Dino Crisis Walkthrough

Date: Sat, 25 September 1999 03:16:00

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                              for Sony Playstation
                                by Stinger 3:16

This  FAQ  is  for  private  and  personal  use.  It  can  only  be   reproduced
electronically,  and if placed on a web page or site,  may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.  This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this walkthrough  and  put your names on it.  I don't made
this walkthrough for some damn plagiarist  put their names on it. I work hard on
making this walkthrough, so please don't rip-off my work.
Dino Crisis is (c) Capcom and (c) Sony Entertainment.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

02.  I N T R O D U C T I O N

03.  B A S I C  M O V E S

04.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

05.  F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S

06.  T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G

07.  W A L K T H R O U G H
     * EASY MODE

08.  M A P S
     * MAP #1 : FIRST FLOOR
     * MAP #2 : SECOND FLOOR
     * MAP #3 : BASEMENT 1
     * MAP #4
     * MAP #5
     * MAP #6 : BASEMENT 2
     * MAP #7 : BASEMENT 3

09.  S T R A T E G I E S

10.  E N D I N G S

11.  W E A P O N  L I S T

12.  S U P P L I E S  L I S T

13.  I T E M  L I S T

14.  L O S T  A N D  F O U N D

15.  M I S C E L L A N E O U S

16.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

17.  C O M P L I M E N T S

18.  C R E D I T S

19.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

20.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

01.  R E V I S I O N  H I S T O R Y

VERSION 1.2 (25 September 1999)
Added some questions.

VERSION 1.1 (28 August 1999)
Added 'Strategies' section, and added some part of the walkthrough.

VERSION 1.0 (24 August 1999)
Added some questions.

VERSION 0.9 (20 August 1999)
Added 'Weapon List', 'Supplies List', and 'Item List' section.

VERSION 0.8 (16 August 1999)
Added 'Troubleshooting' section.  Correct a mistake about how to get Operation :
Wipe Out. Added some walkthrough and map.

VERSION 0.7 (12 August 1999)
Added the 'Operation : Wipe Out' walkthrough and 'Action Replay' section.

VERSION 0.6 (9 August 1999)
Added the 'FAQ', 'Compliments' and 'Credits' section.

VERSION 0.5 (24 July 1999)
This walkthrough  is  complete,  so this is probably my last update.  I you know
something that I didn't put in my walkthrough then e-mail me and I will put your
name on the 'Credit' section.

VERSION 0.4 (23 July 1999)
Walkthrough  for  the  Easy  Mode  is  complete (at last). Added 'Miscellaneous'
section. Now I'm working at the Normal Mode.

VERSION 0.3 (21 July 1999)
Added the final walkthrough (two endings). Added Map #6. More to come!

VERSION 0.2 (20 July 1999)
Added some walkthrough, but still not completed.

VERSION 0.1 (19 July 1999)
First release. Contain the basic moves, walkthrough (not completed), and maps.

02.  I N T R O D U C T I O N

I can't read Japanese so  I don't know the name of the key or room.  If you have
any trouble reading my walkthrough, please check the maps section.

03.  B A S I C  M O V E S

  Up           Move forward
  Down         Move backward
  Right        Turn right
  Left         Turn left
  X            Run (while holding forward)
  Square       Action/Shoot (while holding R1)
  Circle       Action/Shoot (while holding R1)
  Triangle     Open Character Menu
  R1           Aim
  R2           Turn 180°
  L1           Move your aiming to another enemy (while holding R1)
  Start        Pause
  Select       Game Option

04.  S A V I N G  Y O U R  G A M E

Unlike  Resident  Evil  Series  or  Silent  Hill,  in  Dino  Crisis there are no
typewriter or notepad.  Instead,  on the map,  you will see a room with a letter
'S' inside it.  It is a Save Game Room.  All you have to do is go into that room
and then just  exit  that room.  Then you will  be  given an option to save your
game.  So you can  save as many as you like  because you don't need  anything to
save your game.

05.  F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S

Q : I have the new Dr. Kirk  ID and the Initializer and Stabilizer put together.
    For some damn reason I can't get the slots on B2 or B3 to open so that I can
    put  the  Initializer or  Stabilizer into place!!!  I tried the ID on almost
    everything in sight!!  I am stumped... could you possibly tell me where I am
    supposed to go/do to allow those panels to open?!!!
A : You have  to simulate the computer  in front of Room 48 first,  then you can
    put the Initializer and Stabilizer on its proper place.

Q : I had problem hope you are free to help me in the code in Dino  Crisis,  I'm
    now  stuck  in  this B1 lab where I need to type in the code to  access  the
    area.  I  had been surfing everywhere but their walkthrough isn't  complete.
    So after surfing through so many peoples article I found that yours  is  the
    most clear,  so I  wrote this mail to you hope you could help me. Thanks for
    your time.
    T H E
    T H I R D E F N F E
    B A L L     O   N
    H I R O R R S G S Y
    1 2 3 4 5   7   9
A : The answer is ENERGY

Q : Is  there  any codes you need to put in for game shark to play Dino Crisis??
    I just bought this game and I can't play it!!! Please!!! I need help, I have
    been  looking  everywhere  and  I  can't find one reason, I can't find it!!!
A : Sorry,  but  I can't help you because I don't understand that kind of thing.
    My Dino Crisis works fine.

Q : I have a huge problem here... I can't pick up the shotgun shells!!
A : Just  press  the  Action  button (default is square), but if you still can't
    pick it up maybe your inventory is full.

Q : How do you know codes 705037 and 367202?
A : 705037 : If you upside down SOL you got 705, LEO you got 037.
    367202 : Actually  it's not  367202 but  367204 and I got it from moving the
             shelf and hearing the conversation.

Q : I have a problem, I have finished Dr. Kirk scenario so right now I'm playing
    the operation  Wipe Out scenario,  in level three I have killed all the Dino
    but I couldn't get the hell out of there, so HELP.....HELP.....
A : To  finish  every level on  Operation : Wipe Out  you must go back where you
    start and ascend/descend the stairs.

Q : I am having difficulty with getting the 78814 password to function in the B2
    Save room.  Can you tell me in detail what has to be done in order to bypass
    the 78814 computer, after securing the Initializer and Stabilizer? Thanks.
A : Go to  Room 48 and use the  Fingerprint  Machine on the circuit box near the
    corpse. Go to B2 Save Game Room and use the ID Card on the computer near the
    corpse to upgrade your ID Card.

Q : Hello,  I would first like to say thank you for your walkthrough it was well
    accepted.  I do have a question though. I was wondering if the L-Disk is the
    same  as  the DDK-L Disc.  I was looking through your lost and found and did
    not find that you listed an L-Disk.  I  tried to go thru that portion of the
    game and had some trouble. I went to the computer on the north wall and went
    to the  left switch and nothing happened.  The area that I am refering to is
    the area in the S-2 room or page 6 of 17 middle of the page. If you can help
    me I would greatly appreciate it, and thanks again!
A : The  L-Disk is different with  DDK-L Disk, and I already put both of them on
    my  walkthrough  before  you  asked  this question. In order to activate the
    computer on the North wall you must have the L-Disk and R-Disk.

Q : You  know  you said that you have to get the third ending to get Operation :
    Wipe  Out no matter which game  (1st, 2nd or 3rd) it is?  Well apparently, I
    got the it not by getting the third ending but by getting the second (Gail :
    Alive, Kirk : Unknown).  Oh yeah, and the mode was on easy. So are there any
    differences in getting this mode whether you play it on easy or normal?
A : I got  Operation : Wipe Out  by finishing the game using the third ending on
    Normal Mode,  so I think there's a difference between the  Normal  and  Easy

Q : Hey  in  Dino Crisis after you follow the Gail first time, u didnt say where
    to  continue  for gail u just then started with Ricks way so Im confused and
    dont know wat to do after GAIL'S WAY the first time.
A : I separate it by one line, but on this version (0.6) I made it more clear.

Q : I have read your walkthrough and it was a great help but I am stuck. Can you
    please  help  me?  I  need  to  activate  the third energy generator but the
    computer  says  a special keycard is required and even when I update the Dr.
    Kirk  one  it  still doesn't work. Can you help me please? and also, what is
    the fingerprint machine for? Thanx.
A : To activate the third energy generator, you have to upgrade your ID Card and
    simulate it on the computer in front of the Room 48. The fingerprint machine
    is for upgrading your ID Card.

Q : Hi!  I  have read your  FAQ at cheatcc.com. I cn't print it out because I am
    using a moblie phone that has direct assess to the internet! By the way, are
    you living in Jakarta,  Indonesia and are you  indian.  Sorry I didn't put a
    question mark because  I don't have one on the keyboard and I asked you some
    weird question,  but I have this friend in Jakarta and his name is Veer.  He
    also has this frien called Arun.  I thought he might be you,  but maybe not.
    Sorry i asked you a weird question,  but I like your FAQ for Dino Crisis! It
    is really cool and I wonder where you get it. See Ya!
A : First,  my name IS NOT  Arun,  my name IS  STINGER 3:16. Second, I don't get
    this  FAQ,  I  MADE  it!!!!  I'm not a plagiarist,  and I never ever rip-off
    someone else's work.

Q : I had  Dino Crisis and it would not play. I purchased the converter with it.
    Was  the only thing  I was missing was the enable code,  or do I also need a
    mod chip in my playstation? A bad ass game huh?
A : I'm sorry, I can't help you.

Q : What  happens if you complete the game the 4th time, although it'll start to
    become boring?
A : Nothing happens.

Q : Where I can get the L-Card please help I'm stuck.
A : Check my 'Lost and Found' Section.

Q : I  followed  Gails  idea  and  got  the  already  assembled  stabilizer  and
    initializer. I  am  now back in the save room on B2 and I don't know what to
    do.  I  have  no idea where or why to use the fingerprint machine and when I
    update the keycard in the save room nothing happens.  The computer only runs
    the  simulation  and so I'm stuck here.  Please guide me step be step to the
    activation of the third energy generator. I would be extremely grateful.
A : 01. Use  the  fingerprint  machine  on  the  circuit  box  near the dead man
        (Room 48)
    02. Choose yes (the left option).
    03. Go to Save Game Room on B2.
    04. Use the ID Card on the computer near the corpse.
    05. The combination number is 78814.
    06. If  you  done  correctly,  the  ID  Card  now  in  the last slot of your
    07. Now  simulate  the  computer  on  Room  47 (the computer will say system
    08. Go back to Room 46.
    09. Across the bridge.
    10. Press the action button in front of the green switch.
    11. Use the 'white thing' (Stabilizer or Initializer).
    12. Go down to B3 using the elevator in this room.
    13. Follow the path, ascend the stairs, descend the stairs.
    14. Press the action button in front of the green switch.
    15. Use the 'blue thing'.
    16. Walks West and activate the computer.
    17. Go back to B2.
    18. Across the bridge and activate the computer.
    19. Now, you should have activate the third energy generator.

Q : Hi, first of all i wanted to tell you that i really liked your faq...
    I  finished the game for the first time and i got a new costume but i do not
    know how to use it?  It seems that i didnt got a save slot with the costume,
    and i didnt got that "mad move" stuff can you help me?
A : After  you  finished the game you must save your clear data. After you saved
    it, then load a game and select that file and you can choose your costume.

Q : Sorry  to bother you but i can not find the ddk-s disk anywhere i have tried
    your guide an it doesnt give enough details for me to find it can you please
    help me.
A : One in the Save Game Room at B2, and the other in Room 53 (on the floor).

Q : Hi, I read your FAQ.  I think its great.  Its one of two Dino Crisis FAQs on
    my computer,  but I noticed  that you wrote  you can only get the  Operation
    Wipe  Out  mode from beating the third ending  (where everyone survives).  I
    was able to get  that mode upon beating the game  the second time and  I got
    the second ending  (Gail dies, Kirk lives). I suppose your score may have an
A : Sorry, it's my mistake. I have tried again, and you can get Operation : Wipe
    Out  by  finishing  the  game  using  any endings. So you can use the first,
    second, or third ending to get the Operation : Wipe Out. But your play-time,
    continues, and saves effect whether you get Operation : Wipe Out or not.

Q : 1) where did you find the codes 0207 and 0367 at the end
    2) what do you get when you beat the game?
    3) i don't get the operation : wipeout parts. could you explain that to me?
A : 1) It's not 0207 but 0204. I found it by divide the last code 367204 -> 0367
       and 0204.
    2) You can check it on my walkthrough.
    3) You can check it on my walkthrough.

Q : Sorry for disturbing you,  I have a question regarding the "left elevator" I
    cant enter the room 11  (under the Stair, going to 2nd floor) in fact i have 
    already a DDK N,DDK L,DDK E. help me im stuck here....
A : To open that door you must have two DDK-N disk.

Q : I am playing in Normal Mode, and I have received the bloody note (1281) from
    the man dead.  I used the fingerprint  on the circuit box nearthe corpse and
    the scene with Doctor Kirk was O.K. and I received the A Level Card. I agree
    with Gail  and I went to Room 47,  used the elevator and finally  arrived to
    Room 51,  inside the Room 51  I got the elevator and I take 2 things  1 blue
    and 1 white (I hope Stabilizer + Initializer).
    I  returned  to  "Save  Game  Room"  on  B2, used  the  ID Card and with the
    combination number 78814 in the computer the gate system wak O.K. I returned
    to Room 47 and I activated the computer (think that is one of them  that say
    that all systems are ready, but you need a key card????). I returned to Room
    46  and start  to crossing  the bridge,  and you say  that  we must to press
    action in front of the green switch, I tried but I couldn't done, help me!!!
    Also I see that when I go to the computer on Room 46 the colour is in red, I
    push and select yes, but nothing happen.
A : If you have upgrade the ID Card, then when you simulate the computer on Room
    47,  it will say "System ready, plase put Stabilizer and Initializer". After
    that,  you can cross the bridge  on Room 46  and press the action button  in
    front of  the green switch  (actually, next to the green switch, to open the
    NOTE : Before you successfully simulate the computer on Roon 47,  the switch
           on Room 46 is red. After you simulate them, the switch will turn

Q : I am at one the last section  of the game,  when you said  " Go back to Save
    Game  Room  on B2.  Use  the ID Card  on the computer  near the corpse.  The
    combination number is  78814.  Go back to Room 47.  Activate the computer in
    front  of the South door."  When I try that,  it gives me  a warning  that I
    need  a special key  to use the computer, where is the special key or have I
    missed something ?
A : You haven't upgrade your ID Card. The special key is your ID Card. After you
    upgrade your  ID  Card try again.  To upgrade yor ID, first you must use the
    fingerprint machine on the circuit box on Room 48.  There will be an option,
    choose YES.  If there's  no option,  then you using  the fingerprint  on the
    wrong place.  After choose YES,  go to Room Save Game Room on B2. Use the ID
    Card on the computer. The combination number is 78814. If you done correctly
    your ID Card now in the last slot on your inventory.

Q : I have been using your dino crisis walkthrough  and now i am stuck.  I am in
    easy mode.  I cannot  get down  the left elevator.  I did use  the  id print
    machine on the dead guy  in the same room but the elevator wont open .  I am
    following gail.
A : You must upgrade your ID.  Go to Area IV. Use the Fingerprint Machine on the
    dead man (twice).  Go back to Room 14.  Use the ID Card on the computer. The
    combination number is 47812.

Q : Wow, now you've really updated  your FAQ and it looks great so far!  There's
    one thing I don't seem to find on you FAQ though  (my apologies if there's a
    mistake)  and that's about the health.  I've spent hours  finding out on how
    you can check  Regina's health.  On the RE series  they've got  a pulse like
    bar to indicate it  but on Dino Crisis, they've left it out. Can you help me
    here  please?  I  reckon  you have  to use  your  initiative  and  determine
    Regina's  conditon.  At least  when her life  is at critical  condition, she
    indicates that  by bending over  a bit and putting her arm  around the other
    (or was it her body, I forgot), like in RE2.
A : If she hurt a bit,  when she walks she will leave a blood trail. If she hurt
    a lot, she will holding her stomach. That's all I know.

Q : Hi, You have a great faq on Dino Crisis. I just have a few questions to ask.
    1) In the room  with  the  computer  were we use  the code 47812  there is a
       telephone. I  activated  the telephone  and Regina  dialed a number.  The
       phone  was ringing  but nobody picked it up. Then another option game up.
       If  you choose yes  she will press  some buttons  once more  and you will
       not be able  to use  the phone again  but if you choose  no  then you can
       dial again.  Since I did not  see it  in your faq  do you know what it is
       all about?
    2) There are  2 numbers we can use  on the computer. You talked about 47812.
       But  I used  46907  and  it also accepted it. Do you know  the difference
       between the two codes?
    Keep up the good work
A : I don't know  about the telephone,  but maybe it's nothing. About the 46907,
    it is used to upgrade  your ID to open the elevator.  I don't know if number
    47812 can open the elevator too.

Q : Howdy.  Sorry to bother ya,  but i've got  a quick question  about the cheat
    codes  in your walkthru  for  dino crisis.  I have an action replay  and the
    code  to get the game to run  works fine,  but if i try  any other codes, it
    freezes  on the action replay  start screen  before the game even starts.  I

    just  got  my  action replay  so  i'm not sure  how they work,  but any help
    would be gladly appreciated. thanks.
    p.s. your  walkthrough  was most helpful,  I dont know japanese  either  and
         you saved my ass. Cheers to ya!
A : Are you sure you have input the right codes?  I only have tried the infinite
    health, infinite bullets and save anywhere and all of them works fine.

Q : Only looked at your walkthrough once excellent. But now that we are well and
    truly stuck  there is  no more info  on your page.  Have you got any further
    yourself yet?  If so  can you help with codes for basement 3 - 4 didgit code
    by glass fronted shelf in the corner of the room with 'C' on main door. 
A : You  can check  my newest  walkthrough  at  www.gamefaqs.com.  That  version
    contain the answer for your question.  If you want to see the latest version
    of this walkthrough, always check www.gamefaqs.com.

Q : Hi, first of all  I would like  to congraduate you  on writing the BEST Dino
    Crisis  FAQ  on the internet.  Very few people  would actually spend so much
    time and effort into making a map, that really helped us out.
    However,  I am a bit confused about the mad skills I aquire after completing
    2 missions.  How do i use it  and what does it do? I cannot read japanese so
    please  help me  (well,  you don't read japanese either,  but I bet you know
    much more about the game than I do).
A : I'm sorry,  I can't help you.  I don't even have any idea  what is Mad Skill
    about.  I once think that Mad Skill  is a new difficulty level (Easy-Normal-
    Mad)  but on the save screen  it still say Normal / Easy not Mad. So I don't
    know what the hell is Mad Skill.

Q : Hi  thanks  for the  walk though helped a hell of a lot , but guess what you
    guessed it stuck again .  In room 47 it says press green switch, why is mine
    still red  the one at the top of the stairs  and the bottom one because when
    you  activate  the  computer  at  the  side  it  tells  you that you haven't
    completed  some think.  I have done  the computer in room 46 and it tells me
    I need a special key plus none of the lifts work and I can't seem to go down
    any of the stairs no more.  Sorry to be a pain  but would be very chuffed if
    you can help
A : You  need  to  upgrade  your  ID  Card. I have explain it on my walkthrough.
    Special Card = ID Card. You can check the answer on the previous question.

Q : I would like to know that  I do,  I already tried  of everything and I don't
    know more to do.  I am in the computer  of the room 41  in the second floor,
    what do I make? Will that give access for the third floor? I don't know like
    me I pass for the third floor! 
A : The computer in  Room 41 will open a shortcut to  Room 56 (third ending). To
    open the shortcut you must remember the words (mind games).

Q : After following  your brilliant walkthrough  (whilst venturing off on my own
    occasionally) I find I am stuck. I followed Gail, got the lifts working, did
    the fingerprint machine  etc  but now  I can't get the lift  to take me down
    into the basement to carry on with the game.
A : In order to  enter  the elevator,  you must upgrade your ID Card. To upgrade
    your ID Card  you must use the fingerprint machine  on the dead man  on Room
    11.  Choose YES.  Now use the computer on Room 14. The combination number is
    46079. Now, you can enter the elevator.

Q : I enjoy playing with you dino crisis walktrough ! I only had a minor problem
    I've got the stabilizer and initilizer !  When ever I try to use them on the
    switch on the computer I seems like it isn't opened or not activated ! Could
    you help me ????
A : You can find the answer on this walkthrough.

Q : What is the real shotcut?
A : On my previous version of my walkthrough,  I have write  a shortcut on  Room
    41.  But Ntoko give me another shortcut.  His shortcut is shorter and easier
    than the previous one, so I give it a name which is 'the real shortcut'.

Q : On your  Dino Crisis  walkthrough  you have GameShark codes on it.  Do these
    gameshark codes work on american gamesharks. I would appreciate if you would
    e-mail me back.
A : I'm not sure, but on my gameshark it's work.

Q : Hello, it's me again.  I am sorry to make you waste your time once again but
    I want to know  something else  :  are you sure  that we cannot  win another
    character in Dino Crisis? But also, can't we find Cooper? Is he really dead?
    I am wondering it  because we always see,  at the end, that he is "unknown",
    doesn't that mean that there is a way to find him?  Thank you for your help.
    I am waiting for your answer. Bye. 
A : Don't worry, you're not disturbing me.  I'm sure that we cannot  win another
    character.  And for Cooper,  did you watch the opening movie?  There you can
    see that  Cooper has  become  a  T-Rex dinner.  So the only way you can find
    Cooper is inside the T-Rex's stomach.

Q : Hello,I´am stuck in DINO CRISIS and I hope you can help me. I´ve cleared the
    game  eighth times  and now  it said I must clear the game in a shorter time
    frame. What must I do?
    1) Who is Mickey and Erik?
    2) What´s the telephone for?
    3) Where and how can I use "Level B" and "EV" card?
    Thanks and goodbye. 
A : I finished my third game (with all the endings)  and also got the message to
    finish the game in shorter time, but I never tried to finish the fourth time
    1) Who the hell is Mickey and Erik, never heard of them.
    2) It's nothing (I think)
    3) Level B is for open the  Security Level B door and the EV card is a check
       out pass-card (I don't know the detail, just follow the story).

Q : I'm having a problem in this game.   I have win it  for for the second time.
    Now I'm trying  to win it for the third time.  I always get the third ending
    (Helicopter).  But now I  CAN'T PICK UP  the rocket launcher bullet  (at the
    helicopter  after Regina kicks Kirk's ass scene).  For your information  I'm
    using the ancient costume.PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
A : Are you sure you can't pick it up?  Because there are two set of bullet,  so
    after  you pick  the first one,  there is still  one left,  so it looks like
    that you can't pick it up.

Q : Just try  to finish  1st time agree  with Rick  and  try to fight  for T-Rex
    (according to your FAQ - at least on Dino Crisis 1) but believe me , I can't
    shoot  more than 2 times  with shotgun !!!  Is there any trick for finishing
    that ???? Thanks for your kind help!!!
A : Don't use the shotgun, but use the Grenade Launcher. After 3-4 shots, you'll
    finished the T-Rex for good.

Q : First, I am  thanking you  for that  helpful walkthrough. Do  you have  some
    cheats in Dino Crisis like infinite ammo,no continous,no saves etc...?Please
    don't put it in gameshark.  I don't  have one.  How  can I use the costumes?
    And, is there  Dino Crisis two  and  an english version? Thankz and hope you
    answer my question.UR2KUL!!!
A : As far as I know,  there is  no cheat for Dino Crisis. After you finish your
    game,  you will be given an option to save your game, do so.  Then just load
    your save game and you can select your costume.  For Dino Crisis the English
    version, some people said it will be out this September.

Q : I Have a problem I hope you will help me. I'm in Room 16 now, I can't unlock
    the North door to go in to Room 22. Must I need an ID or DDK? If yes, please
    tell me where can I get those things. Thank you.
A : Yes,  you need two DDK-L .  Both of them  Room 19.  One on the table and the
    other on the dead man (Tom) body.

Q : I do not know the way to Room 30, I try to read your map carefully but still
    don't understand. Can you please tell me the easy way to go there. Thank.
A : The way to Room 30 is through Area IV, then Area X.  From Area X, just enter
    the door on the end of this area and you will enter Room 30.

Q : I played your dino crisis and don't know where can I find the Dr.Kirk.  Also
    whose fingerprint I should take and where i can use it ?  How can I open the
    elevator? What's the gate code number? Could you tell me?
A : Go to Area IV. Use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead man (until a Yes - No
    option appear). Or go to Room 11 and use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead
    man (until a Yes - No option appear). Go back to Room 14. Use the ID Card on
    the computer. The combination number is 47812(if you take the fingerprint on
    Area IV) or 46079 (if you take the fingerprint on Room 11).

Q : I read  your walkthrough,  but I'm stuck now,  I can't switch off  the laser
    fence in Room 43 to enter Room 44. Can you please tell me how can I do so, I
    need your help.  Please,  I'm stuck for 3 days already. I can't continue the
    game. Please help me. Thank you.
A : Do you remember  how you can deactivate  all the previous  laser fence?  You
    have to wait for Gail to deactivate it  (turns the light into green).  So is
    this  laser fence.  If you follow  my walkthrough,  by the second time  (the
    first time  is when you come here  through the air duct)  you got there, you
    can deactivate the fence (Rick call you, telling that he has been deactivate

Q : Do you happen to have a Dexdrive? And if so, can you send me a saved file to
    'Operation WipeOut'???
A : No, I don't have a Dexdrive.

06.  T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G

Many people  have asked me  why they can't play Dino Crisis,  and now I have the
answer thanks to NoMoment (nomoment@hotmail.com).  There are actually three ways
to correct this so you can be able to play the game :
1) Get a new mod chip
2) Turn on  your playstation  with the lid open.  Let it load all the way to the 
   memory card / CD player menu screen (the blue screen),  close the lid, and it 
   should load as normal, bypassing the lockout.
3) Use a Game Shark  to crack  the lockout code. Dino Crisis  has been cracked a 
   long time ago. You can find the code in this walkthrough on section 12.

07.  W A L K T H R O U G H

You're in the Area I.  Go West to meet Gail.  After the scene enter Room 1  (the
room with the green door, near where Gail is). Inside Room 1 take the key on top
of the left shelf, and don't forget to take the medikit also on top of the other
shelf  (you must push a shelf first).  Exit from Room 1. Go to the South door of
Area  I,  and  you  will  see  another  scene.  Rick  asked  you to activate the
generator.  Gail then will take your key.  Follow him to Area II. Enter the West
door to Area III.  Continue walking until you see Gail and a human corpse.  Talk
to Gail. Enter Room 2 (room behind Gail).

Inside  Room 2 go to the end of this room where you see two panels; one in front
of you  (first panel) and the other  on your right  (second panel).  This is the
first  puzzle,  it's very easy.  Press the  Action  button in front of the first
panel. The right combination is (from left to right) Red - Blue - Green - White.
Or just simply press  the  right  button,  middle,  and then the right  (right -
middle - right).  Now press the Action button in front of the second panel. That
should activate the generator.  Now try to exit from this room and you will hear
a scream  and a gunshot.  Continue to exit this room.  Outside,  you will notice
that Gail is missing.  Walk forward and you will see some scene. After the scene
a big lizard (or a small dinosaur) will attack you.  You can kill it or just run
to Area II. Enter Area I.

Rick will contact you and tell you to meet him on the Control Room (in your map,
it's the blinking red room).  Now enter Room 3 (the door to your North).  Inside
Room 3 walks  North then you will see a scene.  Continue walking to the West and
you will see  a laser fence.  Beside it  there's a red switch  to deactivate it,
but right now  you can't deactivate it  (when the red light turn green  then you
can deactivate it).  So you must enter the air duct.  On the air duck follow the
path and go down at the first hole you see.  Now you're in the Room 4  (BTW, the
room behind you is a  Save  Game Room).  Walk South then West a little.  Now you
should see a door. Enter it and you're in the Control Room.

There will be some scene.  After the scene, go to the Save Game Room. Inside the
Save Game Room walk to the door  North of you.  Beside that door,  there's a red
switch.  Push it. Take the DDK-H (the spinning object on the left shelf).  Enter
the room to your left  (still on the  Save Game Room).  You will see a dead man.
Take up the LEO medal near the dead man.  Open the safe,  the combination number
is 0375.  Take the key inside the safe.  Enter Room 5  (save is necessary).  You
will see some scene.  Kill the Dino.  Deactivate the laser fence.  Enter Room 6.
Take the DDK-H on top of the locker. Enter Room 7. Go to the Second Floor. Enter
room 8.  Kill the Dino.  Enter Room 9.  Kill the  hard-to-see Dino  (it's on the
corner  in front of you).  Open  the  safe  at  the wall  on the back room,  the
combination number is 7687.  Take the weapon modifier (I don't know what is it).
Exit Room 9.  Right now  you should have 2 DDK-H;  one is the code disk  and the
other is the key disk.  Go to the door leading to Room 10.  Press  Action button
on the switch beside that door.

The Code is   : H B C E F A G D I
The Key is    :   B C   F   G   I
The Answer is : H     E   A   D

Enter Room 10. You will see another scene. Now you have the SOL Medal. After the
scene take the DDK-N. Walk around the table until you're attacked by a T-Rex. It
eats the survivor and now,  the  T-Rex wants to eat you.  Shoot it,  and after a
couple of shots it will go.  Now use the SOL and LEO Medal on the red box on the
wall  near the  broken window.  SOL on the left and  LEO goes to the right.  The
combination number is  705037  (if you upside down SOL you got 705,  and LEO you
got 037, if you combine the two you got 705037). Take the L-Disk. Go back to the
First Floor.  Go to Area IV (the door to your North).  On the right door there's
another corpse.  Take the DDK-N  nears the corpse.  Exit.  Go to the door on the
South  (under the staircase).  Rick will contact you.  Unlock the door (you know
how, right?).

The Code is   : A B N D E F G H
                A B W C D F G H
                A B D F G H O M
                A B D E F G H R
The Key is    : A B D F G H
The Answer is : NEWCOMER (Eliminate all A-B-D-F-G-H from the Code)

Enter Room 11. Take the map on the center of the room. Enter Room 12. Deactivate
the laser fence.  Continue walk  until two Dinos attack you.  Kill them. (If you
have trouble in killing them,  try this. Before the scene shows those two Dinos,
enter Room 14.  Kill the Dino inside. Go outside and kill the other Dino. So you
don't have to kill them both at the same time). Enter Room 13.  Take the key  on
the end of this room (near the whiteboard). A Dino will attack you (again).  Tap
X  rapidly  to release yourself.  Gail will enter and kill that Dino.  After the
scene  enter Room 14.  Unlock  the North door.  Go back to Control Room. Another
scene will occur.  Gail tell you to restore the power for the basement.  Go back
to Area I. Enter Area V. Go down the stairs to B1. On the West wall of this room
you will see  a panel  with a flashing green light.  Press  the Action button in
front of it.  Take the plug (I think).  Use  the plug on the panel  on the South
wall.  Press the right button,  middle button, left button, right button, middle
button, and  right button  (right - middle - left - right - middle -right).  Now
activate the generator.

Rick will asked you to meet him at the Control Room.  On your way to the Control
Room, you will be attacked by a Dino on Room 3. Kill it. After arrive at Control
Room,  Gail said that he saw  something on the Basement,  then Regina received a
call  from someone,  maybe Tom, and Rick wants  to save him.  But Gail  wants to
search  the basement  for any survivor,  it might be  Dr. Kirk.  Gail  and  Rick
argued. You will be given an option. If you want to follow Gail choose the first
option. But if you want to follow Rick choose the second option.

Exit the room.  Down the stairs to B1.  You're now in Room 15.  Walks North then
East.  There's another scene.  Kill the baby Dino  if you want.  Enter the  Save
Game Room.  Take the ID Card on the desk at the end of this room. Enter Room 16.
You will meet Gail.  He saw someone and chase him, but the gate between Gail and
Regina is closed  before Regina  could across.  So Regina must find another way,
which is through the elevator from the first floor.
Now enter Room 17.  When you across the broken elevator, a Dino will pop-out and
attacked you.  Kill it.  Continue walks East. Deactivate the laser fence. Unlock
the door to Generator Room.  Back to first floor.  Now go to Room 5.  Deactivate
the laser fence.  Enter Room 18.  Take the DDK-E and the Fingerprint Machine. Go
to Area IV. Use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead man (until a Yes - No option
appear). Or go to Room 11 and use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead man (until
a Yes - No option appear). Go back to Room 14.  Use the ID Card on the computer.
The  combination  number  is  47812  (if you take the fingerprint on Area IV) or
46079 (if you take the fingerprint on Room 11). Go to Area II. There , Rick will
contact you. He said that Tom has died. Go to Area VI. Two Dinos will be waiting
for you. Kill them. Go to Area VII.  After the scene, take your weapon and enter
Room 19. Inside, take the DDK-L and check the dead man's body to receive another
DDK-L.  Enter the second part of this room. Take the map on the wall. Enter Area
VIII.  Avoid  the  Pterodactyl and enter Room 20.  Descend the ladder.  Take the
thing on the floor. In the center of this room, you will see six panels :
                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  A  |          |  D  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  B  |          |  E  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  C  |          |  F  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

First  : Activate C Panel and choose the Red button
Second : Activate D Panel and choose the Red button
Third  : Activate B Panel and choose the Green button
Fourth : Activate E Panel and choose the Green button
Fifth  : Activate A Panel and choose the Blue button
Last   : Activate F Panel and choose the Blue button
There will be a scene.  Exit the Room.  Tap X rapidly to avoid game over. If you
success,  you will see  a nice scene.  Go to Area VII.  Press the green light to
activate the elevator.  There will be some more scenes.  You are now in Room 21.
Ascend the ladder.  Use the thing you found on Room 20 on the crane device.  You
will see  another puzzle.  What you have to do  is to move the container to make
a way to the other side of this room.
First  : Choose Up, Down, Left, Hook
Second : Choose Left, Release
Third  : Choose Up, Hook
Fourth : Choose Exit
Descend  the  ladder.  Exit  to  Room  17.

Go back to Area II.  Enter Area VI. There are two Dinos in this area. Kill them.
Enter Area VII.  There will be some scene. After the scene, take your gun. Enter
Room 19.  You will meet Rick and Tom.  Tom is dying, he will give you the DDK-L.
Take another DDK-L  on the table.  Enter the second part of this room,  take the
map on the wall.  Enter Area VIII.  Run  and enter Room 20.  Descend the ladder.
Take  the thing  on the floor.  In the center  of this room,  you  will see  six
panels : 
                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  A  |          |  D  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  B  |          |  E  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

                           _____            _____
                          |     |          |     |
                          |  C  |          |  F  |
                          |_____|          |_____|

First  : Activate C Panel and choose the Red button
Second : Activate D Panel and choose the Red button
Third  : Activate B Panel and choose the Green button
Fourth : Activate E Panel and choose the Green button
Fifth  : Activate A Panel and choose the Blue button
Last   : Activate F Panel and choose the Blue button
There will be a scene.  Exit the room. Tap X rapidly to avoid game over, and the
Pterodactyl is history.  Go to  Area VII.  Press the green switch,  then back to
Room 19. Some more scene. You are now in the Room 21. Ascend the ladder. Use the
thing  you found  on Room 20  on the crane machine.  Another puzzle for you. You
have to move those crates so you can across to the other side
First  : Choose Up, Down, Left, Hook
Second : Left, Release
Third  : Up, Hook
Fourth : Exit
Descend  the ladder.  Exit to Room 17.  There will be a Dino in this room.  Take
your gun.  Kill it if you want or exit to Room 15.  You will see a scene.  Enter
the  Save Game Room.  Now  Tom  is dead,  thanks to  Rick.  Go back  to Room 15.
Deactivate  the laser fence.  Enter Room 18.  take the DDK-E and the Fingerprint
Machine. Go to Area IV. Use the Fingerprint Machine on the dead man (until a Yes
- No option appear).  Or go to  Room 11  and use  the Fingerprint Machine on the
dead man (until a Yes - No option appear).  Go back to Room 14.  Use the ID Card
on the computer. The combination number is 47812 (if you take the fingerprint on
Area IV) or 46079 (if you take the fingerprint on Room 11).

Go to Room 11.  Use  the  left elevator. Scene. Kill the Dino. You're now in the
Room 16. Unlock the North door.

The Code is   : L F A C E D O E G H
                R F A C T D O E R Y
The Key is    : 3 4 5 6 7 8
The Answer is : LABORATORY (3=C, 4=D, 5=E, etc. Eliminate those from the Code)

Enter Room 22.  Deactivate  the  laser  fence.  Two Dinos  waiting to be killed.
Enter Room 23.  Kill the Dino in the end of this room.  Enter Room 24.  Two more
Dinos.  Kill them.  Deactivate the laser fence. Enter Room 25. Take the DDK-E on
the table.  Exit the room.  Deactivate the laser fence. Enter the Save Game Room
2.  Take the screwdriver  from the red too box.  Activate the computer  near the
yellow files.  The combination number is  5037.  Enter  Room 26.  Push the panel
in front  of the  gas chamber.  Push the middle button, l eft button,  and right
button  (middle - left - right).  Enter the gas chamber. Another scene. You will
receive  3695-card.  Check  the dead man to receive a key  (If you kill that man
with gas,  you will not receive the key. You can use the key on Save Game Room 1
at B1.  Inside  Save Game Room 1  you will see two boxes. You can only open one.
The left one  contain  two medikit.  The right one  contain  one serum  and  one
medikit). Exit, and a Dino  will attack you.  Tap X rapidly. You will escape and
locked  the Dino  inside the gas chamber.  You can escape or you can kill it.  I
suggest you to kill it. It's fun you know, to see that sucker  meet  it's maker.
Go back  to Room 23.  Use  the 3695-card on the computer on your left side.  The
combination number, of course, is 3695. Here's another puzzle for you.  What you
have to do is match those two images.

First  : Press B twice
Second : Press C once
Third  : Press E once

Use the  3695-card on the locker with the green light.  You will receive R-Disk.
Go back  to the  Save Game Room 2.  On the  North wall  you will see  a computer
with a switch  on its left and right side.  Use the L-Disk  on the  left switch.
Gail will enter the room and help you with the computer. Unlock the door.

The Code is   : T H E
                T H I R D E F N F E
                B A L L     O   N
                H I R O R R S G S Y
The Key is    : 1 2 3 4 5   7   9
The Answer is :           E   N   E
                          R   G   Y  (ENERGY)

Enter Room 27.  Check the panel on the center table  (near the brown book).  The
combination is gamma,  beta,  and alpha.  Another scene.  Exit the room.  Scene.
Use the screwdriver on the circuit box. Another puzzle for you.
             ______________     ______________     ______________
            |    |_   |    |   |    |_   |    |   |   _|    |    |
            |____|_|__|____|   |____|_|__|____|   |__|_|____|____|
            |    |_| _|    |   |  |_|    |    |   |    |_ |_|_|  |
            |____|__|_|____|   |____|____|____|   |____|_|__|____|
            |  |_|    |_   |   |   _|    |    |   |_|  |_|  |    |
            |____|____|_|__|   |__|_|____|____|   |____|____|____|
                   A                  B                  C

Panel A : Don't do anything on panel A
Panel B : Turn right once
Panel C : Turn right once
You must put the panel in order, which is C, A, then B.

Another scene,  and another option.  If you want to follow Gail choose the first
option, if you want to follow Rick choose the second option.

Exit.  Enter Room 24.  There are two Dinos in this room.  Kill them if you want.
Go to Room 23. Again, two Dinos in this room. Exit to Room 22. Two Dinos in this
room. Go back to Room 16. One Dino in this room. Now go to Room 21.

Enter Room 27.  Check the computer on the end of this room. Another puzzle. This

puzzle  looks like a mind games.  Write it on a paper if you have any trouble to
memorized them.  You only have two chances. The code is random so I don't put it
on my FAQ. Descend the ladder.

You will meet Dr. Kirk and Gail. You will receive an ID Card. Go back to Control
Room.  Use the elevator on the Control Room. You are now  in Room 28.  Check the
box  next to the  West door.  You will  receive  a card.  Go to  Area IX.  Enter
Room 29.  Use  the card  from  the Room 28  on the  emergency box.  Scene.  Exit
the room.  Rick  will contact you,  and a  T-Rex will try  to chomp you.  Run to
the  other  end.  Stay on the  Southeast  corner and shoot at the T-Rex. After a
while you will escape automatically. Another scene.

Go to Area IV. Enter Area X. A Dino will pop-out, kill it. On the second corner,
a Dino will pop-out too, kill it. Enter Room 30. In this room there are five
push-able crates :
      ________                 ________
     |1st     |               |        |
     |  __   |               |        |
     |    /   |               |        |
     |________|       ________|________|
     |2nd     |      |4th     |
     |   |    |      |  /|   |
     |  |/   |      |   |    |
     |________|      |________|
                     |3rd     |
                     |  __   |
                     |    /   |

Exit,  and you will see  a FMV.  Run to the  Southwest door,  and Rick will call
you.  Follow him to the Northeast door.  You are now in Room 31.  Walk North and
see  some scene.  Kill them.  Enter  Room 32.  There's another  baby Dino.  Kill
them.  Take the card near the corpse.  Check the paper beside the corpse.  Enter
Room 33.  Scene. Enter  Room 34. Take  the  plug  from  the  glass panel.  Exit.
Talk to Rick.  Enter the  Save Game Room. Take the B3-II and B3-I (near Rick).

Enter Room 35.  Walk North and you will be attacked  by two strong Dinos.  Tap X
rapidly.  Kill them if you want.  Enter Room 36.  Kill that damn Dino.  Take the
key and the B3-III.  Back to Room 35.  Ascend the ladder. Ascend another ladder.
Use the B3-I  on the computer.  Now you have another puzzle  to solve.  What you
have to do is to make a way so you can get to the dead man.

First   : Choose Right, Hook
Second  : Choose Left, Release
Third   : Choose Up, Hook
Fourth  : Choose Release
Fifth   : Choose Right, Up, Hook
Sixth   : Choose Up, Down, Release
Seventh : Choose Right, Up, Down, Hook
Last    : Choose Exit

Descend the ladders.  Go to the dead man.  Take the DDK-W.  Enter Room 37.  Kill
another  pair of Dinos.  Enter  Room 38.  Take  the map.  Enter  Room 39.  There
are two Dinos in this room.  Kill them.  Ascend the stairs. Kill the Dino. Enter
the Save Game Room.  Enter the second part of this room.  Take the B2-I near the
corpse.  Take  the DDK-S.  Check the computer  to shut down  the alarm  (not the
computer on the wall).  Exit.  Enter the air duck.  Follow the path.  Go down at
the end.  Kill  the Dino.  When you try  to take  the Level C Card,  a Dino will
pop-out. Kill it.  Take the Level C Card.  Enter Room 40.  Take the DDK-W. Enter
Room 41. You will meet Gail. Now go back to Room 38. Unlock the South door.

The Code is   : W B A D T H E I R C
                  D D D H W
                    C B C G A
                      F G H I Y
The Key is    : 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
The Answer is : WATERWAY (2=B, 3=C, 4=D, etc. Eliminate those from the Code)

Enter Save Game Room 2.  Go to the center of this room.  Rick will enter and you
will see  another scene.  After the scene  take the B2-II.  Go to Room 42.  Walk
toward the elevator.  You will see the T-Rex.  After the scene, press the Action
button in front of the panel  to take the plug.  Enter Room 34.  Use the plug on
the panel in front of you.  The right combination is  A - C - D.  Then press the
Action button  on the other panel.  Exit.  Enter  the elevator.  Take the DDK-D.
Take  the  Card (Port).  Exit  the elevator.  Go to  Save  Game Room 2.  Another
sceneTake the DDK-S. Enter the Save Game Room on B2. Unlock the East door.

The Code is   : S A T   U R D A Y
                          B A B Y
                  N I L L G H I T
                Z F       E V E   R
The Key is    :   2     5 6 7   9
The Answer is : S   T         A
                    I L       I
                Z             E   R  (STABILIZER)

Before  leaving,  enter  the second part  of this room.  You will see a computer
with a switch  on its left  and  right side.  Use  the B2-I on the left side and
the  B2-II  on the right side.  Activate  the computer.  The  combination number
is 0392.  Another  puzzle for you.  Just like  the previous puzzle,  you have to
match those images.

       _________________                 _________________
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______G       _________________/_______N
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______F       _________________/_______M
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______E       _________________/_______L
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______D       _________________/_______K
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______C       _________________/_______J
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______B       _________________/_______I
      /                                /                 
      _________________/_______A       _________________/_______H
      /                                /                 
      _________________/               _________________/
              I                                 II

First  : Press B twice                 First  : Press H twice
Second : Press C once                  Second : Press I twice
Third  : Press D once                  Third  : Press L once
Fourth : Press C twice                 Fourth : Press K once
Fifth  : Press D twice                 Fifth  : Press J twice
                                       Sixth  : Press K twice

Right  now,  on Box I  all the white  must be in the bottom, and  on Box II  all
the red  in the bottom.  Now you have to trade the white on Box I with the empty
on Box II, and the puzzle is solved.

Exit  the  Save Game Room.  You are now  in Room 43.  Go through the North door.
Deactivate  the laser fence.  Enter  Room 44.  Kill  the Dino.  Take  the DDK-D.
Go to the safe.  The combination number  is 1281.  Take the gun modifier.  Go to
Room 43. Unlock the South door.

The Code is   : 04    15    03
                20    15    18
                06    11    09
                18    11    07
The Key is    : GF
The Answer is : DOCTOR KIRK (04=D, 15=0, 03=C, etc. Eliminate number 06 & 07)

Enter  Room 45.  Use your B2-II  on the green switch.  Use the B2-I  on the next
switch.  Enter  Room 46.  Press the switch  on the  North wall  to activate  the
bridge. Enter Room 47. Descend the stairs. Take the Level B Card on the computer
on the  East wall.  Ascend the stairs and enter Room 48.  Take the map.  Examine
the board on the East wall. Puzzle again.

             ______________     ______________     ______________
            |    |    |  | |   |   _|____|    |   |____|    |__  |
            |____|____|__|_|   |__|_|____|____|   |____|____|__|_|
            |  | |  | |    |   |    |__  |  | |   |   _|    |    |
            |__|_|__|_|____|   |____|__|_|__|_|   |__|_|____|____|
            |    |  |_|_|  |   |__| |    |    |   |    |  |_|    |
            |____|____|____|   |____|____|____|   |____|____|____|
                   A                  B                  C

Panel A : Turn left once
Panel B : Turn left once
Panel C : Don't do anything on Panel C
You must put the panel in order, which is B, C, then A.

Back to Room 47. Examine the computer North of you. After the scene back to Room
48 and you will  see  that he's dead.  Examine the corpse  and you will  receive
a bloody note (1281).  Use the  Fingerprint  Machine on the circuit box near the
corpse. Walks East and a scene will take over. You are now in the Room 49. Enter
Room 50.  Move forward.  Another scene.  Dr. Kirk will put his gun  in your head
but fortunately Gail came. You then will receive Level A Card.

Another option  to Choose.  Like usual,  the first option is follow Gail and the
second option is to follow Rick.

Exit the room.  Enter Room 47. Enter the elevator. Now enter Room 51. There will
be  A LOT  of Dinos on your way to Room 51.  After arrive at Room 51,  enter the
second  part  of  the  room.  Use  the elevator.  Take  the  Stabilizer  and the

If you choose to agree with Rick, you will receive a disk.  Go to Room 43. There
will be  many Dinos everywhere.  Enter the door  with  a Security Level A on it.
Use the disk on the computer.  The combination number is 367204.  Take those two
things  (I and II).  Back  to Room 40.  Use the disk on the computer on the East
wall.  The combination number  is 0367.  Take the I-B.  Use  the disk on another
computer  on the South wall.  The combination number  is 0204.  Take the I-A and
II-A.  Back to Room 44.  Enter the Level A door. Use the disk on the glass shelf
on  the  Southwest  corner  of this room.  Take  the II-B.  Now use the I on the
computer  North  of your position.  This is  another easy puzzle.  You then will
receive the Stabilizer and the Initializer.

Go  back  to  Save  Game  Room on B2.  Use  the ID Card on the computer near the
corpse.  The  combination  number  is  78814.  Go back  to Room 47. Activate the
computer  in front  of the South door.  Go back  to Room 46.  Across the bridge.
Press the Action button  in front of the  green switch.  (Note : because I can't
read Japanese, so I didn't know which one is the Stabilizer and which one is the
Initializer,  but I do know that one is white and the other is blue) Now use the
white one. Go to the doors on the East wall. From there, walk South and you will
see an elevator.  Go down to B3. Follow the path.  Ascend the stair, and descend
the other one. Follow the path and you will see another green switch.  Press it.
Use the blue one. Walk West and you will see a computer. Activate it. Go back to
B2. Across the bridge one more time.  Activate the computer.  There will be some
scene. Enter Room 52 to meet Gail. More scene.

Choose again.  The first option is agree with Gail  (you let him find Dr. Kirk).
The second option is agree with Rick (you won't let Gail find Dr. Kirk).

Go back to Room 44 or Room 51 (it's depending at your last choices. If you agree
with Gail,  then you go to Room 44.  But if you agree with Rick,  you go to Room
51.  If you don't understand  my explanation,  just go to  the red area  on your
map).  There are Dinos  everywhere,  so stay alert.  More scene.  Enter Room 53.
Follow the path.  Enter Room 54.  Scene. Enter the North door (to Room 55). Take
the bullet.  Go out from the boat.  This is your last battle  with the T-Rex, so
shoot at it. After a while, you can enjoy the FMV.

Enter Room 55.  Descend the stairs.  Go back to Room 54.  Use the container Rick
gave you  on the barrel  on the Southeast corner of this room.  Back to Room 55.
Descend the stairs.  Take the bullet.  Exit this room.  This is your last battle
with the T-Rex.  Everytime the word 'FIRE' appear on your monitor, quickly shoot
the T-Rex. After 5-6 shots, it's over. Enjoy the FMV.

There are two ways to gain the third ending.

1. Agree with Gail
Don't go to the Red Area.  You must go to Room 57. There are three ways to reach
Room 57 (from the hardest to the easiest) :
 ~ Enter Room 37. There are two Dinos in Room 37.  Another pair of Dinos in Room
   35.  One Dino in Room 36.  Enter Room 56.  Press the green switch to activate
   the elevator. Enter Room 57.
 ~ Go to Room 41.  On the East wall  of Room 41,  you will see a computer on the
   wall;  activate it  and you must solve  the puzzle  four times  and after you
   solve it a door will opened and if you enter it you will arrive at Room 56).
   Press the green switch to activate the elevator. Enter Room 57.
 ~ Go to  Room 38.  Enter  Room 39.  There are two Dinos in this room. Enter the
   security level A door. Enter Room 56. Enter Room 57.
Go to the center of this room and you will see a helicopter. Now exit  and go to
the red area on your map (it different depending from your choice  on how to get
the stabilizer and initializer).  You will see a scene and after the scene, exit
the room  and  ride the elevator.  You will see  another scene and you must deal
with the T-Rex. After 3-5 shots, it's all over. Enjoy the FMV.

2. Agree with Rick.
Don't go to the Red Area.  Instead use your tracer  (the thing that Gail give to
you)  to locate  Dr. Kirk.  He is in the Room 57.  There are three ways to reach
Room 57 (from the hardest to the easiest) :
 ~ Enter Room 37. There are two Dinos in Room 37.  Another pair of Dinos in Room
   35.  One Dino in Room 36.  Enter Room 56.  Press the green switch to activate
   the elevator. Enter Room 57.
 ~ Go to  Room 41.  On the  East wall of Room 41, you will see a computer on the
   wall. Activate it.  Here is  another  mind games,  but this time  it's harder
   (it's easy if you have a pencil and paper). After you solve all four of them,
   a door will opened.  Enter the door and you will arrive at Room 56. Press the
   green switch to activate the elevator. Enter Room 57.
 ~ Go to  Room 38.  Enter  Room 39.  There are two Dinos in this room. Enter the
   security level A door. Enter Room 56. Enter Room 57.
Go to the center of this room.  You will see  Dr. Kirk  trying to  escape with a
helicopter.  You try  to sneak out  behind him,  but Rick blew it.  You will see
another scene. Take the bullet.  Exit this room.  Some more scene.  Now you must
fight the T-Rex  for the last time (at least on Dino Crisis 1). After 3-5 shots,
it's over man. Enjoy the FMV. I think this is the best ending.

I  have  finished  the  Normal  mode. I  don't  see the  difference between  the
Normal  and the Easy Mode, except the enemies is tougher and you start only with
a handgun  (on Easy Mode  you have handgun,  shotgun, and rocket launcher). So I
decide  not to make  the walkthrough for  the Normal Mode.  For those of you who
play the Normal Mode,  you can use my  'Easy Mode' walkthrough. The storyline is
the same and the location of important things is same with the Easy Mode.

In Operation : Wipe Out you can't save your progress and you can't use the maps.
So if you're confused about the place, then use my maps.

You're in Room 15.  No Dinos here.  Enter Room 16. Two Dinos in this room. Enter
Room  17.  One  Dino in the end  of this room. Go to Room 22.  Two Dinos in this
room.  Enter Room 23.  Two Dinos  in this room.  Enter Room 24.  Another pair of
Dinos in this room. Only one Dino left. Enter Room 25. No Dinos here. Enter Room
26.  Kill the last Dino.  Now you should have killed all the targets. Go back to
Room 15 and ascend the stairs.

You're  in  Room 58.  One Dino i n the corner of this room.  Enter the Save Game
Room.  Enter Room 43.  No Dinos in this room.  Enter Room 59.  Two Dinos in this
room. One in your right and the other in your far left.  Enter Room 40. One Dino
in this room.  Exit and walk to Room 41. On your way there, you will be attacked
by a Dino.  Kill it.  Go to Room 45.  Kill the last Dino. Go back to Room 58 and
descend the stairs.

This is  the final  and  the hardest mission.  All the Dinos  here are the tough
Dino (they can kill you with one hit).  The time limit is very short. Good luck.
You're in Room 39.  There are two Dinos in this room. Enter Room 38. No Dinos in
this room.  Enter Room 37.  Two more Dinos in this room. Enter Room 42. No Dinos
in this room.  Enter the Save Game Room.  Enter Room 35. Two Dinos in this room.
They are very near to you.  Enter Room 36.  Kill the last Dino. B ack to Room 39
and ascend the stairs. Congratulations, you have completed Operation : Wipe Out.

08.  M A P S

                          M A P  # 1  :  FIRST FLOOR
                        |                          |
                        |                          |______
                        |                                 |
                        |            IV                     to Map #4
                        |                                 |
                        |                           ______|
                        |                          |
                        |  __________/__________   |
                        | |                     |  |
      __________________|_|               ___   |__|_______________________
     |        |                   7     |to |                            |
     |   6      5 ___/___|              |2F |  |__________________/___  3 |
     |        |   |       |______/_______|___|__|                      |   |
     |________|   |   S   |                 |   |                      |   |
     |           |       |       11                    14           |   |
     | Toilet |_/_|_____/_|                 |   |                      |   |
     |________|        |  |__________/______|   |                      |   |
              |   18   |  |    |___|__|_____|   |______________________|_/_|
              |        |  |          12         |                 |    |   |
              |________|  |   __________________|                 | 1  |   |
              |  4        |  |                  |                 |_/__|   |
              |   ___/____|  |                  |                          |
              |  |        |         13         |_/___         I           |
              |  |Control |  |                  |     |                    |
              |  |Room    |  |                  |  V  |                    |
              |  |____/___|__|__________________|_____|__________________/_|
              |  |to |  | |      |              |                |         |
              |  |B1 |__| |      |              |                         |
              |__|___|    |  2   |              |      III       |    II   |
                          |      |              |                |           to Map #4
                          |__/___|              |    ____________|_________|
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |                |   |
                            |  |               /   /
                            |  |______________/   /
                            |                    /
                            |            _______/
                            |           |
                            |           |
                            |           |

Area I          :  Courtyard
Area II         :  Courtyard Front
Area III        :  Backup Generator Passage
Area IV         :  Main Entrance Front Square
Area V          :  Courtyard
Room 1          :  Supplies Storage
Room 2          :  1F Backup Generator Room
Room 3          :  Office Front Corridor
Room 4          :  Control Room Front Corridor
Room 5          :  Management Room Front Corridor
Room 6          :  Locker Room
Room 7          :  Main Entrance
Room 11         :  Elevator Hall
Room 12         :  Training Room Front Corridor
Room 13         :  Training Room
Room 14         :  Office
Room 18         :  Commander Room
Save Game Room  :  Security Room

                                M A P  # 2  :  S E C O N D  F L O O R
              |         |         |            |
              |         |         |            |
              |         |                     |
              |         |         |            |
              |   29    |   10    |            |
              |         |         |            |                     ____       ______
              |         |         |            |                    /         |to|   |
              |         |         |    8       |                   |      |    |1F|   |
              |___/_____|_________|            |___________________|      |____|__|___|
              |         |                              |                              |
              |                                                                     |
              |         |_____________/________________|______________________________|
              |                |               |
              |____________    |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |      9        |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |               |
                           |   |_______________|
                           |          |        |
                           |   IX        28   |
                                      |   |
                                      |   |

Area IX  :  Communication Area Passage
Room 8   :  2F Hall
Room 9   :  Lounge
Room 10  :  Head of Facility Room
Room 28  :  Transmission Room
Room 29  :  Transmission Antenna Room

                                 M A P  # 3  :  B A S E M E N T  1
                                                      |             |
                                                      |      27     |
                                                      |             |
                                ______________________|__/______    |
                               |         24                    |   |
                               |   __/________________|         |   |
                               |  |      |            |         |___|
                               |  |  25       26     |    S2   |
                               |  |______|____________|         |
                               |                     |         |
                               |_______|              |_/_______|
                                       |     23       |   |
                                       |              |   |
                                       |              |   |
                                       |______/_______|   |
                                           |              |
                                           |        ______|
                                           |  22   |
                                           |       |
                                           |_     _|
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                             |   |
                                       |              |
                                 ______|              |
                                |_/                   |
                                |  | 16 _______/______|
                                |  |   |     |   |
                                |  |   |_____|___|_______________________________
                                |  |                            |        ||     |
                      __________|  |___|__________________  17           ||     |
                     | 15          |                      |      |        ||     |
                     |   ___/______|             _________|      |        ||     |
                     |  |          |            |   B1    |      |   21   ||     |
                     |  |    S1    |            |Generator      |        ||     |
                     |  |          |            |  Room   |              ||     |
                     |  |__________|            |_________|______|________||_____|
                     |  |to |
                     |  |1F |

Room 15           :  Medical Room Front Corridor
Room 16           :  B1 Hall
Room 17           :  Supplies Check in Corridor
Room 21           :  B1 Check Out Room
Room 22           :  B1 Main Corridor
Room 23           :  Information Room
Room 24           :  Research Area Corridor
Room 25           :  Research Briefing Room
Room 26           :  Gas Laboratory

Room 27           :  Simulate Laboratory
Save Game Room 1  :  Medical Room
Save Game Room 2  :  Computer Room

                                            M A P  # 4
                                       |                     |
                                       |                     |
                                       |      _________      |
                                       |     |         |     |
                                       |     |              |
                                       |     |         |_____|_____________________
                                       |     |         |                           |
                                       |     |         |                            
                                       |     |         |                           |
           ____________________________|     |         |                           |_______
          |                                  |   30    |                                   |
to Map #1                  X                |         |                                   |
          |                                  |         |                                   |
          |__________________________________|         |                                   |
                                             |         |                                   |
                                             |         |                                   |
                                             |                                            |
                                             |              |         |                    |
                                                                    |___/____            |
                                             |              |                  |           |
                                             |              |     19           |    VIII   |
                                             |        ______|__________________|           |
                                             |       |                         |           |
                                             |       |                         |     ______|
                                             |       |                         |    |
                                             | VII   |          20             |    |
                                             |       |                         |    |
                                             |       |____                 ____|    |
                                             |            |               |         |
                                             |            |                        |
                                             |            |
                     ________________________|            |
                    |                            _________|
          to Map #1           VI               |
                    |                           |

Area VI    :  Large Elevator Passage
Area VII   :  Large Elevator
Area VIII  :  Power Supply Room Passage
Area X     :  Heliport Passage
Room 19    :  Large Elevator Control Room
Room 20    :  Elevator Power Supply Room
Room 30    :  Hangar

                                             M A P  # 5
                                                                           |           |
                                                                           |           |
                    _______________________________________________________|           |
                   |                                                       |           |
                   |                                                                  |
                   |       ________________________________________________|           |
                   |      |                                                |           |
                   |      |                                                |           |
                   |      |                                                |___________|
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |
                   |      |_________________
                   |                        |
                   |  31                    |
                   |       ______________/__|
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |       32        |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
                   |      |                 |
             ______|      |_________________|
            |      |      |
            |      |      |
            | 33         |
            |      |      |

Room 31  :  Facility Underground Passage
Room 32  :  Supplies Room
Room 33  :  Elevator 1

                                M A P  # 6  :  B A S E M E N T  2
                        |           |     |       |    |
                ________|           |            |    |______
               |                    |     |  40   |           |
               |        44          |     |       |   41      |
               |              ______|     |_______|________/__|
               |                      59                     |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                              |      43       |
                                              |               |
                                              |               |
                                       _______|    _________/_|
                                      |       |   |       |   |
                                      |       |   |       |   |
                  ____________________|   S   |   |       |   |
                 |       58                     |       |   |
                 |    ________________|_______|___|       |   |
                 |   |                                    |45 |
                 |___|                                    |   |
                 |to |                                    |   |
                 |B3 |                                    |   |
               __|___|____________________________________|   |
              |                                        |_____|
              |              |__                        |     |
              |       47        |                         50 |
              |_/_            __|                       |     |
              |   |          |                          |/__/_|
              |___|______/___|           46             |  |  |
                      |      |                          |  |52|
                      |      |                          |  |__|
                      |      |                          |  |
                      |      |                          |  |
                      |      |__________________________|  |
                      |  48                      49       |

Room 40         :  Stabilizer Design Room
Room 41         :  Researcher Rest Room
Room 43         :  Part Storage

Room 44         :  Stabilizer Laboratory
Room 45         :  Passage
Room 46         :  Third Energy B2 Part
Room 47         :  Third Energy Control Room
Room 48         :  Third Energy Power Supply Room
Room 49         :  Private Room Passage
Room 50         :  Doctor Kirk Private Room
Room 52         :  Doctor Kirk Information Room
Room 58         :  
Room 59         :  
Save Game Room  :  Entrance Permission Room

                                  M A P  # 7  :  B A S E M E N T  3
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |         57         |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                 |                    |
                                                                    |   |
                   _______________                                  |   |
                  |     |         |                                 |56 |
                  |     |   55    | ________________________________|   |
                  |     |         ||                                   |
                  |     |______/__||_/_____/________________________|_/_|_______
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |       |
                  |     |              |     |                      |          |
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |  51   |
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |       |
                  |     |              |     |                      |   |_______|
                  |     |              |     |___                   |           |
                  |     |     54       | 39      |            ______|_/_   36   |
                  |     |              |       __|           |          |       |
                  |     |              |      |to|           |_____  35 |_______|
                  |     |              |      |B2|           |         |
                  |     |_____/________|____/_|__|___________|  S1 |____|_________
                  |     |    |  |      |/_       |   |       |             ||    |
                  |     |    |  |      |__|  38     |       |_____|        ||    |
                  |     |    |  |         |      |   |       |              ||    |
                  |     |    |  |_________|___/__|   |       |              ||    |
                  |     |    |   53             |   |       |              ||    |
                  |     |    |_________|   S2    |   |       |     42       ||____|
                  |     |              |         |   |       |              |     |
                  |     |              |_________|   |_______|              | 34  |
                  |     |                        |   37                         |
                  |_____|                        |___________|______________|_____|

Room 34           :  B3 Backup Generator Room
Room 35           :  Conventional Arsenal Storage
Room 36           :  Transportation Passage
Room 37           :  Check Out Room Passage
Room 38           :  Rest Room
Room 39           :  Central Stairway Front Corridor
Room 42           :  B3 Check Out Room
Room 51           :  Special Arsenal Storage
Room 53           :  Port Passage
Room 54           :  Port
Room 55           :  Hovercraft Hangar
Room 56           :  Heliport transportation Passage
Room 57           :  Underground Heliport
Save Game Room 1  :  B3 Control Room
Save Game Room 2  :  Immigration Management Room


S          =  Save Game Room
to XX      =  Staircase to XX Floor
/ or      =  Door
Green Area =  Area you have explore
Grey Area  =  Area you haven't explore
Blue Area  =  Your current area
Red Area   =  Objective area

09.  S T R A T E G I E S

1. Learn  to  use  the  shutters  to  your advantage. You can use the electronic
   shutters to trap the Dinousaurs and then shoot them. This becomes very useful
   when you play operation wipeout given that you will be given a lot of 9mm and
   40SW bullets which don't scare the dinousaurs.

2. Learn  to mix items  in order to  create  deadly darts.  When mixing  to make
   deadly darts lay more emphasis on level than volume.  The more level the dart
   has the deadlier it is.  This darts become very useful especially in Basement
   2  and  3  where a well mixed dart  could  save  your  life  from those tough
   dinousaurs.  In the game  darts  are  the  best  things  to use because using
   bullets will result in the dinousaur attacking you once, twice or more times.

10.  E N D I N G S

In Dino Crisis, there are three different endings, but you probably already knew
that.  If you finish  your game for the first time,  then you will receive a mad
skills and two different costumes (Army and Battle).  The second time you finish
your game  (with the different ending,  of course)  you will  receive  the third
costume (Ancient). The third time you finish your game (so you have seen all the
endings)  you will receive super weapon.
You  can  play  Operation : Wipe  Out  if  you  have finished the game using any
ending,  no matter it's your first,  second,  or third game.  It works  for both
Normal Mode and Easy Mode.
Of course your play-game time, continues, and number of savings also effect that
bonus, but I don't know exactly.

NOTE : If  you  play  using  the Ancient costume, your weapon will change into a
       bone  like weapon. Your rocket launcher will change into a big fish. It's
       quite funny  to see  Regina walking and runing around carrying a big fish
       on her hands.

11.  W E A P O N  L I S T

|                          |                        |                          |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A pistol like weapon     | Handgun                | Made of bone and a stick |
|                          |                        | in Ancient costume       |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A shotgun like weapon    | Shotgun                | Made of a longer bone    |
|                          |                        | and a stick in Ancient   |
|                          |                        | costume                  |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A gun like weapon with   | Grenade Gun            | Look like a BIG deep sea |
| a cannon like body       |                        | fish in Ancient costume  |
|                          |                        |                          |
| An upgraded look of      | Handgun rev            | Formed by adding the     |
| the pistol               |                        | extra parts to the       |
|                          |                        | Handgun                  |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A pistol with sight      | Handgun rev sight      | Formed by adding the     |
| enabled                  |                        | sight device to the      |
|                          |                        | Handgun rev              |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A shotgun with extra     | Shotgun plus stock     | Formed by adding the     |
| ammo stock               |                        | stock part to the        |
|                          |                        | Shotgun                  |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A shotgun with extra     | Shotgun rev plus stock | Formed by adding the     |
| parts                    |                        | extra parts to the       |
|                          |                        | Shotgun                  |
|                          |                        |                          |
| A large gun with a       | Grenade Gun rev        | Formed by adding the     |
| grenade launching head   |                        | extra parts to the       |
|                          |                        | Grenade Gun              |

12.  S U P P L I E S  L I S T

 |                           |                      |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with blue cross     | Stop Bleeding Spray  | Only stop the bleed, no |
 |                           |                      | health recovery         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with blue cross     | Stop Bleeding Spray  | Only stop the bleed, no |
 |                           | +/++                 | health recovery         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with green cross    | Health Recover Spray | No stop bleeding effect |
 |                           | Small                |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with green cross    | Health Recover Spray | No stop bleeding effect |
 |                           | Small +/++           |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with orange cross   | Health Recover Spray | No stop bleeding effect |
 |                           | Large                |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with orange cross   | Health Recover Spray | No stop bleeding effect |
 |                           | Large +/++           |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with red cross      | Full Health Recover  | Stop   bleeding   and   |
 |                           | Spray                | recover  health         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A bag with red cross      | Full Health Recover  | Stop   bleeding   and   |
 |                           | Spray +/++           | recover  health         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A case with red cross     | Resurrect Medicine   | Formed by mixing two    |
 |                           |                      | full health recover     |
 |                           |                      | spray ++                |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A blue liquid bottle      | Sleeping Material    |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A green liquid bottle     | Health  Recover      |                         |
 |                           | Material             |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | An orange liquid bottle   | Upgrading Material   |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red liquid bottle       | Duplication Material |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | An ammo box marked 9mm    | 9mm Handgun Bullet   |                         |
 | and a few bullets around  |                      |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | An ammo box marked 40 S&W | 40  S&W  Handgun     | Higher  critical  shot  |
 | and a few bullets around  | Bullet               | rate,  higher  damage   |
 |                           |                      | level                   |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | An ammo box with a red    | Shotgun Bullet       |                         |
 | shotgun shell             |                      |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | An ammo box with blue     | Slag Bullet          | Higher damage level     |
 | shotgun shell             |                      |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | 3 big green grenades      | Grenade Bullet       |                         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | 3 big red grenades        | Heat Bullet          | Fire   effect,   group  |
 |                           |                      | damage  if  dinos  are  |
 |                           |                      | close  together         |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and a blue     | Sleeping  Bullet     | Two shots to makes a    |
 | liquid bottle             | Weak                 | dino to sleep with the  |
 |                           |                      | duration of a sleeping  |
 |                           |                      | bullet medium           |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and a blue     | Sleeping  Bullet     | More or less the same   |
 | liquid bottle             | Weak  +/++           | in   function   with    |
 |                           |                      | sleeping bullet weak    |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and a green    | Sleeping  Bullet     | One shot could make a   |
 | liquid bottle             | Medium               | dino to sleep but not   |
 |                           |                      | for long duration       |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and a green    | Sleeping  Bullet     | More or less the same   |
 | liquid bottle             | Medium  +/++         | in   function   with    |
 |                           |                      | sleeping bullet medium  |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and an orange  | Sleeping  Bullet     | One shot could make a   |
 | liquid bottle             | Strong               | dino to sleep for a     |
 |                           |                      | long time               |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and an orange  | Sleeping  Bullet     | Function  like  its     |
 | liquid bottle             | Strong  +/++         | brother but the more +  |
 |                           |                      | the longer the duration |
 |                           |                      |                         |
 | A red dart and a red      | Deadly Poison Bullet | One shot can kill any   |
 | liquid bottle             |                      | dino (except the T-Rex),|
 |                           |                      | formed   by   mixing    |
 |                           |                      | resurrect medicine with |
 |                           |                      | sleeping bullet strong  |
 |                           |                      | ++                      |

13.  I T E M  L I S T

 |                          |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A small key marked 117   | Backup generator area  |                       |
 |                          | key                    |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A small plug             | Plug                   | Use to open emergency |
 |                          |                        | boxes                 |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  silver  key  with  a  | Entrance key           |                       |
 | circle header            |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | The medal of SOL         | Panel key I            |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | The medal of LEO         | Panel key II           |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | An optical disk with a   | DDK entry disk (?)     | Use to open door lock |
 | connection interface     |                        | of letter (?)         |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | An optical disk          | DDK code disk (?)      | Use to open door lock |
 |                          |                        | of letter (?)         |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A gray card marked L     | Key card L             |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | An orange card marked R  | Key card R             |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A brown little key       | B1 backup generator    |                       |
 |                          | room key               |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | Red battery              | Initializing battery - |                       |
 |                          | red                    |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A light blue card marked | B1 crane card          |                       |
 | control card             |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  card  with  potrait   | ID Card                |                       |
 | of a soldier             |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  machine  that  scan   | Fingerprint collecting |                       |
 | fingerprint              | device                 |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A gun like screwdriver   | Driver                 |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A very little key        | Small key              | Use to open the box   |
 |                          |                        | in the medical room   |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  key  card  like  chip | B1 key chip            |                       |
 | marked 3695              |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  card  with  potrait   | Transmision ID Card    |                       |
 | of a man                 |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  key  card  marked     | Antenna initializing   |                       |
 | Drive Key                | key                    |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A   magnetic   card      | Check out pass-card    |                       |
 | marked  EV               |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | White battery            | Initializing battery - |                       |
 |                          | white                  |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  control  key  with    | B3 crane card I        |                       |
 | orange bar               |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  control  key  with    | B3 crane card II       |                       |
 | purple bar               |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  control  key  with    | B3 crane card III      |                       |
 | green bar                |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A white key              | Check out area key     |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A key card like chip     | B2 key chip I          |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  key  card  like  chip | B2 key chip II         |                       |
 | marked 0392              |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  green  card  marked   | Key card Level C       |                       |
 | Level C                  |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A blue card marked PORT  | Port entrance card key |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  red  card  marked     | Key card Level B       |                       |
 | Level B                  |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A small piece of note    | Researcher memo        |                       |
 | written 1281             |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A  blue  card  marked    | Key card Level A       |                       |
 | Level A                  |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A golden CD              | Design disk            |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A pink crystal           | Core part I            |                       |

 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A blue crystal           | Core part II           |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A black stand            | Protect part I - B     |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A black part with four   | Protect part I - A     |                       |
 | legs                     |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A blue stand             | Protect part II - B    |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A blue part with four    | Protect part II - A    |                       |

 | legs                     |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A black object with a    | Stabilizer             |                       |
 | core of pink             |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A blue object with a     | Initializer            |                       |
 | glass looking core       |                        |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A small yellow tanker    | Energy tank            |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A batch of optical disks | Squad disk             |                       |
 |                          |                        |                       |
 | A tracer device          | Pulse receiver         |                       |

14.  L O S T  A N D  F O U N D

I made this section for those of you that already play the game and now you want
to play it again but you  stuck somewhere because  you don't find the proper key
or card.  So  rather  you read all my walkthrough, it's better for you read this
section. I hope this section is useful for someone out there.

|                                        |                                     |
|                  NAME                  |       LOCATION (CHECK MY MAP)       |
| Gate Key                               |   Room 1                            |
| DDK-H                                  |   Save Game Room F1                 |
| LEO Medal                              |   Save Game Room F1                 |
|                                        |    (near the corpse)                |
| Key to Area IV                         |   Save Game Room F1                 |
|                                        |    (inside the safe, 0375)          |
| DDK-H                                  |   Room 6                            |
| SOL Medal                              |   Room 10                           |
| DDK-N                                  |   Room 10                           |
| L-Disk                                 |   Room 10 (use SOL and LEO, 705037) |
| DDK-N                                  |   Area IV                           |
| Key to Generator Room B1               |   Room 13                           |
| Plug for generator at B1               |   Generator Room B1                 |
| ID Card                                |   Save Game Room B1                 |
| DDK-E                                  |   Room 18                           |
| Fingerprint Machine                    |   Room 18                           |
| DDK-L                                  |   Room 19                           |
| DDK-L                                  |   Room 19                           |
| Thing to operate the Crane Machine     |   Room 20                           |
| DDK-E                                  |   Room 25                           |
| Screwdriver                            |   Save Game Room2 B1                |
| 3695-Card                              |   Room 26                           |
| Key                                    |   Room 26                           |
|                                        |    (if you don't kill the man here) |
| R-Disk                                 |   Room 23                           |
| Key to activate the communication      |   Room 28                           |
| Card Key                               |   Room 32                           |
| Plug                                   |   Room 34                           |
| B3-I                                   |   Save Game Room B3                 |
| B3-II                                  |   Save Game Room B3                 |
| B3-III                                 |   Room 36                           |
| Key to Room 37                         |   Room 36                           |
| B2-I                                   |   Save Game Room B2                 |
| DDK-S                                  |   Save Game Room B2                 |
| DDK-W                                  |   Room 40                           |
| DDK-W                                  |   Room 35                           |
| B2-II                                  |   Save Game Room 2 B3               |
| Card (Port)                            |   Big elevator B3                   |
| DDK-D                                  |   Big elevator B2                   |
| DDK-S                                  |   Room 53                           |
| DDK-D                                  |   Room 44                           |
| Level-B Card                           |   Room 47                           |
| Stabilizer (Gail's way)                |   Room 51                           |
| Initializer (Gail's way)               |   Room 51                           |
| Stabilizer main part (Rick's way)      |   Room 43                           |
| Stabilizer component I (Rick's way)    |   Room 40                           |
| Stabilizer component II (Rick's way)   |   Room 40                           |
| Initializer main part (Rick's way)     |   Room 43                           |
| Initializer component I (Rick's way)   |   Room 40                           |
| Initializer component II (Rick's way)  |   Room 44                           |

15.  M I S C E L L A N E O U S

Have you ever wonder  what is the meaning of 'H', 'D', 'L', 'S' etc on DDK Disk?
(ie DDK-H, DDK-D, DDK-L, DDK-S, etc). Well it's actually a hint for the answers.
For example, if you use a DDK-H,  so the answer must be begin with letter H.  If
you use DDK-S  then the answer begin with letter S.
If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

16.  A C T I O N  R E P L A Y  C O D E S

I got these codes from Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com) and I have got their
permission to put these codes in my walkthrough.

        |                                              |               |
        | Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System     | D014957E 1040 |
        |                                              | 8014957E 1000 |
        |                                              |               |

        | Infinite Health                              | 800AE1DC 04B0 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Bullets                             | D0062708 0000 |
        |                                              | 80062708 2821 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Turbo Shooting                               | D0049208 0007 |
        |                                              | 80049208 0001 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Save Anywhere (Press Select+L1)              | D00B71B8 0104 |
        |                                              | 800AC6B0 0007 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Faster Special Move (Press X)                | D00B71B8 0040 |
        |                                              | 800AE108 0100 |
        |                                              |               |
        | All Weapons (Press Select+L2)                | D00B71B8 0101 |
        |                                              | 800B6210 07FE |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 1 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6535 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 2 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6539 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 3 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B653D 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 4 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6541 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 5 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6545 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 6 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6549 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 7 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B654D 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 8 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6551 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 9 (Press L1+L2)          | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6555 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Items Slot 10 (Press L1+L2)         | D00B71B8 0005 |
        |                                              | 300B6559 0060 |
        |                                              |               |
        | First Ending (Press L2+Select)               | D00B71B8 0101 |
        |                                              | 800AC6B0 000A |
        |                                              | D00B71B8 0101 |
        |                                              | 300AC6C3 0000 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Second Ending (Press R2+Select)              | D00B71B8 0102 |
        |                                              | 800AC6B0 000A |
        |                                              | D00B71B8 0102 |
        |                                              | 300AC6C3 0001 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Third Ending (Press L2+R2+Select)            | D00B71B8 0103 |
        |                                              | 800AC6B0 000A |
        |                                              | D00B71B8 0103 |
        |                                              | 300AC6C3 0002 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Create Bonus Saved Game                      | D00BC8A2 0003 |
        |                                              | 800BC8A2 0503 |
        |                                              | D00B695C 0001 |
        |                                              | 800B695C 000F |
        |                                              |               |
        | Clear Time = 00:00                           | 800B612C 0000 |
        |                                              | 800B612E 0000 |
        |                                              |               |
        |                                              |               |
        | Continues = 0                                | 300B6132 001E |
        |                                              |               |
        | Number of Saves = 0                          | 300B612B 0000 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Time Operation : Wipe Out Mission 1 | 800B696C 2330 |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Time Operation : Wipe Out Mission 2 | 800B6970 1C2C |
        |                                              |               |
        | Infinite Time Opeartion : Wipe Out Mission 3 | 800B6974 1520 |

17.  C O M P L I M E N T S

I made this section to show my gratitude for those of you that have send me your
compliments. I really appreciate it. Thanks again.

Foo Chuan Yee (Foo.Chuan.Yee@wdc.com)
  Thanks for providing the wonderful walkthrough on Dino Crisis. Your FAQ is the
  best  among  all  Dino  Crisis  FAQs available from the web. It is so neat and
  informative. It even comes with those nicely drawn maps!
  I  couldn't have  completed  the  game  without  the  help  of your FAQ on the
  "ENERGY" DDK passcode.
  Thanks again.

Johan K (jkn@telia.com)
  My name  is  Johan  and  I'm  from  Sweden.  I  looked  a little at your FAQ /
  walkthrough  for  the  great  game  Dino Crisis for the Sony PlayStation and I
  think  your  guides is the best of the guides for Dino Crisis at www.gamefaqs.
  com, yet...

Jim Bolland (info@a-p-i.net)
  Hi there,
  I  wondered  if  it  would  be OK to use your brilliant DINO CRISIS FAQ on our
  If  this is OK, please could you email me any updates that you make to version
  Many thanks and congratulations on a great piece of work..!

Flament Alexandre (A.E.U.R.1@wanadoo.fr)
  faut  avouez  que  ton  ***s  est  super,  je  suis entrain de le convertir en
  francais, je te dirai si il manque qu'ellle que chose.

Alex (Ticofl@aol.com)
  I  like to thank you for posting the strategy gides. If you dint put them up I
  don't  think  I  could  never finish some of this games (Dino Crisis). You are
  doing a good job.

Sigit Pranoto Santoso (nichos@cbn.net.id)
  First thing I'll say thanx to you... could you tell me your real name? Because
  I little bit confuse. How I've to call you? But you wrote Stinger.. wooow that
  like  a  weapon in the Metal Gear Solid...  I'll telling you that you're great
  man!!! I like your walkthrough... Ok I hope this is enough for you... Ok bye..

nh3riotstarter (n_h_3@hotmail.com)
  Thanx a lot  for your work!!!  WALKTHROUGH  v0.7 of  dino  crisis is great !!!
  Really !!

NoMoment (nomoment@hotmail.com)
  Hey  Stinger.  First  off,  I'd like to thank you  for making such a wonderful
  DinoCrisis  Walkthrough.  The  maps  are  beautifully  done  and  the  faq  is
  incredibly   well   written.  Without   the  passwords  you  provided  in  the
  walkthrough, i'd probably be stuck in the game immediately. Thank you.

Damien (damien@bluewave.co.uk)
  Hey  Stinger 3:16!  Just want to thank you for your Dino Crisis Walkthrough. I
  don't know how you managed to do the farking thing in Japanese and have such a
  level of detail. You are a true Gaming God. Thanks again!

Andrew (jamahr@flashmail.com)
  Great job on the DC FAQ.  The fact that  you included maps helped a lot. Yours
  is probably  the best  FAQ that I've used  so far from  Game FAQ's,  and thats
  about  as high a compliment as you can get for this sort of thing.  Anyway,  I
  hope these letters you get make it worth your effort. 

18.  C R E D I T S

Albert Johannes (albertjohannes@hotmail.com)
  For  the  information  about  where  to use the key I found on the gas chamber
  (from the dead man).

Dave Adams (DA@homeserve.freeserve.co.uk)
  For  the  information  about the shorcut on Room 41 to reach the heliport (3rd

  For  the  information  about L1 button (to move your aiming to another enemy).
  Must be more than one enemy in order to work.

Guy (hsakuragi@xoommail.com)
  For the information about having the third ending through Gail's way.

NoMoment (nomoment@hotmail.com)
  For all the information on section 6.

Steven Hook (csho@asiaonline.net)
  For all the translation about  room, weapon, item, and supplies names.  A  BIG
  thanks to you, you've been a great help for my walkthrough.

Nzumbe Ntoko Jr (nmntoko@yahoo.com)
  For the information about number 46079, the real shortcut, and the strategies.

19.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family and my dogs
3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs
4. My computer
5. Those of you who sent me your compliments, thanks man
6. You for reading my FAQ

20.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

For those of you who want to send comments,  questions, or information regarding
this FAQ, send them to : arunraya@centrin.net.id

Feel free  to e-mail me  about any mistakes  or  additions  concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention "DinoCrisis" in the "Subject" field.

If you read this FAQ not on these sites :
1) Game FAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
2) Console Gamer (www.console-gamer.com)
3) Absolute Playstation International (www.absolute-playstation.com)
4) Playstation Network (www.caratworld.com/psnetwork)
5) Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com)
6) Video Games Strategies (www.vgstrategies.about.com)
7) Planet Web (www.planetweb.purespace.de)
Please  tell  me where you read it.  And if you know someone who has rip-off my
work,  please  tell me his e-mail address  and where you read it,  we will take
care the rest.

Thanks  for  reading  my  FAQ  and  please send in any comments,  questions, or

This document copyright (c) 1999 Stinger 3:16

Thanks to Revolution reader Stinger 3:16! 
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