARM TACTIC," your 
first key item. In the northwestern corner of this area you'll find a chest 
containing the OLD BOOOK 7, which you will use later.  Head back inside. Head 
south through two screens until you reach a vertical screen. Continue south on 
this screen, and you'll reach a set of stairs going up. Watch a short scene 
here. Head back downstairs, and approach the door to the south.  Watch another 
scene.  Choose "Sure Thing!" to explore the town.

Note:  If you missed the Double Arm Tactic at this point, you will not be able 
to get it for a bit.  The next chance is right before the final round of the 
Sacred Games. The game will constantly give you excuses for not being able to 
exit the Arena into this area.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg
Shops: Inn, Armor, Item, Appraisal, Runes, Trading, Magic Training, Physical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 3)
Characters: Gavaya (Step 1)
Items: Medicine5, Bandage, Mega Medicine3, Leather Hat, Bracelet

Watch a scene. Head south, and make sure to speak with the Red-headed man to 
the west and watch a scene.  From here, head west past the Inn and Magic 
Training Center, and then go north.  Follow this path until you reach a chest 
at the very end, which contains a MEDICINE5. Head back southeast to the 
central plaza of town.  Now, head east in-between two buildings (its somewhat 
hard to see) and watch a scene here. Meet Shoon.

From where you gain control, head south and open the chest for a BANDAGE. Head 
north, and circle back around to the south to find the Physical Training 
Center and a chest containing a MEGA MEDICINE3.  Now head all the way north 
and then west back to the main plaza.  From here, head directly south, and you 
will find the "New Part of Town."

In the newer portion of town, you will find other shops, as well as a 
Blacksmith. From where you begin, head east to find the armor shop, and take 
the first fork south.  You'll find the Appraisal and Item shops here. Head 
back north, and go west.  Head south down the central path, which, at the very 
bottom has a chest containing a LEATHER HAT. Go back north, continue west, and 
head south and you'll find the Blacksmith's, which upgrades to level 3. You 
should have some more money at this point, from the boss, so you may want to 
spend it here.  There's one more chest in the New Part of Town, which is down 
the next part of the western portion, at the southern end.  Open this for a 
BRACELET.  After you're done in the New Part of Town, head all the way back 
north to the plaza area.

In the main area once again, head northwest and enter the Inn. Watch a scene. 
Choose "We'll look into it quietly." to trigger the next series of events. 
When you regain control, exit the Inn.  Head back to the plaza, and go north 
back to the Arena.  Continue north and speak with Sialeeds, who joins you once 
again. On this screen, almost everyone that you speak to is a shop.  
Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot of new goodies. Exit back to town.

Head back to the Inn and Shoon will rejoin your party. Watch a scene and you 
will enter the sewer.

                         Underground Passage--Stormfist

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Shoon
Suggested Level: 8
Enemies: Snail, Arrow Bat
Items: Antitoxin3, Sacrificial Jizo, Leather Armor
Boss: None

Head west and watch a scene. When you gain control, step on that pink square 
on the ground, when ends up being a floor switch that opens the door.  Head 
through the western door and open the chest for an ANTITOXIN3. From here, head 
northeast, and when you can, take the path to the south.  Soon, Georg will 
stop you. Watch a scene.  Continue northeast, and at the intersection, head 
west.  At the next intersection, head northeast again and step on the pink 
floor switch.  Head back southeast to the previous intersection, and when you 
can, continue north.  Follow the path west, and open the chest here for a 

Head back southeast and to the previous intersection.  Head west, and continue 
all the way to the end for some LEATHER ARMOR. Head back to the intersection 
and go southwest. Continue west and you'll reach a save point. From here, head 
south and follow this path to the very end and you'll reach another floor 
switch. This opens the final door.  Head back to the save point, and continue 
west through the newely opened door. You automatically enter the Arena.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Shoon
Enemies: Arrow Bat, Snail, Suspicious Man

After you gain control, head to the far northwestern corner of the area. Watch 
a scene. Now, follow the path (its easy to follow, as there are no 
intersections) until you reach the end. There are some random encounters in 
here, so be careful.  At the end, go up the ladder for another scene. You are 
forced into a battle with 5 Suspicious Men.  This is not quite a boss battle, 
but its also quite a bit more difficult than the other battles that you have 
fought so far. Using Auto Battle in this is not recommended.

After the scenes, Shoon leaves and you start under the Infirmary.  Head back 
upstairs, and watch a long scene.  At this point, you are forced into your 
first Duel. 

Note:  If you don't know how to duel, its pretty much like Rock-Paper-
Scissors.  There are three commands, each weak versus one and strong versus 
another.  Guard is weak versus Attack, but strong versus Special. Attack is 
weak versus Special, but strong versus Guard. Special is strong versus Atack 
but weak versus Guard.  NEVER Special when your opponent is Guarding, else you 
will take a lot of damage. The game will not tell you what your opponent is 
going to do, but they will give you audio clues.  The more fierce the 
opponents tone, the more likely he is to use a Special, or an attack.  The 
more cautious he is, the more likely he is to Guard.  This is how it is in all 

Duel 1: The Sacred Games - Hero vs Shoon

Attack: Here I come!
Attack: No way!! You haven't got the best of me yet!
Attack: I can't let you keep getting the best of me!
Attack: Not good enough, eh? Here I come again!
Special: I'm going to give it all I've got, be sure you're ready for me!
Special: Now its my turn, Ill show you what my full power is like!
Special: Here comes another one, and this time I'll do it right!
Defense: You come at me too, Prince.
Defense: *pant pant* I can't believe you turned my best move back on me!
Defense:  Very nice, I guess I'll have to be more careful. . .
Defense: That was a real princely move, I won't last if I keep getting hit 
like that. . .

Whether you win this battle or not does not affect the outcome of the game. It 
is more of a duel tutorial. Remember to Attack when Shoon Guards, Guard when 
he Specials, and Special when he Attacks.

Watch a scene. Exit the Infirmary, and head south through two screens of the 
Arena. On the third screen, head west up the stairs. In the Royal Chambers, 
continue north through another screen, and into the Royal Box seats.  Watch 
the scene. At this point, you may speak with the Knights, the Queen, and Ferid 
if you wish.  When you're ready to continue, sit down in your chair, which is 
at the southwest of the screen.  Watch the scenes.

The game puts you near the entrance of the Arena.  Head south, and exit. 
Before you can get out, another scene plays.  Now you can really get to town.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Shops: Inn, Armor, Item, Appraisal, Runes, Trading, Magic Training, Physical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 3)
Characters: None
Enemies: Thug

As you enter...Watch a scene. After it ends, continue south into the plaza. 
Once in the plaza, head southwest and west past the the Inn (where you 
previously spoke with Shoon.) From here, head north and follow the path to 
another scene. At this point, you are forced into a battle with 5 Thugs. Like 
the Suspicious Men, they are stronger than normal enemies and you may not want 
to use Auto Battle on them if you have been relying on it a lot.

Watch a scene, and meet Belcoot, who joins your party.  Head back east and 
south to the Inn. Enter the Inn and watch a scene. Exit the Inn, and watch a 
scene (again.) After the scene, you end up in the plaza area.  Head north and 
enter the Arena.

Note:  Egbert, a character you will be able to recruit later is in the eastern 
side of town if you want to talk to him now.  I suggest doing so, though it is 
not required. Also, at this point you will probably have enough skill points 
to do your first batch of levelling up skills. Though you will only be able to 
level one or so up at this point, it is important to start early and make 
plans for what you want to level throughout the game.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Enemies [World Map]: Holly Boy, Hairball, Blade Bunny, Snail
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Wild Boar

As you re-enter the Arena, watch a scene. When you gain control, exit your 
room and head down the stairs to the west. Continue south to the entrance of 
the Arena and exit to the main city of Stormfist. Head back west to the Inn 
that you were just at last night. Watch a scene.

Belcoot joins your party temporarily at this point. Now, exit the Inn and head 
over to the plaza.  Head south and into the "New Part of Town." It is a good 
idea to sharpen Belcoot's weapon to at least level 2, though it is not 

There are two exits to Stormfist.  These are in the Southeastern and 
Southwestern corners of the New Part of Town. They are really hard to see, but 
if you press against the wall at the far southeast and southwest you will be 
able to exit the town.  The guard tp the Southwest will not let you pass, but 
the guard to the Southeast will.

Note: While on the World Map, you can run around fighting enemies. You may 
encounter a Wild Boar, which is counted as a Mini Boss.  The battle music 
before the battle (where the sun is coming down before the battle) is 
different in a mini-boss than before a normal battle. You should get a Power 
Piece1, some Marbeled Beef, Fur Clothes, 2,500 Potch and 18 Party SP for 
beating this monster.  Nice rewards at this point!

Another Note: Being your first time on the World Map, you may want to spend 
some time fighting.  The Western Woods are right next to the city, but that 
doesn't mean that you can not explore a bit. You won't be able to go anywhere 
dangerous for your party at this point, fortunately. 

                                Western Woods

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Belcoot
Suggested Level: 10
Enemies: Creeper, Holly Boy, Snail, Thug
Items: Goose Tactic, Mega Medicine3
Boss: None

After the scene, you may want to use the save point at the entrance. You can 
not go down the normal path in these woods, so head down the animal path that 
Sialeeds pointed out. It is straightforward, though it twists quite often.  
Don't expect to get lost, and expect to deal with a lot of random encounters.  
Move Belcoot to the front and let him tank, rather than Georg.  Belcoot parrys 
quite often and will take the least damage of any member of your party.

Press against the eastern (right) side of the path and you'll find a little 
hidden side path. There is a chest here that contains a GOOSE TACTIC. Heasd 
back to the main path, and when there is an intersection, take the north path 
and open the chest for MEGA MEDICINE3. Continue along the western path at this 
point to reach the house.  Watch a scene. You are forced, once again, to fight 
a battle with 5 Thugs.  Having Belcoot and Georg in the front for this will 
make you pretty much invulverable.  

After the battle, head southwest down the path.  Exit the forest, walk over 
the World Map, and head back to Stormfist.  Watch a scene.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds

When you gain control, head out of the room. After the scene (answering will 
not change the events of the game) head back into your room and go to sleep.  
The next morning, head donwstairs for another scene.  Exit the Inn, and head 
back into the Arena again.

Note: If you missed the Double Arm Tactic from before, now is a good time to 
go get it; the door to get it is right by the Infirmary, and leads to the 
front of the Arena.

In the Arena, head back upstairs. Go north two screens, and enter the Royal 
Box.  Watch a scene.  Now, head south down two screens and head downstairs. 
Head back north up two screens and go west another.  Enter the Infirmary and 
watch a scene. When you regain control, follow Sialeeds down to the lower 
level where the Gladiators are kept. Head into the first door you see, and 
watch a scene. Sialeeds rejoins you.

Head back upstairs, exit the Infirmary, and head south through three screens 
until you reach the stairs leading to the Royal Chambers.  The Queen's room is 
to the northwest. But if you speak with the Knights and the Princess, you'll 
get some interesting conversation as well. When you're ready to continue, 
enter the Queen's room for a scene. 

When you wake up the next morning, enter the Queen's Room and speak to your 
mother and father.
Note: The answer you gave Lyon a few moments ago about how you slept allows 
Ferid to reply to you in different manners.  Nothing drastic changes, but it 
is rather entertaining to see the different choices.  "I slept like a log" 
gives you more entertaining text than the other choice.

When you're ready, head downstairs, and exit the Arena. Continue along into 
the Plaza.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should speak with the girl (by the Leopard) at this 
point.  Ask Lyon for advice in this scene, and she will tell you her name is 
Norma.  This is important for later.

Enter the Inn and head upstairs into the northern room.  Speak with Marina and 
Belcoot. Exit the Inn, and finish any other business you have in Stormfist. 
When you're ready to continue on with the game, head back into the Area, and 
go upstairs.  Speak with Ferid again, and tell him "Yes, we're done." This 
will let you automatically leave Stormfist.


                        --- [Chapter 3: Tradition ] ---


                           Sun Palace--Sol-Falena

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Sialeeds
Shops: Inn, Item, Armor, Appraisal, Physical Training, Magic Training, Trading 
Post, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Characters: Jeane (Part 1)

When you wake up the next morning, Lymsleia and Miakis join your party.   Head 
north and Sialeeds will join you as well. As you head downstairs, Georg will 
too. Head into the Great Hall, and into the audience chamber with the Queen.  
Watch a scene.  After you're done exploring or doing whatever you wish, exit 
into Sol-Falena.

In Sol-Falena, you will notice that the level at the Blacksmith's shop has 
raised. Level up your Hero and Lyon's weapon before anyone elses.

Note:  Remember the Rune Shop "babe" that Kyle was so desperate to see?  Well, 
she's at work today.  Unfortunately for Kyle, he is on duty, but that does not 
stop you for seeing her. This event can only be seen with Lymsleia in your 
Also, now is a good time to finish buying the rest of the 6 Salt from the 
Trading Post.  You will need these later for recruiting a character for your 

When you're done in Sol-Falena, you will need to exit to the east.  If you are 
having trouble finding it, head southeast from the Blacksmith's, then south 
over a small bridge to find the Appraisal shop.  From here, head directly 
south and you'll find a small covered bridge.  This leads to the exit of the 

                              The East Palace

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Miakis, Lymsleia
Items: Arrowhead Tactic, Sunbeam Piece, Glass Slippers, Cape, Sleep Orb
Enemies [World Map]: Armadillion, Wild Boar, Holly Boy, Holly Elf, Hairball, 
Blade Bunny, Golden Bunny
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Peckles (Power Piece1, Marbeled Beef, Leather Cape, 
2500 Potch, 18 party SP) Wizard Tree (1,000 Potch, 4 Party SP)

Note:  If you run around the forests a bit, you may encounter a Wizard Tree in 
a random encounter.  This is another Mini-Boss for the World Map.  He gives 
you 1,000 Potch and 4 party SP. You'll also find a Peckles Mini-Boss in the 

The East Palace is just to the northeast of Sol-Falena, and is a required stop 
to continue in the game.

As you enter the East Palace, head north across the bridge. In the house to 
the far northwest, you will find a chest that contains the ARROWHEAD TACTIC.  
There is also a chest on a small peninsula to the far east that contains a 

Continue north, but do not enter the Palace just yet. Circle around it to the 
west, and to the north you'll find a chest that contains some GLASS SLIPPERS. 
Continue along to the west (circling the building) and you'll find yet another 
chest, which holds a CAPE. Head south, and when you can head east onto a small 
dock in the water (its white.)  Follow this long dock all the way to the end, 
and press X.  You open a very well hidden chest containing a SLEEP ORB.

After obtaining these items, approach the entrance to the palace.  Watch a 
scene. After that, you're free to leave the Palace.  Head all the way south, 
but leave from the east this time.  
PS: Every time a character leaves and rejoins your party, you have to 
reposition your character formation.  A pain yes, but its better to be safe in 
battle than sorry.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Miakis, Isato, Lymsleia
Shops: None
Characters: None
Items: Old Book 5, Water Orb, Magical Piece, Jewel Necklace, Defense Ring
Enemies [World Map]: Armadillion, Snail, Creeper, Ulse, Wild Boar
Enemies [North Woods]: Zadom
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Wizard Tree

Unlike previously, following the road will not get you to Lunas. There is also 
a lot more to explore at this point.  You will find Raftfleet to the 
southeast, though you can not enter it.  The Revolving Bridge is to the far 
east, though there is nothing to do there, either.

To get to Lunas, head directly north from East Palace. It's a long walk, but 
eventually you'll reach the town of Lunas.

As you enter Lunas, watch a scene. Head east across two bridges, and when you 
can, head south down another.  Continue all the way towards the screen (east) 
and you'll find three doors.  Enter the center door, and you'll find a chest 
which contains the OLD BOOK 5. Exit, and continue all the way to the bottom of 
the descending path.  At the bottom, enter the far western door, and open the 
chest in this room for a WATER ORB, which quite possibly will be your first 
Rune (unless you've spent a long time levelling, or have sold off quite a bit 
of gear.) The Central room also has a chest, this one contains a MAGICAL PIECE.

Now head all the way back up to the top level of Lunas.  Near the entrance to 
the large building is two more chests, which contain a JEWEL NECKLACE and a 
DEFENSE RING. After obtaining all of these items, enter the Oracle's Convlave. 
Watch a scene.

When you regain control, head down the long slope again.  Once you've reached 
the very bottom, head south and watch a scene. Now, head all the way back to 
the top of the screen (long walk!) and enter the Oracle's Conclave again.  
Watch a scene. Trying to Peek during the scene gives extra entertaining 

When you regain control, head up the slope.  At the top, another scene plays. 
Head into the "Lunas North Woods."  The Woods are a twisting path, which does 
not have any extra turns on it.  There are a few enemies, though.  At the top 
of the path, watch a scene.

When you gain control, you can speak with the multiple characters in your 
party. When you're ready to go to bed, you'll find your room directly below 
Lymsleia's.  Its somewhat hard to see in the dark, though.

When you awaken in the morning, Lymsleia and Miakis leave. You automatically 
exit town.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Shops: Trading Post, Inn, Appraisal, Rune, Physical Training, Magical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Characters: None
Items: Thunder Piece, Fire Sealing Piece, Silver Robe, Mega Medicine3, 
Sacrifical Jizo, Flowing Piece, Old Book 1
Enemies [World Map]: Armadillion, Snail, Creeper, Ulse, Wild Boar
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Wizard Tree

To get to Raftfleet from Lunas, keep heading southeast.  It's on the river, so 
its quite far from Lunas. If you accidentally run into Revolving Bridge, head 
southwest from there (more south than west) to find Raftfleet.

When you arrive, Sialeeds points out that your goal is the largest ship in 
Raftfleet.  There are signs all over town that will point the way, but there's 
quite a bit of exploring to do otherwise. 

The Trading Post is just north of the entrance.  After using the save point 
(if you desire) you will find the Inn to the west up the stairs.  There's 
nothing in here -yet-, but there is a THUNDER PIECE outside. Head back down, 
and continue north across the platform.  At the intersection, head west and 
through the boat (you will need to change screens twice unfortunately.  Get 
used to it with Raftfleet.)  Open the chest here for a FIRE SEALING PIECE. 
Head back to the intersection and head east. Circle around this particular 
boat to the north, and enter the Appraisal Shop.

After walking through the Appraisal Shop, follow the boats and enter the next 
house. There is another intersection here.  Head through the nothern door 
(with the Red Arrow.)  Follow this path all the way east, and you'll find the 
Rune Shop.  Just to the south of the Rune Shop is the unmarked Blacksmith's, 
so you'll need to talk to the NPC in the ship to actually know that you're in 
the right area.

Through the north door of the Blacksmith's shop is the Armor shop and the Item 
Shop, which you should go to if needed.  From the Blacksmith's, head south 
through the door, and through another ship.  In this ship, exit to the west 
and open the chest for a SILVER ROBE.  Head back to the Blacksmith's shop and 
back to the main area. There are two chests just to the east (and slightly 
south of the Rune Shop) which contain a MEGA MEDICINE3 and a SACRIFICIAL JIZO. 
Head back east, and back to that original intersection.  At this intersection, 
take the western path (the blue door.)

In this new area, you will find yourself by a large ship, called the Dahak.  
Head onto it, and go up the stairs to the west.  In here, head north (the 
right-handed set) and down the stairs.  If you are on the right screen, you 
will still be on the interior of the ship, and another set of stairs will be 
in front of you. If you walk behind these stairs, you will find the Physical 
and Magical Tutors.  After using them (if you need to) head up the stairs at 
the center of the room.

Up here, head directly west, and press against that black wall.  You will 
change screens.  Outside once again, you will find two chests, which contain a 
FLOWING PIECE and the OLD BOOK 1.  Go back inside, and head east. Go up the 
central staircase.  Watch the scene. 

At this point, you are prompted to leave Raftfleet.  The goal now is to head 
back to Sol-Falena. But now is also a nice time to make money, seeing how you 
have access to two Trading Posts (Falena and Raftfleet.)  If you spend some 
time walking between each you can make some easy money.

                           Sun Palace--Sol-Falena

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Shops: Inn, Item, Armor, Appraisal, Physical Training, Magic Training, Trading 
Post, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Characters: None
Enemies: Godwin Soldier (Sword), Godwin Soldier (Bow)
Boss: Assassin, Childrich, Dolph

When you re-enter Falena, you start at the docks.  Follow the path west until 
you reach the stairs heading east, and go up them.  Walk along the pier until 
you reach the main town. Finish anything you need to do in Falena, and enter 
the Sun Palace through the Plaza.

After speaking with Ferid and Kyle, you are left alone with Lyon. While you 
are prompted to speak with the Queen, you can do what you wish to do before.  
Speaking the the Queen's Knights is always fun. Kyle and Zahhak have some 
especially interesting things to say today. Also, you'll find Murad (the 
doctor from Stormfist) on the lower eastern level of the Palace.

To continue with the game, enter the Audience Chambers. Head all the way to 
the end, and go through the curtains. As you approach the door here, Lyon 
leaves your party for a moment.  Watch the scene. Head back out of the Inner 
and Audience Chambers, and now we need to go to sleep. Our Hero's bedroom is 
on the upper corner of the northeastern side of the Palace.

When you regain control, speak with whomever you wish and then speak with 
Ferid. Ferid gives you the option to end the party.  Watch a scene.

Boss: Assassin
Reward: Medicine1

Since you only have three characters here, this may prove to be your first 
difficult battle.  How difficult it is also depends on how much time you spent 
making money, and therefore the Runes, and weapon levels that you have at this 

Depending on how much time you spent getting money, your Hero and Lyon may 
have Runes or not.  You obtained a free Water Orb from Lunas, which is 
hopefully equipped on someone at this point (though not necessary, it does 
help.) If this is the case, just cast all of your most powerful magic, be it 
level 2 or three.  Sialeeds may have "The Shredding" by now, but will probably 
only have the MP to cast it once.

The reason I suggest rune magic over physical attacks in this battle is 
because of the Assassin's high evasion rate.  You may waste a few rounds 
whacking away at him physically because he keeps evading you, while rune magic 
will hit him, even if he does have a higher than average magical defense.  If 
you do not have any magic, have Lyon and your Hero stick with their Co-
Op "Sworn Protector."  Co-Ops will work as a suitable replacement for a 
physical attack. 

Heal whenever your HP gets below 70 HP, as the Assassin does around 30 HP 
damage per round and tends to attack with great speed (the first each round.)  
As long as you are cautious and finish the battle quickly no one should be 
severely injured.

Exit your room and head downstairs (you can't enter the upper level balcony at 
this time.) Downstairs, watch a scene, and then head west for another scene.

Boss: Childerich, Dolph
Rewards: Prosperity Piece1

This battle is not supposed to be won. Don't worry when you get slaughtered.

It is possible to win this battle, though it will be difficult.  It will be 
easier on your New Game+ run through though. 

To win this battle, you'll need the best armor and the highst level of 
sharpened weapons for all three characters (5) as well as the Water Rune on 
one character.  I would also suggest putting a Fire Rune on your Hero.  Magic 
does not damage the bosses well, but it leaves something of an "aftereffect" 
that will do around 50 or more damage a turn, which will be extremely useful. 

Keep Sialeeds in the back and Lyon and your Hero in the front, while having 
Sialeeds focus on healing both the Hero and Lyon.  Healing Wind, while useful, 
tends to be a bit slow, so you'll need to equip some Medicine on her.  If any 
of your characters have any Earth Magic scrolls (to lower damage taken) use 
them now, as they will save you. Note that if you're on a New Game+, the Tri 
Wind Formation will help considerably here (10 ATK, DEF, and SPD).  

Using magic is worthless in this battle.  Stick with physical attacks 
and "Sworn Protector."  Sworn Protector is nice because you do not have to 
deal with counterattacks if you miss or get parried. 

Watch a scene. Eventually, you're going to have to choose to run away. 
Approach the Queen's Knights room, and watch another scene. Head down the 
secret passage, and at the end watch another scene.


                        --- [Chapter 3: Change ] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Zegai
Enemies [World Map]: Holly Boy, Holly Elf, Hairball, Blade Bunny, Golden 
Bunny, Ulse
Enemies [North Woods]: Zadom, Armadillion
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Wizard Tree, Peckles

Watch a scene. From the East Palace, head directly north to reach Lunas. Watch 
another scene. When you regain control, head east over three bridges and enter 
the Oracle's Convlave for another scene. 

When you regain control, speak with who you wish, and head upstairs to your 
room; if you'll remember, it is in the southwestern corner of the screen. 
After the set of scenes, you regain control in your room.  Head back 
downstairs and speak with Haswar for another set of events. Exit Haswar's room 
and head west out the far western door.  Save if you wish (now is a good time, 
since there has not been a save point for a while) and head northeast into the 
Lunas North Woods where you first met Lun and Logg.

Follow the path through the North Woods and a scene plays. Continue east, up 
the ladders, and down a third ladder. Continue east and exit the forest, where 
Isato leaves your party.

                                Haud Village

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds
Shops: Items, Armor, Inn, Trading Post, Appraisal
Items: Boost Piece, Drain Piece, 1,000 Potch, Cross Tactic, Window Set 3, 
Power Piece, Wind of Sleep S
Characters: Bastan (Part 1)
Enemies [World Map]: Armadillion, Snail, Hairball, Blade Bunny, Golden Bunny, 
Wild Boar
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Red Ulse, Peckles (Power Piece1, Marbles Beef, Leather 
Cape, 2,500 Potch, 18 Party SP)

When you regain control on the World Map, head directly southeast and you'll 
find Haud Village.

Note: You will find the Red Ulse Mini-Boss in the forests to the west of Haud 
village. He drops 1,500 Potch, 20 Party SP, Mega Medicine1, a Violence Piece1, 
and a Boost Piece1.  Those are some very nice gifts, so I suggest hunting him 

Haud is a very ...unique... town.  There's a bit to do here before continuing 
with the game so I suggest looking all over town before going on with the game.

From the entrance, head all the way south until you hit a wall.  Circle around 
it, and you'll find a tower.  Just south of this tower you will find a chest 
which contains a BOOST PIECE. Continue south, and you'll find Josephine, who 
shuns you for now.  But to the east of her is another chest, this one holds a 
Drain Piece.  Head back north a bit, and you'll find an intersection (you will 
be near a piano-fence.)  Head east, and when you can, south.  To the far south 
is a chest containing a much needed 1,000 POTCH.

From the 1,000 Potch chest, head north until you reach what looks to be the 
plaza of this town.  From here, continue north and head west when you can. 
When you can, go south, and open the chest near the item/armor shop for the 
CROSS TACTIC. Now, make your way to the very northeastern corner of town 
(which you'll also find the Inn) and open the chest up here for a POWER PIECE. 
Head down the stairs near the northeastern corner to reach the Wharf area. 
Down on this lower level, you'll find a well hidden chest to the southwest 
containing a WINDOW SET 3. Enter the Inn, and you'll find another chest which 
holds a WIND OF SLEEP S on the first floor.

Slightly south of the Inn is the Appraisal shop.  Watch a short scene in here, 
which will help you recruit the Star of Destiny Bastan later on.

After finishing everything in Haud, appraoch the far eastern Gate of the city 
and watch a scene. Zegai leaves your party.  When you're finished with 
everything in Haud, head to the northeastern corner of town, slightly south of 
the Inn.  You'll find the docks.  Here speak with Boz and you will 
automatically leave for Rainwall. 


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Sialeeds, Boz
Shops: Items, Armor, Inn, Runes, Trading Post, Appraisal, Physical Trainer, 
Magical Trainer, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Items: Mega Medicine3, 1,000 Potch, Silk Cape, Prosperity Ring, Magic Absorb 
Piece, Wind of Sleep S, Crescent Tactic, Portune Piece
Characters: Alhazred (Part 1), Murad (Part 1), Oboro (Part 1)

The lovely city of Rainwall will be your home for the next couple of hours in 
the game.

When you gain control, you are given the freedom to explore before being taken 
to Barow's mansion.  Like in Haud, there's quite a bit to do here.  

Head up the two ramps into the main town. Head immediately east, over the 
small pathway and you'll eventually come to a chest containing MEGA 
MEDICINE3.  Go back to the Save point. Head west, and you'll find a chest 
containing 1,000 POCTH. Head up the first stairway to reach the central level 
of town.  Up here, head west around the Inn, down the slope, and enter the 
house at the far end.  Open the chest in this house for a SILK CAPE. Head back 
to the central area, and enter the Inn. On the upper level of the Inn you'll 
find a chest, which holds a PROSPERITY RING.  You should equip this item 
immediately to raise the amount of Potch you recieve after battle. 

Exit the Inn and head back to the fountain.  Head across the screen and all 
the way east.  you'll find a chest at the very far east of the screen 
containing a MAGIC ABSORB PIECE.  Go back to the fountain. Head up the large 
stairs to the next level. On the next screen, head west Immediately to find 
the Trading Post.  As you approach it, watch a scene.  This is quite 
important, because if you miss this scene, you WILL miss the Star of Destiny 
Alhazred.  After the scene, head east and between the two buildings.  You'll 
find the Blacksmith's to the north.  Continue east and enter the large house.  
In here, head upstairs, and you'll find two chests. These contain a WIND OF 
SLEEP S and the CRESCENT TACTIC.  Exit the house and head back to the main 
plaza of this level.  Head over to the Trading post again, and just north of 
it you'll find the Physical and Magical Tutors.  To the west of this you'll 
find another chest; this one holds a rare FORTUNE PIECE.

After you've gotten all of these items, head up the large set of stairs to the 
next level.  Approach the Barows Mansion and a scene plays out. When you gain 
control, head north up the stairs and another scene plays. 

Note: Chuck stores your items for you.  Since there is a limit to how many 
items you can carry in this game, it is best to story items that you do not 
expect to use any time soon.  For example, Old Books or Bath items that you 
may have at the moment.

Upstairs, there are four room.  The two top rooms are empty at the moment, and 
Luserina will not allow you into the southwestern room.  That means that your 
room is in the southeast. Enter and watch another set of scenes. Head 
downstairs and watch another scene. I suggest delaying the battle for a moment 
and going to save your game in town.  When you're ready talk to Salum and tell 
him to start.

War Battle 1 -The Defense of Rainwall-
Rewards: (Victory+) 5,000 Potch, Hungry Wolf Tactic
Battle Goal: Destroy all enemies.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Infantry x2(100 HP), Archer (100 HP)

Note:  Try to reduce casualties in War Battles as much as possible.  It will 
affect your recruitment of a character later on as well as how much Potch you 
recieve after the battle ends.

The game gives you very basic units in this battle.  With Sialeeds, you have a 
Rune Archer, with Boz you have a Spearman, and with your Hero/Leon you have an 
Infantry.  You will also have two NPC Infantry to control as well.

This War game, like the Duels, are a rock-paper-scissors.  The Infantry Units 
deal more damage to Archer types, but are weak towards Calvary (there are no 
Calvary in this battle.)  The Archer Types are strong versus Calvalry but weak 
versus Infantry.  Calvary Units are strong versus Infantry, but weak versus 

Also, remember to note each special skill. In this battle, Hero/Lyon has 3 
Charges.  Charge allows you to damage the enemy without damaging yourself.  
This is an extremely useful ability.  Sialeeds has Cyclone, which is much the 
same as Charge, except that it is magic.  Remember to use these skills, but 
also remember that you have them limited in number.

The battle goal here is rather simple: destroy all foes.  You must also not 
allow your Heroes group to be destroyed, but because he has the ability to use 
Charge three times, this is unlikely.  Also, try to exploit your enemies 
weakness, while not allowing them to exploit yours. Its not too smart to have 
your Archers run at the Infantry because they are weak towards ground battles. 

Since this is pretty much a brawl, with the enemies immediately charging at 
you, and you charging at the enemies, you need to be cautious.  Send two 
Infantry at the Archers, and they will take them down quickly. Attacking the 
other Infantry is tricky.  Use the special skill "Charge" with Boz and the 
Hero/Lyon to reduce the amount of damage that you take. Also, Sialeeds can use 
her Wind Rune to deal damage without taking it as well, so that will be 
effective against the Infantry. 

As long as you use all of the special skills you have at your disposal, the 
battle will be over quickly. this is more of a tutorial War Battle than 
anything else.

After the battle, watch a scene. Head downstairs and speak with Salum again. 
At this point, we can recruit our first Stars of Destiny!

Note: Stars of Destiny in Suikoden V are VERY time based.  If you ask them 
after their specific time frame for joining, they will NEVER join.  So it is 
important that if you are interested in recruiting characters, you get them 
when you absolutely have the first chance.  Also, whenever you visit a town, 
it is important to explore the town carefully before continuing. I will guide 
you through obtaining every Star of Destiny in this Walkthrough, but you may 
miss one if you did not follow the Steps in the "Character" part (such as 
meeting Jeane in Falena after Stormfist) of each area.

Note: Before leaving Rainwall, speak with Murad and ask him to join you.  This 
is one of the steps needed to recruit him later.  Choose "We request your 
assistance." He will not join you yet.

Another Note:  Boz's ship has left the port, and has been replaced with the 
Oboro Detective Agency.  You may want to go visit for a cutscene to help 
recruit Oboro later.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Enemies: Horohoro, Wild Boar, Peckles, Wizard Tree, Red Ulse, Purple Creeper, 
Large Spider, Holly Boy, Holly Elf
Mini-Boss [Rainwall]: Gray Ulse (Mega Medicine1, Violence Piece, Boost Piece
4400 Potch, 25 SP)

There are two characters we can get at this point, as well as two non-stars.  
Since this is our first Recruitment, I have separated this into a new 
section.  if you don't care about the Stars of Destiny, feel free to skip 
ahead to Raftfleet.  We will be going there anyway for one of the characters.

First, we need to head to Haud Village; that is, the gaudy village with bad 
music. It's quite the walk from Rainwall.  Follow the Feitas River north of 
Rainwall.  The enemies are rather nasty with only the Hero and Lyon, so don't 
be afraid to run.

Character: Cornelio
Location: Haud Village
Prerequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After the Defense of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
Head to Haud Village and enter the large mansion to the southeast.  A battle 
with ReMiFa, MiFaSo, FaSoLa, SoLaTi, and LaTiDo starts. After winning the 
battle, choose either option, and you must help Cornelio now. He temporarily 
joins your party.
Now, you need to run around Haud village trying to catch the DoReMi elf. In 
this battle, defend with your Hero and Lyon while Cornelio uses his DoReMi 
After doing this, ReMiFa and Cornelio join you.
Also note that you should not wait to long to recruit Cornelio, as he will 
leave his house soon after thise first events and not come back.  He is a 
missable character.

Note: ReMiFa and all other DoReMi elves are not Stars of Destiny, rather, they 
are just fun little optional characters.

Character: FaSoLa
Location: In a random encounter in the forest to the southeast of Rainwall.
Prerequesite: Must have Cornelio in party.
Time to Recruit: After the Defense of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
With Cornelio in your party, run around the forest to the very far southeast 
of Rainwall.  I found him in one tree closest to the river.  Have your other 
characters in the battle defend while Cornelio uses his DoReMi Rune.  This 
will recruit the little green bugger.

The last character you can get at this point is in Raftfleet.  From Rainwall, 
Raftfleet is to the southwest, on the river.

Character: Sairoh
Location: Raftfleet, Inside the Trading Post
Prequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After the Defense of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
Sairoh is a hard character to get, if not the most annoying in the game. 
First, you need to get him to ask you to lower the price of Salt.  This can be 
a pain as it is.  The first chance he will do this is after you have defended 
To get him to ask you to lower the price of salt, you'll have to wait until 
the game RANDOMLY raises the salt price in the first place.  There is no way 
to control this, though you may want to try to buy all the salt out of 
multiple locations and then sell it back a few times to try and influence it a 
After Sairoh has asked you, you need to buy at least 6 Salts, and then wait 
until the "Price of Salt has skyrocketed!" when checking the rumors in the 
Trade shops.  Then, sell all the salt that you have (5 or 6, to be safe) to 
that shop to lower the price.  Head back to Sairoh and he will join you.
Note: Sairoh is not missable, so you can recruit him throughout the game.


                         --- [Chapter 4: Support] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Shops: Trading Post, Inn, Appraisal, Rune, Physical Training, Magical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Characters: Retso (Part 1), Shun Min (Part 1)

From Rainwall, Raftfleet is to the southwest, along the Feitas river. Once 
you've reached Raftfleet, head to the large ship, the Dahak, where you 
originally met Raja. If you're having trouble finding it, just follow the 

Raja remains on the top floor, up the three sets of stairs.  When you approach 
her, watch a scene. Exit the Dahak, and a scene plays. Now you will have 
access to a boat.  To get to this boat, head back into the room with the 
intersection (in the main town of Raftfleet) and take the north exit. Head 
northeast, and you'll find Logg and Lun, where a scene plays. Speak with Logg, 
and tell him that you want to go to Lordlake.

Note:  Before leaving, you may want to go to the Blacksmith's and get your 
weapons sharpened to level 7.

Watch another scene.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Lun
Enemies [World Map]: Horohoro, Dark Bunny, Armadillion, Wild Boar, Wizard Tree
Mini-Boss: Peckles (Power Piece1, Marbled Beef, Leather Cape, 2,750 Potch, 18 
Shops: Item, Armor, Inn
Characters: None

Finding Lordlake is quite difficult. From the Wharf, head south, following the 
river.  It's a long path, with quite a few random encounters. You'll 
eventually pass one building that you can not enter. Ignore it, and continue 
south. Once you reach the dead forest, keep circling around the lake, and 
you'll find the town of Lordlake.

Not much has changed here since your first visit in the opening movie. As you 
enter, speak with Talgeyl, who will act as a representative. After the scene, 
you have the freedom to look around Lordlake.  There's not a whole lot new 
going on, so leave after you've spoken with everyone.

Note: Portions of Lordlake are still blocked off.  You will be unable to reach 
them until later in the game.

Follow the Feitas back up north to the Wharf and ride back to Raftfleet. After 
you're finished with your business in Raftfleet, exit.  Head northeast, and go 
back to Rainwall.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Shops: Items, Armor, Inn, Runes, Trading Post, Appraisal, Physical Trainer, 
Magical Trainer, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Characters: None

When you return to Rainwall, head all the way up north into the Barows 
mansion.  Speak with Salum.  Head upstairs and enter your room for another 
scene (though if you want, you can speak with Euram in his room for a rather 
interesting conversation.) After the conversation in your room, exit Rainwall. 
Walk southwest over to Raftfleet.

Note:  If you had Cornelio in your party before, he'll be gone now.  
Luserina is in her room at this point, so if you want to add him (or any Elves 
you have collected) speak with her twice.  This will give you the option to 
change party members.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Shops: Trading Post, Inn, Appraisal, Rune, Physical Training, Magical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Characters: None

Once in Raftfleet again, head all the way to the back and speak with Logg and 
Lun. Tell them that you wish to go to Agate Prison. As you leave, watch the 
scenes. Looks like we're going to have to take the long way...

                             The Baska Mine (Part 1)

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Logg, Lun
Suggested Level: 20
Enemies: Large Spider, Man-Eating Bat, Zombie Snail, Purple Creeper
Mini-Boss: Huge Legs (Mega Medicine1, Venom Orb, Long Boots, 3,300 Potch, 20 
Items: Resurrection Piece, Turtle Orb, Martial Arts Garb, Sound Set 4, Mother 
Earth Piece
Characters: None

Head east, and open the two chests near the beaver for a RESURRECTION PC and a 
TURTLE ORB. Head into the mines to the north.

At the entrance, follow the path until you reach the intersection.  Here, 
ignore the north path and head east.  At the next intersection, head north and 
push (press X at) the mine cart.  This clears the path.  Continue north, and 
at the next intersection head northeast. Follow this path until you reach 
another intersection.  Head north here and open the chest for some MARTIAL 
ARTS GARB. Head back to the intersection and head east. Continue along this 
path until you reach a save point.  

From the Save point, continue north and open the chest for a SOUND SET 4. 
Follow this path until you reach another mine cart, which you should push.  
This clears the path.  Follow the path down the slope, and head east at the 
intersection.  Open the chest here for a MOTHER EARTH PC.  Head back to the 
intersection and head west. Follow this path until you reach an intersection.  
Head south, and then west at the next.  Follow this and you'll reach the Dwarf 

                              Dwarf Camp

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Logg, Lun
Shops: Trading Post, Armor, Item, Inn, Runes, Appraisal
Items: 1,000 Potch, Skullcap
Characters: None

After the scenes, you are given control.  This is a nice place to spend the 
night to regain any MP or HP that is lost.  There is a chest in the far 
northeast of the small town, which contains 1,000 POTCH. Also, in the 
Appraisal shop, you'll find another chest that the Dwarves are very willing to 
part with.  it holds a SKULLCAP.

When you're done in here, head up the ladder at the northwestern side of the 
town. Try to exit, and watch a scene. Gunde joins your party.

                            The Baska Mine (Part 2)

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Logg, Lun, Gunde
Suggested Level: 20
Enemies: Large Spider, Man-Eating Bat, Zombie Snail, Purple Creeper
Mini-Boss: Huge Legs (Mega Medicine1, Venom Orb, Long Boots, 3,300 Potch, 20 
Items: None
Characters: Egbert (After Agate Prison)

Rather than a new area, this is just an extrension of the previous Baska 
mines.  The enemies are the same as well. There is an area right after this, 
so be sure not to use too much MP throughout. 

Follow the path until you reach the first intersection. Ignore the 
northeastern path, and head up the northwestern.  Follow this path up to the 
inbtersection, and keep heading north.  Soon, you will reach a large, open 
area. Once you reach the open area, head west and follow the path north. At 
the intersection, head east and follow this path until you reach yet another 
intersection.  Here, continue north and follow this north past the 
intersection.  Continue all the way north to what seems to be a dead end, and 
a scene plays. Gunde leaves your party.

                                Agate Prison

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Logg, Lun
Suggested Level: 21
Enemies: Prison Guard (Sword), Prison Guard (Bow), Zombie Snail
Items: Military Uniform, Guard Ring
Characters: Lucretia, Lelei, Cius

When you gain control, save your game, head through the door, and head up the 
stairs into the prison.

The prison itself is not large, only a few screens. Head south into the cells, 
and watch a scene. Head south through the screen and into the nect room.

Note: In this area, you will see a man in red standing behind the prison 
bars.  He will not say anything to you, even if you speak with him, so ignore 
him for now.  There's nothing you can do about it.

In this room, open the chest and you'll obtain a MILITARY UNIFORM that has a 
nice defense stat. Exit to the east. Continue east, ignoring the door to the 
wharf, and into another small room.  In here, open another chest, this one 
contains a GUARD RING. Exit to the north, and follow the path to the north 
until a scene plays.

Boss: Prison Guard (Sword) x3, Prison Guard (Bow)
Reward: Fire Orb, Shield Orb

This battle may be quite nasty.  Two things to note:  The two prison Guards on 
the side (they both have swords, one is a brunette and the other is the blonde 
from the cutscene) are extremely difficult to attack physically.  They are the 
actual "bosses" here, while the other two are just the normal enemies from the 

What I suggest is having characters with no Rune Magic attack the two Guards 
in the back and kill them, since attacking the two Guards in the front is 
extremely dangerous.  Then, attack one of the two guards in the front with 
Rune Magic (such as single target spells, or range Fire spells fron Lun.) 

Any Rune Magic that hits all, or multiple, enemies works extremely well in 
this battle.  This will allow you to take down multiple enemies per round, and 
with certain spells, do damage over time with the added effect (like with Ice 
or Fire.) It is not necessary to win, but any little bit helps.

I recommend keeping everyone at full health at all times.  The Guards are all 
extremely fast, and at least two of them will attack before your own 
characters. This way, even if your characters are slow, then you will not die 
to the enemy's attacks.  This is rather touchy, especially in this battle, so 
be careful!  Caution will prevail.

Watch a scene. Lucretia, Cius, and Lelei join your party as Stars of Destiny.

Now it is time to exit the prison.  Head south down the screen, and then west 
through the small room. Exit south to the Wharf and watch a scene.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Logg, Lunn, Cius, Lelei, Lucretia
Shops: Trading Post, Inn, Appraisal, Rune, Physical Training, Magical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Characters: Raja, Kisara, Shinro

As you arrive, you are told to go to the Dahak immediately. You may want to 
Sharpen your new party members' weapons first though, since this is the first 
chance you have.

Once on the Dahak, head immediately into Raja's room, where a scene plays. 
When you choose to aid Raftfleet, the war battle begins.

War Battle 2 -Intercepting Lugor's Fleet-
Rewards: (Victory+) 6,000 Potch, Luck Ring
Battle Goal: Halve Brahm's ship's HP or neutralize all others.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed or the Dahak is destroyed.
Foes: Ram (HP: 150), ComShip x2 (HP: 150) ArchShip x2 (HP: 150), Bahram (HP: 

This time, you have quite a bit more characters to control.  Ship battles work 
much the same as the ground battles, and you should treat them as such.  
Remember to not let your weakness be exploited, and always exploit the enemies 

In this battle, you have control of 7 ships, including the large Dahak. The 
enemy also has quite a few ships, but after a few seconds of approaching you, 
a few ships will sink, and Braham's fleet will be effectively halved. This 
makes the battle considerably easier for you.

There are two goals in this battle.  One is two halve the HP of Bahram, the 
second is to kill every ship other than Bahram.  While killing Bahram is the 
easier choice, you should also note that you will get some rare items, such as 
a Flowing Piece, from the other ships when killed. You will also sustain more 
casualties when fighting more enemies.

One thing to note is that Boz will do the most damage to Bahram.  Since he is 
your only Ram at this point, he should continually charge at Bahram. Boz will 
also remain useful when taking on most of the other ships as well, so make 
sure to use him effectively. I also highly suggest being careful with your 
ComShips in this battle, as they will almost be detrimental because there is 
nothing that they are strong against here.

Watch a scene. Raja and Kiara join you as Stars of Destiny.  Before you leave 
Raftfleet though, there is a character you can recruit as a Star of Destiny.

Character: Shinro
Location: Raftfleet, in the Item Shop
Prequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
After winning the battle for Raftfleet, head into the Item Shop in Raftfleet.  
In there, speak with the merchant. Shinro joins you without even asking.

After recruiting Shinro, exit Raftfleet and you're brought back to Rainwall.

Note:  At this point there is a very large glitch in the game.  If you stay 
the night at the Inn at Raftfleet, you can keep doing the battle for Raftfleet 
over and over again by going back to the Dahak. This is an easy way to pick up 
a Flowing Rune if you are willing to do it 4 times in a row (by getting 4 
Flowing Pieces), but other than that, there's not a whole lot of good things 
to say about it.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Kisara, Lelei, Cius, Lucretia
Shops: Items, Armor, Inn, Runes, Trading Post, Appraisal, Physical Trainer, 
Magical Trainer, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Characters: Oboro (Part 1)

In Rainwall, immediately head up to the Barows mansion. Watch the scenes and 
head upstairs to your room.  After the scenes, exit the room, and head 

Note:  You have the option to change party members at this point.  Just speak 
with Luserenia and she will allow you to change the members.  For the sake of 
recruitment, keep Lelei (or Cius) in your party as well as Sialeeds; we are 
going to using both of them to recruit some characters in a few moments.Also, 
you have access to Lun and Logg, though they never officially joined as Stars, 
they are there (and they ARE Stars.)

Oboro's ship is in the port of Rainwall.  The port is on the lower screen, at 
the far southeast.  If you have not spoke to the people inside, Oboro will not 
be there yet, so you'll need to exit and re-enter.  If you have, Oboro will 
have finally come back from his investigation. After the short scene with 
Oboro, he will accept your proposal.

VERY IMPORTANT:  To recruit Oboro, you need to do some side work at this 
point. Note that you need to be careful with your answers during this scene, 
else you may not be able to recruit him immediately (and will be forced to 
speak with him 5 times). Head to the Inn after the cutscene is over, and speak 
with the "Drunk" at the counter.  Speak with him a few times, and then leave 
the Inn.  Watch a scene out here. Choose "I'll go too!" and follow the man 
towards where Oboro's ship is.  Watch a scene here. Choose "I want to see how 
this unfolds." Now head back north up the stairs and watch another scene.  
Continue up the next set of stairs, and up to the eastern side of the Barows 
mansion where another scene plays. Choose "So that man is in the mansion?" 
(this is important for recruitment!). Now head back to Oboro's ship. 
Choose "I've come this far! I can't leave!" and the Prince changes clothes. 
Head back to the Inn, and speak with Nordon again. Head back, once again, to 
Oboro's ship.  Then choose "Shall we take him. . .there?" You are 
automatically brought to the Wharf, so you'll need to walk down the Feitas to 
Lordlake. After the scene, walk back up to the wharf. Here, you're forced into 
a battle with 6 Barows Soldiers.  This is pretty much a normal random battle 
thats staged so that it is a bit harder than normal. You return back to 
Raftfleet (not Rainwall.)

Now, there are a few more characters we can get at this point.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon

Before heading back to speak with Lucretia, there are a few new characters 
that we can get at this point!  Bring Sialeeds and Lelei/Cius with you when 
going after these characters or you will not be able to get them!

IMPORTANT: In Raftfleet, you'll find Murad again.  Speak with him and ask him 
to join.  Once again he will decline, but this will also trigger the later 
event that will allow him to join you.  So make sure that you speak with him!

Character: Egbert
Location: Baska Mines (Part 2)
Prequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
Before attempting to get this character, it is a good idea to save.  In the 
darkest depths of the Baska Mines will you find our good friend, Egbert.  In 
this scene, you must not press the X button until the little button apeears at 
the bottom right corner of the text box.  Even if your text is set to instant, 
the text will not immediately appear during this conversation. It is extremely 
long and boring, but you will get a character out of it if you do not press 
X.  If you do press X, Egbert will not join, so it is best to put the 
controller down during this scene.

Character: Takamu
Location: Agate Prison
Prequesite: Must have Lelei or Cius in your party.
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
Head back to Agate Prison with Cius or Lelei in your party, and you will find 
a man in the cells. Choose "Please come with me!" and Takamu will temporarily 
join your party. Head north through the door, and down the stairs (as if you 
were going back to the mines.)  Watch the short scene, and examine the crates 
and you'll recieve the extremely useful Map of Falena. Takamu then joins you.

Note: Once you recruit Takamu there is a hidden path in the first part of the 
Baska mines that makes it easier to get from the entrance to the Dwarf 
Village.  You'll also find the PROSPERITY ARMBAND down this path.

Character:  Josephine
Location: Haud Village
Prequesite: Sialeeds in your party
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
Since the hero had "ugly" (travelling) clothes on the first time you were in 
Haud, Josephine shunned you. But when you have your "Prince" clothes on, and 
have Sialeeds in your party, she will finally give you some respect. Tell 
her "I guess it's all right." and she will join you.
Josephine is a missable character.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Kisara, Lelei, Cius, Lucretia
Shops: Items, Armor, Inn, Runes, Trading Post, Appraisal, Physical Trainer, 
Magical Trainer, Blacksmith (Level 5)
Characters: Kyle, Chuck

After obtaining all available characters at this point, it's time to go speak 
with Lucretia. Before you can though, a familiar face shows up. Kyle finally 
joins you as a Star of Destiny.

After the scene, head upstairs to your room and go to sleep. During the night, 
a scene plays.  In this scene, YOU MUST SAY NO THREE TIMES!! If you do not, 
the game will prematurely end and give you a "Bad Ending." To be more 
specific, you should answer:
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
"I'd be betraying Falena."
"I'm not fighting to become King."
When you awaken the next morning, exit your room and Lyon joins you.  Head 
downstairs, and speak with Lucretia, then Barows twice, then Lucretia again.  
After doing this, Lucretia tells you to go to your room when ready. In your 
room, watch another scene.

When you regain control, head back downstairs. Watch a scene.  Before starting 
the War Battle, I highly suggest saving your game. When ready, the battle 

War Battle 3 -Rainwall Defense Campaign Part 2-
Rewards: None
Battle Goal: Draw the Enemies in the Southern Forest.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Archer (HP: 100), Infantry (HP: 100), Calvalry (HP: 100), Dilber (HP: 

Unlike the previous battles, the goal here is not to approach your enemies at 
all.  You need to head south down into the forest. After a few seconds of all 
of your troops "fleeing" into the forest, Dilber will comment that you are 
fleeing.  This shows that you are doing the right thing.  Once your entire 
army is in the forest, starts heading west.  It's somewhat hard to see, but 
you can head west under the mountains. 

Once you reach the point under the mountains, a scene plays.  At this point, 
STOP! Don't go any further.  This portion of the battle is over, and you have 
War Battle 4 -Rainwall Defense Campaign Part 3-
Rewards: (Victory+) 8000 Potch, Guardian Boots
Battle Goal: Halve Jidan's force's HP or destroy all other units.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Calvary x3 (HP: 200), Jidan (HP: 300)

You have an ally in Dilbert now.  At Lucretia's suggestion, DO NOT MOVE YOUR 
ARMY!  Leave them where they are, and let your allies do all the dirty work.  
This will save you casualties.  If you find your allies slaughtered, then and 
only then should you go into the battle.  The deaths of your allies do not 
count against you in both your total score, and for recruiting a certain 

To win this battle, you need to either halve the HP of Jidan (Archers work 
best, so you can use Rune Mages from your party, if you're willing to risk 
it...Josephine and Sialeeds in a party together will give you three spells to 
work with) or kill everyone else.  Killing everyone else will give you more 
rewards  (such as a Lancer Armor) than just going after Jidan, but it will 
also be quite a bit harder. 

Since the Calvary in Dilber's army will get literally slaughtered by Jidan, 
you may need to have one person act as a decoy while everyone else, hopefully, 
is able to run at Jidan himself. If you do choose to bring your own army into 
it, make sure that you don't send just one party in alone, make sure that they 
have backup.  You don't want unneccesary casualties.

The battle ends with either half of Jidan's HP gone (easiest done with Rune 
Magic) or taking everyone else but Jidan out.

Watch a scene. Head into the Storeroom where Chuck usually resides.  
Unfortunately, there is no time to save at this point before the duel.

Duel 2: The Dawn Rune - Hero vs Chuck
Attack: That was nothing, but you're really gonna get it now!
Attack: I'm really gonna pound you, so get ready!
Special: This one's for the young lady!
Special: No Way!! You haven't seen the last of my strength yet!
Defense: I don't like picking on the weak.
Defense: I...I need a little break here...
Defense: N-not bad prince...not bad at all...

Chuck tends to use a balance of attacks and defense, and it is also quite 
difficult to predict what he is going to do sometimes, as his more ferocious 
quotes are actually for his normal attacks. Fortunately, he does not have a 
wide variety of quotes so you'll learn his moves quickly. 

Head downstairs, and approach the wardrobe for a scene.  Head back upstairs 
and into the main hall for another scene. Chuck joins your party as a Star of 

After the scene, exit Rainwall, but make sure everything has been done, since 
you will not be coming back for some time. As you exit, you'll meet Wilhelm 
and Mueller. Head to Raftfleet to the southwest.


                        --- [Chapter 5: Momentum] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Kyle, Sialeeds, Cius, Lelei, Luserina, Lucretia
Shops: Trading Post, Inn, Appraisal, Rune, Physical Training, Magical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Characters: Oboro, Fuyo, Shigure

Note:  After the previous events, there is another set of recruitments that we 
can go on, but let's go over the first story events in Raftfleet first. 

Head into the Dahak and speak with Raja in her room. Choose "Let's save 
Lordlake!" during the scene. After the scene, Raftfleet becomes your temporary 
Headquarters, much like Rainwall was. Note that Raftfleet moves down to 
another Wharf at this point, but you can always head back up to the northern 
wharf through Logg and Lun's boat.

After the scene, go downstairs and speak with Luserina.  Pick out your party.  
Now we can either go recruiting at this point, or head straight out to 
Lordlake.  This guide will follow the recruitment path (and just name the 
characters right here) but if you aren't interested in characters, just skip 
ahead to Lordlake.

First, you should head into the new boat that's at Raftfleet though; you'll 
find that it is Oboro's ship.  In here, you'll view a cutscene. As you exit 
Raftfleet, another scene plays out as well. Rahal and Roog, unfortunately, 
will not join your party at this point.

Character: Oboro
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Have to have gone through the Investigation in Rainwall
Time to Recruit: After obtaining the Dawn Rune, before the Queen's Campaign
How to Recruit:
Oboro can be recruited in two different manners.  One is that if you finish 
the Investigation event with him in Rainwall (when Lucretia asks you to 
investigate Barows, you speak with him after and go through with the entire 
event.  This event takes about 20 mintues to complete.)  If you do this, Oboro 
will join you immediately when you ask him in Raftfleet.  However, if you did 
not assist Oboro, you will need to ask him a total of 5 times to get him to 
join your party.  Not every time you speak with him will he give the option to 
ask him, you will need to have recruited party members in the meantime.
Oboro IS a missable character, as his ship will leave Raftfleet and not return 
after the Queen's Campaign.  If you have not asked him to join 5 times before 
this, then you will NEVER obtain him and the characters he comes with.
Fuyo and Shigure join along with Oboro.

Character: Zegai
Location: Lunas Village
Prerequisite: Have to have recruited Takamu, and have him in your current party
Time to Recruit: After obtaining the Dawn Rune
How to Recruit:
Enter Lunas (go to Haud Village and head northwest) from the North Tail with 
Takamu in your party and he will open the path for you.  Head north towards 
where you originally met Logg and Lun (heading towards Lunas is useless).  
After a short scene, Urda joins you.  Head across the path to the west and 
enter Lunas.
In Lunas, head into the Oracle's Conclave and speak with Isato. After the 
scene, head upstairs and into the room Georg once inhabited to speak with 
Isato again.  Ask him to join you and he will not.  Unfortunately, Haswar is 
not here at the moment so you can not do anything.
Now, exit back to the World Map, and Ura leaves your party. Head back into the 
Woods immediately, and head north once again to where you met Urda the first 
time. Follow the path past Urda to the very top and you'll find your old 
friend Zegai. Choose "I'm glad to see you, too." and then "Could I ask for 
your help again?" and he will join your party as a Star of Destiny.

Note: The 6 guard battle outside of Lunas is a nice way to make money early 
on.  You can fight it over and over again, and they give you around 3,000 
Potch total each time, which will add up quickly.

Character: Nordon
Location: Raftfleet/Lordlake
Prerequisite: Have done the Oboro Investigation [Raftfleet], None [Lordlake]
Time to Recruit: After the Dawn Rune Events/After Obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
If you have done the investigation events with Oboro, you will find Nordon in 
the Raftfleet Inn, in the room to the north of the Innkeeper (it is hard to 
see if you do not press against the wall.) Speak with him and ask him to join, 
and he will.  
If you want to wait until later, you will find him in Lordlake, where he will 
join you when you ask him.

Character: Sorensen
Location: Estrise
Prerequisite: Need to have the scene in Babbage's Workshop
Time to Recruit: After the Dawn Rune Events
How to Recruit:
In Babbage's Workshop at Estrise, speak with Sorenson. Now, head over to the 
Revolving Bridge (northwest of Rainwall) and speak with the Guard. Head back 
to Estrise and speak with Sorensen again. Tell him "We want to stop the 
Revolving Bridge." and watch the scene. Now Sorensen and Babbage join you 
temporarily. Exit, and let Lu come with you (she's recruitable later.) She 
will join your party as well. Babbage tells you to get a boat, so go back to 
Raftfleet (or your Headquarters) and speak with Logg.  Have him take you to 
the Revolving Bridge (which is now selectable.)A battle starts soon after. 
This is not a boss battle, but it is a staged battle with four Mechanical 

Follow the path all the way west and open the chest for the ARMOR OF THE GODS 
EPIC (which may or may not be your first Epic skill, depending on where you 
are in the game). Head upstairs. On this next floor, first go up the eastern 
stairs to find a chest containing a LIGHTNING RING. Go back downstairs, and 
head up the western path to find an EQUILIBRIUM PIECE. Continue upstairs for 
the SOUND SET 3. Head through the eastern door, and you'll find a boss.

Boss: Differential Gear
Rewards: Steel Piece1, 18,000 Potch, 50 Party SP

The Differential Gear is another slow Boss that will attack last.  He has low 
magic defense and average physical defense.  If you are fighting him early in 
the game, however, you may find him somewhat challenging.  He will have higher 
physical defense than normal, so I suggest sticking with strong magical 
attacks rather than physical attacks.

Having a nice strong tank out in front will help you lower damage, but the 
Differential Gear does have a line type attack that will help multiple 
characters.  if you have mages in back, this can be dangerous, so having an 
Earth Rune will help considerably. 

Since this is not meant the be an extremely challenging battle, I suggest 
starting off with casting a defensive Earth spell (Clay Guardian) and then 
focusing on magical attacks, such a strong Thunder spells or magic from the 
Dawn Rune. Any strong physical runes you might have will work fine as well.

The difficulty and length of this battle depends on the point of the game you 
are at. Expect it to take a much longer time when you first are able to do it 
then after you obtain your Headquarters.

Continue east through the door and watch a scene. Now, head back to Estrise. 
Enter Babbage's workshop again for a scene. Now, speak with Babbage (not 
Sorensen) and ask him to join you.  He sends Sorensen in his place.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Enemies [World Map]: Horohoro, Dark Bunny, Armadillion, Wild Boar, Wizard Tree
Mini-Boss: Peckles (Power Piece1, Marbled Beef, Leather Cape, 2,750 Potch, 18 
Shops: Item, Armor, Inn
Characters: Toma

From Raftfleet's new location, it is not far to Lordlake. As you always have, 
follow the Feitas river south until you reach the withered trees that signify 

As you enter for the third time, speak with Talgeyl again. He joins your party 
temporarily.  head south down to the fountain, and speak with Goesch. Then, 
enter the clinic where Dr. Silva is usually and watch a scene. Exit the 
clinic, and watch another scene. Allow Toma to come along with you.

After this scene, head back up to Raftfleet the same way you came down. Enter 
the Dahak, and speak with Raja and Lucretia on the top level. After the scene, 
you are told to go to Beaver Lodge, which is south of Yashuna Village. If 
Yashuna is not coming up on Logg's ship screen, speak with Raja again.

Note:  There is an option area you may want to visit at this point of the 
game.  There's not a whole lot new to do here, other than pick up items, but 
it's good for knowing where it is later.


Enemies [World Map]: Wizard Tree, Dark Bunny, Wild Boar, Peckles
Mini-Boss: Siren (Mega Medicine1, Sleep Orb, Flowing Sword Orb)
Shops: Appraisal, Rune, Item, Inn, Armor, Trading Post, Physical Training, 
Magical Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Items: Mega Medicine3, Silence Orb, Rage Piece, Cyclone Piece, True Men Tactic
Characters: Sorensen (if you didn't get earlier)

Estrise is an optional area at this point.  If you are not interested in 
optional areas, ignore this section and head right over to Yashuna.  

To get to Eastrise, take a ship to the "East Wharf" and head over to 
Rainwall.  Though you can not enter Rainwall, you can head east of it.  Follow 
the road east and eventually southeast, and you'll run into Eastrise.

From the entrance of Eastrise, head west and over to the Inn.  before entering 
the Inn though, head south and up the stairs.  Enter the door here. There is a 
chest in here that contains a MEGA MEDICINE3. Exit the house, and head over to 
the Rune Shop.  Continue north, circling to the right of the stairs.  Over 
here us a hole in the wall, which will allow you access to the chest to the 
west.  Open the chest to obtain a SILENCE ORB.

Head to the eastern side of town, and you'll find the path to the Windmills.  
Over here you'll find a chest containing a RAGE PIECE. The last item you'll 
find in Estrise is on the docks, which is at the far north end of town. Up 
here, open the chest to the east and you'll obtain a CYCLONE PIECE.

For the last item, head back to the fountain and head east, where you'll find 
the Armor Shop, as well as the Physical and Magical Training. There a chest 
just south of here that contains the TRUE MEN TACTIC.

Note:  At the very, very southeastern corner of town you'll find Babbage's 
Workshop.  If you didn't recruit Sorensen earlier, now is a good time to do so.

Another Note:  Finding and fighting off the Siren Mini-Boss around Estrise at 
this point is extremely beneficial.  The Flowing Sword Orb that she drops is a 
rare item as well, though you can buy them from the Dwarf Camp. Still, its 
worth it to fight her just for that.

                              Yashuna Village

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Toma
Enemies [World Map]: Wizard Tree, Dark Bunny, Wild Boar, Peckles, Red Ulse
Shops: Appraisal, Armor, Item, Trade, Runes, Inn
Items: ArrowStance Tactic, Prosperity Sandals, Mother Earth Piece, Cyclone 
Characters: Miroon (Part 1)

We'll need a boat to get to Yashuna, so speak with Logg in Raftfleet (he's at 
the same place he always is) and ask him to take you to Yashuna village. If 
Yashuna is not coming up on your selections, go speak with Raja.

Once you arrive at Yashuna Village, you'll notice immediately that the shops 
are all right at the start. Also, there is a chest directly to the south of 
where you begin that contains the ARROWSTANCE TACTIC.  Continue east up the 
stairs, and you'll find the first Inn.  Keep continuing all the way east and 
you'll eventually hit the eastern wall of the village.  Here, open the chest 
to the north for some PROSPERITY SANDALS.

Note: In the Inn near the Prosperity Sandals you will find Miroon.  Speak with 
her (she's downstairs) and watch a short scene.

From the Sandals, head back west up the stairs, and head south down the second 
set.  Down here, enter the house to the far west and you'll find a chest 
containing a MOTHER EARTH PIECE. Also, the house to the far east contains a 
chest that holds a rare CYCLONE PIECE.

The exit to the town is at the far south by the save point.  When you feel 
ready, exit.

                               Mountain Path

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Toma
Suggested Level: 25
Enemies: Dragonfly, Mad Condor, Wizard Tree, Zadom
Mini-Boss: Avolo Pestis (Mega Medicine1, Great Firefly Pc1, Spiked Helm, 
Medicine1, 6000 Potch, 31 Party SP)
Items: None
Characters: SoLaTi

To reach the mountain path, follow the road southeast from Yashuna Village.

The Mountain Path is a long path that is filled with twists and turns, but no 
intersections.  So if you follow it, you will eventually reach the end.  There 
is no boss, but the enemies will probably be quite nasty for you at this point.

Note: If you have Cornelio in your party, you can recruit SoLaTi in this 
dungeon.  Just defend with everyone and have Cornelio recruit him. Make sure 
you have one free space, or you will be unable to get SoLaTi.

                                Beaver Lodge

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Toma
Enemies [World Map]: Salamandy, Ogre Frog
Shops: None
Items: Flowing Piece
Characters: None

After exiting the mountain path, head southwest to reach the Beaver Lodge.

Watch a short scene as you enter. When you gain control, follow the northern 
path until you reach a ladder.  Head up the ladder and enter the house.  Watch 
another scene. Maroon will join your party.

After the scene, open the chest in the house for a FLOWING PIECE.  Exit the 
house, and watch another scene. After the scene, head back south and exit 
Beaver Lodge the same way you entered.

                              Ceras Lake Ruins

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Toma, Maroon
Suggested Level: 25
Enemies: Ghost Shield, Embryo, Skeleton, Zombie
Boss: Diamond Sun x2
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Furball (Mega Medicine1, Sunbeam Piece1, Silence Orb, 
4900 Potch, 30 Party SP)
Items: Guardian Scarf, Robe of Destiny, Old Book 2, Window Set 2, Tiger 
Tactic, Basic Magic
Characters: Viki

To get to Ceras Lake from Beaver Lodge, you must head back through the 
Mountain Path to Yashuna Village.  I suggest going to spend the night at 
Yashuna to recover any lost HP and MP before continuing.

From Yashuna Village, head southwest around the mountain range.  Eventually, 
you'll come across a large lake, which is Ceras Lake.  Follow the lake until 
you find the Ceras Lake Ruins.

As you enter, watch a scene.  Save your game, and speak with the man outside 
the ruins.  Watch a scene.  Enter the ruins (a familiar song will be 
playing...) and approach the door.  Watch another scene. You are forced into a 
Duel with Lorelai

Duel 3: Testing - Lorelai vs Hero

Attack: Hmm...I guess I'll just warm up a little first...
Attack: You still standing? I'll hit you with another one then!
Attack: I'm still fine, I can still fight!
Special: What do you think you have to hold back or something? Don't insult me!
Special: I guess I'll settle this thing right here and now!
Special: Don't let that swell your head, I'm only just getting started!
Special: Not bad, but wait 'til you feel this!
Defense: Ugh you're stronger than I thought!
Defense: You underestimate me. . . When are we really gonna get serious?
Defense: What did you do, give up? You gotta come at me to!
Defense: Hey, aren't you a little too far away? Come at me!
Defense: So you handeled my best move, huh?  Guess I underestimated you. . .

Lorelai has a huge range of attacks (more than pretty much any dueller in the 
game), and they are hard to predict at times.  Lorelai sounds like she is 
going to attack with she is actually defending (or vice versa) at times as 
well, so you need to be careful.  Though, a lot of the time you can win this 
battle by defending alone because she does a lot of Specials.

After the battle allow Lorelai to join your party (she will be useful in this 
dungeon with her Lightning rune.)

Note:  If you plan on using either Lorelai or Zweig in this dungeon, it is a 
good idea to head back to Raftfleet and get their weapons sharpened, since 
they start at level 1.

This area is quite nasty, so you had better be prepared.  There are random 
encounters about every 5 steps (no joke) and some enemies are just there to 
harass you.  After the openeing scene, you will find all of the doors blocked 
but the western door, so head right through it.

Note: You will encounter Embryos in this dungeon.  These enemies are pains as 
they will attack you and then run away.  They don't drop anything too good, so 
if you encounter them, it may be worth it to just run.

Follow the path west until you reach the intersection.  Head north and follow 
the northern path until you reach another intersection, in which you should go 
north.  Step on the floor switch here. After a short scene, head back to the 
intersection and continue west. Open the chest in this room for a GUARDIAN 
SCARF. After getting this, head all the way back east until you reach the 
original intersection, in which you should head south. Follow this path until 
the end and go through the door.

On this new screen, continue west and head immediately north at the first 
intersection. After pressing the switch up here (to open a door) head back 
south and continue west.  At the next intersection, go south and open the 
chest to obtain a ROBE OF DESTINY.  Head back up and continue west all the way 
to the end of the path through the door. Continue west through another room 
and step on this next floor switch to get rid of some of the water by the very 
first door we saw.  Open the chest in this room for the OLD BOOK 2. Now, head 
all the way back east through two screens and follow the path until you reach 
the original screen where the water is flowing (you just saw this in the 
custscene.)  There is a door on the eastern side of the screen we well, go 
through it.

In the second portion of the ruins, head south at the first intersection and 
follow this path until the next intersection.  At the intersection, head south 
and open the chest for the WINDOW SET 2.  Head back north and follow the path 
until the next intersection, where you should take the north path so that you 
can press the switch. Now, head all the way back south and take that western 
intersection as if you were heading back to the entrance. Follow this until 
you reach the intersection, and head east.  Here, the door will now be open 
and you can go through.  In here, take the north path and press the switch to 
open the next door, and then take the eastern path. The eastern path leads to 
a room that contains another switch that will take some of the water down 
(this is a REQUIRED step.)  Open the chest in this room for the extremely 
useful TIGER TACTIC that you will probably be using for most of the rest of 
the game.

Exit the switch room and head back two screens.  Head west until you can go 
south, and follow the south path until you can head north.  Go north, and when 
you can take the eastern path. Head through the door to a new screen.  In 
here, take the northern path and through the door here. Open the chest for a 
BASIC MAGIC that will be important later. After obtaining this, step on the 
floor switch to take down the last of the three layers of water on the final 

Head all the way back to the entrance of the ruins where the water should be 
cleared.  If the water is not cleared, you missed pressing one of the three 
large switches and you're going to have to go through the ruins and find which 
one it is.   Head through the newely opened door. Continue north along this 
path until a scene plays. Continue north, save your game now, and head through 
the door.

After the next scene continue north and . . .

Boss: Diamond Sunx2
Reward: Flame Armor, Flowing Piece 1, Mega Medicine1, Rage Piece1, 49500 
Potch, 50 Party SP

This will be a rather challenging boss fight. You need to have a balance of 
magic and physical attacks to effectively win this battle.  One of the statues 
(the right one) is weak towards physical attacks while strong towards magic.  
The left statue is weak towards magic and strong towards physical attacks.  
Therefore, you want to target all of your strongest magic spells onto the left 

Casting a magical defense spell such as "Clay Guardian" will help reduce the 
large amount of damage the bosses can do per round.  Also, having multiple 
characters who can heal will help (or a character with a Shield Rune.)  In 
fact, if you are actually having trouble with this battle, you may want to 
leave and go put an Earth rune on someone so that they can cast "Clay 
Guardian," which will help considerably. 

Spells such as Lightning (from Lorelai or any other caster) will work well on 
the bosses. Targeting them one by one tends to work better than area spells, 
especially if you have a particularly strong physical attacker. The whole 
point though, is to just use whatever strong attacks and characters you have 
at this point.  Your strategy will vary depending on your current battle party 
and setup.

Because the bosses tend to cause quite a few status effects, you will find the 
Hero's Dawn Rune effective in this battle.  Use it liberally so that everyone 
is not affected at once.

Continue north two screens, and watch a scene. Now all there is to do is exit 
the ruins. Watch the scene, and allow Viki to join you.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Zweig
Shops: Trading Post, Inn, Appraisal, Rune, Physical Training, Magical 
Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Characters: None

Head to the Dahak and speak with Lucretia and Raja.  Watch the scene. 
Choose "We can't do that!" for a more favorable response.  Save (if you need 
to) and then choose to get started. 

War Battle 5: -Hatred Fortress Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 12,000 Potch, Thunder Helm
Battle Goal: Destroy all enemies.
Defeat Conditions: Hero's unit or the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: ComShip x3 (HP: 200), ArcShip x3 (HP: 200), Ram x2 (HP: 200)

Once again, the goal of this battle is not to kill all enemies on screen even 
though the game tells you to.  After killing a select number off (when your 
foes have around 500 left), the battle will automatically end.  They key to 
winning this battle is to having a nice balance of Archers (Rune Archers are 
nice...), Rams (you should have two, Boz with one and Lordlake's party in the 
second) and ComShips.

The enemies are a nice balanced set, so make sure that you are able to counter 
any foe at any time.  It will help to have at least two of each type of ship.  
Also, while keeping your characters close together, clustering them in one 
large pile is a bad idea because they will just slow each other down. 

They key thing to remember in this battle is your battle skils.  Skills like 
Recover will be invaluable at any time, as is Barrage.  Also remember that you 
have the Dawn Rune to use now, which will be excellent.

Note that this battle is not won by killing enemy forces, but by pushing them 
back towards their Fortress.  This can be extremely difficult at times, since 
you can cnot control which direction they run when fleeing. Still, if you take 
out about half of the enemies, and get your forces close to the Hatred 
Fortress to push them all the way back it should be over somewhat quick.

They key in this battle is keeping your characters separated from one another 
and making sure you don't gain the attention of all of the enemies at once.  
This is hard at times, but doable if you're careful. When it does become an 
all out brawl (it will, eventually) you need to make sure that you have a wide 
selection of ship types to choose from so that you can always exploit the 
enemies weakness and protect your own. 

After the battle, you are told to go back to the ruins at Ceras.  Pick your 
party, and take Logg's boat the Yashuna.

Note: You can also teleport with Viki at this point by examining the Mirror 
near Chuck.  Note that you will always have to walk back To Raftfleet though, 
since we do not have the Blinking Mirror yet.

                          Ceras Lake Ruins -Part 2-

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Toma, Maroon, Zweig
Suggested Level: 30
Enemies: Ghost Shield, Embryo, Skeleton, Zombie
Boss: None
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Furball (Mega Medicine1, Sunbeam Piece1, Silence Orb, 
4900 Potch, 30 Party SP)
Items: None
Characters: None

Remember that the Ceras Lake Ruins are southwest from Yashuna Village. As you 
enter, watch a scene.

Note: If you have recruited Sorensen at this point, a special scene with he 
and Babbage plays.

Now enter the ruins themselves and another scene plays. Head into deeper in 
ruins, and follow the path straight through three screens.  After going 
through the Dawn Rune door, continue north to the far end of the ruins.  Here, 
watch another scene.

Outside, head down the stairs.


                         --- [Chapter 6: Devotion] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Zweig, Lorelai, Toma, Maroon
Enemies [World Map]: Killer Tiger, Papa Holly, Huge Legs, Salamandy, Greater 
Salamandy, Gray Ulse
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Big Creeper (Baked Cheesecake1, ?Bonsai, Black Warrior 
Garb, 16,500 Potch, 50 Party SP), Blue Scissors x2 (Silver Bangle, Fire 
Sealing Piece1, Crab, 19,200 Potch, 34 Party SP)
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: Blinking Mirror
Characters: Zerase, Zweig, Lorelai

Watch the scenes, and Lyon claims the ruins as your Headquarters.

When you awaken the next morning, you are given the option to select a name 
for your permanent home. Any name works, so pick what you like best. 

When you gain control, you get to go explore the Headquarters, though there is 
only one place you actually need to go.  From the War Room, head west through 
the door, follow the path north, and head west again when you can.  On the 
upper level, enter the door up top for another scene. Zerase, Zweig, and 
Lorelai join you as Stars of Destiny. 

Head back downstairs and down to 1F.  Speak with Viki, and she will give you 
the BLINKING MIRROR. If you have Viki in your party, just examine the Mirror 
and the same scene plays. Head back upstairs to 2F, and exit to the outside of 
the castle for a scene.  Toma and Maroon will join your party.

Now, speak with Logg at the far northwest and he can take you to the Beaver 
Dam.  This will allow you to get to Lordlake, our next destination.

Note: You can get some excellent armor at this point if you're really strong.  
The enemies on the path to Lunas have powered up considerably, and also have a 
new mini-boss, the Salamander.  This mini-boss drops an armor with a defense 
of 84 called the Fire Dragon Armor.  You'll need to use your strongest 
characters to defeat it though, as he is quite nasty.

Another Note: Since a lot of people have asked about this: You can not have 
access to Kyle for a bit.  Wait until the next major set of events where he 
will automatically join you again.  Right now Kyle is . . . busy . . .and 
won't join your party for battles.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Toma, Maroon
Shops: Item, Armor, Inn
Items: Iron Hammer, Wall Orb
Characters: Talgeyl, Goesch, Toma, Silva

The Beaver Dam allows you access to Lordlake.   Head southeast to reach the 
city itself.

Once in the city, watch a scene. Talgeyl, Toma, Goesch, and Silva join your 
party as Stars of Destiny. 

At this point, you can finally explore the entire town. From where you gain 
control, head southeast past Talgeyl into the back alley. Head south over the 
bridge, and follow the path all the way south and then east.  At the far east, 
continue south and open the chest over here for the very important IRON HAMMER.

Note:  If you take the Iron Hammer to the Dwarf in the Dwarf Camp (Baska 
Mines) you will be able to sharpen your weapons up to level 10 at this point.  
Unfortunately, he will not join your party just yet.

From the Hammer, head east until you can head south again.  You'll find a 
dried out fountain.  Head southeast around the fountain and you'll find 
another Chest.  This one contains a WALL ORB. 

Watch a scene as you try to exit, and Maroon will leave you.

Now, head back to your Headquarters.  While it is time to continue on with the 
game, it is an even better time to go recruit some characters!


Characters: Muroon, Wilhelm, Mueller, Zunda, Belcoot, Marina, Subala, 
Alhazred, Richard, Genoh

Note: If you did not recruit Nordon earlier in the game (because you did not 
investigate with Oboro) then you can find him in Lordlake.  Speak with him 
there and ask him to join, and he will.

Character: Muroon
Location: Headquarters
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After visiting renewed Lordlake
How to Recruit:
Muroon is standing near Logg at the Headquarters.  Speak with him and ask him 
to join with "Why don't you stay and join us?"

Character: Bastan
Location: Haud Appraisal Shop
Prerequisite: Have seen the scene with him on the first visit to Haud
Time to Recruit: After obtaining Headquarters
How to Recruit:
In the Haud Appraisial Shop, you'll find Bastan.  To recruit him, you need to 
have a ?Painting in your inventory. If he does not immediately respon to your ?
Painting then keep cancelling out of the appraisial screen and speaking with 
him.  He will eventually comment to you about your painting.  Then he will 
join you.
You do not have to leave the building when trying to recruit Bastan, you only 
need to cancel out of the recruitment screen.
You can find ?Paintings commonly from the enemies inside the Revolving Bridge 
(Sorensen's Sidequest) as well as from Wyverns later on in the game.
There have been a lot of people having problems with Bastan.  From what I have 
seen, the main reason is because they have missed the scene with him early 
on.  Also note that there is no "specific" painting called the Ivanov 
painting.  What Bastan does is take a random painting and change it into a Key 
Note: If Bastan does not seem to be taking your ?Painting, and you have seen 
the with him, BE PERSISTENT!  He will eventually give in.

Character: Wilhelm
Location: Raftfleet Inn
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Wilhelm is EXTREMELY touchy to recruit.  There are a few ways to recruit him. 
On your first visit/meeting in Raftfleet Inn he will only join you if your 
army has not had many casualties and has had a Victory+ in the War Battle 
against the Hatred Fortress.  To be extra careful, bring Viki along.
Another way to have them join is later in the game with Viki in your party.  
Since Wilhelm likes ladies, Viki is needed. Wilhelm moves from Inn to Inn 
after each major In-Game event, so look for him then.
There are three places to recruit Wilhelm and Mueller, Raftfleet, Lelcar, and 
Doraat.  If you miss them all all three locales, you miss them permanently.
Wilhelm is a missable character, as his his partner Mueller.
Mueller joins along with Wilhelm. 

Character: Zunda
Location: Dwarf Camp
Prerequisite: Takamu and able to enter Lunas
Time to Recruit: After obtaining Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Zunda is a Dwarf in the Dwarf Camp.  She is near the exit to the northeast.  
Speak with her and tell her you will show her a Window.  Now, we need to go to 
Lunas.  If you have Takamu and were able to get Zegai earlier in the game then 
you should be fine getting into Lunas. (Head to Haud and go northwest to reach 
the forest if you don't remember.)
Once in Lunas, head into the Oracle's Conclave, and enter the first door to 
the north.  Approach the Window in here and Zunda will finally be satisfied. 
She joins your cause.
A problem I've been hearing with Zunda is that when people try to recruit her, 
they have not recruited Takamu, and so they can not access Lunas.  In this 
case, spend the night at the Inn (this makes Zunda leave) and go recruit 
Takamu in Agate Prison.  With Takamu in your party, head back to Zunda and now 
you can take her to Lunas.

Character: Belcoot
Location: Yashuna Village
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
You'll find Belcoot outside of the Inn in Yashuna (after visiting Lordlake.) 
Speak with him and he will not join you without Marina. Now enter the Inn and 
watch the scene with Marina.
Note: If Marina does not appear, go a bit farther in the game (after speaking 
with Belcoot) and then come back.  This should get her to appear.
After the scene, Belcoot and Marina join your cause.
Marina joins along with Belcoot.

Character: Subala
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Lun in your party
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Head to Raftfleet, and head north of the Save Point with Lun in your party. 
Watch a short scene here. Now, speak with Subala to initiate another scene. 
Choose "She'll give us, uh...Energy?" and now you need to fish with her.
It is rather easy to win the mini-game, and once you win, she will join you.

Character: Alhazred
Location: Yashuna Village
Prerequisite: You MUST have seen the scene with him in Rainwall
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
First, you need to have seen the scene with him in Rainwall. 
Next, head to Yashuna Village and go to the second Inn (the far east) and head 
upstairs.  Up here, enter the room near the stairs for a short scene.  You 
will recieve the Strange Book.
After recieving this book, head back to your Headquarters, and put it into 
Storage (with Chuck.)
After some time (go battle, recruit characters, or go along with a story 
event) speak with Chuck and he will give you BACK the book.
Go back to Yashuna Village and head back to the second Inn where you 
originally met the man who gave you the Strange Book. Speak to the woman 
inside and choose "I want to return a book. . ."
Now, go to Estrise (east of Rainwall) and speak with Alhazred north of the 
fountain. Tell him "Actually, now that you mention it. . ." and he will 
temporarily join your party.
Head back to Yashuna Village through whichever means, and head upstairs in the 
second Inn again. Watch a scene. 

You need to fight an optional boss now, the Book of Condemnation.

Boss: Book of Condemnation
Rewards: Resurrection Piece1 16,500 Potch, 100 Party SP

The Book of Condemnation is quite slow, and tends to attack last, which is a 
good thing.  Unfortunately, his attacks will hit a large range of characters 
(even if not for the larges amount of damage.)

Whenever the book is opened up, he will start castin Dark Based spells. Any 
defensive spells work well (especially ones that nullify spells as a whole) to 
reduce damage, even though the damage from the spells will not be significant 
enough to warrant danger.

Casting defensive spells will help reduce damage all around (such as Clay 
Guardian), and if done correctly, you will not need to heal at all. Stick with 
physical attacks over magic, since the boss has a high magical defense, and 
the boss will die quickly.
After the battle ask him to join, and he accepts. He will give you the 
Condemnation Orb as a reward.

Character: Richard
Location: Waterfall Basin
Prerequisite: Must have Wilhelm and Mueller
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
You need to find him at the end of the Waterfall Basin.
At the end of the basin, speak with Richard.  Ask him to join you, and he will 
tell you that he can not. Now, head back to your Headquarters (using an Escape 
Scroll helps considerably here) and speak with Mueller. Then head back to the 
Waterfall Basin and speak with Richard again.  He will join you this time.

Character: Genoh
Location: Waterfall Basin
Prerequisite: Alhazred or Levi
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
First, head to Beaver Lodge and speak with the Beaver outside of the Elder's 
Hut about the "Boss" multiple times. Now speak to Fulawafuwalu (the Elder) and 
he will tell you about the Elder (if you haven't asked him to join you before, 
you will need to speak with him multiple times.) Now, head into the Waterfall 
Basin with Alhazred or Levi in your party, and with this character one level 
below or any level higher than your hero. Head to the far end of the Basin, 
and you'll find Genoh (My first thought was Genbu, because of his form).  He 
will only join you under the condition that the "Old" character is one level 
lower or any higher than the hero. 
Note: Contrary to popular belief, you do NOT need Zerase or Jeane in your 
party to recruit Genoh.

                               Waterfall Basin

Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Suggested Level: 30
Enemies: Ogre Frog, Vampire Bat, Huge Legs
Boss: None
Mini-Boss: Tarantula (Mega Medicine1, Venom Orb, Eyeball Ring, 8200 Potch, 30 
Party SP)
Items: Pale Moon Beads, Resurrection Piece, Stone of Luck, Voice Set 4
Characters: Richard, Genoh

Note: The Vampire Bats in this section drop Drain Pieces, so if you're looking 
to make a few Drain Orbs, you should fight them for a bit. 

This is an optional area that you will do to recruit to characters.  Though 
you can enter it earlier than this point, there is really no need, since you 
can not recruit the characters there. The Waterfall Basin is southeast of your 
Headquarters and the Beaver Lodge.

Follow the path until you see some rocks over the river to the east.  Head 
over these rocks, and across the river.  Head north and open the chest here 
for some PALE MOON BEADS. Now, go south until you reach an intersection.  
Continue south, and head west over the rock pathway when you can.  On the 
other sided of the river, head west and south when you can to open a chest 
containing a rare RESURRECTION PIECE. Go back to the Intersection and head 
east, where you'll find a well hidden STONE OF LUCK. Now head back north and 
over the river. Go back to the intersection and take the western path.

Follow this path until you reach the next intersection, where you should head 
east and down the next path over the river. Over here, head down the eastern 
path and you'll find a very well hidden chest containing a VOICE SET 4. Head 
back to the intersection and go south.  Follow this path, and you'll find a 
save point. Continue along, and head northwest over the rocks across the 
river. Head north here onto the next screen.

Speak to the man on this screen, and ask him to join you.  He will not, for 
now. His name is Richard, and tells you that Mueller told him to train there.  
So head back to the Headquarters and speak with Mueller.  Now, head all the 
way back through the Waterfall Basin to where Richard is, and speak with him 
This time he will join you.

After recruiting Richard, level up a character like Alhazred (or wait until 
you get Levi later) until they are one level lower than your main character, 
or higher. Now, head to where you found Richard, and you'll meet Genoh, who 
with the elder character in your party, will be recruitable. You will need to 
speak with the Beavers in Beaver Lodge before this event will happen though.

Lastly, to obtain a character later on you MUST bring Cius and Lorelai to the 
Agate Prison at this point.  After a short scene in the prison, Killey 
leaves.  Head back to Headquarters, where you'll find Killey again with Zweig 
and Lorelai (near the exit.) You need to choose "Explain what?" and "Very 
well. . ." (If you do not at least choose "Very Well" I believe you can miss 
Killey.  It's just how his personality is).
Head up to the Sealed Room for another scene. This will trigger events later 
on when you can find and recruit him.
Note: If you didn't bring Lorelai and Cius to Killey, but instead freed him 
when you were in Agate the very first visit (you can do this, but you miss out 
on some extra conversation) you can still recruit Killey in the same manner as 
if you freed him later.  But remember YOU CAN NOT FREE KILLEY AFTER THE 
QUEEN'S CAMPAIGN.  You will have missed him permanently if you did not.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Enemies [World Map]: Killer Tiger, Papa Holly, Huge Legs, Salamandy, Greater 
Salamandy, Gray Ulse
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Big Creeper (Baked Cheesecake1, ?Bonsai, Black Warrior 
Garb, 16,500 Potch, 50 Party SP), Blue Scissors x2 (Silver Bangle, Fire 
Sealing Piece1, Crab, 19,200 Potch, 34 Party SP)
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

After you have recruited all of the characters possible at this point (that 
was quite a few!) head back to your Headquarters for a new mission. Head to 
the War Room on 3F for a scene. You'll also need to have gone to Beaver Lodge 
and spoken to Fuwalafuwalu to get this to occur, it seems. So if you haven't 
and are having trouble getting this War Room scene to occur, head over to 
Beaver Lodge^^

After the scene, head back downstairs and head outside (from 2F) for a scene 
with Taylor. You automatically head back to the War Room. Choose "Let's go to 
Lelcar!" when you're ready to continue on with the game (you can say you want 
to wait if you have things to do still.) Kyle is a required member of your 
party for the events in Lelcar. (Gotta love Kyle's outfit!)

Head downstairs and choose the members of your party, and then speak with 
Logg, who will take you to Lelcar.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Kyle
Enemies: Bodyguard, Thug, Godwin Soldier
Boss: Nikea, Thugx5
Shops: Appraisal, Inn x2, Armor, Rune Shop, Trading, Item, Physical Training, 
Magical Training
Items: White Rose Brooch, Guardian Casque, Rage Piece, Anklets of Destiny, Tri 
Tactic, Sacrificial Jizo, Basic Combat, Raging Lion Epic
Characters: Mohsen, Wasil, Volga, Orok

Watch the scene. Head southwest and open the chest here for the WHITE ROSE 
BROOCH. Press southeast against the southern houses and you'll eventually find 
a path to a chest containing a GUARDIAN CASQUE.  Continue south past the 
intersection for a scene. Now head north and you'll find a very (very!) thin 
path to the west between two buildings that leads to the Western Islet.  Take 

In the Western Islet continue west and you'll find some more shops. Head all 
the way north here, and when you can, head northeast over the rock path to 
small island.  Open the chest here for a RAGE PIECE.  Head back to the city 
and enter the Armor Shop.  To recruit a character later on, you will need to 
spend around 100,000 (one-hundred thousand) Potch in this shop. Speak with 
Moshen in here after buying 100,000 Potch and he will end up joining you 
later.  If you don't have 100,000 Potch you can wait until later, so don't 
worry. Exit the Armor shop, and head all the way south down the screen. There 
is a chest down here that contains the ANKLETS OF DESTINY.

Head back to the Central Islet. Here, head all the way south for another 
scene. Exit the house,and head all the way south.  By the trees on the western 
side of the far southern portion of the central islet is an extremely well 
hidden chest that contains the TRI TACTIC.  Head back north, and when you can 
head east to the Eastern Islet.

On the Eastern Islet, head east and watch a scene. Answering "Huh? There's a 
Prince here? Where?" gives a more entertaining answer. From where you gain 
control, head north all the way, and then west.  You'll find a chest 
containing a SACRIFICIAL JIZO. Now head into the Inn and go upstairs.  There 
is a chest in one of the rooms up here that contains the BASIC COMBAT book.  
Now, head back over to the Western Islet (through the Central Islet) and head 
all the way south to Orok's house. 

After the short scene, you are forced into a story battle with three Thugs and 
three Bodyguards. This is not a boss battle but you still need to keep your 
guard up. Now head west and open the chest for the RAGING LION EPIC. Now head 
downstairs for another scene.

Boss: Nikea, Thugx5
Rewards: Baked Cheesecake, Master's Robe, 19,800 Potch, 80 Party SP

Like many boss battles, this battle is fought versus a large number of foes.  
Spells will be your very best friend here, especially Fire ones.  if you have 
gotten every Rage Piece at this point, you will have a Rage Rune in your 
possession.  Using that will slaughter this boss and her lackeys. Also, the 
third level Lightning spell, Soaring Bolt, will work exceedingly well once you 
have taken down some of the other enemies on the level (since the damage is 
based towards the number of enemies on screen, you want to use it after at 
least 2 or three foes are killed so that the bosses take more damage each.)

The hardest part about this battle is the sheer built up amount of damage that 
the enemies can cause.  Because of this, you need to kill as many enemies as 
you possibly can on the first round, which will hopefully be three or four. If 
not, you should probably expect a few deaths on the first round if you don't 
have the best gear.

So on the first round, cast as many defensive spells as possible as well as 
area-of-effect spells to take down all of the Thugs.  Alone, Nikea is not a 
challenge, but the Thugs are what will cause the damage.

Watch a scene. Exit the house and watch the scenes. I HIGHLY suggest going to 
save before going to war.

War Battle 6: -Defending Lelcar-
Rewards: (Victory+) 15,000 Potch, Guardian Chain
Battle Goal: Push enemy ground forces back from Lelcar.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Infantry (HP:120), Spear (HP:150), Archerx2 (HP: 150), Cavalry (HP:150), 
Zahhak (HP:200), Rune ArcShp (HP:200), ArcShp (HP:200), ComShip (HP:200), Ram 
(HP: 200)

This will be the largest war battle yet, and will be extremely annoying since 
you have so many units to control so spread out from each other (both land and 
sea units.)  If you are having trouble, press select to pause it, and 
choose "View Map" to move the cursor while it's paused and then unselect where 
you want to control your characters at.  This makes it quite a bit easier to 
execute commands.  

With your ground units, the largest danger is getting stuck on the bridge.  
This is a common occurence and will cause both sides to get slaughtered, and 
the less deaths the better. The bridge will stop your characters from running, 
so make sure that you do not move onto it to intercept the ground army. 

To win this battle, all you need to do is severly damage Zahhak's unit, but if 
you do that, you'll miss out on all sorts of other goodies. Also note that you 
actually don't even HAVE to deal with the ship part of the battle if you 
finish the ground portion quickly enough, since the ships are far enough away 
that it takes quite some time for your opponents to reach them.  That is your 
choice though, since you get goodies for killing the ships.

Remember to effectively use skills like Charge and your Rune Magic to make 
your enemies run.  Also, play defensive.  DO NOT approach the second bridge 
unless you want to die, since you will get caught and slaughtered on it. The 
Dawn Rune will be especially helpful when the enemies are clustered together 
on the bridge, so don't be afraid to use that.

Watch the scene. Back in town you're going to need to deal with the soldiers.  
This will be a really nasty battle if you don't have some good gear, so make 
sure to use spells effectively. 

When you gain control, head west and then north.  Watch a scene up here. 
Wasil, Volga, and Orok join you as Stars of Destiny.

Now, you are supposed to head back to Headquarters, but once again.  Make sure 
to stop by Mohsen on the way out though!

Character: Mohsen
Location: Lelcar/Doratt
Prerequisite: Must have spent 100,000 Potch at his store.
Time to Recruit: Lelcar, after the battle, or after the battle in Doratt
How to Recruit:
Before the battle in Lelcar, buy around 100,000 Potch worth of armor from 
Mohsen and speak with him.  Finish the events around Lelcar, and speak with 
him again.  Choose "I'm sorry to have failed you. . ." and then you MUST not 
tell him to (hypothetically) "suck it up" and instead ask him to join you (Why 
don't you open a shop at my castle?).  If you tell him that it will be all 
right, he will NEVER join you, so make sure that you ask him to join your 
cause. If you did not buy 100,000 Potch worth of armor from him before the 
battle of Lelcar, you will have to wait until Doratt to recruit him.
If you wait until Doratt, you need to buy 100,000 Potch worth of armor from 
him there, and then speak with him and ask him to join.  He will then accept 
your proposal. 


                       --- [Chapter 7: Familiar] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Kyle, Lelei
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Taylor

Back in Headquarters, head to the War Room. Watch a scene. Choose your party 
members, and the goal is Sable.


Characters: Taylor, Jeane, Murad, Linfa, Nikea

Character: Taylor
Location: Headquarters
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar.
How to Recruit:
Head to the Inn and you'll find Taylor outside. Allow him to look around the 
castle and he'll move on.
You'll find Taylor again by the Sealed Room.  Allow him to check it out and 
he'll move once again.
Taylor's last location is by Georg's room (by where Kyle usually stands.)  
Speak with him and let him check that out. Now he joins your army. 

Character: Jeane
Location: Lelcar
Prerequisite: Speaking with the Guard in "Big Hole."
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar.
How to Recruit:
First, speak with the Guard in the "Big Hole" northwest of Rainwall (go to the 
Eastern Wharf and head north to get there easily.)
After speaking with him, head to Lelcar and find Jeane in the Rune Shop. Watch 
a scene.  If you bring Kyle, you'll get some extra text (it's worth it!).  
After the scene, speak with her again and ask her to join you. Tell her that 
you will "Gladly" help her.  Jeane temporarily joins your party.
Head back to the "Big Hole" with Jeane.

Follow the path to the end and you'll find a new dungeon.

Note: In this dungeon enemies drop Magic Absorb Pieces, an excellent Rune that 
you should use for all mages who can equip it.  You may want to spend some 
time farming it while you're here. 

In here, follow the western path along until you reach an intersection, where 
you should go west to obtain some ANKLETS OF DESTINY. Head back east and 
you'll eventually reach a new intersection.  Here, head south and then east 
across the small platform. Continue southeast and follow the east path until 
you reach another intersection. Go east and open the chest for some DEVIL 
BEADS, and head back.  Follow the intersection west then follow the path until 
you reach the two chests at the end.  These contain a HOLY AMULET and a 
PROSPERITY TUNIC. Head back to the intersection and take the north fork and 
follow the path until you reach a large statue.

From the large statue head north and into the large building. In here, there 
are two paths.  Head up the stairs to the east and go up the stairs directly 
west of those on the next screen for a chest containing a MOTHER EARTH PIECE. 
Head back to the main room and go up the stairs to the west.  In here, head up 
the stairs directly to the east and open the chest for the SORCERY TACTIC. 
Head back downstairs and follow the path north and through the northern door.

In here, watch a scene. Choose "Will you join us now?" and Jeane joins you as 
a Star of Destiny.

There's still some more chests in the dungeon. One is on the upper level above 
the entrance.  It contains a MYSTIC RING. Another is in the northwestern 
corner, and this one contains the DRAGON INCENSE. There is a very well hidden 
(impossible to see) chest in the northwestern corner (up at the very top of 
the stairs) behind that wall that changes the camera angle. This hidden chest 
contains a CHAMPION'S ORB. The last chest is in the northeastern corner, and 
this one contains a MAGIC RING.

Character: Murad
Location: Lelcar
Prerequisite: Having spoken to him twice before.
Time to Recruit: After the battle of Lelcar, or after the second events at 
Beaver Lodge
How to Recruit:
You need to speak to Murad in a few cities before he will actually join you.  
You'll find him first in Rainwall during your time there.  After that he goes 
to Raftfleet where you should speak with him there.  Note that the windows of 
times in these towns that he remains is quite short, so the moment you see him 
you need to speak with him.  After the battle in Lelcar you'll find him on the 
Western Islet tending to the wounded.  Speak with him there and he will join 
if you spoke to him before.  If he does not join now, you'll need to speak 
with him later on after the second series of events in the Beaver Lodge.

Character: Linfa
Location: Estrise, Yashuna, Raftfleet
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar. 
How to Recruit:
Recruiting Linfa is a three step process. Note that the first two steps can 
actually be completed before the battle of Lelcar, but the last step can not 
be completed until after.
First, you'll find Linfa in the Inn of Estrise.  Speak with her here and she 
challenged you to a game.  Play her, and don't even try to win.  Linfa cheats, 
so don't expect to win this.  After you lose 2,000 Potch, she leaves.
Now, head to Yashuna village where you'll find her again (near the water).  
This time she gives you back your 2,000 Potch and leaves.
The last place you'll find Linfa is in Raftfleet, where you can recruit her. 
If you don't find her there the first time, you may need to wait until a few 
in-game events have passed. To get Linfa to join, ask her, and then accept her 
challenge. She will join you if you win or lose, but if you lose you need to 
pay  5,000 Potch.

Character: Nikea
Location: Estrise 
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar. 
How to Recruit:
You'll find Nikea at the Inn in Estrise.  After a short scene with her, she 
demands to duel if you want to recruit her.

Optional Duel: -Hero vs Nikea-
Attack: Okay, here I go.
Attack: I'm telling you, that wont work on me!
Attack: Special move, ouch owie ouch...Sorry guess I cant do that one. . .
Special: I'll start off with a special move right away, Kabaluph(sp?) 
Special: Special Move, Demba Avalanche!
Special: Special Move, Kabaluph(sp?) Landslside!
Defense: Okay, come at me!
Defense: Hey not bad, guess I better keep my eyes open.

Near the end of the duel, Nikea starts using her special move over and over 
again, so if you just defend every round it should be an easy win. She does 
not have the largest array of attacks, either. I didn't head that one word 
well in her special, but you'll know it when you hear it. . .

After beating Nikea, she will join your army.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Sialeeds
Enemies [World Map]: Avolo Pestis, Killer Bald Eagle, Rockadillo
Shops: Inn, Item, Armor, Rune, Trading Post, Appraisal, Physical Training, 
Magical Training, Blacksmith (Level 10)
Items: Fate Control Epic, Elementary Magic, Silver Hammer, Crown of Destiny, 
Old Book 8
Characters: Dongo

Sable is a long walk from your Headquarters.  First, you need to 
Blink/Teleport over to Lordlake. Outside of Lordlake, follow the road 
southeast and you'll find the Sable. West Checkpoint. Enter this and watch a 
scene. You are pitted against four Sable Patrol Guards in a story battle. Boz 
and Dinn join your party. Now, head through the Checkpoint to the World Map.

On the World Map, follow the path southeast until you reach Sable. Watch the 
scenes. Boz leaves your party, though Dinn stays.  Now head south and enter 
the storage room and you'll find the FATE CONTROL EPIC. Now head back north 
and into the courtyard.  In here, you'll find the ELEMENTARY MAGIC. Exit 
Solis' house.

In the main town, head north until you reach the armor shop. From here, head 
west and up the stairs.  You'll find the important SILVER HAMMER in the chest 
up here.  Head back down the stairs. With the Silver Hammer in your possession 
you can recruit another character in the Dwarf Camp.

Character: Dongo
Location: Dwarf Camp
Prerequisite: Have given Dongo the Iron Hammer (found in Lordlake)
Time to Recruit: After gaining access to Sable
How to Recruit:
You need to give Dongo the Iron and Silver Hammers to recruit him.  The Iron 
Hammer is found in a chest in Lordlake, while the Silver Hammer is found in a 
chest in Sable. After giving him both of these, and sharpening a few weapons, 
he will join your army.
Something some people do here is that they do not give Dongo the Iron Hammer 
before they have the Silver Hammer. In this case, you will need to wait until 
you get a higher level Hammer (such as the Gold Hammer) to recuit him. Dongo 
needs to have two hammer types given to him before you can recruit him.

Back at the Sable Armor Shop, head all the way to the northeastern corner of 
the town.  Its a rather long walk, but you'll eventually find a chest 
containing a CROWN OF DESTINY. Now, head back to the Inn and enter. Go 
upstairs, and you'll find a way to get outside (to the south of the screen.) 
Follow the eastern wall to a new screen and open the chest to the north for 
the OLD BOOK 8.

After obtaining all of the items, exit Sable.

                               Ranro Mountain    

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Sialeeds, Dinn
Suggested Level: 35
Enemies: Killer Bald Eagle, Bandit (Sword), Bandit (Bow), Avolo Pestis, 
Mini-Boss: Salamander
Boss: Female Bandit, Male Bandit, Bandit (Sword) x2, Bandit (Bow) x2
Items: Pale Moon Gloves, Circle Tactic, Swift Foot Epic, Window Set 4, Taira 
Armor, Wind Ring, Cyclone Piece
Characters: None

Note:  The mini-boss here is the same one that I mentioned earlier on the path 
of Lunas.  It drops a great piece of armor with high defense, if you can 
defeat it.

Head north from Sable, and hug the mountains until you can go east.  You'll 
eventually find Ranro Mountain.

Once you have entered the mountain, watch a scene. When you regain control, 
head very slightly east and press the X button near that large vine on the 
wall.  You'll climb up the vine.  At the top of the vine, open the chest and 
you'll recieve the PALE MOON GLOVES. Go back down, and head all the way west.  
Head up the vine to the far west.

On the second level, head east and head up the vine to the third level. On the 
third floor, head all the way west and up the vine.  Up here, continue west 
and up another vine.  The chest up here contains the CIRCLE TACTIC.  Head down 
the two vines back to the third level. Down here, head all the way east and 
there are two vines.  Take the southern vine going down and follow this vine 
up the next one. Up here you'll find the SWIFT FOOT EPIC. Head back down the 
vine, and back up the previous vine to the intersection. Now, take the 
northeastern vine going up to reach the fourth level.

On the fourth level, head west up the next vine, and then head all the way 
east and up the vine up here.  Open the chest here for the WINDOW SET 4. Head 
back down the vine. Back down here, head all the way west to the far end and 
go up the vine to the next level. Take the western vine to the next level 
after this.

There's a Save point up here.  Save now, and then head all the way east.  
Watch a scene.

Boss: Female Bandit, Male Bandit, Bandit (Sword) x2, Bandit (Bow) x2
Rewards: Kite Orb, ?Painting

This is another battle where area of effect attacks will work to your 
advantage.  Once again, higher level Fire spells, or spells like Soaring Bolt 
or Earthquake will do some good damage to all enemies.  The goal is to take 
down as many of the foes on the screen as quickly as you possibly can.  If you 
do not, they will attack you, and quite possibly overwhelm you if you do not 
have the best gear possible.

The Bandits are quite fast, especialy if you are low levelled, so you may want 
to cast protective spells (from the Earth Rune) on your first round. 
Otherwise, this battle is not too difficult, it is more like a mid-boss than a 
true boss.

After the battle, head north and into the Bandit's Hideout.

There are a few more treasures in here to obtain before finding "Roy."  Enter 
the first door you see (to the east) and open the chest in here for the TAIRA 
ARMOR.  Exit this room, and head all the way north (ignoring the door to the 
west for now.)  Head through the door and open the chest in here for the WIND 
RING.  Head back south, and enter that door to the West.

Watch a scene. 

Duel 4: Doppelanger -Hero vs Roy-

Attack: Is that the best you can do? Well, guess it's my turn now!
Attack: Well, I'm not going to hit you with my best moves right away am I?
Attack: Damn you! That really hurt!
Special: Hmm...maybe I'll hit you with my best moves right away!
Special: All right, this one is gonna put you outta your misery!
Special: You got me....I gotta take a break...haha! Did you really believe me?
Special: Hmph, what if I really get serious?
Special: Hmph, you think that hurts? you gotta do something more like this!
Special: Grr, you really piss me off, you know that!?!
Defense: Damn you...You really got me!
Defense: What are you waiting for? Come at me!
Defense: Okay, here comes another one. . . Nah, changed my mind!

Roy uses specials most of the time.  Also, he has a fake guard with that 
special, so don't play into it, make sure you read the entire text before 
actually selecting the command (which is not neccessary all the time.) Roy 
tends to special most of the time in this battle (seeing as his most of his 
attacks are specials) though sometimes determining which are specials and 
which are attacks is tricky.

Note: if you lose to Roy, you will see one of the premature bad endings.

Watch the scene. Answer "I'll do no such thing!" (this is important!!!) during 
the scene. Faylen, Faylon, and Roy join your party.  Open the chest in this 
room  for the CYCLONE PIECE. Now you need to leave the mountain, which you can 
either walk down, or use an Escape Tailsman to do.  Head back to Sable.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Sialeeds
Enemies [World Map]: Avolo Pestis, Killer Bald Eagle, Rockadillo
Boss [Sable]: Euram, Bodyguard x5
Shops: Inn, Item, Armor, Rune, Trading Post, Appraisal, Physical Training, 
Magical Training, Blacksmith (Level 10)
Items: None
Characters: Roy, Faylen, Faylon, Dinn

When you enter, watch a scene. Enter Sable, and head into Solis' manor.  Go 
upstairs, and watch the scene.

Boss: Euram, Bodyguard x5
Rewards: Rose Brooch, FireFly Orb, Mega Medicine1

Once again, this is a battle that you need to use area of effect spells with.  
This one will probably be a bit harder than the previous battle though, 
because of your limited party.  You are required to have your Hero, Lyon, 
Faylen, Faylon, and Sialeeds in your party in this battle.

Sialeeds should use her Wind Rune while Faylen and Faylon use their Co-Op 
attack, Brotherly Love, targeted on Euram. Have your Hero and Lyon use their 
strongest area attacks on the foes (depending on equipped runes.)

Unfortunately, the enemies are extremely quick, so you need to act fast as 
well.  Fortunately though, they have quite low HP and will die in only a few 
attacks.  As long as you are decently levelled (around 35-38) this battle 
should be easily winnable, even if you are severly limited.

Watch the scene. Enter Solis' manor again. Watch another scene. It is very 
important to choose "All I did was clear my good name." during this scene.  
Dinn and Roy join your party.  If you chose "I'll do no such thing!" during 
the previous scene, and "All I did was clear my good name." during this scene, 
lastly, choose "All right, it's a deal!" Faylen and Faylon will also join 
you.  If you messed up, you can still recruit them later.

Head back to Headquarters.

Character: Faylen
Location: Ranro Mountain
Prerequisite: Must have Roy.
Time to Recruit: After the bandit events in Sable
How to Recruit:
With Roy in your party, head to the top of Ranro mountain and speak with 
Faylen and Faylon.  They will say that they are bringing the stolen goods back 
to Sable.  If you agree to help them, and bring down the three boxes worth of 
goods then they will join your party.
You can ONLY do this event if they did not join you along with Roy.  To get 
them to join along with Roy, answer "I'll do no such thing!",  "All I did was 
clear my good name." and "All right! It's a deal!" during the scenes in Sable.
Faylen and Faylon ARE missable characters, and if you wait too long to recruit 
them, they will be missed permanently.
Faylon joins along with Faylen.


                         --- [Chapter 8: Loyalty] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Sialeeds, Dinn, Boz, Roy
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Nakula, Sagiri

Head to the War Room on 3F for a scene. When you gain control, there is 
another character you can recruit before continuing.  This character has a 
rather short window for recruitment, so I suggest going to get him right now.

Character: Nakula
Location: Sable
Prerequisite: Must have Oboro.
Time to Recruit: After the bandit events in Sable, but before the events of 
the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
First, speak with the Maid in the Inn.  This needs to be done before heading 
much further. She'll mention the warrior on the bed is quite the fighter. Now, 
wait a while, and head back upstairs to Inn at Sable, and speak with Nakula on 
the bed.  He will be awake and angry. Speak with him, and try to befriend him 
for a scene.
When you regain control, head to Oboro's ship in Raftfleet. Speak with Oboro 
for another scene. Now head back to Sable and speak with Nakula again. After 
the scene (its really good!) Nakula joins your party.
There is a very short time period for getting Nakula, so right after you get 
back to headquarters and see the scene in the War Room head back to Sable to 
begin the series of events to recruit him.
The problem most people have with Nakula is that they don't have Oboro by the 
time that you can recruit him.  Yes, you do need Oboro, and you only have 
until the Queen's Campaign before you've lost access to Nakula for good. 
Sagiri joins along with Nakula.

After recruiting  Nakula and Sagiri, head back to the Headquarters and take a 
rest in your bed. Watch the scene.

Head downstairs and speak with Luserina to change party members, and then 
speak with Viki and she teleports you to the World Map outside of the Mountain 
Path.  head southwest and enter Beaver Lodge.

                            Beaver Lodge -Return-  

Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Suggested Level: 35
Enemies: Assassin
Boss: Dolph
Items: None
Characters: Fuwalafuwalu, Maroon, Murad (if you didn't get him in Lelcar)

There will be random encounters in Beaver Lodge this time.  The enemies drop 
rare Crazed Orbs as well, so you may want to spend some time fighting here.

From where you gain control, follow the northwestern path until you reach the 
Elder's house, which you should enter. Watch a scene.

Boss: Dolph
Rewards: Twin Tactic, Resurrection Piece1

Dolph is very very fast, and will attack before your characters.  He tends to 
attack Lyon most of the time, so you will need to focus on keeping her alive. 
Fortunately, Dolph is alone this time, so you wil not need to worry about area 
of effect attacks, and just kill him with whatever attacks you have that are 
strongest at the moment. 

Just note that Dolph is extremely strong versus magical attacks, and he'll 
probably take around half the damage he would normally when you attack him 
with them. So physical attacks will work better than magic in this battle, 
though Dolph does have a higher evasion rate than a normal boss. Still, strong 
Lightning magic like Furious Blow will do decent damage, probably over 800 per 

Watch the scene. Exit the Elder's house for another scene.

Now you need to head back to your Headquarters.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Sialeeds, Fuwalafuwalu
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Isabel, Mathias

Head to the War Room for a scene. You awaken in your room.

Character: Isabel
Location: Estrise/Headquarters
Prerequisite: None.
Time to Recruit: After the second set of events at Beaver Lodge.
How to Recruit:
Head to Estrise and walk towards Babbage's shop in the southeastern corner of 
town.  Watch a scene. Exit Estrise, and head back to your Headquarters.
When you arrive back, Boz will be standing near Luserina.  If he's not there, 
try moving to another area and then coming back, or wait until the next story 
event progresses.  Speak with Boz and Luserina for a scene (you need to have 
seen the scene about Rainwall being taken for this to occur.)
Now, make a party with 2-3 people and head over to Haud Village.  If you do 
this correctly, Luserina will comment about you going to Haud with "So few 
You'll find Euram near the exit to Haud (to the east.) Watch a scene.
Fight off the six Barows Soldiers here, and Isabel joins you if you choose to 
fight evil together.
Mathias joins along with Isabel.
*Note* Mathias comes with a rare Cyclone Rune that you may want to remove and 
put on a better mage character.

When you're ready, head to the War Room.  It's time to head to the Island 

Teleport to Estrise.  If you have never been to Estrise, it is east of 
Rainwall.  To get to Rainwall, take the boat from your Headquarters to the 
East Wharf.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg
Enemies [World Map]: Wizard Tree, Dark Bunny, Wild Boar, Peckles
Mini-Boss: Siren (Mega Medicine1, Sleep Orb, Flowing Sword Orb)
Shops: Appraisal, Rune, Item, Armor, Inn, Trading Post, Physical Training, 
Magical Training, Blacksmith (Level 7)
Items: Mega Medicine3, Silence Orb, Rage Piece, Cyclone Piece, True Men Tactic 
(if you didn't get them before)
Characters: None

If you haven't obtained all of the items in Estrise, now is a good chance to 
do so. 

When you are ready to continue with the game, head all the way north on either 
side of the screen and you'll find another screen.  This screen has a large 
ship on it. Watch the scene.

Speak with Boz when you're ready to leave.

                         Nirva -- The Great Lighthouse

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg
Enemies: Pirate Captain, Pirate Lackey
Shops: Appraisal, Rune, Item, Blacksmith, Inn, Trading Post, Blacksmith (Level 
Items: Voice Set 3, Window Set 7, Divine Right Epic, Striking Tactic
Characters: Chisato (Part 1), Bernadette

Watch the scene.  When you regain control, head up the stairs to the north and 
follow the western path until you see a large tree near the Inn.  Near this 
tree you'll find a very well hidden chest (it's easier to see if you bring the 
camera in with R1) that contains the VOICE SET 3.  Continue north to the next 

In the main town, head east, and speak with all the children standing together 
to the northeast.  Watch a scene. Speak with Chisato and ask her to join.  
Though she will not, it will open the events for recruitment later on.  Head 
up the stairs and speak with Skald to the northeast. Bernadette joins your 
party. Head north up the stairs until you reach the Lighthouse.  Before 
entering though, head west and you'll find two chests on the outer edge of the 
Lighthouse.  They contain the WINDOW SET 7 and the DIVINE RIGHT EPIC.  Enter 
the Great Lighthouse.

Head up three sets of stairs in the Lighthouse, and you'll find two chests, 
which contain the STRIKING TACTIC and a STONE OF SPEED. Head up the last 
stairs for a short scene. Now you need to exit the Lighthouse and circle 
around the western edge to find the Ladder.  Climb it, and enter the door at 
the top.  Watch the scene.  You are forced into an event battle with the 
Pirate Captain and his 5 Pirate Lackey's (with some extra special music to top 
it off!).  This battle should be approached like most bosses, with strong area 
spells to take down the stronger Captain first and then working on the weaker 
foes.  Try to kill as many foes as possible on the first round to prevent your 
party from taking excess damage.

Watch the scene. Exit the Lighthosue and enter the main town. Bernadette joins 
you as a Star of Destiny. Take your ship back to Estrise. Watch the scene, and 
head back to your Headquarters.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Georg, Bernadette
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

Head up to the War Room.  Watch the scenes.

At this point, there is quite a bit of recruiting that you can do, because 
your Headquarters has expanded and certain events have progressed.

Let's go recruiting!


Characters: Miroon, Moroon, Meroon, Byakuren, Babbage, Lu, Retso, Shun-Min, 
Chisato, Nelis, Yahr

Character: Miroon
Location: Tricolor Inn, Yashuna Village
Prerequisite: Muroon and Maroon
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Speak with Miroon in the Tricolor Inn in Yashuna Village with Maroon and 
Muroon (the two Beavers) in your party. Watch the scene. Choose to help Miroon 
and she will join your party and tell you how to get to the dungeon. There's a 
hidden door to the northeast of this room to reach the dungeon; you can not 
see it, but if you press against the wall you will find the door. Enter the 

Follow the path north for a short scene, and continue north through the next 
door. Now follow the path all the way east and through the door for a scene. 
Allow Miroon to join you.

Note: The mini-boss in this area is called a King Mantik.  He is quite nasty 
at low levels, but he drops some Iron Fists, a Fire Sealing Piece, and some 
Crab, as well as 18,000 Potch and 40 Party SP. 

Character: Moroon
Location: Beaver Lodge
Prerequisite: Muroon, Maroon, and Miroon
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Head to Beaver Lodge with Muroon, Maroon, and Miroon in your party. Speak with 
Meroon (not Moroon) near the south end of the screen.  She whines about 
wanting to meet someone.  Now head to Baska Mines and speak with Moroon twice 
or so.  head back to Beaver Lodge and speak with Meroon again.  Tell her that 
you have spoken with Moroon and she will ask you to take her to him.  Head 
back to Baska Mines and speak with Moroon. He joins your party. So head back 
to Beaver Lodge for another scene.
Meroon joins along with Moroon.

Character: Byakuren
Location: Headquarters
Prerequisite: Genoh, Levi
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
After the expansion of Headquarters, run around to the farthest lower level 
with Genoh in your party.  You'll encounter a large Snake. Fight her off, and 
if Genoh is in your army she will join you. Byakuren is a missable character, 
as the only chance to recruit her is once every time the Headquarters expands, 
so be careful when running along the lower levels of your Headquarters!
You can also get Byakuren is Levi is in your army.

Character: Babbage
Location: Estrise
Prerequisite: Sorensen
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
With Sorensen in your party, after the Headquarters expands, head to the room 
called "Gears" in your Headquarters. After the scene in here, head to Esrise 
and speak with Babbage in his workshop. Watch a scene with Babbage and Lu in 
here. Babbage joins your party. Head back to your Headquarters and bring 
Babbage to "Gears" for another scene. 
Now you need to wait for a while for Babbage to complete his work.  Come back 
later and he will join you, along with creating the elevator.

Character: Lu
Location: Estrise
Prerequisite: Sorensen and Babbage
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
After recruiting Babbage, head back to Babbage's workshop in Estrise. Bring 
Sorensen to the workshop to speak with her and she will ask you to find a 
gear.  Find the gear near the door (it's somewhat annoying) and Lu will join 
your army.

Character: Retso
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Subala
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters.
How to Recruit:
Head to the Raftfleet Inn and speak with Retso. Ask him to come to the castle 
and he declines.  Head back to your Headquarters and play Subala's fishing 
mini-game.  Catch fish until, eventually, you catch a rare fish called 
a "Strange Fish."  When you exit out after the match, Subala will comment 
about the fish. Head back to Retso with this item in your posession. 
Choose "Can you have a look at this fish?" when you speak with him for a scene.
Now head back to Headquarters with Shun-Min and Retso in your party. Exit to 
the outdoor area and a scene plays.
Shun-Min joins along with Retso.

Character: Chisato
Location: Nirva
Prerequisite: Bernadette must be in the party
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters.
How to Recruit:
After seeing the initial scene with Chisato on Nirva Island (and asking her to 
join) speak with her again with Bernadette in your party, and after your 
Headquarters have expanded (you can get back to Nirva island through the boat 
at Estrise.) Near the exit of Nirva (by the boat) you'll see a scene with 
Sailors and Pirates.  After the scene, head back and speak with Chisato, 
asking for her help again. Watch a scene, go speak with her again, and she 
joins your party. Head back to the Headquarters and she officially joins you.

Character: Yahr
Location: Nirva
Prerequisite: Bernadette must be in the party
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters.
How to Recruit:
Head to Nirva Island with Bernadette in your party. First, apparoach the ship 
to the west for a short scene about "Rune Cannons" (which may be a familiar 
term to you. . .) Now, go to the Inn and enter the side room.  You'll find two 
characters in here, Nelis and Yahr. After the scene, head back to your boat 
and board it as if you were about to leave Nirva. Watch a short scene, and 
allow them to come with you.

On your way home, watch a scene. Choose to head towards the Light.

You gain control in a Ship Graveyard. Save at the Save Point, and continue 
north. At the intersection, go east and open the chest at the end for a WATER 
RING.  Head back west, and follow the path all the way into the ship.

Once inside the ship, follow the path north until you reach an intersection 
near the end. Head north through the visible door, and open the chest in here 
for some TAIRA ARMOR.  Head back to the previous room and exit east through 
a "hidden" door, that's not really hidden.

Once outside again, head south and a scene plays.

Boss: Dagon
Rewards: Water Orb, Flowing Leather, Fire Sealing Piece1, Stone Of Luck

This should be a familiar enemy to some Suikoden players. This "Dagon" is 
quite weak towards any type of magical based attacks, and so that is what you 
should use against him. Fire and Lightning Magics work particularly well, even 
from a character with low magical stats. Each casting of the level 4 spells 
should do at least 1500 damage.  If you keep up with a constant barrage of 
magical attacks this boss will not be too difficult.

You will probably be around level 40 or higher at this point (depending on 
what point of the game you are doing this quest at) and even at level 40 you 
are overpowered for this boss, and the entire area as a whole. If you have a 
solid tank, do not expect the boss to hurt you at all, since he tends to 
prefer physical attacks.

This is more of a Mid Boss.  Just note that you should not use all of your MP 
in this battle, since there will be random encounters to deal with after this 

Watch a scene. Head southwest onto the next ship.  Head east, and into the 
next ship.  In here, continue east and open the chest for a ROBE OF DESTINY.  
Now head south through another "hidden" door.  There's another chest out here 
that contains some PALE MOON BOOTS.  Go back inside, and take the eastern 

Ouside again, watch a scene. Head north and into the next ship.  In here, head 
east and enter the first door to the north.  Open the chest in here for a rare 
BLINKING RUNE PIECE.  Exit, and continue east up the stairs.  On the far deck, 
head west and open the chest for the WINDOW SET 8.  Now head all the way east 
for a scene.  During this scene, be VERY carful.  
You MUST choose "It must be destroyed!" to recruit Nelis and Yahr, or you will 
miss them forever!! As tempting as the other answer is (for entertainment 
purposes), it will be impossible to recruit these two characters if you answer 
After the events, you head back to Nirva Island. Ask them to join you during 
the scene and they will accept.  If you made a mistake during the previous 
scenes and they will not join you when you ask, you need to reload, as you 
have missed them PERMANENTLY.
Nelis joins along with Yahr.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

After you have recruited all of these characters (that was quite a few!)  It's 
time to continue on with the game.  Head to the War Room for a scene with 
Lucretia.  The better answer here is . . . . (as it lengthens the scene, 
though it does not influence anything else.)

After the scenes, head back up to the War Room. Select that you're ready to go 
when ready.


                         --- [Chapter 9: Truth] ---



Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Zerase
Suggested Level: 40
Enemies: Godwin Soldier (Bow), Godwin Soldier (Sword)
Bosses: Alenia, Godwin Soldierx5 (Sword)
Shops: None (yet)
Items: Quad Tactic, Window Set 6, Pale Moon Casque, Blue Gate Piece, Crane 
Wing Tactic, Flame Ring, Guardian Chain, Blinking Rune Piece, Triple Harmony 
Characters: None

You first need to get into Doraat, and so you must fight your way.

War Battle 6: -Doraat Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 18,000 Potch, Guardian Scarf
Battle Goal: Get [Hero] to Doraat.
Defeat Conditions: Hero or the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: Archerx2 (HP:200), Infantry (HP:200), Spearx2 (HP:200), ArcShip x2 
(HP:300), Ram (HP:300), ComShip(HP:300), Alenia (HP:300)

This will be a somewhat difficult battle. There are many enemies, and your 
goal is not to kill them all, rather to get your Hero into the path of Doraat 
itself.  Make sure you save the Dawn Rune until you are close to Doraat so 
that you can push back any enemies that surround your Hero's unit.  Also, give 
the Hero as many Charges as you can, so that he can reduce the damage he takes 
in case someone attacks him.  Lastly, and most importantly, have your ground 
troops STAY AWAY FROM THE WATER!  The ships around Doratt will fire at you on 
the land if you get too close to them.

Like the batle in Lelcar, this battle takes place in both Land and Sea.  Also 
like the battle in Lelcar, you can completely ignore the sea battle if you so 
desire, but it is not reccomended.

After a few rounds, a short scene plays.  One group of Archers guarding Doraat 
is destroyed, so you get a free 200 deaths.

Keep your party together, but keep them all to the north somewhat, while your 
Hero's group is to the south.  The goal is to draw the troops away from 
Doraat, so if you can do that you're good.  This is sometimes difficult 
though, so you may just have to charge in there with your Hero and have a few 
backup characters and hope for the best. Just remember that you have the Dawn 
Rune and it will clear a nice path for you  when you need to enter Doraat.

As you actually enter Doraat, Alenia uses a last ditch attack to try and get 
you away, but it does not work. Continue the battle as you were normally.

The journey through Doratt is going to be rather rough. Bring your best party 
members along with plenty of medicines to keep yourself alive. Also bringing a 
character like Murad to heal you after battle will help considerably. 

Note: There are a lot of items in Doraat. . .But getting them now is a pain in 
the ass because of the large amount of random encounters.  If you don't want 
to get them, you should come back later (after the events here) to obtain 
them, as some are rather good.

Head through the door to the southeast (its somewhat hidden).  Follow the long 
path east, southeast, and up the stairs here for the QUAD TACTIC. Continue 
east and follow the path all the way (its ~very~ long) for the WINDOW SET 6. 
Now head All the way back to where your allies are waiting (another long walk -
_-).  Once you reach them, head through the northeastern door and follow the 
path through the town. There are two chests to the far northwest, which 
contain a PALE MOON CASQUE and a rare BLUE GATE PIECE. At the very far south 
of this area (near the water) you'll find another chest containing the CRANE 
WING TACTIC. Northeast of this you'll find a FLAME RING. Head back north and 
enter the large building, which seems to be the Lord's manor (AKA the Fortress)

Watch a scene in here.

Boss: Alenia, Godwin Soldierx5 (Sword)
Rewards: Red Ribbon, ?Painting

Like most battles, there are many foes in this.  You also must deal with 
Alenia, who wields the powerful Twilight Rune.  The main difficulty with the 
Twilight Rune are the status effects that it can cause. Have your Hero ready 
to cast his "Time of Wakening" whenever necessary.

Like always, cast as many area-of-effect spells as possible on the first 
round. This should hopefully kill all, or most of, the Godwin Soldiers around 
Alenia.  Their combined damage will be what kills you, rather than Alenia 
herself. Note that Alenia is strong versus magic though, so after killing off 
the Godwin soldiers you may have to rely on physical attacks to kill her. Fire 
magic and the Dawn Rune are the only magics that seem to work well on her. . . 
Fortunately, Alenia does not have any particular resistence to physical 
attacks, so that should be the best way to take her down. 

Watch a short scene. When you regain control, head through the western door.   
Head south, and enter the door just south of the stairs.  There's a chest in 
here that contains a GUARDIAN CHAIN.  Head back to the main room (where you 
fought Alenia) and head through the eastern door. There is a door hidden to 
the north of the stairs (hard to see) but if you go through it, there are two 
chests. Open them for a BLINKING RUNE PIECE and the TRIPLE HARMONY EPIC. Head 
upstairs here, and follow the path back downstairs. Approach the door for a 
scene (so sad ; ;)

Duel 5: Loyalty -Hero vs Miakis-

Attack: Okay...Here I come.
Attack: Ow, ow! Now it's my turn!
Attack: Hey that really hurt, now you're going to get the same!
Attack: No! I wont give up yet!
Special: Prince, can you handle this one?
Special: Ouch that hurt, I'll get you this time!
Special: Time for you to go beddy-bye!
Special: Now I'm going to get really serious!
Defense: Ow ow, you've really got your eyes open prince!
Defense: Hey that really hurt, are you trying to make me cry?
Defense: All right prince, show me how good you've gotten
Defense: I guess I've got to be a little more careful too. 

Miakis is a rather predictable enemy in the Duel, and she does not have any 
particular pattern of attack.  She is rather balanced, so just make sure to 
watch her carefully.

Watch a scene.

Note:  If you have Jeane at this point, there is a special scene you will see 
with she and Zerase.  It is. . .rather interesting.

Another Note: Once you finish all the events surrounding Doratt, you can 
teleport back there and exit.  There is a DoReMi Elf wandering around outside 
the walls.


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Miakis
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Miakis

You automatically return to Headquarters. Miakis joins you as a Star of 
Destiny.  Now head upstairs to the top level of the castle (4F) and speak with 
Zerase in the Sealed Room.  Watch a scene.  Head back downstairs and speak 
with Georg. Watch the scenes. Now we need to go recruiting again.


Characters: Levi, Bergen, Norma, Ernst, Gavaya, Raven

Note:  If you never recruited Wilhelm and Mueller before, this will be your 
VERY last chance to recruit them, so make sure that when you speak with them, 
bring Viki. They are in Doraat.
Also, if you missed your armorer, Mohsen, you can recruit him in Doraat as 
well, as long as you buy 100,000 Potch worth of items from him.

Character: Levi
Location: The "Big Hole"
Prerequisite: Having spoke with him once before
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
Head to the "Big Hole" northwest of Rainwall and speak with Levi.  You'll need 
to have spoken with him before to get him to join. He will join you 
automatically after the battle with Doraat if you speak with him.
Bergen joins along with Levi.

Character: Norma
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Having recruited Levi, and having seen the scene with Norma and 
Ernst in Stormfirst at the very beginning of the game.
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
First, and most important, you need to have spoken with Norma at the beginning 
of the game, during the Sacred games at Stormfist.  When you're about to leave 
Stormfist, she will ask you if you know a great Mage, and you can say you only 
know some Queen's Knights, but she thanks you for the gesture. She then 
leaves.  After taking Doraat, you'll find Norma in Raftfleet. Head to the Inn, 
and enter one of the two rooms, where you'll find Norma. Ask her to join you, 
and then come back with Levi in your party. After the scenes take Norma and 
Ernst to your castle and they will join you permanently.
Ernst joins along with Norma.

Character: Gavaya
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Norma, Faylen, Viki
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
Bring Norma, Faylen, and Viki to speak with Gavaya in Raftfleet. With all 
three in your party, watch a scene. Gavaya is near the Inn, and where Oboro's 
ship is/was. He joins you automatically.

Character: Raven
Location: Sable/Headquarters
Prerequisite: Oboro, Egbert, Taylor, and Marina
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
Head to Sable and speak with the Lord, Solis, to hear of his problems. Head 
back to Headquarters and speak with Oboro. Choose to try and catch him again. 
Now, go speak with Egbert (he's in the Inn) and he gives you the Family Tree 
Chart.  Head back and speak with Oboro. Watch the scene.
Go to the Inn (at the Headquarters) and spend the night. Watch another scene, 
and now you must find "Crow". Watch the scenes, and "Crow" is introduced as 
Raven. Choose to keep him in jail. 
After the scenes, head down to the empty room beneath the Inn (it's 
near "Lelcar") and speak with Raven. Ask him to join you, and after a scene he 


Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

When you're ready to continue on with the game, go to the War Room.

Now you must select three parties, one with Roy and Zerase, one with Kyle, and 
one with the Hero, Miakis, Sialeeds, and Lyon.  The Roy and Zerase party will 
be the easiest party, since Zerase is a naturally overpowered character, so 
you do not need to send your strongest characters to this party.  Send a few 
strong characters with your hero though, since his battle will be rather 
rough.  Kyle will probably have the hardest battle of the three parties, so 
you should send most of your strongest characters with him.
You won't need more then one more mage in Roy's group, so send them all with 
the Hero and Kyle.  In the Hero's battle, magic will not be too useful, since 
the boss is very much a tank-like character. So send your mages with Kyle and 
your physical attackers with the Hero.

Watch the scenes (speaking to Kyle during the interlude gives you a. . .rather 
entertaining view of Sialeeds.)

                            The Queen's Campaign

War Battle 7: -New Queen's Campaign-
Rewards: (Victory+) 20,000 Potch, Spun Silver Armor
Battle Goal: Get Roy's unit to Lymsleia's position.
Defeat Conditions: Roy's unit is destroyed.
Foes: Archerx2 (HP:200), Cavalryx3 (HP:200), Spearx2 (HP:200), Zahhak 
(HP:300), Alenia (HP:300), Lymsleia (HP:300)

Rather then your Hero's unit, Roy's unit will be the one playing the key role 
in this battle. Once again, the goal is not too destroy the enemies, but to 
get Roy up to Lym and the Knights.  What you should do is have everyone but 
one or two units (Roy's and another for backup) head north while Roy stays 
somewhat south or in the middle area.  Once all of the enemies charge your 
main force, then Roy needs to make a run right through the center to the Queen.

This battle is quite easy compared to some of the previous battles, but note 
that you will need to get your hands dirty this time.  Fortunately, pretty 
much every enemy drops a goody, and you will WANT to kill the foes here, as 
you get rare items like Guardian Gloves, Rage Pieces, Mother Earth Pieces, and 
so on.

The battle ends once Roy gets within atack range of Zahhak and Alenia.

Watch the scene. You are thrust into three consecutive boss battles, dwhich 
characters depending on whom you chose in the earlier scene with Lucretia.

Boss: Alenia, Elite Soldierx3 (Sword), Elite Soldierx2 (Bow)
Rewards: None

Because of the ever-so-powerful (overpowered) Zerase, this battle is 
exceedingly easy.  Normally, I tend not to use her because she is so 
overpowered, but because she is a required member in this battle, you will 
have no problem.  Use Zerase's Meteor Shower for the first few rounds to take 
down nearly.

Note that Alenia is quite a bit more dangerous this time, and will 
dodge/counter most every physical attack you do to her.  So you'll need strong 
magic spells to actually damage her effectively. Unfortunately, she takes 
around half damage from magical attacks this time, as well.  She is quite a 
tank.  She also uses Fire Magic this time around, which is not the most 
dangerous, unless you have a lot of low levelled characters in this battle 
party.  If this is true, the key to winning is keeping Zerase alive.  Having 
two or three mages will help considerably as well.

Watch a short scene and the battle changes to Kyle.

Boss: Zahhak, Elite Soldierx3 (Sword), Elite Soldierx2 (Bow)
Rewards: None

Like Alenia, Zahhak will dodge and counter most physical attacks, so you'll 
need to get rid of him with magic.  Also like Alenia, he is a serious brute 
and takes little damage from magic, and normal damage from physical atacks, so 
you have the worst of both worlds to deal with. I suggest physical attacks, or 
level 4 spells, since anything less then a level 4 spell will barely dent 

Of the three battles in the Queen's Campaign, this is probably going to be the 
hardest, because you have no overpowered characters to back you up.  Slaughter 
all of the foes with area spells (Wind, Lightning, and Fire) on the first 
round so that you take less damage.  Hopefully you have around 3 mages with 
you, so that you will be able to minimize the amount of damage you take on 
this first round.

If this party is not strong, expect a few deaths.

The scene changes to the Hero.

Boss: Galleon, Elite Soldierx5 (Sword)
Rewards: Rage Sword Orb

Depending on how you played, this battle will either be quite easy, or a pain 
in the butt.  Because most of your party is chosen for you, you are rather 
stuck with your choice and battle strategy.  Hopefully you were able to get 
Miakis at least a Killer Rune or a Magic Drain Rune (if not a Killer), to 
improve her usefulness before this battle, as well as sharpen her weapons.

Quite simply, Galleon is a tank.  He takes very little damage from physical 
and magical attacks.  He also has his Elite Soldier's to back him up, so 
you'll need to get rid of them with area attacks before anything else.  When 
it is just Galleon, you will need to decide what your strongest attacks are 
and pummel him with them.  Expect this battle to last some time, since Galleon 
has high HP along with the defense and magical defense. Also, if you have not 
spent the time recruiting every character and getting the best gear possible, 
you may need to resort to physical attacks near the end of the battle and hope 
for the best.

Watch the scene. Sialeeds and Lyon leave your party.


Required Party: Hero, Miakis
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Galleon

Watch the scenes. Head to your room and watch a scene (one of the best in the 
game!) with Galleon, Kyle, and Miakis.

When you regain control, head downstairs and enter the Infirmary. Watch a 
scene. Note that for some time Miakis will be running around behind you 
instead of Lyon.  Fortunately, Miakis is excellent in battle, and can be used 
as a physical attacker or a mage.

Head back up to 4F and speak with Zerase in the Sealed Room. Zweig and Lorelai 
are required members of your party at this point. Head back to the War Room 
and speak with Lucretia. Exit and watch another scene.

Now, if you noticed, Viki will not allow you to teleport out of the castle.  
So exit to the outer edge, and act as if you were going to walk out.  Watch a 
scene with Galleon.  Ask him to join, and he joins you as a Star of Destiny. 

After all of the scenes, we need to go recruiting again.


Characters: Haswar, Isato, Urda, Eresh (Maybe), Hazuki, Cathari

Note: If you haven't been speaking with Oboro, and have not recruited him at 
this point, you have permanently missed him.

Character: Haswar
Location: Lunas
Prerequisite: Takamu
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
With Takamu in your party, head to Lunas. After recruiting Zegai you'll 
originally have your first chance to speak with Isato and Urda.  Urda will 
lead you to Lunas and after the Queen's Campaign, head into the Oracle's 
Conclave in Lunas with Urda and watch a scene with Haswar and Isato. Haswar 
asks to come with you, so accept.
Now you need to bring Isato and co. out of Lunas through the secret path. Note 
that you do not need Takamu in your party any longer. Near the exit, all three 
join you permanently. Head back to the castle where they leave your party.
Isato joins along with Haswar.
Urda joins along with Isato and Haswar.

Character: Eresh
Location: The "Big Hole," Sindar Ruins
Prerequisite: Jeane
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
Note: Eresh and another character share the same Star of Destiny.  If you get 
Eresh you will be unable to obtain this "other" character, who I will not 
spoil.  Let's just say he is rather...entertaining.  This character joins as 
the final character in the game, but only if you do not have Eresh.
After the Queen's Campaign ends, you'll find a note in your comment box from 
Jeane.  She teases you and tells you about a surprise in the ruins she took 
you to. 
Head towards the far end of the area before the Sindar Ruins and you'll meet 
Eresh.  Ask her "Is there some way we could help?" and she will join your 

Make your way back through Jeane's dungeon all the way to the very end where 
you saw the scene with Jeane (and she joined your party) for another short 
scene.  Enter the newely opened tomb for a new dungeon. This will be VERY 
annoying, so come prepared, and with a lot of free inventory space.

Follow the path until you reach an intersection. Head west and follow this 
path until you reach a chest containing a DARK AMULET. Go back to the 
intersection and continue south.  Head west again here and open the chest for 
a PALE GATE PIECE. Once again, head back to the intersection and continue 

At the next intersection, head south to find a chest containing a VOICE SET 5. 
Go back to the intersection and head east. Follow this path until you reach a 
STONE OF MAGIC at the very end.  Not head back a bit (until you had to turn) 
and examine the north wall.  A secret door will open here.

This is a new (even more annoying) area. Head north immediately and open the 
chest at the end for a WINDSPUN RING.  Head back to the intersection and go 
west until you reach another.  Go north here and open the chest for a 
RESURRECTION PIECE.  Head back to the intersection and go south until you 
reach (guess what?) another intersection. Open the chest to the west here for 
an IMMORTAL MEDICINE and continue south. Follow this path for some time until 
you reach another intersection.  Go south and open the chest for a BLINKING 
RUNE PIECE. Head back north and continue west and follow the path to the end.  
Press X at the wall for a new path to be revealed.

On this new screen again, follow the path until you reach an intersection.  
Take the north fork to obtain the OLD BOOK 4. Head back south and follow the 
rather long path until you reach another intersection. Head north here and 
you'll obtain a FOG ROBE from the chest.  Head back to the intersection and go 
south. Soon, you'll reach (our good friend. . .) another intersection.  Go 
west here and open the chest for some ARMES ARMOR. Go back and continue south. 
Follow the path once again until you reach the intersection.  Take the eastern 
path and open the chest here for a PROSPERITY HAT.  Go back and take the 
northern fork.  Press X at the wall to reveal a Save Point.  I suggest using 
it, that was some annoying dungeon -_-.  Head through the path to the north.

When you enter this final room, a scene plays.  Finally!

Boss: Shepcesska
Rewards: Sacred Oath Epic, Cyclone Piece1, Mother Earth Piece1

I've actually heard of quite a few people having trouble with this boss, so 
don't come in unprepared.  I have to admit, he is QUITE nasty.  He uses 
Soaring Bolt on your entire party.  Soaring Bolt is 900+ damage divided among 
all allies, so that means you'll probably take around 150+ for each member.  
Unless you have very high levels you'll want to have someone healing every 
round. I personally used Kyle with a Flowing and Magic Absorb Rune for this.

The boss will cast this spell most every round, which is why he is 
particularly dangerous.  When you don't know what you're in for he may 
actually slaughter you. Whats worse about the Soaring Bolt is that it stuns.  
if it stuns all of your healers, you might have a rough time. In my own 
opinion, he is, technically, harder than the final boss of the game.  Though 
he is not really (probably. . .), he has a high damage capacity.  

I suggest NOT using Silent Lake on this boss, as tempting as it might seem.  
Your characters will be silenced by this spell as well, and even with a good 
tank (Galleon with a Firefly Rune, for example, makes a good tank in this 
battle. You can't parry/dodge every attack this boss makes, its impossible) 
you will take 100 or more damage an attack.  Because of this, it is highly 
risky to not be able to heal and be taking that much damage

Eresh now joins your party.  That was a lot of work! You still need to get out 
too. . .

Note: There is a mini-boss called Hellsteed you can find in this chamber. 
Fighting him is a bit difficult (he has strong area fire attacks, much like 
the boss we just faced) But if you can take him down you'll get a powerful 
Blood Scale Male, a Unicorn Orb (ew), a Boundary Piece1, 82,500 Potch, and 100 
Party SP. 

Character: Hazuki
Location: Port Spinacks
Prerequisite: Belcoot
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
Take Logg's boat to Port Spinacks, walk over the loooooong bridge (its at the 
far south) to reach the western side of Spinacks.  Over here, you'll find 
Hazuki.  Speak to her -without- Belcoot in your party, and tell her that you 
know Belcoot.  Come back to her with Belcoot in your party. After a short 
scene, Hazuki will join you.

Character: Cathari
Location: Port Spinacks/Hershville
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign
How to Recruit:
Take Logg's boat to Port Spinacks, and then find the man near the Save Orb.  
Speak with him and he tells you about Hershville Naval Base.
After learning about this, head back to your boat, and talk to him like you 
want to go back to your base.  This time, however, he asks you where you want 
to go.  Answer Hershville Naval Base.
You will find Cathari near the exit to Hershville Naval Base.  She is in the 
yellow cloak. Speak with her, and she tells you she wants to meet an old 
friend.  head back to Spinacks.
In Spinacks you'll meet Cathari again (she's on the long bridge separating the 
sides of town.) Take her to Lucretia (you must choose to, or you will miss 
Cathari) in your Headquarters.
After a short scene, Cathari will join you.
Cathari is VERY easy to miss, so it is most reccomended you get her at your 
first chance.

                           Hershville Naval Base

Required Party: Hero, Miakis
Shops: Items, Armor, Runes, Physical Training, Magical Training,
Items: Intermediate Magic, Blinking Rune Piece, Voice Set 2, Thunder Piece
Characters: Cathari

Two items in this area are outside of the Administration building. The 
Intermediate Magic is especially nice. Two more items are found in the rooms 
on the top level of the Administration building, these are the VOICE SET 2 and 
a very rare THUNDER PIECE.


                        --- [Chapter 10: Shadow] ---


                              Port Spinacks

Required Party: Hero, Miakis, Lorelai, Zweig
Shops: Item, Runes, Armor
Items: Pale Moon Boots, Thunder Helm, Rage Piece, Stone of Skill
Characters: Hazuki

To get to Port Spinacks, speak with Logg and he will allow you to travel there 
by boat.

Note: You can buy Killer Orb's in Spinacks, but I highly suggest against it.  
You can win them from battles in the "Big Hole" and save 300,000 Potch. 

Headjust north of where you land and you'll find two chests, which contain 
some PALE MOON BOOTS and a THUNDER HELM. Also, on the far western side of town 
(across the bridge) to the far north you'll find a RAGE PIECE and a STONE OF 

                               Sauronix Castle

Required Party: Hero, Miakis, Lorelai, Zweig
Enemies [World Map]: Condor Zombie, Stone Golem, Killer Tiger
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Rock Golem (Magical Piece1, ?Statue, Earth Ring, 33,000 
Potch, 90 Party SP)
Shops: Inn, Items x2, Armor, Trading, Runes, Appraisal, Physical Training, 
Magical Training, Blacksmith (Level 12)
Items: DragonHorse Choker, Elementary Combat, Old Book 12, Stone of Evasion, 
Sound Set 5, Thunder Piece, White Rose Brooch, Untold Clarity Epic(Downstairs)
Characters: Rania

Exit Spinacks from the far east and head southeast on the world map to find 
Sauronix Castle.

When you enter Sauronix, watch a short scene. Enter the doors to the west.  
There is a chest in here that contains a DRAGONHORSE CHOKER. Head back, and 
head to the far north of the town.  In one of the houses to the north you'll 
find a chest containing the useful ELEMENTARY COMBAT (finally!) which lets 
your Physical Tutor rank go up to A. Also, to the north east (not the far 
northeast, just northeast) you'll find the OLD BOOK 12. In the house near here 
you'll find two chests, which contain a STONE OF EVASION and the SOUND SET 5.  
That's all the goodies for now, so head back to where you found the 
DRAGONHORSE CHOKER and enter the large building.  Watch a scene.

When you regain control, exit Craig's room into the main hall.  There's a 
chest to the east containing a THUNDER PIECE.

Note: If you head down the stairs at the southeastern corner of this room 
you'll find another area of town (at the bottom of many sets of stairs).  The 
Rune Shop here has a rare Orb to sell for 300,000 Potch.  If you can afford 
it, it would be nice to put on a physical attacker.

Exit into the main town. After a short scene, the goal is the Deep twightlight 
Forest.  First, let's recruit another character though.

Character: Rania
Location: Sauronix
Prerequisite: Miakis or Rahal
Time to Recruit: After visiting Craig for the first time.
How to Recruit:
Bring Miakis or Rahal to Rania's house in Sauronix (its in the northern 
portion of town) for a strange scene. Exit the house for another scene.  Go 
back inside and speak with Rania again. Ask her to join you.

After recruiting Rania, head back to Port Spinacks. Once in Port Spinacks, 
exit from the -western- side this time.  On the World Map, head northwest and 
enter the Deep Twilight Forest.

Note: You'll find the Untold Clarity Epic and a White Rose Brooch in a secret 
area of Sauronix.  Head all the way down to the lowest level (from the stairs 
in the southeast by the Inn) and then head all the way west once outside.  
You'll eventually find a rather long set of stairs going upwards.  Follow this 
path all the way up, and you'll change screens.  The White Rose Brooch is in 
an easy to see chest, but the Untold Clarity Epic is impossible to see.  
Untold Clarity is actually at the very far southeast.  Here, you'll see a 
Dragon Horse (who actually, is looking right at the chest).  You'll need to 
run around in the shadows pressing X until you find it.  This is one of the 
harder chests in the game to find.

                        Deep Twilight Forest -- Ruins

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Lorelai, Zweig
Suggested Level: 45
Enemies [Forest]: Tarantula, Killer Tiger, Ghost Holly, Big Creeper, Stone 
Enemies [Ruins]: Bone Soldier, Magic Shield, Bronze Sun, Millioneye, Malifaux, 
Unicorn Zombie
Mini-Boss [Forest]: Rock Golem (Magical Piece1, ?Statue, Earth Ring, 33,000 
Potch, 90 Party SP)
Mini-Boss [Ruins]: Copper Sun (Violence Piece, Flame Ring, Scorched Earth 
Armor, 33,000 Potch, 60 party SP)
Items: Window Set 5, Pent Tactic, Old Book 6, Cyclone Piece, Mother Earth 
Piece, Cape of Destiny, Guardian Gloves, Fujiwara Gauntlets, Golden Hammer,
Characters: LaTiDo, Killey

This is going to be rather annoying.  Just expect it to be a lot of twists and 
turns and random encounters. Most of the paths are hidden as well, so it will 
be a pain to try and find any items.

Follow the path until you can head south down the path.  At the end of this 
path is the WINDOW SET 5.  Head back up and continue east. Follow the path 
south pressing on the eastern wall. Eventually, you'll press yourself into a 
long hidden path, and at the end you'll find a PENT TACTIC (if you end up back 
on the main path you went too far north and you passes the chest).  Go back to 
the main path, and now press against the western wall instead of the eastern 
wall. Eventually, you'll find another path, and this one contains the OLD BOOK 

Follow the main path up (there are a lot of annoying twists and whatnot -_-) 
to the very top.  If you get lost, you're probably on a large O shape area and 
need to head back the way you came a bit.  Also about 3/4 of the way through 
it is quite hard to see, but you will seem to be stuck to the left are with a 
dead end and a large O to the right, but there is a path in-between these two.

When you finally reach the end (it probably takes a while -_-) continue north 
to reach a Save Orb and the ruins.

Once inside the ruins, head north and open the chest for a CYCLONE PIECE.  Now 
head around the room in either direction and exit to the north.  On the next 
screen, continue north through the door.

In this new area, head east and follow the path until you reach the 
intersection.  Continue west here, and follow the path south until you change 
screens.  Continue south and open the chest for a MOTHER EARTH PIECE.   Head 
west and follow the path to the next screen. Open the chest here for a CAPE OF 
DESTINY. Now head east and north at the intersection. Watch a scene. Open the 
chests in here for some GUARDIAN GLOVES and some FUJIWARA GAUNTLETS. Head 
through the door to the north.

In this new area, circle around the room either way (it doesn't matter) and 
exit to the north. Open the chest here for the GOLDEN HAMMER (yay!) and head 
west to the next screen. Follow this path until the intersection, and then 
head east and north to find a Save Orb.  Save now, and continue north to the 
next screen. Watch a scene.  During this scene, you will be given the option 
to let Killey join you, but ONLY if you finished the events revolving Killey 
earlier in the game in Agate Prison and your Headquarters. 

Head north for another scene.

Boss: Ancient Creeper
Rewards: Pale Gate Piece1, Silver White Robe, Cyclone Piece1, ?Painting

Finally, a single target boss!  Unlike most every other boss in the game, let 
this boss feel the full force of your powers right from the get go.  The boss 
has high magical and physical defense though, so even with your strongest 
attacks, damaging him can be somewhat difficult.

This boss likes to prefer area attacks that can do upwards 100 damage to your 
entire party, as well as cause poison status.  Have "Time of Awakening" ready 
at all times in case many characters get poisoned at once, since poison will 
kill you faster than the bosses attacks will. Also have an area-of-effect 
healing spell ready, such as from the Shield Rune or Kindness Drops from a 
Water/Flowing Rune.

Don't let anyones HP get below 200 or so.  Even though the boss is slow the 
poison will kill you quickly.

Continue north to the next screen for a scene. After the scene, you need to 
exit the ruins the way you came. At the end of the ruins, ask Killey to join 
you (and if you did everything right) he will.

Character: Killey
Location: Forest of Twilight -- Ruins
Prerequisite: Having seen the events with Killey before the Queen's Campaign
Time to Recruit: In the Forest of Twilight Ruins
How to Recruit:
After getting your Headquarters, you need to put Lorelai and Cius in your 
party.  Head to Agate Prison (from Baska Mines) with these two in your party, 
and you'll encounter Killey in one of the cells.
Head back to Headquarters, where you'll find Killey again with Zweig and 
Lorelai (near the exit.) Head up to the Sealed Room for another scene. This 
will trigger events later on when you can find and recruit him.
Once you reach the Forest of Twlight -- Ruins, you'll encounter Killey once 
again in a cutscene.  Let him join you. After you exit the ruins, ask Killey 
to join you, and he will.
Killey is a missable character.  If you do not meet him in Agate Prison before 
the Queen's Campaign you have missed him permanently.

Exit the Deep Twilight Forest.


                        --- [Chapter 11: Choices] ---



Required Party: Hero, Miakis
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

Make sure you give your shiny new Golden Hammer to Dongo before continuing. 
This will allow you to sharpen your weapons up to level 15.  It is quite 
expensive, but worth it.

To continue on with the game, head into the Infirmary and speak with Lyon. 
After the scenes, head back down to see Lyon again. After a short scene, go 
upstairs and speak with Lucretia.

After this scene, you must go to Sauronix. Unfortunately, we'll have to take 
the long way around. Exit the War Room and watch a scene with Logg and Lunn.  
You can not teleport with Viki at this point, so head to the boat and have 
Logg take you to the Baska Mines.

                          Baska Mines -- Dwarf Camp

Required Party: Hero, Miakis, Logg, Lun
Enemies: Assassin
Bosses: Raging Assassin
Shops: Trading Post, Armor, Item, Inn, Runes, Appraisal
Items: 1,000 Potch, Skullcap (If you didn't get before)
Characters: Wabon, Gunde

Head through the, probably familiar by now, path to the Dwarf Camp.

Once you've reached the camp, watch a scene. Gunde joins your party again.  
Head northeast to where you recruited your Blacksmith to find Wabon again 
(He's in yellow.)  Watch a short scene with him. Wabon joins your party now.  
Head slightly southeast, and examine the mining cart for another scene. 
Examine it again and you'll end up in a new area of the mines. Watch a scene 
and fight off the two Assassins. Logg, Gunde, and Lun leave your party.  Head 
west and examine the next Mine Cart to reach the next screen.

Here, continue west to another mine cart for a short scene.

Boss: Raging Assassin
Rewards: Crazed Orb, Thunder Piece1

Like most assassins, the Raging Assassin sticks with Fire elemental magic and 
physical attacks (along with his Shrike Rune.)  He is very fast, so make sure 
you heal whenever you need to at the end of every round, since you will likely 
not get the chance on the next round. He has both average physical and magical 
defense, so attack with whatever you feel necessary.  Also, the Assassin has 
low HP, so the battle will be over quickly, especially compared to the prevous 
boss fight.

Continue up the stairs to the west, and enter the Deep Twilight Forest. Wabon 
and Gunde join you as Stars of Destiny, and Wabon leaves your party. 
Unfortunately, we need to get out of this hell-hole of a forest now. Don't 
worry!  You're near the exit.  Keep pressed against the western wall and exit 
the forest.

                               Sauronix Castle

Required Party: Hero, Miakis
Enemies [World Map]: Condor Zombie, Stone Golem, Killer Tiger, Salamander, 
DoReMi Elf
Mini-Boss [World Map]: Rock Golem (Magical Piece1, ?Statue, Earth Ring, 33,000 
Potch, 90 Party SP)
Shops: Inn, Items x2, Armor, Trading, Runes, Appraisal, Physical Training, 
Magical Training, Blacksmith (Level 12)
Items: DragonHorse Choker, Elementary Combat, Old Book 12, Thunder Piece, 
White Rose Brooch, Untold Clarity Epic (only if you didn't get them before) 
Flowing Piece
Characters: Roog, Rahal

To get back to Sauronix, we need to head back through Port Spinacks.  Walk 
over the long bridge to the east and exit back to the world map.  Enter 
Sauronix to the southeast.

Watch a short scene at the entrance. Head back to Spinacks (you can not use 
the Blinking Mirror to get to your castle, don't try) and go through back to 
the Deep Twilight Forest.  Watch a scene in here with Roog and Rahal. You 
automatically enter the bottom level of Sauronix. Roog and Rahal join your 

Head up the Stairs to find a FLOWING PIECE to the west. Now head all the way 
southeast back to the shops (Blacksmith, Armor, etc) and head into the 
Castle.  Follow the northeastern path here up the many sets of stairs and 
enter the Commander's (Craig's) room. Roog and Rahal join you as Stars of 

Head back down the long sets of stairs and back to the bottom of Sauronix.  
Speak with Flail and Lance (the dragons) and they will take you back to the 
Wharf. Head back through Spinacks and to the Deep Twilight Forest.

In the forest, press against the eastern wall to enter the "Water Vein" in the 
Baska Mines again.  Take the Mine Carts back to the Dwarf Camp. Head back 
through the mines to the boat, where you need to go back to your Headquarters.


Required Party: Hero, Miakis, Roog, Rahal
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

Head up to the War Room. You are now given a choice on which battle to fight.  
The Lelcar battle is MUCH easier than the battle in Lordlake, and that is what 
I suggest you do.  There is no difference in story plot of what you choose, 
other than battle difficulty.

War Battle 8: -Lelcar Defense Campaign 2-
Rewards: 5,000 Potch
Battle Goal: Halve total enemy forces or survive for 10 minutes.
Defeat Conditions: Hero's unit or the Dahak are destroyed, or the enemy 
reaches Lelcar.
Foes: Cavalryx2 (HP:200), Rune Archer (HP:200), ComShip (HP:200), Ram 
(HP:300), ArcShip (HP:300), Bahram (HP:400), Childerich (HP:300), Dilbert 

This battle takes place on both the ground and the water.  Unlike the first 
battle of Lelcar, this one does not take place in the town, rather it takes 
place outside of it.

This is literally a "Protection" battle.  If the enemy reaches Lelcar, the 
game is over, so make sure you fend them off.  You need to keep a defensive 
stance somewhat away from the town, but not too far.  Keep your allies close 
together, and only go forward a bit, but far enough from Lelcar, so that it 
takes the enemy a longer time to reach you (you only need to survive for 10 
minutes.) You only need to get Godwin's troops down to 1,200, but that takes 
quite a bit of work on its own.  So how you want to work the battle in your 
favor is your own choice.

A few things to note:  When group troops are near the water, you can target 
them with abilities like Barrage.  But so can the enemies.  So keep your 
allies away from the water, but try to push the enemies near it, giving you 
some free damage. This also works with abilites like Recover, and the Flowing 
and Dawn Runes.

I find what works best in this battle is to focus on both the ships and the 
ground units.  If you take down the ships and half of the ground units, then 
the battle will end and you won't have to deal with the stronger story 

If you chose Lelcar, skip this next War battle.

War Battle 8-2: -Lordlake Defense Campaign-
Rewards: 5,000
Battle Goal: Halve total enemy forces, or survive for 10 minutes.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed, or the enemy reaches Lordlake.
Foes: Archerx2(HP:200), Infantryx2(HP:200), Cavalry (HP:200), Maha (HP:300), 
Jidan (HP:300)

Unlike Lelcar, this battle takes place on the ground and the ground only.  
This gives you some disadvantages because your ground troops are naturally 
weaker than your ship troops (you have no Beavers, for example.)

You need to stop the enemies from reaching Lordlake at all costs.  What is 
best is not moving your troops too far from Lordlake, but moving them far 
enough away so that when you fight off the Southern Mountain Corps they aren't 
cashed into Lordlake itself.  It is a delicate balance, but if you push too 
far ahead you may suffer unnecessary casualties.

Of the two goals, your units will determine which is the easier.  If you try 
for the 10 minute goal you will need a lot of Recover or Flowing Runes to live 
through the large scale assault. To get the half enemy units you will need to 
have a lot of Rune Archers and skills like Charge that avoid damage.  Zerase 
with a Star Rune and "Extra" will help quite a bit as well. A well balanced 
group of Cavalry, Archers, and Infantry is required.  Two of each, though 
three Archers will help.

The most dangerous foes in this battle will be the Archers.  They have 2 
Barrages each, which makes them quite nasty.  Each other enemy you've faced 
had only had 1 special ability before, so be wary of this.

Also, the first thing you'll notice is that this is pretty much an all out 
brawl right from the get-go. Every single enmy will approach you, so you need 
to get all of your troops up to where you plan to make your stand (probably 
around the middle of the screen.)  When every enemy is clumped together 
Zerase's Star Rune will help considerably. Also if you get your Hero right 
into the center of the fold, he and Zerase together can take out a large 
amount of foes with their special abilities all together.  Be caureful with 
this though, because the Archers will slaughter you. 

I could argue that this is one of the hardest, if not the hardest, War Battles 
in the game.  Pretty much everything happens at once, and right from the start 
you should know if you're going to win or lose.  It's all or nothing here.  I 
suggest going to Lelcar if you're not confident in your abilities in War.  
They give the same items anyway, and the story does not change.

Watch a scene.

This is a VERY important decision.  If you choose to stay and protect your 
castle, a certain character will die and it will be IMPOSSIBLE to get 108 
Stars of Destiny. Therefore, the better choice is to flee your castle. 
Choose "Okay, let's go with your plan!" and continue the scene when you're 


                       --- [Chapter 12: Liberation] ---


                                Dwarf Camp

Required Party: Hero, Roog, Rahal
Shops: Depends on characters recruited (temporary Headquarters)
Items: 1,000 Potch, Skullcap (If you didn't get before)
Characters: None

Watch the scenes. Miakis temporarily leaves your party, with Roog behind you 
for now. Luserina is in the Dwarf Camp near the Inn and allows you to change 
party members.  Certain characters (such as Viki) are not available at this 
point, unfortunately.

Take the Mining Cart (to the southeast) back to the Deep Twilight Forest.  
From the forest, head back through Spinacks to the Sauronix side.  But head 
southeast of Sauronix to find Gordius. You can not enter Gordius with any 
women in your party at all, unfortunately. So take all women from your party 
and your Entourage when trying to enter.

                        Gordius -- Dragon Horse Lair

Required Party: Hero, Roog, Rahal
Enemies: Assassin, Vampire Bat
Shops: None
Items: Old Book 13, Spun Silver Armor, Sound Set 2, Pale Moon Necklace, All 
out Strike Epic
Characters: None

After a short scene, enter the house just south of you to find the OLD BOOK 
13. Now head all the way south to the "Lair Entrance" for a scene. Nick, Ax, 
and Yoran join the party.  Head back into the town, and enter the house to the 
far west (it's somewhat hard to see) for a great scene. 

When you gain control, head south down the sloping stairs until you reach the 
bottom for a scene. Enter the Dragon Horse Lair (press up against the wall by 
the waterfall).

Once in the Dragon Horse Lair, head north and save your game.  Follow the path 
until you reach an intersection, where you should head all the way west until 
you reach the end.  There are two chests here that contain some SPUN SILVER 
ARMOR and the SOUND SET 2.  Go back to the intersection and head east to find 
a second intersection.  Head east here to find a PALE MOON NECKLACE. Go back 
to the intersection and head northwest. Follow this path until you reach some 
large puddles of water.

At the water, head all the way west and then north to find a path up. Now on 
your way back east, watch a short scene. You are forced into a battle with 4 
Assassins.  After the battle, Georg joins your party.

When you regain control, head north to where the Dragons where captive and 
open the chest in here for the ALL-OUT STRIKE EPIC.  Now we need to get out of 
here, but there will be random encounters now. Follow the path out of the Lair 

Exit Gordius and head back to the Deep Twilight Forest, where you should take 
the mining carts back to the Dwarf Camp.

                               Dwarf Camp

Required Party: Hero, Georg
Shops: Depends on characters recruited (temporary Headquarters)
Items: 1,000 Potch, Skullcap (If you didn't get before)
Characters: Georg, Craig Laden, Lance

Speak with Lucretia in the northeastern tent for a scene. Tell Georg "I never 
felt that way" and he -finally- joins you as a Star of Destiny. When you 
regain control, exit the Inn.  Head back and speak with Lucretia. During this 
scene, Craig and Lance join you as Stars of Destiny. Now, we need to go to 
Ceras Lake Ruins.

To get to Ceras Lake Ruins from the Dwarf Encampment, examine the same Mine 
Cart you've been using to get to the Deep Twilight Forest, and a new option 
has been added. Choose the Ruins.

                             Ceras Lake Ruins

Required Party: Hero, Zweig
Suggested Level: 50
Mini-Boss [Water Vein]: King Mantik (Iron Fists, Fire Sealing Piece, Crab, 
16,500 Potch, 40 party SP)
Items: Earth Ring
Characters: Flail, Nick, Yoran, Ax

Head through the Water Vein to the east and open the chest when you come upon 
it for an EARTH RING. Continue east into the Ruins.

You'll actually be near the end of the ruins.  Head east up the path until you 
reach the top, where you should continue north into the Dawn Rune room.  After 
a short scene, head back south to the large water-y screen.  Head back down 
the stairs and enter the door to the Water Vein. Continue back west and to the 
Dwarf Camp again.

Once back in the Camp, SAVE YOUR GAME, and then speak with Lucretia. Flail, 
Nick, Yoran, and Ax join your army as Stars of Destiny. Battle automatically 

War Battle 9: -The Recapture-
Rewards: (Victory+) 30,000 Potch, Fog Robe
Battle Goal: Halve Total enemy forces.
Defeat Conditions: Hero's unit or Raja's unit are destroyed.
Foes: ArcShip (HP:200), ComShip (HP:200), Archer (HP:200), Maha (HP:300), 
Childerich (HP:300), Jidan (HP:300)

Like many battles before this, this battle takes place on both land and in 
Ceras Lake.  Fortunately, the odds are more tipped in your favor at this 
point, because the enemy barely has more forces than you.

Note: Dragon Horse Cavalry can go on Land AND Water, much like the Beavers. 
Very useful.

You start off very far from the enemy forces, and you should also note that 
you have forces on the lake.  Hopefully you have a few Archers or Rune Archers 
on the lake so that you can pick off the ground forces once the Ships are 
taken down. Picking off enemies with Barrage from the sea is a nice way to 
dent their forces without taking damage to your own.

If you pick them off with Arrows from the lake while at the same time have 
your ground units slaughtering them and pushing them back up noth, you can 
probably get through the battle with less than 100 Casualties if you do it 
properly.  Not a hard battle at all.

Note that by bringing Childerich's HP down to 1/3 total you can end this 
battle prematurely as well.  This is most easily done by targeting him with 
spells and Barrage from the side of the lake.

Watch the scene, and your Headquarters is now at its most developed state.


Required Party: Hero
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: Shield Orb, Thunder Piece, Intermediate Combat
Characters: None

After the scenes, you are given a choice.  I suggest holding off on the 
decision to save your game.  Now choose whichever you like, though I chose 
Childerich in my first game, because he's an evil bastard. Choosing Childerich 
will have you defend Doraat, choosing the Southern Mountain Corps will have 
you defend Sable.

Also, there's a few new items to get as well.  Head into the -Ceras Lake Ruins-
and follow the path straight until you reach the area near the end (that has a 
long vertical drop in it.)  Walk down this long path to the very bottom. It's 
a loooong walk down, but at the very bottom you'll find some chests containing 

                          Doraat -- War Battle 10-1

Required Party: Hero
Enemies: Elite Soldier (Sword), Elite Soldier (Bow)
Boss: Bahram, Imperial Guardx5
Items: None
Characters: None

War Battle 10: -Childerich Pursuit Battle-
Rewards: (Victory+) 35,000 Potch, Windspun Cape
Battle Goal: Get the Hero to Doraat.
Defeat Conditions: The Hero or the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: Archer (HP:300), Rune Archer (HP:300), Cavalry (HP:300), Rune ArcShip 
(HP:300), ArcShip (HP:300), ComShip (HP:300), Ram (HP: 300), Dilber (HP:400), 
Bahram (HP:400), Childerich (HP:400)

Like the previous Doraat battle, you must fight this one on both land and 
water.  Your forces are fairly balanced of Land and Water, so make sure you 
take advantage of both groups of forces.  Remember certain special groups of 
characters (the Dragon Calvary, Beavers, etc) can go on both land and water to 
suit your needs, so make sure you use them. Also remember that you can target 
land forces with your Barrage and certain spells.  That will help considerably.

Like the previous battle in Doraat, the goal is to JUST get your Hero's unit 
there, not to kill everyone.  Killing everyone is just a bonus that gives you 
treats. Be VERY careful with Dilber's unit though, he is quite strong. 
Remember to save the Dawn Rune until you get close to the gates to clear a 
path so that the Prince can make a run for them and end the battle.

Watch a scene. Lucretia allows you to choose your party members. If you make 
the wrong selection during this scene, you can always speak with her again to 
choose again. 

Head northeast through the city of Doraat. As you approach the Fortress a 
scene plays.

Boss: Bahram, Imperial Guardx5
Rewards: The Shredding S1, Resurrection Piece1, Berserk Blow S1

This is rather sad, is it not?
Bahram, like most of Godwin's troops, comes with a backup of Soldiers.  
Therefore, you must get rid of them all as fast as you can.  Abilities like 
Maze of Steel Co-Op and multiple high level Rune spells will get rid of the 

Bahram is QUITE nasty with his magic spells and high speed.  He uses Ice magic 
for around 150-200 to everyone, depending on magical defense.  Use abilities 
that stop magical attacks from hitting (such as Earth Magic) to reduce the 
damage Bahram can do to your party, and make sure to heal every round with at 
LEAST Shield Magic, Water Magic is better.  As long as you can prevent the 
magical damage and heal every round this battle is winnable.

Watch a rather sad scene and you're automatically brought back to Headquarters.
*skip down to the HQ section*

                          Sable -- War Battle 10-2

Required Party: Hero, Dinn
Enemies: Armes Soldier (Sword), Armes Soldier (Bow)
Items: None
Characters: None

Note: You can only do the Sable battle if you did not choose Doraat.  Which is 
the better choice?  Either works, but Doraat probably has more story to it, as 
Sable deals with Armes.

War Battle 10-2: Armes Pursuit Battle
Rewards: (Victory+) 45,000 Potch, Windspun Cape
Battle Goal: Get Hero to Sable.
Defeat Conditions: The Hero is killed.
Foes: Cavalry x2 (HP:300), Rune Archer x2 (HP:300), Infantry x2 (HP:300), 
Spear (HP:300),  Archer (HP:300), Jidan (HP:400)
This battle will probably remind you a bit of the Lordlake defense, but this 
time you have a goal in mind.  Save your Dawn Rune casting until the very end, 
as the goal is to push all the way through to Sable. Keep your party to the 
north and south, while your main force remains in the center, somewhat 
behind.  While you draw the attention of the forces, have your Hero run for 
the town.

You need to be careful with this strategy though, as there are Archers with 
Barrage around the town who will push you back.  Bring at least one Archer 
type to protect your Prince's unit from Barrage and the other foes.  The 
enemies in this battle are not particularly hard, but reaching your goal can 
be.  Especially when constantly pushed back. Try brings Zerase with you so you 
can use her Star Rune to help push multiple of them back.

All in all, this is a much harder battle than Doraat2 is, because Like 
Lordlake, the fighting is everywhere and you will be inturrupted constantly. I 
also highly suggest massive amounts of Rune Archers (Jeane/Eresh with Extra or 
Viki as the last works well, as does a Party of Levi/Josephine/Killey) to 
reduce damage done. Try to avoid having too many characters on foot, since 
there are also quite a few Cavalry units.  

After the scenes, Lucretia allows you to choose your party members.  Select 
the best members you have, as you will be fighting a boss. Dinn is a required 

Follow the north path of Sable all the way until you can not go further, and 
then head northeast, all the way east, and onto the next screen. Watch a scene.

Boss: Jidan Guisu, Armes Soldierx5 (Sword)
Rewards: Vengeful Child S1, Mother Earth Piece1

Jidan, like most bosses, has his own little set of bodyguards to back him up.  
Casting area of effect spells will get rid of them, but if you don't have any 
of those on you, take down the sword users first, as there are far more of 
than there are of Jidan. 

Treat this battle like most previous battles in the past.  Jidan is not a 
particularly strong boss, and this battle is a rather anti-climatic way to end 
the whole Armes portion of the game.  I personally prefer Doraat, but Maha is 
awesome. This is a nice battle for revenge if you chose to defend your castle.


Required Party: Hero
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Haleth

Head to the War Room for a scene. Cius, Lelei, and Lucretia join your party. 
Before we head out to do what Lucretia says though, lets go recruit one of the 
last characters in the game (or the last, if you recruited Eresh earlier.)

Character: Haleth
Location: Hershville/Headquarters
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After reacquiring your Headquarters from Childerich.
How to Recruit:
First, head to Hershville, and speak with Haleth on 1F of the large 
Administration building.  You will be blown off by him, so don't freak out. Go 
back home, and head to the very bottom of your Headquarters (Level 3 
Headquarters) where the Bar is (the northwestern corner or the lowest level).  
Here, you will see a scene with Logg and smuggling. Now go back to Hershville 
and enter the house near the Armor Shop) with Logg NOT in your party to see a 
Now you'll need to wait a bit (do some quests, play some mini-games and 
whatnot) and come back to Hershville.  Speak to the NPC in the Administration 
building where Haleth used to be and he tells you Haleth has fled. Go back to 
your Headquarters, and head back down to the Tavern where you first saw the 
scene with Logg about the smuggling/black market. You'll find Haleth here.  
Speak with him and ask him to join you. 
Haleth is a missable character, if you do not get him before taking Stormfist.

After recruiting Haleth, it's time to head to Yashuna. Viki can teleport you 
there, or you can take the boat.

                               Yashuna Village 

Required Party: Hero
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Shula Valya, Nifsara, Sharmista

Enter the Great Hot Springs (the main one) Inn and watch a scene.  Head 
upstairs with Sharmista now in your party, and enter the door to the east 
(it's somewhat hidden) for another scene. Surprisingly, Shula is male@@;;. 
When given the choice, accept Shula's offer and he, Sharmista, and Nifsara 
will join you as Stars of Destiny.

Head back to your Headquarters.


                        --- [Chapter 13: Meetings] ---



Required Party: Hero, Shula, Nifsara, Sharmista
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: None

Note:  If you have recruited Josephine, you'll see a little extra extertaining 
scene with she and Shula when you teleport back to the castle. Apparently, her 
name is "Yuma" . . .It was worth recruiting Josephine just for this scene.

Head to the War Room for a scene.

Note: Before continuing on with the game, make sure that you have every 
character that you want to have recruited if you want to get all 108 Stars of 
Destiny and see the best ending.

                           Liberation of Stormfist

Required Party: Hero, Shoon, Georg, Zerase
Enemies: Arrow Bat
Bosses: None
Items: None
Characters: Shoon

War Battle 11: -Stormfist Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 60,000 Potch, Master's Garb
Battle Goal: Get the Hero to Stormfist.
Defeat Conditions: Hero of the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: ArcShipx2 (HP:300), Rune ArcShp (HP:300), Ram (HP:300), ComShp (HP:300), 
Archer (HP:300), Cavalry (HP:300), Infantry (HP:300), Dilber (HP:400), 
Childerich (HP:400)

You are quite outnumbered here, but the goal is only to get the Hero to 
Stormfist.  Still, that is going to be quite the challenge.  Remember your 
trusty Dawn Rune when making a run for it near the end. . .The problem is that 
there are so many characters protecting Stormfist picking them off is 
difficult without a whole lot of Rune Archers and boats with Barrage.

When you start approaching the enemies, a familiar face from early in the game 
shows up to help you. He adds a good 200 allies to your cause and helps you 
drive back the enemies.  Unfortunately, he is right in the enemies path and 
may have some trouble surviving unless you run for it from the start.

Like most battles previous, this takes place on both land and water.  Using 
Beavers and/or the Dragon Cavalry in the water will help considerably.  The 
beavers are amazing in the water because of their speed and the Gnaw ability, 
so I highly suggest using them.

In this battle, Archer's won't do too much good, surprisngly. This is true 
because the Cavalry here tend to stay behind, and the main foes are on foot, 
which is what Archers are weak to. Any type of Cavalry will be godly though, 
such as the Lindwurm Mercenaries.  

Note that when you finally are able to break through to the city, you feel the 
true brunt of the Twilight Rune, and the battle ends.

Watch a scene. Shoon -finally- joins you as a Star of Destiny.  If you chose 
Eresh earlier, he will be your last Star, if not, you still have one more to 
go (whom you will get after these events.)

Note: I suggest bringing Richard, Belcoot, and Zegai, even if only in your 
Entourage.  There will be a rather entertaining argument scene about a certain 
duel that is coming up if you bring them all.

After picking your party members, you need to head down into the passage. Head 
directly saouth of Lucretia into the passage.  This passage should look 
familiar, since you took it early in the game when you were chasing the Armes 
soldiers.  Follow the passage to the end to the Basement. In here, enter the 
Gladiator area, and you'll find the door broken down.  Head west and into the 
Infirmary.  In here, the door to the Arena is locked, but you can -finally- 
enter the central Arena, where the Prince once dueled Shoon.

Note:  At this point, you can choose who you want to Duel Childerich.  I 
dueled him with the Prince, just for this Guide's sake, since he is the 

Duel 6: -Murderer- Hero vs Childerich

Attack: Gah!
Special: Gaaaahh!
Defense: Gunh Gunh Gunh Gunh Gunh. . .

Well... Childerich makes no direct comments so you have to judge him through 
the emotional state he's in.  His heavy breathing means that he is going to 
defend, and the longer AAAAH's mean a special.  He tends to prefer specials 
over anything in the battle, and sometimes will special the entire battle away.

After the scene, you end up in the horrible Arena. 

Head up to 2F by the stairs to the east, and head east some more.  Exit to 
Godwin Castle to the north.

                               Godwin Castle

Required Party: Hero, Shoon, Georg, Zerase
Enemies: Imperial Guard (Sword), Imperial Guard (Bow)
Bosses: Dilber, Imperial Guardx4, Sialeeds
Items: Immortal Medicine, Windspun Greaves, Royal Paradise Epic, Platinum 
Hammer, Windspun Gauntlets, Blood Scale Mail, Old Book 3, Windspun Helm
Characters: None

Head north and watch a scene with Dilber.

Boss: Dilber, Imperial Guardx4
Rewards: Killer Orb, Thunder Piece1, Clay Guardian S1

Unlike previous bosses, you need to not go all out on this boss fight, since 
there will be many battles after this that you need to spend your MP on. 
Especialy try to save your level 4 MP, so try to use Co-Ops and whatnot 
instead of spamming MP on this boss.

Like most bosses, Dilber comes with some buddies. Dilber himself will probably 
be the only threat, since he attacks a line of characters instead of just one 
character.  Earth Magic will help reduce the damage taken from attacks a bit, 
but there is still some danger.

After all of the Guards are gone, take down Dilber.  Dilber will parry most of 
the time, so spells work better.  Fortunately, Dilber will practically never 
counter your attacks so you're safe to attack him, even if your attacks do no 

Watch the scene. From where you gain control head through the first doors and 
head east.  Circle around the Godwin Castle, and enter the door to the 
northeast.  Up here, head south at the intersection and you'll find an 
IMMORTAL MEDICINE.  Head north at the intersection to find some WINDSPUN 
GREAVES.  Head back to the intersection and head west. Head south and enter 
the door just southwest (it's hidden to the side) to find the ROYAL PARADISE 
EPIC.  Exit this room, and circle around the room all the way to the west.  
Enter the western door here for the rare PLATINUM HAMMER.

Exit this room and head head all the way west.  There will be an intersection, 
and go north here.  Follow this path north and open the well hidden chest for 
some WINDSPUN GAUNTLETS. in which you should continue west.  This will be the 
familir port.  In the northwestern corner of this screen is a chest containing 
a BLOOD SCALE MAIL.  Re-enter the castle. Ignore the north and south paths at 
this intersection and head back east to the far eastern intersection. If you 
want to save, enter the large central area to find a save point.

Now head to the far northern area and you will find two sets of stairs and a 
door.  Go up the right set of stairs. Head south. The first door is locked, 
but you'll find the OLD BOOK 3 in the second room.

Head to the far west side now and enter "Gizel's Room" to meet Sialeeds.

Boss: Sialeeds
Rewards: Gale Orb

Sialeeds tends to prefer magic over physical attacks, so using spells like 
Canopy Defense will protect you from her Twilight Rune.  The Rune causes 
mainly negative status effects, so make sure you have Time of Awkening Ready 
to cast at all times.  Having your main healer asleep can really cause some 
problems when trying to survive.

Sialeeds has weak physical defense, so attacking her with physical attacks 
will work over magical attacks. She doesn't tend to evade or counter either, 
so as long as you can avoid negative status attacks you should be fine.

After the battle, there are still some items to get, and we need to get out of 
the dungeon.  Enter the room north of Gizel's and open the chest for the 
WINDSPUN HELM.  Head back downstairs for a scene.

Head back upstairs with Lorelai, and enter the door that was once locked (the 
northeastern door) for a scene.  Head back downstairs for another scene.

                Headquarters -- The Night Before the Decisive Battle

Required Party: Hero
Shops: Depending on characters you have recruited.
Items: None
Characters: Euram

Exit your room, wander around a bit, and then head back to your room for a 

After the scene, you now have access to Rainwall, and the VERY last character 
in the game!

Character: Euram
Location: Rainwall
Prerequisite: Not having obtained Eresh.
Time to Recruit: After taking Stormfist, and seeing the scene of the 
liberation of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
After the liberation of Rainwall, have Viki teleport you to Rainwall. Speak 
with Euram in the Barows Mansion. Follow him upstairs, where he will then join 
your army.
You can ONLY get Euram if you did not get Eresh earlier in the game, because 
they share the same Star of Destiny.

Head back to the War Room...make sure you have all the characters you want to 
recruit at this point!

Watch a scene in the War Room.  During this night scene, it's fun to go around 
speaking with everyone, especially some of the story characters (Zerase, 
Zweig, and Haswar have some rather interesting conversation. . .)
Entering Sialeeds' room nets you with a scene, so don't forget to check that 
Head downstairs to speak with Lyon for a scene as well.
After that scene, it opens up a conversation with Galleon and Silva, revealing 
a bit more of their relationship.
There's a scene with Georg outside on the middle level, this is a good scene 
to watch and is very heartwarming.
Near Viki on 1F you'll find a scene with Gavaya.
The Dragon Cavalry has a scene for you to watch as well.

When you're done speaking with everyone, watch the scenes. Head up to the War 


                         --- [Chapter 14: Finale] ---


                               Sol-Falena Siege

Required Party: Hero
Enemies: None
Bosses: Sialeeds
Items: None
Characters: None

War Battle 12: -Sol-Falena Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 80,000 Potch, Karaya Armband
Battle Goal: Get the Dahak into Sol-Falena.
Defeat Conditions: The Dahak [is] Destroyed.
Foes: Cavalry (HP:300), Rune Archerx3 (HP:300), ArcShp (HP:300), Rune ArcShp 
(HP:300), Ram (HP:300), ComShip (HP:300), Zaahak (HP:500), Alenia (HP:500)

This time, it's mostly an all out ship battle, with only a few ground forces.  
Beavers and Dragon Cavalry are useful since they can go on both land and water 
when needed.

Well, ideally, you only need to get the Dahak into Sol-Falena.  So 
technically, you will not need to deal with the ground forces at all if you 
are fast enough.  Make a mad dash right through the center with the Dahak and 
clear a path with the other characters, and use the Star Rune (Zerase) near 
the end on the last enemies to make them run away.  That will give you a clear 
entry to Sol-Falena, if you want to take the quick way through the battle.

You can of course, kill the enemies normally and get their treats though. So 
it all depends on how you want to win the battle.  Making a direct charge 
towards the port will win the battle more quickly, but also net you with less 

This battle is not difficult, as long as you keep your party together, and 
break the passage open for the Dahak.

Head downstairs off the Dahak (add some party members with Luserina) and exit 
the Dahak. Speak with Logg and Lun who will take you to Sol-Falena. 

Boss: Sialeeds (Part 2)
Rewards: Magic Bracelet

Once again, Sialeeds uses the Twilight Rune like crazy, so abilities like 
Canopy Defense will work to your advantage to protect you from status effects 
that it can cause. Protecting yourself against statuses and being able to cure 
status effects is imperative to winning against Sialeeds.

The most damaging ability Sialeeds has is an area ability that will hit all of 
your members with damage ranging from 100-300 (or more depending on magical 
defense). Being able to reduce damage, or protect yourself from this this 
attack is imperative to stopping character deaths.  If you're using Georg, 
he'll probably end up dead from one hit of this spell.

The same with the last battle, Sialeeds tends to be weaker towards physical 
attacks than magical attacks.  In fact, she takes around half damage from even 
the strongest magical attacks, so physical attacks are definitely the way to 
go.  Unfortunately, she also tends to evade your physical attacks more, yet 
being a long range character, she will not parry and counter.

Watch the scenes.

War Battle 13: -Sol-Falena Siege 2-
Rewards: (Victory+) 100,000 Potch, Fortune Piece
Battle Goal: Get the Hero to Sol-Falena.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Ram (HP:300), ComShipx2 (HP:300), Rune ArcShip (HP:300), ArcShpx2 
(HP:300), Rune Archer (HP:300), Spear (HP:300), Zahhak (HP:500), Alenia 

This battle will mainly be a pain because of the lack of saving between the 
Sialeeds battle and this one (hopefully you were able to save on the Dahak 
before this battle though.)  Another thing that is somewhat a pain about this 
battle is the lack of control you have over your units.  Most of your units 
you are stuck with at least 1-2 characters, so you can't make your own.  

Putting two Ram type units on the right side of your characters (in the water) 
will help considerably, since there are three archers.  All archers are weak 
to Rams.  Anything less than two Rams will make this -extremely- difficult to 
survive if you have less than two Recovers.  Its possible, but hard.

This battle takes place on a rather small area, so your ground troops are 
extremely limited, much like the battle in Lelcar. Because of this small area, 
the "Charge right through to the end and use the Dawn Rune" strategy will not 
work to reach the Sun Palace.

Also, you may have some trouble with the ship battles, since the ships 
outnumber you considerably. The ground battles will be easy, since you 
outnumber the enemy until you reach Alenia and Zahhak. And once you reach 
Alenia and Zahhak, all you need to do is have a few characters distract them 
while your prince runs into the palace.  Easier said than done, but possible 


Required Party: Hero, Miakis, Lyon
Enemies: None
Bosses: Alenia, Zahhak, Raging Alenia, Raging Zahhak
Items: Sun Ring, Advanced Magic

Speak with Luserina to change party members.

Note: Luserina will remain in Sol-Falena from here on out, and will NEVER head 
back to your Headquarters. So if you want to do some mini-quests like the Bath 
scenes you are going to have to run back and forth from Sol-Falena to the 

From Sol-Falena city, head all the way north to the Palace Plaza.  Continue 
north into the Palace. In the central Palace, watch a scene.

Boss: Zaahak, Alenia
Rewards: Viper Orb, Lion Orb

This time it's not only Zaahak or Alenia, but both together.  For the final 
fight we must take them both down.  Both Alenia and Zaahak have rather high 
defense, so damaging them with physical or magical attacks can be difficult, 
but it is nothing extrodiary.

Alenia likes to use fire magic over physical attacks, so protecting any weaker 
Magic Defense characters (like Georg) from magic will help considerably.  Both 
characters are very good with Parrying and Countering, so normal physical 
attacks are somewhat risky if you do not have the armor to defend against 
their counterattacks.

Do not go all out in this battle, as there is a consecutive battle with the 
two right after this.
Boss: Raging Zaahak, Raging Alenia
Rewards: Soaring Bolt Scr1, SilverWhite Emblem, Rage Piece1

Now it's the real deal.  Most of what was said above applies to here as well, 
except now both have even higher defense towards physical attacks, so magical 
attacks are the way to go. Make sure you keep a tank in your front lines, but 
even with a strong tank, Zahhak can deal some decent damage physically.

The key is to choose who to get rid of first.  Alenia, though definitely the 
weaker of the two, has less HP than Zaahak (though higher magical defense) and 
tends to go down faster.  If you take her down quickly you can deal with the 
physically stronger Zahhak who only has a single physical attack every round, 
which is not too difficult to deal with.

Watch the scene.  Note that you can not exit Sol-Falena at this time, nor can 
you stay at the Inn, unfortunately.  Continue north to the Audience Chamber.

Duel 7: Victor -Hero vs Gizel-

Attack: It looks like we both got a little impatient. . .
Attack: Very nice Prince, but it's not over yet!
Special: You wouldn't let yourself get defeated in just one turn would you?
Special: Time to finish you off!
Special: Very I'll show you what I can do!
Special: Very nice, but do you think you can counter this next one as well?
Special: You should have shown me a move at least as powerful as this!
Defense: I think I felt that one a little bit...

Gizel is somewhat difficult to predict, as his Special sounds like an attack 
at times.  He tends to special most of the time, but if you match him, the 
battle will be over before he does much other than special.

Watch the scenes. You gain control in the Sun Palace.  Exit the Rune Room for 
a scene. You start in your familiar room in Sol-Falena. Exit, and Lyon joins 
your party. Head to the Audience Chamber (where you used to meet your mother 
during the opening sequences) for a scene.

Note: Two rooms east of the Prince's, you'll find the Storage Room from the 
beginning of the game.  The chests have refilled at this point, and now 
contain a SUN RING and the ADVANCED MAGIC. Also, speaking to the Maid in 
Sialeeds' room will give you some insight to the story.

The goal is Lunas, but there is a side area you can go to to get some fun 
items at first.

                                West Palace

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Haswar, Isato, Zweig
Items: Windspun Ring, Windspun Cape, Advanced Combat, Illusion Tactic, Zen 
Sword Epic

The West Palace is in much the same location that the East Palace is, except 
to the West.  Unfortunately, the game does not allow you to exit to the west, 
so you need to teleport to Stormfist and walk east along the road there.

The goodies found in West palace include a WINDSPUN RING, a WINDSPUN CAPE, the 


Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Haswar, Isato, Zweig
Enemies: None
Bosses: None
Items: None

This is it.  This is the end. When you're ready to finish the game, head to 
Lunas (you can teleport there quickly with Viki.)  Watch a scene in Lunas.

Note: From here on, if you are not on a New Game+, you can not use Georg in 
your party.  Sorry. 

Head into the Oracle's Conclave and exit the far western side.  Head south 
down the stairs, and follow the slope through the door into the Purification 
Fountain.  Watch a scene. Isato and Haswar leave your party.  Head north 
through the door.  Follow the strange path to the Ashtwal Mountains.

                         Ashtwal Mountains -- Ruins

Required Party: Hero, Lyon, Zweig
Suggested Level: 55
Enemies: Visage Box, Wyvern, Raging Assassin, Billion Eyes, Copper Sun, Elite 
Troop (Bow), Elite Troop (Sword), Terror Armor
Mini-Boss: Nemesis (Windspun Armor, Lightning Ring, ?Large Statue, 55,000 
Potch, 100 Party SP)
Bosses: Girtabulu, Gudalim, Enmesharra, Final Boss
Items: Dragon Inscence, Hunter Orb, Blinking Rune Piece, Mixed Herbs, Sun 
Boots, Gray Hat, Royal Garb, Sun Armor, Sun Gloves, Fantasy Half Coat

Follow the path east for a scene, and save at the Orb. At the intersection, 
take the eastern path, and then head south.  Follow this path along the path 
until you reach the far eastern wall. Follow this path north until you can 
head west, where you open can the chest for a DRAGON INSCENCE. Go back to the 
intersection and continue west and go north when you can.  Open the chest up 
here for a HUNTER ORB. Head back and continue west until you can go north 
again. Follow the path northeast over the gap.

Over here, press against the eastern wall and head all the way east (across 
the first intersection) until you can go south.  Open the chest here for a 
BLINKING RUNE PIECE.  Now head back west to where you first entered this 
second area, and continue west and southwest (pressing against the 
southwestern wall).  You'll eventually come across another chest, this one 
containing some MIXED HERBS. Head north, and follow the northeastern path and 
you'll come across the ruins, which is where you need to be. 

Like most Sindar dungeons, this place is going to be. . .not so fun. 

We need to split into three parties (-_-) for this.  Make sure each party is 
capable of fending for themselves in this section, since they will need to be 
fighting their own battles. 

I suggest having at least one mage/healer and one tank in the group so that 
you can survive with ease. Make sure that everyone has their weapons at LEAST 
past level 10, level 12 will be better.
You start with your Hero.  Set your formation and follow the eastern path 
through the door. Switch parties with the O button, since you can't go 
further.  ---
Once again, set your formation and follow the path through the door.  Switch 
Set your formation and follow the path through the door.  Continue north and 
step on the switch. After doing this, head north and open the chest for some 
SUN BOOTS. Now head east and stop once you see one of those switch doors, and 
switch parties twice.
In control of Lyon's party, head north and you're brought up to the next 
level.  Step on the switch up here.  Continue north (you'll go down) and 
follow the path to the chest at the end for a GRAY HAT. Head back to where you 
went down, and right to the west of it you'll find a door.  Change parties 
here to your Hero's.
Controlling the Hero's party, head north and up the path.  Continue north, and 
down.  Keep going north until you step on a switch. Switch back to Lyon's 
Back in Lyon's Party, head west and Up.  Continue north and step on the 
switch. Have Lyon continue east and go Down.  Keep going east until you can go 
east no longer and switch parties to Zweig.
With Zweig, head east through hte newely opened path. Go up, and continue 
east, down, and you'll reach an intersection.  Go south and step on the switch 
at the end.  Open the chest for some ROYAL GARB.  Head back north to the 
intersection and take the northern fork.  Go up the "elevator," continue north 
and west, go down, go north,  open the chest for some SUN ARMOR.  Continue 
west and step on another switch.  Head north all the way and switch parties.
In control of the Hero, head north and Up. Continue west and follow the path 
until you go down. Head east and change parties.
In control of Lyon, head east and go up. Follow the path north and west until 
you go down.  Here, head west and open the chest for some SUN GLOVES.  Head 
back to the intersection (you'll need to go back up and down) and head North. 
Step on the switch here and change back to your Hero's party.
Back controlling the Hero, head east, up, continue east, and step on the 
switch.  Continue north and down.  Head west and open the chest for a FANTASY 
HALF COAT. Head back to the intersection and continue north, where you should 
change to Lyon's party.
Controlling Lyon, head through the newely opened northern path and you are 
forced to fight a boss.

Boss: Girtabulu
Rewards: Immortal Medicine, Tachibana Greaves

Hopefully you have a decent party here. I suggest characters who can use Earth 
spells if you do not have the best armor for everyone, since Earth magic is 
good for preventing damage. The boss has very strong physical attacks, so make 
sure you either have a decent tank, or you have someone healing every single 
round (I actually had Lyon tanking it, and with decent gear she was taking 
around 250 damage ; ;)

The boss has strong physical and magical defense, so denting him will be 
rough. Either works, though the boss pretty much halves damage from all 
magical attacks.

Also note that the boss has one really -really- nasty move that targets all 
party members.  Depending on the gear you got for your party (it so expensive 
to get the best for everyone, so its doubtful everyone has it), it will 
probably do around 200 or more to your -entire- party as well as causing the 
horrid Stun status. If everyone get's stunned, you may end up dead if you're 

Killing the boss is much like a switch in itself.  But continue north into the 
ruins with Lyon first.  Follow the path to the next screen.  Lyon is now 
finished (finally!)
You automatically switch to Zweig. Heal your party up, and head north into the 

Boss: Gudalim
Rewards: Immortal Medicine, Wind Ring

Once again, the strategy here depends on your battle party.  I actually had 
the easiest time with this boss because I had all of my overpowered characters 
in this party. This boss is still very strong physically though, even with a 
great tank, and can do some decent damage. He tends to rely on physical 
attacks, and it very slow.  Fire magic does not work as well on him as it 
should,  but Lightning works fine.

Like the previous boss, this one has an area attack.  This one is not as nasty 
though, and will probably only do around 100 to all members.  It also does not 
cause Stun.  Keep your HP above 250 at all times.

Head north into the Ruins again.  Follow the path and you automatically switch 
to the Hero.

Head north into the square to encounter the final of the three mini-bosses.

Boss: Enmesharra
Rewards: Immortal Medicine, Water Ring

This boss deals with Line-type attacks and has incredibly physical defense and 
average magical defense.  It also has very high speed, so expect it to attack 
before you.  The main problem with this boss is its high stats, defense, 
speed, and magical defense.  Try using Earth Magic (Earthquake) on it to 
hopefully stun it for a round to prevent damage.

This battle is much of a mix between the previous two, except, all in all, a 
bit harder.

Continue north into the ruins. Follow the path into the central room where 
everyone meets up.

Choose your party (note that EVERYONE has been healed) but note that it can 
ONLY be chosen of the people you have brought with you.  I suggest bringing 
quite a few people, just in case.

Rearrange your party, and head north.  Speak with Dolph, it's time to get 
revenge! I suggest Duelling Lyon against him, just because it fits the story 

Duel 8: Rivalry -Lyon vs Dolph-

Attack: In your condition, this should be enough to do you in.
Attack: Well well, what a surprise, I didn't think you'd be able to counter 
Special: Still standing huh?  Will you be able to handle this?
Special: You did very well, I guess I should stop going easy on you. . .
Defense: Let me give you the chance to realise the shape you're in . . .
Defense: The more time you waste the more pain you'll be in you know!

Dolph is very, very hard to predict.  He is quite vague with his comments and 
it's easy to confuse them for one another. Also note that Dolph has another 
Special other then what I have here, but I wasn't able to mark it down on 
time, it's close to the "Still standing Huh?" though.

Watch a scene. Continue north into the next room.

Boss: [Final Boss] Sun Rune Incarnation, Guardian Heat Spring, Guardian Light 
Rewards: None

Fun Fact: Falena means Moth in Italian, and that's why the final boss is a 

Each of the three targets has its own separate attacks and abilities, though 
they all have around the same defense.

I suggest using Earth spells (Canopy Defense) that protect versus magic to 
stop the damage on the first few rounds of battle.  If you have two-three 
damageless rounds, then you can probably win with less problem than if you are 
struggling right from the outset. 

This battle is not really hard, it is just long.  Ignore the Sprites, unless 
you are using area-of-effect attack.  The boss will just regenerate them the 
turn after you kill them, so there is really little point in killing them in 
the first place. As long as you can focus on the final boss itself (the Sun 
Rune Incarnation) while ignoring the other foes, you will be fine. 

The key thing to worry about is the main bosses attacks.  They attack a large 
line of characters for some decent damage (upwards to 200) so if you can 
protect yourself from the damage then you'll be okay.  Any characters with 
magic defense minus Runes will be slaughtered by the boss in this battle, so 
be absolutely sure to take off those runes before entering the battle.  Also, 
low magical defense characters will not do too well here.

If you have decent levels and gear, this is a surprisingly easy battle, 
especially compared to the previous three battles.

There are a few endings.  If you choose to go with Georg is one, going back 
home is another (which is considered the "True" ending) and also the endings 
without getting 108 Stars of Destiny.

A few things to note about the ending:  If you were too mean to Lym at the 
beginning of the game, you will not be given the option to return home to the 
Sun Palace, and instead will be forced to go onto the journey with Georg. 


                            --- War Battles ---


The War Battles in this game are rather few.  Some people are glad of this, 
others are sad, but they are all required, and thus, this section exists.

War Battle 1 -The Defense of Rainwall-
Rewards: (Victory+) 5,000 Potch, Hungry Wolf Tactic
Battle Goal: Destroy all enemies.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Infantry x2(100 HP), Archer (100 HP)

Note:  Try to reduce casualties in War Battles as much as possible.  It will 
affect your recruitment of a character later on as well as how much Potch you 
recieve after the battle ends.

The game gives you very basic units in this battle.  With Sialeeds, you have a 
Rune Archer, with Boz you have a Spearman, and with your Hero/Leon you have an 
Infantry.  You will also have two NPC Infantry to control as well.

This War game, like the Duels, are a rock-paper-scissors.  The Infantry Units 
deal more damage to Archer types, but are weak towards Calvary (there are no 
Calvary in this battle.)  The Archer Types are strong versus Calvalry but weak 
versus Infantry.  Calvary Units are strong versus Infantry, but weak versus 

Also, remember to note each special skill. In this battle, Hero/Lyon has 3 
Charges.  Charge allows you to damage the enemy without damaging yourself.  
This is an extremely useful ability.  Sialeeds has Cyclone, which is much the 
same as Charge, except that it is magic.  Remember to use these skills, but 
also remember that you have them limited in number.

The battle goal here is rather simple: destroy all foes.  You must also not 
allow your Heroes group to be destroyed, but because he has the ability to use 
Charge three times, this is unlikely.  Also, try to exploit your enemies 
weakness, while not allowing them to exploit yours. Its not too smart to have 
your Archers run at the Infantry because they are weak towards ground battles. 

Since this is pretty much a brawl, with the enemies immediately charging at 
you, and you charging at the enemies, you need to be cautious.  Send two 
Infantry at the Archers, and they will take them down quickly. Attacking the 
other Infantry is tricky.  Use the special skill "Charge" with Boz and the 
Hero/Lyon to reduce the amount of damage that you take. Also, Sialeeds can use 
her Wind Rune to deal damage without taking it as well, so that will be 
effective against the Infantry. 

As long as you use all of the special skills you have at your disposal, the 
battle will be over quickly. this is more of a tutorial War Battle than 
anything else.

War Battle 2 -Intercepting Lugor's Fleet-
Rewards: (Victory+) 6,000 Potch, Luck Ring
Battle Goal: Halve Brahm's ship's HP or neutralize all others.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed or the Dahak is destroyed.
Foes: Ram (HP: 150), ComShip x2 (HP: 150) ArchShip x2 (HP: 150), Bahram (HP: 

This time, you have quite a bit more caracters to control.  Ship battles work 
much the same as the ground battles, and you should treat them as such.  
Remember to not let your weakness be exploited, and always exploit the enemies 

In this battle, you have control of 7 ships, including the large Dahak. The 
enemy also has quite a few ships, but after a few seconds of approaching you, 
a few ships will sink, and Braham's fleet will be effectively halved. This 
makes the battle considerably easier for you.

There are two goals in this battle.  One is two halve the HP of Bahram, the 
second is to kill every ship other than Bahram.  While killing Bahram is the 
easier choice, you should also note that you will get some rare items, such as 
a Flowing Piece, from the other ships when killed. You will also sustain more 
casualties when fighting more enemies.

One thing to note is that Boz will do the most damage to Bahram.  Since he is 
your only Ram at this point, he should continually charge at Bahram. Boz will 
also remain useful when taking on most of the other ships as well, so make 
sure to use him effectively. I also highly suggest being careful with your 
ComShips in this battle, as they will almost be detrimental because there is 
nothing that they are strong against here.

War Battle 3 -Rainwall Defense Campaign Part 2-
Rewards: None
Battle Goal: Draw the Enemies in the Southern Forest.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Archer (HP: 100), Infantry (HP: 100), Calvalry (HP: 100), Dilber (HP: 

Unlike the previous battles, the goal here is not to approach your enemies at 
all.  You need to head south down into the forest. After a few seconds of all 
of your troops "fleeing" into the forest, Dilber will comment that you are 
fleeing.  This shows that you are doing the right thing.  Once your entire 
army is in the forest, starts heading west.  It's somewhat hard to see, but 
you can head west under the mountains. 

Once you reach the point under the mountains, a scene plays.  At this point, 
STOP! Don't go any further.  This portion of the battle is over, and you have 
War Battle 4 -Rainwall Defense Campaign Part 3-
Rewards: (Victory+) 8000 Potch, Guardian Boots
Battle Goal: Halve Jidan's force's HP or destroy all other units.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Calvary x3 (HP: 200), Jidan (HP: 300)

You have an ally in Dilbert now.  At Lucretia's suggestion, DO NOT MOVE YOUR 
ARMY!  Leave them where they are, and let your allies do all the dirty work.  
This will save you casualties.  If you find your allies slaughtered, then and 
only then should you go into the battle.  The deaths of your allies do not 
count against you in both your total score, and for recruiting a certain 

To win this battle, you need to either halve the HP of Jidan (Archers work 
best, so you can use Rune Mages from your party, if you're willing to risk 
it...Josephine and Sialeeds in a party together will give you three spells to 
work with) or kill everyone else.  Killing everyone else will give you more 
rewards  (such as a Lancer Armor) than just going after Jidan, but it will 
also be quite a bit harder. 

Since the Calvary in Dilber's army will get literally slaughtered by Jidan, 
you may need to have one person act as a decoy while everyone else, hopefully, 
is able to run at Jidan himself. If you do choose to bring your own army into 
it, make sure that you don't send just one party in alone, make sure that they 
have backup.  You don't want unneccesary casualties.

The battle ends with either half of Jidan's HP gone (easiest done with Rune 
Magic) or taking everyone else but Jidan out.

War Battle 5: -Hatred Fortress Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 12,000 Potch, Thunder Helm
Battle Goal: Destroy all enemies.
Defeat Conditions: Hero's unit or the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: ComShip x3 (HP: 200), ArcShip x3 (HP: 200), Ram x2 (HP: 200)

Once again, the goal of this battle is not to kill all enemies on screen even 
though the game tells you to.  After killing a select number off (when your 
foes have around 500 left), the battle will automatically end.  They key to 
winning this battle is to having a nice balance of Archers (Rune Archers are 
nice...), Rams (you should have two, Boz with one and Lordlake's party in the 
second) and ComShips.

The enemies are a nice balanced set, so make sure that you are able to counter 
any foe at any time.  It will help to have at least two of each type of ship.  
Also, while keeping your characters close together, clustering them in one 
large pile is a bad idea because they will just slow each other down. 

They key thing to remember in this battle is your battle skils.  Skills like 
Recover will be invaluable at any time, as is Barrage.  Also remember that you 
have the Dawn Rune to use now, which will be excellent.

They key in this battle is keeping your characters separated from one another 
and making sure you don't gain the attention of all of the enemies at once.  
This is hard at times, but doable if you're careful. When it does become an 
all out brawl (it will, eventually) you need to make sure that you have a wide 
selection of ship types to choose from so that you can always exploit the 
enemies weakness and protect your own. 

War Battle 6: -Defending Lelcar-
Rewards: (Victory+) 15,000 Potch, Guardian Chain
Battle Goal: Push enemy ground forces back from Lelcar.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Infantry (HP:120), Spear (HP:150), Archerx2 (HP: 150), Cavalry (HP:150), 
Zahhak (HP:200), Rune ArcShp (HP:200), ArcShp (HP:200), ComShip (HP:200), Ram 
(HP: 200)

This will be the largest war battle yet, and will be extremely annoying since 
you have so many units to control so spread out from each other (both land and 
sea units.)  If you are having trouble, press select to pause it, and 
choose "View Map" to move the cursor while it's paused and then unselect where 
you want to control your characters at.  This makes it quite a bit easier to 
execute commands.  

With your ground units, the largest danger is getting stuck on the bridge.  
This is a common occurence and will cause both sides to get slaughtered, and 
the less deaths the better. The bridge will stop your characters from running, 
so make sure that you do not move onto it to intercept the ground army. 

To win this battle, all you need to do is severly damage Zahhak's unit, but if 
you do that, you'll miss out on all sorts of other goodies. Also note that you 
actually don't even HAVE to deal with the ship part of the battle if you 
finish the ground portion quickly enough, since the ships are far enough away 
that it takes quite some time for your opponents to reach them.  That is your 
choice though, since you get goodies for killing the ships.

Remember to effectively use skills like Charge and your Rune Magic to make 
your enemies run.  Also, play defensive.  DO NOT approach the second bridge 
unless you want to die, since you will get caught and slaughtered on it. The 
Dawn Rune will be especially helpful when the enemies are clustered together 
on the bridge, so don't be afraid to use that.

War Battle 7: -New Queen's Campaign-
Rewards: (Victory+) 20,000 Potch, Spun Silver Armor
Battle Goal: Get Roy's unit to Lymsleia's position.
Defeat Conditions: Roy's unit is destroyed.
Foes: Archerx2 (HP:200), Cavalryx3 (HP:200), Spearx2 (HP:200), Zahhak 
(HP:300), Alenia (HP:300), Lymsleia (HP:300)

Rather then your Hero's unit, Roy's unit will be the one playing the key role 
in this battle. Once again, the goal is not too destroy the enemies, but to 
get Roy up to Lym and the Knights.  What you should do is have everyone but 
one or two units (Roy's and another for backup) head north while Roy stays 
somewhat south or in the middle area.  Once all of the enemies charge your 
main force, then Roy needs to make a run right through the center to the Queen.

This battle is quite easy compared to some of the previous battles, but note 
that you will need to get your hands dirty this time.  Fortunately, pretty 
much every enemy drops a goody, and you will WANT to kill the foes here, as 
you get rare items like Guardian Gloves, Rage Pieces, Mother Earth Pieces, and 
so on.

The battle ends once Roy gets within atack range of Zahhak and Alenia.

War Battle 8: -Lelcar Defense Campaign 2-
Rewards: 5,000 Potch
Battle Goal: Halve total enemy forces or survive for 10 minutes.
Defeat Conditions: Hero's unit or the Dahak are destroyed, or the enemy 
reaches Lelcar.
Foes: Cavalryx2 (HP:200), Rune Archer (HP:200), ComShip (HP:200), Ram 
(HP:300), ArcShip (HP:300), Bahram (HP:400), Childerich (HP:300), Dilbert 

This battle takes place on both the ground and the water.  Unlike the first 
battle of Lelcar, this one does not take place in the town, rather it takes 
place outside of it.

This is literally a "Protection" battlke.  If the enemy reaches Lelcar, the 
game is over, so make sure you fend them off.  You need to keep a defensive 
stance somewhat away from the town, but not too far.  Keep your allies close 
together, and only go forward a bit, but far enough from Lelcar, so that it 
takes the enemy a longer time to reach you (you only need to survive for 10 
minutes.) You only need to get Godwin's troops down to 1,200, but that takes 
quite a bit of work on its own.  So how you want to work the battle in your 
favor is your own choice.

A few things to note:  When group troops are near the water, you can target 
them with abilities like Barrage.  But so can the enemies.  So keep your 
allies away from the water, but try to push the enemies near it, giving you 
some free damage. This also works with abilites like Recover, and the Flowing 
and Dawn Runes.

I find what works best in this battle is to focus on both the ships and the 
ground units.  If you take down the ships and half of the ground units, then 
the battle will end and you won't have to deal with the stronger story 

War Battle 9: -The Recapture-
Rewards: (Victory+) 30,000 Potch, Fog Robe
Battle Goal: Halve Total enemy forces.
Defeat Conditions: Hero's unit or Raja's unit are destroyed.
Foes: ArcShip (HP:200), ComShip (HP:200), Archer (HP:200), Maha (HP:300), 
Childerich (HP:300), Jidan (HP:300)

Like many battles before this, this battle takes place on both land and in 
Ceras Lake.  Fortunately, the odds are more tipped in your favor at this 
point, because the enemy barely has more forces than you.

Note: Dragon Horse Cavalry can go on Land AND Water, much like the Beavers. 
Very useful.

You start off very far from the enemy forces, and you should also note that 
you have forces on the lake.  Hopefully you have a few Archers or Rune Archers 
on the lake so that you can pick off the ground forces once the Ships are 
taken down. Picking off enemies with Barrage from the sea is a nice way to 
dent their forces without taking damage to your own.

If you pick them off with Arrows from the lake while at the same time have 
your ground units slaughtering them and pushing them back up noth, you can 
probably get through the battle with less than 100 Casualties if you do it 
properly.  Not a hard battle at all.

War Battle 10: -Childerich Pursuit Battle-
Rewards: (Victory+) 35,000 Potch, Windspun Cape
Battle Goal: Get the Hero to Doraat.
Defeat Conditions: The Hero or the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: Archer (HP:300), Rune Archer (HP:300), Cavalry (HP:300), Rune ArcShip 
(HP:300), ArcShip (HP:300), ComShip (HP:300), Ram (HP: 300), Dilber (HP:400), 
Bahram (HP:400), Childerich (HP:400)

Like the previous Doraat battle, you must fight this one on both land and 
water.  Your forces are fairly balanced of Land and Water, so make sure you 
take advantage of both groups of forces.  Remember certain special groups of 
characters (the Dragon Calvary, Beavers, etc) can go on both land and water to 
suit your needs, so make sure you use them. Also remember that you can target 
land forces with your Barrage and certain spells.  That will help considerably.

Like the previous battle in Doraat, the goal is to JUST get your Hero's unit 
there, not to kill everyone.  Killing everyone is just a bonus that gives you 
treats. Be VERY careful with Dilber's unit though, he is quite strong. 
Remember to save the Dawn Rune until you get close to the gates to clear a 
path so that the Prince can make a run for them and end the battle.

War Battle 11: -Stormfist Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 60,000, Master's Garb
Battle Goal: Get the Hero to Stormfist.
Defeat Conditions: Hero of the Dahak are destroyed.
Foes: ArcShipx2 (HP:300), Rune ArcShp (HP:300), Ram (HP:300), ComShp (HP:300), 
Archer (HP:300), Cavalry (HP:300), Infantry (HP:300), Dilber (HP:400), 
Childerich (HP:400)

You are quite outnumbered here, but the goal is only to get the Hero to 
Stormfist.  Still, that is going to be quite the challenge.  Remember your 
trusty Dawn Rune when making a run for it near the end. . .The problem is that 
there are so many characters protecting Stormfist picking them off is 
difficult without a whole lot of Rune Archers and boats with Barrage.

When you start approaching the enemies, a familiar face from early in the game 
shows up to help you. He adds a good 200 allies to your cause and helps you 
drive back the enemies.  Unfortunately, he is right in the enemies path and 
may have some trouble surviving unless you run for it from the start.

Like most battles previous, this takes place on both land and water.  Using 
Beavers and/or the Dragon Cavalry in the water will help considerably.  The 
beavers are amazing in the water because of their speed and the Gnaw ability, 
so I highly suggest using them.

In this battle, Archer's won't do too much good, surprisngly. This is true 
because the Cavalry here tend to stay behind, and the main foes are on foot, 
which is what Archers are weak to. Any type of Cavalry will be godly though, 
such as the Lindwurm Mercenaries.  

Note that when you finally are able to break through to the city, you feel the 
true brunt of the Twilight Rune, and the battle ends.

War Battle 12: -Sol-Falena Siege-
Rewards: (Victory+) 80,000 Potch, Karaya Armband
Battle Goal: Get the Dahak into Sol-Falena.
Defeat Conditions: The Dahak [is] Destroyed.
Foes: Cavalry (HP:300), Rune Archerx3 (HP:300), ArcShp (HP:300), Rune ArcShp 
(HP:300), Ram (HP:300), ComShip (HP:300), Zaahak (HP:500), Alenia (HP:500)

This time, it's mostly an all out ship battle, with only a few ground forces.  
Beavers and Dragon Cavalry are useful since they can go on both land and water 
when needed.

Well, ideally, you only need to get the Dahak into Sol-Falena.  So 
technically, you will not need to deal with the ground forces at all if you 
are fast enough.  Make a mad dash right through the center with the Dahak and 
clear a path with the other characters, and use the Star Rune (Zerase) near 
the end on the last enemies to make them run away.  That will give you a clear 
entry to Sol-Falena, if you want to take the quick way through the battle.

You can of course, kill the enemies normally and get their treats though. So 
it all depends on how you want to win the battle.  Making a direct charge 
towards the port will win the battle more quickly, but also net you with less 

This battle is not difficult, as long as you keep your party together, and 
break the passage open for the Dahak.

War Battle 13: -Sol-Falena Siege 2-
Rewards: (Victory+) 100,000 Potch
Battle Goal: Get the Hero to Sol-Falena.
Defeat Conditions: Hero is killed.
Foes: Ram (HP:300), ComShipx2 (HP:300), Rune ArcShip (HP:300), ArcShpx2 
(HP:300), Rune Archer (HP:300), Spear (HP:300), Zahhak (HP:500), Alenia 

This battle will mainly be a pain because of the lack of saving between the 
Sialeeds battle and this one (hopefully you were able to save on the Dahak 
before this battle though.)  Another thing that is somewhat a pain about this 
battle is the lack of control you have over your units.  Most of your units 
you are stuck with at least 1-2 characters, so you can't make your own.  

Putting two Ram type units on the right side of your characters (in the water) 
will help considerably, since there are three archers.  All archers are weak 
to Rams.  Anything less than two Rams will make this -extremely- difficult to 
survive if you have less than two Recovers.  Its possible, but hard.

This battle takes place on a rather small area, so your ground troops are 
extremely limited, much like the battle in Lelcar. Because of this small area, 
the "Charge right through to the end and use the Dawn Rune" strategy will not 
work to reach the Sun Palace.

Also, you may have some trouble with the ship battles, since the ships 
outnumber you considerably. The ground battles will be easy, since you 
outnumber the enemy until you reach Alenia and Zahhak. And once you reach 
Alenia and Zahhak, all you need to do is have a few characters distract them 
while your prince runs into the palace.  Easier said than done, but possible 


                                 --- Duels ---


Duel 1: The Sacred Games - Hero vs Shoon

Attack: Here I come!
Attack: I cant let you keep getting the best of me!
Attack: Not good enough, eh? Here I come again!
Special: I'm going to give it all I've got, be sure you're ready!
Special: Now its my turn, Ill show you what my full power is like!
Special: Here comes another one, and this time I'll do it right!
Guard: You come at me too, Prince.
Guard: I can't believe you turned my best move back on me!

Whether you win this battle or not does not affect the outcome of the game. It 
is more of a duel tutorial. Remember to Attack when Shoon Guards, Guard when 
he Specials, and Special when he Attacks.

Duel 2: The Dawn Rune - Hero vs Chuck

Attack: That was nothing, but you're really gonna get it now!
Attack: I'm really gonna pound you, so get ready!
Special: This one's for the young lady!
Special: No Way!! You haven't seen the last of my strength yet!
Defend: I don't like picking on the weak.
Defend: I...I need a little break here...

Chuck tends to use a balance of attacks and defense, and it is also quite 
difficult to predict what he is going to do sometimes, as his more ferocious 
quotes are actually for his normal attacks.

Duel 3: Testing - Lorelai vs Hero

Attack: Hmm...I guess I'll just warm up a little first...
Attack: You still standing? I'll hit you with another one then!
Attack: I'm still fine, I can still fight!
Special: What do you think you have to hold back or something? Don't insult me!
Special: I guess I'll settle this thing right here and now!
Special: Don't let that swell your head, I'm only just getting started!
Special: Not bad, but wait 'til you feel this!
Defense: Ugh you're stronger then I thought!
Defense: You underestimate me. . . (I didn't get this one all the way ; ;)
Defense: What did you do, give up? You gotta come at me to!

Lorelai has a huge range of attacks, and they are hard to predict at times.  
Lorelai sounds like she is going to attack with she is actually defending (or 
vice versa) at times as well, so you need to be careful.  Though, a lot of the 
time you can win this battle by defending alone because she does a lot of 

Duel 4: Doppelanger -Hero vs Roy-

Attack: Is that the best you can do? Guess it's my turn now!
Attack: Well, I'm not going to hit you with my best moves right away am I?
Special: Hmm...maybe I'll hit you with my best moves right away!
Special: All right, this one is gonna put you outta your misery!
Special: You got me....I gotta take a break...haha! Did you really believe me?
Special: Hmph, what if I really get serious?
Special: Hmph, you think that hurts? you gotta do something more like this!
Special: Grr you really piss me off, you know that!?!
Defend: Damn you...You really got me!
Defend: What are you waiting for? Come at me!

Roy uses specials most of the time.  Also, he has a fake guard with that 
special, so don't play into it, make sure you read the entire text before 
actually selecting the command (which is not neccessary all the time.) Roy 
tends to special most of the time in this battle (seeing as his most of his 
attacks are specials) though sometimes determining which are specials and 
which are attacks is tricky.

Duel 5: Loyalty -Hero vs Miakis-

Attack: Okay...Here I come.
Attack: Ow, ow! Now its my turn!
Special: Ouch that hurt, I'll get you this time!
Special: Time for you to go beddy-bye!
Special: Now I'm going to get really serious!
Defend: Ow ow, you've really got your eyes open prince!
Defend: Hey that really hurt, are you trying to make me cry?

Miakis is a rather predictable enemy in the Duel, and she does not have any 
particular pattern of attack.  She is rather balanced, so just make sure to 
watch her carefully.

Duel 6: -Murderer- Hero vs Childerich

Attack: Gah!
Special: Gaaaahh!
Defense: Gunh Gunh Gunh Gunh Gunh. . .

Well... Childerich makes no direct comments so you have to judge him through 
the emotional state he's in.  His heavy breathing means that he is going to 
defend, and the longer AAAAH's mean a special.  He tends to prefer specials 
over anything in the battle, and sometimes will special the entire battle away.

Duel 7: Victor -Hero vs Gizel-

Attack: It looks like we both we a little impatient. . .
Special: You wouldn't let yourself get defeated in just one turn would you?
Special: Time to finish you off!
Special: Very I'll show you what I can do!
Special: Very nice, but do you think you can counter this next one as well?
Special: You should have shown me a move at least as powerful as this!
Defend: I think I felt that one a little bit...

Gizel is somewhat difficult to predict, as his Special sounds like an attack 
at times.  He tends to special most of the time, but if you match him, the 
battle will be over before he does much other than special.

Duel 8: Rivalry -Lyon vs Dolph-

Attack: In your condition, this should be enough to do you in.
Attack: Well well, what a surprise, I didn't think you'd be able to counter 
Special: Still standing huh?  Will you be able to handle this.
Special: You did very well, I guess I should stop going easy on you. . .
Defense: Let me give you the chance to realise the shape you're in . . .
Defense: The more time you waste the more pain you'll be in you know!

Dolph is very, very hard to predict.  He is quite vague with his comments and 
it's easy to confuse them for one another. Also note that Dolph has another 
Special other then what I have here, but I wasn't able to mark it down on 
time, it's close to the "Still standing Huh?" though.


                     --- Recruitable Stars of Destiny ---


This section will go over the characters you can recruit that are OPTIONAL.  
Note that there will be NO story characters in this section, as to avoid 
spoilers.  There's nothing worse then looking for a Star of Destiny and being 
spoiled in the meantime.  This section goes in the order of events in the 
game.  So if the current event has not happened yet, you will not be able to 
get this Star of Destiny.  These little blocks are also in the main text of 
the Walkthrough.  

Character: Cornelio
Location: Haud Village
Prerequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After the Defense of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
Head to Haud Village and enter the large mansion to the southeast.  A battle 
with ReMiFa, MiFaSo, FaSoLa, SoLaTi, and LaTiDo starts. After winning the 
battle, choose either option, and you must help Cornelio now. He temporarily 
joins your party.
Now, you need to run around Haud village trying to catch the DoReMi elf. In 
this battle, defend with your Hero and Lyon while Cornelio uses his DoReMi 
After doing this, ReMiFa and Cornelio join you.
Also note that you should not wait to long to recruit Cornelio, as he will 
leave his house soon after thise first events and not come back.  He is a 
missable character.

Note: ReMiFa and all other DoReMi elves  (such as FaSoLa) are not Stars of 
Destiny, rather, they are just fun little optional characters.

Character: FaSoLa
Location: In a random encounter in the forest to the southeast of Rainwall.
Prerequesite: Must have Cornelio in party.
Time to Recruit: After the Defense of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
With Cornelio in your party, run around the forest to the very far southeast 
of Rainwall.  I found him in one tree closest to the river.  Have your other 
characters in the battle defend while Cornelio uses his DoReMi Rune.  This 
will recruit the little green bugger.

Character: Sairoh
Location: Raftfleet, Inside the Trading Post
Prequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After the Defense of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
Sairoh is a hard character to get, if not the most annoying in the game. 
First, you need to get him to ask you to lower the price of Salt.  This can be 
a pain as it is.  The first chance he will do this is after you have defended 
To get him to ask you to lower the price of salt, you'll have to wait until 
the game RANDOMLY raises the salt price in the first place.  There is no way 
to control this, though you may want to try to buy all the salt out of 
multiple locations and then sell it back a few times to try and influence it a 
After Sairoh has asked you, you need to buy at least 6 Salts, and then wait 
until the "Price of Salt has skyrocketed!" when checking the rumors in the 
Trade shops.  Then, sell all the salt that you have (5 or 6, to be safe) to 
that shop to lower the price.  Head back to Sairoh and he will join you.
Note: Sairoh is not missable, so you can recruit him throughout the game.

Character: Shinro
Location: Raftfleet, in the Item Shop
Prequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
After winning the battle for Raftfleet, head into the Item Shop in Raftfleet.  
In there, speak with the merchant. Shinro joins you without even asking.

Character: Egbert
Location: Baska Mines (Part 2)
Prequesite: None
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
Before attempting to get this character, it is a good idea to save.  In the 
darkest depths of the Baska Mines will you find our good friend, Egbert.  In 
this scene, you must not press the X button until the little button apeears at 
the bottom right corner of the text box.  Even if your text is set to instant, 
the text will not immediately appear during this conversation. It is extremely 
long and boring, but you will get a character out of it if you do not press 
X.  If you do press X, Egbert will not join, so it is best to put the 
controller down during this scene.

Character: Takamu
Location: Agate Prison
Prequesite: Must have Lelei or Cius in your party.
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
Head back to Agate Prison with Cius or Lelei in your party, and you will find 
a man in the cells. Choose "Please come with me!" and Takamu will temporarily 
join your party. Head north through the door, and down the stairs (as if you 
were going back to the mines.)  Watch the short scene, and examine the crates 
and you'll recieve the extremely useful Map of Falena. Takamu then joins you.

Character:  Josephine
Location: Haud Village
Prequesite: Sialeeds in your party
Time to Recruit: After defending Raftfleet
How to Recruit:
Since the hero had "ugly" (travelling) clothes on the first time you were in 
Haud, Josephine shunned you. But when you have your "Prince" clothes on, and 
have Sialeeds in your party, she will finally give you some respect. Tell 
her "I guess it's all right." and she will join you.

Character: Oboro
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Have to have gone through the Investigation in Rainwall
Time to Recruit: After obtaining the Dawn Rune, before the Queen's Campaign
How to Recruit:
Oboro can be recruited in two different manners.  One is that if you finish 
the Investigation event with him in Rainwall (when Lucretia asks you to 
investigate Barows, you speak with him after and go through with the entire 
event.  This event takes about 20 mintues to complete.)  If you do this, Oboro 
will join you immediately when you ask him in Raftfleet.  However, if you did 
not assist Oboro, you will need to ask him a total of 5 times to get him to 
join your party.  Not every time you speak with him will he give the option to 
ask him, you will need to have recruited party members in the meantime.
Oboro IS a missable character, as his ship will leave Raftfleet and not return 
after the Queen's Campaign.  If you have not asked him 5 times before this, 
then you will NEVER obtain him and the characters he comes with.
Fuyo and Shigure join along with Oboro.

Character: Zegai
Location: Lunas Village
Prerequisite: Have to have recruited Takamu, and have him in your current party
Time to Recruit: After obtaining the Dawn Rune
How to Recruit:
Enter Lunas (go to Haud Village and head northwest) from the North Tail with 
Takamu in your party and he will open the path for you.  Head north towards 
where you originally met Logg and Lun (heading towards Lunas is useless).  
After a short scene, Urda joins you.  Head across the path to the west and 
enter Lunas.
In Lunas, head into the Oracle's Conclave and speak with Isato. After the 
scene, head upstairs and into the room Georg once inhabited to speak with 
Isato again.  Ask him to join you and he will not.  Unfortunately, Haswar is 
not here at the moment so you can not do anything.
Now, exit back to the World Map, and Ura leaves your party. Head back into the 
Woods immediately, and head north once again to where you met Urda the first 
time. Follow the path past Urda to the very top and you'll find your old 
friend Zegai. Choose "I'm glad to see you, too." and then "Could I ask for 
your help again?" and he will join your party as a Star of Destiny.

Character: Nordon
Location: Raftfleet/Lordlake
Prerequisite: Have done the Oboro Investigation [Raftfleet], None [Lordlake]
Time to Recruit: After the Dawn Rune Events/After Obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
If you have done the investigation events with Oboro, you will find Nordon in 
the Raftfleet Inn, in the room to the north of the Innkeeper (it is hard to 
see if you do not press against the wall.) Speak with him and ask him to join, 
and he will.  
If you want to wait until later, you will find him in Lordlake, where he will 
join you when you ask him.

Character: Sorensen
Location: Estrise
Prerequisite: Need to have the scene in Babbage's Workshop
Time to Recruit: After the Dawn Rune Events
How to Recruit:
In Babbage's Workshop at Estrise, speak with Sorenson. Now, head over to the 
Revolving Bridge (northwest of Rainwall) and speak with the Guard. Head back 
to Estrise and speak with Sorensen again. Tell him "We want to stop the 
Revolving Bridge." and watch the scene. Now Sorensen and Babbage join you 
temporarily. Exit, and let Lu come with you (she's recruitable later.) She 
will join your party as well. Babbage tells you to get a boat, so go back to 
Raftfleet (or your Headquarters) and speak with Logg.  Have him take you to 
the Revolving Bridge (which is now selectable.)A battle starts soon after. 
This is not a boss battle, but it is a staged battle with four Mechanical 

Follow the path all the way west and open the chest for the ARMOR OF THE GODS 
EPIC (which may or may not be your first Epic skill, depending on where you 
are in the game). Head upstairs. On this next floor, first go up the eastern 
stairs to find a chest containing a LIGHTNING RING. Go back downstairs, and 
head up the western path to find an EQUILIBRIUM PIECE. Continue upstairs for 
the SOUND SET 3. Head through the eastern door, and you'll find a boss.

Boss: Differential Gear
Rewards: Steel Piece1, 18,000 Potch, 50 Party SP

The Differential Gear is another slow Boss that will attack last.  He has low 
magic defense and average physical defense.  If you are fighting him early in 
the game, however, you may find him somewhat challenging.  He will have higher 
physical defense than normal, so I suggest sticking with strong magical 
attacks rather than physical attacks.

Having a nice strong tank out in front will help you lower damage, but the 
Differential Gear does have a line type attack that will help multiple 
characters.  if you have mages in back, this can be dangerous, so having an 
Earth Rune will help considerably. 

Since this is not meant the be an extremely challenging battle, I suggest 
starting off with casting a defensive Earth spell (Clay Guardian) and then 
focusing on magical attacks, such a strong Thunder spells or magic from the 
Dawn Rune. Any strong physical runes you might have will work fine as well.

The difficulty and length of this battle depends on the point of the game you 
are at. Expect it to take a much longer time when you first are able to do it 
than after you obtain your Headquarters.

Continue east through the door and watch a scene. Now, head back to Estrise. 
Enter Babbage's workshop again for a scene. Now, speak with Babbage (not 
Sorensen) and ask him to join you.  He sends Sorensen in his place.

Character: Muroon
Location: Headquarters
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After visiting renewed Lordlake
How to Recruit:
Muroon is standing near Logg at the Headquarters.  Speak with him and ask him 
to join with "Why don't you stay and join us?"

Character: Bastan
Location: Haud Appraisal Shop
Prerequisite: Have seen the scene with him on the first visit to Haud
Time to Recruit: After obtaining Headquarters
How to Recruit:
In the Haud Appraisial Shop, you'll find Bastan.  To recruit him, you need to 
have a ?Painting in your inventory. If he does not immediately respon to your ?
Painting then keep cancelling out of the appraisial screen and speaking with 
him.  He will eventually comment to you about your painting.  Then he will 
join you.
You do not have to leave the building when trying to recruit Bastan, you only 
need to cancel out of the recruitment screen.
You can find ?Paintings commonly from the enemies inside the Revolving Bridge 
(Sorensen's Sidequest) as well as from Wyverns later on in the game.
There have been a lot of people having problems with Bastan.  From what I have 
seen, the main reason is because they have missed the scene with him early 
on.  Also note that there is no "specific" painting called the Ivanov 
painting.  What Bastan does is take a random painting and change it into a Key 
Note: If Bastan does not seem to be taking your ?Painting, and you have seen 
the with him, BE PERSISTENT!  He will eventually give in.

Character: Wilhelm
Location: Raftfleet Inn
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Wilhelm is EXTREMELY touchy to recruit.  There are a few ways to recruit him. 
On your first visit/meeting in Raftfleet Inn he will only join you if your 
army has not had many casualties and has had a Victory+ in the War Battle 
against the Hatred Fortress.  To be extra careful, bring Viki along.
Another way to have them join is later in the game with Viki in your party.  
Since Wilhelm likes ladies, Viki is needed. Wilhelm moves from Inn to Inn 
after each major In-Game event, so look for him then.
Wilhelm is a missable character, as his his partner Mueller.
Mueller joins along with Wilhelm. 

Character: Zunda
Location: Dwarf Camp
Prerequisite: Takamu and able to enter Lunas
Time to Recruit: After obtaining Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Zunda is a Dwarf in the Dwarf Camp.  She is near the exit to the northeast.  
Speak with her and tell her you will show her a Window.  Now, we need to go to 
Lunas.  If you have Takamu and were able to get Zegai earlier in the game then 
you should be fine getting into Lunas. (Head to Haud and go northwest to reach 
the forest if you don't remember.)
Once in Lunas, head into the Oracle's Conclave, and enter the first door to 
the north.  Approach the Window in here and Zunda will finally be satisfied. 
She joins your cause.
A problem I've been hearing with Zunda is that when people try to recruit her, 
they have not recruited Takamu, and so they can not access Lunas.  In this 
case, spend the night at the Inn (this makes Zunda leave) and go recruit 
Takamu in Agate Prison.  With Takamu in your party, head back to Zunda and now 
you can take her to Lunas.

Character: Belcoot
Location: Yashuna Village
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
You'll find Belcoot outside of the Inn in Yashuna (after visiting Lordlake.) 
Speak with him and he will not join you without Marina. Now enter the Inn and 
watch the scene with Marina.
Note: If Marina does not appear, go a bit farther in the game (after speaking 
with Belcoot) and then come back.  This should get her to appear.
After the scene, Belcoot and Marina join your cause.
Marina joins along with Belcoot.

Character: Subala
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Lun in your party
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Head to Raftfleet, and head north of the Save Point with Lun in your party. 
Watch a short scene here. Now, speak with Subala to initiate another scene. 
Choose "She'll give us, uh...Energy?" and now you need to fish with her.
It is rather easy to win the mini-game, and once you win, she will join you.

Character: Alhazred
Location: Yashuna Village
Prerequisite: You MUST have seen the scene with him in Rainwall
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
First, you need to have seen the scene with him in Rainwall. 
Next, head to Yashuna Village and go to the second Inn (the far east) and head 
upstairs.  Up here, enter the room near the stairs for a short scene.  You 
will recieve the Strange Book.
After recieving this book, head back to your Headquarters, and put it into 
Storage (with Chuck.)
After some time (go battle, recruit characters, or go along with a story 
event) speak with Chuck and he will give you BACK the book.
Go back to Yashuna Village and head back to the second Inn where you 
originally met the man who gave you the Strange Book. Speak to the woman 
inside and choose "I want to return a book. . ."
Now, go to Estrise (east of Rainwall) and speak with Alhazred north of the 
fountain. Tell him "Actually, now that you mention it. . ." and he will 
temporarily join your party.
Head back to Yashuna Village through whichever means, and head upstairs in the 
second Inn again. Watch a scene. 

You need to fight an optional boss now, the Book of Condemnation.

Boss: Book of Condemnation
Rewards: Resurrection Piece1 16,500 Potch, 100 Party SP

The Book of Condemnation is quite slow, and tends to attack last, which is a 
good thing.  Unfortunately, his attacks will hit a large range of characters 
(even if not for the larges amount of damage.)

Whenever the book is opened up, he will start castin Dark Based spells. Any 
defensive spells work well (especially ones that nullify spells as a whole) to 
reduce damage, even though the damage from the spells will not be significant 
enough to warrant danger.

Casting defensive spells will help reduce damage all around (such as Clay 
Guardian), and if done correctly, you will not need to heal at all. Stick with 
physical attacks over magic, since the boss has a high magical defense, and 
the boss will die quickly.
After the battle ask him to join, and he accepts. He will give you the 
Condemnation Orb as a reward.

Character: Richard
Location: Waterfall Basin
Prerequisite: Must have Wilhelm and Mueller
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
You need to find him at the end of the Waterfall Basin.
At the end of the basin, speak with Richard.  Ask him to join you, and he will 
tell you that he can not. Now, head back to your Headquarters (using an Escape 
Scroll helps considerably here) and speak with Mueller. Then head back to the 
Waterfall Basin and speak with Richard again.  He will join you this time.

Character: Genoh
Location: Waterfall Basin
Prerequisite: Alhazred or Levi
Time to Recruit: After obtaining your Headquarters
How to Recruit:
First, head to Beaver Lodge and speak with the Beaver outside of the Elder's 
Hut about the "Boss" multiple times. Now speak to Fulawafuwalu (the Elder) and 
he will tell you about the Elder (if you haven't asked him to join you before, 
you will need to speak with him multiple times.) Now, head into the Waterfall 
Basin with Alhazred or Levi in your party, and with this character one level 
below or any level higher than your hero. Head to the far end of the Basin, 
and you'll find Genoh (My first thought was Genbu, because of his form).  He 
will only join you under the condition that the "Old" character is one level 
lower or any higher than the hero. 

                               Waterfall Basin

Required Party: Hero, Lyon
Suggested Level: 30
Enemies: Ogre Frog, Vampire Bat, Huge Legs
Boss: None
Mini-Boss: Tarantula (Mega Medicine1, Venom Orb, Eyeball Ring, 8200 Potch, 30 
Party SP)
Items: Pale Moon Beads, Ressurection Piece, Voice Set 4
Characters: Richard, Genoh

Note: The Vampire Bats in this section drop Drain Pieces, so if you're looking 
to make a few Drain Orbs, you should fight them for a bit. 

This is an optional area that you will do to recruit to characters.  Though 
you can enter it earlier than this point, there is really no need, since you 
can not recruit the characters there. The Waterfall Basin is southeast of your 
Headquarters and the Beaver Lodge.

Follow the path until you see some rocks over the river to the east.  Head 
over these rocks, and across the river.  Head north and open the chest here 
for some PALE MOON BEADS. Now, go south until you reach an intersection.  
Continue south, and head west over the rock pathway when you can.  On the 
other sided of the river, head west and south when you can to open a chest 
containing a rare RESSURECTION PIECE. Now head back north and over the river. 
Go back to the intersection and take the western path.

Follow this path until you reach the next intersection, where you should head 
east and down the next path over the river. Over here, head down the eastern 
path and you'll find a very well hidden chest containing a VOICE SET 4. Head 
back to the intersection and go south.  Follow this path, and you'll find a 
save point. Continue along, and head northwest over the rocks across the 
river. Head north here onto the next screen.

Speak to the man on this screen, and ask him to join you.  He will not, for 
now. His name is Richard, and tells you that Mueller told him to train there.  
So head back to the Headquarters and speak with Mueller.  Now, head all the 
way back through the Waterfall Basin to where Richard is, and speak with him 
This time he will join you.

After recruiting Richard, level up a character like Alhazred (or wait until 
you get Levi later) until they are one level lower than your main character, 
or higher. Now, head to where you found Richard, and you'll meet Genoh, who 
with the elder character in your party, will be recruitable. You will need to 
speak with the Beavers in Beaver Lodge before this event will happen though.

Lastly, to obtain a character later on you MUST bring Cius and Lorelai 
(optional, but you do get some extra text) to the Agate Prison at this point.  
After a short scene in the prison, Killey leaves.  Head back to Headquarters, 
where you'll find Killey again with Zweig and Lorelai (near the exit.) You 
need to choose "Explain what?" and "Very well. . ." (If you do not at least 
choose "Very Well" I believe you can miss Killey.  It's just how his 
personality is).
Head up to the Sealed Room for another scene. This will trigger events later 
on when you can find and recruit him.
Note: If you didn't bring Lorelai and Cius to Killey, but instead freed him 
when you were in Agate the very first visit (you can do this, but you miss out 
on some extra conversation) you can still recruit Killey in the same manner as 
if you freed him later.  But remember YOU CAN NOT FREE KILLEY AFTER THE 
QUEEN'S CAMPAIGN.  You will have missed him permanently if you did not.
Character: Mohsen
Location: Lelcar/Doraat
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: Lelcar, after the battle, or after the battle in Doratt
How to Recruit:
Before the battle in Lelcar, buy around 100,000 Potch worth of armor from 
Mohsen and speak with him.  Finish the events around Lelcar, and speak with 
him again.  Choose "I'm sorry to have failed you. . ." and then you MUST not 
tell him to (hypothetically) "suck it up" and ask him to join you.  If you 
tell him that it will be all right, he will NEVER join you, so make sure that 
you ask him to join your cause. If you did not buy 100,000 Potch worth of 
armor from him before the battle of Lelcar, you will have to wait until Doratt 
to recruit him.
If you wait until Doratt, you need to buy 100,000 Potch worth of armor from 
him there, and then speak with him and ask him to join.  He will then accept 
your proposal. 

Character: Taylor
Location: Headquarters
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar.
How to Recruit:
Head to the Inn and you'll find Taylor outside. Allow him to look around the 
castle and he'll move on.
You'll find Taylor again by the Sealed Room.  Allow him to check it out and 
he'll move once again.
Taylor's last location is by Georg's room (by where Kyle usually stands.)  
Speak with him and let him check that out. Now he joins your army. 

Character: Jeane
Location: Lelcar
Prerequisite: Speaking with the Guard in "Big Hole."
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar.
How to Recruit:
First, speak with the Guard in the "Big Hole" northwest of Rainwall (go to the 
Eastern Wharf and head north to get there easily.)
After speaking with him, head to Lelcar and find Jeane in the Rune Shop. Watch 
a scene.  If you bring Kyle, you'll get some extra text (it's worth it!).  
After the scene, speak with her again and ask her to join you. Tell her that 
you will "Gladly" help her.  Jeane temporarily joins your party.
Head back to the "Big Hole" with Jeane.

Follow the path to the end and you'll find a new dungeon.

Note: In this dungeon enemies drop Magic Absorb Pieces, an excellent Rune that 
you should use for all mages who can equip it.  You may want to spend some 
time farming it while you're here. 

In here, follow the western path along until you reach an intersection, where 
you should go west to obtain some ANKLETS OF DESTINY. Head back east and 
you'll eventually reach a new intersection.  Here, head south and then east 
across the small platform. Continue southeast and follow the east path until 
you reach another intersection.  Follow this intersection west and follow the 
path until you reach the two chests at the end.  These contain a HOLY AMULET 
and a PROSPERITY TUNIC. Head back to the intersection and take the north fork 
and follow the path until you reach a large statue.

From the large statue head north and into the large building. In here, there 
are two paths.  Head up the stairs to the east and go up the stairs directly 
west of those on the next screen for a chest containing a MOTHER EARTH PIECE. 
Head back to the main room and go up the stairs to the west.  In here, head up 
the stairs directly to the east and open the chest for the SORCERY TACTIC. 
Head back downstairs and follow the path north and through the northern door.

In here, watch a scene. Choose "Will you join us now?" and Jeane joins you as 
a Star of Destiny.

There's still some more chests in the dungeon. One is on the upper level above 
the entrance.  It contains a MYSTIC RING. Another is in the northwestern 
corner, and this one contains the DRAGON INCENSE. The last is in the 
northeastern corner, and this one contains a MAGIC RING.

Character: Murad
Location: Lelcar
Prerequisite: Having spoken to him twice before.
Time to Recruit: After the battle of Lelcar, or after the second events at 
Beaver Lodge
How to Recruit:
You need to speak to Murad in a few cities before he will actually join you.  
You'll find him first in Rainwall during your time there.  After that he goes 
to Raftfleet where you should speak with him there.  Note that the windows of 
times in these towns that he remains is quite short, so the moment you see him 
you need to speak with him.  After the battle in Lelcar you'll find him on the 
Western Islet tending to the wounded.  Speak with him there and he will join 
if you spoke to him before.  If he does not join now, you'll need to speak 
with him later on after the second series of events in the Beaver Lodge.

Character: Linfa
Location: Estrise, Yashuna, Raftfleet
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar. 
How to Recruit:
Recruiting Linfa is a three step process. Note that the first two steps can 
actually be completed before the battle of Lelcar, but the last step can not 
be completed until after.
First, you'll find Linfa in the Inn of Estrise.  Speak with her here and she 
challenged you to a game.  Play her, and don't even try to win.  Linfa cheats, 
so don't expect to win this.  After you lose 2,000 Potch, she leaves.
Now, head to Yashuna village where you'll find her again (near the water).  
This time she gives you back your 2,000 Potch and leaves.
The last place you'll find Linfa is in Raftfleet, where you can recruit her. 
If you don't find her there the first time, you may need to wait until a few 
in-game events have passed. To get Linfa to join, ask her, and then accept her 
challenge. She will join you if you win or lose, but if you lose you need to 
pay  5,000 Potch.

Character: Nikea
Location: Estrise 
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the battle at Lelcar. 
How to Recruit:
You'll find Nikea at the Inn in Estrise.  After a short scene with her, she 
demands to duel if you want to recruit her.

Optional Duel: -Hero vs Nikea-
Attack: Okay, here I go.
Attack: Special move, ouch owie ouch...Sorry guess I cant do that one
Special: Special Move, Demba Avalanche!
Defend: Hey not bad, guess I better keep my eyes open.

Near the end of the duel, Nikea starts using her special move over and over 
again, so if you just defend every round it should be an easy win. She does 
not have the largest array of attacks, either.

After beating her, she will join your army.

Character: Dongo
Location: Dwarf Camp
Prerequisite: Have given Dongo the Iron Hammer (found in Lordlake)
Time to Recruit: After gaining access to Sable
How to Recruit:
You need to give Dongo the Iron and Silver Hammers to recruit him.  The Iron 
Hammer is found in a chest in Lordlake, while the Silver Hammer is found in a 
chest in Sable. After giving him both of these, and sharpening a few weapons, 
he will join your army.
Something some people do here is that they do not give Dongo the Iron Hammer 
before they have the Silver Hammer. In this case, you will need to wait until 
you get a higher level Hammer (such as the Gold Hammer) to recuit him. Dongo 
needs to have two hammer types given to him before you can recruit him.

Character: Faylen
Location: Ranro Mountain
Prerequisite: Must have Roy.
Time to Recruit: After the bandit events in Sable
How to Recruit:
With Roy in your party, head to the top of Ranro mountain and speak with 
Faylen and Faylon.  They will say that they are bringing the stolen goods back 
to Sable.  If you agree to help them, and bring down the three boxes worth of 
goods then they will join your party.
You can ONLY do this event if they did not join you along with Roy.  To get 
them to join along with Roy, answer "I'll do no such thing!" and "All I did 
was clear my good name." during the scenes in Sable.
Faylen and Faylon ARE missable characters, and if you wait too long to recruit 
them, they will be missed permanently.
Faylon joins along with Faylen.

Character: Nakula
Location: Sable
Prerequisite: Must have Oboro.
Time to Recruit: After the bandit events in Sable, but before the events of 
the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
First, speak with the Maid in the Inn.  This needs to be done before heading 
much further. She'll mention the warrior on the bed is quite the fighter. Now, 
wait a while, and head back upstairs to Inn at Sable, and speak with Nakula on 
the bed.  He will be awake and angry. Speak with him, and try to befriend him 
for a scene.
When you regain control, head to Oboro's ship in Raftfleet. Speak with Oboro 
for another scene. Now head back to Sable and speak with Nakula again. After 
the scene (its really good!) Nakula joins your party.
There is a very short time period for getting Nakula, so right after you get 
back to headquarters and see the scene in the War Room head back to Sable to 
begin the series of events to recruit him.
The problem most people have with Nakula is that they don't have Oboro by the 
time that you can recruit him.  Yes, you do need Oboro, and you only have 
until the Queen's Campaign before you've lost access to Nakula for good. 
Sagiri joins along with Nakula.

Character: Isabel
Location: Estrise/Headquarters
Prerequisite: None.
Time to Recruit: After the second set of events at Beaver Lodge.
How to Recruit:
Head to Estrise and walk towards Babbage's shop in the southeastern corner of 
town.  Watch a scene. Exit Estrise, and head back to your Headquarters.
When you arrive back, Boz will be standing near Luserina.  If he's not there, 
try moving to another area and then coming back, or wait until the next story 
event progresses.  Speak with Boz and Luserina for a scene (you need to have 
seen the scene about Rainwall being taken for this to occur.)
Now, make a party with 2-3 people and head over to Haud Village.  If you do 
this correctly, Luserina will comment about you going to Haud with "So few 
You'll find Euram near the exit to Haud (to the east.) Watch a scene.
Fight off the six Barows Soldiers here, and Isabel joins you if you choose to 
fight evil together.
Mathias joins along with Isabel.

Character: Miroon
Location: Tricolor Inn, Yashuna Village
Prerequisite: Muroon and Maroon
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Speak with Miroon in the Tricolor Inn in Yashuna Village with Maroon and 
Muroon (the two Beavers) in your party. Watch the scene. Choose to help Miroon 
and she will join your party and tell you how to get to the dungeon. There's a 
hidden door to the northeast of this room to reach the dungeon; you can not 
see it, but if you press against the wall you will find the door. Enter the 

Follow the path north for a short scene, and continue north through the next 
door. Now follow the path all the way east and through the door for a scene. 
Allow Miroon to join you.

Note: The mini-boss in this area is called a King Mantik.  He is quite nasty 
at low levels, but he drops some Iron Fists, a Fire Sealing Piece, and some 
Crab, as well as 18,000 Potch and 40 Party SP. 

Character: Moroon
Location: Beaver Lodge
Prerequisite: Muroon, Maroon, and Miroon
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
Head to Beaver Lodge with Muroon, Maroon, and Miroon in your party. Speak with 
Meroon (nor Moroon) near rhe south end of the screen.  She whines about 
wanting to meet someone.  Now head to Baska Mines and speak with Moroon twice 
or so.  head back to Beaver Lodge and speak with Meroon again.  Tell her that 
you have spoken with Moroon and she will ask you to take her to him.  Head 
back to Baska Mines and speak with Moroon. He joins your party. So head back 
to Beaver Lodge for another scene.
Meroon joins along with Moroon.

Character: Byakuren
Location: Headquarters
Prerequisite: Genoh or Levi
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
After the expansion of Headquarters, run around to the farthest lower level 
with Genoh or Levi in your army. They do not need to be in your current party 
at the time you kill her.  You'll encounter a large Snake. Fight her off, and 
if Genoh is in your army she will join you. Byakuren is a missable character, 
as the only chance to recruit her is once every time the Headquarters expands, 
so be careful when running along the lower levels of your Headquarters!
You can also recruit Byakuren with Levi in your army.

Character: Babbage
Location: Estrise
Prerequisite: Sorensen
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
With Sorensen in your party, after the Headquarters expands, head to the room 
called "Gears" in your Headquarters. After the scene in here, head to Esrise 
and speak with Babbage in his workshop. Watch a scene with Babbage and Lu in 
here. Babbage joins your party. Head back to your Headquarters and bring 
Babbage to "Gears" for another scene. 
Now you need to wait for a while for Babbage to complete his work.  Come back 
later and he will join you, along with creating the elevator.

Character: Lu
Location: Estrise
Prerequisite: Sorensen and Babbage
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters
How to Recruit:
After recruiting Babbage, head back to Babbage's workshop in Estrise. Bring 
Sorensen to the workshop to speak with her and she will ask you to find a 
gear.  Find the gear near the door (its somewhat annoying) and Lu will join 
your army.

Character: Retso
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Subala
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters.
How to Recruit:
Head to the Raftfleet Inn and speak with Retso. Ask him to come to the castle 
and he declines.  Head back to your Headquarters and play Subala's fishing 
mini-game.  Catch fish until, eventually, you catch a rare fish called 
a "Strange Fish."  When you exit out after the match, Subala will comment 
about the fish. Head back to Retso with this item in your posession. 
Choose "Can you have a look at this fish?" when you speak with him for a scene.
Now head back to Headquarters with Shun-Min and Retso in your party. Exit to 
the outdoor area and a scene plays.
Shun-Min joins along with Retso.

Character: Chisato
Location: Nirva
Prerequisite: Bernadette must be in the party
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters.
How to Recruit:
After seeing the initial scene with Chisato on Nirva Island (and asking her to 
join) speak with her again with Bernadette in your party, and after your 
Headquarters have expanded (you can get back to Nirva island through the boat 
at Estrise.) Near the exit of Nirva (by the boat) you'll see a scene with 
Sailors and Pirates.  After the scene, head back and speak with Chisato, 
asking for her help again. Watch a scene, go speak with her again, and she 
joins your party. Head back to the Headquarters and she officially joins you.

Character: Yahr
Location: Nirva
Prerequisite: Bernadette must be in the party
Time to Recruit: After the expansion of Headquarters.
How to Recruit:
Head to Nirva Island with Bernadette in your party. First, apparoach the ship 
to the west for a short scene about "Rune Cannons" (which may be a familiar 
term to you. . .) Now, go to the Inn and enter the side room.  You'll find two 
characters in here, Nelis and Yahr. After the scene, head back to your boat 
and board it as if you were about to leave Nirva. Watch a short scene, and 
allow them to come with you.

On your way home, watch a scene. Choose to head towards the Light.

You gain control in a Ship Graveyard. Save at the Save Point, and continue 
north. At the intersection, go east and open the chest at the end for a WATER 
RING.  Head back west, and follow the path all the way into the ship.

Once inside the ship, follow the path north until you reach an intersection 
near the end. Head north through the visible door, and open the chest in here 
for some TAIRA ARMOR.  Head back to the previous room and exit east through 
a "hidden" door, thats not really hidden.

Once outside again, head south and a scene plays.

Boss: Dagon
Rewards: Water Orb, Flowing Leather, Fire Sealing Piece1, Stone Of Luck

This should be a familiar enemy to some Suikoden players. This "Dagon" is 
quite weak towards any type of magical based attacks, and so that is what you 
should use against him. Fire and Lightning Magics work particularly well, even 
from a character with low magical stats. Each casting of the level 4 spells 
should do at least 1500 damage.  If you keep up with a constant barrage of 
magical attacks this boss will not be too difficult.

You will probably be around level 40 or higher at this point (depending on 
what point of the game you are doing this quest at) and even at level 40 you 
are overpowered for this boss, and the entire area as a whole. If you have a 
solid tank, do not expect the boss to hurt you at all, since he tends to 
prefer physical attacks.

This is more of a Mid Boss.  Just note that you should not use all of your MP 
in this battle, since there will be random encounters to deal with after this 

Watch a scene. Head southwest onto the next ship.  Head east, and into the 
next ship.  In here, continue east and open the chest for a ROBE OF DESTINY.  
Now head south through another "hidden" door.  There's another chest out here 
that contains some PALE MOON BOOTS.  Go back inside, and take the eastern 

Ouside again, watch a scene. Head north and into the next ship.  In here, head 
east and enter the first door to the north.  Open the chest in here for a rare 
BLINKING RUNE PIECE.  Exit, and continue east up the stairs.  On the far deck, 
head west and open the chest for the WINDOW SET 8.  Now head all the way east 
for a scene.  During this scene, be VERY carful.  
You MUST choose "It must be destroyed!" to recruit Nelis and Yahr, or you will 
miss them forever!! As tempting as the other answer is (for entertainment 
purposes), it will be impossible to recruit these two characters if you answer 
After the events, you head back to Nirva Island. Ask them to join you during 
the scene and they will accept.  If you made a mistake during the previous 
scenes and they will not join you when you ask, you need to reload, as you 
have missed them PERMANENTLY.
Nelis joins along with Yahr.

Character: Levi
Location: The "Big Hole"
Prerequisite: Having spoke with him once before
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
Head to the "Big Hole" northwest of Rainwall and speak with Levi.  You'll need 
to have spoken with him before to get him to join. He will join you 
automatically after the battle with Doraat if you speak with him.
Bergen joins along with Levi.

Character: Norma
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Having recruited Levi, and having seen the scene with Norma and 
Ernst in Stormfirst at the very beginning of the game.
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
First, and most important, you need to have spoken with Norma at the beginning 
of the game, during the Sacred games at Stormfist.  When you're about to leave 
Stormfist, she will ask you if you know a great Mage, and you can say you only 
know some Queen's Knights, but she thanks you for the gesture. She then 
leaves.  After taking Doraat, you'll find Norma in Raftfleet. Head to the Inn, 
and enter one of the two rooms, where you'll find Norma. Ask her to join you, 
and then come back with Levi in your party. After the scenes take Norma and 
Ernst to your castle and they will join you permanently.
Ernst joins along with Norma.

Character: Gavaya
Location: Raftfleet
Prerequisite: Norma, Faylen, Viki
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
Bring Norma, Faylen, and Viki to speak with Gavaya in Raftfleet. With all 
three in your party, watch a scene. Gavaya is near the Inn, and where Oboro's 
ship is/was. He joins you automatically.

Character: Raven
Location: Sable/Headquarters
Prerequisite: Oboro, Egbert, Taylor, and Marina
Time to Recruit: After taking Doraat.
How to Recruit:
Head to Sable and speak with the Lord, Solis, to head of his problems. Head 
back to Headquarters and speak with Oboro. Choose to try and catch him again. 
Now, go speak with Egbert (he's in the Inn) and he gives you the Family Tree 
Chart.  Head back and speak with Oboro. Watch the scene.
Go to the Inn (at the Headquarters) and spend the night. Watch another scene, 
and now you must find "Crow". Watch the scenes, and "Crow" is introduced as 
Raven. Choose to keep him in jail. 
After the scenes, head down to the empty room beneath the Inn (it's 
near "Lelcar" room) and speak with Raven. Ask him to join you, and after a 
scene he will.

Character: Haswar
Location: Lunas
Prerequisite: Takamu
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
With Takamu in your party, head to Lunas. After recruiting Zegai you'll 
originally have your first chance to speak with Isato and Urda.  Urda will 
lead you to Lunas and after the Queen's Campaign, head into the Oracle's 
Conclave in Lunas with Urda and watch a scene with Haswar and Isato. Haswar 
asks to come with you, so accept.
Now you need to bring Isato and co. out of Lunas through the secret path. Note 
that you do not need Takamu in your party any longer. Near the exit, all three 
join you permanently. Head back to the castle where they leave your party.
Isato joins along with Haswar.
Urda joins along with Isato and Haswar.

Character: Eresh
Location: The "Big Hole," Sindar Ruins
Prerequisite: Jeane
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign.
How to Recruit:
Note: Eresh and another character share the same Star of Destiny.  If you get 
Eresh you will be unable to obtain this "other" character, who I will not 
spoil.  Let's just say he is rather...entertaining.  This character joins as 
the final character in the game, but only if you do not have Eresh.
After the Queen's campaign ends, you'll find a note in your comment box from 
Jeane.  She teases you and tells you about a surprise in the ruins she took 
you to. 
Head towards the far end of the area before the Sindar Ruins and you'll meet 
Eresh.  Ask her "Is there some way we could help?" and she will join your 

Make your way back through Jeane's dungeon all the way to the very end where 
you saw the scene with Jeane (and she joined your party) for another short 
scene.  Enter the newely opened tomb for a new dungeon. This will be VERY 
annoying, so come prepared, and with a lot of free inventory space.

Follow the path until you reach an intersection. Head west and follow this 
path until you reach a chest containing a DARK AMULET. Go back to the 
intersection and continue south.  Head west again here and open the chest for 
a PALE GATE PIECE. Once again, head back to the intersection and continue 

At the next intersection, head south to find a chest containing a VOICE SET 5. 
Go back to the intersection and head east. Follow this path until you reach a 
STONE OF MAGIC at the very end.  Not head back a bit (until you had to turn) 
and examine the north wall.  A secret door will open here.

This is a new (even more annoying) area. Head north immediately and open the 
chest at the end for a WINDSPUN RING.  Head back to the intersection and go 
west until you reach another.  Go north here and open the chest for a 
RESURRECTION PIECE.  Head back to the intersection and go south until you 
reach (guess what?) another intersection. Open the chest to the west here for 
an IMMORTAL MEDICINE and continue south. Follow this path for some time until 
you reach another intersection.  Go south and open the chest for a BLINKING 
RUNE PIECE. Head back north and continue west and follow the path to the end.  
Press X at the wall for a new path to be revealed.

On this new screen again, follow the path until you reach an intersection.  
Take the north fork to obtain the OLD BOOK 4. Head back south and follow the 
rather long path until you reach another intersection. Head north here and 
you'll obtain a FOG ROBE from the chest.  Head back to the intersection and go 
south. Soon, you'll reach (our good friend. . .) another intersection.  Go 
west here and open the chest for some ARMES ARMOR. Go back and continue south. 
Follow the path once again until you reach the intersection.  Take the eastern 
path and open the chest here for a PROSPERITY HAT.  Go back and take the 
northern fork.  Press X at the wall to reveal a Save Point.  I suggest using 
it, that was some annoying dungeon -_-.  Head through the path to the north.

When you enter this final room, a scene plays.  Finally!

Boss: Shepcesska
Rewards: Sacred Oath Epic, Cyclone Piece1, Mother Earth Piece1

I've actually heard of quite a few people having trouble with this boss, so 
don't come in unprepared.  I have to admit, he is QUITE nasty.  He uses 
Soaring Bolt on your entire party.  Soaring Bolt is 900+ damage divided among 
all allies, so that means you'll probably take around 150+ for each member.  
Unless you have very high levels you'll want to have someone healing every 
round. I personally used Kyle with a Flowing and Magic Absorb Rune for this.

The boss will cast this spell most every round, which is why he is 
particularly dangerous.  When you don't know what you're in for he may 
actually slaughter you. Whats worse about the Soaring Bolt is that it stuns.  
if it stuns all of your healers, you might have a rough time. In my own 
opinion, he is, technically, harder than the final boss of the game.  Though 
he is not really (probably. . .), he has a high damage capacity.  

I suggest NOT using Silent Lake on this boss, as tempting as it might seem.  
Your characters will be silenced by this spell as well, and even with a good 
tank (Galleon with a Firefly Rune, for example, makes a good tank in this 
battle. You can't parry/dodge every attack this boss makes, its impossible) 
you will take 100 or more damage an attack.  Because of this, it is highly 
risky to not be able to heal and be taking that much damage

Eresh now joins your party.  That was a lot of work! You still need to get out 
too. . .

Note: There is a mini-boss called Hellsteed you can find in this chamber. 
Fighting him is a bit difficult (he has strong area fire attacks, much like 
the boss we just faced) But if you can take him down you'll get a powerful 
Blood Scale Male, a Unicorn Orb (ew), a Boundary Piece1, 82,500 Potch, and 100 
Party SP. 

Character: Hazuki
Location: Port Spinacks
Prerequisite: Belcoot
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign
How to Recruit:
Take Logg's boat to Port Spinacks, walk over the loooooong bridge (its at the 
far south) to reach the western side of Spinacks.  Over here, you'll find 
Hazuki.  Speak to her without Belcoot in your party, and tell her  that you 
know Belcoot.  Come back to her with Belcoot in your party. After a short 
scene, Hazuki will join you.

Character: Cathari
Location: Port Spinacks/Hershville
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After the Queen's Campaign
How to Recruit:
Take Logg's boat to Port Spinacks, and then find the man near the Save Orb.  
Speak with him and he tells you about Hershville Naval Base.
After learning about this, head back to your boat, and talk to him like you 
want to go back to your base.  This time, however, he asks you where you want 
to go.  Answer Hershville Naval Base.
You will find Cathari near the exit to Hershville Naval Base.  She is in the 
yellow cloak. Speak with her, and she tells you she wants to meet an old 
friend.  head back to Spinacks.
In Spinacks you'll meet Cathari again (she's on the long bridge separating the 
sides of town.) Take her to Lucretia (you must choose to, or you will miss 
Cathari) in your Headquarters.
After a short scene, Cathari will join you.
Cathari is VERY easy to miss, so it is most reccomended you get her at your 
first chance.

Character: Rania
Location: Sauronix
Prerequisite: Miakis or Rahal
Time to Recruit: After visiting Craig for the first time.
How to Recruit:
Bring Miakis or Rahal to Rania's house in Sauronix (its in the northern 
portion of town) for a strange scene. Exit the house for another scene.  Go 
back inside and speak with Rania again. Ask her to join you.

Character: Killey
Location: Forest of Twilight -- Ruins
Prerequisite: Having seen the events with Killey before the Queen's Campaign
Time to Recruit: In the Forest of Twilight Ruins
How to Recruit:
After getting your Headquarters, you need to put Lorelai and Cius in your 
party.  Head to Agate Prison (from Baska Mines) with these two in your party, 
and you'll encounter Killey in one of the cells.
Head back to Headquarters, where you'll find Killey again with Zweig and 
Lorelai (near the exit.) Head up to the Sealed Room for another scene. This 
will trigger events later on when you can find and recruit him.
Once you reach the Forest of Twlight -- Ruins, you'll encounter Killey once 
again in a cutscene.  Let him join you. After you exit the ruins, ask Killey 
to join you, and he will.
Killey is a missable character.  If you do not meet him in Agate Prison before 
the Queen's Campaign you have missed him permanently.

Character: Haleth
Location: Hershville/Headquarters
Prerequisite: None
Time to Recruit: After reacquiring your Headquarters from Childerich.
How to Recruit:
First, head to Hershville, and speak with Haleth on 1F of the large 
Administration building.  You will be blown off by him, so don't freak out. Go 
back home, and head to the very bottom of your Headquarters (Level 3 
Headquarters) where the Bar is (the northwestern corner or the lowest level).  
Here, you will see a scene with Logg and smuggling. Now go back to Hershville 
and enter the house near the Armor Shop) with Logg NOT in your party to see a 
Now you'll need to wait a bit (do some quest, play some mini-games and 
whatnot) and come back to Hersehville.  Speak to the NPC in the Administration 
building where Haleth used to be and he tells you Haleth has fled. Go back to 
your Headquarters, and head back down to the Tavern where you first saw the 
scene with Logg about the smuggling/black market. You'll find Haleth here.  
Speak with him and ask him to join you. 
Haleth is a missable character if you do not get him before taking Stormfist.

Character: Euram
Location: Rainwall
Prerequisite: Not getting Eresh
Time to Recruit: After taking Stormfist, and seeing the scene of the 
liberation of Rainwall
How to Recruit:
After the liberation of Rainwall, have Viki teleport you to Rainwall. Speak 
with Euram in the Barows Mansion. Follow him upstairs, where he will then join 
your army.
You can ONLY get Euram if you did not get Eresh earlier in the game, because 
they share the same Star of Destiny.


                        ---  Training Manual Guide ---


Training Manuals allow you to train your skills past the default level of C.  
You can find them throughout the game once you reach a certain point.

There are minor location spoilers in this section, but nothing more.

Magic Training Manuals:

Magical Skills include Magic, Incantation, Magic Defense, Magic Sword, etc.
Basic Magic
Location: Ceras Lake Ruins, far eastern room.
Allows Magic Skills to be levelled up to B.
Elementary Magic
Location: Sable, Solis' Manor.
Allows Magic Skills to be levelled up to A.
Intermediate Magic
Location: Hershville Naval Base, Administration Building.
Allows Magic Skills to be levelled up to S.
Advanced Magic
Location: Sun Palace, After Liberation, two rooms east of the Prince's.
Allows Magic Skills to be levelled up to SS.

Physical Training Manuals:

Physical Skills include Attack, Agility, Defense, etc.
Basic Combat
Location: Lelcar, Eastern Islet Inn
Allows Physical Skills to be levelled up to B.
Elementary Combat
Location: Sauronix Castle, Town, Inside house to the north.
Allows Physical Skills to be levelled up to A.
Intermediate Combat
Location: Ceras Lake Ruins, once Castle reaches level 3 (at the very bottom 
Allows Physical Skills to be levelled up to S.
Advanced Combat
Location: Western palace, after the liberation of Sol-Falena.
Allows Physical Skills to be levelled up to SS.


                             --- Epic Skills ---


This is a list to show you where all of the Epic Skills are located in the 
Game.  Epic Skills are more advanced forms of normal skills, and require you 
to have all skills of a certain type at the level of A to use them.

For example, Swift Foot requires Technique and Agility at A to become 
available to level and use.  Epic Skills are found from boss battles and in 

Epic: Skill Name.
Location: Where to find it.
Skills Required: What skills are Required -At Level A- to use this skill.

This list is done in the order that you'll find the Epics in the game, not in 
any "physical" or "magical" order.

Epic: Armor of the Gods
Location: Sorensen's Side Quest, Revolving Bridge
Skills Required: Defense, Magic Defense
Epic: Raging Lion
Location: Lelcar, Orok's Mansion
Skills Required: Stamina, Attack
Epic: Fate Control
Location: Sable, Solis' Manor
Skills Required: Attack, Technique
Epic: Swift Foot
Location: Ranro Mountain
Skills Required: Techique, Agility
Epic: Divine Right
Location: Nirva Island, Outside Lighthouse
Skills Required: Magic, Incantation
Epic: Triple Harmony
Location: Doraat, Fortress
Skills Required: Attack, Vitality, Agility
Epic: Sacred Oath
Location: The boss of Eresh's Dungeon, Shepcesska, Eresh's side quest.
Skills Required: All Magic Skills: Magic, Magic Defense, Incantation, Sword of 
Epic: Untold Clarity
Location: Sauronix Castle, lower level, hidden by a dragon horse
Skills Required: All Combat Skills except Stamina: Attack, Defense, Technique, 
Vitality, Agility
Note: This is, possibly, the hardest item to find in the game.  In Sauronix 
Castle, head down the long stairs southeast near Craig's room.  At the very 
bottom, exit outside.  Here, head all the way west until you come upon a path 
that goes upwards. Follow this all the way up to the next screen.  Here, head 
all the way south and you'll see a Dragon Horse looking to the southeast.  
Follow this line of sight and you'll find the chest.  You may have to press X 
around for a while, and play with the camera with R1 to actually find it 
Epic: All-Out Strike
Location: Gordius, Dragon Horse Caves
Skills Required: Vitality, Agility, Incantation
Epic: Royal Paradise
Location: Godwin Castle
Skills Required: All Physical and Magical skills: Stamina, Attack, Defense, 
Technique, Vitality, Agility, Magic, Magic Defense, Incantation, Sword of Magic
Epic: Zen Sword
Location: West Palace
Skills Required: Attack, Incantation


                         --- Tactics/Formation List ---


This is a list of the locations and the skills in each Formation.  Formations 
are found in Treasure Chests that are littered throughout the game.  When 
found in a chest, you will receive an item called a "Tactic" which gives you 
access to a new formation, which you can change in the Formation Menu.  Each 
Formation adds different stats to your characters.

Formation: Double Arm Tactic
Location: Stormfist - Arena, Front
Skill: All allies get a defense boost for one turn.
Bonus: +2 Physical Defense and Magical Defense
Formation: Goose Tactic
Location: Western Woods
Skill: All allies attack first.
Bonus: +2 Accuracy and Technique
Formation: Arrowhead Tactic
Location: East Palace
Skill: 1x Damage to a column.
Bonus: +2 Attack
Formation: Cross Tactic
Location: Haud Village
Skill: 0.4x damage blanket attack.
Bonus: +5 Attack
Formation: Crescent Tactic
Location: Rainwall
Skill: Damaged to all allied halved for one turn.
Bonus: +5 Physical Defense and Magical Defense
Formation: Hungry Wolf Tactic
Location: After the War Battle -Defense of Rainwall 1-
Skill: All allies attack first.
Bonus: +5 Accuracy and Technique
Formation: True Men Tactic
Location: Estrise
Skill: 1.0x damage to all enemies.
Bonus: +20 Attack, Evasion set to 0, -20 Physical Defense
Formation: ArrowStance Tactic
Location: Yashuna Village
Skill: The front member draws all enemy attacks.
Bonus: Front Line: defense raised, Rear Line: long range attack power raised
Formation: Tiger Tactic
Location: Ceras Lake Ruins
Skill: 1.2x damage to enemy column.
Bonus: Very front: +10 Attack, Very back: +10 Magic
Formation: Tri [Wind] Tactic
Location: Lelcar
Skill: 1.5x Wind Elemental Damage to a single enemy. 
Bonus: +10 Attack, Physical Defense, and Speed
Note: Can only be used with three people in your party.
Formation: Sorcery Tactic
Location: Jeane's Dungeon, Side Quest
Skill: Chain Magic skill, allows double casting
Bonus: All: +5 Physical Defense and Magical Defense, Very Back: +20 Magic
Formation: Circle Tactic
Location: Ranro Mountain
Skill: Prevent Enemy attack for one turn.
Bonus: +10 Physical Defense, -10 Physical Attack
Formation: Twin [Slash] Tactic
Location: Boss Battle at Beaver Lodge, 2
Skill: 1.2x Damage to all enemies. 
Bonus: +10 Attack, Physical Defense, and Speed
Note: Can only be used with two people in your party.
Formation: Striking [Arrow] Tactic
Location: Nirva
Skill: 1.2x damage column attack.
Bonus: +10 Attack, -5 Physical Defense
Formation: Quad [Lightning] Tactic
Location: Doraat
Skill: 0.7x Lightning Elemental damage to all enemies.
Bonus: +10 Speed, +10 Evasion
Note: Can only be used with four people in your party.
Formation: Crane Wing Tactic
Location: Doraat
Skill: All allies attack first.
Bonus: +10 Accuracy, +10 Technique, +10 Speed
Formation: Pent [Phoenix] Tactic
Location: Deep Twilight Forest
Skill: 0.6x Fire elemental damage to all enemies.
Bonus: The person in the Center gets +20 to all stats.
Note: Can only be used with five people in your party.
Formation: Illusion Tactic
Location: West Palace
Skill: Instantly kills all weak enemies
Bonus: +10 to All Attributes.


            --- Old Books, Voice Sets, Sound Sets, and Window Sets ---


Old Books, Voice Sets, Sounds Sets, and Window Sets are found throughout the 
game.  You need to give each of these key items to the particular person in 
your army to make use of them, though.  

Old Books: Alhazred
Voice Sets: Chisato
Sound Sets: Rania
Window Sets: Zunda

Old Books show information about the game and histories, Voice Sets change the 
Hero's voice in battle, Sound Sets change the sound effects, and Window Sets 
change how the background window appears.

There will be minor location spoilers in this section.

Old Book Locations:

Old Book 1:
Location: Raftfleet, the Dahak.
Old Book 2:
Location: Ceras Lake Ruins, western side.
Old Book 3:
Location: Godwin Castle, second visit.
Old Book 4:
Location: Eresh's dungeon. 
Old Book 5:
Location: Lunas, Priest's room.
Old Book 6:
Location: Deep Twilight Forest.
Old Book 7:
Location: Stormfist, Arena Front, by the Double Arm Tactic
Old Book 8:
Location: Sable, Armes Border.
Old Book 9:
Location: Alhazred starts with this book.
Old Book 10:
Location: Alhazred automatically gets this book after certain events.
Old Book 11:
Location: Alhazred automatically gets this book after certain events.
Old Book 12:
Location: Sauronix Castle, town.
Old Book 13:
Location: Gordius, inside a tent.

Voice Set Locations:

Voice Set 1:
Location: Obtained Automatically.
Voice Set 2:
Location: Hershville Naval Base.
Voice Set 3:
Location: Nirva Island, by the Inn.
Voice Set 4:
Location: A Hidden Chest in Waterfall Basin.
Voice Set 5:
Location: Eresh's side dungeon.

Sound Set Locations:

Sound Set 1:
Location: Default, obtained Automatically.
Sound Set 2:
Location: Gordius, Dragon Horse Lair
Sound Set 3:
Location: The Revolving Bridge Innards, Sorensen Side Quest.
Sound Set 4:
Location: The Baska Mines, Part 1.
Sound Set 5:
Location: Sauronix Castle, Town.

Window Set Locations:

Window Set 1:
Location: Default, obtained automatically.
Window Set 2:
Location: Ceras Lake Ruins, eastern side. 
Window Set 3:
Location: Haud Village, Wharf.
Window Set 4:
Location: Ranro Mountain
Window Set 5:
Location: Deep Twilight Forest
Window Set 6:
Location: Doraat
Window Set 7:
Location: Nirva Island
Window Set 8:
Location: Ship Graveyard, Yahr/Nelis Sidequest.


                   --- Speculation: "Lym Point" Guide ---


Note: This entire section is speculation of my own.  I would prefer it if you 
did not use it, or claim it as yours.  You can Email me to give me ideas for 
corrections, but there is no "correct" answer for this Guide, because there is 
NO tally in the game.  Period.  This is just meant to help you make the 
correct decisions and help you get the endings you want. 

I am hearing far too many people say they are forced into the "Georg" ending 
when they wanted the "Lym" ending, and thus, this mini-guide came into play.

"Lym Point" is a term that I use to describe how you get a certain ending, and 
also how you get certain optional scenes.  If you are too mean to Lym or Lyon 
during certain scenes in the game, then you will not get Lym Points.  If you 
are in the middle, or go the extreme right then you will be able to choose 
between the two endings. According to Blue Moon, you need to have at least 
12/25 Lym Points to be able to choose your endings, but I have not thoroughly 
tested this myself. 

Some examples that Lym Points exist:

Example:  I was mean with every single comment to Lym during one game.  I 
teased her and sided against her whenever possible.  During the 108 Stars 
ending movie, I was given NO choice to help her, and the game automatically 
cut to Georg.  This says that there is a hidden tally of "Lym Points" in the 
game that will tell you what ending you will get if you're too nasty.

Another example of "Lym Points" is a scene in Lunas.  If you were really nice 
to Lym, she will spend the night with you.  If you were nasty, or even 
moderatly mean, however, nothing will happen.  This definitely suggests the 
game is keeping a hidden tally of your answers.

Lyon points also exist, as shown early on.  There are two versions of the 
same "Lyon/Hero Bonding" scene.  The Hero is given two completely different 
answer sets based on how he treated Lyon in earlier scenes.  One answer is for 
the "Nicer" way of treating Lyon, and another is "meaner," where Lyon acts 
more like a nervous bodyguard than a special friend.

This guide assumes you start at a Base of 0 Lym Points.  At 12 Points, 
apparently, you will  have the option of choosing either ending. Answers to 
Lym are on a positive and Negative Scale.  If you answer Negative, however, 
you will not lose points.  You just do not get the point for being nice to Lym.

Look at it like this:

| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
          5         10  12    15        20        25
Ending A                |                      Ending B
                  At 12 points, you can choose your ending.

Going too far in the Right direction assumes that you automatically get Ending 
A. Ending A is considered the "Georg" Ending. Note that going too far in the 
Ending B (the "Lym" Ending) direction does NOT mean that you will 
automatically see the B ending.  Ending B is what many consider the "True" 
ending to the game, though both endings can ONLY be seen by obtaining 108 
Stars of Destiny.

Once again, this is not meant to taken as completely accurate, but is meant to 
help you choose what decisions you can make and not make to make sure you get 
the endings you want.  If you want to choose between the endings, try to stay 
somewhere near the middle, or don't go to the far extreme in mean-ness.

Also, I have only 23 of the 25 points here.  I have yet to find the last two, 
which annoys me somewhat, even after playing through the opening a good 8 
times. I will find them though!

What do you get for being nice to Lym, other than being able to choose your 
There are two optional scenes early on you get for being nice to Lym.  One 
happens during your first trip to Lunas.  This scene is highly debatable 
because of its incestual tones (but really, unless you have a sick mind it is 
not bad at all) where Lym asks to spend the night with the Prince.

The second scene is a lengthened version of the Prince's reminisces during 
your second visit to Lunas.  This is a great scene to watch, and I highly 
reccomend it.

What do Lyon points do?
This is a harder question to answer.  There is only one scene in the entire 
game that is affected by Lyon points (the Lyon Bonding scene) it seems.  Yet 
it still seems that they are there for a reason.

I believe that they will affect the rate of chance that Lyon will guard the 
Prince later on in the game. This may be completely off as well, but they have 
to be there for a reason, and I'm determined to find it!

Some Frequently Asked Questions about my "Lym Points:"
Does being too nice or too mean change the text in the endings?
No.  Being too mean just forces you into one ending.
What's the point?
Many people are being forced into the "Georg" ending.  I personally did not 
find the "Georg" ending satisfying, and I wanted to make sure other people did 
not have this problem.
Do I need to see both of the optional scenes in Lunas to be able to choose my 
I have not yet defined this 100%, but no, apparently. These just show that you 
have more than enough points.  It's good if you DO see the scenes though, as 
you know you will be able to choose the ending.  Don't push your luck with a 
game this long and touchy.

Lyon Point:
-Scene in Lordlake Prologue, finding Toma-
Sure, I'll Wait: -1
I can't let you do that.: +1
Lym Point:
-After the scene with Arshtat/Lordlake, to Sialeeds.
Yeah, I guess I'd better.: Positive
I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow . . .: Negative
Lym Point:
-To the Maid in the Prince's Room-
Yeah, I'm tired: Negative
No, I haven't seem Lym yet. Positive
Lyon/Lym Point:
-To Kyle, after meeting him-
Sure, I'd like that: Negative
Hmm, I'd better go see Lym first. . .: Positive
Lym Point:
-To Ferid, after the scene in the Knight's Room-
I haven't seen her yet: Positive
Nope.  I'll look for her tomorrow. Negative
Lym Point:
-During the scene with Lym-
I'm Home Lym: Positive
H-hey! Let go!: Negative
Lym Point:
-Meet Miakis-
Um, hello, Miakis.: Positive
Uh, a little help?: Negative
Lym Point:
-Lym's Husband-
Of course I'd hate it.: Positive
Not really. . .: Negative
Lym Point:
-The Senate-
Huh? I have to go too?: Negative
Okay, lets go!: Positive
Lym Point:
-Sleepy Sialeeds-
All right, thats enough, Auntie.: Positive
You started it Lym.: Negative (This one's somewhat hard to tell, Lym seems to 
realise she made a mistake, but you still lecture her, hmmm...)
Lym Point:
-Meet the Barows-
I can't quite disagree with them. . .: Negative?
I can't quite trust him. . .: Positive
Lym Point:
-Sacred Games List-
Only seventy?!: Negative?
Seventy? That many?!: Positive
Lym Point:
-Lym's Training-
Why don't you take the day off?: Negative
All right, then. Study hard!: Positive
Note: This is another hard one to judge, because both answers are rather vague.
Lyon Point:
-What do you want to do?-
Go to town, I guess.: +1 (while not much of a comment, Lyon has a happy face 
here, seeming to me you get a "Love Point")
I'm not sure. What do you want to do?: 0
Lyon Point:
-Kyle's "Training"-
Of course!: -3?
Not really.: +3?
Note: This pretty much determines your "Lyon Points" for this point.  Even if 
you were really sweet to Lyon in every other comment, Lyon gets really angry 
during this scene, and during the later "Bonding" scene, she will give you the 
less comforting and friendly speech, and the more "bodyguard" speech.
Lyon Point:
-Lyon Bonding Scene-
Note: There are actually two scenes here, depending on the choices you've made.
I guess I'll be fine then: +1
Don't worry. Nothing will happen.: 0
Lyon Point:
-Gizel Rescue-
We're fine, thank you: -1
You could have killed us!: +1
Note: Rather vague...
Lyon Point:
That's terrible.: +1
. . . . .: -1
Lyon Point:
-Gladiators 2-
He needs a doctor.: +1
. . . . .: -1
Lyon Point:
-Meet Shoon-
How Come?: 0
All Right. . .: +1
Lyon Point:
-Armes Spy-
We should check it out: 0-+1
It must be your imagination: -1
Note: Lyon seems hesitant with the positive (first) answer here, so I'm not 
actually sure if you get a point or not.
Lyon Point:
-First Duel-
It's still a fight.  I want to win!: -1
I'll try not to get hurt.: +1
Lym/Lyon Point:
-After the Duel, Miakis teasing-
Huh.  I didn't know that.: Negative (this option makes it seem like A: you 
don't pay attention to your sister, and B: you WANT to marry her)
Uh, Lym. . .hello?: Positive
Note: This one looks like it is both a Lym AND a Lyon point.
Lym Point:
-Lym's Fear-
Want to go to your room and rest?: Positive
You'll have to tough it out.: Negative
Note: This one's hard to judge.  Though if you pick the nastier response (the 
second answer) Arshtat will back you up and Lym -somewhat- forgives you.  I 
suggest picking the top, because the prince smiles at Lym, thus giving 
more "love" points.
Lyon Point:
-Save Belcoot-
Let's rescue him right away! +1
Let's watch and see what happens . . .: -1
Lyon Point:
-Meet Belcoot-
Us? We're just imposters.: 0
We're glad you're okay.: +1
Lyon Point:
-Going home(from the Inn)-
I thought it tasted pretty good: +1
He's quite the guy: +1
Note: The top is the better choice here, because you'll actually get two 
options during this single scene.
Lyon Point:
-Going home(from the Inn)2-
Hmm. I don't really know.: -1
He's quite the guy.: +1
Note: This is connected with the previous question, and is only possible to 
answer if you talked about the "food."
Lyon Point:
-Visiting Belcoot-
Sounds good to me!: +1
I'm not sure we should...: -1
Lym Point:
-Speaking to Lym before heading to find Belcoot-
Gizel: Negative
Belcoot: Positive
Lyon Point:
-Marina Kidnapped-
Let's mobilize the patrol guards.: -1
Can we take care of this ourselves?: +1
Lyon Point:
-Marina Kidnapped 2-
Leave it to us!: +1
We'll do our best: 0
Lyon Point:
-Good Morning!-
Wh-What happened to you?!: +1
Don't tell me. . .: 0
Lyon Point:
-Breakfast time-
I did? Oh well. . .: +1
Why didn't you wake me up?: -1
Lyon/Lym Point?:
-Final Match-
. . . .: Negative
Stop!!: Positive
Lyon Point:
-Zegai's Truth-
I dont believe you . . .: -1
Why didn't you say so before?: +1
Lyon Point:
-Zegai's Death?-
I would never let that happen!: +1
. . . . .: -1
Lyon Point:
-The morning after-
You didn't, either?: +1 (empathy)
Actually, I slept like a log.: 0 to -1 (Ferid actually compliments you a few 
minutes after this scene if you choose this, so I'm actually not sure what 
this answer gives . . .)
Lym Point:
-Before the Arshtat/Ferid discussion, to Miakis in Lym's room-
Of course I do!: Positive
Why do you ask that?: Negative
Lym Point:
-Before the Arshtat/Ferid discussion, to Lym in her room-
I-I don't know what you mean. . .: Negative
Sorry, Lym, but we cant tell you. . .: Positive (respect)
Lym Point:
-Arrival Home-
Good morning, Lym.: Positive
Hey, you can't just barge in like that!: Negative
Lym Point:
-Raftfleet -optional, can only be done before Lunas-
I guess it'd be all right. . .: Positive
You know you can't!: Negative
Lym Point:
-Meet Haswar-
L-Let me go!: Positive
W-Who are you?!: Negative (this is rather indirect, but Lym gets angry)
Lyon Point:
-After the succession discussion-
You coming Lyon?: +1
We're leaving without you...: 0
Lym Point:
-Cerempony Peeking 1-
Of course I wont.: Positive
Why would I want to peek at you?: Negative
Lym/Lyon Point:
-Ceremony Peeking 2-
VERY Sure:  Negative, +2 Lyon Points?
. . . . .:  Positive, -3 Lyon Points? (Lyon doesn't like you acting like Kyle)
Lyon Point:
-Ceremony Peeking 3-
Aren't you going to be there, Lyon?: -1
I-I was just kidding!: +1
Note: This is only selectable if you choose ". . . . ." above.
Lyon Point:
-Strange sounds 1-
We'll go with you.: +1
All right.: -1
Lyon Point:
-Strange Sounds 2-
On second thought, lets go with him.: +2
I'm sure He'll be fine.: -1
Note: This is only accessable if you said no the first time.  You do get to 
see a better scene for this though (IMO)
Lym Point:
-Trouble Sleeping-
I don't think thats a good idea.: Negative
No, I don't mind.: Positive
Note: This scene will only be scene if you have gathered a LOT of Lym points 
so far.  Even if you have a moderate amount you will not see this scene.
Lym/Lyon Point:
-Assasin Attack!-
I'm worried about mother and Lym. . .: Positive
Let's get out of here!: Negative
Note: During the escape scenes, I do not believe it affects your "Lym" 
or "Lyon" points if you choose to to run or stay behind.  Because you are not 
directly altering Lym's opinion of you at that time, it does not seem to 
matter. And the -only- time there may be a direct effect on the Lyon points is 
when you go to the extreme and keep staying behind for Lym, but even then I 
don't think that it is anything negative.  Quite the opposite, actually, I 
think it might actually be positive, as she will respect your devotion to your 

Note: There seems to be no more Lym Points from here on out.
Lyon Point:
-Lunas Sleep-
You Should rest, too, Lyon.: +1
I want to be alone right now.: 0 to -1
Lyon Point:
-The morning after 2-
Yeah, I guess so.: 0
What about you, Lyon? : +1
Lyon Point:
-Lyon's Confession-
Of course!: +2-3
I'll have to think about it. . .: -2 to -3


                            ---  Conclusion ---


Thanks for reading!

If you wish to use this guide, or any of the information in it, you MUST Email 
me at fallenangelcyril[at]  I do allow other sites to use my guides 
(as long as you have not stolen from me before) and my information (the same) 
as long as you Email me.

If you have any questions, comments, or observations (please don't point out 
typos and whatnot, this guide is still in its base stages) please Email me at 
fallenangelcyril[at] as well.   

And in a final word in tribute to Kyle^^

"So Prince. . .How was it? . . .Oh come on! You know what I'm talkin' about! 
The purification rite! You must have taken a peek, huh? Am I right? I'm right, 
right?! Hey who looked the hottest? Well no need to ask really -- it had to be 
Sialeeds! . . . You're kidding me.  You DIDN'T look?! WHY THE HELL NOT?! That 
was a once in a lifetime opportunity! I can't believe you passed that up! 
Damn! I gotta say, you just let down every man in Falena. . ."


April 19, 2006: Many minor changes.  I completely redid my Lym Point formule 
because of many people saying I should.  Also, I added a few items that I 
forgot.  If you Emailed me about it, I'm sorry if you are not credited, this 
is because I already had the information in the guide changed before you told 
April 25th, 2006: a lot of minor changes, especially to the character areas.  
They are just tips in helping you get the characters, but they help a lot.  
Minor typo errors, a few items fixed, and whatnot.  Also started the basics 
May 6th, 2006: Many minor things fixed, typos, etc.
May 29th 2006: Added Tactics List, Formation List, minor errors fixed.

Thank you:

Thank you to everyone who has Emailed me about the minor problems.  I have 
gotten quite a few about Isabel and Alhazred.
Thank you VS and Blaze for looking over my list sections before I add them to 
the guide.
fatherg[at]gmail[dot]com: For telling me I made a typo in Murad's character 
Thanks to Zeik for pointing out my mistake about Potch in New Game+.

What's left to do?

A lot!  I know I'm missing a lot, but I wanted to get this posted to stop some 
questions I've been seeing on the message boards.
etc. . .
They will be done!

Copyright 2006 Stephanie Nutter [Cyril]
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