Final Fantasy IX Walkthrough

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Written By Haunter120

Game: Final Fantasy IX
System: Playstation
Country: North America

Quick Note:
Okay, I need a little help. Remember on my e-mail disclaimer on the bottom 
of the FAQ when I said that you shouldn't e-mail me telling what I missed? 
I've missed a lot of things. So go ahead and e-mail me on things that you 
would like to add or something. I'll give you credit =).

Let's put it simple: Don't modify this FAQ! You can take it, but only if you 
e-mail me to verify (I won't reply, so don't worry). Don't touch anything in 
this FAQ. Don't change anything! This FAQ is copyrighted 2000 by Haunter120, 
and if you modify it, then I'll see in court. That clear? Be a good boy/girl 

BTW, if you're a FAQ writer or something and you want to take just a little 
part of a section of this FAQ, e-mail me for permission. You can modify the 
part if you see a mistake. Otherwise, don't erase or add in something.

Last Update: 12/8/00
First Update: 12/4/00
FAQ Started: 11/24/00
Next Update: Don't know

And this FAQ will take a long time to make!

___________     ___.   .__                   _____
__    ___/____ _ |__ |  |   ____     _____/ ____
  |    |  __   | __ |  | _/ __    /  _    __
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  |____|  (____  /___  /____/___  >  ____/|__|
               /    /          /
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     ___(  <_> )   |    |   ___/|   |    |  ___ 
______  /____/|___|  /__|  ___  >___|  /__| /____  >
        /            /          /     /          /
I. Version History
II. FFIX – Basic Tips/Tutorial
III. Characters
IV. Mogster - Status Changes
V. Walkthrough
VI. Stellazio Locations
VII. Support Abilities
VIII. Support Characters
IX. Synth Shops
X. Chocobos (Coming Soon!)
XI. Weapons and Abilities
XII. Tricks/Other Sub-Quests
XIII. Bestiary
XIV. Boss Guide
XV. Appendix
     -Weapons (coming soon!)
     -Armor (coming soon!)
XVI. Q & A
XVII. Credits


Just started and did some sections, not fully done.

Putted in the Weapons and Abilities. Didn't do anything to any other 
sections... Sorry. Next update.

Added a little walkthrough and finished Disc 1 and 2 bosses. Put up 
character stats for Zidane, Vivi, and Dagger.

Put up character stats for Steiner and Freya. Finished Disc 1 walkthrough. 
Other stuff added too.

Started Bestiary, and added ASCII art in some places. Added Q & A.

Moogle list finished. Appendix Started. Walkthrough updated a little.

F F I X : B A S I C   T I P S
FFIX is a big game with lots of stuff to do. It includes many side quests 
and things you would not want to miss if you want to master this game. Here 
are some tips that you should know and will know throughout the game:

-You have 4 members in your party, unlike FFVII and FFVIII.

-Back Attacks and Pre-Emptive attacks return.

-You can buy weapons and armor two different ways: Regularly, or in a Synth 

-Members not in your party won't gain Experience that your fighting group 

-Battles are filled with strategy; not just dumb Guardian Force Summoning 
every battle to win.

-The game is set in the medieval times.

-I'll add more later.


I'll show some stuff about FF9 here and what the stuff does. Read below if 
you're having trouble learning how to play.


-Battle Screen-

|                                       |
|  -Enemy Here-                         |
|                                       |
|                 3.                    |
|                         -Party Here-  |
|                     4.                |
|------------------ Name   HP   MP  ATB |
|Gizamaluke|2.Atk | Zidane 584  66  ----|
|1.        |Steal | Freya  467  60  ----|
|          |Skill | Vivi   298  89  ----|
|          |Item  | Quina  411  63  ----|

1. Name of enemy(s). This can be turned on pressing the L (or R) buttons.
2. Commands. When someone's ATB Gauge is up, their commands go up. Choose 
what to do. When multiple person's ATB Gauge is up, you can press [Triangle] 
to switch to another person's commands.
3. Battlefield. Animation and backgrounds are shown here, as well as the 
party and the enemies.
4. Party Status. This shows the name of the party members and their HP, MP 
and ATB Gauge.




Zidane is a Tantalus crew member with a tail whose life is girls. Zidane 
feels something weird when he meets up with Garnet, and things after that 
get a little strange...

Steal is awesome. You can steal some really good high-level weapons or armor 
from enemies. This is extremely good in Discs 1 and 2. Be sure to steal from 
enemies when you're able to!


ABILITY               DESCRIPTION          MP COST

Flee                  Escape faster        0

Detect                See enemy's items    0

What's That!?         Allow back attack    2

Annoy                 Causes Trouble       4

Soul Blade            Causes Status Change 6

Sacrifice             Sacrifice yourself
                      To Restore HP to all 32

Lucky Seven           Does damage by luck  6

Thievery              Does damage          8



Free Energy           Damage on enemy      10

Tidal Flame           Damage all enemies   12

Scoop Art             damage on enemy      14

Shift Break           Damage all enemies   16

Stellar Circle 5      Damage on enemy      24

Neo Twister           Damage all enemies   32

Solution 9            Damage on enemy      48

Grand Lethal          Damage all enemies   60

A little Black Mage that has no idea or remembrance where he came from. But 
he finds out something about him and other Black Mages nearly halfway 
through Disc 1.


ABILITY               DESCRIPTION          MP COST

Fire                  Causes Fire damage   6

Fira                  Better fire damage   12

Firaga                Better fire damage   24

Sleep                 Puts target to sleep 10

Blizzard              Causes Ice damage    6

Blizzara              Better Ice damage    12

Blizzaga              Better Ice damage    24

Slow                  Slows down target    6

Thunder               Causes Thunder dmg.  6

Thundara              Better Thunder dmg.  12

Thundaga              Better Thunder dmg.  24

Stop                  Target stops         8

Poison                Target is poisoned   8

Bio                   Poison and damage    18

Osmose                Drain MP from target 2

Drain                 Drain HP from target 14

Demi                  1 /4 or 1/ 2 damage
                      Based on HP amount   18

Comet                 Non-Element Damage   16

Death                 Kills target         20

Break                 Petrifies target     18

Water                 Causes Water damage  22

Meteor                Non-Element Damage   42

Flare                 Non-Element Damage   40

Doomsday              Shadow damage All    72

Vivi's Trance:
Vivi uses Double Black (Dbl Blk) for Trance. It lets his use a Black Magic 
twice on his turn.

Princess Garnet gets kidnapped and wishes to be kidnapped by the Tantalus 
crew in Alexandria. After they get out of the Evil Forest and the Ice 
cavern, she decides to rename herself "Dagger". She keeps this name 


ABILITY               DESCRIPTION          MP

Cure                  Restores small HP    6

Cura                  Restores + HP        10

Curaga                Restores ++          22

Life                  Recovers KO + HP     8

Scan                  Shows enemy stats    4

Panacea               Cures Poison/Venom   4

Stona                 Cures Petrify stats  8

Shell                 Increase Mag. Def.   6

Protect               Increases Defense    6

Silence               Blocks target's mag. 8

Mini                  Lowers Atk/Def.      8

Reflect               Reflects Magic       6

Confuse               Confuses Target      8

Berserk               Causes Berserk       6

Blind                 Causes Darkness      6

Float                 Makes target float   6


EIDOLON               DESCRIPTION          MP

Shiva                 Cause Ice Damage     24

Ifrit                 Cause Fire Damage    26

Ramuh                 Cause Thunder Damage 22

Atomos                Reduce enemy HP      32

Odin                  KO's enemies         28

Leviathan             Cause Water Damage   42

Bahamut               Non-Element Damage   56

Ark                   Cause Shadow Damage  80

Dagger's Trance:
When Dagger goes into Trance, she is able to summon Eidolons for more power. 
When she does, that same Eidolon will attack every turn. This is very good 
with Eidolons that do so much damage, such as Ark and Bahamut.

Steiner's sworn duty is to protect Princess Garnet (Dagger). However, once 
he stumbles upon Zidane and gets stuck with him, he starts acting all crazy 
and blaming everything on Zidane. However, he still protects Garnet. And he 
also joins your party. Zidane likes to call him Rusty because of his old 
dirty armor.


SWD ART               DESCRIPTION          MP

Dark Side             HP down self; damage
                      To enemy             0

Minus Strike          Damages with Min/Max
                      HP difference        8

Iai Strike            KO's Target          16

Power Break           Reduces enemy Atk.   8

Armor Break           Reduces enemy Def.   4

Mental Break          Reduces enemy MgDef. 8

Magic Break           Reduces enemy Magic  4

Charge!               Makes all Near Death
                      Party members Attack 10

Thunder Slash         Causes Thunder Dmg.  24

Stock Break           Causes Non-Elmnt Dmg 26

Climhazard            Causes Non-Elmnt Dmg 32

Shock                 Causes damage        46

Note: This can only be used when Vivi is present in the party. Vivi has to 
be alive and can't be stopped, frozen, petrified, silenced, or sleeping.

SWD MAG               DESCRIPTION          MP

Fire                  Fire Sword           6

Fira                  Fira Sword(better)   12

Firaga                Firaga Sword(best)   30

Blizzard              Blizzard Sword       6

Blizzara              Blizzara Swd(better) 12

Blizzaga              Blizzaga Sword(best) 30

Thunder               Thunder Sword        6

Thundara              Thundara Swd(better) 12

Thundaga              Thundaga Sword(best) 30

Bio                   Bio Sword (poison)   20

Water                 Water Sword          26

Flare                 Flare Sword          60

Doomsday              Doomsday Sword       50

Nothing really big happens when Steiner is in Trance. His attack power goes 
up really high, and that's it basically.

Freya is a Burmecian soldier with a rat face that is traveling the world 
looking for her lost love, Sir Fratley. She meets up with Zidane in the bar 
at Lindblum. These two haven't met each other for 5 years.


ABILITY               DESCRIPTION          MP

Lancer                HP/MP down           10

Reis's Wind           Casts Regen on party 12

Dragon Breath         Attacks all enemies  78

White Draw            Cures MP of party    36

Luna                  Causes Berserk/all   12

Six Dragons           Fully Restores HP,
                      MP, or attacks, or
                      Nothing happens      28

Cherry Blossom        Causes damage/all    46

Dragon's Crest        Does damage          16

III. Mogster – Status Changes

Of course this games has status changes, and lots of them. Here is a list of 
bad status changes, like Mogster in the game said.

Bad Status Changes

The character will become slow and his ATB gauge will fill up slower than 

The character will stop movement and can't attack, use items, magic, etc. If 
all characters in battle are stopped, the game ends.

Character will lose HP every turn.

Character will sleep and will only wake up when attacked. When a character 
is sleeping he/she can't act.

Character gets confused and does anything, usually attacking the party. 
Character will not be confused once he/she gets attacked.

You have no control of the character and that character will only attack the 
enemy. He/she will do more damage though.

Character will turn into a miniature version of himself/herself. His/her 
status attributes are greatly reduced, making this character useless when 
they're small.

Character will freeze and is unable to act. This will wear off in a while.

Character will only have limited time to be alive. You don't know when 
he/she will die.

Character is petrified and can't do anything. If all character in the party 
are petrified, the game ends.

A "10" will appear above the character's head and will start counting down. 
If it reaches 0, then that character is petrified.

Character cannot use spells.

Character's accuracy greatly decreases and he/she will often miss. This only 
applies to physical attacks.

Character is greatly poisoned and stopped. Will stay poisoned even after 
battle. So if you want to relieve this then use an item.

When the TROUBLE character is attacked, the attack also damages every other 
character in your party alive, but not as much as the TROUBLE character.

Character falls down and dies when HP reaches 0. Just heal this with a 
Phoenix Down. This is very common.

Here it is, the hardest part for me to do in this FAQ. I've decided to 
divide each "part" in the game in chapters, which I named. Refer to them:


1. A Secret Thievery (Prima Vista)
2. Meet Vivi! (Alexandria 1)
3. I Want To Be Your Canary (Play)
4. Night Riot (Alexandria Castle, Escape From Alexandria)
5. The Not-Really-Evil Forest (Evil Forest)
6. Rescue The Princess! (Evil Forest Part 2)
7. Cold Cave (Ice Cavern)
8. Kid Village (Dali)
9. Black Mage's Secret (Dali Storage – Lindblum)
10. Lindblum (Lindblum Castle – Festival of The Hunt)
11. Festival Of The Hunt (Festival Of The Hunt)
12. Save The Rat Town! (Gizamaluke's Grotto – Burmecia)
13. Beatrix (Burmecia Part 2)


1. I-Exist-Only-To-Kill (Summit Station)
2. Crazy City Treno (Treno – Gargan Roo)
3. Rats live in Sandstorms? (Cleyra Trunk – Antlion)
4. Ambush Attack (Cleyra Ambush – Red Rose)
5. Rescue The Princess Part 2! (Alexandria Part 2)
6. Ramuh (Pinnacle Rocks)
7. To The Outer Continent (Lindblum - Fossil Roo)
8. Rally-Ho! (Conde Petie)
9. Black Mage Village (Black Mage Village, Mtn. Pass)
10. Ruins on The West Side (Madain Sari)
11. Undead Tree (Iifa Tree – Madain Sari 2)
12. Assault on The Undead Tree (Iifa Tree Part 2)


1. Drunk in Alexandria (Alexandria 3)
2. Card Game Tourney (Treno)
3. Kuja's Plan (Alexandria Destruction – Lindblum)
4. The Frog (Lindblum – Desert Palace)
5. Kuja's Mission (Desert Palace – Oeilvert)
6. Betrayal (Desert Palace Part 2)
7. Holy Volcano (Esto Gaza and Gulug Volcano)
8. Inverted House (Lindblum – Ipsen's Castle)
9. The Shrines (The Shrines)
10. Terra, Land of The Tailed People (Terra – Bran Bal)
11. Pandemonium (Pandemonium Fortress)


1. Pink Light (Memoria)
2. Crystallized World (Crystal World)


____                               _
/  _`   __                      /' 
  / /_    ____    ___     /_, 
    /   /',__  /'___   /_/ 
    _   /__, `/ __/        
    ____/ _/____/ ____       _
    /___/  /_//___/  /____/       /_/

There will be an FMV where Princess Garnet is washing up in a storm on a 
raft. Then Garnet wakes up in Alexandria and looks out the window. She sees 
the big city of Alexandria as well as a ship. This play ship is the Prima 
Vista, which will come by to Alexandria to perform a yearly play: I Want To 
Be Your Canary. The scene will go into the inside of the play ship, and a 
guy with a tail slides down into a small room in the ship.

Once you get control of Zidane, search the room for some items, then light 
the candle in the middle of the room. Once you do, Blank, Cinna and Marcus 
will come into the room. These three are also on the mission. Blank will ask 
Zidane when the boss will be back. Then, a man with a Dragon's mask busts in 
the room and fights the four buddies. This is an easy fight, because it's 
the first one. Don't heal, and also try stealing with Blank or Zidane. Cinna 
is useless in this one. Once you finish the fight the Masked Man will reveal 
himself to be Baku, the boss. He was testing you. Baku will leave to the 
right room. Follow him there and Baku will tell you your mission: To Kidnap 
Princess Garnet. It appears that Queen Brahne has been acting strangely, and 
the crew wants to kidnap the Princess to squeeze some information out of 
her. You now get to choose out of two choices (you should know your mission) 
Choose the first one to act stupid. Choose the first one 67 times and Ruby 
will pop out. Baku tells you that while him, Marcus, and two others of the 
Prima Vista crew named Benero and Zenero will be acting in the play (along 
with Ruby). While Blank and Zidane sneak in the castle and kidnap Garnet. 
Everyone will have to perform a little in the play though, including you and 

FMV – The ship is setting in Alexandria as a Black Mage looks up at it.

You will get control of the Black Mage. A kid will bump into you and give 
you back your ticket. Get up and walk north, another kid will bump into you. 
He tells you to buzz off and runs off. Now you can explore the town freely. 
First head north and past the pub, go north past the shop into the square. 
Examine the ticket booth (A ! will appear over your head) and the ticket 
manager will ask for your ticket. Hand it over and the ticket master will 
find out it's fake. To make the Black Mage not feel depressed, the ticket 
master gives him a few cards and tells him that Alleyway Jack can tell more 
about the Card game Tetra Master. Go back down to where you started and go 
south. This is the Alexandria town entrance, inspect every nook and crannie 
of each building for a ! to appear over your head, when it does, press the 
action button and you will receive a card. Go back to the square and go 
left. You will meet three girls playing Jump rope. You can choose to play 
with them but it's REALLY hard and you shouldn't do it now. If you get 50 
jumps, you'll get a Cactuar Card. 20 Jumps gets you a lame 10 Gil. You can 
also head back to the Item Shop near the square entrance and buy items if 
you want to. Once you're done exploring head left of the jump rope girls. 
You will a signmaker posting a sign then leaving back to his home. Go down 
and you will bump into the rat kid that you bumped into before. He will tell 
you that his ticket was fake too. He will ask you if you want to be his 
slave to sneak in the castle and watch the play. Say yes, then name 
yourself. Default is Vivi. After doing that, Puck, the rat kid, will ask you 
to move to the top side and watch for any people going by. Once you do, say 
"All clear" and Puck will steal the ladder the signmaker was using. Follow 
Puck and Alleyway Jack will come from the top. You can speak to him and ask 
him about cards and he'll take you to the pub and teach you. After that go 
follow Puck to the harbor and into the steeple. When Puck tries to climb the 
ladder a Moogle will fall out. The Moogle, Kupo, will tell you that he is a 
save point along with all other Moogles and is able to save your game, let 
you use a Tent, Mognet, or sometimes Mogshop. After Puck climbs up the 
ladder, talk to the Moogle and save, then select Mognet. Mognet is a moogle 
mailing system that the moogles give you letters to deliver to other moogles 
around the world. Kupo will ask you to deliver a mail to Monty, which you'll 
meet with later. Stiltzkin, a Moogle adventurer, will come by and you can 
talk to him. Follow Puck up the ladder and he will climb onto the rooftops. 
Follow him and you will almost fall while crossing a plank. After that, 
search the rooftops for treasures, then run after Puck to the top of the 
screen. Puck will use the ladder to climb up to the stage, and you'll go 
after him. The scene changes to the Prima Vista stage. Puck and Vivi are 
watching and Queen Brahne is there too. Princess Garnet is there and seems 
worried. Steiner, the Pluto Knights commander, is watching over the 

The play starts: King Leo (Baku's part) wants his daughter (who will be 
played by Ruby) to marry the Prince (forgot name). However the princess 
wants Marcus, but King Leo wants Marcus killed. Marcus will come out and try 
to avenge his country's burning. Backstage, Zidane, Blank, and Cinna are 
ready to help their friend Marcus. They rush on the stage to help fight King 
Leo. This is an easy fight. Just attack King Leo's followers (played by 
Benero and Zenero) and kill them. Don't use SFX, as it's just to make the 
audience be happy but does 0 damage. Just keep attacking. After the battle, 
Marcus and Cinna run after King Leo to kill him. Zidane and Blank, in the 
play, were enemies in the play. Zidane wants to have revenge on Blank. A 
swordfight will come. To do this, simply tap the button that appears over 
Blank. If you don't mess up, 98-100 of the audience, including Queen Brahne 
will be impressed and throw lots of Gil at you which you get. You can keep 
trying if you mess up a lot and the audience doesn't like it a lot, but 
don't try it too much. After the sword fight run after Blank into the 
castle. In the castle, Zidane and Blank are ready to kidnap Princess Garnet. 
They steal the guard uniforms. Once you're in your guard uniform, go left 
and to the hallway. Go up the stairs to the top path and a hooden girl will 
be running by. After Zidane greets her and says some strange stuff, the 
hooded girl runs away past Blank. Zidane tells Blank that was Princess 
Garnet and they chase after her. The scene switches to show 2 clowns, Thorn 
and Zorn, which are actually the Queen's guards. They don't find the 
princess and hurry to report to the queen. I hate these guys, mainly Thorn, 
because he talks like Yoda except more annoying. You will now get control of 
Steiner, or whatever you name him, in the Queen's guard. Watch as Beatrix, a 
superior Alexandria Knight commander, reports to Queen Brahne as Brahne the 
fat-ass elephant lady is still watching the play. Steiner feels jealous and 
decides to try to find the Princess before Beatrix does. He tells his Pluto 
Knights to help him. Explore Alexandria Castle if you want. You can meet 
Quina Quen in the Kitchen. Save at the Moogle in the room where Zidane and 
Blank stole the guard uniforms. Go to the main entrance hall (north of the 
hallway Zidane and Blank started in) and go down the stairs to the 
courtyard. Go left and enter the west tower. Head up the stairs to the top, 
and watch as Steiner finds Zidane chasing the Princess at the East Tower. 
The audience doesn't see it since they're watching the play. At Zidane, he 
chases Garnet in her cloak up to the ledge. Watch the cool FMV with Garnet 
jumping down but holding tight on the banner. Steiner gets scared and jumps 
on the other banner but Zidane goes after the Princess and Steiner crashes 
into the wall. Zidane will crash into the Prima Vista ship where the 
musicians are playing a song. Garnet will run toward the right and hit all 
the musicians down as she runs. Follow her to the right to meet Ruby, who 
doesn't know what's going on. After Garnet, runs downstairs, go there and 
Garnet will stop. She then tells you that she wants to be kidnapped, because 
she has also suspected her mother acting strangely and wants to get to 
Lindblum. Follow her to the room where you started your game. The south door 
will have Steiner and his guard(?) knocking on the door trying to get the 
princess. Cinna comes in from the left and tells Zidane and Garnet to follow 
him. After they leave Steiner and his guard(?) break in. In the right room, 
Cinna opens an escape hatch and goes along with you down there. Follow the 
path under. Back above Steiner finds the escape hatch open and his guard(?) 
tells him that he'll go first. As the guard(?) jumps in, he gets stuck 
(dude... I never knew someone as skinny as that can get stuck so easily). 
Steiner gets mad and goes to the left. The guard, who is actually Blank, 
laughs after Steiner leaves. Back in the engine, just follow the path until 
you take the lift up. Looks like Steiner's up there. Blank, in his guard 
uniform, rushes in and helps Cinna and Zidane fight Steiner. This is an easy 
fight. Be sure to steal. After the fight, Steiner will try to use a sword 
attack on Blank but instead it breaks his guard uniforms, revealing "oglops" 
which are little bugs you'll find throughout FFIX. Steiner hates oglops, so 
he'll be distracted while you will take the lift up to the play, without 
knowing that. I sense a tragedy coming... As Marcus is still talking to King 
Leo and is about to fight him, YOU come out, along with Garnet and Steiner. 
Zidane whisper to everyone except Steiner to improvise. So Garnet will act 
as Ruby's part. Steiner doesn't know a thing. As the play continues, Marcus 
is about to stab King Leo (with a fake sword, of course) and Garnet runs in 
front of him as he stabs and he accidentally stabs Garnet through the heart 
(It isn't real). Steiner thinks it's real. Since Garnet is still hooded, no 
one knows it's her. Two of Steiner's Pluto Knights find Puck and Vivi and 
start chasing them. Vivi trips and runs up to the main stage but Puck runs 
away. The Pluto Knights run up to Steiner and Garnet takes off her hood. She 
tells Steiner not to protect her anymore but Steiner draws his sword. This 
second fight with Steiner is very easy. You can't steal, so use Garnet to 
heal if you need to, and Vivi's Black Magic. The two Pluto Knights will run 
away for different matters. Now just attack Steiner. After beating him, the 
scene switches back to Baku and Cinna preparing to rise the ship. Queen 
Brahne gets furious as the Prima Vista rises and orders to fire harpoons. A 
big cannon comes out and the famous BOMB enemy of mostly every FF flies out 
to attack the ship. You will fight Steiner again, with the Bomb behind him. 
Steiner doesn't know it. You can't attack the Bomb, and it can't attack you. 
Just keep on attacking Steiner and the party members will keep telling 
Steiner to look behind him, but Steiner says that he "won't fall for such an 
old trick". As you attack Steiner the bomb grows, one it gets big enough 
(meaning you've dealt enough damage to Steiner) it drops on Steiner and 
explodes. A few seconds later, the Prima Vista is still flying! Queen Brahne 
breaks a stick and calls for Thorn and Zorn. Prima Vista crashes at the Evil 

Zidane gets up and looks further to see the Prima Vista. At the crash site, 
Cinna will be talking to someone, then you will see the words Active Time 
Event (ATE) on the bottom-left. The moogle will explain what an ATE is: an 
event that's happening at the same time, usually in the same place, with 
different people. Watch the ATE. It shows Vivi escaping mumbling that some 
monster got Garnet. Back at Zidane, talk to the people around the Prima 
Vista and save at the moogle. Go southeast to the enter the main forest. 
Just follow the path. You should run into a battle here. Fight at least 2 or 
3 battles to gain at least a level. Go all the way right and you will appear 
at the place you saw Vivi escape in the ATE. Head forward to see a plant 
trapping Garnet in it's cage. Vivi is stunned and Steiner is yelling stuff 
at the plant like "Give back the Princess!". Zidane runs forward to help 
free the princess. This fight is easy, you will see Zidane in Trance first 
thing here. Do not attack Garnet (press L1 or R1 to reveal the enemy list, 
and point to attack the Prison Cage, not Garnet). The plant can drain 24HP 
from Garnet. Use a Potion on Garnet if he drains from her twice. If Garnet 
dies, the game is over. Just use Zidane's Free Energy on the Plant and 
Steiner to attack and throw potions at Garnet if needed. After the fight the 
plant will take Garnet away and jump back down on Vivi, trapping him. You 
will have to fight again, this time Vivi is in the cage. Vivi will use Fire 
on the Prison Cage for about 80HP damage. Remember: if Vivi dies, then the 
game is over. Toss a Potion at Vivi when the plant drains from him twice. 
Since you're not in Trance, attack or steal. Vivi will do a lot of work too. 
After the fight Steiner will congratulate Vivi and call him Master Vivi from 
now on. He will be pissed at Zidane for the set-up back in Alexandria. But 
Zidane wonders if Garnet is alright. The Prison Cage gets up and uses sleep 
powder on the guys before it dies.

You will wake up in the Prima Vista. You will then talk to Baku. Zidane will 
ask him if he could quit the Tantalus, Baku decides to let him, but Zidane 
will have to be beaten by Baku in order to be able to quit. Go downstairs 
and right to Vivi's room. Talk to him and Zidane will tell him that his 
magic is great and all. Loot the room and go back to the upper hallway. Go 
left and talk to Marcus who tells you that Steiner is locked up in the room 
behind him. Go downsairs and an ATE will occur. Watch it to see Steiner 
trying to get out. Watch the other ATE to see what happened to Ruby (who was 
left behind in Alexandria). After this, go right to the main hallway and to 
the right room. Talk to Baku and he will tell you to go to the main room. Go 
there and you'll have to fight Baku. It's easy because when Baku tries to 
attack, he often trips, missing. Just heal with potions when needed and 
attack. After the fight Baku lets you go, and Zidane asks Baku if he can get 
Steiner and Vivi to help him find the princess. Go back upstairs and go to 
Steiner's room. Steiner will join you after some mad dialogue. Zidane will 
call Steiner "Rusty" now often. Go to Vivi's room and he will join you. Go 
back to the main room and south, you will meet up with Blank. Talk to him 
and he will you medicine. Leave the ship and talk to Cinna to buy items. 
After this, save at the moogle and head out to the forest. You will gain 
less EXP this time since you have more party members. Don't try leveling up 
yet, but don't run away from battles either. Just go right and to the next 
screen where you fought the Prison Cage. Go north and down, keep going until 
you get to the part with a water spring. You can drink from it to regain 
HP/MP. Also, examine the trunk and the moogle Monty will come out. Save and 
select Mognet. If you received the letter from Kupo in Alexandria, you can 
give the letter to Monty and read it, completing your first Mognet delivery. 
Go right to the next screen. Just keep going to the next screen and this 
screen will change into an FMV and switch to a huge plant watching you. 
Before you go north, you can try leveling up. It's pretty easy since Steiner 
can do Sword Magic with Vivi. After this head north and you will be in the 
plant's room. Garnet will be knocked out and the plant will attack you.

HP: 994
MP: 999
LOCATION: Evil Forest

The fight really isn't that hard. Have Steiner do Sword Magic Fire (powered 
by Vivi) and Zidane try to steal until he does. Vivi should use Fire and 
cure the party with potions. Steiner MUST be alive, if he dies, then quickly 
revive him ASAP. If Vivi doesn't have time to heal, have Zidane do it. 
Steiner should always attack. When you take about 500HP from the boss Blank 
will come and help you. Have him also act like a healer or steal. If the 
Plant Brain uses Pollen, then use Eyedrops on Zidane or Blank (not both, 
that will be wasting time). Vivi's magic doesn't miss. Steiner doesn't miss 
either with his sword.

After the fight, Zidane will pick up Garnet and Blank will tell Zidane that 
Baku let him help you. Zidane feels something weird about this forest, then 
all of a sudden all these plant spider things come out! Zidane and the 
others start running. Just keep going, if you slow down you will have to 
fight 2 Plant Spiders, which are easy. Be sure to heal from the Plant Brain 
battle. Go to the next screen and jump down. You will have to fight 2 Plant 
Spiders here. After the fight go down one screen and the scene will switch 
to an FMV:

FMV – Zidane is running with Garnet, Steiner, and Vivi. Blank is behind. A 
bunch of Plant Spiders are chasing them about to catch and eat them. The 
whole forest starts petrifying and Blank trips. Blank hurryingly throws 
Zidane a map of the Mist Continent and gets petrified by the forest. Zidane 
picks the map up and keeps running since he is way behind. A bunch of vines 
block the back and Zidane gets out in time as the whole entire the forest is 
petrified. Then it shows Blank petrified back in the forest.

Zidane is mad at Blank afterwards for not trying to keep running. The party 
sets up camp. There will be a lot of arguing at this point. Steiner will 
tell Zidane that it's all his fault that he and the princess got into this 
mess. He says that Zidane is a petty thief that tried to kidnap the 
princess. After the princess awakes, she calms down Steiner. Then Monty – 
the moogle you met in the Evil Forest, runs over to you. He says that you 
are lucky getting out of the Evil Forest. He gives you the Moogle Flute. 
With this, you can use it by pressing Square on the world map to make Moguo, 
the world map save moogle, come over and let you save your game or use a 
tent. Don't call him too much though. After this, an ATE will occur and the 
scene will switch to Mogster, the wise old moogle, talking to his brother 
Moggy in Qu's Marsh. You can learn a lot of things about Mogster. Select 
them all to get rid of the NEW sign. You will be doing more Mogster lessons 
throughout the game. The party decides to head to a height, from where the 
can probably get to Lindblum (or Alexandria, what Steiner said). To get to 
Nolrich Heights they need to go through the Ice Cavern, south of the Evil 
Forest. After Zidane leaves, Steiner will be confused who hit him, but Monty 
tells him that his friends already left (I don't know what the moogle is 
thinking. Steiner has friends?).

Once you're on the world map, it would be wise to call Moguo and save. When 
you're on the world map, you can press SELECT to show a huge screen of the 
Mist Continent, the place you're on (you will get a full map of the whole 
world later). If you are low on potions, you can go directly WEST of the 
Evil Forest until you reach the arch. This is North Gate, since it's closed 
off, you can't do anything here. Go to and examine the gate and a woman's 
voice will be heard from behind the gate (and Zidane will be excited). She 
sells potions, and ONLY potions. Buy as many as you need, and search around 
the gate for Eye Drops. Leave, and make sure to gain at least one level for 
each character. Don't let your characters die if you don't have any Phoenix 
Downs, because you can't get them anywhere else. Same goes for other items 
such as tents, hi-potions, and ethers. Anyways go to the Ice cavern, 
directly south of the Evil Forest.

At the entrance, the party splits up and Vivi tells the party that he heard 
stores about the cavern from his grandpa. When you enter, Garnet will love 
the place. NOTE – I'm doing this part from memory, so I'll let you e-mail me 
if I have something wrong here. Now go right, up, and left then jump down to 
get the treasure chest. Go back right, and up and jump up the ledges. If you 
touch any of the wind gusts, you'll have to fight Wyerds. These guys can be 
tough. In the Ice Cavern, every enemy is weak against Fire. Use Vivi's Fire 
on all enemies for a quick and easy win. Go up, then left. Now go past the 
winds to the next room. Go to the top of this room (not top right) and 
examine the wall. The party splits up and talks about the wall. Vivi will 
use Fire to blow it up. You can find an Elixir here. No go right and up. In 
this room, there is a wall to the top left. Blow it up with Vivi and follow 
the path down to get a Leather Wrist. Equip it on Vivi to learn Blizzard. 
Head back out and go north. There will be a fork here. Go left, to the part 
with no gust coming out. There's an ice block here. Vivi will unfreeze it to 
reveal a moogle, who will call you bastards for firing him up. This is one 
of the only mean moogles in the game (and he talks slang!). You will have 
another "Teach Me Mogster, Lesson 2" now. There's something new you can 
learn. After you're done, save and use a tent by talking to Mois the Moogle. 
If you have enough tents or phoenix Downs, go ahead and gain some levels 
here (mainly with Zidane). Also, use Zidane's Steal command to steal from 
the enemies. Not only will you get some extra supplies, but you steal 
command AP level will go up as you steal more! Once you've done enough, go 
back to the fork and go right, where all the wind is coming from. When you 
enter, Vivi will be behind. They will wait for him, but due to the Blizzard 
he gets knocked out. Rusty's armor freezes and he falls onto the ledge, also 
knocked out. When Zidane goes to check them, Garnet falls down knocked out 
too. This also happens to Zidane. After a little while, Zidane will wake up. 
You will only have Zidane now, and you can't run due to the blizzard than 
can knock you down again. Go right and enter the room. As soon as you do, a 
Black Mage will jump down and wonder why you didn't get knocked out fully. 
Zidane will ask it if it was creating the blizzard. The Black Waltz will nod 
and begin to fight.

HP: Sealion – 472. Black Waltz #1 – 250
MP: Sealion – 9999. Black Waltz #1 – 9999
LEVELS: Sealion - ?. Black Waltz - 2
WEAKNESS: Sealion – Fire. Black Waltz – Fire, Ice
STRENGTH: Sealion – Earth, Water, Ice. Black Waltz – None
LOCATION: Ice Cavern

Since you're using only Zidane, and going against two bosses at the same 
time, the fight can be based on luck. Just attack the Black Waltz 
continuously and cure yourself with a Potion when your HP goes below 100. 
Watch out for the Sealion's Tsunami, it will hurt you for about 90HP. You 
should be able to kill Black Waltz in 4 or 5 hits. If you go into Trance, 
use one Dyne to finish off Black Waltz if you haven't already, and the other 
Dynes on Sealion. Don't try killing Sealion first, because the Black Waltz 
can cure it.

After defeating the first Black Waltz, it will wonder how it lost. It will 
also warn Zidane that he only defeated the first Black Waltz, and the other 
two will catch him. Zidane rushes back to get Garnet and the others and the 
scene moves to the above platform and shows the other two Black Waltzes 
watching. Then they leave. After you get your party back, move back to the 
room where you encountered the Black Waltz. Climb the ledges all the way to 
the top (jump over the waterfall) and continue up to where you saw the two 
other Waltzes watching, and leave through the exit. Here, the party splits 
and looks around and sees a small village nearby. The party will try to go 
to that town to get some rest. Before moving on, Princess Garnet decides to 
change her name to Dagger, because people might overhear the words Princess 
or Garnet and try to capture her to return her to Alexandria (and Steiner's 
one of them). After some arguing with Steiner, Zidane will get pissed at 
him. Vivi and Dagger will calm both of them down and the party heads to the 
village. You can also rename Garnet to something else besides Dagger.

You may wonder why I put the three !s after the Nolrich Heights, it's 
because the world from here looks awesome. Go to a ledge and look down to 
see where you were before (The mist layer), and where you are right now 
doesn't have any mist. Continue on to the village (or you can take a detour 
to North Dali Gate, but it's closed off). Once you reach the village a small 
mountain will be nearby. Enter the village.



ITEM            GIL COST
Potion          50
Phoenix Down    150
Antidote        50
Eye Drops       50
Tent            800


ITEM            GIL COST
Dagger          320
Mage Masher     500
Broadsword      330
Iron Sword      660
Rod             260
Mage Staff      320
Wrist           130
Leather Wrist   200
Bronze Gloves   480
Leather Hat     150
Feather Hat     200
Rubber Helm     250
Bronze Helm     330
Leather Shirt   270
Silk Shirt      400
Bronze Armor    650

Well, finally here's a town. Vivi will look and find a windmill. Here's some 
kid humor acting:

Zidane: Let's go to the inn and rest.
Vivi: But I wanna go see the windmill!!

Anyways, once you enter the inn the two local kids will run by and the Dali 
Village music will start (very calming and soothing music). At the inn, the 
Innkeeper Hal seems strange, but he'll get you a room. Once you're in your 
room, rest. After that the party will split up and explore the village. When 
Zidane wakes up, he hears Garnet singing. There will be a series of ATEs 
now. Check your room to find a treasure, and some magazines that Zidane 
mocks. Exit to the reception room and save at the moogle. Watch the ATE with 
Princess Garnet trying to act like a normal girl. Go north and talk to Vivi, 
who is staring north. He says that kids run away from him when he goes 
toward them. Zidane calms him down and thinks that Vivi is thinking about 
girls. Zidane tells Vivi that if Vivi has anything to say about girls, he 
needs to go to him. Zidane says that he's popular with all the girls in 
Lindblum (HA! Yeah right!). Zidane also tells Vivi that the sound he keeps 
hearing is the Chocobo's 'Kweh' sound they make. But where is it coming 
from? After Zidane leaves, two men grab Vivi and take him away. What's going 
on? Watch all the ATEs (including the Cat's Eyes ones, even though they add 
nothing to the game) and watch the one with Garnet asking the shopkeeper how 
to fit in more. Then go to the weapon shop. Before talking to Garnet, buy 
the equipment for ZIDANE AND VIVI ONLY! Unless you may have some trouble 
with two boss fights (the last two fights with Steiner and Garnet in Disc 1) 
before reaching Lindblum. Also, if you're planning to sell something, DON'T 
SELL YOUR WRISTS. Oh, and one more thing: BUY TWO MAGE MASHERS! Once you buy 
the equipment go to the building to the right of the windmill (before 
talking to Garnet in the weapons shop) and buy the items there. Be sure to 
buy enough items. Once you do, go back to the weapons shop and talk to 
Garnet. Tell her that she's doing great in her normal girl acting. They will 
automatically go to the inn and Zidane will tell Garnet some stories. After 
a while Zidane will be concerned about Vivi (not Steiner, of course). Take 
Garnet and Zidane to the place where Vivi was standing looking for chocobo 
sounds. When Zidane explores it, he finds a little pipe. Examine it to hear 
Vivi crying below. Zidane tells him that they're coming to free him. Move to 
the windmill (equip Garnet with the stuff you bought her, IF YOU DID). Once 
at the windmill find the ARIES Stellazio, then examine the hatch near the 
entrance and you will find a secret path down into the Dali Storage Area, 
where apparently Vivi is being held.

This is where you'll find something that will be troubling Vivi and the 
whole crew throughout the whole game. Get down and Garnet will suspect 
something about this place. Save at the moogle. Then head north into the 
next room. Zidane and Garnet stop and overhear two men talking about their 
cargo for today. They then leave, with Vivi with them. Zidane gets pissed 
and tries running toward them but Garnet holds him back and tells Zidane 
that the barrel near that storage was also located in Alexandria, and that 
this place may have some connection. Afterwards go back to the room that had 
the two men and explore the little cabin for a Potion and Eye Drops. Go 
through to find the Chocobo that's been making the 'Kweh' noise. Keep going 
forward and you'll find a huge storage with lots of boxes. Grab the 
treasures by climbing up on the boxes for an Iron Helm and Leather Wrist. 
Then keep going to the next room. You'll hear Vivi's voice in a crate. 
Zidane will free him and Vivi will tell you what happened. Two men took him 
to this storage and asked him what he was doing outside. Then they put him 
in the cargo. Zidane tell Vivi everything is going to be alright and Vivi 
joins in. Now equip Vivi with the stuff you bought back at the Dali weapon 
shop. Check this room for 95 Gil. It would be wise to go back and save at 
the moogle Kumop, just in case you might have trouble in the next fight 
(probably not). The door on the top of this room contains Mist. Opening it 
will make monsters appear everywhere. However, inside the Mist room has a 
Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion and Potion. That's not really worth it, since 
you probably have 4 or more Phoenix Pinions. Don't waste time fighting 
enemies. Make sure that Vivi has Blizzard (learned from Leather Wrist) and 
head to the right of the machine the party examines. It makes a bunch of 
eggs. The party gets suspicious of it and moves on to the next room. Just 
keep going and to the next room (you'll find out that a Chocobo is being 
used to power up the machine). In the next room you'll see some humans, but 
luckily hide. The party then sees what makes Vivi suspicious. The eggs 
hatch, and inside are... Black Mages! Dolls! Garnet thinks this is Queen 
Brahne's doing, making controllable Black Mage dolls. But Vivi asks you if 
he looks like them. Say no, and the party will accidentally be dropped onto 
the conveyor and put into the cargo. Meanwhile, Steiner, who is searching 
for a transport in the Dali peak (the small mountain you saw when you got to 
Dali) finds out that the Cargo Ship is coming to take away the next cargo, 
which is the Black Mage dolls. Move Steiner down the hill and wait for 
Morrid to get down there (just walk around). Once Morrid gets down to his 
hut, talk to him and after a lot of demanding, Morrid tells you that the 
ship is in Dali. Steiner will run towards it and look at a barrel coming out 
of the ground. When he runs there the two men get scared and run away. 
Steiner will examine the barrel. If you choose "Poke it with your sword", 
Zidane will get out of the barrel and the other party and Zidane will get 
mad at Steiner because he nearly poked Garnet. Choose the other one and it 
won't make much of a difference. Anyways, Steiner is planning to use this 
Cargo Ship to get to Alexandria and get the princess back and execute Zidane 
(of course, he doesn't tell anyone). He tells the party that the ship is 
going to Lindblum. After this, the Black Waltz #2 lands and tell the party 
that he wants to return the princess. Steiner tells the Waltz it's his job, 
but the Waltz apparently doesn't give a s**t and attacks the party.

HP: 1040
MP: 9999

This is a tough fight so be ready. Dagger should cure most of the time 
(press R1 to cast the cure on all members) and when she's available and your 
characters are at good health, just wait till the other characters' ATB 
Gauges get up and press Triangle. You don't want to waste a turn attacking 
with Dagger for measly damage, do you? Don't use Vivi's magic, because the 
Black Waltz will counter with more powerful magic on your characters.

After the fight, Black Waltz #2 dies. Steiner decides to go ask the person 
in the cargo ship if they can hitch a ride. When he does, Vivi feels 
strange. Then the cargo ship starts moving. The party hurryingly climbs 
aboard. Vivi climbs up first, then Dagger (I'll just use this instead of 
Garnet), then Zidane jumps on Dagger and grabs her you-know and feels good. 
The ship goes into the sky.

Zidane will apologize to Dagger for what he did when they went aboard the 
cargo ship. Vivi will go inside and then run out and tells everyone to look 
inside. A bunch of Active Black Mages are working there, they don't answer 
to you, like you're invisible to them. Zidane heads to the deck to find 
Steiner, piloting the ship to Alexandria. He reveals what he had in mind to 
Zidane, and keeps talking. Then, Zidane takes control of the ship and turns 
it around to Lindblum! Steiner gets in the bridge and whines and complains. 
The party members get up on the deck as there's something else on the deck 
besides the Black Mages. It's the third Black Waltz! He decides to attack 
you but all the Black Mages working on the ship protect the party, then a 
very sad FMV appears as the Black Mages are being destroyed and defeated, 
and falling off the ship, as the Black Waltz #3 kills them. Vivi gets mad, 
and looks around and tries to grab a Black Mage's hand, but doesn't reach. 
After the FMV, Zidane tells Dagger to pilot the cargo ship and goes back to 
Steiner and Vivi, who are ready to fight the Black Waltz #3.

HP: 1200
MP: 9999
LOCATION: Cargo Ship

This can be tough since you don't have Dagger. Vivi starts out in Trance, so 
use Fire or Blizzard for his Double Black command. The Waltz will cast 
Thundara when it floats, so be ready to use healing. Like always, Steiner 
should use his Sword Magic and Zidane should steal and heal. If Steiner gets 
knocked out, wait till both Vivi's and Zidane's ATB Gauge is full, have one 
of them use Phoenix Down, and the other use Potion on Steiner. Make sure to 
do this AFTER Vivi's Trance runs out. Do the same if anyone else gets 
knocked out, but you shouldn't really waste time reviving Vivi if he gets 
KO'ed because he's not really great against the Waltz as the others.

After the fight the Waltz escapes. You get no AP or Gil either. The party 
goes back to Dagger, and the scene switches to a part in the sky with Thorn 
and Zorn going after the princess. They see the Black Waltz coming their way 
and jump off their jet. The Waltz gets control of the jet and goes after the 
cargo ship. At the cargo ship the party notices the Black Waltz chasing 
them. Dagger tells you that if the ship is fast enough you can get through 
South Gate before it closes and close the Black Waltz inside. Although it's 
very risky, it's the only safe way to get off the Waltz's tail.

FMV: Sky Jet Chase: The best FMV in the whole game! The cargo ship is 
steering fast as the Black Waltz's jet nears. The cargo ship enters the 
South Gate as it starts closing. The ship goes _really_ fast through and 
makes it through the south exit of South Gate before it closes. However, it 
closes on the Black Waltz and the Waltz uses it's magic to try to get out, 
but instead damages South Gate really badly.

After the FMV, the cargo ship will be cruising the skies toward Lindblum 
(check out all the other airships around! Nice way of using graphics, too). 
Inside the ship, Zidane will be really happy that they made it through South 
Gate. The others aren't because of the great damages made to the gate. But 
the party reaches Lindblum and a cool FMV takes place. The cargo ship docks 
in the airship dock inside the castle.

When they get out of the damaged ship, the party looks around the big 
castle. Steiner is amazed because the castle is much bigger than Alexandria 
Castle, and that it has it's own airship dock. Three guards will come over 
to ask who you are (Zidane's never been inside the castle). Dagger will 
introduce herself as Princess Garnet, but the guards don't believe her. 
Dagger shows them her pendant, the Falcon Claw. The guards then go fetch 
Minister Artania, Regent Cid's right hand man. Zidane will then scoff 
Steiner saying that his armor is dirty and old, forcing the guards not to 
believe Dagger being with some old damaged armor knight. Minister Artania 
will come over and greet the party. Then he takes them to the elevator. He 
will now tell you about the elevator:

Bottom Floor – Dragon's Gate/Serpent's Gate: These two lead outside in the 
Mist surface.

Middle Floor – This leads to the main town of Lindblum. The exit also leads 
to Lindblum Plateau, where Pinnacle Rocks is located.

Top Floor – Cid's chambers and main castle chambers. Restricted for 

So you're heading to the top floor right now, eh? Once there, the party 
enters Regent Cid Fabool's throne room. When they enter Minster Artania 
calls for Cid, who appears to come from his throne. The party will get all 
hysterical, because an oglop comes out. Steiner will get mad at Artania for 
greeting the party with an oglop, but the oglop appears to be Cid; talking. 
Zidane never saw this either. But Dagger calls him uncle, well, because Cid 
is her uncle. Regent Cid says that an intruder snuck into the castle and 
turned Cid into an oglop. Steiner thinks its Zidane, but Cid says it's not 
because that intruder also stole Cid's airship invention, the Hilda Garde. 
Cid also says that the plan to kidnap Dagger worked, because he HIRED the 
Tantalus to kidnap the princess to ask her what happened to Queen Brahne. 
Afterwards, the party leaves to Lindblum City and Dagger stays the castle.

The scene will start with Zidane entering the bar. When he does he asks for 
a drink and a waitress tells him that he's standing in her way. Zidane asks 
her if she would go on an airship ride with him and the waitress gets all 
happy and cheers. A rat dragoon sitting next to Zidane tells him that he's 
bothering the customers. Zidane tells her to watch her mouth. Then the rat 
dragoon turns to face Zidane, and Zidane remembers her from 5 years ago. He 
tries to remember her name, but can't. You get to name her. Her default name 
is Freya, but you can name her something else. After this Zidane asks her if 
she found her lost boyfriend yet, but Freya shakes her head. After this, 
Zidane wakes up at the inn. When he gets out he meets Vivi, who is about to 
explore Lindblum and leaves. You will have a Synth Shop lesson with Mogster 
now. Also the scene will switch back to the castle where Cid is telling 
Dagger who the intruder was: Cid's wife Hilda. Apparently she suspected Cid 
with another woman and turned Cid into an oglop, took his airship and flew 
away. He tells Dagger that he's having trouble building Hilda Garde 2 
because his oglop mind isn't as great as when he had his regular human mind. 
Once you get control of Zidane move to the save moogle in the next room. 
Save your game and go downstairs and exit to find yourself in the Business 
District of Lindblum. There are 4 main districts in Lindblum, all connected 
by trolley lines: The Business District, chock full of shops and marketing. 
The Theater District, where there are great performances and Zidane's old 
hideout. The Residential District, where people live and the bar is there. 
And Lindblum Castle, which is self explanatory. Right now you need to visit 
the Theater District, but before going there watch all the ATEs while you're 
at the Business District. One will show Steiner buying Gysahl Pickles (which 
will help you out later) and eating them, then falling down. Another will 
show Vivi buying a Kupo Nut (another item which will help out later) and 
hearing about the Festival of The Hunt, a yearly tradition where beasts get 
let out all over Lindblum and whoever kills the most wins. Vivi gets excited 
too. Back to Zidane, head north from the inn to the screen where you saw 
Steiner buy Gysahl Pickles. Then go to the northeast part and up. At this 
part of town you can find your first Synth Shop. Go there before going to 
the other shops. It's on the northern part of the screen. Hopefully, if you 
bought two Mage Mashers at Dali, you can get The Ogre, Zidane's most 
powerful weapon in Disc 1. Also, buy 1 or 2 Cotton Robes. If you didn't sell 
your Wrists, then you can buy the Cotton Robes. Buy one for Vivi and one 
more for another character (not Dagger). Once you've done enough, go to 
weapon shop to buy the other regular stuff that you need. Then go to the 
item shop and re-supply. DON'T BUY ANYTHING FOR STEINER OR DAGGER. Once 
you've done your shopping here go back to the street with the inn and to the 
building right of the inn. Enter the trolley and go to the Theater District. 
Once you get here, you can see an ATE with Steiner asking an old man how the 
airships run without Mist. The old man tells him common sense. After the ATE 
head to the left of the trolley station and walk down the street to the 
building with the entrance, which is Zidane's old Tantalus hideout. When 
Zidane explores the abandoned hideout two kids who were hired by Genero, the 
third Nero brother who was left behind, come in and ask Zidane if he 
kidnapped the princess. Zidane nods and the kids ask him how the princess 
looks. After Zidane answers them watch the ATE. Here, Dagger tries to get 
out of the castle but the Elite Guard won't let her because it might be 
dangerous. After the ATE you will have to go to Lindblum Castle. Before 
going there loot the hideout, then go down the street past the old Tantalus 
hideout and talk to the ladies at the square and they will be talking about 
Lowell, who they all have a crush on. Lowell will appear and they will want 
his autograph. Then a man in a Moogle suit will run out. Follow him to the 
place with the trolley station and go directly south to the house of the 
self-proclaimed artist Michael's. Talk to Lowell there and the man in the 
moogle suit. After this take the trolley to the residential district. 
There's nothing to do here, but you can explore it a little. Head to the 
Lindblum Castle and enter. Go past the airship dock and to the next room. Go 
right to the next room, and enter the guest room on the above hallway. Talk 
to Steiner, who can't seem to find the princess. Loot the guest room, then 
head to the hallway and you will hear Dagger's voice singing from above. Go 
to the room with the fountain and talk to the guard on the bottom part. He 
won't let you through. Go back to the right hallway and downstairs and talk 
to the guard on the left. Zidane will trick him into going into the guest 
room and grab his uniform. Go back to the room with the fountain and go past 
the guard to the elevator. Go to the top floor and go left (if you try going 
forward, Zidane will hide for the guards since he took off his uniform). 
Anyways go left and talk to the man, then go up the stairs onto the balcony. 
Follow the path to the telescope to find Dagger singing. She will stop and 
ask Zidane how he got here. Zidane tells her that he's used to it. Zidane 
will then use the telescope to look around. You can see all kinds of 
landmarks here. When the ? sign appears, press X to see the landmark. After 
seeing all the landmarks Dagger will look in the telescope. After this, 
Zidane will ask Dagger for an airship ride, but realizes that he messed up 
since he asked the same thing to the girl at the bar. Zidane decides to 
enter the Festival of the Hunt, taking place tomorrow, and if he wins, he 
gets to go out with Dagger (Geez, it's easier than you think. I did this 
many times). After this it will show Vivi running around, Freya watching the 
sunset on top of a building, and Steiner walking around. I think right now 
it should show the ATE with the other Tantalus guys, I'm not sure though. 
Now comes the fun part: The Festival of The Hunt.

All of the party members will be in the guest room. Since the only three 
members entering are Freya, Zidane, and Vivi, then each gets their own prize 
if they win. Zidane decides to get money. Freya wants an add-on, and Vivi 
wants a card. There are also other people entering, but none of who will win 
(one of the party members will). After the party leaves, save at the moogle 
on the top and head to the trolley and take it to the Theater District, 
where you will start. It will show the staff letting out the monsters, and a 
special monster called Zaghnol. Then Steiner and Dagger will go up to the 
crowd and cheer for Vivi. Here are the people who entered the Festival of 
The Hunt. There's actually more, but I've only seen these people:

Zidane: Of course, it's you. Starting Location is Theater District.

Freya: One of your party members. Starting location is Residential District.

Vivi: One of your party members. Starting location is Business District.

Genero: Tantalus member. Starting location is Business District.

Ivan: ???. Starting location is Residental District.

NOTE: Feel free to e-mail me and tell me more about the Festival of The 
Hunt. I'll accept anything.

You have 12 Minutes to get as much points as possible. The person with the 
most points wins. You will usually be lead by Freya, and Vivi may be a 
problem in the first 5 minutes. When you see the Fangs and Mus, kill them. 
They give out lots of points. Avoid Trick Sparrows, they usually don't give 
you crap. Once you get out of the station, defeat the Mu that's scaring the 
old man. If you have the Ogre or Butterfly Sword equipped, the enemies go 
down in one hit. If you don't, reset and buy yourself a decent sword. Go 
down to the street with your hideout and go through. There are many Trick 
Sparrows around this area, so avoid them. Go down to the place where you saw 
Lowell and the four ladies. Wait near the barrels till the Fang comes out 
and jumps at you. After this, head back to the trolley and go to the 
RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Help out the little dog by killing the Mu chasing it. 
Go north and to the end of the street, and kill the enemies there. Quickly 
go to the Business District and defeat the beasts in this street and head 
north. You will have to fight a Trick Sparrow, after killing it go north to 
the square and kill the Fang near the hot air balloon. Then go north (not 
northeast) and defeat the Fang and Mus there. Head back to the square at the 
Business District. You might see Vivi running away from a Fang here. If you 
kill the Fang, Vivi might win the festival and you'll get the card he asked 
for. This card can be really cool if you're a card collector. After killing 
that Fang just do really bad and Vivi could win. If you don't kill the Fang 
chasing him then Vivi won't win. Anyways, go northeast to where the shops 
are. You will see Zaghnol (only if you defeated the enemies in the 
Residential, Theater, and Business Districts). Freya will join you in this 
fight. It's pretty easy actually. Whoever gets the finishing blow wins the 
points (80 Points) and most likely will win the tournament. Have Freya win 
this because you will get a Coral Ring, which can come in handy later in 
Disc 1. Zidane will do more damage though, so if you want Freya to win just 
have Zidane act as a healer. After this 12 minutes should have passed. The 
winner will receive the prize. Zidane gets 5,000 Gil if he won, Freya gets a 
Coral Ring if she won, and Vivi gets a card if he won. Immediately after 
this a Burmecian Soldier crawls in the room and mumbles his last words 
telling Cid that Burmecia is under attack by Alexandria. Minister Artania 
tells Cid that the soldier can't see Cid being an oglop, but Cid replies 
that the soldier is blinded. Then, the soldier dies. Freya cannot believe 
what happened, because Burmecia is her home kingdom. After this Regent Cid 
and the party have a Festival of The Hunt Feast. Everyone except Dagger eat. 
Then, everyone falls asleep because the food was somehow poisoned. Dagger 
doesn't fall asleep since she didn't eat. Dagger then uses the medicine 
Blank gave her on Steiner to wake him. Steiner asks who poisoned this food 
and Dagger says it was her. She wanted Steiner to take her home and 
everything was a setup. Steiner finally agrees and they go off. When the 
party wakes up Freya tells Cid that she's going to Burmecia. Zidane wants to 
go with her and so does Vivi. Cid, who just also woke up, lets them, and 
opens Dragon's Gate for them, and tells them that they need to go through 
GIZAMALUKE'S GROTTO to reach Burmecia. Head back to Lindblum City and buy 
all the stuff you need. If you want more Tetra Master, go to the Residential 
District and play there. You won't be able to go back there later. Once 
you're done, go back to Lindblum Castle and take the elevator to the bottom 
floor. Take the trolley to the left to Dragon's gate and save at the moogle. 
You can buy items from the man here. Exit through the gate to the world map, 
in the mist.

Don't gain levels yet, instead head north until you reach a marsh (?) will 
appear over your head. Enter it and go north. Here you will meet Mogster, 
the tutorial Moogle, and his brother Moggy. You can ask Mogster for 
directions, but before you go north to Gizamaluke's grotto, take the path 
through the leaves to find a creature trying to catch frogs. Help it by 
getting the frog on the ground on the right, then give the frog to the 
creature. The creature will thank you and you get to name it. Default is 
Quina, and since it's an it, I'll just refer to it as SHE. It looks more 
like a she. Anyway, Quale takes you to his hut and tells Quina to come with 
you. She will join your party. Vivi will then ask Quale if he knows about 
his grandpa Quan. Quale denies it but seems to know something. Leave Qu'a 
Marsh afterwards.

You may notice that Quina has nothing equipped except for a weapon. If you 
bought a second Cotton Robe, equip it on her. If you don't have enough 
protection, head back to Lindblum and buy what you need.

You can also find the CHOCOBO FOREST around this area. Go east of Qu's Marsh 
and cross the bridge to the King Ed Plains. The forest looks different from 
all the other forests, and you should stop by and talk to Mene, the moogle. 
He will give you some Gysahl Greens. Go outside and use the Gysahl Greens in 
a spot with Chocobo Tracks to summon Choco, your Chocobo. You can ride this 
Chocobo around this area, and summon it in other areas with Chocobo tracks 
using Gysahl Greens. Chocobo riding prevents you from encountering levels 
also. Before going to Gizamaluke's Grotto, go to Lindblum and do whatever 
you need, because you won't be able to return later. Outside on the world 
map, be sure to level up. Try to use Quina's EAT command when an enemy is 
weak to gain some new Blue Magic (eat a Serpion for Mighty Guard, then get 
Quina 64MP to be able to cast it). After doing a lot of level-upping, go 
north of Qu's Marsh to enter Gizamaluke's Grotto.

Walk north of Qu's Marsh and you should find some kind of door in the 
mountains. This is Gizamaluke's Grotto. Be aware of the next events that 
will happen before entering. Once you enter, you won't be able to return to 
Lindblum City or castle (the trolley will be blocked off, but you can still 
enter Dragon's Gate and buy items from the merchant). When you enter Freya 
will talk a little and so will the others. After this the party enters 
Gizamaluke's Grotto. You will notice a door in front of you which can only 
be opened using a Gizamaluke's Bell. Go right to the dying rat Burmecian 
soldier to receive a Gizamaluke's Bell. Go back to the door and open it. The 
Bell will also shatter, and you won't be able to use it again. Go forward to 
the next room where you'll confront Thorn and Zorn. They will throw Black 
Mages at you controlled by Queen Brahne. They're not that hard to beat. 
After the battle Thorn and Zorn will run away. Go north and defeat the Black 
Mage walking on the ground floor. You will receive another Gizamaluke's Bell 
from him, take it to the locked door north of him to open it using the Bell. 
Go through to the next room and examine the big Bell in the middle. A moogle 
will also be there, weeping because her husband is trapped inside the bell. 
The moogle will ask Vivi if she can borrow the Kupo Nut he has (bought in 
Lindblum). Vivi will give it to her and the husband will be freed. The 
couple will go to the room and the right. Examine the treasure chest in 
place of the bell to get another Gizamaluke's Bell. Take the bell to the 
door at the right and open it. There you'll meet the moogles again. You can 
save here. Do not climb the vine, it will take you to the world map, and you 
will die being attacked by the Grand Dragons. Once you talk to both the 
moogles try to leave the room and one of the moogles will rush up to you and 
give you the Holy Bell. Exit the room and go to the door on the left side of 
the big fallen bell. It will open if you have the Holy Bell. Once you're 
inside this room talk to the dying Burmecian soldier to find out something's 
wrong with Master Gizamaluke. Just then, something will fall out of the 
chasm into the water and will attack.

HP: 2318
MP: 502
WEAKNESS: Thunder, Wind

STRENGTH: Water, Earth
LOCATION: Gizamaluke's Grotto

Well, I thought that Gizamaluke would be some old man that owns the grotto 
(since they call him Master Gizamaluke) but whoa, a monster... The fight is 
pretty hard, because some of Gizamaluke's attacks will wipe out a party 
member instantly. Make sure you got Quina equipped and have her attack. 
Freya should jump so Gizamaluke wouldn't be able to attack her, Vivi should 
Fire Gizamaluke, and Zidane should cure or attack. Gizamaluke's attacks will 
do a lot of damage but he doesn't have ones that are very damaging. If you 
gained levels before setting foot into the grotto, and have Zidane equipped 
with The Ogre, then Gizamaluke shouldn't pose much of a threat.

After beating that *****, the scene will switch to Steiner and Dagger, 
getting ready to go to Alexandria, but they have to go through Lindblum's 
South Gate – Grand Citadel. Steiner put Dagger in the bag and is taking the 
bag on the stick with him. When he gets to the guards, they'll let him 
through because they thing that the Gysahl Pickles that he bought at 
Lindblum are in the bag. In this part Steiner will need to let Dagger out, 
but there are two people in the way. First, go to the woman on the right 
near the alley, and hint her, making her go to the man on the left. Then, 
talk to the man that was below her and he'll tell you that the frog looking 
guy is in charge. Go to that guy on the left and talk to him. You can choose 
"Kill Him" or "Don't Kill Him". It doesn't matter because Steiner won't kill 
him anyways. After talking to this guy head back to the guy you talked 
before, and the path to the alley will be cleared. Just as soon as you enter 
the alley a Lindblum guard enters from where you did and tells you to come 
over to him. Steiner gets scared and comes to him. The guard drops the Gate 
Pass because he can't go close to Steiner since he smells of Gysahl Pickles 
(boy, these guards are dumb). Steiner is relieved and picks up the Gate 
Pass. When you get back to the alley, stop. Dagger will get out of the bag 
and both Steiner and Dagger are ready to head to Treno, where they can find 
a path to Alexandria. Go forward and look at the map in the next screen. You 
will have rest stop station before moving to Treno via cable car. At the 
shop, buy what you need (recommended to buy lots of Potions, Phoenix Downs, 
and Tents). After buying what you need enter the cable car and choose the 
seat on the bottom left (bottom right from your point of view). Mary, the 
woman Steiner helped at the Grand Citadel. Steiner and Dagger talk a while 
and the scene switches back to Zidane and Freya's party back at Gizamaluke's 

The party will talk and Burmecia will be just a little away. Head north and 
make sure your party is healed. Once you're back at the world map, keep 
going north until rain starts falling. Just keep going north and you'll end 
up in Burmecia, Kingdom of Eternal Rain.

When you get here you'll notice the whole place is in ruins. Freya still 
can't believe what happened, and Vivi looks puzzled on what has happened to 
the black mages and why they are attacking. Head north and you will be able 
to find a CANCER Stellazio here(it's near the cart). Keep going. Once you 
pass the two first scenes you will meet up with Thorn and Zorn yet again, 
and they still don't know who you are. They will drop a Black Mage on you, 
which can be easily defeated. After this Thorn and Zorn will escape. Go 
right and up the stairs. BEWARE! A lot of the treasures in Burmecia contain 
Mimics! These guys aren't hard to beat, but waste your time (you can get 
Ethers from them). So try to open the treasures that are more hidden, 
because obvious ones usually contain Mimics. You may see many dying soldiers 
in Burmecia. Sad. Anyway, go up the stairs in this building and head east. 
You will now be in the main gate of the castle, but you can't enter yet. Go 
west to enter the building there. Once you do you'll see a treasure chest on 
the west side. If you want it, then WALK across the plank. Don't RUN! The 
chest contains the Germinas Boots. You will, of course, have to have the 
plank fall. So run across it and Zidane will jump back to the ledge on the 
right. Go back to the place where you met Thorn and Zorn, then go left. 
Here, go up the stairs and take the fallen plank to the right. Follow the 
path and jump across the balconies to the next room. Talk to the dying 
soldier to learn that a bell is hidden underneath a bed. Search behind it to 
take the bell, also look in the bookcase for an Ether. Then, go all the way 
back to the place where you met Thorn and Zorn and go right. Go through the 
building to where the castle gate was. Enter the castle gate using the bell. 
Go up the staircase. When you enter some Burmecian Soldier will think Vivi 
is one of the evil Black Mages. Freya will tell them that it's not, and 
tells them to flee. Go north and go left here to find Burmecian Soldier Kal 
and his wife. Zidane will save Kal and they will thank you and tell you to 
go to Lindblum later to see them. Exit the room and proceed north. Here, go 
to the left door and enter it. Freya will find a Mythril Spear here for her 
to use, so equip it. Exit the room and go to the right door to meet Atla the 
save moogle. You can pick up the Lightning Staff behind her and equip it on 
Vivi. Atla sells some good items and weapons, so buy them (Mogshop). Once 
you get the Lightning Staff the traveling moogle Stiltzkin will enter the 
room. Buy the supply pack from him and he'll continue on his journey. Exit 
the room and get ready! Equip the Lightning Staff on Vivi, the Mythril Spear 
on Freya, and what else you need. Then go north. Here the party will look 
above. Choose all choices and then Freya will jump to the top platform. 
Zidane and Vivi will slowly follow her and Quina even slower. Once Zidane 
gets up there, he and Freya will spy on Queen Brahne talking to Beatrix. 
Then, a mysterious man named Kuja enters and tells the queen that the 
fleeing rats have escaped to Cleyra, a treetop town protected by a 
sandstorm. Freya will then remember her talking to her lost love, Fratley. 
After this, a Burmecian soldier jumps up to the queen and tries to attack. 
Zidane and Freya jump down and protect the soldier, Vivi and Quina also 
come. Beatrix gets ready to fight you, making this the final fight of Disc 

HP: 2750
MP: 3467
LOCATION: Burmecia

This can be tough. Beatrix's attacks are very damaging. She will use Thunder 
Slash and Shock mostly. Shock will probably instantly kill a party member 
and Thunder Slash will lower a target's HP down high. If everyone's health 
is OK, have Freya jump, otherwise she needs to heal. Zidane should steal and 
attack and heal. Quina should also heal (although she might die, and you 
probably won't have time to revive her) Vivi should use magic all the time. 
Don't let Vivi die! If he dies, revive him ASAP.

An easier way to beat this is to equip Coral Rings on everyone. You can buy 
them in Lindblum, but if you entered Gizamaluke's Grotto, then you won't be 
able to return to the Synth Shop there. Coral Rings absorb Thunder, so 
Beatrix will be healing you with her attacks instead of beating your ass. 
Now the fight will be easier and you won't have to worry as much.

NOTE – I'm not sure if you can buy Coral Rings in the Lindblum shop. If you 
can't, then you can have Freya win the Festival of the Hunt for one Coral 

Beatrix will use Stock Break to reduce everyone's HP to 1, and escapes. Disc 
1 ends.


*Have at least 3 Stellazios

*Zidane's Level is 9 or above

*Freya has Reis's Wind or more Dragon Skills

*Vivi has Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Thundara or others

*Quina is in the party

*The party is equipped with the current best weapons/armor


First you will see the guards back at Grand Citadel talking to each other. 
After some Burmecia talk, the tall guard asks the short guard if Steiner 
looked suspicious. The short guard says no because he thinks people who eat 
pickles are nice people. The tall guard says that the short guard is weird. 
The scene will go to the cable car going to the Summit Station with Steiner 
and Dagger. Steiner looks at Dagger who is sleeping, then tells himself that 
the Queen Brahne would never start a war. The cable car finally reaches 
Summit Station and Steiner and Dagger get off. Steiner will lead Dagger to 
the watch area and they will see that they are almost at Alexandria. Dagger 
will tell Steiner that they will look for clues as they wait for the next 
cable car to arrive. Talk to the cable car enthusiast to learn more about 
the Berkmea Cable Cars (a Ragtime Mouse question). Then go right to the rest 
area and Steiner will go to the right and plan a route for the following 
journey. Explore and talk to everyone. Then go the guy behind the counter 
south of Steiner and you can buy some pretty nice stuff from him. Talk to 
Nazna the moogle to save and ask her for a Mognet letter. Once you're 
finished exploring, go talk to the guy behind the counter near the rest area 
entrance and the first cable car will leave, Dagger will hear a familiar 
voice. Look for a Phoenix Down in the chest and go left to the previous 
screen to see Marcus and Cinna! Cinna will brag about missing his ride and 
Marcus will tell him it's just because Cinna wanted to watch the scenery 
eating Bundt Cake. Marcus and Cinna go to the rest area. Follow them there 
to see Steiner trying to drive them off because he thinks they are up to 
something again. Talk to Marcus or Cinna, then to Steiner. You will learn 
that Marcus is heading to Treno, and the next cable car will arrive. Go to 
the first screen and enter the cable car. Cinna will see you off as the 
cable car moves away. Now talk to Marcus, who will tell you that he's 
heading to Treno to get the Supersoft, and item that will cure all kinds of 
petrification. He wants to get it so he can restore Blank. Dagger decides to 
help, then the cable car suddenly stops moving. The conductor gets out to 
see what's going on, and rushes back in because he sees a Black Mage! 
Steiner, Dagger, and Marcus exit the cable car to see Black Waltz #3 again, 
who is ****ed up this time. Marcus won't understand what's going on and 
Dagger tries to talk to the Waltz, but the Black Waltz only has one thing on 
it's mind: Getting the Princess. Now it's time to fight!

HP: 1431
MP: 344
LOCATION: Cable Car Railroad

This fight is pretty easy since you have Dagger with you. Dagger should heal 
one or everyone. Steiner and Marcus should attack. As long as Dagger keeps 
everyone's HP up, you should have absolutely no problem beating this crazy 
Black Mage. Also, remember to steal. You might get the cool Flame Staff, 
although it might take a while to steal it. The Black Waltz will never 
attack Dagger, so don't worry about her.

After the fight the party gets back to the cable car and it starts moving 
again. Dagger will talk to Marcus a little bit more and the cable car 
finally reaches Treno/Dali gate. Exit and go north, or you can go right and 
talk to Mary to buy items. Go north and head right and past the bridge (I 
wonder how regular people manage to not be so scared when crossing this 
bridge). Show the guard the gate pass and he'll let you through to the world 

One side-quest is finding all the Stellazios. Queen Stella in Treno will 
offer you prizes for each Stellazio you give her. And some of those prizes 
can't be found anywhere else. Here are the locations of each of the 13 

AQUARIUS: The chest in Ipsen's Castle's entry hall has this one.

ARIES: Check in the windmill's first floor in Frontier Village Dali.

CANCER: The spilled crate in the Burmecia Town contains it.

CAPRICORN: In the water path in Daguerreo Library.

GEMINI: Toss 130 Gil in the fountain in Treno.

LEO: West Tower in Alexandria. Where the Neptune Statue is.

LIBRA: Near the fountain in Madain Sari.

PISCES: In the treasure chest in Invincible.

SAGITTARIUS: In the Lindblum Business Center when Lindbulm is being rebuilt.

SCORPIO: Quan's House, in the bottom level lying on the ground.

TAURUS: Next to the Item Shop in Treno (right side).

VIRGO: Black Mage Inn.

OPIUCHOUS: Give the 12 above Stellazios to Queen Stella in Treno, then go 
get this one in Quan's Dwelling.




1. Ability Up: Characters learn abilities faster.
Rating: **

2. Absorb MP: Absorbs MP used by enemy.
Rating: *

3. Accuracy +: Raises physical attack accuracy.
Rating: *

4. Add Status: Adds weapon's status effect when you attack.
Rating: ***

5. Alert: Prevents Back Attacks.
Rating: **

6. Antibody: Prevents Poison and Venom
Rating: *

7. Auto-Float: Automatically cast Float in battle.
Rating: **

8. Auto-Haste: Automatically casts Haste in battle.
Rating: ***

9. Auto-Life: Automatically casts Life once dies.
Rating: ***

10. Auto-Potion: Uses Potion, or Hi-Potion, when attacked.
Rating: ****

11. Auto-Reflect: Auto Reflect in Battle.
Rating: **

12. Auto-Regen: Auto Regen in battle.
Rating: ****

13. Bandit: Raises Success Rate of Steal.
Rating: **

14. Beast Killer: Deals lethal damage to beasts.
Rating: **

15. Bird Killer:  Deals lethal damage to flying enemies.
Rating: ***

16. Body Temp: Prevents Freeze and Heat.
Rating: ***

17. Boost: Raises strength of Eidolons.
Rating: *

18. Bright Eyes: Prevents Darkness.
Rating: *

19. Bug Killer: Deals lethal damage to insects.
Rating: **

20. Chemist: Doubles the potency of medicinal items.
Rating: ****

21. Clear Headed: Prevents Confusion.
Rating: ***

22. Concentrate: Raises the strength of spells.
Rating: **

23. Counter: Counterattacks when physically attacked.
Rating: ****

24. Cover: You take damage in place of an ally.
Rating: *

25: Devil Killer: Deals lethal damage to demons.
Rating: **

26. Distract: Lowers enemy's physical attack accuracy.
Rating: *

27. Dragon Killer: Deals lethal damage to dragons.
Rating: **

28. Eye 4 Eye: Raises Counter activation rate.
Rating: ***

29. Flee-Gil: Receive Gil even when running from battle.
Rating: *

30. Gamble Defense: Raises Defense Occasionally.
Rating: **


31. Guardian Mog: Mog protects with unseen forces.
Rating: **

32. Half MP: Cuts MP Use by half in battle.
Rating: ****

33. Healer: Restores target's HP.
Rating: ***

34. High Jump: Jump higher to raise Jump attack power.
Rating: *

35. High Tide: Allows you to Trance faster.

Rating: **

36. HP +10%: Increases HP by 10%.
Rating: ****

37. HP +20%: Increases HP by 20%.
Rating: ****

38. Initiative: Raises chance of first strike.
Rating: **


39. Insomniac: Prevents sleep.
Rating: **

40. Jelly: Prevents Petrify and Gradual Petrify.
Rating: ***

41. Level Up: Character level up faster.
Rating: ****

42. Locomotion: Prevents Stop.
Rating: **

43. Long Reach: Back Row attacks like Front Row.
Rating: **

44. Loudmouth: Prevents Silence.
Rating: *

45. Magic Element Nullify: Nullifies magic element.
Rating: **

46. Man Eater: Deals lethal damage to humans.
Rating: **

47. Master Thief: Steal better items.
Rating: **

48. Millionaire: Receive more Gil after battle.
Rating: *

49. MP +10%: Increases MP by 10%.
Rating: ***

50. MP +20%: Increases MP by 20%.
Rating: ***

51. MP Attack: Uses own MP to raise Attack Power.
Rating: *

52. Mug: Damages enemy when you steal.
Rating: ***

53. Odin's Sword: Attacks with Eidolon Odin.
Rating: ***

54. Protect Girls: You take damage in place of a girl.
Rating: ** (It would be mean to give it a * =p)

55. Reflect x2: Doubles the strength of spells by using Reflect.
Rating: *

56. Reflect-Null: Nullifies Reflect and Attacks.
Rating: **

57. Restore HP: Restores HP automatically when near death.
Rating: ***

58. Return Magic: Returns magic used by enemy.
Rating: ***

59. Steal Gil: Steals Gil along with items.
Rating: *

60. Stone Killer: Deals lethal damage to stone enemies.
Rating: ***

61. Undead Killer: Deals lethal damage to undead enemies.
Rating: * (You can just use a Phoenix Down...)




Besides the main characters, some character will battle along with you. 
Other NPCs I'll put up later. Be careful of spoilers!


Where He Supports You:
Disc 1 - Alexandria (1), Evil Forest

He is just the same as Zidane. With same HP, attack, and all that. He and 
Zidane seem to be rivals... Blank gets petrified in the Evil Forest during 
the escape, but Marcus uses the Super Soft to heal the forest along with 


Where He Supports You:
Disc 1 – Alexandria (1)
Disc 2 – Air Cab Rest Stop, Treno (1), Gargan Roo

Marcus, like Blank, is also in the Tantalus band. One of the most important 
of them. Marcus, Baku, and the other Tantalus crew get stuck in the Evil 
Forest (geez.. Zidane forgets about them once he escapes) but get out. In 
Disc 2, Garnet and Steiner meet Marcus heading for Alexandria. He decides to 
tag along with them. He's pretty good, not as good as Blank though.


Where He Supports You:
Disc 1 – Alexandria (1)

A Tantalus crew member also. He also gets stuck in the Prima Vista once the 
Evil Forest gets petrified. In battle, CINNA TOTALLY SUCKS. Thank god he's 
only in 3 battles with you. The only good thing is that his stealing luck is 
higher than the other's.


Where She Supports You:
Disc 2 – Alexandria (2)
Disc 3 – Alexandria (4)

Beatrix is a general of Queen Brahne's who starts chasing you around killing 
you at the beginning of Disc 2 and end of Disc 1. After she defeats you her 
third time (with Climhazard), Zidane asks her what her sworn duty is. She 
says that it's to protect the Princess and finds out that all the killing 
you was wrong. Then you will be able to control her only a few times. The 
last time you'll be able to is in Disc 3 near the beginning. In battle 
Beatrix totally kicks ass. She has all the powerful spells she used on you 
in the previous battles (Thunder Slash, Shock, Climhazard, Stock Break) plus 
a bunch of White Magic including Life!

NOTE: If you want to keep Beatrix permanently in your party (she's worth 
it), read Elranzer's Beatrix FAQ, and if you have a Gameshark, then you'll 
be able to have Beatrix in your party!



Well, regular shops are scattered around the world, where you can buy 
weapons and armor. But there are also Synth Shops, where you get to make 
STRONGER weapons and armor. However, Synthesis Shops require 2 other items, 
and Gil, to make a certain weapon. For example:

THE OGRE (Best thing for Zidane in Disc 1)
Requires: 2 Mage Mashers
Gil: 700

If you have the requirements and Gil, visit the Synth Shop nearby and you'll 
be able to buy better equipment than in a regular shop. Here is a listing of 
the equipment that can be found in Synthesis Shops:

NOTE – Some equipment will be available later. For example, Exploda will be 
available to buy in Disc 2, and Butterfly Sword and The Ogre in Disc 1.

CREATE             ITEMS NEEDED                 GIL NEEDED

Butterfly Sword    Dagger, Mage Masher          300

The Ogre           Mage Masher, Mage Masher     700

Exploda            Mage Masher, Mythril Dagger  1000

Rune Tooth         Mythril Dagger x2            2000

Angel Bless        Mage Masher, Mage Masher     9000

Sargatanas         Gladius, Zorlin Shape        12000

Cotton Robe        Wrist, Steepled Hat          1000

Silk Robe          Silk Shirt, Bandana          2000

Magician Robe      Mage Staff, Magician Cloak   3000

Glutton's Robe     Mythril Fork, Cotton Robe    6000

White Robe         Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet       8000

Black Robe         Gaia Gear, N-Kai Armlet      8000

Desert Boots       Leather Hat, Leather Shirt   300

Yellow Scarf       Feather Hat, Steepled Hat    400

Glass Buckle       Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist  500

Germinas Boots     Desert Boots, Fork           900

Cachusha           Magus Hat, Rubber Helm       1000

Coral Ring         Lightning Staff, Rod         1200

Gold Choker        Linen Cuirass, Soft          1300

Magician Shoes     Germinas Boots, Bone Wrist   1500

Barette            Needle Fork, Barbut          1800

Power Belt         Glass Buckle, Chain Mail     2000

Madain's Ring      Bone Wrist, Stardust Rod     3000

Fairy Earrings     Magic Armlet, Soft           3200

Extension          Lamia's Tiara,Multina Racket 3500

Extension          Lamia's Tiara,Multina Racket 3500

Reflect Ring       Anklet, Madain's Ring        7000

Anklet             Gold Choker, Peridot         4000

Feather Boots      Magician Shoes,PhoenixPinion 4000

Black Belt         Twist Headband,Survival Vest 4000

Pearl Rouge        Moonstone, Elixir            5000

Promist Ring       Chimera Armlet, Ruby         6000

Battle Boots       Feather Boots, Wing Edge     6500

Rebirth Ring       Diamond, Anklet              7000

Angel Earrings     Fairy Earrings, Barette      8000

Garnet             Ore, Remedy                  350

Amethyst           Ore, Annoyntment             200

Peridot            Ore, Soft                    100

Sapphire           Ore, Antidote                200

Opal               Ore, Potion                  100

Topaz              Ore, Eyedrops                100

Ruby               Ore, Echo Screen             100

Thief Gloves       Mythril Armlet, Sargatanas   50000

Robe Of Lords      White Robe, Black Robe       30000

Tin Armor          Hammer, Ore                  50000

Protect Ring       Dark Matter, Rebirth Ring    40000

Pumice             Pumice Piece, Pumice Piece   50000

Lapis Lazuli       Ore, Dead Pepper             400

Pumice Piece       Hammer, Pumice               25000

Save The Queen     Javelin, Silver Gloves       50000

Phoenix Pinion     Phoenix Down, Gysahl Greens  300

Ether              Echo Screen, Vaccine         500


IX. CHOCOBOS: This section will be put up next update






ITEM                   ABILITIES

Dagger                 Flee

Mage Masher            Detect, Flee

Mythril Dagger         Bandit

Gladius                Annoy, Lucky Seven

Zorlin Shape           Flee

Orichalcon             Detect

Butterfly Sword        What's That?!, Protect Girls

The Ogre               Soul Blade

Exploda                Sacrifice, Lucky Seven

Rune Tooth             Lucky Seven

Angel Bless            Thievery

Sargatanas             Annoy

Masamune               Sacrifice

The Tower              Lucky Seven, Thievery

Ultima Weapon          Flee


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Broadsword             Beast Killer

Iron Sword             Minus Strike

Mythril Sword          Armor Break

Blood Sword            Darkside

Ice Brand              Mental Break

Coral Sword            Charge

Coral Sword            Charge

Diamond Sword          Power Break

Flame Saber            Magic Break

Rune Blade             Iai Strike

Defender               Thunder Slash

Save The Queen         None

Ultima Sword           Stock Break

Excalibur              Climhazard

Ragnarok               Shock, Thunder Slash

Excalibur II           Minus Strike, Climhazard, Stock Break


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Mage Staff             Fire

Flame Staff            Fira, Sleep

Ice Staff              Blizzara, Slow

Lightning Staff        Thundara, Poison

Oak Staff              Stop, Bio, Drain

Cypress Pile           Demi, Break, Comet

Octagon Rod            Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga

High Mage Staff        Meteor, Osmose

Mace of Zeus           Doomsday


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Rod                    Cure, Panacea, Protect

Mythril Rod            Life, Silence, Shell

Stardust Rod           Ability Up, Reflect, Float

Healing Rod            Healer, Cura, Life

Ashara's Rod           Mini, Confuse, Silence

Wizard Rod             Curaga, Protect, Shell

Air Racket             Scan, Panacea

Multina Racket         Blind, Stona, Shell

Magic Racket           Berserk, Mini, Cure

Mythril Racket         Reflect, Shell, Protect

Priest's Racket        Silence, Might

Tiger Racket           Dispel

Whale Whisker          Curaga, Life


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Rod                    Cure, Panacea, Protect

Mythril Rod            Life, Silence, Shell

Stardust Rod           Ability Up, Reflect, Float

Healing Rod            Healer, Cura, Life

Ashara's Rod           Mini, Confuse, Silence

Wizard Rod             Curaga, Protect, Shell

Air Racket             Scan, Panacea

Multina Racket         Blind, Stona, Shell

Magic Racket           Berserk, Mini, Cure

Mythril Racket         Reflect, Shell, Protect

Priest's Racket        Silence, Might

Tiger Racket           Dispel

Whale Whisker          Curaga, Life

Golem's Flute          Auto-Regen, Cura, Life

Lamia's Flute          Float, Stona, Silence

Fairy Flute            Esuna, Haste, Regen

Hamelin                Curaga, Might, Jewel

Siren's Flute          Full Life, Esuna, Dispel

Angel Flute            Holy, Curaga, Esuna


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Javelin                Dragon Killer

Mythril Spear          Reis's Wind

Partisan               Lancer, High Tide

Ice Lance              White Draw

Trident                Luna

Heavy Lance            Six Dragons

Obelisk                Cherry Blossom, Initiative

Holy Lance             Dragon's Crest, Reis's Wind

Kain's Lance           Dragon's Crest, Cherry Blossom, White Draw

Dragon's Hair          Dragon's Breath


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Fork                   High Tide

Needle Fork            High Tide

Mythril Fork           High Tide

Silver Fork            High Tide

Bistro Fork            High Tide

Gastro Fork            High Tide


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Cat's Claws            Chakra, Counter

Poison Knuckles        Spare Change, Counter

Mythril Claws          Curse, Counter

Scissor Fang           Aura, Counter

Dragon's Claw          No Mercy, Counter

Tiger Fangs            Revive, Counter

Avenger                Demi Shock, Counter

Kaiser Knuckles        Countdown, Curse, Counter

Duel Claws             Aura, No Mercy, Counter

Rune Claws             Spare Change, Demi Shock, Revive


ARMLET                 ABILITIES

Wrist                  Flee-Gil

Leather Wrist          Beast Killer, Blizzard

Glass Armlet           Steal Gil, Antibody

Bone Wrist             Add Status

Mythril Armlet         Bug Killer

Magic Armlet           Clear Headed, Silence

Chimera Armlet         Mug, Add Status

Egoist's Armlet        Beast Killer, Level Up

N-Kai Armlet           Bandit, Undead Killer, Water

Jade Armlet            Body Temp, High Tide

Thief Gloves           Master Thief

Dragon Wrist           Jelly, Lancer

Power Wrist            Accuracy +

Bracer                 Add Status, Power Throw


GLOVE                  ABILITY

Bronze Gloves          Antibody

Silver Gloves          Undead Killer

Mythril Gloves         Man Eater, Bug Killer

Thunder Gloves         Devil Killer, Add Status

Diamond Gloves         Ability Up, Jelly

Venetia Shield         Auto-Float, Counter

Defense Gloves         HP +20%

Genji Gloves           High Tide

Aegis Gloves           Charge

Gauntlets              Cover




Leather Shirt          Protect Girls

Silk Shirt             Cure, Thunder

Leather Plate          Chakra

Bronze Vest            Jelly

Chain Plate            Devil Killer

Mythril Vest           Auto-Potion

Adaman Vest            Stone Killer, Bird Killer

Magician Cloak         Insomniac, MP +10%

Survival Vest          Locomotion, Antibody, Mug

Brigandine             Ability Up, Return Magic

Judo Uniform           Distract, HP +10%

Power Vest             Stone Killer, Gamble Defense, Counter

Gaia Gear              Insomniac, High Tide, Osmose

Demon's Vest           Devil Killer, Auto-Potion, Locomotion

Minerva's Plate        Restore HP, High Tide

Ninja Gear             Alert, Eye 4 Eye, Locomotion

Dark Gear              Clear Headed, Jelly

Rubber Suit            Eye 4 Eye, Esuna

Brave Suit             Restore HP, Auto-Regen

Cotton Robe            Chemist, Shell

Silk Robe              Ability Up, Loudmouth

Magician Robe          Auto-Potion, MP +10%

Glutton's Robe         Antibody, Body Temp, Auto-Regen

White Robe             Loudmouth, Auto-Potion, Holy

Black Robe             MP +20%, Flare, Reflect 2

Light Robe             Half MP, Auto-Regen, Full Life

Robe of Lords          Reflect Null, Concentrate



Bronze Armor           Bird Killer

Linen Cuirass          Cover

Chain Mail             HP +10%, Bird Killer

Mythril Armor          Jelly, Cover

Plate Mail             Locomotion, Undead Killer

Gold Armor             Stone Killer

Shield Armor           Distract

Demon's Mail           High Tide

Diamond Armor          Ability Up

Platina Armor          Beast Killer

Carabini Mail          Auto-Regen

Dragon Mail            High Jump

Genji Armor            Body Temp, Accuracy +

Maximillian            HP +20%

Grand Armor            Chemist, Restore HP

Tin Armor              None


HAT                    ABILITIES

Leather Hat            Fire

Straw Hat              None

Feather Hat            Bright Eyes, Add Status

Steepled Hat           Protect

Headgear               Undead Killer

Magus Hat              Slow

Bandana                Man Eater, Insomniac

Mage's Hat             Loudmouth, Fira

Lamia's Tiara          Clear Headed, Confuse, Float

Ritual Hat             Counter, Bright Eyes, Undead Killer

Twist Headband         Gamble Defense, Add Status

Mantra Band            HP +20%, Antibody

Dark Hat               High Tide, Jelly

Green Beret            Ability Up, Clear Headed

Black Hood             Accuracy +, Locomotion, Death

Red Cap                MP Attack, Cover

Golden Hairpin         Auto-Regen, Loudmouth

Coronet                Man Eater, Return Magic

Flash Hat              Eye 4 Eye, Beast Killer

Adaman Hat             HP +20%, Gamble Defense

Thief Hat              Long Reach, Lucky Seven, Mug

Holy Miter             Insomniac, Body Temp

Golden Skullcap        Power Up, Locomotion

Circlet                Jelly, Clear Headed


HELM                   ABILITIES

Bronze Helmet          Bug Killer

Rubber Helm            Minus Strike

Iron Helm              Bright Eyes, Level Up

Barbut                 Alert, Dragon Killer

Mythril Helm           Insomniac, Antibody

Gold Helm              Mental Break, Reis's Wind, Clear Headed

Cross Helm             MP Attack, Devil Killer

Diamond Helm           Accuracy +, Insomniac

Platina Helm           Restore HP, Stone Killer

Kaiser Helm            Eye 4 Eye

Genji Helm             HP +20%

Grand Helm             High Tide


SHOES                  ABILITIES

Desert Boots           Flee-Gil, Protect, Scan


Magician Shoes         MP +10%, Clear Headed, Blind

Germinas Boots         Alert, HP +10%, Flee

Feather Boots          Auto-Float, Float, Mini

Battle Boots           MP Attack, Initiative, HP +20%

Running Shoes          Auto-Haste, Auto-Potion, Haste


ITEM                   ABILITIES

Garnet                 Bahamut, Healer

Opal                   Shiva, Blizzara

Peridot                Ramuh, Thundara

Sapphire               Fenrir, High Tide

Amethyst               Atomos, Demi

Moonstone              Shell, Beast Killer

Emerald                Haste, MP +10%, White Draw

Topaz                  Ifrit, Fira

Aquamarine             Leviathan, HP +10%

Diamond                Body Temp, Distract

Ruby                   Carbuncle, Reflect

Lapis Lazuli           Ability Up, Accuracy +

Phoenix Pinion         Phoenix


BELT                   ABILITIES

Anklet                 Locomotion, Healer, Counter

Power Belt             MP Attack, Counter, Fira

Black Belt             HP +20%, Beast Killer, Demi

Glass Buckle           Antibody, Add Status, Thunder


RING                   ABILITIES

Coral Ring             Insomniac, Man Eater, Lancer

Promist Ring           Restore HP, Absorb MP, Magic Elem Null

Rebirth Ring           Auto-Life, Life, Revive

Madain's Ring          Body Temp, Chemist, Guardian Mog

Reflect Ring           Auto-Reflect, Distract, Reflect

Rosetta Ring           Level Up, Concentrate, Reflect x2

Protect Ring           Half MP, Magic Elem Null, Long Reach


OTHER                  ABILITIES

Gold Choker            Auto-Potion, Flee-Gil, Shell

Yellow Scarf           Bird Killer, Millionaire, Steal Gil

Fairy Earrings         Level Up, Body Temp, Regen

Angel Earrings         Auto-Regen, MP +20%, Reis's Wind

Pearl Rouge            Level Up, Reflect Null, Loudmouth

Pearl Armlet           None

Cachusha               Bright Eyes, Ability Up, Life

Barette                Chemist, Gamble Defense, Cura

Extension              Auto-Potion, MP +10%, Level Up

Ribbon                 Madeen, Guardian Mog, Ability Up

Pumice Piece           Boost

Pumice                 Ark

Dark Matter            Odin

Maiden Prayer          Auto-Regen

Ancient Aroma          Odin's Sword


XII. OTHER STUFF: Right now I can't find sub-quests that are very important. 
Once I do, I'll post that quest here.


Ruby Appearance: In the beginning, when Baku asks you who to kidnap, you get 
two choices:

1. That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right?
2. That's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right?

Say "That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right?" three times to make Baku get 
a little mad. Say it about 70 more times and Ruby will go into the room and 
tell Zidane he's as stubborn as a mule. It doesn't really do anything 
special, but it's something a lot of people won't find. I'm not joking!!!

The Tent: Did you know you can use Tents in battle? That's right. Tent can 
heal you outside of battle at a save point or world map, and SOMETIMES heal 
you in battle. Now there's always a 50% chance it won't heal you in battle. 
Instead, a snake rises out and bites your whole party causing Silence, 
Darkness, and Poison. It's too risky to use it in battle, but there's 
another quick strategy: When fighting a boss that's not that hard, 
immediately use a Tent in the beginning of the battle on that boss. If it 
heals that boss, that's no problem since he's already at full HP. The tent 
can also snake-bite that boss. If that boss is vulnerable to Poison, 
Darkness, and/or Silence, then you will easily be able to beat that boss. 
Just don't use it on hard bosses.

When you finish the game and after the credits it shows 'THE END', press 
these buttons in order:

R2, L1, R2, R2, Up, X, Right, Circle, Down, Triangle, L2, R1, R2, L1, 
Square, and Square.

And you will get to play Blackjack.

Moogle Locations: Here is list of moogles in order of the places they are, 
including their places and what they have to offer, plus Mognet mail.

Location: Alexandria Steeple
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Mail to Monty, Mail from Kuppo

Location: Alexandria Castle, later in Alexandria Chapel
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: ?

Location: Evil Forest Crash Site
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Zidane/Letter from Ruby

Location: Evil Forest/Spring, later in Pinnacle Rocks
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Mail from Kupo

Location: Ice Cavern/Crystal
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Mail to Gumo

Location: Dali/Inn
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Mail from Mois

Location: Dali Storage
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Mail to Mogki

Location: Lindblum/Inn
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: -Zidane/Letter from Ruby
        -Mail from Serino
        -Mail from Mogki
        -Mail to Moonte

Location: Lindblum/Guest Room
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: -Letter from Kumop
        -Letter to Moodon
        -Letter to Atla

Location: Lindblum/Dragon's Gate
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Moodon

Location: Gizamaluke's Grotto
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: From Moodon

Location: Bohden Station
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter to Nazna

Location: Burmecia Room
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop
Mognet: Letter to Monev, Letter from Mogki

Location: Summit Station
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Grimo, Letter to Mochos

Location: Treno, near Weapon Store
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Stiltzkin

Location: Cleyra Trunk
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Atla

Location: Cleyra
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: -Zidane/Letter from Ruby
       -Letter to Serino
       -Letter from Monev

Location: Red Rose Airship
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Mopli, Letter to Moodon

Location: Fossil Roo
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop
Mognet: Letter to Kupo

Location: Conde Petie
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter To Suzuna

Location: Black Mage Village
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mgnet
Mognet: Letter to Mocchi

Location: Conde Petie Mountain Pass
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Mogmatt

Location: Iifa Tree
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Mogryo

Location: Oeilvert, Entrance
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop
Mognet: Letter to Mooel

Location: Oeilvert, Star Display
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter from Mimoza

Location: Desert Palace
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: ?

Location: Desert Palace
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: ?

Location: Esto Gaza
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter From Artemicion, Letter to Moolan

Location: Mt. Gulug
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop
Mognet: Letter from Moolan

Location: Mt. Gulug
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter to Mogtaka, Letter from Mogrika

Location: Ipsen's Castle
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop
Mognet: Letter to Mois, Letter from Atla, Letter from Mogki

Location: Bran Bal, later in Pandemonium
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Mogshop
Mognet: Letter To Mozme

Location: Pandemonium
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet, Switch Party Members
Mognet: Letter from Moorock

Location: Daguerreo
Stuff: Save, Tent, Mognet
Mognet: Letter to Kupo

Location: World Map, anywhere
Stuff: Save, Tent
Mognet: None

More Non-save Moogle locations to come...




Class: Regular Monster
Level: 58
HP: 13000
MP: 2500
Type: Bug/Flying
Blue Magic Learn: Twister
EXP: 32073
Gil: 2604
Steal: Vaccine, Garnet, Phoenix Pinion x2
Drop: Vaccine, Garnet
Card: Abodon
Location: Pandemonium

STR: 22
ATK: 75
DEF: 10
EVD: 6


Blade – Physical, one target
Thundaga – Magic, one target
High Wind – One target
Virus Fly – All, causes Virus

Comments: I don't think you can fight them again once you leave Pandemonium. 
These guys can be annoying, but they will only attack as one. (Abodon is a 
boss's name in FFVIII too!)

Class: Regular Monster
Level: 15
HP: 879
MP: 482
Type: -
Blue Magic Learn: Night
EXP: 913
Gil: 388
Steal: Ore, Hi-Potion, Ether
Drop: Annoyntment, Phoenix Down
Card: Ironite
Location: Fossil Roo

STR: 11
MGC: 11
ATK: 24
DEF: 8
EVD: 3


Silent Slap – One target, physical, causes Silence.
Fira – One target/All. Magic. Fire damage.
Sleep – One target, causes Sleep.

Comments: They will attack in pairs or threes. Make sure you have something 
to protect Vivi form their Silent Slap.

Class: Regular Monster
Level: 31
HP: 3587
MP: 1043
Type: -
Blue Magic Learn: Earth Shake
EXP: 5096
Gil: 4433
Steal: Tent, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion
Drop: Echo Screen, Ether, Potion, Hi-Potion
Card: Gargant
Location: Beaches on Forgotten Continent

Spd: 25
Str: 15
Mgc: 15
Sprt: 25
Atk: 43
Def: 17
Evd: 4
Mgc Def: 8
Mgc Evd: 5

Strength: Water
Weakness: Thunder

Thundara – Magic, Thunder one/all target(s)
Heave – One target physical
Earth Shake – Earth damage all
Limit Glove – Only occurs when Adamontoise's HP is 1. Kills target.

Comments: Just watch out for their Limit Glove, which is pretty rare. Fight 
them for a pretty rare Gargant Card.

Class: Regular Monster
Level: 43
HP: 6775
MP: 1596
Type: Demon
Blue Magic Learn: -
Exp: 14279
Gil: 1945
Steal: Ore, Tent, Soft
Drop: Amethyst, Phoenix Down, Ether
Card: Ragtime Mouse
Location: Ipsen's Castle

Spd: 28
Str: 18
Mgc: 18
Sprt: 31
Atk: 57
Def: 7
Evd: 5
Mgc Def: 21
Mgc Evd: 6

Strength: None
Weakness: None

Rise – Awakens Gargoyle, usually uses when weak
Bio – One target, causes poison
Blizzara – One/all targets, Ice magic
Thundara – One/all targets, Thunder Magic
Fira – One/all targets, Fire magic
Osmose – One target, drains MP
Freeze – Freezes one target
Paper Storm – All targets, Physical attack

Comments: Agares always comes with a frozen Gargoyle. Attacking the Gargoyle 
does just a little damage, so attack Agares. When Agares is weaker he will 
cast Rise on the Gargoyle, which lowers the Gargoyle's defense greatly so 
you can attack.

Class: Regular Monster
Level: 42
HP: 6578
MP: 1568
Type: Demon/Flying
Blue Magic Learn: LV4 Holy
Exp: None
Gil: None
Steal: Ether, Hi-Potion, Antidote, Phoenix Pinion
Drop: None
Card: None
Location: ?

Spd: 27
Str: 18
Mgc: 18
Sprt: 30
Atk: 56
Def: 10
Evd: 5
Mgc Def: 10
Mgc Evd: 6

Strength: Earth
Weakness: Wind

Horn – One target, physical
LV4 Holy – All targets, Holy damage
Bio – Poison damage, one target
Thundara – One/all target(s) Thunder damage

Comments: Never seen these guys... E-mail me and tell me the location for 

Class: Regular Monster
Level: 31
HP: 3586
MP: 1045
Type: -
Blue Magic Learn: Bad Breath
EXP: 5080
Gil: 1137
Steal: Tent, Ore
Drop: Ether, Hi-Potion, Eyedrops
Card: Dragonfly
Location: Beaches

Spd: 25
Str: 15
Mgc: 15
Atk: 43
Def: 10
Evd:  4
M Df:10
M Ev: 5

Strength: Water
Weakness: Thunder

Mucus – One target, adds Berserk status
Blizzara – One/all targets, Ice magic
Water – One/all targets, water magic

Class: Boss, Cleyra Settlement
Level: 16
HP: 3650
MP: 3950
Type: -
Blue Magic Learn: -
Exp: 0
Gil: 1616
Steal: Mythril Vest, Gold Helm, Annoyntment
Drop: Ether x3, Annoyntment
Card: Sahagin
Location: Cleyra

Spd: 22
Str: 11
Mgc: 11
Sprt: 17
Atk: 25
Def: 10
Evd: 3
M Def: 10
M Evd: 4

Strength: Water
Weakness: Ice

Fire – One/all targets, Fire magic
Counter Horn – One target, physical damage
Trouble Mucus – One target, causes trouble
Sandstorm – All targets, adds Darkness status

Class: Sub-Boss
Level: 13
HP: 818
MP: 4598
Type: -
Blue Magic Learn: -
Exp: 809
Gil: 474
Steal: HiPotion, Ore, Ether
Drop: None
Card: None
Location: Fossil Roo

Spd: 21
Str: 11
Mgc: 11
Sprt: 16
Atk: 22
Def: 15
Evd: 3
M Def: 8
M Evd: 4

Strength: Shadow
Weakness: Thunder, Holy

LV 5 Death – All targets, kills anyone on a level multiple of 5
Death – One target, kills target
Thundara – One/all targets, Thunder damage
Spear – One target, physical

More Bestiary monsters to come! (I'm a slow ass)



Here are the guides for bosses in the game. The listings aren't exact, so 
don't e-mail me telling me to fix something.

HP: 994
MP: 999
LOCATION: Evil Forest

The fight really isn't that hard. Have Steiner do Sword Magic Fire (powered 
by Vivi) and Zidane try to steal until he does. Vivi should use Fire and 
cure the party with potions. Steiner MUST be alive, if he dies, then quickly 
revive him ASAP. If Vivi doesn't have time to heal, have Zidane do it. 
Steiner should always attack. When you take about 500HP from the boss Blank 
will come and help you. Have him also act like a healer or steal. If the 
Plant Brain uses Pollen, then use Eyedrops on Zidane or Blank (not both, 
that will be wasting time). Vivi's magic doesn't miss. Steiner doesn't miss 
either with his sword.

HP: Sealion – 472. Black Waltz #1 – 250
MP: Sealion – 9999. Black Waltz #1 – 9999
LEVELS: Sealion - ?. Black Waltz - 2
WEAKNESS: Sealion – Fire. Black Waltz – Fire, Ice
STRENGTH: Sealion – Earth, Water, Ice. Black Waltz – None
LOCATION: Ice Cavern

Since you're using only Zidane, and going against two bosses at the same 
time, the fight can be based on luck. Just attack the Black Waltz 
continuously and cure yourself with a Potion when your HP goes below 100. 
Watch out for the Sealion's Tsunami, it will hurt you for about 90HP. You 
should be able to kill Black Waltz in 4 or 5 hits. If you go into Trance, 
use one Dyne to finish off Black Waltz, and the other Dynes on Sealion. 
Don't try killing Sealion first, because the Black Waltz can cure it.

HP: 1040
MP: 9999

This is a tough fight so be ready. Dagger should cure most of the time 
(press L1 to cast the cure on all members) and when she's available and your 
characters are at good health, just wait till the other characters' ATB 
Gauges get up and press Triangle. You don't want to waste a turn attacking 
with Dagger for measly damage, do you? Don't use Vivi's magic, because the 
Black Waltz will counter with more powerful magic on your characters.

HP: 1200
MP: 9999
LOCATION: Cargo Ship

This can be tough since you don't have Dagger. Vivi starts out in Trance, so 
use Fire or Blizzard for his Double Black command. The Waltz will cast 
Thundara when it floats, so be ready to use healing. Like always, Steiner 
should use his Sword Magic and Zidane should steal and heal. If Steiner gets 
knocked out, wait till both Vivi's and Zidane's ATB Gauge is full, have one 
of them use Phoenix Down, and the other use Potion on Steiner. Make sure to 
do this AFTER Vivi's Trance runs out. Do the same if anyone else gets 
knocked out, but you shouldn't really waste time reviving Vivi if he gets 
KO'ed because he's not really great against the Waltz as the others.

HP: 2318
MP: 502
WEAKNESS: Thunder, Wind
STRENGTH: Water, Earth
LOCATION: Gizamaluke's Grotto

Well, I thought that Gizamaluke would be some old man that owns the grotto 
(since they call him Master Gizamaluke) but whoa, a monster... The fight is 
pretty hard, because some of Gizamaluke's attacks will wipe out a party 
member instantly. Make sure you got Quina equipped and have her attack. 
Freya should jump so Gizamaluke wouldn't be able to attack her, Vivi should 
Fire Gizamaluke, and Zidane should cure or attack. Gizamaluke's attacks will 
do a lot of damage but he doesn't have ones that are very damaging. If you 
gained levels before setting foot into the grotto, and have Zidane equipped 
with The Ogre, then Gizamaluke shouldn't pose much of a threat.

HP: 2750
MP: 3467
LOCATION: Burmecia

This can be tough. Beatrix's attacks are very damaging. She will use Thunder 
Slash and Shock mostly. Shock will probably instantly kill a party member 
and Thunder Slash will lower a target's HP down high. If everyone's health 
is OK, have Freya jump, otherwise she needs to heal. Zidane should steal and 
attack and heal. Quina should also heal (although she might die, and you 
probably won't have time to revive her) Vivi should use magic all the time. 
Don't let Vivi die! If he dies, revive him ASAP.

An easier way to beat this is to equip Coral Rings on everyone. You can buy 
them in Lindblum, but if you entered Gizamaluke's Grotto, then you won't be 
able to return to the Synth Shop there. Coral Rings absorb Thunder, so 
Beatrix will be healing you with her attacks instead of beating your ass. 
Now the fight will be easier and you won't have to worry as much.

NOTE – I'm not sure if you can buy Coral Rings in the Lindblum shop. If you 
can't, then you can have Freya win the Festival of the Hunt for one Coral 

Beatrix will use Stock Break to reduce everyone's HP to 1, and escapes. Disc 
1 ends.

HP: 1431
MP: 344
LOCATION: Cable Car Railroad

This fight is pretty easy since you have Dagger with you. Dagger should heal 
one or everyone. Steiner and Marcus should attack. As long as Dagger keeps 
everyone's HP up, you should have absolutely no problem beating this crazy 
Black Mage. Also, remember to steal. You might get the cool Flame Staff, 
although it might take a while to steal it. The Black Waltz will never 
attack Dagger, so don't worry about her.

HP: 2500
MP: 3649
LOCATION: Gargan Roo, Gargant's Path

Another easy fight. Just do the same as you did on Black Waltz. You should 
be able to beat the snake easily. If you have the Antibody support ability 
equipped, you've just made the battle even easier, but there's nothing 
really to worry about when you're poisoned.

HP: 3650
MP: 3950

The boss may seem pretty easy at first as it won't do much damage, but be 
prepared. Freya should ALWAYS Jump, this way, she will be able to avoid 
Antlion's attacks. The Sandstorm Antlion uses creates a world of hurt on 
your party, PLUS Darkness. When Freya comes back from her sky cruise, have 
her heal everybody. Then use Eyedrops. You may have to keep starting over 
this fight since it's very hard. Quina should do a lot of damage so have her 
attack. Vivi should Focus first, then use his magic (use Blizzard or 
Blizzara). Make sure to have some Annoyntments, because Antlion causes 
Trouble status. Also, don't physically attack too much, because the Antlion 
can counter.

HP: 4200
MP: 3964

Remember to have Coral Rings equipped! Beatrix is back, and she will use the 
same attacks she did before. This time, they will do way more damage. Do the 
same thing you did before. Vivi should use magic, Quina should attack, Freya 
should Jump, and Zidane should heal. If Zidane is stronger than Quina, then 
Quina should heal and Zidane should attack. Remember to keep all your 
characters alive because this will be tougher than before. Beatrix will 
finish you off with Stock Break as she did before.

Boss: ZORN and THORN
HP: Thorn 2500, Zorn 4500
MP: ???
LOCATION: Alexandria Castle

A pretty easy fight that should be beaten quickly. Kill Thorn, since he has 
a way 2000 HP off Zorn. Thorn will power up Zorn, who will then use Flare, 
and after that Zorn will power up Thorn, who will then use Meteor. Since you 
only need to kill one of the clowns, go for Thorn.

HP: 5700
MP: 4500
LOCATION: Alexandria Castle

AGAIN?! Well, she doesn't have her music on this time. If you equipped the 
Ice Brand on Steiner, you can do over 700 damage to her with it. Even more 
with Steiner's Sword Magic. This shouldn't be too hard since you're now 
experienced fighting Beatrix. You should watch out for her Shock yet again 
and keep a Coral Ring on Steiner (he's probably the most important). Freya 
should jump as always and Vivi and Zidane should heal or use their attacks. 
Beatrix will use Climhazard this time to set your HP to 1.

HP: 3400
MP: 584
LOCATION: Gargan Roo, Gargant Path

Once again this is easy. Keep Dagger healing and Vivi and Zidane doing 
damage. Once you do about 1500 damage the snake will start coiling up. Don't 
attack it when it's coiled, and when it uncoils use Zidane to attack it 
(since he does the most damage). After Zidane attacks, Ralvuimago will coil 
up again. Just wait till it uncoils and attack again. Repeat this until 
Ralvuimago dies. Since Ralvuimago can't do anything when it's coiled, then 
you should be able to beat this ridiculously easy battle without any special 
strategies or help.

Boss: LANI
HP: 5456
MP: 4800
LOCATION: Fossil Roo

A pretty quick fight which doesn't involve too much strategy. Lani will only 
attack Dagger, so have Dagger heal herself and everyone else should attack. 
Later on Lani will harm everyone, this can be cured easily by Dagger. Also 
be sure to have the Man Eater support ability on someone for added damage. 
You'll be able to beat this fight like that, and I doubt that you will need 

HP: 8787
MP: 908
LOCATION: Conde Petie Mountain Pass

Keep Man Eater equipped, because this guy IS human. The giant has tons of 
HP, but should go down. He can be hard at times, and he will also cast 
Curaga on himself. With Eiko and Dagger, being the two healers, you should 
have no problem keeping your defense up. Eiko can cast Cura, so have her act 
as the healer, and when she's unavailable, get Dagger to do it. Be careful 
of Hilgigars's Knockdown move, because it will hurt. If you have some Earth 
resistances, now's the time to equip them.

HP: 9700
MP: 850
WEAKNESS: Fire, Holy
DIFFICULTY: 8.0/10, or 0.5/10

Normal Way: This is a tough fight. Make sure to do some level gaining and 
make sure your level is NOT on a multiple of 5. Soulcage has a LV5 Death 
attack, which he does on all of your party. This will not work if your level 
is on a multiple of 5. If someone's level is on a multiple of 5, they will 
die. This makes the boss tough. Watch out for Mustard Bomb, because it will 
burn you. If you have Body Temp equipped, you will be immune to it. Leaf 
Swirl and Fira should be healed by Eiko's Cura. Make sure Dagger heals too 
and Vivi uses Fira.

How To Beat The Boss Damn Straight Easy: Don't read the strategy above. Use 
3 Phoenix Downs on Soulcage and it dies.

HP: 9000
MP: 6000
LOCATION: Madain Sari

Since you only have Zidane for this fight, keep up your HP with Hi-Potion. 
Chemist will also come in handy. If you have Counterattack, equip it. This 
is extremely useful in this fight. Don't forget to equip the Exploda 
Morrison gave to you. If you didn't have it equipped, then equip it now. 
It's the best weapon for Zidane up to this point. When Amarant (Scarlet 
Hair) bounces around, don't attack. When he gets back to his main position, 
then attack. If you have Eye 4 Eye also, equip it and Counterattack will 
activate more often. If you go into Trance, then you probably will win.

Boss: ARK
HP: 20002
MP: ?
LOCATION: Oeilvert

Whoo. This is tough. I wonder how an airship like this could fit in such a 
small room. Ark can definitely beat your ass. His Propeller Wind attack will 
do lots of damage to all your characters, plus confuse them. If you have 
Clear Headed, equip it. Clear Headed prevents confusion, making the battle 
much easier. If your characters do get confused, just attack them weakly. 
The cannon attack he has reduces someone's HP to 1, so get ready for Cura. 
Twister can be very dangerous also. The one problem that I hate about this 
fight is that Dagger can't concentrate, and she usually won't %^&$% 
heal!!! Get your Elixirs ready then.





$Tip From Wiseone$
Add-ons can be found or made in Synth Shops. Some of these sell for more Gil 
than they cost. You can easily get free money like this.

Desert Boots
Cost: 300
Sell: 750
Stat Bonuses: Magic +1, Evade +2, Spirit +1
Description: Boots with good traction. Elem-Def: Earth damage reduced by 
Abilities: Flee Gil, Protect, Scan

Magician Shoes
Buy: 1500
Sell: 3750
Stat Bonuses: Magic +2, Magic Evd +6
Description: Shoes packed with magic.
Abilities: MP +10%, Blind, Clear Headed

Germinas Boots
Buy: 900
Sell: 2000
Stat Bonuses: Strength +1, Magic Evd +6
Description: Boots that raise strength. Raises Earth Elem-Atk.
Abilities: Alert, HP +10%, Flee

Feather Boots
Buy: 4000
Sell: 3000
Stat Bonuses: Evade +3
Description: Boots that are as light as a feather. Absorbs Earth Elem-Atk.
Abilities: MP Attack, Initiative, HP +20%

Battle Boots
Buy: 6500
Sell: 10500
Status Bonuses: Strength +2, Defense +2, Magic Def +1
Description: Combat Boots
Abilities: MP Attack, Initiative, HP +20%

Running Shoes
Buy: 12000
Sell: 16500
Stat Bonuses: Speed +2, Evade +4, Magic Evd +4
Description: Shoes that allow you to walk with light steps
Abilities: Auto-Haste, Auto-Potion, Haste

Buy: 4000
Sell: 1600
Stat Bonuses: Magic +3, Spirit +1, Evade +5
Description: Anklet adorned with a four leaf clover that raises spirit
Abilities: Locomotion, Healer, Counter

Power Belt
Buy: 2000
Sell: 3500
Stats Bonuses: Defense +2, Strength +3
Description: Belt that raises strength
Abilities: MP Attack, Fira, Counter

Black Belt
Buy: 4000
Sell: 5500
Stat Bonuses: Strength +2, Spirit +2, Defense +1
Description: Belt that raises strength. Raises Wind Elem-Atk
Abilities: HP +20%, Beast Killer, Demi

Glass Buckle
Buy: 500
Sell: 800
Stat Bonuses: Magic Evd +5, Strength +1, Magic +1, Spirit +2
Description: Buckle protected by mysterious powers.
Abilities: Antibody, Add Status, Thunder

Madain's Ring
Buy: 3000
Sell: 3750
Stat Bonuses: Spirit +2, Magic Def +2
Description: Ring used as a charm since Ancient times. Absorbs Ice Elem-Atk.
Abilities: Body Temp, Chemist, Guardian Mog

Rosetta Ring
Buy: 24000
Sell: 18000
Stat Bonuses: Defense +1, Evade +2, Magic +1, Magic Def +3, Magic Evd +2
Description: Ring with a fire god'd spirit dwelling inside. Absorbs Fire 
Abilities: Level Up, Concentrate, Reflectx2

Reflect Ring
Buy: 7000
Sell: 3500
Stat Bonuses: Spirit +1, Strength +1, Magic Def +1
Description: Ring enchanted with the spell 'Reflect'
Abilties: Auto-Reflect, Reflect, Distract

Coral Ring
Buy: 1200
Sell: 2000
Stat Bonuses: Spirit +2, Magic Evd +3
Description: Ring adorned by corals. Absorbs Thunder Elem-Atk.
Abilities: Insomniac, Man Eater, Lancer

Promist Ring
Buy: 6000
Sell: 4500
Stat Bonuses: Strength +2, Evade +3
Description: Ring that raises strength
Abilities: Restore HP, Absorb MP, Magic Element Null

ReBirth Ring
Buy: 7000
Sell: 5000
Stat Bonuses: Spirit +4, Magic Def +2
Description: Ring with a phoenix's power dwelling inside. Raises Holy 
Abilities: Auto-Life, Life, Revive

Protect Ring
Buy: 40000
Sell: 20000
Stat Bonuses: Spirit +1, Defense +2, Magic Def +3, Evade +4, Magic Evd +6
Description: Protects you from various attacks. Elem-Def: All elemental 
damage reduced by 50%.
Abilities: Long Reach, Magic Elem Null, Half MP

Yellow Scarf
Buy: 400
Sell: 900
Stat Bonuses: Strength +2, Magic Def +1
Description: Scarf that Raises Strength
Abilities: Bird Killer, Millionaire, Steal Gil

Gold Choker
Buy: 1300
Sell: 2000
Stat Bonuses: Evade +2, Magic Atk +2, Magic Def +1
Description: Magic choker. Elem-Def: Wind damage reduced by 50%. Raises 
Shadow Elem-Atk.
Abilities: Level Up, Regen, Body Temp


XVI. Q & A

Q. How come I'm not getting EXP from bosses?
A. Not int this game. Like in FF8, you can't gain EXP from bosses. You still 
do get Gil and AP.
Q. Hey! How come I'm not getting money for just walking around??!!
A. ...This is not FF8, fool. This is actually a good FF.
Q. Which whirlpool do I go to when I'm trying to find the Desert Palace?
A. The northernmost one (northeast). Going in the wrong one makes you fight 
an Antlion, which can be tough.
Q. What's the rarest card?
A. I have no idea. My guess is the Invincible Card, which you can dig along 
with the Ultima Weapon in the Shimmering Island location.
Q. So, what's up?
A. Not much.
Q. I simply loved the music in this game. Can you tell me more?
A. Right. I liked the music too. The soundtrack names are below, and where 
you can find the actual song in the game:

Soundtrack Disc One:

1. The Place I'll return to someday - ???
2. Memories Erased in The Storm – Beginning
3. Battle Strategy Conference – Your planning (Prima Vista Room, after first 
4. The Skies of Alexandria – Second FMV
5. Vivi's Theme – Alexandria Town (1)
6. Feel My Blade – Fight with King Leo
7. Vamo' alla flamenco – Blank Swordfight, Chocobo Hot and Cold
8. Decisive Action ~ Search For The Princess ~ - Duh.
9. Jesters of The Moon – Thorn and Zorn's Theme
10. Steiner's Theme – Steiner in Alexandria Castle
11. Prima Vista Band – The orchestra in Prima Vista during the play
12. Stolen Eyes – Garnet in Prima Vista
13. Tonight - ???
14. Your Warmth - ???
15. Mistaken Love - ???
16. Queen of the Abyss – Queen Brahne's Theme/Lani's Theme/Dali Storage 
17. Awakened Forest – Evil Forest, Pinnacle Rocks
18. Battle 1 – Regular battle
19. Fanfare – Victory
20. Memories of That Day – Zidane remembering his meeting with Garnet (while 
in Prima Vista).
21. Battle 2 – Boss battle.
22. Game Over – Duh.
23. RUN! – Escape from Evil Forest/Looking for princess in Alexandria Castle 
in Disc 2/Bran Bal evacuation.
24. Goodnight - ???
25. Crossing those Hills – Overworld
26. Ice Cavern – Ice Cavern
27. Frontier Village Dali – Dali
28. Far Away in the Twilight – ???
29. Reckless Steiner – Steiner in Dali
30. Limited Time – Tragedy theme (Lindblum Destruction, Burmecia notice in 
Lindblum, Dali Storage Area discovery)
31. Zidane's Theme – Cargo Ship
32. Black Waltz – Theme of Black Waltz #2 and #3


1. Cid's Theme – Lindblum Castle
2. One Danger Put Behind Us – Lindblum Bar
3. Lindblum – Lindblum City
4. Song of Memories – Dagger's singing
5. Hunter's Chance – Festival of the Hunt/Battle with Hades
6. Qu's Marsh – Qu's Marsh
7. Quina's Theme – Quina catching frog game
8. Aloha De Chocobo – Chocobo Forest
9. Ukule le Chocobo – Chocobo Riding
10. Mountain – Gizamaluke's Grotto
11. At the South Gate Border – South Gate
12. Fairy Battle – Battle with Friendly Monsters
13. Burmecian Kingdom – Burmecia
14. A Face Unforgotten – Freya's Memory in Burmecia
15. Kuja's Theme – Duh.
16. The Sword of Doubt – Beatrix's Theme
17. Sleepless City Treno – Treno
18. Theme of the Tantalus – Plays when Marcus, Cinna, Baku, or Blank is 
around/Alexandria Part 3
19. Immoral Melody – Kuja's Second Theme
20. Garnet's Theme – Self-Explanatory
21. Gargan Roo – Gargan Roo/Fossil Roo Mines
22. Cleyra's Trunk – Cleyra Trunk
23. Cleyra Settlement – Cleyra Town
24. Eternal Harvest – Rat Dance in Cleyra
25. Grieve for the Skies – Tragedy in Cleyra
26. Extraction - ???


1. Ambush Attack – Ambush on Cleyra/Ambush on Alexandria/Ambush on Iifa 
Tree/Ambush on Alexandria again/more...
2. Loss of Me – Red Rose
3. Fossil Roo – Fossil Roo Path
4. Mountain Pass – Conde Petie – Conde Petie/Mountain Pass
5. Black Mage Village – Black Mage Village
6. Unfathomed Reminiscence – Black Mage Village Night
7. Ceremony For the Gods – Conde Petie Marriage
8. Eiko's Theme – Meeting with Eiko in Conde Petie Mtn. Pass
9. Ruins of Madain Sari – Madain Sari
10. Walls of the Sacred Beasts – Eidolon Wall
11. Iifa Tree – Iifa Tree
12. Amarant's Theme – Amarant's Theme
13. Footsteps of Desire - ???
14. We Are Thieves – Alexandria Part 3
15. Slew of Love Letters – Love Letter in Alexandria
16. Mogri's Theme – Tetra Master Card Game
17. Protecting My Devotion – Steiner and Beatrix saving Alexandria
18. The Chosen Summoner – Alexander's Theme
19. Keeper of Time – Garland's Theme
20. Oeilvert – Oeilvert
21. The Great Northern Cave – Desert Palace?
22. A Transient Past - ???
23. The Sneaky Frog And The Scoundrel – Cid in the monster room in Desert 
24. Esto Gaza – Esto Gaza
25. Gulug Volcano – Mt. Gulug
26. The Heart of Melting Magic – Hilda's Theme


1. The Airship, Hilda Garde 3 – On the Hilda Garde 3
2. Secret Library Daguerreo – Daguerreo
3. Ipsen's Heritage – Ipsen's Castle
4. The Four Medallions – The Shrines
5. Successive Battles – After the Shrines
6. Terra – Terra
7. Bran Bal – The Village Without Souls – Bran Bal
8. Pandemonium, The Castle Frozen in Time – Pandemonium
9. You're Not Alone – Zidane's Anger in Pandemonium
10. Passing Sorrow – After Pandemonium
11. The Evil Mist's Rebirth – World Map Theme on Disc 4
12. Assault of the White Dragons – Entering Memoria/FMV
13. Place of Memory – Memoria
14. Crystal World – Crystal World
15. Dark Messenger – Kuja's Boss Theme in Crystal World
16. Final Battle – Final Battle
17. Bittersweet Romance - ???
18. Hidden Lips - ???
19. I Want To Be Your Bird - ???
20. Two Hearts Not Captured - ???
21. Towards That Gate - ???
22. Melodies of Life ~ Final Fantasy – Main Theme
23. Prelude - ...
24. Coca Cola Commercial 1
25. Coca Cola Commercial 2
26. Melodies of Life ~ The Layers of Harmony – Credits Theme


1. Black Mage Village Secret – FF6
2. Don't Be Afraid – FF8 Battle Theme
3. Moogle's Theme – Mognet Central (From FF6 Moogle Theme)
Q. Hey! I'm having trouble finding the 13th Stellazio, can you h--
Q. Where can I find more info on FF9. Your FAQ doesn't have enough!
A. I'm not finished with the FAQ. Great places you can find info is other 
FAQs, plus has almost everything on FF9.
Q. I just got a card, and it says I have to discard one! Why?
A. You can only carry 100 card stock with you. Discard all of your weak 
level cards and leave the best one of them, if you have a good Goblin card, 
and all your other Goblin cards are bad, discard all the bad ones. Be sure 
to leave one of each card though!
Q. How do I summon Ark?
A. You need a Pumice. To get a Pumice, you need two Pumice Pieces. There are 
ONLY two Pumice Pieces in the whole game (actually, if you dupe, there's 
more). Maybe there is more, if so, e-mail me. Anyway, the first Pumice Piece 
can be found my digging somewhere using a Chocobo. The second one can be 
found by defeating Ozma, the secret boss and the hardest boss in the whole 
game. Take both pieces to Hades in Memoria and synthesize them to make 
Q. Where is Laguna?
A. Stick to FF9 Questions please.
Q. Excalibur II? Where is that?
A. Excalibur II is definitely the best sword in the whole game, but 
definitely NOT worth getting. Of course, you can get it to show off your 
friends. Well, you need to get through the game in 12 HOURS completing ALL 
the side-quests (including Mognet and Coffee, since some locations in Disc 4 
are blocked off). Once you do this, the sword will be lying in Memoria 
somewhere halfway through.
Q. Any strategies for the Card Game Tourney?
A. I never had much trouble here, but I thought that the second guy was kind 
of tough. He did have Namingway however. Use your high number cards, not the 
cards with the most arrows.
Q. I just got a card and it has NO arrows at all, what's it good for?
A. Heh heh... My theater ship card is just like that. It's probably just 
good to stay there. Never use it in the card game, unless you're making the 
enemy think it's a decoy.
Q. Any secret bosses?
A. Tantarian, Hades, and Ozma are to name some. They're all very hard to 
beat, and Ozma is the hardest boss in the game.

Tantarian – Located in Alexandria Castle. Can only be fought in Disc 2 
Alexandria Invasion or Disc 3 at the beginning when you have to search for 
the princess. In the library, examine the book on the shelf and you'll fight 
it. Beat it for Running Shoes.

Hades – Memoria. In the room where you saw Quina swim, check behind the 
coral on the right to fight Hades. Beat him to get him to synthesize items 
for you, including a Pumice.

Ozma – The thing flying around Chocobo's Air Garden. Beat it to get a Pumice 
Q. Do you have any strategies for the final boss Necron?
A. Yeah, of course. Necron may be a very hard boss, but there's always a 
good way to beat him. Your party should be Zidane, Steiner, and Dagger. 
Necron has a pattern of spells he used, and here it is:

1. Blue Shockwave – Reduces character's HP to 1. Does about 2-3 times.
   Or Protect – Defensive Barrier is cast on Necron. Reduces physical 
   Or Shell – Raises Necron's Magic Defense.
   Or Curaga – Necron regenerates about 3000HP.

2. Grand Cross – Supernova lookin' spell that does damage and multiple 
status effects to the whole party.

3. Neutron Ring – Casts right after Grand Cross. Big damage to the whole 

4. Back to #1.

Since Blue Shockwave doesn't kill you, just keep casting Curaga on ALL the 
party (not just the damaged person, because it's likely Necron will attack 
with Blue Shockwave before Curaga is cast). Have Zidane attack and if you 
have the Dark Matter Item, use it to inflict 9999HP to Necron. Since Necron 
has only 54100HP, that can count as big damage. When Necron casts Grand 
Cross, make sure to keep Dagger alive all the time, and she must ALWAYS cast 
Curaga. Immediately have someone else use a Remedy or Magic Tag or something 
like that to heal some negative status effects. Remember to have Dagger 
equipped with Body Temp! If Dagger dies, the battle can become very hard. 
Necron will then cats Neutron Ring, which might kill a party member or two. 
If it does, don't bother reviving everyone, since it's likely they'll die 
again. Keep 2 or 3 party members alive, and if you have the time, get 
another one up there. After Necron casts Neutron Ring, give yourself a 
breather, since Necron will be using Blue Shockwave from this point and it 
doesn't kill your characters. If Zidane goes into Trance, his Stellar Circle 
5 or Grand Lethal can deal 9999HP damage to Necron. So basically, if you get 
Zidane to do over 30000HP damage when he's in Trance, plus Dark Matter which 
did 9999HP, you might easily win the battle. Keep trying, and remember this 
guy's pattern!




Thanks To:

ME: Making this.

PLAYONLINE.COM: A site with A LOT of FFIX information brought to you by 

EXPERT GAMER MAGAZINE: The Synth Shop Item list.

CJAYC: Responsible for GameFAQs, a really good FAQ site and where I send my 
FAQs too.

AL AMALOO: Responsible for VGStrategies, a really good FAQ site where I 
allow my FAQs to be posted anytime.

Thanks to Wiseone444 for inspiring me to do this FAQ.

NOTE: I know I'll be getting a lot of mail on this, and I'm tired of dealing 
with it. If you email me something that was included in this FAQ (i.e Where 
do I get the thirteen Stellazios) I will delete that that clear? You don't 
want me to block you. If this happens, then I'll simply tell the webmaster 
to take this FAQ off any sites it is in. I'm not writing this FAQ to waste 
some of my time checking message. If you e-mail me something that I'm not 
sure I put in the FAQ, I might reply. PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL SAYING THAT I 
MISSED SOMETHING IN THE FAQ!!! I know what I've missed and I will be 
updating this FAQ thoroughly. If you are emailing me a simple "thanks", you 
are wasting my time. So if you want to email me Thanks Mail then title the 
subject "Thanks Note" or something like that. Don't e-mail me saying that I 
should put up something new in this FAQ, because I won't listen to you. If 
you're e-mailing me saying that you want to put this FAQ on your page, go 
ahead and do it. E-mail me, then do it if you please (I won't check that 
e-mail anyway so I won't reply). Ispointless e-mails. I've got school, and I 
don't have time checking 1,000 mail messages. Feel free to e-mail me tips 
and hints and stuff I didn't know about.

Note: This FAQ can be used in GameFAQs and VGStrategies freely anytime.

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Extra specila thanks to Revolution reader Haunter120!

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