Morrowind: Elder Scrolls III
Cheat mode:
During play, press ~ to bring up the console. Type player-> followed by one of the codes below.
setflying 1 Flight mode
setsuperjump 1 Super jumps
setwaterwalking 1 Walk on water
setwaterbreathing 1 Breathe underwater
setlevel Set player level
additem gold_100 /strong> Add indicated amount of gold
setfatigue Set maximum fatigue value
setmagicka Set maximum magic value
sethealth Set player health
setstrength Set strength value
setintelligence number> Set inteligence value
setwillpower Set willpower value
setagility Set agility value
setspeed Set speed value
setendurance Set endurance value
setpersonality Set personality value
setluck Set luck value
setblock Set block skill level
setarmorer Set armorer skill level
setmediumarmor Set medium armor skill level
setheavyarmor Set heavy armor skill level
setbluntweapon Set blunt weapon skill level
setlongblade Set long blade skill level
setaxe Set axe skill level
setspear Set spear skill level
setathletics Set athletics skill level
setdestruction Set destruction skill level setalterration Set alteration skill level setillusion Set illusion skill level setconjuration Set conjuration skill level setmysticism Set mysticism skill level setrestoration Set restoration skill level setenchant Set enchant skill level setalchemy Set alchemy skill level setunarmored Set unarmored skill level setsecurity Set security skill level setsneak Set sneak skill level setacrobatics Set acrobatics skill level setlightarmor Set light armor skill level setshortblade Set short blade skill level setmarksman Set marksman skill level setmercantile Set mercantile skill level setspeechcraft Set speechcraft skill level sethandtohand Set hand to hand skill level setreputation Set reputation level
centeroncell Place character in the named cell
coc " " " " " " " centeronexterior Place character in the exterior cell grid
coe " " " " " " " filljournal Show all entries to journal
fillmap Show all the towns on full map
fixmeJump 128 units away from current location
help Show shorthand for most commands
showvars or sv Show variables
stopcelltest or sct Stop cell test
testcells or tc Test cells
testinteriorcells or tic Test interior cells
testmodels or t3d Test models
toggleai or ta Toggle AI
toggleborders or tb Toggle borders
togglecombatstats or tcs Toggle combat statistics
togglecollision or tcl Toggle collisions
togglecollisionboxes or tcb Toggle collision boxes
togglecollisiongrid or tcg Toggle collision grid
toggledebugtext or tdt Toggle debug text
toggledialoguestats or tds Toggle dialogue statistics
togglefogofwar or tfow Toggle fog of war
togglefullhelp or tfh Show ownership and script name
togglegodmode or tgm Toggle God mode
togglegrid or tg Toggle grid
togglekillstats or tks Toggle kill statistics
toggleloadfade Toggle load fade
togglemagicstats or tms Toggle magic statistics
togglemenus or tm Toggle menus
togglescripts Toggle scripts
togglestats or tst Toggle stats
togglesky or ts Toggle sky
toggletexturestring or tts Toggle texture string
toggleworld or tw Toggle world
togglewireframe or twf Toggle wireframe
display tpg Toggle path grid
members sg Show selected actor's group
showscenegraph or ssg Show scene graph
twa Toggle water
tvm Toggle vanity mode
tso Toggle script output
*Some of the previous cheats, such as setmagicka, can lead to your computer crashing if given too great a value. Have fun!*
Bound Item Cheat:
Want to keep a Bound item? Cast the Bound spell and enter your inventory. Now unequip the Bound item and put it in your inventory. Then take it out and throw it on the ground until the time expires. The items won’t disapear, so you can then grab it and keep it.
Resist negative equipment effects:
To resist the harmful effects of otherwise awesome equipment, cast a Resist Magicka 100% for 1 second spell on yourself, and equip whatever you want during that one second. The only item that can’t be resisted is the damage from the Mantle of Woe, but check out the next cheat to beat that.
Immortality, simple but expensive:
Enchant exquisite clothes, rings, and amulets with a constant restore health effect. If you stack up about 10 points, you’re a god. Over 25 points can counteract the Mantle of Woe, and only 5 can fix you up if you’re a vampire. Have fun!
Powerful Weapons
On Solstheim near Thirsk, is a treestump on the right side of the building facing the door. In the treestump is a powerful, enchanted sword that does 10-50 damage, and ebony arrows with "Drain 5000 Health on Hit"
Sword of White Woe:
Go to the eastern guard tower in balmora and go upstairs until you see a hlaalu guard standing next to a big chest of drawers. Jump on the bed next to the chest of drawers and look on top of the chest of drawers, and there you will see the sword of white woe.You can kill the guard, steal the sword and get your bounty removed at the south wall cornerclub, or if your lucky the guard occasionally walks away from the chest of drawers enough for you to grab the sword unnoticed.
Thanks to Revolution readers Pyre o’ the Maelstrom, Pyro, SeekerKnight, Nathan Robinson, MiRrorIsm, gaminggamer, and Chris!